Power HackSaw

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The article describes how to build a homemade and inexpensive power hacksaw using common materials.

The main components are a motor, pulley system, base, overarm, rocker arms made from automotive connecting rods, and a crankshaft mechanism.

The rocker arms, made from automotive connecting rods, support the rear of the overarm while allowing the blade to move back and forth parallel to the base, similar to a piston in an engine.

By Walter E.


ACKSAWING is the one onerous
shop job for which there is no
inexpensive and readily available
power tool to ease the sweat. Commercially
made power hacksaws are costly and aren’t
found in most home shops.
4 . . .

3 .

Rocker-arm action is key to the saw’s

Here, however, is a new answer. After sim licity and accuracy. It keeps the
several years of building and experiment- bla$e rigid and at the same time lets it
ing, P OPULAR S CIENCE experts have come move back and forth parallel to the base.
up with a simplified design for a home-
built power hacksaw at a cost that makes
it a practical tool for any shop. All parts, machining is necessary, and all parts are
except for the motor land pulley drive, can fastened easily with bolts or rivets. The
be assembled for less than $20. Any % to base is simply a pair of 2”-by-2” steel angles
1/2-hp. motor will run the machine. Any pinned back to back to form a sturdy T-
standard 12” hacksaw blade can be used rail backbone. Four short sections of the
in it. same angle provide “feet” for the T rail,
In speed, accuracy, and capacity, the Everything else mounts on top.
saw rivals even big commercial machines. The overarm that supports the blade is
It will cut stock of any size and shape up a similar T rail made of two lengths of l”-
to 3” high and 4” wide. In tests, it proved by-l” angle. It’s connected to the base rail
so precise it sliced off disks from a solid at only one point-the pair of con-rod
steel bar as thin as .050”. rocker arms. The rocker arms support the
The secret of the saw’s low cost is the rear end of the overarm while a motor-
use of stock materials plus’ a pair of old driven crank moves the blade back and
automobile connecting rods for the main forth across the work, something like the
rocker arms-the heart of the machine. No piston in an engine.
Big saw with a hi bite: This solid-aluminum Lower pipe bearing is notched s” deep to fit
over the base. Sleeves of X” pi e keep the clamp-
ing bolts from distorting the %earing.

Fitting the rocker arms. The auto con-

necting rods give you a ready-made way of
pivoting the saw’s overarm rigidly and ac-
curately. They can be scrounged from an
auto junkyard for about $1 apiece. Those
shown here are from a ‘56 Chevy and have
an operating length’between centers of 7”.
Exact length, however, is not critical. The
saw’s height can easily be adjusted to suit
any con rods you can find that are within
an inch or so of the dimensions shown here.
The rods are used just as they come except
for drilling one hole in each near the large
end for the %” cross bolt that serves as a
The lower ends of the con rods pivot on
a bearing of 2” pipe. The pipe’s outside
diameter (2%“) is slightly larger than the
openings in the con rods and must be
slimmed down at the ends to a smooth, slid-
ing fit. This can be done on a lathe or by
careful hand filing.
The upper wrist-pin ends of the con rods
pivot on a similar bearing of !h” pipe
bolted to the back end of the overarm.
This, too, must be smoothed at the ends to
a close fit in the rods’ openings. Large
washers or steel disks are used as end caps
on both the upper and lower pipe bearings
to keep the con rods from sliding off. Lu-
brication is through the existing oil holes in
the con rods. You can enlarge them if you
wish to admit an oil-can spout easily.
Assembling the crank drive. T h e ?P
crankshaft runs in two bronze pillow-block
bearings mounted 4” apart on a ,platform

