Polytechnic Info
Polytechnic Info
Polytechnic Info
Directorate of Technical Education, Maharashtra State, 3, Mahapalika Marg, Opp. Metro Cinema, Mumbai - 400 001
STD Code: 022, Tel: 2262 0601/ 2269 0602/ 2264 1150/ 2264 1151 Help Line No: (022) 2262 6853 / 2262 6854 Fax : 022- 2269 2102 / 2269 0007 Website :http://www.dte.org.in
E-Mail : [email protected]
Rule No 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.5.1 1.5.2 1.5.3 1.5.4 1.5.5 1.5.6 1.5.7 1.6 1.7 1.7.1 1.7.2 1.7.3 2.0 2.1 General Abbreviations used in the brochure Definitions Role of Competent Authority Seats available for admission process Seats available Over & Above Sanctioned Intake Seats for NRI / PIO / Foreign Nationals / Foreign Students/ Children of Indian Workers in the Gulf Countries Seats for Jammu & Kashmir Migrant Candidates Seats for Government of India Nominees Seats under centrally sponsored scheme of Ministry of Human Resource Development of GoI for persons with disabilities Seats for Marathi speaking candidates of Mauritius (MR) Seats Reserved for NCC Candidates Tuition fee waiver scheme of AICTE Seats for OMS candidates Distribution of seats available under General Admission Process District Level 70% Seats Allocation and Reservation of seats Govt. Institutes with second shift courses for religious Minority Students. Eligibility Criteria Eligibility Criteria For Maharashtra State/ Outside Maharashtra State/Jammu &Kashmir Migrants Govt. of India Nominees /Candidate for admission to the Post SSC First year of Diploma in Engineering & Technology. Foreign Eligibility criteria for NRI/ PIO/Foreign Nationals/ Students/Children of Indian Workers in the Gulf Countries Type of Candidature Admission to Mining and Mine surveying course Admission to the Candidates who want to take repeat fresh admission in first year of Engineering/Technology diploma course during current academic year Reservations Provisions of 15% seats for Candidates Passing HSC Examinations with Technical/Vocational Subjects from SSC Board Maharashtra State Reservation for Sons/daughters of defence service Personals Reservations for Persons with Disability Candidates Reservation for Female Candidates Reservation for the weaver community of Solapur District Reservation for Backward class Candidate Documents required to claim reservation for Backward Class candidates and fee waiver Description of Rules Page No 1 1 1 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8
9 10 11 11
6.0 6.1
11 11
12 12 13 13 13 14
8.0 9.0
Submission of Application form at ARC Documents required for various types of candidates
14 14 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 17 17 19 19 22 23 23 23 23 24 25 25 25 26 27 27 27 27 28 28 28 29 30 31 33 39 41 59 61 62 64
10.0 Attestation 11.0 Translation 12.0 Assignment of merit number 12.1 Merit Number 12.2 Relative Merit in case of Tie 12.3 Change of Marks due to Verification 13.0 Rules of Admission through Centralized Admission Process (CAP) 14.0 Admission Rounds 14.1 Admissions to Foreign Nationals /Foreign Student / NRI/ Persons of Indian 14.2 Admissions of Children/ward of NRI Candidates in Unaided Institutes 14.3 Admissions Through CAP for Maharashtra State Candidates 14.4 Reporting after CAP Rounds 15.0 Retention of Original certificates 16.0 Mode of payment of fees 17.0 Fees, concessions, cancellations and refund 17.1 Tuition Fees & Other Fees 17.2 Caution Money 17.3 Cancellation of Admission & Refund of Fees 17.4 Action to be Taken in Case of Excess admissions & Late Uploading of 17.4.1 Excess Admissions 17.4.2 Late Uploading of Admitted Candidates on DTE Website 18.0 Concessions in tuition fee 18.1 E.B.C. Concession 18.2 Concession for sons and daughters of Teaching and Non-teaching staff of 18.3 Issue of School/College Leaving Certificate 19.0 Miscellaneous 20.0 Hostel Accommodation 21.0 Conduct and Discipline 21.1 Action against ragging 21.2 Undertaking 22.0 Transfer of Student Annexure 1 Procedure for Centralized Admission Process (CAP) for the academic year 2013-14 Annexure 2 List of courses along with respective course codes and course abbreviations Annexure 3 Annexure 4 Annexure 5 Annexure 6 Annexure 7 List of the Application form Receipt Centres (ARC) Attested true copies of documents to be attached along with application Form List of unique courses Guidelines for the Admission Process to be carried out by Unaided Polytechnics List of Govt Institutes with Second shift courses in which 70% seats are reserved for religious minority candidates belonging to Muslim, Buddhist, Christian, Sikh, Parasi & Jain Community A,B,C,D,E,F,F1,J,K,L,M,N,Z Institute Information
Proformas Annexure 8
65-72 73
Rules for Admission to First Year of Post SSC Diploma Courses in Engineering /Technology in Government, Government Aided and Un-Aided Polytechnics in Maharashtra State For the academic year 2013-14
Reference: Govt Letter No. TED-2013/(19/13)/TE-5 Dtd.18/05/2013 of Higher & Technical Education Department 1.0 a) b) c) d) 1.1 General : All All All All the Government Polytechnics in Maharashtra State Autonomous Polytechnics in Maharashtra State. Government Aided Polytechnics in Maharashtra State Un-Aided Polytechnics in Maharashtra State
These Rules shall apply for admission to the first year of Post SSC Diploma Courses in
Abbreviations used in the brochure: AICTE CAP CBSE CGPA DTE EWS GoI GoM HD HSC ICSE IoT MSBTE MSBSHSE NRI OHD OMS PIO SSC SL All India Council of Technical Education Centralised Admission Process Central Board of Secondary Education Cumulative Grade Point average Director of Technical Education, Maharashtra State Economically weaker Section Government of India Government of Maharashtra Home District Higher Secondary Certificate Indian Certificate of Secondary Education Institute of Technology Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai Maharashtra State Board of Secondary & Higher Secondary Education Non Resident Indian Other than Home District Outside Maharashtra State Persons of Indian Origin Secondary School Certificate State Level Seats
Definitions: Application form Receipt Center (ARC) is an institution/center where a candidate can fill the Online application form, submit and upload it. concurrence of GoM.
Autonomous Institute means the institute for which autonomy is granted by MSBTE with the
Candidate means an applicant who desires to seek admission to First Year of Diploma Course in Polytechnic in Maharashtra State by submitting the prescribed application form to the individual institutes/ARC for Un-aided polytechnics and Government/Government aided Polytechnic respectively.
Course means three/four year diploma course/programme in Engineering/Technology. DTE, Mumbai Diploma in Engineering & Technology
Diploma means Diploma awarded by the various State Board of Technical Education/ Diploma
Director means the Director of Technical Education, Maharashtra State. defined under PIO.
Foreign Nationals: Citizens of all countries other than India, who are not of Indian origin as Government Polytechnic means the Polytechnic run by the Government of Maharashtra. Government Aided Polytechnic means Polytechnic run by private management which receives
financial assistance from the Government of Maharashtra.
Inter se merit means the order of merit. NRI: Non Resident Indian as per definition given in the section 6 of the Income Tax Act 1961.
Polytechnic means an institution imparting technical education in Engineering and allied technical subjects leading to Diploma in Engineering / Technology. and Bangladesh) who at any time held an Indian Passport or that person or either of his / her parents or any of his / her grand parents was a citizen of India by virtue of the provisions of the Constitution of India or Sec 2 (b) of Citizenship Act, 1955 (Act No. 57 of 1955).
Persons of Indian Origin (PIO): Persons who are citizens of other countries (except Pakistan
Representative of the Competent Authority means an officer appointed to assist Competent Authority for smooth conduct of Admission Process as per the directives of the Competent Authority. State Government means the Government of Maharashtra. Sanctioned Intake (SI) means the course-wise number of seats sanctioned by the Government with reference to the AICTEs approval. Sandwich Pattern is 4 year duration course with the provision of Industrial Training during the course in Diploma.
Un-Aided Polytechnic means Polytechnic run by private management on self financing basis. Website means www.dte.org.in
1.3 Role of Competent Authority in the process of Admission to First year Diploma of Engineering/ Technology through centralised process
The Competent Authority shall direct the students as per their allotment through CAP to all
Govt/Govt Aided/Un Aided Polytechnics. The authority will also effect the admissions in unaided courses in Aided Polytechnics participating in CAP.
All the decisions taken in relation to Admission to First Year of Engineering/Technology Diploma
courses, by the Competent Authority shall be final and binding on all concerned.
Competent Authority shall also deal with the representations received from the candidates
pertaining to allotment and admissions in Govt., Govt. Aided Polytechnics which acts as Grievance Redressal Authority.
Merit list of the students finally admitted in various Govt., Govt. Aided & Unaided polytechnics in
the state whether participating or not participating in CAP shall be submitted for the approval of competent authority within the specified period.
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These are the seats for which admission is carried out by the Admission Authority through CAP*. The details of such seats are as shown in the following tables. Seats available with Competent Authority for CAP (No. of seats in % of sanctioned intake capacity of each course) 100%* 100% 50%
Sr. No.
1 2 3 4 5
80% CAP Seats= Sanctioned Intake (Minority Seats + Institute level seats)# #-As per Government Resolution No. +-2008/|.G.133/2008/E-1 n. 04/07/2008 and its amendments
which may be published from time to time. * - One seat for D. D. Daruwala Memorial Scholarship Trust is available in Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli (Diploma Wing) within SI
All Govt. & Govt. Aided Polytechnics including Autonomous Institutes Govt Institutes with Second shift Courses for Religious Minority Students Govt. Aided Minority Polytechnics including Autonomous Institutes All Un-Aided Non-Minority Polytechnics Un-Aided Minority Polytechnics
- As per Government Resolution No: - TED-2010/(334/2010)/TE-5 Dated 13th September 2011, Refer Rule No 1.7.3
Note:1. For Admission in Government/ Govt Aided polytechnics, unaided polytechnics candidates will have to apply through online application hosted on the website http://www.dte.org.in/poly2013 only. No other mode of application submission will be accepted. 2. Candidates willing to take admission in unaided polytechnics for institute level seats will have to apply separately to unaided polytechnic in prescribed application form issued by the respective Unaided Polytechnic. 3. Candidates willing to take admission in Aided/Unaided Minority polytechnics under Minority quota will have to apply separately to respective Aided/Unaided Minority polytechnics. 4. As directed by the AICTE in reference with the rule under chapter 1.10(6) and in reference of judgement of Hon'ble Supreme Court of India, New Delhi vide its final judgment in order C.A.NO.9048 of 2012 dated 13th December 2012 has laid down cutoff dates for the grant of approval by AICTE, University and State Government. Accordingly the intake of the courses approved for the AY 2013-14 will be considered for admission. Any approval granted after the aforesaid cut off dates will not be considered for admission. The details of the judgment may be accessed at www.aicte-india.org>bulletin>circulars. Approvals changes in sanctioned intake capacity for the course in existing institutes communicated after the printing of the information brochure shall be displayed only on the website http://www.dte.org.in/poly2013 and will not be separately notified in any newspaper. 1.5 Seats available Over & Above Sanctioned Intake
1.5.1 Seats for PIO / Foreign Nationals /foreign student Children of Indian Workers in Gulf Countries 15% of the sanctioned Intake Capacity seats may be available over and above the regular intake in the institutes for the children of Indian Workers in the Gulf Countries/ PIO / Foreign Nationals subject to
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prior permission to be obtained by the concerned institute from AICTE.1/3rd of the 15% of these seats
J-2 Type: The children of officers belonging to Indian Administrative Services, Indian Police
J-3 Type: The children of staff of J & K police engaged in combating terrorism.
Admission against these seats is made strictly on the basis of inter se merit of combined single merit list of all eligible J & K Migrant candidates. The candidates seeking admission against the seats reserved for J&K migrant have to submit relevant Certificates shown in proforma J/K/L in support of their claim at the time of admission. Under any condition the seats remaining vacant in this quota will not be offered to Candidates from any other category. Candidates seeking admission under this provision shall submit their duly filled application forms to the following address as per the notified schedule. The Principal, S.B.M. Polytechnic, Vile Parle (West), Near Cooper Hospital, Mumbai- 400 056 Candidates admitted under this provision are not allowed to change course or college in any year of study. Candidates who are eligible to apply against the provision of Jammu & Kashmir Migrant Candidate seats as well as against the Maharashtra State seats are only entitled to claim for one of these seats. 1.5.3 Seats for Government of India Nominees: A number of seats as will be decided by Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India will be available for the nominees from states and Union Territories which lack the facility in Technical Education. These seats are over and above the sanctioned intake of the institutes in which these admissions are provided. The admission procedure for these seats is as under:
The candidate shall report to the Directorate of Technical Education, Maharashtra State, for
scrutiny of original certificates and for collecting the admission letter as per schedule.
GOI Nominee candidate shall not report directly to the Institute without collecting admission
letter from Directorate of Technical Education, Maharashtra state, Mumbai-400 001. The Principal of the institute should not admit such candidate and ask the candidate to approach above mentioned office.
Candidates nominated by the concerned States shall be admitted only and only if they fulfil the
educational qualifications as mentioned in Rule 2.0. Candidates so admitted will have to obtain eligibility certificate from the MSBSHSE.
GoI nominees belonging to backward class category does not get any exemption in tuition fees.
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Rules for Admission 2013-14 Candidates admitted under this provision are not allowed to change course or college in
subsequent years. 1.5.4 Seats under centrally sponsored scheme of Ministry Development of GoI for Persons with Disabilities (PWD) of Human Resource
Under centrally sponsored scheme of Ministry of Human Resource Development of GoI for persons with disabilities, Five (5) seats in each course (Max 25 seats per Institute) are available over and above the sanctioned intake in the following institutes. 1. Govt. Polytechnic, Mumbai, 2. Govt. Polytechnic, Pune 3. Govt. Polytechnic Kolhapur The disability criteria and other conditions of eligibility for these candidates will be same as that for Persons with Disability candidates as prescribed in Rule 2.1.4 and the guidelines of Ministry of Human Resource Development of GoI. Each of the above institute shall issue advertisement for admission. Each of the above institute shall call for the application under advertisement for admission in specified branches and as approved by the AICTE. 1.5.5 Seats for Marathi speaking candidates of Mauritius (MR) A total of five seats are available in the state for the sons and the daughters of the Marathi speaking persons from Mauritius. These seats will be allotted to any of the Polytechnics in the state over and above the sanctioned intake by Director, Technical Education (M.S), Mumbai. The applications for these seats are required to be submitted to the Director of Technical Education, Maharashtra State,3, Mahapalika Marg, Opp. Metro Cinema,Mumbai- 400 001 as per schedule. The allotment of seats shall be done by the Director of Technical Education, Maharashtra State, based on the merit of Candidates in this category, as per the details given in the admission schedule.
The father/ mother of these candidates must be citizens of Mauritius and the candidate is
required to produce a certificate from Indian High Commission to the effect that applicant is from Marathi speaking Community in Mauritius . Candidates shall bear all related expenses for studies in Maharashtra and no concession whatsoever shall be admissible to them for admission or continuation of education.
1.5.6 Seats reserved for National Cadet Corps (N.C.C.): Provision of 15 seats over and above of SI shall be allotted to NCC Students. The candidate seeking admission under N.C.C. quota, must fulfil following conditions in addition to eligibility criterion mentioned in 2.0 1. Certification of representing Maharashtra at All India level. 2. Certificate of minimum 70% attendance in two years of N.C.C. 3. N.C.C. `A certificate. The allotment of these seats shall be carried out in the branch & institute as selected by the candidate. No institute shall be given more than one seat over & above quota under this category. Note:-
Candidates seeking admission under over & above quota , who has secured admission in any
other institute under Norman quota shall produce certificate indicating his/ her original documents are retained with the previous institute.(Pro forma N)
Candidates seeking admission under NCC quota shall execute their applications such that their
applications shall reach to the N.C.C. authority as per the schedule notified by the N.C.C. authority.
Candidates seeking admission under rule 1.5.5 shall apply before the last date of admission
under these rules.
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Under the Scheme, 5 percent of sanctioned intake per course shall be available for these
admissions. These seats shall be supernumerary in nature. Sons and daughters of parent having annual income of less than Rs. 4.50 lakhs from all sources shall only be eligible for seats under this scheme. The scheme shall be mandatory for all Institutions approved by the council. The Waiver is limited to the tuition fee as approved by the State Level Fee Committee for selffinancing Institutions and by the Government for the Government and Government Aided Institutions. All other Fee except tuition fees will have to be paid by the beneficiary. These seats are not available in second shift courses.
The competent authority to effect these admissions is the State Government or its designated
Authority. State Admission authority shall invite applications under this category, make a separate merit list for this category and effect admissions on the basis of the merit list so generated.
All such additional seats shall be treated as TFWS seats of Maharashtra state quota. These
additional seats will be filled as State Level seats and will be made available to eligible candidates (Whose names are appeared in TFWS Merit List) of Tuition Fee Waiver scheme as a separate choice. In the event of non-availability of students in this category the same shall not be given to any other category of applicants. Candidates willing to opt for TFWS seats will have to specify their willingness in the option form as a separate choice code. Only Maharashtra State candidates will be admitted against such additional seats. These seats shall be filled only through Round-I and Round II of CAP process. If the competent authority finds that there is inadequate number of beneficiaries available for the particular course at the institute at the end of CAP Round-II then such seats will not be filled and will remain vacant. List of Technical Institutes having approvals for Tuition Fee Waiver scheme shall be made available before the submission of option form. The Institutions should publish in their brochure and web site the number of tuition fee waivers available in each category in each course/division. The Competent Authority will prepare merit list of applicants from eligible students and will effect admissions strictly on merit basis. A letter in this respect shall be issued by the Competent Authority for admissions to each beneficiary. Students admitted under this scheme shall not be allowed to change Institution/course under any circumstances. The competent authority and Institutions will display the information regarding admitted candidates in their respective web sites for information to the students and other stakeholders. Candidates willing to opt for these additional TFWS seats will have to submit income certificate stating that his/her parents annual income is less than Rs. 4.50 lakhs from all sources from the appropriate competent authority of the Maharashtra State.
1.6 Seats for OMS candidates: The seats remaining vacant, if any, in Un-Aided Polytechnics, after offering admissions to all Maharashtra candidates on the merit list will be offered to the eligible candidates from the states other than Maharashtra State as per the following guidelines.
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Rules for Admission 2013-14 All OMS candidates will be considered as general category candidates and will have to fulfil the
eligibility criteria as mentioned in Rule 2.0 These admissions are made on the basis of inter se Merit of the OMS candidates. The Head/Principal of concerned unaided institute shall effect these admissions.
1.6.1 D. D. Daruwala Memorial Scholarship Trust Seat One seat for D. D. Daruwala Memorial Scholarship Trust is available in Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli (Diploma Wing). The seat can be allotted to any of the course available in the institute. Candidate seeking admission against this seat shall apply directly to the Principal of the Institute. 1.7 Distribution of seats available under General Admission Process:
The seats available for admission through admission Authority shall be distributed as per the details given below
Seat allocation District Level 70% seats (HD) Seats available for admission 70% of the seats available under general admission process as mentioned in rule 1.4 in all polytechnics (except for the unique courses mentioned in Annexure-5 of these rules) are available for Candidates passing qualifying (Std. X) examination from a school located in that district in which the polytechnic is situated. 30% of the seats available under general admission process as mentioned in rule 1.4 in all polytechnics (except for the unique courses mentioned in Annexure-5 of these rules) are exclusively reserved for Maharashtra State candidates passing qualifying (Std. X) examination from any district other than a district in which the school is situated. These seats will be filled on the basis of State Level merit list amongst all the applicants who have opted for 30% State Level seats. Seats remaining vacant in 30% quota will be offered in subsequent round of 70% quota. All seats are considered as State level (SL) Seats
The eligibility of a candidate for 70% district level seats shall be decided on the basis of the
location of the school from which the candidate has passed the qualifying examination. e.g., Candidate passing Std. X examination from Ichalkaranji in Kolhapur district is eligible for 70% district level seats of Kolhapur district.
In the Government/ Government Aided and Un-aided Polytechnics / Institutions running post SSC
Diploma courses in Mumbai and Mumbai Suburban Candidates passing Std. X examination from any of the two districts are eligible for 70% district level seats offered by all the two districts. Home District for the candidates applying from above districts seeking admission will be considered under Mumbai district. out on the basis of State level merit.
Admissions to the unique courses in the Polytechnics, as shown in Annexure 5, shall be carried
1.7.2 Allocation and Reservation of seats Break up of the seats available for admission through CAP for all types of institutes and seats available for Institute level admission/Seats for Minority community is shown below.
No. of Seats in % of sanctioned intake Seats with Competent Authority For Maharashtra State candidates HD OHD Minority seats seats Seats Seats with other Authorities Institute Level Seats Minority seats
Sr. No.
Type of Institute
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70% 70% of 50% seats in SI 70 % of (80 % seats of SI) 70% of MS Seats* 70% of 30% seats of SI
30% 30% of 50% seats in SI 30 % of (80 % seats of SI) 30% of MS Seats* 30% of 30% of SI
Un-Aided Minority Polytechnics Govt Institutes with Second shift Courses for Religious Minority Students
Minimum 51%
*- MS Seats = Sanctioned Intake (Minority Seats + Institute level seats) - Read Rule 1.7.3 # - Excluding one seat for D. D. Daruwala Memorial Scholarship Trust is available in Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli (Diploma Wing). The seat can be allotted to any of the course available in the institute.
1.7.3 Govt Institutes with Second shift Courses for Religious Minority Students:70 % seats for Religious Minority Students belonging to Muslim, Buddhist, Christian, Sikh, Parsi and Jain community and 30% seats for general & backward class category candidates are reserved in selected Second shift Courses for Religious Minority Students in Government polytechnics (For details see Annexure 7). These seats will be filled through CAP at State Level. For each course with sanctioned intake of 60, 70% seats (42) will be reserved for above mentioned religious minority candidates as indicated in the following table, 30 % seats shall be available to all other general candidates and shall be filled as per the existing rules of the admission process. Sr.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 Minority Religious Group No of Seats Muslim 22 Buddhist 14 Christian 02 Sikh 01 Jain 02 Parsi 01 Total 42
In a particular Minority Religious Group, if sufficient numbers of candidates are not available and
available seats could not be filled then in such case vacant seats shall be filled with the candidates from amongst other Minority Religious Groups on the basis of Inter se Merit. As per rule 6.4, if sufficient number of female candidates is not available against the specified reservation, then such seats shall be given to the male candidates from the respective Minority Religious Group.
Eligibility Criteria:
2.1 Eligibility criteria for Maharashtra State/ Outside Maharashtra State / Jammu & Kashmir Migrant/ Government of India Nominees/ Candidate for admission to First year of diploma courses in Engineering/ Technology:
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Candidate should have passed the SSC (Std.X) examination of Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education or its equivalent examination, with subjects Maths/Mathematics, General Science and English, with minimum 35% marks in aggregate. Note:
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Rules for Admission 2013-14 The NRI candidates are eligible to apply for admission against the Institute level seats, only in
Unaided Polytechnics /Institutes. The extent to which such NRI candidates shall be admitted is limited to 5% of the sanctioned intake. school/college/Examination Board situated outside India shall be further decided by the Institute to which the candidate is admitted. Hence such candidates are advised to get their equivalence certificates from MSBSHSE at the time of admission. (Refer Annexure 4)
The eligibility of the candidates passing the SSC (Std. X) equivalent examination from a
Type of Candidature
Types of Maharashtra State Candidates and Home District: A candidate is considered eligible for admission to the seats of Maharashtra State coming under the purview of competent authority subject to fulfillment of any one of the eligibility requirements as listed in the following table.
Sr. No . Type of candidate Eligibility requirement and District area under which the candidate is eligible for District level 70% seats. Candidate Passing Std. VIII, IX and X examination from any recognized school in Maharashtra state Home District Candidates Home District is the District location of the school under the jurisdiction of which the candidate has passed qualifying examination (Std X) falls in the State of Maharashtra. Candidates Home District is the District place under the jurisdiction of which the authority issuing Domicile Certificate falls in the State of Maharashtra Candidates Home District is the District place under the jurisdiction of which posting of the father / mother of the candidate who is a central Government / Government of India Undertaking employee falls in the State of Maharashtra. Candidates Home District is the District place in Maharashtra state under the jurisdiction of which the place of Posting/ Headquarter of GoM / GoM Undertaking office of Father/ Mother is situated. Candidates Home District is the District place under the jurisdiction of which posting of the parent of the candidate who is a State Government / Maharashtra State Government Undertaking / Central
Candidate Passing Std. VIII / IX / X examination from a recognized School situated outside Maharashtra state. AND Father / Mother of the candidate are domiciled in the state of Maharashtra. Candidate Passing Std. VIII / IX / X examination from a recognized School situated outside Maharashtra state. AND Father / Mother of the candidate is a central Govt. / Govt. of India Undertaking employee who is posted in Maharashtra and reported for duty in Maharashtra State before the last date for submitting of application form. Candidate Passing Std. VIII / IX / X examination from a recognized School situated outside Maharashtra state. AND Father / Mother of the candidate is a Maharashtra State Govt. / Maharashtra State Govt. undertaking employee Candidate Passing Std. VIII, IX and X examination from a recognized School in Maharashtra State. AND Father / Mother of the candidate is a State Govt. / State Govt. Undertaking / Central Govt. / Govt. of India
Type C (Sons and daughters of central Govt. / Govt. of India Undertaking employee)
Type D (Sons and daughters of Maharashtra State Govt. / Maharashtra State Govt. undertaking employee) Type E (Maharashtra State Candidate) (Sons & daughters of Maharashtra State Govt. / Maharashtra State Govt undertaking / Central Govt.
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Type of candidate / Govt. of India Undertaking employee who is transferred to a place in another District and the candidate intends to shift to the District where the Father / Mother is posted).
Home District
Minority Candidate
Government /Central Government undertaking employee falls in the State of Maharashtra. Note: Candidate opting as Type E candidate will lose the opportunity as Type A candidate. If any candidate applies for both as Type A and Type E candidate, then his/her claim as Type E Candidate will be considered for preparation of Home District Merit list. Candidate should be an Indian national, who is satisfying any of the conditions Stated in Sr. No. 1,2, 3, 4,5 (i.e. Type A,B,C, D,E) of rule 3.0 and belongs to Muslim, Buddhist, Christian, Shikh, Parsi and Jain (Religious Minority Community)
OMS Candidate:OMS candidate should be an Indian national, who is not satisfying any of the conditions Stated in Sr. No. 1,2, 3, 4,5 (i.e. Type A,B,C, D,E) of rule 3.0 and should have passed SSC(Std. X) examination from an institute situated outside State of Maharashtra within India. OMS candidates are not eligible for admission through CAP. Note: - OMS candidates are not eligible for admission in Govt/Govt Aided Polytechnics.
The female candidates are not allowed to take admission in Mining and Mine Surveying & Mining Engineering courses. 5.0 Admission to the Candidates who want to take repeat fresh admission in First year of Engineering/Technology diploma course during current academic year: The candidates who had already admitted to any diploma course during the previous academic years are eligible for fresh admission to first year diploma course during the current academic year subject to the condition that such candidates will not be eligible for exemption in any subjects passed during the earlier academic years. Such candidates shall have to produce NOC (No Objection certificate) from the institute of earlier admission in the pro forma N given in the brochure. 6.0 Reservations:
The various reservations provided for the seats available under General Admission Process under the purview of competent authority are detailed here. The seats available over & above sanctioned intake of the institute as prescribed under Rule-1.5 do not have any further internal reservation. 6.1 Provision of 15% seats for candidates passing SSC examination with Technical/ Vocational subjects from SSC Board Maharashtra state:
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Rules for Admission 2013-14 15 % seats of the seats available under General Admission Process as prescribed in rule 1.4, shall
be reserved for Candidates passing Std. X examination with Technical/ Vocational subjects as prescribed by the Directorate of Vocational Education, Maharashtra State.
For deciding the merit of such candidates, the marks scored by the candidate in the SSC
Examination, without considering the marks scored in the Technical/ vocational subjects, shall be considered. Backward Class category candidates mentioned in these Rules.
The seats reserved for these candidates shall have further reservation among themselves for the
6.2 Reservation for sons / daughters of Defence Service Personnel:
Five per cent (5%) of the seats available under general admission process as prescribed in Rule 1.4 in each Polytechnic, subject to a maximum of five (5) seats, shall be reserved for children of active/Ex defence service personnel. These seats are within the sanctioned intake capacity for the course. a) Children of Ex- service personnel who are domiciled in Maharashtra State (D1). b) Children of active service personnel who are domiciled in Maharashtra State (D2). c) Children of active service personnel (D3) Who are transferred to Maharashtra State but are not domiciled in Maharashtra State. Who are not domiciled in Maharashtra State but their families are stationed in Maharashtra State under the provision of retention of family accommodation at the last duty station on grounds of children education. These 5% seats should be offered to eligible children of defence service personnel on the inter-se merit of all Defence category candidates taken together. These seats are available as state level seats. Note: This provision is NOT available to the children of CIVILIAN STAFF who is working/ who has worked with the Indian Defence Services. 6.3 Reservations for Persons with Disability Candidates:
As per the provisions in Clause 39 of Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation Act 1995, three per cent (3%) of the seats available under general admission process as prescribed in rule1.4 in each Polytechnic, shall be reserved for Persons with Disability candidates. These seats are within the sanctioned intake capacity. This reservation shall be applicable for following types of Persons with Disability candidates: Blind / visually impaired candidates (P1) Speech & hearing impaired (Deaf & dumb) candidates-(P2) Candidates with orthopaedic disorders and learning disabilities, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Dysgraphica, Spastic-(P3) These 3% seats should be offered to eligible Persons with Disability Candidates on the inter-se merit of respective PH candidates. These seats are allotted in Home District quota. Note: It should be noted that the Persons with Disability candidates on admission to Diploma course will not be given any exemptions or additional facilities in the academic activities other than those which may be provided by the MSBTE. No relaxation in educational qualification will be entertained for Persons with Disability candidates.
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Rules for Admission 2013-14 The certificate (proforma F/F-1) should clearly state that the extent of disability is more than
40% and the disability is permanent in nature. 6.4 Reservation for female candidates:
As per the provisions in Govt. Resolution No. GEC-1000/ (123/2000)/ Tech. Edu.-1, dated 17th April, 2000, 30% seats shall be reserved for female candidates in all the courses of the institutions coming under CAP as well as in Unaided polytechnics which are not in CAP. This reservation shall be applicable for General, SC, ST, VJ/DT (NT-A), NT-B, NT-C, NT-D and OBC categories. Seats reserved for Female candidates are available under both the 70% Home District seats and 30% Other than Home District seats coming under the CAP. There shall be no reservation for Female candidates under Defence, Persons with Disability and SBC categories. 6.5 Reservation for the Weaver Community of Solapur District :
10% seats of the sanctioned intake capacity of the Textile course at Government Polytechnic, Solapur shall be reserved for the weaver communities of Solapur district. These admissions shall be done at the institute level. 6.6 Reservation for Backward Class Candidates: The distribution of the seats available under General Admission Process as prescribed in rule-1.4 amongst the various backward class candidates from Maharashtra State are as per the details given in the table below. Backward class candidates shall claim the category to which they belong at the time of application. If a candidate fails to claim reservation for backward class on the application and subsequently claims reservation at the time of admission by producing necessary documents, such claim shall not be considered. Sr. No. Category of reservation Scheduled Castes and Schedule caste converts to Buddhism ( SC ) Schedule Tribes (S.T.) Vimukta Jati (V. J.) And De notified Tribes (D.T.) Nomadic Tribes ( N.T.-B) Nomadic Tribes ( N.T.-C) Nomadic Tribes ( N.T.-D) Other Backward classes (O.B.C.)
% of reservation
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Reservation for backward class candidate i.e. 50% as stated above shall be available in The reservation for backward class candidates shall not be available in Unaided Minority
Institutes/colleges. Government, Government Aided, and Unaided Non-Minority Institutes.
extent of 2% seats of the seats available for Maharashtra candidates which are coming under the purview of the Competent Authority subject to condition that any seats remain vacant in the reserved category at the end of stageII of allotment. These seats are carved out during the allotment of stage-II and no separate seats are earmarked before the start of the allotment process. However care shall be taken that reservation quota for S.B.C. category shall not exceed
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The documents required for supporting the backward class reservation (as given in Rule 6.6) claim made by Candidates are as per the details given in the following table. Sr. No. 1. Category of Documents required for supporting the Authority issuing Reservation backward class reservation claim document. S.C. 1. Caste Certificate stating that the caste is recognised under backward class category in Maharashtra State. 1. Caste Certificate stating that the caste is recognised under backward class category in Maharashtra State. 1. Caste Certificate stating that the caste is recognised under backward class category in Maharashtra State. 2. Non-creamy layer Certificate valid up to 31st March 2014. 1. Caste Certificate stating that the caste is recognised under backward class category in Maharashtra State. 2. Non-creamy layer Certificate valid up to 31st March 2014. Annual Income certificate of parents issued after 1st April of current year. The income of parents shall be up to Rs. 4.50 lakhs. the
Executive Magistrate in Maharashtra State Executive Magistrate in Maharashtra State Executive Magistrate in Maharashtra State Sub Divisional Officer / Deputy Collector / Collector of the district/ Metropolitan Magistrate Executive Magistrate in Maharashtra State Sub Divisional Officer / Deputy Collector / Collector of the district/ Metropolitan Magistrate. Tahsildar/ Sub Divisional Officer / Deputy collector / Collector of the district/ Metropolitan Magistrate.
VJ/DTN.T.(A) /S.B.C.
Eligible Candidates seeking admission to the first year of Diploma Courses in Govt. /Govt Aided/ Unaided polytechnics (participating in CAP) shall submit online application form on http://www.dte.org.in/poly2013 as per the schedule given in the Notification. Detail process of submission of online application is given in the Annexure 1 9.0 Documents required for various types of candidates: The original documents required to be produced by various types of candidates (Type A, B, C, D & E) at the time of Submission & Confirmation of online filled application at ARC are given in Annexure4. Candidates are required to attach the attested copies of the documents mentioned in Annexure4 along with printed copy of online application form.
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Candidates shall attach attested copies of all the required certificates as mentioned in these
rules and enumerate the same in the given format. Candidates shall not attach a copy of any other certificate which is not asked under these rules such as certificates for participation in sports, cultural activities etc.
The copies of certificates or documents attached to the application form should be attested by
the Principal of the College/Institute/School from which the candidate has passed qualifying examination or Gazetted Officer or Special Executive Magistrate or Police Inspector/ Govt. Hospital Doctor or Head Master of a Secondary School or staff of a Government college / Polytechnic not below the rank of Class II Gazetted officer. 11.0 Translation: If the candidate produces any certificate, which is not in Marathi, Hindi or English language, then translated and authenticated Marathi, Hindi or English version of the same, duly attested by a Gazetted Officer is required to be produced. 12.0 Assignment of merit number 12.1 Merit Number: Each eligible Maharashtra State Candidate as per Rule 2.0 who has submitted and confirmed online application form on or before the last date prescribed for the submission of Application Form for Admission to Diploma in Engineering/Technology through CAP will be assigned a provisional merit number based on the following criterion.
Aggregate marks obtained at SSC (Std. X) or equivalent qualifying examination shall be the basis for the purpose of determining the inter se merit. No rounding off of the marks secured by the candidate will be done in individual subject or grand
total while converting marks of the individual subject out of 100.
Candidates passing SSC Examination from Maharashtra Board having included marks for Sports
etc. in Grand Total mentioned in the mark sheet shall be considered.
In any case externally additional weightage shall not be added to Grand Total.
Merit of all eligible Maharashtra State candidates will be based on the Aggregate (best of 5) marks obtained at SSC (Std. X) or equivalent qualifying examination only; relative merit in case of a tie (i.e. equal marks in Aggregate best of 5 marks obtained at SSC (Std. X) or equivalent qualifying examination) shall be resolved as per Rule 12.2 Note: 1. Merit list of Maharashtra State Candidates so prepared shall indicate a State level General Merit No., State level Category Merit no. (as applicable), Home District General Merit No., Home District Category Merit no. (As applicable) etc. 2. Assignment of a Merit number does not indicate or ensure admission to any seat. 12.2 Relative Merit in case of tie: In case of tie, i.e. candidates having equal best of 5 marks in qualifying examination i.e. S.S.C. examination, the inter-se merit of candidates shall be reassessed as laid down below:
A candidate who has secured higher % of marks in the subject of Mathematics at S.S.C.
examination will have First priority. A candidate who has secured higher % of marks in the subject of Science at the S.S.C. Examination will have Second priority.
