Research Guide

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Field Guide to Educational Research

for ABE Grant Writers, Program Directors and Interested Others

Developed by Mev Miller, Ed.D. for SABES SE

January, 2004 Updated, June 2004

Field Guide to Educational Research, Revised June 2004, p. 1

The information included in this guide has been tailored to meet the needs of the educators working in adult basic education. The Field Guide to Educational Research was developed to provide program directors with the practical information and assistance they will need to do research in preparation to plan and write RFPs for the forthcoming five year plan. This resource can also be used by individuals and groups who would like to research topics of interest and relevance to their program, staff and learners. This guide is just that a guide. Educators using this resource are encouraged to offer their evaluation of this tool. New information and updates will be added as necessary. This guide may also be accessed from the SABES Southeast website: To make corrections or to suggest additions, please contact Mev Miller, 508-678-2811 x2479, [email protected].

SABES Southeast is supported by a grant from the Massachusetts Department of Education and hosted by Bristol Community College

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Table of Contents
Reasons to connect research to practice Search tips, keywords & glossary Websites Journals & how to get them Books located at SABES p. 5 p. 6 p. 9 p.15 p.19

Appendixes p.29 1) Connecting Research and Practice (FOB Vol. 4, Issue D, April 2001) 2) Making Sense of Scientific Research (ELA Connecting, Vol. 3 #2, Dec. 2003) 3) Communicating Educational Research Data to General, Nonresearcher Audiences (ERIC Digest, ED422406) 4) Research-on-Research Mini-Survey (CAAL Occasional Paper #2) 5) Using Research and Reason in Education (National Institute for Literacy)

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Reasons to connect research to practice

educative research is a radical departure from traditional research, which alienates and silences those it studies. Here the teacher and researcher are one. Findings are not divorced from teachers' knowledge and solutions are not imposed. But educative research is not simply action research in disguise. It departs in significant ways from those forms of action research that imply deficiency in classroom teachers for not having the research prowess of academics. The purpose of the ERP <Educative Research Project> is not primarily to add this expertise to the role of classroom teachers. Instead, the project challenges traditional notions of expertise (typically patriarchal and hierarchical) by staking out a claim for practical knowledge - knowledge gained through teaching experience. In the ERP the value added to teachers is not more sophisticated research skill but unsilencing their voices and legitimizing their own particular type of knowledge.
-- Michael W. Apple, University of Wisconsin-Madison, (1994), Book Reviews, EDUCATIONAL POLICY, 8(1) 89-98 Found in Dictionary of Education P.L.U.S.

There are many definitions of research and varying opinions of the connections of research to practice. To become familiar with some of these discussions, explore these issues of Focus on Basics. What Is Research? Volume 1, Issue A, February 1997 Learning from Research Volume 4, Issue A, March 2000 Research to Practice Volume 4, Issue D, April 2001 If youre interested in knowing more detail about research and how studies are constructed, theres a comprehensive book on the Internet. Educational Research: Quantitative, Qualitative and Mixed Approaches by Burke Johnson & Larry Christensen from South Alabama. Though it contains more in-depth information than one may want to know, the first 2 chapters are especially useful. The introduction includes general information: The second chapter clearly explains the important differences between qualitative and quantitative research methods:

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Web Searching Some Tips & FAQS

This information is adapted from Effective Web Searching by Michele Filkins, Univ. of St. Thomas, Minneapolis, MN. Though it was written for web searches, these tips are useful for any for of library search as well. The successful web researcher is: Systematic Focused Thoughtful Thorough In a word To conduct an effective search: Know your search system Use the help screens Look at the search examples Not all search systems interpret search queries the same way. It is important to know the system you are using. One of the easiest ways to do this is by studying search examples. Develop a Search Strategy Summarize the topic Identify the concepts Select the terms Combine the terms A systematic and focused approach to searching will yield much more relevant results. Utilize Boolean Operators
(Note: Most online information retrieval systems utilize boolean operators)



Boolean operators create relationships between search terms, as evidenced by the examples below. Adults AND Literacy Workplace OR Jobs Learning styles NOT children Child* (will get you references to words rooted on child: child, children, childhood, etc.)

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Some Internet search engines, such as Google, will search exact phrases if they are placed in quotation marks (adult basic education). If you type in adult basic education without the quotes, you will receive references to any of these words contained anywhere individually on a website! Using quotations significantly limits the number of search returns. Evaluate Search Results Because there is no overarching editorial control over content, and web information sources do not necessarily model print sources in terms of fact checking, bias, and accuracy, the responsible scholar needs to apply critical evaluation criteria to information taken from the web. Scope - is the content at an appropriate level of depth/detail? Authority and Bias - does the page have a religious/political affiliation? Accuracy - are all facts/quotes referenced with a bibliography? Timeliness - is the information up to date? Can I find the publication date? Last update?

Useful keywords
Trying to figure out some additional terms to find what youre looking for? NIFL (National Institute for Literacy see below) has created a comprehensive Literacy Thesaurus. This is a good place to check if youre looking for a complete list of keywords. Go to: Under the search box, select Literacy Thesaurus. If youre not sure where to start, try the Top Term Index. This will give you some major categories with numerous sub-categories. Though the thesaurus is intended to help users with searching the NIFL database, the terms are library-based and will be useful terms to use when searching in other places, especially on ERIC and other library or journal databases. The next page includes many keywords referenced from several important websites. Space is provided to add the words you or your group are most likely to use as well.

