Introduction To Theory of Computation: KR Chowdhary Professor & Head
Introduction To Theory of Computation: KR Chowdhary Professor & Head
Introduction To Theory of Computation: KR Chowdhary Professor & Head
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Introduction to Theory of Computation, by Michael Sipser, Thompson Publication Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation, by Hpcroft, motwani, Ullman, Pearson Education Introduction to languages and Theory of computation, Martin, Tata McGrawHill Introduction to formal languages, Automata Theory and Computation, Kamala Krithivasan, Pearson
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What is TOC?
The TOC is that knowledge of computer science, which does not change with time & technology. The course is divided into: 1 Theory of automata: Every process (including computing) can be divided into discrete sequence of states, where there is always start state, and there is a nal state, with in between states. In this category, we may consider the computation, and growth of life, and even the planatary motions. All these systems are automata. The concept of automata was given by Von Neumann, in 1940s, in the form of cellular automata. 2 Theory of languages: Under this comes all types of grammars computers langauages grammars, spoken languages grammars, and yet unkown grammars, and all corresponding languages. The concept of generative grammar was given rst time by Prof. Noam Chomsky, in 1956, now a professor of Linguistics at Harvard. 3 Theory of Computation: The contributors are Kurt Godel, Alonzo Church, Alan Turing, Kleene. However, the maximum contribution is due to Alan Turing, who gave the concept of Turing machine in his 1936 paper (much before the computers came into existence).
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What is TOC?
TOC attempts to establish a theory to all subjects of cs, just like classical dynamics to motion of objects Solvability of a problem existence of algorithm. { x |x / x } Russells Paradox TOC deals with Physical limits of computing, Methodologies of algorithm design, etc. CS is : Science of algorithm processing, representation, storage, transmission of information Nature of problems, complexity? Application of computer theory: writing programs to construct compilers, assemblers, OS, ..., and languages
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Meta Theory: Theory about the theory (mathematics) - Dene computable: A thing is computable if it can be representable by an algorithm. - Limits of computation Proofs: A statement is valid if there is no counter example. E.g., All integers are divisible by 2, is false : Find a proof by contradiction, i.e., nd at least a single case, where this is not true. Proofs by Deduction Proof by Induction Taking one value, then iterating is proof by induction. Execution of a sequence of program statements is deductive proof
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f :DR for a, b D , f (a) = f (b ) a = b ; f is injection or one-to-one mapping. for each b R , there is always a D such that f (a) = b ; f is surjection (onto) A relation which is both injection and surjection is called bijection. Dening Natural Numbers 0 = {} = 0+ = 1 = {elements of 0, set 0 as element}={ } 1+ = 2 = { , { }} 2+ = 3 = . . . ...
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Innite sets
Hence, i )0 N ii)if n N, n+ N If there is a bijection between any set A and set n N,then A is nite, alternatively, If there is a bijection between any set A and set N, then A is innite, You can add any thing into an innite, it results innite only. Example: Hilberts Hotel: To accommodate more guests in this hotel, (say 1), push occupant of room 1 into 2, of 2 into room 3, and so on. The room 1 is vacated, and ready for new guest. You can subtract any thing from innity, it remains innity. For example, you can map 40 onwards to innity. For example, 40 1, 41 2, 43 3, . . .
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Diagonalization Theorem
There is no bijection between innite sets N and R.
Assume that f : N R is bijection, , N R 0 0.b00 b01 b02 . . . 1 0.b10 b11 b12 . . . 2 0.b20 b21 b22 . . . ... ... i 0 .b i 0 b i 1 b i 2 . . . Therefore this list of R is exhaustive. bij {0, 1} Now consider the number, x = 0.b00 b11 b22 . . . Since x is new, hence the list of R is not exhaustive, this contradicts the assumption. Thus, the mapping is not bijection. R is uncountably innite.
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Cantors Theorem
Theorem Proof.
