The Mind Power Library - Dane Spotts

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The document discusses methods for harnessing the powers of the mind through technologies like the Brain Supercharger.

A double blind experiment was conducted to study the effects of the Brain Supercharger soundtracks on mental functioning.

The experiment found that daily usage of the Brain Supercharger increased intelligence, emotional stability, alertness and had other positive effects on personality and mental functioning.




Unleash the most powerful force in the universe...your mind! “
Your Brain!
Attract Wealth
and Power
FREE Unleash
Memory Power
(SEE PAGE 2) Success Habits
Be a Verbal
It may be the most important discovery of the new millennium. A technology for
harnessing the incredible powers of your mind. To create. To transform.To
discover. To achieve your dreams. Discover breakthrough methods and a
philosophy for awakening these mind powers...and unleashing your hidden
potential. Once will transform you forever!
An Invitation To Fellow Mind Warriors To Join Me In An Incredible Mind Journey

Why I’m Sending You My Book &

A Brain Supercharger CD—FREE.
Dear Mind Warrior,
240 pgs—plus bonus
“It was August 1987. I hit a turning point. In a Southern Brain Supercharger CD
California recording studio, experimenting with sound, with Super Intelligence
phasing certain audio frequencies, I stumbled upon a & Musical Brain Boost
combination that was mind-blowing to say the least. Within soundtracks plus
seconds I was sucked into a deep meditative trance unlike
anything I’d ever experienced before. Plugged into a Mind
instruction session.
Mirror (an EEG machine that measures brainwaves as well as ($50 Value—FREE)
hemispheric synchronization) I was amazed to see the bursts
Dane Spotts, Author
of Alpha and Theta activity. I was tripping into an altered
state of consciousness—big time.
What Does It Feel Like?
It was late afternoon when I finished laying down the final audio tracks of what was The companion CD included FREE with Super Brain Power
to become, the Brain Supercharger® soundtrack. Walking out of that recording studio contains 2 soundtracks plus an instruction session by the author.
with the masters in hand, I felt an inexplicable awe. The flat afternoon sun washed The first soundtrack Super Intelligence ™ uses the Brain
everything in a surreal shade of twilight. I was acutely aware of my surroundings and
Supercharger ® technology for exploring altered mind states and
yet I felt connected to a greater dimension focused somewhere in my mind. I was alert
and felt more alive than ever...a high level of energy surged through my body. I kept awakening your hidden potential. The second soundtrack
thinking to myself, ‘If other people have a similar experience as I just did listening Musical Brain Boost ™ uses a specific musical formula known to
to the final cut of this could change their lives.’ enhance reasoning & spatial learning. Both soundtracks are for
About me and my business. At that point in time I had no idea how many people experimental purposes to be used in conjunction with the 19
would even be remotely interested in the concept of mind development, let alone plug mind development workshops included in the book.
in their brains for 28 minutes each day. But it was my passion, so I followed it. And
One user described it as, “ felt like I was sticking my
I’ve been on this path ever since. After the first Brain Supercharger ad appeared in
tongue into a 220 volt electrical socket...and plugging my brain
OMNI magazine, I received thousands of calls from people wanting to try it...paying up
to $50 for a single cassette tape. It was then that I began to realize the impact this was into the universe.” Another said, “It was as if I was being
going to have on people. Even then, my wildest expectations could not envision the launched into another dimension of space-time.” Not everyone’s
abundance of support I received from every part of the globe. experiences are mystical, but those who follow the program will
Since its debut in 1988, over 500,000 soundtracks incorporating the Brain feel something quite profound is happening to them. Perhaps the
Supercharger technology have been distributed throughout the world. Today, I believe best description of what it feels like to experience transcendence
the demand for mind development tools, meditation programs, and personal growth
is reported on page 55. “When your mind is ‘plugged-in’ to the
technologies is stronger than ever. The pursuit of self-improvement has gone
mainstream.” energy grid of the universe and ‘tuned’ to the right frequency you
The above is from the opening of my new book Super Brain Power: 28 Minutes to a are opening a new channel. An entirely new level of possibilities
Supercharged Brain. I want you to have a copy...FREE, just for trying the Mind Power open up to becomes more fluid and exciting.
Library™ which is reviewed throughout this report. I invite you to read about it...and Uncertainty is welcome because there is no fear about the
then try it out on yourself. I believe you’ll discover this to be the “Holy Grail” of mind future...The truth is revealed in an instant.” These are industrial
development programs. Not just because you get 32 CDs with hundreds of pages of strength mind tools designed to “meditate you.” They are not
workbook material. And not just because these programs took years to create with
“new age” music, guided imagery, or self-hypnosis. Using a
millions spent developing and promoting them. No. It’s because this collection can
make you more successful in your matter where you are at right now. But don’t unique audio matrix, a special combination of sound frequencies
take my word for it. Check it out for yourself. were engineered to deliver a powerful meditative experience that
Your Friend, must be experienced to be understood.
P.S. Yes!—you get my book and a special
experimental Brain Supercharger CD...FREE
($50 value) just for reviewing the Mind Power Library. P.P.S. Don’t forget to visit me online at
and drop into the forum for a chat!

Brain Supercharger Tested In Double Blind Study

A “double blind” experiment was conducted on the BRAIN all. These psychological gains from the SUPERCHARGER, in turn,
SUPERCHARGER soundtracks. The primary purpose of the study was to see translate into higher morale, deeper insight, more intellectual
what effects, if any, this technology has on the mental functioning of a adaptability, increased judgement, greater creativity, a broader
listener. The results were published in a report issued by PSI Metrics. The occupational outlook, and a generally more relaxed view of life—as
conclusion? The findings as reported by the study’s author were as indicated by an actuarial profile analysis of the data. ...These findings
follows; “To begin with, it appears that the BRAIN SUPERCHARGER strongly suggest that the SUPERCHARGER technology does what it claims to
“works.” That is, it does what its name implies it does. Daily usage do: that is, it provides the human brain with a psycho-physical “workout,”
seems to have a profound effect on the mental functioning of its listener, as it were, that improves its mental functioning. In conclusion, the BRAIN
increasing his or her...INTELLIGENCE, EMOTIONAL STABILITY, and SUPERCHARGER appears to alter the personality of its users in essentially
ALERTNESS. positive and life-enhancing ways.” (Quoted from a report issued on the
Conversely, a comparable group of people, exposed for the same Brain Supercharger study, by Dr. Lawerence Cory, PhD. A reprint of this
period of time to a PLACEBO tape—identical in every respect except that it report along with further analysis can be found in the appendix of Super
lacked the SUPERCHARGER technology—showed essentially no changes at Brain Power: 28 Minutes to a Supercharged Brain.)
“Unleash the most powerful force in the universe...your mind! Discover incredible new
technologies to ignite your passions, awaken your hidden powers, and develop your
potential to its fullest.”

