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11 Physics

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1. INTRODUCTION Physics department began its journey in 1995. Since then the department endeavoured to impart quality education to the B.Tech, MSc and the PhD students of the department, the allied departments and first year BTech / BDes students of the institute. In order to achieve the goal of sublime learning, the teaching and research laboratories are being continuously upgraded with stateofthe art equipment and other infrastructural facilities. In research and development, the department continues to excel with increase in contribution towards international research publications, sponsored research activities, participating and conducting national/international workshops, conferences, short term courses, taking part in conducting and mentoring Physics Olympiad etc. The department is working towards the goal of recognition of one of the centers of excellence in learning with cutting edge research and development activities in various frontline areas of Physics and allied interdisciplinary subject areas. 2. ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES B.Tech program: The department offers core, science elective and open elective courses in physics for the B.Tech. program of the institute. The theory courses PH101 and PH102, and a laboratory course PH110 are offered as core physics courses to 1st year B.Tech students. The core courses are designed to offer a holistic knowledge of physics and to train the students in experimental techniques with modern equipment. Since the year 2006, a four year B.Tech Engg. Physics Program has been added to train bright students as engineers along with essential knowledge on physics and applied physics. The department has upgraded under graduate and post graduate laboratories from time to time to meet the demand of increase in number of student intake and by introducing new experiments. The course structure and syllabi of BTech EP programme was revised in the reported academic year by introducing an option of choosing a minor programme from other engineering disciplines offered in the institute. In addition to that, the department has introduced a minor programme in BTechEP for the benefit of students from other engineering disciplines. The BTech EP minor programme consists of five courses namely Quantum Physics, Laser Physics and Technology, Computational Physics, Engineering Optics and, Materials Science and Engineering. 80 % of the passing out students from the third batch of BTechEP have got industrial placement and in addition to that some of them got admission in prestigious universities in US/Europe for higher studies. M.Sc program: The twoyear M.Sc. program in physics was started in July 2000. The entry to the programme since 2006 is through JAM entrance examination. This program is designed with equal emphasis on both classroom lectures and laboratory training with modern infrastructure. Several M.Sc students have cleared some of the national level qualifying exams for PhD, such as GATE, JEST, NET etc. Ph.D. program: The department has been offering Ph.D. program in physics, since August 1996 both in experimental as well as theoretical areas. The department is concentrating on the following thrust areas; condensed matter physics (Experimental and Theoretical), Laser and Photonics (experimental and theoretical), Higher Energy Physics (Experimental and Theoretical) and Theoretical Physics. Students in this program are trained through rigorous course work covering basic as well as advanced level courses before starting their research work. The total PhD strength of the department is 96. 3. STUDENT INTAKE a) B.Tech Engg. Physics 40 b) MSc (Physics) 38 c) Ph.D. 28 4. FACULTY STRENGTH Professors Associate Professors Assistant Professors Total

: 05 : 11 : 14 : 30

5. MAJOR EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES i. 18 KW Rotating Anode X-ray Diffractometer with high temperature and thin films measurement accessories Rs. 152.00 lakhs, DST-FIST project (PHY/HOD/1). ii. Closed Cycle Helium Refrigerator Cryostat ARS make Rs. 18.00 lakhs BRNS project (PHY/P/SR/5) iii. The High Energy Physics Group has set up an 8-node computer cluster with 32 CPUs and about 4 TB of disk space for research work related to experimental particle physics and other phenomenological studies. The computer cluster was set up using a grant from DST for IITGs participation in the Belle and Belle II experiment in KEK, Japan (Project No. PHY/P/BB/03) iv. Micron Optics Four Channel FBG Interrogation System v. Gated-CCD Camera Make: PCO Ag Germany Rs. 7.7 lakhs, DST project (PHY/P/AKS/02) vi. Digital storage oscilloscope (1 GHz) and accessories. Make: Tetronix Rs. 6.8 lakhs, DST project (PHY/P/AKS/02)

vii. An ultrahigh vacuum based multi-chamber system (~ Rs. 45 Lakh) for the deposition of thin film solar cells using Plasma enhanced Chemical Vapour deposition technique and Hot Filament chemical vapour deposition technique has been fabricated and installed in the semiconductor laboratory with the financial support from Department of Science & Technology, New Delhi India and Defence Research & Development organisation, Delhi. Project (PHY/P/PA/04 (DRDO) and PHY/P/PA/05 (DST)). viii. The Department of Physics has setup a new audio-video conference room for regular meetings with the research collaborators of the High Energy Physics group. ix. Closed Cycle Helium Refrigerator Cryostat (ARS make) Rs. 25.00 lakhs -- BRNS project (PHY/P/SR/6) x. High speed wavefront sensing facility: A high speed wavefront sensing setup has been built as part of a DIT sponsored project (PHY/P/BRB/02). The set up is so far capable of measuring the wavefront profile of a laser beam at a rate ~2 KHz. xi. Planetary ball mill (Fritsch GmBH, Germany) Rs.10 Lakhs DRDO+BRNS (PHY/P/DP/02&03) xii. Three target RF magnetron sputtering system (APT, Pune) Rs.18.5 Lakhs from BRNS projec (PHY/P/DP/3) xiii. High temperature sintering furnace (1550oC) (Lenton, UK) Lakhs from BRFST project (PHY/P/DP/5)

6. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES Condensed Matter & Computational Physics Physics Department received a financial support from Department of Science and Technology under FIST program for the year 2011 towards the development of following infrastructure facilities: (1) High power rotating anode Xray diffractometer with high temperature and reflectivity measurement attachments, (2) Surface profilometer with vibration isolation table, (3) Networking facility for setting up advanced computer lab facilities. Budget details: (1) Fund sanctioned: Rs. 229 Lakhs (2) Fund received: Rs. 209 Lakhs. The first two facilities were ordered and successfully installed in department physics and available for the general user to characterize their sample, while the budget for third facility is received very recently now and procurement of facilities are in progress. Laser and Optics Fiber Optics and Photonics The research areas covered under fiber optics and photonics are Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance based Sensors, nanophotonics, fiber Bragg gratings, photonic crystal fiber and their applications, fiber optic sensors with applications that spans from structural health monitoring, environmental engineering to biomedical science. Major research objectives realized in aforesaid period are: All optical fiber sensor based on fiber Bragg grating inscripted onto a fiber nano-wire has been developed for simultaneously sensing multi-parameters that includes strain, temperature and relative humidity. It is equipped with an extremely high (more than 10 times) strain sensitivity as compared to the best sensitivity reported in the literature till date is realized with a novel scheme employed for the development of this sensor. Optical Fiber Sensors for structural health monitoring have been developed to sense the tilt angle and its direction from horizontal for a given structure (bridges, under water canal, sky-rising buildings etc.) using four fiber Bragg grating with linear dynamic range and manifold enhanced sensitivity. Surface Plasmon resonance/Localized Surface Plasmon resonance based Optical Fiber Sensor have been developed for environmental applications such as to measure the refractive index and relative humidity is developed covering entire dynamic range (~5 to ~99%) with linear response and higher sensitivity. Nanoparticle doped optical fiber is developed and fabricated in-house for sensing applications. Optical fiber nanowire sensor exploiting Localized Surface Plasmon resonance have been developed for environmental applications such as to measure relative humidity is developed covering widest possible dynamic range with linear response and higher sensitivity. Optical fiber nanowire sensors are also exploited/are being exploited for strain/temperature/torsion sensing.

Computer generated holography and optical microscopy Ongoing research works in the area of computer generated holography arehigh speed wave front sensing, interferometry, generation and study of vortex beams, hologram based beam deflection, etc. There has also been an optical sectioning microscope that incorporates binary hologram based beam scanning. At present

work is in progress towards the development of a confocal microscope that will facilitate dynamic control over the excitation beam profile.

High Energy Physics Research activities of the High Energy Physics Group include particle physics phenomenology, its cosmological connection and experimental high energy physics. Phenomenology of Particle Physics beyond the Standard Model emphasizes on aspects of Electroweak Symmetry Breaking and Higgs Mechanism and CP violation, currently focusing on models like the Little Higgs Model and Models within the Extradimensional scenarios. Apart from such specific models, generic analyses in a model independent way to understand dynamics beyond the scope of Standard Model in cases with strongly interacting gauge bosons, and additional gauge bosons like the Zprime are also being actively pursued. Throughout the last decade, we observe empirical evidences, which demonstrate that the Standard Model of elementary particle physics is incomplete, e.g. nonbaryonic dark matter, dark energy, neutrino mass, baryon asymmetry, nearly scale invariant density perturbations. Many of these are possible messengers from early universe. Understanding of such early stages of the universe requires the development of particle physics, while the universe may be regarded as a testing ground of particle physics at high energies beyond the reach of accelerators. We are involved in finding mutual relationship between cosmology and particle physics based on the study of matter antimatter asymmetry, dark matter/energy, neutrinos, inflation and physics beyond the Standard Model of elementary particle physics. On Experimental High Energy Physics, we are collaborating with the Belle/Belle II and BaBar experiments for research involving Bmesons, CP violation and physics search beyond Standard Model. We are also collaborating with the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (FNAL) and India m Based Neutrino Observatory (INO) group for research in Neutrino Physics.

