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RouteNGN LCR (Least Cost Routing) Platform Manual

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RouteNGN User Manual

February 2011
Table of Contents
Overview ................................................................................................................................................... 6
Call Flow ............................................................................................................................................... 6
Redundancy........................................................................................................................................... 9
SIP Options Ping ................................................................................................................................... 9
Icons ........................................................................................................................................................ 11
Edit ...................................................................................................................................................... 11
Delete .................................................................................................................................................. 11
Undo .................................................................................................................................................... 11
Save ..................................................................................................................................................... 11
Add ...................................................................................................................................................... 11
Rate ..................................................................................................................................................... 12
Apply................................................................................................................................................... 12
Global Settings ........................................................................................................................................ 13
Login ................................................................................................................................................... 13
Email ................................................................................................................................................... 13
Password ............................................................................................................................................. 13
Company ............................................................................................................................................. 13
Failure Code ........................................................................................................................................ 13
Redirect Code ...................................................................................................................................... 13
TG Tag ................................................................................................................................................ 13
TG Tag Format.................................................................................................................................... 13
Profit Threshold .................................................................................................................................. 14
Inline Contact ...................................................................................................................................... 14
Carrier Setup ........................................................................................................................................... 15
Carriers ................................................................................................................................................ 15
Groups ................................................................................................................................................. 15
Inbound Group ................................................................................................................................ 15
NAME ......................................................................................................................................... 15
In/Out .......................................................................................................................................... 15
Prefix ........................................................................................................................................... 15
Strip Digits .................................................................................................................................. 16
Margin ......................................................................................................................................... 16
Block Region............................................................................................................................... 16
ANI Strip Digits .......................................................................................................................... 16
RN Prefix .................................................................................................................................... 16
Trunk Group ................................................................................................................................ 16
Route via Selector ....................................................................................................................... 16
Route Table Selection ................................................................................................................. 16
Outbound Group ............................................................................................................................. 17
NAME ......................................................................................................................................... 17
In/Out .......................................................................................................................................... 17
Prefix ........................................................................................................................................... 17
DN Strip Digits ........................................................................................................................... 18
Trunk Group ................................................................................................................................ 18
Time of Day / Day of Week Routing .................................................................................................... 18
End Points ........................................................................................................................................... 18
Dynamic Vendor IP .................................................................................................................... 19
Percentage Routing ..................................................................................................................... 19
Regions................................................................................................................................................ 19
Adding Dial Codes Manually ............................................................................................................. 19
Importing Dial Codes .......................................................................................................................... 20
Rates .................................................................................................................................................... 21
Routes...................................................................................................................................................... 24
Best Match .................................................................................................................................. 24
Best Rate ..................................................................................................................................... 24
Route Tables ....................................................................................................................................... 25
LCR Route Tables ............................................................................................................................... 26
Domestic Route Tables ....................................................................................................................... 26
Generating LCR .................................................................................................................................. 27
Maximum Route Depth ............................................................................................................... 27
Clear Customized Routes ............................................................................................................ 28
Clear Block Routes ..................................................................................................................... 28
Changing Route Priorities ................................................................................................................... 29
Block Vendor Routes .......................................................................................................................... 30
Changing Rates ................................................................................................................................... 31
Search .................................................................................................................................................. 31
Route Table Download ....................................................................................................................... 32
Trouble Shooting..................................................................................................................................... 32
Call Logs ............................................................................................................................................. 33
Sample Call Log.............................................................................................................................. 33
Appendix A: Genband S3 4.0c3-xx RouteNGN Configuration Guide ............................................... 36
Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 36
RouteNGN Endpoint Configuration ........................................................................................... 36
Appendix B: Genband S3 v4.3m7 RouteNGN Configuration Guide: ................................................ 41
Introduction: ................................................................................................................................ 41
RouteNGN GUI Endpoint Configuration ................................................................................... 41
Global Configure CLI for H.323 End Point ................................................................................ 45
Appendix C: RouteNGN to GenBand S3 H.323 DTG Termination Endpoint and Reporting .......... 46
Introduction: ................................................................................................................................ 46
RouteNGN DTG Global Configuration ...................................................................................... 46
RouteNGN Carrier Endpoint Configuration ............................................................................... 48
S3 RouteNGN Endpoint Configuration ...................................................................................... 49
S3 H.323 Endpoint Configuration .............................................................................................. 51
S3 Call Verification .................................................................................................................... 54
Appendix D: RouteNGN to GenBand S3 H.323 Termination Endpoint Prefixing ........................... 55
Introduction: ................................................................................................................................ 55
RouteNGN Carrier Group Configuration ................................................................................... 55
S3 RouteNGN Endpoint Configuration ...................................................................................... 56
S3 H.323 Endpoint Configuration .............................................................................................. 58
S3 H.323 Endpoint Calling Plan ................................................................................................. 61
S3 Call Verification .................................................................................................................... 65
The RouteNGN is a high capacity, carrier grade, flexible routing platform. It was designed and built to
augment the routing capabilities of SIP compatible devices (SIP Devices). It is a stateless system and
therefore does not and does not generate CDRs or limit concurrent sessions.

