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3GPP TS 23.081

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3GPP TS 23.081 V9.0.

0 (2009-12)
Technical Specification

3rd Generation Partnership Project; Technical Specification Group Core Network and Terminals; Line identification supplementary services; Stage 2 (Release 9)

The present document has been developed within the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP TM) and may be further elaborated for the purposes of 3GPP. The present document has not been subject to any approval process by the 3GPP Organisational Partners and shall not be implemented. This Specification is provided for future development work within 3GPP only. The Organisational Partners accept no liability for any use of this Specification. Specifications and reports for implementation of the 3GPP TM system should be obtained via the 3GPP Organisational Partners' Publications Offices.

Release 9

3GPP TS 23.081 V9.0.0 (2009-12)

GSM, UMTS, network, CLIP, CLIR, COLP, COLR, supplementary servce, stage 2

3GPP Postal address

3GPP support office address

650 Route des Lucioles - Sophia Antipolis Valbonne - FRANCE Tel.: +33 4 92 94 42 00 Fax: +33 4 93 65 47 16


Copyright Notification No part may be reproduced except as authorized by written permission. The copyright and the foregoing restriction extend to reproduction in all media.
2009, 3GPP Organizational Partners (ARIB, ATIS, CCSA, ETSI, TTA, TTC). All rights reserved. UMTS is a Trade Mark of ETSI registered for the benefit of its members 3GPP is a Trade Mark of ETSI registered for the benefit of its Members and of the 3GPP Organizational Partners LTE is a Trade Mark of ETSI currently being registered for the benefit of its Members and of the 3GPP Organizational Partners GSM and the GSM logo are registered and owned by the GSM Association


Release 9

3GPP TS 23.081 V9.0.0 (2009-12)

Foreword ...................................................................................................................................................... 5 0
0.1 0.2 0.2.1 0.2.2

Scope .................................................................................................................................................. 6
References ................................................................................................................................................... 6 Definitions and abbreviations ....................................................................................................................... 6 Definitions ............................................................................................................................................. 6 Definition of line identity .................................................................................................................. 6 Definition of presentation and screening indicators ........................................................................... 7 Abbreviations ......................................................................................................................................... 7

1.1 1.1.1 1.2 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 1.2.4 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7

Calling line identification presentation (CLIP) ...................................................................................... 7

Handling of calling line identification presentation ...................................................................................... 7 Interrogation .......................................................................................................................................... 7 Functions and information flows .................................................................................................................. 8 Optional capability to carry calling line identification ........................................................................... 17 Information elements used in the messages ........................................................................................... 17 Parameters in Send Routeing Info and Provide Roaming Number for CLI ............................................ 18 Messages between MSC and VLR in destination network ..................................................................... 19 Information stored in the HLR ................................................................................................................... 19 State transition model ................................................................................................................................ 19 Transfer of information from HLR to VLR................................................................................................. 20 Information stored in the VLR ................................................................................................................... 20 Handover ................................................................................................................................................... 20

2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8

Calling line identification restriction (CLIR) ...................................................................................... 20

Handling of calling line identification restriction ....................................................................................... 20 General ................................................................................................................................................ 20 Permanent mode ................................................................................................................................... 21 Controlling presentation of the CLI when CLIR is provisioned in temporary mode ............................... 21 Interrogation ........................................................................................................................................ 21 Functions and information flows ................................................................................................................ 22 Information stored in the HLR ................................................................................................................... 28 State transition model ................................................................................................................................ 28 Transfer of information from HLR to VLR................................................................................................. 28 Information stored in the VLR ................................................................................................................... 28 Handover ................................................................................................................................................... 29 Interworking .............................................................................................................................................. 29

3.1 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7

Connected line identification presentation (COLP) ............................................................................. 29

Handling of connected line identification presentation ............................................................................... 29 Interrogation ........................................................................................................................................ 29 Interactions with call forwarding supplementary services...................................................................... 30 Functions and information flows ................................................................................................................ 30 Information stored in the HLR ................................................................................................................... 35 State transition model ................................................................................................................................ 35 Transfer of information from HLR to VLR................................................................................................. 35 Information stored in the VLR ................................................................................................................... 36 Handover ................................................................................................................................................... 36

4.1 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.2 4.3 4.4

Connected line identification restriction (COLR) ................................................................................ 36

Handling of connected line identification restriction .................................................................................. 36 General ................................................................................................................................................ 36 Interrogation ........................................................................................................................................ 36 Functions and information flows ................................................................................................................ 37 Information stored in the HLR ................................................................................................................... 40 State transition model ................................................................................................................................ 40


Release 9

3GPP TS 23.081 V9.0.0 (2009-12)

4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8

Transfer of information from HLR to VLR................................................................................................. 41 Information stored in the VLR ................................................................................................................... 41 Handover ................................................................................................................................................... 41 Interworking .............................................................................................................................................. 41

Annex A (informative): Annex B (informative):

Mapping of CLI .......................................................................................... 42 Change history ............................................................................................ 44


Release 9

3GPP TS 23.081 V9.0.0 (2009-12)

This Technical Specification has been produced by the 3GPP. This TS defines the stage 2 of the line identification supplementary services for the 3GPP system. The contents of the present document are subject to continuing work within the TSG and may change following formal TSG approval. Should the TSG modify the contents of this TS, it will be re-released by the TSG with an identifying change of release date and an increase in version number as follows: Version 3.y.z where: x the first digit: 1 presented to TSG for information; 2 presented to TSG for approval; 3 Indicates TSG approved document under change control. y the second digit is incremented for all changes of substance, i.e. technical enhancements, corrections, updates, etc. z the third digit is incremented when editorial only changes have been incorporated in the specification;


Release 9

3GPP TS 23.081 V9.0.0 (2009-12)


The present document gives the stage 2 description of the call identification supplementary services. The group line identification supplementary services are divided into the following four supplementary services: Calling line identification presentation Calling line identification restriction Connected line identification presentation Connected line identification restriction CLIP CLIR COLP COLR (clause 1); (clause 2); (clause 3); (clause 4).



