Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics Communications and Software

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Edited by Anthony N. Laskovski
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software
Edited by Anthony N. Laskovski
Published by InTech
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Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software,
Edited by Anthony N. Laskovski
p. cm.
ISBN 978-953-307-475-7
free online editions of InTech
Books and Journals can be found at
Part 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Preface XI
Telemetry and Wireless Body Area Networks 1
Biosignal Monitoring
Using Wireless Sensor Networks 3
Carlos Andres Lozano, Camilo Eduardo Tellez
and Oscar Javier Rodrguez
Wireless Telemetry
for Implantable Biomedical Microsystems 21
Farzad Asgarian and Amir M. Sodagar
Microsystem Technologies
for Biomedical Applications 45
Francisco Perdigones, Jos Miguel Moreno,
Antonio Luque, Carmen Aracil and Jos Manuel Quero
A Low Cost Instrumentation Based
Sensor Array for Ankle Rehabilitation 69
Samir Boukhenous and Mokhtar Attari
New Neurostimulation Strategy and Corresponding
Implantable Device to Enhance Bladder Functions 79
Fayal Mounam and Mohamad Sawan
Implementation of Microsensor Interface
for Biomonitoring of Human Cognitive Processes 93
E. Vavrinsky, P. Solarikova, V. Stopjakova, V. Tvarozek and I. Brezina
Wireless Communications
and Power Supply for In Vivo
Biomedical Devices using Acoustic Transmissions 111
Graham Wild and Steven Hinckley
Power Amplifiers for Electronic Bio-Implants 131
Anthony N. Laskovski and Mehmet R. Yuce
Contents VI
Sensors and Instrumentation 145
Subthreshold Frequency Synthesis
for Implantable Medical Transceivers 147
Tarek Khan and Kaamran Raahemifar
Power Efficient ADCs for Biomedical Signal Acquisition 171
Alberto Rodrguez-Prez, Manuel Delgado-Restituto
and Fernando Medeiro
Cuff Pressure Pulse Waveforms: Their Current and
Prospective Application in Biomedical Instrumentation 193
Milan Stork and Jiri Jilek
Integrated Microfluidic MEMS
and Their Biomedical Applications 211
Abdulilah A. Dawoud Bani-Yaseen
MEMS Biomedical Sensor for Gait Analysis 229
Yufridin Wahab and Norantanum Abu Bakar
Low-Wavelengths SOI CMOS Photosensors
for Biological Applications 257
Olivier Bulteel, Nancy Van Overstraeten-Schlgel, Aryan Afzalian,
Pascal Dupuis, Sabine Jeumont, Leonid Irenge, Jrme Ambroise,
Benot Macq, Jean-Luc Gala and Denis Flandre
LEPTS a Radiation-Matter InteractionyModel at the
Molecular Level and its Use inyBiomedical Applications 277
Martina Fuss, Ana G. Sanz, Antonio Muoz,
Francisco Blanco, Marina Tllez, Carlos Huerga and Gustavo Garca
Integrated High-Resolution Multi-Channel
Time-to-Digital Converters (TDCs) for PET Imaging 295
Wu Gao, Deyuan Gao, Christine Hu-Guo, and Yann Hu
Imaging and Data Processing 317
Parkinsons Disease Diagnosis and Prognosis Using
Diffusion Tensor Medical Imaging Features Fusion 319
Roxana Oana Teodorescu, Vladimir-Ioan Cretu
and Daniel Racoceanu
Non-Invasive Foetal Monitoring
with Combined ECG - PCG System 347
Mariano Ruffo, Mario Cesarelli, Craig Jin, Gaetano Gargiulo,
Alistair McEwan, Colin Sullivan, Paolo Bifulco, Maria Romano,
Richard W. Shephard, and Andr van Schaik
Part 2
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Part 3
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Contents VII
Parametric Modelling of EEG Data
for the Identification of Mental Tasks 367
Simon G. Fabri, Kenneth P. Camilleri and Tracey Cassar
Automatic Detection of Paroxysms
in EEG Signals using Morphological Descriptors
and Artificial Neural Networks 387
Christine F. Boos, Fernando M. de Azevedo
Geovani R. Scolaro and Maria do Carmo V. Pereira
Multivariate Frequency Domain Analysis
of Causal Interactions in Physiological Time Series 403
Luca Faes and Giandomenico Nollo
Biomedical Image Segmentation
Based on Multiple Image Features 429
Jinhua Yu, Jinglu Tan and Yuanyuan Wang
A General Framework
for Computation of Biomedical Image Moments 449
G.A. Papakostas, D.E. Koulouriotis, E.G. Karakasis and V.D. Tourassis
Modern Trends in Biomedical
Image Analysis System Design 461
Oleh Berezsky, Grygoriy Melnyk and Yuriy Batko
A New Tool for Nonstationary
and Nonlinear Signals: The Hilbert-Huang
Transform in Biomedical Applications 481
Rui Fonseca-Pinto
Computation and Information Management 505
Periodic-MAC: Improving MAC Protocols for Biomedical
Sensor Networks Through Implicit Synchronization 507
Stig Sta and Ilangko Balasingham
Biomedical Electronic Systems
to Improve the Healthcare Quality and Efficiency 523
Roberto Marani and Anna Gina Perri
Practical Causal Analysis for Biomedical Sensing
Based on Human-Machine Collaboration 549
Naoki Tsuchiya and Hiroshi Nakajima
Design Requirements for a Patient Administered Personal
Electronic Health Record 565
Rune Fensli, Vladimir Oleshchuk,
John ODonoghue and Philip OReilly
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Part 4
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Contents VIII
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Nonparametric Variable Selection Using Machine
Learning Algorithms in High Dimensional
(Large P, Small N) Biomedical Applications 589
Christina M. R. Kitchen
Biomedical Knowledge Engineering
Using a Computational Grid 601
Marcello Castellano and Raffaele Stifini
Efficient Algorithms for Finding Maximum and
Maximal Cliques: Effective Tools for Bioinformatics 625
Etsuji Tomita, Tatsuya Akutsu and Tsutomu Matsunaga
A Software Development Framework
for Agent-Based Infectious Disease Modelling 641
Luiz C. Mostao-Guidolin, Nick J. Pizzi,
Aleksander B. Demko and Seyed M. Moghadas
Personalized Biomedical Data Integration 665
Xiaoming Wang, Olufunmilayo Olopade and Ian Foster
Smart Data Collection and Management
in Heterogeneous Ubiquitous Healthcare 685
Luca Catarinucci, Alessandra Esposito, Luciano Tarricone,
Marco Zappatore and Riccardo Colella
Quality of Service, Adaptation,
and Security Provisioning
in Wireless Patient Monitoring Systems 711
Wolfgang Leister, Trenton Schulz, Arne Lie
Knut Grythe and Ilangko Balasingham
Biological and medical phenomena are complex and intelligent. Our observations and
understanding of some of these phenomena have inspired the development of creative
theories and technologies in science. This process will continue to occur as new devel-
opments in our understanding and perception of natural phenomena continue. Given
the complexity of our natural world this is not likely to end.
Over time several schools of specialisation have occurred in engineering, including
electronics, computer science, materials science, structures, mechanics, control, chem-
istry and also genetics and bioengineering. This has led to the industrialised world of
the 20th century and the information rich 21st century, all involving complex innova-
tions that improve the quality and length of life.
Biomedical Engineering is a eld that applies these specialised engineering technolo-
gies and design paradigms to the biomedical environment. It is an interesting eld in
that these established technologies and elds of research, many of which were inspired
by nature, are now being developed to interact with naturally occurring phenomena
in medicine. This completes a two-way information loop that will rapidly accelerate
our understanding of biology and medical phenomena, solve medical problems and
inspire the creation of new non-medical technologies.
This series of books will present recent developments and trends in biomedical engi-
neering, spanning across several disciplines. I am honoured to be editing a book with
such interesting and exciting content, writen by a selected group of talented research-
ers. This book presents research involving telemetry, wireless body area networks,
sensors, instrumentation, imaging, data processing, computation and information
management in biomedical engineering.
Anthony N. Laskovski
The University of Newcastle,
Part 1
Telemetry and Wireless Body Area Networks
Biosignal Monitoring Using
Wireless Sensor Networks
Carlos Andres Lozano, Camilo Eduardo Tellez and Oscar Javier Rodrguez
Universidad Sergio Arboleda
1. Introduction
The continuous search for people welfare through various mechanisms, has led medicine to
seek synergy with other disciplines, especially engineering, among many other
developments allowing the application of new techniques to monitor patients through their
own body signals. The application of new developments in areas such as electronics,
informatics and communications, aims to facilitate significantly the process of acquisition of
biomedical signals, in order to achieve a correct approach when developing diagnostic or
medical monitoring, to optimize the required care process and sometimes to reduce the cost
of such processes.
In some specific situations it is desirable that the patient under monitoring does not lose his
mobility by the wire connection to the device that captures any particular signal, since this
state may interfere with the study. For example, in case you need to measure the heart effort of
a person taking a walk or a sprint. It is in this type of environment where new ICT
technologies such as Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) can support the development of
biomedical devices allowing the acquisition of various signals for subsequent monitoring and
analysis in real time.
Telemedicine also called e-health is everything related to electronic health data for
monitoring, diagnosis or analysis for the treatment of patients in remote locations. Usually
this includes the use of medical supplies, advanced communications technology, including
videoconferencing systems (Enginnering in Medicine & Biology, 2003).
Telemedicine systems can establish good and emerging technologies such as IEEE standards
802.11, 802.15 and 802.16, which these bases are characterized by the distribution networks for
medical information, and provision for life-saving services. These systems have certain
restrictions in the sense that when these wireless communications may be affected by a storm,
or in conditions where the signal to transmit is not the most appropriate spots, then due to
these problems, which solutions were sought resulted in great advances in wireless
networking technologies providing vital routes for the restoration of services in telemedicine.
The efficiency of telemedicine systems are widely affected by the design of systems, such as
standardization, which in this case would not only rapid deployment, but also easy access
for maintenance and renewal future systems that support care services.
The constant study and monitoring of biomedical signals, has been an important tool in the
development of new medical technology products. However, these over time begin to see
that they are useful and important in industries that formerly had not been implemented
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

but that scientific advances are essential. Over the years, monitoring of such signals have
been putting more importance and trust in the medical corps, allowing them to exploit
technological advances to benefit human care.
Within each wireless sensor network, sensors are one of the most important components of
the network. There are several sensors based on the applications we want to use. An
example is the temperature sensor, which is a component that is mostly composed of
semiconductor materials that vary with temperature change. In the case of biomedical
environments, it senses the temperature of the skin or skin temperature, which enables us to
monitor it in the patient, allowing for immediate assistance.
We are not too far from the meaning stated above, to make a comparison, we found that
both conditions vary only in the ability to sense, as this requires certain conditions of the
system or agency is analysing nevertheless remains a fundamental part at the time to learn
about processes that is easy observe or with our senses is impossible to understand.
However, biomedical sensors, should be chosen under certain parameters that are vital to
the development and smooth operation of the same, they should be able to measure the
signal in particular, but also to maintain a single precision and replacement capacity fast
enough to monitor living organisms. Additionally, these sensors must be able to adapt to
variations in the surface bioelectric be implemented (Bronzino, 1999).
This chapter is organized in the following sections. Section 2 shows the main characteristics
of wireless sensor networks. We present the essential information about Body Sensor
Networks as a WSN specialization in medical environments in Section 3. Section 4 shows
our methodology for the development of applications of biomedical signals acquisition. We
conclude this chapter with section V.
2. The wireless sensor networks
The wireless sensor networks are formed by small electronic devices called nodes, whose
function is to obtain, convert, transmit and receive a specific signal, which is captured by
specific sensors, chosen depending on the sensing environment. This technology, due to its
low cost and power consumption is widely used in industrial process control, security in
shopping malls, hotels, crop fields, areas prone to natural disasters, transport security and
medical environments, among other fields.
A sensor network can be described as a group of nodes called motes that are coordinated
to perform a specific application, this lead to more accurate measurement of tasks
depending on how thick it is the deployment and are coordinated (Evans, 2007).
2.1 General features
In a wireless sensor network, devices that help the network to obtain, transmit and receive
data from a specific environment, are classified according to their attributes or specific
performance in the network (Cheekiralla & Engels, 2005).
A wireless sensor network consists of devices such as are micro-controllers, sensors and
transmitter / receiver which the integration of these form a network with many other nodes,
also called motes or sensors. Another item that is extremely important in any classification,
is to know the processing capacity, due to its necessary because communication being the
main consumer of energy, a system with distributed processing features, meant that some of
the sensors need to communicate over long distances This leads us to deduce that higher
Biosignal Monitoring Using Wireless Sensor Networks

energy consumption needed. Hence the rationale for knowing when to be processed locally
as much energy to minimize the number of bits transmitted (Gordillo & al., 2007).
A node usually consists of 4 subsystems (See Fig. 1):
Computing subsystem: This is a micro controller unit, which is responsible for the
control of sensors and the implementation of communication protocols. The micro
controller is usually operated under different operating modes for power management
Communications subsystem: Issues relating to standard protocols, which depending
on your application variables is obtained as the operating frequency and types of
standards to be used (ZigBee, Bluetooth, UWB, among others.) This subsystem consists
of a short range radio which is used to communicate with other neighboring nodes and
outside the network. The radio can operate in the mode of transmitter, receiver,
standby, and sleep mode.
Sensing subsystem: This is a group of sensors or actuators and link node outside the
network. The power consumption can be determined using low energy components.
Energy storage subsystem: One of the most important features in a wireless sensor
network is related to energy efficiency which thanks to some research, this feature has
been considered as a key metric. In the case of hardware developers in a WSN, it is to
provide various techniques to reduce energy consumption. Due to this factor, power
consumption of our network must be controlled by 2 modules: 1) power module (which
computes the energy consumption of different components), 2) battery module (which
uses this information to compute the discharge of the battery.)
When a network contains a large number of nodes, the battery replacement becomes very
complex, in this case the energy used for wireless communications network is reduced by
low energy multiple hops (multi-hop routing) rather than a transmission high-tech simple.
This subsystem consists of a battery that holds the battery of a node. This should be seen as
the amount of energy absorbed from a battery which is reviewed by the high current drawn
from the battery for a long time (Qin & Yang, 2007).

Energy storage subsystem

Fig. 1. Wireless Sensor Networks subsystems
2.2 WSN classification and operation mode
A wireless sensor network can be classified depending on their application and its
programming, its functionality in the field sensing, among others. In the case of a WSN
(Wireless Sensor Networks), is classified as follows:
Homogeneous, refers when all nodes have the same hardware, otherwise it is called
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

Autonomous referenced when all nodes are able to perform self-configuration tasks
without the intervention of a human.
Hierarchical referenced when nodes are grouped for the purpose of communicating or
otherwise shut down, in this classification is common to have a base station that works
as a bridge to external entities.
Static, referenced when nodes are static and dynamic otherwise.
A WSN can also be continuous, hybrid, reactive. In the case of the reactive mode, is when
the sensor nodes send information about events occurring in the environment and both are
scheduled when the information collected under defined conditions or specified for the
application that want (Ruiz, Nogueira, & Loureiro, 2003).
A WSN is designed and developed according to the characteristics of the applications to
which the design or the environment is implemented, then to which must take into account
the following "working models" (Egea-Lopez, Vales-Alonso, Martinez-Sala, Pavon-Mario, &
Garcia-Haro, 2006):
Flexibility. In this item, the wireless environment is totally changed due to interference
from other microwaves, or forms of materials in the environment, among other
conditions, that is why most of the nodes can fail at any time, because should seek new
path in real time, must reconfigure the network, and in turn re-calibrate the initial
Efficiency. This item is very important due to the network to be implemented must be
efficient to work in real time, must be reliable and robust to interference from the same
nodes, or other signals from other devices. This item is in relation to that should be
tightly integrated with the environment where it will work.
Scalability. This item talk about when it comes to wireless sensor network is dynamic,
due to its topology or application to use, being a dynamic sensor network, adding
nodes is an important factor for the smooth operation of data storage.
2.3 WSN functional levels
WSN network are classified into 3 functional levels: The level of control, the level of
Communications Network and the Field Level, as shown in Figure 1.
The field level consists of a sensors set and actuators that interact directly with the
environment. The sensors are responsible for obtaining data either thermal, optical, acoustic,
seismic, etc. The actuators on the other hand receive orders which are the result of
processing the information gathered by the sensors so it can be run later. In the
communication network establishing a communication link between the field level and the
level of control. Nodes that are part of a communications subsystem WSN are grouped into
3 categories: Endpoints, Routers, and Gateways. Finally found the level of control consists of
one or more control and/or monitoring centres, using information collected by the sensors
to set tasks that require the performance of the actuators. This control is done through
special software to manage network topologies and behaviour of our network in diverse
environments (Rodrguez & Tellez, 2009).
One way to consider wireless sensor networks is to take the network to organize
hierarchically the nodes of the upper level being the most complex and knowing his location
through a transmission technique.
The challenges in hierarchically classify a sensor network is on: Finding relevant quantities
monitor and collect data, access and evaluate information, among others. The information
Biosignal Monitoring Using Wireless Sensor Networks

Field level
Communications Network level
Control level

Fig. 2. Architecture of a WSN (Roldn, 2005)
needed for intelligent environments or whose variables are complex to obtain, is provided
by a distributed network of wireless sensors which are responsible for detecting and for the
early stages of the processing hierarchy (Cao & Zhang, 1999).
2.4 Communications protocols
At the National Institute of Standards and Technology (United States of America) was
established as the main task in 2006, set standards that would allow both researchers and
doctors to be clear about identifying the quality characteristics of the system to develop,
creating an atmosphere of trust between medicine and engineering. Based on the principle
of ubiquitous connectivity that seeks to facilitate the connection of different wireless
communication standards to establish a wider range of possibilities when biomedical
transmit a signal without being affected by the lack of coverage of a particular system
(Rodrguez & Tellez, 2009).
In a wireless sensor network, the communication method varies depending on the
application either at the medical, industrial or scientific. One of the most widely used
communication protocols is the ZigBee protocol, which is a technology composed of a set of
specifications designed for wireless sensor networks and controllers. This system is
characterized by the type of communication conditional; it does not require a high volume
of information (just over a few kilobits per second) and also have a limited walking distance
(Roldn, 2005).
ZigBee was designed to provide a simple and easy low-cost wireless communication and
also provide a connectivity solution for low data transmission applications such as low
power consumption, such as home monitoring, automation, environmental monitoring,
control of industries, and emerging applications in the area of wireless sensors. The IEEE
802.15.4 standard, as it is called ZigBee, can work at 3 different frequency bands. This
protocol is divided into layers according to the OSI model, where each layer has a specific
function depending on the application of our network. The physical layer and the medium
access control (MAC) are standardized by the IEEE 802.15 (WPAN) which is a working
group under the name of 802.15.4; where the higher layers are specified by ZigBee Alliance.
Some characteristics of the layers are given below:
Physical Layer ZigBee / IEEE 802.15.4: The IEEE 802.15.4 physical layer supports
unlicensed industrial, scientific and medical radio frequency bands including 868 MHz,
915 MHz and 2.4 GHz.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

MAC Layer ZigBee / IEEE 802.15.4: At the MAC layer, there are 2 options to access the
medium: Beacon-based (based on orientation) and non-beacon (based on non-
guidance). In a non-oriented, there is no time for synchronization between ZigBee
devices. The Devices can assess to the channel using (CSMA / CA).
Protocol to the network layer / IEEE 802.15.4: ZigBee got a multi-hop routing and help
the capabilities designed as an integral part of the system. This function is implemented
within the network layer.
2.5 Topology
The performance of a wireless sensor network is measured depending on the ability to
manage energy consumption of all nodes and also the effectiveness in real-time
transmission of data from the time of sensing to the display of such signs. Depending on the
type of environment and resources in a network of wireless sensors, you can define multiple
architectures, among the best known are Star, mesh and cluster tree network (See Fig. 2)
(Tellez, Rodriguez, & Lozano, 2009). The nodes have no knowledge of the topology of the
network must "discover".
A star topology network is characterized by a base station which can send and receive a
Message to a number of router nodes. The advantage of this type of network for a WSN is
the ease and ability to maintain energy consumption of a router node to a very low level.
The disadvantage of this type of topology is the coordinator node (or base station), as it
must be within transmission range of all nodes.
Mesh network topology or is characterized by allowing any node in the network, can
transmit to any other node on the network that is within transmission range. This type of
topology has an advantage which is the redundancy and scalability compared to a situation
of failure. If the router node gets out of service, other nodes can communicate with each
other without depending on the node unusable. The disadvantage of this type of network,
power consumption for nodes that implement a multi-hop communication, which generally
results in the life of the battery consumption, is too short.
Finally, a cluster tree network (union of a star and mesh topology), is one network that
provides versatility to a communications network, while it maintains the ability to have low
power consumption of wireless sensor nodes. This feature allows the power consumption of
the entire network remains.

Fig. 3. Network Topology (W., Sohraby, Jana, J., & Daneshmand, 2008)
Biosignal Monitoring Using Wireless Sensor Networks

The position of the sensor nodes in a given area is not predetermined in some situations; this
means that the protocols and algorithms used must be capable of self-organization (is the
case of a changing field). Some designs have protocols for specific design features the main
energy saving and management of the interference signal which is caused by the
A wireless sensor network experience some interference in the setting of transmission and
reception of data, depending on the type of technologies like the IEEE PAN / LAN / MAN,
or some other technology that uses radio frequency. These technologies are deployed
mainly in commercial and scientific aspects of WSN environments. They are currently
showed a variety of wireless protocols, which focuses more innovation in the
communications field.
2.6 Models for power consumption
A wireless sensor network functions depending on the energy consumption of total lifetime
of the devices in the network of sensors, instead of relying only on the process of
transmitting and receiving data. Energy consumption varies significantly from state to state
on which the device is running. Some studies suggest 4 states to optimize our network, one
of states or types most used and implemented are those that contain the following steps:
transmitting, receiving, listening on hold, and idle. Due to the continued use of networks
have been proposed or levels that contain more than 4 states, it is clear that this depends on
the application you want to do, and our network energy dissipated.
Energy consumption is one of the most important factors in determining the life of a sensor
network, because nodes are usually powered by a battery and because of that have few
energy resources. This makes the optimization of energy becomes complex in a sensor
network because not only involves the reduction of energy consumption, but also prolongs
the life of a network (Raghunathan, Schurgers, Park, & Srivastava, 2002).
2.7 Simulators
Currently there are several simulators for sensor networks, which plays an key role in
processing and in turn facilitate easy configuration of the network depending on the
application to use. Among the most redeemable find (Bharathidasan & Sai Ponduru):
1. NS-2: It was one of the first simulations, which facilitates simulations carried out by
both wireless and wired. It is written in C + + and oTCL (Information Sciences
2. GloMoSim: Your initials translate (Global Mobile Information Systems Simulator) is a
scalable simulation device for network systems both wired and wireless. This simulator
is written in C and Parsec. GloMoSom currently supports protocols for purely wireless
network environment (Bajaj, Takai, Ahuja, Tang, Bagrodia, & Gerla, 1999).
3. SensorSim: This simulation framework provides channel sensing and sensor models, as
models of battery, battery light wide protocols for wireless micro sensors (Park,
Savvides, & Srivastava, 2000).
In many software projects are used to acquire data from a WSN by Tiny OS operating
system and NESC. This software is well known in the sensor networks and more so in
systems that use wireless sensors, is a system that does not use much energy and is small
compared to other networking platforms. The system is very useful because its network
operation is based on responses, more colloquial, the pot, as is known in Tiny OS; only
works when you are authorized to make any transfer of rest is kept in standby.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

2.8 Applications
The signal monitoring does not focus only on the medical area also find that developments
in the search for home automation and control of enclosed spaces such applications are
useful in projects such as houses or indoor intelligent, capable of having a autonomy.
Another area of research that is taking shape every day, is the use of sensors in the
automotive field, nationally the development of such projects is in its infancy, the
development of a small network of sensors that seeks to solve small problems such as
system capacity to meet their own needs and those of their neighbors in case of damage, and
the ability to work with minimum energy expenditure without altering the quality of service
or affect the information transmitted.
It consider finally found another area of application in monitoring signals applied real needs
such as caring for the forests to preserve them; systems which can control all kinds of
variables in this environment (Estrin, Govindan, Heidemann, & Kumar, 1999).
Sensor networks can have a wide variety of applications:
Monitoring of habitat,
Monitoring the environment, soil or water observation,
The maintenance of certain physical conditions (temperature, light, pressure, etc.),
Control parameter in agriculture,
Detection of fires, earthquakes or floods,
Traffic control,
Civil or military assistance,
Medical examination, among others.
3. Body Sensor Networks (BSN)
One of the most interesting areas for the implementation of the WSN is in the medical field
because there are different challenges which are associated with monitoring the human
body. The human body responds to its environment, as well as external conditions its live
every day. Thus in order to monitor all these features, we apply the monitoring and sensor
networks in order to get a really diagnose what gets the sensors on the body surface, as may
be the frequency of monitoring (Yang, 2006). The name associated with this implementation
is Body Sensor Networks (BSN).
The work in BSN has existed for several years and search provides guarantees and
confidence to a mass deployment. This technology may offer the possibility of developing a
detailed diagnosis of the patient, because the network would be able to monitor all vital
signs and synthesize all relevant information for the more effectively patient care.
How Yang say in his book BSN patient monitoring systems will provide information that is likely
to be as important, dramatic and revolutionary as those initial observations made by Hippocrates
himself (Yang, 2006).
3.1 Differences between wide-scale WSN and WBSN
Practically the differences between the BSN and the WSN are very few, but it is very
important to note that it is these small differences that allow BSN face the challenges
posed in the medical field. Table 1 present a summary of the differences between WSN
and BSN.
Biosignal Monitoring Using Wireless Sensor Networks

Challenges WSN BSN
As large as the environment being
monitored (metres/kilometres)
As large as human body parts
Node Number
Greater number of nodes required
for accurate, wide area coverage
Fewer, more accurate sensors
nodes required (limited by space)
Node Function
Multiple sensors, each perform
dedicated tasks
Single sensors, each perform
multiple tasks
Node Accuracy
Large node number compensates
for accuracy and allows result
Limited node number with each
required to be robust and accurate
Node Size
Small size preferable but not a
major limitation in many cases
Pervasive monitoring and need for
Exposed to extremes in weather,
noise, and asynchrony
Exposed to more predictable
environment but motion artefacts is
a challenge
Event Detection
Early adverse event detection
desirable; failure often reversible
Early adverse events detection
vital; human tissue failure
Much more likely to have a fixed
or static structure
Biological variation and complexity
means a more variable structure
Data Protection
Lower level wireless data transfer
security required
High level wireless data transfer
security required to protect patient
Power Supply
Accessible and likely to be
changed more easily and
Inaccessible and difficult to replace
in implantable setting
Power Demand
Likely to be greater as power is
more easily supplied
Likely to be lower as energy is
more difficult to supply
Solar, and wind power are most
likely candidates
Motion (vibration) and thermal
(body heat) most likely candidates
Sensors more easily replaceable or
even disposable
Implantable sensor replacement
difficult and requires
Not a consideration in most
A must for implantable and some
external sensors. Likely to increase
Not so important with static
sensors where environments are
well defined
Very important because body
physiology is very sensitive to
context change
Bluetooth, Zigbee, GPRS, and
wireless LAN, and RF already
offer solutions
Low power wireless required, with
signal detection more challenging
Data Transfer
Loss of data during wireless
transfer is likely to be
compensated by number of
sensors used
Loss of data more significant, and
may require additional measures to
ensure QoS and real-time data
interrogation capabilities
Table 1. Different challenges faced by WSN and BSN (Yang, 2006).
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

3.2 Topology of a BSN
The application design is based BSN regularly in the Star topology, this topology has the
main advantage of optimizing the energy consumption of the network due to internal nodes
called "slaves" only have the function of the coordinator will transmit information received
by the sensors but as a great disadvantage has the high possibility of network failure due to
the fall of the coordinator node.
3.3 Relevant applications, prototypes and projects
The importance of being able to identify the concept, functionality and applicability of the
BSN, begins to identify the most important projects developed that gave rise to the medical
applications. These projects are being used to develop a feedback process to strengthen
knowledge and thus build a proposal that offers more input into health care.
Some of the most important research projects in this field include the technological
development of the following fields: Miniaturization of hardware, systems integration, sensor
integration to clothing, quality of service, information security, communication protocols and
new biocompatible materials, amongst others. Here are some little bit references made to
identify the progress and knowledge when deploying BSN in the medical field.
3.3.1 WearIT@work
The WearIT@work Project was set up by the European Commission as an Integrated Project
to investigate Wearable Computing as a technology dealing with computer systems
integrated in clothing (wearIT@work).
One of the possible applications of this project is the rapid availability of patient medical
information at any time; this may mean an interesting reduction in medical examination
fees, also the power to perform medical reviews in the daily circumstances of patients and in
extreme cases could save the life of a patient.
3.3.2 SWAN: System for Wearable Audio Navigation
The department of psychology at Georgia Institute of Technology, specifically the Sonification
Lab, researchers has created the SWAN project. This project is a practical device, portable
whose characteristics are in navigation software for people with vision loss or even in places
where the vision of the place is limited, and this emphasized the need for which to avoid
obstacles or to obtain characteristics of the environment quickly, where they are using.
This device consists of a small computer, which contains various guidance devices such as
GPS, inertial sensors, RFID antennas, RF sensors, among others. When all devices are
synchronized and identify the exact location, SWAN through an audio device, sound
guidance through the person using the device, which also indicate in real time the location
of other characteristics of the sensing environment (GT Sonification Lab).
3.3.3 SESAME (SEnsing in Sport And Managed Exercise)
The SESAME project is development by a consortium of research groups. They base their
work in creating several wireless sensor networks for high performance athletes from
around the world. Among its features are that can sense both in idle mode and real time
variables continued progress of the athlete.
The goals of the project lie in enhancing performance, improving coach education, and
advancing sports science using a range of both hardware and software technologies to
achieve this (Computer Laboratory & Engineering Dept. University of Cambridge).
Biosignal Monitoring Using Wireless Sensor Networks

3.3.4 Advanced Soldier Sensor Information System and Technology (ASSIST)
It is well known that any technological development is linked to advances in the military.
Within these advances, we emphasize the ASSIST program, which is a program that
integrates information on the battlefield (location, time, group activities, among others).
Where the main tool of the program is based on the soldier to collect, disseminate and
display key information, without risking the life or physical integrity (Information
Processing Techniques Office). This project is funded by DARPA of the United States of
3.3.5 HeartCycle
A consortium with more than 18 entities between which we can highlight research groups,
hospitals and industry. The research objective is to improve the quality of life of patients
suffering from heart disease. This consortium focuses on developing devices which
monitors and prescribes the history to the doctor to know which therapies or
recommendations must follow the patient during treatment (Heartcycle).
The system will contain:
A patient loop interacting directly with the patient to support the daily treatment. It
will show the health development, including treatment adherence and effectiveness.
Being motivated, compliance will increase, and health will improve.
A professional loop involving medical professionals, e.g. alerting to revisit the care
plan. The patient loop is connected with hospital information systems, to ensure
optimal and personalised care.
4. Methodology for development of biomedical signals acquisition and
monitoring using WSN
Taking into account the previous considerations, we propose a three phase methodology for
the development of applications of biomedical signals acquisition (See Fig. 4). The first
phase is the acquisition of biomedical signals, whose main objective is to establish a set of
features for the proper selection of sensors that will accurately capture the required signal,
and at the same time, allow the correct transduction of signals sent. The second stage
concerns to the correct choice of communication protocol to use and to additional features to
the network settings such as topology. Finally, we must determine the relevant elements to
design the platform for visualization and monitoring of the sensed signals.

Fig. 4. Methodology for Development of Biomedical Signals Acquisition and Monitoring
using WSN (Tellez, Rodriguez, & Lozano, 2009)
4.1 Signal acquisition
The monitoring of biomedical signals, requires mechanisms to strengthen, substantiate and
legitimize the information captured by sensors, to try to understand these mechanisms, it
should be noted that the acquisition of biomedical signals, you must meet certain
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

characteristics that do not interfere or alter the information gained, taking into account that
the sensor components that are responsible for trapping that generate changes in the
captured signals.
The concept of biomedical signals, focuses on the acquisition of data common phenomena of
the human body, which can reach diagnoses and predicting diseases in the short and
medium term, and a biomedical signal a signal becomes more complex and useful that
capture a common signal, this allows to argue the importance of establishing and using
elements that provide as much information for the analysis of the signal. Define and
translate these signals, set parameters requires special handling and use of biomedical
signals, as these because of their complexity and accuracy should have low error rates and
sensors that have the ability to capture slight variations in depth to obtain the behaviour of
the human body.
To acquiring a biomedical signal surface, such as the humidity or temperature, it should be
noted that the structure has characteristics that do not alter sensor data collected by the
sensors, may be the case limit or standard level moisture or temperature not met, may yield
inaccurate data, or oxidation of the sensor to a more advanced level. However, as the
environments are not extreme in relation to an industrial environment where sensors may
be exposed to hostile areas, only know the following types of sensors and their respective
form of measurement (See Fig. 5).

Fig. 5. Type of sensor interfaces (Bronzino, 1999)
The sensors can be used in diagnosis of medical diseases or for therapeutic purposes, which
requires that the sensors respond positively to the demands of an analysis of diagnosis of
this type are needed. Must also have high accuracy and in case of a touch sensor or
implantable, alter the body (negatively affect the functioning of the body by the presence of
an external agent as in this case a sensor).
If the sensor must be contact or implantable and this is closely affected by the presence of
high humidity or temperature, is chosen for the design and implementation of protective
sensor packages, these are intended to protect the sensor the presence of moisture or
temperature at the points where the sensor can be affected, leaving only found the part
where the sensor makes the sampling. This will protect both the information gathered as the
prevention of possible damage to the body to place or deploy foreign agents in the body.
There are some kind of sensors that have direct contact with the body, there may be
complications on the replacement of these components, although to deploy sensors should
be a prior investigation and documentation on the reliability and accuracy of the sensor, is
very complex to make changes or sensor calibration in real time or "in vivo", so you must
design a protocol for internal sensor is at least the ability to calibrate itself, or rely on
technology to which it is connected to maintain proper operation, all this must be properly
Biosignal Monitoring Using Wireless Sensor Networks

fulfilling predefined maximum quality standards taking into account that is not stopping
the functioning of the body.
4.2 Processing & transmition
For optimum performance of a wireless sensor network, it must take certain variables or
characteristics such as: Design the network topology sensing environment, energy
consumption, distribution, formation of the network, which provide work a detailed
selection of elements for optimum performance.
To get a sensing stability, we must be accurate when analysing signals, must turn to
decipher and error-free data set give us a straight answer and correct what is a translation of
a real situation. For this analysis, must take count that when handling and rely on signals,
the noise and signals that alter our report as we may find situations where these noises are
not important, as there spaces so. To overcome this obstacle, should be taken into account all
types of filters that can regenerate the signal for the system to obtain an adequate response
and follow the specifications with which the sensor reported the state of our system.
The next step is the routing of data, that we must consider how we get all this data, and
network protocols that we use that are appropriate, including some that are feasible to use
are the following: Internet, LAN, Bluetooth, RF, etc.
Can configure the data so that we know the environmental status according to the location
of it and thus be able to see your progress. To have a comprehensive approach to what we
see, we have three types of messages when creating a virtual environment that allows me to
see the real situation. These three types of messages are control messages, which maintain
stability in the system to monitor, we have messages of interest, which can give us an
overall picture of what happens in reality and finally we have the data messages we give an
independent report of the situation as external changes and variations as shown in control
(Wassim & Zoubir, 2007).
The functionality of a wireless sensor network occurs in large part on the correct and
accurate operation of the nodes that comprise it. For the acquisition of signals in a given
environment using specific sensors, these sensors as was seen in the first objective,
depending on the application and the environment in which you want sensing.
Based on the basic principles for designing a system for acquiring and processing of
biomedical signals (Bronzino, 1999), the text provides 6 phases with which it must have the
design of the data acquisition phase and later emphasizes the hardware design. The
diagram is proposed as follows:

Fig. 6. General block diagram of a procedure analogue to digital (Bronzino, 1999)
The function of a node is to sense, process and communicate data from the signal for a more
detailed study as the application that the network administrator requires. Depending on the
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

topology of the network, each node has a specific function, is the case router node, which
can only send or receive a message, but cannot send messages or data to other router nodes.
On the other hand there is the coordinator node which has a dependency on other nodes for
the complete management of a network, unlike router node; this node can send data to
different nodes regardless of their classification.
The components that make up a sensor node, are mostly very small devices made by MEMS
(Micro Electromechanical Systems), which each plays a vital role in the performance of each
node in the network. Some of these components are:
1. Sensing unit and unit performance
2. Processing Unit
3. Communications Unit
4. Power Unit
5. Other
These hardware components should be organized to conduct a proper and effective work
without generating any kind of conflict in support of specific applications for which they
were designed. Each sensor node needs an operating system (OS) operating system operates
between the application software and hardware and is regularly designed to be used in
workstations and PCs.
In the market there are several manufacturers of nodes. Currently there are 3 companies that
excel in developing this technology. These are: CROSSBOW, MOTEIV, Shockfish. In the
Table 2 shows some characteristics of the nodes of the manufacturers of this technology
(Serna, 2007).

Micaz Mica2 Mica2dot Tmote TinyNode
Distributed by Crossbow Moteiv Shcokfish
7.37 MHz 4 MHz 8 MHZ 8 MHz
RAM 4 KB 10 K bytes 10k bytes
Battery 2 AA Battery Coin cell 2 AA Battery Solar
Microcontroller Atmel Atmega 128 L
Table 2. WSN Nodes characteristics
Among the key parts of the performance of a WSN, it should detail the minimum
consumption for the network. So for the design of a wireless sensor network have focused
on the biomedical field to consider the following items (Melodia, 2007):
1. The collisions should be avoided whenever possible, since the relay produces
unnecessary energy consumption and other potential delays associated. Must find an
optimal solution to avoid overloading the network and avoid the maximum power
2. The delay of transmission sent data packets is very important because you are working
in a biomedical signal, it should be broadcasting continuous time and with the highest
possible quality.
3. The receptor of our network must always be in constant operation (On), for it provides
an ideal or hypothetical situation where our network only mode when you need to send
or receive packets, and minimize the monitoring efforts of our spots.
Biosignal Monitoring Using Wireless Sensor Networks

4. There are points in the design of our wireless system such as: efficient use of
bandwidth, delay, channel quality and power consumption.
5. The adaptability and mobility of our network.
4.2.1 Design coordinators and Router nodes
Some new technologies in the design and manufacturing of communications devices,
smaller devices and better yields have been able to develop more complete nodes to the
field of sensing, transmission and reception of signals obtained. Currently there are several
devices that meet the requirements demanded for the development of a wireless sensor
The use of communication modules, have helped to design the networks, both in reducing
devices included in a node, and the integration of several functions at a level both hardware
and software (i. e. Security Protocols) in a single device.
On the other hand a form of management and efficient use for the acquisition of signals and
their subsequent communication can be handled through the use of communication
modules and modem devices. This solution is temporary and that the management and
programming of micro-controller installed in the module, you can get a bit complex due to
the type of software from the manufacturer and type of programming. The stage design
software, you must set the proper display and lots of useful information necessary for a
proper analysis of the situation and a diagnosis of what is sensed.
4.3 Acquisition & visualization
In order to develop a software application that allows the correct visualization of the
acquired signals, it must take into account multiple factors to identify the basic features to
implement it.
One of the first tasks is the selection of the platform for software development, the
parameters to consider are:
A platform that has the ability to receive a high volume of data
A platform that allows easy synchronization between hardware and software.
A platform with virtual instrumentation tools.
After selecting the development platform begins the design phase of the application. This
stage should establish the visual and information to be submitted for a proper medical
diagnosis. In order to visualize the acquired biomedical signals must be designed the
following modules:
Acquisition Module: This module is responsible for taking the BSN biomedical signals
Separation Module: This module is responsible for recovering the received frame, the
different signals transmitted (if more than one)
Processing Module: This module each signal must translate the information received in
units of voltage to the unit required by the signal such as temperature and relative
humidity among others.
Display Module: Determine the way in which the signal must be represented.
Graphical User Interface: This module is integrated display modules to facilitate the
analysis of information by the end user.
Finally completed the respective designs, the following steps are implementing the software
and then testing to check its proper functioning (See Fig. 8).
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

User Interface:

Fig. 7. General block diagram of biomedical signals visualization software

Fig. 8. Temperature and Humidity visualization software (Rodrguez & Tellez, 2009)
5. Conclusion
The impact generated by the use of wireless sensor networks in the quality of patient care is
very high. The use of these devices in home care systems can reduce hospitalizations, health
professionals timely interventions can extend patients life, and in some cases the use of
biofeedback techniques in psychological treatments may overcome difficult phobias.
The development of such systems implies challenges to be faced in the area of engineering,
such as minimizing energy consumption, since you want nodes lifetime in the network to be
as long as possible. Another challenge is assuring the reliability of the information
transmitted, since any slight variation may generate erroneous diagnosis. Finally, one of the
biggest concerns is related to the potential impact of electromagnetic radiation to human
bodies subject to the use of such devices.
6. References
Aymerich de Franceschi, M. (2009). Performance Analysis of the Contention Access Period in the
slotted IEEE 802.15.4 for Wireless Body Sensor Networks. Legans, Spain: Universidad
Carlos III de Madrid.
Biosignal Monitoring Using Wireless Sensor Networks

Bajaj, L., Takai, M., Ahuja, R., Tang, K., Bagrodia, R., & Gerla, M. (1999). GloMoSim: A scalable
network simulation environment. Los Angeles: University of California, Los Angeles.
Bharathidasan, A., & Sai Ponduru, V. A. (s.f.). Sensor Neoworks: An overview. Recuperado el
17 de June de 2010, de University of California, Davis:
Bronzino, J. D. (1999). Biomedical Engineering Handbook. CRC Press.
Cao, J., & Zhang, F. (1999). Optimal configuration in hierarchical network routing. IEEE
Canadian Conference onElectrical and Computer Engineering (pgs. 249 - 254).
Edmonton, Alta. Canada: IEEE.
Cheekiralla, S., & Engels, D. (2005). A Functional Taxonomy of Wireless Sensor Devices. 2nd
International Conference on Broadband Networks, 2005. (pgs. 949-956). Boston, MA :
Computer Laboratory & Engineering Dept. University of Cambridge. (s.f.). SESAME.
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Egea-Lopez, E., Vales-Alonso, J., Martinez-Sala, A., Pavon-Mario, P., & Garcia-Haro, J.
(2006). Simulation Scalability Issues in Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE
Communications Magazine, 64- 73.
Enginnering in Medicine & Biology. (2003). Designing a Career in Biomedical Engineering.
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Estrin, D., Govindan, R., Heidemann, J., & Kumar, S. (1999). Next Century Challenges:
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Milwaukee, WI: IEEE.
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GT Sonification Lab. (s.f.). SWAN: System for Wearable Audio Navigation. Recuperado el 17 de
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2010, de Advanced Soldier Sensor Information System and Technology (ASSIST):
Information Sciences Institute. (s.f.). The Network Simulator - ns-2. Recuperado el 17 de June
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microsensor networks. Signal Processing Magazine, IEEE , 40 - 50 .
Rodrguez, O., & Tellez, C. (2009). Implementacin de un prototipo funcional de un sistema de
adquisicin y visualizacin de temperatura y humedad en seres humanos utilizando redes de
sensores inalmbricas. Bogota: Universidad de San Buenaventura.
Roldn, D. (2005). Comunicaciones inalmbricas: Un enfoque aplicado. Mexico D.F.: Alfaomega.
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Serna, J. (2007). Redes de Sensores Inalmbricas. Valencia, Spain: Universidad de Valencia.
Tellez, C., Rodriguez, O., & Lozano, C. (2009). Biomedical signal monitoring using wireless
sensor networks. IEEE Latin-American Conference on Communications, 2009. (pgs. 1 -
6 ). Medellin: IEEE.
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(pgs. 1 - 8). Dalian, China: IEEE.
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The Project WearITatWork :
Yang, G. (2006). Body Sensor Networks. London, UK: Springer.

Wireless Telemetry for Implantable
Biomedical Microsystems
Farzad Asgarian and Amir M. Sodagar
Integrated Circuits & Systems (ICAS) Lab.,
Department of Electrical & Computer Eng.,
K. N. Toosi University of Technology,
1. Introduction
Rapid development of microelectronics during the past years allowed the emergence of
high-performance implantable biomedical microsystems (IBMs). Nowadays, these systems share
many features and basic components, and are being used in different applications such as
neural signal recording, functional muscular stimulation, and neural prostheses. Due to
implant size limitations in a wide range of applications, and the necessity for avoiding wires
to reduce the risk of infection, wireless operation of IBMs is inevitable. Hence, an IBM is
usually interfaced with an external host through a wireless link. In order to minimize the
complexity and size of an implant, most of the signal processing units are kept outside the
body and embedded in the external host. Moreover, the power needed for the implant
modules including a central processing and control unit, stimulators and sensors is
transmitted by the external host via wireless interfacing. The wireless link is also used for
bidirectional data transfer between the implanted device and the outside world. Thus, as
shown in Fig. 1, the wireless interface on the implant needs to contain a power regulator, a
demodulator for receiving control/programming data (forward data telemetry), and a
modulator for sending the recorded signals and implant status to the external host (reverse
data telemetry).
Daily increase in the complexity of IBMs leads to demand for sending higher power and
data rates towards the implants. This is more obvious in high-density stimulating
microsystems such as visual prostheses. Therefore, forward telemetry, which is the main
focus of this chapter, has an important role in todays high-performance IBMs.
Design of RF links for power and data telemetry is usually performed based on both system-
level aspects (i.e., functional architecture and physical structure), and power transfer
efficiency and data rate requirements. This includes physical design of the link, carrier
frequency and power of the RF signal, data rate, and also modulation scheme considered for
forward and reverse data telemetry. It should be added that there are other important
concerns that need to be studied in this area, such as safety levels for the exposure of the
human body to electromagnetic waves.
This chapter begins with a discussion on limitations in the design of wireless links due to
electromagnetic safety standards. Then, different types of wireless links are introduced and
compared, following which, the trend towards multiple carrier links is highlighted. In
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software




Received Data
(Reverse Data Telemetry)
(Forward Data Telemetry)





Fig. 1. General block diagram of the wireless interface.
forward data telemetry, commonly-used modulation schemes along with their pros and
cons are studied. Finally, recent works on clock recovery and demodulator circuits are
presented in detail.
2. Biological concerns
2.1 IEEE standard C95.1-2005
Electromagnetic fields generated by telemetry systems can potentially lead to power
dissipation in living tissues and consequently cause damages to the tissue that are
sometimes irreversible. Hence, when designing a device capable of wireless data exchange
with the external world, it is an inseparable part of the designers responsibility to make
sure that the RF energy generated by the device fulfills the safety levels enforced by the
standards for the exposure of human body to RF energy. This is a major concern in the
design of wireless portable devices such as laptops and cell phones, and IBMs are not
exceptions. Designer of a wireless link needs to make sure that potentially hazardous fields
are not exceeded, as indicated in some electromagnetic safety standards. One of the well-
known resources in this area is the IEEE standard for safety levels with respect to human
exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields, 3 KHz to 300 GHz (IEEE Std C95.1-
2005). This standard emphasizes that radio frequency (RF) exposure causes adverse health
effects only when the exposure results in detrimental increase in the temperature of the core
body or localized area of the body. For frequencies between 100 KHz and 3 GHz (which are
used in most telemetry applications), basic restrictions (BRs) are expressed in terms of specific
absorption rate (SAR) in the standard. This is, indeed, the power absorbed by (dissipated in)
unit mass of tissue (Lazzi, 2005). At any point of the human body, SAR is related to the
electric field as

(x, y, z) E (x, y, z)
SAR(x, y, z)
2(x, y, z)
= (1)
Wireless Telemetry for Implantable Biomedical Microsystems

where is the tissue conductivity (in S/m), is the tissue density (Kg/m
), and E is the
electric field strength (V/m) at point (x,y,z). Consequently, the SI unit of SAR is Watt per
kilogram (W/Kg). In Table 1, BRs for whole-body and localized exposure for both the
people in controlled environments and the general public when an RF safety program is
unavailable (action level), are shown. The localized exposure BRs are expressed in terms of
peak spatial-average SAR which is the maximum local SAR averaged over any 10-grams of
tissue in the shape of a cube.

SAR (W/Kg)
Persons in
Whole-body exposure
Whole-Body Average
0.08 0.4
Localized 2 10
& pinnae
Peak spatial average

4 20
* The extremities are the arms and legs distal from the elbows and knees, respectively.
Table 1. BRs for frequencies between 100 KHz and 3 GHz (IEEE standard C95.1-2005).
It should be noted that due to the difficulty in calculation of SAR values and for convenience
in exposure assessment, maximum permissible exposures (MPEs), which are sometimes called
investigation levels, are provided in this IEEE standard (Table. 2). However, two issues must
be kept in mind. First, compliance with this standard includes a determination that the SAR
limits are not exceeded. This means that if an exposure is below the BRs, the MPEs can be
exceeded. Second, in some exposure conditions, especially when the body is extremely close
to an RF field source and in highly localized exposures (which is the case in IBMs),
compliance with the MPEs may not ensure that the local SARs comply with the BRs.
Therefore, for IBMs, SAR evaluation is necessary and the MPEs cannot be used.

Frequency range (MHz)
RMS electric field strength
RMS magnetic field
strength (A/m)
0.1-1.34 614 16.3/f
1.34-3 823.8/f
* 16.3/f

3-30 823.8/f

30-100 27.5 158.3/f
100-400 27.5 0.0729
* fM is the frequency in MHz.
Table 2. MPE for general public (IEEE standard C95.1-2005).
2.2 SAR calculation
In order to estimate the electric field and SAR in the human body, numerical methods of
calculation can be used. One of the most commonly used numerical techniques for
electromagnetic field dosimetry, is the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method, which is
a direct solution of Maxwells curl equations in the time domain. Most of electromagnetic
simulators (e.g., SEMCAD X by SPEAG and CST Microwave Studio), in conjunction with
computational human-body models, can perform FDTD and SAR calculations. In recent
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

years, three-dimensional (3-D) whole body human models have been developed based on
high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans of healthy volunteers (Dymbylow,
2005; Christ et al., 2010). Providing a high level of anatomical details, these models play an
important role in optimizing evaluation of electromagnetic exposures, e.g. in the human
body models presented in (Christ et al., 2010) more than 80 different tissue types are
3. Wireless links
3.1 Inductive links
The wireless link for forward power and data telemetry is mostly implemented by two closely-
spaced, inductively coupled coils (Fig. 2). The secondary coil is implanted in the human body
and the primary coil is kept outside. Usually these coils are a few millimeters apart, with thin
layers of living tissues in between. In this approach, normally both sides of the link are tuned
to the same resonant frequency to increase the power transmission efficiency (Sawan et al.,
2005; Jow & Ghovanloo, 2009). This frequency is known as the carrier frequency and is limited
to a few tens of megahertz for transferring relatively large amounts of energy to the implant.
This is due to the fact that power dissipation in the tissue, which results in excessive
temperature rise, increases as the carrier frequency squared (Lin, 1986). Employing low-
frequency carriers is also supported by recent SAR calculations, e.g. in the telemetry link of an
epiretinal prosthesis reported in (Singh et al., 2009), the SAR limit of the IEEE standard would
be crossed around 16 MHz for a normalized peak current of 0.62 A in the primary coil. Thus,
for power transmission, carrier frequencies of inductive links are typically chosen below 15
MHz (Jow & Ghovanloo, 2007 & 2009; Simard et al., 2010).



Inductive Coupling
External Part Implanted Part

Fig. 2. General block diagram of an inductive power link
In order to convert the dc voltage of an external DC power supply (or battery) to a magnetic
field, the primary coil is driven by a power amplifier, as illustrated in Fig. 3(a). In these
biomedical applications, usually a class-E amplifier is used because of its high efficiency
which is theoretically near 100% (Socal, 1975). As the coils are mutually coupled, magnetic
field in the primary coil (L
) induces an ac voltage on the secondary coil (L
). This voltage is
then rectified and regulated to generate the dc supply voltages required to operate the
implanted electronics. To simplify the efficiency equations, usually the mutual inductance (M)
of the coils is normalized with respect to L
and L
by defining K as the coils coupling
coefficient (Jow and Ghovanloo; 2007)
Wireless Telemetry for Implantable Biomedical Microsystems


1 2
= . (2)
Moreover, the rectifier, the regulator and the power consumption of all implanted circuits
are modeled with an equivalent ac resistance R
(Kendir et al., 2005; Van Schuglenbergh &
Puers, 2009). A simplified schematic for an inductive link is shown in Fig. 3(a) for efficiency
calculations. The resistor R
is a combination of effective series resistance (ESR) of L
(used to
estimate coil losses) and the output resistance of the power amplifier, while R
is the ESR of
(Liu et al., 2005; Harrison, 2007). The capacitors C
and C
are used to create a resonance
on the primary and secondary sides of the link, respectively at

1 1

1 1 2 2
= = . (3)
It is worth noting that C
is in fact a combination of the added capacitor and the parasitic
capacitance of the secondary coil.
Efficiency of the secondary side of the link (
) can be calculated by transforming R
to its
parallel equivalent at resonance, R
(Fig. 3(b))
= R
) Q
where Q
is the quality factor of the unloaded-secondary circuit. In this case, R
both receive the same voltage and
is given by

P2 2

P2 L 2 L
= =
+ +
where Q
is named as the effective Q of the load network (Baker &
Sarpeshkar, 2007).

2 R

Fig. 3. (a) Simplified schematic of an inductive link. (b) and (c) Equivalent circuit diagrams.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

To find the efficiency of the primary side of the link (
), first the coupling between the coils
is modeled as an ideal transformer, and two inductances L
) and L
3(c)) (Harrison, 2007). Then, C
and R
are reflected through the ideal transformer,
resulting in values of C
) and R
) R
. As C
and L

resonate at
can be defined as

2 2
Reflect 1 2 1 2

2 2
P2 2
1 Reflect
1 K Q Q 1 K Q Q
1 2 1 2
= = =
+ + + +
where Q
is the quality factor of the primary circuit in the absence of magnetic
coupling. Therefore, total power efficiency for an inductive link is defined as:

1 2

1 2
2 L
1 K Q Q 1
1 2
L 2
= =
+ + +
. (7)
Equation (7) shows that besides the loading network, is affected by the coupling coefficient
and the quality factors of the coils which are dependent on the coils geometries, relative
distance, and number of turns. For high efficiencies, both
should be maximized.
This occurs when

1 1
2 2 2 1
1 K Q Q
1 2
L L 2 2 2 2 2
<< = << = . (8)
However, in IBMs the coils are weakly coupled and K is typically below 0.4 (Kendir et al.,
2005; Jow & Ghovanloo, 2009; Simard et al., 2010). Thus, depending on the application, the
above conditions might not be satisfied and the overall link efficiency should be maximized
with a different method. From equations (5) and (6), increasing Q
. This means that there is an optimum value for Q
, for which the total efficiency
is maximized (Baker & Sarpeshkar, 2007; Van Schuylenbergh &. Puers, 2009). In other
words, one can determine an optimum loading condition that maximizes the total efficiency.
By differentiating (7) with respect to Q
, the optimum Q
can be found as

1 K Q Q
1 2
. (9)
Consequently, maximum achievable efficiency is given by

1 2

2 2
(1 1 K Q Q )
1 2
+ +

and is plotted as a function of K
in Fig. 4.
Wireless Telemetry for Implantable Biomedical Microsystems


Fig. 4. Maximum achievable link efficiency as a function of K

Wire wound coils have been employed in IBM inductive links for many years. These coils
are made of filament wires in the form of a single or multiple individually insulated strands
twisted into circular shapes (Litz wires) which reduce the coil losses at high frequencies
(Jow & Ghovanloo, 2007). To achieve higher efficiencies, mutual inductance between the
primary and secondary coils can be increased by utilizing ferrite cores (Sodagar et al.,
2009b). However, as illustrated in Fig. 5(a), with both air cores and ferromagnetic cores, the
use of regular coils has a major drawback: Magnetic flux lines are formed around the
primary coil as a result of the flow of current through it. They close their paths through the
air and spread all around the coil. Therefore, the implanted sensitive analog circuitry is
exposed to a major portion of the electromagnetic energy radiated by the primary coil. To
reduce the electromagnetic interferences caused by inductive coupling, use of E-shape cores
is proposed in (Sodagar et al., 2009b). As shown in Fig. 5(b), primary and secondary coils are
wrapped across the cores middle fingers. This method helps confine the electromagnetic
flux within the ferrite cores by forming a closed magnetic circuit through which it can flow.
The flux can only radiate some energy to the outside when it passes through the inevitable
gap between the two coils. Fig. 5(c) shows a photograph of the coils used to power up a
multichannel neural recording system utilizing this technique, which is presented in
(Sodagar et al., 2009b). The E-shape ferrite coils are 5.4 mm 2 mm 2.7 mm (LWH) with
the middle finger and the side fingers 1.5 mm and 0.7 mm thick, respectively.
Inductive links can also be implemented by employing printed spiral coils (PSCs). As wire-
wound coils cannot be batch-fabricated or shrunk down in size without the use of
sophisticated machinery (Jow & Ghovanloo, 2007), PSCs have drawn a lot of attention in
recent years. Such planar coils are produced using standard photolithographic and micro
fabrication techniques on flexible or rigid substrates. Thus, the geometrics of PSCs, which
are important factors in the link power efficiency, can be accurately defined. A typical
square-shaped PSC is shown in Fig. 6, in which D
and D
are the outer and inner diameters
of the coil, W is the width of the tracks, and S is the track spacing. Because of size
constraints, usually the outer diameter of implanted coils is limited to 10 mm, while the
external coils might have larger diameters, depending on the application (Shah et al., 1998;
Jow & Ghovanloo, 2007). Classically, in IBMs power and data are transferred through the
same wireless link, with the data modulated on the same carrier used for power transfer.
However, power transfer is more efficient with high-Q coils, while in many applications
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software


(a) (b)

Fig. 5. (a) Problem of magnetic flux with regular coils. (b) Confining the magnetic flux by
forming a closed magnetic circuit. (c) Implementation of the idea in (b) on the implantable
device presented by (Sodagar et al., 2009b).
such as retinal implants, wideband data transfer is needed, demanding for low quality
factors of the coils. Due to contradictory requirements of power and data transfer, there is a
trend towards utilizing multiple carrier links in which separate coils are designed for power
and data (Ghovanloo & Alturi, 2007; Jow & Ghovanloo, 2008; Simard et al., 2010). These
links typically take advantage of PSCs for power transmission. As the data carrier amplitude
is much smaller than the power carrier, crosstalk becomes an important issue in multiple
carrier links design. Different geometries and orientations of data coils have been reported
for solving this problem. In (Jow & Ghovanloo, 2008) vertical and figure-8 data coils are
proposed to reduce the cross coupling between power and data coils. Vertical coils are
wound across the diameter of the power PSCs, while figure-8 types are implemented as
PSCs in the same substrate of the power PSCs and parallel to them. Results show that
vertical coils attenuate the power carrier interference more, when the coils are perfectly
aligned. On the other hand, figure-8 coils are less sensitive to horizontal misalignments. In
(Simard et al., 2010) another geometry named coplanar geometry is presented. Based on the
results, in comparison with vertical and figure-8 coils, this approach provides better
immunity to crosstalk under misalignments. However, as the total area of the wireless link
is increased, it might not be usable in some applications.
Wireless Telemetry for Implantable Biomedical Microsystems


(a) (b)
Fig. 6. Typical squared-shaped PSCs. (a) Important geometrical parameters. (b). A prototype
fabricated on a printed circuit board (PCB).
Multiple carrier architectures allow designing and optimizing power and data links
separately and based on their own specific requirements. As a result, optimized data links
for different modulation techniques have been reported (Ghovanloo & Alturi, 2007; Simard
et al., 2010). Furthermore, by increasing the quality factors of the power coils, efficiencies as
high as 72% has been achieved (Jow & Ghovanloo, 2009).

3.2 Capacitive links
Although capacitive coupling has been already used for inter-chip data communication
(Canegallo et al., 2007; Fazzi et al., 2008) and even for power transfer (Culurciello &
Andreou, 2006), it was studied for implantable biomedical applications in (Sodagar & Amiri,
2009) for the first time. This method is based on capacitive coupling between two parallel
plates. One of the plates is placed on the implant side and the other is attached to the skin on
the external side. The plates are aligned to have maximum overlapping, while the skin and
thin layers of tissue act as dielectric. In this approach, electric field is used as the carrier for
power and data, contrary to the traditional inductive approach where magnetic field plays
the key role. As illustrated in Fig. 7, the field lines defining the RF energy conveying power
and data in capacitive links are well confined within the area considered for this purpose.
This helps extremely reduce or even eliminate the relatively large electromagnetic
interference on the sensitive analog circuitry in the system. A significant side benefit of this
energy confinement is that several power, data and clock signals can be exchanged between
the implant and the external setup without interfering with each other even at the same
frequencies. Moreover, another important advantage of capacitive links is that they are
naturally compatible with standard integrated circuit (IC) fabrication technologies.
A simplified schematic of a capacitive link is shown in Fig. 8, where V
is the input voltage,
and C
are the capacitances between the implanted and external plates, C
is the
equivalent input capacitance of the circuits directly connected to the link, and R
is the
equivalent ac resistance of the loading network. The voltage received on the implant side,
, is determined as
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software


( )
( ) ( )
R 1 P
L Ceq
V V j
2 2
2 2 2 2
R 1 P X R 1 P X
L L Ceq Ceq


= +

+ + + +

where X
is the reactance of C
, and P=C
. Assuming C
, equation
(11) becomes
L Ceq
V V j
2 2 2 2
L L Ceq Ceq

= +

+ +

, (12)
and the voltage transfer rate is given by

int L
2 2
L Ceq
. (13)
Thus, V
is maximized when X

S S e en ns s i i t ti i v ve e
A An na a l l o og g
SSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS eeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnssssssss sssssssssssssssssssssssss iiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitttttttttt tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiivvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
AAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllloooooo ooooooooooooooooooggggggg ggggggggggggggggggggg



Fig. 7. Energy confinement in the capacitive coupling approach.

Fig. 8. Simplified schematic of a capacitive link.
Wireless Telemetry for Implantable Biomedical Microsystems

Unit capacitances and reactance of 1 mm 1 mm parallel plates 1 mm apart from each other
are calculated and plotted in Figs. 9 and 10 for frequencies between 100 kHz and 10 MHz.
Calculations are based on the dielectric properties of biological tissues at RF and microwave
frequencies reported in (Gabriel et al., 1996a, b & c), which are also available as an internet
resource by the Italian National Research Council, Institute for Applied Physics (IFAC). Fig. 9
shows that, in general, unit capacitances of the skin and muscle increase with the frequency.
However, as illustrated in Fig. 10, unit reactance of dry skin decreases as the frequency
increases, while unit reactances of wet skin and muscle are almost constant and only change
about 20% over the frequency range 1 MHz 10 MHz.

100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000



Frequency (KHz)
SkinDry SkinWet Muscle
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



Frequency (MHz)
SkinDry SkinWet Muscle

(a) (b)
Fig. 9. Unit capacitance of 1 mm 1 mm plates 1 mm apart from each other for frequencies
between (a) 100 kHz and 1 MHz, and (b) 1 MHz and 10 MHz

100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000


Frequency (KHz)
SkinDry SkinWet Muscle
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Frequency (MHz)
SkinDry SkinWet Muscle

(a) (b)
Fig. 10. Unit reactance of 1 mm 1 mm plates 1 mm apart from each other for frequencies
between (a) 100 kHz and 1 MHz, and (b) 1 MHz and 10 MHz
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

According to Equation (13) R
plays a key role in the voltage transfer rate of a capacitive
link. Hence, it is of crucial importance to note that the value of R
for power transfer through
a telemetry link is completely different from the case where the link is used for data
telemetry. Thus, similarly to inductive links, it is more practical to use the multiple carrier
approach, and design each link separately. In data links, C
and C
are connected to
high-impedance nodes, such as inputs of voltage buffers or comparators (Asgarian &
Sodagar, 2010). This implies that even with small plates, voltage transfer rates close to 1 can
be achieved. For instance, 2 mm 2 mm plates 3 mm apart from each other result in a X

less than 4 k (assuming dry skin as the dielectric), which is relatively much smaller than R

in data links. On the other hand, in power transmission R
is typically below 10 k
modeling substantial current draw from the power source. To optimize the voltage gain,
should be kept as low as possible. This is achieved by choosing larger plates, while still
complying with the implant size constraints. As an example, with dry skin as the dielectric
and 5 mm 5 mm plates 3 mm apart from each other, X
and voltage transfer rate are
about 0.6 k and 95%, respectively, for R
=2 k.
4. Data transfer to biomedical implants
4.1 Modulation schemes
Regardless of the type of the telemetry link, data needs to be modulated onto a carrier for
wireless transmission. Forward data telemetry should be capable of providing a relatively
high data rate, especially in applications where the implant interfaces with the central
nervous system such as visual prostheses (Ghovanloo & Najafi, 2004). On the other hand, as
discussed before, there are limitations on increasing the carrier frequency for implantable
devices. Therefore, data-rate-to-carrier-frequency (DRCF) ratio is introduced as an important
measure, indicating the amount of data successfully modulated on a certain carrier
frequency. From among the different types of modulation schemes available for wireless
data transfer, digital modulation techniques including amplitude shift keying (ASK), frequency
shift keying (FSK), and phase shift keying (PSK) are more commonly used in IBMs. These
modulations are illustrated in Fig. 11.

(a) (b)
t t
=0 =180

Fig. 11. Digital modulation schemes: (a) ASK, (b) PSK, and (c) FSK.
Wireless Telemetry for Implantable Biomedical Microsystems

Although ASK has been used in some early works due to its simple modulation and
demodulation circuitry, it suffers from low data rate transmission and high sensitivity to
amplitude noise (Sodagar & Najafi, 2006; Razavi, 1998). In FSK, employing two different
carrier frequencies limits the data rate to the lower frequency and consequently decreases
the DRCF ratio. In contrast with FSK, PSK benefits from fixed carrier frequency and provide
data rates as high as the carrier frequency (DRCF=100%).
In terms of bit error rate (BER), PSK exhibits considerable advantage over FSK and ASK at
the same amplitude levels. This can be easily shown by plotting signal constellations or
signal spaces for different modulation techniques (Fig. 12), and considering the fact that BER
is mostly affected by the points with the minimum Cartesian distance in a constellation
(Razavi, 1998). Additionally, a detailed analysis of two types of PSK modulation, binary PSK
(BPSK) and quadrature PSK (QPSK) is given in (Razavi, 1998), which shows that they have
nearly equal probabilities of error if the transmitted power, bit rate, and the differences
between the bit energy and symbol energy are taken into account.

0 +AC

+AC -AC 0
Decision Boundary
Decision Boundary
Decision Boundary

(t) =

= 0 or A
t +
] = [0 , A
] or [A
, 0]
For maximum distance between the points in the
signal space, the two basis functions must be
orthogonal over one bit period (Razavi, 1998).
This system is also knows as orthogonal BFSK.
(t) =

= +A
or -A

Fig. 12. Signal constellation of binary (a) ASK, (b) PSK, and (c) FSK modulations.
4.2 Data and clock recovery circuits
4.2.1 Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK)
One of the first techniques employed for digital data modulation in IBMs is ASK. In this
technique, two carrier amplitude levels are assigned to logic levels 0 and 1, as
illustrated in Fig. 11(a). Perhaps it was the straightforward implementation of both
modulators and demodulators for ASK that attracted the interest of designers to this
modulation scheme. To facilitate detection of ASK-modulated data on the receiver end and
reduce the possibility of having errors in data transfer, there should be enough distinction
between the two amplitude levels associated with 0s and 1s, A
and A
, respectively.
Modulation index (depth) is a measure for this distinction, which is defined for ASK as:

m% 100%

= (14)
It is, however, the nature of amplitude modulation techniques, e.g., AM for analog and ASK
for digital, that makes them susceptible to noise. To overcome this weakness, modulation
index is chosen as high as possible.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

When used only for data telemetry (not for power telemetry), whether from the implant to
the outside world or vice versa, ASK modulation index can be increased to even 100%. This
extreme for ASK, also referred to as On-Off Keying (OOK), obviously exhibits the best
robustness against noise in ASK. A side benefit for increasing the modulation index to 100%
is the power saving achieved by not spending energy to transmit logical 0s to the outside.
Examples of using OOK only for data telemetry are (Yu & Bashirullah, 2006; Sodagar, et al,
2006 & 2009a).
Early attempts in designing IBM wireless links for both power and data telemetry employed
ASK technique for modulation. The functional neuromuscular stimulator microsystem
designed by (Akin & Najafi, 1994) is an example of a complete system that wirelessly
receives power and data from the outside and returns backward data to the outside all using
ASK modulation. Although ASK was successfully used for both power and data telemetry
in several works (Von-Arx & Najafi, 1998; Yu & Najafi, 2001; Coulombe et al., 2003), it could
not satisfy the somehow conflicting requirements for efficient telemetry of power and data
at the same time. One of such conflicts can be explained as follows: The power regulator
block needs to be designed to work desirably even when the amplitude received through
the link is at A
. For this purpose, A
should be high enough to provide sufficient overhead
voltage on top of the regulated voltage. On the other hand, it was explained before that A

needs to be well above A
in order to result in a high-quality data transfer, i.e., a low BER.
This leads to two major problems:
- From the circuit design viewpoint, the regulator needs to be strong enough to suppress
the large amplitude fluctuations associated with switchings between A
and A
. Not
only these fluctuations are large in amplitude, they are also low in frequency as
compared to the carrier frequency. This makes the design of the regulator challenging,
especially if it is expected to be fully integrated.
- A
values much higher than A
are not welcomed from the standpoint of tissue safety
either. This is because at A
the amount of the power transferred through the tissue is
much higher than what the system needs to receive (already guaranteed by the carrier
energy at A
Although ASK technique is a possible candidate for reverse data telemetry in the same way
as the other modulation techniques are, it is a special choice in passive reverse telemetry. In
this method, also known as Load-Shift Keying (LSK), reverse data is transferred back to the
external host through the same link used for forward telemetry. While the forward data is
modulated on the amplitude, frequency, or phase of the incoming carrier, backward data is
modulated on the energy drawn through the link. The backward data is simply detected
from the current flowing through the primary coil on the external side of the inductive link.
What happens in the LSK method is, indeed, ASK modulation of the reverse data on the
energy transferred through the link or on the current through the primary coil.
4.2.1 Frequency Shift Keying (FSK)
Three FSK demodulators are studied in (Ghovanloo & Najafi, 2004) that employ two carrier
frequencies f
and f
to transmit logic 1 and 0 levels, respectively. As a result, the
minimum bit-time is 1/f
and data rates higher than f
cannot be achieved. Moreover, by
considering the average frequency as (f
)/2, the DRCF ratio is limited to 67%. In all three
circuits, FSK data is transmitted using a phase-coherent protocol, in which both of the
carrier frequencies have a fixed phase at the start of each bit-time (Fig. 13). Whether a zero
or 180 phase offset is chosen for sinusoidal FSK symbols, data bits are detected on the
Wireless Telemetry for Implantable Biomedical Microsystems

receiver side by measuring the period of each received carrier cycle. In this case, every single
long period (a single cycle of f
) represents a 1 bit and every two successive short periods
(two cycles of f
) indicate a 0 bit. As illustrated in Fig. 14, in the demodulators reported by
(Ghovanloo & Najafi, 2004), the received FSK carrier first passes through a clock regenerator
block, which squares up the analog sinusoidal carrier. For period or, in general, time
measurement in FSK demodulation, both analog and digital approaches have been

/2 T

Fig. 13. Phase-coherent BFSK Modulation.

Data Out
Clock Out
Fig. 14. General block diagram of the demodulators presented in (Ghovanloo & Najfi, 2004)
The analog approach is based on charging a capacitor with a constant current to examine if
its voltage exceeds a certain threshold level (logic 1 detection) or not (logic 0 detection).
In this method, charging and discharging the capacitor should be controlled by the logic
levels of the digitized FSK carrier. The demodulator, in which the capacitor voltage is
compared with a constant reference voltage, is known as referenced differential FSK (RDFSK)
demodulator. On the other hand, in fully differential FSK (FDFSK) demodulator, two unequal
capacitors are charged with different currents, and their voltages are compared by a Schmitt
trigger comparator.
In the digital FSK (DFSK) demodulator scheme, duration of carrier cycles is measured with a
3-bit counter, which only runs at the first halves of the carrier cycles (i.e., during T
/2 and
/2). The final count value of the counter is then compared with a constant reference
number to determine whether a short or long period cycle has been received. The counter
clock, which is provided by a 5-stage ring oscillator, is several times higher than f
, and
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

should be chosen in such a way that the counter can discriminate between T
) and
) time periods.
In all the three demodulators, the output of the comparator is fed into a digital block to
generate the received data bit-stream. Additionally, detection of a long carrier cycle or two
successive short carrier cycles in every bit-time is used along with the digitized FSK carrier
to extract a constant frequency clock.
Measurement results of the three circuits in (Ghovanloo & Najafi, 2004) indicate that with 5
and 10 MHz carrier frequencies over a wideband inductive link, the DFSK demodulator has
the highest data rate (2.5 Mbps) and the lowest power consumption. At lower carrier
frequencies, however, since the current required to charge the capacitor in the RDFSK
method can be very small, the RDFSK circuit might be more power efficient. On the other
hand, due to the fact that the FDFSK demodulator benefits from a differential architecture, it
is more robust against process variations. It should be noted that the inductive link used in
(Ghovanloo & Najafi, 2004) was designed for both power and data transfer. Hence, data rate
for the DFSK demodulator was limited to 2.5 Mbps in order to comply with the limited
wireless link bandwidth set for efficient power transfer. In other words, the DFSK method
would be capable of providing data rates as high as 5 Mbps (equal to the lower carrier
frequency) if the link was designed merely for data telemetry.
4.2.3 Phase Shift Keying (PSK)
Recently, PSK modulation with constant amplitude symbols and fixed carrier frequency has
attracted great attention in designing wireless links for IBMs (Zhou & Liu, 2007; Asgarian &
Sodagar, 2009b; Simard et al., 2010). Demodulators based on both coherent and noncoherent
schemes have been reported. In coherent detection, phase synchronization between the
received signal and the receiver, called carrier recovery, is needed (Razavi, 1998). Therefore,
noncoherent detectors are generally less complex and have wider usage in RF applications
in spite of their higher BERs (Razavi, 1998). Coherent BPSK demodulators are mostly
implemented by the COSTAS loop technique (Fig. 15), which is made up of two parallel
phase-locked-loops (PLL). In Fig. 15, d(t) represents the transmitted data (1 or -1),
is the
received carrier phase,
is the phase of the oscillator output, and the upper and lower
branches are called in-phase and quadrature-phase branches, respectively. In this method the
goal is to control the local oscillator with a signal that is independent of the data stream
(d(t)) and is only proportional to the phase error (
). In the locked state, phase error is
approximately zero and the demodulated data is the output of the in-phase branch.
In order to reduce the complexity of conventional COSTAS-loop-based BPSK demodulators,
nowadays, they are mainly designed by digital techniques such as filtering, phase shifting,
and digital control oscillators (Sawan et al., 2005). Employing these techniques and inspiring
from digital PLLs, a coherent BPSK demodulator is proposed in (Hu & Sawan, 2005). It is
shown that the circuit behaves as a second-order linear PLL, and its natural frequency and
damping factor are also calculated. Maximum data rate of the demodulator depends on the
lock-in time of the loop which is determined by the natural frequency (Hu & Sawan, 2005).
Increasing the natural frequency may decrease the damping factor and affect the dynamic
performance of the system. Therefore, the maximum data rate measured for a 10-MHz
carrier frequency is 1.12 Mbps, which results in a DRCF ratio of only 11.2% for this circuit.
This idea is then evolved into a QPSK demodulator in (Deng et al., 2006) to achieve higher
data rates. Moreover, improved version of the QPSK demodulator is studied in (Lu &
Wireless Telemetry for Implantable Biomedical Microsystems

Phase Shifter
Voltage Control
Sin (w
(t) Sin[2(
d(t) Sin(
d(t) Cos(
d(t) Sin(w
Data In
Data Out I-Branch

Fig. 15. COSTAS loop for BPSK demodulation.
Sawan, 2008) and is tested with a multiple carrier inductive link and a carrier frequency of
13.56 MHz in (Simard et al., 2010). According to the experimental results, maximum data
rate and DRCF ratio for this circuit are 4.16 Mbps and about 30%, respectively.
Noncoherent BPSK demodulators can be implemented much simpler than coherent ones.
Fig. 16 shows the general block diagram of two types of these demodulators presented in
(Gong et al., 2008) and (Asgarian & Sodagar, 2009a). The received analog carrier first passes
through a 1-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC). Then, the digitized carrier (BPSK) is fed into
the edge detection block, which contains two D flip-flops. By defining two sinusoidal
waveforms with 180 phase difference associated with 0 and 1 symbols, this block can
easily detect the received data based on either rising (logic 1) or falling (logic 0) edges of
the digitized signal. Additionally, as both rising and falling edges occur in the middle of the
symbol time (T
/2), detection of either edge can be used as a reference in the clock and
data recovery unit in order to extract a clock signal from the received carrier and reconstruct
the desired bit stream. Obviously, it is necessary to reset the D flip-flops after each detection,
but it should also be noted that between any two (or more) consecutive similar symbols an
edge occurs that should not be detected as a change in the received data. Hence, for proper
operation of the demodulator, a reset signal is needed after each symbol time is over and
before the edge of the next symbol (which takes place in the middle of it). For this purpose,
in (Gong et al., 2008) a capacitor is connected to a Schmitt trigger comparator, whose output
is the required reset signal. After each edge detection, this capacitor is charged towards the
switching point of the comparator. Thus, its voltage rise time, which should have a value
greater than 0.5T
and smaller than T
, is chosen to be 0.75T
in (Gong et al., 2008).
Another method of generating the reset signal is proposed by (Asgarian & Sodagar, 2009a), in
which a 3-bit asynchronous counter has been designed in such a way that it starts counting
after the detection of each edge. The most significant bit (MSB) of the counter goes high between
and T
, and resets the D flip-flops. A free running 5-stage ring oscillator generates a
clock signal (f
), which is used to prepare the clock of the counter. The oscillator frequency
range is determined by the required activation time of the reset signal. As shown in Fig. 17,
considering the two worst cases, the following conditions should be met

osc BPSK
3T 0.5T > , (14a)
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software


osc BPSK
4T T < . (14b)
Therefore, frequency of the oscillator can be chosen between 4f
and 6f
, which is set to
in (Asgarian & Sodagar, 2009a).

Edge Type
Edge Reset
1-bit ADC
Edge Detector



Reset Generator
Data Out
Clock Out

Fig. 16. General block diagram of two noncoherent demodulators presented in (Gong et al.,
2008) and (Asgarian & Sodagar, 2009a).


Counter can start working

from this point forward.
0 0.5 T
~ ~
Case I
Case II
~ ~~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~

Fig. 17. Two worst cases for determining the range of f
in (Asgarian & Sodagar, 2009a)
Both of the described noncoherent BPSK demodulators have much lower power
consumption than their coherent counterparts. Moreover, they can provide data rates equal
to the carrier frequency provided that phase shifts are propagated through the wireless link
quickly. In inductive links, this usually requires a low quality factor for the resonant circuits
Wireless Telemetry for Implantable Biomedical Microsystems

on the primary and secondary sides of the link (Fig. 3), which leads to higher power
dissipation. In (Wang et al., 2005) a PSK transmitter with Q-independent phase transition
time is reported. The circuit, however, only modulates the phase of the carrier within two
carrier cycles. Due to these limitations, experimental results of the demodulator studied in
(Gong et al., 2008) with an inductive link, shows a DRCF ratio of only 20%. Similarly to the
DFSK demodulator, this again emphasizes that in order to take advantage of the maximum
demodulator speed, optimization of the data link in multiple carrier topologies is essential.
Most of the demodulators designed for IBMs can only operate with a specific carrier
frequency, while their DRCF ratio is constant. In other words, at least one part of these circuits
is dependent to the frequency of the modulated signal. For instance, in analog FSK
demodulators (Ghovanloo & Najafi, 2004) and (Gong et al., 2008) the values of capacitors are
determined based on the carrier frequency, or in (Hu & Sawan, 2005; Simard et al., 2010) the
voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) is designed to work with a modulated carrier of 13.56
MHz. In (Asgarian & Sodagar, 2010) a carrier-frequency-independent BPSK (CFI-BPSK)
demodulator is presented (Fig. 18). Similarly to (Asgarian & Sodagar, 2009a), the received data
are detected based on rising or falling edge of the digitized carrier, while a new reset
mechanism is proposed. As shown in Fig. 19, the required reset signal (EdgeReset) is generated
by employing two different digitized waveforms (BPSK+ and BPSK-) of the received analog
carrier. In this method, EdgeReset is activated after a falling edge occurs in both BPSK+ and
BPSK- signals, and disabled with the first rising edge (or high level) of either BPSK+ or BPSK-.
In order to fulfill these requirements, the reset generator is composed of a clipping circuit, and
a control and edge detection block (Fig. 18). Experimental results of a prototype in (Asgarian &
Sodagar, 2010) indicate that this circuit can achieve a DRCF ratio of 100% with capacitive links,
while all of its components are independent of the carrier frequency.

Edge Type
1-bit ADC
Edge Detector



Edge Reset
and Edge
Clipping Circuit
Reset Genrator
Data Out
Clock Out

Fig. 18. Block diagram of the CFI-BPSK demodulator (Asgarian & Sodagar, 2010).
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

Edge Reset

Fig. 19. Generating EdgeReset from the sinusoidal carrier in CFI-BPSK demodulator.
5. Conclusion
Wireless telemetry is one of the most important parts of IBMs, as it provides them with the
power they require to operate, and also enables them to communicate with the external
world wirelessly. Traditionally, wireless interfaces are implemented by inductive links.
However, recently, employing capacitive links has been introduced as an alternative.
Additionally, due to conflicting requirements of power and data telemetry, researches are
mainly focused on utilizing multiple carrier or multiband links in both inductive and
capacitive approaches. Besides size constraints, power dissipation in the human body is a
key issue, especially in power telemetry where it may lead to excessive temperature increase
in biological tissues. Hence, RF energy absorptions resulted from electromagnetic fields
available in telemetry systems, should be evaluated by taking advantage of 3-D human
body models and computational methods. In regards with forward data telemetry, recent
works indicate that noncoherent BPSK demodulators are among the best choices for high
data rate biomedical applications. These circuits are capable of providing DRCF ratios of up
to 100%, provided that the link propagates phase shifts rapidly. This implies that the main
speed limiting factor is going to be the wireless link and not the demodulator circuitry.
Therefore, further optimization is needed in designing data links, where the capacitive
method can potentially be a good solution.
6. References
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Microsystem Technologies for Biomedical
Francisco Perdigones, Jos e Miguel Moreno,
Antonio Luque, Carmen Aracil and Jos e Manuel Quero
University of Seville
1. Introduction
Microsystems, also often known as microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), are
miniaturized devices fabricated using techniques called micromachining, and that
are common in different application areas, such as automotive, consumer electronics,
industrial measurements, and recently biomedical too Dean & Luque (2009). The typical
denition states that a microsystem is any device which has at least one feature size in the
order of micrometers (1:1000 of a mm).
Historically, silicon has been used as the material of choice for fabricating microsystems, due
to the processing equipment which was already available in microelectronics foundries, and
the thorough understanding of the properties that the impressive development of electronics
in the 1950s and 60s made possible. Another advantage derived from microelectronics is
the low cost associated when fabricating devices at very large production volume. It was
then natural to try to integrate other devices with the microelectronic chips, and so the rst
microsystems were born. Initially, the market was driven by automotive applications, and
accelerometers for stability control and airbag deployment were one of the rst commercial
successes of microsystems technology. Other typical examples from this age are pressure
sensors and inkjet printer nozzles. Since then, the global MEMS market has not ceased to
grow, and their applications are more diverse now. It is expected that by 2010 more than 8000
million MEMS devices will be sold yearly Status of the MEMS industry (2008).
As explained before, due to the importance of the microelectronics foundries, silicon is
nowadays a widely available material, with a relatively low cost. Its mechanical and electrical
properties have been very well known for decades, a fact which still makes it an ideal choice
for many microsystems. Silicon is nearly as strong as steel, but with a much lower fracture
toughness Petersen (1982). It is usually sold in circular wafers of varying diameters, from
100 to 500 mm. In microsystems, the nal devices are sometimes built by removing part
of the material in the substrate, in a process called bulk micromachining, while in other
occasions, thin lms are deposited on top of the wafer and then parts of them are etched
away to form the device, which is known as surface micromachining Kovacs et al. (1998).
The actual micromachining of silicon is performed using etchants, which can be liquid (wet
etching) or in gas or plasma form (dry etching). Both types can etch the silicon isotropically
or anisotropically, depending on the etchant composition and operating parameters. Other
materials are commonly present in silicon-based microsystems, most of which also derive
from silicon, such as polycrystalline silicon, silicon dioxide, or silicon nitride. Thin or thick
2 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
lms of other materials can be deposited on top of the substrate using chemical vapor
deposition (CVD), sputtering, thermal evaporation, or spin coating, among other techniques.
All the mentioned process are complemented by photolithography, by means of which a
particular area of the wafer where to etch or deposit a material can be selected. This is done
using a photosensitive resist which is exposed to light (usually ultraviolet) through a mask
with opaque and transparent areas. The resist is then developed and the exposed areas are
removed (if the photoresist is positive). The remaining photoresist protects the wafer and
avoid that area to be etched away, or a material to be deposited on top of it.
Silicon has been used successfully to fabricate devices such as microuidic control valves,
blood micropumps and microneedles for drug delivery through the skin Henry et al. (1998),
but other materials are of more importance for biomedical applications. These materials are
usually polymers, which offer the advantage of being cheap and fast to process, especially for
small-scale production. Many of the polymers used are biocompatible.
Two of the most common used polymers are PMMA (poly-methyl-metacrylate) and PDMS
(poly-dimethyl-siloxane). PMMA is available in solid form, and thermal casting or molding
are used to shape it Huang & Fu (2007). PDMS is available as two liquid products (prepolymer
and curing agent), which should be mixed together, poured over a mold, and cured at
moderately high temperatures. Then it becomes solid and can be demolded. This process
has been widely adopted by the microuidics and biomedical communities since it was
developed in 2000 Duffy et al. (1998). Another material used in rapid prototyping is the
negative photoresist called SU-8. Examples of actual devices built using PDMS and SU-8
will be showcased below.
The measurement of substances in the blood was one of the rst biomedical applications of
MEMS devices. Nowadays, personal glucometers are inexpensive, and some of them are
starting to include an insulin pump, also built with MEMS technology, which is able to deliver
insulin to the patient when the measured glucose level is too high.
One of the most important goals of the research in BioMEMS is the fabrication of a lab-on-chip
(LOC) device, where all the needed components to perform extraction, movement, control,
processing, analysis, etc. of biological uids are present. This LOC device would be a truly
miniaturized laboratory, which would fulll many of todays needs in portable medicine.
To accomplish a task like building a LOC, many smaller parts must be considered. In the rest
of the sections of this chapter, these parts will be discussed. Section 2 will discuss in detail
the fabrication processes for the materials described above, which are the most commonly
used now. In Section 3, the issue of power supply will be considered, and some solutions to
integrate the microuidic power in the microsystemwill be presented. Section 4will deal with
control and regulation of biological uids inside the chip. In Section 5, the integration of the
different components will be discussed, giving some examples of actual devices, and nally
in Section 6, some conclusions will be remarked.
2. Fabrication processes for biocompatible materials
2.1 Introduction
In this section the basis of fabrication processes using the most commonly
biocompatible polymers used in MEMS are reported. These materials are
Glycidyl-ether-bisphenol-A novolac (SU-8) Lorenz et al. (1997) and polydimethilsiloxane
(PDMS) McDonald & Whitesides (2002).
Regarding SU-8 fabrication processes, the typical fabrication process and multilayer technique
Mata et al. (2006) are presented in this introduction. Then, in section 2.3 a new process to
46 Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software
Microsystem Technologies for Biomedical Applications 3
Fig. 1. Typical SU-8 process
transfer SU-8 membranes are commented in order to achieve closed structures. The PDMS
material is also presented in this introduction together with the facilities used to process both
materials. Neither applications nor functionality of the fabricated devices are presented in this
section, only the materials, equipment and processes are reported.
SU-8 is a negative epoxy photoresist widely used in MEMS fabrication, above all in
microuidics and biotechnology due to its interesting properties such as biocompatibility,
good chemical and mechanical resistance, and transparency. The typical fabrication process
of SU-8 Lorenz et al. (1997) has the following steps as is shown in Fig. 1.
1. Cleaning: The substrate is cleaned using the appropriated substances.
2. Deposition: Deposition by spin coating. The equipment in this step is a spin coater thanks
to the thickness of deposited layer can be controlled.
3. Softbake: Softbake in a hot plate, in order to remove the solvent and solidiedthe deposited
4. Exposure: The SU-8 layer is exposed to ultraviolet UV light using an appropriate mask.
The exposed SU-8 will crosslink whereas not exposed SU-8 will be removed. In this step a
mask-aligner is necessary in order to align the different masks and expose.
5. Post exposure bake (PEB): The layer is baked using a hot plate in order to crosslink the
exposed SU-8.
6. Development: The uncrosslinked SU-8 is developed by immersion and agitation using a
developer, e.g., PGMEA.
Times, exposing doses and temperatures are proposed by the SU-8 manufacturer, e.g.,
MicroChem Corporation or Gersteltec Engineering Solutions.
The SU-8 multilayer technique is used to achieve different thickness in the fabricated structure.
This procedure of fabrication consists of performing the previous steps 2 to 5 and them these
steps are carried out as many times as additional different thicknesses are required. The nal
step is a development of the whole structure. In Fig. 2 a multilayer process (two layers) is
Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) is an elastomer material with Low Young modulus. In this
respect, PDMS is more exible material than SU-8. PDMS is also widely used in microuidic
47 Microsystem Technologies for Biomedical Applications
4 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
Fig. 2. Multilayer SU-8 process
circuits and biotechnology as base material. It is composed by a prepolymer and a curing
agent that must be mixed in order to obtain the PDMS. Depending on the ratio of both
substances the PDMS will require a certain time of curing for a xed temperature. The
equipment necessary to process PDMS includes a vacuum chamber to remove the bubbles
that appear during mixing and an oven to cure the PDMS. The fabrication of PDMS device is
preceded by molds fabrication. These molds are necessary to dene the PDMS structure as it
will be explained.
2.2 PDMS fabrication processes
The fabrication using PDMS elastomer is based on soft lithography McDonald & Whitesides
(2002). The procedure starts with the fabrication of molds. There are several techniques to
fabricate these molds, among others, photolithography or micromachining. The substrate
widely used for photolithography is silicon, and the material to dene the structures
is SU-8. The molds are fabricated using the typical process of SU-8 or using more
complex techniques as multilayer fabrication. The low adherence of PDMS to SU8 and
silicon facilitates the demolding process. We propose Flame Retadant 4 (FR4) of Printed
Circuit Board (PCB) as substrate due to its low cost and good adherence with SU-8,
Perdigones, Moreno, Luque & Quero (2010). However this material presents more roughness
than silicon or pyrex but no problems have been observed due to this issue. Amold fabricated
performing the typical process with FR4 as substrate and SU-8 can be seen as an example in
Fig. 3. As it is explained later, the PDMS will be poured over it, achieving the negative pattern
of the mold.
Once the molds have been produced, a mixture of prepolymer and curing agent is performed
with a commonly used ratio in weight percent of 10:1. This mixture is performed by agitation
using a stirring bar, and then is degassed in order to remove the bubbles that appear during
mixing. Once the mixture has been degassed, it is poured over the mold and put into an
oven at 65

C during 1 h approximately until PDMS is crosslinked and solidied. Finally, the
PDMS is peeled off the mold. Using this method only opened structures or microchannels can
be fabricated.
There are several techniques of PDMS to PDMS bonding in order to complete the fabrication
and achieve the closed structures Eddings et al. (2008). Among these techniques, Partial
48 Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software
Microsystem Technologies for Biomedical Applications 5
Fig. 3. Fabricated mold using FR4 as substrate and SU-8 to dene the structure. The SU-8
patterned layer denes a microchannel with an internal column due to the central cavity.
Curing, Uncured PDMS adhesive and Varing Curing Ratio are the most interesting ones due
to their high average bond strengths. In literature, authors propose different temperatures,
baking times and ratios to perform the bonding using these techniques. In this respect, our
group uses a combination of Partial Curing and Varing Curing Ratio with successful results
in multilayer fabrication. We use a ratio 20:1 and 10:1 alternatively, i.e., 20:1 for the rst layer,
10:1 for the second one, for the third layer 20:1, etc. The baking times can be selected in a
range of 30-45 min for 10:1 ratio, and 50-60 min for 20:1 ratio, at 65

C in an oven. Finally, the
bonding is performed at 65

C during 2 h in the oven. In Fig. 4, the PDMS part of an extractor
of liquid for submicroliter range Perdigones, Luque & Quero (2010b) can be seen.
In order to fabricate the PDMS structure shown in Fig. 4 only one mold is necessary. The
procedure of fabrication is very simple, where two PDMS pieces are bonded. This process can
be seen in Fig. 5 and it starts with the fabrication of the mold using the SU-8 typical procedure.
Once the mold has been done, a PDMS with a ratio of 10:1 is poured over it (layer 1), step (a),
Fig. 4. PDMS extractor of liquid for submicroliter range.
49 Microsystem Technologies for Biomedical Applications
6 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
Fig. 5. Fabrication process for the structure in Fig. 4
and other mixture of 20:1 is spin coated over a glass substrate (layer 2), step (b). The layers
are put into an oven at 65

C during 45 min for the rst one and 1 h for the second one. Then,
the layer 1 is demolded and put into contact to layer 2, (step c), as can be seen in Fig. 5 and the
bonding is performed in an oven at 65

C during 2 h. Once the bonding has been performed,
the nal structure is peeled off the glass substrate and the layer 2 is punched out.
A more complex PDMS three dimensional structure with three different layers and fabricated
using the presented process is shown in Fig. 6. This is a cross section of a PDMS owregulator
with positive gain as will commented in section 4.
The process to fabricate the structure in Fig. 6 requires two molds and is shown in Fig. 7. The
rst one (mold 1) is made using the typical process and the second one (mold 2) using the
multilayer technique. The procedure starts performing three mixtures with a ratio 10:1 for
the intermediate layer (layer 2) and 20:1 for the rest. Once the mixtures have been degassed,
the mixture 10:1 is spin coated over the mold 1 in order to achieve a structure (layer 2) with
a membrane on top (step a). Next, one of 20:1 mixture is poured over the mold 2 (step b)
dening the layer 1, and the other is spin coated over a glass substrate (step c) dening the
layer 3. All layers are put into an oven at 65

C during 30 min for layer 2 and 1 h for the
rest. Once the PDMS layers are partially curing, layer 1 is demolded and put into contact with
layer 2 as can be seen in step d. Both layers are put into an oven at 65

C during 5 min in order

to achieve a initial bonding. This bonding is necessary to demold layer 2 without breaks that
might appear due to its low thickness. Once this initial bonding is performed, the structure is
Fig. 6. Three dimensional PDMS structure with three layers
50 Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software
Microsystem Technologies for Biomedical Applications 7
Fig. 7. Fabrication process for the structure in Fig. 6
demolded from mold 1, and put into contact with layer 3 as can be seen in step e. Next, these
three layers are bonding at room temperature during 24 h because the air in the cavities could
expand and lead the separation between layer 2 and 3. After this step, the nal structure is put
in a hot plate at 50

C during 5 min to ensure a good bonding and then the device is peeled
off the glass substrate.
2.3 SU-8 closed structures
A special effort is associated to processes which achieve 3D structures to fabricate
microchannels and microreservoirs, taking into account that SU-8 typical process is focused
for the fabrication of open structures.
Different ways to achieve SU-8 closed structures have been reported but mainly we can nd
two trends. The rst approach employs sacricial layers, where uncrosslinked SU-8 is used
as base to obtain upper layers and afterwards it is removed. A microchannel fabricated
by this method is shown in Fig.8. The signicant disadvantages of this approach are the
limitation of the design of structures with an aperture to strip off the uncrosslinked SU-8, and
an excessive development time for the required multilayer deposition Chung & Allen (2005).
However, in recent years there is an evolution in various aspects of this approach improving
the mask-process Guerin et al. (1997), embedding the masks Haeiger & Boisen (2006), and
controlling the exposure, Chuang et al. (2003).
The second trend widely used, consists in sealing the SU-8 structure by means of transferring
SU-8 layers. In this way, the use of removable lms to transfer SU-8 layers obtaining
monolithic devices by lamination has been broadly reported. Many different materials are
used as removable layer, among others, PDMS Patel et al. (2008), PET Abgrall et al. (2008),
kapton Ezkerra et al. (2007). Besides from using different materials, there are plenty of ow
processes based in the transfer of the SU-8 layers as well. An important requirement in the
development of processes is the compatibility with previous processes to be able to improve
the complexity and integration with other devices.
51 Microsystem Technologies for Biomedical Applications
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Fig. 8. Flow of fabrication process of a sacricial layer process.
A particular example of this approach is the transferring process has been named
BETTS Aracil, Perdigones, Moreno & Quero (2010) (Bonding, UV Exposing and Transferring
Technique in SU-8). The key step of this process is the use of the layer substrate not only to
transfer the SU-8 layer, but also to act as a mask to pattern the SU-8 layer and to allow peeling
off the transferred lm easily. Therefore, bonding, UV exposing and transferring processes
are carried out in a single step. The process ow of BETTS can be seen in Fig. 9. The transfer
process can be achieved over different kind of substrates, like glass, silicon, SU-8 or FR4, what
extends the number of applications that can use of it. The thickness of the transferred layer
is variable according to the application. Its value is very closed linked to the height of the
microchannel. The shallowest microchannel fabricated corresponds to 40m, for a thickness
of the transferred layer of 5m. The compatibility with others fabrication processes allows
the integration with other electronic devices wire bonded to the substrate. 3D structures are
easily manufactured by means of the repetition of the ow of process. An example of 3D
multichannel network is shown in Fig. 10.
3. Autonomous microdevices
3.1 Pressure chambers
Nowadays, an important challenge still to be overcome in the eld of Lab on Chip devices
is the improvement of portability and uid ow generation. Although there is a wide
range of methods to develop uid ow in microuidic devices such as electroosmotic
ow, electrokinetic pumps or by centrifugal force or capillary action, Laser & Santiago
(2004); Lim et al. (2010), on-chip pumping is in general externally generated by traditional
macroscale syringe or vacuum pumps. This limitation makes LOC devices encapsulation
and portability a very difcult task when developing miniaturized autonomous microuidic
systems. Moreover, MEMS packaging results more expensive compared to the microsystem
itself when considering vacuum or pressure sealing, being indispensable to nd simple and
lowcost encapsulation methods fully compatible and easy to integrate with former fabrication
processes and materials.
52 Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software
Microsystem Technologies for Biomedical Applications 9
Fig. 9. Flow of fabrication process of a transferring process named BETTS.
Peristaltic micropumps have been widely used for LOC uid ow generation, allowing the
transport of a controlled uid volume in clinical diagnosis and drug delivery applications
Koch et al. (2009). Nevertheless, this alternative presents some disadvantages such as the
large area required in the LOC device and the high power consumption to impulse the uid.
The solution presented in this chapter to minimize these limitations is the use of disposable
microuidic devices, based on a single use thermo-mechanical microvalve activation which
releases a stored pressure to achieve a controlled uid ow impulsion. This system can be
easily integrated in a small area of the LOC, providing a portable reservoir of pneumatic
The mechanism of differential pressure is a well known method in microuidic uid ow
impulsion, where the use of epoxy resins such as SU-8 opens up new possibilities for the
implementation of pressure-driven ow on-chip. Although polymers are typically several
orders of magnitude more permeable to gas leakages than glass or metals, epoxy resins are
characterized by a low gas permeability and thus can be used for simple and low-cost sealing
of packages Murillo et al. (2010). In addition to this, SU-8 epoxy shows a decrease in gas
permeability when the level of crosslinking is increased, being a suitable and interesting
alternative for pressurized or vacuum microchambers fabrication Metz et al. (2004).
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In this section two portable pressure driven ow devices for LOC applications are presented:
vacuum and pressurized chambers.
The pressurized system consists in a monolithical SU-8 structure composed by a sealed
microchamber connected to a valve that will be introduced in section 3.2. The chamber
structure is connected to a microuidic channel to seal it at a xed and controlled pressure
by an extra UV isolation step compatible with the traditional SU-8 fabrication process. The
pressurized portable system SU-8 layout is shown in Fig. 11. To seal the chamber and store a
uid at a xed pressure, low-viscous SU-8 is externally injected in the chamber hole through
the control serpentine microchannel by means of a compressed air supply connected to a
pressure transducer. The viscosity of the SU-8 supplied by Microchem is determined by the
manufacturer by means of a code number (2005, 2025, 2150, etc.), where the lower number
means lower SU-8 viscosity. Thus, to seal the chamber SU-8 2005 is employed. The dimensions
of the microchannel are previously calculated according to the isothermal process for an ideal
gas and the Boyles law:
PV = k P
= P
, (1)
Where P
is the desired nal pressure in the microchamber, V
is its volume, P
is the initial
pressure before sealing process (atmospheric pressure), V2 the total air volume inside the
structure and k is a constant. When the SU-8 2005 is injected through the inlet, the air volume
entrapped inside the control channel at atmospheric pressure pushes the air in the chamber,
proportionally increasing its pressure depending on the expression (1). As an example, the
control microchannel area in the layout is calculated to be the same than the chamber area,
in order to obtain 2 bar absolute pressure inside the chamber. Then, an UV exposure step
polymerizes the liquid SU-8 inside the control channel to seal hermetically the chamber which
is pressurized and ready for use. The stored pneumatic energy of the gas inside the chamber
is expressed as follows, Hong et al. (2007).
E =

PdV = P


Fig. 10. Fabrication of three dimensional micro-channels network using BETTS process. The
height of the walls is 200 m while the thickness of the transferred layer is 40 m. The width
of the microchannels are 400 m.
54 Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software
Microsystem Technologies for Biomedical Applications 11
Fig. 11. Layout SU-8 mask for a pressurized chamber.
where P
is the absolute pressure of the gas in the chamber, V
is the volume of the gas in the
chamber and P
is the nal pressure after the opening process (normally, it will be ambient
pressure). This stored energy will be used to pump the working uids in LOCs.
3.1.1 Fabrication of a pressurized chamber
The device implementation is simple to be carriedout employing a traditional SU-8 fabrication
process and PCB-based technology already explained in section 2. The rst step is the
consideration of a suitable and inexpensive substrate for the structure, where FR4 is chosen.
A SU-8 2150 layer is deposited over the substrate by a spin coater and then soft baked for 15
min at 65

C and 90 min at 95

C. The result is a planar 200 m thickness layer over the FR4,

ready for a UV exposure step to transfer the structure shown in the layout of Fig. 11 in the
SU-8. After a PEB step for 5 min at 65

C and 10 min at 95

C which polymerizes the SU-8, the

board is immersed in SU-8 developer for 5 min and the nal device structure patterned. Then,
the board is carefully rinsed in isopropyl alcohol (IPA).
After this, the cover bonding process is carried out to close hermetically the structure by
BETTS: Athin PDMS layer is spin coated over a transparent acetate lm, curedby temperature
and then a 40 m thickness SU-8 2025 layer is deposited over the PDMS. This thin SU-8 layer
is transferred placing the acetate lm over the structure and exposing it to UV light during 2
min. This step produces a strong crosslinking between the SU-8 device structure and the SU-8
of the acetate, sealing completely the patterned layout. Then, the acetate with the PDMS is
easily removed due to the low adhesion between the crosslinked SU-8 of the cover and the
Once the SU-8 microchamber and control channel is nished and sealed by BETTS, a thin
orice is performed over the beginning of the microchannel in order to create the SU-8 2005
inlet. This uid port is externally connected to a syringe pump than impulses the liquid
SU-8 2005 through the microchannel and gradually increases the pressure of the air entrapped
inside the chamber. The syringe owrate is selected to pump 1 mL/min and the microchannel
shape of a serpentine provides an easy method to precisely control the pumping time in order
not to ll the chamber. With this method, the syringe is stopped when the SU-2005 reached
the end of the channel before entering into the chamber, which would produce an undesired
increment on its pressure. The SU-8 2005 is chosen as the pumping liquid due to its low
viscosity, making easier the ow from the syringe through the control microchannel.
Then, with the syringe pump xed and the microchannel lled with SU-8, the board is
exposed to UV light for 5 min in controlled steps of 1 min in order to avoid an increment of
the chamber temperature which would produce a pressure increment as well due to the ideal
gas law. After the UV exposure step, the device is soft baked for 10 min at 95

C, achieving a
strong crosslinking between the injected SU-8 and the microchannel SU-8 walls. Finally, the
55 Microsystem Technologies for Biomedical Applications
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Fig. 12. Photograph of the pneumatic impulsion device.
syringe pump is disconnected from the device, and a 2 bar pressurized chamber hermetically
sealed is obtained. The fabricated pneumatic impulsion device is show in Fig. 12. The total
dimensions of the device are 10x35x1,75 mm
, with a microchamber internal volume of 11 L.
Following this fabrication process, the manufacturing of a multiple array of pneumatic
microdevices is easy to be carried out with the SU-8 layout mask shown in Fig. 13. The
SU-8 2005 is distributed from a common inlet through the different microchannels in order
to set a xed pressure on each chamber. The dimensions of the distribution microchannels
shown in the gure are calculated to push an identical volume of air into the chambers, in
order to fabricate eight independent pressurized reservoirs xed at the same pressure value.
Moreover, it is easy to design the system with different stored pneumatic energies on each
chamber just by changing the dimensions for every distribution channel. The white parts
inside the microchambers shown in Fig. 13 are designed to work as pillars for the SU-8
chamber structure, supporting the cover xed to the SU-8 walls during pressurizing step in
order to avoid leakages or device breakages.
With the multiple structure presented, a microvalve could be easily added on each pressure
chambers just by adding few fabrication steps in the manufacturing process, as is described
in 5, developing a multi-pneumatic ow generator device capable of supplying eight different
and independent uid impulsions. From this point, the next step is to minimize the layout
area of each device in order to copy the structure and to develop an array platform with tens
of disposable pressurized chambers for complex LOC microuidic systems.
Fig. 13. Layout SU-8 mask of a multiple pressurized portable device
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Microsystem Technologies for Biomedical Applications 13
3.1.2 Fabrication of a vacuum chamber
Once the method and fabrication process for pressurizing SU-8 microstructures has been
described, the manufacturing steps to develop vacuum chambers is explained as follows. In
this case, the device layout just consists of the vacuum chamber without the need of using the
control microchannel. The chamber dimensions are selected in order to calculate the volume
of air displaced into the chamber when an activation is performed, according to ideal gas law
equation (1). The initial fabrication steps to create the SU-8 microchamber are identical to
the explained before with the pressurized system until cover layer is bonded to the structure.
Now, a small orice is drilled in the chamber in order to provide an air outlet for vacuum
process. The FR4 board with the microchamber is placed inside a macro-vacuum chamber in
the laboratory, which contains a syringe dispenser manually controlled from the outside. The
SU-8 microchamber is then carefully placed underneath the dispenser, which is lled with
SU-8 2025.
Then, the macro-vacuum chamber is sealed and starts to pump out the air contained inside
the microchamber until a pressure of 0.1 bar is reached and observed by a pressure transducer
externally connected to the vacuum pump. At this point, the dispenser is activated, releasing
a droplet of SU-8 2025 over the cover orice of the microchamber. The SU-8 2025 formulation
plays a fundamental role due to its medium viscosity, which completely covers the lid orice
without lling the microchamber inside. Once the droplet has slightly entered into the orice,
a UV lamp illuminates the device, crosslinking the SU-8 droplet with the SU-8 cover of the
chamber and thus sealing completely the microchamber at vacuum pressure.
Pressurized and vacuum portable systems explained above represent two inexpensive, fast
prototyping and easy to fabricate alternatives for uid ow generation. Moreover, the
working uids pressurized in the chambers could be either gas or liquid due to the low
gas permeability of the SU-8 used in the device fabrication. As it is shown in section 5, the
integration of these systems with other basic microuidic components described throughout
the chapter will lead in a portable and small LOC for fast microuidic handling.
3.2 3D impulsion devices
Respect to the propulsion of uid there are two main methods for driving the ow of uids
in microchannels: pressure-driven and electrokinetic. In the rst case the propulsion is due to
a difference of pressure between the ends of the microchannels, while in the second one the
movement of charged molecules is due to an electric eld. Both methods are effective, but the
pressure-driven can be used for a wider range of solvents, even the not electrically conductive
ones. On the other hand, the pressure driven uses to include an external pump or vacuum
source, making non autonomous its operation.
One strategy of design to solve this disadvantage is to integrate microdevices that produces
the difference of pressure. Furthermore, the disposability of many applications sets the trend
to integrate one-shot devices. A simple way to obtain the difference of pressure is to open
a chamber with an internal overpressure. With this approach there is no need of external
impulsion so the connections and the complexity of the setup of the system is reduced. As
example of this kind of devices, an autonomous microdevice for the impulsion in microuidic
applications is explained in detail in Aracil, Quero, Luque, Moreno & Perdigones (2010). The
one-shot pneumatic impulsion device (OPID) is composed by a chamber and a single-use
microvalve that connects its output port to the external microuidic circuit where the uid
is propelled, Fig. 14. Due to the in-plane structure, a high integration with microuidic
and electronic components can be achieved. The activation is based in the combination of
57 Microsystem Technologies for Biomedical Applications
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Fig. 14. Cross section of the 3D pneumatic impulsion device.
mechanical to thermal phenomena. The thermal effect is produced by making an electrical
current ow through a resistor, implemented by a wire bonded gold lament, and the
mechanical one by a differential pressure stored in the chamber. The combination of these
phenomena at the time of activation produces a reduction of the required electrical energy
with respect to other devices. The impulsion can be produced in the two directions, making
a positive or negative difference pressure respect to external pressure. The fabrication of an
array of devices can be easily implemented allowing the propulsion of uid sequentially and
in different directions. The device working can be seen in Fig. 15. These photos show three
consecutive moments on the activation of the microdevice. Firstly, in (a), the microdevice is
on repose. In (b), the current is applied, and changes on the membrane can be seen by the
light changes. Finally, (c) shows the uid coming into the chamber.
3.3 2D impulsion devices
An alternative to the 3D impulsion devices has been developed, consisting in a planar
structure with the membrane acting as a vertical wall between the pressurized chamber and
a microchannel Moreno & Quero (2010). The hybrid thermo-mechanical operating principle
is similar: a gold microwire acting as a resistor crosses the SU-8 membrane that withstands
the pressure difference between both sides. When an electric current is supplied to the wire
the membrane heats up, drastically decreasing its fracture strength and causing the valve
activation. The schematic of the 2D impulsion device design is shown in Fig. 16 and Fig. 17:
According to the mathematical approximation reported by Roark et al. (2001), the maximum
bending stress
, generated by a uniform pressure P on a clamped rectangular plate with
a height Ly, a length Lx and a thickness h can be expressed as:

= cP


, (3)
Fig. 15. Sequence of different frames of the device activation.
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Microsystem Technologies for Biomedical Applications 15
Fig. 16. Cross-section view of the 2D micro impulsion device. Pressure in the chamber is
regulated through a PCB orice.
where c is calculated by the polynomial least-squares curve tting as a function of Ly and Lx.
It is interesting to highlight that
is thickness-to-width aspect ratio quadratic dependent,
establishing the membrane aspect ratio and the pressure applied as main parameters involved
in mechanical actuation. This fact determines that membrane fabrication is a critical step in
the microvalve fabrication process.
The implementation of the microvalve employs SU-8 and PCB, integrating microuidics with
classical PCB electronic connections in a common substrate. The fabrication process starts
with a photolithography and wet etching step of the copper layer on top of PCB, obtaining the
connections to bond the gold wire. A at bonding and a high accuracy in the gold microwire
alignment are crucial tasks in order to heat the membrane on its mechanical weakest point,
which is in the bottom center surface on the substrateMoreno et al. (2008). The next step is
the deposition of a thick SU-8 layer over the board, making a softbake stage, a UV exposure,
a post exposure bake and nally developing the SU-8 to pattern the nal structure of the
valve. Membranes with widths near to 45 m and aspect ratios of 11 are achieved with nearly
perfect vertical proles. Two orices are drilled on the PCB in the pressure chamber and in
the right end of the microchannel to connect an external pump with the working pressure
and to provide an inlet or outlet for the uid ow, depending on the valve operation mode.
Pressure on chamber will determine the uid ow direction, establishing a reversible device
operation bearing in mind that the microchannel is opened to outside air and consequently
set at atmospheric pressure. If chamber pressure is higher than atmospheric, the device
will operate as a microinjector, whereas with lower pressure than atmospheric the valve will
work in microextractor mode, forcing the uid contained in the inlet/outlet port through the
channel towards the chamber.
Finally, the SU-8 cover is bonded to the structure by BETTS, sealing the chamber to avoid
pressure leakages. The total dimensions of the device re 4x12x5 mm
, with a microchannel
length of 8 mm and a square section of 500x500 m
. A photograph of the microvalve is
illustrated in Fig. 18:
Fig. 17. Layout of the 2D micro impulsion device.
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Fig. 18. Photograph of the SU-8 membrane crossed by the gold wire.
4. Flow regulation
4.1 Introduction
The control of uids is an important issue when considering LOC devices and their
applicability in biotechnology as is commented in section 1. Regarding microdevices to control
or regulate the ow rates, there are many of them Oh & Ahn (2006) with different actuations.
Among these devices, the most interesting ones are those which actuation is pneumatic due
to the damage can be avoided in biological ows when through the devices. On this respect,
there are many devices, for instance, the microvalves reported by Takao & Ishida (2003);
Baek et al. (2005), all of them present negative gain, G, dened as
G =

0, (4)
where Qis the working owrate, P
and P
are the control and working pressure, respectively.
4.2 Positive gain device
A recent publication Perdigones, Luque & Quero (2010a) demonstrates how the positive gain
can be achieved. Thanks to the positive gain device a pneumatic microvalve can be fabricated.
A simple cross section sketch of the microvalve is depicted in Fig. 19, which includes a control
and a working channel. In the control channel is included the positive gain device, which is
composed by two circular membranes with different diameters and a column linking them.
When positive pressure is applied in the control channel, the difference of membrane areas
makes possible the aperture of the working channel, decreasing the uidic resistance and
increasing the ow rate. The behavior depends on the membrane and column diameters
as is explained in Perdigones, Luque & Quero (2010a). If low Young modulus materials are
used, i.e., PDMS, the shape of the large membrane must be chosen to be pseudo-elliptical
Perdigones et al. (In press).
These kind of devices has been fabricated using the SU-8 technology in a FR4 substrate and
using a combination of typical SU-8 process and BETTS (Fig. 20). On the other hand, the PDMS
device has also been fabricated using the bonding technique commented above, Fig. 21 which
60 Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software
Microsystem Technologies for Biomedical Applications 17
Fig. 19. Cross section of microvalve
section is Fig. 6 , in this case the device has pseudo-elliptical shape for the large membrane,
unlike SU-8 device which membrane has circular shape.
The graphic which relates the working ow rate and the control pressure demonstrates
the positive gain behavior. The slope of these curves is the gain of the microdevice,
Perdigones, Luque & Quero (2010a). This slope is positive so the behavior of the device is
governed by the positive gain, mathematically,
G =

0, (5)
Fig. 20. Positive gain ow regulator fabricated using SU-8.
61 Microsystem Technologies for Biomedical Applications
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Fig. 21. Positive gain ow regulator fabricated using PDMS.
where Qis the working owrate, P
and P
are the control and working pressure, respectively.
The positive gain behavior provides improvement to the uidic circuits, e.g., all pneumatic
microvalves (positive and negative gain) can be controlled using positive pressure sources
leaving out the vacuum systems. In addition, if a negative pressure is applied to the control
channel, the microdevice is converted to a normally open microvalve because the control
channel closes when that negative pressure is applied.
5. Integration
The nal aim of this chapter is the integration of the previous components to achieve more
complex devices. Therefore, an fundamental objective is to nd compatible materials and
fabrication processes in order to develop a monolithic, functional and autonomous uidic
microdevice without many manufacturing steps. In this task we will principally focus on SU-8
polymer and Printed Circuit Board (PCB) technology, taking advantage of the possibilities that
these materials offer. A combination of the fabrication techniques commented before, such as
BETTS, and new devices, such as pneumatic uid impulsion devices, is essential to achieve
this purpose. To illustrate this, next are detailed the design and fabrication steps involved
in the fabrication of a portable microuidic platform capable of storing, injecting, mixing
and heating a chemical reagent and a human blood sample to nally analyze its glucose
The proposed design consists in a pressurized chamber connected to a single use microvalve
in charge of driving the uid ow through a microuidic circuit. When the valve is activated,
the pressure in the chamber pushes the uid stored in two independent reservoirs, owing
towards a serpentine micromixer to nally reach a detection chamber where the mixture is
heated and nally analyzed photometrically. A chemical reagent which contains enzyme
glucose-oxidase is stored in one microreservoir, whereas a solution with a given glucose
concentration is placed in the other reservoir. Both are connected by a microchannel to
the entrance of a serpentine that mixes both uids to nally reach the detection chamber,
where the reaction takes place accelerated by the temperature supplied by the microheater.
The chemical reaction results in a colored solution that can be measured in terms of optical
62 Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software
Microsystem Technologies for Biomedical Applications 19
Fig. 22. Top layer of the microuidic platform design, describing a potential integration of an
optical sensor and heater.
absorbance by means of a light emitting diode and a photodetector. The commented design,
developed in a two layer structure is illustrated in Fig. 22 and Fig. 23.
An interesting theoretic modeling for a pressure driven microuidic design is the assumption
of equivalent circuit theory (EC) in the context of microuidics Bruus (2001). It derives
its name from the 1:1 mathematical similarity between microuidic components and the
equivalent electronic components, with the basic assumption that the ow is incompressible
and pressure driven with Re < 1. These low order models result very effective in describing
the observed uid dynamic effects and in addition have very attractive mathematical
properties and highly intuitive applicability. The table 1 summarizes the equivalent circuit
elements for microuidic and electric circuits Vedel (2009).
Fluidic circuits Electric circuits
Pressure drop = P Voltage = V
Resistance = R
Resistance = R
Compliance = C
Capacitance = C
Inertance = L
Inductance = L
Table 1. Summary of equivalent circuit elements for microuidic and electric circuits
With this method is possible to design the microchambers and microchannels dimensions of
the microuidic device in order to assure to entry of the mixed uids in the detection chamber,
avoiding the need of using complex uid mechanics simulation software. Following the table
above, the microchannels where replaced by uidic resistances, R
, comparing the linear
relationship between an applied constant pressure difference P and the resultant ow rate Q
with the Ohms law which describes the drop in electrical potential, V across a resistor with
resistance R in which a current I is running:
Fig. 23. Bottom layer of the microuidic platform design, describing a potential integration of
an electronic system.
63 Microsystem Technologies for Biomedical Applications
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P =
Q = R
Q V = RI (6)
where is the uid viscosity, L is the length of the microchannel and D
the hydraulic
diameter. In common microfabrication technology the microchannels are normally
rectangular or square shaped, being necessary to add a relation between the microchannel
height and width with the equivalent hydraulic diameter.
w + h
where S is the microchannel cross sectional area, P
is the wetted perimeter, w is the
microchannel width and h is the microchannel height. According to the similarities shown
between electric and uidic principles, hydraulic compliance can be thought as a storage of
volume in the hydraulic circuit since change in pressure will cause a change in volume, just
as capacitance is a storage of electric charge. In this manner, the solution for the gas pressure
P(t) trapped in a chamber when it opens is easily seen to be analogous to the voltage across
a discharging capacitor with a characteristic RC time. Moreover, if uid ow branches off
(e.g. in a T-junction) the total ow rate leaving and entering the junction must be identical
because of the assumption of incompressible ow and mass conservation equation. These
simple arguments illustrate the EC framework: understanding a microuidic system as a
network of parameters. The two arguments for series and parallel coupling are identical to
Kirchhoffs laws from electric circuits, so electric network analysis is applied to EC models
of microuidics. With this method, the microuidic device presented in this section can be
designed and analyzed as a network of interconnected elements, as is shown in Fig. 24.
Once the device is theoretically studied and characterized, the next step is the fabrication
process based on the integration of the different microdevices and fabrication techniques
presented in previous sections.
The device is fabricated over a two-layer common PCB substrate, with the pneumatic
impulsion system on the bottom layer connected through the microvalve to the top layer
where the reagent and sample reservoirs with the microuidic circuitry and detection
chamber are placed. Aphotograph of the top and bottomSU-8 structures are shown in Fig. 25.
A microhole is performed on top of the detection chamber to avoid air entrapment during
device activation, as well as on the top of the pressure chamber to be used as an inlet for
the air injection. To seal a xed pressure in the chamber, low-viscous SU-8 2005 is externally
injected in the chamber hole through the serpentine by means of a compressed air supply
connected to a pressure transducer. When the desired pressure is reached in the chamber, the
system is exposed to UV light in order to polymerize the liquid SU-8 entrapped inside the
microchannel, closing hermetically the chamber. Finally, the sample and reagent uids are
injected and sealed inside the top layer reservoirs.
The microuidic circuitry of the device has been successfully tested in the laboratory,
achieving a controlled lling of the detection chamber. When an electric current is supplied
to the gold wire embedded in the membrane, the pressure contained inside the chamber
accelerates the valve activation, bringing the impulsion of the air and thus the uid contained
in the reservoirs almost instantly. The sample and reagent (e.g. glucose with its respective
reagent) ows through the microchannel to the mixer, taking place the chemical reaction that
makes the mixture to change its colour intensity, which is linearly proportional to the glucose
concentration. When the colored mixture reaches the detection chamber and is heated up by
64 Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software
Microsystem Technologies for Biomedical Applications 21
Fig. 24. Design of the microuidic network using Matlab (Simulink)
Fig. 25. Bottom and top layers, a) and b) respectively, of the SU-8 microuidic platform,
composed by the sample and reagent microreservoirs, the micromixer and the detection
65 Microsystem Technologies for Biomedical Applications
22 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
the copper microlines, the photodiode will receive the light emitted by the LED through the
detection chamber, generating a measurable electric current proportional to the intensity of
the light.
6. Summary
This chapter has summarized design concepts, manufacturing processes and integration of
MEMS devices for the realization of complex microuidic systems. These implementations
are based on polymer technology that enables the low cost and rapid prototyping of
biomedical applications. The initial introduction has described the overall objectives and
includes a comparison between the standard silicon MEMS technology and the polymeric
one, remarking the facility of use and low cost of the latter. A review of standard processes
using the most common materials, PDMS and SU-8, has been described in detail in section
2. The basic steps include deposition, photolithography, baking, and development. The
machinery needed for the described processes are a photoplotter to print acetate masks,
a spin-coater, a photolithography machine with mask aligner, a hot-plate and a chemical
bank for polymer development. This machinery is available to the scientic community at
a very reasonable cost compared to the signicantly more expensive silicon technologies.
Based on the previous basic manufacturing processes, a set of microuidic devices have been
introduced. A one-shot pneumatic impulsion device has been studied in section 3 due to its
relevance in microuidic systems, because it avoids the use of external pumps and complex
microuidic interfaces. Other devices, such as valves and ow regulators are also described
in section 5. All these devices make use of a PCB as substrate to facilitate its integration with
complementary electronic circuitry. These devices, together with many other that are found
in literature, can be integrated to perform more complex microuidic systems. Modeling a
new uidic design by means of the EC theory and simple simulation software allows the fast
design of autonomous pneumatic microuidic systems, also providing an easy design tool
for a wide variety of pressure driven LOC devices, considerably reducing the prototyping
and development time. An example of a microuidic system modeling has been developed
in section 5. Finally, an example of a basic LOC including an impulsion device, a mixer and
a reaction chamber has been fabricated. The nal device requires 0.35J of electrical energy
supplied to activate the impulsion device, with a pressure of 3 bar stored in the chamber in
order to assure the complete lling of the detection chamber by the uid to be analyzed. The
total time to implement such a system is only one day, thus facilitating a fast improvement
of the designs. This example can be easily generalized to implement much more complex
microuidic systems.
7. References
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68 Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software
A Low Cost Instrumentation Based
Sensor Array for Ankle Rehabilitation
Samir Boukhenous and Mokhtar Attari
Laboratory of Instrumentation, Faculty of Electronics and
Computers USTHB, Bab-Ezzouar, Algiers
1. Introduction
Tactile sensing technology has made significant progress towards the development of
devices where robot fingers must have the ability of multi-dimensional tactile sensing in
order to perform grasping and manipulating tasks (Chi & Shida, 2004); (Webster, 1998);
(Nicholls & Lee, 1989); (Tarchanidis & Lygouras, 2001); (Da Silva et al., 2000). Therefore,
many researchers have tried to develop various types of tactile sensors by applying MEMS
technologies which usually rely on the measurement of pressure or force on a sensing
element (Hasegawa et al, 2007). A variety of different types of sensors have been used,
including resistive strain gauges, piezoelectric film, infrared displacement sensors,
capacitive sensors, sensors detecting conductance, magnetic, magnetoelectric and ultrasonic
sensors. Frequently large numbers of sensing elements are built into an array and the
outputs of those sensors are processed, often in conjunction with a mathematical model, to
give an assessment of the contacting object. Nowadays, force sensing becomes an important
component for diver applications in biomedical applications and orthopedic rehabilitation.
Thus, tactile sensors have been used in hand clinical evaluations and foot rehabilitation (Da
Silva et al., 2000); (Mascaro & Asada, 2001); (Boukhenous & Attari, 2007); (Attari &
Boukhenous, 2008). Human tactile sensing is achieved by means of at least four different
types of receptor cells (Jayawant, 1989); (Cowie et al., 2007) and is used to feel, grasp and
manipulate objects, and to assess attributes such as shape, size, texture, temperature,
hardness, discontinuities such as holes or edges, and movement, including vibration. Reston
and Kolesar (Reston et al., 1990) described a robotic tactile sensor manufactured from
piezoelectric polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) film. It was not the best choice for finger
mounted tactile sensors due to its limited load range and inability to measure static forces.
Beebe and al (Beebe et al., 1989) developed a force sensor based on a silicon diaphragm
structure instrumented with piezoresistors in Wheatstone bridge configuration. The applied
force is distributed across the diaphragm via a grasping solid dome and mounted on rigid
substrate with an excellent performance characteristic. In this paper a low cost tactile
sensors array for the measurement of hand grasping forces is described in a first step. A
second step is dedicated to the study of two-dimensional reaction forces distribution of foot
during rehabilitation in the case of ankle sprain. The sensor element of the array is an easy
structure based on the use of low cost Hall device and a general purpose polymer
(polysiloxanes). First the elastic polymer is studied to show its ability in building such
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

sensing element. After mounting the sensors, the outputs signals are conditioned, filtered
and then digitized with a high resolution data acquisition card. A static calibration test has
been fulfilled to estimate the degree of linearity. Preliminary measurement has been carried
out concerning the fingertip forces grasping of hand during holding objects and the
distribution of impacts forces during foot contact.
2. Principe and sensor design
For the design of the sensor element, a Hall Effect sensor UGN3503 from Allegro Micro-
Systems was selected. This sensor is used for measuring magnetic flux densities with
extreme sensitivity and operates well in the temperature range from 20C to +85C and in
the frequency range from DC to 23 kHz. This device is widely used for measuring linear
position, angular position, velocity and rotational speed. Hall sensors are also commonly
incorporated into CD-ROM drive, hard disk drives, automotive ignition, electrical current
sensing and ABS braking systems as they are robust, unaffected by dirty environments and
low-cost (Ripka & Tipek, 2007). In contrast to other magnetic sensors, the manufacture of
Hall magnetic sensors does not require special fabrication techniques as they are compatible
with microelectronics technology. Most of the sensors are low-cost discrete devices but an
increasing proportion now come in the form of integrated circuits. The integrated Hall
magnetic sensors usually incorporate circuits for biasing, offset reduction, temperature
compensation, signal amplification and signal level discrimination. The most advanced Hall
sensors incorporate digital signal processing and are programmable such as HAL800 from
Micronas (Bushbaum & Plassmeier, 2007). The considered sensor element is constructed by
placing a magnet which produces a constant magnetic field nearby the selected Hall sensor.
The layer of thickness d between the magnet and the Hall sensor is realized with an elastic
polymer materiel (Fig.1). Special care was dedicated to the positioning of magnet in the
direction of the surface area of sensing in order to reduce the nonlinearity of the tactile
sensor (Ehrlich, 2000); (Kyberd & Chappel, 1993). After the placement of the different layers
composing the whole sensor element, a thin twisted pair wire is soldered to the Hall sensor
as the voltage produced is at low level and need low noise amplification.

Hall sensor
Soft magnet
Protective sheet
Magnetic filed

Fig. 1. The sensor element principle and realization
A Low Cost Instrumentation Based Sensor Array for Ankle Rehabilitation

First, the elastic polymer (polysiloxanes) and a piece taken from mouse mat were studied to
show the possibility of using this material in building the sensing element. A test bed with
Lutron FG-5000A was performed for this purpose and experimental data are reported in
Fig.2 for the two chosen materials.

0 1 2 3 4

F2-Mouse mat


Strain: x (mm)
Linear behaviour up to 1mm

Fig. 2. Characteristics of the materials
For the second material (mouse mat) a strong nonlinear behavior was observed for strain
greater than 2 mm. For strain up to 2 mm, the characteristic was quasi linear. The second
material exhibits a better monotony with soft nonlinearity. As a calibration curve the
following exponential growth was found with a correlation coefficient of about 0.997:

exp( / ) F x k = + (1)
A more precise calibration curve was obtained with a third-order polynomial with a
correlation coefficient of about 0.999, thus:

( ) ( ) ( )
2 3
0 1 2 3
. . . y F x a a x a x a x = = + + +
As a nonlinear property is found for the studied material, a software routine was
implemented after digital signal acquisition to perform nonlinearity correction. From the
calibration curve of the sensor an equi-spaced 1-D look-up table is created and a quadratic
interpolation was used (Attari, 2004); (Dias Pereira et al., 2001) whose curve passes through
three points
1 1
( , )
k k
y x

( , )
k k
y x
1 1
( , )
k k
y x
+ +

( ) [ ]
( )( ) [ ]
1 1 1
- , ,
k k k k
k k k k k
x x y y f y y
y y y y f y y y

= + +
with the second divided difference given by,
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software


[ ]
[ ]
[ ] [ ]
1 1
1 1
1 1
, ,
, ,
k k
k k
k k
k k k k
k k k
k k
x x
f y y
y y
f y y f y y
f y y y
y y


3. Signals conditioning and experimental
The outputs signals issued from the sensors elements are carried onto a low level
instrumentation amplifier (AD622, Analog Devices) with low offset voltage, low noise and
high CMRR. After analog conditioning, these signals are filtered with a second order
Butterwoth active filter and sampled and digitalized with a commercial National Instrument
data acquisition card (DaqBoard 1005) and then fed a PCI PC bus. Fig.3. show the analog and
digital part of the prototype circuit which is directly connected to each sensor element
where the output signals are multiplexed with the circuit included in the data acquisition
card. First step is to perform the static calibration characteristics by applying a variable force
from 1 to 10N provided by a test bed (Lutron FG-5000A). Fig.4 shows outputs signals from
five sensors elements. Least squares linear regression were performed to compute the
estimated linear calibrating curves and to determine the sensor sensitivity for each sensor.
After analyzing the sensors data, a linearity was observed for the range [0-10N] with a
correlation coefficient greater than 0.99. For forces up to 10N the responses become less
accurate against linearity shape and correction based on the method described above (Sec.2)
was performed for further investigation, for instance in 2D stress measurement for foot
reaction forces distribution. For dynamic experimentation two tests in real environment
have been realized.

NI Daq-Board
16 bits ADC





Fig. 3. Conditioning circuit array and data acquisition
A Low Cost Instrumentation Based Sensor Array for Ankle Rehabilitation

3.1 Test during holding objects
For the test five sensors element are bonded onto the fingertips of human hand (Fig. 5).
Outputs signals are observed and a software program is developed to analyze the fingertips
movement during holding objects. Fig.6 shows the response corresponding to grasping of
the thumb, index, middle, ring and little fingertips during holding a bottle of mineral water.
The experimental results show that the changes of dynamic fingertips force affects the
transducers in the contact phase measurement. The thumb, index and middle are the fingers
that give the highest signal level as they exert high pressures regarding the two other
fingers. This observation is in concordance with the biomechanics of hand which verify the
feasibility of the proposed sensors arrays.