Call Flow
While it can be deployed in a variety of locations in a network, it is recommended that the RouteNGN
is located behind an SBC or Soft Switch.

In most cases users configure their SIP Devices with very basic routing. The primary role the SIP
Device plays in routing will be to identify the customer sending the traffic. One method of
accomplishing this is via tech-prefixing (this will be covered in detail in the Carrier Groups section).

The RouteNGN provides routing instructions to SIP Devices via a 300 Redirect message and is capable
of sending multiple route choices in a single redirect message.

sample call flow:

A sample ladder diagram:
The RouteNGN is configured in a 1+1 configuration. Upon the initiation of the service, users are
provided with a DNS address as well as a primary and secondary signaling IP addresses. Ideally, users
should configure their SIP Device(s) to signal to the DNS address. If users SIP Device(s) are not
capable of routing to a DNS address, use the IP addresses. All updates to the system will propagate to
both the primary and secondary servers after changes are Applied. (see 'Apply' below). Many times the
updates will take effect on the servers within sixty seconds of applying them. On rare occasions, it can
take up to 10 minutes for changes to propagate across the network.

SIP Options Ping

The RouteNGN supports a SIP OPTIONS ping, sometimes referred to as a “SIP Heartbeat”. If the
RouteNGN receives a SIP OPTIONS from a known device, it will respond with a 200 OK message if it
is functioning normally.
An overview of call flow with both primary and secondary clusters configured:

The RouteNGN web interface was designed to be as streamlined as possible. Our designers have taken
great care to minimize superfluous buttons and keep a consistent look and feel throughout the system.
There are a few icons that users should become familiar with.


The edit icon appears in almost all the screens in the RouteNGN interface. It will allow users to change
the properties of an element in the system. The edit icon is always located within the element that it


The Delete icon will permanently remove elements in the system. It will also remove all associations
to that element. For example if a user deletes a Region it will also delete the Locale and all associated
Dial Codes. The Delete feature will always ask the user if he or she is certain they wish to perform this


The Undo icon allows the user to exit the edit window without saving changes.


The Save icon saves any changes the user has made in the edit window.


The Add button allows the user to add an additional element to the data window it refers to. It is
clicked after the information is added into the text box located next to it.

The Rate button allows the user to check how many of each rate type is associated with a Carrier or
Carrier Group.


Any changes made to the system will not take affect until you press the apply button. As soon as
users add, remove or make a change to an element or change routing, the Apply button will begin
to slowly blink as a reminder that changes have yet to take affect on the active servers. Users not
need to press the Apply button after every change but only once he or she is ready for the
changes to take affect. Please note that changes will be stored in the system and can be applied at
a later time even if the user logs out and/or closes his or her browser.
Global Settings
To view the Global Settings navigate to [HOME DASHBOARD]. Click EDIT on the right hand side
to modify these settings.

Modify the GUI username here.

Modify user’s email here.

Modify GUI password here. Note that you will have to also enter the identical information in the
Confirm Password field.

Modify company name here.

Failure Code
The Failure Code field is for setting globally the call failure code which defaults to 503 Not Found.
This may be configured to any SIP value greater than 4xx. Note you must populate the field with a
number followed by any text. For example: 503 Not Found.

Redirect Code
The Redirect Code field is for setting globally the redirect code which defaults to 300 Redirect. This
may be modified to a 302 Redirect or any other redirect code that may work for the signaling SIP
device. Consult your SIP device manufacturer for proper format. Note you must populate the field
with a number followed by any text. For example: 302 Redirect.

TG Tag
This field is for setting the outbound or destination trunk group tag. Many plat forms support TGRP or
DTG. In certain instance it may be case sensitive. Consult your SIP device manufacturer for proper

TG Tag Format
TG tag Formats sets the placement for the trunk group tag in the redirect message contact header. The
two choices are as follows:


DN = Destination Number
IP = IP address or Fully Qualified Domain Name
dtg = Destination Trunk Group Indicator – Note this will be in the format indicated in
the TG Tag field
XXXX = The Destination Trunk Group Tag as defined in the outbound EndPoint Group

Profit Threshold
Enables or disables Profit Threshold Routing.

Inline Contact
The Contact Header in the redirect message may be formatted in two ways.

