Student Handbook
Student Handbook
Student Handbook
FOREWORD The Amity University Uttar Pradesh was established on January 12, 2005 through Am ity University Uttar Pradesh Ordinance, 2005 promulgated by the Honble Governor of Uttar Pradesh. Amity University Uttar Pradesh Act, 2005 was passed by the State L egislature and assented to by the Honble Governor, notified vide UP Govt. Gazette Notification No. 403/VII-V-I-I(Ka)/I/2005 dated March 24, 2005. In fulfillment of vision and mission of Dr. Ashok K Chauhan, Founder President, Ritnand Balved Education Foundation, Amity University Uttar Pradesh is committed to provide ski ll based quality education comparable to the international standards and it subs cribes to the philosophy of modernity blends with tradition, while nurturing tale nt. The University is offering UG, PG, M.Phil. and Doctoral Research Programmes i n almost all areas/disciplines of higher education. Besides the normal programme s like Engineering, Management, Information & Communication Technology, Telecom Technology, Law, Education, Journalism & Mass Communication etc., the University offers new age Programmes like Biotechnology, Microbial Technology, Nanotechnol ogy, Forensic Sciences, Insurance and Actuarial Sciences, Avionics, Organic Agri culture, Competitive Intelligence & Corporate Warfare, Entrepreneurship, Retail and so on. The University has courses in Behavioural Science, Business & English Communication and Foreign Language integrated into the curriculum of all Progra mmes. In accordance with Amity University Uttar Pradesh Act 2005, the Statutes a nd Ordinances made thereunder, the academic matters are governed through the Reg ulations framed by the Academic Council and approved by the Executive Council of the University. In this booklet extracts from the Regulations relevant to the s tudents have been incorporated. The compilation is for guidance and compliance b y all the students. July 2010
Contents S.No. I. CONDUCT OF EXAMINATION AND SCHEME OF EXAMINATION 1. Attendance 2. Makeu p of Deficiency in Attendance 3. Minimum & Maximum Duration of Academic Programm es 4. Grading System 5. Passing Criteria 6. Promotion to next Semester / Year 7. Academic Probation 8. Academic Break 9. Reappearing in Examinations 10. Improve ment of Score 11. Supplementary Examinations 12. Disciplinary Control of Student s in Examinations 13. Issue of Grade Sheets 14. Rechecking/Re-evaluation of Answ er Books/ Project Reports and Examination Results 15. Refund of Examination fees 16. General Instructions for the students relating to examinations DISCIPLINARY CONTROL OF STUDENTS 1. Disciplinary Control of Students in University 2. Penalt ies for Breach of Discipline 3. Ragging 4. Penalties for Ragging Page No 1-16 1 1 2 2 5 6 7 7 8 9 9 9 13 13 14 14 17-19 17 18 19 19 20 21-23 21 23 II. III. SCHOLARSHIPS IV. HOSTEL ACCOMMODATION 1. Instruction for the Residents 2. G rievance Redressal Mechanism for Students V. REGISTRATION, FEE PAYMENT AND RE-ADMISSION OF STUDENTS 24-26 1. Fresh Registrati on 24 2. Re- registration 25 3. Fee Payment 26 4. Late Fees 26 5. Re-admission 2 6 27 28 29 VI. AMIZONE - AMITY INTRANET ZONE VII. TERMS & CONDITIONS VII. DECLARATION FORM
CONDUCT OF EXAMINATIONS AND SCHEME OF EVALUATION 1. ATTENDANCE (1) Students are expected to have 100% attendance. (2) Every teaching faculty ha ndling a class will take attendance till the last day of the class. The percenta ge of attendance upto this day will be calculated and forwarded to Examination D epartment by the HoI to issue the Admit Cards for appearing in examinations. (3) If a student is continuously absent for a period of Fifteen days without permis sion, a notice will be sent to the student and to his parents / guardian with in timation to Registrar. (4) If a student remains absent continuously for 30 days without permission, his name will be struck off. Such a student may apply for re -admission. The Head of Institution will examine his performance in all semester s and back log of papers and forward recommendations to Pro VC(A)s office to de cide as to whether he should be given readmission or not. Based on the recommend ations, decision for re-admission and the semester in which re-admission is to b e given will be taken. The student granted readmission will be required to pay t he prescribed re-admission fee and will be governed by Academic Regulations. The attendance will be calculated from the commencement date of the semester and no t from the date of re admission. (5) Relaxation of maximum 25% may be allowed to cater for sickness or other valid reasons beyond the control of the students fo r which written permission of HoI/ HoD is mandatory. (6) A student whose attenda nce is less than 75%, whatever may be the reason for shortfall, will not be perm itted to appear in the End Semester Examination (ESE). (7) Under extreme special circumstances, Vice Chancellor may condone attendance upto 5% below 75% on the recommendation of HoI. 2. MAKE-UP OF DEFICIENCY IN ATTENDANCE (1) The students who are detained due to shortage of attendance in any course of a semester, shall register with their Department/Constituent Unit for Guided Se lf Study Course in the beginning of the corresponding semester/year at the time of reregistration. They will be required to pay a fee per course as prescribed b y the University. (2) Each Department/Constituent Unit of the University will pr escribe Guided Self Study Course for the course units in which the students faile d or are detained due to shortage of attendance in a semester and arrange counse lling sessions for the students on week ends and holidays in the same odd or eve n semesters. (3) Such students will have to attend contact classes as and when s cheduled by the Department/Constituent Unit on week ends / holidays in the relev ant semester to complete the package of study for the course designed by the Dep artment/Constituent Unit. 1
(4) The Departments/Constituent Units may prescribe term papers / home assignmen ts which the students will submit to their teachers subject-wise within the due dates. (5) The regularity in attending the classes and prompt submission of assi gnments by due date will determine whether a debarred or detained student is per mitted to take the reexamination or not. The schedule for regular collection and submission of term paper/ home assignments will be announced by the Department/ Constituent Unit. (6) Only those who register for Guided Self Study Course and complete all the requirements as prescribed by the Department/Constituent Unit w ill be permitted to take the examination in the respective subject when the exam inations of such Course Units are conducted on normal schedule along with the ne xt batch of students. (7) The Head of Department/Constituent Unit will give a ce rtificate to the Controller of Examinations in the manner prescribed in Guidelin es stating that the student has complied with all the requirements prescribed fo r making up the deficiency in attendance at least ten days before the commenceme nt of examinations. 3. MINIMUM & MAXIMUM DURATION OF ACADEMIC PROGRAMMES (1) The minimum period required for completion of a programme shall be as specif ied in the Scheme of Teaching & Examination and Syllabi for concerned programme and approved by the Academic Council on the recommendations of the Board of Stud ies (2) The maximum permissible period for completing a programme upto two acade mic years shall be n+1 year (two semesters) and for the programmes of more than two academic years duration, the maximum permissible period shall be n+2 (four s emesters), where n represents the minimum duration of the programme. 4. GRADING SYSTEM (1) The level of students academic performance as the aggregate of continuous eva luation and end term examination shall be reflected by letter grades on a ten po int scale according to the connotation as per Table A TABLE A Grade A+ A AB+ B BC+ C F 2 Qualitative Meaning Outstanding Excellent Very Good Good Above Average Average S atisfactory Border Line Fail Grade Point Attached 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 0
(2) Conversion of numerical marks into letter grades (a) In order to arrive at t he letter grades based on relative performance, the total marks in a particular course for all the students in the class of more than 30 students where the dist ribution curve is not close to perfectly normal, shall be tabulated in a descend ing order list (equivalently a histogram). The performance of the class shall be analysed in terms of average, highest and the lowest marks and dividing lines b etween the clusters of students. Gaps and dips between the clusters and the natu re of the clusters will guide in drawing the dividing lines between the Grades. B and B- bands usually indicate the average marks. (b) If the marks obtained by a student of a class of more than 30 students are close to perfectly normal dist ribution curve and it does not indicate natural gaps and dips, the marks awarded to him in a Course Unit shall be transformed into a normal distribution curve b y using Statistical Method in accordance with Table B to ensure the uniformity i n spread of scores regardless of the nature of curricular areas. TABLE C Letter Grade Qualitative Value of Grade Outstanding Excellent Very Good Good Abo ve Average Average Satisfactory Border Line Fail Minimum Percentage of marks for letter Grade for PG Programmes 80 75 68 60 52 45 40 35 Less than 35 3 A+ A AB+ B BC+ C F Minimum Percentage of marks for letter Grade for UG Programmes 80 70 65 55 50 45 35 30 Less than 30
