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Semih S. Tezcan , Zuhal Ozdemir , Ali Keceli-2, and Aykut Erkal-1 Adress:
E-mail: tezokan @ superonline. com _______________________________________________________________ Key words: Bearing capacity, shear wave velocity , shallow foundations, bearing pressure, seismic technique. allowable
extensive bore hole data, laboratory testing and geophysical prospecting, an empirical formulation is proposed for the rapid determination of allowable bearing capacity of shallow foundations. The proposed expression corroborates consistently with the results of the classical theory and is proven to be rapid, reliable and safe. It consists of only two soil parameters, namely, the insitu measured shear wave velocity, and the unit weight. The unit weight may be also determined with sufficient accuracy, by means of another empirical expression, using the P-wave velocity. It is indicated that once the shear and Pwave velocities are measured insitu by an appropriate geophysical survey, the allowable bearing capacity may be determined rapidly and reliably through a single step operation. Such an innovative approach, using the seismic wave velocities only, is considerably cost and time-saving, in practice.
Professor Schulze (1943) [1], a prominent historical figure in soil mechanics and foundation engineering in Germany, stated that For the determination of allowable bearing pressure, the geophysical methods, utilising seismic wave velocity measuring techniques with absolutely no disturbance of natural site conditions, may yield relatively more realistic results than those of the geotechnical methods, which are based primarily on bore hole data and laboratory testing of so-called undisturbed soil samples .
Since that time, various significant contributions have been made to solving geotechnical problems by means of geophysical prospecting. The P-wave velocities, for instance, have been used to determine the unconfined compressive strengths and modulus of elasticity of soil samples by Coates (1970)[2]. Hardin and Black (1968) [3], and also Hardin and Drnevich (1976) [4], based on extensive experimental data, established indispensable relations between the shear wave velocity, void ratio, and shear rigidity of soils. Similarly, Ohkuba and Terasaki (1976) [5] supplied various expressions relating the seismic wave velocities to weight density, permeability, water content, unconfined compressive strength and modulus of elasticity.
The use of geophysical methods in foundation engineering has been extensively studied also by Imai and Yoshimura (1976) [6], Tatham (1982)[7], Willkens, et.al. (1984)[8], Phillips, et. al. (1989)[9], Keceli (1990) [10], Jongmans (1992) [11], Sully and Campanella (1995)[12], and Pyrak-Nolte, et.al. (1996) [13]. Campanella and Stewart
(1992) [14] determined various soil parameters by digital signal processing, while Butcher and Powell (1995) [15] supplied practical geophysical techniques to assess various soil parameters related to ground stiffness. A series of guidelines have been also prepared in this respect by the Technical Committee TC 16 of IRTP, ISSMGE (1999) [16], and also by Sieffert (2000) [17]. Turker (2004) [18], based on extensive case studies, supplied an explicit expression for the allowable bearing pressure, using shear wave velocity. Massarsch (2004) [19] determined deformation properties of fine-grained soils from seismic tests.
In this presentation, typical empirical expressions have been proposed for the rapid determination of the allowable bearing pressures in soils, soft and hard rocks. This is actually an extension of an earlier publication by the writers [20], presenting a theoretical background for the formulation and also introducing a number of refinements, including the correction factors for the foundation size.
The insitu measured shear wave velocity, as a single field index, represents the real soil conditions, much more effectively and reliably than the insitu or laboratory tested shear strength parameters. In addition to geophysical refraction seismic survey, there are several other techniques of measuring the shear wave velocity at site as discussed by Stokoe and Woods (1972) [21], Tezcan et. al. (1975) [22], and Butcher, et.al.(2005) [23]. Insitu measured shear wave velocity reflects the true photograph of the soil, containing the contributions of void ratio, effective confining stress, stress history, shear and compressive strengths, geologic age etc. As will be seen later in this study, the shear wave velocity enables the practicing engineer to determine the allowable bearing capacity in a most convenient, economic, reliable and straight forward manner.
where, = unit weight (kN/m3), n = factor of safety. The foundation depth, H, may be replaced by the product of Vs = shear wave velocity and the time parameter, T, as;
qa = Vs T / n
A typical hard rock formation, for which the essential parameters are available, will be =35 kN/m3 , used to calibrate the above expression. Namely, qa = 10 000 kN/m2,
and Vs = 4 000 m/sec. Assuming a safety factor of n= 1.4 for hard rocks, the time parameter is obtained as T= 0.10 sec, from Eq.3, as follows: qa = 35 (4000) T / 1.4 = 10 000 kN/m2 (4)
qa = 0.1 Vs / n
For various soil (rock) types, the factors of safety, as well as the allowable bearing pressures, are given in Table 1.