made ot t\vo thicknesses of 3/4” plywood. crankshaft with a %“-20 setscrew that locks
The platform measures 4” by 5%” and is into a hole drilled part way in the side of
bolted rigidly to the T-rail base. ’ the shaft.
Position the crankshaft so that when the The connecting rod from the crank arm
arm is at 3 o’clock the front blade holder to the blade frame is a ‘/2”-by-l” steel bar
lines up with the front end of the T-rail notched at the end to fit between the two
base. The crank arm is pinned firmly to the bars that form the rear blade-holding leg.
The con rod is linked to the &ank
and the blade frame by two 3/s”
drill-rod pins. The holes for these
pins should be fitted with brass or
bronze bushings reamed to a close
fit. A brass or fiber washer l/32”
to l/16” thick provides clearance
between the crank arm and con
rod. Note that the T-rail base must
be notched out at the left side to
allow clearance for the swing of
the crank.
Rigging the V-belt drive. A n
11” pulley is mounted on the
crankshaft at the opposite end from
the crank arm. One belt runs from
this to a 2%” pulley on a jackshaft
mounted in pillow blocks on a plat-
Crankshaft is mounted in pillow-block bearings on a plat- form. A 14” pulley is on the other
form of doubled 8” plywood. It’s important that the plat- end of the jackshaft, and a second
form be bolted securely to the T-rail base, with the
crankshaft precisely at right angles to the blade. belt runs from this to a 2%” pulley
on the motor.
The result is a powerful two-
stage reduction that, with a stand-
ard 1,750-r.p.m. motor, gives the
saw a cutting speed of about 60
strokes a minute-correct for hack-
sawing. You can use any combina-
tion of pulleys and jackshafts that
result in a similar ratio. While the
crank drive will work in either di-
rection, it’s best to rotate it coun-
terclockwise as viewed from the
crank end of the shaft. This causes
the connecting rod to put a down-
ward pressure on the blade on the
forward cutting stroke.
The platform that supports the
jackshaft is simply a wood box
Simple crank mechanism moves the blade back and forth screwed loosely to a wood base so
as the crankshaft is turned by the motor. Drawings below it tilts slightly forward under belt
show how crank arm and connecting rod are linked by tension on the shaft. By tightening
drill-rod pins running in brass or bronze bushings. or loosening the two rear screws,
you can adjust the tension per-
The overarm support. To keep
the overarm from dropping.all of the
way down when the blade cuts
through the work, a small roller is
mounted on a bracket at the front.
[Continued on page 2161
Homemade Power Hacksaw for Less than $20
[Continued from page 1661

As the. blade cuts through, the overarm

drops gently onto this roller.
A sealed ball bearing makes an excellent
roller, although you can use any small
metal or plastic wheel. A short section of
rubber tubing fitted into the roller’s hole
makes a cushioned hub for the axle bolt.
To increase cutting pressure, the over-
arm is weighted with a steel block. The
one used here measures 1” by 2” by 4”. It
slips over two pins made of headless bolts
screvi;ed into the top of the overarm. You
can experiment with other sizes of blocks.
Making the uise. This consists of a fixed
PROTECT IT! jaw and a movable jaw made of 2”-by-2”
steel angles. The jaws are mounted on two
Keep wood young-and prevent unnecessary mainte- bars that serve as rails. The movable jaw
nance, premature replacement. Just make it a practice can be locked with a cap screw and, for
to treat all raw wood with WOODLIFE@, the original
water-repellent preservative. Retards shrinking and extra holding power, can be braced against
swelling, reduces warping. Guards against checking and pins dropped into holes in the rails.
splitting. Protects against decay, fungi, termites. Im- A pressure plate on the movable jaw is
proves paintability. Uyited States Plywood, Protection adjusted independently with two cap
Products Div., 2305 Superior Ave., Kalamazoo, Mich.
screws after the jaw has been locked at a
riiiiELCYWOODi rough setting. A third cap screw in the fixed
jaw bears against the pressure plate and
keeps it from cocking when small stock is
WOODLIFE” gripped. NW

l Fast, clean, safe
l No afterwash n e e d e d
l Non-flammable
l Refinish immediately


What’s so tinusual about UNIMAT?

Its the only high precision metal-working lathe in the.

world that converts instantly into a sensitive drill press.
10,000 Unimat Owners also use their machines for mill-
ing and surface grinding. Attachments permit sawing
wood, metal and plastics; polishing, tool sharpening and
grinding, Price of complete basic machine is only
$139.50. Write for Free. Catalog, or read the whole Four-pulley jackshaft drive brings motor speed
story in “Miniature Machining Techniques” manual - down to sawing speed. Note how jackshaft plat-
only $1.00. form is tipped. B y ti htening its rear screws,
AMERICAN EDELSTAALINC, Dept.H-B3MBrordway, N.Y.13, N.Y. you can vary the angK e to adjust belt tension.

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