The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of the present document. References are either specific (identified by date of publication, edition number, version number, etc.) or non-specific. For a specific reference, subsequent revisions do not apply. For a non-specific reference, the latest version applies. In the case of a reference to a 3GPP document (including a GSM document), a non-specific reference implicitly refers to the latest version of that document in the same Release as the present document. [1] [2] [3] 3GPP TS 21.905: "3G Vocabulary". 3GPP TS 23.011: "Technical Realization of Supplementary Services - General Aspects. 3GPP TS 23.018 : "Basic Call Handling; Technical realization".


Definitions and abbreviations

Definition of line identity

The line identity is made up of the following information units: The subscriber's international ISDN/MSISDN number; Optionally subaddress information.

For mobile originated calls, the ISDN/MSISDN shall always be provided within the network. The subaddress shall only be included if it is provided by the user (or user equipment). The calling line identity is the line identity of the calling party. The connected line identity is the line identity of the connected party. The additional calling line identity provides additional line information for the purpose of the calling line identification presentation service (CLIP). The additional connected line identity provides additional line information for the purpose of the connected line identification presentation service (COLP).


Release 9

3GPP TS 23.081 V9.0.0 (2009-12)

For mobile originating calls the user (or user equipment) has no possibility to provide an additional line identity. For mobile terminating calls the user (or user equipment) has no possibility to provide an additional connected line identity.

Definition of presentation and screening indicators

In addition to, or instead of, the line identity or additional line identity, the network may send a presentation indicator (PI) together with a Cause of no CLI (CoNC) and/or a screening indicator (SI) to the MS as follows: Presentation Indicator: a) Presentation allowed; b) Presentation restricted; c) Number not available. If the Presentation Indicator indicates "presentation restricted" the Cause of no CLI may give a diagnostic: a) Unavailable; b) Rejected by user; c) Interaction with other services; d) Coin line/ Pay phone. Screening indicator: a) User provided, verified and passed; b) User provided, not screened; c) network provided. The screening indicator applies to the ISDN/MSISDN or the number given as additional line identity respectively.



Abbreviations used in the present document are listed in 3GPP TR 21.905.

Status check

Calling line identification presentation (CLIP)

Handling of calling line identification presentation

The mobile subscriber can request the status of the supplementary service and be informed if the service is provided to him/her. This procedure is illustrated in figure 1.1.


Release 9

3GPP TS 23.081 V9.0.0 (2009-12)

MS Interrogate CLIP

MSC Interrogate CLIP



Acknowledge Release Complete

Figure 1.1: Interrogation of calling line identification presentation


Functions and information flows

The following Mobile Additional Functions have been identified for the PLMN:

Determination of the calling line identification presentation subscription The ability of a PLMN component to determine whether the supplementary service is provisioned for the mobile subscriber. See figure 1.2. Location: VLR. MAF002 Determination of the calling party number for offering to the called party The ability of a PLMN component to determine and to forward the calling line identity and related indications to the called party. See figure 1.3. Location: destination MSC. The information flow is shown in figure 1.9.


Release 9

3GPP TS 23.081 V9.0.0 (2009-12)

Proc ess CLIP _MA F00 1

3 81 _1 2(1)

Figure 1.2

i dle

initiate handling of C LIP

C LIP provis ioned no set provis ion indication = not provisioned


set provision indic ation = provisioned

called subscriber in H PLMN country yes


override category yes


set override category = yes

set override category = no

continue call handling

i dle

C LIP: C alling Line Identifi cation Presentation.

Figure 1.2: MAF001 Determination of calling line identification presentation subscription (VLR)


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3GPP TS 23.081 V9.0.0 (2009-12)

process CLIP_MAF002
Figure 1.3



CLIP Provisioned Yes


initiate handling of CLIP

CLI availab le Yes CLI received from VLR Yes Use CL I received from VLR Yes



Use CL I received from signalling

PI = Prese ntation restricted? Cause of No CLI Yes No addition al CLI availab le No addition al CLI availab le No No Yes override cate gory No CLI Set PI = presentatio n restricted Yes PI = presentation restricted by network? Yes

overide cate gory No


CLI in case of verride category addition al CLI

pass addition al CLI

pass CLI

Set PI = number not availab le Continue Call Handling

pass CLI

pass addition al CLI

set PI = number n ot available


CLIP: Ca lling Lin e Identifica tion Presen tation CLI: Calling L ine Identity PI: Presentation Indicator

Figure 1.3: MAF002 Determination of the information for offering to the called party (destination MSC)


Release 9


3GPP TS 23.081 V9.0.0 (2009-12)

Procedure Cause_of_no_CLI
CoNC : Cause of no CLI


Cause of no CLI supported? Yes CoNC = reject by user? No CoNC = interworking with other services? No Yes


CoNC = Coin line/ payphone?


