IELTS Writing Guide
IELTS Writing Guide
IELTS Writing Guide
Task 1 - a report
In task 1 you are given a graph, chart, table or diagram of a process to describe.
Opinions the task is to describe only and not give your opinions
Task 2 - an essay
Key language you need the language of general English, not the
language of specific academic topics
There are 4 areas in which your writing will be graded. You should note that each of these
is worth 25% of your total mark.
Task response
How well do you answer the question: this includes whether you answer all parts of
the question, write enough words and write in the correct format
Lexical resource
The range and accuracy of your vocabulary: this includes whether your vocabulary is
suitable to the task and whether you only use common words
The range and accuracy of your grammar: this includes not just how many mistakes
you make, but also whether you also use more complex structures
How well your writing is organised: this includes organising how your sentences link
together and how your paragraphs are organised
You should also note that the examiner is also likely to start by giving your writing an
overall score: “What do I generally think about this piece of writing?”. Therefore you
should take care of the appearance of your writing.
Each paragraph should be about one main idea. If your paragraphs are disorganised, you
will be penalised
Being irrelevant
In task 2, if the question asks you about the effect of television on society, you should not
write about computers.
In task 1, you should not