Contact: <sip:DN@IP1>
Contact: <sip:DN@IP2>
Contact: <sip:DN@IP3>

Contact: sip:DN@IP1, DN@IP2, DN@IP3

DN = Destination Number
IPx = IP address or Fully Qualified Domain Name and x = route choice
Carrier Setup

The Carrier setup page can be found by navigating to [TABLES-->CARRIERS]. Carriers are defined
as the customers and vendors that the end user is peered with. Carriers can be broken out to Groups
and Groups can have within them multiple End Points (SIP Peers). Each of these items is broken out
into individual data windows. The data windows should always be reference from left to right.

Start by entering a Carrier name in the text box labeled 'New Carrier' at the bottom of the Carrier data
window and pressing ENTER or clicking on the Add icon. When clicking on the Carrier listed in the
Carrier data window, the user will see a text box labeled 'New Group' below the Groups data window.

Groups are found in center data window on the Carrier setup page [TABLES-->CARRIERS]. Carriers
have a one too many relationship with Groups and all routing is done on the Group level. Groups are
defined as the features associated with an End Point or End Points (SIP Peers).

Enter a Group name in the text box labeled 'New Group' at the bottom of the Group data window and
pressing ENTER or clicking on the Add icon.

Inbound Group
Inbound Groups are set up for traffic coming to the RouteNGN. Users can set the properties of a
Group by clicking on the Edit next to the Group name.

The top field in an inbound group is for Carrier Group Name

To the right of the name, users have the option to define a Group as inbound (traffic FROM customers)
or outbound (traffic TO vendors). For inbound Groups, select IN.

The field below the name field is for any inbound Prefix the user may be expecting. Prefixes may be
up to 10 digits long and ALWAYS end with a pound (#) sign which will be automatically stripped by
the RouteNGN before routing the call. Prefixing the DN is one option that can be used to select a LCR
or Domestic routing table.
Strip Digits
Below the prefix field is the Strip Digits field. It will strip the pattern specified in this field.
Example, for the call 91-11-4365211:
Strip Digits field is set to 9111 the call will get routed as '4365211'.

Below the strip digits field is the Margin field. This represents the minimum margin required for a
Group. It is defaulted at 0, which implies that the user will not route any calls for a loss. If the margin
field is set at '10' the minimum margin for any route returned will be 10%. Setting this field to a -100
disables any margin calculation when profit threshold is enabled.

Block Region
Below the Margin field is the Block Region field. The RouteNGN allows users to create “black lists”
of ANIs on a per endpoint group basis

ANI Strip Digits

Below the Block Region field is the ANI Strip Digits field. It's function is identical to the Strip Digits
field above, except it modifies the ANI.

RN Prefix
Below the ANI Strip Digits field is the RN Prefix Field. This field allows users to pre-pend a LRN
with the pattern in this field. This is used for routing purposes only and this prefix will be stripped
before it is returned in the 300 message.

Trunk Group
Below the ANI Strip Digits is the Trunk Group field. The RouteNGN can identify Trunk Groups which
use either the OTG or TGRP format. These may be located in either the “To” “From” or “Contact”

Route via Selector

Below the Trunk Group field is the Route Via selector. RouteNGN allows users to route calls based on
DN, RN or ANI when using either a LCR or Jurisdictional Routing Tables.

Route Table Selection

Below the Margin field is the Route Table menu. This pull-down list will contain all configured Route
Tables [see the Route Table Section below on how to create and configure Route Tables]. Inbound
Groups will route traffic according to the priorities set in the associated Route Table.
Outbound Group
Outbound Groups are set up for traffic sent out from the RouteNGN. Users can set the properties of a
Group by clicking on the Edit next to the Group name.

The top field in an outbound group is for Carrier Group Name

To the right of the name, users have the option to define a Group as inbound (traffic FROM customers)
or outbound (traffic TO vendors). For outbound Groups, select OUT.

Users may add an outbound Prefix of up to 10 digits in this field. The Prefix will be pre-pended to the
beginning of the dialed number before it is sent out to the Group it is associated with.
DN Strip Digits
This field is will strip from the DN the pattern specified. If a the Prefix filed is populated the digits
being stripped will be after the prefix.

Trunk Group
Below the Strip Digits field is the Trunk Group field. By populating this field the RouteNGN will
insert a destination trunk group in the 300 redirect message contact header using the following the
defined TG format [see Global Settings section]..

Time of Day / Day of Week Routing

Time of day or day of week routing may be implemented by clicking on the radial button and
indicating the times and/or days when the End Point Group should be taking calls.

End Points
End Points are found in right-most data window on the Carrier setup page [TABLES-->CARRIERS].
Groups have a one too many relationships with End Points. End Points are SIP Peers.
Enter an IP address in the text box labeled 'New Carrier' at the bottom of the Carrier data window and
press ENTER or click on the Add icon. Add all the IP addresses which are to be included in the carrier

Dynamic Vendor IP
Using an IP address for the vendor IP will cause the RouteNGN to automatically populate the IP
address as the Inbound Group IP. This is useful if the same vendor is used on two different Inbound
SIP devices.