0,0 2,5 5,0 7,5 10,0 12,5 15,0



Stress (N/cm)

Fig. 4. Static calibration

Fig. 5. Tactile sensors bounded on fingers hand
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

0 5 10 15 20



Time T (s)
End of grasping

Fig. 6. Outputs signals of transducers during holding
3.2 Test for ankle rehabilitation
Second dynamic measurement in real environment has been carried out with eight realized
sensors which are bonded onto a flexible material as foot shape (Fig. 7). Fig. 8 shows the
apparatus constructed with wood beech dedicated for the rehabilitation of ankle. Fig.9
shows the response corresponding to eight tactile sensors distributed on the insole surface
during an experiment of ankle rehabilitation. The experimental results for 30s recording
show clearly the frequency swing of the wood substrate. Also, a delay time is observed for
example between sensors S1 and S8 during foot swing where the whole body is maintained
stable with one foot. This observation is in concordance with the geometry of the placement
of sensors and it is obvious to show that the time delay is approximately half time the time
of swinging, thus,

Delay Swing

Fig. 7. Placement of eight tactile sensors
A Low Cost Instrumentation Based Sensor Array for Ankle Rehabilitation



Fig. 8. Apparatus for ankle rehabilitation

Time (s)



Fig. 9. The eight recorded signals

Futures investigations are oriented toward the realization of embedded bioinstrumentation
system for the measurement of foot reaction forces for a dedicated balanced platform. This
one will be the essential part of the test bed system for the determination of force shape of
foot during the rehabilitation of ankle. Fig. 10 shows the principle part of the whole system
which consists on positioning a numbers of sensors elements on a special platform fit with
dimension of a standard foot. The number of sensors will be determined with resolution
required for the foot reaction forces study (Boukhenous et al., 2006). For better flexibility of
data acquisition with high special resolution, the HAL800 digital programmable Hall Effect
device is preferred. The proposed printed circuit board (PCB) for the realizing of the whole
2D sensing system is shown in Fig. 11. Notice that the number of signals outputs pads is
equal to the number of sensors elements. Also, a special care will be considered in
positioning precisely the Hall devices with taken into account shielding and grounding of
the whole PCB. An epoxy resin will be deposited carefully on the sensors array in order to
standardize the first layer against the elastic material.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

Sensor Element
Foot Interaction
Distribution of Strain
R Pivot
L Pivot

Fig. 10. Tactile sensors array for ankle rehabilitation

Fig. 11. Placement of sensors elements in a rigid PCB
4. Conclusion
In this paper a low cost tactile sensors array for biomedical applications are presented. Each
sensor element was constructed separately and based on the use of Hall sensor devices. The
sensors were calibrate and trimmed before proceeding to the experimental tests. A
dedicated analog signal processing was designed and realized according to the specificity of
the realized sensor. Accurate settings have been achieved by offset and gain trimming for
zero crossing and required sensitivity. Outputs signals from the conditioning circuit of the
eight transducers are coupled to a high resolution data acquisition card. The software
program developed analyzes and calibrates the multisensors signals. Dynamic
experimentation for fingertips grasping of the hand during holding an objects and the
A Low Cost Instrumentation Based Sensor Array for Ankle Rehabilitation

distribution of impacts forces during foot contact for ankle rehabilitation shows a
satisfactory response and verify the feasibility of the proposed sensors array. After
analyzing the sensors, the data found in the range [0-10N] is the optimized interval for best
linearties. Future works are focused toward an intelligent calibration and processing of the
acquired signals using dedicated analog processor and FPGA implementation of a matrix of
sensors elements for the monitoring of ankle rehabilitation.
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New Neurostimulation Strategy and
Corresponding Implantable Device to
Enhance Bladder Functions
Fayal Mounam and Mohamad Sawan
Polystim Neurotechnologies Laboratory, Department of Electrical Engineering
cole Polytechnique de Montral
1. Introduction
Spinal cord injury (SCI) is one of the most complex and devastating medical conditions. Its
worldwide incidence ranges from 11 to 112 per 100,000 Population (Blumer & Quine, 1995;
DeVivo, 1997). SCI leads to different degrees of dysfunction of the lower urinary tract due to
a large variety of possible lesions. Immediately after SCI, flaccid paralysis sets in, followed
by the absence of reflexes and a complete loss of sensory and motor control below the level
of lesion, rendering the urinary bladder areflexic and atonic. This period, termed spinal
shock, can extend from a few days to several months (Chai & Steers, 1996). Most patients
with suprasacral SCI suffer from detrusor over-activity (DO) and detrusor sphincter
dyssynergia (DSD) (Blaivas et al., 1981). DSD leads to high intravesical pressure, high
residual urine, urinary tract infection, and deterioration of the upper urinary tract. In order
to recover the voluntary control of micturition, functional electrical stimulation (FES) has
been investigated at different sites of the urinary system: the bladder muscle (detrusor), the
pelvic nerves, the spinal cord and the sacral nerve roots. Among these, sacral nerve root
stimulation is considered the most efficient technique to induce micturition and has been
prevalent in clinical practice over the last two decades (Elabaddy et al., 1994). Using cuff-
electrodes, this technique offers the advantages of a safe and stable fixation of electrodes as
well as confinement of the spread of stimulation current within the targeted nerves.
However, the detrusor and the external urethral sphincter (EUS) muscles share the sacral
nerves as common innervations pathways, and stimulation of the entire sacral root induces
contraction of both. Thus, the efficiency of micturition by means of sacral neurostimulation
depends on the capability to contract the detrusor without triggering EUS contraction. In
order to improve this neurostimulation selectivity, several techniques have been proposed,
among which are rhizotomy, and EUS blockade using high-frequency stimulation.
Dorsal rhizotomy consists of selectively severing afferent sacral nerve roots that are
involved in pathological reflex arc in suprasacral SCI patients. Rhizotomy abolishes DO,
reduces DSD, and prevents autonomic dysreflexia. As a beneficial result, the uninhibited
bladder contractions are reduced, the bladder capacity and compliance are increased, urine
flow is improved, and consequently the upper urinary tract is protected from ureteral reflux
and hydronephrosis. In case of a complete SCI, dorsal rhizotomy is combined with an
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

implantable sacral ventral root stimulator such as the Finetech-Brindley Bladder System
(also known as the VOCARE in North America) (Kutzenberger, 2007). In fact, this
neurostimulation system is the only commercialized and FDA-approved solution aiming for
micturition in SCI patients (Jezernik et al., 2002). Unfortunately, rhizotomy being
irreversible, it has a fundamental disadvantage which is the abolition of sexual and
defecation reflexes, as well as sacral sensations if still present in case of incomplete SCI.
High-frequency stimulation can be used to inhibit the contraction of the EUS muscle.
However, the mechanism by which the EUS inhibition is obtained is not well understood
and three explanations are possible: high-frequency stimulation may stop the propagation
of nerve action potentials, may maintain the motor end-plate (neuromuscular junction) in a
refractory status, or may fatigue the aimed muscle (Kilgore & Bhadra, 2004; Tai et al., 2005;
Williamson & Andrews, 2005). Frequencies from 300 Hz to 30 kHz can be used to achieve a
complete and reversible nerve conduction block depending on the stimulation amplitude
(Solomonow, 1984; Sievert et al., 2002; Schuettler et al., 2004; Bhadra et al., 2006). However,
below 1 kHz, a sinusoidal stimulation can generate action potentials at the same or a
submultiple rate. Increasing the frequency has the advantage of lowering the amount of
injected charge per-phase needed for a complete blockade. A graded blockade can also be
achieved as blockade of each axon within the nerve is influenced by its diameter and the
stimulation amplitude (Tai et al., 2005). If a graded blockade is applied distally in
combination with low-frequency stimulation, selectivity with respect to axon diameter can
be obtained by adjusting stimulation amplitude (Williamson & Andrews, 2005). Finally,
combining sacral root stimulation with bilateral high-frequency pudendal nerve block led to
effective micturition in male cats (Boger et al., 2008).
The efficiency of high-frequency blockade was studied with dog experiments using a
neurostimulator designed by Polystim Neurotechnologies Laboratory (Robin et al., 1998;
Shaker et al., 1998; Ba et al., 2002; Sawan et al., 2008b). The Polystims stimulator generated a
rectangular waveform combining two frequencies (e.g. 600 Hz and 30 Hz). It is important to
point out in this case, that stimulation and blockade are both applied simultaneously at the
same nerve site, with the same bipolar electrode. According to Kilgore et al. (Kilgore &
Bhadra, 2004), blockade at 600 Hz frequency with less than 2 mA current is probably due to
a muscle fatigue mechanism rather than nerve conduction blockade. The same
neurostimulator was also implanted in paraplegic dogs for chronic experiments where it
was demonstrated that the combination of low and high frequency stimuli resulted in 45 %
reduction in EUS activity and that urine evacuation improved up to 91 % of the mean
bladder capacity during the six months of chronic stimulation (Abdel-Gawad et al., 2001).
The latest Polystims neurostimulation prototypes using that stimulation strategy were
UroStim6 and UroStim7 presented in (Mounaim et al., 2006; Mounaim & Sawan, 2007)
This chapter first describes a new sacral neurostimulation strategy to enhance micturition,
based on nerve conduction blockade using high frequency stimulation as an alternative to
rhizotomy. In order to test this strategy in chronic animal experiments, an implantable
neurostimulation device is required. Thus, this chapter presents the design, test, prototyping
and encapsulation of such neurostimulator (UroStim8) implementing the proposed
stimulation strategy and using only commercially available discrete components.
2. New stimulation strategy
The proposed multi-site sacral neurostimulation strategy is illustrated in Fig. 1 and based on
the following: High-frequency stimulation with an alternating waveform (such as sinusoidal
New Neurostimulation Strategy and
Corresponding Implantable Device to Enhance Bladder Functions

or rectangular) and optimum parameters, induces a blockade of the nerve (motor and/or
sensory) activity, that may be complete (all axons) or partial (large diameter axons only).
With a complete nerve blockade, the effect would be equivalent to that of rhizotomy while
being controlled and totally reversible. With a partial blockade, selective stimulation can be
achieved by blocking large axons only.

Possible nerve stimulation sites,
Low-frequency pulse waveform (e.g. 30Hz)
Sacral roots
Possible nerve conduction blockade sites,
High-frequency sinusoidal waveform (> 1kHz)
Spinal cord
Sacral roots
Complete nerve blockade (all axons)
Selective blockade (large diameter axons only)
Stim. Stage 4 Stim. Stage 3
Stim. Stage 2
Stim. Stage 1
Electrodes connected to the same stimulation stage

Fig. 1. Proposed multi-sites sacral neurostimulation strategy (dog model)
In order to induce a contraction of the detrusor, a low-frequency (e.g. 30 Hz) pulse current
stimulation is applied to S2 sacral nerve(s) (or S1 eventually), unilaterally or bilaterally.
Adjusting the stimulation pulse amplitude and width, the degree of contraction can be
modulated. In most cases, the EUS contracts as well. The stimulation-evoked EUS
contraction may be explained by direct and/or reflex mechanisms due to efferent and/or
afferent fibers activation respectively. Both types of EUS activation can be avoided by
blocking axons innervating the EUS muscle with high-frequency (> 1 kHz) stimulation. A
selective blockade can be applied distally (between the low-frequency stimulation site and
the EUS) to inhibit direct EUS activation, while a complete blockade can be applied
proximally (between the low-frequency stimulation site and the spinal cord), to inhibit
reflex EUS activation. However, reflex EUS activation may involve sacral root(s) other than
the one(s) stimulated by the low-frequency waveform. In such case, they should be blocked
as well. Anatomically, the lower urinary tract innervations are the same from one animal to
another but there is a functional variability. It is possible that one type of EUS activation
mechanisms is dominant. For illustration purposes, Fig. 1 shows all possible blockade sites,
but it is also possible that one blockade site prove to be sufficient. In case of incomplete SCI,
conventional sacral nerve stimulation may lead to pain perception. Rhizotomy can be a way
to abolish the stimulation-evoked pain but will probably not be considered at the cost of
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

losing important reflexes and sensations if still present. With the proposed stimulation
strategy, a complete proximal high-frequency blockade of sensory activity during low-
frequency stimulation can inhibit pain sensation as well. Polystim Lab. recently presented
preliminary results obtained with this strategy based on a dog model. Acute dog
experiments were carried out and EUS blockade has been achieved in 8 animals after spinal
cord transection (Mounaim et al. 2008; 2010). However, such experiments are not sufficient
to validate the strategy especially that spinal shock generally lasts several weeks after SCI.
Chronic experiments are mandatory in order to evaluate the long-term efficiency. This
obviously requires a custom implantable neurostimulator that implements the proposed
strategy, and will be capable of generating conventional stimulation waveforms as well as
high-frequency sinusoids simultaneously over multiple channels.
3. Discrete implantable neurostimulator
3.1 Neurostimulator architecture
The block diagram of Fig.2 illustrates the architecture of the implantable neurostimulator
UroStim8 dedicated to the new stimulation strategy. The neurostimulator has been designed
with commercially available off-the shelf components. The control unit is one of the latest
generation of Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) that presents advantageous low-
power and small-scale features (Igloo, ACTEL). This FPGA also offers an In-Sytem
Programming (ISP) feature that would allow (wired) subsequent code updates even after
encapsulation of the neurostimulator. Such option was not possible with anti-fuse FPGAs
used in previous prototypes (Ex, ACTEL) leading to the assembly of a new prototype for
each new code to be tested. With near-field inductive coupling of spiral antennas, energy
and data are wirelessly transmitted through the skin to the implanted stimulator using an
external controller. The inductive coupling frequency used in previous prototypes was 20
MHz, but to comply with the Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) radio band, it is
reduced to 13.56 MHz. This frequency is chosen taking into account the coupling
attenuation through the skin tissues and the spiral inductors characteristics. The Power
Recovery stage rectifies and filters the inductive carrier signal to provide different regulated
power supplies to the stimulator. The Data Recovery stage demodulates the 600 kHz On-Off
Keying (OOK) modulated carrier to provide Manchester-coded data to the FPGA. As soon
as the inductive energy is present and the power supply sufficient, the FPGA starts
Manchester decoding to extract data at 300 Kbps and a synchronized clock at 300 kHz.
Transmission data frames are sent cyclically until the FPGA acknowledges that a valid one
is received without errors using a low power and short-range 1 kbps RF uplink at 433 MHz.
Depending on the received instruction and parameters, a specific mode is executed. This
could be a stimulation mode where one or multiple Stimulation Stages outputs can be
activated with chosen parameters, or a telemetry mode where impedance module and phase
of each electrode-nerve interface (ENI) can be measured at a chosen frequency. Even though
all stimulation stages are similar and can generate any waveform to a certain extent,
Stimulation Stage 1 is dedicated to the low-frequency pulse waveform while Stages 2 to 4
are dedicated to the high-frequency sinusoidal waveform. The stimulation frequency is
common to Stages 2 to 4 but the stimulation current amplitude can be adjusted
independently. The synchronized clock extracted from the Manchester-coded data was used
as a time base for stimuli generation in previous neurostimulators. However, this clock
suffers from time jitter due to inductive noise during data demodulation. Timing is very
New Neurostimulation Strategy and
Corresponding Implantable Device to Enhance Bladder Functions

important as for conventional biphasic stimulation for example, positive and negative
phases must have the same duration so that total charge injection into the ENI is null. The
oscillator in Fig. 2 is a low power component that brings a simple solution to this problem.
Frequency of oscillation is adjusted with one resistance and an internal divider setting. The
oscillator is activated for stimuli generation only and provides a stable clock of 300 kHz that
can be eventually increased or decreased (hardware modification, not through the FPGA)
depending on the available inductive power and the desired stimulation parameters.

Fig. 2. Architecture of the UroStim8 neurostimulator dedicated to the new strategy
3.2 Power and data recovery
The neurostimulator front-end is responsible for power and data recovery as shown in Fig.3.
Inductive energy transmitted by the external controller is recovered by the implanted
stimulator using a parallel LC network resonating at the same frequency. Inductance L is a
3-turn spiral antenna that is printed on a thin and flexible PCB with external diameter of less
than 4 cm and a trace width of 1 mm to reduce the series resistance. Capacitance C is made
of parallel combinations of ceramic NPO capacitors that offer high Q and high temperature
stability. The capacitors are also specified for 100 V in order to maintain acceptable values at
high voltages and high frequency. C
is a miniature variable capacitor that allows fine
tuning of the resonant frequency to recover maximum energy with respect to the average
power consumption of the implant. The voltage across the resonating LC network is an
alternating signal that may exceed 60 V peak-to-peak in case of a high inductive coupling
and a weak load. This signal is rectified with diodes (D1, D2) and filtered with the capacitor
which can be seen as the energy storage for the implant. Because of such high voltage,
this capacitor has been chosen with a compromise between voltage specification (50 V),
capacitance value (6.8 F), and physical dimensions. When inductive coupling is suddenly
interrupted, reverse currents may occur, leading to negative voltages at the input of the first
regulator (Fig.3). Diode D4 protects the circuit from such situations.
As shown in Fig.3, three linear regulators provide different power supply voltages to the
neurostimulator. The first one is adjusted between 5 and 12 V for the supply of current
sources and the analog supply of CMOS switches in the Stimuli Stages (Fig.4). This regulator
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

High input
voltage regulator
5 to 12V
L C Ctune Cfilter
LDO voltage
regulator 3.3V
LDO voltage
regulator 1.5V
to Stimulation &
to FPGA I/O,
Oscillator &
to FPGA core

Fig. 3. Power and data recovery in UroStim8
can tolerate high input voltages up to 80 V. The second regulator provides 3.3 V that is the
main supply used by the FPGA Input/Outputs buffers, the DAC, the logic supply of CMOS
switches in the Stimuli Stages, and the remaining components. This regulator provides a
Power-OK (POK) signal that indicates to the FPGA that the 3.3V supply is available and
well regulated. No stimulation will be started unless the POK signal is high. Finally, the
third supply of 1.5 V is used by the FPGA core only to reduce its power consumption.
To protect the system from a high induced voltage, power recovery circuits use voltage
clipping, Zener diodes or shunt regulators (Schneider, 2001; Ba et al., 2002; Ba, 2004; Yunlei
& Jin, 2005; Balachandran & Barnett, 2006). In previous neurostimulators, a shunt regulator
was adjusted to be able to provide the required voltage supply in the worst case that is
maximum stimulator current consumption and minimum available inductive energy.
However, except in this case, it is not an efficient solution because the shunt regulator
simply short-cuts the excess current. With the high input voltage of the first regulator, there
is no need for voltage limiting, and the excess of inductive energy translates to voltage
instead of current. Voltage is indirectly limited by the maximum available inductive energy
and the minimum stimulator current consumption. Compared to the zener shunt regulator,
it is a more efficient solution that also allows recovering high voltage supply for stimulation
without using step-up DC/DC converters. For data recovery, the OOK demodulator is a
simple envelope detector which is implemented as an amplification of small variations
across diode D3 that is stacked in series between the rectifier diodes (D1, D2) and the
common ground. These variations are due to the carrier modulation and are amplified with
the NPN transistor T1 in a common-base configuration. A pull-up resistor R1 limits the
current when the demodulated data signal is low but also limits its rising time. The design
simplicity of this demodulator is the reason behind the choice of such modulation scheme
for data transmission. However, the OOK modulation turns-off the coupling carrier with a
duty cycle of around 50 % for each Manchester-coded bit. Consequently, inductive energy is
wasted because of the simultaneous data transfer. Now that an oscillator provides a stable
clock, the recovered clock is not needed anymore for stimuli generation. Thus, as soon as the
FPGA acknowledges to the external controller a valid transmission, the downlink data
transfer is stopped while keeping the inductive coupling. That way, more inductive energy
is available for stimulation or telemetry.
New Neurostimulation Strategy and
Corresponding Implantable Device to Enhance Bladder Functions

3.3 Stimulation stages
UroStim8 neurostimulator has 4 stimulation stages. As presented in Fig.4, Stage 1 is
dedicated to the low-frequency pulse stimulation, offers 4 bipolar outputs, and includes an
8-bit Digital to Analog Converter (DAC), an Operational Amplifier (OpAmp) used as a
current source, as well as CMOS analog switches for biphasic stimulation and outputs

Stage 1
4 bipolar
Stage 2
4 bipolar
Stage 3
2 bipolar
Stage 4
2 bipolar
DAC 2 +
3.3 V 5 to 12 V 5 to 12 V Analog Supply 3.3 V Logic Supply
CMOS Analog Switches

Fig. 4. Stimulation stages in UroStim8
The four outputs of Stage 1 share the same frequency and can be activated individually or in
any combination. Even though meant for simultaneous stimulation, the four low-frequency
pulse outputs are sequentially activated with a small delay to avoid cumulative power
consumption load peaks. Thus, pulse amplitude can be programmed independently which
is important because the impedance of the cuff-electrodes may be different. Before each
stimulation pulse, the FPGA sends the amplitude code to the DAC that provides a
proportional voltage V
between 0 and a reference voltage of 1.2 V. This voltage is then
converted into current by the OpAmp and resistance Res1 that operates as a current source.
Constant current is injected into the nerve via CMOS analog switches that enables reversing
the current for biphasic stimulation. The stimulation current is equal to Istim=V
as long as the OpAmp is not saturated. Resistance Res1 has been chosen equal to 600 to
provide a maximum current of 2 mA (1.2 V/600 ). For an ENI impedance of 1 k, a
voltage supply of 3.3 V would have been sufficient for the OpAmp. However, previous
chronic animal experiments proved that the ENI impedance may become higher than 4 k
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

leading to lower stimulation currents because of the OpAmp saturation. Hence, its voltage
supply can be increased up to 12 V so that a current of 2 mA could be injected into an ENI
impedance up to 5.4 k. Stimulation Stages 2 to 4 share the same DAC that will generate the
sinusoidal waveform required for nerve conduction blockade. They offer 8 bipolar outputs
that are grouped according to the stimulation strategy (Fig.1). For the three groups of
outputs, the blockade amplitude can be adjusted independently through digital
potentiometers Res2 to 4. The stimulation stages are controlled by the FPGA similarly but
separately. Signals UP and DOWN sets the current direction with an H-Bridge that is made
of four switches mounted as a mixer. Signal ZERO controls a fifth switch that shortcuts the
OpAmp output with its negative input before activating one of the UP or DOWN signals.
That way, before and after each pulse, the same voltage is applied on both electrodes (of
each bipolar output) before releasing the ZERO switch (Mounaim & Sawan, 2007). The
output CMOS analog switches are critical elements. If they must transmit currents under
voltages as high as 12 V, they still need to be controlled by 3.3 V signals directly from the
FPGA. Thus, they have been chosen with dual power supplies: a logic supply of 3.3 V and
an analog supply up to 12 V.
3.4 Telemetry
The goal of the implemented telemetry is to verify the capacity of the implant to stimulate
each connected nerve. Thus, it is important to monitor the load impedance presented by
each ENI as it must not be too high for the desired stimulation current (Sawan et al., 2007,

Logic Supply
3.3 V
Analog Supply
5 to 12 V
3.3 V
3.3 V
TX Module

Fig. 5. Telemetry in UroStim8
The neurostimulator has a total of 12 bipolar outputs. Making use of the demultiplexers
already present in the stimulation stages, monitoring can be done at the current source
OpAmp output of each stage by activating one single bipolar output at a time. As shown in
Fig.5, the four differential OpAmp outputs voltages are multiplexed, differentially
measured with an instrumentation amplifier and then sampled with an Analog to Digital
Converter (ADC) before being sent to the FPGA. The stimulus used for AC impedance
measurement is a sinusoidal waveform that each stimulation stage is capable of generating.
After a programmable number of cycles, the maximum amplitude and zero-crossing time of
the voltage difference across the ENI, are used with the programmed stimulation
parameters to estimate the impedance module and phase respectively. Once these
measurements are ready, they are sent to the external controller thanks to a miniature
transmission module. It is an RF emitter oscillating at 433 MHz and OOK modulated at 1
kHz. The transmission range can be adjusted with a digital potentiometer (Res5) that limits
the driving current.
New Neurostimulation Strategy and
Corresponding Implantable Device to Enhance Bladder Functions

5. Results
The complete UroStim8 neurostimulator prototype has been assembled on a large
breadboard for design and tests. Table 1 presents the achieved stimulation parameters and
Fig. 6 presents different oscilloscope screen captures. Fig. 6a shows the low-frequency pulse
stimulation waveform generated by Stimulation Stage 1. Single-end outputs are probed by
oscilloscope channels Ch1 and Ch2 respectively. The differential output (Ch1-Ch2) is shown
by the Math curve (M). Control signals ZERO1 and UP1 (according to Fig. 4) are probed by
channels Ch3 and Ch4 respectively. The waveform is not a conventional biphasic one but
rather an alternating monophasic waveform as proposed in (Mounaim & Sawan, 2007). Fig.
6b shows the Stimulation Stage 1 OpAmp's output Vout1 (Ch1) when all four bipolar
outputs are activated. Ch2 to 4 probe three of them (single-ends only). Stimulation on the
four outputs is not "truly" simultaneous but rather alternated with a small delay between
pulses. This has the advantage of avoiding large current consumption peaks but also
allowing different pulse amplitudes for each output. Fig. 6c and 6d show the high-frequency
sinusoidal waveform at the minimum and maximum achieved frequencies respectively. For
both figures, single-end outputs are probed by Ch1 and Ch2, control signals UP and DOWN
(according to Fig. 4) by channels Ch3 and Ch4 respectively, while the differential output is
shown by the Math curve (M).

Waveform Pulse Sinusoid
Parameters Amp. Width Frequency Frequency Amp.
Max 2 mA 217 s
8.9 kHz (with min
1 kHz (with max width)
8.6 kHz 2 mA
Min 0 3.39 s 18 Hz 1 kHz 0
Resolution 8 A Time resolution = 3.39 s (clock = 295 kHz) 8 A
Table 1. UroStim8 measured stimulation parameters
A normalized half-period of the waveform is stored as a map table of 1024 amplitude
samples. To change the frequency of stimulation, the map table is read with a memory
address step as it is scanned with the 300 kHz clock. The general equation determining the
digitally programmed sinusoidal frequency is given by equation (1).

2 1024
300 5
Frequency kHz

= +


where F is the decimal equivalent of a programmable 6-bit binary code. As the frequency is
increased, the resulting total number of amplitude steps is reduced from more than 256
(=2*1024/8) to less than 32 (=2*1024/64). Any other stimulation waveform and/or mapping
strategy can be easily implemented by reprogramming the FPGA. Table 2 presents the
measured system total current consumption at different conditions. With all stimulation
stages and all their outputs activated, total system current consumption is 4.54 mA (rms) at
30 Hz pulse (2 mA, 217 s) and 1 kHz sinusoidal frequencies. For Stimulation Stages 2-4, 1
mA current is distributed over outputs of each stage. Thus, stimulation parameters must be
adjusted taking into account the available inductive power energy. The FPGA core current
consumption in this prototype is less than 100 A.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software


Stim. Stage 1
single-end outputs
Stim. Stage 1
OpAmp output

(a) (b)
differential output (Ch1 Ch2)

(c) (d)
Fig. 6. Oscilloscope captures showing (a) alternating monophasic stimulation waveform and
control signals, (b) Stimulation Stage 1 OpAmp output and three single-ends outputs, and
sinusoidal waveform at (c) 1 kHz and (d) 8.6 kHz frequencies

Conditions Current consumption
Stimulation Stage 1 Stimulation Stages 2-4 mA (rms)
OFF OFF 1.83
30 Hz OFF 2.12
1 kHz OFF 4.59
30 Hz 1 kHz 4.54
30 Hz 8.6 kHz 5.33
1 kHz 8.6 kHz 7.80
Table 2. UroStim8 measured system total current consumption (rms) with following
stimulation conditions: Stage 1 (2 mA, 217 s); Stages 2-4 (1 mA each, current is distributed
over outputs of each stage)
UroStim8 neurostimulators printed circuit board have been designed, fabricated and
assembled as shown in Fig. 7. UroStim8's PCB is 38 mm diameter and can host a FPGA in
New Neurostimulation Strategy and
Corresponding Implantable Device to Enhance Bladder Functions

12x12 Fine Pitch Ball Grid Array (FBGA) of 13x13 mm dimensions and 1 mm pitch. Because
of the relatively large number of discrete components and the limited space, the design of
such PCB is challenging. It required eight PCB layers and numerous blind vias for a
complete routing of the system. For chronic animal implantation, the prototype will be
encapsulated in two layers of different materials. The first layer is a rigid epoxy that protects
the implant from infiltration of fluids and offers a reliable isolation for the electronic
components. The second layer is a biocompatible silicone that offers a soft contact for
corporal tissues. Encapsulation is done using custom made Teflon or aluminum moulds.
Fig. 8 shows the targeted encapsulation dimensions for the neurostimulator. The
encapsulated UroStim8 will be thinner than previous prototypes that had embedded
batteries (10 mm compared to 16 mm).

Top view Bottom view Inductor

Fig. 7. UroStim8 printed circuit board



59 mm

Fig. 8. UroStim8 encapsulation dimensions
6. Conclusion
This chapter presented a new sacral neurostimulation strategy to enhance micturition in
spinal cord injured patients. In order to carry-on chronic animal experiments, a discrete
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

implantable neurostimulator has been designed implementing the proposed stimulation
strategy and using commercially available discrete components. Measurements and
prototyping results were presented. The discrete prototype is capable of generating a low
frequency pulse waveform as low as 18 Hz with a simultaneous high frequency alternating
waveform as high as 8.6 kHz, and that over different and multiple channels. With all
stimulation stages and all their outputs activated, total system current consumption is
around 4.5 mA (rms) at 30 Hz pulse (2 mA, 217 s) and 1 kHz sinusoidal frequencies. In the
same conditions, using a sinusoidal stimulation at the highest frequency of 8.6 kHz,
increases current consumption up to 7.8 mA. With 50 mW of available inductive power for
example and 4.5 mA current consumption, the high voltage regulator can be set to 10 V
allowing 2 mA stimulation of 4.4 k electrode-nerve impedance. However, with 7.8mA
current consumption, the high voltage regulator will have to be set to 6 V reducing the
maximum possible stimulation current to 1 mA for a 4.4 k electrode-nerve impedance.
Thus, the effective number of activated outputs and the maximum achievable stimulation
parameters are limited by the available energy provided by the inductive link and the
impedance of the electrode-nerve interfaces. Future developments will include chronic
animal experiments after full characterization of the encapsulated and implanted
neurostimulation prototype, taking into account the resulting inductive link efficiency.
7. Acknowledgement
Authors would like to acknowledge the financial support from the Natural Sciences and
Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), the Mycrosystems Strategic Alliance of
Quebec (ReSMiQ), and the Canada Research Chair on Smart Medical Devices. Also, thanks
are due to all Polystims members and students that have participated in the design of the
UroStim8 prototype and to Laurent Mouden for its assembly.
8. References
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New Neurostimulation Strategy and
Corresponding Implantable Device to Enhance Bladder Functions

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Implementation of Microsensor Interface for
Biomonitoring of Human Cognitive Processes
E. Vavrinsky
, P. Solarikova
, V. Stopjakova
, V. Tvarozek
and I. Brezina
Department of Microelectronics, Slovak University of Technology,
Department of Psychology, Comenius University,
1. Introduction
Miniaturization of biomedical sensors has increased the importance of microsystem
technology in medical applications, particularly microelectronics and micromachining. This
work presents a new approach to biomedical monitoring and analysis of selected human
cognitive processes. The system is based on our preliminary described theory and
experiments (Vavrinsky et al. 2010). We are primarily interested in biomonitoring of human
cognitive processes and psychophysiological conditions of car drivers in order to enhance
road safety.
Actually often used method is evaluation of abnormal car driver actions (sudden changes of
direction with no direction indicators or too hard cornering). Main disadvantage of such a
system is that they offer no prediction. More effective are prediction systems, which offer
enough reaction time before undesirable situations, and so they can minimize human error
factors and improve road-traffic safety.
Our present research is focused on sensing, processing and analysis of selected
physiological signals for mental and medical condition recognition. They are known some
studies describing interface between emotional condition and physiological responses, and
we want also present some, since new ideas and research in psychological recognition and
biomonitoring are very welcome. It is also proved that human decisions and reactions are
affected by emotional and physical comfort. Emotional reconnoiter of a car driver conditions
is influenced by many cognitive processes, such as mind organization, vigilance, planning
or fatigue. Nervous and angry people can be very dangerous for traffic road safety.
In our experiments, we have monitored:
- psycho-galvanic reflex (PGR) skin conductivity changes,
- heart rate + electrocardiogram (ECG),
- body temperature,
- respiration frequency,
- emotions.
To improve the reliability of our measurements, these parameters have been monitored
often by duplicate methods, sometimes at macro level, sometimes by local microsystems
technologies. In first step, we implemented our technology to the virtual reality driving
simulator but preparations for real implementation have been already started, and the final
car implementation will follow.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

Two following experiments were performed:
- Divided Attention DA experiment - psychological monitoring of human cognitive
- Car Driver Monitoring System CDMS biomonitoring on a car simulator.
Both experiments are similar, since they are based on several common principles.
Preliminary psychological experiment was focused on monitoring of selected psycho-
physiological parameters (vigilance test, memory test, alcohol influence) possibly useful in
road-traffic safety, and achieved results were applied in the following experiment Car
Driver Monitoring System.
2. Developed multipurpose microsensor
Successful development of high integrated and miniaturized electronic instrumentation and
sensors needs to overcome a wide dimension-scale of mezo-micro-nano structures. This
leads to the convergency and complementarity of microsystem technology and
nanotechnology, and it demands an interdisciplinary scientific/technical collaboration also
in basic research. Thin films serve as both: the source of new compound materials
(particularly in optoelectronics) as well as well-defined and reproducible micro-/nano-
interfaces between sensing, recognition and bio-chemical-physical-electrical transductions of
signals in sensors (Tvarozek et al. 2007).
From electrical model of IDA (interdigital array) microelectrode/skin interface and
simulations, the important outcome has arisen: the electric field distribution and depth of
penetration into the outer skin layers (epidermis laminar structures) depend mainly on the
configuration and size of an electrode system (Ivanic. 2003). This knowledge provides the
possibility to examine different layers of epidermis by electrical impedance method, and this
was used for the analysis of electrophysiological processes in the human skin when a person
is under the stress influence.
Recently, new thin microsensors (IDAT), depicted in Fig. 1, have been developed, where:
- an interdigital array (IDA) of microelectrodes is integrated together with
- temperature sensor (T) on a single chip.
The developed microsensor allows measurement of psychogalvanic reflex (PGR) by IDA
structure and body temperature by T meander, locally from one place. Moreover, it can be
found in previous experiments on the heart rate monitor. Therefore, the microsensor allows
continual monitoring and analysis of complex physiological, pathophysiological, and
therapeutic processes.
The microelectrodes were fabricated by a standard thin film technology: Pt (Au) films (150
nm in thickness) underlaid by Ti film (50 nm) were deposited by rf sputtering on Al

substrates, and microelectrodes were lithographically patterned by lift-off technique.
However, in electro-optical research, transparent conductive oxide of ZnO doped by Al
(ZnO:Al) can be also utilized (Tvarozek et. al., 2007). The total size of the microelectrode
chip is 10 x 13 mm. IDA structure was made in symmetric configuration: 100 m / 100 m
and 200 m / 200 m (finger/gap) dimensions. Total resistance of thermal resistive
meander by using Pt is between 530 and 540 . Pt thin film is used to minimize the
polarization effect. In all experiments described later, 200 m / 200 m symmetric structure
was used.
Implementation of Microsensor Interface for Biomonitoring of Human Cognitive Processes


Pt Au Parylen Al2O3

Photo snapshots

Transparent thin films technology -
Fig. 1. IDAT microelectrodes
3. Divided attention experiment
Presented experiment was carried out in the laboratory of cognitive processes at
Department of Psychology, Comenius University, in cooperation with Department of
Microelectronics, Slovak University of Technology. This experiment has been performed on
a group of 63 probands (all university students) in age between 18 and 29 (average = 20)
years (48 female, 15 male). The experiment was focused on analysis of relations between
cognitive processes, psychophysiological correlatives and human personality parameters at
different activation levels. Secondarily, we have mapped also relations of
psychophysiological correlatives to emotional reflex (face mimic) and alcohol intoxication
(Fig. 2).
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

Divided Attention experiment
63 probands
(18 29 year old, average age = 20)
round of DA test
Alcohol intoxicated(0,3 0,6 )
20 probands(time: 20 min/proband)
round of DA test
Alcohol free
20 probands(time: 20 min/proband)
20 min pause
(63 probands)
Eysenck Personality Questionnaire EPQ-R
(extroversion, lying-score, neuroticism and psychoticism).
Eysenck Personality Questionnaire IVE
(empathy, impulsivity and romance)
NEO Personality Inventory
(neuroticism, extroversion, openness to experience, conscientiousness
and agreeableness).
D-M-V Motivation Questionnaire
(load motivation anxietis)
+ 7 days pause
round of DA test
63 probands (time: 20 min/proband)
Short situational questionnaire
(actual sense, sleep and hunger state)
Divide distraction test
Software Neorop II.
Verbal stimuli
Power point presentation with
PGR + temperature on finger
Head temperature
Visual emotion recognition
between finger and head electrode

Fig. 2. Divided Attention experiment
Divided attention DA test was separated into three rounds:
- Questionnaire,
- 1
round of DA test, and
- 2
repeat round of DA test with alcohol influence monitoring.
(Blood alcohol concentration: 0,3 0,6 )
Each round of the DA test itself was divided into four time phases:
Relaxation time (3 - 4 minutes): self concentration, relaxation music, etc.
- Advice listening (3 5 minutes): listening to spoken words
Distraction stress (5 - 6 minutes): solving two tasks at same time:
- Vigilance task:
Software Neurop II SPEED test (measurement of reaction time - image and sound
stimuli). (Gaal. 2002)
- Memory task:
Power Point presentation with verbal stimuli (numerical tasks and words
remembering (10 negative, 10 positive, 10 neutral types of words)).
Memory task (2 minutes): Writing of remembered words from 3
Implementation of Microsensor Interface for Biomonitoring of Human Cognitive Processes

3.1 Technical set-up
The complete measurement set-up used in DA experiment is depicted in Figure 3. The
developed IDAT sensor was first used in Divide Attention psychoexperiment.

Divided Attention test set-up

Detail of NI 9219 with sensors
Fig. 3. Divided Attention test measurement equipment
During this cognitive test, four electro-physiological parameters were monitored:
- psychogalvanic reflex (PGR) and body temperature sensed by the designed IDAT
integrated microsensor on the ring-finger of non-dominant hand,
- head temperature sensed by a standard Pt100 sensor,
- Electrocardiograph (ECG) sensed between head and the ring-finger.
Additionally, the face mimic representing different psychological emotions were recorded
by a camera (Logitech, 2009), and visually recognized and diagnosed using software
eMotion (eMotion, 2009). eMotion was designed in ISLA Laboratory at the Universiteit
van Amsterdam for real-time visual (face mimic) emotional recognition. The program
allows recognition of these emotions, Neutral, Happy, Surprise, Angry, Disgust,
Fear and Sad, from saved video files or online video source (camera).
Experiment was controlled by a personal computer (PC) with new programmed software
Psychoprogram (Fig. 4). Psychoprogram was designed in Labview 8.6 environment, and
has built up software interfaces for the camera, eMotion program and NI 9219 measurement
card with sensors. NI 9219 has measured resistances from IDAT sensor (PGR + temperature),
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software


Fig. 4. Divided Attention test Control computer print screen
resistance from Pt100 head sensor and ECG voltage at 100 samples/s and 24-bit resolution
(Fig. 3 bottom). For ECG signal we applied software IIR Bandpass filter (Cutoff frequencies: 7 -
40 Hz, Order: 7, Topology: Bessel). Other signals were only resampled down to 2 S/s.
3.2 Results and discussion
The achieved results have confirmed several previously obtained observations (Vavrinsky
et. al, 2010), shown in Fig. 5:
- The psycho-galvanic reflex causes a change of the skin impedance during periods of
stress, excitement or shock. Under these conditions, skin conductivity increases,
whereas during periods of relaxation the conductivity declines to a minimum (Olmar.
1998, Weis et al. 1995, Brezina. 2007)
- Psychological activation results in human body temperature decreasing and increasing
of the skin conductivity (PGR) at the same time.
- The amplitude of a particular parameter depends on the stress activation level, and it is
individual for each proband.
- The temperature response shows also more integral character.
- Activation phase of the parameters response is followed by the relaxation phase.
- Memory task (4
phase of DA test) decreases the body temperature more
significantly than observed for phases 2 and 3.
- The conductivity (PGR) in 4
phase is decreasing in contrast to phase 2 and 3.
In 3
phase of DA test - Distraction stress (activation) phase the following observations
were registered:
- Heart rate grows up approximately by 11 beats, in comparison to 1
relaxation phase.
This result observed for all probands is very reliable (Fig. 6).
- Visual emotions are changed from Neutral emotion in 1
phase to Happy or
Angry emotions in 3
phase. The intensity of Happy and Angry emotions is
more than doubled (Fig. 7). We also found that emotion Angry can by often reflected
as Concentration emotion, which was not reckoning in eMotion software.
- Emotion Disgust corresponds to faster reaction times in Vigilance task.
- Emotion Fear causes increased heart rate.
- Sleepiness from questionnaire decrease total performance in Vigilance task.
Implementation of Microsensor Interface for Biomonitoring of Human Cognitive Processes


Fig. 5. Conductivity and temperature results of DA Test over respective phases (typical
In 2
round of DA test we divided 40 probands in 2 groups to monitor alcohol influence
on test effectivity and heart rate changes.
We had:
- 20 slightly alcohol intoxicated probands (0,3 0,6 ),
- 20 normal probands.
They are existing scientific findings, that alcohol has negative influence on learning and
memory processes. Principally alcohol decrease remembering of new information. The
visual memory falls rapidly, but semantic memory is not influenced. The efficiency of
recognition tasks decrease, even though the number of right answers is increased, but the
accuracy falls rapidly (Nociar. 1991, Snel. 1999).
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software


Fig. 6. Divide Attention test Increasing of the heart rate in distraction stress

Fig. 7. Divide Attention test Emotion changes
It is also known: If alcohol concentration in blood is in range 0,3 0,5 (our case), the
probands are more relax, open - mind, self-confidence, but motoric reactions are slower. On
1 concentration start decreasing of sensor and talking functions and some people are
more aggressive or retiring and crabbed (Atkinson. 2003).
We found that in 2
round of DA test:
- Probands perform better than in 1
round, which is caused by better preparation on
repeated task.
- Slightly alcohol intoxicated probands can achieve better results in vigilance task (3

phase of distraction test), however, in memory task (4
phase) their performance was
worse compared to alcohol free probands (Fig. 9). The difference was +7 % in
vigilance task and 3 % in memory task. The result corresponds to literature
knowledge (Snel. 1999, Nociar. 1991).
- Heart rate of slightly alcohol intoxicated probands decrease comprised to normal
state (Fig. 8). The literature knowledge was verified.
We calculated formula for alcohol intoxication influence on heart rate:
Alcohol intoxicated heart rate = 0,63 * Normal heart rate + 29,5
For more precise formula estimation is possible to perform experiments with
variable values of alcohol concentrations in blood.
Implementation of Microsensor Interface for Biomonitoring of Human Cognitive Processes


Fig. 8. Divide Attention test Decreasing of the heart rate under alcohol intoxication

Fig. 9. Divide Attention test Influence of alcohol intoxication on vigilance and memory
4. Car driver monitoring system
Obtained results and tested set-up configurations of Divided Attention experiment were
used in next Card Driver Monitoring System (CDMS).
4.1 Technical set-up
The proposed and designed Car Driver Monitoring System (CDMS), depicted in Fig. 10,
consists of:
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software


Fig. 10. Car Driver Monitoring System (CDMS)
- 2 local micro PGR + temperature (left and right hands)IDAT sensors on a driving wheel
- 1 global macro PGR sensor and 1 global macro ECG sensor for monitoring of
conductivity and ECG between left and right hand placed on driving wheel
- 1 smart pressure sensor, placed in the driver seat, for heart rate and respiration
frequency monitoring (Partin et. al, 2006). It can be partially used for the driver weight
measurement too.
- The system also includes an infrared (IR) modified camera with several tested optical
filters to minimize shadows and glitters in real conditions, for visual emotion
recognition. The camera can be also used in the eye position system or in the safety
system for driver identification.
- Compact RIO system (National Instruments, 2009) controlled by NI Labview 8.6, with
implemented mathematical apparatus for signal processing, filtering and analysis:
Implementation of Microsensor Interface for Biomonitoring of Human Cognitive Processes

NI 9263:
- 4-Channel, 100 kS/s, 16-bit, 10 V, Analog Output Module
NI 9219:
-24-bit, 100S/s, Ch-Ch Isolated Universal Analog Input Module (125 mV to
60 V, 25 mA, TC, 3 and 4-wire RTD, , , and Full-Bridge)
NI 9203:
-8-Ch 20 mA, 200 kS/s, 16-Bit Analog Current Input Module
NI 9234:
-4-Channel, 5 V, 51.2 kS/s per Channel, 24-Bit IEPE
12 VDC power supply
- Control PC with camera software connected over RJ45 net
The design of measurement unit is based on the modular programmable automation
controller CompactRIO (NI 9014), low-cost reconfigurable control, and acquisition system
designed for applications that require high performance and reliability. The system
combines an open embedded architecture, small size, extreme ruggedness, and hot-
swappable industrial I/O modules. Because we want to make a low-cost final product,
finally, only a classical web-camera, not high precision cameras or thermal cameras will be
used, and the final electronic part of the system will be placed on a single board.
4.2 Results and discussion
4.2.1 Driving wheel sensors ECG and PGR by macroelectrodes
For global monitoring of ECG and PGR by driving wheel we used:
- Aluminum macro electrodes
- ECG electrodes were connected to NI 9234.
Sample frequency: 25,6 kHz (can be reduced to about 100 Hz)
Software IIR filters:
-Bandpass filter: (Cutoff frequencies: 1 - 130 Hz, Order: 10, Topology: Bessel)
-Bandstop filter: (Cutoff frequencies: 48 - 52 Hz, Order: 10, Topology: Bessel)
- Conductivity (PGR) electrodes were serial connected to NI 9263 (10 V Analog Output
Module: V
= 3V, f = 1 kHz) and NI 9203 (Analog Current Input Module, Sample
frequency: 100 Hz)
Typical result for ECG monitoring is shown in Fig. 11.

a) Original signal

b) Filtered signal
Fig. 11. ECG signal from a driving wheel
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

The PGR response of macroelectrodes (skin conductivity) corresponds to typical signal of
commercial PGR sensors like in old results (Vavrinsky, 2010).
Macroelectrodes offer very fixed contact between human skin and electrodes and the total
reliability is very good. PGR, body temperature and heart rate by multipurpose microsensor
In this set-up we used multipurpose IDAT microelectrodes (Fig. 1) placed up on driving
wheel and connected to NI 9219 card (Sample frequency: 100 Hz).
Electrical experiments led to a very important result: the developed microelectrode probes
are able to monitor PGR, temperature as well as heart rate simultaneously. The PGR and
temperature output signal corresponds to preliminary experiment (Fig. 5) and the heart rate
was easily read out by derivation of the measured skin conductivity waveform (Fig. 12).
Standard psychotests also showed that the response signals of IDAT microelectrodes and
macroelectrodes were similar. IDAT microelectrodes signals were more stabile with shorter
response time, but for better reliability in real praxis, we need to place microsensors on
several positions of driving wheel to obtain more fixed contact.
In real praxis is ideal to combine macro and micro-sensors results.

Fig. 12. CDMS Heart rate by IDA microstructure
4.2.2 Seat sensor
For biomonitoring seat sensor was proved. In this set-up, the pressure sensor Treston DMP
331 converts mechanical (pressure) force from air filled seat cushion (modified medical
pressure cuff XXL) (Medihum. 2008) to the output current that is then, measured via a
serially connected National Instruments 9219 card (24-bit, 100 Hz sample frequency). As
power supply we used 12 DC batteries. Treston DMP 331 is a smart sensor with the
following features (Treston. 2010):
- Hybrid integrated technology
- Pressure range 0 0,6 bar
- Output current 4 - 20 mA
- Input voltage 12 - 36 V
- Excellent long service life and linearity
- Negligible temperature effect on output signal
- Long service life
- Gas and liquid pressure measurement
Typical measured signal is shown in Fig. 13a. Period designated as T
corresponds to
heart pulse signal, and period T
corresponds to the respiration frequency. For better
Implementation of Microsensor Interface for Biomonitoring of Human Cognitive Processes


Fig. 13. Heart pulse and respiration frequency measured by the seat sensor
readability and reliability of heat rate, we can use mathematical filter IIR Highpass filter
(Topology: Butterworth, Cutoff: 700 mHz, Order: 7) implemented in LabView (Fig. 13b).
Fig. 13c shows output signal if you stop breathing.
Additionally, this system can be used also for measurement of a driver weight and then,
his/her identification. We tested also fill seat cushion with water, but there was significant
difference to air filling.
4.2.3 Visual emotion recognition
For visual emotional recognition we used like in first DA experiment cameras and eMotion
software, but to improve reliability in real conditions (daylight, night), and to minimize the
influence of unwanted optical effects like shadows and reflex from the outer sources, we used
an infrared (IR) modified (active method) and thermal camera (passive method). Active method
In first method (Fig. 14), to keep cost of the system down and make the system widely
shareable, we have modified web camera for near IR spectra (0,8 1,3 m). In front of the
camera, optical filters to filter the visible light have been placed.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software


Fig. 14. CDMS - Active low-cost method of emotional visual recognition
Implementation of Microsensor Interface for Biomonitoring of Human Cognitive Processes

Test setup consist of:
- IR light source ( = 880 nm)
- Camera: Logitech QuickCam Orbit AF (Logitech. 2009)
Focused on a driver: With motorized tracking and autofocus, the spotlight is
always on a drivers face, even when the driver moves around.
- Optical filters (Apollo Design Technology. 2008) (Fig. 15)
AP5300 - Apollo Green:
AP2330 - .9 Neutral Density:
Using this system we can read a driver mimic and obtain his/her real-time emotions in real
road traffic conditions. The system of optical filters can be also easily modified.

AP5300 AP2330

- Made of double coated, heat-resistant
- %T = 4.4
- Pantone Match: 341
- RGB Match: 0 - 130 - 101
- CMYK Match: 100 - 0 - 67 - 29

- Made of double coated, heat-resistant
- %T = 12.7
- Pantone Match: 70% of black
- RGB Match: 109 - 111 113
- CMYK Match: 0 - 0 - 0- 70

Fig. 15. CDMS Transmission spectra of used optical filters Passive method
In this set-up thermal camera EasIR 4 for far IR (8 - 14m) was connected to a personal
computer via S-Video (NTSC norm) input of AVerTV USB2.0 lite card. For visual
recognition we used again eMotion software. This experimental equipment is not one of
the low-cost versions, however, it can be additionally used for contact-free stress
monitoring for drivers divided attention like in (Shastri et al. 2008). One disadvantage
over previous active set-up is lower resolution of captured video (160x120 versus
1600x1200 pixels).
We found, that visual recognition software eMotion is able to work in near IR (B&W)
(Fig. 14) and also in middle IR (Thermal) (Fig. 16) mode.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

Thermal camera EasIR 4 - parameters (Guide Infrared, 2009):
- Detector Type: Microbolometer UFPA 160120 pixels25m
Spectral range: 8 - 14m

Fig. 16. CDMS Using of passive thermal camera for emotional recognition
5. Next opportunities
Using of ZnO:Al materials for IDAT microelectrodes allows simultaneous optical (light
reflectance of human skin in the 545 nm - 575 nm wave length ranges) and electrical (skin
conductivity, temperature and heart rate) measurements. This method can measure the
quantity and oxygenation of hemoglobin in top layers of the human skin (based on pulse-
oximetry principle), that might offer another very important input factor in monitoring
some psychosomatic processes. The advantage of the optical method is also in the
contactless manner of monitoring, which is independent on the contact quality variations
due to the possible physical activity of the respondent during testing (Vavrinsky et al. 2010).
Implemented camera can be used not only for biomonitoring of car driver psychical state. We
can use traditional or skin texture analyzing face recognition (Bonsor et al. 2008) in car security
system, where digital image of yourself, your face could replace your car key (password). They
exists several free software products (KeyLemon. 2010, Banana Security. 2010).
One of the negative aspects of driving is also lack of events on the road and instant
drivers drowsiness. To minimize this effect, a drivers head, eye-lid and papilla movement
might be sensed by a camera. Several software methods exist. The testing of these methods
is prepared and will be included in our future experiments.
At last, car driver monitoring system can by enhanced by electromyography EMG analyzer,
Doppler sensors for respiration frequency and driver movement measurement, or online
alcohol sensors.
Implementation of Microsensor Interface for Biomonitoring of Human Cognitive Processes

6. Conclusion
The achievements from DA experiment were implemented into a driving simulator
CDMS. Used set-up offers continuous biomonitoring and analysis of different
electrophysiological aspects of human physiology in a completely safe and non-invasive
manner. This technique also has no undesired influence on natural physiological processes.
Motivated by the promising results achieved so far, the research will go on by the next step
that is integration of the whole biomonitoring system into a real car conditions. We prove
that ideal and reliable car monitoring system needs often using multiple measurements
methods and the final product will need very robust and smart programmed analyzing
7. Acknowledgement
Presented work was supported by the Excellence Centre CENAMOST, project VEGA
grant 1/0220/09, V-10-025-00 and Project ENIAC No. 120 228 (Project MAS -
Nanoelectronics for Mobile Ambient Assisted Living).
I would like thank to Dr. I. Novotny and Dr. S. Flickyngerova for production and analysis
of microelectrodes.
8. References
Apollo Design Technology. (2008).
Atkinson, R. L.; Atkinson, R. C. ; Smith, E. E. ; Bem, D. J. ; Nolen-Hoeksema, S. (2000).
Hilgards introduction to psychology (13th ed.), Fort Worth, TX: Harcourt Brace.
Bonsor, K.; Johnson, R. (2008). How Facial Recognition Systems Work,
Brezina, I. (2007). Simultaneous performance of double controlled tasks and their impact of
psychophysiological processes, X. European congress of psychology, Book of papers,
Prague, Czech Republic
eMotion. (2009). Faculty of Science, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Gaal, L. (2002). Operation manual to Neurop II test, Stimul, FiFUK, Bratislava, Slovakia
Guide Infrared. (2010). Thermal camera EasIR 4.
Ivanic, R.; Novotny, I.; Rehacek, V.; Tvarozek, V.; Weis, M. (2003). Thin film non-symmetric
microelectrode array for impedance monitoring of human skin, Thin Solid Films 433,
pp. 332-336
KeyLemon. (2010).
Logitech. (2009). Logitech Quickcam Sphere AF,
Medihum. (2008).
National Instruments, (2009). NI CompactRIO Embedded Design Platform.
National Instruments, (2009). NI Labview 8.6.
Nociar, A. (2005). Alcohol, Drugs and Personality, Universitas Tyrnaviensis, Trnava, Slovakia
Olmar, S. (1998). Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics, 45. 2, pp. 157-160
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Partin, D. L.; Sultan, M. F.; Trush, Ch. M.; Prieto, R.; Wagner, S. J. (2006). Monitoring Driver
Physiological Parameters for Improved Safety, SAE World Congress, Detroit, USA,
ISBN 0-7680-1633-9
Shastri, D. (2008). Contact-free Stress Monitoring for Users Divided Attention, Human
Computer Interaction, IN-TECH, Vienna, Austria, ISBN 978-953-7619-19-0, pp. 127-
Snel, J. (1999). Psychology of ban fruit, Psychoprof, ISBN 80-968083-2-X, Nove Zamky,
Treston. (2010). Pressure sensors with internal transmitter,
Tvarozek, V.; Novotny, I. ; Sutta, P. ; Flickyngerova, S. ; Shtereva, K. ; Vavrinsky, E. (2007)
Influence of Sputtering Parameters on Crystalline Structure of ZnO Thin Films.
Thin Solid Films, Vol. 515, 2007, pp. 8756-8760, ISSN 0040-6090.
Vavrinsky, E.; Stopjakova, V.; Brezina, I.; Majer, L.; Solarikova, P.; Tvarozek, V. (2010).
Electro-Optical Monitoring and Analysis of Human Cognitive Processes,
Semiconductor Technologies, IN-TECH, Vienna, Austria, ISBN 978-953-307-080-3,
pp. 437-462
Weis, M.; Danilla, T.; Matay, L.; Hrkut, P. , Kakos, J. (1995). Noninvasive Biomedical Sensors
on the Biology - Interface of Human Skin, 7th International Conference on
Measurement in Clinical Medicine, pp. 89-91, Stara Lesna, Slovakia

Wireless Communications and
Power Supply for In Vivo Biomedical
Devices using Acoustic Transmissions
Graham Wild and Steven Hinckley
Edith Cowan University
1. Introduction
Acoustic transmissions are investigated for use in the wireless transmission of digital
communications signals and power supply for in vivo biomedical devices. The acoustic
transmissions are intended to be used for fixed implanted biomedical devices, such as
pacemakers, but more importantly, neural implants were wired and wireless radio
frequency communications cannot be used. The acoustic transmissions can be used for both
wireless communications and to recharge the device, in vivo, using conventional
piezoelectric power harvesting techniques.
Current research in biomedical engineering is looking at implantable devices to regulate
conditions such as Parkinsons and other neuromuscular conditions (Varadan, 2007).
Transient devices, such as those used in the gastrointestinal track, make use of high
frequency RF, were the permittivity of the human body begins to decrease (Kim et al., 2007).
However, significant power is still required. This results in local tissue heating, due to the
absorption of the electromagnetic radiation. This heating has side effects that limit the
exposure times for safe practices (Gabriel, 1996a; b; c). For neural implants, were the goal is
to have the product implanted for long periods of time, without complications and minimal
side effects, radio frequency communications cannot currently be used. Acoustic
transmissions represent an ideal low power method of communicating with in vivo
biomedical devices, and for recharging them through the use of piezoelectric based power
harvesting. Acoustic transmissions have previously been demonstrated as a means of
communicating through elastic solids, with applications to NDT and structural health
monitoring (Wild & Hinckley, 2010).
In this work, results presented show the general performance of the acoustic
communications channel and sample digital communications signals, through a biological
specimen, in vivo. The frequency response, transfer function, and transient response (at
resonance) of the communications channel were measured. Due to the frequency response
of the communications channel, phase shift keying has the best signal performance. To show
this, the three basic digital encoding methods were tested. Successful communication was
achieved through the communications channel using all three methods. The results support
the hypothesis that phase shift keying would be the best encoding method to utilise,
particularly in terms of signal robustness.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

Results of harvesting acoustic signals to provide power for recharging in vivo biomedical
devices are also presented. For the piezoelectric transducer used, we show the current-
voltage, and voltage-power characteristic curves. These are compared with theoretical
models of the power generation. Power requirements for pacemakers are discussed, and
how acoustic power harvesting could be successfully used to recharge the devices over their
respective lives.
2. Background
Biomedical devices implanted within the human body have been used since last century,
starting with the cardiac pacemaker. Cardiac pacemakers are a ubiquitous technology, with
over 3 million implanted worldwide (Wood & Ellenbogen, 2002). Since then, in vivo
biomedical devices have been utilised for further applications. The pacemaker, a term
now used as a general device that generates electrical pulses within the human body, has
been applied to the regulation of a number of conditions beyond their primary application
for cardiac arrhythmia. When used in the brain, the technique of alleviating the symptoms
of neurological disorders with electrical signals is called deep brain stimulation. Although
the use of direct brain stimulation began as early as 1947 (Hariz et al., 2010), the use of a
permanent pacemaker for deep brain stimulation is a much more recent development
(Varadan, 2007). These pacemakers for neurological conditions have been developed
recently primarily as a result of improve surgical and imaging techniques associated with
neurology (Elias & Lozano, 2010).
Elias and Lozano (2010), give an overview of the current applications of deep brain
stimulation. Neurological pacemakers have been applied in the brain for movement
disorders, including Parkinsons disease, tremors, and dystonia. Also, they have been used
for the treatment of psychological problems such as depression and obsessive-compulsive
disorder. Current research on the topic is investigating the use of neurological pacemakers
for epilepsy, cluster headache, impaired consciousness, and morbid obesity. Pacemakers
have also been used for pain management, particularly pain associated with severe back
problems (Blain, 2009).
Currently, pacemakers have their batteries replaced after a five year period. Typically, the
entire pacemaker is removed, leaving the electrodes implanted. The battery life of a cardiac
pacemaker can be assessed using magnet electrocardiographic assessment. This can even be
performed over the telephone using transtelephonic monitoring (Schoenfeld, 2009). For
implantable cardioverter-defibrillators, radiofrequency transmissions are used in their
assessment, which has proven more effective than transtelephonic monitoring (Crossley et al.,
2009). However, the primary advantage of acoustic transmission is not only the ability to safely
conduct device follow-up for history taking, physical examination, electrocardiography,
radiography, interrogation, and reprogramming (Schoenfeld & Blitzer, 2008). Acoustic
transmissions will allow for in vivo recharging of the battery, reducing the number of surgeries
associated with pacemaker replacement, ideally down to zero, depending on the battery itself.
3. Theory
3.1 Piezoelectric transducer
For a complete understanding of piezoelectric materials and transducers, see Silks
Ultrasonic Transducers for Nondestructive Testing (1984). A brief overview is included here
for completeness.
Wireless Communications and Power Supply for
In Vivo Biomedical Devices using Acoustic Transmissions

The term piezoelectric means electricity from pressure. So as a force, either in the form of a
pressure or a stress (both measured in force per unit area), is applied to the transducer, an
electric signal is generated. Specifically, a charge dipole is generated within the crystal
structure of the material, which when used inside of a capacitor, results in the generation of
a voltage drop across the transducer.
In linear elastic solids, the strain (S) and stress (T) are related by the elastic stiffness (c). In
the same material, the electric displacement (D) is related to the electric field (E) by the
permittivity (
) of the material. These equations are referred to as the constitutive equations.
In a piezoelectric linear elastic material, the constitutive equations are coupled. Hence, a
change in stress or strain corresponds to a change in the charge distribution within the
material. The constitutive equations for a piezoelectric material are,

T cS hE
D E hS
= +
= +
where h is the piezoelectric coupling coefficient.
Fig. 1(a) shows the crystal lattice structure of lead zirconate titanate (PZT), a peizoceramic
material. As a force is applied to the crystal, the lattice is strained, and a charge dipole is
produced, similar to that seen in Fig. 1(b).

Fig. 1. Principle behind the use of a piezoelectric material, both before (a) and after (b) strain.
3.2 Digital communications
Due to the properties of the communications channel, only digital encoding methods have
been investigated. The primary benefit of digital encoding is improved fidelity. The three
basic digital encoding methods used include amplitude shift keying, frequency shift keying,
and phase shift keying. For the purpose of concept demonstration, only binary keying
methods were utilized.
3.2.1 Amplitude shift keying.
In amplitude shift keying, the digital information is encoded onto the analogue carrier as a
time varying signal of the amplitude. The simplest form of amplitude shift keying is on-off
keying, where a 1 is represented by the amplitude function being maximum (on), and a 0
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

is represented by the amplitude function being zero (off). The on-off keying signal will have
the form,

( ) ( ) ( )cos 2 ,
f t A t f t = (2)
where f
is the carrier frequency, and,

0 0
( )
for data
A t
A for data


On-off keying is decoded by using a rectifier and a low-pass filter that has a cut-off frequency
above the data rate, but below the carrier frequency. This removes the carrier wave component
t)) and recovers the amplitude function which is the digital signal (A(t)).
Fig. 2 shows the decoding process for an amplitude shift keying signal. Fig. 2 (a) shows the
data to be transmitted defined by (3); Fig. 2 (b) shows the on-off keying signal defined by
(2). The received signal is then rectified and low-pass filtered, to remove the carrier
frequency, shown in Fig. 2 (c). This also results in some distortion of the information signal
due to the removal of higher harmonics. Hence, the signal is passed through a comparator
to recover the digital information as shown in Fig. 2 (d).

Fig. 2. Decoding an amplitude shift keying signal, a) the digital data to be transmitted, b) the
on-off keying signal, c) the rectified low-pass filtered signal, d) digital information recovered
after a comparator.
3.2.2 Frequency shift keying.
In frequency shift keying the digital information is encoded onto the analogue carrier as a
time varying signal of the frequency. In binary frequency shift keying, two frequencies are
used; one frequency represents a digital 1 and the second represents a digital 0.
Frequency shift keying can be thought of as two interweaved on-off keying signals with
Wireless Communications and Power Supply for
In Vivo Biomedical Devices using Acoustic Transmissions

different carrier frequencies. This means that a similar non-coherent decoding method can
be used to recover the digital information. However, the advantage frequency shift keying
has over amplitude shift keying is lost in this way. To maintain the independence of the
signal from amplitude variations, a coherent detection method is used. Here, the received
signal is split into two separate, but identical signals; each of the form,

( ) ( ) ( )
cos 2 ,
f t A f t t =

( )
f for data
f t
f for data


The two signals are each multiplied with a synchronous sinusoid, one with frequency f
, the
other with frequency f
. This shifts the signal to zero and 2f
. A low pass filter is used to
remove the 2f
component from each signal. The two filtered signals are then compared to
each other to recover the digital information.
In Fig. 3 we see the stages involved in the decoding of a frequency shift keying signal. The
data transmitted, Fig. 3 (a), is encoded as two separate frequencies in the signal, defined by
(4). The received signal is then split into two identical signals, each mixed with a sinusoid at
one of the two frequencies, shown in Fig. 3 (c). Here one of the data bits has no offset, while
the second bit has an offset. When filtered, the lack of an offset will result in a zero, while an
offset will give a one. The recovered signal after the filter and comparator is shown in Fig. 3
3.2.3 Phase shift keying.
In phase shift keying, the digital information is encoded onto the analogue carrier as a time
varying signal of the phase. Decoding phase shift keying uses some simple mathematics to
retrieve the phase information. The phase shift keying signal,

( ) ( ) ( )
cos 2 ,
f t A f t t = +

90 0
( )
90 1,
for data
for data


is multiplied by a synchronous sine and cosine, giving,

( ) ( ) ( )
( ) cos(2 ( )) sin(2 )
[sin 4 ( ) sin ( ) ],
c c
h t A f t t f t
f t t t
= +
= + +


( ) ( ) ( )
( ) cos(2 ( )) cos(2 )
[cos cos 4 ( ) ].
c c
g t A f t t f t
f t t
= +
= + +

Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

These two components are called the in-phase (I) and quadrature (Q) components. Both the
in-phase and quadrature components contain high and low frequency components, where
the low frequency component is the sine or cosine of the time dependent phase. Using a low
pass filter the high frequency components are removed, leaving only the phase component,

( )
( )
( ) sin ( ) ,
( ) cos ( ) .
h t t
g t t

Then by taking the arc-tangent of I on Q, the time dependent phase information is recovered,

( )
( )
( ) arctan
( )
sin( ( ))
cos( ( ))
arctan tan( ( ))
( ).
h t
y t
g t


Fig. 4 shows the decoding process for a phase shift keying signal. The digital information,
Fig. 4 (a), is encoded onto the carrier as a 180 degree phase shift, as shown in Fig. 4 (b). The
resultant in-phase and quadrature components after the signal mixing are shown in Fig. 4
(c). When filtered, the mixed signals show that the in-phase component has a positive value
for the first bit, then a negative value for the second bit, while the quadrature component
has a value of zero. The arc-tanagent of this ratio will then recover the digital information.

Fig. 3. Decoding a frequency shift keying signal, a) the digital data to be transmitted, b) the
frequency shit keying signal, c) the frequency mixed signal, d) digital information recovered
after filtering and comparing.
Wireless Communications and Power Supply for
In Vivo Biomedical Devices using Acoustic Transmissions


Fig. 4. Decoding a phase shift keying signal, a) the digital data to be transmitted, b) the
phase shift keying signal, c) the in-phase and quadrature components, d) digital information
recovered after filtering and taking the arc-tangent.
3.3 Power harvesting
For the power harvesting, the piezoelectric receiver is modelled as a current source, i
, in
parallel with a capacitor, C
. The source current can be written as (Ottman, et al., 2002),

( ) ( ) sin ,
i t I t =
where I
is the peak current, also referred to as the short circuit current, and is the angular
frequency of the alternating current signal. The open circuit voltage, V
, can then be
defined in terms of the short circuit current and the reactance of the capacitor (X
) (Guan &
Liao, 2004), that is,

= =
To harvest power, the piezoelectric element needs to be connected across a load. In the case
of the alternating current analysis, this is simply a load resistance. There is a 90 degree phase
shift between the current flowing through the load resistor (R) and the current flowing
through the capacitor. The total power can be expressed as the geometric sum of the power
stored in the capacitor, and the power dissipated through the resistor. That is,

2 2
2 2
= +
= +
Since the circuit is an alternating current current divider, the short circuit current can be
expressed as,

2 2
I I I = + (15)
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

The peak power will then occur when the current flow through the capacitor and the
resistor is equal. That is, the load resistance is equal to the capacitors reactance,

. R
The resistor current at peak power is then,

I =
The voltage at peak power is then,

= =
We can also express the voltage out as a function of the resistance. From (15) we see that,

2 2
V RI R I I = =
The capacitor current is also a function of the voltage, so with a little algebra we see
(Ottman, et al., 2002),

( )
The power as a function of the load resistance can then be expressed as,

( )
2 2
= =
4. Method
4.1 Acoustic channel configuration
The acoustic transmissions channel is shown in Fig. 5. The setup consists of a PZT
transducer as the transmitter, coupled to one side of the forearm using acoustic coupling gel,
and a second transducer on the opposite side as a receiver. The ultrasonic signals were
generated by an arbitrary waveform generator, an Agilent 33120A. The received signals
were recorded on a digital storage oscilloscope, an Agilent 54600A. The piezoelectric
transducers used were Steiner and Martins SMQA PZTs, and were unbacked. They had a
thickness of 2.1 millimetres, corresponding to a resonant frequency of 1 megahertz, and a
radius of 10 millimetres.
4.2 Acoustic communications
Testing the communications involved looking at a number of different quantities. These
the transfer function,
the frequency response,
Wireless Communications and Power Supply for
In Vivo Biomedical Devices using Acoustic Transmissions

the transient response,
the digital encoding method, and,
the data rate.
First, the transfer function of the communications channel was measured. The waveform
generator was set to give a continuous sine wave at the resonant frequency of the PZT
transducers, 1 megahertz. The amplitude was then varied from 1 volt to 10 volts. Values
were recorded at 1 volt increments. This process was repeated several times to give an
average and statistical uncertainty.

Fig. 5. The configuration of the acoustic transmissions channel through a forearm.
Next, the frequency responses of the communications channel were determined. The
function generator was set to give a continuous sine wave at maximum voltage, 10 Volts
peak. The frequency was then varied from 10 kilohertz to 1 megahertz. Values were
recorded every 10 kilohertz.
Finally, the transient response of the communications channel was investigated, using a low
rate sine wave burst at 1 megahertz with 100 cycles. The trailing signal was also examined to
determine if it would have any adverse effects on the performance of the communications
The communications signals were generated on the arbitrary waveform generator.
Amplitude shift keying (specifically on-off keying) signals were generated using the burst
function of the arbitrary waveform generator. A 1 megahertz sine wave carrier was used
with a data rate of 40 kilobits per second. The waveform generator used had a built-in
frequency shift keying function. This was used to generate the signals, with frequencies of
440 kilohertz and 880 kilohertz at a data rate of 14.5 kilobits per second. The phase shift
keying signals were generated in the Waveform Editor software for the arbitrary waveform
generator. The signals were then downloaded to the device via the computer interface. The
generated waveform consisted of a sine wave carrier, with a data rate of 1/100 the carrier
frequency (the software does not generate time so the frequency is set and varied on the
generator, and hence a ratio is used for reference). Hence, for the carrier wave frequency of 1
megahertz, the data rate was 10 kilobits per second.
All of the communications signals were recorded on the digital oscilloscope, and downloaded
to a personal computer. The demodulation of the signals was then implemented in Matlab

(The Mathwork Inc). The filter used was a raised cosine filter (Proakis & Salehi, 1994).
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

4.3 Acoustic power transmission
For the preliminary acoustic power harvesting, the alternating current performance was
analysed. In the alternating current circuit experiments, first the capacitance of the
piezoelectric element was measured using a capacitance meter. After calculating the
reactance at the resonant frequency, the output of the piezoelectric receiver was applied to a
variety of suitable load resistors. The voltage drop across the load resistor was measured
using a 1 megaohm digital storage oscilloscope. To compare the experimental results to the
theoretical analysis, the alternating current circuit was also simulated in PSpice (Cadance
Design Systems). The value of I
was obtained using (13), with the measured values of C

and V
. A parametric analysis was performed, varying the value of the load resistance in a
frequency domain analysis. The load value was swept from 10 ohms to the value of the
digital storage oscilloscope, 1 megaohm, at 10 points per decade. For the practical
experiments, a decade resistance box was included, in parallel with the digital storage
oscilloscope, as the load resistor. Fig. 6 shows the modified experimental setup for the
acoustic power harvesting, and the circuit used in the simulations.

Fig. 6. The modified experimental setup for the acoustic power harvesting, shown left, and
the circuit used in the simulation of the power harvesting, shown right.
5. Results
5.1 Transfer function
Fig. 7 shows the transfer function of the acoustic-communications channel at 1 megahertz.
The relationship between the input signal strength and the output signal strength is linear,
with a correlation coefficient of 1. The noise (and hence, error bars) in the curve is due to
small movements in the transmission medium.
5.2 Frequency response
The frequency response of the acoustic-communications channel is shown in Fig. 8. As
expected, a strong peak in the frequency spectrum occurs at the resonant frequency of the
piezoelectric transducers, that is, 1 megahertz. A secondary peak is noticeable at 100
Wireless Communications and Power Supply for
In Vivo Biomedical Devices using Acoustic Transmissions


Fig. 7. The transfer function of the acoustic transmissions channel at resonance.

Fig. 8. The frequency response of the acoustic transmissions channel.
5.3 Transient response
Fig. 9 shows the transient response of the acoustic-communications channel for several
cycles at 1 megahertz. The received tone burst is relatively compact, with a short transient
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

period, and only a small amount of signal in the tail. Fig. 10 shows the transient response
with enough cycles to achieve steady-state. The rise time is then given by approximately 25
cycles, at 1 megahertz, giving 25 microseconds.

0 0.0002
Time (s)



Fig. 9. The transient response of the acoustic transmissions channel at resonance with
maximum amplitude, showing the full 100 cycle tone burst.

Fig. 10. The transient response of the acoustic transmissions channel at resonance with
maximum amplitude, showing the number of cycles required to achieve steady state.
Wireless Communications and Power Supply for
In Vivo Biomedical Devices using Acoustic Transmissions

5.4 Communications signals
Fig. 11 shows the transmitted amplitude shift keying signal. Ringing is noticeable as the
signal is switched off. Fig. 12 shows the received amplitude shift keying signal. A rectifier
and a low pass filter above the data rate, but below the carrier frequency, will recover the
envelope, and the use of a comparator with a suitable compare level will enable the digital
information to be recovered. This step is not shown, as it simply recovers the four bits that
corresponds exactly to the transmitted information.

Fig. 11. The transmitted amplitude shift keying/on-off keying signal.

Fig. 12. The received amplitude shift keying/on-off keying communications signal.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software


Fig. 13. The received frequency shift keying signal, showing the two frequency signals
mixed together.

Fig. 14. The received frequency shift keying signal after signal mixing and filtering.
Fig. 13 shows the received frequency shift keying signal. A clear difference between the two
frequency components can be seen. As expected, the 880 kilohertz signal has a larger
amplitude, as a result of the improved channel response over the 440 kilohertz. Fig. 14 shows
the signals after the frequency mixing and filtering. From here, there are four separate sections.
Wireless Communications and Power Supply for
In Vivo Biomedical Devices using Acoustic Transmissions

The first starts with the 880 kilohertz signal on top. From here, the signals cross over as
expected, enabling the original digital information to be recovered by comparing the two
signals to each other. An interesting point occurs around a quarter of the way in, where the
two components nearly cross over again, which could result in a bit error. Hence, it is safe to
assume that the data rate is almost at a maximum with frequency shift keying.

Fig. 15. The received phase shift keying signal, where the change in phase appears as a
transient signal similar to the on-off keying of the signal.

Fig. 16. The recovered phase information decoded from the received phase shift keying
communications signal.
Fig. 15 shows the received phase shift keying signal, which contains the data stream [1 1 0 0
1 0 1 1 1 1]. The decoded phase shift keying signal is then shown in Fig. 16. The original
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

digital information can be recovered by selecting a digital 1 as a phase less than 0 degrees,
and a digital 0 as a phase greater than 0 degrees. Note that the transmitted phase shift
keying signal is not shown, as no information is visible on the time scale of the entire signal.
5.5 Power transmission
The capacitance of the piezoelectric receiver was measured to be 1.086 nanofrads. At the
resonant frequency of 1.035 megahertz, this gives a reactance of 141 ohms. With an open
circuit voltage of 570 millivolts, (13) gives a short circuit current of 4 milliamps. These values
where then used in the PSpice simulation of the alternating current circuit.

Fig. 17. Voltage as a function of load resistance for the power harvesting.

Fig. 18. Load current as a function of the voltage, current-voltage curves.
Wireless Communications and Power Supply for
In Vivo Biomedical Devices using Acoustic Transmissions

Fig. 17 shows the comparison between the applied load and the voltage drop across it, for
both the experimental values and the simulated results. As expected, as the load resistance
decreases in size, the output voltage also decreases.
Fig. 18 shows the load current as a function of the output voltage (current-voltage curves),
and Fig. 19 shows the power delivered to the load as a function of the output voltage
(power-voltage curves), for the experimental, theoretical and simulated results. The power-
voltage curves shows a measured peak power of 1 milliwatt, while theory and simulation
give peak power values of 1.121 milliwatts and 1.125 milliwatts, respectively.

Fig. 19. Power delivered to the load as a function of the voltage, power-voltage curves.
6. Discussion
Another important advantage of acoustic communications is security. With implantable
cardioverter-defibrillators utilising wireless radiofrequency communications, the security of
the signal needs to be considered. A commercially avilable implantable cardioverter-
defibrillator was easily attacked in a recent study (Halperin, et al., 2008). As a contact wireless
communications method, acoustic transmissions are inherently secure, in that someone needs
to touch you to be able to communicate with the in vivo biomedical device. From here, an
encryption method could be utilised for communications if necessary. Halperin et al. suggest
that encryption is expensive in the power budget. However, the use of acoustic power
harvesting means that the power required for encryption would not be an issue.
6.1 Transmissions channel
As expected, the transfer function is linear. Some randomness is noticeable in the signal,
hence the uncertainty. It is worth noting that a similar uncertainty would be expected on all
other results. The experiments were performed with the arm as immobile as possible. A
significant variation was noticed when the arm/hand was allowed to articulate. When
deliberately trying to alter the output voltage, the peak value varied from around 140
millivolts to 280 millivolts, a factor of 2. This fluctuation may be an issue, in particular if
amplitude shift keying is used as the encoding method. This is one of the reasons that phase
shift keying would be a more robust encoding method for the communications signals.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

The frequency response shows a strong primary resonance at the through thickness
resonance of the transducer, 1 megahertz, and a secondary resonance at 100 kilohertz,
corresponding to the radial resonance of the transducer. Overall, the frequency response of
the transmissions channel suggests that frequency shift keying would not be suitable.
However, there is a small resonance at 440 kilohertz, and another tertiary resonance at 880
kilohertz. Hence, these two frequencies were ideal to test frequency shift keying.
The transient response of the transmission channel is relatively neat. The compact form of
the tone burst only has a minor tail effect, elongating the signal in time. One of the main
reasons for this is due to the composite nature of the communications channel. The various
materials which the body is made up of all have different acoustic velocities. The result of
this is that the various paths travelled by the ultrasound in the medium will result in
significant temporal dispersion, and then interference.
6.2 Acoustic communications
The result of the amplitude shift keying communications signal tests suggests that relatively
high data rates could be achieved for the sort of information that needs to be transmitted.
The amplitude shift keying signal is limited primarily by the transient response of the
transmissions channel. That is, with a transient response time of 25 micro seconds, a data
rate of 40 kilobits per second is possible when using a 1 megahertz carrier frequency. By
utilising a transducer with a high resonant frequency, and a larger bandwidth, the
achievable data rate could be significantly increased. However, amplitude shift keying has a
limited effectiveness, particularly as the coupling efficiency varies with movement of the
transmission medium (the forearm).
The frequency shift keying results suggest that the data rate may not be able to be improved
much further. This is illustrated by the relative closeness of the two mixed signals in Fig. 14,
approximately a quarter of the way through. The most likely cause of this is the frequency
response. Since the 880 kilohertz signal is close to the resonant frequency of 1 megahertz,
this could lead to a stronger amplitude in the 880 kilohertz signal, which is seen as the
consistently higher signal strength of the corresponding mixed and filtered signal (Fig. 14,
red trace). The resultant steady state frequency will also be affected by the resonant
frequency of the transducer, which will be given as a combination of the driving frequency,
and the resonant frequency. This explains the drift shown in Fig. 14, where the curves both
steadily increase.
The recovered phase information, from the phase shift keying signal, suggests that a
relatively high data rate is possible. The phase transitions indicate that a data rate up to that
of the amplitude shift keying signal (40 kilobits per second) could be used. However, unlike
the amplitude shift keying signal, the phase shift keying has robustness relative to the
amplitude variation in the received signal. The phase transitions are not as quick as those
shown in previous work (Wild & Hinckley, 2010), when communicating through an
aluminium panel, but as previously mentioned, the data rate is relatively high for the
intended application. The primary advantage of a high communications rate would be to
reduce the effect of fluctuations due to motion of the communications medium.
6.3 Power harvesting
The preliminary results for the power harvesting are promising. The value of 1 milliwatt
was significant compared to values expected. However, in the attempt to implement an
alternating-current to direct-current converter circuit, the very high frequency (1 megahertz)
appears to be limiting the ability to successfully rectify the output of the transducer. This is
Wireless Communications and Power Supply for
In Vivo Biomedical Devices using Acoustic Transmissions

mainly due to the high junction capacitance of the rectifier diodes. In the conversion from
alternating-current to direct-current, the capacitance is an important consideration to
achieve peak power output (Ottman et al., 2002). To resolve this issue, transducers with a
lower resonant frequency, in the kilohertz range, need to be utilised. Ideally, broadband
transducers could be used to quantify the performance of the power conversion as a
function of frequency, as (13) indicates that the higher the frequency, the less power that can
be generated. In addition to this, the overall output voltage needs to be a larger amplitude.
This is required due to the loss associated with the use of the diode rectifier circuit to
convert the alternating-current to direct-current, which is required to power the actual
biomedical device. This could be achieved in two ways; according to the transfer function
the input voltage could be increased. However, it would be more effective if the efficiency of
the channel could be improved. This could be achieved by selecting a transducer with a
resonant frequency equal to the resonant frequency of the channel, which is related to the
thickness of the channel, and the acoustic velocity.
Overcoming the two limitations encountered here with these preliminary results, could
yield relatively large power generation. That is, with the successful implementation of an
alternating-current to direct-current converter circuit, using a lower frequency, and a more
efficient transfer of acoustic energy through the channel, the measured power levels could
easily be utilised for the in vivo recharging of a device such as a pacemaker, which have
relatively lower power consumptions (Mallela et al., 2004).
7. Conclusion
Successful communication was achieved through the communications channel. We also show
the result of harvesting acoustic signals to provide power for recharging in vivo biomedical
devices. In future work, we will optimise the transducers used to maximise the amplitude of
the received acoustic transmissions. This is primarily a concern for the acoustic power
harvesting, which will also include the implementation of adaptive direct current to direct
current power converters to track the peak power point, to ensure efficient power transfer.
8. References
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II. Measurements in the frequency range 10 Hz to 20 GHz, Physics in Medicine and
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Gabriely, S., Lau, R. W. & Gabriel, C. (1996c). The dielectric properties of biological tissues:
III. Parametric models for the dielectric spectrum of tissues, Physics in Medicine and
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Circulation, Vol. 105, No. 18, (May 2002) 2136-2138, ISSN 1524-4539
Power Amplifiers for Electronic Bio-Implants
Anthony N. Laskovski and Mehmet R. Yuce
The University of Newcastle
1. Introduction
Healthcare systems face continual challenges in meeting their aims to provide quality care
to their citizens within tight budgets. Ageing populations in the developed world are
perhaps one of the greatest concerns in providing quality healthcare in the future. Figure 1
shows projections from the United Nations, indicating that the median age of citizens in
economically developed regions is set to approach 40 years by the year 2050, and reach as
high as 55 years in Japan. This trend is likely to lead to strained economies caused by less
revenue raised by smaller workforces. Another effect of ageing populations is the need of
further care in order to remain healthy. This care varies from frequent check-ups to
condition monitoring, compensation for organ malfunction and serious surgical operations.
As a result of these trends, healthcare systems will face the task of servicing more people
with more serious and expensive health services, all using less available funds. Effort is
being focused on running cheaper and more effective healthcare systems and the
development of technology to assist in this process is a natural research priority.

Fig. 1. UN Median Age Statistics (UN, 2010)
1.1 Technology in medicine
Archaeological evidence shows the application of technology to medicine for rehabilitative,
functional and aesthetic purposes as far back as 5000 years ago in ancient Egypt, where
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

prosthetic devices were designed engineered and constructed with basic materials such as
leather and wood. The earliest written evidence exists from ancient India, mentioning a
prosthetic iron leg (Thurston, 2007). These materials formed the basics of prosthetics until
recently, the only variations being in manufacturing techniques.
The application of titanium alloys to medicine was a significant advance due to their ability
to form biological bonds with human tissue (Long and Rack, 1998). Developments in
polymer technology led to biocompatible polymers, allowing more precise, detailed and
finer implants to be made such as blood vessel reinforcements (Ramakrishna et al., 2001).
The latest developments in biomaterial research is in fact designing polymers to allow the
body to heal itself (Hench and Polak, 2002).
1.2 Electrical and electronic technology
The field of electronics has been a relatively recent technological advance in history, and it
has seen an escalating rate of sophistication. After the renaissance, serious curiosity in the
phenomenon of electrical charge developed, and several fundamental developments were
made such as the discovery in 1791 by Galvani, that electricity was the medium through
which information was passed to muscles in the body. The voltaic pile was developed in
1800 by Volta, which provided the first reliable source of electrical energy, and other major
developments happened such as the recognition of electromagnetism by Orsted and
Ampere, and Faraday's electric motor.
Tesla's achievements in the transmission of low frequency wireless power were significant.
He proposed to apply the concept of resonance to electrical energy in order to transmit
energy wirelessly. Hertz used spark gaps to generate high frequency power and detect it at
a receiving end, using parabolic reflectors at the transmitting and receiving ends. These
developments were further built upon in the late 1930s with the availability of higher energy
microwave power generators. Developments in microwave power transmission escalated
during the 20th century due to World War II and the Cold War, resulting in sophisticated
satellite communication technologies (Brown, 1984).
The development of quantum theory and semiconductor electronics laid the foundations for
rapid technological development in what is now being called `The Age of Silicon' (Jenkins,
2005). They allowed for the rapid development of integrated circuit technology
characterised by Moore's Law, which states that the number of transistors in a given surface
area increases exponentially with time (ukasiak and Jakubowski).
Computer networks developed in the 1970s and led to the eventual creation of internet
(Kleinrock, 2008). This has led to a technological and sociological revolution characterising
the 21st century as `The Information Age, with omnipresent networks, small sensors,
constant and cheap access to information on increasingly intelligent personal devices that
are modestly called `phones.
1.3 Electronics in medicine
Galvani's frog experiment showed biology as one of the original phenomena through which
human understanding of electricity was developed. Interestingly, knowledge in the field of
electronic engineering has since advanced to a stage where it is being used to understand,
monitor and even treat biological and medical systems.
Medical imaging is fundamental to the understanding of the human body and diagnosing
medical problems. X-Ray technology is widely used to capture two-dimensional details for
Power Amplifiers for Electronic Bio-Implants

orthopaedic applications. The rays are created by rapidly decelerating electrons to produce
high frequency electromagnetic radiation, which is diffracted and penetrated differently by
bones and flesh, allowing the resultant radiation to be recorded on X-ray sensitive polymers
to show internal details of the body. Ultrasound is commonly use to provide a real-time
image of the body's internal operations, being a popular and safe technology in monitoring
various stages of pregnancy. Computed Tomography (CT) scanning and Magnetic
Resonance Imaging (MRI) provide three-dimensional images of the body's internal organs,
allowing fine differentiation between different types of body tissue. Such types of scans
involve powerful computing capability to reconstruct models of internal organs, and have
been invaluable to the understanding of the human body in a non-destructive way
(Seligman, 1982).
Robotics in medicine has become another exciting field in which the application of
intelligent electronics is contributing greatly, to the point where they are used to conduct
complex surgery, which is remotely controlled by surgeons. Their ability to move accurately
without shaking hands or unstable movements allows minute and delicate operations to
take place, while still being controlled by a doctor. The application of robotics to medical
prosthesis is another significant advance since the first pneumatically powered hand in 1915
(Childress, 1985). So advanced is this field, that robotic prosthetic arms are being developed
and controlled by electrical signals sent by the brain through the body's nervous system.
The cardiac pacemaker is the oldest and perhaps best known implantable prosthetic
electronic device. It was first used externally on a patient in 1952 and as the first
semiconductor transistors were developed, the possibility to implant led to the first human
implant in 1960 (Greatbatch and Holmes, 1991). This was the beginning of several exciting
developments in the area of medical prosthetics.
Cochlear implants, popularly termed `Bionic Ears were a major breakthrough in medical
prosthesis. The Cochlea is a part of the ear that converts sound vibrations to electrical
signals that are sent via the audio nerve to the brain where they are interpreted. In deaf
patients where the Cochlea does not operate properly and the auditory nerve does, cochlear
implants are possible. A system was designed and created to replace the Cochlea with an
electronic prosthetic device, such that the sound recorded by a microphone is processed by
an implanted device and sent to the brain on the audio nerve.
Retinal prostheses, popularly termed 'Bionic Eyes' have been the focus of much research.
The concept is similar to Cochlear prosthesis, however this electronic prosthetic device aims
to substitute the retina, which is the part of the eye which converts light to electrical signals
and sent to the brain via the optic nerve. For patients that have suffered blindness due to
macular degeneration, this prosthetic device has the potential to re-introduce sight.
Patient monitoring is an important part of medicine in that it assists doctors in
understanding the condition of their patients, be it for known issues or as a means of
diagnosis. Condition monitoring of patients is also conducted after serious surgical
operations, in order to ensure that no complications arise. This is often a major reason for a
patient's long stay in hospital after an operation.
Prevention is preferable to treatment, and the ability to monitor vital health indicators such
as the electrocardiogram (ECG), body temperature and blood pressure information via
medical telemetry may offer adequate tools to view logged or real time data for vulnerable
patients, especially the elderly. Growing telecommunications infrastructure with increasing
sophistication is opening the possibilities with regards to medical telemetry, making it
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

theoretically possible for patients to carry out their daily tasks while being monitored
remotely by doctors. Implantable medical telemetry is in fact becoming an increasingly
important field of research, with the potential to reduce medical risks, lower medical costs
and cater for ageing populations.
2. Telemetry
Telemetry is a significant element of health care, involving the measurement and
communication of a patients biological information for interpretation by medical
professionals. It is mostly conducted by external medical equipment, however medical
telemetry is making its way into the body in the form of implantable monitoring devices,
which will potentially be able to measure very detailed body signals. Figure 2 shows a
general block diagram of most implantable telemetry systems.

Fig. 2. General architecture of telemetry systems
One important factor to consider when dealing with implantable devices is the supply of
power. In order to send power to implantable devices, wireless links are usually employed
in the form of inductive links. Inductive power transfer is more efficient at lower frequencies
(Vaillancourt et al., 1997). However, lower transmission frequencies use larger circuit
components, especially transmission coils. From the perspective of implantable devices,
space is important and this has led to a need to design highly efficient transmission circuits
at higher frequencies.
Switching power amplifiers have been a popular choice for the transmission of wireless
power (Raab et al., 2002). While the most popular choice has been the Class-E amplifier, it is
also useful to gain an understanding of other power amplifiers, Class-F and Class-D.
3. Class-F amplifier
The Class-F power amplifier may be seen as a development from the Class-A and Class-B
power amplifier, with a 50% conduction time and the use of harmonic resonators on the
load network (Reynaert and Steyaert, 2006). An example of the Class-F amplifier is shown in
Figure 3 comprising a transistor, choke inductor and an input source.
The network attached to the output of the transistor is manipulated by harmonics such that
the voltage and current are manipulated. The voltage is shaped by odd harmonics of the
Power Amplifiers for Electronic Bio-Implants

fundamental frequency such that the voltage appears as a square-wave. The current is 180
out of phase and shaped to appear as a half sine-wave (Raab, 1997).

Fig. 3. Class-F Amplifier
The more harmonic frequencies are used to shape the voltage and current curves, the higher
the efficiency of the Class-F amplifier. The theoretical efficiency of the amplifier with the use
of third harmonics is 88.4%, while the additional use of fifth harmonic resonators produces
an efficiency of 92% (Reynaert and Steyaert, 2006).
Inverse Class-F amplifiers also exist where the current curve is shaped to be a square-wave,
while the voltage is shaped as a half sine-wave (Young, 2006).
4. Class-D amplifier
Like the Class-F power amplifier, the Class-D power amplifier is a non-linear amplifier in
that the transistors of the amplifier behave as switches such that the output of the transistors
is related to the supply or reference voltage, depending on which transistor is turned on at
the time. The fact that the output signal of the amplifier is determined by the switching of
the amplifier's transistors means that the Class-D power amplifier may be described as a
switching power amplifier (Reynaert and Steyaert, 2006).

Fig. 4. The Class-D amplifier
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

Figure 4 shows an example of a Class-D switching power amplifier. It comprises an inverter,
which switches two transistors on and off alternatively to generate a square wave. The
output of the inverter is connected to a series RLC network as shown in Figure 4, which is
resonant at the fundamental frequency of the square-wave, producing a sinusoidal signal at
this frequency. Assuming that the series L and C network only allows sinusoidal current to
reach the load R, the theoretical efficiency of the Class-D amplifier is 100%.
In reality, circuit elements are not ideal and several losses have been analysed with a focus
on parasitic drain-source capacitance in each of the transistors, which becomes significant in
higher frequency RF designs. The drain-source capacitance, C
actually introduces a
capacitor where an open circuit should ideally exist. At high frequencies, typical capacitor
values are in the order of pico Farads, which means that parasitic capacitance C
becomes a
significant circuit element, which dissipates energy during switching cycles thus decreasing
the amplifiers efficiency (El-Hamamsy, 1994, Kiri et al., 2009, Raab et al., 2002).
5. Class-E amplifier
The Class-E power amplifier was introduced by Sokal et al., shown in Figure 5 (Sokal and
Sokal, 1975). Like the Class-D amplifier it is also a switching power amplifier driven by a
square-wave input, however rather than two transistors it comprises one transistor and a
choke inductor. As a result the signal seen by the load is not hard-switched.
Similar to the Class-D amplifier, the series LC network of the Class-E amplifier only allows a
sinusoidal voltage and current to pass to the load. The Class-E amplifier also includes a
capacitor C
across the transistor terminals and forms a key component of the circuit's high
efficiency operation at high frequencies as well as absorbing C
. The amplifier's high
efficiency operation lies in the shape of the voltage across C
. Circuit elements are chosen
such that the voltage at this point is zero when the transistor is switched on such that no
stored energy is dissipated from the capacitor. The voltage is shaped such that the rate of
change of voltage (dv
/dt) across this point is also zero. This feature enables robustness to
phase or frequency irregularities in practice.

Fig. 5. The Class-E amplifier
Since the amplifier's introduction several analyses have been presented to enhance the
design processes of the Class-E amplifier such that it includes more practical considerations.
One of the original assumptions of the Class-E amplifier design process was that it has an
Power Amplifiers for Electronic Bio-Implants

infinitely loaded quality factor (Q). Kazimierczuk et al. presented a design procedure in
which the amplifier can be designed at a specific Q and switch duty cycle (Kazimierczuk
and Puczko, 1987). Suetsugu et al. presented a design procedure to handle off-nominal
operation where the voltage across C
is zero but its derivative is not, concluding that a
higher C
capacitance is required for such conditions (Suetsugu and Kazimierczuk, 2006).
The Class-E amplifier has been applied to a number of applications, however its relevance to
biomedical engineering came to light with Troyk et al.'s proposal to use the Class-E
amplifier as a transmitter to transfer inductive power and data for micro implants, with L

representing the primary inductive coil (Troyk and Schwan, 1992).
A number of design procedures have been presented in literature, however it is interesting
to consider the amplifier in the frequency domain. Given that L
is considered to be large,
the transfer function for the output voltage (across R) is given by (1). This transfer function
is a second order system, which implies that it has a resonant frequency , damping factor
and Q factor, indicated in (2)-(4).

2 1 2 1 2 1 2
( )
( )
m out
g RC V s
V s s L C C sRC C C C
+ + +

2 1 2
|| L C C
= (2)

1 2
= (3)


= (4)
If a Class-E amplifier design was to be conducted for a practical application where the
inductive coils properties (L
) are known as is the load R and resonant frequency ,
equations (2)-(4) can be re-arranged to select the unknown parameters. Combining (2) and
(3) gives (5) and (6).


= (5)

1 2
|| C C

= (6)

1 2
1 2
1 2
The damping factor (and therefore Q) is determined in the first step by substituting the
known values of R, L
and into (5). This essentially implies that the quality factor of the
amplifier is highly dependant on the coil inductors quality factor. The value is then used
in (6), along with R and , which determines the capacitor combination C
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

Determining the individual capacitor values C
and C
is the more complicated step and
requires care, given that the voltage between the two capacitors is vital to the circuits Class-
E operation. Generally speaking, if C
is smaller than C
, charge across C
is dissipated
quickly into C
prior to the transistors next half-cycle switch. This implies that the voltage
and voltage derivative of the capacitor junction is zero during switching.
6. Oscillators
Power amplifiers require square-wave clock signal inputs, so while they are known to
operate efficiently at high frequencies they require a high frequency square-wave input in
order to operate effectively, which is often not included in the determination of the
efficiency of the amplifiers. These input signals are produced by oscillator circuits.
Oscillators are frequently used to generate high frequency signals, using resonant elements
and a form of feedback. The Colpitts oscillator is a popular oscillator topology, which
involves an LC network with feedback to a transistor. Other oscillators use crystals as the
resonant feedback network rather than inductors and capacitors.
The idea of feeding an oscillated output signal back to the input of the amplifier implies that
the circuit becomes self-oscillating- similar to the Colpitts oscillator- while operating with
zero switching conditions. This is the concept behind the Class-E Oscillator shown in Figure
6 (Ebert and Kazimierczuk, 1981).

Fig. 6. Class-E Oscillator (Ebert and Kazimierczuk, 1981).
Additional circuit elements are added to form the Class-E oscillator, namely feedback
elements C
, C
and L
. It was designed by Ebert et al. to constructively shift the phase of the
feedback point of the oscillator. The diode D
is placed at the input of the transistor in order
to clip the input signal such that it appears as a square wave, satisfying the requirement of
the Class-E circuit to have a square-wave input.
Given that low power consumption is advantageous in biomedical systems, it is useful to
consider a self-oscillating Class-E oscillator as a wireless power transmitter rather than a
Class-E power amplifier. Similar to the power amplifier, the oscillator would transmit
energy through L
. This idea is currently being explored.
7. Wireless power links
The next module of an implanted telemetry system is the wireless power link. As previously
mentioned, inductive power transfer has been the most popular means to transfer power
Power Amplifiers for Electronic Bio-Implants

wirelessly to implants. Inductive power transfer may be understood by considering two
inductive coils L
and L
shown as the power transmission coils in Figure 2. A time-varying
current i
in L
produces a linearly proportional magnetic flux, which passes through L

inducing an e.m.f. v
in that coil as shown in (8). The symbol M is a combination of the
magnetic flux flowing between the two inductors and proportional to the number of turns in
and L
, and is referred to as the mutual inductance between the coils. A pair of inductors
is considered to be strongly coupled if the mutual inductance between them is high in
comparison to the respective inductances, as shown in (9), where k is referred to as the
coupling coefficient.

( )
( )
di t
v t M
= (8)

1 2
= (9)
In the application of inductively powering implantable medical devices, one inductor of the
power transmitter circuit forms the primary coil, and a receiving inductor implanted in the
body forms the secondary coil. This essentially describes a weakly coupled transformer, the
core of which is a combination of air and the layers of human tissue that exist between the
two coils (Schuylenbergh and Puers, 2009). Typical coupling coefficients for power transfer
in air are 0.17 (Ghovanloo and Atluri, 2007).
It is more efficient to transmit wireless power at lower frequencies (Vaillancourt et al., 1997),
and as the complexity of implants increases, data rates are also required to increase. Wang
et al. proposed the advantages of biomedical implants operating in dual frequency bands to
send power and data, and it has since been the basis of further work in the area (Wang et al.,
Transmission coils are an obvious point of focus, as their design holds the key to how well
power is transmitted from the external device and received by the implant. Many
biomedical implants employ traditional wire-wound cylindrical inductors for the power
transmitting and receiving coils. In some scenarios such as retinal prosthesis wire-wound
coils are preferred. Best results are usually obtained with the use of Litz wire, which reduces
eddy currents caused by the skin-effect (Yang et al., 2007).
In situations such as pre-clinical monitoring, the issues related to wireless power transfer for
implanted devices become more difficult to manage, mainly due to random movement by
the subject of the implant. A common pre-clinical scenario involves an enclosure in which
the subject is free to move. Zimmerman et al. (Zimmerman et al., 2006) investigated the
optimisation of wireless power transfer in such a situation, monitoring the overall transfer
efficiency by varying transmission frequency and the number of turns on the secondary coil,
which was a distance of 1cm from the primary coil. The system produced 3V at 1.3mA in the
implant itself, accounting for a tilting angle of 600. The primary coil was a cylindrical wire-
wound coil, wrapped around the circumference of the base of the enclosure.
Zeirhofer et al. (Zierhofer and Hochmair, 1996) investigated the enhancement of magnetic
coupling between coils using a geometric approach. It was concluded that coupling is
enhanced when turns of the coil are distributed across the radii rather than concentrating
them at the outer radius of the inductors. A number of subsequent papers have been
presented analysing and using planar spiral coils for implantable applications (Harrison,
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

2007, Jow and Ghovanloo, 2010, Silay et al., 2008, Simons et al., 2004). The theory used to
design planar spiral coils is quite involved, with most designers opting for simplified and
sometimes empirically derived equations such as (10), where L is the inductance calculated
by the surface area A of a square spiral and the number of turns n within the area (Liao,
1987, Wadell, 1991).

5 3
8.5 L An =
Work is being implemented in the use of stacked spiral coils for use in implantable devices.
Stacking spiral coils together allows the advantages of spiral shapes to be combined with
space efficiency. An increase in coil capacitance also reduces the self-resonant frequency of
these coils making them compact and optimised for lower frequency transmission, which is
advantageous for the inductive transfer of power (Laskovski et al., 2009).
8. Data carrier generation
Implantable biomedical telemetry schemes are moving towards a dual-band approach,
meaning that power and data are sent at different frequencies, power at a lower frequency
and data at a higher frequency. There are several methods used to generate data carrier
frequencies for implantable devices.
Many systems involve the generation of data carrier signals on the external side of the
system, leaving only the data recovery, modulation and transmission to the implantable
circuitry (Mandal and Sarpeshkar, 2008, Zhou et al., 2006). Ziaie et al. presented a dual band
implantable neuromuscular stimulator, the 2MHz data clock of which is recovered from
2MHz power supply (Ziaie et al., 1997), while Wise et al. operated at 4MHz (Wise et al.,
2004) as did Sauer et al.'s (Sauer et al., 2005). Generating data carrier signals external to the
implanted device allows for the reduction of device complexity and power consumption,
however such a system requires a synchronised send/receive protocol as well as an accurate
data recovery block.
The other option popularly used is to generate a data carrier frequency from within the
implantable device itself. Kocer et al. presented an on-chip LC oscillator for general non-
implantable non-medical telemetry, and other options for implantable devices involve ring
oscillators (Ghovanloo and Najafi, 2004).
One idea currently being developed for implantable involves the generation of a data carrier
signal within the implant. However, this signal is generated without the use of a dedicated
oscillator block. It is generated by using an inverter to turn the incoming power signal into a
non-sinusoidal square-wave signal in order to generate harmonics. One of these harmonics
is then filtered and used to transmit data (Laskovski and Yuce, 2008).
9. Modulation techniques
The majority of modulation techniques used to encode biological signals are digital in that
the signals are digitised within the implants. Some common forms of modulation include
Frequency Shift Keying (FSK), Load Shift Keying (LSK), Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK),
Phase Shift Keying (PSK).
FSK involves allocating different frequencies for different bit values. For example, binary
FSK translates to bit `0 transmitting at a frequency f
and bit `1 transmitting at a different
frequency f
. Modulating a signal using FSK involves a switch and the generation of two
Power Amplifiers for Electronic Bio-Implants

different carrier frequencies, and bits are usually decoded by bandpass filters (Ghovanloo
and Najafi, 2004).
Impedance modulation or LSK involves altering a load in the transmitting circuit according
to digital information. Since it usually involves switching one part of the load on and off, the
frequency of transmission is varied with each bit, making this scheme very similar to FSK. A
number of medical devices make use of this scheme (Chaimanonart and Young, 2006,
Mandal and Sarpeshkar, 2008, Wang et al., 2005).
Shifting a carrier frequency's phase occurs to achieve PSK. Depending on the number of
symbols in the scheme, the phase shift varies. A popular PSK scheme is Binary PSK (BPSK),
where a 180
phase shift is implemented in order to indicate a particular bit. A number of
biomedical and non-biomedical telemetry systems use this scheme (Kocer and Flynn, 2006,
Zhou et al., 2006)
ASK modulation is achieved by producing a different amplitude for different bits. A typical
and simple example of ASK is called On-Off Keying (OOK), where bits are distinguished by
either sending data at a carrier frequency to represent bit `1, or no no signal to represent bit
`0. This type of modulation is very straightforward to implement, being as simple as
implementing a data controlled switch in series with an RF transmitter. It can be decoded by
rectification and/or a lowpass filter (Ziaie et al., 1997). For low-power implantable circuits,
OOK is a simple and space efficient method of modulation.
10. Conclusion
This chapter provided a broad background in the development of biomedical engineering,
and the recent contribution of electronics to this field. The role of power amplifiers was
explained in the form of three switching power amplifiers, specifically the Class-E amplifier,
which included a simple design process. A new idea to use Class-E oscillators was
highlighted and is being developed. Basic theory of wireless power transfer was explained
and methods in data carrier generation explained. A new method of generating carrier
frequencies was briefly explained, which simplifies and reduces the power use of
implantable devices. The meaning behind the acronyms of major data modulation schemes
were explained, with the features of each described.
11. References
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Part 2
Sensors and Instrumentation
Subthreshold Frequency Synthesis for Implantable
Medical Transceivers
Tarek Khan and Kaamran Raahemifar
Ryerson University, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
1. Introduction
Implantable medical devices (IMDs) have evolved greatly since the rst pacemaker was
designed in the 1950s. The current generation of IMDs are capable of replacing damaged
or malfunctioning organs, and are designed for long-term patient care. Cochlear implants,
which differ greatly from hearing aids, convert received audio signals to electrical impulses
and are capable of bypassing damaged parts of the ear and interfacing directly with auditory
nerves. Microstimulators for neuromuscular stimulation can restore functionality to paralysed
limbs. Implantable drug administration devices can deliver precise amounts of a drug, such as
insulin for diabetics, at particular intervals, replacing the need for regular injections. Wireless
IMDs designed for biotelemetry applications include implantable ECG and EEG recording,
intra-ocular pressure sensing and wireless endoscopy capsules. In order to address the unique
design requirements of wireless IMDs, namely ultra-low power consumption to extend
battery life, small form factor to make the device suitable for implantation, and reliability
to ensure correct operation once implanted, circuit designers must use new topologies and
design techniques when conventional designs fail to address these requirements. In this work,
we propose several novel circuits for an integer-N frequency synthesizer operating in the 402
MHz to 405 MHz Medical Implant Communication Service (MICS).
2. Design specications
The designs presented in this work consist of novel circuits for an ultra-low power CMOS
integer-n frequency synthesizer for use in a wireless implantable medical device operating the
the 402 MHz to 405 MHz Medical Implant Communication Service spectrum. The architecture
of an integer-n frequency synthesizer is shown in Fig. 1. In order to be suitable for use in an
implantable device, the synthesizer should utilize as few off chip components as possible
(ideally none) to achieve the required specications and functionality, and to decrease its
physical size and cost, be as insensitive as possible to process variations and temperature
in order to provide accurate and stable carrier frequencies for data transmission under all
conditions, and consume minimal power resulting in maximum lifetime of the device.
Frequency synthesizers and phase-locked loops have been covered extensively in literature
(Gardner, 2005), (Lee, 2004), (Razavi, 2001), (Razavi, 1998), and the reader is encouraged
to review those references for a thorough treatment of frequency synthesis. The main
components of the frequency synthesizer are the phase/frequency detector, charge pump,
loop lter, voltage-controlled oscillator and programmable frequency divider. For the
2 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
Detector VCO
Charge Pump
Loop Filter
=1 A
=1 A
402.15 MHz
404.85 MHz
150 kHz
Fig. 1. Proposed integer-n frequency synthesizer.
purposes of this work, it is enough to say that frequency synthesizers generate a multitude
of frequencies from a xed reference frequency. The relationship between the output
frequency and input frequency is f
= D f
, and by changing the control word of
the programmable divider, different output frequencies can be generated which satisfy this
relationship. For integer-n frequency synthesizers, f
must be equal to the channel spacing.
The application for the proposed frequency synthesizer is the Medical Implant
Communication Service frequency band, which was established in 1999 for use by implantable
medical devices. Favourable propagation characteristics, international availability and low
probability of interference are the reasons for choosing the 402 MHz to 405 MHz spectrum
for the MICS band. Although there is no xed channel arrangement for the MICS band, an
MICS channel is permitted to have an emission bandwidth between 25 kHz and 300 kHz. In
the proposed frequency synthesizer, we will use the maximum bandwidth of 300 kHz per
channel, resulting in 10 channels (Fig. 2).
In this work, novel designs for the main components of the integer-n frequency are proposed
to address the design constraints of implantable medical devices. The proposed designs are
implemented using a 130 nm CMOS process from IBM and simulated using Cadence Spectre
circuit simulator.
3. The proposed current-reuse quadrature voltage-controlled oscillator
Since the rst quadrature LC-tank VCO was proposed (Rofougaran et al., 1996), a number
of modied topologies have been presented which improve RF performance metrics such
as phase noise and quadrature accuracy. These include the disconnected-source QVCO
(DS-QVCO) (Mazzanti et al., 2006), the series QVCO (SQVCO) (Chamas & Raman, 2007b), the
phase-tunable QVCO (PT-QVCO) (Chamas & Raman, 2007a), and the transformer-coupled
Frequency (MHz)
Fig. 2. Allocated frequency spectrum for Medical Implant Communication Service.
148 Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software
Subthreshold Frequency Synthesis for Implantable Medical Transceivers 3
(a) Conventional QVCO.
0 180
(b) Proposed QVCO with
Fig. 3. Quadrature VCO block diagram.
QVCO (TC-QVCO) (Ng & Luong, 2007). However there have not been many attempts to
reduce the power consumption of the QVCO. In order to make the LC QVCO a viable
choice for ultra-low power applications, such as implantable medical devices, we propose
a novel QVCO topology utilizing three design principals to lower the power consumption:
current-reuse, supply voltage scaling and weak inversion operation.
3.1 Circuit design
Existing QVCO topologies consume signicant amounts of power, making them unsuitable
for ultra-low power applications such as IMDs. Increasing the quality factor of the tank to
achieve high oscillation amplitude for small bias currents has its limits, since the quality factor
of inductors in CMOS processes is typically between 10 to 20. Therefore, it is necessary to
explore other means to reduce power consumption of the QVCO. One of the salient properties
of the QVCO is that its power consumption is double that of the standard LC VCO, as
shown in Fig. 3(a). When stacking two different circuits, the performance of one circuit
may be compromised because it may have better performance when biased independently.
However in the QVCO both oscillator cores are ideally identical, thus current reuse is viable
and will provide a 50% improvement in power consumption. The conceptual QVCO with
current-reuse (CR-QVCO) is shown in Fig. 3(b), where two coupled LC tank oscillators are
stacked between the supply rails.
The circuit implementation of the CR-QVCO is shown in Fig. 4. In this topology, the oscillator
nodes for both cores are at the same DC level (ignoring the losses across the inductors),
eliminating the need for DC level shifting of the coupling transistor inputs and the use of
a frequency tuning circuit for the varactors. The capacitor, C
, at the intermediate node
provides AC ground for both oscillators, and allows the cores to be decoupled for analytical
purposes. An expression for the QVCO oscillation amplitude was given in (Andreani et al.,
2002), however the equation requires modication due to the loading effect of the coupling
transistors (Rofougaran et al., 1998) and the use of a differential spiral inductor:


(1 )I
. (1)
When the CR-QVCOis to be designed for weak inversion (subthreshold) operation the supply
voltage can be approximated as
= V


+ V
, (2)
149 Subthreshold Frequency Synthesis for Implantable Medical Transceivers
4 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
where V
and V
are the threshold voltages of the NMOS and PMOS transistors
respectively, and V
is the saturation voltage of the current source transistor. Since the
transistors are biased in the subthreshold region, the supply voltage can be lower than this
value because the DC bias points of the switching transistors will be less than V
To reduce the current drawn by the CR-QVCO, an inductor with high inductance and quality
factor was used. The inductors provided with the PDK did not provide high quality factors at
low frequencies (> 1 GHz), which required the use of a custom spiral inductor. Cadence
Virtuoso Passive Component Designer was used to synthesize a symmetrical octagonal
inductor with high inductance and quality factor at the center frequency of the MICS band.
The inductor was formed over an M1 groundplane to decrease substrate coupling and raise
the quality factor (Yue & Wong, 1998). The layout of the synthesized inductor and its
simulated inductance and quality factor are shown in Fig. 5.
The bias current was provided using the PMOS transistor. The upconversion of icker noise
generated by the current source transistor is a known contributor to the phase noise of the
oscillator. To combat this effect, the PMOS bias current transistor was sized to have long
channel length and width as icker noise is inversely proportional to the area of the active
device. NMOS varactors were used as the frequency tuning element in the tank, and a xed
metal-insulator-metal (MIM) capacitor was used to set the tuning range around the frequency
band of interest. Existing CR-QVCOs require the use of a frequency tuning circuit that
accounted for the different DC voltages between the differential output nodes, which resulted
in different voltage drops across the varactors in each tank. By designing the CR-QVCO such
that the top tank is PMOS only and the bottom tank is NMOS only, a frequency tuning circuit
was not necessary as the DC voltage of the quadrature outputs was the same. A small DC
offset can be attributed to series resistance of the inductors. Omitting the frequency tuning
circuit also improves the phase noise as the thermal noise generated by biasing resistors is not
3.2 Results
Voltage-controlled oscillators are subjected to variations due to process, supply voltage and
temperature which cause the oscillation frequency to drift from the nominal value. In order
to ensure the CR-QVCO can operate on across the MICS frequency band, simulations were
I I+
I I+
Fig. 4. Current-reuse quadrature voltage-controlled oscillator.
150 Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software
Subthreshold Frequency Synthesis for Implantable Medical Transceivers 5
(a) Three dimensional view. (b) Simulated inductance and quality factor
Fig. 5. Synthesized spiral inductor for current-reuse quadrature VCO.
performed to verify its oscillation frequency. The results of corner analysis and supply voltage
sensitivity are shown in Fig. 6 and Fig. 7 respectively (biasing adjusted for each simulation to
achieve same oscillation amplitude).
As per the requirements of the MICS frequency band, the IMD must be tested over
temperature variations from 0

C to 55

C (Federal Communications Commission, 1999).

(a) Tuning range. (b) Phase noise.
Fig. 6. CR-QVCO simulated over process variations.
(a) Free-running frequency. (b) Phase noise.
Fig. 7. CR-QVCO simulated over 10% supply voltage variations.
151 Subthreshold Frequency Synthesis for Implantable Medical Transceivers
6 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
(a) Tuning range. (b) Phase noise.
Fig. 8. CR-QVCO simulated over temperature variations.
Although the proposed work is not a complete IMD, the CR-QVCO performance at different
temperatures in the required range was simulated to ensure the operating frequency and
phase noise do not degrade signicantly. The graphs in Fig. 8 show the tuning curves and
phase noise plots for simulations at 0

C, 10

C, 20

C, 37

C, 45

C and 55

The CR-QVCO consumed 600 W from a 0.7 V supply, and the phase noise was -127.2
dBc/Hz. The simulation results of the proposed CR-QVCO were compared with existing
VCOs designed to operate in the MICS band, and are summarized in Table 1.
As shown in the comparison results, the proposed CR-QVCO demonstrates improved power
consumption and phase noise performance. Although both (Bae et al., 2009) and (Ryu et al.,
2007) have lower power consumption, it is important to note that these designs do not produce
quadrature signals. If the VCOs in these works were used to implement a PQVCO to produce
quadrature signals, the power consumption would at least double. Furthermore the VCOs
use off-chip inductors with high Q values. Although off-chip inductors are a valid method
Table 1. Comparision of existing MICS VCOs
152 Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software
Subthreshold Frequency Synthesis for Implantable Medical Transceivers 7
Fig. 9. Wafer probe station
of reducing power consumption, their use violates one of the objectives of this work in this
thesis which is to eliminate the need for off-chip components to lower the size and cost of the
frequency synthesizer.
The proposed CR-QVCO was fabricated using a 130 nm CMOS process from IBM through
MOSIS Integrated Fabrication Service to provide validation of the design beyond simulation
results. Testing of the integrated circuit was performed using wafer probing on a Cascade
Microtech IC probe station. Each of the four positioners on the probe station is capable of
holding a different set of probes for applying and measuring signals to and from the device
under test. The available probe congurations were Ground-Signal-Ground (GSG) operating
at up to 40 GHz, Signal-Ground-Signal-Signal-Ground-Signal (SGSSGS) wedge operating
up to 100 MHz, and a DC needle. The wafer probe station and probe pad conguration
diagrams are shown in Fig. 9 and Fig. 10 respectively. The square probe pads have side
lengths of 100 m and a pitch of 150 m.
The CR-QVCO had four RF outputs (I+, I-, Q+, Q-) and four DC bias voltages (core V
, V
, and buffer V
). To implement the required input and output conguration four
sets of probe pads for the GSG probes were used (only two could be probed at a time), a DC
needle was used for the output buffer supply voltage and the SGSSGS wedge was used for
150 m
100 m

100 m

(b) DC
150 m
100 m

(c) GSG
Fig. 10. Probe congurations
153 Subthreshold Frequency Synthesis for Implantable Medical Transceivers
8 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
(a) CR-QVCO layout.
(b) CR-QVCO die photo.
Fig. 11. Physical implementation of current-reuse quadrature VCO.
the remaining DC signals. The layout and die photo of the CR-QVCO are shown in Fig. 11.
The total silicon area occupied by the CR-QVCO including bond pads was 2 mm 1 mm.
Measurement results were obtained using an Agilent 4407B spectrum analyser, and power
and bias voltages were provided using two high precision DC sources. The measured output
spectrum and control voltage are shown in Fig. 12. The tuning curve was obtained by
adjusting the control voltage across the desired range and observing the change in the output
spectrum. It can be observed that although the frequency range of the MICS is covered, the
total tuning range is narrower than the desired range due to parasitics and other variations in
the fabrication process such as increased capacitance density of the MIM capacitors or smaller
tuning range of the varactors.
4. The proposed source-coupled logic clear/preset D-latch
D-type latches and ip-ops are important components of the frequency synthesizer. The
conventional phase/frequency detector, which consists of two resettable D ip-ops and an
154 Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software
Subthreshold Frequency Synthesis for Implantable Medical Transceivers 9
(a) Output spectrum. (b) Tuning range.
Fig. 12. Measurement results of CR-QVCO.
AND gate, has its UP and DN outputs cleared when UP DN = 1. The Pulse and Swallow
counters in the programmable frequency divider are programmed to their initial value by
clearing and presetting the D ip-ops, each corresponding to a bit in the control word.
Previously proposed low power programmable frequency dividers and phase/frequency
detectors were implemented using true single-phase clocked (TSPC) logic (Lee et al., 1999),
(Kuo & Wu, 2006), (Kuo & Weng, 2009), (Lei et al., 2009). Although TSPC logic occupies small
silicon area, it suffers fromdrawbacks such as generation of switching noise, charge leakage at
low frequencies, and requires rail-to-rail input signal swing (Luong, 2004). These drawbacks
can be avoided by using source-coupled logic (SCL) at the expense of increased silicon
area. Additionally these implementations were designed for saturation region operation
and therefore their power consumption is high relatively compared to ultra-low power
requirements. These reasons provide the motivation for choosing the SCL logic family for
implementing the programmable frequency divider and phase/frequency detector.
Existing SCL latches presented in literature are not suitable for applications such as
implantable medical devices because they required too many stacked transistors (Cong et al.,
2001), (Desikachari et al., 2007) or do not perform both clear and preset functions (Cheng &
Silva-Martinez, 2004), (Dai et al., 2004). To this end, we present a SCL D latch with clear and
preset capability which is suitable for low power, low voltage applications.
4.1 Circuit design
The proposed D-latch is shown in Fig. 13. It consists of two stages and requires an additional
input to enable the clear and preset circuit. The rst stage is a latch where the sensing pair
(M1, M2) is active while CLK is high and the latching pair (M3, M4) is active while CLK is
low. Instead of cross coupling the outputs of the sensing pair via the latching pair as in a
conventional SCL D-latch, the intermediate outputs (X, X) are routed to the second stage.
Devices M5, M6 act as a buffer when EN is low, and the outputs are fed back to the latching
pair. When EN is high, the Set/Reset latch (M7, M8) is active and the latch is initialized
according to the state of CLR and PRE. The complementary enable signals can be generated
EN = CLRPRE, (3a)
155 Subthreshold Frequency Synthesis for Implantable Medical Transceivers
10 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
EN = CLRPRE. (3b)
This comes at the cost of an additional XOR/XNOR gate, since SCL gates produce
complementary outputs. However in this application EN can be obtained from the RELOAD
signal generated by the pulse counter in the programmable frequency divider or by the AND
gate output in the phase/frequency detector, eliminating the need for the additional logic
gate. The clear/preset circuit in the D-latch avoids the S = R = 1 state since when CLR and
PRE are both high, EN is low and the D-latch continues to operate normally.
In (Tajalli et al., 2008), the authors demonstrated that a high resistance load device can be
obtained by shorting the bulk of a minimum sized PMOS transistor to its drain, reducing the
amount of bias current required to achieve an output voltage sufcient to drive subsequent
gates. By exploiting this result in the design of the proposed clear/preset D-latch, the power
consumption can be signicantly reduced when compared with conventional SCL logic.
4.2 Results
The proposed D-latch was simulated along with an ideal D-latch written in Verilog-Ato verify
that the proposed design produces the correct output. The latch was simulated for two cases
to verify that it can operate over the required frequency range. In Fig. 14(a), the frequency of
the data and clock inputs are 250 kHz and 120 kHz respectively, and in Fig. 14(b) they are 20
MHz and 15 MHz respectively.
To demonstrate the clear and preset functionality, the proposed D-latch was connected in a
master-slave D ip-op divide-by-two conguration and alternating PRE and CLR signals
were applied every 20 ns. As shown in Fig. 15 the output signal (V
) is pulled high
when V
is applied, and pulled low when V
is applied.
5. A subthreshold source-coupled logic pulse/swallow programmable divider
The pulse-swallow frequency division architecture shown in Fig. 16 is used in the proposed
design. It consists of a dual-modulus prescaler and two programmable counters, referred to
as the Pulse counter and Swallow counter. The DMP divides by M when MC is logic 0 and
by M +1 when MC is logic 1, and the programmable counters are initialized by N-bit control
words and count down from that value, then reload from zero to the value of the control
Conventional SCL D-Latch with high
resistance PMOS load devices
Proposed circuit for clear and preset functionality
PMOS load device
Fig. 13. Proposed D-latch with clear and preset.
156 Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software
Subthreshold Frequency Synthesis for Implantable Medical Transceivers 11
(a) D=250 kHz, CLK=120 kHz. (b) D=20 MHz, CLK=15 MHz.
Fig. 14. Transient simulation of proposed D-latch and ideal D-latch.
word. The programmable divider operates as follows: When a CLK
pulse is generated
by the Pulse counter, both counters reload to their initial states and the MC signal goes high.
The initial states are determined by the S and P control words. The DMP divides CLK
(M + 1) until the swallow counter has counted down to 0. The Swallow counter generates
pulse which changes the MC to low and the DMP divides CLK
by M until the
Pulse counter has counted down to 0. The Pulse counter generates a CLK
pulse and the
process repeats. Since the DMP divides by (M + 1) S times and by M (P S) times, the
division ratio, D, of the programmable divider is given by
D = (M +1)S + (P S)M, (4)
= MP + S. (5)
5.1 Circuit design
The synthesizer must be able to operate on one of the 10 channels in the 402 MHz to 405 MHz
spectrum, with each channel spaced 300 kHz apart. Intuitively one would design the divider
so that the output frequency is the center frequency of the i
= 402.15 MHz + (i-1)300 kHz. (6)
Fig. 15. Simulation of D-ip op with clear and preset.
157 Subthreshold Frequency Synthesis for Implantable Medical Transceivers
12 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
Channel # f
1 402.15 MHz 2681
2 402.45 MHz 2683
3 402.75 MHz 2685
4 403.05 MHz 2687
5 403.35 MHz 2689
6 403.65 MHz 2691
7 403.95 MHz 2693
8 404.25 MHz 2695
9 404.55 MHz 2697
10 404.85 MHz 2699
Table 2. Division ratios for integer-n frequency synthesizer with 150 kHz reference frequency.
However, the corresponding divider moduli calculated by D =
and f
= 300 kHz
result in non-integer values. Integer value of the division ratio by changing the synthesizer
reference frequency from300 kHz to 150 kHz. Table 2 summarizes the required division ratios
for the integer-n frequency synthesizer.
Now that an integer value of D has been obtained, the dual-modulus divider, pulse counter
and swallow counter values must be obtained to satisfy (5). By using a divide-by-32/33
dual-modulus divider (M=32), the values of the pulse (P) and swallow (S) counters can be
obtained by assuming a value for P and solving for the range of values for S. If we assume
S = D MP (7)
= 2699 (32)(83) (8)
= 2699 2656 (9)
= 43, (10)
and so on for the remaining values of D. Using these values, the range of S is [25, 27, ... 43],
therefore the P counter must be 7-bits and the S counter can be a 6-bit counter. The pulse
counter has a xed modulus and its control bits can be set on-chip, but the swallow counter
must be programmable either off-chip or by separate control logic. Consider the control
word S[5 : 0] = S
, the control bits are assigned as shown in Table 3.
By analysing the truth table of Fig. 3 we can observe that S
= S
and S
= 1. The number of
inputs for the Swallow counter can be reduced to four by inverting S
to obtain S
and forcing
Fig. 16. Block diagram of programmable frequency divider.
158 Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software
Subthreshold Frequency Synthesis for Implantable Medical Transceivers 13
Decimal S
Division Ratio
25 0 1 1 0 0 1 2681
27 0 1 1 0 1 1 2683
29 0 1 1 1 0 1 2685
31 0 1 1 1 1 1 2687
33 1 0 0 0 0 1 2689
35 1 0 0 0 1 1 2691
37 1 0 0 1 0 1 2693
39 1 0 0 1 1 1 2695
41 1 0 1 0 0 1 2697
43 1 0 1 0 1 1 2699
Table 3. Control bits for the swallow counter.
the state of S
to a logic 1. The gate-level diagrams of the 7-bit pulse counter, the 6-bit swallow
counter and divide-by-32/33 DMP are shown below.
5.2 Results
The divide-by-32/33 dual modulus prescaler in Fig. 18 was implemented Using subthreshold
source-coupled logic gates. Since clear and preset functionality were not needed for the DMP,
the conventional SCL D-latch was used, and the load resistors were replaced with the PMOS
load device proposed in (Tajalli et al., 2008). The divide-by-32 and divide-by-33 operations
were simulated using a 990 MHz input signal, and the results are shown in Fig. 19. As shown
in the gure the divider output frequency is 30.9375 MHz when dividing by 32, and 30 MHz
when dividing by 33.
Transient simulations of the 6-bit and 7-bit programmable counters were performed to verify
the desired behaviour of the down counters. Since clear and preset functionality were
necessary for correct operation of the programmable counters, the D-latch proposed in Section
4was used. The control word for the 6-bit counter was set to S[5 : 0] = S
= 011001,
corresponding to a count-down starting from 25. In Fig. 20 the input frequency was 12 MHz
and an output pulse was produced from the counter every 25 pulses, resulting in an output
frequency of 480 kHz. For the 7-bit counter the control word was P[6 : 0] = P
Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6
B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B0
B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B0
(a) Pulse counter.
Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5
B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B0
B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B0
(b) Swallow counter.
Fig. 17. Block diagram of programmable counters.
159 Subthreshold Frequency Synthesis for Implantable Medical Transceivers
14 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
Fig. 18. Block diagram of dual modulus prescaler.
1010011, or 83 in decimal. In Fig. 21 the input frequency was 50 MHz and an output pulse was
produced from the counter every 83 pulses, resulting in an output frequency of 602.4 kHz.
Once the major blocks of the proposed programmable divider were simulated, the divider
itself was implemented and simulated to ensure it can produce the correct output frequency
which would serve as the FB input for the phase/frequency detector. The frequency for each
MICS channel was used as the input for the divider, and the control word of the Swallow
Counter was adjusted so that the corresponding division ratio was used. It was veried that
for each channel, the corresponding division ratio produced an output frequency of 150 kHz.
The simulation waveforms in Fig. 22 and Fig. 23 show the input waveform, output waveform
and output frequency of the programmable divider when the input frequency is 402.15 MHz
(channel 1) and 404.85 MHz (channel 10) respectively.
A comparison between the proposed subthreshold programmable divider and recently
published programmable dividers is given in Table 4. The gure of merit used to compare
the results is the power consumption at the operating frequency, given in W/MHz.
The programmable divider was submitted for fabrication as part of an MICS band frequency
synthesizer. The layout of the programmable divider is shown in Fig. 24. Measurement
results were not available as the design was still being fabricated. The total simulated power
consumption of the proposed programmable divider was 200 W. A summary of the power
consumption for each of the major blocks is given in Table 5.
(a) Divide by 32. (b) Divide by 33.
Fig. 19. Transient simulation of dual-modulus prescaler.
160 Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software
Subthreshold Frequency Synthesis for Implantable Medical Transceivers 15
(a) Input and output waveforms.
Fig. 20. Transient simulation of 6-bit down counter.
Reference Frequency V
Power FOM
(Technology) [MHz] [V] [mW] [W/MHz]
This Work 200 to 1000 0.7 0.21 0.247
(Kuo & Wu, 2006) 2400 and 5000 1.8 2.6 1.08
(Kuo & Weng, 2009) 5141 to 5860 1.5 4.8 0.934
(Lei et al., 2009) 500 to 3500 1.8 3.01 0.86
(Pan et al., 2008) 1600 1.2 0.475 0.296
(Kim et al., 2008) 3000 1.5 3.58 1.19
(Zhang et al., 2009) 1700 1.5 3.2 1.88
(Zhang et al., 2006) 440 1.8 0.54 1.23
Table 4. Comparison of low power programmable dividers
161 Subthreshold Frequency Synthesis for Implantable Medical Transceivers
16 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
(a) Input and output waveforms.
Fig. 21. Transient simulation of 7-bit down counter.
6. Asubthreshold source-coupled logic phase/frequency detector, current-steering
charge pump, and loop lter
The phase/frequency detector (PFD) uses the architecture of Fig. 25(a). The proposed D-latch
with clear preset is used to implement the master-slave D ip-ops in the PFD. The outputs of
the 2-input SCL AND/NAND gate drives the EN and EN signals in the proposed D-latch. In
order to perform the required function, the CLR signal is tied to the positive supply and the
PRE signal is tied to the negative supply. The block diagram of the PDF is shown in Fig. 25(b)
The charge-pump used in this work is a modication of the low voltage charge pump circuit
proposed in (Chang & Kuo, 2000) shown in Fig. 26.
Block Power consumption [W]
Dual modulus 30
6-bit programmable 76
7-bit programmable 89
Pulse-swallow 200
programmable divider
Table 5. Power consumption of programmable divider components.
162 Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software
Subthreshold Frequency Synthesis for Implantable Medical Transceivers 17
(a) Input voltage waveform
(b) Output voltage waveform
(c) Output frequency
Fig. 22. Programmable divider output when f
= 402.15 MHz
163 Subthreshold Frequency Synthesis for Implantable Medical Transceivers
18 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
(a) Input voltage waveform
(b) Output voltage waveform
(c) Output frequency
Fig. 23. Programmable divider output when f
= 404.85 MHz
164 Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software
Subthreshold Frequency Synthesis for Implantable Medical Transceivers 19
Fig. 24. Programmable frequency divider layout.
(a) Conventional architecture.
(b) Adapted architecture.
Fig. 25. Phase/frequency detector.
The circuit consists of a wide-swing current mirror and symmetric charge pumps to provide
and I
. Each charge pump is controlled by a differential input pair biased with a tail
current source, a current mirror load and a diode connected load. In the pump up circuit,
when UP is high the bias current ows through M
and is mirrored to the output through the
current mirror M
. A pull-up transistor M
is added to immediately bring the gate of the
current mirror transistors to V
when UP is low in order to shut off the current mirror and
prevent any current fromleaking into the output. The pump down circuit can be analysed in
the same fashion. The wide-swing current mirror M
mirrors the pump down current to
the output of the charge pump. The loop lter is a 3rd order passive lter and the components
were chosen to have a loop bandwidth of approximately 15 kHz to reduce reference spurs.
Fig. 26. Current-steering charge pump.
165 Subthreshold Frequency Synthesis for Implantable Medical Transceivers
20 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
(a) Reference leads feedback. (b) Reference lags feedback.
Fig. 27. Transient simulation of PFD/CP/LF.
The simulation results of the proposed subthreshold source-coupled logic phase/frequency
detector, current-steering charge pump and loop lter are presented in Fig. 27. In Fig. 27(a),
the reference signal phase leads the feedback signal phase and the control voltage increases as
expected. Similarly in Fig. 27(b), the reference signal phase lags the feedback signal phase and
the control voltage decreases. It should be noted that an initial voltage was placed on the loop
lter capacitor for the simulation in Fig. 27(b) because when the simulator starts the initial
control voltage would be zero and the charge pump cannot remove any more charge from the
The PFD/CP/LF was submitted for fabrication as part of the previously mentioned MICS
band frequency synthesizer, and measurement results are not currently available. The layout
of the PFD/CP/LF is shown in Fig. 28. The CP was designed to have I
=1 A. The
entire PFD/CP/LF consumes under 20 W of power, most of which is consumed by the PFD.
7. The proposed ultra-low power integer-n frequency synthesizer
Using the proposed proposed CR-QVCO, subthreshold SCL programmable frequency divider
and PFD implemented using the proposed clear/preset D latch, the modied current-steering
charge pump and third order loop lter, a 402 MHz to 405 MHz integer-n frequency
synthesizer was implemented.
(a) Phase/frequency detector and
charge pump.
(b) Loop lter.
Fig. 28. Phase/frequency detector, charge pump and loop lter layouts.
166 Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software
Subthreshold Frequency Synthesis for Implantable Medical Transceivers 21
Block Power consumption [W]
Current-reuse quadrature 420
voltage-controlled oscillator
Pulse-swallow 200
programmable divider
Charge pump, phase/frequency 20
detector and loop lter
Total 640
Table 6. Power consumption of programmable divider components.
7.1 Results
The frequency synthesizer in Fig. 1 was simulated to verify the locking behaviour, and
simulation results show that the synthesizer reaches the lock stated in 250 s. The total
power consumption is 700 W. A summary of the power consumption for all the blocks of
the proposed frequency synthesizer is presented in Table 6.
Fig. 29. Frequency synthesizer control voltage.
The chip layout of the entire subthreshold integer-n frequency divider is shown in Fig. 30.
The total silicon area including probe pads is 2 mm 1.5 mm. At the time of publication, the
synthesizer was still in fabrication thus measurement results were not available.
8. Conclusion
In this research, novel circuits and design methodologies were presented for the design
and implementation of an ultra-low power integer-n frequency synthesizer operating in the
402 MHz to 405 MHz Medical Implant Communication Service band of frequencies. The
principal design concepts to achieve ultra-low power operation were introduced, namely
current reuse, supply voltage scaling and subthreshold operation. Using these techniques,
several novel circuits for use in the ultra-low power integer-n frequency synthesizer were
proposed, namely:
167 Subthreshold Frequency Synthesis for Implantable Medical Transceivers
22 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
Fig. 30. Frequency synthesizer layout.
A current reuse quadrature voltage-controlled oscillator.
A novel clear/preset SCL D-latch.
A subthreshold SCL programmable divider and phase/frequency detector based on the
proposed clear/preset SCL D-latch.
Using IBM CMRF8SF 130 nm CMOS technology, the proposed circuits were used to
implement an integer-n frequency synthesizer. Simulations and preliminary silicon
measurements conrmed that the proposed CR-QVCO, ST-SCL programmable divider and
ultra-low power frequency synthesizer achieve better performance than existing designs.
9. References
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Vol. 2, pp. 566568.
170 Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software
Power Efficient ADCs for
Biomedical Signal Acquisition
Alberto Rodrguez-Prez, Manuel Delgado-Restituto
and Fernando Medeiro
Institute of Microelectronics of Seville (IMSE-CNM) and University of Seville
1. Introduction
In the last years, there has been a growing interest in the design of biomedical wireless
sensors (Harrison et al., 2007; Zou et al., 2009). These sensors can be used for online
monitoring, detection and prevention of many diseases with a minimum disturbance to the
patient and reducing the hospital expenses, so they are having a big acceptance in the
medical community.
Most biomedical signals are characterized by their low voltage amplitude (in the range of
mili-volts) and their low frequency ranges (few tens of kHz) (Northrop, 2001; Northrop,
2004). Also, due to the electrode used to sense them, they usually present a high DC offset
that needs to be suppressed. A typical biomedical sensor interface consists on a band-pass
filter, a low-noise programmable amplifier and an Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC). The
digitalization of the sensed biosignals is usually done with 8 or 12-bits of resolution
(depending on the kind of signal) and with sampling frequencies between 1kS/s and
100kS/s (Scott et al., 2003; Verma and Chandrakasan, 2007; Zou et al., 2009).
Due to their isolation from any kind of external supply source, one of the most important
design constraints of these wireless sensors is the minimization of their power consumption.
Because of that, most of the works about biomedical sensor designs have been focused on
low-power and low-voltage techniques and architectures.
For the design of the ADCs, many authors choose the SAR architecture with capacitive-
based DACs due to their suitability for low-power and low-voltage needed requirements
(Agnes et al., 2008; Hong and Lee, 2007; Saurbrey et al., 2003; Scott et al., 2003; Verma and
Chandrakasan, 2007; Zou et al., 2009).
However, this architecture present some problems when the needed resolution growths.
They become more area consumer, present high sensitivity to parasitic capacitances and
demand more power from the supply source.
In this chapter we will present two different architectures, the most-known SAR and a new
one based on a Switched Capacitor (SC) implementation of a Binary Search Algorithm,
which solves many of the limitations of the SARs and present higher reconfigurability, a
very important fact in these kinds of applications. The chapter will focus on the most
relevant design constraints and the study of the effect of the different non-idealities, in order
to get an area and power optimized design.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

Two real implementations will be presented at the end of the chapter to illustrate the given
theory through experimental and simulation results.
2. Low-power ADC architectures
2.1 Successive approximation architecture
The successive approximation algorithm performs the A/D conversion over multiple clock
periods by exploiting the knowledge of previously determined bits to determine the next
significant bit. The method aims to reduce the circuit complexity and power consumption
using a low conversion rate by allowing one clock period per bit (plus one for the input
Fig. 1a shows the typical block diagram of an n-bit SA ADC. It consists of a Sample-and-
Hold (S&H) circuit followed by a feedback loop composed by a comparator, a Successive
Approximation Register (SAR) logic block, and an n-bit DAC. Circuit operation is controlled
by a clock signal with frequency f
. The SAR block captures the data from the comparator at
each clock cycle and assembles the words driving the DAC bit by bit, from the most- to the
least-significant bit, using a binary search algorithm, as Fig. 1b illustrates (Maloberti, 2007).
After n cycles, the digital counterpart, d
, of the analog sampled voltage, v
, is obtained.
Besides, the S&H clock uses m clock periods for the sampling of the input signal, v
Therefore, a total of n+m clock intervals are required for completing an n-bit conversion.
At the start of the next conversion, while the S&H is sampling the next input, the SAR
provides the n-bit output and resets the registers.

