Chapter 26 : Mortars
Chapter 26 Mortars
2.1 MATERIALS 2.1.1 Water General - Water used for mixing and curing shall be clean and free from injurious quantities of alkalies, acids, oils, salts, sugar, organic materials, vegetable growth or other substances that may be deleterious to bricks, stone, concrete or steel. Potable water is generally considered satisfactory for mixing. The pH value of water shall be not less than 6. The following concentrations represent the maximum permissible values: (of deleterious materials in water). Reference may be made to Concrete Bridge Code (Revised 1997). (a) Limits of Acidity: To neutralise 200ml sample of water, using phenophthalein as an indicator, it should not require more than 2 ml of 0.10 normal NaOH. The details of test shall be as given in IS: 3025 (part 22). (b) Limits of Alkalinity: To neutralise 200ml sample of water, using mixed indicator, it should not require more than 10 ml of 0.10 normal HCl. The details of tests shall be as given in IS: 3025 (part 23). (c) Percentage of Solids: Maximum permissible limits of solids when tested in accordance with IS: 3025 shall be as under: Organic 200 mg/litre Inorganic 3000 mg/litre Sulphates (as SO4) 500 mg/litre Chlorides (as Cl) 500 mg/ litre for Prestressed Concrete Work, 1000 mg/ litre for Reinforced Concrete work and 2000 mg/ litre for Plain Concrete Work. Suspended matter 2000 mg/litre The physical and chemical properties of water used for mixing and curing should conform to the requirements of IS:456. The contractor has to arrange good quality water for construction indicating the source]. Water for Curing Water found satisfactory for mixing is also suitable for curing. However, water used for curing shall not produce any objectionable stain or unsightly deposit on the surface. The presence of tannic acid or iron compounds in the water meant for curing is objectionable. Use of Sea Water - Sea water shall not be used for mixing or curing. Frequency of Testing for Quality - Water from each source shall be tested before commencement of the work and thereafter once in every three months till completion of the work or when ordered. In case of ground water, testing shall also be done for different points of draw down. Water from each source shall be got tested during the dry season before monsoon and again after monsoon. Test for Strength - In case of doubt regarding development of strength the suitability of water for making concrete shall be ascertained by the compressive strength and initial setting time tests specified in subparas (a) to (c) below. (a) The sample of water taken for testing should represent the water proposed to be used for concreting due account being paid to seasonal variation. The sample shall not receive any treatment before testing other than that envisaged in the regular supply of water proposed for use in concrete. The sample should be stored in a clean container previously rinsed with similar water. (b) Average 28 days compressive strength of at least three 15 cm concrete cubes prepared with water proposed to be used shall not be less than 90 percent of the average of strength of three similar concrete cubes prepared with distilled water. The cubes shall be prepared, cured and tested in accordance with the requirements of IS:516. (c) The initial setting time of test block made with the appropriate cement and the water proposed to be used shall not be less than 30 minutes and shall not differ by + 30 minutes from the initial setting time of control test block prepared and tested in accordance with the requirements of IS: 4031. 26.1.2 Cement General - The cement used shall be any of the following and the type selected should be appropriate for the intended use. (a) 33 grade ordinary Portland cement conforming to IS:269
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(b) 43 grade ordinary Portland cement conforming to IS: 8112 (c) 53 grade ordinary Portland cement conforming to IS:12269 (d) Rapid hardening Portland cement conforming to IS:8041 (e) Portland Slag cement conforming to IS:455 (f) Portland pozzolona cement (flyash based) conforming to IS:1489 (part 1) (g) Portland Pozzolana cement (calcined clay based) conforming to IS:1489 (part 2) (h) Hydrophobic cement conforming to IS:8043. (i) Low heat Portland cement conforming to IS:12600 (j) Sulphate resisting Portland cement conforming to IS:12330. Different types of cement shall not be mixed together. In case more than one type of cement is used in any work, a record shall be kept showing the location and the types of cement used. Caution in use of cement Grade 53 in construction - In case of Grade 33 cement, the gain in strength will continue th beyond 28 day. Because, of early gain, gain of strength by other cements will not th increase much beyond 28 day. In addition, because of the faster hydration process, the concrete also releases heat of hydration at a much faster rate initially and release of heat is the highest in case of Grade 53. The heat of hydration being higher, the chances of micro cracking of concrete is much greater. Thus, during initial setting period of concrete, the higher heat of hydration can lead to damages by way of micro-cracking within the concrete which may not be visible at surface. This cracking is different from shrinkage
cracks which occur due to faster drying of concrete in windy conditions. The situation can be worse if the quantity of the cement in concrete is increased with a belief that such increases are better for both strength and durability of concrete. Thus, it is very essential to be forewarned that higher grade cement, specially grade 53, should be used only where such use is warranted for making higher strength concrete and also where good Quality Assurance measures are in place, by which proper precautions are taken to relieve the higher heat of hydration through chilling of aggregates or by proper curing of concrete. Higher grade cement if used for low strength concrete, as mortar or even for plastering can lead to unnecessary cracking of concrete / surfaces. Another issue to be cautioned against is the tendency of the manufacturers to project grade 53 cement as a stronger cement, whereas grade 33 or 43 is normally enough to produce the concrete of desired characteristic strength. Higher grade cement should hence be used only where there is the need for it on design considerations. Chloride Content - In terms of Correction Slip No.1 dated 26.04.2000 to Concrete Bridge Code (Revised 1997), the total Chloride content by weight in Cement shall not exceed the following values. (a) For Prestressed Concrete works (i) Under extreme and very severe environment : 0.06% (ii) Under severe, moderate and mild environment : 0.10% (b) For R.C.C. Works : 0.15% Compressive Strength Compressive strength requirement of ordinary Portland cement of various grades when tested in accordance with IS:4031 (part 6) shall be as under :