Percentage Routing
All traffic is split evenly between Endpoints. For example if there are two different endpoints
configured for an endpoint group (End Point A and End Point B), 50% of the time End Point A will
have a higher priority and 50% of the time End Point B will have a higher priority. Therefore to split
the traffic in a different manner, users may enter the same End Point multiple times.

The Carrier setup page can be found by clicking on [TABLES-->REGIONS]. The Regions table is the
master dial code table within the RouteNGN. Regions have a one too many relationship with Locales,
and Locales have a one too many relationship with Dial Codes. All routing is controlled on the Locale

Regions, Locales and Dial Codes may be added manually or via the Import function.

Adding Dial Codes Manually

Start by entering a Region name in the text box labeled 'New Region' at the bottom of the Regions data
window and pressing ENTER or clicking on the Add icon. When the region listed in the Region data
window, click on it and you should see a text box labeled 'New Locale' below the Groups data window.
To add a Dial Code for a Locale, click on the Locale and populate the New Dial Code text box below
the Dial Code data window.
Importing Dial Codes
Importing codes is the fastest way to define large amounts of Regions and Locales in the RouteNGN.
The file should be in CSV (Comma Separated Value) format and should have the following layout.

Region,Locale,Dial Code


Please note that header rows should not be included in the import format.
To import a file, click on the UPLOAD link [TABLES-->UPLOAD] from anywhere in the TABLES
menu. A modal will drop down. Click on the REGIONS button. Then click Browse to search the
users computer or network drives for the Regions file you wish to upload. Once the user has selected
the proper file, click upload. Users will see a success message once the operation is complete. Any
errors in the upload will output to a file that users have the option of downloading.

Customer and supplier rates are uploaded into the system in the same manner. The uploaded file
should be in CSV (Comma Separated Value) format and should have the following layout.

Dial Code,Rate

Please note that header rows should not be included in the import format. The database can import and
store rates to the 1/10,000th of a cent though the interface will only give detail of up to 1/100th of a cent.
To import a file, click on the UPLOAD link [TABLES-->UPLOAD] from anywhere in the TABLES
menu. A modal will drop down. Click on the RATES button. Click on the Carrier and then select the
Group or Groups you wish to apply the rates to. Next, click on the type of rate to be uploaded (LCR,
Inter-State, Intra-State, or Undefined). Then click Browse to search your computer or network drives
for the Rates file to be upload. Select the proper file, click upload. Users will receive a success
message once the operation is complete. Any errors in the upload will output to a file that users have
the option of downloading.
Routes are broken up into two categories, LCR and Domestic Routing. LCR (B-Number Only) routing
takes does not take the Region into consideration when determining how to route a call. Domestic
Routing (Jurisdictional) takes both the Region and Locale into consideration when routing.

Routing is broken out into two categories: Best Match and Best Rate:

Best Match
RouteNGN uses the following order to set route order for Best Match Routing:
1. Best Code Match*
} Profit Threshold Met?
2. End Point Group Priority

*NOTE: RouteNGN may be configured to return multiple locales for all digit matched not just one.

Best Rate
RouteNGN uses the following order to set route order for Best Rate Routing
1. Best Price for all possible code matches
2. Code Match
} Profit Threshold Met?
3. End Point Group Priority
Route Tables
The system allows users to add multiple Route Tables. To add a Route Table, enter the name of the
table to be added in the text box directly beneath the type of table you wish to add. The top row is for
LCR tables and the bottom row is for Domestic tables. When finished press [ENTER] and it will
automatically open that table.
LCR Route Tables
LCR routes are typically used for international call routing or flat rate domestic routes. Calls that use
LCR tables will be routed using the dialed number, ANI, or the RN only.

Domestic Route Tables

Domestic Route tables are typically used for Jurisdictional or Inter/Intra state routing. Domestic Route
Tables are broken out into three sub-tables. Inter-State, Intra-State, and Undefined. Calls that are
routed using Domestic Routing will first seek to determine if the ANI (A-Number) and the DNIS (B-
Number) are in the same Region. If they are it is considered Intra-State. If they are not it is considered
Inter-State. If it cannot be determined, as in internationally originated traffic for example, it is
considered Undefined.
Generating LCR
New tables are created without any routing built. The system will generate routing using the carriers
specified by the user and will automatically sort route choices in ascending rate order. Routing is
generated by clicking on the Update LCR button located on the tool bar on the upper right-hand corner
of the interface which will cause a modal to drop down. Select the Outbound Groups to be included in
this table. Click Apply. When the success message appears, it will automatically exit out of the modal
and bring the user back to the main Route page. Any time the Generate LCR function is used it will
update routing priorities for the entire table or sub-table. An APPLY is needed to make the changes
become active.