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Accountability Adult Development Adult Multiple Intelligences Advocacy Assessment Beginning-Level Learners Bias Career Counseling Career and Vocational Education Classism Community Planning Content-Based Instruction Corrections Education Counseling Curriculum Development Diversity ESOL Family Literacy GED Gender Health Instruction/Teaching Practices Learning Difficulties / Disabilities Learner Motivation Math Multicultural Education Multilevel Classes Numeracy Outcomes / Impacts Persistence Policy Practitioner Research

Program Design Project-Based Learning Race Reading Recruitment Research Retention (drop-out) Risk Factors Sexual Orientation Staff Development Student Involvement or Student Leadership Standards-Based Education Technology Theory Workplace Education Writing

Websites for ABE- related Research

NOTES CAAL Council for Advancement of Adult Literacy The Council for Advancement of Adult Literacy is incorporated as a national public charity with 501(c)(3) status. Our broad mission is to help advance adult literacy in the United States. To this end, CAAL pursues an agenda of issues that bears critically on policy, practice, and planning, especially at the state and federal levels. Though the site has many useful links and research topics, you may find their compilation of Research on Research especially useful. This is a compilation of original research titles found useful by participants in a CAAL mini-survey to guide policy, management, and practice. Originally released by CAAL May 8, 2002; revised August 27, 2002. CAL Center for Applied Linguistics CAL is a private, non-profit organization: a group of scholars and educators who use the findings of linguistics and related sciences in identifying and addressing language-related problems. CAL carries out a wide range of activities including research, teacher education, analysis and dissemination of information, design and development of instructional materials, technical assistance, conference planning, program evaluation, and policy analysis. CARET - Center for Applied Research in Educational Technology CARET bridges education technology research to practice by offering research-based answers to critical questions. Browse Questions & Answers to learn what studies show about topics such as student learning, curriculum and instruction, and professional development. Community Partnerships for Adult Learning The federal Office of Vocational and Adult Education (OVAE) provides a well-designed, content-rich guide to fostering collaboration among social service providers, with annotated links to research

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articles and Web sites covering professional development and program assessment, among other topics. Supported by OVAE (Office of Vocational and Adult Education) & NIFL (National Institute for Literacy) Also see: OVAE page on Adult Literacy & Education Educational Technology Resources Adult Education ETC is a collaborative project of the Bureau of Educational Technology, Florida Department of Education and the Florida Center for Instructional Technology, College of Education, University of South Florida. The links included in this clearinghouse appeared to contain useful information at the time they were chosen. This is a onestop location for key Adult Education websites with several links to research specific sites. ERIC The ERIC database is the world's largest source of education information. The database contains more than 1 million abstracts of education-related documents and journal articles. You can access the ERIC database on the Internet or through commercial vendors and public networks. The most useful aspects of ERIC for most Adult educators is ERIC Digests. You can search for many subjects there. Go to: Literacy .org is a gateway to electronic resources and tools for the national and international youth and adult literacy communities. This site is jointly sponsored by the International Literacy Institute (ILI) and the National Center on Adult Literacy (NCAL) at the University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education. The NCAL (National Center on Adult Literacy) & publications portion of this website is especially rich with relevant research papers (full-text online) for adult basic education. or

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Dont forget the Massachusetts Department of Education ACLS Website!

Though it does not include research articles per se, there are important items on the site such as Curriculum Frameworks, PAWGs and other resources and information.

Websites for ABE- related Research (cont.)

NOTES NAASLN National Association for Adults with Special Learning Needs The site itself does not include any research but the links page offers a number of options that may hold some related research. NALD National Adult Literacy Database This is the Canadian equivalent of the NIFL (National Institute for Literacy) database. Dont let the Canadian focus dissuade you from exploring this site. Perhaps the best way to research articles on this database is to go to the full-text index page: They also have a link to RIPAL (see below) NCES National Center for Educational Statistics Need we say more?

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NCFL National Center for Family Literacy NCFL works with educators and community builders through an array of services to design and sustain programs that meet the most urgent educational needs of disadvantaged families. Some facts on family literacy can be found at: For additional research, go to: NCLE National Center for ESL Literacy Education The National Center for ESL Literacy Education (NCLE), the only national information center focusing on the language and literacy education of adults and out-of-school youth learning English, works to support those providing such services. For over ten years, NCLE has provided information on adult ESL literacy education to teachers and tutors, program directors, researchers, and policymakers interested in the education of refugees, immigrants, and other U.S. residents whose native language is other than English. This population includes adults who are low-literate and low-skilled, as well as those who are more educated but need to improve their English language skills. The website is filled with links to research and resources. Its best to go to their homepage and find your way to spots most relevant to your work. NCSALL National Center for the Study of Adult Learning and Literacy The National Center for the Study of Adult Learning and Literacy (NCSALL) both informs and learns from practice. Its rigorous, high quality research increases knowledge and gives those teaching, managing, and setting policy in adult literacy education a sound basis for making decisions. NCSALL is also a leader in designing innovative professional development programs and in building support for research use. Where to search on this site: Research Projects: Provides list of research projects by topic: Teaching & Training Materials Publications: Includes links to Focus on Basics, Focus on Policy, and several other publications

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NIFL National Institute for Literacy NIFLs activities to strengthen literacy across the lifespan are authorized by the U.S. Congress under two laws, the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA) in the Workforce Investment Act and the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB). The AEFLA directs the Institute to provide national leadership regarding literacy, coordinate literacy services and policy, and serve as a national resource for adult education and literacy programs. The NCLB law directs the Institute to disseminate information on scientifically based reading research pertaining to children, youth, and adults as well as information about development and implementation of classroom reading programs based on the research. Though the main page refers to some interesting projects, especially Equipped for the Future (EFF), the best place to explore is LINCS. On the upper left hand corner, select LINCS, or go to For the full range of offerings on this website or for specific research purposes, you may want to look at the special collections list. Select the red button above that says collections or go to: NRS National Reporting System in Adult Basic Education There are a few documents here that may be of interest, especially in relation to assessment of program effectiveness and performance assessments. RIPAL Research in Practice in Adult Literacy Do not be dissuaded by the Canadian content. There are many general and useful research resources here. SABES System of Adult Basic Education Support This is the main site which will also take you to various publications and bibliographies. For publications, go to: For bibliographies, go to: (and dont forget to visit SABES SE -

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Workforce Alliance The Workforce Alliance occasionally conducts or sponsors research to better inform general debates about the need for federal investments in the skills development of American workers, and the effectiveness of these investments. This section provides access to those Alliance reports, as well as other key research from highly regarded research organizations. Add you favorite websites here:

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Publications (Journals & Magazines)

There are several academic journals and publications that either focus directly on adult basic education or include some ABE articles among their pages. Finding these journals and articles may be a challenge. However, if you have a public library card in the state of Massachusetts (or better yet, access to an academic library), you should be able to find articles of relevance to your search. Massachusetts Library and Information Network (MLIN) This site allows you to search the online library catalogs ( of many Massachusetts public and academic libraries. You'll also find a page linking to federal, state and local resources ( from across the US. Another place to check is: Full-Text Education Journals Online Compiled by Ludcke Library at Lesley University If you get stuck, ask Mev Miller ([email protected]) to assist you with your search. As Resources Coordinator for SABES SE and with access to the services at BCC, we can help with some of this process. Also, be aware that some journals archive older articles on the Internet so they are available as full-text download.

