Retreat 3.-Paul and The Temple of Liberty
Retreat 3.-Paul and The Temple of Liberty
Retreat 3.-Paul and The Temple of Liberty
The Bridge to Freedom Foundation Master El Morya: "In Southern France, on the banks of The Rhone River that flows serenely through the green hills and valleys of the rich countryside, stands The Chateau de Liberte'. Several years before the last remnants of The Continent of Atlantis sank, the priests were apprised of the coming cataclysm. They safely transported The Flame of Liberty to what is now Southern France. The Temple of Liberty is The Focus for The Liberty Flame upon The Planet Earth today. The Master Paul, The Venetian Master, Chohan of The 3rd Ray and Lieutenant to The Lord Mahachohan, is presently in charge."
"The natural beauty of the profusely flowered countryside emphasizes the grace of the buildings, framed in the loveliest of nature's settings. The musical play of the water rising from the marble fountains mingles with the song of the birds, and the warm Sun unfolds the petals and the water lilies, lighting up the multicolored plumage of the many birds who find safe sanctuary in the peaceful environment." "Through the open windows drifts the music from organ, cello, harp, and piano, blending with the song of Nature, as these instruments are given voice through the talents of The Brothers and Sisters Who are The Devotees of beauty as well as Guardians of The Flame of Liberty Which has been established and sustained in this location since before the sinking of the last remnants of Atlantis." "Graceful marble columns, garlanded with blooming roses, encircle the formal gardens, and the most exquisite statuary, representing the heighth of the culture of every age, depicts the many divine lessons to be learned by the wise, as well as immortalizes the life expression of the great men and women of civilizations that had risen to great heights only to be again swallowed up in the veil of maya, leaving but some treasure of art or legend as witness to their passing glory." "Entering the beautiful, spacious hall, a beautiful painting faces us, representing The Holy Trinity, a magnificent Being depicting The Father, a lovely white dove with a wingspread of almost 9 feet representing The Holy Spirit, and a glorious likeness of The Master Jesus representing The Son." "The radiation from this picture is so tremendous that it envelopes the entire entrance hall and holds the visitor spellbound in its presence. This painting was begun by Paul Veronese and was completed by Him after His Ascension (Paul The Venetian). Therefore, it has the unique distinction of carrying the vibratory action of both realms of activity in which He is so vitally interested." "As we become accustomed to the radiation that emanates from the picture and are enabled to observe the splendor and magnificence of the grand marble staircase, the beautiful cherubic and seraphic figures that decorate the spacious hall, and the richly-patterned mosaic figures on the floor, we are conscious of a throbbing beneath our feet, reminding us of a strong, definite, vitalizing pulsebeat. This, we are told, is the rhythm of The Flame of Liberty, Which has been guarded, protected, and sustained by many guardians since It was first focused at This Location by those who left Atlantis carrying Its Sacred Essence that love of Liberty might be sustained in the hearts of men for generations yet unborn. The pulsation of The Flame on the tessellated marble floor comes from The Subterranean Chamber where It is focused." "The Focus of The Flame of Liberty, established at this point so many ages ago, accounts for the fact that France has been identified with liberty of conscience for centuries, and it was hoped by The Great White Brotherhood that, through the impetus of That Flame, The United States of Europe might be externalized through The Court of France as early as The 18th Century during the reign of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette."