5 Mind Power
Breakthroughs In One
Massive CD Library...
Teach You To Zap Stress, By Dane Spotts
Boost Your Brainpower, A F I R E WA L K I N G Y O G I
Attract Success & Awaken MEDITATES for a few moments...
then walks barefoot 27 feet across
Awesome Hidden Mind 1,700 degree burning hot coals. A
Powers. monk stops his heart from beating and
reactivates it minutes later by
“thought power.” Everyone’s heard
these incredible mind power stories.
Are they real or fantasy? And if they
are real what does that tell us about
our own potential? I’ve spent the last
20 years searching for answers to
those questions. In my journey I’ve
discovered some amazing things I’d
like to share with you. But first I want
to take your brain for a ride. An
incredible journey that’s been
described as...A Vacation in 28
(Continued on page 5)
Tripled Income First Month, Doubling it Again Second Month!
“In September of this year, I had my worst month of the year in generating income. I decided I had to make a major commitment to improve my performance...beginning with the
resolution of any subconscious conflicts about achieving success. In October, my first month of using the tapes [CDs], I tripled my income from the previous month. And the month
after that I doubled it again. The only thing I did differently was listen to these tapes [CDs], principally the Ultra Success–Brain Supercharger program. These tapes [CDs] are
vastly superior to all others on the market. They produce altered states of a profound nature. They are invaluable tools to enhance the developmental and learning processes by
providing controllable, repeatable entry into states of mind which are rarely accessed consciously. Unequivocally the title of “King of Self-Improvement” goes to the Brain
Supercharger.” S.Q. – Stockbroker
Brain Supercharger
Mind Lab Includes 12 Titles To Unleash The Hidden Powers of Your Mind
Why did the CIA purchase several of these programs?
(Details in Super Brain Power
Included FREE in your kit.)
12 titles on 6 CDs
1. Ultra Success Conditioning
2. Perfect Body Image
3. Winning Self-Image
4. Mastering Stress
5. Unleashing Creativity
6. Healthy Mind/Healthy Body
7. Super Memory & Learning
8. Sports Performance
9. Soaring Self-Confidence
10. Improve Love Relationships
11. Attract Wealth & Prosperity
12. Enhanced Psychic Functioning

These titles have been sold

for up to $50 each!
(Making this a $600 value)
You arrive home from a busy day at work stressed out from nasty clients and PROGRAMMING YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS AUTOPILOT
overcrowded freeways. Instead of heading to the refrigerator for a beer, you don a The question is: Can you use the Brain Supercharger technology to program
pair of headphones, plug the Brain Supercharger CD into your stereo player and your subconscious autopilot (the source of your fears, beliefs, and inner drives)?
punch the “on” button. That’s one of the goals of your 12 title Mind Lab. To deliver positive programming
while in this “theta window.” Because your mind is more suggestible it is believed the
programming has a better chance of sticking. Ultra Success Conditioning is the most
A few moments later and you’re off to “theta” land. Your body feels extremely
popular of your 12 title Supercharger series with thousands of users plugging in to
relaxed as your mind begins to race with creative images. What’s happening? The
receive positive success affirmations. Test the possibilities of this concept on yourself
sound matrix on your Brain Supercharger has altered your state of consciousness,
and see if you don’t feel a difference in how you perceive yourself and the world.
unfolding a blissful dream-like euphoria similar to meditation. For years it’s been
Follow the instructions and record your results in a personal journal.
known that meditation quiets the mind leading to expanded awareness,
The Brain Supercharger is extremely powerful mind technology that can unleash
psychological well-being and a greater receptivity to new ideas. But there are
an amazing power in your life. But you should prove it to yourself. Like the thousands
problems with traditional meditation. It can take years of concentrated effort to learn
before you, use the technology to meditate, unleash hidden powers of mind, and
the necessary physiological responses.
mindscript an area of your life you wish to improve. More importantly discover who
IT MEDITATES YOU you really are and your place in the universe.
That’s where the Brain Supercharger technology steps in. The Brain
Supercharger is designed to meditate you. Instead of spending 15 years training your
mind, you plug-in for 28 minutes each day and let “it” massage your brain. When you
finish each session you feel renewed, more centered, and mentally on top of the They Work!
world. What causes the euphoria and peak experiences? A special combination of “I purchased your ‘Ultra Success’ Brain Supercharger
sound frequencies plays through your stereo headphones coaxing your mind into tapes [CDs] a little less than a year ago. I’ve been listening to
what’s been called a “Theta” mind state. This altered state (the goal of meditators) your tapes [CDs] on a regular basis since I received them and know,
stimulates your pleasure centers and gives you that “high” feeling. If this were just a without a doubt they work! Before I purchased your tapes [CDs], I was
tool for zapping stress and exploring alternative mind states it would be awesome feeling a bit down and out because I wasn’t getting anywhere in life. I was
enough. But there’s more. One of the more controversial aspects of this technology broke all the time. I had a job that had no future—my self-esteem was low!
is how it has been used to reprogram how you think and see yourself and the world. Today, not only do I feel more confident but I am also holding a position as an
Assistant Director for a successful private school and I am earning a very
A WINDOW INTO YOUR MIND comfortable income. A couple of weeks ago I was told that I would be getting a
How can it do all this? Some psychologists believe the mind uses the “theta” promotion to Director which means that my income will also increase—and it
window for psychological and physiological programming. It may be why we dream. hasn’t been a year! In addition I am in the process of buying my very first
To heal both the mind and body. Meditation seems to open a doorway into the house....My life has totally changed (for the best) during the past year and
subconscious. I can surmise it had something to do with your tapes [CDs]. Of course I
* These products are sold for experimental use. As such the manufacturer and had to take control of my own life but with the help of your tapes
seller specifically disclaim their use will have any effect on cognitive, mental [CDs], the process was made effortlessly.”
functions, or skills. V.C. – California

Item # 7001A............................................$299.95
Energized, Enthusiastic, & Supercharged!
Increased Income, & Self-Worth! “I listened to the [Brain Supercharger] CD for the first time before going to work...and felt
oddly energized. There was an unmistakable clarity about my ability to think and speak
“I’m so much more intuitive now after using the Supercharger. Some very strong images that I had never experienced before. New words and phrases just automatically flowed
come to me at times. It’s almost like being awake, yet I’m dreaming. I guess I’m just in effortlessly and coherently through my speech. I was unusually witty, articulate, and
tune with what’s going on because I’m attracting success and money. Things have just vigorous. I felt enthusiastic about this sense of effortless clarity. I don’t know why but this
fallen into my lap recently that otherwise I don’t think I would have...It’s been a little CD works. It’s like lubricant for the brain. It seems easier to be smarter and more effective
tougher, a little more difficult to make a buck...but it hasn’t affected me...I’m winning.” –4– now than before. Thank you very much!” Dr. S.S. – Dentist
W.P. – Real Estate Agent
Each Of The 5 Mind Power Breakthroughs Are Described In This Report Beginning With:

28 Minutes to a Supercharged
70’s & 80’s, from retreats to
brain tune-up machines. But none of it
prepared me for the mind-blowing experiences was
of the Brain Supercharger ® technology. no ordinary
As I plugged it into my player, I kept self-improvement Body Orgasm...
“It’s the most fantastic higher
thinking, “It’s just a recording.” Then I put on recording. consciousness tool I have ever come
my headphones, flipped the switch, and across. During my first session, I experienced
whoosh...I was immediately transported into BRAIN SUPERCHARGER what I can only describe as a body orgasm. My
another time and place. USES SOUNDWAVES TO entire body was tingling and warm and I felt I was
going to levitate at any moment. I also had an
My body became extremely relaxed. My ALTER MIND STATE overwhelming feeling that something profound was
arms and legs felt numb. I began to experience By sound phasing certain frequencies and happening to me. I can’t describe how wonderful I
new things. I started having long conversations harmonics and delivering them spatially into felt....I hope the entire human race can be
with a voice inside my head, experiencing the brain it was discovered that you could alter
turned on to these tapes [CDs] because I
think it would totally transform the
vivid memories and a flood of creative ideas. one’s mind-state and unfold a deep meditative T h i s world.”
It seemed as if my mind and body were in awareness similar to that achieved by Zen 3-D effect is D.O. – Illinois
two separate places. Words can hardly Monks and firewalking yogis. Just training created because the
describe the experience but it was like taking a your brain to enter into these dream-like sounds are delivered spatially, and processed
2 week vacation in 28 minutes. I realized this altered states can have enormous benefits. in your mind like an audio hologram. I don’t
Users have reported reduced stress, enhanced profess to know exactly how music and sound
Mastering creativity, peak experiences and feelings of affects the mind (no one really does), but I do
Stress psychological well-being. Even out-of-body know how it feels. When you finish a session,
“...Mastering Stress has paid for itself many experiences. your entire body becomes charged with a new
times over. I work at a job that creates tension Just as certain forms of music can affect energy. You feel renewed...more aware and
in me and I feel the need to smoke whenever this your mood, it seems that sound frequencies mentally like soaring with eagles. It’s that
occurs. After listening to Mastering paid experience I want to share with you.
off in a way that I never imagined in my wildest
played in the right combinations stimulate
dreams! I no longer feel the urge to smoke! I feel deep relaxation and open the mind up to all BUT WAIT! Before I go any further with
calm and relaxed, and I know my work had improved sorts of incredible possibilities. The effect is my special offer, there is something I must tell
in that I complete it faster.... Mastering Stress subsonic, so you don’t actually hear it...but you you. This technology is still experimental. And
gets rid of my headaches. I am here to testify like most new ideas with profound
that these tapes [CDs] are fantastic as far
sure feel it. What you do hear are the sounds of
as I’m concerned.” an underground stream, special tones, and implications it’s controversial.
C.B. – Oregon what seems like the voices of angels. It’s And there’s something else too.
weird, but it actually feels like angels are Something you should be cautioned about right
flying around inside your skull. (Go to page 7)

How It Works PLUG YOURSELF INTO one of these special soundtracks

for 28 minutes each day. As the special audio matrix layered
onto the CD unfolds its magic programming—a blissful state
activate “right brain” awareness and help whole brain
synchrony. It is believed that people who enter this mind
state have a greater ability to “rescript” material on a
of deep relaxation sets in. Almost immediately your mind is subconscious level.
launched into an altered states experience. It’s as if both
mind and body are being launched into another dimension 2) The use of affirmations to direct positive programming to
of time and space. And although it feels incredibly good, the subconscious to help in rescripting negative self-
what’s going on under the surface is something quite defeating beliefs. (Each Brain Supercharger soundtrack is
profound. The secret engineering process behind these loaded with powerful mindscripting ™ affirmations
amazing soundtracks is based on 3 discoveries as detailed embedded in the audio matrix.)
in the book, Super Brain Power: 28 Minutes to a
Supercharged Brain: 3) Holographic 3-D sound design that delivers specific
spatial effects into a listener’s mind engineered so you
1) The ability to generate certain musical harmonics and “feel” the sounds moving around inside your head.
sound frequencies with properties that shift mood and

No Hype!
“I must say I am fed up with all the hype and exaggerated claims used to sell most self-improvement tapes [CDs]. I have an extensive collection and while some are good, most
don’t live up to their it was with considerable doubt that yours could be as good as your ads made them sound. Can you imagine my surprise and utter delight
when your tapes [CDs] turned out to be even better than your enthusiastic endorsements. After listening only one time, I knew without a doubt that these were the tapes [CDs] I
had been searching for. (Actually, one doesn’t just listen to your tapes [CDs] experiences them. And what a pleasurable experience it is.)” R.G.
The Millionaire’s Mind
Can You Program The Success Traits Of A Millionaire Into Your Mind?
2 CDs Plus
User’s Guide
“Your thoughts and emotions project an
energy into the universe. By learning how
to change your internal programming (how
you think and see yourself) you can
transform your external experiences. The
universe automatically aligns to this
new positive energy. The Brain
Supercharger technology
provides a simple, highly
effective method for
unleashing this power.”
(Quoted from Super Brain
Power book)

Have you ever heard a song on the radio (perhaps a golden oldie) that is
linked in your mind with positive memories in your past? Like your high school
prom...or the first time you fell in love. The event doesn’t really matter...just how
you felt about it. Now...every time you hear that tune no matter what your current
mood is, it instantly transports you back in you relive those positive
memories and emotions, and feel the empowerment well up inside you. If you’ve
ever experienced those powerful “winning feelings” you know what I’m talking
about. That’s the underlying premise of the Millionaire’s Mind — Wealth
Conditioning System™. A breakthrough in personal achievement technology
designed to link positive emotions with sound and music, to condition your mind
for success.
Here’s how it works. Disc A is your programming tool. You’ll learn how to train
your mind using the neuro-mapping process—to create and link positively
charged emotions with specific success actions and behaviors. Imprinting the
essence of a “millionaire’s mind” into your subconscious. Then use Disc B to
activate those “winning feelings,” and trigger emotions and attitudes that
stimulate your “millionaire’s mind” into action.
It’s an extremely powerful concept. Because once you’ve programmed your
personal “winning feelings” and linked them to the musical cues in the program,
you can activate your “millionaire’s mind” whenever you need to project a winning
image, self-confidence and personal power. Experiment with it on sales calls,
company meetings, brainstorming sessions, business negotiations, sport “I’ve even used [it] to attract love relationships
performance, even romance.
that have been totally extraordinary. The most
(reprinted from the Millionaire’s Mind workbook – page 14)
powerful ingredient that helped me attract love
was your visioneering technology along with
the Millionaire’s Mind.” — A.B.
Item # 7001B......................................................$129.95


Clarity of Mind! Phenomenal Transformation!