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Rules for Admission 2013-14 A candidate who has secured higher % of marks in the subject of English at the S.S.C.
Examination will have third priority. A candidate passing H.S.C. (Std. XII) Science stream examination at (10 +2) level will have Fourth priority. A candidate passing H.S.C. (Std. XII) Examination with M.C.V.C. will have Fifth priority. A candidate passing ITI Trade of 2 Years will have Sixth Priority. A candidate passing Intermediate grade drawing examination will have Seventh priority. Date of Birth of candidate (Elder candidate will be given preference). Change of Marks due to verification: certified by the Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education or its equivalent, the same shall be reported to the ARC incharge immediately.
If the marks in the qualifying examination are modified due to verification and the same is duly
However the effect of the change will be taken into consideration only for the subsequent round
(s) of admission. 13.0 Rules of Admission through Centralized Admission Process (CAP) This section briefly explains the various stages and procedure adopted for the CAP. Candidates seeking admission to Diploma in Engineering/Technology courses are required to fulfil the eligibility criterion as mentioned in Rule 2.0 For the academic year 2013-14, the Competent Authority shall conduct total Three (3) rounds of Centralized Admission. The CAP shall consist of first Two (2) rounds of Centralized Allotment wherein eligible candidates of respective rounds will fill & confirm separate/fresh Online Option forms for respective rounds. Third round of CAP shall be conducted by way of counselling at the notified admission center. Major Steps & guidelines in the Admission in Diploma Courses through CAP are summarized below: 1. Online fill in and Submission of Online Application form on website http:// www.dte.org.in/poly2013 for admission to Diploma through CAP. 2. Candidate should fill & submit only one online application form which shall be applicable for admission to all Diploma Institutes participating in CAP. 3. Candidates filling/confirming more than one application will be treated as duplicate forms and shall be rejected without any communication to the candidates and only latest application shall be considered valid for admission. 4. Document Verification and Confirmation of online application form at the Application form Receipt Centers (ARCs) by eligible candidates. 5. Display of Merit List of candidates who have confirmed the online Application Form at ARC for Centralized Admission process for admission to Diploma as per schedule. 6. Fill in and confirm the Online Option Form(s) for CAP Round(s) I/II at ARC (by candidates eligible to participate in these respective CAP rounds. 7. Display of Allotment(s) of respective CAP Round(s) I/II on website http://www.dte.org.in/ poly2013. 8. Reporting to respective Institutes as per allotment of CAP Round(s) I/II. 9. Conduction of CAP Round-III by counselling at the designated centers of admission and Reporting to respective Institute. Note: Above mentioned procedure is tentative and shall be taken as a suggestive guideline. A notification giving details such as schedule of activities, procedure of Centralized Admission will be displayed on the website and published in leading newspapers.
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Candidate has to confirm the admission, if he/she gets allotment of any one choice from first three options. Such candidates will not be able to participate in further rounds of CAP i.e. Round-II, & III, irrespective of the fact that such candidate confirms the admission or not. Other candidates who have got allotment between options 4~100 may also confirm the admission if he/she wishes so, however such candidate who have confirmed admission will not be able to participate in further rounds of CAP i.e. Round-II & III. Candidate has to confirm the admission, if he/she gets allotment of any one of the options, such candidate will not be able to participate in last round of CAP i.e. Round-III, irrespective of the fact that such candidate confirms the admission or not. No seat tag of reservation, gender etc. shall be maintained in this round. All available seats will be offered only to Maharashtra State candidates who are eligible to participate in CAP Round-III.
Available seats will be offered to candidates eligible to participate in Round-III as per inter se merit.
14.0 Admission Rounds: 14.1 Admissions to Foreign Nationals / NRI/ Persons of Indian Origin / Children of Indian workers in the Gulf countries:
Aspiring candidates fulfilling the eligibility criteria for Foreign Nationals /PIOs/Children of Indian
workers in the Gulf countries/Children of NRI shall directly submit their applications to The
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As on today No Government /Govt. Aided institutes are having the permission to admit Foreign
Nationals/PIOs/Children of Indian workers in the Gulf countries/Children of NRI. 14.2 Admissions of Children/ward of NRI Candidates in Unaided Institutes only in unaided polytechnics/Institutes.
The eligible NRI candidates are eligible to apply for admission against the Institute level seats, For admissions to unaided polytechnics/Institutes, candidates are required to contact the
Principals / Directors of the respective Institutes. intake.
The extent to which such NRI candidates shall be admitted is limited to 5% of the sanctioned NRI candidates will be required to pay fees as decided by the Shikshan Shulka Samiti, Mumbai.
These admissions will be made strictly as per merit on or before the commencement of academic
session for the first semester/year for the current academic year.
The admission against these supernumerary seats is permitted to the institutes only after the
institute gets a certificate from AICTE regarding the availability of facilities for creation of supernumerary seats.
If any seats available for Foreign Nationals / Persons of Indian Origin / Children of Indian
workers in the Gulf countries remain vacant due to non-availability of eligible candidates for these seats, such vacant seats shall be kept vacant. Under any condition these seats shall not be offered to any other candidates. 2/3rd of the 15 % seats shall be reserved for the PIO/Foreign Nationals etc. However, any vacant seats out of 1/3rd category shall be reverted to the quota of 2/3rd meant for PIO/ Foreign Nationals.
1/3rd of the 15 % seats shall be reserved for children of Indian workers in the Gulf countries and
For the academic year 2013-14, the Competent Authority shall conduct total Three (3) rounds of Centralized Admission. The CAP shall consist of first two (2) rounds of Centralized Allotment wherein eligible candidates will fill separate/fresh Online Option forms for respective rounds. The CAP round III shall be conducted by way of counseling only for the eligible candidates at Center of Admission. Centralized Admission Process is summarized as below:
Details of eligibility for participating in each round of CAP, method of reporting after each CAP round, availability of seats for each CAP round and other details are given in the Annexure 1.
Seats remaining vacant after completion of CAP will be filled at the Institute level. The guidelines for vacancy round of admission and for admission against Institute level are given in the Annexure 6 Only one round of admission by counseling for J&K Migrant seats will be conducted.Various steps in the process of admission to Engineering/Technology Diploma courses are also given in the Annexure 1. The steps include issue of Information brochure, filling up & confirmation of Online CAP Application form, filling up & confirmation of Option form for each round of Centralized Allotment, Allotment process and Reporting Rules etc. Candidates are required to read carefully the details of CAP given in the
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Eligible candidates: All the eligible Maharashtra State candidates (Type A-E) who have been assigned Maharashtra State Merit number and whose name appear in the Final merit list for respective CAP rounds prepared by the Competent Authority shall be considered for allotment in these Rounds. CAP Rounds I/II: Direct Allotment: Allotment of seats for Home District (HD) seats (70%) and Other Than Home District (OHD) seats (30%) for other district candidates coming under CAP is carried out as per the logic explained in the rule. For the CAP Round-I, Stage-I to Stage IX of rule shall be executed. Seats remaining vacant due to non-allotment and non-reporting will be available for allotment in CAP Round-II. For the CAP Round-II, Stage-I to Stage-IX of rule shall be executed. Seats remaining vacant due to nonallotment and non-reporting will be available for CAP Round-III (Counselling). CAP Round III- Admission by Counseling at District Level: This round of admission will be conducted only for eligible candidates of the respective district whose names have appeared in Final Merit list (subject to eligibility of participation as set out in the Annexure 1). During this round of admission by Counseling, no seat tag will be applied i.e. seats available shall be treated as GENERAL seats and shall be allotted solely on the basis of inter-se merit of eligible candidates without any reference whatsoever to the category of the candidate(s) (open /reserved) or the category to which the vacant seat belongs (such as District, other than District, Backward Class, Persons with Disability etc). General Notes:
Allotment for Home District seats and Other than Home District seats will be carried out as per inter se merit of District area merit list and Maharashtra State merit list respectively of CAP
Round-I, II. Seats will be allotted to candidates as per their inter se merit, as per the options filled and the number of seats available at that point of time in the stage of CAP Round-I and II. All candidates eligible for a particular stage of allotment will be considered for allotment for a seat in that stage, even if they have been allotted/not allotted a seat in the previous stage. During the allotment of any stage, the candidate may get upward shift in the allotment with reference to the options filled by the candidate according to availability of seats at that point of time. All reserved category candidates (including SBC in their original category) shall be considered for allotment (whether they are allotted any seat in earlier stage or not) in all stages. Due to upward shifts, the seats falling vacant shall be considered for allotment in further iterations of the same stage as per the provisions of that stage of allotment and as per inter se merit. Allotment against the first available option in the order of options filled is retained as final allotment. The allotment will be displayed on DTE website http://www.dte.org.in/poly2013. The allotment list displayed will show only the provisional allotment offered to the candidates. Allotment letters in this regard will be made available on the website and the concerned candidates are required to take a printout and submit to the allotted institute while reporting. The ARC will support to the concerned candidate for taking the printout of the allotment letter. The logic for the following stages will be implemented using computer software for the direct allotment.
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Rules for Admission 2013-14 The candidates securing allotment will confirm the admission by reporting at the institute
mentioned in allotment along with the original certificates needed for admission, by paying necessary fees on or before the last date specified for the same. No personal communication in this regard will be issued. The admission will be online confirmed at the Respective Institute only after scrutiny of documents and payment of fees.
Logic for Allotment: The seats available for the implementation of logic will include Home District area seats and State level seats for other District area candidates coming under the purview of Competent Authority. Stage I: For all the candidates
All the candidates (Technical/Non-technical/open/reserved/male/female) of all the categories shall be considered for allotment as per their inter se merit. Backward class category candidates shall be considered for allotment in open category seat by
virtue of their merit or in their respective category of reservation if open category seats are not available at their merit. SBC category candidates shall be considered for allotment in open category by virtue of their merit. SBC Category candidates having original category OBC shall be considered for allotment in their original category of reservation by virtue of their merit if open category seats are not available as per their merit. Persons with Disability category candidates shall be considered for allotment for the seats reserved for them by virtue of their merit or in open category as per their inter-se merit if the seats reserved for Persons with Disability are not available at their merit. Defence category candidates shall be considered for allotment for the seats reserved for them by virtue of their merit or in open category as per their inter-se merit if the seats reserved for defence category candidates are not available at their merit. For the female candidates, the availability of seat shall be checked in the following order: Seats reserved for females in open category, In the general seats in open category, Seats reserved for females in respective caste category as applicable, In the general seats in their respective caste category as applicable. For the candidates with Technical/Vocational subjects in qualifying examination (Technical Candidates), the seat availability shall be checked in the following order. Seats for technical candidates in Open category. Seats for technical candidates in respective reserved category. Seats for general candidates (Seats open for both technical and non-technical candidates) in Open category. Seats for general candidates (Seats open for both technical and non-technical candidates) in the respective reserved category.
All open and backward class category candidates will be considered for allotment in this stage. If any of the open and backward class categories do not get the required number of female
candidates with technical as per percentages laid down, the seats so remaining vacant shall be filled in from amongst all the candidates ( male / female) belonging to respective open and reserved categories with technical. If any of the open and backward class categories do not get the required number of female candidates as per percentages laid down, the seats so remaining vacant shall be filled in from amongst all the candidates ( male / female) belonging to respective open and reserved categories.
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Rules for Admission 2013-14 If any of the open and backward class categories, does not get the required number of
candidates as per percentages laid down for the seats reserved for Technical candidates, the seats so remaining vacant shall be filled in from amongst all the candidates ( Technical /NonTechnical) belonging to respective open and reserved category. (This step shall be conducted in Round II )
On completion of Stage-II, if any of the backward class categories mentioned above, does not
get the required number of candidates for the percentages laid down, the seats so remaining vacant shall be considered for allotment to all the candidates (male and female taken together) of Special Backward Class (SBC) category, as per their inter se merit, limited to the extent of two per cent seats of Maharashtra State seats (CAP) which are coming under the purview of Competent Authority for the course.This stage will be carried out for Home District seats only.
All the Backward class category candidates will be considered for allotment in this stage in the
groups as mentioned below. Group 1: i) Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Castes converted to Buddhism (SC) ii) Scheduled Tribes including those living outside the specified areas (ST) Group 2: i) Vimukta Jati/De- Notified Tribes (VJ/DT) NT(A) ii) Nomadic Tribes 1 (NT-B) Group 3: i) Nomadic Tribes 2 (NT-C) ii) Nomadic Tribes 3 (NT-D) iii) Other Backward Class (OBC)
On completion of Stage III, the seats remaining vacant in the respective group of categories as
mentioned above, shall be considered for allotment to the candidates of respective group as per the inter se merit of the candidates.
The seats reserved for Backward class category candidates remaining vacant after completion of
Stage IV, shall be considered for allotment to the candidates of all the reserved categories together, on the basis of their inter se merit.
The seats remaining vacant after completion of Stage-IV, shall be considered for allotment to the
candidates of the category of Persons with Disability (P-1, P-2 and P-3 taken together), on the basis of their combined inter se merit.
The seats remaining vacant after completion of Stage-IV, shall be considered for allotment to the
candidates from amongst other Minority Religious Group on the basis of inter se merit. if sufficient number of female candidates is not available, then such seats shall be given to the male candidates from the respective Minority Religious Group.
Seats remaining vacant will be offered to all candidates solely on the basis of inter-se merit of
eligible candidates without any reference to the Home District, Other than Home District of the candidate(s) (open /reserved). The seats remaining vacant after completion of Stage VII, Stage-I, Stage-II, Stage-IV and Stage-V shall be considered for allotment without HD & OHD Seat Tag on the basis of inter se merit.
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Rules for Admission 2013-14 The seats remaining vacant after completion of Stage VIII, shall be considered for allotment to all the candidates (open/reserved/male/female) on the basis of their inter se merit. For above step no seat tag will be applied i.e. seats available shall be treated as GENERAL seats
and shall be allotted solely on the basis of inter-se merit of eligible candidates without any reference whatsoever to the category of the candidate(s) (open /reserved) or the category to which the vacant seat belongs (such as Backward Class, Persons with Disability) for HD and OHD candidates. Seats remaining vacant will be offered to all candidates solely on the basis of inter-se merit of eligible candidates without any reference whatsoever to the category of the candidate(s) (open /reserved) or the category to which the vacant seat belongs (such as HD, OHD, Backward Class, Persons with Disability etc). Reporting after CAP Rounds:
Principals of respective institutes are required to carefully scrutinize all the required
documents submitted by the candidates at the time of reporting. Any discrepancy in the claims as type, category, eligibility etc. made by the candidates and/or such claims which are not supported by relevant documents should be immediately brought to the notice of the respective Regional Office of the Directorate of Technical Education before confirming the admission of such candidates. The Principals of the Institute shall be responsible for issues/litigation arising out of such admissions. After the display of allotment of CAP Rounds, candidate should report to the respective Institutes where they have been allotted a seat as per the notified schedule of the admission process. Candidates shall report to the concerned institute with all original certificates needed to substantiate the claims made in the application regarding eligibility and reservation as specified in Annexure- 4. If the candidate fails to report to the allotted institute within specified schedule i.e. on or before the last date of reporting after each allotment round, then such a candidate forfeits the claim on the allotted seat. If a candidate fails to substantiate the claims made at the time of submitting necessary original documents within the reporting time for CAP Round, the candidate forfeits the claim on the allotted seat. If a candidate is unable to produce original certificates at the time of his/her admission on account of admission already secured to some other institution, he or she shall produce a certificate (Proforma N) from the head of the institution where he/she has already taken admission indicating that he/she has been admitted to a particular course in that institution on a particular date and hence original certificates have been retained in that institution. The candidate shall produce the attested copies of the certificates duly attested by the Head of the concerned institution. Such candidates shall be required to pay the fees immediately at the time of admission and such candidates shall be permitted to submit the required original certificates within 4 working days after the date of payment of fees. After scrutiny of original documents, the candidate will have to pay prescribed full fees immediately in the form as prescribed by the concerned institute and confirm the admission offered. In case of Government, Government aided, University Managed institutes and University Departments, candidates are required to pay the tuition fees in the form of DD in favour of the Principal /Registrar/Director as the case may be. If candidate fails to pay the prescribed full fees within the reporting time for CAP Round, the candidate forfeits the claim on the allotted seat immediately. If a candidate is offered admission, his or her original School / College Leaving Certificate (after qualifying examination) will be retained by the concerned Institute. This original School / College Leaving certificate will not be returned to any candidate once admitted to a course at the institute unless the candidate cancels his/her admission. All other certificates will be verified by the Institute at the time of admission & returned to the candidate.
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The candidate who has been offered a seat in any Polytechnic shall pay the prescribed tuition
fees, development fees and other fees in the form of D.D./P.O. of Nationalised bank valid for minimum six month in favour of the Principal of the respective institute. No other mode of payment will be accepted. The admission shall be confirmed only after the payment of fees. All the candidates who are eligible for fee concession should produce documentary evidence issued by appropriate authority at the time of admission.
17.0 Fees, concessions, cancellations and refund: All the schemes given below, regarding concession in tuition & other fees shall be available to candidates belonging to Maharashtra State only subject to the fulfillment of the eligibility criteria specified by respective authorities offering such concession in fees from time to time. 17.1 Tuition Fees & other fees : a) Open category candidates: 1. Tuition feea) General candidate - Rs.6,000/- per year 2. Development fee - Rs.1,000/- per year 3. Other Fees: As given below per year Sr. No. Type of fees 1. Gymkhana Fee (Identity Card, Magazines etc.) 2. Library Fee 3. Internet & E-mail Facilities Fee 4. Annual Social Gathering & Other Cultural Activities Fee For Government and Govt. Aided Polytechnics-
4. Caution Money Deposit (Refundable):- Rs.200/- as a Caution Money Deposit to be paid only once, and not every year. b) For SC/ST/VJ/DT/NT-A/NT-B/NT-C/NT-D/SBC /OBC category candidates: 1. 2. 3. 4. Tuition fee - Nil Development fee - Rs.1000/- per year Other Fees - As given in above table Caution Money Deposit as given above.
For Unaided Private Institutesa) Open category candidates: 1. Tuition fee- As decided by Shikshan Shulka Samitee 2. Development fee-As decided by Shikshan Shulka Samitee 3. Other Fees- As decided by Shikshan Shulka Samitee
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d) For NRI/PIO/Foreign Nationals/Children of Indian Workers in the Gulf Countries candidates 1. Tuition fee - a) US $ 2000 per year for the students of SAARC countries excluding Bangladesh & Pakistan. b) US $ 3000 per year for Others 2. Other Fees - US $ 2000 per year
Note:- If the concerned Social Justice/Tribal welfare authority denies the claim or backward class category candidate fails to substantiate claim for fees reimbursement with documents in respect of his/her category, then it will be the responsibility of the candidate to pay the prescribed fees to the admitted Institute. Fees for J&K Migrant Candidates and GoI nominees:
Jammu and Kashmir Migrant candidates shall pay the same fees as that of the fees of the Govt.
Note: institutes to respective institutes where they have secured the admission. Government of India Nominee candidates shall pay the same fees as that of the fees of the Govt. institutes to respective institutes where they have secured the admission.
If candidate seeks admission to Diploma after XIth and/or XIIth standard Pass/Fail
and availed the fee concessions shall pay full tuition, development & other fees for equivalent number of years. Candidates claiming for fee concession under Backward Class category shall produce the Caste Certificate. Candidates claiming for fee concession under OBC, SBC, VJ/ DT(A), NT-B, NT-C and NT-D category shall also produce Non-Creamy layer certificate Valid up to 31st March 2014. The candidates not having validity of Non-creamy layer up to 31st March 2014 may submit the Noncreamy Layer certificate issued in the previous academic year having validity up to the cut off date of the current admission process, subjected to the condition that the candidate will have to submit the revised validity up to 31st March 2014 within a period of one month from the date of his / her admission in the institute, failing which the candidates admission in the institute stands cancelled on its own. Hostel Fees in case of candidates opting for hostel accommodation, Insurance etc. and any other fees as applicable to respective institute shall be charged at institute level from the candidates. Changes if any in the fees will be notified later and will be binding on the candidates. The admission shall be confirmed only after payment of fees as indicated above.
Caution Money:
Caution money deposits received from the students shall be refunded after successful completion of the course or after cancelling the admission. Unless there is any recovery, no deduction shall be made from the caution money deposit. However, the amount of caution money deposit shall be transferred to Students Aid Fund in case of UnAided colleges and credited to Government in case of Government and Non Government-Aided Colleges, if candidate does not apply for refund, as given below.
Within 3 complete financial years after the student actually leaves the institution;
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Rules for Admission 2013-14 Within 3 complete financial years after the date of successful completion of the course,
whichever is earlier 17.3 Cancellation of admission and Refund of fees: Refund of tuition fee, development and other fees after cancellation of admission, shall be as per AICTE guidelines No. 1) AICTE / Legal/ 04(01)/ 2007, April2007 and circular no.698 dtd 24/8/2007 issued by Pravesh Niyantran Samithi, Mumbai.
2) Minutes of the meeting, Item No 5(e), Shikshan Shulka Samiti & H&T, Dated 9th January 2013
Candidate who has been admitted may cancel admission by submitting an application in duplicate, in the prescribed proforma M, may request for refund of fees. The refund of fees as applicable shall be made in due course. It is made clear that such application for cancellations will be considered if and only if the admission is confirmed by paying the prescribed tuition fee and other fees in full and by submitting the original documents. Refund shall be made after deduction of cancellation charges as shown below. Sr. No. Situation 1 Request Received before cut off date & if a seat is filled before the cutoff date 2 Request received before cutoff date, but a seat could not be filled before the cutoff date Refund Entire fee less Rs.1000/No refund (except security deposit)
Excess admissions over the sanctioned intake shall not be allowed under any circumstances. In case any excess admission is reported/noted by the DTE, appropriate penal action will be
initiated against the Institution.
The Institution shall be liable to following punitive action from any one or more of the following
by the DTE as per GR no NGC-2005/(821/05) HE-3, Dated 22nd January 2007 surcharge amounting five times the total fees collected per student shall be levied against each excess admission seats equal to double the number of excess admissions shall be reduced from intake in the subsequent academic year Suspension of approval for supernumerary seats No admission status in one/more courses Withdrawal of approval for programme/course Withdrawal of approval of the Institution Institution shall be listed as defaulter and defaulter list shall be communicated to AICTE and will be published on DTE website for the information of general public
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Rules for Admission 2013-14 17.4.2 Late uploading of Admitted candidates on DTE web site. After the display of allotment list in each CAP Round, candidates should report to the
Respective Institutes as per the notified schedule of the admission process. (Refer Annexure-I for procedure & rules of reporting of each Round of Centralized Admission) Candidates shall report to the concerned institute with all original certificates needed to substantiate the claims made in the application regarding eligibility and reservation. After scrutiny of original documents at the concerned institute, the candidate will have to pay prescribed full fees immediately in the form as prescribed by the concerned institute and confirm the admission offered. The Director/Principal of the respective Institute is required to carry out Online Update of the confirmation/cancellation of the candidates admission on website through their Institute login, at the time when the candidate is being admitted/ cancelled at the Institute. The system shall automatically generate letter of confirmation/cancellation of the admission as an acknowledgement. The institute is required to take a printout of the acknowledgement and then the status of candidate will change to Reported Candidate. If a candidate fails to substantiate the claims made at the time of submitting the application form by submitting the necessary original documents and fails to pay the prescribed fees in full within the reporting time for CAP Round, the candidate forfeits the claim on the allotted seat immediately. It is the responsibility of the Director/Principal of concerned institute to update the status of the reporting of the candidate. If the institute fails to update the status of reporting in scheduled time, then such unreported seat(s) will be filled in subsequent CAP rounds and the institute will have to adjust these unreported candidate(s) against the institute level seats. If the institute fails to update the status of Cancellation of the candidate on the date of cancellation through Online Update, then strict action shall be taken against such institutes. It is mandatory to cancel the admission through online system only and issue the printout of the Online Receipt of the Cancellation to the candidate with due seal and signature of the authority of the institute. The CAP allotment list will be available to the institute through their Institute Login. The list can be collected from Regional Offices also. The Institute should update the information of the reported candidates, allotted under CAP Online update when a candidate is reporting to the Institute. Rounds of admission for Institute Level Seats and for the seats remaining vacant after CAP should be carried out separately and it should be clearly displayed on the Notice board of the institute The Director/Principal of the institute has to also update the list of all admitted candidates on the DTE website through their institute login clearly indicating the stage of their admission like CAP, Against CAP vacancy, OMS, Institute level/ Minority seats, J&K seats, PIO, FN, FS, NRI etc. within 5 days from the cut off date of the admission. If the institute fails to update the reporting of the candidate through Online Update, the action shall be taken against the institute as per the GR issued by Govt from time to time. The Director/Principal of the institute is required to update the list of all admitted candidates of CAP and Against CAP Vacancy Seats immediately as per the schedule of admission on the DTE website through their institute login. Three copies of list are to be printed and to be submitted to the concerned Regional Office of Technical Education, duly signed by the Director/Principal / Head of the Institute within 15 days from the cut off date.
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Rules for Admission 2013-14 The regional office of the Joint Director of Technical Education shall verify the supporting
documents and gives final approval to the list of admitted candidate. Important Note: All the institutes are required to complete their admission process on or before the cut-off date as specified in the schedule. Any admission carried out after cut-off date will not be approved by DTE/RO. 18.0 Concessions in tuition fee: 18.1 E.B.C Concession :
Candidates claiming concessions for Economically Backward Class (E.B.C.) shall produce a certificate from Tahsildar/ Sub Divisional Officer / Deputy collector / Collector of the district to the effect that the candidate belongs to EBC category (the income is Rs. One lakh per annum) at the time of admission. They shall, on admission, also submit an application in the prescribed form for being granted the concession in tuition fee, to the appropriate authority through the Polytechnic they are admitted within one month from the actual date of joining of polytechnic or as may be required. The students shall note that applications received after the due date may not be considered and in that case, they will have to pay the necessary fees. The concessions in tuition fee at the time of admission will be given only for Government and Government-Aided Institutions. The scheme/mode of concessions, scheme of loan scholarship (if any) for eligible EBC candidates, in tuition & other fees in the Un-Aided Institutions will be announced by the State Government.
18.2 Concession for sons and daughters of Teaching and Non-teaching staff of Primary, secondary, higher secondary schools: Candidates claiming concessions for sons and daughters of primary, secondary school and higher secondary schools (junior colleges) teachers or non teaching staff who are admitted in Govt., Govt.Aided Polytechnics according to the Rules, shall, at the time of admission, produce A declaration in a format as prescribed by the Govt.
A certificate from Head of school or college in support of the statement made in declaration duly
endorsed by the Education Officer. They shall, on admission, also submit an application in the prescribed form for being granted the concession of tuition fee, to the appropriate authorities through the college to which they are admitted within one month from the actual date of joining of college or as may be required. The students shall note that applications received after the due date may not be considered and in that case, they will have to pay the necessary fees. The concessions in tuition fee at the time of admission will be given only for Government and Government-Aided Institutions. In case of Un-Aided colleges, such candidates will be required to pay the fees at the time of admission. The fees paid by such candidates will be reimbursed by the respective colleges only after the concession (if any) is granted by the respective Authority. Issue of School/College Leaving Certificate:
a) If during the course of studies, a candidate desires to discontinue studies for any reason whatsoever, he or she shall be allowed to do so and it shall be presumed that he or she has cancelled admission at that stage. The Principal shall issue Institution Leaving Certificate and fees shall be refunded as provided in these rules.
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The medium of instruction for Diploma courses in Engineering / Technology in all the institutes is
Physical fitness: Head of the institution at his or her discretion may refer any candidate to the
appropriate medical authority for ascertaining the physical fitness of the candidate to undergo the requirements of the course. The report of medical authority shall be submitted to the Regional Head of Technical Education for further necessary action. It is to be noted that Persons with Disability candidates are not provided with any additional facilities as far as the academic activities pertaining to the course is concerned. Excess admissions: No excess admission above the approved sanctioned intake of the institution is permitted in any case. available on http://www.msbte.com
Details of exemptions for candidate admitted to first year and having higher qualification is
20.0 Hostel Accommodation: Accommodation in Hostel cannot be guaranteed to all the candidates admitted. Hostel fees payable etc. should be ascertained by the students from the Principal of the Polytechnic to which they intend to take admission. Candidates (both boys and girls) are advised to verify personally whether the hostel accommodation is available or not, by contacting Principals of Polytechnics where they are intending to seek admission. The Principal of the Polytechnics shall consider sympathetically on priority the applications of Persons with Disability candidates, sons and daughters of Jammu and Kashmir migrants and GoI nominees for Hostel accommodation. 21.0 Conduct and Discipline
Failure of the candidate in making full and correct Statements in the application form and/or
suppression of any information and/or submission of false documents shall lead to disqualification of the candidate for admission. Such a candidate will be debarred from the entire admission process. Therefore the candidate is required to make only such claims which could be substantiated by relevant original documents.
The students while studying in any college, if found indulging in anti-national activities contrary
to the provisions of Acts and Laws enforced by Government or in any activity contrary to rules of discipline, will be liable to be expelled from the college without any notice by the Principal of the college. Not withstanding anything contained in these Rules, if the Govt. takes any policy decision pertaining to Diploma admissions, then the same shall be brought in to effect at that point of time as per the directives from the Govt. from time to time. Competent Authority.
Any issue not dealt here-in above will be dealt with, when arising, fully and finally by the If any of the statement made in application form or any information supplied by the candidate in
connection with his or her admission is later on at any time, found to be false or incorrect, his or her admission will be cancelled, fees forfeited and he or she may be expelled from the college by the Principal. An appeal against the order of expulsion, however, may be preferred within 7 days
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As per the Appendix 12 of the AICTE Approval process hand book Prevention and Prohibition of Ragging is given below: In view of the directions of the Honorable Supreme Court in SLP No. 24295 of 2006 dated 16-05-2007 and in Civil Appeal number 887 of 2009, dated 08-05-2009 to prohibit, prevent and eliminate the scourge of ragging including any conduct by any student or students whether by words spoken or written or by an act which has the effect of teasing, treating or handling with rudeness a fresher or any other student, or indulging in rowdy or undisciplined activities by any student or students which causes or is likely to cause annoyance, hardship or psychological harm or to raise fear or apprehension thereof in any fresher or any other student or asking any student to do any act which such student will not in the ordinary course do and which has the effect of causing or generating a sense of shame, or torment or embarrassment so as to adversely affect the physique or psyche of such fresher or any other student, with or without an intent to derive a sadistic pleasure or showing off power, authority or superiority by a student over any fresher or any other student, in all higher education institutions in the country, and thereby, to provide for the healthy development, physically and psychologically, of all students, Ragging constitutes one or more of any of the following acts: What Constitutes Ragging Ragging constitutes one or more of any of the following acts: 1. Any conduct by any student or students whether by words spoken or written or by an act which has the effect of teasing, treating or handling with rudeness a fresher or any other student; 2. Indulging in rowdy or undisciplined activities by any student or students which causes or is likely to cause annoyance, hardship, physical or psychological harm or to raise fear or apprehension thereof in any fresher or any other student; 3. Asking any student to do any act which such student will not in the ordinary course do and which has the effect of causing or generating a sense of shame, or torment or embarrassment so as to adversely affect the physique or psyche of such fresher or any other student; 4. Any act by a senior student that prevents, disrupts or disturbs the regular academic activity of any other student or a fresher;
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All candidates who have applied for admission shall be deemed to have submitted the following undertaking: I have read all the Rules of Admission and after understanding these rules thoroughly, I have filled in the application form for admission for the current year. The information given by me in my application is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that if any of the statements made by me in the application form or any information
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I have not been debarred from appearing at any examination held by any Government
constituted or statutory examination authority in India.
I fully understand that the offer of a course will be made to me depending on my inter se merit
and availability of a seat at the time of scrutiny of my application, when I will actually report to the admission authority according to the schedule of admission.
I understand that no document after the last date of submission will be entertained for the
purpose of claims or concessions etc. in connection with my admission unless otherwise mentioned in the rules. correspondence with me regarding admission. I am also aware that it is entirely my responsibility to see the notices on the notice boards of concerned Admission Centre.
I am fully aware that the Competent Authority or its representative will not make any
I am aware that any rule imposed by the Examination Authority of MSBTE / Autonomous
Institutes such as imposing limits on the number of attempts permissible to pass any examination shall be binding on me.
I hereby agree to conform to any Rules, Acts and Laws enforced by Government and I hereby
undertake that, I will do nothing either inside or outside the institution which may result in disciplinary action against me under these rules, acts and laws referred to. expel me from the institution for any infringement of the rules of conduct and discipline prescribed by the institution or MSBTE / Governing body of Autonomous Institutes or Government and the undertaking given above. examination if I do not attend minimum 75% theory classes, and 100% practical, drawing etc. I am also aware that I will not be allowed to appear for the examination, if I fail to submit satisfactorily all the assignments, jobs, journals, drawings, reports as specified by the MSBTE / Governing body of Autonomous Institutes within stipulated time limit.
I fully understand that the Principal of the college where I would be admitted, has a right to
I am fully aware of Condition of minimum attendance that, I will not be allowed to appear for the
A candidate once admitted in the first year or semester of a course shall not be transferred
during the same year or first two semesters to any other institution or course for any reason. Candidates who got admission under TFWS/supernumerary seats are not eligible for transfer/change of branch during entire duration of the course. There shall be no transfer of students at any stage from Govt. and Govt. Aided Autonomous Institutes to another Government , Govt Aided autonomous institute. passing the first year in a yearly pattern or both the semesters of first year of that any higher year as the case may be, in full or with only one ATKT, may be transferred to another Government or Govt. Aided non autonomous polytechnic in next year on getting admission in the same course or another course, if eligible, provided vacancy exists and he/ she stands in merit in comparison to other candidates aspiring for such change. In this case, the Principal of the Govt. Govt Aided polytechnic if authorized by the Joint Director of respective region to admit such candidates by the following approved procedure. The aspiring candidate shall apply to the Principal of parent Institute & also seek NOC from the other Polytechnic where the candidate wish to take transfer. The priority for such admissions shall be in the following order: a) Candidates from the same polytechnic aspiring for the change of course. b) Candidates from other polytechnics aspiring for only transfer into their original discipline.
A candidate admitted in any Government or Govt. Aided non autonomous polytechnic and
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The candidate from unaided polytechnics shall not be eligible for transfer to Government or Govt.
Aided polytechnics.
The above eligibility criterion for transfer of candidates from and among the Unaided polytechnics
also will be applicable to unaided polytechnics provided both the polytechnics issue NOC in writing for the respective transfers and the examination authority issues NOC for change of branch and Such transfers shall have prior permission/approval of the Joint Director of Technical Education of the concerned region(s).
Transfers made in accordance with these clauses should be reported immediately to the Director of Technical Education, (MS), Mumbai and also to the Secretary/Dy Secretary, MSBTE, Mumbai / Regional Offices of Board of Technical Education, by the Principal of the polytechnic to which the candidate is transferred along with a copy of approval order of transfer. In case of the transfer of the candidate from the Polytechnic in a particular region to the Polytechnic situated in other Region, such transfer shall be effected with prior approval of the Director of Technical Education, Mumbai.(M.S.)