1 2 11
# iterations
0000000000 1000000000 0100000000 011000100 0
: sampling : conversion
a) b)

Fig. 1. a) SAR ADC architecture, b) Timing diagram
Among the very different existing architectures to perform the Analog-to-Digital
Conversion, the Successive Approximation one have been chosen by many authors as the
most efficient in terms of power consumption to digitalize biomedical signals. As it has been
explained above, a minimum number of analog blocks and a very simple digital logic are
needed to perform the complete conversion. Therefore, the overall power consumption
presented by these solutions is very low.
2.2 Capacitive-based DAC
One of the most critical blocks of these solutions in terms of power consumption reduction is
the Digital-to-Analog Converter. To implement it, many authors choose a capacitive-based
solution (Agnes et al., 2008; Hong and Lee, 2007; Saurbrey et al., 2003; Scott et al., 2003; Verma
and Chandrakasan, 2007; Zou et al., 2009) due to their low power consumption characteristics
and because they can also be used as a passive S&H. As they are based on the charge
Power Efficient ADCs for Biomedical Signal Acquisition

redistribution principle, they only consume power at the beginning of the conversion, when
the matrix is loaded. Therefore, they are really suitable for the biomedical devices.
One of the main problems of these capacitive DACs is that their performance is in many
cases strongly affected by the parasitic capacitances (Cong, 2001; Rodriguez-Perez et al.,
2010). We will present an exhaustive study about the effect of the parasitic capacitances on
the performance of the capacitive-based DACs.
Depending on their structure, the capacitive-based DACs can be divided in different sub-





Fig. 2. Capacitive DACs architectures: a) Binary Weighted Array (BWA), b) C-2C,
c) Binary Weighted Array with an attenuation Capacitor (BWAC)
Binary Weighted Arrays (BWA)
This structure is used by many authors in their works. It consists on a binary scaled array of
capacitors, as Fig. 2a shows. The top of the capacitors are shorted and constitute the analog
output of the DAC, while the bottoms are connected to different switches controlled by the
digital input bits. The MSB is connected to the biggest capacitor while the LSB is connected
to the smallest one. Then, the voltage output of the DAC will be given by:



where N is the resolution of the DAC and D
is the i-th input bit.
The power of these capacitive DACs is essentially due to the switching activity of the
capacitive matrix, which will be given by:
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software


P f C V = , (2)
where f
is the sampling frequency, N the resolution and C
the unitary capacitance.
The area occupied by the DAC will be proportional to 2
A , where A
is the area
occupied by an unitary capacitance.
Considering that the equivalent parasitic capacitance at the top of the capacitive matrix is
given by C
(which groups parasitic capacitances at the top of the capacitors and parasitic
capacitances due to the routing), the output voltage will be given by:

2 2
u i
u p


As can be extracted from the given equation, parasitic capacitances in the BWA structure
produce a gain error in the final result.
The main drawback of this solution is that its power consumption and area occupation
increase binarily with the resolution. Therefore, for more than 8-bits of resolution DACs, this
architecture is not recommended due to the difficulty of doing a proper matched array and
the huge increase in terms of area and power consumption.
Binary Weighted Arrays with an attenuation capacitor (BWAC)
As the former architectures are not suitable for medium-high resolutions because their
increase in terms of power consumption, area occupation and complexity, many authors
prefer to divide the BWA into two using a capacitive divider for the less significant part of
the matrix (Agnes et al., 2008). The schematic of the architecture is shown in Fig. 2c), where
the value of the attenuation capacitor,
C , is given by:

N att

= , (4)
where N is the resolution of the converter. Then, the output voltage of the capacitive DAC is
given by:

( )
m n
= , (5)
where m is the number of capacitors placed on the most significant part of the matrix, while
n is the number in the Least Significant one. The optimum configuration in terms of area
and power consumption is when m and n are the same, that is, there is the same number of
capacitors in the most significant part of the matrix as in the least one.
The switching power of these architectures is given by:

P f C V
= , (6)
being the area occupation of these structures proportional to
Power Efficient ADCs for Biomedical Signal Acquisition

It is obvious at first glance that this architecture can reduce the number of unitary elements
of the BWA solutions. This reduction helps in the optimization of the power consumption
and area occupation, which is one of the main objectives in the design of devices for
biomedical purposes.
However, these attenuation capacitor-based architectures present higher sensitivity towards
parasitic capacitances than the BWA ones. While in the second ones parasitic capacitances
only induce an offset error, in this case they cause a non linearity error, which degrades the
performance and the effective resolution of the DAC.
To evaluate the effect of the parasitic capacitances in these architectures, we have to
distinguish between the parasitic capacitances at the top of the most significant part of the
matrix, which will be named as
C and those at the least significant one,
C . Considering
that the two parts of the matrix are equal and that the attenuation capacitor is almost an
unitary one, the output voltage of the DAC will be given by:

( ) ( )
// //
ref i u
ref i u
i att
att eqMSB
eqMSB eqLSB att eqLSB eqMSB att


= +
+ +

, (7)
C is the equivalent capacitance of the MSB part the array, and
C is the
equivalent capacitance of the LSB part of the matrix.

( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
2 1
2 1
2 1
2 1
ref i u
u pB att
u pA
u pB att
ref i u
i att
att u pA
u pA att
u pB
u pA att

= +
+ +
+ +

+ +

+ +
+ +

Fig. 3 shows the best straight line INL for different parasitic capacitances per unit
capacitances ratio for a 10-bit DAC. When the parasitic per unitary capacitance ratio rises
above 3%, the non-linearity introduced by the parasitic capacitances is so high that the
equivalent resolution is affected.
Then, although the architecture is better in terms of area and power consumption than the
BWA one, it is more affected by the parasitic capacitances and its design must be carefully
studied, as will be described later.
C-2C Structures
The schematic of the C-2C structures are shown in Fig. 2b. This kind of structures is an
extension of the BWAC ones, in which the matrix is divided as many times as bits to be
converted, using attenuation capacitors to divide the different unitary capacitances. The
value of these attenuation capacitors is given by the expression (4), where N is two. Then,
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software


Fig. 3. INL of parasitic capacitances effect on 10-bit BWAC DAC
the value of these attenuation capacitors must be twice higher than the unitary capacitance,
building the C-2C structures.
The switching power dissipated will be given by:

( 1)
P f N C V = + , (9)
and the area occupation is proportional to ( 1)
N A + .
The area and power consumption of these architectures are drastically reduced if compared
with the other solutions. However, they are rarely employed due to their extremely high
sensitivity towards the parasitic capacitances, which completely degrades its performance
unless they were very low, which is not feasible in standard technologies.
To study the effect of the parasitic capacitances in the C-2C structures, we have to consider
the parasitic capacitances shown in Fig. 4, where
( )
' 2
pA put pub
C C C = + , while
3 2
pA put pub
C C C = + . As the bottom parasitic capacitances are usually bigger than those of
the top, we can consider that '
pA pA
C C for simplicity.

u C
CpA 2Ctu
Ceqr(1) Ceql(1) Ceql(2) Ceqr(N-2) Ceql(N-1)

Fig. 4. Parasitic capacitances on C-2C structure
Power Efficient ADCs for Biomedical Signal Acquisition

The output of the DAC can be calculated as:

( )
out i DAC
V D V i


, (10)
where D
will be the i-th digital input bit (with a digital value of 1 or 0), and V
(i) is the
equivalent voltage at the output of the DAC if only the bit i-th is activated. These voltages
will be given by:


2 2
0 1
( ) ( ) 2 2 ( )

2 2
( ) 0
(0) 2 2 ( )

( 1)
ref u
u u
eql eqr u u eqr n i
ref u
u u
u eqr u u eqr n
ref u
i N
C i C i C C C n
V i i
C C C C C n

= +

< <
+ + + + +
= =
+ + + + +

1 i N

where 3 2
u put pub
C C C = + + and 2
u put
C C = + . C
(i) and C
(i) are the equivalent
capacitance at the right and left of the i-th bit, respectively. To calculate these equivalent
capacitances, the following expression can be employed:

2 ( 1)
0 2
( 1) 2
( )
u eqr
eqr u
C C i
i N
C i C
C i
i N

+ +


+ + +


( )
2 ( 1)
0 1
( 1) 2
( )
u eqr
eqr u
u u
C C i
i N
C i C
C i
i N

+ +


+ + +


These expressions allow us to build the INL figure shown in Fig. 5, where it is clear that the
parasitic capacitances induce a complete degradation in the linearity and, consequently, the
performance of the DAC, even if they are small.
Although there are some solutions which try to solve the parasitic capacitance sensitivity of
these ladders (Cong, 2001), they are not really implementable as they are based on non-
integer scaling of the reference voltages. Also, there are some solutions which implement
these structures in Silicon-Over-Insulator (SOI) technologies, where substrate parasitic
capacitances are dramatically reduced due to the bulk isolation.
As a consequence, these solutions are rarely employed in real implementations.
2.3 Binary search algorithm
Although the SAR ADC architectures based on capacitive DAC matrix are widely used on
biomedical sensor interfaces, they present some drawbacks which usually difficult their
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software


Fig. 5. INL of parasitic capacitances effect on 10-bit C-2C DAC
Large area occupation. Capacitive-based DACs, and especially in the case of the BWA
structures, usually require a huge area to be implemented (even more if the resolution
is high), because they need many unitary capacitors. This high number of elements also
complicates the routing and their proper matching.
Large switching power consumption. Although one of the benefits of the capacitive
DACs is that they are based on the charge redistribution principle and they dont have
static power consumption is zero, the peaks of current from the supply voltage can be
large, which can complicate the correct working of the circuit as they are usually
supplied by unstable sources.
High equivalent input capacitance. Due to the fact that the capacitive matrix is usually
employed as a passive Sample & Hold in order to save power consumption, the input
signal has to be load in the capacitive matrix at the beginning of the conversion. As this
input signal has to be amplified and filtered by a previous active block, this latter has to
load a very high capacitance, which means an increase in the power consumption.
High sensitivity towards parasitic capacitances. As it has been previously studied,
parasitic capacitances can affect the performance of the capacitive-based DACs, so their
proper design can be complicated.
Due to the listed problems related to the design of the capacitive DACs for the SAR ADC
architectures, we introduce another architecture implemented using Swithed-Capacitor
Circuits (SC) and based on the Binary Search Algorithm.
The Binary Search Algorithm, which Flow Diagram is shown in Fig. 6a, is really the basis of
the Successive Approximation conversion principle. It begins with the sampled of the input
signal, which is compared with a certain threshold value. The result of this first comparison
will set the Most Significant Bit (MSB), and we will add or subtract (depending on the result
of the comparison) to the input value a certain reference voltage V
. Then we will perform
again a new comparison, which will set the next bit, and after that we will add or subtract
the reference voltage divided by two. This iteration is successively repeated as many times
as bits to be converted, dividing by two the residual reference voltage each time. Then, after
n iterations, the residual value of the reference voltage that we add or subtract will be
V .
Power Efficient ADCs for Biomedical Signal Acquisition

S&H 2
Vint (1)=Vsh
If(Vint(n)<0) If(Vint (n)>0)
End of Conversion

Fig. 6. Binary Search Algorith: a) Flow Diagram, b) Block Diagram schematic


: Sampling Period
1 2 3
# Clock

/ 2 I
/ 4 I
bias I
/ N

Fig. 7. Waveform of the Binary Search Algorithm implementation
Based on this algorithm, the block diagram of the proposed solution is presented in Fig. 6b.
It consists on a Sample&Hold, an integrator, a divider-by-two and some logic to implement
the Binary Search Algorithm. The evolution of the signals during a conversion for a certain
input V
is shown in Fig. 7.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

2.4 Reconfigurable ADC based on SC techniques
Based on the block diagram of Fig. 6b, a Switched-Capacitor solution to implement the
desired ADC in presented in Fig. 8a. The proposed solution only uses one operational
amplifier in order to minimize as much as possible the power consumption (Rodriguez-
Perez el al., 2009).
Fully-Differential operation reduces charge injection errors, makes easier the sum and
subtraction operations and allows rail-to-rail input swing. The scheme is reconfigurable in
terms of input gain (through programmable input capacitances C
), resolution (controlling
the number of performed iterations) and sampling frequency (through the frequency of the
input clock).
The current bias of the operational amplifier is also programmed depending on the chosen
configuration for the ADC in order to optimize the overall power consumed. Once a
configuration has been selected, this current is also dynamically controlled during the
conversion operation in order to adapt it to the residual reference voltage, which is smaller
each time. Fig. 7 illustrates how the bias current is successively adapted along the conversion.
The schematic of the S&H operation is shown in Fig. 8c. This operation is performed during
the first three cycles of the conversion. During the first one, the fully-differential input signal
is stored on the programmable capacitor C
. The next two cycles are used to transfer the
stored charge on the integrator. This configuration is insensitive to parasitic capacitances
(Johns and Martin, 1997).

















in S
Switches Variable
Capacitors Integrator
b) c)

Fig. 8. Reconfigurable SC-based ADC: a) Schematic, b) Division-by-two, c) Programmable
Gain Amplifier S&H
Power Efficient ADCs for Biomedical Signal Acquisition

As the value of the capacitor C
is reconfigurable, this architecture can be used as a
Programmable Gain Amplifier, which is very useful for the biomedical interfaces as the
amplitude of the input signal can vary along time.
The reference voltage division is made capacitively as Fig. 8b shows. During the first
periods, the reference voltage is stored on the capacitor C
. After that, during phase
, half
of the charge is transferred to capacitor C
and it is either summed or subtracted to the
integrated value depending on the value of the signal V
. During the phase
, capacitor
is reset.
The schematic of the fully differential operational amplifier is shown in Fig. 9a. It follows a
folded-cascode architecture where the transistors M2 and M3 of the input differential pair
are biased in weak inversion in order to get the best /
m D
g I ratio (Enz et al., 1995).
Transistors M1, M4, M5, M10 and M11, which are current mirrors, are biased in the
saturation region of strong inversion in order to improve their mismatch. The width of these
transistors can be programmed in order to get the dynamic bias control.

Vin+ Vin-
Vout- Vout+
M2 M3
M4 M5
M6 M7
M8 M9
M10 M11
I bias




Fig. 9. a) Schematic of the folded-cascode opamp, b) SC common-mode feedback
The schematic of the capacitive common-mode control circuit in presented in Fig. 9b. This
circuit controls the common-mode voltage through the control of the gate voltage of
transistors M10 and M11 (Gray et al., 2001). The use of a capacitive-based configuration
allows the minimization of the power consumption.
3. Basic building blocks design
3.1 Comparator
The comparator is a key block in any of the presented ADCs and one of the biggest power
consumers, so its design must be carefully done in order to optimize the power
consumption without a degradation in the performance of the ADC.
Many published SAR ADCs use a simple current-controlled dynamic latch as a comparator
(Scott et al., 2003, Zou et al., 2009). Although these solutions are very attractive because of
their low power consumption, they can present a DC offset of around 10mV due to the
mismatch of their input differential pair, which imply an offset error in the performance of
the ADC too. Considering that the circuit operates from rail-to-rail, this error means a loss in
the input range of the converter.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

dynamic latch







Fig. 10. Schematic of the comparator with an autozeroed pre-amplifier
Fig. 10 shows the schematic of the proposed comparator, which solves the offset problem.
The comparator consists on a fully differential pre-amplifier stage with a cancellation offset
scheme followed by a current-controlled dynamic-latch that boosts the pre-amplified
difference to the rails. The auto-zeroing is achieved by closing a unity gain loop around it
and storing the offset voltage on the input capacitors (Rodriguez-Perez et al., 2009). The gain
of the pre-amplifier should be high enough in order to save the input voltage offset of the


2 M
4 M
in- in+
out- out+
s s
M2 M3

Vbn V

Fig. 11. a) Schematic of the pre-amplifier, b) Schematic of the dynamic-latch
The schematic of the pre-amplifier is shown in Fig. 11a. It is a single differential pair with a
SC-based common-mode control circuit. In order to maximize the transconductance of the
input differential pair and their matching, transistors M2 and M3 work in weak inversion.
The rest of the transistors, which work as current mirrors, are in the saturation region to
improve their matching.
The schematic of the dynamic-latch is presented in Fig. 11b. It is formed by an input
differential pair which imbalances a pair of cross-coupled inverters, creating a positive
feedback that boost the outputs to the rails. Current-controlled digital buffers are connected
Power Efficient ADCs for Biomedical Signal Acquisition

at the outputs before an RS latch that gives the digital single-ended output of the
In order to optimize the power consumption of the comparator, the minimum required bias
current for the pre-amplifier has to be evaluated. The design of the pre-amplifier will
depend on the minimum input voltage needed at the input of the dynamic latch to
counteract the offset voltage. It means that the dynamic gain of the pre-amplifier must be:

pre off
> = , (14)
V is the offset voltage of the dynamic latch and N is the required resolution.
Considering that the dynamic gain of the pre-amplifier for a period T
is approximated by:

pre m
A g
= (15)
where C
represents the parasitic capacitance at the output of the pre-amplifier, and g
transconductance of the input transistors.
Following the EKV model (Enz et al., 1995), the /
m D
g I expression for MOS transistors valid
for all regions is given by:

1 2
1 1 4
I n U IC
+ +
, (16)
where n is the slope factor, U
is the thermal voltage and IC is the inversion coefficient,
given by:

( )
2 '
ox T
n C U
= . (17)
Depending on the value of this coefficient, the transistor will work in weak inversion
( 0.1 IC < ), moderate inversion ( 0.1 10 IC < < ), or strong inversion ( 10 IC > ). To obtain the
optimum /
m D
g I ratio, we will dimension the transistors to work in weak inversion.
Then, considering equations (14)-(16) we have that:

( )
2 1 1 4
offset T
+ +
> (18)
For a standard technology, normal values are n=7, U
=27mV, C
=250fF and IC=0.1. Using
this values and the needed sampling frequency in equation (18) gives us the minimum
required bias current for the pre-amplifier.
3.2 Boosted switch
In order to get rail-to-rail input voltage swing, the input switch must be boosted in order to
avoid a degradation of the signal due to the dependence of the switch resistance with the
input voltage, especially when the input frequency is near to Nyquist.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software





Fig. 12. Schematic of the boosting switch
The schematic of the boosted switch is shown in Fig. 12 (Dessouky and Kaiser, 1999). The
circuit works as follows. When
=0, the supply capacitor C
is charged to V
. In the
next phase, when
switches on, this stored value is added to the input voltage to set the
gate voltage
of the input switch, M
, which ensures a constant conductance of the input
transistor during the sampling phase.
3.3 SAR logic
The Successive Approximation algorithm starts with the activation of the MSB while the
others remain to zero. While the conversion is running, the rest of the bits are successively
activated, while the value of the one who was activated just before will depend on the result
of the comparator.
The schematic of the logic that implements the Successive Approximation operation is
shown in Fig. 13a.
This architecture is based on the dependency of the state of each bit with the others bits state
(Rossi and Fucili, 1996). Each bit evaluates the state of the others and in function of the
result, it decides either it has to be activated, keeps its value, or take the value of the
The logic is implemented using a cascade of N+1 multiple input shift registers (Fig. 13b).
Through a multiplexer and a decoder, each register (k
) can choose three data inputs coming
from: the output of the (k+1)
flip-flop, the output of the comparator or itself output. This
selection will depend on itself state and the state of the following registers states.
With only 11 flips-flops to complete a 10-bits conversion, this architecture consumes nearly a
forty percent less than others more popular (Anderson, 1972), which need 22 flip-flops to
perform the same operation.
3.4 Current reference generator circuit
In order to generate on-chip the bias current needed for the active blocks, some current
reference generator cell is needed. The non-resistance Oguey based cell shown in Fig. 14 is a
good solution.
Power Efficient ADCs for Biomedical Signal Acquisition

set rst rst rst
0 0 shift
0 1 cmp
1 - k

Fig. 13. Schematic of the Succesive Approximation Logic
The cell is based on the circuit presented in (Oguey and Aebischer, 1997), where the resistor
has been replaced by an nMOS transistor working below saturation. The added transistors
M2 and M1 provide the gate voltage for M3.
The generated current reference Iref is given by:
( ) ( ) ( )
2 2
3 2 2 2 1
, 1 ln
ref n T eff eff
I n V K K K K K K

= = +

4 7
6 5

= and
3 2
1 5

= , being
S the W/L ratio of the transistor M
It is also important to include a start-up circuit to the current reference circuit in order to
bring out the reference circuit from a zero current operation point to its normal operation
point, like the presented in Fig. 14. It also provides the possibility of leaving the circuit on a
standby mode (Mandal et al., 2006).
4. Simulation and experimental results
In order to validate the theoretical study done along the chapter, two different designs have
been implemented and validated.
4.1 A 1-V, 10-bit, 2kS/s SAR ADC with a BWAC architecture capacitive DAC
The SAR ADC was implemented in a 0.35um CMOS standard technology with a resolution
of 10-bit, 2kS/s of sampling frequency and 1-V of voltage supply. It uses a BWAC
architecture for the implementation of the capacitive-based DAC.
The layout of the ADC can be seen in Fig. 15.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

start-up circuit

Fig. 14. Schematic of the current reference and start-up circuit



Fig. 15. Layout of the SAR ADC with capacitive DAC
Table 1 summarises the measured results of the integrated SAR ADC for the nominal
conditions. The Equivalent Number of Bits (ENOB) is defined as:


= (20)
Fig. 16 shows the 8192-samples FFT of the ADC output response for a 140-Hz sinusoidal
input signal of 1-V amplitude sampled at 2kHz at 1-V supply. The Signal to Noise
Distorsion Ratio (SNDR) of 58.39dB, which gives a ENOB of 9.41-bits.
Fig. 16a compares the performance of the circuit for different input frequencies, supply
voltages and sampling frequencies configurations. As can be extracted from the given
graph, the ADC can work under a high range of supply voltages. This is extremely
Power Efficient ADCs for Biomedical Signal Acquisition

Technology CMOS 0.35m
Nominal Voltage Supply 1-V
Input Voltage Range Rail-to-Rail
Nominal Resolution 10-bits
Sampling Frequency 2kS/s 8kS/s
SNDR (300Hz Input tone) 58.40dB
ENOB (300Hz Input tone) 9.4-bits
INL < 0.8LSB
DNL -0.7<DNL<0.2 LSB
Power consumption (2kS/s mode)
Without Current Reference
With Current Reference

Area occupation 0.212mm

Table 1. Measured Results of the SAR ADC

Fig. 16. a) FFT-response of the SAR ADC, b) DNL and INL response of the SAR ADC
important in biomedical wireless sensors, which voltage supply sources are weak and can
present high variations. The frequency of the input signals can vary through the entire
Nyquist band with a minimum loss of resolution. The ADC can be programmed to work
under different sampling frequencies with a similar performance.
The integral nonlinearity (INL) and differential nonlinearity (DNL) plots are shown in Fig.
16b. The major errors in the INL and DNL curves are in the codes 256, 512 and 768, where
the MSBs change. These linearity errors are due to the mismatch because of the lack of
dummy capacitors. The measured INL and DNL are within 0.8LSB and 0.7 0.2 DNL < < ,
The power consumption was measured using a 10fA-resolution picoamperimeter. These
measures showed that the power consumption of the complete system including the current
generation cell and the clock generation circuitry is 250nW for 1-V supply and 2kS/s
sampling mode, while the consumption of the ADC without the current generation cell is
An interesting study comes from the comparison of the two different designs included in
the integration, the one with dummy capacitors and the other without them. Following
post-layout simulations, the parasitic capacitances introduced by the dummy capacitors
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software


Fig. 17. Evolution of the resolution of the ADC with the input frequency for different voltage
supplies under different sampling frequencies: a) 2kS/s, b) 4kS/s, c) 6kS/s, d) 8kS/s
should affect the behaviour of the ADC, degrading its resolution and linearity. This was
validated in the experimental measurements, as Fig. 18 illustrate. The solution that included
dummies presented higher harmonics than the other. Also, the parasitic capacitances
introduced by the dummies capacitors induce higher errors in the INL and DNL than those
due to the mismatch of the unitary capacitors of the capacitive array.
These linearity errors induce losses of more than 0.2-bits ENOB, as was predicted by the
post-layout simulation results.

Fig. 18. Comparison of performance of the SAR ADC with and without dummies: a) FFT-
response, b) INL and DNL
Power Efficient ADCs for Biomedical Signal Acquisition

4.2 A 1.2-V, 10-bit reconfigurable SC-based ADC
The Reconfigurable ADC based on a Binary Search Algorithm with SC techniques was
designed in a standard CMOS 130nm technology. The ADC is reconfigurable in terms of
input gain (from 0.5 to 4 by means of 2-bits) and sampling frequency (from 10kS/s to
100kS/s). The power consumption is adapted to the chosen configuration in order to
optimize it, and varies between 200nW to 2uW.


Fig. 19. Layout of the SC-based ADC
The layout of the complete ADC is presented in Fig. 19. It occupies an area of 190um x 225um.

Technology CMOS 0.13m
Nominal Voltage Supply 1.2-V
Input Voltage Range Rail-to-Rail
Nominal Resolution 10-bits
Sampling Frequency 10kS/s 100kS/s
SNDR 60.76dB
ENOB 9.8-bits
Power consumption
Area occupation 0.043mm
Table 2. Performance summary of the SC-based ADC
Post-layout simulations with Process, Voltage and Temperature (PVT) variations were
performed to validate the design. Table 2 summarises the main characteristics of the ADC,
while Fig. 20a and Fig. 20b present the FFT-spectrum response for small and Nyquist
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

sinusoidal inputs frequencies sampled at 20kS/s and 90kS/s, respectively. Simulation
results show a SNDR of 60.76dB, which gives an ENOB of 9.8-bits.

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Frequency (kHz)

Input Frequency = 42kHz
Input Frequency = 1.2kHz
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
Frequency (Hz)

Input Frequency = 10.5kHz
Input Frequency = 305Hz

Fig. 20. FFT-response of the SC-based ADC for small and Nyquist frequency sinusoidal
inputs sampled at: a) 20kS/s, b) 90kS/s.
5. Conclusions
This chapter have introduced the main concepts concerning to the design of ADC for
biomedical interfaces, where two main architectures have been studied, concluding with the
presentation and results of some real implementations.
The chapter has studied the most important design concerns of the Successive
Approximation Architecture with capacitive DACs, one of the most popular ones. This
architecture is very useful in a biomedical contest due to its low area and low power
consumption. However, the implementation of this structures can derivate some problems
related to their high sensitivity to parasitic capacitances and their high area and switching
energy demand, especially when the resolution became higher than 8-bits.
The presented example includes a 10-bit SAR ADC with a capacitive-based DAC using a
Binary Weighted Array with an attenuation capacitor to reduce the size of the matrix. The
importance of the parasitic capacitances effect over other non-idealities was shown by
means of two different implementations, one using a capacitive array with dummies an
another one without them. As the first one presented more parasitic capacitances,
experimental results showed that its performance was more degraded than in the case of the
second one implementation without dummies, unless the mismatch of this latter was worse.
Due to some of the drawbacks of the of the SAR architecture, we have introduced in this
chapter another proposal based on the Binary Search Algorithm too, but using an
implementation based on SC-techniques. This architecture results highly flexible as it can be
easily reconfigured in terms of resolution, sampling frequency and input gain. Also, the area
occupation and switching power demand is dramatically reduced due to the elimination of
the big capacitive arrays needed in the SAR capacitive DACs based architectures.
6. References
Anderson, T. O. (1972). Optimum control logic for successive approximation A-D
converters. Computer Design, vol. 11, no. 7, July 1972, pp. 81-86.
Power Efficient ADCs for Biomedical Signal Acquisition

Agnes, A.; Bonizzoni, P. ; Malcovati, P. and Maloberti, F. (2008). A 9.4-ENOB 1V 3.8uW
100kS/s SAR ADC with Time-Domain Comparator, Proceedings of International
Solid-State Circuits Conference, pp. 246-247, San Francisco, February 2008.
Cong, L. (2001). Pseudo C-2C Ladder-Based Data Converter Technique. IEEE Transactions on
Circuits and Systems II, vol. 48, no. 10, October 2001, pp. 927-929.
Dessouky, M. and Kaiser, A. (1999). Input switch configuration suitable for rail-to-rail
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Enz, C. C. ; Krummernacher, F. and Vittoz, E. A. (1995). An Analytical MOS Transistor
Model Valid for All Regions of Operation and Dedicated to Low-Voltage Low-
Current Applications. Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing Journal, vol. 8,
July 1995, pp. 83-114.
Gray, P. R. ; Hurst, P. J. ; Lewis, S. L. and Meyer, R. G. (2001). Analog Design of Analog
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Harrison, R. R. ; Watkins, P. T. ; Kier, R. J. ; Lovejoy, R. O. ; Black, D. J. ; Greger, B. and
Solzbacher (2007). A Low-Power Integrated Circuit for Wireless 100-Electrode
Neural Recording System. IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol. 42, no. 1, January
2007, pp. 123-132.
Hong, H. C. and Lee, G. M. (2007). A 65fJ/Conversion-Step 0.9-V 200kS/s Rail-to-Rail 8-bit
Successive Approximation ADC. IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol. 42, October
2007, pp. 2161-2168.
Johns, D. and Martin, K. (1997). Analog Integrated Circuit Design. John Wiley & Sons, ISBN
0471144487, New York, USA.
Maloberti, F. (2007). Data Converters. Springer Publishers, ISBN 0-387-32485-2, Dordrecht,
The Netherlands.
Mandal, S. ; Arfin, S. and Sarpeshkar, R. (2006). Fast Startup CMOS Current References,
Proceedings of International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, pp. 2845-2848, Greece,
May 2006.
Northrop, R. B. (2001), Non-Invasive Instrumentation and Measurements in Medical Diagnosis.
CRC Press LLC, ISBN 0-8493-0961-1, Boca Raton, Florida.
Northrop, R. B. (2004), Analysis and Application of Analog Electronic Circuits to Biomedical
Instrumentation. CRC Press LLC, ISBN 0-8493-2143-3, Boca Raton, Florida.
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Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol. 32, no. 7, July 1997, pp. 1132-1135.
Rodriguez-Perez, A. ; Delgado-Restituto, M. ; Medeiro, F. and Rodriguez-Vazquez, A.
(2009). A low-power Reconfigurable ADC for Biomedical Sensor Interfaces,
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November 2009.
Rodriguez-Perez, A. ; Delgado-Restituto, M. and Medeiro, F. (2010). Impact of parasitic
capacitances on the performance of SAR ADCs based on capacitive arrays,
Proceedings of Latin-American Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Iguaz, February
Rossi, A. and Fucili, G. (1996). Nonredundant successive approximation register for A/D
converters. Electronic Letters, vol. 32, no. 12, June 1996, pp. 1055-1057.
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Sauerbrey, J. ; Schmitt-Landsiedel, D. and Thewes, R. (2003). A 0.5-V 1-uW Successive
Approximation ADC. IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol. 38, July 2003, pp. 1261-
Scott, M. D. ; Boser, B. E. and Pister, K. S. J. (2003). An ultralow-energy ADC for smart dust.
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol. 38, July 2003, pp. 1123-1129.
Verma, N. and Chandrakasan, A. P. (2007). An Ultra Low Energy 12-bit Rate-Resolution
Scalable SAR ADC for Wireless Sensor Nodes. IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits,
vol. 42, June 2007, pp. 1196-1205.
Zou, X. ; Xu, X. ; Yao, L. and Lian, Y. (2009). A 1-V 450-nW Fully Integrated Programmable
Biomedical Sensor Interface Chip. IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol. 44, no. 4,
April 2009, pp. 1067-1077.
Cuff Pressure Pulse Waveforms:
Their Current and Prospective Application in
Biomedical Instrumentation
Milan Stork
and Jiri Jilek

University of West Bohemia, Plzen

Carditech, Culver City, California
Czech Republic
1. Introduction
Use of the arterial pulse in the evaluation of disease states has a long history. Examination of
the arterial pulse is recorded by historians as being an essential part of ancient Chinese,
Indian, and Greek medicine. Palpation of the pulse was very much a part of the art of
medicine with a bewildering array of terminologies. The first accurate recording of the
arterial pulse in man was performed by Etienne Jules Marey in the nineteenth century.
Marey (Marey, 1881) developed a series of mechanical devices used to noninvasively record
the radial pulse in humans for physiological and clinical studies. His device for the
recording the peripheral arterial pulse, the sphygmogram, was soon taken up by leading
clinicians of the day, who considered the contours of the arterial pulse waveform to be
important for diagnosing clinical hypertension. Interest developed in detecting the onset of
hypertension in asymptomatic individuals. The principal means of doing this in the late
nineteenth century was using a variety of types of sphygmographs to record the arterial
pulse in a wide range of asymptomatic individuals. For the first time in history, the range of
contours of the human arterial pulse was recorded and interpreted.
In 1886, Marey placed the forearm and hand in a water-filled chamber to which a variable
counter-pressure was applied. The counter-pressure for maximum pulse wave amplitude
detected in the chamber determined that the vessel walls were maximally relieved of
tension at that counter-pressure. When counter pressure was increased or decreased, the
amplitudes of pulsations in the chamber decreased. This process was called vascular
In the early twentieth century the Italian physician Riva-Rocci invented the cuff
sphygmograph (Riva-Rocci, 1896). Riva-Rocci used palpation to determine the systolic
pressure. The cuff sphygmograph was later improved by the use of Korotkoff sounds that
were discovered by Korotkov (Korotkov, 1956). The use of Korotkoff sounds made the
sphygmomanometer much simpler to use and allowed the clinician to base diagnosis and
treatment on just two numbers, the systolic and diastolic pressures, rather than requiring the
rigors of arterial waveform interpretation. The cuff sphygmomanometer was rapidly
introduced into clinical practice and replaced the sphygmogram as part of the evaluation of
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

hypertension. The reliance on the maximum and minimum values of arterial pressure, with
the abandonment of interpretation within these two limits, occurred just at the time when
interpretation of electrocardiographic waveforms as an important part of clinical assessment
was increasing in popularity. The application of arterial pressure wave to clinical
hypertension languished until the 1980s. Recordings of the ascending aortic pressure wave
in individuals of varying ages and levels of blood pressures were made by Murgo in 1980
(Murgo et al, 1980) and Takazawa in 1986 (Takazawa, 1987). Such studies have led to a
reawakening of interest in pressure wave contour analysis in essential hypertension. Until
this recent reemergence of interest in waveform contours, pressure data obtained invasively
was still largely interpreted in terms of the systolic and diastolic pressures between which
the pressure wave fluctuated. There have, however, been some instances where the pressure
wave contour has been utilized in the clinical evaluation. In the Framingham Study,
plethysmographic volume waveforms were recorded noninvasively, using a cuff placed
around the finger. In this study in over 1,000 individuals, the investigators focused their
attention on the descending part of the waveform. They showed that with increasing age
there was a decreasing prevalence of the diastolic wave with a less clearly defined dicrotic
notch than in young individuals. In addition to an age relationship, the investigators also
noted a correlation between waveform contour and the clinical incidence of coronary heart
In the late twentieth century, a noninvasive method called applanation tonometry (Kelly et al,
1989) was used by increasing number of researchers interested in pressure waveform
contours. The method uses a pencil-shaped tonometer to obtain pressure waveforms. Skilled
application of the tonometer is required to obtain correct waveforms. Most published
studies have used waveforms obtained from the radial artery at the wrist. By mathematical
manipulation of the waveforms, it was possible to obtain an approximation of the aortic
pressure (Cameron et al, 1998). ORourke found alterations in the tonometric waveforms
with age similar to the findings of the Framingham Study.
Pulsations in the blood pressure cuff were first observed by Riva-Rocci. He called them
oscillations. They were much later used to develop a simple, noninvasive method for the
determination of blood pressures. Vascular unloading first noted by Marey became the basis
for the oscillometric method of automatic blood pressure determination. Posey and Geddes
showed in 1969 (Posey & Geddes, 1969) that the maximum amplitude of cuff pulse
waveforms corresponded to true mean arterial pressure (MAP). When pressure in the cuff
was increased above MAP and then decreased below MAP, the waveform amplitudes
decreased. Cuff pressure (CP) and wrist cuff waveforms (WW) acquired during a gradual
CP deflation procedure are shown in Fig. 1. The waveforms appear at the beginning of the
procedure and reach maximum amplitude at the point of MAP. From MAP to the end of the
procedure the WW amplitudes decrease.
Electronic oscillometric instruments capable of determining the systolic (SBP), mean (MAP),
and diastolic arterial pressure (DBP) started appearing on the market in the 1970s.
Microprocessors facilitated algorithmic methods for the determination of SBP and DBP. One
of the first descriptions of a microprocessor-based device appeared in 1978 (Looney, 1978)
and many more automatic BP devices have been introduced since. The exact nature of their
algorithmic methods is mostly unknown because the algorithms are considered proprietary
and are kept secret. The few published algorithms are based on processing the amplitudes
rather than contours of the cuff pressure pulsations. One could speculate that the misleading
term oscillations caused the lack of attention to their contours. The term oscillations first used
Cuff Pressure Pulse Waveforms: Their Current and Prospective Application in
Biomedical Instrumentation

by Riva-Rocci appears to have been accepted without much investigation into the true
nature of cuff pulsations.
Periodic waveforms usually generated by an oscillator are normally called oscillations.
Pulsations generated by a beating heart are not oscillations. The terms arterial waveforms
and pulse waveforms are standard terms used when contours of arterial pulsations along
the arterial tree are described. Arterial waveforms acquired by several noninvasive methods
have been accepted into the family of hemodynamic waveforms. The above mentioned
finger cuff, finger plethysmograph, and aplanation tonometer waveforms have been
analyzed more comprehensively than brachial or wrist cuff waveforms.
In the course of past several years we studied cuff pulse waveforms and noticed that under
certain conditions they are similar to arterial waveforms acquired by other methods. With
the aid of specially designed experimental data acquisition and processing systems we were
able to gain more understanding of the cuff pressure pulse waveforms.

Fig. 1. Cuff pressure (CP) and wrist waveforms (WW) derived from CP. Systolic blood
pressure (SBP) and diastolic pressure (DBP) reference points were determined by
2. Description of the data acquisition and processing systems
The original wrist cuff system (Jilek & Stork, 2003) was conceived ten years ago. The system
consists of a compact, battery powered module, a wrist cuff, and a notebook computer.
Fully automatic operation of the system is controlled by the computer and a test takes less
than one minute. Block diagram of the module and the cuff is in Fig. 2. The modules
microcontroller (Intel 87C51) communicates with the notebook via serial interface (USB).
The notebook controls inflation and deflation of the cuff and acquisition of data. Operation
of the system starts with cuff inflation to about 30 mmHg above expected SBP. Cuff pressure
is converted to analog voltage by pressure sensor (piezoresistive bridge type, range 0-250
mmHg). The analog voltage is amplified by an instrumentation amplifier (Burr-Brown
INA118) and filtered by a low-pass filter with cutoff frequency of 35 Hz. The pressure
voltage is digitized by a 12-bit A/D converter with serial output (MAX1247). The A/D
converter operation is controlled by the microcontroller.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software


Fig. 2. Block diagram of single cuff system for acquisition and processing of wrist cuff

Fig. 3. Block diagram of the dual cuff system.
Sampling rate is 85 samples per second. The digitized samples are sent to the notebook at
11.6 ms intervals. The deflation of the cuff is controlled by a current controlled air-flow
valve (Omron 608). Deflation rate is controlled by notebook software.
When cuff pressure drops below diastolic pressure, the valve opens and the cuff is rapidly
deflated. Computation of blood pressures and hemodynamics takes place next. All functions
and computations are performed by special software.
The need to improve the system led to the development of dual cuff system. The system
consists of a compact module with pneumatic and electronic circuits, two detachable cuffs
(arm and wrist), and a notebook computer that is connected to the module via a USB cable.
Block diagram of the module with two cuffs is in Fig. 3. The two pneumatic and analog
circuits for the cuffs are similar. Pumps inflate the cuffs and cuff deflation is controlled by
the valves. Piezoelectric pressure transducers (pr.xducr) provide analog signal that is
Cuff Pressure Pulse Waveforms: Their Current and Prospective Application in
Biomedical Instrumentation

amplified, filtered, and separated into two channels. One channel provides cuff pressure
and the other channel provides amplified cuff-pressure waveforms. The analog circuits are
close approximation of the single cuff systems circuit. The resulting analog signals are
digitized in the submodule. Analog-to-digital conversion is 12-bit, 85 conversions/ sec
operation. The digitized data are converted into USB format and made available to the
notebook. The notebook contains special software that controls the modules functions and
receives four channels of digitized data. We designed the specialized software as Windows-
based multifunction system that performs the following functions:
Dual-cuff test uses both the upper-arm and wrist cuffs. The arm cuff is used to
acquire brachial cuff pressure pulses and the wrist cuff is used in a manner similar to a
stethoscope; appearance of wrist-cuff pulses indicates SBP. SBP, MAP and DBP values
are also determined by a commonly used ratiometric method from the arm cuff pulses.
Wrist-cuff test uses only wrist cuff pulses in a manner similar to the single cuff
system. Blood pressures and hemodynamics are determined from wrist waveforms and
body area.
Show waveforms shows waveforms from both cuffs (dual-cuff system) or only from
wrist cuff. Each individual sample can be examined visually and numerically.
Show Quadrant (wrist-cuff test only) shows hemodynamics numerically and
graphically (see Fig. 12 and Fig. 13).
Store test stores all raw data and subject name in a numbered file.
Get test gets raw data from disc file and performs computations.
Variables shows important computed variables.
Test directory shows test (file) numbers and subject names.
3. Characteristics of the cuff-pulse waveforms
Waveforms acquired from blood pressure cuffs exhibit characteristics that are similar to, but
not the same as arterial waveforms acquired by other methods. Even waveforms acquired
simultaneously, but from different anatomical sites are not identical. The brachial cuff and
wrist cuff waveforms in Fig. 4 illustrate this assertion. The top trace shows the wrist
waveforms (WW) and the bottom trace shows arm (brachial) waveforms (AW) acquired
simultaneously with the dual cuff system from an adult volunteer in the sitting position.
The waveforms were acquired at the cuff pressure (CP) just below the point of DBP. The
wrist waveforms have more sharply defined contours when compared with the brachial
waveforms. The dicrotic notches on the descending part of the waveforms are well defined
on the wrist waveforms. The brachial waveforms are more rounded and the dicrotic notches
are barely visible. We believe that larger volume of air in the brachial cuff and larger
amount of soft tissue on the upper arm cause the substantial damping of brachial cuff
waveforms. Smaller volume of air and relatively low amount of soft tissue make the wrist
cuff waveforms better suited for waveform analysis. It is important to acquire the
waveforms at CP lower than the point of DBP. The waveforms shown in Fig 5 illustrate the
need for appropriate cuff pressure. The waveforms were acquired during a gradual cuff
deflation as is done during automatic BP measurement.
The waveforms at cuff pressures above DBP are distorted because the radial artery is fully
or partially occluded by the wrist cuff and blood flow under the cuff is turbulent.

blood flow is the source of Korotkoff sounds that are used in manual BP determination.
When CP is lowered to pressures equal to or below DBP, the artery is no longer occluded,
the waveforms are not distorted and Korotkoff sounds are no longer heard.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software


Fig. 4. Wrist waveforms (WW) and arm waveforms (AW) were acquired simultaneously.

Fig. 5. Wrist cuff (WCW) waveforms acquired during a gradual cuff deflation. Cuff pressure
decreases from left to right. The DBP reference point of 81 mmHg was determined by the
manual method.
Wrist cuff waveforms acquired at DBP or lower CP are similar to waveforms obtained by
other noninvasive methods. Fig. 6 shows wrist cuff waveforms (WCW) and finger
photoplethysmograph (PPG) waveforms acquired simultaneously. Another example of
noninvasive waveforms is in Fig. 7. The waveforms were acquired by applanation
tonometry from the radial artery (wrist).
The waveforms shown in Fig. 6 and 7 are not identical but their contours are similar and
they share some important characteristics. The important arterial waveform segments are
rapid systolic upstroke, late-systolic downturn, dicrotic wave, and diastolic segment. Rapid
systolic upstroke lasts approximately from the onset to the peak of the waveform. Late-
systolic downturn lasts approximately from the peak to the dicrotic wave. Diastolic segment
lasts from the dicrotic wave to the onset of the next systolic upstroke.
Cuff Pressure Pulse Waveforms: Their Current and Prospective Application in
Biomedical Instrumentation


Fig. 6. Wrist cuff (WCW) and photoplethysmographic (PPG) waveforms were acquired

Fig. 7. Radial (wrist) waveforms acquired from the wrist by applanation tonometry.

Fig. 8. Wrist cuff waveforms reflecting age differences.
Systolic upstroke, late-systolic downturn, dicrotic wave, and diastolic segment can be easily
identified on all of the waveforms in Fig. 6-7. The waveforms are not, however, identical.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

The reasons for differences in contour shapes are numerous and they include location on the
arterial tree, arterial compliance, wave reflections, and subjects age. Age differences can be
observed on the wrist cuff waveforms in Fig. 8. Waveforms from a young subject (a) have
steeper systolic upstroke and more pronounced dicrotic wave than those of middle age (b)
and elderly (c) subjects. Similar age-related changes were observed in tonometric radial
waveform contours (Kelly et al, 1998).
The comparisons of wrist cuff waveforms with waveforms acquired by other methods led us
to the conviction that the cuff waveforms are suitable for applications beyond blood
pressure measurement.
4. Current and new methods using cuff pressure waveforms
Cuff pressure waveforms have been used almost exclusively in automatic BP monitors,
where their amplitudes are the basis for algorithmic computations of SBP, MAP, DBP, and
heart rate (HR). Cuff pressure waveforms contours have been largely ignored.
4.1 Current automatic blood pressure measurement
Automatic oscillometric BP monitors are the dominant types of noninvasive BP devices.
There are many models on the market, ranging from professional monitors used in health
care facilities to inexpensive monitors used in homes. Most home monitors are the upper-
arm (brachial) type, but wrist monitors are gaining popularity. Finger cuff monitors are not
recommended by professionals because of the accuracy issues. The main advantage of
oscillometric BP monitors is their ease of use. Only the cuff must be applied to the
appropriate physiological site. A typical automatic oscillometric device uses an air pump to
inflate the cuff and cuff pressure is then slowly deceased. A pressure transducer is used to
convert the cuff pressure into electronic signal. The signal is then amplified, filtered and the
cuff pulsations are separated from the cuff pressure. The resulting cuff pulsation waveforms
(see Fig. 1) are then used to algorithmically determine the pressures. Published algorithmic
methods for the determination of SBP and DBP present differing approaches. Geddes makes
certain empirical assumptions about algorithmic determination. His proposed algorithm is
based on the ratio of waveform amplitudes. According to Geddes (Geddes, 1982), SBP
corresponds to the point of 50% of maximum amplitude (MAP); for DBP, the ratio is 80%.
Another proposed ratio algorithm (Sapinsky, 1992) uses the point of SBP at 40% of
maximum amplitude and 75% of max. amplitude for DBP. Other algorithms for the
determination of blood pressure are based on the change of slope in the waveform
amplitude envelope. An article describing the function of an oscillometric BP device (Borow,
1982) claims that the device determines SBP as the point of the initial increase of the cuff
pulsations. Another author (Ng, 1999) puts SBP on the minimal ascending slope of the
amplitude envelope and DBP on the maximum slope of the descending envelope. The
above algorithmic approaches result in differing SBP and DBP values. Furthermore, the
approaches do not offer physiological explanation for their assertions. The only commonly
recognized and physiologically verified variable is the MAP. Common to the published
algorithms is that they use amplitudes of cuff pulsations. Little attention has been paid to
the contours of these pulsations. Algorithms used in commercial monitors are generally
considered intellectual property and are kept secret. This makes verification of accuracy
difficult. There are several test instruments on the market, but they can perform only static
tests, such as static pressure accuracy, leakage test, cuff deflation test, and overpressure test.
Cuff Pressure Pulse Waveforms: Their Current and Prospective Application in
Biomedical Instrumentation

They cannot, however, perform dynamic algorithmic accuracy tests. No regulatory agency
has put forth a standard as to how oscillometric pulse amplitudes should be interpreted to
determine BP values. Because there are no reliable instruments for testing the dynamic
accuracy of BP monitors, performance testing protocols for device validations have been
developed. The Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation, the British
Hypertension Society, and the European Society of Hypertension recommend validation of
NIBP devices against auscultation or against intra-arterial methods. Validation studies
require recruitment of large number of volunteers with varied blood pressures, ages, and
arm circumferences. These requirements inevitably make validation studies expensive.
Many validation studies have been conducted and some reviews of validation results have
been published. Their findings indicate that the accuracy of BP determination is problematic
for many NIBP devices. Validation protocols are not without problems either. A recently
published study (Gerin et al, 2002) exposed limitations of current validation protocols. The
study concludes that the existing protocols are likely to pass devices that can be
systematically inaccurate for some patients. Disappointing validation results, lack of
information from device manufacturers and errors observed in healthcare institutions have
led to warnings issued by experts in the field of BP measurements. The American Heart
Association issued an advisory statement from the Council for High Blood Pressure
Research (Jones et al, 2001). The Council cautioned healthcare professionals not to abandon
mercury sphygmomanometers until adequate replacement instruments are available. A
recent report by a group of leading experts (Jones et al, 2003) stressed the importance of
accurate BP measurements. The report called for additional research to assess accuracy of
NIBP devices and concluded that mercury sphygmomanometer remains the gold standard
for noninvasive BP measurement.
The above issues led us to investigations into prospective improvements of the cuff pulse
based BP measurement and into applications reaching beyond BP measurement.
4.2 Database of physiological cuff pressure waveforms
Cuff pressure BP waveforms are indispensable for noninvasive determination of BPs and
they may contain other useful information. An investigator or a device developer who
wants to study cuff pressure waveforms needs a reasonably large database of waveforms
and reference blood pressure measurements. Manufacturers of oscillometric BP devices
must have such databases in order to conduct their development efficiently. These databases
are, however, proprietary. There are no publicly accessible databases of cuff waveforms at
the present time. On the other hand, public databases for some physiologic waveforms do
exist, mainly for interpretation of electrocardiograms. General principles of acquisition and
use of physiological waveforms are described in the Association for the Advancement of
Medical Instrumentation Technical Information Report (AAMI, 1999). The report stresses
the necessity to test algorithmic functions of digital devices with real physiologic data.
Properly documented databases are needed for such testing. The waveforms can then be
used to test devices repeatedly and reproducibly. A wide-ranging, publicly available
database of oscillometric BP waveforms could advance the field of oscillometric BP
measurement in the following ways:
New research into the largely unknown physiological basis of oscillometric BP
measurement. The research could result in the development of a generic algorithmic
method for the determination of SBP and DBP.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

Device developers would enjoy the advantage of not having to develop their own
proprietary databases, as the past and present manufacturers had to do. Costs of
development and time to market could be decreased. A standardized, public database
would serve as a common knowledge base and it should produce devices performing in
a similar, predictable manner.
Repeatable, reproducible performance testing of oscillometric BP devices could become
possible. The expensive, time consuming testing as performed today could eventually
be eliminated.
Determination of hemodynamic variables. It may be possible to derive cardiac output
(CO), total peripheral resistance, and arterial compliance from cuff pulse waveform
contours and blood pressures. Several contour methods for CO determination already
A specialized data acquisition system such as the dual cuff system we have developed could
be used to build a database of cuff pressure waveforms.

SBP [mmHg] DBP [mmHg]
Reference BP 122 78
Geddes method 135 88
Sapinsky method 144 81
Table 1. Results of 2 algorithmic methods applied to data acquired for this study
The acquired cuff pulse and reference BP data can be used to test algorithms for BP
determination (Jilek & Stork, 2005). The data acquired for this study were applied to 2
published algorithms. According to Geddes and Sapinsky, SBP and DBP can be determined
as fixed ratios of OMW amplitudes. Geddes specifies 50 % of maximal OMW amplitude as
the point of SBP; for DBP, the ratio is 80 %. Sapinsky specifies the ratio for SBP as 40 % of
maximal OMW amplitude; for DBP the ratio is 55%. The results are shown in Table 1.
Different SBP and DBP values obtained by reference measurement by auscultation and by
the algorithmic methods are indicative of problems that exist in the field of oscillometric BP
Another important prospective database application is performance testing of oscillometric
BP monitors. There are several commercial testing instruments on the market but they can
perform only static tests of pressure sensors and amplifiers. Proper dynamic BP accuracy
testing can be performed only by applying real physiological waveforms. Monitors
equipped with suitable interfaces could be tested for dynamic accuracy. Such monitors do
not exist today but in the future the interfaces could be incorporated reasonably easily. A BP
monitor test system could be implemented with a notebook computer, a USB interface, a
special software for CP and cuff pulse waveform processing, and the database stored on a
CD-ROM. Monitor testing could be performed quickly and reproducibly.
The concept of a database of physiological cuff waveforms has two major advantages over
currently used validations of automatic BP monitors: (1) the database needs to be developed
only once and it can then be used quickly and repeatedly to test BP algorithms and to
develop new ones; (2) automatic BP monitors could be equipped with interfaces allowing
database waveforms to bench-test performance of monitors. Such testing is not presently
possible. Expensive, time consuming monitor validations as performed today could be
eventually eliminated.
Cuff Pressure Pulse Waveforms: Their Current and Prospective Application in
Biomedical Instrumentation


Fig. 9. Cuff pressure waveforms (CPW) and photoplethysmographic (PPG) waveforms were
acquired simultaneously. Reference points SBP
and DBP
were determined manually.
4.3 Automatic BP determination based on physiological principles
A gradual wrist cuff deflation procedure was divided into four segments (Jilek &
Fukushima, 2007). The following section contains description of CPW and PPG amplitude
and shape changes and explanation of each phase in terms of vascular unloading and blood
flow. The phases of Korotkoff sounds are mentioned where appropriate.
The first segment lasts from cuff pressure approximately 30 mmHg above SBP
to SBP

(Fig. 9). Cuff pressure waveforms (CPWs) are present because arterial pulsations are
transmitted to the upper edge of the cuff. The CPW amplitudes increase according to
vascular unloading as cuff pressure is deflated toward SBP
. No blood flows past the cuff
and no Korotkoff sounds are heard. The PPG trace is flat because no flow signal passes past
the cuff. The second segment lasts from SBP
to MAP. Turbulent blood flow starts passing
under the cuff into the distal vasculature. The vasculature initially exhibits low resistance
(R) to the flow (Q). The low R lowers the pressure (P) according to
P = Q * R [mmHg, ml/min, mmHg] (1)
Low P counteracts vascular unloading and the slope of CPW amplitude envelope is
decreased. As flow starts passing past the cuff, volume and pressure in the distal
vasculature increase and PPG waveforms appear. As more flow passes past the cuff, volume
and pressure in the distal vasculature increases due to blocked venous return. The PPG
reflects this by rising baseline and amplitude increase. When CP and arterial wall pressures
are equal, the CPWs reach maximal amplitudes. The CP at this point is equal to MAP
according to vascular unloading. The CPW shapes are distorted because of the continuing
partial occlusion of the artery. The flow is still turbulent and Phase II Korotkoff sounds are
heard. The third segment lasts from MAP to DBP
. The CPW amplitudes start decreasing
with cuff pressure deflation according to vascular unloading. Continuing blood outflow into
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

the vasculature enhances the rate of amplitude decreases. The CPW shapes continue to be
distorted because the artery is still partially occluded. Blood flow under the cuff is still
turbulent, but the blood flow velocity is decreased and Korotkoff sounds are muffled (Phase
4). When cuff pressure reaches DBP
, the flow becomes laminar and the Korotkoff sounds
are no longer heard (Phase V). The artery under the cuff is free from partial occlusion and
the CPWs are no longer distorted.
The fourth segment lasts from DBP
to the end of procedure. When cuff pressure is further
deflated below DBP
, the artery under the cuff is free from partial occlusion, blood flow is
laminar and CPWs are not distorted. Korotkoff sounds are not heard. Further cuff pressure
lowering decreases CPW amplitudes according to vascular unloading. At some arbitrary
cuff pressure below DBP
the cuff is quickly deflated and the cuff deflation procedure is
Observations of the effects of blood flow under the cuff and in the hand on the CPW
amplitude envelope resulted in the following hypothesis: The slope of CPW waveform
amplitude envelope at cuff pressures higher than the reference systolic pressure and the
slope at cuff pressures between mean pressure and reference diastolic pressure are steeper
than the slope between reference systolic pressure and mean pressure. Based on the above
observations we conducted a study of 32 volunteers (Jilek & Fukushima, 2007). To test the
hypothesis, 3 slopes (S1-S3) on the waveform amplitude envelope were computed and
compared. S1 is the slope from cuff pressure 30 mm higher than reference systolic pressure
to the cuff pressure equal to the reference systolic pressure. S2 is the slope from cuff
pressure equal to the reference systolic pressure to the cuff pressure equal to mean pressure.
S3 is the slope from cuff pressure equal to mean pressure to cuff pressure equal to reference
diastolic pressure.
S1= (WA
) / (CP
) (2)
S2 = (WA
) / (CP
) (3)
S3= (WA
) / (CP
) (4)
is the wave amplitude at cuff pressure about 30 mmHg higher (CP
) than cuff
pressure at reference systolic pressure. WA
is the wave amplitude at cuff pressure equal
to the reference systolic pressure (CP
). WA
is the wave amplitude at cuff pressure
equal to the computed mean pressure (CP
). WA
is the wave amplitude at cuff
pressure equal to the reference diastolic pressure (CP
The tabulated mean values are shown in Table 2. The slopes S1, S2 and S3 were computed
according to the formulas (1-3).

Mean 132 102 85 -0.065 -0.025 0.114
SD 17 13 12 0.022 0.012 0.035
Table 2. Mean values of SBP, MAP, DBP, and amplitude envelope slopes S1, S2, and S3
of 32 volunteers.
Our observations and the experimental results supported the central hypothesis. All the S1
and S3 slopes were steeper than the S2 slopes. The inter-subject variability suggests that the
Cuff Pressure Pulse Waveforms: Their Current and Prospective Application in
Biomedical Instrumentation


Fig. 10. Graphic representation of the amplitude envelope slopes S1, S2 and S3. AMPL
(vertical axis) are mean values of waveform amplitudes.
slopes are affected by a number of variables. Arterial compliance, mean pressure, heart rate,
stroke volume, and blood viscosity have been cited as factors affecting the slopes. These
factors do not change substantially during a single gradual cuff deflation. Our study
suggested that the blood flow under the cuff and in the hand is an important physiological
variable decreasing S2 during a gradual cuff deflation procedure.
Graphic representation of amplitude envelope constructed from the mean values in Table 1
is in Fig. 10. Transition point from S1 to S2 in the vicinity of SBP has implications for a
prospective development of a new type of algorithmic method based on physiology. A
method capable of detecting the transition from S1 to S2 could improve the accuracy of SBP
determination. High level of accuracy may be, however, difficult to achieve with
manipulation of the cuff pressure pulse amplitudes. The slopes are not very steep and they
may be difficult to determine without reference BP values. Furthermore, cuff waveform
amplitudes are affected by a number of factors, such as movement artifacts, arrhythmias,
tremors and deep breathing. Arrhythmias present especially difficult problems because their
nature and frequency of occurrence are not always apparent.
4.4 Dual cuff method for the determination of systolic blood pressure
Cuff pressure waveform amplitude methods have been widely used in electronic BP
monitors, but their accuracy has been questioned. The manual method using a
sphygmomanometer and a stethoscope is still the gold standard of noninvasive BP
determination. Improvement in automatic noninvasive methodology is desirable.
We previously studied the use of a finger photoplethysmographic (PPG) waveforms for
improved determination of the SBP (Jilek & Stork, 2004). As illustrated in Fig. 9, the cuff
waveforms appear at cuff pressures well above the SBP. This is in contrast to the
auscultatory method. At CPs higher than SBP no sounds are heard. When CP drops to
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

below SBP the Korotkoff sounds can be heard. Similarly, the PPG waveforms appear just
below the level of SBP. Observation of the waveforms in Fig. 9 makes it obvious that it is
easier to detect SBP with PPG signal than with just the cuff pressure waveforms. The PPG
method has, however, some shortcomings. A PPG transducer must be attached to a finger
and adjusted to detect usable waveforms. When the patients fingers are cold, it becomes
difficult to obtain usable waveforms.

Fig. 11. Wrist cuff waveforms (WCW) and arm cuff waveforms (ACW) obtained
simultaneously. Systolic pressure (SBP) is the point of WCW appearance.
A better method is the use of two cuffs. We used the dual cuff system to study the method.
The arm cuff is used for the determination of MAP and DBP, and the wrist cuff is used to
detect pulsations that appear at CPs lower than SBP. Waveforms acquired during dual-cuff
test are shown in Fig. 11. The upper trace shows waveforms from the wrist cuff (WCW) and
the lower trace shows waveforms from the arm cuff (ACW). The appearance of WCW
indicates SBP. In the test shown in Fig. 11 the SBP measured by WCW appearance was 174
mmHg and the SBP determined by amplitude ratio method was 159 mmHg. The amplitude
ratio method erroneously determined the SBP because of uneven slope S1.
4.5 Determination of hemodynamics from cuff pressures and waveforms
As shown in section 3, cuff pressure waveforms obtained at CPs at or below DBP level
exhibit properties similar to arterial waveforms obtained by other methods. We have
previously investigated the use of wrist cuff pressures and waveforms for the determination
of hemodynamics (Jilek & Stork, 2003). The waveforms are used principally to compute
stroke volume (SV). Since the SV is not obtained by estimating the actual left ventricular
volume, the SV computed from the radial artery must be adjusted for body surface area
(BSA) (formula 5).
BSA = (weight + height 60)/100 [m
, kg, cm] (5)
Cardiac output is then computed by multiplying stroke volume by heart rate:
CO = SV * HR [L/min, mL, bpm] (6)
Cuff Pressure Pulse Waveforms: Their Current and Prospective Application in
Biomedical Instrumentation

Total peripheral resistance (TPR) is obtained by dividing mean arterial pressure by cardiac
TPR=80 * MAP/CO [dyn, mmHg, L/mi] (7)
Systemic arterial compliance (SAC) is computed according to the formula (8), where
SAC = SV/PP = SV / (SBP DBP) [mL, mL, mmHg] (8)

Fig. 12. Graphic and numeric results of a normal test.
This measure of compliance was used because both of the variables used (SV, PP) are
already available. Moreover, pulse pressure is recognized as surrogate measure of arterial
compliance. The computed blood pressure and hemodynamic variables are displayed on the
computer screen as numeric values and as a quadrant graphic format (Fig. 12). The
quadrant shows the relationships of cardiac output (CO), total peripheral resistance (TPR),
and systemic arterial compliance (SAC). TPR and SAC are graphically represented by small
rectangles and they move together on the vertical (CO) axis according to the value of CO.
TPR and SAC rectangles are positioned on the horizontal axis according to their values.
Higher SAC and lower TPR values move the rectangles to the right. Normal values of TPR
and SAC are displayed graphically in the right half of the quadrant. Abnormal values
(usually accompanied by hypertension) are located in the left half.
The values displayed in Fig. 12 are typical values of a normotensive, middle-age male. TPR
and SAC values are graphically represented in the right good half of the quadrant.
Fig. 13. shows hemodynamic values corresponding to chronic hypertension in an elderly
woman. Blood pressures are elevated, cardiac output is within normal range and total
peripheral resistance (TPR) is high. Systemic arterial compliance (SAC) is substantially
reduced. Both TPR and SAC are graphically represented in the left bad half of the
Data from the systems developmental database were used to compute and compare
hemodynamic values estimated by the system with values obtained from a study conducted
by De Simone et al (De Simone et al, 1997). Our data from a group of 41 male and female
volunteers (age 17 -76) were computed. The comparative values are displayed in table 3.
This informal comparison shows good agreement between our HR, SV, CO values and the
values obtained by De Simone.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software


Fig. 13. Test results of a hypertensive woman.

HR [bpm] SV [ml] CO [l/min]
System (n=41) 70 76 5.3
De Simone (n=544) 68 81 5.5
Table 3. Comparison of hemodynamic variables
5. Conclusion and future work
Our preliminary investigation into the nature of cuff pressure waveforms resulted in
promising future possibilities for their practical applications:
A comprehensive database of cuff pulse waveforms and reference BP values could lead
to improved BP determination and to improved testing of automatic BP monitors.
Improved determination of blood pressures from slope transitions.
A new method for improving SBP determination is the use of wrist cuff to detect the
onset of blood flow past the arm cuff.
The estimation of blood pressures and hemodynamics promises to improve the
diagnosis and treatment of resistant hypertension.
Wrist cuff waveforms may find applications as surrogates for radial tonometric

Fig. 14. The blood pressure measuring with dual-cuff method.
Cuff Pressure Pulse Waveforms: Their Current and Prospective Application in
Biomedical Instrumentation

It should, however, be noted that the results of our investigation are preliminary and that
verification studies will have to be performed before the new methods can be applied in
current clinical instrumentation. Example of dual cuff measuring is shown in Fig. 14.
6. References
AAMI, (1999). Acquisition and use of physiologic waveform database for testing of medical
devices, Technical information report AAMI TIR no. 24, Arlington, VA.
Borow, K.M. & Newburger J.W. (1982). Noninvasive estimation of central aortic pressure
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with simultaneous direct ascending aortic pressure measurement, Am Heart J, Vol.
103, pp 879-898.
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transfer function to determine aortic pressure augmentation in subjects with treated
hypertension, J Am Coll Cardiol, Vol. 32, pp 1214-1220.
De Simone G., et al (1997). Stroke volume and cardiac output in normotensive children and
adults. Circulation, Vol. 95, pp 1837-1843.
Geddes, L.A. (1982). Characterization of the oscillometric method for measuring indirect
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hemodynamics from oscillometric waveforms. Proceedings of AE2003 International
Conference, pp 111-114, ISBN 80-7082-951-6, Pilsen, September 2003.
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monitors for individual patients. Blood Press Monit, Vol. 7, pp 313-318.
Jilek, J. & Stork, M. (2004). Improved noninvasive systolic blood pressure detection with
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7043-369-8, Pilsen, September 2005.
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waveforms during blood pressure measurement. Biomed Instrum Technol, Vol. 41,
pp 238-243.
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Sprigfield, Ill., pp 127-133.
Looney, J. (1978). Blood pressure by oscillometry. Med Electron. Pp 57-63.
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Murgo, J.P. et al (1980). Aortic input impedance in normal man: Relationship to pressure
waveforms. Circulation, Vol. 62, pp 105-116.
Ng, K.G. Blood pressure measurement, Med Electron, Vol. 19, pp 61-64.
Posey, J.A. & Geddes, L.A. (1969). The measuring of the point of maximum oscillations in
cuff pressure in the indirect measurement of blood pressure. Cardiovasc Res Bul,
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pressure. J Tokyo Med Coll. Vol. 45, pp 256-270.

Integrated Microfluidic MEMS and
Their Biomedical Applications
Abdulilah A. Dawoud Bani-Yaseen
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science Taibah University,
Al-Madinah Al-Munawarah P.O. Box 30002, KSA
1. Introduction
Microfluidic technology has been revolutionizing the landscape of various fields of
analytical sciences since its introduction back in the early 1990s [1,2]. This emerging
technology offers a variety of advantages over conventional pinch-top chemical
instrumentation, such as performing rapid and low cost analysis, integrating various
functional elements onto a single platform, consuming minimal amount of reagents and
hence producing nominal waste volumes, and being more amenable for portability and
automation. Interestingly, such superiority of these advantages has been demonstrated via
utilizing various microfluidic systems in performing a wide range of tasks for various
applications; this includes biomedical diagnostics [3-6], genomic and proteomics analyses
[7-11], drug discovery and delivery [12-14], and environmental investigations [15-18]. On
the other hand, integrated microfluidic systems has recently gained a great amount of
attention, where the operation process of the microfluidic system is fully controlled via
integrated circuit, which in systems defined as microfluidic micro-electro-mechanical-
systems (MEMS), i.e. microfluidic MEMS.
While the microfluidic technology can be utilized to perform different functionalities,
microfluidic devices that function based on the phenomenon of capillary-electrophoresis
(CE) still the main applicability of this technology [2, 19-22]. Practically, the CE-based
microfluidic devices are utilized to perform sample injection, separation, and detection of a
wide range of analytes. Recently, there has been a great interest in integrating various
detection modes, such as electrochemical and optical detectors, onto microfluidic devices of
various architectures and designs [23-26]. However, notable attentions toward
electrochemical detection (ECD), amperometric detection in particular, have increased.
Although laser induced fluorescence (LIF) is considered as the most sensitive detection
mode interfaced with various separation methods including the microfluidic technology,
LIF is ineffective in detecting molecules that exhibit weak native fluorescence at room
temperature, such as DNA adducts. Thus, ECD, amperometry in particular, offers an
effective remedy for detecting those molecules that are natively weak fluorescent at room
temperature such as Dopamine (DA)-derived DNA adduct (4DA-6-N7Gua) and 8-Hydroxy-
2-deoxyguanosine (8-OH-dG) adduct [26, 27].
Interfacing integrated ECD with CE-based microfluidic devices can fully exploit many
advantages of miniaturization. The sensing electrodes can be arranged in two distinctive
arrangements, namely in-channel and end-channel detection. However, the influence of the
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

electrophoretic current on the detection current necessitates the introduction of a decoupler
for the in-channel detection, whereas optimizing the location of the sensing electrodes near
the exit of the separation channel is necessary for end-channel detection. We have shown
that introducing a palladium decoupler for in-channel ECD significantly enhanced the
stability of the sensing electrode, where the limit of detection (LOD) for sensing 8-OH-dG
was lowered one order of magnitude for the in-channel ECD in comparison to the end-
channel ECD that was used for sensing 4DA-6-N7Gua [27]. The palladium decoupler was
introduced implementing the electroplating technique for depositing nano size palladium
particles on the surface of integrated gold microelectrodes. On the other hand, we have
reported implementing the electroplating technique for enhancing the coulometric efficiency
) of an integrated gold microelectrode for sensing selected biotargets, such as DA, where
was tripled for roughened electroplated sensing gold electrode in comparison to bare
electrodes [28].
DNA adducts formation that results from covalent interaction of genotoxic carcinogens with
DNA can create various mutations in some critical genes and subsequently development of
various diseases, such as cancer [29,30]. There are two general pathways for the formation of
the DNA adducts; first, direct binding of some genotoxic carcinogens DNA to create the
mutation, the second pathway proceeds via certain metabolic pathways, where some active
metabolites can react with the DNA to form the adducts [31,32]. The role of DNA damage
and subsequently formation of DNA adducts that can be considered as potential biomarkers
are of particular importance in studies involving cancer and other diseases [33-36]. In this
chapter, the fabrication and applicability of microfluidic devices with integrated ECD for the
analysis of DNA adducts, namely 4DA-6-N7Gua and 8-OH-dG adducts are outlined. In
particular, the applicability of the microfluidic device with end-channel and in-channel
detections was evaluated for the analysis of 4DA-6-N7Gua and 8-OH-dG DNA adducts,
2. Principle of operation
In CE-based microfluidic systems, the flow of liquids inside the microchannels is driven
according to the electrokinetic phenomenon. On the other hand, electrophoresis is defined
as the migration of electrically charged specie under the influence of external electric field.
As many details pertaining to this phenomenon can be found in the literature, brief
description of this phenomenon is provided here. Wide range of solid materials acquires
surface charge upon coming into contact with electrolytes, where this surface charge attracts
counter charged species to form a very thin layer, which in turn known as Stern layer and
consequently another layer is formed under the influence of Stern layer known as Gouy-
Chapman layer. Hence, both layers jointly form the electrical double layer (EDL). It is
noteworthy mentioning that the formation of EDL is mandatory to generate a flow inside
the microchannels, where upon applying an electric field along the microchannel; charged
species as well as solvent molecules migrate toward the counter charged electrodes to
generate what is known as the electroosmotic flow (EOF). The speed of EOF (u
) is
governed according to Helmholtz-Smoluchowski equation [37,38]:


= (1)
Integrated Microfluidic MEMS and their Biomedical Applications

where, is the dielectric constant, is viscosity of the solution, E
is strength of the electric
field, is the zeta potential.
However, as the u
concerns the speed of bulk solution, mainly generated by migration of
solvent molecules, another parameter that is characteristic for other charged species known
as the electro-osmotic mobility (


where, q is the ion charge, r is the ion radius. Furthermore, it is worth mentioning that CE is
one type of electrophoresis with various modes, including Capillary Zone Electrophoresis
(CZE), Capillary Isoelectric Focusing (CIEF), Capillary Gel Electrophoresis (CGE), Capillary
Isotachophoresis (ITP), Capillary Electrokinetic Chromatography (EKC), Non-Aqueous
Capillary Electrophoresis (NACE), and Capillary Electrochromatography (CEC). Hence, the
common characteristic of all these modes of CE is the fact that they are electrophoretic
processes performed in a capillary tube with usually a diameter that less than 100 m. Thus,
in caparison to the hydrodynamic driven flow inside the same capillary, one can notice that
EOF and hydrodynamic driven flow profile flat and laminar flow with broad profile,
respectively. Such observation can be attributed to the fact that there is no pressure drop
along the capillary operating under EOF due to uniformity of EOF along the capillary, and
hence flat profile is observed for the EOF. In addition, CE systems are used frequently for
performing separation experiments that is analogous to other separation techniques, such as
high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), where the main task is to separate a
mixture of various analytes into its components followed by analyzing these components
quantitatively and/or qualitatively. It is noteworthy mentioning that all analytes migrate
toward the cathode where a detector is aligned across the end of the capillary regardless
their charge, and hence the migration of each analyte is characterized by the apparent
electro-osmotic mobility (
) instead of (
), where (
) and (
) are correlated as:

a e EOF
= + (3)
On the other hand, various modes of detection have been interfaced with CE systems; this
includes electrochemical detection (mainly amperometric and conductometric), laser
induced fluorescence (LIF), UV-Vis absorption, Raman spectroscopy, mass spectrometry,
-NMR spectroscopy, refractive index spectroscopy, and FT-IR spectroscopy. In principle,
all theories and mechanism of flow that govern CE systems can be extended to govern
microfluidic systems operating under electrokinetic phenomenon. Commonly, a capillary
that is made of silica is used for performing CE, where the double layer is constructed
between the ionized hydroxyl groups (Si-O
) and protons (H
) that correspond to both
surface charge and buffer species, respectively. Thus, it is essential to fabricate the
microfluidic system from a material that can support the formation of the EDL. Hence,
various types of materials have been utilized for fabricating microfluidic devices operating
under electrokinetic phenomenon. Among these materials, glass and polymeric materials
are the most popular ones. Glass exhibit characteristics, such has optically transparent, well-
understood surface characteristics that are analogous to fused silica, chemicals resistant, and
electrically insulator. On the other hand various types of polymers have been recently
utilized for fabricating microfluidic systems; where among these materials PDMS is
considered as the most popular one. However, while glass exhibit physicochemical
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

properties that are more analogous to fused silica than PDMS, its relatively more
complicated fabrication procedure in comparison to PDMS renders its application in
advanced microfluidic systems, such as integrated microfluidic MEMS. Furthermore,
fabricating integrated necessitates the inclusion of detection mode to the microfluidic
MEMS. Hence, integrating ECD to the microfluidic MEMS is considered the most practical
approach in term ease and expenses of fabrication, which in turn if particular importance
when disposability of biomedical Microdevices is needed. Figure 1 exhibits a schematic
representation for CE interfaced with amperometric detection mode. As can be noticed,
chemical specie in a reduced form migrates with the EOF at
in the direction toward the
electrophoretic cathode, where it is oxidized upon coming into contact with surface of the
working electrode (WE) to generate a current that is proportional to its concentration. It is
noteworthy mentioning herein that similar principle of operation is applied for microfluidic
MEMS with EC detection presented in this chapter.

Fig. 1. Experimental setup for CE system interfaced with 3-electrode electrochemical
3. Experimental
3.1 Chemicals, reagents & materials:
DNA adducts: DA-derived DNA adduct (4DA-6-N7Gua), 2.8-Hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine
(8-OHdG; neurotransmitters: dopamine, L-tyrosine, L-DOPA; separation buffers (10 mM):
boric acid, monosodium phosphate, 2-[N-morpholino] ethanesulfonic acid (MES); Metals:
gold, titanium; sodium hydroxide, ), deoxyguanosine (dG), catechol; photoresists (SU-8 25,
AZ-5214); photoresists developers (Microchem); gold etchant: iodine and potassium iodine
(1:4, w:w); organic solvents: acetone, methanol, ethanol; Poly dimethylsiloxane (PDMS)
(Sylgard 184); potassium hexachloropalladate (IV) (K
); sodium tetrachloroaurate (III).
Integrated Microfluidic MEMS and their Biomedical Applications

O (NaAuCl
. 2H
O); potassium hexachloroplatinate (IV) (K
); morphine; codeine;
glass microscopic slides; silicon wafers; and photomasks. All materials were purchased from
commercial suppliers and were used as received, except for 4DA-6-N7Gua.
3.2 Equipments
Radio frequency (RF) plasma cleaner, resistive evaporation system, spin coater, stream of high
purity nitrogen, UV light exposing system, potentiostat, DC power supply, picoammeter.
3.3 Methods
3.3.1 DNA adducts synthesis
Detailed outline for the synthesis of 4DA-6-N7Gua was published previously [39]; in brief:
1. DA is oxidized using silver oxide (Ag
O) in dry dimethylformamide (DMF) to form the
DA quinone.
2. The of solution of DA quinone is filtered onto a solution of dG in
O (v:v:v, 1:1:1); the solution is stirred for approximately 10 hr at
room temperature.
3. The 4DA-6-N7Gua adduct is purified using preparative HPLC system and can be
verified using
H NMR and mass spectrometry.
3.3.2 Sample preparation
1. Stock solutions of 1mM of each analytes is prepared in the running buffer and kept
frozen at -20 C until further needed.
2. Analytes solution with different desired concentrations can be prepared daily by
diluting the stock solutions using the running buffer.
3. Various running buffers with a concentration of 10 mM and different pH were prepared
by dissolving a desired amount of the buffer sample in highly pure water; adjustment
to the desired pH was performed using a solution of 0.5 M NaOH.
3.3.3 Microfluidic devic1 Fabrication PDMS microchannel fabrication
1. The PDMS slabs with microchannels network is prepared implementing the
micromolding technique and using a mold that is made of SU-8025 photoresist
polymerized on silicon wafer.
2. The mold is prepared by spin coating the photoresist on the surface of the silicon wafer,
followed by the necessary drying process.
3. The desired architecture of the microchannels network is transferred onto the mold
through exposing the silicon wafer (covered with the photoresist) to UV light through
in-house prepared photomask, followed by the curing process.
4. Pre-polymerized PDMS solution is prepared and degassed shortly before starting the
micromolding procedure.
5. The PDMS solution is poured onto the mold, followed by a curing process at 65C for 2 hr.
6. Then the PDMS slab is peeled off the mold gently and kept in clean area until further
needed. Optimal microchannels dimensions that are recommended are 25 and 75 m
for the depth and width, respectively. The length of the separation channel may vary,
which depends on the resolution that is expected from the separation process; hence,
longer separation channel is needed for better resolution.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

216 Metalic microelectrodes fabrication
1. Pre-cleaned glass substrates are loaded inside the resistive evaporation chamber.
2. Two layers of titanium and gold are deposited onto the substrates surfaces with
thickness of 10 and 200 nm, respectively.
3. Thin layer of photoresist (AZ-5214) is spun coated on the surface of the substrates then
dried at 90C for 20 min.
4. The pattern of the microelectrodes is transferred to the substrates through exposing the
substrates to UV light through a photomask that encloses the structure of the
5. After the UV exposure, the photoresist is developed, followed by hardening process at
120C for 20 min.
6. The substrates are immersed inside freshly prepared solution of gold etchant with
shaking for approximately 2 minutes.
7. After the etching process, the pattern of the microelectrodes is clear and the remaining
photoresist is wiped away through rinsing the substrates with acetone then methanol in
order to expose the surface of the gold electrodes. Carbon microelectrodes fabrication
Schematic representation of the fabrication process is presented in Figure 2.

glass slide
gold layer
carbon ink
carbon electrode
glass slide
gold layer
glass slide
gold layer
carbon ink
carbon electrode

Fig. 2. Step-by-step procedure for microfabrication of carbon microelectrode integrated
within microfluidic MEMS
Integrated Microfluidic MEMS and their Biomedical Applications

1. Ending with the substrate in the previous section, thin layer of photoresist (AZ-5214) is
spun coated on the surface of the substrates then dried at 90C for 20 min.
2. The pattern of the microchannel, where the carbon ink will be injected, is transferred to
the substrates through exposing the substrates to UV light through a photomask that
encloses the structure of the microchannel.
3. After the UV exposure, the photoresist is developed, followed by hardening process at
120C for 20 min.
4. Drops of buffered HF are added over the exposed area that defines the location of the
microchannel on the substrate. The depth of the microchannel can measured frequently
till reach an optimum depth of approximately 15 m.
5. After the etching process, the pattern of the microelectrodes is clear and the remaining
photoresist is wiped away through rinsing the substrates with acetone then methanol in
order to expose the surface of the substrate.
6. Small piece of PDMS with two holes is bonded reversibly to the microelectrodes
substrate, where the two holes on the PDMS match the two end of the microchannel.
7. A drop of the carbon ink is loaded into one hole while applying vacuum to the other hole.
8. The carbon ink will fill the microchannel, then the PDMS slab can be removed, and the
carbon microelectrode is left for dryness at room temperature for 1 hr. Microdevice assembling
9. The PDMS slab with the microchannels is cut onto the desired size using a lazar blade.
10. Four holes are created at the end of each microchannel using hand-punch holes maker.
11. For cleaning, the PDMS slab is immersed in ethanol and sonicated for 10 min., then
dried at 60C.
12. Assembling the microfluidic device is carried out either reversibly or irreversibly by
binding the PDMS slab with the microchannels to the gold-patterned glass substrate.

Fig. 3. Integrated microfluidic device with ECD (A): buffer reservoir (a), sample reservoir
(b), waste reservoirs (c, d), separation channel (e), an array of working electrodes (1-10),
reference electrode (11), auxiliary electrode (12), electrodes for injection and separation (13-
15), frame (B): enlarged image for the microchannel where injection is performed; frame (C):
enlarged image for the detection zone where the array of the microelectrodes are located.
Note: the first electrode serves as decoupler for the in-channel detection.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

13. To carry out the reversible binding, the PDMS slab is bound to the glass substrate
without any further treatment.
14. For the irreversible binding, the PDMS slab and the glass substrate are subjected to RF-
plasma treatment operating with stream of oxygen at 1-Torr for 1 min; then they are
brought onto contact tightly. Figure 3 shows detailed image for the integrate
microfluidic MEMS.
3.3.4 Electroplating procedure
Schematic representation for experimental setup of electrochemical deposition of metals
nanoparticles son the surface of microelectrodes inside microchannels is presented in Figure 4.

Fig. 4. Experimental setup for electrochemical deposition of metals nanoparticles on the
surface of microelectrodes inside a microchannel of microfluidic MEMS

-600 -400 -200 0 200 400 600 800
Potential (mV) vs Au

-600 -400 -200 0 200 400 600 800
Potential (mV) vs Au


Fig. 5. Typical cyclic voltammogram of gold electrode obtained using 50 mM of HClO
; scan
rate: 100 mV/sec
Integrated Microfluidic MEMS and their Biomedical Applications

1. The cleanness of the gold electrodes should be checked before performing the
electroplating process. Cyclic voltammograms (CVs) in the range -500 - 700 mV and
scan rate of 100 mV/cm using an ionic solution (e.g. 50 mM HClO
) is performed.
Figure 5 shows typical example of CV for clean gold surfaces, where observing the
adsorption/desorption peaks of oxygen are efficient strategy for evaluating the
cleanness of the gold electrodes surfaces.
2. Solution of K
(10 mM) is loaded into the waste reservoir (labeled as A in Figure 4)
while applying vacuum to the waste reservoir (B) in order to fill the microchannel with
the depositing solution.
3. Square potential signal is applied between 0 and -1800 mV from a potentiostat with a
frequency of 2 Hz, see inset in Figure 4.
3.3.5 Electrophoresis
4. Prior to performing any electrophoresis separation process, the microchannels are
flushed with a solution of NaOH (0.1 M) for 10 minutes followed by flushing with
deionized water for another 10 min. The flushing is performed by loading the desired
solution to the reservoirs a,b, and c while applying vacuum to the reservoir d.
5. After the flushing process, the microchannels are filled with the running buffer.
6. Fresh buffer and sample solutions are added loaded onto reservoirs a and b, respectively.
7. After the sample is injected (see below), a separation voltage is applied in the range 100-
300 V/cm. For each separation process, fresh buffer solution is loaded.
3.3.6 Injection
Simplified gated injection is applied, where single power supply is used for injection and
separation, via which a variable resistor is connected to the sample reservoir; hence, a
relevant voltage is applied to the sample reservoir (e.g. 75% of that is applied to the buffer
reservoir). Figure 6 illustrates detailed procedure with real images for the injection process.

Fig. 6. Illustration of the simplified gated injection process using single power supply. Left
column: schematic operation; right column: experimental imaging of real injection process.
Frames A, B, and C correspond to the pre-injection, injection, and the post-injection
(separation) steps, respectively. Microfluidic labels: buffer reservoir (a), sample reservoir (b),
waste reservoirs (c, d), variable resistors (R1, R2); injection time: 1 sec.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

The injection process consists of 3 steps:
1. Pre-injection, where voltage is applied between reservoirs b.r.-w.r.1 and s.r.-w.r.1;
during this step, the sample solution fills the microchannel that connects reservoirs s.r.
and w.r.1 while the flow of the buffer solution between reservoirs b.r. and w.r.1
prevents the sample solution to flow toward the separation channel.
Injection, the electrode in b.r. is floated for approximately 1 sec, which causes the sample
solution to flow toward the separation channel.
2. Post-injection (separation), the electrode in b.r. is reconnected, and hence the conditions
for the pre-injection are resumed; however, a sample plug is generated and the
separation process begins.
3.4 Electrochemical detection
All electrochemical measurements are performed using 3-electrode configuration with in-
channel and end-channel detection; in both arrangements the auxiliary and reference
electrodes are located inside the waste reservoir d:
3.4.1 End-Channel detection
The working electrode is located at very short distance from the separation channel exit (~
15 m) and inside the waste reservoir d. An array of ten microelectrodes that can serve as
individual working electrodes is fabricated in order to assure locating the working electrode
abruptly after the separation channel exit. The position of the working electrode is
optimized using the microelectrodes array that spreads over a total distance of
approximately 1 mm, which offers positioning the microelectrodes at different locations
from the separation channel exit. Within this arrangement, the working electrode is located
before the electrophoretic ground, and hence both electrodes are located inside the waste
reservoir d.
3.4.2 In-Channel detection (implementing Pd decoupler)
The working electrode is located inside the separation channel e, after the electrophoretic
ground. Within this arrangement, a decoupler is introduced via electrodepositing palladium
particles on the surface of the first microelectrode of the array (electrode # 1 in Figure 3). The
distance between the decoupler and the working electrode is optimized using the
microelectrodes 2 to 10 individually.
After optimizing the location of the working electrode, optimizing the amperometric
detection before the separation process is needed for each arrangement. The optimized
detection potential for each analyte is determined through constructing the hydrodynamic
voltammograms under similar injection and separation conditions. Figure 7 shows typical
hydrodynamic voltammograms for various analytes of interests, including the 4DA-6-
N7Gua and 8-OH-dG DNA adducts.
4. Discussion and technical notes
Various issues and technical approaches have to be considered upon performing analyses
using the microfluidic MEMS. Among these issues, stability of the DNA adducts is critical
issue, where leaving the sample solution at room temperature for a long time could lead to
oxidizing the DNA adducts and their related analytes, especially at basic pH. Observing
Integrated Microfluidic MEMS and their Biomedical Applications


Fig. 7. Hydrodynamic voltammograms of DA (380 M) and 4DA-6-N7Gua adduct (500 M),
and dG (50 M) and 8-Oh-dG adduct (75 M) obtained using end-channel and in-channel
with electroplated Pd decoupler ECD, respectively. Operating conditions: 10 mM borate
buffer at pH 9.1, injection time: 1 sec; separation electric field: 200 and 300 V/cm for A and
B, respectively.
brownish color for the 4DA-6-N7Gua adduct and related neurotransmitters is indication for
the formation of the corresponding quinones as a result of the oxidation reaction in solution.
Hence, preserving the analytes solutions at low temperature (-20C) is essential for
increasing the lifetime of the analytes under investigation.
The dimensions of the microchannels are controlled by the photomask and the photoresist
viscosity; while the length and the width of the microchannels are controlled by the
photomask dimensions, the viscosity of the photoresist controls the depth of the
microchannels. Importantly, choosing the right photoresist with certain viscosity and
following the recipes provided by the photoresist vendor are essential for obtaining the
desired microchannels depth. The microchannels dimensions are critical for obtaining
stable electrochemical signal. Hence, wide and shallow microchannels are recommended for
obtaining stable detection current, where deep microchannels exhibit high electrophoretic
current, which in turn reduces the stability of the background detection current. In addition,
Starting with ultra clean microscopic glass slides is essential for obtaining good adhesion of
the metals on the glass surface, which in turn can increase the durability of the
microelectrodes. Furthermore, the titanium layer is needed to serve as seed layer for the
gold layer. While other metals, such as chromium can be used too, titanium exhibits better
adhesion properties toward the glass surface. Titanium layer > 10 nm is not recommended,
where thicker layer of titanium requires using special etchant that may etch the upper layer
of gold, and hence losing the continuity of the microelectrodes strips. Also, following the
instruction that are provided by the photoresist (AZ-5214) vendor for processing the gold
payer patterning is recommended for obtaining defined shapes for the gold microelectrodes
stripes. The concentration of the gold etchant is critical in obtaining defined shapes for gold
microelectrodes stripes, where more concentrated etchant needs shorter etching time. As the
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

iodine-based gold etchant has deep blue color, it is hard to observe the completion of the
etching process, and hence checking out the etching process periodically is recommended.
Etching for a long time could cause to break the continuity of the gold microelectrodes
Using different materials for fabrication the microelectrode that serve as working electrode
can also be utilized [40,41]. In particular, carbon electrodes can exhibit lower noise current
and wider detection window. Such features are of significant importance upon analyzing
electrochemically chemical species with large geometrical structures, such as codeine and
related metabolites. Figure 8 shows normalized CVs of four related materials of forensic
interests, namely codeine, morphine, hydromorphone and normorphine. Interestingly,
carbon ink based electrodes exhibit background CV that is comparable to CV observed for
commercial glassy carbon electrodes frequently used electrochemical experimentation,
which has characteristic importance in analyzing electrochemically chemical species at
relatively high potential such as codeine.

Fig. 8. Normalized CV of codeine, morphine, normorphine, and hydromorphone over CI
electrode 10mM MES buffer. Scan rate 100 mV/s.
While the reversible binding of the PDMS slab to the gold-patterned glass substrate is easier
to perform than the irreversible binding, microchannels with hydrophobic surfaces are
produced, and hence difficulties in filling the microchannels are observed in addition to
retarded electroosmotic flow. In addition, reversibly assembled microdevice cannot stand
higher pressure that could be developed because of generating air bubbles, which in turn
could damage the microdevice. On the other hand, irreversibly assembled microdevice can
Integrated Microfluidic MEMS and their Biomedical Applications

stand much higher pressure with preferably hydrophilic microchannels. However, it is
worth mentioning that the plasma-treated PDMS surfaces have to be assembled within
approximately 3 min to obtain strong binding, where the PDMS surfaces notably lose their
binding strength after exposing to air for longer time. Furthermore, the hydrophilic
microchannels can retain their hydrophilicity for approximately 1 hr upon being exposed to
air. Thus, it is highly recommended to keep the microchannels wet using aqueous solutions,
e.g. filling the microchannels with the running buffer or water immediately after the
assembling process. Interestingly, the array of the microelectrodes over a total distance of
approximately 1 mm facilitates the process of the aligning process without using
It is noteworthy mentioning that the cleanness of the microelectrodes surfaces is critical
issue for obtaining high sensitivity and hence reliable analysis. As it is expected that the
gold surface could get contaminated during the fabrication process, it is essential to ensure
that the microelectrodes surfaces are ultra cleaned before performing any ECD. Also, clean
surfaces are necessary for obtaining stable palladium electrophoretic ground produced
using the electroplating technique. The length of the electroplating process strongly depends
on the desired density of the palladium electroplated decoupler, which in turn depends on
the applied separation electric field and the running buffer. For high density of electroplated
palladium, longer deposition time is needed (e.g. 4 min); meanwhile, applying vacuum
periodically during the electroplating process to the other end of the microchannel in order
to refresh the electroplating solution is recommended for obtaining efficient electroplating
process. It is noteworthy that vigorous formation of air bubbles at the electrophoretic
ground may cause the electroplated palladium particles to be released from the gold surface,
and hence interrupting the separation process.
Obtaining electrophoretic separation with high resolution depends on several factors
including the separation channel length, the running buffer, and the applied separation
electric field. As longer separation channel is expected to offer better resolution, longer
analysis time is observed, which contradicts the advantageous features of using microfluidic
devices to perform chromatographic and electrophoretic separation. On the other hand,
performing the electrophoretic separation at low separation electric field could lead to
diffusion-controlled detection process, and hence reduced sensitivity is observed. However,
higher separation electric field has the advantages of observing better sensitivity due to
more efficient interaction between the analyte and the electrochemical sensing electrode.
Unfortunately, less stable and high level of background detection current is observed for
end-channel detection current. However, reduced effect for the higher separation electric
field is observed for the in-channel detection with palladium decoupler, and hence notable
enhanced sensitivity and stability of the in-channel detection is observed. Figure 9 shows the
effect of the applied separation voltage on the capillary electrophoretic separation of 8-OH-
dG and dG. For ECD interfaced with capillary electrophoresis, the electrophoretic current
strongly affects the detection current; thus, using running buffer with low ionic mobility is
recommended. Hence, MES buffer is widely used as running buffer for ECD interfaced with
CE. However, using MES buffer as the running buffer for performing an electrophoretic
separation of a mixture of 4DA-6-N7Gua, dopamine, L-tyrosine, L-DOPA, and catechol, and
a mixture of dG and 8-OH-dG generated electropherograms with only two and one peaks,
respectively. Interestingly, although borate buffer exhibit higher ionic mobility than MES
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

buffer, significantly enhanced resolution is observed. Figure 10 shows an electropherogram
for the separation of a mixture of 4DA-6-N7Gua, dopamine, L-tyrosine, L-DOPA, and
catechol obtained using borate buffer with end-channel ECD arrangement. Generally,
optimizing the separation process strongly depends on the nature of the analytes under
investigation, where each separation parameter has to be optimized separately.

Fig. 9. Separation of dG (50 M) and 8-OH-dG adduct (75 M) at various separation electric
fields. Operating conditions:10 mM borate buffer (pH 9.5), injection time: 1 sec, EC potential:
900 mV vs Au.
PDMS has weak heat dissipation capability, and hence high Joules heating that is observed
at high electrophoretic current could cause severe damage to the microfluidic device. As can
be seen in Figure 3, the variable resister # 2 that is connected in series with waste reservoir
(w.r. 1) provides comparable electric field along the injection microchannel to that is
observed along the separation channel. Such arrangement is essential while using single
power supply for injection and separation. Gated injection offers variable sample plugs
size, where more intense signal is observed for long injection time (e.g. 2-5 sec). However,
large sample plugs size generates low resolution. Hence, optimizing the injection time is
performed depending on the complexity of the mixture to be analyzed, where shorter
injection time is recommended for more complex sample. Finally, the durability of the
microfluidic device depends mainly on the lifetime of the sensing electrodes. Working
electrode passivation during the ECD, which results from the adsorption of some oxidized
analytes, could reduce the sensitivity of the working electrode. Thus, applying sinusoidal
wave potential regularly and after each injection process is recommended.
Integrated Microfluidic MEMS and their Biomedical Applications


Fig. 10. Electropherogram for the separation of a mixture of 200 M 4-DA-6-N7Gua adduct
and related analytes. Operating conditions: 10 mM Borate buffer (pH 9.1), separation electric
field: 140 V/cm, injection time: 1 sec, EC potential: +1000 mV vs Au.
5. Acknowledgement.
The author is grateful to the Strategic Research Unit at Taibah University (Nanotechnology
Program Project Grant 08-NANO-22-05) for partial support of the work. The author also is
thankful to Dr. Elham Mohammad at Taibah Universuty, Prof. R.Jankowiak at Kansas State
University (KS, USA), and Dr. T. Kawaguchi at Hokaido University (Japan) for their
valuable discussion and support.
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MEMS Biomedical Sensor for Gait Analysis
Yufridin Wahab and Norantanum Abu Bakar
University Malaysia Perlis
1. Introduction
Gait analysis is the study of lower limb movement patterns and involves the identification of
gait events and the measurements of kinetics and kinematics parameters. These include for
example, toe-off, landing, stance, swing, displacement, speed, acceleration, force, pressure and
the pressure-time-integral. Gait analysis is a very important procedure in assessing and
improving many quality of life indicators. In sports, gait analysis can be used to improve
athletes performance and injury prevention. For patients, such as those suffering from
diabetes, gait analysis can be used to screen for development of foot ulceration thus preventing
them. In term of gait stability, gait analysis is proven to be very helpful in assessing and
improving balance among the elderly, patients with diabetes or peripheral neuropathy and
many other sicknesses. Gait analysis is also widely used in rehabilitation.
The occurrence of fall is becoming more of a significant health threat recently. This is due to
the fact that the worldwide phenomenon of growing population of the elderly is
continuously observed in many developed and developing countries. It is estimated that the
worlds elderly citizen will reach 2 billion in 2050 from current figure of 670 million. To
make matters worse, the total number of the worlds diabetic sufferers is increasing from
171 million in 2000 to 366 million in 2030, with an obvious trend of surging proportion for
the above 65 years group.
In order to further understand the situation that leads to the health hazard, many research
groups around the world are seriously looking into the matter. Recently, it is reported that
foot plantar pressure can be used to asses gait stability and risk of fall. In addition, foot
clearance above ground/floor during gait is also reported to be related to the occurrence of
fall among the elderly. This is especially true when the foot is swaying on the air, or also
called swing phase. Notably, pressure is measured when the foot is already touching the
ground, which is known as stance phase, while clearance is measured during mid-swing to
heel strike. If both pressure and clearance parameters of gait analysis are used together in an
integrated manner, a better way of fall prediction and prevention can be produced.
In addition to assessing balance, the measurement of foot plantar pressure and foot
clearance are also useful in many other gait assessments. This foot pressure measurement
has wide applications, for example in screening for high risk diabetic foot ulceration, design
of orthotics for diabetes mellitus and peripheral neuropathy, footwear design, sports injury
prevention in athletes, study of the development of gait among the children plus many
more. It also can be used to identify gait events such as heel strike, toe off, the timing of
swing, stance, stride, the double support phase and also cadence. If stride length is known,
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

the horizontal speed and acceleration can also be determined. On the other hand, the foot
clearance measurement can also be useful in determining the vertical component of gait
kinematics such as maximum vertical displacement, vertical velocity and its acceleration.
At current, the health system is still lacking. While the ratio of medical professional to
patients is reducing, such measurements are still mostly conducted in exclusive research
facilities, rehabilitation laboratories or hospitals. For example, the use of gait mats, force
sensing platforms, motion analysis systems with efficient computer processing and
ultrasonic ranging system are used for indoor analysis. Despite their efficiency and
reliability, these state-of-the-art measurement systems are still using the bulky old fashioned
technology. Considering the global trend of increasing elderly and diabetic population, a
major paradigm shift is therefore highly required. As a solution, the advances in the
instrumentation technology should be explored and used to its fullest capability. The aim is
to enable the measurement to be performed in the patients real environment with the
revolutionary e-health connectivity and supporting pervasive healthcare concept.
While e-health system demands internet application for better management and
implementation of healthcare provision, pervasive healthcare promotes wireless
interconnection between monitoring devices. In this case, sensors that are part of body
sensor network can be used. These sensors should not interfere with the actual movement
itself so that the readings are representative of the actual tasks performed. This demands
that the devices be small, lightweight and easily attached to the shoes or feet. One possible
way of satisfying such exclusive demands is, of course, through the application of the fast
developing micro-electro-mechanical system (MEMS) technology. This relatively new but
promising instrumentation technology provides a great opportunity to further advance the
intended gait measurement system.
This technology is proven to be capable of shrinking the device size, integrating sensors and
actuators with their processing and controlling circuitry and lowering the power
consumption of the overall system. The fusion of its technology is now covering wide
applications across a multitude of disciplines from medical to military and spaces from in-
vitro of human body organs to the infinity of aerospace. The great achievement has been
due to cheap and easy integration of microelectronic signal processing circuits and MEMS
technologies. Thus, the potential of these technologies should be explored in the design of
newer generation of gait analysis instruments to ensure greater progress of the gait analysis
application with significant impact to society. Therefore, in this thesis, the exploration and
realization of micro-sensors for the measurement of gait parameters using MEMS
technology is explained.
As roughly mentioned in the previous section, the current status of the development of
untethered in-shoe gait stability measurement devices is still lacking behind the reality of
technology achievement. In this subsection, the motivation for this research is described.
Specifically, with respect to their measurand, the current devices are not fully optimized in
many aspects.
Foot Clearance:
Not suitable for real world or outdoor measurement.
Not cost effective
Not enabling efficient signal processing
Not fully integratable for better reliability and long lasting use
MEMS Biomedical Sensor for Gait Analysis

Foot Plantar Pressure:
Not providing the required pressure range for diabetic related application
Not supporting efficient signal processing
Exhibits hysteresis and other weaknesses.
Most interestingly, despite the proven track records, there is no reported innovation that
targets gait analysis parameters of clearance and plantar pressure concurrently based on
MEMS as yet.
2. Trends in human motion measurement
Gait is simply defined as a style of walking (Curran, 2005). Gait analysis is the study of lower
limb movement patterns and involves the measurements of kinetics and kinematics
parameters. These include, for example gait events and phases such as toe-off, landing, stance,
swing, double support, and kinematics such as foot displacement, speed, acceleration, and
kinetics such as force, pressure and the pressure-time-integral (Rodgers, 1988). The
understanding of normal gait principles is the basis for understanding the pathologic and
compensatory gait deficits. Normal gait for human being is bipedal in nature that
distinguishes human from other primates but is often taken for granted until something goes
wrong (Curran, 2005). It is achieved by use of the lower limbs that comprise of foot as one of
the key parts. The foot is a complex structure that is made of 26 bones, 33 joints and more than
300 soft-tissue structures (Curran, 2005). As the terminal structure in the human kinetic chain,
it performs the pivotal roles of dissipator for compressive, tensile and shear forces while
performing rotational motions during stance. In other words, from a podiatrics point of view,
foot functions as a shock absorber, a mobile adapter and finally a rigid lever (Curran, 2005).
Nowadays, the need for the measurement of human motion parameters is getting higher due
to the increase in the number of fields requiring it, especially numerous medical
specializations (Simon, 2004), activity of daily living (ADL) assesment and sports (Billing et
al.,2006; Aminian & Najafi, 2004). In medical field, the use of gait analysis encompasses the
tests for central nervous disorders, locomotor disorders, rheumatology, orthopedics,
endocrinology and neurology (Simon, 2004). At present, the measurement is mostly performed
in specialized facilities such as hospital or laboratories (Best & Begg, 2006). These facilities
require very high setting up cost (Simon, 2004). Despite the high cost, it is argued that the
performed measurement is not accurate or a true representative of the actual daily activities of
the subject as it is claimed to only gauge a persons potential walking ability at a given time
(Simon, 2004). In fact, the facilities also limit the space usable for the measurement. It is
claimed that the most inconvenient aspects of these systems is the fact that the subject must
walk in a closed and restrained space (Aminian & Najafi, 2004). The expanding use of gait
analysis is catalyzed by the fact that it is able to evaluate walking out-of-the lab where most
of the daily living activities are performed (Simon, 2004). As an example, it is reported that the
locations where falls occur are 77 % outside of the house (Berg et al., 1997). Even though the
recent instruments does not measure the gait in real living condition, the trends is moving
towards that direction. In addition to their competitive price, user friendliness, miniaturized
for portability, capability of efficiently recording and processing larger number of parameters
in less time and space are among the required traits of such devices (Simon, 2004). Obviously,
these dream system can only be materialized by adoption of the already practically proven
microelectronics and micro-electro-mechanical system technologies.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

These technologies are said to bring over a number of significant improvements into
biomedical instrumentation realization which includes miniaturization, low power
consumption, full integration of system and also low cost of production (Bryzek et al., 2006;
Jovanov et al., 2005; Hierold,2003). Miniaturization is a great advantage as it means the
devices or systems should require only small volume of space. With low power
consumption, only small batteries might be needed as power supply, or maybe even energy
scavenging can be enough to power them up, if not a combination of them. As full system
integration on single silicon chip is also possible, the signal processing and computation can
be performed on the same silicon piece with greatly improved overall system performance.
Most interestingly, the low per-unit cost is what business and consumers are looking for in
every product and have been an undeniable trend (Grace, 1991). In addition,
technologically, it also offers numerous materials that not only excellent mechanically for
sensing and actuation (Bryzek et al., 2006), they are also biologically compatible (Kotzar et
al., 2002). Undoubtedly, these MEMS based devices are the promising tools for outdoor
ambulatory measurement and monitoring (Aminian & Najafi, 2004). More interestingly,
biomedical application is considered as one of the key new frontiers of MEMS based device
development in the future with the worth of billions of dollars (Ko, 2007; Kotzar et al., 2002).
In short, with the integration of elegant engineering, advanced instrumentation technology
and continuous development in computing propels the art and science of human movement
analysis beyond its basic description towards a more prominent role in surgery decision
making, orthosis design, rehabilitation, ergonomics and sports (Curran, 2005).
3. Foot pressure measurement: an overview
Fig. 1 depicts foot plantar pressure pattern during gait. The foot is the key limb in human
movement. Without foot, a persons mobility is significantly reduced. As a result, the
activities of daily living are limited and quality of life is dropped. One way of determining
the foot health is by examining the foot plantar pressure. For example, foot ulceration due to
diabetes related excessive foot plantar pressure is estimated to cause over $1 billion per year
worth of medical expenses in the United States alone (Mackey & Davis, 2006). Diabetes is
now considered an epidemic and the number of patients is expected to increase from 171
million in 2000 to 366 million in 2030 (Wild et al., 2004). It is therefore critical to ensure the
availability of an accurate and efficient technique of measuring this type of pressure.
In fact, the interface pressure between foot plantar surface and shoe soles is among the key
parameters frequently measured in biomechanical research. This parameter is widely used
in various applications, for example, screening for high risk diabetic foot ulceration, design
of orthotics for pressure redistribution of diabetes mellitus and peripheral neuropathy
patients, design of footwear (Mueller,1999), improvement of balance (Santarmou et al.,2006;
Bamberg et al., 2006), sports injury prevention in athletes (Gefen, 2002).
Traditionally, the foot plantar pressure measurement is performed in the specialized
settings such as laboratories, hospitals or other clinical premises (Best & Begg, 2006). This
includes various gait analysis systems such as foot plantar pressure platforms and foot
plantar pressure mats. Due to their sizes and the number of equipments required, these
measurement systems require specialized settings.
As the depicted pressure measuring systems measure barefoot pressure, the results are
obviously not representing real dynamics of foot-shoe interactions. Due to these two

MEMS Biomedical Sensor for Gait Analysis


Fig. 1. Foot plantar pressure changes during gait. The foot plantar pressure during stance
phase can be measured using many methods and tools.
obvious limitations, a more natural way of measuring pressure is highly required. For that
reason, in-shoe pressure measurement devices are more suitable for use in natural living
3.1 In-shoe pressure sensing
Nowadays, a number of foot-shoe pressure sensors are available in the market and many are
mentioned in (Urry, 1999). These sensors are made of many different types of material,
using different types of manufacturing technologies, made in different sizes, characterized
by unique specifications and are operated based on various measurement techniques.
The materials include flexible polymeric layers, dielectrics and also electrical conductors.
Some materials used in the sensor development limit the sensors performance thus creating
many issues such as hysteresis, repeatability, accuracy and creep as highlighted in (Lee et
al.,2001; Wheeler et al., 2006). Slow response time is among the highlighted weaknesses too
(Wheeler et al., 2006). In short, there are obviously many limitations of the currently
available sensors in the market as discussed in detail and compiled in the literature (Hsiao,
Guan & Weatherly, 2002). Many of the sensors are made as arrays of similarly sized sensor
elements. Size of individual sensor affects the efficiency of the measurement system (Urry,
1999). Basically, there are two categories of in-shoe sensors available, the research ones and
the commercial ones. Examples of sensor integrated shoes are shown in Fig. 2 which include
GaitShoe (Morris, 2004; Bamberg et al, 2008), Smartshoe (Kong & Tomizuka, 2008) and
another instrumented (Liedtke et al., 2007). There are also other related works (Abu-Faraj et
al., 1997; Tanwar, Nguyen & Stergiou, 2007). Fig. 3 presents some of the available
instrumented insoles.
In terms of measurement technique, commonly used techniques are resistive, capacitive,
ink-based and others. Each of the techniques offers unique sensitivity and other signal
properties. The sensors that are made of polymer or elastomer exhibits some limitations. The
resulting issues include repeatability, hysteresis, creep and non-linearity of the sensor
output (Lee et al., 2001). In addition to the above weaknesses, some sensors have a relatively
large sensor size that may significantly underestimate the pressure, if the arguments in
(Urry, 1999) is considered. In fact, this view is supported by another report too (Sarah, Carol
& Sharon, 1999).
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software


Fig. 2. (Left) The Gaitshoe proposed in MIT (Morris, 2004; Bamberg et al.,2008), (Middle) The
instrumented shoe for Ground Reaction Forces determination (Liedtke et al., 2007) and
(Right) SmartShoe (Kong & Tomizuka, 2008).

Fig. 3. (Far Left) Bio-foot insole with 64 piezoelectric pressure sensors (Martinez-Nova et
al., 2007), (Middle Left) the SIMS insole with 32 pressure sensors (Zhang et al., 2004),
(Middle) the Parotec insole layout (Chesnin, Selby-Silverstein & Besser, 2000), (Middle
Right) the instrumented shoe sole (Faivre et al., 2004) and (Far Right) the SmartShoe sole
(Kong & Tomizuka, 2008).
3.2 The application requirement
In performing any measurement, the measuring device must be optimized for that specific
application, or else, the observed readings might possibly not accurate. Therefore, a very
careful and detail analysis of the specific application requirement must be thoroughly
considered before any measurement is performed. Any devices that are to be used in gait
analysis must fulfill the requirements such as those explained in detail in (Lee et al.,2001;
Urry,1999; Morris, 2004; Bamberg et al.,2008). The required key specifications for a pressure
sensor in terms of sensor performance include linearity (linear), hysteresis (low), operating
frequency (at least 200 Hz), creep and repeatability (no creep or deformation over repetitive
or high cyclic loads), temperature sensitivity (20
C to 37
C), sensing size, pressure range
(every 31.2 mm
foot plantar area is close to 2.3 MPa), sensing area of the sensor and its
placement (micro sized sensors as a dense array sensor).
3.2.1 In-shoe implementation requirement
Nowadays, real-time and in-situ measurement of natural parameters is becoming an
unavoidable trend. To catch-up with the fast changing and very demanding trend, also, as
gait analysis is about measurement of uninterrupted real parameters, it is very important
MEMS Biomedical Sensor for Gait Analysis

that the measurement is performed in the real environment. In fact, the effect of daily
activities on our health is clearly understood (Urry, 1999). This means the sensor should be
very mobile, un-tethered, can be placed in the shoe sole and also can measure effectively in
the targeted environment. The detailed requirements are very mobile, limited cabling, shoe
placement and also low cost.
3.2.3 Diabetic requirement
In diabetic application, no reports highlight any required additional features other than
pressure range. For this reason, the maximum pressure measurable is the only key
determining factor. Pressure readings as high as 1900 kPa is reported in the literature
(Cavanagh, Ulbrecht & Caputo, 2000). This is obviously a very demanding requirement, as
compared to the maximum pressure as obtained in normal people. The pressure ranges of
the currently available sensors are very limited. As an example, most of the diabetic
sufferers are off the scale as the upper measuring limit of the Emed SF device is
approximately 1250 kPa only (Cavanagh, Ulbrecht & Caputo, 2000). Another worrying fact
is that, another famous foot plantar pressure product, the F-scan insole, is reported to
produce linear pressure reading only up to 1700 kPa (Luo, Berglund & An, 1998). In
addition to the above mentioned requirements, a report on diabetic ulceration highlighted
that patients measured with foot pressure of ~875 kPa or 87.5 Ncm-2 may be susceptible to
ulceration (Lavery et al., 2003). The development of foot plantar ulcer can be visualized as in
the Fig. 4.

Fig. 4. The factors that lead to foot ulceration among diabetics (Boulton, 2004).
In another report, it is stated that there are three mechanisms that account for the occurrence
of ulceration generating pressure (van Schie, 2005). They are: increased duration of exposure
to pressures, increased magnitude of pressures and also increased frequency or repetition of
exposure to pressure.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

Another very important finding from the literature is the fact that for the measurement of
foot plantar pressure among the diabetic sufferers, high resolution measurement is required
(Urry, 1999).
3.3 Section summary
It is obvious that the need for lower cost in-shoe based pressure sensing devices due to the
changing demographics of the world population. Unluckily, the currently available in-shoe
sensors are not fully supporting the actual application due to their documented limitations
such as limited pressure range, inappropriate sensing area size, hysteresis, linearity, creep
and repeatability. Considering all the above requirements and the current limitations, it is
obvious that there is a need for an improved design of in-shoe foot plantar pressure
measurement device to satisfy the requirements. The great potentials of MEMS technology,
which are already proven in other applications, should be explored to achieve this target.
4. The foot clearance measurement: an overview
Gait related healthcare cost continues to increase globally partly due to the surge in
occurrence of falls among the elderly population. As higher and higher percentage of the
world population, including Australia, is made up of the elderly, more and more occurrence
of falls is expected each year. In Australia alone, a total of about $3 billion is reported to be
spent as a result of the falls-related injuries in 1999 (Best & Begg, 2006). Among the
important gait parameters that directly influence the risk of fall among the elderly is foot
clearance. It is the spatial parameter of the foot during the swing phase of the gait cycle
representing the distance of shoe sole above the ground. In a recent study involving the
analysis of the tripping and falls risks among the elderly individuals during walking (Begg
et al., 2007; Best & Begg, 2006; Winter, 1992), it is found that the movement of the foot
during mid-swing phase is the most critical event that can initiate the possibility of trip-
related fall. This highly important parameter is called minimum foot clearance (MFC). The
pattern of foot clearance during gait is depicted in Fig. 5(a) where MFC of below 5 cm and
foot trajectory of up to about 17 cm is shown (Begg et al., 2007). Unluckily, the current
practice in measuring foot clearance mostly requires laboratory settings with the use of
reflective or active markers, as shown in Fig. 5(b)-(d), one or more video cameras, thread-
mill or suitable floor and computer software running on suitable computers (Best & Begg,
2006). This type of foot clearance measurement may not be representative of real life ADL
based measurement in natural settings (Lai et al., 2008), such as at home or outdoor.
Problems such as marker slippage may also occur even during laboratory measurement
(Best & Begg, 2006). A more advanced technique is by the use of accelerometers, however,
the required calculation that involves double integration of acceleration data yields erratic
results due to the effect of drift and errors (Aminian & Najafi, 2004; Lai et al., 2008). The
sensing of MFC using accelerometer based measurement on surfaces that are uneven,
bumpy or during stair descend or ascend is obviously problematic as it is not directly
measuring clearance but rather calculate it using acceleration data.
As current state-of-the-art instruments are mostly requiring exclusive research, clinical or
rehabilitation laboratories settings, plus the fact that they are limited in simulating the real
world activities of an individual (Best & Begg, 2006; Lai et al., 2008), an in-shoe approach is
undoubtedly a better option of implementation.
MEMS Biomedical Sensor for Gait Analysis


(a) (b) (c) (d)
Fig. 5. (a) Foot trajectory during gait detailing the vertical displacement of foot for one gait
cycle showing MFC during mid swing. (b) The markers on the shoe (Begg et al., 2007). (c) A
foot clearance measurement during stair decent using passive markers (Hamel et al., 2005).
(d) Passive markers (Bontrager, 1998).
4.1 Shoe integrated foot clearance measurement
At current, foot clearance measurement is performed in the laboratories or other clinical
settings that use markers, video recorders and other bulky equipments. Only markers are
placed on the shoes. Other calculation based measurements, but shoe integrated, are
actually accelerometer based system (Aminian & Najafi, 2004; Lai et al., 2008). A shoe
integrated direct foot clearance measurement system is the mostly unexplored topic in gait
analysis and bio-mechanic research. So far, only one design of shoe integrated direct foot
clearance measurement system is reported in the literature (Morris, 2004; Bamberg,
2008). It is as shown in Fig. 6 (a) the sensing walking principle is as detected in fig. 6 (b).

(a) (b)
Fig. 6. (a) Electric field distance sensor electrode attached to the Gaitshoe outsole for foot
clearance measurement (Morris, 2004). (b) The working principle of electric field sensing for
height determination (Morris, 2004).
Unluckily, the design exhibits several key drawbacks such as follows:
Low height or clearance measurement range of just up to 5 cm.
The requirement for minimum 5 layers of electrodes and insulators increases the total
thickness of the insole.
The placement of the conductive electrodes beneath the shoe sole exposes the large area
electrode to environmental elements such as water or other materials that may reduce
the efficiency and repeatability of the system output.
Due to the obvious limitations, newer systems based on more mobile technology are highly
required. As discussed earlier, MEMS offer many great opportunities to close the gap
between current requirements and their solutions. Possibility of developing MEMS based
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

devices for clearance measurement is therefore considered. For that reason, various
distances measurement techniques need to be analysed and their MEMS applicability needs
to be identified. This requires that a better understanding of the requirements of this
particular measurement is gained. The knowledge is then compared with the actual
strengths and weaknesses of MEMS technology to formulate probably the most suitable and
efficient implementation.
4.2 The foot clearance measurement requirement
In order to enable a thorough and effective study, it is crucial that the measurement and
monitoring devices are brought into the real environment where the activities are performed.
This means, the ability to be attached to the subjects own shoes is the key requirement. Other
general requirements for gait analysis are that the device must not affect movement, un-
tethered and capable of measuring parameters for both feet (Wahab, et al., 2007a, 2007b, 2008;
Morris, 2004). This means that the device should be as small and as light as possible. A
measurement range of close to 20 cm is preferable considering maximum toe clearance.
However, our current laboratory research suggests minimum foot clearance during the swing
phase of walking to be within 3 cm above the walking surface (Begg et al., 2007).
A portable system attached to the lower limb having a mass of 300 g or less has been
reported to not affect the normal gait (Morris, 2004). For monolithic CMOS integration, only
compatible materials and processes must be used. MEMS device normally fabricated of the
size range between 1 m and 1 cm (Liu, 2006). Considering a 120 steps per minute of adult
walking, the sampling rate of 75 Hz, or every 13.4 ms suits well for this application (Morris,
2004). It is reported that the toe clearance above walking surface or ground is minimum
around 1.4-1.6 cm during normal walking and around 1.7-2.1 cm during fast walking. On
the other hand, the maximum clearance during normal walking is around 5.7-6.9 cm while
during fast walking, it is about 6.3-7.8 cm (Elble et al., 1991).
4.3 Distance measurement techniques
Currently, foot clearance measurements are being implemented using electric field sensing
technique. However, ultrasound measurement technique is widely used in many other
aspect of biomedical and clearance determination application.
4.3.1 Electric Field Sensing (EFS)
The electric field sensing technique developed at the MIT Media Laboratory is proven to be
successful in various applications such as gait analysis, entertainment, home automation,
automotive etc. In general terms of sensing technique, this technique is basically another
type of capacitive sensing. Therefore, this technique is a unique technique. More
interestingly, there is a microchip produced by Motorola to support the technique (Morris,
2004), indirectly indicating its capability and commercial value. However, the chip is not
fabricated with integrated sensor electrodes so as to enable more flexibility to application
designers. An implementation of this technique in gait analysis is also reported in the
literature (Morris, 2004; Bamberg et al., 2008). The working principle is shown in Fig. 6(b).
This technique involves electric field sensing between two plates of a capacitor, namely
the sensing plate or sensing electrode, and the ground plate or ground electrode. The
sensing electrode is connected to the signal transmitting circuitry to generate an electrical
field from a sinusoidal AC signal. On the other hand, the ground electrode is connected to
MEMS Biomedical Sensor for Gait Analysis

the ground of the circuitry. The floor, as the target of which its distance from the sensing
plate is to be measured, contributes to the change in capacitance reading. The change is
sensed by the sensing electrode. As the distance between the floor and sensing electrode is
varied, the measured capacitance is also varied. Even though this technique is quite
simple, it is highly capable of producing quality data for distance measurement. Despite
its simplicity and high accuracy, its use is limited by the sensing electrode size
requirement. This fact agrees well with the published design guideline (Sieh & Steffen,
4.3.2 Ultrasonic Sensing (US)
Initially, ultrasound is used for tracking the seabed following the Titanic disaster in 1912
from which it then developed into what is called today as Sound Navigation and Ranging
(SONAR) (Smith & Schoenwald, 1984). The application of ultrasound for distance
measurement is basically the same with the underwater SONAR, the only difference is the
speed of measurement. The speed of ultrasound in air is around 345 ms
. A number of
system level and transducer level design for ultrasonic range measurement realization are
reported in the literature such as in automotive and robotic applications (Carullo & Parvis,
2001; Song, Chen & Huang, 2004; Kajita & Tani, 1997). Examples of ultrasonic technique
used are such as robotic obstacle avoidance (Bank, 2002), robot height above ground (Kajita
& Tani, 1997), car reverse parking assistance (Turner & Austin, 2000), car height above road
surface determination (Carullo & Parvis, 2001). It is also used in other assistive technology
for the disabled such as assistance for the blind (Ando, 2003) and wheelchair (Simpson et al.,
2004; Dutta & Fernie, 2005). Ultrasonic sensing is among the mostly used techniques in
biomedical fields, inclusive of several laboratory measurements of gait (Wahab et al., 2008;
Begg et al., 2007; Sabatini & Colla, 1998; Weir & Childress, 1997; Abulaffio, Gelernter &
Pillar, 1996). Other biomedical applications include therapy, 3D imaging and arterial
diameter determination and other biomedical uses (Ling et al., 2007; Coleman et al., 2004).
The interest in ultrasound technique is increasing due to its non-ionising or non-
electromagnetic characteristic (Smith & Schoenwald, 1984). It is thus a safer method as
compared to the ionising ones. Interestingly, it is said that the widespread use of ultrasound
for distance measurement is sparked by the famous pocket-sized Polaroid camera
developed in the late 1970s. This very portable technology relies on a 5 V battery to produce
up to 400 V of pulse-train signal for the excitation of the cameras capacitive ultrasound
transducer during auto-focus operation (MacIsaac & Hamaalainen, 2002). With this
technology, the camera is able to sense an object 11 m away. Polaroid produces similar
ultrasound ranging system for the market and thus enabled development of other
ultrasound distance measurement systems for various applications by other companies. It is
becoming the precursor for development of ultrasonic ranging systems (Smith &
Schoenwald, 1984) and is then considered as one of the enabling technology of the 90s
(Grace, 1991).
It is also said that ultrasound signals are used as most of surfaces and objects are good
reflectors of ultrasound (Turner & Austin, 2000). Two applications that successfully measure
height above ground surface in real outdoor environments are as shown in the Fig. 7. The
figure proves that it is highly probable that ultrasound based system is capable of
measuring foot clearance above ground.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software


Fig. 7. (Right) Ultrasound sensor is used by robot to measure height (ysens) with resolution
of 0.3 mm(Kajita & Tani, 1997), (Left) A 40 kHz Ultrasonic car height measurement for 0
C operating temperature, 0.1m-0.6m range and better than 1mm resolution (Carullo &
Parvis, 2001).
Considering that ultrasound ranging systems are already bearing fruit in mobile ranging
application, height above ground application and other gait analysis applications with good
distance range, it is therefore a very promising technology for the target application. Several
techniques of distance measurement for ultrasound ranging system were proposed in the
literature. These include time-of-flight (tof), continuous wave phase-shift method, and also
combination of tof and phase (Gueuning et al., 1997). For example, in using tof method as
shown in Fig. 8, after an ultrasound signal is transmitted by a transmitting transducer
(transmitter), the distance, l, can be calculated based on the time, t, taken by the ultrasound
echo to return to the receiver.

Fig. 8. A simple time of flight concept (Ohya, Ohno & Yuta, 1996).
It is generally understood that increasing ultrasound frequency improves detection
resolution (Coleman et al., 2004; Yano, Tone & Fukumoto, 1987) and reduces dead zone
length (Bruinsma et al., 2006). However, the high attenuation in air which increases with
frequency is a great challenge (Magori, 1994; Yano, Tone & Fukumoto, 1987). It is reported
that 1 MHz signal can theoretically measure distance up to 20 cm (Yano, Tone & Fukumoto,
1987), while 2 MHz signal can measure up to few centimeters (Noble et al., 1995). Recently,
very high frequency ultrasonic transducers are reported for various high resolution
biomedical applications. A more detail discussion on this technology is provided in the next
section of the chapter.
4.4 Section summary
From the extensive reference in the literature, it is finally obvious that a direct measurement
of foot clearance is highly needed. Unluckily, the instrumentation technology is not paying
MEMS Biomedical Sensor for Gait Analysis

enough attention to this need for unknown reason. The need for it is increasing due to the
changing global population demography. Therefore, this research is trying to close the
obviously expanding gap. Two suitable distance measurement techniques are identified for
consideration. Each of the technique has its own strength and weaknesses. Therefore,
further analysis on the mentioned techniques is warranted. Next, consideration is going to
take into account the limitation and strength of MEMS. In this regard, the applicability of
the three techniques will again be evaluated after adaptation to suit MEMS technology
requirement is made on them.
5. MEMS technology for gait measurement
In evaluating suitability of an identified distance and pressure measurement methods for
MEMS realization, a closer look into each of the technologies are necessary. This includes
the structural requirement, the operational requirement and the material requirement.
5.1 MEMS clearance sensor
Results from numerical simulations to evaluate the two distance measurement techniques,
which include, electric field sensing and also ultrasonic sensing are already presented and
discussed. Summary of the results showing some important aspects of the two measurement
techniques are presented in Table 1 for comparison.

Key observation EFS US
Sensing range with up to 1
sensor area
15 - 20 cm
@ 1 cm

11 cm @ 1 mm
diameter (Kuratli &
~25cm @ 1 cm
using CMUT (Almqvist
et al.,2002)
1 m @ 1 MHz, 0.49 cm
and 24 cm @ 2
MHz, 0.49 cm
(Ergun et al.,2006)
Previously reported as
MEMS or micromachined
Yes (Kuratli & Huang, 2000; Yaralioglu,
Ever used in foot clearance
(Morris, 2004)
Signal to distance
relationship (linearity)
Non-linear Linear
Remarks based on the
analysis results in Section 3
Not suitable
due to size
Ultrasound of around 1 MHz may offer
good resolution and signal strength
Suitability for MEMS,
taking range dependent
sensor size as limit
Not suitable Suitable
Table 1. Comparison of the two techniques.
As presented in Table 1, the comparison between the two techniques shows that high
resolution ultrasound ranging is the best choice due to the fact that it is capable of sensing
the distance of up to 30 cm, which is the highest range achieved if MEMS size is the key
criteria. If the most recently published experimental work by Ergun et al. (2006) is
considered, there is no doubt that ultrasound is the best choice for implementation.
Obviously, the ultrasonic measurement technique is not only suitable for MEMS, it is also
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

theoretically proven to be able to measure the foot clearance during most of gait related
activities too. In MEMS technology, ultrasound sensors are called Capacitive Micromachind
Ultrasonic Transducer (CMUT) if it operates on capacitive technique. This result indicates
that ultrasound is a very promising technique. Considering those facts, ultrasound is thus
selected in this work for the design of a foot clearance measurement sensor.
The target of this work is to design a sensor for use in a portable gait analysis and fall
prevention system. To ensure practicality of the design, an application based design
specification is developed considering the application requirements. The specifications are:
Operating frequency
The target operating frequency of between 500 kHz and 1 MHz is a good choice. As
discussed in the previous section, to eliminate the ultrasound noise, frequencies above 500
kHz is compulsory. On the other hand, frequencies more than 1 MHz may cause significant
signal degradation of more than 100 dB. Even though good dynamic range can be realized
theoretically, it is better to allow more signals to noise margin (SNR) figure, possibly more
up to 30 dB. In the selected frequency range, however, 1 MHz signal may offer higher
resolution due to its low wavelength. Nevertheless, if system level algorithm optimization is
considered, even low frequency ultrasound can be used to produce sub-millimeter
resolutions, as discussed in the preceding section.
Supporting the required sampling frequency
The sensor should be capable of supporting the required 75 Hz distance sampling
frequency. Which means, a distance value must be obtained every 13.3 ms. This is not a
problem with ultrasonic technique as, consider the worst case scenario where 30 cm foot
clearance is measured (ultrasound speed of 340 ms
) by calculation, the TOF is merely 1.765
ms. In this case, about seven distance measurement can be performed every 13.3 ms, which
proves the compliance with the requirement.
Foot clearance range
The sensor must be designed to be able to measure foot clearance above ground/floor of at
least 5 cm.
A structural cross-sectional view for CMUT is given in Fig. 9(a) while its electromechanical
model is depicted in Fig. 9(b). To understand the CMUT electromechanical behaviour, it is
imperative to firstly analyze the fundamental equation for capacitance and then use it
together with the electromechanical model.

Aluminium top

Vacuum Cavity

Passivation layer
Silicon Nitride
Silicon substrate
(bottom electrode)


(a) (b)
Fig. 9. (a) A cross-sectional view of a CMUT (adapted from Ergun, Yaralioglu & Khuri-
Yakub, 2003). (b) The lumped electromechanical model for CMUT.
MEMS Biomedical Sensor for Gait Analysis

The reflected signal activates vibration of the receiver transducer and alters the capacitance
value of the transducer structure. The readout circuit detects the capacitance change for
appropriate processing of distance information. Considering an ultrasonic measurement
technique, a system view of the proposed model is shown in Fig. 10.