“...I felt a clarity of mind and real sense of experiencing the present moment to the “This is phenomenal. I have done a lot of meditation and personal development, and
fullest. I felt very powerful, joyful and ready to take on the world...No need to go have never experienced such transformation in such a simple, powerful process.”
through mental exercises or a countdown—just lay back, relax and there I am—theta M.G.
bound. What a joy. Who needs Disneyland with that kind of fun!” D.M.
The Brain Supercharger technology is designed to open the mind to greater levels of awareness, by driving consciousness inward and
feeding the brain with a steady flow of positive energy. As described in the book Super Brain Power: 28 Minutes to a Supercharged Brain it
is “The ability to facilitate whole-brain synchrony entirely through sound...By applying the use of certain musical harmonics and sound
frequencies mood can be shifted, “right brain” awareness activated, and whole brain synchrony promoted. It is also believed that people
who enter this mind state have a greater ability to rescript material on an unconscious level. This represents a major breakthrough in safe,
inexpensive and effective psychotechnology.” [pg. 41] This is literally a new technology for shifting the energies of consciousness using the
power of sound. (Learn how this technology has transformed the lives of thousands in Super Brain Power included FREE with your kit)

(Continued from page 5)

your belief systems and how you see yourself
now. If you’re susceptible to seizures or are
and the world. This is very important. Because
undergoing psychiatric treatment, you I’m Convinced... your mood, emotions, and self-concept result
probably should not be experimenting with “I have been using your ‘ Mind
Supercharger’ tapes [CDs] for 16 months and from the way you think. By rescripting your
this stuff. I’m serious. These are powerful
have found them to be most beneficial. It took a few internal dialogue you can shape your
industrial strength mind tools, designed for months before the benefits began to manifest perceptions (and I believe) transform your
experimental use (for “Mind Warrior” types) themselves as changes in my life and attitudes...I am one
personal reality. How will you know if it’s
who want to explore their hidden potential. hundred percent convinced in their usefulness in not only
deprogramming negative, self-destructive attitudes and working? The only way to know for sure is
Over 500,000 recordings utilizing this
habits but in enhancing the awareness of one’s own by measuring your personal feelings. The
technology have been distributed world-wide, spirituality and the reality of the universe as it really is. purpose of your Brain Supercharger Mind
and many users (like me) have experienced These tapes [CDs] have helped me in all areas of my
Lab (the 12 Supercharger soundtracks) is to
dramatic effects from using it every day...but life and have more than anything else helped me
to understand and become comfortable give you the raw tools to experiment with on
everyone responds differently. The only way
with myself and my goals.” yourself. Follow the instructions and keep
to know for sure how it will affect you is to L.S. – Florida
experience it yourself...firsthand. track of your progress in a brain log (journal),
and prove the results to yourself.
And that’s the thrust of my have
Note: Each Brain Supercharger is loaded
you plug your mind into the Brain CREATE YOUR with powerful mindscripting ™ affirmations
Supercharger technology (on a risk free basis OWN PRIVATE embedded into the audio matrix. These unique
of course) and let you be the judge. Then MIND LAB soundtracks have sold for as much as $50
you’ll understand why this technology is so
In my book I describe how to set up your each, which gives the library I’m sending you
own “Mind Lab” to record your experiences a potential retail value of $600. Of course you
If you think you are a “Mind Warrior”
and realize the powerful effects of this won’t have to pay that much. As a friend and
(someone willing to experiment with new
technology. The Brain Supercharger Mind Lab fellow mind warrior, you’ll receive all 12 titles
ideas) then absolutely—you must join me in a
I’m sending you includes 12 different titles for a fraction of their original retail
grand experiment and...
(each about 28 minutes in length—recorded get 4 other incredible mind technologies to
onto 6 CDs) incorporating the “Supercharger” experiment with. Which leads me to...
technology. Different flavors if you will...each
designed to train and relax your conscious BREAKTHROUGH #2
mind...while opening a doorway into your MILLIONAIRE’S MIND
inner mind. The true source of your being. SUCCESS SYSTEM
What if you could transplant the success
MINDSCRIPTING SECRETS traits of a self-made millionaire onto your
This quantum leap in mind technology has brain cells? Not a literal brain transplant. Just
been used to help reprogram negative beliefs the mental programming. Things like
and self-sabotaging behaviors. How? As I charisma, high energy, positive risk taking,
report in Chapter 4 of Super Brain success motivation, goal setting and the focus
Power...researchers believe the and commitment to overcome all obstacles.
“alpha-theta” mind-state What do you think might happen? Well that’s
opens a window into the the premise behind an experimental program
unconscious. Similar to called the Millionaire’s Mind—Wealth
hypnosis, once a Conditioning System™. With the Millionaire’s
channel is opened, it’s Mind I wanted to take the Brain Supercharger
possible to transfer technology to its next evolution.
positive programming. Here’s the core concept. Our internal
You’ll learn to use the programming controls our beliefs and
mindscripting behaviors. The secret of highly successful
technique for rewiring people is that they see themselves as winners,
(Go to page 9)
Order online at:

Peak Performance!
“I always had a wish to write a screenplay, but it had always been a wish. Never something I believed I could actually do. I just sat down for one extended weekend. And I wrote it.
I needed a trigger, a catalyst...and I think the tapes [CDs] have been instrumental in that. Within a week, I had actual proof that I was doing something different. There was some
transformation happening inside of me. It’s strange because it’s a completely different experience than anything I’ve ever tried. These tapes [CDs] bring about benefits without the
kind of effort that normally you would have to make to change self-limiting behavior....[T]hey take you by the scruff of the neck and literally force you to do what you want to do.”
D.B. – TV Reporter
ThePhotographicMind Unleash The Hidden Powers Of Your Holographic Brain
Packaging may vary from photo.

8 CDs & Workbook

4 interactive workshops
teach time proven memory


DISC #1 (Your Intellectual and Emotional Memory)
Learn how to increase your power of recall by tapping into the “intellectual
memory” of your mind and the “emotional memory” of your body. This exciting
approach is super powerful, yet so simple to use because it expands on the
“This breakthrough program teaches you an incredible technology that
natural processes of your memory. You’ll be amazed at the results you’ll
involves your verbal left brain, the visual right brain and the emotions of your body. achieve in a very short period of time.
You’ll learn how to: DISC #2 (Link System) Linking is fun and easy to do. It taps into the
• Record memories in a whole new way with a system that taps both your visual imagery process of the right brain by using your imagination to chain bits
of information together in a crazy, illogical manner that you simply cannot forget!
intellectual memory (integrating your verbal left brain and visual right brain) as well
as your emotional memory (how your body perceives experiences through your DISC #3 (Loci System) Dating back to the year 500 B.C., this
time-honored process shows you how to link the information you want to
senses). This new memory paradigm will allow you to open the floodgates to your remember with specific pieces of furniture in your home or office. A simple
virtually limitless memory powers. proven process for remembering anything requiring a specific order, such as
• Retain memories through holographic images you create that span your speeches or presentations.
entire mind and body. This multi-dimensional approach will create a potent DISC #4 (Peg System) Just as you hang your coat on a peg rack,
memory architecture that automatically connects you on a higher level with your you can hang information on “mental pegs” in your mind. These mental pegs
environment. are a permanent part of your memory that you can go to again and again to
instantly retrieve the information you need to recall.
• Retrieve memories with incredible speed and ease as you use your instant
memory command system. You’ll develop special access routes and memory DISC #5 (Phonetic System) This ingenious system combines
selected alphabet sounds with the digits 0-9 to give you a system that knows
maps that allow you to retrieve the information you need already stored in your no boundaries! Best of all it is easy to learn. Master this system and you can
memory network. memorize phone numbers, dates, credit card numbers, formulas, and lists of
any length.
Included in this system are four “interactive workshops that lead you step-by-
step through time proven memory systems. After successfully completing the DISC #6 (Phonetic Peg List) Strengthen the connections in your
brain that will let you easily connect with the Phonetic Code in new and
course you’ll be amazed at your memory transformation in how you... surprising ways by succeeding at creating crazy, illogical, bizarre mental
pictures on your own.
• Remember Names & Faces • Recall Facts & Figures • File
DISC #7 (Remembering Names and Speeches) a
Appointment Times & Dates In Your Mind • Recite Hour-Long Speeches The easy-to-use 3 step process in this workshop guarantees you will never
• Win At The Card Table be embarrassed again by forgetting someone’s name. Use it on first names.
Use it on last names. You can even expand it to include professional titles
By tapping into the “intellectual memory” of your mind and the “emotional” and company names.
memory of your body, the miraculous gift of a Photographic Mind ™ can be yours. DISC #8 (Remembering Cards) From winning at the card table
You’ll be amazed at the dramatic results.” (Reprinted From The Photographic to winning in the workplace, learn how to use the four memory systems
Mind Workbook – page 27) presented in this course to give you the advantage you need to excel in
everything you do.