Maximum Route Depth

This feature prohibits the amount of vendor routes returned in a LCR or Domestic routing table. The
default is set to 5 which would allow five or fewer vendors to be returned per route. Acceptable values
are from 1 to 21.
Clear Customized Routes
Checking this will remove all manual route changes. See Section Changing Route Priorities for further
information about this feature.

Clear Block Routes

Checking this will remove all blocked vendors. See Section Block Vendor Routes for further
information about this feature.
Changing Route Priorities
In the Route Table Screen, route priorities are listed in descending order from left to right. The route
closest to the Region/Locale has the highest priority for those set of codes on that Route Table. To
change the priority order of a route, click on a route and drag it to the right or left and drop it in the
location desired. An APPLY is NOT needed to make changes active. In addition, updating the LCR
will not remove manually configured route changes.
Manual route changes will persist after an update LCR is generated. To remove the route changes the
user has two options. The first is to manually slide the routes back to the original location which will
NOT require the user to press the APPLY button. Option two, is to check the “Clear Customized
Routes” radio button, found on the Update LCR screen, which will allow the re-ordering of all changes
back to the original LCR based on rate amount. After implementing option two, the user must press the
APPLY button to make the changes become active.
Block Vendor Routes
To block a vendor from being returned based on a certain locale in a 3xx message, click on the edit
icon on the vendor locale block, and then click on the radio button. Press the check mark icon to save
the change. An APPLY will NOT be needed to make the changes active.

Configured blocks will persist after an update LCR is generated. To remove blocks you have two
options. The first is to manually uncheck all vendor(s) locales that where blocked. This option will not
require the user to press the APPLY button. Option two is to check the “Clear Blocked Routes” radio
button, found on the Update LCR careen, which will remove all blocks to all vendors. After
implementing option two, the user must press the APPLY button to make the changes become active.
Changing Rates
To change a rate manually, click on the edit icon in the routes page of the rate to be modified. This will
open a call out box where uses can edit the rate of the destination. Editing a rate in the routes screen
will modify the rate wherever it is used in the system.

Regions, Locals or Dial Codes may be searched for in a Route Table. The search window is located on
the left hand side of the tool bar. Select Region, Locale or Dial Code in the pull down list and type
what is being searched for in the search window. The system will begin searching as soon as
something is typed into the window. There is no need to press [ENTER].
Route Table Download
To download a copy of the route table, click on the downward facing arrow located to the left of the
Update LCR button in the tool bar.

Trouble Shooting
To search for a Call Log in the system, navigate to [HOME]-->[RECORDS]. Enter the complete
dialed number of the call to search. The system stores calls for six hours.
Call Logs

Sample Call Log


INVITE sip:3000#[email protected] SIP/2.0

Max-Forwards: 69
Session-Expires: 3600;refresher=uac
Supported: timer
To: <sip:[email protected]>
From: "TEST" <sip:[email protected]:5060>;tag=as3d95add9
Contact: <sip:[email protected]:5060>
Call-ID: [email protected]
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK121cdf9872e58ed9a88b5bac81fb8fa4
Content-Type: application/sdp
Content-Length: 273
o=Nextone-MSW 19458 19458 IN IP4
s=sip call
c=IN IP4
t=0 0
m=audio 33854 RTP/AVP 18 101
a=silenceSupp:off - - - -
a=fmtp:101 0-16
a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000
a=fmtp:18 annexb=no
a=rtpmap:18 G729/8000

Setting account by source IP:
Selecting routing module
Source IP:
Dialed Digits: 19565463646
Prefix: 3000#
Creating new routing module
Setting up query
Using prefix and source IP to determine instance
Making instance query
strip_digits is: 1
src epg: 35
strip_digits is not null
Got strip_digits:1
start of dialed number 19565463646 matches strip digits 1
dialed number is now: 9565463646
Got append digit data null , null , null
Using II
Got instance: 1
ANI: 8665160115
DN: 9565463646
Making route query
type is: undef
Got customer rate: 0.0059
Setting up query
Making route query
Using best digit match routing
Matched digits: 956546
Using profit threshold
Margin: 5
Customer rate: 0.0059
Supplier rate: 0.0051
Calculated margin: 13.559322033898297
Margin threshold met - appending route:
Matched digits: 956546
Using profit threshold
Margin: 5
Customer rate: 0.0059
Supplier rate: 0.0054
Calculated margin: 8.474576271186434
Margin threshold met - appending route:
Matched digits: 956546
Using profit threshold
Margin: 5
Customer rate: 0.0059
Supplier rate: 0.0062
Calculated margin: -5.084745762711863
Margin threshold failed - route:
Matched digits: 956546
Using profit threshold
Margin: 5
Customer rate: 0.0059
Supplier rate: 0.0065
Calculated margin: -10.169491525423727
Margin threshold failed - route:
Matched digits: 956546
Using profit threshold
Margin: 5
Customer rate: 0.0059
Supplier rate: 0.0069
Calculated margin: -16.949152542372882
Margin threshold failed - route:
Matched digits: 956546
Using profit threshold
Margin: 5
Sending reply from ip: cpxx.routeNGN.net