Sensing point one
Sensing point two
foot clearance

Fig. 10. A possible implementation using two points sensing.
There are two critical measures of a MEMS CMUT. The two are collapse voltage, V
resonance frequency, f
. The collapse voltage indicates the possible values of operating
voltage while resonance frequency determines the signal characteristic. By referring
equation (1), collapse voltage, V
can be determined. In this equation, Y
is the young
modulus of the membrane material, t
is a gap/cavity height, t
is the membrane thickness,

is the permittivity of free space, 8.854x10
F/m and r is the membrane radius.

3 3
2 4
27 (1 )
m g
Y t t

The deflection of membrane at collapse voltage can be referring to the Fig 11.

Fig. 11. The deflection of membrane at collapse voltage.
While, for resonance frequency, f
is shown in equation (2) where
is the materials density,
is its thickness, d
is a sacrificial layer of thickness,
is air density, and v
is sound speed in
air. Table 2 shows some good calculation results using (2) and yet it is very simple and fast.

o s
m m g
d d

= (2)
All CMUT on silicon design work is performed using the industry standard Coventorware
tool (Coventor Inc., 2006). As nitride layer is used as the membrane structure material,
therefore the top and bottom electrode will never be touched during membrane deflection
as it vibrates following the AC voltage excitation.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

Silicon Nitride,
2.19 MHz
Comply with calculation in example of
(Eccard, Niederer & Fischer, 1997)
Silicon Nitride,
1.11 MHz
In close agreement with result in
(Jones et al., 2001)
Silicon Nitride,
1.6 MHz
About 10% difference with measured
in (Ladabaum et al., 1998)

4.1 MHz
About 5% difference with measured in
(Liu et al., 2004)
Silicon Nitride,
1.05 MHz
Calculation for the optimized
Table 2. Design examples using (2) and comparison with measurements in relevant literature.
Process for developing the transducer is custom sequenced using the available process
libraries in Coventorware Process Editor module. The sequence starts with a silicon substrate
and followed by a nitride deposition of 0.5 m. A conducting polysilicon of 0.5 m is then
deposited, patterned to form the bottom plate of 45 m diameter. Following this, the
unwanted polysilicon areas are removed by etching.
The release of the membrane structure is performed next where all sacrificial material
beneath the structural nitride is removed. This is done through an opening at the side of the
wall where the sacrificial layer is exposed. A nitride seal is then deposited in low pressure
process to seal the hole left by sacrificial removal leaving cavity in near vacuum.
5.2 MEMS foot presure sensor
Firstly, the shape is determined based on the piezo-resistance sensing requirement. Based on
literature, square shape membrane is capable of providing high stress areas, as high as 1.64
times as compared to a circular one (Berns et al., 2006). Mathematical modeling is the first
major step of the design with an aim of determining the membrane thickness and side
length that can perform pressure measuring task for the specified range. The values of its
thickness, length and width must allow linear membrane deflection within the pressure
range while ensuring no mechanical damage or fracture.
Silicon as a mechanical material has long being studied and the material characteristics
documentations for it have long been published. Silicon is a very promising material in
micro-scale sized. These proven facts further boost the exploration activities around silicon
based MEMS device realization. Key properties that are important in selection of MEMS
materials are such as Yield Strength, Mechanical Hysteresis and Fatigue Failure. Yield
Strength is the point when the material starts to exhibit plasticity, which mean, it will
elongate un-proportionally the same way a plastic material reacts under external force. This
is true in many materials such as steel. In contrast, silicon is a perfect elastic material so that
it exhibits a linear or proportional stress-strain relationship. In fact, it yields catastrophically
when stress of more than its Yield (or Fracture) Strength figure is applied (Jia & Madou,
2006). Silicon exhibits almost double the Yield Strength as compared to Steel. In addition,
perfect elasticity also indicates another great advantage of silicon in sensing performance as
it means no Mechanical Hysteresis. As silicon is not exhibiting deformation, it is very
insensitive to fatigue and creep (Jia & Madou, 2006). Therefore, in terms of Mechanical
MEMS Biomedical Sensor for Gait Analysis

Hysteresis and Fatigue Failure, silicon is showing significant advantages as none of both
characteristic being exhibited (Bryzek et al., 2006).
Fig. 12 shows how MEMS pressure sensor is used in Exoskeleton and Parotec insole
Fig. 13 shows a crossection of a MEMS pressure sensor.

Fig. 12. A Piezoresistive MEMS pressure sensor in action: (Top) the insole of a Robot at
University California, Berkeley (Wheeler et al., 2006), (Bottom-Right) The Parotec hydrocell
insole (Chesnin, Selby-Silverstein & Besser, 2000), and (Bottom-Left & Middle) a
biomechanical pressure sensor (Lee et al., 2001).

Membrane width,
and thickness
locations and

Fig. 13. A conceptual design of a MEMS pressure sensor in a crossectional view.
So, it is highly crucial that the effect of membrane thickness and membrane size on the
pressure induced membrane deflection and membrane stress is thoroughly studied at the
initial stage. As the output of the sensor is highly dependent on the deflection characteristic
parameter and resistance change parameter, the output voltage linearity is thus affected by
both parameters too. According to the foundry design guidelines (MultiMEMS, 2007), the
piezoresistance change and stress relationship is governed by the linear equation given in
(3). On the other hand, equations (4) and (5) relate piezoresistor stresses to the applied
pressure in small deflection regime (Gong & Lee, 2001). In these equations, R and R
are the
piezoresistors resistance value when external pressure is applied and the piezoresistors
resistance without any applied pressure respectively,
are the piezoresistance
coefficient for longitudinal and transversal directions respectively, h is membrane thickness,
L is membrane edge length, e
is the m-th coefficient as given by Gong & Lee (2001), v is
Poisson ratio, l
is piezoresistors length,
is the average transversal stress across the
piezoresistor and
is the average longitudinal stress along the piezoresistor. The stress
components are shown in Fig. 14. Value of e
coefficients for particulars e
is -0.37, while for
value of e
coefficients for particulars e
is 0.0379 and for value of e
coefficients for
particulars e
is 0.0175.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software


(1 )
R R = + + (3)

( )
( )
1 sin
m l
h l
m L



v = (5)

Fig. 14. Transversal and longitudinal stresses acting on a piezoresistor with respect to the
current flow direction J (Zamali & Talghader, 2006).
The importance of membrane deflection lies on the fact that since the resistance change due
to deflection is already linear in nature, the deflection characteristic therefore becomes the
sole determining factor for the linearity of the sensor output. It is reported that the
magnitude of membrane deflection is linear with the applied pressure when the deflection is
still in the small deflection regime. The membrane is said to operate in this regime as long as
the deflection is less than 25 to 50 % of its thickness (Wang et al., 2005, Gong & Lee 2001).
For comparison, two equations representing the applied pressure and square membrane
deflection are given in equation (6) and (7) (Linlin, Chen & Guangdi, 2006). The former
equation is for small deflection regime while the latter represents the large deflection
regime. Maier-Schneider, Maibach & Obermeier (1995) also reported large deflection
relationship in even more detail, complete with its derivation. As can be seen, the small
deflection equation represents a linear relationship, as opposed to the non-linear cubic
equation for large deflection. In these equations, in addition to the previously defined
symbols, v is Poisson ratio, a is half of edge length,
is the intrinsic stress of the membrane,
E is the Youngs Modulus and w
are the maximum deflection of the membrane.

2 4 2 0
(1 )
(3.41 4.31 )
a a v
w P

= + (6)

2 4
0 0
3.04 1.88
a a
w w P

= + (7)
In addition to the linearity requirement, the mathematical analysis is also important in
determining another key design specification, namely maximum pressure measurable. This is
due to the fact that the magnitude of total membrane stress determines the maximum pressure
value that the membrane may be able to withstand, beyond which the membrane breaks. For
that reason, the point of rupture which is also known as Fracture Stress must be taken into
account in the determination of suitable membrane dimension. Therefore, the relationship
between membrane dimensions and its deflection and stress is extensively analyzed.
MEMS Biomedical Sensor for Gait Analysis

After extensive mathematical analysis, the final designs are then determined which consists of
only thick membranes. This is due to their compliance with the physical design requirements
as identified in the stated foundry maximum size limits, the derived foundry rule based
minimum size limit, deflection linearity modelling result and stress withstanding capability
modelling result. Finally, only few membrane sizes are chosen to be modeled in silicon.
These selected designs include the ones using 100 m, 200 m and 278 m membranes. Out
of the three sensors, the 100 m sized sensor is the one that can measure wider pressure
range, but with less sensitivity and signal magnitude. Whereas, the 200 m and 278 m ones
are also designed and simulated for comparison and further studies purposes Silicon
modeling involving the use of MultiMEMS processes is implemented in Coventorware

and the three dimensional models are generated for performance analysis.
In using the process steps to model the devices, it is necessary to perform the three model
design stages. These stages includes identification of key structural layers required for
successful and effective implementation of finite element analysis, layout specifications of
the required layers and finally meshing design requirement. Fig. 15 show 3D model and its
mesh. In actual design, all four corners of the model are symmetrical.

Fig. 15. 3D model and its mesh. In actual design, all four corners of the model are
Supporting the mathematical modeling results are the more computational intensive
computer based Coventorware
results. The Von Mises stress values are considered a good
indicator to determine whether a design is suitable or not (Bistue et al., 1997). As the Von
Mises stress is the effective stress acting in the membrane, if the membrane Von Mises stress
is more than the fracture stress, the material will break (Cardenas et al., 2007). The Von
Misses stress is observed at its maximum at the center of the membrane where deflection is
at its peak. However, the value for the 100 m is merely 13 MPa.
The middle of the four sides of the membrane also show significant stress values of about 6
MPa. This much lower stress value shows that the design is very suitable for the targeted
range and it is highly probable that in practical, even if a pressure of more than 3 MPa is
applied, the membrane is still far from the risk of rupture. In another observation, the
resonance frequencies of the membranes as obtained from modal analysis are in the mega-
Hertz zones, putting the device in a very safe operation zone, as far as harmonics related
error of gait measurement is concerned. These high resonance frequencies are expected
considering the membranes thickness. The Von Mises Stress maximum values are given in
Table 3. As can be seen, the magnitude of stress is very far from the fracture values for all of
the sensors and this observation supports the mathematical analysis. The applied pressure is
from 0 to 3 MPa and the observed stresses for the 100, 200 and 278 m membranes are
colour coded for easy observation. The results from FEA simulation, encompassing various
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

membrane stresses is kept in the Coventorware design database. This database can be
accessed from other Coventorware modules for further analysis too. In the next section, the
database is retrieved to perform a sensor system level analysis.

Sensors 100 m 200 m 278 m
Von Mises Stress 13 MPa 58 MPa 96 MPa
Table 3. The Maximum Von Mises Stress
Using the optimized locations and dimension, the relationship of the output voltage and the
applied pressure is obtained. The optimized relationship of the output voltage and pressure
when the applied pressure is varied from 0 Pa to 3 MPa on the membrane is superbly linear.
The results as presented in the optimization section are hereby verified. The sensor output is
again increased 100 times by use of operational amplifier circuit. Another important
observation but not directly shown is that, as predicted in the calculation, the deflection is
linearly proportional to the pressure magnitude.
The foundry fabrication completes in about six months. Dice in Level 0 Package are shown
in a close-up view of the delivered items as shown in Fig. 16(a). Dimensions of the dice are
roughly 3 mm X 3 mm X 1.5 mm. It is obvious that the scales on the ruler behind the dice
indicate 3 mm die side length. As the holes are drawn for each of the sensors, three holes can
be seen on one side of the Level 0 Package (the die on the left of the photograph). On the
opposite side of the dice, a cavity is seen above the aluminium interconnection lines. Process
variations that may cause thicker than 23.1 m membranes and also reduced piezoresistance
of the piezoresistors are also reported by the foundry (MultiMEMS, 2009b).

3 Holes
Fig. 16. The produced dice (in Level 0 Package) from the foundry.
The development of custom mechanical set-up which is basically consists of a pressure
chamber, its stand, a valve, several steel pipe components (threaded end caps, Y connectors
etc) and a pressure gauge is also completed prior to the mechanical laboratory testing.
Initially, the design uses RF signal transmission but as metal blocks RF signal and to avoid
environmental related attenuation, wired solution is later chosen. Wired connection also
provides more direct, accurate and highly reliable readings.
A high pressure industrial grade compressed air system is used to supply pressurized air
into the chamber through the valve and the Y connector. To ensure gradual increase of
pressure in the chamber, the valve is manually controlled. Air pressure is gauged using the
readily fitted pressure gauge as its pressure sensing mechanism is also exposed to the
pressurized air in the chamber through the other branch of the Y connector. A photograph
showing the complete mechanical testing set-up is given in Fig. 16(b).
Pressure is increased gradually from slightly above the atmospheric pressure up to the
maximum pressure allowed by the calibration certificate. Fig. 17 shows the graphs of the
output of the three pressure sensors. The measurements begin with 20 psi level, which is
MEMS Biomedical Sensor for Gait Analysis

equivalent to 137.9 kPa and ends at 135 psi (930.825 kPa) due to calibration limitation. It is
clear that the pressure and output voltage relationship of all the sensors are very linear as
expected from simulation result. The system is powered by a 9V battery. Most
interestingly, the results prove the quality of the designed piezoresistive pressure sensors
in producing very linear pressure to voltage relationship, which is the key objective of this

20 40 60 80 100 120 140

20 40 60 80 100 120 140

Fig. 17. The graphs produced from the recorded experimental pressure and output voltage
relationship. The voltages are not amplified.
6. Chapter summary and discussion
The current state of gait analysis instrumentation is discussed. It is proven that newer
generation of gait analysis/biomechanical instrumentation is produced to ensure real time
and efficient measurement. Therefore MEMS technology is explored. In this chapter, two
MEMS based sensors, one for foot plantar pressure measurement, and the other one for foot
clearance measurement are discussed.
In concluding this chapter let us begin with foot clearance measurement. Two most
suitable distance measurement techniques are studied and presented for consideration
towards realization of a MEMS based foot clearance sensing device. They are firstly
optimized for MEMS according to the MEMS technology requirement, in aspects such as
structural materials and size. They are then evaluated in terms of suitability for foot
clearance measurement application by means of maximum distance and linearity
simulations. The requirements for gait analysis application are also presented and used as
the guidelines for the selection. The analysis of the simulation results and comparisons
with the measured data in literature are also included. Ultrasound-based distance
measurement technique is preferred due to its proven practical use in similar other
applications and also due to good simulation results in terms of maximum foot clearance
that can be measured. In addition, it is also generally showing linear relationship
between clearance and tof signal.
Various ultrasound generation and sensing mechanisms such as piezoelectric and
capacitive are studied. The selection of sensing mechanism is based on aspects of
fulfilment of gait analysis needs, competitiveness of manufacturing cost and capability for
total integration with circuitry for performance and system miniaturization. Among the
gait analysis needs include small size, light weight and suitable range. In addition to
dependency of sensing range on signal frequency, the measureable range is also
dependent on signal strength, so, the right choice of elelctromechanical coupling factor is
important when biasing the CMUT. This characteristic offers an additional flexibility in
terms of range and power management.






Pressure (psi) Pressure (psi) Pressure (psi)
P1 P2
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

As a result, a CMOS compatible CMUT realization is chosen and explored. This includes the
design requirement and specification, mathematical analysis, computer simulation and
finally design implementation of a CMOS compatible CMUT tailored for ultrasonic foot
clearance measurement. All results pertaining to various steps are presented and discussed.
Some key parameters of the CMUT are also included.
In addition to the many device related advantages inherited from the use of CMUT
technology, the system level strengths, such as signal processing, will be further enhanced
due to its CMOS compatibility. The literature proves that CMUT dedicated CMOS circuits
such as for signal processing is already studied and developed (Wygant et al., 2004). The
inclusion of sensors, signal processing and compensation circuitry, memory and wireless
communication capability in one chip as an SoC may produce a high performance ultrasonic
system (Svilainis & Dumbrava, 2005; Schweinzer & Elmer, 2005).
In short, the objective of the study which is to explore MEMS applicability for the
measurement of foot-to-ground clearance has been achieved and demonstrated. A suitable
technique is identified, and as a result, an ultrasonic transducer suitable for foot clearance
measurement system is fully designed, modelled, and implemented. The transducer/sensor
is optimized for gait analysis application. As it is CMOS compatible, further works on
CMOS circuitry will enable system level integration for the realization of an integrated high
performance system for foot clearance measurement.
Next, let us recall a discussion on foot plantar pressure. The testing and characterization of a
silicon MEMS pressure sensor for biomedical application is also described. Every steps of
the project is explained, including the internal pads interconnection, Level 0 Package design,
GDS II foundry file generation for tape-out, wirebonding from Level 0 Package pads to
Level 1 Package pins, Level 1 Packaging, printed circuit board design, amplifier circuit
design, complete circuit integration on printed circuit board, electrical testing system design
and testing implementation and finally mechanical testing system design and testing
implementation. All the steps are successfully performed. The results of each of the steps are
recorded, displayed and discussed in detail. The key findings of the work in this chapter
cover the electrical and mechanical testing results.
From the electrical design and testing aspects of the fabricated pressure sensor, the
resistance of the piezoresistors are of great importance and are thus is discussed in detail. To
verify this, the measured results are compared with the calculated values from the design
stage. The comparison shows very acceptable resistance variations across three different
sensor designs. The source of variation is identified as resulting from foundry process
deviation, according to the fabrication report from the foundry (MultiMEMS, 2009b). The
result proves that the layout design stage is very important to ensure achievability of the
target specification as outlined during the design and optimization stage.
Further work then includes the study of the sensors response under varying pressure. This
is the final part of the research where the sensing capability is studied and discussed. Due to
the nature of the measurand, this final job is also very demanding, especially in the aspects
of mechanical preparation. A specialized pressure chamber is designed solely for this
purpose with the sensor board size and cabling requirements in mind. Finally, the much
awaited sensor characterization results are performed and the recorded results prove that
the sensors responses are very linear.
With the completion of the pressure sensor characterization, the research work is now
completed successfully. Results from both finite element analysis and experimental works
MEMS Biomedical Sensor for Gait Analysis

have proven that the sensors are linear and capable of producing high signal values.
Therefore, the mission is now accomplished.
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Low-Wavelengths SOI CMOS Photosensors for
Biological Applications
Olivier Bulteel, Nancy Van Overstraeten-Schl ogel, Aryan Afzalian, Pascal
Dupuis, Sabine Jeumont, Leonid Irenge, J er ome Ambroise, Benot Macq,
Jean-Luc Gala and Denis Flandre
Universit e catholique de Louvain
1. Introduction
Biological agents may be characterized (in terms of quantity (or concentration), purity, nature)
using optical ways like spectrometry, uorometry and real-time PCR for example. Most of
these techniques are based on absorbance or uorescence. Indeed, many biological molecules
can absorb the light when excited at wavelengths close to blue and ultraviolet (UV). For
example, DNA, RNA and proteins feature an absorption peak in the deep UV, more precisely
around 260 and 280 nm (Karczemska & Sokolowska, 2001). This work is widely focused on
those wavelengths. A biological sample concentration measurement method can be based
on UV light absorbance or transmittance, as already known and realized with high-cost and
large-size biomedical apparatus. But, often, the difculties come from the limitation for
measuring very small concentrations (close to a fewng/L or lower) since the measurement of
such small light intensity variations at those low wavelengths requires a precise light source,
and very efcient photodetectors. Reducing the dimensions of such a characterization system
further requires a small light source, a miniaturized photosensor and a processing system
with high precision to reduce the measurement variations. Some light-emitting diodes (LED)
performing at those UV wavelengths have recently appeared and may be used to implement
the light source. Concerning the optical sensor, while accurate but high-cost photosensors in
technologies such as AlGaN and SiC provide high sensitivities in UV low wavelengths thanks
to their semiconductor bandgap (Yotter & Wilson, 2003), the silicon-on-insulator (SOI) layers
absorb the photons in that specic range thanks to an appropriate thickness of the silicon.
Adding excellent performances of low power consumption, good temperature behavior and
high speed (Flandre et al., 1999; 2001), the SOI technology allows the designers for integrating
a specic signal processing integrated CMOS circuit to transform the photocurrent into a
digital signal for example. This opens the possibility to build a low-cost, complete and
portable microsystem, including the light source, the photodetector and a recipient for the
sample to characterize.
For this chapter, we start with a state-of-the-art describing the current DNA quantication
methods with their advantages and disadvantages. Since we will work at low optical
wavelengths, we review different ultraviolet light sources that are used in laboratories or in
biomedical elds. A description of different photodetectors in various technologies, more
especially in SOI, suitable for DNA quantication will then be presented. Afterwards, we
2 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
detail, the SOI photodiode and the integrated circuit that were used in our experiments for
characterizing DNA concentration as well as the other particular biological agents. Finally,
the results of our measurements are presented and discussed.
2. Current optic-based DNA quantication methods
Nowadays the DNA concentration in liquid samples may be measured by different
techniques. For example, it is possible to quantify DNA by its property to absorb light
around 260 nm. However, the DNA quantities are usually too small to be detected, so the
DNA concentration has to be amplied. A very-well know method to amplify DNA is the
polymerase chain reaction (PCR).
2.1 PCR related methods
The polymerase chain reaction consists in a cyclic repetition of different temperature stages of
a solution containing the DNA to amplify, dNTPS, primer and the DNA polymerase enzyme.
Aheating stage is necessary to separate the two strands of the DNA. At the lower temperature,
each strand is used as a template for the synthesis by the DNA polymerase. After a consistent
number of cycles, the target DNA (determined by the primer) is amplied by a factor 2
(where x is the cycle number). The DNA concentration can next be measured by two different
ways :
the agarose gel electrophoresis. This consists in a migration of the DNA in an agarose gel
under a bias voltage. The size of the double stranded DNA is revealed by a luminescent
incorporation agent and estimated by comparison with a DNA ladder used as reference.
The detection is visual which is inconvenient because of its dependence on the personal
visual accuracy.
the quantitative real-time PCR. This method allows the measurement of DNA
concentrations during the amplication of the DNA by the addition of aspecic
uorophores. Basically, one uorophore is initially added to the solution and engraft to
the double stranded DNA along with the increase of the DNA. After each cycle, the DNA
solution is illuminated and the uorophores grafted to the DNA are emitting a light at a
specic wavelength. The emitted uorescence is thus proportional to the DNA quantity.
The main problem of the real-time PCR is the relatively poor efciency of the uorophores
and thus the light emission does not always reect the accurate DNA concentration.
Anyway, the PCR-based methods feature the disadvantages of a long measurement time
before obtaining the results. Moreover, it requires a large-sized laboratory equipment,
including a specic software for analyzing the results. They also depend on the PCR
amplication efciency which is not constant with the number of cycles and thus introduce a
high variance on statistical analyses.
2.2 Spectrometry
Spectrophotometers are used in molecular biology to quantify DNA and also to assess its
purity. The spectrometers use a method combining optic ber and liquid tension to illuminate
a droplet of a DNA sample with a UV light. The instrument measures the DNA absorbance at
260 nmand can also performa measurement at 280 nmto detect the presence of contaminating
proteins in the sample. The spectrometers allow for quick measurement but with a poor
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Low-Wavelengths SOI CMOS Photosensors for Biological Applications 3
2.3 Fluorometry
Fluorescence spectroscopy is used in biological quantication techniques. It requires
uorescent dyes that can specically bind to the DNA or RNA molecules. The uorometry is
based on a measurement 90

of a uorescent light emitted by a dye excited by the instrument.

The uorometry features a very statistically signicant (i.e. inducing a very low variance)
result but implies several manipulations, and a long analysis time.
3. The UV light sources
In order to fully take advantage of the UV absorbance property of the DNA, the samples must
be illuminated with a light source at appropriate wavelength and power. In laboratories, the
equipments described in the previous section feature light sources that are encumbering or
expensive. Hereunder is a non-extensive list of such sources :
the large spectrum lamp. That kind of lamp is mostly used for research. For example,
halogen-deuterium lamps provide a spectrum from 200 nm to 1200 nm with large emitting
power. Associated with a monochromator, they allow for selecting with precision any
wavelength and measurement of the spectral response of a photosensitive device. They
can also be used to simulate any monochromatic light source, at present between 250 and
400 nm. But often, the whole system (including the lamp and the monochromator) is too
voluminous to be integrated in a portable device.
the ash lamp. In the spectrometers, Xenon ash lamps are used. They feature an emitting
spectrum for which the high emission peak is around 260 nm. This kind of lamp provides a
high power but unfortunately generates second order peaks at higher wavelengths so that
a precise photosensor is required to detect only the transmitted light at 260 nm or precise
lters must be integrated to cut off the parasitic wavelengths. This could lead to a sensible
loss of light power.
the laser. In the PCR apparatus for example, the light source used to excite the uorophores
has to be very powerful and narrow around the exciting wavelength. The best choice is
thus a laser. But apart from these excellent optical characteristics, a laser is very expensive
and not suitable for a portable application, since it requires a stabilized supply power and
is not miniaturizable.
the uorophores. These chemical components allow the detection of a molecule. They are
used in the PCR to visually followthe amplication of a target DNAduring the exponential
stages of the PCR. The nature of the uorophores may be various. For example, SYBR Green
uorescent dyes bind to the double stranded DNA molecules and emit after excitation a
light at a specic wavelength when the DNA is re-assembled. So the emission depends on
the hybridization rate of the DNA. Another example is the Taqman probe which, contrarily
to the SYBR Green, is based on the FRET principle : a probe is covalently bonded with a
uorophore and a quencher inhibits its uorescence. Once the exonuclease activity of the
polymerase degrades the probe, uorescence is generated by the uorochrome. But even
if the nature of the uorophore may be quite different, their common characteristic is their
dependence on their afnity with their target and a relatively poor emission requiring so a
long observation time (in order to integrate a sufcient photocurrent) and a very low-noise
the light emitting diode (LED). Finally, to combine the advantages of a high emitting light
power, a controlled and narrow emitting spectrum, and a low fabrication cost, the LEDs
259 Low-Wavelengths SOI CMOS Photosensors for Biological Applications
4 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
are an opportunistic choice. To ensure a low wavelength emission spectrum, the materials
used to fabricate a UVdiode are diamond (C), and Al-based materials (i.e. AlNand AlGaN)
thanks to to their large bandgap, allowing a high energy photons generation when the
electron-hole pairs are recombining. The UV LEDs have to be biased with relatively high
forward voltage (e.g. Vd=6 V) which yields a current of about Id20 mA. This implies a
consistent power needed to bias the diodes (compared to the power needed to supply a
microelectronic integrated circuit), which also has to be very stable in time to minimize the
uctuations of the emitted light and reduce the measurements errors. However LEDs are
miniaturized, portable and low-cost UV light source, making them good candidates for a
complete optoelectronic microsystem aiming at biomedical applications.
4. The optical sensors for biomedical applications
In the previous laboratory equipments, optical sensors are used to measure a uorescence
phenomenon or a transmitted/absorbed light. In those equipments, the sensors are often
charge coupled devices (CCD), eventually associated with a mirror network in order to select
the appropriate wavelength to measure. CCDs feature the advantage of good linearity, and
signal to noise ratio. But they also require a complex embedded electronic circuit to generate
the clocks needed to control the charges transfers. In our case, since we target a portable,
low-cost and easy-to-use system, a single device photosensor will be considered.
The most common used optical sensor to detect a signal is a photodiode. As we extensively
study the UV and blue sensitive photosensors, we present a short state-of-the-art of the main
available devices in each technology. A wide review of such photosensors has also been
reported by Yotter & Wilson (2003). An important gure of merit for an optoelectronic sensor
is the responsivity (R) :
R =
[A/W] (1)
dened as the ratio between the light induced current I
, called the photocurrent, and the
incident light power at the diode surface Pin. Some papers also refer to the external quantum
efciency (QE) of the device dened as :
QE =
[%] (2)
where h is the Plancks constant and is the frequency related to the wavelength by c =
where c is the vacuum speed of light.
Both are expressed as a function of the wavelength, so it is easy to compare devices for a
given spectral range of detection, i.e, blue and UV in our case. More precisely, since DNA is
absorbing at 260 nm and blue is dened from 450 to 475 nm in the electromagnetic spectrum,
we can only compare the device on the specications given in the papers. Three technology
categories are studied below : bulk silicon, SOI and another regrouping some of the most
common other used materials.
4.1 In bulk silicon technology
Silicon remains the lowest-cost material to fabricate a photodiode and can absorb photons
whose correspond to a wavelength up to slightly more than 1100 nm thanks to its 1.1 eV
bandgap (Zimmermann, 2000). Unfortunately, to realize a spectral lter, in order to only
260 Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software
Low-Wavelengths SOI CMOS Photosensors for Biological Applications 5
absorb photons with an associate low wavelength, a low thickness of the silicon is needed
since most of the photons are absorbed in the rst 5 m of the silicon thickness. This leads
to reducing as much as possible the thickness of the silicon region where the photons are
absorbed and to reduce the reections. Consequently, a high responsivity can be achieved in
the appropriate wavelength by other techniques like spatial modulation of light (Chen & du
Plessis, 2006) or special devices such as avalanche diode (Pauchard et al., 2000).
4.2 In SOI technology
Silicon-on-insulator is a particular silicon-based technology in which a thin silicon lm is
separated from a thick silicon substrate with an oxide layer (called the buried oxide, or
BOX). When fabricating an integrated circuit, the electronic devices (including transistors,
capacitors, resistors, ...) are realized in the top thin layer. This insulated structure features the
advantage to considerably reduce the leakage currents of the transistors, reduce the parasitic
capacitances of the circuits, and improve the resistance of the circuitry to the variations of
temperature (at low as well as high temperature, from 100 K to 450 K (Flandre et al., 1999;
Silicon absorbs light as a function of its thickness: the thicker the silicon, the higher the
absorbed wavelengths. So, contrarily to a classical photosensor embedded in a thick silicon
wafer, which absorbs most of the light from UV to near infra-red, a SOI device featuring a thin
lm with 100 nm of thickness allows for only absorbing light whose wavelength is under 450
4.3 Other semiconductor materials
Silicon is the most common semiconductor but other materials can be used to implement a
photosensor. Thanks to their larger bandgap, materials based on Gallium Nitride (GaN) can
more easily absorb photons associated to low wavelengths independently from its thickness
and then achieve high responsivities below 400 nm (Chang et al., 2008; 2006; Biyikli et al.,
2005; Monroy et al., 2001). Other frequently used technology is the silicon carbide (SiC) that
has proven its interest by the past (Brown et al., 1998; Fang et al., 1992).
4.4 Anti reection coatings
The advantage of depositing a dual-layer anti-reection coating (ARC) above a photodiode
has been proven (Kumer et al., 2005). It can considerably reduce the reections of light
by an accurate choice of thickness according to the index of refraction of the material and
the wavelength at which the efciency has to be improved. The most common ARCs are
silicon oxide (SiO
), silicon nitride (Si
) and alumina (Al
). Great advances have been
made in the solar cell laboratory research concerning ARC. Recently, the researches are more
focused on the development of texturized surfaces which are also often used to ensure a
greater absorption of the light in the device with multiple reections at the incident interface.
The patterned protective layers allow an augmentation of their transmittance, leading to an
increase of the quantum efciencies of the cells (Han et al., 2009; Chu et al., 2008; Gombert et
al., 2000).
4.5 Summary and comparison
The table 1 summarizes most representative results for the previously cited technologies.
For classical Si photodiodes (i.e. except for avalanche diodes or else), SOI technology
remains much more efcient than classical bulk silicon as can be seen on the table above.
261 Low-Wavelengths SOI CMOS Photosensors for Biological Applications
6 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
Source Techno Performance
Torres-Costa et al. (2007) Bulk Si R=0.025@400 nm
Chen & du Plessis (2006) Bulk Si R=0.05@400 nm
Pauchard et al. (2000) Bulk Si (Avalanche) R=0.17@400 nm
Bulteel et al. (2009) SOI R=0.1@400 nm
Afzalian & Flandre (2005) SOI R=0.015@430 nm
Miura et al. (2007) SOI NA
Chang et al. (2008) GaN R=0.15@[300-400] nm
Chang et al. (2006) GaN R=0.18@350 nm
Biyikli et al. (2005) AlGaN R=0.1@250 nm
Monroy et al. (2001) AlGaN R=0.2@350 nm
Brown et al. (1998) SiC R=0.15@280 nm
Fang et al. (1992) SiC R=0.26@380 nm
Han et al. (2009) Si and Patterned ARC QE=60@400 nm
Table 1. Comparison of the photodiode characteristics among the different technologies
Comparatively, the larger bandgap materials can achieve a higher responsivity, but their
fabrication cost is much higher and even if SOI technology reaches a lesser responsivity, its
value remains on the same order of magnitude as the other semiconductor materials.
5. The SOI photodiode design
As previously said, a very common electronic device, but with good efciency, used to
measure the light intensity is the diode, or the PN junction. By adding an intrinsic or
low-doped region between the P and N regions, we obtain a PIN diode which can reach
better optical response (Zimmermann, 2000). When realizing this device in the thin lm of
a SOI wafer, we implement a lateral PIN diode. This device has been used in this abstract as a
reference, according to the good results found in the literature and its compatible fabrication
with a standard CMOS process (Afzalian & Flandre, 2005). The photocurrent, previously
introduced in equation 1, can also be dened as:
= I
[A] (3)
where I
is the total current owing through the diode and I
is the dark current of the
diode, i.e. the current through the diode when subject to no illumination. Referring to
equation 1, the responsivity can thus be enhanced by increasing the photocurrent, which is can
be obtained by reducing the dark current and optimizing the reverse bias of the photodiode,
Vd. Raising Vd indeed increases the region where the photons generate electron-hole pairs
(Afzalian & Flandre, 2005), however, the generation current also increases, but so does the
dark current that itself decreases the photocurrent, and thus the responsivity. It has also been
demonstrated that adding an anti-reection coating greatly improves the sensitivity of the
photodiode. In our case, a silicon nitride ARC has been deposited over a silicon dioxide
that came naturally with the fabrication process. The cross section of a PIN diode in a SOI
technology is shown in gure 1.
For the tested technology, the dimensions according to gure 1 were T
=800 m, T
nm, T
=80 nm, T
=280 nm and T
=40 nm. For the diode itself, simulations have
demonstrated that an intrinsic length of Li=8 m could reach a maximum efciency in our
detection range while the anode and cathode lengths of Ln=Lp=10 m are xed by the
262 Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software
Low-Wavelengths SOI CMOS Photosensors for Biological Applications 7
Fig. 1. Cross section of one nger of the SOI PIN photodiode
process (Flandre et al., 1999; 2001). A mathematical model has been implemented in Matlab
for simulating the responsivity of our SOI device with a reection-transmission of waves
through a multi-layer device with thicknesses and refraction indexes as variables. But since
the standard SOI wafer substrate and oxide are imposed by the fabrication process, while
the thin Si lm and the CMOS process oxide thicknesses are also constant on the wafer, the
only left parametrical layer is the additional ARC. As demonstrated in (Kumer et al., 2005),
we can minimize the reected power by depositing two anti-reecting coatings on top of a
semiconductor layer. While the rst ARC is the existing silicon oxide of 280 nm previously
presented, the second top layer is most commonly a silicon nitride for its refraction index close
to 2. Figure 2 presents the variation of responsivity at 400 nm as a function of the thickness
of the silicon nitride top ARC. One can observe its periodicity as predicted in (Zimmermann,
2000; Kumer et al., 2005).
After fabrication, the photodiode responsivity has been measured by sweeping the
electromagnetic spectrum in the range from 200 nm to 750 nm with a halogen-deuterium
lamp and a monochromator selecting the appropriate wavelength. The comparison between
the simulated and the measured responsivity is shown in gure 3.
One can observe high responsivities in the UV range while the responsivity falls down
after 450 nm, which corresponds to the end of the blue range in the visible spectrum of
Fig. 2. Simulation of the responsivity at =400 nm of PIN photodiodes with a structure as in
gure 1 as a function of the silicon nitride ARC.
263 Low-Wavelengths SOI CMOS Photosensors for Biological Applications
8 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
Fig. 3. Comparison between simulation and measurements of the photodiode responsivity
light. There is also a good correspondence between measurements and simulation, except
for the attenuated experimental oscillations below 400 nm that can be explained by process
non-uniformities. Based on the initial SOI wafer, other more accurate photodiodes can be
designed according to the target light as in (Bulteel & Flandre, 2009), where it is proven that
aluminum oxide ARC and silicon-on-nothing based structures may also be used to optimize
such biological measurements.
6. The integrated circuit
6.1 Overview of the system
As previously mentioned, instead of directly measuring the current of the photodiode, a signal
processing circuit can be fully integrated on a single chip with the photodiode, thanks to
the same CMOS process and the SOI technology. An example of transimpedance circuit for
measuring an analog voltage has been fully designed and measured in Afzalian & Flandre
(2006). Another type of circuit can be used to transform the analog output of the photodiode
into a digital signal, easy to interface with a microcontroller. An example of such a circuit is
presented in gure 4.
This circuit corresponds to a current-to-frequency (I-f) converter. First, the photocurrent is
processed by an integrator, and the integrated current has thus the shape of a rising voltage
Fig. 4. Schematic of the complete photodiode and signal processing circuit
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Low-Wavelengths SOI CMOS Photosensors for Biological Applications 9
Fig. 5. Output voltage of the current to frequency circuit
whose slope directly depends on the magnitude of the photocurrent owing through the
capacitor C
. A two-thresholds comparator (implemented in this case by a Schmitt trigger)
next transforms the integrated voltage into a squared signal that resets the integrator when
the output becomes high. This simple system produces a number of pulses per second
proportional to the amplitude of the photocurrent. So, for a xed time of observation, the
higher the photocurrent (i.e. the higher the UV intensity), the larger the number of pulses to
be measured.
6.2 Design
The system can be tuned for the application to operate. For high current, and so high pulse
frequencies to measure, the bandwidth of the operational amplier may vary, as well as its
open-loop gain depending on the precision required for the integrated function. For the
measured photodiode, an implementation of this circuit was designed and fabricated in our
SOI technology (Flandre et al., 1999; 2001) including a Miller operational amplier with a
60 dB open-loop gain and a 3 MHz gain-bandwidth product (GBW). A 10 pF capacitance
is used as a feedback to realize the integrator function while a SOI NMOS transistor with
minimal dimension and a
= 1 ratio was chosen to reset the integrator ensuring minimal
leakage current (Luque et al., 2003). With that choice, assuming that the output dynamic of the
integrator (i.e. corresponding to the difference between the two thresholds of the following
trigger) is set to 1V, a 10 pA photocurrent will charge the feedback capacitance within one
second. Many types of Schmitt triggers (or other comparators) can be used, also depending
on the required output and the switch. A similar circuit was found in the literature (Simpson
et al., 2001; Bolton et al., 2002), but featuring a single threshold comparator. In our case, due to
the very low luminous intensities to measure, the currents are very small and so is the slope
of the integrated signal. We thus need a larger dynamic at the integrator output implying the
use of a two thresholds comparator. A standard CMOS Schmitt trigger (Filanovsky & Baltes,
1994) was used for the comparator with an input dynamic of 1V as previously said.
The circuit is powered with a 2 V voltage and consumes approximately 600 A. The whole
chip including a 0.25 mm
photodiode, features an area of 0.5 mm
. Its output under
illumination is shown in gure 5.
One can observe the good behavior of the circuit. The circuit has also been illuminated
with lights of different powers and wavelengths, and the experiment has proved the good
265 Low-Wavelengths SOI CMOS Photosensors for Biological Applications
10 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
Fig. 6. Number of pulses measured in 40 ms as a function of the surface power density of
light for 400 nm (black) and 470 nm (blue)
linearity of the outputs with regards to the responsivity of the photodiode (Bulteel et al.,
2009) as showed in gure 6. One can observe that the slope ratios of the measurements linear
regressions is of about 3 between 400nm and 470nm. When referring to the gure 3, the ratio
of the responsivities at 400 nm and 470 nm is also of 3. As such, the integrated system can be
used to measure environmental UV or DNA concentration.
7. Biological application of the SOI photodiodes
The current optical measurement methods (presented above in this chapter) require a lot of
manipulations (e.g. pipetting, purication, etc.) and are not convenient for portable and
low-cost applications. We present here an innovating system to measure DNA concentrations
by optic transmittance. As previously introduced, the DNA features an absorption peak
around 260 nm, so that its concentration in a liquid sample can be assessed by measuring
a ray of light passing through the DNA solution. According to the Beer-Lambert law, the
DNA concentration can be directly deduced from the light transmitted through the sample.
Previous results demonstrated the feasibility of such a system (Bulteel et al., 2009) with a
monochromator and our SOI photodiode based on measurements. The early results of the
experiments were compared to spectrometry, uorometry and quantitative real-time PCR.
It was shown that the PCR featured the highest detection range but a poor precision and
reproducibility. The spectrometry-based method has the lowest detection range and a poor
precision. Fluorometry-based quantication presented the highest precision and a relatively
good detection range, reaching the one obtained with the SOI photodiode.
7.1 The setup
Figure 7 shows a setup of the second experiment. Starting with a light source, implemented
with a LED with appropriate wavelength, we can place the DNA in its container to be directly
illuminated by the almost monochromatic light. Finally the sensor is positioned to receive the
light that has passed through the DNA in order to measure the transmitted light.
7.2 Measurement of DNA samples in quartz containers
First of all, we wanted to conrm the literature reported results and compare them with
those obtained with our system. Thus, we measured DNA samples from Escherichia coli in a
266 Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software
Low-Wavelengths SOI CMOS Photosensors for Biological Applications 11
Fig. 7. Schematic of the system : a UV LED illuminates the DNA sample and the transmitted
light is measured by a SOI photodiode coupled to a IV meter
reference absorption cell fromHellma. These cuvettes are 50 L quartz containers whose good
UVtransmittance is a well-known property. The light is focused on a 2.5 mmdiameter circular
transparent window conning the DNA in a small cylinder illuminated by the light source.
For the rst step, the emitting wavelength of the LED was 260 nm. The LED was biased
and monitored by a Keithley 236 IV source associated with a four wire connection ensuring
a minimal noise oor needed for the small currents to measure (i.e. a few nA). Genomic
DNA was pipetted and deposited in the quartz cuvettes with concentrations ranging from
400 ng/L to 400 pg/L. Three currents were measured for calibrating the system : the dark
current of the photodiode, the photocurrent generated directly by the light source (denoted
Light), and the photocurrent resulting of a blank measurement consisting of 50L of water in
the quartz cuvettes (denoted H
O) as referred in gure 8 showing the photocurrents of the
experiment. Under a Vd=-0.5 V reverse bias, a dark current average of 45 pA was measured.
A monotonic relation between the photocurrent and the DNA concentration was observed.
As previously demonstrated in Bulteel et al. (2009), the higher the DNA concentration, the
more UV light is absorbed, and the lesser the induced photocurrent is generated in the diode.
Evenly the lowest DNA concentration implied the highest photocurrent. This photocurrent
Fig. 8. Detection of different DNA concentrations (Escherichia coli) in the quartz cuvettes:
Light and H
O concentrations were used as references
267 Low-Wavelengths SOI CMOS Photosensors for Biological Applications
12 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
Fig. 9. Photograph of the tested system
was not signicantly different from the blank sample. The error bars also shown in the gure
correspond to the standard variations at each DNA concentration and pose another limit to
the precision as discussed below.
8. Results of in-tube measurement with photodiode
The rst step of our methodology demonstrated the principle of DNA measurements in a
quartz container with a LED as light source and SOI diode as photosensor. But one condition
to be fullled by the DNA container is to be as transparent as possible so that the light
can interact with the DNA sample with as much optical power as possible. Therefore, we
next practiced our experimentations on 200 L PCR tubes, as they have already proven
their usability (Bulteel et al., 2009). Another advantage is that while the quartz absorption
cells require pipetting, drying and cleaning steps, the tube containers allow wasteless
measurements with minimal manipulation steps and are much cheaper. A photograph of
the setup is shown in gure 9.
On the left of the photograph, one can see a rack line of four LEDs emitting respectively at
260 nm, 280 nm, 295 nm and 360 nm. They are mounted on a XYZ displacer allowing for a
selection of the most suitable wavelength according to the molecular nature of the biological
target. The photodiode stands on the right of the picture and is encapsulated in a DIL-24
package (also mounted on a XYZ displacer for alignment) while the PCR tube is centered in
the photograph on a two dimensional YZ displacer.
8.1 Detection limit and other statistical considerations
When dealing with biological samples in order to establish faithfully their concentration, it is
crucial to compare the results to commonly used statistical denitions (Ripp, 1996). The most
used functions are the precision limit (PL), the minimum detection limit (MDL) also called
the limit of detection (LOD) for the laboratory measurements, and the limit of quantication
(LOQ). Those are rst linked to the blank sample measurements. So, for 20 measurements of
a blank tube containing a solution without DNA (i.e. H
O), the precision limit can be dened
as :
268 Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software
Low-Wavelengths SOI CMOS Photosensors for Biological Applications 13
PL = 3


Since the number of our measurements is less than 30 per sample, the results are distributed
along a Student distribution, associated with its t-value. Secondly the MDL for a DNA
concentration is dened with its t-value compared to the blank measurements as :
MDL = (t value)

= LOD (5)
And nally, the LOQ is calculated as follow :
LOQ = 10
The precision limit will be mainly discussed furtherly on this chapter.
8.2 Placement
The system is rstly calibrated with no assay tube. For a xed position of the LED and
the blocking mask, the photodiode is placed for obtaining a maximal value of the generated
photocurrent under illumination. Then, a PCR tube containing an europium-diluted solution
is hold on the YZ tube displacer and positioned to induce a minimal value of the photocurrent
while uorescence of the europium can conrm the correct alignment of the LED, the sample
and the photodiode.
8.3 Description of the varying parameters
8.3.1 The light source
Since the LEDs are packaged with an hemispherical lens providing a straight illumination
diagram, an aperture mask composed of a dark mask with a 2.5 mmdiameter circular window
is used to focus the light on the tube. The blocking mask is shown in gure 9 between
the LEDs and the assay tube. The aperture mask also prevents from the diffraction of the
light on the rounded boundaries of the PCR tube, which could perturb the measurements.
Among the four available LEDs in the system previously presented, the two with emitting
peak wavelengths of 260 nm and 280 nm were used, respectively for the DNA and proteins
measurements. It is established that DNA absorbs the light at 260 nm while proteins are more
sensitive to a 280 nm illumination, but both wavelengths were tested on each target, the ratios
of the measurements enabling purity assessments. The LEDs have also been characterized
with a spectrophotometer showing the inverse correlation between their illuminating power
and the distance. Therefore a modulation of the optical power of the LED is possible when
displacing it from the PCR tube.
8.3.2 The distance
As discussed above, the LED power illuminating the sample tube can be modulated by the
distance between the LED and the tube. While the tubes are at 1 cm from the photodiode,
and the blocking mask is also xed (at a distance of 1.5 cm of the tube, i.e. 2.5 cm from the
photodiode), the LEDs were disposed at three distances from the photodiode : 4.5 cm, 6.5
cm and 8 cm, which corresponds to a reduction of the power by respectively two and three
whereas the closest distance displaying the highest power was 4.5 cm.
269 Low-Wavelengths SOI CMOS Photosensors for Biological Applications
14 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
8.3.3 The photodiode bias
As discussed before, the choice of the photodiode bias is a trade-off between the dark and the
photogenerated currents. Moreover, the measurement noise is highly related to the shot noise
of the diode, dened as :
= 2 q I
/Hz] (7)
This implies a limit for the current to ll with the MDL of the system. In the experiments,
a reverse voltage sweep range from 0 V to -5 V was applied to the diode and has lead to
choose a reverse bias of Vd=-0.5V to maximize the photocurrent under a constant =280 nm
illumination. It implies a dark current I
of about 30 pA/mm
for the following experiment
results. The optical dynamic (OD) is the value of the current of a blank sample reported to the
dark current (Bulteel et al., 2009). When PCR tubes were used, the current measured with a
blank sample was of 3 nA. We then calculated that the OD was of 100, while it was of 700 with
the quartz cuvettes.
8.4 Results and discussion
To validate the system, two types of samples were tested and the results are reported in
this section. Firstly, pure genomic DNA (Escherichia coli), and secondly, spores from bacteria
(Bacillus subtilis). Each substance was diluted into the microtubes to a volume of 50 L
(corresponding to the same volume as in the quartz cuvettes) and each tube was measured
four times with the LEDs emitting at =260 nm and =280 nm. The repeated measurements
are essential to take into account the tube displacements, the heterogeneity of the solution
(each tube is periodically vortexed to re-homogenize the solution) and other measurement
uctuations.As discussed for the quartz calibration experiment, since the lowest concentration
provides the highest photocurrent, all results are displayed as a percentage of the maximal
measured current. This enables a normalization of the different tests over the optical dynamic.
8.4.1 Measurement precision
The precision of our system, as introduced above in the statistical considerations section, was
calculated to be 2.16 % over 20 blank measurements and multiplied by 3 to compute the
precision limit (PL) from the maximum measured current, as can been seen in the curves of
gures 10-12. The intersection of the precision limit and the sample curve yields an estimate
of the lowest limit of detection range.
8.4.2 The DNA
The genomic DNAwas extracted fromEscherichia coli, a Gramnegative bacterium, and diluted
in concentrations ranging from 400 ng/L to 4 pg/L. Figures 10 and 11 report the data for
the DNA concentrations that have been measured for the two wavelengths (260 and 280 nm),
at the three LED-to-photodiode distances.
As expected, one can observe a monotonic relation between the photocurrent and the DNA
concentration in both gures and shown by the calibration data of gure 8. Nevertheless, a
closer analysis of the curves can point out the inuence of the parameters.
A rst observation is that the LED emitting at =280 nm allows a detection range down to
4 pg/L, which is better than the detection threshold of 40 pg/L when the LED of =260
nm is at a distance of 4.5 cm. Concerning the other distances, the low detection range limits
appear for 4 ng/L and 40 pg/L at 260nm and 280 nm respectively. This observation has
already been made (Bulteel et al., 2009), and the phenomenon may be explained by the fact
270 Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software
Low-Wavelengths SOI CMOS Photosensors for Biological Applications 15
Fig. 10. Inuence on the DNA concentration measurements of the distance between the LED
at =260 nm and the photodiode : 4.5 cm (solid line), 6.5 cm (doted line), 8 cm (dashed line)
and precision limit, PL (-x-)
that the peak absorption is too high at 260nm, implying a lower threshold for the detection.
On the opposite, the slope of the absorption spectrum is lower at =280 nm (Karczemska &
Sokolowska, 2001) and that would so enable more accurate measurements.
About the LED emitting at =260 nm, when decreasing the power, the upper detectable
concentration decreases. The upper limit of the detection seems to increase linearly with
the distance. This makes sense since the measurement is made at the absorption peak
wavelength. In opposition, the distance relation is less clear for =280 nm.
It appears that the measurements realized at =280 nm are more precise with regards to
standard deviation and are more reproducible than at =260 nm. The excessive absorption
at 260 nm might disturb the level of detection, and this phenomenon may increase when
if the power ts with the maximum absorption. Contrarily, the measurements carried out
at 280 nm imply less variations on the results because of the lower but more reproducible
Fig. 11. Inuence on the DNA concentration measurements of the distance between the LED
at =280 nm and the photodiode : 4.5cm (solid line), 6.5cm (doted line), 8cm (dashed line)
and precision limit, PL (-x-)
271 Low-Wavelengths SOI CMOS Photosensors for Biological Applications
16 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
Fig. 12. Bacillus subtilis concentration measurements at 260 nm (solid line) and 280 nm (doted
line) at a LED-to-photodiode distance of 6.5 cm. Precision limit is indicated as PL (-x-)
absorption of DNA around this wavelength.
The standard deviation generally increases at both wavelengths, except for the shortest
distance at 280 nm, with the diminution of the concentration under characterization. A
usual trade-off between sensitivity and noise must hence be determined. In gure 11, the
best threshold of detection then appears to be 0.02 ng/L when the PL line crosses the
measurement curve.
8.4.3 The bacteria
Lyophilized spores of a Gram positive bacterium (Bacillus subtilis), were resuspended in water
in concentrations ranging from 6x10
spores/mL to 6x10
spores/mL. Figure 12 presents the
in-tube measurements for both wavelengths. The measurements at =260 nm can cover a
range down to 6x10
spores/mL, and a decade lower for the LED at 280 nm. Nevertheless,
the measurements at 280 nm are more precise in the measured range compared to those at
260 nm. Indeed the standard deviation at 260 nm for the concentration of 6x10
spores/mL is
9. Measurements with the integrated system
As previous experiments have demonstrated that DNA concentration can be measured with
a UV SOI photodiode and a UV light source, this should also be possible with the complete
integrated system presented in the section 6 of this chapter. The experiment has been made
by replacing the photodiode chip with a current-to-frequency converter and its associated
photodiode single chip. The 260 nm LED has been used to light the DNA tubes at a distance
of 4.5 cm to the tubes. It was biased with a Keithley 2400 I-V source as well as the integrated
circuit. The output pulse repetition periods were measured using an Agilent MSO8104A
1-GHz real-time oscilloscope. A dark measurement gave a result of three pulses only for a
50 seconds observation period. The precision limit has been measured over 20 blank tubes as
for the photodiode experiments.
In a rst experiment the same DNA concentrations as used previously (i.e. from 400 ng/L
to 4 pg/L) are measured over a time period of 10 seconds. In gure 13, the number of pulses
272 Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software
Low-Wavelengths SOI CMOS Photosensors for Biological Applications 17
Fig. 13. DNA concentration measurement from 400 ng/L to 4 pg/L for 260 nm with the I-f
circuit during a 10 seconds measurement period (solid line) and the precision limit (PL, -x-)
measured per sample over this period for each concentration is normalized to the maximal
number of pulses associated with the lowest concentration.
One can observe in gure 13 that the circuit is able to measure DNA concentrations over the
whole tested range. However, due to a 11.6 % precision limit conjugated to a small slope of
the measurement curve in the low concentrations, the detection limit is of about 0.1 ng/L.
Nevertheless, for the very low DNA concentrations, a weak number of pulses are expected. It
is thus important to increase the measurement time to observe a signicant response. Figure
14 shows a 20 seconds measurement for the different concentrations presented above, and of
two additional concentrations (i.e. from 400 pg/L to 40 fg/L).
On this gure, a non-ambiguous detection appears maintained down to the lowest tested
DNA concentration (i.e. 40 fg/L).
10. Improvements
One of the major limits of the system is the increase of the standard deviation of light
measurements for low DNA concentrations. To reduce these variations, a rst step could
Fig. 14. DNA concentration measurement from 400 pg/L to 40 fg/L for 260 nm with the I-f
circuit during a 20 seconds measurement period (solid line) and the precision limit (PL, -x-)
273 Low-Wavelengths SOI CMOS Photosensors for Biological Applications
18 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
be to measure replicates and multiply the number of measurements therefore reducing the
standard deviation. On the other hand, the mechanical setup may be improved. With
the miniaturization of a future completely portable system, more combined measurements
(e.g. concentrations, wavelengths and distances) or increasing the optical dynamic of the
system (e.g. by modulating the LED power or improving the photodiode responsivity as
demonstrated in Bulteel & Flandre (2009)). Regarding the integrated circuit, a digital system
interface (e.g. a digital counter) can be included to automatically take measurements on a
denite time period. The interface could send the data to a monitored interface by ZigBee
of Wi modulation as already made with other biological sensors (Andr e et al., 2010). In the
future the system may be adapted to measure in the air particles that respond optically to UV
light. The DNA container may also be replaced by a microuidic channel.
11. Conclusion
Our experimentations have proven the ability of new photosensors implemented in SOI
technology and combined with UV LEDs to establish a monotonic relation between a
DNA concentration and the resulting photocurrent after UV transmittance through assay
microtubes containing the samples under test. The photodiode alone achieves a current
measurement precision of 2 % and a detection range over 5 decades of concentrations, down
to 4 pg/L in optimal conditions. The threshold of quantication was estimated at 20 pg/L.
With the same PCR tubes, the photodiode is also able to establish a relation between the
diode photocurrent and bacteria samples. The integrated circuit including a SOI photodiode
and a CMOS current-to-frequency converter is able to measure DNA concentration down
to 40 fg/L with a precision of about 10 %. Compared to optical apparatus and laboratory
equipments commonly used to quantify the concentration of biological samples, the detection
limits are improved with a very high accuracy. The SOI technology next offers the possibility
to integrate the measurement setup into a complete lab-on-a-chip, while the miniaturized
components of the system will drive a cost reduction.
12. Acknowledgments
The authors thank Coris BioConcept for supplying the genomic DNA and the Center of
Applied Molecular Technologies (CTMA) of the Universit e catholique de Louvain and the
Defense Laboratory Department (DLD-Bio) for supplying the Bacillus subtilis spores.
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276 Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software
LEPTS a Radiation-Matter InteractionyModel at
the Molecular Level and its Use inyBiomedical
Martina Fuss
, Ana G. Sanz
, Antonio Mu noz
Francisco Blanco
, Marina T ellez
, Carlos Huerga
and Gustavo Garca
Instituto de Fsica Fundamental, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientcas
Centro de Investigaciones Energ eticas, Medioambientales y Tecnol ogicas (CIEMAT)
Departamento de Fsica At omica, Molecular y Nuclear,
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Hospital Universitario La Paz, Madrid
1. Introduction
Monte Carlo-based simulations of radiation transport through biological tissues constitute an
important complement to experimental dosimetry for the assessment of radiation damage
in radioprotection as well as clinical applications such as diagnostics and radiotherapy.
In comparison with conventional dose calculation methods that combine empirical
data and deterministic algorithms, they offer signicant improvements (Reynaert et al.,
2007) particularly in conditions involving inhomogeneous materials or geometrically
complex irradiation conditions. Therefore, various Monte Carlo (MC) codes oriented
towards radiotherapeutic (Berger & Seltzer, 1973; Kawrakow, 2000; Brown, 2003; Bar o et al.,
1995; Agostinelli, 2003; Halbleib & Melhorn, 1984) and medical imaging (Jan, 2004;
Badano & Sempau, 2006) applications have been developed in the last decades. Those
programmes provide particle tracking making use of public reference databases such as
Storm & Israel (1970); Cullen et al. (1997); Hubbell et al. (1975; 1985); Perkins et al. (1991b);
ICRU (1984); Perkins et al. (1991a); Seltzer & Berger (1985) (for a summary, see table 1
in Verhaegen & Seuntjens (2003)) and include sophisticated elements that help reduce
calculation time, e.g. condensed-history algorithms. Additionally, electrons are usually forced
to instantly deposit all of their remaining energy below a certain cut-off value, further
speeding up simulations. Generally, energy deposition in a given volume is assumed to be
directly proportional to the number of ionization events that have been produced therein.
However, during the irradiation of biological tissues and almost irrespective of the incident
radiation quality, a considerable portion of energy dose is eventually deposited in the target
material by secondary electrons through multiple collisions. Only recent discoveries have
shown that molecular damage (e.g., molecular dissociations or strand breaks in DNA) can be
induced in biomolecules very efciently even by sub-ionising electrons through molecular
resonances (Boudaffa et al., 2000; Huels et al., 2003) and dissociative electron attachment
(Hanel et al., 2003; Abdoul-Carime et al., 2004). In view of this, an interaction model capable
2 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
of giving a realistic, physically meaningful description of the effective genotoxic damage
caused by the incident radiation in a biological tissue should improve on existing MC codes
in the following aspects:
The simulation has to take into account the molecular nature of the absorber medium in
order to predict the physical or chemical alterations actually induced in its components. On
one hand, this means that input data for a given material can no longer be computed as the
sum of its atomic constituents, but needs to be supplied specically for each molecule. On
the other hand, it implies that each collision has to be simulated explicitly (event by event),
without using approximations treating multiple scattering events as a single process. This
approach permits to obtain particle tracks with real nanometric detail.
All different kinds of known inelastic collisions have to be considered in the interaction
model instead of restricting inelastic events exclusively to ionizations. Only by including
those inelastic channels, a complete picture of the effects induced in the irradiated medium
can be obtained. In particular, all relevant interaction mechanisms leading directly or
indirectly to molecular dissociations need to be taken into account. These include, amongst
others, neutral dissociation and dissociative electron attachment for causing chemical
alterations and radical formation (which, for the particular example of biological materials,
can ultimately lead to single or double breaks in RNA or DNA strands and protein
Finally, low-energy electrons cannot be ignoredby the interaction model by applying cut-off
values. Electrons should be tracked until thermalization in order to include scattering
events that occur only at low energies, even below ionization threshold. By including this
amendment, also the circumstance that collectively, low-energy secondary electrons can
carry away a considerable amount of energy from the primary particles path and produce
interactions in the surrounding tissue is accounted for. Consequently, interaction data has
to be collected for this energy range, as well.
The global aim of a simulation fullling these requirements would be to predict radiation
damage in biological tissues at the molecular level, ultimately by calculating how exactly
specic proteins, DNA strands, or other functional elements are affected by irradiation in
particular conditions (nanodosimetric approach). At present, this objective is not resolveddue
to the still scarce results on radiation-matter interactions for biomolecules. However, here we
present the code Low-Energy Particle Track Simulation (LEPTS) which has been specically
designed by us as a tool for nanodosimetry that offers the improvements exposed above.
It distinguishes ne details in the electron interaction model and gives a molecular-level
description of the processes involved in radiation transport and energy degradation down
to about 1 eV. Furthermore, it is a exible programme prepared to include the results of
new investigations as they become available through constant revision and maintenance of
the scattering subroutines and the underlying interaction data sets. Apart from electron
transport in irradiated materials of biomedical interest, also positron interactions (particularly
interesting for imaging applications such as PET, positron emission tomography) can be
simulated with LEPTS.
2. Programme structure
The Monte Carlo code used in our simulations (Mu noz et al., 2005; 2007a) is a general purpose
code written in C++ that combines our own routines with existing MC programmes. It
278 Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software
LEPTS a Radiation-Matter InteractionyModel at
the Molecular Level and its Use inyBiomedical Applications 3
Fig. 1. Diagram depicting how LEPTS handles each collisional event.
uses geometrical and material denition facilities, sampling mechanisms, and graphical
output generation from the GEANT4 toolkit (Agostinelli et al., 2003) and is also able to
exchange information with PENELOPE (Bar o et al., 1995). However, the programme core
which provides the functions dealing with the physical interaction processes between incident
particles and the target material is LEPTS, the Low-Energy Particle Track Simulation. LEPTS
was developed by our group with the main purpose to improve on low-energy and secondary
particle interaction models offered by other existing MC codes by providing a molecular-level
description of each collisional event until thermalization using experimental input data
wherever possible. Currently, electron and positron transport is calculated by LEPTS, while
other radiation particles to be tracked in a target material (in particular, photons) are handed
over to the corresponding routine available through GEANT-4 or PENELOPE. This combined
approach offers the advantages of established radiation transport programmes for tracking
many primary particles whose main effect is to release abundant secondary particles
with a certain energy range in multiple materials on one hand. On the other hand, it
provides a complex description of electrons and positrons (whether occurring as primary or
secondary particles) including accurate modelling of low-energy processes on a microscopic
scale. In recent years, our efforts have centered on adapting LEPTS for use in biomedical
applications through the compilation of suitable input parameters and the inclusion of
interaction processes that are relevant in biological tissues (e.g., neutral dissociation or
electron attachment).
As has been explained before, the Low-Energy Particle Track Simulation is the central part
of our simulation code, the actual interaction model that handles low-energy particles and
especially facilitates the simulation of radiation interaction in biological materials (tissues,
relevant detector materials, important organic components etc.). It is currently used for
processing low-energy electron and positron interactions, typically in the energy range of
1eV up to 1keV. In order to offer a detailed description at the nanoscale, accurate physical
models and the selection of input data are equally important. The methods employed in our
interaction model for obtaining a realistic simulation at the molecular level are detailed below.
A scheme depicting how a radiation-matter interaction event is processed is given in g. 1.
The criteria for input parameter selection will be explained in section 3.
LEPTS a Radiation-Matter InteractionyModel at the
Molecular Level and its Use in Biomedical Applications
4 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
LEPTS is a full Monte Carlo simulation, meaning that each interaction event (collision) is
individually simulated starting with the position, direction and energy of the incident particle
and giving as an output its new coordinates and energy as well as the possible impact it
has caused in the respective molecule of the irradiated material. Unless the incident particle
has been absorbed by its interaction partner (for example, via attachment to a molecule
in the case of an electron or positronium formation for a positron), the radiation particle
after the collision (outgoing particle) is tracked through further scattering events until its
thermalization with the surrounding material, at which point it nally deposits the remaining
energy. The alterations produced in the absorber, such as local energy deposition, molecular
dissociations, or the generation of secondary electrons, are registered by the programme
at its exact location within the volume simulated and are available for further analysis at
the end of the calculation. Additionally, any secondary particles produced (e.g. through
ionization) are always followed by the same means as primary particles until their absorption
or thermalization. Given that for most incident radiation qualities, the nal energy deposition
in the medium is carried out by the multiple secondary electrons produced along the paths
of primary particles, this strategy represents a very accurate mode of assessing the radiation
damage inicted.
In order to track an incoming particle, at rst, the free path in the medium is sampled
according to the total cross section corresponding to its momentary energy. Only once
the location of the next collision is thus dened, the interaction model used by LEPTS
distinguishes two classes of scattering events: elastic and inelastic scattering. Partial cross
sections determine which kind of event is to take place and call the appropriate interaction
For elastic collisions, since no energy is deposited in the medium, the programme samples
the outgoing particles angle according to the distribution established by the corresponding
differential cross sections (DCS). In the case of inelastic collisions, different subprocesses
(with their relative frequency given by the corresponding partial cross sections) are available
depending on the type of incident particle, its energy, and the molecular species encountered.
For electron scattering, these processes can currently include ionization (with or without
Auger electron generation), vibrational and rotational excitation, electronic excitation, neutral
dissociation, and dissociative attachment. In the case of positrons, also positroniumformation
and annihilation are simulated.
In the next step, the energy lost during the collision is determined. In the case of vibrational or
rotational excitations, a xed value is assigned which only depends on the molecule that was
excited and which is calculated as the weighted mean energy of all known levels. For inelastic
processes involving complete absorption of the incident particle, the total remaining energy is
deposited at the interaction site. For all other inelastic channels, the energy loss is sorted from
the energy loss distribution taking into account the threshold applying for a given channel. If
different inelastic scattering processes can be clearly distinguished in the underlying energy
loss distribution (usually an experimental energy loss spectrum), this is previously split up in
order to obtain a specic distribution for each of the respective processes.
Subsequently, the outgoing particles direction is sampled using the following approximation
for the inelastic differential cross section. It has compared well to experimental inelastic
DCS for materials like water (Mu noz et al., 2008b) and improves upon other common
approximations such as isotropic scattering or using elastic angular distributions directly. For
use with LEPTS, the elastic DCS is represented as a function of momentum transfer k to the
molecular interaction partner (instead of the outgoing angle ). Then, the inverse calculation
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LEPTS a Radiation-Matter InteractionyModel at
the Molecular Level and its Use inyBiomedical Applications 5
is done, now taking into account the inelastic nature of the collision being simulated by
including an energy loss E.
We thus obtain the outgoing angle after an inelastic scattering event from
cos =
+ p
2 pp

where p and p

are incident and nal linear momenta, respectively, and the range of k is
restricted by k [p p

; p + p

If an ionization has taken place, a secondary electron is automatically generated and enters
the simulation with the energy lost by the primary electron less the ionization energy, moving
in the direction obtained when applying linear momentum conservation. Those secondary
electrons are then fully tracked in the same way as primary ones until losing all of their
energy or exiting the simulated volume. Finally, the interaction event has terminated and
the radiation particle is ready to enter the next collision.
Since LEPTS focuses on low-energy interactions, bremsstrahlung photon production is not
taken into account by the scattering subroutines currently used in our programme. This
circumstance is not expected to introduce observable errors in the applications considered
so far due to the relatively low particle energies. The maximum electron energy occurring in
the applications presented in section 4 is approximately 3.5 MeV, where the radiation yield
amounts to only 1.3 % according to data supplied by the NIST (Berger, 2000).
2.2 Information exchange with other codes
In our combination programme, a simulation is always launched using the GEANT-4 toolkit,
meaning that geometrical and material settings are dened there. The initial conditions
describing the incident radiation particles are however supplied by the user depending on the
situation simulated. In this way, different set-ups can be considered, e.g. parallel incidence /
point source / complex source shape, monoenergetic distribution / several discrete energies /
continuous incident spectrum, single particle type / mixed incident species, and so on. Once
an incident particle with its corresponding coordinates, direction, and energy is thus sampled,
other codes can be called for tracking. Electrons and positrons are generally handed over to
LEPTS, except for the purpose of comparison between different codes. PENELOPE can be
used for simulating photon transport. Other kinds of particles, including photons as well, can
be tracked by GEANT-4. Each code is used exclusively with their own, built-in databases.
During particle tracking, individual radiation particles are easily passed over from one
programme to another. If, for example, an incident photon undergoes photoelectric effect
and thus releases an electron from the absorber material, this is immediately passed over
to LEPTS for simulating its further trajectory. No distinction whatsoever is made between
primary and secondary particles, all of them being tracked until absorption or thermalization.
Therefore, the energy released in a single interaction by any primary radiation particle (in the
current example, a photon) when passing through a medium is effectively distributed among
the multiple collisions along the paths of the secondary particles generated (electrons) and
registered with its exact impact (type of damage induced, energy deposition) on the different
absorber molecules that are affected.
Through the assignment of different kinds of particles to a certain code for track simulation,
the present combined programme offers a solid base of input data and models plus punctual
improvements where needed (for our intended applications, the treatment strictly event by
event and the additional detail in the low-energy region). Continuous maintenance and
LEPTS a Radiation-Matter InteractionyModel at the
Molecular Level and its Use in Biomedical Applications
6 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
improvement of LEPTS and its underlying databases ensure that we obtain an up-to-date,
versatile simulation model that adapts to multiple needs. Although in principle, the resulting
programme is applicable to all kinds of situations, its main advantage is to offer improvements
in the simulation of biological materials by accounting for recently discovered mechanisms of
radiation damage of great importance at low energies.
3. Input data requirements
It is obvious that an improvement of accuracy and detail in a simulation model has to be
accompanied by the corresponding revision and compilation of input parameters in order to
be effective. In the present case, particularly low-energy electron and positron interaction data
in materials of biomedical interest have to be collected. For each molecular component, this
includes total scattering cross sections, integral and angularly differential elastic CS, partial CS
for all known inelastic processes, and energy loss distributions (these may include continuous
or discrete spectra depending on the collisional process(es) considered).
The interaction database for a given molecular target is compiled by critically revising and
joining together published data, often completing them with our own measurements or
calculations. Generally, preference is given to experimental results for considering real-life
experimental conditions closer to the actual application than the rather idealized initial
conditions mostly assumed in theoretical investigations. For best reliability, data are selected
from sources that closely agree with other authors, if multiple results have been reported.
Theoretical data are referred to when no adequate experimental ones can be encountered or
as an additional orientation when different measurements are not conclusive. Mostly, they
serve for extrapolating experimental values in order to extend their energy or angular range.
Before a set of preferred values is denitely established for partial and total cross sections, a
sum check (verifying that for each particle energy, the elastic CS plus the sum of all inelastic
channels equals the total CS) is performed in order to test the congruency of the selected
data. This quality assurance procedure on the nal interaction data set helps to reveal error
sources such as the inclusion of a single type of collisional event in different inelastic channels
(e.g., an electronic excitation and subsequent neutral dissociation of the molecule in principle
belongs equally to both partial cross sections) or the failure to discern different interaction
channels due to experimental restrictions (as occurs frequently with experimental elastic cross
sections that include rotational excitations because of their limited energy resolution).
For many materials, unfortunately the unavailability of sufcient data for all expected
collisional processes imposes the main restriction on the accuracy (and thus, also usefulness)
of a molecular-level MC simulation. While there are often extensive results on certain
processes like elastic scattering or ionization, others like rotational or electronic excitation or
even the total scattering cross section tend to exist only for special energy ranges (or certain
outgoing angles or excited levels) due to the technical challenge of their measurement or an
increased interest only in a particular state. Other channels, such as neutral dissociation,
dissociative electron attachment, or positronium formation in the case of positrons, have
been barely investigated for many molecules, leading to incomplete data sets that need a
considerable amount of extrapolation (which introduces additional uncertainties). This means
that while the simulation code can in principle model many kinds of interaction processes
(and, at a given point, is easily modiable in order to incorporate additional ones) at the
molecular level, the computational detail attainable is as a matter of fact limited by the
availability of suitable and self-consistent input data throughout the desired energy range.
As a consequence, in the present state, LEPTS code does not distinguish the exact rotational
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LEPTS a Radiation-Matter InteractionyModel at
the Molecular Level and its Use inyBiomedical Applications 7
or vibrational level after a respective excitation, and does account for the excitation of different
electronic states indirectly via the corresponding energy loss distribution. Ionization is always
considered to produce a single secondary electron, thus disregarding multiple ionization
processes. Also, as inelastic differential CS are only rarely reported(generally, for lowenergies
and even then only for specic conditions), the outgoing particles angle after inelastic
scattering events is approximated as described in section 2.1.
3.1 Data compilation: the example of electrons in H
In the following, data collection and selection is illustrated by the example of electron
interactions in water, a relatively well-studiedcase of electron-molecule scattering. Interaction
data compiled here were used for the recent simulations of radiotherapeutic applicators
presented in section 4.
3.1.1 Cross section data
The total and partial cross sections needed in order to simulate different electron scattering
processes in water were obtained fromexperimental results whenever possible. Total electron
scattering and integral ionization cross sections in water vapour were previously measured
in our laboratory between 50 eV and 5 keV (Mu noz et al., 2007b) with a transmission beam
technique and using synchronized electron and ion extraction pulses applied to the interaction
chamber, respectively. Below 50 eV, total CS data from

Curk et al. (2006) and Szmytkowski
(1987) were used. Electron-impact ionization cross sections below 50 eV were taken from
Straub et al. (1996). Integral electronic excitation CS have been derived from the electron
energy loss analysis carried out by Thorn and co-workers (Thorn et al., 2007a; Brunger et al.,
2008; Thorn et al., 2007b) from 15 to 50 eV and have been extrapolated down to threshold and
up to higher energies by assuming a double logarithmic dependence with energy. Vibrational
excitation and electron attachment cross sections were taken fromthe recommendations made
by Itikawa & Mason (2005).
For elastic collisions and neutral dissociation, integral cross sections were determined by
combining experimental data and our own theoretical calculations. These were carried
out with an optical potential method based on an independent atom approximation
including screening corrections. Further details regarding the calculations can be found
in Blanco & Garca (2003a;b; 2007). The model approach considers inelastic scattering
as electron-electron interactions, consequently both vibrational excitation and electron
attachment are excluded. Thus, when subtracting the ionization and the electronic excitation
cross sections from the calculated integral inelastic cross sections, the resulting data
should correspond to neutral dissociation. The good agreement with experimental results
(Kedzierski et al., 1998; Harb et al., 2001) conrms this assignment. Elastic cross sections are
based on experimental data from Cho et al. (2004) but include a correction for contamination
with rotationally inelastic scattering. The CS values for rotational excitation are included in
simulations only when considering water in the gas phase. Further details can be found in
Mu noz et al. (2008b).
For high energies, the electron-molecule collision can be treated as a plane wave interaction
with a sum of atoms in the framework of the rst Born approximation. Integral elastic
and inelastic interaction cross sections can then be represented by simple energy-dependent
formulae (Garca & Blanco, 2000; Inokuti, 1971). For want of other data, this method was used
at energies 10 keV. Angular distribution functions for scattered electrons were taken from
our calculations, using the approximation described in section 2.1 for inelastic collisions.
LEPTS a Radiation-Matter InteractionyModel at the
Molecular Level and its Use in Biomedical Applications
8 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
Fig. 2. Ru/Rh applicator used for the present simulation: (a) Scheme of the plaque placed
around the eyeball. (b) Photo of the CCX plaque (Bebig, Germany).
3.1.2 Electron energy loss distributions
Electron energy loss distributions in H
O were measured by us in a transmission beam set-up
in order to assign the energy released in each electron-molecule interaction. After observing
that the energy loss distributions did not present signicant variations (uncertainty 15%)
for incident electron energies in the range 505 000 eV, a unique (average) electron energy loss
spectrum was used (Mu noz et al., 2008a). The mean excitation energy in water yielded by this
distribution is 34 eV for electron energies 500eV and rises to about 40 eV for energies
beyond the threshold for inner shell excitation/ionization.
4. Recent applications to radiotherapy
Radiotherapy of many tumours requires increased spatial precision due to the sometimes
small dimensions of the treatment volume and the close proximity of organs at risk. A high
accuracy energy deposition model might thus improve dose calculations (and, consequently,
treatment planning and outcome). Motivated by this, the MC simulation LEPTS has been
applied to determine the energy deposition in water of two radionuclides commonly used
in brachytherapy, ruthenium-106 and iodine-125. The electron transport model capable
of providing detailed information about secondary electron tracks, energy deposition and
interaction processes at the molecular level can yield a completer picture of radiation damage
in a biomedical context. In both cases, the radiation spectra emitted by the therapeutic
applicators were measured by us in order to provide realistic input data and to reproduce
incident radiation spectra accurately in the simulation. The localized dose deposition by both
radionuclides benets treatment outcome by sparing healthy patient tissues while delivering
high doses to the clinical target volume. At the same time, these isotopes are suitable for
longer-term or permanent implants, assuring the radioprotection of medical staff and third
persons in close contact with patients.
The present simulations use data corresponding to a molecular medium in the gas phase
without correcting for any collective effects present in liquid water. However, based on the
very similar electron mass stopping powers obtained for water vapour and liquid H
O in
the keV range (Mu noz et al., 2007b), no major differences are expected when considering the
liquid phase.
4.1 Ocular brachytherapy with
First, LEPTS is used to simulate brachytherapy of the eye with the beta-emitter
Uveal melanoma and other malignancies of the eye can be effectively treated by surgically
implanting a concave ruthenium applicator tightly around the eyeball. As the ocular medium
284 Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software
LEPTS a Radiation-Matter InteractionyModel at
the Molecular Level and its Use inyBiomedical Applications 9
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Electron energy (keV)


Fig. 3. Beta emission spectrum of the CCX type ophthalmic Ru-106 plaque.
can easily be mimicked by water, it constitutes an excellent system for applying the present
simulation model with the interaction data set presented in section 3.1.
Ru is a -emitter (endpoint energy 39.4 keV) that slowly (T
= 373.59 d) decays to
with which it reaches secular equilibrium: it has a half-life period of 29.8 s before decaying
Pd (stable) by different beta decays with a maximum energy of 3.541 MeV. Subsequent
emissions from palladium have a maximum energy of 1.5623 MeV. Other probable decay
energies are 2.407 MeV, 3.029 MeV and 1.979 MeV () and 511.86 keV, 621.93 keV and
1.050 MeV () (data from the Lund Nuclear Data Service: Chu et al. (1999)). The combined
electron emission spectrum of the applicator for use in the simulation was determined
experimentally (Mu noz et al., 2008a) with a silicon detector and is shown in g. 3. Note
that the lowest-energy electrons emitted directly from ruthenium are absorbed within the
applicator material, reducing the applicators effective emission to the keVMeV spectrum
of its daughter nucleus rhodium.
Photon emission spectra that were measured with standard solid state spectrometers
(Mu noz et al., 2008a) in order to check for a possible contamination of the source revealed
gamma energies in excellent agreement with the disintegration scheme. However, in order
to quantitatively relate electron and photon radiation, relative intensities of the emissions
were taken from Chu et al. (1999).
Using a generic setup frequently found in brachytherapy of the eye with concave Ru/Rh
plaques (c.f. gure 2), radiation-induced processes in the volume of interest - the eyeball
approximated by liquid water - have been simulated. For this application, the incident
photons were simulated using the photon interaction processes integrated in GEANT4. Once
a secondary electron is generated, it is tracked using LEPTS. As the programme output,
we thus obtain the exact location of each interaction event as well as the type of collision
produced, the energy deposited, the change of momentum suffered by the particle, and the
energy and direction of the secondary electron produced in case of ionizations.
Figure 4 shows lateral and transversal sections through the energy deposition map calculated
after simulating approximately 210
primary particle histories (not taking into account those
tracks that leave the volume of interest in the opposite direction, without entering the eye).
(The applicator not shown is located to the left of the eyeball.) As expected for an
efcient treatment of uveal melanoma and other tumours that are located similarly, bordering
the vitreous humour, one obtains a steep dose gradient close to the applicator that becomes
LEPTS a Radiation-Matter InteractionyModel at the
Molecular Level and its Use in Biomedical Applications
10 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
20 30 40
20 30 40
a b c
Fig. 4. Relative dose distributions produced by the
Ru plaque in the eyeball simulated as
water (voxel size: 0.5 0.5 0.5 mm
). (a) Longitudinal section through the central axis of
the applicator with 200%, 150%, 100%, 75%, 50%, 30%, 20%, 10% and 5% isodose lines
shown. (b) Transversal section in 1 mm depth displaying 175%, 125% and 75% lines. (c)
Transversal section in 2 mm depth displaying 110% and 50% lines. The same colourmap is
used for all distributions.
atter towards the centre of the eye. After normalization of dose to 100% in 2 mm depth, the
relative dose absorbed in the rst voxel (0-0.5mm depth) amounts to 249%, then decays to
55% in 4 mm depth (all at central axis). The relative depth dose curve along the central axis,
applying the same normalization, is shown in gure 5. It can be seen that on one hand, the
dose gradient is very steep within the rst few mm inside the eye, but on the other hand there
is still a considerable amount of energy deposited in greater depths (approximately 16% in 1
cmdepth and 4%in 2 cmdepth). This is due to the applicator geometry with a curved surface,
the greater penetration of incident photons (compared to electrons which account for the main
dose in the entrance region), and secondary electrons depositing small amounts of energy in
multiple collisions while slowing down continuously. Lateral dose proles for many different
0 5 10 15 20
Depth [mm]

Fig. 5. Relative depth dose deposited at the central axis of the water eyeball by a CCX type
Ru/Rh applicator. Normalization as in gure 4
286 Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software
LEPTS a Radiation-Matter InteractionyModel at
the Molecular Level and its Use inyBiomedical Applications 11
10 5 0 5 10
Lateral distance [mm]


1.25 mm
2.25 mm
3.25 mm
4.25 mm
6.75 mm
11.75 mm
Fig. 6. Lateral dose proles obtained for different depths in the eyeball (water sphere). Data
is normalized to 100% in 2 mm depth.
depths are presented in gure 6. They exhibit two pronounced maxima in the region close to
the applicator (up to 2 mm depth), reecting its concave shape, an essentially at central part
in 2.25 mm depth, and a single, broader maximum in greater depths.
In this application, an ophthalmic brachytherapy plaque placed around the eye has been
simulated by employing LEPTS for electron tracking and making use of the geometry
denition facilities offered by GEANT-4, as well as its photon interaction routines. When
comparing the dose distribution calculated with previous results obtained with PENELOPE
on similar applicators (S anchez-Reyes et al., 1998), they seem to be consistent within the
rst millimeters inside the eyeball. In depths 4 mm, the present simulation shows a
shallower slope and yields larger doses at the central axis. Two possible causes are the
additional dose delivered by the component not accounted for in the other study
which steadily gains importance for greater depths within the medium and differences in
the spectrum used (theoretical vs. experimental spectrum). Finally, the differences in the
scattering model and/or the underlying interaction data set might be responsible for the
discrepancies encountered. A comparison of results obtained with PENELOPE and LEPTS
in identical conditions (plaque and eye geometry, incident spectra) would be needed in order
to conrm or discard the last possibility.
4.2 Brachytherapy with
I seeds
Here we show en example of how LEPTS is combined with PENELOPE in order to simulate
the interaction of photon radiation with water. In particular, we investigate photon radiation
with an initial energy distribution as measured for
I seeds that are used for radiotherapy
of prostate cancers but can also be employed for treating lesions affecting the eye. Therefore,
we do not assume any specic geometry here but center on an accurate representation of the
emitted radiation and its penetration in water.
For obtaining the incident radiation spectrum in this application, a solid state Si(Li)
spectrometer was used to determine the energy and intensity of the photons emitted by a
LEPTS a Radiation-Matter InteractionyModel at the
Molecular Level and its Use in Biomedical Applications
12 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
Fig. 7. Photon emission spectrum of the Amersham Health model 6711
I seed as measured
in perpendicular geometry. Gamma photons (35.49 keV) produced during
as well as the most intense K and K X-rays of Te are observed.
I brachytherapy seed (see g. 7).
I decays to the 35.49 keV state of
Te by electron
capture (half-life: 59.408 days) with 100% probability. The subsequent relaxation of nucleus
and shell causes a gamma and X-ray photon emission which is considered as the primary
radiation in this model. A representative spectrum shows the peak and various X-ray lines
of tellurium in the range 27-32 keV. Additionally, X-ray lines between 22 and 26 keV with an
intensity comparable to some of the photons emitted by Te were observed which are attributed
to silver (present as the core of the seed onto which the radioactive iodine is adsorbed). These
contaminations of the spectrum need to be taken into account for realistically modelling
applications in brachytherapy (Rivard et al., 2004), and are thus included.
Using LEPTS in combination with PENELOPE (as explained in section 2.2), we simulated the
interaction processes induced in water vapour when exposedto photon radiation according to
the emission spectrum presented above. The resulting interaction map with H
O molecules,
at a density similar to that of liquid water, is shown in g. 8. Note that up to this point,
where exclusively interactions caused directly by photons are considered, only PENELOPE is
used. It can be observed that in the geometry used, the photon beam remains laterally well
dened, however some photon interaction events can be found even near the boundary of
the simulated volume and release secondary electrons there. Photon interactions are coloured
according to the type of event produced. Note that photoeffect (red dots) prevails for I-125
in water (which, for many purposes, is an acceptable approximation for human tissue),
indicating that the main effect of the incident photons is to generate high-energy secondary
electrons. These new electrons subsequently continue the energy deposition process by
undergoing multiple scattering events until their thermalization. In this second generation
of energy deposition events, PENELOPE is no longer involved, but electron-molecule
collisions are individually simulated by LEPTS. In gure 9, one photoelectron track shown
fromits generation until complete thermalization, illustrates details of the energy degradation
mechanism. It can be seen which different inelastic interactions with target molecules the
secondary particle undergoes and how it deposits energy at many points along its track.
Furthermore, additional electrons are generated by ionization events. This highlights the
288 Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software
LEPTS a Radiation-Matter InteractionyModel at
the Molecular Level and its Use inyBiomedical Applications 13
Fig. 8. Simulation of 100 000 photons emitted from a 4 mm (diameter) disk according to the
energy distribution measured for I-125 seeds used in brachytherapy. The simulated volume
(red box) consists of 101010 cm
of water vapour at a density of 0.7320 g/cm
. Different
types of interactions are colour-coded as follows: red, photoelectric effect; green, Compton
scattering; blue, Rayleigh scattering.
necessity to include accurate electron interaction data and models into simulation approaches
for medical applications, as is done in the present Monte Carlo model, even if the primary
radiation consists of photons as with I-125.
Fig. 9. Example of a photoelectron trajectory (from lower left to upper right) showing details
about the electron-molecule interactions produced. Collisions are depicted using orange
(ionization), yellow (neutral dissociation), green (electronic excitation), cyan (vibrational
excitation), light blue (rotational excitation), and dark blue (elastic collision). For clarity, only
some of the numerous elastic collisions are shown.
LEPTS a Radiation-Matter InteractionyModel at the
Molecular Level and its Use in Biomedical Applications
14 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
0 2 4 6 8 10
Depth (cm)




Fig. 10. Histogram showing the energy deposition by an I-125 source in water vapour at a
density of 0.7320 g/cm
and supposing parallel photon emission. All contributions for a
given depth are summed. The total energy deposited in the simulated volume (101010
) is normalized to 100%.
Figure 10 depicts the energy deposition (equivalent to the relative depth dose curve)
corresponding to a parallel photon beam of 4 mm diameter penetrating water at a density of
0.7320 g/cm
. Most of the incident energy is lost immediately after entrance into the medium.
58.4% of the total energy is deposited within the rst 2 cm, and 90% of the energy is deposited
within 5.1 cm.
I-125 is used for radiotherapy of different tumours including ocular tumours which require
a high spatial precision due to the small dimensions of the treatment volume and the close
proximity of organs at risk such as the optical nerve, eye lens, lachrymal gland, etc. Simulation
with a detailed energy deposition model, including an accurate representation of secondary
electron interactions, thus improves dose calculations and may help to spare healthy tissues
while effectively irradiating the target volume. In order to validate the present approach using
LEPTS/PENELOPE for applications to radiotherapy with photon radiation, further studies
will be aimed at a more realistic simulation of typical clinical cases (prostate/eye cancers),
including exact geometries of radiation sources and of the relevant patient tissues.
5. Conclusions and outlook
We have presented a MC simulation code that introduces improvements in low-energy
particle tracking compared to some other, currently widely used programmes (Kawrakow,
2000; Brown, 2003; Bar o et al., 1995; Agostinelli, 2003). It offers a molecular-level description of
the different interactions taking place between radiation particles and the traversed medium
as well as a tracking model that follows electrons and positrons until thermalization. By
not using any condensed-history algorithms, a series of problems that have been reported
for other codes (Poon & Verhaegen, 2005; Poon et al., 2005; Bousis et al., 2008) are naturally
excluded. Obviously, however, this also considerably increases the calculational resources
(processing time) needed. Input data are carefully selected for each molecular material to
be simulated and are updated as needed. As a result, the present simulation programme
constitutes a useful tool for incorporating our knowledge on the molecular mechanisms of
radiation damage into macroscopic applications and thus facilitating nanodosimetry.
290 Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software
LEPTS a Radiation-Matter InteractionyModel at
the Molecular Level and its Use inyBiomedical Applications 15
Whilst the present simulation LEPTS cannot compete with the computational speed
achieved by the state-of-the-art MC codes currently used for dose calculations in biomedical
applications (particularly, in radiation therapy), its special treatment of low-energy particles
and detailed modelling of inelastic scattering events yields a different view on radiation
damage at the nanoscale by taking into account the molecular nature of the absorber medium.
It could therefore give valuable clues by comparing LEPTS results with the ones obtained by
other codes when considering typical standard situations in radiotherapy, radioprotection
or medical imaging techniques (e.g., positron emission tomography). Also, a comparison of
the predicted molecular-level damage due to irradiation in a tissue with the effect caused by
the same irradiation at organic level will be of great interest.
Two examples of application to radiotherapy have been studied, both based on electron
interaction data with water (which represents a good approximation for biological tissues
for many purposes). Other data sets for use with LEPTS existing at the moment include those
describing electron interactions in air (Mu noz et al., 2005), methane (CH
, Fuss et al. (2010))
and ethylene (C
) (these two for representing simple hydrocarbons, basic building blocks
in biology) and positron interactions in argon and water. A database on electron scattering
by tetrahydrofuran (THF, C
O), a molecule interesting due to its strong similarity with
the pentose forming part of nucleotides, is currently in preparation. With these data at our
disposal, positron tracking during PET diagnostics and the simulation of electrons in THF are
the next applications planned for the near future. Furthermore, particle tracking in materials
composed of various different molecules will be carried out.
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294 Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software
Integrated High-Resolution Multi-Channel
Time-to-Digital Converters (TDCs) for PET Imaging
Wu Gao
, Deyuan Gao
and Christine Hu-Guo
, and Yann Hu
Northwestern Polytechnical University
Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien (UDS, CNRS/IN2P3)
1. Introduction to TDC
PET with time-of-ight (TOF) capability has been shown to provide a better reconstructed
image compared to conventional positron tomography. The increase in SNR mainly depends
on the size of the patient being imaged Conti (2009), the intrinsic resolution of the detector and
the resolution of the TOF. In TOF-PET approach, for each detected event, the measurement of
the time of ight difference between the two 511 keV photons provides an approximate value
for the position of the annihilation. The approximation is directly limited to the capability of
measuring the arrival time of the two photons.
In the 1980s, TOF-PET were built with an achieved timing resolution of 500 ps Moses (2007).
At that time, the electronics available drastically reduced the performances of the TOF-PET.
Nowadays, electronics operating in the GHz range is routine and the application-specic
integrated circuits (ASIC) are commonly used Ollivier-Henry et al. (2007). The ASIC needs
to include a high-precision time-to-digital converter (TDC) for each detector element to reach
the required time resolution(i.e., less than 100 ps)with good stability.
The objective of this chapter is to review the state-of-the-art of the TDC techniques and to
select proper architecture for PET imaging systems. Both the conventional TDCs and the
novel TDCs are presented. The comparison of the TDC architecture is given as well.
1.1 Conception of a TDC
A TDC is an essential electronics which quantizes small time differences between two signals
(dened as Start and Stop) and provides digital representations of this time interval. The
funtion of a TDC is simular with an ADC. The TDC deals with the time difference rather
that voltage or current differences in the ADCs, as shown in Figure 1(a). The measured time
is dened as the phase difference between the positive edges of Start and Stop(Figure 1(b)).
Figure 1(c) shows the transfer characteristics of a 3-bit TDC. The input is continuous time
signals. The outputs are digital codes. Since the inuence of the mismatches and the noise,
the real transfer curve will deect the ideal curve and generate quantization errors.
The relationship between measured time and outputs digital codes is given as
= T


2 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies

Time interval
Real curve
Ideal curve
(b) (c)
Fig. 1. Basis of time-to-digital conversion.
where T
is the measured time interval between Start and Stop. T
is the minimum unit of
time measurements. n and D are the number of bits and the digital codes of the TDC outputs,
1.2 Figure of merits
The operation of a TDC is familiar with that of an ADC. So the performance merits of the ADC
can be directly applied to TDCcircuits. The resolution, dynamic measured range, nonlinearity
and conversion speed are important characteristics to evaluate a TDC. Meanwhile, power
dissipation, dead time or hit rate, and single shot precision should be considered for a TDC
1.2.1 Resolution
As a tool to measure time intervals, the resolution is a key parameters. The resolution of a
TDC can be dened as the minimum unit of the time measurments. The dependence of the
resolution is upon the circuit characteristics and noise performances.
Assuming the measured rang is T
, the number of bits is N, the resolution is given as
where T
denotes the bin size of the TDC.
1.2.2 Dynamic range
Dynamic range is the another parameter to estimate the performance of the TDC. The dynamic
range is the total measured range by using the TDC. If the resolution of TDC is given, we have
DR = 2
where DR refers to the dynamic range. N is the number of bits of TDC outputs.
296 Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software
Integrated High-Resolution Multi-Channel Time-to-Digital Converters (TDCs) for PET Imaging 3
1.2.3 Nonlinearity
The nonlinearity performances include differential nonlinearity (DNL) and integrated
nonlinearity (INL). The DNL is dened as the deviation of each step from its ideal value,
namely T
. We have
= T
where DNL
is the i
value of the differential nonlinearity. T
is the width of the i
step in
real transfer curve.
The INL refers to a macroscopic description of the bending of a converter characteristic.
It is dened as the deviation of the step position from its ideal value normalized to one
S.Henzler (2007). The calculation of INL is given as

1.2.4 Conversion speed
Conversion speed is a performance parameter that evaluate the speed of signal processing
and device delay at each conversion time window in a TDC. This parameter is very important
for high-speed applications.
1.2.5 Power dissipation
Power dissipation include both static power and dynamic power. The static power depends
on the product of static consuming current and the power supply voltage.
= V
where V
is the power supply voltage. I
is the total static current. The dynamic power is
determined by the switched capacitor, the power supply voltage and the clock frequency. The
value is given as
= C V
f (7)
where is the active factor and 0 < <1. C is switched capacitance. f is the clock frequency.
2. Analog TDC - the rst generation
An analog TDC consists of a time-to-amplitude converter (TAC) and a high-resolution
high-speed ADC, which were introduced in Tanaka et al. (1991); Bigongiari et al. (1999);
Napolitano et al. (2010). The architecture of such a TDC is illustrated in Figure 2. The
TAC is generally implemented by the current-integration circuit consisting of a charge-pump
and a capacitor. A sample-and-hold circuit is required to provide a stable voltage signal. A
high-resolution ADC digitizes this sampled voltage signal to binary codes which are the time
words for the TDC.
Assuming the input time interval is T
, the capacitor (C
)is charged from zero, the amplitude
of the integrated voltage is given as

297 Integrated High-Resolution Multi-Channel Time-to-Digital Converters (TDCs) for PET Imaging
4 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
Charge Pump
Sample & Hold
Fig. 2. Architecture of a TDC using current integration and analog-to-digital conversion.
where C
is the charged capacitance. T
is input time interval which generated from the Start
and Stop signal. I
is the charging current. If I
is constant, the amplitude of the integrated
voltage can be rewritten as

It illustrated that the voltage amplitude is propotional to the T
with a slope of
With a high-performance sample-and-hold amplier, V
can be accurratly stored in C
and digitized by the ADC. Thus, we have
= V

+ (10)
where V
is the minimum resoved voltage. D
to D
are the digital outputs of the ADC.
is the total errors such quantization error, circuit error and noise error. From Equation 9
and 10, negalecting the errors , the relationship between the input time interval and the time
words is given as


This equations means that performances of the TDC using current integration and ADC
depends on both integrated precision (
) and the resolution of ADC (V
). Generally, with
a high-resolution ADC, high-precision TDCs can be obtained.
However,the TAC and the ADC are mainly implemented by analog circuits which are not
suitable for technology scaling. The design of high-performance analog and mixed-signal
circuits is very complicated. Moreover, the analog circuit dissipates large static power
3. Digital TDC - the second generation
3.1 Counter-based TDC
A counter-based circuit would be the oldest and the simplest scheme. The measured time
equates to the counted number multiplied by the period of the clock. The counter-based
circuits have their advantages on the wide-range measurement and easier design in several
technologies such as CMOS/BiCMOS process, eld-programmable gate array (FPGA) Bogdan
et al. (2005), and GaAs superconductive process Kirichenko et al. (2001).
298 Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software
Integrated High-Resolution Multi-Channel Time-to-Digital Converters (TDCs) for PET Imaging 5
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Counter
Fig. 3. The rst class of the counter-based TDC Spieler (2005). The last number of the counter
is the digital output which is propotional to the time difference between Start and Stop.
Two architectures of counter-based TDC have been developed. Figure 3 shows the rst class
of counter-based TDC. The Start and Stop signals are processed by a RS latch to generate a
enable signal. This enable signal controls the width of the clock which drives the counter. The
counter starts to count number when the enable signal is set to High. Thus, the last number of
Fig. 4. The second class of the Counter-based TDC. The counter is drived by the clock and
reset by the Start. The outputs of the counter is sampled by Stop. The sampled data are the
digital output which is proportional to the time difference between Start and Stop.
299 Integrated High-Resolution Multi-Channel Time-to-Digital Converters (TDCs) for PET Imaging
6 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
Fig. 5. The TDC using dual counters to overcome the metastability of D ip op in the digital
counters Mota (2000). Two counters operate simultaneously by using both the positive edge
and the negative edge of the reference clock. Two sampled register can store the outputs of
both counters. The correct data can be selected by the Sel signal.
the counter is the digital output which is proportional to the time difference bewteen Start and
Stop. The counter in this architecture operates only when the Clk in is uctuated. Thus, low
power dissipation can be achieved. However, since the RS latch and NANDgate can introduce
noise on the time information from Start and Stop signals, the precision of the conversion is
affected, in particular, in a high speed situation.
The second class of counter-based TDC is illustrated in Figure 4. In this architecture, the
counter is drived by the clock and reset by the Start. The outputs of the counter are sampled
by Stop signal. The sampled data are then stored into the registers. The stored number is
proportional to the time difference between Start and Stop. This architecture can overcome the
problem in the TDC shown in Figure 3. Nevertheless, the counter that operates in a continued
way dissipates with large dynamic power.
Both architectures suffer from the metastability of the D lp ops in the counter. Due to
the clock jitter and electronics noise, the conversion is limitted. However, the architecture
shown in Figure 4 can be optimized by using Gray-code counter or dual-counter architectures.
In Christiansen (1996); Mota (2000), a dual-counter was introduced of reduce the metastability.
The schematic and the operational principle is depicted in Figure 5. In this architecture, two
counters operate simultaneously by using both the positive edge and the negative edge of the
reference clock. Two sampled register can store the outputs of both counters. The correct data
can be selected by the Sel signal.
The relationship of the measured time, the converted number, the time difference and the
reference clock is given by
300 Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software
Integrated High-Resolution Multi-Channel Time-to-Digital Converters (TDCs) for PET Imaging 7
Data_acq 0 111000...000
0 2
Digital outpus

Fig. 6. The timing of the multiphase sampling.
= T


where T
is the measured time. T
is the period of the clock. n is the number of
bits for the counter. D
is the i
digital output of the TDC. According to Equation 12, the
measured range of the counter-based TDCis determined by the number of bits for the counter.
Since the linearity of the conversion can not be affected by the externsion of the number of
bits, the counter-based TDCs can achieve large measured range. However, the resolution is
limited by the frequency of the reference clock and its conversion time depends on counted
periods. These drawbacks limit its application in high-precision time interval measurement.
The counter-based TDCs combined with time interpolations are usually used.
3.2 Multiphase sampling TDC
The timing of the ash sampling is shown in Figure 6. A Start signal is synchronized to the
positive edge of the reference clock. The delayed clocks are generated from the Start signal
with a xed delay. The states of these delayed clocks are sampled by a common Stop signal.
The acquired data are themometer codes which can be easily converted to the binary codes.
The schamatic of the ash sampling is shown in Figure 7. The delay elements with the same
delay are usually implemented by the stardard gate with the delay time of T
. The resolution
is determined by T
. In this sampling method, 2
delay clocks are required to generate n-bit
binary code.
The bin size of the time measurement is given by
= T
301 Integrated High-Resolution Multi-Channel Time-to-Digital Converters (TDCs) for PET Imaging
8 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
Fig. 7. The implementation of the multiphase ash sampling.
where T
is the delay time of each delay cell. T
is the period of the reference clock. n is
the number of bits for the digital outputs. The measured time equates to the digital outputs
multiplied by this bin size. Thus,
= T


where T
is the measured time. D
is the i
bit of the digital outputs.
4. Sub-gate delay TDC - The third generation
The delay chain using digital gates can only deal with the resolution of gate delay which is
limitted by the fabricated technology. Sub-gate delay time can be achieved by using analog
delay cells built-in a delay locked loop. The multiphase sampling techniques are employed as
well. However, the time interpolation such as the DLL array, the Venier delay line (VDL), and
the multi-hit sampling can be used to obtain smaller time taps.
4.1 TDC based on a single DLL
The key technique of the ash sampling is to generate required delay time. The standard
digital gate such as an inverter or a buffer can be employed as a delay cell. The TDCs based on
gate delay were suitable for technology scaling due to its full-digital organization. However,
the resolution was limited by the gate delay time. One way to get smaller time taps is to
develop analog delay cells such as current-starved delay cells Swann, Blalock, Clonts, Binkley,
Rochelle, Breeding &Baldwin (2004) and differential delay cells . The voltage-controlled delay
302 Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software
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Register 0
000111 0
100011 1
110001 2
111000 3
011100 4
Registers TDC_out
Encoding Table
(b) (c)
Fig. 8. TDC based on a single DLL.(a)Schematic of the TDC based on a single DLL Mota
(2000).(b)The timing of the ash sampling. (c)The encoding table.
line (VCDL) embedded in a delay-locked loop (DLL) can easily generate multiphase delayed
clocks in one clock period Changv et al. (2002); Baronti et al. (2001). As shown in Figure 8(a),
six delay cells are embedded into a charge-pump DLL. Thus, six-phase delayed clocks can be
generated. A hit signal is employed as a sampling clock. When a positive edge of the hit is
coming, the state of six clocks are sampled into the hit registers. The timing is illustrated in
Figure 8(b). The sampled data are fake theremometer codes which should be converted to
binary codes. The encoding table is shown in Figure 8(c).
The resolution of the TDC using a single DLL is given by
where, T
denotes the bin size of the TDC. T
is the period of the clock. N is the number
of delay cells in the DLL. The dependence of the resolution of the TDC based on a single
DLL is upon T
and N. Since T
is limitted by the used technology, increasing N is the
unique method. However, since the minimum delay time of the delay cell is limitted by the
used technology as well, N has a upper limit in the practical circuits. Moreover, the mismatch
of the delay cell do not allow to integrate large number of delay cells. To improve the time
resolution of this architectuer, one can try to further divide the delay of the delay cells by
performing phase interpolation using an array of DLLs or other time intepolation techniques.
4.2 TDC using an array of DLL
The time interpolation using an array of DLL is one of the most effective methods to improve
the resolution. Two kinds of DLLs are used to construct the array. The resolution depends on
303 Integrated High-Resolution Multi-Channel Time-to-Digital Converters (TDCs) for PET Imaging
10 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
Fig. 9. TDC based on an array of DLL Christiansen (1996); Mota (2000).
the time difference of the delay cells in both DLLs. The reference clock is propogated by the
array of DLLs. Smaller time taps can be obtained by using larger die area. The architecture of
the TDC based on the DLL array is shown in Figure 9.
The bin size of the TDC based on the DLL array is given by
= T
= T



n F
where T
represents the bin size of the TDC. T
and T
are the delay time of the delay
cell in both DLLs. m and n are the number of the delay cells with the delay time of t
and t
F is the number of the DLLs with the N delay cells. The bin size can be reduced by decreasing
the time difference of T
and T
via increasing n and F. This difference can be achieved as few
picoseconds. However, the jitter and the offset of the DLLs in the array limit the resolution
improvement. It is very difcult to obtain the bin size of sub-picoseconds.
The principle of the time interpolation using a DLL array is, in fact, phase shift. The shift
states can be illustrated in Figure 10. In this example, m, n and F are 28, 35 and 4, respectively.
Thus, T
= 5t and T
= 4t. Since the clock signal is continued, the positive edge of the
delay clocks can be intepolated to form a time difference of t.
An unfortunate feature of the TDC based on the DLL array is that the array scheme is unable
to produce the multiphase clocks with a number of a power of 2. This results in the digital
outputs with pseudo binary codes. However, the measured result can be easily processed by
off-line programming.
Since several DLLs are employed in the array, the static power dissipation is large than that in
the TDC using a single DLL. Thus, low-power design should be taken into account.
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Tclk = 140 t
5 t
4 t
4 t
4 t
4 t
DLL Array
Fig. 10. Phase shift of the array of DLLs. In this example, m, n and F is 28, 35 and 4,
respectively. Thus, T
= 5t and T
= 4t.
4.3 TDC using a single DLL and RC delay line
Compared to the TDC using a single DLL, another method of the resolution improvement is
to use multiple sampling signals delayed by the hit signal. The multiple sampling signals can
be generated from a resistor-capacitor (RC) delay line. Since the integrated capacitor of few
pF can be achieved, if the resistance is constant, the delay time, which equotes to the product
of the resitance and the capacitance, can vary in the order of picoseconds as well. Thus, the
bin size of the single DLL can be futher interpolated by using multiple sampling signals. The
RC delay line is realized by the integrated passive elements such as Poly-resistor, Well-resistor
and MOS capacitor.
Figure 11 (a) shows the architecture of the TDC based on a single DLL and a RC delay
line Mota & Christiansen (1999). Assuming the number of delay cells in the DLL is N, and the
number of sampling signals generated by the RC delay line is M. A register array of N M
should be arranged to store the sampled data. These sampled data are then encoded to the
binary codes as the digital outputs of the TDC. The resolution of such a TDC is given by
where T
is the bin size of the TDC based on a single DLL and a RC delay line. T
is the
period of the reference clock. If T
is constant, the bin size mainly depends on the number
of delay cells in the DLL and the delayed sampling signals in the RC delay line. Theoretically,
the bin size can be achieved small enough as long as the small time tap of the RC delay line
can be obtained.
The implementation of the RC delay line is shown in 11 (b). Due to the parasitic resitors
and capactors, the delay of the RC delay element is basically limitted by the used technology.
Since the model of the parasitic parameters for resitors and capactors is not accurate, a digital
305 Integrated High-Resolution Multi-Channel Time-to-Digital Converters (TDCs) for PET Imaging
12 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
hit registers
hit registers
hit registers
hit registers
tap 1
tap 2
tap 3
tap M
Fig. 11. TDC based on a single DLL and a RC delay line Mota & Christiansen (1999).(a) The
architecture of the TDC. (b)The implementation of the RC delay line with a digital calibration
calibration circuit is required to adjust the delay time which should be compatible with the
proper delay. Generally, the picoseconds-level resolution can be obtained.
4.4 TDC using Venier delay line
The Vernier sampling is shown in Figure 12. The principle of the measurements originates
from the Vernier ruler. Two delay lines are required. The delay time of the delay cell in
two delay lines is defferent. By using the Vernier method, the small time difference can be
measured. The key point is the delay difference of the delay cell in two delay lines which
should be exactly equivalent to the clock period divided by number of delay cells. In reality,
the sampling process can be equivalent to the ash sampling.
The bin size of the Vernier sampling is given by
= T
where T
and T
are the delay time of the delay cell in two delay line, respectively. m is
the number of bits for digital outputs. Setting the suitable values of T
and T
, the delay
difference of T
can be interpolated by T
. However, the Vernier method uses multiple
sampled clocks which generated from the delay line with the delay time of T
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Delay cell
(D Flip Flop)
Fig. 12. Multiphase sampling using Vernier delay line Dudek et al. (2000).
To realized the TDC using vernier delay line, two DLLs should be employed. Thus, the
synchronization of the multiphase clock is very important for such a circuit.
5. Sub-picosecond TDCs - the fourth generation
With the development of microelectronics and VLSI, the circuits dedictated to sub-picosecond
TDC have been realized. The examples are cyclic TDCs using pulse-shrinking delay line,
gated-ring-oscillator TDCs, and the TDCs using time amplier.
5.1 Cyclic TDC using pulse-shrinking delay line
Cyclic TDC using pulse shrinking delay line Chen et al. (2000; 2005) is a low power TDC
which can achieve the resolution of few picoseconds with good linearity. This TDC uses the
inhomogeneity of the gates in cyclic delay line to implement the pulse shriking mechanism.
The architecture and the operational principle is shown in Figure 13. In this architecture, a
Reset signal is required to ensure the T
at Low level in the initial state. The input time
inteval is shrinked in the delay line with a xed width. The output of the delay line is then
feedback to the input NAND gate for circular operation on the pulse shrinking until T
without positive edges. A high-resolution counter is driven by T
and generates digital
outputs which are proportional to the measred time interval.
In the pulse-shrinking delay line, two kinds of inverters are required. One can be the standard
NOT gate with the gain of one unit. The other is the inverter with the gain of unit. Due to the
difference of the input capacitance and equivalent ONresistance, the pulse will be shrinked in
a xed time interval. This shrinked delay interval depends on the dimension of the transistors,
threshold voltage, power supply, temperature and other parameters. However, the inuence
of the temperature is an import factor for the cyclic TDC. A temperature compensation circuit
is proposed in Chen et al. (2005).
Assuming the shrinked time interval is t, the measured time by a cyclic TDC is given by
= t

+ T
o f f st
307 Integrated High-Resolution Multi-Channel Time-to-Digital Converters (TDCs) for PET Imaging
14 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
-2t T
-3t T
n-1 n-2 n n+2 n+1
out in
Fig. 13. Cyclic TDC using pulse-shrinking delay line Chen et al. (2000; 2005).
where T
is the total measured time. n is the number of bits of the counter. D
is the
digital output of the counter. T
o f f st
is the offset time interval of the TDC. This offset time
interval usually exists in such a TDC. The reason is that the CMOS transistor has a cut-off
frequency so that the tiny pulse can not be processed by CMOS digital circuits. The value of
the offset time interval is about few picoseconds in submicron CMOS technology. Thus, the
measured time of the cyclic TDC is given by both the bin size (t) and the offset time interval.
Since it consists of pure digital circuits, the cyclic TDC nds its applications on many elds.
A strong recommondation is to use a cyclic TDC as a digital phase detector Liu et al.
(2008) for all-digital PLL which can be used for microprocessors, high-speed interfaces, and
data recovery circuits. Moreover, the cyclic TDC can be implemented not only in standard
CMOS technology but also in FPGA whose cost is lower than that of a CMOS fabrication.
Futhermore, the power dissipation is low for the cyclic TDC. This is an attractive feature for
some low-power portable electronics.
Cyclic TDCs using pulse shrinking can obtain a resolution of few picoseconds or several
hundreds femtoseconds.
5.2 Gated-ring-oscillator TDC
For high-reslution TDCs using multiphase sampling, the resolution is mainly determined
by the mismatches of delay cells. Gated-ring-oscillator (GRO) TDCs Straayer & Perrott
(2009) which are a novel techique can overcome this issue and achieve sub-picoseconds level
precision. The architecture and principle of the GRO TDC is depicted in Figure 14.
The GRO TDC is similar to the oscillartor-based TDC Nissinen et al. (2003) which uses the
multiple outputs of the oscillator for phase measurements. However, the GRO TDC only
allows the oscillator to have the phase transition during a given interval measurement. It
means that the gated ring oscillator operates only when the Enable signal (refers to the
308 Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software
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Fig. 14. Architecture and principle of gated-rign-oscillator TDCs Straayer & Perrott (2009).
measured time interval ) is high level and stops when this signal is low level. The outputs
of the gated ring oscillator can be used as the clocks which drive the counter to counting
numbers. One notes that the the counter is reset when the Enable signal is low level. Thus,
the total numbers of all counters can be obtained by an binary adder. The sum of the counted
number is proportional to the measured time interval.
The benet of gating the oscillator is that the residue occurring at the end of a given
measurement interval can be transferred to the next measurement interval Straayer & Perrott
(2009). We have
[k] = T
[k 1] (20)
This feature can be utilized for continuous time interval measurements. Thus, the overall
quatization error of the time interval measurement is given as
[k] = T
[k] T
[k] = T
[k] T
[k 1] (21)
where T
and T
are the start time interval and the stop time interval, respectively. k is
the ordinal number of the measurements. This equation illuastrates that T
[k] corresponds
to a rst-order noise shaping in the frequency domain.
Since the resolution of the GRO TDC is independent on the mismatch of the inverters,
the precision can be achieved as 100 fs or less. To construct a subpicoseconds-level TDC,
GRO-based architecture can be a very good choice. Moreover, GRO TDCs are realized by
digital circuits which are very suitable for the technology scaling. This also introduces low
static power dissipation.
However, the gated ring oscillator may suffer from non-oscillation when the time interval
is enable. Thus, the design of gated ring oscillator becomes an important issue. Moreover,
GRO TDCs suffer from the electronic noise and metastability as well as counter-based and
delay-based TDCs.
The state-of-the-art of GRO TDCs can obtain a resolution of 100 fs.
309 Integrated High-Resolution Multi-Channel Time-to-Digital Converters (TDCs) for PET Imaging
16 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
Fig. 15. Time amplier.(a)Schematic of a time amplier;(b)Conception of the time
amplier;(c)Characteristic of the time amplier.
5.3 TDC based on time amplier
It is a big challenge to measure the time interval with picoseconds-level resolution. The reason
is that the performances of TDCs are mainly determined by the nite SNR and the mismatch
of integrated elements. The conception of the time amplication is an effective solution for this
issue. The schematic of a time amplier (TA) which was proposed in Lee & Abidi (2007) is
shown in Figure 15(a). The operation is similar with an voltage amplifer. The difference is that
the TAprocesses a tiny time difference and outputs a larger time difference. The conception of
the TAis shown in Figure 15(b). However, the circuit techniques of the TAis under developed.
The state-of-the-art of the time ampliers only can process a nite range of time interval. As
shown in Figure 15(c), the transfer characteristics of the TA is not linear. Thus, the use of a TA
should be based on the test results in the present age. However, the idea of time amplication
gives a new research direction of TDC techniques, which needs to be optimized in the future
The architecture of a TA-based TDCis illustrated in Figure 16. The function of a time amplier
is simular to the preamplier in the front-end electronics. In the neighborhood of the center
point, the gain of the TA is monotone increasing, thus the behaviour of the TA is given as
= K
where T
and T
are the input and output time interval, respectively. K
is the gain of
the TA. Since K
is not linear, a calibration circuit is required. The TDC core could be a
310 Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software
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in out
Fig. 16. Architecture of TDCs based on a time amplier. The function of a time amplier is
simular to the preamplier in the front-end electronics. The TDC core could be a
counter-based TDC, a delay-based TDC, a GRO TDC or a TDC using a TAC and ADC.
counter-based TDC, a delay-based TDC, a GRO TDC or a TDC using a TAC and ADC. The
relationship between the digital outputs of the TDC core and T
is given as
= T


where T
is the bin size of the TDC. D
is the digital bit. n is the number of bits for the digital
outputs. From Equations 22 and 23, we have,