CoNC = Unavailable? Yes No Set CoNC = Unavailable Set CoNC = Coin line/ payphone Set CoNC = Interworking with other services Set CoNC = Reject by user

Figure 1.4: Procedure Cause_of_no_CLI


Release 9


3GPP TS 23.081 V9.0.0 (2009-12)

Procedure CLI_MT_GMSC


Add Calling Party Number and Generic Number t o the SRI

Figure 1.5: Addition of line identification information to Send Routeing Info message.


Release 9


3GPP TS 23.081 V9.0.0 (2009-12)

Procedure CLI_HLR_Set_CLI



Subscriber roaming out side home country Yes


Sending of CLI information allowed to destination NW Yes


CLI information received from GMSC Yes Add Calling Party Number and Generic Number to the PRN

Figure 1.6: Addition of line identification information to Provide Roaming Number message.


Release 9


3GPP TS 23.081 V9.0.0 (2009-12)

Procedure CLI_PRN_VLR



CLI In formati on rece ive d fro m HLR Ye s


Sub scrib er roam ing ou tsi de h ome co untry Ye s

Store CL I in fo rmatio n

Figure 1.7: Storing of Line Identification in destination VLR


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3GPP TS 23.081 V9.0.0 (2009-12)

Procedure CLI_ICH_VLR_Add_CLI


No CLI information st ored in VLR Yes Add Calling Party Number and Generic Number to message to MSC

Figure 1.8: Addition of line identification information to Complete Call/Process Call Waiting message.


Release 9


3GPP TS 23.081 V9.0.0 (2009-12)

MS/TE set-up **





set-up (SI+PI+CoNC+LI+aSI+aPI+aLI)

MAF 001

info req info ack MAF002 set-up (SI+PI+CoNC+LI)


MSCa/LE set-up ** set-up









PRN ack SRI ack set-up (SI+PI+CoNC+LI+aSI+aPI+aLI) info req MAF 001

info ack MAF 002 set-up (SI+PI+CoNC+LI)

Figure 1.9: Information flow for calling line identification presentation: mobile station or fixed terminal to mobile station


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3GPP TS 23.081 V9.0.0 (2009-12)

NOTE: **: A subaddress may be received from the originating MS or the TE info: information SI: screening indicator aSI: additional screening indicator req: request PI: presentation indicator CoNC: cause of no CLI aPI: additional presentation indicator ack: acknowledge LI: line identity aLI: additional line identity NOTE: For mapping rules of CLI parameters refer to Annex A.


Optional capability to carry calling line identification

When GMSC is performing Send Routing Info query it may pass calling line identification to the HLRb. The calling line identification shall be in international format. If the HLRb receives calling line identification within Send Routing Info it may pass unmodified calling line identification within Provide Roaming Number to the VLRb. HLR shall not pass calling line identification in the HPLMN nor in the case where sending of the CLI information is explicitly denied to the destination network.. If MSCb receives calling line identification only from signalling it shall use that parameter for presentation purposes i.e. normal handling as described in the previous subclause applies. If MSCb receives Cause of no CLI from signalling it shall be sent to the VLRb by Send Info for Incoming Call query. If MSCb receives calling line identification and/or Cause of no CLI from VLRb and it supports the feature it shall use that parameter for presentation purposes. In this case calling line identification is stored in the VLRb and when the set-up message is processed the handling described in the previous subclause is done using the stored calling line identification.


Information elements used in the messages

Table Information elements used in messages

Information Element Calling Party Number Generic Number

Logical Information element name SI PI LI aSI aPI aLI unavailable reject by user interaction with other service coin line/payphone

Information element Required M M M M M M M M M M

Information element description

Cause of no CLI

Calling Party Number contains screening indicator (SI), presentation indicator (PI) and line identity (LI) as mandatory information. Generic Number contains additional screening indicator (aSI), additional presentation indicator (aPI) and additional line identity (aLI) as mandatory information. Cause of no CLI contains detailed Cause of no CLI (unavailable, reject by user, interaction with other service, coin line/payphone) as mandatory information.


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3GPP TS 23.081 V9.0.0 (2009-12)


Parameters in Send Routeing Info and Provide Roaming Number for CLI
Table Messages between GMSC and HLR


Message sender GMSC

Information element name -

Send Routeing Info

Information element Required -

Information element description

Refer to 3GPP TS 23.018. In addition: The information element is present if GMSC received calling party number from originating network; otherwise it shall be absent. The information element is present if GMSC received additional calling party number from originating network or from gsmSCF because of a CAMEL service; otherwise it shall be absent.

Calling Party Number

Generic Number

Table Messages between HLR and VLR

Message Message sender HLR Information element name Information element Required Information element description

Provide Roaming Number

Refer to 3GPP TS 23.018. In addition: The information element is present if HLR received calling party number from GMSC and MS B is outside of home country; otherwise it shall be absent. The information element is present if HLR received additional calling party number from GMSC and MS B is outside of home country; otherwise it shall be absent.