For f : A (A), f is not surjection. Assume that f is surjection. Since (A) are all subsets of A, consider B A, as an image of an element of A, which does not include the element itself. , B = {a A|a / f (a)} Thus, for every a A, we have a B i a / f (a). B = f (a), for all a A. Thus, B is not in the image of f . This contracts our assumption that we considered in the beginning of this proof. Hence, this proves that f is not a surjection, and hence not a bijection also.
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f :DR + : int int int : S1 S2 {T , F } Total Function: dened over the entire domain f : x 2 x , x N, N = { 0 , 1 , 2 , . . . } Partial Function: dened over some domain points only. f : x 2/x , x N A partial function can be used to model an iteration or innite loops. f (x ) : if (x==0) then 1 else f(x)
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a, b , c , d , ... for individual alphabets x , y , z , w , ... for variable names for strings We use symbol for alphabet set for languages, e.g. = {a, b }. Set of all strings on the alphabet set are represented by (Kleene Star). Strings have only one operation:Concatenation. E.g., x y , x = x = x Semigraoups are algebraic systems which are closed on some binary operation, and have the property of associativity. For example, S , , such that for a, b S , there is a b S . The semigroup is an algebra. It can be helpful in mapping all the string operations in computer to this algebra so that they can be formally treated, without technology boundaries of computers. Monoid is semigroup with a neutral element. E.g., M , , 1 is a Monoid with multiplication operation.
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language: set of words (or strings) dened over some alphabet. These words are simpler form of sentences. For example, {aab , bba, abbbb , , baaa}, { , a, bbbb , aaa}, are the languages over the alphabet set = {a, b }. {0, 1, 00, 01, 10, 11, 000, 001, . . . } is an innite language over = {0, 1}, which contains all the binary words. L1 = {w |w has property P } L2 = {}; language with no sentences L = { }; language with single null sentence Let = {a, b }, then = { , a, b , aa, ab , ba, bb , aaa, . . . } L3 = {a, ab , ba, aaa} is nite language L4 = {ap | p is prime}, L5 = {ai b i |i N} L 3 , L 4 , L 5 . L 6 = { a i b i c i |i N }
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Representation of Languages
Strings oveer are countably innite. Say N Languages over are 2| | , which is uncountably innite, say N. Think of the mapping, f : N N. It is not bijection, as N > N. , some languages cannot be represented ! (what ever tools, and methods may be used. Also, it cannot be possible to design machines to recognize some languages, what ever may be advancement of technology or science!) Algorithmic problems: A : 1 2 ; A is an algorithm which maps input strings to output, in some complex manner. if x A(x ) = B (x ), A B , i.e., if two algorithms A and B produce same output for same input, then they are equal.
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Operations on Languages
Let L1 , L2 be languages over the same alphabet , then there are following operations on L1 , L2 : L1 L2 = {w |w L1 or w L2 } L1 L2 = {w = xy |x L1 , y L2 } L 1 = { w |w / L1 } k L1 = (L1 L1 ) . . . L1 , k-times, with L0 1 = { }
k L 1 = {w |k 0, w L1 }. This is called Kleene Star of language L1 . k L+ 1 = {w |k 1, w L1 }.
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By study of theory of computation, we reach to important conclusions in computation, like from thermodynamic we conclude that perpetual machines cannot be made The course gives treatment to the subject, independent of technology. What problems we can solve by computers?
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Those, that produce a denite output: e.g., sorting the numbers Those that produce Y/N : Called Membership Problem, e.g., Is x A? Another, e.g., given a C program, to determine whether it will halt on so and so given input? (Halting Problem) - unsolvable.
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John C. Martin, Introduction to Languages and Theory of Computation, McGraw-Hill. Mishra and Chandrashekharan, Theory of Computer Science (Automata, Languages, and Computation) ,PHI, India Sipster, Introduction to Theory of Computation, Thompson Press. John E. Hopcroft, Rajeev Motwani, Jerey D. Ullman, Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation, Pearson Press, India. Christos H. Papadimitriou and Harry Lewis, Elements of the Theory of Computation (2nd Edition), Pearson Press, India.
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