ESV Issue18 PDF
ESV Issue18 PDF
ESV Issue18 PDF
ESV investigates death of man in backyard incident at Ballarat 3 Paul Fearon confirmed as Director of Energy Safety 3 Introduction of new gas inspection process 4, 30, 31 Development of new outdoor events Code of Practice 4, 20 Bruce Ackerman pledges to replumb Marysville 5 ESV Safety Alert watch for loose fill insulation near downlights 8 Contracting companys Little Shop of Horrors 12 Look Up And Live Safety Alert following injury to farm worker 15 Your electrical installation questions answered 22 More FAQs on amendments to the Wiring Rules 24
3 ESV investigates Ballarat electrocution 3 Appointment of Director of Energy Safety 4 New gas inspection process to be implemented 4 Introduction of new outdoor events Code of Practice 5 Bruce Ackerman: rebuilding and replumbing Marysville 6 ESVs new location Brandon Office Park, Glen Waverley 6 ESV to produce new electricity safety DVD 6 Revised Electricity Safety (Installations) Regulations latest 7 Changes made to Federal Governments Home Insulation Program 8 ESV safety alert beware loose fill insulation around down lights 9 ESV prosecutes pilot of hot air balloon 10 New appointments at ESV
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12 Greenwood Electrical Groups little shop of horrors 14 ESVs Annual Report for 2008/09 14 Televisions must comply with Minimum Energy Performance Standards 15 ESV safety alert after farm worker injured when truck hits powerline 16 The making of ESVs new gas safety commercial and the reason why 17 Non compliant Christmas lights detected by ESV 18 ESVs latest prosecutions and infringement notice information 19 ESV warning on the overuse of powerboards and extension leads 21 The introduction of smart meters 22 Your electricity installation questions answered 24 Latest FAQs on amended Wiring Rules 25 ESV concern at unauthorised activities close to gas pipelines 26/27 Gas technical articles 29 Non compliant electrical products 30/31 New complex gas installation acceptance form
The energysafe team for this issue: Editor David Guthrie-Jones Contributors Charlotte Roseby, Roger Lambie, Neil Fraser, John Murphy, John Stolk, Trevor Hudson, Allen Peacock, Ignazio Cannizzo, Michael Leahy, Doug Rennie, Michael Weekes, Michael Grubert, Cameron Diplock Editorial assistant Taryn Drewett Photographers Michael Wearne, Michael Weekes, Chris Linton Adam Murdoch, Neil Fraser, Trevor Hudson, Jennifer Earney Cartoonist/illustrator Paul Harvey Design AER Design Printing Energi Print FRONT COVER: Its the season for BBQs and having fun in the sun. Its also the season for fires and injuries resulting from BBQ incidents due to the poor maintenance and careless use of appliances. ESVs new television commercial screened recently is focussed on reducing injuries and fires by warning what can go wrong when the connection between the BBQ and the gas cylinder is either loose or in poor condition. Our front cover shot taken during the shoot of the commercial in October sees Arthur Kalaitzis, who played the man in charge of the BBQ, grimacing as the sheet of flame quickly approaches him. Make sure youre not the victim of a BBQ incident this summer.
For advertising information and bookings contact Barry Telfer of Barry Telfer Media Services on Ph: (03) 9579 7787, Fax: (03) 9579 0375 or by email at [email protected] Bookings are now being taken for the next and subsequent issues of energysafe. Our attractive advertising rates are as follows: Full page > $5000Half page > $2500One third page > $1700 Quarter page > $1500
Authorised by: Energy Safe Victoria, Building 2, 4 Riverside Quay, Southbank, Victoria 3006 Ph: 03 9203 9700 Printed by: Energi Print, 2527 Olive Grove, Keysborough, Victoria 3173. Copyright. All material appearing in energysafe is copyright. Reproduction in whole or in part is not permissible without the written permission of Energy Safe Victoria, depending on the source of the article. Liability. Howsoever arising as a consequence of use or reliance upon any advice, representations, statement, opinion or conclusion expressed herein is expressly denied by Energy Safe Victoria and all persons involved in the preparation of this publication.
The other ESV commercials included in the campaign were: >>Always use a licensed electrician; >>A warning on the overuse of powerboards and extension leads featuring retired international swimmer, Brooke Hanson. See article on page 19. Production of the new gas commercial was completed just in time to feature in the last two weeks of the campaign. For the first week, ESVs camping BBQ commercial was shown. The new commercial addresses the increasing incidence of injuries and fires caused by backyard BBQs. It will be shown in ESVs next campaign due to run in the lead up to Easter 2010. For more information on the new commercial and the whole issue of BBQ safety, see the centre pages.
He was heavily involved in the reform of the Victorian energy sector at the SEC, as an adviser to Government and in senior executive roles with Electricity Services Victoria, following the disaggregation of the SECV, and then CitiPower. He became CEO of the ESC in 2003. In 2001 he was awarded a Centenary Medal by the Australian Government for services to the industry through major structural reform. ESV is Victorias electricity, gas and pipeline safety regulator. The primary focus of ESV is to ensure the safe and efficient supply and use of electricity and gas in Victoria.
ESV is proposing to conduct a customer satisfaction survey early in the New Year to measure its performance against the expectations of its stakeholders. As was the case with the previous survey, which was conducted at the end of 2007, a large number of people from the electrical and gasfitting trades will be contacted by a market research company to take part in the survey. ESV appreciates any assistance which can be provided by stakeholders to complete the survey. There will be a wide range of questions, a number of them relating to the timeliness and quality of the ESV service. For the electrical trades, there will be questions relating to licensing and registration issues. Other stakeholders involved in the survey include State Government representatives, other regulators and safety organisations, employer groups, industry associations, trade unions and representatives of the electricity and gas industries including transmission and distribution companies.
Please be advised that ESVs Southbank office will close at 3.00pm on Thursday 24 December 2009, and will reopen for business as usual from Monday 4 January 2010.
New code of practice for the safe use of LP Gas at public events in Victoria
An Events Code of Practice (ECOP) titled The Safe Use of LP Gas at Public Events In Victoria has now been established for the use of LP Gas at events.
Coverage under this code extends to but is not restricted to, major sporting and entertainment events, festivals, school fetes, churches, local markets and non-profit groups or organisations.
Details included in the Events Code of Practice: 1. Responsibilities of the Event Organisers, Appliance Hirers, Catering Vendors and LPGas Suppliers. 2. Documentation that is required to be retained and available to authorities including. >>Documentation of procedures. >>Training records of personnel. >>Inspection by organisers and regulatory authorities. >>Risk documentation. >>Appliance maintenance records. 3. Requirements for the use of gas appliances: >>Only certified appliances are permitted to be used. (It is not uncommon to see home-made appliances being used at events). >>Application for certification of these appliances must be made in writing. For details contact Energy Safe Victoria. >> All appliances at events shall have a certification badge fixed to the appliance. >>Hot water units shall be installed by an authorised person. >>Use of ring/portable wok burners shall only be allowed where they are installed into a stable, sturdy stand. >>Cartridge operated appliances usually used in domestic situations, and fuelled by a butane gas cartridge, are not accepted for use in this ECOP.
The front cover of the new events Code of Practice
The following organisations were involved in formulating this Code of Practice: LPG Australia, Country Fire Authority, Energy Safe Victoria, LP Gas Companies, Metropolitan Fire Brigade and WorkSafe Victoria. This ECOP is a guide to those who are responsible for the location and use of LP Gas cylinders and appliances. All the above authorities will work to this ECOP.
>>The maximum operating pressure of any appliance shall not exceed 3 KPa. (Except where special application is made to Energy Safe Victoria prior to an event). The changes explained see page 20.