Calling Party Number

Generic Number


Release 9


3GPP TS 23.081 V9.0.0 (2009-12)


Messages between MSC and VLR in destination network

Table Messages between MSC and VLR


Message sender VLR

Information element name -

Complete Call

Information element Required -

Information element description

Refer to 3GPP TS 23.018. In addition: The information element is present if it is stored in VLR; otherwise it shall be absent. The information element is present if it is stored in VLR; otherwise it shall be absent. The information element is present if it is stored in VLR; otherwise it shall be absent. Refer to 3GPP TS 23.018. In addition: The information element is present if it is stored in VLR; otherwise it shall be absent. The information element is present if it is stored in VLR; otherwise it shall be absent. The information element is present if it is stored in VLR; otherwise it shall be absent. Refer to 3GPP TS 23.018. In addition: The information element is present if MSC received Cause of no CLI; otherwise it shall be absent.

Calling Party Number Generic Number

Cause of no CLI Process Call Waiting VLR -

C -

Calling Party Number Generic Number

Cause of no CLI Send Info for Incoming Call MSC Cause of no CLI



Information stored in the HLR

Registration State Not Applicable, Not Applicable, Activation State Not Active, Active and Operative, HLR Induction State Not Induced) Not Induced)

CLIP may have the following logical states (refer to 3GPP TS 23.011 for an explanation of the notation): Provisioning State (Not Provisioned, (Provisioned,

The HLR shall store the logical state of CLIP (which shall be one of the valid states listed above) on a per subscriber basis. The HLR shall also store the subscription option "override category" on a per subscriber basis. This parameter takes one of the following values: 1. 2. yes; no.


State transition model

The following figure shows the successful cases of transition between the applicable logical states of CLIP. The state changes are caused by actions of the service provider.


Release 9


3GPP TS 23.081 V9.0.0 (2009-12)

Note that error cases are not shown in the diagram as they normally do not cause a state change. Additionally, some successful requests may not cause a state change. Hence they are not shown in the diagram.


(Not Provisioned, Not Applicable Not Active, Not Induced)

(Provisioned, Not Applicable, Active and Operative, Not Induced)

Figure 1.9: State transition model for CLIP


Transfer of information from HLR to VLR

If the provisioning state for CLIP is "Provisioned" then, when the subscriber registers on a VLR, the HLR shall send that VLR information about the logical state of CLIP. The HLR shall send the override category if the VLR is in the HPLMN country. The HLR may send the override category if the VLR is outside the HPLMN country. If the logical state of CLIP or the override category is changed while a subscriber is registered on a VLR then the HLR shall inform the VLR of the new logical state of CLIP. If the override category is changed and the provisioning state of CLIP is Provisioned then the HLR shall inform the VLR about the new override category when the VLR is in the HPLMN country. The HLR may inform the VLR about the new override category when the VLR is outside the HPLMN country.


Information stored in the VLR

For CLIP, the VLR shall store the service state information and override category received from the HLR. If not received from the HLR (case of roaming outside the HPLMN country), the override category shall be set to the default value no.



Handover will have no impact on the control procedures and the operation of the service.


Calling line identification restriction (CLIR)

Handling of calling line identification restriction

If the originating party has calling line identification restriction provisioned and it is impossible to indicate to the terminating network (due to interworking) that the number should not be presented to the terminating party, the calling line identity shall not be delivered to the terminating network.


Release 9


3GPP TS 23.081 V9.0.0 (2009-12)


Permanent mode

If the subscriber has calling line identification restriction provisioned in permanent mode, the originating party's CLI shall not be presented to the terminating party (i.e. the terminating MS or TE), unless the terminating party has calling line identification presentation provisioned with the subscription option "override category" set (see clause 1).


Controlling presentation of the CLI when CLIR is provisioned in temporary mode

A subscriber can have calling line identification restriction provisioned in temporary mode with one of two default values: presentation restricted or presentation allowed. If the default value is set to presentation restricted, the default handling is not to present the originating party's CLI to the terminating party (i.e. the terminating MS or TE). However, it is possible for the originating subscriber to present his CLI to the terminating party. The originating subscriber must indicate during call set-up that the CLI must be presented to the terminating party. This procedure is illustrated in figure 2.1.
MS Present CLI MSC

Figure 2.1: MS indicating presentation of CLI when CLIR is provisioned in temporary mode with default value "presentation restricted" If the default value is set to presentation allowed, the default handling is to present the originating party's CLI to the terminating party (i.e. the terminating MS or TE). However, it is possible for the originating subscriber to restrict presentation of his CLI to the terminating party. The originating subscriber must indicate during call set-up that CLI presentation must be restricted. This procedure is illustrated in figure 2.2.
MS Restrict CLI MSC

Figure 2.2: MS invoking CLIR, when CLIR is provisioned in temporary mode with default value "presentation allowed"

Data request


The mobile subscriber can request the data of the supplementary service. In response the following information shall be given: whether the service is provided or not; if provided which mode is subscribed; if subscribed to the temporary mode: which default value.


Release 9


3GPP TS 23.081 V9.0.0 (2009-12)

This procedure is illustrated in figure 2.3.