7. RESEARCH PROJECTS (In tabular format as given below) a) New Sponsored Projects Principal Investigator Prof. Saurabh Basu Name of Project Sponsoring Agency Amount Sanctioned (Rs. in Lakh) 14.2 CoInvestigator None Duration

Dr. B R Boruah

Prof. P K Giri

Dr D Pamu

Dr D Pamu

Prof. S Ravi

Dr. Amarendra Kumar Sarma

Phases of the interacting Bose gas simulating quantum phenomena at large length scales Design and implementation of confocal microscopes with spatial light modulator based beam scanning and programmable beam manipulation mechanism Controlled growth and studies on semiconductor nanowire heterostructures for solar photovoltaic applications Deposition and characterization of Ba5Nb4O15-BaWO4 films for complementary metal oxide semiconductor applications Dielectric and thermal characterization of Mg(Zr0.05Ti0.95)O3 ceramics for microwave window applications Fe Doped In2O3 Thin Films: Growth Optimization and Investigation of Electrical Transport, Magnetic and Optical Properties for Spintronics Applications Optical force in a two and three-level atomic system


03 years (2012-15)

DST, SERB, Govt. of India


Dr U Bora




Dr. D K Goswami


DST-Fast Track (Young Scientist in Physical Sciences)



3 years



Dr Subhash Thota

2 years




36 months





superimposed to an intense ultra-short pulsed laser field beyond the rotating wave approximation Prof. A. Srinivasan Development of Ni-Mn based alloys exhibiting high magneto-caloric effect near room temperature CSIR 18.6 None 03 years (2012-15)

b) Ongoing Sponsored Projects Principal Investigator Dr. Pratima Agarwal Name of Project Development of high quality SiC and diamond and thin films using Hot wire Chemical Vapour deposition techniques for plasma diagnostics applications Development of amorphous silicon based solar cells on plastic and other flexible substrates Development of facilities for fabrication of amorphous silicon-crystalline silicon Heterojunction Solar cells Inhomogeneous superconductivity in Pauli limited superconductors Design and implementation of a high speed wavefront sensor of light beams Collaboration by Indian Physicists on Neutrino Projects at Fermi Lab (USA) Search for new physics beyond Standard Model using data from Belle experiment and detector R & D for the superKEKB experiment. Development of Event reconstruction and simulation codes and active detector elements for the INO project. Diffraction-less multidimensional light propagation in coherently controlled media Theory of phonon excitations in substitutionally disordered alloys Ion Beam Engineering of Carbon Nanotubes for Improved Structural and Optical Functionalities Studies on Rhodium coated Mirror deposited by Pulsed Laser Deposition Technique Sponsoring Agency Board of research in Fusion Science and Technology, IPR, Gandhi Nagar Defence Research and Development Organisation, Delhi Department of Science & Technology, New Delhi DST Amount Sanctioned (Rs. in Lakh) 35.14 Co-Investigator Duration

Prof. Alika Khare

Oct 2010Sept 2013 (3 years)

Dr. Pratima Agarwal



April 2011March 2014 (3 years) March 2012-Feb 2014 (2 years) 3 years (2010-2013)

Dr. Pratima Agarwal



Prof. Saurabh Basu



Dr B R Boruah

Dr Bipul Bhuyan

Dr Bipul Bhuyan

Dept. of Information Technology, Govt. of India DST-DAE (Mega Facilities for Basic Research) DST-SERC


Prof. A Khare 2011-14







Dr Bipul Bhuyan



Dr Poulose Poulose


Dr. Tarak Nath Dey




3 years

Dr. Subhrdip Ghosh

Swedish Research Link, Sweden


Prof. P. K. Giri

UGC-DAE CSR, Kolkata

Nil (Beam time with TA-DA support) 29.46

Dr. B.Sanyal, Uppsala University, Sweden None

3 years


Prof. Alika Khare

BRFST_NFP, IPR, Gandhinagar


30 months (2010-2013

Dr. P. K. Padmanabhan

Dr D Pamu

Dr D Pamu

Dr. A. Perumal

Dr. A. Perumal

Prof. S. Ravi

Dr. D. Pamu

Factors Influencing fast ion conduction in solids: Atomistic modeling and computer simulation studies on NASICON-type solids. Preparation and characterization of Mg2TiO4 ceramics by mechanical alloying Fabrication of K0.5Na0.5NbO3 Ferroelectric Thin Film Capacitors by RF Magnetron Sputtering Development of Nano Composite Permanet Magnets based on (FePt/Fe)n Multilayer Thin Films Development of domain wall free Fe-Ta-C based soft magnetic thin films Magnetic properties in SnO2 based Nano-crystalline Diluted Magnetic Semiconductor Preparation and Characterization of Mg2TiO4 Ceramics by mechanical alloying
Higgs Self couplings and Higgs Gauge Boson couplings in Little Higgs Models Study of CP properties of MSSM Higgs Sector in the context of LHC




3 years



Dr A Perumal

3 years




3 years










Dr. A. Perumal



Dr. A. Perumal


Dr. Poulose Poulose Dr. Poulose Poulose Prof. S.Ravi




3 years 2010-2013 3 years 2010-2013




Dr. S.B. Santra

Critical Behavior Studies in SnO2 based Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors Theoretical Physics seminar Circuit

Dr. S.B. Santra

Dr. Ashwini K Sharma Dr. Arunansu Sil

Study of Self-organizing dynamics on complex and evolving networks Studies on laser-induced breakdown in liquid and solidliquid interface Physics beyond the Standard Model: an interplay between Particle Physics and Early Universe Cosmology Development of polymer/bioactive glass nanocomposites Development of Heusler alloys based thin films for magnetocaloric and spintronic application Design, Development and fabrication of OLED organic solar cells & organic TFTs based on molecular polymeric & composite materials

Department of Science and Technology DST, through S. N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences, Kolkata DST



Oct. 2011 to Oct. 2014 unlimited

0.50 per year


18.8 l


3 years (2010-2013) 2010-2013

Department of Science & Technology IIT Guwahati


Prof. Alika Khare



2 Years

Prof. A. Srinivasan




03 years (2011-14) 03 years (2012-15)

Prof. A. Srinivasan




Prof. P.K. Iyer



Prof.A.Srinivasan, Dr.D. Goswami, Dr. Md. Qureshi

5 years (2010-15)

c) Completed Sponsored Projects Principal Investigator Dr Bipul Bhuyan Name of Project Sponsoring Agency Startup Grant IITG Amount Sanctioned (Rs. in Lakh) 5. 00 Co-Investigator Duration

Dr. Subhradip Ghosh

New physics beyond Standard Model: Search for CP-Odd light Higgs boson using data from the BaBar experiment. First-principles based selfconsistent theory for multi-site correlations in random alloys Fabrication and Characterization of Organic Thin Film Transistors Fabrication of thin films and oddered arrays of AlxIn1-xN composites for optoelectronics applicationa via Pulsed Laser Ablation techniques Studies on ion dynamics in Laser Produced Plasma and its Effect on PLD Thin Films using conventional and novel diagnostics Neutron Powder Diffraction Studies in Charge ordered and Double Exchange Ferromagnetic Samples of NdMn-O Series Magnetic Properties in nanocrystalline diluted magnetic semiconductors Neutron diffraction studies of structural and magnetic phases in Co-Ni-Ga alloys



DST, India


D. K. Goswami



Prof. A. Mookerjee, SNBNCBS, Kolkata None

3 years


Proof. Alike Khare



Dr. Pratima Agarwal

Three years 2009-2012)

Prof. Alika Khare



D Raju, Institute for Plasma Research Gandhinagar Dr. A. Perumal

Three years 2009-1012

Prof. S. Ravi



Jan 2010-Dec. 2012

Prof. S. Ravi



Dr. A. Perumal

August 2010 to August 2013 03 years (2009-12)

Dr. A. Srinivasan

1.05 + TA/DA

Dr. S. Sarma



9. RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS International Journal Mukesh Singh, Himanshu S. Jha, Asha Yadav, Lalhriatzuala, Dinesh Deva and Pratima Agarwal Fabrication of Two Dimensional Carbon Nanostructures using Hot Wire Chemical Vapor Deposition Technique , Proc. of SPIE Vol. 8549, 854926, doi: 10.1117/12.927273 Himanshu S. Jha, M. Singh, Asha Yadav, Lalhriatzuala; Dinesh Deva, Pratima Agarwal Nanocrystalline cubic silicon carbide thin films for the window layer of solar cells deposited by hot wire CVD , Proc. of SPIE 8549, 85493D, DOI: 10.1117/12.927239 Krishna Kanti Dey , Satyapriya Bhandari , Dipankar Bandyopadhyay , Saurabh Basu , and Arun Chattopadhyay, The pH Taxis of an Intelligent Catalytic Microbot, Small DOI: 10.1002/smll.201202312 (2013) Ayan Khan, Saurabh Basu and B. Tanatar, Disorder induced BCS-BEC crossover in an ultracold Fermi gas, Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, DOI 10.1007/s10948-012-1949-7 (2012). S.K. Das, A.Khan and Saurabh Basu, Electron pairing and evidence of a BCSBEC crossover in d-wave superconductors, Physica B, vol. 410, p-99-104 (2013) P. Dey, A. Khan, Saurabh Basu and B. Tanatar A comparison of harmonic confinement and disorder in Inducing localization effects in a superconductor , International Journal of Modern Physics: Conference Series, vol. 11, p-127-132 (2012)