Strength in N/mm2 - not less than for Gr.33 16 22 33 Gr.43 23 33 43 Gr.53 27 37 53 IS:4031 shall conform to the following requirement. (a) Initial setting time : Not less than 30 minutes Setting time - Setting time of cement of any type or any grade when tested by Vicat apparatus method described in
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(b) Final setting time: Not more than 600 minutes Supply - The cement shall be packed in jute sacking bags conforming to IS:2580-1982, double hessian bituminised (CRI type) or woven HDPE conforming to IS 11652:1986, woven polypropylene conforming to IS:11653:1986, jute synthetic union conforming to IS:12174:1987, or any other approved composite bags, bearing the manufacturers name or his registered trade mark if any, and grade and type of cement. Every delivery of cement shall be accompanied by a producers certificate confirming that the supplied cement conforms to relevant specifications. These certificates shall be endorsed to the Engineer for his record. Every consignment of cement must have identification marks on packages indicating date of manufacture and grade and type of cement. Cement when brought to works shall not be more than 6 weeks old from the date of manufacture. In case due to some reasons it is not possible to use the cement within 3 months then it should be ensured that older lot is used in the lean concrete or other unimportant items of work. Effective precautionary measures shall be taken to eliminate dust nuisance during loading or transferring cement. Stacking and Storage - Cement in bags shall be stored and stacked in a shed which is dry, leak proof and as moisture proof as possible. Flooring of the shed shall consist of the two layers of dry bricks laid on well consolidated earth to avoid contact of cement bags with the floor. Stacking shall be done about 150 to 200mm clear above the floor using wooden planks, old wooden sleepers or scrap GI sheets. Cement bags shall be stacked at least 450mm clear off the walls and in rows of two bags leaving in a space of atleast 600mm between two consecutive rows. In each row the cement bags shall be kept close together so as to reduce air circulation. Stacking shall not be more than 10bags high to avoid lumping under pressure. In stacks more than 8 bags high, the cement bags shall be arranged in header and stretcher fashion, i.e. alternately lengthwise and crosswise so as to tie the stacks together and minimise the danger of toppling over. A typical arrangement for storing and stacking of cement is shown in Fig.26.1. Different types of cement shall be stacked and stored separately. Cement bags shall be stacked in a manner to facilitate their
removal and use in the order in which they are received. For extra safety during monsoon, or when cement is expected to be stored for an unusually long period, each stack shall be completely enclosed by a water proofing membrane, such as polythylene/ tarpauline, which shall cover the top of the stack. Care shall be taken to see that the water proofing membrane is not damaged at any time during use. Cement which is set or partially set should on no account be used. Storage of cement at the work site shall be at the contractors expense and risk. Any damage occurring to cement due to faulty storage in contractors shed or on account of negligence on his part shall be the liability of the contractor. Different types of cements and their properties (a) 33 Grade Ordinary Portland Cement: IS 269-1989 This ordinary basic Portland cement is in maximum use in the country and is the most suitable cement for all masonry and general concrete works where the members are not to take very high stresses. This cement is not suitable where the member is exposed to sulphates in soil or in ground water. b. 43 Grade Ordinary Portland Cement: IS 8112-1989 and c. 53 Grade Ordinary Portland Cement: IS: 12269-1987 Both above types of cements are used where high early strengths in 1 to 28 days range are required. However, the further growth of strength beyond 28 days will be much lower than expected traditionally. These grades of cement are mainly used for RCC works, where a member has to take high tensile stress. d. Portland Pozzolana Cement: IS: 1489-1991 The pozzolana used in the manufacture of Portland pozzolana cement is burnt clay, shale, or fly ash. The proportion of pozzolana used varies between 10 to 25 per cent by weight of cement as stipulated by Bureau of Indian Standards. In terms of Correction Slip No.9 dated 27.03.2006 to Concrete Bridge Code (Revised 1997) the use of Portland Pozzolana Cement is subject to the following. i) Portland Pozzolana cement shall not be used for PSC Works. When Portland
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Pozzolana Cement is used in plain and reinforced concrete, it is to be ensured that proper damp curing of concrete atleast for 14 days and supporting form work shall not be removed till concrete attains at least 75% of the design strength. ii) The rate of development of strength is slow in case of blended cement i.e. Portland Pozzolana cement as compared to ordinary Portland Cement. This aspect should be taken care of while planning to use blended cement. Accordingly stage of prestressing, period of removal of form work and period of curing etc. should be suitably increased. iii) Compatibility of chemical admixtures and super plasticizers with Portland Pozolana Cement shall be ensured by trials before use. iv) Some other properties of concrete such as modulus of elasticity, tensile strength, creep and shrinkage are not likely to be significantly different. For design purposes, it will be sufficiently accurate to take the same value as those used for concrete made with OPC. (d)e. Portland (Blast Furnace) Slag Cement: IS: 455-1989 This type of cement is manufactured by intergrinding the portland cement clinker and blast furnace slag in the proportion of blast furnace slag not exceeding 65% as per Bureau of Indian Standards. The granular slag possesses latent hydraulic properties which are activated when the slag is interground with the portland cement clinker. Portland blast furnace slag cement can be used for all purposes for which ordinary portland cement is used and it can also be used with advantage in mass concrete structures such as retaining walls, foundations and bridge abutments in view of its low heat evolution quality. In terms of Correction Slip No.9 dated 27.03.2006 to Concrete Bridge Code (Revised 1997) the use of Portland Slag Cement is subject to the following: i) Mixing of 50% blast furnace slag with OPC cement at site shall not normally be permitted. However, in exceptional cases for bridges requiring higher levels of durability using blended cement which is not available from manufacturers, blending at site may be permitted subject to ensuring dedicated facilities and complete mechanized process control to achieve specified quality with the special permission of Chief Engineer/ Chief Bridge Engineer.
