VectorWorks 2008

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1985-2007 Nemetschek N.A., Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. Nemetschek N.A., Inc.

, hereafter referred to as NNA, and its licensors retain all ownership rights to the MiniCAD VectorWorks computer program and all other computer programs as well as documentation offered by NNA. Use of NNA software is governed by the license agreement accompanying your original media. The source code for such software is a confidential trade secret of NNA. You may not attempt to decipher, decompile, develop or otherwise reverse engineer NNA software. Information necessary to achieve interoperability with this software may be furnished upon request.

Piranesi is a trademark of Informatix Software International, Ltd. All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or organizations. The shader appendix contains content, copyright 1990-2001, and 2002-2007 by LightWorks Design Limited. All rights reserved. Reprinted with the kind permission of LightWorks Design Limited. The RenderWorks Camera tool was developed by Julian Carr, OzCAD, Sydney, Australia. The VectorWorks Fundamentals Users Guide was written and illustrated by Alexandra Duffy, Teresa Heaps, and Susan Collins. Cover design by Kathleen Ryland. Special thanks to Michael Huggins (Burrowes Huggins Architects, Vancouver, B.C. Canada) and to Riccardo Martire for their MasterWorks contest file submissions, which were used as the basis for a variety of illustrations. HDRI background image in Chapter 22 is a copyright of Paul Debevec. For Defense Agencies: Restricted Rights Legend. Use, reproduction, or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights of Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013. For civilian agencies: Restricted Rights Legend. Use, reproduction, or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in subparagraphs (a) through (d) of the commercial Computer Software Restricted Rights clause at 52.227-19. Unpublished rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States. The contractor/manufacturer is Nemetschek N.A., Incorporated, 7150 Riverwood Drive, Columbia, MD, 21046, USA.

VectorWorks Fundamentals Users Guide

This manual, as well as the software described in it, is furnished under license and may only be used or copied in accordance with the terms of such license. The information in this manual is furnished for informational use only, is subject to change without notice, and should not be construed as a commitment by NNA. NNA assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this manual. Except as permitted by such license, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise, without the express prior written permission of NNA. Existing artwork or images that you may desire to scan or copy may be protected under copyright law. The unauthorized incorporation of such artwork into your work may be a violation of the rights of the author or illustrator. Please be sure to obtain any permission required from such authors. MiniCAD, VectorWorks, and RenderWorks are registered trademarks of NNA. VectorScript, SmartCursor, and the Design and Drafting Toolkit are trademarks of NNA. The following are copyrights or trademarks of their respective companies or organizations: QuickDraw 3D, QuickTime, Quartz 2D, and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries. Adobe, Adobe PDF Library, and the Adobe logo are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated. OpenEXR is a trademark of Lucasfilm, Ltd.

Registration and Updates

The VectorWorks Fundamentals disks are warranted subject to the conditions of the License Agreement for a period of six (6) months from the date of purchase by the end user. A completed Registration Card must be returned to NNA to officially register your copy of VectorWorks Fundamentals. Only registered users are entitled to technical support, the NNA newsletter, maintenance releases, and reduced cost upgrades. Defective master disks are replaced free of charge to the end user for six (6) months after purchase. Thereafter,

master disks will be replaced for a nominal service fee set by NNA. NNA will make available from time to time upgrades to the purchased program for nominal charges. Such upgrades, along with the original master copy of the program, shall be considered one program, subject in its entirety to the License Agreement.

VectorWorks License Agreement

The license agreement binding the use of this software can be found in the VectorWorks ReleaseNotes directory or by clicking License in the About VectorWorks dialog box.

Table of Contents
Preface ........................................................................................................................................................xi
Installing VectorWorks Products ............................................................................................................................. xi New Features......................................................................................................................................................... xii Learning VectorWorks ..........................................................................................................................................xxii Technical Support ................................................................................................................................................xxiii

1 Introduction ...............................................................................................................................................1
Understanding VectorWorks ....................................................................................................................................1 Creating a New File .................................................................................................................................................4 Opening a File .........................................................................................................................................................4 Migrating from Previous Versions ............................................................................................................................5 Closing a File ...........................................................................................................................................................5 Saving a File ............................................................................................................................................................6 Reverting to the Last Saved Version .......................................................................................................................7 Converting Previous Version Files...........................................................................................................................7 Exiting VectorWorks...............................................................................................................................................11 VectorWorks Standard Workspace........................................................................................................................12 The View Bar .........................................................................................................................................................14 Palettes and Tool Sets...........................................................................................................................................16 Palette Layout Options...........................................................................................................................................17 List Box Functionality .............................................................................................................................................20 Additional Key Functionality...................................................................................................................................21 Screen Tips............................................................................................................................................................22 Drawing Techniques ..............................................................................................................................................22 Moving Around.......................................................................................................................................................23 Selecting Objects ...................................................................................................................................................28

2 Getting Started ........................................................................................................................................39

Setting VectorWorks Preferences..........................................................................................................................39 Setting Document Preferences ..............................................................................................................................48 Setting Up the Drawing ..........................................................................................................................................51


| Table of Contents Setting Default Object Attributes............................................................................................................................59 Creating Templates................................................................................................................................................73 Printing...................................................................................................................................................................74 Using Drawing Tablets...........................................................................................................................................78

3 Drawing Structure ...................................................................................................................................81

Organizing the Drawing .........................................................................................................................................81 Creating Classes and Layers from Standards .......................................................................................................84 Managing Layers ...................................................................................................................................................84 Managing Classes .................................................................................................................................................95 Setting Class and Design Layer Options .............................................................................................................103 Managing Viewports ............................................................................................................................................103 Managing Saved Views .......................................................................................................................................104 Setting Visibilities .................................................................................................................................................108 Workgroup Referencing .......................................................................................................................................111

4 SmartCursor and Constraints ..............................................................................................................119

The Constraints Palette .......................................................................................................................................119 SmartCursor Cues ...............................................................................................................................................126 Parametric Constraints ........................................................................................................................................129

5 Using VectorWorks Resources ............................................................................................................141

VectorWorks Fundamentals Default Resources ..................................................................................................141 Using the Resource Browser ...............................................................................................................................142 Understanding Symbols.......................................................................................................................................153 Creating New Symbols ........................................................................................................................................156 Inserting Symbols ................................................................................................................................................158 Editing Symbols ...................................................................................................................................................164 Record Formats ...................................................................................................................................................170 Global Symbol Commands ..................................................................................................................................177

Table of Contents |


6 Creating 2D Objects ..............................................................................................................................183

Using the 2D Data Bar .........................................................................................................................................183 Inserting Text .......................................................................................................................................................185 Modifying Text......................................................................................................................................................189 Inserting Callouts .................................................................................................................................................198 Creating Lines......................................................................................................................................................202 Creating Arcs .......................................................................................................................................................206 Creating Quarter Arcs ..........................................................................................................................................209 Creating Rectangles ............................................................................................................................................210 Creating Polylines ................................................................................................................................................212 Creating Circles ...................................................................................................................................................218 Creating Ovals .....................................................................................................................................................220 Creating 2D Polygons ..........................................................................................................................................221 Creating 2D Loci ..................................................................................................................................................228

7 Applying Object Attributes...................................................................................................................229

The Attributes Palette ..........................................................................................................................................229 Hatch Attributes ...................................................................................................................................................236 Gradient Attributes ...............................................................................................................................................242 Image Attributes...................................................................................................................................................247 Editing Gradient and Image Fills..........................................................................................................................250

8 Editing 2D Objects ................................................................................................................................255

Editing Object Information....................................................................................................................................255 Reshaping Objects...............................................................................................................................................259 Offsetting Objects ................................................................................................................................................264 Aligning and Distributing 2D Objects ...................................................................................................................267 Trimming and Clipping Objects............................................................................................................................268 Resizing Objects ..................................................................................................................................................270 Shearing Objects .................................................................................................................................................272 Joining Objects ....................................................................................................................................................273


| Table of Contents Splitting Objects and NURBS Surfaces ...............................................................................................................275 Creating Fillets and Chamfers .............................................................................................................................279 Editing Object Surfaces .......................................................................................................................................282 Engineering Properties ........................................................................................................................................285 Drafting Aids ........................................................................................................................................................287

9 Creating 3D Objects ..............................................................................................................................291

Using the 3D Data Bar .........................................................................................................................................291 Creating 3D Polygons ..........................................................................................................................................293 Creating Cylinders ...............................................................................................................................................295 Creating Spheres ................................................................................................................................................298 Creating Hemispheres .........................................................................................................................................299 Creating Cones ...................................................................................................................................................300 Creating NURBS Curves, Circles, and Arcs ........................................................................................................301 Creating 3D Loci ..................................................................................................................................................305 Extruding Objects.................................................................................................................................................305 Sweeping Objects ................................................................................................................................................309

10 Advanced 3D Modeling.......................................................................................................................311
3D Power Pack Fundamentals ............................................................................................................................311 NURBS Surfaces .................................................................................................................................................315 Extracting Geometry ............................................................................................................................................334 NURBS Surface-curve Interaction .......................................................................................................................336 Creating Helix-Spirals ..........................................................................................................................................346 Creating Contours................................................................................................................................................348 Solids Operations.................................................................................................................................................349 Converting to Generic Solids ...............................................................................................................................357

11 Editing 3D Objects ..............................................................................................................................359

Obtaining Volumetric Properties ..........................................................................................................................359 Reshaping 3D Objects .........................................................................................................................................359

Table of Contents |

Aligning and Distributing 3D Objects ...................................................................................................................362 Editing 3D Object Surfaces..................................................................................................................................363

12 Common Functions and Utilities .......................................................................................................367

Undoing and Redoing Actions .............................................................................................................................367 Moving Objects ....................................................................................................................................................367 Cutting, Copying, and Pasting Objects ................................................................................................................371 Removing Objects................................................................................................................................................373 Duplicating Objects ..............................................................................................................................................374 Smoothing Objects...............................................................................................................................................381 Combining and Connecting Objects ....................................................................................................................382 Composing and Decomposing Objects and Surfaces .........................................................................................387 Locking and Unlocking Objects............................................................................................................................388 Aligning Objects to Grid .......................................................................................................................................389 Rotating Objects ..................................................................................................................................................389 Mirroring Objects..................................................................................................................................................393 Converting Objects ..............................................................................................................................................395 Grouping Objects .................................................................................................................................................397 Compressing Images ...........................................................................................................................................399 Tracing Bitmaps ...................................................................................................................................................400

13 Viewing and Rendering.......................................................................................................................403

Using Standard Views..........................................................................................................................................403 Projection .............................................................................................................................................................405 Perspective ..........................................................................................................................................................406 Simulating Movement ..........................................................................................................................................406 Setting a 3D View ................................................................................................................................................413 Setting a Camera View in RenderWorks .............................................................................................................414 Fit to Objects........................................................................................................................................................418 Fit to Page Area ...................................................................................................................................................419 Viewing History ....................................................................................................................................................420


| Table of Contents Adding Light.........................................................................................................................................................420 Rendering with VectorWorks ...............................................................................................................................431

14 Dimensioning and Annotating ...........................................................................................................437

Dimensioning .......................................................................................................................................................437 Marking 2D Object Centers..................................................................................................................................451 Angular Dimensioning..........................................................................................................................................452 Modifying Dimensions..........................................................................................................................................454 Measuring Distance .............................................................................................................................................457 Adding a Drawing Border.....................................................................................................................................458 Creating Revision Clouds ....................................................................................................................................468

15 Creating Floors, Walls, and Roofs .....................................................................................................471

Creating Floors ....................................................................................................................................................471 Creating Walls......................................................................................................................................................471 Editing Walls ........................................................................................................................................................487 Creating Roof Faces ............................................................................................................................................497 Creating Roof Objects..........................................................................................................................................500 Editing Roof Objects ............................................................................................................................................502

16 Importing and Exporting Files ...........................................................................................................517

Importing Files .....................................................................................................................................................517 Exporting Files .....................................................................................................................................................519 Exporting to Previous VectorWorks Versions ......................................................................................................525 DXF and DWG File Formats ................................................................................................................................525 DXF/DWG File Export..........................................................................................................................................528 DXF/DWG File Import ..........................................................................................................................................537

17 Using Working Planes.........................................................................................................................551

Understanding the Working Plane .......................................................................................................................551 Setting the Working Plane Location.....................................................................................................................552 Aligning Objects to the Working Plane.................................................................................................................555

Table of Contents |


The Working Planes Palette ................................................................................................................................556 Moving and Rotating the Working Plane..............................................................................................................558

18 Worksheets ..........................................................................................................................................563
Creating Worksheets ...........................................................................................................................................563 Using Worksheets................................................................................................................................................566 Worksheet Rows..................................................................................................................................................577 Entering Data .......................................................................................................................................................579 Worksheet Import/Export .....................................................................................................................................583 Worksheets as Graphic Objects ..........................................................................................................................585 Additional Worksheet Operations ........................................................................................................................586

19 Using Scripts .......................................................................................................................................593

Creating Custom Selection Scripts ......................................................................................................................593 Creating Custom Tool/Attribute Scripts................................................................................................................594 Creating VectorScripts .........................................................................................................................................595 Running VectorScripts .........................................................................................................................................596 Managing VectorScripts.......................................................................................................................................597 Managing Script Palettes.....................................................................................................................................599

20 Presenting VectorWorks Drawings....................................................................................................601

Animating Drawings with QuickTime ...................................................................................................................601 Presenting Drawings with Sheet Layer Viewports ...............................................................................................609 Cutting Sections...................................................................................................................................................628 Layer Linking........................................................................................................................................................629

21 Creating and Mapping Textures.........................................................................................................635

RenderWorks Commands and Tools...................................................................................................................635 Textures and Shaders..........................................................................................................................................635 Creating Textures ................................................................................................................................................637 Editing Textures and Shaders..............................................................................................................................649 Creating Image Prop Objects...............................................................................................................................654


| Table of Contents Creating Layer Backgrounds ...............................................................................................................................656 Applying and Mapping Textures ..........................................................................................................................661 Applying and Mapping Object Textures ...............................................................................................................663 Applying Textures to Symbols, Walls, and Roofs ................................................................................................671 Applying RenderWorks Backgrounds ..................................................................................................................676

22 Rendering with RenderWorks ............................................................................................................679

Advanced RenderWorks Lighting ........................................................................................................................679 RenderWorks Features for OpenGL ....................................................................................................................686 Preparing to Render.............................................................................................................................................687 Rendering the Entire Drawing..............................................................................................................................687 Rendering a Selected Area..................................................................................................................................705 Batch Rendering ..................................................................................................................................................707 Managing Lights and Cameras ............................................................................................................................709 Exporting a Rendered Drawing............................................................................................................................712

A Using the Workspace Editor ................................................................................................................719

Creating or Editing a Workspace .........................................................................................................................719 Updating Custom Workspaces and Plug-in Objects ............................................................................................727

B Standards and Resources....................................................................................................................729

Object Libraries....................................................................................................................................................729 VectorWorks Circle/Arc Conventions...................................................................................................................730 Survey Bearings...................................................................................................................................................730 Architectural Scale ...............................................................................................................................................731 Correlated Color Temperature .............................................................................................................................732

C RenderWorks Shader Definitions........................................................................................................733

Shader Types.......................................................................................................................................................733 Shader Properties ................................................................................................................................................737 Frequently Asked Questions about Radiosity ......................................................................................................745

Table of Contents |


IX Index......................................................................................................................................................749

| Table of Contents

Welcome to VectorWorks Fundamentalsa CAD program that includes all the 2D and 3D tools and technology you need in one easy-to-use, cost-effective package. In addition to precision drafting, it provides powerful tools for 3D modeling that can be used to create, present, and even manufacture designs. Built-in database and worksheet capabilities help track costs and materials. A host of import and export formats makes it easy to share files. VectorWorks Fundamentals also includes extensive symbol libraries, default drawing resources, and a built-in scripting environment that can be used to automate routine tasks.

Installing VectorWorks Products

The VectorWorks installation program contains a Read Me file listing the installation system requirements, any known installation issues, and any information that did not make it into the users guides by press time. To ensure a smooth installation, read this file prior to installing VectorWorks. Confirm that system requirements are met and take note of any issues or incompatibilities. This file is available in [VectorWorks]\Release Notes\InstallationReadMe.txt for future reference. The installation program can install VectorWorks Designer, RenderWorks, Architect, Landmark, Spotlight, Machine Design, and Fundamentals in any combination. The program determines which products to install based on the serial number. Your software license allows for one copy to be made for backup purposes. VectorWorks should be backed up on a regular basis. These backups are invaluable in restoring user-customized settings that may be otherwise lost by either a computer failure or reinstallation of VectorWorks.

Automatic Workspace Backup

The VectorWorks installer and updater both make backup copies of all workspaces. The installer places backup copies of workspaces in a folder entitled Original, within the [VectorWorks]\Workspaces folder. The updater places backup copies of workspaces in a sequentially-numbered folder entitled Backup, within the Workspaces folder. Each time the updater is run, another Backup folder is created. After the backup, both the installer and the updater overwrite the workspaces at the top level of the Workspaces folder. Additionally, a file entitled Workspace Changes.rtf is provided in the Workspaces folder. It contains a list of all workspace changes for the current release, and can be used to easily identify what items need to be updated in custom workspaces. For more information on custom workspaces, see Updating Custom Workspaces and Plug-in Objects on page 727.

Entering the Serial Number

During installation you are typically required to enter the serial number, which can be found on the labels inside the VectorWorks box. If you are not prompted to enter the serial number during installation, you must enter it the first time the application is accessed. To enter the serial number(s): 1. Open the VectorWorks application. The Serial Numbers dialog box opens the first time the application is accessed. 2. Click Add to add this serial number. The Add New Serial Number dialog box opens.


| Preface

3. Enter the Serial Number exactly as it appears on the label. The serial number is case sensitive. The letters o and i are not used in serial numbers; enter zero or one instead. 4. Click Add. The list of Enabled Products in the Serial Numbers dialog box displays all products enabled by this serial number. 5. Repeat steps 2 to 4 to enter additional serial numbers for additional licenses, as necessary. 6. When all serial numbers have been entered, click Done.

Viewing the VectorWorks License Agreement

The VectorWorks license agreement can be viewed at any time. To view the license agreement: 1. On Windows, select Help > About VectorWorks, or on Macintosh select VectorWorks > About VectorWorks. 2. Click License to display the license agreement text. 3. Click OK twice to return to the VectorWorks application.

Network Protection
When running multiple copies of VectorWorks across the network, serial numbers are checked when the program is launched, and also periodically throughout the session. If the same serial number is found to be in use, the All Serial Numbers In Use dialog box opens. From this dialog box, clicking User Information displays the User Name, if given, and the IP address of the other location. Clicking Edit Numbers allows a new serial number to be entered and an existing one to be deleted. Once the situation is resolved, click Retry Numbers to regain access to VectorWorks. If the serial number is still in use after three attempts, VectorWorks automatically shuts down.

New Features
This release includes many new features and significant enhancements to VectorWorks Fundamentals, RenderWorks, and the standard workspace, as described in the following sections.

New VectorWorks Fundamentals Features

The following table contains a list of new and improved features for this release, and indicates the section where the functionality is documented.

Context-sensitive help

The VectorWorks help system has been updated to reflect version 2008 functionality

Not applicable

New Features | Feature

Consolidated structural shapes


Structural shapes have been consolidated into eight plug-in objects for AISC (inch and metric) structural shapes; the new consolidated shapes are: angle, channel, I-beam, rectangular tubing, round tubing, square tubing, tee, and wide flange New options allow selection of the type(s) of objects to update; select to update windows and doors, drawing borders, and/or structural shapes The Data bar now contains only data fields that are used to enter specific numeric values for an object. A menu on the right side of the Tool bar controls the Data bar, which can now either float next to the cursor in the drawing area or display in a user-specified location. The previous Mode bar is now called the Tool bar, and it displays only tool mode information. The Message bar now displays tool descriptions, minor alerts, undo text, the progress bar, and cursor location fields.

Migrating from Previous Versions on page 5

Update Plug-in Objects command changes

Migrating from Previous Versions on page 5

Floating Data bar, Tool bar, and Message bar

VectorWorks Standard Workspace on page 12, Using the 2D Data Bar on page 183, and Using the 3D Data Bar on page 291

View bar improvements

The View bar replaces the Data Display bar at the top of the application window. The Zoom In/Out functions allow the entry of a zoom factor. The new Current View list provides quick access to all standard views. The Classes list and Design Layers list now appear on the View bar. The contents of the View bar can now be customized.

The View Bar on page 14, Design Layer Scale on page 51, Zooming from the View Bar on page 26, Setting the Active Design Layer in the View Bar on page 94, Setting the Active Class in the View Bar on page 101, Creating or Editing Saved Views Using the Saved Views Menu on page 107, Using Standard Views on page 403, Fit to Objects on page 418, Fit to Page Area on page 419, Viewing History on page 420, and Rendering with VectorWorks on page 431


| Preface
A new VectorWorks preference displays selected objects with highlighted lines instead of the square handles that are used by default. Active layer objects, inactive layer objects, and locked objects can have different highlighting, so that they can be easily identified. With selection highlighting enabled, square handles display only when the selected object can be reshaped with the tool that is currently active. A new mode restricts scaling to only a single selected object The 2D Selection and 3D Selection tools both have a new polygonal marquee selection mode Many more commands, and some tools, have a context menu equivalent A new VectorWorks preference automatically centers the view on the selected objects when the view is changed to one of the standard views, such as Top or Left Isometric Provides layer transparency and anti-aliasing graphics capability for the Windows platform

New preference to enable highlighting of selected objects

Selecting Objects on page 28

New 2D Selection tool mode Polygonal selection

2D Selection Tool on page 30 2D Selection Tool on page 30 and 3D Selection Tool on page 32 Context Menus on page 34 Display Preferences on page 41

Context menus New preference to center on objects after view change

GDI+ imaging and anti-aliasing preferences

Display Preferences on page 41, Setting Design Layer Properties on page 87, Setting the Design Layer Opacity on page 90, Setting Class Properties on page 98, and Changing the Layer Properties of Sheet Layer Viewports on page 623 Session Preferences on page 42

Reset Saved Settings VectorWorks Preference

Provides an option to revert to default settings, rather than user-specified settings for tool modes, dialog box positions, dialog box values, and for always performing a selected action in alert dialog boxes All values are now saved across application sessions for the following dialog boxes: Custom Tools, Duplicate Array, Eyedropper Preferences, Offset Tool Preferences, Paste Attributes, Purge Unused Objects, and Spelling Check Filter

Dialog box values saved

Session Preferences on page 42

New Features | Feature

Certain dialog box values saved


Certain values are now saved across application sessions for the following dialog boxes: Chain Dimension Preferences - radio button Create Batch Render Job - render mode Create Symbol - radio buttons and checkboxes Delete Class(es) - radio button Delete Reference - radio button Export Image File - export area, lock aspect ratio, resolution, file type Object Info palette - Polar or Cartesian coordinate system The following dialog boxes maintain their position in the drawing window across application sessions: Edit Marker List, Edit (Texture Name), Section Line Instances, Viewport Class Properties, and Viewport Layer Properties Thirteen operations which display an alert dialog provide an option to suppress the dialog box display in the future under similar circumstances Selected tool modes are now saved across application sessions VectorWorks autosave preferences have been moved to a new tab; new preferences allow multiple backup copies, and backup to a custom location Each user can now designate a folder outside of the VectorWorks folder to hold user data and preferences, including log files, workspaces, and other customized content. Favorite files that are designated in the Resource Browser are now stored in the user folder. Favorites also can be placed in a workgroup folder manually for shared use. The Resource Browser has new commands to refresh the favorite files from disk, and to show the disk location of a favorite file.

Session Preferences on page 42

Dialog box positions saved

Session Preferences on page 42

Alert dialog boxes can be suppressed

Session Preferences on page 42

Tool modes saved Autosave improvements

Session Preferences on page 42 Autosave Preferences on page 45

User folders for preferences and custom content

User Folders Preferences on page 46, and Resources in Favorites on page 148


| Preface
Markers, formerly known as arrow heads, are much easier to create and apply. Different markers can be placed at each end of an object, and it is possible to create a wide variety of marker types. Colors are applied with a new color palette set that can access unlimited color choices. Select colors from standard operating system colors, custom color palettes, palettes from another VectorWorks file, or color palettes that ship with VectorWorks. The color palette utility commands from previous versions are obsolete and have been removed. The process of creating default dash styles has been improved. Dash line and gap lengths can be entered directly or graphically. The gray level can be adjusted when printing grayed layers and classes Layer and class names, properties, and objects can be imported from existing VectorWorks files, and new layers and classes can be edited immediately after creation The 3/8 Imperial layer scale option has been added to the Layer Scale dialog box Workgroup references are now created and maintained in the new References tab of the Organization dialog box. New options check for outdated references at a specified interval, and update only references whose sources have changed (manual updates only). In the Design Series, design layers from other files can now be referenced with new design layer viewports, which are documented in the VectorWorks Design Series Users Guide. Layer import referencing (the previous method) imports layers, resources, and classes from another file; this method is still available to both Fundamentals and Design Series users. If you use layer import referencing, you can choose to not save the referenced data to disk.

New marker styles

Setting Default Marker Types on page 60, and Marker Attributes on page 233

Enhanced colors

Setting Default Colors and Palettes on page 62, and Applying Colors on page 229

Improved dash style creation

Setting the Default Dash Styles on page 70 Printing a File on page 76 Creating Layers on page 85 and Creating Classes on page 96 Setting the Design Layer Scale on page 88 Workgroup Referencing on page 111; Layer Linking on page 629

Grey level when printing Improved layer and class creation

Additional predefined layer scale option Workgroup referencing improvements

New default color palettes

A number of new default color palettes are now available for use

VectorWorks Fundamentals Default Resources on page 141

New Features | Feature

Resource Browser improvements


The Resource Browser makes it easier to display the resources of the active file and to navigate up symbol folder hierarchies; resource display settings (in Thumbnails mode) are saved between sessions A predefined font size of 11 points has been added for text Rectangular objects (rectangles, rounded rectangles, and ovals) can now be rotated with new modes, and a new Text tool mode allows rotated text The Ellipse tool has been replaced by the Circle and Oval tools for a better separation of functionality The opacity of objects can be set as an attribute or by class, expanding the presentation capabilities of VectorWorks If a resource with an image is present in the file, new image-based resources can reuse the image. This applies to image fills, and for RenderWorks, textures, image props, and RenderWorks backgrounds.

Using the Resource Browser on page 142

Additional predefined font size New rotation modes

Formatting Text on page 189 Creating Rotated Rectangles on page 210, and Creating Rotated Text on page 187 Creating Circles on page 218 and Creating Ovals on page 220 Opacity Attributes on page 231, and Setting Class Properties on page 98 Creating Image Resources on page 247, Creating Image-based Shaders on page 639, Creating Layer Backgrounds on page 656, and Creating Image Prop Objects on page 654 Performing Multiple Reshapes on page 263 Reshaping Polylines on page 263 Clip Tool on page 269 Scaling Objects on page 271

Ellipse tool replacement

Object opacity

Reusing images from image-based resources

New polygonal marquee for 2D Reshape tool New Edit Polyline command

A polygonal marquee is now available for selecting multiple vertices during polyline editing The Edit Polyline command allows changes to a polyline such as adding, deleting, reshaping, and extracting holes The Clip tool has new clipping object shapes, including polygonal and circular The Scale Objects dialog box includes a new option to scale symmetrically based on a distance indicated on the drawing A new tool easily moves, duplicates, and distributes selected 2D and 3D objects, including symbols in a wall The Duplicate Along Path tool has been replaced with an enhanced command. Now, in addition to duplicating 2D objects along a 2D path, 3D objects can be duplicated along a 3D path.

Polygonal clipping shape Scale objects by distance

New Move by Points tool

Moving Objects by Clicking on page 369 Duplicating Objects Along a Path on page 379

Duplicate Along Path command

xviii | Preface
Improved navigation when editing groups SpaceNavigator support Hidden Line rendering improvements

Automatically centers the view on the components when editing CSG solids, extrudes, sweeps, and multiple extrudes VectorWorks supports the SpaceNavigator tool for view navigation Hidden line rendering performance has been improved by 50% for design layers and viewports. In addition, renderings will not require as much memory, and dashed lines now follow the perimeter of curved objects, improving the appearance of hidden line renderings. OpenGL can now render shadows interactively. This is much faster than the shadow rendering in RenderWorks, which makes it easier to adjust the lights quickly. OpenGL can now render objects with lines drawn around the edges Multiple dimensions and chain dimensions can be modified at one time with the 2D Reshape tool, and wall components can now be dimensioned associatively A new feature allows only the title block portion of the drawing border to be displayed Wall preferences have been rearranged and improved, distinguishing the wall from the component parameters. Components can be named and provide class settings for fill and both pen styles, so the same wall can appear in various configurations. Components are easier to create, reorder, and view. Walls can now be drawn, moved, joined, and reshaped in 3D views. Symbols can be inserted in 3D views. Multiple symbols within a wall can now be selected for moving and editing When creating a roof object, a new option allows you to retain or delete the source object(s) DXF/DWG Import and Export now supports AutoCAD version 2007

Editing a Group on page 397

Using a SpaceNavigator Mouse on page 412 Rendering with VectorWorks on page 431

New interactive shadow feature in OpenGL rendering

OpenGL Render Options on page 434

New option to draw edges in OpenGL rendering Dimensioning improvements

OpenGL Render Options on page 434 Modifying Dimensions on page 454, and Associative Dimensioning on page 441 Adding a Drawing Border on page 458 Creating Walls on page 471

New title block only option Classable wall components

Creation and editing of walls in 3D views Improved selection of symbols within walls Retain or delete roof source object option Support for ACAD 2007

Creating Walls on page 471

Moving Symbols in Walls on page 496 Creating Roof Objects on page 500 Importing and Exporting Files on page 517

New Features | Feature

Export worksheet images to DXF


Worksheet images can now be exported to DXF in a single step, without exporting a separate sheet and importing it into the DXF/ DWG drawing. All cell formatting is now preserved, including: text font, size, style, color, and position inside the cell; cell border line style, thickness, and color; cell fills. A custom prefix can be assigned to imported DXF layers for easy identification in VectorWorks layer and class lists Each viewport can now have both a background and foreground render mode, for a composite effect A new advanced viewport property adjusts flipped text for viewports separately from the VectorWorks preference setting, and viewports can be set to black and white only This option maintains the view when exiting viewport annotation or crop modes When editing a sheet layer viewport from a design layer, a convenient button makes it easy to return to the viewport Associative dimensions can be created in viewport annotation mode, for 2D objects, when the viewport is in Top/Plan view. If the objects change on the design layer, the dimensions update automatically. New options control the presentation of viewport layer colors, stacking order, and opacity or transfer mode. These settings are made independently of the design layer settings or other viewport settings. A new Eyedropper tool preference allows viewport layer properties to be transferred to other viewports within the current file and between files. A layer link object, including layer links of workgroup-referenced layers, can now be cropped A new option in the Workspace Editor allows the current workspace settings, shortcut keys, and reserved keys to be exported to a text file

VectorWorks 2008 Improvements on page 526

Custom prefix for imported DXF layers Foreground viewport render mode Adjusting flipped text in viewports

Graphic Attributes Tab on page 545 Viewport Parameters on page 614 Advanced Sheet Layer Viewport Properties on page 615 Cropping Sheet Layer Viewports on page 618 Editing a Design Layer Displayed in a Sheet Layer Viewport on page 621 Creating Annotations for Sheet Layer Viewports on page 621

Improved navigation between viewport crop and annotation modes Navigate back to viewport from design layer Associative dimensions in viewports

Viewport layer overrides

Changing the Layer Properties of Sheet Layer Viewports on page 623 and Transferring Attributes on page 234

Cropped layer links

Cropping Layer Links on page 631 Using the Workspace Editor on page 719

Export workspace to text file


| Preface
Icons throughout the VectorWorks application have been redesigned Updates over 30 dialog boxes for interface consistency VectorWorks now looks, by default, to the My Documents folder (Windows) or ~/Documents folder (Macintosh) when performing Open, Save, Import, or Export commands. In addition, the last used Open and Save folder is saved between sessions. Workspace files have been changed to an XML format that is platform independent. In addition, VectorWorks tool and menu information is now cached, which improves the performance when the application is launched, when the workspace is switched, and when plug-ins are edited with the VectorScript Plug-in Editor. VectorWorks files are now created with a .vwx file extension, rather than an .mcd extension Four operations which previously displayed an alert dialog box now generate a minor alert that do not require a user response: rotate view center of rotation, working plane specification, fillet of 2D objects, and fillet of illegal objects The Constraints palette settings are now saved within each VectorWorks file All tools that have tool preference dialog boxes now save the specified preferences across application sessions The Custom Visibility command has been removed from the workspaces and marked as a legacy command

Icon improvements Dialog box modernization Open and Save folder improvements

Various locations Various locations Not applicable

Workspace file format improvements

Not applicable

New VectorWorks file extension Four alert dialog boxes demoted to minor alerts

Not applicable

Not applicable

Constraints palette settings saved Tool preferences saved

Not applicable Not applicable

Legacy Custom Visibility command

Not applicable

New RenderWorks Features

The following table contains a list of new and improved features for this release, and indicates the section where the functionality is documented.

New Features | Feature

Improved dialog box functionality OpenGL Backgrounds


The Set Image Size and Create Transparent Color Mask dialog boxes are now easier to use The OpenGL render mode now supports one color, two color, and image backgrounds Sliders have been added, and parameters have been added and rearranged, to improve the Custom RenderWorks Options and Custom Radiosity Options dialog boxes This new feature produces better indirect lighting, for more efficient, higher-quality rendering. Final gather rendering can be used with Custom RenderWorks, and is effective for models that are too complex to render with radiosity. It can also be combined with radiosity to clean up as well as increase the speed of rendering. It can also increase speed and quality when rendering with an HDRI background. Rendering mode options can be set from the tool preferences A new palette accesses lights and cameras in both design layers and sheet layer viewports. Lights and cameras can easily be selected, modified, created, duplicated, and deleted. Selected sheet layer viewports can have lighting overrides for enhanced presentation. Libraries include a variety of Forbo flooring textures from the Artoleum product line Libraries include a variety of arcitex wood textures A new paving color shader, as well as new bump shaders that are the equivalent of most color shaders, are now available. A new From Color bump shader sets bump parameters based on the current color shader.

Setting the Texture Size by Image on page 639 and Mask Transparency on page 646 Applying RenderWorks Backgrounds on page 676 Custom RenderWorks Options on page 689, and Setting Custom Radiosity Options on page 694 Custom RenderWorks Options on page 689, Radiosity Workflow on page 693, Setting Custom Radiosity Options on page 694, and Creating HDRI Backgrounds on page 658

Improved Custom RenderWorks and Custom Radiosity Options

Final gather rendering

Render Bitmap tool options New Visualization palette

Rendering a Selected Area on page 705 Managing Lights and Cameras on page 709

New Forbo flooring textures

Object Libraries on page 729

New arcitex wood textures New shaders

Object Libraries on page 729 Shader Types on page 733


| Preface

Learning VectorWorks
There are a number of ways to learn how to use VectorWorks, including both printed and online users guides, training CDs, and both online and classroom training.

Users Guides
This guide is the VectorWorks Fundamentals Users Guide. It is a comprehensive reference for all VectorWorks users describing the core tools, commands, and features in the VectorWorks Fundamentals product. The guide also describes the presentation capabilities of RenderWorks, for users who purchased RenderWorks. The VectorWorks Design Series Users Guide describes the features in the VectorWorks Architect, Landmark, Spotlight, Machine Design, and Designer products. It is designed for users who have purchased one or more Design Series products. The VectorWorks help system reflects the most up-to-date information; it may, therefore, be more current than the printed guides. The following table describes the conventions used in the guides. All instructions in the guides are based on click-click drawing.

(Macintosh) (Windows) bold text blue indented text click double-click right click Shift-click click-click click-drag Control+letter key select

Macintosh-specific instruction Windows-specific instruction Indicates a specific button, command, class, or explicitly named item Indicates a note, tip, or warning Click the mouse button and release. The left button is always implied in Windows. Click two times quickly on the mouse button and release Click with the right mouse button and release; on the Macintosh, hold down the Ctrl key while clicking the mouse Hold down the Shift key and click Click the mouse button once and release. Move the cursor to the desired location and click again. This is the default drawing preference for VectorWorks at installation. Click once with the mouse button and do not release. Drag (move) the cursor to a desired location and then release. Hold down the Ctrl key and press the specified key Click on an object with the mouse, or click-drag over an object with marquee selection, to highlight it. The object is highlighted, and/or handles display on the object to indicate that it is currently active. This term also refers to executing menu commands.

VectorWorks Help System

The VectorWorks help system includes the following volumes: Welcome to VectorWorks: Instructions for using the help system within the VectorWorks program VectorWorks Fundamentals: Context-sensitive online version of the VectorWorks Fundamentals Users Guide

Technical Support | xxiii

Design Series: Context-sensitive online version of the VectorWorks Design Series Users Guide VectorScript Guide: Description of the VectorScript language, which can be used to automate routine tasks VectorScript Reference: Comprehensive listing of procedures and functions in the VectorScript language To access the Help system, select Help > VectorWorks Help from within the VectorWorks program. In the help system Table of Contents, open the Welcome book for complete instructions on how to use the system. The help system allows quick access to comprehensive reference information about VectorWorks. Program commands and tools are linked to the appropriate help topic, providing instant information. The help system also offers links to related topics, allows full text searches, and contains an index and table of contents to topics across all products. The Back button in the VectorWorks help system may not function on Safari due to Safari limitations.

Visit for details about the following training options: Training CDs Guided online training Onsite training Classroom training

Other Resources
Visit for details about the following additional resources: Documentation updates Independent local user groups LISTSERV user lists

Technical Support
Technical support is available for registered VectorWorks users in several ways. International users should contact their local reseller for details concerning technical support (see for reseller information). United States users can contact Technical Support using the following methods: Call 410.290.5114 Send a fax to 410.290.8050 Send an e-mail to [email protected] Visit the technical support message board at Visit the technical support knowledge base at E-mail VectorScript-specific problems to [email protected]

When you contact Technical Support, provide a brief description of the problem that includes specific details about what actions were taken prior to the problems occurrence. The more information you can give your support representative, the easier it will be to solve your problem quickly. When you contact Technical Support by phone, please have access to your computer and be ready to tell the representative: VectorWorks version number VectorWorks registration number Operating system

xxiv | Preface
Type of computer being used Amount of RAM installed in the computer List of any recent changes to the computers setup (such as new fonts, software, or hardware)

Troubleshooting a problem prior to calling Technical Support will also aid in a speedy resolution. Basic troubleshooting tips include: Test to see if the problem occurs in a new, blank file Test to see if the problem occurs system wide (especially print and font problems) Copy and paste part of the document to a new file to see if the problem persists Run the computer in Safe Mode (Windows) to see if there is a system conflict Check the technical support message board to see if the problem has already been reported or resolved (

Understanding VectorWorks

This section describes the core concepts behind VectorWorks functionality; each concept is described briefly in this overview. The actual implementation of these concepts are described thoroughly in their relevant sections. Where possible, the relevant sections are referenced.

Intuitive Design and Drafting Package

VectorWorks is an essential graphic design tool for anyone who wishes to use CAD software immediately. The program emphasizes rapid, accurate drawing and easy object selection. This ease of use minimizes the learning curve, so that ideas can be quickly converted into drawings.

Hybrid Environment
In most CAD programs, it is possible to create either a 2D or a 3D drawing. VectorWorks allows you to do both, with hybrid objects that display in a 2D or 3D representation of a drawing. In this hybrid environment, symbols display as 2D symbols in a 2D view, and as a fully-formed 3D object in 3D view. The program automatically displays the correct symbol according to the view. VectorWorks Fundamentals provides symbol libraries that contain a number of pre-made hybrid symbols; alternatively, create your own hybrid objects. A good example of a hybrid object is a door. It displays as an abstract solid in a 2D view and as a fully formed door in a 3D view.

2D View

3D View

The advantage of working with hybrid objects is that 3D models can automatically be created from 2D drawings, or vice versa. For more information on the hybrid environment and symbols, see Understanding Symbols on page 153.

| Chapter 1: Introduction


Align H/Align V

Design with precision using the SmartCursor. By providing a series of cues (words or symbols that are displayed at the mouse pointers current location) that update with every move of the mouse, the drawing options are clear. Use the SmartCursor to create snaps to specific points relative to other objects or to temporarily set a new origin (datum). Draw exact perpendiculars, angles, edge snaps and more. The SmartCursor is described in detail in SmartCursor and Constraints on page 119.

Image Preview
An image preview is used for a variety of functions, including drawing objects, placing objects, and the SmartCursor. The image preview is the image displayed as the object is drawn, after a tool has been selected or an operation invoked, but before the object is physically placed in the drawing. The image preview may exactly resemble the object to be placed or may be a representation of that object, such as its bounding box. During the drawing process, the image preview contains a feedback segment, which gathers information for display in the Data bar. VectorWorks also uses this segment to properly invoke SmartCursor cues.

Layers, Classes, and Views

Layers and classes provide the framework for VectorWorks drawings. Viewports and views display and present drawings. These features work together to provide flexible organizational and viewing capabilities. VectorWorks design layers (where drawings are created) can have height. If a wall is eight feet high, the design layer can be as well. This allows for a true 3D representation of a model. Show and hide design layers as needed, to display certain aspects of a design. Objects placed together in design layers are related in space. Design layers help automate some aspects of wall creation as well as provide other advantages. Each VectorWorks design layer can have a different scale. Special sheet layers are used for creating viewports; these are multiple linked views of a drawing, complete with annotation, and ready for the presentation of a final design to a client. In VectorWorks Design Series, viewports also can be created on design layers, which can show one or more design layers from its own file, or from an external file. Classes associate objects across layers. Classes are used to classify objects and can have specific display attributes, such as color. Classes are used to speed the drawing process, since attributes can be specified at object creation, and to control the visibility of these related groups. Each object can only be assigned one class, but each object can be composed of other nested objects, which can each be assigned a different class. A particular view of the drawing, such as one which shows only certain layers and classes, can be saved. Take a snapshot of a combination of layers and classes and then print the view. Layers, classes, and views are described in detail in Drawing Structure on page 81.

Understanding VectorWorks |

When a design is complete, it typically needs to be presented to a client with views from several different directions, complete with details, annotations, dimensions, and title blocks. To accomplish this in VectorWorks, create viewport objects, which can show other design layers in this file, or even design layers in other files. Viewports can display entire as well as cropped views of a drawing, with specified layer and class visibility settings, projection, render mode, and orientation parameters. If the drawing changes, the viewports can be easily updated to reflect the changes. In both VectorWorks Fundamentals and the VectorWorks Design Series, you can create one or more viewports on a sheet layer, and each viewport can show one or more design layers from the current file. Additionally, the VectorWorks Design Series allows you to create one or more viewports on a design layer, and the design layers shown can be either from the current file, or referenced from another file. Viewports are described in Presenting Drawings with Sheet Layer Viewports on page 609 in this guide, and in Presenting Drawings with Design Layer Viewports on page 616 in the VectorWorks Design Series Users Guide.

Planes and 3D Space

Every VectorWorks drawing has a visible ground plane. This plane is permanently placed and can be used as a constant reference point for drawing in 2D or 3D space. In 3D space, however, a plane can be placed at a specific angle or rotation to better help create an object relative to that plane. This can help as views are changed or objects modified. This modifiable plane is called a working plane in VectorWorks. Working planes are described in detail in Using Working Planes on page 551.

VectorWorks has a comprehensive script capability called VectorScript. Use existing scripts or create your own. Customize VectorWorks working environment with scripts, or create customized plug-in tools, commands, and objects that fit your needs. The VectorScript scripting language can be very useful and saves time and effort by creating reusable functions for drawings. Scripts can also be used to customize VectorWorks. See Using Scripts on page 593 for details on customizing VectorWorks. See the VectorScript Language Guide for an introduction to the VectorScript language. The VectorScript Language Guide is available in the help system, and as a PDF file in [VectorWorks]\VWHelp\Additional Documentation. In addition, the VectorScript Function Reference is a comprehensive command reference available online. It is located in: VWHelp/VectorScript Reference/VSFunctionReference.html

| Chapter 1: Introduction

VectorWorks provides comprehensive worksheet and database functionality. Object attributes and records can be listed in a worksheet, and spreadsheet calculations can be performed on this data. For example, list all the rooms in a drawing, and automatically calculate the number of bedrooms. Create a worksheet listing the items required to furnish the rooms and the cost. Worksheets are described in Creating Worksheets on page 563.

Creating a New File

To create a new file: 1. Select File > New. The Create Document dialog box opens. 2. Select the type of document to create and click OK to open the new file.

Document Type
Create blank document Use document template

Opens a new drawing file with the default VectorWorks settings (attributes, scale, units, etc.) Opens a new drawing with settings that were saved in a template file; select the template to use (see Creating Templates on page 73 to learn more about templates)

VectorWorks searches your user folder, your workgroup folders, and the VectorWorks system folder for template files. If no templates are found anywhere on the system, the Create Document dialog box does not open. Instead, a blank new document is created automatically.

Opening a File
There are three ways to open a file that already exists. Up to eight VectorWorks files can be open at once. To open a file that already exists: 1. Select File > Open. The Open dialog box opens. 2. Select the name of the file or template to open. 3. Click Open. VectorWorks opens the last saved version of the selected drawing file. To open a file that was recently used:

Migrating from Previous Versions |

Select File > Open Recent and select a name from the list of the last ten files that were opened or saved. The file is opened; if the file is already open, it is moved to the front of the screen to become the current file. To open a file from the operating system: Double-click a file directly in Windows Explorer or Macintosh Finder.

If multiple versions of VectorWorks are installed, and VectorWorks is not yet open, the version that opens when you double-click a file depends on the operating system. On Windows, the version of VectorWorks that was installed most recently opens. On Macintosh OS X, VectorWorks 2008 opens when you double-click a version 2008 file. When you double-click an older version file, the older version of VectorWorks opens. VectorWorks 2008 can only open files that were created in MiniCAD 7 or in VectorWorks versions 8 and above. Files that were created in versions earlier than MiniCAD 7 must be converted to at least version 7, with a version of VectorWorks earlier than version 12. If an earlier version of VectorWorks is not available, contact NNA Sales Support for assistance.

Migrating from Previous Versions

The Update Plug-in Objects command converts a variety of legacy objectsincluding windows, doors, drawing borders, and structural shapesto the current application format. This command works across all file layers, and as applicable, on objects that are freestanding, inserted in walls, in a placed symbol, or in a symbol definition. All applicable parameter values, and any attached records are also transferred during the conversion. Saving a copy of the file prior to running the command is recommended, as the command cannot be undone. To update plug-in objects: 1. Open a file containing legacy objects. 2. Select Tools > Utilities > Update Plug-in Objects. The Update Plug-in Objects dialog box opens.

3. Select the type(s) of objects to convert to the new format, and then click OK. All older version objects of the selected type(s) are converted into the new format.

Closing a File
To close the current file: 1. Select File > Close or click the close box on the drawing window.

| Chapter 1: Introduction
2. If the file changed since it was last saved, click Save (Macintosh) or Yes (Windows) to save and close the file. Click Dont Save (Macintosh) or No (Windows) to close the file without a save.

To close all open files (Windows only): 1. Select Window > Close All. 2. If the files changed since they were last saved, click Yes to save and close the files. Click No to close the files without a save.

Saving a File
The Save command saves the open file, which replaces the earlier version of the file. When you save a file for the first time, specify the file name and location. The Save command is disabled if no changes have been made to the file since it was first opened or created. On Windows, the files require a .vwx or .mcd extension to be recognized by VectorWorks. If you do not enter an extension, VectorWorks adds the .vwx extension automatically. To save the current file: 1. Select File > Save. If the file has not been saved before, the Save VectorWorks Drawing dialog box opens. 2. Enter a name for the file in the Name field, and then select the destination for the file. 3. Click Save. VectorWorks saves the file. The time required may depend on the file size.

Save As
To save the current file with a different name: 1. Select File > Save As. The Save VectorWorks Drawing dialog box opens. 2. Enter a new Name for the file, and then select the destination for the file. 3. Click Save. VectorWorks saves a new copy of the file. The time required may depend on the file size.

Save a Copy As
To save a copy of the current file and continue to edit the current file: 1. Select File > Save A Copy As. The Save dialog box opens. 2. Enter a new Name for the file, and then select the destination for the file. 3. Click Save. VectorWorks saves a new copy of the file and keeps the original file open for further edits. The time required may depend on the file size.

Reverting to the Last Saved Version |

Automatically Saving Files

The autosave feature automatically saves the current file after either a specified number of minutes or a specified number of operations, as defined in the Autosave tab of the VectorWorks Preferences dialog box. See Autosave Preferences on page 45 for more information. If the Confirm before save preference is selected, a confirmation dialog box displays before the autosave is performed. The information that displays in this dialog box depends on the settings selected in VectorWorks preferences.

Yes No Settings

Saves the file; if the document has not been saved, the Save dialog box opens to name the file first Cancels the save operation and resets the autosave counters Opens the VectorWorks Preferences dialog box to edit the autosave parameters; select Dont autosave this document for the remainder of the session (or Dont backup this document for the remainder of the session) to disable the autosave feature for the active document for the remainder of the session

When the save is complete, the message Autosave complete displays in the lower right corner of the window; the message clears when you click the mouse.

Reverting to the Last Saved Version

The Revert to Saved command replaces the active drawing with the most recently-saved version. This deletes all changes made since the last save, which can remove several undesirable changes in one step. To revert to the last saved version: 1. Select File > Revert to Saved. This action cannot be undone. Confirm that changes should not be saved. 2. Click OK. VectorWorks closes the active drawing and opens the last saved version of the file.

Converting Previous Version Files

VectorWorks must translate files created in previous versions of VectorWorks into the current format. VectorWorks cannot convert MiniCAD 6 or earlier files, however. VectorWorks automatically applies PNG compression to images contained in converted files.

| Chapter 1: Introduction
To convert an entire folder of files at once, use the Batch Convert command as described in Converting Previous Version Files as a Batch on page 8. To convert one file at a time, open and save the file in the current version of VectorWorks as described in Converting a Single Previous Version File on page 10. You may need to correct the visibility of crop objects and annotation objects in sheet layer viewports (see Viewport Parameters on page 614).

Converting Previous Version Files as a Batch

During a batch conversion, VectorWorks scans all files in the source folder (and in sub-folders, optionally), and converts previous version files to the current format. Non-VectorWorks files and VectorWorks files that are too old to convert are skipped and recorded in the log file. There are two options for VectorWorks files during batch conversions: By default, VectorWorks moves the previous version files to an archive folder and places the converted versions of those files in the source folder. Alternatively, VectorWorks makes no changes to the source folder. Instead, the converted files (and copies of any current version VectorWorks files) are placed in a specified folder. To convert a batch of files: 1. Place all files to be converted in one folder, or in sub-folders within the source folder. 2. In VectorWorks, select File > Batch Convert. The Batch Convert dialog box opens.

Source Folder

Click Choose to open either the Choose Source Folder dialog box (Macintosh) or the Browse for Folder dialog box (Windows); select the folder that contains the files you want to convert, and then click Choose (Macintosh) or OK (Windows) to return to the Batch Convert dialog box

Converting Previous Version Files | Parameter

Destination Folder

To place the converted files into a different folder, click Choose to open either the Choose Destination Folder dialog box (Macintosh) or the Browse for Folder dialog box (Windows). Select the folder, and then click Choose (Macintosh) or OK (Windows) to return to the Batch Convert dialog box. Then deselect Convert in place. Converts the files within the sub-folders of the source folder Moves the original VectorWorks files to an archive folder, and places the newly converted files in the original source file locations. The archive folder is created within the source folder and is named Old Version VectorWorks Files. Deselect this option to place the converted files in the destination folder and make no changes to the source folder.

Include subfolders Convert in place

Convert layer links into viewports (Design Series required)

In VectorWorks 2008, instead of creating layer links, Design Series users can create viewports on design layers that reference one or more layers within the same file. Select this option to convert any layer links in the older version files into viewports. See Presenting Drawings with Design Layer Viewports on page 616 in the VectorWorks Design Series Users Guide. In VectorWorks 2008, instead of importing layer data from an external file, Design Series users can create viewports on design layers that reference one or more layers in an external file. Select this option to convert any referenced layers in the older version files into viewports. See Presenting Drawings with Design Layer Viewports on page 616 in the VectorWorks Design Series Users Guide.

Convert referenced layers into referenced viewports (Design Series required)

3. Click OK to convert the files. Each file is briefly opened and re-saved into the appropriate folder. Sub-folder names and hierarchies are recreated, if they are included in the conversion process. If Convert in place is selected, the original files are moved to the archive folder, in the original sub-folder structure. 4. Once the conversion is complete, the Batch Conversion Results dialog box displays a summary.

Total files in source folder Total files successfully converted

The total number of files contained in the specified source folder The total number of files successfully converted by the Batch Convert command


| Chapter 1: Introduction
The total number of files that were already in the current version of VectorWorks; if Convert in place is selected, the files are left in place in the original folder; if Convert in place is not selected, the files are copied to the destination folder The total number of files that were not converted The number of files that were not converted because they were not VectorWorks files The number of files that were not converted because they were MiniCAD 6 or an earlier version, which is not supported by the Batch Convert command The number of files that were not converted, for which VectorWorks could not detect a reason

Total current version files left in place (copied)

Total files not converted Not a VectorWorks file Unsupported VectorWorks file version Unknown reasons

5. Click Details to view a log file with information about each file processed during the conversion.

Converting a Single Previous Version File

When you open an older file, VectorWorks automatically converts the file and assigns it an appropriate name. By default, VectorWorks renames the converted file and keeps the original file intact. Change the default setting to rename the original file and use the original file name for the converted file instead. In this case, if the original file is write-protected, VectorWorks cannot rename it; save the converted file and give it an appropriate name. To convert a single file: 1. In the current version of VectorWorks, open a file that was created with a previous version of VectorWorks. A conversion alert box opens, showing which file will be renamed, along with the new name. The action described in the dialog box depends on the current setting for converting file names.

Exiting VectorWorks |


2. To change the way this file will be converted, click Settings. The following dialog box opens.

Keep the original file name with the Convert layer links into viewports (Design Series required)

Select which file will have the original file name: the original file or the new file In VectorWorks 2008, instead of creating layer links, Design Series users can create viewports on design layers that reference one or more layers within the same file. Select this option to convert any layer links in the older file into viewports. See Presenting Drawings with Design Layer Viewports on page 616 in the VectorWorks Design Series Users Guide. In VectorWorks 2008, instead of importing layer data from an external file, Design Series users can create viewports on design layers that reference one or more layers in an external file. Select this option to convert any referenced layers in the older version file into viewports. See Presenting Drawings with Design Layer Viewports on page 616 in the VectorWorks Design Series Users Guide.

Convert referenced layers into referenced viewports (Design Series required)

3. Specify the conversion settings and click OK to save the change; future file conversions will use this setting. 4. In the conversion alert box, click OK to complete the conversion.

Exiting VectorWorks
To close VectorWorks along with any open files: 1. From the File menu (Windows) or VectorWorks menu (Macintosh), select Quit. 2. If there are any unsaved files, click Save (Macintosh) or Yes (Windows) to save the changes and exit. Click Dont Save (Macintosh) or No (Windows) to exit without a save.


| Chapter 1: Introduction

VectorWorks Standard Workspace

When VectorWorks Fundamentals is started, the main window opens with a new, blank file. By default, the standard workspace is selected, and contains menus, palettes, and tool sets in a default layout. During a work session, palettes may be opened, closed, and moved around as necessary. When the application is closed, the last workspace settings are preserved and restored for the next session. Custom workspaces can be created, as described in Creating or Editing a Workspace on page 719. To switch to another workspace, select Tools > Workspaces, and then select the workspace from the list of those available.
Object Info palette - the Render tab displays if RenderWorks is installed, or if the Design Series uses sketch rendering

VectorWorks version

File name

Tool bar

View bar

View bar menu

Menu bar

Basic palette Rulers

Data bar menu

Attributes palette Resource Browser Vertical scroll bar Constraints palette Floating Data bar

Tool Sets palette

Message bar menu Message bar Horizontal scroll bar Windows Screen Print area border

VectorWorks Standard Workspace |


Macintosh Screen

Windows, palettes, tool sets, and dialog boxes that contain a sizing handle in their bottom right corner can be resized; click-drag the sizing handle to the desired location. The following table describes some of the standard workspace features.

Menu bar Title bar Data bar

Contains pull-down menus that access the VectorWorks commands All windows, palettes, tool sets, and dialog boxes have a title bar; click and drag any title bar to move the item to the desired location. See Palette Layout Options on page 17. Depending on the tool and on the action being performed, the Data bar displays information such as coordinate data, length, and angle. Use the Data bar menu to set the Data bar either to float with the cursor, or to be stationary on the Tool bar. See Using the 2D Data Bar on page 183 and Using the 3D Data Bar on page 291 for more information. Displays the various modes of the active tool; click a mode to select it. The bar also displays mode information and accesses the tool preferences, if any. The Tool bar is divided into sections grouped by mode function. To move easily through the mode sections from the keyboard, press the U, I, O, P, [ (left bracket), and ] (right bracket) keys. Each key corresponds to a consecutive Tool bar section (see the Mode Modifier shortcuts in Modifying Constraint and Mode Shortcuts on page 727).

Tool bar


| Chapter 1: Introduction
Contains buttons and pulldown menus that control the view in various ways (see The View Bar on page 14) Displays tool explanations, undo messages, minor alerts, and a progress bar (when applicable). To also display cursor location fields on the Message bar, click the triangle at the far right of the bar; select the option to display all positional fields, only cursor-based location fields, or no cursor location fields. This is the open portion in the middle of the VectorWorks application window where drawings are created; it includes both the print area and the space that surrounds it Within the drawing area, a gray border defines the print area, if shown. Only the objects that are included within the print area are printed. The print area is divided into pages; each page equals a physical sheet of paper to be printed. A print margin is built in for each page (see The Print Area on page 74). Based on the current measurement system, rulers make it easier to precisely create and place objects within the drawing. The rulers can be hidden with an option in the VectorWorks preferences (see Setting VectorWorks Preferences on page 39). Based on the current measurement system, two grid systems make it easier to precisely create and place objects within the file. To hide the reference grid, deselect Show Grid Lines (see Snap and Reference Grids on page 55).

View bar Message bar

Drawing area Print area



The View Bar

The View bar is located along the top of the application window. It provides quick access to various options that affect the drawing view. Some View bar items have equivalent menu commands.
Shortcut to either the Design Layers tab or the Sheet Layers tab of the Organization dialog box Shortcut to the Layer Scale dialog box Fit to Page Area Fit to Objects Current View/ Standard Views list

Next View

Current Render Mode/ Render Modes list

Previous View

Active Class/ Classes list

Active Layer/ Layers list

Saved Views menu

Zoom In/Out

Current Render Mode Options View bar menu

Shortcut to the Classes tab of the Organization dialog box

Current Layer Scale (display only)

Current Zoom

Previous View Next View Classes tab shortcut

Displays the previous view that was created by a pan, zoom, or scroll in the drawing area; VectorWorks keeps track of up to 50 views Displays the next view; VectorWorks keeps track of up to 50 views Opens the Classes tab of the Organization dialog box

The View Bar | Component

Active Class/Classes list


Displays the active class, and activates a class that is selected from the list; an icon to the left of each name indicates the current visibility setting of the class (see Setting Visibilities on page 108 for more information). A triangle next to the class name indicates that the class has sub-groups that can be selected individually (for example, a wall class with exterior and interior sub-groups). Depending on whether a Design Layer or a Sheet Layer is active, opens either the Design Layers tab or the Sheet Layers tab of the Organization dialog box Displays the active layer, and activates a design layer or sheet layer that is selected from the list. The area to the left of each name indicates the view and visibility of the layer. Depending on the view, any of the following icons can display for design layers; sheet layers are always in Top/Plan view:

Design Layers tab/ Sheet Layers tab shortcut Active Layer/Layers list

Top/Plan view

Any standard view other than Top/Plan

Plan Rotation active (Design Series required)

The visibility of the layer is indicated as follows: Black icon the layer is visible Gray icon the layer is grayed No icon the layer is invisible Saved Views menu Activates a saved view that is selected from the list. Select Edit View to open the Saved Views tab of the Organization dialog box, or select Save View to open the Save View dialog box; see Creating or Editing Saved Views Using the Saved Views Menu on page 107. Opens the Layer Scale dialog box; the scale of the active design layer displays to the right. See Changing the Scale of the Drawing or the Active Design Layer on page 51. Displays the whole drawing (all pages) in the drawing window; see Fit to Page Area on page 419 Zooms in or out so that all of the objects in a drawing are visible. If an object or objects are currently selected, the zoom is relative to those object(s); see Fit to Objects on page 418. Click to double the magnification of the drawing; to reduce the magnification of the drawing by one-half, use Alt-Click (Windows) or Option-Click (Macintosh). The zoom centers on any objects that are selected; if nothing is selected, the zoom centers on the last empty spot that was clicked. See Zooming from the View Bar on page 26. Zooms in or out by the zoom factor that is selected or entered; this option is available when the Zoom - Long option is selected on the View bar menu Displays the current view, and activates a standard view (such as Top/Plan) that is selected from the list; see Using Standard Views on page 403. If the view is not standard (for example, if the Flyover tool was used), Custom View displays. If the current render mode has options, displays the appropriate options dialog box; this option is available when the Render Mode - Long option is selected on the View bar menu

Layer Scale shortcut Fit to Page Area Fit to Objects Zoom In/Out

Current Zoom Current View/ Standard Views list Current Render Mode Options


| Chapter 1: Introduction
Displays the current render mode, and activates a render mode selected from the list; select Options for Other Render Modes to access the options for a particular mode. See Rendering with VectorWorks on page 431 and RenderWorks Rendering Modes on page 687. Selects the options to display on the View bar

Current Render Mode/ Render Modes list

View bar menu

Palettes and Tool Sets

The standard workspace contains various palettes for creating and editing objects in VectorWorks Fundamentals. Basic and Tool Sets are tool palettes, which have special functionality, as described in Tool Palette Features on page 18. If a keyboard shortcut is currently assigned to a menu command or tool, the shortcut displays when the mouse hovers over the command or tool; to set up or modify keyboard shortcuts, see Modifying Menus and Commands on page 720. Depending on the initial settings, some palettes may be hidden when VectorWorks Fundamentals is launched.

Palette / Tool Set

Constraints Attributes Object Info Working Planes Resource Browser Visualization (RenderWorks required) Basic Tool Sets

Contains SmartCursor controls that can be toggled on or off Contains a selection of colors, fills, pens, and other object attributes Lists context-sensitive object information for viewing and editing Contains controls for adding and modifying working planes Accesses VectorWorks gradient fills, hatch patterns, image fills, record formats, scripts and script palettes, symbols and symbol folders, worksheets, textures, and backgrounds Accesses all lights and cameras in the file

Contains a single set of basic 2D and 3D object creation and editing tools; the palette can be customized through the Workspace Editor In the standard workspace, the palette includes the following tool sets, whose tools are grouped by similar functionality; the palette and its tool sets can be customized through the Workspace Editor Contains tools for creating and editing 3D objects, including solids and NURBS Contains tools for changing the drawing view in different ways, including the Walkthrough and Light tools Contains tools for adding dimension and label objects Contains basic wall creation tools Contains tools for adding architectural detail objects, such as tubing Contains palettes with VectorScript resources

3D Modeling Visualization Dims / Notes Walls Detailing Script Palettes

Palette Layout Options |


Palette Layout Options

The default palette layout in VectorWorks Fundamentals can be customized. Select the palettes to display or hide with the Window > Palettes menu (or select Palettes from the document context menu). Click on the title bar of any displayed palette and drag it to the desired location. Most palettes can be resized by the standard Windows or Macintosh resize method. Palette size, position, and visibility are saved upon exiting VectorWorks Fundamentals.

Specifying Macintosh Palette Margins

On the Macintosh, the palettes can be placed in a margin on either side of the drawing area. When the palette margins are in use, the drawing area cannot expand past a fixed size, which allows the palettes to remain out of the way. The palette margin area can be turned on and off in the VectorWorks preferences as described in Setting VectorWorks Preferences on page 39.

Minimizing Palettes
To increase the available drawing area, palettes can be minimized while not in use, and then maximized when needed. On Macintosh, click the palettes yellow title bar button or double-click the palettes title bar to minimize the palette. Repeat the process to maximize the palette. On Windows, click the palettes pin icon in the title bar to toggle between minimized (horizontal pin icon) and maximized (vertical pin icon) display. Move the cursor over a minimized title bar to temporarily maximize the palette; move the cursor off the palette to minimize it again.

Minimized palette

Maximized palette

Docking Windows Palettes

In Windows, most palettes can be docked to any of the four drawing window edges, or snapped to other docked palettes. The Object Info, Resource Browser, Attributes palette, and Working Planes palettes can only be docked to the left and right window edges. The ability to dock palettes is enabled by default in the Session tab of the VectorWorks preferences dialog box. Deselect this option to disable docking. See Setting VectorWorks Preferences on page 39 for more information. To dock or undock a palette by double-clicking: 1. Double-click a palettes title bar. If the palette was undocked, double-clicking docks it in its previous location. If the palette was docked, double-clicking undocks it and moves it to its previous location in the drawing area. 2. To toggle the docked/undocked status, double-click the palettes title bar again, as necessary.


| Chapter 1: Introduction

To dock a palette by dragging it: 1. Drag the title bar of the desired palette toward the edge of the window. The palettes view switches to a gray outline. When the palette is in range of a window edge, the outline changes shape to represent the new docked shape. 2. Move the palettes outline to the edge of the docking location and release. Currently docked palettes adjust their location along the edge to accommodate the new palette. To prevent a palette from docking, hold down the Ctrl key while dragging the palette near an edge. To undock a palette by dragging it: 1. Drag the title bar of the desired palette away from the edge. The palettes view switches to a gray outline. When the palette is out of window edge range, the outline changes shape to represent the new undocked shape. 2. Drag the palette to the desired location within the drawing area.

Tool Palette Features

Both the standard tool palettes (Basic and Tool Sets) and any custom tool palettes have special features that other palettes do not. Tool palettes and their tool sets can be created and customized using the Workspace Editor (see Creating or Editing a Workspace on page 719).

Pop-out Tools
On tool palettes, an arrow on the right side of a tool icon or label indicates additional, related pop-out tools. Click and hold down the mouse button to open the menu of pop-out tools.

Utility Menus
Each tool palette has a button at the bottom that opens a utility menu, which controls the palette and tool display.

Palette Layout Options |


Menu / Command
View Tools As Icons Icons and Text Text Sort Tools By Manual Placement Ascending Alphabetical Descending Alphabetical View Tool Sets As Icons Icons and Text Text Sort Tool Sets By Manual Placement Ascending Alphabetical Descending Alphabetical Place Tool Sets At Top of Palette Bottom of Palette Customize

Display only an icon for each tool Display both an icon and a text label for each tool Display only a text label for each tool

Display tools in the order appearing in the Workspace Editor Display tools in ascending alphabetical order according to text labels Display tools in descending alphabetical order according to text labels (These options are available only for tool palettes with multiple tool sets) Display only an icon for each tool set in the palette Display both an icon and a text label for each tool set in the palette Display only a text label for each tool set in the palette (These options are available only for tool palettes with multiple tool sets) Display tool sets in the order appearing in the Workspace Editor Display tool sets in ascending alphabetical order according to text labels Display tool sets in descending alphabetical order according to text labels (These options are available only for tool palettes with multiple tool sets) Display tool set selection buttons at the top of the tool palette Display tool set selection buttons at the bottom of the tool palette Opens the Workspace Editor Options dialog box (see Creating or Editing a Workspace on page 719 for details)

Tool Set Selection Buttons and Tear-off Palettes

If a tool palette has multiple tool sets (as does the Tool Sets palette), selection buttons for each tool set display on the palette. To display a tool sets tools, click the appropriate button. The button is highlighted to indicate which tool set is active.


| Chapter 1: Introduction

To see multiple tool sets at once, drag a tool sets selection button off the main palette. This creates a separate, temporary palette for the tool set, with a perforated top edge. Like other palettes, these tear-off palettes can be docked, resized, and minimized. To close a tear-off palette, click its close button. On Windows, a docked tear-off palette does not have a perforated edge; instead, it has a special close button in the shape of a curved arrow.

Click the Visualization tool set button to display its tools

Drag the Walls tool set button off the Tool Sets palette to create a Walls tear-off palette

List Box Functionality

Dialog boxes that contain long lists of information (such as the Organization dialog box) may have some or all of the following functionality.

Change the lists sort key Change a columns sort order Resize a column Select a group of items Select multiple items individually Select an item on the list Edit an item on the list Open a context menu for an item on the list For lists with a Visibility column, set the same visibility for all items on the list

Click the heading of the column to sort by; an arrow appears on the right side of the column heading to indicate that it is the sort key Click the column heading; the sort arrow in the heading indicates whether the current sort is ascending or descending Click the vertical line on the right side of a columns heading and drag it left or right Click the first item, and then Shift-click the last item in the group Click the first item, and then Command-click (Macintosh) or Ctrl-click (Windows) each additional item Type the first letter(s) of the desired items name Double-click the desired item Ctrl-click (Macintosh) or right-click (Windows) the desired item Option-click (Macintosh) or Alt-click (Windows) the desired setting

Additional Key Functionality |

Click the heading of a column without the sort arrow to sort the list by that column The arrow indicates the current sort key and sort order; click the column heading to reverse the sort order Drag the vertical line on the right side of a column heading to adjust the column size


Option-click (Macintosh) or Alt-click (Windows) one of the Visibility columns to set that visibility for all items on the list

Type the first letter of an items name to select it

Additional Key Functionality

Several keys in VectorWorks have additional functionality beyond the standard conventions:


Cancels the current operation. When a dialog box is open, this is the equivalent of pressing the Cancel button. Accepts the information in a field in the Data bar or Object Info palette, and then switches back to the document. Cancels rendering. When a dialog box is open, this is the equivalent to pressing the Done or OK button; accepts the information in a field in the Data bar or Object Info palette without switching back to the document Moves the cursor from one field to the next in the Data bar, Object Info palette, and dialog boxes Removes the last segment of or cancels the creation of an object being drawn Prevents palettes from docking when they are moved near an edge Engages the Pause/Boomerang mode. Holding down the Space Bar temporarily pauses the current tool. A second tool can then be selected and used. Release the Space Bar to return to the previous tool. Briefly expands the currently selected screen tip Rotates certain 2D objects (such as rectangles, rounded rectangles, ovals, bitmaps, and PICT images) with the 2D Selection tool at the objects selection handles

Return (Macintosh) / Enter (Windows) Tab Delete (Macintosh) / Backspace (Windows) Ctrl (Windows) Space Bar

Command (Macintosh) / Shift (Windows) Shift


| Chapter 1: Introduction

Screen Tips
VectorWorks screen tips are available throughout the program to identify items such as tool, mode, and constraint names. To view a screen tip, hold the cursor briefly over the item in question.

Certain items have screen tips that can be collapsed (default) and expanded. When collapsed, only the name of the item displays. When expanded, additional help information is displayed below the name. To expand screen tips, hold the Command key (Macintosh) or Shift key (Windows) while the screen tip is visible. On Windows, screen tips can also be collapsed or expanded by clicking on the disclosure arrow. When a screen tip is expanded, it remains expanded until it is manually collapsed again. Screen tips for all other items are expanded until a tip is collapsed again.
Disclosure arrow

Collapsed screen tip

Expanded screen tip

Drawing Techniques
In VectorWorks, objects are created using the mouse, the keyboard, or a mouse and keyboard combination.

Using the Mouse

The easiest way to draw in VectorWorks is to use the mouse. Select the appropriate tool button and create an object in either the click-drag or the click-click mode, depending on the type of object. In click-drag mode, click and continue to hold down the mouse button while you create an object; release the button when the object is the desired size and shape.
1st click


In click-click mode, click the mouse to mark the start point of an object, and then click again at each of the objects corners or vertices.
1st click

2nd click

VectorWorks defaults to click-click mode, and all procedures in this guide are based on click-click drawing. This preference can be changed in VectorWorks preferences.

Moving Around |
Use the Data bar for accurate object placement and creation. See Using the 2D Data Bar on page 183 and Using the 3D Data Bar on page 291.


Creating Objects with Object Properties

Some of VectorWorks creation tools can be used in conjunction with the Object Properties dialog box.

Rectangle Tool

To create objects with the Object Properties dialog box: 1. Double-click the desired tool (or press the tools shortcut key twice). The tools Object Properties dialog box opens. 2. Enter the desired criteria. 3. Click OK to accept the settings and exit the dialog box. If Position At Next Click is selected, click the mouse to select the objects location in the drawing.

Using Arithmetic Expressions

Arithmetic expressions can be entered into most of the edit fields in VectorWorks, including the Object Info palettes Shape tab and the Data bar. For this reason, the dash (-) cannot be used as a separator between feet and inches. Parentheses can be used to override the default operator precedence. For example: 1 + 2 * 3 = 7 (without parentheses) (1 + 2) * 3 = 9 (with parentheses) Values can be entered in any unit; VectorWorks converts it into the current unit. For example, if the current unit is Inches and an entry of 4+3 cm is made into the Object Info palette X field, VectorWorks converts the units automatically. The result, 5.1811, is displayed.

Moving Around
VectorWorks provides several ways to move around within a drawing file, which allows you to look at the whole drawing or at select portions of it. These navigation tools work for both 2D and 3D drawings.


| Chapter 1: Introduction

Use the Pan tool to move the drawing around the drawing window, changing the area of display. To pan around the drawing: 1. Click the Pan tool from the Basic palette. 2. Move the hand into the drawing window. 3. Click and hold down the mouse button, and drag the drawing around the screen. The rulers move with the page. 4. When the drawing shows the desired area, release the mouse button.

Double-click the Pan tool to refresh the drawing view. If navigation problems occur while panning, try disabling the Hardware accelerated 2D navigation VectorWorks preference (see Display Preferences on page 48) or adjusting the video card configuration.

Panning with the Mouse Wheel

On a wheel-mouse, click and hold down the mouse wheel to pan at any time, regardless of which tool is currently selected. This feature will not work properly if the wheel button has been assigned a custom function in the mouse setup. For example, if the wheel button is set to perform a delete when clicked, a wheel click in VectorWorks deletes rather than pans. (The specific setting required for this feature depends on the type of mouse being used.)

Panning with the Arrow Keys

Use the arrow keys on the keyboard to pan at any time, regardless of which tool is currently selected. Specify the arrow shortcut keys for panning in VectorWorks preferences (see Setting VectorWorks Preferences on page 39). Press the shortcut key combination once to move the drawing one half-screen in the direction of the arrow.

Moving the Page Print Boundary

The Move Page tool changes the position of the print boundary within the drawing area. Though the boundary moves, the rulers, origin, and objects remain fixed. In 3D, the working plane does not move along with the boundary.

Moving Around |
To move the page: 1. Click the Move Page tool from the Basic palette. 2. Click and drag the page outline to the desired location. The original position of the page continues to display, helping to measure your movement. 3. Click to set the position of the page.


Paste in Place works from user origin. If the page is moved, the image is placed in relation to the origin, not the new page location. Double-click the Move Page tool to set the page origin to be the same as the user origin.

Zoom controls the visual scale of a drawing. It does not affect the physical size of objects as set by the layer scale in the Organization dialog box. Like a magnifying glass, zoom controls how close or far away objects appear on the screen. Zoom in to get a close-up view of a detail, and zoom out to get a broader view of the whole drawing. If navigation problems occur during a zoom, try disabling the Hardware accelerated 2D navigation VectorWorks preference (see Display Preferences on page 48) or adjusting the video card configuration. VectorWorks includes zoom functionality through the mouse wheel, through buttons on the View bar, and through the Zoom tool on the Basic palette.

Zooming with the Mouse Wheel

On a wheel-mouse, roll the mouse wheel forward to magnify the drawing (the Zoom tool on the Basic palette need not be selected). Roll the mouse wheel backward to zoom out from the drawing. The mouse wheel behavior is controlled by the Mouse wheel zooms setting in the Edit tab of the VectorWorks Preferences dialog box. If the wheel is set to scroll by default, you must press the Ctrl (Windows) or Option (Macintosh) key while you roll in order to zoom. See Edit Preferences on page 39 for details. This feature will not work properly if standard scrolling is disabled in the mouse setup. For example, if the mouses scrolling size is set to none, mouse zooming in VectorWorks is disabled. (The specific settings required for this feature depend on the type of mouse being used.)


| Chapter 1: Introduction

Zooming from the View Bar

From the View bar, click the Zoom button to double the magnification of the drawing (a single-click on this button performs the same function as a double-click on the Zoom tool on the Basic palette). To reduce the magnification by half, press the Alt key (Windows) or Ctrl key (Macintosh) when you click the Zoom button. To zoom by a specific amount, enter a zoom factor in the View bar, or select one from the pull-down list. If an object or objects are currently selected, the zoom is centered on those object(s). To zoom on a specific area of the drawing (with nothing selected), click in an open area and then click the Zoom button.

Zoom In/Out

Current Zoom

Zooming with the Zoom Tool

The Zoom tool has two modes.
Marquee Zoom Interactive Zoom

Marquee Zoom

Magnifies the portion of the drawing that is within the marquee area; in click-drag mode, simply click once (do not create a marquee box) to double the zoom factor To zoom out, hold down the Option (Macintosh) or Alt (Windows) key during the zoom.

Interactive Zoom

Interactively zooms the drawing area

With the Zoom tool selected, double-click anywhere in the drawing to automatically activate either the 2D or 3D Selection tool. (If the drawing is in a 3D view, the 3D Selection tool is activated, otherwise, the 2D Selection tool is activated.) Double-click the Zoom tool on the Basic palette to double the magnification of the drawing. The Zoom In button on the View bar performs the same action.

Moving Around | Marquee Zoom Mode

Select a portion of the drawing to magnify using marquee selection. To marquee zoom: 1. Click the Zoom tool from the Basic palette. 2. Click the Marquee Zoom mode button. 3. Click and drag to create a marquee box around the portion of the drawing to magnify. 4. Click again to zoom in. VectorWorks magnifies the selected section so that it fills the drawing window.


To zoom out, hold down the Option (Macintosh) or Alt (Windows) key while you draw a marquee box around a portion of the drawing. Click again to zoom out. VectorWorks reduces the magnification to display additional portions of the drawing around the selected section.

Interactive Zoom Mode

Choose an area of the drawing to magnify interactively. To interactively zoom: 1. Click the Zoom tool from the Basic palette. 2. Click the Interactive Zoom mode button. 3. Click in the drawing and hold down the mouse button (Macintosh) or left mouse button (Windows) while you move the mouse forward to zoom in on the drawing from the location of the click. To zoom out, click in the drawing and hold down the mouse button (Macintosh) or left mouse button (Windows) while you move the mouse backward to zoom out of the drawing from the location of the click.

Automatically Scrolling While Drawing
VectorWorks automatically scrolls the drawing area when an object is being drawn. To use autoscroll: 1. Select any drawing tool. 2. Press and hold down the mouse button to begin drawing. 3. Drag the cursor on top of or past a scroll bar or ruler. The drawing window scrolls in the direction of the cursor.


| Chapter 1: Introduction
In click-click mode, if you do not hold down the mouse button while you draw, the autoscroll is halted if the cursor passes a scroll bar or ruler; this allows interaction with the scroll bars, tool palettes, and tool sets.

Using the Scroll Bars

Use VectorWorks scroll bars to move the drawing around the screen. However, the scroll bars are best used for small movements, because they require the screen to redraw more frequently. For large movements, the Pan tool is faster. To display or hide the scroll bars, change the scroll bars setting in the VectorWorks Preferences dialog box. If navigation problems occur during a scroll, try disabling the Hardware accelerated 2D navigation VectorWorks preference (see Display Preferences on page 48) or adjusting the video card configuration.

Scrolling with the Mouse Wheel

On a wheel-mouse, press the Ctrl (Windows) or Option (Macintosh) key while you roll the wheel forward or backward to scroll the window up or down. To scroll the window left or right, press the Shift key while you roll. The mouse wheel behavior is controlled by the Mouse wheel zooms setting in the Edit tab of the VectorWorks Preferences dialog box. The wheel can be set to scroll by default, so that no additional key must be pressed while you roll in order to scroll. See Edit Preferences on page 39 for details. This feature will not work properly if standard scrolling is disabled in the mouse setup. For example, if the mouses scrolling size is set to none, mouse scrolling in VectorWorks is disabled. (The specific settings required for this feature depend on the type of mouse being used.)

Selecting Objects
Use the 2D Selection or 3D Selection tool on the Basic palette to select objects, which makes the objects active. The Shift key and the Alt (Windows) or Option (Macintosh) key are modifiers for selection actions. Create rectangular, lasso, or polygonal marquees around objects to select single or multiple objects. The following table describes the various selection methods.

Click Option-click (Macintosh) or Ctrl-click (Windows) Shift-click Option-drag (Macintosh) or Ctrl-drag (Windows) Rectangle, lasso, polygon marquee Shift-marquee Option-marquee (Macintosh) or Alt-marquee (Windows) Invert Selection command (on the Edit menu)

Selection Action
Standard selection method; selects a single object only Creates a copy of the object and places it directly over the selected object Selects multiple objects as each object is clicked.; also can be used to deselect one or more objects without affecting other selected objects. Places a copy of the object where the mouse button is released Selects all objects that are completely contained within the marquee Reverses the selection status of objects inside a marquee; if objects inside the marquee are selected, this method deselects those objects Selects all objects that the marquee passes through, as well as those contained within the marquee Deselects everything that is currently selected, and selects all visible objects in editable layers and classes that are not currently selected

To deselect all selected objects, click in an empty area of the drawing, or press the x key twice in rapid succession.

Selecting Objects |


Selection Indicators
By default, a selected object is indicated by square selection handles: the handles are blue for unlocked objects on the active layer, gray for locked objects on the active layer, and white for all objects on an inactive layer. Some of the handles can be used as reshape points, and some cannot, depending on the object, and on which tool is active. In the VectorWorks Preferences, there is an option to highlight selected objects with colors and patterns. Different highlighting can be used for the active layer, the inactive layer, and locked objects. When highlighting is enabled, square reshape handles also appear on a selected object, if the object can be edited with the active tool. The handles are blue for objects on the active layer, and white for objects on an inactive layer; locked objects have no handles, since they cannot be edited.

With selection highlighting disabled, the locked wall (top) has gray handles; the unlocked wall (bottom) has blue handles

With selection highlighting enabled, the locked wall (top) is highlighted and has no handles; the unlocked wall (bottom) has blue handles and a different highlighting pattern

To set the selection indicators: 1. Select Tools > Options > VectorWorks Preferences. 2. Click the Display tab, and click Selection Indication. The Selection Indication Settings dialog box opens.


| Chapter 1: Introduction
Objects that are selected are highlighted with the specified colors and patterns, and square handles indicate points that can be used to reshape objects with the tool that is currently active. Specify the colors and patterns for the active layer, for the inactive layer, and for locked objects. When this option is deselected, square handles indicate objects that are selected, and the handles may or may not be reshape points.

Use Selection Highlighting

Active Layer, Inactive Layer, and Locked Objects tabs: Pattern / Fore Color / Back Color

Specifies the highlight options to indicate selected objects on the active design layer, inactive design layers, and locked objects. To use a solid color, select the color from the Back Color menu, and then select the solid pattern from the Pattern menu. To use a pattern, select from the Pattern, Fore Color, and Back Color menus. Controls the opacity of the selection highlight; enter a value or drag the slider to adjust opacity If Use Selection Highlighting is selected, specify how the selection highlight will be animated: Off turns off all animation of highlights On pulses the highlight when the cursor moves out of the drawing window or over a palette

Opacity Animation

3. Click OK to save the settings and close the Selection Indication Settings dialog box. 4. From the VectorWorks Preferences dialog box, click OK again to save the preferences.

2D Selection Tool
Use the 2D Selection tool to select objects, to move and resize objects, and to insert objects in or next to a wall. An additional mode, Enable Connected Walls, becomes available if the VectorWorks Design Series is installed. See Moving Connected Walls on page 61 in the VectorWorks Design Series Users Guide for information.
Single Object Interactive Scaling Disable Interactive Scaling Unrestricted Interactive Scaling Enable 2D Cursor Rectangular Selection Wall Insertion Enable 2D Cursor Lasso Selection Enable 2D Cursor Polygonal Selection

Selecting Objects | Mode

Disable Interactive Scaling Single Object Interactive Scaling


Objects can be moved from snap points without affecting their size (selection handles do not display for selected objects) Allows resizing by adjusting the selection handles that display on a single selected object

Unrestricted Interactive Scaling

Allows resizing by adjusting the selection handles that display on the selected object(s)

Wall Insertion

Allows symbols that are already on drawing to be placed into a wall segment. When disabled, symbols can be moved next to or on a wall without becoming part of the wall. See Wall Insertion Mode on page 162 for more information.

Enable 2D Cursor Rectangular Selection

Creates a marquee box around objects when selecting. Click to set the start point, drag the mouse in the desired direction, and release to set the end point. All objects within the marquee are selected.


| Chapter 1: Introduction
Creates a free-form marquee, allowing a more exact selection of irregular 2D shapes. Click to set the start point, drag the mouse in the desired direction, and release to set the end point. All objects within the marquee are selected.

Enable 2D Cursor Lasso Selection

Enable 2D Cursor Polygonal Selection

Creates a marquee with an irregular polygonal shape. Click to set the start point, and then continue clicking to define the shape. Double-click to finish the marquee. All objects within the marquee are selected. Press the Option (Macintosh) or Alt (Windows) key while drawing the marquee to select all objects that intersect the marquee.

To select 2D objects: 1. Click the 2D Selection tool from the Basic palette. 2. Select the appropriate mode. 3. Select the desired object(s).

3D Selection Tool
Use the 3D Selection tool to select, move, or resize 3D objects in orthogonal views. When the tool is active, two smaller lines project from the X and Y locations in the drawing area. These lines help to identify the Z location of the tool in the drawing. The reference for the view, whether working plane or ground plane, may depend on the selection in the Working Planes palette (see Working Plane View and Modes on page 557). The last three modes allow the selection of 3D objects using a marquee shape.

Selecting Objects |
An additional mode, Enable Connected Walls, becomes available if the VectorWorks Design Series is installed. See Moving Connected Walls on page 61 in the VectorWorks Design Series Users Guide for information.
Rectangular Selection


Wall Insertion

Polygonal Selection

Lasso Selection

Wall Insertion

Allows symbols that are already on drawing to be placed into a wall segment. When disabled, symbols can be moved next to or on a wall without becoming part of the wall. See Wall Insertion Mode on page 162 for more information.

Rectangular Selection

Creates a marquee box around objects when selecting. Click to set the start point, drag the mouse in the desired direction, and release to set the end point. All objects within the marquee are selected.

Lasso Selection

Creates a free-form marquee, allowing a more exact selection of irregular 3D shapes. Click to set the start point, drag the mouse in the desired direction, and release to set the end point. All objects within the marquee are selected.


| Chapter 1: Introduction
Creates a marquee with an irregular polygonal shape. Click to set the start point, and then continue clicking to define the shape. Double-click to finish the marquee. All objects within the marquee are selected. Press the Option (Macintosh) or Alt (Windows) key while drawing the marquee to select all objects that intersect the marquee.

Polygonal Selection

To select 3D objects: 1. Click the 3D Selection tool from the Basic palette. 2. Select the view, if needed, and the appropriate selection mode. 3. Select the desired object(s).

Select All
The Select All command selects all visible objects in editable layers and classes. The active layer is always editable, but other layers can be editable if they are visible and if the Layer Options are set to Show/Snap/Modify Others. For more information about setting layer and class visibility and layer and class options, see Setting Visibilities on page 108 and Setting Class and Design Layer Options on page 103. To select all objects in the drawing area: Select Edit > Select All. Alternatively, select Select All from the object context menu. VectorWorks selects all visible objects that can be modified. Each of these selected objects is displayed with selection handles. Locked objects are also selected so they can be unlocked for modification.

Previous Selection
The Previous Selection command reselects the set of objects that were most recently selected. This is especially useful if a large number of objects were accidentally deselected. To reselect previously selected objects, select Edit > Previous Selection.

Context Menus
Click on an object, plug-in object, the drawing area, or a section of the Resource Browser with a right click (Windows) or Ctrl-click (Macintosh), to display a menu containing context-sensitive commands that pertain to the selected item or

Selecting Objects |
items. If several similar items are selected, only the applicable context menu commands become available to all the items in the selection.


This list is not exhaustive, as the capability is continuously being extended to additional VectorWorks commands and tools. Many different types of objects have the same global context commands available, such as Cut, Copy, and Paste. These are listed once, under Object rather than listing them repeatedly for each type of object.

Item and Context Commands

Document Activate Class Activate Layer Force Select Active Layer Scale Document Preferences Palettes Layer Options Class Options Object Activate Class Activate Layer

Activates the class or layer of the object nearest to the last mouse click. These commands provide quick access to the class or layer of any object currently displayed. Activates the class, layer, or both (as necessary), and selects the object nearest to the last mouse click Accesses the Layer Scale dialog box; from there, change the scale of the active design layer (or all design layers) Provides a shortcut to the command of the same name on the File > Document Settings menu Provides a shortcut to palette display options on the Window > Palettes menu Provide shortcuts to the commands of the same names on the View menu

Activates the class or layer of the object clicked upon, even if the object could not normally be selected due to a different layer scale, or the current class or layer option settings. These commands provide quick access to the class or layer of any object currently displayed. Activates the objects class, layer, or both (as necessary) and selects the object, even if the object could not normally be selected due to a different layer scale, or the current class or layer option settings Provide shortcuts to the commands of the same names on the Edit menu Provide shortcuts to the commands of the same names on the Modify menu Provide shortcuts to the commands of the same names on the Modify menu When two or more closed 2D objects are selected, provides shortcuts to the commands of the same name on the Modify menu Accesses the objects properties dialog box, which is similar to the Object Info palette; it contains information specific to the selected object

Force Select

Cut, Copy, Paste, Select All Send, Rotate Lock, Unlock Add Surface, Clip Surface, Intersect Surface Properties Plug-In Objects Path Plug-In Object, Path Plug-in Object with Profile

Includes Extrude along Path and for the Design Series, Chain Extrude and Piping Run


| Chapter 1: Introduction
Provides a shortcut to the Edit Group command on the Modify menu If permitted by the object type, allows you to switch from editing the path to editing the profile. Similarly, if editing the profile, use the context menu to switch to path editing.

Item and Context Commands

Edit, Edit Path Edit Profile

Group Edit Ungroup Symbol Edit Replace Provides a shortcut to the Edit Symbol command on the Modify menu Similar to the Replace button on the Object Info palette, accesses the Choose a Symbol dialog box for replacing the symbol instance with a different symbol Edits the 2D or 3D component of the symbol instance; if editing one of the components, the context menu allows you to switch directly to editing the other component. The resources context menu contains shortcuts for creating, applying, and managing resources and also for manipulating how resources display in the Resource Browser. Additional options display on the menu depending on the specific item clicked upon (see Working with Resources on page 151). Provides a shortcut to the Edit Group command on the Modify menu Provides a shortcut to the command of the same name on the Modify menu

Edit 2D Component or Edit 3D Component Resource Browser

Text Format Text Check Spelling Edit Drawing Border Show Grids Title Block Wall or Round Wall Join Remove Break Viewport Edit Annotations, Edit Crop, Edit Design Layer Provide shortcuts to edit the viewports annotations, crop, or design layer, bypassing the Edit Viewport dialog box (see Cropping Sheet Layer Viewports on page 618). The context menu commands can also be accessed when in an edit viewport mode (for example, to switch directly from editing a crop to editing annotations) Activates the Wall Join tool for joining wall segments; see Joining Walls on page 491. The tool defaults to the mode used previously with the tool Activates the Remove Wall Breaks tool to clean up wall breaks or gaps; see Removing Wall Breaks on page 491 Toggles between showing and hiding grid text and lines in the drawing border margin Opens the Import Title Block dialog box, for adding a title block to the drawing border; see Adding a Title Block on page 463 Provides a shortcut to the command of the same name on the Text menu Checks the spelling in the current text block Places the text in text editing mode

Selecting Objects | Item and Context Commands

Edit Edit Design Layer Update Light Turn On/Off Set Light to View, Set View to Light Edit (Design Series required) Edit Light (Design Series required) Worksheet on Drawing Recalculate Dimension Format Text Chain Dimension Add Dimension Delete Segment/Witness Line Edit Dimension Format Text Layer Link (Design Series required) Convert to Viewport Edit Crop Edit Design Layer Redline (Design Series required) Pick Up Redline, Restore Redline Site Model (Design Series required) Edit Source Data Accesses the source data in Edit Group mode (see Setting Site Model Properties on page 158 in the VectorWorks Design Series Users Guide) Toggles the redline status to picked up or restored Converts the layer link to a design layer viewport Enters crop mode for a cropped layer link Cropping Layer Links on page 631 Returns to the design layer of the object in the layer link Provides a shortcut to the command of the same name on the Text menu For more information on editing chain dimensions, see Editing Chain Dimensions on page 456 Adds a dimension or witness line to the chain Deletes dimension or witness line Edits the properties of an individual dimension Provides a shortcut to the command of the same name on the Text menu Toggles the light on or off For directional, spot, or custom (RenderWorks required) lights, sets the orientation of the light to that of the current view, or the orientation of the view to that of the light For Spotlight lighting devices, edits the instrument properties For Spotlight lighting devices, edits the light contained within the instrument (Other worksheet context menu commands are described in Worksheet Commands on page 569) Recalculates all formulas in the worksheet


Opens the Edit Viewport dialog box Activates the design layer of the right-clicked object (if the right-clicked object does not belong to a design layer, the Edit Viewport dialog box opens) Updates the viewport, similar to the Update button on the Object Info palette


| Chapter 1: Introduction
Updates the site model, similar to the Update button on the Object Info palette

Item and Context Commands

Update Plants (Design Series required) Create Plant from Object Edit Replace Plant Export Plant

Creates a plant definition for the current plant symbol Opens the Edit Plant dialog box, for editing the plant 2D/3D components, definition, or path (for multiple plant placements) Replaces the plant symbol, similar to the Replace Plant button on the Object Info palette Exports the selected plant to the specified location; see Exporting Resources on page 23 in the VectorWorks Design Series Users Guide

Double-clicking on an object performs the same function as clicking Edit from the context menu. The context menus can be customized through the Workspace Editor; see Modifying Context Menus on page 723.

Getting Started
Setting VectorWorks Preferences

This chapter describes how to get started with VectorWorks Fundamentals. It describes how to set up basic program preferences, units, and default options. Printing and using tablets with VectorWorks are also described.

VectorWorks preferences are options that apply to every VectorWorks file you open, every time you run VectorWorks. To change the VectorWorks preference settings: 1. Select Tools > Options > VectorWorks Preferences. The VectorWorks Preferences dialog box opens. There are six preferences tabs (Edit, Display, Session, 3D, Autosave, and User Folders). 2. Click one of the tabs to set the VectorWorks preferences for that tab. 3. Click OK to save the settings.

Edit Preferences
Click the Edit tab to set preferences that control various edit functions in VectorWorks.

Click drag drawing

Lets you draw objects with the click-drag method rather than the click-click method (click-click is the default). Click once with the mouse button and do not release; drag the cursor to a desired location and then release. See Using the Mouse on page 22. Displays cues in full next to the cursor; deselect the option to hide the cues

SmartCursor cues


| Chapter 2: Getting Started

Displays SmartCursor cues that are opaque instead of transparent Sets a temporary data origin; when the option is deselected, this feature is only available manually (see Smart Points on page 123) Shows eight handles (four corner and four center) on most objects; deselect the option to display only four corner handles When you use the Duplicate command, places the duplicate object so that it is offset from the original object; deselect the option to place duplicates directly over the original Displays 2D loci with crosshairs that extend to the edges of the drawing window; these create snap zones to simplify the alignment of objects along a certain horizontal or vertical axis Displays a crosshair cursor that extends to the edges of the drawing area When you use the Wall tool, automatically joins walls at corners and intersections; when walls are separated, their ends automatically heal (see Automatically Joining Walls on page 479) Saves the view origin and zoom factor for each sheet layer; deselect the option to use the same view for all design layers and sheet layers Sets the default behavior of the mouse wheel and the Mighty Mouse scroll ball. When selected, the wheel zooms by default; when deselected, the wheel scrolls by default. See Zooming with the Mouse Wheel on page 25 and Scrolling with the Mouse Wheel on page 28 for details. Sets an alternate angle to use with the SmartCursor and Constrain angle constraint Sets the number of pixels away from a snap point to activate the SmartCursor Sets the number of segments that will be used to represent polylines and circles when you draw and edit objects Specifies the default image compression to apply to images in a viewport cache and to images created by the Render Bitmap tool (RenderWorks required). PNG compression provides the best image quality but produces larger files, while JPEG creates smaller files, but with possible loss of detail. PNG is selected by default. Select an arrow and modifier key combination as a shortcut for four common operations; each key combination can be assigned to only one operation Select the key combination that switches the active layer (up and down arrows) and the active class (left and right arrows) Select the key combination that pans the drawing by half of the area currently in view Select the key combination that nudges objects by one pixel Select the key combination that moves objects, and select whether to move objects by the snap grid distance or by the specified custom distance

Opaque SmartCursor Use floating datum Eight reshape handles Offset duplications Snap to loci

Full screen cursor Auto join walls

Separate sheet views Mouse wheel zooms

Constrain angle Snap radius 2D conversion res Default compression

Arrow Keys Switch active layer/ class Pan drawing Nudge objects Move objects

Setting VectorWorks Preferences |


Display Preferences
Click the Display tab to set the display preferences.

Rulers Scroll bars Black background Zoom line thickness Adjust flipped text No fill behind text Show parametric constraints Show other objects while in groups

Shows the rulers Shows the scroll bars Uses a black drawing background instead of the default white Lines in the drawing appear thicker when you zoom in; the screens redraw slower if Quartz (Macintosh) or GDI+ (Windows) imaging is enabled Re-orients rotated and flipped text so that it is always readable Displays text without a fill pattern so that objects beneath the text are not obscured Displays parametric constraints Shows the rest of drawing when the Edit Group command is used; deselect the option to hide objects that are not in the group. This option also applies to viewports that are edited with the Edit Viewport command and layer links that are being cropped. If the computers video card supports it, uses OpenGL hardware acceleration to speed up 2D navigation (scroll, pan, and zoom); text, patterns, and bitmaps in the drawing file display properly once the navigation is complete Caches vector information for complex document entities, such as polylines and hatches; while this makes screen redraws faster, it also can potentially increase RAM requirements by up to 50 percent When the view is changed to one of the standard views (such as Top or Left Isometric), automatically centers the view on the selected objects at the current zoom level; if no objects are selected, the view is set to the center of all objects

Hardware accelerated 2D navigation Use VectorCaching for faster drawing Center on objects after view change


| Chapter 2: Getting Started

Draws lines of equal thickness with round end caps; provides layer transparency, better support for large-format printouts, and PDF export (see Exporting Files on page 519) When Quartz (Macintosh) or GDI+ (Windows) imaging is enabled, blends the edges of fills and lines for a smoother appearance Controls the visibility of light objects; hide light objects to reduce screen clutter but maintain light effects Light objects are always visible Light objects are only visible in Wireframe mode; otherwise, they are hidden Light objects are hidden regardless of the render mode Controls the visibility of 3D loci 3D loci are always visible 3D loci are only visible in Wireframe mode; otherwise, they are hidden 3D loci are hidden regardless of the render mode Specifies the replacement fonts, when fonts are not available Opens the Selection Indication Settings dialog box to specify how selected objects are indicated in VectorWorks (see Selection Indicators on page 29)

Quartz imaging (Macintosh) or GDI+ imaging (Windows) Anti-aliasing Display light objects Always Only in wireframe Never Display 3D loci Always Only in wireframe Never Edit Font Mappings Selection Indication

Session Preferences
Click the Session tab to set general VectorWorks preferences.

Setting VectorWorks Preferences | Parameter

Use sound Log time in program


Supplements the visual interface cues with audible cues; move the slider bar left (to reduce) or right (to increase) the VectorWorks volume relative to the system volume Records in a log file the time spent in the program, as well as the time spent to open and close documents; the date format depends on the language and regional settings in the operating system. The log file is created in the User Data and Preferences Folder (User Folders tab). Displays minor warnings on the Message bar instead of in a dialog box Halts the compile and execution of a VectorScript routine when a warning is generated Sets how many undo operations are kept in memory; the maximum number of undos is 100 Presents a dialog box when an action that cannot be undone is about to be performed Sets how VectorWorks handles view changes when you undo actions Never - ignores all operations that are strictly view changes Grouping All View Changes - treats all consecutive view changes as one single undoable action Grouping Similar View Changes - treats similar consecutive view changes as a single undoable action Individually - treats each individual view change as an undoable action

Display minor alerts on message bar Stop VectorScript on warnings Maximum number of undos Issue undo warnings Undo view changes

Palette margins (Macintosh) Enable palette docking (Windows) Display default content Automatically append file extensions (Macintosh) Serial Numbers Reset Saved Settings

Sets whether the document window leaves a space for palettes when the window is opened Lets you dock palettes; deselect the option to disable docks and to undock all active palettes Enables pre-defined content (such as hatches and gradients) to display for selection throughout the program; this option is enabled by default Appends the appropriate file extension (.vwx, or .sta for template files) to a newly-created VectorWorks drawing on a Macintosh Opens the Serial Numbers dialog box to add or remove serial numbers for all installed Nemetschek North America products (see Entering the Serial Number on page xi) Click Reset Saved Settings to revert to default settings instead of user-specified settings. In the dialog box that opens, select whether to reset settings for always performing the selected action in alert dialog boxes. Also select whether to reset settings for all tool modes, dialog box positions, and dialog box values. Click OK to return to the VectorWorks Preferences dialog box.


| Chapter 2: Getting Started

3D Preferences
Click the 3D tab to set preferences for 3D edits.

3D rotation

Sets the detail level that displays while the 3D view is rotated. Select Detailed to display objects completely, but to rotate slower. Select Responsive to rotate faster, but to display objects with less detail during the rotation. Determines the degree to which VectorWorks retains the rendered model in memory during 3D rotation. Select Never to force the model to always display in Wireframe mode; select Always to force the model to remain rendered. Shows labels for each axis in the ground plane and working plane Sets the segmentation resolution used to display curved 3D objects; affects extruded and swept polylines, circles, and arcs

Retain rendering model

Show 3D axis labels 3D conversion res

Setting VectorWorks Preferences |


Autosave Preferences
Click the Autosave tab to set preferences for automatic file saves and backups.

Autosave every Confirm before save

Enables the Autosave feature; also sets the number of minutes or operations between autosaves Before each save, opens a dialog box so that you can choose either to save or to continue to work without a save. The timer/counter resets regardless of which option is selected. See Automatically Saving Files on page 7. Writes over the original file with the latest changes during a save Automatically saves a backup copy of the file either to a folder named VW Backup (in the same folder as the original file) or to a custom location, such as a network drive (click Choose to select a folder). The original file is not saved automatically; to save it, use one of the save commands on the File menu. Backup files have unique names that include the word Backup and a date and time stamp appended to the original file name. Use backup file(s) to restore a project if something happens to the original file.

Overwrite original file Autosave a backup copy to

Keep the ___ most recent backups

If Autosave a backup copy to is selected, specifies the maximum number of backup files to keep; the oldest backup file is replaced when a new backup is made


| Chapter 2: Getting Started

User Folders Preferences

Users can designate which folder will hold user data and preferences files. The subfolders within this folder mirror several of the standard VectorWorks subfolders (Libraries, Plug-ins, Templates, and so on). This duplication of folders in separate locations makes it easy for VectorWorks users to do the following: Back up (or transfer to another computer) custom content and preferences Work in an environment where user permissions are limited (such as a school lab) Switch between users on the same computer Update VectorWorks with no loss of custom files

When VectorWorks presents data in the interface, it includes content from the user folder as well as the content it ships with. For example, select Modify > Hatch to edit a hatch; the Hatches dialog box shows all default hatches from your VectorWorks and user folders. A file in the user folder takes precedence if a file name is repeated in any of the folders. For example, if both of the following files exist, only the content from the user folder shows in VectorWorks. [User]\Libraries\Defaults\Walls\Wall Styles Imperial.vwx [VectorWorks]\Libraries\Defaults\Walls\Wall Styles Imperial.vwx Click the User Folders tab to specify the user folder.

User Data and Preferences Folder

Specifies the folder that contains VectorWorks preferences, log files, workspaces, and any personal content you create. This might be a folder on the local computer, or on a USB drive or network drive; this allows you to run VectorWorks from any computer.

Setting VectorWorks Preferences | Parameter



Click Choose to change the user data folder. VectorWorks must be restarted if you change the location of the user data. See User Folders Preferences on page 46 for details. To look at the contents of the current folder, click Explore (to open Windows Explorer) or click Reveal in Finder (to open Macintosh Finder)

Explore (Windows) or Reveal in Finder (Macintosh)

User Data and Preferences Folder

The User Data and Preferences folder contains the VectorWorks files that are created and used by you. Within this folder, VectorWorks automatically creates subfolders for Libraries, Plant Database (VectorWorks Landmark required), Plug-ins, Settings, Standards, Templates, VWHelp, and Workspaces. VectorWorks automatically adds your customizations (such as workspace changes and Resource Browser favorites) to the appropriate folders. To add content, place the file in the appropriate subfolder. For example, to add a custom template, place the custom file in the Templates folder. VectorWorks defaults the following locations for the user data folder, but they can be changed. Note that, by default, Windows hides the Application Data folder; to keep the default folder, adjust the folder options in Microsoft Explorer to make hidden folders visible. Windows: Macintosh: C:\Documents and Settings\<Username>\Application Data\Nemetschek\VectorWorks\2008\ ~Library/Application Support/VectorWorks/2008/

To change the user data folder: 1. From the User Folders tab, click Choose. 2. A confirmation dialog box displays. Click Yes to continue with the folder change. 3. Select a folder from the dialog box that opens, and click OK (Windows) or Choose (Macintosh). 4. Another confirmation dialog box displays. Click Yes to copy the user data to the new location, or click No to use the VectorWorks defaults. 5. If you copy the data to the new location, and the destination folder already contains a file with the same name as a file in the source folder, VectorWorks displays a notice that files in the destination folder will be overridden. Click Yes to continue. 6. If any unsaved files are currently open, you are prompted to save them. Click Yes to continue. 7. VectorWorks copies the files to the new location and then closes automatically. 8. Restart VectorWorks.

Workgroup and Project Folders

If VectorWorks Design Series is installed, a section for Workgroup and Project folders displays at the bottom of this tab. See Workgroup Folders on page 24 in the VectorWorks Design Series Users Guide for details about using workgroup folders.


| Chapter 2: Getting Started

Resetting VectorWorks Preferences

Click the Reset button at the bottom of the VectorWorks Preferences dialog box to reset VectorWorks preferences to their defaults; this also clears the ten most recently opened files list and the font mapping table. Serial number(s), user name, and company name are left intact. This operation cannot be undone.

Setting Document Preferences

Document preferences apply only to the current drawing, and they remain in effect until they are changed. When you create a template, the current document preferences are saved with the template (see Using Drawing Tablets on page 78). To change the preference settings in the document: 1. Select File > Document Settings > Document Preferences. Alternatively, select Document Preferences from the document context menu. The Document Preferences dialog box opens. There are three preferences tabs (Display, Dimensions, and Resolution). 2. Click one of the tabs to set the document preferences for that tab.

Display Preferences
Click the Display tab to set the display preferences.

Black and white only Hide wall components when layer scale < = 1:

Objects are drawn using only the colors black and white; this choice overrides any other color settings (including viewport settings) and is used mainly for printing Select to hide wall components when the layer is set to, or is below, the scale ratio specified (does not affect wall component display in viewports; see Advanced Sheet Layer Viewport Properties on page 615 to show or hide components in viewports)

Setting Document Preferences | Parameter

Save viewport cache


Indicates whether to save viewport caches and radiosity solutions in the file; saving the cache may increase file size, but saves time when files that contain viewports and viewports rendered with radiosity renderings (RenderWorks required) are opened. If deselected, any viewports will require updating when the file is opened, and any viewport radiosity solutions will require regeneration, but file size is reduced. Note that the viewport cache(s) are already compressed to PNG or JPEG format to save space (the format depends on the selection in VectorWorks preferences; see Edit Preferences on page 39 for more information). When specific pen and fill colors have been set for a design layer, draws all objects on that layer with the specified colors (see Setting the Design Layer Color on page 92) Smoothes mesh objects rendered with OpenGL or RenderWorks; enter a higher crease angle value for a smoother surface (valid values are 0 to 180).

Use layer colors Mesh smoothing with crease angle

Dimension Preferences
Click the Dimensions tab to set the dimension preferences.

Associate dimensions

Associates dimensions with the applicable objects. When a dimension is associated with an object, the dimension automatically updates when the object it is applied to is modified. For more information about associative dimensioning, see Dimensioning on page 437. Select this option to automatically associate a dimension to the top-most object when more than one object shares a dimension endpoint Assigns dimensions to the Dimension class as they are created (default setting). If deselected, created dimensions are assigned to the active class.

Auto associate Create dimensions in dimension class


| Chapter 2: Getting Started

Select the default Dimension Standard to use. Alternatively, click Custom to add a custom dimension standard (see Using Custom Dimension Standards on page 437). Sets the desired Thickness of the slash at each end of a dimension, in points, mils, or millimeters

Dimension Standard Dimension Slash

Default dimension standards are presented in the following table.



Text Placement Above Dim. Line Within Dim. Line


Marker Style Slash


Text Rotation Aligned




Arch ASME BSI DIN ISO JIS SIA ASME Dual Side By Side ASME Dual Stacked

Architectural Standards American Society of Mechanical Engineers British Standards Institute German Standards International Standards Organization Japanese Standards Swiss Standards American Society of Mechanical Engineers American Society of Mechanical Engineers

Resolution Preferences
Click the Resolution tab to set the resolution preferences.

Setting Up the Drawing | Parameter

Rotated Text Display


Sets how rotated text is displayed: Highest quality shows rotated text at the best quality available, Normal quality shows rotated text slightly jagged, and Bounding box shows only a bounding box representing the texts location Sets how bitmaps are displayed: Full resolution shows bitmaps at the best resolution available, Reduced resolution shows bitmaps at a reduced detail, and Bounding box shows only a bounding box representing the bitmaps location. Reducing the resolution saves time when using the Pan tool or scroll bars. Sets the resolution at which the model will render for export. On Macintosh, when Quartz imaging is enabled, sets the PDF export resolution; when Quartz imaging is not enabled, sets the PICT export resolution (see Display Preferences on page 41). Sets the resolution at which the model will render for printing

Bitmap Display

PICT/PDF (Quartz Only) Export (Macintosh) or WMF Export (Windows) Printing

Setting Up the Drawing

Before beginning a new drawing, determine drawing properties like scale, color palettes, line thickness, and dimension standards. See Palette Layout Options on page 17 to set the preferred window options prior to setting up the drawing. The combination of layers, classes, and views can produce a variety of drawings generated from a single file (see Drawing Structure on page 81). Proper file setup ensures maximum usability for multiple output. The three required VectorWorks drawing settings are layer scale, units, and drawing size. Once these are established, optional drawing settings can be found in document preferences, scripts, snap and reference grids, layers and classes, and other defaults; although making these settings is not required, it is recommended. Setting up the layers and classes while setting up the drawing is recommended. See Managing Layers on page 84 and Managing Classes on page 95 for more detailed information about creating layers and classes. When using templates, many of these settings will have already been specified.

Design Layer Scale

Layer scale is the ratio of the actual size of an object to its size in a drawing. For example, for VectorWorks default layer scale of 1:1, every inch in the drawing represents an inch in the real world. The best design layer scale to use obviously depends on what you are designing and whether it makes sense to work with a life-sized, reduced, or enlarged drawing. VectorWorks can set one scale for all design layers in a drawing, or set a different scale for individual design layers.

Changing the Scale of the Drawing or the Active Design Layer

To change the scale of the active design layer or of the entire drawing: 1. Right-click (Windows) or Ctrl-click (Macintosh) in the drawing area to access the document context menu, and then select Active Layer Scale. Alternatively, if the layer scale is displayed on the View bar, click the Layer Scale button. The Layer Scale dialog box opens.


| Chapter 2: Getting Started

2. Either select a scale, or enter a custom value in Paper Scale. 3. To simultaneously change the scale of all existing design layers in the entire drawing, select All Layers. 4. To scale text proportionally to the rest of the design layer, select Scale Text. Deselect Scale Text to keep the text at its current size even if the scale changes. 5. Click OK to return to the drawing.

Changing the Scale of Selected Design Layers

To change the scale of one or more selected design layers: 1. Select Tools > Organization. The Organization dialog box opens. Click on the Design Layers tab. 2. Select the layer(s) to change from the Design Layer list and click Edit (or double-click a single layer name). The Edit Design Layers dialog box opens (see Setting Design Layer Properties on page 87). 3. Click Scale. The Layer Scale dialog box opens. 4. Either select one of the scales, or enter a custom value in Paper Scale. 5. To scale text proportionally to the rest of the design layer, select Scale Text. Deselect Scale Text to keep the text at its current size even if the scale changes. 6. Make sure that All Layers is not selected. 7. Click OK.

Normal Scale
The Normal Scale command automatically displays the drawing file at 100% of its real-world scale. For example, if a drawing scale is set to 1:1, every inch on the monitor corresponds to an inch on paper. Normal scale is the scale at which the drawing is printed.

Setting Up the Drawing |

To set the drawing to normal scale: 1. Select View > Zoom > Normal Scale. VectorWorks changes the view so that the objects screen size and print size are the same.


2. If the drawing size is larger than the monitors dimensions, scroll or pan around the drawing to see all elements.

VectorWorks provides a wide range of measurement systems to select from and also provides the flexibility to create a customized measurement system. VectorWorks applies the selected measurement system globally throughout the drawing, from the measurements that display on the rulers to those used in dimensions and worksheets. The Units command opens the Units dialog box, which organizes units settings on three tabbed panes: The General Display tab settings affect the units throughout the drawing. The Dimension Objects (Primary) tab contains rounding settings for primary dimensions. The Dimension Objects (Secondary) tab contains units and rounding settings for secondary dimensions. If dual dimensions are not being used, these settings have no effect. For more information on dual dimensioning, Dual Dimensioning on page 448.

Selecting a Unit System

To select or change the current measurement system: 1. Select File > Document Settings > Units. The Units dialog box opens. 2. Specify the units display parameters, and then click OK.


| Chapter 2: Getting Started

Select the desired length measurement system from the list If the Custom unit is selected, click Custom to create a custom length measurement system; see Creating a Custom Unit System on page 54 Select to display the unit mark along with the unit value; if the Feet & Inches unit is selected, VectorWorks automatically displays unit marks and therefore, Show Unit Mark appears dimmed Rounding only affects how numbers are displayed; if the number 1.23456 is entered with a rounding of .00, the value is recognized as 1.23456 but displays as 1.23 Select for fractional rounding Select for decimal rounding Select for a combination of fractional and decimal rounding For fractional rounding, select the fractional precision value; for decimal rounding, select up to ten digits of decimal precision; for a combination of fractional and decimal rounding, select both a fractional and decimal precision value Select whether decimal rounding is performed using multiples of tenths, quarters, or halves; the option selected is reflected in the Decimal precision field

Length Units Custom Show Unit Mark

Rounding Style Fractional Decimal Exact as Fractions / Non-Exact as Decimals Rounding Precision

Decimal rounding base Decimal Options Leading Zero Trailing Zeros Area / Volume / Angle Units Custom Precision

If one of the decimal rounding options is chosen, select to display a leading zero If one of the decimal rounding options is chosen, select to display trailing zero(s)

Select the area, volume, and angular measurement system from the list If the Custom area or volume unit is selected, click Custom to create a custom area or volume measurement system; see Creating a Custom Unit System on page 54 For area and volume measurement systems, select up to ten digits of decimal precision. For angular measurement systems, select to display angular units in degrees (there are 360 degrees in a circle, and the angle mark is ), radians (there are 2pi radians in a circle, and the angle mark is r), or gradians (there are 400 gradians in a circle, and the angle mark is g); also, select up to eight digits of angular precision or specify degrees, minutes, and/or seconds.

Creating a Custom Unit System

To create a customized measurement system: 1. Select File > Document Settings > Units. The Units dialog box opens. 2. Select Custom from the length, area, or volume Units list, or if editing an existing custom measurement system, select the custom name from the Units list.

Setting Up the Drawing |

3. Click Custom. The Custom Units:Length, Custom Units:Area, or Custom Units:Volume dialog box opens, depending on the type of custom unit being created or edited. The available values in each field vary based on the custom unit type.


Unit Name Unit Mark Smaller from Larger Square Unit Mark

Name given to the custom measurement systemfor example, Cubit Mark (abbreviation) used to represent a unit in the custom measurement systemfor example, cbt Set the number of custom units that occur per selected unitfor example, There Are 2 Units Per Inch Set the number of selected units that occur per custom unitfor example, There Are 2 Inches Per Unit

4. Click OK to exit the Custom Units dialog box. 5. Enter the remaining criteria as described in Units on page 53. 6. Click OK.

Snap and Reference Grids

VectorWorks has two separate grid systems for precise drawing. Both grids are set in the same dialog box; however, their functions are different.


| Chapter 2: Getting Started

Reference Grid

Snap Grid

The Snap Grid is an invisible grid that VectorWorks uses to assist in drawing and placing objects precisely. Select the Snap to Grid option on the Constraints palette. As the mouse moves across the screen, it automatically catches at each increment on the Snap Grid. When you are placing an object, the interactive image snaps to the grid and shows where the object should be placed. With shortcut keys, objects can be moved constrained to the snap grid. See Setting VectorWorks Preferences on page 39 for more information. The Reference Grid is displayed on the screen. The most useful way to set the Reference Grid is so that it is an extension of the set scale. Depending on the drawing, these two grids can be made identical. In some cases, they should be different. For example, if you are designing kitchen cabinets with a tolerance of one-sixteenth of an inch, set the Snap Grid to 1/16. It would be hard to draw on a screen that displayed 16 horizontal and vertical lines squeezed within every inch. For that reason, you might want to mark off only whole inches on the screen by setting the Reference Grid to 1. Sheet layers and design layers have individual grid settings. The Reference Grid may not always be visible, depending on the current zoom factor. To set snap and reference grids: 1. Select Tools > Set Grid. The Set Grid dialog box opens. For sheet layers, the Set Sheet Layer Grid dialog box opens.

2. Enter the snap and reference grid settings to use for the design layers or sheet layers.

Setting Up the Drawing | Parameter

Snap Grid (or Sheet Layer Snap Grid) Symmetrical X and Y Reference Grid (or Sheet Layer Reference Grid) Symmetrical X and Y Grid Options Show Grid Lines


The invisible grid VectorWorks uses to align objects during drawing and editing Select to constrain the Y setting to be the same as the X setting Enter the size increment for snapping in the X and Y directions; the Y setting appears dimmed if Symmetrical is selected The visible grid used for visually aligning objects during creation and editing Select to constrain the Y setting to be the same as the X setting Enter the size increment for viewing the grid in the X and Y direction; the Y setting appears dimmed if Symmetrical is selected Sets how the reference grid behaves on screen and when printing Select to show the reference grid within the print area, when possible (even with this option selected, the reference grid may not display depending on the zoom factor) Select to print the reference grid on the drawing The angle between the X axis of the snap and reference grids and the normal X axis Sets the grid angle by clicking and dragging the mouse in the drawing area upon exiting the dialog box Sets the grid angle using the specified value

Print Grid Lines Grid Angle (or Sheet Layer Grid Angle) Next Mouse Drag Enter Angle 3. Click OK.

4. If Next Mouse Drag was selected, draw the grid angle. Click in the drawing and drag the mouse until the desired angle is achieved. Click again to set the angle.

The Make Guide command enables the placement of guidelines which can be used to visually align objects in the drawing. VectorWorks permits guides of any shape and size. In addition to providing visual clues, guides work with VectorWorks SmartCursor and the settings on the Constraints palette to ensure precise alignments. Guide objects are locked into a class called Guides and are colored light purple. Guides are printed unless the Hide Guides command is selected, or the Delete All Guides command has permanently removed them.


| Chapter 2: Getting Started

To create a guide: 1. Create the object to become a guide. 2. Select the object. 3. Select Modify > Guides > Make Guide. The object changes into a guide. On the Guides command sub-menu, the following options can be selected.

Make Guides Select Guides Show Guides Hide Guides Delete all Guides

The object becomes a guide Selects all the guides in a drawing Displays guides which were hidden Temporarily hides the guides in the drawing Permanently removes all guides and the objects used to create them

You can snap objects to the guide(s) closest to it by using the Snap to Object constraint on the Constraints palette. The distance at which the objects snap to the guides is determined by the Snap Radius setting in the VectorWorks preferences. See Setting VectorWorks Preferences on page 39 for details on setting the snap radius setting. To delete a single guide, highlight it and then select Modify > Unlock. The guide is now editable. Select Edit > Clear to remove it from the drawing. A guide can also be unlocked in order to move it to a new location. Select Modify > Lock to lock the guide into place once it is relocated.

Set Origin
Use the Set Origin command to change the placement of the origin in the drawing area. The origin is the point where the X and Y axes meet (0,0). Its default placement is at the exact center of the drawing area. To set the origin: 1. Make sure the drawing is in Top/Plan view. 2. Select Tools > Set Origin. The Set Origin dialog box opens.

Setting Default Object Attributes | Parameter

Set Origin to Next Mouse Click Set Origin to Drawing Center Next Mouse Click Is


Changes the cursor to a bulls-eye cursor; click to set the origin to any point within the VectorWorks drawing area Sets the origin to the internal drawing center; the drawing center is a fixed internal point used to position all objects Sets the clicked point to specific coordinates. After selecting this option, enter the X and Y coordinates of the point. The origin is set according to the values entered when clicking a locus point or another reference point. This option is most useful for drawings that have a distant reference point.

3. Click OK.

Switching Between Two Origins

One reason to change the origin is to make it easier to work with the ruler bars. For example, the Swiss use a reference point system for architectural measurements, where everything is in relation to a point in Europe. When a building is located at a site, that site is referenced to be a certain distance and direction from this point. Using this system creates large numbers on the ruler bars and in the Object Info palette. In the Set Origin dialog box, VectorWorks provides the ability to switch between the local origin (the building site) and the distant origin (the reference point). After setting the local origin and a distant center, it is easy to switch between them. The offset values entered for the distant origin are saved with the file, so no information needs to be re-entered unless the origin is changed.

Set Origin Button

The Set Origin button is at the top left of the drawing window, at the junction of the two rulers. This button performs the same function as the Set Origin to Next Mouse Click option described in Set Origin on page 58.

To use the Set Origin button: 1. Click the Set Origin button, and then move the mouse to the new location for the origin. 2. Click to set the origin. Double-click the Set Origin button to open the Set Origin dialog box.

Setting Default Object Attributes

Settings in the Attributes palette control both default and individual object attributes. These attributes are automatically applied to newly-drawn objects unless a class attribute is assigned (see Setting Class Properties on page 98 and The Attributes Palette on page 229 for more information). Certain default attributes can be adjusted to accommodate office standards.


| Chapter 2: Getting Started

Color palette(s) Patterns Dash style

Markers (Line endpoint styles) Line thickness

Colors, dash style, and patterns are saved in the current drawing or in a template. Markers and line thickness are global settings and apply to all VectorWorks drawings. Gradient and image fills are provided as default resources and can also be defined in the Resource Browser. See VectorWorks Fundamentals Default Resources on page 141, Gradient Attributes on page 242 and Image Attributes on page 247.

Setting Default Marker Types

The marker list specifies which markers are available for selection. To set the default markers: 1. Select Tools > Options > Edit Marker List. The Edit Marker List dialog box opens.

Current Marker Types New Edit Delete

Lists the marker types that are available for selection when drawing; change the list order by clicking and dragging in the # column Creates a new marker type; see Creating or Editing Marker Types on page 61 Edits the currently selected marker type; see Creating or Editing Marker Types on page 61 Deletes the currently selected marker

2. Click OK to set the default list of available marker types.

Setting Default Object Attributes |


Creating or Editing Marker Types

To create or edit marker types: 1. From the Edit Marker List dialog box, click New to create a new marker type, or click Edit to change the currently selected marker type. The Edit Marker dialog box opens.

Preview General Options Root Type Fill Base Angle Length

Displays a preview of the markers appearance Specifies the markers shape and style Specifies the general shape of the marker For closed root types, specifies the type of fill For triangular root types, specifies the shape of the base For triangular and hexagonal root types, indicates the angle of the root Indicates the length of the marker, from base to tip


| Chapter 2: Getting Started

Specifies the marker width, for marker types that have a width For marker types except cone and lasso, displays half the marker on the indicated side For markers which can be reversed, flips the marker direction to create a tail marker Specifies the marker pen thickness Uses the same thickness as that of the associated line, adjusting automatically along with any line thickness changes Uses the same thickness as the dimension slash, set on the Dimensions tab of the document preferences (see Dimension Preferences on page 49) Specifies a custom marker thickness and unit (mils, points, or millimeters)

Width Half Tick Tail Thickness Options Use Line Thickness Use Dimension Slash Thickness Use Custom Thickness

2. Click OK to create or edit the marker. The new marker is listed at the top of the marker types list.

Setting Default Colors and Palettes

The Color Palette set provides colors for selection and specifies which colors are available in a VectorWorks file. Any set of unlimited colors can be included; colors are organized in standard and/or custom color palettes. In a new file, the active document color palette is the only palette displayed in the Color Palette set, and it contains only the colors black and white. As colors are added to the file from color palettes as well as resources, the active document color palette expands to display all the colors used in the file. To display and manage the colors available for the file: 1. From the Attributes palette, click on one of the color boxes for Fill color or Pen color, when a Solid style is selected. A similar interface is available from other areas in the application where colors are specified, although the Color By Class option is only available when accessed from the Attributes palette. The Color Palette set opens, displaying the colors in the active color palette.

Setting Default Object Attributes |

Standard Color Picker Pick Color Color Palette Manager


Named color display area

Colors in selected active palette (Grid view)

Active color palettes

Utility Menu Color Palette set in a new file, showing the default active color palettes Color Palette set in a file with active color palettes

Color by Class Standard Color Picker Pick Color Color Palette Manager Named color display area

When using the Color Palette set to specify an objects color, causes the object to take on the color attribute set by the objects class; see Applying Colors on page 229 Opens the operating systems color picker for selecting individual colors; see Selecting Standard Operating System Colors on page 64 Opens the Pick Color dialog box, for selecting a color from available color palettes; see Selecting a Color from a Color Palette on page 65 Opens the Color Palette Manager dialog box, for managing available color palettes and activating additional palettes; see Managing Color Palettes on page 66 Displays any color name information associated with the selected color. This area also serves to find a named color in the active color palette. To easily find a named color, begin typing; the letters display in the named color display area and the closest color match is selected. Press the Tab key to cycle through the closest matches; pause for several seconds to start the search over. Displays the selected active palettes available colors in either Grid or List view; these colors are available for use in the file Lists palettes which have been made active for the file with the Color Palette Manager; click on a palette name to display its colors for use in VectorWorks Opens a utility menu to control the color palette sorting and display

Colors in active palette Active palettes Utility Menu


| Chapter 2: Getting Started

2. Either select a color from one of the files color palettes, or click off of the Color Palette set (in the drawing window, for example) to close the color window and set the files available colors.

Utility Menu
The options selected from the color palette Utility Menu button at the bottom of the main Color Palette set indicate the color sorting and display. To set the display and sorting of colors and palettes: 1. From the Color Palette set, click the Utility Menu button to open the utility menu.

