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Weeklyagreport Weeklyagreport Weeklyagreport Weeklyagreport: Week Ended On Sep. 5, 2013

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WEEK ENDED ON Sep. 5, 2013

Estimations and Agricultural Projections Department Buenos Aires Grain Exchange

Referencias: NOA: Salta+Tucumn+Jujuy+Catamarca+Oeste Sgo del Estero. NEA: Chaco+Este Sgo del Estero+Formosa. Ctro N Sfe: Centro-Norte de Santa Fe. Ctro N Cba: Centro-Norte de Crdoba. Ncleo Norte: Este de Crdoba+Centro-Sur de Santa Fe+Sudoeste de Entre Ros. S Cba: Sur de Crdoba. N LP-O BA: Norte de La Pampa+ Oeste de Buenos Aires. Ctro E ER: Entre Ros excluido Victoria y Diamante. Ctro BA: Centro de Buenos Aires. SO BA-S LP: Sudoeste de Buenos Aires+Sur de La Pampa. SE BA: Sudeste de Buenos Aires. SL: San Luis. Cuenca Sal: Este de la Cuenca del Salado. Otras: Corrientes+Misiones.


September 5, 2013

The entrance of cold air in the past days has dropped temperatures below average for this time of year. Later, the entrance of northerly winds will lead to a sharp rise in temperatures and abundant atmospheric humidity. The east of the agricultural area will report rainfalls along the warm front while the center and west will only observe scarce values: The southeast of Paraguay, the east of the Chaco region, most of Mesopotamia, the east of the Pampas region, the west of Rio Grande do Sul and most of Uruguay will observe precipitations ranging from moderate to abundant (10 a 25 mm); The rest of the agricultural area will report scarce values (less than 10 mm); The south of the Andes Range will observe heavy storms which will expand into the west of Cuyo.

The new corn season of 2013/14 has officially started, and it maintains the same estimated sowing surface as the one published in our pre-season report N 5. Consequently, the area estimated for the new cycle remains at 3,560,000 hectares, which reflects a YOY decrease of -3.2 % (sowing 2012/13: 3,678,000 HA). So far the sown surface is not significant, it accounts for only 0.3 % of the area projected. The plots incorporated are spread over the mid-north of Santa Fe and areas of the province of Corrientes. In the latter case the sowing process was more fluent due to a good water supply. However, in the north of

Santa Fe the lack of moisture allowed for only a few isolated sowings in the surroundings of Maria Juana and Villa Ocampo. Although the current lack of moisture hampers the incorporation of the first plots, this factor should not affect significantly the sowing intentions, since a large number of producers may allocate surface to later dates. Finally, other factors such as undefined leases, production costs and market prices are the variables that most influence the sowing intention, and the sown surface will be determined mainly according to the evolution of such factors.

Another week without rains over the center and north of the agricultural region has increased the water deficit on the wheat plots. Some areas have gone without precipitations for more than 60 days, and the crop has started to lose yield potential in areas where the fields did not previously accumulate moisture. There were only a few rains in the south of Buenos Aires, where the crop is in good conditions thanks to the accumulated rains of the last few weeks. More precisely, in the SE of Buenos Aires almost the whole of the area is tillering in good conditions, although the rainfalls were too scarce in order to carry out a proper re-fertilization. The neighboring regions of the SW of Buenos Aires and south of La Pampa present a large percentage of their surface in very good conditions, although some areas of the south of La Pampa are starting to suffer a lack of moisture. Therefore, nearly 45 % of the agricultural region reported very good conditions at the early stages of the crop (tillering). Towards the north of the national agricultural regionthe NW and NE, the situation of the crop is critical, since a significant thermal amplitude was observed during the last few weeks, with reports of severe frosts and high temperatures, in addition to scarce precipitations. Consequently, we may observe yellowing or spotting on the plots, for which most of the plots have lost yield potential and some of them will not make it to the harvest. In the mid-north of Santa Fe, the situation is heterogeneous, since the plots with some moisture reserves are able to maintain regular-to-good conditions, while the rest are starting to lose yield. This is because the wheat crop is ranging from tillering to early stem elongation, with a scarce supply of water.

