Compaction Notes
Compaction Notes
Compaction Notes
nc ons tra u ion , th is is a ignc ific tap tn o the building ao ct is Ide fi ned sctthe me thod ofsme haa nn ic lla yri cfre asing pe rf fo rmed mp rt ope , se emen tign of t heaso ld o ccu yo so il. In ic ons rucr tl iy on , ttt hli14.330 s is a s ific ntil pc aou rMechanics to ft he br uilding Soil n unne cessa ry roperly, settlement of the soil could occur pe rformed imp SOIL DENSITY cie osts o ncunne cr essary . Al SOIL DENSITY nil cu er ce os ts mos or t all il ing ites and ad ilu re.sAl mos t all n ojec ses uta ili ze u ilp dr ing st it nd comp a c tt is on on proj e c utilize
Soil Compaction
l compaction s.
ed in place or deposited by various forces such ap sl g ae cio er rs , wind lak es aa nd rive med in alc depos it,ed b yv rious fr os r ces r o r g a n ic a ll y . F o ll ow i ng a r e i mpo r ta n t such as glaciers, wind, lakes and rivers so ilrc all ct i.on :llowing are important o ro gomp anica y Fo
il? oil?
Figure 1 Compacted Soil (improved load support) Figure courtesy of Soil Compaction: A Basic Handbook by MultiQuip.
Soil Compaction: vtia b rce y. is simply the deadweight of the machine, S tr iat csoil fo or Densification of by n a pp l y i ng downw a forde ce a on the so su rfam cea ,c ch om -, e soil compaction: Static force is simp lr ydthe dwe igh t il of the ine p ess ing the soil p a ticl heton yw yrtfo ce h sture content ar pp ly ing downw a rr d foes rc. eT on he lso il a su ac ,a cnge ompe the removal of air. t he e ff e c t i ve c omp a c t i on f o r c e i s b y a dd i ng o r pressing the soil particles. The only way to change ct ion rtten req o is tureff co on t uired
These different types of effort are found in the two p incipd le types f comp cff tio on e : static nd Tr hese iff erento types ofae rt f ao rr ecf ound inat he two v i b r at o r y . principle types of compaction force: static and
ve princi ple re2/2012 asons to compact soil: Revised ive rin ci le rea es lop ad b ep ar ing csons apacitto y compact soil:
ac t? p ac t?
su bte ra c tc ing the wei gh of fto he m ac .S tatic the ff e tive comp a ctit on rce is bh yine add ing orcomp ac on con fined to t uppe r so il la ye rs atat ndic iscli mi-ted su bttir actiis ng the weigh of the m ac h ine .S om tp oaa app ron ecifi aned ble dep th. Kr ne ail d i p ressu re re Courtesy of cny tion is c to uppe so lng ayea rnd sa nd is lim ita ed Slide 1 of 37 ttwo exa mp les tat ic c aca tid on . and pressure are o any a ppr ecio af bs le dep tomp h. Kne ing two xr a mp esuses of stat comp ction . ally engineV ibrae to y forlce a ic me chana ism , usu
Figure 2
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These illustrations show the results of improper compaction and how proper compaction can ensure a longer structural life, eliminating future foundation problems.
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Silty Clay (LL=37, PI =14) Example (from Johnson and Sllberg 1960, taken from TRB State of the Art Report 8, 1990)
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6 inch Mold
4 inch Mold
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>20% Retained on #4 20% Retained by 3/8 in Sieve
>20% Retained on 3/8 in < 30% Retained by 3/4 in Sieve
>20% Retained on #4 20% Retained by 3/8 in Sieve
>20% Retained on 3/8 in < 30% Retained by 3/4 in Sieve
Use Soil Passing Sieve Mold Dia. (in) No. of Layers No. Blows/Layer
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#4 4 3 25
3/8 in 4 3 25
in 6 3 56
#4 4 5 25
3/8 in 4 5 25
in 6 5 56
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Figure 10
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Nuclear Gauge
d = 1+ w
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Gs w Gs w w = = = 1 + e 1 + wGs w + 1 Gs
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FACTORS AFFECTING SOIL COMPACTION 1. Soil Type Grain size distribution Shape of soil grains Specific gravity of soil solids 2. Effect of Compaction Effort More energy Greater compaction
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A. Single Peak
Dry Unit Weight d
(Most Soils)
B. 1 Peak
C. Double Peak
Cohesive Soils LL<30 or Cohesive Soils LL>70
Moisture Content w
D. No Definitive Peak
Uncommon Cohesive Soils LL>70
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In general:
Compaction Energy = Compaction Energy =
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d,max OMC
Figure 4.6. Das FGE (2005).