ii) The rate of development of strength is slow in case of blended cement i.e. Portland slag cement, as compared to ordinary Portland Cement. This aspect should be taken care while planning to use blended cement. Accordingly stage of prestressing, period of removal of form work and period of curing etc. should be suitably increased. iii) Compatibility of chemical admixtures and super plasticizers with Portland blast furnace slag cement shall be ensured by trials before use. iv) Some other properties of concrete such as modulus of elasticity, tensile strength, creep and shrinkage are not likely to be significantly different. For design purposes, it will be sufficiently accurate to take the same value as those used for concrete made with OPC. (f)f. Rapid Hardening Portland cement: IS 8041-1990 This cement attains greater strengths at early ages and is hence sometimes called as high early strength cement. This cement at the age of 3 days itself develops the strength developed by ordinary portland cement at the age of 7 days with the same water cement ratio. The use of rapid hardening cement enables the removal of forms early in case of both Precast and Cast-in situ concrete works and hence considerable time and money can be saved. In road works especially where it is imperative to open the road to traffic with minimum delay, the use of this cement will be very much helpful. (f)g. Hydrophobic Portland Cement: IS 8043-1991 This is cement, which repels water, and can be transported even during rains and stored in humid conditions. While manufacturing the above cement, water repellent chemicals are added during the process of grinding. The chemicals thus added form monomolecular coating over each grain of cement, which prevents water or moisture from air from being readily absorbed by the cement. However, when the cement is mixed with aggregates the above chemical coating gets removed due to abrasion and the hydration takes place exactly in the same way as with ordinary portland cement. (g)h. Low Heat Portland Cement: IS: 12600-1989 In massive structures such as concrete bridge abutments, retaining walls, etc. when concrete is poured it generates considerable heat due to chemical reaction which takes place while cement is setting and hardening,
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and if the rate at which the heat can be lost from the surface is lower, this will build up extra heat in the structure which is dangerous. Tensile stresses are developed in the concrete when the shrinkage occurs during subsequent curing and thus serious cracks would be developed. In ordinary concrete construction this evolution of heat is of little consequence. Hence, to prevent the above damage low heat portland cement can be profitably used. The low heat cement has better resistance to chemical deterioration than the ordinary portland cement. The rate of development of strength with this cement is much lower than the ordinary portland cement. It is only at the age of 3 months that the strength achieved by the use of both types of cements will be equal. (h)i. Sulphate resisting Portland Cement: IS: 12330-1988 If the soil contains very high quantity of sulphate it percolates through ground waters. In such areas of alkali conditions, for doing works like canal lining, pipe lines, culverts etc. a cement resistant to sulphate attack of very high degree is required. It is essential to conduct tests to confirm actual values of sulphate concentration, when the structure is located near sea coast, chemical factories, agriculture land using chemical fertilizers and sites where there are effluent discharges or where soluble sulphate bearing ground water level is high. In terms of Correction Slip No.1 dated 26.04.2000 to Concrete Bridge Code (Revised 1997), sulphate resisting cement shall be used only in such conditions where the concrete is exposed to the risk of excessive sulphate attack (eg) concrete in contact with soil or ground water containing excessive amount of sulphate. It shall not be used under such conditions where concrete is exposed to risk of excessive chlorides and sulphate attack both. j. High Alumina Cement: IS 6452-1989 The main characteristic features of high Alumina cements are they attain high early strength, high heat of hydration and have a good resistance to chemical attack. Initial setting time for high Alumina cement is just 3 minutes when compared to 30 to 45 minutes taken by ordinary portland cement. The final time of setting is just 2 hours after initial setting when compared to about 10 hours taken by ordinary portland cement. Also the high alumina cement attains a strength of 2 2 300 kgs/cm after one day and 350 kgs/cm nd after 2 day when compared to the strength achieved by ordinary portland cement as 150 2 kg/cm after one day. Considering the
advantage of high heat of hydration and development of high early strength it can be used in some of the cold regions as a structural material. (k)k. White Portland Cement: IS:80421989 On strength and durability the white cement is as durable and strong as ordinary portland cement, but because of its white colour it is mainly used in interior and exterior decorative works such as external renderings of buildings, facng slabs, terrazzo tiles and floorings, ornamental concrete products, swimming pools, etc. 26.1.3 Fine Aggregate General - Aggregate most of which passes through 4.75mm IS sieve is known as fine aggregate. Fine aggregate shall consist of natural sand, crushed stone sand or crushed gravel sand, stone dust or marble dust, fly ash, Surkhi (crushed brick) or cinder conforming to IS:2686. It shall be hard, durable, chemically inert, clean and free from adherent coatings, organic matter etc. and shall not contain any appreciable amount of clay balls or pellets and harmful impurities e.g. iron pyrites, alkalies, salts, coal, mica, shale or similar laminated materials in such form or in such quantities as to cause corrosion of metal or affect adversely the hardening, the strength, the durability or the appearance of mortar, plaster or concrete. The sum of the percentages of all deleterious material shall not exceed 5%. Fine aggregate must be checked for organic impurities such as decayed vegetation humus, coal dust etc. in accordance with the procedure prescribed in Annexure 26.2. In terms of Correction Slip No.1 dated 26.04.2000 to Indian Railways Concrete Bridge Code (Revised 1997), in general, marine aggregate shall not be used for Reinforced Concrete and Prestressed Concrete works. However in special cases use of marine aggregate may be permitted by the Engineer subject to the following: a) It shall be thoroughly washed. b) Generally the limits for Chloride Content and Sulphate content in fine aggregate after washing will be as under Chloride content. 0.04% by weight acid soluble; Sulphate content 0.40% by weight acid soluble. After washing and drying the aggregate should conform to IS 383. Silt Content - The maximum quantity of silt in sand as determined by the method prescribed in Annexure 26.3 shall not exceed 8%. Fine aggregate containing
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more than allowable percentage of silt shall be washed so as to bring the silt content within allowable limits for which nothing extra shall be paid. Grading - On the basis of particle size, fine aggregate is graded into four zones. The grading when determined in accordance with the procedure prescribed in Annexure 26.4 shall be within the limits given in Table 26.1 below. Where the
grading falls outside the limits of any particular grading zone of sieves, other than 600 micron IS sieve, by a total amount not exceeding 5 per cent, it shall be regarded as falling within that grading zone. The higher the Grading Zone, the finer the sand, with Grading Zone I coarsest and Grading Zone IV-Finest.