Item # 7001D.........................................................$199.95

Renewed Mind & Body!
Sail Away! “Before listening to your tapes [CDs] I was 25 pounds overweight, had low self-
“I have been using the tapes [CDs] now for well over two months and find them esteem and was a very depressed soul....Your tapes [CDs] have helped me to
outstanding! I look forward to the time a lot each day so I may listen to my tape and reignite a once wet spark into a flaming torch! My weight is now 133 lbs, and I have
sail away into a universe of bliss and understanding. I want to thank you from the gone from a 34 to a 30 inch waist. My thinking is so positive that I can detect
bottom of my heart for developing this wonderful system.” S.M. –8– negative thoughts and eliminate them. I feel confident, attractive and happy.” J.P.
Zap Stress, Boost Brainpower & Expand Consciousness
(Quoted from Chapter 5 in the book Super Brain Power included in your kit) What is it? Let’s take a few minutes and try and put into words something that
“For you, the first time you listen may result in a pleasant, relaxing experience. Or it transcends words. Enlightenment simply means that one is privileged to see and hear
could be something much more. It depends on a number of factors including your level what’s been there all along but which others fail to perceive. It’s like being able to
of personal development. As you use this tool frequently, you should notice a suddenly see in the dark. The experience is not reserved for the deeply spiritual or the
cumulative effect that is subtle but profound. A primary benefit most everyone genius mind. It can happen to anyone willing to explore their inner potential. In this
experiences (from only a short period of regular use) is a decline in stress level. Stress state your mind begins disappearing into the experience. You sense an overwhelming
prevents you from functioning at your optimum so any reduction of stress can allow blissful sense of oneness and connectedness to all things. People describe it as feeling
you to approach your daily life with less effort and greater joy in everything you do. more ‘centered’ and having a greater sense of ‘aliveness’ and ‘focus’ as they engage in
For many people, there is a deeper experience I have been alluding to, which may their daily activities. This is the ecstasy of awareness.
occur after only a few weeks or months of regular use. It might happen all at once in a As your consciousness evolves into this new awareness you’ll see everything in
sudden flash, or develop over time through a series of minor sparks of insight. This is your life as distinctly as before but with a new mind that perceives the universe in a
the peak experience or moment of enlightened awareness I was talking about earlier. completely different way. As I’ve said and many others before me have as well, it is
Accessing a higher state of consciousness and releasing your genius potential, which is impossible to describe, and can really only be experienced to be understood. And when
what this program is all about. And it’s why the soundtrack on your CD is titled Super experienced—even for a moment—it’s so profound it can instantly transform you
Intelligence. It’s not the kind of intelligence you measure on IQ tests. No. It’s more of a forever. That is the true intent and purpose of the Brain Supercharger technology. To
cosmic intelligence or ‘super’ consciousness. Accessing a potential that is possible only help you experience those states of consciousness, and return to life renewed, enlivened
through direct experience. with a greater sense of meaning and purpose...” (continued in book.)

(Continued from page 7)

and they project that energy out into the world. BREAKTHROUGH #3
In the Millionaire’s Mind system you’ll learn PHOTOGRAPHIC MIND
about an experimental technique called neuro- MEMORY TRAINING SYSTEM
mapping™, which is designed to teach you to
see yourself as a linking “winning Honestly...wouldn’t you like to develop a
feelings” with success behaviors and music. better memory for names, faces, numbers, and
It’s a very cool idea! all the things you have to learn? The
Here’s how your 2 Millionaire’s Mind CDs Photographic Mind ™ is different than most
are designed to work. You plug your mind into memory courses. Not just because it trains you
the “PROGRAMMER” CD first. This to use the verbal left and visual right sides of
soundtrack unfolds a relaxation matrix, your brain together, but it also integrates the
designed to coax you into a state of “high” emotions of your body to help lock in
suggestibility. All the while it is massaging you memories.
with positive affirmations about achievement You already possess a perfect memory.
and success. That’s right. Everything you’ve ever seen or
About 12 minutes into the program an heard is stored in your brain waiting to be
inspiring musical theme unfolds along with recalled. So why can’t you remember where
suggestions dealing with self-image. The idea you left your car keys? It’s because of the way
is to link this music with positive beliefs about Combining a unique holistic approach this breakthrough each memory is mapped and retrieved.
program uses 4 interactive workshops to open the The Photographic Mind course teaches you
yourself. Music is a powerful emotional floodgates of your memory powers.
trigger. The objective (through massive 4 time honored methods for locking in new
repetition) is to map these “winning feelings” information, and then recalling it. Using an
want to trigger your winning mind-set, you cue innovative 5 step interactive learning
with that piece of music. So whenever you up a second Millionaire’s Mind CD called an technique, the teacher guides you through 16
“ACTIVATOR” that replays that mind-mapped fun lessons. In my opinion no other audio
music to stimulate those powerful emotions. workshop, seminar, or book gives you this
Getting “A”s! Will the Millionaire’s Mind work for you? powerful mind technology, in addition to the
I don’t know. As I’ve said the technology is memory training.
“I’ve been using your Brain Supercharger kit for the experimental. But you’ll have an
past four months. I’m a University student who had The Photographic Mind 8 CDs and
difficulty writing exams. Although it is a bit early to tell opportunity to try it out on yourself at workbook teach a simple system for
positive results our marks won’t show up for a month yet—I do no extra cost because it’s included with remembering names & faces, dates and times,
feel a difference when I write exams. I sense greater mental your Mind Power Library. facts & figures, speeches, even counting cards.
clarity & recall than previously... Additionally I’ve recently But that’s not all. Because in
acquired the Millionaire’s Mind package. I rotate all of these Why not learn how to master your memory? It
tapes [CDs] on a nightly basis. I’m glad to be able to report that addition to the Brain Supercharger will cost you nothing extra because The
I’m finally getting ‘A’s on some of my assignments. I’m Mind Lab, and the Millionaire’s Mind, I Photographic Mind is bundled into your Mind
certain these tapes [CDs] have contributed to my increased have something extra special to help Power Library. And if that's not enough, here’s
abilities.” awaken your natural memory powers.
J.V. – College Student another extremely powerful mind technology
that will totally transform your life. This next
breakthrough gives you a complete tool kit for
(Go to page 11)
Order online at:

Peaceful & Mind Blowing!

