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*Note- We Provide Prediction Diary Which gives information about your whole life in prediction diary we mention about

every sector of life like- Love Affair, Married Life, Unmarried Life, Job and Business, Growth and Success, Financial Status, Diseases, Bad Durations of Life, Good Durations of Life, About Mother and Father, About your Life, Deep Analysis, Yearly Predictions, Our Prediction Diary starts from your birth and it ends after death. This prediction Diary we make from bhrigu samhita and laal kitab, we follow both because Laal Kitab remedies are not very costly and it gives quick result. Now any other website are not giving this service because for this service they have to collect laal kitab and bhrigu samhita manuscripts and hand written editions, which we have in our library. If someone has any doubt so they can ask for manuscripts or hand written pages we can send some sample pages for your satisfaction. We made total 7000 Prediction diaries now in 25 years. We have 25 Years Experience in Astrology Field, In Our Website we have Experienced and qualified Astrologer and tantric Maha Siddha Yogi Dr.Rupnathji also. Astrology can solve all planetary problems but in lack of knowledge astrologers are giving unwanted remedies and misguiding Peoples. If you follow exact remedy for planet and you do best remedies and you use genuine solutions of astrology so from yantra, gems and stones and plants you can remove any kind of problem from your life.

*If you have any kind of astrology, horoscope or kundali dosh related problem, you can consult with us.
* Services Providing By Siddha Yogi psychic Rupnathji Are:*Articles *Horoscope Forecast *Match Making *Puja & Homams *Love And Relationship *Remedies *Muhurat *Vastu *Color Therapy *Mantra *Chalisa *Tantra Remedies *Tantra & Personal Life *Chinese Horoscope *Chinese Love Compatibility *Moon Sign Compatibility *Moon Sign Horoscope *Health & Fitness *Tarot *Numerology

*Feng Shui *Merrage Compatibility *Dream Analysis *Celebrity Astrology *Love Advice *Psychic.

*How Nadi Astrology giving accuracy of life ? *There are three types of Nadi astrology. 1. Nadi 2. Mantra Nadi. 3. Tantra Nadi.

1. Nadi-

In Nadi grantha Chandrakala Nadi,Kashyap Nadi,Bhurugu Nandi Nadi,Dhrub Nadi,Arun Sahinta,Bhrugu Prashna Nadi,Kashyap Hora,Kapila Nadi,Shukra Nadi,Bhujandar Nadi,Saptarishi Nadi.

*Mantra Kala Nadi,

Apara Nadi,Virat Nadi,Apara Nadi.

*Tantra Nadi-

*There are five types of Nadi in Tantra Nadi 1. Brahmand Nadi. 2. Shareer Nadi 3. Panchabhoot Nadi. 4. Triraja Nadi 5. Vaayu Nadi


*In past age sages of India made many Grantha about Nadi and described about the Stars Nakshtra,those called Sanhita. These Sahinta called in north India Bhrugu Sahinta,Ravana Sahinta,Arun Sahinta etc. and in South India called Nadi Granthas.

*Bhrugu Sanhita:-

This Sahinta having with some pandits in North India Varanasi Lucknow,Pratapgarah and Hoshiarpur.By the helps of this Sahinta those pandits managing their lives,from past age.Some are written in Bhojapatra,and some are on paper,some are in Sanskrut and some are in Bangala languages.Some are with name of Jataka name of mother and father and names of relationships,ancients of life.Remedies also written in this Nadi grantha,like upachar by Shalya Kriya,upachara by Ayurveda,upachar by mantra tantra,Jaap Daan and feeling with bad karma. Three lives of Jataka presented in this Grantha,date when prediction of life starts life's true description presented,but prediction of future not accurate.

*Ravan Sahinta:-

Tantra Siddha Maha Yogi Dr.Rupnathji in Assam India,has this sahinta.main predictions of life written in this sahinta,also remedies of life with details written in this sahinta.First alphabet of name and total akshar of name also gives prediction with this sahinta,this have story type with samwad of Ravana and Meghanada.

*Arun Sahinta:-

Samwad with Soory deva and his Sarathi Arun,gives Soory kala knowledge,of one year and also makes place changes of Soorya in life.

*Nadi Grantha:-

*In Puranas 72 Granthas but in present time only 22 Granthas available in India. Devakeralam or Chandra Kala Nadi Kapila Nadi Kamlamuni Nadi Shukra Nadi Buddha Nadi Saptarishi Nadi Satya Nadi Soory Nadi Nava Nadi Kumar Nadi Eeshvar Nadi Markandey Nadi Bhrugu Nadi Dhruv Nadi Kuja Nadi Kakbhujandar Nadi Shani Nadi Agast Nadi Garg Nadi Guru Nadi

Jemini Nadi Bhrugunandi Nadi.

*Nadi predictions depends with two reasons. Some nadi grantha predict with Rashi Chakra basis those called Sahinta,some nadi basis of predictions depends on navamansa and Varga basis.

*Nadi Ansha:-

In 24 hours 12 Rashi and average time of each rashi is 2 hours. 150 Nadi in one Rashi,called 2x60x60/150 = 48 Seconds time.The time of one nadi is 48 seconds.