"Although St. Germain (as Le Comte de Saint Germain after His Ascension) endeavored unsuccessfully to reach the consciousness of the rulers of France up through the reign of Napolean Bonaparte, He was enabled to draw the substance of That Flame through the living hearts of those men whom He inspired to carry the love of Liberty across the sea to the new land of hope for freedom and, through the souls of Lafayette, Rochambeau, Von Steuben, Kosiusco, Pulaski, DeKalb, and others, a mystic transference of That Momentum of Liberty was anchored into the conscious heartbeat of America. It was from This Flame that the European patriots, who served the cause of The Americas in their struggle for independence, received the impetus and stimulus to make the sacrifices involved in such service." "It was not by accident that the people of France were inspired to give to America the symbol of Liberty which stands in New York Harbor as an expression of their love and friendship, in the outer sense, and as a Focus of The Liberty Flame from the inner standpoint. The Vibration of The Flame has inspired every pioneer and patriot who has ever followed The Flame of Freedom. The subtle Radiation, pulsating from within the heart of France, inspired the pilgrim fathers and others to follow their destiny to The New World of Freedom." "The Keynote of This Liberty Flame is found within The French National Anthem, The Marseillaise, which accounts for the feeling of inspiration which runs through the hearts and souls of all who love freedom when this music is heard." "Our Host's Beautiful Presence is so breathtaking that even the roses that form a background for His Figure seem almost dull by comparison. His deep, golden hair, softly waved, contrasts beautifully with the emerald green of his garments, and the delicacy of his features is emphasized by the deep, celestial blue of his expressive eyes. His voice carries the melody of the liquid voice of The Presence that soothes, heals, and blesses all life." "Here are guarded priceless treasures of art, statuary, oil paintings, and many contributions which Mankind has made to the realm of beauty, which have earned the right to be protected and sustained through the centuries." Master El Morya: "At The Chateau de Liberte', The Chohan plays Host to the accomplished musicians, artists, sculptors, poets, writers, and generally those whose talents, momentums, and developed services have drawn them from among the masses and marked them out for more than ordinary assistance. The conscious chelas are sometimes privileged to enter the secluded Retreat and enjoy the beauty of the rose gardens, the playing fountains, the magnificent sculpture, and art work which has been gathered from the 4 corners of The Earth through many ages. The far greater number of pupils and prodigies visit there in their inner bodies while the physical garments sleep and receive spiritual stimulus to continue to develope in their particular line of unfoldment." "In this lovely Chateau, one finds not only the accomplished artist but the hopeful amateur.
One will look upon, not only the magnificent portraits, sculptures, and works of art of the genius, but also the clumsy attempts of the hopeful ones who stand at the bottom of the ladder of perfection." "On the soft night air, perfumed with the roses that climb lovingly around the marble columns of the garden, one will hear, not only the magnificence of The Music of The Spheres, but also the tremulous endeavors of the beginner whose heart motive has drawn the interest and cooperation of This Brotherhood. The very pertinent aphorism of The Brotherhood of Liberty is, 'I am my brother's Keeper'." "The gift of Liberty to use Life was given at the beginning of self-consciousness of every being. The gift of expanding the knowledge of how to use That Liberty to fulfill The Divine Plan is given by The Brothers and Sisters Who have chosen the expanding of The Liberty Flame as their reason for being." Master Kuthumi: "Many times in the course of the centuries has your love of Liberty caused you to rise individually and, at no small personal cost, to pursue a path toward a land, a goal, where you individually might weave the energies of your own lives according to the dictates of your conscience, the impulses of your own Christ Self, and the earnest, honest, and sincere beliefs of your faith of a given hour." "Within The Great Retreat, guarded by The Chohan of The 3rd Ray, one feels that spiritual impetus of The Immortal Flame within the heart, which is Liberty in design and manifests God-mastery, because that is its pre-ordained destiny and the reason for which It has been sustained within the hearts of Mankind for eons of time." Master Kuthumi: "Between each of the mirrors has been painted a magnificent picture of The Archangels, 3 on the left and 3 on the right. The Beloved Venetian rendered this service Himself in the gorgeous imperishable colors which always marked his work (as Paul Veronese). Beloved Michael is in blue, The Beloved Raphael in green, Beloved Zadkiel in purple on one side of the hall, Beloved Uriel and Jophiel in gold with Beloved Gabriel in white on a golden background on the right side. Beloved Chamuel is depicted in a lifesized tapestry at the end of the corridor facing the door to the entrance of the hall. The tapestry is of a shimmering silk-like material with The Archangel painted pink upon it. This forms the entrance to The Flame Room, and it divides in the center thus allowing the individual to pass right through The Pink Flame and Presence of Chamuel into The Flame Room." "The Altar is made of carved crystal, in the center of Which is The Hand, symbolic of The Beloved Mahachohan, and The Glorious Immortal Liberty Flame, pink, gold, and blue, rising from That. Above The Altar is a likeness of The Mahachohan pictured with the dove at his breast and, in a stained-glass effect over his head, is The Radiation of The Pink Ray in a fan-like form of 5 Pink Rays (representing Rays 3 through 7 over Which He has charge)."