View Color Palette as

Select to view the colors in the Color Palette set as a grid of colored squares, or a list of colors and associated names. (In either view, color names are always shown in the display area above the colors as the mouse moves over the colors.) Specify the sorting method for the active color palette; select Color to sort by hue (HSV values), Manual to sort according to the order set in the Color Palette Manager, or Alphabetical to sort in ascending or descending order by color name Select whether to display active color palettes at the top or bottom of the Color Palette set In Grid view, color lists of less than 16 rows can be displayed with a Color Palette set option that shrinks to fit the available colors

Sort Color Palette by

Place Color Palettes at Shrink Grid to Fit

2. Select a utility command to change the color palette display or sorting option.

Selecting Standard Operating System Colors

When specifying or creating color palettes is not necessary, the operating systems color picker adds individual colors to the active document color palette. To select a standard operating system color: 1. From the Color Palette set, click the Standard Color Picker button. The Colors (Macintosh) or Color (Windows) dialog box opens. 2. Select a color from among the standard operating system colors, and click OK. 3. The color is added to the active document color palette, and becomes available for use in VectorWorks.

Setting Default Object Attributes |


Selecting a Color from a Color Palette

If a file requires colors beyond those available for the standard system color picker, but you do not wish to add and manage palettes in the Color Palette set, select a color from a specific color palette. To add colors from a color palette: 1. From the Color Palette set, click the Pick Color button. The Pick Color dialog box opens, listing the color palettes available. The Colors in Active Document palette is always available. Other palettes in the list either ship with VectorWorks, or have been added with the Color Palette Manager.


| Chapter 2: Getting Started

Lists the color palettes from which colors can be selected. Click on the header to sort the palettes in ascending/descending alphabetical order. Select a palette to display its colors on the right. Lists the colors in the selected palette; click on the header to sort by color or by color name. Select a color to add it to the Colors in the Active Document palette. Displays the colors in the selected palette as a grid; select a color to add it to the Colors in Active Document palette Displays the color information of the selected color, including Name; Red, Green, Blue (RGB); Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black (CMYK); and Hue, Saturation, and Value (HSV). This information also displays on a tooltip when the cursor hovers over a color.

Color Palette list

Color List Color Grid Color Information

2. Select a color palette from the left, and then select the color from the list or grid of colors on the right. 3. Click OK to add the color to the active document palette, and make it available for use in VectorWorks.

Managing Color Palettes

The Color Palette Manager determines which color palettes are available in the main Color Palette set and the Pick Color dialog box. With the Color Palette Manager, create or import custom color palettes, activate palettes for use in VectorWorks, add and delete colors from custom color palettes, and purge unused colors. To manage the files color palettes: 1. From the Color Palette set, click the Color Palette Manager button. The Color Palette Manager dialog box opens. The palettes available here are located in the Color Palettes library of the default resources; see VectorWorks Fundamentals Default Resources on page 141.

Setting Default Object Attributes |


Color palette list

Lists the files available color palettes. Click on a header to sort the palettes by active status or color palette name. Click in the Active column of a selected palette to activate the palette and add it to the available palettes in the main Color Palette set. Lists the colors in the selected palette; click on the header to sort by color or by color name Displays the colors in the selected palette as a grid Opens the New Palette dialog box, for creating a custom color palette or importing a color palette file; see Creating or Editing Custom Color Palettes on page 68 Copies the selected color palette and appends an incrementing number to the copy name (change or rename the copied palette by clicking Edit) Deletes the currently selected color palette; only custom palettes can be deleted, but not the Colors in Active Document or standard color palettes When the Colors in Active Document palette is selected, removes any colors that are not in use in the file from the Colors in Active Document palette Referenced colors remain in the active document color palette, even from an object that has been removed. Purging allows accumulated colors to be trimmed.

Color List Color Grid New Duplicate Delete Purge Unused


Opens the Edit Palette dialog box, for editing the selected custom palette; see Creating or Editing Custom Color Palettes on page 68


| Chapter 2: Getting Started

2. When the list of color palettes and active color palettes is set, click OK.

Creating or Editing Custom Color Palettes

Custom color palettes can be created or edited from the Color Palette Manager. Type the first few letters of a palette (or color, when the cursor is in the color list) to quickly select a color. To create or edit a custom color palette: 1. Open the Color Palette Manager as described in Managing Color Palettes on page 66. 2. Click New to create a new palette, or Edit to make changes to the currently selected palette. The New Palette or Edit Palette dialog box opens.

Name Color List

Specifies a name for a new color palette, or edits the name of a custom color palette Lists the colors in the custom palette; click on the header to sort by number in the list, color, or color name. To change the order of the colors, click in the # column and drag the selected color up or down in the list. (Select Manual from the color palette utility menu to sort the colors in the main Color Palette set in this order; see Utility Menu on page 64) Displays the colors in the custom palette as a grid

Color Grid

Setting Default Object Attributes | Parameter

New Edit Delete Get Lighten Darken RGB Blend HSV Blend Import


Opens the New Color dialog box, for adding a new color from the operating systems color picker Opens the Edit Color dialog box, for editing the selected color using the operating systems color picker Deletes the currently selected color(s) from the custom color palette Opens the Pick Color dialog box, for adding one or more colors selected from the available color palettes (see Selecting a Color from a Color Palette on page 65) Incrementally lightens the selected color Incrementally darkens the selected color Blends two selected colors according to their Red, Green, Blue (RGB) values, to create the specified number of new colors (up to 1000) Blends two selected colors according to their Hue, Saturation, and Lightness (HSV) values, to create the specified number of new colors (up to 1000) Imports all the colors from the Colors in Active Document palette of another current version VectorWorks file

3. When the colors have been edited or added to the custom color palette, click OK. The custom color palette is listed in the Color Palette Manager. By default, custom color palettes are saved in the user folder (see User Folders Preferences on page 46).

Creating a Color Chart

This command creates a color chart in the active layer of the current file that reflects the colors in the color palette of the document. It can be used as a print color guide. To create a color chart: 1. Select Tools > Utilities > Create Color Chart. 2. Confirm that a color chart of the active layer in the current file should be generated. If desired, select Show color palette index numbers to show the color index numbers in the chart.


| Chapter 2: Getting Started

The index numbers are internal to the color palette and always remain in the same order.

Setting the Default Dash Styles

The Dash Styles dialog box specifies which dash styles are available for selection. To set the files default dash styles: 1. Select File > Document Settings > Dash Styles. The Dash Style dialog box opens.

Dash styles New

Displays a graphical list of the files dash styles Opens the Edit Dash Style dialog box, to create a new dash style based on the currently selected dash style. Up to 22 customized styles can be added to the ten default dash styles, for a total of 32 styles. Once at the 32 style limit, this button is disabled. Opens the Edit Dash Style dialog box, to edit the currently selected dash style Deletes the currently selected dash style; if the deleted dash style has been applied to objects, the Map Dash Style dialog box opens to select the replacement dash style

Edit Delete

2. To create a new dash style, click New; to edit the currently selected style, click Edit. The Edit Dash Style dialog box opens. Set the dash style by either dragging the levers of the highlighted section on the graph, or by highlighting the desired section with the arrow buttons and specifying Line Length and Gap Length values.

Setting Default Object Attributes |


Dash graph

Levers indicate the distance (in page inches or page millimeters) between dash sections; a section consists of a line and a gap. Drag a new lever from the right edge of the dash graph to add a dash section, or drag a lever to the right to delete a section. Up to ten levers can define a dash style. Define the section visually by dragging the levers of the highlighted section until the line and gap are at the desired distance. The distance between the first two highlighted levers indicates the line length, and the distance between the last two highlighted levers indicates the gap length.

<< or >> Line Length Gap Length Scale with line thickness

Selects a highlighted section for editing; alternatively, click on the section to highlight Specifies the length of the line, in page units, for the highlighted dash section Specifies the length of the gap, in page units, for the highlighted dash section Maintains the proportion between the dash style and the line thickness

The 2D line dash pattern is automatically adjusted to prevent spaces at either end of the line.

3. Click OK to return to the Dash Styles dialog box.


| Chapter 2: Getting Started

4. Click OK to set the default dash styles for the file. When exporting a file to a version prior to VectorWorks 12, the system truncates the number of dash styles to 24. In the Dash Styles dialog box, dash styles #1-24 are retained; on the Attributes palette and for the Dash Style within View > Rendering > Line Render Options, the first 24 dash styles beneath the solid line dash style are retained.

Setting the Default Line Thickness

To set the default line thickness: 1. Select Tools > Options > Line Thickness. The Preferred Line Thickness dialog box opens. Select the preferred line thickness criteria.

Units New

Select the Units to be used for the thickness of the edited line Enter the new thickness value to replace the current thickness value listed to its left

2. Click OK to set the default list of available line thicknesses.

Setting Default Patterns

To set the files default patterns: 1. Select File > Document Settings > Patterns. The Edit Pattern dialog box opens. Enter the desired pattern criteria.

Creating Templates |


Pattern Revert

Select one of the 36 patterns to edit from the Pattern list, and then click in the left pattern box to add/delete pixels; the edits change the overall pattern in the right box Restores the pattern to its original settings

2. Click OK to set the default list of available patterns.

Creating Templates
Save a drawing file as a template to use it as a foundation for new files. Templates save layers, classes, title blocks, drawing borders, resources, and the current settings for attributes and units. (See Creating a New File on page 4 for details about using a template.) When a template is opened, VectorWorks automatically opens a copy of the file. When the new drawing is saved the first time, VectorWorks prompts for a new file name. This makes it impossible to accidentally replace the master template with the new drawing file. To create a template: 1. Start with a new, empty file. 2. Set up the file with all of the desired elements. 3. Select File > Save As Template. 4. Enter the name of the template (.sta) file and place it in an appropriate Templates folder. (See User Folders Preferences on page 46 for details about how to specify the folder for your user data.) To save the template for personal use, place it in the Templates subfolder in your user data folder (which is the default). If VectorWorks Design Series is installed, you can share the template with other users in a workgroup. To do so, place it in the Templates subfolder of a workgroup folder on a network drive; other users can then specify that workgroup folder in their VectorWorks preferences. The .sta extension is required for Windows. It is recommended for use on the Macintosh if the file will be shared with Windows users. 5. Click Save. VectorWorks launches with a blank drawing file, in 1:1 scale. To launch VectorWorks with a file containing different settings, name the template file Default.sta and save it in the Templates subfolder in your user data folder.


| Chapter 2: Getting Started

The Print Area
Within the drawing area is a gray border which defines the print area. Anything within the print area is printed and anything outside of the print area is not printed.

Print area

Drawing area

VectorWorks uses the settings from both the Page Setup and Printer Setup dialog boxes to determine the number of sheets of paper (pages) required to print the entire drawing on the selected printer. This allows the same drawing to be printed or plotted to numerous sources without readjusting the drawing. By entering the dimensions of a D size sheet of technical paper in the Printable Area of the Page Setup dialog box, and selecting Letter paper size in the Printer Setup dialog box, VectorWorks determines that the drawing needs to be tiled across 12 sheets of 8-1/2 x 11 paper to a standard laser printer. The number of 8-1/2 x 11 pages required for printing horizontally and vertically are automatically updated in the Page Setup dialog box. When sending this same drawing to a plotter, change the settings in the Page Setup dialog box for a plotter, and VectorWorks converts the pages required accordingly. The page setup (including the printable area) is specified individually for each sheet layer (see Setting Sheet Layer Properties on page 95).

Page Setup
The Page Setup dialog box settings determine the number of sheets of paper (pages) required to print the entire drawing on the selected printer. It is also used to specify whether to display the gray drawing boundary box representing the print area for design layers, and whether to display page breaks in the drawing file. To change the page setup settings: 1. Select File > Page Setup. The Page Setup dialog box opens.

Printing |


Pages Horizontal Vertical Show page boundary

Specify the number of pages in the horizontal direction Specify the number of pages in the vertical direction Select to display a gray border around the perimeter of the print area for design layers; alternatively, press Alt+B to toggle selection in this field Sheet layers always display the page boundary.

Show page breaks Printable Area Choose size unavailable in printer setup Size/Width/Height Printer Setup

Indicates how the drawing is divided over each printable page; for design layers, the page boundary must be displayed in order to see the page breaks

If the desired paper size is not available in the Printer Setup dialog box (see Printer Setup on page 75), select this option, and then select the desired paper Size from the list; this is useful when sending files to a print bureau that has different paper sizes available than your printer To manually specify the paper size, select the appropriate drawing units (inch or millimeter) and enter the paper Width and Height Accesses the Printer Setup dialog box for specifying the printer, paper size, drawing scale, and orientation; see Printer Setup on page 75

2. Specify the page setup options, and click OK.

Printer Setup
The Printer Setup dialog box settings determine the printer, paper size, scale, and orientation of the drawing. To change the printer setup settings: 1. Select File > Page Setup. The Page Setup dialog box opens.


| Chapter 2: Getting Started

2. Click Printer Setup. The Printer Setup dialog box opens, configured to the selected printer.

3. Scaling resizes the entire drawing by a specified percentage. To access the Scaling field in the Macintosh Printer Setup dialog box, select VectorWorks from the Settings list. Selecting a printer in Printer Setup (Macintosh) only changes the drawings settings; to change the printer used for the drawing, access the Macintosh System Preferences.

Printing a File
VectorWorks can print or plot to any device that is selected in the Print & Fax System Preferences (Macintosh) or Printer and Faxes Control Panel item (Windows). The actual parameters of the printed or plotted file are determined by the printer setup settings. All visible objects, classes, and layers within the print area of the VectorWorks file are printed. To print a file: 1. Select File > Print. On the Macintosh, specify the printer setup parameters and then click OK. The Print dialog box opens; the options that display depend on which printer or plotter is selected. To display additional print options on the Macintosh, select VectorWorks from the drop-down box that displays the default option, Copies & Pages.

Printing |


Macintosh Print dialog box with Quartz Imaging enabled

Windows Print dialog box with GDI+ Imaging enabled

2. Specify the print options, such as which pages to print and how many copies to make. The following VectorWorks print settings are available:


Application Print Resolution (dpi) Print PostScript only Gray level for grayed layers and classes Enable special processing for transparent color bitmaps

Sets a resolution for the application output. Either select a recommended dpi value for this printer type (from the drop-down list), or manually enter a value. If you have a PostScript printer, you can select this option to send only PostScript commands to the printer; this can speed the print process Adjusts the level of gray when printing with grayed layers and or/ classes When GDI+ imaging is disabled in the VectorWorks display preferences on Windows, or Quartz is disabled on the Macintosh, some printers (including PostScript printers) cannot support transparent color for raster images, which can affect bitmaps and picture objects that have the fill style set to None. Select this option to use a more detailed (and slower) imaging process to print transparency properly.

Macintosh - QuickDraw imaging only Windows and Macintosh

Windows and Macintosh


| Chapter 2: Getting Started

Disable driver text rotation Print current view only (Macintosh) or Current View (Windows) Rasterize print output

Macintosh - QuickDraw imaging only Windows and Macintosh

Translates rotated text into a bitmap image, to prevent problems with printer drivers that cannot interpret rotated text Prints the view currently displayed in the file window; this view is scaled larger or smaller to fit the selected page size

Windows, Macintosh QuickDraw imaging only

Prints the drawing as a raster bitmap. Select this option when the printer memory is insufficient, or when image problems occur (for example, to print design layer transfer modes on OS X or on PostScript printers). Prints fill patterns at approximately the same size as they appear on the screen at a 100% zoom. (When QuickDraw imaging is enabled on Macintosh, this option has an effect only if the Rasterize print output option is also selected.) Deselect this option to use the unscaled printer resolution (which is usually much lower); on non-PostScript printers, this prints faster.

Windows and Macintosh

Print patterns at on-screen resolution


Print as PDF

When Quartz is enabled, allows the file to be printed to a PDF file

3. If the Rasterize print output option is selected, specify the edge of the image onscreen that is the first edge to come out of the printer. The first edge to come out of the printer depends on the printer driver, the page orientation, and the rotation options that are supported by the driver. It cannot be predicted by VectorWorks. If the wrong page edge is selected, some portions of the drawing may fail to print if the printer runs out of memory. The Rasterize Print Output method can be significantly slower than other print methods. 4. Click Print (Macintosh) or OK (Windows) to print.

Using Drawing Tablets

VectorWorks can be used with drawing, or digitizing tablets, providing an additional way to create drawings. The program is compatible with Apple Desktop Bus (ADB) digitizing tablets as well as digitizing tablets that support the WinTab standard. A common use for a tablet involves tracing an existing hard copy of a drawing. Place the drawing on the tablet and trace along the lines to digitize the drawing. Because tablets usually have finer resolution than a mouse, there is better control for creating objects. Further, if the tablet uses a stylus for input, use of the tablet might feel more natural, similar to holding a pen or pencil versus using a mouse. Using a digitizing tablet with VectorWorks requires the driver software that comes with the tablet. Select Tools > Tablet; VectorWorks searches for this driver. Once found, VectorWorks determines the size and resolution of your tablet. (If VectorWorks cannot find the driver, a dialog box opens.) Once the driver is found, a gray box displays around the drawing area. This box outlines the boundary of the drawing tablet; the movement of the tablets transducer is constrained to this boundary box. In order to access menus and palettes that are outside of this boundary, either toggle out of Tablet mode or keep the mouse connected and use it to select these items.

Using Drawing Tablets |


The tablet boundary depends on the size of the tablet as well as the current layer scale and zoom factor. A tablet with a 4" x 3" usable area with an imperial layer scale of 1" : 100' would be constrained to a drawing area 400' x 300' in VectorWorks. Naturally, adjusting the zoom factor will reduce the apparent physical size of the constrained area in relation to the screen, but the internally-represented dimensions remain constant. The Tablet command synchronizes the tablet with the scale and units settings for the drawing. For example, if you have the Scale set to 1:1 and the Units set to Feet and Inches, then 1 inch on the tablet equals 1 inch in the drawing area on the screen. Further, if you have the Units set to Meters and the Scale set to 1:100, then 1 inch on the tablet equals 2 meters in the drawing area. Due to differing tablet resolutions and sizes, these values might be different than what is obtained for the same settings. Experiment with the settings to achieve the desired results. For example, for one inch on the tablet to equal 2 meters in the drawing area, you might have to set the Scale to 1:50 versus 1:100. To use a drawing tablet: 1. Select Tools > Tablet. VectorWorks displays the tablet as a large gray border in the drawing area. This border may not be visible, depending on the zoom and scroll. 2. Follow the directions that came with the tablet for using it to trace or draw objects. While in Tablet mode in Windows, using button 1 to click on a tool or menu outside of the drawing area has no effect. Use button 2 to toggle out of Tablet mode before selecting the tool or menu. VectorWorks assigns certain functions to the buttons on the tablet cursor and supports cursors with up to four buttons. VectorWorks also provides the option of pressing the keyboards F2, F3, and F4 keys for buttons 2, 3, and 4, respectively. This is particularly useful for drawing tablets that have fewer than four buttons. VectorWorks has an automatic scrolling feature which, when activated in Tablet mode, scrolls the screen image when moving the cursor past the displayed edge of the drawing. These functions are described in the following table.

Button No.
1 2 3 4

Same function as a (left) mouse click Toggles the Tablet mode on and off Re-centers the display to the current position of the pointer; no effect when Tablet mode is disabled Toggles automatic scrolling on and off

Aligning a Tablet
When using a tablet, VectorWorks provides options for aligning it with the drawing area. Align the center of the drawing with the tablets center, align the 2D locus point with the center of the tablet, or align the 2D locus point with the position on the tablet of the next tablet cursor click. By default, VectorWorks aligns the center of the tablet with the center of the drawing area. To align the 2D locus with the center of a tablet: 1. Set a locus point. See Creating 2D Loci on page 228 for details on setting loci. Keep the locus point selected. 2. Select Tools > Tablet. If already in Tablet mode, deselect and select it again to align the tablet.


| Chapter 2: Getting Started

The Tablet to Screen Mapping dialog box opens.

3. Click Align Tablet Center to Selected Locus. The Align Next Tablet Click to Selected Locus option allows you to trace multiple objects from different sources and have them display in the drawing at the correct coordinates. For example, if two buildings need to maintain a set distance from each other, set a locus point, align the tablet to that locus, and create the first building. When that building is completed, set a second locus where the second building is supposed to be, realign the tablet, and create the second building. The boundary for the tablet is moved and the relationship between the objects is maintained. 4. Click OK. The center of the tablet is now aligned with the selected locus point. The tablets boundary box moves to indicate the center of the drawing tablet in relation to the drawing area. This action only affects the center of the drawing tablet. The drawing areas origin is unaffected.

Drawing Structure

VectorWorks offers several features to help organize and display a drawing: design layers, sheet layers, classes, viewports, and views. Create a structured system with these features to make it considerably easier to select, view, and print drawing elements. For efficiency and consistency, create master libraries of layers, classes, and resources that can be shared by multiple users via workgroup referencing. This section describes these organizational aids and how to use them effectively.

Organizing the Drawing

When you begin a drawing project, first develop a layer and class structure, along with a system for assigning items to the appropriate layers and classes. A VectorWorks layer is basically a container that holds items. Layers are comparable to the sheets of vellum that are used for hand-drafting; each item belongs to a layer in the same way that a hand-drafted item belongs to its vellum sheet. A class, however, is an attribute of an object. Classes span the layers and allow you to control the attributes and visibility of objects across multiple layers. To output specific elements of a drawing quickly and easily, simply select the appropriate layers and classes for display. VectorWorks also provides ways to save the current drawing display with histories and saved views, and to present final drawings with viewports. Views and histories provide a slice-of-time look at the drawing. Histories record views of the drawing in a stack similar to the way Internet browsers do, while saved views store one or more aspects of the current display, such as the view, zoom, and layer and class visibility settings. Viewports are used to display final views of a drawing for client presentation. Create and manage these structural elements using the Organization dialog box. This dialog box has specialized functions to sort and select its list items; see List Box Functionality on page 20. To use the Organization dialog box: 1. Select Tools > Organization. Alternatively, click the Classes or Layers button on the View bar, or select Edit View from the Saved Views menu on the View bar. The Organization dialog box opens.


| Chapter 3: Drawing Structure

2. Select the appropriate tab for the VectorWorks element to be created or edited: Classes, Design Layers, Sheet Layers, Viewports, Saved Views, or References. 3. From the top of the dialog box, select either Details or Visibilities view. Generally, the Details view shows the current settings for each element, and enables editing of layer and class visibilities in the drawing area; the Visibilities view enables editing of layer and class visibilities in viewports and in saved views. 4. Buttons at the bottom of each tab provide creation and management functions. Alternatively, right-click (Windows) or Ctrl-click (Macintosh) on a list item to display a context menu, which has most of the same functions as the tab buttons.

Classes tab New Edit Duplicate

Click New to open the Class Options (Macintosh) or New Class (Windows) dialog box. See Creating Classes on page 96. Select a class and click Edit to edit it in the Edit Class(es) dialog box. See Setting Class Properties on page 98. Select a class and click Duplicate to create a copy of it. The name of the duplicate is the same as the original class, with a number added (as in cabinets-2); if the original name ends in a number, the number is incremented by one. Select a class and click Delete to open the Delete Class(es) dialog box. Specify what to do with the objects currently assigned to the class(es) being deleted (delete them, or reassign them to another selected class). Click OK to return to the Organization dialog box. VectorWorks moves all objects in the deleted class(es) to the appropriate class, or deletes them, as specified. Note that the Dimension and None classes cannot be deleted. These are default classes in every drawing.


Preview Design Layers tab New Edit Duplicate

Displays a preview of the current settings in the drawing area

Click New to open the New Design Layer dialog box. See Creating Layers on page 85. Select a layer and click Edit to edit it in the Edit Design Layers dialog box. See Setting Design Layer Properties on page 87. Select a design layer and click Duplicate to create a copy of it. The name of the duplicate is the same as the original layer, with a number added (as in floorplan-2); if the original name ends in a number, the number is incremented by one. Select a design layer and click Delete; when prompted, click Yes to confirm the deletion. When a design layer is removed from the drawing, all objects in that layer are also removed. Note that at least one design layer must remain in the drawing.


Preview Update Reference (on the context menu only)

Displays a preview of the current settings in the drawing area (Layer import referencing method only) This option is available if a design layer has been imported into this file with workgroup referencing (the name of the referenced layer displays in italics). From the layers context menu, select Update Reference to update this file with layer information from the master file. See Workgroup Referencing on page 111.

Organizing the Drawing | Button

Page Setup Sheet Layers tab New Edit Duplicate Click New to open the New Sheet Layer dialog box. See Creating Layers on page 85. Select a sheet layer and click Edit to edit it in the Edit Sheet Layers dialog box. See Setting Sheet Layer Properties on page 95.


Opens the Page Setup dialog box. See Page Setup on page 74.

Select a sheet layer and click Duplicate to create a copy of it. The name of the duplicate is the same as the original layer, with a number added (as in floorplan-2); if the original name ends in a number, the number is incremented by one. Select a sheet layer and click Delete; when prompted, click Yes to confirm the deletion Displays a preview of the current settings in the drawing area

Delete Preview Viewports tab New

Select New to open the Create Viewport dialog box. For sheet layer viewports, see Creating a Sheet Layer Viewport from a Design Layer on page 610 in this guide. For design layer viewports (VectorWorks Design Series required), see Creating a Referenced Design Layer Viewport on page 618 in the VectorWorks Design Series Users Guide. Select a viewport and then select Edit to edit it in the Properties dialog box. For sheet layer viewports, see Properties of Sheet Layer Viewports on page 614 in this guide. For design layer viewports (VectorWorks Design Series required), see Properties of Design Layer Viewports on page 623 in the VectorWorks Design Series Users Guide. Select a viewport and click Duplicate to create a copy of it. The name of the duplicate is the same as the original viewport, with a number added (as in details-2); if the original name ends in a number, the number is incremented by one. VectorWorks places the duplicate viewport directly on top of the original, in the original sheet layer. Select a viewport and click Delete; when prompted, click Yes to confirm the deletion Displays a preview of the current settings in the drawing area



Delete Preview Saved Views tab New Edit Duplicate

Click New to open the Save View dialog box. See Creating Saved Views on page 104. Select a saved view and click Edit to edit it in the Edit Saved View dialog box. See Editing Saved Views on page 106. Select a saved view and click Duplicate to create a copy of it. The name of the duplicate is the same as the original view, with a number added (as in deckview-2); if the original name ends in a number, the number is incremented by one. Select a saved view and click Delete; when prompted, click Yes to confirm the deletion

Delete References tab New

Click New to open the Open File dialog box. For layer import references, see Adding and Editing Layer Import References on page 113 in this guide. For design layer viewport references (VectorWorks Design Series required), see Creating a Referenced Design Layer Viewport on page 618 in the VectorWorks Design Series Users Guide.


| Chapter 3: Drawing Structure

Select a referenced file and click Edit to open the Edit Reference dialog box. For layer import references, see Adding and Editing Layer Import References on page 113 in this guide. For design layer viewport references (VectorWorks Design Series required), see Creating a Referenced Design Layer Viewport on page 618 in the VectorWorks Design Series Users Guide. Select a referenced file and click Delete. In the Delete Reference dialog box, specify what to do with the items in the file that are currently referenced. See Deleting References on page 117. Select a referenced file and click Update to update this file with information from the master file. See Updating References on page 115. Click Settings to open the Reference Settings dialog box. See Setting the Referencing Options on page 112.


Delete Update Settings

Creating Classes and Layers from Standards

Design layers, sheet layers, and classes can be created by importing them from standard files. Layer standards use only approved layer names for a particular industry. Class standards use approved name and class settings for a particular industry. Standard files (.sta files) are provided with VectorWorks and are located in the Standards folder. To create a new layer or class, select the standard file from the list, or browse to locate it. Custom layers or classes can be created in a blank file and saved as an .sta file in the Standards folder. Once placed in the Standards folder, these new layers or classes become part of the Standards list and are available when new layers or classes are created. If a layer or class name in the current file matches that of one in the Standards folder, it is not displayed in the list.

Managing Layers
Create layers in a VectorWorks drawing to provide immediate flexibility. Stack the design layers in any order, or temporarily hide some of them. Reorder the layers, which moves all of the objects contained within each layer to another location without actually modifying the objects or their alignment with each other.
Layer 3

Layer 2

Layer 2

Layer 1

Layer 1 Layer order rearranged

Layer 3

If you hand-draw a floor plan on two design layers, one vellum sheet with a master 2D drafting plan and another with an addition to the plan, it would be easy to look at the floor plan with or without the addition. In VectorWorks, the vellum is electronic, so far more can be done with it. A distance can be set between design layers rather than having them lie flat on top of each other. Additionally, with VectorWorks modeling capabilities, these layers can be used to create 3D objects. For example, if the first floor, second floor, basement, and roof of a house are each placed in their

Managing Layers |


own design layer, not only can the 2D drafting plan be printed for any one of those layers, but the design layers can be linked together, creating a model of a fully formed 3D house. Use viewports to display several views of the finished design, either on design layers (Design Series required) or on sheet layers, which are special presentation layers. The original design layers remain unchanged. Layers have many other uses, as well. Move elements between design layers, or change the scale of a layer, instantly making a detail of an area of the drawing without re-drawing anything. Create design layers with objects that should always display, or layers that contain objects for display only at particular times. Control the visibility of the design layers to limit the need for creating new objects.
Layer 3

Layer 3 Layer 2 Layer 1 Layer 2 visibility set to Invisible

Layer 1

Use design layers to draw and model projects. Use sheet layers to create a presentation version of the finalized drawing; this can include viewports, title blocks, notes, and other annotations (see Presenting Drawings with Sheet Layer Viewports on page 609). On the layers list in the View bar, sheet layers are listed first, and then design layers. A separator divides the two types of layers in the list. Sheet layers display with a wide gray border representing the print margin area, as opposed to design layers, which have a thin gray border (when the page boundary is displayed). This makes it easier to distinguish the layer types at a glance.

Creating Layers
When a new drawing is created, it automatically contains an empty design layer entitled Design Layer-1. Add design layers to the drawing as needed to organize it. Add sheet layers as needed for presentation. Create new design layers and sheet layers, or import them (and optionally, the objects they contain) from other current version VectorWorks files or from standard files. In VectorWorks Design Series, create a design layer viewport to reference design layers in other files without importing them. To create a new layer: 1. Select Tools > Organization. Alternatively, click the Layers button on the View bar. The Organization dialog box opens. 2. Select the Design Layers or Sheet Layers tab and click New. The New Design Layer or New Sheet Layer dialog box opens. Create a new layer, or import a layer and its properties from standard or existing VectorWorks files.


| Chapter 3: Drawing Structure

Create a New Design Layer or Create New Sheet Layer Import Design Layers or Import Sheet Layer

Creates a new design or sheet layer; enter a layer Name Imports layers and their attributes from standard files or existing files. Files located in the Standards folder, as well as existing files selected previously, are displayed in the list. Select a file; included layers are listed beneath. Select the desired layer(s). For more information about standards, see Creating Classes and Layers from Standards on page 84. Click Choose to select a file for layer import. Files must be in the current version. In addition to importing the design layer structure and attributes, imports the contents of the layers; if a file has become corrupted, this is a possible way of recovering its data. If there is a naming conflict with pre-existing symbols or pre-existing layers in the current document, rename the symbols or layers.

Choose Import Layer Objects (design layer only)

Creation Options Saved View Visibility (design layer only) Viewport Visibility (design layer only) Edit Properties After Creation Sets the visibility of the new design layer in saved views (when saved views exist in the drawing) Sets the visibility of the new design layer in viewports (when viewports exist in the drawing) Immediately after creation, opens the Edit Design Layers or Edit Sheet Layers dialog box to set the properties of the new layer(s); see Setting Design Layer Properties on page 87 or Setting Sheet Layer Properties on page 95

To select multiple layers from the import list, hold down the Ctrl (Windows) or Command (Macintosh) key while you click. If a layer name in the current file matches an imported layer name, that layer is not included in the list.

Managing Layers |
3. Click OK to create the new design or sheet layer(s). The layers display in the layer list in the Organization dialog box, and also in the layers list on the View bar.


Setting Design Layer Properties

Once created, the design layers display on the Design Layers tab of the Organization dialog box, where various properties can be set and edited. To edit design layers: 1. Select Tools > Organization. Alternatively, click the Layers button on the View bar. The Organization dialog box opens. 2. Select the Design Layers tab. A list of the current layers in the drawing displays in their stacking order. Depending on which view option is selected at the top of the dialog box, either details or visibilities of the design layers display. Stacking order, drawing area visibility, and active layer can be changed in Details view. The visibility of layers in viewports and in saved views can be changed in Visibilities view. Layers that are imported from another file for workgroup referencing display in italics.

Displays when the VectorWorks preference for Quartz imaging (Macintosh) or GDI+ imaging (Windows) is enabled

3. To change other layer properties, select one or more layers and click Edit to open the Edit Design Layers dialog box.


| Chapter 3: Drawing Structure

Quartz (Macintosh) or GDI+ (Windows) imaging VectorWorks preference enabled

Quartz (Macintosh) or GDI+ (Windows) imaging VectorWorks preference disabled

Name Scale Stacking Order Z, Delta Z Opacity / Transfer Mode

If one layer was selected, displays the layers name, which can be edited if necessary Sets the scale for the selected layer(s); see Setting the Design Layer Scale on page 88 Changes the stacking order of the layer(s); see Changing the Design Layer Stacking Order on page 89 Specifies the base elevation height and the default height of walls for the selected layer(s); see Setting the Design Layer Z and Delta Z Values on page 90 Opacity and Transfer Mode control how the selected layer(s) and other visible layers display; see Setting the Design Layer Opacity on page 90 or Setting the Design Layer Transfer Mode on page 91 When RenderWorks is installed, select the RenderWorks background to use for the selected layer(s) from either the default resources or the current files resources; see VectorWorks Fundamentals Default Resources on page 141 and Creating Layer Backgrounds on page 656 Specifies the default layer color for the selected layer(s); see Setting the Design Layer Color on page 92 Specifies the visibility settings for the selected layer(s) in each saved view; see Setting Visibilities on page 108 Specifies the visibility settings for the selected layer(s) in each viewport; see Setting Visibilities on page 108

RenderWorks Background

Colors Saved Views Viewports

Setting the Design Layer Scale

To set the design layer(s) scale: 1. From the Organization dialog box, select the Design Layers tab. Select one or several layers, and then click Edit.

Managing Layers |
The Edit Design Layers dialog box opens. 2. Click Scale. The Layer Scale dialog box opens.


Alternatively, to access the Layer Scale dialog box for the active layer, right-click (Windows) or Ctrl-click (Macintosh) in the drawing area to access the document context menu, and then select Active Layer Scale. Or, if the layer scale is displayed on the View bar, click the Layer Scale button. 3. Select the desired scale. Select All Layers for the new scale to apply it to all layers in the drawing. Select Scale Text to scale the text along with the layer. 4. Click OK to close the Layer Scale dialog box.

Changing the Design Layer Stacking Order

Design layers are viewed and printed in stacking order, the top-to-bottom order in the Layers Setup dialog box. Initially, layers are stacked in the order in which they are created, but their order can be changed at any time. To change the stacking order of design layers: 1. From the Organization dialog box, select the Design Layers tab in Details view to see the current stacking order. The # column to the right of the layer name indicates the layers current position in the stack, with 1 being the top layer. 2. Use one of the following methods for changing the design layer stacking order: If the list is not currently sorted by stacking order, click the # column heading to change it. Then click the # column of the layer(s) to be moved, and drag it up or down the list (the # column must be the current sorting column). A horizontal line indicates where the layer(s) will be inserted in the current order. Select the layer(s) to move, and then click Edit (or double-click a layer row) to open the Edit Design Layers dialog box. In the Stacking Order field, enter the number for the new stacking order position of the layer(s). Click OK to accept the changes. 3. The Design Layers tab displays the new stacking order. Click OK to close the Organization dialog box and save the changes.


| Chapter 3: Drawing Structure

Click layer 2 (Framing model) and drag it down to the third position on the list

Setting the Design Layer Z and Delta Z Values

The Z value of a layer represents its height above base elevation. The delta Z value represents the default height of walls created on that layer. For example, the second story of a building might be 12 feet above street level; its Z value is 12 feet. If the walls are to be drawn 10 feet high for that story, its delta Z value is 10 feet. When a new layer is added to a drawing, its Z values are automatically entered based on the previous layers Z and delta Z values. To set the Z and delta Z values of the layer: 1. From the Organization dialog box, select the Design Layers tab. Select one or several layers, and then click Edit. The Edit Design Layers dialog box opens. 2. Enter the base elevation value for the layer in the Z field. In a 3D view, the layer displays at the specified elevation above or below the ground plane. 3. Enter the default height of walls created on the selected layer in the Delta Z field. 4. Click OK to close the Edit Design Layers dialog box, and then click OK again to close the Organization dialog box.

Setting the Design Layer Opacity

With the Quartz (Macintosh) or GDI+ (Windows) imaging VectorWorks preference enabled (it is enabled by default), design layers have a setting that controls the transparency of layer objects that overlap visible objects in another layer. An Opacity value of 100% means that nothing beneath the active layer is visible. Decrease the Opacity value to increase the transparency of the objects on the layer. (See Display Preferences on page 41 for information about setting this preference.) To set the opacity for a design layer: 1. From the Organization dialog box, select the Design Layers tab. Select one or several layers, and then click Edit. The Edit Design Layers dialog box opens. 2. Drag the Opacity slider to the left to increase the transparency, or enter an opacity percentage (0-100) in the box to the right of the slider.

Managing Layers |


3. Click OK to close the Edit Design Layers dialog box, and then click OK again to close the Organization dialog box. Individual objects can also have an opacity percentage applied. See Opacity Attributes on page 231.

Setting the Design Layer Transfer Mode

When the Quartz (Macintosh) or GDI+ (Windows) imaging VectorWorks preference is disabled, design layers have a setting that controls the display of layer objects that overlap visible objects in another layer. To set the transfer mode for a design layer: 1. From the Organization dialog box, select the Design Layers tab. Select one or several layers, and then click Edit. The Edit Design Layers dialog box opens. 2. Select the desired Transfer Mode from the list. Click OK to close the Edit Design Layers dialog box, and then click OK again to close the Organization dialog box.


Makes objects in the new layer solid, obscuring objects in layers stacked below it (this is the default setting)


Makes it so objects in the new layer do not obscure stacked layers


Makes a reversed, or photo-negative image display when an object in the new layer overlaps an object in another layer


Makes objects in the new layer display all foreground patterns as white and all background patterns as transparent


| Chapter 3: Drawing Structure

Makes objects in the new layer solid and inverts any areas that overlap objects in stacked layers

Not Paint

Not Overlay

Makes objects in the new layer transparent and inverts layer colors

Not Invert

Makes objects in the new layer transparent and converts any black pixels from overlapping areas to white and white pixels to transparent

Not Erase

Makes objects in the new layer transparent and converts any white pixels from overlapping areas to black and black pixels to transparent

Most printer devices do not support all of these modes, especially PostScript printers and vector devices such as pen plotters. The Rasterize print output option may produce the best results for certain transfer modes. Macintosh OS X does not support layer transfer modes when printing, but they are available for on-screen viewing. On the Windows platform, the use of color in transfer modes may produce color blending.

Setting the Design Layer Color

The fill and pen color of objects that are drawn on or moved to a design layer can be controlled by the color settings of the design layer. The Use layer colors setting in the Document Preferences dialog box must be turned on (see Display Preferences on page 41). These settings are overridden by the Black and white only option in the Document Preferences dialog box, even with the Use layer colors option selected. To control the color of objects by their design layers: 1. From the Organization dialog box, select the Design Layers tab. Select one or several layers, and then click Edit. The Edit Design Layers dialog box opens. 2. Click Colors. The Color Defaults for Layer dialog box opens.

Managing Layers |


3. For both the fill and pen, set the Foreground and Background colors by clicking the appropriate list and selecting a color from the main Color Menu dialog box. A preview example is shown at the bottom of the dialog box. The fill background color controls the appearance of objects with a solid fill. 4. Click OK. When the Use layer colors preference is selected, all objects on the layer are drawn with the specified colors. Viewports have separate control of layer color (see Advanced Sheet Layer Viewport Properties on page 615).

Setting the Active Design Layer

To be able to add, remove, or edit objects on a design layer, either the layer must be active or the layer options must be set to allow modifications to other layers (see Setting Class and Design Layer Options on page 103). There are several ways to change the active design layer. If there are a small number of design layers, switch between layers with the Switch active layer/class shortcut key combination specified in VectorWorks preferences (see Setting VectorWorks Preferences on page 39). This selects a layer by moving up or down through the layer list one layer at a time. If the drawing has a large number of layers, use one of the following options.

Setting the Active Design Layer in the Organization Dialog Box

To set the active design layer: 1. From the Organization dialog box, select the Design Layers tab in Details view. The active layer is indicated by a check mark to the left of the Design Layer Name. The name of the layer also is highlighted in bold text. 2. To make a different layer active, click the column to the left of its name. 3. Click OK. The dialog box closes and the active layer displays.


| Chapter 3: Drawing Structure

Setting the Active Design Layer in the View Bar

To set the active design layer: 1. Click the Active Layer on the View bar to display a list of all of the sheet layers (top section) and design layers (bottom section) in the drawing. On Macintosh, the active layer is indicated by a check mark; on Windows, the layer name is highlighted in bold text. 2. Click the design layer to be activated. The layers list closes and the active layer displays.

Setting the Active Design Layer in the Document Context Menu

If multiple design layers are set to be visible, and the layer options are set to show those other layers, the drawing area may display objects that are on non-active layers. Use the Activate Layer command to make the layer of one of these objects active. The Force Select command on the document context menu also changes the active class and layer (if necessary), and selects the clicked object. To set the active design layer: 1. In the drawing area, right-click (Windows) or Ctrl-click (Macintosh) a visible object on a non-active design layer. 2. From the document context menu, select Activate Layer. The objects layer becomes active.

Right-click (Windows) or Ctrl-click (Macintosh) on the sink from a gray, non-active layer to open the document context menu

The Activate Layer command activates the sinks layer, and the objects that are not in that layer become grayed

Managing Classes |


Setting Sheet Layer Properties

Once created, the sheet layers display on the Sheet Layers tab of the Organization dialog box, where various layer properties can be set and edited. Sheet layers are always at a 1:1 scale, Active Only, and set to Top/Plan view. To edit sheet layers: 1. Select Tools > Organization. Alternatively, click the Layers button on the View bar. The Organization dialog box opens. 2. Select the Sheet Layers tab and the Details view. The Sheet Layers tab opens, with a list of the current layers in the drawing. Only the active layer can be changed in Details view. Visibilities view does not apply to sheet layers. 3. To change layer properties, select one or more layers and click Edit to open the Edit Sheet Layers dialog box.

Name DPI Origin Page Setup

Displays the selected layer name; to change this name, enter a new name Specifies the printing resolution (Dots Per Inch) for printing the raster rendered viewports in the selected layer (does not affect vector geometry or bitmaps that are inside that viewport) Specifies the X and Y coordinates of the sheet layer origin; each sheet layer has its own origin Opens the Page Setup dialog box for entry of sheet layer printing parameters; this saves time later, when different sheet layers can be automatically sent to different printers with different print area settings (see Page Setup on page 74)

Managing Classes
In addition to design layers, classes are a powerful way to organize the elements in a drawing project according to category. This allows the objects to be viewed, changed, and tracked as a group. Because classes work across design layers, they allow the grouping of similar objects in a drawing that for practical reasons need to exist on separate layers. Classes also allow the same file to be used for all stages of a project and for various purposes. For example, the classes shown for a license application could be different from those shown for the building contractor.


| Chapter 3: Drawing Structure

VectorWorks classes are similar in function toand are exported asAutoCAD layers. If a drawing will be exported to AutoCAD, use classes to make it easy to turn on or off selected portions of the drawing. For example, if a consultant using AutoCAD will be doing the duct layout for a building, a furniture class allows him or her to turn off the furniture layer, instead of deleting furniture objects.

Setting up the classes at the beginning of a project is recommended, so that objects can be assigned to appropriate classes as they are created. Every new drawing in VectorWorks automatically has two classes: Dimension and None. Any dimensions created are assigned, by default, to the Dimension class (this is a preference setting that can be changed; see Dimension Preferences on page 49). Group objects are assigned to the active class. All other objects and symbols are assigned to the None class, which is the default active class. These two classes can be renamed but not deleted. If the drawing was created from a template, other classes may have been provided. VectorWorks also allows additional classes to be created. The new classes can be duplicated, edited, or deleted. The visibility of the classes can also be changed. For example, for a drawing of a house with four separate plan layers (first floor, second floor, basement, and roof), assign all bathroom fixtures to a class called Fixtures. Make the Fixtures class invisible to print the floor plans without fixtures, and then make them visible to print the bathroom fixtures for each story of the house.

Fixtures class invisible

Fixtures class visible

VectorWorks provides flexible options when working with classes. In addition, class information can be linked to worksheets. Using the house example in the previous paragraph, not only can the plumbing fixtures plan for the house be printed, but a running inventory of the cost for all plumbing fixtures can be kept (see Using Worksheets on page 566).

Creating Classes
Consider class names at creation. If there are a large number of classes, organize them by naming each class with a compound name consisting of up to three parts, separated by a dash. Each name part represents a different level in the class structure. For example, a drawing of a building might have a class structure that includes main groups for architecture, plumbing, and electrical objects. Within the architecture group, there might be door, floor, and wall groups. Those groups in turn have sub-groupsfor example, the wall sub-group might have interior and exterior designations. A class is named according to its position in the class structure, as in Arch-Wall-Ext, Elec-Lite-Ceiling, or Plum-Equip-New. In the classes list on the View bar, each main group is a menu option, with sub-menus for the sub-groups. In the following example, the Arch option has a Wall sub-menu, with Ext and Int options. This type of organization makes it easy to assign classes as objects are created.

Managing Classes |


Classes can be created as new, or imported from other current version VectorWorks files or standard files. To create a new class: 1. Select Tools > Organization. Alternatively, click the Classes button on the View bar. The Organization dialog box opens. 2. Select the Classes tab and click New. The New Class dialog box opens. Create a new class, or import a class and its properties from standard or existing VectorWorks files.

Class Type
Create New Class Import Classes

Creates a class based on current Attributes palette settings; enter a class Name Imports classes and their attributes from standard files or existing files. Files located in the Standards folder, as well as existing files selected previously, are displayed in the list. Select a file; included classes are listed beneath. Select the desired class(es). For more information about standards, see Creating Classes and Layers from Standards on page 84. Click Choose to select a file for class import. Files must be in the current version.

Choose Creation Options


| Chapter 3: Drawing Structure

Sets the visibility of the new class in saved views (when saved views exist in the drawing) Sets the visibility of the new class in viewports (when viewports exist in the drawing) Immediately after creation, opens the Edit Class(es) dialog box to set the properties of the new class(es) (see Setting Class Properties on page 98)

Class Type
Saved View Visibility Viewport Visibility Edit Properties After Creation

To select multiple classes from the import list, hold the Ctrl (Windows) or Command (Macintosh) key while you click. If a class name in the current file matches an imported class name, that standard class is not included in the list. 3. Click OK to create the new class(es). The classes display in the classes list in the Organization dialog box, and in the classes list on the View bar.

Setting Class Properties

Once created, the classes display on the Classes tab of the Organization dialog box, where various properties can be set and edited. To edit classes: 1. Select Tools > Organization. Alternatively, click the Classes button on the View bar. The Organization dialog box opens. 2. Select the Classes tab. A list of the current classes in the drawing displays. Depending on which view option is selected at the top of the dialog box, either details or visibilities of the classes display. The visibility of classes in the drawing area and the active class can be changed in Details view. The visibility of classes in viewports and in saved views can be changed in Visibilities view (see Setting Visibilities on page 108).

3. To change other class properties, select one or more classes and click Edit to open the Edit Class(es) dialog box.

Managing Classes |


4. If desired, enter a new name for the class in the Class Name field. Then, set the graphic attributes of the class. See Setting Class Attributes on page 100 for more information about graphic attributes.

Displays when the VectorWorks preference for Quartz imaging (Macintosh) or GDI+ imaging (Windows) is enabled

RenderWorks texture options

Use at Creation

Applies the attributes displayed in this dialog box when creating an object assigned to this class. If Use at Creation is not selected, these attributes can be applied to the object later by assigning the Class Style from the Attributes palette. See Setting Class Attributes on page 100 for more information.

Fill Style None Solid Pattern Select one of the following fill styles from the list No fill is applied to the objects in this class Applies a solid fill to the objects in this class; click the color box to select the desired color from the main Color Menu dialog box Applies a patterned fill and color to objects in this class. Click the pattern box to select the desired pattern, and then select the foreground color and background color from the color boxes next to the pattern. Applies a hatch to objects in this class. Select the desired hatch from either the default resources or the current files resources (see VectorWorks Fundamentals Default Resources on page 141). Select Hatch from the list to create a new hatch to apply to the class.



| Chapter 3: Drawing Structure

Applies a gradient to objects in this class; click the gradient preview to select a gradient resource from either the default resources or the current files resources (see VectorWorks Fundamentals Default Resources on page 141) Applies an image to objects in this class; click the image preview to select an image from either the default resources or the current files resources (see VectorWorks Fundamentals Default Resources on page 141)



Pen Style Color Line Style/Line Thickness Markers Select None, Solid, Pattern, or Dash from the list Click the color box to select a pen foreground color Select the line style and thickness for the class; to use a custom thickness, select Set Thickness from the line thickness list to access the Set Thickness dialog box Select the marker style for each end of lines, dimensions, arcs, polylines, 2D polygons, or freehand lines in this class. Choose the marker style from the list of available markers. To use a custom marker style, select Custom and specify the marker settings, or select Edit Marker List from the marker style list to set the available marker types (see Setting Default Marker Types on page 60). When the Quartz (Macintosh) or GDI+ (Windows) imaging VectorWorks preference is enabled, specifies the class transparency; drag the slider to the left to increase the transparency, or enter an opacity percentage in the box to the right of the slider If RenderWorks is installed, click these tabs to set the texture properties for wall, roof, and other objects assigned to the class. See Applying Textures to Symbols, Walls, and Roofs on page 671 for more information. If there are saved views in the drawing, opens the Saved View Visibilities dialog box. Set the visibility for the new class(es) in the saved views (Visible, Invisible, Gray, or Dont Save). See Setting Visibilities on page 108. If there are viewports in the drawing, opens the Viewport Visibilities dialog box. Set the visibility for the new class(es) in the viewports (Visible, Invisible, Gray, or Dont Save). See Setting Visibilities on page 108.


Walls, Roofs, and Other tabs

Saved Views


5. Click OK to return to the Organization dialog box. If objects in an edited class already exist in the drawing, and the class is set to Use at Creation, when prompted, specify how to apply the changes to the existing objects. 6. Click OK from the Organization dialog box to save the changes. If multiple classes are simultaneously selected for editing, and some are set to apply attributes while others are not, Use at Creation appears dimmed, indicating an unknown setting. Additionally, if some or all of the attribute values are different for the selected classes, the editing fields for those values indicate that the value is unknown. When the OK button is clicked, the currently defined settings shown are applied to all of the selected classes. Any information with an unknown setting is not applied.

Setting Class Attributes

There are two types of attributes available for each object: class attributes and object attributes. Class attributes represent the graphic attributes information assigned by the class. Object attributes are assigned directly from the

Managing Classes |


Attributes palette. The attributes that an object uses when it is created are controlled by Use at Creation in the Edit Class(es) dialog box. When Use at Creation is selected for a class, objects created in that class or subsequently assigned to that class use the class attributes. The Attributes palette displays an arrow to indicate that the attributes have been set by class. If objects in that class already existed before Use at Creation was selected, you are prompted to decide how to apply the attributes to the existing objects. Class attributes can be overridden by selecting the object(s) and applying the attributes directly from the Attributes palette. Later, class attributes can be selected again from the Attributes palette by selecting Class Style from the attribute list. If Use at Creation was not selected for a class, selecting Class Style for an attribute applies the class setting to the object(s) at that time.
Object Attribute Class Attribute

Class attributes are represented by a curved arrow

For more information, see The Attributes Palette on page 229.

Setting the Active Class

To be able to remove or edit objects in a particular class, either the class must be active or the class options must be set to allow modifications to other classes (see Setting Class and Design Layer Options on page 103). There are several ways to change the active class. If there are a small number of classes, switch between classes with the Switch active layer/class shortcut key combination specified in the VectorWorks Preferences (see Setting VectorWorks Preferences on page 39). This selects a class by moving up or down through the class list one layer at a time. If the drawing has a large number of classes, use one of the following options.

Setting the Active Class in the Organization Dialog Box

To set the active class: 1. From the Organization dialog box, select the Classes tab in Details view. The active class is indicated by a check mark to the left of the Class Name. The name of the class also is highlighted in bold text. 2. To make a different class active, click the column to the left of its name. 3. Click OK. The dialog box closes and the active class displays.

Setting the Active Class in the View Bar

To set the active class: 1. Click the Active Class on the View bar to display a list of all of the drawings classes.


| Chapter 3: Drawing Structure

On Macintosh, the active class is indicated by a check mark; on Windows, the class name is highlighted in bold text.

2. Click the class to be activated. The classes list closes and the active class displays.

Setting the Active Class in the Document Context Menu

If multiple classes are set to be visible, and the class options are set to show those other classes, the drawing area may display objects that are in non-active classes. Use the Activate Class command to make the class of one of these objects active. The Force Select command on the document context menu also changes the active class and the active layer (if necessary), and selects the clicked object. To set the active class: 1. In the drawing area, right-click (Windows) or Ctrl-click (Macintosh) a visible object in a non-active class. 2. From the document context menu, select Activate Class. The objects class becomes active.

Right-click (Windows) or Ctrl-click (Macintosh) on a cabinet in a gray, non-active class to open the document context menu

The Activate Class command activates the cabinets class, and the objects that are not in that class become grayed

Copying and Pasting Classed Objects

Objects in a class can be copied and pasted from one drawing to another, even if the destination drawing does not contain the same class as the original drawing. VectorWorks automatically creates a new class in the destination drawing and transfers all of the class information from the source drawing. If the destination drawing already has a class with the same name as the source drawing, only the object information is pasted. All of the class information for the destination drawings class remains unchanged.

Setting Class and Design Layer Options |


When you paste objects that could become invisible due to class visibility settings, specify whether the invisible classes should be made visible so that the pasted objects can be seen.

Setting Class and Design Layer Options

The Class Options and Layer Options commands are very similarthey both control how all the classes or design layers in a drawing work together. For example, a drawing project can be set to display only the active class, temporarily hiding all objects assigned to other classes. To change the options for displaying, snapping to, and editing objects in the current class or design layer: 1. Select View > Class Options (or Layer Options) and then the option. Class and design layer options can also be accessed with the Class Options and Layer Options commands on the document context menu.

Active Only Gray Others Gray/Snap Others

Displays only objects in the active class/layer; only the active class/layer prints Displays the active class/layer normally and all other classes/layers appear dimmed (except for those set to invisible); even though visible, objects in dimmed classes/layers cannot be edited Displays the active class/layer normally and all other classes/layers appear dimmed (except for those set to invisible); objects in any normally displayed or gray class/layer can be snapped to. Only objects in the active class/layer can be edited. All classes/layers display normally, except for those set to invisible or grayed; even though visible, objects in classes/layers other than the active class/layer are not editable and cannot be snapped to All classes/layers display normally, except for those set to invisible or grayed; objects in any normally displayed or gray class/layer can be snapped to. Only objects in the active class/layer can be edited. All classes/layers display normally, except for those set to invisible or grayed. Objects in any normally displayed or gray class/layer can be snapped to; only objects in normally displayed classes/layers can be edited. Locked objects display with selection handles that appear dimmed.

Show Others

Show/Snap Others

Show/Snap/ Modify Others

2. The current class or design layer display changes accordingly.

Managing Viewports
A sheet layer viewport or design layer viewport (Design Series required) shows a specific portion of one or more design layers. The original location of the viewport layers can be either within this file or another file. The view parameters in the viewport can be different from those of the original layers. For example, the scale, layer and class visibility, or render mode might be changed to create a certain effect. A sheet layer viewport does not always automatically change when the underlying drawing does. To see the drawing changes that were made after a sheet layer viewport was created, update the viewport. One or more viewports can be placed on a sheet layer or design layer, to show various parts of the drawing project in different ways. Once created, viewports display in the Organization dialog box, where they can be edited, duplicated, or deleted. For detailed information about how to create, edit, annotate, and update viewports, see Presenting Drawings with Sheet


| Chapter 3: Drawing Structure

Layer Viewports on page 609 in this guide, and Presenting Drawings with Design Layer Viewports on page 616 in the VectorWorks Design Series Users Guide.

Managing Saved Views

Think of a saved view as a camera that is set up to show a drawing from a certain orientation, with a specific set of viewing parameters, including which class and design layer are active, the visibilities of the classes and the design layers, the current zoom and pan, the page location, and the plan rotation (Design Series required).

Zoomed in view

Zoomed out view

Views are also used to create Move Along Path animations (see Creating Move Along Path Animations on page 603 for more information). Saved views can be created, edited, duplicated, and deleted from the Organization dialog box as described in the following sections.

Creating Saved Views

To save the current drawing area view: 1. Select View > Save View. The Save View dialog box opens. 2. Specify the view options, the active layer and class, and the visibilities of layers and classes.

Managing Saved Views |


View Name Save View Orientation Save Zoom and Pan Save Page Location

Specify the view name Saves the general view parameters of the active layer, including plan rotation (Design Series required), projection, 3D orientation, and page origin settings Saves the zoom and pan settings of the active layer Saves the design layer page location with the view; if deselected, the current page location setting is used when the view is displayed. The page location of sheet layers cannot be saved. Saves the stacked layers status with the view; if deselected, the current stack layers setting is used when the view is displayed.

Save Stack Layers (VectorWorks Architect required) Save Layer Visibility Layer Options Active Layer Layers Save Class Visibility Class Options Active Class Classes

Specifies the layer visibility options to save; if deselected, the current layer visibility settings are used when the view is displayed Select the design layer display options (see Setting Class and Design Layer Options on page 103) Select the active layer; if a sheet layer is selected, the Layers button is disabled Opens the Layer Visibilities dialog box; specify the design layer visibilities for the saved view (see Setting Visibilities on page 108) Specifies the class visibility options to save; if deselected, the current class visibility settings are used when the view is displayed Select the class display options (see Setting Class and Design Layer Options on page 103) Select the active class from the list of classes Opens the Class Visibilities dialog box; specify the class visibilities for the saved view (see Setting Visibilities on page 108)


| Chapter 3: Drawing Structure

3. Click OK to save the view with the specified settings. The saved view is then available from the Saved Views menu and from the Organization dialog box.

Editing Saved Views

Set the active class and layer, the class and design layer options, and the class and design layer visibilities when you create the saved view (in the Save View dialog box). Those initial settings can be changed later from the Organization dialog box. To edit a saved view: 1. Select Tools > Organization. The Organization dialog box opens. 2. Select the Saved Views tab in Visibilities view. The visibilities of classes and design layers for the selected saved view display.

3. Select a view to edit from the Saved View Name list. 4. If Save Class Visibility was selected in the Save View dialog box, Class Options and Active Class are enabled in the Organization dialog box. If Save Layer Visibility was selected in the Save View dialog box, Layer Options and Active Layer are enabled in the Organization dialog box. Change the Active Layer and the Active Class as necessary. Change the Class Options and Layer Options as described in Setting Class and Design Layer Options on page 103. 5. Change the visibilities of classes and design layers as necessary. See Setting Visibilities on page 108. 6. To change other saved view properties, click Edit. The Edit Saved View dialog box opens.

Managing Saved Views |


The settings are the same as when the view is created (see Creating Saved Views on page 104). Classes and layers that were added after a view was created are listed as visible in the visibility settings. If the layer or class visibility was saved when the view was created, Restore Layer Visibility and Restore Class Visibility are enabled. Click Restore Layer Visibility to restore the layer visibilities, the layer options, and the active layer that were set when the view was saved. Click Restore Class Visibility to restore the class visibilities, the class options, and the active class that were set when the view was saved. Saved views are saved as VectorScript macros. If necessary, click Edit Script to edit the script. 7. Click OK to save the changes. Click OK again to close the Organization dialog box. Another way to edit a saved view is through the Saved Views palette. Select Window > Script Palettes > Saved Views. Press the Option (Macintosh) or Alt (Windows) key and double-click the view name to edit. Double-click the view script name to switch the current drawing area to the saved view.

Creating or Editing Saved Views Using the Saved Views Menu

The View bar has shortcuts to save a view, to edit a saved view, or to switch the current drawing area view to a previously saved view. Views can also be accessed through the Saved Views palette. Select Window > Script Palettes > Saved Views. Double-click the view name to switch to that view. To use the Saved Views menu: 1. Click the Saved Views menu on the View bar.
Click to open the Saved Views menu List of saved views

2. Select the desired item from the menu.


| Chapter 3: Drawing Structure

Opens the Save View dialog box (see Creating Saved Views on page 104) Opens the Saved Views tab of the Organization dialog box (see Editing Saved Views on page 106) Select a saved view from the list to switch to that view

Menu Item
Save View Edit View List of saved views

Setting Visibilities
The active class and design layer are always visible; each inactive class and design layer can be set to be visible, invisible, or gray. The visibilities of inactive classes and design layers are controlled in a very similar way, and they both can be set independently for the drawing area, saved views, and viewports. Class and design layer visibility in the drawing area and in saved views are also affected by the Class Options and Layer Options settings. See Setting Class and Design Layer Options on page 103 for details. For maximum usability, visibilities can be set from multiple places, but the method of setting visibilities is the same. The level of gray for grayed layers and classes can be adjusted for printing; see Printing a File on page 76.

To change the setting for a single class or design layer, click in one of its visibility columns. To change the settings for multiple items, click a visibility column as follows: Press the Ctrl key (Windows) or Cmd key (Macintosh) and click selected class or layer rows Press the Shift key and click the first and last rows of a group of classes or layers Press the Alt key (Windows) or Option key (Macintosh) and click any row to change all classes or layers

Setting Visibilities | Parameter

Visible column


Class/design layer is visible; objects in this class/layer display when another class/layer is active Class/design layer is invisible; objects in this class/layer display only when the class/layer is active Class/design layer is gray; objects in this class/layer are dimmed when another class/layer is active For saved views, a fourth column displays to the right of the other columns. When selected, class/design layer visibility is not saved for the saved view; the current class/layer visibility is used when the view is displayed.

Invisible column

Gray column

Dont Save column

Setting Class and Design Layer Visibility for the Drawing Area
Use the Organization dialog box to set the visibilities of classes and design layers in the drawing area. To set the visibility in the drawing area: 1. From the Organization dialog box, select the Classes or Design Layers tab in Details view. 2. Change the Visibility settings as desired. (See Setting Visibilities on page 108.)

3. To see the changes before saving them, click Preview. 4. Click OK to save the changes.

Setting Class and Design Layer Visibility for Viewports and Saved Views
The visibilities of classes and design layers can be set during creation or editing of classes, design layers, viewports, or saved views. Those settings can also be changed in the Organization dialog box.


| Chapter 3: Drawing Structure

Class visibility; see Creating Classes on page 96 and Setting Class Properties on page 98 Design layer visibility; see Creating Layers on page 85 and Setting Design Layer Properties on page 87 Design layer or class visibility; see Creating a Sheet Layer Viewport from a Design Layer on page 610 Design layer or class visibility; see Creating Saved Views on page 104 and Editing Saved Views on page 106

Create or Edit
Classes Design Layers Viewports Saved Views

To set the class and design layer visibility for viewports and saved views: 1. From the Organization dialog box, select a tab in Visibilities view.

Organization Dialog Box Tab

Classes Design Layer Viewports Saved Views

Sets Visibility of
Sets visibility of a class in viewports and saved views Sets visibility of a design layer in viewports and saved views Sets visibility of classes and design layers in a viewport Sets visibility of classes and design layers in a saved view

2. On the appropriate tab, select one or more class, design layer, viewport, or saved view names and change the Visibility settings for classes and design layers as described in Setting Visibilities on page 108. 3. On the Saved Views tab, change the active design layer and class, and the design layer and class options as described in Editing Saved Views on page 106. 4. To see the changes before saving them, click Preview (not available on the Saved Views tab). 5. Click OK to save the changes.

Workgroup Referencing |


Workgroup Referencing
VectorWorks Referencing Capability
A workgroup is several people who work together on a project. Group members may work on the same file or on different files for the same project. Additionally, it is often necessary to create standard elements and reuse them in different files. It can be difficult to share these standards with other members of a workgroup and to keep up with changes to them. Referencing is the ability to link the current (target) file to a master file that contains the standards. Layers, classes, and resources (such as hatches, worksheets, or symbols) in other VectorWorks files can be referenced. In the VectorWorks Design Series, image files and PDF files can also be referenced. When a referenced item in a master file changes, the changes are reflected in the target file. Updates to target files can be performed automatically or only when manually requested. VectorWorks can reference specific layers with all of the classes and resources used in those layers, as well as any resources from a master file. Workgroup-referenced design layers can be displayed in viewports. Referenced items are indicated in the Resource Browser and in the Organization dialog box by italicized names. Referenced items in the target file are locked; they can be unlocked and edited, but the changes will be temporary. Each time a target files references are updated, referenced items are over-written to reflect the master file. Therefore, any permanent change to a referenced item must be made in the master file. There are two ways to reference design layers with VectorWorks: In VectorWorks Fundamentals, design layers are imported into the target file when they are referenced. For backward compatibility, VectorWorks Design Series supports this method; see Setting the Referencing Options on page 112. In VectorWorks Design Series, the recommended method is to create a design layer viewport and then reference the desired design layers from the master file. See Creating a Referenced Design Layer Viewport on page 618 in the VectorWorks Design Series Users Guide for details about this type of reference. Keep the following concepts in mind for both referencing methods. Drawing information is shared and updated on a layer-by-layer basis. For layer import referencing, referenced layers should be treated as read-only layers. This might not be obvious, since it appears that referenced layers can be edited. Moreover, it is possible to add information to referenced layers in the target document. However, any changes to referenced information and any information added to referenced layers are removed the next time the referenced layer is updated. Referenced layer names cannot be changed. Resources (symbol names) in layers that are referenced from the master file take precedence over resources in the target file. If there is a naming conflict with pre-existing symbols or pre-existing layers in the current file, rename the symbols or layers. Sheet layer viewports cannot directly reference layers in external master files. If you are using layer import referencing, create a reference to the master file, and select the external layers to import into the target file; then make the imported layers visible in a sheet layer viewport. If you are using design layer viewport referencing (Design Series required), create a design layer viewport from the master file and make the desired layers visible; then make the design layer that contains the viewport visible in a sheet layer viewport.


| Chapter 3: Drawing Structure

Workgroup Referencing Strategies

Communication within the workgroup is essential when workgroup referencing is in use. Discuss a strategy for how to name, maintain, and update master files. Keep each other informed of major changesespecially the deletion of a master file or resources, which can affect multiple files. If either the file name or the location of a referenced file is changed, the reference is broken. Items referenced from that file cannot be updated until the broken reference is corrected.

Setting the Referencing Options

The reference settings control how manual and automatic updates to references are performed in the current file. In addition, VectorWorks Design Series users have the option to change the layer referencing method for this file from design layer viewport referencing (the default for the Design Series) to layer import referencing. To set the referencing options: 1. Select Tools > Organization. The Organization dialog box opens. 2. Select the References tab and click Settings. The Reference Settings dialog box opens.

Check for out of date references every ___ When manually updating

Automatically checks referenced files for changes after this time interval; if any references are out of date, an alert dialog box displays to allow the target file to be updated Specifies what happens when the Update button on the References tab of the Organization dialog box is clicked: the button either updates only the selected references that are out-of-date, or it updates all of the selected references in the target file Specifies which method to use to reference design layers in other VectorWorks documents. By default, Design Series uses design layer viewports, as described in Creating a Referenced Design Layer Viewport on page 618 in the VectorWorks Design Series Users Guide. Select Layer import to use the referencing method described in Adding and Editing Layer Import References on page 113 in this guide.

Use this method to reference VectorWorks files (Design Series required)

Workgroup Referencing |
3. Click OK to return to the Organization dialog box.


Adding and Editing Layer Import References

In the VectorWorks Design Series, you must first select the Layer import referencing option for the current file, as described in Setting the Referencing Options on page 112. (See Creating a Referenced Design Layer Viewport on page 618 in the VectorWorks Design Series Users Guide for information about the design layer viewport referencing option.) To add or edit references to design layers in other VectorWorks files: 1. In the active target file, select Tools > Organization. The Organization dialog box opens. 2. Select the References tab. Referenced files are listed in priority order, along with their current status, whether they are set to update automatically when the target file is opened, and whether they are set to save copies of the referenced items with the file.

New Edit Delete

Opens the Open File dialog box to select a new reference file Opens the Edit Reference dialog box to change the parameters of a selected reference file Opens the Delete Reference dialog box to delete a file from the list of referenced files, and to choose whether to keep the referenced layers and resources in the target file; see Deleting References on page 117 Manually updates the referenced items from the selected file(s) Opens the Reference Settings dialog box to set options for updates of referenced items; see Setting the Referencing Options on page 112

Update Settings

3. To edit a current reference file, select the file and click Edit. The Edit Reference dialog box opens. Proceed to step 5.


| Chapter 3: Drawing Structure

4. To add a new reference file, click New. The Open File dialog box opens. Select the desired file, and then click Open to open the appropriate dialog box: VectorWorks file: New Reference dialog box Image file: Image Import Options dialog box (Design Series required) PDF file: Import PDF dialog box (Design Series required) Referenced VectorWorks files must be the same version as the target file. 5. From the New Reference or Edit Reference dialog box, specify the parameters for the workgroup reference.

Source File Save reference location as

Displays the path and file name of the referenced master file; if the Edit option was selected, click Browse to edit the file location Maintains either an absolute or relative file path reference from the current file to the referenced file. Use the absolute path when the location of the referenced file with respect to the current file is not going to change. Use the relative path when the files might be moved to another computer or platform; as long as the relative path between the files remains the same, the reference can be found. Both files must be saved on the save volume to select this option. The Source File path displays either an absolute or relative path, depending on the selection.

Workgroup Referencing | Parameter

Layers Available


Specify the design layers to be referenced; selected layers are indicated with a check mark. Sheet layers cannot be referenced. This step is optional; a layer does not have to be selected to reference its resources. Resources in the entire referenced file are available through the Reference command in the Resource Browser. Select the update options Saves a copy of the referenced data with the target file. When this option is deselected, a copy of the referenced data is not saved, which means that the target file size is smaller; the referenced data is refreshed when the target file is opened. Updates the reference each time the target file is opened; when deselected, the reference is updated only when Update is clicked from the References tab of the Organization dialog box Updates class definitions along with the referenced objects that use those classes Ignores the user origin in the master file; referenced objects will not change location in the target file if the user origin changes in the master file Creates a layer link for each newly referenced layer on the specified design layer; select the design layer from the list or select New Layer to specify a new design layer, set to the same scale as the first selected layer to reference

Options Save referenced cache to disk

Automatically update out of date reference during file open Update class definitions Ignore source user origin Create layer link(s) on layer

Workgroup referenced layers can be used in a sheet layer viewport. Because sheet layer viewports cannot directly reference design layers in other files, reference the layers and then create a sheet layer viewport that shows the referenced layers. 6. Click OK to return to the Organization dialog box. The selected layers are added to the target file, along with any new layers and layer links.

Prioritizing Referenced Files

VectorWorks searches the referenced files in the order in which they are listed on the References tab, and uses the first instance of each referenced resource that is found. If there are multiple referenced files, organize them to ensure that references are updated appropriately. To set the priority of referenced files: 1. Select Tools > Organization to open the Organization dialog box. 2. From the References tab, click the number in its # column to select the master reference file(s) to be moved; drag the item up or down the list to the new priority position. The first file listed on the References tab has the highest priority.

Updating References
Referenced design layers and resources are either updated automatically when the target file is opened, or they are updated manually upon command. These preferences are set in either the New Reference or the Edit Reference dialog box. If the file is set to update automatically, manual updates can still be performed at any time.


| Chapter 3: Drawing Structure

Before an update, correct any broken references as described in Correcting Broken References on page 116. To update references manually: 1. Select Tools > Organization to open the Organization dialog box. 2. From the References tab, select the master file(s) that contain the referenced items to be updated. To update all references in the target file, select all of the files. 3. Click Update to update the target file from the selected files. All referenced items are updated from the selected update files, according to the priority order on the References tab (see Prioritizing Referenced Files on page 115).

Correcting Broken References

If a reference has a status of Broken in the References tab, VectorWorks cannot locate the master file. Items referenced from that file cannot be updated until the broken reference is corrected. To correct broken references: 1. Select Tools > Organization to open the Organization dialog box. 2. From the References tab, select one or more master files that have broken references, and click Update. 3. An alert prompts you to locate the master file. If you selected multiple references, select Look for subsequent broken references in all of the folders manually located to have VectorWorks search the same location for all of them. If a file is set to update automatically when it is opened, and one of its references is broken, this alert displays when you open the file. 4. Click Yes to open the Open Current-Version Drawing dialog box. 5. Locate the master file and click Open. On the References tab, the status of the broken reference changes from Broken to Up to date or Out of date. If you selected the option to look for subsequent references in the same location, those references are corrected also. 6. Click OK to save the new name and/or location for the references.

Referencing Resources
The resources of files listed in the References tab of the Organization dialog box, as well as the resources in any VectorWorks file of the same version number, can be referenced through the Resource Browser. If a files resources are referenced through the Resource Browser, the file name is automatically added to the list of referenced files in the Organization dialog box. To reference the resources of a master file: 1. To display the resources of the master file in the Resource Browser, either make the master file a favorite or browse the master file (see Accessing Existing Resources on page 147). 2. Right-click (Windows) or Ctrl-click (Macintosh) on the desired resource to display the context menu. Select Reference. 3. The resource is added to the target file as a referenced resource. Referenced resources display with italicized names in the Resource Browser. 4. The following rules apply to referenced resources.

Workgroup Referencing | Situation

Resource rename or edit Resource name conflict


A referenced resource cannot be edited or renamed If there is a name conflict between a referenced object and another object during an update, an alert allows the other object to be renamed. (If the other object is also a referenced object, it cannot be renamed and the update fails.) If the user origin of a master file is changed, the location of the referenced resources do not change, if Ignore source user origin is selected in the Edit Reference dialog box Changes to the class of a referenced resource are only reflected in the target file after an update if Update class definitions is selected in the Edit Reference dialog box If a referenced resource is deleted in a master file and the resource does not exist in any other master file included in an update, when the reference to the master file is updated, an alert displays. Click OK to confirm that the resource is an orphan, or click OK to All to hide all alerts about orphaned resources during the current update. Orphaned resources are no longer referenced.

Change user origin of master file Change master file classes Resource deleted in master file

5. To break a reference, right-click (Windows) or Ctrl-click (Macintosh) on the desired resource to display the context menu. Select Break Reference. The resource remains in the target file, but it is no longer referenced to the master file.

Deleting References
You can stop referencing a file, and choose whether to keep the referenced layers and resources in the target file. To delete a reference to a file: 1. Select Tools > Organization to open the Organization dialog box. 2. Select the file to stop referencing, and then click Delete. The Delete Reference dialog box opens.


| Chapter 3: Drawing Structure

Displays the master file name and path Select an option for layers that are currently referenced in the target file from the master file Keeps the layers in the target file, but removes the reference Removes referenced layers from the target file, including layer links and any objects on the layer Select an option for resources that are currently referenced in the target file from the master file Keeps the resources in the target file, but removes the reference Deletes unused referenced resources; keeps resources that have been placed in the file, but removes the reference

Reference to Referenced Layers Keep in current document Delete Referenced Resources Keep in current document Delete if unused

3. Click OK.

Opening Referenced Files

VectorWorks provides easy access to the master files that a target file references. To open a referenced file: 1. Access the Window menu. The bottom portion of the menu provides a submenu for each VectorWorks file that is currently open. 2. From the submenu for the target file, select Referenced Files to display the VectorWorks files that the target file references. Though PDF and image files can be referenced (in Design Series), they do not appear on the menu. 3. Select a referenced file to open it.

List of referenced VectorWorks files

SmartCursor and Constraints

Used in conjunction with drawing tools, the SmartCursor automatically finds important points on an object, and then precisely snaps the cursor to those points. While doing so, it provides feedback cues based on the selected constraints using cursor shapes, extension lines, text messages (tool tips), and sounds. These cues show the points the cursor is snapping to, explaining why those locations are important. Parametric constraints maintain relationships between an object and world space, between two objects, or within an object itself. In this way, one can define how drawing elements interact with each other.

The Constraints Palette

The Constraints palette specifies the types of cues to display; the on-screen feedback which displays is based on the constraint(s) selected. Constraints can be used individually or combined to create complex constraints. For example, the Snap to Object constraint can be combined with the Snap to Grid constraint in order to find points which are both on the edge of the object and on a grid line. Similarly, constraints can be combined with Data bar input to find a specific snap point along a defined location in the drawing area. The Constraints palette changes to reflect the tool selected. For more information on the SmartCursor and Constraints, see Setting VectorWorks Preferences on page 39. Constraints can be used with both 2D and 3D tools; however, Smart Edge and Constrain Tangent are only available to 2D tools, and Constrain Working Plane and Constrain Perpendicular are only available to 3D tools. To set constraints: 1. Click a constraint button to activate the constraint. 2. Double-click (where available) to open a dialog box with specific parameters for that constraint. 3. Enter the desired criteria, and then click OK to set.

Data Bar and the SmartCursor

The SmartCursor can be controlled using the Data bar to lock a precise value. Once a value is locked, moving the mouse does not change that value. Enter values in the Data bar as described in Drawing with the 2D Data Bar on page 184. The SmartCursor locks the value and no longer accepts other conflicting values. For example, enter 10 for an X value. The SmartCursor still finds Y values, but X is always 10. Most values displayed in the Data bar can be locked. Editable values have an edit box around them. An extension line displays when I, J, K, X, Y, or delta I, delta J, delta K, delta X, delta Y values are locked. Once a value is locked, the SmartCursor no longer finds points off the line which represent that value. However, it does find points on the locked line. Set the Smart Point constraint before locking any values with the Data bar. Then, lock angles before locking length (if both are to be locked).

Snap to Grid
With Snap to Grid, the SmartCursor snaps to set points on the snap grid. For example, if the grid is set to 1, as the mouse moves over the grid, it automatically catches every inch. When creating a line, the lines first and last point should (if no other constraints are active) lie on the grid. Snap to Grid is the only constraint that does not provide any sort of visual cues. If Snap to Grid is on, the mouse is always on the grid, unless other constraints are also selected which override Snap to Grid.


| Chapter 4: SmartCursor and Constraints

Reference grid

Snap grid

To activate grid snapping: 1. Double-click the Snap to Grid constraint. The Set Grid dialog box opens.

2. Set the snap grid parameters. See Snap and Reference Grids on page 55 for more information.

Snap to Object
With Snap to Object, the SmartCursor finds specific parts of an object, such as corners, endpoints, or centers of linear and circular objects. Cues display near the snap point to identify the location.
Point Along line Center Point Object Bottom Left Center Object Center Center

2D Object Snapping

3D Object Snapping

The Constraints Palette |

To activate object snapping: 1. Double-click the Snap to Object constraint. The 3D Snapping dialog box opens.


2. Select Snap to edge points, and then click OK.

Constrain Angle
Constrain Angle only applies to the second point of a two point segment, such as a single line or side of a polygon. Two points define an angle. Constrain Angle means that the SmartCursor finds only the angles specified. By default, the SmartCursor finds horizontal and vertical angles, as well as common angles, such as 30, 45, and 60. Constrain Angle can also detect a plan rotation angle (Design Series required); items created along that angle when in a rotated plan view, appear horizontal when in a non-rotated, world coordinate view.
90 45


To select or define the snapping angle: 1. Double-click the Constrain Angle constraint. The Angle Snaps dialog box opens.


| Chapter 4: SmartCursor and Constraints

30, 60 45 Plan Rotation (Design Series required) Next Mouse Drag Enter Angle

Finds angles at 30 or 60; the SmartCursor finds angles with respect to any horizontal or vertical axis, which includes 30, 60, 120 (90+30), 150(90+60), 210 (180+30), and so on Finds angles at 45; the SmartCursor finds angles with respect to any horizontal or vertical axis, which includes 45, 135 (90+45), 225(180+45), and so on Finds the angle of plan rotation; this snap is useful when drawing in a rotated top/plan view, and requiring objects to be horizontal when the plan is no longer rotated Defines an alternate snap angle about the X axis based on the next mouse drag Sets an angle other than 30, 45, or 60. Enter an alternate angle x. The SmartCursor finds angles with respect to any horizontal or vertical axis, which includes x, 90+x, 180+x, and so on. Draws extension lines between the end of an angled line and a snap point

Extension Lines

Holding the Shift key while drawing forces the SmartCursor to select the nearest drawn angle. 2. Click OK to set the Constrain Angle options.

Snap to Intersection
With the Snap to Intersection option, the SmartCursor finds the intersection between two objects, such as a line and a circle, or between parts of an object.


The Constraints Palette |


Smart Points
With the Smart Points constraint option, the SmartCursor remembers points on objects previously snapped to. A small box is drawn around the smart point to show where it is. The SmartCursor remembers up to eight object points, and then the oldest points are replaced. To set a smart point, move the cursor over an object point while performing any operation. When an Object cue is shown, the SmartCursor has memorized the point. Once a smart point has been defined, new points aligned to them horizontally, vertically, or perpendicular to angled lines can be located using extension lines. A special smart point, called a Datum, can be set to temporarily replace the origin of the drawing for measuring purposes. When a datum is set, all measurements along the X and Y axis are taken from that point, rather than the drawings origin, until the datum is moved or deactivated. The Datum is shown as a small circle around the chosen point.
Horizontal/Align H Datum

To set Smart Point options: 1. Double-click the Smart Points constraint. The Smart Points dialog box opens.

Horizontal/Vertical Extensions Extensions Lines Use Floating Datum

Select to create an extension line when the SmartCursor finds a point near the cursor which aligns horizontally or vertically with a smart point Select to create an extension line when the SmartCursor is aligned to a particular angle from a nearby smart point Select to use a floating datum to define the origin of the drawing; a datum can be set holding the cursor over the desired point for a few seconds, or by pressing the G key when over the desired point Select to set an offset from the datum that is defined by an extension circle; enter the offset value in the edit box

Datum Offset


| Chapter 4: SmartCursor and Constraints

2. Click OK to set the Smart Point options.

Snap to Distance
With the Snap to Distance constraint on, the SmartCursor finds points at a selected distance along a straight or curved line, polygon edges, wall edges, and other linear objects.
Along Line

To set the snap distance: 1. Double-click the Snap to Distance constraint. The Snap Distance dialog box opens.

2. Set the distance using a fraction, percentage, or a dimensional distance. In addition, select Multiple Divisions to repeat snap points along a line. For example, the SmartCursor can snap every quarter inch, or every 1/8 of the length of the line. The SmartCursor measures from each endpoint to the center of the line. If a line is 10 units long and the distance is set to 6 units, the distance will not be found at all, since it is longer than half a line. Similarly, any fraction greater than 1/2 the length of the object or less than 0 cannot be used. 3. Click OK to set the Snap to Distance options.

Smart Edge (2D Only)

With the Smart Edge constraint on, the SmartCursor finds points on, or at a certain distance away from, a specified edge.

The Constraints Palette |

To set Smart Edge options: 1. Double-click the Smart Edge constraint. The Edge Snaps dialog box opens.


Use 2nd Vector Use Floating Edge

Select to use two Smart Edges simultaneously; the SmartCursor drops the old edge from memory when a new edge is set To set an edge manually, move the mouse over the edge and press the T key; alternatively, move the cursor to the edge and move slowly along its side. When the edge is set, a Smart Edge extension line cue displays. The SmartCursor will intersect the extension line with the other objects and snaps to find a number of points. Select to have the SmartCursor automatically find points at a distance from the Smart Edge, on either side of the edge Select to find points on the bisector between two Smart Edges, if they are active Select to generate extension lines from smart points perpendicular and parallel to the Smart Edge

Snap to Offset Snap to Bisector Snap to Extension Lines


Click OK to set the Smart Edge options.

Constrain Tangent (2D Only)

The Constrain Tangent option uses the SmartCursor to locate tangents on circles, ovals, and arcs.

Object Drawn
Line Circle Oval Arc

Tangent Found On
A tangent can be found on circles, ovals, and arcs, and also between two circles, arcs, or ovals A tangent can be found on another circle, oval, or arc, and also between two circles or arcs A tangent cannot be located on an oval created using the Oval tool in Oval by Box mode A tangent can be found on a circle, oval, or another arc, and also between two circles or arcs


| Chapter 4: SmartCursor and Constraints

Tangents cannot be found on quarter arcs. To find the tangent:

1. Select the Line, Oval, or Arc tool from the Basic palette. 2. Click Constrain Tangent from the Constraints palette. 3. Move the cursor to the object. Click to begin drawing. As the cursor is moved, the image preview rotates tangentially around the object. 4. Click to set the tangent. When finding the tangent between two circles, arcs, or circular arcs: after clicking on the first object, move the cursor to the second object. Move the cursor along the second object until the cue tangent/tangent displays. Click to set the second tangent.

Hold down the Option (Macintosh) or Alt (Windows) key to switch the tangent to the opposite side of the object.

Constrain Working Plane (3D Only)

With the Constrain Working Plane option on, the SmartCursor snaps/projects any point not on the working plane down to its shadow point on the working plane. With this option off, the SmartCursor finds object points and snaps to them even if they do not lie on the working plane.

Constrain Perpendicular (3D Only)

The SmartCursor automatically draws objects so that they are perpendicular to the working plane. The Constrain Perpendicular constraint is only active when the working plane is at an angle to the ground plane.

SmartCursor Cues
The following table lists the individual cues that the SmartCursor uses along with a description of each. In many cases, two cues are used together to indicate that two constraints have been activated. For example, the cue Align H/Angle means that the point located is both aligned horizontally to the indicated snap point and also constrained to an angle. Some cues display when a first point has already been found, and a second point is being sought. These two points form a line called the feedback segment. This segment forms an angle and length which the SmartCursor uses for some of its snaps.

SmartCursor Cues |


For a line, the feedback segment is the same as the line being drawn. However, for other objects, the interactive image does not lie on the feedback segment. The SmartCursor always works on the feedback segment created from the first to the second points.

Snap to Angle Horizontal Vertical I J Alt Alt 90 delta 45 delta 30 Perpendicular Parallel Plan Rotation (Design Series required) Symmetric Smart Point -------------Align K Align V Align I Align J Align K Align Edge Align Edge 90 Align Alt Align Alt 90 Datum O

Feedback segment is horizontal Feedback segment is vertical Feedback segment is parallel to rotated grid Feedback segment is perpendicular to rotated grid Feedback segment is parallel to alternative coordinate system angle Feedback segment is perpendicular to alternative coordinate system angle Feedback segment is 45 from rotated grid Feedback segment is 30 from rotated grid Feedback segment is perpendicular to an object Feedback segment is parallel to an object Feedback segment is aligned to the rotated plan angle

Feedback segment is sketching out a square or circle

Extension line used for all smart point cues except Datum Point is aligned with a smart point parallel to the K axis Point is aligned vertically with a smart point Point is aligned to I axis of rotated grid Point is aligned to J axis of rotated grid Point is aligned to K axis of rotated grid Point is aligned to Smart Edge Point is aligned perpendicular to Smart Edge Point is aligned to user coordinate system Point is aligned perpendicular to user coordinate system Point is the Datum Circle around Datum


| Chapter 4: SmartCursor and Constraints

2DPoint is specified distance along line 3DPoint is specified distance along line from the end point of a NURBS curve, 3D polygon, or edge of a solid object

Snap to Distance Along Line

Data bar -------------Angle Length Snap to Object Arc Bzier Corner Fit Arc End Bottom Center Bottom Left Bottom Right Center Point is corner point of a polyline arc segment Point is corner point of a polyline Bzier segment Point is corner point of a polyline segment Point is corner point of a polyline cubic segment Point is end of an arc segment Point is on bottom center of rectangle or group Cursor is placed directly over this part of the objects boundary box Cursor is placed directly over this part of the objects boundary box 2DCursor is placed directly over this part of the objects boundary box 3DCursor is on the middle point of a solid edge, NURBS curve, 3D polygon, or the center of a circular NURBS curve Center Left Center Right Light, Aim, Pan, Tilt Locus Object Cursor is placed directly over this part of the objects boundary box Cursor is placed directly over this part of the objects boundary box Point is on a light Point is on locus 2DPoint is on an objects edge 3DPoint is on any non-specific point along a solid edge or NURBS curve; displays at all corner points when the Snap to edge points option is deselected Point 2DPoint is on an object point 3DPoint is on one of the vertices of a solid, the control point of a NURBS curve, the control point of a NURBS surface, or NURBS curve interpolation point Top Center Top Right Top Left Smart Edge Bisector Point is on the bisector between two Smart Edges Cursor is placed directly over this part of the objects boundary box Cursor is placed directly over this part of the objects boundary box Cursor is placed directly over this part of the objects boundary box Extension line is used to indicate X or Y value is locked Feedback segment is constrained to an angle Feedback segment is of a fixed length set in Data bar

Parametric Constraints | Cue

Edge Edge 90 Offset Surface Snap to Tangent Tangent Tangent/Tangent Feedback segment is tangent to an arc Feedback segment is tangent to two arcs


Feedback segment is parallel to a Smart Edge Feedback segment is perpendicular to a Smart Edge Point is a preset distance from a Smart Edge Point is on a smart edge, but not on the object itself

Parametric Constraints
Parametric constraints maintain relationships between an object and world space, between two objects, or within the object itself. There are two types of parametric constraints: dimensional and geometric. Dimensional constraints maintain a measurable relationship by limiting the objects geometry to a particular value. Geometric constraints maintain a physical relationship by limiting the allowed orientation of objects.

Dimensional constraint maintaining the horizontal distance between two objects

Geometric constraint maintaining tangency between a line and a circle

Parametric constraints can be placed on all 2D objects. They cannot be placed on 3D objects except for walls, symbols, and plug-in objects that have 2D components. Multiple constraints can be applied to an object. Parametric constraints can be placed across layers as long as both layers are in a Top/Plan standard view, are of the same scale, and Layer Options are set to Show/Snap/Modify Others. Constraints attached to a single object move along with the object even if the object is copied or cut and pasted. When only one of a pair of constrained objects is duplicated or copied or cut and pasted, the constraint is removed. When a parametric constraint is placed, red constraint indicators are drawn for the object(s) involved. To hide indicators, deselect Show parametric constraints in the Display tab of the VectorWorks preferences. Alternatively, select View > Show > Show or Hide Constraints; the command toggles between displaying or hiding constraints, as appropriate.

Dimensional Constraints
Dimensional constraints maintain a measurable relationship. They resemble standard dimensions when placed.


| Chapter 4: SmartCursor and Constraints

Constrain Angle
Constrain the angular relationship between separate objects or line segments of a single object. If one object or segment is rotated, the object or segment it is constrained to adjusts to maintain the angle. To constrain the angle between objects or line segments of a single object: 1. Click the Constrain Angle tool from the Dims/Notes tool set. 2. Click on one of the two objects or line segments to be constrained. The cursor switches to the bulls-eye cursor. 3. Click on the second object or line segment to be constrained. A red angle constraint is drawn between the two objects or line segments.

1st click Object 2nd click

Constrain Radius
Constrain the radius of a single arc or circle. If the arc or circle is accidentally resized, the constraint prevents the operation, preserving the radius. To constrain the radius of an arc or circle: 1. Click the Constrain Radius tool from the Dims/Notes tool set. 2. Click on the arc or circle to be constrained. A red radius constraint is drawn on the object.

Click on the object

The Constrain Radius tool does not work on quarter arcs.

Parametric Constraints |


Constrain Horizontal Distance

Constrain the horizontal distance of an edge of an object, a line segment, or between two points. If an object resize is attempted, the constraint prevents the operation, preserving the original horizontal distance. When the constraint is on two different objects, if one object is modified, the object it is constrained to moves to remain at the same constrained horizontal distance. To constrain the horizontal distance of an edge of an object or a line segment: 1. Click the Constrain Horiz Distance tool from the Dims/Notes tool set. 2. Click on the object to be constrained. A red horizontal distance constraint is drawn on the object.

Click on the object

To constrain the horizontal distance between two points: 1. Click the Constrain Horiz Distance tool from the Dims/Notes tool set. 2. Click on the first point to be constrained. The cursor switches to the bulls-eye cursor. 3. Click on the second point to be constrained. A red horizontal distance constraint is drawn between the two points.
1st click 2nd click

Constrain Vertical Distance

Constrain the vertical distance of an edge of an object, line segment, or between two points. If an object resize is attempted, the constraint prevents the operation, preserving the original vertical distance. When the constraint is on two different objects, if one object is modified, the object to which it is constrained moves to remain at the same constrained vertical distance.


| Chapter 4: SmartCursor and Constraints

To constrain the vertical distance of an edge of an object or line segment:

1. Click the Constrain Vertical Distance tool from the Dims/Notes tool set. 2. Click on the object to be constrained. A red vertical distance constraint is drawn on the object.

Click on the object

To constrain the vertical distance between two points: 1. Click the Constrain Vertical Distance tool from the Dims/Notes tool set. 2. Click on the first point to be constrained. The cursor switches to the bulls-eye cursor. 3. Click on the second point to be constrained. A red vertical distance constraint is drawn between the two points.

1st click

2nd click

Constrain Distance
Constrain the distance of an edge of an object, line segment, or between two points regardless of the angle. If an object is accidentally resized, the constraint prevents the operation, preserving the original distance. When the constraint is on two different objects, if one object is modified, the object to which it is constrained moves to remain at the same constrained distance.

Parametric Constraints |
To constrain the distance of an edge of an object or line segment: 1. Click the Constrain Distance tool from the Dims/Notes tool set. 2. Click on the object to be constrained. A red horizontal distance constraint is drawn on the object.



Click on the object

To constrain the distance between two points: 1. Click the Constrain Distance tool from the Dims/Notes tool set. 2. Click on the first point to be constrained. The cursor switches to the bulls-eye cursor. 3. Click on the second point to be constrained. A red distance constraint is drawn between the two points.

1st click


2nd click

Geometric Constraints
Geometric constraints preserve the geometric properties of objects.

Constrain Horizontal-Vertical
Constrain a linear object to remain horizontal or vertical. Once constrained, the object cannot be rotated to any other position. The object can be resized in length, but it always remains horizontal or vertical.


| Chapter 4: SmartCursor and Constraints

To constrain an object to remain horizontal-vertical:

1. Click the Constrain Horiz-Vertical tool from the Dims/Notes tool set. 2. Click on the linear object to be constrained. A red horizontal-vertical constraint is drawn on the object.

Click on the object

If the object is diagonal when the constraint is placed, it rotates to become vertical or horizontal, depending on which angle it is closest to.

Constrain Parallel
Constrain linear objects or line segments to be parallel to one another. If one object is rotated, the object constrained to it rotates to remain parallel to the first object. Lines do not need to be parallel when placing the constraints; the first line rotates to match the angle of the second line. To constrain linear objects or line segments to be parallel: 1. Click the Constrain Parallel tool from the Dims/Notes tool set. 2. Click on the line to constrain. The cursor switches to the bulls-eye cursor. 3. Click on the line to be constrained. Red parallel constraint indicators are drawn around the two lines.
1st click

Object 2nd click

Parametric Constraints |


Constrain Perpendicular
Constrain linear objects or line segments to be perpendicular to one another. If one line is rotated, the line it is constrained to adjusts to remain perpendicular to the first line. Lines do not need to be perpendicular when placing the constraints; the first line rotates to become perpendicular to the second line. To constrain lines to be perpendicular: 1. Click the Constrain Perpendicular tool from the Dims/Notes tool set. 2. Click on the line to constrain. The cursor switches to the bulls-eye cursor. 3. Click on the line to be constrained. A red perpendicular constraint is drawn, connecting the two lines.

1st click

2nd click

Constrain Colinear
Constrain the colinearity between two linear objects. If one line is moved, the line it is constrained to adjusts to remain aligned. Lines do not need to be aligned when placing the constraints; the first line moves to become colinear to the second line. To constrain the colinearity between two lines: 1. Click the Constrain Colinear tool from the Dims/Notes tool set. 2. Click on the line to constrain. The cursor switches to the bulls-eye cursor. 3. Click on the line to be constrained. Red colinear constraint indicators are drawn on the two lines.


| Chapter 4: SmartCursor and Constraints

2nd click

1st click

Constrain Coincident
Constrain two selected points to remain attached. If one object is moved, the object it is constrained to adjusts to maintain the connection. The first point stretches to connect to the second point, if necessary. To constrain the connection between two points: 1. Click the Constrain Coincident tool from the Dims/Notes tool set. 2. Click on the point to constrain. The cursor switches to the bulls-eye cursor. 3. Click on the point to be constrained. A red coincident constraint is drawn where the two points touch.

1st click 2nd click

Constrain Concentric
Constrain circles and arcs concentrically. If a circle or arc is moved, the circle or arc it is constrained to moves so that their centers remain aligned. Circles and arcs do not need to be concentric when placing the constraints; the first object moves so that its center aligns to the second objects center. To constrain two circles or arcs concentrically: 1. Click the Constrain Concentric tool from the Dims/Notes tool set. 2. Click on the object to constrain. The cursor switches to the bulls-eye cursor.

Parametric Constraints |
3. Click on the object to be constrained. A red concentric constraint is drawn at the center of the two objects.


2nd click 1st click

Constrain Tangent
Constrain a circle, arc or line to be tangent to another circle or arc. If one object is moved, the other object it is constrained to adjusts to maintain the tangency. Objects do not need to be tangent to one another when placing the constraints; the first object moves to become tangent to the second. To constrain a circle, arc or line to be tangent to a circle or arc: 1. Click the Constrain Tangent tool from the Dims/Notes tool set. 2. Click on the circle or arc to constrain. The cursor switches to the bulls-eye cursor. 3. Click on the circle, arc or line to be constrained. A red tangent constraint is drawn at the tangent point of the two objects.

1st click

2nd click

Editing Parametric Constraints

When a constrained object is deleted, the parametric constraint attached to it is also removed. To remove the constraint without removing the attached object, use the Edit Constraints command. A situation may arise where the value of a dimensional constraint needs to be changed. A wall with a horizontal distance constraint value of 2 6 may at a later point in the project need to be changed to 5 6. This type of edit is also accomplished using the Edit Constraints command.


| Chapter 4: SmartCursor and Constraints

Individual constraints can be selected from a list of all constraints currently applied to a selected object. The selected constraint turns cyan to indicate which one is about to be edited. Geometric constraints, where appropriate, along with turning the constraint cyan, also show the connection between the two constrained objects for clarity.

Deleting Parametric Constraints

To delete a parametric constraint from an object: 1. Select the object with the constraint. 2. Select Modify > Edit Constraints. The Edit Constraints dialog box opens.

3. Select the constraint to be removed from the Constraints list. The selected constraint turns cyan. 4. Click Delete to remove the constraint. To delete all the constraints attached to an object, click Delete All. 5. Click OK.

Changing a Dimensional Constraint Value

To change a dimensional constraint value: 1. Select the object with the constraint. 2. Select Modify > Edit Constraints. The Edit Constraints dialog box opens.

Parametric Constraints |


3. In the Dimensional Constraint Value field, enter the new dimension, and click OK. The dimensional value is updated and the object or objects are adjusted.


| Chapter 4: SmartCursor and Constraints

Using VectorWorks Resources

VectorWorks provides a variety of resources to aid in drawing. It is also possible to create custom resources to your specifications. These resources are easily accessible from the Resource Browser, which is the central repository for all available VectorWorks resources (see Object Libraries on page 729). Some of these resources are also available by default at the point of use to facilitate faster, easier drawing. Custom resources can also be made available by default. This provides the flexibility to choose among default resources, custom resources, or all available resources while drawing.

VectorWorks Fundamentals Default Resources

The more commonly-used resources are available at the point of use while you draw; it is not necessary to first add them to the current file through the Resource Browser. VectorWorks Fundamentals provides the following default resources.

Default Resource
Cabinet handles Color palettes Gradients Hatches Image fills RenderWorks backgrounds RenderWorks textures Title blocks (simple) Wall hatches Wall textures

Libraries\Defaults\Cabinet - Handles Libraries\Defaults\Color Palettes Libraries\Defaults\Attributes - Gradients Libraries\Defaults\Attributes - Hatches Libraries\Defaults\Attributes - Image Fills Libraries\Defaults\RenderWorks - Backgrounds Libraries\Defaults\RenderWorks - Textures Libraries\Defaults\Drawing Border - Title Blocks Libraries\Defaults\Walls - Hatches Libraries\Defaults\Walls - Textures

The ability to use default resources is a preference on the Session tab of the VectorWorks preferences, which can be disabled if default resource use is not desired; see Session Preferences on page 42. Default resources are available from a variety of dialog boxes that contain parameters that allow resource access. They are also available from the Attributes and Object Info palettes. Once a default resource is selected for use, it is automatically imported into the current file and displays in the Resource Browser. It can then be shared among other drawing files.

Creating Custom Default Resources

To make a custom resource available as a default resource, use any of the following methods. Import custom resources to a default resource file Add a custom resource file to a default resource folder Create a custom resource file and place an alias of (Macintosh) or shortcut to (Windows) that file in a default resource folder


| Chapter 5: Using VectorWorks Resources

Files that contain custom resources can be placed in different folders, depending on who needs access to the resource. These folders must use the same structure as the VectorWorks Fundamentals default resources. To create a default resource for yourself only, put the file in the appropriate subfolder within [User]\Libraries\Defaults (where [User] is the user data folder specified in your VectorWorks preferences). If VectorWorks Design Series is installed, you can create a default resource that is project-specific, or that is shared with a workgroup. To do so, put the file on the network in the appropriate subfolder within [Workgroup]\Libraries\Defaults (where [Workgroup] is a workgroup folder specified in your VectorWorks preferences). When coworkers set up this workgroup folder in their preferences, they also have access to the default resource. If a custom resource file contains multiple types of resources, VectorWorks only displays the resource type for the folder that contains the custom file (or an alias or shortcut to the file). For example, if a file contains both wall hatches and textures, and the file is in the Libraries\Defaults\Walls - Textures folder, only the wall textures are displayed.

Identifying Duplicate Resources

When a resource name has been duplicated in the current file, VectorWorks checks to see if any difference exists between the two resources. If the two resources are identical, only one is listed for selection If there are variations between the resources containing duplicate names, VectorWorks appends the originating file name in parentheses to the default resource, and both resources display for selection

Organizing Resource Display

The custom and default resources are displayed below the resources in the current file; each list is in ascending alphabetical order. To display the custom or current files resources first in a selection list, implement a naming standard that places the desired resources toward the top of the list alphabetically. To view only the current files resources in a selection list, disable the Display default content VectorWorks preference.

Using the Resource Browser

The Resource Browser is the central repository for all VectorWorks resources.

Using the Resource Browser |

Files menu Home button Resources menu Up one level button


File list File folder list Resource type Resource preview Resource name Resource tooltip

Resource display window

Active symbol button

File list

Lists all open and favorite files, and temporarily shows the name of a browsed file; displays Active Document when Always Display Active Document has been selected from the File list Lists the files symbol folders; select a symbol folder to display the folders resources in the resource display window In Thumbnails mode, displays resources divided into categories by type; the types are displayed in headings that can be shown and expanded, or collapsed and hidden (see Hiding and Showing Resources on page 146). In List mode, click the column header to sort the columns by resource name or by resource type. Displays resources with a preview image, or lists the resources with a representational icon (see Viewing Resources on page 144) Shows the resource name; a name in italics indicates a referenced resource. Type the first letter of a resource to quickly display resource names beginning with that letter. The color (black, red, or blue) indicates the type of resource (see Symbol Types on page 154). Shows the full resource name as a tooltip when the mouse pointer is hovered over a resource; for referenced resources, the tooltip also shows the source file name Displays the currently active symbol in the resource display window Lists menu commands that are used to access resources; see Accessing Existing Resources on page 147 Displays the resources of the currently active file Lists menu commands that are used to work with resources; see Working with Resources on page 151

File folder list Resource type

Resource preview Resource name

Resource tooltip Active symbol button Files menu Home button Resources menu


| Chapter 5: Using VectorWorks Resources

Moves one level up the symbol folder hierarchy Displays the resources from the file shown in the File list, and the symbol folder shown in the File Folder list. Each resource type must be selected for display in the Resource Browser (see Hiding and Showing Resources on page 146).

Up one level button Resource display window

Opening the Resource Browser

To open the Resource Browser: Select Window > Palettes > Resource Browser. The Resource Browser opens.

Resource Display
The resources displayed in the Resource Browser depend on several selections and settings: the file selected from the File list, the current, favorites or browsed file(s) selected from the Files menu (which determine what can be selected from the File list), the symbol folder selected in the File Folder list, and the resource types selected for display. Select a file from the File list, and, if necessary, a symbol folder, to view that files resources. Click Home to view the resources of the currently active file. Select Always Display Active Document from the File list to always show the resources of the currently active file in the resource display window.

Viewing Resources
Resources can be viewed in either Thumbnails (default) or List mode.

Click the column header to select how to sort the resources; click again to change the sort order

Full color, 64x64 pixel image

Representational resource icon

Thumbnails mode

List mode

In Thumbnails mode, resources are displayed in 64x64 pixel full color. Symbols, plug-in objects, gradient fills, image fills, and hatch patterns are previewed with an actual image; other resources are previewed with a representational

Using the Resource Browser |


icon. Long resource names display on two lines, and the number of characters displayed depends on the system font selected. In List mode, resources are displayed as 16x16 pixel representational icons.

Gradient Fill (see Gradient Attributes on page 242)

Thumbnail Icon

List Icon

Hatch Pattern (see Hatch Attributes on page 236)

Image Fill (see Image Attributes on page 247)

Record Format (see Record Formats on page 170) Referenced Resource (see Workgroup Referencing on page 111) RenderWorks Background (RenderWorks required; see Creating Layer Backgrounds on page 656) RenderWorks Texture (RenderWorks required; see Creating Textures on page 637)) RenderWorks Prop Texture (RenderWorks required) Resource name displays in italics

Sketch Style (Design Series required; see Sketch Rendering on page 584 in the VectorWorks Design Series Users Guide) 2D-only Symbols and Plug-in Objects (see Understanding Symbols on page 153) 3D-only Symbols and Plug-in Objects (see Understanding Symbols on page 153) Hybrid Symbols and Plug-in Objects (see Understanding Symbols on page 153) Symbol Folder (see Managing Symbol Folders on page 169) VectorScript (see Using Scripts on page 593)

VectorScript Palette (see Using Scripts on page 593) Wall Style (VectorWorks Architect required)


| Chapter 5: Using VectorWorks Resources

Thumbnail Icon List Icon

Worksheet (see Creating Worksheets on page 563)

To change the view mode: 1. In the Resource Browser, select View As from the Resources menu. 2. From the list, select Thumbnails or List. The selected view is saved with the workspace.

Hiding and Showing Resources

When there are a large number of resource types, it may be useful to hide unused resource types from view. To hide or show resource types: 1. Select Show Object Types from the Resources menu. 2. Select the resource type to hide or show. A currently visible resource type is indicated by a check mark next to its name. (In List view, hidden resources are not shown in the resources display window.)

In Thumbnails mode, click on the disclosure arrow next to the resource type name in the Resource Browser to hide or display resources. Alternatively, double-click on the resource name bar to hide or display resources. The current hide/show status is saved with the workspace.

Creating New Resources

Most new resources are created through the Resource Browser. However, custom selection, tool/attribute, visibility VectorScripts, and plug-ins are created through commands on the Tools menu, and symbols are created through Modify > Create Symbol. Hatches can be created either through the Resource Browser or through Modify > Hatch. To create a new resource: 1. In the Resource Browser, select New Resource from the Resources menu. The New Resource menu opens. Alternatively, right-click (Windows) or Ctrl-click (Macintosh) in the Resource Browser to open the menu.

Using the Resource Browser |


2. Select the resource type to create. The resource-specific dialog box opens. 3. Follow the specific creation procedures for that resource. Once created, the resource displays in the Resource Browser. Alternatively, double-click in an unused area of the resource display area to open the Create Resource dialog box. The dialog box contains the same items as the New Resource menu.

Quick Resource Creation

When right-clicking (Windows) or Ctrl-clicking (Macintosh) in an area of the Resource Browser that is associated with an existing resource type, the context menu contains an additional option for quickly creating another resource of the same type. For example, right-click or Ctrl-click in the Hatches section and the New Hatch in (document) option displays. In addition, immediately after a new resource is created, the Resources menu contains an additional option for quickly creating another resource of the same type.
Click here to display the command from the Resources menu Ctrl-click here to display the context menu

Accessing Existing Resources

While new resources are automatically added to the Resource Browser upon creation, resources that exist in other files must be imported into the current file through the Resource Browser palette. Default resources are automatically


| Chapter 5: Using VectorWorks Resources

imported into the current file at the point of use, and display in the Resource Browser; see VectorWorks Fundamentals Default Resources on page 141.

Quick Resource Browsing

Resources in another file can be quickly browsed to locate resources and to determine whether that file should be added as a favorite. To view the resources available in another file that is not yet a favorite: 1. In the Resource Browser, select Browse a Document from the Files menu. The standard Open dialog box opens. 2. Select the file to browse, and then click Open. The resources in the selected file temporarily display in the Resource Browser. A resource from that file can be imported into the current file, but the browsed file is not saved as a favorite.

Resources in Currently Open Files

The File list displays all currently open files and favorites. Active Document displays when Always Display Active Document has been selected from the Files menu; the resources from the currently active file are always displayed. To import a resource from an open file other than the active one: 1. In the Resource Browser, select the desired open file from the File list. The file name is displayed in the File list, and its resources display in the resource display window. 2. Select the desired resource from the resource display window. Multiple resources can be selected and imported at the same time. To import the resource for future use, select Import from the Resources menu. To use the resource immediately, double-click it to activate it, or select Apply or Make Active, if applicable, from the Resources menu. (Alternatively, drag the resource onto an object or to a location in the current file.) If symbol folders are present in the drawing, specify the location of the imported resource. Once the resource is placed or applied in the drawing, it is added to the current files Resource Browser (default resources are automatically imported into the current file at the point of use, and display in the Resource Browser; see VectorWorks Fundamentals Default Resources on page 141). When you access symbols or VectorScripts within folders, the selected folder name is displayed in the Document Folder list, and its contents are displayed in the resource display window. To return to the main resource window, click on the Document Folder list, and then select Top Level. Alternatively, click the Up One Level button until the top level is reached.

Resources in Favorites
For quick access, the Resource Browser can store links to VectorWorks files that contain resources that you use frequently. You can then import resources from a Favorites file into any VectorWorks file and not have to search for the file again. Remove the link when the file is of no further use. Favorite files are remembered for future sessions. Use the Files menu in the Resource Browser to create, use, and manage your Favorites list. Alternatively, add files (or aliases or shortcuts to the files) to the appropriate Favorites folder manually.

Making the Current File a Favorite

To make the current file a favorite: In the Resource Browser, select Add Current to Favorites from the Files menu.

Using the Resource Browser |

The file is added to the File list under Favorites. The file must be saved to be added as a favorite.


Making an Unopened File a Favorite

To make an unopened file a favorite: 1. In the Resource Browser, select Add New Favorite Files from the Files menu. The standard Open dialog box opens. 2. Select the file to make a favorite, and then click Open. The file is added to the File list under Favorites. The file must be saved in the same version of VectorWorks as the current file to be added as a favorite. Multiple files can be selected and added as favorites at the same time; alternatively, press Ctrl+A (Windows) or Command+A (Macintosh) to select all files at once.

Opening the Current Favorite

To open the current favorite: 1. In the Resource Browser, select the favorite file to open from the File list. 2. Select Open Current Favorite from the Files menu. The file opens.

Importing a Resource from a Favorite

To import a resource from a favorite file: 1. In the Resource Browser, select the favorite file to access from the File list. The file name is displayed as the current file in the File list, and its resources display in the resource window. 2. Select the desired resource from the resource display window. To import the resource for future use, select Import from the Resources menu. To use the resource immediately, double-click it to activate it, or select Apply or Make Active, if applicable, from the Resources menu. (Alternatively, drag the resource onto an object or to a location in the current file.) Once the resource is placed or applied in the drawing, it is added to the Resource Browser for the current file. Multiple resources can be selected and imported at the same time.

Refreshing Favorites from Disk

To update the resources from all favorite files: In the Resource Browser, select Refresh Favorites from Disk from the Files menu. All current favorite files are reloaded into the Resource Browser, to reflect any changes that occurred since they were loaded when this VectorWorks session began.

Revealing the Location of the Current Favorite

To reveal the location of a favorite file: 1. In the Resource Browser, select the favorite file to reveal from the File list. The file name is displayed as the current file in the File list, and its resources display in the resource window. 2. Select Reveal Current Favorite from the Files menu.


| Chapter 5: Using VectorWorks Resources

Either Windows Explorer or Macintosh Finder opens to the folder that contains the file.

Removing Favorites
To remove a single favorite file: 1. In the Resource Browser, select the favorite file to delete from the File list. 2. Select Remove Current Favorite from the Files menu. The file is removed from the Favorites list. To remove all favorite files: 1. In the Resource Browser, select Remove All Favorites from the Files menu. A confirmation dialog box opens. 2. Click Yes to remove all favorites. All favorite files are removed from the Favorites list.

Adding a Favorite Manually

To create a favorite manually (not through the Resource Browser): 1. Place the file that you want to appear on the Favorites list (or a shortcut or alias that points to the file) in one of the following folders.

Favorites Folder
[User]/Libraries/Favorites [Workgroup]/Libraries/Favorites (VectorWorks Design Series required)

Effect on Favorites Lists

The file appears only in your Favorites list ([User] is the user data folder specified in your VectorWorks preferences) The file appears in the Favorites list of any user who has the workgroup folder set up in VectorWorks preferences

The file is added to the File list under Favorites. 2. In the Resource Browser, select Refresh Favorites from Disk from the Files menu. Only files that are in your user Favorites folder can be removed with the commands in the Resource Browser. (See User Folders Preferences on page 46 for more information.) Files that were placed in a workgroup Favorites folder must be removed manually.

Finding a Resource
Use the Find Resource on Disk command to quickly locate a resource in a file created with the current version of VectorWorks, and optionally to select that resource in the Resource Browser. To locate and use a resource: 1. In the Resource Browser, select Find Resource on Disk from the Resources menu. The Find Resource dialog box opens.

Using the Resource Browser |


Find resource names containing Search Location

Enter the full or partial resource name to find Displays the current path from which to begin searching. Click Choose to search for the resource in a different folder; select the folder to search in, and then click Choose (Macintosh) or OK (Windows) to return to the Find Resource dialog box. Select whether to include subfolders in the search process

Include subfolders Options Resource types Match case Find whole words only

Select to search for all resource types or for one specific resource type Select whether the search is case sensitive Select this option to search for occurrences that are whole words only, and not part of a larger string of text

2. Enter the search criteria and click Find. The Find Resource Results dialog box displays the resource name, type, and file location for all resources that match the specified search criteria. Select the resource name and click Select (or double-click the resource name) to open the file that contains the resource, and then select the resource in the Resource Browser. 3. To import the resource for future use, select Import from the Resources menu. To use the resource immediately, double-click it to activate it, or select Apply or Make Active, if applicable, from the Resources menu. (Alternatively, drag the resource onto an object or to a location in the current file.) Default resources are automatically imported into the current file at the point of use, and they display in the Resource Browser; see VectorWorks Fundamentals Default Resources on page 141. Once the resource is placed or applied in the drawing, it is added to the current file.

Working with Resources

Available commands are determined by the resource selected. To quickly access a resource, click in the resource display window and begin to type the resources name. The resource display window scrolls to the first resource that has the letter(s) entered.


| Chapter 5: Using VectorWorks Resources

To use a resource: 1. Select the resource to use in the Resource Browser. 2. Select the desired command from the Resources menu. Some operations, such as Edit, Delete, and Move, can only be performed on the resources in the active file. Right click (Windows) or Ctrl-click (Macintosh) on a resource to access a context menu. This menu lists the appropriate commands from the Resources menu for the selected resource.

Apply Attach

Applies the resource to the selected object(s) Attaches the record to the selected object(s). Opens the Attach Record dialog box to attach a record to a plug-in object or symbol. Deletes the resource from the Resource Browser Duplicates the resource with a new name, if applicable Opens the edit dialog box of the resource

Shortcut Key Equivalent

Double-click or Enter key Double-click (Record Format only)

Delete Duplicate Edit

Delete key Not applicable Ctrl + double-click (Windows) Option + double-click (Macintosh)

Enter Extract Image(s)

Opens the folder to display its symbol resources or VectorScripts Opens the Browse for Folder (Windows) or Export Image File (Macintosh) dialog box to save a .png file extracted from the selected resource To extract images from all image-based textures, RenderWorks backgrounds, and image resources in the current document, execute this command with no resources selected.

Double-click or Enter key Not applicable

Make Active Move

Activates the 2D or 3D Symbol Insertion tool so that a symbol or plug-in can be inserted Opens the Move Symbol dialog box to place a symbol or plug-in object resource in another folder Allows quick creation of the resource type relevant to the section of the Resource window in which the context menu was invoked Opens the worksheet on screen for edits

Double-click Not applicable

New [resource]

Not applicable


Ctrl + double-click (Windows) Option + double-click (Macintosh)


Opens the Assign Name dialog box to rename the resource

Ctrl + double-click (Image fills only)

Understanding Symbols | Command

Import Reference Break Reference


Imports a resource into the current file Creates a referenced resource (see Referencing Resources on page 116) Breaks the reference between a master file and the target file; the resource remains in the target file but is no longer referenced Runs the selected VectorScript. Text documents that contain VectorScripts must be run using the Tools > Scripts > Run VectorScript command. Places the worksheet on the drawing for display and printing

Shortcut Key Equivalent

Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable


Double-click or Enter key

Worksheet On Drawing

Double-click or Enter key

Image resources can be compressed to reduce the VectorWorks file size. See Compressing Images on page 399 for more information.

Creating Resource Libraries

Resources can be stored in dedicated files that can then be added to a files favorites (see Resources in Favorites on page 148) or used as custom default resources (see VectorWorks Fundamentals Default Resources on page 141). These files become resource libraries that make it faster and easier to access a specific resource. These libraries do not increase the size of the current file or consume significant amounts of memory. Save like resources in the same library file to make it easier to search for them. To create a resource library: 1. Select File > New. 2. Import or create the resources to contain in this file. 3. Select File > Save. The Save VectorWorks Drawing dialog box opens. 4. Select the location for saving the file. 5. Enter a name for the file in the Name field. 6. Click Save. The file is saved.

Understanding Symbols
Symbol Advantages
2D and 3D objects can be saved as 2D, 3D, or hybrid (2D and 3D combined) symbol definitions. VectorWorks also ships with thousands of symbols. Symbol definitions save the object properties, such as size, color, and class, within the symbol definition; these properties are retained each time the symbol is placed, and when a symbol is imported into a different drawing.


| Chapter 5: Using VectorWorks Resources

Symbols provide several advantages: Smaller file sizes: The symbol and its definition are stored only once in the drawing file. Placement information (location coordinates, rotation) is all that is required for each symbol instance. One-time editing: Changes to the symbol definition automatically update all the instances of the symbol in the drawing. Attached database information: The information associated with a symbol can be used to generate reports and worksheets. Information attached to a symbol is specific to that instance, allowing each instance to be edited individually. Ease of import: With the Resource Browser, importing symbols from one file to another is fast and easy, and any database information attached to the symbol is also imported.

Symbol Types
In VectorWorks, you can create 2D and 3D objects. Symbols, which are converted objects, can also consist of 2D, 3D, or hybrid objects. In addition, there are special symbol categories which indicate the symbols behavior at placement. These categories are color-coded within the Resource Browser for identification. The category a symbol belongs to depends on the type of object converted to a symbol and the options selected at symbol creation. Symbols can be nested within other symbols.

Symbol Type

Symbol Category
2D symbols are designed for drafting alone. While they display in a 3D drawing view, they do not interact with the 3D environment. During a walkthrough or flyover, these items remain flat and do not rotate with the rest of the drawing. 3D symbols have a height (Z coordinate) as well as widths and lengths (X and Y coordinates). 3D objects display flat in a 2D drawing view. However, they retain their 3D properties. Symbols created from 3D objects that are not hybrid objects appear flat in 2D views, but show dimension in 3D views. A hybrid symbol contains both a 2D object and a 3D component, and displays correctly according to the view. For example, a hybrid door symbol displays as a swing arc in Top/Plan 2D view and as a fully formed door in a 3D view. The advantage of working with hybrid symbols is that 3D models can automatically be created from 2D drawings, or vice versa. This is the most common type of symbol, the static symbol. Its parameters are saved within the symbol definition, and set at placement. Changes made to the symbol definition affect all instances of the symbol. When placed, this type of symbol is converted to a group. Any changes made to the symbol definition later have no effect on the group. At symbol creation, select Convert to Group in the insertion options to specify a blue symbol (see Creating New Symbols on page 156). When placed, this type of symbol is converted to a plug-in object. It has a specific insertion behavior (point, linear, rectangular, or path) and set parameters, and it can be modified, with many variations of the same object in the file. At symbol creation, select Convert to Plug-in Object in the insertion options to specify a red symbol (see Creating New Symbols on page 156). Changes to a red symbol definition affect future instances, but not existing ones.






Understanding Symbols |


Plug-in Objects
Plug-in objects have all the power of standard symbols, with the added advantage of being customizable. Unlike symbols, plug-in objects have the option of being placed onto the drawing and remaining modifiable. This is useful if the drawing needs to contain many different variations of the same object. Some tool sets and libraries in VectorWorks contain plug-in objects; for example, the Scale Bar tool, located in the Dims/Notes tool set, inserts a plug-in object. In addition to the tool sets, pre-defined plug-in objects are available in the Libraries folder (in sub-folders beginning with the word Object or Objects), and are accessed through the Resource Browser. When a plug-in object from a tool set is inserted, an object properties dialog box may open the first time the item is placed in the drawing. The properties in this dialog box set the default values for the object during this session. Modify the properties prior to inserting the object, or accept the default values and click OK. Object instances can be modified through the Object Info palette after insertion. Plug-in objects can be created manually through Tools > Scripts > VectorScript Plug-in Editor using VectorScript. See VectorScript Plug-in Editor on page 108 in the VectorScript Language Guide. Plug-ins are described in detail in Using VectorScript Plug-ins on page 83 in the VectorScript Language Guide. The VectorScript Language Guide is available in the help system, and as a PDF file in [VectorWorks]\VWHelp\Additional Documentation. In addition, a symbol can be saved as a red symbol that becomes a plug-in object upon insertion. There are four different types of plug-in objects: point, linear, rectangular, and path. Each type is different in how it is placed in the drawing and edited. Linear and rectangular objects cannot be inserted directly into a wall. However, once placed in the drawing, they can be dragged onto a wall to insert them.

Point Plug-in Objects

Point plug-in objects are placed by a single click in the drawing to specify the location, and then a second click to set the rotation angle. This is the same way symbols are placed using the symbol insertion tool. A preview image of the object is visible at the cursor location. Point plug-in objects cannot be edited (resized or rotated) with the cursor; they are edited using the Object Info palette.

Linear Plug-in Objects

Linear plug-in objects are placed with two clicks. The first click sets the beginning point and the second sets the endpoint of a line. The orientation of the object is determined by this line. The object can be resized or rotated by clicking on a reshape handle at either end of the line. It can also be edited using the Object Info palette.

Rectangular Plug-in Objects

Rectangular plug-in objects are placed by a sequence of three clicks in the drawing. There are two different placement modes which determine how these three clicks are interpreted.
Center-Line Placement Plug-in specific preferences Edge Placement

Center-Line Placement Mode: The first click specifies the origin of the object, the second click specifies the length, and the third click defines half the width of the rectangular object. After the second click, the cursor displays feedback symmetrically on both sides of the center-line of the rectangle.


| Chapter 5: Using VectorWorks Resources

Edge Placement Mode: The first click specifies one corner of the rectangular object, the second click determines the length, and the third click specifies the entire width. When a rectangular plug-in object is selected, there are eight selection handles visible. The object can be resized by dragging these handles, or edited through the Object Info palette.

Path Plug-in Objects

Path plug-in objects are created with a sequence of several clicks that define the vertex points along a path. There are two different types of path plug-in objects based on the type of path that is used. A 2D path plug-in object uses a polyline path and a 3D path plug-in object uses a 3D NURBS curve for its path. Path plug-in objects can be edited using the 2D Reshape tool or the 3D Reshape tool directly. They may also be edited through Modify > Edit Group, or the Object Info palette.

Creating New Symbols

The Create Symbol command creates symbols from 2D and/or 3D objects, including text. Symbols can also be created from other symbols, from plug-in objects, groups, and worksheets. At placement, the symbol can convert automatically into a group or plug-in object. Viewports cannot be made into symbols. For more information on symbol types and color categories, see Symbol Types on page 154.

2D Object 3D Object 2D/3D Hybrid Object Symbol

Convert to
2D Symbol 3D Symbol Hybrid symbol Symbol Group Plug-in Object

2D black symbol, for use in Top/Plan view 3D black symbol, for use in a 3D view Hybrid black symbol, for use in 2D plans and 3D models Saves any changes to the current symbol attributes as a new, black symbol definition Creates a new blue symbol definition, to be inserted as a group Creates a new red symbol definition, to be inserted as a plug-in object Creates a new black symbol definition, with multiple objects existing within a symbol container Creates a new black symbol definition. This allows all instances to change by editing the plug-in object inside the symbol, even though the actual symbol instance cannot be edited. Creates a new red symbol definition, to be inserted as a plug-in object. This allows an editable plug-in object to be placed in a drawing with saved parameters. For example, a door plug-in object, when saved with a width of 4 and inserted as a plug-in object, is inserted with a width of 4 rather than with the default width. Creates a new blue symbol definition, to be inserted as a group. For example, a worksheet can be saved as a preformatted report by saving it as a blue symbol definition.

Group Plug-in Object

Symbol Symbol

Plug-in Object



To create a new symbol: 1. Select the object(s) to convert into a symbol.

Creating New Symbols |


To create a hybrid symbol, select both the 2D and 3D objects. In Top/Plan view, align the objects first (symbol alignment can be adjusted after creation with the Edit Symbol command). The symbol preview that displays in the Resource Browser is generated in the symbol view at creation or editing. Two loci can be specified as wall break locations. In Top/Plan view, place two loci at opposing locations with the object to convert, and select them all before converting. When the symbol is inserted into the wall, the wall breaks at the loci locations instead of the symbol bounding box. 2. Select Modify > Create Symbol. The Create Symbol dialog box opens.

Name Leave Instance in Place

Provide a name for the new symbol. Do not use single quotes in symbol names. Single quotes in names are reserved for use in VectorScript. When selected, replaces the current selection with a symbol instance; when deselected, the object is removed from the drawing. In both cases, the new symbol definition is added to the Resource Browser. The insertion point controls how the symbol is inserted. Select Plan Projection Center (2D) or 3D Object Center (3D) to place the symbol by using its geometric center (as determined by its bounding box) as the symbol insertion point. If converting a plug-in object, select Plug-in Origin to set the center of the object as the insertion point. Select Next Mouse Click to set the insertion point manually, with the cursor, after clicking OK.

Insertion Point


Displays additional symbol insertion and conversion options

3. Click Options to select additional symbol insertion options. The Insertion Options dialog box opens. The Other Options available depends on the original object selected.


| Chapter 5: Using VectorWorks Resources

Wall Options Insert in walls

Select how the symbol will be inserted in a wall. On centerline snaps the symbols insertion point to the center line of the wall. On edge snaps the symbols insertion point along either edge of the wall. Select how the wall breaks around the symbol when it is inserted into a wall

Wall breaks Other Options Convert to Group

Converts the symbol into a grouped object when inserted, disassociating it from the original symbol definition. Grouped objects are identified in the Resource Browser with a blue name. Deselect to convert the symbol into a black, unmodifiable symbol; each instance is controlled by the symbol definition.

Convert to Plug-in Object

Converts the symbol into a plug-in object when inserted, allowing the current parameters to be pre-set when the plug-in object is inserted. Deselect to convert the symbol into a black, unmodifiable symbol; each instance is controlled by the symbol definition.


