A. LG!?RC Sjve D. Irre. P Nsible
A. LG!?RC Sjve D. Irre. P Nsible
A. LG!?RC Sjve D. Irre. P Nsible
not aggressive at all D. experienced in raising e.hil<l.'Co B. good communicators E. capable of solving problems C. superior human beings
Mcrujuk pada
rum .. ,
orang tua para wanita umumnya mcmcg;m~ pcranan lebih penting dllripada pria adalah karena para wanita sudah tencmpa pengalaman dalatn pcngasuhan (cxperien ;011in r<lisin!?, childree) sepcrti yang d.papnrkM pllnl!;ruf2dan paragraf4. Jttwuban: J)
.E. competitive
Sifat Ial<i!al: isebaga 1 orang Y'.1I1I1idak bcliang,,"l1ngia"'ab {irrespoJlsibl?} ti<ilk dinY3tal,an wscana baik secsra ak~rh~it maupun implisir, JaWD1Jwt: D According IOthe iext, wtuch of the fullllWill~ statements is TRUE ,bou! parents in gent'rat? A. Children J(J~e their ",,,then. m,;tC than they love their-fathers. B. All fathers lend W he ~),\gressive and violent toward their children. )_:. Mol"!>,,, pl"y " gr.eat';l role in the education of their children. D. 'Ev""g!,Ullt rathe,s are unable to communicate ) l>11hchildren E. There i5110 eommunicauon between.fathers and their children.
'Opsi yang sclaras denga infonnasi wacana adalfih C. MfJI/J{,r.1 play a greater rol in the educanon ofl.(1eir children, bahwa ibu mcmcgaug ~eraJlt,1lpenting dalam pendidikan anak-anaknya.
J,,0'0601l: C
The '''''Ie of the sexes' started with Adom and Ev~ and it will prClbahly continue forever. 'he opinion thai men arc superior to women ha.~lotig been accepted In many cultures, hut 'he eminist movement is trying to chango this view, Feminists claim that boys and girts are exactly ual at buths but become unequal because. of the way they are treated by suciety. However, .. snt rcseaech contradicrs the view tlla_t males and females are by nature alike. Without doubt, S\)cictal influences bolh inside and outside the r,unily cause mauy diffel'enc.(is
o dcwlop. Ih$ide'rhe family. boys tu be men bY-"'<i,.<;lling and c()ryin~ Ihllir tathers, and ,if I; kaJ'il.to.'h~ women by MII.chillg and copying !hc-ir mothers. Outside the family buys who lay with dolls ilJlc'lI certain age receive di:,;appru>'al, as do girls who continue play with Ninja r~i11e[although the pressure may not be quite as strong as ()J! girls).
However, not all differences are caused by societal influences. Some are due to differences ill physiolegy II r the brain. For esarnplc, more men than women (1," leA.h,,",I"<i, which means