This equation means that the performances of the TA-based TDC depend on both the
high-learity gain of the TA and the precision of the TDC core. With a TA, the objective of
femto-second level time measurement will be realized.
The state of the art of the TA-based TDC can achieve a resolution of 1.25 ps Lee & Abidi
(2007). However, the conception of time amplication can be applied to femtoseconds level
time measurement.
5.4 TDCs using hybrid architecture
According to the previous disscussion, the idea of time measurement and digitizing can
be categorized into three groups. First, the counter-based TDCs are used to obtain
the wide measured range. Second, the TDCs using time-interpolation and multiple
sampling techniques are proposed for high precision. Third, the current integration with
high-resolution ADCs is introduced to prole the existed intelligent-poverty (IP) blocks
(if had). However, specic applications demand custom TDC architecture with different
performances. This is a motivation to develop TDCs with hybrid architecture. The mostly
used hybrid architecture is counter-based TDCwith time interpolation relized by a single DLL
or a DLL array to persuit for both wide range and high resolution. In addition, the multiphase
ash sampling together with Vernier delay line is another popular architecture for the sake of
311 Integrated High-Resolution Multi-Channel Time-to-Digital Converters (TDCs) for PET Imaging
18 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
Architecture Counter-based Single DLL DLL Array DLL+RC VDL
Resolution ns 100 ps 50 ps 20 ps 10 ps
Meas. Range +++++ ++ +++ +++ +++
Conv. speed ++ +++++ +++++ ++++ ++++
Power diss. + ++ ++++ ++ +++
Nonlinearity ++++ ++++ +++ ++++ +++
Complexity + ++ ++++ +++ +++
Multi-channel +++++ +++++ ++++ +++ ++++
Outputs binary binary pseudo-binary binary binary
Table 1. Comparison of the existed TDC architectures(1)
high precision. Moreover, the time amplication can be used to these two hybrid architecture
to achieve the resolution of sub-picoseconds.
6. Comparison of the TDC architectures
The performances of the existing TDC architecture are compared via the qualitative analysis.
The results are listed in Table 1 and 2. The performances such as resolution, measured range,
conversion speed, power dissipation, nonlinearity are considered. In addition, the design
complexity, the form of digital outputs, the availible technology and the setup of multiple
channels are analyzed.
From Table 1 and 2, the TDC can be divided into four groups according to the resolution.
The rst one is the sub-picosecond TDCs which include GRO TDC and the TDC using time
amplier. The available measured precision can be reduced 100 fs which is realized by GRO
TDC. The TDCusing time amplication can achieve the precision of 1 ps. The second group is
picoseconds-level TDCs including the TDC using a DLL and RC delay line, VDL-based TDCs,
cyclic TDC. These TDCs can achieve a resolution of about 20 picoseconds. Besides, the TDCs
based on the DLL array and the TDCs using current integration and ADC techniques can be
categoried to the third group which can obtain a resolution of about 50 ps 200 ps. The last is
the nanoseconds and sub-nanosecond TDCs consisting of counter-based TDCs and the TDC
using single DLL.
Among the existing TDCs, counter-based TDCs can achieve large meaured range. A 10-bit
counter with a 100 MHz clock can operate in a dynamic range of 10.24 s. The measured
ranges of DLL-based TDCs including TDCs using a single DLl, TDCs based on a DLL array,
Architecture GRO Cyclic Time Amp. TAC+ADC Hybrid
Resolution 100 fs ps 1 ps 50 ps ps ns
Meas. Range ++ +++ + ++++ ++++
Conv. speed + ++ +++ +++ +++
Power diss. ++ + ++ +++++ ++++
Nonlinearity +++++ ++++ + ++ ++
Complexity +++ +++ ++++ ++++ +++++
Multi-channel ++ + ++++ +++ +++
Outputs binary binary non-binary binary N/A
Table 2. Overall performances comparison of the existed TDC architectures(2)
312 Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software
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TDCusing a DLL and RCdelay line, the VDL-based TDCs are determined by the clock period.
The range is about several tens nanoseconds. The measured ranges of GRO TDCs, Cyclic
TDCs and TDCs using current integration and ADC are larger than that of DLL-based TDCs.
The value can be several picoseconds to several microseconds.
The conversion speed of TDCs depends on the measured methods. Due to ash sampling
mechanisms, the counter-based TDCs and DLL-based TDC can construct ash TDCs which
have high conversion speed. GRO TDCs and Cyclic TDCs require counting numbers so that
the conversion time depends on the product of the counted number and the clock period.
TDCs using current integration and ADC is determined by the sampling rate of the ADC.
The power dissipation of TDCs is determined by the circuit implementation of the blocks.
Since the counter-based TDC and cyclic TDCs consist of counters and other digital circuits.
It dissipates small static power consumption. Due to more counters required by GRO TDCs,
they dissipate higher power than counter-based TDC and cyclic TDCs. DLL-based TDCs have
moderate power consumption. However, since a DLL array is used, TDCs based on a DLL
array consume very high power dissipation. TDCs using current integration and ADC mainly
depends on the power of the used ADC.
Linearity is a very important performance parameter for TDCs. The dependence of this
performance is upon both the architecture and the circuit techniques. Generally, GRO TDCs
and cyclic TDCs can obtain very good performances on the linearity cause the measurement
is independent on the mismatch. On the contrary, DLL-based TDCs suffer from the jitter due
to the mismatch. The linearity of DLL-based TDCs is worse than that of GRO TDCs and cyclic
TDCs but better than TDCs using the time amplier and current integration. The linearity of
counter-based TDCs is determined by the metastability of Dip ops. The value is better than
DLL-based TDCs.
The design complexity is an issue that should be considered. Counter-based TDCs can
be easily realized in modern CMOS technologies. However, the TDCs involving complex
architecture and using mixed-signal circuits are difcult to be implemented. For example, the
DLL-based TDCs that require low-jitter DLL techniques to generate precise multiphase clocks
are typical mixed-sigal circuits. Except counter-based TDCs and TDCs using a single DLL, the
design complexity of other TDCs is basically in the same level.
In the front-end electronics, the integration of multi-channel TDCs has become a trend to
provide compact size, low power and high precision. Counter-based TDCs and DLL-based
TDCs can be easily extended to multiple channels. However, the circuits should reused to
construct multple channel architecture for GRO TDCs, cyclic TDC and TDCs using current
The specications of hybrid TDCs can be customized according to specic applications. For
example, the counter-based TDC with a DLL can obtain both high resolution and wide
measured range. Thus, a hybrid TDC can obtain optimized performances via the tradeoff
of resolution, speed, power, linearity and design complexity.
7. TDCs dedicated to PET imaging
In the eld of PET imaging, few contributions are dedicated on the high-resolution TDC. The
characteristics of these TDC are reviewed in the following items.
A TDC that performed coincidence detection in a liquid Xenon PET prototype was
introduced in Bourrion & Gallin-Martel (2006). The TDC architecture was based on dual
counters and a DLL with 128 delay cells. The TDC, designed in 0.35 m CMOS technology,
was able to operate at 150 K and obtain a resolution of better than 250 ps.
313 Integrated High-Resolution Multi-Channel Time-to-Digital Converters (TDCs) for PET Imaging
20 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
A 100-ps time-resolution CMOS TDC for PET imaging application was proposed in Swann,
Blalock & et al. (2004). The TDC architecture combines an accurate digital counter and
an analog time interpolation circuit to make the time interval measurement. The dynmaic
range can be programmable without any timing resolution degradation by using a coarse
counter. The ne conversion utilizes a time-to-amplitude converter followed by an 5-bit
ash ADC. The bin size was 312.5 ps with a DNL of under 0.2 LSB and INL less than
0.3 LSB. The proposed subnanoseconds TDC was the rst realization for the PET imaging
A ne resolution and process scalable CMOS time-to-digital converter (TDC) architecture
was presented in Yousif & Haslett (2007). The TDC architecture uses a hierarchical delay
processing structure to achieve single cycle latency and high speed of operation. The TDC
had a 31 ps timing resolution and power consumption of less than 1 mW.
A TDC based on Vernier method with 1.3ns timing resolution was realized by using only
one FPGA (Kang, X., Wang, S. & et al., ?. A simple smart time-to-digital convertor based
on vernier method for a high resolution lyso micropet, Vol. 4, pp. 2892 2896). The obtained
resolution can meet the demand for the coincidence measurement of LYSO PET detectors
with a 9 ns 15 ns coincidence-timing window.
A full-custom 16-channel 625 ps TDC was proposed in Ollivier-Henry et al. (Oct. 2008) at
IPHC, in 2007. The coarse conversion of the TDC was realized by dual 10-bit counter with
a reference clock of 50 MHz. The dynamic range is 10 us. The ne conversion is based on
the multiphase sampling techniques based on a charge-pump DLL with 32 delay cells. The
TDC was designed in 0.35 m CMOS technology.
8. Conclusions
This chapter reviews the techniques of integrated TDCs. The conception and gure of merits
of a TDC is rstly given. Four generations of TDC techniques are then disscussed in detail. A
comparison of these TDCs is given. At last, the TDCs dedicated to PET imaging are listed. The
results showthat the counter-based and time interpolation are widely used in the TDCdesign.
Such a TDC is very suitable for the proposed PET imaging which requires a multi-channel fast
TDC with a sub-nanosecond resoultion.
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316 Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software
Part 3
Imaging and Data Processing
Parkinsons Disease Diagnosis and Prognosis
Using Diffusion Tensor Medical Imaging Features
Roxana Oana Teodorescu
, Vladimir-Ioan Cretu
and Daniel Racoceanu
Politehnica University of Timisoara,
Universit e de Franche-Comt e, Besan con
French National Centre for Scientic Research (CNRS)
Image and Pervasive Access Lab - IPAL UMI CNRS
1. Introduction
Despite important advances in medical imaging, cognitive testing methods are still used
almost exclusively nowadays for Parkinsons Disease (PD) diagnosis. These tests are
evaluated and scored using predened scales representing the disease severity like UPDRS
(Unied Parkinsons Disease Rating Scale) or H&Y (Hoehn and Yahr) scale. Using the same
scales, our objective is to include information extracted and fused from different medical
imaging modalities, in order to obtain a quantication of the disease evolution, for diagnosis
and prognosis purposes.
The dopamine, one of the main neurotransmitters, is lost when PD is installed. By the time
the disease can be identied, 80-90% of the dopamine is no longer produced (Today, 2009).
Medical studies concluded that the Substantia Nigra, a small anatomical region situated in
the midbrain, is the producer of dopamine (Chan et al., 2007). The same anatomical region
contains the motor bres and the effect of the dopamine lost affects these bers, as the
patients lose their motor functions and start trembling once the disease starts manifesting.
The importance of the motor bers for the evolution and the early detection of the disease,
represent a major medical motivation to set up a method able to extract and quantify
abnormalities in the strationigral tract.
As recently a match between the dopamine level in the Substantia Nigra(SN) and the
Parkinsons disease evolution has been detected (Chan et al., 2007), we are using this
information further as we are studying the area where the Substantia Nigra(SN) produces
the dopamine. David Vaillancourt, assistant professor at University of Illinois at Chicago has
leaded a study using a scanned the part of the brain called Substantia Nigra on Parkinsons
patients using DTI images and has discovered that the number of dopaminergic neurons in
certain areas of this region is 50% less (Vaillancourt, 2009). His study includes 28 subjects
from which half have symptoms of early Parkinsons disease and another half do not have
these symptoms. This area is not well dened anatomically as there the contours are
2 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
unclear. In this case, we detect the midbrain, being certain that it contains the SN. This
segmented area is then studied to determine the correlation between the PD patients and
the dopamine level, measured by the fractional anisotropy (Teodorescu et al., 2009b). Using
a statistical evaluation, the correlation is revealed. For diagnoses purposes, we need also a
value quantifying this correlation.
Another study performed to show the relationship between cerebral morphology and the
expression of dopamine receptors, conducted on 45 healthy patients, reveals that on grey
matter, there is a direct correlation at the SN level. This study (Woodward et al., 2009) uses
weighted structural MRI images. Using Voxel-based morphometry (VBM), the authors
create grey matter volumes and density images and correlate these images with Biological
Parametric toolbox. Voxel-wise normalization also revealed that the grey matter volume and
SN are correlated.
In order to quantify the impact of PD on the patients at the motor level, we study the motor
tract to determine if there is a direct link to the loss of dopamine and the degeneration of the
neural bers of this tract. A statistical analysis of the number of bers and their density is
able to reveal if together with the loss of dopamine, the motor bers that are inactive have a
relationship with the PD severity.
1.1 Problems that we aim to solve
The main purpose of our approach is to detect PD based exclusively on the image features.
We desire, based on the metrics developed at the image level, to detect PD on early stages and
deduct the installation of PD - most likely cases to develop the disease. Working with medical
image features, we include medical knowledge when extracting the features, based on the
previous studies. The fact that the producer of dopamine is the SN area, makes it an essential
volume of interest in our approach. Because this anatomical region is not well dened, we
aim on extracting the midbrain, region that contains the SN.
The medical knowledge determines the area of study and the methods extracting the features
required by the medical knowledge from the image level. The neural bers affected by PD,
represent the motor tract that we detect using the volume of interest. For an accurate detection,
as we are using the midbrain area, where there are many neural tracts passing through, we
need another volume of interest, able to select among the neural bers starting at the midbrain
level, just the motor ones. We choose the second volume as the Putamen, anatomical region
where the motor tract passes also through.
These volumes of interest are detected using segmentation methods applied on medical
images. The bers are revealed using a deterministic global tractography method with
the two-segmented anatomical regions as volumes of interest. The detected bers must be
evaluated and further used as a metric for PD in the diagnosis and prognosis processes.
The main purpose of our work, the image based diagnosis/prognosis, determines image
processing aims, as well as image analysis ones: volumes of interest detection achieved
trough medical image segmentation, respectively exclusive detection of the motor tract
determined by tractography.
There are other aspects that must be taken into account as well, aspects that do not derive
from the medical knowledge. The inter-patient variability is one of these aspects and it
is determined by the demographic parameters: age, sex and race of the patient. These
characteristics inuence the performance of the algorithms at every level. The brain structures
volumes vary depending on the sex of the patient, the shape of the head differs depending on
the race, and age determines brain atrophy, inducing a variation of the anatomical structures.
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Parkinsons Disease Diagnosis and Prognosis
Using Diffusion Tensor Medical Imaging Features Fusion 3
All these manifestations are linked to demographic parameters.
There are special limitations regarding the medical images resolution and specicity for the
image processing algorithms. One of the main tasks is to nd the appropriate slice in which
to look for the volume of interest. Each slice contains different information and we rely
on volumetric information when choosing the slice of interest for each of the segmentation
algorithms. The position of each patient in the image is different, as is the size and shape of
the head. This aspect determines the location of the volumes of interest of the brain (starting
fromthe nose level or fromthe eyes level) or for the same number of slices, the whole brain or
only a part of it (for smaller skulls the whole brain can be scanned, whereas for bigger ones,
only a percentage of it, even if the scanning starts at the same level). This aspect determines
an evaluation of the volume content in the image stack provided. We can place our analysis
parameters, based on the center of mass of the brain.
Another aspect regarding intra-patient variability is the difference between the two
hemispheres of the brain for the same patient. The Putamen is not symmetrically placed on
the left and right side of the middle axis that separates the hemispheres, neither at the same
relative position with regard to the center of mass of the brain. This is one of the challenges,
together with the fact that the right side Putamen can have a different shape and size fromthe
left side and be placed higher or lower than the other one. Tough nding the limit between the
two hemispheres of the brain is another bid as it must be determined. The two hemispheres
are not perfectly symmetrical and the line is not necessarily perpendicular on the horizontal
axis of the image- the intra-patient specicity. The need to determine this axis with no
connection to the specicity of the patient, determines also a need for an automatic overall
detection approach.
1.2 General presentation of the methods
Using the provided images, we obtain different features from different DTI (Diffusion Tensor
Imaging) modalities. By fusing the image information and using it to attach a value to the
severity degree from the disease scale, we propose a new approach altogether with image
processing (specic anatomical segmentation) and analysis methods. With a geometry-based
automatic registration, we fuse information fromdifferent DTI image methods: FA(Fractional
Anisotropy) and EPI (Echo-Planar Imaging). The specicity of the EPI resides in the tensor
information, but it lacks anatomical detail, as it has a low resolution. At this point, the FA
completes the informational data, as it contains the anisotropy representing the dopamine
ow. As at the midbrain level, there are many ber tracts, this area does not provide just
the motor tract. The bers from this tract cross also the Putamen. Determining the bers
that cross the two anatomical areas - midbrain and Putamen - at the same time, provides
a more accurate selection using a global deterministic tractography. The midbrain can be
detected and segmented on the image that contains the tensors, the EPI, but the Putamen is
not detectable even on the high-resolution images like T
or T
. The FA image, due to the
dopamine ow, has the boundaries of the Putamen and an accurate segmentation is possible
on this image.
The registration is needed as the segmented area is used for the tractography on the EPI image
volume and not on the FA, where it is detected. The dopamine ow revealing the Putamen
represents one type of information at the image level, different from the tensor information
with anatomical detail, present on the EPI image. This is the reason for an information fusion
from the two image modalities, achieved by registering the extracted Putamen map on the
Parkinsons Disease Diagnosis and
Prognosis Using Diffusion Tensor Medical Imaging Features Fusion
4 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
Fig. 1. PDFibAtl@s prototype integrating our methods
Once the bers are detected, they are evaluated introducing specic metrics for the ber
density. Using a statistical method, correlation between the PD severity and the ber values is
detected. The specic bers evaluated are analyzed. The diagnosis based on these values
makes the difference between the control cases and the PD. Usually prognosis functions
determine the evolution in time of a patient, but for that purpose we need a follow-up on
the patients. In other cases, the prognosis function decides on the severity of a disease. For
us, the prognosis is able to detect the disease severity for the PD patients.
As shown in gure 1,there are several levels where the information is manipulated:
Image level
Feature level
Knowledge Level
Our prototype - PDFibAtl@s - implements the image processing and analysis methods taking
the images from the medical station in DICOM format and extracting the signicant features.
The rst level of information, the image level, deals with the medical image standard les
and extracts the primary information from it, making the difference between the image and
the protocol elements. At the feature level, a preprocessing step is applied to the image. The
322 Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software
Parkinsons Disease Diagnosis and Prognosis
Using Diffusion Tensor Medical Imaging Features Fusion 5
information retrieved by feature extraction, encapsulates medical knowledge as well. The
analysis part uses the tractography to determine the motor bers. Having as input the value
obtained by measuring the bers, we develop at the knowledge level, the algorithms performing
diagnosis and prognosis assistance.
From the clinical point of view, translational researches are necessary by next to go from the
Proof of Concept (POC) to the Proof of Value (POV).
The structure of this chapter contains in the next section similar methods with the ones
developed in our work and the systems that include these methods (subsec. 1.3). After
presenting the protocols and characteristics of the medical images (sec. 2), we present the
image processing methods (sec. 3) with the tractography approach, and the diagnosis and
prognosis module performing the data analysis. These methods make the transition of
information from the rough image level to the knowledge level as presented in section 4. The
nal conclusions together with future works and perspectives are presented in section 5.
1.3 Methods used in other approaches
We have tested several methods before designing our approach. We used our database for
these tests, in order to detected the problems at the image level and dene the requirements
for the pre-processing stage. Different methods, provided by dedicated systems, offered a
background view as well as a comparison method for evaluating our own methods.
1.3.1 Matlab based systems (SPM and VBM)
Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM)- is a plug - in software that extends statistical processes
dedicated to the functional imaging data. The software package performs analysis of brain
imaging data sequences
. This plug-in software is designed for the Matlab environment. The
SPM5 version accepts DTI images for processing and provides alignment and preprocessing
using the fMRI (Functional MRI) dedicated module. Testing Statistical Parametric Mapping
algorithms (Maltlab SPM toolbox), we obtain results only on the entire brain analysis and due
to the image quality, the skull extraction cannot be properly performed and thus, we have
interferences with the results on the anisotropy. A specic atlas, containing automatically
detected anatomical volumes, represents a tool that can be applied to any type of patient.
Voxel Based Morphometry (VBM)
represents another module that can be integrated in
Matlab with SPM, as a plug-in in SPM5. This module is able to make segmentation in WM
(white matter) and GM (grey matter) based on voxel-wise comparison.
The segmentations provided by the SPM and VBM - depending on the tissue type - are not
enough for our purpose, as we need specic anatomical regions as SN and the Putamen. SPM
uses the atlas approach (Guillaume, 2008) for this purpose and categorizes the brain images
on the race of the patients. This approach is not applicable for us, as we have a heterogeneous
database. By using the atlas approach, the inter-patient variability is not considered. When
performing the registration using VBM, the resulted images are folded and not usable for
SPM site - - last accessed on May 2010
Voxel based morphometry (VBM) - morphometry - last
accessed on May 2010
Parkinsons Disease Diagnosis and
Prognosis Using Diffusion Tensor Medical Imaging Features Fusion
6 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
1.3.2 DTI dedicated systems
system is designed for DTI management providing different modules for image
processing and analysis procedures. In this case, the segmentation is a manual one, offering
the necessary accuracy. The Fusion module of this system provides several registration
methods that we are testing: the manual approach, the automatic afne registration and the
diffeomorphic registration. The fact that the registration does not perform with the accuracy
needed on our images to generate the correct bers, represents the major drawback. Beside,
the fact that we cannot limit, using two volumes of interest, the chosen bers, makes us regard
another option altogether for the tractography method. Even though, because of technical
reasons, manual registration would be optimal for our case, we cannot use the DTI track
module for the global tractography, using Log-Euclidian metrics on a deterministic approach,
because it would mean choosing only one volume of interest, which cannot separate only the
bundle of interest. This module provides only a local method for tractography.
Slicer 3D is another system tested with our database on the registration and tractography.
The same manual segmentation approach is offered by the Slicer 3D system
, but in this
case, at the registration level, the system provides just the manual method as a valid one
for our images. The tractography overcharges the memory of the computer when applying a
probabilistic global approach. In some of the cases, even the registration cannot be completed
by the system.
TracVis provides a probabilistic global method for tractography. This probabilistic global
approach implemented in DiffusionToolkit
performs the best for our database. The approach
offers several methods for computing the propagation of the diffusion: FACT, second order
Runge Kutta, Interpolated Streamline and Tensorline. We are testing the second order Runge
Kutta, as it is the closest to our approach. Using a previous mask for the volumes of interest
does not perform well on our data, but the possibility of limiting the computed bers using
a manual segmented volume of interest (VOI), or even two VOIs, provides the specic motor
tract representing the bundle of interest. The drawback is the fact that this approach needs
to compute all the bers and limit them afterwards. We do not need all the bers and this
time-consuming process can be avoided with the mask volume. This possibility exists in the
Diffusion Toolkit, but our mask volumes could not be read either by the Diffusion Toolkit
or the TrackVis module. This aspect constrained us to perform the manual segmentation.
However, even with the manually detected VOIs, the results on the bers were either null or
1.3.3 Diagnosis and prognosis methodologies
Once the segmentation of the volumes of interest is achieved and the tractography performed,
the extracted values for the bers are analyzed for diagnosis and prognosis. We need to
estimate the PD severity using the same scale as the one in the cognitive testing for estimation
and comparison purpose. For the database, we are working with the provided H&Y values as
a ground truth.
We have tested several classical clustering methods like KNN (K Nearest Neighbor) and
KMeans but, due to the dispersions and uncertainty existent in our data, the results were not
satisfactory. When deciding the way to analyze the extracted ber values, we take into account
several prognosis approaches. We need a decision-based method to analyze the features and
MedINRIA - - last accessed on May 2010
Slicer - - last accessed on May 2010
Diffuion toolkit -dtk -
324 Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software
Parkinsons Disease Diagnosis and Prognosis
Using Diffusion Tensor Medical Imaging Features Fusion 7
give an exact placement of the case on the PD scale. We can take into account rule-based
systems, as they include predicates with medical knowledge. Considering fuzzy logic, we can
capture the behavior of the system. Statistical methods include all possibilities for the features,
but the selection of a decision threshold is very challenging and subject to sensitivity.
Working with non-probabilistic uncertainties, fuzzy sets, determines an approach based on
fuzzy models. A fuzzy inference system, or fuzzy model, can adapt itself using numerical
data. A fuzzy inference system has learning capability and using this aspect, the link
between the fuzzy controllers and the methodologies for neural networks is possible using the
Adaptive Network-Based Fuzzy Inference Systems (ANFIS). These networks have the overall
input-output behavior inuenced by a set of parameters. These parameters dene functions
that determine adaptive nodes at the network level. Applying the learning techniques from
the neural networks to the fuzzy sets, allows us to determine an ANFIS structure. For us, the
fuzzy sets represent the values extracted at the tractography level. These sets are dened in
intervals and determine the If-Then rules. Together with these rules, the database (fuzzy sets)
and a reasoning mechanism, determine a fuzzy inference system. At the reasoning part, we
have to take into account the inference model (Jang & Sun, 1995).
Following an ANFIS (Bonissone, 1997), we can combine the fuzzy control offered by the
medical background and statistical analysis with neural networks. The fuzzy features
represent the a priori knowledge as a set of constraints - rules. One of the applications of
ANFIS is presented as a mode to explain past data and predict behavior. In our approach, we
use as Fuzzy Control (FC) a fuzzy set. For the FC technology we use rule inference where we
make the difference between the disease stages. We adapted this approach, but as the neural
networks separately did not perform well, we use adaptive interpolation functions.
1.4 Detected requirements from the tested systems
In our prototype, we use a specialized library that provides elementary image processing
functions and algorithms: medical image reading and writing, basic lters and plug-ins,
enables us to use algorithms already implemented and to begin our processing at a higher
level of data management. Indeed imageJ
is a useful open source Java based library conceived
for medical image processing and analysis that offers the possibility to develop a Java
application that can be used for testing further in this library as a plug-in.
The systems that we are testing have different approach on the segmentation algorithms.
MedINRIA provides a way of manually dening the regions of interest, as this is the most
accurate way of segmentation.
The TrackVis module provides also the same accuracy as using the manual approach. 3D
Slicer and SPM provide atlas-based approaches, but 3D Slicer does not manage to nish the
computation for our images and the SPM results are blurry and not accurate. Analyzing the
results obtained with these methods, we decide to adopt a geometrical-based registrationwith
volumetric landmarks. For the segmentation method, the geometrical landmarks are used to
guide specic adaptive region growing algorithms.
In our approach, we follow the ANFIS layers, from the input ber data extracted, to the PD
results, adapting the system to our needs. The ground truth is represented by the Hoehn &
Yahr (H&Y) grade provided by the medical experts.
ImageJ website - - last accessed on June 2010
Parkinsons Disease Diagnosis and
Prognosis Using Diffusion Tensor Medical Imaging Features Fusion
8 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
2. Database characteristics
A number of 68 patients diagnosed clinically with PD and 75 control cases underwent DTI
imaging (TR/TE 4300/90; 12 directions; 4 averages; 4/0 mm sections; 1.2 x 1.2 mm in-plane
resolution) after giving informed consent. This represents, as far as we know, one of the
biggest cohort of PDpatients implicated in this type of study. The heterogeneity of the patients
- Asians, Eurasians and Europeans - can also be used to characterize a general trend for PD
prognosis. For this type of DTI images, we have 351 images that represent slices of 4 mm
of brain structures taken in 13 directions at each step. In this case, we have 27 images (axial
slices) that constitute a 3D brain image. The DTI images that we are using were taken with a
Siemens Avanto 1.5T( B=800, 12 diffusion directions).
All the images are in DICOMformat. This format is specic to the medical images, containing
the header le and the image encapsulated in the dcm (DICOM) le.
2.1 DTI images used in our approach
From the DTI images, the Echo Planar Images (EPI) are among the ones with the lowest
resolution. The advantage of this type of DTI is that they contain the tensor information
as matrixes, giving the actual orientation of the water ow dening the brain bers. The
diffusion directions have each, as result, one volume of images.
This type of image is not appropriate for the anatomy extraction and analysis, but the tensor
and anisotropy values stored represent the bottom line of ber reconstruction, as well as the
source for other images. We perform the entire image preprocessing on the EPIs, as they
provide the tensor for the bers as well. A preprocessing step for these images represents a
contrast enhancement of 0.5% for a better detection of the skull and the volumes of interest.
Fractional anisotropy images result from the computation of the anisotropy level for each
voxel on the EPI images. They contain not only the anisotropy values, but also the color code
for it. This type of image represents the diffusion direction inside the bers. Accordingly, the
Putamen area is well dened as the motor tract reaches it and stands out as contour with high
anatomical detail; therefore we use it in the automatic detection of this volume of interest.
After a registration of the volume of interest extracted from this image, we can use it together
with the tensors from the EPI, in order to limit the bers that we take into account. At this
point, there is an exchange of information from one image type to another, by information
2.2 Preparing the image for processing
Due to the complex structure of the medical image-encoding manner of the DICOM format,
we need to extract the useful information from the header le. During the processing and
analysis steps, we only make use of the image itself, without additional information. This is
the reason why we transform the image from the DICOM format to Analyze and store it as
stacks of images, representing an entire brain volume for each patient and each modality.
For the axial plane, the images that we have in our database are taken in AC/PC plane -
Anterior Commissure/Posterior Commissure. This axis is signicant from the anatomical
point of view and the radiologist uses it, because distinguishable in all the MRI images.
3. System and method presentation
Testing several systems dealing with specic treatment of DTI images, we construct our
approach based on the clinical needs, as well as on the results obtained from other systems.
326 Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software
Parkinsons Disease Diagnosis and Prognosis
Using Diffusion Tensor Medical Imaging Features Fusion 9
First, by testing other systems with our own images (subsection 1.3), we evaluate the
possibilities that we have of using our images and the data ows that these images can
From gure 1, we dene the main processes that our information undergoes from the image
level to the knowledge level. We start using EPI images, where we extract the midbrain area
rst. The FA images are used for automatic Putamen detection and, registering these images
on the EPI, place the detected volumes at the right position on the EPI images. Once these
volumes of interest are placed, the algorithm for ber growth is applied on the EPIs and the
bers extracted are analyzed, together with the detected volumes of interest. Another part is
represented by the diagnosis step followed by prognosis.
3.1 Image initialization and pre-processing
The preprocessing part has to overcome the low resolution of the EPI, as well as the
demographic characteristics of the patients (age, race and sex differences). In our study, we
surmount the sex differences by computing the volume of each brain, as there is a difference
between female and male volume of the brain, based on smaller skull usually recorded for
In order to detect the elements related to the volume of interest, we consider the relative
position of anatomical elements to a xed point. We have chosen this point to be the center of
mass of the brain (X
, Y
, Z
). In order to determine this point, we need to consider the brain,
without the skull. Another problem that we have to surmount is the intra-patient variability
in the segmentation algorithms. The segmentation algorithm methods perform the detection
inside the axial slices. In order to start the algorithms at the right place on the right slice,
the position of this slice must be determined rst. This position represents the placement
of the axial plane (O
and O
axis inside the volume) relative to the coronal (O
and O
axis of the volume) and the sagittal (O
and O
axis of the volume) planes, on the O
of the brain volume. This aspect provided us with the right placement of the algorithm at the
slice level - the placement at the volume level. We need to nd the anatomical region inside
the axial image for which we need the volume denition - placement inside the slice, with
identication of the right place for the volume detection.
From the segmentation point of view, solutions like the one proposed by SPM that performs
the entire head segmentation are not applicable, as we need only our volume of interest, not
a certain type of tissue. Due to the patient variability, we need robust VOI segmentation
As one of the volumes is detected using an image stack (FA stack) different from the stack
where we later use it (EPI stack), registration is needed. The problems with registration reside
at the landmark level and inuence the accuracy of this process. With no interference fromthe
user, we perform a geometry based intra-patient registration with the geometrical landmarks
automatically detected at the preprocessing level.
For the bundle of interest choice we use the two VOIs to limit the tracking starting from
the midbrain area by selecting just those that reach the Putamen : deterministic global
tractography. At this point, we compute measures based on the density of the bers in the
entire volume of the brain or in the volume of interest.
FD =
; FD
where FD represents the ber density computed as the number of bers - F
- in the volume
of the entire brain - Vol
and FD
represents the ber density relative to the volume of
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Prognosis Using Diffusion Tensor Medical Imaging Features Fusion
10 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
interest- Vol
. We try to overcome the age difference as well, by taking the mean age on the
testing batch, as close as possible between the PD patients and the control cases. Computing
the ber volume and the brain volume, an analysis is possible to detect the geriatric effects on
the brain and on the neural bers al well.
FV = F
where FV represents the ber volume computed as the product of ber number (F
), ber
length (F
) - constant as the bers must pass through both regions of interest and the voxel
dimensions: V
, V
, V
. According to the medical manifestation of the disease, the
ber density and volume should be diminished for the PDpatients, comparedwith the control
cases. The degradation of the bers should also be correlated with the severity of the disease,
specied by the H&Y scale.
For our system, we need several elements of image preprocessing for a good image
quality, before processing. This is prevailed with morphological operators, together with
segmentation algorithms and de-noises lters. Our main concerns are linked to the movement
artifacts from our images that must be eliminated for a proper analysis. Due to early study
and analysis, the bone tissue constituting the skull needs to be eliminated for a better further
processing. At the processing level, another important matter that must be solved is preparing
the parameters for our own algorithms, so that the processing algorithms can accomplish the
optimal detection of the VOIs: slice detection at the volume level and adaptive anatomical
detection at the image level.
3.1.1 Skull removal
As the systems considered in subsection 1.3 provided algorithms that performed the skull
removal as well, we have tested these algorithms rst and then developed our own, as
obviously needed. The systems are tested using our own images with the characteristics
specied in section 2 and we are using EPIs, as they are the ones providing the elements for
the ber growth.
Our own algorithm was applied on the EPI image and it uses KMeans classication to detect
the bone tissue. This algorithm is already implemented in java and was available as a plug-in
in imageJ
. Actually, the FA image containing the anisotropy provides the intensity for the
skull voxels similar to the one representing the GM. This is the reason for the noise at the FA
computation. For our purpose, we use a four-class evaluation to distinguish between the bone
tissue and the GM, WM and CSF. The algorithm was not sensitive to the exterior noise, as we
have applied a noise removal lter provided by the same library. In this way, all the elements
outside the skull perimeter was considered as noise and eliminated.
At his point, the brain tissue represents the only information in the image. Estimation, analysis
and processing on these images offer correct results on the brain tissue state.
3.1.2 Retrieving the geometrical elements
Having only the brain as information in the whole volume representation, offers us the
possibility to set landmarks based on the whole volume estimation so that we can eliminate
at least a part of the patient variability. This is the reason why we retrieve, using an imageJ
KMeans in imageJ: /index.html - last accessed
on June 2010
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Using Diffusion Tensor Medical Imaging Features Fusion 11
plug-in algorithm -object counter
, the brain center of mass at the volume level and we are
able to perform the same feature extraction at the slice level. This landmark is able to offer us
an alignment for all the patients based on their volume, a central axis placement through the
aligned volume. Next, we need a manner in which to nd the limit the left and right side of
the brain and in thus have another landmark for the patient alignment.
3.1.3 Hemisphere detection
This detection is further needed for patient alignment at the volume level to provide,
together with the center of mass, a plan that passes through the center of the brain, making
the distinction between the two hemispheres. For this detection, we determine the outer
boundary of the brain. We analyze this boundary as a variation function determining the
maximum inexion point on the function corresponding to the occipital sinuses at the base of
the occipital lobes junction.
This point, together with the center of mass of the brain, determines a sagittal plane between
the two hemispheres. The same point, indicating the occipital sinuses and making the
distinction between the two brain hemispheres, represents on an axial plane, together with
the center of mass, an axis indicating the directionality of the head inside the image. The axis
and the determined points will be used for segmentation and registration.
3.1.4 Volume management and slice detection
At the volume level, for the slice detection, we use the determined center of mass with the
imageJ plug-in by Fabrice Cordelires and Jonathan Jackson called Object Counter
. This
plug-in detects the 3Dobjects fromimage stacks and provides their volume, surface, the center
of mass and the center of intensity. We use the volume provided for demographic parameter
elimination and the center of mass for an inter-patient alignment.
Detecting the slice of interest starting from the center of mass of the brain is done by taking
into account the placement of the anatomical regions that we consider as volumes of interest.
For the cases with smaller brain volume, the slices could contain the entire brain, the others
cannot. In order to establish the position and the content of the brain volume, we select the
rst and the last slice and extract the volume of the objects from these slices. We establish
levels for dening the position of the midbrain relative to the determined center of mass of
the brain.

where Vol
and Vol
represent the volumes of the objects in the slice with the
determined center of mass, respectively the rst slice on the stack; ST is the slice thickness
(4 mm) and the values place the midbrain with relative to the determined center of mass with:
Slice 0 if P
< 60
Slice 1 if 60 < P
< 70
Slice 2 if 70 < P
< 85
Slice 3 if 85 < P
< 100
imageJ plug-in Object Counter: /objects.html - last accessed
on June 2010
Object Counter - - last accessed on June 2010
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These threshold values represent the statistical established studies with regardto the midbrain
position and its placement relative to the percentage determined value. If the stack is not
correct - if it does not contain the minimum slices for the midbrain and the Putamen detection
- we transmit an error value for the slice of interest (-1). Once this position is determined, the
Putamen algorithm starts with two slices above the midbrain-detected slice - one slice is with
the midbrain, and the second one has to contain the AC/PC line. We adjust the Putamen slice
if the detected volume is too small (20 pixels) or if it is placed too near to the midline. If this
is the case, it means that the brain is bigger than estimated by the relative parameters and we
nd the Putamen one slice above the one we have placed the algorithm.
3.1.5 Finding the starting point for anatomical segmentation
Once we have the slice of interest detected for each of the volumes used on the tractography,
we need algorithms that determine the placement in the image slice of the anatomical region
that we are segmenting. Knowing the location of the regions based on the brain physiology,
we design specic algorithms for each volume, in order to determine the stating point for the
active detection algorithm.
The extraction of the volumes of interest is possible only on the images that provide a clear
boundary for the anatomical regions that represent our volumes of interest. The algorithms
for extraction must be placed on the right anatomical area inside the 3D image volume, for
this detection to be as accurate as possible. The automatic detection is possible only after the
starting point for the active volume is set. The difculty in this case lies in nding, in the slice
of interest, the right region for the active volume growth.
Detection for the starting point of the volume of interest in the midbrain area is done similar to
the detection of the slice of interest and it is combined with the division in hemispheres of the
brain. We need the hemispheres separately on account of the study of Dr. Chan (Chan et al.,
2007) which states that there are different stages of development of PD in the left side and
the right side of the brain. The inter-hemispherical axis detected is used when we detect the
volumes of interest, as we want the algorithm to consider only the needed hemisphere. The
algorithmfor nding the midbrain starts fromthe center of mass of the volume inside the slice
of interest and following the inter-hemispherical axis searches for a gray matter region placed
next to this point or above it.
Detecting the starting point for the Putamen detection algorithm is different from the one
used for the midbrain, as the Putamen is not placed on the inter-hemispherical axis and does
not have a geometrically detectable point or standard distance -patient variability. We are
working on the FA image as it contains the anisotropy that follows the dopamine ow and
makes the Putamen more distinguishable than on the other type of images. Our algorithm
is also based on the placement of the two areas relatively to the center of mass of the image
as well. As this is a more complex matter there are several steps performed for achieving an
adequate positioning inside the image and eliminating the inter-patient variability:
Classication of images based on the head shape
Segmentation on tissue type based on the voxel intensity
Validation of the Putamen region based on the placement with reference to the center of
The rst step represents a rough categorization of the head based on the sex variance, as well
as on the subject provenance (e.g the shape of Eurasians is different of those of Europeans and
Afro-Americans). We detect three main classes based on the position of the center of mass with
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regard to the middle of the image. The second step is meant to distinguish the anatomical
areas and make easier the search for the Putamen. This segmentation is performed using
the KMeans
plug-in based on (Jain & Dubles, 1988). We establish the number of clusters
based on the tissue types the image now contains and the tolerance is left at the default value
together with the randomization seed. The image containing all these clusters represents the
map for the algorithm that established the volume of interest. Based on this image and the
medical knowledge, our algorithm starts at the center of mass and follows the hemisphere
axis. Depending on the category established at the rst step, the algorithmchooses the proper
level for hemisphere exploration on the left and the right side. Passing two tissue types
and reaching the CSF area we then reach the Putamen. At this point, the volume-tracking
algorithm can be applied.
3.2 Volume segmentation algorithms - active volume segmentation
The process of active volume determination is placed at the slice level and the stack level at
the same time. At the slice level, after determining the starting point for the active tracking
algorithm on the slice of interest (SOI), we move on to the growing step for the volume
determination. We are thus performing a segmentation using the active contour algorithm
and setting the threshold for it as voxels belonging to the other classes rather than the one we
are exploring. At this point, the algorithms differ much depending on the anatomical region
we want to extract, as well as on the hemisphere we are exploring. Nevertheless, after this
exploration is nished, we apply this approach on the next slice and in this way, we extract
volumes by making a stack of the extracted ROIs.
Regions are typically identied based on their internal homogeneity. However, the size
of the shape is important when dening the homogeneity. Fractal features can provide
additional information from this perspective. The region segmentation can be contour-based
or region-based, depending on the restrictions applied for ending the detection process:
exterior limits, respectively entropy values (Sonka & Fitzpatrick, 2009). We are using the
image representing the KMeans-generated clusters as pixel intensities for the four types of
classes. For the midbrain active contour, we perform a region-based detection, whereas for
the Putamen, we perform a contour-based detection.
Considering a generalization on the active volume-tracking algorithm, there are several main
steps to be followed:
Seed placement inside the ROI
Considering new points for the ROI extension
Comparison with the voxels in the ROI and threshold elements
Validation of the considered voxel as part of the ROI
These steps are further adapted and rened to t our image resolution and the anatomical
shapes at the same time.
In the algorithmfor detecting the volume of interest in the midbrain area, we have two steps
for detection: the denition and detection of the region of interest and the volume detection.
For the region of interest, we use a snake-based algorithm applied on a segmented image
with KMeans in imageJ. We segment the EPI stack in imageJ for which we intent to make the
difference between the Cerebrospinal Fluid(CSF) surrounding the midbrain and the area we
IJ Plugins: Clustering /index.html - last
accessed on June 2010
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(a) (b) (c)
Fig. 2. EPI with detected VOIs: image 2(a) the midbrain on both hemispheres; image 2(b) the
Putamen and image 2(c) with 3D bers on an example
want to detect. On the gray matter class so obtained, we perform the snake-based algorithm
that has the starting point determined in the preprocessing part. This exploration step ends
when there is a difference between the new pixel and the previous one or we step on the
midline of the brain. After nishing the algorithm on one slice we explore the slice above in
similar manner. As we know from the study presented in (Starr & Mandybur, 2009), almost
80% of the SN is found in one slice (4 mm) thus, we want to make sure that in our volume of
interest this anatomical region is contained and for this purpose, we take the two slices that
most probably contain the midbrain.
For the Putamen volume detection, we take into account the shape of this specic anatomical
region and we construct a totally different algorithm, that must overcome several obstacles:
the placement of the Putamen that is not necessarily at the same level in both sides, the size
of it differs very much from one hemisphere to the other, as well as its shape - intra-patient
variability. In the preprocessingstage, we overcome this problemwith the automatic Putamen
region detection. The Putamen shape on the slice of interest - the slice above the one
containing the AC/PC line- is triangular, whereas on the slice above this one is a quadrilateral
shape approximation. This is the reason why, if we want a high accuracy, we have two kinds
of algorithms for the Putamen tracing. One of these algorithms starts from a triangle placed
at the seed place. This triangle moves its vertices only on the class of voxels belonging to
the ones from the seed. It stops when reaching another class (3-5 consecutive voxels different
from the ones constituting the VOI). The same manner of operating is applied for the other
(a) (b) (c)
Fig. 3. FA image with Putamen detected (Sabau et al., 2010) starting from the KMeans
clustered voxels from image 3(a) on the left side in gure 3(b), respectively the right side 3(c)
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approach, except the fact that it starts from a quadrilateral shape, moving at each step four
vertices. We adjust the obtained shape by comparing the left and right limits and the level of
the VOIs on the two hemispheres.
As shown in the owchart from gure 4, after the positioning at the volume level in the slice
of interest, the algorithm has to determine the relative position of the head inside the image
in the pre-processing stage. Depending on that position, we choose the starting point for the
active volume detection and move on the active volume determination. Once the starting
point positioned, we choose the suitable algorithm for the shape extraction. We apply the
triangular shape growing for the right side and the quadrilateral shape for the left side and
the upper slices in the volume detection. These algorithms divide the starting point into three
respectively four points (g. 3). The three-point algorithm follows the triangular shape of
the Putamen, which is more obvious on the slice with the AC/PC line. The choice was
made by statistically determining the difference between the two algorithms and the manually
segmented images that represents the ideal segmentation shape.
Both approaches consider the extension of the region of interest by taking each pixel next
to the ones that represent the initial points in the clustering area. If the pixel appertains to
the cluster of the initial points, it becomes one of the shape dening points - the edge of the
triangle for the three points segmentation algorithm, or the edge of the quadrilateral shape
for the four points segmentation algorithm. The active volume determination nishes when
other clusters are encountered.
The determined area is placed with respect to the one determined on the other hemisphere.
When the positioning of the two determined area is nished, the algorithm is repeated for
the upper slice for the volume determination. The regions thus determined are transformed
in mask images that are further transformed according to the parameters determined in the
registration algorithms.
3.3 Automatic geometry-based registration
When talking about registration, we refer to matching or bringing the modalities to
spatial alignment by nding the optimal geometrical transformation between corresponding
image data (Teodorescu, 2010). Our approach is completely automatic as it is based on
the determined geometrical landmarks used for the segmentation. These landmarks are
independent of the inter-patient variability and on the imaging modality. The challenges for
performing the registration reside in nding the best landmarks in both image types, nding a
suitable spatial transformation and, for our type of images, preserving the tensor direction. In
our case, we perform intra-subject registration, as we match images appertaining to the same
subject. Our registration is a rigid one, as it contains only translations and rotations, afne
transformation. As we are using homologous features, based on geometrical distances, our
registration is a geometrical-based one.
For the midbrain area, we use the EPI B0 image, the one without diffusion, as it is clear enough
for this purpose, even if the resolution for this type of image is poor. For the Putamen area, the
contours of this anatomical region are not well detected by the algorithms on the same image
modality. In this case, we use the FA image and take advantage of the anisotropy difference,
represented in this type of image as a different color intensity corresponding to the dopamine
ow going in different directions. This makes possible detection of the Putamen area on the
FA image. However, when we use the detected Putamen, we want to do that on the EPI image
and we need to know that the extracted volume is on the right place.
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Fig. 4. Putamen detection on the FA image
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3.3.1 Transformation parameters
We verify the placement of the volume of interest relative to the center of mass of the brain, as
well as the external limits of this volume, relative to the same point. In order to determine the
directionality of the image, we use the symmetry axis and its orientation. It gives us the angle
with the horizontal and vertical image axes for the rotation and the displacement parameters.
All the transformations are performed on the mask image extracted from the FA stack trough
segmentation, representing the moving image in the registration process and keeping the EPI
as model, representing the still image.
Analyzing the proposed technique, we can say that we perform an iconic registration
(Cachier & et al., 2003) because we use on one hand the geometrical relations, as placement
of the center of mass and the external limits, but on the other hand, we use the anisotropy
values for dening the registered volume. As we are not using that information directly
for the transformation of the image, our registration is a geometrical one (Gholinpour et al.,
2007) (Maintz & Viergever, 2000). The checkpoints are the same used in our approach for
the segmentation: the center of mass of the brain in both image stacks (EPI and FA) and the
inter-hemispherical axis that provides the angulation parameters for the transformation. The
parameters for this process are presented in 4.

0 d
0 d
0 0 1 d
0 0 0 1


Representing the transformation applied on the FA image in equation 4, we dene the
parameters for rotation, translation and skewness. The rotation angle for the transformation
is computed by taking into account the symmetry axis determined for delimitation of the two
brain hemispheres. The
value is the angle between the axis and the O
axis of the image
and the
is the angle between the same axis and the O
of the image. We compute this
angle for each image type and the difference between these angles represents the values for
the transformation.
where SP is the starting point of the hemisphere axis, given by the inexion point (occipital
sinuses at the base of the Occipital Bone of the skull) placed on the lower part of the brain
(posterior area of the brain) and the SP
and SP
are the projections of the SP point on the
respectively O
axis; I
is the intersection between the axis and O
; I
is the intersection
between the axis and O
We compute the angle for the FA image and the angle for the EPI image. The angle is
the difference between and and we use it for the rotation. The translation valued from the
transformation matrix from equation 4 (d
, d
and d
) represents the difference between the
centers of mass in the two types of images.
Another aspect of the transformation is represented by the axis orientation. The difference
between the orientations of the axis determines us to ip the transformed image. This
orientation is determined by the placement of the starting point (SP) and the center of mass
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on the image axes. Different orientation of the axis determines a ipping of the image in
horizontal and/or vertical plane.
Because the FA images are generated on the AC/PC plane as well as the EPIs, there
could not be any skewness problems or resizing aspects, thus we are concentrating our
registration efforts on the translation and the rotation aspects. As the FAimages have different
orientations, we need to be sure that the volume of interest is correctly placed on the model
3.3.2 The feature fusion aspect
Another aspect when registering the two images information is represented by the nature
of the information and the signicance of the process itself. Fusing two images refers to
the process of morphing them or warping them, at the image level. Both these techniques
represent registration methods used and alter one of the images by incorporating the
information from the other image. In this case, we are talking about fusion from another
point of view, as we do not want to change the image, we put together information extracted
from images with different meaning.
Putting together information from different sources enhances common characteristics and
adds specic (usually complementary) elements from each source. In our case, we fuse them
by putting together the displacement of the molecules and the anatomical regions, with the
space displacement from the EPI respectively the FA images. The information is fused by
taking the detected mask for the Putamen from the FA image and placing it with the tensor
information in the EPI. We take the needed information from one image and inserting it into
the other one by using registration (Maintz & Viergever, 2000)(Wirijadi, 2001). In this manner,
after the images are segmented, the information from the FA image is registered to the EPI
and used further for analysis and validation purposes.
3.4 Tractography
The initial method introduced by Basser (Basser et al., 2000) takes into account the diffusivity
directions and the values of the tensors and Le Bihan (Le Bihan et al., 2001) takes into account
the anisotropy characteristics at the tissue level for a better detection of the bers. We choose
this approach because it represents a classical approach of ber tracking, which we can
further develop and modify according to out needs. Our approach is a global deterministic
tractography as it uses the neighbor voxels in tracking the bers, providing the seeds as the
volume of interest and using the thresholds of 0.1 for the FA value, and 0.6 for the angulation.
It is a local method as it determines just a specic set of bers, by using for selection the
two-segmented volumes of interest as source and destination for the bundle of interest.
Using this approach, we are determining the bers passing trough the midbrain area, the
rst volume of interest, and arriving to the Putamen volume on both sides of the brain
In the Basser approach, the algorithmis based on the Fernet equation for the description of the
evolution of a ber tract. This approach is specic to white matter, as the axons are the white
matter. The midbrain area is gray matter. Growing bers from the gray matter is a challenge
since the number of axons in this area is much less than in the white matter and the bers
are not as well aligned as the ones in the white matter. We apply this algorithm in order to
see if there are relevant bers that we can grow between the two VOIs. Fibers too small, with
anisotropy higher than 0.1, or those that do not go towards the Putamen area, whit angulation
that exceeds 0.6 degrees, are not validated. The threshold values are the same as used in
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(Basser et al., 2000)(Le Bihan et al., 2001)(Karagulle Kenedi et al., 2007). In this manner, with
the second region of interest, taking a global tractography approach, we have an element that
validates the grown bers, without needing the SN clearly dened. The values estimated for
the bers represent the input for the diagnosis and prognosis module.
3.5 Diagnosis and prognosis
We dene at this point the ber density at 3D level on each side as presented in equation 7
where Nr
represents the number of bers detected on the hemisphere that we are analyzing;
V represents the voxel size and Vol
is the brain volume of the patient.
Once we dened, computed and then normalized the features, the learning stage for the
clustering includes intervals of variation on each feature. These intervals are dened using
fuzzy classes. We thus have in this case the ve severity stages, the control cases class, 0
value. As we have patients for training only for PD stages 2 and 3, the other levels of PD
are dened using the variation functions from the prognosis denition. After the interval
denition, the rules supporting the intervals on each feature are implemented, including the
medical knowledge.
We decide to use the rule-based approach, as the medical knowledge can be included, it can
take into account different features at different stages of analysis and we can rene it. As
presented in (Teodorescu et al., 2009a), there is a clear relation between the measured ber
values, extracted on the left hemisphere of the brain, and the severity of the disease. There are
cases that do not register the bers due to the image quality or the tracking method. In such
cases, we consider the midbrain detected and the right side bers, if detected. This approach
is used also when a case can be placed in more than one class - for tangent clusters.
3.5.1 Diagnosis approach
The denition of the rules for diagnosis includes not only medical knowledge, but overcomes
inter-patient variability. It takes into account the hemisphere of the brain, the density of the
bers, the volume of interest where the dopamine ow starts and the 3D density of the bers.
As presented in equation 8, after dening the clusters using the ber density- HY
- and
based on the midbrain volume- HY
- we evaluate the threshold and place a new case
depending on these features. When conicts appear and a decision between clusters is not
obvious, an additional feature is used for diagnosis. If we do not have a positive positioning
of the case on the feature axis, the VOI is not correctly determined due to image quality or
insufcient slices on the volume. These conicts generate the set of rules that we use for the
expert system that determines a classication of the cases, depending on the disease severity.
The ber density (FD) values are classied on the H&Y scale. These classied FD values from
the table are used next to dene the rules in equation 8. When the left side ber density does
not provide a reliable value for diagnosis, the right side bundle of bers is taken into account.
If the bers are not determined, the volumes of interest are taken as measures for diagnosis.
By testing the rules in equation 8 we obtain the variation function of the FD according to the
severity of PD.
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20 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
I f (HY
= HY
= 1) then HY = HY
I f (HY
= 1 HY
= 1) then HY = HY
I f (HY
= 1 HY
= 1) then HY = HY
I f (HY
= 1 HY
= 1) (HY
= HY
)) then
I f (FD
= 0) then HY = 2
else HY = 0
I f (HY
= 1 HY
= 1)then The image is invalid!
For the moment, at this level, only the difference between the control and the PD cases is
possible using this rule-based algorithm. At the PD level, only cases rated stage 2 and 3 can
be classied, as these are the cases used for training. For new cases, as well as for variation
study on the features, we consider the clusters and determine their variation.
In ANFIS architecture, the next step is represented by the rule strengths denition. We dene
a set of rules based on the detected clusters and include the medical knowledge as well.
Based on the intervals determined on the H&Y scale, each variable has a set of data, part
of a rule: the FD variable determines the rst rule from equation 8 and delivers the HY
scale value. The FD
L metric determines the HY
L from the set of rules. For determining
the HY
value we are using values from R1
. The volume obtained for the midbrain,
expressed as Vol
is correlated with H&Y as well and is used on the set of rule equations.
From diagnosis to prognosis, there is apparently only one step. While the diagnosis based
on the rules is matching the patients into the classes that it was trained to recognize, the
prognosis can place patients at levels that are not learned by the system. The diagnosis makes
a classication of the patient by placing it in one of the disease stages or the control case. The
prognosis offers the value of the correlation between the disease and the affected features and
by extrapolation is able to nd the evolution stage of the features for early cases of the disease.
3.5.2 From diagnosis to prognosis
Prognosis systems learn from the formerly acquired data and by analyzing and studying it, a
pattern is revealed and used for new cases. Prediction systems using articial intelligence can
be based on neural networks, on fuzzy logic, on genetic algorithms or on expert systems. The
interference among different PD levels at the feature level does not provide a clear boundary
for classication using neural networks. We tested the KMeans and KNN approaches and
they did not offer satisfactory results on our data. The interference among different feature
groups at the class level represents a fuzzy dispersion on the features space. The rule-based
expert system, using the fuzzy feature classes identies the known stages of PD, but it does
not offer the possibility for prognosis.
At this stage, the learning and classes are already dened and we intend to nd a function
by using interpolation among the existing points, representing the patient features on the
disease severity. The ANFIS architecture at this stage has already dened the functions for
determining the consequence parameters that provide the nal decisional value. In our case
we dene the interpolation functions for this purpose. The intervals with their limitations
can be considered as weights in dening the interpolation functions for the ANFIS approach.
Like the RBFN (Radial Basis Function Network) model, in this case the weights represent
the medical constraints, encapsulated in the intervals, and the variation functions are in
our case the interpolation functions. The function found in this manner should be used for
extrapolation onto disease areas that are not detectable at this moment. The function describes
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the disease variation based on features and for any new patient, a correct placing of the case
on the PD scale.
The interpolation methods are based on the shape of the mesh function, which can be: linear,
polynomial or spline. Analyzing our data set, a linear approach is not possible due to the
dispersed points on the plot. A polynomial approach is challenging at the parameter level
and at the degree level as well. The cubic spline interpolation method has weights attached to
each at surface to guide the bending of the variation function, but the challenge at this point
is to nd the correct variations among the weights.
Looking at the polynomial approach, the Lagrange function that determines the parameters
and can be adapted easily is a good choice for our data. This is a good choice also because
each time we have a new input, the basis polynomials are recalculated and thus we improve
our prediction each step of the way. With the help of weights we can improve the polynomial
functions and dene the spline as Lagrange functions. For a denition of a polynomial using
the Lagrange approach we need the coefcients determined using equation 9. In this function,
the points (x
) represent the features extracted at the image level.
L(x) =


x x
Using the data from the training set we determine a forty degree polynomial that computes
the coefcients using equation 9. This kind of function is hard to handle, as it becomes very
complicated and in the case of new points in the data evaluation takes a lot of time and is not
accurate. At this point, we divide the feature points in the H&Y space into sets and dene
a variation function for each set of points. A two point set denition determines a linear
function and we already know that the variation is nonlinear; therefore we start fromthree set
points. A ve-degree polynomial function becomes too complicated so the highest degree of
polynomial representation on an interval is a four-degree polynomial function. Specic prognosis adaptive methods
When we provide a new case for analysis, we extract the ber features and we try to place it
on an interval, determining the left and right closest values. Dening the interval where the
new value needs to be placed, we determine the H&Y values corresponding to the interval
and the middle value of the same interval. The three H&Y values provide the data for the
rule-based diagnosis system. This system provides the nal value for the new case.
When a new point is to be evaluated and its H&Y value determined, we have several steps
to perform. We perform this estimation using the ideal set of points. The position of the
new point (X) among the others is determined by nding the next point higher (X
) and
lower (X
) - gure 5 - and recurrently determining polynomial functions(LF) for evaluating
the new value(X).
This algorithm describes an Independent Adaptive Polynomial Evaluation (IAPE) method
as it is applied both on PD and controls determining the most likely polynomial that can be
applied on these data. This method is a hybrid ANFIS approach as it uses as back-propagation
the difference between polynomials at each stage but it works like the RBF using the Lagrange
An extension of this approach, adapted for PD cases, is called PD Adaptive Polynomial
Evaluation method (PD-APE). The estimation function is used basically for the PD patients,
adding the condition that if HY
or HY
have as result 0, the other value is taken as result.
This condition does not affect the results of the overall performance. The variation function
Parkinsons Disease Diagnosis and
Prognosis Using Diffusion Tensor Medical Imaging Features Fusion
22 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
Fig. 5. Independent Adaptive Polynomial Evaluation (IAPE)- When evaluating a new feature
X, starting from fort degree polynomials (d=5) computed for neighbor values, we obtain
HY1, a rst evaluation of the PD severity. A second evaluation using an interpolation on the
two closest values is determined as well: HY2. Using these estimations, the nal HY value
representing the severity is determined.
with this condition performs the best on the accuracy level. From the ANFIS point of view
this method takes into the second layer the ring strength given by the PD appurtenance.
Determining the control and the PD cases rst and then applying the function that provides
the best interpolation for the set of points represents a fuzzy adaptive method for prognosis.
This variation function uses for the control cases the second-degree polynomial method and
for the patient cases the PD adaptive polynomial evaluation method.
4. Testing and results
There are several stages of evaluation in our system. At the image processing level,
the preprocessing stage provides the automatic landmarks for the segmentation and the
registration methods. At the image processing level, the neurologist validates the midbrain
detection. The Putamen segmentation is evaluated against the manual one, performed by
a specialist. By comparing the detected bers obtained after the tractography with the
ones determined using the manual detected Putamen directly on the EPI, we evaluate the
registration. The registration method is a fully automatic geometric registration. This method
was visually validated as well, in collaboration with the radiologists.
4.1 Test sets and requirements
Testing procedures must assure that they are sensitive to our parameters, and robust to other
exterior factors. Thus, we construct several testing batches by varying parameters that we
340 Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software
Parkinsons Disease Diagnosis and Prognosis
Using Diffusion Tensor Medical Imaging Features Fusion 23
need our system to be robust to. We apply this procedure for the demographical parameters.
The whole database contains 66 patients and 66 control cases that managed successfully to
generate the segmented areas. We dispose of 68 patients and 75 control cases, but due to the
image stacks unable to provide the entire volume between the midbrain and the Putamen,
several were eliminated fromthe test, as they did not have valid images. We use this database
to evaluate the methods developed using a test batch (42 patients: 21 PD cases and 21 controls
- on which we have the manual Putamen segmented) .
At the image processing level, we have as input data the images and we test the automatic
detection against the manual one. At the feature level, we have as input data the extracted
values for the neural bers on the left and the right side, the detected volumes on both sides
and/or the new computed parameters: FD, FD
, FD
, FV.
For the diagnosis and prognosis, the ground truth is represented by the H&Y value given by
the medical doctors using the cognitive tests. The neurologist also performs the validation of
the bers, so that we can be sure of detecting the right bundle of bers for further study.
4.2 Evaluation of the segmentation algorithms
There are several characteristics when analyzing the result of a region-based segmentation.
Comparing an image segmentation result to ground truth segmentation - the manual detected
one from the specialist- represents one way of evaluating the automatic segmentation.
Another way would be to estimate the overlap between the ground truth image and the
segmented one. There can be over-segmentation or under-segmentation when the two images
overlap, but one of them is bigger than the other one. When there is a ground truth region
that the segmentation does not contain, we are dealing with a missed region. A noise region
manifests as a region identied in the segmented image, but not contained in the noise region.
Midbrain automatic detection is preformed on the EPI stack with no diffusion direction. The
algorithm providing the segmentation presented is applied on the test set and our specialist
studies the results. Validating the algorithmactually means verifying if it managed to segment
the whole midbrain and just this part, without taking part of the surrounding tissue or the CSF
(see g. 2(a)). This is the criterion followed by the neurologist in validating the algorithm.
For the Putamen detection the evaluation is performed by comparing the manually
segmented images with the automatically detected ones. Performing a logical AND operation
at the image level between the two Putamen slices at the pixel level, we are using the imageJ
Image Calculator on the segmented volumes. The error rate estimated the difference area on
our segmentation algorithm compared with the manual one.
Also, a validation done by the neurologist is necessary for this step. For the registration
performed on the detected volume, we use medical knowledge for validation and visual
When using just the triangular segmentation of the Putamen, we detect an error rate of 34.66%
on the left side and 35.75% on the right side of the brain. When evaluating the alignment
algorithm based on the center of mass, the relative error rate is 37.16% on the left side and
39.6% on the right side.
The results show a smaller error rate for the left Putamen area, which has more clear
boundaries than the right Putamen area. This is consistent with the medical approach as
PD patients usually are more affected on the left side of the brain by this disease.
As the Putamen correct placement determines the validation for the strationigral bers, its
placement together with the correct detection of the volume, determine the number of bers
and directly affect the analysis results.
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Prognosis Using Diffusion Tensor Medical Imaging Features Fusion
24 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
Fig. 6. 3D View of the grown bers from PDFibAtl@s: the detected midbrain in pink; the two
Putamen volumes on each side in red and the bres in green.
4.3 Evaluation of the registration method
In our approach, the registration process with the acquired parameters determined is fully
automatic. It uses the EPI stack with no diffusion and the FA one. The results can be visually
veried as we are applying the transformation on the Putamen mask and we transpose the
image on the EPI. Thus, we verify the correct anatomical position.
For ber evaluation, the number of bers identied for each patient represents the measure of
a correct or incorrect segmentation. The tracking algorithmdoes not change, but it is sensitive
to the Putamen area. This is the reason why values above 20 bers, represent a misplacement
of the Putamen area or an incorrect detection - this happens when our algorithm detects
more than just the strationigral tract. Based on these elements, we dene the metrics for the
sensitivity, specicity and accuracy.
With these classes, the overall performance of the algorithms on the existing data, corresponds
to 63% of specicity, 81% of sensitivity and 78.5% of accuracy.
4.4 Tractography evaluation
The motor tract is automatically detected in our case by growing the bers between the
two volumes of interest: midbrain area and the Putamen. This is consistent with a global
tractography method. After computing the FD and FV on each side of the brain, we study the
effects of PD in each bundle of interest. For this purpose, we perform the T-Test making
the correlation between FD/FV and H&Y scale. As the FD is dependent on the FV, the
two parameters have the same variation. For the medical relevance on correlating the H&Y
parameter with the bers, we test the obtained values using WinSPC (Statistical Process
control Software).
We rst evaluate the PD-APE prognosis function on a test batch, representing the manually
processed Putamen detection (37 PDpatients and 52 control cases that provided valid features
after the ber extraction). Together with the manual Putamen data, in the training function,
we include ve PD patients from the initial valid 42. With an accuracy rate of 32.43% on the
patients and 46.15% on the control data, the overall system provides an accuracy of 40.44% .
When updating the Putamen detection, we perform a reevaluation of the diagnosis and
prognosis module on the entire automatic methods applied on the database (68 patients and
66 controls).
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Parkinsons Disease Diagnosis and Prognosis
Using Diffusion Tensor Medical Imaging Features Fusion 25
Fig. 7. The two ROC curves for IAPE and PD-APE methods applied on the database (143
cases: 68 patients and 75 controls). The AUC values for IAPE and PD-APE are 0.745,
respectively 0.569. By evaluating the ROC difference between the two tested methods, the
AUC indicates a difference of 0.176.
The patients are characterized by the value of the sensitivity - maximum value for the
Independent Adaptive Polynomial Evaluation (IAPE) approach with 62.16%. On the control
cases, the specicity represents the evaluation value that characterizes it - maximal value
for the second degree polynomial approach is 43.9%. The accuracy represents the overall
performance of the algorithms that performs the best on PD Adaptive Polynomial Evaluation
(PD-APE) method, generating a value of 44.87%.
The overall performance of the prognosis module is provided by the ROC curve. We compute
this metric using the SPSS 17.0 (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) for the patient
estimation. By evaluating the IAPE method for this case, we obtain an area under the curve
(AUC) of 0.705, whereas for the PD-APE, we obtain 0.959. This indicates a much better
performance on the patients data for the second method.
We evaluate the prognosis performances on the control and patients data, to estimate the
overall capacity of the proposed methods at this level. We compare the ROC curves for
different methods and for this purpose, we use the MedCalc
software. This software
provides two approaches for the ROC curve estimation: De Long and Hanley & McNiel.
Using the database results on IAPE, the AUC values for these two ROCestimation approaches
were the same. We further use the De Long approach when evaluating the ROC, as the error
rate provided on the same test is slightly lower compared with the McNiel approach (0.1%).
For the PD-APE method of prognosis, we obtain a value of 0.569 for AUC and for IAPE, the
same metric has a value of 0.745. Comparing the two curves, the difference between the areas
is 0.176 - gure 7.
4.5 Computational speed and requirements
We use Java for all the systems with imageJ toolbox and bio-medical imaging plug-ins
. The
initialization of the preprocessing part is done by enhancing the contrast for the EPI images
and by removing the noise. For the 3D visualization, we are using the Volume Viewer from
MedCalc -
Bio-medical image - - last accessed on May 2010
Volume Viewer 3D- - last accessed on March
Parkinsons Disease Diagnosis and
Prognosis Using Diffusion Tensor Medical Imaging Features Fusion
26 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
The algorithm is tested on Intel core Quad CPU Q660 (2.4GHz; 4.0G RAM) and the
average time for each patient is 4.68 min with the automatic detection and the ber growth
algorithm. If with DTI tracker from MedINRIA took us 3 min just to have the bers, without
segmentation or other preliminary preparation, but with our prototype it takes us an average
of 2 min. A similar time (1.2 min) is provided using a probabilistic global method with
the Diffusion Tracking module (TrackVis) for image selection and the tractography, without
segmentation and computation for the ber metrics.
5. Conclusion and Future work
Proposing a fully automatic way for estimating the severity of the PD, based on the
information provided by the image, represents altogether a new demarche. The prognosis
represents another scientic act, based on measurable functionality and specic features, to
determine at a higher scale, the diseases severity, even on early cases. These scientic aims are
reached by studying the images and the possibility to extract and use the information specic
to the disease fromthese images. This research corresponds to the learning and understanding
part on the image modality study and specic elements. The methods developed for
preparing the images and volume-based analysis are created for sustaining the more complex
systems corresponding to the volume segmentation algorithms. The tractography method,
using the extracted volumes of interest, offers not only a much better time on processing but
also the selectivity needed by the diagnosis and prognosis model.
Our approach is important from the clinical point of view, offering a new method for the
neurologists in PD and a mean to verify/conrm their diagnosis and prognosis. From the
technical standpoint, the fusion is novel, as it combines the tensor based information and the
anatomical details. This system provides data for H&Y estimation and PD prognosis.
Analyzing the results obtained by each new method, we have to take into account the fact that
the image quality together with patient variability inuences the algorithms.
The main breakthrough initiated by this study is representedby the method able to predict PD
by offering a view on the early cases as well, not only on those starting from the second stage
of the disease. This evaluation method based on the image attributes, on the anatomical and
neurological aspects of the patient, offers a measurable value of the severity of the disease. As
the H&Y test is based on the cognitive facet, our method is complementary to the test, but is
placed on the same scale.
PDFibAtl@s is a new system, able to automatically detect the volumes of interest for PD
diagnosis using the DTI images and a geometrical approach. The algorithms included in this
platformare original and are based not only on the brain geometry, but also including medical
knowledge by taking into account the position of different anatomical structures at the brain
level, hence the atlas dimension. Concerning the fusion contribution of our work, it brings
together the FA clarity at the Putamen level with the tensors matrix for the ber tracking
algorithms. Our algorithm automatically detects the elements that until now were obtained
by user interaction: detection of the slice of interest, detection of volumes of interest, automatic
detection of the registration parameters. Introducing parameters for ber evaluation and
eliminating the demographic factors at the atlas level, as well as at the volume level represents
another important contribution.
Our new prototype represents a rst attempt to provide not only image-based analysis and
features for PDdiagnosis, but also an automatic systemspecialized for this task. There is place
for improvements, like in any new system, but the results obtained so far are encouraging.
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Parkinsons Disease Diagnosis and Prognosis
Using Diffusion Tensor Medical Imaging Features Fusion 27
The accuracy of the system can be augmented, especially at the prognosis level by applying a
specially designed function.
6. Acknowledgements
This study has been performed in collaboration with Dr. Ling-Ling CHAN (MD) from
the Singapore General Hospital
; the support of the French National Centre for Scientic
Research (CNRS)
and the Romanian Research Ministry (TD internship 64/2008). Help was
also provided by Nicolas Smit (ISEN)
and from Politehnica University of Timisoara
Anda Sabau, Cristina Pataca and Claudiu Filip.
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346 Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software
Non-Invasive Foetal Monitoring with
Combined ECG - PCG System
Mariano Ruffo
, Mario Cesarelli
, Craig Jin
, Gaetano Gargiulo
Alistair McEwan
, Colin Sullivan
, Paolo Bifulco
, Maria Romano
Richard W. Shephard
, and Andr van Schaik
School of Electrical and Information Engineering (EIE), The University of Sydney
Dept. of Biomedical, Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering,
Federico II University of Naples
HEARD Systems, Sydney
David Read Laboratory, Dept. of Medicine, The University of Sydney
1. Introduction
Although modern ultrasound provides remarkable images and biophysical measures, the
technology is expensive and the observations are only available over a short time. Longer
term monitoring is achieved in a clinical setting using ultrasonic Doppler cardiotocography
(CTG) but this has a number of limitations. Some pathologies and some anomalies of cardiac
functioning are not detectable with CTG. Moreover, although frequent and/or long-term
foetal heart rate (FHR) monitoring is recommended, mainly in high risk pregnancies, there
is a lack of established evidence for safe ultrasound irradiation exposure to the foetus for
extended periods (Ang et al., 2006). Finally, high quality ultrasound devices are too
expensive and not approved for home care use. In fact, there is a remarkable mismatch
between ability to examine a foetus in a clinical setting, and the almost complete absence of
technology that permits longer term monitoring of a foetus at home. Therefore, in the last
years, many efforts (Hany et al., 1989; Jimenez et al., 1999; Kovacs et al., 2000; Mittra et al.,
2008; Moghavvemi et al., 2003; Nagal, 1986; Ruffo et al., 2010; Talbert et al., 1986; Varady et
al., 2003) have been attempted by the scientific community to find a suitable alternative.
The development of new electronic systems and sensors now offers the potential of effective
monitoring of the foetus using foetal phonocardiography (FPCG) and foetal
electrocardiography (FECG) with passive, fully non-invasive low cost digital recording
systems that could be suitable for home monitoring. These advances provide the
opportunity of extending the recordings of the current commonly used CTG from relative
short to long term, and provide new previously unavailable measures of cardiac function.
In this chapter, we present highlights of our research into non-invasive foetal monitoring.
We introduce the use of FECG, FPCG and their combination in order to detect the foetal
heart rate (FHR) and potential functional anomalies. We present signal processing
methodologies, suitable for longer-term assessment, to detect heart beat events, such as first
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

and second heart sounds and QRS waves, which provide reliable measures of heart rate,
and offer the potential of new information about measurement of the systolic time intervals
and foetus circulatory impedance.
2. Foetal monitoring
The most important aim of foetal surveillance is to avoid intrauterine death or permanent
damage to the foetus. So, in industrialized countries, all pregnant women periodically take
pregnancy and foetal well-being checks, which include measuring the pattern of foetal
growth and maturation, oxygen availability and cardiac functions.
The foetal heart rate (FHR) is currently monitored for routine ante partum surveillance in
clinical practise (Babbitt, 1996) and it is thought to be an indicator of a correctly functioning
nervous system (Baser et al. 1992). FHR analysis as a means of monitoring foetal status has
become widely accepted and continuous FHR monitoring should be recommended,
particularly for high-risk pregnancies (Kovacs et al, 2000; Moghavvemi et al., 2003; Varady
et al., 2003).
There are two situations for which FHR provides important information about the condition
of the foetus. It is known that FHR monitoring is able to distinguish between the so called
reactive foetus and the so called non-reactive foetus (Bailey et al., 1980). A foetus is considered
reactive if the FHR will temporarily accelerate in response to stimulation (e.g. during a
uterine contraction). Alternatively a foetus is considered non-reactive if no accelerations were
observed or they did not meet the criteria for a reactive test (Rabinowitz et al., 1983). The
above mentioned classification is considered a reasonably reliable indicator of foetal
development and well-being (Babbitt, 1996). It is also known that a normal reactive foetus is
less likely to suffer foetal distress during labour (Janjarasjitt, 2006).
FHR can be monitored by means of different techniques: CTG, magnetocardiography,
electrocardiography (ECG) and phonocardiography (PCG). We describe these techniques in
the following sections.
2.1 Ultrasonic Doppler cardiotocography (CTG)
CTG is one of the most commonly used, non-invasive pre-natal diagnostic techniques in
clinical practice, both during ante partum and labour (Romano et al., 2006). In some
countries, the CTG is considered a medical report with legal value (Williams and
Arulkumaran, 2004). Since its introduction in the 1960s, electronic foetal monitoring has
considerably reduced the rate of perinatal morbidity and mortality (Shy et al., 1987). It can
be used from the 24
week of gestation onwards even if, in clinical routine, it is generally
used in the last weeks of gestation only (from the 35
week). During CTG diagnostic
monitoring, FHR and uterine contractions (UC) are simultaneously recorded by means of an
ultrasound Doppler probe and a pressure transducer (Cesarelli et al., 2009), respectively.
In order to record a FHR signal an ultrasonic beam is aimed at the foetal heart. The
ultrasound reflected from the beating heart walls and/or moving valves is slightly Doppler
shifted as a result of the movement. After demodulation the Doppler shift signal is used to
detect the heart beats in order to extract the FHR. The ultrasonic frequencies used are
generally within the range of 1-2 MHz (Karlsson et al., 1996).
The advantage of the Doppler ultrasound technique is that one can be virtually assured that
a recording of FHR will be obtained. The disadvantages of such systems are that they
require intermittent repositioning of the transducer and are only suitable for use by highly
Non-Invasive Foetal Monitoring with Combined ECG - PCG System

trained operators. Because the procedure involves aiming a directional beam of a 2 MHz
ultrasound at the small target a foetal heart presents, the use of Doppler ultrasound is not
suitable for long periods of FHR monitoring. Moreover, as previously mentioned, although
frequent and/or long-term FHR monitoring is recommend, mainly in risky pregnancies, it
has not been proven that long applications of ultrasound irradiation are absolutely harmless
for the foetus (Kieler et al., 2002).
The major limitation of the Doppler ultrasound technique is its sensitivity to maternal
movements that result in Doppler-shifted reflected waves, which could be stronger than the
foetal cardiac signal (Hasan et al., 2009). Thus the CTG technique is inappropriate for long-
term monitoring of FHR, as it requires the subject to remain immobile. Moreover, the
detection of the heart beats relies upon a secondary effect (the mechanical movement of the
heart and/or the cardiac valves) and it is therefore not as accurate for FHR analysis as
detection of the QRS complex from FECG. In addition, FHR is the only parameter obtained
by CTG and some pathologies and anomalies of cardiac functionality are not detectable
from the FHR alone. Research has shown that a global assessment of morphological and
temporal parameters of the FECG or FPCG during gestation can provide further
information about the well-being of the foetus (Martenset al, 2007; Varady et al., 2003;
Kovacs et al., 2000; Hany & Dripps, 1989).
2.2 Foetal magnetocardiography
Foetal magnetocardiography (FMCG) consists of the measurement of the magnetic fields
produced by the electrical activity of the foetal heart muscle (Janjarasjitt, 2006). The
recording uses the SQUID (Superconducting Quantum Interference Device)
biomagnetometry technique. The FMCG is morphologically and temporally similar to the
FECG since the electrical field and the magnetic field are generated in conjunction by the
activity of the heart.
Because of the disadvantages of the FMCG such as size, cost, complexity of the required
instrumentation, and again the need to minimise subject movement (Wakai, 2004; Zhuravlev
et al., 2002; Mantini et al., 2005), FMCG is currently mainly a research tool and little used in
clinical practice. However, a considerable advantage over FECG is that FMCG can be
recorded reliably from the 20
week onwards, unaffected by the insulating effects of the
vernix caseosa, and with virtually no interference from the maternal ECG. Hence, the FMCG
result can help to classify arrhythmias, such as heart blocks and atria flutter, and to diagnose
a prolonged QT-syndrome (Mantini et al., 2005; Wakay, 2004; Zhuravlev et al., 2002).
2.3 Foetal phonocardiography
The preliminary results obtained by Baskaran and Sivalingam (Tan & Moghavvemi, 2000)
have shown that there are significant differences in the characteristics of FPCG signals
between intrauterine retarded and normal growth during pregnancy. This preliminary
study has further inspired investigations into the possibility to employ FPCG to identify
foetuses at risk. This could be a significant contribution to the pressing clinical problem
faced by some abortions and preterm babies. FPCG records foetal heart sounds using a
passive, non-invasive and low cost acoustic sensor (Varady et al., 2003; Kovacs et al., 2000;
Hany & Dripps, 1989). This signal can be captured by placing a small acoustic sensor on
mothers abdomen and, if appropriately recorded, is very useful in providing clinical
indication. Uterine Contractions (UCs) may be simultaneously recorded by means of a
pressure transducer.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

Even though the heart it is not fully developed in a foetus, it is still divided into two pairs of
chambers and has four valves. During the foetal cardiac cycle, when the ventricles begin to
contract, the blood attempts to flow back into the atrial chambers where the pressure is
lower: this reverse flow is arrested by the closing of the valves (mitral and tricuspid), which
produces the first heart sound (S1). After, the pressure in the ventricular chambers increases
until the pulmonary valves open and the pressurized blood is rapidly ejected into the
arteries. The pressure of the remaining blood in the ventricles decreases with respect to that
in the arteries and this pressure gradient causes the arterial blood to flow back into the
ventricles. The closing of the pulmonary valves arrest this reverse flow and this gives rise to
the second heart sound (S2) (McDonnell, 1990).
A disadvantage of FPCG is that it is not possible to fully automate the signal processing for
detecting the hear sounds because the signal characteristics depend on the relative
positioning of the foetus with respect to the sensor. This results in a variable signal intensity
and spectrum. Moreover, recordings are heavily affected by a number of acoustic noise
sources, such as foetal movements, maternal digestive and breathing movements, maternal
heart activity and external noise (Mittra et al., 2008; Ruffo et al., 2010).
Despite the disadvantages mentioned above, FPCG provides valuable information about the
physical state of the foetus during pregnancy and has the potential for detection of cardiac
functionality anomalies, such as murmur, split effect, extra systole, bigeminal/trigeminal
atrial. Such phenomena are not obtainable with the traditional CTG monitoring or other
methods (Chen et al, 1997; Moghavvemi & Tan, 2003; Mittra et al., 2008).
2.4 Foetal electrocardiography
FECG (Echeverria et al., 1998; Pieri et al., 2001) has also been extensively studied, but it is
difficult to obtain high quality recordings, mainly because of the very poor signal to noise
ratio (SNR). Moreover, the automated analysis of FECG is less accurate than that of CTG
(Varady et al., 2003).
ECG is a recording of the electrical potentials generated by heart muscle activity. Aristotle
first noted electrical phenomena associated with living tissues and Einthoven was the first
one demonstrating the measurement of this electrical activity at the surface of the body,
which resulted in the birth of electrocardiography (Janjarasjitt, 2006).
Electronic foetal monitoring for acquiring the FECG can be external to the mother, internal,
or both. The internal monitoring method is invasive because of the placement of a small
plastic device through the cervix. A foetal scalp electrode (a spiral wire) is placed just
beneath the skin of the foetal scalp. This electrode then transmits direct FECG signal
through a wire to the foetal monitor in order to extract the FHR. Because the internal foetal
monitor is attached directly to the scalp of the foetus, the FECG signal is usually much
clearer and more consistent than the signal recorded by an external monitoring device.
However, the most important problem is a risk of infection which increases significantly in
long term recordings (Murray, 2007). Hence, a foetal scalp electrode cannot be used ante
partum period (Hasan, 2009). In contrast, external methods utilizing abdominal FECG have
a greater prospect for long-term monitoring of FHR (e.g., 24 h) and foetal well-being. We
have shown that the FECG can be obtained non-invasively by applying multi-channel
electrodes placed on the abdomen of a pregnant woman (Gargiulo et al., 2010).
The detection of FECG signals by means of advanced signal processing methodologies is
becoming a very essential requisite for clinical diagnosis. The FECG signal is potentially
precious to assist clinicians during labour for more appropriate and timely decisions, but
Non-Invasive Foetal Monitoring with Combined ECG - PCG System

disadvantages such as low SNR, due to the different noise sources (Hasan et al., 2009), and
the necessity of elaborate signal processing have impeded the widespread use of long-term
external FECG recordings.
3. Processing of the FPCG Signal
In an adult, the heart (a sound generator) is closer to the transducer than in a foetus, where
it may be separated from the probe by a distance of up to ten times the foetal heart diameter
(Talbert, 1986). In addition, the foetal heart is a much weaker sound generator than the adult
heart. Generally, the foetal heart sounds can be heard in only a small area of the mother's
abdomen of usually no more than 3 cm in radius, although sometimes this range can extend
to a 12 cm radius (Zuckerwar et al., 1993).

Fig. 1. Example of a FPCG signal (37
gestational week) recorded by a portable
phonocardiograph and digitized with a sampling frequency of 333 Hz and 8-bits ADC.
In figure 1 examples of S1 and S2 events are shown. S1 contains a series of low frequency
vibrations, and it is usually the longest and loudest heart sound; S2 typically has higher
frequency components than S1, and its duration is shorter. In adults a third sound (S3)
characterized by low frequency may be heard in correspondence with the beginning of the
diastole, during the rapid filling of the ventricles and also a fourth heart sound (S4) in
correspondence with the end of the diastole, during atrial contraction (Reed et al, 2004). In
FPCG recordings, S3 and S4 sounds are practically undetectable (Mittra et al., 2008) and the
power spectral densities and relative intensities of S1 and S2 are a function of foetal
gestation age (Nagal, 1986). Whenever the closing of the cardiac valves creates a sound, the
acoustic waves travel through a complex system of different tissue layers up to the maternal
abdominal surface: amniotic fluid, the muscular wall of the uterus, layers of fat and possibly
bony and cartilaginous material. Each layer attenuates the acoustic waves amplitude due to
absorption and reflection arising from the impedance mismatch that occurs at the boundary
of two different layers. The result is attenuation of signals and a poor SNR (Jimenez et al.,
1999; Mittra et al. 2008).
Recorded FPCG signals are heavily affected by other noise sources (Varady et al., 2003;
Bassil & Dripps, 2000; Mitra et al., 2008; zhang et al., 1998), such as:
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

acoustic noise produced by foetal movements;
maternal digestive sounds;
maternal heart activity sounds (MHAS);
maternal respiratory sounds;
movement of measuring sensor during recording shear noise;
external noise originating from the environment ambient noise.
The above interference signals are non-stationary and have to be removed from another
non-stationary signal: the foetal heart sound (FHS). Thus, a crucial issue is the correct
recognition of FHS associated with each foetal heart beat and the subsequent reconstruction
of the FHR signal (Varady et al., 2003; Bassil & Dripps, 2000; Kovacs et al., 2000;
Moghavvemi et al., 2003; Mittra et al., 2007).
Most of the early effort in the area of FPCG monitoring was focused on sensor development.
More recent studies focused on FHR estimation and different signal processing algorithms
have been developed to perform foetal heart beat identification, such as: matched filtering (a
technique commonly used to detect recurring time signals corrupted by noise); non-linear
operators designed to enhance localised moments of high energy, such as the Teager energy
operator proposed by James F. Kaiser (Kaiser, 1990); autocorrelation techniques in order to
emphasize the periodic components in the foetal heart signal while reducing the non-
periodic components; quadratic energy detectors that incorporate frequency filtering with
energy detection (Atlas et al., 1992); neural networks; and linear prediction.
Except for some studies, the proposed methods have mainly aimed at detecting heart sound
occurrences, but not their precise location in time. Moreover, no detailed quantitative results
assessing the reliability of the proposed methods have been published.
In (Ruffo et al., 2010) we presented a new algorithm for FHR estimation from acoustic FPCG
signals. The performance of the algorithm was compared with that of CTG, which is
currently considered the gold standard in FHR estimation. The results obtained showed that
the algorithm was able to obtain obtains the FHR signal reliably. An example of the
comparison is shown in Figure 2.

Fig. 2. Comparison between a FHR estimated from FPCG signal and FHR simultaneously
recorded by means of CTG
Non-Invasive Foetal Monitoring with Combined ECG - PCG System

3.1 FHR extraction from FPCG
In FHS extraction, S1 is often considered as a good time marker for the heart beat, because of
its high energy with respect to the other portions of the FPCG signal, and its lower
morphologic variability (Pieri et al., 2001; Ahlstrom et al., 2008). Thus, once each S1 is
detected, the correspondent FHR series can be easily estimated measuring the time between
each S1.
A possible algorithm for FHR extraction based on S1 enhancement and detection was
presented by Ruffo et al. (Ruffo et al., 2010). A block diagram of this algorithm is shown in
figure 3. In addition to the extraction of the FHR, the detected S1 sequence it is also used to
identify the fainter S2.

Fig. 3. Block diagram of the FHR from FPCG algorithm
Before entering into the detailed explanation of each block, it is worthwhile to recall that
interference in FPCG recording is usually below 20 Hz (mostly internal noise, such as
MHAS and digestive sounds) and above 70 Hz (externals noise) (Varady et al., 2003; Bassil
& Dripps, 2000; Kovacs et al., 2000; Mittra et al. 2008). Moreover, the frequency content of S1
and S2 partially overlap, so that it may be difficult to distinguish them in the frequency
domain. However, in the time domain they are separable since the time correlation between
them is known (Varady et al., 2003; Kovacs et al., 2000; Jimenez et al., 1999; Mittra et al.
2008). Thus, the algorithm described in figure 3 has been designed accordingly. Particularly
the first filtering block, the band-pass filter, is designed to cut out most of the interference. It
is a 100
order digital band-pass filter having 3 dB band equal to 34-54 [Hz] centred at
44 Hz. (Ruffo et al., 2010).
The output of the filter is fed to the Teager Energy Operator (TEO) block (Kaiser, 1990). This
non-linear time operator is implemented here for S1 enhancement. It is able to identify
signal tracts characterized by local high energy (Kaiser, 1990). The resulting signal will have
a further enhanced S1.
Because of the residual noise, the TEO output needs further digital filtering (Kaiser, 1993). In
the presented algorithm such a filter is implemented with a 30 Hz cut-off frequency 5
low-pass filter (Ruffo et al., 2010). The result of the filtering will be an enhancement of the
lobes corresponding to the possible locations of S1.
Finally, the signal is sufficiently pre-processed to perform the S1 extraction. Such extraction
is performed using a peak by peak analysis with a strategy very close to that reported in
(Varady et al., 2003; Bassil & Dripps, 2000; Kovacs et al., 2000; Ahlstrom et al., 2008). After
an initial training, peaks within a fixed time interval (based on inter-distance consistency of
the previous eight identified beats) are classified as candidate beats. Among them, the peaks
with amplitude greater than a fixed threshold (based on the amplitude regularity of the
previous eight identified beats) are classified as probable heart beats.
The time interval considered for a candidate beat is set to be equal to T
+ 0.65*MEAN, T
1.35*MEAN, where T
is the position of the last detected S1 and MEAN is the mean of the
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

time distance between two consecutive detected S1 events on the previous eight beats. The
coefficients 0.65 and 1.35 were heuristically chosen in order to take in consideration
acceptable variations of FHR and to reject, at the same time, extreme outliers. The amplitude
threshold is half of the mean value of the previous eight detected S1 amplitudes. In the case
of detection of multiple peaks with an amplitude higher than the threshold in the same time
interval, the algorithm chooses the peak which has position P
that minimizes the distance
| - MEAN|. To illustrate how the logic block for S1 detection works, its flow chart is
depicted in figure 4.

Fig. 4. The logic block for S1 detection
Finally, for each of the detected S1, the timing of the event occurrence is established
following an approach similar to the ones used in ECG processing for QRS detection (Kohler
et al., 2002; Bailon et al., 2002; Rozentryt et al., 1999): for each identified S1 event, the
algorithm chooses the time occurrences of the maximum amplitude of the peak as time
Non-Invasive Foetal Monitoring with Combined ECG - PCG System

In addition, the algorithm generates a reliability index for each detected S1 event. The value
assigned to the reliability index from the algorithm is a function of the local SNR and
number of candidates that the logic block has found for the corresponding beat; the index
can assume three different values (high, medium, low) in a similar way to some CTG
devices used in clinical practise (Ruffo et al., 2010).
Once the S1 detection is complete, the search for S2 events is executed by the next logic
block. As for the previous logic block, in order to identify an S2 event, remaining large
signal amplitudes are analyzed with regard to the consistency of their distance from the
corresponding S1 events and their amplitude regularity. According to Kovacs et al., the time
interval between S1 and S2 (SSID) in milliseconds is a function of the corresponding FHR
value (Kovacs et al., 2000): SSID = 210 0.5 * FHR. If Tn represents the position in
milliseconds of the last detected peak S1, the algorithm searches for S2 candidate peaks with
a position in a fixed time interval T equal to Tn + SSID 50 , Tn + SSID + 50. The algorithm
deals with multiple peak detection with a strategy similar to the one for multiple S1
detection described above. The flow chart for this logic block is depicted in figure 5, an
example of results of the entire algorithm on an excerpt of data is shown in figure 6.
4. Processing of the FECG signal
The FECG can be recorded from the maternal abdominal region using a multi-lead system
that covers the entire area. The raw recorded waveform is similar to the maternal one (often
recorded with an additional chest lead. However, if the signals are correctly processed it will
be possible to recognize three important features that are helpful indicators for foetal well
being assessment and diagnosis such as (Peddaneni, 2004):
Foetal heart rate
Waveforms amplitudes
Waveforms duration.
Unfortunately there is a lack of meaningful abdominal FECG recordings mainly because of
the very low SNR due to the various interference sources (Hasan et al., 2009). Some of the
issues are:
Base-line wander: respiration and body movements can cause electrode-skin impedance
changes generating a baseline drift (Janjarasjitt, 2006). The baseline drift due to the
respiration presents itself as a large amplitude sinusoidal component at low frequency and
can cause amplifier saturation and signal clipping;
Power line interference: induced by the main electrical power source (60 or 50 Hz);
Maternal ECG (mECG): this is likely the main interferer. Since the maternal ECG amplitude is
considerably higher than the FECG (in an abdominal recordings, the amplitude of the
maternal QRS is typically around 1 mV while the foetal QRS amplitude is around 60 V),
the larger signal may obscure the smaller one. Moreover, the spectra of maternal and foetal
signals overlap, so that it is not possible to separate them through conventional selective
filtering (Janjarasjitt, 2006);
EMG: generated by muscle contraction and generally associated with movements and
uncomfortable positions for the patient. EMG can generate artefacts that are characterized
by a relatively large high-frequency content (Janjarasjitt, 2006). The situation is far worse
during uterine contractions which add to the FECG some peculiar artefacts due to the
uterine EMG (electrohysterogram); however, it is useful to monitor FECG during uterine
contractions because the FHR in response to the contractions is an important indicator of the
foetal health (Peddaneni, 2004).
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software


Fig. 5. Flow chart of the logic block for S2 detection
Non-Invasive Foetal Monitoring with Combined ECG - PCG System


Fig. 6. Examples of detected S1 events (circles) and detected S2 events (squares): a) FPCG
signal; b) Low-pass filtering block output
Inherent noise in electronic equipment: all electronic equipment generates noise. This noise
cannot be eliminated - even the use of high-quality electronic components can only
minimize it.
In addition to all the issues described above, there is an inter- and intra-subject variability
related to the gestational age and the position of the electrodes during the acquisition of the
signal. Finally, another issue that has to be considered in FECG recording, is the attenuation
of the FECG signal due to the electrically insulating properties of the vernix caseosa, which
develops around the 28th to 32nd weeks of gestation (Janjarasjitt, 2006). Despite all the
above mentioned issues, the FECG is a unique tool to assess foetal well being.
Cardiac events in an ECG are associated with alphabetical labels as shown in figure 7. One
cycle of a normal heart beat consists of waves, complexes, intervals, and segments
representing as follows:
P wave: the firing of the sinoatrial node and atrial depolarization;
PR interval: the atrial depolarization and atrioventricular delay;
QRS complex: the ventricular depolarization;
Q wave: the initial negative deflection due to ventricular depolarization;
R wave: the first positive deflection due to ventricular depolarization;
RR interval: the time interval between consecutive R waves;
S wave: a second negative deflection of ventricular depolarization;
ST segment: a part of the ventricular depolarization process;
T wave: the ventricular repolarization;
QT interval: the time interval which ventricular depolarization and repolarization take.
The analysis of FECG permits the evaluation of cardiac parameters in order to identify
eventual cardiac pathologies (Symonds et al., 2001), such as acidosis (Janjarasjitt, 2006). It
can also give other information about premature ventricular contractions, activity of the
autonomic nervous system, cardiac arrhythmia, uterine contraction, etc. It is important to
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

monitor the ST interval since it reflects the function of the foetal heart muscle during stress
tests. Rosen and Kjellmer (Rosen & Kjellmer, 1975) observed progressive changes in the ST
interval prior to the bradycardia in the FECG tracings in experimental hypoxia and it is
known that oxygen deficiency causes neurological damage. The ST waveform can be
assessed qualitatively by its shape but also quantitatively, by the height of the T wave in
relation to the amplitude of QRS wave (T/QRS ratio). Greene et al. (Greene et al., 1982)
found a correlation between high values of the T/QRS ratio with persistently elevated ST
waveforms and anaerobic metabolism in chronically instrumented lambs. In addition, in
adults, ST depression with T wave elevation is also seen in myocardial ischemia and may
represent an index of myocardial ischemic hypoxia when the myocardium action potential
change is not uniform. Finally, it is know that ST waveform monitoring is used to identify
myocardial infarction or coronary insufficiency (Braunwald et al., 1976).

Fig. 7. An example of ECG signal and its components
4.1 FHR extraction from FECG
The extraction of the FHR from FECG is not a trivial signal processing issue. In the literature
it is possible to find different techniques to extract FHR from abdominal ECG recordings:
Neural Networks (Camps et al., 2001; Kezi et al., 2006), Dynamic Neural Network (Camps et
al., 2001; camps et al. 2004), Least Mean Square (Camps et al., 2004; Roberts & Mullis, 1987),
Orthogonal Basis Function (Longini et al., 1977), Subtraction of an Average Pattern (Bundin
& Abboud, 1994), Wavelet Transform (Hasan, 2009; Mochimaru et al., 2004; Mallat &
Hwang, 1992), State Space Projection (Ritcher et al., 1998; Schreiber et al., 1998), Temporal
structure (Kardec & Cichocki, 2001; Zhi-Lin & Zhang, 2006), Polynomial networks (Assaleh
& Al-Nashash, 2005), and Independent Component Analysis (Stone, 2002; Hyvarinen & Oja,
2000). However, there is no agreement about which one is the best technique. Our method is
based on Independent Component Analysis (ICA). ICA is essentially a method for
extracting individual signals from mixtures of signals under the physically realistic
assumption that different physical processes generate unrelated signals. The simple and
generic nature of this assumption ensures that ICA is being successfully applied in a diverse
range of research fields (Stone, 2002). In our case it is possible to assume that the foetal and
maternal signals are the independent components.
Non-Invasive Foetal Monitoring with Combined ECG - PCG System

A number of different methods for implementing ICA have been published. Aapo
Hyvrinen in 1997 introduced a family of algorithms that are grouped under the epithet
fixed-point or FastICA algorithms (Hyvarinen, 1997). In principle, all the FastICA
algorithms find independent components by separately maximising the negentropy
(negative entropy) of each mixture (Yan et al., 2000). It is also known from the literature that
FastICA algorithms usually offer fast and efficient approach for the pre-processing of FECG
with multiple signals of interest, in particular when the SNR is low. Moreover, no specific a
priori knowledge is required in order to identify components generated from different
sources. However, the main disadvantage of this technique is that it requires different ECG
leads (Stone, 2002; Hyvarinen & Oja, 2000). These additional leads mean a larger number of
electrodes is then required. In addition, because the foetus moves, it is clear that a standard
location for the sensors does not exist. Enough electrodes must be used to ensure a good
informative content for the foetal extraction, but the number of electrodes should not be
excessive because this could be uncomfortable for the mother. As a compromise, we used
four electrodes placed on the maternal abdomen and an additional electrode placed on the
right leg as the reference.
One of the known limitations of ICA is that the number of the output channels cannot be
larger than the number of input signals. However, since the number of independent sources
in the recorded signals could be greater than the number of the abdominal leads employed,
it is important to reduce, as much as possible, the known sources of noise (such as maternal
ECG, baseline wander, power-line interference, and motion artifacts) prior to ICA.
In our case, a bank of sharp notch filters (with Q-factor equal to 30) at 50 Hz and its higher
harmonic components (100, 150 and 200 Hz) is used to suppress the power line interference.
Next, a 10
order band-pass filter with a bandwidth range of 3 - 40 [Hz] is used because the
frequencies of interest for the QRS extraction lie mainly inside this frequency range. This
filter reduces high frequency noises coming from motion artefacts and also reduces low
frequency baseline wander.
The maternal ECG needs to be reduced as well. In our case, the maternal QRS waves are
detected and erased by means of a threshold detection (proportional to the local root mean
square value of the signal), and for each detected maternal QRS, the average wave,
computed on the previous detected five QRS waves, is then subtracted.

Fig. 8. Flow chart of the algorithm for FHR extraction
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

The FastICA algorithm described is summarized in the block diagram depicted in figure 8.
The independent component that best represented the FECG was chosen manually.
In order to extract FHR, the foetal QRS waves were detected using the same strategy used
for the FPCG. Foetal QRS waves were enhanced by means of TEO and then detected using a
similar process employed for S1 events detection (Kohler et al., 2002; Bailon et al., 2002;
Rozentryt et al., 1999). An excerpt of data showing QRS detection is depicted in figure 9.

Fig. 9. Examples of detected QRS events (circles)
5. Combined FECG-FPCG monitoring and future development
A longer-term non-invasive assessment to evaluate foetal distress could be achieved by
means of the measurement of the systolic time intervals (FSTI) of the foetal heart (Fleming et
al., 1986). In the literature, the most satisfactory available technique for FSTI measurement
consists of recording simultaneously FECG and valve movements by means of a Doppler
ultrasound device (De Vore et al., 1981; Giolardino et al., 1986; Adam et al., 1979; Robinson
et al., 1978). However in order to identify foetal cardiac valve movements, FPCG could be a
possible alternative to the Doppler ultrasound system (Fleming et al., 1986). This would
overcome the problem caused by the directionality of the ultrasound beam and, in addition,
it would avoid long term exposure to ultrasound waves.
In order to estimate FSTI from FPCG and FECG signals it is necessary to extract different
heart beat events. In particular, from FPCG, it is necessary to detect the vibrations which
identify the mitral valve closure, aortic valve closure, aortic valve opening (a lower-
frequency component resulting from the ejection recoil) at the commencement of systole.
Instead to estimate the FSTI from the FECG, it is necessary to extract the QRS complex,
because the pre-ejection period (PEP), can be defined as the time interval from the onset of
the Q-wave to the aortic valve opening) (Fleming et al., 1986).
The proposed algorithms provide all the required information; the occurrence of PEP can be
estimated by means of the QRS wave detection while the timing of the other events can be
estimated by the detection of S1 and S2. In both S1 and S2, the main part of the complex
consists of large vibrations, due to the movements of the valves (Luisada et al., 1949).
Therefore, division of each S1 and S2 into different phases which correspond to different
Non-Invasive Foetal Monitoring with Combined ECG - PCG System

valvular events (mitral valve closure and opening and aortic valve closure) is relatively easy
(Fleming et al., 1986).

Fig. 10. Examples of detected QRS events (triangles), S1 events (circles) and S2 events
(squares) in a combined recording; solid line represents FECG, dashed line represents FPCG
(low-pass filtering block output)

Fig. 11. Magnified section from figure 10
CTG monitoring is limited to the clinical recording duration (typically only 20-30 minutes)
and it does not provide information about the foetal circulatory impedance on a continuous
basis or over longer periods. Our results will encourage the further development of
processing strategies to obtain further information about the foetal circulatory impedance.
By monitoring of the time difference between occurrence of particular events on the FECG
signal (such as P waves) and the corresponding foetal heart sounds, it is possible to provide
information about the circulatory impedance. For example, in the case of placental
insufficiency, the placental resistance rises and a larger pressure is generated in the foetal
ventricles; this causes a lengthening of the time interval between the P wave and the
occurrence of S1. In this way, it would be possible to monitor any increase of this time
interval over a long period of time to identify a foetus at risk.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

Further information to assess the foetus well-being can be estimated from the FECG and
FPCG signals separately. FECG processing allows ST interval analysis. Synchronized
averaged FECG can improve the SNR. R-peaks can be detected and aligned in a given time
window (e.g. 30 seconds or more). Then all the recognized FECG can be averaged, with the
expected improvement in SNR proportional to the square root of the number of FECG
considered in the averaging operation. In this way it is possible to reduce the noise and
analyze the ST interval which reflects the condition of the heart muscle under load. This
could be useful for clinicians when deciding on obstetric interventions (Ross et al., 2004).
Future developments will aim to detect from the FCPG signal cardiac functioning anomalies
(such as murmur, split effect, extrasystole, bigeminal/trigeminal atria contraction;
phenomena which cannot be studied with the traditional CTG technique).
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Parametric Modelling of EEG Data for the
Identification of Mental Tasks
Simon G. Fabri, Kenneth P. Camilleri and Tracey Cassar
Department of Systems and Control Engineering, University of Malta
1. Introduction
Electroencephalographic (EEG) data is widely used as a biosignal for the identification of
different mental states in the human brain. EEG signals can be captured by relatively
inexpensive equipment and acquisition procedures are non-invasive and not overly
complicated. On the negative side, EEG signals are characterized by low signal-to-noise
ratio and non-stationary characteristics, which makes the processing of such signals for the
extraction of useful information a challenging task.
When a person performs specific events, such as cued imagery tasks, left-hand or right-hand
movements, imagined motor tasks and auditory tasks, corresponding variations in the
characteristics of the persons EEG signal take place. These are typically identified by so-
called event-related potentials (ERP). For example, event-related potentials associated with
real and imagined motor tasks exhibit frequency-specific characteristics: a decrease in EEG
band power occurs on the contra-lateral side, a phenomenon known as Event-Related
Desynchronization (ERD), followed some time later by an increase in band power on the
ipsi-lateral side, known as Event -Related Synchronization (ERS). Hence the detection and
identification of ERD and ERS phenomena would enable the classification of mental activity.
Such techniques can find useful application in brain-computer interface (BCI) systems where
EEG data is measured from the brain and processed by a computer so as to, for example,
detect and classify real or imagined left and right-hand movements for the execution of
useful tasks such as wheelchair navigation (Pfurtscheller et al., 2006). Several signal
processing techniques have been proposed to classify left and right-hand movement from
the EEG signal either by detecting ERD and ERS phenomena directly, or by the application
of appropriate signal analysis techniques which are characterised by the ERD/ERS
phenomena. These include the inter-trial variance approach, the Short-time Fourier
Transform, Wavelet Transform methods and Source Localization methods (Pfurtscheller &
Lopes da Silva, 1999; Qin et al., 2004).
A different approach, on which this chapter will focus, aims to capture the dynamics of the
EEG signal by means of auto-regressive (AR) or auto-regressive moving average (ARMA)
parametric models (Pardey et al., 1996). This chapter will specifically address the use of such
models for the identification and classification of imagined left and right-hand movements.
It will start with a literature review on the use of AR and ARMA parametric models for EEG
signals and their practical applications. It then proceeds to report, in a unified manner, a
number of novel contributions proposed and published by the authors as summarized
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

The first contribution proposes a novel three-mode classifier which uses the parameters of the
AR model as a feature for distinguishing between no hand movement and left-hand or right-
hand movement (Cassar et al., 2010b). The quality of the classifier depends on the optimal
estimation of the AR model parameters. The Kalman filter presents itself as a versatile tool for
on-line estimation of model coefficients. However, the performance of the Kalman filter
depends critically on its initialisation and the correct setting of the Kalman filter parameters,
which are generally unknown. (Khan & Dutt, 2007) showed that the Expectation Maximization
(EM) algorithm could be used to estimate the Kalman filter parameters and hence obtain AR
coefficient estimates which improve the identification of ERD. Following the same approach,
this chapter shows that the EM algorithm for Kalman filter initialization, together with the
proposed three-mode classifier, yields better scores than two-mode classifiers typically
proposed in the literature for brain computer interface applications.
Additionally, it is shown that a potentially richer interpretation of the AR parameters can be
obtained through their relation with the poles of the model. It is argued that these poles
provide explicit dominant frequency information which may be useful to describe, represent
and identify ERD/ERS phenomena taking place over time. Such dominant frequencies can
be individually tracked, showing that poles in the alpha band represent ERD phenomena
which are related to hand movement.
The final contribution focuses on the selection of the AR or ARMA model order; an
important aspect of parametric techniques. Several approaches have been proposed for the
estimation of model order from the data, each having its own advantages and
disadvantages. In order to obtain a more robust model order estimation, this chapter
reviews an improved criterion developed by the authors in (Cassar et al., 2010a) which leads
to a lower probability of error for model order estimation in the case of multivariate
systems. The performance of this criterion is tested by extensive Monte Carlo analysis and it
is also used to fit an ARMA model to real EEG data.
2. Literature review
Parametric modelling has long been recognized as a versatile tool for the analysis of EEG
data (Bohlin, 1973; Isaksson et al., 1981). Nevertheless, this is still an active area of research
and several open problems need to be addressed in order to successfully deploy these
techniques for practical applications such as EEG driven, brain-computer interface systems.
Linear parametric models have been widely used to fit EEG data. The auto-regressive
moving average (ARMA) model structure, or variations based upon this structure, are
commonly employed. The tutorial paper by (Pardey et al., 1996) provides good explanations
on the use of parametric modelling techniques for time series analysis, with emphasis on
EEG data and autoregressive models. The concept of signal stationarity is addressed and the
use of adaptive and non-adaptive models is discussed, together with the issues of model
complexity and stability.
EEG data is generally considered to be non-stationary because its statistical characteristics
change with time, depending upon the mental states that are active at any given time
instant. In order to handle this feature, one approach is to assume that over short time
intervals the signal remains stationary. A batch processing algorithm is then applied to
estimate the optimal parameters which best fit the measurements taken over each of these
short time intervals. This approach leads to non-adaptive models, where AR or ARMA
structures are normally used. The Burg algorithm or the Levinson-Durbin algorithm are
Parametric Modelling of EEG Data for the Identification of Mental Tasks

used to estimate the parameters of the model. Alternatively the models parameter estimates
are updated recursively at every time instant with the arrival of new data samples, typically
by means of the Kalman filter algorithm. This approach leads to so-called adaptive models
because the model parameters adapt themselves recursively to the characteristics of the data
measurements taken along the course of time (Pardey et al., 1996; Isaksson et al., 1981). The
term time varying auto-regressive (TVAR) is also used to refer to this technique when AR
model structures are applied.
Several papers on different aspects of adaptive modelling for EEG signal analysis and
applications have been published. For example, (Shloegl et al., 1997) used the Adaptive
Autoregressive Method (AAR) together with a linear discriminant classifier to investigate EEG
data from two subjects executing imagined left-hand and right-hand movements. The AAR
parameters were estimated by a Recursive Least Squares (or Kalman filter) algorithm. The
parameters at a specific classification time instant were applied for linear discriminant analysis
and an error rate calculated. By repeating this at different classification time instants, the
dependence of error rate upon time was determined. It was concluded that left-hand and
right-hand movements could be discriminated on the basis of the estimated AAR parameters
instead of the more traditional method based upon the analysis of signal energy in specific
frequency bands. In order to analyze non-stationary EEG data, TVAR models were used in
(Krystal et al., 1999) where the evolution of the models was represented by latent components
having a time-varying frequency leading to a representation made up of: damped sinusoid
components with amplitude, phase and frequency characteristics that vary temporally; and
high-frequency sinusoid components. In this paper, these latent components were plotted and
tracked to provide insights into the EEG variation in time. The work of (Li, 2007) investigated
how a time varying AR model can be used to estimate the complexity and synchronization of
an EEG signal in order to identify epileptic seizures. The onset of a seizure is detected by a
change in complexity of the AR model, where complexity is measured by the model order that
is required to adequately represent the EEG signal. In (Tarvainen et al., 2001) the Kalman
smoother is adopted instead of the more common LMS or RLS algorithms for adaptive ARMA
modelling of non-stationary EEG. An ARMA(6,2) model was used to track alpha band
characteristics of a subject having eyes opening and closing. The study suggests that the
Kalman smoother method gives more reliable tracking compared to the other algorithms. The
problem of model order estimation was also pointed out in this paper, indicating methods that
could be used to handle this problem. However an order of (6,2) was arbitrarily selected and
deemed to be suitable for all the experiments in this work.
Three different model order estimation techniques for fitting an AR model to EEG data were
studied by (Palaniappan et al., 2000). The model order selection criteria considered in this
work are the Final Prediction Error, Akaikes Information Criterion and Reflection
Coefficient. The parameters of the resulting AR models were used to generate the Power
Spectral Density which was applied as an input to a neural network classifier. Out of the
three criteria, the Reflection Coefficient criterion resulted in models which gave the best
classification performance and lower optimum order.
When a combination of signals from multiple EEG channels is used for analysis, a multivariate
(vector) model is often used to fit this data. The advantages of multivariate modelling
techniques for biomedical signals are explained in (Rezek, 2006), where an example of
multivariate AR (MVAR) modelling for sleep EEG is demonstrated. The work of (Anderson et
al., 1998) introduced the use of multivariate AR models for mental state classification. The
performance of classification of two mental tasks relaxed state and mental multiplication
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

using features derived from univariate (scalar) AR and 6-channel MVAR models was studied.
The results showed that the MVAR features have a slightly better classification performance
and better consistency. Adaptive on-line MVAR was explored in (Arnold et al., 1998), adapting
the use of the Kalman filter from the univariate case to the multivariate model. A trivariate AR
model of order 22 was used, from which spectral parameters were extracted yielding relevant
information regarding neural communication processes. A multivariate adaptive
autoregressive model is proposed in (Ding et al., 2000) for the analysis of non-stationary,
multichannel event-related potentials originating from the cerebral cortex. The model
parameters, captured over successive time windows, are used to derive spectral quantities by
means of which the cortical dynamics can be illustrated. In (Pei & Zheng, 2004) a multivariate
AR model is fitted to EEG signals from two channels recorded from a subject performing left-
hand and right-hand movements. They show that the parameters of the multivariate AR
model can be used to form a feature vector for discriminant analysis based upon the
Mahalanobis distance, and that the performance of the multivariate approach surpasses that of
a univariate AR model. In (Schloegl & Supp, 2006), multivariate AR models are applied to
event-related EEG data for the analysis of multichannel spectral properties of EEG.
Some research studies have investigated whether nonlinear models are more suitable than
linear models for fitting EEG data. In (Popivanov et al., 1998), linear (AR) and a non-linear
analysis (point-wise dimension, Kolmogorov entropy, largest Lyapunov exponent and non-
linear prediction) of EEG data arising from voluntary movement were compared. The study
concluded that linear and non-linear components in the EEG of voluntary movement co-exist
and that both the linear and the non-linear methods detected EEG transitions prior to the
movement. The results of the study also indicate that the two classes of methods do not have
temporally coincident measures and were thus supposed to detect different dynamics of the
EEG signal. The paper by (Inoue et al., 2004) addresses the issue of nonlinearity by proposing
the use of a Quasi-AR model for EEG data during motor tasks. This model has a linear
structure, similar to AR, but nonlinear parameters and hence it could capture the nonlinear
dynamics of the EEG signal. The model parameters were estimated by a recursive prediction
error method. The features obtained from the spectrum of the Quasi-AR model were used for
discrimination between left and right-hand movement tasks. This approach showed superior
performance when compared with conventional AR models. Two linear and two nonlinear
models were compared by (Jain & Deshpande, 2004). Their analysis shows that the Bilinear
model structure gives better results for EEG than AR, ARMA and Polynomial AR models.
Unfortunately it is also the most computationally demanding of all four. The Bilinear AR
model has also been studied by (Poulos et al., 2010) in the context of person identification from
EEG. The results of this study also show that the Bilinear model gives superior results than an
AR model, indicating the presence of information bearing nonlinearities in the EEG signal, and
the capability of the Bilinear model to extract these nonlinear components.
(Atry et al., 2005) address the problem of noise. They propose an EEG signal purification
technique on specific channels using the fitted parametric models prior to classification, so
as to mitigate the effects of noise and improve classification results by up to 15%. They
consider univariate AR, multivariate AR and Box-Jenkins models. (Kelly et al., 2002)
investigate the use of an autoregressive model with exogenous input (ARX) to model event-
related potentials from the EEG of a subject executing left-hand and right-hand tasks.
Classification results derived from the use of features from this model and features from
other approaches are compared. It is concluded that the ARX model leads to the best results
in the feature extraction stage. This analysis and results are developed further in (Burek et
Parametric Modelling of EEG Data for the Identification of Mental Tasks

al., 2005). AR modelling has also been applied to the inverse problem of EEG source
localisation or current distribution estimation. In (Galka et al., 2004) a new interpretation of
the dynamic inverse problem for estimating local current vectors in the brain was proposed
by breaking away from the classical constrained least squares formulation and
reformulating the problem as a spatiotemporal AR model.
Several other relevant publications can be found in the literature. However, due to space
limitations, the rest of the chapter will review in some detail the authors own contributions
to EEG data analysis covering parameter estimation and its effect on classification results,
the relation between model poles and EEG characteristics, and the problem of model order
estimation. However, due to space limitations, the rest of the chapter will review in some
detail the authors own contributions to EEG data analysis (Cassar et al., 2010a; Cassar et al.,
2010b). These concern the parameter estimation problem and its effect on classification
results, the relation between model poles and EEG characteristics, and the problem of model
order estimation.
3. Classification of imagined hand movements and their effect on AR pole
One popular technique for brain-computer interfacing involves the acquisition of EEG
signals from a person who interacts with a computer by imagining the movement of his/her
left-hand or right-hand. This method opens up the possibility of a communication channel
between a person who is subject to serious motor impairments and a computer. The
execution of such imagined actions gives rise to a pattern of specific variations in particular
frequency bands of the person`s EEG (Penny et al., 1998). Just prior to the imagined event, a
decrease in power is typically detected in the alpha band (8-12Hz) of EEG signals captured
from the controlateral side of the imagined hand movement. This is called Event Related
Desynchronization (ERD) (Pfurtscheller & Lopes da Silva, 1999). When the imagined
movement is stopped, an increase in power is typically exhibited in the beta (13-30Hz) band
of the EEG signals captured from the ipsilateral side of the relevant hand movement. This is
called Event Related Synchronization (ERS). Therefore, if ERD and ERS phenomena are
identified from EEG signals, there exists a potential for the classification of the imagined
action i.e. whether the person imagined a left-hand or a right-hand movement.
Towards this end, one approach is to model the EEG signals by means of an auto-regressive
(AR) parametric model (Pardey et al., 1996). The parameters of the model are typically
estimated from the EEG signals by using the Yule-Walker equations or a Kalman
filter/smoother. These parameters, which are sometimes assumed to be constant and
sometimes time-varying, can then be used as a feature vector to classify the underlying
event related potential (Huan & Palaniappan, 2005; Anderson et al., 1998). This process is
typically cast as a 2-mode classifier, one mode for each of the two possible actions, namely
imagined left or right-hand movement. This chapter proposes to identify also the
background periods, where no imagined actions are taking place, as a third class that is
distinct from the two classes representing left-hand or right-hand movement. It will be
shown that this approach, together with a Kalman Smoother algorithm for parameter
estimation that is initialized by the Expectation Maximization algorithm, will lead to
improved classification results.
It is assumed that the EEG signal is modelled by a linear AR model of order p, characterized
by the following difference equation in the discrete-time domain:
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software


( )
t t t k t
y a y

= +

y represents the EEG signal recorded at time t,
( ) k
a is the k
time-varying AR model
parameter and
is a random Gaussian process of zero mean and covariance R. The AR
model is fitted to EEG data measurements by estimation of parameters
( ) k
a . In this work, the
Kalman Smoother (Maybeck, 1979) is used to find the optimal value of the parameters
which fit the data in the least square error sense. Equation (1) is first re-written in state space

1 t t t
x x

= + (2)

t t t t
y H x = + (3)

x is the vector of AR parameters
( ) (1) ( 2)
[ ... ]
p T
t t t
a a a which requires estimation by the
Kalman Smoother.
H is the vector of past EEG measurements
1 2
[ ... ]
t t t p
y y y

is a
random Gaussian process of zero mean and covariance Q which allows a random walk of
the parameter vector
x . Although state matrix is sometimes set to be the identity matrix,
this could be detrimental to the estimation of the AR parameters. (Khan & Dutt, 2007) show
that the accuracy of the Kalman Smoother algorithm is very much dependent on the values
assigned to , the noise covariances Q and R, and the initial conditions of the parameter
vector and its covariance. They show that if these are estimated by the Expectation-
Maximization algorithm, rather than set randomly to some reasonable values, the Kalman
Smoother algorithm yields AR parameter estimates which capture better the dynamics and
spectra of event related potentials.
The Kalman Smoother algorithm consists of a set of forward recursion Equations (4) to (8),
also known as the Kalman filter equations, followed by the set of backward recursion
Equations (9) to (11) as shown here:

1 1
t t
t t
x x

= (4)

1 1 '
t t
t t

= + (5)

( )
1 ' 1 ' t t
t t t t t t

= + (6)

( )
1 1

t t t
t t t t t t
x x K y H x

= + (7)

1 1

t t t
t t t t t

= (8)

( )
1 ' 1
1 1 1
t t
t t t

= (9)

( )
1 1
1 1 1 1
n t n t
t t t t t
x x J x x

= + (10)
Parametric Modelling of EEG Data for the Identification of Mental Tasks


( )
1 1 '
1 1 1 1
n t n t
t t t t t t

= + (11)
where the initial conditions
x and
P are estimated together with , Q and R by the
Expectation-Maximization algorithm as detailed in (Khan & Dutt, 2007; Cassar et al., 2010b).
The following comparative analysis will utilize the above algorithms to analyze EEG data
from a subject performing imagined left and right-hand movements. It is shown that the
classification results based upon a 3-mode classifier with the Kalman Smoother initial
conditions estimated by Expectation-Maximization, are superior to both the 2-mode
classifier and to a Kalman Smoother that is initialized with arbitrary values.
The EEG data utilized for this analysis was recorded by Dr. Allen Osman from the
University of Pennsylvania which was made available for the Neural Information
Processing Systems (NIPS 2001) Brain-Computer Interface Workshop (Sajda et al., 2003).
This data consists of 59 channels of EEG signals sampled at 100Hz. The experimental
protocol starts off with a blank screen for 2 seconds. This is followed by a fixation point for
500ms indicating the start of the trial. A letter E or I, is then displayed for 250ms to
indicate whether the subject is requested to perform an explicit or an imaginary movement.
The fixation cross is shown again for 1s and in the next 250ms the subject is told whether to
act with the left-hand, right-hand, both hands or not at all through the letters L, R, B, N
displayed on the screen. After another fixation cross presented for 1s, an X appears for
50ms acting as the synchronization cue to perform the requested response. The trial ends
with the fixation cross being displayed for the next 950ms. This analysis will utilize the EEG
from channels C3 and C4 (10/20 electrode placement system) arising from the imagined left
or right-hand movements of Subject 2, for which 90 left and 90 right-hand trials are
available. In order to enhance spatial activity of the EEG, the Hjorth derivation is applied to
the signals (Pfurtscheller & Lopes da Silva, 1999).
The Kalman Smoother algorithm is applied on this data so as to estimate the parameters of a
order AR model. For the purpose of comparative analysis, the initial conditions , Q, R,
x and
P are set in two different ways:
a. an arbitrary initialization, with set to be an identity matrix I, Q = 0.001xI, R = 1,
x = 0 and
P = 10xI ,
b. using the Expectation-Maximization (EM) code provided by (Khan, 2007). This
estimation starts off by using the Kalman Smoother. The EM algorithm is then used to
estimate the initial conditions. Rather than working on each individual trial, the EM
initialized parameters are found from all trials in the training set and an average is
calculated. This allows for smoother estimates of the AR parameters. Once the EM
initialized system parameters are obtained, they are fed to the Kalman Smoother to
estimate the AR parameters of each trial in the data set.
3.1 A three-mode classification approach
The novel approach presented here is to consider that the process is characterized by three
possible modes:
a. Background Mode; effective during the time period prior to 3.75s where the subject is
told the type of movement to perform. At 3.75s, the subject is aware of the required task
and hence the EEG characteristics are expected to change.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

b. Left Movement Mode; effective from 3.75s up to 6s and characterized by ERD activity
on the controlateral channel (C4) and no ERD activity on the ipsilateral channel (C3).
c. Right Movement Mode; effective from 3.75s up to 6s and characterized by ERD activity
on the controlateral channel (C3) and no ERD activity on the ipsilateral channel (C4).
AR parameters are estimated for the whole 6s time period of each signal from channels C3
and C4, for both cases of left-hand and right-hand movement. For the case of arbitrary
setting of initial conditions, these are kept fixed throughout the whole length of data
irrespective of whether the EEG signal is in a background or a movement state. For
classification purposes, a feature vector is generated by concatenating the AR parameters
estimated from signals recorded at C3 and C4 respectively, leading to a 14-element feature
vector. To train the classifier, the parameters at each time instant up to 3.75s are considered
as Background Mode, whereas the parameters at C3 and C4 for each time instant between
3.75s and 6s for a left task are considered for the Left Movement Mode. Similarly, the
parameters at C3 and C4 for each time instant between 3.75s and 6s for a right task are
considered for the Right Movement Mode.
For the EM initialization approach, different initial conditions are estimated for each of the 3
modes of operation. Taking the EEG signal on channel C4 during a left task as an example,
two sets of AR parameters are estimated; one obtained by using the initial conditions from
the Background Mode and another obtained by using the initial conditions from the Left
Movement Mode. Similarly for channel C3 during a right task, one set of AR parameters is
estimated assuming Background Mode initial conditions and another set assuming Right
Movement Mode initial conditions. These AR parameters are concatenated, leading to a 28-
element feature vector in this case. The time periods used to train this classifier are the same
as those for the arbitrary initialization.
The available 90-trial data was split into two: the first 45 trials were used for training and the
rest for testing, for both imagined left and right-hand movements respectively. For
comparative purposes, the classification results using both arbitrary initialization as well as
initial conditions estimated by the EM algorithm will be shown next. For Background Mode
classification results, the number of trials at each time instant between 0 and 3.75s which
were classified as correct have been considered. For Left Movement and Right Movement
Mode classification, the total number of correctly classified movement tasks at each time
instant between 3.75s and 6s were considered. Figure 1 shows the percentage of correctly
classified results for the case of arbitrary initialization. It is clear that for the Background
Mode there occur frequent misclassifications as either a left or a righthand movement.
Classifications results improve to just below 80% at around 5s when the imagined
movement is actually performed.
A significant improvement is obtained when the initial conditions are estimated with the
Expectation-Maximization algorithm, as shown in the classification results of Figure 2. There
is a significant improvement in the classification of the Background Mode because the
estimated parameters are very smooth and differ from those during the movement periods.
Classification is close to 100% during the first 2s but it reduces as the movement period
approaches. At around 5s, when the movement is performed, the classification score
approaches 90%, as opposed to 80% for the arbitrary initialization case.
Additional insight can be obtained by the construction of a confusion matrix. Table 1 and
Table 2 show the confusion matrices for the two different initialization approaches. The
arbitrarily initialized case leads to around 64% and 65% correct classification for left and
right movement respectively and it performs very poorly when classifying the background
Parametric Modelling of EEG Data for the Identification of Mental Tasks

period. Many of these time instances are classified as an imagined right-hand movement
instead. The EM initialized case gives superior performance with background periods being
identified with a score of 89%, a significant improvement on the 39% score of the previous
case. There is also improvement in the classification of right and left-hand movement, where
scores of 68% and 80% respectively, are obtained. As in the previous case, a number of left
modes (around 22%) are incorrectly classified as right modes. These classification results
compare well with the 76% overall classification obtained by Dornhege et. al. in the NIPS
2001 workshop, where a 2-mode classifier was used (Sajda et al., 2003).

0 1 2 3 4 5 6



Fig. 1. Percentage correct classification for arbitrary initialization

0 1 2 3 4 5 6



Fig. 2. Percentage correct classification for EM-based initialization

Actual Mode
Background Left Right
Background 38.68% 14.52% 22.35%
Left 24.11% 63.87% 12.76%
Right 37.20% 21.51% 64.89%
Table 1. Confusion matrix for arbitrary initialization
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

Actual Mode
Background Left Right
Background 89.32% 9.59% 8.96%
Left 3.50% 68.12% 11.50%
Right 7.19% 22.29% 79.89%
Table 2. Confusion matrix for EM-based initialization
3.2 Interpretation in terms of AR pole variation
Another contribution of this work centres on the analysis of the variation of the AR
parameter estimates with time, together with the corresponding poles of the model, during
the 6s time interval of the trial. The transfer function of the AR model in the z-domain is:

( )
( )
k k
G z
a z


The poles of the model are given by the roots of the denominator of Equation (12). These
poles can therefore be calculated at every time instant from the AR parameter estimates
( ) k
a and marked on a pole-zero plot whose x-axis represents the real part of the pole and the
y-axis represents the imaginary part. The frequency associated with a given pole is
proportional to the angle it subtends with the positive x-axis on the pole-zero plot.
The resulting poles obtained at each time instant for imagined left-hand trials are plotted in
Figure 3 and 4, which show both the pole-zero plot and the variation of the magnitude of
the poles with time. Note that the latter displays four plots instead of seven because 3 pairs
of poles are complex conjugates and their magnitudes are equal. These poles are computed
from the average of the AR parameters over the 90 available trails.
Figure 3(a) shows the poles obtained from the model fitted to data from channel C3 when
the Kalman Smoother is initialized arbitrarily. Figure 3(b) follows the same pattern, but for
channel C4. Figures 4(a) and 4(b) show the corresponding plots for the case of EM-based
An analysis of the pole variations gives some interesting insights on the EEG data which are
otherwise not directly apparent from the AR parameter estimates. In all cases, the angle of
the obtained poles indicates that there is concentrated activity at around 12Hz (alpha band),
24Hz (beta band) and 40Hz (gamma band). Activity in the alpha and beta bands is
synonymous with this type of data (Pfurtscheller & Lopes da Silva, 1999). All plots also
show that on the ipsilateral side (C3 for the case of left-hand trials) the poles do not vary
much with time and that their magnitude remains fairly constant. This contrasts with the
activity on the contralateral side (C4 for the case of left-hand trials) where, during the
imagined hand movement, a significant decrease in the magnitude of the alpha and beta
poles occurs. This indicates that on the contralateral side there is a significant change in pole
magnitude between background and movement periods, which corresponds to ERD. This
characteristic is correspondingly reflected in the trajectories of the poles shown in the pole-
zero plots, which are more spread out on the contalateral side (C4) than the pole trajectories
on the ipsilateral (C3) side.
Parametric Modelling of EEG Data for the Identification of Mental Tasks

-1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
LEFT data on channel C3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6
LEFT data on channel C3

-1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
LEFT data on channel C4

0 1 2 3 4 5 6
LEFT data on channel C4

Fig. 3. Pole trajectories and magnitudes for imagined left-hand movement arising from
arbitrary initialization. (a) corresponds to C3 and (b) corresponds to C4
4. Model order estimation
In system identification, the effectiveness of the model that is used to fit a data set depends
critically on the determination of a suitable model order. There exist various techniques for
the estimation of model order. These can be categorized into three main groups. One group
is based on the prior estimation of model parameters using a set of candidate models of
different order. Information criteria such as the Akaike Information Criterion or Minimum
Description Length are then used to find the best compromise between model complexity
and best fit within the candidate models of this set. These methods incur computational
complexity due to the consideration of multiple candidate models.
Another group of methods, which do not require prior estimation of model parameters, use
eigendecomposition of the input/output data covariance matrix to estimate the model
order. This approach, based on the Minimum Description Length criterion, was applied to
univariate ARMA and ARX models by Liang et al. (1993). The method was shown to be able
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

-1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
LEFT data on channel C3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6
LEFT data on channel C3

-1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
LEFT data on channel C4

0 1 2 3 4 5 6
LEFT data on channel C4

Fig. 4. Pole trajectories and magnitudes for imagined left-hand movement arising from EM-
based initialization. (a) corresponds to C3 and (b) corresponds to C4
to estimate the correct model order even in the presence of limited noise conditions. These
methods are more computationally efficient than the previous group. The third group of
methods estimate the model order and model parameters simultaneously. They utilize a
Bayesian approach and are normally very demanding computationally.
The work presented in this section, which is based on the second group of methods,
proposes a modified criterion to that of (Liang et al., 1993) which leads to a lower probability
of error for model order estimation. As in (Lardies & Larbi, 2001), which extended Liangs
method to multivariate AR models, this work will not be restricted to univariate models.
However in (Lardies & Larbi, 2001), the effects of different model order, model parameters
and data lengths are not investigated. In this work, an extensive Monte Carlo analysis will
be applied in order to evaluate such effects. Finally the approach is applied to real EEG data
recorded from a subject performing motor imagery tasks.
A multivariate ARMA model is given by the difference equation

1 1 1 1
... ...
t t p t p t q t q t t
y A y A y B e B e e

= + + + + + (13)
Parametric Modelling of EEG Data for the Identification of Mental Tasks

y R represents the output data on n channels measured at time t,
A and
n n

, represent the AR and MA parameter matrices respectively, p and q represent the
AR and MA orders,
e R represents the input to the model which is a white Gaussian
noise process having zero mean and covariance C, and
R , which represents observation
or modeling error, is also a random white noise process having covariance Q

Extending the approach of (Liang et al., 1993) to the multivariate case, assuming that N time
samples of the output data are available, Equation (13) can be written as follows:

, , p q p q
D = (14)
, ,
, ,
p q p q
D are defined as follows:

1 1
1 1
1 1
0 0 0 0
0 0
p q
N N N p N N N q
y e
y e
y y y e e e



( )
, 0 0
p q p q
A A B B = (16)

( ) 1
A and
B assumed to be identity matrices.
In order to compose the input/output matrix
, p q
D , the unknown input signal
e needs to be
estimated. This could be done by preliminarily fitting a high order AR model to the output
y using a least squares approach to estimate the corresponding AR parameters. As
explained in (Cassar et al., 2010a), these AR parameters are next used to generate an estimate
e which, together with the output data, is used to compose
, p q
D as defined in Equation
(15). This matrix is then used to generate the covariance data matrix
, p q
R defined as:

, , ,
p q p q p q
R D D = (18)
The relevance of this matrix becomes evident when the Minimum Description Length
criterion is used for the estimation of model order. This criterion strikes a compromise
between model complexity and the maximum likelihood estimator of the parameters, by
minimizing the following cost function:

( , ) log ( , , ) 0.5 ( 1)log
J p q f n p q N = + + + (19)
( , , )
f is the probability density function of noise . For a multivariate
Gaussian model, this density function is given by the normal distribution equation:

1 , /2
1 1
( , , ) exp
(2 )
N p q N
f R


which, after substitution in (20), yields
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software


( , , ) log2 log
2 2
1 1
( 1)log
2 2
p q
J p q Q
R n p q N

= + +
+ + +
Given a fixed model order (p,q), the covariance matrix Q

which minimizes Equation (21) is

p q

= . As shown by (Lardis & Larbi, 2001), the minimum value of the determinant of

is obtained from an eigendecomposition of the covariance data matrix

, p q
R as follows:

p q L S


is a diagonal matrix whose terms consist of the first ( ) p q n + largest eigenvalues of
, p q
R , the columns of
V contain the corresponding eigenvectors,
is a diagonal matrix
whose terms are the 2n smallest eigenvalues and the columns of
V contain the
corresponding eigenvectors of
, p q
R .
If an orthogonality constraint is imposed on , then the value of which minimizes (21) is
the matrix of eigenvectors
V which correspond to the smallest eigenvalues of
, p q
R (Lardis
& Larbi, 2001). Due to the orthonormality of the eigenvectors, it turns out that

= and
( )
Q i


. Following substitution in (21) and some manipulation, the following result is


( )/
( , ) log ( )
n p q N
J p q i N



An analysis of matrix
J shows that the eigenvalues of
, p q
R are large for model orders
less than the true order. By contrast, they decrease significantly for orders which are greater
than the true order (Liang et al., 1993). Hence if ( , )
J p q is organized such that the AR
order p increases along the columns and the MA order q increases along the rows, as shown
in Figure 5, it will be possible to identify a corner` which corresponds to the true order of
the multivariate model.

(p,q) has large values
(p,q) has small values

Fig. 5. The values of
J for a range of p and q values. The corner gives the model order
Parametric Modelling of EEG Data for the Identification of Mental Tasks

For the univariate case, (Liang et al., 1993) generate a column ratio (CR) and a row ratio (RR)
table to identify the transition between the two regions shown in Figure 5. The CR entry at
( , ) p q is constructed by dividing ( 1, )
J p q by ( , )
J p q . Similarly, the RR table is
determined by dividing ( , 1)
J p q by ( , )
J p q . The optimal model order is then chosen
by taking the value of the p column which corresponds to the largest value in the CR table,
and the value of q row which corresponds to the largest value in the RR table.
In the multivariate ARMA case, the situation becomes complicated because additional
spurious peaks tend to appear in the CR and RR tables, thereby making it difficult to select
the peak which actually corresponds to the corner that identifies the true model order. This
phenomenon often gives rise to incorrect estimation of the model order. In order to address
this problem, a modified criterion is proposed to enhance the value of the corner, as
described next.
The CR and RR tables are constructed as described previously, but then an element-by-
element product of these two tables is performed so as to generate a product matrix P
. This
has the tendency of enhancing the value of the true peak in matrix P
, because it is
reinforced by peaks appearing in the same location within both the CR and RR tables. On
the other hand, the contribution of incorrect peaks is diminished because their location will
not be consistent between the two tables. Nevertheless, experimental analysis has shown
that there may be situations where the product matrix P
exhibits a number of comparable
peaks in close proximity, with the maximum peak not necessarily corresponding to the
correct corner. Given that a significant change in value is expected between the point
corresponding to the correct corner and its neighbours, the modified criterion also checks
whether neighbouring locations exhibit a value that is relatively much smaller than the peak
being analyzed. A relative difference corresponding to a factor of 5 was found to be suitable
from Monte Carlo analysis. Hence the modified criterion can be described by the following
1. Form the CR and RR tables by computing ( 1, ) / ( , )
J p q J p q and
( , 1) / ( , )
J p q J p q respectively.
2. Perform an element by element product of CR and RR to generate the product matrix
3. Find the largest value in P
and check whether its neighbours, corresponding to a one
step increase in p and q satisfy the following conditions:
a. ( , ) 5 ( , 1)
P p q P p q +
b. ( , ) 5 ( 1, )
P p q P p q +
4. If the conditions in step 3 are satisfied, (p, q) are taken to be the model order. If the
conditions in step 3 are not satisfied, recursively go through the other values of P
descending order until a (p, q) pair that satisfies both conditions (a) and (b) is found.
This is chosen as the optimal model order.
5. If none of the values in P
satisfy the above, recursively reduce the factor of 5
appearing on the right-hand side of the equations in conditions (a) and (b) above, until
the correct corner, and hence optimal model order, is identified.
4.1 Performance analysis
Probability arguments were applied in (Cassar et al., 2010a) to show that the modified
criterion proposed in the previous section has less chance of model order estimation error
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

than the criterion proposed by (Liang et al., 1993). Cassar et al. showed that if Liangs
criterion estimates q correctly and the proposed criterion does not, then Liangs criterion
would always estimate p incorrectly except for one specific exceptional condition. Similarly,
if Liangs criterion estimates p correctly and the proposed criterion does not, then Liangs
criterion would always estimate q incorrectly except for a second, very specific exceptional
condition. Extensive Monte Carlo trials demonstrated that the probability of occurrence of
the above-mentioned two exceptional conditions is close to zero i.e. there were no cases
during the Monte Carlo trials where the proposed criterion gave an error while Liangs
criterion did not. This led to the conclusion that the probability of error of the proposed
criterion is bounded above by the probability of error of Liangs criterion (Cassar et al.,
In order to evaluate the proposed order estimation technique, Monte Carlo analysis was
performed. One hundred different two-channel, minimum phase ARMA models with p = 2
and q = 2 were generated. The magnitude of the poles and zeros of these models was
randomly chosen within the range of 0.6 to 0.99, and their phase between 1 degree and 180
degrees. Each of these models was subjected to different random realizations of ,
t t
e . The
Monte Carlo trials were conducted with different signal-to-noise ratios (SNR). 2000 samples
were considered for each model. The order of the preliminary AR model used to estimate
the input signal
e was set to 10. The proposed modified criterion and Liangs criterion were
applied and, in both cases, the percentage amount of correctly estimated model orders was
The results are shown in Table 3. Note the improvement in performance obtained by using
the proposed criterion, where the percentage of correct hits always exceeds Liangs criterion,
even with low SNR. For every model, the mean square error between the true and estimated
model order was calculated across the 2000 samples. The mean and standard deviation of
these errors across the 100 different models were then calculated and are shown in the last
two columns of Table 3. Once again, note the improved performance of the modified
criterion with order estimation error being consistently lower on average, than that of
Liangs criterion. The difference between the errors obtained from the two criteria was
tested for statistical significance by means of a t-Test. With a significance level of 0.05, the
results from the no noise case up to the case with SNR of 10dB, indicate that the difference
between the errors of the two criteria is indeed statistically significant.

Percentage of Correct Hits Mean Error Std. Dev.
SNR/dB Liangs
Modified Criterion
no noise 32 97 0.50 0.35 0.03 0.17
25 44 94 0.43 0.39 0.06 0.24
20 39 90 0.49 0.41 0.09 0.29
15 38 83 0.55 0.45 0.16 0.35
10 28 59 0.69 0.44 0.39 0.48
5 15 29 0.83 0.36 0.81 0.76
Table 3. Results of Monte Carlo analysis utilizing 100 models
4.2 Results with EEG data
The proposed technique was applied on a real EEG measurements obtained from data set 3a
of the BCI Competition III where a subject performed a cued motor imagery task while EEG
Parametric Modelling of EEG Data for the Identification of Mental Tasks

was recorded from 60 channels at a sampling frequency of 250Hz. The data was bandpass
filtered between 1 and 50Hz by a notch filter. The subject, facing a computer screen, was
asked to perform one of four possible imaginary movements: left-hand, right-hand, foot or
tongue. For this analysis, only the trials for left-hand and right-hand movement were
considered. 36 left-hand and 36 right-hand artifact-free trials were averaged over the 4s
period during which movement is performed, utilizing data from channels C3 and C4.
A multivariate ARMA model was set up to capture the dynamics of this data. The proposed
modified criterion was then applied, which estimated a model order of p = 2 and q = 1. The
product matrix P
which gave rise to this model order is shown in Figure 6, exhibiting a
distinctive peak at the location corresponding to the recommended model order. For
comparison purposes, the classical Akaike Information Criterion was also applied to
estimate the model order for this data. The Akaike criterion estimated the same model order
as the proposed criterion (p = 2 and q = 1). However, the computational efficiency of the
proposed criterion is superior to that of the Akaike criterion. The former took 0.6 seconds of
processing time to generate the model order result, whereas the latter required
approximately 4 seconds (both tests performed on an Intel Core 2 Duo PC having a 2GHz
processor and 2 GB RAM).

Fig. 6. The product matrix P
for the EEG data obtained from the modified criterion
Using this recommended model order, the parameters of the ARMA model were then
estimated using a Kalman filter initialized by the EM algorithm. This model was used to
reconstruct the data within a frequency range of 0 to 45Hz. Auto and cross spectra of the
original data and the reconstructed data were then calculated for model evaluation
purposes. These are shown in Figure 7, indicating clearly that the recommended model
order captures well the dynamics of the EEG data.
5. Conclusion
This chapter has investigated the use of parametric models for the identification of mental
tasks from EEG data, with specific emphasis on linear modelling techniques. Following a
brief review of relevant papers which appear in the literature, it was shown how improved
classification results can be obtained from EEG data recorded during imagined hand
movement trials. This improvement is the result of a 3-mode classifier which makes use of
AR parameters estimated during periods of left movement, right movement and inactivity,
together with a Kalman Smoother initiated by the Expectation-Maximization algorithm.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

In addition it was shown how the trajectories of the poles of the AR model relate with ERD
phenomena pertaining to imagined hand movements, in a more direct way than the model
parameters. Finally a new model order selection criterion was proposed for the multivariate
ARMA case, which is more accurate than alternative criteria developed for univariate
ARMA. The efficacy of the proposed criterion was exhibited with extensive Monte Carlo
analysis under different conditions of signal-to-noise ratio.
The use of EEG data for the identification of mental tasks carries with it several interesting
possibilities for future applications. From these possibilities, brain-computer interfacing is
one of the leading and most challenging ones. One hopes that the improvements
documented in this chapter, together with other techniques which are continuously being
developed by the research community, would contribute to the advancement of brain-
computer interface technology so as to make it more practical, robust and realistic.

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Cross spectrum P

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Auto spectrum P

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Auto spectrum P


Fig. 7. Cross and auto spectra of the original EEG averaged data and the reconstructed data
from the estimated model
Parametric Modelling of EEG Data for the Identification of Mental Tasks

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Automatic Detection of Paroxysms in EEG
Signals using Morphological Descriptors and
Artificial Neural Networks
Christine F. Boos, Fernando M. de Azevedo
Geovani R. Scolaro and Maria do Carmo V. Pereira
University Federal of Santa Catarina
1. Introduction
The first recordings of brain activity in the form of electrical signals, through the use of a
galvanometer and insertion of two electrodes on the scalp of an individual, were conducted
in 1875 by British scientist Richard Caton. Since then, the electroencephalogram (EEG) has
been used to denote the neural electrical activity of the brain (Sanei & Chambers, 2007).
The EEG signal acquisition can be performed by introducing electrodes inside the brain
tissue (depth EEG), the placement of electrodes directly into the exposed surface of the
cerebral cortex (electrocorticogram - ECoG) or the positioning of electrodes in a non-
invasive, on the surface of the scalp (scalp EEG - sEEG).
The human scalp EEG, in relation to its physical characteristics, occupies a frequency band
of 0Hz to 100 Hz and an amplitude range of 2V to 200V, however, in general, the signal is
concentrated between 0,5Hz and 60Hz with an average amplitude of 50V (Coimbra, 1994).
These frequency and amplitude value of the EEG signal are influenced by a series of
characteristics, such as: location in the cerebral cortex from where recording was acquired,
age of the subject, physical (sleep, wake, coma, etc.) and behavioral (depression, excitement,
euphoria, stress, etc.) state of the subject. Furthermore, the signal can also be distorted by
artifacts interference from many sources, for example, extra cerebral electrical potentials
from the patient, the electrodes, the signal acquisition system and external electromagnetic
interferences. This means that the recordings may have variability among patients under
identical circumstances and in the same patient over time. The presence of this variability
contributes to the great difficulty presented in attempts to mathematically model the
electrographic patterns commonly present in the EEG signal. Nevertheless these patterns
have a relative regularity in frequency, morphology and amplitude whichever they are
i.e. the frequency spectrum of the EEG is usually divided into frequency bands that may be
related to different physical states and behavior (Sanei & Chambers, 2007):
alpha band 8 to 13 Hz common rhythm in normal patients and more easily
observable while the subject is awake, relaxed and with its eyes closed;
beta band 13 to 22 Hz common rhythm in normal adult patients during
wakefulness. Dominant in the pre-central region of the brain but also occurs in
other brain regions. Subdivided into: beta I, 13 to 17 Hz - present during intense
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

activation of central nervous system (CNS) - and beta II, 18 to 22 Hz - decreases
during intense activation of the CNS;
theta band 4 to 8 Hz rhythm frequent in children, in central and temporal
region of the brain. Typical of early stages of sleep. Some transient components of
this rhythm have been found in normal adult patients;
delta band 0,5 to 4 Hz common rhythm in children, especially infants, in a state
of deep sleep. The presence of this wave in adults under a state of alert may
indicate abnormalities.

(Sanei & Chambers, 2007)
Fig. 1. Examples of common electrographic patterns present in the EEG signal
The EEG recording has applicability on, among others: monitoring alertness, coma and
brain death; locating damaged areas after head injury, stroke and tumor; testing afferent
pathways; monitoring anesthesia depth; researching physiology and sleep disorders;
researching epilepsy and localizing the seizure focus (Sanei & Chambers, 2007).
Epilepsy is a disorder of the brain characterized by an enduring predisposition to generate
epileptic seizures and by the neurobiological, cognitive, psychological and social
consequences of this condition. The definition of epilepsy requires the occurrence of at least
one epileptic seizure, which is a transient occurrence of signs and/or symptoms due to
abnormal excessive or synchronous neuronal activity in the brain (Fisher et al., 2005).
Neurologists can make a diagnosis of epilepsy simply through anamneses however EEG
signal analysis is a commonly used and important tool to: clinical diagnosis, support in
Automatic Detection of Paroxysms in EEG Signals using Morphological Descriptors
and Artificial Neural Networks

defining the type of epilepsy syndrome, provide information for planning drug therapy and
also help in deciding the feasibility of surgical intervention.
The occurrence of certain electrographic events, called epileptiform events, in EEG signal is
a strong indicator of this pathology presence. An expert in reading these records (EEGer)
spends a considerable amount of time reviewing each record, especially when they are
acquired for long term monitoring (more than 24 hours) and with many channels between
24 and 128 leads (Pillay & Sperling, 2006).
In attempt to facilitate the analysis of EEG recordings by neurologists (or other experts)
many studies have proposed automated systems for this analysis. Unfortunately few of
them are actually being used worldwide mainly because the available systems for automatic
detection of epileptiform events have a relative high number of false identifications (false
positives), resulting in little or no effective time save for the process (Wilson & Emerson,
2002). This means that the low specificity of the systems still discourages EEGers to delegate
the task of thorough analysis of the thousands of EEG screens (each with up to 128
continuous signals) in the search for events whose maximum length is 200ms and the
amplitude values are in the range of microvolts (V).
2. Automatic detection of paroxysms
The Biomedical Engineering Institute (IEB-UFSC) of the Federal University of Santa
Catarina (UFSC) has as one of their areas of expertise and interest the acquisition, analysis
and processing of bioelectrical signals, with emphasis in electroencephalogram (EEG),
electrocardiogram (ECG), electromyogram (EMG) and electrooculogram (EOG) signals.
Currently within this area there are two research lines, both using neural networks, for
automatic detection of epileptiform events: one applies methodologies based on Wavelet
Transform and the other one uses a parameterization
of the EEG signal.
2.1 Approaches based on wavelet transform
The Wavelet Transform is a tool that allows you to make a more comprehensive analysis of
the signal due to the fact that it is possible to obtain information in both time and frequency
domains simultaneously. This Transform is a powerful tool for the analysis of non-
stationary signals (Wilson et al., 2004) making it ideal for EEG signal analysis. Its basic
principle of operation is extract approximation and detail coefficients of the signal at each
decomposition carried out, i.e., get high and low frequencies features of the signal for each
level of decomposition. Wavelet Transform can be used for the parameterization, filtering
and/or feature extraction of the EEG signals and also be very involved in the construction of
hybrid intelligent systems for the automatic detection of epileptiform events, providing
relatively good results when applied as a preprocessor for Artificial Neural Networks
(Kalayci & zdamar, 1995; Hoffmann et al., 1996; Oweiss & Anderson, 2001; Quiroga et al .
2001; Adeli et al., 2003; Khan & Gotman, 2003; Argoud et al., 2006, Pang et al., 2003, Liu et
al., 2006; Argoud et al., 2006; Mohamed et al., 2006; Subasi, 2007; Indiradevi et al., 2008;
Ocak, 2008; Abibullaev et al., 2009th, 2009b; Ocak, 2009; Scolaro & Azevedo, 2010).

In this study, the term parameterization refers to the representation of an EEG signal by means of
parameters related to morphological characteristics of this signal and these parameters will be called
morphological descriptors.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

2.2 Approaches based on parameterization of the signal
A comparative study of various algorithms used in automatic detection methods, conducted
by Wilson and Emerson in 2002, showed that the methods use some form of
parameterization of the EEG signal usually get good results.
The first studies involving the parameterization as a tool for the detection of epileptiform
events in EEG recording were published by Gotman and Gloor (Gotman, 1976; Gotman &
Gloor, 1982) followed by the research of Webber (1994), Walckzak & Nowack (2001), Litt
(2001) and Tzallas et al. (2006) among others that have obtained promising results.
However with the advances in mathematical methods and the increasing capacity of
computer processing the investigations were directed to other approaches (Halford, 2009),
for example, the Wavelet Transform, entropy, statistical methods and/or a combination of
these and other methods (Kaneko et al. 1999; Diambra, 1999, Liu et al., 2002; Saab & Gotman,
2005; Tzallas et al., 2006; beyli, 2009; Kumar, 2010). Nevertheless we did not abandon the
parameterization approach (Guedes et al., 2002, Pereira 2003, Pereira et al., 2003;
Sovierzoski, 2009, Boos et al., 2010a, 2010b).
According to the literature, so far one of the most used and successful methods applied in
systems for automatic detection of paroxysms is Gotmans (Hoef et al., 2010). This method
performs spike modeling through parameters, that in this work will be called morphological
, before detection. Gotmans method deals with the EEG signal by dividing it
into segments and sequences, both ascending and descending, which are categorized by
duration, absolute amplitude and length variation coefficient (which gives information on
the cadency of the EEG). In this system, the detection of a paroxysm occurs when the
descriptors values for each epoch exceeds a pre-determined threshold.
Although the literature allows access to various studies that use morphological descriptors
to characterize the EEG signal, it is necessary a detailed analysis of the applicability,
relevance and effectiveness of each descriptor that will be used.
Therefore our objective is to discuss a methodology for the preparation and evaluation of a
set of descriptors for modeling paroxysms through the use of descriptors that are already
available in the literature as well as others proposed by us in attempt to improve the
differentiation between epileptiform events and other electrographic manifestations that
occur in the signal.
3. Methodology
This section will present the recordings and methodologies used for both the development
of the descriptors ensemble and the experiments used as an evaluation tool for the
proposed set.
3.1 EEG recordings
All of the EEG signals used in this study belong to a database with nine records acquired
from seven adult patients with confirmed diagnosis of epilepsy. They have a sampling
frequency of 100Hz and were acquired through 24 (1 record) and 32 channels (8 records).
A bipolar montage (Fig. 2.) type zygomatic-temporal (Zygo-Db-Temp) was used, with 25
electrodes in positions Zy1, Zy2, Fp1, Fp2, F3, F4, F7, F8, F9, F10, CZ, C3, C4, T3, T4, T5, T6,

The use of the term morphological descriptor is because we believe that this term is more appropriate
within the context of parameters referring to morphological characteristics of a signal.
Automatic Detection of Paroxysms in EEG Signals using Morphological Descriptors
and Artificial Neural Networks

T9, T10, P3, P4, P9, P10, O1, O2 of the 10/20 system and two electrodes positioned for
acquisition of electrooculogram (EOG).
For the acquisition process the signals went through analog filtering to isolate the range of
0,5 to 40Hz. We also observed the need to perform additional filtering to remove the
baseline wandering effect (DC frequency - 0Hz) and eliminate noise caused by power line
interference (60Hz), and it was necessary to perform interpolation of the signal to a
sampling frequency of 200Hz.