“I was truly not prepared for the feelings I experienced the first time I heard the soundtrack. I felt almost as if I was visiting another dimension! In any case, the time it finished I
knew this was something special. Thank you again for the Superbrain technology. I have felt a change taking place, and as I continue the Ultra Success program I can’t wait to
see what’s going to happen to my business and my life! Peace and love to you.” C.C.
TRIGGERS: Motivation
Learn The Secret Technology Of Instant Motivation
Packaging may vary from photo.
6 CDs & Workbook
12 easy-to-follow sessions
teach you the TRIGGERS
self-motivation technology
Learn how to program your mind to turn on, at your command, the essential
requirement for success—motivation. The specific techniques can be performed in
a matter of seconds. You’ll receive full instruction in each of the 6 breakthrough
“mind power” techniques and taught a system for insuring the results are
permanent, so you won’t revert back to old habits or self-defeating ways of
thinking. That’s especially important when getting rid of bad habits to insure you
don’t “backslide” a few days or weeks later.

DISC #1 (The Trigger Technique)

A few minutes is all it takes for you to create a “trigger”—the powerful mental
It may be the simplest and most powerful personal motivation system ever invented. reflex that is the foundation for all programming techniques in this course. Whether
Created by a psychiatric social worker and professional hypnotist, this 12 workshop you want to market your creative talents, make a difficult career move, or even go
course reveals a technology to program yourself to succeed. How? You’ll be given key on a diet, when you use your “trigger,” you’ll never have to push yourself to get
reprogramming techniques clearly spelled out in step-by-step detail for activating a
powerful, pre-conditioned mental reflex known as a “trigger.” You set a specific target, DISC #2 (The Mental Blueprint)
some goal or desire you have then fire off your “trigger” and be astonished at how Master new skills and challenges using the same technique Olympic champions
quickly and easily you can convert your desires into doable actions. have used to insure peak performances. In seven easy steps, you can use the
mental blueprint technique not only to master new skills speedily, but to take on
...Want to erase fears or emotional blocks? Try the Inner Power Generator in Session #8 the winning ways of those you admire most.
to regress yourself back 20 to 30 years, fix unresolved issues, and transform present
blocks and negative thinking into successful actions.
DISC #3 (Multi-Channel Thinking)
Ever wonder why some people can solve problems in a snap or come up with
...Want to expand your learning and creativity? Try Multi-Channel Thinking in Session creative ideas almost instantly? Chances are they’ve mastered the technique of
#7. using all their thinking channels and not just the one or two that most people get
by with. Now with the easy multi-channel thinking exercise, you can actually prime
...Want to turn job burnout around and feel excitement and joy? Try the Mental your mind to think more creatively, solve problems, learn, and apply new
Pentagon in Session #4. information quickly.
...Want to develop self-assurance and charisma to attract important people you want to DISC #4 (The Mental Pentagon)
meet? Try the Mental Blueprint technique in Session #5. By using your “mental pentagon” you can now direct your own personal “war”
against illness and along with your doctor’s treatment, help yourself get well more
...Want to eliminate procrastination? Try the Triple Split Technique in Session #11. quickly. Based on scientific research on the power of positive thinking in healing
...Want to learn how to hypnotize yourself? Try the easy and safe induction methods in disease, this technique teaches powerful health promoting imagery.
Session #12. DISC #5 (Inner Power Generator)
...Want to overcome self-defeating attitudes? Try the 9 step method for eliminating self- At the root of every habit you’ve tried to break is a particular kind of inner conflict—
defeating behavior. not lack of motivation or willpower. Now with the Inner Power Generator system
you can learn to substitute desirable behavior for unwanted habits.
...Want to learn how to use your mind to heal disease, and promote good health? Try
the Mental Pentagon technique in Session #6. DISC #6 (The New Hypnosis)
Through self-hypnosis you can make every technique in this course even more
potent. With safe and easy induction methods, you can learn to hypnotize yourself
to erase unreasonable fears, ease minor pains and aches, and increase your
Item # 7001C..............................................................$199.95 powers of concentration.
(reprinted from TRIGGERS workbook – page 80)

TRIGGERS Caught My Eye!
A Supercharged Brain! “Now I have your Mind Power Library. I really enjoy listening to the affirmation discs
“I have been using your entire program, as well as the 28 minutes to a supercharged along with the other meditation discs as well. I skipped immediately to the triggers
brain. It has been 6 weeks and I want to say that it is doing exactly what you planned it to section. The word “triggers” caught my eye. I AM an N.L.P. practitioner and a Time
do. My reading speed is up. Comprehension is up. My thought processes are much faster. Line therapist, so naturally I was thrilled with these techniques being introduced to
Logic has improved. Even my typing speed is faster with less mistakes. All this and I am the public. They are very powerful techniques!! I AM also a hypnotherapist, and I
only so far using the first two CDs in the series plus the supercharged brain CD.” G.P. –10– AM pleased with the usage of your positive imbedded messages there.” N.E.
A Technology For Programming Your Mind
(Quoted from Chapter 4 in the book Super Brain Power included in your kit) your unconscious. The problem with all these methods is they don’t directly address
“The reason why the Brain Supercharger technology is so effective in changing the true source of your behaviors. So when you tell your conscious mind, ‘I am
personal behavior and modifying self-image is that the affirmations (positive wealthy’, or ‘I am thin’, it knows you are lying.
experiences) are directed toward the unconscious, while you are in a state of peak One woman I know, who was trying to lose weight with conscious affirmations
receptivity for psychological programming. said, ‘I have affirmed that I am thin until I am worn out. I knew that when I was telling
The conscious mind will reject any statements which are in conflict with what it myself those statements that it was obviously not true.’ Her statements were rejected
knows to be true, but the unconscious doesn’t know the difference between a truth or a by the conscious mind and the very opposite of what she outwardly affirmed was
lie. Unlike your conscious mind, the unconscious can be tricked into believing a new manifest. She actually gained weight! The unconscious mind will take your fears and
reality. limiting beliefs and, in its own way, bring about the obstacles, delays, and limitations
The most important fact you need to know about the unconscious is this: into your life to fit your internal image of reality. That’s why if your outer reality isn’t
The unconscious mind doesn't know the difference working, you need to work on your inner reality. Your outer world is or becomes a
between real and imagined experiences! reflection of your inner world. It’s just that simple.
Most self-improvement techniques are designed to work only with the conscious What’s required then is a technology that can bypass the conscious mind and
mind. You listen to motivational speakers who get you pumped up for a day or two. Or address the unconscious directly. In effect, opening a window into your inner mind so
you read self-improvement books that contain great principles and ideas only to forget you can implant positive programming. Through repetition and real life experiences
them a few weeks later. Perhaps you repeat positive affirmations on a conscious level, that begin to mirror this new internal reality, it becomes self-reinforcing and self-
and instead of a quick fix, you just feel silly! The problem isn’t that these things can’t perpetuating. Once locked in, your mindscript is modified permanently. The
work. It’s just that they require an immense amount of effort and repetition to penetrate unconscious then acts in accordance with its new programming and brings about
the conscious mind and rescript years of negative programming that already exists in changes in your everyday experiences to match this new reality...” (continued in book.)