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Annexure 1 Procedure for Centralized Admission Process (CAP) for the academic year 2013-14
The procedure for CAP consists of following major stages: 1. Sale of Information Brochure along with Application Kit at designated ARCs 2. Filling up of Online Application form on website www.dte.org.in/poly2013, for each of the CAP rounds I/II by eligible candidates. 3. Confirmation of Online Option Form for each of the CAP rounds I/II by the eligible candidate in person at ARC only 4. Display of provisional Merit List on website www.dte.org.in/poly2013, indicating State Merit No, Home District Merit No, State Category Merit No etc. 5. Display of Provisional Allotment indicating allotment after each of the CAP rounds I/II on the website www.dte.org.in/poly2013 and at the ARC 6. Reporting to the institute as per allotment of the CAP rounds I/II and confirmation of admission by the candidate 7. Conduction of CAP round-III i.e. admission round by counselling at District Level. NOTE:
OMS candidates are not permitted to fill Online Application Form & Online Option Forms of CAP
rounds. However, such OMS candidate can apply separately for the seats coming under the purview of the Institute Authorities (Institute Level seats) to be filled by the respective unaided institute at the institute level. The Centralized Allotment Process (CAP) has following stages:
Rules & Institute Information brochure for Academic Year 2013-14 will be available for Rs.400/-
for General Category candidates and Rs.300/- for reserved Category and Persons with Disability (belonging to Maharashtra State only) candidates at all the ARCs mentioned in Annexure 3. www.dte.org.in/poly2013 for browsing, downloading and printing.
All the information printed in the brochure will also be available on the website General Instructions for filling online Application form for CAP Round(s) The candidate has to login to the website www.dte.org.in/poly2013 through his/her Application
ID and Password provided in the Application Kit. submitted application form.
Candidate has to fill online application for CAP Admission and take the printout of the online Candidates are required to attach the attested copies of required documents mentioned in the
application form.
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Rules for Admission 2013-14 The Candidate should go to the any ARC in person for verification & confirmation of Online
Application along with the Original and attested copies of required documents.
The ARC officer shall verify and scrutinise the online filled application and documents attached
and confirms the Application form of the candidate and shall issue the acknowledgement cum receipt of confirmation of Application Form.
Once the application is confirmed at ARC, no change in the application form is allowed. Candidate is required to pay processing fees of CAP Rounds, Rs.100/- in cash at the ARC and
obtain a receipt for the same.
The J & K Migrant candidates required to fill the Online Application Form by procuring
Information brochure along with Application Kit from any ARC, and submit online printed application along with required documents as per the notified schedule by post/by hand to The Principal, S.B.M. Polytechnic, Near Cooper Hospital, Vile Parle (West), Mumbai as their admission shall be done by counseling.
Candidates claiming NCC seats shall submit the application along with required documents to the
Director of N.C.C., Maharashtra State, A.F.I. Building, Mumbai Hospital Lane, Near Metro Cinema, Mumbai - 400 020 for verification and recommendation. Only names of the recommended candidates by The Director of N.C.C., Maharashtra will appear in the Merit List.
General Instructions for filling online option form for CAP Round(s) The candidate whose names are appeared in the Merit List has to login to the website
www.dte.org.in/poly2013 through his/her Application ID and Password.
The candidate eligible for CAP Round I/II should fill the Online Option Form. The Candidate should select the choice codes in order of preference i.e. first, second etc. for
example, for CAP Round-I, candidates can fill minimum 1 and maximum 100 options.
The Candidate must confirm his/her filled in option form for CAP Round I & II through his/her
login ID. For this it is not mandatory for candidates to approach to ARC for filling and confirmation of Option forms. They can do so from either home or from place convenient to them. However if candidate wishes to approach ARC, then he/she has to pay Rs.50/- as facilitation charges to ARC.
The candidate has to generate the acknowledgement cum receipt of confirmation of Option form
for CAP Round(s) through his /her Login ID.
Once the options are confirmed by himself/herself through his/her login ID, no change in the
options / preferences is allowed thereafter under any circumstances.
The status of Allotment will be available on the website only and no separate allotment letter will
be issued to the candidate. be done by counselling.
The J & K Migrant candidates not required to fill the Online Option Form, as their admission shall
Note:- If candidate fails to confirm options/preference and get acknowledgement of confirmation he/she will not be considered for allotment. Stage- II: Display of provisional Merit list for Maharashtra Candidates Provisional Merit List of eligible Maharashtra candidates will be displayed on dte.org.in/poly2013 and at the ARCs as per the schedule.
For discrepancy in the provisional merit list, if any, get the corrections by lodging the grievance
at ARCs, where the candidate has confirmed the application within the period specified in the
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Final merit lists will be displayed on the www.dte.org.in/poly2013 and at ARCs as per the Schedule. Merit list of eligible J & K Migrant candidates will be displayed on www.dte.org.in/poly2013 after scrutiny of all documents as per schedule.
Note:-The merit list gives relative position of the candidate and it does not guarantee admission to any course.
Stage-III: Display of Provisional Allotment of CAP Round I, Reporting to the institute and confirmation of the admission The provisional allotment through CAP Round I shall be displayed on www.dte.org.in/poly2013,
at ARCs and also at the allotted institutes.
No separate allotment letter will be issued to candidates. The candidate will report at the institute where the seat is allotted along with the necessary
documents as per the notified schedule and by paying the fees as prescribed by the respective institute on the DTE web site www.dte.org.in/poly2013 form to the Admission authority of the institute for the confirmation of the admission.
Candidates are required to submit the acknowledgement-cum-receipt of the online Application The respective institute will update the confirmation of the candidates admission on DTE website
through their institute login within the schedule notified.
The respective Institute will carry out Online Update of the confirmation of the candidates
admission on DTE website through their Institute login immediately when the candidate is being admitted at the Institute. The system shall automatically generate an acknowledgement. The institute shall take a printout of the receipt and then the status of candidate will change to Reported Candidate. The Institute will be able to view the daily summary of the reported candidates along with fee and document details.
If the candidate fails to report to and confirm the admission at the Institute, on or before the last
date of reporting at the Institute for the CAP round 1 then the candidate shall forfeit the claim on the allotted seat. admission of CAP round I and apply/appear for the subsequent round of centralized admission.
It is not permitted for a candidate (who have reported & confirmed admission) to cancel his/her Rules of Reporting of CAP Round I:
1. All candidates who have secured an allotment out of First Three options will not be eligible for participating in subsequent round(s) irrespective of whether the candidate confirms the admission or not. Hence such candidates are advised to confirm the admission at the respective Institute as per the allotment in the CAP Round-I. Such candidates will be disqualified for participation in further Rounds of CAP. 2. Candidates (other than those covered in above stated rule no. 1) who have secured an allotment which is not out of first three options i.e. it is between 4 to 100 and who are satisfied with the allotment of CAP Round-I and who are no more interested in participating in subsequent round(s) of Centralized Admission
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Stage-IV: Filling up & Confirmation of online option form for CAP Round IIEligible Candidates for CAP Round-II:
The candidates whose names have appeared in the Maharashtra State Merit List of CAP round-I published by the Directorate of Technical Education excluding the candidates who have:
Secured an allotment in CAP Round-I, which was out of First three options Secured an allotment in CAP Round-I which was between options 4-100 and confirmed admission
by reporting to the respective institute
Eligible Candidates should fill fresh online Option form as per the schedule through their login on
the website, failing which the candidate shall not be considered eligible for the allotment.
The Candidate should select the choice codes with an order of preference i.e. first,
second etc. Candidate is permitted to fill minimum 1 and maximum 100 options for CAP round-II.
The Candidate shall confirm his/her options form for CAP Round II through his/her login ID. The Candidate shall confirm his/her options form for CAP Round II through his/her login ID. For
this aspiring candidates need not to go to ARC for confirmation of Option forms. If candidate wish to confirm option form at ARC, he/she shall have to pay Rs.50/- as facilitation charges.
The candidate will get the acknowledgement cum receipt of confirmation of Option form for CAP
Round(s) through his /her Login ID. options / preferences is allowed.
Once the options are confirmed by himself/herself through his/her login ID, no change in the Stage-V: Display of Provisional Allotment of CAP Round II, Reporting to the institute and confirmation of the admission The provisional allotment through CAP Round II shall be displayed on www.dte.org.in/poly2013,
at ARCs and also at the allotted institutes.
The candidate will report at the institute where the seat is allotted along with the necessary
documents as per the notified schedule and fees as prescribed by the respective institute on the DTE web site www.dte.org.in/poly2013. Form to the Admission authority of the institute for the confirmation of the admission.
Candidates are required to submit the Acknowledgement-cum-Receipt of the online Application The respective institute will update the confirmation of the candidates admission on DTE website
through their institute login as per the schedule notified.
The respective Institute will carry out Online Update of the confirmation of the candidates
admission on DTE website through their Institute login immediately when the candidate is being admitted at the Institute.
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Rules for Admission 2013-14 The system shall automatically generate an acknowledgement. The institute shall take a printout
of the receipt and then the status of candidate will change to Reported Candidate. The Institute will be able to view the daily summary of the reported candidates along with fee and document details.
If the candidate fails to report to and confirm the admission at the Institute, on or before the last
date of reporting at the Institute then the candidate shall forfeit claim on the allotted seat.
It is not permitted for a candidate (who have reported & confirmed admission) to cancel his/her
admission of CAP round II and apply/appear for the subsequent round of centralized admission.
All candidates who have secured an allotment to any one submitted options will not be eligible
for participating in subsequent round(s) irrespective of whether the candidate confirms the admission or not. Hence such candidates are advised to confirm the admission at the respective Institute as per the allotment in the CAP Round-II. Such candidates will be disqualified for further Rounds of CAP. of reporting of CAP Round-II, shall not be available for allotment in subsequent round of Centralized Admission.
All such seats, on which the candidates have confirmed the admission on or before the last date
The Merit list of Maharashtra State candidate for CAP Round III will be prepared from Merit list of
Maharashtra State candidates of CAP Round II by excluding the names of the candidates who have got allotment in CAP Round II.
Stage-VIII: CAP Round III- Counseling round of Admission Eligible Candidates for CAP Round-III:
The candidates whose names have appeared in the Maharashtra State Merit List of CAP round-III published by the Directorate of Technical Education.
Available Seats All Maharashtra State seats under purview of Competent Authority except the seats for which the
candidates have reported in Round-I, Round II. be considered as State Level General seats.
All vacant seats shall be available without any seat tag such as Backward, PH, HD, OHD etc. will Rules of Reporting for CAP Round-III: Eligible candidates must report in-person at the venue of Center of Admission in order to
secure admission in this round of admission strictly as per the notified schedule. Candidate who reports late will not be allowed to participate in this round. Name of center of Admission for CAP Round III (counselling) will be notified in newspaper & DTE website. of Admission and obtain a receipt for the same.
Candidate is required to pay processing fees of CAP Round-III, Rs.100/- in cash at the Center The candidate will report as per schedule at the following Center of Admission along with the
necessary original documents and carry part payment of non-refundable fees of Rs. 3000/- in cash. as per the inter se merit of candidates.
Eligible Candidates who report to the Admission Center will be offered admission to available seat All Candidates who secure admission in this round must confirm the admission on the spot by
paying non-refundable fees of Rs. 3000/- (in cash) and producing necessary documents in original for verification.
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Rules for Admission 2013-14 The Center of Admission will update the confirmation of the candidates admission on DTE
website through the login immediately. Candidate will have to report later on to the respective Institute for paying balance fees (i.e. Total fees less Rs. 3,000/- paid by the candidate at Respective Institute) as per notified schedule. If the candidate fails to report to the Institute and pay the balance fees on or before the last date of reporting at the Institute then the candidate shall lose claim on the allotted seat as well on the Rs. 3000/- paid by the candidate at the Center of Admission.
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Sr.No 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69
Course Name Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering (Sandwich Pattern) Medical Electronics Medical Laboratory Technology Metallurgical Engineering Metallurgy(foundry) Mine Engineering Mining & Mine Surveying Ophthalmic Technology Packaging Technology Petrochemical Engineering Petrochemical Technology Plant Engineering Plastic & Polymer Engineering Plastic Engineering Printing Technology Production Engineering Production Technology Production Technology (Sandwich Pattern) Rubber Technology Sugar Manufacturing Textile Applied Chemistry Textile Design Textile Manufactures Textile Technology Travel & Tourism
Note: - Above information may change. Candidates are requested to visit website http://www.dte.org.in/poly2013 for latest and updated information.
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13 14
1180 1182
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T.B.Girwalkar Polytechnic,Ambejogai. Dist: Beed 431517 S. No. 107, 109,Vidya Nagari, Barshi Road,Beed. 433112 Telgaon Road, Beed. 431122
Hatta, Taluka Vasamat, Dist. Hingoli Rohanwadi, Revgaon Raod, Tq.Dist.Jalna 431203 Gat No.84, Degloor Road, Kavalkhed Tal Udgir Dist Latur 413517 S.No.225/B,225/C,225/D,225/E/6 225/5,233 Afsar Nagar,Ujni Road, Near M.S.E.B.Power House Ausa Dist Latur 413520 Almala Ausa Dist Latur Gat No.77 & 78 Nanded-Latur Highway Tal Ahemadpur, Dist Latur Gat No. 18 & 22 Vishnupuri, Nanded 431606 Survey No. 52, Kothari (Ch.) , Kinwat Nanded , 431811 Gat No.88/01 A/P Rawalgaon Tal Shelu Dist Parbhani 431503 Khandoba Bazar, Parbhani 431401
46 47 48
51 52
2197 2198
DTE, Mumbai
54 55 56
Gut No 253 At Alani, Tq. Dist Osmanabad P-75 Behind Garware Palyster,MIDC ,Chikalthana Aurangabad , 431210 Vishnupuri,Naiknagar, Nanded , 431606
58 59
2298 2508
61 62 63
At. Post. Parbhani. 431401 Koti Galli, Osmanabad.413501 At Post.Markhel, Tal.Degloor, Dist. Nanded 431718
Government Polytechnic, Thane Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute(VJTI), Matunga, Mumbai Government Polytechnic, Vikramgad. K. J. Somaiya Polytechnic, Mumbai St. Xavier's Technical Institute, Mumbai
70 71 72 73
DTE, Mumbai
M. H. Saboo Siddik Polytechnic, Mumbai Premlila Vithaldas Polytechnic(Womens),Mumbai Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Tech.University,Institute of Petrochemical Engineering,Lonere,Raigad Vivekanand Education Society's Polytechnic, Mumbai Koti Vidya Charitable Trust's Smt. Alamuri Ratnamala Institute of Engineering and Technology, Sapgaon, Tal. Shahapur Vidya Prasarak Mandal's Polytechnic, Thane Hyderabad (Sindh) National Collegiate Board, SMT S.H Mansukhani Institute Of Technology, Ulhasnagar, Mumbai Institute of Printing Technoloy and Research, Panvel Shivajirao S. Jondhle Polytechnic, Asangaon, Shahapur.Thane Bhartiya Education/Social Charitable Trust, Sheth Shri Otarmal Sheshmal Parmar College Of Diploma,Raigad S.K.Education Trust, Dr. Manoj A Shete College of Engineering & Technology, Kasara. Smt. Geeta D. Tatkare POlytechnic At Gove, Kolad Nagpur region Government Polytechnic, Sakoli Government Polytechnic, Bramhapuri Government Polytechnic, Gadchiroli Government Polytechnic Gondia Government Polytechnic, Sadar, Nagpur Government Polytechnic, Arvi
Sapgaon, Taluka Shahapur Dist. Thane Chendani, Bunder Road, Jnanadweepa , College Campus Thane , 400601 Opp.Ulhasnagar Railway Station,Ulhasnagar,Thane. 421003 PLOT NO. 3, SECTOR - 11, BALBHARATI MARG, KHANDA COLONY, NEW PANVEL, 410206 Opp. Railway Station,Asangaon, Shahapur. Thane , 421601 S.No.Of Land 349/350, VelshetNagothane,Post:Paigonda Tal:Roha, Dist:Raigad 401106 At Post Kasara, Tal. Shahapur, Dist. Thane At Gove, Post Kolad, Taluka Roha, Dist. Raigad. Sendur Wafa,Sakoli Dist Bhandara 441802 Bramhapuri Chandrapur , 441206 M.I.D.C Road Gadchiroli , 442605 Fulchur Tola, Near Iti, Sakoli Road, Gondia 441601 Mangalwar Bazar, Nagpur , 440001 Arvi. Wardha , 442201
81 82
3257 3265
88 89 90 91 92 93
DTE, Mumbai
97 98
4188 4222
102 103
4231 4232
E-2/F-3, New Nanadanvan, Nagpur , 440009 Rajiv Nagar, Somalwada, Nagpur , 440025 P-131,Electronic Zone,Midc,Hingna Road,Nagpur 440016 Opp Hotel Kundan Plaza, Nagpur Road, Chandrapur , 442401 Ramnagar, Wardha , 442001
Samata Nagar, Master Colony, Devali Road, Savangi (Meghe),Wardha 442001 Opposite W.C.L.,Village-Ghoturli,State Highway No. 09 Umrer, Dist. Nagpur. 441204 Near Dighori Naka, Bahadura, Nagpur 440009 At Post Mauda, Dist. Nagpur
DTE, Mumbai
115 116
4247 4248
DTE, Mumbai
Rehnki Road,Seloo,Dist.Wardha
Pravara Rural Education Society's Padmashri Dr. Vittalrao Vikhe Patil Institute of Technology and Engineering Polytechnic ,Pravaranagar
Sanjivani Rural Education Society's K.B.P. Polytechnic, Kopargaon Dist Ahmednagar Mgts Mandal's Sharadchandrika Suresh Patil Institute Of Technology(Polytechnic), Chopda Sanjay Education Society's Polytechnic, Wadibhokar, Dhule Shree Sant Muktabai Sansthan's Shri Sant Muktabai Institute of Technology, Jalgaon K.K Wagh Education Society's K. K. Wagh Polytechnic, Nashik
Wadibhokar(Dhule) Dhule , 424005 B.J Nagar Pimparala Road, P.Box No 132, Jalgaon , 425001 Hirawadi, Panchawati, Nashik. 422201
DTE, Mumbai
At- Amrutnagar P.O. Sangamner Ahmednagar , 422608 Nagarpalika Marathi School No. 5 Near Ravalgaon Naka Nashik , 423105 Hirabai Haridas Vidyanagari, Amrutdham, Nashik , 422003 Gat No. 56, Mohadi Shivar, Shirsoli Road, Jalgaon , 425002 Sr.No. 166, Village Varwandi Tal : Dindori, Via Meri, Nashik , 422005 Babhulgaon, Yeola-Patoda Road, Nashik , 423401 Gat No.592/B, Village Anjaneri, Tribkakeshwar Nashik , 422213 Bhujbal Knowledge City, Adgaon ,Nashik 422003
151 152
5238 5241
Survey No. 94/3/1 & 2, At Post Bhoras, Tal Chalisagtion, Jalgaon , 424101
DTE, Mumbai
Gut No.39/1 Eklahare, Nashik Trimbak Road, P.O.: Mahiravani,Tal & Dist: Nashik.-422213 Sr. No.86/1,Rashin Road, Siddhatek Berdi Tal Karjat Dist Ahmednagar 414403
Jmct's Campus,Wadala Road, Wadala, Nashik 422009 At Post Shrigonda, Tal.Shrigonda, Dist. Ahmednagar. Gat No.1120/1a,2260 Ahmednagar 65/ D1 / K1 Shirsoli Road Near Jain Hills,Jalgaon. 425001
DTE, Mumbai
Gut No. 25/A, Valthan, Tal Chalisgaon, Jalgaon 424101 Srv. No. 3, 6/2, Vadala Mahadeo, Newasa Shrirampur Main Road, Tal Shrirampur, Dist Ahmednagar Srv. No. 2, At. Post Agastkhind, Tal Sinner Dist. Nashik 422502
Srv. No. 190/1A /1, 190/1A/2, Dhule Road, Post. Dondaicha, Dist.Dhule , 425408 Plot No. 1188/4, Patne, Near Telco Shoroom, Malegaon, Dist. Nashik. 423203 Near Dongare Vasatigriha, Canada Corner, Nashik. Srv. No,.155 / 1A Dindori Road Cannol road MERI Nashik
Jalgaon 425309
DTE, Mumbai
At Post Palaskhede(bk), Tal. Jamner, Dist. Jalgaon 424206 Dhanore, Tal. Yeola, Dist. Nashik.423401 At Tehu Taluka Parola, Dist. Jalgaon 425111 Ashok Nagar, Tal.Shrirampur, Dist. Ahmednagar.413717 Sr. No. 231, A/p Waki, Kawnai Road, Tahsil Igatpuri, Dist Nashik.
191 192
5395 5402
DTE, Mumbai
S.No 209,178,179,180 Wadwadi,Khandala Satara , 412801 S.No. 237, Dhangwadi, Tal. Bhor. Dist. Pune R. S. No. 264, Shantinagar, Uchagaon, Kolhapur , 416005 P-41, MIDC, Kupwad Sangli , 416436 Gat No. 242/B/1 Panmalewadi, A/P Varye, Satara 415001 Somgaon, Khindwadi, Near Nh 4, Mangalwar Peth, Satara 415002 PUNE SATARA ROAD, Dhanakawadi, Katraj Pune , 411043 Samart Chowk, Budhwar Peth, Solapur , 413002 Sector No.29, Nigdi Pradhikaran, Akurdi Pune , 411044 Shirol Wadi Road,Jaysingpur Kolhapur , 416101 725/I, Karmveer Nagar, Barshi, Solapur , 413411 Sector No. 26, Pradhikaran , Pune , 411044 44/1, Vadgaon (BK), Off- Sinhgad Rd, Pune 411041
DTE, Mumbai
A/P Kuran, Tal. Junnar, Pune , 410511 Vishnupuri,Talegaon Dabhade(St.),Tal.Maval Pune , 410507 Hotgi Road, Kumathe, Solapur 413224 Kasba Bavada Kolhapur , 416006 Atpost:Palus,Tal:Palus, Dist:Sangli 416310 Survey No. 58, Hadapsar Handewadi Road, Hadapsar Pune , 411028 Gat No. 720/2, Pune Nagar Road, Bakori Phata,Wagholi, Pune , 412207 Gat No. 113 A, A/P Vathar Tarf Vadgaon, Hatkangale, Kolhapur 416112 72 / 2 B,Pratap Nagar, Soregaon-Dongaon Road Solapur , 413004 Flat No. 67, At Post Sasure ( Bairag )Solapur_Barshi Highway, Barshi, Solapur 413402 Khanapur, Junnar, Dist. Pune , 410502
At Post-Bhadgaon, Taluka Gadhinglaj, Dist. Kolhapur 416502 Survey No. 39, Narhe, Taluka Haveli, Dist. Pune 411041 Jay-Sangli Naka, Yadrav-Ichalkaranji, Shirol, Kolhapur 416121 P.Box No.54, Gopalpur, Ranjani Road, Solapur , 413304
DTE, Mumbai
S. No. 124,125, Shelve, Taluka :Pandharpur, District: Solapur 413304 Gat No.421,At Post Khambale, Vita, Taluka Khanpur, Dist. Sangli 415311 Sr.No.4/17, Thergaon Pune 411033 Bangarwadi, Belhe, Taluka Junnar, Dist. Pune 412410 S.NO. 672/1, Segaon road,Jaith Dist Sangli 416404 Gat No.986,987, A/P.Bhose, Tal.Miraj Sangli , 416422 Gat No.541/2, Off Pune-Solapur Highway, At Post Swami Chincholi, Tal.Daund, Pune. 413130 Bhavani Peth, T.P. No.Ii,Plot No.74,Rupa Bhawani Mandir Road,Solapur 413002
247 248
6449 6451
DTE, Mumbai
Balasaheb Desai Foundation, Shivajirao Desai College Of Polytechnic, Doulatnagar Rajarshi Shahu Shikshan Sanstha's Vitthal Patil Polytechnic, Miraj Shree Santkrupa Shikshan Sanstha, Shree Santkrupa Institute Of Engineering & Technology, Karad Swami Vivekananda Pratisthan, Swami Vivekananda Institute Of Technology,Khed, Solapur Swami Vivekananda Shikshan Sanstha, Dr. Bapuji Salunkhe Institute Of Engineering & Technology,Kolhapur Shahajirao Patil Vikas Pratishthan, S. B. Patil Polytechnic, Indapur Shriram Education Soceity's Shivaji Polytechnic, Atpadi, Sangli Ramkrishna Technical Education Soceity, Shivaji Polytechnic College, Sangola Shri. Venkateshwara Shikshan Sanstha's Nanasaheb Mahadik Polytechnic Institute, Peth Shri Vatavruksha Swami Maharaj Devasthan's, Svsmd's Polytechnic College, Akkalkot Sau. Devibai Narayandas Chhabada Rural Education Soceity,Late N.B. Chhabada Institute Of Engg & Tech.(Poly), Satara Karmveer Bhaurao Patil Shikshan Sansthan's Sahyadri Polytechnic,Pune Samarth Education Trust's Arvind Gavali College Of Engineering Panwalewadi, Varye,Satara.
Doulatnagar, Tal. Patna Dist. Satara 415211 Gat No. 640/641/642/643 A/P Inam Dhamni Tal Miraj Sangli , 416416 Gat No.716,Ghogaon,(Shivajinagar),Tal.Karad Satara , 415111 Gat No.16/1,Solapur -Barshi Road,Khed,North Solapur 413225
2130, E Ward, Kolhapur 416003 Gat No.58,Village Vangali,Tal.Indapur,Dist:Pune 413106 Near Suresh Indians Gas Agency,1370 Gat No.4169 To 4175 Tal.Atpadi Sangli , 415301 S.No.76/1,77 Sangola, Jat Road, Sangola Solapur , 413307 Gat No. 905 A/1, Pune - Benglore NH-4 Highway A/P - Peth, Tal - Walwa, Dist Sangli Gat No.604/2,Near Bhakta Nivas,Gangapur Road, Akkalkot Solapur , 413216
260 261
6469 6470
Sr. No.259,A/P Raigaon, Taluka Jaoli Satara , 415020 A/P Nasrapur,Kikavi (Morwadi), Tal Bhor, Pune. 412206 Gat. No-247,A/P-Panwalewadi Post Varye,Tal-Satara 415015
DTE, Mumbai
Gat No. 251 & 133/2, Dattanagar, Tal-Shirol, Dist Kolhapur 416120
Gat No. 80,282,273,275,276,A/P Puri, TalBarshi, Dist Solapur Gat No 1230, A/P & Tal Khatav, Dist - Satara 415505 Vaduj, Tal-Khatav,Dist-Satara.
Gat No 471, A/P Atit, Dist Satara A/P Atit, Dist Satara New Solapur Road, Pandharpur. Dist. Solapur Tal-Man, Dist-Satara 415508
DTE, Mumbai
Red Batish Shirala, Sangli 415408 Pandharpur Road, Gat No.565/1, Sangola Tal. Sangola, Dist. Solapur 413307 At Shankar Nagar, Akluj, Post Yashwant Nagar, Dist. Solapur Patgaon, Miraj- Pandharpur Road, Miraj Dist.Sangli. 36/1A, At post Hotgi, Hotgi-Kumbhari Road, Tal.& Dist Solapur AT post Atigre, Gat No 582, TqHatkanangale, Dist- Kolhapur
Application form receipt centre for Sr. 1. Candidate N.C.C. candidates Claiming admission against seats for N.C.C. Candidates. Jammu and Kashmir Migrants. OMS Candidates. Foreign Nationals and Persons of Indian Origin Marathi speaking candidates of Mauritius Address of ARC The Director of N.C.C., Maharashtra State, A.F.I. Building, Mumbai Hospital Lane, Near Metro Cinema, Mumbai - 400 020. Note: Candidates seeking admission against seats reserved for N.C.C. candidates can also submit Separate application form as Type-A, B, C, D or E candidate as given above. The Principal, S.B.M. Polytechnic, Near Cooper Hospital,Vile Parle (West), Mumbai 400 056. Principal of the respective Un-Aided Polytechnics The Director of Technical Education, Maharashtra State, 3, Mahapalika Marg, Opp. Metro Cinema, Mumbai - 400 001 The Director of Technical Education, Maharashtra State, 3, Mahapalika Marg, Opp. Metro Cinema, Mumbai - 400 001
2. 3. 4. 5.
DTE, Mumbai
All Candidates
Type B Candidates
Type C Candidates
Type D Candidates And Type E Candidates Backward class Candidates belonging to S.C. / S.T. Backward class Candidates belonging to VJ/ DT NT(A)/ NT(B)/ NT(C)/NT(D) /OBC/SBC categories Ex-servicemen (Def1)
Defence Service Certificate Pro forma C. Domicile certificate of father/mother who is an Ex service personnel is domiciled in the state of Maharashtra. ( In addition to the documents mentioned in Sr. No. 1) Defence Service Certificate Pro forma C Domicile certificate of father/mother who is an active defence service person is domiciled in the state of Maharashtra. ( In addition to the documents mentioned in Sr. No. 1) Defence Service Certificate Pro forma C and D/E. Certificate from the employer in the pro forma D stating that father/mother of the candidate who is an active defence service person presently posted in Maharashtra. Or Certificate from the employer in the pro forma E stating that father/mother of the candidate who is an active defence service person and has retained the family in his previous place of posting in Maharashtra. ( In addition to the documents mentioned in Sr. No. 1) Certificate in the proformaF/F-1.
DTE, Mumbai
Foreign Nationals Persons of Indian origin Workers in Gulf Countries/Non Resident Indian NCC
Minority Candidate
** Domicile certificate:
Domicile certificate issued by the Maharashtra States appropriate authorities will be considered valid. The domicile certificate of Mother of the candidate shall be supported with marriage certificate and legal proof of change in name if any. Such candidates will be required to submit birth certificate clearly mentioning the name of the mother.
DTE, Mumbai
Annexure 5 List of unique courses for which the admission shall be carried out as per State Level Merit in the CAP
Sr.No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Course Code 491 712 727 492 880 896 666 861 876 883 508 885 590 886 889 527 593 501 509 503 702 692 730 894 843 467 872 Course Name Leather Technology Apparel Manufacturing and Design Jewellery Design & Manufacturing Leather Goods and Footwear Technology Garment Technology Textile Technology Ophthalmic Technology Sugar Manufacturing Fashion and Clothing Technology Knitting Technology Plastic Technology Man Made Textile Chemistry Fabrication Technology and Erection Engineering Man Made Textile Technology Textile Applied Chemistry Petro Chemical Engineering Packaging Technology Plastic and Polymer Engineering Plastic Engineering Food Technology Mining and Mine Surveying Metallurgy Engineering Travel and Tourism Textile Manufactures Printing Technology Medical Electronics Dress Designing and Garment Manufacturing
Note: - Above information may change. Candidates are requested to visit website http://www.dte.org.in/poly2013 for latest and updated information.
DTE, Mumbai
Annexure 6 Guidelines for the Admission Process to be carried out by Unaided Polytechnics
Application forms shall be available in respective unaided polytechnics for the period of 15 days after the day of declaration of SSC result of Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Certificate Examination. Candidates can submit duly filled Application to respective Unaided Polytechnics on or before 15th day after the day of declaration of S.S.C. Examination Result upto 5.00 p.m. (Excluding the day of declaration of result).
Eligibility criteria of candidates for admission process to be carried out at institute level for the vacant seats after CAP Rounds: Seats available:
Vacancy within sanctioned intake due to the Non Reporting of candidates, Non Allotment and Cancellations (if any). In Unaided Non Minority Colleges, the vacancies in backward class category seats within sanctioned intake shall be filled after removing the seat tag i.e. by treating these seats as GENERAL seats. The seats thus shall be filled after preparing a common merit list of all the candidates who have applied for the Vacancy round at the respective Unaided Non Minority Colleges.
The seats shall be filled in the following order of preference. a. Maharashtra State candidates (HD & OHD candidates)
Refer Eligibility as given in Rule No 2.1 of this Brochure To resolve a tie i.e. more than one candidate securing equal marks in aggregate marks, the procedure given in Rule 12.2 of Information Brochure shall be adopted.
Refer Eligibility as given in Rule No 2.1 of this Brochure To resolve a tie i.e. more than one candidate securing equal marks in aggregate marks, the procedure given in Rule 12.2 of Information Brochure shall be adopted.
DTE, Mumbai
General Notes:
1. The allotment list of CAP rounds will be available to the institute through their Institute Login.The Institute should update the information of the reported candidates, allotted under CAP on the same day on which the candidate is reporting to the institute. 2. The Principal of the institute has to update the branch wise list of admitted candidates on DTE website through their institute login clearly indicating the stage of their admission like CAP, Maharashtra Candidate against vacancy, OMS candidate against vacancy, Institute Level seats, J&K Migrant seats etc. within 10 days from the cut off date of admission. Institutes not updating list of admitted candidates on website before cutoff date will be penalised as per Government Resolution. 3. Institutes starting courses/filling seats over & above sanctioned intake without AICTE/Govt approval will be penalised as per GR No NSG-2005/(821/05) HE-3 dated 22nd January 2007. (Refer Rule No 17.4) 4. Three copies of such lists are to be printed and to be submitted to the concerned Regional Office of Technical Education, duly signed by the Principal / Head of the Institute 5. Admission authority should maintain record of Application sold, received, merit list, attendance of student reporting for admission, admitted list schedule wise.
Important: All the Diploma Institutes are required to complete their admission process and online
uploading of admitted candidates on or` before the cut off date as specified in the schedule.
DTE, Mumbai
Rules for Admission 2013-14 Annexure 7 List of the Governemnt institutes with second shift courses in which 70% seats are reserved for Religious minority candidates belonging to Muslim, Buddhist, Christian, Sikh, Parsi and Jain community
Inst Code D1012 D2013 D2014 Name of the Institute Government Polytechnic, Yavatmal Government Polytechnic, Ambad Government Polytechnic, Jalna Name of Second shift Course Civil Engineering Mechanical Engineering Electronics Engineering Mechanical Engineering Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Civil Engineering Mechanical Engineering Printing Technology Computer Engineering Information Technology Civil Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Civil Engineering Mechanical Engineering Civil Engineering Electronics and Communication Engineering Mechanical Engineering Civil Engineering Mechanical Engineering Civil Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Civil Engineering Mechanical Engineering Choice Code 101219100 101261200 201337600 201361200 201419100 201429300 201461200 201719100 201761200 300684300 300724500 300724600 300919100 300937200 300961200 301119100 301161200 400919100 400937000 400961200 500819100 500861200 601619100 601637200 601661200 601719100 601761200
Government Polytechnic, Nanded Government Institute of Printing Technology, J.J. School Of Architecture Compound, Near CST Station, Mumbai Government Polytechnic, 49, Ali Yawar Jung Marg, Kherwadi, Bandra(E), Mumbai Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri
D3011 D4009
Government Polytechnic, Thane, At Phadke Pada, Opp. Bharat Gears, Mumbra Shil Road, Thane, - 400612 Government Polytechnic, Bramhapuri
D5008 D6016
Note: - Above information may change. Candidates are requested to visit website http://www.dte.org.in/poly2013 for latest and updated information.
DTE, Mumbai
Proforma A
(For Type C candidates)
(For Govt. of India / Govt. of India undertaking employees / sons and daughters of Govt. of India / Govt. of India undertaking employees.) Reference. No.: CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Shri / Smt. .. is an employee in the capacity of..in.......................................This Organisation/Establishment / Department is under Department of Govt. of India / Govt. of India undertaking. Shri / Smt. .. is transferred to in Maharashtra State vide transfer order No Dated He / She has joined duty in Maharashtra on . and is currently working in the same post. This certificate is issued for the purpose of his/her / his son or daughter / her son or daughter .s admission to First Year of Diploma courses in Engineering/Technology for the year 2013-14.
Date: Place: Seal of the Office (Signature) Name & Designation of the Head of the office
Note: This pro forma is to be accompanied by attested copy of Transfer order and Joining report Proforma B
(For Type D/E candidates)
(For sons and daughters of Maharashtra State Govt./Govt. of India/Maharashtra State Govt. or Govt. of India undertaking employees.) Reference. No.: CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Shri / Smt. .. is an employee in the capacity ofin.This Organisation /Establishment / Department is under Department of Maharashtra State Govt. / Govt. of India/Maharashtra State Govt. or Govt. of India undertaking. Shri / Smt. .. is transferred to . in Maharashtra State vide transfer order No Dated He / She has joined duty in Maharashtra on . and is currently working in the same post. This certificate is issued for the purpose of his / her son / daughter ..s admission to First Year of Diploma courses in Engineering/Technology for the year 2013-14.
