Quad 6 Final
Quad 6 Final
Quad 6 Final
Family Fabaceae
It is a big tree that usually growing to 33 m in heigh and 2 m diameter bearing many long branches . The timber of all its species are highly valued.
Family Malvavaceae
Family Sapindaceae
Family Simaroubaceae
Candle Top Plant/ Golden Shrimp Plant Pachystachys lutea Asystasia gangetica Zamboangenita
This is an attractive, fastgrowing, spreading, herbaceous ground cover that grows from 300mm to 600mm in height. It produces a cream-coloured flower with tessellated purple markings on the palate in spring and summer. Flowers are produced over a long period and are followed by capsules with brown seeds.
Native to Peru, lollypop plant (also called golden candle or shrimp plant) is a tropical evergreen shrub or subshrub that grows 2-6 tall in its native habitat.The flower of this plant blooms in white or
bright yellow color. It The flower is white with yellow bracts. It is a broad leaf evergreen and its texture is smooth. It grows between 1 and 1.5 feet. Lance-shaped to elliptic medium green
leaves (to 6 long) are heavily veined.
Family Acanthaceae
Family Apocynaceae
Pseuderanthemumreticulatum Yellow Morado It is an evergreen perennial, subshrubs and shrubs from woodland habitats in tropical regions worldwide. It is the host plant of Autumn Lead butterfly
Family Balsaminaceae
Family Bixaceae
This subshrubby perennial with light green to red-flushed stems has slightly toothed, scalloped, light to bronze-green or redflushed leaves to 5 inches long. The showy, flat flowers bloom in white or shades of orange, pink, red, purple, violet, lavender-blue, and bicolors.
Bixaorellana Achuete It is a shrub or a bushy tree which ranges from 3 to 10 meters in height. Its glossy, ovate leaves are evergreen with reddish veins. This plant has medicinal and food uses.
Family Rutaceae
Family Rutaceae
Family Rutaceae
Family Rutaceae
Triphasiatrifolia Limeberry (English) and Limoncito (Filipino) It is an evergreen shrub growing to 3 m. It has bisexual flowers. It prefers dry or moist soil.