Table-1. Factors of safety, n, for soils and rocks(1) Soil type Vs range (m/sec) n qa (kN/m2)
Hard rocks
750 Vs 4 000
n = 1.4
qa = 0.071 Vs
750 Vs 4 000
n = 4.6 0.0008 Vs
qa = 0.1 Vs / n
750 Vs
n = 4.0
qa = 0.025 Vs
Linear interpolation is made for soft weak rocks with 750 Vs 4 000 m/sec.
The shear wave velocity may also be used to determine ks= coefficient of subgrade reaction, d= total settlement and E= modulus of elasticity as follows: ks = 40 qf (kN/m3) (7)
d = qf / ks
E = H ks
(kN/m2 )
qf = n qa = 0.1 Vs
in which, q = bearing pressure at failure, H= the layer thickness for which the modulus of elasticity is required. The empirical expression in Eq.7 is given by Bowles (1982) [25]. Substituting Eq.10 into Eq.7, we obtain
ks = 4 Vs
( kN/m3)
It is seen from Eq.8 and Eq.11 that, the maximum settlement is permanently set to d = 0.025 m, as should be the case for all shallow single or strip footings.
= + 0.002 V
where, = the unit weight in kN/m3 based on P-wave velocity, V = P-wave velocity in m/sec, and = the reference unit weight (kN/m3) values given as follows:
o p p
= 16
for loose sandy, silty and clayey soils, for dense sand and gravel, for mudstone, limestone, claystone, conglomerate, etc., for cracked sandstone, tuff, graywacke, schist, etc.,
= 17
= 18
= 20
= 24
The unit weights calculated by Eq.12, are in excellent agreement with those determined in the laboratory. In the absence of any bore hole sampling and laboratory testing of soil samples, the above empirical expression provides a reliable first approximation for the unit weights of various soils, once the in-situ measured P-wave velocities are available. In fact, the speedy evaluation of unit weights, prior to any soil sampling, enables the practicing engineer to calculate the allowable bearing capacity q , readily from Eq. 5. As an example, consider a soft clayey soil layer of H=15 m beneath a shallow foundation with insitu measured seismic wave velocities as Vs = 200 m/sec, and Vp= 700 m/sec, the various soil parameters, which are also verified by conventional geotechnical methods are calculated as follows:
ks = E qf = =
Vp 4 Vs H ks 0.1 Vs
+ 0.002 = = = =
= = = =
n Eq.10 Eq. 8
4 --qf / n qf / ks
(since, Vs < 750 m/sec, see Table 1) = = 348 / 4 348 / 13 920 = = 87 0.025 kN/m2 m
qa = d =
The allowable bearing pressures have been determined, at more than 120 construction sites in and around the Kocaeli Province in Turkiye, using both the conventional method recommended by Terzaghi and Peck (1967)[24], and the seismic method as proposed herein. The results of both methods are illustrated in a comparative fashion in Fig.1. The stability and consistency of the results by the seismic method proposed herein are clearly visible.
1. The shear wave velocity is a single and most powerfull soil parameter representing a family of geotechnical soil conditions, ranging from compressive strength to void ratio, from shear rigidity to cohesion etc, 2. Extensive bore hole and laboratory testing would no longer be needed if the shear and P-wave velocities are measured, as accurately as possible, right under the foundation level. Then, the allowable bearing pressure, the coefficient of subgrade
reaction, as well as the approximate value of the unit weight are rapidly determined, using relatively simple empirical expressions. 3. The results obtained from seismic method are more stable, consistent and reliable when compared with those of the conventional method, as already demonstrated by more than 120 case studies (Fig.1).
The writers gratefully acknowledge the technical support and encouragement, as well as the constant and ample supply of field data for the case studies by Mr. Mustafa Cevher, Chief Geophysical Engineer, Municipality of the Greater City of Kocaeli, Turkiye.
400 350
300 250
50 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 m/sn v shear wave velocity, V == shear wave velocity, m/sec ss
Figure-1. Comparison of Conventional and Seismic methods (From a data base containing 123 case studies in and around the Kocaeli Province, 2004-06)
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