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Smooth Drum
Vibratory Drum
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Vi bra tory p l a t es
Vibratory plates are low amplitude and high frequency, designed to compact granular soils and asphalt. Gasoline or diesel engines drive one or two eccentric weights at a high speed to develop compaction force. The resulting vibrations cause forward motion. The engine and handle are vibration-isolated from the vibrating plate. The heavier the plate, the more compaction force it generates. Frequency range is usually 2500 vpm to 6000 vpm. Plates used for asphalt have a water tank and sprinkler system to prevent asphalt from sticking to the bottom of the baseplate. Vibration is the one principal compaction effect. [See Figure 17]
Course Re v ersi b l e vi bra tory p l a t es Grained In addition to some of the standard vibratory plate features, reversible plates have two eccentric weights Soils that allow smooth transition for forward or reverse
travel, plus increased compaction force as the result of dual weights. Due to their weight and force, reversible plates are ideal for semi-cohesive soils.
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A reversible is possibly the best compaction buy dollar for dollar. Unlike standard plates, the reversibles forward travel may be stopped and the machine will maintain its force for spot compaction.
Figure 17
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(ASTM D2167)
(ASTM D2922 & ASTM D3017)
(ASTM D6780)
Large Sample Direct Reading Obtained Open graded material Slow Balloon breakage Awkward Surface not level Soil pumping Void under plate
Fast Easy to re-perform More Tests No sample Radiation Moisture suspect Miscalibration Rocks in path Surface prep req. Backscatter
Time consuming Large area required Void under plate Sand bulking Sand compacted Soil pumping
Under research
Under Research
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after Soil Compaction: A Basic Handbook by MultiQuip. Photographs courtesy of Durham Geo/Slope Indicator and
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mine its moisture content. A soils moistur as a percentage. The specific volume of the determined by filling it with calibrated dry from a jar and cone device. The dry weigh soil removed is divided by the volume of s needed to fill the hole. This gives us the de the compacted soil in lbs per cubic foot. Th is compared to the maximum Proctor dens tained earlier, which gives us the relative d the soil that was just compacted. [See Figu
Figure 12
Soil Modulus (soil sti ffness) NUCLEAR TEST This field-test method is a ver y recent development tions. This is a very fast, safe method of tes that replaces soil density testing. Soil stiffness is the stiffness. Soil stiffness is the desired engine ratio of force-to -displacement. Testing is done by a property, not just dr y density and water co machine that sends vibrations into the soil and then This method is currently being researched me a su r es t he de fl e c t i on o f t he so il f r om t he v i b r a b1990. y the Federal H ighwa yA dm inistration. Figures courtesy of Soil Compaction: A Basic Handbook by MultiQuip and TRB State of the Art Report 8, Slide 23 of 37 Revised 2/2012 8
Figure 12
Nuclear Density meters are a quick and fairly accurate way of determining density and moisture content. The meter uses a radioactive isotope source NUCLEAR TEST (Cesium 137) at the soil surface (backscatter) or from a probe placed into the soil (direct transmission). The isotope source gives off photons (usually Gamma rays) which radiate back to the meter s detectors on the bottom of the unit. Dense soil absorbs more radiation than loose soil and the readings reflect overall density. Water content (ASTM D3017) can also be read, all within a few minutes. A relative Proctor Density is obtained after comparing maximum density with the compaction results from the test. [See Figure 13] Figure 13