Journal Titles & Descriptions and where to find them

Type of Journal Indicators
R = Research Emphasis / G = General Interest / B = Both / ** indicates adult ed specific

Adult Basic Education B** Adult Basic Education: An Interdisciplinary Journal for Adult Literacy Educators is a practical publication devoted to improving the efforts of adult educators working with low-literate, educationally disadvantaged and educationally oppressed people. SABES SE Resource Center has some issues of this journal. Adult Education Quarterly R A journal of research and theory tends towards higher ed & lifelong learning The Table of Contents since 2001 are available online: Adult Learning B SABES SE will get a subscription soon.

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Adventures in Assessment R** Back issues available at the SABES SE Resource Center Available on the Internet: Education Digest - B This digest reviews the best of recent periodicals and reports on education to produce 12 or more condensations for quick, easy reading. Available on the Internet: Some back issues are also available at the BCC library. Educational Action Research R Educational Action Research is a fully-refereed international journal concerned with exploring the unity between educational research and practice. Available on the Internet: Educational Researcher R Available on the Internet: Field Notes R** Back issues available at the SABES SE Resource Center. Available on the Internet: Focus on Basics B** Back issues available at the SABES SE Resource Center. Available on the Internet: Focus on Policy B** Back issues available at the SABES SE Resource Center. Available on the Internet: Harvard Educational Review R Some back issues are available at the BCC library. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy R Sponsored by the International Reading Association Some back issues are available at the BCC library. Selected articles are located on the Internet at:

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Journal of Educational Psychology R The main purpose of the Journal of Educational Psychology is to publish original, primary psychological research pertaining to education across all ages and educational levels. A secondary purpose of the Journal is the occasional publication of exceptionally important theoretical and review articles that are pertinent to educational psychology. Some back issues are available at the BCC library. Journal of Educational Research R Primarily contains articles for K-12 but may be of some use. Some back issues are available at the BCC library. MultiCultural Review - B This magazine is dedicated to a better understanding of ethnic, racial, and religious diversity. Some back issues are also available at the BCC library. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education R** This important journal can be found in book format as well as journal. Each issue is topic based. The SABES system carries many of these titles. However, for a complete listing of topics and table of contents, go to the publisher (Jossey-Bass) website: New Horizons in Adult Education R New Horizons in Adult Education is an electronic journal focused on current research and ideas in adult education, and publishes research, thought pieces, book reviews, conceptual analyses, case studies, and invitational columns. It does NOT specifically cover ABE topics. Located on the Internet at: Teaching Tolerance - G Diversity & social justice issues are presented by the Southern Poverty Law Center. Some back issues are available at the BCC library. You can see some of their work at: TechTrends - B This publication is for leaders in education & training and published by Association for Educational Communications and Technology. Some back issues are available at the BCC library. Triangle Journals R These are international journals in the social sciences, with a special focus on educational research. Available on the Internet at:

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More Journal Notes:

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Books Available in the SABES System

Some books on research
New to SABES Southeast & not yet in the database: The Art of Focused Conversation: 100 Ways to Access Group Wisdom in the Workplace, R. Brian Stanfield. Boston, MA: New Society Publishers. Doing Your Own Research, Revised Edition, Eileen Kane & Mary OReilly-de Brun. St. Paul, MN: Marion Boyars Publishers, 2001. Learning Circles: Creating Conditions for Professional Development, George W. Gagnon, Jr. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press, 1998. Teacher Study Groups: Building Community through Dialogue and Reflection, Barb Birchak, Clay Connor, Kathleen Marie Crawford, Leslie Kahn, Sandy Kaser, Susan Turner, and Kathy Short. Urbana, IL: NCTE, 1998.

Focus group kit, Morgan, David L., Krueger, Richard A., and King, Jean A. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, 98. Location of Material: Central-1/West-1. Keywords: Focused group interviewing/Focus Groups, Call Number: H61.28 .F63 1998. Notes: 1. The focus group guidebook / David L. Morgan -- 2. Planning focus groups / David L. Morgan with Alice U. Scannell -- 3. Developing questions for focus groups / Richard A. Krueger -- 4. Moderating focus groups / Richard A. Krueger -- 5. Involving community members in focus groups / Richard A. Krueger, Jean A. King -- 6. Analyzing & reporting focus group results / Richard A. Krueger. Online Text Educational Research: Quantitative, Qualitative and Mixed Approaches, Burke Johnson & Larry Christensen. If youre interested in knowing more detail about research and how studies are constructed, theres a comprehensive book on the Internet. It probably contains more than you will ever need to know, however, the introduction to this book is especially useful for some general information: The second chapter clearly explains the important differences between qualitative and quantitative research methods:

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Books Available in the SABES System Research in ABE

January, 2004

There are many books and resources available in the SABES Resource Centers useable for research, documentation, and curriculum support. This list represents a sampling of such titles. As you do research using materials the SABES system, please check the shelves or ask a Resource Center Librarian to help you locate additional items connected to your topic. New books at SABES SE not yet in the database Adult Learning and Development: Perspectives from Educational Psychology, edited by M. Cecil Smith and Thomas Pourchot. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1998. Adult Numeracy and Development: Theory, Research, Practice, edited by Iddo Gal. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, 2000. Learning and Development: Making Connections to Enhance Teaching, Sharon Silverman & Martha Casazza. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 2000. Meeting the Challenge of Learning Disabilities in Adulthood, Arlyn Roffman. Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes Publishing, 2000. Research-Based Principles for Adult Basic Education: Reading Instruction, The Partnership for Reading. Washington, DC: National Institute for Literacy, 2002.