(d) In the case of Non-Credit and Audit Courses which are not reckoned for asses sment of SGPA (Semester Grade Point Average) and CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Av erage), the students shall be awarded S Grade for satisfactory performance and U Gra de for unsatisfactory performance. (3) The Semester performance of a student wil l be indicated as Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA). The SGPA is the weighted a verage of Grade Points of all letter grades received by a student for all the Co urse units in the semester. The formula for Computing SGPA is given below: SGPA= U1 G1+ U2 G2 + U3 G3 + ----------------U1 + U2 + U3+ ----------------------Where U1, U2, U3 denote credits associated with courses taken by the Student and G1,G2,G3 are the Grade Points of the letter grades awarded in the respective Co urse. An example of these calculations is given below: I Semester Course Code (1) MAL101 MAL102 MAL103 MAL104 MAL105 MAL106 Total Associated Credi ts Grade Awarded Credits earned Grade Point Point Secured (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 5 C(+) 5 4 20 4 B+ 4 7 28 4 A 4 9 36 3 B 3 6 18 4 F 0 0 00 4 B(-) 4 5 20 24 20 122 Total associated credits in the semester (total of column 2) = 24 Earned credits in the semester (total of column 4) = 20 Points secured in the semester (total of column 6)= 122 SGPA= Points secured in the semester 122 Total Associated Cred its in Semester - I 24 = 5.08 CGPA is not applicable in first semester II Semester Course Code Associated Credits Grade Awarded Credits Earned Grade Point Point Se cured (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) MAL 201 5 A(+) 5 10 50 MAL 202 5 B(+) 5 7 35 MAL 2 03 5 C(+) 5 4 20 MAL 204 4 A 4 9 36 MAL 205 4 B 4 6 24 MAL 206 5 B5 5 25 MAL 207 3 F 0 0 00 Total 31 28 190 4
Total Associated Credits in the semester (total of column 2 ) = 31 Earned Credit s in the semester (total of column 4 ) = 28 Cumulative associated credits (in pr evious semester 24 and current semester 31) = 55. Points Secured in II semester (total of column 6) = 190 Cumulative points secured (total of points secured in 1st semester 122 and in II semester 190) =312 SGPA= Points secured in II semeste r Total Associated Credit Units in semester - II 190 = 6.13 31 312 = 5.67 55 CGPA= Cumulative points secured in all passed course in I & II Sem Cumulative Associat ed Credit Units in I & II semesters (4) In the case of Annual system of evaluation of students performance, Annual G rade Point Average (AGPA) shall be assessed as per above guidelines. (5) The fin al year Grade Card will indicate Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) and shall be based only on Grade Points obtained in courses for which units have been ear ned. (6) An approximate and indicative equivalence between CGPA and percentage o f marks can be assessed by simple mathematical calculation i.e. CGPA multiplied by 10. (7) The successful students shall be placed in Divisions as below: CGPA 8 .5 and above 6.5 but less than 8.5 5.0 but less than 6.5 for UG programmes 6.0 b ut less than 6.5 for PG programmes EQUIVALENT DIVISION First class with Distinct ion First Division Second Division Second Division 5. PASSING CRITERIA A student has to fulfill the following conditions to pass any academic programme of the University: (1) A student who has earned minimum number of credits presc ribed for the concerned programme as per the Structure, Curriculum and Scheme of Examinations, shall be declared to have passed the programme of study. Credit U nits for each programme shall be decided by the Board of Studies of each Institu tion and shall normally be as follows: Minimum C.U (Average per semester) 25 30 30 Maximum C.U (Average per semester) 30 35 35 (a) Under Graduate Programmes (b) Post Graduate Programmes (c) Integrated Progra mmes A student is required to secure minimum 30% marks to pass in End Semester Examin ation and minimum aggregate marks of 35% in UG and 40% in PG Courses to be consi dered PASS in each course unit. 5
(2) Internal Assessment The internal assessment will be completed within the sem ester and the result will be forwarded to Examination Branch latest by three day s prior to the last day of class. Students who have missed the Internal Assessme nt will be awarded 0 marks. There will be no provision for re-appearing in any component of Internal Assessment in subsequent semesters. HoIs may conduct make up tests, if required, due to valid reasons, within the same semester. In Inter nal Assessment, five marks are allotted to attendance as under:Percentage of Att endance (%) More than 95 More than 90 and upto 95 More than 85 and upto 90 More than 80 and upto 85 More than 75 and upto 80 Upto 75 Marks 5 4 3 2 1 0 (3) Students of both UG and PG programmes should also pass in each term/ semeste r separately by securing a minimum Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) of 4.5 fo r UG and 5.0 for PG on a 10 point scale. (4) For successful completion of a prog ramme, the student should secure a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 5.0 at the end of final year of an Under Graduate programme and of 6.0 at th e end of final year of Post Graduate Programme/Integrated Programme. (5) A stude nt who has reappeared/repeated the examination of course unit(s), the best of th e two scores obtained shall be taken into consideration for calculating the SGPA and CGPA and eligibility for award of a degree. (6) A student registered for an audit course may be awarded S grade for his satisfactory performance if his minim um score in audit course is 40% in Post Graduate and Integrated Programmes and 3 5% in Under Graduate Programmes. A U (unsatisfactory) Grade will be awarded for hi s unsatisfactory performance i.e. if the score is less than 40% in PG/Integrated programmes and 35% in UG programmes. Such audit course(s) shall be shown in the final Grade Card under a distinct head - Audit Course(s) However, a student shall neither be entitled to any credits for such course(s), nor shall these be consi dered for the purpose of declaration of results. (7) The student must pass in Su mmer Training/Internship, Project, Dissertation (wherever prescribed), by securi ng at least C+ Grade. 6. PROMOTION TO NEXT Promotion will be l be eligible for so on provided he CGPA 3.5 4.5 6 SEMESTER/YEAR considered at the end of each academic year. (1) A student wil promotion from 1st year to 2nd year, 2nd year to 3rd year and has minimum SGPA and CGPA as under: UG Programmes SGPA / AGPA
(2) Promotion from 1st year to 2nd year: If a student does not fulfill the above criteria he/she may be promoted to 2nd year on the recommendation of HoI and he /she will be placed on Academic Probation provided he/ she has cleared at least 60 % of number of Courses/ Credit units. (3) Promotion from 2nd year to 3rd year an d subsequent years: (a) A student will be promoted from second year to third year only if he / she has secured the passing criteria of SGPA and CGPA in both seme sters of the first year i.e. qualified in first year and minimum SGPA and CGPA o f Promotion Criteria in the second year. (b) Similarly, he/she will be promoted from third year to fourth year if he/she has secured qualifying minimum SGPA and CGPA (passing criteria) for the previous semesters upto second year and minimum SGPA and CGPA of promotion criteria in the third year. (c) Promotions to subseq uent years will also be based on the same criteria as above. (4) Student who is promoted to next year by meeting the promotion criteria but is not meeting quali fying criteria (passing criteria) for award of degree, will be placed on Academi c Probation for one year to improve his/her SGPA/CGPA. (5) A student who is not eligible for promotion will have the option to either Repeat the Year or take an Academic Break from the programme for which he/ she will apply to the HoI. The decision will be taken by Pro VC (A) based on the performance of the student and recommendations of HoI. 7. ACADEMIC PROBATION (1) If a student fails to secure passing/qualifying SGPA/AGPA in any semester/ t erm, and has scored only the grade of Promotion Criteria shall automatically be on Academic Probation and shall undergo counselling sessions with the faculty as signed to him. The concerned faculty shall monitor his performance and shall sub mit a report on his performance to the HOD/HoI. (2) Students who fail to clear P romotion Criteria as given in Para 6 (1) above but are promoted to next Academic Year (cases as given in Para 6 (2) & (3) ) will be placed on Academic Probation for one year. (3) The student who does not clear the passing criteria at the en d of the Academic Probation will not be eligible for promotion to the subsequent years. He/She will have the option either to Repeat the year or take Academic B reak for one year. 8. ACADEMIC BREAK (1) On the recommendations of the HoI and for justifiable reasons to be recorded , a student can be granted Academic Break of one year (students of two years Pro gramme course) and two Academic Breaks of one year each (students of three years and above Programme), if approved by the Pro Vice Chancellor (Academics), under the following circumstances: (i) The performance of the student is very poor: ( ii) The student has been continuously ill: (iii) Any other specified reasons 7
