Strong Weak 1 CM CM 1: It Forces Intensity Reach

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ELEMENTARY particles, STRANGE MATTER AND STARS STRANGERS I leaves It has been observed that the protons and

the neutrons are presented so much in scarce portions of matter (nuclei of the diverse chemical elements) like in enormous attachs (stars of neutrons). Among these nuclei (of sizes of the order of meters) and the stars of neutrons (gigantic nuclei of 10 km of radio), an area lacking all type of nuclear matter extends. It has been speculated that that nuclear desert could be occupied by exotic forms of matter, even not discovered that differ of the ordinary matter. With more property, the Standard Pattern of the fundamental particles that describes the physical phenomenons consistently, is not opposed to the existence in new matter ways able to fill that desert. For that reason, many physiques are developing investigation projects in different institutes (as the National Laboratory of Brookhaven), tendientes has to detect that type of nuclear matter that, in principle, one of the disconcerting cosmological enigmas could explain: 90% of the matter faltante in the universe observable. 1. Elementary particles and the Standard Pattern All the phenomenons of our Universe, from the atomic nuclei to the galaxies, they can be descriptos in terms of elementary particles (you leave minimum of matter without structure it interns neither apparent radio) and you force or interactions among this particles. At the present time they know each other four fundamental forces: gravitational, electromagnetic, weak and strong. The gravitational force has universal character since one manifests among all the particles with mass. It is the weakest in the forces but, to the being always attractive and of reach infinite, it allows, for example that the planets rotate around the Sun or that the stars are bound constituting the galaxies. At microscopic level she/he doesn't have influence, I save to very high energy. The electromagnetic force acts on the particles that possess electric load.. It can be attractive or repellent, according to the type of load setting in game. It is more intense than the weak force but less than the strong force. Their reach is infinite and, when allowing that the electrons are bound to the nuclei, it is responsible for the existence of the atoms. Also this associated to the the magnetic phenomenons. In 1863, James C. Maxwell was able to unify the electricity and the magnetism in its electromagnetic theory. The weak force was discovered by Madame Curie when trying to explain the disintegration radio-active denominated beta. It is more intense than the gravitational force and she/he has a very short reach. It carries out an important list in the production of energy of the Sun and it is the causing of the explosion of the supernovas. The strong force maintains united the protons and neutrons in the atomic nuclei. It is the most intense but of short reach, reason why it can not be detected directly to level macroscpico. To her the nuclear fission is owed that allows the liberation of energy of an atomic bomb, and the nuclear coalition, the source of the stars' energy. The compared intensity and the reach of the four fundamental forces, they are shown in the Chart 1.


10 10 10 2 10 38

infinite infinite

Chart 1. You force fundamental of the universe The particles accepted today for the physics they are of two types: the constituent of the matter or elementary and the messengers. The elementary particles belong to the family of the fermiones, they are particles with spin semientero (1/2) and they obey at the beginning of exclusion of Pauli (two particles of the same type can not have the same quantum state or energy level"). The particles messengers (or middlemen) they transmit the force between elementary particles or fermiones. See from the quantum theory (the physics of the microcosms), these particles are the how many of the different fields of force (electromagnetic, gravitatorio,etc.). For example the force between two electrons, she/he associates to the exchange of a particle messenger, a virtual photon that differs (due to their ephemeral existence) of the real photons that constitute the light or the radial waves. The particles messengers belong to the family of the bosones, they possess whole spin (0,1,2) and they don't obey at the beginning of exclusion of Pauli (they are gregarious particles). (The spin of an elementary particle is a property of the same one that has certain analogy with the rotation of a body in lathe of its axis). To each particle it corresponds him an antipartcula, with the same mass but with opposed electric load. This way, the antipartcula of the electron (with load negative) it is the antielectrn or positrn (with positive load). The particles messengers coincide with their antipartculas. We will describe, now, the elements of the Standard Pattern. In this model the elementary particles or fermiones are of two types: the leptones and the quarks. The leptones (of the Greek, small) that know each other they are six, presenting loaded and neuter varieties. The loaded leptones is sensitive to the electromagnetic and weak forces, the neuter ones to the weak force. The better known leptn is the electron (with arbitrary electric load similar to -1). Other leptones is the mun and the taun, with the same load that the electron, and the neutrinos, without load and worthless or null mass. Each loaded leptn has associate a neutrino. The quarks (of German, excess), introduced by Gell-Mann and Zweig in 1963, they are presented in six different varieties or flavors: up, below, I miss, charmed, bottom and summit; they are represented with the letters u,d,s,c,b and t (of English: up, down, strange, charm, bottom and top). Also, each quark possesses one of the three " load " types (different from the electric one) or color, designated arbitrarily as red, green and blue (R,G and B). On the other hand, the electric load of the quarks is fractional (-1/3 or +2/3 according to the flavor). The leptones and the quarks sae contain in three generations (I, II and III). Each one of them is integrated by two quarks, a loaded leptn and their associate neutrino. The daily matter consists on associations of the four particles of the generation I. The two following generations, except for the neutrinos, are extremely unstable particles that you/they only appear in the laboratories of high energy. The properties of the leptones and the quarks can it turns in the Chart 2.