2 3

4 5

N. S. Sangeetha, A. Thamizhavel, C. V. Tomy, Saurabh Basu, A. M. Awasthi, S. Ramakrishnan, and D. Pal

7 Interplay of superconductivity and charge density wave ordering inpseudoternary alloy compounds:
Lu2Ir3(Si1−xGex)5,Lu2(Ir1−xRhx)3Si5, and (Lu1−xScx)2Ir3Si5, Phys. Rev. B 86, 024524 (2012) Dhirendra Kumar, Abhijit Das and B. R. Boruah A simple experimental arrangement to generate optical vortex beams , Review of Scientific Instruments: 84 026103 (2013) Abhijit Das and B. R. Boruah Beam deflection by an aperiodic binary diffraction grating , Journal of Optics (IOP) : 15(025709) (2013) B. R. Boruah Axial separation of orthogonally polarized focal field components due to a radially polarized beam, JOSA A : 29(7) 1269-1276 (2012) V. Prasad, B. Bhuyan et. al. (BaBar Collaboration) Search for di-muon decays of a low-mass Higgs boson in radiative decays of the Y(1S) Published in Phys. Rev. D 87, 031102 (R) (2013) B. Bhuyan et. al. Track finding efficiency in BaBar Published in Nuclear Instruments and Methods A704 (2013) 44-59 B. Bhuyan et. al. (BaBar Collaboration) Evidence of an excess of Bbar -> D^{(*)} %tau^{-} nu_{%tau} decays, Published in Phys. Rev. Lett. 109 (2012) 101802 B. Bhuyan et. al. (BaBar Collaboration) Search for low-mass dark sector Higgs Bosons, Published in Phys. Rev. Lett. 108 (2012) 211801 B. Bhuyan et al. (Belle Collaboration) First observation of Bs -> J/Psi eta and Bs -> J/psi eta^{prime}, Published in Phys. Rev. Lett. 108 (2012) 181808 B.Dutta, S.Bhandary, S. Ghosh & B. Sanyal First-principles study of magnetism in Pd3Fe under pressure , Physical Review B 86, 024419, 2012 R.Chouhan, A.Alam, S.Ghosh & A. Mookerjee Phonon spectrum, entropy and lattice heat capacity of disordered Re-W alloys, Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 24, 375401, 2012 M.B.Sahariah, S.Ghosh, C.S.Singh, S.Gowthama & R. Pandey First-principles computation of structural, elastic and magnetic properties of Ni2FeGa across the martensitic transformation, Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 25, 025502, 2013 Batakrushna Santara and P K Giri Impact of Solvent, Growth Temperature and Stirring on the Solvothermal Synthesis of Anatase TiO2 and TiO2/ Titanate Hybrid Nanostructures: Elucidating the Growth Mechanism, Materials Chemistry and Physics 137 (3), 928-936 (2013). P. K. Giri and D K Goswami Guest Editorial, Journal of Experimental Nanoscience 8(3), 248-248 (2013). Soumen Dhara and P. K. Giri, Ti nanoparticle decorated ZnO nanowire heterostructure: Photocurrent and photoluminescence properties, Journal of Experimental Nanoscience 8(3), 332-340 (2013). P. K. Giri and D K Goswami, Preface, Applied Nanoscience 2(3), 177-177 (2012). Bapaditya Pal, Soumen Dhara, P. K. Giri Co-doped ZnO nanowires grown by vapor-liquid-solid method: Structural, optical and magnetic studies, Nano 7(4), 1250028 -1-8 (2012). Dilip K. Singh, P K Iyer and P K Giri Role of molecular interactions and structural defects in the efficient fluorescence quenching by carbon nanotubes, Carbon 50 (12), 44954505 (2012). Soumen Dhara and P. K. Giri Ultrafast Photoresponse from Al Doped ZnO Nanowires Network Decorated with Au Nanoparticles, Chemical Physics Letters 541, 39-43 (2012). Soumen Dhara and P. K. Giri Organic CuPc Coating induced improved photoluminescence and photoconductivity of ZnO Nanowires Array , Functional Materials Letter 5(3), 1250021-1-6 (2012). Soumen Dhara and P. K. Giri Stable p-type conduction and enhanced photoconductivity from nitrogen-doped ZnO thin films, Thin Solid Films 520 (15), 5000-5006 (2012).

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Archana das, Vigya Kesari, Arpita Nath, Alika Khare and Latha Rangan ( 2013) Antimicrobial and Micro Raman Spectroscopy of Selected Zingiberceae Species from North East India, J Crop Sci Biotech, 16, 75-81 S Kumari and Alika Khare (2013) Optical and Structural Characterization of Pulsed Laser Deposited Ruby Thin Films for Temperature Sensing Application, Appl Surface science, 265, 180-196. A T T Mostako and Alika Khare (2012) Molybdenum thin films via pulsed laser deposition technique, Laser and Particle beam, 30, 559-567 (doi:10.1017/ S0263034612000560). Satchi Kumari, Rravi Kiran Saripalli and Alika Khare Determination of the crystallographic orientations of a Ce:BaTiO 3 crystal via backward two-wave mixing, J of Optics, 41, no. 3, 154-157 (2012). Satchi Kumari, Archana Khushwaha and Alika Khare Spatial distribution of electron temperature and ion density in laser induced ruby (Al2O3:Cr3+) plasma using Langmuir probe, JINST, (2012). Satchi Kumari and Alika Khare Effect of pump-probe polarization and crystal orientation on propagation of flat top pulse in Ce:BaTiO3 via degenerate two wave mixing, IEEE J QE 48, no. 8, 1036-1039 (2012). R. Aneesh, and Sunil Khijwania Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticle Based Optical Fiber Humidity Sensor with Linear Response and Enhanced Sensitivity , Applied Optics, vol. 51, no. 12, pp 2164, 2012. Andrea Alberti, Thorsten Ewerth, Paolo Gambino and Soumitra Nandi Kinetic Operator effects in B X_c l nu at O(alpha_s) `, Nucl.Phys. B870 (2013) 16-29 Anriban Kundu, Soumitra Nandi Sunando Kumar Patra and Amarjit Soni, B_s -> D_s K as a probe of CPT Violation, Phys.Rev. D87 (2013) 016005 S. Roy and Padma Kumar P., Influence of Si/P Ordering on Na+ Transport in NASICONs, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2013, (published on web: DOI: 10.1039/C3CP43376E). R. K. Bhuyan, T. S. Kumar, A. R James, A. Perumal and D. Pamu Enhanced densification and microwave dielectric properties of Mg 2TiO4 ceramics added with CeO2 nanoparticles, Material Science and Engineering B 178, 471 (2013). R. K. Bhuyan, T. Santhosh Kumar, A. Perumal, S. Ravi, and D. Pamu Optical Properties of Ambient Temperture Grown Nanocrystalline Mg2TiO4 Thin Films Deposited by RF Magnetron Sputtering , Surface and Coatings Technology doi: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2013.01.048 (2012). R. K. Bhuyan, T. Santhosh Kumar, A. Perumal, P. Saravanan and D. Pamu Effect of annealing and atmosphere on the structure and optical properties of Mg 2TiO4 thin films, obtained by the radio frequency magnetron sputtering method , Journal of Experimental Nanoscience 8, 371 (2013). T. Santhosh Kumar, R. K. Bhuyan, and D. Pamu Effect of post annealing on structural, optical and dielectric properties of MgTiO 3 thin film deposited by RF magnetron sputtering, Applied Surface Science 264, 184(2013). P Saravanan, Jen-Hwa Hsu, Anabil Gayen, Akhilesh K Singh, A Perumal, G L N Reddy, Sanjiv Kumar and S V Kamat Effect of Fe layer thickness and Fe/Co intermixing on magnetic properties of Sm-Co/Fe bilayer exchange spring magnets, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 46 (2013) 155002. R. K. Bhuyan, T. S. Kumar, D. Goswami, A. R James, A. Perumal and D. Pamu Enhanced densification and microwave dielectric properties of Mg2TiO4 ceramics added with CeO2 nanoparticles , Materials Science and Engineering B 178 (2013) 471 - 476. R. K. Bhuyan, T. Santhosh Kumar, A. Perumal, P. Saravanan, D. Pamu Effect of annealing and atmosphere on the structure and optical properties of Mg2TiO4 thin films obtained by the radio frequency magnetron sputtering method, Journal of Experimental Nanoscience 8 (2013) 371 - 381. Debabrata Mishra, Kula Kamal Senapati, Chandan Borgohain, and A. Perumal CoFe2O4 - Fe3O4 magnetic nanocomposites as photocatalyst for the degradation of methyl orange dye , Journal of Nanotechnology 2012 (2012) 323145. Akhilesh K. Singh, Bhagaban Kisan, Debabrata Mishra, and A. Perumal Thickness dependent magnetic properties of amorphous FeTaC films , Journal of Applied Physics 111 (2012) 093915-17. J. Mohapatra, D.K. Mishra, Debabrata Mishra, A. Perumal, V.R.R. Medicherla, D.M. Phase, S.K. Singh Room temperature ferromagnetism in Co doped ZnO within an optimal doping level of 5% , Materials Research Bulletin 47 (2012) 1417 - 1422. C. Borgohain, K.K. Senapati, D. Mishra, A. Perumal, K.C. Sarma, and P. Phukan, Microstructural changes upon annealing and it's effect on magnetic and mechanical properties of nanosized cobalt ferrite, International Journal of Nanoscience 11 (1) (2012) 125005 (1-12). B. Ananthanarayan, Monalisa Patra, P. Poulose Probing Strongly Interacting Ws at the ILC with polarized beams, Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP), 1203, 060, 2012