(2) However, the total period to qualify the course will not exceed the prescrib ed n+1 year for upto two years Programmes and n+2 years for three years and abov e Programmes. (3) The student who is granted Academic Break shall be required to pay Examination Fee and fee for Guided Self Study Course of those papers in whi ch he/she is reappearing and will reappear as Ex-Student. (4) The student will b e required to pay the prescribed Re-admission fee and the prevailing Academic fe e. (5) Students who Repeat the year will be required to pay the prescribed Acade mic Fee of the Year. 9. RE-APPEARING IN EXAMINATIONS (1) A student who has fulfilled the attendance requirements and is eligible to a ppear in an Examination, fails to appear in the examination shall be required to subsequently appear in the examination when scheduled for next batch of student s on payment of prescribed fee. (2) A student who has not fulfilled the minimum attendance requirement in any Course Unit(s) shall not be allowed to appear in t he end term Examination of that Course Unit but shall be allowed to subsequently appear in the examination when scheduled for the next batch of students, on pay ment of prescribed examination fee and fulfillment of such eligibility condition s as prescribed in the Regulations. (3) A student who has failed to secure minim um C+ Grade (Grade Point 4) in a course unit shall be eligible to re-appear / re peat the examination of such course units with a view to secure minimum qualifyi ng/passing score. (4) A student, who has failed to secure the required qualifyin g/passing SGPA i.e. 4.5 for UG and 5.0 for PG Courses shall, in order to secure a passing SGPA, has the option to reappear in the end term examinations of the C ourse Units of the concerned term in which he/she desires to improve his/her per formance, when these examinations are held on normal schedule. (5) A student who has scored C+ in all the courses and required SGPA / CGPA or already awarded a Degree/Diploma by the AUUP shall not be eligible to re-appear /repeat course uni t examinations with a view to improve the over-all CGPA. (6) A student who has t o reappear/repeat in an end term examination in terms of provisions made above s hall be examined as per the syllabus in the Scheme of Teaching & Examination and syllabus applicable at the time of joining the concerned programme. However, in cases where only some minor modifications have been made in the syllabus of the course(s), and the HOD/HoI of the concerned Department/Institution so certifies , the examination may be held in accordance with the revised syllabus. (7) Stude nts who are eligible to re-appear in an examination, or are repeating the course (s) shall have to apply to the Controller of Examinations to be allowed to reapp ear in an examination or to repeat the course(s), and pay the fees prescribed by the University. (8) The Departments/Constituent Units may, at their discretion, arrange for additional teaching for students repeating the examination of cours e(s) during the breaks. The modus operandi of such instructions shall be as noti fied by the Department/Constituent Unit. Extra fee shall be charged from such st udents. 8
10. IMPROVEMENT OF SCORE (1) If a student has poor performance in a number of courses in a particular ter m, he may at his option, take an academic break for one year, and re-register fo r both the semesters of that academic year in the next academic year. Such a stu dent may have the option of repeating any or all of the courses in the semester( s) and retain the credits already earned by him in other course(s). (2) A studen t shall be allowed only one chance to improve his SGPA and CGPA by reappearing i n the End Semester Examination(s) in the Course Units of his choice when these e xaminations are held in normal schedule or in supplementary examination, if any, when scheduled, in which case his internal evaluations shall be carried forward . He can alternatively be allowed to do so by repeating the Course Unit(s) of hi s choice when they are offered. The best of the two scores shall be taken into c onsideration for calculating the SGPA and CGPA and eligibility for award of a de gree. (3) Improvement in the score of courses completed by a student prior to hi s lateral entry in the University shall not be allowed. 11. SUPPLEMENTARY EXAMINATIONS (1) For the final year students, supplementary examinations for those who have n ot secured passing grades, or were debarred/detained from appearing in any exami nation and they made up the deficiency in attendance as per provisions of these Regulations, will normally be held within thirty days after the declaration of r esults of the final Semester Examinations. For this purpose, the students of one year courses shall be deemed as final year students. (2) A student who fails to appear or qualify in Supplementary Examinations shall reappear in the examinati ons when scheduled for the next batch of students within the time span prescribe d for the programme. (3) A student wishing to appear/reappear in the Supplementa ry Examination shall apply to the Head of Department/Constituent Unit on the pre scribed form within fifteen days of the date of declaration of result enclosing therewith the prescribed Examination Fee. (4) The eligibility of a student for a ppearing in the Supplementary Examination shall be verified by the Head of Depar tment/Constituent Unit and a list of eligible students containing the details of Course Units in which the students are recommended for appearing in the supplem entary examination shall be forwarded to the Controller of Examinations within o ne week along with prescribed fee payment receipts, after the last date for subm ission of examination forms. (5) Better of two scores obtained after Supplementa ry Examination in repeat course unit(s) shall be taken into consideration for ca lculating the SGPA and CGPA and eligibility for award of a degree/diploma. 12. DISCIPLINARY CONTROL OF STUDENTS IN RELATION TO UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS (1) During examinations, the students shall be under the disciplinary control of the Examination Centre Superintendent who will issue necessary instructions. If a student 9
disobeys instructions or misbehaves with any member of the supervisory staff or University Observer or representative or the invigilators at the Centre, he may be expelled from the examination for that session. The Examination Centre Superi ntendent shall immediately report the facts of such a case with full details of evidence to the Controller of Examinations who will refer the matter to the Exam ination Discipline Committee. The said Committee will make recommendations for d isciplinary action as it may deem fit, to the Vice Chancellor. (2) The students shall maintain proper discipline during the examinations. They shall not make us e of any unfair or dishonest means or indulge in disorderly conduct in the exami nations. (3) ACTS OF DISORDERLY CONDUCT IN THE EXAMINATIONS: Acts of disorderly conduct in the examination, whether practical or oral examination include: (a) M isbehaviour in the examination hall with the Centre Superintendent, the Invigila tor on duty, the Examiner conducting a practical or oral examination or the memb ers of flying squads, the observers, the representatives of the University or th e other staff working at the Examination Centre, or with any other student, in o r around the examination centre, or threat to life of these examination staff, o bservers, members of flying squads etc. before, during or after the examination hour. (b) Intentionally tearing off the answer book(s) or a part thereof or a co ntinuation sheet or any other specific response sheet used in the examination. ( c ) Causing damage to laboratory equipments, books in library and other properti es. (d) Disturbing or disrupting or instigating others to disturb/disrupt the ex amination. (e) Instigating others to leave the examination room. (f) Carrying an y weapons into the examination centre. (g) Non-surrender of previous Grade sheet s on receipt of new Grade sheets. (h) Any act not specified above as determined by the Academic Council. (4) ACTS OF UNFAIR MEANS: The following shall be deemed to be the act of unfair means: (a) Talking to another student or any person, in side or outside the examination hall, during the examination without the permiss ion of a member of the supervisory staff. (b) Leaving the examination hall witho ut handing over the answer book and/ or continuation sheet, if any, or any other specifically designed response sheet to the Invigilator or Supervisor concerned or Centre Superintendent or the authorized officer of the University deputed to the examination centre, and taking away, tearing off or otherwise disposing off the same or any part thereof. (c ) Writing matter connected with or relating to a question or solving a question on any thing (such as piece of paper or cloth, scribbling pad) , other than the answer book, the continuation sheet, any other response sheet specifically provided by the University to the student. (d) Writ ing or sketching abusive or obscene expressions on the answer book or the contin uation sheet or any other response sheet. 10