LEPTONES electron, neutrino,



up, or below, d

0.3 0.3

+2/3 -1/3

0.0005 0?

-1 0


I love, c I miss, s summit, t

bottom, b

1.5 0.5 175 4.5

+2/3 -1/3 +2/3 -1/3

mun, neutrino,


taun, neutrino,

0? 1.7 0?

-1 0 -1 0

Chart 2. Constituent of the matter (fermiones) (the masses are expressed in GeV. 1GeV are the energy that she/he acquires an electron
to the subjected being to a difference of potential of 1000 million volts)

The particles messengers (bosones) associated to the fundamental forces they are: the photon to the electromagnetic force, the glun (of the English glue: line of hitting) to the strong force and the vectorial bosones, and to the weak force (to see Chart 3). The gravitn (of null, hypothetical mass) she/he associates to the gravitational field. We had seen that the quarks possessed color load. It can be demonstrated that are needed to transmit the strong force eight gluones, some of which possess color load. The quarks is also sensitive to the weak force. But while the strong force (through the gluones) it changes the color of the quarks, the weak force (through the vectorial bosones) it changes their flavor.


W Z0
80 +1

80 -1


91 0

Weak Weak Weak

0 0 Electro magnetic


g 0 0 Strong

Chart 3. Messengers of the force (bosones) (the masses are expressed in GeV) 2. Hadrones and strange matter The particles constituted by quarks, sensitive to the strong force, they are denominated hadrones (of the Greek hadros: robust). They can be of two classes: the bariones (of the Greek, heavy) formed by three quarks types (each one with a different color) and the consistent taverns in a quark and an antiquark (with a color and their respective anticolor). The combination of colors in the hadrn should always give the neuter color. Bariones examples are: the proton, composed up by two quarks and one below, and the neutron for two quarks below and one up. These two bariones is stable and they constitute the ordinary matter. A typical tavern is the positive pin, formed up by a quark and an antiquark below. Other hadrones is shown in the Chart 4.




proton p neutron n positive sigma lambda Omega


uud udd uus you sss


positive pin positive kan negative kan Of neuter

or or s c

Chart 4. Typical Hadrones

(the symbol ~ it means anti)

The hadrones can be descriptos like bags where the quarks can move with certain freedom, but without ending up never escaping (it is said that they are permanently confined). Inside the bag, the weak force changes the identity of the quarks. This force can transform the quark d (below) in the quark or (up). A neutron (udd) she/he becomes a proton (uud), because to that the weak force changes the identity of one of its quarks d in a quark or. In this process it is also generated an electron and an antineutrino. The weak force can also change a quark s (I miss) in a quark d. This property explains the uncertainty of the particles that you/they contain strange quarks (denominated strange particles), as the bariones sigma () and lambda (), and the taverns and. Do let us analyze, now, the following possibility: do stable bags composed exist for more than three quarks? In the ordinary matter this situation is not presented. Indeed, to weigh that the protons and neutrons are bound constituting the nuclei, the quarks doesn't group in an only bag multiquark, but rather they remain forming bags of three quarks (bags of protons [uud] and bags of neutrons [udd]). Now then, you can surmise that if strange quarks is added up to the quarks combinations and below, bags could be obtained of more than three quarks. To the combinations of a number approximately similar of quarks up, quarks below and strange quarks contained in oneself bag, it denominates it to him matter of strange quarks or strange matter (to see Fig.1). In 1971, A. R.Bodmer surmised that these attachs of strange quarks could constitute the dense stable nuclei inside the stars.
or d s

Matter nuclear strange Matter Fig 1. Example of nuclear matter (deuterio nucleus) and bag of strange matter

In 1984, E. Witten suggested that the mass faltante in the universe would be composed by matter of strange quarks whose origin goes back to the first instants of the Big - Bang. In that stage they were formed extremely compressed pellets of matter of strange quarks and with diameters of up to 10 centimeters. In the same year, E. Farhi and R. Jaffe, of the Institute of Technology of Massachusetts (MIT), using the pattern for the calculation of the mass of the hadrones, they determined that portions of much more strange matter that the predichas for Witten (called strangelets) they could be absolutely stable. Of being proven this, the strange matter would be the candidate to fill the existent empty space between the nuclei of normal matter and the stars of neutrons (nuclear

desert). Is it even necessary to be formulated the following question: is the stars ultradensas constituted of matter neutrnica or strange matter?. In the next article we will analyze the enormous bags of strange matter: the strange stars, I eat the intense search of this new matter type likewise, in cosmology, geophysics and in the laboratories of high energy. Rosario, July de1998 31. -

Luis P. Neira

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