MS Interrogate CLIR Interrogate CLIR MSC VLR HLR

Acknowledge Release Complete

Figure 2.3: Interrogation of calling line identification restriction


Functions and information flows

The following Mobile Additional Functions have been identified for the PLMN:

Determination of the calling line identification restriction subscription The ability of a PLMN component to determine whether the supplementary service is provisioned for the mobile subscriber. See figure 2.4. Location: VLR. MAF004 Determination of the calling party number for offering to the called party The ability of a PLMN component to determine and to forward the calling line identity and related indications to the called party. See figure 2.5. Location: originating MSC. The information flows are shown in figures 2.6 to 2.9.


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3GPP TS 23.081 V9.0.0 (2009-12)

Pro c ess C LIR _ MAF00 3

3 81 _2 4(1)

Figure 2.4

i dle

initiate handling of CLIR

C LIR provis ioned yes s et provision i ndication = provis ioned


set provis ion indication = not provisioned

subsc ription option = permanent



temporary mode default = pres. restric ted



mode indication = temporary (pres. restric ted)

mode indi cation = temporary (pres. allowed)

s et mode indication = permanent

continue call handling C LIR: Calling Li ne Identification R es triction

i dle

Figure 2.4: MAF003 Determination of calling line identification restriction subscription (VLR)


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3GPP TS 23.081 V9.0.0 (2009-12)

process CLIR_MAF004
Figure 2.5

Note 1: p resent CLI is input received from the mo bile Note 2: re strict CLI is inpu t received from the mobile CLIR : Calling Line Identification Restriction CLI: Calling L ine Identity PI: Presentation Indicator


Initiate Handling of CLIR No CLIR Provisioned? Yes Yes Restrict CLI? note 2 No Permanent? Yes Clear Call Yes present CLI? note 1 No Error Notifica tion No

temp orary mode default = pres. restricted? Yes No present CLI note 1 Yes



restrict CLI? note 2 Yes

Set PI = presentatio n allowed

Set PI = Presen tation restricted

Set PI = Presen tation allowed

Set PI = presentation restricted

Cause_of_ no_CLI_CLIR

Cause_of_ no_CLI_CLIR

Continue Call Handling


Figure 2.5: MAF004 Determination of the presentation indicator (originating MSC)


Release 9


3GPP TS 23.081 V9.0.0 (2009-12)

Procedure Cause_of_no_CLI_CLIR


No Cause of no CLI supported? Yes rejected by user? No interacted with other services? No coin line/ payphone? No Unavailable? Yes Set CoNC = coin line/payphone No Set CoNC = unavailable Set CoNC = interaction with other services Set CoNC = reject by user Yes



Figure 2.6: Procedure Cause_of_no_CLI_CLIR


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3GPP TS 23.081 V9.0.0 (2009-12)





set-up ** info request MAF 003 info acknowledge MAF 004 set-up (SI,PI=restricted, CoNC, LI:Calling party number)

Figure 2.7: Information flow for calling line identification restriction in permanent or temporary mode with the default value "presentation restricted" NOTE: **: A subaddress may be received from the MS SI: screening indicator PI: presentation indicator LI: line identity
MS set-up (present CLI) ** info request MAF 003 info acknowledge MAF 004 set-up (SI, PI=pres allowed, LI) MSC VLR MSCb/LE

Figure 2.8: Information flow for allowing presentation of the CLI when CLIR is provisioned in temporary mode with default value "presentation restricted" NOTE: **: A subaddress may be received from the MS SI: screening indicator PI: presentation indicator LI: line identity CLI: calling line identity


Release 9


3GPP TS 23.081 V9.0.0 (2009-12)

MS set-up **

MSC info request



MAF 003 info acknowledge MAF 004 set-up (SI, PI=pres allowed, LI)


**: A subaddress may be received from the MS SI: screening indicator PI: presentation indicator LI: line identity

set-up (restric CLI) ** info request MAF 003 info acknowledge MAF 004 set-up (SI,PI=restricted, CoNC, LI:Calling party number)

Figure 2.9: Information flow for calling line identification restriction in temporary mode with default value "presentation allowed" NOTE: **: A subaddress may be received from the MS SI: screening indicator PI: presentation indicator LI: line identity CLI: calling line identity


Release 9


3GPP TS 23.081 V9.0.0 (2009-12)


Information stored in the HLR

Registration State Not Applicable, Not Applicable, Activation State Not Active, Active and Operative, HLR Induction State Not Induced) Not Induced)

CLIR may have the following logical states (refer to 3GPP TS 23.011 for an explanation of the notation): Provisioning State (Not Provisioned, (Provisioned,

The HLR shall store the logical state of CLIR (which shall be one of the valid states listed above) on a per subscriber basis. The HLR shall also store the subscription option "presentation mode" on a per subscriber basis. This parameter takes one of the following values: permanent; temporary (presentation restricted); temporary (presentation allowed).


State transition model

The following figure shows the successful cases of transition between the applicable logical states of CLIR. The state changes are caused by actions of the service provider. Note that error cases are not shown in the diagram as they normally do not cause a state change. Additionally, some successful requests may not cause a state change. Hence they are not shown in the diagram.


(Not Provisioned, Not Applicable Not Active, Not Induced)

(Provisioned, Not Applicable, Active and Operative, Not Induced)

Figure 2.10: State transition model for CLIR


Transfer of information from HLR to VLR

When the subscriber registers on a VLR, the HLR shall send that VLR information about the logical state of CLIR and the presentation mode. If the logical state of CLIR or the presentation mode is changed while a subscriber is registered on a VLR then the HLR shall inform the VLR of the new logical state of CLIR and (if the provisioning state is "Provisioned") the new presentation mode.