Select the class the symbol will be assigned to upon insertion; select Default to place the symbol in the active class

4. Click OK to exit the Insertion Options dialog box and click OK again to exit the Create Symbol dialog box. If the Next Mouse Click insertion point option was selected, click to specify the desired symbol insertion point. The new symbol is added to the Resource Browser.

Inserting Symbols
Symbols are resources available from the Resource Browser. To open the Resource Browser, select Windows > Palettes > Resource Browser. Display the symbol to insert in the Resource Browser (see Accessing Existing Resources on page 147).

Inserting Symbols |
The currently active symbol is inserted; the active symbols name displays at the bottom of the Resource Browser. Clicking on the active symbol button automatically displays the currently active symbol in the resource display window.


Symbols are inserted with different tools depending on the current view and projection. In 2D Top/Plan view, symbols are inserted with the 2D Symbol Insertion tool, and in a 3D view, with the 3D Symbol Insertion tool. Symbols can be inserted as individual objects or inserted to become part of a wall. Symbols can also be dragged from the Resource Browser into the drawing. Before inserting a symbol, consider the current view and which insertion mode to use.

Active symbol button Active symbol name

Drag and Drop Symbol Insertion Method

To insert a symbol by dragging it from the Resource Browser: 1. Click the symbol in the Resource Browser and drag it to the desired location in the drawing. The symbol cannot be rotated during insertion, since the 2D Symbol Insertion or 3D Symbol Insertion tool is not automatically activated. When a symbol is dropped onto a wall, round wall, or roof, VectorWorks inserts the symbol into the object using the default flip value and insertion point. 2. The symbol is inserted. If necessary, edit the symbol rotation or flip in the Object Info palette.

Inserting Symbols in 2D
Use the 2D Symbol Insertion tool to place a symbol in the drawing when it is in 2D Top/Plan view. If not in Top/Plan view, selecting this tool automatically switches the view to Top/Plan and the projection to 2D Plan. During insertion, a preview of the symbol is shown to aid in placement. Symbols can also be inserted by dragging them from the Resource Browser. Each symbol has its own insertion point, a location on the symbol shown by crosshairs in the Edit Symbol window, that controls how the symbol is placed into the drawing. The insertion point is specified during the symbols creation. See Creating New Symbols on page 156 for more information.


| Chapter 5: Using VectorWorks Resources

Symbol Pick Up Symbol Alignment Modes

Standard Insertion Offset Insertion Wall Insertion Mode

Standard Insertion Offset Insertion Symbol Pick Up Wall Insertion Symbol Alignment Modes

Inserts the symbol based on its specified insertion point, or aligned according to one of the symbol alignment modes Inserts the symbol in a wall according to an offset reference point Designates a symbol from the drawing as the active symbol Toggles between inserting a symbol into a wall with wall breaks, and inserting a symbol near or on a wall without breaking it These alignment modes apply to Standard Insertion mode, and temporarily override the insertion point. These modes change the alignment of the insertion point along the X axis of the bounding box surrounding the symbol. Alternatively, keep the original point as the insertion point. Moves the insertion point to the left edge of the symbols bounding box, along the original X axis Moves the insertion point to the center of the symbols bounding box, along the original X axis Moves the insertion point to the right edge of the symbols bounding box, along the original X axis Uses the symbols originally specified insertion point

Align Symbol Left Align Symbol Center Align Symbol Right Align Actual Insertion Point

Standard Symbol Insertion Mode

To insert a symbol in 2D: 1. In Top/Plan view, select the desired symbol from the Resource Browser. 2. Select Make Active from the Resources menu. The 2D Symbol Insertion tool, on the Basic palette, becomes active, and the drawing switches to Top/Plan view and 2D Plan projection. When in Top/Plan view, double-click the symbol in the Resource Browser to make the symbol active and select the 2D Symbol Insertion tool. 3. Click Standard Insertion in the Tool bar. To insert into a wall with breaks, toggle Wall Insertion mode on. 4. Click the desired alignment mode (see Inserting Symbols in 2D on page 159). 5. Click to set the location of the symbol. 6. Click a second time, without moving the mouse, to position the symbol exactly as inserted. Alternatively, move the cursor slightly away from the insertion point to rotate or flip the symbol about its insertion point. For symbols placed inside walls, moving the mouse flips the symbol about one of two axes: up and down, or left and right.

Inserting Symbols |
In click-drag mode, click and hold the mouse to insert the symbol and still be able to rotate it. A quick click eliminates the ability to rotate or flip the symbol and locks the orientation of the symbol as it is placed. 7. Click to set the symbol.


Vertical 2nd click 1st click Horizontal

The first click inserts the symbol horizontally

Move the cursor up to rotate the symbol vertically

Click again to set the symbols position

To place another copy of the symbol in the drawing, move the cursor to another location and click. The selected symbol and 2D Symbol Insertion tool remain active until another tool is selected.

Offset Symbol Insertion Mode

An offset distance, from the insertion point to a reference point, can be set for symbol insertion. To insert a symbol into a wall in 2D with offset insertion: 1. In Top/Plan view, select the desired symbol from the Resource Browser. 2. Select Make Active from the Resources menu. The 2D Symbol Insertion tool, on the Basic palette, becomes active. When in Top/Plan view, double-clicking the symbol in the Resource Browser makes the symbol active and selects the 2D Symbol Insertion tool. 3. Click the Offset Insertion mode button. 4. Click the desired alignment mode. 5. Click to set the reference point. The reference point is the point at which measurement begins for calculating the offset distance to place the symbol. The reference point does not have to be within the wall. The symbol preview displays when the cursor is over a wall. 6. Click to set the offset location of the symbol. 7. Orient the symbol in the wall. Clicking a second time, without moving the mouse, positions the symbol exactly as inserted. Alternatively, move the cursor slightly away from the insertion point, and then flip the symbol about its axis to the correct orientation. In click-drag mode, click and hold the mouse to insert the symbol and still be able to flip it. A quick click eliminates the ability to flip the symbol and locks the orientation of the symbol as it is placed.


| Chapter 5: Using VectorWorks Resources

8. Click to set the symbol. The Enter Offset dialog box opens.

This dialog box lists the calculated distance for the offset using the reference point specified. 9. If the offset distance is correct, click OK. To change the offset distance, enter the new value in the Offset field. The symbol is inserted.

Symbol Pick Up Mode

In Top/Plan view, the Symbol Pick Up mode picks up any 2D or hybrid symbol already inserted into the drawing and makes it the active symbol. This avoids having to locate and select the symbol in the Resource Browser. To pick up and place a symbol: 1. Click the 2D Symbol Insertion tool from the Basic palette. The view automatically switches to Top/Plan. 2. Click the Symbol Pick Up mode button. 3. Click a symbol in the drawing. The symbol becomes the active symbol. Note that the symbol clicked on is not highlighted (selection handles do not display). Either the Standard Insertion mode or Offset Insertion mode is automatically enabled, depending on the last mode used. Select a different insertion mode, if desired. 4. Insert the symbol according to the instructions for that mode (see Standard Symbol Insertion Mode on page 160 or Offset Symbol Insertion Mode on page 161). To switch to Symbol Pick Up mode quickly, press and hold the Option (Macintosh) or Alt (Windows) key while the 2D Symbol Insertion tool is active, and then click on the desired 2D or hybrid symbol. The selected symbol is now ready to be inserted into the drawing.

Wall Insertion Mode

The Wall Insertion mode allows a symbol to be inserted into a wall. With this mode turned off, a symbol can be placed near or on top of a wall without being inserted directly into it. A symbol inserted into a wall is automatically made parallel to the walls center line, by rotating it to match the walls angle. To remove a symbol from a wall, click and drag it out of the wall. VectorWorks automatically seals the cut in the wall

Inserting Symbols |


For more information on inserting and moving symbols into, out of, and within walls, see Moving Symbols in Walls on page 496.

Inserting Symbols in 3D
Use the 3D Symbol Insertion tool to place a symbol in the drawing when it is one of the 3D views. If not in a 3D view, selecting this tool automatically switches the view to Top and the projection to Orthogonal. During insertion, a preview of the symbol is shown to aid in placement. Symbols can also be inserted by dragging them from the Resource Browser. Each symbol has its own insertion point, a location on the symbol shown by crosshairs in the Edit Symbol window, that controls how the symbol is placed into the drawing. The insertion point is specified during the symbols creation. See Creating New Symbols on page 156 for more information. To insert symbols in 3D: 1. In a 3D view, select the desired symbol from the Resource Browser. 2. Select Make Active from the Resources menu. The 3D Symbol Insertion tool, on the Basic palette, becomes active. When in a 3D view, double-clicking the symbol in the Resource Browser makes the symbol active and selects the 3D Symbol Insertion tool. 3. Click to set the location of the symbol. 4. Orient the symbol. Clicking a second time, without moving the mouse, positions the symbol exactly as inserted. Alternatively, move the cursor slightly away from the insertion point; then move the cursor to rotate the symbol about its insertion point. In the Data bar, use the A (angle) and WP A (working plane angle) fields to help position the symbol. In click-drag mode, click and hold the mouse to insert the symbol and still be able to rotate it. A quick click eliminates the ability to rotate or flip the symbol and locks the orientation of the symbol as it is placed. 5. Click to set the symbol. To place another copy of the symbol in the drawing, move the cursor to another location and click. The selected symbol and 3D Symbol Insertion tool remain active until another tool is selected.

1st click

2nd click


| Chapter 5: Using VectorWorks Resources

Editing Symbols
Once a symbol instance is placed in a drawing, its information can be displayed in the Object Info palette. Select a symbol instance to display its properties. A symbols location can be adjusted, or its layer and class association can be changed by selecting a new class or layer from the appropriate list. A symbol can be replaced with another symbol, rotated in 2D or 3D space, and, for symbols located in walls, flipped, replaced, and repositioned. Most of a black symbols physical attributes cannot be directly changed in the Object Info or Attributes palette. Instead, the components of a symbol must be accessed and edited through the Edit Symbol window. Changes made to a symbol definition affect all existing and future instances of that symbol, unless the symbol was inserted as a group (blue) or plug-in object (red).

Replacing Existing Symbols

To exchange a symbol instances definition with another: 1. Select Window > Palettes > Object Info. The Object Info palette opens. 2. Select the existing symbol. 3. Click the Replace button. Alternatively, right-click on a symbol and select Replace from the context menu. The Choose a Symbol dialog box opens.

4. Select the desired new symbol. Only the symbols that are currently part of the active VectorWorks drawing are listed. 5. Click OK. The old symbol instance is replaced with the new symbol instance. The new symbol uses the settings from the replaced symbol. Future occurrences of the new symbol are unaffected by these settings.

Rotating Existing Symbols

Rotate 2D symbols by entering a rotation angle in the Rot field of the Object Info palette. Rotate 3D symbols by clicking the Rotate 3D button in the Object Info palette. This button accesses the Rotate Object in 3D dialog box for specification of the rotation angle, center, and axis; see Rotate Tool on page 389.

Editing Symbols |


Changing Symbols in Walls

Once a symbol has been placed in a wall, VectorWorks allows some special actions, each of which is performed within the wall structure. Flip the symbol in the wall, reposition it, or completely replace it (see Replacing Existing Symbols on page 164 for more information). Symbols can also be moved along or out of the wall, or into another wall (see Moving Symbols in Walls on page 496). To change how a symbol interacts with a wall: 1. Select Window > Palettes > Object Info. The Object Info palette opens. 2. Select the desired symbol or symbols with the 2D Selection or 3D Selection tool. The Object Info palette displays the symbols information. If several symbols are selected, only the common information can be changed. 3. Change the insertion point location, the wall break style, and the height of the symbol in the wall.

Insert Break Height Flip

Changes the insertion point location in relation to the symbol position Changes the wall break style where the symbol is inserted Changes the height of the symbol in the wall Click to flip through a series of four rotations until the desired orientation is reached


Opens the Position Symbol in Wall dialog box; see Repositioning Symbols in Walls on page 165

Repositioning Symbols in Walls

To reposition a symbol in a wall: 1. Select Window > Palettes > Object Info.


| Chapter 5: Using VectorWorks Resources

The Object Info palette opens.

2. Select the existing symbol. 3. Click the Position button. The Position Symbol in Wall dialog box opens, with a graphical representation of the symbol and wall. The current reference point for the position is indicated by a black circle. Other possible reference points are indicated by unfilled circles. The current symbols insertion point is indicated by a white rectangle. The offset value is the distance from the reference point to the insertion point.

Reference point

4. Click a different reference point and/or enter the new Offset value. 5. Click OK.

Editing Symbol Definitions

Most of a black symbols physical attributes cannot be directly changed in the Object Info or Attributes palette. Instead, the components of a symbol must be accessed and edited through the Edit Symbol window. Changes made to a symbol definition affect all existing and future instances of that symbol, unless the symbol was inserted as a group (blue) or plug-in object (red). Changes to the symbol definition are made from the Resource Browser. Changes to a symbol instance are made from the drawing. Editing behavior and results depend on the symbol type (see Symbol Types on page 154).

Symbol Type

Edit Behavior/Result
Edit from the Resource Browser or the drawing by selecting Edit from the context menu, making changes in the Edit Symbol window. Changes to the symbol, whether made to the definition or the instance, affect both existing and future symbol instances. Edit from the Resource Browser by selecting Edit from the context menu, making changes in the Edit Symbol window. Changes to the definition affect future symbol instances only. A blue symbol inserted on the drawing as a group cannot be edited from the drawing in the Edit Symbol window (make edits directly from the Object Info or Attributes palette, and by editing the group). Changes to a drawing instance affect that instance only.


Editing Symbols | Symbol Type



Edit Behavior/Result
Edit from the Resource Browser by selecting Edit from the context menu, making changes in the Edit Symbol window. Changes to the definition affect future symbol instances only. A red symbol inserted on the drawing as a plug-in object cannot be edited from the drawing in the Edit Symbol window (make edits directly from the Object Info or Attributes palette). Changes to a drawing instance affect that instance only.

Only one component of a hybrid symbol can be edited at one time. Edit the 2D version of the hybrid symbol in 2D Plan projection. Then edit the 3D version separately by changing to a 3D projection and selecting the Edit Symbol command. For 3D objects, only the objects contents (definition) can be edited in 2D. To edit a symbol through the Resource Browser: 1. In the Resource Browser, select the symbol to edit, and select Edit from the Resources menu. Alternatively, edit a black symbol instance from the drawing by selecting it and selecting Modify > Edit Symbol, selecting Edit from the context menu, or double-clicking on the symbol. Edit the components of a hybrid symbol directly by selecting Edit 2D Component or Edit 3D Component from the context menu. 2. Only one component of a hybrid symbol can be edited at one time. If the symbol is hybrid, the Edit Symbol dialog box opens.

2D/3D Component Insertion Options Double-click

Edits the 2D or 3D component of the symbol Edits the method of inserting the symbol into a wall (see Creating New Symbols on page 156) Sets the future behavior when double-clicking on a symbol. Select whether to display the Edit Symbol dialog box, or directly edit the 2D or 3D component or insertion options. Select Edits the Component based on current view to automatically edit the 2D component if in Top/Plan view, or the 3D component if in one of the 3D views.

3. Click Edit. If editing the symbol wall insertion options, select Insertion Options, and then click Edit to access the Insertion Options dialog box. See Creating New Symbols on page 156 for information on wall insertion options. If editing components, the Edit Symbol window opens, containing the symbol to be edited. A colored border around the drawing window indicates that you are in an editing mode. The Exit Symbol command becomes available from the Modify menu, and the Exit Symbol button is visible in the top right corner of the drawing window. If editing nested symbols, select Modify > Edit Symbol again to edit.


| Chapter 5: Using VectorWorks Resources

4. When editing components, make the symbol edits in the Attributes or Object Info palette. To edit the symbol insertion point, select all the components of the symbol, and relocate the components about the insertion point crosshairs. The intersection of the crosshairs gives the feedback segment Locus when encountered.


Insertion point

The other component of a hybrid symbol is not automatically adjusted to match changes made to the insertion point. It must be edited separately. Switch easily to the other component from the context menu. 5. After editing, click the Exit Symbol button (or select Modify > Exit Symbol) to update all instances of the symbol and return to the drawing area. If editing a symbol that is nested in other symbols, the button returns back to the symbol container.

Converting a Symbol Instance to a Group

Changes made to a black symbol definition affect all instances of that symbol in the drawing. The Convert to Group command changes a selected symbol into a group of VectorWorks objects, allowing edits to be made to that object without affecting the other instances of the symbol in the drawing. This command disassociates the symbol instance from its definition. The edited symbol can then be turned into a new symbol if desired. Before using this command to edit a symbol instance that has been inserted into a wall, first drag the symbol outside of the wall. This avoids converting the wall as well. To convert a symbol to a group: 1. In the drawing, select the symbol instance to edit. 2. Select Modify > Convert > Convert to Group. If a symbol contains multiple levels of grouped objects, other symbols, or plug-in objects, the Convert to Group Options dialog box opens. Select the desired criteria for converting the symbol.

Dont convert sub-objects to groups Convert nested symbols and plug-in objects Convert all sub-objects

Excludes any sub-objects, such as nested symbols, from the conversion process Converts nested symbols and/or plug-in objects within the symbol to individual objects within the group Converts all objects within the symbol to individual objects within the group

Use caution when converting hybrid symbols. If in 2D view, the 3D component of the symbol may be lost during the conversion. Similarly, in a 3D view, the 2D portion of the symbol may be lost. 3. Click OK.

Editing Symbols |
The symbol is converted into a group. To make changes to grouped items, select Modify > Edit Group or Ungroup. The object can be left as a grouped object or saved as a new symbol. Any changes to the original symbol definition do not affect this instance.


Instead of repeatedly converting a symbol to a group, create a blue symbol which automatically converts to a group upon insertion; see Creating New Symbols on page 156.

Managing Symbol Folders

Creating a New Symbol Folder
Create symbol folders to organize symbols within the Resource Browser. To create a new symbol folder: 1. From the Resources menu, click New Resource to display the New Resource menu. 2. Select Symbol Folder. The Assign Name dialog box opens. 3. Enter the name to assign to the new symbol folder. 4. Click OK. The new folder is added to the Resource Browser.

Moving a Symbol into a Folder

Group symbols according to topic or placement by moving them into folders within the Resource Browser. To move a symbol into a folder: 1. Select the symbol in the Resource Browser. 2. Select Move from the Resources menu. The Move Symbol dialog box opens.

3. Select the folder for the symbol. Click Open to access sub-folders within the selected folder. 4. Click OK. VectorWorks moves the symbol to the new folder.


| Chapter 5: Using VectorWorks Resources

Importing a Symbol Folder

To import a symbol folder from another VectorWorks file: 1. Select Window > Palettes > Resource Browser. The Resource Browser opens. 2. Locate the symbol folder to be imported. For information using the Resource Browser to locate resources in other VectorWorks files, see Accessing Existing Resources on page 147. 3. Select the symbol folder to be imported, and then select Import from the Resources menu. (Alternatively, drag the symbol folder resource into the desired VectorWorks file.) The symbol folder and any symbols it contains are imported into the active VectorWorks file.

Record Formats
Record formats, which store a wide range of data (like price or part numbers), can be attached to any object or symbol. Records attached to an object or symbol definition become a permanent part of it, remaining with the object or symbol even when it is imported or cut and pasted into another drawing. Several record formats can be attached to a single object or symbol, and record values can be individually changed for each object to which the record is attached.

Creating Record Formats

Creating record formats in a drawing file is an important step to creating meaningful database rows in worksheets (see Specifying the Worksheet Row Type on page 578). To create a new record format: 1. In the Resource Browser, select New Resource from the Resources menu. 2. Select Record Format. The Create Record Format dialog box opens.

3. Enter the Name of the Record Format. 4. Click New. The Edit Field dialog box opens.

Record Formats |


Name Type Integer

Enter a name for the field Select the type of field Select to use whole numbers ranging from -32,768 to 32,767 Using Integer requires less memory than Number.

Boolean Text Number

Select to use a data value of either True or False Select to enter a string of characters (default option), such as a word or a sentence Select to use numbers outside the range of Integer, fractions or decimals, or to specify a number format. Click Format to define the number format in the Number Format dialog box; click OK to return to the Edit Field dialog box. The default format Uses decimal numbers; enter a value for the number of decimal places, and if desired, select to use commas as separators Uses scientific numbers; enter a value for the number of decimal places Uses fractional numbers; enter the rounding value for fractions Uses dimension numbers Uses dimension area format and displays the specified area units after the number Uses dimension volume format and displays the specified volume units after the number Determines the accuracy of angles and measurement system applied; measurement system is degrees, minutes, and seconds or decimal numbers up to eight decimal places Uses dates; select the desired date format from the list When the Number Format dialog box is opened from a worksheet, enter the text to display before the cell value When the Number Format dialog box is opened from a worksheet, enter the text to display after the cell value Enter the data value in the Default text box, if desired

General Decimal Scientific Fractional Dimension Dimension Area Dimension Volume Angle Date Leader Trailer Default


| Chapter 5: Using VectorWorks Resources

5. Click OK to return to the Create Record Format dialog box. 6. For each additional field to add, repeat steps 4 through 6. 7. Click OK to return to the drawing area. When an object is selected, the Data tab of the Object Info palette displays all records contained in the current drawing.

Attaching Record Formats to Symbols and Objects

Once a record format has been created, it can be attached to any object or symbol in the same drawing file as the record format. The Data tab of the Object Info palette indicates all record formats currently available to attach. This section describes how to attach a record format to a selected symbol or object. For global symbol changes, use the utility described in Attaching Records on page 178. There are two methods for attaching record formats to symbols. The first method attaches a record format to a single symbol instance or to an object in the drawing without affecting previous or future instances. The second method attaches a record format to a symbol definition that applies to each symbol added to the drawing afterwards. Existing instances remain unaffected.

Attaching Record Formats to a Single Symbol Instance or Object

To attach (or detach) record formats to a single symbol or object in the drawing using the Object Info palette: 1. Select the symbol. 2. Select Window > Palettes > Object Info. The Object Info palette opens.

Record Formats |


3. Select the Data tab. The Object Info palette lists all record formats in the drawing. 4. In the checkbox next to the desired record format(s), click to attach or deselect to detach the record format. If attaching a record format, an X displays in the box and the record is attached to that instance of the symbol or object. If detaching a record format, confirm the procedure. To attach record formats to a symbol or object in the drawing using the Resource Browser: 1. Select the symbol(s) in the drawing. 2. From the Resource Browser, select the record format to be applied. From the context menu, select Apply. (Alternatively, double-click the record format resource to apply it to the selection or drag the record format resource onto a symbol or object.)

Attaching Record Formats to a Symbol Definition

To attach record formats to a symbol definition from the Resource Browser: 1. Select Window > Palettes > Resource Browser. The Resource Browser opens. 2. Select a symbol definition. 3. Select Edit from the Resources menu. 4. Select the symbol component to edit, and click Edit. 5. In the Edit Symbol window, deselect all by clicking in an empty area of the window. 6. In the Object Info palette, click on the Data tab. When no items are selected, the Data tab displays *SYMBOL DEFAULTS* at the top. 7. Select the record to attach. To attach multiple records to the same symbol definition, click on each of the records. 8. Click Exit Symbol at the top right of the Edit Symbol window. The attached record(s) is included with the symbol each time the symbol is placed in the drawing or imported into another drawing. Symbols already present in the drawing are unaffected. Change the record values of the record format resource to set the default values for the symbol when placed in the drawing.


| Chapter 5: Using VectorWorks Resources

Editing Record Formats

Record formats can be edited in a variety of ways, depending on the desired outcome.

Edit the record format resource, changing the field list and/or default field values (see Editing Default Record Formats on page 174) Edit the field values of a record attached to a selected object (see Viewing and Editing Object Records on page 175) Edit the record field values of a symbol definition (see Editing Symbol Default Record Values on page 176)

Future objects or symbols with the record attached reflect the changes; existing attached records are unaffected Changes to field values affect the selected object only; the field list cannot be changed. Existing and future objects with the record attached use the default values. Changes to field values affect future instances of the symbol; the field list cannot be changed. Existing symbols and other symbols with the record attached are unaffected.

Alternatively, make global changes with the symbol utilities (see Changing One Record Format Field on page 179 and Changing All Record Format Fields on page 180).

Editing Default Record Formats

A record formats fields and default values can be edited from the Resource Browser. To edit record format values: 1. Select Window > Palettes > Resource Browser. The Resource Browser opens. 2. Select the record format. 3. Select Edit from the Resources menu. The Edit Record Format dialog box opens.

Name Field list New Edit

Displays the name of the current record format Lists the fields of the current record format Creates a new field (as described in Creating Record Formats on page 170) Edits the selected field

Record Formats | Parameter

Remove Down/Up


Deletes the selected field Changes the order of the fields by moving the selected field up or down

4. Select the record format field to edit and click Edit to change the default value, or click New or Remove to add or delete fields. 5. Click OK. The edits do not affect existing values for attached records. Changes are applied to the default field values when attached to symbols or objects, or for future symbols with the record attached.

Viewing and Editing Object Records

The Object Info palette Data tab is used to attach, view, and edit the record values for specific instances. If selecting multiple objects with different records attached, the Data tab displays records that are attached to objects with a grayed box, but does not indicate which records are attached to which objects.

Record list

Field list

Edit field box

The three list boxes on the Data tab can be resized by moving the bars between them. To edit record field values for a selected object: 1. Select Window > Palettes > Object Info. The Object Info palette opens. 2. Select the object. Click the Data tab on the Object Info palette. The Object Info palette displays information about the record format(s) attached to the selected object(s).

Record List Field List Edit Field

Displays all records contained in the drawing; records attached to the selected object are indicated with an X in the checkbox to the left of the record name Displays all the fields in the selected record; if a default value was assigned to the field, it displays after the field name Edits the field values for the selected record; all entered values override any default values for the object


| Chapter 5: Using VectorWorks Resources

3. Select the desired record in the Record list, and then the desired field in the Field list. In the Edit Field box, make the change to the default value. This information applies to the selected object only; other new and existing objects with that record attached will still use the original (default) record format values. If a selected chair has a different part number from the default value that was entered in the record format, enter the new part number for that chair only. If the part number for all chairs has changed, edit the default record format instead.

Editing Symbol Default Record Values

The default values of a record attached to a symbol can be changed while editing a symbol definition (see Editing Symbol Definitions on page 166). This does not change the record format resource; if other symbols or objects have the record attached, they are unaffected. It does change the future default record values for that symbol. To change the default field values of a symbols record format: 1. Select a symbol definition. 2. Select Edit from the Resources menu. 3. Select the symbol component to edit, and click Edit. 4. In the Edit Symbol window, deselect all by clicking in an empty area of the window. 5. In the Object Info palette, click on the Data tab. When no items are selected, the Data tab displays *SYMBOL DEFAULTS* at the top. 6. Select the desired record in the Record list, and then the desired field in the Field list. In the Edit Field box, make the change to the default value. 7. Click Exit Symbol at the top right of the drawing window to return to the drawing. The default field values of the record format for that symbol definition have been changed.

Linking Text to Record Formats

The Link Text to Record command links the text within a symbol definition to a field of the attached record. This is particularly useful for labeling symbols in a drawing with unique information, such as a part list number or price. To use this command, symbols and record formats must already exist in the drawing file. The link is made within a symbols definition. To link text to records within a symbol definition: 1. Edit the 2D symbol definition as described in Editing Symbol Definitions on page 166. 2. In the Edit Symbol window with nothing selected, create a line or block of text. Ensure the text is formatted with the desired font and style. The actual text is not important at this point. If desired, create and assign a class to the text.

3. Select the text and place it in the exact location where the record data value is to display. 4. With the text still selected, select Tools > Records > Link Text to Record. The Choose Field dialog box opens.

Global Symbol Commands |


Records list

Field list

5. Select the record format from the Records list. 6. In the list of fields, select the field of the selected record to associate with the text. 7. Click OK. VectorWorks adds the text object to the symbol definition, as well as all existing instances on the drawing. The default value of the selected field replaces the dummy text. 8. Click Exit Symbol at the top right of the drawing window to return to the drawing. Place the symbol on the drawing. The text linked to the record displays the field information. If necessary, to edit the value for that particular instance, select the field where the text was assigned in the Object Info palette Data tab. In the Edit Field box, enter the text to display in the symbol; the linked field information displays on the attached symbol.


Global Symbol Commands

The symbol commands manipulate record data attached to symbols in libraries and perform global data changes. Use these commands to change the default record format values of the field(s) attached to multiple symbol definitions, either after importing a file from a different source or during normal project changes. The symbol utilities include the following commands: Attach Record Detach Record Change One Field Change All Fields Change Symbol Attributes List Symbols


| Chapter 5: Using VectorWorks Resources

Attaching Records
This command attaches the selected record format to all of the symbol definitions in a specified symbol folder. To attach a record: 1. Select Tools > Records > Attach Record. The Attach Record dialog box opens.

2. From the Symbol Folder list, select the criteria for attaching a record. Select None to attach the record to the symbol definition(s) at the root of the symbol library (symbol definitions not in any folder). Select All to attach the record format to all of the symbol definition(s) in the files symbol library. Selecting a symbol folder changes all of the symbol definitions only in that folder and any sub-folders. 3. From the Record Format list, select one of the record formats defined in the current file to be attached to the selected symbol definition(s). 4. Click OK. Confirm the operation and the number of symbol definitions affected. Symbol instances already on the drawing are not affected. 5. Click OK. To quickly verify that a record has been attached to the symbol library, create a report. See Creating Reports on page 564.

Detaching Records
This command detaches the selected record format from all symbol definitions in a selected symbol folder. To detach a record: 1. Select Tools > Records > Detach Record. The Detach Record dialog box opens.

Global Symbol Commands |

2. From the Symbol Folder list, select None, All, or a symbol folder, if any.


Select None to detach the record from the symbol definition(s) at the root of the symbol library (symbol definitions not in any folder). Select All to detach the record format from all of the symbol definition(s) in the files symbol library. Selecting a symbol folder changes all of the symbol definitions only in that folder and any sub-folders. 3. From the Record Format list, select one of the record formats defined in the current file to detach from the symbol library. 4. Click OK. Confirm the operation and the number of symbol definitions affected.

Changing One Record Format Field

This command changes a specified field default value for a selected record format attached to symbol definitions. Symbols already placed on drawing are unaffected. To change one record format field: 1. Select Tools > Records > Change One Field. The Change One Field dialog box opens.

2. From the Symbol Folder list, select None, All, or a symbol folder, if any. Select None to change the record of the symbol definition(s) at the root of the symbol library (symbol definitions not in any folder). Select All to change the record format of all of the symbol definition(s) in the files symbol library. Selecting a symbol folder changes all of the symbol definitions only in that folder and any sub-folders. 3. From the Record Format list, select the record format. The Field Name selections depend on the record format selected. 4. Select the Field Name to change. 5. Enter the New Value. 6. Click OK. Confirm the operation and the number of symbol definitions affected.


| Chapter 5: Using VectorWorks Resources

Changing All Record Format Fields

This command changes several or all default field values for a selected record format attached to symbol definitions. Symbols already placed on drawing are unaffected. To change several or all record format fields: 1. Select Tools > Records > Change All Fields. The Change All Fields dialog box opens.

2. From the Symbol Folder list, select None, All, or a symbol folder, if any. Select None to change the record of the symbol definition(s) at the root of the symbol library (symbol definitions not in any folder). Select All to change the record format of all of the symbol definition(s) in the files symbol library. Selecting a symbol folder changes all of the symbol definitions only in that folder and any sub-folders. 3. From the Record Format list, select the record format. 4. Click OK. The Change Fields dialog box opens. The title bar displays the name of the record being edited.

5. Select the field name(s) to change and enter the new information. All of the field names of the record format are listed. If the record file has more than 16 fields, click Next to continue viewing the remaining fields in the record. 6. After making the desired changes, click OK. Confirm the operation and the number of symbol definition(s) affected.

Global Symbol Commands |


Changing Symbol Attributes

This command assigns all of the objects within the selected symbol definitions to the specified class, and designates the objects to use any or all of the class attributes. To change symbol attributes: 1. Select Tools > Utilities > Change Symbol Attrs. The Change Symbol Attributes dialog box opens.

2. From the Symbol Folder list, select None, All, or a symbol folder, if any. Select None to change the record of the symbol definition(s) at the root of the symbol library (symbol definitions not in any folder). Select All to change the record format of all of the symbol definition(s) in the files symbol library. Selecting a symbol folder changes all of the symbol definitions only in that folder and any sub-folders. 3. Select the Class to assign the symbol definition. 4. Select the class attributes to use, and indicate how to treat class attributes that are not used. Either keep the objects existing attributes, or use the current defaults if a class attribute is not specified. 5. Click OK. Confirm the operation and the number of symbol definition(s) affected.

Listing Symbols and Folders

This command creates a text file list all of the symbol definitions and symbol folders within the active drawing. To list symbols and folders: 1. Select Tools > Utilities > List Symbols. The List Symbol dialog box opens.


| Chapter 5: Using VectorWorks Resources

2. Select either List Symbols and Folders or List Folders Only. 3. Click OK. The Save File dialog box opens. 4. Enter a new file name or use the default name, and then click Save. A text file is created listing the names of all the folders and, if chosen, symbols within the current file.

Creating 2D Objects

VectorWorks provides robust 2D drafting functionality with a variety of tools and commands. 2D drawing tools create 2D objects; while these objects display in a 3D drawing view, they do not interact with the 3D environment. During walkthroughs and flyovers, 2D objects remain flat.

Using the 2D Data Bar

Use the Data bar when you draw to lock certain values for an object, such as the length of a circle radius or the angle of a wall. The fields that are available on the Data bar depend on the active tool and on the action being performed.
Floating 2D Data bar (follows the cursor) Horizontal location of the cursor in the drawing window Fixed 2D Data bar (on the Tool bar) Vertical location of the cursor in the drawing window

The data displayed in the bar is gathered from the feedback segment of the object being created. The coordinates are relative to a floating datum, if one exists; otherwise the coordinates are absolute. The more common Data bar fields are described in the following table; other fields that can display are described where their use is relevant.

Delta X Delta Y L A X Y

The offset distance from the previous click or position along the X axis The offset distance from the previous click or position along the Y axis The length or distance from 0,0, or the radius of the object that is being drawn The angle or rotation of the object that is being drawn The X (horizontal) location of the cursor in the drawing window The Y (vertical) location of the cursor in the drawing window

The Data bar is controlled by a menu on the far right side of the Tool bar.

Data bar menu


| Chapter 6: Creating 2D Objects

The Data bar floats with the cursor in the drawing area The Data bar floats with the cursor only when the Tab key is pressed; otherwise the bar does not display The Data bar displays on the top left side of the window, at the top of the Tool bar The Data bar displays on the right side of the Tool bar

Menu Command
Location of the Data bar Use floating data bar Use floating data bar only when tab key is pressed Do not use floating data bar - show data bar fields on fixed data bar Do not use floating data bar - show data bar fields on tool bar Activation of the Data bar Allow numeric keypad entry for instant data bar activation Do not allow numeric keypad entry for instant data bar activation Field display on the Data bar Show only primary fields on data bar Show primary and secondary fields on data bar Show primary secondary, and cursor location fields on data bar Display of the Exit Group button Use large exit group button Use small exit group button

When the Data bar is displayed, enter numbers on the numeric keypad to activate the first field When the Data bar is displayed, press the Tab key to activate the first field (press Shift+Tab to activate the last field)

Show only the delta X and delta Y fields Show all fields except the cursor location fields (X and Y) Show all fields

When a group is being edited, show a large button with the label Exit Group in the upper right corner of the drawing area When a group is being edited, show a small button with an arrow icon in the upper right corner of the drawing area

Drawing with the 2D Data Bar

To draw an object with the 2D Data bar: 1. Select a 2D drawing tool and click once to begin to draw the object. 2. Press the Tab key to activate the first field in the Data bar, or press Shift+Tab to activate the last field. Alternatively, if the Data bar options are set so that numeric keypad activation is enabled, you can type the value for the first field in the Data bar to activate it. In click-drag mode, press and hold the mouse button when you press Tab or Shift+Tab. 3. Enter values in the appropriate field(s), using the keys as follows.

Inserting Text | Key

Enter (Windows) or Return (Macintosh)


When the focus is in a Data bar field, sets the value that is currently displayed, and moves the focus to the drawing area When the focus is in the drawing area, completes the object (or completes the current segment of the object, for path objects such as polygons, walls, and dimensions)


When the focus is in a Data bar field, sets the entered value and moves to the next field (if no value was entered, the field is not set) When the focus is in the drawing area, moves the focus to the first field in the Data bar


When the focus is in a Data bar field, sets the entered value and moves to the previous field (if no value was entered, the field is not set) When the focus is in the drawing area, moves the focus to the last field in the Data bar

To clear an entry before it is set, press the Backspace key. The previous value in that field redisplays. If the SmartCursor option is enabled in VectorWorks preferences, a dotted line displays to represent the location of the values entered for the X and Y axes. 4. To complete the object according to the values you entered, click the mouse button. For non-path objects, you can also press Enter or Return to complete the object, if the focus is in the drawing area. For path objects, such as polygons, walls, and dimensions, you may need to click to complete the object.

Inserting Text
VectorWorks allows both single lines and blocks of text to be created. Text can be moved, duplicated, duplicated in an array, and rotated. Its bounding box can be resized to adjust a blocks height or length. Text is placed relative to the alignment point, not the bounding box. If a drawing is opened on a system that does not contain a specified font, a font mapping dialog box opens. Any missing fonts are mapped to a replacement font while the file is open on this system. If the file is saved with the new mapping, the original fonts are overwritten. The Text tool has two modes.
Horizontal Text Rotated Text

Horizontal Text Rotated Text

Creates horizontal text lines and text boxes Creates text at an angle

Setting the Default Text Parameters

The initial (default) text parameters can be set. Once the default is set, all added textin the current drawing or any otherhas the specified font, size, style, justification, and line-spacing settings until the settings are changed. To set default text settings: 1. Ensure that no objects or text are selected in the drawing.


| Chapter 6: Creating 2D Objects

If needed, click the selection arrow on an empty portion of the drawing.

2. From the Text menu, select the text options to change. See Formatting Text on page 189 for descriptions of available options. Alternatively, the default text size can be changed from the Set Size command. To specify the default text size: 1. Ensure that no objects or text are selected in the drawing. If needed, click the selection arrow on an empty portion of the drawing. 2. Select Text > Size > Set Size. The Set Text Size dialog box opens.

3. Select the desired unit of measure, enter the font Size, and then click OK. If text or objects containing text are selected when changes are made in the Set Text Size dialog box, the size changes are applied to the selected items.

Creating a Line of Text

Use the Text tool to create a single line of text, such as a page header, in the drawing file. To type a single line of text: 1. Click the Text tool from the Basic palette, and select Horizontal Text from the Tool bar. The text cursor indicates the alignment of the text to be placed. 2. Click to designate the text insertion point; a text entry box with a blinking cursor displays. 3. Enter the text. To add another line of text to the drawing, move to a new location on the drawing, click and type the text. When finished typing, deselect the Text tool by selecting another tool, such as the 2D Selection tool. An X displays at the text insertion point. The X is only visible when the text is selected; it does not print.
Alignment Point

Example of a line of text

Double-clicking on the text with the 2D or 3D Selection tool, or selecting Edit from the context menu, activates text editing mode.

Creating Text Blocks

Create a block of text when more than a line of text is necessary.

Inserting Text |
To create a block of text: 1. Click the Text tool from the Basic palette, and select Horizontal Text from the Tool bar. The text cursor indicates the alignment of the text to be placed. 2. Click and drag to create a text box of the approximate size needed. A text box displays, with a blinking cursor in the upper-left corner. 3. Enter the text.


Use hard returns to mark the end of a paragraph or section. VectorWorks automatically wraps text to the next line when it reaches the edge of a text box. To add another text block, move to a new location, create another text box, and type the text. When the text block is done, deselect the Text tool by selecting another tool, such as the 2D Selection tool. An X displays at the text alignment point, and a triangular margin marker displays along the right, left, or both margins, depending upon justification. This clearly distinguishes between a line of text and a text block. These marks are only visible when the text is selected; the marks do not print.
Alignment Point Margin Marker

Double-clicking on the text with the 2D or 3D Selection tool, or selecting Edit from the context menu, activates text editing mode.

Creating Rotated Text

The Rotated Text mode of the Text tool creates text at an angle. To create rotated text: 1. Click the Text tool from the Basic palette, and select Rotated Text from the Tool bar. 2. Click and hold the mouse to indicate the start point of text rotation. 3. Drag to specify the text angle, and release the mouse to set. When drawing in rotated plan view (Design Series required), set Constrain Angle to snap to the plan rotation angle (see Constrain Angle on page 121) and display the Rotated Plan cue. If the text is created to the same angle as the plan, when the plan is unrotated, the text will align with the world coordinate system. 4. Drag to create the text box of the approximate size needed. Click to set. 5. A text box displays horizontally (regardless of the text angle), with a blinking cursor for text entry. 6. Enter the text.


| Chapter 6: Creating 2D Objects

Press Enter (Windows) or Return (Macintosh) to mark the end of a paragraph or section. VectorWorks automatically wraps text to the next line when it reaches the edge of a text box.

7. When the text has been entered, deselect the Text tool by selecting another tool, such as the 2D Selection tool. The text is rotated to the specified angle. See Creating Text Blocks on page 186 for information on justification, margins, and editing.

2nd click 1st click

Double-clicking on the text with the 2D or 3D Selection tool, or selecting Edit from the context menu, activates text editing mode.

Adding Tabs to Text

Left-aligned tabs can be inserted into text during creation and editing. To add tabs to text: 1. Click the Text tool from the Basic palette. 2. Enter or edit the desired text. 3. Press the Tab key to place tabs within the text. 4. Click on a tab stop and drag it to adjust the spacing. Tab spacing is repeated equally throughout the text. Tab stops cannot be added or removed.
Click-drag a tab stop to adjust spacing

Tab stops with ruler displayed

Tab stops without ruler displayed

Pasting Text
Text can be moved between VectorWorks files by selecting Edit > Copy, and then Edit > Paste. Text is added exactly as copied, including any VectorWorks-supported formatting. If a text block is first defined before pasting, the text pasted into the block is wrapped to fit within the text block. When pasting text from a program other than VectorWorks, click on the drawing using the Text tool first. If text is pasted without first establishing an insertion point, each line of text is brought in as individual text blocks. Embedded graphics are not supported and are removed when the text block is pasted into VectorWorks. In addition, multi-aligned text is converted to the current default alignment.

Modifying Text |


Modifying Text
Formatting Text
Text attributes can be formatted through various Text menu commands, such as the Format Text command, or through the Attributes and Object Info palettes. Formatting can be performed on entire blocks of text or just selected characters and words. To format text: 1. Select the entire text box (handles mark the corners), a section of the text (click the Text tool and highlight the desired text by dragging over it in the text box), or a word (click the Text tool and double-click anywhere within the word). 2. From the Text menu, select the text option to be changed (for example, font, size, or style). Alternatively, select Text > Format Text to change any combination of font, size, style, spacing, and alignment in one dialog box. Right-click on the text and select Format Text from the context menu.


Displays font of currently selected or last formatted item(s) and lists all available, installed fonts. Select a font from the list, or type the first letter(s) of the desired font to highlight the closest match in the list. This field is blank when multiple items with different fonts are selected. Changes are applied to all selected items. Displays size and unit measurement (points, millimeters, or inches) of currently selected or last formatted item(s). Select a standard text size, or enter your own. This field is blank when multiple items with different size/unit measurement are selected. Changes are applied to all selected items.



| Chapter 6: Creating 2D Objects

Displays line spacing of currently selected or last formatted item(s). If multiple items with different spacing are selected in the drawing, Other is selected in the dialog box and text boxes are enabled for user-specified spacing criteria. Outline and Shadow options are available for Macintosh only. Changes are applied to all selected items. Displays text style of currently selected or last formatted item(s). If multiple items with different styles are selected, all style fields are blank or deselected. Specify Plain or the desired Styled options. Changes are applied to all selected items. Displays alignment of currently selected or last formatted item(s). If multiple items with different alignments are selected, Alignment fields are blank. Specify horizontal and vertical alignment. Changes are applied to all selected items.




Capitalization can only be changed through Text > Capitalization. Choose from lowercase, uppercase, or title case options. Apply color to any text by highlighting it and choosing a solid pen color from the Attributes palette (see The Attributes Palette on page 229). Additionally, the Object Info palette allows text objects to be moved along the X and/or Y axis. Select single or multiple text objects (without selecting other types of objects), and change the values in the X and/or Y field.

Recent Font List

VectorWorks stores recently-used fonts for quick access. When selecting Text > Font, the eight most recently-used fonts display at the top of the font list (with the most recent font listed first), followed by an alphabetical list of all available fonts. In addition, when the Object Info palette contains a Font field, the top of the drop-down list is populated with the eight most recently-used fonts, followed by an alphabetical list of the available fonts. Fonts changes made within the Format Text dialog box or Object Info palette also update the recent font list.

Wrapping Text
Text wraps automatically in text blocks, even if the text block is resized. To rewrap the text, select Wrap Text in the Object Info palette. Wrap Text can also be used to unwrap text in a block that has not been resized.

Modifying Text |


This is an example of wrapped text This is an example of unwrapped text

Creating Reversed Text

Create reversed text by adding a filled object and placing white text over it.

To create reversed text: 1. Select Tools > Options > VectorWorks Preferences. In the VectorWorks Preferences dialog box that opens, select the Display tab, select No fill behind text, and then click OK. 2. Create a rectangle that is slightly larger than the reversed text to be created. 3. Use the Attributes palette to change the rectangles fill to black or any other dark color. 4. Click the Text tool from the Basic palette. 5. Type the text. 6. Use the Attributes palette to change the pen color of the text to white (or another reverse color). 7. Drag the white text on top of the filled rectangle. If necessary, change the stacking order so that the text is truly on top of the rectangle. Reverse text can also be created by setting the fill color of a text block to black and the pen color to white. Add a space before and after the text to extend the box.

Converting TrueType Text to Polylines

The TrueType to Polyline command converts text created with any TrueType font into polylines. After it is converted, the text is no longer a font and can be edited just like any other polyline. This is useful when creating 3D text objects. By their nature, TrueType fonts are defined by Bzier curves and arc points. VectorWorks uses these same definitions when converting them.


| Chapter 6: Creating 2D Objects

The text conversion is not affected by the conversion resolution setting in the VectorWorks Preferences dialog box. However, if the converted polyline is extruded, the 3D resolution setting in this same dialog box affect how VectorWorks extrudes the polyline.

To convert TrueType text to polylines: 1. Select the text (lines or blocks) to convert. 2. Select Text > TrueType to Polyline. The text is converted into a group of polylines. 3. To extrude the polylines, creating 3D text, select the group of polylines. Ungroup them by selecting Modify > Ungroup. 4. Select all of the individual polylines and select Model > Extrude. The Create Extrude dialog box opens. 5. Specify the extrusion length and click OK.

Creating Text Along a Path

Selected 3D text can be placed along a path and the text appearance can be adjusted after placement. To create 3D text along a path: 1. Select the text and a path object. The path must be long enough for the text, or text along path conversion will not occur. 2. Select Text > Text Along Path. The Text Along Path dialog box opens. Specify the options for creating the text along the path.

Modifying Text | Parameter

Text Size Preserve Height and Width Scale Width Only Scale Height and Width Create Text As Curves


Specifies text size options Maintains the aspect ratio of the text, keeping width and height parameters the same as they were in the original text Changes the width of the text to fit the path, but does not change the height accordingly (resulting in wider, shorter text, depending on the path) Changes the width of the text to fit the path, and then changes the text height to match (resulting in wider, tall text, depending on the path) Specifies the format for converting the text Converts the text into a group of polylines (if the path is drawn on the ground plane) or NURBS curves (if the path has a Z height or a Rot about Path greater than 0) Converts the text into a group of NURBS surfaces Converts the text into a group of extrude objects; specify the Height of the extruded letters

Surfaces Extrusions

3. Click OK. The selected text follows the path object, and the original path object is deleted.

The Text Along Path parameters can be edited in the Object Info palette. The parameters are identical to those in the Text Along Path dialog box, with two additional parameters.

Above Path

Places the bounding box of the letters directly above the path; above depends on the direction that the path was drawn. Deselect this option to place the letters below the path. Depending on the path and letters, the appearance of the text may be improved by switching it above or below the path. Indicates the angle of rotation about the path, using the path as a rotation axis

Rot about Path

The path object can be edited by selecting Modify > Edit Group, and then selecting Path. The path object can be edited with the 3D Reshape tool. The direction of the path object can be reversed by clicking Reverse Direction; this affects the text placement above or below the path.


| Chapter 6: Creating 2D Objects

Checking Spelling
Check the spelling of either selected text or all the text in a file with the Check Spelling command. Available dictionaries include: Danish Finnish Norwegian Swedish Dutch French Portuguese (Brazilian) English (American) German Portuguese (Iberian) English (British) Italian Spanish

Dictionaries can be edited and added. See Adding and Editing Dictionaries on page 196.

Checking the Spelling

To check the spelling of a selected object, such as a text block: 1. Select the object. 2. Select Text > Check Spelling. Alternatively, right-click on the text and select Check Spelling from the context menu. 3. If a spelling error is detected, the Selection Spelling Check dialog box opens so that corrections can be made. To check the spelling of all objects in the file: 1. Do not select any objects. 2. Select Text > Check Spelling. The Spelling Check Filter dialog box opens.

Text Blocks Symbols Records Worksheets Viewports

Checks text contained in text blocks Checks text contained in symbol definitions Checks text contained in records Checks text contained in worksheets Checks text annotations contained in viewports

Modifying Text |
3. Select the items to have spelling checked, and then click OK. If a spelling error is detected, the Document Spelling Check dialog box opens so that corrections can be made. If no spelling errors are detected, a message displays to indicate that the spelling check is complete.


Correcting Spelling Errors

If a spelling error is found, either the Selection Spelling Check (when checking a selection) or the Document Spelling Check (when checking all text) dialog box opens. Both dialog boxes contain the same options.

Spelling error in Not in Dictionary

Identifies the location of the object containing the potential spelling error Lists the potentially misspelled word; if none of the suggested corrections in the Suggestions list is an acceptable replacement, type the correction into the Not in Dictionary field (or delete the word by leaving the field blank). Then click Change or Change All to replace the error with the typed word. The word is replaced and the spelling check resumes. Suggests the closest matching word(s) from the dictionary Select one of the suggested words from the list of Suggestions to replace the misspelled word and click Change. The misspelled word is replaced with the suggested word. Alternatively, press Enter with the suggestion selected. To replace all occurrences of the same error in the file, click Change All. The word is replaced and the spelling check resumes. If the word is spelled correctly, but it is not present in the dictionary, click Ignore to leave the word as is and continue the spelling check. Click Ignore All to ignore all occurrences of the word in the file. The word is ignored and the spelling check resumes. Click to add the word to the dictionary; this allows the spelling checker to recognize all future occurrences of the word

Suggestions Change / Change All

Ignore / Ignore All



| Chapter 6: Creating 2D Objects

Click to customize the spelling check options; see Spelling Check Options on page 196 Click to discontinue the spelling check; all changes up to that point are saved, but can be undone by selecting Edit > Undo

Options Done

The spelling of layers, classes, symbol names, object names, script palette names, dimension text, locked objects or records attached to locked objects is not checked.

Spelling Check Options

Click the Options button in the Spelling Check dialog box to customize the spelling check function. The Spelling Check Options dialog box opens.

Specify the types of misspelled words for the spelling checker to find. If a checkbox is not selected, the spelling checker ignores errors for that category of words. Examples include: Capitalized words: Canada Words with mixed case: VectorWorks Words in all caps: ANGLE Words with numbers: Q4

Customize the spelling checker to reduce unnecessary spelling checks in your typical files. Click OK to return to the Selection Spelling Check or Document Spelling Check dialog box.

Adding and Editing Dictionaries

The user dictionary, UserDictionary.txt, is a text file located in [VectorWorks]\Plug-ins\Dictionaries. It can be edited, if desired. When manually editing a dictionary, type the word followed by a tab and the letter i to indicate that the spelling checker should ignore the word. Additional dictionaries, such as a foreign language dictionary, can be added by placing the dictionary file into the [VectorWorks]\Plug-Ins\Dictionaries folder. The spelling checker automatically uses all the dictionaries with the .clx extension in the folder to check the spelling. However, the addition of multiple dictionaries can slow down the spelling check process. Additional dictionaries are available on the VectorWorks downloads page of

Finding and Replacing Text

The Find-Replace Text command searches for and optionally replaces text strings within a VectorWorks file. It can search for and replace text strings within text objects, record fields, and worksheet cells.

Modifying Text |


Use this command to find a text item, replace it, search for more occurrences, or replace all occurrences. All settings are retained from one use to the next, including find and replace text strings. To find-replace text: 1. Select Text > Find-Replace Text. The Find or Replace Text dialog box opens.

Action Find Next Replace Next Replace All Selected Replace All Look in Text Objects Record Fields Worksheets Find String Replace With Options Active Layer Only All Layers

Locates and, if selected, replaces a given text string with a new text string Finds the next occurrence of the text string Replaces the next occurrence of the text string Replaces all selected occurrences of the text string Replaces all occurrences of the text string Searches for occurrences in the specified parts of the document Searches in all text objects Searches in all record fields, including Callout objects Searches in all worksheets; appears dimmed if Replace All Selected is chosen, since there is no selection attribute for a worksheet Enter text string to search for Enter replacement text string; dimmed if Find Next is selected Specifies the depth of the search Searches in the active layer only Searches on all layers within the document, regardless of visibility


| Chapter 6: Creating 2D Objects

Searches in all currently visible layers Searches for text that exactly matches the criteria, including capitalization

Visible Layers Only Case-sensitive

2. Enter the desired search and, if using, replace criteria. 3. Click Find/Replace.

Inserting Callouts
The Callout tool places callout objects on a drawing. A callout object is a block of text attached to a leader line with an optional bubble surrounding the text. Use callout objects to annotate items in a file. In the Design Series, the Callout tool includes extended capabilities which allow it to be used for keynotes, and in conjunction with an external notes database (see Notes Management on page 547 in the VectorWorks Design Series Users Guide).
Arrow-to-Shoulder 3 Point


2 Point

Callout Preferences

Shoulder-to-Arrow Arrow-to Shoulder 2 Point 3 Point Preferences

Click first where the callout text is to be placed, and then near the object to be annotated Click first near the object to be annotated, and then where the callout text is to be placed Two clicks are required to place the callout object; in 2 Point mode, the length of the shoulder is determined in the callout preferences or Object Info palette Three clicks are required to place the callout object; in 3 Point mode, the third click determines the length of the shoulder Opens the Preferences dialog box

Creating a Callout Object

To create a callout object: 1. Click the Callout tool from the Basic palette. 2. Click the Preferences button on the Tool bar. Specify the callout object preferences, which apply to new callouts created either in this file or all files. These parameters can be changed later for a selected callout object in the Object Info palette.

Inserting Callouts |


Text Options Max. Text Width Vertical Position

Indicates the maximum text width before text wraps; if the text string is shorter than maximum width, the bubble sizes to fit the text Sets the vertical position of the text relative to the shoulder; select Auto to align the top text line to the shoulder if the leader is on the left, or to align the bottom text line to the shoulder if the leader is on the right Sets the horizontal position of the text relative to the shoulder; select Auto to position the text to the right if the leader is on the left, or to the left if the leader is on the right Forces the text to be left-justified, even when the text is to the left of the leader

Horizontal Position

Always Left-Justify Text Bubble Options Bubble Style

Select the type of bubble to draw around the text

None Box Round Rect Cloud Bracket ISO

RR Corner Radius Text Margin Bubble Shadow

For Round Rect bubble styles, sets the corner radius Sets the distance between the bubble and the text Select to draw the bubble with a drop shadow (does not apply to None, Bracket, or ISO styles)


| Chapter 6: Creating 2D Objects

Sets the length of the line between the text and the start of the leader; can be changed by moving a control point or in the Object Info palette. In 3 Point mode, this length is set by the third mouse click. Select Line, Arc, or Bzier; curved leader lines contain additional control points for controlling the curve shape Select a marker style from the marker style list, or select Custom to create a custom marker. Select Edit Marker List to open the Edit Marker List dialog box; see Setting Default Marker Types on page 60. Select whether these callout preferences should apply to new callouts in this file only or globally, to all future files

Leader Options Shoulder Length

Leader Type Marker

Apply Settings to New Callouts in

3. Click OK to set the callout preferences. 4. Click the desired insertion modes from the Tool bar, and then click in the drawing to select the insertion point of the callout object. Depending on the mode, the first click defines the leader shoulder or the leader endpoint.
Leader shoulder example

Leader endpoint

5. Click again to determine either the leader endpoint or leader shoulder, depending on the mode.

2nd click defines the leader endpoint

1st click defines the leader shoulder

1st click defines the leader endpoint

2nd click defines the leader shoulder

Shoulder-to-Arrow mode

Arrow-to-Shoulder mode

6. If in 3 Point mode, click a third time to define the shoulder length. The Enter the Text of the Note dialog box opens. Enter the callout object text; text wraps if longer than the specified maximum text width. Press Enter to add a carriage return.

Inserting Callouts |


7. Click OK to create the callout object in the drawing.

New dishwasher

Editing a Callout Object

Editing Callout Text
To edit the text of an existing callout object: 1. Select the callout object to edit. 2. Either double-click on the callout object with the 2D Selection tool, or click Edit Note from the Object Info palette. The Enter the Text of the Note dialog box opens. 3. Enter the desired text changes. 4. Click OK. The callout text attributes are editable by the Format Text command; line weight and marker style can be modified through the Attributes palette.

Editing Callout Parameters

To edit the callout properties: 1. Select the callout object. 2. In the Object Info palette, change the parameters as desired. The parameters are described in Creating a Callout Object on page 198. An additional parameter that is available in the Object Info palette is Leader Length, which allows the length of the leader line to be specified precisely with numeric values rather than with the mouse. 3. On the drawing, a callout object contains control points which can be moved with the mouse to change the callout text width, shoulder length, and endpoint position. A curved callout leader includes additional control points for adjusting the leader curvature.


| Chapter 6: Creating 2D Objects

Adjusts shoulder length Adjusts leader curvature

R-19 faced batt insulation

Adjusts text width Adjusts leader length Adjusts endpoint location

Re-scaling Callout Objects

Callout objects are specified and drawn in page scale; they draw to the same apparent size, regardless of the layer scale. If the layer the callout object is on is re-scaled, or the callout object is cut and pasted between layers of different scales, the callout object automatically re-scales.

Creating Lines
Creating Single Lines
Single lines created with the Line tool can be drawn constrained to certain angles or unconstrained.
Constrained 90 Unconstrained

Constrained Unconstrained 90


To create single lines: 1. Click the Line tool from the Basic palette. 2. Click either the Constrained Line or the Unconstrained Line mode button. Constrained lines are drawn at 30, 45, and 90 angles, and their complements are drawn in increments of 30, and 45. Unconstrained lines can be drawn at any angle. Press and hold the Shift key while drawing a line in Unconstrained mode to snap the line to predetermined angles. 3. Click at the lines start point. 4. Click at the lines end point.

Creating Double Lines

The Double Line tool creates a wide variety of constrained and unconstrained double lines. Set the width between the double lines, the offset from the cursor, and whether to create components between the double lines.

Creating Lines |
Unconstrained Center Control Line Custom Control Line Double Line Preferences Top Control Line Bottom Control Line



To create double lines: 1. Click the Double Line tool from the Basic palette. 2. Click either the Constrained Double Line or the Unconstrained Double Line mode button. Constrained lines are drawn at 30, 45, and 90 angles, and their complements are drawn in increments of 30, and 45. Unconstrained lines can be drawn at any angle. Press and hold the Shift key while drawing a line in Unconstrained mode to snap the line to predetermined angles. 3. Click the desired Offset mode button to specify the offset method.

Offset Mode
Top Control Line Center Control Line Bottom Control Line Custom Control Line

Cursor creates the right line Lines are equidistant from the line drawn by the cursor Cursor creates the left line Specify an offset value from the line drawn by the cursor

4. Click Double Line Preferences and set the preferences.


| Chapter 6: Creating 2D Objects

Distance between the double lines For Custom Control line mode, enter the distance from the top/right line of the cursor Creates parallel lines Creates a double-line polygon with closed ends Creates parallel lines with a polygon between them; the polygon has a line weight of zero Click to define components between the double lines (see Applying Components Between Double Lines on page 204)

Separation Control Offset Create Lines Create Polygons Create Lines and Polygons Components

5. Click OK to accept the changes. 6. Click at the double lines start point. 7. Click at the double lines end point.

Applying Components Between Double Lines

To apply a component between the double lines: 1. In the Double Line Preferences dialog box, click Components. The Components dialog box opens.

Creating Lines | Parameter



Displays a preview of the components between the double lines, including the defined components; the preview is drawn from left to right, so the top of the preview, by default, indicates the left part of the double lines as they will be drawn. The arrow shows the drawing direction. The thickness of the double line with components is defined by the sum of the component thicknesses Lists the components that form the structure of the double line, in order from left to right as displayed in the preview. To change the order of a component, click and drag within the # column. Click to define the components between the double lines; see Creating Wall Components on page 480 Opens the Component Attributes dialog box to edit the selected components thickness and attributes (you can also double-click on a component to open the Component Attributes dialog box) Deletes the selected component; the double line thickness is adjusted accordingly

Overall Thickness Components

New Edit


2. When the components have been defined, click OK.

Creating a Break Line

The Break Line tool creates one of three types of break lines: straight, curved, or arc. To draw a break line: 1. Click the Break Line tool from the Dims/Notes tool set. 2. Click in the drawing to place the break line and drag to indicate the line length. Click again to set the end of the break line. If this is the first break line placed in this session, the Break Line Object Properties dialog box opens. The settings displayed apply to all break lines created during this session and can be edited in the Object Info palette after placement. 3. Click OK.

4. The break line parameters can be edited in the Object Info palette.

Break Style Break Width

Selects the style of the break line (Straight, Curved, or Arc) Indicates the width of the break only


| Chapter 6: Creating 2D Objects

Indicates the height of the break only Sets the radius of the break only Indicates whether a single or multiple break should be drawn

Break Height Break Radius Number of Breaks

Creating Arcs
The Arc tool, which creates circular arcs of any angle, has six modes. Create an arc by radius, three points, tangent, two points and center, two points and radius, or two end points and another point on the arc.
Arc by 3 Points Arc by 2 Points and Center

Arc by Radius

Arc by 2 Points and Point on Arc

Arc Tangent to a Line

Arc by 2 Points and a Specified Radius

Either drag the mouse to draw the arc or use the Data bar to enter an angle. Degrees start on the positive X axis (the East direction), and increase going counter-clockwise. (East is 0 degrees; North is 90 degrees; and West is 180 degrees.) To draw a quarter-circle wall beginning at 0 degrees and ending at the 6 oclock position, enter -90 (minus 90) degrees. Enter 270 to draw an arc three-quarters of a circle around. To edit an arc, click the middle handle with the 2D Selection tool and drag to change the arc radius. Press the Option key (Macintosh) or Alt key (Windows) to change the arcs size.

Arc by Radius
To create an arc by radius: 1. Click the Arc tool from the Basic palette. 2. Click the Arc by Radius mode button. 3. Click to set the center of the arc. 4. Click the start point of the arc. Move the mouse until the desired arc orientation and size is previewed. 5. Click to set the end point of the arc.
3rd click 1st click

2nd click

Creating Arcs |


Arc by 3 Points
To create an arc by three points: 1. Click the Arc tool from the Basic palette. 2. Click the Arc by 3 Points mode button. 3. Click to set the start point of the arc. 4. Click to set the point for the arc to pass through. Move the mouse until the desired arc orientation and size is previewed. 5. Click to set the end point of the arc.
1st click

2nd click

3rd click

Arc Tangent to a Line

To create an arc by tangent: 1. Click the Arc tool from the Basic palette. 2. Click the Arc Tangent to a Line mode button. 3. Click to set the start point of the arc. 4. Click to define the line to which the arc will be tangent. Move the mouse until the desired arc orientation and size is previewed. 5. Click to set the end point of the arc.
3rd click

2nd click

1st click

Existing line to which arc will be tangent

Arc by 2 Points and Center

To create an arc by 2 points and center: 1. Click the Arc tool from the Basic palette. 2. Click the Arc by 2 Points and Center mode button.


| Chapter 6: Creating 2D Objects

3. Click to set the start point of the arc. 4. Click to set the end point of the arc. As the cursor moves, the center of the arc is manipulated. 5. Click outside the arc to set the center.
1st click

2nd click 3rd click Completed arc

Arc by 2 Points and a Specified Radius

To create an arc by 2 points and a specified radius: 1. Click the Arc tool from the Basic palette. 2. Click the Arc by 2 Points and a Specified Radius mode button. 3. Click to set the start point of the arc. 4. Click to set the end point of the arc. The Arc Radius dialog box opens.

5. Enter the length of the radius. 6. Click OK. The arc is created.

Creating Quarter Arcs |


Arc by 2 Points and a Point on the Arc

To create an arc by two end points and another point on the arc: 1. Click the Arc tool from the Basic palette. 2. Click the Arc by 2 Points and Point on Arc mode button. 3. Click to set the start point of the arc. 4. Click to set the end point of the arc. 5. Move the mouse until the desired arc shape and size is previewed, and then click to set the arc. To constrain the angle of the line between the arc endpoints, press the Shift key when drawing the arc.
3rd click

1st click

2nd click

Without the Shift key, the angle of the line between the arc endpoints (1st and 2nd clicks) is unconstrained, and the chord defining the arc height is an unconstrained line drawn from the second endpoint

1st click

3rd click

2nd click When the Shift key is pressed, the angle of the line between the arc endpoints (1st and 2nd clicks) is constrained, and the chord defining the arc height is perpendicular to the center of that line

Creating Quarter Arcs

The Quarter Arc tool creates circular 90 arcs or 90 elliptical arc polyline objects. Quarter arcs are listed as polylines in the Object Info palette. To create quarter arcs: 1. Click the Quarter Arc tool from the Basic palette. 2. Click at the start point for the arc. 3. Click at the end point for the arc. The ratio of the arcs height to its width displays in the Data bar (a quarter arc for a circle has a ratio of 1.000). Use the Data bar to verify or modify an arcs angle, length, and location in a drawing.
2nd click 1st click


| Chapter 6: Creating 2D Objects

Creating Rectangles
Creating Rectangles
The Rectangle tool can be used to create a rectangular or rotated rectangular shape. Two modes are available.
Rectangle Rotated Rectangle

To create a rectangle: 1. Click the Rectangle tool from the Basic palette, and click Rectangle from the Tool bar. 2. Click at the rectangles start point. Move the mouse until the desired rectangle orientation and size is previewed. 3. Click at the rectangles end point.
2nd click

1st click

To create a square, press and hold the Shift key while drawing with the Rectangle tool.

Creating Rotated Rectangles

Rotated rectangles are rectangles that are rotated at a specified angle. 1. Click the Rectangle tool from the Basic palette, and click Rotated Rectangle from the Tool bar. 2. Click to set the start of the rectangle. Move the mouse to set the rotated rectangle angle. 3. Click to set the rectangle rotation angle. Move the mouse until the desired rotated rectangle size is previewed. 4. Click to create the rotated rectangle.
1st click

3rd click

2nd click

Creating Rounded Rectangles

Rounded rectangles can be created with symmetrical and/or proportional corners. VectorWorks default is set for proportional corners. This creates rectangles with corners that always round to be one third of both the X and the Y lengths. Symmetrical corners have the same X and Y measurements for the rounded corners. Rounded rectangles with

Creating Rectangles |


both symmetrical and proportional corners have the same horizontal and vertical arc lengths. Rounded rectangles can also be created using exact X and Y measurements. Two modes are available.
Rounded Rectangle by Width and Height Rounded Rectangle by Box Rounded Rectangle Preferences

Rounded Rectangle by Box Rounded Rectangle by Width and Height

Defines the dimensions of the box containing the rounded rectangle Defines the height and width lengths to create the rounded rectangle, which can be rotated if desired

Rounded Rectangle by Box

To create rounded rectangles by box: 1. Click the Rounded Rectangle tool from the Basic palette, and click Rounded Rectangle by Box from the Tool bar. 2. Click the Preferences button. The Round Rect Preferences dialog box opens.

Corner Styles

Select to use either symmetrical and/or proportional corners

Symmetrical corners

Proportional corners

Corner Diameters

Alternatively, type in the precise corner X and corner Y measurements


| Chapter 6: Creating 2D Objects

3. Click OK. 4. Click to set the start point. 5. Click to set the end point of the rectangle.
1st click

2nd click

Rounded Rectangle by Width and Height

To create rounded rectangles by width and height: 1. Click the Rounded Rectangle tool from the Basic palette, and click Rounded Rectangle by Width and Height from the Tool bar. 2. Set the rounded rectangle preferences as described in Rounded Rectangle by Box on page 211. 3. Click to set the start point. 4. Click to define the rounded rectangle rotation angle and width. 5. Click to define the rounded rectangle height.
1st click

3rd click 2nd click

Creating Polylines
Polyline Tool
The Polyline tool creates open and closed polylinesobjects made of a series of connected arcs, curves, or lines. While drawing a polyline, the type of control point, or vertex, for each segment can be set either by clicking on the desired mode while drawing or using the keyboard shortcuts (see Creating or Editing a Workspace on page 719) to select the desired mode. A polyline can have different combinations of vertices. The corners of the polyline can be smoothed with the Smoothing command (see Editing Object Surfaces on page 282). Markers can be added with the Attributes palette (see Marker Attributes on page 233).

Creating Polylines |
Bzier Vertex Corner Vertex Cubic Vertex Arc Vertex Polyline Preferences


Corner Vertex Bzier Vertex Cubic Vertex Arc Vertex

Creates a polyline object with straight lines and angled vertices at the control points Creates a polyline object with curves pulled toward, but not touching the control points Creates a polyline object with curves that pass through the control points Creates a polyline object with curves that look like a fillet placed at the control points; click Polyline Preferences to set the radius of the fillet

To create a polyline: 1. Click the Polyline tool from the Basic palette. 2. Click to set the polylines start point. 3. Click to set the end of the segment and the beginning of the next.

While drawing a polyline, press the U key to switch the mode used to create the polyline

Press and hold instead of clicking to create a Bzier vertex instead of a Corner vertex. 4. Continue drawing segments in this manner until the polyline is complete. 5. Click the mouse at the start point to complete a closed polyline object (end point of the last segment is at the exact start point of the first segment), or double-click the mouse to complete an open polyline object (end point of the last segment is at a different location than the start point of the first segment). The resulting polyline object, whether open or closed, is a filled object. If desired, remove the fill through the Attributes palette to see objects behind the polyline.

Drawing Freehand Polylines

Use the Freehand tool to draw a freehand polyline in a manner similar to drawing with a pen. Once the object is drawn, it can be reshaped (see Reshaping Objects with the Freehand Tool on page 214).
Freehand Edit Freehand Preferences


| Chapter 6: Creating 2D Objects

Reshapes the singularly-selected polyline, polygon, rectangle, circle, or arc; for more information, see Reshaping Objects with the Freehand Tool on page 214 Sets the smoothing level when drawing a curve. Increasing the degree of smoothing decreases the vertices, and therefore it is easier to reshape the curve. Decreasing the degree of smoothing increases the vertices which produces a more accurate representation of the curve. Select Off to draw the curve without using the smoothing feature.

Freehand Edit Freehand Preferences

To draw a freehand polyline: 1. Click the Freehand tool from the Basic palette. 2. Click the Freehand Preferences mode button. The Freehand Tool Preferences dialog box opens.

3. Select the smoothing level when drawing a curve. 4. Click OK. 5. Click in the drawing to set the polyline start point. Drag the mouse to create the desired freehand polyline shape. 6. Click again when the object is complete. The number and placement of polyline vertices is determined by the object shape and specified degree of curve smoothing. For example, an object consisting of a series of arcs and curves created with a low degree of curve smoothing contains more vertices than a series of lines created with a high degree of curve smoothing. Markers can be added with the Attributes palette (see Marker Attributes on page 233). By default, the Freehand tool applies a fill of None. Change the fill type before sweeping a freehand polyline, if rendering of the sweep volume is desired.

Reshaping Objects with the Freehand Tool

A polyline, polygon, rectangle, circle, or arc can be reshaped using the Freehand Edit mode of the Freehand tool. The direction of the curve drawn determines the new object shape. An edited object is converted to a polyline after editing is complete. To reshape objects using the Freehand tool: 1. Select a valid 2D object.

Creating Polylines |
2. Click the Freehand tool from the Basic palette. 3. Click Freehand Edit mode from the Tool bar. 4. Click to draw the new curve, editing the valid 2D object using the following curve direction guidelines:


Change existing curve

New Curve Direction Appended Curve

Original Curve Direction

Discarded Curve Retained Curve

New Curve

Connect two points with new curve

New Curve Direction

Appended Curve

Original Curve Direction

Discarded Curve Retained Curve

New Curve

Create closure with new curve

New Curve Direction

Appended Curve

Original Curve Direction

Discarded Curve Retained Curve

New Curve

Add a new curve to an existing curve

New Curve

Appended Curve

Original Curve

Retained Curve

New Curve


| Chapter 6: Creating 2D Objects

New Curve Direction Appended Curve

Extend existing curve

Original Curve Direction

Discarded Curve Retained Curve

New Curve

Retain partial curve

New Curve Direction

Appended Curve

Original Curve Direction

Discarded Curve Retained Curve

New Curve

5. Click again to finish drawing the freehand polyline edit. The valid 2D object is edited and converted to a polyline.

Creating Spirals
The Spiral tool draws an Archimedes spiral. The number of turns, distance per turn, start radius and thickness can be specified, as well as the number of points used to define the curve. Use the alignment modes on the Tool bar to temporarily override the insertion point. These modes change the alignment of the insertion point along the X axis of the bounding box surrounding the spiral.
Wall Insertion Mode Standard Insertion Offset Insertion Spiral Preferences Spiral Alignment Modes

Spiral Alignment Mode

Align Object Left Align Object Center Align Object Right Align Object Origin

Moves the insertion point to the left edge of the spiralss bounding box, along the original X axis Moves the insertion point to the center of the spirals bounding box, along the original X axis Moves the insertion point to the right edge of the spirals bounding box, along the original X axis Leaves the insertion point at the actual or original position

Creating Polylines |
For information on using the Offset Insertion and Wall Insertion modes, see Offset Symbol Insertion Mode on page 161 and Wall Insertion Mode on page 162. To draw a spiral: 1. Click the Spiral tool from the Basic palette. 2. Select the insertion type and alignment from the Tool bar. 3. Click to define the center of the spiral.


If this is the first time a spiral is placed in this session, the Spiral Properties dialog box opens. These parameters apply to subsequently created spirals; they can be changed later by accessing them from the Object Info palette. 4. Specify the spiral properties.
Distance per turn Thickness

Start radius

Distance per Turn Number of Turns Start Radius Increment (deg)

Enter the distance between the outer edges of each turn in the spiral Specify the number of turns which determine the total sweep angle of the spiral; one turn equals 360 degrees Enter the distance from the center to the beginning of the spiral Specify the number of points used to define the curve; the higher the increment, the fewer the number of points (for example, an increment of five degrees means 360/5=72 points per turn) Specify the thickness value of the area between the outer and inner edge of the turn

Thickness 5. Click OK.

A spiral with the specified parameters is placed on the drawing. To create a 3D spiral, see Creating Helix-Spirals on page 346.


| Chapter 6: Creating 2D Objects

Creating Circles
The Circle tool has four modes.
Circle by Diameter Circle by Radius

Circle from Three Lines Circle by Three Points

Circle by Radius Circle by Diameter Circle by Three Points Circle from Three Lines

Defines the circle by radius Defines the circle by diameter Defines the circle by circumference Defines the circle by making it tangent to two or three selected lines

Circle by Radius
To create a circle by radius: 1. Select the Circle tool from the Basic palette, and select Circle by Radius mode. 2. Click to set the center of the circle. 3. Drag the mouse to the desired radius and click to set the radius of the circle.
2nd click

1st click

Circle by Diameter
To create a circle by diameter: 1. Click the Circle tool from the Basic palette, and select the Circle by Diameter mode. 2. Click to set the first point on the circle diameter. 3. Drag the mouse to the desired diameter and click to set the diameter of the circle.

Creating Circles |


2nd click

1st click

Circle by Three Points

To create a circle by three points: 1. Click the Circle tool from the Basic palette, and select the Circle by Three Points mode. 2. Click to set the first point on the circle diameter. 3. Drag the mouse and click to set the second point on the circle and click again to set the third point on the circle.
3rd click 2nd click

1st click

Circle from Three Lines

To create a circle tangent to three lines: 1. Click the Circle tool from the Basic palette, and select the Circle from Three Lines mode. 2. Click to select the three lines or linear segments to which the circle will be tangent. Each line is highlighted as it is selected. The lines (or their extensions) must intersect in at least two places. 3. When the third line is selected, a preview of a tangent circle displays where the cursor is currently located. VectorWorks can create circles tangent to two or three lines. In places where only two lines intersect, the size of the circle is controlled by the cursor location. Move the cursor until the desired tangent circle displays, and then click to set the circle.


| Chapter 6: Creating 2D Objects

1st click

2nd click

3rd click A preview of the circle tangent to the selected lines (or their extensions) displays beneath the hand cursor

Move the cursor to preview other tangent circles

Click to place the tangent circle

Creating Ovals
The Oval tool has two modes.
Oval by Box Oval by Width and Height

Oval by Box Oval by Width and Height

Defines the dimensions of the box containing the oval Defines the height and width lengths to create the oval

Oval by Box
To create an oval by box: 1. Click the Oval tool from the Basic palette and select Oval by Box mode. 2. Click to set the first point of the box containing the oval and then click again to set. To create a true circle, press the Shift key while creating the oval.
2nd click

1st click

Creating 2D Polygons |


Oval by Width and Height

To create an oval by width and height: 1. Click the Oval tool from the Basic palette and select Oval by Width and Height mode. 2. Click to set the first point of the oval height, and then drag to define the height. 3. Drag the mouse, and then click to define the oval width.
2nd click 3rd click

1st click

Creating 2D Polygons
VectorWorks provides several ways to create 2D polygons. Single-line polygons, double-line polygons, and regular polygons can be created; a polygon always has square vertices. Polygons can be created automatically from existing geometry, which is especially useful for illustrating the elements of a hidden-line rendered viewport.

2D Polygon Tool
The 2D Polygon tool creates open and closed polygons with single lines. Polygons can have as few as three vertices or as many as 32,767 vertices. The 2D Polygon tool can also automatically create polygons by filling or outlining existing geometry, to easily annotate a drawing graphically by outlining, filling, or texturing (with an image or gradient fill) the new polygons. Three modes are available.
Polygon from Inner Boundary Polygon from Vertices Polygon from Outer Boundary

Polygon from Vertices Polygon from Inner Boundary Polygon from Outer Boundary

Creates a polygon by clicking to set each vertex Creates a polygon out of existing geometry by clicking within the boundary of a 2D object Creates a polygon out of the outer boundary of existing geometry by defining geometry with a lasso marquee


| Chapter 6: Creating 2D Objects

Creating Single-line 2D Polygons

To create a single-line 2D polygon: 1. Click the 2D Polygon tool from the Basic palette, and select Polygon from Vertices from the Tool bar. 2. Click to set the polylines start point (first vertex). 3. Click at each vertex. 4. Double-click at the final vertex to end an open polygon, or click at the starting vertex (a point cue displays) to end a closed polygon (the first and last vertex are automatically joined).
3rd 2nd 5th click 4th

1st click

6th click

Creating a Polygon from an Inner Boundary

The 2D Polygon tool can create a new polygon based on the inner boundary of existing geometry. Existing geometry refers to visible 2D objects in the active layer or the viewport cache of a hidden-line rendered viewport in Edit Annotation mode. The stacking order of 2D objects does not apply; objects that are overlapped by other objects can still have their boundaries considered. If the object is a polyline (open or closed), a polygon with holes, or is curved, a polyline is created instead of a polygon. Polygons cannot be created from symbols. Convert the symbol to a group, and then ungroup. To create a 2D polygon from the inner boundary of existing geometry: 1. Switch to 2D view by selecting View > Standard Views > Top/Plan. 2. Click the 2D Polygon tool from the Basic palette, and select Polygon from Inner Boundary from the Tool bar. If desired, set the attributes in the Attributes palette (fill style, pen style, line and line endpoint style). The attributes of the polygon can also be specified after creation. 3. Click on an object to create a polygon based on the inner boundary of the 2D object. Alternatively, press the Option key (Macintosh) or the Alt key (Windows) while clicking to create a polygon based on the 2D object and any other additional selected objects.

Creating 2D Polygons |


First polygon selected, and Alt/Option key pressed while clicking in second area

When creating a polygon from a selection with the Option/Alt key pressed, the attributes of the bottom selected object are applied to the new polygon, and the original selected objects are combined to form the new polygon. This is similar to the Add Surface command described in Add Surface on page 283. To speed up the polygon fill for complex images, zoom in on the area first.

Creating a Polygon from an Outer Boundary

The 2D Polygon tool can create a polygon based on the outer boundary of existing geometry. Existing geometry refers to visible 2D objects in the active layer or the viewport cache of a hidden-line rendered viewport in Edit Annotation mode. The stacking order of 2D objects does not apply; objects that are overlapped by other objects can still have their boundaries considered. If the object is a polyline (open or closed), a polygon with holes, or is curved, a polyline is created instead of a polygon. Polygons cannot be created from symbols. Convert the symbol to a group, and then ungroup. To create a 2D polygon from the outer boundary of existing geometry: 1. Switch to 2D view by selecting View > Standard Views > Top/Plan. 2. Click the 2D Polygon tool from the Basic palette, and select Polygon from Outer Boundary from the Tool bar. If desired, set the attributes in the Attributes palette (fill style, pen style, line and line endpoint style). The attributes of the polygon can also be specified after creation. 3. Click in the drawing and drag to create the lasso marquee. A polygon is created based on the outer boundary of any 2D objects completely enclosed within the marquee. Alternatively, press the Option key (Macintosh) or Alt key (Windows) while creating the marquee, and the polygon is based on the outer boundary of any 2D objects that are encountered by the marquee.


| Chapter 6: Creating 2D Objects

Alt/Option key pressed

Creating Boundary Polygons in a Hidden Line Rendered Viewport

The creation of polygons based on the inner and outer boundaries of existing geometry is very useful for graphically annotating the elements of a sheet layer viewport that is rendered with hidden line rendering. (Sheet layer viewports are described in Presenting Drawings with Sheet Layer Viewports on page 609.) To create a 2D polygon from the inner/outer boundary of existing geometry in a viewport: 1. Create a sheet layer viewport from a design layer as described in Creating a Sheet Layer Viewport from a Design Layer on page 610. 2. For the Rendering mode of the viewport, select Hidden Line. Update the viewport rendering by clicking Update from the Object Info palette. 3. Edit the viewport in annotation mode by selecting Modify > Edit Viewport. The Edit Viewport dialog box opens. Select Annotations and Display Viewport Cache.

Creating 2D Polygons |


4. Click OK to enter viewport annotation mode. 5. Click the 2D Polygon tool from the Basic palette, and select Polygon from Inner Boundary or Polygon from Outer Boundary from the Tool bar. If desired, set the attributes in the Attributes palette to the desired fill settings (Fill Style, Pen Style, Line and Line Endpoint Style). The attributes of the polygon can also be specified after creation. Apply an image fill to the polygon to simulate a texture (see Image Attributes on page 247). 6. Because the viewport is rendered with hidden line and the viewport cache is used for annotations, any of the objects in the drawing can be used as the basis for new polygons. If in Polygon from Inner Boundary mode, click the paint bucket cursor on the desired drawing objects. If in Polygon from Outer Boundary mode, create a lasso marquee to include the desired objects. A 2D polygon is created based on the inner or outer boundary of the geometry.

The 2D Polygon tool works on 2D objects in the design layer. It does not apply to 2D objects or annotations that have been added to the sheet layer. 7. Click Exit Viewport Annotation at the top right corner of the drawing window to return to the sheet layer. An alert dialog box may ask if keeping the viewport cache is necessary. The viewport cache can be removed, if desired, as it is no longer necessary for creating the polygons.


| Chapter 6: Creating 2D Objects

Double-Line Polygon Tool

Use the Double-Line Polygon tool to create a wide variety of open or closed polygons that have two parallel lines, a double-lined polygon with a width, or two parallel lines with a polygon fill. Double-line polygons can have as many as 32,767 vertices. To create a double-line polygon: 1. Click the Double-Line Polygon tool from the Basic palette. 2. Select the offset method.
Top Control Line Bottom Control Line Double-Line Polygon Preferences

Center Control Line

Custom Control Line

Top Control Line Center Control Line Bottom Control Line Custom Control Line

The cursor creates the right line Creates lines equidistant from the cursor The cursor creates the left line Specify an offset value

3. Click the Double-Line Polygon Preferences button and enter the criteria.

Separation Control Offset

Distance between the double lines For the Custom Control Line mode, enter the distance from the top/right line of the cursor

Creating 2D Polygons | Parameter

Options Create Lines Create Polygons Create Lines and Polygons Components Creates a series of lines Creates a double-line polygon Creates parallel lines with a polygon between them; the polygon has a line weight of 0 Click to define components between the double lines (see Applying Components Between Double Lines on page 204)



4. Click OK. 5. Click to set the polygons start point (first vertex). 6. Click at each vertex. 7. Double-click to mark the polygons end point (final vertex).
1st click 3rd 4th

6th 5th 2nd

Regular (Equal-sided) Polygon

The Regular Polygon tool is used to create single-line closed polygons in which all sides of the polygon are the same length. It has three modes; each mode creates regular polygons with as few as three sides or as many as 4,000 sides.
Circumscribed Polygon Inscribed Polygon Regular Polygon Preferences

Edge-Drawn Polygon

Inscribed Polygon Circumscribed Polygon Edge-drawn Polygon

Creates a polygon by drawing its radius Creates a polygon with a radius equidistant from the center of the polygon and the mid-point of any of its sides Creates a polygon by drawing one of its sides

Press and hold the Option (Macintosh) or Ctrl (Windows) key while drawing to toggle between circumscribed and inscribed modes.


| Chapter 6: Creating 2D Objects

To create a regular polygon:

1. Click the Regular Polygon tool from the Basic palette. 2. Select the mode button to specify the method for creating the polygon. 3. Click the Regular Polygon Preferences mode button. The Reg Polygon Settings dialog box opens.

4. Enter the Number of Sides for the polygon. 5. Click OK. 6. Click to set the start of the polygon. 7. Click to set the end point of the polygon.

1st click

2nd click

Creating 2D Loci
A locus is a reference point that is used to draw and measure objects. Loci do not print. Loci can also be used as pivot points or fixed points for rotating and aligning objects. For example, to snap the cursor to a 2D locus, select Snap to loci in the VectorWorks Preferences dialog box. The 2D Locus tool places a 2D locus in a drawing when it is in Top/Plan view. Because they are merely movable reference points, loci cannot be reshaped or resized. To place a 2D locus: 1. Click the 2D Locus tool from the Basic palette. 2. Click to place the locus. 3. Click to place additional loci if necessary.

Applying Object Attributes

The Attributes palette applies characteristics to 2D and 3D objects. Attributes include fill and pen styles, opacity, images, gradients, hatches, line style and thickness, and markers.

The Attributes Palette

The Attributes palette applies attributes to 2D and 3D objects, and displays the current attributes applied to an object. Select Window > Palettes > Attributes to open the Attributes palette. Hatches, images, and gradients, and fill and pen styles, such as color and opacity, can be applied to all VectorWorks objects except text. The only text characteristics that can be changed with the Attributes palette are pen color and opacity; however, the text box itself can accept fill attributes. All other text attributes are controlled by the Text menu commands (see Formatting Text on page 189). Line styles and the presence and location of markers are also set in the Attributes palette. If using the same attribute settings for groups of objects, it is preferable to create a class for those objects and apply the class attributes at creation. Class attributes can also be set for selected objects; see Setting Class Attributes on page 100. The Eyedropper tool can transfer attributes from one object to another.

Attribute Types
Most of the attribute types (fill, pen, opacity, line style, and marker) are specified directly from the Attributes palette. Default attributes specify which options are available from the palette. See Setting Default Object Attributes on page 59 for more information. Hatch, gradient, and image attributes are resources, defined or selected from default resources (see VectorWorks Fundamentals Default Resources on page 141). Image and gradient attributes are designed to function like the objects to which they apply. If an object with a gradient or image is rotated, the gradient or image also rotates.

Applying Colors
The Color Palette set provides colors for selection and specifies which colors are available in a VectorWorks file. To access the Color Palette set from the Attributes palette, click on one of the color boxes for Fill color or Pen color, when a Solid style is selected. A similar interface is available from other areas in the application where colors are specified, although the Color By Class option is only available when accessed from the Attributes palette. See Setting Default Colors and Palettes on page 62 for information on how to set up and activate color palettes.


| Chapter 7: Applying Object Attributes

Named color display area

Colors in selected active palette (Grid view)

Active palettes

Select an active color palette, and then select the color to apply. To easily find a named color, begin typing; the letters display in the named color display area and the closest color match is selected. Press the Tab key to cycle through the closest matches; pause for several seconds to start the search over. Select Color By Class to use the color attributes set by the objects class. If Use at Creation is enabled for the objects class, the objects color is automatically set by the class. If Use at Creation is disabled for the class, the object only takes on the class color when the Color By Class option is selected. See Setting Class Attributes on page 100.

Fill Attributes
VectorWorks objects can be filled with a solid color, fill pattern, hatch, gradient, or image. Alternatively, set the object fill default to None to create transparent objects with no fill.

Fill Style
None Solid Pattern

No fill is applied Applies a solid fill; click the color box to select the fill color. To set the color by class, select the Color by Class option from the color palette. See Applying Colors on page 229. Applies a patterned fill style; click the pattern box to select the desired pattern, and then select the foreground color and background color from the color boxes next to the pattern. To set the pattern colors by class, select the Color by Class option from the color palette. Applies a hatch. Select the desired hatch from either the default resources or the current files resources (see VectorWorks Fundamentals Default Resources on page 141). If default content is not enabled, VectorWorks asks if a default hatch definition should be created. Another option is to create a new hatch to apply to the object by selecting Hatch from the Attributes palette list to create a new hatch to apply to the object (see Hatch Attributes on page 236).


The Attributes Palette | Fill Style



Applies a gradient. Select the desired gradient from either the list default resources or the current files resources (see VectorWorks Fundamentals Default Resources on page 141). If default content is not enabled, applies a gradient defined in the Resource Browser; click the Fill Gradient Settings button to specify gradient settings (Gradient Attributes on page 242). Applies an image. Select the desired image from either the default resources or the current files resources (see VectorWorks Fundamentals Default Resources on page 141). If default content is not enabled, applies an image defined in the Resource Browser; click the Image Gradient Settings button to specify image settings (see Image Attributes on page 247). The object takes on the fill attribute set by the objects class. If Use at Creation is enabled for the objects class, the objects fill style is automatically set by the class. If Use at Creation is disabled for the class, the object only takes on the class style when the Class Style option is selected. See Setting Class Attributes on page 100.


Class Style

Pen Attributes
In VectorWorks, the pen setting for object outlines includes solid, dashed, or a pattern line of any thickness.

Pen Style
None Solid

No pen is applied Applies a solid pen style; click the color box to select the pen color. To set the color by class, select the Color by Class option from the color palette. See Applying Colors on page 229. Select the line thickness for the pen from the Line Style list. Applies a patterned pen style; click the fill pattern box to select the desired pattern, and then select the foreground color and background color from the color boxes next to the pattern. To set the pattern colors by class, select the Color by Class option from the color palette. Applies a dashed pen style; click the color b ox to select the pen color. To set the color by class, select the Color by Class option from the color palette. Select the desired dash style and line thickness from the Line Style list. The object takes on the pen attribute set by the objects class. If Use at Creation is enabled for the objects class, the objects pen style is automatically set by the class. If Use at Creation is disabled for the class, the object only takes on the class style when the Class Style option is selected. See Setting Class Attributes on page 100.



Class Style

Opacity Attributes
In addition to the overall layer opacity settings described in Setting the Design Layer Opacity on page 90, an opacity setting is available for individual objects in Top/Plan view. Opacity can be applied to any type of planar 2D object, including 2D walls, text, worksheet backgrounds, and plug-in objects that include a 2D object.


| Chapter 7: Applying Object Attributes

If layer opacity is set in addition to object opacity, the results are additive; for example, a layer opacity of 50% and an object opacity of 50% will display the object at 25% opacity. Similarly, the opacity settings of nested and container objects are combined.

The Quartz (Macintosh) or GDI+ (Windows) imaging VectorWorks preference must be enabled to apply and display the opacity attribute. See Display Preferences on page 41. From the Attributes palette, click the Opacity button to open the Set Opacity dialog box.

Drag the Opacity slider to the left to increase the transparency, or enter an opacity percentage (0-100) in the box to the right of the slider. Click Set Opacity to make the setting. Select Use Class Opacity to use the opacity value set by the objects class. If Use at Creation is enabled for the objects class, the objects opacity is automatically set by the class. If Use at Creation is disabled for the class, the object only takes on the class style when the Use Class Opacity option is selected. See Setting Class Attributes on page 100. Class opacity can be overridden in viewports.

Line Style Attributes

Line style attributes include line thickness and dash style parameters, and apply to the pen style of an object. Apply line thickness attributes to 2D and 3D objects; apply dash styles to 2D objects and walls in 2D views. From the Attributes palette, select the line thickness and dash style from the Line Style list. When a dashed line style is selected, the Pen attribute automatically changes to Dash. Available dash styles are determined by the Dash Styles command; see Setting the Default Dash Styles on page 70. Line thickness values available in the Line Style list are determined by the Line Thickness command. See Setting the Default Line Thickness on page 72 for more information. Click Set Thickness to temporarily adjust the line thickness to a value that is not available in the list. The Set Thickness dialog box opens. Select the Thickness Units, enter the Thickness Value, and click OK. Select Class Thickness to use the line style attributes set by the objects class. If Use at Creation is enabled for the objects class, the objects line style is automatically set by the class. If Use at Creation is disabled for the class, the object only takes on the class style when the Class Thickness option is selected. See Setting Class Attributes on page 100. A line, double line, arc, or circle can be changed to a dimension by selecting the dimension line style. Lines change to linear dimensions, arcs to angular dimensions, and circles to radial dimensions. See Dimensioning on page 437 for more information on dimensions.

The Attributes Palette |


Select line thickness

Changes lines, arcs, and circles to dimensions Select dash style

Marker Attributes
Markers can be applied to each end of open objects, including lines, dimensions, arcs, polylines, 2D polygons, and freehand lines. In the Attributes palette, the active marker type displays for toggled selection for the line start and the line end. When the active marker is selected for the end of an object, the marker selection box is highlighted. Click the starting marker button, ending marker button, or both buttons to specify the end(s) to receive the selected marker. Alternatively, click the Marker Link Toggle button (it becomes highlighted when enabled) to apply the active start marker type to both ends. To switch to a different marker style, click Line Startpoint Style or Line Endpoint Style. Select the active marker style from the list, or click Edit Marker List to create a new style. See Setting Default Marker Types on page 60 for more information. Select Class Style to use the marker attributes set by the objects class. If Use at Creation is enabled for the objects class, the objects marker style is automatically set by the class. If Use at Creation is disabled for the class, the object only takes on the class style when the Class Style option is selected. See Setting Class Attributes on page 100.
A check mark indicates the active marker style

Select the marker startpoint and endpoint style for the object Marker Link Toggle

Each marker type displays its style, length, width, angle, and thickness settings


| Chapter 7: Applying Object Attributes

Applying Attributes
Attributes palette characteristics can be applied by default as objects are created, or applied to individual objects after creation. Attributes can also be applied by class settings. See Setting Class Attributes on page 100. To set default attributes: 1. Ensure that no objects are selected. 2. Select Window > Palettes > Attributes. The Attributes palette opens. 3. Select the desired attributes. Objects created after that point use those attributes by default. The defaults can also be set with the Eyedropper tool (see Transferring Attributes on page 234). To apply attributes to existing objects: 1. Select the object or objects. 2. Select Window > Palettes > Attributes. The Attributes palette opens. 3. Set the desired attributes for the object(s) from the Attributes palette. The objects attributes are updated.

Transferring Attributes
The Eyedropper tool transfers attributes from one object to another in a single step, including fill, pen, line, text, wall, and other attributes. The Eyedropper tool has two modes.
Apply Attributes Pick Up Attributes Eyedropper Tool Preferences

Apply Attributes Pick Up Attributes

Transfers selected attributes to another object Selects an objects attributes

Pressing the Option (Macintosh) or Ctrl (Windows) key switches between the Pick up and Apply modes. To transfer object attributes: 1. Click the Eyedropper tool from the Basic palette. 2. Click Eyedropper Tool Preferences from the Tool bar. The Eyedropper Preferences dialog box opens. Specify the attributes to be selected and applied by the Eyedropper tool, and click OK.

The Attributes Palette |


All None Fill Attributes Pen Attributes Line Attributes Text Attributes

Selects all attributes in the group for transfer Deselects all attributes in the group, clearing any selections that were already made Transfers fills, including foreground and background colors, styles (pattern, hatch, gradient or image fill), and textures Transfers pen foreground and background colors and styles (pattern or dash) Transfers line weight (thickness), presence of markers, and marker attributes Transfers text attributes to another text object, dimension, or plug-in object, including font, size, style, alignment and spacing Alignment and spacing are transferred to text objects only

Wall Attributes

Transfers wall thickness and component settings for walls and round walls; components define wall thickness, so components cannot be transferred without also transferring the thickness parameter Transfers viewport attributes to another viewport, including class and layer visibility settings and attribute overrides. Other Properties refers to the remaining viewport options such as view, render mode, projection, and advanced properties. Viewport attributes can be transferred between files; class, layer, and other resources specified in an attribute override are resolved by the name of the class, layer, or resource, respectively.

Viewport Attributes


| Chapter 7: Applying Object Attributes

Transfers an objects opacity setting

Object Opacity Other Attributes Record Plug-in Parameters Class Pick Up Sets Defaults Use Class Attributes

Transfers the database record attributes Transfers plug-in parameters between plug-in objects, including objects inserted in walls Selects the class for transfer (makes the target object the same class as the source object) Changes the default Attributes palette settings to match those of the source object; objects created from then on use the attributes of the source object Transfers the by-class settings of the source object, provided the target object is in the same class as the source object

3. Click Pick Up Attributes from the Tool bar. The cursor changes to an eyedropper. 4. Click the object that is the source of the attributes. 5. Click Apply Attributes from the Tool bar. The cursor changes from an eyedropper to a paint bucket. 6. Click the target object for the attributes. The attributes are transferred to the object.

Click source object for attributes

Click target object for attributes

The attributes are transferred

If transferring attributes between files, the target objects, classes, records, dash patterns, textures, and other attributes must already be present in the target file. The eyedropper tool does not create objects or attributes.

Hatch Attributes
Hatches can be applied to 2D objects and walls in a 2D view. If default content is not enabled in VectorWorks preferences, a default hatch is provided; see VectorWorks Fundamentals Default Resources on page 141. Two different types of hatches exist in VectorWorks: associative and non-associative. The appearance of both types of hatches are determined by hatch pattern definitions. Associative hatches are similar in nature to fills and are one of the selections under the Fill Style list on the Attributes palette. Non-associative hatches are a pattern of lines grouped into a single object and placed with the Hatch command.

Associative Hatches
Associative hatches are applied to an object as a fill from the Attributes palette or Resource Browser. Since the hatch pattern start point cannot be specified, this type of hatch is best for large objects where the hatch start point is not

Hatch Attributes |
important. If the size of the object changes, the hatch fills the new object dimensions. Associative hatches can be specified as a default class attribute (see Setting Class Properties on page 98).


Non-associative Hatches
Non-associative hatches are placed on objects or areas of the drawing with the Hatch command. They obtain most of their attributes from hatch pattern definitions, but they do not use the color definitions for the lines that make up the hatch. Non-associative hatches obtain the color definitions from the current default attributes. They do not use any background definitions, and therefore have no background color. A non-associative hatch is similar to a screen that displays over other objects; the spaces between the lines are empty, and display portions of any objects behind the hatch. Non-associative hatches are placed inside an area that is defined by selected objects or lines. The start point of the hatch is set with the Hatch command. Unlike associative hatches, non-associative hatches can be moved to another area or object. However, unless the new area is the same shape and size as the previous one, the pattern will not fit. Non-associative hatches are groups that are not associated with an object. They do not rotate with the object or act like a fill. They can be broken down into their individual elements with the Ungroup command. For a non-associative hatch to become part of an object, it must be grouped with the object.

Defining Hatches
A hatch definition is required for both associative and non-associative hatches. A hatch definition is a repetition of the elements in a series of lines in all directions from the beginning point. After specifying where the hatch line begins (the Start Point), where it stops (the Dash Factor), where it begins to repeat (the Repeat), and the distance separating the line from a neighboring line (the Offset), the pattern is repeated in all directions. A hatch can consist of several levels, or layers, of pattern definitions. Each level is edited individually to create the overall hatch. (Hatch layers are named hatch levels in order to distinguish them from the layers in the drawing area.) A new hatch can be created by editing an existing hatch; see Editing Hatches on page 242. To create a new hatch pattern definition: 1. Open the Resource Browser by selecting Window > Palettes > Resource Browser. 2. From the Resources menu, select New Resource to display the New Resource menu. 3. Select Hatch. The Edit Hatch dialog box opens.


| Chapter 7: Applying Object Attributes

Name Active

Enter a name for the hatch; this name identifies the hatch in the Resource Browser and in the Select Hatch dialog box (Modify > Hatch) Select the active hatch level from the list. A level can also be selected by clicking on one of its pattern lines, or by using the keyboard right and left arrow keys. Levels are numbered in the order of creation. Switches between the pointer and pan functions. The pointer adjusts the four control handles in the hatch window. The pan moves the elements of the hatch around the preview window. Zooms in and out by a factor of two. The center of the view remains at its current coordinates. The current zoom ratio is also displayed. The initial zoom setting when the dialog box opens corresponds to the best setting for editing Level 1. Select whether to view All Levels or only the Active Level; click Center to center the start point of the active level Switches between Page and World settings for the hatch. Page is absolute in screen coordinates, where one inch in the hatch equals one inch on the screen (at 100% zoom). World sets the hatch to use the unit values for the layer where the hatch will be placed; for example, one inch in the hatch equals one inch in the drawing area as defined by the rulers (this may not equal one inch on the screen depending on the unit setting). When switching between Page and World, the hatch settings are adjusted for all levels to preserve the hatch appearance. Select whether to rotate the hatch to match the orientation of any symbols or walls where it will be placed Set the snap radius for snapping to the end points and mid points of pattern lines when moving a line by dragging

Cursor Zoom

View Units

Rotate Snap Radius

Hatch Attributes | Parameter

Sketch Style Background Fill Start Point


For the Design Series, specifies a hatch sketch style; see Applying Sketch Styles to Hatches on page 590 in the VectorWorks Design Series Users Guide Select to use a background color and click the color box to select a color; background color applies only to associative hatches Controls the location of the start of the first hatch line in relation to the hatch origin for the active level. The default mode uses polar coordinates (L = distance, A = angle). Enter values or move the Start Point handle in the preview window. Sets the distance, for the active level, between the beginning of a segment and the beginning of the next colinear segment. Repeat directly relates to the Dash Factor, with the two determining if the line is dashed or solid, as well as the length of the dashes and line segments. The default mode uses polar coordinates (L = distance, A = angle). Enter values or move the Repeat handle in the preview window. Represents, for the active level, the percentage of the distance between the Start Point and the Repeat that is shown as a line. Set to 1 to create a solid line. Enter a value or move the Dash Factor handle in the preview window. Determines the distance and direction between lines for the active level. The values entered are relative to the Start Point. The default mode uses polar coordinates (L = distance, A = angle). Enter values or move the Offset handle in the preview window. Sets the color for the active level hatch lines; click the color box to select a color. Click Unique Colors to set a unique color for each level; click Same Color to apply the active level color selection to all levels. Sets the hatch line weight for the current level. Click the line to select a weight from the list. Create a custom weight by selecting Set Thickness. The Set Thickness dialog box opens. Enter the Thickness Value and Thickness Units. Click Same Thickness to apply the active level line thickness to all levels. Click Add Level to create an offset duplicate of the active level. Alternatively, create a duplicate level by clicking and dragging the Start Point handle with the Option (Macintosh) or Alt (Windows) key. Click Remove Level to remove the active level. Opens the Scale Hatch Definition dialog box. Enter a Scaling Factor to change the hatch definitions for the active level (except for the Dash Factor value, which remains unchanged). Select Apply to All Levels to change the scale factor for all levels. The last five actions can be undone by clicking Undo Click to redo the last action that was undone. Must be clicked directly after an action was undone. Appears dimmed when there are no actions to undo. Returns the hatch definition to its status at the time the Edit Hatch dialog box was opened


Dash Factor


Pen Color

Pen Line Weight

Add/Remove Level Scale

Undo Redo Revert

The Start Point, Repeat, Dash Factor, and Offset functions correspond to the four control handles in the preview window. When a handle is moved, the corresponding functions values change to reflect the move. The Shift key constrains the drag when using the control handles, affecting each of the four functions differently. For the Start Point, Repeat, and Offset parameters, enter values according to either the polar coordinate system or the Cartesian system. The text box labels for these four controls change to correspond to the selection of Cartesian or polar.


| Chapter 7: Applying Object Attributes

Defines the hatch line segments by length and angle values entered in relation to the origin. In polar mode, angles are represented as positive or negative values from 0 to 180. Values from 180 to 359 are automatically converted to negative. VectorWorks considers 0 to be at the 3 oclock position. Cartesian coordinates are the same as those used in the drawing area, with positive and negative X and Y axes

Coordinate System


4. Click OK. The new hatch definition is saved under the specified name.

Example: Creating a Brick Hatch

The following Edit Hatch values demonstrate how to create a brick pattern. The hatch requires two levels. The bricks will be 8x 3 and the first set of lines will be the vertical components of the bricks. This procedure creates a hatch that scales appropriately when it is placed into a drawing. All values are entered in World units and Cartesian mode.

Start Point Repeat Dash Factor Offset

Level 1 Values
X = 0, Y = 0 X = 0, Y = 6 0.5 X = 4, Y = 3

Level 2 Values
X = 0, Y = 0 X = 2, Y = 0 1 X = 0, Y = 3

Applying Hatches
Associative and non-associative hatches are applied differently.

Applying Associative Hatches

To apply an associative hatch from the Attributes palette: 1. Select Window > Palettes > Attributes. The Attributes palette opens. 2. Select the object(s) which requires a hatch. 3. Select Hatch from the Attributes palettes Fill Style list. 4. Select the desired hatch from either the default resources or the current files resources; see VectorWorks Fundamentals Default Resources on page 141.

Hatch Attributes |
The hatch is applied to the selected object(s).


Select the object, and then the desired hatch from the Attributes palette

To apply an associative hatch resource from the Resource Browser: 1. Select the object(s). 2. From the Resource Browser, select the hatch to be applied. From the context menu, select Apply. (Alternatively, double-click the hatch resource to apply it to the selection or drag the hatch resource onto an object.)

Applying Non-Associative Hatches

To apply a non-associative hatch: 1. Select the object which requires a hatch. 2. Select Modify > Hatch. The Hatches dialog box opens.

Hatches list Hatch preview New Edit Duplicate Delete

Lists the available hatches from the default resources, the current files resources, or from a referenced file (referenced hatches display in italics) Displays a preview of the selected hatch at 100% zoom Opens the Edit Hatch dialog box, for creating a new hatch (see Defining Hatches on page 237) Opens the Edit Hatch dialog box, for editing or renaming an existing hatch Creates a copy of the selected hatch (button is disabled if referenced hatches are present) Deletes the selected hatch


| Chapter 7: Applying Object Attributes

3. Select the hatch to apply from the Hatches list. A preview of the hatch is displayed. 4. Click OK to return to the drawing area. The cursor changes to a paint bucket. 5. Position the paint bucket on the object where the hatch should begin. Click to specify the hatch origin. Drag to specify the hatch orientation and click again. The hatch fills the space from the paint buckets location to the boundary created by the object. When applying a hatch to an object, the tip of the paint from the paint bucket marks the hatch origin. The hatch start point within the object can be precisely specified.

Select the object

After selecting the hatch, click the cursor at the desired insertion point. The hatch can be rotated during insertion.

Click again to place the hatch once it is oriented

Editing Hatches
Changes to the hatch affect the previous instances of associative hatches in the drawing file. To edit a hatch: 1. Select Window > Palettes > Resource Browser. The Resource Browser opens. 2. Select the desired hatch, and select Edit from the context menu. Alternatively, select Modify > Hatch, and click Edit for the selected hatch in the Hatches dialog box. The Edit Hatch dialog box opens. 3. Edit the hatch. See Defining Hatches on page 237 for details on the Edit Hatch dialog box. 4. Click OK to return to the drawing area. Any associative instance of the edited hatch in the drawing file changes according to the new definition.

Gradient Attributes
Gradients are created or imported into the current file through the Resource Browser (default resources are automatically imported into the current file at the point of use, and display in the Resource Browser); see VectorWorks Fundamentals Default Resources on page 141 and Accessing Existing Resources on page 147.

Gradient Attributes |
Gradients can be applied to any type of 2D object that accepts a fill, including 2D walls, text boxes, worksheet backgrounds, and plug-in objects that include a 2D object.


Creating Gradients
Gradients are defined and stored in the Resource Browser.
Gradient segment

Midpoint Color spot Color spot area

Gradient preview

VectorWorks Term
Gradient Midpoint Color spot Gradient segment

One color linearly blended to another color Point between two colors where each color is of equal intensity; a midpoint is associated with the color spot to its left Point where the selected color is at full intensity Two adjacent color spots

To create a gradient definition: 1. Open the Resource Browser by selecting Window > Palettes > Resource Browser. 2. From the Resources menu, select New Resource to display the New Resource menu. 3. Select Gradient. The Gradient Editor dialog box opens. Specify a name for the gradient resource, and select the segment starting and ending colors. Gradients can consist of several segments and more than two colors. To create a gradient with more than two colors, click in the color spot area. This adds a color spot and midpoint to the gradient. Specify the location of a selected color spot or midpoint by dragging it into position, or entering its position in the Position field.


| Chapter 7: Applying Object Attributes

Specifies a name for the gradient resource; this name is displayed in the Resource Browser and Attributes palette Point between two colors where each color is of equal intensity Displays the gradient in a preview bar Specifies the starting or ending color of each gradient segment. To specify the color, double-click on a color spot, or select a color spot and click Color. To add a new gradient segment, click in an empty location in the color spot area. A new color spot and midpoint are created. Drag a color spot to a new location in the color spot area; its associated color is retained. Remove a color spot and its associated midpoint by selecting the color spot dragging it from the color spot area. Specifies the color of the selected color spot; click to select the color Indicates the position (0.0 1.0) of the selected color spot or midpoint; the midpoint position is relative to its location between two adjacent color spots

Name Midpoint Gradient Preview Color Spot

Color Position

4. Click OK to save the gradient resource with the specified name. Gradient definitions can be edited by accessing the Gradient Editor from the Resource Browser. Select a gradient and select Edit from the Resources menu. See Working with Resources on page 151 for information on other Resource Browser commands. Gradients are saved in VectorWorks drawing files. If the file is not saved and the gradient is not a default resource, the gradient is lost when VectorWorks is exited.

Applying Gradients
Gradient settings are specified through the Attributes palette and applied to a 2D object through the Resource Browser or the Attributes palette. In addition, a gradient fill can be specified as a default class attribute (see Setting Class Properties on page 98). To apply a gradient resource from the Attributes palette and specify the gradient settings: 1. Select the object(s), and then select Gradient from the Attributes palette fill list. To change to a different gradient, click on the gradient preview and select a different gradient from the list of default resources or the current files resources (see VectorWorks Fundamentals Default Resources on page 141).
Gradient preview Fill gradient settings

2. Specify the settings for the current gradient by clicking the Fill Gradient Settings button next to the gradient preview bar. The Gradient Settings dialog box opens.

Gradient Attributes |


Gradient selector

Gradient selector Repeat

Select a gradient resource from either the default resources or the current files resources Select to repeat the gradient segment(s) over the object; deselect to apply a single instance of the gradient segment(s) to the object

No repeat


Reverse Apply To

Select to draw the colors in reverse order from the order specified in the Gradient Editor dialog box Select Each Object to apply the gradient to each selected object individually; choose Selection to apply the gradient across the selected objects, spanning the objects.

Each Object


When applying a gradient across several selected objects, group the objects to retain the effect.


| Chapter 7: Applying Object Attributes

Select the gradient type from the list Applies the gradient to the selection with linear geometry

Type Linear


Applies the gradient to the selection with circular geometry


Applies the gradient to the selection with rectangular geometry


Applies the gradient to the selection in a counterclockwise direction from the specified starting point

X/Y Offset Length Angle

Indicates the gradient starting point coordinates relative to the center of the selection bounding box (in the files current units) Specifies the length of a single gradient segment (in the files current units) Specifies the angle of the gradient fill

3. If desired, click Preview to view the results of the gradient settings. 4. Click OK to apply the gradient settings. To apply a gradient resource from the Resource Browser: 1. Select the object(s). 2. From the Resource Browser, select the gradient to be applied. From the context menu, select Apply. (Alternatively, double-click the gradient resource to apply it to the selection or drag the gradient resource onto an object.) The gradient settings can be edited from the Attributes palette.

Image Attributes |


Image Attributes
Image fills are created or imported into the current file through the Resource Browser (default resources are automatically imported into the current file at the point of use, and display in the Resource Browser); see VectorWorks Fundamentals Default Resources on page 141 and Accessing Existing Resources on page 147. Images can be applied to any type of 2D object that accepts a fill, including 2D walls, text boxes, worksheet backgrounds, and plug-in objects that include a 2D object.

Creating Image Resources

Images are imported and stored in the Resource Browser. To import an image for use as an image resource: 1. Open the Resource Browser by selecting Window > Palettes > Resource Browser. 2. From the Resources menu, select New Resource to display the New Resource menu. 3. Select Image. 4. If a resource with an image is already present in the file, the Choose Image dialog box opens.

Import an Image File Reuse an Image from Another Resource

Imports a new image; click OK and proceed to Step 5. Reuses a previously imported image; select the resource that contains the image. Click OK and proceed to Step 6.

5. The Open dialog box is displayed. Select the image file to use as an image resource, and click Open. 6. If the image is in JPEG format, it is imported immediately. For images not in JPEG format, the Image Import Options dialog box opens. Specify the imported image options. The current image information is displayed at the top, along with the images uncompressed size. Two compression methods are available; depending on the graphic, one of the methods may be more suitable. The compression method which produces the smallest file size is selected by default. Select the desired balance between compression and detail display. The resulting file size for each type of compression is displayed to help with the selection. If the selected option results in a file size larger than the uncompressed size, the image is imported uncompressed.


| Chapter 7: Applying Object Attributes

Compression Method

Provides a high amount of compression, resulting in the smallest VectorWorks file size. However, fine detail may be obscured. JPEG compression is most suitable for photographic images. Provides a moderate amount of compression, while preserving image details; an image compressed as a PND can also be imported as a 1-bit monochrome image by selecting Import as Black and White


7. Click OK to import the image with the selected compression type. The image resource is saved, by default, with the name of the original image file. Image resources imported into the file that are not in JPEG format can be compressed by JPEG with the Compress Images command. See Compressing Images on page 399.

Applying Image Resources

Image settings are specified through the Attributes palette and applied to a 2D object through the Resource Browser or the Attributes palette. In addition, an image fill can be specified as a default class attribute (see Setting Class Properties on page 98). To apply an image resource from the Attributes palette and specify the image settings: 1. Select the object(s), and then select Image from the Attributes palette fill list. To change to a different image, click on the image preview bar and select a different image from the list of default resources or the current files resources (see VectorWorks Fundamentals Default Resources on page 141).
Image preview bar Fill image settings

2. Specify the settings for the current image by clicking the Fill Image Settings button next to the image preview bar. The Image Settings dialog box opens.

Image Attributes |


Image selector

Image selector Repeat

Select an image resource from either the default resources or the current files resources Select to repeat the image over the object; deselect to apply a single instance of the image to the object

No repeat


Mirror Flip Maintain Aspect Ratio Apply To

Select to use a mirrored image of the image resource Select to use a flipped image of the image resource Select to maintain the image aspect ratio when changing the Length values Select Each Object to apply the image to each selected object individually; choose Selection to apply the image across the selected objects, spanning the objects

Each Object


When applying an image across several selected objects, group the objects to maintain the image. X/Y Offset Indicates the image starting point coordinates relative to the center of the selection bounding box (in the files current units)


| Chapter 7: Applying Object Attributes

Specifies the distance in the I/J direction for a single instance of the image fill (in the files current units) Specifies the angle of the image fill

I/J Length Angle

3. If desired, click Preview to view the results of the image settings. 4. Click OK to apply the image settings. The X and Y axes are file-based, relative to the center of the selected object(s). The I and J axes are image-based.

X/Y offset coordinates Center of selected object

To apply an image resource from the Resource Browser: 1. Select the object(s). 2. From the Resource Browser, select the image to be applied. From the context menu, select Apply. (Alternatively, double-click the image resource to apply it to the selection or drag the image resource onto an object.) The image settings can be edited from the Attributes palette.

Editing Gradient and Image Fills

The Attribute Mapping tool edits the size, position, and angle of image fills and gradients for an object with a gradient or image applied. When working in 3D in RenderWorks, the Attribute Mapping tool maps textures directly in the drawing window. See Direct Texture Mapping on page 669.

Editing Gradient Fills

To modify an objects gradient fill: 1. Click the Attribute Mapping tool from the View/Draw or Visualization tool set. 2. Click on an object containing a gradient fill. Only one object at a time can be edited. 3. An editing object with two handles is placed over the gradient.

Editing Gradient and Image Fills |


4. Use the editing object to set the gradient origin location, i-axis length, and rotation angle. Hold down the Shift key to constrain the editing object line; the fill can also be nudged.

Edit the location of the fill (gradient origin)

Click and drag the entire editing object, moving it to the desired location. Click to set.

Edit the gradient i-axis location

Click on a handle at the end of the editing object, and drag to set the editing object to a new length. Click to set.

Edit the gradient rotation

Click on a handle at the end of the editing object, and move to create a fulcrum line; click to set the rotation.


| Chapter 7: Applying Object Attributes

Editing Image Fills

To modify an objects image fill: 1. Click the Attribute Mapping tool from the View/Draw or Visualization tool set. 2. Click on an object containing an image fill. Only one object at a time can be edited. 3. An editing object with eight handles is placed over the image.

4. Use the editing object to set the image origin location, i-axis and j-axis lengths, and rotation angle. The fill can also be nudged.

Edit the location of the fill (image origin)

Click and drag the entire editing object, moving it to the desired location.

Edit the image i-axis and j-axis location

Click on a corner handle (the resize cursor displays) and drag the handle to the new size; holding the Shift key during this operation constrains the image aspect ratio. Click to set.

Editing Gradient and Image Fills | Action

Edit the image rotation


Click on a side handle (the rotate cursor displays) and drag the handle to the new rotation angle. Click to set. Press the Ctrl key (Windows) or Command key (Macintosh) while rotating to rotate about the image center.

Flip or mirror the image

Click and drag a corner of the editing object past another corner of the editing object; click again to redraw the image within the new drawing area. Drag horizontally to mirror the image; drag vertically to flip the image; drag diagonally to both flip and mirror the image.

Click here and drag lower left handle of editing object past lower right handle

Drag corner handle outside the i/j coordinate quadrant and click again to mirror the image fill

Options in the Image Settings dialog box (accessed from the Attributes palette) also affect image attribute mapping. When Maintain Aspect Ratio is selected, the image cannot be flipped or mirrored by dragging the editing objects handles vertically or horizontally; only diagonal dragging is allowed. Use the Mirror or Flip options in this dialog box to change the fill image orientation without moving or resizing the image.


| Chapter 7: Applying Object Attributes

Editing 2D Objects
This chapter details the commands and tools available for editing 2D objects in VectorWorks.

Once a 2D object is created, it may require editing. Editing generally involves changing the size, shape, or number of objects in a drawing.

Editing Object Information

The Object Info palette provides information about the selected object(s) in a VectorWorks drawing. The information displayed depends on the type of objects selected. In addition, the palette can be used to change the parameters.

The Object Info palette organizes data into three tabbed panes:

Shape Data Render

Displays information about a selected objects geometry, class, and layer (see Shape Tab on page 256) Lists any database records attached to a selected object (see Data Tab on page 258) When RenderWorks is installed, this tab is added for the assigning and mapping of textures to 3D objects (see Applying Textures with Basic Mapping on page 664). When sketch rendering with the Design Series, the Sketch parameter is available on the Render tab, even if RenderWorks is not installed.

Object Info palette drop-down list items can be selected by using the mouse or by typing the first letter(s) of the desired item to highlight the closest match in the list (excluding class and layer lists).

Copying and Pasting Object Info Palette Data

Data contained in certain Object Info palette fields can be copied and pasted into the VectorWorks drawing or other locations, such as your computers calculator. To copy and paste Object Info palette data: 1. Select the object with data to copy. 2. Select Window > Palettes > Object Info. The Object Info palette opens. 3. Click the tab containing the desired information. Move the mouse over the field containing the data for copying.


| Chapter 8: Editing 2D Objects

The cursor changes to an I bar in a field which permits copying.

4. Click-drag over the data to select it. 5. Select Edit > Copy. 6. Select Edit > Paste to paste the data into the desired location.

Shape Tab
Object properties can be directly edited through the Object Info palette from the Shape tab. Objects can also be edited with the tools on the Basic palette throughout this chapter. The Shape tab always displays class and layer information. The detailed object information that is also displayed depends on the type of object selected. Keep the following points in mind when changing object information through the Shape tab: To change individual objects in a group, first select the Modify > Edit Group or Ungroup command, and then select the desired object(s). In single vertex mode, only that vertex changes. However, in entire object mode, all the vertices are changed. To view and edit object information for a single object: 1. Select Window > Palettes > Object Info. The Object Info palette opens. 2. Click the Shape tab. 3. Select the desired object. Editable information for that object is displayed. 4. Change the desired information. Press the Enter or Tab key to make the change. To view and edit object information for multiple objects: 1. Select Window > Palettes > Object Info. The Object Info palette opens. 2. Click the Shape tab. 3. Select the desired objects.

Editing Object Information |

Number of objects selected Multiple Edit mode


Multiple objects selected

4. To edit each object in a selection separately, click the Multiple Edit mode button. This switches to Individual Edit mode. Once in Individual Edit mode, use the Next arrow button to move forward through the selected objects and the Previous arrow button to move backward through the selections. Each object highlights briefly as it is selected. To be sure which object is currently selected, click the center circular button to highlight it again. If either arrow appears dimmed, the end of the selected objects in that order has been reached.
Individual Edit mode Currently selected object type Previous object Highlights currently selected object Next object

Editing single object within multiple selection

Alternatively, select multiple objects of the same type, and then modify them at one time in Multiple Edit mode. When several objects of the same type have been selected, the palette operates in batch editing mode. If the parameter settings of the objects are different, the field displays as blank, or a checkbox displays with an indeterminate state. Any parameter edits affect all the selected objects in multiple edit mode. Some objects have more editable fields than others. If the Object Info palette is not fully extended when an object of this type is selected, scroll options are provided. To scroll up and down, click the scroll arrows, any area of the scroll bar, or click-drag the scroll box (Windows) or scroller (Macintosh).


| Chapter 8: Editing 2D Objects

Macintosh Windows

Scroll box Scroller

Scroll bar Scroll bar Scroll arrow

Scroll arrow

Data Tab
The Data tab lists all records in the drawing, along with checkboxes showing which records are attached. The Object Info palette can be used to make changes to record settings. To view and edit record information: 1. Select Window > Palettes > Object Info. 2. Click the Data tab.

Object name Record list

Field list

Editing pane

3. Select the desired object in the drawing area. The following information is displayed.

Reshaping Objects | Parameter

Object Name Record List Field List Editing Pane


Displays the name, if any, given to an object Displays all the records that are active in the drawing; if any of these records are attached to the selected object, the box to the left of the record name displays an X Provides a list of all the record fields if a record is attached to the selected object; if any field has a default value assigned, it displays after the field name Provides an area for entering record information

Resize the list boxes by selecting and dragging the bars between them. If any records are attached to the selected object, the box to the left of the record name displays an X. If more than one object is selected, only the records attached to all objects display an X. See Record Formats on page 170 for more information on attaching, editing, and deleting record formats.

Reshaping Objects
The 2D Reshape tool reshapes an object after it has been created. Change the length of objects (including dimensions) reshape single objects, or reshape multiple objects at once. With this tool, reshape all polygons and polylines, including lines drawn with the Freehand tool (which are considered polylines in VectorWorks). In addition, specify exact radius measurements for circular arc control points. Certain objects (polylines, polygons, rectangles, circles, and arcs) can also be reshaped with the Freehand tool. See Reshaping Objects with the Freehand Tool on page 214. The 2D Reshape tool has five different reshape modes. It also has four control point modes for changing the existing vertex. In addition, the tool can operate in marquee selection mode.
Change Vertex Delete Vertex Corner Vertex Cubic Vertex Vertex Preferences

Move Polygon Handles

Add Vertex

Hide or Show Edges

Bzier Vertex

Arc Vertex

Move Polygon Handles

Drag a vertex by clicking it, or drag a segment by clicking on the midpoint. Click and drag to create a rectangular marquee around several vertices. To create a lasso marquee, press the Option (Macintosh) or Alt (Windows) key when creating the marquee. Press the Command and Option (Macintosh) or Ctrl and Alt (Windows) keys for polygonal marquee selection mode.

Change Vertex Add Vertex Delete Vertex

Changes an existing vertex into a corner, Bzier, cubic spline, or fillet (circular arc) point Adds a vertex as a corner, Bzier, cubic spline, or fillet (circular arc) point Removes the selected vertex


| Chapter 8: Editing 2D Objects

Clicking on the midpoint hides the polyline or polygon segment; clicking on a vertex hides the segment that follows the vertex Vertex forms a straight angle Curve of polygon/polyline pulls towards but does not touch the vertex Curve of polygon/polyline passes through the vertex Vertex becomes a fillet; click the Preferences mode button, enter a Fillet Radius in the Fillet Settings dialog box, and click OK (for the largest possible fillet, set the Fillet Radius to zero)

Hide or Show Edges Corner Vertex Bzier Vertex Cubic Vertex Arc Vertex

Move Polygon Handles Mode

Select this mode to reshape a 2D polyline or polygon by moving one of its vertices. To reshape a 2D polyline or polygon by moving a vertex: 1. Select the polyline or polygon to change. 2. Click the 2D Reshape tool from the Basic palette. 3. Click the Move Polygon Handles mode button. 4. Click the vertex to move and drag it to its new location. Click to set the new location.

Click on the desired vertex; when the Resize cursor displays, drag it to the new location

Any object that cannot be reshaped with this tool continues to display standard bounding box handles only.

Change Vertex Mode

Select this mode to change an existing vertex to a different type of control point: corner, Bzier, cubic spline, or fillet (circular arc) point. To reshape a 2D polyline or polygon by changing a vertex: 1. Select the polyline or polygon to change. 2. Click the 2D Reshape tool from the Basic palette.

Reshaping Objects |
3. Click the Change Vertex mode button. 4. From the Tool bar, select the new type of control point for the vertex. Change vertex does not work on a midpoint handle. Select only a vertex point. 5. Click to change the vertex.