(Continued from page 9)

programming motivational triggers in all areas Words are powerful things. They project
of your life. Not just attracting money. Nobel Prize! your intelligence. It’s not only the way others
“There are a few reasons why I am writing
judge you, but how you communicate ideas.
BREAKTHROUGH #4 you this letter. The first is one of thanks. The It’s because words project images into the
TRIGGERS—INSTANT subliminal research team you have there is mind. With Super Vocabulary™ you’ll own a
incredible. They should be given a Nobel prize. powerful personal improvement technology for
MOTIVATION SYSTEM They have done their research well and leave
other companies in the dust...As a result of using
mastering words that can give you a
Listen: You need motivation to achieve phenomenal edge in your career and personal
your tapes [CDs] I feel terrific and recently
your goals. TRIGGERS ™ is a course that picked up a great job...your tapes [CDs] life.
teaches you the psychology of motivation and really work.”
gives you simple techniques to help activate J.G. – Pennsylvania
your hidden powers of motivation. TEACHES YOU TO RECOGNIZE
So what is a trigger? A trigger is a THOUSANDS OF NEW WORDS
powerful pre-established mental reflex which How can it affect your performance? Say
is the foundation for all the self-motivation you have a problem motivating yourself to get Unlike other vocabulary building
techniques used in the TRIGGERS course. It’s something done, whether it’s making sales programs that teach you words one by one,
also extremely simple to use. You can create calls, carrying out some new procedure at Super Vocabulary teaches you how to connect
your personal trigger in just a few minutes work, keeping fit by exercising, or simply with families of words so you can recognize
from the instructions provided in the cleaning out the garage. You’ll be taught how thousands of new words. This powerful
workshop. to create a mental trigger for that specific issue learning strategy can save you time from
TRIGGERS is unlike any self-motivation and then fire it. I believe this technique is having to look up words, and the
system you’ve ever heard about. It’s not about easier to use and more powerful than NLP, embarrassment of asking someone the
willpower or positive thinking. In fact, it tells motivational training and hypnosis combined. meaning of a word they just used.
you right up front that “willing” yourself to TRIGGERS is guaranteed to work miracles in Whether it’s for school, business, or social
make something happen is a waste of time and your life or return it. It’s that simple. And if settings, having a Super Vocabulary gives you
energy. Instead TRIGGERS trains you in key that’s not enough, here’s another extremely the word power when you need open
reprogramming techniques—clearly spelled powerful mind tool to permanently transform new worlds of opportunity.
out in step-by-step detail for creating and your business and social life. Masterfully produced, each of the 22
activating these powerful, preconditioned lessons teaches 25 words, for 500 words total.
mental reflexes. You set a specific target— BREAKTHROUGH #5 Since the average person has command of only
some goal or desire you have—“then fire off SUPER VOCABULARY a few hundred words, you should gain a
your trigger”—and be astonished at how WORD POWER SYSTEM tremendous advantage over your peers.
quickly you can convert your desires into Let’s recap everything. I’m sending you
One of the things you learn (long after the 12 title Brain Supercharger library plus 4
doable actions. high school) is that you often win or lose the
These preconditioned mental reflexes other breakthrough mind technologies to
game of life by the words you choose. And experiment with...including dozens of
delve deep into your subconscious mind, by when it comes to most often boils
tapping powerful natural drives buried deep in techniques and processes to help train your
down to the fundamentals.
your subconscious. (Go to page 13)

Order online at:

Stress Buster!
“Thanks for those extraordinary tapes [CDs]! I can’t overemphasize my pleasure with the Brain Supercharger kit. I think you have created something that is unique and very
special. You’ve done an excellent job in its design, purpose, packaging, and effectiveness. I release stress so much faster now, and have noticed after a meditation I have a
sparkle and shine in my eyes that wasn’t there before. This program has been a real “Godsend” for law school. Anyone involved in any type of school or serious study should have
this.” B.D. – Law Student
Super Vocabulary
Teach Yourself 500 New Words...Recognize Thousands More
Packaging may vary from photo.

10 CDs & Workbook

500 words in 22 lessons plus a
strategy for learning how to
recognize thousands more

Another Letter From a

Mind Power Library/Brain
Supercharger User

Dear Dane,
Imagine being able to improve your speaking and writing skills by possessing a I AM inspired to write this letter to you.
wider vocabulary. Words you’ll be able to use in power meetings with a CEO or Thank you for your wonderful
professor. Or words you can have at your mental fingertips in casual conversation contributions toward human development
with someone you’d like to know better. and a higher way of living. I started out
Your self-confidence can soar with the power of a super vocabulary. After with the Mind Power book and disc, just to
mastering the course your ability to write business letters and research papers can see if it might be for me. I was
dramatically improve while writing time decreases. Personal correspondence flows the Body Vibe I experienced from this disc!
more effortlessly from thoughts to paper. And you’ll discover that new worlds open I used it twice everyday. The book was fun
up to you with a true command of writing and speaking powers. to read. It was totally congruent with
everything I believe to be true....The discs
HERE’S HOW IT WORKS are really a great value at a reasonable
Unlike other vocabulary building programs that teach you words one by one, this price. I commend you and your integrity.
program teaches you how to connect with a family of words by learning their I am 100% supportive of what you are
meaning through a prefix, suffix, or root. There are 22 lessons, and each lesson doing! I have been using and sharing
teaches 25 new words. Master each lesson and you’ll learn up to 50 new words in a these different tools on a daily basis for
hour. quite some time. They have changed my
And here’s something else too. This program teaches an innovative strategy to life, and I have watched other’s lives
recognize thousands of new words by simply asking the question, “What is the change as well. If you ever need someone
meaning of this prefix, suffix, or root?” to go on the road for you, to promote these
Libraries, let me know. I would be honored.
KNOW THE WORD AND HOW TO USE IT! Keep the divine inspiration flowing!!
It’s one thing to know a word definition. But it’s another to use it correctly in a I appreciate your work and I AM grateful!
sentence. To give you that added advantage, each of the 500 words in this program
is used in a sentence rather than left floating in isolation. This holistic approach not Love and Light to You,
only shows you proper usage, but allows you to build a strategy for instantly N.E.
knowing new words you’ve never heard before. It’s a strategy that will save you P.S. I absolutely love the sound matrix
time—and the embarrassment of asking someone the meaning of a word they just system. It sold me the moment I felt it...
used. Thank you again.
Item # 7001E...............................................................$199.95
Expanded Personal Powers!
“What is so wonderful about these tapes [CDs], is that it really has tapped my
Unleashing Success! natural abilities. I feel so totally in control of my life, my relationships, and
“Using sound frequencies to unleash the great forces of your mind has got myself. I think we’ve all experienced that part of our lives when we’re “on” so to
to be the most phenomenal discovery of the decade.” C.G. speak, we know it’s going to happen...we know it’s going to be great...but to feel
that way all the time, and to have a vehicle to help you keep that’s just
–12– fantastic. I love it. I’m really happy.” B.G. – Designer
The True Story of a Supercharged College Student Who
Became a Lawyer.
(The following is a reprint of an unsolicited letter from a former college diligent listening...I couldn't believe it. I was up in front of 75 brothers
student now Attorney who benefited from using the Brain Supercharger just talking away nervousness...totally confident. I was
technology.) shocked. My next two years—junior and senior years, I was taking the
“I purchased your tape [CD] series after watching your infomercial on highest level courses my college offered. I got all ‘A’s. My new title in
television. It was the huge library with the brain supercharger, the fraternity was ‘Mr. 4.0—the smartest brother in the house.’ My
millionaire's mind series, ultra success etc. Anyway, I started listening to memory was incredible. I had this business policy course (490 level) and
them and the first time I put them on with the first tape I was so freaked I was ready for the final exam. I told my girlfriend to open the book up
out at what was happening I pulled them off and called your customer and ask me anything from the chapters and quiz me. I could tell her
service line. I asked them, ‘Why did I feel scared as heck when I listened VERBATIM what was important in the chapters. She was astonished as I
to them.’ She had said, ‘It was a will pass.’ I took her advice was!
and continued to listen. After that, I was ok. Then some very interesting I could run on 4 hours of sleep a night and I wasn't tired. I'd call my
things started to happen. What I am about to tell you is ABSOLUTELY dad at home before he'd even be up. He was wondering why I was up so
true! First, my experience with the ‘Winning Personality/Charisma’ early (I used to be a late sleeper). Anyway, I did so well in college I
tapes. In college, I had joined a fraternity. Prior to listening to the tapes I ended up going off to law school. I graduated and currently practice law
was not really considered an ‘outspoken’ guy. After a month or two of in Massachusetts.” M.F.