Depending on the risk posed by the gas installation or Type B appliance, ESV will determine the level of safety assessment required. For low to medium risk installations and Type B appliances, ESV will conditionally accept the application and provide an ESV number without inspecting the gas installation or Type B appliance; They may, however, be audited at a later date. Please note, all high risk Type B appliances and complex gas installations will be inspected as per the current ESV practice. How will the new application forms affect the licensed plumber? When the new process is fully implemented in 2010 only applications on the proposed ESV application form will be accepted. All previous Start Work & Compliances Notices will no longer be valid after a brief phasing in period. For a draft copy of the proposed ESV application form, see pages 30 and 31. The applicant will receive an ESV number when ESV conditionally accepts the complex gas installation application, which will enable the licensed plumber to manage the time of gas supply connection to a property without the need for an inspection. The installation may be audited at a later date and a licensed/registered representative, will be required to attend any audit procedure.
Page three of the proposed ESV application form has been designed to assist both the ESV inspector and the installation contractor by capturing all relevant details of the proposed gas appliance or pipe work installation, and can be utilised as a guide sheet when quoting a new gas installation or when purchasing the materials for a new gas pipe work installation. Why the need for change? ESV currently inspects around 95% of all complex gas installation applications and has identified opportunities to assist the gas industry by streamlining the acceptance process. ESV is endeavouring to ensure all gas installation compliance levels are maintained to the highest possible levels and the new application process will help the licensed person better plan the gas installation process. Implementation of the new audit/ inspection procedure ESV will provide all licensed and registered plumber/gasfitters with; >>Written notification of when the new audit/ inspection procedure will be introduced. >>Written notification on how to make application for acceptance for a new gas installation. Training seminars will be offered to all licensed and registered plumber/gasfitters in Victoria. A telephone technical assistance line will be introduced to assist all licensed and registered plumber/gasfitters. Further updates will be provided in future editions of energysafe. The ESV website on can also be accessed for further details.
When you take a shortcut and drive across someones block, you drive through what used to be their house. Bruce is now hoping that visitors to Marysville will help reinvigorate the town. The biggest challenge now is getting people to return, and building something for people to return to. Theres plenty to see. Its still a beautiful place We want people to come, to give us encouragement, and spend some money on the way through. The future is bright for the town. Two thousand people recently turned up to run in the local marathon. If every one of those people brings a friend to visit Marysville, the town will be all right, says Bruce. Marysville wont be the same, but it might be even better.
ex GST
Visible Image
Laser Pointer
Reporting Software
The new regulations do not contain the provisions relating to licensing and registration of electrical workers. These will be the subject of a new set of regulations which will be published separately early in 2010. Principle differences between the 1999 and 2009 regulations include: >>Reference to clauses of AS/NZS3000 2007Annex K prior to it being removed from AS/NZS3000 2007 by Amendment 1. ESV will make this annex available on-line. >>Ensures independent inspection of installations. >>Mandates labelling of Part 1 solutions, wiring not in common areas of multiple occupancies and to indicate the presence of auxiliary generation systems. >>Bonding of metallic support for LV overhead service. >>Combines High Voltage (HV) clearances from both sets of regs. >>Revision to private overhead electric line (POEL) requirements. >>Changes to testing of electrical installation work. In one instance it just needed the dropping of a screwdriver for things to go terribly wrong. One of the messages from the DVD will be that electricians do not have to work live and should never be forced to do so whatever the circumstances. In one instance a young electrician was persuaded by restaurant management to work live to ensure operations were not interrupted. The electrician suffered injuries, and the irony is that the restaurant was forced to close for a number of days afterwards. The DVD will feature some dramatic film which was shot at the National Electrical Switchboard Manufacturers Association (NESMA) Victorian Branch Switched on Safety seminar in October. The footage shows only too clearly the effects of exploding switchboards due to live work going wrong or high fault levels within switchboards. The availability of the DVD will be announced in the magazine and on the ESV website.
>>Revised definitions of prescribed electrical installation work. >>Changes to inspection requirements and lodgement times. >>Certificate of electrical safety (COES) pricing is now fee unit based. >>Changes to requirements for reporting of incidents. Early in 2010, ESV will commence conducting a series of seminars explaining the differences between the old and the new regulations and their implications for the industry and particularly groups such as RECs, trade unions, electrical workers and apprentices, inspectors and training providers. Details of the seminars are currently being prepared and the industry will be informed about them. There will be further information available about the new regulations on the ESV website at and in future issues of energysafe.
The victim at NESMAs demonstration of live work and arcing faults. The clothes were melted on to the fibreglass skin of the mannequin.
The fires have been reported since 1 July when the program began. There are concerns there will be more such fires. While this is not strictly electrical work under the terms of the Electricity Safety Act, these are fires due to electrical causes. ESV is urging Victorias electricians to conduct their own risk assessment before entering a roof space to determine possible hazards before starting work. They should be particularly wary of the fire hazard potential caused by incorrectly installed bulk thermal insulation around electrical accessories. See the ESV safety alert on page 8. The response from the program administrators to ESV said that the Government took a dim view of anyone seeking to exploit the Program and any non-compliance will be assessed and investigated as appropriate and may result in recovery of money, prosecution and/or installers being removed from the Installer Provider Register. An insulation installer involved in the program was electrocuted in Brisbane in mid October. Investigations so far reveal that a staple used to fix foil insulation in the roof space of a home may have pierced an electric cable which energised the foil. ESV understands that foil insulation is not an issue in Victoria and is unsuitable for our climate whereas it is popular in tropical areas such as Queensland.
Minister Garrett also announced that from 1 December the Government will: >>publish a name and shame list for any business struck from the installer register as a consequence of failure to meet program guidelines including dodgy behaviour >>a requirement for the provision of two genuinely independent quotes >>a mandatory requirement that a formal risk assessment be completed for every installation before any installer is allowed to start work. The insulation rebate has been reduced from $1600 to $1200. The Minister said: The ban on metal staples and fasteners will immediately reduce the risk of electrocution for foil insulation installers, while making the application of covers over downlights mandatory goes further than the Australian Standards to further maximise safety. He said that the creation of a name and shame list was also an important change to the program guidelines. Theres no room in this program for businesses that arent willing to stand publicly by the quality of their work, so from 1 December all installers on our register must do just that, Mr Garrett said. In mid November, Workplace Health and Safety Queensland and the Electrical Safety Office reported the electrocution of a 16-year-old boy while installing insulation at a property at Gladstone, central Queensland. Another person who suffered an electric shock was taken to hospital in a stable condition. The authorities are investigating.
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Suitable for new homes and existing dwellings Treated with non-toxic fire retardant Protects downlights and transformers from thermal insulation and other combustible materials Insulguard Downlight Enclosure complies to AS/NZS 3000: 2007 Wiring Rules
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Incorrect installation of bulk thermal insulation around electrical equipment and accessories
Incidents Incident No. 1 The Electrical Safety Office and Workplace Health and Safety Queensland are investigating the fatality of an insulation installer. A second person assisting with the work received an electric shock and burns. It appears that a staple used to fix foil insulation in the roof space of a home may have pierced an electric cable which energised the foil. Incident No. 2 Victorian Fire Services reported to ESV several incidents of fire after bulk thermal insulation was installed over the top of ceiling mounted (recessed) halogen down lights. Heat from the downlight may have caused insulation to catch fire with potentially deadly results. Illustration reproduced from Australian Standards for educational purposes only. Key Issues Employers, workers and contractors must be aware of the potential for fatal electric shock whilst installing foil insulation within roof spaces, and the fire hazard potential caused by incorrectly installing bulk thermal insulation around electrical accessories. Recommendations Australian Standard AS 3999-1992 Thermal insulation of dwellings bulk installations installation requirements
Installers must install all bulk insulation in compliance with Australian insulation installation standard, AS 3999-1992. Note: >>Clause 4.2 (e) is replaced with clause of AS/NZS 3000:2007 Wiring Rules; >>Figure 4.5 is replaced with figure 4.7 of AS/NZS 3000:2007; >>The Wiring Rules set out the minimum clearance distances between bulk insulation and recessed luminaires, including down lights. Risk assessment Anyone entering a roof space should conduct a risk assessment to determine possible hazards prior to starting work.