Information stored in the VLR

For CLIR, the VLR shall store the service state information and presentation mode received from the HLR.


Release 9


3GPP TS 23.081 V9.0.0 (2009-12)



Handover will have no impact on the control procedures and the operation of the service.



The VPLMN needs to distinguish three cases in order to meet data privacy requirements in an environment where support of CLIP and CLIR is optional: a) the HPLMN supports CLIR, and CLIR is provisioned for the subscriber; b) the HPLMN supports CLIR, but CLIR is not provisioned for the subscriber; c) the HPLMN does not support CLIR. In case a) the VPLMN must apply the CLIR subscription as indicated by the data sent by the HPLMN. In case b) the VPLMN must not apply CLIR. In case c) the VPLMN must apply an implicit CLIR subscription. To allow the VPLMN to make this distinction, the HLR and VLR behave as follows: If the HLR supports CLIR, but CLIR is not provisioned for the subscriber, the HLR shall inform the VLR that CLIR is not provisioned. If the VLR supports CLIR, but the HLR does not support CLIR, the VLR shall behave in the same way as if CLIR (temporary (presentation restricted)) was provisioned for the subscriber, i.e. the calling line identity shall not be displayed to the called subscriber unless the called subscriber has CLIR override capability. When interrogating the service status the subscriber shall be informed that CLIR (temporary (presentation restricted)) is provided to him and is active.

Status check

Connected line identification presentation (COLP)

Handling of connected line identification presentation

The mobile subscriber can request the status of the supplementary service and be informed if the service is provided to him/her. This procedure is illustrated in figure 3.1.
MS Interrogate COLP Interrogate COLP MSC VLR HLR

Acknowledge Release Complete

Figure 3.1: Interrogation of connected line identification presentation


Release 9


3GPP TS 23.081 V9.0.0 (2009-12)


Interactions with call forwarding supplementary services

If the forwarding user selects the option that the calling user is not notified of the call forwarding, then the calling user shall receive no forwarding notification, and the calling user shall not receive the connected user's identity when the call is answered, unless the calling user has override capability.


Functions and information flows

The following Mobile Additional Functions have been identified for the PLMN:

Determination of the connected line identification presentation subscription The ability of a PLMN component to determine whether the supplementary service is provisioned for the mobile subscriber. See figure 3.2. Location: VLR. MAF006 Determination of the connected party number for offering to the calling party The ability of a PLMN component to determine and to forward the connected line identity and related indications to the calling party. See figure 3.3. Location: originating MSC. MAF039 Interaction of connected line identification presentation with the call forwarding supplementary services The ability of a PLMN component to determine the presentation indicator of the connected party number after invocation of a call forwarding service. See figure 3.4. Location: forwarding MSC. The information flow is shown in figure 3.5.


Release 9


3GPP TS 23.081 V9.0.0 (2009-12)

Pro ce ss C OL P_ MA F00 5

3 81 _3 2(1)

Figure 3.2

idl e

initi ate handling of COLP

COLP provisioned no set provis ion indication = not provisioned


set provision indication = provisioned

c all ing s ubscriber in H PLMN c ountry yes


override category yes


set override c ategory = yes

set override category = no

continu e c all handling

idl e

C OLP: Connected Line Identification Presentation.

Figure 3.2: MAF005 Determination of connected line identification presentation subscription (VLR)


Release 9


3GPP TS 23.081 V9.0.0 (2009-12)

P roc es s C O LP _M A F 006

38 1_ 33 (1)

F igure 3.3

idl e

init iate handling of C OLP

COLP provisi oned yes


COL available yes yes


pres entation re stricted no addi tional COL available yes

o verride c ategory


no addi tional COL avai lable yes COL in case of ov erride category additional C OL pass addi tional COL C OL no


pass C OL

pa ss additional COL

s et PI = n umber not ava ilable

continue call handling

C OLP: C onnected Line Identification Presentatio n. CO L: C onnected L ine Identity. PI: Prese ntation Indic ator.

idl e

Figure 3.3: MAF006 Determination of the information for offering to the connected party (originating MSC)


Release 9


3GPP TS 23.081 V9.0.0 (2009-12)

Pro ce ss C OL P_ MA F03 9

3 81 _3 4(1)

Figure 3.4


initiate handling of C OLP

connected number received yes notif y calli ng user of f orw arding no set PI = presentation restric ted



continue c all handling


C OLP: C onnected Line Identific ation Presentation. PI: Presentati on Indic ator.

Figure 3.4: MAF039 Interaction between COLP and call forwarding services (forwarding MSC)


Release 9


3GPP TS 23.081 V9.0.0 (2009-12)

Figure 3.5: Information flow for connected line identification presentation: mobile station to mobile station or fixed terminal NOTE: OR1: OR2: OR3: OR4: OR5: **: info: req: ack: COLP provisioned Y: yes N: no Presentation Indicator Value a: allowed b: restricted c: not available Override category additional line identity available Y: yes N: no COL in case of override category a: LI b: aLI A connected subaddress may be received from the MS information SI: screening indicator aSI: additional screening indicator request PI: presentation indicator acknowledge LI: line identity aLI: additional line identity


Release 9


3GPP TS 23.081 V9.0.0 (2009-12)


Information stored in the HLR

Registration State Not Applicable, Not Applicable, Activation State Not Active, Active and Operative, HLR Induction State Not Induced) Not Induced)

COLP may have the following logical states (refer to 3GPP TS 23.011 for an explanation of the notation): Provisioning State (Not Provisioned, (Provisioned,

The HLR shall store the logical state of COLP (which shall be one of the valid states listed above) on a per subscriber basis. The HLR shall also store the subscription option "override category" on a per subscriber basis. This parameter takes one of the following values: yes; no.