(Continued from page 11)

brain to operate at peak effectiveness. If your FREE GIFT #2
experiences are anything like mine, I know this “SUPER INTELLIGENCE”
is going to blow you away. But I have to get “MUSICAL BRAIN BOOST”
you to try it first. So I’m going to do 2 things Packaged with your book is a special
to make certain you get involved. bonus CD with 2 experimental soundtracks I
just completed. They’re called...Super
SAVE HUNDREDS OF Intelligence™ & Musical Brain Boost ™. Each of
DOLLARS ON THE MIND these soundtracks are designed to work
POWER LIBRARY alongside the 19 workshops in your book.
First, if you purchase the entire library Super Intelligence is based on the Brain
you’ll receive a substantial discount off the Supercharger technology and was designed
individual unit price. Priced separately these with a powerful matrix to help release creative
programs could cost you as much as $1000. imagery, and expand intuitive awareness. It’s
But bundled together as a library (32 CDs) not about IQ, or making you smarter in the
your discounted price is going to be only a conventional sense. It’s about tapping into that
fraction of that amount. Learn to speak with ease in business or social higher power to awaken and evolve your
Second, I’m going to send you 2 gifts plus settings. You’re never without the words you need
to make your point.
3 more bonuses on top of the extremely low The second soundtrack is Musical Brain
price. Consider them bribes if you like. The 2 Boost. In 1993 researchers at the University of
gifts are yours free, just for reviewing the Mind meditation and how it can alter mind states, California reported on the effects “Mozart
Power Library. leading to heightened mental awareness, Music” had on the brain. Using similar
improvements in IQ, and creativity. As well as principals we put together our own “Brain
FREE GIFT #1 acting as a catalyst for peak experiences. (Peak Music,” using a specific musical formula,
experiences are those moments of serene bliss special audio effects and mindscripting
“SUPER BRAIN POWER: and ecstasy where you feel totally connected to
28 MINUTES TO A affirmations.
the universe.) Again these are purely experimental so
SUPERCHARGED BRAIN” Super Brain Power will give you the keys
I just finished writing this book and will I’m making no specific claims about their use.
to unlock your potential like no other book I do however think you’ll discover an
send you a copy free with your Mind Power you’ve ever read. But don’t take my word for
Library. In it you’ll learn about the secrets of astounding power to relax and expand your it and judge for yourself. It’s my gift to mind...and maybe something more.
the Brain Supercharger technology, and how it you—Free!! And there’s more. A second
was developed. How sound phasing certain Listen: I spent two years on this book &
powerful bribe that may be the single experimental CD. And I’m giving it to you free
frequencies can alter consciousness similar to motivating reason for getting this program.
patterns recorded by firewalking yogis and Zen just for participating in my project. And to
Monks when they perform their “superhuman” make certain you don’t procrastinate, I’m
feats. I’ll explain the true purpose of adding 3 additional incentives.
(over please...)

Order online at:

I’m Convinced...
“I have been using your “Mind Supercharger” tapes [CDs] for 16 months and have found them to be most beneficial. It took a few months before the benefits began to
manifest themselves as changes in my life and attitudes...I am one hundred percent convinced in their usefulness in not only deprogramming negative, self destructive
attitudes and habits but in enhancing the awareness of one’s own spirituality and the reality of the universe as it really is. These tapes [CDs] have helped me in all areas of
my life and have more than anything else helped me to understand and become comfortable with myself and my goals.” L.S.

“Give me 28 minutes to supercharge
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2 Free Gifts Just For Ordering...
The world’s first book/CD combination you actually plug your brain launch your mind into altered states experiences. Super Brain Power
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for peak accelerated learning the floodgates to your creativity...mind mapping...intuition...dream
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it’s been used to rewire internal programming to erase fears and wipe out self-sabotaging behavior. A must read for the true “Mind
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Incredibly powerful! You must “experience” this amazing book/CD combo. Available in bookstores and online.

Plus 3 More Bonuses For Ordering NOW!

Place your order for the Mind Power Library in the next 10 days and get these valuable 3 BONUS PROGRAMS FREE!
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EXTRA BONUS #1 conversations with the opposite sex. This simple even though my “bribes” put me at financial risk. If
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The Mind Power Library comes with 32 CDs and includes a variety of personal development programs, courses, and a manual combining the workbooks and user’s guides. These items
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* If ordering a CD player with your Mind Power Library add additional $3
assume liability for damages, either incidental or consequential that may result. The author’s personal
experiences and those of other endorsers are not typical for all consumers. Individual results vary. Because

these products are experimental in nature, the purchaser understands they may not be suitable for all
applications or users, each of whom may be affected differently due to individual physical and emotional DETACH & FAX OR MAIL TODAY
make-up. This offer comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. For a full refund of the purchase price (less
Mind Power Library • 13256 NE 20th St. Suite #8 • Bellevue, WA 98005
s&h), the product must be returned in resellable condition within 30 days from receipt. Product packaging
Please allow 3-4 weeks for delivery
may vary from photographic representations as displayed.
5 Brain Booster Breakthroughs
Teach You To Awaken
The Hidden Powers Of
Your Mind
■ Get Your Brain Supercharged
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Transplant (PAGE 6)
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Mind Lab (PAGE 7)
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Unleashes Holographic Brain
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Instant Motivation (PAGE 10)
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Mind Power Library, Brain Supercharger, Millionaire’s Mind, The Photographic Mind, Triggers,
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Mind Power Library

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