Date: Place: (Signature) Name & Designation of the Head of the office
Note: This pro forma is to be accompanied by attested copy of Transfer order and Joining report
DTE, Mumbai
CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Shri. / Smt ( Full Name of the Employee with Rank of the employee ) is / has been a member of Armed forces of India. He / She has put in .. years of service in Indian Army / Indian Navy / Indian Air Force from to .. and is currently working / retired from services on .. / permanently disabled since / killed in action on .. This certificate is issued for the purpose of his / her son / daughter .s admission to First Year Diploma course in Engineering / Technology for the academic year 2013-14. Outward no. & Date : Place : ( Signature) Name and designation of the Authority not below the rank of Commandant or equivalent / District Sainik Welfare officer
Seal Of the Office Note:- This certificate is not to issued for the Civilian Staff working in the Indian Army/Navy/Air force. Pro forma D (To be issued on the Printed Letter Head of the concerned office) (For Def-3 candidates) (For sons and daughters of Active defence service personnel not domiciled in Maharashtra State) CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Shri / Smt. .. is a member of Armed forces of India, and is currently working in Indian Army / Indian Navy / Indian Air Force. Shri / Smt. .. is transferred to .in Maharashtra State vide transfer order No Dated He / She has joined duty in Maharashtra on . And is currently working in the same post. This certificate is issued for the purpose of his / her son / daughter .s admission to First Year of Diploma courses in Engineering/Technology for the academic year 2013-14. Outward no. & Date: Place : Seal Of the Office Note : This pro forma is to be accompanied by attested copy of 1) Transfer order 2) Joining report Note:- This certificate is not to be issued for Civilian Staff working in the Indian Army/Navy/Air force. DTE, Mumbai Diploma in Engineering & Technology ( Signature ) Name & Designation of the Head of the office
(For Def-3 candidates) (For sons and daughters of Active defence service personnel not domiciled in Maharashtra State but retrained their family accommodation) CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Shri / Smt. .. is a member of Armed forces of India, and is currently working in Indian Army / Indian Navy / Indian Air Force . Shri / Smt. is presently posted at . His / Her previous posting was at in Maharashtra State. He / She has retained family accommodation in in Maharashtra State on account of posting in non family station / for education purpose of son / daughter. This certificate is issued for the purpose of his / her son / daughter .s admission to First Year of Diploma courses in Engineering/Technology for the academic year 2013-14. Outward no. & Date : Place : Seal Of the Office
Note:- This certificate is not to be issued for Civilian Staff working in the Indian Army/Navy/Air force.
Pro forma F
(To be issued on the Printed Letter Head of the concerned office)
CERTIFICATE This is to certify that I have examined Mr. / Miss ..on . He / She has (Name of the Physical Disability) which comes under the sub category Blindness (P1)/Speech & Hearing impaired(P2)/Orthopedic disorder (P3) Certified that: The percentage of handicap is not less than 40% and is equal to .%. The disability is permanent in nature. The candidate is capable of carrying out all activities related to theory and practical works as applicable to Post SSC Diploma courses in Engineering/Technology without any special concessions and exemptions. This Certificate is issued as per the provisions given in the Person with Disability Act, 1995 and its amendments. This certificate is issued for the purpose of his/her admission to First Year of Diploma courses in Engineering/Technology in Maharashtra for the academic year 2013-14. Outward No. & Date: Place : (Name & Signature) Director, All India Institute of Physically Handicapped, Mumbai Or Dean/Civil Surgeon of Government Hospital (Name of the issuing Authority) DTE, Mumbai Diploma in Engineering & Technology
(To be issued on the Printed Letter Head of the concerned office) (For Persons with Disability Candidates) P3 (Learning Disability) Candidates LEARNING DISABILITY CLINIC L.T.M.G. HOSPITAL, SION, MUMBAI-400 022. CERTIFICATE Name : Age : Date of Birth : Date of Registration : Fathers Name : Std. : Physical & Neurologic Assessment Date : Psychologic Assessment Date : WISC ( R ) Verbal IQ Performance IQ Global IQ Interpretation : Educational Assessment Date: Certified that: The percentage of handicap is not less than 40% and is equal to ...%. The disability is permanent in nature. The candidate is capable of carrying out all activities related to theory and practical works as applicable to Post SSC Diploma courses in Engineering/Technology without any special concessions and exemptions. This Certificate is issued as per the provisions given in the Person with Disability Act, 1995 and its amendments. This certificate is issued for the purpose of his/her admission to First Year of Diploma courses in Engineering/Technology in Maharashtra for the academic year 2013-14. Recommendations: (Name and Signature of Issuing Authority) Outward No. & Date: Seal of the Office : : : WRAT: R S A
Photograph candidate
DTE, Mumbai
Rules for Admission 2013-14 Proforma J ( Proforma for the sons and daughters of Defence / Paramilitary force / I.A.S. / I.P.S. / I.F.S. / J & K Police officials posted in Jammu & Kashmir to combat terrorist activities.) Reference. No. : Date: CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Shri / Smt. .. is an official belonging to Defence / Paramilitary force / I.A.S. / I.P.S. / I.F.S. / J& K Police presently posted and working at .. Which is treated as disturbed area in Jammu & Kashmir. This certificate is issued for the purpose of his / her son / daughter ..s admission to First Year of Diploma courses in Engineering/Technology in Maharashtra State for the year 2013-14.
(For Jammu & Kashmir Migrant Candidates, staying in refugee camps.) Reference. No.: CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Mr./ Miss. .. belongs to a family residing in this refugee camp after being displaced after 1990 due to terrorist activities in Jammu and Kashmir. The details of refugee status is as under. Ration card Number: .. Names of the members on the ration card: . This certificate is issued for the purpose of his / her admission to First Year of Diploma courses in Engineering/Technology for the year 2013-14. Date: Place: Seal of the Office Head of the Office Migrant / Refugee Camp Date:
DTE, Mumbai
Proforma L (Displaced Jammu & Kashmir Migrant Candidates staying with relatives / friends in India other than Migrant / Refugee camp/ Refugees staying with relatives.) Reference. No.: CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Mr./ Miss. .. is a displaced person from Jammu & Kashmir after 1990 due to terrorist activities in Jammu and Kashmir. He / She is staying with .................................................................................................................. (Name and complete address of the Person with whom the candidate is staying at present) .. since past ..years. This certificate is issued for the purpose of his / her admission to First Year of Diploma courses in Engineering/Technology for the year 2013-14. Date: Place: Seal of the Office District Collector Date:
Proforma - N (Candidate who has secured admission in any other institute shall produce certificate indicating his/ her original Leaving Certificate retained with the previous institute) This is to certify that Shri. / Ku. ____________________________________________________ (Full name of the Candidate) has admitted and studying in this institute __________________ _______________________________(Name of the Institute). in_________________Branch. His /her original leaving certificate is retained by this institute. A copy of leaving certificate is attested by this institute, is enclosed. This certificate is issued for the purpose of his / her admission to First year Diploma course in Engineering / Technology for the academic year ____________. Date : Place : (Signature) Name & Designation of the Head of the Office Seal of the Institute/Office (Mandatory)
DTE, Mumbai
Sir, Full name of candidate : ............................................. Course : .................................. Date of admission : ................... Amount of fee paid: Rs. Fee Receipt Number and Date : ..(Attach Xerox copy) Reasons for cancellation of admission 1) I have secured admission 2) On personal grounds .. Undertaking: I am fully aware that after cancellation, I forfeit my claim on admission. I request you to kindly return my original documents and refund the fees paid as per the rules, .. Signature of candidate For Office use only : Full address of the candidate : Amount Paid Rs. Amount Deducted Rs. Amount refunded Rs. Telephone No : Cheque No. & date Bank particulars Signature of Accounts Officer Received the following original, along with the cheque towards refund of tuition fees : 1 2 3 Signature of the candidate
DTE, Mumbai
Rules for Admission 2013-14 Proforma Z (Candidate who has passed Std VIII & Std IX from any institute from Maharashtra and could not produce mark sheet of Std VIII & Std IX shall produce Proforma Z) (Applicable for Maharashtra Candidates only) This is to certify that Shri. / Ku. ____________________________________________________ (Full name of the Candidate) has has studied in Std VIII & Std IX & std X in the institute_________________________________________________________________(Full name of the Institute). This certificate is issued for the purpose of his / her admission to First year Diploma course in Engineering / Technology for the academic year ____________. Note:- In case of the students who have studied VIII,IX & X th std from distinct institutes they shall produce the certificates from those institutes.
Date: Place: (Signature) Name & Designation of the Head of the Institute Seal of the Office
DTE, Mumbai
Region wise List of Institutes for Academic Year 2013-14 Sr.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Institute Code 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 1150 1151 1152 1153 1168 1180 1182 1244 1245 1246 1247 1248 1249 1250 1268 Institute Name Amravati Region Government Polytechnic, Murtijapur Shree Shivaji Education Society's Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Polytechnic, Amravati Government Polytechnic, Amravati Government Polytechnic, Khamgaon Government Polytechnic, Washim Government Residential Women's Polytechnic, Yavatmal Government Polytechnic, Yavatmal Saraswati Education Society's Shree Tirupati Tantra Niketan, Akola Shree Shivaji Education Society's Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Girls Polytechnic, Amravati Dhamangaon Education Society's L.A.M.I.T. Dhamangaon Rly, Amravati Janata Shikshan Prasarak Mandal's Dr.N.P.Hirani Polytechnic, Pusad Vidarbha Youth Welfare Society's Polytechnic, Badnera, Amravati Nagar Parishad Polytechnic, Nagar Parishad Achalpur, Amravati Bhaiyasaheb Javade Education Society, Amravati Polytechnic College, Bhankhed, Amravati Adarsh Shikshan Sanstha, Maa Vaishnavi Polytechnic, Karanja Lad, Washim Chaitanya Bahuuddeshiya Sanstha's, G. H. Raisoni Polytechnic, Mhasla, Anjangaon, Amravati Rambhauji Lingade Polytechnic College, Buldhana P.R. Pote (Patil) Education & Welfare Trust, P. R. Pote Institute Of Polytechnic & Technology, Amravati Swavalambi Shikshan Sanstha's Sushganga Polytechnic, Wani Late Ahilyabai Kakade Bahuuddeshiya Shikshan Prasarak Mandal, Sai Polytechnic,Kinhi(J),Yavatmal Vidarbha Rural Reconstruction Foundation's, Rajeshkumar Wadhawan Polytechnic Institute, Yavatmal Adarsha Bahuuddeshiya Shikshan Prasarak Mandal, Dr. R . N. Lahoti Polytechnic, Sultanpur Balaji Polytechnic,Sawarala,Tal-Wani,Yavatmal Sanmati Engineering College, Sawargaon Barde, Washim Padmashri Dr. V.B. Kolte College of Engineering, Malkapur, Buldhana Bhiwsan Patil Shinde Shikshan Gramin Vikas & Bahu Sanstha,Shinde Polytechnic, Anjani Bk Tal: Mehkar, Dist: Buldhana Sakshi Shikshan Krida Prasarak & Bahu Sanstha's Dr. Rajesh Ramdasji Kambe Polytechnic, Turkhed, Tal: Murtizapur Dist: Akola Indira Bahuuddeshiya Shikshan Sanstha's Dr. Rajendra Gode Polytechnic,Ghatkhed, Amravati Shri Dadasaheb Gavai Charitable Trust's Vikramshila Polytechnic,Darapur, Tal. Daryapur, Dist. Amravati Nav Vidya Niketan Shiksha Santha Nav Vidya Niketan Institute of Technology,Mardi Road, Amravati Bhonslas Education Trust's Bhonsla Polytechnic, Akola- Washim Highway, Tah. & Dist. Akola Paramhans Ramkrishna Mouni Baba Shikshan Sanstha's Anuradha Polytechnic, Anuradha Nagar,Chikhali, Buldhana Siddhivinayak Technical Campus, School of Engineering & Research Technology, Shirasgon, Nile
Sr.No 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
Institute Code 1269 1275 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2017 2018 2019 2138 2145 2168 2171 2173 2174 2175 2176 2177 2178 2179 2180 2181 2182 2183 2184 2185 2186 2187 2189 2190 2192 2193 2195 2197 2198
Institute Name Rajarshi Shahu Polytechnic, Buldhana. Manav School of Polytechnic, Vyala, Balapur, Akola Aurangabad Region Government Polytechnic, Aurangabad Government Polytechnic, Beed Government Polytechnic, Hingoli Government Polytechnic, Ambad Government Polytechnic, Jalna Puranmal Lahoti Government Polytechnic, Latur Government Polytechnic, Nanded Government Polytechnic, Osmanabad Government Polytechnic, Jintur Matsyodari Shikshan Sansatha's College of Engineering and Technology, Jalna Geetai Charitable Trust's Khurana Sawant Institute of Engineering & Technology, Balsond, Hingoli. Shree Sai Samajik Vikas Sanstha, Nath Polytechnic, Paithan, Dist. Aurangabad Gramodyogik Shikshan Mandal's Marathwada Institute Of Technology, Rotegaon, Vaijapur, Dist. Aurangabad. Shree Yash Pratishthan, Shree Yash Polytechnic, Satara Tanda, Aurangabad. Shree Bharavnath Nisarga Mandal, Diploma in Engineering and Technology, Gevrai Tanda, Aurangabad Shiva Trust's Sharadchanraji Pawar Polytechnic College, Aurangabad. Chatrapati Shahu Maharaj Shikshan Sanstha, C.S.M.S. Sansthas College Of Polytechnic, Kanchanwadi, Aurangabad Sai Shikshan Sanstha, Ambarwadikars Institute Of Technology, Waluj, Ta. Gangapur, Aurangabad Vinayakrao Patil Shikshan Prasarak Mandal, Institute Of Engineering & Technology Kannad Gangai Charitable Trust, Adarsh Polytechnic,Tal. Asthi, Dist. Beed Shri Chhatrapati Shivaji Shikshan Sanstha, Vasant Polytechnic College, Beed Mahatma Basaveshwar Education Society's T.B.Girwalkar Polytechnic, Ambejogai, Dist.Beed Marathwada Shikshan Prasarak Mandal, Yeshwantrao Chavan Institute Of Polytechnic, Beed Aditya Bahuddeshiya Sanstha, Aditya Polytechnic, Beed Shree Dhaneshwari Manav Vikas Mandal Diploma In Engineering And Technology Institute, Hatta, Tal. Basmat, Hingoli Dharati Janseva Pratishthan, Diploma In Engineering & Technology Institute, Jalna Gunai Shikshan Prasarak Mandal, Rajiv Gandhi Polytechnic, Udgir, Dist Latur Hindustani Education Society, N.B.S. Institute Of Polytechnic, Ausa, Latur Vishveshwarayya Abhiyantriki Padvika Mahavidyalay, Almala, Ausa, Latur Shri Ganesh Shikshan Prasarak Mandal, Balghat Polytechnic College, Rudha, Latur Education Society, Kalawatibai College Of Engineering & Technology (Polytechnic), Naigaon, Nanded Sahayog Sevabhai Sanstha, Indira Institute Of Technology(Polytechnic), Nanded. Matoshree Kamaltai Thamke BSS Gokunda's Rajarshee Shahu Maharaj Polytechnic,Kinwat,Nanded. Shriram Pratishthan, Apurva Polytechnic, Rawalgaon, Parbhani. Nutan Vidya Samiti, Sitaramji Mundada Marathwada Polytechnic, Parbhani.
Institute Code 2224 2250 2277 2279 2280 2281 2282 2283 2284 2285 2287 2288 2291 2292 2293 2294 2295 2296 2298 2508 2513 2517 2526 2528 2531 2534 2535 3006 3007 3008 3009 3010 3011 3012 3013
Institute Name Gramodyogik Shikshan Mandal's Marathwada Institute of Technology, Aurangabad Aurangabad College of Engineering, Naygaon Savangi, Aurangabad Yogwashistha Shikshan Prarak Mandals Polytechnic,Babhalgaon Dist Latur Ransamrat Kreeda Mandal's Rajarshi Shahu Institue of Technology,Parli Road Kallam, Dist. Osmanabad Vetaleshwar Shikshan Sanstha's Rajiv Gandhi Instiute of Polytechnic, Hasegaon Tal. Ausa Dist Latur Ramchandra Sanskrutik Krida Mandal's Shri R D Bhakta Polytechnic, Daregaon Tal. & Dist Jalna Aditya Education Trust's Mitthulalji Sarada Polytechnic, Nalwandi Road, Beed Phoenix Foundation Sanstha's Phoenix Institute Of Technology,Lodga, Tal. Asua,Dist. Latur Kiran Bahuuddeshiya Shikshan Sanstha's R R Polytechnic, Hasegaon (K), Tal. Kalamb, Dist Osmanabad Shri Govindaprabhu Gramin & Shahari Vikas Sevabhavi Sanstha's Shri V D Deshmukh Polytechnic, Kolpa, Latur People Education Society's P.E.S. Polytechnic, Nagsenvan, Aurangabad Kai Haribhai Varpudkar Gramin Mahila Sevabhavi Sanstha's LATE. HARIBAI WARPUDKAR POLYTECHNIC, PARBHANI MGMs Polytechnic , Aurangabad Anand Charitable Trusts, Diploma in Engineering & Technology, Murshadapur, Ashti, Dist. Beed Mauli Shikhan Prasarak Mandal's Lal Bahadur Shastri Polytechnic, Udgir Dist Latur Shri Sai Janavikas Pratishtan's Sow.Shardadevi Pandit Polytechnic institute,Alani, Osmanabad Ahilyadevi Holkar Bahuuddeshiya Sevabhavi Sanstha's Prerna Polytechnic College, Mauli,Gangakhed, Parbhani Sevadas Shikshan Prasarak Mandal's Vasantrao Naik Instiute of Technology, Vasarni, Nanded Shri Sai Institute of Technology(Polytechnic),Aurangabad Gramin Shikshan Prasarak Mandal,Gramin Polytechnic, Vishnupuri, Nanded Shardopasak Shikshan Sanstha's Bharat Ratna Lata Mangeshkar College of Engineering & Technology, Aurad Shahajani, Tal.Ni Shri. Shivaji Polytechnic Institute, Wasmat road, Parbhani. V.J.Shinde Polytechnic Institute, Osmanabad. Rajiv Gandhi Polytechnic, Markhel, Tal.Degloor, Dist.Nanded. Vivekanand Institute of Polytechnic, Aurangabad. SWAMI VIVEKANAD INSTITUTE OF POLYTECHNIC,LATUR Radhey Charitable Trust's, D.B.GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS, SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY Mumbai Region Government Institute of Printing Technology, Mumbai Government Polytechnic, Mumbai Government Polytechnic, Pen Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri Government Polytechnic, Malvan Government Polytechnic, Thane Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute(VJTI), Matunga, Mumbai Government Polytechnic, Vikramgad.
Sr.No 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145
Institute Code 3020 3021 3023 3024 3025 3026 3027 3028 3040 3142 3144 3145 3146 3218 3253 3255 3257 3265 3266 3273 3275 3279 3280 3283 3284 3285 3288 3420 3421 3422 3445 3449 3458 3463 3466 4008 4009 4010 4011 4012
Institute Name Sasmira's Institute of Manmade Textiles, Mumbai K. J. Somaiya Polytechnic, Mumbai St. Xavier's Technical Institute, Mumbai Sophia Shree B.K. Somani Memorial Polytechnic), Mumbai Shri Bhagubhai Mafatlal Polytechnic, Mumbai M. H. Saboo Siddik Polytechnic, Mumbai Premlila Vithaldas Polytechnic(Womens),Mumbai Father Agnel Technical College (Polytechnic), Bandra(W), Mumbai Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Tech.University,Institute of Petrochemical Engineering,Lonere,Raigad Navjeevan Education Society's Polytechnic, Mumbai Mahavir Education Trust's Shah & Anchor Kutchhi Polytechnic, Mumbai Vivekanand Education Society's Polytechnic, Mumbai Jawahar Education Society's Annasaheb Chudaman Patil College of Engineering,Kharghar Aldel Education Trust's St. John College of Engineering & Technology, Vevoor, Palghar Multipurpose Education Society's Radio Electric Institute, Mumbai Mandar Education Society's Rajaram Shinde Institute of Engineering and Technology, Pedhambe Vidya Prasarak Mandal's Polytechnic, Thane Hyderabad (Sindh) National Collegiate Board, SMT S.H Mansukhani Institute Of Technology, Ulhasnagar, Mumbai Nagar Yuvak Shikshan Sanstha's Shreeram Polytechnic, New Mumbai Manohar Phalke Memorial Foundation's Polytechnic,Mumbai Kala Vidyamandir Institute of Technology,Mumbai Institute of Printing Technoloy and Research, Panvel Shivajirao S. Jondhle Polytechnic, Asangaon, Shahapur.Thane Mahatma Education Society's, Pillais Hoc Polytechnic, Khalapur Prabhakar Patil Education Society's, Polytechnic,Raigad Dnyan Prasarak Shikshan Sanstha's, Balasaheb Mhatre Polytechnic,Ambarnath Bhartiya Education/Social Charitable Trust, Sheth Shri Otarmal Sheshmal Parmar College Of Diploma,Raigad Rajendra Mane Polytechnic, Devrukh, Tal. Sangmeshwar, Dist. Ratnagiri VIVA College of Diploma Engg &Tech., At. Bolinj, Virar (W) Dist. Thane New Jai Bharat Shikshan Prasarak Mandals Shantiniketan Polytechnic, New Panvel Vishvatmak Jangli Maharaj Ashram Trust's Vishvatmak Om Gurudev College of Engineering, Mohili-Aghai, Shahpur. S.K.Education Trust, Dr. Manoj A Shete College of Engineering & Technology, Kasara. Smt. Geeta D. Tatkare POlytechnic At Gove, Kolad Urja Education Society's, ADITYA POLYTECHNIC Devi Mahalaxmi Polytechnic, Titwala, Kalyan. Nagpur Region Government Polytechnic, Sakoli Government Polytechnic, Bramhapuri Government Polytechnic, Gadchiroli Government Polytechnic Gondia Government Polytechnic, Sadar, Nagpur
Sr.No 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182
Institute Code 4013 4015 4023 4135 4145 4181 4185 4186 4187 4188 4222 4223 4224 4226 4227 4229 4230 4231 4232 4233 4234 4235 4236 4237 4238 4239 4240 4241 4242 4243 4245 4246 4247 4248 4249 4250 4251
Institute Name Government Polytechnic, Arvi Acharya Shrimannarayan Polytechnic, Pimpri-Wardha Adv.V.R.Manohar Institute of Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology,Nagpur Amar Seva Mandal's Shree Govindrao Vanjari College of Engineering & Technology, Nagpur Wainganga College of Engineering and Management, Dongargaon, Nagpur Sarvasiddhanta Education Soc's Nuva College of Engineering and Technology, Nagpur Shree Bapuraoji Deshmukh Foundation, Suresh Deshmukh College of Engineering, Selukate, Wardha Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Science's Datta Meghe Institute of Engineering & Technology & Research, Savangi (Meghe) Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar College of Engineering and Research, Wanadongri, Nagpur Krushi Jivan Vikas Pratishthan, Ballarpur Institute of Technology, Mouza Bamni Backward Class Youth Relief Committees Nagpur Polytechnic, Nagpur Anjuman Hamil- Islam's Anjuman Polytechnic, Nagpur Shri Datta Meghe Polytechnic, Nagpur Ankush Shikshan Sanstha's G.H. Raisoni Polytechnic, Nagpur Vivekanand Polytechnic,SitaSaongi,Tal-Tumsar,Dist-Bhandara Sarvodaya Mahila Mandal's Chandrapur Polytechnic, Chandrapur Shri Sadashivrao Patil Shikshan Sanstha's Kamptee Polytechnic, Kamptee Sanmarg Shikshan Sanstha's Late Vasantdada Polytechnic, Nagpur. Navodaya Shikshan Sanstha's Shankarrao Dhawad Polytechnic, Nagpur Lokmanya Tilak Jankalyan Shikshan Sanstha's Priyadarshini Polytechnic, Nagpur Late M.D. Yergude Memorial Shikshan Prasarak Mandal's Shri Sai Polytechnic, Chandrapur Jai Mahakali Shikshan Sanstha's Agnihotri School of Technology, Ramnagar, Wardha Om Arunodaya Bahuuddeshiya Khadi Gramodyog Vikas Sanstha's Om Polytechnic, Sawangi (Meghe), Wardha Backward Class Youth Relief Committee,Umrer Polytechnic, Nagpur Sanmarg Shikshan Sanstha, Shri Krushnarao Pandav Polytechnic, Bahadura, Nagpur The Shriram Gramvikas Shikshan Sanstha, Baburaoji Tidake Polytechnic, Mouda, Nagpur M.S. & M.G.V.B.S., Central India Institute Of Polytechnic, Nagpur Sanmarg Shikshan Sanstha, Shri Sharadchandra Pawar Polytechnic, Bhilewada Mata Mahakali Bahuuddeshiya Shikshan Prasarak Mandal's Mata Mahakali Polytechnic College, Warora Sanmarg Shikshan Sanstha'sm Smt. Radhikatai Pandav Polytechnic, Besa, Nagpur Gopal Education Soceity's Shri Mukundrao Pannase Polytechnic, Mauza Mondha Jaideo Education Society, J.D. Polytechnic, Khandala, Nagpur Laxmanrao Mankar College Of Polytechnic, Amgaon, Gondia Shri Sai Shikshan Sanstha's Nit Polytechnic, Nagpur Shri Nirmaladevi Education Soceity's Sonatai Pandav Polytehnic, Paradsinga Maratha Shikshan Sanstha's P.R.Patil Instittute Of Polytechnic, Talegaon, Asthi, Wardha Sant Tukdoji Maharaj Shikshan Sanstha's Shri Sai Taj Polytechnic, Drugdhamna, Nagpur
Sr.No 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213
Institute Code 4252 4253 4254 4255 4256 4258 4259 4286 4597 4598 4599 4601 4602 4603 4605 4608 4609 4610 4611 4612 5006 5007 5008 5009 5010 5105 5171 5179 5220 5221 5222
Institute Name Late Madhukarrao Deshmukh Education Soceity's Avdhoot Diploma College Of Engineering, Mouza, Bhojapur Late Shri Laxmaji Motghare Chritable Trust's Dr. Arun Motghare Polytechnic, Kosara-Konda, Bhandara Krushna Sahayogi Tantra Shikshan Sanstha, Chatrapati Shivaji Institute Of Technology, Deori, Gondia Jai Mahakali Shikshan Sanstha's Agnihotri Polytechnic, Sindhi (Meghe), Wardha Shri Sachhidananda Shikshan Sanstha's Bhauraoji Taywade Polytechnic, Nagpur Dharampeth Education Soceity's Dharampeth Polytechnic, Nagpur Bhausaheb Mulak Charitable Trust's Bhausaheb Mulak Polytechnic, Butibori, Nagpur Women's Education Society's Women's Techanical Education & Research Institute, Nagpur Jai Mahakali Shikshan Sanstha, Pulgaon Polytechnic,Pulgaon, Tah-Deoli,Wardha Maharashtra Shikshan Prasarak Mandals,Sommaya Diploma In Engineering, Wadgaon Dist Chandrapur Jai Mahakali Shikshan Sanstha,Shri Babulalji Agnihotri School of Technology, Sindi (Meghe), Wardha Guruvandan Mahila Kalyankari Bahuuddeshiya Mandal's Guru Sai Polytechnic College, Mauza Datala, Chandrapur Shri Gurudeo Educational Memorial & Cultural Society, Om Polytechnic College, Mauza Parsodi, Tal-Umrer,Nagpur Young Engineer's Education Society, Maharashtra Institute of Polytecnic, Betala, Bramhapuri,Chandrapur Vidyasagar Education Society, Gurukul Polytechnic, Nagra, Gondia Shri Lalbahaddur Shastri Shikshan Prasarak Mandal, VJ Polytechnic, Mouza Khamona, TahRajura, Chandrapur Shri Vyankatesh Shikshan Sanstha's,Shri Vyankatesh Polytechnic, Yelakeli, Ta- Seloo,Wardha Ballarpur Seva Samiti,Jainuddin Zaweri Polytechnic, Dewai Govindpur, Tukum, Chandrapur Laxmi Shikshan Sanstha & Krida Mandal,Samrat Sewakbhau Waghaye Patil Polytechnic College,At Gadegaon, Lakhani, Dist Bhandara Navneet Bahuuddeshya Sanstha, Kinkar Institute Of Technology,Seloo,Dist.Wardha Nashik Region Government Polytechnic, Ahmednagar Government Polytechnic, Dhule Government Polytechnic, Jalgaon Government Polytechnic, Nandurbar Government Polytechnic, Nashik G.H. Raisoni Institute of Engineering and Management, Jalgaon Godavari Foundation's Godavari College Of Engineering, Jalgaon Vishwabharati Academy's College of Engineering, Ahmednagar Pravara Rural Education Society's Padmashri Dr. Vittalrao Vikhe Patil Institute of Technology and Engineering Polytechnic ,Pravaranagar Shri Chhatrapati Shivaji Shikshan Sanstha's Indira Gandhi Poly. Belwandi (su) ,Tal-Shrigonda Dist- Ahmednagar Sanjivani Rural Education Society's K.B.P. Polytechnic, Kopargaon Dist Ahmednagar
Sr.No 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248
Institute Code 5223 5224 5225 5226 5227 5228 5229 5230 5231 5232 5235 5236 5237 5238 5240 5241 5243 5244 5245 5246 5247 5248 5249 5250 5251 5252 5253 5254 5255 5256 5257 5258 5259 5260 5261
Institute Name Mgts Mandal's Sharadchandrika Suresh Patil Institute Of Technology(Polytechnic), Chopda Sanjay Education Society's Polytechnic, Wadibhokar, Dhule Shree Sant Muktabai Sansthan's Shri Sant Muktabai Institute of Technology, Jalgaon K.K Wagh Education Society's K. K. Wagh Polytechnic, Nashik Nagaon Education Society's Gangamai Polytechnic, Nagaon Shri Shivaji Viddhya Prasarak Sanstha's Bapusaheb Shivajirao Deore Polytechnic, Dhule Technical & Medical Education Society's J. T. Mahajan Polytechnic, Faizpur Shri Neminath Jain Bramhacharyasharam's Shri H. H. J. B. Polytechnic,Chandwad Poojya Sane Guruji Vidhya Prasarak Mandal's G. M. Choudhari Polytechnic, Shahada Amrutvahini Sheti & Shikshan Sanstha's Amrutvahini Polytechnic, Amrutnagar Late Bhausaheb Hiray Smarnika Samiti Trust Sanchalit Polytechnic, Malegaon, Nashik K.K. Wagh Education Society's K. K. Wagh Women's Polytechnic, Nashik Shri Krishna Education & Cultural Mandal, Shri Gulabrao Deokar Polytechnic, Jalgaon Shree Mahavir Education Society's Institute Of Technology, Nashik Guru Gobind Singh Foundation's Guru Gobind Singh Polytechnic, Nashik Jagdamba Edu Soc., Santosh N. Darade Polytechnic, Yeola, Nashik Nashik Gramin Shikshan Prasarak Mandals Brahma Valley Polytechnic, Nashik MET's Institute of Technology Polytechnic, Bhujbal Knowledge City, Adgaon Nashik Sangamner Medical Foundation & Research Institutes,Wamanrao Ethape Polytechnic, Velhale, Sangamner Kai. Vanjibaba Gramin Vikas Mandal, Shantidevi Chavhan Institute of Engineering & Technology, Chalisgaon NDMVPS Samaj's Rajarshee Shahu Maharaj Polytechnic, Nashik Sulochana Behelekar Samajik & Bahu Uddeshiya Shikshan Sanstha,Dnyaneshwar Polytechnic, Ahmednagar Trimurti Shikshan Prasarak Mandal, Trimurti Institute Of Technology, Paladhi Bk, Jalgaon G.H.R. Education Foundation, G.H. Raisoni Polytechnic, Saokhede Bk, Jalgaon Hon. Shri. Babanrao Pachpute Vichardhara Trust's Parikrama Polytechnic,Kashti The People Education Society's, Diploma College Of Enggineering & Technology,Jamkhed Kisan Dnyanoday Mandal Gudhe's Dr. Uttamrao Mahajan Institute Of Engineering & Technology,Chalisgaon, Jalgaon Om Sai Shikshan Prasarak Sanstha's Aamdar Kashinathji Mengal Polytechnic, Igatpuri, Nashik Sanjivani Pratishthan's Institute Of Technology,Kurund Matoshri Education Soceity, Matoshri Asarabai Polytechnic,Nashik K.K.Wagh Education Soceity's, K.K.Wagh Polytechnic,Chandori, Tal: Niphad Sandip Foundation's Sandip Polytechnic, Nashik SHri Dattakrupa Shaikshanik & Krishi Gram Vikas Pratisthan, Shri Siddhivinayak Polytechnic, Karjat, Ahmednagar Jumma Masjid Charitable Trust's Polytechnic,Wadala Road, Wadala, Nashik Tulajabhavani Seva Pratisthan, Soniya Gandhi Polytechnic, Shrigonda
Sr.No 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278
Institute Code 5262 5263 5354 5355 5356 5357 5358 5359 5360 5361 5362 5363 5364 5365 5366 5367 5368 5369 5370 5371 5372 5373 5374 5375 5376 5381 5385 5387 5388 5389
Institute Name Jijamata Foundation, Sau. Nirmalatai P.Patil Women's Polytechnic College, Jalgaon Matoshri Education Soceity, Matoshri Institute Of Technology, Dhanore, Nashik Sakeshwar Gramin Vikas Seva Sanstha, Sau.Sundarbai Manik Adsul Polytechnic, Chas, Ahmedngar Maharashtra Shetkari Seva Mandal, Tryambakrao Shejawal Institute Of Techology (Polytehnic), Manmad,Nandgaon,Nashik Shree Samarth Academys, Shree Samarth Polytechnic, Mhasane Village Mhasane , Tal.Parner, Ahmednagar Maharashtra Shikshan Vikas Mandal's Loknete Gopalraoji Gulwe, Polytehnic,Vilholi,Nashik Shri Dattakrupa Shaikshanik & Krushi Gramvikas Pratisthn's Saikrupa Polytechnic, Ghargaon, Tal Shrigonda, Ahmednagar Shri Chhatrapati sambhaji Gramvikas Pratisthan,s Shri Chhatrapati sambhaji Polytechnic,Yelpane Tal.Shrigonda, Ahmednagar Savitabai Phule Shikshan Prasarak Mandal's Rajendra Jotiram Phule Polytechnic, Mirajgaon Tal Karjat. Ahmednagar Raghvendra Shikshan Prasarak Mandal's Late Junasing Mangtu College of Engg. (Diploma), Valthan, Tal Chalisgaon,Jalgaon Shiva Trust's Ajitdada Pawar College of Poltechnic,Vadala Mahadeo, Tal Shrirampur, Ahmednagar Amruta Vaishnavi Education & Welfare Trust's Shatabdi Institute of Technology, Agastkhind, Tal Sinner Nashik Maharashtra Homiopathic Foundation College of Polytechnic Gujalwadi, Tal Sangamner, Ahmednagar Vardhaman Education & Welfare Society,Ahinsa Polytechnic, Post. Dondaicha, Dhule Potdar Foundation Taloda,Potdar Polytechnic, Patne, Malegaon, Nashik K.V.N.Naik S. P. Sansthas, Polytechnic,Nashik Seva Shikshan Prasarak Mandal, Dr. N. J. Paulbudhe Institute of Technology, Narayandoho Tal Nagar, Ahmednagar Nashik Institute of Technology, Late Annasaheb Patil Polytechnic , Dindori Road Cannol road ,MERI ,Nashik Kedareshwar Gramin Vikas Pratishthan, Kai. Sau. Sunitatai Eknathrao Dhakane Polytehnic College,Rakshi,Ahmedngar Karmaveer R.S.Wagh Education & Health Institute, Kadwa Polytechnic, Rajaram Nagar, TalDindori, Nashik Godavari Foundation,Dr.Varsha Patil Institute of Technology, Jalgaon Sarswati Vidya Prasarak Mandal, Aabasaheb Shivajirao Sitaram Patil Institute of Polytechnic, Chichpura, Tal- Dharangaon,Jalgaon Mahatma Phule Samajik & Shaikshanik Vikas Mandal, Samrat Ashok Polytechnic,Dhule Road, Chalisgaon ,Dist Jalgaon Nath Nangebaba Malti Purpose Mandal's, Polytechnic, Parola, Dist-Jalgaon Raj Laxmi Foundation, Sahkar Maharshi Rajaram Bapu Patil Polytechnic Institute, Madagaon ,Ahmednagar Shri. Jaykumar Rawal Institute of Technology, Dondaicha. Akole Taluka Education Society,s Technical Campus, Akole, Ahmednagar. Sureshchandra Dhariwal Polytechnic, Palaskhede(bk), Tal. Jamner. Vidya Education Society's Vidya Institute of Technology, Dhanore. Sandip Foundation's Sandip Institute of Polytechnic, Nashik.