TABLE 26.1
IS Sieve Grading Zone I 10mm 4.75 mm 2.36 mm 1.18 mm 600 microns 300 microns 150 microns 100 90-100 60-95 30-70 15-34 5-20 0-10 Percentage passing for Grading Zone II 100 90-100 75-100 55-90 35-59 8-30 0-10 Grading Zone III 100 90-100 85-100 75-100 60-79 12-40 0-10 Grading Zone IV 100 95-100 95-100 90-100 80-100 15-50 0-15
Note 1 : For crushed stone sands, the permissible limit on 150 micron sieve is increased to 20 percent. This does not affect the 5 per cent allowance permitted in applying to other sieves. Note 2 : Allowance of 5% permitted in can be split up, for example, it could be 1% on each of three sieves and 2% on another or 4% on one sieve and 1% on another. Note 3 : Fine aggregate conforming to Grading Zone IV shall not be used in reinforced cement concrete unless tests have been made to ascertain the suitability of proposed mix proportions. Note 4 : Sand required for making of mortar for plaster work shall conform to IS:1542-1977 and for masonry work shall conform to IS:2116-1980. Note 5 : In case marine aggregate is permitted to be used, the grading of fine aggregate should be assessed after thorough washing in water. Type and grading of fine aggregate to be used - These shall be specified in the Contract. It shall be coarse sand, fine sand, stone dust, marble dust, Surkhi or fly ash. Use of sea sand shall not be allowed, unless otherwise specified. Details have been given under items (i) to (iv) below and subparas 26.1.6 and 26.1.7.
(i) Coarse sand shall be either river sand or pit sand or a combination of the two. It shall be clean, sharp, angular, gritty to touch and composed of hard silicious material. Its grading shall fall within the limits of grading Zone I, II, III of Table 26.1. Coarse sand shall have Fineness Modulus not less than 2.5 (ii) Fine sand shall be either river sand or pit sand or a combination of the two. Its grading shall fall within the limits of Grading Zone IV of Table 26.1. Fine sand shall have Fineness Modulus not less than 1.0. (iii) Stone dust shall be obtained by crushing hard stones or gravel. Its grading shall fall within the limits of Grading Zone I, II or III of Table 26.1. (iv) Marble dust shall be obtained by crushing marble. Its Grading shall fall within the limits of Grading Zone IV of Table 26.1. Deleterious Material - Sand shall not contain any harmful impurities such as iron, pyrites, alkalis, salts, coal or other organic impurities, mica, shale or similar laminated materials, soft fragments, and sea shale in such form or in such quantities as to affect adversely the hardening, strength or durability of the mortar. The maximum quantities of clay, fine silt, fine dust and organic impurities in the sand shall not exceed the following limits :
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(1) Clay, fine silt and fine dust when determined in accordance with IS:2386 (Part II)-1963 in natural sand or crushed gravel sand & crushed stone sand (2) Organic impurities when determined in accordance with IS:2386 (Part II) 1963
Not more than 5% by mass Colour of the liquid shall be lighter than that indicated by the standard specified in IS:2386 (Part II) 1963. fine dust more than specified under Para Grading of Sand for Masonry Mortar and for Plaster - Grading of sand for use in masonry mortar shall be conforming to IS:2116-1980 (Table 26.2). Grading of sand for use in Plaster shall be conforming to IS:1542-1977 (Table 26.3). Sand for Masonry Mortar and for Plaster - Sand shall consist of natural sand, crushed stone sand or crushed gravel sand or a combination of any of these. Sand shall be hard, durable, clean and free from adherent coatings and organic matter and shall not contain the amount of clay, silt and
IS Sieve Designation 4.75 mm 2.36 mm 1.18 mm 600 micron 300 micron 150 micron Percentage passing by mass 100 90 to 100 70 to 100 40 to 100 5 to 70 0 to 15 Ref to method of test Is: 2386 (Part I) 1963
TABLE 26.3 GRADING OF SAND FOR USE IN PLASTER AS PER IS 1542- 1977 IS Sieve Designation 10mm 4.75 mm 2.36 mm 1.18 mm 600 micron 300 micron 150 micron Percentage passing 100 95 to 100 95 to 100 90 to 100 80 to 100 20 to 65 0-50
Note:- For crushed stone sands, the permissible limit on 150 micron IS Sieve is increased to 20%. This does not affect the 5% allowance under IS:2386 (Part I-1963) also indicated in Para above. Bulking - Fine aggregate, when dry or saturated, has almost the same volume but dampness causes increase in volume. In case fine aggregate is damp at the time of proportioning the ingredients for mortar or concrete, its quantity shall be increased suitably to allow for bulkage, which shall be determined by the method prescribed in Annexure 26.5. Table 26.4 gives the relation between moisture content
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and percentage of bulking for guidance only. Bulkage % age may be assessed on prorata basis for the different %age of moisture content present at the time of using the fine
aggregate or while making payments at the time of measuring the same in case of supply of materials.