Books in the SABES system The ABC's of evaluation: timeless techniques for program and project managers, Boulmetis, John and Dutwin, Phyllis. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2000. Location of Material: Southeast-2. Keywords: Management--Evaluation, Call Number: HD31 .B633 2000. Notes: What is evaluation? -- Why evaluate? -- Decision making: whom to involve, how, and why? -- Starting point: the evaluator's program description -- Choosing an evaluation model -- Data sources -- Data analysis -Is it evaluation or is it research -- Writing the evaluation report. Adult learning and the Internet, Cahoon, Brad. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 98. Location of Material: Southeast-2. Keywords: Adult education--Computer-assisted instruction/Adult education--Computer network resources/Internet, Call Number: LC5219 .A383 1998. The Changes Project, Schroeder, Alex Risley 2000. Location of Material: Southeast. Keywords: ABE/ESL/GED/program developmentNotes: SABES West, Holyoke Community College, Holyoke, MA, 413-552-2066

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Annual review of adult learning and literacy, volume 1, Comings, John P., Garner, Barbara Carman, Smith, Cristine A., and National Center for the Study of Adult Learning and Literacy (U.S.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2000. Location of Material: Southeast-1. Keywords: Adult education/Literacy/English language--Study and teaching--Foreign speakers, Call Number: LC5225.R4 .A55 2000. Notes: "A project of the National Center for the Study of Adult Learning and Literacy". Annual review of adult learning and literacy, volume 2, Comings, John P., Garner, Barbara Carman, Smith, Cristine A., and National Center for the Study of Adult Learning and Literacy (U.S.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2001. Location of Material: Southeast-1. Keywords: Adult education/Literacy/English language--Study and teaching--Foreign speakers/New literates, Writing for, Call Number: LC5225.R4 A55 2001 v.2. Notes: "A project of the National Center for the Study of Adult Learning and Literacy". The year 1999 in review / Dave Speights -- Making sense of critical pedagogy in adult literacy education / Sophie C. Degener -- Research in writing: implications for adult literacy education / Marilyn K. Gillespie -- Time to reframe politics and practices in correctional education / Stefan Lobuglio -- Building professional development systems in adult basic education: lessons from the field / Alisa Belzer, Cassandra Drennon, Cristine Smith -- Adult learning and literacy in Canada / Linda Shohet -- Organizational development and its implications for adult basic education programs ; Resources on organizational development / Marcia Drew Hohn. Annual review of adult learning and literacy, volume 3, Comings, John, Garner, Barbara, and Smith, Cristine. San Francisco; Chichester: Jossey-Bass; Wiley, 2002. Location of Material: Southeast-1. Keywords: Adult education/Adult learning/Functional literacy--Study and teaching, Call Number: LC5225.R4 A55 2002 v.3. Notes: "A project of the National Center for the Study of Adult Learning and Literacy." The year 2000 in review / Lenox L. McLendon -- The rise of the adult education and literacy system in the United States: 1600-2000 / Thomas G. Sticht -- Adults with learning disabilities: a review of the literature / Mary Ann Corley, Juliana M. Taymans -- Literacy assessment in adult basic education / John Kruidenier -- The inclusion of numeracy in adult basic education / Dave Tout, Mary Jane Schmitt -- Professionalization and certification for teachers in adult basic education / John P. Sabatini, Lynda Ginsburg, Mary Russell -- Current areas of interest in family literacy ; Resources on family literacy / Vivian L. Gadsden. Assessing adult learning in diverse settings: current issues and approaches, Rose, Amy D. and Leahy, Meredyth A. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 97. Location of Material: Southeast-2. Keywords: Adult learning/Non-formal education--Evaluation, Call Number: LC5225.L42 A77 1997. Notes: Principles for assessment of adult learning / Carol E. Kasworm, Catherine A. Marienau -- Assessing critical thinking / Stephen D. Brookfield -- The assessment of noncollegiate sponsored programs of instruction / Richard J. Hamilton -- Multicultural approaches to portfolio development / Elana Michelson -- A model for developing an outcomes assessment plan : the Regents College outcomes assessment framework / Paula E. Peinovich, Mitchell S. Nesler, Todd S. Thomas -- Assessment in adult basic education programs / Eunice N. Askov, Barbara L. Van Horn, Priscilla S. Carman -Assessing workplace learning : new trends and possibilities / Patricia L. Inman, Sally Vernon -Beyond transfer of training : using multiple lenses to assess community education programs / Judith M. Ottoson -- Assessment themes and issues / Amy D. Rose, Meredyth A. Leahy. Assessing success in family literacy projects: alternative approaches to assessment & evaluation, Holt, Daniel D. and National Clearinghouse for ESL Literacy Education. McHenry, IL: Center for Applied Linguistics and Delta Systems, 94. Location of Material: Boston-1/Southeast-3. Keywords: Family literacy programs--United States--Evaluation/Language arts--United States--Ability testing,

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Call Number: LC151 .A88 1994. Notes: "This publication was prepared with funding from the Office of Educational Research and Improvement, U.S. Department of Education." Bridges to practice: a research-based guide for literacy practitioners serving adults with learning disabilities, National Adult Literacy and Learning Disabilites Center (U.S.) and National Institute for Literacy (U.S.). Washington, DC: The National Adult Literacy and Learning Disabilities Center, 99. Location of Material: Southeast-1. Keywords: Learning disabilities--Diagnosis/Learning disabilities/Learning disabled--Education/Learning disabled--Services for/Adult education teachers-Training of, Call Number: LC4818.5 .B74 1999. Notes: Guidebook 1: Preparing to serve adults with learning disabilities -- Guidebook 2: The assessment process -- Guidebook 3: The planning process - Guidebook 4: The teaching/learning process -- Guidebook 5: Creating professional development opportunities -- Bridges to systemic reform (videocassette)

