FM Uii

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UNIT TEST-II SUB: FLUID MECHINERY CLASS- T.E. MECH.(B) MAX.MARKS: 33 __________________________________________________________________________ _ Note: Answer any one question from each Unit. UNIT-I Q.1 (A) Define the terms gross head and net or effective head for turbines.() (B) The velocity components in two-dimensional flow fields for an incompressible fluid are expressed as

(i) Show that these functions represent a possible case of on irrotational flow. (ii) Obtain an expression for the stream function . (iii) Obtain an expression for the velocity potential . OR Q.2 (A) Stream function is described as . Determine whether flow is (10)

rotational or not. From the following two equations which indicates correct velocity potential? (i) (ii) (B) Explain the concept of Stream Tube with sketch. (C) A flow is described by a stream function (7) (4) . Locate the point at which

velocity vector has magnitude 4 units and makes an angle of 150 with X-axis. (6)

UNIT-II Q.3 Define the following terms: (i) Metacentre and (ii) Metacentric height Derive an equation for determination of Metacentric height analytically. OR Q.4 A solid cylinder 2m in diameter and 2m in height is floating in water with its axis vertical. If the specific gravity of material of cylinder is 0.65, find its Metacentric height. State also its equilibrium conditions. (8) UNIT-III Q.5 (A) List the various forces acting on fluid mass. Explain the significance of each term.(4) (B) Write in brief, Eulers equation along a stream. OR Q.6 Derive Euler equation of motion for one dimensional flow. State clearly assumptions made and derive Bernoullis Equation. (8) (4) (8)

AMRUTVAHINI COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, SANGAMNER DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING UNIT TEST-II SUB: FLUID MECHANICS CLASS- S.E. MECH. MAX.MARKS: 33 __________________________________________________________________________ _ Note: Answer any one question from each Unit. UNIT-I Q.1 (A) Define Stream function and Velocity potential function. Show that the lines of constant stream function and velocity potential must intersect orthogonally. (7) (B) The velocity components in two-dimensional flow fields for an incompressible fluid are expressed as

(iv) Show that these functions represent a possible case of on irrotational flow. (v) Obtain an expression for the stream function . (vi) Obtain an expression for the velocity potential . OR Q.2 (A) Stream function is described as . Determine whether flow is (10)

rotational or not. From the following two equations which indicates correct velocity potential? (i) (ii) (7)

(B) Explain the concept of Stream Tube with sketch. (C) A flow is described by a stream function

(4) . Locate the point at which

velocity vector has magnitude 4 units and makes an angle of 150 with X-axis. (6)

UNIT-II Q.3 Define the following terms: (i) Metacentre and (ii) Metacentric height Derive an equation for determination of Metacentric height analytically. OR Q.4 A solid cylinder 2m in diameter and 2m in height is floating in water with its axis vertical. If the specific gravity of material of cylinder is 0.65, find its Metacentric height. State also its equilibrium conditions. (8) UNIT-III Q.5 (A) List the various forces acting on fluid mass. Explain the significance of each term.(4) (B) Write in brief, Eulers equation along a stream. OR Q.6 Derive Euler equation of motion for one dimensional flow. State clearly assumptions made and derive Bernoullis Equation. (8) (4) (8)

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