TABLE 26.4
Moisture content %age 1 2 3 4 5 Bulking %age (by volume) 8 15 20 25 30 Prior approval and Stacking The sand shall be got approved by the Engineer before use and sand which is rejected should be immediately removed from site of work. Fine aggregate shall be so stacked as to prevent dust and foreign matter getting mixed up with it, as far as practically possible. Measurements - As the fine aggregate bulks to a substantial extent when partially wet, measurements shall be taken when the stacks are dry or appropriate allowance made for bulking. 2.1.5 Surkhi - Broken Brick (Burnt Clay) Fine Aggregate General
Broken Brick (Burnt Clay) Fine aggregate, also known as Surkhi, shall be made by grinding well burnt (but not under or over burnt) broken bricks as specified in IS:30681986. It shall not contain any harmful impurities, such as iron pyrites, salts, coal, mica, shale or similar laminated or other materials in such form or quantity as to adversely affect hardening, strength, durability or appearance of the mortar. The maximum quantities of clay, fine silt, fine dust and organic impurities in surkhi (all taken together) shall not exceed five per cent by weight. The particle size grading of surkhi for use in lime mortars shall be within the limits specified in Table 26.5. Surkhi shall not be used in situations where there is much salt in the soil.
TABLE 26.5
IS Sieve Designation 4.75 mm 2.36 mm 1.18 mm 600 microns 300 microns 150 microns Percentage passing (by wt) 100 90-100 70-100 40-100 5-70 0-15 Stacking Surkhi shall be stacked on a hard surface or platform so as to prevent the admixture of clay, dust, vegetation and other foreign matter. It shall be also protected from rain and dampness and kept under adequate coverings. Measurements For the purposes of payment. Surkhi shall be measured in regular stacks in cubic metres.
Alternatively it may be measured by weight when supplied in bags. If volumetric measurements are done, 12.50% deduction shall be made towards shrinkage from the gross stack volume. 26.1.5 FLY ASH General Fly ash is a finely divided residue resulting from the combustion of pulverised coal in boilers. Fly ash used shall be as per
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IS:3812-1981. It shall be clean and free from any contamination of bottom ash, grit or small pieces of pebbles. Fly ash is meant for use as a part replacement of fine aggregate
in mortar with a view to improve grading and to make use of its pozzolanic properties. Fly ash shall be supplied in the following grades corresponding to the properties specified in Annexure 26.6. General use
For incorporation in cement mortar and concrete and in lime pozzolana mixtures, and for manufacture of portland pozzolana cement. For incorporation in cement mortar and concrete and lime pozzolana mixture For proportioning the ingredients by volume, the conversion of weight into volume shall be made on the following basis: (a) Dry hydrated lime 700 kg/cum (b) Burnt clay pozzolana 860 kg/cum (c) Lime Pozzolana mixture 770 kg/cum (d) Coarse Sand (dry) 1280 kg/cum (e) Fine sand (dry) 1600 kg/cum (f) Fly Ash 590 kg/cum One cum of lime putty shall be taken as equivalent to 0.70 Cum. of dry hydrated lime. Classification of Mortars Mortar strength in general shall not be greater than that of masonry units, nor greater than necessary in any application. The mortar can be broadly classified into Cement mortar, lime mortar and cement-lime mortar. The main characteristics are as under: a) Cement Mortars These consist of cement and sand, varying in proportions from 1:8 to 1:3, the strength and workability improving with the increase in proportion of cement. Mortars richer than 1:3 are not used in masonry because of high shrinkage and no appreciable gain in the strength of masonry. Mortars leaner than 1:5 tend to become harsh and unworkable. Selection of Mortar for use in Railway Works - Cement Mortar The mix proportions shall be as specified for each particular class of work as indicated in the Drawings. Under normal conditions, unless otherwise specified, the proportions of cement to sand (by volume) for the different classes of work shall be as under : 1:5 or 1:6 1:3 or 1:4
Note : It is obligatory on the part of supplier/ manufacture to ensure that the fly ash conforms to the requirement mutually agreed upon & shall furnish a certificate to this effect to the purchaser or his representative. Characteristics The chemical and physical requirements of fly ash shall be as specified in Annexure 26.6. Stacking Fly ash shall be protected from dirt collecting on it. Measurements: For the purposes of payment Fly ash shall be measured in regular stacks in cubic metres. Alternatively it may also be measured by weight when supplied in bags. If volumetric measurements are done, the extent of shrinkage should be assessed in advance and provided for in the Supply Contract. 26.2 PREPARATION OF MORTARS AND THEIR GRADES AND THEIR APPLICATION IN WORKS 26.2.1 Grade of Masonry Mortar The grade of masonry mortar will be defined 2 by its compressive strength in N/ mm at the age of 28 days as determined by the standard procedure detailed in IS:2250-1981. For details of grades and criteria for selection of masonry mortar, see Annexure 26.7. This Annexure is based on Appendix G in CPWD Specifications 1996 updated upto July 2000. Proportioning of the ingredients
i) ii)
Ordinary brick work and masonry Heavily loaded walls and pillars / Bridge Masonry
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iii) Walls half brick thick, jack arches and bridge structure other than arches 1:4 iv) Arches other than jack arch 1:3 or 1:4 v) Plaster for buildings (inside) 1:6 vi) Plaster for buildings (outside) 1:4 vii) Pointing 1:3 In measuring damp sand, allowance shall be made for bulkage as indicated in Para