(e) Deliberately disclosing ones identity or making any distinctive marks in the answer book for that purpose. (f) Making appeal to the Examiner/Evaluator solici ting favour through the answer book or through any other mode. (g) Possession by a Student or having access to books, notes, paper or any other material, whethe r written, inscribed or engraved, or any other device, which could be of help or assistance to him in answering any part of the question paper. (h) Concealing, destroying, disfiguring, swallowing, running away with, causing disappearance of or attempting to do any of these things in respect of any book, notes, paper or other material or device, used or attempted to be used by a student for assista nce or help in answering a question or a part thereof. (i) Passing on or attempt ing to pass on, during the examination hours, a copy of a question paper, or a p art thereof, or solution to a question paper or a part thereof, to any other stu dent or to any person. (j) Smuggling into the examination hall and/ or receiving /attempting to receive an answer book or a continuation sheet, or any other form of response sheet or a solution to a question paper or to a part thereof or tak ing out or arranging to send an answer book or continuation sheet, or replacing or attempting to get replaced the answer book or continuation sheet or any other response sheet during or after the examination with or without the help of or i n connivance with any person connected with the examination, or through any othe r agency, whatsoever. (k) Approaching or influencing directly or indirectly a pa per setter, examiner, evaluator, moderator, tabulator or printer or any other pe rson connected with the university examination with the object, directly or indi rectly, of influencing him to leak out the question paper or any part thereof, o r stealing/procuring the question paper from any source before the examination o r to enhance marks, or favourably evaluate, or to change the award in favour of the student. (l) Any attempt by a student or by any person on his behalf to infl uence, or interfere with, directly or indirectly, the discharge of the duties of a member of the supervisory or inspecting staff of an examination centre before , during or after the examination. Provided that without prejudice to the genera lity of the provision of the clause, this would include any such person who: (i) abuses, insults, intimidates, assaults any member of the supervisory or inspect ing staff, or threatens to do so. (ii) abuses, insults, intimidates, assaults an y other student or threatens to do so, shall be deemed to have interfered with o r influenced the discharge of the duties of the Supervisory and the inspecting s taff within the meaning of this para. (m) Copying, attempting to copy, taking as sistance or help from any book, notes, paper or any other material or device or from any other student, to do any of these things or facilitating or rendering a ny assistance to any other student to do any of these things. (n) Arranging to i mpersonate for any person, whosoever he may be, or for himself or impersonating for the other student at the examination. (o) Forging a document or using a forg ed document knowing it to be forged in any manner relating to the examination. 11
(p) Any other act of omission or commission declared by the Academic Council/Exe cutive Council to be unfair means in respect of any or all the examinations. (5) PENALTIES: (a) The Examination Discipline Committee may recommend penalties as under: i. The entire examinations of the Student in respect of which he is found to have committed an act of disorder during conduct of examinations be cancelle d. ii. The examination for the session or course unit in respect of which a stud ent is found to have used unfair means be cancelled. iii. The examination for th e session or course unit or the entire examination of a student in respect of wh ich he is found to have used unfair means be cancelled. iv. The entire examinati on of the student in respect of which he is found to have used unfair means be c ancelled and he shall further be disqualified from appearing in any University e xamination for a period to be specified by the Committee. (b) A student against whom an enquiry is pending about his allegedly having resorted to the use of dis honest or unfair means, or disorderly conduct in the examination or against whom action is initiated under the provisions of the preceding clause shall, if he t akes or has taken any subsequent examination, be deemed to have been only provis ionally admitted to that subsequent examination. That examination will stand can celled and his result thereof shall not be declared if on account of the punishm ent imposed on him as a result of the said enquiry or action, he would not have been entitled to take that examination but for his provisional admission thereto . (6) APPEALS AND REVIEW (a) A student on whom any punishment has been imposed m ay, within 30 days from the date of the receipt of the communication in that beh alf, may make a representation to the Vice Chancellor for review of his case. Th e Vice Chancellor, if he deems it necessary may, refer it back to Examination Di scipline Committee for review. The recommendations of the Examination Discipline Committee on the Appeal shall be placed before the Vice Chancellor who will the reupon review the case and pass such orders as he may consider fit or may refer it to the Academic Council for advice. (b) In the case of a student who has been expelled from the University in terms of provisions of these regulations, the A cademic Council on the recommendations of the Vice Chancellor, on the expiry of three years or such period as specified after such expulsion exempt a student fr om further operation of the punishment awarded. (c) If within four months of the publication of the results, it is brought to the notice of the Controller of Ex aminations that a student was guilty of the use of dishonest or unfair means at the examination in respect of which his result was declared, the provisions of t hese regulations shall apply mutatis mutandis to the case of such a student prov ided that before imposing any penalty including the penalty of 12
cancellation of his result, he shall be given another opportunity to show cause against the proposed punishment and his explanation, if any, shall be considered by the Academic Council. 13. ISSUE OF GRADE SHEETS (1) In the Grade Sheets, the marks of internal continuous evaluation and end ter m examination shall be shown separately. The total marks obtained in internal co ntinuous evaluation and end term examination of a course unit shall be converted into letter grades. The letter Grade so assessed shall also be shown along with its equivalent grade point in the Grade Sheets. An over-all AGPA/SGPA and CGPA shall also be shown. (2) Duplicate grade sheet shall be issued against payment o f fee as prescribed. 14 RECHECKING/RE-EVALUATION OF ANSWER BOOKS/PROJECT REPORTS AND EXAMINATION RESU LTS (1) The answer book of a student in any examination shall not be reassessed unde r any circumstances. However, after the publication of the results of the Univer sity examinations, if a student, whether passed or failed, has strong grounds an d belief that some mistake has been made in connection with his results, he may apply to the Controller of Examinations through HOI/HOD on prescribed applicatio n form along with attested copy of his Grade sheet for re-checking of his answer book in one or more papers as the case may be on payment of prescribed fee with in two weeks of the date of declaration of results. (2) The Controller of Examin ations may accept the application for rechecking of answer books up to 15 days f rom the expiry of the date in exceptional cases. (3) The Vice Chancellor or the Controller of Examinations suomoto may call for the evaluated answer books for t he purpose of monitoring the quality of evaluation. If considered necessary and for the reasons to be recorded, the answer books can be reevaluated with the spe cific approval of the Vice Chancellor. (4) Whereas, the re-checking does not mea n reassessment or re-evaluation of the answer book, the Controller of Examinatio n may appoint any Officer to see that: (a) there is no mistake in the grand tota l on the title page of the answer book; (b) the total of various parts of a ques tion has been correctly made at the end of each question; (c) all totals have be en correctly brought forward on the title page of the answer book; (d) no portio n of any answer has been left un-evaluated; (e) total marks in the answer book t ally with the marks sheet; (f) the answer book or any part thereof has not been changed/detached; (g) the handwriting of the students supplementary answer sheet tally with the main answer book. (5) In the event of detection of any omission o r mistake in the script or in the compilation of the result of a student, the ma tter shall be reported to the Controller of Examinations who will get the omissi on rectified by referring the answer book to the concerned examiner. 13