While descending the balloon experienced a weather phenomenon which the pilot described as rotor waves. The balloon then descended quickly and straddled the 22,000 volt overhead power lines and the bottom of the balloon basket, with its passengers on board, scraped along the conductors until the balloon lifted clear of them and continued on to Lilydale Airport.
The contact between the balloon basket and the powerline damaged the crossarm insulators and the conductors. The repairs cost more than $4,000.00 The pilot was prosecuted under regulation 32 of the Electricity Safety (Network Assets) Regulations 1999 with flying closer than 45 metres of a network asset. He was fined $750.00 but no conviction was recorded.
To achieve this, ESV needs to, among other responsibilities, conduct the approvals process for products coming into the country; analysing test reports to ensure appliances comply with relevant Australian and New Zealand Standards; and, providing technical support to local suppliers and manufacturers to ensure standards are met. These activities are further supported by point of sale audits and check testing. ESV also liaises with suppliers and manufacturers on identified potential safety concerns and provides technical advice on procedures for recalling products and quality assurance schemes. ESV also provides general customer support to the Victorian community on equipment safety and efficiency. Adam completed his Bachelor of Engineering degree at RMIT in 2004 and joined Nelson Industries as an Electrical Engineer (Compliance) in the same year. His duties included dealing on an international level with product development, quality assurance and compliance.
At ESV, Adam was heavily involved as technical advisor in the development of the online equipment approvals database. The system enables external stakeholders to make equipment safety applications online, reducing the need for administrative work by ESV.
Adam Murdoch
Engineering Design
Construction Telecommunications Maintenance Metering Asset Commissioning Safety Audits Leak Detection
Gas Services:
Bilfinger Berger Services Power 75 Acacia Road Ferntree Gully VIC 3156 T +61 3 9294 8300 F +61 3 9294 8333 Bilfinger Berger Services Gas Level 3, 570 St Kilda Road Melbourne VIC 3004 T +61 3 9946 4900 F +61 3 9946 4950
TPS Pinned through sheath luckily it was pinned between Earth and Neutral!
>>Light switches wired in a fig 8 arrangement >>Power circuits connected with band aids >>Melted power points due to loose connections >>Powerboards blown from excessive loads >>Old lead cables connected to TPS >>Exposed terminal connections >>Burnt circuit in pvc conduit And theres a whole lot more! energysafe illustrates some of the examples here and appreciates Greenwood Electrical Group letting us know about their collection.
We may have room for more from their Little Shop of Horrors in the next issue.
Quite a collection of dodgy and dangerous electrical work collected by a company which has been in the electrical contracting trade for a long time
An extension of the old rubber insulated wiring with a new 2 Core supply flex
2. No other electrical work is being carried out e.g. installation/rewiring of final sub-circuits or replacement of the consumers mains ; and 3. The new switchboard complies with the RCD requirements stated in Clause of 2.6 and Amendment 1 of AS/NZS 3000:2007. Note switchboards installed in cupboards shall comply Clause of AS/NZS 3000:2007. Requirements for fixed wired airconditioning units All fixed wired air-conditioning units shall be installed to comply with the following requirements; 1. Have an isolating switch capable of being locked in the off position installed adjacent to the unit. Exception An isolating switch capable of being locked in the off position may be installed in the switchboard when the switchboard is dedicated to the airconditioning equipment only; and
2. Be installed as per the manufacturer's installation instructions as required by AS/ NZS 3000:2007 Clause 1.7.1(c); and 3. Only cables enclosed in conduits are to be attached to the air-conditioning pipe work. Maximum demand for off peak hot water The load for an off peak hot water service heater can be discarded from the maximum demand calculations when installing a circuit breaker for a main switch; if 1. The switchboard is being replaced and the hot water service has no change over switch or boost element; and 2. The sum of the circuit breakers exceed the current carrying capacity of the consumers mains. For further enquiries, ring ESV (03) 9203 9700.
Working with the industry for the industry for over 90 years
It was really the most satisfying job that I have done, said Greg, who basically used the back of his ute as the coordination centre directing resources to where they were needed. He estimates some 600 registered electrical contractors and their staff volunteered their services for what was a terrific response to the very tragic situation. Greg said the task was not without its challenges and concerns as people went to extraordinary lengths to restore supplies themselves. Typical examples included the overloading of generators, instances of backfeeding of power at properties and the use of extension leads with male plugs at each end. Starting his electricians apprenticeship in 1981, Greg worked for ODonnell Griffin for 13 years rising in that time to a supervisory position. Subsequently he managed registered electrical contracting companies such as Australian Technical Services at Moorabbin and Greens Electrical and Data at Braeside. Moving to ESV has been quite an eye opener, said Greg.
The regulatory and compliance side of the industry is really quite different. Unfortunately contractors and electricians dont understand the repercussions for them when they dont submit certificates of electrical safety (COES). In the short time Ive been at ESV I have never come across so much dodgy electrical work, or the amount of unlicensed work that there is and the number of people doing it. It is amazing that what might appear to be routine technical enquiries can generate further investigations leading to a number of people getting into trouble over it. Greg said that in his experience, ESV and its predecessor organisations is always a place where one could get help. For instance I have talked to ESVs technical advisor, John Stolk, a number of times over the years and I have always received good advice from him. Overall I think that at this stage of my career it is a good move to join ESV.
During the reconnection program, Greg (Left) hands a new power drill to electrician Dave (right) who lost everything in the bushfires.
$395.00 +GST
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Maximum Demand to AS/NZS3000:2007 Cable Sizing to AS/NZS3008.1.1 Conduit sizing Fault-loop impedance to AS/NZS3000:2007 Voltage drop calculations Fault level calculations Power factor calculations Extensive Reporting Internet Support
The measurement method in AS/ NZS62087.1(Int) 2009 requires the use of a broadcast content test video. The standard also requires the determination of relevant passive and active standby modes. The broadcast content test materials are available with IEC 62087 Ed2 2008. Televisions must meet or exceed the Tier One MEPS, which is set at the 1 star level (called the Base Energy Consumption) on the mandatory comparative energy label for any given screen size. MEPS are assessed against an annual energy consumption figure which is based on a defined usage profile as set out in the standard. The algorithm for determining the Tier One MEPS level and 1 star rating is set out in AS/NZS 62087.2.2 (Int) 2009. Televisions are required to display an energy label. The star rating is also assessed against an annual energy consumption figure which is based on the same defined usage profile used to assess MEPS. For televisions, each additional star is earned once a 20% reduction in energy consumption from the previous star rating is achieved. For example a 2 star rated product uses 20% less energy when compared to a 1 star product, a 3 star product will use approximately 10% less energy when compared to a 2.5 star product. Star rating grades are shown in half star increments on the energy label from 1 star to 6 stars. For super efficient products that earn more than 6 stars, only whole stars are shown. For further information contact ESV on 03 203 9700 or [email protected].