Sunita Mohanty and S.Ravi

50 Ferromagnetism in mechanically milled Sn1-xCoxO2 (x=0 to 0.10) compounds, Journal of Superconductivity and 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
Novel Magnetism, 25 (2012)1017-1023 Sunita Mohanty and S. Ravi Critical Behavior of Ferromagnetic Transition in SnO2 based Diluted Magnetic Semiconductor , Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 26 (2013) 157-164 Ferromagnetism in Mechanically Milled Pure SnO2, Sunita Mohanty, Manoranjan Kar and S.Ravi International Journal of Modern Physics B, 27 (2013) 1350025. Tribedi Bora, P. Saravanan and S. Ravi Antiferromagnetism and the Effect of Exchange Bias in LaCr1-xFexO3 (x= 0.40 to 0.60), Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, DOI10.1007/s10948-012-2030-2 Tribedi Bora, A. Nandy, R. K. Bhuyan, D. Pamu and S. Ravi Magnetic, Electrical and Optical Properties of Nd0.85 K0.15 MnO3 Thin Film, Advanced Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology (Springer Proceedings in Physics) vol. 143, (2013) 449. J. A. Ahmed and S. B. Santra Critical Properties of island perimeters in the flooding transition of stochastic and rotational sandpile models, Physica A vol.339 5332 (2012). Parvendra Kumar and Amarendra K. Sarma Frequency modulated few-cycle-optical pulse-train induced controllable ultrafast coherent population oscillations in two-level atomic systems Physical Review A Vol. 87, p. 025401 (2013) Parvendra Kumar and Amarendra K. Sarma Optical dipole force on ladder-like three-level atomic systems by chirped few-cycle-pulse laser fields, Physical Review A Vol. 86, p. 053414 (2012) Manirupa Saha and Amarendra K. Sarma Modulation instability in nonlinear metamaterials induced by cubic-quintic nonlinearities and higher order dispersive effects, Optics Communications Vol. 291, p.321 (2012) Parvendra Kumar and Amarendra K. Sarma Gaussian and sinc-shaped few-cycle pulse driven ultrafast coherent population transfer in - like atomic systems, Physical Review A Vol. 85, p.043417(2012)(Also selected in Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science) Manirupa Saha and Amarendra K. Sarma Solitary wave solutions and modulation instability analysis of the nonlinear Schrodinger equation with higher order dispersion and nonlinear terms, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cnsns.2012.12.028) (2013) S. Khalil, Q. Shafi, A. Sil Smooth Hybrid Inflation and Non-Thermal Type II Leptogenesis, Phys. Rev.D86, 073004 (2012). Sanjib Banerjee, P.S. Robi, and A. Srinivasan Deformation processing maps for control of microstructure in Al-Cu-Mg alloys microalloyed with Sn, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 43A, 3834, 2012. B.S.D.Ch.S. Varaprasad, A. Srinivasan, Y.K. Takahashi, M. Hayashi, A. Rajanikanth and K. Hono Spin polarization and Gilbert damping of Co 2Fe(Ga1-xGex) Heusler alloys, Acta Materialia 60, 6257, 2012. Rahul Das, A. Perumal and A. Srinivasan Tailoring magnetocaloric properties of Ni51Mn34In15 alloy by Ge and Si substitution for In, Physics Express 3, 13, 2013. S. Thota, S. K. Das, A. Kumar, S. Sangaraju and B. C. Choi Memory Effects and Relaxation Dynamics of MnCo2O4 Nanocrystallites, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 49,1020 (2013) S. Thota, K. Singh, B. Prasad, J. Kumar, Ch. Simon and W. Prellier Formation mechanism, Optical and Magneto-dielectric studies of new cubic spinel MgMnO3, AIP Advances 02, 032140 (2012) J. Rall, S. Thota, J. Kumar, and M. S. Seehra Synthesis, Structure and Magnetic behaviour of Nanoparticles of Cubic ZnMnO3, Applied Physics Letters, 100, 252407 (2012) N. Budiredla, A. Kumar, S. Thota and J. Kumar Synthesis and Optical Characterization of Mg1-xNixO Nanostructures, Nanomaterials 10, 5402 (2012)

60 61

62 63 64 65 66 67 68

National Journal


5 6 7



12 13

14 15 16 17 18

Lalhriatzuala and Pratima Agarwal Preparation and characterization of ZnSe thin film for photovoltaic applications, International Seminar and Workshop on Energy Sustainability and Development, Sibsagar College, 12-14 October, 2012. Pratima Agarwal Recent Advances in Thin Film Silicon Solar Cells, International Seminar and Workshop on Energy Sustainability and Development, Sibsagar College, 12-14 October, 2012. (Invited Lecture) Mukesh Singh, Himanshu S. Jha and Pratima Agarwal Synthesis of High Density Nucleation of Nano-Crystalline Diamond Films on Non Carbon Affinity Substrates, National Conference on Carbon Materials, CCM 2012, BARC Mumbai, 1-3 November 2012. Lalhriatzuala and Pratima Agarwal Study on the growth process and transport properties of ZnSe nanocrystalline particles synthesized using solvothermal reaction, Twenty-First International Symposium on Processing and Fabrication of Advanced Materials PFAM-21, IIT Guwahati, 10-13 December, 2012 Lalhriatzuala, Ramakrishna Madaka and Pratima Agarwal Structural, optical and electrical characterization of CdSe nanorods synthesized by Solvothermal process , International Conference on Solar Energy Photovoltaic -2012, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, 19-21 December, 2012. Himanshu S. Jha, Asha Yadav, Mukesh Singh, Ramakrishna Madaka and Pratima Agarwal Hydrogenated nanocrystalline silicon films prepared at high deposition rate , International Conference on Solar Energy Photovoltaic -2012, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, 19-21 December, 2012. Himanshu S. Jha, Asha Yadav, Mukesh Singh, Ramakrishna Madaka and Pratima Agarwal Highly transparent nanocrystalline Silicon Carbide thin films prepared by hot wire chemical vapor deposition technique , International Conference on Solar Energy Photovoltaic -2012, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, 19-21 December, 2012. Mukesh Singh, Himanshu S. Jha, Asha Yadav and Pratima Agarwal Study of the Growth of Graphene Film on Ni and Si Substrates by Hot Filament Chemical Vapor Deposition , International conference on Recent Trends in Applied Physics and Material Science, RAM 2013, Bikaner, 1-2 February 2013 B.Tanatar, A.Khan and Saurabh Basu Quantum mechanical toolbox to study the dirty crossover in cold atomic gases , Bulletin of the American Physical Society, March 2013, Baltimore, USA Apurba Barman and Saurabh Basu Role of information entropy in determining the Bose glass phase, Gordon Research Conference, June, 2012, Mount Holyoke, MA, USA Bipul Bhuyan Search for B-> D* tau nu and Light Higgs at BaBar and Belle, Invited Talk at VIIIth Recontres du Vietnam Beyond Standard Model: Extended Fermion and Scalar Sectors, Experiment and Phenomenology, December 16-22, 2012, Quy Nhon, Vietnam. V. Prasad, Bipul Bhuyan Search for di-muon decays of a light Higgs boson produced in radiative decays of Y(1S), Talk presented at the April American Physical Society (APS) Meeting, April 2012, Atlanta, USA D.Dutta, Bipul Bhuyan Search for the decay Bs -> phi gamma and Bs-> gamma gamma at Y(5S) center of mass energy, Talk presented at the XX DAE-BRNS High Energy Physics Symposium, January 13-18,2013, Santiniketan, India. V. Prasad, Bipul Bhuyan Search for Light Higgs and Dark Bosons at BaBar , Talk presented at the XX DAE-BRNS High Energy Physics Symposium, January 13-18, 2013, Santiniketan, India. Biswajit Pathak, Abhijit Das, and Bosanta R. Boruah High-speed zonal wavefront sensing, Proceedings of SPIE : 8557 85570A, 2012 S. Das, D. Ryu and H. Kang Intergalactic Magnetic Field and Arrival Direction of Ultra -High-Energy Protons, 39th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. 2012, cosp, 39, 404. S. Das, P. Becker and T. Lee Outflows in Viscous Accretion Disks with Shocks 39th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. 2012, cosp, 39, 403. H. Kang, S. Das, D. Ryu Intergalactic Magnetic Field and Arrival Direction of Ultra -High-Energy Iron Nuclei 2012, American Astronomical Society, 22043604