Click on the vertex when the Change Vertex cursor displays

Add Vertex Mode

Select this mode button to add a vertex to the polygon/polyline. The vertex can be any of the following: corner, Bzier, cubic spline, or fillet (circular arc) point. To reshape a 2D polyline or polygon by adding a vertex: 1. Select the polyline or polygon to change. 2. Click the 2D Reshape tool from the Basic palette. 3. Click the Add Vertex button on the Tool bar. 4. From the Tool bar, select the type of control point for the new vertex. 5. Move the cursor to an existing vertex near the location where the new vertex is to be added. The cursor becomes an arrow with two black diamonds when a vertex can be added. Clicking on the handle at a center point along an edge adds a new vertex exactly at that center point. 6. Drag the cursor to the desired location for the new vertex. 7. Click at the new location.

With the Add Vertex cursor, click-drag to the new location


| Chapter 8: Editing 2D Objects

Delete Vertex Mode

An existing vertex on the polygon/polyline can be deleted. To reshape a 2D polyline or polygon by deleting a vertex: 1. Select the polyline or polygon to change. 2. Click the 2D Reshape tool from the Basic palette. 3. Click the Delete Vertex mode button. 4. Click the existing vertex to delete it.

With the Delete Vertex cursor, click the vertex to remove it

Hide or Show Edges Mode

Select this mode button to hide, but not delete, a portion of the objects boundary. To hide or show the edge of a 2D polyline or polygon: 1. Select the polyline or polygon to change. 2. Click the 2D Reshape tool from the Basic palette. 3. Click the Hide or Show Edges mode button. 4. Click a vertex near the edge to be hidden.

With the Hide/Show Edges cursor, click a vertex near an edge to show or hide the edge

Click again to show the hidden edge.

Reshaping Objects |


Performing Multiple Reshapes

Instead of individually reshaping the vertices of objects, one at a time, several vertices and even several objects can be reshaped at one time. In addition, vertices and holes can be deleted from objects. Multiple reshaping can be performed on lines, polylines, walls, dimensions, and polygons. Polygons include all regular and irregular polygons, as well as objects drawn with the Freehand tool. For example, use this function to resize walls without moving any of the doors or windows placed inside them, or affecting intersections with other walls. This function must be executed in Top/Plan view. This function does not work on objects drawn with the Rectangle, Oval, or Arc tools. To resize objects with multiple reshape: 1. Select the objects to resize. 2. Click the 2D Reshape tool from the Basic palette, and select Move Polygon Handles from the Tool bar. The cursor changes to a cross-hair. 3. Click and drag to create a rectangular marquee around multiple vertices of the objects to be resized or deleted. To create a lasso marquee, press the Option (Macintosh) or Alt (Windows) key when creating the marquee. Press the Command and Option (Macintosh) or Ctrl and Alt (Windows) keys for polygonal marquee selection mode. 4. Change the location of the vertices by either clicking and dragging with the mouse or by using the Move command (see Editing Object Surfaces on page 282). To use the mouse, click-drag on the vertices and move them to the desired location. A preview displays the current and future location of the object vertices.

Create marquee to select multiple vertices, and then drag selected vertices to new location

Press the Delete key (Macintosh) or Delete or Backspace keys (Windows) to delete the vertices or holes. Alternatively, enter an exact length in the Data bar. Press the Tab key while still pressing the mouse button until the L field is highlighted, enter a value for the length, and release the mouse button. The walls are resized with the wall intersections, doors, or other symbols maintained in place. The marquee remains on the screen until another tool or command is selected.

Reshaping Polylines
Polylines can be reshaped in a manner that is similar to an Edit Group operation. The polyline itself is locked in this process, but holes can be added to it, filleted, chamfered, offset, duplicated, extracted, and deleted from it. To reshape a polyline: 1. Select the polyline to change. 2. Select Modify > Edit Polyline.


| Chapter 8: Editing 2D Objects

3. Select polyline holes and move, delete, or reshape them. Add new holes to the polyline, or move a hole out of the polyline to extract it, creating individual polylines. The original polyline is locked and cannot be edited. 4. Click Exit Polyline to return to the drawing.

Original polyline

In Edit Polyline mode, a hole is added

The polyline has been edited

Offsetting Objects
The Offset tool either creates a duplicate object offset from the original, or offsets the selected object from its original location. Use this tool to easily create parallel objects, such as lines and walls. Also use it to produce a larger or smaller version of closed objects, such as ovals and connected walls. NURBS surfaces are offset by the offset distance along the surface normal direction. The Offset tool can be used with the following objects (see the Design Series Users Guide for information about the Design Series objects).

VectorWorks Fundamentals Objects

Open 2D objects (arcs, lines, polylines) NURBS curves Walls Closed 2D objects (circles, ovals, rectangles, polylines, polygons) NURBS surfaces Revision clouds

VectorWorks Design Series Objects

Hardscapes Seating layouts Stipples Massing models Site modifiers Plants Property lines Spaces Redlines

The Offset tool has six modes, which are also options in the Offset Tool Preferences dialog box.
Offset by Point Offset Original Object Offset Selected Objects

Offset by Distance

Offset Preferences

Duplicate and Offset

Click Object to Offset

There are two options for selecting objects to offset: either pre-select one or more objects with the 2D Selection or 3D Selection tool, or select one object at a time after selecting the Offset tool.

Offsetting Objects |


The 2D conversion res field, on the Edit tab of the VectorWorks Preferences dialog box, adjusts the degree of smoothing. The higher the conversion resolution, the higher the degree of smoothing, which produces a more accurate offset of objects. For more information on 2D conversion resolution, refer to Setting VectorWorks Preferences on page 39. To offset one or more objects: 1. Select the object(s) to be offset, if desired. 2. Click the Offset tool from the Basic palette. 3. Click Offset Preferences from the Tool bar. The Offset Tool Preferences dialog box opens.

Method Offset by Distance Offset by Point Selection Click on Objects to Offset

Places the offset object at the specified Distance from the original location (same as selecting the Tool bar button) Places the offset object at a distance specified by a mouse click (same as selecting the Tool bar button)

Offsets objects selected with the Offset tool (same as selecting the Tool bar button)


| Chapter 8: Editing 2D Objects

Offsets objects selected with the 2D Selection or 3D Selection tool (same as selecting the Tool bar button)

Offset Selected Objects Duplication Duplicate and Offset Offset Original Object Wall Offset Offset from Center Line Offset from Nearest Edge Smooth Corners

Creates a duplicate of the object at the offset location (same as selecting the Tool bar button) Moves the original object to the offset location (same as selecting the Tool bar button)

Offsets walls from the center line of the walls original location Offsets walls from the nearest edge of the walls original location Rounds sharp corners in the offset object

4. Specify the desired preferences and click OK. 5. Depending on the offset preferences, do one of the following:

Offset Method
Offset by Distance Click on Objects to Offset

Select the object to be offset; the object is highlighted. Click to specify the offset location relative to the selected object, and to place the offset object. To continue offsetting objects, click another object to highlight it, and then click again to indicate the offset location. Click in the drawing to specify the offset location relative to the originally-selected object, and to place the offset object. The offset object is now selected; to offset from that object, click again to indicate the offset location.

Offset Selected Objects

Offset by Point Click on Objects to Offset Select the object to be offset; the object is highlighted. Move the mouse to adjust the offset preview if necessary, and then click to place the offset object. To continue offsetting objects, click another object to highlight it, and then click again to indicate the offset location. Click to set the offset point (move the mouse to adjust the offset preview if necessary), and then click again to place the offset object. The offset object is now selected; to offset from that object, click again to indicate the offset location.

Offset Selected Objects

Depending on the offset preferences, either a duplicate object or the original object is placed at the offset location.

Aligning and Distributing 2D Objects |


Select the walls with the 2D Selection tool, and then select the Offset tool. Select Offset by Distance mode, and set the offset Distance to 2. Click outside the walls to offset them 2 beyond the original location.

In Offset by Point mode, click the object to be copied and offset; the object is highlighted

Click the point where the offset is to be placed; a preview displays

Click again to place the offset object

Aligning and Distributing 2D Objects

The Align/Distribute command aligns and distributes multiple 2D objects. Alignment and distribution is based upon the vertical and horizontal axes, relative to the screen. To align/distribute objects: 1. Select the objects to be aligned/distributed. 2. Select Modify > Align > Align/Distribute. The Align/Distribute Objects dialog box opens.

Vertical Align/Distribute

Horizontal Align/Distribute

3. Select the object alignment/distribution criteria. 2D objects are only moved along the horizontal and vertical axes.


| Chapter 8: Editing 2D Objects

Select to align items along the horizontal or vertical axis Select to distribute items along the horizontal or vertical axis

Align Distribute Horizontal Left Center Right Spacing Vertical Top Center Bottom Spacing 4. Click OK.

Align/distribute by the left side of the selected objects Align/distribute by the centers of the selected objects Align/distribute by the right side of the selected objects Distribute the spacing equally between the left and right sides of adjacent objects

Align/distribute by the top of the selected objects Align/distribute by the centers of the selected objects Align/distribute by the bottom of the selected objects Distribute the spacing equally between tops and bottoms of adjacent objects

VectorWorks aligns/distributes the selected objects.

Loci and locked objects are special objects and behave differently when present during an alignment/distribution operation. If a locus point is one of the selected objects, all objects are aligned relative to that locus. If there are multiple loci in the selection, then the loci are aligned/distributed like any other object. Locked objects in a selection do not move. Other objects are aligned/distributed relative to the locked objects.

Trimming and Clipping Objects

Trim Command
Use the Trim command to trim lines or walls where they intersect with another object. To trim objects: 1. Position the object you want to cut with over the object(s) to be trimmed. 2. Select the cutting object. 3. Select Modify > Trim. 4. Click on the object to be trimmed.

Trimming and Clipping Objects |

The trim command is executed and the pieces can be moved independently.


Trim Tool
The Trim tool trims a portion of the selected object. Objects that can be edited in this manner include lines, arcs, rectangles, circles, ovals, polylines, and polygons. To trim a portion of an object: 1. Position the object you want to cut with over the object(s) to be trimmed. 2. Click the Trim tool from the Basic palette. The standard arrow cursor changes into a hand. 3. Click the portion of the object to be trimmed. That portion of the object is trimmed back to the closest intersection with another object. To trim another portion of the same object, move the hand to that section and click.

Clip Tool
The Clip tool cuts out pieces from the 2D objects, such as lines, arcs, rectangles, circles, ovals, polygons, and polylines. In addition, this tool can be used to split an object.
Removes Outside Rectangular clipping object

Removes Inside

Circular clipping object

Splits at Boundaries

Polygonal clipping object

Removes Inside Removes Outside

Cuts a hole in the object(s) according to the clipping object shape Trims everything away from the outside of the clipping object shape


| Chapter 8: Editing 2D Objects

Splits the object(s) and the clipping area into separate objects Each mode can use one of the clipping shapes; select rectangular, polygonal, or circular

Splits at Boundaries Clipping object shape To clip objects:

1. Select the object or objects to cut. 2. Click the Clip tool from the Basic palette. 3. Select the clipping mode and the clipping object shape. 4. Click and drag to create a marquee box. The object is clipped as defined by the clipping object shape.
1st click

2nd click

Resizing Objects
Fixed Point Resize Tool
The Fixed Point Resize tool resizes rectangles, polygons, circles, and ovals using a fixed point on the drawing as the point of reference. It is best used to scale an object relative to a particular location in the drawing. To rescale an object symmetrically or asymmetrically by a specific factor, use the Scale Objects command. See Scaling Objects on page 271. To resize an object: 1. Select the object or objects to change. 2. Click the Fixed Point Resize tool from the Basic palette. 3. Click on the point in the drawing to serve as the fulcrum. To scale the resized object symmetrically, select a fulcrum point that is at the exact center of the object. If the fixed point is not at the center of the object, the resized object changes proportions. 4. Click on an object edge and drag the object into its new size, shape, and/or location.

Resizing Objects |


Click fulcrum point

Click and drag to resize

If the drag point is moved past the selected fulcrum, the object is reversed. The starting point for dragging cannot be the same as the fulcrum point or exactly horizontal or vertical to it.

Scaling Objects
The Scale Objects command rescales the X and/or Y dimension of any selected solid, object, or group, or rescales the selected items uniformly in the X,Y, and Z dimensions. The selected item is rescaled using its center point. The object can be rescaled by indicating a segment on the drawing and entering a new distance for the segment. In addition, text and/or all visible objects in the drawing can be scaled. Spheres, hemispheres, and cones cannot be scaled asymmetrically. Symbols and layer links cannot be scaled.

To scale objects: 1. Select the object(s) to scale. 2. Select Modify > Scale Objects. The Scale Objects dialog box opens. Specify the scaling method and parameters.


| Chapter 8: Editing 2D Objects

Symmetric X, Y, Z Factor Symmetric By Distance Current Distance New Distance Asymmetric X / Y Scaling Factor Scale text Entire drawing

Scales uniformly along X, Y, and Z axes Enter the scaling factor (for example, enter 2 to double or .5 to halve the scale) Scales symmetrically using the ratio of the current and new distance values as a scale factor Enter the current distance to be scaled, or click the button to use a temporary tool to indicate the distance on the drawing Enter the new value for the distance Scales along only the specified X and Y axes; when asymmetrically scaling a solid, the current view must be aligned with the solids matrix for scaling to occur Enter the scaling factor (for example, enter 2 to double or .5 to halve the scale) Scales selected text to the new scaling factor Scales all visible objects in the active layer

3. If specifying the scale factor with the Symmetric by Distance option, click the button to switch temporarily to the drawing. Click to indicate the start of the segment, drag the mouse, and click to indicate the end of the segment. You are returned to the Scale Objects dialog box, and the Current Distance value has been specified. Enter the New Distance for the segment. 4. Click OK.

Shearing Objects
The Shear tool simultaneously skews all of the vertices of a rectangle, polygon, circles, ovals, or polyline, using a fixed point on the drawing as a point of reference. It is like placing a thumbtack on one point of an object, or the drawing, and reshaping every other object point except the one tacked down. The Shear tool can be used to fake a 3D perspective.

Joining Objects |
To shear an object: 1. Select the object or objects to change. 2. Click the Shear tool from the Basic palette. 3. Click on the point in the drawing to tack down. 4. Click on the object and drag the resize cursor to shear the object. A preview object displays. 5. Click to set the shear position.


Click to tack down a point then drag the resize cursor to shear the object

Joining Objects
Join Command
The Join command can be used to join two single lines, two double lines, or two walls together. Joined lines intersect but remain as individual objects.

Individual Lines Double Lines

An individual line can be joined to another individual line Double lines can be joined to another set of double lines or to a wall. Double lines drawn with the Create Polygons option (set in Double Line preferences) cannot be joined. Only the line elements of double lines drawn with the Create Lines and Polygons option can be joined. A wall can be joined to another wall or to double lines created with the Create Lines option (set in Double Line preferences). Walls will join to the line elements of double lines drawn with the Create Lines and Polygons option.


To join walls, single lines, or double lines: 1. Select the two non-parallel walls, lines, or double lines to join. 2. Select Modify > Join > Join. The selected walls/lines are joined together with any excess trimmed away.


| Chapter 8: Editing 2D Objects

Join and Fillet

To join and fillet double lines: 1. Select the two sets of non-parallel double lines to join. 2. Select Modify > Join > Join and Fillet. If a fillet measurement has already been specified for this drawing, VectorWorks automatically connects the two double lines and creates a fillet using the default value. If a fillet measurement has not been specified for this drawing, the Fillet Settings dialog box opens. Enter the desired fillet radius and click OK. VectorWorks automatically connects the two double lines and creates a fillet using the specified value.

Join (No Trim)

To join two overlapping walls or individual lines, without trimming away the excess: 1. Select the two non-parallel walls or lines to join. 2. Select Modify > Join > Join (no trim). The selected walls/lines are joined without trimming any excess.

Splitting Objects and NURBS Surfaces |


Splitting Objects and NURBS Surfaces

The Split tool splits the following objects (see the Design Series Users Guide for information about the Design Series objects). Note that splitting an object may change its type; for example, trimming a roof face creates a solid section, which can no longer be edited as a roof face.

VectorWorks Fundamentals Objects

2D objects (arcs, lines, polylines, polygons, ovals, circles, rectangles) Revision clouds NURBS curves NURBS surfaces Viewports 3D solid objects (extrudes, cylinders, spheres, hemispheres, cones) Pillars Walls Floors Roof faces

VectorWorks Design Series Objects

Property lines Massing models Site modifiers Spaces Redlines Stipples Seating layouts Hardscapes

The following modes are available for the Split tool.

Point Split Line Trim

Line Split

Point Split Line Split Line Trim

Cuts an object or NURBS surface at a specified point Splits an object or NURBS surface along a cutting line Splits an object or NURBS surface along a cutting line, and then keeps a designated side


| Chapter 8: Editing 2D Objects

Surfaces generated by successive splitting can be joined together with the Compose command (see Composing and Decomposing Objects and Surfaces on page 387). This tool may not be able to manipulate certain types of surface geometry (see Surface Geometry Requirements on page 314).

Point Split Mode

The Point Split mode cuts an object at a specified location.

Splitting Objects by Point

To split an object at a specific point: 1. Click the Split tool from the Basic palette. 2. Click the Point Split mode from the Tool bar. 3. Click on the object at the point to be split. If multiple objects are within range of the specified point, the Select Split Candidate dialog box opens.

Highlight the object to split by using the Next and Prev buttons. 4. The object is split into two pieces.


The wall is split into two separate pieces at the click location

If the object is closed, as in a circle or rectangle, the object is converted so that its endpoints meet unjoined at the split. Some objects are not truly closed, and instead break into two segments.

Splitting Objects and NURBS Surfaces |


Splitting NURBS Surfaces by Point

To split a NURBS surface in point split mode: 1. Click the Split tool from the Basic palette. 2. Click the Point Split mode from the Tool bar. 3. In Wireframe view, click on the NURBS surface to split. See Selecting the Edges and Faces of a Solid on page 311 for information on selecting surfaces.
Click to split the NURBS surface The surface is split at that point

The smaller surface has been moved for clarity

The surface is split by iso-parametric curves passing through the click point along U and V parametric directions. If the split point is on an existing iso-parametric curve, the surface is split in both directions (U and V).

Clicking once on the iso-parametric curve (shown in light gray) with the Split tool creates four split surfaces (in black)

Line Split Mode

The Line Split mode splits 2D objects, NURBS curves/surfaces, solids, and viewports along a cutting line. After the split, all the objects remain on the drawing. To split only the selected object, press the Alt (Windows) or Option (Macintosh) key while drawing the split line. To split an object along a cutting line: 1. Click the Split tool from the Basic palette. 2. Click the Line Split mode from the Tool bar. 3. Draw a line through the object to split. The object is split by the line.


| Chapter 8: Editing 2D Objects

One split surface has been moved for clarity

Solids can also be split in Line Split mode. Two section solid objects will result.

One solid section has been moved for clarity

Line Trim Mode

The Line Trim mode splits 2D objects, NURBS curves/surfaces, solids, and viewports along a cutting line; it keeps a specified side, and trims away the other side. To trim only the selected object, press the Alt (Windows) or Option (Macintosh) key while drawing the trim line. To split and trim an object along a cutting line: 1. Click the Split tool from the Basic palette. 2. Click the Line Trim mode from the Tool bar. 3. Draw a line through the object to split. 4. An arrow points to the side to be kept. Click to indicate which side of the split line should be kept; the other side is trimmed away. The object is split by the line, and the indicated side remains.

Creating Fillets and Chamfers |


Creating Fillets and Chamfers

Fillet Tool
The Fillet tool adds a highly-specific fillet (arc) between two objects in the drawing, making each of the fillets end points tangent to one of the objects. Apply fillets to lines, rectangles, polygons, polylines, circles, circular arcs, and walls. With rectangles, polygons, or polylines, use the tool to place a fillet between adjacent sides of the object. In addition, this tool trims or splits objects at the fillets end points by selecting various fillet modes. A fillet cannot be placed between parallel or concentric objects. If split or trim fillets are placed between a mixture of objects that can and cannot be split/trimmed, the fillet works only on the objects that can be split/trimmed, and ignores the others. To place a fillet: 1. Click the Fillet tool from the Basic palette. 2. Click the desired mode from the Tool bar.
Fillet and Split Fillet Fillet Preferences

Fillet and Trim


Places a fillet without affecting the original object; the fillet and the object must be grouped to form a single object


| Chapter 8: Editing 2D Objects

Places a fillet and splits the filleted object. If the fillet is between two objects, the fillet and the objects must be grouped to make a single object. If filleting the corners of a polygon, the fillet takes the place of the corner and becomes a part of the object.

Fillet and Split

Fillet and Trim

Places a fillet and trims the filleted object. If the fillet is between two objects, the fillet and the objects must be grouped to make a single object. If filleting the corners of a polygon, the fillet takes the place of the corner and becomes a part of the object.

3. Click the object where the fillet will begin. 4. Click the object where the fillet will end. If this is the first time the Fillet tool is used, the Fillet Settings dialog box opens. Enter a fillet radius and click OK. The fillet radius specified is used for all subsequent fillet operations. To change this radius, click Fillet Preferences from the Tool bar, enter a new radius, and click OK. If an object is too short, it extends to match the selected fillet radius.

Chamfer Tool
The Chamfer tool places a chamfer, or line, between two objects or adjacent sides of an object such as rectangles, polygons, polylines, or line segments. However, a chamfer cannot be placed between parallel lines. A chamfer can be placed at a specified distance from where the objects intersect. Chamfers can trim or split objects at the chamfer endpoints or extend them to meet at the chamfer endpoints by selecting specific chamfer modes from the Tool bar. To create a chamfer: 1. Click the Chamfer tool from the Basic palette. 2. Select the mode from the Tool bar.
Chamfer and Split Chamfer Chamfer and Trim Chamfer Preferences

Creating Fillets and Chamfers | Mode



Places a chamfer without affecting the original object; to create a single object, group the chamfer and the chamfered object together

Chamfer and Split

Places a chamfer and splits the chamfered objects. This mode extends lines, if needed, for the chamfer to connect. To create a single object, group the chamfer and the chamfered object together. If chamfering the corner of a polygon, the chamfer takes the place of the corner.

Chamfer and Trim

Places a chamfer and trims the chamfered objects. If chamfering the corner of a polygon, the chamfer takes the place of the corner. This mode extends lines, if needed, for the chamfer to connect.

3. Click the object where the chamfer will begin. If this is the first time the Chamfer tool is used, the Chamfer Settings dialog box opens. Otherwise, click Chamfer Preferences from the Tool bar to change chamfer settings.


| Chapter 8: Editing 2D Objects

Entry Options First and Second Lines First Line and Angle

Select the method for specifying the chamfer size Specify the chamfer size by entering the First Line and Second Line distances Specify the chamfer size by entering the First Line distance and an Angle value

Select whether VectorWorks should draw using two lines of a specified length or one line and an angle. Enter the appropriate values and click OK. The specified chamfer settings are used for all subsequent chamfers. To change these settings, click the Chamfer Settings button and enter new criteria. 4. Click the object where the chamfer will end. The chamfer is drawn according to the mode selection.

Editing Object Surfaces

VectorWorks has four commands for editing object surfaces: Intersect Surface, Add Surface, Combine into Surface, and Clip Surface. Use these commands with the following objects (see the Design Series Users Guide for information about the Design Series objects).

VectorWorks Fundamentals Objects

2D primitive objects that can be filled and are not grouped (arcs, polygons, polylines, ovals, circles, rectangles) Revision clouds Floors Roof faces Pillars

Editing Object Surfaces | VectorWorks Design Series Objects

Property lines Massing models Site modifiers Spaces Redlines Stipples Seating layouts Hardscapes


If a combination of 2D and 2D/3D hybrid objects (such as floors or pillars) will be used in an operation, the view must be set to Top/Plan.

Intersect Surface
The Intersect Surface command provides an easy way to create a new object that is the exact size and shape of the overlapping area of two objects. To intersect surfaces: 1. Select the two overlapping objects to use to create a third object. The new objects properties are based on the object on the bottom of the stack of objects. If the bottom object is a 2D primitive (such as a rectangle or circle), the new object will have its attributes. If the bottom object is something other than a 2D primitive (such as a floor or pillar), the new object will be the same type, with the same properties. If necessary, use the Send command to stack the objects to produce the desired attributes or object type. 2. Select Modify > Intersect Surface. VectorWorks places the new object directly on top of the two original intersecting objects. To see the new object, select it and drag it to the side.

Add Surface
The Add Surface command creates a single object from two or more objects, as long as all of the following are true: The objects are not symbols. The objects touch or overlap each other. The objects are not locked or grouped. Note that any open polygons will be converted to closed polygons. To add surfaces: 1. Select the two or more objects to be combined.


| Chapter 8: Editing 2D Objects

The new objects properties are based on the object on the bottom of the stack of objects. If the bottom object is a 2D primitive (such as a rectangle or circle), the new object will have its attributes. If the bottom object is something other than a 2D primitive (such as a floor or pillar), the new object will be the same type, with the same properties. If necessary, use the Send command to stack the objects to produce the desired attributes or object type.

2. Select Modify > Add Surface.

In Top/Plan view, select the pillar (gray object on bottom) and the rectangle (white object on top)

Select Add Surface to combine the two surfaces into a single pillar object

Combine into Surface

The Combine into Surface command creates a new object that is formed from a group of objects. The objects must currently intersect and form a closed polygon or polyline shape. Depending on the types of objects selected and the location of the mouse click, you can create several different polygons or polylines from the same selection of objects. For example, with this set of three objects, the following polygon can be created:

Click here

To combine surfaces: 1. Select the two or more closed objects to use to create a new polygon or polyline. 2. Select Modify > Combine into Surface. The cursor changes into a paint bucket. 3. Place the paint bucket inside the area to be combined and click. VectorWorks creates a single polygon or polyline object from the selected objects. The new object uses the current attributes.

Engineering Properties |


Clip Surface
The Clip Surface command trims the bottom object in a selection so that any areas overlapped by the top object are cut out of it. Multiple objects can be used as clipping objects in one operation. Symbols and grouped objects cannot be clipped or be used as clipping objects. If there is a stack of more than two overlapping objects, then each object under the clipping object (the top object in the stack) will be clipped. There are two important things to remember about this command: If the object to be clipped is an open polygon, it is automatically converted to a closed polygon before it is clipped. Depending on the objects selected, the command may change the bottom objects type; for example, if a hole is clipped into a rectangle, the clipped rectangle is automatically changed into a polyline. To clip a surface: 1. Ensure that the object to clip is the bottom object. If necessary, change the objects order with the Send command (see Changing Object Stacking Order on page 372). 2. Select the objects to clip. 3. Select Modify > Clip Surface. The bottom object is clipped; the clipping object can be deleted if it is no longer needed.

In Top/Plan view, select the roof face (gray object on bottom) and the rectangle (white object on top)

Select Clip Surface, and then move the rectangle clipping object to reveal the modified roof face

Engineering Properties
The Engineering Properties command automatically calculates the engineering properties of a 2D object. This includes the objects perimeter and area, as well as the moment of inertia and radius of gyration about the centroidal X and Y axes of the object. It also calculates the coordinates of the centroid and places a locus at the centroid, if desired. If a single locus is selected along with the object when the command is executed, the moments of inertia and radii of gyration about the X and Y axes passing through the locus are also calculated. To determine the engineering properties of an object: 1. Select a single object, or select a single object and a locus point. 2. Select Model > Engineering Properties.


| Chapter 8: Editing 2D Objects

The Engineering Properties dialog box opens. The data that displays is selection-dependent. For a single closed surface, the following displays: Area of the object Perimeter of the object Moments of inertia about the objects centroidal axes Absolute coordinates of the centroid of the object Radii of gyration about the objects centroidal axes Plane properties (area, perimeter and coordinates)

For a single closed surface and a locus point, the Moments of Inertia about the axes that pass through the locus and the Radii of Gyration about these axes are also displayed.

3. Select the desired options and Units.

Place locus at centroid Place properties on drawing Write properties to a file Units 4. Click OK.

Select to add a locus at the centroid of the selected object after closing the Engineering Properties dialog box Select to place a list of the properties at the next mouse click after closing the Engineering Properties dialog box Select to send the properties to a text file; specify the file name and location after closing the Engineering Properties dialog box Update the displayed information to reflect the selected unit of measurement

Drafting Aids |


Drafting Aids
Arc by Segment Length
With the Arc by Segment Length command, an arc can be drawn based on specific arc and chord lengths. To draw an arc by segment length: 1. Select Modify > Drafting Aids > Arc by Segment Length. The Arc by Segment Length dialog box opens.

Arc Length Chord Length

Enter the arc length value Enter the chord length value, or select Use mouse clicks to use the mouse to determine the chord length

2. Click OK. 3. Click to define the arc location, and click to set the chord direction.

Arc into Segments

The Arc into Segments command converts a selected arc or circle into an equal number of segments, or divides the arc or circle into segments of a given length. The segments can be drawn as lines or polygons; the original object remains unchanged. To convert a circle or arc into segments: 1. Select the arc or circle to be converted. 2. Select Modify > Drafting Aids > Arc into Segments. The Arc into Segments dialog box opens.


| Chapter 8: Editing 2D Objects

Method Number of Segments Segment Length Options Draw Polygon Draw Lines

Draws the specified number of equal segments along the arc Draws segments of the specified length along the arc

Draws the segments as polygons Draws the segments as lines

3. Click OK to create the segments.

Line into Segments

The Line into Segments command converts a selected line into the indicated number of equal length segments. The original line can be converted, or an identical line placed on top of the original and converted. To convert a line into segments: 1. Select the line to be converted. 2. Select Modify > Drafting Aids > Line into Segments. The Line into Segments dialog box opens.

Drafting Aids |


Place loci Break Line Into Segments Leave Original Line Intact Number of Segments

Places loci at the segment divisions Creates segments from the original line, converting it; deselect to place loci only Retains the original line, and creates segments from a copy of the line Specifies the number of segments to create

3. Click OK to draw either a new segmented line or convert the selected one.


| Chapter 8: Editing 2D Objects

Creating 3D Objects

With the 3D Modeling tool set and various commands, draw objects in 3D, change 2D objects into 3D objects, or create hybrid objects that display in both 2D and 3D. 3D objects can have height (Z coordinate) as well as width and length (X and Y coordinates). This section presents methods of creating a variety of 3D objects. Unlike their 2D counterparts, 3D objects must be rendered to display a fill. A 3D tool can only be used in a 3D view. If the view is currently Top/Plan, it automatically changes to Top when a 3D tool is selected.

Using the 3D Data Bar

Use the Data bar when you draw to lock certain values for an object, such as the length of a hemisphere radius or the height of an extruded rectangle. The fields that are available on the Data bar depend on the active tool and on the action being performed.
Floating 3D Data bar (follows the cursor) Location of the cursor relative to the working plane Location of the cursor relative to the ground plane

Fixed 3D Data bar (on the Tool bar)

The data displayed in the bar is gathered from the feedback segment of the object being created. The more common Data bar fields are described in the following table; other fields that can display are described where their use is relevant.

A I J K L Z Ctr X Ctr Y Delta I Delta J Delta K Delta X Delta Y

Angle The absolute location of I in working plane coordinates The absolute location of J in working plane coordinates The absolute location of K in working plane coordinates Length The Z (depth) of the object being drawn The center of the object along the X axis The center of the object along the Y axis The offset distance from the previous click or position of I in working plane space The offset distance from the previous click or position of J in working plane space The offset distance from the previous click or position of I in working plane space The offset distance from the previous click or position of X The offset distance from the previous click or position of Y


| Chapter 9: Creating 3D Objects

Delta Z Radius

The offset distance from the previous click or position of Z The radius of the object being drawn

The Data bar is controlled by a menu on the far right side of the Tool bar.

Data bar menu

Menu Command
Location of the Data bar Use floating data bar Use floating data bar only when tab key is pressed Do not use floating data bar - show data bar fields on fixed data bar Do not use floating data bar - show data bar fields on tool bar Activation of the Data bar Allow numeric keypad entry for instant data bar activation Do not allow numeric keypad entry for instant data bar activation Field display on the Data bar Show only primary fields on data bar Show primary and secondary fields on data bar Show primary secondary, and cursor location fields on data bar Display of the Exit Group button Use large exit group button Use small exit group button

The Data bar floats with the cursor in the drawing area The Data bar floats with the cursor only when the Tab key is pressed; otherwise the bar does not display The Data bar displays on the top left side of the window, at the top of the Tool bar The Data bar displays on the right side of the Tool bar

When the Data bar is displayed, enter numbers on the numeric keypad to activate the first field When the Data bar is displayed, press the Tab key to activate the first field (press Shift+Tab to activate the last field)

Show only the delta I, delta J, and delta K fields Show all fields except the cursor location fields (X, Y, and Z) Show all fields

When a group is being edited, show a large button with the label Exit Group in the upper right corner of the drawing area When a group is being edited, show a small button with an arrow icon in the upper right corner of the drawing area

Drawing with the 3D Data Bar

To draw an object with the 3D Data bar: 1. Select a 3D drawing tool and click once to begin to draw the object.

Creating 3D Polygons |


2. Press the Tab key to activate the first field in the Data bar, or press Shift+Tab to activate the last field. Alternatively, if the Data bar options are set so that numeric keypad activation is enabled, you can type the value for the first field in the Data bar to activate it. In click-drag mode, press and hold the mouse button when you press Tab or Shift+Tab. 3. Enter values in the appropriate field(s), using the keys as follows.

Enter (Windows) or Return (Macintosh)

When the focus is in a Data bar field, sets the value that is currently displayed, and moves the focus to the drawing area When the focus is in the drawing area, completes the object (or completes the current segment of the object, for path objects such as polygons, walls, and dimensions)


When the focus is in a Data bar field, sets the entered value and moves to the next field (if no value was entered, the field is not set) When the focus is in the drawing area, moves the focus to the first field in the Data bar


When the focus is in a Data bar field, sets the entered value and moves to the previous field (if no value was entered, the field is not set) When the focus is in the drawing area, moves the focus to the last field in the Data bar

To clear an entry before it is set, press the Backspace key. The previous value in that field redisplays. If the SmartCursor option is enabled in VectorWorks preferences, a dotted line displays to represent the location of the values entered for the X and Y axes. 4. To complete the object according to the values you entered, click the mouse button. For non-path objects, you can also press Enter or Return to complete the object, if the focus is in the drawing area. For path objects, such as polygons, walls, and dimensions, you may need to click to complete the object.

Creating 3D Polygons
Extruded Rectangles
The Extruded Rectangle tool creates rectangles that have a height in any 3D layer and projection. Because they have a location in 3D space, extruded rectangles can be manipulated like other 3D objects. They can be rotated, placed in perspective, and translated in 3D space. Because VectorWorks considers these rectangles to be mesh objects (not true extruded objects), their individual vertices can be edited later. To create an extruded rectangle: 1. Click the Extruded Rectangle tool from the 3D Modeling tool set. 2. Click to set one of the rectangles corner points. The height of the extruded rectangle is set in one of two ways.


| Chapter 9: Creating 3D Objects

Enter the extruded rectangles height in the Set Extrusion Height dialog box that opens at the first mouse click. Click OK. Move the mouse vertically and then click to set the height. For more information on the different views, see Using Standard Views on page 403.

2D view or 3D elevation view 3D isometric view

3. Click to set the end point of the extruded rectangle.

2nd click

1st click 3rd click

Extruded Polygons
The Extruded Polygon tool creates 3D polygons that have a height. To create an extruded 3D polygon: 1. Click the Extruded Polygon tool from the 3D Modeling tool set. 2. Click to set the polygons start point (first vertex). The height of the extruded polygon is set in one of two ways.

2D view or 3D elevation view 3D isometric view

Enter the extruded polygons height in the Set Extrusion Height dialog box that opens at the first mouse click. Click OK. Move the mouse vertically and then click to set the height. For more information on the different views, see Using Standard Views on page 403.

3. Click at each vertex. 4. Double-click at the final vertex to end an open polygon; click at the starting vertex (a point cue displays) to end a closed polygon (the first and last vertex are automatically joined).

1st click

2nd 3rd


5th click

6th click

Creating Cylinders |


3D Polygons
The 3D Polygon tool creates polygons that have a location in 3D space, but no height. While they are planar, they can be rotated, placed in perspective, and translated in space like any other 3D object. To create a planar 3D polygon: 1. Click the 3D Polygon tool from the 3D Modeling tool set. 2. Click to set the polygons start point (first vertex). 3. Click at each vertex. 4. Double-click at the final vertex to end an open polygon; click at the starting vertex (a point cue displays) to end a closed polygon (the first and last vertex are automatically joined).
2nd 3rd 4th

7th 1st click 8th click


5th 9th click

Creating Cylinders
The Cylinder tool has five modes for creating cylinders.
Circle by Diameter Snap Height

Snap Top-Center

Circle by Radius

Circle by Three Points

Circle by Radius Circle by Diameter Circle by Three Points Snap Height Snap Top-Center

Defines the base of the cylinder by radius Defines the base of the cylinder by diameter Defines the base of the cylinder by circumference Sets the new cylinder height to the same height as an existing 3D object (available in a 3D isometric view only) Snaps the top-center of the new cylinder to a snap point on an existing 3D object (available in a 3D isometric view only)

When in a non-isometric view, the height of the cylinder is set in the Set Extrusion Height dialog box. In an isometric view, the cylinder height can be set by dragging with the mouse or entering the height in the Data bar. For more information on the different views, see Using Standard Views on page 403.


| Chapter 9: Creating 3D Objects

The cylinder height and radius can be changed with the 3D Reshape tool (see Reshaping 3D Objects on page 359), the radius can be modified in the Object Info palette, and the resolution can be adjusted through the 3D Conversion Res setting (see Setting VectorWorks Preferences on page 39).

Cylinder by Radius
To create a cylinder by radius: 1. Click the Cylinder tool from the 3D Modeling tool set, and select Circle by Radius mode. 2. Click to set the center of the cylinder base. 3. Drag the mouse to the desired radius and click to set the radius of the cylinder base. The radius can also be set in the Data bar. 4. Move the mouse vertically and click to set the cylinder height.

Cylinder by Diameter
To create a cylinder by diameter: 1. Click the Cylinder tool from the 3D Modeling tool set, and select Circle by Diameter mode. 2. Click to set the first point on the cylinder base diameter. 3. Drag the mouse to the desired diameter and click to set the diameter of the cylinder base. 4. Move the mouse vertically and click to set the cylinder height.

Cylinder by Three Points

To create a cylinder by three points: 1. Click the Cylinder tool from the 3D Modeling tool set, and select Circle by Three Points mode. 2. Click to set the first point on the cylinder base diameter. 3. Drag the mouse and click to set the second point on the cylinder base, and click again to set the third point on the cylinder base. 4. Move the mouse vertically and click to set the cylinder height.

Cylinder by Height
To create a cylinder with the same height as another 3D object: 1. Ensure that the Smart Points constraint is enabled (see Smart Points on page 123). 2. In a 3D isometric view, click the Cylinder tool from the 3D Modeling tool set. Select the cylinder base drawing mode, and then select Snap Height mode. The drawing procedure depends on the mode type selected (circle by radius, diameter, or three points).

Creating Cylinders |
3. Click to set the center of the cylinder or to set the first point on the cylinder base diameter.


4. Drag the mouse to the desired base radius or diameter and click to set. Or, if creating a cylinder by three points, drag the mouse and click to set the second point on the cylinder base, and click again to set the third point on the cylinder base. 5. Using the Smart Points constraint, align the top of the cylinder with the top of another snap point on a 3D object that has the desired height. 6. Click on the 3D objects Smart Point to set the cylinder height.
3rd click

2nd click 1st click

Cylinder by Top-Center
To create and snap a cylinder by its top center to a snap point on another 3D object: 1. Ensure that the Smart Points constraint is enabled (see Smart Points on page 123). 2. In a 3D isometric view, click the Cylinder tool from the 3D Modeling tool set. Select the cylinder base drawing mode, and then select Snap Top-Center mode. The drawing procedure depends on the mode type selected (circle by radius, diameter, or three points). 3. Click to set the center of the cylinder or to set the first point on the cylinder base diameter. 4. Drag the mouse to the desired base radius or diameter and click to set. Or, if creating a cylinder by three points, drag the mouse and click to set the second point on the cylinder base, and click again to set the third point on the cylinder base. 5. Using the Smart Points constraint, snap the top center of the cylinder to a snap point on another 3D object. A preview object displays. Click to create the cylinder.
3rd click

2nd click

1st click


| Chapter 9: Creating 3D Objects

Creating Spheres
The Sphere tool creates spheres using one of the three modes.
Sphere By Diameter

Sphere By Radius

Sphere By Center and Radius

Sphere by Radius Sphere by Diameter Sphere by Center and Radius

Defines the base of the sphere by radius Defines the base of the sphere by diameter Defines the base of the sphere by center (according to the height above the working plane) and radius

The sphere radius can be changed with the 3D Reshape tool (see Reshaping 3D Objects on page 359), the radius can be modified in the Object Info palette, and the resolution can be adjusted through the 3D Conversion Res setting (see Setting VectorWorks Preferences on page 39).

Sphere by Radius
To create a sphere by radius: 1. Click the Sphere tool from the 3D Modeling tool set, and select Sphere by Radius mode. 2. Click to set the center of sphere base. 3. Drag the mouse to the desired radius and click to set the radius of the sphere base. The radius can also be set in the Data bar.

Sphere by Diameter
To create a sphere by diameter: 1. Click the Sphere tool from the 3D Modeling tool set, and select Sphere by Diameter mode. 2. Click to set the first point on the sphere base diameter. 3. Drag the mouse to the desired diameter and click to set the diameter of the sphere base.

Sphere by Center and Radius

To create a sphere by center and radius: 1. Click the Sphere tool from the 3D Modeling tool set, and select Sphere by Center and Radius mode. 2. Click to set the center of the sphere base on the working plane.

Creating Hemispheres |
3. Move the mouse vertically and click to set the height of the sphere above the working plane.


4. Drag the mouse to the desired radius and click to set the radius of the sphere base. The radius can also be set in the Data bar. The center and height, relative to the working plane, of the sphere is automatically established if the first click is on a snap point, for example a 3D locus or vertex on another 3D object. When in a non-isometric view, the sphere is created centered on the working plane.

Creating Hemispheres
The Hemisphere tool creates hemispheres using one of three modes.
Hemisphere by Diameter

Hemisphere by Radius

Hemisphere by Up Radius

Hemisphere by Radius Hemisphere by Diameter Hemisphere by Up Radius

Defines the base of the hemisphere by radius Defines the base of the hemisphere by diameter Defines the base of the hemisphere by center and rotation

The hemisphere radius can be changed with the 3D Reshape tool (see Reshaping 3D Objects on page 359), the radius can be modified in the Object Info palette, and the resolution can be adjusted through the 3D Conversion Res setting (see Setting VectorWorks Preferences on page 39).

Hemisphere by Radius
To create a hemisphere by radius: 1. Click the Hemisphere tool from the 3D Modeling tool set, and select Hemisphere by Radius mode. 2. Click to set the center of the hemisphere base. 3. Drag the mouse to the desired radius and click to set the radius of the hemisphere base. The radius can also be set in the Data bar.

Hemisphere by Diameter
To create a hemisphere by diameter: 1. Click the Hemisphere tool from the 3D Modeling tool set, and select Hemisphere by Diameter mode. 2. Click to set the first point on the hemisphere base diameter. 3. Drag the mouse to the desired diameter and click to set the diameter of the hemisphere base.


| Chapter 9: Creating 3D Objects

Hemisphere by Up Radius
To create a hemisphere by up radius: 1. Click the Hemisphere tool from the 3D Modeling tool set, and select Hemisphere by Up Radius mode. 2. Click to set the center of the hemisphere base. 3. Move the mouse and click to set the rotation and top of the hemisphere.

Creating Cones
The Cone tool creates cones using one of two modes.
Cone By Radius and Height Cone By Radius and Tip

Cone by Radius and Height Cone by Radius and Tip

Defines the base of the cone by radius and tip of the cone by height Defines the base of the cone by radius and, if desired, snaps the tip of the cone to a point

When in a non-isometric view, the height of the cone is set in the Set Extrusion Height dialog box. In an isometric view, the cone height can be set by dragging with the mouse or entering the height in the Data bar. For more information on the different views, see Using Standard Views on page 403. The cone height can be changed with the 3D Reshape tool (see Reshaping 3D Objects on page 359), the radius can be modified in the Object Info palette, and the resolution can be adjusted through the 3D Conversion Res setting (see Setting VectorWorks Preferences on page 39).

Cone by Radius and Height

To create a cone using radius and height: 1. In a 3D isometric view, click the Cone tool from the 3D Modeling tool set, and select Cone by Radius and Height mode. 2. Click to set the center of the cone base. 3. Drag the mouse to the desired radius and click to set the radius of the cone base. The radius can also be set in the Data bar. 4. Move the mouse vertically and click to set the cone height.

Creating NURBS Curves, Circles, and Arcs |

3rd click


1st click 2nd click

Cone by Radius and Tip

To create a cone using radius and tip: 1. Ensure that the Smart Points constraint is enabled (see Smart Points on page 123). 2. In a 3D isometric view, click the Cone tool from the 3D Modeling tool set and select Cone by Radius and Tip mode. 3. Click to set center of the cone. 4. Drag the mouse to the desired radius and click to set the radius of the cone base. The radius can also be set in the Data bar. 5. Using the Smart Points constraint, snap the top of the cone to a snap point on another 3D object. A preview object displays. Click to create the cone.
3rd click 1st click 2nd click

Creating NURBS Curves, Circles, and Arcs

NURBS (Non Uniform Rational B-Splines) are used to create curves, circles, and arcs in 3D space. They can also be used as defining objects for extrusions along a path. NURBS are created along the working plane.

NURBS Curves
NURBS curves can be created using one of two modes. Specify the NURBS curve degree prior to selecting a mode.


| Chapter 9: Creating 3D Objects

NURBS Curve by Interpolation Point

NURBS Curve by Control Point

NURBS Curve Degree Setting

Setting the NURBS Curve Degree

To specify the NURBS curve degree: 1. Click the NURBS Curve tool from the 3D Modeling tool set, and click NURBS Curve Degree Setting from the Tool bar. 2. The Curve Degree dialog box opens. Specify the curve degree for the NURBS Curve tool to use. Click OK. Set the degree value to 1 to create a NURBS curve with linear segments (similar to a 3D polygon).

NURBS Curve by Interpolation Point

To create a NURBS curve by interpolation point: 1. Click the NURBS Curve tool from the 3D Modeling tool set, and select NURBS Curve by Interpolation Point mode. 2. Click to set the first point on the curve. 3. Click to set the point about which the curve passes through. 4. Double-click to set the end point of the curve. Double-clicking ends the operation. To create a multi-curved NURBS curve, continue to click points.

NURBS Curve by Control Point

To create a NURBS curve by control point: 1. Click the NURBS Curve tool from the 3D Modeling tool set, and select NURBS Curve by Control Point mode. 2. Click to set the first point on the curve. 3. Click to set the point about which the curve pulls toward but does not touch. 4. Double-click to set the end point of the curve. Double-clicking ends the operation. To create a multi-curved NURBS curve, continue to click points.

NURBS Circles
NURBS circles can be created using one of three modes.

Creating NURBS Curves, Circles, and Arcs |

NURBS Circle by Radius NURBS Circle by Three Points


NURBS Circle by Diameter

NURBS Circle by Radius

To create a NURBS circle by radius: 1. Click the NURBS Circle tool from the 3D Modeling tool set, and select NURBS Circle by Radius mode. 2. Click to set the center of the circle. 3. Click to set the end point of the radius that defines the circle.

NURBS Circle by Diameter

To create a NURBS circle by diameter: 1. Click the NURBS Circle tool from the 3D Modeling tool set, and select NURBS Circle by Diameter mode. 2. Click to set a point on the circle. 3. Click to set the end point of the diameter that defines the circle.

NURBS Circle by Three Points

To create a NURBS circle by three points: 1. Click the NURBS Circle from the 3D Modeling tool set, and select NURBS Circle by Three Points mode. 2. Click to set the first point on the circle. 3. Click to set the second point on the circle. 4. Click to set the third (and final) point on the circle. The third point defines the radius of the circle.

NURBS arcs can be created using one of four modes.
NURBS Arc by Radius NURBS Arc by Tangent

NURBS Arc by Three Points

NURBS Arc by Two Points and Center


| Chapter 9: Creating 3D Objects

NURBS Arc by Radius

To create a NURBS arc by radius: 1. Click the NURBS Arc tool from the 3D Modeling tool set, and select NURBS Arc by Radius mode. 2. Click to set the center of the arc. 3. Click to fix the radius and set the starting point for the arc. 4. Click to set the end point of the arc.

NURBS Arc by Three Points

To create a NURBS arc by three points: 1. Click the NURBS Arc tool from the 3D Modeling tool set, and select NURBS Arc by Three Points mode. 2. Click to set the starting point of the arc. 3. Click to set end point of the radius that defines the arc. 4. Click to set the end point of the arc.

NURBS Arc by Tangent

To create a NURBS arc by tangent: 1. Click the NURBS Arc tool from the 3D Modeling tool set, and select NURBS Arc by Tangent mode. 2. Click to set the start point of the arc. 3. Click to set the tangent. 4. Click to set end point of arc.

NURBS Arc by Two Points and Center

To create a NURBS arc by two points and center: 1. Click the NURBS Arc tool from the 3D Modeling tool set, and select NURBS Arc by Two Points and Center mode. 2. Click to set the start point of the arc. 3. Click to set end point of the arc. 4. Click to set the radius of the arc.

Converting to NURBS
The Convert to NURBS command converts 2D objects and 3D polygons into 3D NURBS curves, and converts the faces of solids to NURBS surfaces. This is a quick way of creating NURBS surfaces from an extrusion, sweep, or other solids. To convert to NURBS curves or surfaces: 1. Select the object or solid to convert to NURBS surfaces.

Creating 3D Loci |
2. Select Modify > Convert > Convert to NURBS. The selection is converted to NURBS surface(s) or a 3D NURBS curve, as reflected in the Object Info palette.


If the solid consisted of several faces, the conversion results in a group of NURBS surfaces. Select Modify > Ungroup to access the individual NURBS surfaces that make up the solid.

Creating 3D Loci
3D Locus Tool
The 3D Locus tool places a snappable 3D locus or reference point onto the drawing. Like 2D loci, they are reference points. They can be moved, but they cannot be reshaped and they do not print. To manually insert a 3D locus: 1. Click the 3D Locus tool from the 3D Modeling tool set. 2. Click to place the locus. VectorWorks places the locus on the working plane if it is not snapped to an object. 3. Click to place each additional locus. To insert a 3D locus by dialog box: 1. Double-click the 3D Locus tool from the 3D Modeling tool set. The Create 3D Locus dialog box opens.

2. Select the 3D locus Class and Layer. Enter the X, Y, and Z position where the 3D locus is to be located. 3. Click OK. To place 3D loci more reliably, turn on the Snap to Objects constraint.

Extruding Objects
Single Extrude
The Extrude command changes 2D objects into 3D objects. The type of object and its attributes determines the type of extrude that is produced. Lines are extruded as flat planes, while all other objects are extruded as wireframe 3D objects. While more than one object can be extruded at a time, grouped objects must first be ungrouped in order to be extruded. Objects that are locked must first be unlocked in order to be extruded.


| Chapter 9: Creating 3D Objects

Objects are extruded into the current viewing projection. They can be rotated afterwards if desired. See Rotate Tool on page 389 or Preset Rotation Angles on page 391. The extruded object height can be edited interactively with the 3D Reshape tool; see Reshaping Extruded Objects and Solid Primitives on page 359 for more information. When extruding a selection of objects, VectorWorks turns the objects into a single 3D group of objects. To edit an individual object, either ungroup the set or use the Edit Group command to access the individual objects. To extrude an object: 1. Select the 2D object(s) to extrude. 2. Select Model > Extrude. The Create Extrude dialog box opens.

3. Enter the Extrusion height and specify any change in size along the X and Y axes, and then click OK.

Multiple Extrude
A pyramid, sphere, or other 3D object can be created from a series of 2D objects using the Multiple Extrude command. Using locus points can provide a point of reference with this command. To create a multiple extrude: 1. Select the 2D objects to extrude. 2. Select Model > Multiple Extrude. The Create Extrude dialog box opens. 3. Enter the Extrusion height and specify the change in size along the X and Y axes. 4. Click OK. VectorWorks extrudes the set of objects/locus points by connecting one to another in their stacking order, turning the objects into a single 3D object.

Extruding Objects |


Extrude Along Path

The Extrude Along Path command extrudes profile objects along a given path. Profile objects can be 2D objects, 3D polygons, and NURBS curves. Profile objects cannot be non-planar, self-intersecting, or a mixture of 2D and 3D profiles. If the path is not a NURBS curve, it is converted into a NURBS curve during this operation. When using the Edit Group command on a 3D object created using Extrude Along Path, a dialog box opens with the choice to either edit the original path or profile object. To extrude along a path: 1. Select the object to be extruded, and the object to use as the path.

2. Select Model > Extrude Along Path. The Extrude Along Path dialog box opens. Enter the extrusion parameters.


| Chapter 9: Creating 3D Objects

Click the Next or Prev button to select the object that represents the path Scales the object linearly along the designated path; enter a Scale Factor of 1 to perform no scaling, or enter a positive scale factor other than 1 for uniform scaling Scales the object exponentially along the designated path; enter a Shape Factor of 0 to perform no scaling, or enter a shape factor other than 0 for exponential scaling

Select a path object Uniform Scale Exponential Scale

Scaling options are available when the path object is a single continuous curve without sharp corners or discontinuities. 3. Click OK to extrude the object along the selected path.

No scaling (scale factor 1)

Uniform scaling

Exponential scaling

4. The type of Scale and Shape/Scale Factor of an Extrude Along Path object can be edited in the Object Info palette.

Creating a Tapered Extrude

A tapered extrude can be created from 2D objects, 3D polygons, and NURBS curves, circles, and arcs. This command easily creates wavy extrusions by entering a taper value of zero. The command also extrudes 2D objects into 3D objects with a defined taper. Use it to convert a single object or several objects at the same time. Once created, the height and taper can be edited in the Object Info palette. The tapered extrude object height can be edited interactively with the 3D Reshape tool; see Reshaping Extruded Objects and Solid Primitives on page 359 for more information. To create a tapered extrude: 1. Select the object(s) to turn into a tapered extrude. 2. Select Model > Tapered Extrude. The Tapered Angle and Extrude Height dialog box opens.

Sweeping Objects |


3. Enter the Height (Z) of the extrude and the Taper Angle. A positive taper degree shrinks the object as it extrudes, while a negative taper degree widens the object. Set a Taper Angle of 0 to create an extrusion with no taper. 4. Click OK to create the tapered extrude.

NURBS curve extruded with zero Taper Angle

If a tapered extrude fails, the object reverts to the last known good value.

Sweeping Objects
The Sweep command converts 2D objects into 3D cylindrical objects. Use it to convert a single object at a time, or to convert several selected objects. While more than one object can be swept at a time, grouped objects must first be ungrouped. Locked objects must first be unlocked in order to create a sweep. A sweep has four basic elements: a centroid (locus), an arc angle, a segment angle, and a pitch. The locus acts as the sweeps center of rotation. If a locus is not selected, VectorWorks automatically sweeps the object around its left edge or point farthest on the left if more than one object is selected. A locus can be relocated or added after creation using the Edit Group command. The other three elements (arc angle, segment angle, pitch) can be edited after the sweep has been created through the Object Info palette. If more than one object is selected when creating a sweep, the objects are automatically grouped. To edit an object within the sweep, use the Edit Group command. To create a sweep: 1. Select the 2D object(s) to sweep and, if created, the locus. 2. Select Model > Sweep. The Create Sweep dialog box opens. Enter the sweep criteria and click OK.


| Chapter 9: Creating 3D Objects

Size Height Radius Angles Start Angle Arc Angle Segment Angle

Indicates the sweep height Indicates the sweep radius

Specifies the angle to begin the sweep; normally start at 0 Specifies the degree of the sweep. By default, objects are swept a full 360. Indicates the number of segments that make up the sweep. The default is 36 segments, each one 10 from the next on the arc. The angle setting must be a positive number. A large number of segments can slow down performance. Sets the degree to which the sweep spirals. A sweeps pitch is represented in the plus- or minus-height per revolution. For example, if the pitch is 1, every revolution raises the object a single inch. The default is 0.
Locus point selected


Create object

Place locus to act as sweep centroid; select both Object swept, rotated, and rendered

Advanced 3D Modeling


The 3D Power Pack technology is fully integrated with VectorWorks to provide significantly expanded NURBS (Non Uniform Rational B-Splines) functionality. NURBS is a mathematical formulation that represents the geometry of curves, circles, arcs, and surfaces in 3D space. The 3D Power Pack provides the following features and benefits: Advanced solid modeling operations Advanced surface modeling operations Solid-surface interactions Participation of surfaces in Boolean operations Easy manipulation of surface geometry Simple 3D user interface

For information on backwards compatibility with 3D Power Pack objects, see 3D Power Pack Compatibility on page 525.

3D Power Pack Fundamentals

3D Power Pack Cursors
Special cursors display during certain operations to help determine the current mouse function; they do not display when an active selection is about to occur.

Edge Selection

Where Used
Extract tools Point and Curve modes, Chamfer Edge tool, and the Fillet Edge tool

Face Selection

Extract tools Surface modes and Shell Solid tool, as well as the Chamfer Edge and Fillet Edge tools with the Select Faces option turned on

Curve Selection

Loft Surface tool and Project tool

Surface Selection

Project tool

Selecting the Edges and Faces of a Solid

Several 3D Power Pack tools require the selection of edges or faces of a solid. The Extract tools Surface mode and the Shell Solid tool require face selection. The Chamfer Edge and Fillet Edge tools can require both face and edge selection, depending upon the option selected in the preferences dialog box.


| Chapter 10: Advanced 3D Modeling

Selecting Edges
The cursor changes to an arrowhead when on or near an edge. If more than one edge is near the cursor, the nearest edge is selected. Click the edge to select it. The cursor also changes to an arrowhead when on or near an iso-parametric curve (which displays in a lighter shade of pen color than the edge); however, an iso-parametric curve cannot be selected.

Select more than one edge Deselect a selected edge Deselect edges that have been selected Deselect the last selection

Press the Shift key and select the edges Click on the edge again with the Shift key pressed Click on an empty area Press the Backspace (Windows) or Delete (Macintosh) key, or double-click on the edge

Arrowhead cursor (on or near edge)

Arrow cursor (away from edge)

Highlighted (selected) edge

Multiple edges selected

Iso-parametric curve

Selecting Faces
Face selection in VectorWorks is actually an edge-based selection. When the cursor is on or near an edge or near an iso-parametric curve, you can select the face on either side of the edge depending on the cursor position.

Cursor pointing to the left side of the edge

Face on the left side of the edge is selected

3D Power Pack Fundamentals |


If the cursor is positioned over more than one face, or near an iso-parametric curve on a face, the Select Face dialog box opens to specify which face to select.

Iso-parametric curve

Click Next or Prev until the desired face is selected. Click OK to select the face. Multiple faces can be selected while pressing the Shift key, much like the edge selection described earlier. Deselecting faces is also similar to deselecting edges.

Displaying Surface Normals

The surface normal of NURBS surfaces can be displayed in order to clarify the surface direction and facilitate the creation of fillet surfaces (see Creating a Fillet Surface on page 325), and the sectioning of solids (see Sectioning Solids on page 365). To display the surface normal of a NURBS surface: 1. Select one or more NURBS surfaces. 2. In the Object Info palette, select Show Normal. The NURBS surface normal displays as a red arrow.

If desired, click Reverse Normal when a single NURBS surface is selected to reverse the direction of the surface normal. The arrow changes direction accordingly to indicate the new direction.

Displaying Curve Direction

The direction of NURBS curves can be displayed to help perform 3D operations. To display the direction of a NURBS curve: 1. Select one or more NURBS curves. 2. In the Object Info palette, select Show Direction. The NURBS curve direction displays as a red arrow.


| Chapter 10: Advanced 3D Modeling

If desired, click Reverse Direction when a single NURBS curve is selected to reverse the direction of the curve. The arrow changes direction accordingly to indicate the new direction.

Editing a Fillet/Chamfer or Shell Object

A fillet, chamfer, or shell object follows certain editing conventions. The set of edges or faces used to create the fillet/chamfer or shell cannot be changed once the operation is performed; edges or faces cannot be deleted from or added to the existing set. To add or delete edges or faces, first ungroup the object, and then perform the operation again.

Fillet operation performed

Ungroup to change existing set of edges

Fillet operation performed with new set of edges

The properties that can be changed from the Object Info palette include the thickness of a shell, direction of shelling (inside/outside), the radius of a fillet or setback distance of a chamfer. In the case of variable radius fillets, the percentage of length and radius value at each point can be edited. However, only the parameters of the topmost object can be changed. For example, if a shell is created, and then some of the shell edges are filleted, only the fillet parameters can be changed directly from the Object Info palette. To change the shell thickness, the fillet object must first be ungrouped. To change the original extrusion, both the fillet and the shell must be ungrouped. Once changes have been made, reapply the shell and fillet. The Modify > Edit Group command cannot be used for these objects.

Surface Geometry Requirements

Some surface geometry can contain degenerate patches, singularities, or self-intersections. These types of surfaces could potentially be produced with the 3D Reshape tool, Loft Surface tool, or Create Surface from Curves command, and can produce undesirable results in the finished model. Surface operations, such as trim and stitch surfaces, split, and other operations, like creating contours and solid operations, may not be able to manipulate these types of surfaces. Decomposing such surfaces may help by separating the surfaces into NURBS surfaces without discontinuities. See Decomposing Objects and Surfaces on page 387.

NURBS Surfaces |


NURBS Surfaces
Interpolated NURBS Surfaces
An interpolated surface is a NURBS surface that passes through a two-dimensional array of 3D interpolation points. Regular NURBS surfaces are defined by their control points, which may not lie on the surface and can be difficult to use for reshaping the surface (it is difficult to know how much the control point should be moved in order to reshape the surface by a specific distance). Because interpolation points lie on the surface, it is much easier to modify these points with the 3D Reshape tool or the Object Info palette, and have the surface pass through the points. An interpolated surface can be created, or an existing untrimmed NURBS surface can be converted to an interpolated surface, for easier reshaping. When an interpolated surface is used in another operation, such as a Boolean operation or trimming, the surface becomes a control point surface.

Creating an Interpolated Surface

A new interpolated NURBS surface can be created with the Create Interpolated Surface command. To create an interpolated surface: 1. Select Model > 3D Power Pack > Create Interpolated Surface. 2. Click to define the start of the interpolation point row, and then click again to define the end of the row. Click a third time to define the column of interpolation points.

The Create Interpolated Surface dialog box opens. 3. Specify the number of interpolation points and degree of flexibility to create for both the U and V direction.


| Chapter 10: Advanced 3D Modeling

U Direction Number of Points Degree V Direction Number of Points Degree

Specifies the number of interpolation points (up to 1000) to create in the U direction; this number must be greater than the U degree number Indicates the flexibility of the surface in the U direction, from 1 to 28; a larger number results in a more variable surface

Specifies the number of interpolation points (up to 1000) to create in the V direction; this number must be greater than the V degree number Indicates the flexibility of the surface in the V direction, from 1 to 28; a larger number results in a more variable surface

4. Click OK to create the interpolated surface. Select Show Vertices in the Object Info palette to display the interpolation points. Use the 3D Reshape tool to reshape the interpolated NURBS surface.

Converting to an Interpolated Surface

An existing untrimmed NURBS surface can be converted to an interpolated NURBS surface for easier reshaping. To convert an untrimmed NURBS surface to an interpolated surface: 1. Select an untrimmed NURBS surface.

NURBS Surfaces |
2. Select Model > 3D Power Pack > Create Interpolated Surface.


The Create Interpolated Surface dialog box opens, with a suggested number of interpolation points and degree values for the conversion. These parameters can be changed (see Creating an Interpolated Surface on page 315).

3. Click OK to create the interpolated surface. Select Show Vertices in the Object Info palette to display interpolation points. Use the 3D Reshape tool to reshape the interpolated NURBS surface.

Creating a Loft Surface

The Loft Surface tool creates complex NURBS surface(s) from two or more cross sections with no rail, with a rail and one or more cross sections, or with two rails and one cross section. A rail is a guide curve which determines the shape of the resulting surfaces, in the one rail mode. In Birail Sweep mode, the rails do not need to intersect the cross sections. Three modes are available.
Loft With One Rail

Loft With No Rail

Birail Sweep


| Chapter 10: Advanced 3D Modeling

Loft With No Rail Loft With One Rail Birail Sweep

Creates a NURBS surface using two or more cross sections Creates a NURBS surface using a rail and one or more cross sections Creates a NURBS surface using two rails and one cross section

Similar to the Multiple Extrude command, the Loft Surface tool creates a 3D object from a series of other objects. Unlike Multiple Extrude, the cross sections do not need to be equally spaced, and the resulting profile can be manipulated to avoid self-intersection and to control twist. This tool can potentially create surfaces which cannot be further manipulated in the 3D Power Pack. See Surface Geometry Requirements on page 314.

Loft Surface Using No Rails

To create a NURBS surface from two or more cross sections: 1. Click the Loft Surface tool from the 3D Modeling tool set, and then select Loft With No Rail from the Tool bar. 2. Click on each cross section. The cursor changes into an arrowhead when over a valid cross section. The point nearest to the click is selected.

The proposed curve alignment displays in red as each section is selected. Cross sections are created using NURBS curves which do not need to be the same shape or planar. All NURBS curves must be either closed or open objects, not a mixture of the two. 3D loci can be used in a loft, but must display at the ends of the loft. 3. Once all curves are selected, press Enter (Windows) or Return (Macintosh) or click the check mark button on the Tool bar. The Loft Creation dialog box opens.

NURBS Surfaces |


4. Specify the desired loft creation settings.

Select Curve Reverse Select Alignment by Point Select Alignment by Percentage Ruled

Selects the previous or next cross section curve. Reverse changes the direction of the curve to twist or untwist the loft surface. Click to reverse the curve direction Selects the previous or next point on the selected cross-section curve. If the cross section does not have any corners, this option is disabled. Selects points along a geometrically-continuous cross section (such as a circle) by a specified percentage, or by adjusting the slider Creates a linearly-interpolated object


| Chapter 10: Advanced 3D Modeling

Creates a loft surface that closes in on itself. Because the start point cannot be selected as the end point of a loft, the Closed option automatically completes the connection.


Cross section

Loft surface without Closed option

Loft surface with Closed option

Create Solid

Creates a solid loft surface with capped ends

Keep Curves Preview

Retains the cross sections after the loft is created Displays the proposed loft surfaces based on the current settings

5. Click OK to close the dialog box and create the loft surface(s).

Loft Surface Using One Rail

To create a NURBS surface using one rail: 1. Click the Loft Surface tool from the 3D Modeling tool set, and then select Loft With One Rail from the Tool bar. 2. Click on the rail, and then click on each cross section.

NURBS Surfaces |


3. Once all curves are selected, press Enter (Windows) or Return (Macintosh) or click the check mark button on the Tool bar. The Loft Creation dialog box opens. 4. Specify the desired loft creation settings (see Loft Surface Using No Rails on page 318). 5. Click OK to close the dialog box and create the loft surface(s).

The rail curve should intersect all cross-section curves if there is more than one curve. When a single cross section is used, the curve is swept along the rail and the cross section does not need to intersect the rail.

Loft Surface Using Two Rails

To create a NURBS surface using two rails: 1. Click the Loft Surface tool from the 3D Modeling tool set, and then select Birail Sweep from the Tool bar. 2. Click on each rail, and then click on the cross section. The cross-section profile curve does not need to intersect the rail curves. In this mode, only one cross section can be selected.


| Chapter 10: Advanced 3D Modeling


3. Once the profile curve is selected, press Enter (Windows) or Return (Macintosh) or click the check mark button on the Tool bar. The Loft Creation dialog box opens. 4. Specify the desired loft creation settings (see Loft Surface Using No Rails on page 318). 5. Click OK to close the dialog box and create the loft surface(s).

The loft surface is created differently depending on whether the profile curve is open or closed, and how the start/end of the rails touch the profile curve. In certain instances, the click order (which rail is clicked first) and location (part of the profile curve that is clicked) will produce a different loft surface.

NURBS Surfaces | Status of Profile Curve and Rails Open Profile Curve
Start/end of one of the rails touches the start/end of the open profile Start/end of the rails do not touch the start/end of the open profile, or do not touch the open profile at all The rail click order and profile click location do not affect the loft surface creation Both the rail click order and the location where the profile is clicked affect how the loft surface is created


Effect of Rail Click Order/Profile Click Location


Rails do not touch the open profile curve

Top rail clicked first, then bottom rail, Top rail clicked first, then bottom rail, and then the top of the profile curve and then the bottom of the profile curve OR OR Bottom rail clicked first, then top rail, Bottom rail clicked first, then top rail, and then the bottom of the profile curve and then the top of the profile curve

Closed Profile Curve

Start/end of one of the rails touches the closed profile curve Start/end of the rails do not touch the closed profile at all The click order and location do not affect the loft surface creation The click order affects how the loft surface is created


Rails do not touch the closed profile curve

Top rail clicked first, then bottom rail, and then the profile curve

Bottom rail clicked first, then top rail, and then the profile curve

Creating Surfaces from Curves

The Create Surface from Curves command creates a NURBS surface from a network of single closed curves (including closed 2D objects) or two or more open NURBS curves. These NURBS curves can be planar or non-planar, but NURBS in the U direction must intersect NURBS in the V direction at only one point. This command can potentially create surfaces which cannot be further manipulated in the 3D Power Pack. See Surface Geometry Requirements on page 314. To create a NURBS surface from curves: 1. Draw two or more open NURBS curves to create an enclosed region. 2. Select the NURBS objects being used to create the NURBS surface.


| Chapter 10: Advanced 3D Modeling

3. Select Model > 3D Power Pack > Create Surface from Curves. A NURBS surface is created with a red pen color.

Multiple open NURBS that form both boundary and interior curves can be used to create a NURBS surface, but must have an equal number of intersections. A NURBS surface is not created if there is more than one intersection created by the selected curves, creating multiple enclosed regions. It is also not created if there is an intersection between selected curves in the same parametric direction or if there are an unequal number of intersections.

Only one enclosed region allowed

Intersection between curves in the same parametric direction

Unequal number of intersections

Creating a Drape Surface

VectorWorks can automatically create a rectangular, draped NURBS surface over an object, up to a specific Z plane value. This is useful for creating surfaces that represent curtains or tablecloths. To create a drape surface: 1. Select one or more objects to be draped.

2. Select Model > 3D Power Pack > Create Drape Surface. The Create Drape Surface dialog box opens.

NURBS Surfaces |


Number of Points U Direction V Direction Plane Z Value

Specifies the number of control points on the drape surface; the greater the number of points, the closer the drape surface is to the object Enter the number of points to create in the U direction; this number must be at least 3 Enter the number of points to create in the V direction; this number must be at least 3 Specify the base level of the drape surface, which must be less than the highest Z coordinate of the object

3. Click OK to create the drape surface.

Creating a Fillet Surface

The Create Fillet Surface command creates a surface between two selected surfaces, leaving the original surfaces unmodified. This command is useful for sheet metal design (for example, for car bodies) to provide a smooth transition between two adjacent surfacesperhaps for aesthetic quality or because of a manufacturing requirement. To create a fillet surface at the intersection of two selected NURBS surfaces: 1. Select two NURBS surfaces. The position of the fillet surface depends on the normal of the NURBS surfaces; select Show Normal in the Object Info palette to display the surface normals (see Displaying Surface Normals on page 313).


| Chapter 10: Advanced 3D Modeling

2. Select Model > 3D Power Pack > Create Fillet Surface. The Fillet Surface Preferences dialog box opens. Enter the desired Fillet Radius, and then select the trim and cross section type for the fillet. The following trim type examples shown use a circular cross section type, and the cross section examples use an edge tangency trim type.

Edge Tangency

Creates a blend between the minimal and maximal intersections on each end of the fillet

NURBS Surfaces | Parameter



Trims the fillet surface to the minimal intersecting areas on the face boundaries


Trims the fillet surface to the maximal intersecting areas on the face boundaries


Creates a bevel between the minimal and maximal intersections on each end of the fillet


| Chapter 10: Advanced 3D Modeling

Generates the entire fillet without trimming



Creates a fillet surface with a circular cross section

Approx Circular

Creates a fillet surface with an approximately circular cross section

NURBS Surfaces | Parameter



Creates a fillet surface with a linear cross section

Tangent Continuous Blend

Creates a fillet surface with a tangent continuous G1 cross section

Curvature Continuous Blend

Creates a fillet surface with a curvature continuous G2 cross section


| Chapter 10: Advanced 3D Modeling

Creates a fillet surface with a G3 cross section, matching the rate of change between the adjacent surfaces

Rate of Curvature Continuous Blend

3. Click OK. A NURBS surface is created between the two objects.

Fillet surface

The position of the fillet surface depends on the surface normals. The fillet is created differently if the Reverse Normal button is clicked for one or both of the surfaces in the Object Info palette.

Fillet surface after reversing the normal of the vertical surface

Creating a Seamless Join

The resulting fillet can then be used to create a seamless join between NURBS surfaces. To create a seamless join between NURBS surfaces: 1. Select all NURBS surfaces, and then select Model > Add Solids to add the fillet surface to the NURBS surfaces. 2. With the surfaces still selected, select Modify > Convert > Convert to NURBS to convert all the surfaces of the solid to NURBS surfaces.

NURBS Surfaces |
3. Select Modify > Ungroup to display all individual surfaces.


4. Click on the drawing area to deselect the objects. Delete the surfaces that are not to be used in the final object.

Creating Planar Caps

The Create Planar Caps command closes off the ends of open-ended solids by creating planar NURBS surfaces. These surfaces can then be added to the rest of the surfaces with the Add Solids command. To create planar caps: 1. Select the open-ended solid.

2. Select Model > 3D Power Pack > Create Planar Caps. Planar NURBS surfaces are created to close off the ends of the solid.

Planar caps moved for clarity

3. Add the solid and the planar cap surfaces by selecting them all and choosing Model > Add Solids.


| Chapter 10: Advanced 3D Modeling

Creating a NURBS Surface by Revolving a Profile Along a Rail

Complex NURBS surfaces can be created by revolving a profile along a guide curve (rail). This is an alternate, and sometimes easier, method of creating NURBS surfaces than using the Loft Surface tool, especially when creating tent-like structures. The Revolve with Rail command creates the NURBS surface by revolving a planar NURBS curve about an axis. The revolution is guided by a rail curve on a plane perpendicular to the plane containing the profile curve and axis.




To create a NURBS surface with profile and rail: 1. Create the axis, rail and profile out of NURBS curves. Conditions must meet the following requirements: The axis must be a linear NURBS curve The profile must be a planar NURBS curve The profile cannot intersect the axis, though it can touch The axis must lie on the same plane as the profile The rail must be a planar NURBS curve that lies on a plane perpendicular to the plane containing the axis and profile

2. Select Model > 3D Power Pack > Revolve with Rail. Select, in order, the axis, profile and rail.

Click 3

Click 1

Click 2

3. The NURBS surfaces are automatically created.

NURBS Surfaces |


The rail defines the extent of the revolution. An open rail curve generates surfaces until the rail ends.

NURBS Surface Properties

The properties of a NURBS surface are displayed in the Object Info palette, where they can also be edited. NURBS surfaces can also be reshaped with the 3D Reshape tool; see Reshaping 3D Objects on page 359 for more information.


Select Entire Object to edit all the vertices of the surface, Vertex Only to edit only the selected vertex, U Vertices to edit all of the vertices in a row in the U direction, and V Vertices to edit all of the vertices in a row in the V direction Scrolls through the vertices of the selected NURBS surface in either the U parametric direction or V parametric direction Depending on the selection in the Move list, displays the position of the current surface or vertex; edit the values to change the surface/vertex position Degree in the U parametric direction; increasing this value adds vertices that can then be manipulated Degree in the V parametric direction; increasing this value adds vertices that can then be manipulated

Edit U/V X, Y, Z / I, J, K U Degree V Degree


| Chapter 10: Advanced 3D Modeling

NURBS curves and surfaces are represented mathematically by weighted control points. The weight value can be anywhere between .01 and 100. A weight above 1 pulls the curve or surface toward the control point; a weight below 1 has the reverse effect. Flips the surface normal direction Creates a NURBS surface, if the surface has been trimmed Displays the NURBS surface parameters Select to display the surfaces vertices Displays the surface normal as a red arrow for the selected NURBS surface


Reverse Normal Untrim NURBS Surface parameters (display only) Show Vertices Show Normal

Extracting Geometry
The Extract tool can be used to extract geometry from the edge or surface of a NURBS surface or solid object, leaving the original unmodified. The extracted geometry can then be used for snapping to or for other surface operations.
Extract Curve Extract Surface Extract Preferences

Extract Point

Extract Iso-parametric Curve

Extract Point

Extracts 3D loci from the edges of a NURBS surface or solid object. 3D loci are placed at the start, end, and mid-points of the selected edges. For circular edges, a 3D locus is created at the circle center as well. Extracts a NURBS curve from the edge of a solid object Extracts an iso-parametric curve from the surface of a solid object Extracts a NURBS surface from the face of a solid Provides options for extracting tangent entities, faces, or all entities; the specific items extracted depends on which mode is selected. These options have no effect in Extract Iso-parametric Curve mode.

Extract Curve Extract Iso-parametric Curve Extract Surface Extract Preferences

To extract geometry from the edge or surface of a NURBS surface or solid object: 1. In the desired view, click the Extract tool from the 3D Modeling tool set, and then select the desired mode from the Tool bar. 2. If Extract Iso-parametric Curve mode was selected, skip to step 4. For all other modes, click Extract Preferences from the Tool bar. The Extract Preferences dialog box opens.

Extracting Geometry |


Select Tangent Entities

In Extract Point or Extract Curve mode, extracts loci or curves from tangentially-connected edges of the selected object; in Extract Surface mode, extracts surfaces from tangentially-connected faces of the selected object In Extract Point or Extract Curve mode, extracts loci or curves from all edges of the selected face(s) In Extract Point or Extract Curve mode, extracts loci or curves from all edges of the selected object; in Extract Surface mode, extracts surfaces from all faces of the selected object

Select Faces Select All Entities

3. Specify the desired preferences and click OK. 4. Select the edge(s) or surface(s) from which geometry will be extracted. To select multiple edges or surfaces, hold the Shift key while selecting. See Selecting the Edges and Faces of a Solid on page 311 for information on selecting surfaces. 5. Press Enter (Windows) or Return (Macintosh) or click the check mark button on the Tool bar to extract the 3D loci, curves, or surfaces. The extracted entities display in red, because they are automatically placed in either the RedCurves or RedSurfaces class. To edit extracted groups, select Modify > Ungroup.

In Extract Iso-parametric Curve mode, click the hemisphere surface to select curves

Extracted curves moved for clarity


| Chapter 10: Advanced 3D Modeling

In Extract Surface mode, with the Select Tangent Entities preference selected, click an interior surface to select all tangent interior surfaces

Extracted surfaces moved for clarity

NURBS Surface-curve Interaction

Analyzing NURBS Curves and Surfaces
The Analysis tool provides proximity, intersection, and curvature information for NURBS curves and surfaces. Two modes are available.
Proximity Interrogation

Proximity Interrogation

Determines the minimum distance between NURBS curves/surfaces and 3D loci, or the intersection between NURBS curves/surfaces Interactively determines the curvature of NURBS curves and surfaces and displays curvature parameters

Determining NURBS Curve and Surface Proximity

In Proximity mode, the Analysis tool places a 3D locus at the minimum distance or intersection between two NURBS curves, a NURBS curve and NURBS surface, and a 3D locus and NURBS curve or surface. The tool places a NURBS curve at the intersection of two NURBS surfaces. To analyze NURBS proximity or intersection: 1. Click the Analysis tool from the 3D Modeling tool set, and then select Proximity from the Tool bar. 2. Click on a NURBS curve, NURBS surface, or 3D locus, and then click on another NURBS curve or surface.

NURBS Surface-curve Interaction |


A red 3D locus is placed on each NURBS curve at the closest minimum distance or intersecting points between the two items, or a NURBS curve is placed at the intersection of two NURBS surfaces.

NURBS curve

Locus points placed at each intersection between a NURBS curve and NURBS surface

Locus points placed at the minimum distance from a 3D locus point to both a NURBS curve and a NURBS surface

NURBS curve placed at the intersection of two NURBS surfaces

Determining NURBS Curvature

The Analysis tool, in Interrogation mode, provides curvature parameters for NURBS curves and NURBS surfaces, and interactively displays curvature circles.

Analyzing NURBS Curves

To determine the curvature of a NURBS curve: 1. Click the Analysis tool from the 3D Modeling tool set, and then select Interrogation from the Tool bar. 2. Click on the NURBS curve of interest and move the cursor along the curve to display the curvature circle at the cursor position.

3. Click the curve to obtain curve properties at a specific location along the curve. The Curve Properties dialog box opens, displaying curvature parameters for that location.


| Chapter 10: Advanced 3D Modeling

4. Select Locus at center of curvature and click OK to place a 3D locus and curvature circle, as well as a 3D locus at the center of curvature of that location.

Analyzing NURBS Surfaces

To determine the curvature of a NURBS surface: 1. Click the Analysis tool from the 3D Modeling tool set, and then select Interrogation from the Tool bar. 2. Click on the NURBS surface of interest and move the cursor along the surface to display the curvature circles at the cursor position.

3. To obtain surface properties at a specific location along the surface, click. The Surface Properties dialog box opens, displaying curvature parameters for that location.

NURBS Surface-curve Interaction |


4. Select Loci at centers of curvature and click OK to place a 3D locus at the point on the surface where the curvature parameters are being calculated, and a curvature circle with a 3D locus at the center of the curvature circle for each curve at that location.

Rebuilding NURBS Curves and Surfaces

The number of vertices in one or more selected NURBS curves or untrimmed surfaces can be changed with the Rebuild NURBS command. Reducing vertices simplifies the geometry, making it easier to manipulate, and increases the speed and ease-of-use for other objects that are based upon it. To rebuild NURBS a curve or surface: 1. Select the NURBS curve(s) or surface(s). 2. Select Model > 3D Power Pack > Rebuild NURBS. The Rebuild NURBS dialog box opens. Enter the number of points to use; specifying fewer points simplifies the NURBS curve or surface, but increases the difference between the original geometry and the rebuilt geometry.


| Chapter 10: Advanced 3D Modeling

Number of Points U Direction V Direction Keep Original Maximum Deviation Preview

Specifies the number of points to use; for a NURBS curve, enter the number of points, which must be at least 3 For a NURBS surface, enter the number of points to use along the U direction; this number must be at least 3 For a NURBS surface, enter the number of points to use along the V direction; this number must be at least 3 Retains the original curve or surface, and adds a new, rebuilt curve or surface After clicking Preview, displays the maximum deviation between the original and rebuilt surface or curve Displays a red preview of the new, rebuilt curve or surface

3. Click OK to rebuild the NURBS curve(s) or surface(s).

Splitting or Trimming NURBS Surfaces

The Project tool projects a 2D object or NURBS curve onto a NURBS surface, and then splits the NURBS surface or trims the NURBS surface according to the region selected. This allows nonlinear splitting or trimming of surfaces to create different shapes or cut a hole in an object.

NURBS Surface-curve Interaction |

Project and Trim Project and Add Upward


Project and Split

Project and Add Both Directions

Project and Add

Project and Add Downward

Project and Split Project and Trim Project and Add Project and Add Upward Project and Add Downward Project and Add Both Directions

Splits a NURBS surface with a projection Trims a NURBS surface with a projection Adds a projection to a NURBS surface In Project and Add mode, adds the projection in the profile plane normal direction In Project and Add mode, adds the projection in the opposite direction from the profile plane normal direction In Project and Add mode, adds the projection in both the profile plane normal direction and the opposite direction

Project and Split

To split a NURBS surface with a projection: 1. In the desired view, draw a 2D object or NURBS curve on top of a NURBS surface.

If the object to be projected is an open NURBS curve or open 2D object, both end points must be outside the NURBS surface. 2. Click the Project tool from the 3D Modeling tool set, and then select Project and Split from the Tool bar. 3. Click on the splitting object, and then click on the NURBS surface.


| Chapter 10: Advanced 3D Modeling

Objects ungrouped and separated for clarity

The splitting object is projected onto the NURBS surface, resulting in a group of NURBS surfaces.

Project and Trim

To trim a NURBS surface with a projection: 1. In the desired view, draw a 2D object or NURBS curve on top of a NURBS surface.

If the object to be projected is an open NURBS curve or an open 2D object, both end points must be outside the NURBS surface. 2. Click the Project tool from the 3D Modeling tool set, and then select Project and Trim from the Tool bar. 3. Click on the trimming object, and then click on the NURBS surface. The cursor changes into the pointing hand cursor. Click on the side of the intersection to be trimmed away.

Select the project and trimming object

Select the NURBS surface

Select the region to be trimmed

The trimming object is projected onto the NURBS surface, and the region selected to be trimmed away is removed from the NURBS surface at the point of intersection.

NURBS Surface-curve Interaction |


Project and Add

To add a projection to a NURBS surface: 1. In the desired view, draw a 2D object or NURBS curve on top of a NURBS surface.

The 2D object or NURBS curve must be closed and planar. 2. Click the Project tool from the 3D Modeling tool set. 3. Select Project and Add from the Tool bar. Select the appropriate direction mode so that the projection direction intersects the NURBS surface (Project and Add Upward, Project and Add Downward, or Project and Add Both Directions). The projection direction must intersect with the NURBS surface, or no projection is created. 4. Click on the object to add; the projection direction is indicated by a red arrow. Click on the NURBS surface.

The objects projection is added to the NURBS surface at the point of intersection.


| Chapter 10: Advanced 3D Modeling

Creating a Rib
The Project and Add mode of the Project tool can be used to create ribs. To create a rib: 1. In the desired view, draw a 2D object or NURBS curve on top of a solid.

The 2D object or NURBS curve must be closed and planar. 2. Click the Project tool from the 3D Modeling tool set, and then select Project and Add from the Tool bar. 3. Select the appropriate projection direction mode. 4. Click on the object to add, and then click on the solid.

The rib profile is projected until it meets the next surface it encounters. The profile is trimmed at the extremities automatically.

NURBS Surface-curve Interaction |


Extending NURBS Curves and Surfaces

NURBS curves and surfaces can be extended by a specified distance with the Extend NURBS command. Closed NURBS curves and trimmed NURBS surfaces cannot be extended. In addition, a NURBS surface cannot be extended in the direction (U or V) that it is closed. To extend a NURBS curve or surface: 1. Select the NURBS curve or surface to extend. 2. Select Model > 3D Power Pack > Extend NURBS. The Extend NURBS dialog box opens. Select the end point (for NURBS curves) or edge (for NURBS surfaces) to extend. On the drawing, the selected edge or end point is displayed in red. Select the type of extension to make and specify the extension distance.

Select End Point/Edge

Click the arrows to select the end point or edge to extend. The selected end point or edge is displayed in red on the drawing.

Linear Extension Smooth Extension Distance

Extends the edge or end point tangentially Extends the edge or end point by continuing the current curvature Specifies the extension distance


| Chapter 10: Advanced 3D Modeling

Click to see a preview of the extension in red


Linear Extension

Smooth Extension

3. Click Preview to check the extension, and then click OK to extend the NURBS curve or surface.

Linear Extension

Smooth Extension

Creating Helix-Spirals
The Create Helix-Spiral command creates a helix-shaped or spiral-shaped 3D object from one or more path objects. The paths can be 2D objects or NURBS curves. To create a helix or spiral: 1. Select the object(s) to use as the path. 2. Select Model > 3D Power Pack > Create Helix-Spiral. The Helix-Spiral Creation dialog box opens.

Creating Helix-Spirals |


Use Turns Turns Use Pitch Pitch Start Radius End Radius Start Angle Reverse Direction Flatten

Select to create a helix/spiral by a specified number of turns along the path Enter the total number of turns to be created along the path Select to create a helix/spiral by pitch Enter the pitch value (the distance between successive turns) Enter the radius of the perpendicular starting circle Enter the radius of the perpendicular ending circle. To create a helix, enter a value matching the start radius. To create a spiral, enter a different value. Enter the starting point of the twist on the starting circle Select to change the rotation direction of the helix/spiral from clockwise to counter-clockwise or vice-versa Select to flatten the helix/spiral into a 2D spiral. Use Pitch is not available with this option.

3. Click OK. A helix or spiral is created.


| Chapter 10: Advanced 3D Modeling

Helix object

Spiral object

A helix or spiral object can be used, without further conversion, as a path object for the Extrude Along Path command. Ungrouping a helix-spiral object results in a NURBS curve.

Creating Contours
Contours are intersections of a solid or surface with a plane passing through the line specified with the Create Contours tool. This tool creates contours at specified intervals, which can then be used to create a loft surface in order to re-create a solid shape. To create contours: 1. Click the Create Contours tool from the 3D Modeling tool set, and then select Preferences on the Tool bar to specify the contour interval.

To create a single contour, specify a Contour Increment of zero. 2. Click and drag to indicate the position of the intersecting plane. The contours, a group of NURBS curves, are drawn in red.

Solids Operations |


Solids Operations
Modifying Edges
The Chamfer Edge and Fillet Edge tools remove the sharp corners of a solid by modifying the shape of its edges. The Chamfer Edge tool modifies the surface with a linear cross section while the Fillet Edge tool modifies the surface with a circular cross section. Edges are usually modified during the detailed design phase of a project. This may reduce the heat and/or stress concentration in manufacturing and can provide a more realistic or aesthetic appearance to a model.

Modifying Edges by Chamfering

To chamfer the edges of a solid: 1. Click the Chamfer Edge tool from the 3D Modeling tool set, and then select Preferences on the Tool bar to specify chamfer edge preferences. The Chamfer Edge Preferences dialog box opens.

Setback Select Tangent Entities Select Faces

Specify the distance by which the faces are set back Choose this option to select tangentially-connected edges and faces for chamfering Choose this option to select faces for chamfering

2. Click OK to close the Chamfer Edge Preferences dialog box. 3. For tangent entity selections, select the tangentially-connected edges and faces to be modified. For face selections, select the faces to be modified. Hold the Shift key down to select several faces and edges. See Selecting the Edges and Faces of a Solid on page 311 for information on selecting edges and faces. 4. Press Enter (Windows) or Return (Macintosh) or click the check mark button on the Tool bar to perform the edge modification.


| Chapter 10: Advanced 3D Modeling

Before chamfering

After chamfering

Results rendered

The Setback value for the chamfered edge can be edited through the Object Info palette. Once the modification is complete, the edge set used to create the modification cannot be changed. The modified edge can be ungrouped, and a new modification with different edges can be created. If one modification has been created over another, the first modification cannot be edited in the Object Info palette unless the last one is ungrouped (see Editing a Fillet/Chamfer or Shell Object on page 314). A chamfer edge operation may fail due to: complex surface geometry adjacent to an edge or corner involved in the modification; an attempt to modify one edge in a sequence of tangential edges (select all the edges for a better chance of success); or an attempt to modify without selecting all the edges at a vertex.

Reshaping Edges by Fillet

To fillet the edges of a solid: 1. Click the Fillet Edge tool from the 3D Modeling tool set, and then select Preferences on the Tool bar to specify fillet edge preferences. The Fillet Edge Preferences dialog box opens.

Solids Operations |


Constant Radius Radius Select Tangent Entities Select Faces Variable Radius Length (%) Radius Set Delete Reverse

Create a filleted surface based on a constant radius Indicate the radius of the fillet edge Choose this option to select tangentially-connected edges and faces for filleting Choose this option to select faces for filleting Create a filleted surface based on a variable radius Enter the length up to the point as a percentage of the total edge length Enter the radius value at the corresponding percentage of length value Click to add or modify the length/radius value pair after the highlighted row Click to delete the highlighted length/radius value Reverses the order of the values

2. Click OK to close the Fillet Edge Preferences dialog box. 3. For tangent entity selections, select the tangentially-connected edges and faces to be modified. For face selections, select the faces to be modified. Hold the Shift key down to select several faces and edges. See Selecting the Edges and Faces of a Solid on page 311 for information on selecting edges and faces. 4. Press Enter (Windows) or Return (Macintosh) or click the check mark button on the Tool bar to perform the edge modification.


| Chapter 10: Advanced 3D Modeling

After filleting with a constant radius

Results rendered

Before filleting

After filleting with a variable radius

Results rendered

The Radius value for the filleted edge can be edited through the Object Info palette. For the fillet by variable radius, press the Edit arrow buttons to highlight each point along the edge for editing. Once the modification is complete, the edge set used to create the modification cannot be changed. The modified edge can be ungrouped, and a new modification with different edges can be created. Only one edge can be filleted at a time when using variable radius. If one modification has been created over another, the first modification cannot be edited in the Object Info palette unless both are first ungrouped (see Editing a Fillet/Chamfer or Shell Object on page 314). A fillet edge operation may fail due to: complex surface geometry adjacent to an edge or corner involved in the modification; a radius value that is too large; an attempt to modify one edge in a sequence of tangential edges (select all the edges for a better chance of success); or an attempt to modify without selecting all the edges in a vertex.

Creating a Shell from Solids and NURBS Surfaces

The Shell Solid tool creates a hollow shell from a solid object or NURBS surface. The shell can be created outside or inside the solid; for NURBS surfaces, it gives the object a thickness. Most injection-molded plastic parts have a shell.

Solids Operations |


Shell from a Solid Object

To create a shell solid from a solid object: 1. Click Shell Solid from the 3D Modeling tool set. 2. Click on the face of the solid object where the shell will be created.

The Shell Solid Preferences dialog box opens. Specify the shell settings.

Shell Inside Outside Thickness Select Tangent Faces

Creates an interior shell Creates an exterior shell Enter the thickness of the shell wall Selects the tangentially-connected chain of faces

Click Shell Solid Preferences on the Tool bar to edit the settings. 3. Click OK. The selected face of the object is highlighted in red. If the wrong face is highlighted, select the correct face before pressing Enter. 4. Press Enter (Windows) or Return (Macintosh), or click the check mark button on the Tool bar, to create the shell.


| Chapter 10: Advanced 3D Modeling

Shell from a NURBS Surface

To create a shell solid from a NURBS surface: 1. Click Shell Solid from the 3D Modeling tool set. 2. Click on the NURBS surface to thicken.

The Shell Solid Preferences dialog box opens. 3. Specify the desired shell settings as described in Shell from a Solid Object on page 353. Click Shell Solid Preferences on the Tool bar to edit the settings. 4. Click OK. The selected face of the object is highlighted in red. 5. Press Enter (Windows) or Return (Macintosh), or click the check mark button on the Tool bar, to create the shell.

Stitching and Trimming Surfaces

The Stitch and Trim Surfaces command creates a group of trimmed NURBS surfaces from several intersecting surfaces (including NURBS surfaces or solids such as extrudes or sweeps). This command may not be able to manipulate certain types of surface geometry. See Surface Geometry Requirements on page 314.

Solids Operations |
To stitch and trim intersecting surfaces: 1. Select the intersecting surfaces.


The surfaces must enclose a volume. 2. Select Model > 3D Power Pack > Stitch and Trim Surfaces. The surfaces enclosing the volume are stitched together and then trimmed, resulting in a group of trimmed NURBS surfaces.

Creating Protrusions and Cutouts

The Protrusion/Cutout tool interactively creates bosses (protrusions) or cutouts on solids by adding or subtracting volume from a solid. The volume is created or subtracted by extruding a face in Extrude Face mode or extruding a planar NURBS curve (or group of closed, non-intersecting NURBS curves) in Extrude Curve mode. Four modes are available. The first two modes set the type of operation and the second two determine whether an addition or subtraction of volume occurs.
Extrude Face Add

Extrude Curve


Extrude Face Extrude Curve Add Subtract

Selects the planar face of a solid to add to or subtract volume from the solid Selects a curve or group of curves to add to or subtract volume from a solid Creates a protrusion by adding volume to the solid Creates a cutout by subtracting volume from the solid


| Chapter 10: Advanced 3D Modeling

Face-based Addition or Subtraction

To add to or subtract from a solid in Extrude Face mode: 1. Click the Protrusion/Cutout tool from the 3D Modeling tool set, and then select Extrude Face from the Tool bar. 2. Select either Add or Subtract from the Tool bar to specify whether the solid will have volume added or subtracted. 3. Click on the desired planar face. The Select Face dialog box opens to help select the correct face, as described in Selecting the Edges and Faces of a Solid on page 311. When the correct face is selected, click OK. 4. A green grab handle is displayed in the middle of the face. Click on the handle and drag to expand (Add mode) or decrease (Subtract mode) the solid volume. The distance of the protrusion or cutout can also be specified by entering a value in the Distance field on the Tool bar. The new solid is previewed on the drawing in red.

5. Press the Enter (Windows) or Return (Macintosh) key or click the check mark button on the Tool bar to create the protrusion or cutout. 6. The result can be edited by selecting Modify > Edit Group. The protrusion or cutout is a tapered extrude object; an Angle can be specified in the Object Info palette (see Creating a Tapered Extrude on page 308).

Curve-based Addition or Subtraction

To add or subtract from a solid in Extract Curve mode: 1. Click the Protrusion/Cutout tool from the 3D Modeling tool set, and then select Extract Curve from the Tool bar. 2. Select either Add or Subtract from the Tool bar to specify whether the solid will have volume added or subtracted. 3. Select the NURBS curve or group of NURBS curves that will be used to create the protrusion or cutout, and then select the solid.

Converting to Generic Solids |


4. A green grab handle is displayed in the middle of the solid face. Click on the handle and drag to expand (Add mode) or decrease (Subtract mode) the solid volume. The distance of the protrusion or cutout can also be specified by entering a value in the Distance field on the Tool bar. The new solid is previewed on the drawing in red. In Subtract mode, the distance value can exceed the solid perimeter; the cutout operation is only performed on the selected solid.

5. Press the Enter (Windows) or Return (Macintosh) key or click the check mark button on the Tool bar to create the protrusion or cutout.

6. The result can be edited by selecting Modify > Edit Group. The protrusion or cutout is a tapered extrude object; an Angle can be specified in the Object Info palette during editing (see Creating a Tapered Extrude on page 308).

Converting to Generic Solids

Solid objects created using such commands as Add Solid, Subtract Solid, and tools such as Fillet/Chamfer Edge and Shell Solid, contain a history composed of the original elements used to make the new object. This also includes any editing performed with other solids operations. The Convert to Generic Solids command removes this history from the solid objects, reducing the file size (though the object is no longer editable). For example, use this command on a copy of the final drawing to reduce file size when sending a file to a print bureau. To convert an object into a generic solid: 1. Select the solid object(s) to convert. 2. Select Modify > Convert > Convert to Generic Solids. 3. A warning dialog box opens. Click OK to convert the object(s).


| Chapter 10: Advanced 3D Modeling

The object is converted. If objects are selected that cannot be converted, a dialog box opens stating that these objects have been deselected.

Editing 3D Objects
Obtaining Volumetric Properties
The volumetric properties of a 3D object can be obtained with the Volumetric Properties command. To obtain the volumetric properties of a 3D object: 1. Select the 3D object. 2. Select Model > Volumetric Properties.


While 3D objects can often be edited using many of the same tools available for editing 2D objects, VectorWorks also contains tools specifically tailored to 3D object editing.

The Volumetric Properties dialog box opens, displaying the surface area, volume, and center of mass of the object.

Place locus at center of mass Place properties on drawing

Places a 3D locus at the center of mass of the object Places the volumetric properties as text on the drawing at a specified location

3. Click OK. If Place locus at center of mass was selected, the 3D locus is placed automatically on the object. If Place properties on drawing was selected, click in the drawing file to specify the location of the text.

Reshaping 3D Objects
The 3D Reshape tool changes the height and radius of an extruded object, tapered extrude, or a 3D object that is not a mesh object. In addition, use it to reshape walls (see Editing Walls on page 487), 3D polygons, and solid primitives (such as cylinders, hemispheres, cones, and spheres), change the angle (rise/run) of roofs created with the Roof Face command, and reshape roof objects created with the Create Roof command (see Reshaping Roof Objects on page 506).

Reshaping Extruded Objects and Solid Primitives

The 3D Reshape tool changes the height, and when applicable, the radius of extrudes, cylinders, spheres, hemispheres, and cones, and the height and angle of tapered extrudes.


| Chapter 11: Editing 3D Objects

To reshape an extrude, cylinder, sphere, hemisphere, cone, or tapered extrude:

1. Select the object to reshape. 2. Click the 3D Reshape tool from the 3D Modeling tool set. A resize handle is added to both top and bottom of an extruded object. Multiple resize handles are added around cylinder, sphere, hemisphere, and cone objects. For a tapered extrude object, one resize handle is added to its top for changing its height, and one to the side for changing its taper angle. Tapered extrudes with a taper angle of zero have an additional resize angle at the bottom. 3. Click and drag the resize handle to change the objects height, radius, or taper angle. When the cursor is over a radius resize handle, the standard arrow cursor changes into a double-headed arrow. It changes to an unfilled double-headed arrow over a height resize handle. 4. Click again when the object is at the desired height, radius, or angle. Alternatively, press the Tab key and enter a numeric value for the height, radius, or angle in the Data bar.

With the 3D Reshape cursor, drag the resize handle up (or down) to the desired extrude height

Change the radius of a cylinder, sphere, hemisphere, or cone by dragging the resize handle to the desired radius

Change the angle of a tapered extrude by dragging the side resize handle to the desired angle

Reshaping NURBS Surfaces

The 3D Reshape tool, located on the 3D Modeling tool set, can be used to manipulate NURBS surface control points and to reshape NURBS surfaces. For example, a dome or bell-curve effect can be created by manipulating the vertices. This tool can potentially create surfaces which cannot be further manipulated in the 3D Power Pack. See Surface Geometry Requirements on page 314. To reshape a NURBS surface: 1. Select the NURBS surface to reshape. 2. Click the 3D Reshape tool from the 3D Modeling tool set. Select the mode from the Tool bar.

Reshaping 3D Objects |
Move NURBS Surface U Vertices Move NURBS Surface Vertex Move NURBS Surface V Vertices Working Plane Constrain Y Axis Constrain


Z Axis Constrain

X Axis Constrain

Move NURBS Surface Vertex Move NURBS Surface U Vertices Move NURBS Surface V Vertices Working plane constrain X axis constrain Y axis constrain Z axis constrain

Changes the position of the selected vertex or vertices only Changes the position of all vertices in a row in the U direction Changes the position of all vertices in a row in the V direction Moves the selected vertex or vertices on a working plane Moves the selected vertex or vertices along the X axis Moves the selected vertex or vertices along the Y axis Moves the selected vertex or vertices along the Z axis

To select one vertex or row of vertices, position the cursor over one of the NURBS surface vertices. When the cursor is over a vertex, the standard arrow cursor changes to an unfilled, four-way arrow.

To select several vertices at one time, click with the Shift key pressed or click and drag to create a marquee around the desired vertices. If several vertices are selected, position the cursor over one of them. 3. Click-drag the mouse to move the vertex or vertices. 4. Release the mouse at the desired location.


| Chapter 11: Editing 3D Objects

Aligning and Distributing 3D Objects

3D objects can be aligned and/or distributed in relation to each other. 3D object alignment/distribution is based on either the ground or working plane. The Align/Distribute 3D command aligns and distributes multiple 3D objects. Alignment and distribution is based upon the X, Y, and Z axes of the ground plane or the I, J, and K axes of the working plane. To align/distribute 3D objects: 1. Select the objects to be aligned/distributed. 2. Select Modify > Align > Align/Distribute 3D. The 3D Object Align and Distribute dialog box opens.

3. Select the alignment/distribution criteria.

Alignment/ Distribution Axes Align/Distribute Minimum Center Maximum Spacing

Select whether to align/distribute about the ground plane or the working plane Select Align and specify the coordinate value to use when aligning objects, or select Distribute to distribute objects Align/distribute objects along the specified axis by the minimum coordinate value of each object Align/distribute objects along the specified axis by the center coordinate value of each object Align/distribute objects along the specified axis by the maximum coordinate value of each object Distribute spacing between objects along the specified axis, ensuring that the space between the objects is equal along the axis

4. Click OK. VectorWorks aligns/distributes the selected 3D objects. 3D loci and locked objects are special objects and behave differently when present during an alignment/ distribution operation.

Editing 3D Object Surfaces |


If a 3D locus point is one of the selected objects, all objects are aligned relative to that locus. If there are multiple loci in the selection, then the loci are aligned/distributed like any other object. Locked objects in a selection do not move. Other objects are aligned/distributed relative to the locked objects. Selected 2D objects are ignored by the Align/Distribute 3D command.

Editing 3D Object Surfaces

The 3D editing commands are similar to the 2D Add or Clip Surface commands, but in a 3D environment. In 3D, the editing commands are: Intersect Solids, Add Solids, Subtract Solids, and Section Solids. Intersect Solids creates a single model from the volume created where two or more 3D objects intersect. Add Solids joins two or more 3D objects into a single model. Subtract Solids cuts (subtracts) a 3D object(s) from another 3D object, creating a new model. Section Solids discards a portion of solids or NURBS surfaces, allowing the creation of planar or stepped sections through a solid or surface. These commands work with the following solid objects: extrudes, multiple extrudes, straight walls, sweeps, meshes, solid primitives (cylinders, hemispheres, spheres, and cones), and objects created using the 3D Polygon, Extruded Polygon, and Extruded Rectangle tool, provided the following applicable conditions are met.


Cannot contain lines, or be swept around a locus which is between the left and right bounds of the swept 2D primitive; if not swept around a locus, should have a vertical segment on the left edge Must be swept around a locus outside the left and right bounds of the object Must have planar polygons Cannot have interpenetrating polygons; every edge of every polygon in the mesh must be shared with one other polygon Must not have symbols that extend above the top or below the bottom of the wall

Helical Sweep Multiple Extrude Meshes Walls

2D objects must have a fill applied prior to being converted to 3D to be considered a solid object. If the converted 3D object did not have a fill applied prior to conversion, it can be added using the Enter Group command to return to the original 2D object.

Adding Solids
The Add Solids command joins two or more 3D objects into a single model. To add solids in 3D: 1. Select two or more 3D objects to combine. 2. Select Model > Add Solids. VectorWorks creates a single solid model from the object.


| Chapter 11: Editing 3D Objects

Intersecting Solids
The Intersect Solids command creates a single model from the volume created where two or more 3D objects intersect. To intersect solids: 1. Select the two or more 3D objects to combine. 2. Select Model > Intersect Solids. VectorWorks creates a single solid model from the objects; it is the size and shape of the overlapping volume of the selected objects.

Subtracting Solids
The Subtract Solids command cuts (subtracts) one or more 3D objects from another 3D object, creating a new model. The subtracting object should extend beyond the surface of the original object. To subtract solids: 1. Select both the object(s) to subtract and the object to subtract from (the base object). 2. Select Model > Subtract Solids. A dialog box opens. 3. Select the desired object to subtract. Use the forward and back arrows to select the base object, which is shown with a thick outline. 4. Click OK. VectorWorks creates a single solid model with the selected object subtracted.

Editing 3D Object Surfaces |


Sectioning Solids
The Section Solids command discards a portion of solids or NURBS surfaces, allowing the creation of planar or stepped sections through a solid or surface. The sectioned surface can be marked by the sectioning surface color. To section a solid: 1. Select the solid or surface to be sectioned, along with the sectioning surface. The sectioned surface selection depends on the normal of the NURBS surfaces; select Show Normal in the Object Info palette to display the surface normals (see Displaying Surface Normals on page 313).

2. Select Model > Section Solids. In the Select Object dialog box, specify which object is to be used as the sectioning surface. By default, the most recently created object is highlighted, but a different object can be selected by clicking the arrows.

The sectioning surface is highlighted (select it with the arrows in the dialog box)

The sectioning surface must be larger than the solid being sectioned. 3. When the desired sectioning surface is selected, click OK. The solid is sectioned by the sectioning surface. The remaining object becomes a solid section.


| Chapter 11: Editing 3D Objects

The solid section parameters can be edited in the Object Info palette.

Width/Depth/Height (display only) Reverse Section Side Use Section Color

Displays the parameters of the solid section surface Switches the remaining side of the solid being sectioned Applies the color of the sectioning surface to the sectioned surface

Scaling Solids Asymmetrically

Solids can be scaled asymmetrically, through both the Scale Objects command (see Scaling Objects on page 271) and the Object Info palette. The internal components of the solid do not change, and the solid can still be edited after the scaling operation. In the Object Info palette, enter a scale factor in the X Scale, Y Scale, or Z Scale field to scale the selected solid along the specified axis.

X axis

Y axis

Select a solid object

Change the Object Info palette settings to scale the solid

A selected solid can also be scaled asymmetrically by selecting the Modify > Scale Objects command and entering an Asymmetric scale factor. However, the current view must be aligned with the solids matrix for scaling to occur.

Convert to Mesh
The Convert to Mesh command converts any extrude, multiple extrude, sweep, or wireframe object into a mesh object. Use the 2D and 3D selection tools or the Object Info palette to edit the mesh object vertice(s). The command can also collect a number of separate 3D polygons into a single mesh object. To convert to mesh: 1. Select the 3D object to convert. 2. Select Modify > Convert > Convert to Mesh. The object changes to a mesh object. Once the 3D object has been converted into a mesh, each vertex has its own handle and can then be moved individually.

Common Functions and Utilities

Undoing and Redoing Actions
Specify preferences to control how many actions can be undone and redone in VectorWorks.


VectorWorks provides several tools to perform editing functions that are common to both 2D and 3D objects. Also provided are utilities for converting objects, compressing images, and tracing bitmap images.

Undoing Actions
One or more of the most recent actions can be undone. Specify the number of actions that can be undone on the Session tab of VectorWorks preferences. See Session Preferences on page 42 for information on this tab. The maximum number of actions that can be undone is 100. Select Issue undo warnings to open a warning dialog box when attempting to undo an action that cannot be undone. To undo recent changes: Select Edit > Undo. The most recent change is undone. Continue to select the Undo command to undo changes in the reverse order in which they were performed. The higher the maximum number of undos, the more memory may be required.

Redoing Actions
Actions that have been undone can then be redone. The number of actions that can be redone is determined by how many undos were performed. To redo actions that were undone: Select Edit > Redo. The most recent undo is reversed and the action is executed again. Continuing to select the Redo command will redo changes in the reverse order that they were undone.

Moving Objects
Objects can be moved in several ways. The exact distance can be specified for a 2D or 3D object to move with Move command. The Move by Points tool moves both 2D and 3D objects by clicking. Selected objects can be nudged one pixel at a time, or nudged by the snap grid (see Setting VectorWorks Preferences on page 39). In addition to these methods, objects can be selected with selection tools, and then moved by clicking and dragging.

Moving 2D Objects
To move a 2D object with the Move command: 1. Select the object(s) to move. 2. Select Modify > Move > Move. The Move Selection dialog box opens. Move the objects according to Cartesian or Polar coordinates.


| Chapter 12: Common Functions and Utilities

Cartesian Polar

Specify the distance to move the object; for Cartesian coordinates, select Cartesian and enter the X and Y Offset distances Specify the distance to move the object; for Polar coordinates, select Polar and enter the Distance and Angle

3. Click OK. The object is moved according to the criteria specified.

Moving 3D Objects
To move a 3D object with the Move command: 1. Select the object(s) to move. 2. Select Modify > Move > Move 3D. The Move 3D Selection dialog box opens.

XYZ X, Y, Z Offset IJK I, J, K Offset

Select the X, Y, Z (Cartesian) coordinate system For Cartesian coordinates, specify the distance to move the object Select the I, J, K (working plane) coordinate system For working plane coordinates, specify the distance to move the object

3. Click OK. The object is moved according to the criteria specified.

Moving Objects |


Moving Objects by Clicking

Both 2D and 3D objects can be moved, duplicated, and distributed along a specified distance by clicking with the Move by Points tool. This tool also moves symbols within walls. The Move by Points tool has two modes.
Distribute Move Preferences

Move Distribute

Moves and duplicates selected objects according to the distance and direction specified by two mouse clicks Moves and distributes duplicates between the points specified by two mouse clicks

To move selected objects: 1. Select the object(s) to move and/or duplicate. 2. Click the Move by Points tool from the Basic palette and click Preferences from the Tool bar. The Move by Points Settings dialog box opens. Select the settings and click OK.

Number of Duplicates Original Object Retain Leave Selected

Specifies the number of copies of the original object(s) to create (must be at least 1)

Keeps the original object(s); the Alt (Windows) or Option (Macintosh) key also retains the original while using the tool Keeps the original object(s) selected for further action

3. Select either the Move or Distribute mode, depending on the desired outcome.


| Chapter 12: Common Functions and Utilities

Number of Duplicates
1 1 >1


Original Object Retained

No Yes Yes or No


Move or Distribute Move or Distribute Move

Moves original object(s) to the location specified by clicking Creates one duplicate of the original object(s), placed at the location indicated by clicking Creates duplicates of the original object(s), placing the first duplicate at the location specified by the second click, and placing additional duplicates the same distance apart from each other along the vector created by the two click points Creates duplicates of the original object(s), distributing the duplicates between the two click points, and along the vector created by the two points



Yes or No

4. Click once (anywhere on the drawing) to indicate the vector start point, and click again to indicate the vector end point. Duplicates are placed in the vector direction, at the distance specified by the click points, along the line defined by the click points.

2nd click

1st click

Move mode, 3 duplicates, retain original 2nd click

1st click

Distribute mode, 3 duplicates, retain original

Symbols in a wall are duplicated or moved within the wall, by a projected distance along the length of the wall. The maximum number of allowable duplicates is placed when a click point outside the wall has been specified.

Cutting, Copying, and Pasting Objects |


Cutting, Copying, and Pasting Objects

Cutting Objects
The Cut command removes an object from the drawing, temporarily storing the object in the clipboard. To cut an object: 1. Select the 2D/3D object(s) to remove. 2. Select Edit > Cut. Alternatively, select Cut from the object context menu. The object is moved from the drawing to the clipboard.

Copying Objects
The Copy command copies an object to the clipboard, where it is temporarily stored. The original object remains on the drawing. To copy an object: 1. Select the 2D/3D object(s) to copy. 2. Select Edit > Copy. Alternatively, select Copy from the object context menu. VectorWorks places a copy of the object in the clipboard.

Pasting Objects
The Paste command places the clipboard object into the same drawing file, into another VectorWorks file, or into another software programs file (if that program also has copy, cut, and paste commands). As long as VectorWorks remains open while the object is in the clipboard, the object retains all its object information for pasting into VectorWorks documents. Some image quality can be lost when pasting into other programs. To paste an object: 1. Open the file and layer where the object is to be added. 2. Select Edit > Paste. Alternatively, select Paste from the object context menu. VectorWorks pastes the object centered on the location of the last mouse click, unless the last mouse click is outside the current view. In that case, the object is pasted at the center of the drawing. When pasting a clipboard object into a different VectorWorks file, VectorWorks automatically centers the object in the drawing area. When a raster image is pasted into a VectorWorks file, it is automatically compressed to PNG format to reduce the VectorWorks file size.


| Chapter 12: Common Functions and Utilities

Paste as Picture
Like the Paste command, the Paste as Picture command places a copy of the clipboard contents in the active VectorWorks drawing file. However, VectorWorks places the entire clipboard contents as a single object/picture. Because the contents are now one item, individual objects (including symbols and text) can no longer be edited. There are two advantages to using the Paste as Picture command. First, as a single item, the clipboard objects are more quickly placed into the drawing file. In addition, the pasted objects retain any PostScript comments, as well as all other embedded information. To paste as a picture: 1. Open the file and layer where the object is to be added. 2. Select Edit > Paste as Picture.

Paste in Place
The Paste in Place command works exactly like the Paste command, except that the clipboard contents are pasted into the active drawing at the same coordinates they appeared in the original. To paste in place: 1. Open the file and layer where the object is to be added. 2. Select Edit > Paste in Place.

Changing Object Stacking Order

As each object is drawn in VectorWorks, it is automatically stacked in the order of creation. The first object created is at the bottom of the stack and the most recent object created is at the top of the stack. The send commands change the stacking order of objects within a layer. Objects can be sent forward or backward one position in the stack, or all the way to the front or back of the stack in one step. To change the stacking order of objects: 1. Select the 2D or 3D object to restack. 2. Select Modify > Send. From the sub-menu, select the send method to use. Alternatively, select Send from the object context menu.

Send Forward Send Backward Send to Front Send to Back

Sends the object one level up in the stacking order Sends the object one level down in the stacking order Sends the object to the top of stacking order Sends the object to the bottom of the stacking order

The objects stacking order is changed.

Removing Objects |


Removing Objects
Clearing Objects
The Clear command deletes any selected object or objects. It has the same effect as pressing the Delete key, meaning that the object(s) are not stored on the clipboard. The only way to retrieve a cleared object is to select Undo. This command provides an additional way of removing an object from the drawing without deleting the current contents of the clipboard. To clear an object from the drawing: 1. Select the object or objects to remove from the drawing. 2. Select Edit > Clear.

Purging Unused Objects

The Purge Unused Objects command permanently removes specified unused object types from the drawing and reduces the file size. To purge unused objects: 1. Select Tools > Purge Unused Objects. The Purge Unused Objects dialog box opens.

2. Select the unused items to remove from the drawing file.


| Chapter 12: Common Functions and Utilities

Classes Gradients Hatches Images Layers Record Formats RenderWorks Backgrounds (RenderWorks required) Sketch Styles (Design Series required) Symbols Textures (RenderWorks required) Wall Styles (VectorWorks Architect required) All None Selects all object types listed in the Purge Unused Objects dialog box Clears all previously selected object types in the Purge Unused Objects dialog box Permanently deletes any wall styles that are not used Permanently deletes any symbols that are not used Permanently deletes any textures that are not used Permanently deletes any sketch styles that are not used

Permanently deletes any classes that are not used Permanently deletes any gradients that are not used Permanently deletes any hatches that are not used Permanently deletes any images that are not used Permanently deletes any layers that do not contain any objects Permanently deletes any record formats that are not used Permanently deletes any backgrounds that are not used

3. Click OK. A confirmation dialog box opens. 4. Click OK to confirm the purge. The purge command cannot be undone.

Duplicating Objects
Duplicating Single
The Duplicate command makes a copy of an object or group of objects and places it on the drawing. Depending on the setting in VectorWorks preferences, the duplicated object or objects will either be offset or placed directly on top of the original. To duplicate any object: 1. Select the 2D/3D object(s) to copy. 2. Select Edit > Duplicate.

Duplicating Objects |


VectorWorks places a copy of the selected object(s) in the drawing according to the settings in the VectorWorks preferences dialog box. When objects with an offset are duplicated, the offset is maintained with the duplicate.

Duplicate Array
The Duplicate Array command controls how many copies of selected objects are made and how these copies are arrayed, or placed, in the drawing. The drawing must be in Top/Plan view if 2D objects are being duplicated. To create a duplicate array: 1. Select the 2D/3D object or objects to copy. 2. Select Edit > Duplicate Array. The Duplicate Array dialog box opens. Select the desired duplication array Shape. The dialog box dynamically displays the appropriate fields based on the selected linear, rectangular, or circular array shape.

Linear Array

Rectangular Array

Circular Array

Linear Array Parameter

Number of Duplicates First Duplicates Position Determined By

Specify the number of copies of the original object to create Specify the start point for the first copied object, by either specifying coordinates or placing the object with the mouse


| Chapter 12: Common Functions and Utilities

To use Cartesian coordinates, click this option and specify the distance of the center of the copy from the center of the original object by entering X, Y, and Z coordinates. If the view is something other than Top/Plan, and Values Are With Respect to the is set to Working Plane, the labels on the coordinate fields are I, J, and K instead of X, Y, and Z. Z (or K) must be zero when only 2D objects are being duplicated. This option is always enabled if 2D objects are selected; if 3D or hybrid objects are selected, or if both 2D and 3D objects are selected, this option is enabled only in Top/Plan view. To use polar coordinates, click this option and specify the distance of the center of the copy from the center of the original object by entering r (radius), theta (angle), and Z coordinates; Z must be zero when only 2D objects are being duplicated. This option is always enabled if 2D objects are selected; if 3D or hybrid objects are selected, or if both 2D and 3D objects are selected, this option is enabled only in Top/Plan view. To place the copy with the mouse, select Next Mouse Click. To offset the first copy from the original objects plane, enter a Z (or K) value; Z (or K) must be zero when only 2D objects are being duplicated. This option is enabled for 3D objects if the view is something other than Top/Plan; specify whether the array should be built relative to the Ground Plane or Working Plane Select Resize Duplicates to resize each successive copy with the specified X Scale, Y Scale, and Z Scale values; to leave the copies at the same scale as the original object, ensure that Resize Duplicates is deselected Select Rotate Duplicates to rotate each successive copy at the specified Angle; to leave the copies at the same rotation as the original object, ensure that Rotate Duplicates is deselected To include the original object in the array, select Retain; otherwise, the original object is deleted. To leave the original object selected after duplication, also click Leave Selected.

Linear Array Parameter

Cartesian Offset

Polar Offset

Next Mouse Click and Z (or K)

Values Are With Respect to the Resize Duplicates

Rotate Duplicates

Original Object

Duplicating Objects |


Rectangular Array Parameter

Number of Columns Number of Rows Number of Stacks

Specify the number of copies of the original object to create in the arrays X direction (Ground Plane duplication) or I direction (Working Plane duplication) Specify the number of copies of the original object to create in the arrays Y direction (Ground Plane duplication) or J direction (Working Plane duplication) For 3D objects, specify the number of copies of the original object to create in the arrays Z direction (Ground Plane duplication) or K direction (Working Plane duplication) Specify the distance between each column in the array (measured from the copied objects centers) Specify the distance between each row in the array (measured from the copied objects centers) For 3D objects, specify the distance between each stack in the array (measured from the copied objects centers); this value must be zero when only 2D objects are being duplicated This option is enabled for 3D objects if the view is something other than Top/Plan; specify whether the array should be built relative to the Ground Plane or Working Plane Select Resize Duplicates to resize each successive copy with the specified X Scale, Y Scale, and Z Scale values; to leave the copies at the same scale as the original object ensure that Resize Duplicates is deselected Select Rotate Duplicates to rotate each successive copy at the specified Angle; to leave the copies at the same rotation as the original object, ensure that Rotate Duplicates is deselected

Distance Between Columns Distance Between Rows Distance Between Stacks

Values Are With Respect to the Resize Duplicates

Rotate Duplicates


| Chapter 12: Common Functions and Utilities

To include the original object in the array, select Retain; otherwise, the original object is deleted. To leave the original object selected after duplication, also click Leave Selected.

Rectangular Array Parameter

Original Object

Circular Array Parameter

Number of Duplicates Angle Between Duplicates Z (or K) Offset of Successive Duplicates

Specify the number of copies of the original object to create Specify the angle of separation between the centers of each object in the array To offset copies from the original objects plane, specify the distance between each successive copy. If the view is something other than Top/Plan, and Values Are With Respect to the is set to Working Plane, the label is K instead of Z. Z and K must be zero when only 2D objects are being duplicated. Specify the center point for the circular array, by either specifying coordinates or placing the array with the mouse To place the array using coordinates, enter the X and Y coordinates of its center point. If the view is something other than Top/Plan, and Values Are With Respect to the is set to Working Plane, the labels on the coordinate fields are I and J instead of X and Y. This option is always enabled if 2D objects are selected; if 3D or hybrid objects are selected, or if both 2D and 3D objects are selected, this option is enabled only in Top/Plan view. Select Next Mouse Click to place the array so that its center is at the next clicked point. This option is enabled for 3D objects if the view is something other than Top/Plan; specify whether the array should be built relative to the Ground Plane or Working Plane

Circle Center Point X and Y (or I and J)

Next Mouse Click

Values Are With Respect to the

Duplicating Objects | Circular Array Parameter

Resize Duplicates


Select Resize Duplicates to resize each successive copy with the specified X Scale, Y Scale, and Z Scale values; to leave the copies at the same scale as the original object, ensure that Resize Duplicates is deselected Select Rotate Duplicates to rotate each successive copy at either the Angle Between Duplicates or the specified Custom Angle; to leave the copies at the same rotation as the original object, ensure that Rotate Duplicates is deselected To include the original object in the array, select Retain; otherwise, the original object is deleted. To leave the original object selected after duplication, also click Leave Selected.

Rotate Duplicates

Original Object

3. Click OK. If the array location is already specified, VectorWorks automatically places the duplicate array. If Next Mouse Click was selected, move the mouse where the copies are to be placed, and click. For circular and rectangular arrays, click the mouse at the center of the array.

3D linear array with Z offset and resized duplicates

3D circular array with Z offset and rotated duplicates

Duplicating Objects Along a Path

The Duplicate Along Path command creates and places several copies of a 2D or 3D object or objects along an existing 2D or 3D path. If a 2D object and 3D path are selected, the 2D object is projected onto the path. To duplicate objects along a path: 1. Select the object or objects to duplicate, and select the path object.


| Chapter 12: Common Functions and Utilities

Grouped 2D objects and polyline path

3D object (in 3D view) and NURBS curve

2. Select Edit > Duplicate Along Path. The Duplicate Along Path dialog box opens.

Select a path object Duplicate Placement Number of Duplicates Fixed Distance Start Offset Curve Length

Click Prev or Next to select the object that represents the path; the selected path object is highlighted Specifies the duplicate object placement parameters Creates the specified Number of duplicate objects, equally spaced along the path Duplicates objects at the fixed intervals specified in Distance Specifies the distance from the end of the path to the first duplicated object; enter zero to place the first object at the start of the path Displays the length of the path object, for reference

Smoothing Objects | Parameter

Tangent to path


Rotates the duplicates so they are always tangent to the path

Tangent to Path deselected

Tangent to Path selected

Preview 3. Click OK.

Click to preview the effect of parameter changes before clicking OK

The duplicates are arrayed with their centers along the selected path object.

Smoothing Objects
The smoothing commands smooth all selected polygon and polyline vertices in one step. There are three smoothing optionsBzier Spline, Cubic Spline, or Arc. The No Smoothing command changes smoothed vertices back into unsmoothed corners. To smooth an object: 1. Select the object(s) to smooth. 2. Select Modify > Poly Smoothing. From the sub-menu, select the smoothing method to use.

No Smoothing Bzier Spline Smoothing Cubic Spline Smoothing Arc Smoothing

Creates straight lines and angled vertices at the control points Creates curves pulled towards but not touching the control points Creates curves that pass through the control points Creates fillet-like curves at the control points. The arc radius is based on the current fillet radius of the Fillet tool (see Fillet Tool on page 279). If no radius is set, the largest radius that can fit between each vertex is used.

The object is smoothed.


| Chapter 12: Common Functions and Utilities

Smoothed using Arc Smoothing

Combining and Connecting Objects

Connect/Combine Tool
The Connect/Combine tool joins objects by their endpoints or at their intersections using one of three modes: Single Object Connect, Dual Object Connect, or Dual Object Combine.
Dual Object Connect

Single Object Connect

Dual Object Combine

Single Object Connect Dual Object Connect Dual Object Combine

Trims or extends the first selected object to join a second or boundary object Trims or extends to join two objects at their endpoints or intersections Trims or extends to join two objects into one object at their endpoints or intersections

When connecting or combining a pair of NURBS, polylines, or open polygons by their endpoints, VectorWorks may require additional information to complete the process. In this situation, the Connect/Combine Options dialog box opens.

Combining and Connecting Objects | Option



Connects/combines the two objects by joining the two endpoints midway between them


Connects/combines the two objects by creating another object between them

Position Matching (NURBS curves and surfaces only)

Connects/combines two NURBS curves or surfaces by moving the first objects selected end point to the selected end point of the boundary object (not available if the end points are coincident)

Tangency Matching (NURBS curves and surfaces only)

Connects/combines two NURBS curves or surfaces by making the first objects selected end point tangent to the selected end point of the boundary object

Curvature Matching (NURBS curves and surfaces only)

Connects/combines two NURBS curves or surfaces by making the first objects selected end point match the curvature of the selected end point of the boundary object


| Chapter 12: Common Functions and Utilities

Single Object Connect

The Single Object Connect mode trims or extends an object to join a second or boundary object. Only open objects, such as lines, arcs, open polygons, and NURBS curves and lines, can be connected. Closed objects, such as circles, rectangles, and closed polygons cannot be connected; they are treated as boundary objects. By pressing Alt (Windows) or Option (Macintosh), this mode allows multiple objects to be connected to a boundary object.

