Te Ara Tuapae
Te Ara Tuapae
Te Ara Tuapae
Te Whinga
Manaakitia ng mokopuna e te whnau, Whngaitia ki t te kaip, ki te kupu krero, Atawhaitia i roto i ng tikanga, kia tipu, kia t tangata i roto i te whnau, i te hap, i te iwi.
Te Khanga Reo National Trust Board strategies will enable Whnau to achieve our Vision and Mission
Strategic Objectives
No compromising te Reo
Strategic Actions
Strengthening Te Khanga reo and whnau Build rich language and cultural environments To address funding based on khanga uniqueness Strengthen the use of Te Reo. Develop relevant whnau learning opportunities Strengthen whnau, purapura, rohe and National Trust Design a capacity and retention strategy Te Tohu Whakapakari Tino Rangatiratanga, Te Ara Tuarua, Te Ara Tuatahi continue Develop other qualifications Acknowledge existing skills, nurture and grow Uncompromising application of Te Korowai Full implementation of Te Khanga Reo Te Whriki Recognition of Te Khanga Reo Te Whriki by government Establish a Te Khanga Reo quality standard Establish a Te Khanga Reo National Trust review rp Assess te Reo me ng tikanga
Strategic Objectives
Empower and strengthen mokopuna and whnau
Strategic Actions
Identify the needs of whnau and develop plans/activities to address these needs Support whnau to actively participate in Khanga Nurture the total well-being of whnau Induction for new whnau Attestation of whnau skills Nurture well-being of mokopuna and whnau Ensure relevant, clear and timely information Provide support and guidance Reach out to kaumtua and support them to participate in Khanga Celebrate the success of Khanga Implement Te Khanga Reo Te Whriki Whnau kaupapa self review
Strategic Objectives
Strengthen Te Khanga Reo movement Grow Te Khanga Reo
Strategic Actions
Bring Te Khanga Reo whnau together Te Khanga Reo National Trust Board to connect regularly with whnau Establish new Te Khanga Reo Strengthen existing Te Khanga Reo Increase participation Te Khanga Reo National Trust Board to license and charter Khanga through Te Korowai Develop programmes and access resources to nurture kaupapa Ensure appropriate kaupapa funding for Khanga Empower Te Khanga Reo National Trust to become the Review Agent for Khanga Celebrate and promote Te Khanga Reo kaupapa Strengthen communications and publicity
Te Korowai
Quality Assurance
Khanga quality
Strategic Tools
Resourcing National network of support and services through National office, district offices, purapura and Khanga whnau. Te Korowai: the principle guideline for the implementation of the kaupapa. Te Khanga Reo National Trust Board kaimahi work with Khanga whnau to implement. Te Whriki: to strengthen the kaupapa (philosophical) value of Khanga Reo Te Whriki. Devising strategies to grow new and support existing local resources Kaumtua, Khanga graduates, extended whnau and businesses. Relationship with other agencies e.g. Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Mori, Te Ataarangi, Te Rnanganui o ng Kura Kaupapa Mori, Te Mngai Pho. Establish a range of relevant resources. Acquiring additional and alternative resourcing that will support the economic sustainability of Khanga kaupapa. Accountability Te Khanga Reo National Trust Board are responsible for governing the Khanga movement in conjunction with Khanga whnau: continue to lead and protect the movement; uphold tino rangatiratanga for mokopuna and whnau within Khanga; meet accountabilities to funders (TEC, NZQA and others). Whnau me ng mokopuna through their commitment to the kaupapa. He Whare t te Kwana me tna Whriki, he whare t te Mori me tna Whriki. The principles of the Treaty of Waitangi are upheld by the Crown providing appropriate resources to the Board to fulfil the Boards vision and mission. The Board will develop relationships with other organisations with appropriate accountabilities. Monitoring and Evaluation Te Khanga Reo National Trust Board is responsible for ensuring that the kaupapa is healthy. Monitor and evaluate strategic plan, policies and implementation documents on a regular basis.
Te Ara Tpae
For further information please contact: Te Khanga Reo National Trust PO BOX 38741 WELLINGTON