Lec1 Introduction Stud
Lec1 Introduction Stud
Lec1 Introduction Stud
Lecture 1: Introduction
2. Entrepreneurs
• Characteristics of Entrepreneurs
3. Entrepreneurship
• Benefits of Entrepreneurship
• Drawbacks of Entrepreneurship
• Feeding the Entrepreneurial Fire
• Culture Diversity of Entrepreneurship
• Ten Deadly Mistakes of Entrepreneurship
• Avoiding the Pitfalls of Small Business Failure
BEN2014 Introduction to Cyberpreneurship (by: TPL)
Original Source: Zimmerer & Scarborough (Pearson)
• GEM study
– Globally 9.4 percent of adults are actively
engaged in trying to start a business.
– Men are twice as likely as women to start a
business (exactly the opposite trend in the
U.S., however).
– Nearly one-third of global entrepreneurs are
between the ages of 25 and 44.
BEN2014 Introduction to Cyberpreneurship (by: TPL)
Original Source: Zimmerer & Scarborough (Pearson)
BEN2014 Introduction to Cyberpreneurship (by: TPL)
Original Source: Zimmerer & Scarborough (Pearson)
BEN2014 Introduction to Cyberpreneurship (by: TPL)
Original Source: Zimmerer & Scarborough (Pearson)
Entrepreneurship Pg 5-8
• Anyone – regardless of age, race, gender,
color, national origin, or any other
characteristic – can become an entrepreneur
(although not everyone should).
BEN2014 Introduction to Cyberpreneurship (by: TPL)
Original Source: Zimmerer & Scarborough (Pearson)
BEN2014 Introduction to Cyberpreneurship (by: TPL)
Original Source: Zimmerer & Scarborough (Pearson)
• Uncertainty of income
• Risk of losing your entire investment
• Long hours and hard work
• Lower quality of life until the business gets
• High levels of stress
• Complete responsibility
• Discouragement
Stress !!!
BEN2014 Introduction to Cyberpreneurship (by: TPL)
Original Source: Zimmerer & Scarborough (Pearson)
• Entrepreneurs as heroes
• Entrepreneurial education
• Demographic and economic factors
• Shift to a service economy
• Technological advancements
• Independent lifestyle
• E-commerce and the World Wide Web
• International opportunities
BEN2014 Introduction to Cyberpreneurship (by: TPL)
Original Source: Zimmerer & Scarborough (Pearson)
One-armed Shoppers
By: Bill McLemore
Source: http://www.statehousereport.com
BEN2014 Introduction to Cyberpreneurship (by: TPL)
Original Source: Zimmerer & Scarborough (Pearson)
• Young entrepreneurs
• Women entrepreneurs
• Minority enterpreneurs
• Immigrant entrepreneurs
• Part-time entrepreneurs
• Home-based businesses
• Family businesses
• Copreneurs
BEN2014 Introduction to Cyberpreneurship (by: TPL)
Original Source: Zimmerer & Scarborough (Pearson)
1. Management mistakes
2. Lack of experience
3. Poor financial control
4. Weak marketing efforts
5. Failure to develop a strategic plan
6. Uncontrolled growth
7. Poor location
8. Improper inventory control
9. Incorrect pricing
10. Inability to make the “entrepreneurial transition”
BEN2014 Introduction to Cyberpreneurship (by: TPL)
Original Source: Zimmerer & Scarborough (Pearson)
A Good Idea…?
Source: http://swier.blogspot.com
BEN2014 Introduction to Cyberpreneurship (by: TPL)
Original Source: Zimmerer & Scarborough (Pearson)
Source: http://www.cubiccompass.com/blogs/main/content/binary/TireSwingCartoon.png
BEN2014 Introduction to Cyberpreneurship (by: TPL)
Original Source: Zimmerer & Scarborough (Pearson)
BEN2014 Introduction to Cyberpreneurship (by: TPL)
Original Source: Zimmerer & Scarborough (Pearson)