Ravi K. Biroju and P. K. Giri

19 High quality few layer graphene synthesized by catalytic chemical vapor deposition, 21st International Symposium on
Processing and Fabrication of Advanced materials (PFAMXXI-2012), Guwahati, December 10-13, 2012. Ravi K. Biroju and P. K. Giri Comparative Studies of Graphene, reduced graphene oxide and Graphene Oxide nano ribbons by Raman spectroscopy , 21st International Symposium on Processing and Fabrication of Advanced materials (PFAMXXI-2012), Guwahati, December 10-13 2012. Ravi K. Biroju and P. K. Giri High quality, large area monolayer graphene synthesized by catalytic chemical vapor deposition for optoelectronic Applications, 4th International Conference on Advance Nano materials (ANM-2012), Chennai, October 17-19, 2012. Ravi K. Biroju and P. K. Giri Improved surface enhanced Raman scattering from copper nanoparticle decorated graphene layer , 6th India-Singapore Joint Physics symposium (ISJPS-2013) on Physics and Advanced Materials, Kharagpur, February25-27, 2013. Batakrushna Santara and P. K. Giri Solvothermal synthesis and characterization of Ag modified TiO2 nanostrucures , 6th India-Singapore Joint Physics symposium (ISJPS-2013) on Physics and Advanced Materials, Kharagpur, February25-27, 2013. Batakrushna Santara, Gone Rajender and P. K. Giri Fabrication of 3D flowerlike complex structures of TiO2 nanotubes and nanorods with tunable architechture on various substrates, 6th India-Singapore Joint Physics symposium (ISJPS-2013) on Physics and Advanced Materials, Kharagpur, February 25-27, 2013. Batakrushna Santara and P. K. Giri Effect of Growth Temperature on Solvothermally Synthesized TiO2 Nanoporous Nanoribbons, 21st International Symposium on Processing and Fabrication of Advanced materials (PFAMXXI-2012), Guwahati, December 10-13, 2012. Batakrushna Santara and P. K. Giri Fabrication of Rutile TiO2 Nanopillars by A Low Temperature Chemical Route, 4th International Conference on Advanced Nano Materials, ANM 2012, Chennai, October 17-19, 2012 Ramesh Ghosh and P. K. Giri Understanding the Dual Role of Silver in the Fabrication of Silicon Nanowire Arrays by Metal Assisted Chemical Etching Process and its Characterizations, India-Singapore Joint Physics symposium (ISJPS-2013) on Physics and Advanced Materials, Kharagpur, February 25-27, 2013. Ramesh Ghosh and P. K. Giri 'Optimized Growth of Dense Array of Silicon Nanowires at Room Temperature By Chemical Etching and its Characterization', 4th International conference on Advanced Nanomaterials - ANM 2012, Chennai, October 17-19, 2012. Soumen Dhara and P. K. Giri Inorganic/organic and inorganic/metal based zno nanowire heterostructures for highly efficient UV photodetection , 4th International Conference on Nano-structures SElf-Assembly (NANOSEA 2012), Sardinia (Italy), June 25-29, 2012. P. K. Giri and Dilip K. Singh Defect engineering in carbon nanotubes and its application for efficient fluorescence quenching in single walled carbon nanotubes, 4th International Conference on Nano-structures SElf-Assembly (NANOSEA 2012), Sardinia (Italy), June 25-29, 2012. P. K. Giri Doped ZnO Nanowire heterostructures for highly sensitive and fast response UV photodetectors , International Workshop on Applications of Nanotechnology in Modern Energy Concepts, Dresden (Germany), June 4-9, 2012. P. K. Giri Defect Engineering in Carbon Nanotubes and its Applications in Efficient Fluorescence Quenching of Different Fluorophores, International conference on Functional Materials for Defence (ICFMD-2012), Pune, May 18-20, 2012. A T T Mostako, G P Bharti, Kh Santakumar Singh, A K Sharma and Alika Khare Determination of Electron Density in Laser Induced Molybdenum Plasma , Plasma 2012, Pondicherry University, India, 10-13th December 2012. A T T Mostako, Alika Khare, C. V. S. Rao, Sudhirsinh Vala, R J Makwana and T K Basu Effect of 30 keV Deuterium Ion Beam onto Pulsed Laser Deposited Rh/W/Cu Multilayer , Plasma 2012, Pondicherry University, India, 10-13th December 2012. Indrajeet Kumar and Alika Khare Raman Spectrum of Multilayer Graphene Grown By Pulsed Laser Ablation of Graphite Target , 23rd International Conference on Raman Spectrocopy (ICORS-2012), IISc-Banglore, India, 12-17thAugust, 2012. Indrajeet Kumar and Alika Khare Growth of Few Layers Graphene Via Pulsed Laser Deposition Technique Using Graphite Target , Twenty-First International Symposium on Processing and Fabrication of Advanced Materials (PFAM XXI), IIT Guwahati, India,1013th December, 2012. Indrajeet Kumar, Satchi Kumari and Alika Khare Spatial Evolution of Laser Induced Graphite Plasma By Langmuir Probe, 27th PSSI National Symposium on Plasma Science and Technology (Plasma - 2012), Pondicherry University, Pondicherry, India, 10-13th December, 2012. Archana Kushwaha, Indrajeet Kumar and Alika Khare Laser Induced Breakdown of Poly (Methyl Methacrylate (PMMA)) in Air, 27th PSSI National Symposium on Plasma Science and Technology (Plasma - 2012), Pondicherry University, Pondicherry, India,10-13thDecember, 2012.

20 21 22 23

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27 28 29

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Partha P. Dey and Alika Khare Microstructuring Of Silicon Surface By High Power Pulsed Laser Irradiation, XXI International Symposium on Processing and Fabrication of Advanced Materials, IIT Guwahati, Guwahati, ASSAM 10-13th December, 2012. R. Aneesh and Sunil Khijwania Comprehensive Experimental Study to Develop Nanoparticle Based Optical Fiber Humidity Sensor with Linear Response over Large Dynamic Range, Photonics Global Conference, Singapore, 13-16 December, 2012. Pathi Munendhar, R. Aneesh, and Sunil Khijwania Development of an All-optical Tilt Sensor Employing Fiber Bragg Gratings, International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics PHOTONICS 12, Chennai, India, 09-12 December, 2012. R. Aneesh, and Sunil Khijwania Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance based Optical Fiber Humidity Sensor with Etched Fiber Core Comprising Enhanced Sensitivity, International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics PHOTONICS 12, Chennai, India, 0912 December, 2012. Sunil Khijwania Optical Fiber & Its Sensing Applications: A Viable Solution for All-optical Structural Health Monitoring, International Conference on Recent Trends in Applied Physics & Material Science RAM 2013, Bikaner, India, 01-02 February, 2013. P. Munendhar, Shaival Buch, R. Aneesh and Sunil Khijwania A Novel Fiber Bragg Grating Structure for Multi-parameter Sensing with Enhanced Strain Sensitivity, International Conference on Recent Trends in Applied Physics & Material Science RAM 2013, Bikaner, India, 01 -02 February, 2013. P. Munendhar, Sunil Khijwania Two Dimensional Fiber Bragg Grating Based Vibration sensor for Structural Health Monitoring , International Conference on Recent Trends in Applied Physics & Material Science RAM 2013, Bikaner, India, 01-02 February, 2013. Suresh Babu M, A. Thamizhavel, S. Ramakrishnan, A. K. Grover and D. Pal Observation of Two Critical Current Densities in a Weakly Pinned Single Crystal of Ca3Rh4Sn13 International conference in Recent trends in Applied Physics and Material Science, Bikaner, Feb 01-02, 2013 Preparation and Characterization of charge ordered Nd 0.8Na0.2MnO3 thin films, AIP Proceedings 1447, 1117 (2012) Bora, A. Nandy, R. K. Bhuyan, S. Ravi, and D. Pamu Preaparation and Characterization of Nd0.8K0.2MnO3 Thin Films, AIP Proceedings 1447, 1119 (2012). T. Santhosh Kumar, R. K. Bhuyan and D. Pamu Effect of processing parameters and Post Annealing Temperature on Structural and Optical Properties of MgTiO 3 Thin films Deposited by RF magnetron Sputtering, Springer Preceedings in Physics, 143, 291 (2013). P Mahesh, Ajeet Kumar, A R James, D Pamu Dielectric and ferroelectric studies on lead free piezoelectric KNN ceramics , AIP Proceedings 1512, 62 (2012). T. Santhosh Kumar, R. K. Bhuyan, D. Goswami, D.Pamu Effect of annealing on the microwave dielectric properties of CeO 2 nanoparticles added MgTiO3 ceramics 17th National Seminar on Ferroelectrics and Dielectrics-XVI (NSFD-XVI), Bhubaneswar, 17-19 December 2012). R. K. Bhuyan, P Kalyana Rao, K. Venkateswara Rao , A. R James, D. Pamu Influence of Bi2O3 Additions on Densification and Microwave Dielectric Properties of Mg 2TiO4 Ceramics, 17th National Seminar on Ferroelectrics and Dielectrics-XVI (NSFD-XVI), Bhubaneswar, 17-19 December 2012). P. Mahesh, T. Santhosh Kumar, D.Pamu Effect of deposition temperature and O2% on optical and mechanical properties of lead free piezoelectric (K0.5Na0.5)NbO3thin films by RF sputtering, 17th National Seminar on Ferroelectrics and Dielectrics-XVI (NSFD-XVI), Bhubaneswar, 17-19 December 2012). P. Mahesh, B. Biswas, T. Santhosh Kumar, R. K. Bhuyan, D. Pamu Raman and Dielectric Studies on Lead free (K0.5Na0.5) NbO3 Piezoelectric Ceramics, International Conference on materials science and technology (ICMST-2012), Kottayam , 10-14 June 2012. R. K. Bhuyan, T. Santhosh Kumar, D. Goswami, and D. Pamu Effect of La2O3 and V2O5 Addition on Sintering Behavior and Microwave Dielectric Properties of Mg 2TiO4 Ceramics, International Conference on materials science and technology (ICMST-2012), Kottayam , 10-14 June 2012. T. Santhosh Kumar, R. K. Bhuyan, D. Goswami, A. Mahanta, D. Pamu Effect of CeO2 nanoparticle addition on microstructure and microwave dielectric properties of MgTiO 3 ceramics, International Conference on materials science and technology (ICMST-2012), Kottayam , 10-14 June 2012. P Mahesh, Ajeet Kumar, A R James, D Pamu Dielectric and ferroelectric studies on lead free piezoelectric KNN ceramics , 57th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium, IIT Mumbai, Dec 3-7, 2012. Satendra Kumar, P. Poulose Single W production in e- gamma collisions through the decay lepton spectrum to probe gamma W W couplings Pramana 79 (2012) 1247-1250, Proceedings of 25th International Symposium on Lepton Photon Interactions at High Energy (LP11), Mumbai, 22-27 August 2011