26.3 Cement Mortar Preparation and time limit for use 26.3.1 General This shall be prepared by mixing cement and sand with or without the addition of pozzolana in specified proportions as per Annexure 26.7. In terms of provisions in Indian Railways Concrete Bridge Code (Revised 1997), the Engineer may permit the use of admixture for imparting special characteristics to the mortar on satisfactory evidence that the use of such admixtures does not adversely affect the proportion of Mortar, particularly with regard to strength, volume change and durability. 26.3.2 Proportioning Cement bag weighing 50 kg shall be taken as 0.035 cubic metre. Other ingredients in specified proportion shall be measured using preferably boxes of size 40 x 35 x 25 cm for machine mixing by volume. Sand shall be measured on the basis of its dry volume. In case it is moist then proper allowance for bulkage should be made. 26.3.3 Mixing The mixing of mortar shall be done in mechanical mixers operated manually or by power as decided by the Engineer. The Engineer may, however, permit hand mixing at his discretion taking into account the nature, magnitude and location of the work and practicability of the use of mechanical mixers or where item involving small quantities are to be done or if in his opinion the use of mechanical mixer is not feasible. In cases, where mechanical mixers are not to be used, the contractor shall take permission of the Engineer in writing before commencement of the work. (a) Mechanical Mixing : Cement and sand in the specified proportions shall be mixed dry thoroughly in a mixer. Water shall then be added gradually and wet mixing continued for at least three minutes. Only the required quantity of water shall be added which will produce mortar of workable consistency but not stiff paste. Only the quantity of mortar, which can be used within
30 minutes of its mixing shall be prepared at a time. Mixer shall be cleaned with water each time before suspending the work. (b) Hand Mixing:The measured quantity of sand shall be levelled on a clean masonry platform and cement bags emptied on top. The cement and sand shall be thoroughly mixed dry by being turned over and over, backwards and forwards, several times till the mixture is of a uniform colour. The quantity of dry mix which can be used within 30 minutes shall then be mixed in a masonry trough with just sufficient quantity of water to bring the mortar to a stiff paste of necessary working consistency, which will permit to be applied without separation of water or segregation of the solid material of the mix. 26.3.4 Precautions Mortar shall be used as soon as possible after mixing and before it begins to set, and in any case within half hour, after the water is added to the dry mixture. 26.4 Cement Flyash Sand Mortar Preparation and Time limit for use General: This shall be prepared by mixing cement, flyash fly ash and sand in specified proportions as per Annexure 26.7. Mixing shall be done in a mechanical mixer (operated manually or by power) unless otherwise permitted by the Engineer in writing. 26.4.2 Proportioning Cement bag weighing 50 kg shall be taken as 0.035 cubic metre. Other ingredients in the specified proportions shall be measured using boxes of suitable sizes. Sand and flyash shall be measured on the basis of their dry volume. 26.4.3 Mixing (a) Mechanical Mixing: Sand and flyash in the specified proportions shall be mixed dry in a mixer and then the specified quantity of cement shall be added and mixed dry thoroughly. Water shall then be added
Chapter 26 : Mortars
gradually and wet mixing continued for atleast one minute. Water shall be just sufficient to bring the mortar to the consistency of a workable paste. Only the quantity of mortar which can be used within 30 minutes of its mixing, shall be prepared at a time. (b) Hand Mixing: The measured quantity of sand and flyash shall be mixed dry on a clean masonry platform before adding specified quantity of cement to it. The resulting mixture of cement, sand and flyash shall then be mixed thoroughly being turned over and over, backward several times till the mixture is of a uniform colour. The quantity of dry mix which can be used within 30 minutes shall then be mixed in a clean watertight masonry trough with just sufficient quantity of water, to bring the mortar to a stiff paste of necessary working consistency, which will permit supplying it without separation of water or segregation of the solid materials of the mix. 26.4.4 Precautions Shall be same as specified in 26.3.4. 26.5 Consistency of Masonry Mortar 26.5.1 General The working consistency of the mortar is a matter of judgement. The water should be enough to maintain workability of the mortar during application but at the same time it shall not be excessive leading to segregation. The quantity of water needed for maintaining consistency or workability will also depend on the masonry for which the mortar is used e.g., thinner joints require greater workability whereas bed joints subject to heavy pressure will require stiffer mortar. Also the mortar should be able to hold the water against absorption by the masonry. 26.5.2 Measurement of consistency A simple field test for consistency can be carried out by means of a cone penetration apparatus as given in Appendix B of IS: 1625. For various situations of use of Age of mortar in days Relative strength of mortars as percentage of 28 days strength 26.8.2 Masonry work at low temperature Extra time shall be allowed for hardening of mortar when the atmospheric temperature 3 25
masonry mortar the following values for depth of penetration as measured by the Standard Cone Apparatus are recommended. Specific details have been given under the relevant Chapters on Brick Masonry, Stone Masonry and on Finishing Works including Pointing and Plastering. i) For laying walls of solid bricks 9-13 cm ii) For laying perforated bricks 7-8 cm iii) For filling cavities 13-15 cm iv) For pointing and plastering 3-4 cm 26.6 Time Limit in Use of Mortar Special care should be exercised in ensuring that the mortars of different classes are used within the time limits specified in Paras,, and Mortar remaining unused beyond these periods shall be rejected and removed from site of work. 26.7 Curing of Masonry Works 26.7.1 Curing Period All masonry using cement mortars, shall be kept wet for a period of seven days after construction. 26.7.2 General In the case of masonry works in lime mortars, it is desirable that the work, after a height of every 1.5m or less shall be allowed to set for atleast two days before starting further construction over it. 26.8 Strength Development of Masonry Mortar 26.8.1 General Strength Development is an important requirement before masonry is loaded to the full extent and the rate of construction should synchronize with the development of the strength of masonry particularly in the case of masonry with weak mortars. The following guidance with regard to the strength development of cement mortar and cement lime mortars will be found useful :l 7 50 14 75 28 100 60 120 90 130
during construction is very low. Period will have to be increased by 100% for the time during which the temperature remains below
Chapter 26 : Mortars
5 deg. C and by 50% for the time when temperature is between 5 deg. and 10 deg.C.