WHEAT PLANTING 2012/13 Season Zone I NOA II NEA III Ctro N Cba IV S Cba V Ctro N SFe VI Ncleo Norte VII Ncleo Sur VIII Ctro E ER IX N LP-OBA X Ctro BA XI SO BA-S LP XII SE BA XIII SL XIV Cuenca Sal XV Otras TOTAL

Hectareage (Ha) 2012/13 2013/14 340.000 50.000 190.000 170.000 265.000 320.000 130.000 156.000 160.000 192.000 265.000 315.000 240.000 280.000 150.000 180.000 210.000 245.000 140.000 165.000 680.000 840.000 770.000 915.000 3.000 4.000 50.000 60.000 7.000 8.000 3.600.000 3.900.000

As of: Porcentage planted (%) 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0

Sep. 05, 2013 Hectares planted 50.000 170.000 320.000 156.000 192.000 315.000 280.000 180.000 245.000 165.000 840.000 915.000 4.000 60.000 8.000 3.900.000

The lack of rainfalls has delayed the development of the crop. In addition, there have been several frosts in the last weeks which have worsened the situation. However, more than 75 % of the sown area is

concentrated in the south of Buenos Aires, where the water supply is still good, thus the crop is in very good conditions. Likewise, some 15 % of the national barley area sits in the center, east and west of Buenos Aires, where the crop conditions are good as well, although the fields will need new precipitations in the short term. Consequently, nearly 90 % out of 1,270,000 hectares sown nationwide have reported good-to-very good conditions, while the remaining 10 % was affected by the lack of rains, and a small percentage of such surface has started to lose yield potential as a result. In the SE of Buenos Aires over 80 % of the area is currently tillering, while the rest of the crop is expanding leaves. As it was mentioned before, the whole of the barley plots enjoy favourable conditions. The framework is similar in the neighboring region of the SW of Buenos Aires and south of La Pampa, where continuous rains have been observed during the last weeks, which contribute a small but significant volume of moisture in order to maintain the crop in good conditions. Regarding the phenological phase, we may say that most of the area is going through the tillering stage.

BARLEY PLANTING 2012/13 Season Zone I NOA II NEA III Ctro N Cba IV S Cba V Ctro N SFe VI Ncleo Norte VII Ncleo Sur VIII Ctro E ER IX N LP-OBA X Ctro BA XI SO BA-S LP XII SE BA XIII SL XIV Cuenca Sal XV Otras TOTAL

Hectareage (Ha) 2012/13 2013/14 700 600 500 6.600 5.000 2.800 1.500 35.000 25.000 143.000 90.000 5.800 3.000 122.000 110.000 79.000 63.000 285.000 245.000 870.000 710.000 500 19.000 17.000 1.570.000 1.270.000

As of: Porcentage planted (%) 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

Sep. 05, 2013 Hectares planted 500 5.000 1.500 25.000 90.000 3.000 110.000 63.000 245.000 710.000 17.000 1.270.000

The seeding of sunflower is interrupted, since there have been no rainfalls during the last seven days. It is estimated that the seeding has advanced by only 0.2 % nationwide since our last report, which was due to the incorporation of a few plots that were plowed and still keep some sub-superficial moisture in the province of Chaco. Consequently, the sowing nationwide has covered 12.4 % of the area projected in 1,900,000 HA, posting a significant YOY decrease of -10.8 %. Although there remain from 2 to 4 weeks to fulfill the sowing intentions in the NE region and midnorth of Santa Fe, as we approach the end of the optimal sowing window we may start to observe a reduction of the area which might be filled with the crop in both regions.

Buenos Aires, September 5, 2013

Buenos Aires Grains Exchange

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