Sr.No 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317
Institute Code 5394 5395 5396 5402 5404 5408 5411 5413 5415 6007 6010 6011 6013 6014 6015 6016 6017 6018 6019 6020 6027 6141 6149 6219 6225 6259 6266 6277 6312 6324 6402 6403 6404 6406 6407 6408 6409 6410 6411
Institute Name Sahjivan Shikshan Prasarak Mandal's Vasantrao More Polytechnic, Tehu Tq.Parola, Jalgaon. Ashok Institute of Engineering & Technology(Polytechnic), Shrirampur. College of Engineering and Technology ,North Maharashtra Knowledge City ,Jalgaon Shree. Kapildhara Polytechnic, Igatpuri. Gurukul Education Society's Institute of Engineering & Technology, Nandgaon Vidya Niketan College of Engineering, Bota Sangamner Maulana Mukhtar Ahmad Nadvi Technical Campus, Malegaon. Netaji Subhashchandra Bose Edu Trust,Netaji Polytechnic.,Dhule Adarsh Polytechnic,Dhule Pune Region Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli Government Polytechnic, Kolhapur Government Polytechnic, Avasari (Khurd) Government Polytechnic, Pune Government Residence Women Polytechnic, Tasgaon Government Polytechnic, Miraj Government Polytechnic, Karad Government Polytechnic, Solapur Institute of Civil and Rural Engineering(aided), Gargoti, Kolhapur Maharashtra Institute of Printing Technology(Aided), Pune Cusrow Wadia Institute of Technology( Aided ), Pune Maharashtra State Institute of Hotel Management & Catering Technology,Pune Jaywant Shikshan Prasarak Mandal's,Rajarshi Shahu College of Engineering, Tathawade, Pune Choudhary Attar Singh Yadav Memorial Trust,Siddhant College of Engineering, Maval, Pune KSGBS's Bharat- Ratna Indira Gandhi College of Engineering, Kegaon, Solapur Dattajirao Kadam Technical Edu. Society's Textile & Engineering Institute, Ichalkaranji. Gourishankar Education & Charitable Trust, Gourishankar Polytechnic,Limb, Satara Shetkari Shikshan Mandal's Pad. Vasnatraodada Patil Institute of Technology, Budhgaon,(Diploma) Sangli Dr. J.J. Magdum Charitable Trust's Dr. J.J. Magdum College of Engineering, Jaysingpur Abhinav Education society College of Engineering and Technology(Diploma),Khandala Rajgad Dnyanpeeth's Technical Campus,Dhangwadi, Bhor Shree Prince Shivaji Maratha Boarding House's New Polytechnic, Kolhapur Latthe Education Society's Polytechnic, Sangli Ekalavya Shikshan Sanstha's Polytechnic,pune Rayat Shikshan Santha's Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil College Of Engineering & Polytechnic,Satara Satara Education Society's Satara Polytechnic, Satara Bharti Vidyaapeeth's Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Technology, Pune Solapur Education Society's Polytechnic, Solapur Dr. D.Y.Patil Pratishthan's, Yashwantrao Bhaurao Patil Polytechnic, Pune Dr. J. J. Magdum Charitable Trust's Dr. J. J. Magdum Polytechnic, Kolhapur
Sr.No 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355
Institute Code 6412 6413 6414 6416 6417 6418 6419 6420 6421 6422 6425 6427 6428 6429 6430 6431 6432 6433 6434 6435 6436 6437 6438 6439 6440 6441 6442 6443 6444 6445 6446 6447 6448 6449 6450 6451 6452 6454
Institute Name Shri Shivaji Shikshan Prasarak Mandal's Institute of Polytechnic, Barshi, Solapur Pimpri Chinchwad Education Trust's Pimpri Chinchwad Polytechnic,Pune Sinhgad Tech Education Society's Sou. Venutai Chavan Polytechnic, Pune Dr. D.Y.Patil Pratishthan's, Padmashree Dr. D.Y.Patil Polytechnic, Nigdi Poona District Education Association'S Seth R G S Institute of Technology, Annasaheb Magar College Campus,Hadpsar,Pune Jaihind Comprehensive Educational Institute's Institute Of Technology, Junnar Nutan Maharashtra Vidya Polytechnic,Pune Shikshan Prasarak Mandal's Polytechnic,Solapur Dr. D.Y. Patil Prathisthan's Dr. D.Y. Patil Polytechnic, Kolhapur Bharati Vidyapeeth's Institute of Technology, Palus, Sangli Jaywant shikshan prasarak Mandal,Jaywantrao Sawant Polytechnic, Hadapsar, Pune Bhivrabai Sawant Polytechnic, Wagholi, Pune BMSPM's Ashokrao Mane Polytechnic, Vathar Tarf Vadgaon Vidya Vikas Pratishthan Polytechnic, Solapur Genba Sopanrao Moze Institute of Technology, Balewadi, Tal.Haveli Sai Charitable Trust, Indira Institute Of Diploma Engineering(Poly), Sasure, Tal. Barshi Shivneri Foundation, Shivneri Polytechnic, Khanapur, Junnar, Pune Vidyavardhini Charitable Trust's Abhaysinhraje Bhonsle Institute of Technology, ShahunagarShendra, Satara Dinkarrao K. Shinde Smarak Trust, Dr. A.D. Shinde Institute Of Technology, Gadhinglaj Zeal Education Society, Dnyanganga Polytechnic, Narhe Tal. Haveli, Pune Shamrao Patil Yadravkar Educational Charitable Trust's,Sharad Institute Of Technology(Polytechnic ),Yadrav Shree Vitthal Edu. and Research Institute, College of Engineering (Polytechnic), Gopalpur, Pandharpur SVM's Late Hon D.R. Kakade Rural Institute of Engg. & Technology, Pimpalwandi, Taluka Junnar, Dist.Pune Y.D.Mane Institute of Technology, Kagal, Kolhapur Navbharat Shikshan Mandal,s Shantiniketan Polytechnic, Sangli Dr. D.Y. Patil Polytechnic, Ambi., Talegaon, Pune Sant Gajanan Maharaj Rural Polytechnic, Gadhingaj, Kolhapur Shanti Education Society, A.G. Patil Polytechnic Institute, Solapur Shriram Institute Of Engineering & Technology, (Poly), Paniv Vidya Pratishthan's Polytechnic College, Vidyanagari, Indapur Kai. Amdar Bramhadevdada Mane Shikshan Va Samajik Pratishthan,Bramhadevdada Mane Polytechnic, Belati, Noth Solapur Shree Pandurang Pratishthan, Karmayogi Polytechnic College, Shelvhe, Tal.Pandharpur Loknete Ma.Hanumantrao Patil Charitable Trust, Adarsh Institute of Technology (Poly), Khambale Marathwada Mitra Mandal's Polytechnic, Pune Rameshwar Mauli Pratishthan, Bhalchandra Polytechnic, Gorhe(Khurd), Pune Samarth Rural Education Institute, Samarth Polytechnic, Bangarwadi, Belhe Shri Umajirao Sanamadikar Medical Foundation's Siddharath Polytechnic, Jath D. Y. Patil Educational Socity's D.Y. Patil College Of Engineering & Polytechnic, Kolhapur
Sr.No 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387
Institute Code 6455 6456 6457 6458 6459 6461 6462 6463 6464 6465 6466 6467 6468 6469 6470 6471 6472 6473 6474 6475 6476 6544 6545 6625 6632 6634 6644 6649 6712 6713 6714 6715
Institute Name Sandipani Charitable Trust, M.D. Jadhav Institute Of Technology.,Bhose Kasegaon Education Soceity's Polytechnic, Lohagaon Dattakala Shikshan Sanstha's, Dattakala Polytechnic,Daund,Pune Shri. Siddheshwar Deosthan Trust's Siddheshwar Women's Polytechnic, Solapur Panchkroshi Shikshan Mandal's Suryadaya Institute Of Engineering & Polytechnic, Mahagaon, Satara Gajanan Maharaj Shikshan Prasarak Mandal's Sharadchandra Pawar Institute Of Engineerinrg & Technology, Dumberwadi(Otur),Junner Balasaheb Desai Foundation, Shivajirao Desai College Of Polytechnic, Doulatnagar Mokashi Krishi Vikas Prasisthan's Dadasaheb Mokashi Polytechnic, Sadashivgad, Satara Rajarshi Shahu Shikshan Sanstha's Vitthal Patil Polytechnic, Miraj Gaurishankar Education & Charitable Trust, Gaurihar Polytechnic,Limb, Satara Shree Santkrupa Shikshan Sanstha, Shree Santkrupa Institute Of Engineering & Technology, Karad Swami Vivekananda Pratisthan, Swami Vivekananda Institute Of Technology,Khed, Solapur Swami Vivekananda Shikshan Sanstha, Dr. Bapuji Salunkhe Institute Of Engineering & Technology,Kolhapur Shahajirao Patil Vikas Pratishthan, S. B. Patil Polytechnic, Indapur Shriram Education Soceity's Shivaji Polytechnic, Atpadi, Sangli Ramkrishna Technical Education Soceity, Shivaji Polytechnic College, Sangola Vidyavardhini Educational Academy's Vidyavardhini Institute Of Technology,Bhudargad Shri. Venkateshwara Shikshan Sanstha's Nanasaheb Mahadik Polytechnic Institute, Peth Shri Vatavruksha Swami Maharaj Devasthan's, Svsmd's Polytechnic College, Akkalkot Smt. Premalatai Chavan Polytechnic, Karad Sau. Devibai Narayandas Chhabada Rural Education Soceity,Late N.B. Chhabada Institute Of Engg & Tech.(Poly), Satara Karmveer Bhaurao Patil Shikshan Sansthan's Sahyadri Polytechnic,Pune Samarth Education Trust's Arvind Gavali College Of Engineering Panwalewadi, Varye,Satara. Universal College of Engineering & Research, Sasewadi Navsahyadri Education Society's Group of Institutions, Naigaon, Tal. Bhor, Dist. Pune KJEI's Purandar College of Engineering and Management Research, Yevalewadi,Tal-Havel Shri. Ambabai Talim Sanstha's Sanjay Bhokare Group of Institutes, Miraj TSSM's Bhivarabai Sawant College of Engineering and Research, Narhe Jai Bhavani Education Society,Rajiv Gandhi Polytechnic College,Ziprapwadi, Tal. Phaltan, Dist. Satara Shetakari Shikshan Prasarak Mandal,Shri. Jayawantrao Bhosale Polytechnic, Kille Machindragad, Tal-Walwa, Dist. Sangli Shree Datta Shetakari Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd. Charitable Trust, Shree Datta Polytechnic College, Dattanagar Tal-Shirol, Dist Kolhapur Dnyan Kala Krida & Krushi Pratishan,Babasaheb Phadtare Polytechnic, Kalamb Walchandnagar, Tal-Indapur, Dist. Pune
Sr.No 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411
Institute Code 6716 6718 6720 6721 6723 6724 6725 6726 6727 6728 6729 6756 6758 6759 6768 6781 6782 6799 6800 6810 6811 6814 6816 6817
Institute Name Barshi Shikshan Prasarak Mandal, Shriman Bhausaheb Zadbuke Institute of Polytechnic, Puri, Tal-Barshi, Solapur D.Y.Patil Education Society,D.Y. Patil Polytechnic,Talsande, Dist Kolhapur Shri Balasaheb Mane Shikshan Prasarak Mandal,Ashokrao Mane Polytechnic, Ambap, TalHatkanangle, Dist. Kolhapur Purogami Shikshan Mandal,Gauri Shiv Polytechnic, Khatav Dist - Satara Chh.Shivaji Shikshan Mandal,Chh.Shivaji Polytechnic Institute,Vaduj, Tal-Khatav, Dist. Satara Chhatrapati Shahu Education Society,Chhatrapati Shahu Polytechnic, A/P Atit, Dist Satara New Satara Shikshan Sankul,New Satara College of Engineering & Management, Pandharpur Man Vidya Prasarak Mandal,Polytechnic College, Dahiwadi Tal-Man, Dist-Satara Shivaneri Bahuuddeshiya Sevabhavi Shikshan Sanstha,Hon.Ajitdada Pawar Diploma Engineering College, Ane Tal- Junnar, Dist -Pune Shri Narsinha Shikshan Prasarak Mandal,Ramrao Nikam Polytechnic College, Indoli Tal-Karad, Dist-Satara Ninaidevi Shikshan Prasarak Mandal,Shri. Shivajirao Deshmukh Institute of Technology, Shirala, Sangli Fabtech Technical Campus College of Engineering and Research, Sangola Sahyadri Valley College of Engineering & Technology, Rajuri, Pune. Shree Ramchandra College of Engineering, Lonikand,Pune P.K. Technical Campus, Pune. Bhagwant Institute of Technology, Barshi. Sahakar Maharshee Shankarrao Mohite Patil Institute of Technology & Research, Akluj Shivganga Charitable Trust, Sangli Vishveshwarya Technical Campus, Faculty of Diploma Engineering, Patgaon, Miraj DKTE Society's Yashwantrao Chavan Polytechnic, Ichalkaranji. The Great Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Minority Educational Trust's Maulana Azad Polytechnic, Solapur SSDGCT's Sanjay Ghodawat Polytechnic, Kolhapur K.P. Patil Institute ( Polytechnic ), Bhudargad, Dist.Kolhapur Shri Chimasaheb jagdale Institute of Technology Suhas Institute of technology
Distance in(KM) 28
Course Name Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 240 Choicecode 100624510 100629310 100624610 100661210
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil and Rural Engineering Computer Engineering Computer Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics Engineering Electronics Engineering Electronics Engineering Information Technology Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift) Aided Aided Aided
Course StartingYear 1956 2001 2013 1993 1993 2001 2013 2000
General Choice Code Intake 60 30 60 30 30 30 60 40 340 Choicecode 100720770 100724510 100724520 100724570 100737670 100737610 100737620 100724610
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 19 Choicecode 100720771 100724511 100724521 100724571 100737671 100737611 100737621 100724611
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Plastic and Polymer Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
Course StartingYear 1955 2010 2000 1955 1988 2010 2000 1955 2010 1994
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 30 570 Choicecode 100819110 100819120 100824510 100829310 100837210 100837220 100824610 100861210 100861220 100850110
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 29 Choicecode 100819111 100819121 100824511 100829311 100837211 100837221 100824611 100861211 100861221 100850111
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Distance in(KM) 16
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Communication Engineering Mechanical Engineering
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 120 Choicecode 100919110 100924510 100929310 100937010 100961210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 6 Choicecode 100919111 100924511 100929311 100937011 100961211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Automobile Engineering Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 60 360 Choicecode 101060210 101019110 101029310 101037210 101024610 101061210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 3 18 Choicecode 101060211 101019111 101029311 101037211 101024611 101061211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Computer Engineering Dress Designing and Garment Manufacturing Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Instrumentation Engineering Total Female Female Female Female
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 240 Choicecode 101124550 101187250 101137250 101146650
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) Minority (Second Shift) Minority
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 420 Choicecode 101250710 101219100 101219110 101224510 101229310 101261210 101261200
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 21 Choicecode 101250711 101219101 101219111 101224511 101229311 101261211 101261201
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Shree Shivaji Education Society's Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Girls Polytechnic, Amravati
Un-Aided Shivaji Nagar, Amravati Amravati Amravati Boys : Nil Girls: PIN [email protected] 444603 2 Phone No Web Bus Stand (0721) 2551414 www.drpdgp.org Amravati Distance in(KM) 3 Fax 2551414 Year of Establishment 1983
Distance in(KM) 32
Course Name Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Total Female Female
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Computer Technology Electronics and Communication Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 120 240 Choicecode 114025110 114037010 114061210
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Automobile Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 30 40 40 40 60 40 60 310 Choicecode 114160210 114119110 114124510 114129310 114137210 114124610 114161210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 16 Choicecode 114160211 114119111 114124511 114129311 114137211 114124611 114161211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Technology Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering (Second Shift) (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
Course StartingYear 1985 2013 1985 1985 2012 2002 1994 2012
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 Choicecode 114219110 114219120 114225110 114237210 114237220 114224610 114261210 114261220
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Choicecode 114219111 114219121 114225111 114237211 114237221 114224611 114261211 114261221
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Automobile Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 30 60 60 60 60 270 Choicecode 114360210 114319110 114324510 114337210 114361210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 2 3 3 3 3 14 Choicecode 114360211 114319111 114324511 114337211 114361211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Computer Engineering Electrical Power System Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Total
General Choice Code Intake 45 45 45 45 180 Choicecode 114424510 114429210 114437210 114424610
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Electronics Engineering Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 420 Choicecode 114519110 114524510 114529310 114537210 114537610 114524610 114561210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 21 Choicecode 114519111 114524511 114529311 114537211 114537611 114524611 114561211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Communication Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 120 360 Choicecode 114619110 114624510 114629310 114637010 114661210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 6 18 Choicecode 114619111 114624511 114629311 114637011 114661211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 240 Choicecode 114719110 114724510 114737210 114761210
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
P.R. Pote (Patil) Education & Welfare Trust, P. R. Pote Institute Of Polytechnic & Technology, Amravati
Un-Aided Kathora Road, Pote Estate, Mu. Kathora Ta. Dist Amravati Amravati [email protected] Badnera Boys : 15 Girls: Distance in(KM) 12 10 PIN 444709 Phone No Web Bus Stand (0721) 2530089 prpatilcollege.org Amravati Distance in(KM) 7 Fax 2530342 Year of Establishment 2009
Course Name Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
General Choice Code Intake 60 0 60 120 60 60 0 360 114824510 114829310 114837210 114861210 Choicecode 114819110
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 6 3 3 3 24 Choicecode 114819111 114819121 114824511 114829311 114837211 114861211 114861221
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Technology Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Electronics Engineering Mechanical Engineering Mining and Mine Surveying Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 45 45 45 45 45 60 345 Choicecode 115019110 115025110 115029310 115037210 115037610 115061210 115070210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 21 Choicecode 115019111 115025111 115029311 115037211 115037611 115061211 115070211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Technology Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Mining and Mine Surveying Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 90 60 390 Choicecode 115119110 115125110 115129310 115137210 115161210 115170210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 5 3 20 Choicecode 115119111 115125111 115129311 115137211 115161211 115170211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 115219110 115224510 115237210 115224610 115261210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 115219111 115224511 115237211 115224611 115261211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Computer Technology Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Electronics Engineering Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 115325110 115337210 115337610 115324610 115361210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 115325111 115337211 115337611 115324611 115361211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Balaji Polytechnic,Sawarala,Tal-Wani,Yavatmal
Un-Aided Sawarla, Tal. Wani, Dist. Yavatmal Yavatmal [email protected] Wani Boys : Nil Girls: Distance in(KM) Nil 5 PIN 445304 Phone No Web Bus Stand (07239) 293274 www.balajipolytechnic.in Sawarla Distance in(KM) 0 Fax 229216 Year of Establishment 2009
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 116819110 116824510 116829310 116837210 116861210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 116819111 116824511 116829311 116837211 116861211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Computer Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Computer Science and Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift) (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Bhiwsan Patil Shinde Shikshan Gramin Vikas & Bahu Sanstha,Shinde Polytechnic, Anjani Bk Tal: Mehkar, Dist: Buldhana
Un-Aided Sr.No. 643, 647, Anjani Bk. Mehkar-Dongon Highway Road, Tq: Mehkar, Dist: Buldhana 443301 Buldhana shegaon Boys : Nil Girls: PIN [email protected] 443301 85 Phone No Web Bus Stand (07268) 268814 www.shindepoly.org Mehkar Distance in(KM) 5 Fax 268815 Year of Establishment 2010
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 124419110 124424510 124429310 124437210 124461210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 124419111 124424511 124429311 124437211 124461211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Sakshi Shikshan Krida Prasarak & Bahu Sanstha's Dr. Rajesh Ramdasji Kambe Polytechnic, Turkhed, Tal: Murtizapur Dist: Akola
Un-Aided Gat No. 8, S No 13, Turkhed, Tq: Murtizapur Dist: Akola 444107 Akola [email protected] Murtizapur Boys : 100 Girls: Distance in(KM) 50 7 PIN 444107 Phone No Web Bus Stand (07256) 242144 www.drkambepoly.org Murtizapur Distance in(KM) 7 Fax Year of Establishment 2010
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 124519110 124524510 124529310 124537210 124561210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 124519111 124524511 124529311 124537211 124561211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Technology Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
General Choice Code Intake 120 0 60 60 120 120 0 480 124625110 124629310 124637210 124661210 Choicecode 124619110
TFWS Choice Code Intake 6 3 3 6 6 6 3 33 Choicecode 124619111 124619121 124625111 124629311 124637211 124661211 124661221
No Fee Reimbursement Choice Code Intake Choicecode 0 60 0 60 0 0 60 180 124661270 124629360 124619170
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Shri Dadasaheb Gavai Charitable Trust's Vikramshila Polytechnic,Darapur, Tal. Daryapur, Dist. Amravati
Un-Aided Survey No.797, At.Post. Darapur, Tq. Daryapur, Dist. Amravati 444814 Amravati [email protected] Amravati Boys : 100 Girls: Distance in(KM) 100 35 PIN 444814 Phone No Web Bus Stand (07224) 2564255 www.vikramshiladarapur.org Amravati Distance in(KM) 35 Fax Year of Establishment 2010
Course Name Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 240 Choicecode 124719110 124729310 124737210 124761210
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Nav Vidya Niketan Shiksha Santha Nav Vidya Niketan Institute of Technology,Mardi Road, Amravati
Un-Aided Survey No.37/1 & 34/1, NVNS Campus, Indla Naka, Mardi Road, Amravati 444605 Amravati [email protected] Amravati Boys : Nil Girls: Distance in(KM) Nil 6 PIN 444602 Phone No Web Bus Stand (0721) 2020503 www.nvns.in Amravati Distance in(KM) 5 Fax 2552483 Year of Establishment 2010
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 124819110 124824510 124829310 124837210 124861210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 124819111 124824511 124829311 124837211 124861211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Bhonslas Education Trust's Bhonsla Polytechnic, Akola- Washim Highway, Tah. & Dist. Akola
Un-Aided Survey No. 65, Mouza- Hingna Barlinga, Akola- Washim Highway, Tah. & Dist. Akola. 444608 Akola [email protected] Akola Boys : 75 Girls: Distance in(KM) 50 10 PIN 444608 Phone No Web Bus Stand (0724) 6450143 www.bhonslapoly.org Akola Distance in(KM) 8 Fax Year of Establishment 2010
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Electronics Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 120 360 Choicecode 124919110 124924510 124937210 124937610 124961210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 6 18 Choicecode 124919111 124924511 124937211 124937611 124961211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Paramhans Ramkrishna Mouni Baba Shikshan Sanstha's Anuradha Polytechnic, Anuradha Nagar,Chikhali, Buldhana
Un-Aided Anuradha nagar,Chikhali, Dist-Buldhana 443201 Buldhana Malkapur Boys : 30 Girls: PIN [email protected] 443201 60 Phone No Web Bus Stand (07264) 243275 www.aecc.ac.in/polytechnic Chikhli Distance in(KM) 4 Fax Year of Establishment 2010
Distance in(KM) 20
Course Name Civil Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Siddhivinayak Technical Campus, School of Engineering & Research Technology, Shirasgon, Nile
Un-Aided Gat No.133,134 & 140, Shegaon Khamgaon Road, Shirasgaon, Nile, Tal. Shegaon. Buldhana [email protected] Shegaon Boys : 30 Girls: Distance in(KM) 30 10 PIN 444203 Phone No Web Bus Stand (07263) 220222 www.stc.org.in Khamgaon Distance in(KM) 5 Fax 220333 Year of Establishment 2011
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Science and Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 120 360 Choicecode 126819110 126824210 126829310 126837210 126861210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 6 18 Choicecode 126819111 126824211 126829311 126837211 126861211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Science and Engineering Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 420 Choicecode 126919110 126924210 126929310 126929320 126937210 126961210 126961220
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 6 3 24 Choicecode 126919111 126924211 126929311 126929321 126937211 126961211 126961221
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Automobile Engineering Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Dress Designing and Garment Manufacturing Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering (Second Shift) (Second Shift) Female (Second Shift)
Course StartingYear 2008 1956 2008 2008 1992 2008 1956 2001 2001 1956 2008
General Choice Code Intake 30 60 60 30 30 60 60 120 60 90 60 Choicecode 201060210 201019110 201019120 201024510 201087250 201029320 201029310 201037210 201024610 201061210 201061220
TFWS Choice Code Intake 2 3 3 2 2 3 3 6 3 5 3 Choicecode 201060211 201019111 201019121 201024511 201087251 201029321 201029311 201037211 201024611 201061211 201061221
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Technology Electronics and Communication Engineering Mechanical Engineering Printing Technology Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 201119110 201125110 201137010 201161210 201184310
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 201119111 201125111 201137011 201161211 201184311
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 60 360 Choicecode 201219120 201224510 201237210 201224610 201261220 201261210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 3 18 Choicecode 201219121 201224511 201237211 201224611 201261221 201261211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics Engineering Electronics Engineering Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) Minority (Second Shift) Minority
Course StartingYear 2012 2009 2012 2012 2009 2009 2009 2012
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 480 Choicecode 201319110 201324510 201329310 201337600 201337610 201324610 201361210 201361200
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 24 Choicecode 201319111 201324511 201329311 201337601 201337611 201324611 201361211 201361201
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering (Second Shift) Minority (Second Shift) Minority (Second Shift) Minority
General Choice Code Intake 30 60 60 60 60 60 60 Choicecode 201450710 201419110 201419100 201424510 201429300 201429310 201461200
TFWS Choice Code Intake 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 Choicecode 201450711 201419111 201419101 201424511 201429301 201429311 201461201
60 450
3 23
0 0
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics Engineering Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
Course StartingYear 1962 2013 1993 1981 2003 2001 1967 2013
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 0 420 Choicecode 201519110 201519120 201524510 201529310 201537610 201524610 201561210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 24 Choicecode 201519111 201519121 201524511 201529311 201537611 201524611 201561211 201561221
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Information Technology (Second Shift) Minority
Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Medical Electronics Production Engineering Total (Second Shift) Minority
60 60 40 60 460
3 3 2 3 23
0 0 0 0 0
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Automobile Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Dress Designing and Garment Manufacturing Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 40 60 120 400 Choicecode 201860210 201819110 201824510 201887210 201837210 201861210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 2 3 6 20 Choicecode 201860211 201819111 201824511 201887211 201837211 201861211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg
1996 1988
60 60 300
201946610 201961210
3 3 15
201946611 201961211
0 0 0
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Science and Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift) (Second Shift) (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 0 60 240 213861220 Choicecode 213819120 213824220 213829320
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 213819121 213824221 213829321 213837221 213861221
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Geetai Charitable Trust's Khurana Sawant Institute of Engineering & Technology, Balsond, Hingoli.
Un-Aided Balsond, Tal.& Dist. Hingoli Hingoli [email protected] Hingoli Railway St Boys : 60 Girls: Distance in(KM) 40 3 PIN 431513 Phone No Web Bus Stand (02456) 290281 www.ksiet.org Hingoli Distance in(KM) 5 Fax 221481 Year of Establishment 2009
Course Name Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Shree Sai Samajik Vikas Sanstha, Nath Polytechnic, Paithan, Dist. Aurangabad
Un-Aided Plot No. B-1, M.I.D.C., Paithan, Dist. Aurangabad 431148 Aurangabad [email protected] Aurangabad Boys : 30 Girls: Distance in(KM) Nil 40 PIN 431148 Phone No Web Bus Stand (02431) 232163 www.nathpolytechnic.org Paithan Distance in(KM) 10 Fax 232163 Year of Establishment 2007
Course Name Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 240 Choicecode 216819110 216829310 216824610 216861210
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Gramodyogik Shikshan Mandal's Marathwada Institute Of Technology, Rotegaon, Vaijapur, Dist. Aurangabad.