48 1.75
2.8 1.0
1.75 0.7
1.75 0.7
1.75 0.7
Chapter 26 : Mortars
(viii) Soundness, Le Chaterlier expansion mm, Max (ix) Popping & pitting
* ** *** # ## ### $ $
Methods of tests for building limes : Part 4 Determination of fineness of hyderated lime Methods of tests for building limes : Part 3 Determination of residue on slaking of quicklime. Methods of tests for building limes : Part 11 Determination of setting time of hydrated lime. Methods of tests for building limes : Part 7 Determination of compressive and transverse strengths Methods of tests for building limes : Part 8 Determination of workability Methods of tests for building limes : Part 6 Determination of volume yield of quicklime Methods of tests for building limes : Part 9 Determination of soundness Methods of tests for building limes : Part 10 Determination of popping and pitting of hyderated lime
Chapter 26 : Mortars
ANNEXURE 26.2 FINE AGGREGATES TEST FOR ORGANIC IMPURITIES The aggregate must also be checked for organic impurities such as decayed vegetation humus, coal dust etc. What is called the colour test is reliable indicator of the presence of harmful organic matter in aggregate, except in the area where there are deposits of lignite. Fill a 350 ml clear glass medicine bottle upto 70 ml mark with a 3% solution of caustic soda or sodium hydroxide. The sand is next added gradually until the volume measured by the sandy layer is 125 ml. The volume is then made upto 200 ml by addition of more of solution. The bottle is then stoppered and shaken vigorously and allowed to stand for 24 hours. At the end of this period, the colour of the liquid will indicate whether the sand contains a dangerous amount of matter. A colourless liquid indicates a clean
sand free from organic matter. A straw coloured solution indicates some organic matter but not enough to be seriously objectionable. Darker colour means that the sand contains injurious amounts and should not be used unless it is washed, and a retest shows that it is satisfactory. Add 2.5 ml of two per cent solution of tannic acid in 10 per cent alcohol, to 97.5 ml of three per cent -- hydroxide solution. Place in a 350 ml bottle, fix the stopper, shake vigorously and allow to stand for 24 hours before comparison with the solution above the sand. Note: A three per cent solution of caustic soda is made by dissolving 3 g of sodium hydroxide in 100 ml of water, preferably distilled. The solution should be kept in a glass of bottle tightly closed with a rubber stopper. Handling sodium hydroxide with moist hands may result in serious burns. Care should be taken not to spill the solution for it is highly injurious to clothing, leather, and other materials.
ANNEXURE 26.3 TEST FOR SILT CONTENT IN SAND The sand shall not contain more than 8% of silt as determined by field test with measuring cylinder. The method of determining silt contents by field test is given below : A sample of sand to be tested shall be placed without drying in a 200ml measuring cylinder. The volume of the sample shall be such that it fills the cylinder upto 100ml mark.
Clean water shall be added upto 150 ml mark. Dissolve a little salt in the water in the proportion one tea spoon to half a litre. The mixture shall be shaken vigorously, the last few shakes being sidewise direction to level off the sand and the contents allowed to settle for three hours. The height of the silt visible as settled layer above the sand shall be expressed as a percentage of the height of sand below. The sand containing more than the above allowable percentage of silt, shall be washed so as to bring the silt contents within allowable limits.
ANNEXURE 26.4 GRADING OF FINE AGGREGATE TEST FOR PARTICLE SIZE (SIEVE ANALYSIS) Apparatus: Perforated plate sieves of designation 10mm, 4.75mm and fine mesh
sieve of designation 2.36mm, 1.18 mm, 600 micron, 300 micron and 150 micron should be used. The balance or scale shall be such that it is readable and accurate to 0.1 percent of the weight of the test sample. Sample: The weight of sample available shall not be less than the weight given in the table below. The sample of sieving shall be
Chapter 26 : Mortars
10 4.75 2.36
Test Procedure The sample shall be brought to an air-dry condition before weighing and sieving. This may be achieved either by drying at room temperature or by heating at a temperature of 100 degree to 110 degree centigrade. The air dry sample shall be weighed and sieved successively on the appropriate sieves starting with the largest. Care shall be taken to ensure that the sieves are clean before use. Each sieve shall be shaken separately over a clean tray until not more than a trace passes, but in any case for a period of not less than two minutes. The shaking shall be done with a varied motion, backwards and forwards, left to right, circular clockwise and anticlockwise, and with frequent jarring, so that the material is kept moving over the sieve surface in frequently changing directions. Materials shall not be forced through the sieve by hand pressure, but on sieves coarser than 20mm, placing of particles is permitted. Lumps of fine material, if present may be broken by gentle pressure with fingers against the side of the sieve. Light brushing of under side of the sieve with a soft
ANNEXURE 26.5 BULKING OF FINE AGGREGATES / SAND (FIELD METHODS) Two methods are suggested for determining the bulking of sand / fine aggregate. The procedure may be suitably varied, if necessary. Both depend on the fact that the volume of inundated sand / fine aggregate is the same if the sand/ fine aggregate were dry.