47 A. Nandy, T. Bora, R. K. Bhuyan, D. Pamu, and S. Ravi 48 49 50 51 52

53 54 55 56 57


Tribedi Bora, P. Saravanan and S. Ravi

59 Antiferromagnetism and the Effect of Exchange Bias in LaCr 1-xFexO3 (x= 0.40 to 0.60), Presented at International 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68

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Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism (ICSM-202) held during April 29 May 4, 2012 at Istanbul, Turkey. Tribedi Bora, B. Roy and S. Ravi Suppression of Ferromagnetism in Nanocrystalline Nd 0.80K0.20MnO3, Presented at International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism (ICSM-202) held during April 29 May 4, 2012 at Istanbul, Turkey. R. Padam, D. Pal, S. Ravi, A. K. Grover and S. Ramakrishnan Structural and Magnetic Properties of Co(cr1-yAly)2O4 (y=0.0-0.2) Compounds, Presented at International Conference on Superconductvity and Magnetism (ICSM-202) held during April 29 May 4, 2012 at Istanbul, Turkey. Weak ferromagnetism in Ce doped LaCrO, Tribedi Bora and S. Ravi, Presented at III National Conference on Advanced Materials (NCAM) held during Jan. 23-25, 2013 at PSN College of Engineering and Technology, Tirunelveli. R. Padam, Swati Pandya, S. Ravi, S. Ramakrishnan, A. K. Grover and D. Pal Anomalous Magnetic Properties of Co(Cr1-xFex)2O4, Presented at III National Conference on Advanced Materials (NCAM) held during Jan. 23-25, 2013 at PSN College of Engineering and Technology, Tirunelveli. S. Ravi Spintronics and Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors , Invited talk delivered at National Conference on Advanced Materials (NCAM) held during Jan. 23-25, 2013 at PSN College of Engineering and Technology, Tirunelveli. S. B. Santra and H. Bhaumik Directed sandpile models on random and scale free networks, Conf. on Computational Physics, Kobe, Japan, Oct.14-18 (2012). S. B. Santra and B. Roy Does explosive percolation occur away from criticality, Conf. on Computational Physics, Kobe, Japan, Oct.14-18 (2012). B. Sethi, A. Perumal, A. Srinivasan, and S. B. Santra High temperature magnetic properties of Fe_74Zr_11B_10Co_5 alloy ribon, Proc. CMDAYS, Birla Institute of Technology, Ranch (Aug.29-31,2012),61 (2012). B. Ray and S. B. Santra Random cluster growth and explosive percolation , Proc. CMDAYS, Birla Institute of Technology, Ranch (Aug.2931,2012), 63 (2012). Manirupa Saha and Amarendra K. Sarma Modulation Instability with cubic-quintic nonlinearities and higher order dispersive effects in nonlinear metamaterials , Frontiers in Optics and Laser science 2012, Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science XXVIII meeting , Rochester, New York, Oct.14-18, 2012. Parvendra Kumar and Amarendra K. Sarma A numerical study of optical dipole force on three level atoms by chirped few-cycle-pulse laser fields, Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science XXVIII meeting, Rochester, New York, Oct.14-18, 2012. Manirupa Saha and Amarendra K. Sarma Modulation Instability analysis in cubic-quintic non-Kerr media, XXXVII National symposium of Optical Society of India, Pondicherry University, Jan. 22-25, 2013. Samit Kumar Gupta and Amarendra K. Sarma Study of PT-Symmetric three coupled waveguides system, XXXVII National symposium of Optical Society of India, Pondicherry University, Jan. 22-25, 2013.(S.K. Gupta (Roll no. 11612110 ) got the best presentation award for this work) Poulami Ghosh, A. K. Sharma Growth of ZnO nanostructures in ambient oxygen, 6th India - Singapore Joint Physics Symposium on Physics of Advanced Materials, ISJPS-13, IIT Kharagpur, 25-27 February 2013. Poulami Ghosh and A. K. Sharma Effect of Deposition Time on the Growth of Diamond -like Zinc Oxide Nanostructures, Proc. National Laser Symposium, BARC, Mumbai, 6-9 February 2013. Poulami Ghosh, A. K. Sharma Effect of Deposition Time on the Growth of Diamond -like Zinc Oxide Nanostructures, International Conference on Recent Trends in Applied Physics & Material Science, RAM-2013, Bikaner, 1-2 February 2013. Poulami Ghosh, A. K. Sharma Spectroscopic Study of Laser Induced ZnO Plasma, International Conference on Recent Trends in Applied Physics & Material Science, RAM-2013, Bikaner, 1-2 February 2013. Poulami Ghosh and A. K. Sharma Two-photon induced photoluminescence of ZnO nanowires/nanobelts by continuous wave He-Ne laser, XXXVII National Symposium of Optical Society of India, Pondicherry University, Puducherry, 23-25 January 2013. Poulami Ghosh and A. K. Sharma

78 Growth of zinc oxide nanorods/wires on zinc oxide seed layer by pulsed laser deposition, 21st International Symposium 79
on Processing and Fabrication of Advanced Materials, PFAM XXI, IIT Guwahati, 10-13 December 2012. S. Khalil, A. Sil Sneutrino inflation in supersymmetric B -L with inverse seesaw, AIP Conf. Proc. 1467, 294 (2012). Book, Chapter, etc.



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Nisha Shankhwar, G.P. Kothiyal and A. Srinivasan Synthesis and characterization of gel-derived bioactive ceramic-polymer nanocomposite, Condensed Matter Days (CMDAYS 2012), BIT Mesra, Ranchi, 29-31 Aug., 2012. Bhargab Deka, Rahul Das and A. Srinivasan Magnetic properties of Ru2Fe(Si1-xGex) alloys, Condensed Matter Days (CMDAYS 2012), BIT Mesra, Ranchi, 29-31 Aug., 2012. Brahmananda Sethi, A. Perumal and A. Srinivasan, S.B. Santra High temperature magnetic properties of Fe74Zr11B10Co5 alloy ribbons, Condensed Matter Days (CMDAYS 2012), BIT Mesra, Ranchi, 29-31 Aug., 2012. A. Srinivasan,The magneto-caloric effect and magnetic refrigeration, International Seminar and Workshop on Energy, Sustainability and Development, 12-14 Oct. 2012, Sibsagar. Rahul Das, A. Perumal and A. Srinivasan Estimation of latent heat and entropy changes at the first order structural transition in Ni55Mn21-xGa24+x alloys, International Symposium on Processing and Fabrication of Advanced Materials (PFAM-21), 10-13 Dec. 2012, IIT Guwahati. Anil Borah, P.S. Robi and A. Srinivasan Processing, microstructural evolution and electrical resistivity studies of Ru -Al-Co alloys, International Symposium on Processing and Fabrication of Advanced Materials (PFAM-21), 10-13 Dec. 2012, IIT Guwahati. Nisha Shankhwar, G.P. Kothiyal and A. Srinivasan Sol-gel derived porous bioactive nanocomposites: Synthesis and in vitro bioactivity, International Conference on Recent Trends in Applied Physics & Material Science (RAM-2013), 1-2 February 2013, Bikaner. A. Srinivasan Development of Heusler alloys for spintronic application, International Conference on Recent Trends in Applied Physics & Material Science (RAM-2013), 1-2 February 2013, Bikaner. Rahul Das, S. Sarma, B. Deka, P. Alagarsamy and A. Srinivasan Variations in structural and magnetic properties of Ni-Mn-In-Si alloy with Ni/Mn ratio change, International Conference on Materials Science (ICMS 2013), 21-23 February 2013, Agartala. Nisha Shankhwar, G.P. Kothiyal and A. Srinivasan Synthesis and characterization of electrospun bioactive polymer -hydroxyapapite composite fibers, International Conference on Materials Science (ICMS 2013), 21-23 February 2013, Agartala. B. Sethi, A. Perumal, A. Srinivasan and S. B. Santra High-temperature critical behaviour of mechanically alloyed Fe80Zr20 powder, International Conference on Materials Science (ICMS 2013), 21-23 February 2013, Agartala. S. Thota, S. K. Singh, A. Mallick The role of surface effects on the optical behavior of nanocrystalline NiO, International conference on recent trends in applied physics and material science (RAM 2013), Bikaner, India, Feb 1-2, 2-13 S. Thota, S. K. Das, A. Kumar, S. Sangaraju and B. C. Choi Memory and Relaxation dynamics of MnCo2O4 nanocrystallites, IEEE International conference on Microwave Magnetics, Kaiserslautern, Germany, Aug 26-29, 2012 S. Thota, A. Ansari, A. Mallick, S. K. Singh and J. Kumar Phase evaluation and optical studies of ZrMnO2 and ZrCoO2 nanocrystallites, International conference on recent trends in applied physics and material science (RAM 2013), Bikaner, India, Feb 1-2, 2-13