Un-Aided Rotegaon, Post Box No. 327, Taluka, Vaijapur,Satara Village Road Dist. Aurangabad 431028 Aurangabad [email protected] rotegaon Boys : Nil Girls: Distance in(KM) Nil 1 PIN 423701 Phone No Web Bus Stand (02436) 223904 www.mit.asia Vaijapur Distance in(KM) 5 Fax 224035 Year of Establishment 2006
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 240 Choicecode 217119110 217124510 217137210 217161210
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Distance in(KM) 15
Course Name Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Production Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
Course StartingYear 2008 2013 2008 2009 2012 2008 2008 2012 2013
General Choice Code Intake 120 0 60 120 60 120 120 60 0 660 217324510 217329310 217337220 217337210 217361210 217361220 Choicecode 217319110
TFWS Choice Code Intake 6 3 3 6 3 6 6 6 6 45 Choicecode 217319111 217319121 217324511 217329311 217337221 217337211 217361211 217361221 217360611
No Fee Reimbursement Choice Code Intake Choicecode 0 60 0 0 0 0 0 60 120 240 217361270 217360660 217319170
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Shree Bharavnath Nisarga Mandal, Diploma in Engineering and Technology, Gevrai Tanda, Aurangabad
Un-Aided Gevrai Tanda, Paithan Road, Taluka & Dist. Aurangabad. 431001 Aurangabad Aurangabad Boys : Nil Girls: PIN [email protected] 431001 10 Phone No Web Bus Stand (0240) 2480451 www.sbnmpoly.org Aurangabad Distance in(KM) 12 Fax 2480451 Year of Establishment 2008
Course Name Automobile Engineering Computer Science and Engineering Electrical Engineering Information Technology Mechanical Engineering
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 120 45 120 Choicecode 217460210 217424210 217429310 217424610 217461210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 6 3 6 Choicecode 217460211 217424211 217429311 217424611 217461211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 120 420 Choicecode 217519110 217524510 217529310 217537210 217524610 217561210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 6 21 Choicecode 217519111 217524511 217529311 217537211 217524611 217561211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Chatrapati Shahu Maharaj Shikshan Sanstha, C.S.M.S. Sansthas College Of Polytechnic, Kanchanwadi, Aurangabad
Un-Aided Paithan Road, Kanchanwadi, Aurangabad 431002 Aurangabad [email protected] Aurangabad Boys : 50 Girls: Distance in(KM) 50 2 PIN 431002 Phone No Web Bus Stand (0240) 6646401 www.csmsspoly.com Aurangabad Distance in(KM) 4 Fax 2379355 Year of Establishment 2009
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 120 60 120 120 120 540 Choicecode 217619110 217624510 217629310 217637210 217661210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 6 3 6 6 9 30 Choicecode 217619111 217624511 217629311 217637211 217661211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Sai Shikshan Sanstha, Ambarwadikars Institute Of Technology, Waluj, Ta. Gangapur, Aurangabad
Un-Aided Gut No.60,Nagar Road,Toll Plaza,Waluj,Aurangabad Dist. Aurangabad 431001 Aurangabad Aurangabad Boys : 60 Girls: PIN [email protected] 431001 15 Phone No Web Bus Stand (02433) 270100 www.ambarwadikartech.com Aurangabad Distance in(KM) 15 Fax Year of Establishment 2009
Distance in(KM) 60
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 120 420 Choicecode 217719110 217724510 217729310 217737210 217724610 217761210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 6 21 Choicecode 217719111 217724511 217729311 217737211 217724611 217761211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Vinayakrao Patil Shikshan Prasarak Mandal, Institute Of Engineering & Technology Kannad
Un-Aided Kannad, Dist Aurangabad Aurangabad [email protected] chalisgaon Boys : 30 Girls: Distance in(KM) 15 22 PIN 431103 Phone No Web Bus Stand (02435) 220588 www.ietk.org Kannad Distance in(KM) 1.5 Fax 220588 Year of Establishment 2009
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 240 Choicecode 217819110 217824510 217837210 217861210
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 240 Choicecode 218024510 218029310 218037210 218061210
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Communication Engineering Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 90 330 Choicecode 218124510 218129310 218137010 218124610 218161210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 5 17 Choicecode 218124511 218129311 218137011 218124611 218161211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Technology Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 120 360 Choicecode 218219110 218225110 218229310 218237210 218261210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 6 18 Choicecode 218219111 218225111 218229311 218237211 218261211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 120 60 120 60 60 420 Choicecode 218324510 218329310 218337210 218324610 218361210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 6 3 6 3 3 21 Choicecode 218324511 218329311 218337211 218324611 218361211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Shree Dhaneshwari Manav Vikas Mandal Diploma In Engineering And Technology Institute, Hatta, Tal. Basmat, Hingoli
Un-Aided Hatta, Taluka Vasamat, Dist. Hingoli Hingoli [email protected] parbhani Boys : 50 Girls: Distance in(KM) 25 20 PIN 431738 Phone No Web Bus Stand (02452) 244257 sdmvmpolytechnic.org Hatta Distance in(KM) 5 Fax 244257 Year of Establishment 2008
Course Name Automobile Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 120 120 420 Choicecode 218460210 218419110 218424510 218429310 218461210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 6 6 21 Choicecode 218460211 218419111 218424511 218429311 218461211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 120 60 60 120 360 Choicecode 218519110 218524510 218537210 218561210
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Gunai Shikshan Prasarak Mandal, Rajiv Gandhi Polytechnic, Udgir, Dist Latur
Un-Aided Gat No.84, Degloor Road, Kavalkhed Tal Udgir Dist Latur 413517 Latur [email protected] Udgir Boys : 60 Girls: Distance in(KM) 30 2 PIN 413517 Phone No Web Bus Stand (02385) 252999 www.rgpudgir.org Udgir Distance in(KM) 1 Fax 252999 Year of Establishment 2009
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 218619110 218624510 218637210 218624610 218661210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 218619111 218624511 218637211 218624611 218661211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 218719110 218724510 218729310 218737210 218761210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 218719111 218724511 218729311 218737211 218761211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Technology Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
General Choice Code Intake 60 0 60 60 60 60 0 300 218925110 218929310 218937220 218937210 Choicecode 218919110
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 21 Choicecode 218919111 218919121 218925111 218929311 218937221 218937211 218961211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Shri Ganesh Shikshan Prasarak Mandal, Balghat Polytechnic College, Rudha, Latur
Un-Aided Gat No.77 & 78 Nanded-Latur Highway Tal Ahemadpur, Dist Latur Latur [email protected] Latur Road Boys : Nil Girls: Distance in(KM) Nil 35 PIN 413515 Phone No Web Bus Stand (02381) 279033 www.sgspmm.org Ahmedpur Distance in(KM) 5 Fax 279033 Year of Establishment 2009
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 60 360 Choicecode 219019110 219024510 219029310 219037210 219024610 219061210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 3 18 Choicecode 219019111 219024511 219029311 219037211 219024611 219061211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Education Society, Kalawatibai College Of Engineering & Technology (Polytechnic), Naigaon, Nanded
Un-Aided Lalwandi Road, Tal. Naigaon (Kh), Nanded 431709 Nanded [email protected] Nanded Boys : 30 Girls: Distance in(KM) 20 50 PIN 431709 Phone No Web Bus Stand (02465) 263399 www.edu-Naigaon.org.in Naigaon Distance in(KM) 2 Fax 263399 Year of Establishment 2009
Course Name Automobile Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 219260210 219224510 219229310 219237210 219261210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 219260211 219224511 219229311 219237211 219261211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 120 60 120 60 120 480 Choicecode 219319110 219324510 219329310 219337210 219361210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 6 3 6 3 6 24 Choicecode 219319111 219324511 219329311 219337211 219361211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Distance in(KM) 30
Course Name Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 219524510 219529310 219537210 219524610 219561210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 219524511 219529311 219537211 219524611 219561211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Medical Electronics Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 120 60 420 Choicecode 219719110 219724510 219729310 219737210 219761210 219746710
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 6 3 21 Choicecode 219719111 219724511 219729311 219737211 219761211 219746711
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 240 Choicecode 219824510 219829310 219837210 219861210
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Technology Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Production Technology Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 120 60 120 120 30 510 Choicecode 222419110 222425110 222429310 222437210 222461210 222460710
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 6 3 6 6 2 26 Choicecode 222419111 222425111 222429311 222437211 222461211 222460711
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Computer Science and Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Electronics and Communication Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Ransamrat Kreeda Mandal's Rajarshi Shahu Institue of Technology,Parli Road Kallam, Dist. Osmanabad
Un-Aided Gat No 65-A/2, Parli Road Kallam, Dist. Osmanabad. 413507 Osmanabad [email protected] Osmanabad Boys : 40 Girls: Distance in(KM) 20 50 PIN 413507 Phone No Web Bus Stand (02473) 263010 www.shahuitkallam.org Kalamb Distance in(KM) 0.5 Fax 262001 Year of Establishment 2010
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 240 Choicecode 227919110 227924510 227937210 227961210
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Vetaleshwar Shikshan Sanstha's Rajiv Gandhi Instiute of Polytechnic, Hasegaon Tal. Ausa Dist Latur
Un-Aided Gurunathappa Bavage Knowledge City Hasegaon Tq Ausa Dist Latur 413512 Latur [email protected] Latur Boys : 100 Girls: Distance in(KM) 100 12 PIN 413512 Phone No Web Bus Stand Latur Distance in(KM) 7 (02382) 268071 Fax 268070 Year of Establishment 2010
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 120 360 Choicecode 228019110 228024510 228029310 228037210 228061210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 6 3 6 3 6 24 Choicecode 228019111 228024511 228029311 228037211 228061211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Ramchandra Sanskrutik Krida Mandal's Shri R D Bhakta Polytechnic, Daregaon Tal. & Dist Jalna
Un-Aided Sr No 76/01 Daregaon Tq. & Dist Jalna. Jalna PIN [email protected] JALNA Boys : Nil Girls: 400000 1 Phone No Web Bus Stand JALNA Distance in(KM) 2 (02482) 223195 Fax 223195 Year of Establishment 2010
Course Name Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 228119110 228129310 228137210 228124610 228161210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 228119111 228129311 228137211 228124611 228161211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Science and Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 120 60 60 60 60 120 480 Choicecode 228219110 228224210 228229310 228237210 228224610 228261210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 6 3 3 3 3 6 24 Choicecode 228219111 228224211 228229311 228237211 228224611 228261211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Agricultural Engineering Automobile Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 120 420 Choicecode 228399110 228360210 228319110 228324510 228337210 228361210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 6 21 Choicecode 228399111 228360211 228319111 228324511 228337211 228361211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Kiran Bahuuddeshiya Shikshan Sanstha's R R Polytechnic, Hasegaon (K), Tal. Kalamb, Dist Osmanabad
Un-Aided Survey No. 354, Hasegaon (K), Tq Kalamb, Dist Osmanabad Osmanabad [email protected] Osmanabad Boys : 90 Girls: Distance in(KM) 60 45 PIN 413507 Phone No Web Bus Stand (02473) 203203 www.kbssindia.co.in Kallamb Distance in(KM) 5 Fax 227007 Year of Establishment 2010
Course Name Civil Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Shri Govindaprabhu Gramin & Shahari Vikas Sevabhavi Sanstha's Shri V D Deshmukh Polytechnic, Kolpa, Latur
Un-Aided Kolapa,Gat No 59 Tq Dist Latur Latur [email protected] Latur Boys : Nil Girls: Distance in(KM) Nil 8 PIN 413512 Phone No Web Bus Stand Kolpa Distance in(KM) 0.5 (02382) 263550 Fax 263555 Year of Establishment 2010
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 120 360 Choicecode 228519110 228524510 228529310 228537210 228561210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 6 18 Choicecode 228519111 228524511 228529311 228537211 228561211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 228719110 228724510 228729310 228737210 228761210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 228719111 228724511 228729311 228737211 228761211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Kai Haribhai Varpudkar Gramin Mahila Sevabhavi Sanstha's LATE. HARIBAI WARPUDKAR POLYTECHNIC, PARBHANI
Un-Aided Gut No 104,Karegaon Vasmat road Opp.Water filter Plant ParbhaniLate Haribai Varpudkar Poly Parbhani , 431401 Parbhani [email protected] Parbhani Boys : 50 Girls: Distance in(KM) 50 4 PIN 431401 Phone No Web Bus Stand (02452) 02452 WWW.LHWPOLY.ORG Parbhani Distance in(KM) 5 Fax 02452 Year of Establishment 2010
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 120 360 Choicecode 228819110 228824510 228829310 228837210 228861210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 6 18 Choicecode 228819111 228824511 228829311 228837211 228861211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 120 60 120 120 480 Choicecode 229119110 229124510 229129310 229137210 229161210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 6 6 6 6 6 30 Choicecode 229119111 229124511 229129311 229137211 229161211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Anand Charitable Trusts, Diploma in Engineering & Technology, Murshadapur, Ashti, Dist. Beed
Un-Aided Murshadapur, Tq. Ashti, Dist. Beed. 414203 Beed [email protected] Ahamadnagar Boys : 80 Girls: Distance in(KM) 40 62 PIN 414203 Phone No Web Bus Stand Ashti Distance in(KM) 1 (02441) 282974 Fax 282436 Year of Establishment 2010
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 240 Choicecode 229219110 229224510 229237610 229261210
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Mauli Shikhan Prasarak Mandal's Lal Bahadur Shastri Polytechnic, Udgir Dist Latur
Un-Aided Gut No 69/2,70/A, At Udgir Dist Latur Latur [email protected] Udgir Boys : Nil Girls: Distance in(KM) Nil 7 PIN 400000 Phone No Web Bus Stand Udgir Distance in(KM) 7 (02385) 231041 Fax Year of Establishment 2010
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 229319110 229324510 229329310 229337210 229361210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 229319111 229324511 229329311 229337211 229361211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 120 60 120 420 Choicecode 229419110 229424510 229429310 229437210 229461210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 6 3 6 21 Choicecode 229419111 229424511 229429311 229437211 229461211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Ahilyadevi Holkar Bahuuddeshiya Sevabhavi Sanstha's Prerna Polytechnic College, Mauli,Gangakhed, Parbhani
Un-Aided S No.29,At.Mauli,Gangakhed, Dist.Parbhani Parbhani [email protected] Gangakhed Boys : Nil Girls: Distance in(KM) Nil 1 PIN 400000 Phone No Web Bus Stand Gangakhed Distance in(KM) 1 (02453) Fax Year of Establishment 2010
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 229519110 229524510 229537210 229524610 229561210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 229519111 229524511 229537211 229524611 229561211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Sevadas Shikshan Prasarak Mandal's Vasantrao Naik Instiute of Technology, Vasarni, Nanded
Un-Aided Gut No 24, Vasarni, Nanded. 431603 Nanded [email protected] Nanded Boys : 100 Girls: Distance in(KM) 25 3 PIN 431603 Phone No Web Bus Stand (02462) 225375 www.sevadasspmnnd.org Nanded Distance in(KM) 2 Fax Year of Establishment 2010
Course Name Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 229624510 229629310 229637210 229624610 229661210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 229624511 229629311 229637211 229624611 229661211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Science and Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 48 48 48 48 48 240 Choicecode 229819110 229824210 229829310 229837210 229861210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 229819111 229824211 229829311 229837211 229861211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Architecture Assistantship Automobile Engineering Automobile Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology (Second Shift) (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
Course StartingYear 2010 2008 2004 2009 1999 2008 2012 2013 2002 2002
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 120 60 60 60 0 90 40 250837210 250824610 Choicecode 250803410 250860220 250860210 250819110 250824510 250824520 250829310
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 6 3 3 3 3 5 2 Choicecode 250803411 250860221 250860211 250819111 250824511 250824521 250829311 250829321 250837211 250824611
Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Medical Laboratory Technology Total (Second Shift)
120 60 30 820
6 6 2 48
0 60 0 120 250861270
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Shardopasak Shikshan Sanstha's Bharat Ratna Lata Mangeshkar College of Engineering & Technology, Aurad Shahajani, Tal.Ni
Un-Aided Aurad Shahajani, Nilanga , Latur 413522 Latur [email protected] Latur Boys : 40 Girls: Distance in(KM) Nil 72 PIN 413522 Phone No Web Bus Stand (02384) 245545 www.brlmpoly.org Aurad Shahajani Distance in(KM) 1 Fax 249900 Year of Establishment 2010
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 0 60 0 60 60 60 240 251337210 251324610 251361210 251324510 Choicecode
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 3 18 Choicecode 251319111 251324511 251329311 251337211 251324611 251361211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 120 Choicecode 251719110 251724510 251737210 251761210
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 240 Choicecode 252619110 252624510 252637210 252661210
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 240 Choicecode 252819110 252824510 252837210 252861210
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Computer Science and Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 120 240 Choicecode 253124210 253137210 253161210
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 253419161 253424561 253429361 253437261 253461261
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 253519161 253524561 253529361 253537261 253561261
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Printing Technology Printing Technology Total (Second Shift) Minority
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics Engineering Electronics Engineering Information Technology Information Technology Instrumentation Engineering Leather Goods and Footwear Technology Leather Technology Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift) Minority (Second Shift) (Second Shift) Minority (Second Shift)
Course StartingYear 1960 2008 1992 2011 2009 2008 1988 2011 2002 1994 1964 1974 1989 2008
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 15 15 60 60 750 Choicecode 300719110 300719120 300724510 300724500 300729310 300737620 300737610 300724600 300724610 300746610 300749210 300749110 300761210 300761220
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 3 3 38 Choicecode 300719111 300719121 300724511 300724501 300729311 300737621 300737611 300724601 300724611 300746611 300749211 300749111 300761211 300761221
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Technology Electronics Engineering Instrumentation and Control Engineering Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total
(Second Shift)
60 60 60 60 40 60 60 440
3 3 3 3 2 3 3 22
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) Minority (Second Shift) Minority (Second Shift) Minority
Course StartingYear 2011 1961 1996 1961 2011 1992 2011 1961
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 480 Choicecode 300919100 300919110 300924510 300929310 300937200 300937210 300961200 300961210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 24 Choicecode 300919101 300919111 300924511 300929311 300937201 300937211 300961201 300961211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Communication Engineering Food Technology Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 20 60 320 Choicecode 301019110 301024510 301029310 301037010 301050310 301061210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 1 3 16 Choicecode 301019111 301024511 301029311 301037011 301050311 301061211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Travel and Tourism (Second Shift) Minority (Second Shift) Minority
Course StartingYear 2003 2011 2003 2003 2003 2011 2003 2008
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 Choicecode 301150710 301119100 301119110 301124510 301124610 301161200 301161210 301173010
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Choicecode 301150711 301119101 301119111 301124511 301124611 301161201 301161211 301173011
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics Engineering Mechanical Engineering Technical Chemistry Textile Manufactures Total Aided Aided Aided Aided Aided Aided
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 60 360 Choicecode 301219170 301229370 301237670 301261270 301298970 301289470
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 3 18 Choicecode 301219171 301229371 301237671 301261271 301298971 301289471
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 240 Choicecode 301324510 301329310 301337210 301361210
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Knitting Technology Man Made Textile Chemistry Man Made Textile Technology Total Aided Aided Aided
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Industrial Electronics Mechanical Engineering Total Aided Aided Aided Aided
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 30 60 270 Choicecode 302119170 302124510 302129370 302138070 302161270
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 2 3 14 Choicecode 302119171 302124511 302129371 302138071 302161271
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Distance in(KM) 30
Course Name Dress Designing and Garment Manufacturing Total Female Aided
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering Digital Electronics Electrical Engineering Industrial Electronics Mechanical Engineering Plastics Engineering Total Aided Aided Aided Aided Aided Aided Aided
General Choice Code Intake 30 30 30 40 20 60 30 240 Choicecode 302550770 302519170 302534370 302529370 302538070 302561270 302550970
TFWS Choice Code Intake 2 2 2 2 1 3 2 14 Choicecode 302550771 302519171 302534371 302529371 302538071 302561271 302550971
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total Aided Aided Aided Aided
General Choice Code Intake 45 30 45 60 180 Choicecode 302619170 302624570 302629370 302661270
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Administration Services Apperel Manufacturing and Design Electronics Engineering Food Technology Interior Design Medical Laboratory Technology Ophthalmic Technology Travel and Tourism Total Female Aided Female Aided Female Aided Female Aided Female Aided Female Aided Female Aided Female
Course StartingYear 1976 1978 1983 1978 1981 1976 1984 2005
General Choice Code Intake 40 40 40 30 30 40 30 30 280 Choicecode 302709160 302771260 302737660 302750360 302703860 302766360 302766660 302773060
TFWS Choice Code Intake 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 16 Choicecode 302709161 302771261 302737661 302750361 302703861 302766361 302766661 302773061
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Chemical Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Instrumentation Engineering Petro Chemical Engineering Plastic and Polymer Engineering Total Aided Aided Aided Aided Aided Aided Aided Aided
Course StartingYear 1982 1995 1995 1995 2001 1994 1992 1992
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 480 Choicecode 304050770 304024570 304029370 304037270 304024670 304046670 304052770 304050170
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 24 Choicecode 304050771 304024571 304029371 304037271 304024671 304046671 304052771 304050171
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 314224510 314229310 314237210 314224610 314261210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 314224511 314229311 314237211 314224611 314261211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Near Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Chowk, , Waman Tukaram Patil Marg Mumbai , 400088
Course Name Computer Technology Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Electronics Engineering Information Technology Total
General Choice Code Intake 30 60 60 30 180 Choicecode 314425110 314437210 314437610 314424610
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Computer Engineering Computer Technology Electronics and Communication Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Electronics and Video Engineering Industrial Electronics Instrumentation Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 420 Choicecode 314524510 314525110 314537010 314537210 314536710 314538010 314546610
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 21 Choicecode 314524511 314525111 314537011 314537211 314536711 314538011 314546611
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Aldel Education Trust's St. John College of Engineering & Technology, Vevoor, Palghar
Un-Aided Thane [email protected] Palghar Boys : Nil Girls: Distance in(KM) Nil 1 PIN 401404 Religious Minority - Christian Phone No Web Bus Stand (02525) 254846 www.sjcet.co.in Palghar Distance in(KM) 1.5 Year of Establishment Fax 256834 2008
St. John Technical Education Complex, Village Vevoor,Manor Road Palghar (E), District. Thane
Course Name Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Mandar Education Society's Rajaram Shinde Institute of Engineering and Technology, Pedhambe
Un-Aided Mandar Education Society's, Rajaram Shinde Instt of Engg Ratnagiri , 415603 Ratnagiri [email protected] Chiplun (Walope) Boys : 150 Girls: Distance in(KM) 100 15 PIN 415603 Phone No Web Bus Stand (02355) 230003 www.mandaredusoc.org/ Chiplun Distance in(KM) 12 Fax 230005 Year of Establishment 1983
Course Name Automobile Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 30 90 300 Choicecode 325560210 325519110 325524510 325529310 325561210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 2 5 16 Choicecode 325560211 325519111 325524511 325529311 325561211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Chemical Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Power System Industrial Electronics Information Technology Instrumentation Engineering Medical Electronics Total
General Choice Code Intake 30 60 60 60 60 60 60 390 Choicecode 325750710 325724510 325729210 325738010 325724610 325746610 325746710
TFWS Choice Code Intake 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 20 Choicecode 325750711 325724511 325729211 325738011 325724611 325746611 325746711
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Hyderabad (Sindh) National Collegiate Board, SMT S.H Mansukhani Institute Of Technology, Ulhasnagar, Mumbai
Un-Aided Opp.Ulhasnagar Railway Station,Ulhasnagar,Thane. 421003 Thane [email protected] Ulhasnagar Boys : Nil Girls: Distance in(KM) Nil 0 PIN 421003 Phone No Web Bus Stand (0251) 2567670 www.itunr.edu.in Vithalwadi Distance in(KM) 3 Fax 2708200 Linguistic Minority - Sindhi Year of Establishment 1985
Course Name Computer Technology Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Total
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Technology Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Industrial Electronics Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 30 60 60 60 60 60 90 420 Choicecode 326650710 326619110 326625110 326637210 326638010 326624610 326661210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 2 3 3 3 3 3 5 22 Choicecode 326650711 326619111 326625111 326637211 326638011 326624611 326661211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Electronics Engineering Information Technology Instrumentation Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 20 260 Choicecode 327324510 327337210 327337610 327324610 327346610
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 1 13 Choicecode 327324511 327337211 327337611 327324611 327346611
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Computer Engineering Computer Technology Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 240 Choicecode 327524510 327525110 327537210 327524610
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Automobile Engineering Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Technology Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
Course StartingYear 2010 2010 2012 2007 2007 2007 2007 2012
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 480 Choicecode 328060210 328019110 328019120 328025110 328037210 328024610 328061210 328061220
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 24 Choicecode 328060211 328019111 328019121 328025111 328037211 328024611 328061211 328061221
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Distance in(KM) 25
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Electronics Engineering Information Technology Mechanical Engineering
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 60 Choicecode 328319110 328324510 328337210 328337610 328324610 328361210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 3 Choicecode 328319111 328324511 328337211 328337611 328324611 328361211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 240 Choicecode 328419110 328424510 328437210 328461210
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 328519110 328524510 328537210 328524610 328561210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 328519111 328524511 328537211 328524611 328561211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Bhartiya Education/Social Charitable Trust, Sheth Shri Otarmal Sheshmal Parmar College Of Diploma,Raigad
Un-Aided S.No.Of Land 349/350, Velshet-Nagothane,Post:Paigonda Tal:Roha, Dist:Raigad 401106 Raigad [email protected] Nagothane Boys : 50 Girls: Distance in(KM) 25 3 PIN 402106 Phone No Web Bus Stand (02194) 222522 www.parmarpolytechnic.com Nagothane Distance in(KM) 2 Fax 222848 Year of Establishment 2009
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 328819110 328824510 328829310 328837210 328861210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 328819111 328824511 328829311 328837211 328861211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Automobile Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 342060210 342019110 342024510 342037210 342061210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 342060211 342019111 342024511 342037211 342061211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
VIVA College of Diploma Engg &Tech., At. Bolinj, Virar (W) Dist. Thane
Un-Aided At. Bolinj, Virar (W) Thane , 401303 Thane [email protected] Virar Boys : Nil Girls: Distance in(KM) 4 1 PIN 401303 Phone No Web Bus Stand (0250) 3211915 www.vivadiploma.org Virar Distance in(KM) 1 Fax 2515275 Year of Establishment 2010
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Electronics Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 120 60 60 60 360 Choicecode 342119110 342124510 342137210 342137610 342161210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 6 3 3 6 21 Choicecode 342119111 342124511 342137211 342137611 342161211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
New Jai Bharat Shikshan Prasarak Mandals Shantiniketan Polytechnic, New Panvel
Un-Aided Plot No. 27, Sector 2, New Panvel. Raigad Raigad [email protected] Panvel Boys : Nil Girls: Distance in(KM) Nil 1 PIN 410206 Phone No Web Bus Stand (022) 27460087 www.sitmpoly.org Panvel Distance in(KM) 1 Fax 27460089 Year of Establishment 2010
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 120 360 Choicecode 342219110 342224510 342237210 342224610 342261210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 6 3 3 3 6 21 Choicecode 342219111 342224511 342237211 342224611 342261211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Vishvatmak Jangli Maharaj Ashram Trust's Vishvatmak Om Gurudev College of Engineering, Mohili-Aghai, Shahpur.
Un-Aided At - Mohili, Post. Aghar, Taluka Shahapur, Dist. Thane Thane PIN [email protected] Atgaon Near Asan Boys : 40 Girls: 421301 13 Phone No Web Bus Stand (02527) 249001 www.vishwatmakengg.com Aghai Tal Shahapur Dist Th Distance in(KM) 1 Fax Year of Establishment 2011
Distance in(KM) 7
Course Name Civil Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
S.K.Education Trust, Dr. Manoj A Shete College of Engineering & Technology, Kasara.
Un-Aided At Post Kasara, Tal. Shahapur, Dist. Thane Thane [email protected] kasara Boys : Nil Girls: Distance in(KM) Nil 1 PIN 421602 Phone No Web Bus Stand (02527) 246023 www.dmascet.org.in kasara Distance in(KM) 1 Fax Year of Establishment 2011
Course Name Automobile Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 120 420 Choicecode 344960210 344919110 344924510 344929310 344937210 344961210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 6 21 Choicecode 344960211 344919111 344924511 344929311 344937211 344961211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 345850710 345819110 345824510 345829310 345861210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 345850711 345819111 345824511 345829311 345861211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 240 Choicecode 346319110 346324510 346337210 346361210
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Total
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 346619161 346624561 346637261 346624661 346661261
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Technology Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 400819110 400825110 400829310 400837210 400861210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 400819111 400825111 400829311 400837211 400861211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Distance in(KM) 65
Course Name Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Technology Electrical Engineering Electronics and Communication Engineering Electronics and Communication Engineering Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) Minority (Second Shift) Minority (Second Shift) Minority
Course StartingYear 2012 1985 1997 1996 2012 1996 2003 2007 2012
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 540 Choicecode 400919100 400919110 400925110 400929310 400937000 400937010 400924610 400961210 400961200
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 27 Choicecode 400919101 400919111 400925111 400929311 400937001 400937011 400924611 400961211 400961201
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 Choicecode 401019110 401024510 401029310 401037210 401061210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 Choicecode 401019111 401024511 401029311 401037211 401061211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 240 Choicecode 401124510 401137210 401124610 401161210
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Automobile Engineering Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology (Second Shift) Female (Second Shift)
Course StartingYear 2007 1914 2008 2008 1947 1994 2010 2010 2001
General Choice Code Intake 60 90 60 60 60 60 60 30 60 Choicecode 401260210 401219110 401219120 401224510 401229310 401237210 401237220 401237250 401224610
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 Choicecode 401260211 401219111 401219121 401224511 401229311 401237211 401237221 401237251 401224611
Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Metallurgical Engineering Mining and Mine Surveying Packaging Technology Textile Manufactures Travel and Tourism Total (Second Shift)
60 60 40 40 30 30 30 830
3 3 2 2 2 2 2 44
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Communication Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 40 60 60 60 60 60 340 Choicecode 401350710 401319110 401324510 401329310 401337010 401361210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 2 3 3 3 3 3 17 Choicecode 401350711 401319111 401324511 401329311 401337011 401361211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name
Course StartingYear
Civil and Rural Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total
60 60 60 60 60 300
3 3 3 3 3 15
0 0 0 0 0 0
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Amar Seva Mandal's Shree Govindrao Vanjari College of Engineering & Technology, Nagpur
Un-Aided Survey No. 148/149, Salai Godhani, Near Chikna Village, Hudakeshwar Road, Nagpur Nagpur [email protected] Nagpur Boys : 50 Girls: Distance in(KM) 50 15 PIN 441204 Phone No Web Bus Stand (0712) 2742308 www.gwcet.ac.in Nagpur Distance in(KM) 14 Fax 2747853 Year of Establishment 2008
Course Name Civil Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Shree Bapuraoji Deshmukh Foundation, Suresh Deshmukh College of Engineering, Selukate, Wardha
Un-Aided Selukate, Survey No. 161, Mauje Selu Kate, Dist. Wardha Wardha [email protected] Wardha Boys : 20 Girls: Distance in(KM) 10 8 PIN 442001 Phone No Web Bus Stand (07152) 282533 www.sdce.edu.in Wardha Distance in(KM) 8 Fax 282933 Year of Establishment 2008
Course Name Electronics and Communication Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Science's Datta Meghe Institute of Engineering & Technology & Research, Savangi (Meghe)
Un-Aided Wardha Yavatmal Road Wardha Wardha [email protected] Wardha Sewagra Boys : 50 Girls: Distance in(KM) 100 5 PIN 442004 Phone No Web Bus Stand (07152) 287891 www.dmietr.edu.in Wardha Distance in(KM) 5 Fax 287892 Year of Establishment 2008
Course Name Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Electronics and Communication Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Food Technology Mechanical Engineering Mining Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 0 60 60 360 418861210 418870110 Choicecode 418819110 418824510 418829310 418837210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 21 Choicecode 418819111 418824511 418829311 418837211 418850311 418861211 418870111
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Technology Computer Technology Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Electronics Engineering Electronics Engineering Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift) (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
Course StartingYear 1998 1983 1994 2008 2007 1983 2008 2005 2008 1983 2008
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 90 60 60 60 690 Choicecode 422250710 422219110 422225110 422225120 422229310 422237210 422237220 422237610 422237620 422261210 422261220
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 6 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 6 3 41 Choicecode 422250711 422219111 422225111 422225121 422229311 422237211 422237221 422237611 422237621 422261211 422261221
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg
General Choice Code Intake 120 60 0 120 422337210 Choicecode 422319110 422324510
120 420
6 24
0 60
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Technology Computer Technology Electrical Engineering Electronics and Communication Engineering Electronics and Communication Engineering Electronics Engineering Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift) (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
Course StartingYear 1983 1986 2008 1985 2008 1984 1994 2008 2005 2007 1990 2008
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 120 60 60 120 60 120 120 120 60 1020 Choicecode 422450710 422419110 422419120 422425110 422425120 422429310 422437010 422437020 422437610 422424610 422461210 422461220
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 6 3 3 6 3 6 6 6 3 51 Choicecode 422450711 422419111 422419121 422425111 422425121 422429311 422437011 422437021 422437611 422424611 422461211 422461221
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name
Course StartingYear
Automobile Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Technology Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift)
3 3 6 3 6 6 3 30
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Vivekanand Polytechnic,SitaSaongi,Tal-Tumsar,Dist-Bhandara
Un-Aided At & Post-Sitasaongi, Bhandara , 441929 Bhandara Tumsar Boys : 60 Girls: PIN [email protected] 441929 30 Phone No Web Bus Stand (07183) 220255 www.vivekanandpolytechnic.com Goberwahi Distance in(KM) 1 Fax 220255 Year of Establishment 1984
Distance in(KM) 20
Course Name Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Mining and Mine Surveying Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 30 60 30 300 Choicecode 422719110 422729310 422737210 422724610 422761210 422770210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 2 3 2 16 Choicecode 422719111 422729311 422737211 422724611 422761211 422770211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name
Course StartingYear
Automobile Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Industrial Electronics Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Mining and Mine Surveying Total
60 60 60 60 60 40 60 30 430
3 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 22
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Technology Computer Technology Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Mining and Mine Surveying Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift) (Second Shift) (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
Course StartingYear 2001 2001 2008 2001 2008 2001 2008 2001 2008 2001 2008 2001
General Choice Code Intake 30 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 30 660 Choicecode 423019110 423025110 423025120 423029310 423029320 423037210 423037220 423024610 423024620 423061210 423061220 423070210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 34 Choicecode 423019111 423025111 423025121 423029311 423029321 423037211 423037221 423024611 423024621 423061211 423061221 423070211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Computer Engineering Computer Technology Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 120 420 Choicecode 423124510 423125110 423129310 423137210 423124610 423161210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 6 21 Choicecode 423124511 423125111 423129311 423137211 423124611 423161211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Computer Technology Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 30 60 270 Choicecode 423225110 423229310 423237210 423224610 423261210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 2 3 14 Choicecode 423225111 423229311 423237211 423224611 423261211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Distance in(KM) 30
Course Name Computer Technology Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Electronics Engineering Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 120 120 120 60 60 120 600 Choicecode 423325110 423329310 423337210 423337610 423324610 423361210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 6 6 6 3 3 6 30 Choicecode 423325111 423329311 423337211 423337611 423324611 423361211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Late M.D. Yergude Memorial Shikshan Prasarak Mandal's Shri Sai Polytechnic, Chandrapur
Un-Aided Opp Hotel Kundan Plaza, Nagpur Road, Chandrapur , 442401 Chandrapur [email protected] Chandrapur Boys : 25 Girls: Distance in(KM) 35 5 PIN 442401 Phone No Web Bus Stand (07172) 270240 www.saipoly.ac.in Chandrapur Distance in(KM) 5 Fax 270240 Year of Establishment 1994
Course Name Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering (Second Shift) (Second Shift) (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
Course StartingYear 2006 2008 2006 1994 2008 2008 1994 2008 1994
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 Choicecode 423419110 423419120 423424510 423429310 423429320 423437220 423437210 423461220 423461210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Choicecode 423419111 423419121 423424511 423429311 423429321 423437221 423437211 423461221 423461211
40 580
2 29
0 0
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Dress Designing and Garment Manufacturing Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Electronics Engineering Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Medical Laboratory Technology Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
Course StartingYear 2010 2007 2005 2013 2006 2006 2006 2013 2005
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 0 60 60 60 0 60 420 423566310 423537210 423537610 423561210 Choicecode 423519110 423524510 423587210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 27 Choicecode 423519111 423524511 423587211 423529321 423537211 423537611 423561211 423561221 423566311
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Om Arunodaya Bahuuddeshiya Khadi Gramodyog Vikas Sanstha's Om Polytechnic, Sawangi (Meghe), Wardha
Un-Aided Samata Nagar, Master Colony, Devali Road, Savangi (Meghe),Wardha 442001 Wardha Wardha Boys : 35 Girls: PIN [email protected] 442001 1.5 Phone No Web Bus Stand (07152) 243975 www.ompoly.com Wardha Distance in(KM) 2.5 Fax 243975 Year of Establishment 2005
Course Name Computer Technology Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg
2005 2005
60 60 300
423637610 423661210
3 3 15
423637611 423661211
0 0 0
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Computer Technology Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Electronics Engineering Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 90 60 60 60 390 Choicecode 423725110 423729310 423737210 423737610 423724610 423761210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 5 3 3 3 20 Choicecode 423725111 423729311 423737211 423737611 423724611 423761211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Computer Technology Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 Choicecode 423819110 423824510 423825110 423829310 423837210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 Choicecode 423819111 423824511 423825111 423829311 423837211
2008 2008
60 60 420
423837610 423824610
3 3 21
423837611 423824611
0 0 0
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
The Shriram Gramvikas Shikshan Sanstha, Baburaoji Tidake Polytechnic, Mouda, Nagpur
Un-Aided At Post Mauda, Dist. Nagpur Nagpur [email protected] Nagpur Boys : Nil Girls: Distance in(KM) Nil 30 PIN 441104 Phone No Web Bus Stand (07115) 281252 www.btpolytechnic.com Mauda Distance in(KM) 1 Fax 281253 Year of Establishment 2008
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Electronics Engineering Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 45 45 45 45 45 285 Choicecode 423919110 423924510 423937210 423937610 423924610 423961210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 3 18 Choicecode 423919111 423924511 423937211 423937611 423924611 423961211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Technology Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Electronics Engineering
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 Choicecode 424019110 424025110 424029310 424037210 424037610
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 Choicecode 424019111 424025111 424029311 424037211 424037611
2008 2008
60 120 480
424024610 424061210
3 6 24
424024611 424061211
0 0 0
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Computer Engineering Computer Technology Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Electronics Engineering Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 420 Choicecode 424124510 424125110 424129310 424137210 424137610 424124610 424161210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 21 Choicecode 424124511 424125111 424129311 424137211 424137611 424124611 424161211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Mata Mahakali Bahuuddeshiya Shikshan Prasarak Mandal's Mata Mahakali Polytechnic College, Warora
Un-Aided Old Bypass Road,At Post Warora, Dist. Chandrapur 442907 Chandrapur [email protected] Warora Boys : Nil Girls: Distance in(KM) Nil 2 PIN 442907 Phone No Web Bus Stand (07176) 282732 www.mmbspm.org/poly Warora Distance in(KM) 2 Fax Year of Establishment 2009
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Technology Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg
60 300
3 15
0 0
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 120 360 Choicecode 424319110 424324510 424329310 424337210 424361210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 6 18 Choicecode 424319111 424324511 424329311 424337211 424361211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Computer Technology Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Electronics Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 240 Choicecode 424525110 424537210 424537610 424561210
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Khasara No. 154/K, 155/K, & 153/2, At Khandala, Post Valni-Katol Road, Nagpur 441501
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 120 60 60 60 120 420 Choicecode 424619110 424624510 424629310 424637210 424661210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 6 3 3 3 6 21 Choicecode 424619111 424624511 424629311 424637211 424661211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Communication Engineering Electronics Engineering Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 420 Choicecode 424719110 424724510 424729310 424737010 424737610 424724610 424761210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 21 Choicecode 424719111 424724511 424729311 424737011 424737611 424724611 424761211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Distance in(KM) 50
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Electronics Engineering Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
Course StartingYear 2010 2009 2012 2010 2009 2009 2009 2009 2012
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 540 Choicecode 424819110 424824510 424829320 424829310 424837210 424837610 424824610 424861210 424861220
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 27 Choicecode 424819111 424824511 424829321 424829311 424837211 424837611 424824611 424861211 424861221
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering
General Choice Code Intake 120 60 60 60 120 Choicecode 424919110 424924510 424929310 424937210 424961210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 6 3 3 3 6 Choicecode 424919111 424924511 424929311 424937211 424961211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Electrical and Electronics (Power System) Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 3 18 Choicecode 425019111 425056311 425029311 425029321 425061211 425061221
No Fee Reimbursement Choice Code Intake Choicecode 0 60 0 60 0 60 180 425061270 425029370 425056360
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Sant Tukdoji Maharaj Shikshan Sanstha's Shri Sai Taj Polytechnic, Drugdhamna, Nagpur
Un-Aided Kh.No.1, Ph.No.5a, Mouza Drugdhamna, Nagpur 440009 Nagpur [email protected] Nagpur Boys : 20 Girls: Distance in(KM) 20 12 PIN 440009 Phone No Web Bus Stand (07104) 280030 www.saitajpoly.org Nagpur Distance in(KM) 13 Fax Year of Establishment 2009
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Technology Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 120 60 120 420 Choicecode 425119110 425125110 425129310 425137210 425161210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 6 3 6 21 Choicecode 425119111 425125111 425129311 425137211 425161211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Late Madhukarrao Deshmukh Education Soceity's Avdhoot Diploma College Of Engineering, Mouza, Bhojapur
Un-Aided Mauza Bhojapur, P.H. No.115, Sur. No.6, Kuhi, Nagpur 400001 Nagpur [email protected] Nagpur Boys : 100 Girls: Distance in(KM) 100 40 PIN 441202 Phone No Web Bus Stand (07100) 220021 lmdes.org.in Kuhi Distance in(KM) 2 Fax Year of Establishment 2009
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 425219110 425224510 425229310 425237210 425261210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 425219111 425224511 425229311 425237211 425261211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Late Shri Laxmaji Motghare Chritable Trust's Dr. Arun Motghare Polytechnic, Kosara-Konda, Bhandara
Un-Aided Survey No.441/2/2,442,443,444,445,446/3b, Bhandara, Pauni Road, Kosar-Konda Bhandara Bhandara [email protected] Bhandara Boys : Nil Girls: Distance in(KM) Nil 0 PIN 441908 Phone No Web Bus Stand Bhandara Distance in(KM) 0 (07185) 253909 Fax Year of Establishment 2009
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Technology Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Electronics Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 425319110 425325110 425337210 425337610 425361210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 425319111 425325111 425337211 425337611 425361211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Krushna Sahayogi Tantra Shikshan Sanstha, Chatrapati Shivaji Institute Of Technology, Deori, Gondia
Un-Aided Shivaji Campus,At.Post.Th.Deori(Chichgadh Road) Gondia , 441901 Gondiya [email protected] Amgaon Boys : Nil Girls: Distance in(KM) Nil 30 PIN 441901 Phone No Web Bus Stand (07199) 225631 www.kstsscsit.org Deori Distance in(KM) 2 Fax 225221 Year of Establishment 2009
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics Engineering Information Technology Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 240 Choicecode 425419110 425424510 425437610 425424610
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Computer Engineering Computer Technology Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Electronics Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 120 420 Choicecode 425524510 425525110 425529310 425537210 425537610 425561210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 6 21 Choicecode 425524511 425525111 425529311 425537211 425537611 425561211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Electronics Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 60 360 Choicecode 425619110 425624510 425629310 425637210 425637610 425661210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 3 18 Choicecode 425619111 425624511 425629311 425637211 425637611 425661211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Computer Technology Construction Technology Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 425825110 425820510 425829310 425837210 425861210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 425825111 425820511 425829311 425837211 425861211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Women's Education Society's Women's Techanical Education & Research Institute, Nagpur
Government-Aided North Ambazari Road Nagpur , 440001 Nagpur [email protected] Nagpur Boys : Nil Girls: Distance in(KM) 150 6 PIN 440001 Phone No Web Bus Stand (0712) 2513002 www.wtritech.com Nagpur Distance in(KM) 8 Fax 2513001 Year of Establishment 1970
Course Name Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Garment Technology Information Technology Total Female Un-Aided Female Un-Aided Female Un-Aided
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Electronics Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 459719110 459729310 459737210 459737610 459761210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 459719111 459729311 459737211 459737611 459761211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 120 60 60 120 420 Choicecode 459819110 459829310 459837210 459824610 459861210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 6 3 3 6 21 Choicecode 459819111 459829311 459837211 459824611 459861211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Jai Mahakali Shikshan Sanstha,Shri Babulalji Agnihotri School of Technology, Sindi (Meghe), Wardha
Un-Aided Nagthana Road, Bypass Highway, Sindi (Meghe), Wardha 442001 Wardha [email protected] Wardha Boys : 100 Girls: Distance in(KM) 100 2 PIN 442001 Phone No Web Bus Stand (07152) 252061 www.agnihotrigroup.org Wardha Distance in(KM) 2 Fax 250159 Year of Establishment 2010
Course Name Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Electronics Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 459919110 459929310 459937210 459937610 459961210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 459919111 459929311 459937211 459937611 459961211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Guruvandan Mahila Kalyankari Bahuuddeshiya Mandal's Guru Sai Polytechnic College, Mauza Datala, Chandrapur
Un-Aided Mauza Datala, Tah & Dist Chandrapur 442401 Chandrapur [email protected] CHANDRAPUR Boys : 15 Girls: Distance in(KM) 15 3.5 PIN 442401 Phone No Web Bus Stand (07172) 230436 www.gspc.edu.in CHANDRAPUR Distance in(KM) 3.5 Fax Year of Establishment 2010
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 120 60 60 60 60 360 Choicecode 460119110 460124510 460129310 460137210 460161210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 6 3 3 3 3 18 Choicecode 460119111 460124511 460129311 460137211 460161211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Shri Gurudeo Educational Memorial & Cultural Society, Om Polytechnic College, Mauza Parsodi, Tal-Umrer,Nagpur
Un-Aided Survey No. 8, Mauza Parsodi, Tal-Umrer, Dist-Nagpur- 441203 Nagpur Nagpur Boys : Nil Girls: PIN [email protected] 441203 50 Phone No Web Bus Stand (07116) 244958 www.ompoly.org Umrer Distance in(KM) 1 Fax 244991 Year of Establishment 2010
Course Name Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Mining Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 460224510 460229310 460237210 460261210 460270110
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 460224511 460229311 460237211 460261211 460270111
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 460319110 460329310 460337210 460324610 460361210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 6 6 3 3 3 21 Choicecode 460319111 460329311 460337211 460324611 460361211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Technology Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 60 360 Choicecode 460519110 460525110 460529310 460537210 460524610 460561210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 3 18 Choicecode 460519111 460525111 460529311 460537211 460524611 460561211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Shri Lalbahaddur Shastri Shikshan Prasarak Mandal, VJ Polytechnic, Mouza Khamona, Tah- Rajura, Chandrapur
Un-Aided Survey No.71 & 193, Mouza Khamona, Tah- Rajura, Dist- Chandrapur 442401 Chandrapur [email protected] Ballarpur Boys : Nil Girls: Distance in(KM) Nil 11 PIN 442401 Phone No Web Bus Stand (07172) 239111 www.vjpoly.com Rajura Distance in(KM) 5 Fax 239133 Year of Establishment 2010
Course Name Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Mining and Mine Surveying Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 460819110 460829310 460837210 460861210 460870210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 460819111 460829311 460837211 460861211 460870211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Electronics Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 460919110 460924510 460937210 460937610 460961210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 460919111 460924511 460937211 460937611 460961211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 461019110 461024510 461029310 461037210 461061210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 461019111 461024511 461029311 461037211 461061211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Laxmi Shikshan Sanstha & Krida Mandal,Samrat Sewakbhau Waghaye Patil Polytechnic College,At Gadegaon, Lakhani, Dist Bhandara
Un-Aided N.H. 06, Waghaye College BuildingGate No. 191, At Gadegaon, Lakhani, Dist. Bhandara. Bhandara PIN [email protected] Bhandara Road Boys : Nil Girls: 400000 25 Phone No Web Bus Stand Gadegoan Distance in(KM) 0 (0) Fax Year of Establishment 2010
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 461119110 461124510 461129310 461137210 461161210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 461119111 461124511 461129311 461137211 461161211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 461250710 461219110 461224510 461229310 461261210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 461250711 461219111 461224511 461229311 461261211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Technology Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Instrumentation Engineering Mechanical Engineering Production Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 40 120 60 400 Choicecode 500619110 500625110 500637210 500646610 500661210 500660610
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 2 6 3 20 Choicecode 500619111 500625111 500637211 500646611 500661211 500660611
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Automobile Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 500760210 500719110 500724510 500729310 500761210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 500760211 500719111 500724511 500729311 500761211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Total Female
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 30 60 60 60 120 450 Choicecode 500819110 500824510 500824550 500829310 500837210 500824610 500861210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 2 3 3 3 6 23 Choicecode 500819111 500824511 500824551 500829311 500837211 500824611 500861211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 240 Choicecode 500924510 500929310 500937210 500961210
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Automobile Engineering Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Technology Dress Designing and Garment Manufacturing Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Interior Design and Decoration Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Plastics Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
Course StartingYear 2003 1980 2008 2001 2005 1995 2002 2010 2001 2010 2008 1989 1993
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 780 Choicecode 501060210 501019110 501019120 501025110 501087210 501029310 501037210 501037220 501024610 501003910 501061220 501061210 501050910
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 39 Choicecode 501060211 501019111 501019121 501025111 501087211 501029311 501037211 501037221 501024611 501003911 501061221 501061211 501050911
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Mechanical Engineering (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Distance in(KM) 40
Course Name Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Pravara Rural Education Society's Padmashri Dr. Vittalrao Vikhe Patil Institute of Technology and Engineering Polytechnic ,Pravaranagar
Un-Aided A/P Loni Bk.-413 713, Taluka Rahata,Ahmednagar 413736 Ahmednagar [email protected] Belapur-Shriramp Boys : 240 Girls: Distance in(KM) 150 22 PIN 413736 Phone No Web Bus Stand (02422) 272151 www.pravarapoly.org.in Loni Distance in(KM) 3 Fax 273537 Year of Establishment 1981
Course Name Automobile Engineering Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Technology Computer Technology Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Medical Electronics Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
Course StartingYear 2008 1988 1981 2008 1985 2003 2008 2001 1994 2011 2005
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 90 60 30 660 Choicecode 522060210 522050710 522019110 522025120 522025110 522037210 522037220 522024610 522061210 522061220 522046710
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 3 2 35 Choicecode 522060211 522050711 522019111 522025121 522025111 522037211 522037221 522024611 522061211 522061221 522046711
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Shri Chhatrapati Shivaji Shikshan Sanstha's Indira Gandhi Poly. Belwandi (su) ,Tal-Shrigonda Dist- Ahmednagar
Un-Aided A.P. Belwandi (sugur) ,Tal-Shrigonda , Tal-Shrigonda Ahmednagar , 413702 Ahmednagar [email protected] Belwandi Station Boys : 100 Girls: Distance in(KM) 25 1 PIN 413702 Phone No Web Bus Stand (02487) 250237 www.igpbel.org.in Belvandi Bus Stop Distance in(KM) 1 Fax 250237 Year of Establishment 1982
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Technology Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
Course StartingYear 1983 2012 2003 2008 2013 1983 2001 1983 2012
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 120 60 0 60 60 120 60 600 522237210 522224610 522261210 522261220 Choicecode 522219110 522219120 522225110 522229310
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 6 3 3 3 3 6 3 33 Choicecode 522219111 522219121 522225111 522229311 522229321 522237211 522224611 522261211 522261221
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering (Second Shift)
Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Industrial Electronics Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
60 60 30 60 60 60 570
3 3 2 3 3 3 29
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Distance in(KM) 15
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 522419110 522424510 522437210 522424610 522461210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 522419111 522424511 522437211 522424611 522461211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Shree Sant Muktabai Sansthan's Shri Sant Muktabai Institute of Technology, Jalgaon
Un-Aided B.J Nagar Pimparala Road, P.Box No 132, Jalgaon , 425001 Jalgaon Jalgaon Boys : Nil Girls: PIN [email protected] 425001 2 Phone No Web Bus Stand (0257) 2250500 www.muktaieducation.org Jalgaon Distance in(KM) 3 Fax 2252209 Year of Establishment 1983
40 40 40 190
2 2 2 10
0 0 0 0
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Computer Technology Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift) (Second Shift) (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 522625120 522629320 522637220 522624620 522661220
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 522625121 522629321 522637221 522624621 522661221
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Industrial Electronics Information Technology
General Choice Code Intake 30 30 30 30 40 Choicecode 522719110 522724510 522737210 522738010 522724610
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 2 2 2 2 Choicecode 522719111 522724511 522737211 522738011 522724611
1984 1994
30 60 250
522746610 522761210
2 6 19
522746611 522761211
0 60 90 522761260
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Shri Shivaji Viddhya Prasarak Sanstha's Bapusaheb Shivajirao Deore Polytechnic, Dhule
Un-Aided Post Box No.113, Vidyanagari, Deopur, Dhule 424005 Dhule [email protected] Dhule Boys : 40 Girls: Distance in(KM) 25 4 PIN 424005 Phone No Web Bus Stand (02562) 272713 www.ssvps.org Dhule Distance in(KM) 4 Fax 272247 Year of Establishment 1983
Course Name Automobile Engineering Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Computer Engineering Industrial Electronics Industrial Electronics Information Technology Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift) (Second Shift) (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
Course StartingYear 1997 1986 2008 2008 2000 1983 2008 2001 2008 1986 2008
General Choice Code Intake 40 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 640 Choicecode 522860210 522819110 522819120 522824520 522824510 522838010 522838020 522824610 522824620 522861210 522861220
TFWS Choice Code Intake 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 32 Choicecode 522860211 522819111 522819121 522824521 522824511 522838011 522838021 522824611 522824621 522861211 522861221
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name
Course StartingYear
Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Computer Technology Computer Technology Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Communication Engineering Electronics and Communication Engineering Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total
(Second Shift)
30 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 120 690
522919120 522919110 522924510 522925110 522925120 522929310 522929320 522937010 522937020 522961220 522961210
2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 35
522919121 522919111 522924511 522925111 522925121 522929311 522929321 522937011 522937021 522961221 522961211
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Technology Computer Technology Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
Course StartingYear 1983 1994 2008 2001 2008 2001 1994 2008
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 480 Choicecode 523019110 523025110 523025120 523037210 523037220 523024610 523061210 523061220
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 24 Choicecode 523019111 523025111 523025121 523037211 523037221 523024611 523061211 523061221
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Industrial Electronics Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 60 360 Choicecode 523119110 523124510 523129310 523137210 523138010 523161210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 3 18 Choicecode 523119111 523124511 523129311 523137211 523138011 523161211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Automobile Engineering Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Technology Computer Technology Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering (Second Shift) (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
Course StartingYear 1998 1983 2012 2000 2008 2003 2008 2001 1983
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 120 60 60 120 Choicecode 523260210 523219110 523219120 523225110 523225120 523237210 523237220 523224610 523261210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 6 3 3 3 6 3 3 6 Choicecode 523260211 523219111 523219121 523225111 523225121 523237211 523237221 523224611 523261211
(Second Shift)
60 720
3 39
0 60
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Late Bhausaheb Hiray Smarnika Samiti Trust Sanchalit Polytechnic, Malegaon, Nashik
Un-Aided Nagarpalika Marathi School No. 5 Near Ravalgaon Naka Nashik , 423105 Nashik PIN [email protected] Manmad Boys : 25 423105 35 Phone No Web Bus Stand (02554) 252539 www.hiray.org.in Malegaon Distance in(KM) 2 Fax 252539 Year of Establishment 1985
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Technology Electrical Engineering Electronics and Communication Engineering Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 120 60 60 60 30 120 450 Choicecode 523519110 523525110 523529310 523537010 523524610 523561210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 6 3 3 3 2 6 23 Choicecode 523519111 523525111 523529311 523537011 523524611 523561211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Computer Technology Electronics and Communication Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Total Female Female Female Female
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 240 Choicecode 523625150 523637050 523637250 523624650
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Shri Krishna Education & Cultural Mandal, Shri Gulabrao Deokar Polytechnic, Jalgaon
Un-Aided Gat No. 56, Mohadi Shivar, Shirsoli Road, Jalgaon , 425002 Jalgaon [email protected] Jalgaon Boys : 50 Girls: Distance in(KM) 90 9 PIN 425002 Phone No Web Bus Stand (0257) 2261136 www.sgdpjalgaon.org Jalgaon Distance in(KM) 8 Fax 2264487 Year of Establishment 1997
Course Name Automobile Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 90 90 420 Choicecode 523760210 523719110 523724510 523729310 523737210 523761210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 5 5 22 Choicecode 523760211 523719111 523724511 523729311 523737211 523761211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Computer Technology Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Information Technology (Second Shift) (Second Shift) (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
Course StartingYear 1999 1999 2008 2008 1999 1999 2008 2008 1999
General Choice Code Intake 60 120 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 Choicecode 523819110 523824510 523825120 523829320 523829310 523837210 523837220 523824620 523824610
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Choicecode 523819111 523824511 523825121 523829321 523829311 523837211 523837221 523824621 523824611
1999 2008
60 60 720
523861210 523861220
3 3 36
523861211 523861221
0 0 0
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 90 60 60 60 90 420 Choicecode 524019110 524024510 524029310 524037210 524024610 524061210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 5 3 3 3 5 22 Choicecode 524019111 524024511 524029311 524037211 524024611 524061211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Automobile Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg
General Choice Code Intake 40 60 90 120 60 Choicecode 524160210 524119110 524124510 524129310 524137210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 6 5 6 3 Choicecode 524160211 524119111 524124511 524129311 524137211
120 490
6 29
0 80
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Technology Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 0 90 60 60 120 330 524325110 524329310 524337210 524361210 Choicecode
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 5 3 3 9 23 Choicecode 524319111 524325111 524329311 524337211 524361211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 0 60 60 524437210 524424610 Choicecode 524419120 524419110 524424510 524429310
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Choicecode 524419121 524419111 524424511 524429311 524429321 524437211 524424611
2006 2012
120 60 540
524461210 524461220
6 3 30
524461211 524461221
0 0 60
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Sangamner Medical Foundation & Research Institutes,Wamanrao Ethape Polytechnic, Velhale, Sangamner
Un-Aided Velhale Taluka Sangamner, Dist. Ahmednagar. 422605 Ahmednagar [email protected] Nashik Road Boys : 100 Girls: Distance in(KM) 75 50 PIN 422605 Phone No Web Bus Stand (02425) 259393 www.ithapepoly.org Sangamner Distance in(KM) 9 Fax 259393 Year of Establishment 2007
Course Name Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Technology Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 90 60 60 120 60 510 Choicecode 524519110 524519120 524525110 524529310 524537210 524561210 524561220
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 5 3 3 6 3 26 Choicecode 524519111 524519121 524525111 524529311 524537211 524561211 524561221
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Kai. Vanjibaba Gramin Vikas Mandal, Shantidevi Chavhan Institute of Engineering & Technology, Chalisgaon
Un-Aided Survey No. 94/3/1 & 2, At Post Bhoras, Tal Chalisagtion, Jalgaon , 424101 Jalgaon [email protected] Chalisgaon Boys : 25 Girls: Distance in(KM) 25 6 PIN 424101 Phone No Web Bus Stand (02589) 257356 www.sscpolycsn.com Chalisgaon Distance in(KM) 6 Fax 257356 Year of Establishment 2008
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology
120 360
6 18
0 0
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Computer Technology Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 524725110 524729310 524737210 524724610 524761210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 524725111 524729311 524737211 524724611 524761211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Sulochana Behelekar Samajik & Bahu Uddeshiya Shikshan Sanstha,Dnyaneshwar Polytechnic, Ahmednagar
Un-Aided Gat. No.-316,Bhanasvivare,Tal.Newasa,Ahmednagar 414105 Ahmednagar [email protected] Shrirampur Boys : 70 Girls: Distance in(KM) 30 30 PIN 414609 Phone No Web Bus Stand (02427) 252199 www.sbsbss.org Newasa Distance in(KM) 4 Fax Year of Establishment 2009
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 524819110 524824510 524837210 524824610 524861210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 6 18 Choicecode 524819111 524824511 524837211 524824611 524861211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Trimurti Shikshan Prasarak Mandal, Trimurti Institute Of Technology, Paladhi Bk, Jalgaon
Un-Aided Survey No.227/2, Paldhi Bk, Next To North Maharashtra University, Tal-Dhamangaon, Dist:Jalgaon Jalgaon Jalgaon Boys : Nil Girls: PIN [email protected] 425103 8 Phone No Web Bus Stand (02588) 202292 www.tspmjalgaon.com Jalgaon Distance in(KM) 6 Fax Year of Establishment 2009
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 120 60 120 420 Choicecode 524919110 524924510 524929310 524937210 524961210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 6 3 6 21 Choicecode 524919111 524924511 524929311 524937211 524961211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 120 360 Choicecode 525024510 525029310 525037210 525024610 525061210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 6 18 Choicecode 525024511 525029311 525037211 525024611 525061211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Distance in(KM) 75
Course Name Automobile Engineering Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Medical Electronics Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
Course StartingYear 2010 2009 2012 2009 2012 2009 2009 2010 2009 2012
General Choice Code Intake 30 60 60 60 60 60 60 30 120 60 600 Choicecode 525160210 525119110 525119120 525124510 525124520 525129310 525137210 525124610 525161210 525146710
TFWS Choice Code Intake 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 6 3 31 Choicecode 525160211 525119111 525119121 525124511 525124521 525129311 525137211 525124611 525161211 525146711
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Kisan Dnyanoday Mandal Gudhe's Dr. Uttamrao Mahajan Institute Of Engineering & Technology,Chalisgaon, Jalgaon
Un-Aided Gat No.140 2 A/1,140 2 A/2, Aurangabad Byepass Road, Chalisgaon Dist-Jalgaon 424101 Jalgaon [email protected] Chalisgaon Boys : 25 Girls: Distance in(KM) 25 3 PIN 424101 Phone No Web Bus Stand (02589) 202252 www.kdmg.org.in Chalisgaon Distance in(KM) 3 Fax 227278 Year of Establishment 2009
Course Name Automobile Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 525360210 525319110 525324510 525337210 525361210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 525360211 525319111 525324511 525337211 525361211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Om Sai Shikshan Prasarak Sanstha's Aamdar Kashinathji Mengal Polytechnic, Igatpuri, Nashik
Un-Aided At Laxminagar Post Mundegaon Tal.Igatpuri Dist. Nashik Nashik [email protected] Ingatpuri Boys : 96 Girls: Distance in(KM) Nil 16 PIN 422403 Phone No Web Bus Stand (02553) 02532391 www.akmpoly.com Ghoti Distance in(KM) 8 Fax Year of Establishment 2009
Course Name Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 120 300 Choicecode 525419110 525429310 525437210 525461210
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 120 300 Choicecode 525519110 525524510 525537210 525561210
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Automobile Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 60 120 480 Choicecode 525660210 525619110 525624510 525629310 525637210 525624610 525661210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 6 3 6 3 3 6 30 Choicecode 525660211 525619111 525624511 525629311 525637211 525624611 525661211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 120 360 Choicecode 525719110 525724510 525729310 525737210 525761210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 6 18 Choicecode 525719111 525724511 525729311 525737211 525761211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift)
General Choice Code Intake 120 60 120 120 60 120 60 660 Choicecode 525819110 525824510 525829310 525837210 525824610 525861210 525861220
TFWS Choice Code Intake 6 3 6 6 3 6 3 33 Choicecode 525819111 525824511 525829311 525837211 525824611 525861211 525861221
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
SHri Dattakrupa Shaikshanik & Krishi Gram Vikas Pratisthan, Shri Siddhivinayak Polytechnic, Karjat, Ahmednagar
Un-Aided Sr. No.86/1,Rashin Road, Siddhatek Berdi Tal Karjat Dist Ahmednagar 414403 Ahmednagar [email protected] Daund Boys : 100 Girls: Distance in(KM) 50 15 PIN 414403 Phone No Web Bus Stand Daund Distance in(KM) 15 (02487) 272526 Fax Year of Establishment 2009
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 525919110 525924510 525937210 525924610 525961210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 525919111 525924511 525937211 525924611 525961211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 120 300 Choicecode 526019110 526024510 526037210 526061210
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Distance in(KM) 50
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 526119110 526124510 526129310 526137210 526161210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 526119111 526124511 526129311 526137211 526161211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Total Female Female Female
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Automobile Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 120 60 60 120 540 Choicecode 526360210 526319110 526324510 526329310 526337210 526324610 526361210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 6 3 3 6 27 Choicecode 526360211 526319111 526324511 526329311 526337211 526324611 526361211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Sakeshwar Gramin Vikas Seva Sanstha, Sau.Sundarbai Manik Adsul Polytechnic, Chas, Ahmedngar
Un-Aided At Post Chass, Dist. Ahmednagar Ahmednagar [email protected] Ahmednagar Boys : 100 Girls: Distance in(KM) 100 8 PIN 414005 Phone No Web Bus Stand (0241) 2570425 www.sakeshwarsanstha.org Ahmednagar Distance in(KM) 10 Fax 2570426 Year of Establishment 2010
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 120 60 60 60 120 420 Choicecode 535419110 535424510 535429310 535437210 535461210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 6 3 3 3 6 21 Choicecode 535419111 535424511 535429311 535437211 535461211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Maharashtra Shetkari Seva Mandal, Tryambakrao Shejawal Institute Of Techology (Polytehnic), Manmad,Nandgaon,Nashik
Un-Aided RDC, Anakwade, Manmad, Tal-Nandgaon, Dist-Nashik Nashik [email protected] Manmad Boys : 50 Girls: Distance in(KM) 20 2.5 PIN 423401 Phone No Web Bus Stand (02591) 225526 www.tsitpoly.org Manmad Distance in(KM) 3 Fax 225526 Year of Establishment 2010
Course Name Civil Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Shree Samarth Academys, Shree Samarth Polytechnic, Mhasane Village Mhasane , Tal.Parner, Ahmednagar
Un-Aided Village Mhasane , Mhasane Phata,Pune Nagar Road, Tal.Parner, Dist. Ahmednagar 414302 Ahmednagar [email protected] Ahmednagar Boys : 50 Girls: Distance in(KM) 50 30 PIN 414302 Phone No Web Bus Stand (02488) 242001 www.samarthacademy.com Supa Distance in(KM) 5 Fax 242001 Year of Establishment 2010
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 535619110 535624510 535637210 535624610 535661210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 535619111 535624511 535637211 535624611 535661211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 120 360 Choicecode 535719110 535724510 535729310 535737210 535761210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 6 18 Choicecode 535719111 535724511 535729311 535737211 535761211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Shri Dattakrupa Shaikshanik & Krushi Gramvikas Pratisthn's Saikrupa Polytechnic, Ghargaon, Tal Shrigonda, Ahmednagar
Un-Aided Plot No. 244, Ghargaon, Tal Shrigonda, Dist. Ahmednagar Ahmednagar [email protected] Belwandi Boys : 150 Girls: Distance in(KM) 100 4 PIN 413728 Phone No Web Bus Stand Ghargaon Distance in(KM) 0.5 (02487) 272524 Fax Year of Establishment 2010
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 535819110 535824510 535837210 535824610 535861210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 535819111 535824511 535837211 535824611 535861211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Shri Chhatrapati sambhaji Gramvikas Pratisthan,s Shri Chhatrapati sambhaji Polytechnic,Yelpane Tal.Shrigonda, Ahmednagar
Un-Aided Yelpane Tal.Shrigonda, Dist. Ahmednagar 414707 Ahmednagar Dauned Boys : 200 Girls: PIN [email protected] 414707 28 Phone No Web Bus Stand (02487) 257556 www.scsgpy-edu.org Yelpane Distance in(KM) 1 Fax Year of Establishment 2010
Course Name Automobile Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 535960210 535919110 535924510 535937210 535961210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 535960211 535919111 535924511 535937211 535961211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Savitabai Phule Shikshan Prasarak Mandal's Rajendra Jotiram Phule Polytechnic, Mirajgaon Tal Karjat. Ahmednagar
Un-Aided Gut No. 115 Belgaon Road At. Post Mirajgaon Tal Karjat. Dist. Ahmednagar Ahmednagar [email protected] Ahemadnagar Boys : 50 Girls: Distance in(KM) 40 50 PIN 400000 Phone No Web Bus Stand Mirajgaon Distance in(KM) 1 (02489) 263147 Fax Year of Establishment 2010
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 536019110 536024510 536029310 536037210 536061210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 536019111 536024511 536029311 536037211 536061211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Raghvendra Shikshan Prasarak Mandal's Late Junasing Mangtu College of Engg. (Diploma), Valthan, Tal Chalisgaon,Jalgaon
Un-Aided Gut No. 25/A, Valthan, Tal Chalisgaon, Jalgaon 424101 Jalgaon [email protected] Chalisgaon Boys : 100 Girls: Distance in(KM) 50 12 PIN 424101 Phone No Web Bus Stand (02589) 202777 www.jmcediploma.org Valthan Distance in(KM) 0.5 Fax Year of Establishment 2010
Course Name Automobile Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 536160210 536119110 536124510 536137210 536161210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 536160211 536119111 536124511 536137211 536161211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Shiva Trust's Ajitdada Pawar College of Poltechnic,Vadala Mahadeo, Tal Shrirampur, Ahmednagar
Un-Aided Srv. No. 3, 6/2, Vadala Mahadeo, Newasa Shrirampur Main Road, Tal Shrirampur, Dist Ahmednagar Ahmednagar Belapur Boys : 100 Girls: PIN [email protected] 000000 6 Phone No Web Bus Stand (02422) 246009 www.shivatrust.org Shrirampur Bus Stand Distance in(KM) 5.7 Fax 246010 Year of Establishment 2010
Distance in(KM) 30
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Technology Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 120 60 60 120 420 Choicecode 536219110 536225110 536229310 536237210 536261210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 6 3 3 6 21 Choicecode 536219111 536225111 536229311 536237211 536261211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Amruta Vaishnavi Education & Welfare Trust's Shatabdi Institute of Technology, Agastkhind, Tal Sinner Nashik
Un-Aided Srv. No. 2, At. Post Agastkhind, Tal Sinner Dist. Nashik 422502 Nashik [email protected] Deolali Camp Boys : 25 Girls: Distance in(KM) 25 12 PIN 422502 Phone No Web Bus Stand (02551) 02551304 www.sitp.co.in Bhagur Distance in(KM) 10 Fax 02551304 Religious Minority - Christian Year of Establishment 2010
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 120 60 120 60 120 480 Choicecode 536319110 536324510 536329310 536337210 536361210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 6 3 6 3 6 24 Choicecode 536319111 536324511 536329311 536337211 536361211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Automobile Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 536460210 536419110 536424510 536437210 536461210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 536460211 536419111 536424511 536437211 536461211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Technology Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 120 360 Choicecode 536519110 536525110 536529310 536537210 536561210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 6 18 Choicecode 536519111 536525111 536529311 536537211 536561211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Distance in(KM) 50
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 536619110 536624510 536629310 536637210 536661210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 536619111 536624511 536629311 536637211 536661211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 120 360 Choicecode 536719110 536724510 536729310 536737210 536761210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 6 18 Choicecode 536719111 536724511 536729311 536737211 536761211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Seva Shikshan Prasarak Mandal, Dr. N. J. Paulbudhe Institute of Technology, Narayandoho Tal Nagar, Ahmednagar
Un-Aided Gate No. 479 At. Post Narayandoho Tal Nagar Dist. Ahmednagar Ahmednagar Ahmadnagar Boys : Nil Girls: PIN [email protected] 414201 10 Phone No Web Bus Stand (0241) 2030626 sspm.online.org.in Ahmadnagar Distance in(KM) 7 Fax 2422197 Year of Establishment 2010
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 536819110 536824510 536829310 536837210 536861210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 536819111 536824511 536829311 536837211 536861211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Nashik Institute of Technology, Late Annasaheb Patil Polytechnic , Dindori Road Cannol road ,MERI ,Nashik
Un-Aided Srv. No,.155 / 1A Dindori Road Cannol road MERI Nashik Nashik [email protected] Nashik Road Boys : Nil Girls: Distance in(KM) Nil 12 PIN 422003 Phone No Web Bus Stand (0253) 2024121 www.nitnasik.com Nimani Distance in(KM) 1.5 Fax Year of Establishment 2010
Course Name Automobile Engineering Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Civil Engineering (Sandwich) Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
Course StartingYear 2012 2010 2013 2010 2010 2010 2011 2010 2013
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 0 60 60 60 60 120 0 480 536921610 536924510 536929310 536937210 536961210 Choicecode 536960210 536919110
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 3 30 Choicecode 536960211 536919111 536919121 536921611 536924511 536929311 536937211 536961211 536961221
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Kedareshwar Gramin Vikas Pratishthan, Kai. Sau. Sunitatai Eknathrao Dhakane Polytehnic College,Rakshi,Ahmedngar
Un-Aided Gut No. 147/2, At Post-Rakshi Ahmednagar , 414502 Ahmednagar [email protected] Nagar Boys : 100 Girls: Distance in(KM) 40 64 PIN 414502 Phone No Web Bus Stand (02429) 293666 www.kgvp.co.in Shevgaon Distance in(KM) 10 Fax 293666 Year of Establishment 2010
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 120 Choicecode 537019110 537024510 537037210 537024610 537061210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 6 Choicecode 537019111 537024511 537037211 537024611 537061211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Karmaveer R.S.Wagh Education & Health Institute, Kadwa Polytechnic, Rajaram Nagar, Tal-Dindori, Nashik
Un-Aided Rajaram Nagar, Tal-Dindori, Nashik 422209 Nashik PIN [email protected] Niphad Boys : 40 Girls: 422209 30 Phone No Web Bus Stand (02557) 237133 www.kadwapoly.com Rajaramnagar Distance in(KM) 0.5 Fax 237133 Year of Establishment 2010
Distance in(KM) 40
Course Name Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 537124510 537129310 537137210 537124610 537161210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 537124511 537129311 537137211 537124611 537161211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 537219110 537224510 537229310 537237210 537261210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 537219111 537224511 537229311 537237211 537261211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Sarswati Vidya Prasarak Mandal, Aabasaheb Shivajirao Sitaram Patil Institute of Polytechnic, Chichpura, TalDharangaon,Jalgaon
Un-Aided Chichpura, Tal- Dharangaon Dist-Jalgaon Jalgaon [email protected] Chawalkheda Boys : 30 Girls: Distance in(KM) 30 3.2 PIN 425109 Phone No Web Bus Stand (02588) 270115 www.svpmsatkheda.org Pimpri Distance in(KM) 2 Fax Year of Establishment 2010
Course Name Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 120 300 Choicecode 537319110 537329310 537337210 537361210
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Mahatma Phule Samajik & Shaikshanik Vikas Mandal, Samrat Ashok Polytechnic,Dhule Road, Chalisgaon ,Dist Jalgaon
Un-Aided Sr.No.410, Dhule Road, Chalisgaon Dist-Jalgaon 424101 Jalgaon [email protected] Chalisgaon Boys : 30 Girls: Distance in(KM) 30 1.5 PIN 424101 Phone No Web Bus Stand (02589) 229091 www.samrateducation.org.in Chalisgaon Distance in(KM) 2 Fax 226797 Year of Establishment 2010
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 537419110 537424510 537437210 537424610 537461210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 537419111 537424511 537437211 537424611 537461211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 537519110 537524510 537529310 537537210 537561210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 537519111 537524511 537529311 537537211 537561211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Raj Laxmi Foundation, Sahkar Maharshi Rajaram Bapu Patil Polytechnic Institute, Madagaon ,Ahmednagar
Un-Aided Gut No.190,Madagaon, Dist-Ahmednagar 414001 Ahmednagar [email protected] Ahmednagar Boys : 50 Girls: Distance in(KM) 50 12 PIN 414001 Phone No Web Bus Stand Ahmednagar Bust Station Distance in(KM) 10 (0241) 2660014 Fax Year of Establishment 2010
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 120 60 120 420 Choicecode 537619110 537624510 537629310 537637210 537661210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 6 3 6 21 Choicecode 537619111 537624511 537629311 537637211 537661211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 120 300 Choicecode 538519110 538524510 538537210 538561210
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Communication Engineering Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 120 420 Choicecode 538719110 538724510 538729310 538737010 538724610 538761210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 6 21 Choicecode 538719111 538724511 538729311 538737011 538724611 538761211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 538819110 538824510 538829310 538837210 538861210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 538819111 538824511 538829311 538837211 538861211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 120 60 60 60 120 420 Choicecode 538919110 538924510 538929310 538937210 538961210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 6 3 3 3 6 21 Choicecode 538919111 538924511 538929311 538937211 538961211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Sahjivan Shikshan Prasarak Mandal's Vasantrao More Polytechnic, Tehu Tq.Parola, Jalgaon.
Un-Aided At Tehu Taluka Parola, Dist. Jalgaon 425111 Jalgaon PIN [email protected] Amalner Boys : Nil Girls: 425111 22 Phone No Web Bus Stand (02597) 223355 www.vasantraomore.org Parola Distance in(KM) 2 Fax 222444 Year of Establishment 2011
Distance in(KM) 50
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 120 360 Choicecode 539419110 539424510 539429310 539437210 539461210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 6 18 Choicecode 539419111 539424511 539429311 539437211 539461211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Distance in(KM) 30
Course Name Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 0 60 60 240 539537210 539561210 Choicecode 539550710 539519110
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 6 18 Choicecode 539550711 539519111 539524511 539537211 539561211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Distance in(KM) 30
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Technology Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 540219110 540225110 540229310 540237210 540261210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 6 18 Choicecode 540219111 540225111 540229311 540237211 540261211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 540419110 540424510 540429310 540437210 540461210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 540419111 540424511 540429311 540437211 540461211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 541319161 541324511 541329361 541337211 541361211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Adarsh Polytechnic,Dhule
Un-Aided 155,Nakane,Nakane Road,Deopur,Dhule Dhule Dhule Boys : 50 Girls: 424002 PIN [email protected] Distance in(KM) 50 5 Phone No Web Bus Stand (02562) 221775 www.adarshpolytechnicdhule.org Dhule Distance in(KM) 4 Fax Year of Establishment 2013
Course Name Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Distance in(KM) 75
Course Name Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Industrial Electronics Mechanical Engineering Total Aided Aided Aided Aided
General Choice Code Intake 40 60 40 60 200 Choicecode 600719170 600729370 600738070 600761270
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Industrial Electronics Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Metallurgical Engineering Sugar Manufacturing (Second Shift) (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
Course StartingYear 1961 2008 1964 2008 2010 1964 2001 1964 2008 2007 1993
General Choice Code Intake 95 60 65 60 60 65 65 125 60 40 30 Choicecode 601019110 601019120 601029310 601037210 601037220 601038010 601024610 601061210 601061220 601069210 601086110
TFWS Choice Code Intake 5 3 4 3 3 4 4 7 3 2 2 Choicecode 601019111 601019121 601029311 601037211 601037221 601038011 601024611 601061211 601061221 601069211 601086111
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Automobile Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 420 Choicecode 601160210 601119110 601124510 601129310 601137210 601124610 601161210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 21 Choicecode 601160211 601119111 601124511 601129311 601137211 601124611 601161211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Computer Engineering Dress Designing and Garment Manufacturing Electrical Engineering (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 120 30 60 Choicecode 601319110 601319120 601324520 601324510 601387210 601329310
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 6 2 3 Choicecode 601319111 601319121 601324521 601324511 601387211 601329311
Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Metallurgical Engineering Total (Second Shift)
60 60 120 60 60 750
3 3 6 3 3 38
0 0 0 0 0 0
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Dress Designing and Garment Manufacturing Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Total Female Female Female Female Female Female Female
General Choice Code Intake 0 60 60 60 60 60 0 300 601424550 601487250 601429350 601437250 601424650 Choicecode
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 21 Choicecode 601419111 601424551 601487251 601429351 601437251 601424651 601461211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Medical Electronics Plastic Technology Total
60 60 60 60 60 40 400
3 3 3 3 3 2 20
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Female Female
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Instrumentation Engineering Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) Minority (Second Shift) Minority (Second Shift) Minority
Course StartingYear 2008 1957 2007 1958 2010 2005 1996 2008 1958
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 120 600 Choicecode 601619100 601619110 601624510 601629310 601637200 601637210 601646610 601661200 601661210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 30 Choicecode 601619101 601619111 601624511 601629311 601637201 601637211 601646611 601661201 601661211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Technology Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Textile Manufactures Total (Second Shift) Minority (Second Shift) Minority
Course StartingYear 1956 2011 1993 1956 2003 2001 1956 2011 1976
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 90 60 60 60 120 60 40 610 Choicecode 601719110 601719100 601725110 601729310 601737210 601724610 601761210 601761200 601789410
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 5 3 3 3 6 3 2 31 Choicecode 601719111 601719101 601725111 601729311 601737211 601724611 601761211 601761201 601789411
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil and Rural Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering (Second Shift) aided Un-aided Un-aided aided Un-aided Un-aided
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 40 40 60 60 Choicecode 601820770 601819110 601824510 601824570 601829310 601829320
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 2 2 3 3 Choicecode 601820771 601819111 601824511 601824571 601829311 601829321
Electronics and Communication Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift)
60 40 60 120 60 660
3 2 3 6 3 33
0 0 0 0 0 0
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Printing Technology Total Aided
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering aided Un-Aided aided Un-Aided aided Un-Aided
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 60 Choicecode 602019170 602024510 602029370 602037210 602037270 602061210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 3 Choicecode 602019171 602024511 602029371 602037211 602037271 602061211
60 420
3 21
0 0
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Choudhary Attar Singh Yadav Memorial Trust,Siddhant College of Engineering, Maval, Pune
Un-Aided Chakan Talegaon Road, At Post Sudumbare, Tal. Maval Dist. Pune Pune [email protected] Talegaon Boys : 120 Girls: Distance in(KM) 100 8 PIN 412109 Phone No Web Bus Stand (02114) 661904 www.siddhantcoe.edu.in Dehugaon Distance in(KM) 5 Fax 661902 Linguistic Minority - Hindi Year of Establishment 2005
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift) (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Dattajirao Kadam Technical Edu. Society's Textile & Engineering Institute, Ichalkaranji.