Building learning communities in cyberspace: effective strategies for the online classroom, Palloff, Rena M. and Pratt, Keith. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 99. Location of Material: Central1/Southeast-1. Keywords: Distance education--United States/College teaching--United States--Data processing/Computer-assisted instruction--United States, Call Number: LC5805 .P35 1999. Notes: When teaching and learning leave the classroom -- Defining and redefining community -- What we know about electronic learning -- Time and group size -- Managing the technology -- Making the conversion from the classroom to cyberspace -- Building foundations -- Promoting collaborative learning -- Transformative learning -- Evaluation -- Lessons learned and a look ahead -- Resource A: examples of course syllabi -- Resource B: glossary of terms used in computer-mediated distance education -- Resource C: Internet resources for distance education. Creating practical knowledge through action research: posing problems, solving problems, and improving daily practice, Quigley, B. Allan and Kuhne, Gary W. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 97. Location of Material: Southeast-1. Keywords: Action research in education/Adult education, Call Number: LB1028.24 .C73 1997. Notes: "Spring 1997." The role of research in the practice of adult education / B. Allan Quigley -- Understanding and using action research in practice settings / Gary W. Kuhne, B. Allan Quigley -- Case studies of action research in various adult education settings / Gary W. Kuhne ... [et al.] -- Reflections on action research / John M. Peters -- "A condition that is not yet": reactions, reflections, and closing comments / B. Allan Quigley, Gary W. Kuhne. Developing adult learners: strategies for teachers and trainers, Taylor, Kathleen, Marienau, Catherine, and Fiddler, Morris. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2000. Location of Material: Southeast2/West-1. Keywords: Adult learning/Learning, Psychology of, Call Number: LC5225.L42 T39 2000. Developing critical thinkers: challenging adults to explore alternative ways of thinking and acting, Brookfield, Stephen. Milton Keynes, England: Open University Press, 87. Location of Material: Boston-1/Central-1/Northeast-1/Southeast-2. Keywords: Critical thinking/Critical thinking--Study and teaching/Psychology, Applied/Education/Role of critical thought, Call Number: BF441 .B79 1987b.

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Diversity and motivation: culturally responsive teaching, Wlodkowski, Raymond J. and Ginsberg, Margery B. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 95. Location of Material: Central-1/Southeast-2. Keywords: Multicultural education--United States/College teaching--United States/Minorities-Education (Higher)--United States/Education--United States/Cultural Diversity--United States/Teaching--United States/Minority Groups--education--United States, Call Number: LC1099.3 .W56 1995. Notes: Understanding relationships between culture and motivation to learn -Establishing inclusion -- Developing attitude -- Enhancing meaning -- Engendering competence -Implementing a culturally responsive pedagogy. Education through community organizations, Galbraith, Michael W. San Francisco, CA: JosseyBass, 90. Location of Material: Central-1. Keywords: Adult education/Adult education--United States, Call Number: LC5225.S64 E38 1990. Notes: "Fall 1990." Educational outreach to select adult populations, Kasworm, Carol E. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 83. Location of Material: Boston-1. Keywords: Adult education--United States/Continuing education--United States/Minorities--Education--United States, Call Number: LC5251 .N48 no. 20. Enhancing adult motivation to learn: a comprehensive guide for teaching all adults, Wlodkowski, Raymond J. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 99. Location of Material: Northeast-1/Southeast-2. Keywords: Motivation in adult education, Call Number: LC5219 .W53 1999. Notes: "Second edition"-T.p. verso. How motivation affects instruction -- Characteristics and skills of a motivating instructor -- What motivates adults to learn -- Establishing inclusion among adult learners -- Helping adults develop positive attitudes toward learning -- Enhancing meaning in learning activities -- Engendering competence among adult learners -- Building motivational strategies into instructional designs -- Epilogue : being an effective instructor of adults. Enhancing creativity in adult and continuing education: innovative approaches, methods, and ideas, Edelson, Paul Jay and Malone, Patricia L. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 99. Location of Material: Southeast-1/West-1. Keywords: Adult education/Continuing education/Creation (Literary, artistic, etc.)/Creative ability, Call Number: LC5219 .E55 1999. Notes: "Spring 1999." Creativity and adult education / Paul Jay Edelson -- Peer-facilitated adult education / Susan Anderson -- The Topsfield Foundation : fostering democratic community building through face-to-face dialogue / Catherine Flavin-McDonald, Molly Holme Barrett -- The Dutch experiment in developing adult creativity / Folkert H. Haanstra -- The Harvard Management for Lifelong Education Program : creative approaches to designing a professional development program / Clifford Baden -- Redefining a university's approach to continuing education (and transforming itself in the process) / Bill G. Clutter -- Creating innovative partnerships / James F. Polo, Louise M. Rotchford, Paula M. Setteducati -- Dialogue and collaboration as keys to building innovative educational initiatives in a knowledge-based economy / Mary Lindenstein Walshok -- New vistas for adult education / Paul Jay Edelson, Patricia L. Malone. Enhancing staff development in diverse settings, Marsick, Victoria J. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 88. Location of Material: Boston-1. Keywords: Career development/Continuing education--United States/Adult education--United States, Call Number: LC5201 .N48 no.38 LC5251 .E481 1988. Notes: "Summer 1988."

