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September 1

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Welcome! We extend a special welcome to our guests, visitors and all who join us in worship today.

Please let us know of your presence or any prayer requests you have by filling out one of the cards in the pew rack and placing them in the offering plate. We hope that our church home becomes your church home and the spiritual place where you grow through the Word of God. Nursery care for children up to three years old is located on the main floor of the Welcome Center across from the library. Older children attending the church service are encouraged to borrow a Toddler Tote filled with activities as you enter the Sanctuary. Concerning the Sacrament of the Altar We believe that Jesus offers Himself to us in the Sacrament His true body and blood, for the forgiveness of sins. We also share the scriptural concern for those who participate in the Lords supper that they recognize what they are receiving (1 Corinthians 11:27). Therefore, we ask that all who desire to receive the Lords Supper please carefully examine themselves using the communion information card found in the pew rack. Communion is celebrated on the 1st and 3rd Sundays at both services.

Now Faith IsImitated

September 1, 2013 OPENING SONG 8:00 am 10:45 am INVOCATION OPENING RESPONSE See screens Come, Follow Me, the Savior Spake Lord Reign in Me

LSB 688

CONFESSION P: Almighty God, C: we confess that we are sinners in need of your mercy and grace. You have called us to love our neighbor as ourselves and to love you with our whole heart, mind and soul. But instead of imitating you in this love, we often imitate the world, loving ourselves more than our neighbors, even loving ourselves more than you. Forgive us and strengthen our spirit that we may learn to imitate you in our thoughts, words and deeds, that all people may come to see Christ in us. In Jesus name we pray. Amen. ABSOLUTION SONG OF PRAISE 8:00 am 10:45 am Son of God, Eternal Savior My Heart is Filled with Thankfulness Hebrews 13:1-17 Luke 14:1-14 Apostles Creed LSB 842 vs. 1-2, 4


Bible page 1009 Bible page 873 LSB back cover

OFFERING SONG 8:00 am 10:45 am SERMON

Take My Life and Let It Be I Will Follow Now Faith isImitated O To Be Like Thee

LSB 783

Vicar Ken Chitwood

See screens


LSB back cover

Agnus Dei More About Jesus Soul, Adorn Yourself with Gladness Lord, Help Us Walk Your Servant Way Alleluia! Let Praises Ring Worthy is the Lamb As Bread that is Broken In My Life Lord, Be Glorified Nothing but the Blood of Jesus

LSB 210
See screens

LSB 636 vs. 1, 4-6, 8 LSB 857 vs. 1-2, 4-5 LSB 822

10:45 am

BLESSING CLOSING SONG 8:00 am 10:45 am May We Thy Precepts Lord, Fulfill Let the Praises Ring This weeks flowers are given to the glory of God by Sheri Fryer celebrating the birthdays of her grandsons, Brandon and Tyler and Michael and Katie Goerner celebrating Tracys birthday

LSB 698

DISCIPLESHIP STUDY OPPORTUNITIES SUNDAYS Families and Children at 9:30 am: Family Discipleship (Nursery - 12th grade & parents) Adults at 9:30 am: Love Your Neighbor Yes, Even That One Join in discussions led by Tina Hergenrader (Christian author and curriculum writer at Concordia Publishing House) that will show how we are called to be a blessing to others with love, forgiveness, understanding, time and grace not just to some, but to everyone. (Library) Gods Word for Today: Leviticus Holiness. What is it? For some, holiness is our attempt to live up to Gods expectations recorded in His Word. Failure is attributed to human error, while success is ascribed to human accomplishment. Holiness becomes a measure of how well were doing in the sight of our holy God. In contract, Levi ticus shows how God goes to great lengths not only in defining true holiness, but also in sharing His holiness. Through blood God bestows the forgiveness of sins and His own holiness to His redeemed and ransomed people. This study explores the institution of High Priest and the royal priesthood in Gods service, the power of Gods grace in imparting holiness and the connection between the Old Testament sacrifices and Jesus final sacrifice on Calvary. Our study is led by Tim Gandre, Tony Rylander and Gary Tober. (Welcome Center 2nd floor) (Loomis Center)

DISCIPLESHIP STUDY OPPORTUNITIES (continued) TUESDAYS (resuming September 10th) Adults at 9:30 am: LifeLight: Minor Prophets Pastor Dale Leland leads this in-depth course exploring the books of Amos, Jonah and Habakkuk which seeks a clearer understanding of how God spoke in history to pronounce judgment on sinful nations with the purpose of bringing them to repentance and how He continues to speak to His people today. (Library)