Connecting Single Objects

To connect a single object to a boundary object: 1. Click the Connect/Combine tool from the Basic palette, and select Single Object Connect from the Tool bar. 2. Click on the object to connect, and then click on the boundary object. The first object is resized to join the boundary object.

Connecting Multiple Objects

To connect multiple selected objects to a boundary object: 1. Select the objects. 2. Click the Connect/Combine tool from the Basic palette, and select Single Object Connect from the Tool bar. Press and hold Alt (Windows) or Option (Macintosh) to allow multiple selection. 3. Click on one of the objects to connect, and then click on the boundary object. The selected objects are resized to join the boundary object.

Connection Type
2D object extended to boundary object

1st click 2nd click

2D object trimmed at boundary object

Combining and Connecting Objects | Connection Type

NURBS surface to NURBS surface



Multiple selection connecting 2D objects to boundary object

Dual Object Connect

The Dual Object Connect mode trims or extends two objects to connect them at their endpoints or intersections. Only open objects, such as lines and polylines, can be connected. Closed objects, except for NURBS surfaces, cannot be connected. To connect two objects: 1. Click the Connect/Combine tool from the Basic palette, and select Dual Object Connect from the Tool bar. 2. Click the first, and then the second, object to connect. The Connect/Combine Options dialog box opens. Select a method for resizing and connecting the two objects (see Connect/Combine Tool on page 382). The two objects are resized to connect to each other.

1st click 2nd click

NURBS surface being connected to NURBS surface


| Chapter 12: Common Functions and Utilities

Connection Type



Position Matching

Tangency Matching

Curvature Matching

Dual Object Combine

The Dual Object Combine mode trims or extends to combine two objects into a single object at their endpoints or intersections. Only open objects, such as lines and NURBS curves and surfaces, can be connected. To combine two objects: 1. Click the Connect/Combine tool from the Basic palette, and select Dual Object Combine from the Tool bar. 2. Click on the first, and then the second, object to combine. The two objects are trimmed or extended if necessary and combined into one object.

Composing and Decomposing Objects and Surfaces |


1st click 2nd click

The line and the arc are combined to form a single polyline object

Using tangent or curvature matching between two NURBS surfaces results in a single surface

Composing and Decomposing Objects and Surfaces

Composing Objects and Surfaces
The Compose command can combine NURBS surfaces, 2D lines, arcs, open polygons, NURBS curves, NURBS arcs, and open 3D polygons into a single object. The endpoints of each object must be touching to use this command. Objects that are not touching are ignored. Adjacent NURBS surfaces, which may have been split by the Split tool (see Splitting Objects and NURBS Surfaces on page 275), can be composed into a single NURBS surface with this command. To compose adjacent objects or NURBS surfaces: 1. Select the objects or NURBS surfaces to be composed. 2. Select Modify > Compose. The objects are combined to create a single object or NURBS surface.

If there are multiple objects touching at the same endpoint, the two objects closest in stacking order are combined.

Decomposing Objects and Surfaces

The Decompose command can decompose NURBS surfaces, 2D polygons, 2D polylines, 3D NURBS curves created with the Compose command, and open 3D polygons. Occasionally, surface creation methods like the Create Surface from Curves command can create a surface with internal discontinuities. Many of the 3D Power Pack tools and commands are not designed to work with these types of surfaces. The Decompose command can separate the surface into NURBS surfaces without discontinuities.


| Chapter 12: Common Functions and Utilities

To decompose a NURBS surface or object into individual segments: 1. Select the NURBS surface or object to be decomposed. 2. Select Modify > Decompose. The NURBS surface is separated into individual surfaces, or the object is separated into individual segments.

Locking and Unlocking Objects

Locking Objects
Objects in a drawing can be protected with the Lock command so that they cannot be accidentally moved, deleted, or edited. A locked object must be unlocked before any changes can be made to it. To lock an object: 1. Select the object or objects to lock. 2. Select Modify > Lock, or select Lock from the object context menu. The Object Info palette indicates that the object is locked. Depending on the selection highlighting setting in VectorWorks preferences, the handles and/or highlighting also change to indicate that the object is now locked (see Selection Indicators on page 29).

Unlocking Objects
Unlock an object or group of objects that was previously locked with the Unlock command. Unlocked objects can be copied, moved, deleted, or edited. To unlock objects: 1. Select the object or objects to be unlocked. 2. Select Modify > Unlock, or select Unlock from the object context menu. The Object Info palette no longer indicates that the object is locked. Depending on the selection highlighting setting in VectorWorks preferences, the handles and/or highlighting also change to indicate that the object is now unlocked (see Selection Indicators on page 29).

Aligning Objects to Grid |


Aligning Objects to Grid

The Align to Grid command aligns 2D and 3D objects to the snap grid, placing the upper-left corner of each object at its closest grid point. The Align to Grid command can be used to realign objects to the snap grid when the grids settings have changed. It also aligns objects to the grid if they were either created with the Snap to Grid Constraint tool turned off or were moved off the grid after they were created. To align an object to a grid: 1. Select the object or objects to align. 2. Select Modify > Align > Align to Grid. VectorWorks aligns the object(s), placing the upper-left corner of each object at its closest grid point.

Rotating Objects
VectorWorks provides a variety of ways to rotate 2D and 3D objects. Use the Rotate tool to rotate an object directly using the mouse. Use the various Rotate commands to rotate the object around the current location, by choosing a preset rotation, or by entering custom rotation information in a dialog box. Certain objects, such as rectangles, rounded rectangles, ovals, bitmaps, and PICT images, can be rotated by holding the Shift key down while rotating with the rotate cursor of the 2D Selection tool.

Rotate Tool
The Rotate tool can rotate 2D and 3D objects in the drawing. However, if both 2D and 3D objects are selected, only the 2D objects are rotated. When a 2D object is selected, the Rotate tool has no options in the Tool bar. Double-clicking the tool opens the Rotate Object dialog box as described in 2D Custom Rotation on page 392. When a 3D object is selected, the Rotate tool has five rotation options in the Tool bar.
Duplicate and Rotate Rotate Standard Rotation Alignment Rotation Rotate in Screen Plane

Rotate Duplicate and Rotate Standard Rotation Alignment Rotation Rotate in Screen Plane

Rotates the selected object Creates a duplicate object and rotates it Rotates the object about a defined axis Rotates the object by aligning it with another object In conjunction with the other options, rotates the object parallel to the computer screen plane, rather than the working plane Rotate in Screen Plane cannot be used with wall objects. Also, the option has no effect when the drawing is in a view parallel to the screen plane, such as Top or Front.


| Chapter 12: Common Functions and Utilities

2D Standard Rotation
To rotate a 2D object: 1. Select the 2D object(s) to rotate. 2. Click the Rotate tool from the Basic palette. 3. Click to create a fulcrum line (a temporary handle to rotate the object). 4. Click to end the fulcrum line. 5. Move the cursor to rotate the object. A preview object displays. 6. Click to set the rotation.

3D Standard Rotation
To rotate a 3D object around a specified axis: 1. Select the 3D object to rotate. 2. Click the Rotate tool from the Basic palette. 3. Select Rotate or Duplicate and Rotate from the Tool bar, depending on whether the original or a duplicate object is to be rotated. 4. Select Standard Rotation from the Tool bar. 5. By default, the rotation plane is parallel to the working plane. If desired, select Rotate in Screen Plane from the Tool bar to rotate in a plane parallel to the computer screen plane. 6. Click to create a fulcrum line (a temporary handle to rotate the object). 7. Click to end the fulcrum line. 8. Move the cursor to rotate the object to the desired new position. 9. Click to set the rotation. The original object or its duplicate is rotated to the new position.

1st click 3rd click 2nd click Rotating a chair using the Rotate and Standard Rotation options

Rotating Objects |


3D Rotation by Alignment
To rotate a 3D object by aligning it with another object: 1. Select the 3D object to rotate. 2. Select the Rotate tool from the Basic palette. 3. Select Rotate or Duplicate and Rotate from the Tool bar, depending on whether the original or a duplicate object is to be rotated. 4. Select Alignment Rotation from the Tool bar. 5. By default, the rotation plane is parallel to the working plane. If desired, select Rotate in Screen Plane from the Tool bar to rotate in a plane parallel to the computer screen plane. 6. Click to set the first point on the selected object. 7. Click to set the second point on the selected object. This defines the edge of the object that will be rotated by alignment and creates a fulcrum line. 8. Click the desired point to align the object with. The original object or its duplicate is rotated to the new position.
3rd click 2nd click

1st click

Preset Rotation Angles

The rotate commands provide a number of ways to rotate 2D and 3D objects in a drawing without changing their base location in the drawing. Select one of the preset rotation angles, or specify a custom rotation angle. To rotate at a specified angle: 1. Select the object(s) to rotate. 2. Select Modify > Rotate, and then the pre-set rotation. Alternatively, select Rotate from the object context menu.

Rotate Left 90 Rotate Right 90 Flip Horizontal Flip Vertical

Rotates the selected object counter-clockwise 90 Rotates the selected object clockwise 90 Flips the selected object about its center Flips the selected object vertically about its center


| Chapter 12: Common Functions and Utilities

2D Custom Rotation
The center of rotation for this command is limited to the center of the objects bounding box. To rotate at custom angles in 2D: 1. Select the object or objects to rotate. 2. Select Modify > Rotate > Rotate. The Rotate Object dialog box opens.

3. Enter the rotation angle. The precision of the values that can be entered (degrees, minutes, and/or seconds) depends on the Units setting. 4. Click OK.

3D Custom Rotation
The precision of the rotation values that can be entered (degrees, minutes, and/or seconds) depends on the Units setting. To rotate at custom angles in 3D: 1. Select the 3D object or objects to rotate. 2. Select Modify > Rotate > Rotate 3D. The Rotate Object in 3D dialog box opens. Specify the rotation parameters.

Rotation Angle Center of Rotation

Enter the angle of rotation Specify the desired center of rotation

Mirroring Objects | Parameter

Working Plane Center Object Center Next Mouse Click Rotation Axis


Rotates using the center of the working plane Rotates about the center of the selected object Rotates around the next mouse click in the drawing window Select whether the rotation axis will be based on the Ground Plane or the Working Plane, and about which axis point

3. Click OK.

Unrotating 3D Objects
The Unrotate 3D Objects command returns any 3D object that has its own coordinate system to its upright position. Use the command to rotate symbols, extrudes, multiple extrudes, and sweeps so that they align with the world coordinate system. This command helps re-orient the drawing after rotating an object. To unrotate a 3D object: 1. Select the 3D object or objects to unrotate. 2. Select Modify > Unrotate 3D Objects.

Mirroring Objects
The Mirror tool can mirror 2D and 3D objects. However, if both 2D and 3D objects are selected, only the 2D objects are mirrored. Depending on which types of objects are selected, there are four modes.
Mirror Mirror Across Working Plane

Duplicate and Mirror

Mirror in Screen Plane


Mirrors the selected object about an axis line. For 3D objects, the mirrored object is on the same plane as the original object (parallel to the working plane) unless Mirror in Screen Plane is selected. Creates a duplicate of the selected object and then mirrors the duplicate about an axis line. For 3D objects, the mirrored object is on the same plane as the original object (parallel to the working plane) unless Mirror in Screen Plane is selected. Mirrors the selected object to the other side of the working plane

Duplicate and Mirror

Mirror Across Working Plane (3D objects only) Mirror in Screen Plane (3D objects only)

Mirrors the selected object about an axis line, in the screen plane Mirror in Screen Plane cannot be used with wall objects. Also, this option has no effect when Mirror Across Working Plane is used, or when the drawing is in a view parallel to the screen plane, such as Top or Front.


| Chapter 12: Common Functions and Utilities

Mirroring a 2D Object
To mirror a 2D object: 1. Select the object to mirror. 2. Click the Mirror tool from the Basic palette. 3. Select Mirror or Duplicate and Mirror from the Tool bar, depending on whether the original object is to remain in place. 4. Click and drag to create an axis line. Click to finish the line. The object or its duplicate is mirrored on the opposite side of the axis line.

Mirror axis line Mirror mode mirrors the object to the other side of the axis line

Mirror axis line

Duplicate and Mirror mode creates a mirror duplicate of the object

Mirroring a 3D Object Using an Axis Line

To mirror a 3D object using an axis line: 1. Select the 3D object to mirror. 2. Click the Mirror tool from the Basic palette, and then select Mirror or Duplicate and Mirror from the Tool bar, depending on whether the original object is to remain in place. 3. By default, the mirrored object is placed on the same plane as the original object (parallel to the working plane). If desired, select Mirror in Screen Plane from the Tool bar to place the mirrored object in a plane parallel to the computer screen plane. 4. Click and drag to create an axis line. Click to finish the line. The object or its duplicate is mirrored to the opposite side of the axis line.

Converting Objects |


Mirroring a 3D Object Across the Working Plane

To mirror a 3D object across the working plane: 1. Select the 3D object to mirror. 2. Click the Mirror tool from the Basic palette, and then select Mirror or Duplicate and Mirror from the Tool bar, depending on whether the original object is to remain in place. 3. Select Mirror Across Working Plane mode. The object or its duplicate is mirrored to the opposite side of the working plane. There is no need to create an axis line.

Converting Objects
VectorWorks objects can be converted in several ways.

Convert to Lines
The Convert to Lines command changes a single object into the series of 2D lines needed to create it. For example, a 2D rectangle is converted into four lines. Both 2D and 3D objects can be converted into lines. Circles and ovals can also be converted into numerous line segments. However, especially when converting circles, the accuracy of the line segments depends on the 2D conversion res (resolution) setting chosen in the VectorWorks Preferences dialog box. To convert an object to lines: 1. Select the object to convert. 2. Select Modify > Convert > Convert to Lines. 3. If the object can be rendered, select the wireframe, hidden line, or dashed hidden line rendering conversion option. 4. Click OK. The object is converted into lines and each segment can be manipulated.

Convert Copy to Lines

The Convert Copy to Lines command works like the Convert to Lines command except that it first makes a copy of the object and then converts the copy into line segments. The original object remains intact. To convert a copy of a 2D or 3D object to lines: 1. Select the object to convert.


| Chapter 12: Common Functions and Utilities

2. Select Modify > Convert > Convert Copy to Lines. 3. If the object can be rendered, select the wireframe, hidden line, or dashed hidden line rendering conversion option. 4. Click OK. A copy of the object is converted into lines and each segment can be manipulated.

Convert to Polygons
The Convert to Polygons command changes any object with a surface into the 2D polygon or series of polygons needed to create it. Circles and ovals can also be converted. However, especially when converting circles, the accuracy of the polygons depends on the 2D conversion res (resolution) setting chosen in the VectorWorks Preferences dialog box. When most closed 3D geometry is converted to 2D polygons with the hidden line rendering option, back-facing polygons are discarded. To convert a 2D or 3D object to polygons: 1. Select the object to convert. 2. Select Modify > Convert > Convert to Polygons. 3. If the object can be rendered, select either the wireframe or hidden line rendering conversion option. 4. Click OK. The object is converted to a group of polygons. To select an individual polygon, first select Modify > Ungroup.

Convert Copy to Polygons

The Convert Copy to Polygons command works like the Convert to Polygons command, except that it first makes a copy of the object and then converts the copy into 2D polygons. The original object remains intact. To convert a copy of a 2D or 3D object to polygons: 1. Select the object to convert. 2. Select Modify > Convert > Convert Copy to Polygons. 3. If the object can be rendered, select either the wireframe or hidden line rendering conversion option. 4. Click OK. A copy of the object is converted to a group of polygons. To select an individual polygon, first select Modify > Ungroup.

Convert to 3D Polygons
The Convert to 3D Polys command converts any 2D line or surface object, including polylines, polygons, circles, ovals, and rectangles, into a 3D polygon. Once converted, the new polygon contains a Z dimension, assigning it a place in 3D space. It can be rotated and manipulated with 3D tools. The new polygon will not, however, have a thickness. When converting two or more objects simultaneously, VectorWorks assigns the objects to a group when converting them to polygons.

Grouping Objects |
To convert a 2D object to 3D polygons: 1. Select the 2D object or objects to convert. 2. Select Modify > Convert > Convert to 3D Polys.


Grouping Objects
The Group command groups two or more individual objects (including text and symbols) together. The group of objects is then treated as a single object. For example, grouped objects can be moved to a different layer in one move. In addition, this command can group two or more groups of objects into a single group.

Individual objects

Grouped objects

To group objects: 1. Select the objects (or groups) to be grouped. 2. Select Modify > Group. The objects are grouped into one object, as indicated by the handles, and the group is placed in the active class. Use the View bars left arrow to exit a group and return to the previous view. This can save time when working with 3D objects.

Editing a Group
The Edit Group command edits objects that constitute the group. Double-clicking a group, or selecting Edit from the context menu, also edits the group. This command also edits a group of objects that is nested inside another group; each time the Edit Group command is selected, VectorWorks moves one level deeper into the group. In addition, this command allows edits to hybrid objects, symbols, roofs, sweeps, extrudes and multiple extrudes, plug-in objects, custom objects, and floors. Even though these objects are created without using the Group command, VectorWorks treats them as a group because they are defined by the objects they contain. For example, an extrude is defined by the 2D object it contains, which is its container object. A sweep is defined by its profile object. If one of these objects has been moved or rotated, its 2D container object is displayed at its original location for editing. When editing, the view is centered on the component(s). Edit Group does not work on walls. When editing a group, the default is to hide all other objects in the drawing. However, showing all objects in the drawing is also possible, although only the grouped objects can be edited. To show all the objects, select Show other objects while in group in the VectorWorks preferences. This allows the Edit Group command to use other objects for snapping. When editing nested groups, only the first container group shows other drawing objects. To edit a group of objects: 1. Select the group to edit. 2. Select Modify > Edit Group.


| Chapter 12: Common Functions and Utilities

Alternatively, edit the group by selecting Edit from the context menu, or by double-clicking on the group. Edit the path or profile of a plug-in object directly by selecting Edit Path or Edit Profile from the context menu.

3. If the group consists of a path or profile object, the Choose Component dialog box opens. Only one component of a path or profile object can be edited at one time. Select the component to edit and click OK.

Path/Profile Double-click

Edits the path or profile component Sets the future behavior when double-clicking on a plug-in object. Select whether to display the Choose Component dialog box, or directly edit the path or profile component.

4. The Edit Group window opens, containing the group or component to be edited. VectorWorks automatically hides objects other than those in the selected group. A colored border around the drawing window indicates that you are in an editing mode. The Exit Group command becomes available from the Modify menu, and the Exit Group button is visible in the top right corner of the drawing window. Depending on the type of object edited, the button may display other Exit text, such as Exit Sweep Profile for sweeps, Exit Extrude for extruded objects, etc. 5. Make the changes to the objects, components, or container objects in the group. (Switch easily between components from the context menu.) 6. Click Exit Group to return to the main drawing area. Alternatively, when editing a nested group, the button takes you back one group. When a symbol is selected, the Edit Group command becomes the Edit Symbol command. When on a sheet layer, the Edit Group command becomes the Edit Viewport command.

The Ungroup command ungroups objects or groups that were previously combined with the Group command. Nested groups must be ungrouped one at a time.

Compressing Images |


Grouped objects

Ungrouped objects

To ungroup a group of objects: 1. Select the group to ungroup. 2. Select Modify > Ungroup. Alternatively, select Ungroup from the object context menu. The objects are ungrouped, still retaining their individual attributes and information. If a plug-in object is ungrouped, it loses its plug-in functionality. Confirm that high-level objects should be ungrouped.

Returning to Top Level

The Top Level command is used when editing groups of objects that are nested. Exit all of the groups being edited, and return to the main drawing area in a single step. Select Modify > Top Level. VectorWorks automatically exits all groups being edited and returns to the main drawing area.

Compressing Images
The bitmap images and image resources in a VectorWorks file can be compressed with the JPEG compression method, to save file space. JPEG compression can significantly reduce bitmap image file size, but can result in the loss of fine detail for some images. The compression method and file size for a selected image display in the Object Info palette. Images that are already compressed by the JPEG compression method remain unchanged. A selected bitmap file displays Bitmap as the object type at the top of the Object Info palette. A bitmap file may already have had PNG compression applied at import; the Compress Images command changes its compression format to JPEG.

Compressing Selected Bitmap Images

To compress selected bitmap images: 1. Select the bitmaps to be compressed. 2. Select Tools > Compress Images. The Compress Images dialog box opens.


| Chapter 12: Common Functions and Utilities

3. Select Apply JPEG Compression to Selected Bitmap Objects. Click OK to compress the selected images.

Compressing All Bitmap Images and/or Image Resources

The JPEG compression method can be applied to all bitmap images in the file. For the best possible reduction in file size, images that have been imported as resources (shown as image resources in the Resource Browser) can also be compressed by the JPEG compression method. To compress all bitmap images and/or image resources: 1. Select Tools > Compress Images. The Compress Images dialog box opens.

2. Select Apply JPEG Compression to All. Choose whether to apply the JPEG compression to all bitmap images in the drawing, image resources, or both. Click OK to compress the images.

Tracing Bitmaps
The Trace Bitmap command traces bitmap objects and picture objects (images which have been imported with the PICT as Picture command). It creates a group of vector lines from the image. To trace a bitmap or picture object: 1. Select the image to trace. 2. Select Modify > Trace Bitmap. 3. Enter the desired criteria in the Trace Bitmap dialog box.

Tracing Bitmaps |


Maximum width in pixels Collinearity Sensitivity 4. Click OK.

Specify the maximum number of pixels to be recognized as a single line; pixel counts above the selected value are traced Select a value to define the segment size and accuracy of the trace

The time it takes VectorWorks to trace the image can vary from seconds to hours. The tracing time required is determined by the image size, as well as the line threshold and collinearity sensitivity settings selected.


| Chapter 12: Common Functions and Utilities

Viewing and Rendering


VectorWorks has many tools and features that change the drawing view. For example, change the orientation from a top view to a left isometric view, or interactively fly over or walk through a 3D model. Several rendering options are also available. These show 3D models with additional realistic details, such as hidden lines, colors, and lighting.

Using Standard Views

The items under the View > Standard Views sub-menu change the representation and the orientation of the drawing area. VectorWorks has 15 view options, which can be divided into four basic categories:

2D View 3D Elevations 3D Representations Above the Ground Plane 3D Representations Below the Ground Plane

Select the Top/Plan command to view the drawing in 2D; use this for elevations, annotations, title blocks, and other 2D illustrations Use the Top, Front, Right, Bottom, Back, and Left commands to view 3D elevations Use the Right Isometric, Left Isometric, Right Rear Isometric, and Left Rear Isometric commands to view 3D representations above the ground plane Use the Lower Right Isometric, Lower Left Isometric, Lower Right Rear Isometric, and Lower Left Rear Isometric commands to view 3D representations below the ground plane


| Chapter 13: Viewing and Rendering








Right Isometric

Left Isometric

Right Rear Isometric

Left Rear Isometric

Lower Right Isometric

Lower Left Isometric

Lower Right Rear Isometric

Lower Left Rear Isometric

To change among the different views: Select View > Standard Views, and then select a view. The view changes and a check mark displays in front of the active view in the Current View/Standard Views list. The reference for the view, whether working plane or ground plane, may depend on the selection in the Working Planes palette (see Working Plane View and Modes on page 557). To switch views rapidly, use shortcuts on the numeric keypad.

Keypad Number
0 1 2 3 4

Top/Plan Left Isometric Front Right Isometric Left

Projection | Keypad Number

5 6 7 8 9


Top Right Left Rear Isometric Rear Right Rear Isometric

The View bar also provides quick access to the standard view commands. Click the Current View and select a standard view from the list that displays. If the view is something other than a standard view, Custom View displays as the current view.

Current View/Standard Views list

The projection commands alter the way VectorWorks displays the 3D geometry of the drawing on a 2D screen. In addition to the standard 2D Plan projection, VectorWorks has six 3D projection modes. To switch projection modes: Select View > Projection, and then select a projection.

Projection Mode
2D Plan Orthogonal Perspective

Matches the projection for a normal 2D drawing; use this view to draw 2D objects Displays an undistorted 3D projection of the drawingobjects display at their exact size regardless of their distance from the ground plane Adds distortion to the drawing so that objects that are farther away appear smaller than objects that are closer, as if the drawing were projected on an imaginary cropped plane, set at a certain distance. The Perspective mode closely approximates how the 3D model will display in the real world. The Cavalier modes show an undistorted front view along with depth (also known as full-depth axonometric projections). The lines along the Z axis (which show the depth of an object) are represented in true length. This distorts the overall image of the object and makes it appear deeper. These modes make precise measurements possible, either from a printout of the drawing or from the screen image. The Oblique Cabinet modes (also known as half-depth axonometric projections) are similar to Oblique Cavalier. However, the depth lines are shortened by 50%. This distorts the actual length of these lines, but represents a more natural view of the object. These modes can still be used to take measurements of vectors perpendicular to the projection plan (along the Z axis) from a printed drawing, but the results must be multiplied by two to obtain the actual dimension.

Oblique Cavalier (30 or 45)

Oblique Cabinet (30 or 45)


| Chapter 13: Viewing and Rendering

OpenGL and RenderWorks do not support the Oblique projections. To render Oblique projections, use one of the Polygon render modes, or use Hidden Line mode.

The perspective commands change the amount of distortion used to display the drawing, which gives the impression of 3D perspective. Select from normal, narrow, or wide perspectives, or create a custom perspective.

Set Perspective Narrow Perspective Normal Perspective Wide Perspective To select a perspective:

Set a custom perspective numerically Similar to a telephoto lens Similar to a portrait lens Similar to a wide angle or fisheye lens

Select View > Perspective, and then select the perspective. To set a custom perspective value, select Set Perspective. The Set Perspective dialog box opens. Type the custom perspective value in the Perspective field, and then click OK. The lower the value, the wider the angle of perspective.

Simulating Movement
Several tools simulate movement over and through the drawing. When you use these tools, the model may display in wireframe mode even if a render mode is set. When the movement stops, VectorWorks renders the new view of the model. Additionally, for a highly complex drawing, VectorWorks temporarily removes some of the detail to speed up the movement. When the movement stops, the detail returns. These tools have certain Tool bar buttons that are true modes, and others that act as command buttons. When some of these tools are in use, the Data bar provides display-only information to help orient the view.

The Flyover tool simulates movement over and around a real-world model. To control the movements of the Flyover tool, drag the mouse around a selected center of rotation. The Tool bar buttons set the center of rotation.
Object Center Interactive Origin Ground Plane Origin Working Plane Origin

Simulating Movement | Mode

Interactive Origin Object Center Ground Plane Origin Working Plane Origin


Sets the center of rotation with a mouse click Sets the center of rotation to the center of the selected objects; if no objects are selected, sets the center of rotation to the center of the visible objects Sets the center of rotation to the center of the ground plane Sets the center of rotation to the origin of the current working plane

To fly over a drawing: 1. Click the Flyover tool from the View/Draw, 3D Modeling, or Visualization tool set. 2. Select the mode from the Tool bar. 3. In Interactive Origin mode, click to specify the center of rotation for the flyover movement. 4. The center of rotation is indicated by dashed axis lines.

To fly over the drawing, click on the drawing and drag in the direction of movement while you hold the mouse button. To stop the movement, release the mouse button. Alternatively, use shortcuts on the keyboard to fly over the drawing.

Mouse Movement
Move left or right Move up or down Move in toward center Move outward from center Move down toward ground plane Move up from ground plane

Shortcut Keys

Turns left or right about the selected center of rotation Moves up or down about the selected center of rotation

Alt + move right (Win) or Option + move right (Mac) Alt + move left (Win) or Option + move left (Mac) Alt + move up (Win) or Option + move up (Mac) Alt + move down (Win) or Option + move down (Mac)

Moves the view toward the center of rotation (in Perspective projection) Moves the view outward from the center of rotation (in perspective projection) Moves down toward the ground plane (in perspective or orthogonal projection) Moves up from the ground plane (in perspective or orthogonal projection)


| Chapter 13: Viewing and Rendering

Shortcut Keys
Shift key

Mouse Movement

Constrains the rotation to the global Z axis, or to the K axis of the active working plane (when Working Plane Mode is enabled in the Working Planes palette) Draws selected objects in full detail, and hides deselected objects (so that the redraws are faster)

Ctrl key (Win) or Command key (Mac)

Activating the Flyover Tool Temporarily

While another tool is active, press and hold the mouse wheel button and the Ctrl key (Windows) or Control key (Mac) simultaneously to activate the Flyover tool. Orient the view as desired, and release the mouse. The previous tool becomes active again automatically. This feature will not work properly if the wheel button is assigned a custom function in the mouse setup. For example, if the wheel button is set to perform a delete when clicked, a wheel click in VectorWorks deletes rather than activates the flyover tool. (The specific setting required for this feature depends on the type of mouse being used.)

The Walkthrough tool simulates movement through a 3D model. The tool operates in perspective projection. To control the movements of the Walkthrough tool, move the mouse or click one of the first four mode buttons. The buttons perform precise, incremental walkthrough movements in the direction specified. Click Reset to Front View mode to return to a front view of the model, on the same level as the ground plane.
Lower Ground Plane Raise Ground Plane Viewer Looks Up Reset to Front View

Viewer Looks Down

To conduct a walkthrough of a model: 1. Click the Walkthrough tool from the Visualization tool set. 2. Click on the drawing and drag while you hold the mouse button to perform the walkthrough. Imagine the drawing area divided into four quadrants. With the mouse button pressed, move forward, backward, left, and right by dragging the mouse in these directions. The place where the four quadrants meet is the still area move the mouse there to slow or stop the walkthrough movement. The farther away from the still area the mouse moves, the faster the movement. To stop the movement, release the mouse button. Alternatively, use shortcuts on the keyboard to walk through the drawing.


Mouse Movement/Key
Move left or right Move up or down

Turns left or right from the viewers location about the Z axis Moves forward or backward in the world XY plane

Simulating Movement | Mode

Raise Ground Plane Lower Ground Plane Viewer Looks Down Viewer Looks Up Reset to Front View Ctrl key (Windows) or Command key (Macintosh)


Mouse Movement/Key
Alt + move down (Win) or Option + move down (Mac) Alt + move up (Win) or Option + move up (Mac) Alt + move left (Win) or Option + move left (Mac) Alt + move right (Win) or Option + move right (Mac)

Raises the viewpoint height Lowers the viewpoint height Lowers the viewpoint angle Raises the viewpoint angle Sets the drawing to a front view of the model, on the same level as the ground plane Draws selected objects in full detail, and hides deselected objects (so that the redraws are faster)

When the Walkthrough tool is in use, the Data bar displays the following information to help orient the view.

Data Bar

Displays the angle (0 360 degrees) between the walking direction and the positive Y axis, to describe the direction of movement in the ground plane. A yaw of 90 degrees indicates movement in the direction of the positive X axis. A yaw of 180 degrees indicates movement in the direction of the negative Y axis. Displays the viewpoints viewing angle. A value of 0 degrees indicates that the viewer is looking straight ahead; a value of 45 degrees indicates that the viewer is looking up at an angle 45 degrees from horizontal. Displays the position of the viewer relative to the ground plane


Viewer X/Y/Z

Translate View
The Translate View tool provides another way to look at a 3D model in orthogonal or perspective projections. To control the movements of the Translate View tool, move the mouse or click one of the mode buttons. The buttons perform precise, incremental movements in the direction specified. To translate a view: 1. Click the Translate View tool from the Visualization tool set. 2. Click on the drawing and drag while you hold the mouse button to translate the drawing from side to side or up and down. To stop the movement, release the mouse button. Alternatively, click the mode buttons or use shortcuts on the keyboard to translate the view.
Move Picture Closer Move Picture Away


| Chapter 13: Viewing and Rendering

Mouse Movement/Key
Move left or right Move up or down

Moves along screen X axis Moves along screen Y axis Moves the drawing closer (in perspective projection) Moves the drawing farther away (in perspective projection) Draws selected objects in full detail, and hides deselected objects (so that the redraws are faster)

Move Picture Closer Move Picture Away

Alt (Win)/Option (Mac) + move right or down Alt (Win)/Option (Mac) + move left or up Ctrl key (Windows) or Command key (Macintosh)

When the Translate View tool is in use, the Data bar displays the following information to help orient the view.

Data Bar
Viewer X/Y/Z L/R U/D I/O

Displays the position of the viewer relative to the ground plane Displays the movement to the left and right of an imaginary axis perpendicular to the screen Displays the movement up and down from an imaginary axis perpendicular to the screens Displays the movement in and out of the drawing along an imaginary axis perpendicular to the screen

Rotating the 3D View

To rotate the 3D view, either use the Rotate View tool, or specify rotation values with the Rotate 3D View command.

Rotating with the Mouse

The Rotate View tool rotates the view clockwise or counter-clockwise in 3D. To control the movements of the Rotate View tool, drag the mouse or click one of the mode buttons. The first three Tool bar buttons set the center of rotation. The last two modes perform precise, incremental rotation movements in the direction specified.
Rotate Around Ground Plane Center Rotate Around Object Center Rotate Around Working Plane Center Rotate Clockwise Rotate Counter-Clockwise

To rotate the 3D view: 1. Click the Rotate View tool from the Visualization tool set. 2. Select the mode from the Tool bar.

Simulating Movement | Mode

Rotate Around Object Center Rotate Around Ground Plane Center Rotate Around Working Plane Center


Uses the center of selected objects as the rotation center Uses the center of the ground plane as the rotation center Uses the origin of the current working plane as the rotation center

3. To rotate the view, click on the drawing and drag while holding the mouse button. Move the cursor to rotate the view in the direction of the mouse movement. Release the mouse to stop the rotation. Alternatively, use the two Tool bar buttons.


Mouse Movement/Key
Move left or right Move up or down

Rotates about the screen Y axis (or the screen Z axis if the mouse is at the perimeter of the drawing) Rotates about the screen Y axis (or the screen Z axis if the mouse is at the perimeter of the drawing) Each click rotates the view in a clockwise direction about the selected center of rotation Each click rotates the view in a counter-clockwise direction about the selected center of rotation

Rotate Clockwise Rotate Counter-Clockwise Ctrl key (Windows) or Command key (Macintosh)

Draws selected objects in full detail, and hides deselected objects (so that the redraws are faster)

When the Rotate View tool is in use, the Data bar displays the following information to help orient the view.

Data Bar
Azimuth Elevation Roll

Displays the ground plane angle (in degrees) between the positive X axis and the direction from the selected center of rotation to the viewer Displays the angle (in degrees) between the selected center of rotation and the plane which is parallel to the ground plane and passes through the view origin Displays (in degrees) the amount of rotation about the selected rotation center

Rotating Precisely
The Rotate 3D View command provides a precise way to rotate the 3D view. Enter rotation values directly, or rotate the view in increments. A preview displays the rotation movements before the actual view is rotated. To rotate the 3D view: 1. Select View > Rotate 3D View. The Rotate 3D View dialog box opens.


| Chapter 13: Viewing and Rendering

Parameters are absolute Parameters are relative Interactive Rotation +, - X/Y/Z buttons Angle Increment Rotation by Value Rotation on X/Y/Z

Starts the view rotation from a top (absolute) view Starts the view rotation from the current view

The plus and minus buttons for each axis rotate the view by the increment specified Specifies the rotation increment (in degrees) for the interactive rotation buttons

Specifies the rotation value (in degrees, minutes, and seconds) for the X, Y, and/or Z axes

2. Specify the rotation criteria, and then click OK to rotate the 3D view as specified.

Using a SpaceNavigator Mouse

VectorWorks supports both the standard and personal editions of the 3Dconnexion Inc. SpaceNavigator mouse. The SpaceNavigator driver must be installed; see SpaceNavigator movement affects the current view in VectorWorks; when cycling through movement modes with the SpaceNavigators left button, the VectorWorks Message bar displays a notice. The effects of the SpaceNavigator tool on the VectorWorks view depend on the current view and projection, as well as the tool mode. For best results while navigating, render the drawing with OpenGL rendering.

VectorWorks View or Projection

Top/Plan Isometric, Orthogonal

SpaceNavigator Result
Any SpaceNavigator manipulation switches the view to Top Like the Flyover tool, the SpaceNavigator supports spinning and tilting motions

Setting a 3D View | VectorWorks View or Projection



SpaceNavigator Result
Cycle through the SpaceNavigator modes for various types of navigation. The first mode functions like the Flyover tool, with spinning and tilting motions. The second mode functions like the Walkthrough tool, allowing movement on a plane parallel to the Ground plane with spinning to the left or right. The third mode imposes no constraints, supporting all axes of motion. This mode is the most flexible, but can be challenging to control; decreasing axis sensitivity from the SpaceNavigator control panel is recommended (press the right Navigator button).

Setting a 3D View
The Set 3D View command sets a precise 3D view at a specified viewing angle, height, and perspective. Normally, the command is executed from 2D Top/Plan view; however, the command can also set a 3D view from any of VectorWorks 3D projection modes. To set a 3D view: 1. Select View > Set 3D View. 2. Click and draw a line to indicate the view direction; the line starting point indicates the viewer position and the line end point indicates the point the viewer is looking towards (look toward point). The Set 3D View dialog box opens.

3. Specify the 3D view criteria.

Viewer Height Look Toward Height Perspective

Specifies the height of the viewer at the start point of the drawn line Specifies the height of the view destination at the end point of the drawn line Select the desired perspective, or use the current setting to keep the perspective unchanged

4. Click OK. The 3D view is adjusted as specified.


| Chapter 13: Viewing and Rendering

Setting a Camera View in RenderWorks

RenderWorks contains a method of setting a camera view with the RenderWorks Camera tool. Specific attributes, such as camera focal length, field of view, height, and aspect ratio can be set. To insert a RenderWorks camera: 1. Select the RenderWorks Camera tool from the Visualization tool set (RenderWorks required). 2. Click in the design layer to specify the camera location. Click again to indicate the camera look-to point. If this is the first time a camera object has been inserted in this session, the RenderWorks Camera Object Properties dialog box opens. Click OK.

3. Click Display Camera View in the Object Info palette, or simply double-click on the camera, to switch to the 3D camera view. To return to Top/Plan view, click Top/Plan View in the Object Info palette.

4. The camera properties can be edited in the Object Info palette.

Setting a Camera View in RenderWorks | Parameter

Camera Height


Sets the camera height; at placement, the camera is set to a default height of 1500 mm or 50. If a Z value is also specified for the camera object, the total camera height is the sum of the Z height and the Camera Height. Sets the height of the camera look-to point; at placement, the look-to height is set to a default height of 1500 mm or 50. If a Z value is also specified for the camera object, the total look-to height is the sum of the Z height and the Look To Height. Switches to a Top/Plan view of the 2D camera Switches to display the 3D camera view (double-clicking on the camera in a 2D view also switches to camera view) Opens the Perspective View Controls dialog box, for making fine adjustments to the camera view controls (see Adjusting the Camera View on page 416) Select Perspective or Orthogonal projection for the camera view; Perspective creates an adjustable clipping frame for the camera view, while Orthogonal is useful for an elevation view (for example, a skewed elevation view of a building which is not in a standard view). Available parameters depend on the selected projection. Selects a render mode for the 3D camera view Sets the aspect ratio of the perspective clipping window; the clipping window can also be set to the page size or to a custom aspect ratio When a custom Aspect Ratio is selected, enter the custom ratio Specifies the camera film size, and determines the focal length of the camera (has no effect on the camera view) Displays the camera focal length, based on film size Specifies the view angle; set to a default angle of 65 degrees. Use the control point to set the view angle on the 2D camera with the mouse. Calculates the pixel size when exporting the camera view (has no effect on the camera view) Displays the pixel size based on the DPI setting Scales the size of the clipping window frame Tilts the camera to the left or right, for more accurate perspective matching Specifies a name for the camera, which can be displayed or hidden in 2D view; move the camera name text control point to adjust the position of the name

Look To Height

Top/Plan View Display Camera View Fine Tune Camera View Projection

Render Mode Aspect Ratio Custom Aspect For Film Size of Focal Length is Field of View For DPI of Pixel Size is Clip Frame Scale % Left/Right Tilt Angle Camera Name


| Chapter 13: Viewing and Rendering

Select a camera display mode; the camera name only displays in 2D None: Hides the camera in 2D and 3D views, and hides the camera name 2D: Displays the camera in 2D view, but hides the camera name, and hides the camera in a 3D view 3D: Displays the cameras perspective clipping window bounding box in 2D view, displays the camera in 3D view, and hides the camera name 2D + 3D: Shows the camera in 2D and 3D views, but hides the camera name 2D + Name: Shows the camera and camera name in 2D view, but hides the camera in 3D views 3D + Name: Shows the camera in 3D view, shows the camera name in 2D view, but hides the camera in 2D view (displays a locus instead) 2D + 3D + Name: Shows the camera and camera name in 2D view, and shows the camera in 3D views The 3D camera view displays the bounding box of the camera view, the view line, and the look-to end point. Displaying a camera in a 3D view allows it to be easily selected during design development, and it can be hidden later for final presentation

Camera Display

Auto Update 3D View

When selected, automatically updates the 3D camera view with every parameter change; for complex models, deselect when making several parameter changes, and then either re-select Auto Update 3D View or click Display Camera View to update the camera view with any parameter changes

Adjusting the Camera View

The camera view settings can be fine tuned in real-time, and the display attributes specified. To adjust the camera view: 1. Click Fine Tune Camera View from the Object Info palette of a selected camera object. The Perspective View Controls dialog box opens. Either use the sliders or enter values to adjust the camera settings; changes are reflected automatically in the drawing. For Camera Height, Look To Height, and Camera Distance, the slider range is proportional to the displayed value. To expand the slider range, enter a larger value.

Setting a Camera View in RenderWorks |


Camera Height Camera Pan Camera Move Left/Right Camera Distance Look To Height Focal Length (zoom) Perspective

Moves the camera vertically Pans the camera, rotating it about its axis within a +/- 20 degree range, as if it were on a tripod Rotates the camera about the look-to point, within a +/- 20 degree range Moves the camera towards or away from the look-to point Sets the height of the look-to point, which effectively tilts the camera vertically Acts like a zoom lens; sets the lens focal length, from 10 to 200 mm and changes the field of view angle Increases or decreases the perspective effect, making the perspective lines vanish more or less steeply about the look-to point; works most effectively when the look-to point is at the center of the scene or object being viewed Sets the aspect of the perspective clipping window; use in conjunction with the Clip Frame Size to obtain the desired window size Sets the scale of the perspective clipping window; use in conjunction with the Clip Frame Aspect Ratio to obtain the desired window size Selects a render mode for the 3D camera view

Clip Frame Aspect Ratio Clip Frame Size Render Mode

2. A camera object can be copied to insert additional camera views. In addition, the 2D camera display attributes can be set by fill and pen foreground and background colors in the Attributes palette. Control points adjust the field of view angle, the look-to point, and the camera name location.


| Chapter 13: Viewing and Rendering

Apparent field of view

Field of view angle control point

Look-to point control point

Lens field of view

Camera name text control point

Fill/Pen Color Attribute

Fill foreground Fill background Pen foreground Pen background

Sets the field of view angle color when the camera height is higher than the look-to height Sets the text color for the camera name Sets the color of the view line connecting the camera to the look-to point, as well as the color of the 3D camera representation Sets the color of the angle of view lines

The divergence between the apparent field of view angle and the lens field of view angle increases as the difference between the camera and look-to heights increases. When the camera and look-to heights are equal, the lens field of view angle line (dashed gray line by default) is not visible.

Fit to Objects
The Fit to Objects command provides an easy way to zoom in and out of a drawing. There are two options: fit the window around all the objects in the drawing, or fit the window around a particular object or set of objects. To fit the drawing window around all visible objects in the drawing: 1. Ensure that the current layer contains the object(s) to view, and that no objects are selected. 2. Select View > Zoom > Fit to Objects. Alternatively, click the Fit to Objects button on the View bar. VectorWorks zooms in or out so that all the objects in the drawing display in the drawing area.

Fit to Page Area |


To fit the view to a particular object or set of objects: 1. Ensure that the current layer contains the object(s) to view. 2. Select the object or objects to view. 3. Select View > Zoom > Fit to Objects. Alternatively, click the Fit to Objects button on the View bar. VectorWorks zooms in to display only the selected object(s) in the drawing area.

Fit to Page Area

The Fit to Page Area command displays the entire print area in the drawing window. For a single page drawing, this command displays the entire page. For a drawing with two or more pages, all of the pages display at one time. To fit the print area in the window: Select View > Zoom > Fit to Page Area. Alternatively, click the Fit to Page Area button on the View bar. VectorWorks zooms in or out to display all pages in the print area.


| Chapter 13: Viewing and Rendering

Viewing History
VectorWorks automatically records a history of the last ten changes in drawing view, including projection, perspective and zoom changes. Click the Previous View and Next View buttons on the View bar to move through the change history stack.

Previous View

Next View

On a Windows system with a five-button mouse, buttons 4 and 5 on the mouse (which invoke the Back and Forward commands in web browsers) invoke Previous View and Next View, respectively.

Adding Light
Once one or more light sources have been added to the drawing, it can be rendered to mimic the effect of light on the drawing surfaces. Default lighting is automatically added to a drawing for basic visibility of rendered objects. The default lighting is fixed to the camera so that it always lights an object appropriately. However, rendering a complex scene usually requires the addition of light sources. Light added to a VectorWorks drawing can be ambient or diffused. Ambient light affects all surfaces equally. Diffused lighting affects surfaces differently depending on the angle of the light source and position of the surfaces.

Ambient Light and Sunlight

Setting Lighting Options
The Set Layer Lighting Options command specifies the ambient light brightness and default color for the current layer. By default, the ambient light parameters are set to On, with a Color of white, and a Brightness of 35%. When RenderWorks is installed, this command also sets the white balance for any light sources with a color temperature, and specifies environment background lighting parameters when a RenderWorks HDRI background resource has been added to the drawing (see Creating HDRI Backgrounds on page 658). The ambient light of a selected viewport can be edited by clicking Lighting Options from the Object Info palette (see Viewport Parameters on page 614).

Adding Light |
To set ambient light: 1. Switch to the layer where the desired ambient light settings are to be set. 2. Select View > Lighting > Set Layer Lighting Options.


The Layer Lighting Options dialog box opens. Set the ambient light for the layer. The white balance setting can be adjusted for light sources in the layer with a color temperature specified (RenderWorks required). For a chart of common color temperature ranges, see Correlated Color Temperature on page 732.

Ambient Info On/Off Brightness Color Emitter White Balance (RenderWorks required) Color Temperature

Activates or deactivates the ambient light settings for the layer Specifies the ambient light brightness; enter a percentage or drag the slider bar Specifies a default color associated with the ambient light; click the color box to select the color

Select a color temperature that will be balanced to appear white. Lower temperatures, which might otherwise have an orange cast, or higher temperatures, which might otherwise appear with a blue tint, are adjusted to appear white. Select Custom to specify a temperature to be white balanced. If a Custom Color Temperature is specified, enter the temperature in Kelvin When an HDRI layer background has been selected for the layer or viewport, specifies how to control its lighting contribution to the rendering (see Creating HDRI Backgrounds on page 658) Uses the image environment background set for the layer as both a background and a light source

Custom (K) Environment Lighting (HDRI) (RenderWorks required) From Current Background


| Chapter 13: Viewing and Rendering

Lights the model with the colors from the HDRI background selected here Uses the image environment background set for the layer or viewport as a background only. The background does not contribute to lighting.

From Selected Background None

3. Click OK.

Adding Sunlight
Sunlight in VectorWorks is created by projecting parallel rays from a directional light. To set the sun position: 1. Select View > Lighting > Set Sun Position. The Set Sun Position dialog box opens. Enter the sun position information.

Site Time Zone Meridian Page North

Specifies the sites latitude and longitude Specifies the sites time zone; one hour of difference is equal to 15 of longitude Normally, the drawing is oriented to page north (true north, not magnetic north), and no compensation is required; if the drawing was not created with this orientation, specify an angular offset in degrees from page north Specifies the time of year Specifies the time of day Select if Daylight Saving time is in effect Based on the settings made, displays the Azimuth (South at zero degrees, without Page North rotation), Azimuth N. Relative (North at zero degrees, without Page North rotation), Elevation (degrees above the horizon), and True Solar Time (takes into account daylight savings time, site longitude and time zone, and the earths orbit and tilt)

Date Time Daylight Savings Results

Adding Light |


2. Click OK and verify the results. If a directional light was selected before choosing the Set Sun Position command, the command modifies the angles of light to the new azimuth and elevation. If no light was selected, the tool inserts a new directional light at the specified sun position. A shadow analysis can be performed for a site by inserting several light sources with identical parameters except for time of day. RenderWorks must be installed to conduct a shadow analysis.

Adding Light Sources

The Light tool places light sources in the drawing. Select the type of light and specify the light preferences from the Tool bar.
Spot Light Set Direction Light Preferences

Directional Light Point Light Default Direction

When RenderWorks is installed, additional parameters and light source types are available. These additions are described in this section and in Advanced RenderWorks Lighting on page 679.

Directional Light

Projects light with parallel rays, like the sun

Point Light

Radiates light in all directions, like a bare light bulb

Spot Light

Projects light in a specific direction, aimed at a specific object, like a flashlight or conventional spotlight

Default Direction Set Direction Light Preferences

For directional lights, click to specify the light position For directional lights, click to set the light direction, and then click to specify the light position Sets the preferred light parameters

Adding a Light Source

Adding a light source to a drawing hides the default lighting scheme that is automatically present for basic rendering purposes. To add a light source: 1. Click the Light tool from the Visualization tool set.


| Chapter 13: Viewing and Rendering

From the Tool bar, select the type of light source to insert (directional light, point light, or spot light). If inserting a directional light, select the light placement method (Default Direction or Set Direction).

2. Click the Light Preferences Tool bar button to specify the light source preferences for this session. Depending on the light source selected, different parameters are available. In addition, certain parameters are only available when RenderWorks is installed. The Light Preferences dialog box opens.

On/Off Color

Shows or hides the light produced by the light source Specifies a color associated with the light source; click the color box to select the color. This parameter is not available if Use Emitter is selected and a Color Temperature is specified (RenderWorks required). Select to create shadows Specifies the light source brightness; enter a percentage or drag the slider bar. A value over 100% can be entered. This parameter is not available if Use Emitter is selected (RenderWorks required). For accuracy, specifies the lights actual brightness and color temperature; leave deselected to use the light as a simple light source Specifies the luminous quantity of a light Specifies the brightness as an accurate number in Lux, Lumens, Footcandles, or Candelas; the units vary depending on the light source Does not apply to directional, point, or spot lights (see Advanced RenderWorks Lighting on page 679)

Cast Shadows (RenderWorks required) Brightness

Use Emitter (RenderWorks required) Get Brightness From (RenderWorks required) User Input (RenderWorks required) Distribution File (RenderWorks required)

Adding Light | Parameter

Color Temperature (RenderWorks required)


Specifies the light color temperature in Kelvin. This refers to an ideal black body emitter, glowing red hot or white hot. A lower temperature generates an orange color; the hotter the temperature, the closer to white the color of the light is. Specifying this parameter is optional. If not specified, the default temperature is 0, meaning that the final emission color for the light is entirely controlled by the selection in Color. When the temperature is specified, Color cannot be changed. The final emission color is set by the Color Temperature. Color temperature settings can be white-balanced on a per-layer basis; see Setting Lighting Options on page 420.

Directional, Spot, or Point Light Specs

Click to set additional specifications for the light source

3. Click Directional Light Specs, Spot Light Specs, or Point Light Specs, for the selected light source type, to specify additional parameters.

Directional Light Direction Angle

Specifies the lights direction by either specifying the light angle or vector Sets the lights angle by azimuth and elevation. The azimuth angle is set based on an angle of 0 degrees at the negative Y axis, and is positive in a counter-clockwise direction; the elevation angle is the angle above (positive) or below (negative) the horizon. Indicates the direction of the light by specifying the coordinates of its X, Y, and Z delta vectors

Vector Point Light Dist Falloff

Select the distance falloff function (rate of intensity change while moving along the beam away from the light source)


| Chapter 13: Viewing and Rendering

Drag the handles on the diagram to set the spot light Spread and Beam angles, or enter the values in the fields below the diagram

Spot Lights Spread/Beam diagram

Spread Beam

Spread Beam Falloffs Dist Falloff Ang Falloff

Specifies the spread angle of the spot light (light cones maximum angle) Specifies the beam angle of the spot light (cone of light that does not change intensity up to the spread angle, after which the angle falloff determines its intensity) Specify the distance and angle falloff function Select the distance falloff function (rate of intensity change while moving along the beam away from the light source) Select the angle falloff function (specifies the rate of intensity change between the beam and the spread)

4. Click OK to return to the Light Preferences dialog box. Click OK to return to the drawing. 5. Click to place a light object with the parameters specified in the Light Preferences dialog box. If placing a directional light, click to specify the light position in Default Direction mode. In Set Direction mode, click once to specify the light target or direction, and then click a second time to specify the light position.
2nd click

1st click

Set Direction mode of directional light placement depicted

If placing a spot light, click to place the light, and then drag to specify the light direction and target. The spot light can be aimed at any object. Click again to set the spot light. The target Z height can be adjusted precisely with the Look To Height parameter of the Object Info palette. The spot light target handle and projection line only display when the spot light is selected. Use the 2D/3D Selection tools to move the light. The target handle aims the spot light and can be adjusted with the 3D Selection tool once the spot light has been created. Use the 3D Reshape tool to move the target handle constrained about an axis selected in the Tool bar.

Adding Light |
1st click


2nd click

Light Source Properties

Light source parameters are displayed and can be modified in the Object Info palette. The parameters available depend on the type of light source. Some of the parameters are only available when RenderWorks is installed; see Advanced RenderWorks Lighting on page 679 for information on the light types available in RenderWorks.


Indicates the type of light source; change to a different type by selecting a different kind from the displayed list A custom, area, or line light requires RenderWorks.

On/Off Auto Update Update Cast Shadows (RenderWorks required) Lit Fog (RenderWorks required) Use Emitter (RenderWorks required) Brightness

Shows or hides the light produced by the light source; this setting can also be accessed from the light context menu Automatically renders the drawing when rendering-related parameters change When Auto Update is deselected, click to render the drawing when rendering-related parameters change Select to create shadows

Creates a special volumetric lighting effect for the light source when used in combination with the Lit Fog RenderWorks background weather effect (see Creating Weather Effects on page 660) For accuracy, specifies the lights actual brightness and color temperature; leave deselected to use the light as a simple light source. Required for a custom, area, or line light. Specifies the light source brightness; enter a percentage or drag the slider bar. A value over 100% can be entered. This parameter is not available for custom, area, and line lights, or if Use Emitter is selected (RenderWorks required).


| Chapter 13: Viewing and Rendering

Specifies the location of the light intensity data for a custom, line, or area light (either user input or distribution file); the distribution file can be specified by clicking Load Distribution Specifies the brightness as an accurate number

Brightness From (RenderWorks required) Brightness Value (RenderWorks required) Brightness Unit (RenderWorks required) Dimmer (RenderWorks required) Light Rotation Angle (RenderWorks required) Use Distribution File (RenderWorks required) Distribution File (RenderWorks required) Load Distribution (RenderWorks required) Color Temperature (RenderWorks required)

Select Lux, Lumens, Footcandles, or Candelas for the unit of Brightness; the available units depend on the light type Dims the light source brightness (intensity); enter a percentage or drag the slider bar. Only the brightness of the light source is affected; the color temperature is not changed. Specifies the rotation angle of a custom light source around an axis connecting the light location to the light target; this angle defines the plane for the intensity distribution curve, and is displayed in red on the custom light object Specifies whether to use the attached emission profile data file for the area or line light intensity information; distribution data is required for a custom light Displays the distribution file name when a valid distribution file has been selected, or None if a valid distribution file has not been designated (click Load Distribution to specify a file) For a custom, area, or line light, loads light emission profile data from a standard file. The brightness value is obtained using the integral of the raw emission data provided with the file. The file must be a text file with industry standard intensity distribution data in CIE, IESNA, CIBSE, or EULUMADAT format (.ies, .cib, .cie, and .ldt). Specifies the light color temperature in Kelvin. This refers to an ideal black body emitter, glowing red hot or white hot. A lower temperature generates an orange color; the hotter the temperature, the closer to white the color of the light is (see Correlated Color Temperature on page 732 for typical light source color temperature ranges). Specifying this parameter is optional. If not specified, the default temperature is 0, meaning that the final emission color for the light is entirely controlled by the selection in Color. When the temperature is specified, Color cannot be changed. The final emission color is set by the Color Temperature. Color temperature settings can be white-balanced on a per-layer basis; see Setting Lighting Options on page 420.


Specifies a color associated with the light source; click the color box to select the color. This parameter is not available if Use Emitter is selected and a Color Temperature is specified (RenderWorks required).

Adding Light | Parameter

Color Filtering (RenderWorks required) Dist Fall


For area lights, filters the color of the light emanating from the area light object by the color or texture of its original geometry Indicates the distance falloff function for a point, spot, custom, area, or line light (specifies the rate of intensity change while moving along the beam away from the light source) For area and line lights, specifies the sampling quality of the light; select From Render Mode to use the setting specified in Area/Line Light Quality in the rendering options For area and line lights, renders the light object geometry

Quality (RenderWorks required) Render Geometry (RenderWorks required) Show Direction (RenderWorks required) Flip Direction (RenderWorks required) Ang Fall Spread/Beam diagram

For area lights, shows the light direction indicators

For area lights, flips the direction of the light being emitted

Select the angle falloff function (rate of intensity change between the beam and the spread) Drag the handles on the diagram to set the spot light Spread and Beam angles, or enter the values in the fields below the diagram

Spread Beam

Spread Beam X/Y/Z or I/J/K Look To Height Azimuth Elevation Pan/Tilt

Specifies the spread angle of the spot light (light cones maximum angle) Specifies the beam angle of the spot light (cone of light that does not change intensity up to the spread angle, after which the angle falloff determines its intensity) Specifies the location of the light source in relation to the ground plane or working plane For spot lights, sets the Z height above the ground plane of the spot light target handle Indicates the azimuth for a directional light (South at zero degrees); enter new values or drag the slider bar to set Indicates the elevation (degrees above the horizon) for a directional light; enter new values or drag the slider bar to set Click the top button to display the spot light or custom light beam pan and tilt angles; enter new values or drag the slider bar to set


| Chapter 13: Viewing and Rendering

Click the bottom button to display the light beam direction in terms of its X, Y, and Z components Sets the orientation of the directional, spot, or custom light to that of the current view; this function can also be accessed from the light context menu


Set Light to View

Set View to Light

Sets the orientation of the current view to that of the directional, spot, or custom light; this function can also be accessed from the light context menu

A symbol that contains a light object can be copied to reproduce identical lights. Change the light intensity for each symbol in the Object Info palette. Once a light has been placed on the drawing, the 2D Selection or 3D Selection tool can be used to change its location, and, depending on the light type, beam parameters.

Rendering with VectorWorks | Light Type

Point, Spot, Directional


Beam Parameter
Light location

Click on the light with the move cursor and drag it to its new location

The spot light target handle is not locked to its target. The target handle location may need re-adjusting after moving the spot light. Spot, Directional Orientation and view Select the light; in the Object Info palette, click Set Light to View to set the light orientation to the current view orientation, or click Set View to Light to set the orientation of the view to that of the light Click on the azimuth or elevation control points to change the directional light parameters. Move the handles with the mouse, or enter the azimuth and elevation values in the Data bar.
Elevation control point Light location control point Azimuth control point


Azimuth and elevation direction


Target direction

Click on the handle with the 3D Selection tool to change the spot light target direction; drag to the new target and click to set


Beam direction

Click and drag with the hand cursor to change the beam direction


Rendering with VectorWorks

The render modes in VectorWorks translate the drawing in various ways to create an image with additional realistic details. For example, a Hidden Line rendering is similar to the non-rendered (Wireframe) image, but it hides the portion of the objects that would not normally be visible. An OpenGL rendering also has hidden lines, and colors and shading; it also shows how the light sources interact with the object surfaces, and it can show any textures that were applied.


| Chapter 13: Viewing and Rendering

The View bar has a Render Modes list for quick access to the rendering commands. In addition, the Current Render Mode Options button opens the settings dialog box for the current render mode, if applicable.

Current Render Mode Options

Render Modes list

To select a render mode: Select View > Rendering, and then select the desired render mode. To cancel a render process before it is complete, press Esc.

Rendering Command

Nothing is rendered


Creates a good-quality, detailed rendering, with colors, shading, and textures (optional); see OpenGL on page 434 for details

Hidden Line

Hides the edge lines of objects that are behind other objects, which gives a solid appearance

Rendering with VectorWorks | Rendering Command

Dashed Hidden Line


Edge lines of objects that are behind other objects display as dashed lines

Unshaded Polygon

Displays objects as solids, and displays attributes such as colors

Shaded Polygon

An Unshaded Polygon rendering with shading added

Shaded Polygon - No Lines

A Shaded Polygon rendering with no edge lines

Final Shaded Polygon

A Hidden Line rendering on top of a Shaded Polygon - No Lines rendering; edges and curved surfaces are cleaner than those in a Shaded Polygon rendering


| Chapter 13: Viewing and Rendering

Use the OpenGL render mode to create good-quality rendering previews that are fast and interactive. (For final-quality output, use RenderWorks; see Rendering with RenderWorks on page 679.) The OpenGL mode performs lighting calculations based on polygons; this means that drawings with more polygons render more realistically. More advanced renderers, such as RenderWorks, calculate the lighting effects for each pixel. This method takes more time, but it produces higher-quality renderings. VectorWorks has a default lighting scheme, so that a basic rendering does not require an added light source. However, the addition of a light source is usually necessary for a more realistic rendering (see Adding Light Sources on page 423). The addition of a light source automatically hides the default lighting scheme, so that the scene is not too bright. OpenGL renders up to eight lights in a drawing; additional lights have no effect. To get the best performance from OpenGL, use a video card that supports hardware-accelerated OpenGL. There are significant compatibility issues with some cards; see for a list of video cards that are compatible with VectorWorks. VectorWorks 8 files that were rendered in QuickDraw 3D automatically render in OpenGL when they are converted to versions later than VectorWorks 8.

OpenGL Render Options

Use the OpenGL options to control the level of detail in rendered images, which in turn affects the render speed (less detail renders faster). These settings apply only to the current drawing; they remain in effect in the current drawing until the settings are changed. The current OpenGL settings are saved when you create a template (see Using Drawing Tablets on page 78). To set the OpenGL options: 1. Select View > Rendering > OpenGL Options. The OpenGL Render Settings dialog box opens.

Detail Use Textures Use Anti-Aliasing

Specifies the level of detail for renderings; a low setting renders faster Renders object textures; this provides better detail, but it takes longer to render Filters the rendering and reduces pixellated edges; this option is unavailable if the graphics card does not support the feature

Rendering with VectorWorks | Parameter



Uses NURBS surfaces instead of polygonal approximation, for renderings with high quality, smooth curved surfaces; to smooth mesh objects, enable mesh smoothing in the document preferences (see Display Preferences on page 48) Renders objects with lines drawn around the edges, similar to the lines in the Hidden Line render mode Objects in the drawing cast shadows on other objects (but not on the ground plane)

Draw Edges Use Shadows (RenderWorks required) On Ground Only (RenderWorks required) Softness (RenderWorks required)

If Use Shadows is selected, select this option to have objects in the drawing cast shadows on a plane at the lowest point in the drawing which is usually the ground plane but not on other objects If Use Shadows is selected, select the level of softness for the shadow edges (a low setting uses less memory and renders faster)

2. Select the OpenGL render options, and click OK to change the settings for the file.

Line Render Options

Use the line render options to control the style and shade of dashed lines for Dashed Hidden Line mode. Other options set the number of facet lines for the Hidden Line, Dashed Hidden Line, and Final Shaded Polygon modes. These settings apply only to the current drawing; they remain in effect in the current drawing until the settings are changed. The current line render settings are saved when you create a template (see Using Drawing Tablets on page 78). To set line rendering options: 1. Select View > Rendering > Line Render Options. The Line Render Options dialog box opens.


| Chapter 13: Viewing and Rendering

Select the dash style for hidden lines when the Dashed Hidden Line mode is selected Adjust the slider to select how hidden lines are shaded when the Dashed Hidden Line mode is selected Displays a preview of the selected parameters Sets the angle to reduce facet lines when the Hidden Line, Dashed Hidden Line, or Final Shaded Polygon mode is selected; if the value is greater than zero, facet lines will be removed between any two faces of an object that are within that angle of each other

Dash Style Dash Shade Preview Smoothing Angle

A Dashed Hidden Line rendering with the Smoothing Angle set to 0

A Dashed Hidden Line rendering with the Smoothing Angle set to 15

Sketch Hidden Line Results (Design Series required) Document Default Sketch Style (Design Series required)

Specifies whether to apply sketch effects to lines when the Hidden Line, Dashed Hidden Line, or Final Shaded Polygon mode is selected; see Sketch Rendering on page 584 in the VectorWorks Design Series Users Guide Sets the default sketch style for lines when the Hidden Line, Dashed Hidden Line, or Final Shaded Polygon mode is selected; see Setting the Default Sketch Style on page 584 in the VectorWorks Design Series Users Guide. Click Edit to open the Sketch Style Editor dialog box for additional sketch style modification.

2. Select the line render options, and click OK to change the settings for the file.

Dimensioning and Annotating

VectorWorks provides automated tools for dimensioning, measuring distance, and annotating drawings.


Use VectorWorks dimensioning tools to measure distances, angles, 2D and 3D object dimensions, and also add dimensioning lines with the measurements to the drawing. VectorWorks uses the dimension standard set in document preferences when creating new dimensions (see Dimension Preferences on page 49). The preferences can specify any of the built-in dimension standards, or a custom standard specifically created for the drawing.

Using Custom Dimension Standards

Custom dimension standards can be created in the current file or imported from another drawing file.

Creating a Custom Dimension Standard

To create a custom dimension standard: 1. Select File > Document Settings > Document Preferences. The Document Preferences dialog box opens. 2. Click the Dimensions tab. 3. Click Custom. The Custom Dimensions dialog box opens.

4. Click New. The Assign Name dialog box opens. 5. Enter a name for this dimension standard and click OK. 6. Select the new dimension from the Standards list and click Edit. The Custom Dimension dialog box opens. Enter the desired values for the display of dimensions, and then click OK.


| Chapter 14: Dimensioning and Annotating

Dimension line distances Note: Distances are in Tolerance Size Witness Lines Fixed Witness Line Length Dimensions Always Inside Linear Markers Other Markers Text Rotation Align Vertical Text Left SIA Format Numbers Layout Dual view

Specifies the dimension line distances for linear, radial, and ordinate dimensions Displays the drawing units currently in use for the file Sets the size of the tolerance in relation to the dimension text Applies witness lines to dimensions; when deselected, witness lines are hidden Allows the setting of a fixed length for witness lines Sets dimension values to always display between the witness lines Select the marker attributes for use with linear dimension markers (see Setting Default Marker Types on page 60). Select the marker attributes for use with other dimension markers (see Setting Default Marker Types on page 60). Sets how text is handled when a dimension is rotated; text can be horizontal, aligned, or horizontal/vertical When a dimension is placed vertically, keeps the text to the left of the dimension line Sets all numbers to use the SIA format; not available when a dual layout is selected Sets whether dimensions display as single values, dual - side by side, or dual stacked If a dual layout is selected, specify whether both dimensions are shown, primary only, or secondary only

Dimensioning |
7. Select the new standard from the Dimension Standards list, and then click OK.


Editing a Custom Dimension Standard

To edit a custom dimension standard: 1. Select File > Document Settings > Document Preferences. The Document Preferences dialog box opens. 2. Click the Dimensions tab. 3. Click Custom. The Custom Dimensions dialog box opens; select the custom standard to edit. 4. Click Edit. The Custom Dimension dialog box opens. 5. Enter desired edits and click OK.

Deleting a Custom Dimension Standard

To delete a custom dimension standard: 1. Select File > Document Settings > Document Preferences. The Document Preferences dialog box opens. 2. Click the Dimensions tab. 3. Click Custom. The Custom Dimensions dialog box opens; select the custom standard to delete. 4. Click Delete. The Replace Dimension dialog box opens.

5. Select a new standard to use for existing dimensions in the drawing file, and then click OK.

Renaming a Custom Dimension Standard

To rename a custom dimension standard: 1. Select File > Document Settings > Document Preferences. The Document Preferences dialog box opens. 2. Click the Dimensions tab. 3. Click Custom.


| Chapter 14: Dimensioning and Annotating

The Custom Dimensions dialog box opens; select the custom standard to rename.

4. Click Rename. The Assign Name dialog box opens. 5. Enter a new name for this dimension standard and click OK.

Importing a Custom Dimension Standard

To import a custom dimension standard: 1. Select File > Document Settings > Document Preferences. The Document Preferences dialog box opens. 2. Click the Dimensions tab. 3. Click Custom. The Custom Dimensions dialog box opens. 4. Click Import. The standard Open dialog box displays. 5. Select the file from which the dimension standard will be imported and click Open. The Select Item dialog box opens.

6. Select the dimension standard to import and click OK. The imported dimension displays in the Custom Dimensions dialog box for the current drawing file.

Dimensioning |


Replacing a Dimension Standard

Replace any default or custom dimension standard with another default or custom dimension standard. To replace a dimension standard: 1. Select File > Document Settings > Document Preferences. The Document Preferences dialog box opens. 2. Click the Dimensions tab. 3. Click Custom. The Custom Dimensions dialog box opens; select the standard to replace. 4. Click Replace. The Replace Dimension Standards dialog box opens.

5. Select the dimension standard to be replaced in the Replace list and select the desired dimension standard in the with list. Click OK. The new dimension standard replaces dimensions created with the previous standards, and is used for any newly dimensioned objects.

Associative Dimensioning
In document preferences, the Associate dimensions field is selected by default, allowing dimensions to be associated with objects, including walls and wall components. The dimension must be applied between two vertex points for the dimension to be associated.


| Chapter 14: Dimensioning and Annotating

Dimension is not associated with object

Dimension is associated with object

Appearing on the drawing as a parametric constraint, the association of a dimension can be deleted through the Edit Constraints dialog box (Modify > Edit Constraints); if the dimension is resized, the association is lost. This is also true if the dimension is relocated, but not the object to which it is associated. Associative dimensions can exist across layers of the same scale. To apply an associative dimension across layers, Layer Options must be set to Show/Snap/Modify Others and both layers must be in a Top/Plan standard view. Associative dimensions can be created on viewports in annotation edit mode (see Creating Annotations for Sheet Layer Viewports on page 621). Dimensions can be auto-associated; see Dimension Preferences on page 49. If associative dimensioning is not used, dimensions cannot be associated with objects after they are placed (except for chain dimensions). Changing the length of a linear associative dimension in the Object Info palette breaks the association of a dimension. When using associative dimensions across layers, changing the scale of a layer breaks the association.

Unconstrained-Line Dimensioning
The Unconstrained Dimension tool can draw dimension lines at any angle. Along with measuring and dimensioning an object, use this tool to calculate the distance between two or more points in the drawing area.
Chain Linear Baseline Chain Dimension Preferences

Linear Chain Baseline Chain Dimension Preferences

Creates a dimension line with a single measurement Creates a continuous chain of dimension lines Creates a series of connected dimension lines, starting from an initial base point For Chain mode, specifies whether dimensions are created as a single chain object, or as individual dimension objects

The linear dimension text can be moved along the dimension line. See Modifying Dimensions on page 454.

Dimensioning |


Unconstrained Linear Dimension

The Unconstrained Linear mode creates a dimension line with a single measurement. To create a dimension line with a single measurement: 1. Click the Unconstrained Dimension tool from the Dims/Notes tool set, and select Unconstrained Linear mode. 2. Click to set the measurement start point. 3. Click to end the measurement. 4. Move the cursor away from the object and click to place the dimension line. This specifies how far the dimension line is offset from the measured object. 5. Double-click to exit the dimensioning tool.
2nd click 3rd click

1st click

Unconstrained Chain Dimension

Unconstrained Chain mode creates a series of connected dimension lines, with each line segment displaying its specific measurements. Use the Chain Dimension preferences option on the Tool bar to set whether to create multiple dimension objects or a single chain object. When dimensions are part of a chain object, they can all be moved at once, and their attributes and properties can be changed as a group. The properties of dimensions in a chain object also can be edited individually. When dimensions in the chain are modified, the other dimensions adjust automatically. See Modifying Dimensions on page 454 for more information about editing chain objects. To create a chain of connected dimension lines: 1. Click the Unconstrained Dimension tool from the Dims/Notes tool set, and select Unconstrained Chain mode. 2. Select Chain Dimension Preferences from the Tool bar. 3. Select either to Use Chain Dimension Objects or to Use Individual Dimensions, and click OK. 4. Click to set the measurement start point. 5. Click to end the measurement of the first segment. 6. Move the cursor away from the line and click to place the dimension line. This specifies where to draw the dimension line and place the measurements. 7. Move the cursor to the end of the next segment and click to set its endpoint. 8. Continue setting segments. 9. Double-click to end the chain.


| Chapter 14: Dimensioning and Annotating

3rd click

2nd click

1st click Double-click

Unconstrained Baseline Dimension

Unconstrained Baseline mode creates a series of connected dimension lines, with each line segment measuring the distance from the initial starting point (the base point). To create a series of baseline dimension lines: 1. Click the Unconstrained Dimension tool from the Dims/Notes tool set, and select Unconstrained Baseline mode. 2. Click to set the measurement start point. 3. Click to end the measurement of the first segment. 4. Move the cursor away from the line and click to place the dimension line. This specifies where to draw the dimension line and place the measurements. 5. Move the cursor to the end of the next segment and click to set its endpoint. 6. Continue setting segments. 7. Double-click to end the baseline.
2nd click 3rd click

1st click


Constrained-Line Dimensioning
The Constrained-Line Dimensioning tool draws dimension lines that are constrained horizontally or vertically. Along with measuring and dimensioning an object, use this tool to calculate the horizontal or vertical distance between two or more points in the drawing.

Dimensioning |
Chain Linear Ordinate Chain Dimension Preferences



Selected Objects

Linear Chain Baseline Ordinate Selected Objects Chain Dimension Preferences

Creates a constrained dimension line with a single measurement Creates a continuous chain of constrained dimension lines Creates a series of connected constrained dimension lines, starting from an initial base point Creates a series of constrained ordinate dimensions, starting from an initial base point Creates a constrained dimension line for the greatest span of a selected object or group of objects For Chain mode, specifies whether dimensions are created as a single chain object, or as individual dimension objects

The dimension text can be moved along the dimension line. See Modifying Dimensions on page 454.

Constrained Linear Dimension

The Constrained Linear mode creates a constrained dimension line with a single measurement. To create a constrained dimension line with a single measurement: 1. Click the Constrained-Line Dimensioning tool from the Dims/Notes tool set, and select Constrained Linear mode. 2. Click to set the measurement start point. 3. Click to set the end of the measurement. 4. Move the cursor away from the object. This specifies how far the dimension line is offset from the measured object. The dimension preview snaps to a horizontal or vertical orientation. 5. Click to place the dimension line. 6. Double-click to exit the dimensioning tool.

2nd click

3rd click

1st click


| Chapter 14: Dimensioning and Annotating

Constrained Chain Dimension

The Constrained Chain mode creates a series of constrained, connected dimension lines, with each line segment displaying its specific measurements. Use the Chain Dimension preferences option on the Tool bar to set whether to create multiple dimension objects or a single chain object. When dimensions are part of a chain object, they can all be moved at once, and their attributes and properties can be changed as a group. The properties of dimensions in a chain object also can be edited individually. When dimensions in the chain are modified, the other dimensions adjust automatically. See Modifying Dimensions on page 454 for more information about editing chain objects. To create a chain of constrained connected dimension lines: 1. Click the Constrained-Line Dimensioning tool from the Dims/Notes tool set, and select Constrained Chain mode. 2. Select Chain Dimension Preferences from the Tool bar. 3. Select either to Use Chain Dimension Objects or to Use Individual Dimensions, and click OK. 4. Click to set the measurement start point. 5. Click to set the end of the first measurement. 6. Move the cursor away from the object. This specifies how far the dimension line is offset from the measured object. The dimension preview snaps to a horizontal or vertical orientation. 7. Click to place the first dimension line. 8. Move the cursor to the end of the next segment and click to set its endpoint. 9. Continue setting segments. 10. Double-click to end the chain.
3rd click 2nd click

1st click


Constrained Baseline Dimension

Constrained Baseline modes create a series of constrained, connected dimension lines, with each line segment measuring the distance from the initial starting point (the base point). To create a series of constrained baseline dimension lines: 1. Click the Constrained-Line Dimensioning tool from the Dims/Notes tool set, and select Constrained Baseline mode. 2. Click to set the measurement start point. 3. Click to set the end of the first measurement.

Dimensioning |
4. Move the cursor away from the object.


This specifies how far the dimension line is offset from the measured object. The dimension preview snaps to a horizontal or vertical orientation. 5. Click to place the first dimension line. 6. Move the cursor to the end of the next segment and click to set its endpoint. 7. Continue setting segments. 8. Double-click to end the baseline.

Ordinate Dimensions
The Ordinate mode measures and dimensions a series of either horizontal or vertical distances from one fixed point. To draw ordinate dimensions: 1. Click the Constrained-Line Dimensioning tool from the Dims/Notes tool set, and select Ordinate mode. 2. Click to set the measurement start point; the first segment is always considered the fixed point and is labeled 0. 3. Click to set the length of the first segment. 4. Move the cursor horizontally or vertically to create ordinate measurements from the initial segment. 5. Click to set the next segments distance from the first segment. Move to draw the next segment and click to set. 6. Continue creating segments. 7. Double-click to exit the dimensioning tool.
Double-click 2nd click 3rd click

1st click

Selected Object Dimensions

The Selected Object mode measures and dimensions the horizontal or vertical span of any 2D or 3D object, or the edge-to-edge span of several objects or a group of objects. In all cases, the tool measures the greatest span. Horizontal Dimension lines can be drawn inside, above, or below an object or group of objects. Vertical dimension lines can be drawn inside, to the right, or to the left of an object or group of objects. 1. Select the object or objects to dimension. 2. Click the Constrained-Line Dimensioning tool from the Dims/Notes tool set, and select Selected Objects mode. 3. Click near the object or group of objects to be dimensioned. 4. Move the cursor in the desired direction where the dimension should be created. A preview dimension displays, constrained in either the horizontal or vertical direction. 5. Click to set the position of the dimension line.


| Chapter 14: Dimensioning and Annotating

2nd click

1st click

Dual Dimensioning
Dual dimensioning displays two sets of values, such as inches and millimeters, within a single dimension. These values have independent unit settings and attributes. Dual dimensions can be displayed side by side or stacked.

Side-by-side dual dimension

Stacked dual dimension

Control the units for each dimension through File > Document Settings > Units. The primary dimension uses the Units set on the General Display tab of the Units dialog box (see Units on page 53). By switching to the Dimension Objects (Primary) tab, change the primary dimensions Rounding Style to be different from that of the General Display. The settings on the Dimension Objects (Secondary) tab provide full control of the unit of measurement, unit marks, rounding, and decimal formatting used for the secondary dimension. Once a dual dimension is placed on the drawing, adjust the individual attributes for both the primary and secondary dimension from the Object Info palette. The Dual View and Prim/Sec attributes apply to dual dimensions (see Modifying Dimensions on page 454).

Radial Dimensioning
The Radial Dimension tool measures and marks either radius or diameter dimensions for arcs and circles. This tool does not work on ovals, or objects with rounded corners. The Radial Dimension tool can place the dimension lines and measurements either inside or outside of the circle/arc.
External Diametrical Exterior Radial

Internal Diametrical

Left-Hand Shoulder

Interior Radial

Right-Hand Shoulder

Internal Diametrical External Diametrical

Measures and dimensions the diameter of a circle or arc, placing the dimension inside the object Measures and dimensions the diameter of a circle or arc, placing the dimension outside the object

Dimensioning | Mode
Interior Radial Exterior Radial Right-Hand Shoulder Left-Hand Shoulder


Measures and dimensions the radius of a circle or arc, placing the dimension inside the object Measures and dimensions the radius of a circle or arc, placing the dimension outside the object Places an exterior diametrical or radial dimension measurement to the right of the dimension line Places an exterior diametrical or radial dimension measurement to the left of the dimension line

Diametrical Dimensioning Inside Circle/Arc

The Internal Diametrical Dimension mode measures and dimensions the diameter of a circle or arc, and places the dimension inside the object. To dimension the diameter of a circle or arc: 1. Click the Radial Dimension tool from the Dims/Notes tool set, and select Internal Diametrical Dimension mode. 2. Click on or within the arc or circle to dimension. 3. Move the cursor to preview the dimension line location. 4. Click to place the dimension.

Diametrical Dimensioning Outside Circle/Arc

The External Diametrical Dimension mode measures and dimensions the diameter of a circle or arc, and places the dimension outside the object. To dimension the diameter of a circle or arc: 1. Click the Radial Dimension tool from the Dims/Notes tool set, and select External Diametrical Dimension mode. 2. Specify the side of the dimension line to place the measurements. To place them to the right of the line, click Right-Hand Shoulder mode button. To place them to the left of the line, click the Left-Hand Shoulder mode button. 3. Click on or within the arc or circle to dimension.


| Chapter 14: Dimensioning and Annotating

4. Move the cursor to preview the dimension line location. 5. Click to place the dimension.

Radial Dimensioning Inside Circle/Arc

The Interior Radial Dimension mode measures and dimensions the radius of a circle or arc, and places the dimension inside the object. To dimension the radius of a circle or arc: 1. Click the Radial Dimension tool from the Dims/Notes tool set, and select Interior Radial Dimension mode. 2. Click on or within the arc or circle to dimension. 3. Move the cursor to preview the dimension line location. 4. Click to place the dimension.

Radial Dimensioning Outside Circle/Arc

The Exterior Radial Dimension mode measures and dimensions the radius of a circle or arc, and places the dimension outside the object. To dimension the radius of a circle or arc: 1. Click the Radial Dimension tool from the Dims/Notes tool set, and select Exterior Radial Dimension mode. 2. Specify the side of the dimension line to place the measurements. To place them to the right of the line, click the Right-Hand Shoulder mode button. To place them to the left of the line, click the Left-Hand Shoulder mode button. 3. Click on or within the arc or circle to dimension.

Marking 2D Object Centers |

4. Move the cursor to preview the dimension line location. 5. Click to place the dimension.


Marking 2D Object Centers

The Center Mark tool divides a circle, oval, rectangle, or rounded rectangle into quarters, marking the exact center of the 2D object. In addition, it can place a center mark on any or all of the corners of a rounded rectangle.

Marking the Center of 2D Objects

To mark the center of a circle, oval, rectangle, or rounded rectangle: 1. Click the Center Mark tool from the Dims/Notes tool set. 2. Click on the 2D object to mark. The center is marked by the intersection of two lines.

Click anywhere on the object

Marking the Center of a Rounded Rectangle Corner

To place a center mark in the corners of a rounded rectangle: 1. Click the Center Mark tool from the Dims/Notes tool set. 2. While pressing Option (Macintosh) or Alt (Windows), move the cursor over the rounded rectangle corner to mark. 3. Click to place the center mark. The center is marked by the intersection of two lines.


| Chapter 14: Dimensioning and Annotating

Angular Dimensioning
The Angular Dimension tool measures and dimensions angles. Dimension the angle between two objects, between two sides of a single object, between a single object and a reference line, or between two reference lines. This tool works with all 2D objects with linear sides, including round and rotated rectangles, lines, polylines, and polygons. It does not, however, work with circles, ovals, or arcs. In addition, it cannot dimension between parallel lines.
Angular Dimension from Two Objects Angular Dimension from Two Reference Lines

Angular Dimension from Object and Reference Line

A grouped object must be ungrouped before angular dimensions can be obtained.

Angular Dimension from Two Objects Angular Dimension from Object and Reference Line Angular Dimension from Two Reference Lines

Dimensions the angle between two object sides or faces Dimensions the angle between an object and a reference line Dimensions the angle between two reference lines

Angle Between Two Objects (Sides or Faces)

To dimension the angle between the sides or faces of two objects: 1. Click the Angular Dimension tool from the Dims/Notes tool set, and select Angular Dimension from Two Objects mode. 2. Click the side or face of the first object. A preview line displays. 3. Click the side or face of the second object. An angular dimension preview displays. To select a different anglefor example, spanning the opposite directionmove the cursor until the preview displays the desired angle. 4. Click a third time to define the radius of the dimension.

Angular Dimensioning |
2nd click


1st click

3rd click

Angle Between One Reference Line and an Object

To dimension an angle between one reference line and an object: 1. Click the Angular Dimension tool from the Dims/Notes tool set, and select Angular Dimension from Object and Reference Line mode. 2. Click to set the start of the reference line. A reference line preview displays. 3. Click again to set the end of the reference line. The cursor changes to a pointing hand. 4. Click on the side of the object (and, therefore, angle) to dimension. An angular dimension preview displays. To select a different anglefor example, spanning the opposite directionmove the cursor until the preview displays the desired angle. 5. When the preview displays the desired angle, click again to draw the reference line and to define the angle of the dimension.
1st click 3rd click

4th click 2nd click

Angle Between Two Reference Lines

To dimension an angle between two references lines: 1. Click the Angular Dimension tool from the Dims/Notes tool set, and select Angular Dimension from Two Reference Lines mode. 2. Click to set the start of the first reference line. A reference preview line displays.


| Chapter 14: Dimensioning and Annotating

3. Click again to set the end of the first reference line. 4. A second reference line preview displays. 5. Click a third time to set the end of the second reference line. An angular dimension preview displays. To select a different anglefor example, spanning the opposite directionmove the cursor until the preview displays the desired angle. 6. When the preview displays the desired angle, click again to define the angle of the dimension.
1st click 2nd click 4th click 3rd click

Modifying Dimensions
Modify dimensions by manipulating them with the 2D Selection and 2D Reshape tools, or by adjusting dimension parameters in the Object Info palette or Properties dialog box. For chain dimension objects, use commands on the object context menu to add, delete, and edit individual dimensions within the chain. A line, arc, or circle can be changed to a dimension (linear, angular, or radial) by selecting the dimension line style from the Attributes palette. See Line Style Attributes on page 232. Adjoining dimensions can be changed into a single chain dimension object by selecting them, and then selecting Modify > Compose. Similarly, a chain object can be changed into multiple dimensions by selecting the chain and then selecting Modify > Decompose.

Editing Dimensions with the Mouse

Change the length of the dimension and/or the length of a witness line Change the length of all witness lines simultaneously Change the position of the text Move the entire dimension

To change the dimension length, click on the endpoint of a witness line with the 2D Selection tool and drag it parallel to the dimension line; in chain dimension objects, the size of any adjoining dimension is adjusted automatically. To change the length of a witness line, drag its endpoint toward or away from the dimension line. Click on the dimension line (but not on a witness line connection) with the 2D Selection tool and drag it until the witness lines are the desired length Click-drag the text to the desired location with the 2D Selection tool. For linear dimensions, press and hold the Shift key while dragging the text to the desired location to prevent altering the witness line length. With the 2D Selection tool, click on a witness line (but not on an endpoint) or on one of the two control points at each end of the dimension line, and drag the entire dimension to a new location

Modifying Dimensions | Action

Modify several dimension lines, end points, or witness lines at once


With the 2D Reshape or 2D Selection tool, select the dimension(s) or control point(s) to modify. Then, use the 2D Reshape tool to draw a marquee around the control points to modify. The control points move when the marquee moves, while control points outside of the marquee remain fixed.

Editing Dimension Properties

Edit the properties of a selected dimension in the Object Info palette. These properties can also be accessed by right-clicking the dimension and selecting the Properties command from the object context menu. To format the dimension text, select Format Text from the context menu. For chain dimension objects, the edits are applied to all dimensions within the chain. To edit the properties of individual dimensions within a chain, use the Edit Dimension command from the context menu instead. Different parameters are available depending on what type of dimension is being edited.

Dim Std Witness

Selects the dimension standard type; this selection determines which fields display in the Object Info palette or Properties dialog box. For linear dimensions, this sets whether the witness line displays on both ends of the dimension line, only the start, only the end, or not at all. For chain dimension objects, this sets whether all or none of the witness lines display. For linear and baseline dimensions, and for individual dimensions within a chain, this sets the length of the dimension. Changing this value breaks the relationship of associative dimensions. Sets the length of the witness lines Sets the dimension text offset from the dimension line Sets the orientation of the dimension text to the dimension line Automatically aligns the dimension text to the center of the dimension line; deselect to allow manual control of the text location Mirrors the dimension text to the opposite side of the dimension line. This parameter is not available for chain dimension objects or individual dimensions within a chain. Sets whether arrows display inside witness lines or are flipped outside Switches the radial dimension leader from the right to the left side of the object Selects which dimensions to display, when a dual-dimension standard is selected. This parameter is not available for chain dimension objects. Toggles between settings for primary and secondary dimensions, when a dual-dimension standard is selected. This parameter is not available for chain dimension objects.


Offset Text Off Text Rot Auto Position Text Flip Text

Arrows Inside Leader to Left Dual View Prim/Sec


| Chapter 14: Dimensioning and Annotating

Sets the angular dimension inside the witness lines; deselect to move the dimension outside of the witness lines at the opposite angle Sets the dimension precision with up to eight digits of accuracy Places a box around the dimension Shows or hides the dimension Enter text to display before the dimension Enter text to display after the dimension When a single-dimension standard is selected, sets whether a dimension displays a single, double, limited, or no tolerance value When a tolerance display is selected, sets the tolerance values and how they display

Interior Arc Prec Box Text Show Dim Value Leader Trailer Tol Top/Bottom/Display as Typed

Editing Chain Dimensions

If a witness line within a chain dimension object is added, moved, or deleted, the dimension measurements in the chain adjust automatically.

Add a dimension

Right-click anywhere on the dimension object, and select Add Dimension from the context menu. Click with the bulls-eye cursor to set the endpoint of the new witness line. Alternatively, create a new individual dimension within the lines of a dimension in an existing chain object, and VectorWorks adds the new dimension to the chain automatically. Right-click on the dimension line of the dimension to be deleted, and select Delete Dimension from the context menu. Right-click on the witness line to be deleted, and select Delete Witness Line from the context menu. Right-click on the dimension to be edited, and select Edit Dimension from the context menu. Edit parameters in the Object Properties dialog box as desired and click OK (see Editing Dimension Properties on page 455). To apply properties edits to all dimensions in the chain, use the Properties command or the Object Info palette instead. Right-click on the dimension to be edited, and select Format Text from the context menu

Delete a dimension Delete a witness line Edit an individual dimensions properties Format Text

Measuring Distance |


Measuring Distance
Distance can be measured in VectorWorks without actually being recorded. This can be useful for placing objects or for reference.

Measuring in Units
The Tape Measure tool measures the distance between two or more points in the drawing area, and temporarily displays the length in the Data bar. The tool shows the measurement between one click and the next, and it also keeps track of the cumulative length from the very first click. Measurements display in the Data bar until the mouse is double-clicked. Note the measurements before the display clears. 3D objects must be in orthogonal projection and front or side view to be measured with the Tape Measure tool. To measure a distance: 1. Click the Tape Measure tool from the Dims/Notes tool set. 2. Click where the first measurement is to start. 3. Move the cursor along the distance to measure. The Data bar displays two measurements:

Data Bar

Length (distance) from the previous point Total length (cumulative measure) from the starting point

4. To continue measuring in a different direction or area, click to set the next starting point. The L measurement changes to zero. 5. Move the cursor to measure the next distance. The Data bar reflects the length from the previous point and the total cumulative length.
Second click to start the measurement of the next edge First click to start the measurement

The measurement from the second click to this corner is 2-10

6. When the measurements are complete, note the total length. 7. Double-click to end the measurements.


| Chapter 14: Dimensioning and Annotating

Measuring in Degrees
The Protractor tool measures angles in the drawing, and temporarily displays the degrees measurement in the Data bar. There are two modes for the tool.
Angle from Two Segments Angle from Three Points

Angle from Two Segments

Calculates the angle between two objects or object sides that are linear rectangles (including rounded and rotated), lines, polylines, and polygons. This mode cannot, however, measure circles, ovals, or arcs. In addition, it cannot measure between parallel lines Measures an angle between three points in the drawing area

Angle from Three Points

Angles Between Objects or Object Sides

To measure the angles between objects or object sides: 1. Click the Protractor tool from the Dims/Notes tool set, and select Angle from Two Segments mode. 2. Move the selection arrow over the first side of the angle to measure. 3. Click to select the side, and then move the cursor to the other angle side. The angle displays in the Data bar. 4. Note the angle, and then click to end the measurement.

Angles Between Three Points

To measure angles between three points: 1. Click the Protractor tool from the Dims/Notes tool set, and select Angle From Three Points mode. 2. Click to set the first point. 3. Click to set the second point. 4. Move the cursor to the third angle point. The angle displays in the Data bar. 5. Note the angle, and then click to end the measurement.

Adding a Drawing Border

The Drawing Border tool places a pre-formatted drawing border along the edges of the drawing area, set to the drawing size. Standard size pages have a matching standard drawing border. A custom size border can easily be specified, and drawing borders and title blocks can be customized to meet office requirements.

Adding a Drawing Border |


The Update Plug-in Objects command may need to be run on files containing drawing borders that were created in an earlier version of VectorWorks. This command converts the drawing borders to the latest format; see Migrating from Previous Versions on page 5. Additional drawing border capabilities are available in the VectorWorks Design Series. See Creating Drawing Borders on page 491 in the VectorWorks Design Series Users Guide. To place a drawing border: 1. Make the design or sheet layer active. Drawing borders are inserted in Top/Plan view on design layers. 2. Click the Drawing Border tool from the Dims/Notes tool set. 3. Click Preferences from the Tool bar to set the default drawing border parameters. The Drawing Border Preferences dialog box opens.

Drawing Size

Select a standard size and format for the drawing border, or select Fit to Page to set the drawing border to the page dimensions (see Page Setup on page 74). Select Custom to use custom drawing border dimensions, and specify the Width and Height dimensions. Opens the Import Title Block dialog box, for selecting a title block symbol to insert (see Adding a Title Block on page 463), or select None for no title block Locks the drawing border center position to the page center; deselect to position the drawing border manually. If the plan has been rotated (Design Series required), select Lock to Page Center to position the drawing border correctly when in a non-rotated view. When a title block has been selected, displays only the title block and hides all other drawing border elements

Title Block Lock to Page Center

Use As Title Block Only

4. Click once in the drawing to set the drawing border insertion point, and then click again to set the drawing border orientation. 5. The drawing border is placed on the drawing.


| Chapter 14: Dimensioning and Annotating

The drawing border can be re-sized and re-scaled after placement, attributes can be changed, and title blocks and revision histories can be added.

Drawing Border Properties

The drawing border properties can be edited in the Object Info palette.

Lock to Page Center

Locks the drawing border center position to the page center; deselect to position the drawing border manually. If the plan has been rotated (Design Series required), select Lock to Page Center to position the drawing border correctly when in a non-rotated view. Select a standard size and format for the drawing border, or select Fit to Page to set the drawing border to the page dimensions. Select Custom to use custom drawing border dimensions, and click Border Settings to specify the dimensions. Select Portrait or Landscape orientation Displays the drawing border horizontal dimensions Displays the drawing border vertical dimensions Opens the Drawing Border Settings dialog box, for specifying further properties (see Specifying Additional Drawing Border Settings on page 462) Opens the Import Title Block dialog box, for selecting a title block symbol to insert (see Adding a Title Block on page 463). This setting can also be accessed from the drawing border context menu. When a title block has been inserted, displays the title block symbol name When a title block has been selected, displays only the title block and hides all other drawing border elements Specifies the title block location relative to the drawing border If the title block is too large or small at normal scale (scale factor 1), scales the title block size, including text. A value below 1 makes the title block smaller, while a value above 1 makes the title block larger; text is automatically scaled along with the title block geometry.


Orientation Horizontal Dimension Vertical Dimension Border Settings Title Block

Current Title Block Use As Title Block Only Title Block Position Title Blk Scale Factor

Adding a Drawing Border | Parameter

Title Blk Margin Use Revision Block (Design Series required) Show Revision Zone Use Tolerance Block (Design Series required) Use Projection Block (Design Series required) Show Grids Show Grid Lines Fold Marks For ASME title blocks, adds a projection block area to the title block; specify First Angle or Third Angle in Projection Displays grid text and lines in the drawing border margin; this setting can also be accessed from the drawing border context menu Displays grid lines on the drawing


Adds a horizontal, vertical, or block margin to the title block Adds a revision history block to the drawing border

Adds a revision zone column to the revision block, for specifying the location of the revision For ASME title blocks, adds a tolerance block area to the title block

Select the fold mark measurements when adding fold marks to the drawing border. The first measurement specifies the drawing fold width and the second measurement indicates the margin fold width. Select Custom to specify custom fold mark distances. Fold marks are designed for use with ISO drawings.

Margin Width Folded Width Folded Height Hide Border

When custom fold marks are selected, enter the margin fold width When custom fold marks are selected, enter the drawing fold width When custom fold marks are selected, enter the drawing fold height When the drawing border includes a title block, hides the drawing border and displays only the title block (this allows a different drawing border to be used with that title block, if desired) Fills the area between the outer and inner border lines with a fill selected from the Attributes palette Adds a parts list to an ASME title block, when a parts list worksheet has been created

Fill Border Add Parts List (Design Series required) Edit Title Block Edit Revision Data (Design Series required) Edit Issue Data (Design Series required)

Opens the Edit Title Block dialog box, for specifying or changing the title block information Opens the Edit Revision Data dialog box, for specifying revision information and format (see Editing Revision Block Data on page 493 in the VectorWorks Design Series Users Guide) Opens the Edit Issue Data dialog box, for specifying issue data on US Arch title blocks (see Editing Issue Data on page 495 in the VectorWorks Design Series Users Guide)


| Chapter 14: Dimensioning and Annotating

Specifying Additional Drawing Border Settings

Additional drawing border settings are available from the Object Info palette. To specify additional drawing border settings: 1. Select the drawing border. 2. In the Object Info palette, click Border Settings. Alternatively, double-click on the drawing border. The Drawing Border Settings dialog box opens.

Drawing Size Vertical/Horizontal Dimension Dimensions Shown Are Margins Zones/Grids Vertical Zones

Specifies the drawing border size Specifies the drawing border vertical/horizontal dimensions; initially, these are based on the Size selected in the Object Info palette, but the dimensions can be edited. This parameter is not available when the Size is Fit to Page. Applies the dimensions to either the outer or inner border dimensions Specifies the drawing border margin widths

Specifies the number of vertical zones to include

Adding a Drawing Border | Parameter

Grid Text Order Horizontal Zones Grid Number Order Grid Label Size Reset to Default Values


Indicates whether vertical grid text starts at the top or bottom of the border Specifies the number of horizontal zones to include Indicates whether horizontal grid numbers start at the left or right of the border Specifies the text size for both grid text and numbers Restores the default drawing border settings

3. Click OK to set the drawing border parameters.

Adding a Title Block

A title block containing drawing information can be added to the drawing border. Title blocks are saved as symbols with text linked to a record. A title block can be the only part of the drawing border that displays, by selecting Use As Title Block Only in the drawing border preferences or the Object Info palette. Additional title block capabilities are described in Creating Drawing Borders on page 491 in the VectorWorks Design Series Users Guide. To add a title block to the drawing border: 1. Select the drawing border. 2. In the Object Info palette, click Title Block. Right-click on the drawing border and select Title Block from the context menu. The Import Title Block dialog box opens.

Symbol Folders Symbols

Specifies the location of the drawing border symbols Provides a graphical list of available drawing border symbols

3. Select a title block symbol from the selected symbol folder. The Defaults folder contains the default title block resources; see VectorWorks Fundamentals Default Resources on page 141. The title blocks listed under Top Level are title block symbols that exist in the current file.


| Chapter 14: Dimensioning and Annotating

To remove a title block, select None.

4. Click OK to add the selected title block symbol to the drawing border. The title block is scaled to match the current layer scale if necessary. When a drawing border is inserted into a drawing, the Drawing Border Components symbol folder is automatically created and displays in the Resource Browser. Title block symbols added to the drawing border are automatically placed in that folder.

Creating a Custom Title Block

A custom title block, containing company-specific graphics, information, and data fields, can be easily created and then inserted into a drawing border. To create a custom title block: 1. In a new file with a scale of 1:1, create the elements of the title block, including lines, rectangles, graphics, and text.

The title block pen style, pen color, line style, line thickness, and text attributes can inherit the drawing border attributes, or be fixed at creation. Parameters are inherited from the drawing border by specifying the associated class style for the element in the Attributes palette at the time of title block creation. Different settings can be combined so that some parameters are inherited from the drawing border, while others are set from the Attributes palette at the time of title block creation. For example, if a line should use the same color as the drawing border, but have a dashed line style with a thickness of 1.00 mm, when creating the line, set the lines Pen color to Color By Class, its Line Style to dashed, and its Line Thickness to 1.00 mm.

Title Block Parameter

Geometry Pen Style

Attribute Palette Setting

Class Style Solid, Pattern, or Dash style chosen

Same as drawing border As specified in the Attributes palette when the title block geometry was created Same as drawing border As specified in the Attributes palette when the title block geometry was created Same as drawing border As specified in the Attributes palette when the title block geometry was created

Pen Color

Class Color Solid color chosen

Line Style/Thickness

Class Thickness Line style and thickness chosen

Adding a Drawing Border | Title Block Parameter

Text Pen Style Class Style Solid Pen Color Class Color Solid color chosen Uses text attributes (font, size, and style) from drawing border


Attribute Palette Setting


Uses text attributes that were set when the title block text was created Same as drawing border As specified in the Attributes palette when the title block text was created

2. Select all the title block elements, and then select Modify > Create Symbol. 3. Provide a name for the new title block, and then click OK to create the title block symbol. If symbol folders are present, the Move dialog box opens. Specify the Defaults location for the symbol. 4. In the Resource Browser, select the new custom title block symbol. Select Edit from the Resources menu. The Edit Symbol dialog box opens. 5. Select the 2D Component to edit. 6. In the Edit Symbol window, ensure that the bottom right corner of the symbol is at the (0,0) origin position. This places the title block at the correct location in the drawing border.

7. Click Exit Symbol, located at the top right of the Edit Symbol window, to return to the drawing. 8. From the Resources menu of the Resource Browser, select New Resource, and then select Record Format. The Create Record Format dialog box opens. Enter a name for the new record format.


| Chapter 14: Dimensioning and Annotating

9. Click New to add a field to the record format. The Edit Field dialog box opens.

10. The field names of the record format correspond to titles and associated editable fields in the Edit Title Block dialog box. Create a text field that corresponds to one of the editable text fields of the title block. 11. Click OK. 12. Create all the necessary title block fields.

To create a multi-line field, append a pound sign (#) to the field name, as in Drawing Title# To work with the Issue Manager (Design Series required), field names must be prefixed with a P_ for project fields (fields with the same value on all title blocks in the file) and an S_ for sheet fields (fields with a different value on any title blocks). The prefixes also cause the Edit Title Block dialog box to be separated into project and sheet tabs. 13. Click OK. 14. In the Resource Browser, select the new custom title block symbol created earlier. Select Attach from the Resources menu. The Attach Record dialog box opens.

Adding a Drawing Border |


15. Select the custom record format to attach to the symbol, and click OK. 16. In the Resource Browser, select the new custom title block symbol. Select Edit from the Resources menu. The Edit Symbol dialog box opens. 17. Select the 2D Component to edit. 18. Select the first editable text string, such as Drawing Title. 19. Select Modify > Link Text to Record. The Choose Field dialog box opens.

20. Select the custom record format from the Formats list, and then select the appropriate record field to link to from the Fields list. 21. Click OK to return to the Edit Symbol window. Repeat for all editable text fields, linking them to the correct record field. 22. Click Exit Symbol at the top right of the drawing window to return to the drawing. 23. To be available to the Drawing Border tool, either the file must be saved in the Libraries\Defaults\Drawing Border - Title Block folder, or the custom symbol and its associated record format must be imported into the Custom Title Blocks.vwx file, located in the same default resources folder. 24. To place the custom title block, click Title Block from the Object Info palette of a selected drawing border, and select the custom title block symbol.


| Chapter 14: Dimensioning and Annotating

Creating Revision Clouds

Use the Revision Cloud tool to identify a section of a drawing that has changed. Insert a revision cloud in an area of the drawing, or around an entire portion of the drawing, if appropriate. For the Design Series, revision clouds can also be created by first drawing a polyline and then selecting the Objects from Polyline command (see Creating Objects from Polylines on page 599 in the VectorWorks Design Series Users Guide).
Rectangle Freehand Polygon Concave Shape



Regular Polygon

Convex Shape

To create a revision cloud: 1. Click the Revision Cloud tool from the Dims/Notes tool set. 2. Click the Revision Cloud Properties Tool bar button to define the revision cloud properties. The properties can also be set after placement, from the Object Info palette. Click OK. 3. Select the revision cloud mode and select to draw the cloud with either a convex or concave shape. The convex shape draws billows outward from the preview image or from the specified vertices. The concave shape draws billows inward from the preview image or from the specified vertices.

Creating Revision Clouds | Mode



Inserts the revision cloud around the perimeter of a preview oval. Click to set the start point, move the cursor in the desired direction, and click to set the end point. To constrain the oval to a circle, press and hold the Shift key while drawing.
1st click

2nd click

Convex Shape

Concave Shape


Inserts the revision cloud around the perimeter of the preview rectangle. Click to set the start point, move the cursor in the desired direction, and click to set the end point. To constrain the rectangle to a square, press and hold the Shift key while drawing.
1st click

2nd click Convex Shape Concave Shape

Regular Polygon

Inserts the revision cloud around the perimeter of the specified vertices. Click to set the start point (first vertex), click at the desired location for each subsequent vertex, and either click at the starting vertex to close the polygon or double-click at the final vertex to create an open polygon. If the polygon is open, VectorWorks completes the cloud based on the outline.
2nd click

1st click

3rd click Convex Shape Concave Shape

Freehand Polygon

Inserts the revision cloud around the perimeter of the specified vertices. Click to set the start point and click-drag to draw the freehand polygon. If the polygon is open, VectorWorks completes the cloud based on the outline.
Start and end click

Convex Shape

Concave Shape

4. Click to draw the revision cloud according to the specified mode. The revision cloud properties can be edited from the Object Info palette.


| Chapter 14: Dimensioning and Annotating

Billow height factor

Billow arc radius

Minimum Billow Radius Maximum Billow Radius Billow Hgt. Factor (0.1-1.0) Billow Type Polyline Parameters

Sets the minimum radius of each arc in the revision cloud Sets the maximum radius of each arc in the revision cloud Sets the height of the billow Select convex or concave Edits the revision cloud polyline; see Reshaping Objects on page 259

Creating Floors, Walls, and Roofs

VectorWorks provides a variety of specialized tools and commands for creating floors, walls, and roofs.


Creating Floors
The Floor command can be used to create not only floors, but also decks, patios, stages, platforms, and lofts. The command converts any 2D drawing object into a hybrid (2D/3D) object of any shape and thickness. The source object must be flat and must also be parallel to the ground plane. To create a floor: 1. Select View > Standard Views > Top/Plan. While this command can be used in a 3D projection mode, the precise X and Y placement is much harder to determine. 2. Select the 2D or flat hybrid object(s) to turn into a floor. 3. Select Model > AEC > Floor. The Create Floor dialog box opens.

Bottom Z Thickness

Specifies the distance above the ground plane that the floor will begin (the Bottom Z height). In most cases, use the default of 0, which starts the floor on the ground plane. Sets the floor thickness

4. Click OK, and then change to a 3D projection mode to see the floor.

Creating Walls
VectorWorks provides the flexibility to draw both straight and round walls and to join those walls to other walls. VectorWorks treats each wall section as a separate object. Either automatically join walls together when drawing them, or join them after drawing by using one of the joining options. Other wall options include the ability to add component lines and fills to walls, cap and trim them, and insert symbols (such as doors and windows) into them. You can also add and delete peaks in a wall, if the elevation changes from one end of the wall to the other. Additional wall capabilities are available in VectorWorks Architect, and are cross-referenced to the appropriate section in the VectorWorks Design Series Users Guide where applicable. VectorWorks provides four ways to position the wall in relation to the control line. These modes are activated by the four buttons on the Tool bar.


| Chapter 15: Creating Floors, Walls, and Roofs

Right Control Line Wall Preferences

Straight Walls

Left Control Line Center Control Line Custom Control Line Round Wall Arc Creation Controls

Round Walls

Left Control Line Right Control Line Wall Preferences

Left Control Line Center Control Line Right Control Line Custom Control Line Wall Preferences Arc Creation Controls

Walls are drawn along their left sides Walls are drawn from the center Walls are drawn along their right sides Walls are drawn from an offset point specified in wall preferences; most effective when drawing walls containing components Sets the physical parameters of the wall; see Drawing Straight Walls on page 472 Select the arc creation method to use when drawing round walls; for more information on arc creation modes, see Creating Arcs on page 206

See Wall Direction on page 479 for details on how the starting point and direction in which the wall is drawn determines the walls interior and exterior sides.

Drawing Straight Walls

The Wall tool creates a hybrid wall object, simultaneously adding both a 2D and a 3D version of the wall to the drawing. Walls can be drawn in Top/Plan or in a 3D view.
2D wall segment

3D walls

Create walls by drawing them with the mouse, or by using a mouse-Data bar combination (see Using the 2D Data Bar on page 183 or Using the 3D Data Bar on page 291). The following directions assume that the walls are drawn with the mouse.

Creating Walls |
To create straight walls: 1. Select the Wall tool from the Walls tool set. 2. Click the desired Offset mode button (see Creating Walls on page 471). 3. Click the Wall Preferences mode button. The Wall Preferences dialog box opens. This dialog box can be accessed any time afterward to modify wall settings. Walls can also be drawn first, and then the parameters can be set later from the Object Info palette.


Additional wall capabilities are available in VectorWorks Architect, and are cross-referenced to the appropriate section in the VectorWorks Design Series Users Guide where applicable.

Wall Style (VectorWorks Architect required) Save Preferences as Wall Style (VectorWorks Architect required) Preview

In VectorWorks Fundamentals, all walls are un-styled. For information on wall styles, see Creating Walls in Architect on page 55 in the VectorWorks Design Series Users Guide. See Creating Walls in Architect on page 55 in the VectorWorks Design Series Users Guide

Displays a preview of the wall structure, including any defined components; the preview wall is drawn from left to right, so the top of the preview, by default, indicates the left part of the wall as it will be drawn (see Wall Direction on page 479). The arrow shows the wall direction.


| Chapter 15: Creating Floors, Walls, and Roofs

Displays the thickness of the wall. If a wall contains no components, enter the wall thickness. The thickness of a wall with components is defined by the sum of the component thicknesses. When components have been defined, this parameter becomes read-only.

Overall Thickness

Edit Wall Attributes Components

Opens the Wall Attributes dialog box, to specify the wall fill and pen settings Lists the components that form the structure of the wall, in order from left to right as displayed in the preview. To change the order of a component, click and drag within the # column. Click to define the components of the wall; see Creating Wall Components on page 480 for information on creating components Opens the Component Attributes dialog box to edit the selected components thickness and attributes (you can also double-click on a component to open the Component Attributes dialog box) Deletes the selected wall component; the wall thickness is adjusted accordingly

New Edit


4. Click Edit Wall Attributes to specify the wall attributes. The Wall Attributes dialog box opens. The wall attributes of an un-styled wall are initially set to the parameters displayed in the Attributes palette. If they are changed here, the Attributes palette reflects the changed attributes of the selected wall (after exiting the Wall Preferences dialog box). Fill, pen, and opacity can be set by class rather than by the attributes in the Wall Attributes dialog box. If the wall class is changed later, the wall changes to use the attributes of the new class. Wall attributes cannot be overridden on a per-instance basis; if a wall style uses class attributes, all walls of that style must use class attributes. However, walls of the same wall style can be placed in different classes.

Fill Use Class Attributes

Sets wall fill attributes by class rather than by the parameters in the Wall Attributes dialog box

Creating Walls | Parameter



Specify the wall fill attributes, or select None for no fill. Selected hatch, gradient, or image fills, if not already present in the file, are imported and added to the Resource Browser (default resources are automatically imported into the current file at the point of use and display in the Resource Browser). See VectorWorks Fundamentals Default Resources on page 141 and Fill Attributes on page 230.

Pen Use Class Attributes Style Line Opacity Use Class Opacity Opacity Sets wall opacity by class rather than by the parameters in the Wall Attributes dialog box Specifies the transparency of the wall; drag the slider to the left to increase the transparency, or enter a percentage directly in the box to the right of the slider Sets pen attributes by class rather than by the parameters in the Wall Attributes dialog box Specify the wall pen attributes, or select None for no pen. See Pen Attributes on page 231. When a pen style has been selected, specify the line thickness and style; see Line Style Attributes on page 232

5. Click OK to return to the Wall Preferences dialog box. If components are to be added to the wall, click New to define each component (see Creating Wall Components on page 480). The Overall Thickness is then defined by the thickness of the wall components. 6. Click the Insertion Options tab to set the wall insertion options.


| Chapter 15: Creating Floors, Walls, and Roofs

Height Set Height Link Height to Layer Delta Z Sets the default wall height value; walls are drawn with this height, which can be edited later in the Object Info palette Sets the default wall height to the value specified for the design layers Delta Z value (see Setting Design Layer Properties on page 87) The association between wall height and the layers Delta Z value can be broken after wall creation, by deselecting Link Wall Height to Layer +/- Z from the Object Info palette. Offset Class Caps Control Offset Adds to or subtracts from the height of the design layers Delta Z value Specifies the default class for the walls Select whether a wall segment is capped at the start point, the end point, both ends, or has no caps at all If using the Custom Control Line wall mode, enter the offset value for the control line (see Creating Walls on page 471)


VectorWorks Architect is required to display the Data Fields tab. See Creating Walls in Architect on page 55 in the VectorWorks Design Series Users Guide. 7. Click the Textures tab to set the wall textures (RenderWorks required). Select from the default resources or the current files resources (see VectorWorks Fundamentals Default Resources on page 141). Alternatively, select Class Texture to use the texture defined by the walls class. Any walls with that wall style use class textures for that part of the wall (unless overridden). Class Texture can also be chosen for a selected wall in the Render tab of the Object Info palette. Textures can also be set from the Render tab of the Object Info palette. Textures applied from the Object Info palette override the textures set in the Textures tab. Textures from the Textures tab override the class textures, when Use Textures at Wall Creation is selected.

Creating Walls |


Use Textures at Wall Creation Use Left Texture for the Entire Wall Left Center Right

Applies the textures to the walls as they are drawn Applies the texture selected in Left to the center and right parts of the wall (see Wall Direction on page 479 for information on wall sections) Specifies the texture for the left section of the wall Specifies the texture for the center and ends of the wall Specifies the texture for the right section of the wall

8. Click OK when the wall preferences have been set. 9. Click at the starting point of the first wall section. 10. Click to end the first wall section. To continue creating walls, click at the end of each additional wall section. 11. Double-click to finish the wall if the start point and end point are not at the same location; otherwise, click at the starting location (a SmartCursor cue displays) to finish the wall.


| Chapter 15: Creating Floors, Walls, and Roofs

3rd 4th 5th


1st click Walls drawn in Top/Plan view


1st click



2nd Walls drawn in a 3D view

Drawing Round Walls

Round, hybrid walls can be created and joined to straight walls. The Round Wall tool is essentially a combination of the Wall tool and Arc tool functions. It creates a round wall with the same features and elements as straight walls. Walls can be drawn in Top/Plan or in a 3D view.

3D view

2D view

Round walls preferences include all of the same parameters as straight walls. To create round walls: 1. Click the Round Wall tool from the Walls tool set. 2. Click the desired Offset mode button (see Creating Walls on page 471). 3. Click the Wall Preferences mode button (the preferences are described in Drawing Straight Walls on page 472).

Creating Walls |
4. Click OK when the round wall preferences have been set. 5. Click to set the center point of the wall arc.


6. Click the mouse to begin drawing the wall, or use the Data bar to enter an angle. For more information on arc creation modes, see Creating Arcs on page 206. 7. Click to end the wall.
1st click

2nd click 3rd click

Wall Direction
The starting point and direction the wall is drawn determines a walls sides. The center of a wall is always the same, but the left and right sides depend on the drawing direction. For example, when drawing a wall in a clockwise direction, the left side is always the exterior side; in a counterclockwise direction, it becomes the interior.
Left (exterior) Right

Left (exterior)



Left (interior) Right

Left (interior) In Top/Plan view, arrows indicate the current wall direction

Wall direction can be reversed by clicking Reverse Sides from the Object Info palette.

Automatically Joining Walls

The VectorWorks preferences item, Auto join walls, automatically joins walls at corners and intersections, and automatically heals the mitered ends of walls when they are separated from one another. For T joins, the break in the side of the wall is healed. Walls can be in either 2D or 3D view.


| Chapter 15: Creating Floors, Walls, and Roofs

Original walls

Walls separated and ends auto-healed

Walls separated but ends not auto-healed

When drawing walls with auto join on, connected walls are highlighted to show which walls will join

To set the Auto join walls preference: 1. Select Tools > Options > VectorWorks Preferences (see Edit Preferences on page 39). 2. On the Edit tab, select Auto join walls. 3. Click OK.

Creating Wall Components

Wall components define the sections that make up a wall. For example, to indicate that a wall is made up of studs, inner drywall, outer sheathing, and then a siding material, define a component for each of these items to illustrate their location. The overall thickness of a wall is equal to the sum of its components. Component fill and line style are only displayed in Top/Plan view (except for section viewports in the Design Series). Use the Eyedropper tool to copy wall component settings from one wall to another (see Transferring Attributes on page 234). Additional wall capabilities are available in VectorWorks Architect. Wall components can be defined prior to drawing the wall in Wall Preferences mode, or after drawing the wall, from the Object Info palette. Wall components can also be edited from Wall Preferences mode. Editing a component from wall preferences does not affect existing walls.

Defining Components for New Walls

To define a wall component prior to drawing the wall: 1. Select the Wall tool or Round Wall tool from the Walls tool set, and then click Wall Preferences from the Tool bar. The Wall Preferences dialog box opens. 2. On the Wall Definition tab, click New. The Component Attributes dialog box opens. Specify the component thickness, name, and parameters.

Creating Walls |


Definition Thickness Name Class

Specifies the components thickness; the thickness of a wall is the sum of its components. A component must have a thickness greater than 0. Provide a name for the component, which displays in the Components list in the Wall Preferences dialog box Displays the component class; this setting can be changed in VectorWorks Architect (see Creating Walls in Architect on page 55 in the VectorWorks Design Series Users Guide). VectorWorks Fundamentals can display classes set in Architect. <Wall Class> indicates that the component assumes the same class setting as that of the wall.

Fill Use Class Attributes Style Sets component fill attributes by class rather than by the parameters in the Component Attributes dialog box. If the component class is changed later, the component changes to use the attributes of the new class. Specify the wall fill attributes, or select None for no fill. Selected hatch, gradient, or image fills, if not already present in the file, are imported and added to the Resource Browser (default resources are automatically imported into the current file at the point of use and display in the Resource Browser). See VectorWorks Fundamentals Default Resources on page 141 and Fill Attributes on page 230. Class attributes can be used for the left and right pen parameters. Otherwise, select a style, line thickness, and dash style for the left and right sides of the component; see Line Style Attributes on page 232 Component lines are no longer shared between components as they were in Version 12. 3. Click OK to create the component and return to the Wall Preferences dialog box.

Left Pen/Right Pen


| Chapter 15: Creating Floors, Walls, and Roofs

The walls Overall Thickness value changes to be determined by its components. As components are defined, they display in the preview. Click and drag a component in the # column to change its order.

4. Click OK.

Defining Components for Existing Walls

To define or edit wall components for an existing wall: 1. Select the wall(s). 2. From the Object Info palette, click Components. The Components dialog box opens.

Creating Walls | Parameter



Displays a preview of the wall structure, including the defined components; the preview wall is drawn from left to right, so the top of the preview, by default, indicates the left part of the wall as it will be drawn. The arrow shows the wall direction. The thickness of a wall with components is defined by the sum of the component thicknesses Lists the components that form the structure of the wall, in order from left to right as displayed in the preview. To change the order of a component, click and drag within the # column. Click to define the components of the wall as described previously in this section Opens the Component Attributes dialog box to edit the selected components thickness and attributes (you can also double-click on a component to open the Component Attributes dialog box) Deletes the selected wall component; the wall thickness is adjusted accordingly

Overall Thickness Components

New Edit


3. Click New or Edit, and define or edit the components as described previously. 4. Click OK to return to the Components dialog box. 5. Click OK. The new component definition is applied to the selected wall(s).

Creating Walls from a Polygon

Another way of obtaining walls is to create them from a polygon. To create walls from a polygon: 1. Draw or select the polygon to become the basis for the walls. 2. Select Modify > Create Walls from Polygon. The Create Walls from Poly dialog box opens. Select the desired wall parameters.


| Chapter 15: Creating Floors, Walls, and Roofs

Wall position relative to edge of poly Use existing wall style Use existing wall thickness Use existing wall height Assign to class Delete Source Poly 3. Click OK.

Specifies whether the wall position should be centered on the polygon, inside the polygon, or outside the polygon Specifies whether to create the walls using the existing wall style Specifies whether to create the walls using the existing wall thickness or specify a new Thickness value Specifies whether to create the walls using the existing wall height or specify a new Height value Select the class into which the walls should be placed Deletes the source polygon after the walls are created

VectorWorks creates the wall(s) based on the original polygon and the specified parameters.

Creating Walls |


Creating Pillars
The Pillar command converts any closed 2D shaperectangle, circle, oval, or polygoninto a pillar. In addition, use it on open 2D shapes, such as lines and polylines, to create a flat, screen-like object. These objects include such things as movie screens, room dividers, and moving walls. Once created, a pillar can be joined to a wall. Create pillars in 2D Top/Plan view.

3D view

2D view

To create a pillar: 1. Select View > Standard Views > Top/Plan. 2. Click on the 2D object to convert. 3. Select Model > AEC > Pillar. The Pillar Preferences dialog box opens.

4. Enter a pillar height. 5. Click OK. To view the new pillar, change to a 3D projection mode.

Joining Pillars and Walls

Walls and pillars can be joined together. Any number of walls can connect to the pillar as long as space exists on the pillar.


| Chapter 15: Creating Floors, Walls, and Roofs

3D view

2D view

To join a pillar to a wall: 1. Click on the pillar. 2. Draw the walls. If the Auto-join feature is enabled, then the walls automatically connect to the pillar. If the Auto-join feature is disabled, then click the Wall Join tool from the Walls tool set and join the walls to the pillar.

Creating a Polygon or Polyline from Walls

VectorWorks can create a polygon or polyline based on either the gross area or net area of walls. This is useful for calculating the area of a room, for example, or for using color to differentiate among rooms. To create a polygon or polyline based on the perimeter of the walls: 1. Select the walls to use for the polygon or polyline. Multiple walls can be selected to create several polygons or polylines at the same time.

2. Select Modify > Create Polys from Walls. The Create Polys from Walls dialog box opens.

Editing Walls | Parameter

Gross Area Polys Net Area (Room) Polys 3. Click OK. VectorWorks automatically creates the polygon or polyline, leaving the original walls unchanged.


Creates a polygon or polyline from the exterior perimeter of the selected walls Creates a polygon or polyline from the interior perimeter of the selected walls

Polygons and polylines shaded and moved for clarity

Editing Walls
Wall parameters can be edited from the Object Info palette. Vertices can be added, deleted, or moved, and walls can be reshaped. In addition, wall breaks can be removed, walls can be joined in a variety of conformations, and symbols can be added to the walls.

Wall Properties
The properties of selected straight or round walls and their components can be edited in the Object Info palette. Change the wall attributes from the Attributes palette.


In VectorWorks Fundamentals, all walls are un-styled. VectorWorks Architect is required to select other wall styles; see Creating Walls in Architect on page 55 in the VectorWorks Design Series Users Guide. Sets the default wall height value Sets the default wall height to the value specified for the design layers Delta Z value (see Setting Design Layer Properties on page 87) Deselecting this option breaks the association between wall height and the layers Delta Z value.

+/- Z Link Wall Height to Layer +/- Z


Adds to or subtracts from the height of the design layers Delta Z value


| Chapter 15: Creating Floors, Walls, and Roofs

Sets the location of the bottom of the wall above or below the layers Z value Displays the overall thickness of the wall; the thickness of a wall without components is determined by the wall attributes. The thickness of a wall with components is defined by the sum of the component thicknesses. Displays the wall thickness, while accounting for component visibility settings. Invisible components on the interior and exterior of the wall cause the wall to appear thinner than its actual length, for display purposes. Select whether a wall segment is capped at the start point, the end point, both ends, or has no caps at all When the wall is capped, specifies flat or round caps Edits the wall components (see Creating Wall Components on page 480) Reverses the direction of the wall sections (see Wall Direction on page 479)

Bot Z Thick

Visible Thickness

Caps Type Components Reverse Sides

Reshaping Walls
Use the 3D Reshape tool to edit the elevation of walls, add vertices to create peaks in a wall, and delete vertices that have been added. Use the 2D Selection or 3D Selection tool to change the wall length. Symbols remain where placed when a wall is reshaped. Three modes are available when both the 3D Reshape tool and a wall is selected.
Add 3D Wall Peaks

Reshape 3D Walls

Delete 3D Wall Peaks

Reshape 3D Walls Add 3D Wall Peaks Delete 3D Wall Peaks

Adjusts the position of a selected wall vertex Adds a vertex to a wall for reshaping purposes Deletes a wall vertex

Changing Wall Length

To change a walls length: 1. Select the wall to reshape. 2. In Top/Plan, click the 2D Selection tool, or in a 3D view, click the 3D Selection tool from the Basic palette. 3. Position the cursor over an end selection handle, and click. In a 3D view, the handles are at the base of the wall. 4. Move the mouse to lengthen or shorten the wall. 5. Click when the wall is at the desired length.

Editing Walls |


With the 3D Selection tool, drag the handle at the base of the wall to lengthen or shorten the wall (Front view depicted)

Changing Wall Elevation

To change the elevation of a wall: 1. Select the wall to reshape. 2. Click the 3D Reshape tool from the 3D Modeling tool set, and select Reshape 3D Walls mode. 3. Position the cursor over one of the handles on the ends or top/bottom middle of the wall, and click. When the cursor is over a selection handle, the standard arrow cursor changes into a double-headed, unfilled arrow. 4. Move the mouse to adjust the wall. 5. Click at the desired location.

With the 3D Reshape cursor, drag a top corner point to reshape the top of the wall (Front view depicted)

In an isometric view, drag the handle in the middle of the wall (top or bottom) to change the height

Adding a Vertex to Walls

To add a vertex to a wall: 1. Select the wall that requires a peak (vertex). 2. Click the 3D Reshape tool from the 3D Modeling tool set, and select Add 3D Wall Peaks mode. 3. Position the cursor over an end point on one of the corners or an existing vertex, and click. When the cursor is over an end point, the standard arrow cursor changes into a single-headed, filled arrow with shaded boxes on either side of the shaft.


| Chapter 15: Creating Floors, Walls, and Roofs

4. Move the mouse to add a vertex to the top or bottom of the wall. A vertex can be moved to any location along the same wall as long as the location does not pass another existing vertex. 5. Click when the vertex is at the desired location.

With the Add Peak cursor, click-click an end point to add a peak (Front view depicted)

The top of the wall is now flush with the bottom of the roof

To reshape a curved wall to match a planar surface, use the Subtract Solids or Intersect Solids command with an object that matches the plane of the roof.

Deleting a Wall Vertex

To delete a control point: 1. Select the wall with the peak (vertex) to be deleted. 2. Click the 3D Reshape tool from the 3D Modeling tool set, and select Delete 3D Wall Peaks mode. 3. Position the cursor over the vertex to delete. When the cursor is over a vertex, the standard arrow cursor changes into a single-headed, filled arrow with a hollow diamond in the shaft. 4. Click on the vertex. The vertex is removed and the wall is reshaped to the remaining vertices.