All televisions excluding the following are covered: >>Television sets powered from batteries. >>Display devices that do not have a television tuner. >>Front or rear projection display devices and televisions. Any display device that is designed for the primary purpose of showing TV pictures and has a television tuner must display the specified energy rating label. This includes multifunction TVs and combination TVs. Televisions must be registered with an Australian regulator and registration is available at http:// A laboratory test report is not required to be submitted as part of the registration but must be held by the manufacturer or importer and must be made available to a regulator on request. It is recommended that an electronic copy of the test report be uploaded when making a registration application. An electronic copy of the energy rating label must be provided as part of the application. Televisions must be tested according to the measurement method in AS/NZS 62087.1(Int):2009 and the requirements as specified in AS/NZS 62087.2.2(Int):2009.
safety moving
POstal addre ss PO Box 262, Melbourne Collins Street West, T. 03 9203 Vic 8007 F. 03 9686 9700 E. info@e 2197 NuNawadiNg 15A Ceylon Office NunawadingStreet, Telephone 3131 Facsimile 03 9875 5400 03 9877 8441 www.esv.vic.g
592 662 340
to 30 June
1 July 2008
to 30 June
Commit to the long term sustainability of apprentices by joining the Secure 4 Years host employer consortium and receive benets. Call Alan Lambert on 0417 304 289 for more information.
Worker injured when truck hits powerline ESV issues safety alert
ESV issued a safety alert in October following an incident in Winchelsea where a farm worker received a severe electric shock and extensive burns to his left hand and foot when a semi trailer tipping truck he was helping to unload contacted an overhead high voltage SWER (12,700 Volt) powerline.
The safety alert was also published as an advertisement in the Weekly Times. The victim was lucky to be alive, but escaped relatively unscathed. The alert warned: Serious injury or even death can result from every incident where contact is made with an overhead electrical line.
Down ~ Look Up, Look and Live
The front cover of ESVs DVD
Energy Safe Victoria (ESV) has issued a Safet y Alert to the owner and operators of all s tipping trucks and farm equipment who undert work near overhead ake electrical lines on rural properties. This warning follows an incident in Winchelsea where a farm worker received a severe electric shock and extensive burns to his left hand and foot when a semi trailer tipping truck he was helping to unload contacted an overhead high voltage SWER (12,700 Volt) powerl ine. Serious injury or even death can result from every incident where contac is made with an overhe t ad electrical line. Look Up, Look Down ~ and Live Safety DVD now available. (Call 03 9203 9700 for your free copy)
It is mandatory that before operating any tipping truck or elevating farm equipment machinery: A job safety assessment must be carried out; The site owner or manag er must be consulted to ensure that work can be done safely; Ensure an ESV registe red spotter is on hand; and The industry establi shed No Go Zone Rules and the WorkSafe Framework Paul Fearon Acting Director of Energy Safety 5th October 2009 ed with at all times.
for Undertaking Work near Overhead and Underground Assets must be compli
It is mandatory that before operating any tipping truck or elevating farm equipment machinery: >>a job safety assessment must be carried out; >>the site owner or manager must be consulted to ensure that work can be done safely; and >>the industry established No Go Zone Rules and the WorkSafe Framework for Undertaking Work near Overhead and Underground Assets must be complied with at all times. The tip truck was unloading lime in a privately owned paddock when the top of the tipper contacted the SWER line.
The farm worker was walking at the rear of the vehicle and holding the tarpaulin handle when the contact was made. He received the electrical shock and was thrown back onto the ground. According to reports, the worker also suffered bruising to the side of the head. He was taken to hospital by private vehicle for medical checks but later released. The truck driver was not injured. The HV fuse operated as expected.
Recently the Australian Fertilizer Services Association ordered 200 copies of the DVD for its members. As reported in the last issue of the magazine, 25 000 copies were also supplied for distribution to every farm in Victoria. Copies are available for all interested organisations and individuals. To place an order access details in quick links on the home page of the ESV website, or telephone (03) 9203 9700 or 1800 800 158. There is no charge for the DVD.
ysafe Victoria
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REC 16801
The location for the shoot was a backyard with the BBQ located close to a patio area. There was a typical party in progress with lots of noise and laughter from adults and young people. The commercial begins with the appearance of MFB Leading Firefighter, Adam Schmibert, who warns: This fire was caused by a BBQ. It started here because of a loose connection or damaged hose. Adam was selected for the role in the commercial from a number of candidates and he proved ideal for the job. The action then switches back to the party. There is concern that it is taking a long time to cook the meat. People are complaining they are getting hungry. One wag even suggests that the guy in charge should try turning the BBQ on! On a more serious note the guy in charge admits there is something wrong the BBQ is not getting hot. Suddenly he is enveloped in flames and there is panic as the partygoers rush to get away. As the fireman said: The BBQ caught fire and before they could do anything it was out of control. If youre planning a BBQ make sure the BBQ is in good condition, the connections are tight and use soapy water to check for leaks. Its so easy, why take risks.
As reported in the previous issue of energysafe, the commercial highlights what can go wrong and often does go wrong when connections between the LP Gas cylinder and the BBQ itself are loose or in poor condition.
>>The BBQ and the gas cylinders are in good condition; >>Connecting hoses between the cylinder and appliance are not damaged or leaking gas; >>Ensure hand-tightened cylinder connections are as tight as they can go in the case of other fittings use a spanner if possible. >>Do not drink too much alcohol when in charge of a BBQ. It can impair judgement and delay appropriate safety activities in cases of emergency. >>Always seek medical attention if a burn occurs. Things can go terribly wrong if simple precautions are not followed. The release also referred to ESVs new gas safety television commercial which graphically illustrates what can go wrong when backyard BBQs and Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) cylinders and their connections are not in good condition. The commercial stresses the importance of ensuring there are no gas leaks because of damaged and unsecured connecting hoses. It also referred to the ESV brochure, Dont Take Your Gas BBQ For Granted which lists the safety precautions required to ensure BBQs operate safely at all times. It points out that more than half the injuries sustained by Victorians from gas use each year involve domestic BBQs. It also advises the community to engage licensed gasfitters to regularly check and maintain BBQs. Copies of the brochure are available from ESV. The MFB reported there were 32 reported fires caused by BBQs within the Metropolitan Fire District (MFD) over the 2008/2009 summer period, compared with 47 for the 2007/2008 summer. There were 4 reported injuries from these incidents.
The CFA reports there have been more than 260 BBQ related incidents in the past year. The Victorian Adult Burns Service at The Alfred reports there were 30 admissions between 1 October 2008 to 31 March 2009 of which 21 were outdoor fires and nine specifically related to BBQs. Causes included throwing accelerant onto a BBQ to fuel it, flash burns received while lighting a BBQ and igniting gas cylinders when connecting them to a BBQ. The release provided some further general advice for barbecues and outdoor cooking: >>Only use appliances and gas cylinders that are in good working order. >>Ensure connections are in good condition. >>Ensure all connections are tight. Use soapy water on hoses to check for leaks. >>If a wok burner is fitted to the barbecue, make sure its connections are tight. >>Always store cylinders outside. >>Never use barbecues or other outdoor appliances inside the house. >>Do not leave gas cylinders on the transit hook when a barbecue is in use. >>Only transport LP gas cylinders in an upright and securely fastened position. >>Never leave the barbecue unattended when cooking. >>Do not allow children near the BBQ unless supervised. >>Keep BBQs clear of flammable material such as vegetation. >>Remember it is dangerous to be in charge of a BBQ after drinking too much alcohol. Follow these precautions and have an enjoyable BBQ on Melbourne Cup Day and other days through the spring and summer. Always treat gas with respect, said the release.
