Lab 1 Postlab Report

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ENEE 245 Laboratory 1 Post-Lab Report

Name: Partner: Section: Taylor Handleton__________________________________ ___Amanda Minken_______________________________ _0102 (Amanda), 0104 (Taylor)___________

Lab date: ___2/5/13______________

Hardware Used
Agilent DSO-X 2014A Oscilloscope Elenco breadboard Fairchild CD4069UBC inverter chip NXP HEF4011B quad 2-input NAND gate

Procedure followed
Part I Using the oscilloscope 1. Power up the oscilloscope. When the oscilloscope is ready, press the [WaveGen] button to turn on the function generation. Connect the "Gen Out" to one of the BNC cables. Adjust the function generator to 1MHz, use a rectangular wave, and from the displayed waveform, adjust the peak-to-peak voltage to 1V. 2. Using the measurement function of the oscilloscope, measure the exact frequency and peakto-peak voltage of the square wave. f=1kHz, Vpp=1.93V 3. Acquire the waveform using the data acquisition software on the work station Desktop Computer.

Voltage of oscilloscope-generated square wave 1kHz vs. time

4. Reference the directions in the single pulse section of Appendix D to acquire a zoomed -in view of 1MHz square wave.

Zoomed in view of oscilloscope-generated 1kHz square wave vs. time

5. Adjust the function generator offset voltage and observe what happens to the shape and location of the square wave. Use both AC coupling and DC coupling. Part II Half Adder 1. Connect the fixed 5 V DC supply to ground and connect the supply to the breadboard. 2. Construct the half adder circuit using the hardware provided. 3. Set the function generator frequency to 100kHz. Treat the function generator as one input (A) and pull the other input (B) to Vcc. Show the outputs on the oscilloscope screen and verify the correctness of your circuit. Pull the input B to ground and repeat the process. Increase the input frequency to 1MHz and higher to observe any differences of output. Save the outputs as experiment results.

Half adder response, input A as square wave, B at logic 1

Half adder response, input A as square wave, B at logic 0

When set to a frequency of 1MHz, the square wave was heavily distorted. To get a cleaner signal, we instead used a frequency of 1kHz. When creating the wiring diagram for the 4096 chip, the VDD was misread as V00, so when the physical circuit was connected, the +5V and ground pins were switched. This prevented the chip from functioning as intended, causing it to overheat and break. When looking at the square wave from the wave generator, it was displaying two identical but time shifted waveforms. However, after adjusting the trigger level, this issue was discovered to be due to the scope being triggered by a spike midway through the rising edge.

Post-Lab Questions
Part I Using the oscilloscope 1. Describe the difference between the dots display and the vectors display setting. The dots setting displays only the discrete time samples of the analog waveform. The vector setting uses an interpolation algorithm to find the values between samples. 2. To measure the frequency of a repetitive signal, how many periods are required? Is this independent of the location of the signal on the scope trace (hint: does the position of the minimum affect the ability to measure the frequency?) To measure the frequency, just more than one period is required (two rising or falling edges). This is independent of the position of the signal. 3. How many measurements can be displayed at one time? Four measurements can be displayed at once (one measurement per input). 4. Can you have a voltage scale of 990 mV/div? No, but it can be set to 980 or 1000mV per division. 5.

6. What is the rise time of a 1 MHz square wave? (See the definition on page 19 of this manual). The rise time is 222ns. 7. What is the pulse width of the square wave according to the oscilloscope? The pulse width is 260ns. 8. Can you make a measurement on a stored trace? Can you attach the cursors to a stored trace? You can make a measurement on and attach cursors to a stored trace as long as it is stored as a .h5 file. 9. What happens of you set the trigger level above Vmax? Why? When you set the trigger level above Vmax, you lose the waveform. This is because the voltage never reaches the level required for it to trigger. 10. What happens if you change the slope of the trigger detection? If you change the slope to falling edge instead of rising, the calculations are based on that edge instead. Part II Half Adder 1. What was the propagation gate delay of the half adder? The propagation delay is .34 microseconds. 2. What were the output voltage levels of each of the various components that corresponded to logical false (0) and true (1)? Logic 1 was 5 volts, and logic 0 was 0 volts. 3. What were the qualitative differences in the pulse shapes between the mid-frequency (10kHz) and the high-frequency (lets say, 2MHz)? The mid frequency pulses were much closer to an ideal square wave. At high frequencies, the wave was more distorted by transient effects.

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