SIP/2.0 300 Redirect
To: <sip:[email protected]>;tag=1994752474
From: "TEST" <sip:[email protected]:5060>;tag=as3d95add9
Call-ID: [email protected]
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK121cdf9872e58ed9a88b5bac81fb8fa4
Contact: sip:[email protected], sip:[email protected]
Appendix A: Genband S3 4.0c3-xx RouteNGN Configuration Guide

This document illustrates the procedures needed to configure the General Telecom RouteNGN using
Full Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) in conjunction with the NexTone Session Border Controller
(SBC) running version 4.0c3-74. The How-To assumes that DNS has been set up and SBC can PING
the RouteNGN via the FQDN address.

RouteNGN Endpoint Configuration

From the tool bar select: EDIT > ADD > Endpoint
From the Device Type select SIP Proxy
Enter a name for the RouteNGN in the Registration ID: field
Port Number will automatically populate with zero
Enter the IP Address of the RouteNGN
Select a Calling Plan
Select the Realm on which the RouteNGN resides
Select IEdge Group

Select the Advanced tab.

Uncheck the Domain Match Flag

Select the Protocol tab.

In the Protocol tab confirm that only the SIP radio button is checked. Then click on the SIP Configure
Enter the FQDN, given to by General Telecom, in the Contact: field
Check the FQDN redundancy radio button
Select the OK button to go back to the Protocol tab.

Select the Calls tab

Check Unlimited for all three CAC setting.
Confirm that all three the radio buttons are unchecked for Media control

Select the OK button to save the endpoint. The RouteNGN end point is now configured and set-up for
Appendix B: Genband S3 v4.3m7 RouteNGN Configuration Guide:


This document illustrates the procedures needed to configure the General Telecom RouteNGN using
Full Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) in conjunction with the NexTone Session Border Controller
(SBC) running version 4.3m7. The How-To assumes that DNS has been set up and SBC can PING the
RouteNGN via the FQDN address.

RouteNGN GUI Endpoint Configuration

From the tool bar select: EDIT > ADD > Endpoint
From the Device Type select SIP Proxy
Enter a name for the RouteNGN in the Registration ID: field
Port Number will automatically populate with zero
Enter the IP Address of the RouteNGN
Select a Calling Plan
Select the Realm on which the RouteNGN resides

Select the Protocol tab.

In the Protocol tab confirm that only the SIP radio button is checked. Then click on the SIP Configure
Check the FQDN redundancy radio button
Enter the FQDN, given to by General Telecom, in the Contact: field
Select the OK button to go back to the Protocol tab.
Select the Calls tab

Check Unlimited for all three CAC setting.

Confirm that all three the radio buttons are unchecked for Media control

Select the OK button to save the endpoint.

Global Configure CLI for H.323 End Point

From the CLI of the S3 enter the following global configuration command to enable the S3 not to
append the INGRESS calling plan to the EGRESS end point when routed via a 300 message.

S3-MSX:~ # nxconfig.pl -e nosrcdnisrouteonlcf -v 1

S3-MSX:~ # nxconfig.pl -s nosrcdnisrouteonlcf

Attribute Information
Process Name : gis
Attr. Category: h323
Attr. Name : nosrcdnisrouteonlcf
Attr. Value : 1
Attr. Default : 0
Attr. Min Val : 0
Attr. Max Val : 1
Attr. Type : bool
Attr. Descr. : Configuration to not apply the ingress DNIS
route when doing a DB lookup for a number returned in the
LCF. Valid Values: 1 (Enable) | 0 (Disable)
Needs iServer Restart : no

S3-MSX:~ #

The RouteNGN end point is now configured and set-up for redundancy.
Appendix C: RouteNGN to GenBand S3 H.323 DTG Termination Endpoint
and Reporting


This document illustrates the procedures needed to configure the General Telecom RouteNGN to send
traffic to a termination providers H.323 gateway using the GenBand S3 Session Border Controller
(SBC) via Destination Trunk Group tagging (DTG). Following these instruction will also provide the
configuration to allow the proper display of terminating S3 Reg-ID in the Genbands GenView
(iVMS,RSM) reporting device.

NOTE: The below configuration only works on GenBand S3 release 4.0c3-xx and later.

RouteNGN DTG Global Configuration

From the HOME tab, select the edit button from the lower right.
In the TG TAG: field enter dtg
Select from the TG Tag Format: menu DN@IP;dtg=xxxx
Press the SAVE button
RouteNGN Carrier Endpoint Configuration

Add the Supplier/Vendor name to the Carriers column

Name the group in the Groups column
Enter a name for the DTG
In the End Points column enter the Realm Signaling IP address of the S3.