(6) If the re-checking revealed, subject to the provisions of the Regulations an y discrepancy by virtue of which the marks of the student are revised, the recor d shall be corrected accordingly and revised grade sheet shall be issued after t he previous grade sheet is surrendered. (7) If any such student refuses to surre nder his previous grade sheet as required under the provisions of the Regulation shall be treated to have misbehaved and shall be dealt with by the Examination Discipline Committee under the relevant provisions of the Regulations. (8) The V ice Chancellor shall also have the powers to effect the recovery of the Grade Sh eet by force through any of the law enforcing agencies. 15. REFUND OF EXAMINATION FEE (1) Examination fee, if any, once paid shall not be refunded or transferred to s ubsequent examination even if the student fails to present himself for the exami nation, except in the following cases: (a) If the name of the student has been s ubmitted by the Head of Department / Constituent Unit but later on his attendanc e is found to be short of the required percentage and his name has been withdraw n at least 10 days before the commencement of examination, 90% of the fee so dep osited will be refunded. (b) If a student is declared pass in the subject(s) and on rechecking resulted into correction in result (even enrolment is allotted), 90% of the fee deposited meant for examination shall be refunded. (c) If the stu dent expires before appearing in the examination, 100% of the fee shall be refun ded to the legal heirs. (2) The claim for refund of any fee, if admissible under these regulations, must be made within one year after the fee is deposited. No claim shall be entertained thereafter. 16. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR STUDENTS RELATING TO EXAMINATIONS Note: Please read the following instructions carefully and comply with them duri ng the conduct of examinations. 1. During the course of conduct of examinations, the student will be under disciplinary control of the Examination Centre Superi ntendent, and the Invigilator. Therefore, he will follow their directions. He sh ould report to the Examination Centre at least 15 minutes before the scheduled t ime of commencement of the examination and occupy the seat allotted to him in th e examination hall. In extreme emergency and on merits of each individual case, the Invigilator may permit his admission to the examination hall if he is late u pto a maximum of 30 minutes. No compensation or extra time will be given to him for his late coming. He should be in possession of Identity Card and Examination Admit Card. He will show his Examination Admit Card issued by the University/In stitution to the Invigilator or any other authorized Officer of the University. Impersonation or impersonated by some body in the examination is an offence. 2. 3. 14
4. He is allowed to carry with him only pen, pencil, eraser, sharpener, inkpot, foo t rule, scale and other instruments (wherever the use of the same is permitted d uring the Examination) in the examination hall. Exchange of such items, question papers and answer books is strictly forbidden. He will not carry any textual ma terial, printed or written, bits of papers or any other material except the Admi t Card/Identity Card inside the Examination Hall. The Invigilator, Observer, Uni versity Representative may conduct search in person, if required. He must ensure that no incriminating material is kept in and around his desk in the examinatio n hall. He is not permitted to carry mobile phone/pager/ lap/palm top computers or any other electronic device. If found, the item will be confiscated in additi on to the disciplinary action. Use of scientific or ordinary calculator as appli cable is permitted if recommended in the question paper. He will maintain comple te silence and discipline in the examination hall. If he wants to have any clari fication he should not discuss with other students taking examination. Instead, put his queries direct to the Invigilator on duty. He will not be allowed to lea ve the examination hall during first one hour. Thereafter, he can be permitted t o leave his seat with permission of the Invigilator for not more than five minut es. If he keeps himself out of the examination hall for more than five minutes, he will not be allowed to write his examination further and disciplinary case wi ll be instituted against him. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Instructions printed on cover page of the Answer Book should be read careful ly and made sure that it contains number of pages including title page printed o n the answer book. If any discrepancy is noticed, the answer book should be got replaced before writing on it. 11. He must read the question paper carefully and ensure that he has received the relevant question paper. In case he finds that the question paper is not related to his course, or there is any misprint, he sh ould make a request to the Invigilator to replace the question paper 12. He shou ld write your Enrolment / Roll number on the question paper, answer book and con tinuation sheet, graph sheet, drawing sheet and such other response sheet immedi ately before responding to question paper. University will not be responsible fo r any inaccuracy of Enrollment/Roll number. 13. Course Code, Course Title and ot her details relating to the examination should be clearly written with ink/ballp oint pen only. 14. He should ensure that answer book and continuation sheets are duly signed with date by the Invigilator otherwise these will be treated as inv alid and disciplinary case will be instituted against him as per Regulations of the University. 15. Writing any thing in the answer book (except the details giv en on cover page of the answer book) before distribution of question paper is st rictly prohibited. Write on both sides of the answer book only. Writing answers or any thing else on the question papers 15
or on the foot-rules, scales, cardboard, desk and other instruments (except wher e the use of the same is permitted during the examination) is strictly prohibite d. 16. He can use last page of the answer book for rough work which should be cr ossed after completion. 17. He should not forget to mention the number of contin uation sheets used in the space provided on the cover page of the answer book. 1 8. He should not tear out or fold the page(s) of the answer book/continuation sh eet or any other response sheet. He should not leave any page blank unnecessaril y. 19. He should properly tie up his answer book, continuation sheet, graph pape r, map or any other response sheet at least 15 minutes before concluding the exa mination and handing it over to the Invigilator. 20. He should not ask for conti nuation sheet until all the pages in the main answer book are exhausted. 21. He will not be permitted to leave the examination hall before half the time allotte d to the question paper is over and without handing over the answer book to the Invigilator. 22. He should not write his name or put any identification mark or special marks inside his answer book/continuation sheets. If he does so, it will be considered as unfair means. 23. Use of intoxicants in the examination hall d uring the examination hours is strictly prohibited. 24. He will not be allowed t o take tea, coffee, cold drinks or snacks into the examination rooms during the examination hours. 25. As soon as the allotted time gets over, he should stop wr iting further and hand over the answer book to the Invigilator. 26. If use of an y unfair means, misbehaviour or misconduct or an act of disorderly conduct is re ported against a student, disciplinary action will be taken against him as per U niversity Regulations. 16
DISCIPLINARY CONTROL OF STUDENTS 1. DISCIPLINARY CONTROL OF STUDENTS IN UNIVERSITY (1) Every student enrolled in the University shall be under disciplinary control of the University and its Departments/Institutions/ Schools/ Colleges/Constitue nt Units/ Centres. (2) At the time of admission, every student shall be required to sign a declaration that on admission, he submits himself to the disciplinary jurisdiction of the Vice Chancellor and several authorities of the University, its Departments/ Institutions/ Schools/Colleges/Constituent Units/Centres who ma y be vested with the authority to exercise discipline under the Acts, the Statut es, the Ordinances, the Regulations and Guidelines that have been framed therein by the University. (3) Without prejudice to the generality of the power to main tain and enforce discipline under these Regulations, the following shall amount to act of indiscipline or misconduct on the part of a student of the University and its Departments/ Institutions/ Schools/Colleges/Constituent Units/ Centres. (a) Physical assault or threat to use physical force against any member of the t eaching and non-teaching staff of any Department/ Institution/School/College/Con stituent Unit/Centre and against any student within the Amity University Uttar P radesh. (b) Unauthorisedly remaining absent from the class, test or examination or any other curricular or co-curricular activity which he is expected to partic ipate in; (c) Carrying of, use of or threat to use of any weapons; (d) Misbehavi our or cruelty towards any other student, teacher or any other employee of the U niversity, a college or institution; (e) Use of drugs or other intoxicants excep t those prescribed by a qualified doctor; (f) Any violation of the provisions of the Civil Rights Protection Act, 1976; (g) Indulging in or encouraging violence or any conduct which involves moral turpitude; (h) Any form of gambling; (i) Di scrimination against any student or a member of staff on grounds of caste, creed , language, place of origin, social and cultural background or any of them; (j) Practicing casteism and untouchability in any form or inciting any other person to do so; (k) Any act, whether verbal or otherwise, derogatory to women; (l) Smo king, use of narcotics, possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages or gam bling in any form; (m) Any attempt at bribing or corruption of any manner or des cription; (n) Willful destruction of the property of the University or its Depar tments / Institutions / Schools / Colleges / Constituent Units / Centres etc.; ( o) Behaving in rowdy, intemperate or disorderly manner in the premises of the Un iversity or the college or the institution, as the case may be, or encouraging o r inciting any other person to do so; 17