In the library of Chennai Tamilnadu has this grantha,it has 9152 Shlokas.This nadi grantha has 150 Nadi ansha.One Nadi ansha also divided by two parts, 48/2=24 seconds time.One is poorva bhaga and other is Uttara bhaga.Prediction of life of human kind depends on these ansha.It is a wonderful science.Nava nadi and Devakerlam Nadi depends on same basis.

*Names of 150 Nadi:-

Vashudha,Vaishnavi,Brahmi,Kaalkootahi,Shankari,Sudhakar sama,Saumya,Sura,Maya manohara Madhvi Manjushwana Ghora Kumbini Kutila Prabha Para Payaswini Mala Jagati Jarjhara Dhruva Moosala Mrugdara Pasha Champaka Damini Mahee Kalusha Kamla Kanta Karala Karikara kshama Durdhara Durbhaga Vishwa Visheerna Vivhala Anila Bhima Vikata Avila Vibhrama Sukhaprada Snigdha Sodara Sursundari Amrutprashini Kala Kaamdhuk Karveerini Gavhara Kundini Vishakhya Vishnashini Narmada Sheetalaa Nimna Preeta Priyavardhini Mandhana Chitra Vichitra Chirjeevani Bhoopa Gadahara Nala Nalini Nirmla Nadee Sudhamrutanshu Kalushankura Trailokyamohakari Mahamaya Susheetala Sukhada Suprabha Gakalika Shobha Shobhana Shivda Shiva Balaa Jwala Gadaa Gadhaa Nootana Sumanoharaa Sumatyansha Somvallee Somalata Mangala Mudrika Sudha Malapavarga Pashyata Navaneetaa Nishacharee Nivruti Nirgata Sara Samaga Samada Samaa Vishvabhara Kumari Kokila Kunjarakruti Endra Swaha Swadha Vahri Peeta Yaksha Achalprabhaa Sarini Mdhura Maitri Harini

Harinee Marut Dhanajaya Dhanakaree Dhandaa Kakshpambuja Eshani Shoolini Raudri Shivakari Kala Kunda Mukunda Parata Basita Kadali Smara Kadala Kamini Kalshodbhava Veerprabhu Sangara Shayagya Shatavari Virahapa Stravagi Patlini Nagasa Pankja Parameshvari.

*Dhruv Nadi:-

Writer of this nadi grantha is Jaymuni. Dhruv nadi has 250000 shloka and in 43 parts. Prediction depends on navamansha,also depends on Vaidic regulations.No uses of nadi ansha but predictions depends on 5 Varga.

*Kapila Nadi:-

This Nadi depends on palmistry and prediction made by Chakra of life,predictions depends on Parashara regulations.

*Saptarushi Nadi:-

Prediction depends on talk with Saptarushi Atri Parashara vashishtha Kaushik Agast Jaymuni Bhujandar Narada and Vidur.From birth to death predictions available in this nadi grantha.

*Bhrugu Nadi:-

It depends on 150 nadi ansha,this grantha gives prediction from 12th house,by the trikona of 12th house 4th house gives Garbhavastha prediction.It out from Vedic Astrology.

*Kakbhujandar Nadi:-

It is story of talk with Vashishtha and Kakabhujandar.Mundane astrology depends on this grantha.

*Shukra Nadi:-

Prediction through Ashtak varga and each varga depends on eight parts of life.

*Markandey Nadi:-

It is a story talk with Vashishtha Vishvamitra and Goddess Parvati. It has prediction of life and indicate reason of life.

*August Nadi:-

Prediction depends on right hand print also makes good knowledge of head lines.

*Budh Nadi:-

It makes major incidents of life with years of life.

*Nandi Nadi:-

It is palmistry grantha and has prints of palms.

Here you see Indian type birth chart. The style of counting birth chart from right to left. here number 3 is placing in Lagan means it is Ascendent. Number 3 means it is the number of Rashi (sign). Rashi is Mithun (Gemini) and this rashi's number is 3. You count number from right to left, first number 3, it is lagan and see number 4 it is house of money and physical wealth that earn by the body. Here is Cancer sign (Karka). Next you see number 5 it is Leo sign, and called in Vedic astrology Simh Rashi. It has place in third house. Third house always makes showing values of person related to birth chart. then you see number 6, it has place in fourth house, this house related to mind mother vehicles and also known as the life up to 25 years. This sign related to Virgo, and named in Indian Kanya Rashi. Means person related to this birth chart has many troubles related to living,related to mother and related to house and mind vehicles etc. by the effects of this sign. first birth of child also makes sens by the this sign,and area of education and personal business also seeing by the this house. Next you can see number 7th, it related to Libra sign and this sign makes balanced mind and education by the reashi effects.Person always think in balance and can represent the values of memory by the balance, This house related to kids, quick money gains amusement games and memory power. After this house you see number 8, it has place in 6th house,this number related to Scorpio (Vrishchik Rashi). This house related to enmity daily jobs this house also makes sens about laborious jobs, diseases also related to this house. Younger sister and brother of mother also related to this house.this number related to house of death or house of graveyard,and if there are not any supports of the good star to this house it means person related to this house always in troubles with paranormal strengths. Doctors not in condition to rectify the disease, if person start to make check up different doctors then different reports of medical reports possible. After this number number 9 having place in 7th house,this number related to Sagittarius sign (Dhanu Rashi). this house related to life partner and also related to fighting of whole life for the person who related to this birth chart.

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