NOTE: In the above example the DTG name vendor is added to all dialed numbers to vendor Termin_Provider. The DTG
name is then used in the end point Termin_Provider configuration on the S3.
S3 RouteNGN Endpoint Configuration

Confirm that the DOMIAN MATCH flag is unchecked on the RouteNGN Endpoint.

From the Uport right mouse click: MODIFY

Select the Advanced tab.

Make sure that the Domain Match Flag is unchecked

S3 H.323 Endpoint Configuration

From the tool bar select: EDIT > ADD > Endpoint

From the Device Type select H.323 Gateway

Enter a name for the Gateway in the Registration ID: field
Port Number will automatically populate with zero
Enter the IP Address of the Gateway
Select the Realm
Select IEdge Group (Optional)
Select the Protocol tab

Make sure the H.323 radio button is the only item checked.
In the Dest. Trunk Group: field; enter the same name configured in the RouteNGN. In this
example vendor is used.
Select the Calls tab

Configure the Calls as required by your network. In this example the endpoint is configured to accept
inbound and terminate outgoing traffic with media being routed through the S3 SBC. Select the OK
button to save the endpoint.
S3 Call Verification

Lab_msc1:~ # tethereal -i any host or

44.015057> Request: INVITE sip:[email protected], with session description
44.015772> Status: 100 Trying
44.018230> SIP/SDP Request: INVITE sip:[email protected], with session description
44.046036 -> Status: 300 Redirect
44.046466> SIP Request: ACK sip:[email protected]
44.052960> 52776 > h323hostcall [SYN] Seq=0 Ack=0 Win=5840 Len=0 MSS=1460
TSV=1565609557 TSER=0 WS=2
44.095883> h323hostcall > 52776 [SYN, ACK] Seq=0 Ack=1 Win=65535 Len=0
44.095908> 52776 > h323hostcall [ACK] Seq=1 Ack=1 Win=5840 Len=0
44.096767> CS: setup OpenLogicalChannel
44.165341> CS: callProceeding OpenLogicalChannel
44.165363> 52776 > h323hostcall [ACK] Seq=318 Ack=127 Win=5840 Len=0
44.208316> CS: empty terminalCapabilitySet CS: empty
44.208338> 52776 > h323hostcall [ACK] Seq=318 Ack=332 Win=5840 Len=0
44.210158> CS: empty terminalCapabilitySet
44.210385> CS: empty masterSlaveDetermination
44.261909> h323hostcall > 52776 [ACK] Seq=332 Ack=504 Win=65535 Len=0
44.261944> CS: empty terminalCapabilitySetAck CS: empty
44.263033> CS: empty terminalCapabilitySetAck
44.303304> 52776 > h323hostcall [ACK] Seq=561 Ack=360 Win=5840 Len=0
44.321872> CS: empty masterSlaveDeterminationAck
44.321915> 52776 > h323hostcall [ACK] Seq=561 Ack=387 Win=5840 Len=0
46.992010> CS: alerting OpenLogicalChannel
46.992034> 52776 > h323hostcall [ACK] Seq=561 Ack=517 Win=5840 Len=0
46.994995> Status: 180 Ringing, with session description
56.806337> CS: connect OpenLogicalChannel
56.806370> 52776 > h323hostcall [ACK] Seq=561 Ack=660 Win=5840 Len=0
56.807331> Status: 200 OK, with session description
56.868175> Request: ACK sip:[email protected]:5060
59.236496> Request: BYE sip:[email protected]:5060
59.236874> Status: 200 OK
59.246915> CS: empty endSessionCommand
59.247225> CS: releaseComplete
59.247335> 52776 > h323hostcall [FIN, ACK] Seq=639 Ack=660 Win=5840 Len=0
59.290088> h323hostcall > 52776 [ACK] Seq=660 Ack=640 Win=65535 Len=0
59.302330> [TCP Previous segment lost] h323hostcall > 52776 [RST, ACK] Seq=661 Ack=640
Win=65535 Len=0
59.302348> [TCP Retransmission] h323hostcall > 52776 [FIN, ACK] Seq=660 Ack=640 Win=65535
59.302364> 52776 > h323hostcall [RST] Seq=640 Ack=87873149 Win=0 Len=0
Appendix D: RouteNGN to GenBand S3 H.323 Termination Endpoint


This document illustrates the procedures needed to configure the General Telecom RouteNGN to send
traffic to a termination provides H.323 gateway using the GenBand S3 Session Border Controller (SBC)
via prefixing.

NOTE: The below configuration works on GenBand S3 release 4.0c3-xx and later.

RouteNGN Carrier Group Configuration

Add the Supplier/Vendor name to the Carriers column

Name the group in the Groups column
In the End Points column enter the Realm Signaling IP address of the Nextone.

