MB 0024 Set2
MB 0024 Set2
MB 0024 Set2
What do you mean by sample survey? What are the different sampling
methods? Briefly describe them.
Answer :
A survey may refer to many different types or techniques of observation, but in the
context of survey sampling it most often refers to a questionnaire used to measure
the characteristics and/or attitudes of people. The purpose of sampling is to reduce
the cost and/or the amount of work that it would take to survey the entire target
population. A survey that measures the entire target population is called a census.
Sample survey can also be described as the technique used to study about a
population with the help of a sample. Population is the totality all objects about
which the study is proposed. Sample is only a portion of this population, which is
selected using certain statistical principles called sampling designs (this is for
guaranteeing that a representative sample is obtained for the study). Once the
sample decided information will be collected from this sample, which process is
called sample survey.
It is incumbent on the researcher to clearly define the target population. There are
no strict rules to follow, and the researcher must rely on logic and judgment. The
population is defined in keeping with the objectives of the study.
Sometimes, the entire population will be sufficiently small, and the researcher can
include the entire population in the study. This type of research is called a census
study because data is gathered on every member of the population.
Usually, the population is too large for the researcher to attempt to survey all of its
members. A small, but carefully chosen sample can be used to represent the
population. The sample reflects the characteristics of the population from which it is
What is the different between correlation and regression? What do you
understand by Rank Correlation? When we use rank correlation and when
we use Pearsonian Correlation Coefficient? Fit a linear regression line in
the following data –
X 12 15 18 20 27 34 28 48
Y 123 150 158 170 180 184 176 130
Answer :
When two or more variables move in sympathy with other, then they are said to be
correlated. If both variables move in the same direction then they are said to be
positively correlated. If the variables move in opposite direction then they are said
to be negatively correlated. If they move haphazardly then there is no correlation
between them.
Regression is defined as, “the measure of the average relationship between two or
more variables in terms of the original units of the data.” Correlation analysis
attempts to study the relationship between the two variables x and y. Regression
analysis attempts to predict the average x for a given y. In Regression it is
attempted to quantify the dependence of one variable on the other. The dependence
is expressed in the form of the equations.
Correlation and linear regression are not the same. Consider these differences:
di = xi − yi = the difference between the ranks of corresponding values Xi and Yi, and
n = the number of values in each data set (same for both sets).
If tied ranks exist, classic Pearson's correlation coefficient between ranks has to be
used instead of this formula.
One has to assign the same rank to each of the equal values. It is an average of
their positions in the ascending order of the values.
X 12 15 18 20 27 34 28 48
Y 123 150 158 170 180 184 176 130
Total Numbers : 8
Slope (b) :0.16701
Y-Intercept (a) : 154.65
Regression Equation : 154.66 + 0.17x
What do you mean by business forecasting? What are the different
methods of business forecasting? Describe the effectiveness of time-series
analysis as a mode of business forecasting. Describe the method of moving
Business forecasting refers to the analysis of past and present economic conditions
with the object of drawing inferences about probable future business conditions.
To forecast the future, various data, information and facts concerning to economic
condition of business for past and present are analyzed. The process of forecasting
includes the use of statistical and mathematical methods for long term, short term,
medium term or any specific term.
1. Business Barometers
Business indices are constructed to study and analyze the business activities on the
basis of which future conditions are predetermined. As business indices are the
indicators of future conditions, so they are also known as “Business Barometers” or
“Economic Barometers‟. With the help of these business barometers the trend of
fluctuations in business conditions are made known and by forecasting a decision
can be taken relating to the problem. The construction of business barometer
consists of gross national product, wholesale prices, consumer prices, industrial
production, stock prices, bank deposits etc. These quantities may be concerted into
relatives on a certain base. The relatives so obtained may be weighted and their
average be computed. The index thus arrived at in the business barometer.
ii) Business barometers for specific business or industry: These barometers are used
as the supplement of general index of business activity and these are constructed to
measure the future variations in a specific business or industry.
2. Time Series Analysis is also used for the purpose of making business
forecasting. The forecasting through time series analysis is possible only when the
business data of various years are available which reflects a definite trend and
seasonal variation.
4. Regression Analysis
The regression approach offers many valuable contribution to the solution of the
forecasting problem. It is the means by which we select from among the many
possible relationships between variables in a complex economy those which will be
useful for forecasting. Regression relationship may involve one predicted or
Time series analysis is also used for the purpose of making business forecasting.
The forecasting through time series analysis is possible only when the business data
of various years are available which reflects a definite trend and seasonal variation.
By time series analysis the long term trend, secular trend, seasonal and cyclical
variations are ascertained, analyzed and separated from the data of various years.
One of the most simple and popular technical analysis indicators is the moving
averages method. This method is known for its flexibility and user-friendliness. This
method calculates the average price of the currency or stock over a period of time.
The term “moving average” means that the average moves or follows a certain
trend. The aim of this tool is to indicate to the trader if there is a beginning of any
We come across different types of moving averages, which are based on the way
these averages are computed. Still, the basis of interpretation of averages is similar
across all the types. The computation of each type set itself different from other in
terms of weightage it lays on the prices of the currencies. Current price trend is
always given a higher weightage. The three basic types of moving averages are viz.
simple, linear and exponential.
A simple moving average is the simplest way to calculate the moving price
averages. The historical closing prices over certain time period are added. This sum
is divided by the number of instances used in summation. For example, if the
moving average is calculated for 15 days, the past 15 historical closing prices are
summed up and then divided by 15. This method is effective when the number of
prices considered is more, thus enabling the trader to understand the trend and its
future direction more effectively.
A linear moving average is the less used one out of all. But it solves the problem of
equal weightage. The difference between simple average and linear average method
is the weightage that is provided to the position of the prices in the latter. Let’s
consider the above example. In linear average method, the closing price on the
15th day is multiplied by 15, the 14th day closing price by 14 and so on till the 1st
day closing price by 1. These results are totaled and then divided by 15.
The exponential moving average method shares some similarity with the linear
moving average method. This method lays emphasis on the smoothing factor, there
by weighing recent data with higher points than the previous data. This method is
more receptive to any market news than the simple average method. Hence this
makes exponential method more popular among traders.
Moving averages methods help to identify the correct trends and their respective
levels of resistance.
Characteristic of Statistics
a. Statistics Deals with aggregate of facts: Single figure cannot be analyzed.
Functions of Statistics
1. It simplifies mass data
2. It makes comparison easier
3. It brings out trends and tendencies in the data
4. It brings out hidden relations between variables.
5. Decision making process becomes easier.
What are the different stages of planning a statistical survey?
Describe the various methods for collecting data in a statistical
Table is nothing but logical listing of related data in rows and columns.
b. Objectives of tabulation are:-
i. To simplify complex data
ii. To highlight important characteristics
iii. To present data in minimum space
iv. To facilitate comparison
v. To bring out trends and tendencies
vi. To facilitate further analysis