ESV Gas Inspectors Peter Ryan and Simon Prouse who were involved in the production of the new commercial
Fires attributed to Loose Connections at the LPGas cylinder Fires reported as gas cylinder on fire with no known or clear cause Fires reported as Loose Connections at the BBQ Fires reported as BBQ on fire with no known or clear cause Fires reported attributed to a loose connection (location unsure) Fires involving a BBQ/Gas cylinder but with no known or clear indication of origin Fires attributed to wear and tear of hose from cylinder to BBQ Fires attributed to fat/food/fires Fires where the BBQ was left unattended Fires attributed to fat/food/fires where BBQs were left unattended Fires attributed to fat/food/fires where poor housekeeping involved Fires attributed to explosions Fires attributed to damaged or missing O ring on regulator Fires attributed to damaged or faulty POL valve Fires attributed to damaged or relieving gas regulator Fires attributed to adjacent combustible materials been too close Number of persons reported as injured major/minor Property damage major/minor
Operating a BBQ on any occasion involves a great deal of responsibility: >>the operator should ensure it is clean and does not have residue fats or foods that could catch fire >>the BBQ is sighted in a location away from other combustible materials >>the hose and regulator connections are in good repair with no splits or missing O rings >>connections between the hose to either the BBQ or the LPGas bottle are secure and do not have any leaks particularly when an LPGas bottle needs to be changed over during operation. This preferably should all be carried out by an adult with a clear head and not affected by alcohol to ensure the procedure is carried out safely.
The least amount of connections the operator has to secure between the gas supply and BBQ the less potential there is for an incident. This is reflected in AS 4557 the Outdoor BBQ Cooker Code Clause This requires that manufacturers of BBQs who market and distribute their product with the hose assembly which includes the regulator connected to the BBQ. This means that the only connection to be made by the operator is the connection of the regulator to the gas cylinder. Alternately a hose assembly with regulator having a certified quick connector to the BBQ is also acceptable.
Inside Residence Carport Commercial Building Garage Gazebo Patio Pergola Veranda Shed Site Hut
4 5 2 26 1 2 10 9 11 1
eSV has recently taken legal proceedings against the following. Under the Privacy Act, energysafe is precluded from publishing the names of individuals charged with offences.
The defendant was fined $750 without conviction and ordered to pay costs of $1300.
with holding out and carrying out electrical contracting work, and carrying out gasfitting work when his plumbing licence/registration was not endorsed for that work. The defendant gave an undertaking to be of good behaviour for 12 months and was ordered to pay $500 to the court fund and costs of $1250. flying within 45 metres of a network asset, contrary to Regulation 32 of the Electricity Safety (Network Asset) Regulations.
Nov 08 Total 6 Dec 08 5 Jan 09 0
Offence Code 6384 6301 6301 6301 6301 6242 6377 6378 6378 6243 6243 6232 6376 6220 3588 6230 6378 6220 6228 6228 6228 6241 6241 6217 6228 6228 6228 6384 6384 6384 6299 6243 6228 3595 6384 6231
Feb 09 Mar 09
April 09
May 09
June 09
July 09
August 09
This incident was featured on the front cover of the previous issue of energysafe. The problem was that the powerboard was more than 20 years old and did not have overload protection a requirement which has been mandatory on such equipment since the mid 1980s. The change was designed to minimise the chances of overheated powerboards catching fire and causing damage, said Paul. ESVs powerboard television commercial formed part of its most recent public awareness campaign which started on 18 October and ran for three weeks. ESV produced the commercial in 2008 and it features retired international swimmer, Brooke Hanson, who suffered an electric shock while demonstrating a spa at a Melbourne show in 2007. The message in the commercial is that powerboards and extension leads can be dangerous, and are just a temporary answer to powering appliances. The commercial has had a limited airing so far having only been featured during last years Olympic Games. Hopefully it will have an effect, said Paul.
Brooke Hanson as she appears in ESVs powerboard commercial and Another shot from the commercial
CB215 $5.15*
56P520 56CSC432
CB213 $4.35*
Port Melbourne
1300 66 88 91 | 96465476
CS213 $4.10*
WGPO4 $18.50*
Here is an explanation of some of the changes. A marquee, tent, booth or awning that meets the requirements set out in the ECOP can be classed as outdoors if. >>2 sides are open: or >>One side is open and equal to 25% of the total wall area, and 30% of the remaining total wall area is open and unrestricted. A marquee, tent or booth set up in the interior of a building, would be classed as indoors. Appliances that are certified for outdoor use must be located outdoors, except where installed in the interior of structures meeting the requirements of outdoors as above. Solid top barbeques certified for outdoor use may be located indoors in well ventilated areas for this ECOP. Appliances certified for indoor use may be located outdoors if the manufacturer of the appliance permits such installations. LP Gas supply hoses should be connected to the back of the appliance wherever possible to prevent entanglement or tripping.
Hose length shall be kept as short as possible and not exceed a maximum length of 3 m. and be of a single continuous length. A Mobile Catering Vehicle is a vehicle used for food preparation and/or supply of hot water ablution services. It is a vehicle utilising LP Gas whether self propelled or towed and must have an ESV compliance plate, or its interstate equivalent fitted. If no compliance plate is attached, an event organiser will not allow the vehicle to operate at any event. Every mobile catering vehicle shall be fitted with a fire blanket and a suitable portable extinguisher. The quantity and the size of cylinders allowed for different types of structures are shown in the attached table. LP Gas Allowable Quantity and Cylinder Size. These quantities and sizes will vary according to the type of structure and quantity of gas required. When involved in the event organisation, catering, hire of gas appliances or supply of LP Gas you should make yourself familiar with this ECOP prior to an event. It is available on the ESV and WorkSafe websites. For more information contact the ESV technical help line 1800 652 563 Groups of Temporary Structures in Which Gas is Used If a group of marquees, tents, booths, stalls or mobile catering vehicles using LPGas in any such group exceeds 10 in number they shall be separated by at least 15 m from any other LP Gas bottle installation. The intervening space between each of these groups of 10 may be occupied by temporary structures in which no flammable gas or flammable liquids are kept.
Quantity Maximum total quantity; 60 kg Maximum cylinder size: 15 kg Totals include indoor and outdoor Maximum total quantity: 270 kg Maximum cylinder size: 45 kg No cylinders indoors All appliances connected from the one gas supply (i.e. If more than one cylinder, cylinders are to be manifolded and supplied through the one regulator) Only to be installed by an Authorised Person where manifolded (These quantities can only be exceeded with the prior approval of ESV prior to the event)
3. Outdoors. No structure Including open areas under one roof with number of Catering Vendors (per each catering vendor stall) 4. Temporary structure indoors A building with a roof and three or more walls
Same as 1 & 2 above 15M gas free separation zone applies(see note below) Maximum total quantity: 10 kg per 10m of floor area, with a total quantity of 30 kg Maximum cylinder size: 15 kg (If the quantity of gas or cylinder size is required to exceed the limit allowed, the cylinders shall be installed externally)
5. Permanent building with temporary gas installation (eg. Container type building used for catering. Refer to 7 & 8 if assembly building) 6. Permanent buildings with permanent gas installation 7. Assembly buildings indoors where the floor area is less than or equal to 200 m
Same as 1 & 2 above depending on quantity of gas and whether indoors or outdoors
Installation shall be installed by an Authorised Person to Gas installation standard AS 5601 Maximum total quantity; 45 kg per 50m floor area, up to a total quantity of 180 kg. Maximum cylinder size: 45 kg. (If the quantity of gas or cylinder size is required to exceed the limit allowed, the cylinders shall be installed externally)
8. Assembly buildings indoors where the floor area is greater than 200 m
Maximum total quantity: 500 litres of LPGas per 200m of floor area applies. Such groups of cylinders shall be separated by at least 15 m (If the quantity of gas or cylinder size is required to exceed the limit allowed, the cylinders shall be installed externally) (In-situ cylinders shall be outdoors)
Note: Gas quantities for cylinders are for generic cylinder sizes (not water capacity)
One product displayed an approval number on the packaging. The number, however, relates to a different lighting product which has been approved. ESV proposes to issue warnings before Christmas urging the community not to put their family in danger by buying cheap decorative lighting products that do not meet Australian safety standards. Hazards associated with unapproved Christmas lighting products include: >>Dangerously thin electrical insulation on the flexible leads; >>Incorrectly rated globes that may overheat and cause surrounding materials to catch fire; >>Inadequately attached cords that may pull out of lamp holders;
>>Light sets designed for (overseas) voltages less than 230 Volts (normal supply voltage in Australia is currently 240 Volts; >>Plugs incompatible with Australian power points; When purchasing Christmas lights, it will advise: >>Always ensure Christmas lighting products have been approved for use in Australia; >>Check for a compliance number on the product. If in doubt seek the advice of the store manager or do not purchase the product until satisfied that it is safe and complies with Australias strict electricity safety requirements. Outlets selling unapproved electrical products face hefty fines of up to $4000 for individuals and $21,000 for companies.