Wall with two unnecessary vertices (Front view depicted)

With the Delete Peak cursor, click a vertex to delete it

Wall with two vertices removed

Editing Walls |


Changing Round Wall Radius

To change the radius of a round wall: 1. Select the round wall to edit. 2. Click the 2D Selection tool from the Basic palette. 3. Position the cursor over the center control point, and click. 4. Move the mouse to change the radius, and click to set the end point.

Move the control point to change the round wall radius

Flip the round wall arc by dragging toward, and through, the arc center.

Removing Wall Breaks

The Remove Wall Breaks tool cleans up any wall breaks or gaps that were created during editing. For example, when creating a new wall that joins an existing wall, if the new wall is later deleted, a break in the remaining wall displays at the joint. The Remove Wall Breaks tool can remove the break and any end caps. To remove wall breaks: 1. Click the Remove Wall Breaks tool from the Walls tool set, or right-click on the wall and select Remove Break from the context menu. 2. Click and drag to create a marquee box around the wall break or end cap to remove. The wall break or end cap is automatically removed.
2nd click 1st click

Joining Walls
The Wall Join tool joins straight or curved wall segments, not already connected using the Auto join walls preference. (See Automatically Joining Walls on page 479 for information on Auto join walls.) There are three modes for joining walls and two end cap modes.


| Chapter 15: Creating Floors, Walls, and Roofs

L Join Uncapped Join

T Join

X Join

Capped Join

T Join L Join X Join Uncapped Join Capped Join

Extends or shortens one wall segment until it intersects with a second wall segment; creates Y joins by joining the first selected wall to two sections of an existing L join Joins the closest ends of two walls to create a corner Joins two wall segments at the point where they intersect Applies an uncapped join to wall join operations Applies a capped join to wall join operations

Right-click on a wall and select Join from the context menu to temporarily activate this tool.

T and Y Wall Joins

The T Join mode is used to create both T wall joins and Y wall joins.

T Wall Joins
The T Join mode extends or shortens the first wall segment until it intersects with a second wall segment. As only the first wall is extended, this mode will not create corner type joins. (For those, use the L wall join mode. See L Wall Joins on page 493 for more information.) To join walls with the T Join mode: 1. Click the Wall Join tool from the Walls tool set, or right-click on the wall and select Join from the context menu. 2. Click T Join from the Tool bar. 3. Select the wall segment to join. 4. Select the second wall segment to join.

When trying to create a T join to an existing corner, join the wall segment to the perpendicular corner segment. This creates a clean join between the walls.

Editing Walls |



In both cases, wall A and B are already corner joined; wall C is joined to wall A

Y Wall Joins
Y wall joins are not automatically created when using the Auto join walls preference. (See Setting VectorWorks Preferences on page 39 for information on Auto join walls.) Instead, the T Join mode is used to create Y wall joins. To create a Y wall join between three wall segments: 1. Click the Wall Join tool from the Walls tool set, or right-click on the wall and select Join from the context menu. 2. Click T Join from the Tool bar. 3. Select the wall segment to join. 4. Select one of the two wall segments to join. The wall segments are joined.

L Wall Joins
The L Join mode joins the closest ends of two walls to create a corner. Both wall lengths are extended or shortened, as necessary, until they meet cleanly. To join walls with the L Join mode: 1. Click the Wall Join tool from the Walls tool set, or right-click on the wall and select Join from the context menu. 2. Click L Join from the Tool bar. 3. Select the first wall segment to join. 4. Select the second wall segment to join. The wall lengths are resized, as necessary.


| Chapter 15: Creating Floors, Walls, and Roofs

X Wall Joins
The X Join mode joins two wall segments at the point where they intersect. To join walls with the X Join mode: 1. Click the Wall Join tool from the Walls tool set, or right-click on the wall and select Join from the context menu. 2. Click X Join from the Tool bar. 3. Select the first wall segment to join. 4. Select the second wall segment to join. The first wall is split about the second wall to create the join.

The two wall segments must already intersect in order to use this mode, as neither segments length is altered.

Joining Walls with the Fillet Tool

The Fillet tool, located on the Basic palette, joins two wall segments by creating a round wall between them. See Creating Fillets and Chamfers on page 279.

Symbols Within a Wall

Once the walls have been created, symbols such as windows and doors can be added to them in either 2D or a 3D view. For information on symbol wall insertion options and changing symbol properties, see Creating New Symbols on page 156 and Editing Symbols on page 164.

Editing Walls |


Often, the same type of symbol is added repeatedly to the walls; this is accomplished with the Duplicate Symbol in Wall tool. Once the symbols have been placed in a wall, move them in the wall with the selection tools.

Placing Duplicate Symbols in Walls

Use the Duplicate Symbol in Wall tool to easily place multiple copies of a symbol in a wall, such as doors or windows in an office building or electrical outlets along a wall. Another method of moving and duplicating symbols within walls is with the Move by Points tool; see Moving Objects by Clicking on page 369.)

Select a mode from the Tool bar.

Default Insertion

Flipped Insertion

Wall Preferences

Flipped Insertion Default Insertion Wall Preferences

Flips the symbol during placement (for example, changes the direction that a door opens) Places the symbol using the orientation at creation Specifies symbol placement information

To place duplicate symbols in a wall: 1. Select Window > Palettes > Resource Browser. The Resource Browser opens. 2. Click the desired symbol from the list. 3. Select Make Active from the Resources menu. Activate a symbol already placed in the drawing with the Symbol Pick Up mode of the 2D Symbol Insertion tool (see Symbol Pick Up Mode on page 162). 4. Click the Duplicate Symbol in Wall tool from the Walls tool set. 5. Select the placement mode from the Tool bar. This sets the symbol orientation. To place the symbol using the orientation in which is was created, click the Default Insertion mode button. To flip the symbol when it is placed, click the Flipped Insertion mode button. 6. Click Wall Preferences from the Tool bar. The Duplicate Symbol In Wall dialog box opens. Indicate how to place the symbols.


| Chapter 15: Creating Floors, Walls, and Roofs

Start Offset

To set the first symbol position with the mouse, select Next Click; to set the first symbol position by a specified distance from a wall end, select the button next to the text box and enter a distance from the wall end To place successive symbols by mouse click, select Next Click; to place successive symbols a specified distance apart, select the button next to the text box and enter a distance between symbols If selected, enter the specific number of symbol copies to insert into the wall


Copies 7. Click OK.

8. Click on the wall to indicate where the first symbol should be inserted. A preview of the symbols are shown along the wall to aid in placement. If inserting the first symbol by an offset value, click anywhere on the wall and the first symbol preview displays at the proper offset distance. 9. If spacing symbols by the next mouse click, move the mouse along the wall to set the spacing between symbols, and click again to insert the duplicate symbols. If spacing symbols by a specified distance, click again to insert the duplicate symbols. If a number of copies was specified, that number of symbols is automatically inserted. Move the mouse to the opposite side of the wall to flip the symbol direction.

Dragging and Dropping Symbols in Walls

To insert a 2D, 3D, or hybrid symbol in a wall by dragging it from the Resource Browser: 1. Click the symbol in the Resource Browser and drag it to the desired location in the wall. The symbol cannot be rotated during insertion, since the 2D Symbol Insertion tool (or 3D Symbol Insertion tool) is not automatically activated. When a symbol is dropped onto a wall or round wall, VectorWorks inserts the symbol into the object using the default flip value. (If this is not desirable, make the symbol active and it is inserted with the appropriate insertion tool.) 2. If necessary, edit the symbol parameters in the Object Info palette.

Moving Symbols in Walls

The 2D Selection tool moves symbols within walls. (Another method of moving and duplicating symbols within walls is with the Move by Points tool; see Moving Objects by Clicking on page 369.)

Creating Roof Faces |


Several symbols can be selected and moved at once. When multiple symbols are selected, their common parameters can be changed in the Object Info palette. Symbols within walls and symbols outside of walls cannot be selected at the same time. To move one or more symbols within a wall: 1. Switch to Top/Plan view. Symbols in a wall can only be moved in 2D view. 2. Click the 2D Selection tool from the Basic palette. Toggle Wall Insertion mode on or off, depending on the desired result.

Select one or more symbols inserted in a wall, with Wall Insertion mode on Select one or more symbols not inserted in a wall, with Wall Insertion mode on Select one or more symbols inserted in a wall, with Wall Insertion mode off

Inserted symbols can be dragged out of the wall (and into another wall if desired). Selected symbols can be inserted into a wall by dragging them over the wall. The symbols are moved within the wall. When one of the objects in the selection reaches the end of the wall, none of the objects can be moved further in that direction.

3. Select the symbol or symbols. 4. Position the cursor near the symbol to be moved. When the resize cursor displays, drag the symbol(s).

Creating Roof Faces

VectorWorks offers two ways to create a roof for a structure: The Roof Face command converts any closed 2D object into a roof face object. The Create Roof command creates a roof by selecting the object(s) that the roof will be based upon (including walls, polygons and polylines). See Creating Roof Objects on page 500. Use the Roof Face command to create hybrid (2D/3D) roof structures from simple 2D objects. This is an easy way to create a slab or flat roof, by converting any closed 2D object into a roof face object. For example, use this command to create a uniquely shaped roof, such as a gable roof over a round structure. The roof can be created in the same design layer as the wall structure, or in a different layer. Create a viewport to view the walls and roof together. While this command can create a hip or gable roof, it is easier to create these types of roofs with the Create Roof command.


| Chapter 15: Creating Floors, Walls, and Roofs

To create a roof face: 1. Draw the 2D object that is the basis for the roof. Any enclosed 2D object can be used, such as enclosed arcs, polylines, rectangles, circles, and ovals. 2. Select the 2D object. 3. Select Model > AEC > Roof Face. The Create Roof Face dialog box opens. Specify the roof slope creation method, edge and hole miter options, and roof parameters.

Roof Slope Angle Rise over Run

Indicates the roof slope creation method and criteria Creates a roof slope based on an angle; specify the Angle Creates a roof slope based on rise over run values; specify the Rise and Run. The rise is the distance along the Y axis the roof rises above the Z height, and run is the distance along the X axis for the roof to reach that height. Creates a roof slope based on a mouse click position (this option only available in Top/ Plan view). Enter the Height for the second mouse click. Indicates the miter type for the roof edge Creates the roof edge perpendicular to the ground plane Creates the roof edge parallel to the ground plane Creates the roof edge with a horizontal and vertical miter; specify the Horizontal and Vertical lengths Creates the lower edge of the roof face perpendicular to the roof surface, regardless of the roof angle Specifies cut-out miter options Cut-out edges are perpendicular to the ground plane Cut-out edges are perpendicular to the roof surface Sets the roof height

2nd Click Height Edge Miter Vertical Horizontal Double Square Hole Miter Vertical Square Axis Z

Creating Roof Faces | Parameter

Angle Rise/Run Height Thickness Vertical/Horizontal 4. Click OK.


For angled roof slopes, indicates the roof slope angle For rise over run roof slopes, specifies the rise and run values Indicates the height of the second mouse click when the roof slope is specified with that option Specifies the roof thickness For double miters, specifies the horizontal and vertical miter lengths

5. Click-drag the mouse across the 2D object to draw a line defining the roof axis; click again to complete the line. A black arrow displays on one side of the line, indicating which side of the object will be the high side of the roof. 6. Point the mouse to the side of the roof that will be highest, and then click again. The roof axis line displays selection handles, and the arrow pointing to the high side of the roof turns blue, indicating that the roof face is complete.

Reshaping Roof Faces

Once a roof face has been created, there are several ways to edit it: Edit the roof face parameters (such as the angle or eave type) in the Object Info palette. Change the roofs basic 2D object shape using the Edit Group command. (Be careful not to use the Ungroup command, as this permanently changes the roof face back into the original 2D object.) Use the Exit Group command to complete the change. Move the roof face axis using the 2D Selection tool in Top/Plan view. Change the roof face angle using the 3D Reshape tool (best in Front or Back view). The roof angle must be between 0 and 85 to be changed by the 3D Reshape tool.

Creating Cut-outs in a Roof Face

Use the Clip Surface command to add a cut-out to a roof face. A cut-out, for example, can be used to add a hole for a chimney that overlaps two or more faces of the roof. This procedure creates a cutout in a roof face created with the Roof Face command (see Creating Roof Faces on page 497).


| Chapter 15: Creating Floors, Walls, and Roofs

3D view

2D view

The edges of the cut-out are mitered according to the selections made in the Create Roof dialog box during the creation of the roof face. To add a cut-out to a roof face: 1. Select the roof face. 2. Create an object with the dimensions for the cut-out and place it where the cut-out will be located. 3. Select both objects. 4. Select Modify > Clip Surface. This creates the cut-out in the roof face, leaving behind the object used to make the cut-out. 5. Select the object used to make the cut-out and delete it.

Dragging and Dropping Symbols in a Roof Face

To insert a 2D, 3D, or hybrid symbol in a roof face by dragging it from the Resource Browser: 1. Click the symbol in the Resource Browser and drag it to the desired location in the roof face. The symbol cannot be rotated during insertion, since the 2D Symbol Insertion tool (or 3D Symbol Insertion tool) is not automatically activated. When a symbol is dropped onto a roof face, VectorWorks inserts the symbol into the object using the default flip value. (If this is not desirable, make the symbol active and it is inserted with the appropriate insertion tool.) 2. If necessary, edit the symbol parameters in the Object Info palette.

Creating Roof Objects

VectorWorks offers two ways to create a roof for a structure: The Create Roof command creates a roof by selecting the object(s) that the roof will be based upon (including walls, polygons, polylines, and arcs). The Roof Face command converts any closed 2D object into a roof face object. See Creating Roof Faces on page 497. The Create Roof command creates a roof object with multiple faces based on specified parameters. A great variety of roof types can be created by this method, and they can include roof elements such as gables and skylights. Once the

Creating Roof Objects |


walls of a structure are complete, select the walls that the roof will be based upon, and specify the roof parameters. Alternatively, select a polygon or polyline as the basis for the roof.

3D view

2D view

To create a roof object: 1. Select the walls, polygon, or polyline that the roof will be based upon. Shift-click to select multiple walls. If the building has an attachment, such as a garage, that will have a different roof structure, then select only the desired walls. 2. Select Model > AEC > Create Roof. The Create Roof dialog box opens. Enter the desired criteria to create the roof object. The parameters are illustrated in the roof diagram. Certain default parameters are suggested based on the selected roof parameters.

Eave Profile

Select the roof edge appearance Square: angled fascia, soffit edges Vertical: vertical fascia, angled soffit edges Horizontal: no fascia, horizontal soffit edges Double: vertical fascia, horizontal soffit edges

Vertical Horizontal Thickness

Specifies the vertical length for a double miter eave Specifies the horizontal length for a double miter eave Specifies the roof thickness


| Chapter 15: Creating Floors, Walls, and Roofs

Specifies how far the bearing wall cuts into the roof Specifies the roof pitch as an angle or rise:run ratio; click Calculate for an automatic calculation based on bearing height, eave height, and eave overhang Specifies the height of the rafter plate or top plate above the wall layer Z height where the roof will be supported; click Calculate for an automatic calculation based on roof pitch, eave height, and eave overhang Specifies the height of the lowest portion of the roof; click Calculate for an automatic calculation based on roof pitch, bearing height, and eave overhang Specifies the distance that the roof extends beyond the bearing wall; click Calculate for an automatic calculation based on roof pitch, bearing height, and eave height By default, the roof is created in the active design layer. To create the roof in a different layer, select an existing layer from the list, or select New Layer to create a new layer. Retains the source object(s) that formed the basis of the roof

Bearing Inset Roof Pitch Bearing Height

Eave Height Eave Overhang Layer Retain Original Objects 3. Click OK.

VectorWorks creates a hip roof over the selected object(s) using the criteria set in the Create Roof dialog box.

Editing Roof Objects

Once a roof object has been created, there are multiple ways to edit it: Edit the roof object parameters (such as the thickness or eave type) in the Object Info palette. Change roof edge shapes (such as hip or gable) using the 2D Selection or 3D Selection tool. Reshape the roof object using the 2D Reshape or 3D Reshape tool in Top/Plan view.

Editing Basic Roof Object Parameters

Change the basic parameters that were set when the roof object was created using the Object Info palette. To change roof object settings: 1. Select the roof. 2. From the Object Info palette, change basic parameters as necessary.

Bearing Inset Thickness Applies To

Specifies how far the bearing wall cuts into the roof Specifies the roof thickness (normally, this is the perpendicular thickness; when a roof has different slopes, the vertical thickness can be specified) When a roof has different slopes, the vertical thickness can be specified to avoid incorrect roof intersections. Select Vertical Thickness and enter the Thickness value When gable walls exist, specifies the gable wall thickness

Gable Thickness

Editing Roof Objects | Parameter

Eaves Vertical Create Gable End Walls


Specify the eave type For Double Miter types, enter the vertical length of the eave Select to create wall sections at gable ends

Changing the Roof Edge Shape

By default, VectorWorks creates a hip roof with eave edges all around. Specific roof edges can be changed to a gable or Dutch hip shape. To change the roof edge shape: 1. Select the roof with the 2D Selection tool. Selection handles display for the roof. 2. Click on the selection handle of the edge to be edited. The Edit Roof Settings dialog box opens. 3. Change the roof parameters and select Entire Roof to apply the edits to all sections of the roof. If Entire Roof is not selected, the edits apply to the edge of the roof that was clicked.

Roof Edge Shape

Select the basic shape of this roof edge: Eave, Gable, or Dutch Hip. By default, VectorWorks creates a hip roof, which has an Eave edge on all sides. When this setting is changed, the available parameters and roof diagram reflect the selected roof edge shape.

Gable Overhang (Dutch Hip only) Gable Inset (Dutch Hip only)

Specifies how the gable wall on top of the Dutch hip face will be cut; enter zero for a flat gable wall, or enter the number of inches the gable wall will be inset from the gable roof edge Specifies how far the gable wall on top of the Dutch hip face will be from the edge of the hip face


| Chapter 15: Creating Floors, Walls, and Roofs

Specifies the roof pitch as an angle or rise:run ratio; click the calculator for an automatic calculation based on bearing height, eave height, and eave overhang

Pitch (Eave and Dutch Hip only) Bearing Height

Specifies the height of the rafter plate or top plate above the wall layer Z height where the roof will be supported; click the calculator for an automatic calculation based on pitch, eave height, and eave overhang Specifies the height of the bottom-most portion of the roof; click the calculator for an automatic calculation based on pitch, bearing height, and eave overhang Specifies the distance that the roof extends beyond the bearing wall, click the calculator for an automatic calculation based on pitch, bearing height, and eave height Select this option to apply the edited roof parameters to all available roof sections

Eave Height Eave Overhang Entire Roof (Eave and Dutch Hip only)

4. Click OK to change the roof edge settings.

Changing a Hip Roof to a Gable Roof

To change a hip roof into a gable roof: 1. Select the roof with the 2D Selection tool. Selection handles display for the roof. 2. Click on the selection handle of the face to change into a gable wall. The Edit Roof Settings dialog box opens. 3. Select the Gable option. A diagram and parameters for a gable edge display.

4. Change the parameters as described in Changing the Roof Edge Shape on page 503, and click OK. A triangular wall is placed when the gable roof is created.

Editing Roof Objects |


Changing a Hip Roof to a Dutch Hip Roof

To change a hip roof into a Dutch hip roof: 1. Select the roof with the 2D Selection tool. Selection handles display for the roof. 2. Click on the selection handle of the face to change into a Dutch hip face. The Edit Roof Settings dialog box opens. 3. Select the Dutch Hip option. A diagram and parameters for a Dutch hip edge display.

4. Specify a Gable Inset value to create the Dutch hip face, and change other settings as described in Changing the Roof Edge Shape on page 503. 5. Click OK. 6. Select Entire Roof to apply the edits to all appropriate sections of the roof.


| Chapter 15: Creating Floors, Walls, and Roofs

Creating Cut-outs in a Roof Object

Cutting a hole in a roof object is easily accomplished by editing the roof object group and drawing the cut-out shape. To create a cut-out in a roof object: 1. Select the roof object. 2. Select Modify > Edit Group. 3. In the Edit Group window, draw a 2D object (rectangle, circle, oval, polygon, polyline, or arc) over the roof. 4. Click Exit Group at the top right of the window. 5. The shape is cut out of the roof.

Reshaping Roof Objects

A roof object can be reshaped in a 2D or 3D view with the 3D Reshape tool. The roof edge, roof ridge, and roof slope can be changed. In Top/Plan view, the 2D Reshape tool can be used for basic roof shape editing. However, only the 3D Reshape tool, in any view, can edit the roof edge and roof ridge location. Five modes are available when both the 3D Reshape tool and a roof object is selected.
Add Vertex 3D Reshape Remove Vertex Working Plane Constrain Z-Constrain

3D Reshape Add Vertex Remove Vertex Working Plane Constrain

Adjusts the position of a selected roof vertex, constrained horizontally or vertically in combination with the Z-Constrain and Working Plane Constrain modes Adds a peak (vertex) to a roof Deletes a roof peak (vertex) In 3D Reshape mode, reshapes the roof object horizontally, constrained along the X and/or Y axes

Editing Roof Objects | Mode



In 3D Reshape mode, reshapes the roof object along the Z axis to change the height of a roof ridge or eave

Reshaping the Roof Along the X and Y Axis

To reshape the roof horizontally: 1. Select the roof object. 2. Click the 3D Reshape tool from the 3D Modeling tool set, and select Working Plane Constrain mode. 3. Position the cursor over a roof handle. When the cursor is over a handle, the standard arrow cursor changes into an unfilled, four-way arrow. 4. Click-drag the handle to change the roof handle location, or enter specific X and Y distance values in the Data bar.

The roof edge, ridge, or eave handle location can be changed. The handle movement is constrained along the X or Y axis (the ground plane); the height of the roof element cannot be changed in this mode. Change the slope of a roof face by moving the ridge handle. If the reshape results in a roof slope that approaches or exceeds 90 degrees, you are prompted to create a gable wall if desired.

Rendered View

5. Click when the handle is at the desired location.


| Chapter 15: Creating Floors, Walls, and Roofs

Reshaping the Roof Along the Z Axis

To change the height of a roof ridge or eave: 1. Select the roof object. 2. Click the 3D Reshape tool from the 3D Modeling tool set, and select Z-Constrain mode. 3. Position the cursor over a roof ridge or eave handle. When the cursor is over a handle, the standard arrow cursor changes into two-way hollow arrow. 4. Click-drag the handle to change the roof handle location, or enter the specific Z axis distance in the Data bar.

The roof ridge or eave handle location can be changed. The handle movement is constrained along the Z axis (vertically); only the height of the roof element can be changed in this mode. 5. Click when the handle is at the desired location.

Adding a Roof Vertex

To add a vertex to a roof: 1. Select the roof for adding the vertex. 2. Click the 3D Reshape tool from the 3D Modeling tool set, and select Add Vertex mode. 3. Position the cursor over one of the edge or eave handles. The standard arrow cursor changes into a single-headed, filled arrow with shaded boxes on either side of the shaft. 4. Click-drag the mouse to add a vertex to the roof edge or eave. 5. Click when the vertex is at the desired location. The roof is automatically reshaped to accommodate the new vertex.

Editing Roof Objects |


Deleting a Roof Vertex

To delete a vertex from a roof: 1. Select the roof with the vertex to be deleted. 2. Click the 3D Reshape tool from the 3D Modeling tool set, and select Remove Vertex mode. 3. Position the cursor over the eave vertex to delete. The standard arrow cursor changes into a single-headed, filled arrow with a hollow diamond in the shaft. 4. Click the vertex. The vertex is removed and the roof is reshaped to the remaining vertices.

Adding Roof Elements

Once a roof object has been created, roof elements, such as dormer windows and skylights, can be added.

Creating Dormer Windows

VectorWorks can create a wide variety of dormer windows in roofs. There are five styles to select from: trapezium, gable, shed, hip, and bat; each gable type has unique parameters. The Edit Roof Element dialog box, used to create and edit the dormers, changes according to the style of dormer chosen. Dormer walls are always drawn in a clockwise direction for easy texture application.


| Chapter 15: Creating Floors, Walls, and Roofs

To create a gable dormer window in a roof object: 1. Select View > Standard Views > Top/Plan. 2. Select Window > Palettes > Resource Browser. 3. Select a window symbol. The window must be a symbol, not a plug-in object. 4. Select Make Active from the Resources menu. The 3D Symbol Insertion tool is automatically activated from the 3D Modeling tool set. 5. Click to place the symbol in the roof object. The roof must be a roof object with a fill, and not simply a roof face. The Edit Roof Element dialog box opens.

Dormer styles

6. Click Edit Dormer. 7. Select the dormer style. The parameters automatically change according to the selected dormer style, with values for placing the dormer at the location specified with the mouse click.

Center vertically

Dormer Style

Places the center of the window symbol in the center of the available vertical space in the front face of the dormer; the normal insertion point is not used Locates the top of the window symbol a set distance from the top of the dormer face; the normal insertion point is not used

Offset from top


Editing Roof Objects | Parameter

Height offset


Dormer Style

Indicates the vertical distance from the top of the point of engagement with the roof, or where the roof and the dormer meet, to the bearing point, which is usually along the top of the bearing wall Specifies the distance from the building outline to the plan center of the window symbol Sets the distance from the corner of the roof to the center of the dormer; the roof corner that the measurement is taken from is always to the left of the dormer when facing it Determines the width of the top roof and sets the front faces trapezoid shape; the front face is always symmetrical when using this option Determines the angle of the right edge of the front face; the front face can be asymmetrical when using this option Specifies the angle of the left edge of the front face. Along with the Right Slope, this dimension determines the top width of the front face. Right Slope must be selected for this option to be available. Sets the width of the bottom edge of the front face; works in conjunction with either the Top Width or the Left and Right Slope entries and is required Indicates the angle of the pitch of the top dormer roof as measured from a horizontal line Horizontal distance of the front face of the dormer Indicates the angle of the pitch of the front face of the dormer roof as measured from a vertical line Specifies the elevation height of the front face of the dormer; determines the plan depth of the dormer Indicates the width of the top of the roof as measured along the front face of the dormer Distance from the bottom of the dormer to the beginning of the compound curves of the roof as measured along the front face of the dormer Sets the plan distance from the point of engagement with the roof to the front face of the dormer; determines the elevation height of the front face of the dormer Amount of roof extension past the dormers front roof face Point where the two curves of the roof meet. This option controls the location of that point from the side edge of the dormer as measured along the roof. The location of this point determines the depth of the curves that make up the roofline.

Building line offset Offset from corner

All All

Top width

Trapezium, Bat

Right slope Left slope

Trapezium, Gable, Hip Trapezium, Gable, Hip Trapezium, Gable, Bat Trapezium, Shed, Bat Gable, Shed, Hip Hip All Bat Bat

Bottom width

Slope Width Front Slope Height Top width Bottom Height



Overhang Control Point

Gable, Shed, Hip Bat

8. Click OK.


| Chapter 15: Creating Floors, Walls, and Roofs

The gable dormer with window is created and placed according to the parameters specified. A hole is automatically created in the roof where the dormer walls exist.

Editing Dormer Windows

Once created, the dormer window parameters can be edited. To edit a dormer window: 1. Select the dormer. Selection handles display around the roof and at the location of each dormer. 2. Position the cursor over the selection handle for the dormer and click. The Edit Roof Element dialog box opens. 3. Select Edit Dormer and change the desired parameters as described in Editing Dormer Windows on page 512. To remove the dormer completely, select Remove Object. 4. Click OK. The drawing area displays the specified changes for the selected dormer.

Creating Skylights

A similar process to creating dormer windows is used to place a full skylight, complete with a window symbol, in the roof. A cut-out can also be created through this process, but it is easier to create a cut-out by following the procedures described in Creating Cut-outs in a Roof Object on page 506. A 3D-only window symbol is required for creating a skylight. An existing hybrid symbol can be converted to a 3D symbol by editing the symbol and deleting the 2D component. When creating skylight symbols, set the insertion point of the symbol at the back and center of the symbol.
Insertion point

Top view

Left view

Front view

The insertion point of the symbol determines whether a skylight will be flush or surface-mounted.

Editing Roof Objects |


Square miter flush-mounted

Square miter surface-mounted

Inserting a Skylight
To insert a skylight: 1. Select Window > Palettes > Resource Browser. 2. Select a 3D window symbol to use in the skylight. Hybrid and 2D window symbols will not work for skylights, though hybrid symbols can be used to create a cut-out. 3. Select Make Active from the Resources menu. The 3D Symbol Insertion tool is automatically activated from the 3D Modeling tool set. 4. Click to place the symbol in the desired location in the roof. The roof must be a roof object, and not a roof face. The Edit Roof Element dialog box opens. 5. Click Edit Skylight. The skylight parameters are displayed.


| Chapter 15: Creating Floors, Walls, and Roofs

Specifies the distance from the edge of the roof to the center of the skylight symbol Sets the distance from the edge of the building to the center of the skylight symbol Select to use create a cut-out in the roof without inserting the window symbol Deletes the skylight from the roof Accesses the dormer parameters instead of the skylight parameters

Offset from corner Offset from building line Do not insert symbol Remove object Edit dormer

6. Click OK to create the skylight (or cut-out).

Editing Skylights
Skylights and cut-outs are edited and deleted in the same manner as dormers. To edit a skylight: 1. Select the skylight. A selection handle displays at the skylight location. 2. Position the cursor over the selection handle for the skylight and click. The Edit Roof Element dialog box opens, with the skylight parameters displayed. 3. Edit the parameters as described in Inserting a Skylight on page 513. To remove the skylight completely, select Remove object. 4. Click OK. The drawing area displays the specified changes for the selected skylight. The skylight miter parameters can be changed from the Object Info palette.

Skylight Miter

Cuts the roof vertically at both the top and bottom of the skylight


Cuts the roof horizontally at the top of the skylight, and vertically at the bottom

Editing Roof Objects | Skylight Miter

Square Cut


Cuts the roof perpendicular to the roof at both the top and bottom of the skylight


| Chapter 15: Creating Floors, Walls, and Roofs

Importing and Exporting Files


VectorWorks has the ability to import and export to a variety of file formats. Your work may require you to import drawings from colleagues that use previous versions of VectorWorks or other programs. You may also have to export your drawings for those colleagues. VectorWorks import and export functionality provides the means to incorporate VectorWorks files with other programs files, including other CAD programs, worksheet, and word processing programs.

Importing Files
The Import command imports files from a number of different file formats. This command opens drawings produced in other software programs in VectorWorks, where the drawing objects and data can then be manipulated. The original file remains unchanged. To import a file: 1. Select File > Import. 2. Select the import option to use. 3. Select a file from the Open dialog box. 4. Click Open. Special considerations apply for DXF/DWG files. See DXF/DWG File Import on page 537.

Import Format

DWG and DXF files are produced by other CAD programs (such as AutoCAD). To avoid unexpected formatting problems with DXF/DWG, import into a blank document. VectorWorks can import DWG/DXF files from version 2007/2008 format or lower. DXF and DWG files can be imported as VectorWorks symbols, using the default import settings and the active layers scale. When importing as a symbol, paperspace objects are ignored. The symbols name is automatically assigned based on the original file name, without the .dxf or .dwg extension. See DXF/DWG File Import on page 537 for more information.

Single DXF/DWG File EPSF Image File PICT

Imports a single DXF/DWG file at a time, instead of in a batch Encapsulated PostScript Files (EPSF) are produced by many graphics and desktop-publishing programs. EPSFs are typically high-resolution files. Image files, including GIF, JPG, TIF, BMP, and others, can be imported. See Importing an Image File on page 518 for more information. PICT files were first produced by MacDraw and other object-oriented drawing programs. PICT is also the native format of the Macintosh clipboard. PICT files imported into VectorWorks can be more than a single object, allowing image editing. Images imported with this command automatically have PNG compression applied. PICT as Picture files are imported as a single graphic object. The following operations cannot be performed on this type of import: Trim tool, Clip tool, and Shear tool. Picture images retain picture comments when imported into VectorWorks.

PICT as Picture


| Chapter 16: Importing and Exporting Files

Graphics files in the Metafile format can be imported from virtually any program, including AutoCAD and word processing programs. There are two versions of Metafiles: standard (pre-Windows 95) and enhanced. VectorWorks supports the enhanced version. Images imported with this command automatically have PNG compression applied. Metafile as Picture files are imported as a single graphic object; the trim, clip, and shear operations cannot be used on this type of import VectorWorks can import a variety of worksheet formats, including text, comma-delimited, CSV, DIF, and SLK. A worksheet must be open to receive the import. (To import a VectorWorks worksheet into the current drawing, use the Resource Browser.) Imports a series of VectorScript commands into a VectorWorks file During IGES import, points are imported as a group of 3D loci, NURBS curves are imported as a group of NURBS curves, NURBS surfaces are imported as a group of NURBS surfaces, closed solids are imported as a group of imported solids, and open solids are imported as a group of NURBS surfaces. If there is only one element in the IGES file, it is imported as a single element rather than grouped. Imported solids cannot be ungrouped or edited through the Edit Group command; they can be used in solid operations. Imports ACIS/SAT 3D solids as NURBS-based VectorWorks solids

Import Format

Metafile as Picture Worksheet

VectorScript IGES (3D only)

SAT (3D only)

Importing an Image File

Images are compressed when they are imported into a VectorWorks file, to reduce the file size. To import an image file: 1. Select File > Import > Import Image File, and then select the image file to import. 2. The Image Import Options dialog box opens. Specify the options for the imported image. Information about the image file is displayed at the top. The compression method that produces the smallest file size is selected by default. Select the method that will give the best balance between compression and detail display. The file size for each type of compression is displayed to help with the selection. If the selected option results in a file size larger than the uncompressed size, the image is imported uncompressed. If VectorWorks Design Series is installed, an option to reference the imported image displays on the dialog box. See Referencing Imported Images on page 695 in the VectorWorks Design Series Users Guide for details.

Exporting Files |


Compression Method

Provides a high amount of compression, resulting in the smallest VectorWorks file size. However, fine detail may be obscured. JPEG compression is most suitable for photographic images. Provides a moderate amount of compression, while preserving image details; select Import as Black and White to import as a 1-bit monochrome image in PNG format


3. Click OK to import the image. The Object Info palette displays the image information. The Trim, Clip, and Shear tools cannot be used on an imported image. Images imported into the file that are not already in JPEG format can be compressed by JPEG with the Compress Images command. See Compressing Images on page 399.

Exporting Files
The Export command exports VectorWorks files into several different file formats, including previous versions of VectorWorks. The exported files can then be imported into another software program. VectorWorks exports to a new file, leaving the original file intact. To export a file: 1. Select File > Export. 2. Select the export file format. Specify the export options, along with the file name and destination. 3. Click Save. Special considerations apply for exports to DXF/DWG format. See DXF/DWG File Export on page 528.


| Chapter 16: Importing and Exporting Files

DWG and DXF files can be read by other CAD programs (such as AutoCAD). In addition, they can be printed by service bureaus and opened in rendering programs. The VectorWorks translator exports DWG/DXF files for AutoCAD versions 2007/2008, 2004/2005/2006, 14/LT98/LT97, and 13/ LT95. Exporting to version 12 and above is recommended to preserve the maximum file integrity (use the latest version possible for best results). See DXF/DWG File Export on page 528 for more information. Saves all records of a particular format as a file that can be used in a database program, such as FileMaker Pro and Microsoft Access. VectorWorks provides a variety of formats to select from when exporting records as a database, including comma-delimited, tab-delimited, merge, DIF, and SYLK. Creates an ePix (Extended Pixel) file; see EPix Export on page 714 for more information

Export Format


EPix/Piranesi (RenderWorks required) EPSF

EPSF (Encapsulated PostScript Format) files can be read by many graphics and desktop-publishing programs. The VectorWorks translator exports EPSF files in Illustrator 88 format. EPSFs contain all drawing elements except color bitmaps. VectorWorks exports these files with high resolution and full accuracy. Specify the EPS Preview Options for the TIFF preview when saving the file. Exports the file as an image file in formats like JPG, Photoshop, BMP, and others. The image can then be imported into other applications or used in web pages. See Exporting an Image File on page 521. This command is available on the Macintosh when Quartz Imaging is enabled (see Display Preferences on page 41). It exports the current file to a PDF document in the specified location. Design Series users on both Macintosh and Windows have additional PDF options. See PDF Interoperability on page 653 in the VectorWorks Design Series Users Guide.

Image File

Export PDF (Quartz Only)

Export PICT

This command is available on the Macintosh when Quartz Imaging is disabled (see Display Preferences on page 41). It exports a vector image of the current file in the specified location. Exports graphics files in Metafile format for inclusion in virtually any Windows program, including AutoCAD and word processing programs. There are two versions of Metafiles: standard (pre-Windows 95) and enhanced. VectorWorks supports the enhanced version. Creates a QuickTime Virtual Reality object file; see QuickTime VR Object Export on page 716 for more information


QuickTime VR Object (RenderWorks required) QuickTime VR Panorama (RenderWorks required) VectorScript

Creates a QuickTime Virtual Reality panorama file; see QuickTime VR Panorama Export on page 718 for more information

Writes out the current file as a series of VectorScript commands. These commands can then be used as part of a VectorScript script or as a guide for learning.

Exporting Files | Export Format



Worksheet files can be read by spreadsheet programs, such as Microsoft Excel, as well as by some word processing programs. Export all rows or only selected rows of a worksheet. Because many of these programs have different format requirements, VectorWorks provides a variety of formats to select from when exporting files as a worksheet, including comma-delimited, tab-delimited, merge, DIF, and SYLK. Using the tab-delimited format, for example, creates a file that can be opened as a table in Microsoft Word. This command exports 3D curves, surfaces, and solids to IGES format (see Exporting in IGES Format (3D only) on page 524) Creates an SAT file for exporting ACIS 3D solids. The Export Solids as Trimmed Surfaces option exports a solid as several different ACIS bodies (for example, a cube exports as six ACIS bodies). If this option is deselected, a solid is exported as a single body. Creates an exported VectorScript designed to be easy to import into programs like Strata Software products Exports all visible 3D surfaces and solids in the current layer into an STL-formatted file (see Exporting in Stereo Lithography Format on page 524) Saves a copy of the file in a format that can be opened and manipulated in an older version of VectorWorks. See Exporting to Previous VectorWorks Versions on page 525.

IGES (3D only) SAT (3D only)

Export Simple VectorScript (3D Only) Export Stereo Lithography (3D Only) VectorWorks 9, 10, and 11

Exporting an Image File

The Export Image File command exports a rendered drawing to a variety of file formats: BMP, JPG, PCT, PNG, PNT, PSD, QTI, SGI, TGA, or TIF. Different portions of the image can be selected for export. To export an image file: 1. Select File > Export > Export Image File. The Export Image File dialog box opens. Select the export options, and then click Render or Wireframe to display the exported image preview.


| Chapter 16: Importing and Exporting Files

Export Area All Visible Objects Current View All Pages as Single Image

Exports an image that includes all visible objects (objects do not have to be currently on screen to be considered visible) Exports an image that is exactly as it displays on the current screen Saves all pages in the print area as one image. By default, the image dimensions are set to match the print area specifications in the Page Setup dialog box. The image dimensions can be changed, but must remain proportional to the print area aspect ratio. Saves each page in the print area as separate images. By default, the image dimensions are set to match the page size specifications in the Page Setup dialog box. The image dimensions can be changed, but must remain proportional to the page size aspect ratio.

Each Page as Separate Image

Exporting Files | Parameter



Exports an image within a user-created marquee. Select this option and then click Draw Marquee to temporarily close the dialog box. Click and drag to specify the area for export; the marquee dimensions are displayed on the Data bar. Click to set the export area and return to the Export Image File dialog box. The Pixel Dimensions of the image are automatically set to the marquee dimensions.

Dimensions Lock Aspect Ratio Resolution Pixel Dimensions Width/Height Print Size Width/Height Specifies the printed image dimensions in the selected Unit; if Lock Aspect Ratio is selected, changes to one dimension will update the other to maintain the aspect ratio Select a unit to apply to the Print Size parameters Displays a rendered or wireframe preview according to the current settings Updates the preview with a rendered view using the currently set rendering option Updates the preview with a wireframe view Estimates the amount of memory required for the export and the approximate file size of the exported file, based on the current settings Updates the estimated memory and file size requirements Specifies the exported image dimensions; if Lock Aspect Ratio is selected, changes to one dimension will update the other to maintain the aspect ratio Select to maintain the image aspect ratio when specifying dimensions Specifies the printed image resolution in pixels over inches

Units Preview Render Wireframe Memory Required/Estimated File Size Update Format File Type Compression

Select the file format for the exported image, and indicate specific compression settings, if any Specifies compression settings according to the selected File Type

QuickTime offers great flexibility when specifying compression settings for the various file types. Consult QuickTime documentation for information on these settings. 2. Click Save. In the dialog box which opens, provide a name for the file; VectorWorks adds the file extension according to the file format selected. If the Each Page as a Separate Image was selected for export, VectorWorks automatically appends an incremental number to each file name. 3. Click Save. A new file is created without changing the original drawing file. This new file can then be opened in other applications or imported into another software program.


| Chapter 16: Importing and Exporting Files

Exporting in IGES Format (3D only)

The Export IGES (3D only) command exports 3D curves, surfaces and solids from VectorWorks into IGES format (version 5.3). Closed solids are exported as solids, while open solids are exported as a collection of surfaces. Objects that are exported to an .igs file from VectorWorks include: 3D loci CSG solids (add/subtract/intersect/section) Groups Shells Symbols 3D polygons Extrudes and multiple extrudes NURBS curves and surfaces Solids (sphere/cone/hemisphere) Chamfers Fillets Parametric objects Sweeps

To export a file to the IGES format: 1. Select File > Export > Export IGES (3D only). The Export Options dialog box opens.

2. Select Export Solid as Trimmed Surfaces to export a solid as several different bodies (for example, a cube exports as six bodies); otherwise, a solid is exported as a single body. 3. Click OK. 4. Specify the file name and destination. 5. Click Save.

Export Item
NURBS curve NURBS surface Trimmed NURBS surface Closed solid

Export Result
IGES Entity Type 126 IGES Entity Type 128 IGES Entity Type 144 IGES Entity Type 186

Exporting in Stereo Lithography Format

The Export Stereo Lithography (3D Only) command exports all visible 3D surfaces and solids in the current layer into an STL-formatted file. Once exported, this file can be used for rapid prototyping purposes or imported into other CAD packages. To export a file in the Stereo Lithography format: 1. Select File > Export > Export Stereo Lithography (3D Only).

Exporting to Previous VectorWorks Versions |

The Export STL Options dialog box opens.


2. Select ASCII or Binary for the file type. Using the slider control, adjust the coarseness of the polygonal representation for the export quality. 3. Click OK. 4. Specify the file name and destination, and then click Save.

Exporting to Previous VectorWorks Versions

VectorWorks files from the current version can be exported to previous versions of VectorWorks. Consider the following limitations when exporting to previous versions of VectorWorks.

Coordinate Limits
If the range of layer scales, symbol sizes, object sizes, or object locations is too great, not all the objects can be exported. If this occurs, you will be prompted to delete some objects. To minimize the chance of this problem occurring, select Tools > Purge Unused Objects before attempting to export. In addition, locate objects that are far away from the page by selecting View > Zoom > Fit to Objects (or by clicking the Fit to Objects button on the View bar), and deleting them.

3D Power Pack Compatibility

Geometry created with the 3D Power Pack is supported in VectorWorks 9.5.1 and later, including versions of VectorWorks 9.5.1 without the Power Pack module installed. All 3D Power Pack operations, with the exception of blends, shells, and section solids, are supported in previous releases of VectorWorks 9. Objects with blended edges, shells, and section solids are deleted in versions of VectorWorks prior to 9.5.1. 3D Power Pack geometry is not supported in versions of VectorWorks prior to version 9.

DXF and DWG File Formats

DXF and DWG are two common file formats used to exchange information between different CAD and drawing programs. DXF is a semi-public standard promoted and controlled by Autodesk, Inc. DWG is a proprietary, closed format used by Autodesk for its products. DXF and DWG files contain almost identical information, and both store all


| Chapter 16: Importing and Exporting Files

of the same objects. Recent versions of AutoCAD have bugs when reading some DXF files, such as losing links to images, so DWG is usually a safer choice in that case. As of this writing, the most recent DXF/DWG version is version 2007/2008.VectorWorks imports and exports versions 2.5 through 2007/2008. Export to versions earlier than 12 is not recommended; maximum file integrity cannot be maintained, because too much information is lost during the translation.

VectorWorks 2008 Improvements

The following changes to the DXF/DWG translation procedure have been added: Worksheet images can now be exported to DXF in a single step, without exporting a separate sheet and importing it into the DXF/DWG drawing. All cell formatting is now preserved, including: text font, size, style, color, and position inside the cell; cell border line style, thickness, and color; cell fills. A custom prefix can be assigned to imported DXF layers for easy identification in VectorWorks layer and class lists.

Information Lost in Translation

Importing from and exporting to DXF/DWG is not the same as saving or opening a VectorWorks file. It is a translation from one way of doing things to another; consequently, information can get lost in the translation. Following are some items that DXF/DWG handles differently. These can introduce unwanted effects in the translated file.


Version 2000 DXF/DWG and later supports the concept of true units, so the files unit settings can be imported (if it includes units). Previous versions of DXF/DWG do not support units, and some version 2000 and later files may be unitless. There is no way for VectorWorks to tell whether these unitless drawings were made in meters, feet and inches, or microns. Communicate with the person providing the file to determine this information. Unitless DXF/ DWG files do have five units settings (such as Architectural and Engineering) which are used to guess the original units, but the guess may need to be adjusted. VectorWorks allows line weights and colors to be specified independently. AutoCAD has recently gained the ability to do so, but most AutoCAD users still use colors to map to line weights. Version 14 and earlier DXF/DWG files do not support true line weights at all. If you choose to export with line weights mapped to colors, then original object colors will be lost.

Line Weights

DXF and DWG File Formats | Item

Colors and Fills


VectorWorks is more graphically rich than DXF/DWG can currently support. In all cases, VectorWorks chooses the closest possible translation given the limitations inherent in DXF/ DWG. The default version in the export dialog box will always give the best results possible, assuming the recipients software can read all of the information. DXF/DWG versions prior to 2004 have a fixed color palette (which changes slightly depending on whether the background is black or white) and all objects have just one solid color associated with them. Objects such as circles in DXF have no fill color (just a line color). A few objects can have a fill color, but they have no separate line color. DXF/DWG version 14 and above supports a solid hatch, which is a separate object that can be associated with objects such as circles to make them look like they have a color fill. These hatches cannot be the same color as the background color (such as a white rectangle on a white background to mask objects underneath). Since these solid hatches can be associative, VectorWorks can import them and set the associated objects fill color instead of having two separate objects for frame and fill. DXF/DWG version 2000 supports wipeout entities, which are essentially polygonal images filled with the background color. Some AutoCAD users may not want to receive files with wipeouts. DXF/DWG export includes an option to exclude solid fills (which includes both wipeouts and solid hatches). Since wipeouts can only be polygons and are not associative, if a white circle on a white background is exported and then re-imported into VectorWorks, the result is an unfilled circle and a polygon with a white fill and no pen inside the circle. The smoothness of the polygon (number of facets) depends on the 2D conversion resolution preference when it was exported. Objects with pattern fills, image fills, or gradients export as a plain solid color.

Layers and Classes

Each VectorWorks design layer is similar to a DXF/DWG model space. A VectorWorks drawing can have many design layers visible at the same time, with different scales and views for each design layer, but only one model space is allowed in a DXF/DWG file. Therefore, VectorWorks has to merge the multiple design layers, and some information can be lost. The drawing should generally look and print the same after the export, but independent layer scales, object coordinates, and invisible objects can be lost. VectorWorks uses symbols, which are objects that can be inserted multiple times without greatly increasing the file size, and which need only one edit to update all copies. It also has groups, which are objects that are grouped together and act as one object. The DXF/DWG equivalent of a VectorWorks symbol is called a block. The closest DXF/DWG equivalent to a VectorWorks group is an anonymous block, which is like a symbol without a name. Anonymous blocks cannot be edited easily in AutoCAD, however, so VectorWorks no longer exports anonymous blocks. Instead, if the plug-in object or group has a name assigned in the Data tab of the Object Info palette, then that name is used; otherwise a name is generated automatically. DXF/DWG does not have database records that correspond to VectorWorks record formats. It does have objects called attribute definitions (attdefs) which, when placed in blocks/symbols, behave somewhat like linked text in VectorWorks. The correspondence is very loose and as a result translation of these objects is not always smooth. DXF/DWG block attributes are created for things exporting as blocks (symbols, groups, plug-in objects, or layer links) that have record formats attached. Because only DXF/DWG blocks can have attributes attached, the record format information is not exported for other object types, such as lines or circles.

Groups and Symbols

Attributes and Linked Text


| Chapter 16: Importing and Exporting Files

When exporting to DXF/DWG version 2000 and later, the characters in layer and block names will not change. Accurate translation of lower case text, spaces and other Unicode characters is supported (except for the following illegal characters, which are converted during export: < > " `, / \ : ? * | = ). Export to previous versions converts all name characters to uppercase; all spaces and special characters are converted to underscores. DXF/DWG attribute tag names cannot have spaces in any version; any spaces found in record field names are converted to an underscore. Multiline formatted text includes various sized fonts that are bold, underlined, or italicized, and that wrap to the next line. This type of text is supported for DXF/DWG versions 13 and up. For earlier versions, wrapped text is split into separate lines. DXF/DWG does not support layer transfer modes or transparency, so use only paint transfer mode (100 percent opaque under Quartz and GDI+ imaging) VectorWorks and AutoCAD handle dimensions, units, and dimension standards very differently. Dimensions exported to DXF/DWG look exactly the same when opened in AutoCAD, but they may change appearance slightly if edited. VectorWorks also creates appropriate dimension styles for all dimension standards that are used in the file, so even if the recipient modifies the dimensions or creates new ones, they should not look significantly different. During import, the files current units and dimension standard may be used, so imported dimensions may look slightly different. All common dimension styles should transfer flawlessly, but ensure that the VectorWorks file is set up with the correct units, angular units, dimension standard, and design layer page size before import. When doing a batch import of multiple files, choose an appropriate template file that has the appropriate settings. If unsure what the source file is using, use the import option to import the dimensions as groups, preserving the original look. It is recommended to import once as groups to evaluate the settings requirements, and then again as dimensions in a new file with the appropriate settings. If markers look too small or too large, the layer scale and page size may need to be adjusted.


Styled Multiline text Layer Transfer Mode / Transparency Dimensions

DXF/DWG File Export

Consider the following points when exporting from VectorWorks to DXF/DWG.

Linked Text Symbols, Plug-ins, Layer Links, and Groups Line Weights

Export Notes
Linked text in symbols export as block attributes. Symbols, plug-ins, layer links, and groups export as blocks. Exported blocks are given a generic name such as Group-2 unless they were named in the Data tab of the Object Info palette. By default, line weights are converted to the closest DXF line weight. If the color mapping option is used, mapping information is entered during export and written to a .ctb file.

DXF/DWG File Export | Item

Fills, Patterns, Gradients, and Hatches


Export Notes
Solid fills, patterns, image fills, and gradients export as DXF objects with associated solid hatch or unassociative wipeout. Wipeouts are only available in version 2000 and later. Hatches export as associative hatches to AutoCAD version 14 and higher, or as anonymous blocks to AutoCAD version 13 and lower. Raster images export to the same folder that the drawing and any hatch pattern files are exported to. They export as JPEG files, with an image object in the DXF/DWG file that stores the name of the JPEG file and the insertion point. Images are only supported in AutoCAD versions 14 and higher. Solids and NURBS surfaces typically export as ACIS objects. The following objects cannot be exported as ACIS objects: meshes (which export as DXF meshes), 3D polygons (which export as 3D polygons, or as triangles if filled), NURBS curves (which export as DXF splines), and walls (which export as triangulated 3D polys in 3D views, and as lines and arcs in 2D views). VectorWorks design layer objects export as DXF model space entities. If only design layers (no sheet layers) are exported, individual design layers scales and views are exported to model space as one scale and view. VectorWorks sheet layers export as DXF paper space layouts, with normal viewports exported directly and section viewports exported as blocks. Annotations become paper space objects on top of the viewports. AutoCAD requires all paper space objects to be either above or below the viewports, but not both, so any objects or annotations that appear below the viewports in VectorWorks will appear above the viewports in AutoCAD. Therefore, avoid putting anything underneath viewports in VectorWorks. If sheet layers are exported, all design layers referenced from viewports on the sheet layers are exported to model space in top view without scaling, and viewports are created in paper space layouts to show the various views and scales. Sheets should generally look and print as expected (though without rendering modes set due to some AutoCAD bugs), but the single model space may have many overlapping objects and may not be as usable. Since AutoCAD has only one model space, and it does not have hybrid 2D/3D objects, it is sometimes necessary for VectorWorks to export the design layers as one or more blocks with special DXF layer names to control the block visibility. For example, a design layer called Foundation might export as blocks named Foundation (2D) and Foundation (3D), with associated DXF layers named _Foundation (2D) and _Foundation (3D). The blocks will be inserted in model space and assigned to those DXF layers. Viewports that should hide either the 2D or 3D objects will freeze or thaw the appropriate DXF layer. When exporting sheet layers, VectorWorks optimizes the translation for preserving the look of the sheets, at the cost of possibly adding some complexity and decreasing the ease of editing items in model space. To minimize the complexity, export sheets with unrelated design layers to separate files, or limit the drawing to one VectorWorks design layer.

Raster Images

Solids and NURBS Surfaces

Design Layers, Sheet Layers, and Viewports


| Chapter 16: Importing and Exporting Files

Preparing to Export
The following procedures are recommended to help ensure a satisfactory translation. 1. Export behaves differently based on whether design layers or sheet layers are selected for export. If one or more sheets are selected, a paper space layout is exported for each sheet with the sheet objects; any design layers visible in viewports are exported to model space. (Sheets that do not share design layers should usually be exported to separate files.) Other sheet layers and unreferenced design layers are omitted from export. If only design layers are selected, then all visible design layers are exported to model space and all sheet layers are omitted. 2. AutoCAD does not have multiple model spaces. If the sheet layer being exported has multiple viewports at different scales, the model space may have overlapping objects from the design layers, and the scale will be set to 1:1 instead of the expected design layer scale(s). To avoid this problem, set the scale the same for all design layers, and make sure that no objects overlap. Then, adjust the viewport scales as desired. 3. Do not export design layers in perspective, as they will not be in perspective in the DXF/DWG file. Instead, create a sheet layer with a viewport set to perspective view. 4. For DXF/DWG versions earlier than 14, object fills will not export. To better approximate the appearance of the exported file for these versions, remove all fills in a copy of the file before export. This will help identify lines under solid fills that need to be deleted or trimmed when the solid fill is removed. DXF/DWG versions 14 and later support associative boundary hatches, or bhatches. Therefore, fills, solid fills, and hatches can be exported as follows.

Associative hatch definitions Hatches with multiple colors or with background fill Filled polygons with three or four sides, with the fill color different from the background color Objects with a solid fill (color different from background color) or hatch Objects with solid fill (color same as background color) Filled polylines with holes

bhatch definition; hatch pattern files (.pat) are exported along with the DXF/DWG file Multiple bhatch definitions Solid entities

Object with associated bhatch Wipeout entity (AC2000 and later) No fill (AC14 and earlier) Light gray bhatch (AC14) Multiple objects and associated bhatch definition with island detection

5. Set the class and layer visibility appropriately. If invisible VectorWorks layers are exported as DXF/DWG layers, objects in invisible classes will not be exported, and vice versa. To preview what will be exported, set classes to show/snap/modify others and layers to show others. 6. DXF/DWG does not support hybrid objects. If only design layers are being exported, set the view for each design layer so the appropriate 2D or 3D components are exported. From Plan view, the 2D component of a hybrid symbol is exported; from Top view or any 3D view, the 3D component is exported. To preserve the 3D object coordinates, use Top view to export all 3D design layers (or use viewports to show other views, and export the sheets containing those viewports).

DXF/DWG File Export |

7. Symbols, plug-in objects, groups, and layer links export as named blocks in DXF/DWG.


The name that these items receive depends on the view that is in effect upon export. As an example, the symbol Widget would receive the following names, depending on the view:

Symbol Type and View

Hybrid symbol in Plan view Hybrid symbol in 3D view Non-hybrid symbol

Exported Block Name

Widget (2D) Widget (3D) Widget

The assigned layer link depends on whether Project 2D was selected for the layer link.

Layer Link Option

Layer link in plan view with Project 2D option selected All other layer links To check the item names, re-import an exported file into VectorWorks.

Exported Block Name

Layer-1 (2D) Layer-1 (3D)

8. Check the drawing with both black and white backgrounds. If the VectorWorks file has a white background and uses a dark (but not black) color to draw objects, then others who look at the exported file with a black background may not be able to see the objects. 9. Set the 2D and 3D conversion resolutions (in VectorWorks preferences) to a low value if file size is a concern. Higher resolutions result in larger exported file sizes. Lower resolutions decrease file sizes, but can result in blockiness, especially when exporting to earlier versions of DXF/DWG.

DXF/DWG Export Procedure

1. Select File > Export > Export DXF/DWG. In the alert dialog box that displays, click OK to confirm that you want to continue. The DXF DWG Export Options dialog box opens. 2. Select the appropriate export options, and click OK to export the file. The DXF/DWG export dialog box options are described in DXF/DWG Export Options on page 532. During export, a progress bar displays, along with the number of objects processed. 3. It is frequently helpful to view the translated file in a third-party software program to ensure that the translation process did not introduce unwanted effects. After export, leave the file open and import the exported file back into VectorWorks or into another software package. Compare the two versions, noting any problems. For example, the loss of object fills in earlier versions of DXF/DWG can cause unwanted lines to display. Correct these problems in a copy of the VectorWorks file and export the file again. Do not change the .dxf or .dwg file extension or other software packages will not be able to read the file. Do not export as binary DXF unless certain that the recipient will be able to read this format. AutoCAD users may report that circles and other objects look like blocky polygons. They can improve the appearance of the drawing by zooming in and using either the regenall or regen command, or by increasing the VIEWRES value.


| Chapter 16: Importing and Exporting Files

DXF/DWG Export Options

The DXF DWG Export Options dialog box contains a variety of options to help retain the file integrity in the DXF/ DWG format.

DXF/DWG File Export | Parameter

File Format Format


Choose from three exported file formats: DXF as plain text, DXF as a binary encoding, and DWG. One of the main differences between these formats is file size. Although individual files can vary, an uncompressed text DXF file is generally larger than an uncompressed DWG file. However, the file size can be significantly reduced by using a compression utility. A compressed text DXF file is normally smaller than a compressed DWG file. Binary DXF file sizes generally fall between the two for both compressed and uncompressed files. In addition to file size, consider the formats that other applications can support. Before exporting to binary DXF or to DWG, ensure that the receiving partys software can read those formats. Since binary and text DXF both use the same .dxf extension, if the DXF file cannot be opened, it may be may be mistakenly considered corrupted. When in doubt, export as text DXF, which is universally supported. Recent versions of AutoCAD have bugs when reading some DXF files, such as losing links to images, so DWG is usually a safer choice in that situation. DXB is a simpler file format used by some third-party applications that do not support the full DXF or DWG file format. It is not the same as binary DXF; do not use .dxb as the extension for binary DXF files. VectorWorks does not support DXB.


For best results, export to the highest version supported by the recipients software, or the default export version, whichever is lower. The latest versions of DXF/DWG have features more similar to VectorWorks and may provide a better translation, but not all software packages can read the latest versions. When in doubt, export as DXF and version 12, which has widespread industry support. Other options on the dialog box can change or become unavailable depending on the version selected.

Class/Layer Conversions Export as DXF Layers This option is available if the Export option is set to Design Layers Only. Since VectorWorks classes correspond most closely to DXF/DWG layers, normally, the Classes option is recommended. There is no direct equivalent for VectorWorks layers in DXF/DWG. A single VectorWorks design layer is similar to DXF model space. This is most important for the import of groups and symbols. In VectorWorks, the objects in groups and symbols can belong to different classes, but they must be on the same layer. In a DXF/DWG file, the entities equivalent to VectorWorks symbols and groups (known as blocks) can be on different DXF/DWG layers. Layers normally do not export relative to the Z value shown in the Design Layers tab of the Organization dialog box.


| Chapter 16: Importing and Exporting Files

While VectorWorks organizes drawings by class and by layer, the DXF/DWG file format only has layers. The following description assumes that, as recommended, classes are selected for export as layers. (If instead VectorWorks layers are selected for export as DXF/ DWG layers, equivalent options are presented for the layers.) Select whether to export invisible classes. If Exported As Invisible DXF Layers is selected, objects that are in invisible classes in the VectorWorks file are exported, and can be seen by making the DXF/DWG layer visible. This is the recommended option. However, if invisible classes contain private information or if the size of the exported file needs to be reduced, select Not Exported to delete these invisible objects. If invisible classes are exported as DXF layers, objects on invisible VectorWorks layers are not exported. To export these items, first make the layers visible, and then select the Export command.

Invisible Classes are

Layer Scale Rescale Layers To When the Export option is set to Design Layers Only, paper space is not used; all items are placed in model space. Model space must be at one scale; DXF/DWG files do not have different layer scales. If the layers to be exported are at various scales, the option to rescale them to a common scale before export becomes available. By default, the most frequently used layer scale will be used. Choosing the best scale for export is important. Select Rescale Layers To and click the common scale to use from the displayed list. Symbols on rescaled layers are exported as scaled blocks in the DXF/DWG file. When sheets are selected for export, all design layers export to model space at effectively a 1:1 scale, and viewports take care of showing the objects at other scales. Sheets to Include Export The options on this list change depending on the contents of the file being exported and on which export Version is selected. Select the items to export from the list. If Design Layers Only is selected, either classes or design layers can be exported as DXF layers. If one of the sheet options is selected, the selected sheet layers are exported as paper space layouts; also, design layers used in viewports are exported to model space. While multiple sheets can be exported to the same file, note that unrelated sheets usually should be exported to different files. Sheets 2D Fills and Files Export 2D Fills Select this option to export solid fills as wipeouts (DXF/DWG versions 2000 and later) or solid hatches (DXF/DWG version 14 and later). A VectorWorks hatch with multiple levels and colors generates multiple hatch pattern definitions. See Preparing to Export on page 530 for more information on the conversion. Select this option to export image objects and image files. This option is only enabled for DXF/DWG versions 2000 or higher. If Selected Sheets is selected as the Export option, select the sheets to export from the displayed list.

Export Images and Image Files

DXF/DWG File Export | Parameter

Export Hatch Pattern Files


When a drawing has hatches, select this option to create additional hatch pattern (.pat) files in a specified folder. The hatch pattern files, and the DXF/DWG exported file and any support files, such as .jpg images, are placed in this folder. AutoCAD requires the hatch pattern files to retain the hatch associativity and to add hatches to additional objects with the same hatch pattern. When Export Hatch Pattern Files is deselected, AutoCAD displays the hatch but cannot edit it.

3D Export Solids as ACIS Solids Select this option to export most VectorWorks solids and NURBS surfaces as ACIS objects. Deselect this option to export solids as polygonal faces (if the target software package cannot read ACIS solids, for example). Walls, round walls, roof and floor slabs, filled 3D polygons, meshes, and NURBS curves cannot be exported as ACIS solids. Triangulate to Preserve Fills Some software packages, such as AutoCAD, are not capable of rendering exported 3D surfaces that have more than three or four vertices per face. Select this option to break up such faces into a set of triangles that can be properly rendered. The algorithm used works best on planar or nearly-planar surfaces, such as the top of an extruded circle. Even if Export Solids as ACIS Solids is selected, this option may be used to handle 3D objects that cannot be exported as ACIS solids. When in doubt, select this option (this increases the exported file size and the time necessary to export it, and may result in unwanted lines in some cases) Decompose 3D Symbols and Groups Line Weights Map Line Weights to Colors The traditional method of specifying line weights in a DXF/DWG file is to use a unique line color for each line weight. The thickness corresponding to each color is then specified at plotting or printing time. Newer DXF/DWG versions support true line weights, but most AutoCAD users are likely to be using colors nevertheless. Because DXF/DWG version 2000 and later supports limited true line weights, by default the Map Line Weights to Colors option is deselected and VectorWorks line weights are converted to the closest possible weight value automatically. Line weights with a value of zero are not exported. Some software packages cannot handle exported groups and symbols. If a problem occurs, select Decompose 3D Objects to convert symbols and groups to ungrouped objects. Do not select this option unless it is absolutely necessary.


| Chapter 16: Importing and Exporting Files

Description VW Line Weight (mm)
0 0.01 - 0.07 0.08 - 0.11 0.12 - 0.14 0.15 - 0.16 0.17 - 0.19 0.20 - 0.22 0.23 - 0.27 0.28 - 0.32 0.33 - 0.37 0.38 - 0.45 0.46 - 0.51


DXF Line Weight (mm)

Deleted 0.05 0.09 0.13 0.15 0.18 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.50

VW Line Weight (mm)

0.52 - 0.56 0.57 - 0.65 0.66 - 0.75 0.76 - 0.85 0.86 - 0.95 0.96 - 1.03 1.04 - 1.13 1.14 - 1.30 1.31 - 1.49 1.50 - 1.75 1.76 - 2.05 2.06 - 6.48

DXF Line Weight (mm)

0.53 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.06 1.20 1.40 1.58 2.00 2.11

Select this option to convert line weights to colors. Then during the export process, a list of line weights in the file displays. Specify the color to map to each of these line weights. To select a different color for a selected line weight, click the color box and select a color from the displayed options. For version 2000 and later, this option creates a .ctb file for each exported DXF/DWG file (named after the original .vwx file) containing color mapping information. The exported DXF/DWG file stores the name of the .ctb file in it. The AutoCAD user must put this in the support path, as AutoCAD does not read the .ctb file when it is simply included in the same folder as the DXF/DWG file. To avoid having a color table files for each exported file, use a single .ctb file for each unique set of mappings, and delete the others. When an exported file is opened in AutoCAD, edit the page setup and choose an appropriate color table file.

DXF/DWG File Import | Parameter Description

For earlier DXF/DWG versions, converting line weights to colors is recommended, and Map Line Weights to Colors should be selected. When re-importing the file, use the reverse process to convert the colors back to line weights.


Items Which Cannot Export to DXF/DWG

Certain VectorWorks items have no equivalent in DXF/DWG and therefore cannot be exported. Other items could be exported, but inadequate support in AutoCAD makes it inadvisable to do so. A few objects (such as worksheets) could in theory be exported to something useful, but VectorWorks currently lacks support for doing so. The following list includes items that do not export to DXF/DWG, for various reasons. Textures Rendered views Image props Lights EPS or vector PICTs in some cases Graying of layers and classes Individual layer scales Record format information attached to arbitrary objects RenderWorks background images Oblique cavalier and oblique cabinet projections Object names attached to arbitrary objects Layer transfer modes other than Paint Design layers with perspective views Depending on the export options, either layers or classes

DXF/DWG File Import

Consider the following points when importing from DXF/DWG to VectorWorks.

Line Weights

Import Notes
If no .ctb file is present and true line weights are present, then the line weights import exactly. If no .ctb file is present and no true line weights are present, values will have to be entered manually. The values in the dialog can be initialized by first importing a file that does have an associated .ctb file. This creates a hidden record that stores the mapping information. A template file could be created after doing such an import, to save the values for future use.


| Chapter 16: Importing and Exporting Files

Import Notes
Text is sometimes unlinked from symbols when imported to preserve the original look. Options are provided for preserving the links instead. Some text styles are not supported; text is deleted from 3D symbols when imported.

Model Space Entities Paper Space and Viewports Points Multilines bhatches, Images, and Wipeouts

Model space entities are imported as design layer objects. Each paper space layout creates a VW sheet layer when imported. DXF viewports are imported as VW viewports, with the same scale, view, and projection. Points are imported as symbols or as loci, depending on the file and the import options chosen. Multilines are imported as grouped lines. An option is provided to import them as walls. bhatch definitions are imported as hatch definitions. A single object associative bhatch with no islands is imported as an equivalent object with a solid or hatch fill. A multi-object, non-associative bhatch or associative bhatch is imported as an object with zero line weight and solid or hatch fill. A bhatch with islands is imported as one or more polylines with holes, with solid or hatch fill. Images referenced by the DXF/DWG file are imported as VectorWorks images. A wipeout is imported as a polygon with a solid fill that is the same color as the background.

Preparing to Import
VectorWorks imports versions 2.5 through 2007/2008 of DWG and text and binary DXF. Before import, the following steps are recommended to enhance the likelihood of a satisfactory translation: 1. Read Information Lost in Translation on page 526 for more information about the differences between DXF/ DWG and VectorWorks. 2. It is not necessary to explode the entire drawing in AutoCAD before importing. If a file is not importing correctly, try exploding individual problem objects before import. 3. If possible, communicate with the file originator. Determine the intended units, page size, and scale of the file, along with the intended color-to-line weight mapping, if any.

DXF/DWG Import Procedure

Multiple, single, or an entire folder of DXF/DWG files can be imported. The imported files can create new VectorWorks files, create new symbols, or be imported into the current file. The results of the import process are summarized in a log file. A master files external reference files (xrefs) are automatically bound during import. When a single DXF/DWG master file is imported, VectorWorks displays an alert if any xrefs are missing, along with the names of the missing files. (No alert appears when multiple files are imported.) Verify that the best possible options were selected for import by checking the imported file. If the import was not successful, try again with different options.

DXF/DWG File Import |


Importing DXF/DWG Files

For maximum flexibility when importing several DXF/DWG files, use the Import DXF/DWG command. To import DXF/DWG files: 1. Create a blank file and set the drawing size, or open an empty template that already has the correct drawing size. Importing into a drawing that is not blank can produce unexpected results and is not recommended. If more than one file is being imported into the current file with the Import DXF/DWG command, ensure that the files are very similar. 2. Select File > Import > Import DXF/DWG. The DXF/DWG Import dialog box opens.

Source One or More Files

Imports only one file or only certain files within a folder. Click Choose Files and choose one or more DXF/DWG files to import. The number of files selected and their location is displayed. Imports all files of the selected type (DXF only, DWG only, or DXF and DWG) from a specified folder. Click Choose Folder and choose the source folder.

All ___ Files in Folder


| Chapter 16: Importing and Exporting Files

If All Files in Folder is selected, includes all files of the selected type in all sub-folders.

Include Subfolders Destination Current File Symbols in Current File

Imports the selected file(s) into the current file. If several files are selected, a new layer is created for each imported model space. Imports the selected file(s) into the current file. Each file creates a separate symbol. This is convenient when importing part catalogs, for example. Paper space is not imported. Converts the selected file(s) into new, separate VectorWorks files in the selected folder. Click Choose Folder to choose the location. This is the best option when converting many files. If New Files in Folder is selected, select a template to use for each new file, or select Blank Document. The template can be useful for specifying the page size to use for model space objects (which can also affect dash scales and conversion of polyline widths). It also allows specification of a dimension standard, default color to line weight mappings, and in some cases, units.

New Files in Folder

Use Document Template

Import Options Use Default Use Custom Applies the default DXF/DWG import options to the imported files; see DXF/ DWG Import Options on page 541. Sets custom options for the file import; click Set Custom Options to open the DXF DWG Import Options dialog box (seeDXF/DWG Import Options on page 541). If several files will be imported, it is recommended that Units Setting In File be set to Determine Automatically.

3. Click OK to import the file(s). The progress of the import is displayed for each imported file during import. The final results of the import process are shown in the DXF/DWG Import Results dialog box.

4. Click Details to open the results log file. The log text file, named DXF_DWF Import Log, is placed in the specified destination folder if it exists, or in the VectorWorks application folder. New log information is appended to any existing log file.

DXF/DWG File Import |


Importing a Single DXF/DWG File

To import a single DXF or DWG file: 1. Create a blank file and set the drawing size, or open an empty template that already has the correct drawing size. Importing into a drawing that is not blank can produce unexpected results and is not recommended. This includes overwriting of dash styles and class attributes for existing objects in the drawing. Workgroup referencing may give better results in these cases. 2. Select File > Import > Import Single DXF/DWG File. The Import DXF/DWG Files dialog box opens. Select the file to import; the progress of the initial import is displayed. 3. During the import, the DXF DWG Import Options dialog box opens. Select appropriate import options as described in DXF/DWG Import Options on page 541. 4. Click OK to finish importing the file. A progress bar displays, along with the number of objects processed and free memory available. 5. Check the imported file.

DXF/DWG Import Options

The DXF DWG Import Options dialog box provides all the necessary options to import a DXF/DWG file with the maximum file integrity. The first tab, Primary Settings, contains important basic settings. The Graphic Attributes and Objects tabs contain settings for advanced users to customize the import process. Options that do not apply to the current file import appear dimmed, and an explanation displays next to the option. For example, if no paper space objects are contained in the DXF/DWG file to be imported, the Paper Space Units options is dimmed, and the message No paper space objects were found displays.

Primary Settings Tab

The options on the Primary Settings tab establish the basic import options.


| Chapter 16: Importing and Exporting Files

Model Space Units

Version 2000 and later DXF/DWG files support true units. When importing a file with true units, VectorWorks determines and sets the units automatically. If the DXF or DWG file does not contain true units information, VectorWorks tries to guess the units setting; however, it may still require adjusting (see Setting Units Manually on page 544). VectorWorks tries to determine the imported files unit settings, and displays the information to the right of Units Setting in File, along with the unit format (such as Architectural), and the scaling factor that will be assumed (such as 1 DXF Units = 1). To use the displayed unit settings in the VectorWorks file, select Determine Automatically from the list, and also select Set VectorWorks Units to Match. To use another unit type (such as Centimeters), select it from the list, and also select Set VectorWorks Units to Match. To use a custom unit type, or to change the defaulted scaling factor, select Custom from the list, and then specify the units in the text boxes. Enter the unitless DXF/ DWG number in the first box, and a number with units in the second box. (For example, 15 DXF Units = 1 in the VectorWorks drawing.) The units displayed in the second box are the same as the current VectorWorks document settings, but other units can be entered as long as the appropriate units suffix is included, such as 3 cm. Also select Set VectorWorks Units to Match. To use the units currently set in the VectorWorks file, select Use VectorWorks Document Units. VectorWorks assumes that 1 DXF unit = 1 current document unit when importing objects.

Units Setting In File

DXF/DWG File Import | Parameter

Set VectorWorks Units to Match


Changes the VectorWorks document units and units format to match the DXF/DWG file being imported; the physical sizes of imported objects will not be affected. This option is disabled when Use VectorWorks Document Units is selected from the Units Setting In File list. Select the paper space units for converting paper space objects. Version 2000 and later DXF/DWG files can have multiple paper space layouts, with each layout having its own units setting; if that is the case, select By Layout (this option is not available for earlier versions of DXF/DWG). Once the units have been determined, specify the scale for VectorWorks to display the imported file. Choosing the model space scale is important. The scale affects the dash length scaling and the conversion of polylines with widths (world-space line weights) to VectorWorks line weights. If the scale or drawing size are set incorrectly, some polylines may seem to have the wrong line weight and some dashes may be too long or too short.

Paper Space Units

Model Space

Fit to Page This Scale

VectorWorks estimates a scale based on the bounds of all of the objects in model space; the scale fits those objects on the page. Select this option to use the estimated value. To import at a different scale, set the scale manually. Click Scale to open the standard Layer Scale dialog box, and select the desired scale. (All Layers and Scale Text do not apply to DXF/DWG files.) Click OK to return to the Primary Settings tab, and the selected scale displays. Select this option to center imported objects on the page in the VectorWorks document. The origin is moved so that the most recent import has correct coordinates. In other words, if all the imported objects are shifted to be centered on the page, then the user origin shifts by the same amount. Only objects from the current import are moved though, so previously imported objects do not get centered and thus are no longer at the same location relative to the user origin. Deselect this option to position imported objects according to either the user origin currently set in the VectorWorks document, or the internal world origin (a constant), depending on the Use World Origin Instead of User Origin setting. Deselecting Center After Import keeps origins aligned for multiple file imports. Note that some imported objects may display off of the page if Center After Import is not selected.

Center After Import

Use World Origin Instead of User Origin

If Center After Import is not selected, select this option to position imported objects in VectorWorks according to the world origin (a constant value in all VectorWorks documents). Deselect this option to position imported objects according to the user origin currently set in the VectorWorks document.


| Chapter 16: Importing and Exporting Files

DXF/DWG files are 3D in nature. From the Convert Objects To list, specify whether objects should be imported as 3D, 2D, or a mixture of 2D and 3D. Generally, select the 2D and 3D option, which converts objects that appear to be 2D (planar objects parallel to or in the ground plane) to VectorWorks 2D objects. The remaining objects are imported as 3D. Because VectorWorks does not have 3D text, selecting 2D and 3D can cause text in 3D symbols to be deleted. In addition, objects parallel to the ground plane that have a thickness are imported as 3D even though the originator of the file may not have intended for them to be 3D. If problems occur, import all objects as 2D by selecting All 2D. A warning displays if selecting this option will distort any objects, such as 3D symbols with 3D rotation. If the file contains only a 3D model, select the All 3D option. Otherwise, parts of a large object composed of several entities could be converted to 2D. Occasionally, none of the choices is appropriate for all the objects. In this case, select the option that best converts most of the objects.

2D/3D Conversion

Sometimes DXF/DWG drawings are split up into pieces and saved as separate files, such as different areas of a large city map. When multiple files like this are imported into one file, they need to have their coordinates aligned, and their layer scale set the same. The recommended workflow is to import the first file with the default Fit to Page scale, and with Center After Import turned on. For subsequent files, manually set the scale to the same scale defaulted for the first file, and turn off the centering option. The Primary Settings tab covers the basic requirements for importing a DXF/DWG file. If the results are not satisfactory, explore the options on the Graphic Attributes and Objects tabs.

Setting Units Manually

If objects seem to be the wrong physical size after import, ensure that the units chosen are correct. (Model Space Scale only affects the display, but Units Setting in File affects the actual measured size of the objects.) DXF/DWG files do not always have the true units set, and sometimes have incorrect units set. VectorWorks guesses the units based on the information available, and indicates what it found in the dynamic text at the top of the pane. If the guess is wrong, set the units manually. If you do not know the correct units, but you know the true length of one of the objects in the drawing, determine the true units as follows. Import the file and choose Custom units, setting the edit boxes to something like 1 DXF Units = 1". After import, measure the size of the object that you know the true length of. Close the document and redo the import, but this time set the units to Custom with these values in the edit boxes: (measured length) DXF Units = (true length). For example, if the true length is 1", but the measured length is 2.54", enter 2.54 DXF Units = 1". (Do not include units in the first box, and if in feet and inches mode, just use the total measured length in inches.) If VectorWorks finds an exact match for that ratio, it will change the Custom choice to the correct units. (In the example above, it changes it to Centimeters.) If the measurements and the ratio are not exact (for example, 2.539 instead of 2.54), manually adjust it to a standard ratio. Common ratios have values such as 1, 12, 2.54, and powers of 10. Examples: 1/12, 12/10, 2.54/0.01, etc. If you do not know any true lengths, but the document contains dimension objects that show lengths, follow the steps just described with the following change: Select Convert Dimensions to Groups (see Objects Tab on page 547), import, and use the value in the imported dimension object as the true length.

DXF/DWG File Import |


Normally VectorWorks leaves the document units setting unchanged after an import. If a DXF/DWG file is set to meters, but the VectorWorks document is set to feet and inches, then a dimension object that shows 1 meter in the original file will show as 3'3.37" in the imported file. If you want the imported drawing to be the same as the original, select the Set VectorWorks Units to Match option. You can also import with the option to convert dimensions to groups (see Objects Tab on page 547) if you want the document to stay in the current units, but you want the dimensions to look the same as in the original.

Graphic Attributes Tab

The Graphic Attributes tab contains settings for advanced users to customize the import process.


| Chapter 16: Importing and Exporting Files

Most DXF/DWG files do not use true line weights, although that is starting to change. Color is traditionally used to indicate line weights. There are some standards that specify mappings between colors and line weights, but those standards are often ignored. VectorWorks automatically chooses the standard mappings when exporting, if the document does not already have a hidden record left over from a previous export or import that specifies the mappings. When importing, VectorWorks does not choose the standard mappings, but rather defaults to a reasonable line weight for all colors, implicitly alerting the user that they should determine the true mappings that are desired. If desired, specify mappings by selecting Map Colors to Line Weights. Select the desired color mapping during the import process; if necessary, communicate with the file originator to determine the correct line weights. The colored lines can be changed to black (or white if the background is black). Select Set Colors to Black and White. Note that most DXF/DWG files are created with a black background, and the colors may not show up well on a white background. Version 2000 and later uses .ctb files to store color mapping information, but it also supports line weights, so these options may or may not be needed. If no .ctb file is detected during import, and true line weights are present, Map Colors to Line Weights is deselected automatically, and the line weights import exactly. If no .ctb file is detected, and true line weights are not present, Map Colors to Line Weights is selected automatically. A dialog box displays to allow manual mapping (by default, all colors are mapped to the same line weight, or to the last mapping used during the current session). If a .ctb file is detected, Map Colors to Line Weights is selected automatically, and VectorWorks reads the file to determine how colors should map to line weights. A dialog box displays to allow manual mapping (values are pre-set by the mapping file; duplicate mappings are indicated by italics).

Color and Line Weights

Dash Patterns

In some files, dash lengths may import at an inappropriate scale. Change the dash length scale by selecting Manually Scale All Dash Lengths by and entering a scale value. A suggested scale value is displayed. The scaling does not affect line thickness. VectorWorks converts any dash patterns that are extremely small to solid lines to avoid unacceptable slowdowns during file display and printing.

DXF/DWG File Import | Parameter



DXF/DWG layers correspond more closely to classes in VectorWorks than they do to VectorWorks layers. Normally, import DXF/DWG layers as VectorWorks classes. There is no equivalent to VectorWorks layers in a DXF/DWG file. When DXF/DWG layers are mapped to VectorWorks layers, a warning displays if some of the objects in symbols or groups would leave their original layers and take on the layer of the symbol or group. For simple files without blocks, or files with objects inside the block that are set to by block attributes, importing layers as VectorWorks layers should pose no problems. To group imported DXF layers in VectorWorks class and layer lists for easy identification, select Add Prefix to Imported DXF Layers. Enter the custom prefix to use in the field to the right of the checkbox. If Import DXF Layers As Classes is selected, the prefix and a hyphen is added to the beginning of the class name when imported into VectorWorks. Similarly, If Import DXF Layers As Layers is selected, the prefix and a hyphen is added to the beginning of the layer name when imported into VectorWorks. Rays and Xlines (or construction lines) are DXF/DWG objects that are similar to VectorWorks guides. A ray starts at a point and goes off to infinity, while a construction line is anchored at a point and goes off to infinity in both directions. Select Rays and XLines use Guides Class to convert Rays and Construction Lines into lines in the Guides class, which are of finite length.

Objects Tab
The Objects tab contains settings for advanced users to customize the import process. In particular, decisions about preserving object visibility and record field links are available.


| Chapter 16: Importing and Exporting Files

DXF/DWG Points act either like the locus in VectorWorks (a drawing aid that is not printed), or like a symbol that is visible and can be printed. Select whether to import points as Loci or as Symbols. The default behavior is to import as symbols if the point style has specified a real world size (that is, it is zoom invariant and always prints the same), or as loci if the point style is specified as a percentage of the pixel size of the drawing window (that is, it varies with the zoom level). Select Use Guides Class to import points as Symbols in the VectorWorks Guides Class; this allows them to be hidden. In VectorWorks, use the Show/Hide Guides commands to toggle their display. Attributes in a DXF/DWG file are similar to linked text in VectorWorks. Select how to handle attribute conversion into VectorWorks symbol linked text. Regardless of the selection, record formats will be created based on the attributes found during import, and imported blocks with attributes will have record formats attached. Choose a Linked Text Handling method from the list. Depending on the file to be imported, not all options are available. Preserve Look and Links This option should be selected when available. The attributes will display as they did in the DXF/DWG file, and they will be converted to symbol linked text. If the file contains invisible attributes or attributes that override the attribute definitions, this option is not available. Preserve Look This is the next best option. The attributes will look and print as they did in the DXF/ DWG file, but some symbol text may become unlinked, if necessary, to preserve the look. Symbol record field updates are not reflected in unlinked text. With this option, an individual symbol could have a mixture of linked and unlinked text. This option is available when the DXF/DWG file contains attributes marked as invisible. This type of attribute is converted in to a record format attached to a symbol, but is not converted to linked text. The look of the drawing should be preserved, but minor changes to visibility are possible. The advantage of this method is that linked text is preserved for all visible attributes. The link between record fields and symbol text is preserved with this option. Any invisible attributes will become visible. The look of the DXF/DWG file may not be preserved, but the symbol text will not be unlinked. All attribute text is hidden upon import. The information is still attached to the object in record format, but it is not visible. Each block attribute imports as a record format field. Select Group Record Fields to group those fields into a single record format. VectorWorks groups sets of attributes into record formats if they have the same set of field names. For example, if two blocks (symbols) have attributes with field names of color and part number, both blocks are converted with the same record format. If one of the blocks has color, part number, and price, while the other only has two of those, then the blocks are converted with different record formats. When grouped, the record format name is created from the names of the first few fields in the record format. Deselect Group Record Fields to create one record format per field, with no grouping. Without grouping, the record format uses the same name as the record field.


Block Attributes

Preserve Visible Links

Preserve All Links

Hide All Group Record Fields

DXF/DWG File Import | Parameter



Multilines (or mlines) are similar in some ways to walls in VectorWorks, in that they can have breaks that are healed and can be connected to other multilines. There are several significant differences between multilines and walls, but an option is provided to import multilines as walls. Do not select this option unless all multilines in the DXF/ DWG file are intended to be walls. When importing multilines as walls, the wall heights may need to be adjusted. This can be done quickly by selecting Tools > Custom Selection, selecting all walls, and changing their height in the Object Info palette.


Select Convert Dimension to Groups to preserve the look of the original dimensions by converting them into groups, rather than as recognized VectorWorks dimension objects.

Dimensions are imported using the files current unit and dimension standard settings. The Convert Dimension to Groups option is most helpful when the dimension standard used in the DXF/DWG file is unknown.

DXF/DWG Items Which Cannot Import to VectorWorks

Certain DXF/DWG items have no equivalent in VectorWorks and cannot be imported. A few other objects theoretically could be imported, but VectorWorks does not currently support them. Named views Tables rtext SHX fonts Gradients Textures Lights Cropping block and images User coordinate systems (UCS) Custom line styles and shape files DXF groups (named selection sets, not the same as VectorWorks groups) Certain objects from industry-specific variations of AutoCAD, if those objects do not have proxy graphics saved in the file


| Chapter 16: Importing and Exporting Files

Using Working Planes

Understanding the Working Plane


The working plane is an important concept in VectorWorks for working in 3D. This section covers all aspects of the working plane, including aligning, rotating, moving, and saving the working plane position.

Every VectorWorks drawing has a ground plane and a working plane. The ground plane provides a constant visual and logical reference and is fixed in relation to the objects in the drawing. In an architectural sense, the ground plane is like the ground level of a building. In most cases, architects use this plane as the basis for their drawings. Therefore, the location of VectorWorks working plane defaults to that of the ground plane. However, in other disciplines, or in certain circumstances, the orientation of the working plane needs to change. The working plane can be moved, aligned to different objects or surfaces, and rotated, unlike the ground plane, which remains constant at the internal drawing center.

Ground plane

Working plane

Every object created in VectorWorks is placed in relation to the ground plane, whether it is placed directly on that plane or placed above or below it. The working plane helps to easily create and position objects in 3D space. It allows you to draw while in an isometric view and position objects exactly where they are needed. When changing the location of the working plane, the ground plane remains displayed, providing a constant frame of reference while adjusting the working plane.
Above the working plane

On the working plane

Below the working plane Above the ground plane

For example, for a drawing of a complex machine, with numerous gears, cams, rollers, and other parts that intersect on multiple planes, the working plane can be changed to different locations and angles in relation to the ground plane. Creating or locating objects according to the working plane allows highly accurate positioning of the objects in 3D space.


| Chapter 17: Using Working Planes

In addition, some tools require a vector or plane. The 3D viewing tools can use the working plane to define their center and/or axis of rotation, while the Mirror tool mirrors the selected 3D objects across the working plane. The location of 3D tools in 3D space is taken from the point on the working plane directly behind the pointer, or from a snap point if they are snapped to an object.

Appearance of the Planes

In any view other than Top/Plan, the ground plane is represented in gray. When the working plane and the ground plane are located in the same position, only the ground plane is shown. However, once the location of the working plane changes, it is represented on the screen as a pink grid. Dotted gray lines indicate the intersection of the ground and working planes.

Ground plane and working plane together in 3D View

Ground plane with working plane in different orientation

Dotted lines represent the intersection of the ground and working planes

If the grid lines are not visible, select Show Grid Lines in the Set Grid dialog box (see Snap and Reference Grids on page 55). The working plane is displayed with five control points, or handles. These handles are used for rotating and repositioning the plane. The center handle is located at the plane origin, while the remaining four handles are at the center of each of the four edges of the plane. See Moving and Rotating the Working Plane on page 558 for more details. Both the working plane and ground plane also include a darker, thicker set of lines representing the X and Y or I and J axes. These lines allow you to easily keep track of the location of the axes regardless of the orientation of the plane. To label the axes, select Show 3D axis labels on the 3D tab of the VectorWorks Preferences dialog box.

Setting the Working Plane Location

The Set Working Plane tool changes the position and angle of the working plane. Set the working plane to any location in 3D space in order to accurately place objects. The Set Working Plane tool has two modes:
Three Points Planar Face

Setting the Working Plane Location | Mode

Three Points Planar Face


Defines the working plane by three, 3D points, or according to the surface of a rendered object Aligns the working plane to a selected planar face

Setting the Working Plane with Three Points

Two methods are available for defining the working plane in Three Points mode. The first method allows the position and angle of the working plane to be set by defining the origin and axes of the new working plane location. The second method sets the position and angle of the working plane according to a rendered objects surface.

Setting the Working Plane

Work in wireframe mode to save time. To set the working plane with three points: 1. Select a view other than Top/Plan. 2. Click the Set Working Plane tool from the 3D Modeling tool set, and then select Three Points from the Tool bar. 3. Click to set the first point. This becomes the center of the working plane. 4. Click to set the second point. This corresponds to the working plane I axis. 5. Select the third point. Once the third point is defined, VectorWorks automatically sets the working plane to intersect all three points.
2nd click 3rd click

1st click

Setting the Working Plane to a Rendered Objects Surface

The working plane can be defined according to the surface of a rendered object. To set the working plane to a rendered objects surface: 1. Select a view other than Top/Plan and a rendering mode for the drawing. Select a rendering mode of Unshaded Polygon, Shaded Polygon, Shaded Polygon No Lines, or Final Shaded Polygon. 2. Click the Set Working Plane tool from the 3D Modeling tool set, and then select Three Points from the Tool bar. The cursor changes to a pointing hand when over the surface of a rendered object.


| Chapter 17: Using Working Planes

3. Click on the surface to use for defining the working plane location.

Click the rendered surface to use for aligning the working plane

The working plane position is set to the selected surface.

Setting the Working Plane to a Planar Face

Planar Face mode is particularly useful when aligning the working plane to the top of an object without sharp corners (like a cylinder); instead of clicking in three places, only the planar face of the object needs to be selected. To set the working plane to a planar face: 1. Select a view other than Top/Plan. 2. Click the Set Working Plane tool from the 3D Modeling tool set, and then select Planar Face from the Tool bar.

3. If more than one face is available for selection, the Select Face dialog box opens. Click the arrows until the desired face is highlighted, and then click OK. The working plane is aligned to the selected face.

Aligning Objects to the Working Plane |


Aligning Objects to the Working Plane

One way to align objects precisely in 3D space is to align them to the working plane.

Setting Objects to the Working Plane with Three Points

To align an object to the working plane with three points: 1. Select a view other than Top/Plan. 2. Set the working plane location as desired. Select the object to align to the working plane. 3. Click the Align Plane tool from the 3D Modeling tool set. 4. Click a location on the object to align with the origin of the working plane. 5. Click a second point on the object to define the X axis. The line between the first and second points defines the X axis. 6. Click a third point on the object to define the Y axis. The line between the first and third points defines the Y axis. The object aligns itself to the working plane as defined by these points. If the surface was mistakenly aligned to the wrong side of the working plane, use the Mirror tool to flip the object to the opposite side of the working plane.
Working plane

First click Second click Third click

Object aligned to working plane

Setting a Rendered Objects Surface to the Working Plane

A rendered object can be aligned to the working plane. To align a rendered object to the working plane: 1. Select a view other than Top/Plan and a rendering mode for the drawing. The projection must be other than 2D Plan, with a rendering mode of Unshaded Polygon, Shaded Polygon, Shaded Polygon No Lines, or Final Shaded Polygon. 2. Click the Align Plane tool from the 3D Modeling tool set. The cursor changes to a pointing hand when over the surface of a rendered object. 3. Click on the surface to align to the working plane.


| Chapter 17: Using Working Planes

Click the rendered surface to align to the working plane

The objects selected surface is aligned to the working plane.

The Working Planes Palette

The Working Planes palette displays working plane positions that have been set and saved while working on a drawing. From this palette, switch between working plane positions, name and save working plane positions, and select the working plane display mode. Combine these features with the Set Working Plane tool and the Align Plane tool to accurately control the placement and alignment of objects in 3D space.

Accessing Existing Working Plane Positions

Initially, when the working plane position has not yet been changed, the only position saved in the Working Planes palette is that of the ground plane location. Once the position of the working plane has been changed, there are two ways to access existing working plane positions.

Accessing Working Plane Positions from the Current Drawing Session

To access unsaved working plane positions: 1. Select Window > Palettes > Working Planes. The Working Planes palette opens. 2. Click the left and right arrow buttons to cycle through the last ten unsaved positions from the current drawing session. These positions are not permanently saved with the drawing. Once it has been named, a working plane position can no longer be accessed with the left and right arrows.

Saving and Accessing Working Plane Positions

The working plane position can be permanently saved with the drawing and accessed later from the Working Planes palette. Once named, the plane position is no longer included in the list of the working planes accessed by the left and right arrows on the Working Planes palette. To permanently save a working plane position: 1. Select Window > Palettes > Working Planes. The Working Planes palette opens. 2. Select the working plane position to save. The left and right arrows cycle the drawing area through the most recent working plane positions. 3. Click Add. The Assign Name dialog box opens.

The Working Planes Palette |

4. Enter a name for the working plane position.


5. Click OK. Saved working plane positions are displayed in alphabetical order in the palette. To access a saved working plane position, double-click its name in the Working Planes palette.

Deleting and Renaming Working Plane Positions

With the exception of the ground plane position, any named working plane position in the drawing can be deleted or renamed. The ground plane position is the default, common to all drawings, and it cannot be deleted or renamed. Planes are listed in alphabetical order under the ground plane. To delete a working plane position: 1. Select Window > Palettes > Working Planes. The Working Planes palette opens. 2. Select the desired working plane from the list. 3. Click Delete. The working plane is removed from the list. To rename a working plane position: 1. Select Window > Palettes > Working Planes. The Working Planes palette opens. 2. Select the desired working plane from the list. 3. Click Rename. The Assign Name dialog box opens. 4. Enter a new, unique name for the working plane. 5. Click OK. The working plane is renamed.

Working Plane View and Modes

The three buttons at the bottom of the working planes palette control how the working plane is viewed and how it interacts with certain tools and commands.


| Chapter 17: Using Working Planes

Look At Working Plane

Changes the view to be perpendicular to the working plane; similar to the Top view under the View menu in that you are looking straight at the working plane Sets the ground plane as the reference for tools such as the Flyover tool, Walkthrough tool, and other viewing tools; used with the Flyover tools rotation center mode Sets the working plane as the reference for tools such as the Flyover tool, Walkthrough tool, and other viewing tools; used with the Flyover tools rotation center mode

Ground Plane Mode

Working Plane Mode

Moving and Rotating the Working Plane

Moving and rotating the working plane can be performed either by using the handles on the plane or by menu commands. Moving the handles with the mouse is a quick method, but not as accurate. The commands allow exact values to be specified. When making changes to the working plane position, select Show 3D axis labels on the 3D tab of the VectorWorks Preferences dialog box.

Moving the Working Plane by Dragging

Move the working plane by dragging its center handle along the I, J, K or X, Y, Z axes. To move the working plane by dragging: 1. Switch to a 3D view. A view other than Top/Plan is required to move the working plane. 2. Click the 3D Selection tool from the Basic palette. 3. Place the cursor near the center handle to move the plane in I, J space, or directly over the center handle to move the plane in X, Y space, as indicated by the small letters next to the cursor. Pressing the Alt key (Windows) or Option key (Macintosh) with the cursor near the center handle moves the origin along the K axis or the Z axis, as indicated by the small letter next to the cursor. 4. Click to begin moving the plane. 5. Click to place the plane in the desired location.

Moving and Rotating the Working Plane |


Cursor placed at center handle of the working plane

With the Alt/ Option key held down, the working plane moves up along the Z axis

Moving the Working Plane Precisely

To move the working plane with the Move Working Plane command: 1. Switch to a view other than Top/Plan. The working plane cannot be moved in Top/Plan view. 2. Select View > Move Working Plane. The Move Working Plane dialog box opens. If moving along the X, Y, Z axes, the working plane is moved in relation to ground plane. If moving along the I, J, K axes, the working plane is moved in relation to itself. Specify the desired offset; values can be positive or negative.

3. Click OK. The working plane moves according to the values entered.


| Chapter 17: Using Working Planes

Rotating the Working Plane by Dragging

To rotate the working plane by dragging its handles: 1. Switch to a view other than Top/Plan. The working plane cannot be rotated in Top/Plan view. 2. Click the 3D Selection tool from the Basic palette. 3. Position the cursor near the desired handle. Placing the cursor near one of the outside handles will rotate the plane about the K, J or I, J axis, indicated by a small letter and a rotation arrow next to the cursor. 4. Click to begin rotating the plane. The working plane snaps to standard preset angles (30, 45, 60, and 90 degrees) as it rotates close to them. 5. Click to place the plane in the desired location.

Move the control point in the desired direction to move the working plane

Rotating the Working Plane Precisely

The Rotate Working Plane command provides the most precise way to rotate the working plane. Specify degrees, minutes, and seconds to rotate the plane.

Moving and Rotating the Working Plane |

The rotation value display (degrees, minutes, and/or seconds) depends on the Units setting. See Units on page 53 for more information on setting the units. To rotate the working plane with the Rotate Working Plane command: 1. Switch to a view other than Top/Plan. The working plane cannot be rotated in Top/Plan view. 2. Select View > Rotate Working Plane. The Rotate Working Plane dialog box opens.


Rotation Angle Rotation Axis

Specifies the rotation angle value Select X, Y, or Z for rotating about the ground plane axis, or I, J, or K for rotating about the working plane axis

3. Click OK.

Working plane rotated 20 degrees about the J axis


| Chapter 17: Using Working Planes



VectorWorks worksheet functions complement its drawing functionality, making it a complete package for the entire work process. From the information present in the file, worksheets can be created to track data, create cost and material lists, perform calculations, and more. Information in worksheets can be created and edited without leaving the VectorWorks file; eliminating the need for a separate program and reducing the number of files per project. Worksheets in VectorWorks include both database and spreadsheet functionality. Data can be obtained from the drawing, and then calculations can be performed on that data.

Worksheets can be imported and exported, allowing data to be shared between worksheets, files, and other spreadsheet programs. A worksheet can also be added to a drawing and printed.

Creating Worksheets
For complex drawings, it is best to create separate worksheets for each task rather than one large worksheet. Worksheets can be linked to share data, formulas, and calculations. Worksheets can be created in several ways. A blank worksheet can be created through the Resource Browser, and then edited to display the desired information. The Create Report command uses information already present in the drawing to create a worksheet. Worksheets can also be imported from other VectorWorks files and other spreadsheet programs. If the same set of objects are typically used in your drawings, you can create a template file with a worksheet that serves as a master price list listing all the objects and their costs. Then, to create materials lists and cost estimates for a new design, simply import or reference the worksheet in the new drawing file. To create a blank worksheet: 1. Select Window > Palettes > Resource Browser. 2. From the Resources menu, select New Resource to display the New Resource menu. 3. Select Worksheet. The Create Worksheet dialog box opens.


| Chapter 18: Worksheets

Name Rows / Columns

Enter a worksheet name; it can be renamed later through the Resource Browser by selecting the worksheet and clicking Rename from the Resources menu Enter the number of rows and columns for the worksheet; the number of rows and columns can be modified later

4. Click OK. A new worksheet window opens.

See Using Worksheets on page 566 for information on how to use the worksheet. The worksheet is saved with the file and is listed in the Resource Browser. It can also be accessed by selecting Window > Worksheets.

Creating Reports
The Create Report command automatically creates a worksheet with database rows containing data from existing symbols or record formats. To create a report from record formats or symbols: 1. Select Tools > Reports > Create Report. The Create Report dialog box opens. Specify the report criteria. Items in the Worksheet Columns list are listed in the order in which they will appear in the worksheet; to change the order, click in the # column and drag the item to the desired position in the list and worksheet.

Creating Worksheets |


Title List all List objects with record Possible Columns Worksheet Columns Add / Add All Remove / Remove All Summarize items with the same Options

Assign a worksheet title Select to either list all objects with a record or list all symbols If listing all objects with a record, select the record format to include Lists the columns that can be selected for inclusion in the worksheet Lists the columns selected for inclusion in the worksheet. Initially, all possible columns are placed in the Worksheet Columns list. Items that will be used as worksheet columns appear dimmed in the Possible Columns list. To add a column to the worksheet, select it in the Possible Columns list and click Add; click Add All to move all the columns to the Worksheet Columns list To remove an item from the worksheet, select it in the Worksheet Columns list and click Remove; click Remove All to move all the columns to the Possible Columns list Summarizes symbols or record formats containing identical fields, rather than creating a new database row for each; select the field to summarize Specifies additional report options

2. Click Options to specify additional report criteria. The Create Report Options dialog box opens.


| Chapter 18: Worksheets

New worksheet Append to existing worksheet Search in symbols Search in plug-in objects

Select to create a new worksheet Select to append the information to a worksheet, and then select the target worksheet Select to search symbol instances for embedded records and symbols or include this information in the worksheet Select to search plug-in object instances for embedded records or symbols and include this information in the worksheet

3. Click OK to return to the Create Report dialog box. 4. Click OK to create the worksheet. The worksheet opens automatically and consists of the specified columns, and contains a sub-row for each object or symbol in the drawing. The first data row shows the total value for the column.

5. The worksheet is saved with the file and is listed in the Resource Browser.

Using Worksheets
When worksheets exist in an open file, Window > Worksheets becomes available. All the worksheets present in the indicated file are listed, and can be opened by selecting them from the sub-menu. Worksheets with a check mark are currently open. Worksheets can also be opened from the Resource Browser by selecting the worksheet from the list and selecting Open from the Resources menu.

Using Worksheets |


A worksheet opens in a separate window; it can be resized, moved, and closed. Worksheets contain a separate menu and command icons (see Worksheet Commands on page 569). Because an open worksheet is in a separate window, it is not printed with the drawing. To include a worksheet as part of a drawing, select the worksheet in the Resource Browser and click Worksheet on Drawing from the Resources menu. When the worksheet is open, the worksheet on the drawing displays as an X. When the worksheet is closed, the updated worksheet displays on the drawing. Double-click the worksheet from the drawing to open it. See Worksheets as Graphic Objects on page 585. The worksheet appearance can be specified with a variety of formatting options (see Formatting Worksheet Cells on page 572). The format is retained when the worksheet is included on the drawing. The appearance of the worksheet background (fill, pen, and line thickness) can also be modified from the Attributes palette. In a VectorWorks worksheet, rows are numbered sequentially starting with 1, and columns are labeled alphabetically starting with A. The cells row number and column letter indicate the spreadsheet cell address (database sub-rows display a blank address). Cells can contain text, numbers, or formulas.
Worksheet name Current cell address Worksheet menu Spreadsheet cells Database row Increase the column width to view this number Formula bar Text

Database sub-rows

When an empty worksheet is first created, all rows contain spreadsheet cells. Once created, database rows are marked with a diamond shape next to the row number. The database header row contains the criteria, while the database sub-rows represent the objects that meet the specified criteria. For more information on spreadsheet cells and database rows, see Worksheet Rows on page 577.

Moving Around in Worksheets

The following table describes the keys used to move around in the worksheet.

Arrow (Up, Down, Right, Left) Tab Enter Shift+Tab Shift+Enter

Moves by one cell in the direction indicated Moves right by one cell Moves down by one cell Moves left by one cell Moves up by one cell

If more than one cell is selected, movement is restricted to the selected cells only.

Selecting and Editing Worksheet Cells

Enter data in the currently selected cell with the worksheet Formula bar.


| Chapter 18: Worksheets

Selecting Cells
To select cells: Select a single cell: Click on the cell. The cell contents, for spreadsheet rows and database header rows, are displayed in the worksheet Formula bar. Select a range of cells: Click-drag across a range of cells to select them, or click in one corner and Shift-click in the opposite corner. Select an entire column or row: Click on the header cell. Click-drag across the header cells to select multiple rows or columns. Select non-contiguous cells, rows, or columns: Press and hold the Ctrl (Windows) or Command (Macintosh) key while clicking on each cell, row, or column to select. Select the entire worksheet: Click at the top left worksheet cell.

Editing Cells
Spreadsheet cells can be edited. To edit a cell: 1. Select the cell. The cell contents are displayed in the worksheet Formula bar.

2. Type directly in the Formula bar to enter text, numbers, or a formula. 3. To accept the edits and change the cell contents, click on the green check mark button. To cancel the edits, click on the red X. 4. If necessary, adjust the width of the cell columns or cell rows by dragging the divider bar between the cell header columns or cell header rows. Alternatively, select the Column Width command from the Worksheet menu (see Column Width on page 570). Adjust the row height with the Row Height command from the Worksheet menu (see Row Height on page 570). Multiple rows or columns can be adjusted at one time. Text that is longer than the width of a cell floats over empty adjacent cells. Numbers that exceed the cell width are displayed with # characters. Alternatively, text can be set to wrap (see Formatting Worksheet Cells on page 572).

Cutting, Copying, and Pasting Cell Contents

The standard shortcut keys for Cut (Ctrl+X for Windows, Command+X for Macintosh), Copy (Ctrl+C for Windows, Command+C for Macintosh), and Paste (Ctrl+V for Windows, Command+V for Macintosh) can be used for worksheet editing. The same value or formula can be copied to a range of cells.

Using Worksheets |
To copy cell contents to a range of cells:


1. Select the cell with the information to repeat and copy the cell by pressing Command+C (Macintosh) or Ctrl+C (Windows). 2. Select the destination cells for the information and paste by pressing Command+V (Macintosh) or Ctrl+V (Windows). The formula or value is repeated in each of the selected cells.

Adding Rows and Columns

Rows and columns can be inserted with the Insert command on the worksheet menu (see Worksheet Commands on page 569). In addition, placing the cursor at the bottom right corner of the worksheet activates a special cursor which allows rows and/or columns to be added by dragging.

Hover the cursor over the bottom right corner of the worksheet to obtain the insert cursor; drag to add columns and/or rows

Worksheet Commands
Specific worksheet commands are separate from the main window and are accessed through the Worksheet menu.
Current cell Cancel Accept entry

Descending sort icon

Summarize icon Ascending sort icon

Worksheet menu

Worksheet row context menu Worksheet cell context menu


| Chapter 18: Worksheets

The worksheet commands and the buttons at the top of the worksheet are defined in the following table.

Worksheet Command
Worksheet Menu Arrow

Displays the commands and functions for the selected cell(s)

Recalculate Paste Criteria Paste Function Database Headers Format Cells Column Width

Recalculates all formulas in all worksheets, whether open or closed; this function can also be accessed from the worksheet image (on drawing) context menu Displays the Criteria dialog box; select search criteria to insert in a formula Displays the Select Function dialog box; select function to be inserted in the formula (see Entering Formulas on page 580) Toggles between displaying and hiding all worksheet database header rows Opens the Format Cells dialog box, for setting the format and appearance of selected cells (see Formatting Worksheet Cells on page 572) Displays the Column Width dialog box. Set the width value of selected cells in the specified units. Click Standard Width to use the default width. The width of multiple selected columns can be adjusted at one time. Opens the Row Height dialog box; set the row height to automatically fit the selected cell contents, or set a specific row height in the specified units. The height of multiple selected rows can be adjusted at one time. Displays the Worksheet Preferences dialog box. Header and Footer text fields and the Margin settings apply to printed worksheets only. Select Show Grid to display the worksheet gridlines. Select Show Tabs to print worksheet column and row headers. Select Auto-recalc to recalculate all worksheet arithmetic functions when cells are edited. Click Font to specify the worksheet default font and size. Deletes the contents of the selected cells Adds rows or columns to the worksheet. Select one or more rows or columns; the number selected determines the number inserted. Select Insert > Rows to add rows above the selected rows. Select Insert > Columns to add columns to the left of the selected columns. Use caution when inserting rows or columns. Depending on the type of cell references used in formulas, inserting rows or columns could change the values returned by a formula.

Row Height


Clear Contents Insert


Deletes rows or columns from the worksheet. Select one or more rows or columns and select Delete > Rows or Delete > Columns. Use caution when deleting a row or column. Ensure that its cells are not part of a formula. Deleting cells that are part of a formula may change the values returned by the formula. Select Edit > Undo to undo the action.

Printer Setup Print

Displays the Printer Setup dialog box. This is the same as the standard Printer Setup dialog box; however, it only affects the printer information for the worksheet. Displays the Print dialog box, to print the current worksheet; this is the only way to print a worksheet from VectorWorks unless the worksheet is included as a part of the drawing

Using Worksheets | Worksheet Command

Descending Sort Icon


Sorts the database sub-rows in a column in descending order. To apply, select the database row to sort. Click and drag the icon to the desired column header. A numbered icon displays next to the column heading letter. The number indicates the sort precedence for that column. To remove the sort, click and drag the icon away from the column header cell.

Ascending Sort Icon

Sorts the database sub-rows in a column in ascending order. To apply, select the database row to sort. Click and drag the icon to the desired column header. A numbered icon displays next to the column heading letter. The number indicates the sort precedence for that column. To remove the sort, click and drag the icon away from the column header cell.

Summarize Icon

Summarizes identical database items in the desired column. Click and drag the icon to place it over the desired column header. An icon is placed next to the column heading letter. Identical items in the columns sub-rows are grouped together in a single sub-row. To remove the summary, click and drag the icon away from the column header cell.

Up to three sort icons and three summarize icons can be placed in the columns of a database row.

Worksheet Cell Context Menu

A worksheet context menu is activated by right-clicking while on a cell.

Menu Item
Cut Copy Paste Format Cells Insert

Removes the contents of selected cells, temporarily storing the contents in the clipboard Copies the contents of selected cells to the clipboard, where they are temporarily stored; the original contents remain in the worksheet Places cell contents stored in the clipboard into the current cell or range of cells Opens the Format Cells dialog box, for setting the format and appearance of selected cells (see Formatting Worksheet Cells on page 572) Adds rows or columns to the worksheet. Select one or more rows or columns; the number selected determines the number inserted. Select Insert > Rows to add rows above the selected rows. Select Insert > Columns to add columns to the left of the selected columns. Use caution when inserting rows or columns. Depending on the type of cell references used in formulas, inserting rows or columns could change the values returned by a formula.


Deletes rows or columns from the worksheet. Select one or more rows or columns and select Delete > Rows or Delete > Columns. Use caution when deleting a row or column. Ensure that its cells are not part of a formula. Deleting cells that are part of a formula may change the values returned by the formula. Select Edit > Undo to undo the action.


| Chapter 18: Worksheets

Deletes the contents of the selected cells Edits record information in database rows when selecting fields from a list

Menu Item
Clear Contents Pick Value from List (Design Series required)

Worksheet Row Context Menu

An additional worksheet context menu is activated by clicking and holding while on a row header cell.

Menu Item

Converts a database header row into a spreadsheet cells, keeping intact any information in the header row. This deletes all sub-rows and the information contained within them. Has no effect on Spreadsheet cells. Converts a row of spreadsheet cells into a database header row and opens the Criteria dialog box. Has no effect on database rows. Opens the Criteria dialog box for setting the criteria used to generate the database sub-rows. Available only when a database header row is clicked. Opens the Criteria dialog box for editing the current criteria used to generate the database sub-rows. Available only when a database header row is clicked. Selects all objects on the drawing that meet the criteria for the database row. Available only when a database header row is clicked.

Database Set Criteria Edit Criteria Select Data Items

Clicking and holding while on a database row activates the Select Item command from the context menu. Select this command to select an individual database object, and change the view to display the selected object (see Selecting Database Objects on page 578).

Formatting Worksheet Cells

The appearance of worksheet cells can be set by a variety of formatting options. Formatting applied to a database header row applies to the associated database rows. To format worksheet cells: 1. Select the cell(s) to format. 2. From the Worksheet menu, select Format Cells. The Format Cells dialog box opens. The Number tab sets the number format for the selected cells (see Creating Record Formats on page 170).

Using Worksheets |


General Decimal Scientific Fractional Dimension Dimension Area Dimension Volume Angle Date Boolean Text Leader Trailer

Specifies the default general format Uses decimal numbers; enter a value for the number of decimal places, and if desired, select to use commas as separators Uses scientific numbers; enter a value for the number of decimal places Uses fractional numbers; enter the rounding value for fractions Uses dimension numbers Uses dimension area format and displays the specified area units after the number Uses dimension volume format and displays the specified volume units after the number Determines the accuracy of angles and measurement system applied; measurement system is degrees, minutes, and seconds or decimal numbers up to eight decimal places Uses dates; select the desired date format from the list Select to use a data value of either True or False Select to enter a string of characters; the cell contents are treated as text, even if a number is in the string Allows specified leader text to display before the cell value (except for Boolean and Text formats) Allows specified trailer text to display after the cell value (except for Boolean and Text formats)

3. Click the Alignment tab to specify text alignment options.


| Chapter 18: Worksheets

Alignment Horizontal Vertical Text Orientation Vertical Text Horizontal Text Wrap Text

Sets the alignment of text in relation to the cell border Specifies horizontal text alignment; select General to align text strings on the left and numbers on the right Specifies vertical text alignment Sets the text orientation Orients text vertically Orients text horizontally Select to wrap text that exceeds the cell width (automatically adjusting row height); deselect to allow text that is longer than the cell width to float over empty adjacent cells. If adjacent cells contain content, unwrapped text may appear truncated. Numbers that exceed the cell width are displayed with # characters. Merges a range of selected spreadsheet cells into one cell; cell and border formatting and text wrapping are applied to the cell group rather than to the individual cells. The cell contents and format of only the upper left cell in the group apply to the merged cells. Data and formatting in the other cells will be lost during the merge. To split merged cells, select the merged cell group and then deselect Merge Cells.

Merge Cells

4. Click the Font tab to specify the font, font size, style, and text color of text in selected cells. See Formatting Text on page 189.

Using Worksheets |


5. Click the Border tab to set cell border formatting options. The current Line Attributes are applied to a border element as it is added. Select the attributes before clicking to add a border element.

Line Attributes Style

Sets the border line style, weight, and color. Select the formatting, and then click the border button to which the formatting applies. Selects the line style and thickness for the border element


| Chapter 18: Worksheets

Selects the line color for the border element Click a preset to automatically set border formatting options Removes all border formatting Adds a border only to the outside edges (top, bottom, left, and right) of the cell selection Adds a border only to the inside (horizontal and vertical) edges of the cell selection Adds border elements and previews the border appearance Adds a border to the top of the cell selection When more than one cell is selected, adds a horizontal border between cells Adds a border to the bottom of the cell selection Adds border to the left edge of the cell selection When more than one cell is selected, adds a vertical border between cells Adds a border to the right edge of the cell selection

Color Presets None Outline Inside Preview Top Horizontal Bottom Left Vertical Right

6. Click the Patterns tab to specify fill options for the selected cell(s).

Style Color/Pattern

Select None to remove current cell fill options or to specify no fill; select Solid or Pattern to apply a solid fill color or pattern to the selected cell(s) Select the fill color, or for the pattern style, choose the style and pattern foreground and background colors

7. Click OK to set the formatting for the selected cell(s). The worksheet formatting also applies to worksheets placed on a drawing.

Worksheet Rows |


Worksheet Rows
Worksheets can obtain data from the drawing based on specified criteria, and then list the data and allow calculations to be performed on the data. Use a database row to specify the criteria for obtaining drawing data. See Specifying the Worksheet Row Type on page 578 to select the type of worksheet row. For information on entering data in spreadsheet cells and database rows, see Entering Data on page 579.

Spreadsheet cells Database header row Database sub-rows

Spreadsheet Cells
Spreadsheet cells contain text, formulas, or numbers. Text helps to identify the purpose of a worksheet and labels the columns in a worksheet. Numbers represent drawing data or the results of a formula. Insert formulas to perform calculations based on drawing data; VectorWorks includes more than 30 built-in operation functions (see Additional Worksheet Operations on page 586).

Database Rows
Worksheets with defined database rows display drawing object database information, which is represented by a database header row and its sub-rows. The sub-rows of a database row are tied to specific objects in the drawing. The database header row, identified by the diamond shape next to the row number, contains the criteria, while the database sub-rows beneath the header are generated for every object that meets the set criteria. Criteria and formulas specified in the database row determine what is displayed and calculated from the sub-rows. If no object meets the set criteria, no database sub-rows are created.


| Chapter 18: Worksheets

Many criteria combinations can be specified, including an objects name, record information, line weight, fill pattern, layer, or class. For example, create a list of all the rooms in a resort, or list only the green wing-backed chairs from all the two-room suites that are scattered throughout the resort.

Selecting Database Objects

Database objects that meet the criteria of the row can be selected from a worksheet. To select database objects: 1. Either all database objects or a single database object can be selected. If selecting all database objects that meet database row criteria, right-click on the database header row to open the context menu. If selecting an individual database object, right-click on the specific database object to open the context menu. 2. From the context menu, select either Select Data Items or Select Item. All database objects which meet the header row, or the individual row object, are selected. If an individual object was selected with Select Item, the view changes to display the selected object.

Specifying the Worksheet Row Type

The row pulldown menu specifies whether a worksheet row is a database row. To define a database row: 1. Click and hold the mouse on the row to change. The worksheet row menu opens.

2. Select Database. The Criteria dialog box opens for the selection of criteria for the database header row.

Entering Data |


More criteria can be specified by clicking More Choices; the number of objects that meet the criteria displays. Click OK. Database functionality is now enabled for the row; beneath it, the sub-rows list the objects that meet the criteria specified.

Undefining a Database Row

To undefine a row as a database row: 1. Click and hold the mouse on the row to change. 2. Select Spreadsheet. Undefining a database row removes the database row criteria and all sub-rows.

Entering Data
Data entry in a worksheet depends on whether the data is entered into a spreadsheet cell or a database cell.

Entering Data in Spreadsheet Cells

Two types of information can be entered into the spreadsheet cells of a worksheet: constant values and formulas. In addition, a cell can reference another cell in that worksheet or in another worksheet. All information is entered in the worksheet Formula bar located at the top of the worksheet. Formulas can contain functions, which are detailed in Additional Worksheet Operations on page 586.

Entering Constant Values

Constant values consist of numbers, spaces, non-numeric characters, or any combination of these. Constant values are not part of a formula or the result of a formula. The formula phrase =1, or any number following an equal sign, is also considered a constant value. When entering constant values, keep in mind: Constant values are treated as text except for some combinations of numeric and non-numeric characters, which may be interpreted as a number with a particular number format (see Formatting Worksheet Cells on page 572) Text is left-aligned unless the cell is formatted on the Alignment tab in the Format Cells dialog box (select Format Cells from the Worksheet menu) Numbers entered in cells are formatted as General; they can be changed to Dimension on the Number tab in the Format Cells dialog box (select Format Cells from the Worksheet menu)


| Chapter 18: Worksheets

Entering Formulas
Formulas are entered in a spreadsheet cell to analyze and perform operations on the data. A formula is entered in the worksheet Formula bar. Formulas can be applied to a single cell, or across a range of cells by selecting the cells and pasting the formula in the range. Formulas always begin with an equal sign (=) and consist of a combination of functions, cell references, or operators. Formulas combine values with operators, such as a multiplication sign, to produce a new value (see Operators on page 591). Formulas must be entered in a specific manner. If the formula is not entered correctly, it produces an error and does not execute. Two common mistakes in syntax include forgetting to use pairs of parentheses, and omitting required commas when no argument is present. Basic formula syntax is described in the following table.

Parentheses ( ) Square brackets [ ] Periods . Colons : Single quotes ' Dollar signs $ Double periods ..

Enclose a parameter list Enclose a record destination Separate record identifier and field identifier Separate path name levels Enclose a string constant Absolute reference designator Used to designate ranges

To keep VectorWorks from treating numbers entered as text in a cell as a number, enclose the number in single quotation marks, as in '40' or format the cell as Text on the Number tab of the Format Cells dialog box. To manually enter a formula: 1. Select the cell, and then click in the worksheet Formula bar. 2. Enter an equal sign (=) and then enter the formula. A formula can consist of functions, operators, cell references, and values. 3. When the formula is complete, click the green check mark to validate the entry. To cancel an entry, click the red X button. 4. The formula executes as soon as the cell entry has been validated (Auto-recalc must be selected in the worksheet preferences; see Preferences on page 570). Formulas can also be entered using the Paste Function and Paste Criteria commands. To enter a formula using the Paste Function and Paste Criteria commands: 1. Select the cell, and then click in the worksheet Formula bar. 2. Enter an equal sign (=). 3. Select Paste Function from the Worksheet menu. The Select Function dialog box opens.

Entering Data |


4. Select a function from the list, and then click Done. See Worksheet Functions on page 586 for more information on the functions. The formula is placed in the worksheet Formula bar and the cursor is placed between the parentheses, awaiting criteria. 5. Select Paste Criteria from the Worksheet menu. The Criteria dialog box opens.

Click to browse

6. Set each of the three fields to the desired search criteria. Click More Choices to add additional search fields. Click Fewer Choices to remove added search fields. 7. Click OK. 8. When the formula is complete, click the green check mark to validate the entry. To cancel the entry, click the red X button. 9. The formula executes as soon as the cell entry has been validated (Auto-recalc must be selected in the worksheet preferences; see Preferences on page 570). If an object is selected when the Paste Criteria command is selected, the Paste Attributes dialog box opens.


| Chapter 18: Worksheets

Rather than selecting from search fields, the criteria are based on the selected object. Select the object attributes to include in the criteria search. To access the standard Criteria dialog box, click the Custom button.

Cell References
Cell references specify the location of one or more cells to use cell data or values in a formula. The cells can be referenced within the current worksheet (internal references), or from another worksheet (external references) within the same drawing. External references must include the full path name to the other worksheet. The syntax for entering an external reference into a formula is:

worksheet name:cell address worksheet name:range of addresses

=MyWorksheet:A1 =SUM(MyWorksheet:A1..A12)

If the name of the worksheet contains spaces, then the name must be enclosed with single quotes as in the following example: ='The Worksheet':A1 An external reference is updated by selecting Recalculate from the Worksheet menu.

Relative and Absolute Cell References

There are two forms of cell reference data used with cell addresses in a worksheet: relative and absolute. An absolute reference refers to a specific cell address, while a relative reference refers to a cell relative to the location of the cell containing the reference. An absolute reference makes use of the special dollar sign ($) character. The $ character locks that part of the cell reference it precedes. There are three combinations when using the $ character in an absolute reference.

$A1 $A$1

Locks the specified column reference but leaves the row reference relative; the same column is always referred to, although the row can change Locks both the specified column and row references; regardless of where the formula is copied, it always refers to the original cell

Worksheet Import/Export | Combination



Locks the specified row reference but leaves the column reference relative; the same row is always referred to, although the column can change

Entering Data in Database Rows

Database rows are used to obtain record information attached to objects in a drawing (see Database Rows on page 577). Database rows are followed by the sub-rows corresponding to each object that meets the criteria specified in the header row. The information in the sub-rows can list either object attributes or the data contained in database records. Database records are created in the Record Formats dialog box; these records can be assigned through the Data tab of the Object Info palette. See Viewing and Editing Object Records on page 175 for more information. To enter data in database rows, specify the criteria as described in Specifying the Worksheet Row Type on page 578. To manually enter database row criteria, see Retrieving Object and Record Information on page 590.

Worksheet Import/Export
Data from other software programs, such as Microsoft Excel and FileMaker Pro, can be imported into VectorWorks. In addition, VectorWorks worksheets can be exported for use in other spreadsheet, word processing, or database programs.

Worksheet Import
Data from a wide variety of worksheet formats can be imported into a file, including worksheet data from other programs and worksheets from other VectorWorks files.

Importing Worksheet Data from Another Program

To import a worksheet into the current file, both the worksheet and its original file must be open. In addition, a blank worksheet must exist in the active drawing as a destination for the imported worksheet. The worksheet formats that can be imported include comma delimited, tab delimited, merge, DIF, and SYLK. During import, the spreadsheet data is imported, but the formulas (logic) are not. To import a worksheet into VectorWorks: 1. Create a new worksheet by selecting Window > Palettes > Resource Browser. The Resource Browser opens. 2. From the Resources menu, select New Resource to display the New Resource menu. 3. Select Worksheet. The Create Worksheet dialog box opens. 4. Specify the same number of rows and columns that are present in the worksheet to be imported. 5. Select File > Import > Import Worksheet. 6. Select the worksheet file to be imported. The worksheet must be in one of the formats available on the Files of type list. 7. Click Open. The worksheet is imported into the open worksheet in VectorWorks.


| Chapter 18: Worksheets

Importing Worksheets from Another VectorWorks file

To import a VectorWorks worksheet from another VectorWorks file: 1. Select Window > Palettes > Resource Browser to open the Resource Browser. 2. Locate the file containing the worksheet using the Find command in the Resources menu, or from a Favorites file. See Accessing Existing Resources on page 147 for more information. 3. Select the worksheet to import, and click Import. (Alternatively, drag the worksheet resource into the desired VectorWorks file to insert it as a drawing object; see Worksheets as Graphic Objects on page 585.) The selected worksheet is imported into the current file.

Importing a Table from Microsoft Word

The following procedure is an example of how to import a table from Microsoft Word into a VectorWorks worksheet. To import a Word table into a worksheet: 1. In Word, select the entire table to be imported. 2. Select Table > Convert > Table to Text. The Convert Table to Text dialog box opens. 3. In the dialog box, click Tabs for the separation identifier. 4. Click OK. 5. Save the table. If the file consists of only the table, select File > Save As. In the Save As dialog box that opens, select Text Only from the Save as type list, and click OK. If the table is part of a larger file, copy the table to the Clipboard. Select File > New, and paste the table text into the new document. Save the file as a text file. 6. Return to VectorWorks and import the table as described in Importing Worksheet Data from Another Program on page 583.

Worksheet Export
VectorWorks worksheet files can be exported and read by spreadsheet programs, such as Excel, as well as by some word processing programs. Because many of these programs have different format requirements, VectorWorks provides a selection of formats when exporting files as a worksheet. These include comma delimited, tab delimited, merge, DIF, and SYLK. Using the tab delimited format, for example, creates a file that can be opened as a table in Microsoft Word. VectorWorks allows the export of all rows or only selected rows of a worksheet. Worksheets placed on the drawing cannot be exported to DXF/DWG. To export a worksheet from VectorWorks: 1. Select File > Export > Export Worksheet. 2. The Export Worksheet dialog box opens.

Worksheets as Graphic Objects |


Select the format for the export, and whether to export all rows or only the selected rows. Click OK and specify the name and location of the exported worksheet. 3. Click Save. The specified worksheet rows are exported to the desired location in the set format.