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Evaluation: an integrated framework for understanding, guiding, and improving policies and programs, Mark, Melvin M., Henry, Gary T., and Julnes, George. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2000. Location of Material: Southeast-1. Keywords: Policy sciences/Evaluation research (Social action programs)/Social policy--Evaluation, Call Number: H97 .M373 2000. Focus group kit, Morgan, David L., Krueger, Richard A., and King, Jean A. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, 98. Location of Material: Central-1/West-1. Keywords: Focused group interviewing/Focus Groups, Call Number: H61.28 .F63 1998. Notes: 1. The focus group guidebook / David L. Morgan -- 2. Planning focus groups / David L. Morgan with Alice U. Scannell -- 3. Developing questions for focus groups / Richard A. Krueger -- 4. Moderating focus groups / Richard A. Krueger -- 5. Involving community members in focus groups / Richard A. Krueger, Jean A. King -- 6. Analyzing & reporting focus group results / Richard A. Krueger. Handbook of adult and continuing education , Wilson, Arthur L. and Hayes, Elisabeth . San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2000. Location of Material: Southeast-1. Keywords : Adult education/Continuing education/Education/Education, Continuing, Call Number: LC5215 .H245 2000. Notes: "A publication of the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education." Helping adults learn how to learn, Smith, Robert McNeil. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 83. Location of Material: Boston-1. Keywords: Continuing education--United States/Learning, Call Number: LC5251 .N48 no. 19. How to conduct a formative evaluation, Beyer, Barry K. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 95. Location of Material: Southeast-6. Keywords: Educational evaluation--United States/Instructional systems--Design--United States--Evaluation, Call Number: LB2822.75 .B45 1995. Notes: Introduction: how do we know it will work -Formative evaluation: its nature and importance -- When to conduct formative evaluations and what to look for -- Sources of formative feedback -- Data-gathering instruments and procedures -Formative evaluation in practice -- Guidelines for planning a formative evaluation. Involving adults in the educational process, Rosenblum, Sandra H. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 85. Location of Material: Boston-1. Keywords: Adult education/Continuing education, Call Number: LC5219 .I58 1985. Learning as transformation: critical perspectives on a theory in progress , Mezirow, Jack. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2000. Location of Material: Southeast-3. Keywords: Transfer of training/Adult learning, Call Number: LB1059 .M49 2000. Notes: 1. Developing concepts of transformative learning. Learning to think like an adult: core concepts of transformation theory / Jack Mezirow -- What "form" transforms?: a constructive-developmental approach to transformative learning / Robert Kegan -- Inequality, development, and connected knowing / Mary Field Belenky, Ann V. Stanton -- Transformative learning for the common good / Laurent A. Parks Daloz -Transformative learning as ideology critique / Stephen D. Brookfield. 2. Fostering transformative learning in practice. Teaching with developmental intention / Kathleen Taylor --Individual differences and transformative learning / Patricia Cranton -- Transformation in a residential adult learning community / Judith Beth Cohen, Deborah Piper -- Creating new habits of mind in small groups / Elizabeth Kasl, Dean Elias -- Organizational learning and transformation / Lyle Yorks, Victoria J. Marsick. 3. Moving ahead from practice to theory. Analyzing research on transformative learning theory / Edward W. Taylor -- Theory building and the search for common ground / Colleen Aalsburg Wiessner, Jack Mezirow.

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Learning in adulthood: a comprehensive guide, Merriam, Sharan B. and Caffarella, Rosemary S. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 99. Location of Material: Southeast-2/West-1. Keywords: Adult learning, Call Number: LC5225.L42 M47 1999. Notes: Adult learning and contemporary society -- Learning opportunities in adulthood -- Participation in adult education -- Providing learning opportunities -- Biological and psychological development -- Sociocultural and integrative perspectives on development -- Cognitive development in adulthood -- Intelligence and aging -Memory, cognition, and the brain -- Experience and learning -- Key theories of learning -Andragogy and other models of adult learning -- Self-directed learning -- Transformational learning -- Critical theory, postmodern, and feminist perspectives -- Ethics and adult learning -- Integrating theory and practice. Literacy in the workplace: the executive perspective, a qualitative research study, Omega Group. Bryn Mawr, PA: The Group, 89. Location of Material: Boston-1. Keywords: Functional literacy-United States, Call Number: LC149.7 .L73 1989. Making meaning, making change: a guide to participatory curriculum development for adult ESL and family literacy, Auerbach, Elsa and University of Massachusetts at Boston. Boston, MA: University of Massachusetts, English Family Literacy Project, 90. Location of Material: Southeast2. Keywords: English language--Study and teaching/Reading--Parent participation/Literacy, Call Number: PE1128 A93. Mastering the instructional design process: a systematic approach, Rothwell, William J. and Kazanas, H. C. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 98. Location of Material: Southeast-2. Keywords: Employees--Training of/Instructional systems--Design, Call Number: HF5549.5.T7 R659 1998. Mentoring: new strategies and challenges, Galbraith, Michael W. and Cohen, Norman H. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, [1995]. Location of Material: Central-1. Keywords: Mentoring in education/Adult education/Continuing education, Call Number : LB1731.4 .M472 1995. Notes: Mentoring in the learning society / Norman H. Cohen, Michael W. Galbraith -- The principles of adult mentoring scale / Norman H. Cohen -- Organizationally sponsored mentoring / Kenneth M. Kerr, Donald R. Schulze, Lyle E. Woodward -- Mentoring program practices and effectiveness / Amy W. Johnson, Judith A. Sullivan -- The benefits of mentoring / Susan F. Schulz -- Mentoring to diversity : a multicultural approach / Yvonne Enid Gonzalez Rodriguez -- Strategies and resources for enhancing mentoring relationships / Linda Marie Golian -- Issues and challenges confronting mentoring / Michael W. Galbraith, Norman H. Cohen. New directions in education: selections from Holistic Education Review, Miller, Ron. Brandon, VT: Holistic Education Press, 91. Location of Material: West-1. Keywords: Education--United States/Holism/Educational innovations, Call Number: LC1011 .H642 1991. Notes: Toward a paradigm of promise : transformational theory applied to education / David W. Brown -- The search for a new educational paradigm : the implications of new assumptions about thinking and learning ; Environmental education as an integrative study ; Holistic education : a search for wholeness / Edward T. Clark, Jr. -- Authority, aggression, and building community in alternative/free schools / Dave Lehman -- The global-ecocentric paradigm in education / Phil Gang -- Ecological literacy : education for the twenty-first century / David W. Orr -- Humanistic education : exploring the edge / Jerome S. Allender and Donna Sclarow Allender -- Holistic peace education / Sonnie McFarland -And the children shall lead the way / Linda Macrae-Campbell -- Thoughts on educational excellence, technique, and school structures / Mitchell Sakofs and David L. Burger -- Teaching the politics of literacy : notes from a "methods" course / Mary-Lou Breitborde Sherr -- Reading as a