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In the process of changing one of the light fittings, she caused a serious electrical fault so serious in fact that the safety switches were not able to be switched back on. She and her husband then called the distribution company as they thought the power had gone off. The ESV enforcement officer went to the property to meet representatives of the distribution company and hold discussions with the owners. During those discussions, the female owner claimed that she was an engineer and that it was equivalent to being an electrician. That was why she was changing the light fitting. Several other light fittings were on the floor. Because of the electrical fault present at the property, the distribution company issued a defect notice and left the premises isolated. The owners were informed that the power would not be re-instated until the defect had been rectified and a certificate of electrical safety issued by a registered electrical contractor. The female owner objected to this as it was a Saturday and they had been unable to locate an REC. On the following Monday, ESV issued the Infringement Notice for unlicensed electrical installation work.
To nd out more
Call 1300 134 417 or visit
Compiled by ESV Electricity Technical Advisor, John Stolk energysafe is again pleased to continue its regular series featuring some of the questions which ESV receives on a range of electricity installation issues, some of them relating to gas installations. Also provided are the answers together with references to the Acts, Standards, Regulations and Clauses which apply to them.
Where the main earthing conductor connects the main earth terminal to an electrode, the conductor shall be determined from Table 5.1 in relation to the cross-sectional area of the largest active conductor of the consumers mains. The cross-sectional area of such a copper main earthing conductor shall be not less than 4 mm2 and need not be greater than 120 mm2. PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING EXEPTIONS. The size of the main earthing conductor need not be determined in relation to the size of the largest active conductor of the consumers mains under the following conditions: (a) Where double insulation is maintained between the point of supply and the load terminals of the protective devices for the submains and final subcircuits outgoing from the main switchboard. The minimum size of the main earthing conductor may be determined in relation to the cross-sectional area of the largest active conductor of the largest outgoing submain or final subcircuit. (b) Where the cross-sectional area of the consumers mains is larger than that required to carry the maximum demand of the installation because of voltage-drop limitations. The minimum size of the main earthing conductor may be determined in relation to the cross-sectional area of the minimum cable size required to carry the maximum demand. (c) Where the conductor connects the main earth bar to an earth bar or link within a substation, the conductor shall be determined from Table 5.1 or by calculation.
AS/NZS 3000
Clause Amended July 2009
NOTE: In this application the main earthing conductor forms part of the earth fault current path and its size needs to be determined based on the prospective fault current level and duration. Can I connect more than 3 final sub-circuits to a RCD? Yes, if the installation is not residential AS/NZS 3000 Clause Amended July 2009 Can I use a socket outlet rated 20 Amps or less that incorporates an RCD when installing an additional socket outlet in a retail shop? I was asked to install two additional socket outlets in a block of four flats. The work is being done for the one person who owns all four flats. Do I need to issue a certificate of electrical safety for each unit or can all the work be entered on one certificate? I am a Registered Electrical Contractor and would like to display our companies name on the side of my work vehicle. Do I need to display my REC number? Yes, only when the socket outlet is installed in a non residential electrical installation. AS/NZS 3000 Clause
You would need to issue four certificates as the work in each flat relates to a separate occupancy and has a different address.
Regulation 45A
Yes, a registered electrical contractor must not publish or cause to be published any advertisement, notice or statement that the contractor carries on or is willing to carry on electrical contracting work unless the advertisement, notice or statement includes the registered number of the contractor. No, paling fences require maintenance and usual replacement well within the expected life-span of the electrical installation and often fall into a state of disrepair. Consequently, for electrical installations in Victoria, timber paling fences, comprising of timber posts and rails and of the type commonly used as boundary fences for domestic premises, would not be considered to provide adequate strength for the support of electrical equipment. No. Yes, the installation coupler is considered as a junction box and the wiring must be installed by a licensed electrical worker. Exceptions Where the work is carried out at the place of manufacture.
Regulation 32
Can I fix wiring enclosures, electrical equipment or socket outlets to a paling fence?
AS/NZS 3000:2007
Clause 1.7.2(d)
Is the drain board of a kitchen sink considered as a part of the water container? Is the installation of soft wiring considered electrical Installation work seeing it is connected by a starter socket (installation coupler) and the socket outlets are plugged into each other?
The meeting was arranged by Phil Stevenson of SP AusNet who accompanied the delegation to the meeting.
Also pictured are ESVs Principal Electrical Engineer Bruce Cutler, who was Acting Executive Manager Infrastructure Safety at the time of the visit; Manager Gas Infrastructure Andrew Jones; and the then Acting Director of Energy Safety Paul Fearon.
The Director of WorkSafes Dangerous Goods Division, Trevor Martin, said because acetylene was heavier than air and settled to the lowest point, good ventilation and storage was essential. This incident shows the devastating power of an explosion. And the potential impact on surrounding areas. It is exceptionally fortunate that no one was seriously hurt. Incidents such as this can be prevented by removing sources of ignition, maintenance of equipment and appropriate storage of gas bottles and appropriate training.
According to media reports, police suspected the electronic key switched on an interior light, igniting leaking gases from an oxyacetylene gas cylinder located in the back of the vehicle. The blast reportedly shattered windows and threw chunks of twisted metal on to the roofs of the houses up to 100 metres away, smashing the windscreens of cars parked nearby. Plumbing apprentice Luke Clark, 17, was with another apprentice opening the van when the explosion occurred. He said he was blown three metres through the air by its force. In a media release, WorkSafe said the explosion was a warning to people using acetylene to ensure it was stored safely.
Retrofit existing downlight installations Can be placed through existing downlight holes Metal perforation for ventilation Retro Downlight Cover complies to new AS/NZ 3000:2007 Wiring Rules
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Suitable for new homes and existing dwellings Treated with non-toxic fire retardant Protects downlights and transformers from thermal insulation and other combustible materials Insulguard Downlight Enclosure complies to AS/NZS 3000: 2007 Wiring Rules
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In these situations, the MEN connection is not required to carry earth fault current arising from the consumers mains and hence may have a cross-sectional area not less than the main earthing conductor in accordance with Exception (b) or (c) to Clause Examples: When double insulation of consumers mains is maintained to the service protective device on the switchboard/meter enclosure, then the enclosure may be earthed to the electrical installation earthing system with a protective earthing conductor sized in accordance with Clause for the largest single insulated active conductor within the enclosure. See Figure 10.1.