Nuclear Density meters are a quick and fa rate way of determining density and mois content. The meter uses a radioactive isoto (Cesium 137) at the soil surface (backscatte a probe placed into the soil (direct transmi isotope source gives off photons (usually G rays) which radiate back to the meter s de the bottom of the unit. Dense soil absorbs radiation than loose soil and the readings overall density. Water content (ASTM D301 be read, all within a few minutes. A relativ Density is obtained after comparing maxim density with the compaction results from t [See Figure 13]
City of Lynchburg
2004 1 per lift per 300 LF 1 per lift per 5000 SF
1996 1 per lift per 500 LF
1996 1 per lift per 2500 LF
FM 5-410
1997 1 per lift per 250 LF
1000 CY
200 CY
200-300 CY
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D698 (lb/ft3)
125 135
Very Stable
115 125
Poor to Fair
120 135
Fair to Poor
115 - 130
Good to Fair
after U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station (now ERDC). (1960). The Unified Soil Classification System, Technical Memorandum No. 3-357, Vicksburg, MS. Revised 2/2012 Slide 26 of 37
D698 (lb/ft3)
Very Stable Reasonable stable when dense Reasonable stable when dense Reasonable stable
Fair to Poor
Slight to Medium
Fair to Poor
after U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station (now ERDC). (1960). The Unified Soil Classification System, Technical Memorandum No. 3-357, Vicksburg, MS. Revised 2/2012 Slide 27 of 37
D698 (lb/ft3)
Slight to Medium
Poor Stability
Fair to Poor
Fair to Poor
Very high
after U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station (now ERDC). (1960). The Unified Soil Classification System, Technical Memorandum No. 3-357, Vicksburg, MS. Revised 2/2012 Slide 28 of 37
2. Deep Dynamic Compaction Insitu densification of loose soils using Deep Dynamic Compaction (DDC) is accomplished by impacting the ground with a heavy tamper. The depth of improvement and the degree of densification can be varied through the weight of the hammer, the drop height and the spacing between drops. The energy is generally applied in phases on a grid pattern over the area to be improved using either single or multiple passes. A schematic of a typical DDC setup with an accompanying photograph of the project setup is presented in Figure 3. The technique has been used successfully in a wide variety of projects (e.g. Dise et al., 1994 ; Meyer et al., 2001). The technique is described in detail by Leonards et al. (1980) and the United states Federal Highway Administration (FHWA, 1995), while ground response to DDC is discussed by Mayne et al. (1984).
Figure 1. FHWA-SA-95-037.
Revised 2/2012 For densification to be effective, the deposit to be compacted should be relatively permeable
so excess pore pressures that are generated during densification can dissipate quickly, thereby allowing the soil particles to move into a denser state of packing (FHWA, 1995). Deep dynamic compaction is typically performed on loose granular soil deposits that are relatively permeable, although DDC has been performed on other soil types such as silts (Dumas et al., 1994) and
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4. Examination of the difference in shear wave velocities (i.e. Vs) at constant elevation. Analysis of the corrected tip resistance results showed that with the expectation of a few isolated areas, the DDC improved the soil such that the minimum corrected tip resistance of 7.66 MPa (80 tsf) was achieved Soil within the placed fill. The qt values these isolated areas 14.330 Mechanics Soil within Compaction were within 0.1 MPa (1.0 tsf) of the minimum required value and ranged less than 0.3m (1ft) in height. Since these isolated areas were not considered to adversely affect the project, additional DDC was not recommended. Typical qt results from the Initial and Verification I testing phases are presented in Figure 6.
Figure 6. Typical Initial and Verification Phase Results. (from Hajduk Iet al., CPT 2004) of the difference in qt values ( qt) at constant elevation was achieved by calculating the change in qt at 10cm (3.94 inch) intervals between similar CPT locations for each CPT sounding at the same elevation. These changes were then averaged with depth.
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