Worksheets as Graphic Objects

Worksheets can be included in a drawing as a graphic object. For example, a generated parts list for an object can be included in the drawing by placing the worksheet as an object. As with any graphic object, the worksheet can be moved to any location on the drawing. However, it cannot be resized or edited as an object. It can be opened and edited by opening its worksheet through the Resource Browser. To include a worksheet as an object on a drawing: 1. Select Window > Palettes > Resource Browser. The Resource Browser opens. 2. Select the desired worksheet. The worksheet must be a part of the current drawing. If the worksheet is part of another drawing, first import it into the current drawing by selecting it from the Resource Browser and selecting Import from the Resources menu (see Importing Worksheets from Another VectorWorks file on page 584). 3. Select Worksheet On Drawing from the Resources menu. The worksheet is now included in the drawing as a graphic object. It can be moved like any other graphic object and placed where desired. If the worksheet is currently open, the contents of the worksheet in the drawing are replaced with an X. Alternatively, double-click the worksheet in the Resource Browser to place it in the drawing file, or select the worksheet in the Resource Browser and drag it to the desired location in the drawing file. Both methods automatically select Worksheet on Drawing and place the worksheet as a graphic object. When inserting a worksheet using the drag and drop method, the top left corner of the worksheet is placed at the point where the mouse is released over the drawing file. To edit a worksheet included as a drawing object: 1. Select Window > Palettes > Resource Browser. The Resource Browser opens. 2. Select the desired worksheet. 3. Select Open from the Resources menu.


| Chapter 18: Worksheets

4. The worksheet is opened and available for editing. The contents of the worksheet in the drawing are replaced with an X. Close the worksheet to display the worksheet contents in the drawing.

Additional Worksheet Operations

Worksheet Functions
Worksheet functions take a value or values, perform an action, and return a value or values. All functions that begin with a capital letter use search criteria. Lower case functions, known as worksheet functions, require a number value or a cell range. The argument for all trigonometry functions must be in radians. The following table alphabetically lists all of the worksheet functions available in VectorWorks.


The arccosine of a number. The arccosine is the angle whose cosine is number. The returned angle is given in radians in the range 0 to pi. Number is the cosine of the angle, and must be from -1 to 1.


Related Functions
(cos) (pi)


The angle of lines and walls, the span angle of arcs (in degrees), and the slope angle of slabs (in degrees) The total area of 2D objects that meet the criteria The arcsine of a number. The arcsine is the angle whose sine is number. The returned angle is given in radians in the range -pi/2 to pi/2. To express the arcsine in degrees use the rad2deg function (or multiply the result by 180/pi). Number is the sine of the angle in question and must be from -1 to 1.


Area(criteria) asin(number)

=Area(t=rect) =asin(sin(x))

(Perim) (pi) (sin)


The arctangent of a number. The arctangent is the angle whose tangent is number. The returned angle is given in radians in the range -pi/2 to pi/2. To express the arctangent in degrees, multiply the result by 180/pi(). Number is the tangent of the angle in question.


(pi) (tan)

average(number1, number2...)

The average (mean) of the arguments

=average (85, 70, 95)

(max) (min) (sum)

Additional Worksheet Operations | Code



The minimum y coordinate of objects that meet the criteria The cosine of a given angle. Number is the angle in radians for which the cosine is calculated.

= BotBound(sec)

Related Functions
(LeftBound) (RightBound) (TopBound) (pi)


= cos(Deg2Rad(90))

Count(criteria) deg2rad(number)

The number of objects that meet the specified criteria Converts number from degrees to radians. Number is the value in degrees to be converted to radians.

= Count(sel) =deg2rad(45)


e raised to the power of number. The constant e equals 2.71828182845904, the base of the natural logarithm. Number is the exponent applied to the base e.



Height(criteria) if (logical_test, value_if_true, value_if_false)

The delta y (height) of objects Use value_if_true if logical_test is true, value_is_false if logical_test is false. Use this function to conduct conditional tests on values and formulas and to branch based on the results of that test. The outcome of the test determines the value returned by the If function. The logical_test can be any value or expression that can be evaluated to true or false. Up to seven If statements can be nested as value_if_true, value_if_false arguments to construct elaborate formulas. Boolean statements within an if statement must be in parentheses. Text within an if statement should be enclosed within quotation marks. Removes any fractional part of a number. Number is the real number to be rounded to an integer.

=height(t=rect) =if((c7>100),100,c7) or =if((c7>100);100;c7) when commas are used as decimal separators by the operating system






Returns a value which is the total number of flipped objects which meet the criteria



| Chapter 18: Worksheets

The left side minimum x (left boundary) of the objects that meet the criteria The length of lines or walls that meet the criteria The natural logarithm (base e). Number is the positive real number for which the logarithm is calculated.


Related Functions
(BotBound) (RightBound) (TopBound)


Length(criteria) ln(number)

=Length(t=line) =ln(x) (exp)


The base 10 logarithm of a number. Number is the positive real number for which the logarithm is calculated.



max(number1, number2,...)

The largest number in the list of arguments. Number is 1 14 numbers for which the maximum value is to be found.

=max (5,7,9)


min(number1, number2,...)

The smallest number in the list of arguments. Number is 1 14 numbers for which the minimum value is to be found.



Perim(criteria) rad2deg(number)

The perimeter of objects that meet the criteria Converts number from radians to degrees. Number is the value in radians to be converted to degrees.

=Perim(sel) =rad2deg (0.5235987)


The right side minimum x (right boundary) of the objects that meet the criteria Rounds the specified number to the nearest whole number The sine of a given angle A positive square root. Number is the number for which the square root is calculated.


(BotBound) (TopBound) (LeftBound) (int) (pi)

round(number) sin sqrt(number)

=round(3.24259) =sin(deg2rad(30)) =sqrt(16)

sum(number1, number2,...)

The sum of all numbers in the list of arguments. Number is 1 14 numbers for which the sum is calculated.



Additional Worksheet Operations | Code

SurfaceArea(criteria) tan(number)


Returns the sum of CalcSurfaceArea for each object that meets the criteria The tangent of the given angle. Number is the angle in radians for which the tangent is calculated.

=SurfaceArea (t=wall) =tan(deg2rad(45))

Related Functions



The maximum y (top boundary) of the objects that meet the criteria Returns the sum of CalcVolume for each object that meets the criteria Returns the 2D gross surface area of one wall face Returns the 2D gross surface area of one wall face, without door and window areas Returns the average wall height of a wall, including wall peaks and different starting and ending heights Returns the name of a wall style Returns the thickness of a wall The delta x (width) of objects The center of objects in the X direction The center of objects in the Y direction

=TopBound (n='root')

(BotBound) (LeftBound) (RightBound)

Volume(criteria) WallArea_Gross (criteria) WallArea_Net(criteria)

=Volume(t=wall) =WallArea_Gross (t=wall) =WallArea_Net (t=wall) =WallAverageHeight (t=wall) =WallStyleName (t=wall) =WallThickness (t=wall) =Width(n='box') =XCenter (n=board) =YCenter (n=board) (Height) (YCenter) (XCenter) WallArea_Net WallArea_Gross

WallAverageHeight (criteria) WallStyleName(criteria) WallThickness(criteria) Width(criteria) XCenter(criteria) YCenter(criteria)

Search Criteria
Search criteria are used within a function to limit that function to drawing objects that meet the criteria. For example, use search criteria to find doors of a specific size, walls of a certain color, or objects costing less than a certain amount. Criteria are placed in a formula when by selecting the Paste Criteria command from the Worksheet menu. If an object is currently selected when choosing this command, the Paste Attributes dialog box opens. Select the objects attributes to include in the function, or click Custom to perform a database custom criteria selection.


| Chapter 18: Worksheets

Opens when an object is selected

If no objects are selected, the Database Criteria dialog box opens, to perform a database custom criteria selection.

Click to specify additional criteria

Opens when no objects are selected

Retrieving Object and Record Information

Once a database row is defined, each column can show attached record data and object attributes. Each sub-row cell displays the information requested while the total number of objects found is displayed in the database row. If the column returns numerical data, the sum is shown in the database row. Information found in each column can be sorted using the ascending, descending, and summarize buttons; see Worksheet Commands on page 569.

Retrieving Object Attributes

To retrieve object information in a database row: 1. Click the database row cell where the formula will be entered. 2. In the worksheet Formula bar, enter an equal sign (=), and then enter the criteria to display (such as =(t=wall)). The following search criteria codes can be manually entered. These same codes are placed in a formula, with proper parentheses and syntax, by the Database Criteria dialog box.

Criteria Name
Arrowhead Every Object Fill Foreground

ar all ff

Criteria Name
Class Name Fill Background Fill Pattern

c fb fp

Additional Worksheet Operations | Criteria Name

Layer Name Line Weight Object Record Pen Background Pen Pattern Symbol Name


l lw r pb pp s

Criteria Name
Line Style Object Name Object Type Pen Foreground Selected Status Visibility

pp n t pf sel v

3. Click the green check mark to validate the entry.

Retrieving Record Information

To retrieve record information in a database row: 1. Click the database header cell where the formula will be entered. 2. In the worksheet Formula bar, enter an equal sign (=) and then enter the record information to display. The syntax for retrieving record information is:

record name.field name


A period (.) must separate the two names or the formula will not be executed. If the name of the record format or field name contains spaces, then the name must be enclosed with single quotes such as in the following example: =Trees.Growth Rate 3. Click the green check mark to validate the entry.

VectorWorks uses the following operators. If the operator can be created with a special key combination, it is shown.

Performs basic mathematical operations. These combine numeric values and produce numeric results.

+ * / or **

Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division Exponentiation


| Chapter 18: Worksheets

Compares two values and produces the logical value TRUE or FALSE.

= <> or < <= or > >= or On the Macintosh, <> or

Equal Not equal Less than Less than or equal to Greater than Greater than or equal to by Option+ <, and >= or by Option+ >.

can be specified by Option+ =, <= or

Cell Range Reference

Combines references to two cells into a single joint reference. The operator is .. or Range.

Special Words and Characters

The following special words and characters are reserved for use in formulas.

( ) , ; : TRUE FALSE

Left parenthesis Right parenthesis Comma Semicolon Colon True False

Using Scripts


VectorWorks provides several options for customizing the product environment to suit a wide range of individual design needs. One of the most important options is VectorScript, a lightweight Pascal-like programming language. Use VectorScript to do anything from creating simple tools that assist with the most tedious drafting tasks to developing sophisticated solutions that address the most demanding design needs. While VectorScript provides a rich set of development tools for creating scripts from scratch, there are also several VectorWorks commands which allow scripts to be created without direct knowledge of the VectorScript language. The Custom Selection, Custom Tool/Attribute, and Custom Modification commands provide the ability to create useful scripts directly. (The Custom Modification command requires the Design Series; see Creating Custom Modification Scripts on page 21 in the VectorWorks Design Series Users Guide.) See the VectorScript Language Guide for an introduction to the VectorScript language. The VectorScript Language Guide is available in the help system, and as a PDF in [VectorWorks]\VWHelp\Additional Documentation. In addition, the VectorScript Function Reference is a comprehensive command reference available online. It is located in VWHelp/VectorScript Reference/VSFunctionReference.html

Creating Custom Selection Scripts

Custom selection scripts allow objects in the current file to be selected or deselected according to user-specified criteria. The wide array of options in the command allows for very specific filtering and selection according to the defined selection requirements. To create a custom selection script: 1. Select Tools > Custom Selection. The Custom Selection dialog box opens.

Select Select Only Deselect

Selects the objects matching the specified criteria without affecting the existing selection status of other objects Deselects all objects prior to performing the selection operation Deselects any objects matching the specified criteria without affecting the selection status of other objects in the file


| Chapter 19: Using Scripts

Performs the specified selection operation immediately upon exiting the Custom Selection dialog box; the operation criteria is not saved for future use Saves the criteria and command options as a VectorScript that can be reused as needed

Execute Immediately Create Script

2. Click Criteria to specify the selection criteria for the operation. The Criteria dialog box opens.
Criteria type Criteria comparison option Criteria selection parameter

Adds more selection criteria

Reduces selection criteria

3. Choose the desired criteria options. The number of objects that meet the criteria displays. Specify additional options by clicking More Choices. To remove the most recently added option, click Fewer Choices. Specify whether to also include objects that are part of symbols, plug-in objects, or viewports. 4. Click OK. If the Execute Immediately option was chosen, the selection operation is now performed. If the Create Script option was chosen, when prompted, name the VectorScript containing the selection operation commands. The script then displays in a script palette, and can be double-clicked to perform the selection operation.

Creating Custom Tool/Attribute Scripts

Custom tool/attribute scripts record the current attribute and file settings in a script format for later use. These custom settings can be combined with the active tool to allow a specific set of attributes, such as line style or pen color, to be reactivated for use with the tool. For example, a dashed line style and red pen foreground color can be saved with the line tool in a script for drawing red dashed lines. To create a custom tool/attribute script: 1. Select Tools > Custom Tool/Attribute. The Custom Tools dialog box opens.

Creating VectorScripts |


2. Select which attributes should be saved in the script. The saved attributes are used when the script is executed and can be modified or reset as desired.

All None Fill Attributes Pen Attributes Line Attributes Text Attributes Other Attributes 3. Click OK.

Selects all attributes in the group for saving to the script Deselects all attributes in the group, clearing any selections that were already made Saves fill foreground and background colors and styles Saves pen foreground and background colors and styles Saves line weight (thickness) and style and the presence and size of markers Saves text attributes including font, size, style, spacing, and justification (alignment) Saves other attributes such as classes, layers, symbols, tools, and constraints

4. When prompted, name the VectorScript containing the saved settings. The script displays in a script palette, and can be double-clicked to execute.

Creating VectorScripts
VectorWorks allows the creation of scripts which are saved as resources. The scripts, known as VectorScripts, can be used to store custom-written scripts for performing tasks within the file. VectorScripts, like other scripts created using VectorWorks automated script creation tools, are stored in script palettes contained within the file. To create a VectorScript: 1. Select Window > Palettes > Resource Browser. The Resource Browser opens.


| Chapter 19: Using Scripts

2. From the Resources menu, select New Resource to display the New Resource menu. 3. Select VectorScript. If no script palette exists, enter a name for a new script palette when prompted, and click OK. If multiple script palettes exist, but are not currently active, the Select Script Palette dialog box opens. Select the palette to add the script to and click Add. 4. Enter a name for the new VectorScript and click OK. 5. The VectorScript Editor opens to begin a script editing session. For information on creating scripts, see the VectorScript Language Guide, available in the help system, and the VectorScript Function Reference, which is a comprehensive command reference located in: VWHelp/VectorScript Reference/VSFunctionReference.html 6. Click OK to save the script in the active script palette.

Running VectorScripts
VectorScripts can be run in a variety of ways.

Running VectorScripts from the Resource Browser

To run a VectorScript from the Resource Browser: 1. From the Resource Browser, select the palette containing the VectorScript to run. 2. From the context menu, select Enter to display the available VectorScripts in the palette. 3. Select the VectorScript, and from the context menu select Run. (Alternatively, double-click the VectorScript resource to run it or drag the VectorScript resource into the drawing area.)

Running VectorScripts from the Script Palette

To run a VectorScript from a script palette: 1. Select Window > Script Palettes and select the VectorScript palette containing the desired VectorScript. To open the palette from the Resource Browser, select Window > Palettes > Resource Browser, and then select the VectorScript palette containing the desired VectorScript. From the context menu, select Open. 2. Double-click the VectorScript to run it.

Running VectorScripts as Files

Some scripts may exist as text files only, if they were created outside VectorWorks in a separate text editor program. These scripts are not stored in the script palette as a resource. 1. Select the Tools > Scripts > Run VectorScript. The Choose VectorScript File dialog box opens. 2. Select the desired script and click Open to run the script.

Managing VectorScripts |


Managing VectorScripts
VectorScripts, like any other VectorWorks resource, can be edited, moved, copied, renamed, or deleted. VectorScripts also have the added ability of being encrypted to prevent editing. For information on the VectorScript Editor, see The VectorScript Editor on page 105 in the VectorScript Language Guide. The VectorScript Language Guide is available in the help system, and as a PDF in [VectorWorks]\VWHelp\Additional Documentation.

Editing VectorScripts
To edit a VectorScript: 1. Select Window > Palettes > Resource Browser. The Resource Browser opens. 2. Select the script, and then select Edit from the Resources menu. The VectorScript Editor dialog box opens.

3. When a script editing session is complete, click OK to save changes, or click Cancel to discard script changes. Alternatively, VectorScripts can be edited directly from the script palette by Option-double-clicking the script name in the palette (Alt-double-click on Windows). The VectorScript Editor opens and the script can be edited.

Renaming VectorScripts
To rename a VectorScript: 1. Select Window > Palettes > Resource Browser. The Resource Browser opens. 2. Select the script to be edited, and then select Rename from the Resources menu. The Assign Name dialog box opens. 3. Enter the new script name. 4. Click OK.


| Chapter 19: Using Scripts

Duplicating VectorScripts
To duplicate a VectorScript: 1. Select Window > Palettes > Resource Browser. The Resource Browser opens. 2. Select the script to be duplicated, and then select Duplicate from the Resources menu. The Assign Name dialog box opens. 3. Enter the name for the duplicated script, and then click OK. The duplicate script is created in the same palette as the original script.

Deleting VectorScripts
To delete a VectorScript: 1. Select Window > Palettes > Resource Browser. The Resource Browser opens. 2. Select the script to be deleted, and select Delete from the Resources menu. 3. When prompted, click OK to delete the script.

Importing VectorScripts
To import a script from another VectorWorks file: 1. Select Window > Palettes > Resource Browser. The Resource Browser opens. 2. Locate the file containing the script. Select the script to be imported, and then select Import from the Resources menu. (Alternatively, drag the VectorScript resource into the desired VectorWorks file.) The script is imported into the active script palette. If no palette is active, select the destination for the imported script, when prompted.

Encrypting VectorScripts
A script can be encrypted and locked to prevent editing. To encrypt a VectorScript: 1. Select Tools > Scripts > Encrypt VectorScript. The Choose VectorScript File dialog box opens. 2. Locate and select the script text file to encrypt. 3. Click Open. The Save Encrypted VectorScript Code Document dialog box opens. 4. Enter a new name for the script, and then select the location for saving the file. 5. Click Save. The script is saved in an encrypted format.

Managing Script Palettes |


Managing Script Palettes

Use the Resource Browser to manage script palettes as well as individual scripts.

Opening a Script Palette

To open a script palette: 1. Select Window > Palettes > Resource Browser. The Resource Browser opens. 2. Select the script palette to be opened, and then select Open from the Resources menu. The script palette opens.

Moving a Script to a New Palette

To move a script to a new palette using the Resource Browser: 1. Select Window > Palettes > Resource Browser. The Resource Browser opens. 2. Select the script palette containing the desired script, and then select Open from the Resources menu. The source script palette opens in the drawing. 3. Select the script palette where the script will be moved, and then select Open from the Resources menu. The destination script palette opens in the drawing. 4. Click on the script to move, and then press Command+X (Macintosh) or Ctrl+X (Windows). The script is removed from the palette and placed into the clipboard. 5. Click on the destination script palette, and then press Command+V (Macintosh) or Ctrl+V (Windows). The script is placed into the selected script palette. Each script palette can also be opened from the Window menu.

Importing a Script Palette

To import a script palette from another VectorWorks file: 1. Select Window > Palettes > Resource Browser. The Resource Browser opens. 2. Locate the script palette to be imported. For information on using the Resource Browser to locate resources in other VectorWorks files, see Using the Resource Browser on page 142. 3. Select the script palette to be imported, and then select Import from the Resources menu. (Alternatively, drag the script palette resource into the desired VectorWorks file.) The palette and any scripts it contains are imported into the active VectorWorks file.


| Chapter 19: Using Scripts

Presenting VectorWorks Drawings


VectorWorks provides several ways to present a completed drawing. Guide your customer through an animated walkthrough of your design by creating a QuickTime movie. Present many croppable views of the drawing on a single layer with viewports. Finally, the layer link feature creates linked views of the design layers in the drawing.

Animating Drawings with QuickTime

With QuickTime, animations can be created from a 3D VectorWorks drawing. QuickTime is a separate program available with VectorWorks. It includes Movie Player, for viewing several different file types. QuickTime must be installed to view or create QuickTime movies. It is available on the VectorWorks CD.

Animating Drawings
Two types of animations can be created in VectorWorksOrbit Point and Move Along Path. The Orbit Point animator rotates by a specified number of degrees around a 3D object or selected point in the drawing. The Move Along Path animator moves through the 3D drawing, following a specified path. In Perspective view, only the portion of the model within the perspective frame (see Perspective on page 406) is visible in the animation.

Creating Orbit Point Animations

The Orbit Point animator creates an animation that moves in a circular path around a specific 3D object or point.


| Chapter 20: Presenting VectorWorks Drawings

To create an orbit point animation: 1. Set up the drawing view. Select the desired views from the View menuStandard Views, Projection, Rendering, and Perspective. In addition, use the Zoom tool to set the drawing magnification level. Ensure that only the layers and classes that should display in the animation are visible. 2. To specify an object or objects as the center of rotation, select the object or group of objects. 3. Select Model > Create Animation. The Create Animation dialog box opens.

4. Set the Camera to Orbit Point. 5. Click Animation Options. The Simple Orbit Options dialog box opens.

Ground plane Working plane

Specifies the center of the ground plane (0X, 0Y, 0Z) as the center of rotation for the animation Specifies the center of the working plane (0I, 0J, 0K) as the center of rotation for the animation

Animating Drawings with QuickTime | Parameter

Selection Rotation angle


Specifies the center of the selected object(s) as the center of rotation for the animation Specifies the amount of rotation (in degrees) for the animation; for example, to complete an orbit around the selected center of animation, enter 360

6. Click OK to return to the Create Animation dialog box. The QuickTime frames per second (fps) value is displayed. VectorWorks uses default compression settings for QuickTime; these settings produce a good-quality animation without an excessive file size. However, the parameters can be modified by clicking on the QuickTime Options button. QuickTime is a complex program which offers great flexibility in selecting settings. Consult the online QuickTime Player help (available from the QuickTime Help menu) for more information about QuickTime parameters and compression settings. 7. Specify the remaining parameter settings in the Create Animation dialog box.

Duration (Sec) Time Scale

Sets the total length of time of the animation Specifies the animation rate; a value between 0.1 and 0.99 creates a slow motion effect, while a value between 1.01 and 10.00 speeds up the animation. Leave the default value of 1.00 for a normal time scale.

8. Click Preview to check the animation before saving it. Depending on the rendering setting, the preview may be shown in wireframe. To preview only a selected portion of the animation, press Command (Macintosh) or Ctrl (Windows) when clicking Preview. The Preview Duration dialog box opens.

Specify the animation starting and ending time (in seconds) and click Preview. To stop showing a preview, simultaneously press Command + Period (Macintosh) or Esc (Windows). 9. When satisfied with the preview, click Save Movie to save the animation. The Save As dialog box opens. 10. Enter the name for the QuickTime Movie file and specify its location. Click Save. The progress of movie creation is displayed. To see the completed animation, see Viewing QuickTime Animations on page 609.

Creating Move Along Path Animations

The Move Along Path type of animation moves through a 3D drawing along a specified path. For example, create a walk-through presentation of a house.


| Chapter 20: Presenting VectorWorks Drawings

To create an animation moving along a specified path: 1. Set up the drawing view. Select the desired views from the View menuStandard Views, Rendering, and Perspective. The drawing Projection must be set to Perspective. 2. Save a view for each point along the path to use for creating the animation. Use the Walkthrough and/or Flyover tools to change views. To save a view, select View > Save View. In the Save View dialog box that opens, enter the View Name, ensure that Save Factors is selected, and then click OK (see Creating Saved Views on page 104). 3. Select Model > Create Animation. The Create Animation dialog box opens. 4. Set the Camera to Move Along Path.

Animating Drawings with QuickTime |

5. Click Animation Options. The Select Animation dialog box opens.


6. Click New. The New Animation Name dialog box opens.

Enter a name for this animation and then click Create to return to the Select Animation dialog box. 7. Select the name of the new animation and click Edit. The Edit Path Animation dialog box opens.

The Zoom In and Zoom Out buttons under the graph change the magnification level of the animation graph. A new path animation uses the default length from the setting in the main QuickTime options dialog box. To specify a different animation length, double-click the arrow to the far right of the timeline.


| Chapter 20: Presenting VectorWorks Drawings

Double-click the arrow to access the Set Animation Length dialog box

8. From the list of views on the left, drag the starting view name to the animation graph. VectorWorks automatically places the first view at the graphs origin0 seconds, 0 drawing units/second. 9. Select the next view to use and drag it to the animation graph. A bar with a bead is added to the graph. Drag the bar and bead to change the animation settings (time elapsed between view changes and velocity of camera movement). The distance between bars is the time in seconds that it takes to move from one view to the next. Move the bead up and down to determine the slope of the line between bars. This slope indicates the velocity of the movement between views (the number of drawing units/second that the camera moves). In general, the slope should form a steady curve. An uneven curve will cause a choppy camera movement, speeding up and slowing down in a jolting manner. The slope cannot dip below the X axisthis would create a negative velocity.

bar bead

10. To set a specific camera target, double-click on a bead. The Set View Direction dialog box opens.

Animating Drawings with QuickTime |


Look towards Current view Working plane origin Center of currently selected object Center of following named object Following point

Specifies what direction the view should look toward Sets the view to the current beads saved view Sets the view to the working plane origin Sets the view to the X, Y, Z center of the currently selected object(s) bounding box Sets the view to look at the center of a named 3D object. Click Select a different named object to open the Look At Named Object dialog box. Select the object to set the view toward (named objects in walls or layer links cannot be selected). Sets the view to the specified X, Y, Z coordinates

11. Click OK to exit the Set View Direction dialog box. 12. Continue selecting views and dragging them onto the animation graph until the desired views have been included within the time allotment. To view a wireframe version of the animation, click Preview. To add a pause to the animation, drag the same view twice into the animation graph so that the views are next to each other in sequence. The line between the views should be flat (no upward or downward slope). This creates a velocity of zero and, therefore, a pause in the animation. Setting the view to different specified X, Y, Z coordinates for each of these frames, makes the camera appear to stop its forward motion and pan from one direction to another.


| Chapter 20: Presenting VectorWorks Drawings

To create a pause, place the same view twice in the animation graph. Ensure that there is no slope between the repeated views.

13. Click Done to return to the Create Animation dialog box. The QuickTime frames per second (fps) value is displayed. VectorWorks uses default Compression Settings for QuickTime; these settings produce a good-quality animation without an excessive file size. However, the parameters can be modified by clicking on the QuickTime Options button. QuickTime is a complex program which offers great flexibility in selecting settings. Consult the online QuickTime Player help (available from the QuickTime Help menu) for more information about QuickTime parameters and compression settings. 14. Specify the remaining parameter settings in the Create Animation dialog box.

Duration (Sec) Time Scale

Sets the total length of time of the animation Specifies the animation rate; a value between 0.1 and 0.99 creates a slow motion effect, while a value between 1.01 and 10.00 speeds up the animation. Leave the default value of 1.00 for a normal time scale.

15. Click Preview to check the animation before saving it. Depending on the rendering setting, the preview may be shown in wireframe. Specify the animation starting and ending time (in seconds) and click Preview. To preview only a selected portion of the animation, press Command (Macintosh) or Ctrl (Windows) when clicking Preview. The Preview Duration dialog box opens.

To stop showing a preview, simultaneously press Command + Period (Macintosh) or Esc (Windows). 16. When satisfied with the preview, click Save Movie to save the animation. The Save As dialog box opens.

Presenting Drawings with Sheet Layer Viewports |


17. Enter the name for the QuickTime movie file and specify its location. Click Save. The movie creation progress displays. To see the completed animation, see Viewing QuickTime Animations on page 609.

Adding Text or Title Screens to Animations

Unless text is specifically converted into a 3D object (using the TrueType to Polyline command), VectorWorks and QuickTime view text as 2D. This means text in a drawing exported as a QuickTime movie remains motionless, not moving with the other 3D objects. This principle is also true for any graphic images placed in the drawing. VectorWorks can be used to create an animated title screen as a separate QuickTime movie, using an Orbit Point animation to move the 2D text. (The Move Along Path animator requires 3D perspective projection.) Then, within the QuickTime program, link the two files together to create one movie. When creating a title screen animation, ensure that the title movie uses the same QuickTime frame rate setting as the linked animation movie.

Viewing QuickTime Animations

Macintosh-generated or Windows-generated movies can be viewed on either platform. To view existing movies: 1. Double-click the file name or QuickTime Movie icon for the desired movie. Alternatively, open the QuickTime application and select the file from the Open menu. 2. Click the Play button to play the movie.

Play Button

Pause Button

Presenting Drawings with Sheet Layer Viewports

VectorWorks viewport objects allow the creation of views from several directions, complete with details, annotations, dimensions, and title blocks. Viewports can show other parts of the active document, or even portions of other documents.


| Chapter 20: Presenting VectorWorks Drawings

Viewports can display entire as well as cropped views of a drawing, with specified layer and class visibility settings, projection, render mode, and orientation parameters. If the drawing changes, the viewports can be easily updated to reflect the changes. In both VectorWorks Fundamentals and VectorWorks Design Series, you can create one or more viewports on a sheet layer, and each viewport can show one or more design layers from this document. Additionally, VectorWorks Design Series allows you to create one or more viewports on a design layer, and the design layers shown in the viewports can be either from this document, or referenced from another document. For details about design layer viewports, see Presenting Drawings with Design Layer Viewports on page 616 in the VectorWorks Design Series Users Guide. A sheet layer can contain many viewports. Sheet layers retain their own print settings, including print area, resolution, and printer setup parameters. For more information on sheet layers, see Managing Layers on page 84.

Creating a Sheet Layer Viewport from a Design Layer

A sheet layer viewport can be created from an active design layer. To create a viewport from a design layer: 1. Select View > Create Viewport. 2. The Create Viewport dialog box opens. The viewport parameters are initially set to be the same as those of the design layer that is currently active. Viewport parameters can be set at creation, or after the viewport has been created.

Presenting Drawings with Sheet Layer Viewports |


Name Sheet Layer

Specifies the viewport name Select the sheet layer where the viewport will be created, or select New Sheet Layer to create a sheet layer. If there are no sheet layers present and a new one is not created now, you will be prompted to create a sheet layer after clicking OK. Specifies which design layers will be visible in the viewport; see Changing the Layer Properties of Sheet Layer Viewports on page 623 Select to display 2D objects in a viewport with a view other than Top/Plan Specifies which classes will be visible in the viewport; see Changing the Class Properties of Sheet Layer Viewports on page 625 Specifies the viewport scale relative to the page; select a scale or choose Custom and enter the scale value in Custom Scale When a custom scale is selected, enter the scale value Specifies the orientation of the design layers displayed in the viewport; select a cardinal view or choose Custom and then click Set View to specify the view When a custom view is selected, click Set View to open the 3D Rotation dialog box for the entry of custom view parameters (see Rotating Precisely on page 411 for more information)

Layers Project 2D Objects Classes Scale Custom Scale View Set View


| Chapter 20: Presenting VectorWorks Drawings

Specifies the render mode for the viewport; RenderWorks is required for RenderWorks render modes. Open GL, Hidden Line, Dashed Hidden Line, Final Shaded Polygon, Artistic RenderWorks, Custom Radiosity, and Custom RenderWorks enable the Render Settings button for specifying rendering parameters (for the Design Series, the Sketch render mode also enables the Render Settings button). Certain render modes require parameters to be set; click to specify (see Line Render Options on page 435 for Hidden Line Render settings, Rendering with VectorWorks on page 431 for OpenGL and shaded polygon settings, Artistic RenderWorks Options on page 700 for Artistic RenderWorks settings, Custom RenderWorks Options on page 689 for Custom RenderWorks settings, and Radiosity on page 692 for information on rendering with radiosity) Select a RenderWorks background from either the default resources or the current files resources to use as a background for the viewport; see VectorWorks Fundamentals Default Resources on page 141 Select the projection type for the viewport (see Projection on page 405) For Perspective projection, select the type of perspective, or choose Custom and specify the perspective distance For custom perspectives, enter the perspective distance


Render Settings

RW Background (RenderWorks required) Projection Perspective Type Perspective Dist 3. Click OK.

4. If a sheet layer does not already exist in the file, the New Sheet Layer dialog box opens automatically to create one. Click OK. The viewport is created on the designated sheet layer, and the sheet layer becomes active.

Creating a Sheet Layer Viewport by Cropping

To create a detail viewport either from a design layer or from an existing uncropped viewport on a sheet layer: 1. Make active the existing design layer or sheet layer that will display in the viewport. 2. Create a 2D object (such as a rectangle, circle, oval, polyline, polygon etc.). The 2D object must define an area; for example, a 2D line cannot be used. Position the 2D object on the design layer or existing uncropped viewport to delimit the area to be included in the new viewport. The fill of a viewport cropping object is always None; however, the pen style can be set from the Attributes palette.

Presenting Drawings with Sheet Layer Viewports |


3. If the cropped viewport is being created from a design layer, select the 2D object. If the cropped viewport is being created from a sheet layer, select both the 2D object and the uncropped viewport. 4. Select View > Create Viewport. 5. An alert dialog box asks whether the object should be used as the viewports crop. Select Yes (or Yes Always to always use a selected 2D object as a crop object when creating viewports). 6. The Create Viewport dialog box opens. Name the viewport and select the sheet layer to place it on. The remaining viewport parameters are initially set to be the same as the design layer properties (for design layers) or selected viewport (for sheet layers). Change the parameters as needed (see Creating a Sheet Layer Viewport from a Design Layer on page 610). 7. Click OK. The viewport, cropped by the selected 2D object, is created on the specified sheet layer. To hide the crop object, edit the viewports crop (see Cropping Sheet Layer Viewports on page 618) and set the objects Pen Style to None. Alternatively, change the class of the crop object to invisible.

Cropped viewport


| Chapter 20: Presenting VectorWorks Drawings

Properties of Sheet Layer Viewports

Viewport Parameters
Once it has been created, the properties of the sheet layer viewport can be edited in the Object Info palette. Viewports have a fill and pen style of None.

Object Position Locator

Specifies the point on the viewports bounding box that is to be positioned by the X and Y values; click on a different location to change the point Specifies the absolute position of the viewports bounding box along the X axis and Y axis, based on the point specified in the object position locator Sets the viewport rotation; if the viewport was created from a rotated plan view (Design Series required), this parameter can be used to reset the viewport to the world coordinate system Indicates whether the selected viewport has been cropped (see Cropping Sheet Layer Viewports on page 618) Click to update the viewport to reflect any changes that have occurred since the viewport was created or last updated (see Status of a Sheet Layer Viewport on page 617) Specifies which design layers are visible in the viewport and allows changes to some of the layer properties in the viewport; see Changing the Layer Properties of Sheet Layer Viewports on page 623 Select to display 2D objects in a viewport with a view other than Top/Plan Specifies which classes are visible in the viewport and allows changes to some of the class properties in the viewport, including changes to the properties for crop and annotation objects. Class visibilities can be overridden for a selected viewport; see Changing the Class Properties of Sheet Layer Viewports on page 625. Specifies the viewport scale relative to the page; select a scale or choose Custom and enter the scale value in Custom Scale When a custom scale is selected, enter the scale value Specifies the orientation of the design layer shown in the viewport; select a cardinal view or choose Custom and specify the view by clicking Set View When a custom view is selected, click Set View to open the 3D Rotation dialog box for the entry of custom view parameters (see Rotating Precisely on page 411 for more information)

X/Y Rotation

Crop Update


Project 2D Objects Classes

Scale Custom Scale View Set View

Presenting Drawings with Sheet Layer Viewports | Parameter

Background/Foreground Render


Specifies the render mode(s) for the viewport. Select a background mode and specify the settings, if any. For a composite effect, also select an optional foreground mode and specify any settings (Wireframe, Sketch, Hidden Line, or Dashed Hidden Line are the only render modes available for foreground rendering). RenderWorks is required for certain render modes. OpenGL, Hidden Line, Dashed Hidden Line, Final Shaded Polygon, Artistic RenderWorks, Custom Radiosity, and Custom RenderWorks enable the render settings to be specified.

Render Settings

Certain render modes require parameters to be set; click to specify (see Line Render Options on page 435 for Hidden Line Render settings, Rendering with VectorWorks on page 431 for OpenGL and shaded polygon settings, Artistic RenderWorks Options on page 700 for Artistic RenderWorks settings, Custom RenderWorks Options on page 689 for Custom RenderWorks settings, and Radiosity on page 692 for information on rendering with radiosity) Select a RenderWorks background from either the default resources or the current files resources to use as a background for the viewport; see VectorWorks Fundamentals Default Resources on page 141 Select the projection type for the viewport (see Projection on page 405) For Perspective projection, select the type of perspective, or choose Custom and specify the perspective distance For custom perspectives, enter the perspective distance Click to change the ambient light parameters described in Setting Lighting Options on page 420. By default, a viewports ambient light is set according to the ambient light settings of the first visible design layer in the viewport. If there are no visible layers, then the ambient light is set to on, with a color of white and a brightness of 35% (similar to the default ambient lighting for a design layer).

RW Background (RenderWorks required) Projection Perspective Type Perspective Dist Lighting Options

Advanced Properties

Opens the Advanced Viewport Properties dialog box; see Advanced Sheet Layer Viewport Properties on page 615

Advanced Sheet Layer Viewport Properties

To access additional viewport parameters, click Advanced Properties from the Object Info palette of a selected viewport. The Advanced Viewport Properties dialog box opens. These settings affect the viewport display only, and do not change the original design layer(s).


| Chapter 20: Presenting VectorWorks Drawings

Line Weight Scale Marker Scale Dashed Line Scale

Enter a value larger than 1.0 to increase the viewport line weights, or a value below 1.0 (but larger than 0) to decrease the line weights Enter a value larger than 1.0 to increase the viewport marker size, or a value below 1.0 (but larger than 0) to decrease the marker size Enter a value larger than 1.0 to increase the length and spacing of viewport dash segments, or a value below 1.0 (but larger than 0) to decrease the length and spacing of dashed line segments Enter a value larger than 1.0 to increase the spacing between viewport hatch lines, or a value below 1.0 (but larger than 0) to decrease the spacing between hatch lines Enter a value larger than 1.0 to increase the text size in viewports, or a value below 1.0 (but larger than 0) to decrease the text size; only associated viewport text is affected Displays or hides wall components in Top/Plan view, regardless of the document preferences wall component display setting (see Display Preferences on page 48) Design layers with a visibility set to Gray are rendered as transparent, similar to the transparent effect achieved with the Stack Layers command in the Design Series (see Stacking Layers on page 645 in the VectorWorks Design Series Users Guide) Changes all colors in the viewport to black or white; this is useful for displaying two viewport copies on the same sheet layer, with one in color and the other in black and white. However, if the document preferences display setting is black and white, viewports will also display as black and white. Re-orients rotated and flipped text in the viewport so that it is always readable (regardless of the VectorWorks flipped text preference; see Display Preferences on page 41) Displays the viewport with a preview of the advanced settings

Hatch Line Scale Text Scale Show Wall Components Render Gray Layers Transparent Black and white only

Adjust Flipped Text Preview

Presenting Drawings with Sheet Layer Viewports |


Status of a Sheet Layer Viewport

The status of a sheet layer viewport is indicated visually.

Viewport Status

A normal, up-to-date viewport displays with rectangular handles when selected

Out of date

When the objects in a viewport have changed since the viewport was created or last updated, the viewport becomes out of date. An out-of-date viewport is displayed with a red and white outline.


A viewport is displayed as a red X when the associated design layer contains no objects or the objects are hidden, or when the associated design layer is set to invisible

Modifying Sheet Layer Viewports

There are several ways to modify sheet layer viewports; their appearance can be completely different from the original design layers, for presentation purposes. Modify the settings for the viewport in the Object Info palette. Modify the viewport with various 2D and 3D tools and commands. Crop the viewport. Edit the design layer(s) that display in the viewport. Add annotations and dimensions to the viewport. Change the properties of the viewports layers and classes.


| Chapter 20: Presenting VectorWorks Drawings

Moving and Editing Sheet Layer Viewports

A sheet layer viewport can be edited like most 2D objects. For information on 2D tools and commands, see Editing 2D Objects on page 255. 3D tools cannot be used on sheet layers. However, a 3D object can be copied from a design layer and pasted on a sheet layer. A design layer viewport (Design Series required) cannot be pasted on a sheet layer. Use the Cut, Copy, and Paste commands to copy or paste a viewport on its original sheet layer or another sheet layer. Use the 2D Selection tool to drag a viewport to a new position (or edit the X- and Y-axis positions in the Object Info palette). Press the Delete key to delete a selected viewport.

Use the Move, Rotate, and Mirror commands and the Rotate and Mirror tools to move, rotate, or mirror a viewport. The viewport can be split by the Split tool (in Split by Line mode), and clipped with the Clip tool.

Use the Scale Objects command to scale a viewport. Any crop objects in the viewport are also scaled, as are annotations and dimensions. Viewport text, however, is not scaled unless Scale Text is selected in the Scale Objects dialog box. Use the Modify > Lock and Modify > Unlock commands to lock and unlock viewports. Use 2D drawing tools on sheet layers to create borders, title blocks, and so on.

Cropping Sheet Layer Viewports

A viewport can be cropped on its sheet layer, to display only a portion of the viewport. To crop a viewport: 1. Click on the viewport with the 2D Selection tool to select it. 2. Select Modify > Edit Viewport. Alternatively, right-click (Windows) or Ctrl-click (Macintosh) on a viewport, and select Edit from the context menu. The Edit Viewport dialog box opens.

Presenting Drawings with Sheet Layer Viewports |


Annotations Crop Referenced Design Layer Display using Viewport Attributes Add Reference Crop Object Navigate Back to Viewport Display Viewport Cache Keep the Edit View on Exit

Creates or edits viewport annotations and dimensions (see Creating Annotations for Sheet Layer Viewports on page 621) Creates or edits a cropped viewport Navigates to the selected design layer to edit objects contained in the viewport (see Editing a Design Layer Displayed in a Sheet Layer Viewport on page 621) Retains the viewport view parameters and layer and class visibilities when you navigate to the design layer; if the Navigate Back to Viewport option is also selected, the files layer and class visibilities return to their original status when you exit the design layer When a viewport has been cropped and this option is selected, displays the crop on the design layer so that edits can be made to the design layer while knowing the position of the crop object Temporarily adds a Return to Viewport button to the design layer that returns you to the viewport when the edit to the design layer is complete (similar to an Edit Group operation) If the viewport is currently in a render mode other than Wireframe, select Display Viewport Cache to display a cache image of the rendered viewport during editing; deselect to display a Wireframe view of the viewport When you return to the viewport after an edit, this setting maintains any view changes (zoom and view location) made during edits to the viewport annotation or the crop object. Deselect this option to return to the original viewport view settings after editing.


| Chapter 20: Presenting VectorWorks Drawings

Sets the future behavior when a viewport is double-clicked, eliminating the display of this dialog box if desired (it can still be accessed by selecting Modify > Edit Viewport, or by selecting Edit from a viewports context menu). If the Edits the Design Layer option is selected, a double-click activates the design layer of the double-clicked object. If the object does not belong to a design layer, the Edit Viewport dialog box opens to select a design layer to edit.

Double Click

3. Click Crop, and then click OK to enter Edit Crop mode. Alternatively, right-click (Windows) or Ctrl-click (Macintosh) on a viewport and select Edit Crop from the context menu. A colored border around the drawing window indicates that you are in an editing mode. The Exit Viewport command becomes available from the Modify menu, and the Exit Viewport Crop button is visible in the top right corner of the drawing window. 4. Create a 2D object (such as a rectangle, circle, oval, polyline, or polygon). The 2D object must define an area; for example, a 2D line cannot be used. Position the 2D object to delimit the new viewport display area. The fill of a viewport cropping object is always None; however, the pen style can be set from the Attributes palette while in Edit Crop mode. Set the pen style to None to make the crop object invisible. To view other objects while in Edit Crop mode, select the Show other objects while in groups VectorWorks preference (see Display Preferences on page 41). Adjust the view as necessary using the Flyover tool (see Flyover on page 406). The bounding box of the crop object is also the perspective clip rectangle, if the viewport is in Perspective projection. Reshaping the crop object changes the perspective clip rectangle as well.

5. Click Exit Viewport Crop to return to the sheet layer.

Presenting Drawings with Sheet Layer Viewports |


6. The cropped viewport displays In the Object Info palette, the crop status change to Yes. 7. To change, replace, or delete the crop object, select the viewport and then select Modify > Edit Viewport to re-enter Edit Crop mode. Visibility changes made from the Classes tab of the Organization dialog box (Tools > Organization) do not affect the visibility of the crop object. To change the class visibility of a crop object, click Classes from the viewport Object Info palette, and make the changes in the Viewport Class Properties dialog box (see Changing the Class Properties of Sheet Layer Viewports on page 625).

Editing a Design Layer Displayed in a Sheet Layer Viewport

To edit a design layer that is displayed in a sheet layer viewport: 1. Select the viewport. 2. Select Modify > Edit Viewport. The Edit Viewport dialog box opens (see Cropping Sheet Layer Viewports on page 618 for a description of the dialog box parameters). Alternatively, right-click (Windows) or Ctrl-click (Macintosh) on a viewport and select Edit Design Layer from the context menu to activate the design layer of the right-clicked object (if the right-clicked object does not belong to a design layer, the Edit Viewport dialog box opens). Click Design Layer and select the design layer to edit from the list. Select Display using Viewport Attributes to view the design layer with the viewport attributes (orientation, projection, render mode, and layer and class visibilities). A rendered viewport displays the original design layer with the viewports render mode; however, the design layers render mode options for that mode are used. If the original design layer has different Z heights and Display using Viewport Attributes is selected, the layer options are set to Active Only. Select Add Reference Crop Object to view the crop object on the design layer during editing. However, because the crop object is added to the design layer, it could become visible in other viewports that reference that area of the design layer. Select Navigate Back to Viewport to easily return to the viewport when you are finished with the design layer edits. A colored border around the drawing window indicates that you are in an editing mode. The Return to Viewport button is visible in the top right corner of the drawing window. 3. Click OK to make the selected design layer the active layer.

Creating Annotations for Sheet Layer Viewports

Use the Edit Annotation mode to add annotations and dimensions in viewports, and to edit those annotations and dimensions later on. To view other objects on the sheet layer while editing a viewport, select the Show other objects while in groups preference on the Display tab of VectorWorks preferences.


| Chapter 20: Presenting VectorWorks Drawings

To add annotations, including dimensions, to a viewport: 1. With the viewports sheet layer active, select the viewport by clicking on it with the 2D Selection tool. 2. Select Modify > Edit Viewport. The Edit Viewport dialog box opens (see Cropping Sheet Layer Viewports on page 618 for a description of the dialog box parameters). 3. Click Annotations and then click OK to enter Edit Annotation mode. Alternatively, right-click (Windows) or Ctrl-click (Macintosh) on a viewport and select Edit Annotations from the context menu. A colored border around the drawing window indicates that you are in an editing mode. The Exit Viewport command becomes available from the Modify menu, and the Exit Viewport Annotation button is visible in the top right corner of the drawing window. 4. Use the various dimension tools from the Dims/Notes tool set to add dimensions to the viewport (see Dimensioning on page 437). The dimension tools snap to the objects in the viewport as if you were dimensioning the design layer. When the viewport is in Top/Plan view, associative dimensions can be applied to 2D objectsincluding wallson the design layer. The dimensions are automatically updated if the design layer object changes. Text, callouts, and other annotations, as well as 2D objects, can be added to the viewport. The Design Series contains additional annotation objects. The stacking order of selected annotations can be changed with the Modify > Send commands. To add graphical annotations to a viewport rendered with Hidden Line, use the 2D Polygon tool Polygon from Boundary modes (see 2D Polygon Tool on page 221). Annotations are in viewport scale, not sheet layer scale.

5. Click Exit Viewport Annotation to exit Edit Annotation mode and return to the sheet layer. 6. To change, replace, or delete the viewport annotations, select the viewport and then select Modify > Edit Viewport to re-enter Edit Annotation mode. Visibility changes made from the Classes tab of the Organization dialog box (Tools > Organization) do not affect the visibility of the crop object. To change the class visibility of a crop object, click Classes from the viewport Object Info palette, and make the changes in the Viewport Class Properties dialog box (see Changing the Class Properties of Sheet Layer Viewports on page 625).

Presenting Drawings with Sheet Layer Viewports |


Changing the Layer Properties of Sheet Layer Viewports

The viewports layer visibility, opacity, stacking order, and colors can be changed from the sheet layer. Other viewports, as well as the design layer properties, are not affected. The viewport attributes can be tailored as desired for presentation; several copies of the same viewport can appear completely different. To change the viewport layer properties: 1. Select the viewport. 2. From the Object Info palette, click Layers. The Viewport Layer Properties dialog box opens.

Layer list

Lists the viewport layers and their visibility, edited status, layer color use status, and stacking order. Click the triangle in the heading of an active column to toggle between ascending and descending sort order based on that column parameter. Click in a layer visibility column to change the class visibility for this viewport. Visible (displays objects in this layer) Invisible (hides objects in this layer) Gray (displays objects in this layer as dimmed) Check mark (indicates layers with overrides)



| Chapter 20: Presenting VectorWorks Drawings

Click to apply the viewport layer colors set in the Edit Viewport Design Layers dialog box (click Edit to set the colors, as described in the next step), overriding the design layer colors. This setting is independent of the Use layer colors document preference. Displays the layer stacking order; drag a layer within the # column to change its stacking order Opens the Edit Viewport Design Layers dialog box, to override the properties of the selected layer Returns the viewport layer properties to their status upon opening the dialog box Indicates whether the layer stacking order in the viewport is different from the design layer stacking order. Click Revert Stacking Order to return to the original design layer stacking order. Click to preview the layer property settings in the selected viewport

Use Layer Colors

# Edit Revert Stacking Override


3. To override the layer properties (for viewport display), select one or more viewport layers and click Edit. Alternatively, double-click on a viewport layer to edit it. The Edit Viewport Design Layers dialog box opens.

Displays when the VectorWorks preference for Quartz imaging (Macintosh) or GDI+ imaging (Windows) is enabled

4. The same parameters apply when you create a design layer (see Setting Design Layer Properties on page 87); for viewport layers, only the stacking order, transfer mode or opacity, and colors can be edited. These edits apply to the current viewport only, though they can be transferred to other viewports with the Eyedropper tool.

Presenting Drawings with Sheet Layer Viewports |


The viewport layer colors can be controlled separately from the design layer colors, for flexible presentation output. Click Colors to override the fill and pen colors for the selected viewport layer. To see the effects of the color override, Use Layer Colors must be selected in the Viewport Layer Properties dialog box for the selected viewport. This is similar to the way that Use Layer Colors must be selected in Document Properties to see the layer color settings for a design layer, as described in Setting the Design Layer Color on page 92. 5. Click OK to return to the Viewport Layer Properties dialog box. Click Preview to evaluate the results of the property changes. 6. Click OK to return to the sheet layer.

Changing the Class Properties of Sheet Layer Viewports

The class visibilities and attributes of a selected viewport can be changed from the sheet layer. This does not change the class properties or the class visibility for the original design layers or for other viewports. The viewport attributes can be tailored as desired for presentation; several copies of the same viewport can appear completely different.

To override viewport class properties: 1. Select the viewport. 2. From the Object Info palette, click Classes. The Viewport Class Properties dialog box opens. Change class visibilities and/or make class attribute overrides for the selected viewport.


| Chapter 20: Presenting VectorWorks Drawings

Class list

Lists the viewport classes and their visibility and edited status; click in a class visibility column to change the class visibility for this viewport. Click the triangle in an active column to toggle between ascending and descending sort order based on that column parameter. Visible (displays objects in this class) Invisible (hides objects in this class) Gray (displays objects in this class as dimmed) Check mark (indicates classes with overrides)


Opens the Edit Class(es) dialog box, to make overrides to the selected class that only apply to the current viewport (see Setting Class Properties on page 98)

Presenting Drawings with Sheet Layer Viewports | Parameter



Opens the Import Attributes dialog box, to import the class attribute settings from the file. The attributes can be imported for the classes selected in the Viewport Class Properties dialog box, from corresponding classes, or from a specified class in the file.

Click OK to import the class attributes into the selected viewport. (The Eyedropper tool can also transfer class override attributes between viewports.) Revert Preview Sets the selected class back to its original document attributes, undoing any class overrides Click to preview the class visibility and attribute settings in the selected viewport

3. Click OK to apply the class visibility and attribute changes to the selected viewport.

Updating Sheet Layer Viewports

Changes that affect the appearance of a viewport are automatically updated for a wireframe viewport. However, if changes occur that require the viewport to be rendered again, the viewport will be displayed as an out-of-date viewport with a red and white striped border (see Status of a Sheet Layer Viewport on page 617). If a sheet layer with an out-of-date viewport is printed, a message prompts you to either print the viewport as an out-of-date viewport or update the viewport(s) on the sheet layer before printing.

Updating Selected Viewports

To update selected viewports: 1. Select the viewport(s). 2. On the Object Info palette, click Update. Alternatively, select View > Update Selected Viewports. 3. The selected viewports are updated.

Updating All Viewports

To update all the viewports in the file: 1. Select View > Update All Viewports.


| Chapter 20: Presenting VectorWorks Drawings

2. All viewports on all sheet layers are updated. An update to multiple rendered viewports may require a significant amount of time. In particular, rendering with radiosity should be performed as a last step in the presentation process.

Cutting Sections
VectorWorks cutting section tools define a section line through a 3D model, placing the cut section on a new layer and leaving the original model intact. The Cut 2D Section command creates a cross-section, or 2D contour, on the cutting plane. The contour is created by the intersection of the model with an infinite plane passing though the section line. Only the elements that actually intersect the section line are shown. The Cut 3D Section command creates a section with all the 3D geometry that remains on the indicated side of the infinite plane passing through the section line. The elements that intersect the section line, as well as the 3D geometry that exists beyond the line, are shown. Place a 2D section, along with a bold line, on top of a 3D section, to show the cutting plane with the section behind it.

Cutting 3D Sections
The Cut 3D Section command cuts a 3D section, or slice, through a 3D model while leaving the model intact. The slice is placed on a new design layer. To cut a 3D section from a 3D model: 1. Select the 3D model to section. 2. Select Model > Cut 3D Section. The cursor changes to cross-hairs. 3. Click to set the start of the section. Draw a line across the object to define the section, and then click to set the end of the section. When cutting a section while the drawing is in a Plan projection, the cutting plane (and the cut edge of the object) is perpendicular to the ground plane. When cutting a section while in a 3D projection, the cutting plane is perpendicular to the working plane. 4. Click on one side of the line to indicate the portion of the model to keep. VectorWorks automatically creates a new design layer and places the cut 3D section on it. The original layer remains intact. The new 3D section behaves like any other VectorWorks 3D object.

Layer Linking |


Select the object(s) and select Model > Cut 3D Section; set the section line and click on either side of it to specify the section to keep

The 3D section (rotated and rendered) is created on a new design layer; the original object(s) are left intact

Dimensions and text are 2D objects; therefore, they do not rotate with the cut 3D section.

Cutting 2D Sections
The Cut 2D Section command cuts a 2D section, or a slice, from a 3D model without affecting the model. The slice is then placed on a new design layer. For example, to show the profile or a 2D cutaway section of an object in a mechanical 3D drawing, use this command to create the cutaway section in 2D quickly and easily, without affecting the original object. To cut a 2D section from a 3D model: 1. Select the 3D model to section. 2. Select Model > Cut 2D Section. The cursor changes to cross-hairs. 3. Click to set the start of the section. Draw a line across the object to define the section, and then click to set the end of the section. When cutting a section while the drawing is in a Plan projection, the cutting plane (and the cut edge of the object) is perpendicular to the ground plane. When cutting a section while in a 3D projection, the cutting plane is perpendicular to the working plane. 4. Click on one side of the line to indicate the portion of the model to keep. VectorWorks automatically creates a new design layer and places the cut 2D section on it. The original layer remains intact.

Layer Linking
Creating Layer Links
Layers created in VectorWorks are independent of each other. Each design layer has its own scale, view, and render status. In VectorWorks Fundamentals, however, a layer link can be created that combines the geometry of several design layers, including workgroup-referenced layers, onto a single design layer. The linked objects on this design layer display in the same view and scale, and share the same render status. This can then be used to give an accurate


| Chapter 20: Presenting VectorWorks Drawings

depiction of how objects in each layer work together. For example, the various floors of a building can be drawn on separate layers and then linked together into a new layer to form an entire building. In VectorWorks Fundamentals, consider using viewports instead of layer links, as they provide a better and easier way to present drawings. In the VectorWorks Design Series, layer links are being superseded by design layer viewports. Layer links cannot be created, but for backward compatibility, existing layer links can still be viewed and edited. See Presenting Drawings with Design Layer Viewports on page 616 in the VectorWorks Design Series Users Guide. The layer link is created on a new design layer that contains links to the existing design layers of the drawing. 3D objects on selected layers are automatically linked; 2D objects can be projected onto the layer link. Once the layer link is created, updates to the design layers are automatically reflected on the linked layer when a screen redraw occurs. However, this updating occurs only in one direction; any new objects or details added to the linked layer will not appear in any other layers. Linked objects cannot be edited on the linked layer; they must be edited on their source layer. To create a layer link: 1. Create a new layer, and then make it the active layer. This layer shows objects on all linked layers and any changes made to them. 2. Select View > Create Layer Link. The Create Layer Link dialog box opens; the layer being linked to (the currently active layer) is not listed. Workgroup-referenced layers display in italics.

3. Select the design layers to be linked from the list of existing layers. Sheet layers are not displayed. 4. Select Project 2D Objects to display any 2D objects in a view other than Top/Plan. To project 2D objects after a layer link has been created, select and then unlock the layer link object. Select Project 2-D Objects in the Object Info palette. 5. Click OK. Linked layers are locked objects. To unlock a linked layer, select Modify > Unlock; double-click on an item in the layer link (or select Edit Design Layer from the context menu) to return to its source layer and edit it.

Layer Linking |


Cropping Layer Links

Layer link objects can be cropped in a similar manner to viewports (see Cropping Sheet Layer Viewports on page 618). When cropped, only a portion of the layer link displays; increase the scale of the layer to create a detailed view. Layer links with workgroup-referenced layers can also be cropped. To view other objects while cropping layer links, select the Show other objects while in groups VectorWorks preference (see Display Preferences on page 41). To crop a layer link: 1. Select an existing layer link. 2. Unlock the layer link by selecting Modify > Unlock. 3. Click Edit Crop from the Object Info palette to enter the Layer Link Crop mode. Alternatively, select Edit Crop from the layer link context menu. A colored border around the drawing window indicates that you are in an editing mode. The Exit Layer Link command becomes available from the Modify menu, and the Exit Layer Link Crop button displays in the top right corner of the drawing window. 4. Create a 2D object (such as a rectangle, rounded rectangle, arc, circle, oval, polyline, or polygon). The 2D object must define an area; a 2D line, for example, cannot be used. Position the 2D object to delimit the new crop display area. The fill of a cropping object is always None; however, the pen style can be set from the Attributes palette while in Edit Crop mode. Set the pen style to None (or the crop object class to invisible) to make the crop object invisible. Use the Flyover tool to adjust the view as necessary (see Flyover on page 406).

5. Click Exit Layer Link Crop, or select Modify > Exit Layer Link to return to the drawing. The cropped layer link is displayed. In the Object Info palette, the crop status has changed to Yes. By increasing the scale of the layer with the layer link, and making other layers visible, a floor plan can be displayed (original design layer) along with a detailed view of the floor plan (zoomed in, cropped layer link).


| Chapter 20: Presenting VectorWorks Drawings

6. To change, replace, or delete the layer link crop, select the cropped layer link and then select Edit Crop from the Object Info palette to re-enter crop mode. Click Exit Layer Link Crop, or select Modify > Exit Layer Link to return to the drawing. The entire layer link is displayed if a viewport of a cropped layer link is created.

Converting Layer Links

In the VectorWorks Design Series, layer links are being superseded by design layer viewports. Because VectorWorks Fundamentals users cannot create design layer viewports, and Design Series users cannot create layer links, it occasionally may be necessary to convert a layer link into a viewport, or to convert a design layer viewport into a layer link. To convert a layer link into a design layer viewport, first unlock the layer link. Right-click (Windows) or Ctrl-click (Macintosh) on the layer link and then select Convert to Viewport from the context menu. To convert a design layer viewport into a layer link, select the viewport and then select Modify > Decompose. The Object Info palette changes to indicate that the object is now a group. Select Modify > Ungroup to create a layer link.

Aligning Layer Views

The Align Layer Views command provides a one-step method to change all design layers in the drawing file so that they have identical Standard View and Projection modes. VectorWorks matches all design layers, regardless of visibility, to the active layers Standard View and Projection modes. To align design layer views: 1. Select View, and then set the Standard Views and Projection modes for the active layer. 2. Select View > Align Layer Views. VectorWorks changes the Standard Views and Projection modes for all of the design layers in the drawing file.

Layer Linking |


Active layer


| Chapter 20: Presenting VectorWorks Drawings

Creating and Mapping Textures

RenderWorks Commands and Tools


When RenderWorks is installed, additional rendering commands, light source parameters, options, and two tools are present in the workspace. The Rendering commands, tools and options are integrated throughout the program in the following locations:

Render Bitmap tool RenderWorks Camera tool Attribute Mapping tool Object Info palette Visualization palette Resource Browser Rendering modes

Renders a selected area with a specified rendering mode, creating a bitmap object Creates a camera view based on specific parameters Adds the ability to move, rotate, and resize a texture on a 3D object surface Maps textures onto object surfaces using the options on the Render tab Accesses lights and cameras for quick editing, selection, and management Creates new textures and background resources, imports resources, and edits textures and backgrounds; drag a texture to an object to apply it Fast RenderWorks, Fast RenderWorks with Shadows, Fast Radiosity, Final Quality RenderWorks, Final Quality Radiosity, Custom RenderWorks, Custom Radiosity, and Artistic RenderWorks Sets up batch rendering options and executes batch rendering Adds area lights, line lights, and custom lights, and adds accurate lighting parameters to point, directional and spot lights Specifies texture information for classes Specifies background resource to apply to a layer Purges unused textures from a drawing file Creates image props from image files Creates an area light Creates a linear light Creates an EPix (epx) file Creates an Open EXR or HDR file Creates a QuickTime Virtual Reality Object file Creates a QuickTime Virtual Reality Panorama file

Batch Rendering Additional light sources and parameters Edit Class(es) dialog box Edit Layers dialog box Purge Unused Objects command Create Image Prop command Convert to Area Light command Convert to Line Light command Export EPix/Piranesi Export High Dynamic Range Image (HDRI) Export QT VR Object Export QT VR Panorama

Textures and Shaders

In RenderWorks, textures are applied to objects to make them appear more realistic. Textures are composed of components called shaders. There are four shader types: color, reflectivity, transparency, and bump; each shader


| Chapter 21: Creating and Mapping Textures

makes an independent contribution to the overall texture appearance. When creating or editing textures, the shader components are combined or excluded to achieve the desired texture effect. In addition to using textures, realistic models can be enhanced with the use of backgrounds, weather effects, and the use of image files as props. Four shaders contribute to a texture definition. Combining and adjusting these components causes a texture to appear as an image, colored, bumpy, shiny, and/or transparent. The following table defines the shader types:

Color Reflectivity Transparency Bump

Defines surface color; this can be a plain, uniform color, or a complex pattern like wood or marble Defines amount of light reflected by surface; it is dependent on surface texture properties and any light sources Defines surface transparency or opacity Defines surface irregularities which give the texture a bumpy appearance

Shaders are divided into three categories: image-based shaders, wrapped shaders, and solid shaders.

Image-based Shaders
Image-based shaders are created from an image file imported into VectorWorks. These shaders are then mapped to the surface of an object.

Wrapped Shaders
Wrapped shaders are 2D patterns projected onto a 3D object surface. These shaders are noted with an asterisk after the shader name.

Solid Shaders
Solid shaders are 3D patterns applied to a 3D object surface. When a shape is changed or portions of the object cut away, the algorithm recalculates and portrays the object appropriately. The following example shows the difference between a solid and a wrapped shader. In the solid shader, 3D spheres are used to make the polka dots; the shape of the dots remain circular even though portions of the object have been cut away. The wrapped polka shader uses 2D circles to make the polka dots; the shader reacts to the surface of the object, and the dots appear distorted where the object has been cut away.

Wrapped shader

Solid shader

Creating Textures |


Creating Textures
Textures are created and displayed in the Resource Browser and are saved with the file (default resources are automatically imported into the file at the point of use, and display in the Resource Browser); see VectorWorks Fundamentals Default Resources on page 141 and Using the Resource Browser on page 142. Textures are created by defining the shaders that make up the texture. Apply textures to an object from the Resource Browser or from the Render tab of the Object Info palette. See Applying and Mapping Textures on page 661 for more information. A library of texture resources is also provided in [VectorWorks]\Libraries\Textures.

Creating a New Texture

To create a texture resource: 1. Select Window > Palettes > Resource Browser to open the Resource Browser. 2. From the Resources list, select New Resource to display the New Resource menu. 3. Select RenderWorks Texture. The Edit Texture dialog box opens. Specify the shader parameters. Shader types and properties are described in RenderWorks Shader Definitions on page 733.

Name Shaders

Specifies the name of the texture resource Wrapped shaders are marked with an asterisk (*); the Edit Mapping properties (see Applying and Mapping Object Textures on page 663) affect these types of shaders.


| Chapter 21: Creating and Mapping Textures

Select a color shader from the list, or choose Object Attribute to apply the objects fill color attribute. Image-based shaders require the selection of an image file (see Creating Image-based Shaders on page 639). After selecting the shader, click Edit to edit the shader properties. Select a reflectivity shader from the list (or select None to exclude this type of shader from the texture). Image-based shaders require the selection of an image file (see Creating Image-based Shaders on page 639). After selecting the shader, click Edit to edit the shader properties. Select a transparency shader from the list (or select None to exclude this type of shader from the texture). Image-based shaders require the selection of an image file (see Creating Image-based Shaders on page 639). Mask-based transparency shaders create a transparent mask from an image based on specified settings. After selecting the shader, click Edit to edit the shader properties. Select a bump shader from the list (or select None to exclude this type of shader from the texture). Image-based shaders require the selection of an image file (see Creating Image-based Shaders on page 639). After selecting the shader, click Edit to edit the shader properties. Sets the real-world size for each repetition of the texture For image-based textures, opens the Set Image Size dialog box, to set the texture size using the image (see Setting the Texture Size by Image on page 639)





Size Set By Image Shadows Cast Receive Preview Options Preview Controls

Allows objects with this texture to cast shadows (for ray-traced shadows) Allows objects with this texture to receive shadows (for ray-traced shadows) The Preview window displays the effects of shader and size selections on a preview object Adjusts the preview position and magnification. Click Pan and drag the preview to the desired location. Click Zoom In or Zoom Out and then click and drag to create a marquee; this zooms in or out on a particular section of the preview. Click Fit to fit the preview to the window (according to Obj Size). Select the type of preview object from the list; for procedural (non image-based) shaders, the Flat object type is automatically used to create a preview for OpenGL rendering to approximate the look of the solid shader Specifies the preview object size Select to preview the associated shader; deselect to exclude the shader component from the texture preview Opens the Radiosity Texture Options dialog box; specify if this texture should always participate in radiosity calculations (receive only or receive and emit light) when rendering with custom radiosity. (Allow Texture Override must also be selected in the Radiosity Optimizations dialog box. See Setting Custom Radiosity Options on page 694.) Object overrides supersede texture overrides. Returns the texture parameters to the original settings, undoing any changes

Obj Type

Obj Size Shader Checkboxes Radiosity Options


Creating Textures |


4. Click OK to create a texture with the name and properties specified in the Edit Texture dialog box. The texture displays in the Resource Browser and is saved with the file. The texture preview in the Resource Browser uses the Flat preview object at twice the texture size for ease of identification. If modeling a glass object (simple and accurate glass reflectivity shader) with a 3D polygon or other sheet-like 3D object, duplicate and offset the 3D polygon by a small amount so that rays are traced through the glass with both an entering and exiting surface.

Setting the Texture Size by Image

For image-based shaders, the real-world size of each texture repetition can be set based on a segment of the image. To set the size of an image texture based on the image: 1. Select the image to use for the texture, as described in Creating Image-based Shaders on page 639. 2. In the Edit Texture dialog box, click Set By Image. If several image-based shaders are used, select the shader with the desired image in the Choose Image dialog box. The Set Image Size dialog box opens. Red handles flash briefly to indicate the location of the line segment.

3. Specify the image length to use for sizing the texture by dragging the line segment into position, and then dragging the ends of the line segment. If necessary, use the mouse scroll wheel to zoom into and out of the image, or click and hold the mouse wheel button to pan. When the line is indicating the desired real-world length, specify the real-world size for the line segment in Feature Size. 4. Click OK to exit the Set Image Size dialog box and update the Size value.

Creating Image-based Shaders

Image-based shaders are created from image files imported into VectorWorks. Like wrapped shaders, an image-based shader is applied to the surface of an object. See Applying and Mapping Object Textures on page 663 for more information. Different settings are then required depending on the type of shader to be used with the image.


| Chapter 21: Creating and Mapping Textures

Color Reflectivity Transparency Bump

Image Type
Filtered Image Image Color Image Reflectivity Image Transparency Mask Transparency Image Bump

Multiple image shaders can be combined to create a realistic texture. For example, import a brick image with mortar joins, and then add an image bump to the brick. In addition, image-based shaders can be combined with non image-based shader types for a variety of effects. Most image-based textures are automatically compressed when imported into VectorWorks. Imported JPEG files retain the original JPEG data; all other image files are compressed using lossless PNG format. The Artistic RenderWorks Color Wash style cannot be used with image-based textures.

Selecting the Image for Import

To import an image for use as an image-based shader: 1. Create a graphics file to be imported as a shader. In a graphics program, save the image in a format that VectorWorks can import: BMP PSD JPG QTI PCT SGI PNG TIF PNT TGA

2. Create a new texture as described in Creating a New Texture on page 637. From any of the four shader component lists, select one of the image shader types. 3. If a resource with an image is already present in the file, the Choose Image dialog box opens.

Import an Image File Reuse an Image from Another Resource

Imports a new image; click OK and proceed to Step 4. Reuses a previously imported image; select the resource that contains the image. Click OK and proceed to Step 5.

4. Select the desired image file in the Open (Windows) or Import QuickTime Image Document (Macintosh) dialog box. Click Open.

Creating Textures |
5. The next dialog box that opens depends on the type of shader. Refer to the section that applies to the shader.


Color Reflectivity Transparency Bump

Importing Images for Color Shaders on page 641 Importing Images for Reflectivity Shaders on page 643 Importing Images for Transparency Shaders on page 645 Importing Images for Bump Shaders on page 648

Importing Images for Color Shaders

Color shaders can use images for image color and filtered image. The image color shader displays the image as-is. The filtered image shader allows an image to be tinted with a specified color.

Filtered Image Color Shader

The process of selecting a filtered image color shader is illustrated by the following flow chart.
Edit Texture dialog box Image already imported in file No image previously imported

Color shader filtered image Import new image

Choose Image dialog box

Open File dialog box

Reuse image

Filtered Image dialog box

Image appears in Preview window

To import a filtered image color shader: 1. Select and import the image as described in Selecting the Image for Import on page 640. The Filtered Image dialog box opens. 2. Specify the image-based shader properties and click OK to import the image and preview the texture.


| Chapter 21: Creating and Mapping Textures

Image preview Change Image Tile Image Filter Color Softness

Edits to the image are displayed in the image preview Selects a different image for import Repeats the image in the horizontal, vertical, or horizontal and vertical directions; deselect for no tiling Selects a color filter for the image; leave the default selection of Use Object Fill for no change or click the color box to choose a filter color for the image Drag the slider to the right to increase image blurring when rendered in Final Quality or Custom RenderWorks (with anti-aliasing on)

Color Image Shader

The process of selecting a color image shader is illustrated by the following flow chart.
Edit Texture dialog box Image already imported in file No image previously imported

Color shader image color Import new image

Choose Image dialog box

Open File dialog box

Reuse image

Image Color dialog box

Image appears in Preview window

Creating Textures |
To import a color image shader: 1. Select and import the image as described in Selecting the Image for Import on page 640. The Image Color dialog box opens. 2. Specify the image-based shader properties and click OK to import the image and preview the texture.


Image preview Change Image Tile Image Softness

Edits to the image are displayed in the image preview Selects a different image for import Repeats the image in the horizontal, vertical, or horizontal and vertical directions; deselect for no tiling Drag the slider to the right to increase image blurring when rendered in Final Quality or Custom RenderWorks (with anti-aliasing on)

Importing Images for Reflectivity Shaders

The process of selecting a reflectivity shader is illustrated by the following flow chart.


| Chapter 21: Creating and Mapping Textures

Edit Texture dialog box Image already imported in file No image previously imported

Reflectivity image-based shader Import new image

Choose Image dialog box

Open File dialog box

Reuse image

Image Reflectivity dialog box

Image appears in Preview window

To import a reflectivity image-based shader: 1. Select and import the image as described in Selecting the Image for Import on page 640. The Image Reflectivity dialog box opens. 2. Specify the image-based shader properties and click OK to import the image and preview the texture.

Image preview Change Image Softness Ambient Diffuse

Edits to the image are displayed in the image preview Selects a different image for import Drag the slider to the right to increase image blurring when rendered in Final Quality or Custom RenderWorks (with anti-aliasing on) Drag the slider to the right to increase the effect of the ambient lighting on the texture brightness Drag the slider to the right to increase the effect of directional light on the texture

Creating Textures | Parameter

Specular Mirror Roughness


Drag the slider to the right to increase the effect of directional highlights on the texture Drag the slider to the right to increase the number of reflections on the texture Drag the slider to the right to increase the width of highlights on the texture

Importing Images for Transparency Shaders

Transparency shaders can be created from images or image masks.

Image Transparency
The process of selecting an image transparency shader is illustrated by the following flow chart.
Edit Texture dialog box Image already imported in file No image previously imported

Image Transparency shader Import new image

Choose Image dialog box

Open File dialog box

Reuse image

Image Transparency dialog box

Image appears in Preview window

To import an image transparency shader: 1. Select and import the image as described in Selecting the Image for Import on page 640. The Image Transparency dialog box opens. 2. Specify the image-based shader properties and click OK to import the image and preview the texture.


| Chapter 21: Creating and Mapping Textures

Edits to the image are displayed in the image preview Selects a different image for import Drag the slider to the right to increase image blurring when rendered in Final Quality or Custom RenderWorks (with anti-aliasing on)

Image preview Change Image Softness

Mask Transparency
The process of selecting a mask transparency shader is illustrated by the following flow chart.
Edit Texture dialog box Image already imported in file Mask Transparency shader Import new image No image previously imported

Choose Image dialog box

Open File dialog box

Reuse image

Create grayscale pixel or alpha-channel color mask

Create Mask dialog box Edit Mask Transparency dialog box Image appears in Preview window

Create transparent color mask Create Transparent Color Mask dialog box

To create a mask transparency image-based shader: 1. Once the image has been selected and imported, specify the mask properties in the Create Mask dialog box.

Creating Textures | Parameter

Grayscale Pixels Transparent Color Alpha Channel


Creates a mask from the images pixel brightness values; brighter pixels are more opaque Creates a mask with a selected transparent color and mask parameters Uses the alpha channel of a source image as the mask (image must contain valid alpha channel information)

For Grayscale Pixel and Alpha Channel masks, click OK. Proceed to Step 3. 2. If Transparent Color was selected, the Create Transparent Color Mask dialog box opens. Select the mask properties and click OK. The source image must be more than eight-bit color to create a transparent color mask.

Black pixels are transparent White pixels are opaque

Source Image

Displays the imported image. Select the transparent color by clicking a color in the image; the resulting mask is displayed in the Transparent Color Mask preview. If necessary, use the mouse scroll wheel to zoom into and out of the image, or click and hold the mouse wheel button to pan. Displays the current transparent color. Instead of clicking on the source image to designate the transparent color, the color can be selected by clicking the color box. Displays a preview of the mask based on the current transparent color selection and settings Adjusts the transparency tolerance; drag the slider to the right to increase the tolerance level. This allows a wider range of pixels similar to the transparent color to be considered transparent. Adjusts the mask edge contrast; increase the contrast sharpness by dragging the slider to the right. Soften the contrast by dragging the slider to the left.

Transparent Color Transparent Color Mask Color Matching Tolerance Mask Contrast

Images with a monochrome background are easiest to use when creating a mask transparency.


| Chapter 21: Creating and Mapping Textures

3. The Edit Mask Transparency dialog box opens.

Softness Transparent Color Mask Change Image

Drag the slider to the right to increase image blurring when rendered in Final Quality or Custom RenderWorks (with anti-aliasing on) Selects the transparent color mask settings Selects a different image for import

4. Specify the mask transparency parameters and click OK. The imported mask transparency is previewed in the Edit Texture dialog box.

Importing Images for Bump Shaders

The process of selecting a bump shader is illustrated by the following flow chart.

Edit Texture dialog box Image already imported in file No image previously imported

Bump image-based shader Import new image

Choose Image dialog box

Open File dialog box

Reuse image

Edit Image Bump dialog box

Image appears in Preview window

Editing Textures and Shaders |

To import a bump image-based shader: 1. Select and import the image as described in Selecting the Image for Import on page 640. The Edit Image Bump dialog box opens. 2. Specify the image-based shader properties and click OK to import the image and preview the texture.


Image preview Change Image Softness Amplitude

Edits to the image are displayed in the image preview Selects a different image for import Drag the slider to the right to increase image blurring when rendered in Final Quality or Custom RenderWorks (with anti-aliasing on) Enter a value to adjust the apparent bump height; a higher value creates a bumpier appearance (Range: 0 1)

When using the monochromatic textures provided with VectorWorks, the Softness and Amplitude parameters may require careful adjustment depending on the viewing distance from the model.

Editing Textures and Shaders

All textures, whether created by you, selected from default resources, or imported from the resources included with VectorWorks, can be edited by changing the parameters of the shaders that make up the texture. This editing can be done from the Object Info palette, with the changes to the texture reflected immediately in the selected object. Alternatively, the texture can be edited from the Resource Browser. A library of texture resources is provided in [VectorWorks]\Libraries\Textures.

Editing Textures and Shaders of Selected Objects

The textures and shaders of a selected object can be edited directly through the Texture menu on the Render tab of the Object Info palette. The Texture menu allows the textures and shaders that make up the textures to be edited, with changes displayed immediately in the drawing.


| Chapter 21: Creating and Mapping Textures

To avoid making unwanted permanent changes to a texture resource that is used by several objects, select Duplicate (Texture Name) Resource and Edit and work on a copy of the texture resource instead of the original. Changes made to a copy of the texture only apply to the current selection.

Editing the Texture Resource

To edit the texture resource of a selection: 1. Select the desired textured object(s). 2. On the Render tab of the Object Info palette, click the arrow next to the texture name to open the Texture menu. 3. Select Edit (Texture Name) Resource to edit the current texture, or select Duplicate (Texture Name) Resource and Edit to make a copy of the resource for editing. The Edit (Texture Name) dialog box opens, and a preview window is created around the selected object. The parameters are the same as those used to create the texture; any changes are reflected directly in the drawing.

Editing Textures and Shaders |


Shaders Size Set By Image

Select a different or additional shader, or edit the shader parameters, as described in Creating Textures on page 637 Sets the real-world size for each repetition of the texture For image-based shaders, click to set the real-world size in relation to a segment of the image (if several image-based shaders are used, select the shader in the Choose Image dialog box first). In the Set Image Size dialog box, specify the texture length to use for sizing by dragging the ends of the line segment. Then, specify the real-world size for the line segment in Feature Size. Click OK to exit the Set Image Size dialog box and update the Size value. The size should reflect the file setup. For example, if the layer scale is 1/4 and feet and inches are being used, the size should be in feet, not inches.

Shadows Cast Receive Allows objects with this texture to cast shadows (for rendering modes that display shadows) Allows objects with this texture to receive shadows (for rendering modes that display shadows)


| Chapter 21: Creating and Mapping Textures

Opens the Radiosity Texture Options dialog box; specify if this texture should always participate in radiosity calculations when rendering with custom radiosity. If the texture should receive light but not emit it, select Receive Light, or if the texture should both receive and emit light, select Receive Light and then also Emit Light. A texture override must also be selected under Allow Special Overrides in the Radiosity Optimizations dialog box. See Setting Custom Radiosity Options on page 694. Object overrides supersede texture overrides.

Radiosity Options

Preview Options Render Mode Update When Values Change Render Selected Object Only (Texture Name) is Used by Select a rendering mode for the preview window; this does not change the drawing rendering mode Select to render the preview with the selected Render Mode as parameters change; if deselected, the drawing is not updated until the dialog box is closed Select to render only the selected object as parameters change; deselect to render objects within the preview window as parameters change Indicates the number of objects in the file with the current texture applied

Editing the Shader

If only the shader parameters require editing, they can be accessed quickly from the Texture menu rather than editing the texture first. To edit one of the shaders that makes up the texture of a selection: 1. Select the desired textured object(s). 2. On the Render tab of the Object Info palette, click the arrow next to the texture name to open the Texture menu. 3. Select Edit (Shader Name) Shader to directly edit one of the shaders that makes up the applied texture. The Edit (Shader Name) Shader dialog box opens, and a preview window is created around the selected object. The parameters are the same as those used to create the shader; any changes are reflected directly in the drawing.

Editing Textures and Shaders | Parameter

Shader Properties Preview Options Render Mode Update When Values Change Select a rendering mode for the preview window; this does not change the drawing rendering mode Select to render the preview with the selected Render Mode as parameters change; if deselected, the drawing is not updated until the dialog box is closed


See Shader Properties on page 737 for a comprehensive list of shaders and shader properties.

Render Selected Object Only (Texture Name) is Used by

Select to render only the selected object only as parameters change; deselect to render objects within the preview window as parameters change Indicates the number of objects in the file with the current texture applied

Editing Textures and Shaders Through the Resource Browser

A texture and its shader properties can be edited from the Resource Browser. The texture does not have to be applied to any objects to be edited in this way; changes are displayed in a preview window rather than directly in the drawing. To edit a texture resource, including its shaders, from the Resource Browser: 1. From the Resource Browser, select the texture to be changed, and then select Edit from the Resources menu. The Edit Texture dialog box opens.

2. Click Edit to edit the shader. The dialog box that opens depends on the shader. Descriptions of all the possible parameters are presented in alphabetical order in Shader Properties on page 737. 3. Edit the texture properties as described in Creating Textures on page 637. The texture can also be renamed.


| Chapter 21: Creating and Mapping Textures

The changes are displayed in the preview window.

4. Click OK to exit the Edit Texture dialog box.

Creating Image Prop Objects

RenderWorks allows the insertions of prop objects made from imported images, such as trees, people, signs, and cars, to make a model look more realistic. An image prop must be in one of the formats listed in Selecting the Image for Import on page 640. Most image-based textures are automatically compressed when imported into VectorWorks. Imported JPEG files retain the original JPEG data; all other image files are compressed using lossless PNG format. An image imported for use as a prop is saved as a texture resource. A library of image prop resources is provided in [VectorWorks]\Libraries\Image Props. To add an image prop: 1. Select Model > Create Image Prop. 2. If a resource with an image is already present in the file, the Choose Prop Image dialog box opens.

Import an Image File Reuse an Image from Another Resource

Imports a new image; click OK and proceed to Step 3. Reuses a previously imported image; select the resource that contains the image. Click OK and proceed to Step 4.

3. Select the desired image file in the Open (Windows) or Import QuickTime Image Document (Macintosh) dialog box. Click Open. 4. The Image Prop Options dialog box opens. Specify the parameters for the image prop.

Creating Image Prop Objects |


Name Dimensions Lock Aspect Ratio Mask Options No Mask Use Mask

Specify a name for the image prop (used for the texture and symbol name) Specifies the image props height and width values Maintains the images aspect ratio when selected; editing one dimension automatically changes the other

Specifies that no image masking is to be used for the imported image Specifies that image masking is to be used; click Create Mask to specify the mask image and properties as described in Mask Transparency on page 646. When rendering with Custom RenderWorks, set the Recursion Level appropriately (see Custom RenderWorks Options on page 689). If the recursion level is set too low, transparent objects, including overlapping image props, may appear opaque. In general, set the recursion level to twice the number of overlapping objects; if there are two overlapping image props, for example, set the recursion level to four. Creates the illusion of object fullness by creating two image planes at a 90 degree angle to each other

Crossed Planes

Crossed planes deselected

Crossed planes selected

Constant Reflectivity

Excludes the prop from the effects of light objects placed in the drawing; this is useful for images that already contain shadowed areas


| Chapter 21: Creating and Mapping Textures

Creates a plug-in object out of the prop; this allows the prop to be resized and automatically rotated Adjusts the plug-in object so that it is always rendered facing the viewer In a radiosity rendering, auto-rotate is not possible because the model geometry within a completed radiosity solution is fixed Create Symbol Creates a symbol from the image prop; the image prop name is automatically assigned as the symbol name. Generating the image prop as a symbol allows the image prop to be easily re-inserted in the drawing.

Create Plug-In Object Auto Rotate to Viewer

Select Auto Rotate to Viewer for crossed plane images, so that the crossed planes cannot be detected. 5. Click OK to create the image prop. The image prop symbol parameters can be edited in the Object Info palette. In the Resource Browser, the image prop is listed as a symbol/plug-in object, if selected at creation. In addition, a texture is created for use by the image prop. Both the texture and, if created, the symbol/plug-in object, are assigned the name provided in the Image Prop Options dialog box.

Creating Layer Backgrounds

With RenderWorks, backgrounds can be added to create a more realistic drawing. Backgrounds, such as clouds, a color or color gradient, or an imported image or panorama, are applied on a per-layer basis. In addition, special weather effects can add to the layer the illusion of snow, fog, ground fog, or shafts of light in fog.

Creating Layer Backgrounds |


RenderWorks backgrounds are resources that are created and displayed in the Resource Browser and are saved with the file (default resources are automatically imported into the file at the point of use, and display in the Resource Browser); see VectorWorks Fundamentals Default Resources on page 141.

Creating a Background
To create a background: 1. Select Window > Palettes > Resource Browser to open the Resource Browser. 2. From the Resources menu, select New Resource to display the New Resource menu. 3. Select RenderWorks Background. The Create RenderWorks Background dialog box opens.

4. Enter the name of the new background and select the type of background to create. Click Options to set specific background parameters.

None Clouds Scale Background Color Cloud Color Detail One Color Two Color Top Color Bottom Color Image Image Environment (HDRI)

Select this option when creating a weather effect without an additional background Specifies a sky background with a background color and clouds Specifies the cloud scale (1 10); enter a larger value for larger cloud sizes Select a background color for the sky Select a cloud color Specifies the level of cloud resolution; drag the slider to the right to specify a greater level of detail (requires longer rendering times) Specifies a background with one color; click Options to select the color Specifies a background with two colors which blend to form a gradient; click Options to select the colors Select the color for the start of the color gradient at the top of the page Select the color for the end of the color gradient at the bottom of the page Uses a specified image for the background (see Creating Image Backgrounds on page 658) Uses a panoramic High Dynamic Range Image (HDRI) file for the background (see Creating HDRI Backgrounds on page 658)

OpenGL render mode only displays One Color, Two Color, and Image backgrounds. 5. Click OK from the Create RenderWorks Background dialog box to create the background resource.


| Chapter 21: Creating and Mapping Textures

The new background resource is listed in the Resource Browser. It is available in the Edit Design Layers dialog box (see Applying RenderWorks Backgrounds on page 676 for information). A RenderWorks background can be quickly edited by pressing Ctrl (Windows) or Option (Macintosh) and double-clicking on the resource in the Resource Browser.

Creating Image Backgrounds

To be used for a background, an image must be in one of the formats listed in Selecting the Image for Import on page 640. 1. If an image background is specified, select a new image or an image from either the default resources or the current files resources (see VectorWorks Fundamentals Default Resources on page 141). The Edit Image Background dialog box opens; specify the image height and width (centered on the page). An image used as a background of this type, as opposed to the HDRI background, remains fixed to the page and does not change according to the 3D view. An image can also be reused from another image-based resource if one exists in the file. In the Choose Image dialog box, select Reuse an Image from Another Resource and specify the resource. The Edit Image Background dialog box opens to allow editing of image parameters (see Selecting the Image for Import on page 640 for more information).

Width Height Change Image

Sets the width of the image in page units (inches or millimeters); width edits also automatically change the height, to maintain the image aspect ratio Sets the height of the image in page units (inches or millimeters); height edits also automatically change the width, to maintain the image aspect ratio Selects a different image for import

2. Click OK to use the image in the background.

Creating HDRI Backgrounds

When an HDRI background is imported, it behaves as if an infinitely large, textured, sphere or cube was centered on the model. The virtual sphere or cube is so large that view position changes do not affect its display. However, view orientation changes do affect which part of the image is shown in the background; this provides a true 3D sense to the model. By default, an image environment background renders as both a background and a light source. However, it is possible to use one HDRI background resource as an environment background, and another for environment lighting; see Setting Lighting Options on page 420.

Creating Layer Backgrounds | Purpose of HDRI Background Resource

Use an HDRI background resource as both environment background and environment lighting Use an HDRI background as environment background only Use an HDRI background resource as environment lighting only Use one HDRI background resource as an environment background and a different background resource for environment lighting


Creation Method
Create an HDRI background resource and apply it to the layer. By default, the Layer Lighting Options is set to use the lighting from the current background. Create an HDRI background resource and apply it to the layer. In the Layer Lighting Options dialog box, specify None for Environment Lighting. Create an HDRI background resource, but do not apply it to the layer. In the Layer Lighting Options dialog box, select From Selected Background and specify the resource. Create the first HDRI background resource and apply it to the layer (environment background). Create the second background resource but do not apply it to the layer. Instead, in the Layer Lighting Options dialog box, select From Selected Background and specify the second resource (environment lighting).

HDRI backgrounds render best in Perspective projection. In Orthogonal projection, HDRI backgrounds are suitable for lighting and reflections, but appear as a single background color because of the narrow field of view. For maximum speed and quality, select Use Final Gather when rendering an HDRI background with Custom RenderWorks. One bounce of indirect lighting is generated with HDRI lighting. 1. Select the image file to use. Acceptable formats include .exr (Open EXR) and .hdr. The Edit Image Environment (HDRI) Background dialog box opens.

Preview Format

Displays a preview of the selected image The appropriate map type format for the image is automatically determined, and normally does not need to be changed. To choose a different map type format for the image, select it from the list (Vertical Cross for a cross image, Panorama for a Mercator projection, and Angular for a spherical image).


| Chapter 21: Creating and Mapping Textures

Rotates the image about the Z axis, changing the light orientation and visible portion of the image (range: -180 to 180 degrees) Imports a different image to use as the HDRI background Specifies the brightness for environment lighting; enter a percentage or drag the slider to change the brightness. A value over 100% can be entered. Specifies the color saturation for environment lighting; enter a percentage or drag the slider to change the saturation. A value over 100% can be entered. Specifies the sampling value of the rendered image; higher-quality sampling results in better image resolution, but longer rendering times. Select From Render Mode to use the Sampling Quality specified in the render options (Custom RenderWorks Options or Custom Radiosity Options, see Custom RenderWorks Options on page 689 or Setting Custom Radiosity Options on page 694).

Rotation Change Image Brightness (%) Saturation (%) Quality

2. Click OK to use the image as an environment background resource.

Creating Weather Effects

To create a weather effect: 1. Select Window > Palettes > Resource Browser to open the Resource Browser. 2. From the Resources menu, select New Resource to display the New Resource menu. 3. Select RenderWorks Background. The Create RenderWorks Background dialog box opens.

4. Enter the name of the new background and select the type of weather to create. Click Options to set specific parameters.

Fog Color Distance Max. Density Ground Fog Color

Creates a simulation of fog over the layer Select the fog color Specifies the distance to maximum fog density; use a lower distance to increase the effect of the fog Drag the slider to the right to increase the fog density Creates a simulation of ground fog over the layer Select the fog color

Applying and Mapping Textures | Parameter

Height Distance Max. Density Snow Color Amount Max. Density Near Scale Far Scale Lit Fog


Specifies the height of the ground fog Specifies the distance to maximum fog density; use a lower distance to increase the effect of the fog Drag the slider to the right to increase the fog density Creates the illusion of falling snow on the layer Select the snow color Drag the slider to the right for larger and more numerous snowflakes Drag the slider to the right to decrease the distance between snowflakes Increases or decreases the size of closer snowflakes Increases or decreases the size of farther snowflakes Creates volumetric lighting effects, such as a shaft or cone of scattered light in fog, haze, or smoke. A light object must be inserted in the drawing, and Lit Fog must be selected in the Object Info palette for the light source object Select the fog (haze) color Specifies the fog density; enter a larger value to increase the density of the effect Allows the effect to be blocked by solid objects, creating shadows; for example, when blocking a shaft of light by a table, so that light does not display under the table Use Shadows must also be selected in the rendering options.

Color Max. Density Receive Shadows

Type Quality Density Variation Variation Level Variation Contrast

Select a method for creating the fog from a list of computational methods Select the quality of the lit fog effect; a higher quality effect requires more rendering time Allows the volumetric lighting effect to vary in density, which creates a realistic smoky or hazy effect, but takes longer to render Drag the slider to the right to increase the fog variation Drag the slider to the right to increase the fog contrast

5. Click OK from the Create RenderWorks Background dialog box to create the weather effect resource. The new resource is listed as a RenderWorks Background in the Resource Browser. It is available in the Layers dialog box (see Applying RenderWorks Backgrounds on page 676 for more information). Backgrounds and weather effects can be used together. Textures and backgrounds that are not used in the drawing file should be purged to reduce file size. See Purging Unused Objects on page 373.

Applying and Mapping Textures

Once a texture resource has been created, it can be applied to the surface of an object. A texture can be applied to a selected object or to objects assigned to a class. The mapping parameters specify how the texture is applied to the object; different objects require different mapping types. Finally, a RenderWorks background can be applied to add impact and realism to the design.


| Chapter 21: Creating and Mapping Textures

Texture Projection and Orientation

Mapping Types
A sphere, cylinder, plane, perimeter, or roof mapping type is used to control how a texture is projected onto different types of objects. To further adjust mapping, VectorWorks uses a visual control, or texture space, to represent the projected texture. This texture space can be modified by changing its rotation, horizontal and vertical offset, or scale. The texture space orientation can also be adjusted.


First repetition of the texture Texture space

The available mapping types vary based on the object type being mapped:

Object Type
Columns Extrudes Meshes Roofs Slabs (Floors) Solid Primitives (Sphere, Hemisphere, Cone) CSG solids, Extrude Along Path, and Tapered Extrude Sweeps Walls

Mapping Types Available

Plane, Sphere, Cylinder Plane, Sphere, Cylinder, Perimeter Plane, Sphere, Cylinder Roof Plane, Sphere, Cylinder Plane, Sphere, Cylinder Plane, Sphere, Cylinder, Perimeter Plane, Sphere, Cylinder, Perimeter Plane, Sphere, Cylinder

Textures and Drawing Direction

Textures are applied to 3D polygons and walls based on the direction the object was drawn. For 3D polygons, the texture is applied parallel to the first segment.

Applying and Mapping Object Textures |


Original 3D Polygon

First segment drawn horizontally

First segment drawn at an angle

Wall Texture Orientation

The starting point and direction the wall is drawn affects how a texture is applied. Textures are applied to a walls left side, right side, and center. The center of a wall is always the same, but the left and right sides change based on drawing direction. When drawing a wall in a clockwise direction, the left side is the exterior side; however, drawing the wall in a counterclockwise direction makes the left side the interior side. A texture applied to the center of the wall is visible at the ends of the wall.
Left (exterior) Right

Left (exterior)



Left (interior) Right

Left (interior) In Top/Plan view, arrows indicate the current wall direction

If the texture(s) is incorrectly applied to a wall, with the wall selected, click Reverse Sides on the Shape tab of the Object Info palette. This flips the direction of the wall, switching the texture(s) to the opposite side(s).

Applying and Mapping Object Textures

Mapping specifies how a texture is applied to an object. By adjusting texture mapping, various visual effects can be achieved. 2D objects cannot have a texture applied. Objects which cannot be textured display as a Non-textureable Object on the Render tab of the Object Info palette. When applying a texture to a selected, textureable object, basic mapping parameters can be assigned to the texture through the Object Info palette. The result of these parameter changes is visible immediately in the drawing, as the selected object is re-rendered. However, for greater control, advanced mapping is necessary to specify how the texture displays on the object.


| Chapter 21: Creating and Mapping Textures

Applying Textures with Basic Mapping

To apply a texture with basic mapping to one or more objects: 1. Create or import a texture resource as described in Creating Textures on page 637. 2. Select the object(s) to texture. If more than one object is selected, only the texture resource can be selected. Mapping parameters can only be set for individually selected objects. 3. Click the Render tab on the Object Info palette. 4. Select the desired Texture from either the default resources or the current files resources (see VectorWorks Fundamentals Default Resources on page 141), and then set the texture parameters, which apply only to the selected object. Because Object Info palette changes apply only to the selected object, one texture can be applied with different parameters to many objects. The basic mapping parameters display in the Object Info palette; click Mapping to access advanced mapping items as described in Applying Textures with Advanced Mapping on page 665.

Part Texture list Texture menu

For roofs and walls, select the portion of the roof (top, dormer) or wall (right, center, left) where the mapping should be edited, or select All to edit all parts of the wall or roof Select the texture to apply from either the default resources or the current files resources Click the arrow next to the texture list to open the Texture menu. The texture resource or shader used to create the resource can be edited from here as described in Editing Textures and Shaders of Selected Objects on page 649. Before editing, the resource can be copied in order to preserve the original resource parameters. Select the map type; see Mapping Types on page 662 For sphere and cylinder maps, sets the texture radius; the default radius is the same as the 3D object radius. Increasing this value reduces the size of the texture on the object. Flips the texture horizontally, along the vertical axis Flips the texture vertically, along the horizontal axis Repeats the texture in a horizontal direction Repeats the texture in a vertical direction Applies the texture to the bottom or starting surface of extrudes and sweeps Applies the texture to the top or ending surface of extrudes and sweeps Determines the texture size when projected onto the object. For example, entering a scale factor of two doubles the size of the texture projection. Either enter a scale value or use the slider to change the scale.

Map Type Radius Flip Horizontally Flip Vertically Repeat Horizontally Repeat Vertically Start Cap End Cap Scale

Offset H/V Rotation Update Mapping

Sets the start location of the texture horizontally and vertically Sets the angle of texture rotation. Either enter a rotation value from 0 to 360 degrees or use the slider to change the rotation angle. Updates the drawing display Opens the Edit Mapping dialog box, with advanced mapping parameters; see Applying Textures with Advanced Mapping on page 665

Applying and Mapping Object Textures | Parameter

Override Radiosity


Specifies that the selected object should be always participate in radiosity calculations (receive only or receive and emit) when rendering with custom radiosity. (An Obj Info override must also be selected under Allow Special Overrides in the Radiosity Optimizations dialog box. See Setting Custom Radiosity Options on page 694.) Object overrides supersede texture overrides. When override settings are enabled, the object will receive and emit light when rendering with custom radiosity (Receive Light is always also selected) When override settings are enabled, the object will receive light when rendering with custom radiosity

Emit Light Receive Light

The texture can also be applied to objects from the Resource Browser; click the texture and drag it to the desired object. Alternatively, select the desired object(s), double-click on the texture to apply, or select the texture and click Apply from the context menu. However, when a texture is applied in this way, mapping options cannot be accessed directly. Click on the Render tab of the Object Info palette to edit the texture mapping. 5. The texture is applied to the selected object(s).

Applying Textures with Advanced Mapping

To apply a texture and edit the advanced mapping: 1. Create or import a texture resource as described in Creating Textures on page 637. 2. Select the object to texture. 3. Click the Render tab on the Object Info palette. 4. Select the desired Texture from either the default resources or the current files resources (see VectorWorks Fundamentals Default Resources on page 141). The basic texture parameters can be set from the Object Info palette; see Applying Textures with Basic Mapping on page 664. 5. Click Mapping. (Mapping is unavailable if multiple objects are selected.) The Edit Mapping dialog box opens.


| Chapter 21: Creating and Mapping Textures

Select how the texture is applied to the 3D object Projects each vertex of the object to the surface of a sphere

Map Type Sphere


Projects each vertex of the object to the surface of a cylinder

Sphere and Cylinder maps have seams which are more apparent when using wrapped and image-based shaders


Projects each 3D vertex of an object onto a plane which determines the texture space (u, v) for that vertex


Available for extrudes, tapered extrudes, extrude along path objects, sweeps, and CSG solids, this option wraps the texture around the perimeter of the objects

Applying and Mapping Object Textures | Parameter



Only available for roof objects, this option wraps the texture across the perimeter of the roof object


For sphere and cylinder maps, sets the texture radius; the default radius is the same as the 3D object radius. Increasing this value reduces the size of the texture on the object. Flips the texture horizontally, along the vertical axis Flips the texture vertically, along the horizontal axis Repeats the texture in a horizontal direction Repeats the texture in a vertical direction Applies the texture to the bottom or starting surface of extrudes and sweeps Applies the texture to the top or ending surface of extrudes and sweeps Available for 3D objects using wrapped shaders. See Textures and Shaders on page 635 for more information. Determines the texture size when projected onto the object. For example, entering a scale factor of two doubles the size of the texture projection. Either enter a scale value or use the slider to change the scale.

Flip Horiz. Flip Vert. Repeat Horiz. Repeat Vert. Start Cap End Cap 2D Modifiers Scale

Horiz. Offset

Sets start location of the texture horizontally


| Chapter 21: Creating and Mapping Textures

Sets start location of the texture vertically

Vert. Offset


Sets the angle of texture rotation. When Around Center is selected, the texture rotates about its center; when deselected, the texture rotates about its lower left corner. Either enter a rotation value from 0 to 360 degrees or use the slider to change the rotation angle.

Mapping Editors Move Texture

Adjusts the texture space on the preview image Moves the texture on the object surface; click Ctrl (Windows) or Command (Macintosh) to move the texture space origin on the current viewing plane Rotates the texture axes about the texture center; click Ctrl (Windows) or Command (Macintosh) to twist the texture axes on the current viewing plane Rotates the texture horizontally relative to the current view

Rotate Texture

Rotate Texture Horizontally

Rotate Texture Vertically

Rotates the texture vertically relative to the current view

Align Texture

Aligns the texture to the object face that is clicked

Viewing Options

Changes the view of the preview image Moves the image displayed

Applying and Mapping Object Textures | Parameter

Zoom In


Magnifies the image; create a marquee to select the portion of the image to preview

Zoom Out

Reduces the image magnification; create a marquee to select the portion of the image to preview Like the Flyover tool, rotates the view about the image

Rotate Camera

Fit Preview

Fits the object into the preview window; this is convenient if the preview object has been moved far from the center of the preview window Select a view for the preview image, align the image with the X, Y, or Z axis, or select Custom View and use the Rotate tool in the preview window to obtain the desired view Select to display the texture space axes in the preview; deselect to hide the axes Creates a rendered preview of the image using Fast RenderWorks mode Cancels any changes that have been made since the dialog box was opened, and returns the mapping parameters to their original status Defaults to the mapping settings appropriate for this type of object


Show Texture Axes Preview Revert Default

6. Click OK to save changes.

Direct Texture Mapping

The Attribute Mapping tool edits texture mapping parameters directly in the drawing window. This tool applies to textures created with wrapped color shaders or mask transparency shaders. The texture mapping type must be other than Perimeter for this tool. When working in 2D, the Attribute Mapping tool edits image and gradient fills. Editing Gradient and Image Fills on page 250. To edit texture mapping directly in the drawing window: 1. Select a textured, 3D object. 2. Click the Attribute Mapping tool from the Visualization tool set. Depending on the textured object and texture type, up to three modes are available.
Original Repeat


Select Part


| Chapter 21: Creating and Mapping Textures

For repeating textures, displays a single repetition of the texture for easier texture editing For repeating textures, restores the repeating pattern of the texture For textured objects with more than one textureable part, such as walls and roofs, allows a different part of the object to be selected for texture editing

Non-Repeating Mode Original Repeat Mode Select Part Mode

3. For a wall or roof, which may have different textures applied to different parts of the wall or roof, the Select Texture Part dialog box opens. Select the portion of the object to edit, and click OK.

4. An editing frame is placed over the first repetition of the texture.

Editing frame

Use the editing frame to set the texture position and to rotate or resize the texture. For easier direct mapping of a repeating texture, click Non-Repeating mode to see a single repetition of the texture. After editing the texture mapping, click Original Repeat mode to return to the original pattern and see the effect.

To edit the texture location To resize the texture

Click inside the editing frame and drag the texture to the desired location on the object surface Click on a corner handle at the corner of the editing frame, and drag to set the editing object to a new scale. To resize the texture evenly about its center, press the Ctrl key (Windows) or Command key (Macintosh) while resizing. Click to set. Click on a side handle of the editing frame (the rotate cursor displays) and drag the handle to the new rotation angle. Click to set. Press the Ctrl key (Windows) or Command key (Macintosh) while rotating to rotate about the texture center.

To rotate the texture

5. To edit a different part of a roof or wall, click Select Part mode. In the Select Texture Part dialog box, select a different portion of the roof or wall to edit.

Applying Textures to Symbols, Walls, and Roofs |


Applying Textures to Symbols, Walls, and Roofs

While textures can be applied to individual objects as described in Applying Textures with Basic Mapping on page 664, applying textures to an objects class or classes may be more efficient. Texture resources can be assigned to a class, which in turn can be applied to objects during creation. Walls and roofs have their own class texture assignments. Textures cannot be assigned to individual symbols directly through the Object Info palette. Textures must be applied to the separate components of the symbol. This can be done using the Edit Symbol command or by assigning textures to the classes that make up the symbol; complex objects can contain more than one class. Texture changes affect all instances of that symbol.

Applying Object Textures by Class

Object textures can be set by class. To apply a texture by class: 1. Select Tools > Organization to open the Organization dialog box. 2. Select the Details view option, and then select the Classes tab. 3. Select an existing class or create a new class (see Creating Classes on page 96). 4. With the class selected, click Edit to open the Edit Class(es) dialog box. 5. The texture properties of the class are set by the tabs on the right. Click the Other tab.

Displays when Quartz (Macintosh) or GDI+ (Windows) imaging VectorWorks preference is enabled


| Chapter 21: Creating and Mapping Textures

6. Select the desired Texture from either the default resources or the current files resources (see VectorWorks Fundamentals Default Resources on page 141). Select Use Textures At Creation to apply the texture to objects as they are created. 7. Click OK to exit the Edit Class(es) dialog box. The class displays on the Classes tab of the Organization dialog box. 8. If the object has not yet been drawn, click the blank area to the left of the Class Name to make the class active. If the object already exists, apply the class to it. 9. Click OK to exit the Organization dialog box. 10. Create the desired object(s). Objects are created with the specified texture for that class.

Applying Textures to Symbols

Textures can be applied to the components that make up the symbol, or to the classes used by the symbol components.

Applying Textures to Symbol Components

To apply texture(s) to the symbol components: 1. Select the symbol to edit. 2. Select Modify > Edit Symbol. The Edit Symbol window opens; see Editing Symbol Definitions on page 166 for more information on the Edit Symbol window. 3. Select the first component that requires a texture. 4. Click the Render tab on the Object Info palette. 5. Select the desired Texture from either the default resources or the current files resources (see VectorWorks Fundamentals Default Resources on page 141), and then edit the mapping parameters as described in Applying and Mapping Object Textures on page 663. 6. Repeat for each component of the symbol. 7. Select Modify > Exit Symbol once all changes have been applied. The new settings are applied to all instances of the symbol.

Applying Textures to Symbol Component Classes

To apply textures to the symbol component classes: 1. Select Tools > Organization to open the Organization dialog box.

Applying Textures to Symbols, Walls, and Roofs |

2. From the Classes tab, select one of the symbol classes to edit. 3. Click Edit to open the Edit Class(es) dialog box.


4. From the Other tab, select the desired Texture from either the default resources or the current files resources (see VectorWorks Fundamentals Default Resources on page 141). Select Use Textures At Creation to apply the texture at creation. 5. Click OK to return to the Organization dialog box. 6. Repeat steps 2 5 until all classes have an assigned texture. 7. Click OK to exit the Organization dialog box. The new settings are applied. Some symbols in the Design Series use style classes; see Using Style Classes on page 124 in the VectorWorks Design Series Users Guide for more information.

Applying Wall Textures

Walls can be assigned a texture individually with the Object Info palette, or, more efficiently, through an assigned class. To apply a texture to a wall(s) by class: 1. Select Tools > Organization to open the Organization dialog box. 2. Select the Details view option, and then select the Classes tab. 3. Create a class for wall objects (see Creating Classes on page 96). 4. With the new class selected, click Edit to open the Edit Class(es) dialog box. 5. Click the Walls tab.


| Chapter 21: Creating and Mapping Textures

Displays when Quartz (Macintosh) or GDI+ (Windows) imaging VectorWorks preference is enabled

6. Select the desired Right, Center, and Left wall surface texture from either the default resources or the current files resources (see VectorWorks Fundamentals Default Resources on page 141). Select Use Textures At Creation to apply the texture at wall creation. See Texture Projection and Orientation on page 662 to understand how textures are applied to wall faces. 7. Click OK to exit the Edit Class(es) dialog box. The new walls class displays on the Classes tab of the Organization dialog box. 8. Click the blank area to the left of the Class Name to make the new class active. 9. Click OK to exit the Organization dialog box. 10. Create the wall(s); see Creating Walls on page 471. The walls are created with the specified texture for that class. Existing wall(s) can be assigned the texture through the Object Info palette. Select the part of the wall to texture from the Part list and then Class Texture from the texture list on the Render tab.

Applying Roof Textures

Textures can be added to roof objects, dormers, and gable ends, either through the Render tab Object Info palette, or through an assigned class. Use the Roof map type to map textures to roofs. RenderWorks automatically rotates a texture for each individual roof face in a VectorWorks roof object.

Applying Textures to Symbols, Walls, and Roofs |

To apply a texture to a roof object by class: 1. Select Tools > Organization to open the Organization dialog box. 2. Select the Details view option, and then select the Classes tab. 3. Create a new class for roof objects (see Creating Classes on page 96). 4. With the new class selected, click Edit to open the Edit Class(es) dialog box. 5. Click the Roofs tab.


Displays when Quartz (Macintosh) or GDI+ (Windows) imaging VectorWorks preference is enabled

6. Assign a Top Texture, and if being used, a Dormer Texture from either the default resources or the current files resources (see VectorWorks Fundamentals Default Resources on page 141). Select Use Textures At Creation to apply the texture at creation. 7. Click OK to exit the Edit Class(es) dialog box. The class displays on the Classes tab of the Organization dialog box. 8. Click the blank area to the left of the Class Name to make the new class active. 9. Click OK to exit the Organization dialog box. 10. Create a roof with the AEC > Create Roof command (see Creating Roof Objects on page 500). The roof is created with the specified texture for that class. Existing roofs can be assigned the texture through the Object Info palette. Select the part of the roof to texture from the Part list and then Class Texture from the texture list on the Render tab.


| Chapter 21: Creating and Mapping Textures

Applying Textures to Roof Face Objects

Roof face objects are represented as planes and do not make use of the top and sides roof textures. Textures are applied like any other 3D object. See Applying and Mapping Object Textures on page 663 for more information.

Applying RenderWorks Backgrounds

RenderWorks backgrounds, which include clouds, colors, images, and HDRI files, as well as weather effects like snow, fog, and volumetric lighting are resources saved with the file. They are applied to design layers on a per-layer basis. Backgrounds can also be applied to viewports by selecting the RW Background from the Object Info palette of a selected viewport. A RenderWorks background can be quickly applied to the current design layer by double-clicking on the resource in the Resource Browser or by dragging it from the Resource Browser and dropping it into the current design layer. To apply a RenderWorks background: 1. Create the background with the desired parameters (see Creating Layer Backgrounds on page 656 for information on creating RenderWorks backgrounds). 2. Select Tools > Organization to open the Organization dialog box. 3. From the Design Layers tab, select the design layer to receive the background. 4. Click Edit to open the Edit Design Layers dialog box.

Displays when Quartz (Macintosh) or GDI+ (Windows) imaging VectorWorks preference is enabled

5. Select the RenderWorks Background for the layer from either the default resources or the current files resources (see VectorWorks Fundamentals Default Resources on page 141). 6. Click OK to exit the Edit Design Layers dialog box. 7. Click OK to exit the Organization dialog box. When the drawing is rendered in a RenderWorks mode, the background displays. OpenGL can display One Color, Two Color, and Image backgrounds. The Lit Fog weather effect requires a light source in the drawing with Lit Fog selected in the Object Info palette.

Applying RenderWorks Backgrounds |


No weather effects

Snow weather effect Lit fog weather effect

Ground fog weather effect

Fog weather effect

HDRI background


| Chapter 21: Creating and Mapping Textures

Rendering with RenderWorks


The foundation VectorWorks program provides a quick, simple rendering solution using OpenGL (see Rendering with VectorWorks on page 431). OpenGL is good for fast, interactive rendering and medium-quality render previews, but it cannot create reflections. For final-quality output, use RenderWorks; it provides additional light sources, and it can cast shadows, create reflections, add indirect lighting effects (final gather rendering and radiosity), and produce much better rendering results through intensive lighting calculations. RenderWorks includes the Visualization palette for easily accessing all lights and cameras in the file. Another benefit of using RenderWorks is that an image can be rendered in any mode from a specified portion of the drawing.

OpenGL rendering performs vertex by vertex lighting calculations

RenderWorks rendering performs pixel by pixel lighting calculations

Advanced RenderWorks Lighting

Default lighting is added by VectorWorks for the basic visibility of rendered objects. For a more realistic rendering, one or more light sources can be added to the drawing. The addition of a light source automatically hides the default lighting scheme, so that the scene is not overly bright. The brightness and color of objects in shadow are affected by the layers ambient light setting.

Scene rendered with light sources as well as ambient light

VectorWorks provides three light types: directional, point, and spot. With RenderWorks, additional parameters are provided for these light types, and additional light source types are included.


| Chapter 22: Rendering with RenderWorks

RenderWorks rendering modes must be used for the RenderWorks lighting options.

For information on the VectorWorks lighting types and parameters, see Adding Light on page 420.

Light Type
Directional Point Spot Line Area Custom

Projects light with parallel rays Radiates light in all directions Projects light in a specific direction Emits light from a line Emits light from the surfaces of objects Emits light based on a defined complex spatial distribution

VectorWorks and RenderWorks VectorWorks and RenderWorks VectorWorks and RenderWorks RenderWorks only RenderWorks only RenderWorks only

Inserting an Area or Linear Light

An area or linear light can be created from an existing object or line. Unlike the other light source types, which are emitted from a specific, concentrated source, area and linear lights emanate from an extended object. This is useful for creating diffused light sources with softer lighting, such as fluorescent lights, neon lights, windows, and skylights. The color of area lights can be filtered by a texture, texture color, or the fill color of the original geometry. This feature can be used to create a wide variety of lighting effects, including skylights and stained glass windows. The addition of multiple diffused light sources can add significantly to rendering time. For efficiency, replace a small area or line light with a point, spot, or directional light. To create an area or linear light from an existing object or objects: 1. If creating an area light, select the object to convert to a light source; area light geometry should enclose a surface (a line or open polyline cannot be used, for example). Select a 2D line, closed 2D surface, or NURBS curve if creating a linear light. Select more than one object to create several line or area lights at the same time. Curved surfaces used for an area light require more rendering time than planar surfaces. 2. Select Modify > Convert > Convert to Area Light or Modify > Convert > Convert to Line Light. The Light Preferences dialog box opens; indicate the area or line light parameters. Specify light intensity by loading a distribution file or by manually entering a Get Brightness From value.

Advanced RenderWorks Lighting |


On/Off Color Cast Shadows Dimmer Use Emitter Get Brightness From User Input Distribution File

Shows or hides the light produced by the light source Specifies a color associated with the light source; click the color box to select the color. This parameter is not available if a Color Temperature is specified. Creates shadows Dims the light source brightness (intensity); enter a percentage or drag the slider bar. Only the brightness of the light source is affected; the color temperature is not changed. An area or line lights actual brightness and color temperature must be specified, so this setting is not optional Specifies the luminous quantity of the area or line light as a manually entered value or from a loaded distribution file Manually specifies the luminous quantity of an area light as an accurate number; the units of a line light are always Lumens Sets intensity distribution data with a standard file specified in Area Light Specs or Line Light Specs. The brightness value is obtained using the integral of the raw emission data provided with the file.


| Chapter 22: Rendering with RenderWorks

Specifies the light color temperature in Kelvin. This refers to an ideal black body emitter, glowing red hot or white hot. A lower temperature generates an orange color; the hotter the temperature, the closer to white the color of the light is (see Correlated Color Temperature on page 732 for typical light source color temperature ranges). Specifying this parameter is optional. If not specified, the default temperature is 0, meaning that the final emission color for the light is entirely controlled by the selection in Color. When the temperature is specified, Color cannot be changed. The final emission color is set by the Color Temperature. Color temperature settings can be white-balanced on a per-layer basis; see Setting Lighting Options on page 420.

Color Temperature

Area or Line Light Specs

Sets specific area or line light options and loads a distribution file

3. Click Area Light Specs or Line Light Specs to set additional parameters or load a distribution file. The Area Light Data or Line Light Data dialog box opens.

Dist Falloff Quality Color Filtering (area light only) Render Geometry

Select the distance falloff function (rate of intensity change while moving along the beam away from the light source) Specifies the sampling quality of the light; select From Render Mode to use the setting specified in Area/Line Light Quality in the rendering options Filters the color of the light emanating from the area light object by the fill color or texture of its original geometry Renders the light object geometry; deselect to hide the original geometry when rendering

Advanced RenderWorks Lighting | Parameter

Use Distribution File Distribution File


Specifies whether to use the attached emission profile data file for the light intensity information Displays the distribution file name when a valid distribution file has been selected, or None if a valid distribution file has not been designated (click Load Distribution to specify a file) Loads light emission profile data from a standard file. The brightness value is obtained using the integral of the raw emission data provided with the file. The file must be a text file with industry standard intensity distribution data in CIE, IESNA, CIBSE, or EULUMADAT format (.ies, .cib, .cie, and .ldt).

Load Distribution

4. Click OK to return to the Light Preferences dialog box. 5. Click OK. The object or line is converted into a light. If more than one object was selected for conversion, the converted objects are grouped. The different directions of the light being emitted by an area light are indicated by arrows drawn on every surface.

Deselect Show Direction in the Object Info palette of a selected area light to hide the light direction indicators. The light must be rendered with a RenderWorks rendering mode. When an area light is on and rendered, it has constant reflectivity and does not receive shadows; when it is off, it displays as a normal object.

Editing an Area or Linear Light

The light parameters can be edited in the Object Info palette; see Light Source Properties on page 427. An area light can be textured to create a variety of effects. From the Render tab of the Object Info palette, select a texture from either the default resources or the current files resources (see VectorWorks Fundamentals Default Resources on page 141). The color of the emitted light can be filtered by the texture color(s) or by the color of the original geometry, when Color Filtering is selected in the Object Info palette. The area or linear light original geometry can be edited. To edit the original light geometry: 1. Select the area or line light and then select Modify > Edit Light. The Edit Group window opens, and the original 3D object or a NURBS representation of a 2D object is displayed. 2. The object geometry can be edited with the 2D Reshape or 3D Reshape tool. In addition, the fill color of the original object can be changed to modify the color filtering properties of an area light. 3. Click Exit Light at the top right of the drawing window to return to the drawing.


| Chapter 22: Rendering with RenderWorks

Inserting a Custom Light

A custom light sources emission distribution can be defined by a standard intensity distribution profile for accurate physical lighting. To create a custom light: 1. Select the Light tool from the Visualization tool set, and then select Custom Light from the Tool bar. 2. Specify the custom light parameters by selecting Light Preferences from the Tool bar. The Custom Light Data dialog box opens. Click Load Distribution and specify the location of the custom light distribution file, and then specify any additional custom light parameters.

Light Rotation Angle Distribution File

Specifies the rotation angle of the light source around an axis connecting the light location to the light target; this angle defines the reference plane for the intensity distribution curve Displays the distribution file name when a valid distribution file has been selected, or None if a valid distribution file has not been designated (click Load Distribution to specify a file) Loads light emission profile data from a standard file. The brightness value is obtained using the integral of the raw emission data provided with the file. The file must be a text file with industry standard intensity distribution data in CIE, IESNA, CIBSE, or EULUMADAT format (.ies, .cib, .cie, and .ldt). Select the distance falloff function (rate of intensity change while moving along the beam away from the light source) Specifies the lights direction by either specifying the light angle or vector

Load Distribution

Dist Falloff Direction

Advanced RenderWorks Lighting | Parameter



Sets the lights angle by pan and tilt. The pan angle is based on an angle of 0 degrees at the positive Y axis, and is positive in a counter-clockwise direction; the tilt angle is equal to 0 at the horizontal plane, positive when pointing below the plane, and negative when pointing above the plane. Indicates the direction of the light by specifying the coordinates of its X, Y, and Z delta vectors


3. Click OK. The Light Preferences - Custom Light dialog box opens. Specify additional custom light parameters. Emitter parameters are specified by the distribution file, and cannot be changed.

On/Off Color Cast Shadows Dimmer Use Emitter Get Brightness From User Input

Shows or hides the light produced by the light source Specifies a color associated with the light source; click the color box to select the color. This parameter is not available if a Color Temperature is specified. Creates shadows Dims the light source brightness (intensity); enter a percentage or drag the slider bar. Only the brightness of the light source is affected; the color temperature is not changed. A custom lights actual brightness and color temperature must be specified, so this setting is not optional Specifies the luminous quantity of the area or line light as a manually entered value or from a loaded distribution file Manually specifies the brightness in Lux or Lumens


| Chapter 22: Rendering with RenderWorks

Sets intensity distribution data with a standard file specified in Custom Light Specs. The brightness value is obtained using the integral of the raw emission data provided with the file. Specifies the light color temperature in Kelvin. This refers to an ideal black body emitter, glowing red hot or white hot. A lower temperature generates an orange color; the hotter the temperature, the closer to white the color of the light is (see Correlated Color Temperature on page 732 for typical light source color temperature ranges). Specifying this parameter is optional. If not specified, the default temperature is 0, meaning that the final emission color for the light is entirely controlled by the selection in Color. When the temperature is specified, Color cannot be changed. The final emission color is set by the Color Temperature. Color temperature settings can be white-balanced on a per-layer basis; see Setting Lighting Options on page 420.

Distribution File

Color Temperature

Custom Light Specs

Specifies additional custom light options and loads a distribution file

4. Click OK to return to the drawing. 5. Click in the drawing to insert the custom light.

The custom light object is represented by a pair of perpendicular arrow-head vectors and two perpendicular circles. The black vector points to the target location; its axis line (the light axis) connects the light source location to the target. The red vector starts at the light source location, pointing to a reference point on the equator of the polar intensity distribution. Also known as the zero angle line, it represents the origin for measuring the intensity on the light curve. The two vectors form the black circle, and the red circle is perpendicular to it. The black circle represents the original plane where the light curves are located. The red circle constrains the movement of the zero angle line. After a custom light has been placed, the light parameters can be edited in the Object Info palette; see Light Source Properties on page 427.

RenderWorks Features for OpenGL

If RenderWorks is installed, the OpenGL render mode has additional features that help you to preview and adjust a scene before it is rendered with RenderWorks. Turn on the Draw Edges feature to outline objects more clearly in the rendered drawing; these edges are similar to those in the Hidden Line render mode. (See OpenGL Render Options on page 434 for details.)

Preparing to Render |


Turn on the interactive Use Shadows feature to see how the shadows fall with different types of lighting. The shadows render much faster than they do with RenderWorks, which makes it easier to adjust the lights quickly. (See OpenGL Render Options on page 434 for details.) OpenGL can display three types of RenderWorks backgrounds: One Color, Two Color, and Image. It cannot display Cloud and HDRI backgrounds. (See Creating Layer Backgrounds on page 656 for details.)

Preparing to Render
Once the drawing is complete or near completion, any textures have been applied, and the desired lighting has been added, consider the following before rendering.

Adding 3D Polygons
Though not necessary, adding 3D polygons can provide receptors to catch and reflect light and shadows, increasing the ability to represent real-world lighting situations. For example, a large, horizontal 3D polygon can be placed below a 3D drawing to represent the ground or a floor. Placing several 3D polygons at various angles and locations in a drawing can provide reflective and transparent receptors for more natural-looking results.

Adjusting the View

Select one of VectorWorks standard views (see Using Standard Views on page 403), and use the Flyover, Walkthrough, Translate View, or Rotate View tools to orient the drawing. Though the view can be adjusted after the drawing is rendered, it is faster to set the view while in wireframe mode.

Rendering the Entire Drawing

RenderWorks Rendering Modes
RenderWorks offers several rendering modes, including custom rendering options, radiosity, and an artistic rendering option. To render a drawing, select View > Rendering and the desired rendering mode. The rendering speed depends on the rendering option selected and the number and complexity of objects in the file. To cancel a rendering before it is complete, press the Esc key. The Current Render Mode button on the View bar allows quick access to common rendering commands.

Render Modes

Save files in wireframe mode rather than in a rendered mode, so that files draw more quickly when opened. Rendered viewports are saved in a rendered state when Save viewport cache is selected in the Display tab of document preferences.


| Chapter 22: Rendering with RenderWorks

Renders without shadows, anti-aliasing, or ray tracing; low detail level

Rendering Mode
Fast RenderWorks

Fast RenderWorks with Shadows

Renders with shadow-mapped shadows, but no anti-aliasing or ray tracing; low detail level

Final Quality RenderWorks

Renders with reflections, refractions, ray-traced shadows, anti-aliasing, transparency, and a high level of detail

Custom RenderWorks

Renders with parameters set by the user (see Custom RenderWorks Options on page 689)

Rendering the Entire Drawing | Rendering Mode

Fast Radiosity


Renders with fast RenderWorks parameters and includes basic radiosity settings, maximized for quick rendering

Final Quality Radiosity

Renders with final quality RenderWorks parameters and includes radiosity and final gather rendering, maximized for quality

Complex drawings should be rendered with custom radiosity instead, to reduce rendering time while preserving quality. Custom Radiosity Renders with custom RenderWorks settings and radiosity parameters (see Custom RenderWorks Options on page 689 and Setting Custom Radiosity Options on page 694) Renders with multiple sketch styles for a hand-drawn look

Artistic RenderWorks

Custom RenderWorks Options

Custom render settings provide greater control over fine-quality rendering. These settings are used exclusively by the Custom RenderWorks rendering mode. Custom geometry settings override the 3D conversion res setting on the 3D tab in VectorWorks preferences. These settings apply only to the current drawing and remain in effect in the current drawing until the settings are changed. In addition, the settings are saved when creating templates (see Using Drawing Tablets on page 78).


| Chapter 22: Rendering with RenderWorks

Custom RenderWorks includes final gather rendering, which offers superior indirect lighting calculations for a better, more detailed, end result. Scenes which are too complex to render with radiosity can still take advantage of indirect lighting effects by rendering them with Custom RenderWorks and final gather rendering. To set Custom RenderWorks rendering options: 1. Select View > Rendering > Custom RenderWorks Options. The Custom RenderWorks Options dialog box opens. Select a category from the list on the left to see the associated parameters on the right.

Parameter Texturing
Use Textures Use Transparency

Applies the textures assigned to objects; deselect for faster rendering Select to render transparent textures and shadows where applicable; deselect for faster rendering without transparency

Curve Detail Select Low, Medium, High, or Very High faceting and shadow resolution. Low produces an image with less detail and a faster rendering speed. Very High produces an accurate image but requires more time to render. Select to use NURBS surfaces during rendering, providing a higher quality rendering for curved surfaces; deselect for faster rendering. To smooth mesh objects, enable mesh smoothing in the document preferences (see Display Preferences on page 48).