Field Guide to Educational Research, Revised June 2004, p. 26

whole : why basal reading series are not the answer / Constance Weaver -- Do grades cause learning disabilities? / Charles H. Hargis and Marge Terhaar-Yonkers -- School corporal punishment : legalized child abuse / Robert E. Fathman -- The medicalization of the classroom : the constriction of difference in our schools / Steve Harlow -- Bilingual learners : how our assumptions limit their world / Yvonne S. Freeman and David Freeman -- Race, knowledge, and pedagogy : a black-white teacher dialogue / Donald Murphy and Juliet Ucelli -- Alternative education and "alternative" schools : why dropout schools aren't alternative / Mary E. Sweeney -- The three dimensions of human greatness : a framework for redesigning education / Lynn Stoddard -- Toward a holistic definition of creativity / Gary F. Render, Je Nell M. Padilla, and Charles E. Moon -- Imagination running wild / David W. Anderson -- On the education of wonder and ecstasy / W. Nikola-Lisa -Education for the soul : spiritual values and the English curriculum / Karen A. Carlton and Richard L. Graves -- Creation spirituality and the reinventing of education / Andy LePage -- The fasting quest as a modern rite of passage / Steven Foster and Meredith Little -- The presence of the child / John Wolfe -- Schools as communities of love and caring / Mara Sapon-Shevin -- Walden within / Clement Mehlman -- Joyful literacy at Fair Oaks School / Lois Bridges Bird -- Jefferson County Open High School : philosophy and purpose / Ruth Steele -- What makes alternative schools alternative? The "blue ox" speaks! / Dave Lehman -- Educating as an art : the Waldorf approach / Roberto Trostli. The new update on adult learning theory, Merriam, Sharan B. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass , 2001. Location of Material: Southeast-1. Keywords: Adult learning/Continuing education/Learning strategies, Call Number: LC5225.L42 N45 2001. Notes: "Spring 2001." Participatory literacy education, Fingeret, Arlene and Jurmo, Paul. San Francisco London: JosseyBass, 89. Location of Material: Boston-1. Keywords: Literacy programs--United States/Teacherstudent relationships--United States, Call Number: LC151 .P37 1989. Participatory practices in adult education , Campbell, Pat and Burnaby, Barbara. Mahwah, NJ: L. Erlbaum, 2001. Location of Material: Central-1/Southeast-1/West-1. Keywords: Adult education-Social aspects--Canada/Adult education--Social aspects--United States/Popular education-Canada/Popular education--United States/Functional literacy--Social aspects--Canada/Functional literacy--Social aspects--United States, Call Number: LC5225.S64 P37 2001. Performance standards and authentic learning, Glatthorn, Allan A. Larchmont, NY: Eye on Education, 99. Location of Material: Southeast-1. Keywords: Education--Standards--United States/Curriculum planning--United States/Educational tests and measurements--United States, Call Number: LB3060.83 .G53 1999. The Power and potential of collaborative learning partnerships, Saltiel, Iris M., Sgroi, Angela, and Brockett, Ralph Grover. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 98. Location of Material: Southeast-1. Keywords: Team learning approach in education/Cooperation/Interpersonal relations/Group work in education/Adult learning, Call Number: LB1032 .P691 1998. Power in practice: adult education and the struggle for knowledge and power in society, Cervero, Ronald M. and Wilson, Arthur L. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2001. Location of Material: Southeast-1/West-1. Keywords: Adult education--Social aspects/Adult education and state/Educational equalization, Call Number: LC5225.S64 P69 2001.

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Promoting journal writing in adult education, English, Leona M. and Gillen, Marie A. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2001. Location of Material: Southeast-1. Keywords: Adult education/Diaries--Authorship , Call Number: LC5219 .P76 2001. Notes: Using journal writing to enhance reflective practice / David Boud -- Uses and benefits of journal writing / Roger Hiemstra -Ethical concerns relating to journal writing / Leona M. English -- Responding to journals in a learning process / Tara J. Fenwick -- Journal writing in health education / Angela J. Gillis -- Women, journal writing, and the reflective process / Elizabeth A. Peterson, Ann M. Jones -- Journal writing in adult ESL: improving practice through reflective writing / Richard A. Orem -- Journal writing in higher education / Peter Jarvis -- Journal writing in practice: from vision to reality / Leona M. English, Marie A. Gillen. Providing culturally relevant adult education: a challenge for the twenty-first century, Guy, Talmadge C. San Francisco: Jossey Bass, 99. Location of Material: Southeast-1. Keywords: Adult education/Adult learning, Call Number: LC5219 .P75 1999. Notes: "Summer 1999" Culture as context for adult education: the need for culturally relevant adult education / Talmadge C. Guy -Adult learning: moving toward more inclusive theories and practices / Donna D. Amstutz -- Giving voice: inclusion of Afro-American students' polyrhythmic realities in adult basic education / Vanessa Sheared -- The quest for visibility in adult education: the Hispanic experience / Jorge Jeria -- Navajo language and culture in adult education / Louise Lockard -- Creating a culturally relevant challenge for African American adult education / Elizabeth A. Peterson --Culturally relevant adult education: key themes and common purposes / Talmadge C. Guy. Recruiting and retaining adult students, Cookson, Peter S. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 89. Location of Material: Boston-1. Keywords: Adult education/Continuing education/Motivation in adult education, Call Number: LC5219 .R42 1989. Research report on the nature, extent, and outcomes of accommodations in adult education programs, Mellard, Daryl F., Hall, Jean, Leibowitz, Ruth, and Educational Resources Information Center (U.S.). Lawrence, KS [Washington, DC]: University of Kansas, Institute for Adult Studies U.S. Dept. of Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement, Educational Resources Information Center, [1997]. Location of Material: Southeast-5. Keywords: Handicapped students-Legal status, laws, etc./Rehabilitation technology , Call Number: LC5225.R47 M455 1997. Strengthening connections between education and performance, Grabowski, Stanley M. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 83. Location of Material: Boston-1. Keywords: Continuing education-United States/Continuing education--United States--Evaluation/Occupational training--United States/Professional education--United States/Performance, Call Number: LC5251 .N48 no. 18 LC5219. Teacher evaluation/teacher portfolios, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development and Educational Research Information Center (U.S.). Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 99. Location of Material: Southeast-1. Keywords: Portfolios in education/Teachers--Rating of, Call Number: LB1029.P67 T43 1999. Notes: Reprinted from various ASCD publications and ERIC resources 1993-1999. Teaching multilevel classes in ESL, Bell, Jill. San Diego, CA: Dominie Press, 91. Location of Material: Southeast-3. Keywords: English language--Study and teaching--Foreign speakers, Call Number: PE1128.A2 B44 1991.