Book, Chapter, etc. K. K. Dey, P.K. Choudhury and Saurabh Basu Catalytic Nanoparticle driven self propulsion of Polymer microspheres in Nanoscale Spectroscopy and Applications, CRC press (2012) P. K. Giri, D. K. Goswami and A. Perumal, Advanced Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology, Springer Proceedings in Physics, Vol. 143, Eds. ISBN 978-3-642-34216-5 (Springer, March 2013). D Pamu and K C James Raju, Low loss microwave dielectrics: bulk and thin films ISBN:978-3-8484-2652-2

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Name of Faculty
Dr. Pratima Agarwal

Name of Conf./Workshop
International Seminar and Workshop on Energy Sustainability and Development, International Conference on Solar Energy Photovoltaic, ICSEP 2012, , Gordon research conference (GRC) 2012 Focus on Microscopy 1st International Workshop on Grid and Cloud Computing 1st Indo-US Neutrino Collaboration Meeting 2nd Indo-US Neutrino Collaboration Meeting

Sibsagar College, Sibsagar, Assam KIIT University, Bhubaneswar Mount Holyoke, MA, USA Singapore IIT Mumbai, India

12-14 October, 2012. 19th - 21st December 2012 24-29 June,2012 April, 2012 2 4 April, 2012 18 April 2012 13 14 August, 2012


Dr. Pratima Agarwal


Prof. Saurabh Basu Dr B R Boruah Dr Bipul Bhuyan

International International International

Dr Bipul Bhuyan

Delhi University, Delhi Punjab University, Punjab


Dr Bipul Bhuyan


Dr Bipul Bhuyan

Nova Collaboration Meeting

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, USA Quy Nhon, Vietnam

17-24 October, 2012 16-22 December 2012


Dr Bipul Bhuyan

Dr Bipul Bhuyan

VIIIth Recontres du Vietnam Beyond Standard Model: Extended Fermion and Scalar Sectors, Experiment and Phenomenology XX DAE-BRNS High Energy Physics Symposium 39th COSPAR Scientific Assembly Recent Trends in the study of Compact Objects: Theory and Observation DAE-BRNS Symposium on Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 2012 Ab initio description of Iron and Steel 2012 DAE Solid State Physics Symposium Electronic structure approaches to atoms,molecules,clusters and solids 4th International Conference on Nanostructures Self- assembly (NANOSEA 2012) Workshop on Applications Of Nanotechnology In Modern Energy Concepts 1st International Conference on Functional Materials for Defence (ICFMD-2012) International Conference for Young Research on Advanced Materials Photonics Global Conference 2012


Dr. Santabrata Das Dr. Santabrata Das

Visva-Bharati University, Santiniketan Mysore

13-18 January 2013 14 - 22 July 2012, 11 13 March 2013 Dec. 14-17, 2012 April 29-May 4 2012 December 3-7 2012 January 7-11, 2013 June 25-29, 2012 June 4-9, 2012



IIT Guwahati IISER Kolkata

National National

Dr. Tarak Nath Dey

Dr. Subhradip Ghosh

Tegernsee, Germany Mumbai, India Hyedarabad, India


Dr. Subhradip Ghosh Dr. Subhradip Ghosh

International International

Prof. P. K. Giri

Sardinia, Italy


Prof. P. K. Giri

Dresden, Germany


Prof. P. K. Giri

Pune, India

May 18-20, 2012 July 1-6, 2012


Dr. D. K. Goswami



Dr. Sunil Khijwania


December 2012


Dr. Sunil Khijwania

Dr. Sunil Khijwania

Dr. Debaprasad Maity Dr. Padma Kumar Padmanabhan Dr. D Pamu

Dr. D Pamu

Prof. S. Ravi

Prof. S. Ravi Dr. S. B. Santra Dr. Ashwini K Sharma

Dr. Arunansu Sil

International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics, PHOTONICS - 2012 International Conference on Recent Trends in Applied Physics & Material Science Winter School on Gravitation and Cosmology-2013 Theoretical Chemistry Symposium 17th National seminar on Ferroelectrics and Dielectrics (NSFD) International Conference on Materials science and Technology International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism III National Conference on Advanced Materials (NCAM) Conference on Computational Physics Short Term Training Program on Optical Fibre & Laser Technology DESY Theory workshop: Lessons from the First Phase of LHC Top-Higgs Meeting

Chennai, India

December 2012


Bikaner, India Assam University, Silchar,India IIT Guwahati,India Bhubaneswar,India

February 2013


4/03/2013 to 11/03/2013 19-22nd Dec 2012 17 - 19 December 2012 10-14 June 2012 April 29 May4, 2013 Jan. 23-25, 2013 Oct.14-18, 2012 06.03.13

National National National



Istanbul, Turkey


Tirunelveli,India IUPAP at Kobe, Japan NITTTR Extension Centre, Guwahati Hamburg, Germany

National Conference International National

25-28 September, 2012 24-26 August, 2012


Dr. Arunansu Sil

IISc, Bangalore, India


Dr. Arunansu Sil

DAE Symposium on High Energy Physics International Seminar and Workshop on Energy, Sustainability and Development International Symposium on Processing and Fabrication of Advanced Materials International Conference on Recent Trends in Applied Physics & Material Science (RAM-2013),

Dr. A. Srinivasan

VisvaBharati University, Santiniketan, India Sibsagar

13-18 January, 2013 12-14 October 2012 10-13 December 2012 1-2 February 2013



Dr. A. Srinivasan



Dr. A. Srinivasan



11. INVITED LECTURES OF FACULTY: IN INDIA, ABROAD (In tabular format as given below)

Name of Faculty
Dr. Pratima Agarwal Dr. Tarak Nath Dey

Name of Lecture
Recent Advances in Thin Film Silicon Solar Cells Optical cloning of arbitrary images beyond the diffraction limits Lecture at Guwahati University The Itinerant Coherent Potential Approximation: An efficient tool for computation of phonon spectra in disordered alloys Density functional theory based computation of magnetic shape memory alloys with Inverse heusler structure

Name of Inst./Org.
Sibsagar College IISER Kolkata

Sibsagar, India Kalyani, India

October 13, 2012 14 Dec 2012

Dr. Santabrata Das Dr. Subhradip Ghosh

Guwahati University Max-Planck Institute

Guwahati, India Tegernsee, Germany

24th August, 2012 April 30, 2012

Dr. Subhradip Ghosh


Guwahati, India

November 30, 2012

Dr. Subhradip Ghosh

Dr. Subhradip Ghosh

Dr. Sunil Khijwania

First-principles based computations of phonon spectra in substitutionally disordered alloys Effect of chemical disorder on magnetic properties of potential shape memory alloys with Heusler and Inverse heusler structures Optical Fiber & Its Sensing Applications: A Viable Solution for All-optical Structural Health Monitoring Fiber Optics to Sensing: A Versatile Technological Revolution and Latest Research Trends Introduction to Cosmology


Mumbai, India

December 4, 2012

University of Hyderabad

Hyderabad, India

January 9, 2013

Dr. Sunil Khijwania

Dr. Debaprasad Maity

International Conference on Recent Trends in Applied Physics & Material Science RAM 2013 Golden Jubilee Celebration Lecture Series, Malviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur Assam University

Bikaner, India,

01 February, 2013

Jaipur, India

20th Sept, 2012

Silchar, India

5/03/ 2013 to 9/03/2013 Jan.23-25, 2013

Prof. S. Ravi

Spintronics and Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors

Dr. Amarendra Kumar Sarma Dr. Arunansu Sil

Dr. Arunansu Sil

Dr. Arunansu Sil

Few-Cycle Optical Pulses: Fundamental Concepts & Applications Lecture series. Title: Physics Beyond the Standard Model (delivered in the summer school on High Energy Physics ) Sneutrino inflation in supersymmetric B-L with inverse seesaw Matter Antimatter asymmetry of the Universe

III National Conference on Advanced Materials organized by PSN College of Engineering and Technology Florida Attosecond Science and Technology Jointly organized by Cairo University and British University in Egypt, ICTP, Italy and CNRS, France. Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata, India St. Anthony's College, Shillong

Tirunelveli, India

University of Central Florida, Orlando, USA Cairo university, Egypt

21/12/2012 29 April-4th May, 2012

Kolkata, West Bengal, India Shillong, India

17th May, 2012 21st March, 2013


Dr Ian Nugent

Name of Inst./Univ./Org.
III. Physikalisches Institut B, Germany III. Physikalisches Institut B, Germany Delhi University Aligarh Muslim University S. N. Bose National Centre for Basic Science, Kolkata Southern Illinois University, USA

Top Physics Results from ATLAS, CERN Higgs Searches at LHC The Elusive Neutrinos Neutrino-Nucleus Interactions To present Department Colloquium Interaction with faculties working in optics for futuristic research collaboration Nonlinear optics by fs /

17th January 2013 22nd January 2013 7th February 2013 8th February 2013 12th March, 2013

Invited Lecture

Dr Ian Nugent Prof. Brajesh Choudhary Dr Sajjad Athar Sandip K. Chakrabarti Prof. Hernando Garcia

Invited Lecture Invited Lecture Invited Seminar Lecture on Chemical Evolution of the Universe and Origin of Life

14 November, 2012

Dr. Takashi

Kyoto University,



Nakajima Prof. Amol Dighe Dr. Anindya Datta

Japan TIFR, Mumbai University of Calcutta

ps/ ns laser pulses Particle astrophysics of neutrinos Vacuum Stability constraints on Universal Extra Dimensional Models in the light of Higgs Discovery and its impact on LHC search.