(Malmivuo & Plonsey, 1995)
Fig. 2. EEG signal differences presented when a bipolar (A) and unipolar or referential (B)
montage is used. In the bipolar montage the signal is a result of potential difference between
pairs of electrodes while for the unipolar montage the signal is obtained by the difference in
potential between an electrode and a reference point (equal for the whole montage)
3.2 Morphological descriptors
The literature on the automatic detection of epileptiform events contains a considerable
amount of morphological descriptors used in different methodologies and/or developed
systems. For our experiments we selected the descriptors most reported in literature: the
maximum amplitude of the event, event duration, the length variation coefficient, crest
factor and entropy.
The maximum amplitude and duration of the event are self-explanatory. The length
variation coefficient used to measure the regularity of the signal is the ratio of standard
deviation and the mean value of the signal. The crest factor is the difference between the
maximum and minimum amplitudes, divided by the standard deviation (Webber et al.,
1994). The entropy, reported in several studies e.g. Quiroga (1998), Esteller (2000),
Srinivasan et al. (2007) and Naghsh-Nilchi & Aghashahi (2010) - provides a value for the
complexity of the signal under analysis.
These descriptors are widely used, however they may not guarantee the complete
differentiation between the events presented by the recordings and also because of this the
existing systems for automatic detection have only a moderate performance. Thus, through
a detailed analysis of the EEG signals that are being used, new descriptors based on the
physical and/or morphological signal can be developed in attempt to improve the
performance of the automatic detection process.
The main focus for the development of new descriptors was to find characteristics in the EEG
signals that further highlighted the epileptiform events from other types of events. The latter
are called non-epileptiform events (Fig. 3.) and for our database they are represented by:
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

a. normal background EEG activity;
b. alpha waves;
c. blinks;
d. artifacts originated from EMG (muscle activity), external electromagnetic interference,
among others.

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100


( a )
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
( b )
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Time (10


( c )
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Time (10
( d )

Fig. 3. Morphology of the main non-epileptiform events found in our EEG signals database

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Time (10


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Time (10

Fig. 4. Morphology presented by the epileptiform events in the recordings under analysis
Looking at the obtained records we realized that due to the use of a bipolar montage (Fig.2)
the epileptiform events can appear in four different ways (Fig. 4.). In other words, because
of the type of montage the spikes and sharp waves may appear with both electronegative
and electropositives amplitude peaks, however to be considered a paroxysm they still have
to be followed by a slow wave.
The basic morphological characteristics of an epileptic event are related to their amplitude
and duration. The spikes have duration of 20 to 70ms, while a sharp wave has duration of 70
to 200ms. Since both events can be a paroxysm and making a distinction between them
makes little sense from a clinical point of view, we can consider that the duration
Automatic Detection of Paroxysms in EEG Signals using Morphological Descriptors
and Artificial Neural Networks

epileptiform events varies from 20 to 200ms. The amplitudes values of both spikes and
sharp waves are also varied but when considering them epileptiform events the amplitude
(module value) usually lies between 20V and 200V (Niedermeyer, 2005). Examples of
morphological descriptors related to the amplitude and duration of a typical epileptiform
event are (Fig. 5.):
maximum amplitude (Amax);
minimum amplitude (Bmin);
difference between the points of occurrence of extreme amplitude (Tdif);
difference between the maximum and minimum amplitudes (DifAB).

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
Time (s)



Fig. 5. Morphological descriptors related to the amplitude and duration of paroxysms

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100


maximum (event)
minimum (event)
Time ( 10
s )
minimum (epoch)

Fig. 6. EEG signal presenting maximum amplitude corresponding to an epileptiform event
and minimum amplitude corresponding to another (different) event
Also regarding the amplitudes within the epoch under review (in this case 1 second of the
signal) the points of maximum and minimum amplitude may not belong to the same event
(Fig. 6.). Analyzing this fact, we could see that to be a paroxysm (event we want to correctly
identify) the event should have a time difference between maximum and minimum
amplitudes in the range of 35 to 100ms (half duration the slowest event). For this, as
illustrated in Fig 7, we determined a 300ms segment centered at the event appearing in the
epoch under review and within this segment we calculated the following descriptors:
maximum amplitude (Amax_pts); minimum amplitude (Bmin_pts); distance between
extreme amplitudes (DifAB_pts) and time difference (Tdif_pts) between the maximum and
minimum amplitudes.
Another feature that can be observed is that an epileptiform event, particularly the spike,
has more acute peaks when compared to the obtuse peaks of alpha waves or blinks (Fif. 3b
and Fig. 3c). This fact allows another opportunity to discriminate between events since the
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
Time (s)



Fig. 7. Maximum amplitude (Amax_pts), minimum amplitude (Bmin_pts), distance between
extreme amplitudes (Tdif_pts) and time difference between amplitudes (DifAB_pts), all
within the 300ms segment centered on the event under analysis
process of automatic detection can confused them, which is a detrimental factor to the
system performance. Based on these observations we analyzed the vertex angle of the peaks
through the extreme amplitudes and zero crossing points adjacent to the beginning and the
end of the event.

0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75


Time (s)



Fig. 8. Vertex angle of positive and negative epileptiform event, calculated from the
maximum and minimum amplitude, respectively
The calculated angles (Fig. 8.), taking an epileptiform event as example, refer to the angle
influenced by the peaks initial inclination and the angle that suffers influence of beginning
slope of the slow wave. Based on the calculation of these angles (p and n) we determined
other descriptors:
base of the peaks directly adjacent to the beginning and the end of the event (dpos and
dneg, depending in order of appearance of the peaks);
angle of the analyzed event apex ();
tangents of the angles of peak apex (tgp and tgn);
tilt of the slopes directly adjacent to the beginning and the end of the event (trp and
event basis (dbase).
Automatic Detection of Paroxysms in EEG Signals using Morphological Descriptors
and Artificial Neural Networks

The morphology of a paroxysm can also often be confused with the morphology of artifacts
(from various sources) present in the EEG signal. However, as can be seen in Fig. 9. the
typical waveforms of these noises usually have a relative high frequency. This means that
the high amplitudes appear with minimum time differences between them, which are the
opposite of paroxysms that usually have more widely spaced peaks because they are always
followed by a slow wave.

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Time ( x 10
s )



Fig. 9. Example of typical morphology of an artifact (noise) present in the EEG signal

0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00
Time (s)


tA_i tA_f
tB_i tB_f
Final Region Initial Region

Fig. 10. Descriptors for the differentiation between epileptiform events and artifacts,
considering distances (time) between the points of maximum and minimum amplitude
The descriptors proposed to make the distinction between noise and epileptiform events can
be based on relations of time and amplitude differences in the epoch when dividing it in two
regions (initial and final) adjacent to the event. Experiments were performed and from them
we projected the following descriptors:
amplitude and time difference between maximum amplitudes of the event (Amax),
initial (Amax_i) and final regions (Amax_f): DifA_i, tA_i, DifA_f and tA_f;
amplitude and time difference between minimum amplitudes of the event (Bmin),
initial (Bmin_i) and final regions (Bmin_f): DifB_i, tB_i, DifB_f, tB_f.
Further analysis of the morphology and other characteristics of events that occur in the EEG
recordings can be performed. In this research it is proposed only the addition of descriptors
based on the classical statistical indices of average, standard deviation and variance. These
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

descriptors, were calculated for both the epoch under analysis (one second) and the 300ms
segment. Thus, considering the descriptors selected from the literature and those we
developed after a review of the recordings, we obtained a final set of 45 morphological
descriptors (Table 1).

Origin if the descriptors Descriptors identifications
Amplitude Amax, Bmin, DifAB, Amax_pts, Bmin_pts, DifAB_pts
Duration Tdif, Tdif_pts, T
Vertex angle of the peaks , p, n, dbase, dpos, dneg, trp, trn, tgp, tgn
Initial region of the epoch Amax_i, Bmin_i, DifA_i, tA_i, DifB_i, tB_i
Final region of the epoch Amax_f, Bmin_f, DifA_f, tA_f, DifB_f, tB_f
Statistical indexes

desvio, media, var, coef, CF, desvioC, mediaC, varC, coefC,
entrop_log, entrop_norm, entrop_logC, entrop_normC
The letter C at the end of the identification means that the descriptor was calculated for the
segment of 300ms.
We calculated two types of entropy: normalized (norm) and logarithm of "energy".
Table 1. Summary of the elements that compose the final set of 45 morphological descriptors
selected and developed for this research
3.3 Morphological descriptors evaluation
In the previous item (3.2) 45 morphological descriptors were presented. Some of them were
chosen among those universally used and others were defined in our previous work.
After the creation of the descriptors set it is necessary to analyze this ensemble in order to
verify the significance of each element of the group in the differentiation of events. For this
research we chose to use correlation analysis and application of Hotellings T test (Hrdle &
Simar, 2007) for individual assessment and Artificial Neural Networks (Eberhart & Dobbins,
1990; Zurada, 1992; Haykin, 1994 ) to verify the complete set performance.
The correlation analysis was made evaluating the correlation matrices of descriptors for
pairs of events. We examined the correlation between morphological descriptors calculated
from epochs containing paroxysm and epochs with non-epileptiform (blinks, artifacts, alpha
waves and background EEG activity). The criterion for possible exclusion of any element
(descriptor) of the designed set was the existence of high correlation values (above 50%) for
all pairs of events considered.
The Hotellings T test consisted in calculating the difference between the values of each
descriptor in epochs with epileptiform transients and epochs with non-epileptiform events.
The assessment of this test was made comparing the results of these differences with a
predetermined T critical value (a threshold). Based on this test a descriptor is considered
relevant when its T result is greater than the pre-determined critical value.
Some descriptors such as the tangents of the positive (p) and negative (n) angles, length
variation coefficient (coef) and crest factor (CF) had T test result relatively close to the
critical value and thus these elements could have been removed from the set. However as
the correlation value achieved by these same descriptors was not high and their exclusion
did not affect significantly the sensitivity and specificity of the neural networks
implemented in this study. We chose to not exclude them from the final set.
Automatic Detection of Paroxysms in EEG Signals using Morphological Descriptors
and Artificial Neural Networks

For the verification that the descriptors can indeed provide sufficient information so a
classifier can make the discrimination between events the set was arranged at the input of
several Artificial Neural Networks.
The networks used are all Feedforward Multilayer Perceptron with Backpropagation
algorithm and supervised learning. The basic architecture of each network was of an input
layer with 45 neurons and output layer with only one neuron. The number of neurons in the
hidden layer and the application of input stimuli normalization
were varied in each of the
networks so we could find the best configuration and analyze the effect of this
normalization. Some other features of neural networks implemented are:
activation function of output and hidden layers: hyperbolic tangent;
number of neurons in the hidden layer (N): 7 to 11 neurons;
batch update of the synaptic weights (after every training epoch);
learning rate and momentum were respectively: 0,01 and 0,9.
Finally, the training and test of networks were made with two different compositions of files
(Table. 2.): a set of files classified only by the presence or absence of paroxysms and another
set where the files were classified by type of event (sharp waves, spikes, blinks, normal
background EEG activity, alpha waves and artifacts).

Composition Process Signal classification used
No. of
Epileptiform event 47
Non-epileptiform event 73
Epileptiform event 30
Composition I
Non-epileptiform event 23
Sharp wave 10
Epileptiform event
Spike 10
EEG background
Alpha waves 10
Artifacts 5
Composition II
and test
Non-epileptiform event
Blinks 5
Table 2. Composition of files according to different classifications of EEG signals events,
used for training and tests of the neural networks created
4. Results
Several networks with the same basic architecture and features showed in the previous
section were trained and tested using both types of file composition (Table 2.). The
normalization of input stimuli was tested in all implemented networks.
The set of descriptors (computed for each file) were attributed directly to the networks
input and the stopping criteria for training, used in our experiments, was the minimum
error (1%) and the maximum number of iterations allowed (100.000 epochs).

The term normalization refers to the operation of correcting the amplitude of EEG recordings in which
the maximum amplitude is greater than the one of a paroxysm ( 200V). The applied correction is the
ratio between the signal and its mean value.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

The best results obtained after the simulations with all these networks are presented in
Table 3, where the following statistical indices can be observed:
Success rate (SR);
True positive (TP), true negative (TN), false positive (FP) and false negative (FN);
Sensibility (SE) e specificity (SP);
Positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV).

ANN specifications SR TP TN FP FN SE SP PPV NPV
8N hidden / 10
81% 27 19 4 3 0,90 0,83 0,87 0,86
9N hidden / 10
79% 27 20 3 3 0,90 0,87 0,90 0,87
8N hidden / 10
79% 27 16 7 3 0,90 0,70 0,79 0,84
8N hidden / 10
80% 18 24 1 2 0,90 0,96 0,95 0,92
9N hidden / 11863 epochs
89% 17 24 1 3 0,85 0,96 0,94 0,89
9N hidden / 12026 epochs
68% 19 19 6 1 0,95 0,76 0,76 0,95
a Training and test with files from composition I.
b Training and test with files from composition II.
c The input stimuli was normalized.
Table 3. Best results achieved with the Artificial Neural Networks created
According to results presented in Table 3 the use of files with signals classified by the
occurrence of paroxysms showed success rate (the correct identification of test signals) of
79% whereas with the files of the composition II this rate was around 90%. The best network
implementations for each type of files showed sensitivity of 90% and 85% and specificity of
87% and 96%.
The effect of normalizing the networks input stimuli that we observed during the
simulations was a reduction in the specificity values due to the number of false positives
generated (for example, for the network with nine hidden neurons the false positives
increased from one to six).
5. Conclusions
The use and determination of morphological descriptors seems to be simple because it is a
direct data collection with relatively basic calculations such as, for example, calculating the
dimensions of amplitude and duration of the event. However, this process requires a priori
knowledge of information about the system or entity which characteristics will be cataloged. In
other words, for the case of automatic detection of epileptiform events in EEG recordings is
necessary to carry out preliminary studies about the morphology of the signals to be analyzed.
Another significant aspect when using morphological descriptors is the assessment of the
selected descriptors as input of the classifier used. It is important to perform an evaluation
to demonstrate the contribution of each descriptor for the capability of the ensemble in
making the distinction between events of interest. In this study we used correlation analysis
and Hotellings T test to identify which descriptors could be excluded from the created set
in order to provide a performance improvement of the automatic detection process. The
methods applied for this assessment did not result in significantly high improvements in the
automatic detection, but this does not invalidate its use because the classifier (neural
network) used on the experiments showed promising results.
Automatic Detection of Paroxysms in EEG Signals using Morphological Descriptors
and Artificial Neural Networks

Thus, it becomes necessary to study other advanced and robust analysis tools that can
within a tolerance (error) threshold, provide more consistent results. Therefore we are using
multivariate analysis (Principal Component Analysis, Independent Component Analysis)
alone or in combination with other statistical techniques for assessing the relevance of the
descriptors in attempt to optimize the size of the set needed to perform automatic detection
through neural networks (or other classifier) without causing significant performance loss
for the system in which the descriptors are inserted.
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Multivariate Frequency Domain
Analysis of Causal Interactions in
Physiological Time Series
Luca Faes and Giandomenico Nollo
Department of Physics and BIOtech Center
University of Trento
1. Introduction
A common way of obtaining information about a physiological system is to measure one or
more signals from the system, consider their temporal evolution in the form of numerical
time series, and obtain quantitative indexes through the application of time series analysis
techniques. While historical approaches to time series analysis were addressed to the study
of single signals, recent advances have made it possible to study collectively the behavior of
several signals measured simultaneously from the considered system. In fact, multivariate
(MV) time series analysis is nowadays extensively used to characterize interdependencies
among multiple signals collected from dynamical physiological systems. Applications of
this approach are ubiquitous, for instance, in neurophysiology and cardiovascular
physiology (see, e.g., (Pereda et al., 2005) and (Porta et al., 2009) and references therein). In
neurophysiology, the time series to be analyzed are obtained, for example, sampling
electroencephalographic (EEG) or magnetoencephalographic (MEG) signals which measure
the temporal dynamics of the electro-magnetic fields of the brain as reflected at different
locations of the scalp. In cardiovascular physiology, the time series are commonly
constructed measuring at each cardiac beat cardiovascular and cardiorespiratory variables
such as the heart period, the systolic/diastolic arterial pressure, and the respiratory flow. It
is well recognized that the application of MV analysis to these physiological time series may
provide unique information about the coupling mechanisms underlying brain dynamics
and cardiovascular control, and may also lead to the definition of quantitative indexes
useful in medical settings to assess the degree of mechanism impairment in pathological
MV time series analysis is not only important to detect coupling, i.e., the presence or absence
of interactions, between the considered time series, but also to identify driver-response
relationships between them. This problem is a special case of the general question of
assessing causality, or cause-effect relations, between (sub)systems, processes or phenomena.
The assessment of coupling and causality in MV processes is often performed by linear time
series analysis approaches, i.e. approaches in which a linear model is supposed to underlie
the generation of temporal dynamics and interactions of the considered signals (Kay, 1988;
Gourevitch et al., 2006). While non-linear methods are continuously under development
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

(Pereda et al., 2005; Faes et al., 2008), the traditional linear approach remains of great interest
for the study of physiological signals, mainly because it has the important advantage to be
strictly connected to the frequency-domain representation of multichannel data. Indeed,
physiological signals such as the brain and cardiovascular ones are rich of oscillatory
content and thus lend themselves to spectral representation. Typical examples of
physiological rhythms are the EEG dynamics, typically observed within the well-bounded
frequency bands from delta to gamma (Nunez, 1995), and the cardiovascular oscillations,
characterized by spectral peaks within the so-called low frequency (LF, ~0.1 Hz) and high
frequency (HF, synchronous with respiratory activity) bands (Akselrod et al., 1981). As a
consequence, the linear frequency-domain evaluation of coupling and causality constitutes
an eligible approach to characterize the interdependence among specific oscillations
manifested within the same frequency band in two or more physiological signals.
While an unique and universally accepted definition of causality does not exist, in time
series analysis inference about cause-effect relationships is commonly based on the notion
introduced by Nobel Prize winning Clive Granger (Granger, 1969). Granger causality was
mathematically formalized within a linear time-domain framework widely applied in
economy and finance but rapidly spread to other fields including the analysis of
physiological time series. This notion of causality is defined in terms of predictability and
exploits the direction of the flow of time to achieve a causal ordering of dependent
processes. The definition may be contextualized in a different way for bivariate (based on
two signals only) and MV (based on more than two signals) analysis; in the MV formulation,
a distinction between direct causality from one series to another and indirect causality (i.e.,
causality between two series mediated by other series) is achieved (Faes et al., 2010b).
Moreover, while the most intuitive definition of causality accounts for lagged effects only
(i.e., effects of the past of a time series on the present of another), the concept of
instantaneous causality, describing influences which occur within the same lag, is crucial for
the evaluation of causal relationships among processes (Lutkepohl, 1993). Finally, the
different facets of the concept of causality may be related to the concept of coupling between
two processes, according to which the presence or absence of an interaction is detected and
measured, but the directionality of such interaction is not elicited.
The notions of causality and coupling are commonly formalized in the context of a MV
autoregressive (MVAR) representation of the available time series, which allows to derive
time- and frequency-domain pictures of these concepts respectively through the model
coefficients and through their spectral representation. Accordingly, several frequency domain
measures of causality and coupling have been introduced and applied in recent years.
Coupling is traditionally investigated by means of the coherence (Coh) and the partial
coherence (PCoh), classically known, e.g., from Kay (1988) or (Bendat & Piersol, 1986).
Measures able to quantify causality in the frequency domain have been proposed more
recently: the most used are the directed transfer function (DTF) (Kaminski & Blinowska, 1991),
the directed coherence (DC) (Baccala et al., 1998), and the partial directed coherence (PDC)
(Baccala & Sameshima, 2001). All these measures have been used extensively for the analysis
of physiological time series, and applications showing their usefulness for the interpretation of
interaction mechanisms among, e.g., EEG rhythms or cardiovascular oscillations, are plentiful
in the literature (see, for instance, (Porta et al., 2002; Schlogl & Supp, 2006; Astolfi et al., 2007;
Faes & Nollo, 2010a)). Despite this, several issues have to be taken into account for their correct
utilization. While the relationships existing among these indices are generally understood, and
most of the properties linking these measures to the different concepts of causality and
Multivariate Frequency Domain Analysis of Causal Interactions in Physiological Time Series

coupling are known, an organic joint description and contextualization in relation to the
underlying time domain concepts is lacking. Also for this reason, the interpretation of
frequency-domain coupling and causality measures is not always straightforward, and this
may lead to an erroneous description of connectivity and related mechanisms. Examples of
ambiguities emerged in the interpretation of these measures are the debates about the ability
of PCoh to measure some forms of causality (Albo et al., 2004; Baccala & Sameshima, 2006),
and about the specific kind of causality which is reflected by the DTF and DC measures
(Kaminski et al., 2001; Baccala & Sameshima, 2001; Eichler, 2006). An aspect which is perhaps
more problematic regards the structure of the model used to represent the data prior to
computation of the frequency domain measures, which commonly accounts for lagged but not
for instantaneous effects among the series. Despite this, the significance of instantaneous
correlations among the series is almost never tested in practical applications, and the possible
effects on coupling and causality measures of forsaking such correlations have not been
investigated thoroughly. Very recent studies have suggested that neglecting instantaneous
interactions in the model representation may lead to heavily modified connectivity patterns
(Hyvarinen et al., 2008; Faes & Nollo, 2010b).
The mission of this chapter is to enhance the theoretical interpretability of the available
frequency domain measures of coupling and causality derived from the MVAR
representation of multiple time series. To this end, a common framework for the definition
of Coh, PCoh, DC/DTF, and PDC is provided on the basis of the frequency domain MVAR
representation, and is exploited to relate the various measures to each other as well as to the
specific coupling or causality definitions which they underlie. The chapter is structured as
follows: Sect. 2 presents a comprehensive definition of the various forms of causality and
coupling that can be observed in MV processes; Sect. 3 particularizes these definitions for
standard MVAR processes, derives the corresponding frequency domain measures of
coupling and causality, and discusses their interpretation; Sect. 4 proposes an extended
MVAR representation to be used in the presence of significant instantaneous correlations in
the observed process, whereby novel frequency domain causality measures are defined and
compared to the existing ones; Sect. 5 briefly discuss the practical application of the
measures on physiological time series; and Sect. 6 concludes the chapter.
2. Causality and coupling in multivariate processes
Let us consider M stationary stochastic processes y
, m=1,...,M. Without loss of generality
we assume that the processes are real-valued, defined at discrete time (y
(n)}; e.g., are
sampled versions of the continuous time processes y
(t), taken at the times t
=nT, with T the
sampling period) and have zero mean (E[y
(n)]=0, where E[] is the statistical expectation
operator). A MV closed loop process is defined as:
(n) , l,m=1,...,M, (1)
where f
is the function linking the set of the p past values of the m-th process, collected in
(n-p)}, as well as the sets of the present and the p past values of all other
processes, collected in
(n-p)}, lm, to the present value y
and w
is a white noise process describing the error in the representation. Given two
processes y
and y
, i,j=1,...,M, different definitions of causality and coupling between the
processes may be defined as discussed in the following, and summarized in Table 1.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software


Strictly causal MVAR
Extended MVAR
a) direct causality y
( f )
PDC, ( )
b) extended direct causality y
- ePDC,
( f )
c) direct coupling y
( f )
a) causality y
( f )
DC, ( )
b) extended causality y
- eDC,
( f )
c) coupling y
( f )
Table 1. Frequency domain measures of causality and coupling between two processes y

and y
of a multivariate closed loop process. Note that causality and direct causality measure
lagged effects only, while extended causality and extended direct causality measure
combined instantaneous and lagged effects.
Denoting as Z
|l=1,...,M,lj} the set of the past values of all processes except y
, direct
causality from y
to y
, y
, exists if the prediction of y
(n) based on Z
and Y
is better than
the prediction of y
(n) solely based on Z
. Causality from y
to y
, y
, exists if a cascade of
direct causality relations y
occurs for at least one value m in the set (1,,M); if
m=i or m=j causality reduces to direct causality. This last case is obvious for a bivariate
closed loop process (M=2), where only one definition exists and agrees with the notion of
Granger causality (Granger, 1969) involving only the relations between two processes. For
multivariate processes (M3) the definition of direct causality agrees with the notion of
prima facie cause introduced in (Granger, 1980); the definition of causality is a generalization
including also causal indirect effects between two processes, i.e., effects mediated by one or
more other processes in the MV closed loop.
While the definitions provided above are based on the exclusive consideration of lagged
effects from one series to another, the interactions modeled in (1) consider also the possible
instantaneous effects, i.e. effects which occur within the same lag. If we consider the directed
interaction from y
to y
, lagged causality (with lag k1) occurs if y
(n-k) is useful to predict
(n), while instantaneous causality (with lag k=0) occurs if y
(n) is useful to predict y
These two concepts may be combined together to provide extended causality definitions as
follows. Denoting as Z
|l=1,...,M,lj,li} the set of the past values of y
and the present
and past values of all other processes except y
, extended direct causality from y
to y
, y

exists if the prediction of y
(n) based on Z
is better than the prediction of y
(n) solely
based on Z
. Extended causality from y
to y
, y

, exists if a cascade of extended direct
causality relations y


occurs for at least one value m in the set (1,,M); again, if
m=i or m=j extended causality reduces to extended direct causality.
Definitions of coupling between two processes are derived from the causality definitions as
follows. Direct coupling between y
and y
, y
, exists if y

and y

; while the most
obvious case is when m=i or m=j, two processes are considered as directly coupled also
when they both directly cause a third common process (mi, mj). Coupling between y
Multivariate Frequency Domain Analysis of Causal Interactions in Physiological Time Series

, y
, exists if y

and y

; again, coupling may arise when the of the two
processes causes the other (m=i or m=j), or when both processes are caused by other
common processes (mi, mj). Thus, the coupling definitions generalize the concept of
causality accounting for both forward and backward interactions between two processes.
An illustrative example of the described causality and coupling relations is reported in Fig.
1. In the diagrams, the set of interactions is represented with a network where nodes
correspond to processes and connecting arrows depict direct causality relations.

Fig. 1. Examples of networks of interacting processes exhibiting only lagged interactions (a)
and combined instantaneous and lagged interactions (b). Lagged and instantaneous effects
are depicted with solid and dashed arrows, respectively.
Fig. 1a shows a network of M=4 interacting processes in which only lagged effects from one
process to another are present. In this situation, extended causality reduces to causality due
to the absence of instantaneous effects. The direct causality relations imposed in the net are
, y
, y
, and y
. Since direct causality is a condition sufficient for causality,
we observe also y
, y
, y
, and y
; moreover, the cascade y

determines an indirect effect such that causality y
exists. Direct coupling follows from
direct causality, so that y
, y
, and y
, but is also caused by the common driving
exerted by y
and y
on y
, so that y
. Finally, coupling is present between each pair of
processes: y
, y
, y
, and y
result from the causality relations, while
and y
result from the common driving exerted by y
respectively on y
and y
and on y
and y
. In Fig. 1b, instantaneous effects are considered together with lagged ones.
In this case, direct causality occurs only when lagged effects are present, i.e., over the
directions y
, y
. Extended direct causality follows from lagged and/or
instantaneous direct causality, so that we have y

, y

, y

, and y

. As no
indirect lagged causality is present, causality follows exclusively from direct causality, i.e.
, y
. On the contrary, extended causality is observed very often because of the
existence of several cascades of instantaneous and/or lagged effects: we observe indeed

, y

, y

, y

, y

, y

, y

, y

, y

. Direct coupling
follows from extended direct causality: y
, y
, y
, y
(no common driving of
two processes on a third one is observed). Finally, coupling is detected between all pairs of
processes as the network is fully connected (i.e., there are no isolated groups of processes).
While causality definitions cannot be explored by means of conventional statistical
operators, the concepts of coupling and direct coupling may be quantified through standard
analysis of the correlation structure of the observed processes. Specifically, defining as
the observed M1 vector process, as R(k)=E[Y(n)Y
(n-k)] its MM
correlation matrix evaluated at lag k, and as P(k)=R(k)
the inverse correlation matrix,
coupling y
and direct coupling y
are quantified at the time lag k respectively by the
correlation coefficient and the partial correlation coefficient (Whittaker, 1990):
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software


( )
( )
( ) ( ) k r k r
k r
jj ii
( )
( )
( ) ( ) k p k p
k p
jj ii
, (2)
where r
(k) and p
(k) are the i-j elements of R(k) and P(k). The correlation and partial
correlation coefficients are normalized measures of the linear interdependence existing
between y
(n) and y
(n-k), and of the linear interdependence between y
(n) and y
(n-k) after
removing the effects of all remaining processes. As such,
quantify the correlation
and the direct correlation (i.e., the correlation that cannot be accounted for by the
influence of any other process) between y
and y
. To identify the frequency-domain
analogous of these two coefficients, we consider the spectral representation of the vector
process Y(n), which is provided by the MM spectral density matrix S( f ), defined as the
Fourier transform (FT) of the correlation matrix R(k). The spectral matrix contains the
spectrum of y
(n), S
( f ), and the cross-spectrum between y
(n) and y
(n), S
( f ), as diagonal
and off-diagonal terms, respectively (i,j=1,,M). In analogy with the time domain
definitions, the spectral matrix and its inverse, P( f )=S( f )
, are exploited to provide
frequency-domain measures of coupling and direct coupling, respectively through the
coherence (Coh) and the partial coherence (PCoh) functions (Bendat & Piersol, 1986):
( )
( )
( ) ( ) f S f S
f S
jj ii
= , ( )
( )
( ) ( ) f P f P
f P
jj ii
= , (3)
As the functions in (3) are complex-valued, their squared modulus is commonly used to
measure the strength of coupling and direct coupling in the frequency domain. Specifically,
the magnitude-squared Coh |
( f )|
measures the strength of the linear, non-directed
interactions between the processes y
and y
as a function of frequency, being 0 in case of
uncoupling and 1 in case of full coupling. The squared PCoh |
( f )|
measures the
strength of the direct, non-directed interaction between y
and y
, i.e. the strength of the
interaction remaining after subtracting the effect of the remaining processes. We stress that,
due to the symmetrical nature of these measures, they cannot provide information about
causality; such an information may be extracted, as explained in the following, from the
coefficients of a parametric representation of the time series.
3. Causality and coupling in MVAR processes
3.1 Time domain definitions
The joint multivariate process Y(n) can be represented as the output of a MV linear shift-
invariant filter (Kay, 1988):

( ) ( ) ( )

k n k n U H Y
, (4)
where U(n)=[u
is a vector of M zero-mean input processes and H(k) is the MM
filter impulse response matrix. A particular case of the general model in (4), extensively
used in time series analysis, is the MV autoregressive (MVAR) model (Kay, 1988):

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) n k n k n
U Y A Y + =

, (5)
Multivariate Frequency Domain Analysis of Causal Interactions in Physiological Time Series

where p is the model order, defining the maximum lag used to quantify interactions. The
input process U(n), also called innovation process, is assumed to be composed of white and
uncorrelated noises; this means that the correlation matrix of U(n), R
(n-k)], is
zero for each lag k>0, while it is equal to the covariance matrix =cov(U(n)) for k=0. One
major benefit of the representation in (5) is that it allows to interpret properties of the joint
description of the processes y
(n) like coupling or causality in terms of the estimated
coefficients A(k). In fact, the i-j element of A(k), a
(k), quantifies the causal linear interaction
effect occurring at lag k from y
to y
. As a consequence, the definitions of causality and
coupling provided above for a general closed-loop MV process can be specified for a MVAR
process in terms of the off-diagonal elements of A(k) as follows: y
if a
(k)0 for at least
one k=1,,p; y
if ( ) 0

s m m
k a
s s
for at least a set of L2 values for m
(with m
=j, m
and a set of lags k
with values in (1,...,p); y
if a
)0 for at least one k
or a
for at least one k
; y
if ( ) 0

s m m
k a
s s
for at least a set of L2 values for m
(either with
=m, m
=i or with m
=m, m
=j) and a set of lags k
. Thus, causality and coupling
relations are found when the pathway relevant to the interaction is active, i.e., is described
by nonzero coefficients in A. Note that the extended definitions of causality and direct
causality cannot be tested from the coefficients of the MVAR model (5), as the model does
not describe instantaneous interactions. We refer to Sect. 3.3 to see how the MVAR
coefficients may be related to causality and coupling effects in an illustrative example.
3.2 Frequency domain definitions
The spectral representation of a MVAR process is derived considering the FT of the
representations in (4) and (5), which yield respectively the equations Y( f )=H( f )U( f ) and
Y( f )=A( f )Y( f )+U( f ), where Y( f ) and U( f ) are the FTs of Y(n) and U(n), and the MM
transfer matrix and coefficient matrix are defined in the frequency domain as:
( ) ( )
kT f j
e k f

= H H , ( ) ( )
kT f j
e k f

= A A . (6)
Comparing the two spectral representations, it is easy to show that the coefficient and
transfer matrices are linked by: H( f )=[I-A( f )]
=( f )
. This relation is useful to draw the
connection between the cross-spectral density matrix S( f ) and its inverse P( f ), as well as to
derive frequency domain estimates of coupling and causality in terms of the MVAR
representation. Indeed, the following factorizations hold for a MVAR process (Kay, 1988):
S( f )=H( f )H
( f ) , P( f )=
( f )
( f ), (7)
where the superscript
stands for the Hermitian transpose. The (i-j)th elements of S( f ) and
P( f ) can be represented in the compact form:
( ) ( ) ( ) f f f S
j i ij
h h = , ( ) ( ) ( ) f f f P
j i ij
a a
1 H
= , (8)
where h
( f ) is the i-th row of the transfer matrix (H( f )=[h
( f )h
( f )]
) and
( f ) is the i-th
column of the coefficient matrix (( f )=[
( f )
( f )]). Under the assumption that the
input white noises are uncorrelated even at lag zero, their covariance cov(U(n)) reduces to
the diagonal matrix =diag(
), and its inverse to the matrix
) which is
diagonal as well (
is the variance of u
). In this specific case, (8) factorize into:
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

( ) ( ) ( )

jm im m ij
f H f H f S
, ( ) ( ) ( )

f f f P

The usefulness of the factorizations in (9) is in the fact that they allow to decompose the
frequency domain measures of coupling and direct coupling previously defined into terms
eliciting the directional information from one process to another. Substituting (8) and (9)
into (3), the Coh between y
and y
can be factored as:
( )
( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
( ) ( )

= =
= = =
jm im
m jj
jm m
im m
j j i i
j i
f f
f S
f H
f S
f H
f f f f
f f
1 1

h h h h
h h
, (10)
where the last term contains the so-called directed coherence (DC). Thus, the DC from y
to y
defined as (Baccala et al., 1998):
( )
( )
( )

im m
ij j
f H
f H

. (11)
Note that the directed transfer function (DTF) defined in (Kaminski & Blinowska, 1991) is a
particularization of the DC in which all input variances are all equal (
) so
that they cancel each other in (11). The factorization in (10) justifies the term DC, as
( f ) can
be interpreted as a measure of the influence of y
onto y
, as opposed to
( f ) which
measures the interaction occurring over the opposite direction from y
to y
. Further
interpretation of the DC in terms of coupling strength is achieved considering its
normalization properties:
( ) ( ) 1 1 0

im ij
f , f . (12)
The inequality in (12) indicates that the squared DC |
( f )|
measures a normalized
coupling strength, being 0 in the absence of directed coupling from y
to y
at the frequency f,
and 1 in the presence of full coupling. The equality indicates that |
( f )|
measures the
coupling strength from y
to y
as the normalized proportion of S
( f ) which is due to y
, i.e. is
transferred from u
via the transfer function H
( f ). Indeed, combining (9) and (12) it is easy
to show that the spectrum of the process y
may be decomposed as:
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) f S f f S , f S f S
ii im m | i
m | i ii
= =

. (13)
where S
( f ) is the part of S
( f ) due to y
; S
( f ) measures the part of S
( f ) due to none of
the other processes, which is quantified in normalized units by the squared DC |
( f )|
Note that the useful decomposition in (13) does not hold for the DTF, unless all input
variances are equal to each other so that the DC reduces to the DTF. For this reason, in the
following we will consider the DC only, as it provides a similar, but more general and
interpretable in terms of power content, measure of frequency domain causality.
In a similar way to that followed to decompose the Coh, the PCoh defined in (3) can be
factored, using (8) and (9), as:
Multivariate Frequency Domain Analysis of Causal Interactions in Physiological Time Series

( )
( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
( ) ( )

= =

= = =
mi mj
m ii
j j i i
j i
f f
f P
f A
f P
f A
f f f f
f f
1 1
1 H 1 H
1 H
1 1

a a a a
a a
, (14)
where the last term contains the partial directed coherence (PDC) functions. The PDC from y
is thus defined as (Baccala et al., 2007):
( )
( )
( )

f A
f A

. (15)
As suggested by the factorization in (14), the PDC extracts the directional information from
the PCoh, and is thus a measure of the direct directed interaction occurring from y
to y
the frequency f. The normalization properties for the squared modulus of the PDC are:
( ) ( ) 1 1 0
2 2

mj ij
f , f , (16)
suggesting that |
( f )|
quantifies the interaction from y
to y
as the normalized proportion
of P
( f ) which is which is sent to y
, via the coefficients
( f ). Indeed, we have that:
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) f P f f P , f P f P
jj mj m j
m j jj
= =


, (17)
where P
( f ) is the part of P
( f ) sent to y
; in particular, P
( f ) measures the part of P
( f )
which is not sent to the other processes, and is expressed in normalized terms by the
squared PDC |
( f )|
. The quantity which we denote as PDC was named generalized
PDC in (Baccala et al., 2007), while the original version of the PDC (Baccala & Sameshima,
2001) was not including inner normalization by the input noise variances. Our definition
(15) follows directly from the decomposition in (14); besides, this definition shares with the
Coh, PCoh and DC functions the desirable property of scale-invariance, contrary to the
original PDC that may be affected by different amplitudes for the considered signals.
Although both DC and PDC may be regarded as frequency domain descriptors of causality,
there are important differences between these two estimators. First, as the DC and the PDC
are factors in the decomposition of Coh and PCoh, respectively, they measure causality and
direct causality in the frequency domain. In fact, the PDC
( f ) is nonzero if and only if
direct causality y
exists, because the numerator of (15) contains, with ij, the term
( ) f A
, which is nonzero only when a
(k)0 for some k and is uniformly zero when a
for each k. As to the DC, one can show that, expanding H( f )=( f )
as a geometric series,
the transfer function H
( f ) contains a sum of terms each one related to one of the (direct or
indirect) transfer paths connecting y
to y
(Eichler, 2006). Hence, the DC
( f ) is nonzero
whenever any path connecting y
to y
is significant, i.e., when causality y
Another important difference between DC and PDC is in the normalization: as seen in (12)
and in (16),
( f ) is normalized with respect to the structure that receives the signal, while

( f ) is normalized with respect to the structure that sends the signal. Summarizing, we can
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

state that the DC measures causality as the amount of information flowing from y
to y

through all (direct and indirect) transfer pathways, relative to the total inflow entering the
structure at which y
is measured; the PDC measures direct causality as the amount of
information flowing from y
to y
through the direct transfer pathway only, relative to the
total outflow leaving the structure at which y
is measured. We note that this dual
interpretation highlights advantages and disadvantages of both measures. The DC has a
meaningful physical interpretation as it measures causality as the amount of signal power
transferred from one process to another, but cannot distinguish between direct and indirect
causal effects measured in the frequency domain. Conversely, the PDC reflects clearly the
underlying interaction structure as it provides a one-to-one representation of direct
causality, but is hardly useful as a quantitative measure because its magnitude quantifies
the information flow through the inverse spectral matrix elements (which do not find easy
interpretation in terms of power spectral density).
3.3 Theoretical example
To discuss the properties and compare the behavior of the frequency domain measures of
causality and coupling summarized in Table 1, we consider the MVAR vector process of
order p=2, composed by M=4 processes, generated by the equations:

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( )

+ =
+ + + =
+ + =
+ =
n u n y n y
n u n y . n y . n y n y f cos n y
n u n y . n y n y
n u n y n y f cos n y
4 1 4
3 2 2 3
3 3 3
2 3 1 2
1 1
1 1 1
2 5 0 1 5 0 2 1 2 2
1 5 0 1
2 1 2 2

, (18)
with =0.9, f
=0.1 and f
=0.3, where the inputs u
(n), i=1,2,3, are fully uncorrelated and with
. The process (18) is one of the possible MVAR realizations of the diagram of Fig.
1a. The coupling and causality relations emerging from the diagram, discussed in Sect. 2,
can be interpreted here in terms of the MVAR coefficients set in (18). In fact, the nonzero off-
diagonal values of the coefficient matrix (a
(1)=1, a
(1)=0.5, a
(1)=0.5, a
(2)=0.5, a
determine direct causality and causality among the processes and consequently direct
coupling and coupling in agreement with the definitions particularized at the end of Sect.
3.1. For instance, a
(1) and a
(2)=0.5 determine direct causality y
and y
as well as
causality y
, y
(direct interaction) and y
(indirect interaction). The diagonal
values of the coefficient matrix determine autonomous oscillations in the processes. Indeed,
the values set for a
(k), a
(1)=2cos(2 f
), a
, generate complex-conjugate poles with
modulus and phases 2f
for the process y
(the sampling period is implicitly assumed to
be T=1). In this case, narrow-band oscillations at 0.1 Hz and 0.2 Hz are set for y
and y
The trends of spectral and cross-spectral density functions are reported in Fig. 2.
The spectra of the four processes, reported as diagonal plots in Fig. 2a (black), exhibit clear
peaks at the frequency of the two imposed oscillations: the peaks at ~0.1 Hz and ~0.3 Hz are
dominant for y
and y
, respectively, and appear also in the spectra of the remaining
processes according to the imposed causal information transfer. The inverse spectra,
computed as the diagonal elements of the inverse spectral matrix P( f ), are also reported as
diagonal plots in Fig. 2b (black). Off diagonal plots of Fig. 2a and Fig. 2b depict respectively
the trends of the squared magnitudes of Coh and PCoh; note the symmetry of the two
Multivariate Frequency Domain Analysis of Causal Interactions in Physiological Time Series

functions (
( f )=*
( f ),
( f )=*
( f )), reflecting the fact that they measure coupling and
direct coupling but cannot account for directionality of the considered interaction. As
expected, Coh is nonzero for each pair of processes, thus measuring the full connectivity of
the considered network. PCoh is clearly nonzero whenever a direct coupling relation exists
, y
, y
, y
), and is uniformly zero between y
and y
and between y
where no direct coupling is present.
Figs. 3 and 4 depict the decomposition of spectra and inverse spectra, as well as the trends of
DC and PDC functions resulting from these decompositions.
Fig. 3a provides a graphical representation of (13), showing how the spectrum of each
process can be decomposed into power contributions related to all processes; normalizing
these contributions one gets the squared modulus of the DC, as depicted in Fig. 3b. In the
example, the spectrum of y
is decomposed in one part only, deriving from the same
process. This indicates that none part of the power of y
is due to the other processes. The
absence of external contributions is reflected by the null profiles of the DC from y
to y
, to y

and to y
seen in Fig. 3b; as a result, the squared DC |
( f )|
has a flat unitary profile. On
the contrary, the decompositions of y
, with i=2,3,4, results in contributions from the other
processes, so that the squared DC |
( f ) |
is nonzero for some ji, and the squared DC
( f ) |
is not uniformly equal to 1 as a result of the normalization condition. In particular,
we observe that the power of the peak at f
=0.1 Hz is entirely due to y
for all processes,
determining very high values of the squared DC in the first column of the matrix plot in Fig.
3b, i.e., |
( f
=1; this behavior represents in the frequency domain the causality relations
imposed from y
to all other processes. The remaining two causality relations, relevant to the
bidirectional interaction between y
and y
, concern the oscillation at f
=0.3 Hz, which is

( f ): spectrum of the process y
; P
( f ): inverse spectrum of y
( f ): coherence between y
( f ): partial coherence between y
and y
Fig. 2. Spectral functions and frequency domain coupling measures for the theoretical
example (18).
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software


Fig. 3. Decomposition of the power spectrum of each process y
in (18), S
( f ), into
contributions from each process y
, shaded areas in each plot) (a), and corresponding
DC from y
to y
( f ) (b) depicted for each i,j=1,...,M.

Fig. 4. Decomposition of the inverse power spectrum of each process y
in (18), P
( f ), into
contributions towards each process y
, shaded areas in each plot) (a), and
corresponding PDC from y
to y
( f ) (b) depicted for each i,j=1,...,M.
Multivariate Frequency Domain Analysis of Causal Interactions in Physiological Time Series

generated in y
and then transmitted forward and backward to y
. This behavior is reflected
by the spectral decomposition of the peak at ~0.3 Hz of the spectra of y
and y
, which shows
contributions from both processes, and then in the nonzero profiles of the DCs |
( f )|
( f )|
(with peaks at ~0.3 Hz). To complete the frequency domain picture of causality,
we observe that the DC is uniformly zero along all directions over which no causality is
imposed in the time domain (e.g., compare Fig. 3b with Fig. 1a).
A specular interpretation to the one given above holds for the decomposition of the inverse
spectra into absolute and normalized contributions sent to all processes, which are depicted
for the considered example in the area plot of Fig. 4a and in the matrix PDC plot of Fig. 4b,
respectively. The difference is that now contributions are measured as outflows instead as
inflows, are normalized to the structure sending the signal instead to that receiving the
signal, and reflect the concept of direct causality instead that of causality. With reference to
the proposed example, we see that the inverse spectrum of y
is decomposed into
contributions flowing out towards y
and y
(yellow and cyan areas underlying P
( f ) in Fig.
4a), which are expressed in normalized units by the squared PDCs |
( f )|
and |
( f )|
While y
and y
affect each other (absolute units: P
0, P
0; normalized units: |
and |
0) without being affected by the other processes (|
=0, |
=0, i=1,4), y

does not send information to any process (P
=0, |
=0, i=1,2,3). As can be easily seen
comparing Fig. 4 with Fig. 1a, the profiles of P
and |
provide a frequency domain
description, respectively in absolute and normalized terms, of the imposed pattern of direct
causality. We note also that all inverse spectra contain a contribution coming from the same
process, which describes the part of P
( f ) which is not sent to any of the other processes
in Fig. 4a). After normalization, this contribution is quantified by the PDC |
, as
depicted by the diagonal plots of Fig. 4b.
4. Causality and coupling in the presence of instantaneous interactions
4.1 MVAR processes with instantaneous effects
The MVAR model defined in (5) is a strictly causal model, in the sense that it accounts only
for lagged effects, i.e. the effects of the past of a time series on another series, while
instantaneous effects (i.e., effects of y
(n) on y
(n)) are not described by any model coefficient.
The problem with this model representation is that any zero-lag correlation among the
observed series y
, when present, cannot be described by the model because A(k) is defined
only for positive lags (k=0 is not considered in (5)). Neglecting instantaneous effects in the
MVAR representation of multiple processes implies that any zero-lag correlation among the
processes is translated into a correlation among the model inputs (Lutkepohl, 1993). As a
result, the input covariance matrix =cov(U(n)) is not diagonal. We will see in the next
subsections that, since non-diagonality of contradicts the assumptions of spectral
factorization, the presence of significant instantaneous interactions may be detrimental for
the estimation of causality and direct causality through the DC and PDC estimators.
As an alternative to using the strictly causal model (5), the multivariate process Y(n) can be
described including instantaneous effects into the interactions allowed by the model. This is
achieved considering the extended MVAR process (Faes & Nollo, 2010b):
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) n k n k n
W Y B Y + =

, (19)
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

where W(n)=[w
is a vector of zero-mean uncorrelated white noise processes
with diagonal covariance matrix =diag(
). The difference with respect to strictly causal
MVAR modelling as in (5) is that now the lag variable k takes the value 0 as well, which
brings instantaneous effects from y
(n) to y
(n) into the model in the form of the coefficients
(0) of the matrix B(0). In the extended MVAR model, absence of correlation among the
noise inputs w
, i.e. diagonality of =cov(W(n)), is guaranteed by the presence of the
instantaneous effects. Thus, the assumption that the input is a white noise vector process is
always fulfilled by the extended representation.
The relation between the strictly causal representation and the extended representation can
be established moving the term B(0)Y(n) from the right to the left side of (19) and then left-
multiplying both sides by by the matrix L
=[I-B(0)]. The comparison with (5) yields:
B(k), (20)
U(n)=LW(n), =LL
. (21)
These relationships indicate that the two representations coincide in the absence of
instantaneous effects, and that the assumption of uncorrelated inputs is not satisfied in the
presence of instantaneous effects. In fact, in the model (5) the input noise covariance is not
diagonal whenever B(0)0 (and LI). If the matrix B(0) has all zero entries we have L=I and
the model (19) reduces to (5) (A(k)=B(k), U(n)=W(n), =). By contrast, the existence of
B(0)0 makes coefficients B(k) differ from A(k) at each lag k. This property is crucial as it
says that different patterns of causality may be found depending on whether instantaneous
effects are included or not in the MVAR model used to represent the available data set.
Contrary to the strictly causal MVAR model which may describe only lagged interactions,
the extended MVAR representation allows to detect any type of interaction defined in Sect. 2
and Table 1 from the elements b
(k) of the matrix coefficients B(k). Specifically, direct
causality y
and extended direct causality y

are detected if b
(k)0 for at least one
k=1,,p, and for at least one k=0,1,,p, respectively. Causality y
and extended
causality y

are detected if ( ) 0

s m m
k b
s s
for a set of lags k
with values in (1,...,p)
and with values in (0,1,...,p), respectively. Direct coupling y
is detected if b
(k)0 and/or
(k)0 for at least one k=0,1,,p. Coupling y
is detected if ( ) 0

s m m
k b
s s
for a set of
L2 values for m
(either with m
=j, m
=i or with m
=i, m
=j) and a set of lags k
4.2 Frequency domain analysis of extended MVAR processes
The spectral representation of an extended MVAR process is obtained taking the FT of (19)
to yield Y( f )=B( f )Y( f )+W( f ), where
( ) ( ) ( )
kT f j
e k f

+ = B B B (22)
is the frequency domain coefficient matrix. The representation evidencing input-output
relations is Y( f )=G( f )W( f ), where the transfer matrix is given by G( f )=[I-B( f )]
= ( )
f B .
Given these representations, the spectral matrix S( f ) and its inverse P( f ) are expressed for
the extended MVAR model as:
( ) ( ) ( )
f f f = S G G , ( ) ( ) ( ) f f f B B P
1 H
= , (23)
Multivariate Frequency Domain Analysis of Causal Interactions in Physiological Time Series

By means of some matrix algebra involving the spectral representations of (5) and (19), as
well as (21), it is easy to show that the spectral matrix (and its inverse as well) resulting in
(23) are exactly the same as those obtained in (7). This demonstrates the equivalence of the
spectral representation for strictly causal MVAR processes and extended MVAR processes.
Consequently, also the concepts of coupling and direct coupling are equivalent for the two
process representation, since Coh and PCoh estimated as in (3) depend exclusively on the
elements of S( f ) and P( f ). For this reason, a single estimator for Coh and PCoh is indicated
in Table 1. A substantial difference between the conditions without and with instantaneous
effects arises when coupling relations are decomposed to infer causality. We remark that the
original formulation of DC and PDC holds fully only under the assumption of uncorrelation
of the input processes, leading to diagonality of and
. When such an assumption is not
fulfilled, the spectral factorizations in (9) do not hold anymore and the DC and PDC may
become unable to identify causality and direct causality in the frequency domain. On the
contrary, since the extended MVAR representation leads to diagonal input covariance
matrices and
by construction, the factorizations in (9) are valid (using B( f ) and G( f )
as coefficient and transfer matrices in place of A( f ) and H( f )) still in the presence of
instantaneous interactions among the observed processes. In particular, the following
factorizations hold for the Coh:
( )
( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
( ) ( )

= =
= = =
jm im
m jj
jm m
im m
j j i i
j i
f f
f S
f G
f S
f G
f f f f
f f
1 1

g g g g
g g
and the PCoh:
( )
( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
( ) ( )

= =

= = =
mi mj
m ii
j j i i
j i
f f
f P
f B
f P
f B
f f f f
f f
1 1
1 H 1 H
1 H
1 1

b b b b
b b
, (25)
where g
( f ) is the i-th row of H( f ) and ( ) f
b is the i-th column of ( ) f B . The last terms of
(24) and (25) contain the so-called extended DC (eDC) and extended PDC (ePDC), which are
defined, for the extended MVAR model including instantaneous effects, respectively as:
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )

= =
im m
ij j
ij j
f G
f G
f S
f G

, (26)
and as (Faes & Nollo, 2010b):
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )

= =
f B
f B
f P
f B
1 1

. (27)
The normalization conditions in (12) and (16) keep holding for the eDC and the ePDC
defined in (26) and in (27). Hence, the squared eDC and ePDC |
( f )|
and |
( f )|

maintain their meaning of normalized proportion of S
( f ) which comes from y
, and
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

normalized proportion of P
( f ) which is sent to y
, respectively, even in the presence of
significant zero-lag interactions among the observed processes. In other words, we have that
the meaningful decompositions in (13) and (17) are always valid for the eDC and the ePDC,
respectively. On the contrary, these decompositions hold for the DC and the PDC only if
instantaneous effects are negligible; when they are not, DC and PDC can still be computed
through (11) and (15) but, since the factorizations in (9) are not valid when is not diagonal,
their numerator is no more a factor in the decomposition of Coh and PCoh, and their
denominator is no more equal to S
( f ) or P
( f ). As we will see in a theoretical example in
the next subsection, these limitations may lead to erroneous interpretations of causality and
direct causality in the frequency domain.
When we use the extended measures in (26) and (27), the information which flows from y
is both lagged (k>0) and instantaneous (k=0), because it is measured in the frequency
domain by the function B( f ) which incorporates both B(0) and B(k) with k>0. Therefore,
eDC and ePDC measure in the frequency domain the concepts of extended causality and
extended direct causality, respectively (see Table 1). If we want to explore lagged causality
in the presence of zero-lag interactions, we have to exclude the coefficients related to the
instantaneous effects from the desired spectral causality measure. Hence, we set:
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
1 2

= = + =

, e k f f
kT f j

and then we define the following DC and PDC functions:
( )
( )
( )

im m
ij j
f G
f G

( )
( )
( )

f B
f B

. (29)
Since they are derived exclusively from time domain matrices of lagged effects, ( ) f
( ) f
measure respectively causality and direct causality in the frequency domain (see
Table 1). We stress that, even though measuring the same kind of causality, the DC and PDC
given in (29) are different from the corresponding functions given in (11) and (15), because
the presence of instantaneous effects leads to different estimates of the coefficient matrix, or
of the transfer matrix, using strictly causal or extended MVAR models. Only in the absence
of instantaneous effects (B(0)=0) DC and PDC estimated by the two models are the same,
and are also equivalent to eDC and ePDC.
4.3 Theoretical example
In this section we compare the behavior of the different measures of frequency domain
causality in a MVAR processes with imposed connectivity patterns including instantaneous
interactions. The process is defined according to the interaction diagram of Fig. 1b, and is
generated by the equations:

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( )

+ =
+ =
+ + =
+ =
n w n y . n y
n w n y . n y
n w n y n y . n y n y
n w n y . n y n y f n y
4 2 4
3 2 3
2 2
2 1 1 2
1 3 1
1 1 1 1 1
6 0
8 0
2 1 2 0
1 4 0 2 1 2 cos 2

, (30)
Multivariate Frequency Domain Analysis of Causal Interactions in Physiological Time Series

=0.95, f
=0.8, and where the inputs w
(n), i=1,,4 are fully uncorrelated
white noise processes with variance equal to 1 for w
and w
, equal to 2 for w
, and equal to 8
for w
. The diagonal values of the coefficient matrix are set to generate autonomous
oscillations at ~0.125 Hz and ~0.25 Hz for y
and y
, respectively. The nonzero off-diagonal
coefficients set the direct directed interactions, which are exclusively instantaneous from y

to y
and from y
to y
, exclusively lagged from y
to y
, and mixed instantaneous and lagged
from y
to y
. The coupling and causality relations resulting from this scheme are described
in detail in Sect. 2.1, with reference to Fig. 1b.
The MVAR process (30) is suitably described by the MVAR model with instantaneous
effects of Fig. 5a, in which the use of coefficients describing both instantaneous and lagged
effects allows to reproduce identically both the set of interactions imposed in (30) and the
connectivity pattern of Fig. 1b. On the contrary, when a strictly causal MVAR process in the
form of (5) is used to describe the same network, the resulting model is that of Fig. 5b. The
strictly causal structure in Fig. 5b results from the application of (20) and (21) to the
extended structure, leading to different values for the coefficients. As seen in Fig. 5, the
result is an overestimation of the number of active direct pathways, and a general different
estimation of the causality patterns. For instance, while in the original formulation (30) and
in the extended MVAR representation of Fig. 5a direct causality is present only from y
to y

and from y
to y
, a much higher number of direct causality relations is erroneously
represented in Fig. 5b: in some cases instantaneous effects are misinterpreted as lagged (e.g.,
from y
to y
and from y
to y
), in some other spurious connections appear (e.g., from y
and from y
to y
). The misleading connectivity pattern of Fig. 5b is the result of the
impossibility for the model (5) to describe instantaneous effects. In the strictly causal
representation, these effects are translated into the input covariance matrix (according to
(20)): indeed, not only the input variances are different, but also cross-correlations between
the input processes arise; in this case, we have

=1.44, whereas
=0 for each ij.

Fig. 5. Extended MVAR representation (a) and strictly causal MVAR representation (b) of
the MVAR process generated by the equations in (30).
Fig. 6 reports the spectral and cross-spectral functions of the MVAR process (30). We remark
that, due to the equivalence of eqs. (7) and (22), the profiles of spectra and inverse spectra, as
well as of Coh and PCoh, perfectly overlap when calculated either from the strictly causal or
from the extended MVAR representation. Despite this, these profiles are readily
interpretable from the definitions of coupling and direct coupling only when the extended
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

representation is used, while they do not describe the strictly causal representation. For
instance, the PCohs reported in Fig. 6b have a one-to-one correspondence with the extended
MVAR diagram of Fig. 5a, as a nonzero PCoh is shown in Fig. 6b exactly when a direct
coupling is described by the coefficients in Fig. 5a (i.e., between y
and y
, y
and y
, y
, and y
and y
). On the contrary, the PCoh profiles do not explain the direct coupling
interactions which may be inferred from the strictly causal model in Fig. 5b: e.g., the
nonzero coefficients a
(1) and a
(2) suggest the existence of direct coupling y
such a coupling is not reflected by nonzero values of the PCoh
( f ).

( f ): spectrum of the process y
; P
( f ): inverse spectrum of y
( f ): coherence between y
( f ): partial coherence between y
and y
Fig. 6. Spectral functions and frequency domain coupling measures for the theoretical
example (30).
The problems of using the strictly causal MVAR representation in the presence of
instantaneous effects become even more severe when one aims at disentangling the
coupling relations to measure causality in the frequency domain. In this case, the spectral
representations closely reflect the time domain diagrams, but quite for this reason only
the extended spectral profiles are correct while the strictly causal one may be strongly
misleading. This is demonstrated in Figs. 7 and 8, depicting respectively the frequency
domain evaluation of causality and direct causality for the considered theoretical example.
As shown in Fig. 7, the extended MVAR representation of the considered process yields a
frequency-domain connectivity pattern which is able to describe all and only the imposed
direct connections: the PDC correctly portrays (lagged) direct causality from y
to y
and from y
, being zero over all other directions (black dashed curves in Fig. 7a); the ePDC portrays all
extended causality relations, being nonzero only from y
to y
(mixed instantaneous and
lagged effect), from y
to y
(lagged effect), as well as from y
to y
and from y
to y

Multivariate Frequency Domain Analysis of Causal Interactions in Physiological Time Series


Fig. 7. Diagrams of squared PDC for the strictly causal MVAR representation (|
( f )|
) and
the extended representation (
( )
| |
) (a), and of squared ePDC (|
( f )|
, b), for the
theoretical example (30).

Fig. 8. Diagrams of squared DC for the strictly causal MVAR representation (|
( f )|
) and
the extended representation ( ( )
| f
) (a), and of squared eDC (|
( f )|
, b), for the
theoretical example (30).
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

(instantaneous effect) (Fig. 7b). On the contrary, utilization of the strictly causal MVAR
representation leads to erroneous interpretation of lagged direct causality. Indeed, as seen in
Fig. 7a (red solid curves), the PDC interprets as lagged the instantaneous connections from
to y
and from y
to y
. Moreover, spurious causality effects are measured, as the PDC is
nonzero from y
to y
, from y
to y
and from y
to y
, albeit no direct effects (neither lagged
nor instantaneous) are imposed in (30) over these directions.
A similar situation occurs when causality and extended causality are studied in the
frequency domain through DC-based functions. Fig. 8a shows that the pattern of causality
relations imposed in (30) (i.e., y
, y
, and y
) is not reflected by the DC
measured from the strictly causal model through eq. (11). The DC profile (blue solid curves)
describes indeed many other causal effects besides the two correct ones; precisely, all (direct
or indirect) causality relations emerging from the diagram of Fig. 5b are measured with
nonzero values of the DC and thus interpreted as lagged causal effects. These effects are
actually due to instantaneous interactions, and thus should not be represented by the DC as
it is a measure of lagged causality only. The correct representation is given using the DC
measured from the extended MVAR model through eq. (29): in this case, the only nonzero
squared DCs are those measured over the three directions with imposed causality, while the
squared DC is zero over all other directions (black dashed curves in Fig. 8a). The relations of
causality emerging thanks to the instantaneous effects are detected by the eDC computed
through (29) and plotted in Fig. 8b, which is able to measure also instantaneous effects in
addition to the lagged ones. Thus, we see that a correct frequency domain representation of
causality and extended causality is given by the DC and eDC functions derived from the
extended MVAR representation of the considered process.
5. Practical analysis
5.1 Model identification
The practical application of the theoretical concepts described in the previous sections is
based on considering the available set of time series measured from the physiological
system under analysis, {y
(n), m=1,,M; n=1,N}, as a finite-length realization of the vector
stochastic process describing the evolution of the system over time. Hence, the descriptive
equations of the MVAR processes (5) and (19) are seen as a model of how the observed data
have been generated. To obtain the various frequency domain functions measuring causality
and coupling, estimation algorithms have to be applied to the observed time series for
providing estimates of the model coefficients, which are then used in the generating
equations in place of the true unknown coefficient values. Obviously, the estimates will
never be the exact coefficients, and consequently the frequency domain measures estimated
from the real data will always be an approximation of the true functions. The goodness of
the approximation depends on practical factors such as the data length, and on the type and
parameters of the procedure adopted for the identification of the model coefficients. In the
following, we describe some of the possible approaches to identify and validate the MVAR
models in (5) and (19) from experimental data.
Identification of the strictly causal MVAR model (5) can be performed with relative ease by
means of classic regression methods. The several existing MVAR estimators (see, e.g., (Kay,
1988) or (Lutkepohl, 1993) for detailed descriptions) are all based on the principle of
minimizing the prediction error, i.e. the difference between actual and predicted data. A
simple, consistent and asymptotically efficient estimator is the MV least squares method. It
Multivariate Frequency Domain Analysis of Causal Interactions in Physiological Time Series

is based first on representing (5) through the compact representation Y=AZ+U, where
A=[A(1)A(p)] is the MpM matrix of the unknown coefficients, Y=[Y(p+1)Y(N)] and
U=[U(p+1)U(N)] are M(N-p) matrices, and Z=[Z
] is a pM(N-p) matrix having
=[Y(i)Y(N-p+i-1)] as i-th row block of (i=1,M). Given this representation, the method
estimates the coefficient matrices through the well known least squares formula:
, and the input process as the residual time series: =Z-Y. As to model order
selection, one common approach is to set the order p at the value for which the Akaike
figure of merit (Akaike, 1974), defined as AIC(p)=N log det+M
p, reaches a minimum
within a predefined range of orders (typically from 1 to 30). While the presented model
identification and order selection methods have good statistical properties, more accurate
approaches exist; e.g., we refer the reader to (Schlogl, 2006) for a comparison of different
MVAR estimators, and to (Erla et al., 2009) for an identification approach combining MVAR
coefficient estimation and order selection.
The identification of the extended MVAR model (19) is much less straightforward, because
the estimation of instantaneous causality is hard to extract from the covariance information
(which is, per se, non-directional). In principle, availing of an estimate of the instantaneous
effects, described by the matrix B(0) in the representation (19), identification of the extended
MVAR model would follow from that of the strictly causal model describing the same data.
Indeed, we recall from (20) and (21) that lagged coefficients and residuals may be estimated
for the extended model as B

(k)=[I-B(0)](k) and (n)=[I-B(0)](n). Hence, the key for

extended MVAR identification is to find the matrix B(0) which satisfies the instantaneous
model U(n)=LW(n)=[I-B(0)]
W(n), and then to use it together with estimates of A(k) and
U(n) to estimate W(n) and B(k) for each k1.
The basic problem with the instantaneous model is that it is strictly related to the zero-lag
covariance structure of the observed data and, as such, it suffers from lack of identifiability.
In other words, there may be several combinations of L (or, equivalently, B(0)) and W(n)
which result in the same U(n), and thus describe the observed data Y(n) equally well. The
easiest way to solve this ambiguity is to impose a priori the structure of instantaneous
causation, i.e. to set the direction (though not the strength) of the instantaneous transfer
paths. Mathematically, this can be achieved determining the mixing matrix L and the
diagonal input covariance of the extended model, =cov(W(n)), by application of the
Cholesky decomposition to the estimate of input covariance of the strictly causal model,
=cov(U(n)) (Faes & Nollo, 2010b). While this decomposition agrees with (21), the resulting
L is is a lower triangular matrix, and B(0) is also lower triangular with null diagonal. To
fulfill this constraint in practical applications, the observed time series have to be ordered in
a way such that, for each j<i, instantaneous effects are allowed from y
(n) to y
(n) (b
but not from y
(n) to y
(n) (b
(0)=0). This can be done in some applications by means of
physical considerations, e.g., based on the temporal order of the events of interest for each
measured variable. Following this approach, frequency domain causality was assessed
between heart period, arterial pressure and respiration variability in a recent study (Faes &
Nollo, 2010a). Nevertheless, if similar prior knowledge is not available, as happens e.g., in
the analysis of EEG data, other ways have to be followed to overcome problem of
identifiability of the extended model. The most promising one seems that based on
exploiting non-Gaussianity in the identification. Indeed, (Shimizu et al., 2006) demonstrated
that, if the input process W(n) has a non-Gaussian distribution, no prior knowledge on the
network structure is needed to identify the instantaneous model. The proposed algorithm
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

estimates B(0) in two steps (see (Shimizu et al., 2006) for details): first, independent
component analysis (ICA) is performed on the estimated residuals U(n), finding a mixing
matrix M which represents an unordered and non-normalized version of L; second, an
appropriate row-permutation followed by normalization is applied to M
to get an estimate
of L
, and thus of B(0)=I-L
. This algorithm has been exploited to demonstrate
identifiability of the extended MVAR model in (Hyvarinen et al., 2008). More recently, the
full algorithm has been proposed to estimate frequency domain causality, and used to assess
patterns of directional cortical connectivity from multichannel EEG (Faes et al., 2010a).
5.2 Validation
Although model identification allows to find the estimates of coefficients and input
covariances which easily lead to the desired frequency-domain measures of coupling and
causality, validation steps need to be performed to guarantee a correct interpretation of the
obtained results. In fact, proper checking has to be performed, in both time and frequency
domains, in order to confirm the suitability of the estimated model for describing the
observed data and to assess the significance of the estimated coupling strengths.
Model validation refers to the use of a range of diagnostic tools which are available for
checking the adequacy of the estimated structure. While validation tests are rarely used in
the practical application of tools like the DC or the PDC, they constitute actually
fundamental safeguards against drawing erroneous inferences consequently to model
misspecification. A striking example is the undervaluation of the impact of instantaneous
effects in the assessment of frequency domain causality, which we demonstrated in this
chapter and might be avoided by proper checking of the significance of instantaneous
correlations in experimental multichannel data. While a thorough description of the
statistical tools for model validation is beyond the scope of this work, here we remark the
model assumptions that must be verified prior to frequency domain analysis. The
identification of strictly causal MVAR models should result in temporally uncorrelated and
mutually independent residuals (n). These assumptions may be checked, e.g., using the
Ljung-Box portmanteau test for whiteness and the Kendalls test for independence.
Independence of the residuals has to be checked particularly at zero lag; when this
assumption is violated, one should allow instantaneous effects to be modeled moving from
the strictly causal to the extended MVAR representation. If performed without
incorporating prior assumptions in the model formulation, the extended MVAR
identification should result also in non-Gaussian residuals (n); non-Gaussianity may be
tested, e.g., by the Jarque-Bera test for non-normal distribution. All the diagnostic tests
mentioned here are excellently reviewed in (Lutkepohl, 1993).
Another issue of great practical importance is the assessment of the significance of any
frequency domain index of coupling or causal coupling. Due to practical estimation
problems, nonzero values are indeed likely to occur at some frequencies even in the case of
absence of a true interaction between the two considered processes. This problem is
commonly faced by means of statistical hypothesis testing procedures based on setting a
threshold for significance at the upper limit of the confidence interval of the considered
index, where confidence intervals are based on the sampling distribution of the index
computed under the null hypothesis of absence of interaction. Comparing at each specific
frequency the estimated index with the threshold allows rejection or acceptance of the null
hypothesis, and thus detection or denial of coupling or causality, according to the
predetermined level of significance. The sampling distribution in the absence of coupling or
Multivariate Frequency Domain Analysis of Causal Interactions in Physiological Time Series

causality may be derived theoretically or empirically: theoretical approaches are elegant and
computationally more efficient, empirical ones are more general and free of approximations.
For a detailed description of the two approaches we refer to (Koopmans, 1974; Schelter et al.,
2006; Eichler, 2006), where the statistical properties of Coh, DC/DTF, and PDC are studied
and corresponding analytical threshold for significance are derived, and to (Faes et al., 2004;
Faes et al., 2010b), where empirical significance levels are estimated for the same functions
on the basis of surrogate data generation procedure devised specifically for each function.
6. Conclusion
In this chapter we have discussed the theoretical interpretation of the most common
frequency-domain measures of coupling (Coh, PCoh) and causality (DC, PDC) in MV time
series. We have shown that: (i) each of these measures reflects a specific time-domain
definition of coupling or causality (see Table 1); (ii) while Coh and PCoh are symmetric
measures, they can be decomposed into factors eliciting directionality, these factors being
exactly the DC and the PDC; (iii) the squared modulus of the DC and the PDC measure
respectively the fraction of power of the output signal which is received from the input
signal, normalized to all incoming contributions, and of inverse power of the input signal
which is sent to the output signal, normalized to all outgoing contributions. The picture
emerging from these results suggests that both DC and PDC should be computed for the
complete inference of frequency-domain causality in MV time series: DC measures causality
in meaningful physical terms as power contributions, but cannot separate direct effects from
indirect ones; PDC determines the correct interaction structure in terms of direct causal
effects, but its absolute values lack of straightforward interpretability.
In addition, we emphasized the necessity extending the MVAR modeling approach
traditionally used to assess frequency-domain causality whenever the time resolution of the
measurements is lower than the time scale of the lagged influences occurring in the
observed MV process. In such a case, the interpretation of the lagged effects may change
considerably if instantaneous effects are not included in the model. We showed how the
traditional DC and PDC computed from the strictly causal model may lead to misleading
connectivity patterns, while the correct interpretation is obtained defining the two functions
from the coefficients of the extended model. Moreover, we introduced novel frequency-
domain measures of causality and direct causality (eDC and ePDC) which were shown to
reflect extended causality definitions combining both lagged and instantaneous causality
from one signal to another.
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Biomedical Image Segmentation Based on
Multiple Image Features
Jinhua Yu
, Jinglu Tan
and Yuanyuan Wang

University of Missouri

Fudan University

1. Introduction
Image segmentation is a procedure that partitions an image into disjointing segments with
each segment sharing similar properties such as intensity, color, boundary and texture. In
general, three main types of image features are used to guide image segmentation, which
are intensity or color, edge, and texture. In other words, image segmentation methods
generally fall into three main categories: intensity-based (or color-based), edge-based, and
texture-based segmentations.
Intensity-based segmentation assumes that an image is composed of several objects with
constant intensity. This kind of methods usually depends on intensity similarity
comparisons to separate different objects. Histogram thresholding (Otsu, 1979; Sahoo et al.,
1988), clustering (Bezdek, 1981; Pappas, 1992), and split-and-merge (Tyagi & Bayoumi, 1992;
Wu, 1993) are examples of intensity-based segmentation methods.
Edge-based segmentation has a strong relationship with intensity-based segmentation, since
edges usually indicate discontinuities in image intensity. Edge-based segmentation uses
different methods to describe the salient edges in images. Then, the boundaries of objects are
detected by edge grouping or edge-driven active contour construction. Widely-used
methods in edge-based segmentation include Canny (Canny 1986), watershed (Vincent &
Soille, 1991) and snake (Kass et al., 1998; Xu & Prince, 1998).
Texture is another important characteristic used to segment objects in an image. Most texture-
based segmentation algorithms map an image into a texture feature space, then statistical
classification methods (Randen & Husoy, 1999) are usually used to differentiate texture
features. Co-occurrence matrix (Zucker & Terzopoulos, 1980), directional gray-level energy
(Hsiao & Sawchuk, 1989), Gabor filters (Jain & Farrokhnia, 1991), and fractal dimension
(Mandelbrot, 1976; Pentland 1984) are frequently used methods to obtain texture features.
Biomedical images usually suffer from certain imaging artifacts stemming from different
imaging modalities. Because of imperfect illumination, signal attenuation or signal
superposition in biomedical images, intensity-based segmentation methods are often
ineffective in differentiating neighboring tissues with similar intensity features. Further,
because of noises in biomedical images, detected tissue edges are often discontinuous,
obstructed, or obscure. It remains a problem in edge-based segmentation to interpret and
connect discontinuous edges. As a high-level image characteristic, texture reflects the spatial
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

arrangement of intensity, color or shape. Texture features could be easily spoiled by
imperfect imaging conditions mentioned above. As a result, a single image feature is usually
not sufficient to produce satisfactory segmentation for biomedical images. Multiple image
features can be combined to enhance segmentation. This chapter provides three applications
illustrating how multiple image features are integrated for segmentation of images
generated from different modalities.
2. Fetal abdominal contour measurement in ultrasound images
Because of its noninvasiveness, ultrasound imaging is the most prevalent diagnostic
technique used in obstetrics. Fetal abdominal circumference (AC), an indicator of fetal
growth, is one of the standardized measurements in antepartum ultrasound monitoring. In
the first application, a method that makes effective use of the intensity and edge information
is provided to outline and measure the fetal abdominal circumference from ultrasound
images (Yu et al., 2008a; Yu et al., 2008b).
2.1 Algorithm overview
Fig. 1 summarizes the segmentation algorithm for abdomen measurement.

Fig. 1. Flowchart of segmentation algorithm for abdomen measurement.
In the first step, a rectangle enclosing the contour of the target object, is given by the
operator (as shown in Fig. 2(a)), then a region of interest (ROI) is defined in the form of an
elliptical ring within the manually defined rectangle. The outer ellipse of the ring inscribes
the rectangle. The inner ellipse is 30% smaller than the outer ellipse. To accommodate edge
strength variations, the ROI is equally partitioned into eight sub-regions. In the second step,
the initial diffusion threshold is calculated for each sub-region. Instantaneous coefficient of
Biomedical Image Segmentation Based on Multiple Image Features

variation (ICOV) is used to detect the edges of the abdominal contour in the third step. The
detected edges are shown in Fig. 2(b). The fuzzy C-Means (FCM) clustering algorithm is
then used to distinguish between salient edges of the abdominal contour and weak edges
resulting from other textures. Salient edges are then thinned to serve as the input to the next
step. As shown in Fig. 2 (c), bright pixels are the salient edges, and dark lines within the
bright pixels are the skeleton of the edges. In the sixth step, randomized Hough transforms
(RHT) is used to detect and locate the outer contour of AC. The detected ellipse for AC is
shown in Fig. 2 (d). To improve AC contour extraction in the seventh and eighth steps, a
GVF snake is employed to adapt the detected ellipse to the real edges of the abdominal
contour. The final segmentation by the GVF snake is shown in Fig. 2(e). For comparison, the
original ROI image and the manual AC contour are shown in Fig. 2(f) and 2(g), respectively.

Fig. 2. Segmentation and measurement of fetal abdomen. (a) ROI definition, (b) Edge map
detected by ICOV, (c) Salient edges with skeleton, (d) Initial contour obtained by RHT, (e)
Final abdominal contour, (f) Original image, (g) Manually extracted abdominal contour.
2.2 Edge detection of the abdominal contour
For images that contain strong artifacts, it is difficult to detect boundaries of different tissues
without being affected by noise. A regular edge detector such as Canny operator (Canny,
1986), Haralick operator (Haralick 1982) or Laplacian of - Gaussian operator (Fjrtoft et
al., 1998) can not provide satisfactory results. The instantaneous coefficient of variation
(ICOV) (Yu & Acton, 2004) provides improvement in edge-detection over traditional edge
detectors. The ICOV edge-detection algorithm combines a partial differential equation-
based speckle-reducing filter (Yu & Acton, 2002) and an edge strength measurement in
filtered images. With the image intensity at the pixel position (x,y) denoted as I, the strength
of the detected edge at time t, denoted as q(x,y;t), is given by

( ) ( )( )
( ) ( )
1 1
2 16
( , ; )
q x y t

Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

where ,
, , and are the gradient, Laplacian, gradient magnitude, and absolute
value, respectively. The speckle reduction is achieved via a diffusion process, which is
determined by a diffusion coefficient defined as

2 2 2 2
0 0 0
( )
1 [ ( , ; ) ( )] [ ( )(1 ( ))]
c q
q x y t q t q t q t
+ +
where q
(t) is the diffusion threshold to determine whether to encourage or inhibit the
diffusion process. The selection of an appropriate q
(t) has paramount effects on the
performance of speckle reduction hence the performance of edge detection. To be adaptive
to edge strength variation, the ROI is equally partitioned into eight sub-regions. The initial
diffusion threshold q
for each sub-region is formulated as

var[ ] SR
= (3)
where var[SR] and SR are the intensity variance and mean of each sub-region SR. q
(t) is
approximated by q
(t)= q
exp[-t/6], where t represents the discrete diffusion time step.
2.3 Edge map simplification
In order to distinguish between salient edges of the abdominal contour and weak edges
from other textures, the fuzzy C-Means (FCM) clustering algorithm (Bezdek, 1980) is
employed. Let X={I
, I
,, I
} be a set of n data points, and c be the total number of clusters
or classes. The objective function for partitioning X into c clusters is given by

1 1
c n
FCM ij i j
j i
J I m
= =

where m
, j=1,2,,c represent the cluster prototypes and
gives the membership of pixel I

in the jth cluster m
. The fuzzy partition matrix satisfies

1 1
[0, 1] 1 0
c N
ij ij ij
j i
U i and N j
= =

= = < <

Under the constraint of (5), setting the first derivatives of (4) with respect to
and m
zero yields the necessary conditions for (4) to be minimized. Based on the edge strength,
each pixel in the edge map is classified into one of three clusters: salient edges, weak edges,
and the background. Then salient edges (bright pixels in Fig. 2(c)) are thinned (dark curves
in Fig. 2(c)) to serve as the input to the next step.
2.4 Initial abdominal contour estimation & contour deformation
Randomized Hough transform (RHT) depends on random sampling and many-to-one
mapping from the image space to the parameter space in order to achieve effective object
detection. An iterative randomized Hough transform (IRHT) (Lu et al., 2005), which applies
the RHT to an adaptive ROI iteratively, is used to detect and locate the outer contour of AC.
A parametric representation of ellipse is:
Biomedical Image Segmentation Based on Multiple Image Features


2 2
1 2 3 4 5
1 0 a x a xy a y a x a y + + + + + = (6)
At the end of each round of the RHT, the skeleton image is updated by discarding the pixels
within an ellipse which is 5% smaller than the detected ellipse. At the end of IRHT
iterations, edges located on the outer boundary remain; and the detected ellipse converges
to the outer contour of the abdomen.
The active contour model, or snake method as commonly known, is employed to find the
best fit between the final contour and the actual shape of the AC. A snake is an energy-
minimizing spline guided by external constraint forces computed from the image data and
influenced by image forces coming from the curve itself (Kass et al., 1988). To overcome
problems associated with initialization and poor convergence to boundary concavities of a
classical snake, an new external force field called gradient vector flow (GVF) is introduced
(Xu & Prince, 1998). The GVF field is defined as the vector field v(x, y) that minimizes the
following energy functional

2 2 2
E f f dxdy = +

v v (7)
where is a parameter governing the tradeoff between the first term and the second term in
the integrand, is the gradient operator which is applied to each component of v separately,
and f represents the edge map. Fig. 2(e) shows the final segmentation by the GVF snake with
the skeleton image as the object and the detected ellipse (Fig. 2(d)) as the initial contour.
2.5 Algorithm performance
Fig. 3 gives results of automatic abdominal contour estimation and manual delineation on four
clinical ultrasound images. The four images represent some typical conditions that often occur
in daily ultrasound measurements. The first row is for a relatively ideal ultrasound image of
abdominal contour. There is plenty of amniotic fluid around the fetal body to give good
contrast between the abdominal contour and other tissues. The second row represents a
circumstance, in which one of fetal limbs superposed on the top left of the abdominal contour.
The next row shows a case where the part of contour is absent as a result of shadow. Other
circumstances may cause partial contour absence, such as signal dropout, improper detector
positioning, or signal attenuation. The last row shows a case of contour deformation because of
the pressure on the placenta. The first column to the third column show the original images,
delineations by physicians, and the final contour by the GVF snake, respectively.
The method takes advantage of several image segmentation techniques. Experiments on
clinical ultrasound images show that the accurate and consistent measurements can be
obtained by using the method. The method also provides a useful framework for ultrasound
object segmentation with a priori knowledge of the shape. Beside the fetal head, the vessel
wall in the intravascular ultrasound, and the rectal wall in the endorectal ultrasound are
other potential applications of the method.
3. Cell segmentation in pathological images
Pathological diagnosis often depends on visual assessment of a specimen under a
microscope. Isolating the cells of interest is a crucial step for cytological analysis. For
instance, separation of red and white pulps is important for evaluating the severity of tissue
infections. Since lymphocyte nuclei are densely distributed in the white pulps, the nucleus
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software


Fig. 3. Abdominal contour estimation on four clinical images. First column, from top to
bottom: images represent relatively good, superposition interference, contour absence, and
contour deformation, respectively. Second column: delineations by physicians. Third
column: detected ellipses by the IRHT. Fourth column: final contours obtained by the GVF
Biomedical Image Segmentation Based on Multiple Image Features

density serves as a segmentation criterion between red and white pulps. The second
application demonstrates a cell segmentation method which incorporates intensity-based,
edge-based and texture-based segmentation techniques (Yu & Tan, 2009).
3.1 Algorithm overview
Fig. 4 gives the flowchart of the cell segmentation algorithm. The algorithm first uses
histogram adjustment and morphological operations to enhance a microscopic image,
reduce noise and detect edges. Then FCM clustering is utilized to extract the layer of interest
(LOI) from the image. Following preprocessing, conditional morphological erosion is used
to mark individual objects. The marker-controlled watershed technique is subsequently
employed to identify individual cells from the background. The main tasks of this stage are
marker extraction and density estimation. The segmented cells are the starting point for the
final stage, which then characterizes the cell distribution by textural energy. A textural
energy-driven active contour algorithm is designed to outline the regions of desired object
density. In the final stage, two important parameters are determined by the result of object
segmentation, which are the window size for fractal dimension computation and the
termination condition for the active contour algorithm.

Fig. 4. Flowchart of the cell segmentation algorithm
3.2 Image preprocessing
The preprocessing stage consists of several subtasks including image enhancement, noise
reduction, gradient magnitude estimation and preliminary LOI extraction. Fig. 5(a) shows
an image of rat spleen tissue. The tissue section was stained with haematoxylin and eosin
(H&E) for visual differentiation of cellular components. Under a microscope, nuclei are
usually dark blue, red blood cells orange/red, and muscle fibers deep pink/red. The density
of the lymphocytes is a key feature to differentiate red and white pulps. The white pulp has
lymphocytes and macrophages surrounding central arterioles. The density of the
lymphocytes in the red pulp is much lower than that in the white pulp. Evaluating the
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

severity of infection requires identifying the infected regions or the white pulp. To simplify
the subsequent processing procedure, color images are transformed into gray level images.
Histogram adjustment (Larson et al., 1997) is used to widen the dynamic range of the image
and increase the image contrast. Following image enhancement, grayscale morphological
reconstruction (Vincent, 1993) is used to reduce noise and simplify image construction.
Although morphological reconstruction can smooth slow intensity variations effectively, it is
sensitive to sharp intensity variations, such as impulsive noise. Since median filtering can
remove transient spikes easily and preserve image edges at the same time, it is applied to the
image obtained from morphological reconstruction. Fig. 5(b) shows the output image after
histogram adjustment, morphological reconstruction and median filtering. FCM is used to
classify each pixel according to its intensity into c categories. Then the category with the high
intensity is defined as LOI. Fig. 5(c) shows the LOI obtained from FCM clustering. A gradient
magnitude image (Fig. 5(d)) is computed for subsequent use by a watershed algorithm.

Fig. 5. Preprocessing of microscopic image. (a) Original image. (b) Image after histogram
adjustment, morphological reconstruction and median filtering. (c) LOI obtained from FCM
clustering. (d) Morphological gradient map.
3.3 Object segmentation
After the preprocessing stage, objects are extracted from the background. From Fig. 5(c), we
can see that touching objects can not be separated by using FCM clustering, which will lead to
errors in density estimation. Watershed (Vincent & Soille, 1991; Yang & Zhou, 2006) is known
Biomedical Image Segmentation Based on Multiple Image Features

to be an effective tool to deal with such a problem. Simulation of an immersion process is an
efficient algorithm to compute the watershed line. The gradient magnitude image is used for
watershed computation. The gradient is treated as a topographical map with the height of each
point directly related to its gradient magnitude. The topography defined by the image
gradient is flooded through holes pierced at the bottom of valley. The flooding progresses at
constant rate from each hole upwards and the catchment basins containing the holes are
flooded. At the point where waters would mix, a dam is built to avoid mixing waters coming
from different catchment basins. Since each minimum of the gradient leads to a basin, the
watershed algorithm usually produces too many image segments.
Several techniques (Yang & Zhou, 2006; Hairs et al., 1998 ; Jackway, 1996) have been
proposed to alleviate this problem. Marker-controlled watershed is the most commonly
used one, in which a marker image is used to indicate the desired minima of the image, thus
predetermining the number and location of objects. A marker is a set of pixels within an
object used to identify the object. The simplest markers can be obtained by extracting the
regional minima of the gradient image. The number of regional minima could, however, be
large because of the intensity fluctuations caused by noise or texture. Here, conditional
erosion (Yang & Zhou, 2006) is used to extract markers. Fine and coarse erosion structures
are conditionally chosen for erosion operations according to the shape of objects, and the
erosions are only done when the size of the object is larger than a predefined threshold. The
coarse and fine erosion structures utilized in this work are shown in Fig 6. Fig. 7(a) shows
the marker map obtained and Fig. 7(b) gives segmented objects.

0 0 1 0 0
0 1 1 1 0
1 1 1 1 1
0 1 1 1 0
0 0 1 0 0

0 1 0
1 1 1
0 1 0

(a) (b)
Fig. 6. Structuring element (SE). (a) Coarse SE. (b) Fine SE.

(a) (b)
Fig. 7. Object segmentation. (a) Marker map. (b) OI segmentation by marker-controlled
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

3.4 Final segmentation
Many image features can be used to characterize the spatial density of objects. An object
image may be characterized as an image texture. It has been long recognized that the fractal
model of three-dimensional surfaces can be used to obtain shape information and to
distinguish between smooth and rough textured regions (Pentland, 1984). In this
application, fractal dimension is used to extract textural information from images. Several
methods have been reported to measure the fractal dimension (FD). Among these methods,
differential box-counting (DBC) (Chaudhuri & Sarkar, 1995) is an effective and commonly
used approach to estimating fractal dimension of images.
Assume that an M M image has been partitioned into grids of size m m, where M/2 m
> 1 and m is an integer. Then the scale ratio r equals to m/M. Consider the image as a three-
dimensional (3D) surface, with (x, y) denoting 2D position and the third coordinate (z)
denoting the gray level of the corresponding pixel. Each grid contains m m pixels in the x-y
plane. From a 3D point of view, each grid can be represented as a column of boxes of size m
m m. If the total number of gray levels is G, then m = [r G]. [] means rounding the
value to the nearest integers greater than or equal to that value. Suppose that the grids are
indexed by (i, j) in the x-y plane, and the minimum and maximum gray levels of the image
in the (i, j)th grid fall in the kth and the lth boxes in the z direction, respectively, then

( , )
r i j
n l k = + (8)
is the contribution of the (i, j)th grid to N
, which is defined as:

( , )
r i
i j
N n i j =

is counted for different values of r (i.e., different values of m). Then, the fractal dimension
can be estimated as:

log( )
log(1 / )
= (10)
The FD map of an image is generated by calculating the FD value for each pixel. A local
window, which is centered at each pixel, is used to compute the FD value for the pixel. Fig.
8(a) shows the textural energy map generated from fractal dimension analysis.
An active contour model is used to isolate the ROI based on the texture features. Active
contour model-based algorithms, which progressively deform a contour toward the ROI
boundary according to an objective function, are commonly-used and intensively-
researched techniques for image segmentation. Active contour without edges is a different
model for image segmentation based on curve evolution techniques (Chan & Vese, 2001).
For the convenience of description, we refer to this model as the energy-driven active
contour (EDAC) model for the fact that the textural energy will be used to control the
contour deformation. The energy functional of the EDAC model is defined by

1 2
1 0 1
( )
2 0 2
( )
( , , ) ( ) ( ( ))
( , )
( , )
inside C
outside C
F c c C Length C Area inside C
I x y c dxdy
I x y c dxdy

= +

Biomedical Image Segmentation Based on Multiple Image Features

where I
(x, y) is the textural energy image, C is a variable contour, and c
and c
the averages of I
inside and outside C, respectively. 0, 0,
>0 are weighting
To apply the EDAC model, an initial contour must be chosen. From the previous step, the
FD-based texture feature map represents the textural energy distribution of OIs. FCM
clustering is utilized to estimate the initial contour for EDAC. The active contour evolution
starts from the region with the highest object intensity, which corresponds to the region
with the highest textural energy. FCM is used to classify textural energy into c clusters, and
the region corresponding to the cluster with the highest textural energy is chosen as the
initial contour. Fig. 8(b) shows the final contour obtained from EDAC.

(a) (b)
Fig. 8. Final segmentation. (a) Textural energy generated from fractal dimension analysis.
(b) Initial contour. (c) Final segmentation obtained from EDAC.
3.5 Algorithm performance
Fig. 9(a) shows another microscopic spleen tissue image. Fig. 9(b) to (e) show the results of
preprocessing, object segmentation, textural energy map computation, and final
segmentation. From Fig. 9(b), it is clear that the noise is reduced and the intensity variation
is suppressed, which will benefit LOI extraction based on FCM. In Fig. 9(c), touching nuclei
are effectively separated by the marker-controlled watershed algorithm. From the textural
feature image shown in Fig. 9(d), the high- and low-density regions produce different
textural energy levels. Accurate classification of the regions, however, may not result if it is
only based on the textural feature. The energy-driven active contour with an appropriate
stopping criterion gives satisfactory segmentation. From the results obtained with
microscopic images, it can be seen that the image segmentation algorithm is effective and
useful in this kind of applications.
The algorithm is a hybrid segmentation system which integrates intensity-based, edge-based
and texture-based segmentation techniques. The method provides not only a closed contour
corresponding to a certain object density but also density-related information in this
contour. The experiment results show the effectiveness of the methodology in analysis of
microscopic images.
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Fig. 9. Microscopic image segmentation. (a) Original image. (b) Image after preprocessing.
(c) Object segmentation. (d) Textural energy map. (e) Final segmentation.
4. Molecular image segmentation
The final application is about molecular marker identification in molecular images.
Molecular imaging allows clinicians to visualize molecular markers and their interactions in
vivo, which represents a step beyond imaging at the anatomical and functional levels.
Owing to their great potential in disease diagnosis and treatment, molecular imaging
techniques have undergone explosive growth over the past few decades. A method that
integrates intensity and texture information under a fuzzy logic framework is developed for
molecular marker segmentation (Yu & Wang, 2007).
4.1 Algorithm overview
A two-dimensional fuzzy C-means (2DFCM) algorithm is used for molecular image
segmentation. The most important feature of the FCM is that it allows a pixel to belong to
multiple clusters according to its degree of membership in each cluster, which makes FCM-
based clustering methods able to retain more information from the original image as
compared to the case of crisp segmentation. FCM works well on images with low levels of
noise, but has two disadvantages used in segmentation of noise-corrupted images. One is
that the FCM does not incorporate the spatial information of pixels, which makes it sensitive
to noise and other imaging artifacts. The other is that cluster assignment is based solely on
distribution of pixel intensity, which makes it sensitive to intensity variations resulting from
illumination or object geometry (Ahmed et al., 2002; Chen & Zhang, 2004; Liew et al., 2005).
To improve the robustness of conventional FCM, two steps are considered in the design of
the algorithm. Because the SNR of molecular images is low, image denoising is carried out
Biomedical Image Segmentation Based on Multiple Image Features

prior to segmentation. A denoising method which combines a Gaussian noise filter with an
anisotropic diffusion (AD) technique is used to reduce noise in molecular images. Since the
Gabor wavelet transform of molecular images is relatively robust to intensity variations, a
texture characterization method based on the Gabor filter bank is used to extract texture
information from images. Spatial constraints provided by denoising and texture information
provided by the Gabor wavelet are embedded in the objective function of a two-dimensional
fuzzy clustering (2DFCM) algorithm.
4.2 Molecular image denoising
Ling and Bovik (Ling & Bovik, 2002) proposed a method to smooth molecular images by
assuming an additive Gaussian model for noise. As a result, molecular images may be
assumed to contain a zero-mean Gaussian white noise.
The FIR filter is well known for its ability to remove Gaussian noise from signals but it does
not work very well in image processing since it blurs edges in an image. The Gaussian noise
filter (GNF) (Russo, 2003) combining a nonlinear algorithm and a technique for automatic
parameter tuning, is a good method for estimation and filtering of Gaussian noise. The GNF
can be summarized as follows. Let X={x
, x
,, x
} be a set of n data points in a noisy image.
The output Y={y
, y
,, y
} is defined as

( , ) , 1, ,
r i
i i r i
R x N
y x x x i n

= + =

" (12)

( , ) sgn( ) 3
0 3
i j i j
i j
i j i j i j
i j
x x x x p
p x x
x x x x p x x p
x x p

= <


where N
stands for the neighborhood configuration with respect to a center pixel x
, N
the cardinality of N
. The automatic tuning of parameter p is a key step in GNF. Let MSE(k)
denote the mean square error between the noisy image filtered with p=k and the same image
filtered with p=k-1. A heuristic estimate of the optimal parameter value is

2( 2)
p k = (14)
( ) { ( )}
MSE k MAX MSE k = (15)
The GNF can remove intensity spikes due to the Gaussian noise, but, it has limited effect on
suppressing minor intensity variations caused by the neighbourhood smoothing. Since the
conventional FCM is a method based on the statistic feature of the image intensity, a
piecewise-smooth intensity distribution will be greatly beneficial. More desirable denoising
would result if the GNF is followed with a SRAD filter, which was introduced in Section 2.2.
Suppose that the output of the SARD is represented by X*={x
*, x
*,, x
*}. Fig. 10 shows the
denoising results of GNF and SRAD.
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(a) (b) (c)
Fig. 10. Denoising by GNF and SRAD. (a) Original image. (b) After GNF filtering. (c) After
GNF and SRAD filtering.
4.3 Texture characterization
A molecular image reveals the distribution of a certain molecule (Ling & Bovik, 2002). Since
photons have different transport characteristics in different turbid tissues, a molecular
image can be divided into several separate regions with each region having similar intensity
(implying similar molecular concentration) and certain kind of textural pattern. Because
photon distribution in a turbid tissue is usually not uniform, intensity within a region
usually changes gradually. This intensity variation can cause errors when one attempts to
segment images using intensity-based classification methods. Intuitively, if a feature
insensitive to the slowly-varying intensity can be introduced into the classification, the
image segmentation could be improved. Here a texture characterization method based on
the Gabor wavelet is utilized to obtain this desirable feature.
A Gabor function in the spatial domain is a sinusoidal-modulated Gaussian function. The
impulse response of the Gabor filter is given by

2 2
2 2
( , ; , ) exp cos(2 )
x y
x x
h x y x

= +

where x=xcos+ysin, y= -xsin+ycos, (x, y) represent rotated spatial-domain rectilinear
coordinates, u is the frequency of the sinusoidal wave along the direction from the x-axis,

define the size of the Gaussian envelope along x and y axes respectively, which
determine the bandwidth of the Gabor filter. The frequency response of the filter is given by

( ) ( )
2 2
2 2
2 2 2 2
1 1
( , ) 2 exp exp
2 2
x y
u v u v
U u U u V V


= + + +

. By tuning u and , multiple filters that cover the spatial
frequency domain can be obtained. Gabor wavelets with four different scales,
4 2
4 2 2 2
, , ,

}, and eight orientations, {
0 1 7
8 8 8
, , ,

" } are used. Let X(x, y) be the
intensity level of an image, the Gabor wavelet representation is the convolution of X(x, y)
with a family of Gabor kernels; i. e.,

( , ) ( , ) ( , ; , ) G x y X x y h x y

= (18)
Biomedical Image Segmentation Based on Multiple Image Features

where * denotes the convolution operator, G
is the convolution result corresponding to the
Gabor kernel at scale and orientation . The next step is to compute the textural energy in
. The textural energy is a measure widely used to characterize image texture. The energy
that corresponds to a square window of image G
centered at x and y is defined as

, ,
( , )
( , ) ( ( , ))
i j W
E x y F G i j


where M
is the total number of pixels in the window, and F(.) is a non-linear, sigmoid
function of the form

( ) tanh( )
F t t

= =
where equals to 0.25. The texture feature image is finally given by

( , ) ( , )
T x y E x y


As an example, Fig. 11(a) shows a synthetic image with intensity inhomogeneity. Fig. 11(b)
shows the texture feature image. From this example, it is seen that the texture feature
characterization using the Gabor wavelet is insensitive to intensity inhomogeneity.

(a) (b)
Fig. 11. Texture feature characterization. (a) Original image with intensity inhomogeneity.
(b) Texture energy images for different u and . (c) Texture feature image.
4.4 2DFCM
The two-dimensional fuzzy C-Means (2DFCM) algorithm is constructed by integrating both
the intensity and the texture information. Suppose that the denoised molecular image is
*, x
*,, x
*} and the texture feature image is T={t
, t
,, t
}, the objective function of
2DFCM can be expressed as

2 2 2
1 1 1 1 1 1
c n c n c n
b b b
DFCM ij i j ij i j i ij i j
j i j i j i
J x m x m t v

= = = = = =
= + +

Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

where controls the effect of denoising on clustering, m
represents the prototype of
intensity image. The influence of texture characterization on the clustering procedure can be
controlled by a constant vector
, (i=1,,n), and the prototype of texture image is
represented by v
, (j=1,,c). The choice of
is based on the following principle. If t
is large,
implying dominant textural energy,
should be large; if t
is small,
should be also small.

is determined by
)/max(T). Both and B are determined by trial-and-error.
The optimization problem under constraint U in (5) can be solved by using a Lagrange
multiplier in the following functional,

2 2 2
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
c n c n c n c
b b b
ij i j ij i j i ij i j ij
j i j i j i j
F x m x m t v

= = = = = = =

= + + +

Taking the derivative of F with respect to
and setting the result to zero, we can obtain an
equation for
with unknown

( 1)
2 * 2 2
[( ) ( ) ( ) ]
i j i j i i j
b x m x m t v


+ +

Utilize constraint U, can be solved as

{ }
2 * 2 2
( 1)
[( ) ( ) ( ) ]
i j i j i i j
b x m x m t v


= + +

By substituting (25) into (24), a necessary condition for (22) to be at a local minimum will be
obtained as

2 * 2 2
( 1)
2 * 2 2
( 1)
( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( )
i j i j i i j
i k i k i i k
x m x m t v
x m x m t v


+ +


+ +

Similarly, by zeroing the derivatives of F with respect to m
and v
, we have

1 1
1 1
( )
(1 )
n n
b b
ij i i ij i
i i
j j
n n
b b
ij ij
i i
x x t
m v

= =
= =
= =

The procedure of 2DFCM can be summarized in the following steps:
1. Filter the image by GNF followed by SRAD to generate the denoised image X*;
2. Filter the image by Gabor wavelet band and compute the texture feature image T;
3. Formulate the 2D histogram with the denoised image X* and the texture feature image
T; Estimate the number of clusters (c) and initial prototypes (M), and
4. Repeat following steps until the centroid variation is less than 0.001:
Biomedical Image Segmentation Based on Multiple Image Features

a. Update the membership function matrix with (26).
b. Update the centroids with (27).
c. Calculate the centroid variation and before and after updating.
4.5 Algorithm performance
The performance of the 2DFCM is first tested with simulated molecular images, from which
the ground truth is available. Simulated molecular images are obtained by using MOSE
(Monte Carlo optical simulation environment) (Li et al., 2004; Li et al., 2005) developed by
the Bioluminescence Tomography Lab, Departments of Radiology & Departments of
Biomedical Engineering, University of Iowa ( MOSE is based
on the Monte Carlo method to simulate bioluminescent phenomena in the mouse imaging
and to predict bioluminescent signals around the mouse.
The optimized and B in the 2DFCM should be obtained by trial-and-error. =3.5 and B=36
are used. The computation time of the algorithm for an image of 128128 is approximately
12 seconds on a personal computer. About two-thirds of the time is consumed in texture
characterization based on Gabor wavelet. The first example is for applying the algorithm to
a synthetic cellular image and comparing the 2DFCM with FCM. The synthetic image is
shown in Fig. 12(a). The segmentation results by 2DFCM and FCM are presented in Figs.
12(b) and (c), respectively.

(a) (b) (c)
Fig. 12. Segmentation results on the first synthetic image. (a) The synthetic image generated
by MOSE. (b) Segmentation by FCM. (c) Segmentation by 2DFCM.
In the second example, the algorithm is applied to a real molecular image (256256) (as
shown in Fig. 13(a)). Figs. 13(b) and (c) show the denoising result by the GNF plus SRAD,
and the texture feature image obtained by the Gabor wavelet bank, respectively. Figs. 13(d)
and (f) show the segmentation results of by FCM and 2DFCM, respectively. In order to
illustrate the segmentation results clearly, the contours of the region of interest in the
classification image are extracted and superimposed on the original image. Figs. 13(e) and
(g) give the contour comparisons.
From the experimental results, we can see that denoising by GNF plus SRAD are
satisfactory. The Gabor wavelet bank can represent the texture information in the molecular
image without disturbance by intensity variation. Intensity inhomogeneity degenerates
segmentation by the FCM. Since the 2DFCM utilizes both the intensity and texture
information simultaneously, it produces more satisfactory results than the FCM.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software


Fig. 13. Segmentation results for a real molecular image. (a) Original image. (b) Denoising
result by GNF plus SRAD. (c) Texture feature image. (d) Segmentation result by FCM. (e)
Contour obtained from (d) superimposed on the original image. (f) Segmentation result by
2DFCM. (g) Contour obtained from (f) superimposed on the original image.
5. Conclusion
In this chapter, segmentation of three different kinds of biomedical images is discussed.
Biomedical images obtained from different modalities suffer from different imaging noises.
Image segmentation techniques based on only one image feature usually fail to produce
satisfactory segmentation results for biomedical images. Three methodologies are presented
for the segmentation of ultrasound images, microscopic images and molecular images,
respectively. All these segmentation methodologies integrate image features generated from
image intensity, edges and texture to reduce the effect of noises on image segmentation. It
can be concluded that a successful medical image segmentation method needs to make a use
of varied image features and information in an image.
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A General Framework for Computation of
Biomedical Image Moments
G.A. Papakostas, D.E. Koulouriotis, E.G. Karakasis and V.D. Tourassis
Democritus University of Thrace, Department of
Production Engineering and Management
1. Introduction
Image moments have been successfully used as images content descriptors for several
decades. Their ability to fully describe an image by encoding its contents in a compact way
makes them suitable in many disciplines of the engineering life, such as image analysis (Sim
et al., 2004), image watermarking (Papakostas et al., 2010a) and pattern recognition
(Papakostas et al., 2005, 2007, 2009a, 2010b). Apart from the geometric moments, which are
firstly introduced, several moment types have been presented due time (Flusser et al., 2009).
Orthogonal moments are the most popular moments widely used in many applications
owing to their orthogonality property that permits the reconstruction of the image by a
finite set of its moments with minimum reconstruction error. This orthogonality property
comes from the nature of the polynomials used as kernel functions, which they constitute an
orthogonal base. As a result the orthogonal moments have minimum information
redundancy meaning that different moment orders describe different image parts of the
image. The most well known orthogonal moment families are: Zernike, Pseudo-Zernike,
Legendre, Fourier-Mellin, Tchebichef, Krawtchouk, dual Hahn moments, with the last three
ones belonging to the discrete type moments since they are defined directly to the image
coordinate space, while the first ones are defined in the continue space.
Recently, there is an increased interest on applying image moments in biomedical imaging,
with the reconstruction of medical images (Dai et al., 2010; Papakostas et al., 2009b; Shu et
al., 2007; Wang & Sze, 2001) and the description of images parts with particular properties
(Bharathi & Ganesan, 2008; Iscan et al., 2010; Li & Meng, 2009; Liyun et al., 2009) by
distinguishing diseased areas from the healthy ones, being the most active research
directions the scientists work with.
Therefore, a method that computes fast and accurate the orthogonal moments of a
biomedical image is of great importance. Although many algorithms and strategies
(Papakostas et al., 2010c) have been proposed in the past, these methodologies handle the
biomedical images as every-day images, meaning that they are not making use of specific
properties of the image in process.
The authors have made a first attempt to compute the Krawtchouk moments of biomedical
images by taking advantage of the inherent property of the biomedical image to have
limited number of different intensity values (Papakostas et al., 2009c). Based on this
observation and by applying the ISR method (Papakostas et al., 2008a) an image is
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

decomposed to a set of image slices consisting of pixels with the same intensity value, an
image representation that enables the fast computation of the image moments (Papakostas
et al., 2009d).
This first approach has shown very promising results, by giving more space to apply it to
more moment families and biomedical datasets under a general framework, which is
presented in this chapter.
2. Image moments
A general formulation of the (n+m)
order image moment of a NxN image with intensity
function f(x,y) is given as follows:
( )
1 1
( ) ( ) ,
nm n m
x y
M NF Poly x Poly y f x y
= =

where NF is a normalization factor and Poly
(x) is the n
order polynomial value of the pixel
point with coordinate x, used as a moment kernel. According to the type of the polynomial
kernel used in (1), the type of the moments is determined such as Geometric, Zernike,
Pseudo-Zernike, Fourier-Mellin, Legendre, Tchebichef, Krawtchouk and dual Hahn.
For example, in the case of Tchebichef moments (Papakostas et al., 2009d, 2010c) the used
polynomial has the form of the normalized Tchebichef polynomial defined as follows:

( )
( )
( )
( )
n n
t x
Poly x t x
n N
= =
( ) ( ) ( )
3 2
(1 ) , , 1 ; 1, 1 ; 1 1
n k
n n
N k n k x
t x N F n x n N
n k n k

= + =

is the n
order Tchebichef polynomial,
, the generalized hypergeometric function, n,x =
0,1,2,,N-1, N the image size and (n,N) a suitable constant independent of x that serves as
scaling factor, such as N
Moreover the normalization factor NF has the following form:

( ) ( )
, ,
p N q N

where ( ) , n N is the normalized norm of the polynomials
( )
( )
( )
n N
n N
n N

= (5)
( ) ( ) , 2 ! , 0, 1,..., 1
2 1
N n
n N n n N

= =


A General Framework for Computation of Biomedical Image Moments

Based on the above assumptions, the final computational form of the (n+m)
Tchebichef moments of a NxN image having f(x,y) intensity function takes the following

( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( )
1 1
0 0
, ,
nm n m
x y
T t x t y f x y
n N m N

= =

Working in the same way, the computational formulas of Geometric, Zernike, Pseudo-
Zernike, Legendre, Krawtchouk and dual Hahn moments can be derived (Papakostas et al.,
2009d, 2010c) based on the general form of (1).
3. A general computation strategy
Generally, there are four main computation strategies (Papakostas et al., 2010c) that have
been applied to accelerate the moments computation speed: 1) the Direct Strategy (DS),
which firstly used, since it is based on the definition formulas of each moment family, 2) the
Recursive Strategy (RS), which is characterized by the mechanism of recursive computation
of the kernels polynomials, 3) the Partitioning Strategy (PS), according to which the image is
partitioned into several smaller sub-images in order to reduce the maximum order need to
computed and finally 4) the Slice-Block Strategy (SBS), which decomposes a gray-scale image
to intensity slices and rectangular blocks, developed by the authors (Papakostas et al., 2008a,
Among the four above strategies the last one has the advantage to collaborate with the RS
and PS strategies (Papakostas et al., 2010c), by resulting to more efficient computation
schemes. Moreover, the SBS strategy can be applied to any moment family defined in the
cartesian coordinate system (for the case of the polar coordinate system, appropriate
transformation to the cartesian system is needed) in a common way, establishing it a general
computation framework.
After the presentation of the main principles of the SBS methodology, this method will be
applied to compute the moments of several families, for the case of biomedical images,
which they constitute a special case of images where the benefits of the SBS strategy are
significantly increased.
The principal mechanisms used by the SBS strategy are the ISR (Image Slice Representation)
and IBR (Image Block Representation) methodologies, which decompose an image into
intensity slices and a slice into rectangular blocks, respectively.
The main idea behind the ISR method is that we can consider a gray-scale image as the
resultant of non-overlapped image slices, whose pixels have specific intensities. Based on
this representation, we can decompose the original image into several slices, from which we
can then reconstruct it, by applying fundamental mathematical operations.
Based on the above image decomposition, the following definition can be derived:
Definition 1: Slice of a gray-scale image, of a certain intensity f
, is the image with the same
size and the same pixels of intensity f
as in the original one, while the rest of the pixels are
considered to be black.
As a result of Definition 1, we derive the following Lemma 1 and 2:
Lemma 1: Any 8-bit gray-scale image can be decomposed into a maximum of 255 slices,
where each slice has pixels of one intensity value and black.
Lemma 2: The binary image as a special case of a gray-scale image consists of only one slice,
the binary slice, where only the intensities of 255 and 0 are included.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

Based on the ISR representation, the intensity function f(x,y) of a gray-scale image can be
defined as an expansion of the intensity functions of the slices:
( ) ( )
, ,
f x y f x y

where s is the number of slices (equal to the number of different intensity values) and f
is the intensity function of the i
slice. In the case of a binary image s is 1 and thus
In the general case of gray-scale images, each of the extracted slices can be considered as a
two-level image and thus the IBR algorithm (Papakostas et al., 2008a, 2009d) can be applied
directly, in order to decompose each slice into a number of non-overlapped blocks.
By using the ISR representation scheme, the computation of the (n+m)
order orthogonal
moment (1) of a gray-scale image f(x,y), can be performed according to the equations

( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
1 2
, , ... ,
nm n m
x y
n m i
x y i
n m s
x y
M NF Poly x Poly y f x y
NF Poly x Poly y f x y
NF Poly x Poly y f x y f x y f x y


= + + +


( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( )
( ) ( )
( ) ( )
1 1
2 2
1 1
1 1 1
2 2
2 2 2
, ...
s s
nm n m
x y
n m
x y
n m s
x y
n m
x y
n m
x y
s s
s n n m n
x y
M NF Poly x Poly y f x y
NF Poly x Poly y f x y
NF Poly x Poly y f x y
f NF Poly x Poly y
f NF Poly x Poly y
f Poly x Poly y
f M
= +
+ +

= +

+ +



nm s nm
f M f M + + +

where f
M , i=1,2,,s are the intensity functions of the slices and the corresponding
order moments of the i
binary slice, respectively.
The corresponding moment of a binary slice
M is the moment computed by considering a
block representation of the image (Papakostas et al., 2008a, 2009d), as follows:
A General Framework for Computation of Biomedical Image Moments


( )
( ) ( )
( ) ( )
2, 2,
1, 1,
2, 2,
1, 1,
1 1
0 0
b b
j j
b b
j j
b b
j j
b b
j j
x y
k k
nm nm j n m
j j x x y y
x y
n m
j x x y y
M M b Poly x Poly y
Poly x Poly y

= = = =

= = =
= =


1, 2,
j j
b b
x x and
1, 2,
j j
b b
y y are the coordinates of the block b
, with respect to the
horizontal and vertical axes, respectively.
A result of the above analysis (10) is the following Proposition 1:
Proposition 1: The (n+m)
order discrete orthogonal moment of a gray-scale image is equal
to the intensity-weighted sum of the same order discrete orthogonal moments of a
number of binary slices.
The SBS strategy has been applied successfully in computing the geometric moments
(Papakostas et al., 2008a), the orthogonal moments (Papakostas et al., 2009d) and the DCT
(Papakostas et al., 2008b, 2009e), by converging to high computation speeds in all the cases.
The performance of the SBS methodology is expected to be higher for the case of the
biomedical images, since the limited number of different intensities of these images, enables
the construction of less intensity slices and therefore bigger homogenous rectangular blocks
are extracted.
4. Biomedical images A special case
As it has already been mentioned in the previous sections, the application of the SBS
strategy can significantly increases the moments computation rate for the case of
biomedical images, as compared with the every-day images. This is due to the fact that
the biomedical images are intensity limited since the pixels intensities are concentrated
mostly in a few intensity values. For example, let see the two every-day images Lena and
Barbara as illustrated in the following Fig. 1, along with their corresponding histograms.
These images having a content of general interest, present a more normally distributed
pixels intensities into the intensity range [0-255].
On the contrary, in the case of biomedical images the intensities are concentrated in a narrower
region of the intensity range. Figure 2, shows four sample images from three different kinds of
biomedical images BRAINX, KNIX (MRI images), INCISIX (CT images) retrieved from
(DICOM) and MIAS (X-ray images) (Suckling et al., 1994). All the images have 256x256 pixels
size, while each dataset consists of 232 (BRAINIX), 135 (KNIX), 126 (INCISIX), 322 (MIAS)
gray-scale images.
It is noted that in the above histograms the score of the 0 intensity is omitted for
representation purposes, since a lot of pixels have this intensity value, causing the covering
of all the other intensity distributions.
A careful study of the above histograms can lead to the deduction that the most pixels
intensities are limited to a small fraction of the overall intensity range [0-255]. This means
that the images content is concentrated in a few intensity slices. This fact seems to be
relative to the images nature and constitutes an inherent property of their morphology.
From (10) and (11) it is obvious that the performance of the SBS method is highly dependent
on the images intensity distribution, meaning that images with less intensities and big
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

blocks enable the achievement of high moments computation rates, conditions that are
satisfied by the biomedical images.




Fig. 1. Every-day images and their histograms: (a)(b)Lena image and its histogram,
(c)-(d) Barbara image and its histogram.
5. Experimental study
In order to investigate the performance of the SBS strategy in computing the biomedical
image moments, a set of experiments have been arranged. For this reason five representative
moment families the Geometric Moments (GMs), Legendre Moments (LMs), Tchebichef Moments
(TMs), Krawtchouk Moments (KMs) and dual Hahn Moments (DHMs), are computed to the
entire four datasets of Fig.2, up to a maximum order from 0 to 50 with step 5. The variance
() and mean () values of the SBS strategy results are summarized in the following Table 1.

0.0234/1.1117 0.1189/1.8363 0.0874/1.9470 0.0442/0.9915
Num. of
1.7477E+07/28325 4.6382E+07/48291 2.3089E+06/56265 3.7785E+07/22053
Num. of
740.1785/213.7845 305.7875/231.5407 136.3860/241.7169 220.6238/237.5280
Table 1. Performance statistics (/) of applying SBS to the datasets.
A General Framework for Computation of Biomedical Image Moments









Fig. 2. Biomedical images and their histograms: (a)-(b) BRAINIX sample image and its
histogram, (c)-(d) KNIX sample image and its histogram, (e)-(f) INCISIX sample image and
its histogram, (g)-(h) MIAS sample image and its histogram.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

From the above results, it can be realized that the extraction of the homogenous block does
not add a significant overhead to the entire computation procedure (small mean values with
low variability), since it needs a little time to be executed. On the other hand, the high
variance on the number of blocks and intensity slices, reveal a complicated dependency of
the computation time on these two main factors, as far as the size of the blocks and the
distribution of the blocks on the intensity slices are concerned.
In order to study the timing performance of the SBS strategy, a comparison of its behaviour
with that of the DS methodology, for the case of the four biomedical datasets has been taken
place. Since, the SBS strategy can effectively be collaborated with other fast strategies (RS
and PS) (Papakostas et al., 2010c), only a comparison with the DS methodology is needed to
highlight its advantages. The mean values of the computation time in each case are
illustrated in the following Table 2, 3 and 4. From these results it is obvious that the
proposed method needs less time to compute the moments of any order, as compared to the
DS one. This outperformance varies by the moment family, since each family needs a
different time to compute its moments.

Order Moment Families (BRAINIX Dataset)
0 15 9 4 2 23 14 198 125 11775 7207
5 554 349 3452 2110 2352 1455 7663 4864 713050 436919
10 1877 1185 14611 8929 15087 9348 28091 17814 2617380 1601577
15 3955 2493 36663 22446 47139 29211 64455 40764 5716791 3497941
20 6808 4289 72640 44454 108589 67167 119837 75595 10037777 6142626
25 10441 6573 125502 76874 208647 128912 196699 123978 15590386 9541093
30 14844 9339 200755 122885 355676 219857 298193 187821 22386172 13700734
35 19980 12567 298700 183023 556002 343423 426135 268199 30487995 18667254
40 25843 16266 423570 259605 825554 509665 584561 367523 39895856 24423207
45 32487 20465 577570 354053 1168458 720985 774426 486405 50549799 30948566
50 39909 25147 767700 470815 1598002 988073 1000782 627991 62496927 38267424
Table 2. Timing performance (msecs) for the case of BRAINIX dataset.

Order Moment Families (KNIX Dataset)
0 13 11 4 3 25 21 200 171 11762 9975
5 508 443 3261 2746 2455 2082 7820 6697 708705 601321
10 1720 1501 14204 11950 15517 13143 28786 24624 2598280 2204667
15 3824 3346 36354 30605 48075 40717 65699 56164 5693130 4831323
20 6623 5799 72407 60926 110151 93218 121549 103819 9999761 8486341
25 10108 8851 125500 105649 209637 177333 199574 170328 15565313 13211695
30 14233 12461 200015 168363 355661 300744 302023 257620 22380144 18996004
35 19047 16675 296031 249264 555787 469906 431928 368258 30466446 25858760
40 24590 21519 420693 354320 823488 696162 592365 504798 39823488 33801678
45 30806 26959 574196 483628 1170698 989141 783864 667674 50473687 42842306
50 37735 33021 759956 640210 1605292 1355880 1012044 861656 62430595 52992467
Table 3. Timing performance (msecs) for the case of KNIX dataset.
A General Framework for Computation of Biomedical Image Moments

Order Moment Families (INCISIX Dataset)
0 13 12 4 4 32 30 201 188 11922 11145
5 496 475 3578 3338 3272 3050 7783 7275 722863 675832
10 1685 1614 15295 14254 20771 19302 28372 26505 2660991 2487824
15 3572 3422 38163 35545 67594 62776 70776 66143 5864036 5482582
20 6188 5929 75896 70658 153916 143171 138969 129886 10284282 9615163
25 9475 9078 131719 122599 266591 247966 235428 220038 15971863 14932422
30 13464 12904 208231 193770 425457 395679 359150 335315 22919177 21427273
35 18187 17431 322708 300266 671490 624761 522587 487417 31164529 29135577
40 23591 22614 504327 469081 983175 914848 706469 658649 40724145 38072365
45 29692 28472 726877 675879 1346551 1252703 913268 851339 51649763 48285960
50 36558 35077 932814 867355 1816793 1690125 1156850 1078288 63889158 59727774
Table 4. Timing performance (msecs) for the case of INCISIX dataset.

Order Moment Families (MIAS Dataset)
0 13 6 4 2 24 11 197 89 11835 4809
5 509 240 3333 1522 2398 1099 7856 3571 710597 290989
10 1714 809 14452 6593 15442 7091 28732 13070 2609070 1067752
15 3623 1712 36858 16863 48365 22174 65639 29875 5710608 2337811
20 6272 2964 73305 33510 110365 50572 121797 55539 10042048 4113727
25 9628 4550 127805 58579 209384 96111 199562 90988 15602271 6392757
30 13653 6456 202445 92886 355803 163355 301687 137453 22409641 9184141
35 18387 8697 300303 137786 557843 256311 431414 196660 30481570 1249575
40 23830 1274 425532 195223 824113 378585 590462 269338 39851184 1634314
45 29986 4187 581006 266380 1162588 534107 783667 357651 50506603 2072049
50 36819 7432 770337 353421 1584871 728010 1012265 461968 62485283 2564557
Table 5. Timing performance (msecs) for the case of MIAS dataset.
A more descriptive way to present the performance of the SBS methodology is by
computing the Computation Time Reduction (CTR), defined in the following equation (12) and
depicted in Fig.3 for the case of all moment families and biomedical image datasets.
% 100
Time Time

= (12)
The above diagrams clearly show that the reduction of the computation time by using the SBS
strategy is significant for all the cases. More precisely, this reduction varies between 37%-50%,
12%-25%,0%-7.5% and 50%-95% for the BRAINX, KNIX, INCISIX and MIAS datasets
respectively. This diversity of the reduction owing to the different intensity distribution each
image dataset presents, forming different number of blocks as shown in Table 1.
Another important outcome from the above plots is that all the moment families give near
the same reduction for the same dataset and moreover this reduction is quite stable as the
moment order increases (DHMs constitutes an exception for the case of MIAs dataset, where
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

the reduction is significant higher (95%), for the high moment orders, as compared with the
rest moment families (58%)).




Fig. 3. Computation time reduction for the case of (a) BRAINIX, (b) KNIX, (c) INCISIX and
(d) MIAS, datasets.
6. Conclusion
A morphology-driven methodology that improves the computation rates of the biomedical
image moments was presented and analyzed in the previous sections. The usage of the
introduced methodology can reduce the computation overhead by a significant factor
depending on the image intensity morphology. This improvement is mainly achieved due to
the biomedical images nature dealing with their intensities distribution, which boosts the
performance of the proposed computation scheme.
7. References
Bharathi, V.S. & Ganesan, L. (2008). Orthogonal moments based texture analysis of CT liver
images. Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 29, No. 13, pp. 1868-1872.
Dai, X.B.; Shu, H.Z.; Luo, L.M.; Han, G.N. & Coatrieux, J.L. (2010). Reconstruction of
tomographic images from limited range projections using discrete Radon transform
and Tchebichef moments. Pattern Recognition, Vol. 43, No. 3, pp. 1152-1164.
DICOM, Retreived 16/08/2010 from
A General Framework for Computation of Biomedical Image Moments

Flusser, J.; Suk, T. & Zitova, B. (2009). Moments and Moment Invariants in Pattern Recognition.
Wiley. Chichester.
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segmented magnetic resonance brain images. Expert Systems with Applications, Vol.
37, No. 3, pp.2540-2549.
Suckling, J et al (1994) "The Mammographic Image analysis society digital mammogram
database. Exerpta Medica. International Congress Series 1069, pp. 375-378.
Li, B. & Meng, M.Q.-H. (2009). Computer-based detection of bleeding and ulcer in wireless
capsule endoscopy images by chromaticity moments. Computers in Biology and
Medicine, Vol. 39, No. 2, pp. 141-147.
Liyun, W.; Hefei, L.; Fuhao, Z.; Zhengding, L. & Zhendi, W. (2009). Spermatogonium image
recognition using Zernike moments. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine,
Vol. 95, No. 1, pp. 10-22.
Papakostas, G.A.; Karras, D.A.; Mertzios, B.G. & Boutalis, Y.S. (2005). An efficient feature
extraction methodology for computer vision applications using wavelet
compressed Zernike moments, ICGST International Journal on Graphics, Vision and
Image Processing, Special Issue: Wavelets and Their Applications, Vol. SI1, pp. 5-15.
Papakostas, G.A.; Boutalis, Y.S.; Karras, D.A. & Mertzios, B.G. (2007). A new class of
Zernike moments for computer vision applications. Information Sciences, Vol. 177,
No.13, pp. 2802-2819.
Papakostas, G.A.; Karakasis, E.G. & Koulouriotis, D.E. (2008). Efficient and accurate
computation of geometric moments on gray-scale images. Pattern Recognition, Vol.
41, No. 6, pp. 1895-1904.
Papakostas, G.A.; Karakasis, E.G. & Koulouriotis, D.E. (2008b). On accelerating the
computation of 2-D discrete cosine transform in image processing. International
Conference on Signals and Electronic Systems (ICSES08), (IEEE Xplore), pp. 7-10,
Krakow Poland.
Papakostas, G.A.; Boutalis, Y.S.; Karras, D.A. & Mertzios, B.G. (2009a). Pattern classification
by using improved wavelet compressed Zernike moments. Applied Mathematics and
Computation, Vol. 212, No. 1, pp. 162-176.
Papakostas, G.A.; Karras, D.A. & Mertzios, B.G. (2009b). Performance of the orthogonal
moments in reconstructing biomedical images. Proceedings of 16th International
Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing (IWSSIP09), (IEEE Xplore), pp. 1-
4, Chalkida Greece.
Papakostas, G.A.; Karakasis, E.G. & Koulouriotis, D.E. (2009c). Computing orthogonal
moments in biomedical imaging. Proceedings of 16th International Workshop on
Systems, Signals and Image Processing (IWSSIP09), (IEEE Xplore), pp. 1-4, Chalkida
Papakostas, G.A.; Koulouriotis, D.E. & Karakasis, E.G. (2009d). A unified methodology for
efficient computation of discrete orthogonal image moments. Information Sciences,
Vol. 179, No. 20, pp. 3619-3633.
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computation from an image representation point of view, pp. 21-34, Image
Processing, InTech.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

Papakostas, G.A.; Tsougenis, E.D. & Koulouriotis, D.E. (2010a). Near optimum local image
watermarking using Krawtchouk moments, IEEE International Workshop on
Imaging Systems and Techniques (IST10), pp. 459-462, Thessaloniki Greece.
Papakostas, G.A.; Karakasis, E.G. & Koulouriotis, D.E. (2010b). Novel moment invariants for
improved classification performance in computer vision applications. Pattern
Recognition, Vol. 43, No. 1, pp. 58-68.
Papakostas, G.A.; Koulouriotis, D.E. & Karakasis, E.G. (2010c). Computation strategies of
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Computation, Vol. 216, No. 1, pp. 1-17.
Shu, H.Z.; Zhou, J.; Han, G.N.; Luo, L.M. & Coatrieux, J.L. (2007). Image reconstruction from
limited range projections using orthogonal moments. Pattern Recognition, Vol. 40,
No. 2, pp. 670-680.
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Wang, T.J. & Sze, T.W. (2001). The image moment method for the limited range CT image
reconstruction and pattern recognition. Pattern Recognition, Vol. 34, No. 11, pp.
Modern Trends in Biomedical
Image Analysis System Design
Oleh Berezsky, Grygoriy Melnyk and Yuriy Batko
Ternopil National Economic University
1. Introduction
1.1 Automated microscopy systems
Nowadays the combination of progressive information technologies, modern methods and
algorithms of processing, analysis and synthesis of images together with medicine has
resulted in the emergence of a new branch or field, called telemedicine. Telemedicine is
distant diagnostics based on image analysis and processing of human organs cells. There are
the following directions in this field: medical-biological research automation (that is
computer systems design, which provides input, processing and analysis of images);
development and application of algorithms of biomedical images pre-processing, which
improves quality of images; image analysis (feature extraction, classifiers development, etc.)
and data transfer network technologies. This problem has been studied by many scientists.
Today the analysis of medical-biological specimens (cytological and histological smears) in
diagnostic laboratories is conducted by visual inspection. This process is routine and labour
intensive. Thats why the automated microscopy systems (AMSs) software-hardware
complexes appeared for the digital processing of microscopic images. AMS includes
motorized controlled microscope, video camera, optical adapters, computer, and specialized
software modules. In general the medical complexes for automated microscopy are made to
provide higher productivity of medical work; improve analysis accuracy, availability of
intensive labour-consuming and rare analyses, quality control, telemedicine; to collect and
archive specimen image; and better learning, service and certification. AMS provides the
following levels of microscopic analyses automations:
1. Visual analysis, documenting and telemedicine;
2. Analysis of images in order to determine the specimen characteristics;
3. Automation of movements and inspection of specimen.
Morphometry of cells is only the one of the automated methods in AMS. Basic steps of
cytological and histological analysis are the following: selection of an object of investigation,
preparation for microscope inspection, microscopy techniques application, qualitative and
quantitative analysis of images. Type, structure and functions of the system are dictated by
actual task, objects class of research and financial ability of user.
Problem definition. The actual tasks are projecting of AMS hardware and software
structures based on the hardware components existing in the market and development of
the own software for histological and cytological image analysis.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

1.2 Components of automated microscopy systems
In general, AMSs are divided into research-based and specialized (Egorova 2005, Egorova
2006). Research AMS is used for development of new methods of diagnostics. Specialized
AMS provides implementation of a standardized clinical research. The key feature of
research-based AMS is the use of multifunctional microscopes and cameras with increased
sensitiveness and resolution. The research method is not preset, but formed by a user.
For microbiology investigations the world market offers AMSs or their components from
different manufacturers, such as Carl Zeiss, Leica, Olympus, Nikon, Micromed (Russia),
Motic (China), Konus (Italy).
Let's shortly describe the process of research with the help of AMS (Egorova, 2005). At the
beginning, specimen is set on the microscope stage. The selected image area is displayed on
the screen. All the necessary adjustment and image acquisition is derived in real-time. The
image can be processed with filters, and it can be followed with text comments and
calibrating marker. AMS allows selecting micro-objects on image in the automatic, semi-
automatic or manual modes. The selected micro-objects are measured automatically and the
results of measuring are displayed in a tabular form (Medovyi, 2006). Micro-objects can be
classified according to any of the measured parameters. The results of analysis can be
printed and saved in a database.
1.2.1 Software overview
The basic advantage of the use of software tools is a transition from subjective and
qualitative analysis to objective and quantitative analysis. The basic disadvantage here is
complication of adjustment and occurrence of errors of measurement.
AMS allows acquiring image by a photo camera, video camera, and scanner or from a file.
The results of researches are displayed on a screen in a table form, or charts. Measuring
accuracy is provided by calibration of camera with calibrating slide. Software complexes
give a user a wide spectrum of tools for processing and analysis of biomedical images (BMI)
and video stream (Richardson, 2005), in particular, in genetic, cytological, histological
researches etc. The characteristic features of the modern systems are a high level of
automation, possibility of remote work and decreasing of dependence on specialised video
recording devices.
For the construction of the generalized structure of AMS, design and functions of existent
software tools were investigated (table 1). In particular, comparison was based on the
followings parameters:
- method of information acquisition: an image is acquired from real-time source (support
of technology of MCI/TWAIN) or loading from a disk;
- modes of segmentation algorithms operation: manual (the operator in the manual mode
selects micro-objects), automated (the operator learns the algorithm) or automatic (the
parameters of algorithm are set automatically);
- previous processing of image: noise reduction, correction of brightness, contrast,
filtration, selection to the area of interest, etc;
- calculation of numerical features of micro-objects: perimeter, area, nucleocytoplasmic
relationship, diameter, corner between two segments, etc;
- calculation of statistical features: mathematical expectation, standard deviation,
maximal (minimum) value, etc;
- presentation of results in a form of diagrams, histograms, or charts;
Modern Trends in Biomedical Image Analysis System Design



































































Image Tool
+ + + + +/-/- + - - + + - + + - +
2 Image Warp - + + - +/-/- + - + + + - + + - +
3 Imager-CG - + + - +/-/- + - - - + - + + - +
Morpho 3.2
+ + + + +/+/- + - + + + - + + - +
Morphology 5.0
+ + + + +/+/+ + - + + + + + + + +
+ + + - +/-/- + - - + + - + + - +
7 Screen Meter - - - - +/-/- + - - - + - - + - +
Image Expert
Pro 3
- + + + +/+/- + - + + + - + + - +
Image Expert
- + + + +/+/- + - + + + - + + - +
10 AnalySIS Five - + + + +/+/- + - + + + - + + - +
11 Bio Vision - + + + +/+/- + - + + + - + + - +
QCapture PRO
- + + + +/+/- + - + + + - + + - +
Motic Images
Advanced 3.2
+ + + + +/+/+ + + + + + + + + - +
14 MCID Core - + + + +/+/- + - + + + - + + - +
Image-Pro Plus
+ + + + +/+/- + - + + + - + + - +
16 MetaMorph 7.5 - + + + +/+/- + - + + + - + + - +
ImageJ (NIH,
- + + + +/-/- + - + + + - + + - +
18 Pixels - - + - +/-/- + - - - + - + + - +
19 NIH Image - + + + +/+/+ + + + + + + + + - +
20 Xite v3.45 - - + - +/-/- + - - - + - + + - +
21 DiaMorph - + + + +/+/+ + + + + + + + + - +
Table 1. Comparison of software
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

- co-operating with third-party software: MS Word, MS Excel, MS Access, FoxPro, etc;
- the use of scripts and presence of built-in language for the batch processing;
- presence of the detailed technical documentation.
1.2.2 Hardware components overview
The typical structure of hardware consists of microscope, video camera or photo camera,
computer, printer and monitor (Egorova, 2005). The subsystem of image acquisition
(Berezsky, 2008, b) consists of light microscope, camera, photo adapter, objective changing
device, focusing device, stage moving device, specimen supplying device and illumination
device (figure 1).
Minimum requirements for the computer is processor with 1 GHz frequency, amount of
main memory is not less than 1 GB and USB or IEEE interfaces for incorporation with a
digital camera (Egorova, 2005).
The transmitted light microscope consists of a stand, to which all units are fastened:
illumination device, specimen stage, systems of imaging and visualization. The basic
characteristics of microscope is its class, magnification ratio, optical resolution, size of the
linear field view on object and degree of optical aberration correction (Egorova 2005). For
cytology and histology AMSs use the biological direct microscopes of work, laboratory and
research classes.
Biological microscopes have the following methods of research: light field, phase contrast,
polarization and luminescence. Microscope includes three basic functional parts (Egorova,
2006): illumination system, imaging system, and visualization system.