"On the left side of The Altar is more artistry of Beloved Paul in a light panel of about 7 feet, a full-sized picture of Beloved Morya in blue, the same design in stained glass above Him as over The Mahachohan. Then Myself in gold, The Beloved Venetian Himself in pink. On the other side, on similar panels are pictured Beloved Serapis Bey in crystal, Hilarion in green, and Jesus in ruby and gold. Beneath the picture of The Mahachohan is depicted The Master St. Germain in magnificent purple." "The seating arrangement is in sevens. Paul has tried to hold completely to The Activity of The Mahachohan and The Chohans (of The 7 Rays), the 3's and the 7's. The beautiful French chairs are arranged in series of 7's with a center aisle, 7 in each row at either side and 7 deep." "There is a grand staircase which divides and then comes together again at the foot. This comes down into the central hall. From here one enters the long corridor similar to The Hall of Mirrors at Versailles. The entrance to this is gained through wide folding doors, with the dove encrusted in gold on the white panel of each." "The pink amphitheater was created by Archangel Chamuel and The Angels of Adoration. The seats are semicircular. These Beings used mind and thought and feeling. They used the energy of the prayers that have gone forth from the people of Europe for over 700 years as the substance to build this amphitheater. They applied to The Deva of the old cathedrals and churches where momentums have been gathered in the forcefields with the hope that the return current of this energy will carry back to these places the blessing that is charged into it. The Angels usually follow the Grecian and Roman designs. There being no weather problems (at The Aetheric Level), there is no need for canopies for protection. They love graceful, fluted columns garlanded with flame flowers and, size being no object, they are magnificent in spaciousness." "This Great Amphitheater has expanded until It covers nearly all of Continental Europe. These beautiful activities have been taking place at Inner Levels for many ages, but no one opened the door for human beings to know about them." Master El Morya: "In America you have no concept of the heart cry for Liberty in Asia, Africa, South America, and behind The Iron Curtain. There are so many who pray in secret to God for Liberty to just live and not for divine mastery. That deep heart prayer has drawn those individuals, in their inner bodies, into This Amphitheater, because what one wants and what he loves in his daily life becomes the impelling force of the soul while asleep. One is more active and more apt to express himself during sleep than when awake. There is a certain mental restriction in the physical vehicle of a moral person. That is why many good individuals are appalled at the experiences they have when out of the body. If they could see the aetheric records, they would see how the desires externalize during that time." "The desire for Liberty, for freedom from pressure, the desire for enough to eat, for a way to make a living, for opportunity to overcome disease, and the great interest for talent in
Asia alone is an impelling force. So when those individuals fall on their pallets to sleep, they go at once toward That Focus Which can give them a balance for those desires. Every race is represented. They are pressing towards That Flame, but around It is a Ring-pass-not of Pure White Light under the direction of Lord Maitreya (The Master of The Masters). This holds them back from getting too close to The Flame, because they have not the conscious developement, and their aetheric bodies could not stand that intense Radiation. They are pressing against The Wall of Light around The Flame like moths go to a lighted lamp, those millions of people pressing against That Wall of Light for an opportunity to draw from The Liberty Flame That Liberty of Light into their consciousness and to themselves." Master El Morya: "This Retreat is dedicated in spirit and in practical service to the developement of The Divine Plan through the heart, mind, soul, and spirit of every intelligence belonging to earth's evolutions." "Everything about this magnificent Chateau is expressed in The Trinity, denoting The 3rd Ray. The magnificent tree-lined drive has 3 rows of high trees on either side. There are 3 series of marble steps leading up to the front