Figure 10.2 shows an example using unprotected consumers mains having sheathing that is not maintained to the service protective device, with the enclosure earthed by direct connection to the main neutral conductor. In this example the MEN connection does not form part of the earth fault loop for the enclosure. Figure 10.3 shows an example using unprotected consumers mains without sheathing, with the enclosure earthed by connection to the earth bar. In this example the MEN connection must have a cross-sectional area not less than that of the main neutral conductor in accordance with the second paragraph of Clause as it forms part of the earth fault loop for the enclosure.
Murrumbeena In this incident, the organisation involved told ESV it was installing road traffic signage in Murrumbeena Rd, Murrumbeena, and had carried out excavation work as part of the procedure. Approval had not been sought from Multinet Gas prior to excavating within three metres of the gas transmission pipeline. An Infringement Notice under 79(C) of the Gas Safety Act 1997 of $1, 134 was issued to the organisation. Somerton In this incident, it appeared that a construction company may have carried out unauthorised excavation work within three metres of the transmission pipeline in the vicinity of Patullos Lane and the Hume Hwy in Somerton. Because the pipeline was not damaged and the company had not come to ESVs attention beforehand, it was decided that a warning letter should be sent. Tottenham In this incident, ESV investigated the circumstances regarding unauthorised excavation work near a gas transmission pipeline in Indwe St Tottenham.
In its enquiries, ESV ascertained that the plumber involved had obtained the required Dial Before You Dig (DYBD) information and had telephoned the radio room of the distribution company to arrange for an inspector to be present. Due to the urgency of the works and a communication problem, an inspector was not dispatched to the site in the time frame requested by the plumber. The plumber started excavation work, however, when technically he should not have done so until an inspector was present on the site. Because the incident did not result in any damage to the pipeline, the plumber received a warning letter only. Warragul In this incident, a gas company patrol officer came across a contractor installing playground equipment in a park directly over a pipeline. The work was stopped and the equipment removed. ESVs enquiries revealed that the parties involved in the project had failed to obtain the required DBYD plans before starting work or sought the required permit from the pipeline owner. Because there was no damage to the asset and because the parties had assured ESV that they had revised the way in which they will carry out such works in the future, it was decided to send warning letters.
The warning letters advised that unauthorised work within the vicinity of transmission pipelines was an offence under the Gas Safety Act 1997 carrying maximum penalties of $2000 for individuals and over $10,000 for companies. A criminal conviction may also be imposed, said the letter. While no action would be taken against those responsible on this occasion, the warning letters contained a blunt message: However, consider this to be a first and final warning. Should you come to our attention in the future for a similar offence, ESV will not hesitate in commencing legal proceedings.
Too close the yellow line indicates the location of the gas transmission pipe at one of the sites investigated by ESV
Acting WorkCover Chief Executive Officer Rob Thomson said it is important that employers and workers involved in gas installations are aware of the associated risks. It is essential that adequate measures are taken to purge large volume gas installations and any associated appliances to the safest location and away from potential ignition sources, Mr Thomson said. It is important that purging of a gas installation should be completed and verified before maintenance or repair work is commenced on the system. Work in high-risk areas, such as those with flammable material, should be conducted with extreme care, ensuring appropriate and safe systems of work are in place that comply with relevant standards and industry codes of practice, he said.
Purging is carried out to avoid the possibility of an explosive air and gas mixture forming in piping, appliances or confined spaces and risk controls include considering the type of gas, its pressure and the size of the installation ensuring: >>the purge is carried out in accordance with network operators procedures >>the purge outlet is at least six metres away from ignition sources and building openings >>there is no smoking in the purge area >>the purge is carried out by appropriately trained personnel Copies of relevant standards can be obtained by contacting Standards Australia on 1300 654 646 or by visiting
One word of caution though when referring to this standard is that the temperature limitations are very important when it comes to using any material particularly composite pipe in the following forms: >>Polyethylene/aluminium/polyethylene (PE/ AL/PE) to AS 4176 and Crosslinked polyethylene/aluminium/polyethylene (PE-X/ AL/PE) composite pipe. >>Inner cross-linked polyethylene layer to ISO 14531-1. The temperature limitation on these two forms of composite pipe and fittings is 60C and 80C respectively and they should not be used in any applications where these temperatures would be exceeded. A Plumber/Gasfitter installer should take into consideration these 60C and 80C temperature limitations prior to designing or costing an installation where these temperatures may be compromised and where necessary another material should be considered. As described in Table 3.1 composite pipe as detailed in AS 4176 and ISO 14531-1 is not permitted for use as a final connection to an appliance. A final connection is considered to be at the end of the gas fitting line and is the last connection to the appliance. Some manufacturers today supply a flexible connection along with a gas isolating valve with their appliance that is all very similar to what a standard domestic mains pressure storage hot water incorporates. An isolating gas valve and flexible connection that was often a short length of 12mm copper tube. Any similarity ends there, when the manufacturer provides the flexible connection and isolating valve with the appliance it is considered part of the appliance and to meet the Australian Standard for that appliance it
is tested as a whole with the appliance and becomes the connection point for the gas fitting line final connection unlike other appliances that have their final connection at the gas control valve of the appliance as is the case with a mains pressure storage hot water service. The reality of this is with a mains pressure storage hot water service the final connection is the 12mm copper tube after the isolating valve. Where an isolating valve and flexible lead is supplied by the manufacturer the final connection is prior to the inlet of the isolating valve. As depicted in the attached photograph the yellow composite pipe is the final connection and would be subject to radiated heat. Locating composite pipe in a roof space requires due consideration as well, as temperatures can soar in these areas particularly where experience has found composite pipe between the insulation and a metal deck roof would be quite susceptible under the right conditions and exceed temperature limits. There is no formula or reference details as to the temperatures within any given appliance or building structure so the responsibility for determining where and when composite pipe can be used falls squarely on the Plumber/Gasfitter installer, should an incident arise litigation may follow.
The foundations of a worthy training program are consistent and quality training and employment experiences that match the industry standards. The Secure 4 Years Apprenticeship Alliance will provide just that, with the formation of consortiums of contractors from various parts of the industry (commercial, domestic, industrial, data and telecommunications) who will share apprentices via structured rotations. This change in culture will ensure apprentices are always working and for longer periods of time. The attached diagram shows that industry consortiums can be set up for apprentices to rotate amongst like-minded contractors, with the opportunity to transfer into other industry consortiums. This means that when contractors join a consortium they attain apprentices with the relevant industry skill sets to match their business. The benefits to host employers (contractors) who join the program are: >>A discounted charge-out rate >>An incentive of $1500 after 12 months
>>A tailored recruitment process (if requiring an apprentice for > 12months) >>Apprentices are geared up and ready to work. >>10% discount on training with the victec skills centre (eg Project Management, Inspectors training, Renewable Energy, White Card etc). >>If contractors also employ a 370 traineeship business administration, information technology or finance trainee, an incentive of $1000 will be forwarded upon their completion. >> On completion of apprenticeships, contractors have the opportunity to select quality trained, well skilled trades people to assist their business. There are numerous contractors that employ their own apprentices and use victec apprenticeships as top up labour. Our question to you is, why not join the Secure 4 Years Apprenticeship Alliance and commit to all apprentices you engage to have positive work experiences and the security of valuable host employers nurturing the future trades people of Victoria. For further information about the program or to join, call Alan Lambert on 0417 304 289.