Subsystem of image acquisition

Photo adapter
Reproduction system
Visualization system
Specimen stage
Illumination system
Control signal

Fig. 1. Structure of AMS hardware
The illumination system of light microscope is intended for creation of uniform luminous
flux and consists of light source and optical-mechanical system (field stop, collector, and
condenser). The imaging system provides the first degree of magnification and includes
objective fastening unit, objective, optical filters changing device and focusing device. The
visualization system is intended to acquire the real image of micro-object on the retina of
eye, film, and screen monitor with an additional magnification. Visualizing part is located
between the image plane of objective and eyes of observer (or camera).
To capture image with a microscope the following cameras are used: digital single-lens
reflex camera, digital non reflex photo camera, and digital video camera (Wu, 2008). The
Modern Trends in Biomedical Image Analysis System Design

general device of input in microscopy is digital video camera. Firms, engaged in
development and trade of the special video cameras for a microscopy are: Carl Zeiss
(Germany), Axiovision, Motic (China), Tucsen (China), Lumenera Corp. (Canada), SPOT
Imaging Solutions (USA). For digital photo- and video cameras basic characteristics are the
following: a dynamic range of sensor, signal-noise ratio, resolution, and fastening
compatibility with a microscope. For mechanical connection of camera and video port of
microscope the special photo adapter is used. It provides an image transfer without
distortions with the certain coefficient of magnification on the photosensitive matrix of
camera. Let's summarize the basic parameters of devices, on which AMS are synthesized, in
a table 2.
For planning of the system it is necessary to define the area of its application, magnification
degree for specific medical research, sizes of micro-objects and level of automation. The
choice of specific components of the system is based on heuristic rules. The basic tasks of
AMS designing are: selection of optical elements of microscope, choice of digital camera and
proper photo adapter, optical connection of system devices, and electric connection of
The minimal requirements to the microscope during the histological researches with the use
of AMS are the following: class not lower than laboratory, objectives magnification 10, 40;
eyepieces with field of 20 mm or 18 mm, and mounted powerful illumination device. For
histology application the use of differential- interference contrast allows to attain better
One of the basic parameters of microscope is resolution, which determines quality of the
obtained image (Egorova, 2006). Resolution depends on the numerical aperture of objective
and condenser, and also on the wave-length of light.
The level of AMS automation depends on its setting and desired speed of specimen analysis.
For automation the device of focusing motorization, moving of specimen stage, changes of
current objective and changes of filter are set on a microscope.
Camera is chosen according to the problem specifications: type of the investigated specimen,
system of illumination, size of necessary increase, geometrical sizes of the least micro-object.
Therefore, the main characteristics of camera are the following: type of sensor
(monochrome, colour), resolution of sensor, and type of fastening of camera objective
(Rietdorf, 2005). For histological specimen research, the coloured camera with a resolution
not less than 12801024 points, the interface of USB connecting, mounting of objective of C-
mount, CCD by sensor and relation of signal/noise not less than 65 dB are recommended
(Egorova, 2005).
Optical connection of camera and microscope. It is possible to select three methods to
acquire microscopic image by means of a digital camera (Murphy, 2001). Usually light rays
quit the eyepiece of microscope in form parallel rays, but with the help of focusing it is
possible to get a consilient bunch. The first method consists in that the objective of camera is
placed as near as possible to the eyepiece of microscope. The system is used for editing of
digital video camera or digital camera. However, such system requires setting up the special
adapter that would firmly fasten the lens of camera on the ocular tube of microscope.
The second method consists in the direct projecting of image from objective on sensor of
camera. For this purpose, when fastening to the ocular tube, eyepiece and lens of camera are
removed, and the proper adapter is set (without optical elements). When fastening to the
special video port on a microscope, the proper adapter, which is included in the complete
set of microscope, is set.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

Device Basic parameters

Type: light microscope
System: monocular, binocular
Manufacturer: Carl Zeiss, Nikon, Olympus, Leica, Motic
Class: educational, laboratory (mechanical), work (motorized), research
Photo adaptation: without video port, with video port
Amount of objectives: 4 pieces, 4, 10, 40, 100
Type of objectives: dry, immersion
Class of objectives: without correction of aberration, semi plan, achromatic,
achromatic aplanatic
Numerical aperture of objective.
Research methods: light field, dark field, phase contrast, polarized light,
Condenser: regular, achromatic, achromatic aplanatic
Illumination: halogen lamp, light-emitting diode
Specimen stage: mechanical, motorized
Accessories: photo adapter, digital camera


Manufacturer: CarlZeiss, Nikon, Webbers, Olympus, Qimaging,
MicroCam, CARTON, ScopeTek, KONUS, Motic
Type of sensor: monochrome, colour
Type of sensor: CCD, CMOS
Resolution: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 MPixel
Sensor sensitivity: 0,8v/lux.sec with 550 nm (colour CMOS)
Signal-noise ratio: larger than 45 dB
Dynamic range larger than 60 dB (colour CMOS)
Matrix size: 1/3", 1/2", 2/3"
Frame rate during video capturing in maximal resolution
Interface: IEEE 1394, video composite, USB
Type of objective mounting: C-mount, T-mount
Processor with 2 GHz clock frequency
Memory: not less then 1 GB
Video card with 256 NB video RAM
Hard drive with capacity not less than 250 GB
Monitor Size: minimum 17", advisable 19"
For the reports laser printer
For the pictures of specimens colour inkjet printer
Table 2. Basic parameters of AMS hardware devices
The third method consists in adapter, set up between a camera and video port, which has
the own optical system, so-called reverse objective. Its purpose is to reproduce correctly an
image on-the-spot of sensor, namely to decrease the size of image from objective, so that it
covers a sensor area fully. Relation of linear sizes of sensors toward eyepiece field of view is
described in fig. 3.
Some reverse lenses are in a position to change an image, that is, they work as a
transfocator. Digital cameras, developed specially for a microscopy, are assembled by means
of the first and third methods.
Modern Trends in Biomedical Image Analysis System Design


Fig. 3. Correlation of sizes of digital camera matrix and main image of microscope
The digital scale is calculated according to the expression:
m d k w =
in which m is a linear digital scale, micrometer/pixel;
a diameter of field of view on the object, micrometer;
a coefficient of the overlap of field of view by the matrix (Fig. 3); and
w number of pixels on the horizontal row of sensor.
2. Automated microscopy system design
2.1 Design of AND-OR tree for AMS hardware
The tasks of systems structures synthesis are hard to formalize on the whole (Berezsky, 2009,
a). Input information for structural synthesis consists of description of designed object
demands, its operating condition and limited elements composition. Output is the
information about composition of the system and methods of elements connection.
Formally, decision support task for structural synthesis is possible to present in such way:
, , , DSS M RS = A K
1 2
, ,...,
A A A = A is a set of alternatives,
K K K ,..., ,
2 1
= is a set of criteria,
M:AK is a model, which allows to find the criteria vector for every alternative, RS a
decision rule, which provides the choice of optimum alternative. For every alternative there
is an ordered set of attributes
X X X ,..., ,
2 1
= X . If mathematical model XK is unknown,
an approach of expert system is used. In most cases the tasks of structural synthesis are
solved with the help of heuristic methods. The set of alternatives A can be presented as
E P A , = , where P is a set of rules, E is a set of system elements. Morphological tables and
AND-OR tree for P and E are used for description.
Morphological tables represent alternatives as R X M , = , where X is a set of object
characteristics (functions), R is a set of methods of functions implementation. The
disadvantage of morphological tables is ignoring forbidden elements combination in
structures and mutual independence of realizations set R
. These disadvantages are absent in
AND-OR tree, which is an aggregate of morphological tables. In AND-OR tree the "AND"
node corresponds to a partial morphological table M
, each "OR" node that is incidental to
table, corresponds to the set of variants of realization of - function.
AND-OR tree based synthesis anticipates the existence of decision rules in every "OR" node.
These rules are based on and related to the demands of requirement specification. During
their creation it is necessary to use such production rules as:
IF condition 1, condition 2, condition n, THEN action 1, action 2, action m.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

On the basis of AMS classification and analysis of its structure we can build the AND-OR
tree for system structure according to the set of its functions and characteristics (Fig. 4) (ribs
which are connected to "And" nodes are marked with arcs). For system design it is necessary
to define the application field, magnification degree of actual medical research, micro-
objects sizes and level of automation. IIS can be built on the basis of digital or Photo
Adapted Microscopes and camera. Selecting of actual system components is based on their
characteristics using heuristic rules. The level of AMS automation depends on its purpose
and desired speed of specimen analysis. For automation purpose microscopes can include
devices of focusing motorization, moving of specimen table, objective and filter changing.



Image Input System
Transmitted light microscope







Photo adapter










































For digital reflex
For digital non-reflex
For videocameras














Abbe condenser





For film


Fig. 4. AND-OR tree of hardware part of AMS
AMS consists of the image input system (IIS) and computer. Typical IIS consists of camera,
photo adapter and light microscope. The IIS components are based on optical compatibility
properties and connected with the special photo adapter, which can be put in the phototube
Modern Trends in Biomedical Image Analysis System Design

of trinocular head, in the eyepiece tube of binocular head or in the special adapter on the
microscope stage.
Let us define parameters, which can help to choose alternative variants of system
1. Medical field: cytology, histology, haematology, chromosome analysis, and
2. Research types: morphometry, cytophotometry, and densitometry;
3. Research methods: bright field microscopy: phase contrast, differential interference
contrast, dark field;
4. Magnification ratio: 80 - 1000;
5. Micro-object size: micrometer;
6. Digital scale: micrometer/pixel;
7. Level of automation.
On the basis of AND-OR tree for the choice of separate components of the system we will
bring fragment of product rules, which form the alternative variants of configuration of the
If medical field is histology,
then AMS consists of IIS and computer.
If medical field is histology and research method is light microscopy,
then IIS consists of a camera, photo adapter and transmitted light microscope.
The product rules allow us to generate the set of variants of structural arrangement of the
system, which satisfies a requirement specification. Parametric optimization is conducted on
the set of possible solutions.
2.2 Design of software ASM part AND-OR tree
We will build the AND-OR tree for the synthesis of alternative variants of creation of
programming constituent, which is based on the conducted analysis systems of
morphometric analysis (Berezsky, 2009, b). The basic criteria, which influence on the choice
of the systems, are (Berezsky, 2009, c): quality of input images, type of micro-objects, types
of numerical descriptions of micro-objects, and their statistical descriptions (Fig. 5).
We will build alternative decision AND-OR tree, using the parameters:
1. medical area: cytology, histology, haematology, analysis of chromosomes, telemedicine;
2. source data type: local, global;
3. quality of entrance images: with noise, without noise;
4. level of automation;
5. type selection of objects;
6. necessary characteristics;
7. types of research objects : separate objects, groups of objects;
8. the way of results delivery: internal or external software.
We will show fragment rules of how to choose the product structures of the programming
system for morphometric analysis.
If medical area is histology and class of the system is specialized
then system is automated.
If medical area is histology
then the system consists of the module of input information, module of previous
processing, module of selection of objects and module of determination of informative
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software


tion law
Morphometric analysis system
Tuning external
Tuning program
metrical equality
Calibration Input image
Import for
with DB

Object detection











bors algorith




Split and
Feature detection

Moment 0
Moment N

Fig. 5. AND-OR tree for software part of AMS
2.3 Examples of logical production rules for specialized AMS
The basic method of chromosomal violation diagnostics in reproductive medicine is a
cytogenetic research - karyotyping. Rules for AMS constructions are the following:
If karyotyping, then microscope (class (work), objective (10, 100).
If karyotyping with Q-painting, then microscope (method (fluorescence)).
If karyotyping, then camera (type (digital), sensor (monochrome, CCD), resolution
If karyotyping, then computer (processor (2,4 GHz), RAM (1 GB), HDD (250 GB), video
adapter (256 MB)).
If karyotyping, then software includes such modules: image pre-processing, editing,
storage is to DB, print of results.
DNA Research
CGH Method. The kernel of every cell has chromosomes, in which there are genes that
consist of segments of desoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), where genetic information is
accumulated and saved. In order to expose quantitative violations in a genome it is possible
Modern Trends in Biomedical Image Analysis System Design

to apply the method of comparative hybridization (Comparative Genome Hybridization -
CGH). Investigated and normal donor DNA is marked by means of fluorophors of different
colour. After leading through FISH, metaphases are analysed on a fluorescent microscope,
and with the help of the specialized program of computer analysis of images, intensity of
fluorescence of two fluorophors on all length of every chromosome is determined. AMS
construction rules are the following:
If method CGH, then microscope (class (work), method (fluorescence), block for colour
filters mounting, objective (magnification (10, 100)).
If method CGH, then camera (digital) and camera (black and white) and sensor (type
CCD, resolution (12801024), charge accumulation mode).
If method CGH, then computer (processor (Pentium IV 2,4 GHz)), computer (RAM
(512MB)), computer (HDD (250GB)), computer (video card (256MB RAM)).
If method CGH, then software includes such modules: image pre-processing, editing,
storage is in DB, print of results, specialized functions.
Spermatology is medical-biological branch, which is engaged in research of sperm of man
and animal.
Interest to the analysis of human sperm is closely related to the needs of genesial medicine,
which solves the problems of birth of children, birth control and planning of family.
The systems of computer analysis, based on technologies of digital processing of video
images, allow with the less waste of time estimate the parameters of sperm more objectively
and avoid subjectivity of interpretation of results, which happens in standard spermogram.
Moreover, determination of additional indexes of mobility appeared, such as, curvilinear
speed and linearness of motion. The use of the similar systems for automation of analysis of
sperm underlay direction in andrology CASA. AMS construction rules are the following:
If CASA, then microscope (class (work), objective (magnification 20)).
If CASA, then video camera (digital, coloured, sensor (type (CCD), resolution (above
640480), frame rate(50 fps))).
If CASA, then computer (processor (Pentium IV 2,4 GHz)), computer (RAM (512MB)),
computer (HDD (250GB)), computer (video card (256MB RAM)).
If CASA, then software includes such modules: image pre-processing, editing, storage
is in DB, printing of results, specialized functions.
Hematology is the section of medicine that investigates structure and functions of blood
system (blood, organs of blood formation), reasons and mechanisms of development of
blood illnesses, and develops the methods of their recognition, treatment and prophylaxis.
AMS construction rules are:
If hematology, then microscope (class work), objective (magnification 10, 100),
specimen table (motorized)).
If hematology, then camera (digital, coloured, sensor (type (CCD), resolution
(1280*1024), adjustability on colours)).
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

If hematology, then computer (processor (Pentium IV 2,4 GHz), RAM (512MB), HDD
(160GB), video adapter (512MB RAM)).
If hematology, then software includes such modules: image pre-processing, editing,
storage in DB, printing of results, blood cells atlas, specialized functions.
2.4 Functions of microscopic image processing and their realization
Let us consider the components of the typical AMS(s) software and algorithms of their
3.1 Micro-objects segmentation task
We will make the table of the use of the proper methods of segmentation according to the
type of investigated micro-objects (Table 3).
All the process of analysis can be divided into such stages: image acquisition (loading, sight
selection, etc.) (Pratt, 2007), pre-processing (noise reduction, recoding, etc.) (Duda, 2000),
(Shapiro, 2001), analysis (segmentation) of image (Gonzalez, 2008) (Duda, 2000) (Wismullera,
2004) and description (extraction of characteristic features) (Avtandilov, 1990) (Jahne, 2005)
of micro-objects.

Amount of
Type of
Clearness of
clear border
threshold segmentation, high-
frequency filtration
Objects one
to the type
not clear border watershed, clusterization
clear border
threshold segmentation,
clusterization, region growing
objects Objects of
types not clear border watershed, clusterization
clear border
clusterization, high-frequency
filtration Objects one
to the type
not clear border
threshold segmentation,
clear border
clusterization, region growing,
Groups of
Objects of
types not clear border watershed, clusterization
Table 3. Criteria of choice of algorithms of image segmentation
One of the important stages of automation of analysis process of biomedical preparations is
a selection of micro-objects (Avtandilov, 1990). This task is solved by means of images
digital analysis (Pratt, 2007). Principal reason of complication of histology research
automation is high variability and low contrast of the most histological structures.
One of the most widely used segmentation BMI approaches is the selection of micro-objects
borders. It is predefined by clear borders of micro-objects. This group includes the following
algorithms: threshold segmentation, active contours algorithm, high-frequency filtration,
Modern Trends in Biomedical Image Analysis System Design

etc. As a rule, algorithms of this group are used in the morphological operations (Al-Jarrahb,
2008) of dilatation and erosion (Batko, 2009). The choice of segmentation thresholds is based
on a priori information about micro-objects and analysis of histograms of brightness
distribution (Furman, 2003).
Advantages of these algorithms are high speed action and realization simplicity. And
disadvantages are low efficiency of work with poorly contrasting images, work with
imposition of micro-objects, and work with uneven backgrounds.
Another approach for solving micro-objects detection problems is a selection micro-object
form on the template. The main task is to find that part of image (the micro-object contour)
that better coincides with the form of standard micro-object. Advantage of this approach is
possibility of work with images with well-known set of templates. Among the
disadvantages of this approach we determine the result dependence on template accuracy
and exactness, high complication and, as a result, low speed action.
The third approach is based on determination of areas, which are identical to micro-objects.
Among the algorithms of this group there are: clusterization of image (Forsyth, 2004),
sectional segmentation, increase of areas, images marking and others. The selection of areas
has found its wide application in morphometric researches, because often a structure of
fabric is a background, and it does not give it possible to select a cell, because its elements
have brightness and different levels of brightness, which coincide with the brightness of
background. Difficulties at the choice of starting points of segmentation (by chance, or on
the basis of a priori information) are the main disadvantages of algorithms of this group.
4. AMS design and testing example in the area of histology and cytology
We describe the examples of AMS design for histology and cytology purpose and determine
the rules for AMS design (Berezsky, 2009, a).
Rules for hardware are the following:
If medical field is histology and medical field is cytology, then AMSs consist of IIS and
If medical field is histology, and medical field is cytology, and research method is light
microscopy, then IIS consists of camera, photo adapter and transmitted light microscope.
If medical field is histology, or cytology, and research method is light microscopy, then IIS
consists of camera, photo adapter and transmitted light microscope.
Rules for software are the following:
If class of the system is research, then system is manual.
If medical area is histology and medical field is cytology, then the system consists of:
module of manual selection of objects, module of input information, module of pre-
processing, and module of determination of informing descriptions.
Structure of AMS software
The structure of the projected AMS software is presented in fig. 6. For the acquisition images
the module of information input was implemented. The module information input allows
working with loaded and captured in real-time images. The module of pre-processing is
provided for improvement of images quality, emphasis of characteristic features of micro-
objects and choice of areas of interest. For the selection of micro-objects there is a module of
segmentation. It provides three algorithms of selection: pixel-wise (manual), block and
automated (based on key points). To acquire the characteristic features of objects, the
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

contour and texture analyses are used. By means of the algorithms of contour analysis the
followings characteristic features are calculated: perimeter, length, angle of slope of micro-
object, and others. For the statistical analysis of data the module of statistical processing,
which provides the calculation of maximum, minimum and medium values of elements
selection, is implemented. The important stage of work of the system is presenting of
findings both in electronic and printing variants. The module of reports formation is
implemented for this purpose.

Subsystem of image analysis
Module of results printing
Module of statistical processing and reports formation
Module of images
Module of image pre-processing
Module of image segmentation
Module of contours detection and calculation
of characteristic features
Module of images

Fig. 6. Flow diagram of AMS software
Software is developed in Delphi IDE for Windows of the based work stations. The use of
technology of TWAIN allowed organizing co-operation with majority of modern hardware
tools, including video cameras. TWAIN is the industrial standard of interface of software
tool for the transmission of images from different hardware tools in OS Windows and
Macintosh (scanner, web-camera, video camera etc). Important advantage of the developed
system is possibility of large size images processing. We will consider the algorithms of
realization of the modules of software consistently.
Module of images acquisition. Input images can be loaded from a disk or captured from a
video recording hardware. The system allows capturing an image from a video recording
hardware in real-time mode. Video information, which is captured from a video recording
hardware, is displayed in the working window of the system. To transfer an image into the
working area of the program, double click of the left button mouse is used. After that the
program stops displaying of video stream and transfers captured image to module of pre-
Module of image pre-processing. In order to remove artefacts, improve quality and
perform additional processing, functions of image pre-processing are used. Among
accessible functions there are:
- selection of image part;
- down-scaling of image;
- transformation from one colour base to another;
Modern Trends in Biomedical Image Analysis System Design

- correction of image brightness;
- correction of colour gamut.
Module of image segmentation. According to the tasks and necessary selection of objects a
user is able to choose three variants of selection (Berezsky, 2010):
- pixel-wise selection of objects;
- block selection of objects;
- selection of objects on the basis of characteristic points.
These algorithms can be compared according to the followings criteria: exactness, speed of
selection and level of process automation. Exactness is defined as relationship of the
correctly selected points (that belong to the object and amount of the ignored points that do
not belong to the object) and the points selected by mistake (points that were selected, but
do not belong to the object and the ignored points that belong to the object). Speed of
selection is determined as time necessary for the selection of micro-objects in the selected
area. Level of automation is a relationship of amount of the selected points, necessary for the
selection of all objects in the selected area that the system selects to the amount of points
selected by the operator.
During the implementation of manual pixel-wise selection exactness is maximum, however,
process automation is not present. As result, there is more investigation time (Hea, 2008).
During the implementation of block processing exactness of selection is sufficient. The result
of such selection sometimes needs partial correction. The level of automation and speed is
During the implementation of processing on the basis of characteristic points exactness of
selection is sufficient. The result of such selection sometimes needs partial correction. The
level of automation is the greatest among the algorithms offered in the system. The results of
comparison of algorithms of selection of micro-objects are presented in a table 4.

Algorithm Exactness
Speed of
Level of
1 Pixel wise selection >99% >30c 0
2 Block selection 97% 10-15 92%
Selection on the basis of
characteristic points
95% 3-5 99%
Table 4. Comparison of algorithms of selection of objects
Module of contours detection and calculation of characteristic features. For the calculation
of contour features, the additional processing of received data is foreseen in the system
(Berezsky, 2009, f). This additional analysis is provided by means of functions:
- passing a contour;
- selection of major axis;
- selection of characteristic points;
- contour approximation.
Except visual information, the program presents the results of its work in a tabular format.
During statistical analysis the system calculates the following morphometric characteristics:
- area of nuclei;
- area of cytoplasm;
- area of cell;
- nucleocytoplasmic relationship (NCR);
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

- medium selective;
- minimum value of selection;
- maximum value of selection.
The calculation of additional informative characteristics is also foreseen in the program, in
- measuring of distance between two points;
- relationship between lengths of two segments;
- corner between two unparallel segments.
The use of this module allows conducting the previous statistical processing of the received
data. The received results allow the expert to conduct the preliminary estimation of
Module of statistical processing and reports formation. In order to increase functional
possibilities in the software system, the functions of co-operating with other external
software tools are foreseen, in particular, with tabular editor MS Excel (Berezsky, 2009, e).
An information transfer takes place with the help of OLE functions, which realize the
interface of co-operation between a software tool and tabular editor. The use of MS Excel
allowed decreasing of loading on the system and substantial increasing of statistical
processing possibilities, and presenting the findings in a diagram format.
Module of results printing. The standard dialog box of information output is implemented
on a print. An information transfer is carried out by built-in to MACAW functions, which
realize the interface of co-operation between a software tool and printing unit. A user is able
to choose a necessary device for a print, amount of copies, amount of pages on a sheet etc.
Module of images archiving. There is a set of procedures and functions for work with the
base of information (Berezsky, 2008, a). Basic functions are: search of image in the base of
information and formation of reports.
4.1 Testing of the module of image segmentation
The computer system is used for analysis and research of cytological images of multi-
layered images of epithelium for the different types of dysplasia of epithelium of uterus
neck of women of reproductive age (Berezsky, 2009, d). The results of work of segmentation
algorithms are described on the example of images of cells of uterus neck. In Fig. 7.

Fig. 7. The example of selection of micro-objects during pixel segmentation
Modern Trends in Biomedical Image Analysis System Design

After completion of segmentation procedure, the program forms a report, which indicated
descriptions of the selected objects. The example of report is presented in the table 5.

Number of cell Area of nuclei Area of cell
Area of
1 369 18475 18106 0,02038
2 365 19379 19014 0,0191964
3 628 18006 17378 0,0361376
4 467 20712 20245 0,0230674
5 360 16509 16149 0,0222924
6 324 15271 14947 0,0216766
7 463 18085 17622 0,026274
Medium values 425,1428571 18062,42857 17637,28571 0,0241463
Minimum values 324 15271 14947 0,0191964
Maximum values 628 20712 20245 0,0361376
Medium square deviation 104,5457293 1785,717023 1752,86924 0,0057403
Table 5. Descriptions of micro-objects are during a pixel selection
4.3 Approbation of the module of image archiving
Test DB of images contains about 500 full-colour cytological and histological images of
tumour cells. Storage of the following information is foreseen in DB of BMI:
- Image of sample. This information is saved in a graphic file. The name of file is encoded
on the basis of date, when the sample was received, and identification code of a patient
in the medical establishment.
- Quantitative results of the sample, processed by the program. This information is saved
in a tabular form. The name of file is identical to the name of file with digital sample
image. In this file the saved information is about the kernel area, cell, cytoplasm area,
and nucleocytoplasmic relationship of the selected cells. Besides, some statistical
information is saved: areas of maximum, medium, and minimum of kernel, cell,
cytoplasm and NCR.
- Annotation of sample image. This information is saved in a text format. The name of file
is identical to the name of file with digital image. In this file the saved information is
about the date of material reception, type of material, diagnosis, method of treatment
and so on.
The developed system additionally checks process of treatment, analyses the results of
inspections of group of people, etc. Two functions of work with data base are implemented
for this purpose: search of image and forming of summarizing report about the group of
images. General view of window of information search in a database is possible to see in
fig. 8.
The result of search in DB is the description of image. In the case of absence of the proper
files the system informs about an error message. If the file with a text representation is
absent, the user is able to fill the proper fields. If the file with quantitative results is absent,
the user must do additional testing of image.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software


Fig. 8. The result of image search of image based on its description
5. Conclusion
The performed researches proved that at the present time in the modern market there is a
wide spectrum of software and hardware tools for AMS design. Modern AMSs have
different hardware and software specification, which is reflected on their cost. But even the
universal AMS can not completely satisfy the demands of clinical practice and, moreover,
scientific researches. Therefore, researches in the area of AMS design are important,
especially those that are oriented on the specialized use. This article is devoted to this
significant problem.
In this work the following results are achieved:
- Review and classification of AMS are provided: hardware and software. AND-OR tree
for the generation of set of alternatives of structure and rules of products are developed.
AND-OR tree allows to decrease power of set of alternative decisions restricted by
requirement specification;
- The example of development of the software system, which is intended for acquisition,
processing, analysis and storage of biomedical images, is shown;
- The use of modular design and object-oriented technique of programming resulted in
easy modification and flexibility of the software system adjustment.
6. Acknowledgment
This work was supported by project SU-10-2008-"B" "Information-analytical system for
research and diagnosis of tumour (cancer) cells based on their images analysis".
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Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

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A New Tool for Nonstationary and Nonlinear
Signals: The Hilbert-Huang Transform in
Biomedical Applications
Rui Fonseca-Pinto
School of Technology and Management
Polytechnic Institute of Leiria
1. Introduction
Time-frequency techniques constitutes a major improvement in signal analysis, namely at
the field of biomedical signals in which the interdisciplinary nature of the proposed
questions implies the development of new strategies to answer to specific problems. Time-
frequency analysis using Wavelets, Wigner-Ville transform and more recently the Hilbert-
Huang Transform (HHT) constitutes the core of these tools with applications in biomedical
signals in last years.
The non-linearity and non-stationarity nature of these signals puts HHT as a powerful tool
to process signals with those properties, avoiding artefacts related to the use of linear and
stationary assumptions.
Classical spectral analysis using Fourier Transform still the most commonly used method
when one wants to measure the global power-frequency distribution (power spectrum) of a
given signal.
In all areas of knowledge, Fourier-based analysis of time-series data faces constraining
limitations. In biomedical signals, the critical constraining factors are the shortness of total
data span, the non-stationarity of the data and the nonlinearity of the underlying
physiological process.
Methods using Short Time Fourier Transform (STFT) are able to extract the spectral
information by defining short time windows and locally computing the Fourier transform,
thereby coping with non-stationary phenomena. The frequency resolution is inversely
proportional to the window length, and changes in time resolution (window length)
compromise the frequency resolution. Even with optimized joint time-frequency
localization, the trade-off between time and frequency resolution is unavoidable.
In spite of these limitations, classical Fourier spectral analysis is still widely used to process
biomedical data, for lack of alternatives. The uncritical use of Fourier spectral analysis and
the careless adoption of the stationary and linear assumptions may give misleading results.
Wavelet theory developed in the 90s of last century was a significant contribution to tackle
the problem of non-stationarity in time-series analysis. In common with Fourier-based
analysis such as STFT, wavelet analysis yields a time-frequency representation, the main
difference being that the decomposition is not based on sinusoidal functions, but rather
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

using a so-called mother function, from which daughter wavelets are obtained by
means of scaling procedures.
Nonetheless, wavelet theory is also limited by the fundamental uncertainty principle,
according to which time and frequency cannot simultaneously be resolved with the same
precision. The issue of non-linearity remains problematic. Besides, wavelet analysis entails
the choice of the wavelet mother, and that choice may not be optimal for the time-series
being studied.
The Hilbert-Huang Transform is a time-frequency technique whose philosophy is different
from others, as the core of the technique consists in a signal decomposition a posteriori,
enabling the extraction of the inner scales of each signal.
This chapter is meant to illustrate the potential of this technique by showing is performance
in two applications in signal/image processing using medical data. The first example is
about inner body regulation by autonomic nervous system. This is a classical topic in
internal medicine, in which classical spectral techniques mostly had been used. For those
interested in explore new techniques in these area, this chapter contains a state of the art in
this subject and presents a new approach to this problem. The other application is an image
feature extraction of lesion borders and artefact removal, based on 1D signal processing
We start by reviewing some basic ideas of signal processing techniques, avoid as possible,
strong mathematical notation.
2. Classical spectral analysis and new time-frequency methods
Spectral analysis using Fourier Transform (FT) is the most commonly used method when
one wants to measure the global power-frequency distribution (power spectrum) of a given
signal, forming a bridge between two spaces (time and frequency). This relationship is
regulated by the Fourier Transform (FT) of a signal s defined by
( ) { } ( ) ( ) , where 2
i t
S f F s t s t e dt f

= = =

and by Inverse Fourier Transform (IFT)
{ } ( )
( ) ( )
i t
s t F S f S f e df

= =

Equation (2) states that signal s can be expressed as the sum of complex exponentials of
different frequencies, whose amplitudes are the complex quantities ( ) S f defined by (1). In
practice the frequency content is usually represented as the magnitude squared of (1);
( ) S f .
In all areas of knowledge, Fourier-based analysis of time-series data faces constraining
limitations. In biomedical signals, the critical constraining factors are the shortness of total
data span, the non-stationarity of the data and the nonlinearity of the underlying
physiological process.
Methods using Short Time Fourier Transform (STFT) are able to extract the spectral
information by defining short time windows and locally computing the Fourier transform,
thereby coping with non-stationary phenomena.
A New Tool for Nonstationary and Nonlinear Signals:
The Hilbert-Huang Transform in Biomedical Applications

The frequency resolution is inversely proportional to the window length, and changes in
time resolution (window length) compromise the frequency resolution. Even with
optimized joint time-frequency localization, the trade-off between time and frequency
resolution is unavoidable (Gabor D, 1993).
In spite of these limitations, classical Fourier spectral analysis is still widely used to process
biomedical data, for lack of alternatives. The uncritical use of Fourier spectral analysis and
the careless adoption of the stationary and linear assumptions may give misleading results
(Huang N et al., 1998).
Wavelet theory developed in the 90s of last century (Daubechies I, 1988; Daubechies I, 1992;
Meyer Y, 1993) was a significant contribution to tackle the problem of non-stationarity in
time-series analysis. In common with Fourier-based analysis such as STFT, wavelet analysis
yields a time-frequency representation, the main difference being that the decomposition is
not based on sinusoidal functions, but rather using a so-called mother function, from
which daughter wavelets are obtained by means of scaling procedures.
Nonetheless, wavelet theory is also limited by the fundamental uncertainty principle,
according to which time and frequency cannot simultaneously be resolved with the same
precision. The issue of non-linearity remains problematic. Besides, wavelet analysis entails
the choice of the wavelet mother, and that choice may not be optimal for the time-series
being studied.
Recently Huang and its co-workers developed a method in which the issue of non-linearity
is treated, by using a procedure to decompose the signal according to its own scale
properties. This method enables to obtain for each signal a set of orthogonal functions, i.e. a
set of a basis functions. It is a data driven and a posteriori method, contrasting with other
class of decompositions, whose basis functions are established a priori (trigonometric
functions, and wavelets) and in the former case with constant amplitude and frequency
(sinusoidal functions). This method proposed by Huang in 1998 (Huang N.E et al 1998) is
known by Hilbert-Huang Transform (HHT) comprise two parts, the EMD Empirical Mode
Decomposition, and the Hilbert Spectral Analysis (HSA).
2.1 Short Time Fourier Transform STFT
The strength of classical Fourier analysis is that it allows the decomposition of a signal into
its individual frequency components and establishes the relative intensity of each frequency
component. Due to the infinite durations of these basis functions, any time-local information
is spread over the whole frequency spectrum.
To overcome the time localization issue, Gabor introduced a sliding window to well localize
variations in time domain. This procedure is known by Short Time Fourier Transform
STFT. When the applied window follows a Gaussian shape, this STFT is also called Gabor
Similar to the FFT case, the magnitude squared of STFT is used in practice (the
spectrogram), giving now information as a function of time and frequency, and is define by
( )
( , ) ( )
S t f s h t e d

The major advantage of STFT is that if a signal has most of its energy in the interval [ ] , T T
and in the frequency range [ ] , , then its STFT will be localized in the region
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

[ ] , T T x[ ] , in the time-frequency plane. The uncertainty principle prevents de
possibility of having arbitrary high resolution in both time and frequency domains, since it
lowers-bounds the time bandwidth product of any basis function by

, where
( )
T and ( )
are the variances of time function and its Fourier Transform respectively.
2.2 Wavelet Transform WT
Wavelet Transform (WT) mitigates the limitations of FT and STFT by having a basis function
which can be both shifted and dilated or contracted. By decomposing the time-scale plane,
WT enhances time and frequency domains representation of signals, as is the first proposed
method comprises an adaptative nature.
of a signal s is expressed as

( , ) ( ) ( )
a b
C a b s t t dt =

( )
a b
t is defined as,

( )
a b
t b
a a


In (4) ( , ) C a b are the wavelet coefficients. (.) is known as the mother wavelet, and
a b
its stretched and translated version with a and b as its scale and translation parameters.
For a detailed explanation about WT is possible to find several references, in particular
Daubechies, 1992 and Addison P, 2002, among other good books.
2.3. Hilbert-Huang Transform - HHT
The Hilbert-Huang transform is a time-frequency technique consisting of two parts. In the
first part, EMD the signal is decomposed into Implicit Mode Functions -IMFs, putting
forward the scale characteristics imbedded in the signal. In the second part, the Hilbert
transform is applied to the IMFs, yielding a time-frequency representation (Hilbert
spectrum) for each IMF.
HHT has been applied to different fields of science since is first application to fluid
dynamics in water waves and ocean engineering (Ding et al., 2007; Rao & Hsu, 2008),
financial applications (Huang N et al., 2003), system identification (Xun & Yan, 2008; Quek T
et al, 2003) medical signals (Tang J. et al., 2007; Salisbury & Sun, 2007; Caseiro P. et al., 2010).
By its owns characteristics biomedical signals are indicated to HHT analysis.
An IMF is a function that satisfies two conditions:
1. in the whole data set, the number of extrema and the number of zero crossings must
either be equal or differ at most by one;
2. at any point, the mean value of the envelope defined by the local maxima and the
envelope defined by the local minima is zero.
Unfortunately, most time-series do not meet these criteria. At any given time, the data may
involve more than one oscillatory mode. This is the reason why the simple Hilbert
Transform cannot provide the full description of the frequency content in general data

1 In fact, CWT for, Continuous Wavelet Transform.
A New Tool for Nonstationary and Nonlinear Signals:
The Hilbert-Huang Transform in Biomedical Applications

(Cohen L, 1995). Thus, it is necessary to extract the oscillatory modes (IMFs) from the data,
by means of the EMD procedure, which is implemented by an algorithm comprising the
following steps:
1. Identify all extrema of ( ); x t
2. Interpolate between minima to obtain the lower envelope ( )
x t , and between maxima
to obtain the upper envelope ( );
x t
3. Calculate the average envelope
( ) ( )
( ) ;
x t x t
e t
4. Extract the intrinsic oscillatory mode ( ) ( ) ( ); d t x t e t =
5. Iterate on the residual ( ). e t
In practice, the above procedure has to be refined by first iterating steps 1 to 4 upon the detail
signal ( ) d t , until the latter can be considered as a zero-mean signal according to some stopping
criterion (Huang et al, 1998). In Figure 1 at left, is possible to verify that after first iteration of
this shifting procedure, the signal do not achieve the two conditions for IMF. After a set of
iterations (varying within different signals) the zero mean is reached and the first mode of
oscillation is them achieved, as is possible, as is possible to observe in Figure 1 at right.

Fig. 1. Left first iteration of shifting. Right - first IMF after several iterations
Interpolation in step 2 is made using cubic splines; however other interpolation techniques
may be applied (Long SR et al, 1995). The aim of this repeated operation is to eliminate the
riding waves and to achieve more symmetrical wave-profile by smoothing the uneven
amplitudes. Once this is achieved, the detail is considered as the effective IMF, the
corresponding residual is computed and step 5 follows. An example of a EMD
decomposition is presented in Figure 2, were the signal is in the first row, giving in this case
5 oscillatory intrinsic modes (or scales) of oscillation.
Having obtained the IMFs components, it is possible to apply the Hilbert Transform (HT) to
each component, to get instantaneous frequency.
The HT of a real signal ( ) x t is defined as

[ ]
( ) H x t x y
= = , (6)
or using the convolution definition,

1 ( )
( )
y t P d

Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

where P indicates the Cauchy principal value. From ( ) y t it is possible to define the analytical
signal ( ) ( ) ( ) z t x t iy t = + or, in polar form,
( )
( ) ( ) ,
i t
z t a t e

= in which

2 2
( )
( ) ( ) ( ) , ( ) arctan .
( )
y t
a t x t y t t
x t

= + =

Instantaneous frequency is defined using the instantaneous variation of phase,

( ) d t

= (9)
This is the second part of the HHT (Hilbert spectral analysis, HSA), and it entails writing the
signal in the form

( )
( ) ( ) .
i t dt
x t a t e


We can thus obtain the amplitude and the instantaneous frequency as a function of time
( , ) H t . This time-frequency representation is called the Hilbert Spectrum (HS). This
spectral representation offers a totally different interpretation when compared to the
classical Fourier representation. In Fourier terms, the existence of energy at some frequency
implies the existence of a component of a sine or a cosine wave throughout the whole time-
series or a significant part of it. A time-frequency technique allows for the extraction of the
frequency content at each time point. The HS of the signal whose decomposition is in Figure
(2) is presented in Figure (3)
To obtain a measure of the total amplitude (or energy) contribution from each frequency
value, we can compute the Marginal spectrum defined by

( ) ( , ) .
h H t dt =

Similarly it is possible to achieve a measure of the energy of the signal with respect to time,
if we compute the Instantaneous Energy Density Level, IE defined by

( ) ( , ) . IE t H t d

As already reported elsewhere in the text, the uncritical use of Fourier derived techniques
may lead to the extraction of ambiguous information from the data, and in other cases, may
lead to failure to extract properties and characteristics of the signal. The use of HHT allows
for a decomposition of the signal that resorts to an adaptative set of basis functions. It is
therefore possible to use HHT without a predefined choice of parameters.
3. Time-frequency analysis in biomedical signals: applications
In this chapter two examples of HHT applications are shown. The first in the field of
Sympathovagal balance (SVB) and the other uses digital images of the surface of the skin
(dermoscopic images).
A New Tool for Nonstationary and Nonlinear Signals:
The Hilbert-Huang Transform in Biomedical Applications


Fig. 2. Signal (first row) and EMD decomposition plus trend or residue (in last row)

Fig. 3. Hilbert Spectrum of the signal whose decomposition is in Figure 2
3.1 Sympathovagal Balance SVB
The Nervous System (NS) is one of the human body systems enrolling more complexity,
whose interactions among others systems are yet partially unknown. Discovering how it
behaves, and is complex relationships within the whole body, is still a major challenge for
those who are interested in understanding how the human body really works.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

The Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) is a breach of the Peripheral Nervous System (PNS).
The ANS is a neural network suitable to regulate cardiovascular function and work at a
subconscious level by regulating visceral functions. The main function of the ANS is control
cardiac output and blood supply at central and peripheral levels. Cardiac output is
controlled by ANS and is modulated by its main components: Sympathetic Nervous System
(SNS) and Vagal System
The variation in Heart Rate (HR) is defined as the variability of the time-series of heart beats,
and is called Heart Rate Variability (HRV). Epidemiological Studies showed that a decrease
in HRV is one of the best predictors of arrhythmic events and sudden death after
myocardial infraction.
One way to study cardiovascular neuronal regulation is to perform a spectral analysis of
heart rate variability and blood pressure signals. Usually, spectral procedures are designed
to separate the full spectrum of the signal into two main frequency bands associated with
vagal and sympathetic subdivisions of the autonomous nervous system.
Regulation of blood pressure is a continuous phenomenon. Short term adaptation is mainly
dependent on sympathetic outflow to arterial muscle, and largely controlled by
baroreflexes. Changing from supine to upright position leads to gravitational dependent
pooling of blood in dependent parts, namely legs, distal portion of arms and venous
abdominal plexes, thereby reducing ventricular feeling, cardiac output and blood pressure.
Blood pressure lowering is sensed by baroreceptors in carotid bodies, giving rise to a reflex
mediated by sympathetic activation, which determines arterial vasoconstriction and cardiac
acceleration (Joyner M & Shepherd J, 1997; Shepherd R & Shepherd J, 1988).
Provocative manoeuvres can be used to evaluate autonomic vagal and/or sympathetic
outflows indirectly. With these approaches, autonomic behaviour is inferred from
measurements of cardiovascular variables. The analysis of heart rate and blood pressure
variability applying Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and autoregressive (AR) spectral analysis
to these signals has made a very important contribution to autonomic evaluation (Ducla-
Soares JL et al, 2007).
Heart rate varies during inspiration and expiration
. The most evident fluctuations of HR
are related to respiration and manifest as increased HR during inspiration and decreases HR
during expiration (Hales, 1735). It has been clearly shown that a linear relationship exists
between heart frequency and vagal activity. The influence of the ANS has been recognized
in HR short-term variability and is mediated by vagal system. Experimental data has clearly
shown that vagal activation slows heart rate and inversely, vagal block determines heart
rate increases (Freeman R, 1997).
The direct quantification of vagal activity in humans is difficult as recording directly from
the nerve is highly invasive. The degree of RSA provides a quantitative measure of the vagal
outflow to the myocardium, since RSA is generated by cardiac vagal nerve traffic. Spectral
analysis techniques have been applied to HRV in order to estimate the frequency
component centred about the respiratory frequency, termed high frequency band (HF) of
the spectrum (0.15 Hz 0.4Hz). In studies whose experimental conditions may vary the
respiratory frequency, the value of this central frequency constitutes crucial information. For

Also known by Parasympathetic Nervous System (PaNS).
The influence of respiration in HR has been known for more than one century and is called
Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia (RSA).
A New Tool for Nonstationary and Nonlinear Signals:
The Hilbert-Huang Transform in Biomedical Applications

instance, breathing at slow frequency, as is the case during deep breathing manoeuvre
at 6
cycles per minute, heart frequency oscillations fall in the low frequency (LF) part of the
power spectrum. In HRV data is also possible to find a lower frequency component centred
around 0.1 Hz, related to the Meyer Waves
and baroreceptors.
Spectral analysis of HRV data also shows a Low Frequency band (0.04 Hz-0.15Hz), which
physiological significance is more difficult to establish, as the pharmacological blockage in
vagal activity also produce reduction in LF power. Some researchers have being settled that
LF variability may have a vagal and sympathetical component and therefore they state that
LF is not a pure measure of sympathetic activity (Akselrod et al, 1985; Malliani et al, 1991;
Eckberg, 1997). Other studies indicate that LF
represents the primary sympathetic
modulation of heart rate. The ratio LF/HF is defined as the Sympathovagal balance (SVB)
(Pagani et al, 1986; Malliani et al, 1991).
Behind the two above mentioned LF and HF frequency bands, RR interval power spectrum
can present also two more bands, the Very Low frequency band (VLF) and the ultra low
frequency band (ULF) whose spectral densities can be reliably analysed from long-term
recordings (more then 18 hours).
3.1.1 Review of classical spectral methods to obtain SVB: a physiological and
technical challenge
HRV time-series (RR intervals) is obtained form ECG data using algorithms designed to
detect the QRS complexes, and time between R waves. Before trying to detect the R waves,
the ECG signals are detrended using a locally weighted robust regression algorithm.
Usually a vertical and horizontal threshold are established (the former to define a level that
R wave must exceed, and the later to prevent detecting an R wave for a period of time after
one was detected).

Fig. 4. Left ECG and QRS detection. Difference in time between R waves plotted as a
function of the RR beats is the tachogram, presented at right

This is a autonomic test in which the subject is instructed to breath deeply at a rate of 6 breaths per
minute, paced by a metronome (deep metronomic breathing). This and head-up-tilt test are the most
commonly used strategies to standardize respiratory changes and their relation to heart rate, hence to
vagal activity.
Slow waves at one cycle in 10 seconds associated with sympathetic activation.
In particular the ratio LF/(LF+HF), which is the normalized LF power.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

After R waves identification, the HRV is calculated as the difference in time between RR
waves (see Figure 4 at right). This information in time units, plotted as a function of the RR
beats is known in the literature by tachogram.
The simplest form to extract information from a time-series is the inspection in time domain.
By using time domain methods, is possible to calculate HR in any point, or intervals
between successive normal ECG complexes, as well other statistic measures (NN intervals
) obtained from direct measures of HR or by differences between NN intervals. In
time domain is possible to use also geometric models. More details about time-domain
methods can be fund in (Malik, 1996).
RR signal represents de heart period at discrete points, but this representation is no suitable
for FFT analysis as these points are not equally spaced. In order to produce RR data suitable
for classical spectral analysis, the RR signal must be interpolated and re-sampled at higher
uniform rate, usually at 2 or 4 Hz (Carvalho J et al., 2003).

Fig. 5. Left RR time-series after interpolation by cubic splines. In the right both signals are
presented (before and after interpolation)
Parametric autoregressive modelling (AR
) and nonparametric Fourier Transform
methods (e.g. DFT
) provide classical frequency-domain methods to analyse HRV from RR
interpolated signal.
Parametric methods by AR models uses linear prediction defined as

0 1

( ) ( ) ( )
p p
i i
i i
s k b w k i a s k i
= =

where s is the signal, a and b are prediction parameters and ( ) w k white noise.
Non parametric spectral methods using DFT are usually implemented by an algorithm for
fast computation of the DFT, which uses a recursive algorithm known by Fast Fourier
Transform FFT. The spectrum visualization in AR models is usually smoother then Fourier
based ones (see Figure 6). In order to approximate results obtained form AR models from
those obtained by FFT, the order of the AR model must increase. To get a good spectral

Intervals between adjacent QRS complexes.
Squared root of the mean squared differences of successive NN intervals.
Autoregressive Model.
Autoregressive Moving Average.
Discrete Fourier Transform
A New Tool for Nonstationary and Nonlinear Signals:
The Hilbert-Huang Transform in Biomedical Applications

estimation we must use order 12 in AR model for a sampling rate of 2Hz, and order 15 for a
sampling rate of 4Hz (Carvalho J et al, 2003).

Fig. 6. Spectral analysis of RR signal in figure 2. Left: using AR model order 12. At right is
present the spectrum of the same signal using FFT with an Hamming window
Using the HRV data from Figure 5 and spectral analysis in Figure 6, is possible to see a
bigger energy input from high frequency band (0.15 Hz 0.4 Hz), whose main frequency is
0.25Hz showing the RSA enrolment in HF band, representing the contribution of the Vagal
System during this period of 100 heart beats.
The classical spectral analysis presented above, were designed for whole signal, abolishing
time information. Form Figure 6 we just know that a wave of frequency around 0.25 Hz
persist in all signal, lacking the time information. This required information of frequency in
time is not possible using the classical frequency definition. Instead, an instantaneous
frequency definition is required, being this one of the main characteristics of time-frequency
Behind the non-consensual physiological interpretation of LF frequency band, classical
methods possesses these constrains related with lack of time guidance.
3.1.2 Access to SVB by HHT
The access to Sympathovagal Balance is an interdisciplinary problem, and in last years had
been treated within research groups with Mathematicians, Engineers, Doctors and Medical
Staff, see as an example the Guidelines of Task Force of The European Society of Cardiology
and The North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology. Nevertheless the
interdisciplinary nature of the panel, those guidelines was stated in 1996, lacking time-
frequency techniques.
Today powerful techniques of time-frequency analysis were used by engineers to process
data from all knowledge areas, as is the case of medical signal processing. Instantaneous
frequency is defined mainly using the Hilbert Transformation (HT), and time-frequency
techniques from different classes (atomics and energy) are today completely established.
From STFT, WT and Wigner- Ville Transform (WVT) is possible to use numerous variants.
HHT Hilbert-Huang transform presents good skills to process these kind of data,
diverging from the previous time-frequency techniques by lacking for an yet complete
analytical formulation. This was the case regarding WT in the 80s of the last century, when
a French mathematician Ingid Daubechies completed the Wavelet theory.
Using those recent time-frequency representations, new approaches had been proposed to
process RR data in spectral domain, by using points sampled synchronously with each
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

heartbeat. By this way, frequencies are expressed in 1/heartbeat units. Working with
frequencies (in Hz) is possible, but it would require re-sampling and interpolation
procedures that may be problematic in high variability signals such as these (Fonseca-Pinto
et al, 2010).
As we presented before, the algorithm enrolled the first part of the HHT (Empirical Mode
Decomposition) behaves like a filter bank (Flandrin P, 2004), and this allows the separation
of the spectrum in two main frequency bands (high frequency band, HF, and low frequency
band, LF) without a predefined cut-off frequency. In order to study the modulation of the
sympathetic nervous system activity, signals of Diastolic Blood Pressure (DBP) and Heart
Rate Variability (HRV) were obtained following a protocol to extract values of DBP and
HRV at each heartbeat (RR interval). These signals were obtained during the head-up tilt
test and deep breathing manoeuvre, following the same procedures as in (Ducla-Soares J L
et al 2007). In the former test, distinct postural positions are studied, including a 60-degree
tilt of the bed where the subject is resting. In the latter test, the subject is instructed to breath
deeply at a rate of 6 breaths per minute, paced by a metronome (deep metronomic
breathing). This is one of the most commonly used strategies to standardize respiratory
changes and their relation to heart rate, hence to vagal activity.
In the method presented next, DBP signals were used to access the Sympathetic modulation
of SVB, and the HR signal is used to follow vagal output. By this formulation the SVB is
constructed based in two signals (main indirect measures to access SVB), allowing a more
realistic picture of the complex interactions performed to obtain homeostasis. DBP also
reflects the vasoconstriction and is more sensitive to pressure changes.
The first step to achieve the separation in two frequency bands is to normalize
the HRV
and DBP signals and to submit them to the EMD procedure. As stated before, in the present
study we presented a new formulation by assigning the highest frequency modulation to
the IMF1 of the heart rate signal, and the lowest frequency modulation to the sum of IMF2
and IMF3 obtained from the diastolic blood pressure signal as

1 2 3
( ) , ( ) ( ).
x IMF HR x IMF DBP IMF DBP = = + (14)
As the number of IMFs is not a constant within different signals, in those cases with only
two IMFs, the lower frequency content is obtained just considering the IMF2 from DBP.
This reconstruction in modes leads to a spectrum separation in two frequency bands. By this
way it is possible to reproduce the two main frequency bands (LF and HF) related
respectively with sympathetical system and vagal system used in studies with FFT and
Wavelets (Parati G et al., 1995; Ducla-Soares J L et al., 2007). In the case of deep breathing,
the highest frequency content is obtained from the IMF2 of the heart rate, considering the
shift in heart rate towards the LF band, already mentioned and reported in (Sleight &
Casadei, 1995).
The next step is the computation of the Hilbert spectrum associated with the high
frequencies ( , )
H t , and the low frequencies ( , )
H t . For each case, a two-dimensional
representation of the energy fluctuation with time is obtained (see equation (15)):

Signals are divided by the maximum value of each one.
A New Tool for Nonstationary and Nonlinear Signals:
The Hilbert-Huang Transform in Biomedical Applications


2 2
( , ) ; ( , )
PS H t d PS H t d

= =

By considering a time range that is adequate from the point of view of the experiment (e.g. 5
heartbeats before and after the tilt), it is possible to calculate the energy contribution in
function of time, related to the LF band and to the HF band, by computing IHF, ILF and
Index defined by

0 0
; ; .
IHF PS dt ILF PS dt Index
= = =

Studies to evaluate the Sympathovagal balance involve postural manoeuvres, and it is
critical to pinpoint fluctuations that happen synchronously with postural changes, or shortly
before or after them. If the above time range is small when compared with the duration of
the test, a better sensitivity to energy variations can be achieved.
Related to the issue of critical data length, simulation studies were carried out in order to
understand the influence of the signal length in the number of IMFs produced by EMD.
These recent studies were made using was made using fGn (fractional Gaussian noise)
signals, and allowed to define a measure to establish the minimum data length needed to
obtain a predetermined number of IMFs. In this proposed methodology, it is crucial that the
number of IMFs are at least three (or two in some cases) in order to obtain the meaningful
separation of frequency content, as explained above. According to previous simulation
studies (Fonseca-Pinto R et al, 2009), to obtain 2 or 3 IMFs, the average number of signal
samples required is 36 (RR beats).
The Hilbert-Huang Spectrum was obtained following Matlab routines adapted from
(Rilling G, 2003). These routines contain functions of the TFTB (time-frequency) toolbox
(Auger F, 2009).
As a first example of the access to SVB using this HHT formulation we present in Figure 7
the HR and DBP signals from a period of 42 heart beats. In this registration is possible to
observe a slow variation in DBP at the beginning (between 10
and 20
heart beat), and a
more effective variation in HR increasing is variation mainly at the end of the record. In the
same figure at right, we can track in time the energy fluctuation of the two frequency bands.
Figure 8 at right show a prominent contribution of vagal system mainly after the 33
beat period were HR decreases. In the period between 10
and 20
heart beat, HR increases
and is possible to observe a decrease in vagal output and an bigger sympathetic input by
improve PS
In fact, this time-frequency derived technique by HHT, when compared with the classical
representation presents greater advantages. To compare both spectra we present the
classical spectral representation in Figure 6.
In fact, using Figure 8, all above local interpretations were impossible. We just are able to
say that HF spectrum and LF spectrum present similar contribution, as the area above the
curve for the two main frequencies roughly is similar. In fact the LF/HF ratio is in this case
bigger than one. It is also important here to register that in the HHT based method the LF
spectrum is obtained for a different signal (DBP) and by this way is impossible fully
compare both spectra.
Another example is showed in Figure 9. In this sketch is possible to observe at right both
signals of HR and DBP during 50 heart beats.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software


Fig. 7. SVB by HHT- left: HR and DBP signals Right: Instantaneous Energy fluctuation of
Vagal and Sympathetic systems

Fig. 8. Classical Spectrum of HR signal in figure 5. Vertical dashed lines mark LF (0.04Hz-
0.15Hz) range
During the firsts 20
heart beats we assist at an increase in HR and a decrease in DBP. In
fact, during almost all record, DBP possesses a descendent behaviour. This initial deed of
HR is elucidated in the figure at right by an SVB (LF/HF) bigger than unity. Actually in this
period the vagal system varies slowly. At the end (between 40
and 50
heart beat) DBP
increases and HR decrease and once more SVB is bigger than one. In fact we assist
variability in DBP conducted by an Sympathetical inflow. This is enhanced by the fact that
HR continues is descending path, hence vagal system contribution in insufficient to balance
LF component.
As we do previously the classical spectrum is also presented in Figure 11. In this case we
also use other time-frequency method to be able to compare two time-frequency methods.
A New Tool for Nonstationary and Nonlinear Signals:
The Hilbert-Huang Transform in Biomedical Applications


Fig. 9. SVB by HHT- left: HR and DBP signals Right: Instantaneous Energy fluctuation of
Vagal and Sympathetic systems

Fig. 10. Left Classical Spectrum of HR signal in Figure 7. Right Power spectrum in % of
HF an LF bands by STFT
The low energy values in Figure 9 are also presented in the classical spectrum in Figure 10 at
left, and once more only global interpretations are allowed. At right in Figure 10 we present
the STFT power of the LF and HF bands in percentage. This plot when compared to the
HHT energy variation presents a global similar shape, but by construction (STFT uses a
sliding window) only reflects variation between adjacent windows, being this the reason for
few irregularities.
The last example of this chapter is obtained using the 101511
criterion as presented in
(Fonseca-Pinto et al, 2009; Fonseca-Pinto et al., 2010b)) for the Head-Up-Tilt test. HR and
DBP signals plotted are in Figure 11.

This was established for HUT test wit HHT and used 10 heart beats before the tilt manoeuvre and 26
after (in mean 15 during tilt and the rest after).
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software


Fig. 11. HR and DBP during 36 heart beats including HUT test
In Figure 12 is possible to observe the instantaneous energy variation obtained by HHT. The
increase in DBP after 15
heart beat is conditioned by and sympathetic inflow, and the big
variability in HR until 15
heart beat, is captured by the Instantaneous energy
representation in Figure 13. In all this period, in which we assist to a contention in HRV (by
increasing vagal flow) and then in a preeminent DBP increase (by increase the sympathetic
contribution) SVB can be calculated at each heart beat. In fact, this is one of the main
differences in using or not interpolation, and by this way, losing time information.
When we assist to a postural change, blood goes to inferior members and to distal parts of
superior members. As a result compensatory mechanisms act by increasing sympathetical
activity, whose action can be immediate (at the order of seconds) or during hours. When this
compensatory mechanisms acts immediately, such regulation must by inferred in beat-to-
beat fluctuation, being this the natural scale for getting autonomic regulatory information.

Fig. 12. Instantaneous Energy fluctuation of HF and LF spectrum by HHT
A New Tool for Nonstationary and Nonlinear Signals:
The Hilbert-Huang Transform in Biomedical Applications

3.2 Lesion border detection and artefact removal in dermoscopic images
Skin cancer is one of the cancer types with most rapidly increasing prevalence and is also
one of the most common form of malignancy in humans (Celebi et al., 2007). It is expected
that its impact in public health will increase significantly in the coming decades in the
absence of effective intervention today (Boyle et al., 2007).
Early detection of skin lesions is critical to prevent this kind of malignancies. Dermatologists
use epiluminescence microscopy, or dermatoscopy as is usually called, to perform early
diagnosis of melanocytic lesions and to track the progression thereof.
Dermatoscopy uses a polarized light source and a magnifying lens. A fluid is usually spread
on the skin surface to minimize light scattering, and thus increase the performance of this
technique. The use of this fluid and the presence of hairs, give rise to conspicuous artefacts
in dermatoscopic images.
The classification of some melanocytic lesions is sometimes difficult, even for experienced
specialists. The lesion border is especially relevant for diagnosis since it allows to gather
information about the shape of the lesion, growth path, and growth rate.
The early detention of lesions is crucial to prevent malignancies. Early detection requires
periodic monitoring of suspected lesions. Currently dermatologists often resort to digital
dermoscopes and computer storage of the information. Computers can also be used to
perform automatic lesion border detection. The presence of artefacts may induce artificial
borders, thereby jeopardizing the efficiency of automatic detection algorithms (Fonseca-
Pinto et al., 2010a)). Artefact removal is a required pre-processing step to improve the
quality of detection.
3.2.1 IEMD and image processing
EMD was developed for one-dimensional signals but is possible to extend this procedure to
two dimensional arrays. In this work, a 2D extension of EMD is presented, called Image
Empirical Mode Decomposition (IEMD). The obtained modes are called 2dIMFs.
An image is an array of pixels that can be treated as a matrix. Each row of this matrix stands
for the energy of this set of pixels, and therefore is possible to plot this information. By this
way we obtain a one-dimensional signal and it is possible to apply EMD to this one-
dimensional signal.
Performing EMD in succession to all rows leads to a set of IMFs for each row, and the set of
all IMFs of the same order constitutes a set of 2dIMFs.
Dermoscopic images used in this work are obtained in RGB format and therefore they need
to be pre-processed to before application of IEMD. Each image in RGB format corresponds
to an array with dimensions ( ) , , 3 m n allowing the extraction of components R, G and B to
be individually treated as described above. The final set of 2dIMFs is obtained after each
individual matrix processing, by summing up the results. An example of 2dIMF extraction
by IEMD from a dermoscopic image is presented in Figure 14.
Dermoscopic images involve some artefacts directly related to this kind of images, i.e. hairs
and air bubbles. The correct outline of lesion borders is critical for diagnosis, and the
efficiency of automatic lesion border detection is hampered by artefacts.
Artefact removal comprises two steps: 1) detection of corrupted pixels, and 2) assignment of
new intensity value associated to those pixels, while trying to minimize changes in the
relevant image features.
The above presented IEMD decomposition is used in this work to detect artefacts. Figure 14
suggests that 2dIMFs capture the main visible artefacts.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software


Fig. 13. IEMD extraction from the original matrix

Fig. 14. Dermoscopic image (top left), 2dIMF1 (top right), 2dIMF2 and 3 (bottom images)
3.2.2 Artefact removal by IEMD
Air bubbles and hairs represent bursts of high frequency oscillation that are efficiently
captured by the firsts 2dIMFs. These high variation regions are enhanced by applying the
following algorithm to 2dIMF1 presented in Figure 16.

Fig. 15. Detection of anomalous pixels in 2dIMF1
A New Tool for Nonstationary and Nonlinear Signals:
The Hilbert-Huang Transform in Biomedical Applications

After IEMD we get the first component (2dIMF1, with dimensions r c ) and the maximum
(M) and minimum (m) energy value is calculated
{ } { }
1,..., 1,...,
1,..., 1,...,
max 2 1( , ) ; min 2 1( , )
i r i r
j c j c
M dIMF i j m dIMF i j
= =
= =
= = (17)
and the inner variation is calculated by . R M m = +
Using this inner variation above defined we set an empirically chosen threshold range. This
threshold range is symmetric and the Th of Figure 15 is calculated by , Th R h = resulting in
a percentage of the inner variation characterized by the h value as defined by the user for
each image component.
After this step the reassignment of anomalous pixels can be made using several strategies. In
this work we chose a simple approach that consists of averaging the values of neighbouring,
non-artefact pixels.
This IEMD procedure amounts in fact to filtering. However, contrary to common filter
procedures, this technique targets only those pixels where artefacts exist, leaving the
remaining image unchanged. It is not a blind procedure, but rather an adaptative and
oriented strategy to remove artefacts in dermoscopic images.
As stated in the beginning, automatic border detection is important to improve early
diagnosis and the presence of artefacts decreases the efficiency of lesion border detection
(specifically, the presence of hairs induces artificial lesion borders). Common filters (in this
case low pass filters) applied to these images tend to mask those artefacts, and have the
disadvantage of decreasing image resolution. Besides, they tend to blur important diagnosis
features such as pigmented networks and blue-white zones.
Dermoscopic images used as examples were obtained from the database of the skin cancer
society of Australia in . Low pass filtering used as a comparative
model was created with imfilter.m function from Matlab using symmetric boundary options.

Fig. 16. Dermoscopic image with air bubbles (left), image after classical low pass filtering
(middle) and image after IEMD filtering
The performance of IEMD artifact removal is illustrated in Figure 16 in which a dermoscopic
image of a melanoma is presented. In this case it is possible to detect several air bubbles due
to fluid application on the skin. The image after classical low pass filtering (in the middle)
presents poor resolution. The image after IEMD artifact removal (right) indicates a clearly
better performance in terms of image resolution preservation.
3.2.3 IEMD as a filter in automatic border lesion detection
After the IEMD artefact removal, we use bwtraceboundary.m from the Matlab signal
processing toolbox to detect border lesions. In the present work we compare the
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

performance of this routine applied to the original dermoscopic image (original), to the
image filtered by a classical low pass filter (classical filter) and to the image after being
submitted to IEMD (IEMD filter).

Fig. 17. Automatic border detection without filtering (left), with classical filter (middle) and
with IEMD filter (right)
The first example presented in Figure 17 is an acral melanocytic naevus. In this case air
bubbles are presented and as expected they corrupt the efficiency of automatic border
detection, as can be seen in Figure 17 on the left. The two filtering schemes (classical and
IEMD) are presented at the same figure at the centre and right. Selective filtering, in this
case, resulted in improved border detection (notice the small lesion area at the bottom,
missed by classical filtering approach and detected by IEMD).
In the second example, presented in Figure 18, both main artefact sources (air bubbles and
hairs) are present, resulting in a tough challenge for the artefact removal algorithm.

Fig. 18. Automatic border detection without filtering (left), with classical filter (middle) and
with IEMD filter (right)
As expected, the automatic border detection of this image without any kind of filtering leads
to nonsense results and produces artificial borders in the lesion like those presented in
Figure 18 at left. After filtering, it is possible to see that both filtering schemes produce
A New Tool for Nonstationary and Nonlinear Signals:
The Hilbert-Huang Transform in Biomedical Applications

much more reasonably looking borders. Classical filtering leads to soft borders, as opposed
to IEMD, where the lesion outline seems to be more realistic.
We present in Figure 19 another example of automatic border detection. This is a
melanocytic lesion melanoma acral lentiginous and in this case only air bubbles are present.
After lesion border automatic detection it is possible to see that, again, IEMD leads to a more
detailed outline of the border, as opposed to the softer border yielded by classical filtering,
due to the filter-induced blurring.

Fig. 19. Automatic border detection without filtering (left), with classical filter (middle) and
with IEMD filter (right)
4. Conclusion
The way we have to access to information from systems is, sometimes enrolled in
complicated schemes and finally what we get is more a function of the process and less a
function of the true phenomenon. In fact, a truly data processing technique must be
designed in order to let the data talk! As we have seen, hinders related with stationarity and
linearity may cause constrains, when they are overlooked.
To find solutions to old problems, new strategies must be used, as is the case in the EMD
decomposition, scratching with traditional an a priori basis assumption. In this specific case,
as long as whole methodology were empirical and without an analytical formulation, we
have to face results with some prudence, filtered by a stable theoretical knowledge in signal
processing, allowing to use those results with tranquillity.
People who work with this technique always sited Heaviside, an English Mathematician
how said in other context
Shall I refuse my dinner because I do not fully understand the process of digestion?
5. Acknowledgements
This Chapter reflects part of the work done during my PhD in the Institute of Biophysics
and Biomedical Engineering (IBEB) at the Faculty of Sciences in Lisbon, hence I whish to
thank my supervisor Professor Alexandre Andrade.
Data for testing the methodology to access to SVB was obtained in the Laboratory of
Autonomic Nervous System at the Hospital de Santa Maria em Lisbon. I want to thank for
the data and also for all support from Professor Jos Luis Ducla-Soares and is team.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

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Part 4
Computation and Information Management
Periodic-MAC: Improving MAC Protocols for
Biomedical Sensor Networks Through Implicit
Stig Sta
and Ilangko Balasingham
The Intervention Centre, Oslo University Hospital,
Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Oslo,
Novelda AS,
Dept. Electronics and Telecommunications,
Norwegian University of Science and Technology,
1. Introduction
Wired biomedical sensors have facilitated increasingly advanced clinical decisions support
systems in specialized medical settings over the last decades. Reliable hemodynamic
monitoring of cardiac and pulmonary function is mandatory for individual tailoring
of treatment of critically ill patients. Sensors provide the hemodynamic parameters
that reveal impending clinical problems, and initiate caregiver intervention. Biomedical
sensor technologies include invasive or non-invasive sensors for intermittent or continuous
monitoring of vital physiological parameters usedin hemodynamic treatment at point-of-care.
A hemodynamic sensor portfolio thus involves multiple sensors either attached to the
patient, or embedded in biomedical devices used for treatment. The criticality of such
systems is evident, as they are used for direct life support in a setting where quality,
stability and continuity of real-time data is vital (yri et al., 2010). For the last few
decades, biomedical sensors and patient monitors used in hemodynamic monitoring have
been based on wired solutions. However, a digital revolution is now taking place in
healthcare. Medical proles for wireless standards, such as Bluetooth or ZigBee standards,
have currently been developed and adopted by the Continua Health Alliance (Caroll et al.,
2007). In the standardization bodies IEEE, ISO and CEN TC 251, improvement of care by
reuse of medical device data has been addressed for many years; In particular the IEEE
1073 Standard for Medical Device Connection. A consortium of Scandinavian research
institutions, technology startup companies, sensor producers, and a hospital based test facility
collaborated to develop a portfolio of multiple experimental wireless sensor prototypes for
a platform compliant with the X73 PoC-MDC (ISO11073/IEEE1073)(Galarraga et al., 2006)
medical device communication outline (yri et al., 2010). Other research groups have
evaluated implementations of wireless clinical alerts from pager systems (Major et al., 2002
and Reddy et al., 2005). Yao and Warren investigated how to apply the ISO/IEEE 11073
Standards to wearable home health monitoring systems (Yao & Warren., 2005). There is a
demand for a point of care clinical decision support systems providing real time processing of
2 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
biomedical sensor data displayed as continuous waveform streams. This may be based on a
wireless biomedical sensor network which will pave the way for a range of new applications
within clinical decision support for healthcare professionals. Wireless connections can transfer
digitalized data which, along with other digital data, may enable novel clinical and logistics
applications. The wireless systems may also eliminate some of the adverse events typically
associated with wires, and enhance the mobility of the patient in the recovery period. The use
of wireless sensors would enable greater exibility for both the patient and medical staff, as
the same sensors could follow the patient during the cycle of treatment.
In-hospital deployment of wireless sensor networks dees many of the common assumptions
related to medium access control (MAC) protocols. Wireless sensor networks are most often
assumed to react on events. This might not be true for clinical decision support systems where
the main ows of data are continuous waveform streams. These data streams vary greatly
in bandwidth requirements, but the requirements for bandwidth are typically higher than
for traditional sensor networks. In such systems we can assume that there are short routes
between the source and destination, and the importance of previously sampled data rapidly
decreases as time passes, since the main objective is real-time decision support. Failure to
access the channel within a short period of time will, in many cases, render the data useless.
Loss of data over a wireless medium is strongly dependent on the channel state of the
wireless medium. Data may be lost due to noise interference from other systems like WI-FI
and Bluetooth, or path loss variations, a fading effect known as shadowing. Our own
investigations show that the main cause of data loss in said networks are due to packet
collisions that can be avoided by improving packet scheduling on the MAC layer. We utilize
the property that sensors, especially sensors in biomedical sensor networks, transmit at xed
intervals, which is a direct result of the time required to continuously sample each data
packet. Knowing that the channel access can be approximated as a periodic instance, we
can predict the channel availability with a given probabilistic model, and reduce the channel
occupation rate. Thereby reducing the number of retransmissions and enabling operation
closer to saturation.
Energy conservation is another important challenge to meet in order to guarantee a minimum
operational time of the sensors. Since the power consumption of a transceiver is markedly
high during channel listening, the best way to achieve energy conservation is to turn off
the radio electronics on every network node for as long as possible. Considering the above,
periodic operation is the key factor for energy efciency and robust communication.
This paper explores how the periodic operation of sensors can be utilized when scheduling
transmissions through a wireless interface. Often, the transmission of data packets will be
a natural periodic operation, because the sensors themselves sample periodically, with a
xed sample frequency. As a result, the period between each transmission, determined by
the time that is required to ll a data packet, will also be xed. TDMA-based protocols are
naturally energy conserving because they have a built-in duty cycle, and do not suffer from
collisions. However, maintaining a TDMA schedule in an ad-hoc network is not an easy task
and requires much node complexity. TDMA-based protocols usually require the nodes to
form communication clusters. Thus, when the number of nodes within a cluster changes,
due to the addition or removal of sensor nodes, it is not easy for them to dynamically change
their frame length and time slot assignment. Therefore, the scalability is not as efcient as
that of a contention-based protocol. In a contention-based MAC algorithm, e.g. CSMA, the
key element in optimizing the energy consumption is to minimize the duration of a receivers
on time before the actual data exchange takes place. In addition to data transmission and
508 Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software
Periodic-MAC: Improving MAC Protocols for
Biomedical Sensor Networks Through Implicit Synchronization 3
reception, this time interval may also include signaling, handshaking, collision avoidance
mechanisms, plus the necessary transmit/receive turnaround and calibration time. To
combine the strengths of these two protocols we suggest using a CSMA/TDMA hybrid
protocol that can take advantage of the property of periodicity, and in a decentralized manner
predict the channel availability with a given probabilistic model. By storing, in a local
TDMA table, the time(s) where CSMA results in a successful transmission, and reusing these
time slots in future transmission periods, the operation gradually becomes similar to TDMA
scheduling. The decentralization in itself does not necessarily prevent the use of centralized
control, but rather reduces the risk of a single point of failure, since the protocol may operate
with or without a network coordinator. Therefore, the hybrid protocol can improve the
performance and safety of both coordinated and uncoordinated networks.
Since the introduction of computer networks, a great number of data scheduling protocols
have been proposed. Typically, these protocols are based on the OSI model (ITU-T X.200),
where conceptually similar functions are performed in what is described as a layer. Each
layer provides services to the layers above, and receives services from the layer below. Many
of these protocols have later been adapted to wireless sensor networks (WSN). Because
of the strict requirement of power conservation, and the low bandwidth in WSNs, the
interconnection of nodes in a network has taken a newapproach by moving toward cross layer
protocols. By sharing information between the transmission layers, network nodes can adapt
their transmission schedules based on the wireless channel state information they receive
from the lower layers that monitor the physical transmission medium. With this approach,
a number of scheduling protocols for wireless networks have been proposed to optimize
energy conservation, routing, and transmission scheduling. In recent years some protocols
have also been developed to combine the strengths of TDMA and CSMA. S-MAC (Ye et
al. 2002) auto-synchronizes its sleep schedules, where the node powers down to conserve
energy, by forming virtual clusters. Thus, the sleep schedule becomes a periodic operation.
TRAMA (Rajendran et al., 2003) is another approach that is closer to TDMA scheduling.
TRAMA avoids assigning time slots to nodes with no trafc, and scheduling is adapted based
on trafc. Rhee et al. developed Z-MAC (Rhee et al., 2005), which reserves time slots for
priority data, but allows nodes that do not necessarily have priority over a given slot to
steal the time slot when the owner does not have data to send. This enables Z-MAC to
switch between CSMA and TDMA depending on the level of contention. Hence, Z-MAC acts
like CSMA under low contention but acts like TDMA while under high contention. However,
the S-MAC, TRAMA, and Z-MAC protocols require control messages in the form of schedule
exchange or central coordination, adding additional protocol overhead. Sticky CSMA-CA
(Singh et al., 2007) utilizes implicit synchronization by recording periodic transmissions from
neighboring nodes. Sticky CSMA-CA is based on the assumption that all the real-time
ows in the network are either naturally periodic or have been shaped by the higher layers
as periodic streams with the same period. The periodic nodes access the medium using
CSMA-CA and stick to a periodic schedule upon successful transmission. Independently,
our own research led to the development of Periodic-MAC protocol (Sta & Balasingham,
2008). Some of the features that separate this protocol from the above protocols is how it
introduces memory into the CSMA-CA mechanism, and the fact that no network coordinator
is required. For instance, Sticky CSMA-CA maintains a log of the channel transmissions by
monitoring the channel over a given time duration, whilst the Periodic MAC maintains a table
containing the positions in time, relative to the completion time of the last data packet, that
had previouslyresulted in a successful transmission. In this way, no monitoring of the channel
Periodic-MAC: Improving MAC Protocols for
Biomedical Sensor Networks Through Implicit Synchronization
4 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
is needed, and the node can power down for longer periods. Periodic MAC does not utilize
RTS/CTS, and does not require any communication other than the data delivery followed by
an acknowledgment from the receiver. Periodic-MAC protocol is devised on the assumption
that some wireless sensor networks are either naturally, or shaped periodic, however Periodic
MAC only requires the transmitters to share a common harmonic of their transmission period.
That is, Periodic-MAC should be able to handle multirate as well as homogeneous network
trafc. An evaluation of Periodic MAC (Sta & Balasingham, 2009) shows that the protocol
also performs very well when there is interference by hidden terminals or random noise.
This paper contributes to understanding and solving several important scheduling problems
associated with hybrid protocols based on the assumption of periodic operation. If we assume
the nodes in these networks are multi-rate and inhomogeneous, close to optimal scheduling
can be determined as a dynamic process by considering a limited number of transmission
periods. In Section 2 we describe the Periodic-MAC algorithm, which utilizes this property
by iteratively running through a set of solutions that have previously resulted in successful
transmissions. However, to simplify the analysis of a network with periodic operation, in
Section 3, we will assume that the nodes can only store one such solution. In Section four we
look at possible improvements of the algorithm. We conclude in Section 5.
2. Periodic-MAC protocol description
The Periodic-MAC protocol was devised for one hop star topology networks that we would
expect to nd in hospital environments, such as the operating theater. This network carries
data packets containing waveform data intended for real time monitoring of the intensive
care unit, or for use during surgery. Since the wave form data appears on the monitor for
only a short period, Periodic-MAC relies on the assumption that a data packet is only valid
for a limited period of time. Because of this, there is no queuing of packets on the sensor
nodes. This reduces the overhead of retransmitting data when the data is no longer useful,
and enables normal operation closer to network capacity. When the network is in saturation,
the full capacity of the wireless medium is utilized by the sensor nodes. Retransmission of
corrupted packages would then start to ll the queues, further adding additional trafc load,
resulting in decreased network throughput. Since the protocol assumes that the individual
sensors operate periodically, it does not consider nodes that are event driven. Events that
would cause alarms should therefore be triggered by the monitoring device.
Crucial for the efciency of a wireless sensor network protocol is its contention resolution
mechanism. When more than one node attempts to transmit a frame at the same time, a
collision occurs, and subsequently all frames become corrupted. The standard mechanism
for contention resolution in computer networks is the carrier sense multiple access. The
Periodic-MAC protocol uses the CSMA-CA algorithm of the IEEE 802.15.4 Standard. This
standard has been specically devised to support wireless sensor networks, and species the
mediumaccess control and physical layers. For the physical layer, 27 communication channels
in three different frequency ranges are dened in the industrial, scientic and medical (ISM)
bands; 16 channels in the 2.4 GHz band, 10 channels at 915 MHz and 1 channel at 868 MHz.
We consider IEEE 802.15.4 operating in the 2.4 GHz band with 250 kbps data rate. An
IEEE 802.15.4 network operates either in a beacon enabled or non-beacon enabled mode.
In beacon enabled mode the network uses a slotted CSMA-CA mechanism to access the
channel, and in the non-beacon mode it uses more conventional CSMA-CA. Thus far only
non-beacon mode has been considered for Periodic-MAC. Although the proposed algorithm
has similarities to slotted CSMA-CA, the nodes do not depend on any coordinator as in the
510 Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software
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beacon enabled network.
2.1 CSMA/CA algorithm
The basic time unit of the IEEE 802.15.4 MAC protocol is the aUnitBackoffPeriod, which is the
length of 20 symbol periods or 320 s. Two variables are maintained by the nodes: BE and NB.
BE is the backoff exponent that determines the number of aUnitBackoffPeriods a node should
delay prior to performing clear channel assessment (CCA), and NB is the number of times
a node has been denied channel access due to channel unavailability. The delay period is
referred to as the binary exponential backoff (BEB). BE and NB are incremented for each new
delay. After reaching a predened number, aMaxBE, BE will not change until it has been
reset. When NB reaches its maximum value given by the parameter macMaxCSMABackoffs,
the packet is either discarded, or the algorithm starts over with initial parameters until the
maximum number of retransmissions aMaxFrameRetries is reached.
2.2 Implicit synchronization and packet lifespan
Since Periodic-MAC does not queue any data packets, the packets are dropped as soon as a
new packet is ready for transmission. This period is dependent on the sampling rate of the
sensor and the number of samples a packet can contain. These two variables thus dene
the packet lifespan. Implicit synchronization can then be achieved if the packet lifespan
of each node is aligned. If the lifespan of each packet is perfectly aligned, TDMA may be
applied. However, Periodic-MAC only requires that the lifespan of each packet are aligned
relative to each other. One way to achieve alignment is to choose a packet lifespan for each
node that can be factorized by an integer number. For example, consider three nodes with
packet lifespans of 200 ms, 400 ms and 800 ms, respectively. If all nodes have a packet ready
at a given time, then all nodes will have a second packet ready 800 ms later. In this case
the network trafc will have global periodic operation with a period that can be determined
by the least common multiple of the individual packet lifespans. In order for the nodes
to synchronize their schedules in a decentralized manner, without exchanging transmission
schedules among the nodes, the nodes use feedback, in the formof receiver acknowledgments
or clear channel assessments (CCA), to learn when other nodes are using the channel. If CCA
fails, or no receiver acknowledgment is returned, the node will try to avoid this particular time
in the future. The global periodic operation of the network thereby sets the minimum time it
takes for the nodes to obtain the complete behavior of the network. Figure 1 illustrates how
the degree of periodicity, given by the least common multiple of the transmission periods,
effects the algorithms learning process. Considering different constellations of 3 individual
transmission periods (packet life spans) equally distributed among 30 nodes, the fraction
of packets colliding during one second intervals is recorded by Periodic-MAC computer
simulation, with the results shown in Figure 1(a). Similarly, the number of transmissions
that timed out due to the CSMA-CA algorithm reaching macMaxCSMABackoffs is also shown
in Figure 1(b). Finally, Figure 1(c) shows the total delivery ratio after 20 seconds of operation
as a function of network trafc load. Trafc is increased by adding groups of three nodes with
different transmission periods. It is clear that when there is a high degree of periodicity in the
network, the algorithm converges faster toward TDMA scheduling, and the performance of
the network increases.
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Biomedical Sensor Networks Through Implicit Synchronization
6 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
0 5 10 15 20
simulation time [sec]


0 5 10 15 20
Simulation time [sec]


3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30
Number of nodes


180,180,180; lcm=180
120,240,240; lcm=240
120,180,360; lcm=360
110,220,330; lcm=660
143,195,220; lcm=8580
Fig. 1. Effect on the algorithm learning based on the degree of periodicity. Legend show the
packet lifespan in milliseconds. The least common multiple is shown in the legend.
Figure (a); second per second recording of the fraction of packets colliding. Figure (b);
failures due to the algorithm reaching macMaxCSMABackoffs. Figure (c); total delivery ratio
after 20 seconds of operation.
2.3 Periodic-MAC algorithm
The algorithmutilizes the CSMA-CAalgorithmas described in Section 2.1, with the exception
that the BEB periods are stored for future transmission attempts. Each node is required to
maintain a table where it stores the BEB values. The BEB values are always relative to the
start of the packet life cycle. If the node updates BEB more than once before successfully
transmitting its data, the sum of all BEB, in addition to the time spent on failed transmission
attempts, is stored. If the transmission does not complete successfully, no value is stored.
When the node schedules a new transmission, it will always check if there are any entries
in the table. If entries exists, the node schedules its transmission with a delay according to
the table entry, without using the CSMA-CA algorithm. Otherwise, the regular CSMA-CA
algorithm is used. If a transmission fails after selecting a delayed timeslot from the table,
and aMaxFrameRetries is not reached, the node continues using the CSMA-CA algorithm. If
this second attempt using CSMA-CA succeeds, a second entry is added to the table. In this
way the nodes build up a table based on feedback from earlier transmission attempts. As this
learning process continues, the scheduling gradually becomes like TDMA. In order for the
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tx attempt
random wait


tx attempt
random wait
tx attempt
random wait
scheduled wait


tx attempt




tx attempt
scheduled wait
tx attempt
scheduled wait
tx attempt
scheduled wait
tx attempt
scheduled wait
Fig. 2. Illustration of Periodic-MAC algorithm and the packet life cycle.
nodes to dynamically adapt to changes in the trafc ow of the network, the table size must
have a nite length. If a transmission ends in failure after attempting all table entries, the
table is either partially or completely reset. A typical scenario of the algorithm is illustrated
by Figure 2. In the illustration, two entries are stored in the table (scheduled wait) after
performing CSMA-CA (random wait). Three packets are successfully transmitted and one
packet is dropped.
3. Analysis of the periodic channel access using one table entry
For simplicity, we analyze the periodic channel access of a network with only one table entry
per node. These networks are illustrated by Figures 3 and 4. While Figure 3 illustrates a
network where all the nodes have the same transmission period, Figure 4 shows a scenario
where the nodes access the channel with different periods. We consider the two scenarios
as a homogeneous and inhomogeneous network, respectively. We will also explore how the
algorithm can work without the use of binary backoff, by simply randomly choosing one of
the time slot that are within the nodes packet lifespan. The number of time slots to choose
from and their duration will therefore depend on the packet lifespan and is carefully chosen
so that each packet lifespan contains an integer number of time slots.
3.1 Homogeneous network
Consider the scenario illustrated by Figure 3, where there are N number of channels
competing for channel access in one of M time slots available at the beginning of every period.
In this example, the total number of ways the nodes can randomly choose a specic slot, is
given as M
=27 ways. Let s
be a vector containing the probabilities of x {1, 2, .., N}
transmissions succeeding in state l. The state is dened by the number of nodes that have
Periodic-MAC: Improving MAC Protocols for
Biomedical Sensor Networks Through Implicit Synchronization
8 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
node 1
node 2
node 3
Fig. 3. Homogeneous network with optimal channel alignment.
node 1
node 2
node 3
Fig. 4. Inhomogeneous network with optimal channel alignment.
locked on to one of the time slots, indicating that a successful transmission has occurred in
this slot. Thus, l {0, 1, .., N}. Once a node acquires a lock, its transmission schedule is xed
for all future periods. Let (k)
be a state probability vector containing the probabilities of
reaching any state, given the current state l, after k transmission periods.
3.1.1 Estimating the probability of successful transmission and lock probability
In the current example, the probabilities of successful transmission, s
, will only depend on
the lock state. We can therefore dene a single matrix S containing s for all states. We solve S
for the current example by identifying, for all states, how many of the possible combinations
will result in x number of successful transmissions. Note that S
will always be zero
since at least two packets have to be involved in a collision.
S =










0 0 0 1

0 0 0 1

When nodes lock on a slot and consider using only this time slot for later transmissions, the
number of ways to arrange the schedule in the next period decreases exponentially. Once all
nodes have a lock, there will only be one way to arrange the transmission schedule, and the
probability of successful transmission is guaranteed for the remaining periods. If the number
of nodes becomes large, it is impractical to calculate the probabilities using combinatorics. In
this case the probabilities can easily be found empirically by assigning locked nodes different
numbers between 1 and M, and having a computer select a randomnumber in the same range
for the remaining nodes. The duplicates indicate collisions. Then, an approximation of S can
be found by averaging over a large number of selections.
Assuming the initial state is 0, and none of the nodes have a lock, it is apparent that the
probability of having zero, one or three locks in the next period is equal to s
. Given a period
where we have one lock and one successful transmission, S
, there is a
probability of
a new lock, since one of the nodes already has a lock. In any case, the number of locks cannot
Dene the state transition probability matrix L. Then the single step probability matrix L =
) is the probability that the next state will be i given that the current state is l.
514 Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software
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L =

0 S


0 0 S
0 0 0 S

0 0
0 0 0 1

Since the initial state (0)

is known, we can express the state probabilities after k periods as
(k) = (0)L
, (1)
where k is also used as the exponent of L. In order to analyze the evolution of the lock
probability, dene (k) to be the expected number of locks after k periods.
(k) = (k)x
, (2)
where T symbolizes the transposed of vector {x} = [0, 1, 2.., N].
3.1.2 Estimating the effective throughput
After identifying the probabilities of S, the probability of successful transmissions during the
kth period is only dependent on the current state. The success probability in period k can
therefore be calculated by
s(k) = (k)S. (3)
Let s
be the expected number of successful transmissions, during period k, and let the
effective throughput, , be the fraction of nodes that successfully transmit their data packet
during this period. is thus dened as
= s
/N. (4)
Similar to Equation (2), the expected number of successful transmissions during the kth
period can be calculated as follows
= s(k)x
. (5)
Following the above example, where we consider three transmissions scheduled for each
period, the average effective packet throughput after the rst period is
. Note that
would remain constant for all periods when using regular CSMA without locking.
Figure 5 shows the effective throughput, , and the lock probability, , as a function of time
(periods) for different trafc load. Notice that although the two are clearly correlated, will
converge at a slower rate because the transmission schedules of nodes without a lock might
still collide with those that are locked. Here N varies while M is 18.
3.2 Inhomogeneous network
Many sensor networks consist of sensors with very different sampling rates, which in turn
lead to different transmission intervals. However, the behavior of the network may be
simplied so that the method for calculating the probability of successful transmission, and
lock probability, is similar to that of a homogeneous network. Assuming that all transmission
periods are individually periodic, they will share a common harmonic. The network will then
behave in a periodic manner with a global period, T
, equal to the least common multiple
of the individual transmission periods. Since some nodes only transmit once within a global
period, we rst consider one T
when calculating probabilities of successful transmission.
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Biomedical Sensor Networks Through Implicit Synchronization
10 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Time [Periods]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Time [Periods]
3 nodes
6 nodes
9 nodes
12 nodes
15 nodes
18 nodes
3 nodes
6 nodes
9 nodes
12 nodes
15 nodes
18 nodes
Fig. 5. Effective throughput, , and lock probability, , with M=18
Let T
i {1, 2, .., N}, be a subset of T
, with a duration equal to the shortest local period.
N number of subsets then sum up to the duration of one T
. By realizing that no matter
how we shift our schedules, since they are periodic, the fraction of T
, in T
, with a given
number of scheduled nodes will be constant. We can therefore calculate the average success
probability matrix

. Dene [S
as a single matrix for each of the N subsets and identify
the probabilities of having successful transmissions in each of them. [S
= (S
l j
is the
probability of j successful transmissions given that the current state is l,


. (6)

can be used to calculate the lock state probabilities in the same manner as for
the homogeneous network, and we can use Equation (1) and (3) to calculate the success
probability in a given local period. Because some nodes might transmit only once during
, it makes sense to calculate the effective throughput for T
, which is N times that of
. The effective throughput is then
= N

. (7)
3.3 Deciding the time slot duration
When deciding the duration of a time slot, several factors need consideration. In order to
ensure that all slots are utilized, the slot should have a duration that is at least that of a data
package transmission. Note that this is not an assumption in most CSMA systems. If the
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network is not fully synchronized, longer slots should be considered, but regardless, a given
number of slots should sum up to exactly one global period, T
. If the number of slots does
not sum up to exactly one global period, the alignment of the slots will continually shift
relative to each other. The optimal duration of a slot when the network is fully synchronized
can easily be found by dividing T
by the maximumtime required to successfully transmit a
data packet. This will assure that the slot will have room for an entire packet, and minimizes
the time between transmissions where the channel is left idle. Assuming two nodes, A and
B, are within range, and that the network is not fully synchronized, node As slots may
overlap with two of node Bs slots. As a result only half of the slots can be utilized. Because
of this, slot duration in the case of unsynchronized transmissions should be twice that of
synchronized transmissions, in order to apply the same method of calculating throughput
and lock probability for both synchronized and unsynchronized transmissions.
In order to decide on a suitable slot duration, considering that we are using the IEEE 802.15.4
physical layer for transmission, we analyze the packet length, and transmission period, of
the nodes in the network. The maximum channel occupation time required per transmission
attempt with the IEEE 802.15.4 protocol is
2(CCA + aTurnaroudTime) + TX + aMaxAckWaitDuration = 40 +266 +54 symbol periods,
which sums up to 360 symbol durations. As previously mentioned, the transmission periods
can be shaped in a way such that they all become periodic with a common harmonic
frequency. In order to allow for a maximum number of different transmission periods, while
still keeping the global period as short as possible, the slot duration should have a length that
maximizes the number of factors in T
. For instance, 360 can also be expressed as n!/2, and
would therefore be a good choice if we were deciding a duration for T
, since any product
of the numbers between 1 and 6 can be used as a divisor to create local periods. However, we
will consider that the sampling rates are already decided, and instead search for a suitable
. With channel capacity of 250 kbps and 4 bits per symbol, there are 62500 symbols
per second, which gives the minimum slot time 360/62500=5.8 ms. This slot duration may
further be adjusted to t the sensor sampling frequency by adding a small number of symbol
durations while keeping a balance between T
and T
. This implies that if

= T
then T

is still a integer factor of T
Considering we have three sensors sampling at frequencies 100Hz, 200Hz, and 300Hz,
respectively. The local periods for each node can be expressed as

360 + c
, seconds. (8)
Here Ais an integer satisfying
(360 + c)R
, A
N, (9)
where c is a constant used to extend the slot duration as needed, R is the sampling rate in Hz
and P is the integer number of samples in each data packet. For all x, [T
=N. (10)
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If the payload cannot be adjusted to make T
exactly a factor of 5.8 ms, the slot size
is lengthened such that it becomes equal to an integer number of sample periods on all
of the nodes. In the current example, we choose c such that (360+c)/62500 = 1/gcd(R)
c = 265. gcd is the greatest common divisor of R. The slot duration is then 10 ms, and
is consequently lengthened by a factor of (360+c)/360. Also, Equation (10) and (9)
can be satised to make the network either homogeneous or inhomogeneous. By choosing
= [16, 32, 48], x [1, 2, 3], given that we have the sample rates {R} [100, 200, 300] ,
becomes constant for all x and the network becomes homogeneous with T
to lcm({T
})=160 ms. To minimize the overhead due to header data in the data packet,
larger packets are preferable. Assuming a data packet can contain 48 samples and maximum
packet length is chosen, P
=[48,48,48], the network become inhomogeneous with {T
} =
[480, 240, 160] ms and T
equal to lcm({T
})=480 ms.
3.4 Performance of Simplied Protocol
Simulations of the two networks consisting of groups of sensors with the transmission periods
described above was performed, and the delivery ratio for different number of nodes is shown
in Figure 6(c). Let scenario A be the scenario with transmission periods of 160 ms, and
scenario B the scenario with transmission periods of 120 ms, 240 ms, and 480 ms. The different
transmission periods are equally distributed among the nodes. The delivery ratios for each
of the two scenarios, as a function of time, are shown in Figures 6(a) and 6(b). Since scenario
A consists of sensors with the same transmission period, the global network period is short,
and the network algorithm adapts quickly. Scenario B has a global network period that is 3
times that of scenario A, resulting in a slightly longer learning period. However, in order to
make the network in scenario A homogeneous, the number of packets to be transmitted was
increased since they now carry fewer data samples. Also, more channel capacity is wasted
on the idle period needed to align the time slots. This causes a lower throughput in scenario
A when the number of nodes is high. Figure 6(c) shows a rapid decrease in performance for
scenario A, indicating that all the time slots are occupied with 15 nodes in the network, and
the network cannot be scaled any further. Note also that the performance of scenario B starts
to decrease sooner than for scenario A. When the network is homogeneous, all transmission
periods are orthogonal which ensures that two or more nodes will not lock onto the same slot.
However, in scenario B, if a node with a long packet lifetime locks onto a slot before the nodes
with shorter packet lifespans has xed their schedules, the latter may nd a lock between
transmissions of the rst node, resulting in future collisions. In scenarios such as scenario
B, the node should only lock temporarily until it has successfully transmitted its entire data
packet for a minimum duration of one global period.
3.5 Hidden terminals
One of the strengths of Periodic-MAC is its resilience to inuence from the well known
hidden terminal problem. With the presence of hidden terminals, selected nodes in the network
do not operate within reach of each other, and are therefore unable to detect each others
transmissions. The hidden terminal problem arises when the receiver of a message is within
range of two nodes that are hidden from each other. Let node A and node B be the hidden
nodes, and node C the node within reach of both A and B. When node A transmits a data
packet to node C, node B might be transmitting at the same time, rendering node C unable
to receive the message from A. The scenario is illustrated in Figure 7. Periodic-MAC is more
resilient to this problem because the scheduling is done based on the feedback, or the lack
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0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Simulation time [sec]

3 nodes
6 nodes
9 nodes
12 nodes
15 nodes
18 nodes
21 nodes
24 nodes
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Simulation time [sec]

3 nodes
6 nodes
9 nodes
12 nodes
15 nodes
18 nodes
21 nodes
24 nodes
5 10 15 20
Number of nodes

160,160,160 ms
120,240,480 ms
Fig. 6. Past second delivery ratio for nodes with transmission periods 160 ms versus time(a),
and with transmission periods 120 ms, 240 ms, and 480 ms (b). (c) shows the delivery ratio of
the two scenarios for a different number of nodes.
of such, from the receiver. If the receiver cannot receive a transmission because of a hidden
terminal, no feedback is given, and the nodes therefore indirectly receive information about
the transmission schedule of nodes that are hidden.
In the case of slotted Periodic-MAC with one table entry, the algorithm learning process is
indifferent to the hidden terminal altogether. This is because the nodes will only lock onto a
time slot if the receiver acknowledges that the transmission was successfully received. Hence,
performance of the network scenario illustrated by Figure 7 will be equal to a scenario where
= nodes
= base station
= coverage
Fig. 7. Illustration of a hidden terminal scenario. A and B are hidden from each other while
communicating with C.
Periodic-MAC: Improving MAC Protocols for
Biomedical Sensor Networks Through Implicit Synchronization
14 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
node 1
node 2
node 3
Fig. 8. Inhomogeneous network with dynamic channel alignment.
all the nodes are within reach of each other. Note that this only applies when the intended
receiver is a node within reach of all nodes. This scenario illustrates an important property.
Since base stations and access points usually do not share the same restriction on power
conservation as the sensor nodes, they operate with higher transmission power to increase
4. Discussion
4.1 Periodic channel access using multiple table entries
As was explained in Section 3.4, two inhomogeneous nodes may lock onto the same slot if no
counter measures are applied. In contrast to the simplied protocol described in the previous
section, the original Periodic-MAC utilizes multiple table entries to enable dynamic shifting
of the scheduling. Consider Figure 8, where node 2 shifts its transmission schedule by one
slot for the rst two transmissions, and then by two slots for every third transmission. In this
example optimal scheduling is achieved when node 2 shifts its schedule by one or two slots
depending on the modulo of the life cycle. This dynamic shifting of the schedule is achieved
by iteratively traversing the table entries which are all solutions that had previously resulted
in successful transmissions. This is, however, a suboptimal solution since the node will
have to power up and do a clear channel assessment for every table entry. Another possible
scenario, as a result of this sub optimality, occurs when two packets collide on a transmission
attempt using the xed schedule. This indicates that the two nodes have packet life cycles
that are closely aligned and perform CCA at the same time. In this case, unless the remaining
transmission attempts fail and the scheduling table is reset on one of the nodes, a collision
will occur every time the two schedules overlap. To prevent this scenario, the algorithm
needs a way to delete table entries that frequently result in collision. An improvement of
the protocol is therefore possible by counting the number of successful transmissions between
every failure. This number can then be used to determine when to skip a table entry.
4.2 Nodes entering the network
Sensors are usually not switched on at exactly the same time, which causes changes in the
network topology when new sensors are switched on. As new nodes enter the network, the
existing nodes may already have adapted to a TDMA schedule. Additional nodes will then
likely inuence these schedules, and a new learning process will begin. If several nodes have
to start the learning period from zero, this might create a cascade effect, causing all nodes to
reset their schedules. This would have a dramatic effect on the algorithm. However, the new
nodes accessing the network will perform CCA until they nd the channel to be idle. The
network is most vulnerable to cascade effects when it operates close to saturation. In this case
it will take some time for the new nodes to access the channel. Once they nd the channel
to be idle, the nodes will occupy the channel for a period of time, which may overlap with
the current schedule of another node, or at a later time due to non-orthogonal transmission
periods. Since the existing nodes have built up a table with several possible scheduling
520 Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software
Periodic-MAC: Improving MAC Protocols for
Biomedical Sensor Networks Through Implicit Synchronization 15
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time [seconds]


27 nodes, (21)
27 nodes
30 nodes, (24)
30 nodes
33 nodes, (27)
33 nodes
36 nodes, (30)
36 nodes
39 nodes; (33)
39 nodes
Fig. 9. Delivery ratio as a function of time. Additional nodes entering the network after 30
options, it might still be possible for them to transmit using another table entry. With the
introduction of new nodes, the scheduling will therefore gradually adapt. A simulation
of nodes entering the network was performed using the simulator described in (Sta &
Balasingham, 2008). Figure 9 shows the delivery ratio, during the past second, for a different
number of nodes over a period of 60 seconds. The graphs with dashed lines are groups of
nodes all starting simultaneously, and graphs with solid lines are groups where 6 of the nodes
start with a delay. The same color indicates that the total number of nodes are equal. After
30 seconds, most of the nodes have operated with TDMA scheduling, and the 6 additional
nodes enter the network. The gure shows that the added nodes do not have an immediate
impact, but rather gradually converge toward the delivery ratio that is obtained for the nodes
that started simultaneously.
5. Conclusion
In this paper the properties of sensor networks with periodic operation have been scrutinized.
An analysis of the hybrid protocol Periodic-MAC, and how the degree of network periodicity
inuences the protocol has been performed. Because of the number of variables involved,
and the fact that the channel state probabilities change over time, a simplied version of
Periodic-MAC was presented in order to highlight some of the most important properties
of hybrid scheduling protocols that are based on the assumption of periodic operation.
Even though Periodic-MAC was devised as a decentralized protocol, the simplied protocol
operating using CSMA-CA with a xed contention window similar to slotted CSMA-CA,
indicates that the protocol can be used in combination with centralized networks. By
combining the two, the risk of a single point of failure is reduced. By utilizing the property
that sensors, especially in biomedical sensor networks, transmit at xed intervals, close to
full channel efciency can be achieved by reusing previously successful transmission times.
Periodic-MAC has shown that it can efciently distribute the transmission schedules, in a
dynamic and decentralized way, where the performance is close to TDMA scheduling.
6. References
yri, K.; Sta, S. & Fosse, E. (2010). ABiomedical Wireless Sensor Network for Hemodynamic
Monitoring, Proceedings of The Fifth International Conference on Body Area Networks,
Corfu, Greece, September 2010, IEEE press, to appear.
Periodic-MAC: Improving MAC Protocols for
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16 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
Sta, S. & Balasingham, I. (2008). A decentralized MAC layer protocol with periodic channel
access for biomedical sensor networks. First International Symposium on Applied
Sciences on Biomedical and Communication Technologies (ISABEL 08), pp. 1-5, ISBN
978-1-4244-2647-8. IEEE conference proceedings, Aalborg, Denmark, October 2008.
Sta, S. & Balasingham, I. (2009). A decentalized MAC layer protocol with periodic channel
access evaluated with presence of interference. Second International Symposium
on Applied Sciences in Biomedical and Communication Technologies, pp. 1-6, ISBN
978-1-4244-4641-4, IEEE conference proceedings, Bratislava, Slovak Republic,
November 2009.
Caroll, R.; Cnossen, R.; Schnell, M. & Simons, D. (2007). Continnua: An Interoperative
Personal Healthcare Ecosystem. Pervasive Computing, Vol. 6, No. 4, (October 2007),
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Yogesan, K; OConnel, B.; Marsh, A & Blobel, B., (Ed.), pp. 242-256, IOS Press -
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, ISBN: 1-58603-620-3, Netherlands.
Major, K.; Shabot M. M. & Cunnen, S. (2002). Wireless clinical alerts and patient outcomes
in the surgical intensive care unit, Am. Surg., Vol. 68, No. 12, (December 2002),
Reddy, M.C.; McDonald, D. W.; Pratt, W. & Shabot, M. M. (2005). Technology, work, and
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Biomed. Inform., Vol. 38, No. 3 (June 2005), 229-238.
Yao, J. & Warren, S. (2005). Applying the ISO/IEEE 11073 standards to wearable home health
monitoring systems, J. Clin. Monit. Comput., Vol. 19, No. 6 (December 2005), 427-436.
Rajendran, V.; Obraczka, K. &Garcia, J. J. (2003). Energy efcient, collision-free mediumaccess
control for wireless sensor networks. Proceedings of the 1st. ACM Conf. on Embedded
Networked Sensor Systems, pp. 181-192, ISBN, Los Angeles, CA, USA, November 2003,
Rhee, I.; Warrier, A.; Aia, M.; Min, J. & Sichitiu, M.L. (2008). Z-MAC: a Hybrid MAC for
Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 16, No. 3 (June
2008), 511-524, ISSN:1063-6692.
Singh, S.; Acharaya, P. A. K.; Madhow, U. & Belding-Royer, E. M. (2007). Sticky CSMA/CA:
Implicit synchronization and real-time QoS in mesh networks, Ad Hoc Networks, Vol.
5, No. 6 (August 2007), 744-768, ISSN:1570-8705.
522 Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software
Biomedical Electronic Systems to Improve the
Healthcare Quality and Efficiency
Roberto Marani and Anna Gina Perri
Laboratorio di Dispositivi Elettronici
Politecnico di Bari, Dipartimento di Elettrotecnica ed Elettronica
1. Introduction
The most recent developments of electronics, informatics and telecommunications let
imagine applications in the biomedical engineering field to improve the healthcare quality
(She et al., 2007). In particular a number of systems has been developed in the telemedicine
and home care sectors which could guarantee an efficient and reliable home assistance
allowing a highly better quality of life in terms of prophylaxis, treatment and reduction of
discomfort connected to periodic outpatient controls and/or hospitalization for the
patients afflicted by pathologies (such as cardiac decompensation or obstructive chronic
bronchopathy), and allowing considerable savings on sanitary expenses.
In this chapter we present a review of our principal projects in biomedical electronic field,
developed at the Electronic Device Laboratory of Polytechnic of Bari, Italy.
Firstly we propose a medical electronic-computerized platform for diagnostic use, which
allows the doctor to carry out a complete cardio-respiratory control on remote patients in
real time. The system has been patented and has been designed to be employed also to real-
time rescue in case of emergency without the necessity for data to be constantly monitored
by a medical centre, leaving patients free to move. For this purpose the system has been
equipped with highly developed firmware which enables automated functioning and
complex decision-making. In fact, when an emergency sign is detected through the real-time
diagnosing system, it sends a warning message to people able to arrange for his/her rescue.
A Global Positioning System (GPS) also provides the patient coordinates. All this occurs
automatically without any intervention by the user. The system might be useful also to
sportsmen. Thanks to its characteristics it can help to reduce hospitalization rates and length
of stays thereby improving health costs and quality of life. Moreover the system, in its
version for diagnostic use, has been verified by the heart specialists of the Institute of
Cardiology in the General Hospital (Polyclinic) of the University of Bari.
We also propose a low-cost, electronic medical device, designed for the non-invasive
continuous real-time monitoring of breathing functions. It diagnoses respiratory pathologies
by the electronic three dimensional (3-D) auscultation of lung sounds, performing a
correlation between lung sounds and diseases.
Moreover we present a new system for acquiring simultaneously some health parameters
which are strongly correlated: breathing rate and kinetic activity. The system is based on a
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

couple of sensors, which are very light, absolutely non- invasive and compatible with every
day life.
For breathing sensing we use an already known method involving a belt to sense the thorax
dilatation, but we apply a new kind of dilatation sensor on the belt based on a conductive
rubber, which is new in breathing detection, quite cheap and sensitive.
Breathing rate observation is quite useless when no information is available on patient
activity that could cause breathing rate change. Therefore we present also a kinetic activity
sensor based on commercial accelerometer. Signals from these sensors are amplified filtered
and elaborated and feed to the ADC of a micro-controller. Experimental results have shown
a clear correlation between these signals, inducing us to stress the importance of coupling
breathing and kinetic activity monitoring, particularly in patients with lung and heart
At last we present a new system for cardioholter applications, characterized by the
possibility to send an ElectroCardioGram (ECG) by Bluetooth to 6 or 12 leads. Moreover it is
also equipped with GPS module for the patient location in real time. Particularly it proves
useful indefinite places such as nursing homes and rest homes for elderly people. However
by using a mobile phone the system also allows transmission within a long range by
All designed systems, prototyped and tested, are characterized by originality, by plainness
of use, as they planned with a very high level of automation (so called intelligent devices).
2. Heart and lung auscultation system for diagnostic use on remote patients
Although there are already available instruments for the remote monitoring of ECG (Prolux
et al., 2006), the contemporary Cardiac and Pulmonary tele-Auscultation (ACP) is not
carried out yet for the lack of adequate instruments and clinical validation of the methods.
However the known tele-electrocardiographs are able to transfer the electrocardiograms
only after the acquisition, not in real time and are mostly and strongly orientated towards
the sanitary emergencies. In fact they are typically installed on ambulances and need a
skilled staff for the utilization (Woolard et al., 2005) (Kyriacou et al., 2002).
On the other hand it is essential to observe the electrocardiogram is not the only source of
information useful to evaluate the patient health.
It is obvious, therefore, that there is a rather limited offer of the current market with regard
to the requirements which a health service should meet, if it is in the lead with regard to the
effective potentialities offered by the present technology.
Particularly we recognize deficiency or total absence of reliable and valid telemedicine
platforms which allow the follow up of patients and the execution of all the main vital
parameters, such as electrocardiograms, spirometry, oximetry, cardiac tones, lung sounds,
with a doctor in a different place regard to the patient.
In this paragraph we describe (Convertino et al., 2009) a medical electronic-computerized
platform for diagnostic use, which allows the doctor to carry out a complete cardio-
respiratory control on remote patients in real time. The system has been patented (Italian
patent n.0001354840, 2009) and has been designed to be employed also to real-time rescue in
case of emergency without the necessity for data to be constantly monitored by a medical
centre, leaving patients free to move.
As if the doctor is present personally near the patient, the system allows him to receive in
real time the following data:
Biomedical Electronic Systems to Improve the Healthcare Quality and Efficiency

1. auscultation of cardiac tones and broncho-pulmonary sounds
2. electrocardiogram
3. arterial blood pressure
4. oximetry
5. respiration frequency
6. phonocardiography
7. spirometry
8. image and audio of the patient with high quality.
The system consists of two parts: a patient station and a doctor position, both compact and
light easily transportable, both are composed of committed laptop, hardware and software.
The patient unit is equipped with miniaturized diagnostic instruments and is suitable also
for paediatrics use. Many patient stations can correspond to one doctor position.
The system is modular and allows to select and to install some of the suitable diagnostic
instruments, even though it is prearranged for the plug and play installation of the others (for
example only the electrocardiograph can be installed and then also the phonendoscope, etc.).
The electrocardiogram could record up to 12 derivations and the software is able to interpret
the data and to automatically carry out the reading and the diagnosis of the trace which
should be confirmed by the doctor. It is possible to carry out monitoring without time limits
and always in real time. This makes possible the capture of uneven heartbeats or also
intermittent ones of other nature. The acquire trace is registered and filed.
The tele-phonendoscope is of electronic kind and obtains biological sounds in the [20 Hz, 1
kHz] frequency range and can be used in three modes in order to improve the cardiac and
pulmonary auscultation: membrane, bell and extensive modality. Moreover, it allows the
75% suppression of the external noise.
It is equipped with software for the real time spectrum analysis and it starts automatically at
the beginning of the auscultation procedure. The positioning of the phonendoscope is led by
a remote doctor thanks to the full time audio/video communication and the biological
sounds can be simultaneously heard either by the patient (or by an operator helping the
patient in the examination) or by the doctor in remote.
The biological sounds are also registered during the acquisition with significant advantages
for diagnosis accuracy and for possibility of carrying out diagnostic comparisons with
previous records.
The tele-spirometer allows to carry out the FVC, VC, MVV tests and to determine the
respiratory frequency and it is autodiagnostic.
The finger (optic) tele-saturimeter allows to carry out the monitoring (check without time
limit) of the SpO
value as it is equipped with plug-in which permits the tracing of the
saturation values curve that will be presented in real time to the doctor.
The filing of the data concerning the carried out examination occurs in a dynamic database
both on the patient position and on the doctor position; the data will be filed by ordering
them for each patient.
Thus to each patient a clinical record will be associated containing all his data. This kind of
filing is very useful to carry out diagnostic comparisons on the evolution of a disease or on
the outcome of a therapy, and it eases him of the burden of having the record
documentation regarding him personally. In the patient database there is also a filed
schedule containing the personal details of the patient, the case history in addition to
various notes, values of blood tests, the outcome of other diagnostic tests, treatments
undertaken during the time, therapy in course, etc.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

This system also makes possible to transmit echograms, X-rays radiograms and other tests
in digital form to the doctor and also their filing in the patient data base.
The doctor can also prescribe other subsequent clinical tests advised and/or treatments to
The system does not present connectivity limits of any kind find and requires a 320 Kb/s
minimum band or a UMTS Mobile telephone.
The system has a user friendly software interface very easy to be used, which implements
the one touch philosophy, and requires extremely reduced operating costs.
The patient can ask for a medical examination and the doctor can accept or refuse to
examine him if busy. As a result of the doctors availability, the medical examination can
start and the doctor can ask for the necessary tests through a simple click.
This system has been planned/designed in the observance of the current regulations for
medical devices, informatic safety and privacy.
The system, therefore, is marked by three distinct and basic fundamental characteristics:
1. the real time data transmission by assuring the remote doctor the simultaneous control
of the data during their acquisition;
2. the possibility to carry out a complete telematic medical examination, including the
tele-auscultation, all the operations the doctor performs when he examines the patient
directly at home or at the surgery and even more, since the system is equipped with
typically diagnostic instruments not available at the family doctor but at hospital units;
3. the possibility to establish a continuous audio/video communication during the
examination, in order that the same doctor can interact with the patient, verifying the
correct positioning of the sensors and having also a very high quality image of the
patient, which can be useful for diagnostic aims.
Among the most evident and important applications we can indicate the following ones:
1. home tele-assistance of cardiac patients in decompensation or of chronic patients with
pathologies attributed to the cardio-circulatory or respiratory apparatus;
2. mass prophylaxis with complete cardio-respiratory control, frequently and at low cost;
3. tele-consultation;
4. follow-up of patients discharged early (precociously) and in need of tele-protection;
5. closed-circuit monitoring of the health of patients waiting for hospitalization.
The reduction of hospitalization time, using home tele-protection, and the avoided
hospitalization of patients in decompensation monitored at home imply large economic
saving. The shorter patient presence in hospitals reduce the waiting lists in a remarkable way.
Moreover there is today a growing need for inexpensive and reliable health monitoring
devices (Jovanov et al., 2003). able to record data, to analyze them in real time and, if
possible, to transmit them to a receiving unit by exploiting wireless technology, but the
market still does not seem to offer any reliable GPRS or Bluetooth-based, effective and low-
cost health-monitoring telemetric systems.
Although telemetric systems are already used in hospitals, they do not seem to fully exploit
all the potential of modern technology and seem to suffer from some important limitations.
In fact, many devices are specifically intended for emergencies (Pavlopoulos et al., 1998) and
can transmit ECG results, as well as those from the monitoring of some other parameters.
Such systems are inadequate for continuous health monitoring, not easy to use and have to
be managed only by qualified operators, which makes them unsuited for personal use and
domestic applications. Moreover one of the limitations of existing devices lies in the fact that
they are not wearable and allow only to monitor ECG, saturation and some other
Biomedical Electronic Systems to Improve the Healthcare Quality and Efficiency

parameters separately, otherwise extraordinary bandwidth would be needed in order to
transfer all data, especially via GSM (at the limited speed of 9200 kbit/s). GPRS and UMTS
technologies result from the development of GSM transmission of packet data.
The combination of the latest suitable telecommunication solutions (GPRS and Bluetooth)
with new algorithms and solutions for automatic real-time diagnosis, cost-effectiveness
(both in terms of purchase expenses and data transmission/analysis) and simplicity of use
(the patient will be able to wear it) can give the designed system useful for remote health
monitoring, allowing real-time rescue operations in case of emergency without the necessity
for data to be constantly monitored.
For this purpose the proposed system has been equipped with highly developed firmware
which enables automated functioning and complex decision-making. It is indeed able to
prevent lethal risks thanks to an automatic warning system. All this occurs automatically
without any intervention by the user.
Each monitored patient is given a case sheet on a Personal Computer (PC) functioning as a
server (online doctor). Data can also be downloaded by any other PC, palmtop or
smartphone equipped with a browser. The system reliability rests on the use of a distributed
server environment, which allows its functions not to depend on a single PC and gives more
online doctors the chance to use them simultaneously.
The whole system consists of three hardware units and a management software properly
developed. The units are:
Elastic band: the sensors for the measurement of health parameters are embedded in an
elastic band to be fastened round the patients chest.
Portable Unit (PU), which is wearable and wireless (GPRS/Bluetooth). This PU allows,
by an Internet connection, the transmission, continuous or sampled or on demand, of
the health parameters and allows the GPS satellite localization and the automatic alarm
service, on board memory. Moreover PU has an USB port for data transfer and a
rechargeable battery.
Relocable Unit (RU): GPRS/Bluetooth Dongle (on PC server, i.e. online doctor).
Management Software: GPS mapping, address and telephone number of nearest
hospital, simultaneous monitoring of more than one patient, remote (computerized)
medical visits and consultation service, creation and direct access to electronic case
sheets (login and password)
Fig. 1 shows a picture of the PU. The very small dimensions are remarkable, even if it is only
a prototype, realized at the Electronic Devices Laboratory of Polytechnic of Bari, and more
reduction in dimensions is still possible.
The system, in particular the PU, collects data continuously. These are stored in an on-board
flash memory and then analyzed real-time by an on-board automatic diagnosis software.
Data can be sent to the local receiver, directly to the PC server (online doctor), or to an
internet server, which allows anyone to download them once identified with his/her own
login and password.
Data can be transmitted as follows:
1. real time continuously
2. at programmable intervals (for 30 seconds every hour, for example)
3. automatically, when a danger is identified by the alarm system
4. on demand, whenever required by the monitoring centre
5. offline (not real-time), downloading previously recorded (over 24 hours, for example)
data to a PC.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software


Fig. 1. A picture of the Portable Unit.
In all cases patients do not need to do anything but simply switching on.
When an emergency sign is detected through the real time diagnosing system, the PU
automatically sends a warning message, indicating also the diagnosis, to one person (or
even more) who is able to verify the patient health status and arrange for his/her rescue. In
order to make rescue operations as prompt as possible, the PU provides the patients
coordinates using the GPS unit and the Management Software provides in real time a map
indicating the position of the patient, as shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2. GPS mapping with address and telephone number of nearest hospital.
Biomedical Electronic Systems to Improve the Healthcare Quality and Efficiency

Fig. 3 shows a picture of an electrocardiogram transmitted by Bluetooth and plotted on a
Personal Computer by the proper developed management software.

Fig. 3. Example of acquisition by Bluetooth of an electrocardiogram.
The system, in its version for diagnostic use, has been used in a routine clinical context in
order to evaluate the feasibility and accuracy of the ACP carried out via Internet compared
with the traditional auscultation (T).
At the Cardiac Decompensation Unit of Bari Polyclinic 21 patients (16 males, 5 females, in
stable clinical conditions) have been examined. Each patient has been examined by two
experienced heart specialists (Obs1 and Obs2) in two successive phases (I-ACP and T-ACP).
The I-ACP check-up has been carried out by the instrumentation which the system is
equipped with. The audio signal of high quality obtained from the cardio-pulmonary
auscultation has been transmitted on internet through a standard ADSL connection from a
patient position to a remote doctor position. The observer was able to listen and
simultaneously record an audio file (WAV Format) of the ACP. A trained nurse placed the
membrane on two auscultations spots under the visual guide of the doctor by means of a
properly positioned webcam. The T-ACP check-up has been carried out with a traditional
sound phonendoscope. The listened reports were recorded in a data file with preclassified
reports. The obtained data have been analysed in terms of uniformity and examined with
fishers exact test (p < 0,05) and the kappa-test (where applicable).
In Tab. 1 the data of the ACP carried out both via internet and in a traditional way have
been shown for the observer 1 and for the observer 2 (intra-observer analysis).
Moreover, the data registered by the two observers according to the two different ways of
check-up (intra-observer analysis) have been compared.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software


Table 1. Data of the ACP carried out both via internet and in a traditional way.
The intra-observer concordance of I-Vs IACP (number of concordant reports, (%)) for the
observer 1 and the observer 2 have been respectively:
217/231 (93.9%) and 214/231 (92.6%) (ns) for the total reports,
81/84 (96.4%) and 79/84 (94.0%) (ns) for the cardiac reports,
60/63 (95.2%) and 59/63 (93.7%) (ns) for the pulmonary reports.
The intra-observer concordance of observer 1 has been 19/21 (90.5%, kappa = 0,82) for the
chronology of the systolic murmurs and 20/21 (95.2%, kappa = 0,64) for teleinspiratory
The inter-observer concordances for I-Vs T-ACP have been respectively:
224/231(97.0%) versus 219/231(94.8%) (ns) for the total reports,
79/84(94.0%) versus 83/84 (98.8%)(ns) for the cardiac reports,
59/63(93.7%) versus 62/63(98.4%) (ns) for the pulmonary reports.
The detailed analysis of each specific typology of report has been carried out.
The cardiac and pulmonary auscultation, evaluated in our series of cases through
concordance analysis, has shown a high concordance of pulmonary and cardiac listener
reports both for the traditional approach and for the telemedicine one via Internet.
The intra-observer and inter-observer concordances have not been significantly different for
the two observers in the two operational contexts, showing that the cardiopulmonary
auscultation with our system is an innovative diagnostic method able to improve the
present procedures of telemonitoring.
3. Multichannel system for electronic auscultation of the pulmonary sounds
In this paragraph we describe a low-cost, electronic medical device for the non-invasive
continuous real-time monitoring of breathing functions, designed by us within a research
program on the remote and non-invasive monitoring of the health, which has been
developed at the Electronic Devices Laboratory of the first Faculty of Engineering at Bari
Polytechnic, with the support of national university medical centres (Marani et al., 2010).
Biomedical Electronic Systems to Improve the Healthcare Quality and Efficiency

The system diagnoses respiratory pathologies by the electronic three dimensional (3-D)
auscultation of lung sounds (Sovijrvi et al., 2000) (Earis et al., 2000), performing a
correlation between lung sounds and diseases.
A block diagram of the designed device is shown in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4. Block diagram of the designed device.
The signals, coming from analog sensors, are suitably processed by the front-end and
sampled at 1 KHz frequency and, then, converted into digital format with 12-bit resolution,
therefore guaranteeing high noise immunity.
The Front-End processes the signal to adapt the voltage values coming from the sensors to
the input dynamic range (between 0 V and 2.5 V) of the Analog-Digital Converter (ADC)
included into the microcontroller.
Sensors can be unipolar (i.e. output voltages can be only positive or negative) or bipolar,
where both positive and negative voltages are present. In both cases, the output signal
amplitude can be greater than 2.5 V, if each sensor includes an integrated amplifier.
The Front-End must diminish or amplifier the signal coming from each sensors, depending
on its level and the input dynamic range of the ADC. If the signal is bipolar, a level shift is
required to obtain a new signal greater than zero.
Since the signal processing depends on the sensor features, several shift-voltage values, each
time determined by the microcontroller, have to be simultaneously produced (Kirianaki,
Moreover, the gain of the amplifier has to be dynamically changed.
We have used only two programmable integrated circuits, controlled by a low-cost and high
reliability (with particular reference to thermal drift phenomena) microcontroller, by
implementing a device self-configuration procedure of the device to avoid any further
maintenance work (such as calibration, front-end setting) by the user.
Microcontroller is required to program the Front-end functions, depending on sensor type,
recognized by means of the implemented plug and play. The Three Wire Serial Interface
Connections protocol has been used to establish a dialog between the Front-End and the
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

We have used the ADuC812 Microcontroller, produced and distributed by Analog Devices, a
low-cost device, which is very suitable to the design specifications.
A block diagram of the ADuC812 is shown in Fig. 5.

Fig. 5. Block diagram of the ADuC812 Microcontroller.
The Microcontroller allows the data acquisition from 8 multiplexed channels, at a sample
frequency up to 200 KHz, and can address up to 16 MB of external data memory. The core is
a 8052 compatible CPU, asynchronous output peripherals (UART) and synchronous serial
SPI and I
The Sensor Plug and Play has been realized through implementation of IEEE standard
P1451.4, with 1-wire system Communication Protocol.
Each sensor includes a transducer electronic data-sheet (TEDS), which stores the most
significant informations relevant to the sensor type (manufacturer, offset, output range, etc).
Based on the stored data, microcontroller identifies the sensor and sets the Front-End device
to suitably process the signal and perform the Analog-Digital conversion in very accurate
manner. Each TEDS is a serial type Electrically-Erasable-Programmable Read Only Memory
(EEPROM), connected to the microcontroller by only two wires.
The realized prototype is shown Fig. 6.

Fig. 6. The prototype: a double-sided printed circuit board.
Biomedical Electronic Systems to Improve the Healthcare Quality and Efficiency

The device, characterized by compactness and small-size, performs self-configuration, data-
acquisition and conversion, data transfer to a Personal Computer and post-processing (such
as ventilator setting). All the data can be processed in real time, but an external memory
support can be used to realize a data-bank accessible from any PC.
Fig. 7 shows the graph of a signal both while recording it (real time) and after saving it.

Fig. 7. Graphs of some lung sounds (respectively Normal, Crackle, Wheeze).
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

A research (Grasso et al., 2000) has pointed out the effectiveness of the frequency analysis of
lung sounds for the diagnosis of pathologies.
The experiment illustrated below shows that computerized tomography (CT) results
perfectly match those of a simple frequency analysis of previously recorded lung sounds.
Some studies (Vena et al., 2002) have been carried out on the frequency analysis of lung
sounds and researchers have set the threshold for the detection of pulmonary pathologies at
500 Hz (see Fig. 8).

Fig. 8. FFT spectrum of a lung sound in a patient with no pulmonary pathologies.
Spectrum components over that threshold (500 Hz) may be indicative of pulmonary disease.
It is widely known that in patients treated with mechanical ventilation a gradual PEEP
increase (PEEP = positive end-expiratory pressure) results in a progressive re-expanding of
alveoli which were previously collapsed due to a pathology.
The obtained experimental results, reported in Fig. 9, show that a gradual PEEP increase
from 5 to 20 has effected a gradual reduction in lung damage, thereby leading to
improvement in the patients respiratory health.
The CT results, shown in the first column, perfectly match those of the frequency analysis on
the right.
Moreover, there are also research projects about pulmonary acoustic imaging for the
diagnosis of respiratory diseases. In fact, the respiratory sounds contain mechanical and
clinical pulmonary information. Many efforts have been devoted during the past decades to
analysing, processing and visualising them (Kompis et al., 2001).
We can now evaluate deterministic interpolating functions to generate surface respiratory
acoustic thoracic images (Charleston-Villalobos et al., 2004) (Marani et al., 2010).
Moreover the following options are available:
temporal graph of a breathing sound
frequency graph of a breathing sound
spectrogram of a breathing sound
temporal graph of the airflow
measurement of both airflow and inspiratory/expiratory volume.
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
frequency (Hz)

FFT - baseline
Biomedical Electronic Systems to Improve the Healthcare Quality and Efficiency


0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
End of expiration

End of inspiration

End of expiration
End of inspiration
End of expiration

End of inspiration

Fig. 9. Correlation between CT results and spectrum analysis of lung sounds.
4. A system for continuous monitoring of breathing and kinetic activity
In physical activity monitoring often only one parameter at a time is detected (Welkowitz et
al., 1976) since otherwise patient movement capabilities would be compromised. This is
unsatisfactory since correlation among parameters is necessary to reject parameters
alteration due to everyday life, but also it is necessary to detect correlated parameter
alteration due to medical causes. Let's think about how everyday activities could modify
heart rhythm, breathing rate and body temperature.
Moreover the employed sensors have to be very light, non-invasive and absolutely
compatible with the ordinary day activities.
In this paragraph we present a new system for acquiring simultaneously some health
parameters which are strongly correlated: breathing rate and kinetic activity.
The system is based on a couple of sensors, which are very light, absolutely non- invasive,
and compatible with everyday life.
For breathing sensing we use the already known method, the plethysmography (Konno et
al., 1967) involving a belt to sense the thorax dilatation, but, in order to eliminate the
practical inconveniences due to the presence of metal coils on the thorax, we apply a new
kind of dilatation sensor on the belt based on a conductive rubber, which is new in
breathing detection, quite cheap and sensitive.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

Breathing rate observation is quite useless when no information is available on patient
activity that could cause breathing rate change. Therefore we present also a kinetic activity
sensor based on commercial accelerometer.
Signals from these sensors are amplified, filtered and elaborated and feed to the ADC of a
Experimental results, as we will illustrate later, have shown a clear correlation between
these signals. The evaluation of correlation between breathing rate and kinetic activity
requires a complex mathematical procedure, which is currently under development.
Actually we can assert that the breathing and kinetic activity monitoring allows in particular
to better understand the origin of tachypnea events whether they come from physical
activities or not. Furthermore, in patients with lung and heart diseases, it is very useful for
the doctor to understand when tachypnea begins during physical activities, and how long it
persists after the subject stops.
4.a Breathing monitoring
In past years two main methods for breathing monitoring have been developed (Webster,
1998) (Moore et al., 2004) (Tarassenko et al., 2002). In the first method, the air flow is sensed
while in the second one the breast dilatation is sensed.
Air flow monitoring is accurate but is very uncomfortable, since it requires tubing or placing
sensors both in mouth and in nose (Lay-Ekuakille et al., 2010) (Wei et al., 2010). This would
rule out 24 hours logging. For our project we are so forced toward the breast dilatation
monitoring, which may be quite less accurate and very sensitive to arms movements but is
much more comfortable.
For breast dilatation monitoring, piezoelectric strain gauge sensors are quite problematic
(Bonato, 2003) since the charge generated at typical breathing frequencies (0.25 Hz) can be
difficultly amplified. Moreover the temperature effect and the ageing on these sensors may
produce a drift of the direct component of the signal. This problem could be solve by the
introduction of a low-frequency filter, having a cut-off frequency less than breathing one.
Accelerometers are not suitable, because the tiny breathing acceleration available (about 0.02
g) is much smaller than the gravity acceleration g and body movement acceleration.
Breast dilatation monitoring is well accomplished using a breast elastic belt (Kim et al., 2006)
so sensing the belt stress makes sense breathing possible.
Aside from several stress sensors we have designed a new, very interesting conductive rubber
sensor, being it also quite cheap and easy tailored. Conductive rubbers are made by mixing
carbon or iron powder in the chemical reactants used to produce rubbers. They have been
applied as flexible conductors and as pressure sensors, but we did not found application as
dilatation sensors. Indeed conductivity of these rubbers are sensitive to stress, but among the
large kinds of conductive rubbers available, not all are suited for this application.
4.a.1 The conductive rubber selection
We look for conductive rubber satisfying these specifications:
high sensitivity to the stress
rubber should stand the stress applied to the breast belt, about 10 N
moderate resistivity, between 0.1 m and 10 m.
This value range of resistivity depends on measurement problems, as the sensor is supplied
at constant current. In fact, for low values of resistivity, either we would have a low voltage
Biomedical Electronic Systems to Improve the Healthcare Quality and Efficiency

to the sensor and therefore an amplifier would be necessary, or higher currents would be
required with consequent higher battery consumption not suited for an apparatus to wear
for 24 hours. On the other hand, for high values of resistivity, we could have some reliability
problems regards to the rubber contacts (Fig. 10), which would have an higher area.

Fig. 10. Rubber contacts.
We have used a sample of conductive rubber, from Xilor, whose resistivity was only 710
m, constituted by an aggregate of small conductive spheroids, about 20 m wide, as
shown in Fig. 11, in which it is clear the structure composed of microspheres of rubber.