IN OUR HEARTS & PRAYERS Members: Elsie Calafell; Jerry Denman; Elizabeth Drescher; Ursula Fitzner; Jennie Grisbee; Linda Husfeld; Priscilla Johansen; Maribel Lian; Diana Marquardt; Norma Moore; Louise Ohlenbusch; Betty Pampell; Sherry Parker; John & Elsie Pierce; Phyllis Radcliff; Dennis Riske; Mary Smith; Joanne Story; Dorothy Swain; Don & Cathie Thomas; Inga Wood. Friends & Family: Rosie Barrera (Tim & Marilyn Gandres friend); Melinda Cieszinski (Stephen Leffingwells sister); Joe Dalton (Dave Graessers nephew); Donnie Heinrich (Leslie Sandifers father); Audrey Hansen (Glenn Hansens mother); Brendan Husfeld (Rich & Linda Husfelds nephew); Roger & Christine Ibarra; David & Katy Kummerfeld (Janet Parkers nephew and wife); Mike Lightle (Judys husband); Jason Lindbloom (Kathy Lindblooms son); Betty Maeker (Brenda Davis mother); Bobby Norris (Robin Stankus uncle); Joanna Odham (preschool teacher); Katie Ondrias (Holly Martinezs friend); (Maycel Plautz (Bob Plautzs mother); Ryan Richardson (Tim & Marilyn Gandres friend); Shannon Richmeyer (Lori Bishops sister-in-law); Gilbert Rippe (Joyce Adams brother); Valerie Rivera; Roger & Olga Segura (Rachel Peckenpaughs parents); Carrie Linscott Terry (former MLC member); Wayne Toye (Jennifer Pergandes father); and Joe Turner (Bill Cooks friend). Military Friends & Family: Kyle Appelt (Keith & Laura Evans nephew), USAF Academy, Colorado; Stephen Appelt (Keith & Laura Evans nephew), USMC, Camp Pendleton, CA; Joel Davidson (son-in-law of Ron & Debby Ferguson), CWO, US Army, Afghanistan; Jeffrey Gruetzmacher, USN.

OUR THANKS TO THOSE SERVING TODAY Acolytes Altar Guild Audio 8:00 am: 10:45 am: Kristina Hansen; Trevor Stall Joel Somich Mildred Bretting; Liz McDaniel; Rachel Peckenpaugh; Vi Tarpey David and Linda Elmore Nick and Megan Doherty Pat Croll; Martin Haskett Ed Parker; Tony Rylander Jim Slater; David Weis Pat and Teresa Croll; Ricky and Mildred Nietsche Rich and Linda Husfeld; Billy and Dottie Placke Brianna Bakenhus Ashley Bretting Dean Arldt; Craig Battle; Leroy Bretting; Dick Pursley; Bob Thiele Bill Blum; David Elmore; Paul Goerner; Stuart Michalk; Travis Schulze

8:00 am: 10:45 am: Elders 8:00 am: Elder Assistants 10:45 am: Greeters 8:00 am: 10:45 am: Nursery 8:00 am: 10:45 am: Ushers 8:00 am: 10:45 am:

MEMORIAL AT A GLANCE September 1 - September 8, 2013 Sunday ~ 1st 8:00 AM 9:30 AM 10:45 AM 1:00 PM 6:00 8:00 PM Worship Service with Communion Family Discipleship Hour / Bible Studies Worship Service with Communion Servicios en Espaol High School Youth Labor Day Office Closed 9:30 AM 6:00 8:00 PM 7:30 8:30 PM 6:30 PM 9:30 AM 8:00 AM 9:15 AM 9:30 AM 10:45 AM 1:00 PM 6:00 8:00 PM Lifelight Resumes Livin In 3D Resumes Praisemakers Praise Team Hispanic Bible distribution Worship Service Mens Chorus Family Discipleship Hour / Bible Studies Worship Service Servicios en Espaol High School Youth

Monday ~ 2nd Tuesday ~ 3rd Wednesday ~ 4th Thursday ~ 5th Saturday ~ 7th Sunday ~ 8th

CONTACTS AT MEMORIAL John Davis Senior Pastor 281-391-4501 Email: [email protected] Dimas Jimenez Pastor 281-925-8433 Email: [email protected] Nathan Engman 281-795-9844 Director of Family Discipleship Email: [email protected] April Ramsey 281-703-9743 Childrens Discipleship Coordinator Email: [email protected] Elizabeth Chitwood 281-574-5440 Director of Music Ministries Email: [email protected] Ken Chitwood 832-795-3564 Vicar, Missions Director & ACTS Coordinator Email: [email protected] Dale Leland Visitation Pastor 979-732-3007 Email: [email protected] 281-391-6967

Linda Stahmer Preschool Director Email: [email protected] Jody Cook Office Manager Email: [email protected] Church Office Preschool Office Website


281-391-0171 281-391-0172 mlckaty.com

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