entrance of This Magnificent Edifice, between each set a large lawn in the center of which a beautiful fountain plays. The fountain on the first landing has a Blue Fire Activity (symbolic of The 1st Ray) playing in and around it. The one on the second landing has The Gold Fire Activity (symbolic of The 2nd Ray), and the space at the top of the 3 remaining steps contains a fountain with The Pink Fire (symbolic of The 3rd Ray) radiating from it, The Pink Fire being nearest to the entrance of The Chateau." "The Building Itself is built in 3 stories. Behind The Chateau there are the magnificent gardens in 3 tiers. Here the lovely statuary is displayed among the glorious marble columns wound round with roses of every known variety. In these gardens, many beautiful musical evenings are spent and, although few are privileged to attend in their physical bodies, many hear the celestial music wafted on the soft, sweet air perfumed by the variegated flowers, which carries these gifts of love to the people of France, Europe, and then all Mankind." Master El Morya: "The service of The Chohan and The Brotherhood of The Chateau de Liberte' is also 3-fold: first, the developement of a true love for a faith in God, by whatever name the devotee chooses to call It; second, a love for and cooperation with The Cosmic Beings, Ascended Masters, Angelic, Seraphic, and Cherubic Beings Who are God's Messengers, as well as the unascended students as representatives in the world of form; third, a sincere and practical love for the potential gifts hidden within the hearts of men and women everywhere. This love, impersonally but definitely directed, can and does draw forth from the hidden recesses of the soul the talents, gifts, powers, and activities for which every man was given being and was sustained through eons of time by his own I Am Presence." "Belief in and respect for The Divine Manifestation through every human heart signifies a
true devotee and representative of This Brotherhood. Beloved Paul has said, 'It is easy to love beauty, genius, and the developed talent, but it takes true Divine Love and Faith to love the individual who has the desire to express some talent, not having had as yet either the training or developement to give such expression its perfected channel of manifestation'." "In This Retreat has been gathered the perfect specimens of art, sculpture, and every type of exquisite culture already developed by Man in all The Golden Ages through Which The Earth has passed. Beloved Paul and The Brotherhood not only guard, sustain, encourage, and protect the genius already at the top of the ladder but the humble aspirant who has gingerly placed his timid feet upon the first rung of that ladder of attainment." "In Golden Ages that have been and The New Golden Age of The Master St. Germain (The Aquarian Age), into Which we have now entered, every nation will provide for, encourage, subsidize, and develope this budding genius in foci patterned after The Chateau de Liberte'. Then the many souls who come to Earth with gifts and talents will not find a cold, unresponsive world that shrivels their aspirations and steals the precious life energies of such potential geniuses in the necessity of making a living in the outer world. Until this time comes, This Brotherhood does its best to hold a Radiation of faith, love, encouragement, protection, and sustained enthusiasm around such individuals whose potential gifts are ignored by a thoughtless world." Master El Morya: "As one reaches the top of the beautiful marble steps which lead up to The Chateau, he will see, on the wall at the right of the door, a long, golden cord which, when pulled, releases the sound of 3 beautiful chimes of music. Then the doors are opened by One of The Brotherhood of This Retreat, a gracious Being of Divine Love. Inside the entrance hall, one can feel The Living Pulsation of The Liberty Flame Which is located beneath the richly-patterned mosaic floor. A Focus of That Liberty Flame lives in you (The 3-Fold Flame of the heart). It is 3-fold in design, looking somewhat like The Fleur-de-lis. This design is also woven into the carpeting, draperies, and furniture of the Chateau. Proximity to This Cosmic Liberty Flame stimulates the expansion of That Flame within your own hearts, for This Liberty Flame is an expression of your right to qualify Life, as you may direct, through the use