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Too scared to learn: women, violence, and education, Horsman, Jenny. Mahwah, NJ: L. Erlbaum Associates, 2000. Location of Material: Southeast-1/West-1. Keywords: Abused women-Education/Language arts/Literacy--Social aspects, Call Number: LC1481 .H67 2000. Understanding and negotiating the political landscape of adult education, Hansman, Catherine A. and Sissel, Peggy A. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2001. Location of Material: Southeast-2. Keywords: Adult education/Continuing education, Call Number: LC5215 .U53 2001. Notes: "Fall 2001." Thinking politically : a framework for adult and continuing education / Peggy A. Sissel -The politics of neglect : adult learners in higher education / Peggy A. Sissel, Catherine A. Hansman, Carol E. Kasworm -- Negotiating the democratic classroom / Scipio A.J. Colin III, Thomas W. Heaney -- Achieving voice and security in colleges of education / Michael J. Day, Donna Amstutz, Donna Whitson -- The gendered construction of the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act / Barbara Sparks -- Living in the feudalism of adult basic and literacy education : can we negotiate a literacy democracy? / B. Allan Quigley -- Political hotbeds : professional organizations as policymakers / Phyllis M. Cunningham -- Professionalization : a politics of identity / Arthur L. Wilson -- The political landscape of adult education : from the personal to political and back again / Catherine A. Hansman. An Update on adult learning theory, Merriam, Sharan B. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 93. Location of Material: Northeast-1/Southeast-2. Keywords: Adult education, Call Number: LC5219 .U63 1993. Notes: Adult learning: where have we come from? where are we headed? / Sharan B. Merriam -- Andragogy after twenty-five years / Daniel D. Pratt -- Self-directed learning / Rosemary S. Caffarella -- Three underdeveloped models for adult learning / Roger Hiemstra -Transformational learning / M. Carolyn Clark -- Consciousness and learning: new and renewed approaches / Marcie Boucouvalas -- The promise of situated cognition / Arthur L. Wilson -- The contribution of critical theory to our understanding of adult learning / Michael R. Welton -Feminism and adult learning: power, pedagogy, and praxis / Elizabeth J. Tisdell -- Taking stock / Sharan B. Merriam. The welfare-to-work challenge for adult literacy educators, Fisher, James C. and Martin, Larry G. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 99. Location of Material: Northeast-1/Southeast-1. Keywords: Literacy/Welfare recipients/Adult education--Study and teaching, Call Number: LC149.7 .M3685 1999. Notes: Policy issues that drive the transformation of adult literacy / Elizabeth Hayes -Critical issues and dilemmas for adult literacy programs under welfare reform / Barbara Sparks -Research on adult literacy education in the welfare-to-work transition / James C. Fisher -Continuum of literacy program models: alternative approaches for low literate welfare recipients / Larry G. Martin -- The brave new world of workforce education / Eunice N. Askov, Edward E. Gordon -- The new role of community-based agencies / Daniel V. Folkman, Kalyani Rai -- New skills for literacy educators / John M. Dukes -- Epilogue / Larry G. Martin, James C. Fisher. Women as learners: the significance of gender in adult learning, Hayes, Elisabeth and Flannery, Daniele D. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 2000. Location of Material: Northeast1/Southeast-2/West-1. Keywords: Adult learning/Women--Education/Feminism and education, Call Number: LC5225.L42 H39 2000. Notes: Women's learning : a kaleidoscope / Daniele D. Flannery, Elisabeth Hayes -- Social contexts / Elisabeth Hayes -- Identity and self-esteem / Daniele D. Flannery -- Voice / Elisabeth Hayes -- Connection / Daniele D. Flannery -- Transformation / Ann K. Brooks -- Feminist pedagogies / Elizabeth J. Tisdell -- Perspectives on practice / Jane M. Hugo -Creating knowledge about women's learning / Elisabeth Hayes -- Re-searching for women's learning / Daniele D. Flannery.

Field Guide to Educational Research, Revised June 2004, p. 29

The print version of this Field Guide held in the SABES Resource Center includes reproductions of these articles. Due to copyright limitations, we cannot reprint all of them on the website. We have, however, provided links to those articles already housed on the Internet.

Appendix 1 Connecting Research and Practice, Barbara Garner (Focus On Basics, Vol. 4, Issue D, April 2001) Appendix 2 Making Sense of Scientific Research, Laura Westberg (ELA Connecting, Vol. 3 #2, Dec. 2003) Appendix 3 Communicating Educational Research Data to General, Nonresearcher Audiences, Gail MacOll and Kathleen White (ERIC Digest, ED422406) Appendix 4 Research-on-Research Mini-Survey (CAAL Occasional Paper #2)
A compilation of original research titles found useful by participants in a CAAL mini-survey to guide policy, management, and practice. Originally released by CAAL May 8, 2002; revised August 27, 2002. [Note: This work will be updated periodically. Anyone wishing to submit new items for consideration, following the criteria given in the introduction to the publication, may send up to 10 titles together with a short paragraph explaining the purpose(s) for which each title is useful. Appendix 5 Using Research and Reason in Education, Paula J. Stanovich and Keith E. Stanovich (National Institute for Literacy, 2003) Html version: Pdf version:

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