(p) Creating discord, ill-will or intolerance among the students on sectarian or communal grounds or inciting any other student to do so; (q) Causing disruption of any manner of the academic functioning of the University system; (r) Indulgi ng in or encouraging any form of disruptive activity connected with tests, exami nations or any other activity of the University or the college or the institutio n, as the case may be; (s) Unpunctuality; (t) Ragging; (u) Violation of the stat us, dignity and honour of students, in particular female students and those belo nging to a scheduled caste or a scheduled tribe or other backward class; (v) Any practice whether verbal or otherwise, derogatory to women; (w) Verbal abuse, me ntal or physical torture, aggression, corporal punishment, harassment, trauma, i ndecent gesture and obscene behaviour of students; (x) Indulging in or encouragi ng any form of disruptive activity connected with tests, examinations or any oth er activity of the University or the college or the institution, as the case may be. (4) The Vice-Chancellor may amend or add to the list of Act of Indiscipline , Misconduct and Misbehaviour under Clause 1(3) above. 2. PENALTIES FOR BREACH OF DISCIPLINE (1) Without prejudice to the generality of his powers relating to the maintenanc e of discipline and taking such action in the interest of maintaining discipline as deemed appropriate by him the Vice-Chancellor, Heads of Departments/ Institu tions as the case may be, may in the exercise of their powers aforesaid, order o r direct that any student: (a) be expelled from the University, college or insti tution, as the case may be, in which case he shall not be re-admitted to the Uni versity, college or institution from where he is expelled but it shall not precl ude his admission to any other institution with the prior approval of the Vice-C hancellor; or (b) be, for a stated period, rusticated in which case he shall not be admitted to the university or institution, till expiry of the period of rust ication; or (c) be not, for a stated period, admitted to a course or courses of study of the University; or (d) be imposed with the fine of a specified amount o f money; or (e) be debarred from taking a University examination or examinations for one or more years. (2) The Vice-Chancellor, in exercise of his powers afore said or on the recommendations of the Head of Department/Institution, may also o rder or direct that the result of the student concerned of the examination or ex aminations at which he has appeared, be cancelled. 18
3. RAGGING (1) Ragging, in any form being illegal as per the decision of Honble Supreme Co urt of India, is strictly prohibited within the premises of the University, its Hostels, Departments/ Institutions/ Schools/ Colleges/Constituent Units/Centres and any part of Amity University system as well as on public transport system. A ny individual or collective act or practice of ragging constitutes gross indisci pline and shall be dealt with under these Regulations. (2) The acts or practices of ragging (a) Physical assault or threat and/or use of physical force. (b) Vio late the status, dignity and honour of female students. (c) Expose students to r idicule and contempt and affect their self esteem. (d) Entail verbal abuse and a ggressions, indecent gestures and obscene behaviour. (e) Compelling new comers t o indulge in activities amounting to dangerous stunts. (f) Forcing junior/newly joined students to parade and stage entertainment. (g) Imposing financial burden by way of forced celebrations and hosting. (h) Creating rowdy scenes through fo rcible acts and thus compelling the juniors to participate. (i) (j) Forcing the new comers to create noisy and disorderly scene. Tease, crack rough jokes and en gage in rough play against companions and specially the newly joined students. (k) Be noisy and riotous and thus disturbing the peace and tranquility of the Ca mpus. Abetment to ragging whether by way of any act, practice, or incitement of ragging will also amount to ragging. 4. PENALTIES FOR RAGGING (1) On receipt of a report or a determination by the relevant authority under th ese Regulations disclosing the occurrence of ragging incidents described in thes e regulations by the Vice Chancellor or by any authority under these Regulations , the student(s) involved in ragging, shall be expelled for a specified term, de signated in the order. Non -students involved in reports of ragging will be proc eeded with under the criminal law of India. Ex-Students involved in ragging and against whom necessary action is taken under these provisions, will also be rend ered ineligible for a period of five years from seeking enrolment in any of the Institutions of the University. They will, however, be given post decisional hea ring, with strict adherence to the law of natural justice. (2) In case any stude nt who has obtained degree or diploma of the University is found guilty; under t hese Regulations, appropriate action will be taken under the provisions of the S tatutes and Regulations relating to Conduct of Examinations. 19
SCHOLARSHIPS To reward the hard work and academic excellence achieved by meritorious students in their academic endeavours in various Programmes, Scholarships & Awards are g ranted to the students at Amity University. Some of the corporate associated wit h Amity University also reward students with scholarships & medals. Amity Schola rships are granted on annual basis and continuation in the second and subsequent years of the program is subject to the academic performance (Merit List based o n CGPA) & other conditions as laid down in the Guidelines on Scholarships, Awar d & Medals which can be viewed on AMIZONE. Following types of scholarships are offered to the students in Amity University: 1. On Admission Merit-Scholarship These scholarships are granted at the time of admission on the basis of School and / or Graduation results. The amount of scholarship is 50% or 100% of academi c year tuition fee. Merit-Scholarship During the Programme - These scholarships are granted from second year onwards for encouraging students to achieve higher performance during their studies in their respective academic programmes. The am ount of scholarship is 30% of academic year tuition fee. Merit-Cum-Means (MCM) S cholarship - These scholarships are for students who are academically good and n eed financial assistance from the University. The amount of scholarship is 50% o f tuition fee (Academic Year). Students need to apply for such scholarships to t heir respective Head of Institution as per the prescribed format & support docum ents at the beginning of the year. Special Scholarships - These scholarships are for the students showing extraordinary achievements in extra curricular activit ies. The amount of scholarship depends on individual cases. Students are require d to apply for the same at the commencement of the Academic Session. 2. 3. 4. 20