of your God-given gift of free will. It is the service of This Brotherhood of Liberty to help Mankind to use this free will only constructively." "The formal gardens around The Chateau are filled with the fragrance of the flowers there, the songs of the birds, and the music of The Brotherhood and the guests. The color of the entire Radiation is that of a delicate pink. The only qualification necessary, to receive assistance, is the sincere motive, within the individual, to serve Life with impersonal blessing." "The strength of This Focus of Divine Love has been used by many of The Ascended Masters to stimulate a spiritual revival in the hearts of unascended Mankind, the energies of whom could be used by Those Masters to further some cause for the benefaction of The Race. When some Master sees the possibility of rendering such service, That Master
secures the permission of The Chohan to bring the chelas into The Chateau, and there The Liberty Flame, surging through the worlds of those chelas, raises their vibratory action out of the feelings of the personal self long enough for them to accomplish a certain benefaction." Master El Morya: "Liberty and Freedom are indissolubly linked together, expressing as Manifestations of Deity when allowed to act through unascended Mankind. Liberty is derived from the word libra, meaning book, and in this case refers to The Book of The Law of Life, Which is God's Eternal Truth. Freedom comes from the practical use of that knowledge and practical use of The Laws of That Truth through constructive endeavors to assist The Human Race to manifest its Divine Expression, individually and collectively." "The Chohan and The Brotherhood (of The 3rd Ray) are primarily dedicated to the educating of Mankind as to the truth of their own Divinity. The Christ Self lives within the physical heart of every human form, and its anchorage there gives the physical heart the rhythm and energy of beating. There That Christ Self patiently awaits conscious liberation through Divine Love to allow It to externalize Its Divine Destiny through the outer personality of every lifestream belonging to earth's evolutions. The symbol of The Brotherhood is the lovely Fleur-de-lis, which symbol also has been used by The French People for many centuries as a national emblem." "The complete expression of Diety's Plan for The Earth, as Freedom's Star, depends entirely upon the release of the particular gifts, powers, and virtues of each Christ Self through the outer form. It is now the decree of The Spiritual Hierarchy that This Christ Self of all in embodiment today, as well as The Christ Self of all who are to come here in the future, shall now be allowed Liberty to externalize these gifts and have full freedom to use them for the benefaction of the entire Human Race and the very Earth Itself." "Although The Brotherhood is particularly interested in developing the latent talents of the artist, sculptor, and musician, The Brothers are also vitally interested in helping good men and women everywhere who are serving one or more of The 7 Rays of constructive manifestation under The Lord Mahachohan." "Master Paul's reason for being is to encourage the release and expansion of The Living Christ within every heart by the giving of its gifts through the outer self. This expanding magnetic power of Divine Love is The Nature of Beloved Paul and The Aura of His Focus of Liberty." "In the magnificently landscaped gardens, there is a great deal of beauty and perfection of Nature which some artistic aspirants enjoy, at least, attempting to reproduce either on canvas or some suitable sculpturing material." "Beloved Paul and His Brotherhood not only serve within Their Temple of Liberty but also wheresoever some sincere lifestream desires to do God's Will. One or more of These Brothers and Sisters of Love always attend such a one, nearly always invisible to the
physical sight. To such a one They pour Their Radiation of Divine Love to sustain him in his endeavors. Thus, although such good people do not know of their Benefactors, they are able to continue in their constructive services in the face of ridicule and derision from the masses who, in good time, will enjoy the fruits of these lifestreams' individualized accomplishments."
Fuente Original: The Bridge to Freedom Compilacin: Fundacin Lady Nada Email: [email protected] The Bridge to Freedom Foundation