State transition model

The following figure shows the successful cases of transition between the applicable logical states of COLP. The state changes are caused by actions of the service provider. Note that error cases are not shown in the diagram as they normally do not cause a state change. Additionally, some successful requests may not cause a state change. Hence they are not shown in the diagram.


(Not Provisioned, Not Applicable Not Active, Not Induced)

(Provisioned, Not Applicable, Active and Operative, Not Induced)

Figure 3.6: State transition model for COLP


Transfer of information from HLR to VLR

If the provisioning state for COLP is Provisioned then, when the subscriber registers on a VLR, the HLR shall send that VLR information about the logical state of COLP. The HLR shall send the override category if the VLR is in the HPLMN country. The HLR may send the override category if the VLR is outside the HPLMN country. If the logical state of COLP or the override category is changed while a subscriber is registered on a VLR then the HLR shall inform the VLR of the new logical state of COLP. If the override category is changed and the provisioning state of COLP is Provisioned then the HLR shall inform the VLR about the new override category when the VLR is in the HPLMN country. The HLR may inform the VLR about the new override category when the VLR is outside of the HPLMN country.


Release 9


3GPP TS 23.081 V9.0.0 (2009-12)


Information stored in the VLR

For COLP, the VLR shall store the service state information and override category received from the HLR. If not received from the HLR (case of roaming outside the HPLMN country), the override category shall be set to the default value no.



Handover will have no impact on the control procedures and the operation of the service.


Connected line identification restriction (COLR)

Handling of connected line identification restriction

If the terminating party has connected line identification restriction provisioned and it is impossible to indicate to the originating network (due to interworking) that the number should not be presented to the originating party, the connected line identity shall not be delivered to the originating network.

Status check


The mobile subscriber can request the status of the supplementary service and be informed if the service is provided to him/her. This procedure is illustrated in figure 4.1.
MS Interrogate COLR Interrogate COLR MSC VLR HLR

Acknowledge Release Complete

Figure 4.1: Interrogation of connected line identification restriction


Release 9


3GPP TS 23.081 V9.0.0 (2009-12)


Functions and information flows

The following Mobile Additional Functions have been identified for the PLMN:

Determination of the connected line identification restriction subscription The ability of a PLMN component to determine whether the supplementary service is provisioned for the mobile subscriber. See figure 4.2. Location: VLR. MAF041 Determination of the connected party number for offering to the calling party The ability of a PLMN component to determine and to forward the connected line identity and related indications to the calling party. See figure 4.3. Location: terminating MSC. The information flow is shown in figures 4.4.


Release 9


3GPP TS 23.081 V9.0.0 (2009-12)

Proc ess C OL R _MA F04 0

3 81 _4 2(1)

Figure 4.2


initiate handling of C O LR

C OLR provisi oned no set provis ion indication = not provisi oned


set provis ion indication = provisioned

continue c all handling


C OLR: C onnected Line Identi fic ation R es triction.

Figure 4.2: MAF040 Determination of connected line identification restriction subscription (VLR)


Release 9


3GPP TS 23.081 V9.0.0 (2009-12)

Proc ess C OL R _MA F04 1

3 81 _4 3(1)

Figure 4.3


initiate handling of C O LR

C OLR provisi oned yes set PI = presentation restric ted


set P I = presentation allow ed

continue c all handling C OLR: C onnected Li ne Identi fic ation R es triction. PI: Presentation Indicator. idle

Figure 4.3: MAF041 Determination of the presentation indicator


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3GPP TS 23.081 V9.0.0 (2009-12)

MS/TE set-up

MSC/LE set-up




info req MAF 040 info ack

set-up answer MAF041 OR1:N OR2:a **

answer (SI+PI+LI)

answer (SI+PI+LI)

OR1:Y OR2:b

Figure 4.4: Information flow for connected line identification restriction: mobile station or fixed terminal to mobile station NOTE: OR1: COLR provisioned Y: yes N: no OR2: Presentation Indicator Value a: allowed b: restricted OR3: Override category **: A subaddress may be received from the MS info: information SI: screening indicator req: request PI: presentation indicator ack: acknowledge LI: line identity


Information stored in the HLR

Registration State Not Applicable, Not Applicable, Activation State Not Active, Active and Operative, HLR Induction State Not Induced) Not Induced)

COLR may have the following logical states (refer to 3GPP TS 23.011 for an explanation of the notation): Provisioning State (Not Provisioned, (Provisioned,

The HLR shall store the logical state of COLR (which shall be one of the valid states listed above) on a per subscriber basis.


State transition model

The following figure shows the successful cases of transition between the applicable logical states of COLR. The state changes are caused by actions of the service provider. Note that error cases are not shown in the diagram as they normally do not cause a state change. Additionally, some successful requests may not cause a state change. Hence they are not shown in the diagram.