NOTE: Make sure you add a unique prefix to the dialed number in the Groups column. In the above example 7502#1 is
added to all dialed numbers to vendor H.323_Vendor. This prefix is then used to create the calling plan on the Nextone to
the supplier/vendor H.323 gateway.
S3 RouteNGN Endpoint Configuration

Confirm that the DOMIAN MATCH flag is unchecked on the RouteNGN Endpoint.

From the Uport right mouse click: MODIFY

Select the Advanced tab.

Make sure that the Domain Match Flag is unchecked

S3 H.323 Endpoint Configuration

From the tool bar select: EDIT > ADD > Endpoint

From the Device Type select H.323 Gateway

Enter a name for the Gateway in the Registration ID: field
Port Number will automatically populate with zero
Enter the IP Address of the Gateway
Select the Realm
Select IEdge Group (Optional)
Select the Protocol tab

Make sure the H.323 radio button is the only item checked.
Select the Calls tab

Configure the Calls as required by your network. In this example the endpoint is configured to accept
inbound and terminate outgoing traffic with media being routed through the Genband S3 SBC. Select
the OK button to save the endpoint.
S3 H.323 Endpoint Calling Plan

From the iVMS Console Tool bar select: Utililites > Calling Plans.

Click on the ADD button in the lower left.

Name the calling plan
Press the ADD
Next click on the ADD button in the lower right to add a route.
Select the radio button next to DNIS type.
Name the calling Plan Route
In the Called Party # enter matching prefix appended to the dialed number from the
Select the Egress radio button.
Click ADD to save route.
Bind the route to the calling plan by:

Right mouse click on the route

Select Add to Calling Plan
Select the call plan
Go back to the H323-GW endpoint and add the calling plan.
S3 Call Verification

Lab_msc1:~ # tethereal -i any host or

44.015057> Request: INVITE sip:[email protected], with session description
44.015772> Status: 100 Trying
44.018230> SIP/SDP Request: INVITE sip:1234#[email protected], with session description
44.046036 -> Status: 300 Redirect
44.046466> SIP Request: ACK sip:1234#[email protected]
44.052960> 52776 > h323hostcall [SYN] Seq=0 Ack=0 Win=5840 Len=0 MSS=1460
TSV=1565609557 TSER=0 WS=2
44.095883> h323hostcall > 52776 [SYN, ACK] Seq=0 Ack=1 Win=65535 Len=0
44.095908> 52776 > h323hostcall [ACK] Seq=1 Ack=1 Win=5840 Len=0
44.096767> CS: setup OpenLogicalChannel
44.165341> CS: callProceeding OpenLogicalChannel
44.165363> 52776 > h323hostcall [ACK] Seq=318 Ack=127 Win=5840 Len=0
44.208316> CS: empty terminalCapabilitySet CS: empty
44.208338> 52776 > h323hostcall [ACK] Seq=318 Ack=332 Win=5840 Len=0
44.210158> CS: empty terminalCapabilitySet
44.210385> CS: empty masterSlaveDetermination
44.261909> h323hostcall > 52776 [ACK] Seq=332 Ack=504 Win=65535 Len=0
44.261944> CS: empty terminalCapabilitySetAck CS: empty
44.263033> CS: empty terminalCapabilitySetAck
44.303304> 52776 > h323hostcall [ACK] Seq=561 Ack=360 Win=5840 Len=0
44.321872> CS: empty masterSlaveDeterminationAck
44.321915> 52776 > h323hostcall [ACK] Seq=561 Ack=387 Win=5840 Len=0
46.992010> CS: alerting OpenLogicalChannel
46.992034> 52776 > h323hostcall [ACK] Seq=561 Ack=517 Win=5840 Len=0
46.994995> Status: 180 Ringing, with session description
56.806337> CS: connect OpenLogicalChannel
56.806370> 52776 > h323hostcall [ACK] Seq=561 Ack=660 Win=5840 Len=0
56.807331> Status: 200 OK, with session description
56.868175> Request: ACK sip:[email protected]:5060
59.236496> Request: BYE sip:[email protected]:5060
59.236874> Status: 200 OK
59.246915> CS: empty endSessionCommand
59.247225> CS: releaseComplete
59.247335> 52776 > h323hostcall [FIN, ACK] Seq=639 Ack=660 Win=5840 Len=0
59.290088> h323hostcall > 52776 [ACK] Seq=660 Ack=640 Win=65535 Len=0
59.302330> [TCP Previous segment lost] h323hostcall > 52776 [RST, ACK] Seq=661 Ack=640
Win=65535 Len=0
59.302348> [TCP Retransmission] h323hostcall > 52776 [FIN, ACK] Seq=660 Ack=640 Win=65535
59.302364> 52776 > h323hostcall [RST] Seq=640 Ack=87873149 Win=0 Len=0

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