Steve of Lysterfield South currently has two second year apprentices working for him and both these apprentices started with him as first year apprentices and have continued to work full time over the past twelve months. To facilitate training in all aspects of the electrical industry, Steve with the assistance of Peter Allen was able to engage the electrical sub contractors that work with Steve to register as host employers of apprentices through the 370 degrees group. They were therefore able to ensure that the apprentices could move between three different employers associated with Steves network and maintain full time employment and training. The 370 degrees group award night recognises the outstanding achievements of the groups best apprentices and trainees.
The group also awards their quality host employers who provide a solid commitment to training and quality work experiences for apprentices and trainees.
ESV serves infringement notice for unapproved power supply and cord set
A Melbourne suburban megastore has been served with a $2,336 infringement notice by ESV for offering to supply prescribed electrical equipment without approval at the Home Show & Garden Expo which was held at the Melbourne Exhibition Centre in August this year.
The megastore was offering to supply a foot massager for $229, with an associated power supply and cord set components, without evidence of approval in contravention of Section 57(2) of the Electricity Safety Act 1998. The store had been advised earlier in the year of the requirements under Sections 54 & 57(2) of the Act to provide compliant electrical equipment in relation to other products they supply.
A link was also provided to a full list of Prescribed Electrical Equipment available for downloading from tabid/184/Default.aspx The list included: Power supply or charger, defined as an electrical device which (a) provides an output not exceeding 50 V a.c. or 120 V ripple free d.c.; and (b is a type to provide supply to separate luminaires; or (c) is a household type for either charging batteries or to provide a supply to separate equipment. ESV Enforcement Officer Trevor Hudson told energysafe he was therefore surprised to find that the cord set was fitted with a European plug requiring a travel adaptor. The company had been previously advised in writing that on electrical equipment, any fitted plug or pins for direct insertion into a socket outlet shall comply with AS/NZS 3112:2004, Approval and test specification Plugs and socket-outlets. This standard also requires that the active and neutral plug pins be of the insulated type from 3 April 2005. It was fortunate that Trevor chose to audit on the first day of the Home Show & Garden Expo, as the company had not sold any of the unapproved equipment before he directed them to remove it from sale. When issuing the infringement notices ESV wrote that it is very concerned that the company continued to supply various models of PowerSaver Battery Chargers without evidence of electrical safety approval, even though the company had received numerous requests since October 2008 to either provide proof of approval, or withdraw the unapproved battery chargers from supply. The company has again been advised that, under Section 57(2) of the Electricity Safety Act 1998 (the Act) A person must not supply or offer to supply electrical equipment prescribed under subsection (1) unless the equipment (a) is approved by ESV and is marked as prescribed; or (b) is approved by a prescribed authority or, under the regulations, is deemed to be approved; or
(c) is certified in accordance with a prescribed method or prescribed process. The company was told that the electrical equipment being supplied without electrical safety approval is not in accordance with Section 57(2) of the Act. The penalty for noncompliance is up to $4,537 for a natural person and in the case of a body corporate up to $22,684. ESV advised that under the Electrical Safety (Infringements) Regulations 2000, ESV may also serve Infringement Notices for any failure to comply with the Act. The penalty for an Infringement Notice ranges from $454 to $2,268 for each breach. Apart from imposing the fines, ESV also directed the company to immediately withdraw the equipment from supply.
The following information will help you complete the form correctly, speed up your request and minimize our request for further information. Incomplete applications will be rejected and returned to the applicant. Applications are to be sent prior to commencement of work or within 24 hours of an EMERGENCY REPAIR or CHANGE OVER APPLIANCE.
Family Name Given Name(s) Business Address Suburb Mobile Phone Number Email Address
Post Code
Statement of Compliance must be signed by a person licensed by the Plumbing Industry Commission (PIC) for the specific class of work, or person authorised by Energy Safe Victoria (ESV). If you are not required to give information in some parts of the form, leave the form blank. DO NOT mark or cross them out. print within the boxes in print within the circle with an
Fax Number
Installation Address Suburb
Post Code
Fax Number
For EMERGENCY REPAIR or CHANGE OVER APPLIANCE ONLY, retrospective applications may be accepted provided a Consumer Piping Test Report and Compliance Notice (as per SCHEDULE 11) is attached to the application.
Emergency Repair Yes No
Installation Type
Building Type
Applications must be accurate: It is a criminal offence under Section 100 of the Gas Safety Act 1997 to make false or misleading information to an inspector.
Gas Load Exceeding 3800MJ/h complete SECTION ONE, START WORK NOTICE and submit SCHEDULE 8
Shop Floor
Pressure Exceeding 200kPa complete SECTION ONE, START WORK NOTICE and submit SCHEDULE 8
FORM ESVGA090601-P8 1
All Type A appliances are certified? Yes No
If Yes, go to OTHER
Installation Address Suburb
SCHEDULE 10 & 11
Appliance Location Basement Plant Room Ceiling Kitchen Commercial Kitchen Domestic Class Room Industrial Shop Floor Roof External Yard External Flueing Natural Draft Mechanical Natural Via another Room Combined Unflued Canopy Ventilation Natural Direct Mechanical Natural Via another Room Combined Protection of Combustible Surfaces Are Combustable Surfaces Present?
(i.e. Timber wall behind cooking equipment)
Installations Residential - Greater than 5 Storeys Less than 10 Stories Residential - Where Type B appliance
has been installed
Type A (General) Cook Top Free Standing Cooker Oven Refrigerator Griller / BBQ Room Heater Wall Furnace Decorative Log Fire Central Heater Radiant Tube Heater Radiant Heater Patio Heater Laundry Dryer Hot Water System (Cont) Hot Water System Inst Hot Water System Storage Pool / Spa Heater
Post Code
Commercial Hospital / Aged Care School / Training Centre Day Care Centre Children Correctional Facility Restuarant Shopping Centre (incl Food Court) Retail (i.e. Shop) Place of Assembly (Church) Hotel / Motel / Backpackers etc. Community Services Buildings Mobile Installation (e.g. catering) Marine Craft of ANY type Gymnasiums Caravan Parks Commercial Building
Schedule 10
I certify that this Gas installation will meet the requirements of the GAS SAFETY ACT 1997 and GAS SAFETY (Gas Installation) Regulations 2008
Date (ddmmyy)
Print Name
Industrial Industrial Fuel Type Natural Gas LPG Fuel Conversion FROM Natural Gas LPG TO Natural Gas LPG
Commercial Catering (AS4563) Cook Top Oven Wood/Gas Fire Pizza Oven Combination Steamer Oven Bio / Other Oven Pizza & Others Gas / Air / Oxy mix Tandoori Oven Griller / Solid Plate /Target Top BBQ / Char Grill Other (specify) Fryer Range Chinese Cooking Table Salamander Other (specify) Rotisserie Pasta & Rice Cooker Other Appliance Information Type B appliance installed? Yes No All Type A appliances are certified? Yes No
Schedule 11
Yes No Fire Protection Systems Is there a Sprinkler System present in the building? No Yes - Appliance Not Affected when Fire Equipment Operates Yes - Appliance Shuts Off when Fire Equipment Operates
I certify that this Gas installation meets the requirements of the GAS SAFETY ACT 1997 and that the required tests have been carried out and it will be safe for Gas to be made available to the consumer.
Volatiles Presents (including Dust) Application made for Non-Certified Type A appliances? Yes No Yes No
Date (ddmmyy)
Metering / Supply Pressure 0 KPa - 2.75 kPa 2.76 KPa - 7 kPa Exceeds 7 kPa
Print Name
(involved with Gas Works)
FORM ESVGA090601-P8 2
ESV_Advert(LIVE).indd 1
26/5/08 4:23:03 PM