Release 9


3GPP TS 23.081 V9.0.0 (2009-12)


(Not Provisioned, Not Applicable Not Active, Not Induced)

(Provisioned, Not Applicable, Active and Operative, Not Induced)

Figure 4.5: State transition model for COLR


Transfer of information from HLR to VLR

When the subscriber registers on a VLR, the HLR shall send that VLR information about the logical state of COLR. If the logical state of COLR is changed while a subscriber is registered on a VLR then the HLR shall inform the VLR of the new logical state of COLR.


Information stored in the VLR

For COLR, the VLR shall store the service state information received from the HLR.



Handover will have no impact on the control procedures and the operation of the service.



The VPLMN needs to distinguish three cases in order to meet data privacy requirements in an environment where support of COLP and COLR is optional: a) the HPLMN supports COLR, and COLR is provisioned for the subscriber; b) the HPLMN supports COLR, but COLR is not provisioned for the subscriber; c) the HPLMN does not support COLR. In case a) the VPLMN must apply the COLR subscription as indicated by the data sent by the HPLMN. In case b) the VPLMN must not apply COLR. In case c) the VPLMN must apply an implicit COLR subscription. To allow the VPLMN to make this distinction, the HLR and VLR behave as follows: If the HLR supports COLR, but COLR is not provisioned for the subscriber, the HLR shall inform the VLR that COLR is not provisioned. If the VLR supports COLR, but the HLR does not support COLR, the VLR shall behave in the same way as if COLR was provisioned for the subscriber, i.e. the connected line identity shall not be displayed to the calling subscriber unless the calling subscriber has COLR override capability. When interrogating the service status the subscriber shall be informed that COLR is provided to him and is active.


Release 9


3GPP TS 23.081 V9.0.0 (2009-12)

Annex A (informative): Mapping of CLI

This annex defines the mapping rules of CLI parameters received via the NW-NW interface to CLI parameters to be sent to the MS.

Information received over the NW-NW interface

presentation indicator line identity additional presentation indicator additional line identity Cause of No CLI presentation indicator

Information sent to the MS

line identity Cause of No CLI

CLIP not provision-ed

CLIP provisioned without override category

not available allowed allowed restricted restricted restricted restricted restricted restricted by network restricted by network

digits digits digits digits digits digits digits digits digits

+ * * * * * allowed

digits * * * * * digits

unavailable reject by user interaction with other service payphone -

not available not available allowed allowed restricted restricted restricted restricted restricted not available allowed

digits of line identity digits of additional line identity digits of additional line identity

unavailable reject by user interaction with other service payphone -


Release 9


3GPP TS 23.081 V9.0.0 (2009-12)

Information received over the NW-NW interface presentation line identity additional additiona Cause of No CLI indicator presentation l line indicator identity not available allowed digits allowed CLIP provisioned with override category restricted restricted restricted restricted restricted restricted restricted restricted restricted restricted restricted by network restricted by network digits digits digits digits digits digits digits digits digits digits digits digits digits + + + + + + allowed digits digits digits digits digits digits digits unavailable reject by user interaction with other service payphone unavailable reject by user interaction with other service payphone -

presentation indicator not available not available allowed allowed restricted restricted restricted restricted restricted restricted restricted restricted restricted restricted restricted allowed

Information sent to the MS line identity Cause of No CLI

digits of line identity digits of additional line identity digits of line identity NOTE 1 NOTE 1 NOTE 1 NOTE 1 NOTE 1 digits of line identity digits of line identity digits of line identity digits of line identity digits of line identity digits of additional line identity

unavailable reject by user interaction with other service payphone unavailable reject by user interaction with other service payphone -

- parameter not present * parameter absent or present, if present it may have any value + parameter present, it may have any value NOTE 1: Network Option to send either digits of the line identity or digits of additional line identity applies.


Release 9


3GPP TS 23.081 V9.0.0 (2009-12)

Annex B (informative): Change history

TSG CN# Spec Apr 1999 GSM 03.81 CN#03 23.081 23.081 CN#08 23.081 CN#11 CN#16 CN#17 CN#19 CN#25 CT#36 CT#42 CT#46 23.081 23.081 23.081 23.081 23.081 23.081 23.081 Version 7.0.0 3.0.0 3.0.1 3.1.0 4.0.0 5.0.0 5.1.0 5.2.0 6.0.0 7.0.0 8.0.0 CR Change history <Phase> New Version R99 R99 R99 Rel-4 Rel-5 Rel-5 Rel-5 Rel-6 Rel-7 Rel-8 Rel-9 3.0.0 3.0.1 3.1.0 4.0.0 5.0.0 5.1.0 5.2.0 6.0.0 7.0.0 8.0.0 9.0.0 Subject/Comment Transferred to 3GPP CN1 Approved at CN#03 Upgrade of references from 2G to 3G Enhanced handling of presentation indicators for CLIP Release 4 after CN#11 Release 5 after CN#16 Correction of 'Cause of no CLI' handling in SDLs Correction to interworking between CLIP enhancement and CAMEL Editorial correction of table definition Upgraded unchanged from Rel-6 Upgraded unchanged from Rel-7 Update to Rel-9 version (MCC)

006 007r1 008


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