Caterpillar Operations Practice Test 2010-07

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Caterpillar Non-Management Selection Process (CNSP) Operations Practice Test

Instructions This packet contains sample items for the CNSP Operations test. The items contained in this packet are meant to provide individuals with an idea of what to expect when they take the test. Answers for the sample items are listed on the last page. There are two sections to the test, the Team Member Assessment and the Team Member Career Battery. Each of these is described below: Team Member Assessment Test Description This online test simulates a series of manufacturing tasks and activities. All candidates will have the opportunity to go through an online tutorial and complete some practice questions before beginning the actual test. Below are descriptions of each test section and examples of the types of questions on this test. The questions in this test are divided into five sections. 1. Product Classification This section measures your ability to match product features to product models. You will first review a list of products and product features and then you will be asked to select the relevant product features for a series of images of products. 2. Initial Assembly This section measures your ability to quickly and accurately follow a plan to build a model while monitoring the quality of the component parts. You will be shown two models: the assembled frame (example) and the unassembled frame with a supply of parts. You will be asked to follow a structured work process, including conducting a quality check on each part, to assemble the frame using the available parts. 3. Process Monitoring This section measures your ability to monitor and correct out-of-range variances. You will be shown a panel of gauges used to monitor a manufacturing process. For each gauge panel you will be asked to determine if any of the gauges are outside of acceptable tolerance limits. The tolerance limits will be provided for each gauge. 4. Final Assembly This section measures your ability to quickly and accurately adapt to changing assembly requirements. You will be asked to build five different products while managing your parts supply and requesting parts refills as needed. 5. Quality Assurance This section assesses your ability to spot errors in finished products. You will be asked to examine finished products to determine if the products comply with quality standards.

Published July 2010

Team Member Career Battery Description This is a test of your ability to work within a team environment. This Team Member Career Battery, or TMCB, contains questions about your reactions to common work situations and your prior experiences in actual work situations. The questions in this battery are divided into three sections. 1. The first section asks you to rate the effectiveness of each action for accomplishing the stated goal using a 5 point scale. 1
Very Ineffective

Somewhat Ineffective

Neither Effective nor Ineffective

Somewhat Effective

Very Effective

2. The second section asks you to indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each statement using a 5 point scale. 1
Strongly Disagree


Neither Agree nor Disagree


Strongly Agree

3. The final section asks you to answer multiple choice questions based on your prior work experience.

Published July 2010

Team Member Assessment- Example Items 1. Product Classification Exercise

Select the appropriate features for the image

Published July 2010

2. Initial Assembly Exercise

See below for an example of how to complete this exercise:

3b 1


1. Look at Current Frame to see what parts need to be placed on frame. 2. Select part and then drag this part to the QA check. 3a. If light is Green, place part on Frame. 3b. If light is red, place part in Trash Can. Repeat steps 1-3 until Frame matches Current Frame image. 4. Click Frame Complete

Published July 2010

3. Process Monitoring

Select the out of range gauges.

Published July 2010

4. Final Assembly

See below for an example of how to complete this exercise:

1 1a

1. Look at Current Frame and Upcoming Frame to see what parts need to be placed on frame. 1a. If there arent enough of a part to build the current or upcoming frame, click Add More for that part. 2. Select part and then drag this part to the Frame. 3. If a part doesnt match Current Frame image, place it in the Trash Can. Repeat steps 1-3 until Frame matches Current Frame image. 4. Click Frame Complete

Published July 2010

5. Quality Assurance

Select errors that are present.

Published July 2010

Team Member Career Battery Example Items 6. For the past few months, you have been working on a project with four colleagues. Throughout the project, one of your colleagues, Cindy, has consistently come to you for help in accomplishing her tasks on the project. You barely have had enough time to complete your own tasks, and shes constantly asking you to help her with hers. The deadline is now approaching, and you dont know if youll have time to continue helping her. The best course of action in this situation is to: A. Simply tell Cindy that you can no longer help her. B. Continue devoting the same amount of time to helping Cindy, regardless of the effect on meeting the deadline. C. Take time to properly show Cindy how to accomplish the tasks she still needs to finish and then let her finish them on her own. D. Tell the other team members about the situation and ask for their help in finishing your tasks while you devote time to helping Cindy. Rate the effectiveness of each action in the following list for dealing with a difficult coworker. 1
Very Ineffective

Somewhat Ineffective

Neither Effective nor Ineffective

Somewhat Effective

Very Effective

7. Speaking to your supervisor about your teammates working style. 8. Letting your coworker know that you are bothered by his or her behavior. 9. Asking your coworker if there is anything that you can do to make it easier to work together. Indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each statement using the scale below. 1
Strongly Disagree


Neither Agree nor Disagree


Strongly Agree

10. I can clearly express my thoughts and opinions to others. 11. I should be allowed to do anything I want while at work. 12. I prefer finishing a job myself instead of leaving it to someone else to finish.

Published July 2010

Answers to Example Items 1) Wheel, Wing and Door should be checked 2) N/A 3) Line Temperature, H2O Pressure and Transfer Speed 4) N/A 5) Omission Error 6) C

Items 7-12 have no single correct answer. Candidates should respond to these items based on their own work experiences.

Published July 2010

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