23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Parish Office: 5562 223 1 Fax: 5562 223 0 E-mail: [email protected] Diocesan website: www.ballarat.catholic.org.au PARISH STAFF: Fr John Fitzgerald (Parish Priest) Barry Wolff (Business Manager) Leanne McElgunn (Secretary) Brian Shanahan (Gardening/Maintenance) Michael Gray (St Josephs School) Peter Morgan (Emmanuel College) 6.30pm (Vigil); 8.30am - 10.30am - 6.00pm Purnim: 11.00am (Eucharist on 2nd and 4th Sundays) (Assembly of Word with Communion on 1st, 3rd & 5th Sundays)
Office Hours: Monday to Friday: 9.00am - 12.30pm; 1.30pm - 4.00pm SCHOOL PRINCIPALS: WEEK-END LITURGIES:
WEEK-DAY LITURGIES: Wednesday: 10.00am (Assembly of Word with Communion) Friday: 10.00am (Assembly of Word with Communion) NB: A funeral normally takes the place of the weekday liturgy.
Deaths: Margaret Watt (Clifton Springs) Anniversaries: We remember in Prayer: Kevin Mugavin (Purnim), Patricia Toleman, Ross McCann, Mary Wait Welcome: A warm welcome to Fr Anthony Walsh OP who is here to celebrate Mass with us this weekend. Day of Prayer & Fasting: Today (Saturday) Pope Francis fervent desire is for the whole Church to be united with him in a day of Prayer & Fasting for peace in Syria in the Middle East and throughout the whole world. Let us Pray Baptism Preparation: This Wednesday at 7.30pm (Gathering Space) Communion to the Sick: If you have a family member or a friend who would like to receive Communion when they are in South West Healthcare please contact Parish Office (5562 2231) Family Group Banner: The banner is not in good condition. Is there anyone with needlework or craft skills willing to help resurrect it? Please contact Jane (5561 7259) Collections: Presbytery: $1,664.00 Parish: $1,020.15 Thank you for your support Counters: This week: Team 1: Peter Lawlor (5562 1470) Next week: Team 2: Mary McNamara (5562 4630)