Un-Aided Post Box No. 130, Rajwada, Ichalkaranji. Dist. Kolhapur Kolhapur [email protected] Hatkanangle Boys : 70 Girls: Distance in(KM) 50 8 PIN 416115 Phone No Web Bus Stand (0230) 2421300 www.dktes.com Ichalkaranji Distance in(KM) 2 Fax 2432329 Year of Establishment 1983
Course Name Fashion and Clothing Technology Textile Manufactures Textile Technology Total
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Automobile Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
Course StartingYear 2007 2008 2007 2008 2008 2007 2007 2007 2008
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 120 60 600 Choicecode 625960210 625919110 625924510 625924520 625937220 625937210 625924610 625961210 625961220
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 3 30 Choicecode 625960211 625919111 625924511 625924521 625937221 625937211 625924611 625961211 625961221
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Shetkari Shikshan Mandal's Pad. Vasnatraodada Patil Institute of Technology, Budhgaon,(Diploma) Sangli
Un-Aided PVPIT), Budhgaon, Tasgaon Rd., Tal : Miraj Sangli Sangli Boys : 100 Girls: PIN [email protected] 416304 9 Phone No Web Bus Stand (0233) 2366317 www.pvpitsangli.org Sangli Distance in(KM) 9 Fax 2366185 Year of Establishment 1983
Distance in(KM) 25
Course Name Automobile Engineering Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 120 60 120 120 540 Choicecode 626660210 626650710 626619110 626624510 626637210 626661210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 6 3 6 6 27 Choicecode 626660211 626650711 626619111 626624511 626637211 626661211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Dr. J.J. Magdum Charitable Trust's Dr. J.J. Magdum College of Engineering, Jaysingpur
Un-Aided Gat no. 314/330, Shirol wadi road, Jaisingpur Dist. Kolhapur Kolhapur [email protected] Jaysingpur Boys : 50 Girls: Distance in(KM) 30 2 PIN 416101 Phone No Web Bus Stand (02322) 663100 www.jjmcoe.org Jaysingpur Distance in(KM) 1 Fax 221831 Year of Establishment 1992
Course Name Civil Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
Course StartingYear 2007 2008 2007 2010 2007 2008 2007 2007 2008
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 120 60 600 Choicecode 631219110 631224520 631224510 631229310 631237210 631237220 631224610 631261210 631261220
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 3 30 Choicecode 631219111 631224521 631224511 631229311 631237211 631237221 631224611 631261211 631261221
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 240 Choicecode 632419110 632424510 632437210 632461210
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Automobile Engineering Civil Engineering Construction Technology Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Industrial Electronics Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 120 60 60 60 60 60 120 540 Choicecode 640260210 640219110 640220510 640229310 640237210 640238010 640261210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 6 3 3 3 3 3 6 27 Choicecode 640260211 640219111 640220511 640229311 640237211 640238011 640261211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Distance in(KM) 25
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 120 60 60 60 180 480 Choicecode 640319110 640324510 640329310 640337210 640361210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 6 3 3 3 9 24 Choicecode 640319111 640324511 640329311 640337211 640361211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Rayat Shikshan Santha's Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil College Of Engineering & Polytechnic,Satara
Un-Aided Gat No. 242/B/1 Panmalewadi, A/P Varye, Satara 415001 Satara [email protected] Satara Boys : 50 Girls: Distance in(KM) 15 30 PIN 415001 Phone No Web Bus Stand (02162) 200402 www.kbpceps.org.in Satara Distance in(KM) 15 Fax 235767 Year of Establishment 1983
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 120 360 Choicecode 640619110 640624510 640629310 640637210 640661210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 6 18 Choicecode 640619111 640624511 640629311 640637211 640661211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Automobile Engineering Chemical Engineering Computer Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Industrial Electronics Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
Course StartingYear 1900 1900 1900 2008 2010 2008 2008 1900 1900 2008
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 600 Choicecode 640760210 640750710 640724510 640724520 640729310 640737210 640737220 640738010 640761210 640761220
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 30 Choicecode 640760211 640750711 640724511 640724521 640729311 640737211 640737221 640738011 640761211 640761221
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Technology Computer Technology Electrical Engineering (Second Shift)
General Choice Code Intake 30 60 60 60 60 Choicecode 640850710 640819110 640825120 640825110 640829310
TFWS Choice Code Intake 2 3 3 3 3 Choicecode 640850711 640819111 640825121 640825111 640829311
Electrical Engineering Industrial Electronics Industrial Electronics Information Technology Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Production Technology Total
60 60 60 60 60 60 90 60 780
3 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 40
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Automobile Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Technology Computer Technology Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
Course StartingYear 1986 1990 2001 2008 1987 2008 2001 2008 1985
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 120 600 Choicecode 640960210 640919110 640925110 640925120 640937210 640937220 640924610 640961220 640961210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 30 Choicecode 640960211 640919111 640925111 640925121 640937211 640937221 640924611 640961221 640961211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Communication Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift) (Second Shift) (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
Course StartingYear 2004 2008 1995 2008 1984 2008 2008 2008 1984 2008
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 120 60 660 Choicecode 641019110 641019120 641024510 641024520 641037010 641037220 641024610 641024620 641061210 641061220
TFWS Choice Code Intake 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 3 36 Choicecode 641019111 641019121 641024511 641024521 641037011 641037221 641024611 641024621 641061211 641061221
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Industrial Electronics Mechanical Engineering
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 120 Choicecode 641119110 641124510 641137210 641138010 641161210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 6 Choicecode 641119111 641124511 641137211 641138011 641161211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Industrial Electronics Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 641219110 641224510 641238010 641224610 641261210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 641219111 641224511 641238011 641224611 641261211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Automobile Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
Course StartingYear 1983 1993 2000 2012 2001 2001 2012 2002
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 120 Choicecode 641360210 641319110 641324510 641324520 641337210 641324610 641361220 641361210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 Choicecode 641360211 641319111 641324511 641324521 641337211 641324611 641361221 641361211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Technology Computer Technology Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift) (Second Shift) (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
Course StartingYear 1993 2008 1993 2008 2000 2008 2008 2000 1993 2008
General Choice Code Intake 120 60 120 60 120 60 60 60 120 60 840 Choicecode 641419110 641419120 641425110 641425120 641437210 641437220 641424620 641424610 641461210 641461220
TFWS Choice Code Intake 6 6 6 3 6 3 3 3 12 3 51 Choicecode 641419111 641419121 641425111 641425121 641437211 641437221 641424621 641424611 641461211 641461221
No Fee Reimbursement Choice Code Intake Choicecode 0 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 120 0 180 641461260 641419170
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology
60 240
6 15
60 60
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Poona District Education Association'S Seth R G S Institute of Technology, Annasaheb Magar College Campus,Hadpsar,Pune
Un-Aided A.M. COllege Campus, Mahadeo Nagar, Manjari Road, Hadapsar,Pune-411028 Pune [email protected] Pune Boys : Nil Distance in(KM) Nil Girls: 10 PIN 411028 Phone No Web Bus Stand (020) 26992415 www.pdeaioth.org Swargate ,Pune Distance in(KM) 8 Fax 26992415 Year of Establishment 1995
Course Name Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Electronics Engineering Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 90 60 60 60 120 390 Choicecode 641724510 641737210 641737610 641724610 641761210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 5 3 3 3 6 20 Choicecode 641724511 641737211 641737611 641724611 641761211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering (Second Shift) (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
General Choice Code Intake 0 60 120 60 60 60 60 641819110 641824510 641837210 641837220 641824610 641861220 Choicecode
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 6 3 3 3 3 Choicecode 641819121 641819111 641824511 641837211 641837221 641824611 641861221
120 540
6 30
0 60
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Automobile Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 90 330 Choicecode 641960210 641924510 641937210 641924610 641961210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 6 18 Choicecode 641960211 641924511 641937211 641924611 641961211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift)
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift) (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 240 Choicecode 642124520 642137220 642124620 642161220
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 0 60 60 60 360 642237210 642237220 642261210 Choicecode 642219110 642224510 642224520
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 21 Choicecode 642219111 642224511 642224521 642229311 642237211 642237221 642261211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
Course StartingYear 2010 2006 2008 2006 2008 2006 2006 2008
General Choice Code Intake 60 120 60 120 60 60 120 60 660 Choicecode 642519110 642524510 642524520 642537210 642537220 642524610 642561210 642561220
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 6 3 6 3 3 6 3 33 Choicecode 642519111 642524511 642524521 642537211 642537221 642524611 642561211 642561221
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Electronics and Telecommunication Engg (Second Shift) (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
General Choice Code Intake 120 60 120 60 60 120 60 Choicecode 642719110 642719120 642724510 642724520 642729310 642737210 642737220
TFWS Choice Code Intake 6 3 6 3 3 6 3 Choicecode 642719111 642719121 642724511 642724521 642729311 642737211 642737221
60 120 60 840
3 6 6 45
0 0 60 60 642761270
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Distance in(KM) 25
Course Name Automobile Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 120 60 60 60 120 480 Choicecode 642860210 642819110 642824510 642829310 642837210 642861210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 6 3 3 3 9 27 Choicecode 642860211 642819111 642824511 642829311 642837211 642861211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering (Second Shift)
Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
60 60 60 180 570
3 3 3 9 32
0 0 0 0 60
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Sai Charitable Trust, Indira Institute Of Diploma Engineering(Poly), Sasure, Tal. Barshi
Un-Aided Flat No. 67, At Post Sasure ( Bairag )Solapur_Barshi Highway, Barshi, Solapur 413402 Solapur [email protected] Barshi Boys : 135 Girls: Distance in(KM) 55 25 PIN 413402 Phone No Web Bus Stand (02184) 240700 www.indirapolytechnic.com Vairag Distance in(KM) 2.5 Fax 240700 Year of Establishment 2007
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Electronics Engineering Information Technology (Second Shift)
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 60 30 Choicecode 643119110 643124510 643129310 643137210 643137220 643137610 643124610
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 Choicecode 643119111 643124511 643129311 643137211 643137221 643137611 643124611
2008 2012
120 60 570
643161210 643161220
6 3 29
643161211 643161221
0 0 0
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Distance in(KM) 50
Course Name Automobile Engineering Civil Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 120 300 Choicecode 643260210 643219110 643237210 643261210
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Vidyavardhini Charitable Trust's Abhaysinhraje Bhonsle Institute of Technology, Shahunagar- Shendra, Satara
Un-Aided Gat No. 282, 290 & 291 Shendre Satara 415001 Satara [email protected] Satara-Sangam-m Boys : 50 Girls: Distance in(KM) 150 8 PIN 415519 Phone No Web Bus Stand (02162) 279661 www.abitsatara.com Satara Distance in(KM) 5 Fax 279661 Year of Establishment 2008
Course Name Automobile Engineering Automobile Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 120 60 60 120 Choicecode 643360210 643360220 643324510 643337210 643324610 643361220 643361210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 6 3 3 6 Choicecode 643360211 643360221 643324511 643337211 643324611 643361221 643361211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Dinkarrao K. Shinde Smarak Trust, Dr. A.D. Shinde Institute Of Technology, Gadhinglaj
Un-Aided At Post-Bhadgaon, Taluka Gadhinglaj, Dist. Kolhapur 416502 Kolhapur Kolhapur Boys : Nil Girls: PIN [email protected] 416502 65 Phone No Web Bus Stand (02327) 250656 www.adshindeit.org Gadhinglaj Distance in(KM) 4 Fax 250656 Year of Establishment 2008
Course Name Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Computer Technology Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
Course StartingYear 2009 2012 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2012
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 60 120 60 540 Choicecode 643419110 643419120 643424510 643425110 643437210 643424610 643461210 643461220
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 3 27 Choicecode 643419111 643419121 643424511 643425111 643437211 643424611 643461211 643461221
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
General Choice Code Intake 120 0 60 120 0 643524520 643524510 Choicecode 643519110
TFWS Choice Code Intake 6 3 3 6 3 Choicecode 643519111 643519121 643524521 643524511 643529311
Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift)
6 6 3 36
0 0 0 120
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
Course StartingYear 2008 2008 2010 2008 2012 2008 2008 2012
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 60 180 60 600 Choicecode 643619110 643624510 643629310 643637210 643637220 643624610 643661210 643661220
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 3 9 3 30 Choicecode 643619111 643624511 643629311 643637211 643637221 643624611 643661211 643661221
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Shree Vitthal Edu. and Research Institute, College of Engineering (Polytechnic), Gopalpur, Pandharpur
Un-Aided P.Box No.54, Gopalpur, Ranjani Road, Solapur , 413304 Solapur [email protected] Pandharpur Boys : 174 Girls: Distance in(KM) 113 4 PIN 413304 Phone No Web Bus Stand (02186) 02186282 www.sveripandharpur.ac.in Pandharpur Distance in(KM) 4 Fax 02186226 Year of Establishment 2008
Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Total
60 60 60 120 420
3 3 3 6 21
0 0 0 0 0
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
SVM's Late Hon D.R. Kakade Rural Institute of Engg. & Technology, Pimpalwandi, Taluka Junnar, Dist.Pune
Un-Aided Pimpalwadi, Taluka Junnar, Dist.Pune 412412 Pune [email protected] Pune Boys : 100 Girls: Distance in(KM) 70 80 PIN 412412 Phone No Web Bus Stand (02132) 02132273 www.drkpp.org Alephata Distance in(KM) 4 Fax 02132273 Year of Establishment 2008
Course Name Automobile Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Technology Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 120 360 Choicecode 643860210 643819110 643825110 643837210 643861210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 6 18 Choicecode 643860211 643819111 643825111 643837211 643861211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Automobile Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering
2008 2008
60 180 480
643937210 643961210
3 9 24
643937211 643961211
0 0 0
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 240 Choicecode 644019110 644024510 644037210 644061210
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Automobile Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering (Second Shift)
General Choice Code Intake 60 120 60 60 60 0 120 644161210 Choicecode 644160210 644119110 644124510 644137210 644124610
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 6 3 3 3 3 6 Choicecode 644160211 644119111 644124511 644137211 644124611 644161221 644161211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Automobile Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 30 60 60 60 60 120 390 Choicecode 644260210 644219110 644224510 644229310 644237210 644261210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 2 3 3 3 3 6 20 Choicecode 644260211 644219111 644224511 644229311 644237211 644261211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 180 420 Choicecode 644319110 644324510 644337210 644324610 644361210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 9 21 Choicecode 644319111 644324511 644337211 644324611 644361211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Technology Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 120 120 60 480 Choicecode 644419110 644419120 644425110 644437210 644461210 644461220
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 6 6 3 24 Choicecode 644419111 644419121 644425111 644437211 644461211 644461221
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Automobile Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 120 60 360 Choicecode 644560210 644519110 644524510 644537210 644561210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 6 3 18 Choicecode 644560211 644519111 644524511 644537211 644561211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Kai. Amdar Bramhadevdada Mane Shikshan Va Samajik Pratishthan,Bramhadevdada Mane Polytechnic, Belati, Noth Solapur
Un-Aided Gat No.137/1/A,B,C,D, A/p-Belati, Noth Solapur Dist. Solapur 413002 Solapur [email protected] Solapur Boys : 60 Girls: Distance in(KM) 30 11 PIN 413002 Phone No Web Bus Stand (0217) 2283885 www.bmssp.org/bmp Solapur Distance in(KM) 11 Fax 2283885 Year of Establishment 2008
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Technology Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift)
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 120 0 360 Choicecode 644619110 644625110 644629310 644637210 644661210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 6 6 24 Choicecode 644619111 644625111 644629311 644637211 644661211 644661221
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Automobile Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Technology Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 120 420 Choicecode 644760210 644719110 644725110 644729310 644737210 644761210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 6 21 Choicecode 644760211 644719111 644725111 644729311 644737211 644761211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Loknete Ma.Hanumantrao Patil Charitable Trust, Adarsh Institute of Technology (Poly), Khambale
Un-Aided Gat No.421,At Post Khambale, Vita, Taluka Khanpur, Dist. Sangli 415311 Sangli [email protected] Karad Boys : 120 Girls: Distance in(KM) 100 45 PIN 415311 Phone No Web Bus Stand (02347) 229191 www.aitpolytechnic.org Vita Distance in(KM) 4 Fax 229021 Year of Establishment 2008
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Technology Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
Course StartingYear 2009 2008 2010 2012 2008 2008 2008 2012
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 120 60 120 60 600 Choicecode 644819110 644825110 644829310 644829320 644837210 644824610 644861210 644861220
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 6 3 6 3 30 Choicecode 644819111 644825111 644829311 644829321 644837211 644824611 644861211 644861221
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Automobile Engineering Automobile Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 3 Choicecode 644960221 644960211 644924511 644937211 644961221 644961211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Distance in(KM) 10
Course Name Automobile Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 240 Choicecode 645060210 645024510 645037210 645061210
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Distance in(KM) 50
Course Name Automobile Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift)
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 120 0 420 Choicecode 645160210 645119110 645124510 645137210 645124610 645161210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 6 6 27 Choicecode 645160211 645119111 645124511 645137211 645124611 645161211 645161221
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 645219110 645224510 645229310 645237210 645261210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 645219111 645224511 645229311 645237211 645261211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
D. Y. Patil Educational Socity's D.Y. Patil College Of Engineering & Polytechnic, Kolhapur
Un-Aided S.No. 85/ A/P Talsande, Tal Hatkangale Kolhapur , 415112 Kolhapur [email protected] Kolhapur Boys : 50 Girls: Distance in(KM) 25 29 PIN 416112 Phone No Web Bus Stand (0230) 2604095 www.dypcepolytal.org Kolhapur Distance in(KM) 29 Fax Year of Establishment 2009
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 120 360 Choicecode 645419110 645424510 645429310 645437210 645461210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 6 18 Choicecode 645419111 645424511 645429311 645437211 645461211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 120 360 Choicecode 645519110 645524510 645529310 645537210 645561210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 6 18 Choicecode 645519111 645524511 645529311 645537211 645561211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics Engineering Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 120 60 60 120 420 Choicecode 645619110 645624510 645637610 645624610 645661210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 6 3 3 6 21 Choicecode 645619111 645624511 645637611 645624611 645661211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Automobile Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift)
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 60 0 360 Choicecode 645760210 645719110 645724510 645729310 645737210 645761210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 6 6 27 Choicecode 645760211 645719111 645724511 645729311 645737211 645761211 645761221
No Fee Reimbursement Choice Code Intake Choicecode 0 0 0 0 0 60 120 180 645761260 645761270
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Total Female Female Female Female Female
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 120 60 360 Choicecode 645819150 645824550 645829350 645837250 645824650
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 6 3 18 Choicecode 645819151 645824551 645829351 645837251 645824651
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Panchkroshi Shikshan Mandal's Suryadaya Institute Of Engineering & Polytechnic, Mahagaon, Satara
Un-Aided Near Navodaya Vidyalaya, Satara Tal Satara, Dist Satara 415002 Satara [email protected] Satara Boys : 25 Girls: Distance in(KM) 25 2 PIN 415002 Phone No Web Bus Stand (02162) 270333 www.suryodayapolytechnicsatara.com Satara Distance in(KM) 9 Fax Year of Establishment 2009
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Electronics Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 120 360 Choicecode 645919110 645924510 645937210 645937610 645961210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 6 18 Choicecode 645919111 645924511 645937211 645937611 645961211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Gajanan Maharaj Shikshan Prasarak Mandal's Sharadchandra Pawar Institute Of Engineerinrg & Technology, Dumberwadi(Otur),Junner
Un-Aided S.No.675,At Khamundi, Post Dumberwadi(Otur), Tal.Junner, Pune 412409 Pune [email protected] Pune Boys : Nil Girls: Distance in(KM) Nil 80 PIN 410504 Phone No Web Bus Stand (02132) 265730 www.sgmspm.com Otur Distance in(KM) 3 Fax 265731 Year of Establishment 2009
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Distance in(KM) 10
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 240 Choicecode 646219110 646224510 646237210 646261210
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Distance in(KM) 3
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Electronics Engineering Information Technology Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 646319110 646324510 646337210 646337610 646324610
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 646319111 646324511 646337211 646337611 646324611
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 646419110 646424510 646429310 646437210 646461210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 646419111 646424511 646429311 646437211 646461211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Distance in(KM) 40
Course Name Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 120 300 Choicecode 646519110 646529310 646537210 646561210
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Shree Santkrupa Shikshan Sanstha, Shree Santkrupa Institute Of Engineering & Technology, Karad
Un-Aided Gat No.716,Ghogaon,(Shivajinagar),Tal.Karad Satara , 415111 Satara [email protected] Karad Boys : 60 Girls: Distance in(KM) 60 30 PIN 415111 Phone No Web Bus Stand (02164) 257309 www.sietghogaon.org Ghogaon College Distance in(KM) 0 Fax 257404 Year of Establishment 2009
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 646619110 646624510 646629310 646637210 646661210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 646619111 646624511 646629311 646637211 646661211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 120 300 Choicecode 646719110 646724510 646737210 646761210
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Swami Vivekananda Shikshan Sanstha, Dr. Bapuji Salunkhe Institute Of Engineering & Technology,Kolhapur
Un-Aided 2130, E Ward, Kolhapur 416003 Kolhapur [email protected] C.S.T.Kolhapur Boys : Nil Girls: Distance in(KM) 10 1 PIN 416003 Phone No Web Bus Stand (0231) 2658613 www.vivekanandsanstha.com C.B.S.Kolhapur Distance in(KM) 1 Fax 2658613 Year of Establishment 2009
Course Name Automobile Engineering Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 0 60 60 0 120 360 646861210 646824510 646837210 Choicecode 646860210 646819110
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 24 Choicecode 646860211 646819111 646819121 646824511 646837211 646861221 646861211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Automobile Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 120 420 Choicecode 646960210 646919110 646924510 646929310 646937210 646961210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 6 21 Choicecode 646960211 646919111 646924511 646929311 646937211 646961211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Technology Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 120 360 Choicecode 647019110 647025110 647029310 647037210 647061210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 6 18 Choicecode 647019111 647025111 647029311 647037211 647061211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 120 360 Choicecode 647119110 647124510 647137210 647124610 647161210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 6 18 Choicecode 647119111 647124511 647137211 647124611 647161211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 647219110 647224510 647229310 647237210 647261210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 647219111 647224511 647229311 647237211 647261211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 120 60 120 540 Choicecode 647319110 647319120 647324510 647329310 647337210 647361220 647361210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 6 6 6 30 Choicecode 647319111 647319121 647324511 647329311 647337211 647361221 647361211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 240 Choicecode 647419110 647424510 647437210 647461210
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Architecture Assistantship Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Computer Technology Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 30 60 60 60 60 330 Choicecode 647503410 647519110 647524510 647525110 647529310 647561210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 2 3 3 3 3 17 Choicecode 647503411 647519111 647524511 647525111 647529311 647561211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Sau. Devibai Narayandas Chhabada Rural Education Soceity,Late N.B. Chhabada Institute Of Engg & Tech.(Poly), Satara
Un-Aided Sr. No.259,A/P Raigaon, Taluka Jaoli Satara , 415020 Satara [email protected] Satara Boys : 60 Girls: Distance in(KM) 60 18 PIN 415020 Phone No Web Bus Stand (02378) 200200 www.sdncedu.com Satara Distance in(KM) 15 Fax 240202 Year of Establishment 2009
Course Name Automobile Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 60 360 Choicecode 647660210 647619110 647624510 647629310 647637210 647661210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 3 18 Choicecode 647660211 647619111 647624511 647629311 647637211 647661211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 120 240 Choicecode 654424510 654437210 654461210
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Navsahyadri Education Society's Group of Institutions, Naigaon, Tal. Bhor, Dist. Pune
Un-Aided Gat. N0. 69,70,71, Mouje : Naigaon, Tal. Bhor, Pune , 412205 Pune [email protected] Pune Boys : 150 Girls: Distance in(KM) 100 30 PIN 412213 Phone No Web Bus Stand (02113) 273277 www.navsahyadri.edu.in Swargate Distance in(KM) 25 Fax 272677 Year of Establishment 2010
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 120 360 Choicecode 663219110 663224510 663229310 663237210 663261210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 6 18 Choicecode 663219111 663224511 663229311 663237211 663261211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 664419110 664424510 664429310 664437210 664461210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 664419111 664424511 664429311 664437211 664461211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift) (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Jai Bhavani Education Society,Rajiv Gandhi Polytechnic College,Ziprapwadi, Tal. Phaltan, Dist. Satara
Un-Aided S.No. 108-2/1, 108-2/2, 108-2/3,108-2/4, A/P Zirapwadi (Girvi Road), Tal. Phaltan, Dist Satara 415523 Satara [email protected] Lonand Boys : 50 Girls: Distance in(KM) 50 30 PIN 415523 Phone No Web Bus Stand (02166) 221006 www.rgpoly.com Phaltan Distance in(KM) 3 Fax Year of Establishment 2010
Course Name Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 120 300 Choicecode 671224510 671229310 671237210 671261210
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Shetakari Shikshan Prasarak Mandal,Shri. Jayawantrao Bhosale Polytechnic, Kille Machindragad, Tal-Walwa, Dist. Sangli
Un-Aided Survey No. 319/1, 320, Kille Machindragad, Tal-Walwa, Dist Sangli 415303 Sangli [email protected] Shenoli Boys : 40 Girls: Distance in(KM) 40 4 PIN 415303 Phone No Web Bus Stand (02164) 266299 www.sspmsjbp.com Karad Distance in(KM) 15 Fax 263500 Year of Establishment 2010
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 120 360 Choicecode 671319110 671324510 671329310 671337210 671361210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 9 21 Choicecode 671319111 671324511 671329311 671337211 671361211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Shree Datta Shetakari Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd. Charitable Trust, Shree Datta Polytechnic College, Dattanagar Tal-Shirol, Dist Kolhapur
Un-Aided Gat No. 251 & 133/2, Dattanagar, Tal-Shirol, Dist Kolhapur 416120 Kolhapur [email protected] Jaysingpur Boys : 16 Girls: Distance in(KM) 16 7 PIN 416120 Phone No Web Bus Stand (02322) 237397 www.dattapolytechnic.com Shirol Distance in(KM) 1 Fax 236600 Year of Establishment 2010
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 120 60 120 420 Choicecode 671419110 671424510 671429310 671437210 671461210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 6 3 6 21 Choicecode 671419111 671424511 671429311 671437211 671461211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Dnyan Kala Krida & Krushi Pratishan,Babasaheb Phadtare Polytechnic, Kalamb Walchandnagar, Tal-Indapur, Dist. Pune
Un-Aided S.No.40/1 Kalamb Walchandnagar, Tal-Indapur Dist Pune. 413114 Pune [email protected] Baramati Boys : 85 Girls: Distance in(KM) Nil 25 PIN 413114 Phone No Web Bus Stand (02118) 254720 www.dkkkp.edu.in Kalamb Distance in(KM) 2 Fax 252420 Year of Establishment 2010
Course Name Automobile Engineering Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 120 360 Choicecode 671560210 671519110 671529310 671537210 671561210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 6 18 Choicecode 671560211 671519111 671529311 671537211 671561211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Barshi Shikshan Prasarak Mandal, Shriman Bhausaheb Zadbuke Institute of Polytechnic, Puri, Tal-Barshi, Solapur
Un-Aided Gat No. 80,282,273,275,276,A/P Puri, Tal-Barshi, Dist Solapur Solapur [email protected] Barshi Boys : 40 Girls: Distance in(KM) 40 12 PIN 413404 Phone No Web Bus Stand (02184) 243600 www.sbzippuri.com Barshi Distance in(KM) 14 Fax 243600 Year of Establishment 2010
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 120 360 Choicecode 671619110 671624510 671629310 671637210 671661210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 6 18 Choicecode 671619111 671624511 671629311 671637211 671661211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 671819110 671824510 671829310 671837210 671861210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 671819111 671824511 671829311 671837211 671861211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Shri Balasaheb Mane Shikshan Prasarak Mandal,Ashokrao Mane Polytechnic, Ambap, Tal-Hatkanangle, Dist. Kolhapur
Un-Aided Gat No. 475, A/P Ambap, Tal-Hatkanangle, Dist Kolhapur Kolhapur [email protected] Kolhapur Boys : 50 Girls: Distance in(KM) 50 20 PIN 416112 Phone No Web Bus Stand (0230) 2475555 www.amp-ambap.org Ambap Distance in(KM) 0 Fax 2475555 Year of Establishment 2010
Course Name Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 120 300 Choicecode 672019110 672029310 672037210 672061210
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Distance in(KM) 60
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 120 300 Choicecode 672119110 672124510 672137210 672161210
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Distance in(KM) 30
Course Name Automobile Engineering Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 672360210 672319110 672329310 672324610 672361210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 672360211 672319111 672329311 672324611 672361211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Chhatrapati Shahu Education Society,Chhatrapati Shahu Polytechnic, A/P Atit, Dist Satara
Un-Aided Gat No 471, A/P Atit, Dist Satara A/P Atit, Dist Satara Satara [email protected] Satara Boys : 50 Girls: Distance in(KM) 50 20 PIN 415519 Phone No Web Bus Stand (02162) 300402 www.cspa.org.in Atit Distance in(KM) 0.5 Fax 300401 Year of Establishment 2010
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 120 300 Choicecode 672419110 672424510 672437210 672461210
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
New Satara Shikshan Sankul,New Satara College of Engineering & Management, Pandharpur
Un-Aided New Solapur Road, Pandharpur. Dist. Solapur Solapur [email protected] pandharpur Boys : 90 Girls: Distance in(KM) 60 7 PIN 413304 Phone No Web Bus Stand (02186) 282142 www.nscoem.com pandharpur Distance in(KM) 8 Fax Year of Establishment 2010
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 672519110 672524510 672537210 672524610 672561210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 672519111 672524511 672537211 672524611 672561211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 672619110 672624510 672629310 672637210 672661210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 672619111 672624511 672629311 672637211 672661211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Shivaneri Bahuuddeshiya Sevabhavi Shikshan Sanstha,Hon.Ajitdada Pawar Diploma Engineering College, Ane Tal- Junnar, Dist -Pune
Un-Aided Gat No 1034,Ane Tal- Junnar, Dist -Pune 421410 Pune [email protected] Ahmadnagar Boys : 60 Girls: Distance in(KM) 60 52 PIN 421410 Phone No Web Bus Stand (02132) 203016 www.shivneriane.com Ane Bus Stand Distance in(KM) 0.5 Fax Year of Establishment 2010
Course Name Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift)
General Choice Code Intake 120 60 60 180 420 Choicecode 672724510 672737210 672761220 672761210
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Shri Narsinha Shikshan Prasarak Mandal,Ramrao Nikam Polytechnic College, Indoli Tal-Karad, Dist-Satara
Un-Aided S.No. 191, Indoli, Tal-Karad, Dist-Satara 415109 Satara [email protected] Karad Boys : 10 Girls: Distance in(KM) 5 30 PIN 415109 Phone No Web Bus Stand (02164) 654155 www.shrinarsinha.com Umraj Distance in(KM) 5 Fax Year of Establishment 2010
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 240 Choicecode 672819110 672824510 672837210 672861210
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Ninaidevi Shikshan Prasarak Mandal,Shri. Shivajirao Deshmukh Institute of Technology, Shirala, Sangli
Un-Aided Red Batish Shirala, Sangli 415408 Sangli [email protected] Karad Boys : Nil Girls: Distance in(KM) Nil Course StartingYear 2010 2010 2010 2010 Total General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 120 300 Choicecode 672919110 672924510 672937210 672961210 TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 6 15 Choicecode 672919111 672924511 672937211 672961211 No Fee Reimbursement Choice Code Intake Choicecode 0 0 0 0 0 25 PIN 415408 Phone No Web Bus Stand Shirala Distance in(KM) 2 (02345) 285556 Fax 285555 Year of Establishment 2010
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Distance in(KM) 40
Course Name Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Sahakar Maharshee Shankarrao Mohite Patil Institute of Technology & Research, Akluj
Un-Aided At Shankar Nagar, Akluj, Post Yashwant Nagar, Dist. Solapur Solapur [email protected] Kurduwadi Boys : 150 Girls: Distance in(KM) 100 40 PIN 413118 Phone No Web Bus Stand (02185) 223548 www.smsmpitr.org Akluj Distance in(KM) 2 Fax 223548 Year of Establishment 2011
Course Name Computer Engineering Mechanical Engineering Total (Second Shift) (Second Shift)
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Shivganga Charitable Trust, Sangli Vishveshwarya Technical Campus, Faculty of Diploma Engineering, Patgaon, Miraj
Un-Aided Patgaon, Miraj- Pandharpur Road, Miraj Dist.Sangli. Sangli [email protected] Miraj Boys : 50 Girls: Distance in(KM) 50 10 PIN 416420 Phone No Web Bus Stand (0233) 2276202 www.shivgangavtc.org Miraj Distance in(KM) 10 Fax 2276203 Year of Establishment 2012
Course Name Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 120 300 Choicecode 679919110 679929310 679937210 679961210
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Science and Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 680019110 680024210 680029310 680037210 680061210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 6 6 21 Choicecode 680019111 680024211 680029311 680037211 680061211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
The Great Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Minority Educational Trust's Maulana Azad Polytechnic, Solapur
Un-Aided 36/1A, At post Hotgi, Hotgi-Kumbhari Road, Tal.& Dist Solapur Solapur PIN [email protected] solapur junction Boys : Nil Girls: 413006 10 Phone No Web Bus Stand (0217) 2500786 www.mapoly.in ST Stand,Pajarapol chowk Distance in(KM) 11 Fax 2500637 Religious Minority - Muslim Year of Establishment 2012
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 681019110 681024510 681029310 681037210 681061210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 681019111 681024511 681029311 681037211 681061211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Science and Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 60 300 Choicecode 681119110 681124210 681129310 681137210 681161210
TFWS Choice Code Intake 6 3 3 3 6 21 Choicecode 681119111 681124211 681129311 681137211 681161211
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
TFWS Choice Code Intake 3 3 3 3 3 15 Choicecode 681619161 681624561 681629361 681637261 681661261
Status Address District Email Railway Station Hostel Intake
Course Name Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics and Telecommunication Engg Mechanical Engineering Total
General Choice Code Intake 60 60 60 60 240 Choicecode 681719110 681724510 681737210 681761210