Use Shadows Select to render shadows, and select the type of shadow to create

Rendering the Entire Drawing | Parameter

Ray Traced Shadows


Select to create sharp-edged shadows. Ray tracing determines if each pixel is in shadow. Rendering times are longer due to this pixel-by-pixel sampling, but sharply defined shadows are created. The Cast and Receive Shadows option in the Edit Texture dialog box only works for ray traced shadows. When creating ray traced shadows, transparent shadows are an option; select to show the texture and color of the shadowing object in the shadow Select to create soft-edged shadows. Shadow mapping determines whether a pixel is in shadow by comparing the pixel position to a shadow map. Shadow maps are saved and require buffer memory (for example, a point light requires six shadow maps). Lower Map Detail levels produce softer shadows, render faster, and require less memory. Higher Map Detail levels require more memory and produce sharper shadow edges. Select the level of detail for area, line light, and environment (HDRI background) geometry; higher detail provides better resolution, with texture detail and softer shadows, but requires more time to render Click Layer Lighting Options (from a design layer) or Viewport Lighting Options (from a viewport) to quickly access the associated lighting options dialog box. See Setting Lighting Options on page 420 for more information.

Transparent Shadows Shadow Mapped Shadows

Sampling Quality

Lighting Options

Final Gather
Use Final Gather Detail Size Produces single-bounce indirect lighting effects Controls the terminating resolution for light and shadow detail. Setting the size lower captures more indirect lighting details, resulting in a higher-quality image that also takes longer to render. Affects the resolution of indirect lighting effects. Enter a value, or drag the slider to the right to increase the quality and smoothness, but also the render time. For reflectivity shaders, increases the number of traced specular rays, resulting in a more accurate specular highlight. The Roughness setting for reflectivity shaders (see Importing Images for Reflectivity Shaders on page 643) affects this parameter.

Accuracy Calculate Rough Specular Highlights

Use Anti-Aliasing Use Ray Tracing Max Refractions Select for smoother edges on objects and textures; deselect for faster rendering with rougher edges Creates more realistic-looking reflective objects; rendering speeds will be affected, but improved quality will result. Increase the refraction level for drawings with transparent objects, including overlapping image props, so that they do not appear opaque. In general, set the refraction level to that of the number of overlapping objects; if there are four overlapping image props, for example, set the recursion level to four. Enter the number of levels of reflection among objects; a higher value slows rendering, but yields a more realistic image, especially for glass or mirrored objects

Max Reflections


| Chapter 22: Rendering with RenderWorks

Automatically adjusts the rendered image exposure for overly illuminated scenes (this is particularly useful for light types with intensity options specified) Adjusts the exposure brightness, if the automatic adjustment does not produce the desired result; enter a value or drag the slider to the right to increase the brightness (above 100%) or to the left to decrease the brightness (below 100%)

Auto-Adjust Exposure Brightness

When testing a rendering, set the detail to low and turn textures and NURBS surfaces off. Lower rendering quality is offset by faster rendering times. 2. Click OK to set the Custom Render options.

Although they are effective and relatively efficient, the ray-tracing calculations used in RenderWorks rendering modes cannot produce the full range of lighting effects seen in the real world. The most realistic, yet intensive, rendering effects require radiosity. By adding the indirect lighting and soft lighting effects of radiosity, a rendering can seem highly realistic. Radiosity is a rendering technique that models light energy transfer between drawing geometry and materials. Radiosity treats each section of drawing geometry as both an absorber and emitter of light. Light energy starts from the light sources present in the drawing; the surfaces that the light illuminates then re-emit the light energy, with changes to the light quality producing softer shadows, color bleeding between differently-colored surfaces (because a colored surface re-emits colored light), and softer, diffused lighting. The light energy bounces around until it stops producing an effect.

The radiosity rendering method generates large mesh structures to resolve lighting details in the image. The parameters necessary to create a drawing with radiosity, combined, are called a radiosity solution. It is possible for the radiosity solution to require too much detail or such high amounts of mesh data that the rendering cannot take place over a reasonable time period. By balancing the need for sufficient detail in important parts of the image with the exclusion of excess data that is not as necessary, a good radiosity solution can be produced. In addition, the use of final gather rendering with radiosity can improve quality and shorten render times. RenderWorks provides the tools necessary to create the radiosity solution properly, for a high-quality rendering in the shortest possible amount of time. Radiosity can be highly effective for matte drawings. It cannot produce indirect lighting effects for specular reflections, or for light distorted by glass. Radiosity is available with three RenderWorks commands. For a quicker, lower-quality radiosity solution, select View > Rendering > Fast Radiosity. For a high-quality, but slower, radiosity solution, select View > Rendering > Final Quality Radiosity. Finally, for complex drawings, Custom Radiosity rendering allows the radiosity solution to be controlled by setting up and testing the radiosity solution manually.

Rendering the Entire Drawing |


Radiosity Workflow
It can take some time to come up with an effective radiosity solution for a drawing. In addition, the rendering process itself can require significant amounts of time. Therefore, certain steps are recommended in order to achieve the best radiosity rendering. 1. The drawing should be as close to completion as possible. Modifications to the drawing geometry, materials, or lighting will cause the radiosity solution to be deleted, requiring the solution to be regenerated at the next render. Radiosity solutions for design layers are not saved with the file. For viewports, individual radiosity solutions for each render mode that supports radiosity are stored with the file, if the Save viewport cache option is selected on the Display tab of document preferences. 2. For a preliminary view of the radiosity solution, select View > Rendering > Fast Radiosity. If the drawing is not too complex, then select View > Rendering > Final Quality Radiosity. The automatic radiosity solution and final gather rendering clean-up provided may be exactly what is required for the final presentation of a drawing. A rendering made with final quality radiosity may take a considerable amount of time. For a complex model, optimizing the radiosity settings first and then rendering with custom radiosity is recommended. 3. For a custom radiosity solution, first specify the custom RenderWorks parameters by selecting View > Rendering > Custom Radiosity Options, and make custom settings for the categories in the Custom Radiosity Options dialog box (see Custom RenderWorks Options on page 689). Selecting Use Final Gather is recommended, for clean-up of triangular artifacts and light and shadow leaks, and for the indirect lighting of objects which are excluded from the radiosity solution. Like radiosity, final gather rendering creates indirect lighting effects, but from a single light bounce rather than the multiple light energy transfers of radiosity. A combination of coarse radiosity and fine final gather rendering settings can produce efficient, high-quality rendering effects. 4. With a specific setting, objects and textures can override the radiosity parameters, so that they always participate in a custom radiosity rendering (this allows radiosity settings to be set to exclude many other objects, without eliminating these specific textures and/or objects, saving unnecessary calculation time). For maximum efficiency, exclude all but the largest or most important objects from the radiosity rendering, and set the final gather rendering to handle the indirect lighting effects of the remaining objects. Textures and objects can specifically only receive light, or both receive and emit light. Specify these overrides before attempting the radiosity rendering. For these types of textures, click Radiosity Options in the Edit Texture dialog box, and then select Override Radiosity Settings. To allow certain objects to override the radiosity settings, select Override Radiosity on the Render pane in the Object Info palette. An object can override its texture settings; if a texture does not have an override, but the object does, the override applies. 5. To optimize the radiosity solution, select View > Rendering > Custom Radiosity Options, and then click the Radiosity Options category in the Custom Radiosity Options dialog box. These parameters are described in Setting Custom Radiosity Options on page 694. Click Optimizations to limit the radiosity bounds, if possible; for example, if only one area of a large model is illuminated, the rest of the model can be excluded from the radiosity calculations. Select Allow Special Overrides to include specially-marked textures and objects regardless of the radiosity settings. Click Show Color-Coded Preview in the Radiosity Options category of the Custom Radiosity Options dialog box, to preview the drawing while setting the sliders to their optimal positions. Insignificant geometry should be optimized out of the solution, until the preview displays that the final results will have the desired detail sizes.


| Chapter 22: Rendering with RenderWorks

6. Test the radiosity solution by setting a Time Limit and Energy percentage, and then press Start. During solution generation, a rendered preview of only the indirect lighting is shown in the drawing window, and solution statistics are displayed. Press the Esc key to further refine the solution, and then press Resume to continue it. Once the preview displays an acceptable solution, press Accept. 7. Render the customized radiosity solution for final presentation by selecting View > Rendering > Custom Radiosity. To stop the generation of a radiosity rendering, press the Esc key, or Command-period (Macintosh), Ctrl-period (Windows), and a dialog box opens, asking whether to continue, delete, or accept the current solution. A radiosity solution is view-independent. The view can be changed, or the Flyover, Pan, and Zoom tools used, for example, and the current solution is used to re-render the drawing. However, changes to the drawing geometry, textures, fill colors, materials, or lighting cause the solution to be deleted.

Setting Custom Radiosity Options

Setting the radiosity options for custom radiosity rendering provides a high level of control over the radiosity solution. The radiosity solution can be tested, stopped, changed, and resumed in order to determine the best parameters for rendering in a reasonable amount of time. To set custom radiosity options: 1. Select View > Rendering > Custom Radiosity Options. 2. The Custom Radiosity Options dialog box opens. Select a category from the list on the left to see the associated parameters on the right. The Texturing, Geometry, Lighting, Final Gather, and Rendering categories contain parameters described in Custom RenderWorks Options on page 689. The parameters set in these categories are identical to the custom RenderWorks settings, but apply to the custom radiosity rendering. 3. Click the Radiosity Options category to specify the custom radiosity settings.

Rendering the Entire Drawing | Parameter

Obj Inclusion


Controls the number of objects participating in the radiosity solution; objects below this size receive light energy, but do not emit it. Drag the slider to the right to increase the number of objects included. For maximum efficiency, set the size high enough to include only the largest and most significant objects, and enable final gather rendering to handle the smaller objects. Controls the size of the emitting surfaces and the starting size of the receiving surfaces; drag the slider to the right to decrease the triangle (mesh) size Controls the tendency for the mesh to approach the terminating resolution for light and shadow details; increasing this parameter affects the resolution of indirect shadows. In addition, it affects the accuracy of the light transport from surface to surface. Drag the slider to the right to increase the accuracy percentage. Sets the amount of indirect light energy for the radiosity solution; when this level is attained, the solution is complete. Drag the slider to the right to further refine an existing solution. Specifies a time limit in hours and minutes for terminating the radiosity solution. The solution terminates when either the time limit is reached or the desired Energy limit has been achieved (whichever comes first). Specifies further control over which surfaces participate in the radiosity solution Specifies the ambient lighting setting; ambient lighting can have a significant effect on a radiosity rendering Provides a visual indication of the detail sizes and optimizations applied to the current scene, to quickly be able to eliminate insignificant geometry from the solution. The preview is color-coded to denote object inclusion, bounding volume limit, and initial detail values. Red: Obj Inclusion (shows objects receiving but not emitting light) Yellow: Init Detail Black: Objects that are not included in the radiosity solution and are neither emitting nor receiving light, because they are outside the bounding volume (specified in Optimizations), or have overrides applied to them Grayscale: Objects that are both receiving and emitting light energy are shown in a grayscale relative to their size

Init Detail Accuracy


Time Limit

Optimizations Ambient Options Show Color-Coded Preview

4. To control the ambient light options, click Ambient Options. The Ambient Options dialog box opens. Normally, ambient lighting should be turned off for a radiosity rendering, to avoid overlighting.


| Chapter 22: Rendering with RenderWorks

Use Layer/Viewport Ambient Settings

Uses the ambient lighting setting specified in the Layer Lighting Options dialog box (View > Lighting > Set Layer Lighting Options) or in the Viewport Lighting Options dialog box (click Lighting Options from the Object Info palette Shape tab of a selected viewport) Converges the solution to the percentage specified in Energy and then applies the remaining light energy to all the objects as ambient light energy (can cause a scene to become overly bright if a significant amount of light energy remains) Turns off ambient lighting for the radiosity rendering, which is recommended when emphasizing indirect lighting effects

Create Ambient from Remaining Energy Dont Use Ambient Light

5. To control which surfaces participate in the radiosity solution, click Optimizations. Before the solution is generated, visibility information is gathered to exclude insignificant objects from the solution, either because they are not visible, or they are not participating in the indirect lighting scheme. If textures and/or objects have radiosity overrides, enable the overrides.

Rendering the Entire Drawing |


Optimize for Static View Include Visible Surfaces Only Limit Radiosity Bounds

Enables optimization options for rendering a static view with radiosity (deselect if planning to change views or create a movie from the rendering) Only visible surfaces participate in receiving and emitting indirect light; use overrides to include specific non-visible objects in the rendering Limits the radiosity solution to a 3D bounding volume (for example, the rest of a building may not need to participate in the rendering, when only one room is of interest) Automatically determines the radiosity bounds using visibility data of objects in the current view gathered for static view optimization; includes objects behind the viewer Specifies manual coordinates for the bounding volume. The bounding volume is previewed with dotted lines; objects outside the bounding volume are shown in black. Specify the minimum and maximum X, Y, and Z coordinates to determine the bounding volume.

Derive from Static View Manually


| Chapter 22: Rendering with RenderWorks

Allows specific objects to participate in emitting or receiving indirect lighting during radiosity processing Sets the participation of objects with radiosity overrides set in the Object Info palette and textures with overrides set in the Edit Texture dialog box Enables the override options in both the Edit Texture dialog box and the Render tab of the Object Info palette to allow objects and textures with overrides to emit or receive indirect lighting during radiosity processing, regardless of the custom radiosity parameters Enables the Override Radiosity Settings option in the Edit Texture dialog box to allow objects with that texture applied to emit or receive indirect lighting during radiosity processing, regardless of the custom radiosity parameters Enables the Override Radiosity option on the Render tab of the Object Info palette to allow specific objects to emit or receive indirect lighting during radiosity processing, regardless of the custom radiosity parameters Sets the emit/receive properties of objects and textures without overrides Emitting surfaces are processed from brightest to darkest May Emit and Receive May Only Receive May Neither Emit Nor Receive Allows objects and textures without overrides to possibly receive and re-emit light energy, depending on the radiosity settings Allows objects and textures without overrides to possibly receive light energy, depending on the radiosity settings, but not re-emit it Allows objects without overrides to neither emit nor receive light energy, excluding them from participating in the radiosity solution. These objects and textures are rendered only by direct lighting. Updates the color-coded preview (Show Color-Coded Preview must be selected in the Radiosity Options category of the Custom Radiosity Options dialog box)

Allow Special Overrides Special Overrides Obj Info and Texture

Texture Only

Obj Info Only

Other Items

Update Preview

6. Click the Radiosity Solution category to generate the solution. The radiosity settings are used for a rendering with radiosity when View > Rendering > Custom Radiosity is selected. However, the radiosity solution can be generated from the Custom Radiosity Options dialog box first, if desired, in order to refine a solution until it is acceptable. By using the color-coded preview and the Solution Info controls (Start/Resume, Accept, Delete, and the Esc key), the radiosity solution can be refined until the best quality is achieved in the shortest amount of time.

Rendering the Entire Drawing |


Solution Info

Displays statistics gathered from the current solution, while a solution is being generated and once it is complete Energy: displays the solutions indirect light energy value; when this value reaches the Energy setting, the current solution has been produced. Emitting: shows the number of triangles emitting light energy Receiving: shows the number of triangles receiving light energy Time Used: displays the elapsed solution time Time Remaining (Est.): displays an estimate of the remaining time until the Energy level has been reached and the solution is complete Median Obj Size: displays the median size of objects in the model, and sets the halfway position for the Obj. Inclusion, Init Detail, and Small Detail parameter sliders


Begins generating the radiosity solution, or proceeds with a paused solution if the Energy percentage has not been achieved. To pause the generation of a radiosity solution, press the Esc key, or Command-period (Macintosh), Ctrl-period (Windows).

Accept Delete

When a solution exists, but the specified Energy value has not been reached, pressing Accept changes the Energy slider to the current solutions energy value Deletes a solution; press Start to restart the solution from the beginning

Once a solution has been completed, the radiosity parameters cannot be changed. Click Delete if changes are desired, and then generate the solution again by pressing Start.


| Chapter 22: Rendering with RenderWorks

Artistic RenderWorks Options

When selecting the Artistic RenderWorks mode, a variety of styles and options are available to create a hand-drawn or artistic look for a 3D drawing. These settings apply only to the current drawing and remain in effect in the current drawing until the settings are changed. In addition, the settings are saved when creating templates (see Using Drawing Tablets on page 78). Artistic RenderWorks does not produce sketch rendering of 2D objects. To set Artistic RenderWorks options: 1. Select View > Rendering > Artistic RenderWorks Options. 2. The Artistic RenderWorks Options dialog box opens. A preview scene is shown in order to evaluate the effects of the different options.

3. Select the Style from the list, and then click Options to set specific style parameters. The preview image displays the resulting effect. Certain Artistic RenderWorks styles use hidden line rendering. These styles may require longer rendering times for drawings with many facets (polygons). A style that does not use hidden line rendering is recommended for extremely complex drawings. Many of the Artistic RenderWorks styles allow the layers RenderWorks background to show through, if one has been defined and applied (see Applying RenderWorks Backgrounds on page 676).

Rendering the Entire Drawing | Artistic RenderWorks Option



Traces a border around edges of objects and combines simplified shading with drawn edges

Uses Hidden Line Rendering


Shows Background

Line Color Line Width Color Wash

Specify the outline color by clicking the color box Specifies the outline thickness Traces a border around the object edges, fades out color, and can provide a mottled appearance yes no

Line Color Line Width Mottling Wash Contour

Specify the outline color by clicking the color box Specifies the outline thickness Adds lighter/darker areas, for a mottled appearance Fades colors for a washed-out appearance Uses directional lines to represent the image shapes no yes

Line Length Line Density

Indicates the contour line length Indicates the contour line density; higher density better defines the image shapes, while lower density allows more of the background to show through If Use Object Colors is deselected, specify the contour line color by clicking the color box Draws contour lines using the image colors for each area of the image; deselect to use a single color

Line Color Use Object Colors


| Chapter 22: Rendering with RenderWorks

Simulates a hand drawing of the image, with lines that taper

Artistic RenderWorks Option

Tapered Lines

Uses Hidden Line Rendering


Shows Background

Line Color Line Width Wobbliness Curliness Tapering Hatch

Specify the outline color by clicking the color box Specifies the outline thickness Indicates the amount of deviation from the intended outline Increasing the slider adds waviness to the intended outline Varies the outline thickness by tapering Shades the image with hatch lines, all with the same angle no yes

Line Color Line Width Wobbliness Line Length Line Density

If Use Object Colors is deselected, specify the hatch line color by clicking the color box Indicates the hatch line thickness Indicates the amount of deviation from a straight hatch line Specifies the hatch line length Sets the number of hatch lines; higher density better defines the image shapes, while lower density allows more of the background to show through Draws hatch lines using the image colors for each area of the image; deselect to use a single color

Use Object Colors

Rendering the Entire Drawing | Artistic RenderWorks Option

Ink Print


Draws the image with a solid color and outlines the image with the background color

Uses Hidden Line Rendering


Shows Background

Ink Color Gap Width Lines and Shadow

Specifies the solid color Indicates the outline thickness Traces a border around the edges of objects and displays shadows yes yes

Line Color Line Width Shadow Color Mosaic

Indicate the outline color by clicking the color box Specifies the outline thickness Indicate the color of any shadows by clicking the color box Displays the image as mosaic tiles no yes

Gap Color Gap Width Tile Size Tile Shape Gap Transparency

Specifies the color for the spaces between the tiles Sets the gap width between the tiles Indicates the size of the tiled sections Sets the tiles irregular appearance Specifies the transparency of the gap between the tiles; allows more or less of the background to show through


| Chapter 22: Rendering with RenderWorks

Provides the appearance of an oil painting

Artistic RenderWorks Option

Oil Painting

Uses Hidden Line Rendering


Shows Background

Mark Size Mark Count

Specifies the brush stroke size Indicates the brush stroke number; more brush strokes better define the image shapes, while lower density allows more of the background to show through Sets how well the brush strokes blend together Simulates a hand-drawn pencil or marker drawing with multiple strokes of well-defined line(s) yes yes

Mark Blend Overlapping Lines

Line Color Line Width Line Count Wobbliness Curliness

Indicate the line color by clicking the color box Specifies the thickness of the line(s) Sets the number of lines drawn to define the drawing outline Indicates the amount of deviation from the intended outline Increasing the slider adds waviness to the intended outline

Rendering a Selected Area | Artistic RenderWorks Option

Soft Lines


Simulates a hand-drawn pencil drawing with soft, smudged pencil line(s)

Uses Hidden Line Rendering


Shows Background

Line Color Line Width Blurriness Coverage Scale Stipple

Indicate the line color by clicking the color box Specifies the line thickness Increase the slider for a softer line Specifies the amount of transparent areas (pencil skips) in the line Specifies the size of transparent areas in the line Represents the drawing with irregular dots or short strokes of color no no

Dot Color Dot Count Use Object Colors

If Use Object Colors is deselected, specify the color for the stipple dots by clicking the color box Specifies the number of stipple dots to use Draws stippling using the image colors for each area of the image; deselect to use a single color

4. Click OK to set the Artistic RenderWorks options.

Rendering a Selected Area

The Render Bitmap tool creates a rendered bitmap image of a selected area and places it on top of the drawing. Manipulate this image similar to imported images. Use this tool to preview a section of a drawing, or create a layout of several rendered views. It is also possible to render the entire drawing, creating an image that can be sent to a printer for preview or final quality output, or exported into a different image file format and saved. The Render Bitmap tool renders the image with the specified resolution and rendering mode. The bitmap created by the tool draws using the options selected on the Display tab in the document preferences (see Setting Document Preferences on page 48). Choose Full Resolution, Reduced Resolution or Bounding Box. The bounding box option displays as a gray rectangle bitmap image. Using this option saves re-drawing time when using the Pan tool or scroll bars.


| Chapter 22: Rendering with RenderWorks

The image created by the Render Bitmap tool is compressed by either the JPEG or PNG compression method, to reduce file size. The compression used depends on the Default compression selected on the Edit tab of VectorWorks preferences (see Edit Preferences on page 39). To render a specified area: 1. Select the Render Bitmap tool from the Visualization tool set. 2. Click the Render Bitmap Preferences Tool bar button. The Render Bitmap Settings dialog box opens. Specify the rendering mode and any options.

Render Mode

Select the rendering mode for the image; if the mode has additional settings, click Options to make any changes (changes are also made to the design layer settings) Specify the resolution for the bitmap in dots per inch; lower resolution values reduce file size

Resolution (DPI)

3. Click OK. 4. Click and drag to create a marquee box around the desired area. The area is rendered and a bitmap image of the rendered area is placed on top of the original area. 5. Move the new image to the desired location.

After rendering, the rendered bitmap image can be cut from VectorWorks and pasted into any image editing program for further manipulation.

Batch Rendering |


Batch Rendering
Batch rendering allows several images to be rendered while the computer is unattended. Each batch job retains its own view, rendering mode, resolution, and export settings.

Creating Batch Rendering Jobs

The batch rendering job specifies the job name, rendering mode and options, and image dimensions and format, for the current drawing file. To create a batch rendering job: 1. Establish the desired file view and level of magnification. The Export Image File settings determine the specific dimensions of the exported area and the visibility of objects (see Exporting an Image File on page 521). 2. Select View > Rendering > Create Batch Render Job. The Create Batch Render Job dialog box opens. Specify the rendering job parameters and click OK.

Name Render Mode Options

Specifies the rendering job name for creating the batch Select the rendering mode from the list For OpenGL and Custom RenderWorks rendering modes, the default file settings are in effect; to change the settings, click Options. These changes apply to the current job only. For more information on OpenGL settings, see Rendering with VectorWorks on page 431. For Custom RenderWorks settings, see Custom RenderWorks Options on page 689.

Set Export Image File Options

Opens the Export Image File dialog box for specifying the rendered image file settings, including export area and format

The Marquee export area option in the Export Image File dialog box is not available for batch rendering jobs. 3. Create additional batch rendering jobs as required. Batch jobs can be renamed, edited, or deleted from the Start Batch Render dialog box.


| Chapter 22: Rendering with RenderWorks

Starting the Rendering Job Batch

Once rendering jobs have been created, specify their order and the rendered file location. To specify the rendering job batch: 1. When it is time to begin the batch rendering process, select View > Rendering > Start Batch Render. The Start Batch Render dialog box opens. Select the jobs to be rendered and specify the file location for the resulting rendered images.

Available Jobs Chosen Jobs Choose All >> button << button Duplicate Edit Delete

Lists the current batch render jobs in order of job creation; the jobs are displayed with the image file extension to be generated according to the job settings Lists the currently selected render jobs in order of execution; the most recently added job is placed at the end of the list Moves all Available Jobs to the Chosen Jobs list Moves the selected job from the Available Jobs list to the end of the Chosen Jobs list Moves the selected job from the Chosen Jobs list to the end of the Available Jobs list Copies the selected available job and adds it to the end of the Available Jobs list; specify a new name for the job in the Assign Name dialog box Opens the Edit Batch Render Job dialog box, for changing the parameters of the selected job Removes the selected job from the list of available render jobs (no undo)

Managing Lights and Cameras | Parameter

Browse (Windows)/ Choose (Macintosh)


Specifies the Parent Folder location, where all batch rendering resulting files will be located. By default, this is the application folder. The result sub-folder name is also displayed (this sub-folder is named according to the current date and time).

2. Click Start to begin the batch rendering. The Batch Render Progress dialog box displays the status of the batch rendering. Press the Esc key to cancel the current job and proceed with the remaining batch jobs. Press Cancel to cancel all batch rendering jobs. 3. As each job is rendered, the resulting file is placed in the Results Folder.

Managing Lights and Cameras

The Visualization palette provides fast and easy access to all lights and cameras in a VectorWorks file. Lights and cameras can be selected, edited, duplicated, created, and deleted. The palette also controls lighting overrides for selected sheet layer viewport(s), without modifying the lighting on the design layer or in another viewport. Tasks that can be performed from the Visualization palette include: Quickly locating any light in the file; Editing of any light or lights in the file, even lights that are inside a container object or on a different layer; Creating lighting overrides for sheet layer viewports; Managing light and camera objects, including creating, editing, deleting, duplicating, and sorting; Quickly switching to a cameras established view.

To use the Visualization palette: 1. Select Windows > Palettes > Visualization. The Visualization palette opens. The Visualization palette can remain open while working in the drawing. 2. The Visualization palette contains two tabs: the Lights tab accesses lights, and the Cameras tab accesses cameras. The lights and cameras can be sorted by clicking in the header of any column. The Lights tab functions in two different modes depending on whether you are on a design layer or sheet layer. On a design layer, the palette lists either all the lights in the file, or just the lights that affect the current view. When on a sheet layer, the palette lists either all the lights in the file, or just the lights of selected viewports; edits to the selected viewport(s) affect the viewport lighting, creating an override, but this does not affect the associated design layer lighting. Depending on what action is being performed, different options are available in both the Visualization palette and the Visualization palette menu. Open the Visualization palette menu by clicking on the small triangle at the top right of the palette, or by accessing the context menu with a Ctrl-click (Macintosh) or right-click (Windows).


| Chapter 22: Rendering with RenderWorks

Design layer Visualization palette options

Sheet layer Visualization palette options

Visualization palette camera options

Parameter Lights tab

Current Scene Selected Viewport(s)

The Lights tab accesses the parameters of sheet layer viewports or all lights in the file Displays only the lights which affect the current view (lights from the current layer and in visible classes) Displays only the lights which affect the currently selected sheet layer viewport(s); in this mode, lights can be edited to override the lighting of the selected viewports only. (Other Visualization palette light management commands are not available.) Select Revert Override to return the viewport to its original lighting. Lists all the lights in the file Click to toggle the light on or off; a check mark indicates that the light is on Click to toggle the ability of the lights to cast shadows on or off; a red x indicates that shadows are off For lights in selected viewport(s), indicates whether the light has an override. Uses design layer definition : the light parameters are the same in both the design layer and the viewport(s). Uses viewport override definition : the light parameters have been edited for the selected viewport(s), creating a viewport lighting override.

All On Shadow Override State

Name Type

Displays the name of the light (as shown on the Data tab of the Object Info palette) Indicates the type of light: Directional , Point , Spot , Custom , Area , or Line

Managing Lights and Cameras | Parameter

Light Parent


Indicates whether the light is within a container object; if blank, the light is not part of another object. Group : indicates that the light is contained within a group.

Symbol : indicates that the light is contained within a symbol; each instance is listed in the palette. Edits made directly from the Visualization palette, such as turning lights on and off, affect all symbol instances. (Selecting Edit from the Visualization palette menu, however, edits the symbol instance properties.) Plug-in Object : indicates that the light is contained in a plug-in object, such as a lighting device (Spotlight required) Layer Link Class/Layer Menu commands New Edit Revert Override Duplicate : indicates that the light is contained within a layer link

Displays the lights class and layer The Visualization palette menu commands manage and select light objects Opens the Create Light dialog box, to create a directional, point, spot, or custom light on the current design layer; see Adding Light Sources on page 423 Opens the Properties dialog box, to edit the parameters of the currently selected light(s); when more than one light is selected, only common properties can be edited Restores the original light parameters for the viewport(s), when the lights in selected sheet layer viewport(s) have been edited Copies the currently selected light(s), placing the copy or copies on the same layer and in the same class as the original(s). Lights in symbols or plug-in objects cannot be duplicated. Deletes the currently selected light(s). Lights in symbols or plug-in objects cannot be deleted. Selects the current light(s), and automatically centers the view on the light, or its container (alternatively, double-click on a light in the Visualization palette, if the light is in the active class or layer.) The light properties can then be edited in the Object Info palette or by clicking Edit from the Visualization palette menu. The selection and editing of multiple lights at once is supported. If the light is not in the active class or layer, use the Force Select command instead. The VectorWorks Display preference must be set to show lights.

Delete Select On Document

Force Select

If the light is in a different class or layer, activates the layer or class, and automatically centers the view on the light, or its container group or symbol. The light properties can then be edited in the Object Info palette or by clicking Edit from the Visualization palette menu. Multiple lights cannot be selected by this method. The Cameras tab accesses the parameters of the camera objects in the drawing Displays the name of the camera (as shown on the Data tab of the Object Info palette) Displays the cameras class and layer The Visualization palette menu commands manage and select camera objects

Cameras tab
Name Class/Layer Menu commands


| Chapter 22: Rendering with RenderWorks

Activates the RenderWorks Camera tool; click to place a camera object Opens the Properties dialog box, to edit the parameters of the currently selected camera(s) Copies the currently selected camera(s), placing the copy or copies on the same layer and in the same class as the original(s) Delete(s) the currently selected camera(s) Selects the current camera, and automatically changes the view to that of the camera (alternatively, double-click on a camera in the Visualization palette)

New Edit Duplicate Delete Activate

Exporting a Rendered Drawing

All files rendered with RenderWorks can be exported. It is possible to export all or part of a drawing depending on the selected export format. The image is re-rendered automatically before export.

Exporting the Rendered Image

The Export Image File command exports a rendered drawing to a variety of image file formats. This command is described in detail in Exporting Files on page 519.

High Dynamic Range Image (HDRI) Export

When RenderWorks is installed, the HDRI option is added to the list of export file choices. This command creates an OpenEXR file. This is a good choice for export when touching-up the image in an imaging program; the exported image is lossless and will not have quantization artifacts when color or exposure is further adjusted after export. To export a file in HDRI format: 1. Select the RenderWorks rendering mode to use for the export, and render the image. 2. Select File > Export > Export High Dynamic Range Image (HDRI). The Export HDRI dialog box opens. Specify the dimensions and resolution for the exported image.

Exporting a Rendered Drawing |


Export Area All Visible Objects Current View All Pages as Single Image Each Page as Separate Image Marquee

Exports an image that includes all visible objects (objects do not have to be currently on screen to be considered visible) Exports an image that is exactly as it displays on the current screen Not applicable for HDRI export Not applicable for HDRI export Exports the portion of the image specified with a marquee box. Select this option and then click Draw Marquee to temporarily close the dialog box. Click, and then drag to specify the area for export; the marquee dimensions are displayed on the Data bar. Click to set the export area and return to the Export Image File dialog box. The Pixel Dimensions of the image are automatically set to the marquee dimensions.

Dimensions Lock Aspect Ratio Select to maintain the image aspect ratio when specifying dimensions


| Chapter 22: Rendering with RenderWorks

Specifies the printed image resolution in pixels per inch

Resolution Pixel Dimensions Width/Height Print Size Width/Height

Specifies the exported image dimensions; if Lock Aspect Ratio is selected, changes to one dimension will update the other to maintain the aspect ratio

Specifies the printed image dimensions in the selected Unit; if Lock Aspect Ratio is selected, changes to one dimension will update the other to maintain the aspect ratio Select a unit to apply to the Print Size parameters Displays a rendered or wireframe preview according to the current settings Updates the preview with a rendered view using the currently set rendering option Updates the preview with a wireframe view Not applicable for HDRI export Not applicable for HDRI export

Units Preview Render Wireframe Memory Required/Estimated File Size Update Format File Type Compression 3. Click Save.

Not applicable for HDRI export (always OpenEXR format) Not applicable for HDRI export

The Export OpenEXR File dialog box opens. Enter the name and location for saving the HDRI format file. Click Save to export the file. The file is created and saved in the location specified.

EPix Export
When RenderWorks is installed, the EPix/Piranesi option is added to the list of export file choices. This command creates an ePix (Extended Pixel) file for use in the Piranesi software program. To export as file type EPix: 1. Select File > Export > Export EPix/Piranesi. The Export EPix/Piranesi dialog box opens. Specify the dimensions and resolution for the exported image.

Exporting a Rendered Drawing |


Export Area All Visible Objects Current View All Pages as Single Image Each Page as Separate Image Marquee

Exports an image that includes all visible objects (objects do not have to be currently on screen to be considered visible) Exports an image that is exactly as it displays on the current screen Not applicable for EPix/Piranesi export Not applicable for EPix/Piranesi export Exports the portion of the image specified with a marquee box. Select this option and then click Draw Marquee to temporarily close the dialog box. Click, and then drag to specify the area for export; the marquee dimensions are displayed on the Data bar. Click to set the export area and return to the Export Image File dialog box.The Pixel Dimensions of the image are automatically set to the marquee dimensions.

Dimensions Lock Aspect Ratio Select to maintain the image aspect ratio when specifying dimensions


| Chapter 22: Rendering with RenderWorks

Specifies the printed image resolution in pixels per inch

Resolution Pixel Dimensions Width/Height Print Size Width/Height

Specifies the exported image dimensions; if Lock Aspect Ratio is selected, changes to one dimension will update the other to maintain the aspect ratio

Specifies the printed image dimensions in the selected Unit; if Lock Aspect Ratio is selected, changes to one dimension will update the other to maintain the aspect ratio Select a unit to apply to the Print Size parameters Displays a rendered or wireframe preview according to the current settings Updates the preview with a rendered view using the currently set rendering option Updates the preview with a wireframe view Not applicable for EPix/Piranesi export Not applicable for EPix/Piranesi export

Units Preview Render Wireframe Memory Required/Estimated File Size Update Format File Type Compression 2. Click Save.

Not applicable for EPix/Piranesi export; the file type is automatically set to .epx Not applicable for EPix/Piranesi export

The Export Epix File dialog box opens. Enter the name and location for saving the .epx file. Click Save to export the file. The .epx file is created and saved in the location specified.

QuickTime VR Object Export

When RenderWorks is installed, the QuickTime Virtual Reality object option is added to the list of export file choices. This command creates a QuickTime VR object file of the selected object, which can then be opened in QuickTime. The current rendering mode is used to create the movie. The size of the VectorWorks window determines the size of the final movie window. QuickTime is a separate program available with VectorWorks. It includes Movie Player, for viewing several different file types. QuickTime must be installed to view or create QuickTime movies. It is available on the VectorWorks CD. To export an object as a QuickTime VR object: 1. Render the drawing with a RenderWorks rendering mode. 2. Select the object to export. Due to a limitation of the LightWorks library, RenderWorks backgrounds cannot be exported. 3. Select File > Export > Export QuickTime VR Object.

Exporting a Rendered Drawing |

The QTVR Object Options dialog box opens. 4. Select the number of frames and spin options for creating the VR object file, and then click OK.



Specify how many frames to create in the file; more frames take longer, but increase the quality of the exported file. Total Frames displays how many frames will be created based on the horizontal and vertical frames specified. Specifies the number of horizontal frames to create Specifies the number of vertical frames to create Specify the angular sweep desired, relative to the front view of the object Indicates the left pan angle (0 to 180 degrees) Indicates the right pan angle (0 to 180 degrees) Indicates the angle above the horizon (0 to 90 degrees) Indicates the angle below the horizon (0 to 90 degrees) Specifies whether lights are fixed to the model or camera as the camera rotates Fixes the lights to the model; the camera appears to rotate around the model and the lights remain stationary Fixes the lights around the camera; the model appears to rotate

Horizontal Vertical Spin Left Right Above Below Fix Lights To Model To Camera

5. Specify the .mov file name and location, and click Save to generate the QuickTime movie. For information on playing the QuickTime movie, see Viewing QuickTime Animations on page 609.


| Chapter 22: Rendering with RenderWorks

QuickTime VR Panorama Export

When RenderWorks is installed, the QuickTime Virtual Reality Panorama option is added to the list of export file choices. This command creates a QuickTime VR panorama file of the drawing, which can then be opened in QuickTime. The current rendering mode is used to create the movie. QuickTime is a separate program available with VectorWorks. It includes Movie Player, for viewing several different file types. QuickTime must be installed to view or create QuickTime movies. It is available on the VectorWorks CD. To export a drawing as a QuickTime panorama: 1. Render the drawing in Perspective projection with a RenderWorks rendering mode. The size of the perspective window affects the size of the panorama window; adjust the size of the perspective window by dragging the corner handles. Due to a limitation of the LightWorks library, RenderWorks backgrounds cannot be exported. 2. Select File > Export > Export QuickTime VR Panorama. The QTVR Panorama Options dialog box opens.

3. In the Tilt Above/Below Horizon field, specify the movie view tilt angle from the current view (a value of zero places the view at the horizon); then click OK. 4. Specify the .mov file name and location, and click Save to generate the QuickTime movie. For information on playing the QuickTime movie, see Viewing QuickTime Animations on page 609.

Using the Workspace Editor

Workspace customization options include: Add menus, tool palettes, tool sets, tools, and commands Remove unused menus, tool palettes, tool sets, tools, and commands Rearrange the order and the location of menus, palettes, tool sets, tools, and commands Add, modify, or delete the keyboard shortcuts for tools and commands Configure the context menus

To create a custom VectorWorks workspace, you can edit the current workspace, edit a copy of the current workspace, or create a new workspace. Create multiple workspaces for different drawing needs, or customize a single workspace to your personal preferences.

VectorWorks also provides the ability to create customized plug-in tools, commands, and objects. See Using VectorScript Plug-ins on page 83 in the VectorScript Language Guide. The VectorScript Language Guide is available in the help system, and as a PDF file in [VectorWorks]\VWHelp\Additional Documentation.

Creating or Editing a Workspace

To create or edit a workspace: 1. Select Tools > Workspaces > Workspace Editor, or select Customize from a tool palettes utility menu. The Workspace Editor Options dialog box opens.

2. Select the workspace to edit.

Edit the current workspace Edit a copy of the current workspace Create a new workspace

Changes the currently active workspace Creates an exact duplicate of the current workspace; this is the recommended option Creates a new workspace where all tools and commands must be arranged (from scratch)

3. Enter a workspace name if this is either a new workspace or a copy of the current workspace. 4. Click OK. The Workspace Editor dialog box opens.


| Appendix A: Using the Workspace Editor

5. Modify the menus, tools, or keyboard shortcuts as described in the following sections: Modifying Menus and Commands on page 720 Modifying Tool Palettes and Tool Sets on page 724 Modifying Constraint and Mode Shortcuts on page 727 Some shortcuts are reserved by VectorWorks or by the Windows or Macintosh operating system. The Workspace Editor does not prevent such shortcuts from being assigned to a palette or a tool. If this occurs, the Windows or Macintosh shortcut typically overrides the VectorWorks-assigned shortcut. If a duplicate item is added to a menu, a palette, or a tool set, the item displays in both locations. Highlight the undesired occurrence of the tool or command and press the Delete key to remove it. 6. If desired, click Export Workspace to Text File to export a text file list of all menu items, tools, and keyboard shortcuts contained in the current workspace; when prompted, specify the file name and the location for the file and click OK. The text file also lists keys reserved by VectorWorks or the operating system, shortcuts that cannot be user modified, and shortcuts that can be modified from within the Workspace Editor.

Modifying Menus and Commands

Modify menus and assign keyboard shortcuts to commands, as needed. To add, modify, or delete a menu or a command: 1. Access the Workspace Editor dialog box as described in Creating or Editing a Workspace on page 719. 2. Click the Menus tab. The left side of the dialog box displays all available commands, grouped by category. The right side of the dialog box displays the menus and commands currently assigned to the workspace. Modify the menus and commands as described in the following table.

Creating or Editing a Workspace |


All available commands, listed alphabetically

Click the triangle (Mac) or plus (+) sign (Windows) to display current commands under the menu item Menus and commands in the current workspace

All available commands, listed by category

Context menus and commands in the current workspace

Click the triangle (Mac) or plus (+) sign (Windows) to display the available commands in the category

Add a new menu or submenu Add a command to a menu

Click-drag the New Menu command from the Commands list to the desired position in the Menus list; type the new menu name in place of New Menu Click the plus sign (Windows) or triangle (Macintosh) to expand the list of commands; click-drag the command from the Commands list to the desired position in the Menus list Click-drag the Separator command (Windows) or separator line (Macintosh) from the Commands list to the desired position in the Menus list; a separator line displays Click-drag the item in the Menus list to the desired position Select the item from the Menus list and press the Delete key, or drag the item outside of the Menus list display area (Windows); deleting an item will delete its stacked items unless they are moved from beneath that item first Select the menu from the Menus list and type the desired name; commands cannot be renamed

Add a separator

Move an item Delete an item

Change a menu name

The Document Windows, Font, Tool Palettes, and Workspaces menu items are populated at run time. Therefore, they can only be placed as the last item in a list of sub-menu items. 3. If desired, assign the combination of keys to use as a shortcut to access a menu command.


| Appendix A: Using the Workspace Editor

Macintosh 1. Select the command 2. Select a shortcut key combination 3. Press the desired key

Windows 1. Select the command 2. Select a shortcut key combination 3. Click the screen and press the desired key

Shortcut Key Combination

Macintosh Use Cmd + key Use Cmd + Option + key Use Cmd + Shift + key Use Cmd + Option + Shift + key Windows Use Ctrl + key

Assigns the combination of the Command key and another key to access this menu command Assigns the combination of the Command key, Option key, and another key to access this menu command Assigns the combination of the Command key, Shift key, and another key to access this menu command Assigns the combination of the Command key, Option key, Shift key, and another key to access this menu command

Assigns the combination of the Ctrl key and another key to access this menu command

Creating or Editing a Workspace | Shortcut Key Combination

Use Ctrl + Alt + key Use Ctrl + Shift + key Use Ctrl + Alt + Shift + key


Assigns the combination of the Ctrl key, Alt key, and another key to access this menu command Assigns the combination of the Ctrl key, Shift key, and another key to access this menu command Assigns the combination of the Ctrl key, Alt key, Shift key, and another key to access this menu command

If a keyboard shortcut is already in use, the option to reassign the shortcut to the current menu command is presented. If the shortcut is reassigned, the original command no longer has a shortcut. 4. If necessary, modify or delete a keyboard shortcut.

Modify a keyboard shortcut

Select the shortcut from the Menus list; select a new shortcut key combination and/or enter a different key for the shortcut (if that key is reserved by VectorWorks or is already in use, a message displays) Select the shortcut key from the Menus list and press Delete or Backspace

Delete a keyboard shortcut

5. Click OK to close the Workspace Editor dialog box.

Modifying Context Menus

Modify document context menus and object context menus in the same manner as described in Modifying Menus and Commands on page 720. These menus display when you click on an object or on the drawing area with a right-click (Windows) or Ctrl-click (Macintosh). The object context menus contain context-sensitive commands that pertain to the item that is currently selected in the drawing area.


| Appendix A: Using the Workspace Editor

Modifying Tool Palettes and Tool Sets

Modify tool palettes and tool sets, and assign keyboard shortcuts to tools, as needed. Tools can only be added to tool sets, not to tool palettes. To provide more drawing space, stack the tools that have similar functionality. To add, modify, or delete a tool palette or a tool set: 1. Access the Workspace Editor dialog box as described in Creating or Editing a Workspace on page 719. 2. Click the Tools tab. The left side of the dialog box displays all available tools, grouped by category. The right side of the dialog box displays the tool palettes, the tool sets, and the tools that are currently assigned to the workspace. Modify the tool palettes and the tool sets as described in the following table. For the Basic palette, the edit tools and the tools for 2D and 3D object creation are listed in the View/Draw tool set. The Dont Put in Workspace folder may display on the Tools tab. It contains plug-in objects that are inserted in the drawing by VectorWorks tools. Do not move the plug-in objects from this folder into the workspace, or VectorWorks will not be able to locate them.

Creating or Editing a Workspace |


All available tools, listed alphabetically

The tool palettes, tool sets, and tools in the current workspace Click a tool set label to display a preview of the current tools on the right side of the dialog box Click the plus (+) sign (Windows) or the triangle (Mac) to display the current tools or tool sets under the item

All available tools, listed by category

Click the plus (+) sign (Windows) or the triangle (Mac) to display the available tools in the category

Add a new tool palette

Click-drag the New Tool Palette command from the Create list to the Palettes list; click the items text label and type the new palettes name in place of New Tool Palette Click-drag the New Tool Set command from the Create list to the Palettes list; click the items text label and type the new tool sets name in place of New Tool Set To change the default icon for the tool set, select the tool set, click Set Tool Set Icon, and use the dialog that opens to select a 22 x 22 PNG image file to use Click the plus sign (Windows) or triangle (Macintosh) to expand the list of tools; click-drag the tool (or the entire group of tools) from the Tools list to the desired position in the Palettes list Click-drag the item in the Palettes list to the desired position Select the item in the Palettes list and press the Delete key, or (on Windows) drag the item outside of the Palettes list display area. If you delete an item that has other items stacked beneath it, all of the stacked items are deleted along with the main item; to prevent this, move the stacked items to another location first.

Add a new tool set Change a tool set icon Add a tool or a tool category to a tool set Move an item Delete an item

Change the name of a tool palette or a tool set

Select the item from the Palettes list, click the items text label, and type the desired name; tools cannot be renamed

3. If desired, assign or change the combination of keys to use as a shortcut to access a tool.


| Appendix A: Using the Workspace Editor

Macintosh 1. Select the tool 2. Select a shortcut key combination 3. Press the desired key

Windows 1. Select the tool 2. Select a shortcut key combination 3. Click the screen and press the desired key

Shortcut Key Combination

Macintosh Use key Use Option + key Use Shift + key Use Option + Shift + key Windows Use key Use Alt key Use Shift + key Use Alt + Shift + key

Assigns this key to access this tool Assigns the combination of the Option key and another key to access this tool Assigns the combination of the Shift key and another key to access this tool Assigns the combination of the Option key, Shift key, and another key to access this tool

Assigns this key to access this tool Assigns the combination of the Alt key and another key to access this tool Assigns the combination of the Shift key and another key to access this tool Assigns the combination of the Alt key, Shift key, and another key to access this tool

Updating Custom Workspaces and Plug-in Objects |


If a keyboard shortcut is already in use, the option to reassign the shortcut to the current tool is provided. If the shortcut is reassigned, the original tool no longer has a shortcut. 4. If necessary, modify or delete a keyboard shortcut.

Modify a keyboard shortcut

Select the shortcut from the Palettes list; select a new shortcut key combination and/or enter a different key for the shortcut (if that key is reserved by VectorWorks or is already in use, a message displays) Select the shortcut key from the Palettes list and press Delete or Backspace

Delete a keyboard shortcut

5. Click OK to close the Workspace Editor dialog box.

Modifying Constraint and Mode Shortcuts

Modify the keyboard shortcuts for constraints and for modes, as needed. To modify the shortcuts for constraints and modes: 1. Access the Workspace Editor dialog box as described in Creating or Editing a Workspace on page 719. 2. Click the Keys tab to display the keyboard shortcuts for the workspace currently in use. Assign or modify the keyboard shortcuts, as needed.

Sets the keys used to switch between different modes when a tool is selected

Sets the keyboard shortcuts for additional constraints settings

Sets the Constraints palette keyboard shortcuts

3. Click OK to close the Workspace Editor dialog box.

Updating Custom Workspaces and Plug-in Objects

When a VectorWorks upgrade is installed, the standard workspaces and plug-in objects in the VectorWorks root folder (where the application is installed) are replaced. Your custom workspaces and plug-ins (in your user folder) remain in place; see User Folders Preferences on page 46 in this guide for details about user folders. The first time the new version of VectorWorks is opened, it automatically converts the custom workspaces to the new format and saves a copy of the original workspaces in a Legacy Workspaces folder (in your user folder).


| Appendix A: Using the Workspace Editor

A backup copy of workspaces is automatically created at installation (see Automatic Workspace Backup on page xi). For more information about where plug-in objects may be located, see How Plug-ins Work on page 84 in the VectorScript Language Guide. The VectorScript Language Guide is available in the help system, and as a PDF file in [VectorWorks]\VWHelp\Additional Documentation.

Migrating Custom Workspaces

VectorWorks can automatically convert a custom workspace that was created in a previous version of VectorWorks. However, the custom workspace will not have any new or revised features from the latest release until it is migrated with the Workspace Editor. For details about the editor, see Creating or Editing a Workspace on page 719. To enable the new functionality in the custom workspace, add the new tools and commands, and replace the tools and commands that have been updated. Typically, you should also remove from the custom workspace the tools and commands that are no longer in the new version of VectorWorks. Some items may still be available under the Legacy heading in the Workspace Editor, even though they are no longer in the standard workspace. If so, you can use them in the custom workspace; however, their functionality is not guaranteed or supported. Only the items contained in the latest standard workspace are documented in the users guide and in the help system. If the custom workspace is from a version earlier than VectorWorks 12, start with the standard or classic workspace in the new version of VectorWorks and add customizations to that workspace; do not migrate the older custom workspace. To migrate a custom workspace to a new version of VectorWorks: 1. Review the list of workspace changes for this version in the [VectorWorks]/Workspaces folder. Decide which tools and commands need to be added, deleted, or updated in the custom workspace. 2. Place the custom workspace file in your [User]/Workspaces folder for the new version of VectorWorks. 3. Open VectorWorks, which automatically converts the workspace and places the original file in a Legacy Workspaces folder within your [User]/Workspaces folder. 4. Select Tools > Workspaces > <<custom workspace>> to access the custom workspace. 5. From the custom workspace, access the Workspace Editor. The Workspace Editor Options dialog box displays. Select the option to edit a copy of the current workspace and specify a new name for the workspace. 6. Click the Menus tab to display the menus as they display in the workspace currently in use. Click the triangle (Macintosh) or the plus sign (Windows) next to an item to display an expanded list of menu commands. 7. On the right side of the Workspace Editor, highlight each obsolete command and press the Delete key. 8. On the left side of the Workspace Editor, highlight the new or replacement commands and drag them to the desired position on the right side of the Workspace Editor. 9. Click the Tools tab to display the tool palettes and tool sets as they display in the workspace currently in use. Click the triangle (Macintosh) or the plus sign (Windows) next to an item to display an expanded list of tool sets or tools. 10. On the right side of the Workspace Editor, highlight each obsolete tool and press the Delete key. 11. On the left side of the Workspace Editor, highlight the new or replacement tools and drag them to the desired position on the right side of the Workspace Editor. 12. Click OK to save the changes.

Standards and Resources

Object Libraries


The following object libraries are provided as standard VectorWorks or RenderWorks resources. A subset of these resources are also available by default at the point of use (see VectorWorks Fundamentals Default Resources on page 141).

Object Libraries
Hatches Hatches_ANSI.vwx Hatches_Cartographic.vwx Hatches_Default.vwx Hatches_Detail.vwx Hatches_Miscellaneous.vwx Hatches_Surface material.vwx Wall Hatches.vwx Image Fills Image Fills_Default.vwx Image Fills_Exterior Finishes.vwx Image Fills_Interior Finishes.vwx Image Fills_Metals Plastics Glass.vwx Image Fills_Nature.vwx Image Fills_StoneAndBrick.vwx Image Props Props-Hi-Res.vwx Props-Lo-Res.vwx Object Sampler Legacy Libraries HVAC_1_Line.vwx Map Symbols.vwx VectorWorks Basic EE Engineering.vwx EE Logic.vwx EE PC Board.vwx EE Schematics.vwx Office Cubicle Furniture.vwx






| Appendix B: Standards and Resources

Object Libraries
Office Equipment.vwx Office Furniture.vwx Process Equipt.vwx Process Piping.vwx Process Valves.vwx Residential Furniture.vwx Site Planning.vwx VectorWorks Architect Sampler.vwx VectorWorks Machine Design Sampler.vwx Objects-Imperial 16_Electrical_Accurate Lamps.vwx Textures Textures_Default.vwx Textures_Exterior Finishes.vwx Textures_Forbo Flooring-Artoleum.vwx (VectorWorks Architect required) Textures_Forbo Flooring-Marmoleum.vwx (VectorWorks Architect required) Textures_Interior Finishes.vwx Textures_Metals Plastics Glass.vwx Textures_Nature.vwx Textures_StoneAndBrick.vwx Textures_Wood.vwx Textures_Wood-Arcitex.vwx (VectorWorks Architect required) X X X X X X X X X X X



VectorWorks Circle/Arc Conventions

Due East is 0. Positive degrees run counter-clockwise and negative degrees run clockwise.

Survey Bearings
The acute angle between the Meridian and a line measured from North to South, toward East and West gives a reading of less than 90.

Architectural Scale |


Coordinates N " W add to 90 to get positive angle

Coordinates N " E subtract from 90 to get positive angle

Coordinates W " N subtract from 180 to get positive angle 180 Coordinates W " S subtract from -180 to get negative angle

Coordinates E " N add to 0 to get positive angle Coordinates E " S subtract from 0 to get positive angle 0

Coordinates Coordinates S " W add to -90 S " E subtract from to get negative -90 to get negative angle angle


Architectural Scale
The following table provides the architectural scale conversion.

1" = 1' Fraction of inch equaling 1 foot

1/2" = 1' 1/4" = 1' 3/4"= 1' 1/8" = 1' 3/8" = 1' 5/8" = 1' 7/8" = 1' 1/16" = 1' 3/16" = 1' 5/16" = 1' 7/16" = 1' 9/16" = 1'

12 x 1/1 = 12 Inches/ foot multiplied by inverted fraction

12 x 2/1 = 24 12 x 4/1 = 48 12 x 4/3 = 16 12 x 8/1 = 96 12 x 8/3 = 32 12 x 8/5 = 19.2 12 x 8/7 =13.714... 12 x 16/1 = 192 12 x 16/3 = 64 12 x 16/5 = 38.4 12 x 16/7 = 27.428... 12 x 16/9 = 21.333...

1 : 12 Number to be typed into Paper Scale

1 : 24 1 : 48 1 : 16 1 : 96 1 : 32 1 : 19.2 1 : 13.7142857 1 : 192 1 : 64 1 : 38.4 1 : 27.4285714 1 : 21.3333333


| Appendix B: Standards and Resources

1" = 1' Fraction of inch equaling 1 foot
11/16" = 1' 13/16" = 1' 15/16" = 1' 1/32" = 1' 3/32" = 1' 5/32" = 1' 7/32" = 1' 1/64" = 1' 3/64" = 1'

12 x 1/1 = 12 Inches/ foot multiplied by inverted fraction

12 x 16/11 = 17.454... 12 x 16/13 = 14.769... 12 x 16/15 = 12.8 12 x 32/1 = 384 12 x 32/3 = 128 12 x 32/5 = 76.8 12 x 32/7 = 54.857 12 x 64/1 = 768 12 x 64/3 = 256

1 : 12 Number to be typed into Paper Scale

1 : 17.4545454 1 : 14.7692307 1 : 12.8 1 : 384 1 : 128 1 : 76.8 1 :54.8571428 1 : 768 1 : 256

Correlated Color Temperature

Color temperature is a simplified way to indicate the hue of a light source in degrees Kelvin (K). Lower color temperatures suggest more of a yellow-reddish color, while higher color temperatures tend to be more blue. The following chart can be used to approximate various light sources in a rendered scene.

Approximate Degrees K
1500 - 1800 2800 - 3200 5000 - 5500 6500 - 7000 9000 - 12000

Light Source Example

Candlelight Indoor household tungsten light bulb Sunny day at noon Overcast sky Blue sky

RenderWorks Shader Definitions

Shader Types
Color Shaders
Object Attribute Filtered Image Image Color Blue Marble Chrome Color Clouds Cubes Granite

RenderWorks textures are composed of four shaders: color, reflectivity, transparency, and bump. This appendix describes each shader type and provides a description of the fields obtained when editing shaders.

Applies the objects fill color attribute Selects an imported image to be tinted with color and applied as a texture Selects an imported image to apply as a color texture Provides a blue marble appearance with the specified size and level of detail Creates simple chrome-like reflections, with the selected color and color ratio Provides a cloudy appearance, with the specified cloud and background color, as well as size and level of detail Creates a 3D lattice of cubes with alternating colors Provides a granite-like pattern with mineral grains of various sizes and Granite Types: Sierra: small grain size variation with universal mineral distribution Bianco: higher grain size variation with universal mineral distribution Diamond: combination of large, coarse grains and lesser amounts of fine-grained minerals Azalea: fine-grained granite with lesser amounts of large-grained minerals Auburn: very large grains with lesser amounts of uniformly distributed small grains

Marble Paving Plain Color Simple Wood Solid Polka Turbulent Checker Color Diagonal Grid Color Horizontal Stripe Polka

Creates a veined marble appearance of the specified color, size, and level of detail Creates the appearance of paved slabs with mortar joints (for a rough tile or stone paving texture) Specifies a plain, uniform color Creates a simple wood pattern with concentric rings of light and dark wood Creates a 3D lattice of spheres to form a polka-dot pattern Mixes black with a specified color to create a random pattern Provides a checker-board pattern of alternately-colored squares Creates a diagonal stripe pattern of specific colors and sizes Creates a grid pattern of the specified colors Creates a horizontal stripe pattern of specific colors and sizes Specifies a grid of circles to form a polka-dot pattern


| Appendix C: RenderWorks Shader Definitions

Creates a vertical stripe pattern of specific colors and sizes Provides a realistic wood appearance with pre-set parameters specific to the wood type Creates wooden flooring with a variety of patterns and parameters specific to the wood type and Replication Type: Floorboards: simple floorboards Parquet: floorboards arranged in a geometric pattern (parquetry) Herringbone: floorboards arranged in a herringbone pattern Ladder: floorboards arranged in a ladder pattern

Vertical Stripe Birch, Cherry, Maple, Oak, Pine, and Wood Birch Floor, Cherry Floor, Maple Floor, Oak Floor, Pine Floor, Wood Floor

Brick Brick Bonds

Creates a simple brick pattern, with bricks of a specified, uniform color Creates bricks with a specified bonding pattern and appearance according to Bond Types: Stretcher: standard alternating pattern Common: bricks in every fifth row are stacked crosswise against the other Flemish: alternating rows of normal and crosswise bricks English: bricks in every second row are stacked crosswise against the other Stack: bricks are stacked directly on top of each other Rowlock: alternating rows of normal and crosswise bricks, with the larger side of crosswise bricks visible

Roof Tiles Textured Brick Draft Angle Evaluation Geometric Curvature Surface Evaluation

Creates a tiled pattern of specific shapes, sizes, and colors, simulating roof tiles as seen from the ground Creates a realistic textured brick pattern with very specific parameters Evaluates surfaces for mold design by coloring problem areas Applies colors to denote curvature coefficients Shows surface curvature by placing the object in a striped cylinder

Reflectivity Shaders
Image Reflectivity Chrome Reflectivity Constant Glass, Accurate Glass, Simple Matte

Specifies an imported image to be used as the reflectivity shader (white is more reflective; black is less reflective) Creates a chrome-like effect for shiny or highly-polished surfaces Creates reflectance with a constant color, unaffected by lights in the drawing Simulates glass surface finishes with reflection and transmission properties Approximates glass surface finishes with reflection and refraction properties Provides a dull matte appearance for surfaces like fabric and brick

Shader Types | Shader

Metal, Accurate Metal, _________ (Aluminum through Tungsten) Metal, Simple Mirror Multilayer Paint Phong Plastic Translucency Translucent Plastic Anisotropic, Brushed Anisotropic, Turned Anisotropic, Woven


Simulates metallic surface finishes with secondary mirrored views (includes refraction and absorption) Sets accurate metal reflectivity parameters automatically to simulate the specific type of metal selected Simulates a shiny, metallic appearance with reflectance coefficients; suitable for metals like steel and brass Creates a mirror-like reflectance with secondary mirrored views Uses a base color, metallic layer and lacquer layer with specific properties for each, to simulate multi-layer paint surfaces Approximates shiny or highly polished materials like ceramic or glass Simulates glossy materials such as plastic or varnished surfaces Simulates a non-reflective translucent surface lighted from behind Creates glossy reflectance with translucency, for shiny or highly polished translucent materials Approximates a surface with parallel ridges, such as brushed metal Creates a surface with small concentric ridges Simulates woven material with a sheen, such as satin

Transparency Shaders
Image Transparency Mask Transparency Color Filter Eroded Plain Transparency Checker Transparency Grid Transparency Square

Selects an imported image to apply, like a colored film, as a transparency texture Selects a masked imported image to apply as a transparency texture (white is opaque; black is transparent) Specifies a color to be applied as a transparency Creates the illusion of an eroded or worn surface Provides plain, uniform transparency of a specified amount Creates a checker-board pattern with squares of alternating transparency values Creates a grid with opaque lines and transparent holes Provides a square region of transparency


| Appendix C: RenderWorks Shader Definitions

Bump Shaders
From Color Image Bump Birch, Cherry, Maple, Oak, Pine, Wood, Simple Wood 1 Cast Clouds 1 Cubes
1 1

Obtains the bump shader properties, such as height and location, based on the color shader information Specifies an imported image to be used as the source of the bump map displacement Provides a realistic wood surface, with pre-set parameters specific to the wood type Creates an irregular, metal-like rough surface, with specified displacements and indentations Creates a cloud-patterned surface Creates a 3D lattice of cubes with alternating heights Provides a granite-like surface with mineral grains of various sizes Simulates the surface texture of leather Creates a veined marble surface Creates a paved surface, with rough tile or stone surfaces and mortar joints Provides a rough, undulating metal-like surface with specified surface perturbations Creates a 3D lattice of spheres with alternating heights Provides a random surface pattern Creates a wooden flooring surface texture with a variety of patterns and parameters specific to the wood type and Replication Type Creates a simple brick pattern surface, with uniform bricks Creates a brick pattern surface according to the specific Bond Type Provides a checker-board pattern of alternate height squares Creates a diagonal stripe pattern of specific surface heights Specifies a grid of spheres which protrude above the surface, creating a regular dimpled appearance Creates a grid surface pattern of the specified heights


Leather, Solid Marble Paving

1 1

Rough, Solid Solid Polka 1 Turbulent


Birch Floor, Cherry Floor, Maple Floor, Oak Floor, Pine Floor, Wood Floor 1 Brick 1 Brick Bonds 1 Checker Color 1 Diagonal 1 Dimple Grid Color 1 Horizontal Stripe Knurl Leather, Wrapped Polka
1 1

Creates a horizontal stripe surface pattern of specific heights Creates a knurled indentation pattern Simulates the surface texture of leather Specifies a grid of circles to form a polka-dot surface pattern Creates a tiled pattern of specific shapes, sizes, and heights, simulating roof tiles Creates a rough, uneven cast-like metal finish, with specific roughness

Roof Tiles

Rough, Wrapped

Shader Properties | Shader

Textured Brick Tread Plate Vertical Stripe 1
1 1


Creates a realistic brick surface pattern with very specific parameters Provides a regular tread-plate pattern with indentations that protrude above the surface Creates a vertical stripe pattern of specific heights

These bump shaders have a color shader equivalent.

Shader Properties
The shader properties available during editing are presented in alphabetical order.

Color Shader Properties

Shader Property
Alt Brick Color Max/Min

Select the colors for complex brick shaders with a non-uniform brick color; each brick is textured by assigning it a variation of those colors. The Alt Brick Color pattern alternates with the Brick Color pattern to form variety in the rows Drag the slider to the right to increase the amount of turbulence Select the color of the background for shaders that have a background Specifies the number of divisions of color to display between the Min Cutoff Color and the Max. Cutoff Color for the Geometric Curvature shader, or the total number of bands around the cylinder for the Surface Evaluation Shader Select the color for the cylinder bands Underlying color which can be mixed with another color or have another color superimposed Select the color of bricks for shaders with uniform brick color Select the colors for complex brick shaders with a non-uniform brick color; each brick has a base color randomly assigned based on the selections, and are textured by assigning them a variation of that color Select the colors for complex brick shaders with a non-uniform brick color; each brick is textured by assigning it a variation of those colors. The Brick Color pattern alternates with the Alt Brick Color pattern to form variety in the rows. The brick depth completes the dimensions of the brick, along with width and height, for complex brick shaders The brick size is specified by entering values for width and height Select the color of the clouds (usually a lighter color than the background color) Click to select the color

Amplitude Background Color Bands

Band Color Base Color Brick Color Brick Color <number>

Brick Color Max/Min

Brick Depth Brick Width/Height Cloud Color Color


| Appendix C: RenderWorks Shader Definitions

Select the colors for the minerals of granite, numbered in order of decreasing average grain size. Color 4 represents the smallest sized grains, which are usually quartz; assign a darker color. Two of the colors can be set to the same value to represent granite with fewer distinct mineral colors. The color of each tile is selected randomly from the range specified by the tile color parameters; for uniform tile color, select the same color for both parameters Drag the slider to the right to increase the intensity of random color variation areas Specify the size of random color variation areas (a value of one means the areas are comparable to the size of the largest grains) Drag the slider to the right to increase the color variations among grains, fragments and base mineral color Drag the slider to the right to increase the random color variations within each tile Enter a color variation value to control how color variation will be distributed across roof tiles or paving slabs; values below one create a speckled effect, while values larger than one create patches of different colors (within the specific color range) Measures the contrast of transitions between dense and sparse areas. Range: 0.0 1.0. Determines the ratio of the area covered by the bands to the area displaying the base color; a value of zero displays only the base color, while a value of one displays only the band color Specify the visibility of grain cracks at the borders between fragments; higher values result in more visible cracks (Range: 0.0 1.0) Select the surface curvature type to display with false colors Specifies the location of the cylinder Specifies the size of the cylinder Drag the slider to the right to increase the level of fine detail Specifies the angle (normally, 1) against which mold parts are designated as pass, warning, and fail Select the color for the edge of roof tiles; select a darker color to simulate the effect of the tile edges in shadow Drag the slider to the right to increase the blurring at the edges of polka dot spheres Select one of the alternating colors in a pattern or lattice Marks areas for which the mold cannot be removed because the angle to pull it out is incorrect; click to specify the color Drag the slider to the right to increase the amount of granular deformation

Shader Property
Color <number> (granite)

Color <number> (roof tiles) Color Noise Color Noise Scale Color Variation (granite) Color Variation (roof tiles) Color Variation Scale

Contrast Coverage

Cracks Curvature Type Cylinder Axis Cylinder Radius Detail Draft Angle Edge Color Edge Softness Even Color Fail Color Fragment Detail

Shader Properties | Shader Property

Fragment Size Fragment Softness Fuzz Gnarl Grain Graininess Grain Color Grain Scale (marble or paving) Grain Scale (wood) Grid Color Grid Size Groove Color Groove Width Height Max Cutoff Max Cutoff Color Min Angle Min Cutoff Min Cutoff Color Mix Mortar Center Color Mortar Color Mortar Color Variation Mortar Color Variation Scale Mortar Edge Color Mortar Irregularity


Drag the slider to the right to decrease the number of mineral grains which are fragmented Drag the slider to the right to increase the density and roughness of granular deformation Drag the slider to the right to increase the amount of edge blurring Drag the slider to the right to increase the random perturbation of tree rings, allowing knots to form Drag the slider to the right to increase the amplitude of marble crystal grain (granularity) or intensity of wood grain Specifies the grainy nature of the paving Select the color of wood grain, usually darker than base color to simulate the appearance of wood Scale values above one make the marble crystals or paving flecks larger; values less than one make the pattern smaller Enter the grain size in relation to the ring size; this applies to random grain flecks, as well as ring fuzz grain (Range: 0.1 2.0) Select the color of the grid lines for the grid shader Enter the width and height of the grid lines Select the color of the groove between floorboard sections Specify the width of the groove between floorboard sections Height of the shader pattern Indicates the maximum curvature value to be displayed with the specified color Select the color to use for maximum curvature display Controls the cylinder length by specifying the minimal value of the normal component along the cylinder axis in order for banding to be applied Indicates the minimum curvature value to be displayed with the specified color Select the color to use for minimum curvature display Drag the slider to the right to increase the ratio of base color to reflection colors Specifies the color at the center of the mortar Select the color of the mortar for brick shaders Drag the slider to the right to increase the color differences across the mortar Drag the slider to the right to increase the amount of color variation Specifies the color at the edges of the mortar Drag the slider to the right to make the mortar joints less straight


| Appendix C: RenderWorks Shader Definitions

Size of mortar between bricks (uniform between rows and columns of bricks, or between paving tiles or slabs) Drag the slider to the right to increase the uneven appearance of tree rings Select one of the alternating colors in a pattern or lattice Enter the joint offset amount between neighboring rows of wood floor sections (Floorboard and Ladder replication types only) Marks areas for which the mold cannot be removed because the angle to pull it out is incorrect; click to specify the color Marks areas for which the mold can be easily removed; click to specify the color Enter the overall scaling factor for the wood pattern, determined by the radius difference of two adjacent rings (0.01 indicates that there are 100 rings per scaled unit length) Enter the length and width of floorboard sections Drag the slider to the right to increase the variation of brightness between floorboard planks Values between zero and one define the radius of the polka dot spheres Select the color to represent the darker-colored rings in the wood Drag the slider to the right to increase the amplitude of perturbations at the edges of the tree rings Drag the slider to the right to increase the amount of blurring at the interior and exterior boundaries of the ring color and wood color Enter the width of the tree rings relative to the trees trunk (0 indicates no rings, while 1 indicates that the ring color is to be used for the entire trunk) Drag the slider to the right to increase the magnitude of roughness Drag the slider to the right to increase the smoothness around each brick Scale values above one make the pattern larger; values less than one make the pattern smaller Enter the distance between the centers of adjacent spheres Drag the slider to the right for more irregular paving shapes Drag the slider to the right for smoother paving shapes Specifies the average size of the paving slabs or tiles Select the color of the spheres for the polka dot shaders Select the color of the stripe for striped patterns Number of rectangular floor planks arranged side by side to form the floor pattern Enter the tile top length and width

Shader Property
Mortar Size Noise Odd Color Offset Overhang Color Pass Color Pattern Scale

Plank Length/Width Plank Variation Radius Ring Color Ring Fuzz Grain Ring Fuzz In/Out Ring Width Rough Amplitude Rough Scale Scale Separation Shape Variation Shape Smoothness Slab Size Spot Color Stripe Color Strips Tile Length/Width

Shader Properties | Shader Property

Tile Thickness Tolerance Angle Vein Color Vein Contrast Warning Color Width Wood Color


Specify how thick the tile is and, therefore, how much of the tile edge is visible Specifies the tolerance angle for mold design calculations Select the color of marbled veins Drag the slider to the right to increase the contrast between the vein color and base color Marks areas for which the mold can be removed, but with difficulty; click to specify the color Enter the width of the shader pattern Select the color to represent the lighter-colored parts of the wood

Reflectivity Shader Properties

Shader Property
Absorption Red/Green/Blue Ambient Base Ambient Base Diffuse Bias

Drag the slider to the right to increase the absorption coefficients for red, blue, and green, respectively; default values correspond to silver Drag the slider to the right to increase the amount of ambient light reflected (the ambient light is set with the Set Ambient Light command) Specifies the ambient factor for the base layer Specifies the diffuse factor for the base layer The surface of the shader is represented by two sets of threads perpendicular to each other; the bias specifies the relative contribution of the two directions of threads. For even contribution from each direction, such as for cotton, use 0.5. A satin weave normally has a bias around 0.66. (Range: 0.0 1.0) Drag the slider to the right to increase the amount of chrome light reflected Drag the slider to the right to increase the distance between cylinders or scratches on the surface; cylinder distance varies from even, isotropic light reflection to maximum anisotropy (uneven reflection) Drag the slider to the right to increase the amount of diffuse (directional) light reflected Drag the slider to the right to increase the floor height across cylinders or surface scratches; floor height varies from no floor (more anisotropic with uneven light reflection) to a completely flat, isotropic surface with even reflection Drag the slider to the right to increase the mirror factor for the lacquer Drag the slider to the right to increase the lacquer roughness (sharpness of specular reflection highlights) Drag the slider to the right to increase the refraction index of the lacquer Drag the slider to the right to increase the amount of specular highlights reflected for the lacquer

Chrome Cylinder Distance

Diffuse Floor Height

Lacquer Mirror Lacquer Roughness Lacquer Refraction Lacquer Specular


| Appendix C: RenderWorks Shader Definitions

Drag the slider to the right to increase the transmission factor for the lacquer; this filters the underlying color Drag the slider to the right to increase the bumpiness of the metallic layer (similar to rough or cast amplitude bump shaders) Drag the slider to the right to increase the amount of detail to use to represent the metallic bumps Select the type of metal to use for the bumps or flakes Drag the slider to the right to specify the amount that the metallic layer contributes to the overall shader appearance Drag the slider to the right to increase the reflection roughness of the metal bumps Specifies the size of the metal bumps Drag the slider to the right to increase the sharpness of the metal flakes Drag the slider to the right to increase the amount of light reflected in the mirror direction Drag the slider to the right to increase the refraction index for all wavelengths of light (the default refractive index corresponds to glass) Enter the refraction indices for red, blue, and green, respectively; default values correspond to silver Drag the slider to the right to decrease the sharpness of the specular reflection highlights Drag the slider to the right to increase the amount of specular highlights reflected Select the color of specular highlights Enter an exponent value to control the sharpness of the specular reflection highlights; higher exponent values (near ten) make the reflection appear sharper Drag the slider to the right to increase the degree of translucency (brightness of back-facing surfaces) Drag the slider to the right to increase the amount of light reflected from the transmission direction Sets the horizontal and vertical frequency of the circular pattern of grooves

Shader Property
Lacquer Transmission Metallic Amplitude Metallic Detail Metallic Flakes Metallic Layer Factor Metallic Roughness Metallic Scale Metallic Sharpness Mirror Refraction Refraction Red/Green/Blue Roughness Specular Specular Color Specular Exponent

Translucency Transmission Width/Height

Transparency Shader Properties

Shader Property
Color Coverage

Select a color to apply as a transparency Drag the slider to the right to decrease the degree of erosion

Shader Properties | Shader Property

Even Coverage Fuzz Grid Size Height Horiz Fuzz Horiz Min/Max Inside Coverage


Drag the slider to the right to decrease the level of transparency; normally, this setting will be the opposite of the Odd Coverage setting Drag the slider to the right to increase the amount of edge blurring Specify the width and height of the grid lines Enter the height of the grid pattern Drag the slider to the right to increase the amount of horizontal edge blurring Specifies the left and right edges of the square, respectively, relative to the shaders origin Drag the slider to the right to decrease the level of transparency inside the square; normally, this setting will be the opposite of the Outside Coverage setting Drag the slider to the right to decrease the level of transparency; normally, this setting will be the opposite of the Even Coverage setting Drag the slider to the right to decrease the level of transparency outside the square; normally, this setting will be the opposite of the Inside Coverage setting Scale values above one make the pattern larger; values less than one make the pattern smaller Drag the slider to the right to increase the level of transparency Drag the slider to the right to increase the amount of vertical edge blurring Specifies the bottom and top edges of the square, respectively, relative to the shaders origin Enter the width of the grid pattern

Odd Coverage Outside Coverage Scale Transparency Vert Fuzz Vert Min/Max Width

Bump Shader Properties

Shader Property
Amplitude Blend Brick Amplitude Cast Amplitude

Drag the slider to the right, or enter a value if an edit field is available, to increase the relative differences in height of the indentations Drag the slider to the right to increase the amount of blend at the edges of the pattern Specifies the height of the bricks above or below the surface Drag the slider to the right, or enter a value if an edit field is available, to increase the amplitude of the surface displacements (bumps) which form the irregular casting pattern Drag the slider to the right to increase the height of each cell in the pattern Drag the slider to the right to increase the size of the blend between the dimple sphere and the surface

Cell Amplitude Center Blend


| Appendix C: RenderWorks Shader Definitions

Enter the distance beneath the surface of dimple sphere centers; this value should be less than the Radius value Specifies the height of the cloud regions above or below the surface Specifies the difference in height between the cubes Drag the slider to the right to increase the number of curves in the edges of the cells in the pattern Drag the slider to the right to increase the level of fine detail in the grooves between the cells, providing a more creased appearance Drag the slider to the right to increase the wiggly nature of the edges of the cells Drag the slider to the right, or enter a value if an edit field is available, to increase the amplitude of the indentations which form the irregular casting pattern Scale values above one make the indentations appear larger Drag the slider to the right to increase the relative contributions made by the surface displacements and indentations Drag the slider to the right to increase the level of fine detail Drag the slider to the right to increase the amplitude of the large-scale folds or wrinkles in the surface Drag the slider to the right to increase the level of fine detail for the large-scale wrinkles in the surface Drag the slider to the right to increase the number of large-scale wrinkles in the surface Drag the slider to the right to increase the graininess of the paving Drag the slider to the right for larger grains Scale values above one increase the size of the grains Sets the height of the fragments Drag the slider to the right to increase the variation in height across the surface Drag the slider to the right to increase the size of the height variations Drag the slider to the right to increase the variation in grain heights, making some grains taller than others Scale values above one increase the size of the grain height variations; values less than one decrease the size Drag the slider to the right to increase the irregularity of each cell that makes up the pattern, or to the left to make the cells more square Specifies the height of the mortar joint centers above the surface Specifies the height of the mortar edges above the surface Drag the slider to the right to increase the variation in height across the surface

Shader Property
Center Depth Cloud Amplitude Cubes Amplitude Curve Amplitude Curve Detail Curve Frequency Dent Amplitude

Dent Scale Dent Threshold Detail Fold Amplitude Fold Detail Fold Frequency Graininess Grain Scale Grain Size Height Height Variation Height Variation Scale Height Noise Height Noise Scale Irregularity Mortar Center Height Mortar Edge Height Mortar Height Variation

Frequently Asked Questions about Radiosity | Shader Property

Mortar Height Variation Scale Mortar Irregularity Mortar Size Shape Smoothness Shape Variation Slab Size Radius Radius (tread plate) Ring Amplitude Ring Height Rough Amplitude Rough Detail Rough Frequency Scale Separation Sharpness Smooth Min / Max Spot Amplitude Stripe Amplitude Vein Amplitude Wood Height


Drag the slider to the right to increase the size of the height variations Drag the slider to the right to make the mortar joints less straight Specifies the size of the mortar joints between the paving slabs or tiles Drag the slider to the right for smoother paving shapes Drag the slider to the right to increase the irregularity of the paving shapes Specifies the average size of the paving slabs or tiles Values between zero and one define the radius of the dimple spheres Enter the fractional radius of cylinders and spheres that make up the tread plate pattern; a lower value creates long, thin patterns (Range: 0.0 1.0) Specifies the height of the rings above or below the surface Specifies the height of the wood rings above or below the surface Drag the slider to the right to increase the amplitude of the bumps in the surface Drag the slider to the right to increase the level of fine detail for the bumps in the surface Drag the slider to the right to increase the number of bumps in the surface Scale values above one make the pattern larger; values less than one make the pattern smaller Enter the distance between the centers of adjacent dimple spheres Drag the slider to the right to increase the abruptness of the transition between the peaks and troughs of the displacements Drag the slider to the right to change the smoothness of the cell edges Specifies the height of the spots above or below the surface Sets the height of the stripes above or below the surface Specifies the apparent height of the bumps Specifies the height of the wood above or below the surface

Frequently Asked Questions about Radiosity

Radiosity rendering is very different from other rendering modes, and requires a different workflow process to achieve a successful result.

Q: What is radiosity?
A: Radiosity is one way for a computer to simulate the indirect lighting that occurs when lit surfaces transfer their energy to other surfaces. To calculate this lighting, all the surfaces in the model are converted into triangles and the brightest triangles are visited in turn. Light from each triangle is re-emitted to its neighbors, until some amount of energy has been accounted for, and then the radiosity solution is considered to be finished.

Q: When should I use radiosity render modes?

A: You should use radiosity render modes when:


| Appendix C: RenderWorks Shader Definitions

The usual direct lighting and ambient light does not capture the lighting subtlety, contrasts, or color tones satisfactorily. One bounce of light is not enough, in a Custom RenderWorks rendering with final gather rendering enabled. There is a large contrast between the darkest and brightest parts of the model, or there are large color contrasts among the lit areas in the model. You are rendering interiors, where the light energy would eventually be dispersed to many surfaces. You are rendering exteriors, and you want to see washes of light from overhangs, patios, sidewalks, etc.

Q: When should I not use radiosity render modes?

A: You should not use radiosity render modes when: You can quickly produce satisfactory lighting by combining existing VectorWorks light objects, or easily fake the indirect lighting with fill lights. You can use area lights or a dome of directional lights to provide satisfactory soft lighting effects. There is not significant contrast between the brightest and darkest areas of the model, or there is not much color contrast between the lit surfaces in the model. Almost all of the light energy that falls on the model's surfaces will be lost into space and not hit neighboring surfaces when re-emitted. A satisfactory rendering can be achieved with Custom Renderworks including final gather rendering options. The geometry is so complex that an effective radiosity solution would take too long.

Q: How do radiosity and ambient light relate?

A: Ambient light is a catch-all phrase for the remaining light that is bouncing around in the model. Radiosity can be thought of as a way to correctly calculate and localize the ambient light. As more energy is accounted for in the radiosity solution, the (un-localized) ambient energy decreases until all the light energy has been localized. Radiosity can be used as a fast way to produce a more accurate ambient term, and apply some of the brightest light to specific regions of the model. Note that any ambient lighting set by the Set Layer Lighting Options command should be turned off for a radiosity rendering (set the ambient lighting control options by clicking Ambient Options from the Radiosity Options category of the Custom Radiosity Options dialog box).

Q: Why is radiosity memory- and processor-intensive?

A: Radiosity uses a lot of memory because all of the model's geometry must be duplicated and converted into triangles of a certain size, and assigned energy values. The more detailed geometry in a model, the more memory the radiosity processing will use and the more time will be required to re-emit light energy from each triangle to its neighbors. Also, the higher the render mode's detail settings, the more triangles are produced, resulting in larger memory requirements and more time to re-emit the light energy onto each triangles neighbors. Doubling the number of surfaces in a model actually quadruples the time required for radiosity processing.

Q: What is the difference between radiosity and final gather rendering?

A: Both rendering processes create indirect lighting effects. However, final gather rendering is not affected by the model geometry, in that it does not duplicate the geometry and convert it into triangles with assigned energy values. Final gather rendering uses one bounce of light to create indirect lighting effects, while the light energy in a radiosity rendering is emitted and re-emitted until the solution is complete. Radiosity avoids some problems relating to noisy or speckled foregrounds in renderings, while final gather rendering avoids the triangulation artifacts seen in some radiosity images. Final gather rendering takes advantage of multi-threaded processors, while radiosity does not. For very complex models, final gather rendering enabled in Custom RenderWorks may provide a satisfactory rendering which would take too long to realistically achieve with radiosity alone. The benefits of both types of indirect lighting effects can be achieved by combining them. For the most important (bright) objects in the model, use radiosity, and exclude the remaining objects from the solution. Final gather rendering can finish the indirect lighting effects.

Frequently Asked Questions about Radiosity | Q: How can I modify my model to render faster with radiosity?
A: You can modify your model in these ways to help radiosity render faster:


1. Use the highest-level geometry you can to model your objects. It is much better to model an object as an extrude, sweep, boolean solid, or a NURBS surface than as a mesh. The worst way to model for a radiosity rendering is to create a detailed object as a set of small, individual 3D polygons. 2. Eliminate 3D details that are not going to be significant to the rendered image or the indirect lighting. For example, if you model a staircase's individual bolts and threaded screws, each of these will be contributing unnecessarily to the memory and time required for the radiosity solution. The Median Obj Size shown in the Custom Radiosity Options dialog box will have an unusually small value when the model consists of mostly tiny geometry. 3. Enable final gather rendering effects to handle the details excluded from the radiosity solution (select Use Final Gather in the Custom Radiosity Options dialog box). 4. Limit the size of large ground planes and landscape surfaces to the minimum size needed for the rendered image. Depending on the render mode's detail settings, the large surface area can produce millions of triangles that do not significantly light up the building because their energy is emitted mostly into space. 5. If geometry must be visible in the rendered image but will not contribute significantly to the indirect lighting, consider applying per-texture or per-object radiosity overrides to them to help the radiosity processor ignore them.

Q: How do I control how much light is re-emitted from an object?

A: The reflectivity shader controls how much light is re-emitted from a surface. To control this amount, apply a texture that uses a reflectivity shader, and adjust the reflectivity shader's Diffuse Factor. The default reflectivity shader when one is not assigned is Matte, whose Diffuse Factor is set to 100% by default. In addition, use radiosity overrides. Turn off or turn on radiosity for specific objects or textures by using the override checkboxes shown in the Edit Texture dialog box and the Object Info palette's Render tab. For example, to render a ground plane with direct lighting but not include it in radiosity processing for efficiency, you can set the Radiosity Override checkboxes to not emit and not receive. This effectively removes the ground plane from radiosity processing. If a patch of grass needs to re-emit onto the side of a building, split the ground plane into a large one that does not emit or receive and a skirt around the building that does emit and receive. Through the Radiosity Optimizations dialog box, model parameters can be set so that only certain objects re-emit indirect light, and all other objects either just receive indirect light or do not participate at all in the radiosity processing. One combination that can be produced is one where only the light on a floor is re-emitted onto the rest of the room, which becomes one bounce as in final gather rendering.

Q: How do I efficiently render exteriors with radiosity?

A: You can efficiently render exteriors with radiosity by: 1. Using Custom Radiosity render mode, select the Include Visible Surfaces Only checkbox in the Radiosity Optimizations dialog box. This means that only the visible building facade will be involved with radiosity processing. The objects and surfaces that are behind the facade will not be included in the radiosity processing. 2. Set large ground planes and tree image props to not emit or receive, using either Edit Texture or Object Info palette radiosity overrides. 3. Set the Obj Inclusion slider in the Custom Radiosity Options dialog box such that only the largest lit surfaces will emit (gray), and the smaller details like window mullions and door knobs will only receive (red).


| Appendix C: RenderWorks Shader Definitions

4. If any surfaces are not visible that do produce significant indirect lighting (like flat roof surfaces that aren't visible in the current view), they can be forced to participate despite not being visible by setting either an Edit Texture or Object Info palette radiosity override to emit and receive. 5. Enable final gather rendering effects to handle the details excluded from the radiosity solution (select Use Final Gather in the Custom Radiosity Options dialog box). 6. In the Custom Radiosity Options dialog box, deselect the Create Ambient from Remaining Energy checkbox. This makes it possible to stop the radiosity processor sooner without having additional ambient lighting that makes the model overly bright or overly saturated with color.

2D Data bar 183 2D Locus tool 228 2D Plan command 405 2D Polygon tool 221 2D Reshape tool 259 2D Selection tool 30 2D Symbol Insertion tool 159 3D Data bar 291 3D Locus tool 305 3D perspective, simulating 272 3D Polygon tool 295 3D Power Pack 311 3D Reshape tool 359, 488, 506 3D Selection tool 32 3D Symbol Insertion tool 163 compression settings for 603, 608 creating along a path 603 creating using an orbit point 601 editing 605 pausing 607 previewing 603, 608 saving 603, 608 viewing 609 Annotations adding drawing borders 458 adding to viewports 621 creating revision clouds 468 Anti-aliasing Custom RenderWorks option 691 OpenGL option 434 VectorWorks preference 42 Arc by Segment Length command 287 Arc into Segments command 287 Arc Smoothing command 381 Arc tool 206 Architectural scale, conversion chart 731 Arcs concentric constraints for 136 conventions for 730 convert to angular dimension 232 creating by chord length 287 creating with Arc tool 206 creating with Quarter Arc tool 209 dimensioning 449 dividing into segments 287 locating tangents on 125 tangent constraints for 137 Area lights 680 Arithmetic expressions, in edit fields 23 Arrays of objects 375 Arrow key shortcuts 24, 40 Artistic RenderWorks command 689 Artistic RenderWorks Options command 700 Associative and non-associative hatches 236 Associative dimensioning 441 Attach Record command 178 Attribute Mapping tool 250, 669 Attributes changing defaults with Eyedropper 236 fill 230

Activate Class command 35, 102 Activate Layer command 35, 94 Active Layer Scale command 51, 89 Add Solids command 363 Add Surface command 283 Align Layer Views command 632 Align Plane tool 555 Align to Grid command 389 Align/Distribute 3D command 362 Align/Distribute command (2D) 267 Always Display Active Document 144 Ambient lighting for layers 420 for sheet layer viewports 615 Analysis tool 336 Angle of rotation, custom 392 Angles constraining 40, 121, 130 dimensioning 452 measuring 458 setting measurement units for 54 Angular Dimension tool 452 Animations adding text to 609


| Index

gradient fills 242, 250 hatches 236 image fills 247, 252 line style 232 markers 233 opacity 231 pen 231 setting defaults for a class 99 setting defaults for new objects 59 setting for symbols 181 setting with a script 594 transferring 234 using hatches as 237 Attributes palette 229 Auto join walls preference 40, 479 Autosave preferences 7, 45 Autoscroll feature 27

Caching vector information 41 viewport and radiosity images 49, 687, 693 Callout tool 198 Camera view 414 Canceling operation with Esc key 21 Capitalization command 190 Center Mark tool 451 Centering objects 268, 362 Centroids creating sweeps with 309 engineering properties of 285 Chamfer Edge tool 349 Chamfer tool 280 Change All Fields command 180 Change One Field command 179 Change Symbol Attrs command 181 Check Spelling command 194 Circle tool 218 Circles concentric constraints for 136 conventions for 730 creating 218 creating tangent to three lines 219 dimensioning 449 locating tangents on 125 marking center of 451 tangent constraints for 137 Class Options command 103 Classes applying textures with 671 creating 96 description of 2, 95 Dimension class preference 49 duplicating 102 editing 98 overriding viewport properties of 625 purging unused 374 saving custom 84 setting active class 35, 40, 101 setting attributes when creating 100 setting display/snap/edit options 103 setting visibility of 108 shortcut for switching 40 using standards for 84, 97

Back command 403 Backgrounds applying 676 creating 656 default resources 141 purging unused 374 using HDRI as 657 using images as 657 Backup file preferences 7, 45 Basic palette 16, 18 Batch Convert command 8 Batch rendering 707 Bzier Spline Smoothing command 381 Bitmaps compressing 399 tracing 400 Boomerang mode, for pausing tools 21 Bottom command 403 Break Line tool 205 Break line, properties of 205 Bump shaders definition of 636 importing images for 648 properties of 743 types of 736

Index |
using workgroup referencing for 111 Clear command (Edit menu) 373 Clear command (Worksheet option) 570 Click-drag vs. click-click drawing 22, 39 Clip Surface command 285 Clip tool 269 Close All command (Window menu) 6 Close command (File menu) 5 Clouds in RenderWorks backgrounds 657 indicating revisions with 468 Color shaders definition of 636 importing images for 641 properties of 737 types of 733 Colors activating palette 67 applying 229 black and white display preference 48 creating chart in active layer 69 custom palettes 68 default resources for color palettes 141 deleting palettes 67 displaying and sorting on color palette 64 importing from another file 69 palette manager 66 pen 231 purging 67 selecting from a color palette 65 selecting from operating system 64 setting defaults for a file 62 setting defaults for design layer 49, 92 temperature 732 Column Width command 570 Combine into Surface command 284 Components applying between double lines 204, 227 creating in walls 480 deleting from walls 483 Compose command 387 Compress Images command 399 Cone tool 300 Connect/Combine tool 382 Constrained-Line Dimensioning tool 444 Constraint tools (Dims/Notes tool set) angle 130 coincident 136 colinear 135 concentric 136 distance 132 horizontal distance 131 horizontal-vertical 133 parallel 134 perpendicular 135 radius 130 tangent 137 vertical distance 131 Constraints (Constraints palette) 2D vs. 3D constraints 119 constrain angle 40, 121 constrain perpendicular 126 constrain tangent 125 constrain working plane 126 editing 137 setting 119 smart edge 124 smart points 123 snap to distance 124 snap to grid 119 snap to intersection 122 snap to object 120 Context menus customizing 723 description of 34 Contours, creating 348 Conventions used in this guide xxii Convert Copy to Lines command 395 Convert Copy to Polygons command 396 Convert to 3D Polys command 396 Convert to Area Light command 680 Convert to Generic Solids command 357 Convert to Group command 168 Convert to Line Light command 680 Convert to Lines command 395 Convert to Mesh command 366 Convert to NURBS command 304 Convert to Polygons command 396 Convert to Viewport command 632 Converting VectorWorks files batch of files 8 single file 10



| Index

Copies duplicating along path 379 of Object Info data 255 using Copy command 371 using Duplicate Array command 375 using Duplicate command 374 Copy command (Edit menu) 371 Create Animation command 602, 604 Create Color Chart command 69 Create Contours tool 348 Create Drape Surface command 324 Create Fillet Surface command 325 Create Helix-Spiral command 346 Create Image Prop command 654 Create Interpolated Surface command 315 Create Layer Link command 630 Create Planar Caps command 331 Create Polys from Walls command 486 Create Report command 564 Create Roof command 501 Create Surface from Curves command 323 Create Symbol command 156 Create Viewport command 610, 613 Create Walls from Polygon command 483 Cubic Spline Smoothing command 381 Cues, SmartCursor See SmartCursor cues Curves See NURBS objects Custom light 684 Custom Radiosity command 693 Custom Radiosity Options command 694 Custom RenderWorks Options command 690 Custom resources 141 Custom Selection command 593 Custom Tool/Attribute command 594 Cut 2D Section command 629 Cut 3D Section command 628 Cut command (Edit menu option) 371 Cutouts in roofs 506 in solids 355 Cylinder tool 295

Dash styles applying 232 defaults for file 70 setting defaults for a class 100 Dash Styles command 70 Dashed Hidden Line command 433 Data bar general description 13 in 2D 183 in 3D 291 locking SmartCursor values with 119 Database command 572 Database Headers command 570 Database rows adding to worksheet 578 removing from a worksheet 579 Datum (temporary origin point) 40, 123 Decompose command 387, 632 Default resources 43, 141, 151, 153 Degrees conventions for 730 measuring 458 setting as document angle units 54 Delete All Guides command 57 Delete command (Worksheet option) 570 Delta Z value 90 Deselecting objects 28 Design layers See Layers, design Detach Record command 178 Dictionaries for spell checking adding and editing 196 languages available 194 Digitizing tablets 78 Dimensional constraints See Parametric constraints Dimensions adding to sheet layer viewports 621 angular 452 associative 49, 441 automatically associating with objects 49 baseline 444, 446 chained 443, 446 constrained 444 creating a custom standard 437

Index |
default class for 96 dual 448 editing 454 of selected objects 447 ordinate (from a fixed point) 447 preferences for 49 properties of 455 radial 448 setting a default standard for 50 setting units for 53 unconstrained 442 Direction of NURBS curve, showing 313 Directional lights 423 Distance constraining horizontally 131 constraining regardless of angle 132 constraining vertically 131 dimensioning 442 measuring without recording 457 snapping to selected 124 Distributing objects 267, 362 Docking palettes 17 Document Preferences command 48 Dormer windows 509 Double Line Polygon tool 226 Double Line tool 202 Double lines creating 202 creating polygons with 226 defining components between (lines) 204 defining components between (polygons) 227 DPI See Resolution Drafting aids 287 Draped surfaces 324 Drawing area 14 Drawing border custom title block 464 migrating from previous version 5 placing 458 properties of 460 title block 463 Drawing Border tool 458 Dual dimensions 448 Duplicate Along Path command 379 Duplicate Array command 375 Duplicate command 374 Duplicate resources 142 Duplicate Symbol in Wall tool 495 Dutch hip roofs 505 DXB files 533 DXF/DWG description of 525 exporting 528 importing 537 information lost in translation 526


Edges chamfering 314, 349 filleting 314, 350 hiding and showing 262 OpenGL option for 435 selecting 312 snapping to 124 Edit 2D Component command (symbols) 167 Edit 3D Component command (symbols) 167 Edit Constraints command 138 Edit Criteria command 572 Edit Group command 41, 397 Edit Marker List command 60 Edit Polyline command 263 Edit Symbol command 167 Edit Viewport command 41, 618 Encrypt VectorScript command 598 Engineering Properties command 285 EPSF file 520 Exit Group command 398 Exit Layer Link command 631 Exit Symbol command 168 Export command 519 Export DXF/DWG command 531 Export EPix/Piranesi command 520, 714 Export High Dynamic Range Image (HDRI) command 712 Export IGES command 524 Export Image File command 521 Export QuickTime VR Object command 716 Export QuickTime VR Panorama command 718 Export Stereo Lithography command 524


| Index
reducing size of 40, 49, 357, 373, 399 saving 6 saving as a resource library 153 saving as a template 73 saving automatically 7, 45 saving in a rendered mode 687 VectorScript 595 Fill applying to objects 230 setting defaults for a class 99 using gradients as 243, 250 using hatches as 236 using images as 247 Fillet Edge tool 350 Fillet tool 279 Fillets creating between objects 279 creating between surfaces 325 editing edges of 314 joining double lines with 274 reshaping edges with 350 Filtered image color shader 641 Final gather options 691 with Custom RenderWorks 690 with radiosity 693 Final Quality Radiosity command 689 Final Quality RenderWorks command 688 Final Shaded Polygon command 433 Find-Replace Text command 196 Fit to Objects command 418, 525 Fit to Page Area command 419 Fixed Point Resize tool 270 Flip Horizontal command 391 Flip Vertical command 391 Floating datum (temporary origin point) 40, 123 Floor command 471 Flyover tool 406 Fog (RenderWorks background) 660 Font command 189 Fonts list of recently used 190 mapping missing 42, 185 setting defaults for new text 185 setting for worksheets 574 Force Select command 35

Export Worksheet command 521, 584 Exporting files database formats 520 DXF/DWG format 520, 528 EPix/Piranesi format 520, 714 EPSF format 520 HDRI format 712 IGES format 521, 524 image formats 520, 521 Metafile formats 520 older VectorWorks formats 521, 525 PDF format 520 PICT format 520 QuickTime formats 520, 716 SAT format 521 Stereo Lithography format 521, 524 VectorScript commands 521 worksheet formats 521, 584 Extend NURBS command 345 Extension lines for SmartPoints 123 Extract tool 334 Extrude Along Path command 307 Extrude command 305 Extruded Polygon tool 294 Extruded Rectangle tool 293 Extrudes, reshaping 359 Eyedropper tool 234, 480

Faces of solids, selecting 312 Fast Radiosity command 689 Fast RenderWorks command 688 Fast RenderWorks with Shadows command 688 Favorites, in Resource Browser 148, 153 Feedback segment (SmartCursor cue) 126 Files closing 5 converting 7 exporting 519 importing 517 linking 111 list of recently used 4 new 4 opening existing 4 printing 76 recovering corrupted data 86

Index |
Format Cells command 570, 572 Format Text command 189 Formulas, worksheet 580 Freehand tool 213 Front command 403 Functions, worksheet 586 associative 236 default resources 141 defining pattern for 237 editing 242 example of creating 240 in object libraries 729 non-associative 237 purging unused 374 setting defaults for a class 99 HDRI backgrounds 657 Helixes 346 Help screen tips 22 system xxii Hemisphere tool 299 Hidden Line command 432 Hide Guides command 57, 58 Highlighting selected objects 29 Hip roofs 502 History of view changes 420 Holes in objects 269 Horizontal constraints Constrain Horiz Distance tool 131 Constrain Horiz-Vertical tool 133 Hybrid objects creating symbols from 157 description of 1 ungrouping 399


Gable roofs 504 GDI+ imaging (Windows) 42 Geometric constraints See Parametric constraints Gradians, setting as document angle units 54 Gradient colors, in a RenderWorks background 657 Gradient fills applying 244 creating 243 default resources 141 editing 250 purging unused 374 setting defaults for a class 100 Gray layers and classes 103, 109 Grid activating snap to constraint 119 aligning to 389 printing lines on drawing 57 settings for 56 shortcut for moving objects on 40 showing lines in drawing area 57 Ground fog (RenderWorks background) 660 Ground plane 551 Group command 397 Groups creating 397 editing 397 returning to top level of nested 399 scaling 271 showing other objects while editing 41 ungrouping 398 Guide objects 57

Image fills applying 248 compressing 400 creating 247 default resources 141 editing 252 in object libraries 729 setting defaults for a class 100 Images as backgrounds 657 as bump shaders 648 as color shaders 641 as HDRI backgrounds 657 as props 654 as reflectivity shaders 643 as transparency shaders 645 compressing 399

Hatch command 241 Hatches applying 240


| Index
3D Selection tool 33 Layer links converting to and from design layer viewports 11, 632 cropping 631 unlocking 630 Layer Options command 103 Layers, design aligning views for all layers 632 applying backgrounds to 676 changing stacking order of 89 converting referenced layers into design layer viewports 11 creating 85 creating backgrounds for 656 description of 84 linking 629 properties of 87 purging unused 374 setting active 35, 40, 93 setting color 92 setting display/snap/edit options 103 setting opacity 90 setting scale 51, 88 setting transfer mode 91 setting visibility of 108 shortcut for switching 40 using standards for 84, 86 Z and Delta Z values 90 Layers, sheet creating 85 description of 84 properties of 95 saving separate views for 40 using standards for 84 Left command 403 Left Isometric command 403 Left Rear Isometric command 403 Length, measuring 457 License agreement xii Light tool 423 Lighting adding area and linear lights 680 adding custom lights 684 adding directional, point, and spot lights 423 changing light source direction 430 displaying light objects 42 light source preferences 424 light source properties 427

exporting drawings as 521 importing 518 purging unused 374 referencing 114 Import command 517 Import DXF/DWG command 539 Import Image File command 518 Import Single DXF/DWG command 541 Importing colors 69 DXF/DWG files as symbols 540 images 518, 640 Microsoft Word table 584 resources 148 script palettes 599 symbols in folders 170 VectorScript 518, 598 Importing files DXF/DWG format 517, 537 EPSF format 517 IGES format 518 Metafile format 518 PICT format 517 SAT format 518 worksheet formats 518, 583 Insert command 570 Installing VectorWorks 12 Interpolated NURBS surfaces 315 Intersect Solids command 364 Intersect Surface command 283 Invert Selection command 28 Invisible layers and classes 103, 109

Join command 273

Keyboard shortcuts See Shortcuts Keys, special functions of 21

Languages, for spell-checking 194 Lasso selection mode 2D Selection tool 32

Index |
loading light distribution files 683, 684 rendering with radiosity 692 setting ambient light options 420 setting sunlight options 422 turning light sources on and off 424 using for weather effects 661 Line into Segments command 288 Line lights 680 Line Render Options command 435 Line style applying 232 default dash styles for file 70 default line thickness 72 setting defaults for a class 100 Line Thickness command 72 Line tool 202 Lines convert to dimension 232 converting objects to 395 creating a circle tangent to three 219 creating break lines 205 creating colinear 135 creating double 202, 226 creating horizontal or vertical 133 creating parallel 134 creating perpendicular 135 creating single 202 creating tangent 125, 137 dividing into segments 288 Link Text to Record command 176 Linking design layers 629 files with workgroup referencing 111 symbol text to a record 176 List Symbols command 181 Lit Fog (RenderWorks background) 661 Loci displaying loci objects 42 effects when aligning or distributing objects 268 extracting from 3D objects 334 in 2D 228 in 3D 305 snapping to 40 Locking Data bar values when using constraints 119 objects 388 Loft Surface tool 317 Logging program time 43 Lower Left Isometric command 403 Lower Left Rear Isometric command 403 Lower Right Isometric command 403 Lower Right Rear Isometric command 403


Magnification See Zooming Make Guide command 58 Mapping textures with advanced mapping 665 with Attribute Mapping tool 669 with basic mapping 664 Margins, of text blocks 187 Marker types applying 233 by class 100 defaults 60 editing 61 Mask transparency shader 646 Measuring angles 452 distances 457 objects 437 Menu bar 13 Meshes converting objects to 366 smoothing when rendering 49 Message bar 14 Migrating from previous version doors 5 drawing borders 5 structural shapes (AISC) 5 windows 5 Minimizing and maximizing palettes 17 Mirror tool 393 Missing fonts, mapping 42, 185 Mouse activating flyover with mouse wheel 408 drawing with 22 panning with mouse wheel 24 scrolling with mouse wheel 28, 40 zooming with mouse wheel 25, 40 Move 3D command 368


| Index
creating tapered extrudes from 308 decomposing 387 editing fillets/chamfers/shells 314 editing surface properties of 333 extending 345 extracting curves from solid edges 334 extracting surfaces from solid faces 334 joining surfaces 330 projecting and adding surfaces 343 projecting and splitting surfaces 341 projecting and trimming surfaces 342 rebuilding 339 reversing curve direction 314 showing curve direction 313 showing surface normals 313 splitting by line 278 splitting by point 277 stitching and trimming surfaces 354 NURBS surfaces rendering with 690 reshaping 360 sectioning 365

Move By Points tool 369 Move command 367 Move Page tool 24 Move Polygon Handles mode (2D Reshape tool) 260 Move Working Plane command 559 Movies See Animations Moving objects, shortcut for 40 Multiple Extrude command 306

Narrow Perspective command 406 Nested groups 398 Network protection xii New command 4 New features in RenderWorks xx in VectorWorks xii Next View (on View bar) 14, 420 No Smoothing command 381 None class 96 Normal of NURBS surface, showing 313 Normal Perspective command 406 Normal Scale command 53 Nudging objects, shortcut for 40 NURBS Arc tool 304 NURBS Circle tool 302 NURBS Curve tool 301 NURBS objects analyzing 336 combining two objects 386 composing multiple objects 387 connecting to a boundary object 384 creating contours 348 creating curves 301 creating drape surfaces 324 creating fillet surfaces between 325 creating helixes or spirals 346 creating interpolated surfaces 315 creating loft surfaces 317 creating planar caps 331 creating protrusions and cutouts in 355 creating shells from surfaces 354 creating surfaces by revolving profiles 332 creating surfaces from curves 323

Object attributes, default 59 Object Info palette assigning textures (Render tab) 255, 650 copying and pasting data 255 editing properties (Shape tab) 256 editing record information (Data tab) 258 Object libraries complete list of 729 creating 146 default resources 141 Objects, editing adding (Add Solids command) 363 aligning in 2D 267 aligning in 3D 362 aligning to grid 389 aligning to the working plane 555 applying attributes to 229 applying textures to 664 applying transparency 231 centering in 2D 268 centering in 3D 362 chamfering (Chamfer Edge tool) 314, 349 chamfering (Chamfer tool) 280 changing stacking order 372

Index |
clipping (Clip Surface command) 285 clipping (Clip tool) 269 clipping (Intersect Surface command) 283 clipping (Subtract Solids command) 364 combining (Combine into Surface command) 284 combining (Compose command) 387 combining (Connect/Combine tool) 382 converting 395 converting from previous versions 5 converting to generic 357 creating protrusions and cutouts in solids 355 creating shells from solids 314, 352 custom selection with a script 593 cutting/copying/pasting 102, 371 decomposing 387 deleting 373 deselecting 28 distributing in 2D 267 distributing in 3D 362 duplicating 374 duplicating by clicking 369 extracting surfaces from solid faces 334 extruding 305 filleting (Fillet Edge tool) 314, 350 filleting (Fillet tool) 279 grouping 397 intersection (Intersect Solids command) 364 joining (Join command) 273 joining (Wall Join tool) 485, 491 locking 388 mapping textures to 662 marking center of 451 measuring 437, 447 measuring distances between 457 mirroring 393 moving by clicking 369 moving in 2D 367 moving in 3D 368 nudging 40 offsetting duplicates of 264 preventing resizing of 131, 132 preventing rotation of 133 reshaping (2D Reshape tool) 259, 263 reshaping (3D Reshape tool) 359 reshaping (Freehand tool) 214 resizing 270 rotating 389 scaling 271, 366 sectioning solids 365 selecting 28, 311


setting default attributes 59 shearing 272 smoothing 381 snapping 120 spacing in 2D 268 spacing in 3D 362 splitting 275 stitching and trimming surfaces 354 transferring attributes 234 trimming 269 ungrouping 398 unlocking 388 with Object Info palette 255 Oblique Cabinet command 405 Oblique Cavalier command 405 Offset tool 264 Offsetting duplicated objects 40, 264 from a datum point 123 symbols in walls 161 Opacity design layer 90 objects 231 selection highlights 30 OpenGL command 432 OpenGL render options 434 Operators in Object Info palette 23 in worksheet formulas 591 Orbit point animations 601 Ordinate Dimensions 447 Organization command 81, 85 Origin replacing temporarily with datum 123 setting for drawing area 58 setting for sheet layer 95 switching between 59 Orthogonal command 405 Oval tool 220 Ovals creating by box 220 creating by width and height 221 locating tangents on 125 marking center of 451 Overriding class properties in sheet layer viewports 625


| Index
adding to walls 489 removing from roofs 509 removing from walls 490 Pen style applying to objects 231 setting defaults for a class 100 Perpendicular constraints Constrain Perpendicular (Constraints palette) 126 Constrain Perpendicular tool (Dims/Notes tool set) 135 Perspective command (Projection menu option) 405 Perspective commands (View menu) 406 Perspective, and Shear tool 272 Pillar command 485 Pillars, joining to walls 485 Plane See Working plane Plug-in objects creating with VectorScript 155 inserting from a tool set 155 placing and editing 155 Point lights 423 Polygonal selection mode 2D Selection tool 32 3D Selection tool 34 Polygons changing vertices of 260 combining 382 converting to 396 creating from walls 486 creating roofs from 501 creating walls from 483 creating with 2D Polygon tool 221 creating with 3D Polygon tool 295 extruded 294 hiding and showing edges of 262 moving handles of 260 regular (equal-sided) 227 using double lines 226 Polyline tool 212 Polylines changing vertices of 260 combining 382 converting text to 191 creating from walls 486 creating roofs from 501 creating spirals 216

Page Setup command 74 Palettes Attributes 59, 229 Basic 16 color 62 Constraints 119 docking 17 minimizing/maximizing 17 modifying with Workspace Editor 724 Object Info 255 resizing 13 Resource Browser 142 specifying margins for 17 tool palette features 18 Tool Sets 16 VectorScript 599 Working Planes 556 Pan tool 24 Panning, shortcut for 40 Parallel objects creating with Constrain Parallel tool 134 creating with Offset tool 264 Parametric constraints deleting 138 description of 129 dimensional constraints 129 editing 137 geometric constraints 133 hiding 41, 129 Paste as Picture command 372 Paste command 371 Paste Criteria command 570, 581 Paste Function command 570, 580 Paste in Place command 372 Paths creating text along 192 duplicating objects along 379 editing 398 Patterns applying to objects 230 defaults for file 72 setting defaults for a class 99 Pausing the current tool 21 PDF files, referencing 114 Peaks

Index |
creating with Freehand tool 213 creating with Polyline tool 212 editing 263 hiding and showing edges of 262 moving handles of 260 Postscript, printing with 77 Power Pack 311 Preferences, document Dimensions tab 49 Display tab 48 Resolution tab 50 Preferences, VectorWorks 3D tab 44 Autosave tab 45 Display tab 41 Edit tab 39 resetting 48 Session tab 42 User Folders tab 46 Previewing animations 603, 608 hatches 241 texture mappings 668 textures 638 Previous Selection command 34 Previous view (on View bar) 14, 420 Print command 76 Printing description of print area 74 displaying print area (Fit to Page Area) 419 drawings 76 grid lines 57 printer setup for drawings 75 printer setup for worksheets 570 resolution (document preference) 51 resolution (Edit Sheet Layers dialog) 95 resolution (Print dialog option) 77 showing page boundaries 75 worksheets 570 Profile, editing 398 Project tool 340 Projection commands 405 Properties command 35 Properties, engineering 285 Props, using images as 654 Protractor tool 458 Protrusion/Cutout tool 355 Purge Unused Objects command 373


Quarter Arc tool 209 Quartz imaging (Macintosh) 42 QuickTime animations 601 QuickTime files 716, 718 QuickTime VR Object command 520 QuickTime VR Panorama command 520 Quit command 11

Radial Dimension tool 448 Radians, setting as document angle units 54 Radiosity description of 692 FAQ 745 pausing a solution 699 setting custom options 694 starting a solution 692 stopping a solution 694 workflow 693 Radius constraining 130 dimensioning 450 editing in 2D objects 259 editing in 3D objects 359 of fillets 280 Rails lofting surfaces with 317 revolving profiles along 332 Rasterizing print output 78 Ray tracing (Custom RenderWorks option) 691 Rebuild NURBS command 339 Recalculate command 570 Record formats attaching 172 attaching to symbols 178 changing all field values for a symbol 180 changing one field for a symbol 179 creating 170 detaching from symbols 178 editing 174 editing for objects 258 linking text within a symbol to 176 purging unused 374


| Index
exporting rendered drawings 712 preparing to render 687 purging unused backgrounds 374 radiosity 692 rendering a selected area 705 rendering modes 687 setting a camera view 414 smoothing mesh objects 49 summary of commands and tools 635 RenderWorks Camera tool 414 Reports, creating 564 Resetting VectorWorks preferences 48 Reshaping 2D objects (2D Reshape tool) 259 2D objects (Freehand tool) 214 extrudes and solid primitives 359 NURBS surfaces 360 roof objects 506 walls 488 Resizing objects 270, 359 objects interactively 31 Resolution for export 51 for printing (document preference) 51 for printing (Edit Sheet Layers dialog) 95 for printing (Print dialog box) 77 of 2D object display 40 of 3D object display 44 of bitmaps 51 of printed patterns 78 of rotated text 51 Resource Browser context menu 36, 147, 152 description of 142 favorites 148, 153 hiding and showing resource types 146 menu commands 152 opening 144 viewing thumbnail images 144 Resource Browser command 144 Resources browsing documents for 148 creating 146 creating and using gradients 242 creating and using hatches 237 creating and using image fills 247 creating libraries of 153

reporting 564 retrieving data for worksheets 591 viewing details of 258 Rectangle tool 210 Rectangles creating 210 extruding 293 marking center of 451 Rectangular selection mode 2D Selection tool 31 3D Selection tool 33 Redo command 367 Reference grid, settings for 55 Reference point 228 Referencing See Workgroup references Reflectivity shaders definition of 636 importing images for 643 properties of 741 types of 734 Refreshing the drawing view 24 Regular Polygon tool 227 Remove Wall Breaks tool 491 Renaming VectorScript 597 working plane position 557 Render Bitmap tool 705 Render Modes (on View bar) 432, 687 Rendering with VectorWorks canceling a render process 432 line render options 435 OpenGL options 434 smoothing mesh objects 49 RenderWorks advanced lighting 679 applying and mapping textures 255, 661 applying RenderWorks backgrounds 676 artistic options 700 batch rendering 707 canceling a batch render 709 canceling a render process 687 creating image props 654 creating layer backgrounds 656 creating textures and shaders 637 custom options 689 editing textures and shaders 649

Index |
creating record formats 170 creating symbol folders 169 creating symbols 156 creating worksheets 563 custom 141 default 43, 141, 151, 153 editing symbols 167 finding on disk 150 identifying duplicate 142 importing from another file 148, 149 importing symbols 170 inserting symbols 159 linking to favorite files 148, 153 list of object libraries 729 moving symbols 169 organizing the display of 142 purging unused 373 using workgroup referencing for 111 VectorScript palettes 599 VectorScripts 595 Revert to Saved command 7 Revision Cloud tool 468 Revolve with Rail command 332 Ribs, creating 344 Right command 403 Right Isometric command 403 Right Rear Isometric command 403 Roof Face command 497 Roof faces creating 497 creating cut-outs in 499 dragging and dropping symbols into 500 reshaping 499 Roofs adding dormer windows to 509 adding skylights to 512 adding vertices to 508 applying textures by class 674 applying textures by mapping 667 applying textures to 664, 674 changing to a Dutch hip shape 505 changing to a gable shape 504 creating 500 creating cut-outs in 506 editing 502 removing 3D peaks from 509 reshaping 506 Rotate 3D command 392 Rotate 3D View command 411 Rotate Left 90 Degrees command 391 Rotate Right 90 Degrees command 391 Rotate tool 389 Rotate View tool 410 Rotate Working Plane command 560 Rotated Rectangle tool 210 Rotating 2D and 3D objects 389 3D views 410 preventing rotation of objects 133 symbols 160, 163, 164 unrotating 3D objects 393 with Shift key 389 working plane 560 Round Wall tool 478 Rounded Rectangle tool 211, 212 Rounding, settings for 54 Row Height command 570 Rulers description of 14 showing and hiding 41 Run VectorScript command 596


Save a Copy As command 6 Save As command 6 Save As Template command 73 Save command 6 Save View command 104 Saved Views palette 107 Saving animations 603, 608 files 6 files automatically 7 reverting to last saved version 7 tool attributes as a script 594 working plane location 556 worksheets 564 Scale architectural conversion chart 731 importing 543 in printer setup 76 interactive, disable 31 interactive, multiple objects 31


| Index
Set Sun Position command 422 Set Working Plane tool 552 Shaded Polygon command 433 Shaded Polygon No Lines command 433 Shaders definition of 635 editing 649 editing selected 652 editing through Resource Browser 653 image-based 636, 639 solid 636 wrapped 636 Shadows area/line light option 681 Artistic RenderWorks option 703 custom light option 685 Custom RenderWorks options 690 Fast RenderWorks 688 light source option for 424, 427 OpenGL option for 435 Shear tool 272 Sheet layers See Layers, sheet Shell Solid tool 352 Shortcuts assigning keys to modes 727 assigning keys to tool palettes 724 assigning to commands 720 assigning to constraints 727 assigning to modes 727 assigning to tools 724 document and object context menus 723 exporting to a text file 720 for arrow keys 40 for selecting modes on Tool bar 13 standard workspace 720 Show Guides command 58 Show or Hide Constraints command 129 Sketch styles, purging unused 374 Skylights adding area lights for 680 creating 512 Smart Edge constraint 124 Smart Points constraint 123 SmartCursor cues list of 126 locking values with Data bar 119

interactive, single object 31 normal 52 of callouts 202 of design layers 51, 88 Scale Objects command 271, 366 Screen tips 22 Script palettes 599 Scripts See VectorScript Scrolling automatically 27 showing and hiding scroll bars 41 with mouse wheel 28, 40 with scroll bars 28 Section Solids command 365 Sections, cutting 628 Select All command 34 Select Data Items command 572 Select Guides command 58 Select Item command 572 Selecting 2D objects 30 3D objects 32 all visible objects 34 drawing objects with custom selection scripts 593 edges and faces 311 guides 58 modifier keys for 28 previously selected objects 34 selection handles 29 selection highlights 29 text 189 Send Backward command 372 Send Forward command 372 Send to Back command 372 Send to Front command 372 Serial number xi, 43 Set 3D View command 413 Set Criteria command 572 Set Grid command 56 Set Layer Lighting Options command 420 Set Origin command 58 Set Perspective command 406 Set Print Area command 75 Set Size command 186

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preferences for 39 using with Constraints palette 119 using with parametric constraint tools 129 Snap grid aligning to 389 setting options for 55 Snapping to angle 121 to distance 124 to grid 119 to intersection 122 to locus 40, 228 to object 103, 120 Snow (RenderWorks background) 661 Solid primitives, reshaping 359 Sound cues, turning on and off 43 Spacing objects 268, 362 Spell checking text 194 Sphere tool 298 Spiral tool 216 Spirals in 2D (Spiral tool) 216 in 3D (Create Helix-Spiral command) 346 Split tool 275 Spot lights 423 Spreadsheet cells 577 Spreadsheet command 572 Stacking order of design layers 89 of objects 372 Standard Views command 403 Standards for classes and layers 84 for dimensions 50, 437 Stitch and Trim Surfaces command 354 Stretching objects (2D Reshape tool) 259 Subtract Solids command 364 Sunlight lighting options 422 Surfaces See NURBS objects Survey bearings 730 Sweep command 309 Symbols activating with pick up mode 162 advantages of using 154 applying texture to 671 attaching records to 172, 178 black, blue, and red 154 changing all fields of 180 changing attributes of 181 changing one field value 179 converting to a group 168 creating 156 creating a list of 181 creating a new folder for 169 detaching records from 178 dragging and dropping 159, 496, 500 editing 164 editing definition of 166 editing record values 176 editing wall insertion options 167 importing folders of 170 in walls 165, 494 inserting 158 inserting in 2D 159 inserting in 3D 163 insertion options 157 listing in worksheets 564 making global edits 177 moving in walls 496 moving into folders 169 overview of 153 properties of 164 purging unused 374 removing from wall 162 replacing 164 rotating 164 types of 154


Tablet command 78 Tabs, in text 188 Tangent constraints Constrain Tangent (Constraints palette) 125 Constrain Tangent tool (Dims/Notes tool set) 137 Tape Measure tool 457 Tapered extrudes 308 Templates changing the default 73 creating new documents from 4 saving documents as 73 Text checking spelling of 194


| Index
selecting tool sets 19 viewing multiple tool sets 19 Top command 403 Top Level command 399 Top/Plan command 403 Trace Bitmap command 400 Transfer mode, design layer 91 Translate View tool 409 Transparency design layer 90 objects 231 Transparency shaders definition of 636 editing 652 importing images for 645 properties of 742 types of 735 Trim command 268 Trim tool 269 TrueType to Polyline command 191

converting to polylines 191 creating along a path 192 creating as a block 186 creating as a single line 186 creating rotated 187 editing 189 finding and replacing 196 formatting 189 formatting, in dimensions 455 in animations 609 in custom dimensions 438 in sheet layer viewports 621 in worksheets 573 linking to record formats 176 position, in dimensions 454 preferences for 41 reversing 191 selecting 189 setting defaults for 185 tabs in 188 wrapping 187, 188, 190 wrapping, in worksheets 574 Text Along Path command 192 Text tool 186 Textures applying by class 671 applying to symbols 672 applying with advanced mapping 665 applying with Attribute Mapping tool 669 applying with basic mapping 664 creating 637 default resources 141 definition of 635 editing through Object Info palette 649 editing through Resource Browser 653 orientation of 663 previewing 638 purging unused 374 Title bar 13 Title blocks 141, 463 Tool bar, keyboard shortcuts for 13 Tool Sets palette 16, 18 Tools changing display of 18 creating custom scripts for 594 modifying with Workspace Editor 724 pausing 21 pop-out tools 18

Unconstrained Dimension tool 442 Undo command 367 Undo, preferences for 43 Ungroup command 398, 632 Units customizing for a drawing 54 for line thicknesses 72 in dimensions 448 in imported DXF/DWG files 542 setting options for a drawing 53 using for measurements 457 Units command 53 Unlock command 58, 388, 630 Unrotate 3D Objects command 393 Unshaded Polygon command 433 Update Plug-in Objects command 5

VectorCaching preference 41 VectorScript creating custom selection scripts 593 creating custom tool/attribute scripts 594 creating scripts from scratch 595

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deleting scripts 598 description of 593 duplicating scripts 598 editing scripts 597 encrypting scripts 598 exporting 520 importing script palettes 170, 599 importing scripts 518, 598 moving scripts to new palettes 599 opening scripts 599 renaming scripts 597 running scripts 596 stopping scripts on warnings 43 VectorScript Plug-in Editor command 155 VectorWorks converting previous version files 7 exiting 11 exporting previous version files 525 installing xi serial number for xi, 43 VectorWorks Preferences command 39 Vertical constraints Constrain Horiz-Vertical tool 133 Constrain Vertical Distance tool 131 Vertices adding to a polygon or polyline 261 adding to a roof 508 adding to a wall 489 changing to control points 260 moving on 2D objects 263 moving on a NURBS surface 360 reducing in NURBS 339 removing 262 selecting 360 shearing with 272 View bar 14 setting active class with 101 setting active layer with 94 Viewports, sheet layer adding annotations and dimensions to 621 advanced properties of 615 ambient lighting options for 615 annotating objects with filled polygons 224 caching rendering and radiosity images 49, 687, 693 changing layer properties 623 creating from a design layer 610 creating with a crop object 612 cropping existing 618 editing an associated design layer 621 moving and editing 618 overriding class properties 625 properties of 614 status display 617 updating 627 Views aligning for all design layers 632 changing with Fit to Objects command 418 changing with Rotate 3D View command 411 changing with Rotate View tool 410 changing with Set 3D View command 413 changing with Translate View tool 409 changing with Walkthrough tool 408 deleting saved 104 description of 2 editing saved 106, 107 opening saved 107 panning 24 preference for centering automatically 41 refreshing with Pan tool 24 saving 104 setting with RenderWorks Camera tool 414 switching to next and previous 420 using Saved Views menu 107 using Saved Views palette 107 using standard 403 Visibility of classes, setting 108 of design layers, setting 108 Visualization palette command 709 Volumetric Properties command 359


Walkthrough tool 408 Wall Join tool 491 Wall styles, purging unused 374 Wall tool 472 Walls adding 3D peaks to 489, 508 adding symbols to 494 applying textures by class 673 applying textures with basic mapping 664 attributes by class 474 automatically joining 40, 479 changing elevation of 489 changing length of 488 changing round wall radius 491


| Index
description of 551 mirroring objects across 395 moving 558 renaming position 557 rotating 560 saving position 556 setting position of 552 switching to previous positions 556 view and modes 557 Working Planes palette 556 Worksheets adding rows or columns to 569, 570 creating 563 defining database rows 578 deleting rows or columns from 570 displaying database item 572 entering data in database rows 577, 590 entering data in spreadsheet cells 579 exporting data from 584 formatting cells of 572 formula syntax for 580 functions of 586 importing data into 583 keys for moving around in 567 list of commands for 569 merge cells 574 opening existing 566 operators for 591 placing on drawing 567, 585 preferences for 570 printing 570 recalculating 570 retrieving record information in a row 591 saving 564 selecting cells in 568 sorting columns in 571 specifying row type 578 summarizing identical items in 571 using cell references in formulas 582 Worksheets command 566 Workspace editor constraint and mode shortcuts 727 context menus 723 menu and command shortcuts 720 overview of 719 palette and tool shortcuts 724 Workspace Editor command 719 Workspaces creating and editing 719

changing texture orientation on 663 creating 471 creating components for 480 creating from a polygon 483 creating polygons from 486 creating polylines from 486 creating roofs from 500 deleting components from 483 direction of 479 editing components in 482 editing properties of 487 editing symbols in 165 inserting 2D symbols into 31, 33, 159 joining 273, 491 joining to pillars 485 moving symbols in 496 preferences for 473 removing 3D peaks from 490 removing breaks from 491 reshaping 488 round 478 straight 472 trimming 268 Weather effects 660 Wheel-mouse panning with 24 scrolling with 28, 40 zooming with 25, 40 Wide Perspective command 406 Windows, dormer 509 Wireframe 406, 687 Wireframe command 432 Workgroup folders (VectorWorks preference) 47 Workgroup references correcting broken links 116 creating and editing (layer import) 113 deleting 117 description of 111 opening referenced files 118 priorities of multiple files 115 setting referencing options 112 updating from master files 115 using resources from master files 116 Working plane aligning objects to 555 appearance 552 constraining to 126 deleting position 557

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duplicating 719 exporting to text file 720 features of 12 migrating custom 728 Wrapping text 190


Z and delta Z values for design layer 90 Zoom tool 26 Zooming interactive 27 marquee 27 preference for line thickness 41 with Fit to Objects command 418 with Fit to Page Area command 419 with the mouse wheel 25, 40 with the View bar 15, 26 with the Zoom tool 26

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