HOSTEL ACCOMMODATION 1. INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE RESIDENTS: (HOSTEL STUDENTS) The residents are expected to abide by the instructions which are in accordance with the requirements of social and corporate life and to ensure a conducive atm osphere for their studies and growth. (1) The accommodation in the hostel is mea nt for the students from the date of admission till the last day of the academic session. However, the students can be permitted by their wardens to stay in hos tel on the recommendations of the Heads of Institutions for the specified reason s and for the period of summer training or completion of any other academic acti vity against payment of additional hostel fees and charges. (2) Hostel room cann ot be sublet to or shared by any day scholar or any outsider. The students are n ot permitted to change their rooms without specific written approval of the ward en. Failure to vacate the hostel by the due date will render the residents liabl e to disciplinary action or fine as may be prescribed from time to time by the U niversity, or both and the eviction process shall be initiated against him/her. (3) At the time of occupying the room, the student shall be required to sign the inventory of the fittings, equipments and other items provided to him/her. No d emand for additional furniture will be entertained. He/she shall be personally r esponsible for the safe custody of the same. They shall have to make good any lo ss by paying for the cost of damage, if any. In case the defaulter is not traced , collective penalty would be imposed, if necessary. Any vandalism/willful damag e to hostel property will be severely dealt with and students found indulging in such acts will face disciplinary action. (4) The students shall keep their room s, corridors, staircase and bathrooms spotlessly clean and tidy at all times fai ling which they will be asked to vacate the hostel. (5) The students can be perm itted to visit their local guardians on week-ends and holidays announced by the University and stay out after obtaining special written permission and Gate Pass from their warden. However, such permission will be granted to female students only when they are accompanied by the persons authorized by their parents. No st udent is expected to move out side the campus and their hostels after the timing s as notified from time to time. (6) Any application for withdrawal from hostel shall have written concurrence of the parents/guardians. (7) No visitor shall be allowed to stay in the hostel room. (8) Guests/visitors are not permitted to en ter the hostel and visit students in their rooms. They, however, can be allowed to visit them only in the cafeteria/ visitors rooms between 6.00 P.M. to 8.00 P. M. On week-ends and holidays announced by the University, they can also be permi tted between 10.00 AM to 12.00 Noon. The University reserves the right to deny e ntry into the Hostel to visitor(s), if their visit is likely to disturb peace an d order in the hostel. 21
(9) The students shall switch off the lights, fans and air conditioners, air coo lers, before they go out of the room. (10) Use of personal electrical appliances like air conditioners, air coolers, fridge, heater and kettles in the rooms is not permitted. (11) The Warden or his/her nominee is empowered to inspect the pr emises to ascertain the state of affairs of the premises as well as the status o f occupancy in the presence or absence of the students. (12) The students are pe rsonally responsible for the security of their apartments and their belongings. They shall lock their apartment properly before leaving. The University shall no t be responsible for any loss of their private or other property and Police inve stigation on FIR in such cases is not permissible. (13) Complaints, if any, pert aining to the maintenance shall be made in writing to the Warden. (14) The stude nts must not indulge in any act of intimidation, any brawl/fight or violence or drunken or riotous behaviour. Smoking, use of narcotics, possession and consumpt ion of alcoholic beverages or gambling in any form in hostel are strictly prohib ited. Defaulters shall be required to vacate the hostel and face disciplinary ac tion. (15) The students are not allowed to remove magazines or newspapers or any other property from the common room, dining hall, visitors room or any other ro om of the hostels. (16) Cooking of food in the rooms is strictly prohibited. (17 ) The students shall maintain decorum in the common room. They will observe meal timings in cafeterias. Coming to the dining room in night clothes, shorts, lung is or similar attire, bathroom/ rubber slippers or in any other indecent apparel is not allowed. (18) Ragging in any form is illegal and strictly prohibited wit hin the premises of the University, Hostels and Institutions and any part of the Amity University system as well as on public transport system. Any individual o r collective act or practice of ragging constitute gross indiscipline and attrac t disciplinary action as provided in the Regulations relating to Maintenance of Discipline among Students. (19) All the members of the University community have the right to privacy and that the residential area shall in no case be used as venues of protests and agitations. (20) Male and female students are not permitt ed to visit each others hostel. (21) Pets are not allowed within the hostel. (2 2) The students before proceeding on leave or vacating their rooms after their a nnual examinations shall hand over all items provided to him along with the keys to the hostel authorities along with inventory duly signed by the warden or his /her authorized representative so that necessary annual repair and stock taking is done. In case of loss of keys, the actual cost of replacement of complete loc k shall be recovered from the students. (23) Re-allotment of hostel accommodatio n to old student for next academic session is subject to the condition that he/s he had 85% attendance in aggregate of all the courses in the classes during prev ious year. They shall submit their applications duly 22
recommended by their warden and Head of Institution to the Director Admissions b y the date announced for the submission of application positively. The Hostel In charge, subject to availability of rooms will make allotment against payment of hostel fees and other charges before the end of previous academic session. Re-al lotment of hostel accommodation cannot be claimed as a matter of right. (24) Whe never students move out from the hostel with baggage during vacations or on auth orized leave sanctioned by their respective Programme Directors/Institutional He ads, they shall get the application for out pass signed by their Programme Direc tor/Heads of Institutions for obtaining their Gate Pass for their personal belon gings from their Wardens. Such moves will only be through the authorized gates. (25) The students can play music in their rooms only in low tone till 10.00 P.M. without disturbing peace of others. (Only Walkmen or Discman are permitted). (2 6) Hanging of clothes at a place other than specified for the purpose such as, l inen on windowsills, balconies etc. is not permitted. (27) Students are not perm itted to keep their four-wheeler vehicles inside the campus. However, two wheele rs can be permitted by their wardens on receipt of specific requests from the st udents mentioning the details about their valid driving licence and the details of their vehicles in application. (28) All the students shall possess valid Host el Identity Card at all times. In case the Identity Card is lost, duplicate Iden tity Card will be issued by the warden against payment of the prescribed cost. ( 29) Celebration/party by the students can be held upto 11.00 PM with specific wr itten permission of the hostel warden to be obtained atleast two days in advance . (30) The University reserves the right to close any or all hostels suo moto. 2. GRIEVANCE REDRESSAL MECHANISM FOR STUDENTS (1) Any grievance from a resident student or students in the first instance shal l be referred to the concerned warden who will depending upon the nature of the grievance, ensure that it is processed by him/her as speedily as possible and in no case later than a fortnight from the date of its receipt. (2) In case the re sident student or students are not satisfied with the action taken by the warden the student(s) may bring the grievance in writing to the notice of the Dean, St udents Welfare as soon as the decision of the warden has been notified and in no case later than three weeks from the date of the decision of the warden. (3) Th e Dean, Students Welfare will ensure that the grievance is looked into by him as speedily as possible depending upon its nature and in any case within a fortnig ht from the date the complaint was lodged. (4) The students may appeal against t he decision of the Dean, Students Welfare/Managing Committee of the hostel in wr iting to the Vice Chancellor. 23
REGISTRATION, FEE PAYMENT AND READMISSION OF STUDENTS The following guidelines outline the process of registration, fee payment, late fee provisions, withdrawal from an academic programme by a student and striking off the name in case of fee default, and re-admission provisions. 1. FRESH REGISTRATION The student on the date of commencement of the Academic Session, as specified in the Admission Letter will report to the concerned Institution. (1) DOCUMENTS RE QUIRED IN ORIGINAL AT THE TIME OF REGISTRATION (a) Proof of the date of birth (S econdary School Certificate issued by the affiliating Board). (b) Certificate an d marks sheet of qualifying examination issued by the Board / University. In cas e where the University has prescribed a condition of passing a subject or subjec ts at some level, the Certificate/Marks sheet of the concerned examination in pr oof thereof should also be produced. (c) Conduct and Character Certificate from the Head of Institution from where the qualifying examination was passed. (d) SC /ST/Physically Handicapped/Defence Category/Kashmiri Migrants/ Minority Status C ertificates, bonafide resident of Uttar Pradesh, if applicable. (e) Migration Ce rtificate. (f) Undertaking in the prescribed Proforma, (applicable in case of th ose students whose results have not been declared at the time of Registration) ( as at Annexure-I). (g) Any other document notified through Prospectus. (2) VERIF ICATION OF ELIGIBILITY CONDITIONS / ISSUE OF ENROLLMENT NUMBERS: (a) On the day of commencement of the Programme / Course, the original Certificates and Markshe ets (original & two sets of attested photocopies) will be verified by the respec tive institutions with respect to the eligibility conditions prescribed for the Course / Programme. (b) Fresh Registration of students for a programme of AUUP w ill take place online at AMIZONE with the respective HOIs/HODs Login on the date of commencement of the Programme and will be based on full academic fee paid an d profile entered. (c) No student shall be eligible for registration to a first degree programmes unless he/she has successfully passed the examination of 10+2. The Certificates of the students may be checked at the time of registration and in case it is found that the student does not fulfill the eligibility criteria on the basis of 10+2 examination for admission to 1st Degree, he will not be reg istered at all. (d) No student shall be eligible for registration to Integrated Masters Degree programmes unless he/she has successfully passed the examination of 10+2. The 24