Method 1: Put sufficient quantity of wet sand loosely into a container until it is about twothird full. Level off the top of the sand and push a steel rule vertically down through the sand at the middle to bottom, measure the height. Suppose this is X cm. Empty the sand out of the container into another container where none of it is lost. Half fill the first container with water. Put back about half the sand and rod it with a steel rod, about 6mm in diameter, so that its volume is reduced to a minimum. Then add the remainder and level the top surface of the inundated sand. Measure its depth at the
Chapter 26 : Mortars
middle with the steel rule. Suppose this is Y cm. The percentage of bulking of the sand due to moisture shall be calculated from the formula: Percentage bulking (X/Y-1) x 100 Method 2: In a 250 ml measuring cylinder, pour the damp sand, consolidate it by stacking until it reaches the 200 ml mark.
Then fill the cylinder with the water and stir the sand well (the water shall be sufficient to submerge the sand completely). It will be seen that the sand surface is now below its original level. Suppose the surface is at the mark of Y ml. The percentage of bulking of sand due to moisture shall be calculated from the formula. Percentage bulking = (200/Y-1) x 100
Not less than 80 percent of the strength of corresponding plain cement mortar cubes 0.15 0.8 0.10 0.8
(iv) (v)
Drying Shrinkage, per cent, Max Soundness of autoclave test expansion of specimens, per cent, Max
SL (1) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) Characteristic (2) Silicon dioxide (SiO2) plus aluminium oxide (Al2 O3) plus iron oxide (Fe2 O3) per cent by mass, Min Silicon dioxide (SiO2)per cent by mass Min Magnesium Oxide (MGO) per cent by mass Max Total sulphur as sulphur trioxide (SO3) per cent by mass, Max Available alkalis as sodium oxide (Na2)) per cent by mass, Max (see Note 1) Loss of ignition, percent by mass, Max Requirement (3) 70.00 35.0 5.0 2.75 1.50 12.0
Note 1 : Applicable only when reactive aggregates are used in concrete and are specially requested by the purchaser. Note 2 : For determination of available alkalis IS: 4032-1985 Method of chemical analysis of hydraulic cement shall be referred to.
Chapter 26 : Mortars
ANNEXURE 26.7 CRITERIA FOR SELECTION OF MASONRY MORTARS (a) The selection of masonry mortars from durability consideration will have to cover both the loading and exposure conditions of the masonry. The masonry mortar shall generally be as specified in (b) to (g). (b) In case of masonry exposed frequently to rain and where there is further protection by way of plastering or rendering or other finishes, the grade of mortar shall not be less than MM 0.7 but shall preferably be of grade MM2. Where no protection is provided, the grade of mortar for external walls shall not be less than MM2. (c) In case of load bearing internal walls, the grade of mortar shall preferably be MM 0.7 or more for high durability but in no case less than MM 0.5.
(d) In the case of masonry work in foundations laid below damp proof course, the grade of mortar for use in masonry shall be as specified below: (i) Where soil has little moisture, masonry mortar of grade not less than MM 0.7 shall be used. (ii) Where soil is very damp, masonry mortar of grade preferably MM2 or more shall be used. But in no case shall the grade of mortar be less than MM2. (e) For masonry in building subject to vibration of machinery, the grade of mortar shall not be less than MM 3. (f) For parapets, where the height is greater than thrice the thickness, the grade of masonry mortar shall not be less than MM3. In case of low parapets the grade of mortar shall be the same as used in the wall masonry. (g) The grade of mortar for bedding joints in masonry with large concrete blocks shall not be less than MM3.
Chapter 26 : Mortars
(1) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
(2) MM 0-5
(3) 0 0
MM 0-7
1 1 1
0.7 to 1.5
MM 1.5
1 1 0
1.5 to 2
MM 2
0 0 1
2 to 3
MM 3
0 1 1 0 1 1
3 to 5
MM 5
5 to 7.5
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 MM 7.5
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Note : 1) A,B,C,D and E denote the classes of limes to be used (see IS:712 -1984 specification for building limes) (refer Para 2) The strength values of lime mortar given in the table are after wet grinding of the mortar ingredients. 3) The compressive strength shall be determined in accordance with the procedure given in IS 2250-1981.
Chapter 26 : Mortars
4) 5) 6)
Pozzolana to be of minimum lime reactivity of 4N/MM2 When using plain Cement Mortar, it is desirable to include a plasticizer in the mix to improve workability. If sand used is too coarse and graded. Strength of mortar may vary appreciably, depending on angularity grading and fineness of sand. Quantity of sand in the mix may therefore be varied where found necessary to attain the desired strength. Other mortar mixes may also be permitted where necessary as in block work.
pH Value Limits of Acidity Limits of Alkalinity Percentage of solids Chlorides Suspended matter Sulphates Inorganic solids Organic solids
Water from each source shall be got tested before the commencement of work and thereafter once in every three months till the completion of the work. Water from municipal source need be tested only once in six months. Number of Tests for each source shall be 3.
Ceme nt
Physical Requirement (i) Fineness (ii) Soundness (iii) Setting time (Initial & Final) (iv) Compressive Strength (v) Consistency of standard cement paste Chemical and physical properties of lime
Lab Lab
(i) IS:4031 (Part II) (ii) IS:4031 (Part III) (iii) IS:4031 (Part V) (iv) IS: 4031 (Part VI)
Each lot
Physical Properties (I to IX) of Annexure 26.1 (IS 6932) Chemical properties (I to VI) Annexure 26.1 (IS 6932) (VII & VIII) of Annexure 26.1 (IS 1514)
Chapter 26 : Mortars
Organic impurities
Annexure 26.2
20 cum
Every 20 cum or part thereof or more frequently as decided by the Engineer -do40 cum or part thereof
20 cum 40 cum
Bulking of sand
Annexure 26.5
20 cum