11/02/2013 15/02/2013


Name of Faculty
Dr Bipul Bhuyan

Name of Seminars/Workshops/Conf.
3rd Indo-US Neutrino Collaboration Meeting Recent Trends in the study of Compact Objects: Theory and Observation 1st IITG OSA Student Chapter Workshop on Optics

Funded By

7-10 February 2013 11-13 March, 2013 15-17 November, 2012


Dr. Santabrata Das (Convener) Dr. Sunil Khijwania (Chair, Advisory Committee) 14. PATENT FILED: NIL

S. N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences OSA



15. AWARDS AND HONOURS (Only awards/honours at national/international level from reputed organisations) (December, 2012) Dr. Arunansu Sil: awarded visiting Professorship at the Center for Theoretical Physics (CTP) at the Zewail City of Science and Technology, Cairo, Egypt.

ANY OTHER (SPECIAL MENTION) Dr. Pratima Agarwal is one of the Guest Editors of special issue of Conference papers in Energy, published by Hindawi Publishing Corporation. This special issue includes the papers presented at International Conference on Solar Energy Photovoltaics (ICSEP-2012). Dr. B. Bhuyan visited KEK, Tsukuba, Japan during May 10 July 10, 2012 to work on the Belle and Belle 2 experiments. Dr. B. Bhuyan served as a member of the National Organizing Committee for XX DAE-BRNS High Energy Physics Symposium 2012. Dr. B. Bhuyan is a member of the Department Research Committee (DRC) and Committee of Courses & Studies (CCS), Institute of Science and Technology, Gauhati University Dr T N Dey Referee for Physical Review Letters, Physical Review A, Optics Letters, Journal of Optics, Optics Communication, Physics Letter A, Pramana, The European journal of physics D, European Physics Letters, Journal of Nanophotonics. Dr T N Dey visited "Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics", Heidelberg, Germany, during 09.06.2012 to 15.07.2012. Paper Novel Pressure Sensor Using a Polarization-Maintaining Photonic Crystal Fiber Based Sagnac Interferometer, Applied Optics, vol. 47, 2008 co-authored by Sunil Khijwania was listed in November 2012 as the first in top 20 most cited articles over the last 5 years published in Applied Optics. Sunil Khijwania served as Member, International Advisory Committee, International Conference on Communication and Electronics System Design (ICCESD 2013), MNIT Jaipur, India, Jan 28-30, 2013 Sunil Khijwania served as Member, Technical Program Committee, International Conference on Fiber Optics & Photonics (PHOTONICS 2012), Chennai, India, 2012 Dr. S.B. Santra served as International advisory board member, Conference on Computational Physics, organized by IUPAP at Kobe, Japan, Oct.14-18 (2012). Dr. Amarendra Kumar Sarma visited College of Optics and Photonics (CREOL), University of Central Florida, USA , as an Indo-US Research Fellow from 16th July 2012 to 6th January 2013.

16. LIST OF FACULTY MEMBERS ALONG WITH PhD, DESIGNATION, AND AREAS OF INTEREST (In alphabetical order according to surname) Dr. P. Agarwal Email: [email protected] Ph.D. (IIT Kanpur) Associate Professor Condensed Matter Physics (Expt.) Photovoltaic Materials and Devices Dr. S. Basu Email: [email protected] Ph.D. (IIT Kanpur) Professor & HOD Condensed Matter Physics (Theory) Superconductivity Dr. B. Bhuyan Email: [email protected] Assistant Professor Ph. D. (Delhi University) High Energy Physics (Experiment) CP violation, Rare K and B meson decays, ILC R & D Dr. B. R. Boruah Email: [email protected] Ph.D. (Imperial College, London) Associate Professor Lasers and Optics (Expt. & Theory): Programmable Diffractive Optics, Confocal Microscopy, Phase Stepping Interferometry, Vectorial Diffraction Theory Dr. S. Bhattacharya Email: [email protected] Assistant Professor
Ph. D. (MPIPR, Germany)

Soft Condensed Matter Theory and Simulation, Computational Biophysics, Bio-Nano Interface Dr. S. Das Email: [email protected] Ph.D. (SNBNCBS, Kolkata) Assistant Professor Astrophysics (Theory) Astrophysical flows around compact objects, Ultra high energy cosmic rays Dr. T. N. Dey Email:[email protected] Ph. D. (PRL, Ahmedabad) Assistant Professor Quantum Optics (Theory) Coherent control of pulse propagation; Nonlinear optics; Optical solitons ; Negative index media; Bose Einstein condensates. Dr. S. Ghosh Email: [email protected] Ph.D. (SNBNCBS, Kolkata) Associate Professor Condensed Matter Physics (Theory) Electronic Structure Theory Dr. P. K. Giri Email: [email protected] Ph.D. (IIT Kanpur) Professor Condensed Matter Physics (Expt.) Nanomaterials and optoelectronics

Dr. D. K. Goswami Email: [email protected] Ph.D. (I.O.P. Bhubneswar) Associate Professor Condensed Matter (Expt): Organic thin films, heterostructures and nanostructures, surfaces and interfaces Dr. C. Y. Kadolkar Email: [email protected] Ph.D. (IIT Bombay) Associate Professor Condensed Matter Physics (Theory) Defects in Ionic Materials Dr. A. Khare Email: [email protected] Ph.D. (IIT Kanpur) Professor Lasers and Photonics (Expt.) Laser Physics and Spectroscopy Dr. S. K. Khijwania Email: [email protected] Ph.D. (IIT Delhi) Associate Professor Fiber Optics (Theory & Experimental) Fiber Optics, Fiber Bragg Gratings, Optical Fiber sensors Dr. D. Maity Email: [email protected] Ph. D. (IACS, Kolkata) Assistant Professor High Energy (Theory); Cosmology, Ads/CMT Dr. S. Nandi Email: [email protected] Ph. D. (Univ. of Calcutta) Assistant Professor High Energy Physics (Theory), Quark and Lepton Flavour Physics, Flavour Symmetries, CP violation, precision calculations in the SM, Special interest in QCD, Heavy Quark Effective Theory and Soft Collinear Effective Theory. Dr. M. K. Nandy Email: [email protected] Ph.D. (IIT Kanpur) Associate Professor Theoretical Physics, Nonlinear dynamics

Dr. P. K. Padmanabhan Email: [email protected] Ph.D. (IISc, Bangalore) Assistant Professor Condensed matter (Theory): Atomistic Modeling and Simulation of Condensed States of Matter

Dr. D. Pal Email: [email protected] Ph.D. (TIFR, Mumbai) Assistant Professor Low Temperature Physics and Material Science (Experimental): Strongly Correlated Electron Systems, Vortex states in superconductors, Superconductivity and Magnetism

Dr. D. Pamu Email: [email protected] Ph.D. (Univ.of Hyderabad, Hyderabad) Assistant Professor Oxide Thin Films and High k and low loss materials(Experimental) Dr. A. Perumal Email: [email protected] Ph.D. (IIT Kharagpur) Associate Professor Condensed Matter Physics (Expt.) Nanomagnetic Materials Dr. P. Poulose Email: [email protected] Ph.D. (Phys. Res. Lab, Ahmedabad) Associate Professor Theoretical Physics, High Energy Physics Phenomenology Dr. U. Raha Email: [email protected]
Ph. D. (University of Bonn, Germany)

Assistant Professor High Energy Physics (Theory) Quantum Chromodynamics and Nuclear Effective Field Theories. Dr. S. Ravi Email: [email protected] Ph.D. (Univ. of Hyderabad) Professor Condensed Matter Physics (Expt.) Superconductivity and magnetism Dr. S. B. Santra Email: [email protected] Ph.D. (Bose Institute, Kolkata) Associate Professor Condensed Matter Physics (Theory) Statistical Physics Dr. A. K. Sarma Email: [email protected] Ph.D. (IIT Delhi) Assistant Professor Photonics (Theory) and Theoretical Physics Solitons, Nonlinear Fiber Optics, Nonlinear Optics, Bose-Einstein Condensate Dr. A. K. Sharma Email: [email protected] Ph.D. (IIT Kanpur) Assistant Professor Lasers and Optics (Experimental): Laser produced plasmas, laser ablation deposition of thin films, laser based sensors Dr. G.S. Setlur Email: [email protected] Ph.D. (Univ. of Illinois) Associate Professor Theoretical Physics Bosonization in higher dimensions, Graphene

Dr. A. Sil Email :[email protected] Ph.D. (University of Calcutta) Assistant Professor High Energy Physics & Cosmology (Theory): Phenomenology of Physics beyond the Standard Model; Supersymmetry and its breaking; Neutrino Physics; Matter antimatter asymmetry of the Universe; Inflation. Dr. A. Srinivasan Email: [email protected] Ph.D. (IISc, Bangalore) Professor Condensed Matter Physics (Expt.) Materials science Dr. S Thota Email: subhasht @iitg.ernet.in Ph. D. (IIT Kanpur) Assistant Professor Material Science and Engineering; Magnetic Nanostructures,Oxide Heterostructures, superlattices, Magnetocaloric effects Semimagnetic semiconductors Bandgap Engineering.

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