Certificates of the students may be checked at the time of registration and in c ase it is found that the student does not fulfill the eligibility criteria on th e basis of 10+2 examination for admission to Integrated Masters Degree programm es, he will not be registered at all. (e) No student shall be eligible for admis sion to a Masters Degree programme unless he/she has successfully completed thr ee years/four years of an undergraduate degree or earned prescribed number of cr edits for an undergraduate degree, through the examinations conducted by a Unive rsity/Autonomous Institution. (f) The Certificate of eligibility (i.e. Graduatio n) for admission to Masters Degree programmes will be verified at the time of r egistration by the concerned Institution. In the case of students, who have alre ady appeared in the qualifying examinations, but their results have not been dec lared by the University/Autonomous Institution, they will be provisionally regis tered, subject to the production of proof and a letter from the concerned Univer sity/Autonomous Institution certifying that the student has appeared in all the papers of last semester/year and the back papers of previous semesters (if any) and his/her result has not yet been declared. (g) An undertaking will be given in the Format presented from him/her & his/her parents/guardian that he/she will submit the Documents in support of the eligibi lity by the last working day of October of the year failing which the admission will be cancelled and the name struck off from the rolls of the University and f ee deposited will be forfeited. (h) Enrolment Number will be provided to the student and Smart Card issued, only aft er the student actually registers, after verification of eligibility conditions by the Institution/ Department. In case of students, who have not submitted the proof in regard to fulfillment of the eligibility conditions and have been regis tered provisionally on an undertaking, the status of Enrollment Number given wil l remain provisional till the submission of proof Students who fail to submit do cuments in support of their eligibility by last working day of October and are n ot granted extension will not be allowed to attend classes from 01 November onwa rds. (i) (j) (k) As long as a students Enrolment Number is Provisional, he will not be allow ed to take the Examination. Only students with Confirmed Enrolment Numbers will be allowed to take the Examination 2. RE-REGISTRATION In case of subsequent semesters, the registration will take place on the date(s) decided and notified, as per the Academic Calendar. On re-registration, HOI/HOD will ensure that:(1) eligibility criteria and other documents have already been verified (2) the student is eligible for promotion to the semester in which he is to be re-registered (3) the student has paid all the fees 25
If (1) or (2) or (3) is not fulfilled, he will not be re-registered and his case will be referred to University Headquarters. 3. FEE PAYMENT The fee payment schedule for a year is issued, based on dates of commencement of semesters/ years of various programmes. The same is put up on the Notice Boards of the Institution and is also available on Amizone. 4. LATE FEES For 10 days or the date given in the calendar (whichever is later) from the last date of fee payment, students will be required to pay late fees at the rate of Rs. 50/- per day. After 10th day and till the 30th day from the last date of fee payment (i.e. additional 20 days) student will have to pay a late fee of Rs. 7, 500/-. After 30 days from the last date of payment, the names of the defaulters will be struck off the rolls. If any such student still wants to pay fees and co ntinue in the programme, it will be permissible under the provisions of re-admis sion as given in the next section. 5. RE-ADMISSION Any student who wants to pay the fees after 30 days from the last date of fee pa yment and continue the programme, may be permitted to do so provided the student applies for readmission and the case is recommended by the Head of the Institut ion/Department to the Admissions Committee. If the readmission is approved by th e Admissions Committee, the Committee will inform the same to the student, the H ead of the Institution/Department, Accounts Department, Admissions Department an d the University. On readmission, a student will be required to pay readmission fee of Rs. 15,000/- in addition to all other dues. 26
AMIZONE - THE AMITY INTRANET ZONE To access Amizone a User-id and Password is allotted to each and every student o f Amity University. The students are required to fill their Personal Profile onl ine at the time of Registration to their Programme on Amizone. It must be ensure d that correct details are filled in the form. Strict disciplinary action will b e taken against students who have provided wrong information in their Profile. T hrough Amizone students can access their Programme Structure, Detailed Curriculu m, Session Plans of the Faculty, Assignments, Marks of Continuous Assessment, Ex amination Results etc. The Attendance is marked for all the courses by the respe ctive faculty members on-line; hence the students must check the same every day. Any discrepancy observed in the marking of attendance or Official Duty (OD) (in case OD is approved), the same must be reported immediately. No application wil l be entertained after a lapse of ten days. Students must check the notices put up on Amizone on daily basis since all the schedules like Timetable, Fee Payment Dates, Dates for Commencement of Semester, Examination Schedule, Holidays etc a re put up on Amizone. The University will not be held responsibile for any lapse on the part of the students for not taking note of the notices put up on Amizon e. 27
TERMS & CONDITIONS In accordance with Amity University Uttar Pradesh Act, 2005, the Statutes and Or dinances made thereunder, the academic matters are governed by the Regulations f ramed by the competent authorities of the University. In this booklet, contents from the Regulations that are relevant to the students have been included. This compilation is not a legal document but is for the guidance and reference of the students only. Notwithstanding anything stated in the booklet, for any unforese en issues arising, or not covered in the booklet or in the event of difference i n the interpretation, the provisions contained in the Regulations shall prevail and shall be final and binding. Amity University reserves its right to alter or modify any of the provisions that may be deemed fit in the interest of the Unive rsity and would help attain the objective of excellence. The term He & His used in t he booklet implies he/ she and his / her respectively. 28
DECLARATION FORM TO BE SIGNED BY THE STUDENT AND SUBMITTED TO INSTITUTE AT THE T IME OF JOINING THE PROGRAMME OF THE UNIVERSITY DECLARATION I _______________________________________ Son/Daughter of ______________________ __ hereby affirm and state that I have gone through the extracts from Regulation s printed in this booklet. These Regulations were explained to me during the ori entation programme and I was given enough opportunity to clarify my doubts (if a ny) about these Regulations. I am aware that these Regulations are binding on me . I certify that I have understood these Regulations and I undertake to abide by t hese Regulations. I shall be responsible and will be liable for appropriate acti on against me if I do not fulfill the academic and other requirements as specifi ed in my Programme curriculum. The Amity University and the Institute will not b e held responsible for not informing me about the same. _______________________ (Signature of the Student) Roll No. ____________________ ____________ Enrolment No.__________________________ Programme _________________ ____________ Address: _______________________________ __________________________ _____________ _______________________________________ Phone No. ______________ M obile_________ Signature of Parent Date _______________ E.Mail: ________________ _________________ 29