Fig. 11. Microscopic view of the used conductive rubber on a broken side (visual field is 2
mm x 1.5 mm).
This figure has been taken by an optical microscope of our Electronic Devices Laboratory.
The resistivity is controlled by the contact surface area between spheroids. This area varies
according to the mechanical stress, so that resistivity is very sensitive to the mechanical
stress. This material did not satisfied our initial request, because it is not so strong and has a
low resistivity, but the sensibility was so high that we have selected this material to develop
our prototype.
We took a sample of Xilor rubber 120 mm long, 20 mm large and 0.3 mm thick that was fit in
the breast belt, at the place of a piece of belt. Since the sample is not capable to stand all the
belt stress, it is not feasible a full belt built only with this kind of conductive rubber. To solve
this problem we have added an ordinary non conductive rubber in a mechanical parallel to
this sample of Xilor rubber. We are also looking for conductive rubbers having both the
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

sensitivity and the mechanical strength, but our actual solution with two rubbers is very
satisfactory since it splits the mechanical and the electrical problem leaving us more degrees
of freedom in the rubbers choice, requiring just a small amount of the more expensive
conductive rubber.
Moreover, in this way we can reduce another ageing problem, due to the time variation of
the rubber sensibility. Since the sensor is not expansive, we foresee a disposable use of the
sensor to overcome the rubber ageing.
Two couples of small iron plates were tightened to each end of the rubber sandwich to
ensure electrical connections, as shown in Fig. 10.
4.a.2 Electronic interface and experimental results
The resistance of conductive rubber, about 1 , was measured with the four wires method,
two wires to inject a constant current, two wires to sense the voltage. We have not used the
well known Wheatstone bridge method because the sensor resistance drift, due to the
ageing, could require a continuous bridge balancing and, above all, because the resistance
variation is not small.
Since breathing rate ranges from 0.1 Hz to 3 Hz and chest movement signal is impulsive
with frequency in the frequency range [0.4 Hz, 3 Hz] our front end amplifier was connected
to the sensor through a first-order filter with a low cut off frequency at 0.4 Hz, in order to
eliminate the low frequency noise of sensor, and the upper cut off frequency at 3 Hz.
Moreover we have considered the low cut off frequency at 0.4 Hz because our prototype is
particularly dedicated to sportsmen. Therefore we have considered the 3-Hz breathing rate,
corresponding to 180 breaths per minute, to simulate also the transient breathlessness
condition due to, for an example, a race. Furthermore it is possible to change the element
values of the first-order filter to have a low cut off frequency at 0.1 Hz.
The amplified signal is sent to a peak detector (tuned for breathing rate frequencies), whose
output pulses are sent to a peak shaper to have standard length pulses.
This output is already a good signal for breathing rate measurement, but, since we preferred
to measure a voltage than a frequency, we feed the pulses in a frequency/voltage converter.
A voltage signal for breathing rate measurement allows us to use the ADC of a
In order to have a breath by breath conversion, without contiguous period averaging, we
have used the circuit shown in Fig. 12, whose key elements are an exponential-pulse
generator and a Sample & Hold (S&H).
For each pulses coming from the previous circuit the exponential pulse generator is
triggered, then the tail of this pulses is sampled just before the generator is re-triggered. The
synchronization between the S&H and the generator is controlled by a negative edge
triggered pulse generator which sends delayed pulses to the exponential generator. Since
the exponential pulse is sampled before the reset, the voltage held to the output of the S&H
is one to one function of the time length of the last breathing act, that is, in our case, a non
linear map from [0 Hz, Hz] to [0 V, 2.5 V], as shown in Fig. 13.
As benefit no average between consecutive pulses is done and the output staircase
waveform is useful for a slow ADC sampling. Since this signal is available only at the end of
the breath, this is unsuited for triggering warning in case of breathing stop. Whether this
warning would be needed, the output of the pulse shaper (or the output of exponential
generator) would be used.
Biomedical Electronic Systems to Improve the Healthcare Quality and Efficiency


Fig. 12. Circuit used to have a frequency-voltage conversion.

Fig. 13. Frequency voltage conversion diagram.
Using exponential generator, the map between the frequency and the voltage is nonlinear.
This is not so bad, since nonlinearity could be corrected on the remote computer display and
the exponential allows to map any time length to a finite voltage. Furthermore, since the
output voltage is fed to an ADC, and because of the nonlinearity, the best resolution would
be given at the most common breathing rate, while the uncommon rates would have lower
Of course, noise and time delay would cut off the far ends of the [0 Hz, Hz] range from
the map, but the remaining interval is still wide: the system has been tested on the wide
interval [0.05 Hz, 6 Hz].
Figs. 14 and Fig. 15 show the signal obtained with the described electronic set-up.
Pulse width fixing Peak detector
Negative edge
triggered pulse
pulse generator
Breath length
analog output
Trigger In
Amplifier Av = 680
Band pass filter 0.4Hz 3Hz
Constant current
generator 4.7mA
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software


Fig. 14. Breathing act identification: the square pulses are from peak detector while the wavy
signal is the amplified sensor signal.

Fig. 15. Frequency measurement: the vertical pulses are trigger pulses from the pulse width
fixing block, while the wavy line is the voltage converted frequency at the circuit output.
As shown in Fig. 14, the signal is clear and noiseless; it is also shown the signal from the
peak detector which is well behaved.
The system has been successfully test on a wide breathing rates interval (see Fig. 15), but
still the ageing problem remains.
In order to allow a test on a wider frequency range, Fig. 15 has been obtained using an
electronic pulse generator whose signal was feed to the frequency voltage converter.
Biomedical Electronic Systems to Improve the Healthcare Quality and Efficiency

4.b Kinetic activity sensor monitoring
The physical activity is important also to understand the medical meaning of heart and
breath dynamics. For example, let's think how the meaning of an high heart rate could be
different whether the subject is running or standing.
Physical activity monitoring is also very useful to understand objectively the lifestyle of a
patient to evaluate his daily energetic expenses.
4.b.1 Sensor
We have observed that root mean square (r.m.s.) values of acceleration (passed through a
high pass filter) on the body surface is fully correlated with walking speed. Experimental
data collected in previous experiences with other accelerometer, show that vertical
acceleration on the shoulder of a running patient peaks from -1 g to 2 g, while power
spectrum spans up to 20 Hz (Fig. 16). Peaks comes from each impact of feet on ground.
This signal includes a contribute coming from the gravity that is g(cos) where is the angle
between the sense direction of the accelerometer and the gravity. The variable is not
constant at all when the accelerometer is fixed on the clothes of a patient but varies widely
when a subject bows or stands up. Fortunately the power spectrum of is concentrated at
frequency below 1 Hz, much lower than the frequencies of the acceleration of a walking or
running patient. In conclusion it is necessary and also enough to use a high pass filter to cut
off the gravity.

Fig. 16. Acceleration signal detected on a running man. The acceleration is measured in g =
9.81 m/s
We have chosen the accelerometer ADXL103 (by Analog Devices) whose characteristics are
ideal for our application. While the band is much larger than what we need (but this is not a
problem), the noise density is low, 10

, useful for good measurements. Its power

dissipation is low, it takes 0.7 mA at 5 V, very useful since our system is battery powered. It
is also quite cheap (about 9 $).
A particular explanation should be deserved to our interest in the sensitivity range: 1.7 g.
This is a bit lower than maximum measurement on a running patient, so this would cause
accelerometer signal clipping and would create a progressive saturation of our circuit
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

output signal. We do not foresee a complete saturation, since this would happen only if the
patient runs in a very heavy way.
This is not a real limitation, since a running patients could be statistically marginal and
signal partial saturation would be marginal; furthermore for athletic application a new
device would be used with larger sensitivity range and different tuning. On the other hand,
the cut at 1.7g cuts off the high acceleration peaks, up to several tens of g, coming from
collisions of accelerometer with the environment. In absence of clipping, high g peaks could
ruin the 24 hour averages of r.m.s. acceleration.
4.b.2 Electronic interface and experimental results
The signal chain is quite simple and requires a band pass filter to cut off low frequencies at
0.7 Hz (related to gravity) and high frequencies at 20 Hz to clean unforeseen unwanted
signal outside the signal band. The upper part of Fig. 17 shows the output signal.

Fig. 17. Upper trace: accelerometer signal. Lower trace: r.m.s. filtered signal.
The filtered signal is passed to a cheap and effective r.m.s. converter, the AD737, whose
precision is enough for our purposes. The r.m.s. converter output is filtered to cut off
frequencies over 0.1 Hz to kill off the residual ripple observed on running patients. The
lower part of Fig. 17 shows this signal.
The signal is clean and spanned voltage range is matched to input span of the ADC of our
wearable unit.
Unfortunately the proposed system still presents some ageing problems (Marani et al.,
Indeed the rubber resistivity raised tenfold after few hour of usage, when the rubber was fit
in the belt with the dilatation method. While this could be compensated with an automatic
gain control at the front end amplifier, it would be better to measure compression effects on
rubber conductivity.
A second problem is the sensibility to the arms movements, which could trigger false
breathing pulses. This is intrinsic to the belt method, but the effect is not so frequent
compared to the breathing rate.
Biomedical Electronic Systems to Improve the Healthcare Quality and Efficiency

The proposed kinetic sensor, based on commercial accelerometer, has been tested on several
subjects, for each patient it was clearly possible to recognized whether the subject was
standing, walking or running.
The observed signal is correlated to the physical activity but also to the weight of the subject,
and (we suppose) also the way subject walks. For simple qualitative analysis this is not a
problem, but, if a quantitative analysis is required, a personal calibration would be
performed, or simply a statistical parameterization of calibration on some biological
parameter, e.g. weight, height, sex and age.
With this calibration, we hope that this physical activity measurement would allow a good
quantitative estimator of the energetic expenses to what concern walking and running, and
we hope that, using also other biological parameters to evaluate basic metabolism, it could
be possible to estimate the daily energetic expenses.
This would be very interesting since available method that measure the CO
, with mouth
and nose tubing (Lay-Ekuakille et al., 2010) (Wei et al., 2010)., and the heat production (in a
calorimetric box) are not suited for 24 hour measurements.
5. A system for holter applications with ECG transmission by Bluetooth
Today the most used tape-recorder type electrocardiographs for the long term registration
provide the acquisition of two or three channels thus allowing the detection of a limited
number of pathologies and missing crucial details relevant to the morphology of the heart
pulse and the related pathologies, given only by a static ECG executed in the hospital or in
medical centres (Carr et al., 2001) (Webster, 2004).
Moreover, the sampling frequency for the analog to digital conversion of the signal, for the
best known portable ECG, is typically lower than 200 Hz, thus missing important medical
data carried out by the electrocardiograph signal. Finally, the most used medical devices for
long term registration (holter) of cardiac activity are generally so uncomfortable especially
due to their dimensions.
Within our biomedical engineering researches, we have designed and prototyped a new
medical device for holter applications intended to overcome the above mentioned
limitations and to advance the state of the art.
In fact the designed device presents the following advantages:
1. data from up to 12 channels;
2. sensors, embedded in a kind elastic band;
3. possibility to place on the thorax many electrodes without reducing the movement
4. the elastic band mounting a wireless module (Bluetooth) (Senese, 2003) to send the data
to the recorder/storage unit;
5. implementation of a diagnostics algorithm and/or to download, in real time, the data
by UDP channel.
The system core is a microcontroller-based architecture. It is composed by: multiplexed
internal ADC with a 12 bit resolution, 8K bytes Flash/EE program memory; 32
Programmable I/O lines, SPI and Standard UART. Normal, idle and power-down operating
modes allow for flexible power management schemes suited to low power applications.
Fig. 18 shows the prototyped electrocardiograph recorder/storage unit.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software


Fig. 18. Picture of the prototyped new electrocardiograph receiving unit.
The small dimensions are remarkable even if a further reduction is possible.
The management software to data-download has been properly developed by the us, being
it custom for this application. It receives the data from the electrocardiograph and allows to
store/plot them.
In Fig.19 a draft of an acquisition example is shown.

Fig. 19. An acquisition example of ECG.
Biomedical Electronic Systems to Improve the Healthcare Quality and Efficiency

The management software allows to view/plot one or more channels, to make a real-time
automatic analysis of the incoming signal and to perform digital filtering. In fact the
software performs the Fourier Transform of the incoming signal, useful to make a real time
filtering if needed to improve the quality of the ECG. A wavelet filtering is also available.
The operator has to evaluate only the frequencies to suppress, after seeing the Fourier
Transform of the signal, and the software performs the signal filtering.
As regards the wireless module to send the data to the recorder/storage unit, Fig. 20 shows
the relative prototype, realized at our Electronic Device Laboratory.

Fig. 20. System for ECG transmission by Bluetooth.
It is also equipped with GPS module for the patient location in real time.
It proves particularly useful indefinite places such as nursing homes and rest homes for
elderly people.
However by using a mobile phone the system also allows transmission within a long range
The microcontroller permits to implement a diagnostics algorithm and/or to download, in
real time, the data by UDP channel.
The tracing can be also stored on flash cards legible with any PC equipped with a reader of
flash memories.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

6. Conclusions
In this chapter we have presented a review of our principal projects in biomedical electronic
field, developed at the Electronic Device Laboratory of the first Faculty of Engineering of
Polytechnic of Bari, Italy, within a research program, with the support of national university
medical centre.
Firstly we have proposed a medical electronic-computerized platform for diagnostic use,
which allows the doctor to carry out a complete cardio-respiratory control on remote
patients in real time. The system has been patented and has been designed to be employed
also to real-time rescue in case of emergency without the necessity for data to be constantly
monitored by a medical centre, leaving patients free to move.
We have also proposed a low-cost, electronic medical device, designed for the non-invasive
continuous real-time monitoring of breathing functions.
Moreover we have presented a new system for acquiring simultaneously the breathing rate
and the kinetic activity.
At last a new system for cardioholter applications, characterized by the possibility to send
ECG by Bluetooth to 6 or 12 leads, has been described.
All proposed systems have been prototyped and tested.
7. References
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Bluetooth, 802.11b, and Other Technologies. Medical Device & Diagnostic Industry,
Practical Causal Analysis for
Biomedical Sensing Based on
Human-Machine Collaboration
Naoki Tsuchiya and Hiroshi Nakajima
OMRON Corporation
1. Introduction
In general, human understand phenomena by considering causalities when they face any
problem. In fact, many causal-based applications and solutions have been proposed in
keeping with theoretical development.
For instance, in industrial domain, Furuta et al. proposed a training support system for plant
operation in which trainee's knowledge is represented as two-layered model of task
hierarchy and qualitative causality (1998). In medical domain, Thang et al. proposed a
medical diagnosis support system based on oriental diagnosis knowledge (2006). In their
approach, the causality among some subjects symptoms and their diagnostic outcome is
described by using RBF neural network. Nakajima et al. proposed a generic health
management framework named Human Health Management Technology which is applied to
not only human being but also manufacturing process, energy consumption management,
and so forth (2008b). In addition, Hata et al. suggested a concept named Human Health Care
System of Systems which focus on health management, medical diagnosis, and surgical
support. In the concept, the human health management technology is discussed from view
point of system of systems engineering (2009). Thus, causality acquisition and its utilization
among complex systems has a quite important role in optimal management.
On another front, from a viewpoint of theoretical development, lots of causal analysis
theories have been proposed (Bishop, 2006). Bayesian network describes statistical causality
among phenomena observed from certain managed systems, and the statistical causality
provides inference and reasoning functions (Pearl, 2001). Graphical model visualizes
causality among components in complex systems (Miyagawa, 1991). Fuzzy logic helps
intuitive representation of causality which is experts tacit knowledge (Zadeh, 1996).
As mentioned above, causal analysis theories and their applications and solutions in many
domains have been improved for long time. However, causal analysis for designing sensors
is not discussed enough yet. Thus, in this chapter, a role of causal analysis in biomedical
sensing is discussed.
In the rest of this article, in section 2, the importance of human-machine collaboration in causal
analysis is described. In the section, problems which we address in this chapter is defined. In
section 3, a human-machine collaborative causal analysis is proposed. Then, in section 4 and 5,
two kinds of biomedical sensing which employ the human-machine collaborative causal
analysis are demonstrated, that is, visceral fat measurement and heart rate monitoring.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

2. Problem definition and related works
In this section, the importance of human-machine collaboration in causal analysis is
discussed from a viewpoint of requirements for practical biomedical sensing. And, problem
definitions are discussed.
2.1 Requirements for biomedical sensing from a viewpoint of practical use
Considering practical usage, biomedical sensing has to be easy to use. In addition, it should
be non-invasive, low-intrusive, and unconscious regarding consumers home usage. For
instance, X-ray CT is not available at home because of its X-ray exposure.
In addition, biomedical sensing is required to have not only measurement accuracy but also
transparent measurement theory because it provides users with feeling of security besides
informed consent (Marutschke et al., 2010). However, measurement accuracy becomes
worse while measurement theory becomes too simplified. Thus, the satisfaction of accuracy
and transparency should be considered while experts design certain biomedical sensing
Regarding the above-mentioned problem, a new designing process of biomedical sensing is
proposed which employs causal analysis based on human-machine collaboration. In the
next section, the human-machine collaboration is discussed, and its importance described.
2.2 Human-machine collaboration
As means for representing causality, many theories have been proposed, that is, Bayesian
networks, graphical modeling, neural networks, fuzzy logic, and so forth. Additionally, as
means for modeling cause-effect structure, lots of learning theories have been studied
considering the characteristics of each theory (Bishop, 2006; Zadeh, 1996). Particularly,
Bayesian network and graphical modeling are utilized for a variety of applications in the
broad domain, due to transparency of the causality (Pearl, 2001).
These previous works show two primary approaches to causality analysis: one for
generating causality based on experts' knowledge and then optimizing the causalities by
using actual datasets, and the other for automatically processing a measured dataset and
then modeling causalities based on the trend and statistics from the data. The former is
based on experts' knowledge and has an advantage in understandability of the causality, but
needs sufficient knowledge on a certain target system and much more efforts for modeling
such a system with many components. Conversely, the latter provides subjective causality
obtained from datasets and has an advantage of not requiring any knowledge from experts,
but sometimes has difficulty in understanding the causality. Here, there could be another
approach that makes use of benefits of both in order to effectively model causalities by using
experts' knowledge during working with machines. This idea is considered an effort to
achieve goals through human-machine collaboration (Tsuchiya et al., 2010).
2.3 Problems to be solved and related works
According to the above discussion in section 2.2, the causal representation process and its
framework for causality acquisition based on human-machine collaboration has an
important role in practical causality acquisition. Regarding causality acquisition process and
its framework based on human-machine collaboration, a similar study has been shown in
Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) processes (Fayyad et al., 1996). KDD defined the
process of knowledge discovery and data mining techniques. Nadkarni has proposed a
Practical Causal Analysis for Biomedical Sensing Based on Human-Machine Collaboration

learning method with causal maps which is practically applicable in Bayesian networks, and
then dividing the cause-effect structure into D-maps and I-maps considering independency
among the causality (2004). Gyftodimos represented causality in a hierarchical manner and
proposed a set of frameworks regarding the representation and inference for
understandable relationships (2002). Tenenbaum et al. showed that a following process is
effective for learning and inference in the target domain; treating the fundamental principle
of the domain as something abstract, structuring it, and fitting the structure into the final
measured data (2006). The authors proposed that hierarchical representation of causality
among components which are obtained from certain target systems (Tsuchiya et al., 2010).
These studies have indicated that conceptualization of components is effective for acquiring
significant causality. Thus, in the following section, an effective causal analysis process for
practical biomedical sensing is proposed.
3. Practical causal analysis for biomedical sensing
To solve the problems which defined in the previous section, the proposed process
represents a causality of target components with a conceptual model and evaluates the
independency of the conceptual causality by employing experts knowledge. Then, feature
attributes and cause-effect structure are prepared in each independent subset of the
causality. Finally, whole cause-effect structures of each subset are integrated, and the
integrated cause-effect structure is fitted to the actual dataset. These process is executed via
human-machine collaboration.
In the following, the detailed steps of the above causal analysis are determined.
Step 1. Illustration of conceptual causality based on measurement principle
The intuitive causality among components in the target system is represented by a directed
graph based on experts knowledge. The represented intuitive causality is determined
conceptual causality.
Step 2. Causal decomposition based on experts knowledge
The conceptual causality defined in Step 1 is decomposed into independent subsets by
employing experts knowledge including design information about the target system.
Step 3. Practical cause-effect structure formulation via human-machine collaboration
Firstly, in each subset of the conceptual causality, feature extraction is executed by
combining components, multiplying by itself, and so forth. In the next, cause-effect structure
among the prepared feature attributes is formulated. Then, the cause-effect structures are
integrated according to the conceptual causality. And feature selection is conducted if
necessary. At last, components in formulated cause-effect structures are optimized by using
actual dataset.
In the following section 4 and 5, the proposal causal analysis process is applied to two kinds
of biomedical sensing.
4. Visceral fat measurement by using bioelectric impedance
In the 21st century, declining birth rate and growing proportion of elderly people develop
into more serious social problems in advanced nations. Not only solving the labor power
reduction but also extending healthy life expectancy are the important challenge which
human beings should address. In terms of the issue, primary prophylaxis has got lots of
attention as an important activity to prevent lifestyle-related diseases.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

According to such a social problems, metabolic syndrome has been recognized in advanced
nations. Currently, the waist circumference, blood pressure, blood sugar, and serum lipid
are evaluated for the primary screening whether the person is diagnosed with metabolic
syndrome at the medical checkups. Here, the purpose of waist circumference is for
screening visceral fat accumulation since it is well known that visceral fat area at abdominal
level is strongly related to lifestyle-related diseases (Matsuzawa, 2002). However, the waist
circumference reflect not only visceral fat but also subcutaneous fat, organs, and so forth.
Thus, more accurate screening method is desired. On another front, in major hospitals, X-
ray CT image processing at abdominal level is the gold standard (Miyawaki et al., 2005).
However, X-ray CT has a serious problem of X-ray exposure.
Thus, non-invasive and low-intrusive visceral fat measurement is desired.
4.1 Measurement principle
Fig. 1 shows a X-ray CT image at abdominal level, and the visceral fat is located in the light
grey area in Fig. 1. Therefore, the objectives of visceral fat measurement is to estimate the
square of the light grey area.

Fig. 1. Body composition at abdominal level
To measure the visceral fat area non-invasively, biomedical impedance analysis (BIA) has been
employed (Gomi et al., 2005; Ryo et al., 2005; Shiga et al., 2007). BIA is famous for its
consumers healthcare application, that is, body composition meters, and has been studied by
lots of researchers (Deurenberg et al., 1990; Composition of the ESPEN Working Group, 2004).
Considering each body composition in Fig. 1, the impedance of lean body is low since muscle
comprised in lean body involves much water, and the impedance of visceral fat and
subcutaneous fat are high. Thus, each area of body composition could be estimated
independently by taking advantage of the impedance characteristics of each body
The basic idea of visceral fat measurement via BIA is that the visceral fat area (VFA) S
estimated by reducing subcutaneous fat area (SFA) S
and lean body area (LBA) S
abdominal cross-section area (CSA) S
. This idea is illustrated in Fig. 2, and is formulated in
equation (1).

Fig. 2. Visceral fat measurement principle
where S
, S
, S
are visceral fat area, subcutaneous fat area, and lean body area respectively.
Practical Causal Analysis for Biomedical Sensing Based on Human-Machine Collaboration

4.2 System configuration
In accordance with the measurement principle, the visceral fat measurement equipment is
implemented. The equipment obtains humans body shape and two kinds of electrical
impedance at abdominal level.
At the beginning of measurement, the equipment measures humans body shape as shown
in Fig. 3 and 4. Obtained a and b are body width and depth at abdominal level respectively.

Fig. 3. Body shape measurement procedure

Fig. 4. Body shape information
In the next, the equipment measures two kinds of electrical impedance at abdominal level.
Eight paired electric poles are placed on surroundings of the abdominal as shown in Fig. 5.
And an weak current, 250 A with 50 kHz, is turn on between subjects wrist and ankle as
shown in Fig. 6. Then, eight impedances are obtained via eight paired poles, and their
average is determined as Z

Fig. 5. Eight paired electric poles placed on surroundings of abdominal
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

After that, in the same manner, an weak current is turn on subjects surface at abdominal
level via eight paired poles. And, eight impedances are obtained via eight paired poles as
shown in Fig. 7, and their average is determined as Z

Fig. 6. Impedance Z
measurement procedure

Fig. 7. Impedance Z
measurement procedure
As a result, body shape a and b, two kinds of impedance Z
and Z
are acquired by using the
implemented equipment.
4.3 Causal analysis via human-machine collaboration
Firstly, the actual dataset of 196 subjects was prepared before the following causal analysis.
The dataset consists of 101 males and 95 females at age 49.0 11.3 for males and 49.6 11.3
for females. Two kinds of impedance Z
, Z
and body shape information a and b are
calculated by using the visceral fat measurement equipment. In addition, VFA S
, and CSA S
are obtained by X-ray CT image processing as reference.
Step 1. Illustration of conceptual causality based on measurement principle
According to measurement principle and the equipment system configuration, the
relationship among the set of obtained four components a, b, Z
, Z
and three kinds of body
composition S
, S
, S
is illustrated with a conceptual causality as shown in Fig. 8.

Fig. 8. Conceptual causality in visceral fat measurement
Step 2. Causal decomposition based on experts knowledge
At first, according to the measurement principle, the causality among body composition is
independent from four component obtained via the equipment. Thus, the subset consist of
body composition is decomposed from conceptual causality. In the next, since S
Practical Causal Analysis for Biomedical Sensing Based on Human-Machine Collaboration

affect a and b directly, the subset consist of S
, a, and b is decomposed from conceptual
causality. In the same manner, the subset related to S
and S
is decomposed respectively. As
a result, the conceptual causality is decomposed into four subsets in Fig. 9.

Fig. 9. Decomposed conceptual causality in visceral fat measurement
Step 3. Practical cause-effect structure formulation via human-machine collaboration
According to equitation (1) and the decomposed conceptual causality in Fig. 9, the cause-
effect structure is formed in equation (2).

1 2 3
( , ) ( ) ( , , )
v c l t s s
S f a b f Z f a b Z = + + +

Then, by assuming that the body shape at abdominal level is ellipse, feature attributes a
, b
ab, (a
+ b
, 1/Z
, Z
, Z
, and Z
are prepared (Yoneda et al., 2008). By
replacing the corresponding terms in equation (2) with these attributes, the following cause-
effect structure can be acquired as shown in equation (3).

2 2 2 2 1/2
1 2 3 4 5
1 / ( )
v t s s s
S ab Z Z a Z b Z a b = + + + + + +

are regression coefficients and is an error term. However, considering the
complexity in the shape of the abdomen, it is not always true that employing all of the
feature attributes included in equation (3) could result in over estimation. Thus, from the
statistical viewpoint, we perform feature selection by employing Akaike Information
Criterion (Akaike, 1974). As a result, the cause-effect structure in equation (4) is obtained.

1 2 3 4
1 /
v t s s
S ab Z Z b Z ab = + + + +

are regression coefficients and is an error term.
4.4 Experimental result and discussion
To compare performance, a experts knowledge-based measurement model is prepared
(Shiga et al., 2007), and is fitted to the sample dataset which is described in the previous
Table 1 shows comparison of accuracy of visceral fat measurement. In Table 1, EM and ESD
indicate the mean of absolute errors and the standard deviation of estimated errors
respectively, and R is the correlation between the X-ray CT reference and the estimated value.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

According to the results, the improved estimation model provides higher performance in
EM by 3.73 cm
, in ESD by 5.03 cm
, and R by 0.063. Thus, the proposed causality analysis
process is proven to have enough performance to model a practical cause-effect structure.

EM [cm
] ESD [cm
] R
Experts knowledge-based model 20.369 26.702 0.826
Human-machine collaboration 16.638 21.676 0.889
Table 1. Visceral fat estimation performance comparison
5. Heart rate monitoring in sleep by using air pressure sensor
Among vital-signals, heart rate (HR) provides important information of humans health
transit such as an early stage of cardiac disease (Kitney & Rompelman, 1980). In addition,
HR variability provides information of autonomic nerve activity (Kobayashi et al., 1999).
Considering such values, continuous HR monitoring would have a quite important role in
daily life. Thus, it is pretty important for us to measure our HR continuously to know its
changes in our daily life.
Considering humans activities of livelong day, sleep has a high proportion. In addition,
human being is in resting state in sleep. Thus, wealth of heart rate variability in sleep
provides much information about humans health condition.
Currently, in a medical domain, an electrocardiography (ECG) is the gold standard for
measuring HR variability accurately. However, ECG restricts humans free movement since
many poles are put on body. Thus, ECG is hard to be used in sleep.
Thus, a low-intrusive and non-invasive continuous heart rate monitoring in sleep on lying
on the bed is desired.
5.1 Measurement principle
To solve such a problem, HR monitoring equipment by using an air pressure sensor (APS) has
been developed (Hata et al., 2007; Yamaguchi et al., 2007; Ho et al., 2009; Tsuchiya et al., 2009).
Considering sleep condition, heartbeat causes pressure change of back. Thus, the basic idea
of measuring heart rate monitoring is to extract heartbeats from pressure change of back.
However, pressure change of the body is caused not only heartbeat but also roll-over,
respiration, snore, and so forth. Thus, a new method to extract heartbeats from pressure
change on back is required.

Fig. 10. Heart rate monitoring equipment
Practical Causal Analysis for Biomedical Sensing Based on Human-Machine Collaboration

5.2 System configuration
The HR monitoring equipment measures body pressure variability x
via an APS to
extract HR variability from the obtained pressure variability. Fig. 10 shows the configuration
of the equipment. The APS composed of air tube, and is set under humans back on the bed.
The characteristics of APS is drawn in Fig. 11. APS record pressure change at 100Hz, and
quantizes pressure change into 1024 level via A/D convertor.

Fig. 11. Air pressure sensor characteristics
In HR monitoring, the heartbeats are detected and the HR variability x
is extracted from
heartbeat intervals.
5.3 Causal analysis via human-machine collaboration
Firstly, the actual dataset of 8 subjects was prepared before the following causal analysis.
The detailed profile of each subject is shown in Table 2.

Subject Age [yrs] Height [cm] Weight [kg] Gender
A 23 175 76 Male
B 23 171 68 Male
C 23 165 50 Male
D 25 171 56 Male
E 22 180 92 Male
F 22 172 55 Male
G 23 170 62 Male
Table 2. Profile of subjects
Each subject lied on bed for 10 minutes, and ECG is obtained for each subject while HR
monitoring equipment measured pressure change of back.
Step 1. Illustration of conceptual causality based on measurement principle
According to the measurement principle, the conceptual causality among heartbeat x
body movement x
, respiration x
, obtained air pressure x
, and heart rate x
illustrated in Fig. 12.
In addition, according to the knowledge on heart rate that heart rate is defined by the
interval of heartbeat, the conceptual causality is modified as shown in Fig. 13. It shows that
HR variability is calculated from R-R interval
like ECG when R-waves
Step 2. Causal decomposition based on experts knowledge
Since the HR extraction from
is generalized, the causality shown in Fig. 13 is decomposed
into two parts as shown in Fig. 14. They consist of the causality for generalized HR
extraction, and the causality for
extracted from x
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software


Fig. 12. Conceptual causality in heart rate monitoring via air pressure sensor

Fig. 13. Conceptual causality in heart rate monitoring

Fig. 14. Decomposed conceptual causality in heart rate monitoring
Step 3. Practical cause-effect structure formulation via human-machine collaboration
As for
extraction from pressure change, the pressure change involves not only heartbeat
but also respiration and body movement. Because of the nature of the signals, it could be
difficult to determine the precise position of R-waves
by autocorrelation function and
peak detection method. In this study, fuzzy logic is employed to formulate the knowledge
about heartbeat.
Firstly, full-wave rectification is applied to x
, and the result signal is determined as x
Then, the fuzzy logic based on the knowledge about
is applied to the pre-processed
pressure changes. These fuzzy rules are described in the following.

Knowledge 1 : The large pressure change is caused by heartbeat.
Knowledge 2 : Heartbeat interval does not change significantly.

According to the knowledge on heartbeat characteristics, the fuzzy rules are denoted in the
Practical Causal Analysis for Biomedical Sensing Based on Human-Machine Collaboration

Rule 1 : IF x
is HIGH, THEN the degree of heartbeat point
is HIGH.
Rule 2 : IF t
is CLOSE to T ,THEN the degree of heartbeat point
is HIGH.

(i) is the membership function of Rule 1, x
is pre-processed pressure change, t
the sampling point of obtained pressure change, T is the average of heartbeat intervals that
calculated by using previous ten heartbeats, and
(i) is the membership function of Rule 2.
Then, the membership functions respond to the fuzzy rules are illustrated in Fig. 15 and 16,
and formulae are equations (5)(7) and (8), (9).

Fig. 15. Membership function for evaluating degree from viewpoint of amplitude


max min
min max
if 1
if 0
) (
x x
x x x
x x
x x
x x

) (6)
) (7)

Fig. 16. Membership function for evaluating degree from viewpoint of heartbeat interval
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software


( )
( ) exp
t T


/3 T = (9)
is calculated by multiplying
and the location with maximum
determined as heartbeat x

as formulated in equation (10).
(i) =
(i) *
(i) (10)
5.4 Experimental result and discussion
In this experiment, the proposed heart rate monitoring based on human-machine
collaboration is compared with conventional typical method that is based on autocorrelation
functions and peak detection and one with proposed method by using fuzzy logic. Table 3
shows correlations between HR changes obtained from the ECG and those obtained from
the heart rate monitoring equipment.
The results indicate that the method of fuzzy logic achieved higher performance for all of
the subjects. In particular, the correlation to ECG for the subject A and E is over 0.97, which
is extremely high.

R Subject
Human-machine collaboration Autocorrelation functions-based
0.973 0.703
0.807 0.389
0.754 0.621
0.872 0.699
0.972 0.658
0.844 0.677
0.737 0.346
0.851 0.585
Table 3. HR monitoring performance comparison

Fig. 17. Heartbeat count vs. R-R interval against subject B
In the following, the some of detailed HR monitoring results are discussed.
Practical Causal Analysis for Biomedical Sensing Based on Human-Machine Collaboration

Fig. 15-18 shows the result for subject B and E where horizontal axis and virtual axis are
heartbeat count and R-R interval respectively, and the blue line and red line is the R-R
interval variability obtained by using the HR monitoring equipment and ECG respectively.
According to the results for subject B and E, the result of HR monitoring is quite similar to
ECGs one. In addition, in Fig. 17, the HR monitoring could detect the significant R-R
interval occurred around 200 beats.

Fig. 18. Heartbeat count vs. R-R interval against subject E
6. Summaries and conclusions
This chapter has introduced a causal analysis based on human-machine collaboration for
practical biomedical sensing. In the proposed method, the cause-effect structure is
actualized in three steps. Firstly, experts illustrate the conceptual causality among
components which are obtained from sensing target. In the next step, the conceptual
causality is decomposed into independent subset by employing experts knowledge. Then,
feature attributes are prepared by using components, and each subset is formulated. At last,
the formulae of each subset is integrated and optimized by using actual dataset obtained
from sensing target.
Additionally, two applications of practical biomedical sensing have been presented; visceral
fat measurement based on bioelectrical impedance analysis and heart rate monitoring by air
pressure sensor.
In the case of visceral fat measurement, the conceptual causality was constructed by using
experts knowledge of the relationship among two kinds of bioelectrical impedance, body
shape and body composition and the cause-effect structure was realized by fitting 196
subjects dataset. According to the comparative experimental results, the measurement
accuracy was improved in keeping with its measurement transparency.
In case of heart rate monitoring, the conceptual causality among air pressure sensor, R-
wave, R-R interval and heart rate was constructed by using experts knowledge on
electrocardiograph. Then, the conceptual causality is decomposed into two subset, that is,
the causality which describes heart rate extraction from heartbeat and the one among air
pressure sensor, heartbeat, respiration, and body movement. According to the experimental
result, the accuracy improvement was confirmed by comparing with the typical heart rate
extraction used in the electrocardiograph.
According to the above two application, the proposal causal analysis based on human-
machine collaboration is useful to realize practical biomedical sensing.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

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Design Requirements for a Patient Administered
Personal Electronic Health Record
Rune Fensli
, Vladimir Oleshchuk
, John ODonoghue
and Philip OReilly

Faculty of Engineering and Science, University of Agder, Grimstad
Business Information Systems, University College Cork
1. Introduction
It is anticipated that the patients access to his/her own medical records and treatment
information in the future will play an important role in managing treatment of chronic
diseases and protecting patients health as described by Coulter et al. (2008). Shared access
to electronic health records will thus be important for obtaining electronic collaboration,
both for the patient and also for the health care professionals.
The patient empowerment approach as defined by Anderson & Funnell (2009) implies that
the patient is capable of managing necessary self-selected changes by recording daily control
of (their) his/her illness and rehabilitation. The ability to enter daily recordings of clinical
data by the patient will be important in future health care services, where remote home
monitoring will be a normal procedure in following up hospital treatment. Such recordings
and patient details need to be safely stored within the patients Electronic Health Record
(EHR) system, and they should be shared between the patient and the health care providers.
When patients are monitored remotely by means of wearable sensors and communication
equipments, recorded information of clinical recordings should be automatically
incorporated into EHRs. Such functionality will be important for the doctors to make the
more informed diagnosis of the patients (actual) current condition, and solutions like these
can be regarded as an important part of the personalized health care concept.
The Markle Foundation (2003) has defined Personal Health Records (PHR) as:
An electronic application through which individuals can access, manage and share their health
information, and that of others whom they are authorized, in a private, secure, and confidential
The American Medical Informatics Associations College of Medical Informatics has in a
strategy for adoption of PHR elaborated on technical architecture and described
organizational and behavioural barriers needed to be overcome, as described by Tang et al.
(2006). They focused on potential benefits both for the patients and caregivers, but
presupposed the systems must be easy to learn and easy to use in order to be used on a
daily basis.
According to Hurtado et al. (2000), such patient-centric solutions can be defined as:
Systems that enable a partnership among practitioners, patients, and their families (when
appropriate) to ensure that procedures and decisions respect patients needs and preferences.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

The CEN/ISSS eHealth Standardization Focus Group (2005) has finalized a report
addressing future standardization and interoperability in the e-health domain, highlighting
the importance of obtaining improved access to clinical records and enabling patient
mobility and cross-border access to health care. One proposed action is to establish an EU
Health Insurance Card containing a medical emergency data set and the use of this card to
control access to the patients medical record.
There are several barriers to overcome in designing shared PHRs, but new solutions for the
patients access to his/her own PHR are emerging within EU countries. However, in
designing new solutions for shared PHR systems, functional requirements from the patients
perspective will probably be a key issue, as the patient will have to realise clear benefits
from using such tools in his ongoing communication with the health care personnel. This
can be comparable to perceived advantages as from using Internet solutions for private
purposes like email and the use of social media.
2. Chapter outline
In this chapter, we analyse the security and privacy requirements of the patients access to
his own PHR, focusing also on patient empowerment and self-care. We analyse the
European and US National Health Care strategies. Based on scenarios with a patient-centric
view in establishing new services, we propose a solution for a Patient administered Personal
electronic Health Record (PaPeHR) service, which would include a cross-country
certification of health care personnel in order for patients to receive medical assistance when
they are abroad. Some emergency access mechanisms should also be included. Finally, we
will highlight some design requirements in order to define roles and support patients
access to shared information within a collaborative health care framework.
3. Security, privacy and trust requirements
In general, the question of privacy will be one of the fundamental requirements for patients,
as the actual solutions can be designed in a way that the patient can be confident in being
able to take control of his own private information. Privacy can be defined as:
The right of individual to determine for themselves when, how and to what extent information
about them is communicated to others; Agrawal et al. (2002).
As Tang et al. (2006) focused on the ability for the patient to define which part of the
information stored in the PHR is to be shared by others, this is in fact a question of privacy
regulation in the actual solution. There are several privacy-aware solutions offered on the
market, such as the iHealthRecord
, PatientSite
, Microsoft HealthVault
and Google
. However, most of those solutions differ on conceptual levels and are based on
proprietary standards, making trans-institutional data exchange difficult. When making a
decision on which solution to choose, the patient will also have to evaluate the
trustworthiness of the company offering a secure solution for life-long storage of life-critical
medical information. In many countries you will probably not trust a foreign private

Design Requirements for a Patient Administered Personal Electronic Health Record

company; however, you will trust your bank manager when it comes to your net-bank
account. In the same manner, you will have to trust your net-health account, and regarding
privacy you will be certain that the data storage is preserved in a safe and secure place,
where you are the only person managing this account and where only you can control
which persons are given access to the information stored.
It is a challenging task to define shared access to the PHR information based on concept of
roles defined by Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) which typically are incorporated into
the design of EHR-systems used in hospitals and health care services. RBAC is a concept
where access to data is restricted to authorized users, and where the actual persons
functional role within the organization will determine which part of the information he is
authorized to access, as defined by the standard ANSI/INCITS 359-2004 (2004).
Such solutions will first of all require a well defined structure of information in different
types, each with different needs of shared access; thus the RBAC solutions have a need of
including granulated context aware RBAC. In addition, there should be possibilities of
defining generic roles, as typically will be your local doctor or general practitioner, your
home nurse (which will be a role shared by many nurses), your spouse/next of kin, persons
in your health exercise group etc. Any solution will require the secure identification of all
healthcare personnel, and many countries have established a common name-space with a
central storage of this public information. However, the secure identification of informal
caregivers (voluntary resources) and family members can be a challenging task.
Assuming that the patient is the owner of his/her own PHRs, he/she will need to ensure the
integrity of the system; thus he/she will be the responsible person for the data integrity and
confidentiality. This (will have the implications) implies that the patient will need to have
the administrative privileges of assigning roles and access to the information stored within
the PHRs. This will, in fact, be a Patient administered Personal Electronic Health Record
(PaPeHR). In such a new concept the challenge will be to design the administrative part of
the RBAC interface in a simple and intuitive way, enabling the patient to perform the role of
system administrator without making any mistakes. This will be a question of human
interface design, but depending on computer skills, probably not all patients can take the
responsibility on their own. If a system facilitator is needed in helping the patient with the
system setup and assigning roles, this facilitator role should not have access to stored
medical information. Technically, this can be solved in a front-end/ back-end solution.
However, the facilitator role will be crucial when it comes to privacy issues.
Many proposed solutions only slightly approach security and even less privacy issues. For
example, an architecture proposed by Vogel et al. (2006) for distributed national electronic
health record system in Austria stated that:
The privacy of patient related data is temporary solved in a way that participating institutions
are bound by contract to only access data relevant for specific treatment case [page 5].
This is not a technological solution. It is more a question of agreed policy, and should
generally not be considered a sufficient protection of patient privacy (otherwise the privacy
protection problem would already be solved, since current privacy related legislation
requires similar protection of patient data in most countries). Some other approaches focus
more on security issues and partly mixing them with privacy issues, and it is important to
be aware of the fact that high degree of security does not necessarily protect data privacy.
From the definition of privacy, it is easy to see that perfectly secured data does not
necessarily provide protection of patient privacy, as there may not be implemented
solutions for the patients access control. It should be mentioned that in a real-life situation
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

the above definition of privacy can be ensured by claiming individual may be replaced by
any entity (such other individuals or organizations) he/she has sufficient level of trust to.
The relaxation was implicitly made in many approaches proposed in the literature, and is
described in a global perspective by HiMSS (August 2008). However, it poses another issue
associated with correctly assessing trust relations in an ad hoc setting (for example when a
patient is abroad on holiday etc.). This is a reason that many proposed frameworks require
the availability of a special infrastructure such as for example PKI, digital certificates, health
cards, etc., and these may be difficult to implement in cross-border settings. Generally,
providing privacy protection is more difficult than providing security of patient data. In
some cases it can be contradictory, for example when patient privacy is based on anonymity.
4. Patient empowerment and self-care
In health care services today, there is an increased awareness of patient empowerment. The
term Patient empowerment implies that the patient should have gained knowledge about
his own health and illness, and can be able to make decisions of actual treatment and self
care. This is not about doing something for the patient, but facilitating and supporting
patients to understand the consequences of their decisions. There are several relevant papers
that describe the understanding of patient empowerment. One example is the WHO report
written by Anderson & Funnell (2009) and Coulter et al. (2008) where the situation for
patients and decision making is described.
Chronically ill patients experience a greater degree of freedom and are more involved in the
treatment with daily monitoring of vital information during hospitalization in their own
home, than with the traditional treatment procedures at a hospital. Introducing advanced
medical technology in the patients own home will influence the patients situation as it
makes empowerment and self-management possible as described by Barlow et al. (2002). At
the same time, coordinated follow-up and new workflow procedures for the health-care
services need to be implemented in order to give the patient satisfactory support by virtual
visits in his/her home, which was put in focus by Wootton & Kvedar (2006). However, this
support also must be integrated in the self-monitoring of vital signs information performed
by the patients, with understandable interpretations of the results.
In an evaluation by Wald et al. (2007) of the physician patient relationship, it was found
that the impact of Internet use with possibilities of collaborative teamwork approach and
access to the patients own health information were effective and contributing to quality of
health care. Weingart et al. (2006) evaluated patients who used the PatientSite, and they
discovered a steady growth of use after the introduction, by typically younger patients with
few medical problems. But to expand the use of patient portals it is important to overcome
obstacles for those patients who might benefit most from this technology, as they will
probably be the first users of the new system.
In a review analyzing potential benefits and drawbacks of patients access to PHR, Ross &
Lin (2003) found improved communication between patient and doctor, improved patient
empowerment and improved education. However, this can require a fundamental redesign
of the health care process, with full electronic integration and communication with patient-
centric applications for disease management and prevention, as Demiris et al. (2008) are
pinpointing. When designing such solutions, the patients will probably expect a quick
feedback from the doctor to recorded event situations or messages requesting for advice;
thus a reliable workflow and defined response times should be defined according to Fensli
& Boisen (2008).
Design Requirements for a Patient Administered Personal Electronic Health Record

As the health care personnel normally will be using secure solutions within a national health
care framework, there is a need to establish secure communication and exchange solutions
crosswise health network borders. At the same time, the patient should be able to participate
in a training group for patients with the same diseases, as the encouragement from other
patients will have a positive impact. This should imply functionality known from social
media, with shared training results, questions and answers, blogs. Such functionalities are
well known from most weight watcher programmes found on the Internet, but are rarely
used within a health care and rehabilitation domain.
Today, many athletes are using a pulse watch during their regular training. This watch
enables them to share their achieved results with training partners on the web, and even as a
virtual competition. Grimsmo et al. (2010) found that prevalence of atrial fibrillation is
increased for middle-aged over-trained athletes, and the next thing they will have to do will
be sharing their training records also with the doctor. However, being able to distinguish
between different security needs can be a challenging factor for patients in their role as
system administrators, defining the actual roles and access to different types of information.
5. European and US national health care strategies
5.1 Core electronic health records
Within a national health network, mechanisms for secure transfer of clinical information are
in many countries established between hospitals and General Practitioners (GP), and also
with the local municipal health care services, based on different infrastructure principles
and secure message exchange.
In Denmark, the Danish eHealth Portal, (2010), is designed to give the patients
on-line access to their personal health data with the medical history from Danish hospitals,
including e-Journal and Medicine profile. In addition, the health professionals can get access
to a summary of the patients electronic health record.
In Norway, a patient portal Min journal is established by Oslo University Hospital, in
close collaboration with a number of hospitals and rehabilitation clinics. A secure electronic
ID is used for authentication of the patient, and he/she will have access to secure message
exchange with the health care services. The patient will also have an overview of the
medical prescriptions and epicrisis from the hospital. Such solutions can be classified as a
patient portal approach, with access to the health systems owned by the providers.
In Scotland, the National Health Services (NHS) has established a common Core-Electronic
Health record, The Emergency Care Summary; to be accessed by all health care services
within the country. However, up until now the patients are yet not given access to this
solution as described in the report by The Scottish Government (2006).
Within The UK, the Healthspace portal operated by the NHS enables the patients to view
their Summary Care Record (SCR) and to book a hospital appointment as described by the
UK National Health Service (2008). Within the HealthSpace portal, patients can manage
their own health and lifestyle information. By having an account, the patients can fill in
important information about their health details; keep a record of their own medication,
daily intake of alcohol, smoking and calorie, and also monitor blood pressure and fitness
In order to establish a common database of patient information to be shared between health
care professionals, several European countries have focused on defining a common shared
EHR, summarized by the CEN/ISSS eHealth Standardization Focus Group (2005).
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

Within several European countries, efforts have also been made to define a core dataset for
public health, Core-EHR, where a minimum common dataset of important clinical
information can be securely stored and shared among health care professionals at different
administrative levels. In the EU report Connected Health, the European Commission
(2006) has described the term Patient Summary as (p 13):
A clinical document that is stored in repositories with cumulative indexing systems and secure
access by authorized people. In order to achieve maximum benefit from this instrument, the
structured content of patient summaries should be agreed at an international level, starting from
a few generic summaries and gradually developing a series of summaries specific for each clinical
context. (Citation from an eHealth ERA coordination action deliverable)
In the report, three specific topics are considered as prioritized activities, namely a proposal
of requirements of interoperability of patient summaries, patient and health practitioner
identifiers and an emergency data set incorporated in the patient summary. This summary
of important medical information will typically include a summary of patient history, a list
of allergies, active problems still under treatment, recent test results and a medication list. In
addition, the eHealth action plan as a strategy from the Commission (2004) addressed the
question of ePrescribing, in the future this can give possibilities for cross-border
prescriptions when patients are abroad on holiday etc.
5.2 Different approaches for patients access
In the description of how different countries have approached the acceptance, adoption,
deployment, operation and support of a national EHR solution, a HiMSS (August 2008)
Steering Committee has defined four architectural models to describe how the ownership of
the patient records are organized, and whether or not a country allows for EHRs to be
accessed by patients.
These four approaches are as follows: 1) A Fully Federated model where the data remain in
the source systems; 2) A Federated model where patient data are consolidated with source
facility in a clinical document record; 3) A Service Oriented model where patient data are
sent to a central EHR by messaging, and where the patient can get access to the events
registered in the system, and 4) An Integrated EHR model with a single integrated hospital
system where the patients can get access through embedded capabilities. To this list, a fifth
model should be added as a privately owned standalone PHR as listed in Table 1.

EHR Approach National health care strategies
#1 Fully Federated U.S.
#2 Federated Netherlands, Wales
#3 Service Oriented Germany, Denmark, Israel, New Zealand
#4 Integrated EHR England, Canada
#5 Standalone PHR None (only private initiatives)
Table 1. Models of approaches to EHR solutions within national health care strategies based
on HiMSS (August 2008), with addition of a private standalone PHR solution
In the different strategies to adopt PHR solutions, we have described the range of
complexity for a PHR either as a stand-alone application or fully integrated so that patients
can view their own information stored in the EHR system at the health care provider. As a
minimum requirement, there is a need to export and import data from other systems in a
standardized way, and in future solutions there should be seamlessly interoperable systems
Design Requirements for a Patient Administered Personal Electronic Health Record

as described by Tang et al. (2006). In this paper, they also highlighted the potential benefits
for the consumers having a PHR.
Patients access to their doctors EHR system has been developed as a web-based service
proposed by Cimino et al. (2002), demonstrating that patients gain an improved
understanding of their health and that such systems can have beneficial effects on health
outcomes where patients and doctors can have a shared workload and a better
communication. An e-consent based solution to share the EHR between the patient and
health care personnel has been suggested by Bergmann et al. (2007) as a virtual shared EHR
and with the use of an e-consent object based on digital signatures for authorized access to
the patients shared her. However, the formal requirements can be difficult to implement in
cross-border solutions.
An architecture for a patient-centred shared electronic health record using a Medical Data
as an open source implementation has been suggested by Vogel et al. (2006). This
solution enables the patient to give a fine grained permission to access specific parts of the
record. A distributed service using roles defined by the e-Health directory was
implemented, and authentication was based on digital certificates. It can also be possible to
establish an independent service as a health record data bank, described by Shabo (2006),
into which the actual health care providers will have to submit the desired content.
An interesting show-case with two clinical scenarios was developed using a patient-centred
approach which demonstrated integration of a PHR to a healthcare enterprise, based on a
Cross-enterprise Document Sharing (XDS) profile implemented in a ebXML architecture, as
described by Stolyar et al. (2006). In this way metadata were used as index to locate the
actual health information stored within a regional health information network.
There is a need to clarify actual standards suitable for integration of information, and how
patient-entered data, including vital signs recordings and fitness and lifestyle details can be
shared between the patient, his/her relatives, training partners and the health care
professionals. In order to adopt a solution to be used in broad scale, it can be beneficial to
use open standards in the infrastructure framework, thus different vendors can easily adopt
their systems to be used within a national health care data network designed to share
information among different applications and clinical tools. The standardization issues are
addressed in a joint project on interoperability of eHealth standards organized by NEN
(2009), and a final report, M403 Phase 1, was in February 2009 submitted to the European
Commission for formal approval.
However, as pinpointed by Kahn et al. (2009) the existing gap between todays PHRs
solutions and what integrated services patients say they want and need, is a limiting factor
in the adoption. It is also important to keep in mind that Kahn et al. (2009) unveiled that the
patients are concerned about security and privacy issues. To summarise, this review reveals
that no simple way exists for the patient to gain control of the consent rights given in the
EHR approach models #1 to #4. Nor is a proper model for data access in emergency
situations proposed.
6. Scenario with remote home monitoring
6.1 Information flow
When defining a framework for information flow, storage and retrieval, it is necessary to
focus on the (actual) system users and their responsibility. Putting the patient in focus can

GRID computing is combining resources from multiple of distributed computers
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

give a perspective where the important information flow and responsibility for the different
health care professionals can be identified. A typical scenario may be the situation which is
shown in Figure.1, where a patients vital signs are monitored during his/her outdoor walk.
The electrocardiogram (ECG) signals are automatically transmitted to the patients PaPeHR
using secure mobile data communication (1).
If an arrhythmia situation is detected, this information can be transmitted to the local
doctor/General Practitioner (2) to be prepared and preliminary evaluated by the care
coordinator for a quick focus on important findings. This can be timesaving for the doctors
evaluation to determine appropriate interventions. As he may not have necessary
cardiology competence, he can forward the arrhythmia event to a specialist at the hospital as
a telemedicine referral (3). Depending on the epicrisis received (4), he can both send a
message to the home nurse for necessary follow up (5) and inform the patient (6). All the
information on the arrhythmia event recorded data, referral, epicrisis and messages should
be properly stored within the patients PaPeHR (7).

at hospital
Local doctor /
General Practitioner
Home nurse /
Local community
health care services
Patients web based
Access to authorized
partner/spouse /family

Fig. 1. The principle information flow (1-6) between the patient, the local doctor, the clinical
specialist and the home nurse, in response to a detected cardiac event. The patient should
also have online access to his own PaPeHR to update actual information and read the
feedback from his doctor (7). In addition, the patient should have possibilities to define
access to his partner/spouse/family member
Of course, a detailed log will record any access to the stored information, in order for the
patient to have an overview of what has been read or evaluated by the health care personnel
and other persons given access privileges. As the patient may have consented to allow
family members to access actual parts of the information stored, there will be a need of
RBAC mechanisms to control the privacy as described in section 3.
The patient should not need to worry about security issues; however, he/she would need to
trust the organization or company offering the PaPeHR solution. Preferably, this could be a
Design Requirements for a Patient Administered Personal Electronic Health Record

well known public service in the country, but it could be anyone offering a reliable and easy
to use solution as a trusted third party. This principle is well known for security systems
when it comes to offering digital IDs (normally private companies), secure net bank
accounts, secure payment solutions, secure storage of private information like family
photos, and others.
6.2 Integration of remote monitoring
When patients are monitored remotely by wearable sensors and communication
equipments, the automatically recorded information is important for the doctors to make
the correct diagnosis of the patients current situation, and it is an important part of the
personalized health care concept as described by Aziz et al. (2008). Several wearable vital
signs recording solutions have been developed, with different aspects of how to record and
transfer such information. In an overview and an evaluation of different telecom solutions
for remote cardiac patients it is suggested by Kumar et al. (2008) that next-generation
telecardiology network architecture should incorporate a signal processing module for local
analysis of recorded physiological measurements. Preferably, it should only transmit to the
doctor detected events where recorded data are out of defined thresholds values. The
systems should be able to use multiple wireless interfaces and include location-based services.
Fensli et al. (2005) and Dagtas et al. (2008) have proposed a local signal processing solution
and transmission of periodic reports with detected alerts to a central server as an entry point
for the professional staff to monitor the recorded data.. Similarly, a remote diagnostic
system which integrates digital telemetry using a wireless patient module, a homecare
station and a remote clinical station has been developed by Kong et al. (2000). However,
none of those solutions discussed how the recorded information at the central server can be
stored securely within a patient EHR or PHR framework.
Telemedical solutions have been used in several interesting projects to evaluate patient
outcome, and the Airmed-Cardio project described by Salvador et al. (2005) showed the
importance of enabling patients with chronic heart disease perform out-of-hospital follow-
up and monitoring, where they developed a dedicated platform for necessary
measurements and contact between the patients and the health care agents. However, the
platform used was not integrated into the patients EHR system. A clear outcome effects of a
home-based tele-cardiology service has been verified by Scalvini et al. (2005), where the
patients ECG recordings automatically were transmitted to a receiving station available for
trained nurses (telemonitoring), also this solution was a stand-alone receiving database.
In a report on remote monitoring, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has
described use cases to define possible solutions for information exchange and integration of
patient-monitored data into a national health information technology (U.S. Dept of Health
and Human Services (2008). This report highlights the importance of a clinician to monitor
patient information captured remotely in management of chronic health problems and to
diagnose new conditions. Such measurements can include physiologic measurements,
diagnostic measurements, medication tracking and activities of daily living measurements.
However, common data standards and interoperability are necessary to establish a pathway
to incorporate the remotely monitored information into EHRs and PHRs, and they defined a
data intermediary into which a remote device could be able to exchange and store
information and where privacy controls and restrict data access mechanisms were
incorporated. One of the important problems discovered, was a lack of standardized
interface and interoperable data, giving restrictions when trying to integrate remote
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

monitored data into the EHRs and PHRs. In use cases describing exchange of measurements
between patients monitoring device and their clinicians, they described three different roles
and functions: The Clinician (personnel who clinically evaluate the remote measurements in
the EHR and determine appropriate interventions), Care Coordinator (clinically-trained
individuals who monitor the information received from the patients device and assist the
patient and/or clinician in managing the remote monitoring information) and the Patient
(including family caregivers who use a remote monitoring device to gather measurements).
From the data intermediary, persons with the defined role could be given controlled access
to information by a web-based portal, and decision support capabilities should be
incorporated to generate alerts and communicate information to the EHR or PHR reaching
threshold values in the remote monitored data.
6.3 Daily use of a PaPeHR solution in patients self care
In the patients daily use of his/her PaPeHR, he/she should have access to a variety of
information like general health status, care plan, medication list, allergies, doctors journal
record documents, medical advises, vital signs recorded, a calendar with scheduled actions
and visits to the doctor and health care personnel, in addition to the ability to write a
medical diary to follow up the planned treatment and exercises. The vital signs can, upon
the doctors request, be a combination of physiological measurements either done
automatically by wearable sensors, or manually by reading the values of the recording
instrument and uploading the measurements via web-based interface. Such information can
be physiological measurements (e.g. blood pressure, blood glucose, INR-values), diagnostic
activities of daily living, drug intake, food, performed exercise (including use of step
counters etc.). As the patient normally will have the ability to freely move around, most of
the automatic recordings should preferably be based on secure mobile communication
solutions. Also manually entered data should be able to be uploaded from a mobile device,
and in a web-based solution this should be available from an ordinary mobile phone with
secure data transfer.
One important aspect to the patient will be to have a quick response from the health care
personnel in case of abnormal recordings. This could be values outside threshold limits, and
may indicate an action from the patient or a health care intervention. Thus necessary alert
mechanisms should be incorporated with an automated tracking of actions and responses,
including a system for escalating the case to a more urgent action if needed. However,
automatic escalation may involve giving access to information by other health care
personnel as the emergency response team as proposed by Hansen & Fensli (2006). It can be
difficult to predict such needs, thus the rescuing team may not be registered with access
permissions, and there will be a need to incorporate emergency access solutions as
described by Oleshchuk & Fensli (2010).
There may be a need of access from the patients close relatives/spouse/next of kin/family
members, depending on the patients mental condition and need of help controlling his
treatment and follow up. Such assistance can also be the case for patients with dementia,
where the question of location tracking by use of global positioning systems (GPS) also will
imply ethical issues and legal issues for this specific use of tracking persons. In order for
health care personnel to access data of position, there should be an automatic logging of this
access, together with a written report describing the need of access in this particular
The patients use of social media will imply sharing actual experiences with others and
supporting and encouraging friends in their coping with illness. Some information can be
Design Requirements for a Patient Administered Personal Electronic Health Record

freely shared on the web as is the case using Facebook, Twitter or similar media. However,
we will recommend defining a secure social portal, where the patient easily can add friends
with a proper sign-on for them to get access to the shared information. Thus, this portal can
be a front-end of a PaPeHR with secure Internet access, while at the same time the back-end
services should be integrated within a secure national health network.
6.4 Special attentions and emergency situations
Several emergency situations can require special attention. In an acute situation the system
should automatically detect the change in the patients situation, and perform an escalation
of the access rights for the parties involved (in case of emergency event). As proposed by
Ferreira et al. (2009) the Break The Glass policies are flexible and allow users to override
the defined access policies in a controlled manner. Within health care services such Blue
Light access situations can occur, but it can be necessary to know the exact location of the
patient and a Spatial Role Based Access Control system can be useful as proposed by
Hansen & Fensli (2006).
If the patient is able to control the access by others to his PHR-information, this will
normally be based on informed consent. In situations where there is a change in the health
care personnel normally taking care of the patient, he/she should give new permissions to
new persons, either as one-time access, temporarily access (limited time) or as permanent
access (shift in the staff). There might also be situations where the patient is transferred to a
hospital for treatment, and where he/she will not be able to distinguish between the actual
personnel/staff; so the permissions can be given to the hospital as an institution (and not
defined persons). Thus it will require some infrastructure to be able to identify and
authenticate the actual hospital personnel responsible for the treatment. Such role-based
access can be achieved by establishing a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) using digital IDs,
and preferably there will be a public name-space within a secure national health network to
identify both hospitals as organizations, as well as all registered authorized health care
In an emergency situation, the patient may be unconscious and therefore not able to give the
required permissions. As such, there should be defined ad-hoc read-only access by
authenticated doctors in order to get access to important life-threatening information as the
Patient Summary with the medication list. In fact, this could preferably be the patients
Core-EHR, where the patient summary is safely stored within a national health network, as
is the case in Scotland electronic patient record system. Furthermore, when the patient is
travelling abroad, situations can occur where there is a need of local treatment; thus the
access possibilities should be based on an international cross-identification infrastructure to
allow cross countries data exchange.
7. Design requirements
Based on the scenario with important aspects of the PaPeHR use, some fundamental basis of
requirements can be stated which should be implemented in a future solution. It can be
useful to separate the list in functional and non-functional requirements as defined in Table
2 and 3, in which the necessary privacy and security mechanism are defined. As the system
should be easy to use for persons with relatively low computer competence, the actual
solutions will require a good interface, with universal design and according to use for
persons with disabilities. The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines published by W3C
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

(1999), gives recommendations for how to make the web content accessible for people with
disabilities, but will also be useful guidelines when developing web content for all users. In
order to evaluate a web site for accessibility, a multi-page resource suite is also published by
the Web Accessibility Initiative, W3C (2008).
7.1 Suggested implementations
This approach will protect patient privacy by means of providing control of access to their
PaPeHR. Having control of access to his/her own PaPeHR means that the patient would be
able to provide access to stored data to any nominated medical practitioner, anytime and
anywhere. Therefore only systems with patient-controlled access can be considered as
adequately protecting patient privacy. Thus comparing five approaches to EHR system
design (presented at Table 1) we purport that at present only a Standalone PHR (Approach
#5) gives adequate protection of patient privacy. Three approaches (fully federated,
federated and service oriented, see Table 1) implicitly assume that a trust relation with users
exist. These three approaches are mostly suitable and designed to secure the EHR solution,
and not to protect patients EHR privacy. This will also be the case for the fourth model
(integrated EPR), where the patients influence on access permissions is not implemented.
The approach based on patient-controlled access can easily be extended to give patients an
opportunity to continuously update their health-related data by uploading new data
collected privately by body area networks (BAN) or Body Sensors Networks (BSN) on the
regular base when monitoring vital signs data in the course of daily activities, for example
jogging. It will be more important in the future when such body area networks will wide-
spread and can be used for continuous monitoring of patients health conditions (especially
chronic patients), and where the recorded information can be used later by medical
practitioners to provide more specific health care and optimize number and time used to
visits medical practitioners. It can also be related to lifelong EHR, as defined by Shabo
(2006). However, handling of special emergency situations when the patient is unconscious
or unable to grant access for some other reason should also be included in such system. In
this case a verifiable trusted representative should be able to grant such permission.
In the following section we will describe a solution that enforces patients control of their
PaPeHR. We assume that there is a database (distributed or on a single server) that contains
PaPeHRs of patients and which can be accessed via the internet. This patient wants to be
able to both download and upload data to the database. The patient will need the ability to
control access to these data by granting and revocation of access permissions to his PaPeHR.
They want to be able to grant ad hoc access to these datasets from a specific computer, to
specific records for example in the case of visit to a medical practitioner aboard, while on
We assume that a patient can securely log on the web site that is at the front-end of his/her
personal PaPeHR system and can be accessed from anywhere where Internet access is
available. The patient can use available authentication methods (password, smartcard,
token, biometrics, etc.) to be authenticated. Through this webpage the patient can
administrate permissions that other individuals can have with respect to his PaPeHR, as
described by Tang et al. (2006). The patient can register new users and define their
permissions with respect to their PaPeHR (such as read, write, update, print etc). Such users
can for example be family members, friends, medical practitioners, etc. In this way the
patient serves as a security administrator with respect to their PaPeHR.
Design Requirements for a Patient Administered Personal Electronic Health Record


Functional requirements
Situations / activities Actual functions and requirements
Remote monitoring from patients vital signs data (automatically upload of recorded data)
Physiological measurements
Activities of daily living measurements
Automatic detection of alarms
Secure transfer from the patients HUB to the
intermediary/Gateway for data upload
Data formats according to open standards
Patient entered vital signs data (manually upload of recorded data)
Medical diary information
Drug intake and medications
Follow up activities in the care plan
Feelings, behaviour, well-being
Web-based schema incorporated into PaPeHR
Data formats according to open standards
Directly integrated into the Core-EHR
Internet-based frontend/secure social media
Patient Privacy
The patient should be responsible for his
own PaPeHR and permissions given
Define authorization access to
different types of information/persons
Delegation of access based on roles
Role based delegation to authorized health
care organisations (home nurse, hospitals etc)
Incorporate a blue-light emergency access
Sealed sensitive information
In situations when the patient should
not be able to read his doctors
The patient can give access permissions to
other defined clinicians
Basic Core EHR information according to defined standardized regulations
Important info in case of emergencies
Name and address to regularly used
health care services in case of more
information is needed
Current health status Medication list
Regular health care services used
Tele-home-care services
Patients self-care
e-Communication with the health care
Data formats according to open standards
Secure transfer from the patients mobile
phone with web-based solutions
Secure location based tracking (GPS) of patients position
Need of finding patients with dementia
not finding their way back home
In case of emergency situations, rescue
team will need to locate the patient
Trusted services authorized only when needed
Automatic logging of events
Written reports describing the actual need of
access in each cases
Limited access when change in health care personnel and in emergencies
Transferral to another hospital
Staying abroad /on holiday
Unconscious patient
New limited permissions should easily be
Cross boarder identification
Ad-hock read only permissions to Core-EHR
Table 2. Specifications of functional requirements with important situations and activities,
and the corresponding functions and requirements for a future PaPeHR
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software


Non-functional requirements
Situations / activities Actual functions and requirements
Integration of Core-EHR information with other EHR integrations
The Core-EHR should automatically be
updated after a doctors visit or hospital
Export and import of data to other EHR
Indexes to locate more detailed information
stored within national health information
Patients transparent access to Core-EHR information
Update personalia
View medication list etc
Direct integration with the Core-EHR located
within a national health network
Front-end / back-end solution with security
Internet-available front-end with secure
logon for actual users
Secure back-end service for all health
care personnel and institutions
Separated database solution
Dedicated AAA for secure logon
Access to a national namespace
Transparent service for the patient
Cross country integration
Patients mobility and travel abroad still
being able to use the PaPeHR
Need of temporary access abroad
National namespaces should be available
Standardization of access, information, data
formats, etc.
Secure authentication
All persons given access should be
authorized based on secure
Automatic functions without the need
of computer skills for the patient to
Two-factor authentication based on a PKI
infrastructure or similar solution
Establish a digital ID for patients and health
care personnel according to national standards
Secure and trusted longitudinal storage of data for a patients lifetime
Based on the patients privacy issues
The patient must be the owner of his
PaPeHR and have fully control
Several solutions should compete the
market (both private and public)
Trusted third party services authorized by
national authorities
Preferably established within the security of
national health networks
Encryption of stored information
Table 3. Specifications of non-functional requirements with important situations and
activities, and the corresponding functions and requirements for a future PaPeHR
Design Requirements for a Patient Administered Personal Electronic Health Record

In the architecture presented in Fig. 2, showing principles of the security design, a patient
can log on AAA (authentication, authorization and accounting) server via web-based
interface to assign permissions to other users he/she wants to give access to the PaPeHR. To
simplify such permission administration we propose to use Role-Based Access Control
principles as described by Ferraiolo et al. (2003), Hansen & Oleshchuk (2003) and Hansen &
Oleshchuk (2006). In such systems there is a set of predefined roles e.g. general practitioner,
cardiologist, wife, parents, children, etc with permissions defined according to law and
regulations. In addition, a patient may prefer to define new roles that can be applied after
testing on conformance with secure identification.

Medical Person
(trusted and sertified)
Family member
(trusted person)
Trusted Service National Health Network

Fig. 2. Patient controlled acces to a PaPeHR, where a front-end Trusted Service is available
from the Internet and with a back-end service within a secure National Health Network. The
Patient (1), trusted and sertified Medical Person (2) and trusted Family Member (3) can log
onto the system. After secure logon according to digital ID permissions (4) and granting the
roles and access rights from the RBAC Database (5), the person is given access to the
PaPeHR database (6)
As outlined in Fig. 2, the patient (1), trusted and sertified medical persons (2) and trusted
family members (3) can log onto the system. After secure logon according to digital ID
permissions (4) and granting the roles and access rights from the RBAC Database (5), the
person is given access to the PaPeHR database (6).
By registering new users the patient will define the authentication method of these new
users and their permissions and constraints with respect to his/her personal PaPeHR. It can
be done by assigning corresponding roles such as MD, family member etc. The set of role
templates should be pre-defined and available on AAA server. However, roles with critical
permissions (for example, right to prescribe medications) should be assigned only to
authorized personnel. This will be done by verifying user identity in Health personal
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

namespace before the role will be assigned. Roles associated with limited set of permissions
may be assigned on the base of the patients trust to this user.
By registering a new user the patient selects user name and password, and their delivery
method (delivered personally by the patient, via SMS to new users mobile phone, by email,
etc). After registration and role assignment all users are able to access the patients PaPeHR
directly via the Internet after authentication and according to assigned roles. Note that
currently in a majority of the solutions protection of patient privacy is based on the
assumption of trust by patients that their data will not be misused. However, the experience
from real life shows that it is not the case (see for example a list of privacy related accidents
in Appendix A in a description of Hippocratic Databases by Agrawal et al. (2002)).
Therefore an approach based on patient controlled access described in this section can be
considered as a sound solution that gives real privacy protection.
It should also be possible to have a dedicated role that can be used only to administrate
access to the patients PaPeHR on behalf of the patient. It can be assigned by the patient to
any trusted person for some period of time (for example, due to the patients health
conditions). This administrative access should only have access to the AAA service defining
permissions in the RBAC Permission Database, and not to the content stored within the
PaPeHR database.
However, as the patients PaPeHR should be securely stored for a lifelong period,
integration with health care services is preferable; the PaPeHR solution should not be a
stand-alone database but integrated into the national health care service. There should be a
seamless integration of the patients Core-EHR, transparent to the user, with actual access
Based on those assumptions, we recommend system architecture as shown in Fig. 3, where
the Personal National Electronic Health Record (PNEHR) is securely established within a
national health network service as an encrypted database. This database should consist of
two different but integrated parts: the Spine/Core EHR and a database containing the raw
data uploaded from the remote vital signs recording equipments. In principal, this model is
based on the architecture for the English National Health Services, where the PRIMIS+
(2009) service (Primary Care Information Services) is established with defined standards for
recording and exchange of health data.
7.2 Remote home monitoring
A remote Electrocardiography (ECG) monitoring system has been developed, and designed
to be integrated into the PaPeHR framework as proposed by Fensli et al. (2005). The
principles for a secure infrastructure with transfer of the patients recorded information and
mechanisms for exchange of information between health care professionals need to be
established, in order to make the necessary interpretation and patient intervention as a
response to the recorded vital signs information with detected arrhythmia events.
We will focus on how the patients can define and control access to share the recorded
information with health care professionals, both on a daily basis and as ad-hoc access in case
of emergencies. This solution should be an integrated part of the patients PaPeHR and
integrated in a shared Core-EHR solution where security and privacy issues are well
defined and implemented. When measuring vital sign information, this should preferably
be according to an international standard data format, and not as of today with mostly
proprietary data formats used in the different products available on the market. If the
remote monitoring system is measuring ECG signals, there exist several international
Design Requirements for a Patient Administered Personal Electronic Health Record

standards. However, their capability of being used in a telemedicine context differs. For a
near real-time ECG recording solution, it should be possible to record files containing a
defined duration of the ECG signal sequence, and transfer these files from the patient worn
HUB or mobile Hand Held Device (HHD) to the PaPeHR system.

Service (PDS )
PaPeHR Portal
Patient HUB
Trusted persons
Vital sign
recorded data
Encrypted data
Social Services
Database (EPD)
Namespace (HNS)
PaPeHR User National Local
EU MD Portal
Other countries
Health Care


National Health Network Service

Fig. 3. Principles for a Patient administered Personal electronic Health Record (PaPeHR)
service implemented within the framework of a National Health Network. In order to give
emergency medical assistance for patients travelling abroad, an EU MD portal is proposed
as a standardized gateway into the actual national framework
In the European drafted standard CEN ENV 1064, known as the Standard Communications
Protocol for Computer - Assisted Electrocardiography (SCP-ECG), CEN/TC 251 Working
Group IV (2006), specifications are given for transferring ECG reports and data from a
vendors ECG recorder to a central management system. In the specification and structure of
the data content, it has the intention of being a general and interoperable standard. It is,
however, not intended to be used for long-term ECG recordings as an ambulatory Holter
recorder as may be the case for remote home monitoring solutions. The standard describes
a binary file structure, and compression algorithms are used for the ECG signal
representation. Because of the file compression methods used in the SCP-ECG format, the
file size is relatively small, and could easily be sent from one hospital to another as a secure
message within a National Health Network.
The described standard for medical waveform format encoding rules, MFER, is defined as
an ISO standard, ISO/TS 11073-9201:2007 (2007). This format was developed as a universal
standard description format for medical waveforms to be used for several defined types of
Vital Signs. The standard describes different waveform types (electrocardiogram, sound,
pulse, monitoring, magneto cardiogram, electroencephalogram etc.) which make this format
open and flexible. It uses a binary format with a compact code in the header section, which
gives relatively small file sizes. In the supplementary description at Level 2, tags
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

representing waveform-related information, such as measurements, are defined to
implement necessary beat annotations. It is possible to define long-term series of ECG
recordings, thus this standard can be used for remote home monitoring solutions. Ideally,
within a telemedical application to remotely monitor vital signs information, both actual
standards SCP-ECG and MFER should be supported.
Integration of patient-entered data of daily measured vital sign information or automatically
recorded information as a remote ECG recording solution, are today not defined within the
Core-EHR framework. Such solutions can be established as an addendum to the Core-EHR
and stored in a separate database which can be directly linked to the patients Core-EHR. In
such a solution the security and privacy issues should be combined, and necessary access to
the information should be defined.
Recorded vital signs data can represent a huge amount of raw data for temporary storage to
be accessed by the clinician. His signed evaluation of the data together with selected data
samples should be extracted from the temporary storage and stored within the Core-EHR
database for long-time storage. A remote ECG recording solution has been developed by
Fensli et al. (2005), using a wireless ECG recording sensor attached to the patients chest and
communicating within a closed Body Area Network to a wearable hand held receiver or
HHD. Arrhythmia detection algorithms implemented in this HHD will perform a
continuous evaluation of arrhythmias, and upload detected events to the patients vital
signs database. In order to establish a secure mobile communication channel from the HHD
at the patient, such solutions can be dependent of the actual services available by the
telecom operator. A secure VPN channel can be established from the device either by
implementing VPN software within this mobile terminal or by using encryption algorithms
stores in the SIM card. This will give a secure transfer of recorded data from the HHD to an
intermediary or Gateway implemented at the edge of a National Health Network. From this
gateway, the transmitted recordings can be polled by a data server storing the database of
recorded Vital Signs, as shown in Fig. 4.
7.3 Patients role as administrator
Within a PaPeHR solution, a challenging task for the patient will be to fulfil the role as
system administrator, as this will include assigning access rights to other persons. There is a
lack of scientific publications describing how the patient can be able to manage the required
tasks, and how those systems should be designed in order to give an intuitive way of
performing necessary tasks. In many countries, the use of net-bank accounts is widely
adopted. However, those systems are for single users with full permissions, and you will
normally not be able to give access privileges to other persons unless you share the same
net-bank account with your spouse or have similar solutions defined by your net-bank.
There are several difficulties to overcome. First of all, based on principles from the RBAC
approach, patient/user should be able to define/configure suitable roles with needed
privileges. Roles can be your local doctor, your home nurse, your private physiotherapist,
spouse/next of kin, close friends etc.
As the PaPeHR will contain different types of data, it can be difficult to have sufficient
overview. In addition, it should preferably be used common names of the different parts of
information that can be understandable to the patient. As medical records use many Latin
words, it is challenging to use more common names familiar to the patients with a normal
Design Requirements for a Patient Administered Personal Electronic Health Record


Fig. 4. Principles for secure transfer of real-time recorded ECG signals from a wireless sensor
at the patients chest to a Hand Held Device (HHD) where incorporated arrhythmia
detection algorithms will store detected events. The files are transmitted via secure VPN
channel to a Gateway at the edge of a National Health Network, where a Data Server can
poll for the transmitted files, thus the files can be stored in a Vital Signs database, which is
directly linked to the patients PaPeHR database and also to the Core-EHR database
The problem of having an understandable format in medical documents within the PHR
was also focused on in the study by Kahn et al. (2009). Access can be defined as denied, read
only, permissions to write etc; however, normally no information should ever be deleted or
changed after it is signed, as will be the cases for ordinary EHR solutions used within the
health care services.
In Fig. 5, we have implemented a role-based interface for assigning actual persons to the
required roles. As can be seen, the patient, after choosing the Access folder, can define
persons being assigned to the actual roles. In this case, the patient can look up his/her
doctor by entering the first name and surname, and by selecting the correct doctor from the
list. It will be necessary to use digital IDs for secure login, and it can be defined a second
step for the login procedure using onetime passwords transmitted to the mobile phone.
8. Discussions and conclusion
First of all, the use of patients portals to access personal medical information and the ability
to have electronic communication with health care services will obviously increase in the
future, with the intention of providing the patient with higher degree of empowerment and
better self-care. In order to give acceptable privacy to the patient, such solutions should
preferably be based on the model of a standalone PHR; while at the same time should
seamlessly integrate the access to a Core-EHR solution. The different models for a national
Summary Care record or Core medical record system should be established with necessary
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software


Fig. 5. Example of user interface for assigning access rights based on pre-defined roles,
where the patient can select a registered doctor from the National Healthcare Namespace,
and give him privileges as My doctor. It should be incorporated possibilities for use of
one-time secure password solutions, where a randomized password is sent to the persons
defined mobile phone or to a defined E-mail address
security measures within the framework of a national health network. There are several
models of EHR approach; however, it should be established an EU MB Portal where each
national authority will be responsible for accreditation of medical personnel and with a
cross-country namespace lookup.
Ongoing European initiatives focusing on interoperability and standardisation are
important to obtain cross-border implementations. This can give opportunities for using
open standards when developing new solutions, and there should preferably be several
competing solutions available on the market offered by trusted third-party companies or
organizations, where the patient can choose which PaPeHR solution he/she will use with
the necessary confidence and trust.
Solutions for remote monitoring of vital signs data should not be developed as stand-alone
applications, but integrated into the patients PaPeHR system. As the amount of raw data
can reach huge levels of stored information, those recordings should be stored in a separate
Design Requirements for a Patient Administered Personal Electronic Health Record

database. From this temporarily database, the clinicians can do necessary evaluations and
calculations/simulations/trend analysis/parameter estimations, and actual extracts of
important findings should be imported and stored directly in the Core-EHR together with
the medical epicrisis. The vital signs data should also be recorded according to defined
international standards in order to exchange of data and integration into different EHR
systems. Thus open viewers to show recorded and stored data should be developed and
implemented into all EHR systems.
There are several challenges to overcome in the design of a Patient administered Personal
electronic Health Record, and functionality requirements should be thoroughly explored in
further research studies. However, the most delicate issue will probably be the question of
how the patient will be able to fulfil the task as a system administrator, in managing roles
and access privileges to all the persons (health care personnel and spouse/next of kin/
family members and friends/training partners, etc.) who should have different kinds of
authorization to the information stored and to being able to add actual records of new
Taking into account the probable use of a facilitator helping the patient to perform those
functions correctly, the human computer interaction in design of such new solutions should
be focused on in future research projects. This focus is essential in order to develop an easy
to use solution which can give the patient a feeling of usefulness helping him/her to better
overcome the disease treatment and follow-up. If the obstacles we have pinpointed are
overcome in a well designed solution with sufficient functionality, we believe that patients
will quickly adopt the use of a secure health-care net account in the same way as electronic
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Nonparametric Variable Selection Using
Machine Learning Algorithms in High
Dimensional (Large P, Small N)
Biomedical Applications
Christina M. R. Kitchen
University of California, Los Angeles,
United States of America
1. Introduction
Biomedical data is facing an ever increasing amount of data that resist classical methods.
Classical methods cannot be applied in the case of high dimensional datasets where the
number of parameters greatly exceeds the number of observations, the so-called large p
small n problem. Machine Learning techniques have had tremendous success in these
realms in a wide-variety of disciplines. Often these machine learning tools are combined to
include a variable selection step and model building step. In some cases the goal of the
analysis may be exploratory in nature and the researcher is more interested in knowing
which set of variables are strongly related to the output variable rather than predictive
accuracy. For those situations, the goal of the analysis may be to provide a ranking of the
input variables based on their relative importance in predicting the outcome. Other
purposes for variable selection include elimination of redundant or irrelevant variables and
to improve the performance of the predictive algorithm.
Even if prediction is the goal of the analysis, several machine learning algorithms require
that some dimension reduction is done prior to the model building, thus variable selection is
an important problem. Let Y be the outcome of interest. Y can be continuous or categorical.
When Y is continuous we call this a regression problem and when Y is categorical we call
this a classification problem. Let
1 p
X ,...,X be a set of potential predictors (also called inputs).
X and Y are vectors of n observations. The goal of variable selection, broadly defined, is
finding the set of Xs that are strongly related the outcome Y. Even for moderate values of p,
estimating all possible linear models ( 2
) is computationally expensive and thus there
needs to be some dimension reduction. If p is large, and the set of all Xs contain redundant,
irrelevant or highly correlated variables, such as the case in many biomedical applications
including genome wide association studies and microarray studies, then the problem can be
difficult. Further complicating matters, real-world data can have Xs that are of mixed type,
where predictors are measured on different scales (categorical versus continuous) and the
relationship between the outcome may be highly non-linear with high-order interactions.
Generally, one can consider several machine learning methods for variable selection: one is
a greedy search algorithm that examines the conditional probability distribution of Y, the
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

response variable, for each predictor variable X. However, this method is at a disadvantage
when there are interactions present. Another method is best subset selection which looks at
the change in predictive accuracy for each subset of predictors. When the number of
parameters becomes large, examining each possible subset becomes computationally
infeasible. Methods such as forward selection and backwards elimination are also not likely
to yield the optimal subset in this case. The third method uses all of the Xs to generate a
model and then use the model to examine the relative importance of each variable in the
model. Random Forests and its derivatives are machine learning tools that were primarily
created as a predictive model and secondly as a way to rank the variable in terms of their
importance to the model. Random Forests are growing increasingly popular in genetics and
bioinformatics research. They are applicable in the small n large p problems and can deal
with high-order interactions and non-linear relationships. Although there are many machine
learning techniques that are applicable for data of this type and can give measures of
variable importance such as Support Vector Machines (Vapnik 1998; Rakotomamonjy 2003),
neural networks (Bishop 1995), Bayesian variable selection (George and McCulloch 1993;
George and McCulloch 1997; Kuo and Mallick 1999; Kitchen et al., 2007) and k-nearest
neighbors (Dasarathy 1991), we will concentrate on Random Forests because of their relative
ease of use, popularity and computational efficiency.
2. Trees and Random Forests
Classification and regression trees (Breiman et al., 1984) are flexible, nonlinear and
nonparametric. They produce easily interpretable binary decision trees but can also overfit
and become unstable (Breiman 1996; Breiman 2001). To overcome this problem several
advances have been suggested. It has been shown that for some splitting criteria, recursive
binary partitioning can induce a selection bias towards covariates with many possible splits
(Loh and Shih 1997; Loh 2002; Hothorn et al., 2006). The key to producing unbiasedness is to
separate the variable selection and the splitting procedure (Loh and Shih 1997; Loh 2002;
Hothorn et al., 2006). The conditional inference trees framework was first developed by
Hothorn et al (Hothorn et al., 2006). These trees select variables in an unbiased way and are
not prone to overfitting. Let
w ( w ,..., w ) be a vector of non-negative integer valued case
weights where the weights are non-zero when the corresponding observations are included
in the node and 0 otherwise. The algorithm is as follows: 1) At each node test the null
hypothesis of independence between any of the Xs and the response Y, that is test
P(Y|X ) P(Y) for all j: j=1,,p. If the null hypothesis cannot be rejected at alpha level less
than some pre-specified level then the algorithm terminates. If the null hypothesis of
independence is rejected then the covariate with the strongest association to Y is selected
(that is, the
X with the lowest p-value). 2) Split the covariate into two disjoint sets using
permutation test to find the optimal binary split with the maximum discrepancy between
the samples. Note that other splitting criteria could be used. 3) Repeat the steps recursively.
Hothorn asserts that compared to GUIDE (Loh 2002) and QUEST (Loh and Shih 1997), other
unbiased methods for classification trees, conditional inference trees have similar prediction
accuracy but conditional inference trees are intuitively more appealing as alpha has the
more familiar interpretation of type I error instead being used solely as a tuning parameter,
although it could be used as such. Much of the recent work on extending classification and
Nonparametric Variable Selection Using Machine Learning Algorithms
in High Dimensional (Large P, Small N) Biomedical Applications

regression trees have been on growing ensembles of trees. Bagging, short for bootstrap
aggregation, whereupon many bootstrapped samples of the data are generated from a
dataset with a separate tree grown for each sample was proposed by Breiman in 1996. This
technique has been shown to reduce the variance of the estimator (Breiman 1996). The
random split selection proposed by Dietterich 2000 also grows multiple trees but the splits
are chosen uniformly at random from among the K best splits (Dietterich 2000). This method
can be used either with or without pruning the trees. Random split selection has better
predictive accuracy than bagging (Dietterich 2000). Boosting, another competitor to bagging,
involves iteratively weighting the outputs where the weights are inversely proportional to
their accuracy, has excellent predictive accuracy but can degenerate if there is noise in the
labels. Ho suggested growing multiple trees where each tree is grown using a fixed subset
of variables (Ho 1998). Predictions were made by averaging the votes across the trees.
Predictive ability of the ensemble depends, in part, on low correlation between the trees.
Random Forests extends the random subspace method of Ho 1998. Random Forests belong
to a class of algorithms called weak learners and are characterized by low bias and high
variance. They are an ensemble of simple trees that are allowed to grow unpruned and were
introduced by Breiman (Breiman 2001). Random Forests are widely applicable, nonlinear,
non-parametric, are able to handle mixed data types (Breiman 2001; Strobl et al., 2007;
Nicodemus et al., 2010). They are faster than bagging and boosting and are easily
parallelized. Further they are robust to missing values, scale invariant, resistant to over-
fitting and have high predictive accuracy (Breiman 2001). Random forests also provide a
ranking of the predictor variables in terms of their relative importance to the model. A
single tree is unstable providing different trees for mild changes within the data. Together
bagging, predictor subsampling and averaging across all trees helps to prevent over-fitting
and increase stability. Briefly Random Forests can be described by the following algorithm:
1. Draw a large number of bootstrapped samples from the original sample (the number of
trees in the forest will equal the number of bootstrapped samples).
2. Fit a classification or regression tree on each bootstrapped sample. Each tree is
maximally grown without any pruning where at each node a randomly selected subset
of size mtry possible predictors from the p possible predictors are selected (where mtry
< p) and the best split is calculated only from this subset. If mtry=p then it is termed
bagging and is not considered a Random Forest. Note, one could also use a random
linear combination of the subset of inputs for splitting as well.
3. Prediction is based on the out of bag (OOB) average across all trees. The out-of-bag
(OOB) samples are the data that are not used in the test set (roughly 1/3 of the
variables) and can be used to test the tree grown. That is, for each pair (
i i
x , y ) in the
training sample select only the trees that do not contain the pair and average across
these trees.
The additional randomness added by selecting a subset of parameters at random instead of
splitting on all possible parameters releases Random Forests from the small n, large p
problem (Strobl et al., 2007) and allows the algorithm to be adaptive to the data and reduces
correlation among the trees in the forest (Ishwaran 2007). The accuracy of a Random Forest
depends on the strength of the individual trees and the level of correlation between the trees
(Breiman 2001). Averaging across all trees in the forest allows for good predictive accuracy
and low generalization error.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

3. Use in biomedical applications
Random Forests are increasingly popular in the biomedical community and enjoy good
predictive success even against other machine learning algorithms in a wide variety of
applications (Lunetta et al., 2004; Segal et al., 2004; Bureau et al. 2005; Diaz-Uriarte and
Alvarez de Andes 2006; Qi, Bar-Joseph and Klein-Seetharaman 2006; Xu et al., 2007; Archer
and Kimes 2008; Pers et al. 2009; Tuv et al., 2009; Dybowski, Heider and Hoffman 2010;
Geneur et al., 2010). Random Forests have been used in HIV disease to examine phenotypic
properties of the virus. Segal et al used Random Forests to examine the role of mutations in
polymerase in HIV-1 to viral replication capacity (Segal et al., 2004). Random Forests have
also been used to predict HIV-1 coreceptor usage from sequence data (Xu et al., 2007;
Dybowski et al., 2010). Qi et al found that Random Forests had excellent predictive
capabilities in the prediction of protein interaction compared to six other machine learning
methods (Qi et al., 2006). Random Forests have also been found to have favorable predictive
characteristics in microarray and genomic data (Lunetta et al., 2004; Bureau et al. 2005; Lee
et al., 2005; Diaz-Uriarte and Alvarez de Andes 2006). These applications, in particular, use
Random Forests as a prediction method and as a filtering method (Breiman 2001; Lunetta et
al., 2004; Bureau et al. 2005; Diaz-Uriarte and Alvarez de Andes 2006). To unbiasedly test
between several machine learning algorithms, a game was devised where bootstrapped
samples from a dataset were given to players who used different machine learning
strategies specifically Support Vector Machines, LASSO, and Random Forests to predict an
outcome. Model performance was gauged by a separate referee using a strictly proper
scoring rule. In this setup, Pers et al found that Random Forests had the lowest bootstrap
cross-validation error compared to the other algorithms (Pers et al. 2009).
4. Variable importance in Random Forests
While variable importance in a general setting has been studied (van der Laan 2006) we will
examine it in the specific framework of Random Forests. In the original formulation of
CART, variable importance was defined in terms of surrogate variables where the variable
importance looks at the relative improvement summed over all of the nodes of the primary
variable versus its surrogate. There are a number of variable importance definitions for
Random Forests. One could simply count the number of times a variable appears in the
forest as important variables should be in many of the trees. But this would be a nave
estimator because the information about the hierarchy of the tree where naturally the most
important variables are placed higher in the tree is lost. One the other hand one could only
look at the primary splitters of each tree in the forest and count the number of times that a
variable is the primary splitter. A more common variable importance measure is Gini
Variable Importance (GVI) which is the sum of the Gini impurity decrease for a particular
variable over all trees. That is, Gini variable importance is a weighted average of a particular
variables improvement of the tree using the Gini criterion across all trees. Let N be the
number of observations at node j, and
N and
N be the number of observations of the right
and left daughter nodes after splitting, and let
d be the decrease in impurity produced by
X at the j
node of the t
tree. If Y is categorical, then the Gini index is given
by 2 1 =

G p( p) , where p is the proportion of 1s in the sample. So in this case,

Nonparametric Variable Selection Using Machine Learning Algorithms
in High Dimensional (Large P, Small N) Biomedical Applications

= +
ij L R

d G ( G G )
; where

G and

G are the Gini indexes of the left and right node

respectively. The Gini Variable importance of variable
X is defined as

i ij ij
t J

GVI( X ) ( d I )

I is an indicator variable for whether the i
variable was used to split node j. That
is, it is the average of the Gini importance over all trees, T.
Permutation variable importance (PVI) is the difference in predictive accuracy using the
original variable and a randomly permuted version of the variable. That is, for variable
X ,
count the number of correct votes using the out-of-bag cases and then randomly permute
the same variable and count the number of correct votes using the out of bag cases. The
difference between the number of correct votes for the unpermuted and permuted variables
averaged across all trees is the measure of importance.

i ti
PVI( X ) ( errorOOB errorOOB )

Where t is a tree in the Out of Bag sample,
errorOOB is the misclassification rate of the
original variable
X in tree t, and error
OOB is the misclassification rate on the permuted
X variable for tree t.
Strobl et al (Strobl et al. 2008) suggested a conditional permutation variable importance
measure for when variables are highly correlated. Realizing that if there exists correlation
within the Xs, the variable importance for these variables could be inflated as the
construction of variable importance measures departures from independence of the
X from the outcome Y and also from the remaining predictor variables
( i )
X , they
devised a new conditional permutation variable importance measure. Here
( i )
X reflects
the remaining covariates not including
X in other words
1 1 1 +
( i ) i , i p
X { X ,...,X X ,..., X } .
The new measure is obtained by conditionally permuting values of
X within groups of
( i )
X which are held fixed. One could use any partition for conditioning or use
the partition already generated by the recursive partitioning procedure. Further one could
include all variables
( i )
X to condition on or only include those variables whose correlation
X exceeds a certain threshold. The main drawback of this variable importance scheme
is its computational burden. Ishwaran (Ishwaran 2007) carefully studied variable
importance with highly correlated variables with a simpler definition of variable
importance. Variable importance was defined as the difference in prediction error using the
original variable and a random node assignment after the variable is encountered. Two-way
interactions were examined via jointly permuted variable importance. This method allows
for the explicit ranking of the interactions in relation to all other variables in terms of their
relative importance even in the face of correlation. However for large p, examining all two-
way variable importance measures would be computationally infeasible. Tuv et al (Tuv et
al., 2009) takes a random permutation of each potential predictor and a Random Forest is
generated from this and the variable importance scores are compared to the original scores
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

via the t-test. Surrogate variables are eliminated by the generation of gradient boosted trees.
Then by iteratively selecting the top variables on the variable importance and then re-
running Random Forests, they were able to obtain smaller and smaller numbers of
5. Other issues in variable importance in Random Forests
Because Random Forests are often used as a screening tool based on the results of the
variable importance ranking, it is important to consider some of the properties of the
variable importance measures especially under various assumptions.
5.1 Different measurement scales
In the original implementation of CART, Breiman noted that the Gini index was biased
towards variables with more possible splits (Breiman et al., 1984). When data types are
measured on different scales such as when some variables are continuous while others are
categorical, it has been found that Gini importance is biased (Strobl et al., 208; Breiman et al.,
1984; White and Liu 1994; Hothorn et al., 2006; Strobl et al., 2007; Sandri and Zuvvolotto
2008). In some cases suboptimal variables could be artificially inflated in these scenarios.
Strobl et al found that using the permutation variable importance with subsampling without
replacement provided unbiased variable selection (Strobl et al., 2007). In simulation studies,
Strobl (Strobl et al., 2007) shows that the Gini criteria is strongly biased with mixed data
types and proposed using a conditional inference framework for constructing forests.
Further they show that under the original implementation of random forests, permutation
importance is also biased. This difference was diminished when using conditional inference
forests and when subsampling was performed without replacement. Because of this bias,
permutation importance is now the default importance measure in the random forest
package in R (Breiman 2002).
5.1 Correlated predictors
Permutation variable importance rankings have been found to be unstable for when filtering
Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNP) variable importance (Nicodemus et al., 2007; Calle
and Urrea 2010). The notion of stability, in this case, is that the genes on the important
lists remain constant throughout multiple runs of the Random Forests. Genomic data such
as microarray data and sequence data often have high correlation among the potential
predictor variables. Several studies have shown that high correlation among the potential
predictor Xs poses problems with variable importance measures in Random Forests (Strobl
et al. 2008; Nicodemus and Malley 2009; Nicodemus et al., 2010). Nicodemus found that
there is a bias towards uncorrelated predictors and that there is a dependence on the size of
the subset sample mtry (Nicodemus and Malley 2009). Computer simulations have found
that surrogate (highly correlated variables) are often within the set of highly ranked
important variables but that these variables are unlikely to be on the same tree. In a sense,
these variables compete for selection into a tree. This competition diminishes their impact on
the variable importance scores. The ranking procedure based on Gini and permutation
importance cannot distinguish between the correlated predictors. In simulations when the
correlation between variables is less that 0.4, any variable importance measure appears to
work well with the true variables being among the top listed variables in the variable
Nonparametric Variable Selection Using Machine Learning Algorithms
in High Dimensional (Large P, Small N) Biomedical Applications

importance ranking with multiple runs of the Random Forest. Using Gini variable
importance, variables with correlations less than 0.5 appear to have minimal impact on the
size of the variable importance ranking list that includes the variables that are truly related
to the outcome. The graph below shows how large the variable importance list has to be to
recover 10 true variables among 100 total variables, 90 of which are random noise and
independent of the outcome variables under various levels of correlation among the
predictors using Gini variable importance (GVI) and permutation variable importance (PVI).

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9



This result is similar to that found by Archer and Kimes showing that Gini variable
importance is stable under moderate correlation in that the true predictor may not be the
highest listed under the most important variables but will be among the set of high valued
variables (Archer and Kimes 2008). This result is also consistent with the findings of
Nonyane and Foulkes (Nonyane and Foulkes 2008). They found that in comparing Random
Forests and Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS) in simulated genetic data
with one true effect,
X , and seven correlated but uninformative variables and one covariate
Z under six different model structures. They define the true discovery rate as: if the
X , the
true variable, is listed first or second to Z in the variable importance ranking using the Gini
variable importance measure. They found that for correlation less than 0.5, the true
discovery rate is relatively stable regardless of how one handles the covariate.
Several solutions for correlated variables have been proposed. Sandri and Zuccolotto
proposed the use of pseudovariables as a correction for the bias in Gini importance (Sandri
and Zuvvolotto 2008). In a study of SNPs in linkage disequilibrium, Meng et al restricted the
tree-building algorithm to disallow correlated predictors in the same tree (Meng et al. 2009).
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

They found that the stronger the degree of association of the predictor to the response, the
stronger the effect of the correlation has on the performance of the forest. Strobl 2008 also
found that with under strong correlation, conditional inference trees using permutation
variable importance also had a bias in variable selection (Strobl et al. 2008). To overcome this
bias they developed a conditional permutation scheme where the variable to be permuted
was permuted conditional on the other correlated variables which are held fixed. In this set
up one can use any partition of the feature space such as a binary partition learned from a
tree to condition on. Use the recursive partitioning to define the partition and then: 1)
compute OOB prediction accuracy for each tree, 2) for all variables Z to be conditioned on,
create a grid 3) permute within a grid of
X and compute OOB prediction accuracy 4)
difference the accuracy averaged across all trees. Z could be all other variables besides
X or
all variables correlated with
X with a correlation coefficient higher than a set threshold.
Similar to Nicodemus and Malley, they found that permutation variable importance was
biased when there exists correlation among the X variables and this was especially true with
small values of mtry (Nicodemus and Malley 2009). They also found that while bias
decreases with larger values of mtry, variability increases. In simulations, conditional
permutation variable importance still had a preference for highly correlated variables but
less so that standard permutation variable importance. The authors suggest using different
values of mtry and a large number of trees so results with different seeds do not vary
In another study Nicodemus found that permutation variable importance had preference for
uncorrelated variables because correlated variables compete with each other (Nicodemus et
al., 2010). They also found that large values of mtry can inflate the importance for correlated
predictors for permutation variable importance. They found the opposite effect for
conditional variable importance. Further they found that conditional variable importance
measures from Conditional Inference Forests inflated uncorrelated strongly associated
variables relative to correlated strongly associated variables. They also found that
conditional permuation importance was computationally intractable for large datasets. The
authors were only able to calculate this measure for n=500 and for only 12 predictors. They
conclude that conditional variable importance is useful for small studies where the goal is to
identify the set of true predictors among a set of correlated predictors. In studies such as
genetic association studies where the set of predictors is large, original permutation based
variable importance may be better suited.
In genomic association studies, often one wants to find the smallest set of non-related genes
that are potentially related to the outcome for further study. One method is to select an
arbitrary threshold and list the top h variables in the variable importance list. Another
approach is to iteratively use Random Forests, feeding in the top variables from the variable
importance list as potential predictors and selecting the final model as the one with the
smallest error rate given a subset of genes (Diaz-Uriarte and Alvarez de Andes 2006).
Geneur et al used a similar two-stage approach with highly correlated variables where one
first eliminates lowest ranked variables ranked by importance and then tested nested
models in a stepwise fashion, selecting the most parsimonious model with the minimum
OOB error rate (Geneur et al., 2010). They found that under high correlation there was high
variance on variable importance lists. They proposed that mtry be drawn from the variable
ranking distribution and not uniformly across all variables although this was not specifically
Nonparametric Variable Selection Using Machine Learning Algorithms
in High Dimensional (Large P, Small N) Biomedical Applications

tested. Meng et al also used an iterative machine leanring scheme where the top ranked
important variables were assessed using Random Forests and then used as predictors in a
separate prediction algorithm (Meng et al. 2007). Specifically, Random Forests was used to
narrow the parameter space and then the top ranked variables were used in a Bayesian
network for prediction. They found that using the top 50SNPs in the variable importance list
as the predictors for a second Random Forest resulted in good variable selection in their
simulations, although the generalizability is not known (Meng et al. 2007).
6. Recommendations
For all Random Forest implementations it is recommended that one:
1. Grow a large forest with a large number of trees (ntree at least 5000).
2. Use a large terminal node size.
3. Try different values of mtry and seeds. Try setting = mtry mdim as an initial starting
value for mtry; where mdim is the number of potential predictors.
4. Run algorithm repeatedly. That is, create several random forests until the variable
importance list appears stable.
In using Random Forests for variable selection we can make several recommendations.
These recommendations vary by the nature of the data. It is well known that the Gini
variable importance has bias in its variable selection thus for most instances we recommend
permutation variable importance. Indeed this is the default in the R package randomForest.
If the predictors are all measured on the same scale and are independent then this default
should be sufficient. If the data are of mixed type (measured on different scales), then use
Conditional Inference Forests with permutation variable importance. Use subsampling
without replacement instead of the default bootstrap sampling as suggested by Strobl 2007.
All measures of variable importance have bias under strong correlation. It is important to
test whether the variables are correlated. If there is correlation, then one must assess the goal
of the study. If there is high correlation among the Xs and the p is small and the goal of the
study is to find the set of true predictors, then using conditional inference trees and
conditional permutation variable importance is a good solution. However if there is a large
p using conditional permuation importance may be computationally infeasible and either
some parameter space reduction will be necessary. In that case, using permutation
importance using Random Forests or iterative random Forests may be better suited for
creating a list of important variables.
If there are highly correlated variables and there if p or n is large thenone can use Random
Forests iteratively with permutation variable importance. In this case one selects the top h
variables in the variable importance ranking list as predictors for another Random Forest.
In this case h is selected by the user. Meng et al used the top 50 percent of the predictors.
This scenario works best when there is a strong association of the predictors to the outcome
(Meng et al., 2007).
7. References
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Biomedical Knowledge Engineering
Using a Computational Grid
Marcello Castellano and Raffaele Stifini
Politecnico di Bari, Bari
1. Introduction
Bioengineering is an applied engineering discipline with the aims to develop specific
methods and technologies for a better understanding of biological phenomena and health
solutions to face the problems regarding the sciences of life. It is based on fields such as
biology, electronic engineering, information technology (I.T.), mechanics and chemistry
(MIT, 1999). Methods of Bioengineering concern: the modeling of the physiological systems ,
the description of electric phenomena or magnetic ones ,the processing of data, the
designing of medical equipments and materials or tissues, the study of organisms and the
analysis of the link structure property typical of biomaterials or biomechanical structures.
Technologies of Bioengineering include: biomedical and biotechnological instruments (from
the elementary components to the most complex hospital systems), prosthesis, robots for
biomedical uses, artificial intelligent system, sanitary management systems, information
systems, medical informatics, telemedicine (J. E. Bekelman et al, 2003).
Biomedicine has recently had an innovative impulse through applications of computer
science in Bioengineering field. Medical Informatics or better the Bioinformatics technology
is characterized by the development of automatic applications in the biological sector whose
central element is the information. There are several reasons to apply the computer
science in many fields, such as the biomedical one. Advantages as the turn-around time
and precision are among the basically improving factors for a job. For example the
identification of the functions of genes has taken advantage from the application of an
automatically system of analysis of database containing the result of many experiments of
microarray getting information on the human genes involved in pathologies (C. Mller et al,
2009). With a such approach regions with specifically activities have been identified inside
the DNA regions, different regions exist in the genome, some stretches are the actual genes,
others regulates the functions of the former ones. Other research have been made through
computational techniques on the Functional Genomics, Biopolymers and Proteomics,
Biobank e Cell Factory (M. Liebman et al, 2008).
This chapter explores a particularly promising area of systems development technological
based on the concept of knowledge. The knowledge is useful learning result obtained by an
information processing activity. The Knowledge Engineering, regards the integration of the
knowledge in computer systems in order to solve the difficult problems which typically
require a high level of human specialization. (M. C. Linn, 1993)
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

Whereas standalone computer system have had an important impact in Biomedicine, the
computer networks are nowadays a technology to investigate new opportunities of
innovation. The capacity of the networks to link so many information allows both to
improve the already existing applications and introduce new ones; Internet and the Web are
two well know examples. Information based processes involved in the research to discovery
new knowledge take advantage from the new paradigms of distributed computing systems.
This chapter is focuses on the design aspects of the knowledge-based computer systems
applied to the biomedicine field. The mission is to support the specialist or researcher to
solve problems with greater awareness and precision. At the purpose, a framework to
specify a computational model will be presented. As an example, an application of the
method to the diagnostic process will be discussed to specify a knowledge-based decision
support system. The solution here proposed is not only to create a knowledge base by the
human expert (or by a pool of experts) but support it using automatic knowledge discovery
process and resources enhancing data, information and collaboration in order to produce
new expert knowledge over time.
Interoperability, resource sharing, security and collaborative computing will emerge and a
computational model based on grid computing will be taken into account in order to discuss
an advanced biomedical application. In particular in the next section it will be presented a
framework for the Knowledge Engineering based on a problem solving strategy. In section 3
the biomedical diagnostic process will be analyzed using the knowledge framework. In
particular the problem, the solution and knowledge resources will be carried out. In section
4 the design activity of the diagnostic process is presented. Results in terms of system
specifications will be shown in terms of Decision Support System architecture, Knowledge
Discovery and Grid Enable Knowledge Application. A finally discussion will be presented
in the last section.
2. Method for the knowledge
Modeling is a building activity inspired by the problem solving for real problems which not
have a unique exact solution. The Knowledge Engineering (K- Engineering) deals with the
computer-system applications which are computational solutions of more complex
problems which usually ask for a high levels of human skill. In this case the human
knowledge must be encoded and embedded in knowledge based applications of computer
systems. The K-Engineer build up a knowledge model useful for an algorithmic description
by a structured approach or method. Three macro phases can be distinguished in the
modeling process of knowledge:
1. Knowledge Identification (K- Identification);
2. Knowledge Specification (K- Specification);
3. Knowledge Refinement (K- Refinement).
These phases can be cyclical and times retroaction rings are necessary. For instance, the
simulation in the third phase can cause changes in the knowledge model. (A. Th. Schreiber,
B. J. Weilinga, 1992). Each phases is composed by specific activities and for each activities
the K- Engineering literature proposes different techniques. The Fig. 1 shows the modeling
of the knowledge based on the problem solving strategy. The proposed framework is
applied at different levels of abstraction from high to low level mechanisms (top-down
Biomedical Knowledge Engineering Using a Computational Grid

Knowledge Idencaon
Knowledge Specicaon
Elicitaon Analysis
Task Analysis
Knowledge Renement
Knowledge Engineer

Fig. 1. The knowledge modeling framework composed by phases and activities.
The knowledge model is only an approximation of the real world, which can and must be
modified during time.
2.1 Knowledge Identification
A Knowledge Based System (KBS) is a computational system specialized in applications
based on knowledge, aiming at reaching a problem solving ability comparable with a
human expert. The expert can describe a lot of aspects typical of his own way of reasoning
but tends to neglect a significant part of personal abilities which cannot be easily explained.
This Knowledge, which is not directly accessible, must, however, be considered and then
drawn out. To mine the tacit knowledge an application on the elicitation techniques can be
useful and it must be represented using a dynamic model.
The analysis must be inherent in the aims of the planner. On the other hand the
representation of the complete domain is un-useful, so the effort is now to identify the
problem, in order to finalize the domain analysis.
The approach here proposed is based on the answer to questions that must be taken in to
account to develop the basic characteristics of the K-Model as shown in Table 1.
The phase of Knowledge Identification is subject to important considerations that go to
better specify the system architecture. Most of a man knowledge or of a group is tacit and
cannot be outspoken wholly or partly. Therefore, in a knowledge system, the human beings
are not simple users, but an integrating part of the system. The representation is necessarily
different from what is represented; it can capture only the most relevant aspects, chosen
from the modeler. This difference can cause problems if one wants to use the model for
differ purpose from the ones it quality allows. Moreover the difference between the real
world and its representation should cause problems of uncertainty and approximation
which will be solved showing the quality of the relevant knowledge in real way.
2.1.1 Interview
The interview is a conversation provoked by the interviewer, addressing to subjects choosen
according ground of a plan of survey, aiming at the knowledge, through the conversation
driven from the interviewer, using a flexible and not standardized scheme. (Corbetta, 1999).
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

What must be represented:

At the epistemological level identify what should
represent aspects of knowledge that is necessary
to consider the application to be addressed. In
particular, what are its classes, patterns, what are
the inferential processes involved and the quality
of relevant knowledge.
Which is the problem:

To identify the problem to be solved is important
to address the investigation about the relevant
knowledge. It will be very important in the next
modeling phases.
How the problem can be solved:
It indicates strategies for solving a given problem
based on patterns bounded in the application
How to represent:

Modeling derives from the subjective
interpretation of the knowledge engineer with
regards to the problem to be faced; a mistake is
always possible and therefore the knowledge
model must be made in a revisable way. Tools and
processes for the knowledge management have
been consolidated, this management can be
expressed in several ways: rules, procedures, laws,
mathematical formulae, structural descriptions.
Table1. Knowledge Identification guidelines.
The interviewee must have some characteristics related with his life or his belonging to a
certain social group, the number of the people interviewed must however be consistent, so it
is possible to obtain every possible information on the phenomenon.
The conversation between the two parts is not comparable to a normal conversation because
the roles are not balanced: the interviewer drives and controls the interview respecting the
freedom of the interviewer in expressing his opinions.
According to the different degree of flexibility is possible to distinguish among:
1. structured interview
2. semi-structured interview
3. not structured interview.
Usually the structured interview is used to investigate a wide phenomenon, the interview is
carried out by a questionnaire supplied to a large sample of people; in this case the
hypothesis must be well structured a priori.
The structured interview can be used in a standard way but at the same time the limited
knowledge of the phenomenon does not allow the use of the multiple choice questionnaire.
As the number of the interviewees decreases a semi-structured or a un-structured interview
can be taken in to account.
Biomedical Knowledge Engineering Using a Computational Grid

2.1.2 Elicitation analysis
The elicitation analysis is an effective method used by the knowledge engineer to
individuate the implicit mental patterns of the users, and categorizing them.
The knowledge engineer carry out this phase analyzing documentations about the domain
under the investigation and match the information according to some well know mental
model of him.
Knowing the mental patterns and the implicit categorizations makes possible the
organization of the information so that it is more simple to use them, improving, in that
way, the quality of the product.
Through the elicitation analysis it is possible to identify the classification criterion used by
the users and to identify the content and the labels of categories they used. Possible
differences in the categorization among various groups of interviewed can be seen and
2.1.3 A draft of the conceptual model
This activity establish a first formal representation of knowledge acquired up to now
composed by elements and their relationships. The representation is used to check the
correctness by the user. It is a formal scheme on which the K-specification phase will runs.
The knowledge is represented using an high level description called conceptual model. This
model is called conceptual because it is the result of a survey carried out by the literature
and domain experts for the transfer of concepts considered useful in the field of study is
concerned. Fundamental indications about what is and how to build the conceptual
model are shown in Table 2. Some formalisms are proposed in the literature: the semantic
networks are used to represent the knowledge with a graph structure; the frames are data
structures which allow group, like inside a frame, the information about an entity; an object
representation allows to join procedural aspects with declarative aspects, in a single
formalism; and so on.

What it is not:

it is not a basic of knowledge on paper/calculator
it is not an intermediate representation
What it is:
it is a complete articulate and permanent representation
of the structure of the knowledge of an applicative
dominion both from a static point of view and a dynamic
it is a representation independent from implementation
it is the main result of the activity of knowledge analysis
and modeling.
How the conceptual
model is built
(some criteria)
a formalism for the expressive conceptual representation
allows to express powerfully all the concepts, the
relationships and the link typical of the application
economic: synthetic, compact, readable, modifiable
communicative: easily intelligible
useful: a support for the analysis and modeling activities
Table 2. The Conceptual Model guidelines.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

2.2 Knowledge specification
The goal of this stage is to get a complete specification of the knowledge. The following
activities need to be carried out to build such a specification.
2.2.1 Inference
Now let is write about the inferential structures which make possible to know things
starting from a codified knowledge. It is interesting, even for the inferential structures, to
identify different types of structures, in order to focalize, during the construction of the
conceptual pattern, the structures which are actually used in the specific application. The
most general form is the one which turns into rules. However it is interesting to consider
even more specific structures, as these ones help the identification of particular necessities
inside an application. (Waterman [Wa86]). The main characteristics of an inference are the
ability of specifying the knowledge, the ability of reasoning, the ability of interacting with
the external world, the ability of explaining own behavior and the ability of learning. The
inference architecture can be organized in object level and meta level. Each of them can be
seen as an individual system, with an appropriate language of representation. The aim of
the level object is to carry on reasoning in the domain of the system application, whereas the
aim of the meta-level is to control the behavior of the object level.
2.2.2 Task analysis
The aim of the task analysis is to identify the main task by the analysis of the users
involvement in order to understand how to they execute their work, identifying types and
How is the work carried on when more people are involved (workflow analysis);
A single man work during a day , a week or a mouth (job analysis);
Which tasks are executed by all the people who could use to product (task list);
The order every uses of execution of the tasks (tasks sequences);
Which steps and decision the user chooses to accomplish a task (procedural analysis);
How to explode a wide task into more subtasks (hierarchies of task).
The Task analysis offers the possibility to view the needs, display the improvement areas
and simplify the evaluation. It can be carried out according to: (Mager,1975; Gagn,1970)
rational analysis - Inside the theories of the Knowledge it is a procedure which divides
a task into simpler abilities, up to reaching the activities that can be executed by every
process the task is assigned to. The result of this procedure is a typical hierarchy of
activities with a correspondent hierarchy of execution aims.
empirical analysis - Inside the Knowledge Engineering it indicates a procedure which
splits up the activity or task into executive process, strategies and meta-cognitive
operations which the subject accomplishes during the execution of that task. The result
is a sequence, not always ordered, of operations aiming at the realization of the task.
This is an activity about K-Specification. It works on the output of the K-Identification (see
Table 1), that specify the resolution strategy of the problem. At the purpose the task analysis
is carried out by the following specific steps: Problem specification; Activity analysis; Task
modeling and Reaching of a solution.
In the Problem Specification phase the problem must be identified specifying one or more
activities for its realization, at the conceptual level; these activities will be analyzed in the
following step. In Activity Analysis a task is identified grouping activities which must be
Biomedical Knowledge Engineering Using a Computational Grid

executed to achieve the aim of the task. There are different task hierarchies where the
activities can be divided into subtask. This exercise on the task hierarchy means both to
specialize every task and to study the task execution on the base of priorities and temporal
lines. Task Modeling builds a model which precisely describes the relationships among
tasks. A model is a logical description of the activities which must be executed to achieve the
users goals. The model based design aims to specify and analyze interactive software
applications from a more semantic level rather than from an implementative one. Methods
for modeling the tasks are:
Standard : analysis on how tasks should be made;
Descriptive: analysis of the activities and tasks just as they are really made. Task models
can be taken into accounts according to the following point of view:
System task model. It describes how the common system implementation states the
tasks must be executed;
Envisioned task model. It describes how the users must interact with the system
according to the opinion of the designer;
User task model. It describes how the tasks must be done in order to reach the objects
according to the opinion of the users.
Usability problems can arises when discrepancy occurs between the user task model and the
system model. The last step in the task analysis (Reaching of a solution) is devoted to
specify the tasks identified. That are conceptual building block of this analysis. Table 3
shows a formalism to specify the task aim, the technique used for the realization of it and
the result produced on the task execution. Moreover a procedural description of the task
must be carried out using conceptual building blocks based tools.

Task Name of the task
Goal Aim of the task
Techniques Task descriptions and it implementation
Result Output task
Table 3. A Task Description formalism.
2.3 Knowledge refinement
The aim of the Knowledge Refinement is to validate the knowledge model using it in a
simulation process as much as possible. Moreover it is to complete the knowledge base by
inserting a more or less complete set of knowledge instances.
3. Analyzing the biomedical diagnostic process building a model for
knowledge based system
The case of study here presented, refers to the diagnostic process. This is a rich knowledge
process prevalent in the biomedical field and to diagnostic pathologies starting from the
3.1 Knowledge identification
The identification of knowledge in biomedicine has been here applied as described in table
4, using the framework proposed in the previous section.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

Key Questions to drive the Knowledge Methods
<What to represent> Elicitation Analysis
<Which is the problem> Interview
<How it can be solved> Interview, Elicitation Analysis
<How to represent>
Semantic Network, Elicitation
Analysis, Interview
Table 4. The K-Identification for the diagnostic process.
3.1.1 Elicitation analysis
In order to create the first reference model of the diagnostic process the K-Identification
starts with the elicitation study. As the final aim is the development of an conceptual model
could be useful to consider a process comparable where a living organism is like a perfectly
working computer. If a computer problem rise, the operative system signal it to the user. To
activate such a process, a warning is necessary, i.e. a message of mistake or wrong working.
At this point a good computer technician put in action a diagnostic process based on the
warning to individuate the problem, or in other words the error.
The diagnosis on an organism is similar at the described scenery: the occurring of a
pathology is pointed out to the organism through the signal of one or more symptoms (as
already described for the computer errors). The diagnostic medical process is exercised by
the specialist (in analogy of the computer technician) that will study the symptom origin
and its cause and hence the diseases. The arising of a problem can be due both endogen and
exogenous causes and provokes an alteration which would not normally happen (for
instance an alteration in the albumin level produced by the pancreas ); this mutation causes
a change, a working different from the mechanisms associated to that element (for example
the mechanism, thanks to which the insulin makes the glucose enter into the cells for the
production of vital energy, changes as an accumulation of glucose in the blood circle is met:
subjects affected with diabetes). What it has been learned by the above application described
on the elicitation analysis is shown in Table 5.

A stirring up cause
Following a diminution of
electric tension the computer is
turned off while the hard disk is
A strong and cold wind
blows for several minutes
on the patient neck
modifies some
The head fall and ruins the
computer record
Not desired presence of
and a problem arises
in the system
Not readable starting record Aching eymphonodes
and makes clear.
Reveals itself.
The computer show the error The patient has throat ache
Table 5. Some elicitation analysis results to know the Diagnostic Process.
Biomedical Knowledge Engineering Using a Computational Grid

3.1.2 Interview
Although the elicitation study supply important elements to build a conceptual model of the
knowledge, the expert contribution is of the great important also. At the purpose the
structured interview is here applied to extract the knowledge and the mental process of the
experts when they work. In other words the interview application aims to describe the
experiences of the specialists in terms of structured knowledge. By interview the Clinical Case
emerges as a summary composed by: all the possible information about the patient, a list of
symptoms and a set of objective and instrumental exam results. Table 6 summarizes the results
carried out by interview and elicitation analysis, in terms of problem and solution.

Key Questions to drive the Knowledge Results
Which is the problem
The diagnoses are not always easy to be
identified from a set of the possible solutions,
sometimes several possible investigations must
be done up to individuate an optimal solution.
How it can be solved
A valuable support to the specialist in order to
makes a decision is highly desirable. An
automatic computer system based on
biomedical knowledge should be able to
support the specialist using updated
information and supporting decisions using a
computational formal approach.
Table 6. Interview and Elicitation Analysis Results for the Diagnostic Process.
The solution here proposed is not only to create a knowledge base directly from the human
expert (or by a pool of experts) but especially to increase the own knowledge through the
provision of advanced computational analysis tools capable of enhancing data, information
and collaboration in order to become expert knowledge over time.
3.1.3 Semantic network
Here is applied the semantic networks representation formalism to complete the knowledge
identification phase and to provide a conceptual model in input to the next phase. See Fig. 2.

Medical History
Info. paents
Clinical Case
causes Is excuted
fed into
fed into fed into
fed into

fed into

Fig. 2. Biomedical Knowledge representations using Semantic Annotations.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

Nodes are objects, concepts, states while arcs, represent the relationships between nodes as
carried out by knowledge identification phase. For example, the figure highlights how a
pathology will lead to an alteration of the value of a biological entity and how this variation
is detected by an instrumental examination. New relationships can be made clear, not only
the evident ones but also those coming deducted from the father-son hereditariness. Fig. 2
suggests that the signs detected during physical examination can be directly annotated in
the clinical case.
3.2 Knowledge specification
The second stage in the presented framework is to construct a specification of the k-model.
In order to specify k-model of the biomedical diagnostic process it has been used an
approach based on the inference and task knowledge.
3.2.1 Inference
Inference rules are used to capture the way in which a specialist reason according to the
inference logical scheme. The inference rules so defined will be embedded into Decision
Support System in order to develop a Knowledge-Specialist Based System. The summary of
all these inferences help to develop activities that the system must make either for the
development of a formal instrument describing the said inferences or the classes studied in
the representative formalism. In Fig. 3 is represented the logical schema of the classes that
describes some rules of inference such as the observation of a symptom strictly depends on the
patient who is suffering from it.

Disease_ ID
Disease Class
Patient _ ID
Patient _Name
Patient _Details
Patient Class
Symptom _ ID
Symptom Class
Observation Details
Symptom _Value
Patient _Details
Symptom_ID (FK)
Patient_ID (FK)
Pathology_ ID
Symptom _ID_(FK)
Reading_Other _Value
Reading_Other _Value
Inferential Relation about
Symptoms and Patients
Inferential Relation about
Symptoms and Deseases

Fig. 3. Logical Schema based on Classes to represent the Inference component of the K-
The dependence of the activities of a system from the inferences rules can be translated both
into obliged passages or into a series of guide-line on designing the activities of the system
to be followed. Many informatics system translate it into an algorithm called inferential
Biomedical Knowledge Engineering Using a Computational Grid

engine which can complete the design phase of the activities automatically. In some cases a
prototype of the inferential engine is build up. In the implementation phase it will be
possible to choose whether developing a suitable software or maintaining that engine at a
conceptual level. Fig. 4 shows a conceptual description of biomedical diagnostic inferential
engine, composed by the following elements:
Interpreter: it decides the rule to be applied (meta-level);
Scheduler: it decides the execution order of the rules (object level);
Job memory: it contains a list of developed operations is (object level).

Exclusion for groups of info
(age, sex, etc ...)
Excluding diseases without
Exclusion interval values
Assigning probabilies based
on data
Job Memory
Medical History Data
Physical Examinaon Data
Instrumental Examinaon
Reordering of Results Data
Object Level
Meta Level

Fig. 4. A Conceptual Description of the Biomedical Diagnostic Inferential Engine.
3.2.2 Task analysis
To design an efficient and technologically advanced decisional system of support, the
correctness of the applied methodology and rightness of the information must be
considered. A good working system is based not only on accurately selected and organized
data but also on a model epistemologically adherent to the everyday medical actions. The
task design occurs at the purpose. Using the top-down approach the analysis and the task
design starts from the macro-activity or main task designed for the solution about the
problem that regard the support to the specialist decision.
The Fig. 5 shows the main task of the solution composed by both Central System and
Central Db components. Different Database are referred by External and Internal Db
The kind of result proposes a form which gives back a list of pathologies with the relative
probabilities from the letting in of a list of symptoms inserted by the specialist.
The solution is an automatic computer system based on biomedical knowledge that should
be able to support the specialist using updated information and supporting decisions by
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

Central System
elaboraon results
Central DB
External DB
Internal DB

Fig. 5. A representation of the Main Task based on Functional Blocks and Components.
computational formal approach. The execution of a test implies a sequences of steps, each of
them contributing to the achievement of the purpose. Task Analysis can be carried out using
or the Descriptive approaches that describes the system organization in an analytical way or
the Applicative approach to obtain single and simple elements, so that they can be studied.
Task analysis starts from the study of the activities composing the main activity to the define
the real phase, they will be translated into task system. Fig. 6 shows a scheme both to
understand the succession of the activities and to determine the hierarchies.

Recognion of
Calculaon of
Recognion of
Digital Queson
Retrieval Results
of Queson
Finding Archive
Data processing
Macro Task 1
Macro Task 2
Source Search
Source Search
Finding Archives
Processing Rules
Macro Task 3
Hierarchies of tasks Sequence of acvies

Fig. 6. Task Analysis and Design Results: hierarchies of tasks and task composition by
sequences of Activities using building blocks based tools.
The results of the single task design is shown in Table 7.
Biomedical Knowledge Engineering Using a Computational Grid

Task Model Knowledge Item Worksheet
NAME Insert the symptom
POSSESSED BY User terminal
USED IN Main form
DOMAIN It can be found both in the central system and in a remote terminal
Table 7. An example of Knowledge Specification for the Task Model in Diagnostic Process.
3.3 Knowledge refinement: analysis of information sources and data types
In this application the Knowledge Refinement phase is carried out to complete the
Knowledge modeling. At the purpose an analysis of the additional sources of information is
here presented as suggested by the task analysis. The biomedical knowledge is mainly
organized in order to solve problems in the formulation of diagnosis and therapies. A
problem that the specialist has to be solved can be classified according to the complexity of
the diagnostic process: in the more simple case is available the useful knowledge that leads
to a disease individuation directly; complex problem involves situations in progress about
the disease knowledge so that not all the reasoning have been produced and some of these
can be hidden in a large quantity of data. In this cases different thinking schools lead to
different solutions and then the specialist makes a decision on heuristic knowledge. From
the information point of view the scientific literature, medical documents, experts
consultations and forums, can be cited as the main source of information. In particular the
digital information can be organized in databases, glossaries and ontologies. Table 8 shows
the different source of knowledge with their data types.

Information Source Data Types
Archives of known and soluble cases Structured data organized into databases.
Treatises of research and scientific
Not structured data in a textual form,
with some metadata.
Social Networks and Forums Heuristic data.
Table 8. Information Sources of Knowledge for the Diagnostic Process.
In information technology, the terms database indicates archives structured so as to allow
the access and the management of the data (their insertion, delete and update) on account of
particular software applications. The database is a whole of data parted according the
arguments into a logical order and then these arguments are divided into categories. A
database is much more than a simple list or table. It offers the possibility to manage the data
allowing their recovery, arrangements, analysis, summaries and the creation of the report in
a few minutes. However a more thorough consultation of the data can be carried out with
the most advanced technologies such as data mining.
The activities of research provides large knowledge patrimonies. Several organizations
works to organize patrimonies and accesses to them (i.e. NLM, BMC). They are available on
different portals and catalogued into technical-scientific disciplines, geographical areas and,
sometimes, into strategic programmers. Thanks to that cataloguing it is possible to make use
of Information Retrieval techniques, which allows any system the automatically finding of
scientific treatises. Nevertheless the information structures discussed up to now do not
allow direct extraction of knowledge from data or among documents, at the purpose text
mining technology could be used.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

Another very interesting source of knowledge is the one coming from socialization of
experiences in describing and persistent stores: like forum, social network, web pages, FAQ
and any other place used for exchanging ideas and opinions. These tools have the ability to
make explicit the tacit knowledge of individuals through socialization. In fact, these virtual
places, users describe their experiences in making themselves available to compare with
others, increasing their level of knowledge and acquiring new skills. The Social Knowledge
is a flexible approach that support the specialist to make our decisions.
4. Designing the knowledge based system
Decision Support Systems are here considered to address the design of the solution to
support the specialist in the diagnostic process.
4.1 Decision Support System
A system which aims is to support the user to make a decision, is called Decision Support
System (DSS). That is a system which makes available tools in order to increase the
efficiency of the decisional process (G Desanctis, RB Gallupe, 1987). Fig. 7 shows a DSS high
level architecture.

Job Area
Other Areas

Fig. 7. A Scheme of a Computer Based DSS reference architecture.
Fig. 8 shows a structure of decision-making process over the different forms of knowledge
possessed by the specialist. In particular, it describes the steps taken by decision makers
from the most simple, based on data held, then the decision maker to proceed in its decision
path will refer in order to other information that will acquire and then on explicit
knowledge domain and finally on heuristic knowledge.
A decision is a definitive choice among incompatible options. The clinical decision are
always temporary and can be modified as the clinical case alters. In many cases such a
decision must be taken among different options and it can be often followed by further
diagnostic or therapeutic decision, which have the same difficulty level of the first one.
Fig. 9 shows a decisional clinical tree. It is a schematic representation of the logical and
temporal structure, of a clinical situation, in which it is necessary to take one or more
Based on the decision tree clinical model, different clinical strategies can be descrived by
spefying the action which must be made for every possible situations. The analytical
decisional structures so produced have a lot of advantages in comparison with the intuitive
method to make clinical decisions.
Biomedical Knowledge Engineering Using a Computational Grid

Knowledge Support level
Management Informaon Level
Inferenal Support level
Task Support level
Tacit Knowledge
Explicit Knowledge
Basic Data

Fig. 8. Hierarchical Relationship among Information, Knowledge and Decision.

Clinical Case
New Exam
Formulang Diagnosis
(Tacit and Explicit Knowledge)
New Exam
(More Information)
Formulang Diagnosis
(Tacit and Explicit Knowledge)

Fig. 9. A Decisional Clinical Tree Diagram to formulating Diagnosis.
Among these advantages there is the posibility to concentrate on a single aspect of the
problem, always taking into account the whole. Another advantage is the analysis of the
decisions which obliges the specialist to consider the relation between the acquired
information and the subsequent decision. An example of analytical decisional structure is
showed in Fig.10.
4.2 System structure
Fig. 11 shows the knowledge-based system architecture. The K-Engineer collects, analyzes
and formalizes the knowledge producing a knowledge model, he is trained by the Domain
Expert; the User (Biomedicine Specialist) will use the system and says what he would like
and if he is satisfied and the K-maintainer provides the resources and use conceptual tools
for the knowledge system updating.
The DSS examined has some functional elements which use conceptual instruments and
resources, such described in Table 9. The Knowledge Core Layer contains all the procedures
necessary to solve the problem of the user. To carry out a knowledge based system must be
utilized precise procedures in order to identify the relationships between apparently
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

No Access to
antenatal care
No screen
No treatment
Access to
antenatal care
No test
No treatment
Laboratory Based
RPR test
No retum
No treatment
Laboratory Based
RPR test -
Laboratory Based
RPR test +
Active Syphilis
No Active
Syphilis (FP)
Active Syphilis
No Active Syphilis
Active Syphilis
No Active Syphilis
Active Syphilis (FN)
No Active Syphilis (TN)
Active Syphilis
No Active Syphilis
No Stillbirth
No treatment
No Stillbirth
Congenital Syphilis
No Congenital Syphilis
Congenital Syphilis
No Congenital Syphilis
No Stillbirth
No treatment
No Stillbirth
Congenital Syphilis
No Congenital Syphilis
Congenital Syphilis
No Congenital Syphilis
No Stillbirth
No Stillbirth
Congenital Syphilis
No Congenital Syphilis
Congenital Syphilis
No Congenital Syphilis
Status Quo

Fig. 10. An Analytical Decisional Structure.

Inferential Engine
Knowledge Base
Pubblications Catalogue
Knowledge Sources
Web Resources
Text Miner
Data Miner
Knowledge Discovery
Web Miner
Knowledge Processing
Specialist Interface

Fig. 11. DSS scheme of the organization.
independent variants, like sign and symptoms, and dependent variants like possible
pathologies. The procedures can be obtained from various forms of decision tree. These
relationships, stored in the Knowledge Base, use pre-arranged rules (if-else if-then) to drive
the decision in the diagnostic process. Another functional elements are the Knowledge
Engine whose perform automatic activities like the analysis of the texts and data; and finally
the Knowledge Sources.
Biomedical Knowledge Engineering Using a Computational Grid

Functional elements Conceptual Tools Resources
Knowledge Discovery
Web mining, Data mining,
Text Mining
Web Miner, Data Miner, Text
Knowledge Processing
Statistical Procedures,
Diagnostic Patterns
Inferential Engine
Knowledge Base Knowledge Rules
Knowledge Sources
Database Management
Publication Catalogue, Web
Resources, DataWarehouse
Table 9. List of functional elements.
The Web Miner is the element for the knowledge discovery from the web: it applies
procedures similar to Data Mining to extract information from the resources present in the
web. The computer paradigm is the Web Mining which derives from the Data Mining and
deals with the discovery of resources on the web. It analyses web pages and from them
extracts the resources of biomedical literature though query. The Text Miner has two
objects: the transformation of the documents into a representation fit for the learning
algorithm (the so called preprocessing phase) and the grammar analysis on the non
structured text to extract the structured knowledge. As to processing phase the Text Miner
draws out the meta information contained in the scientific texts and uses it to catalogue
them in the Publication Catalogue where the document will wait for the analysis
accomplishment according to the Text Mining algorithm . The grammar analysis starts after
an K-Maintainer call which gives the Text Miner the parameters necessary to execute the
analysis parameters contained in a document XML called Analysis Engine. The structured
information will be memorized inside the Knowledge Repository. The Data Miner
extracting the knowledge from the data the Text Miner got through automatic method, and
elaborating them according to the K-Maintainer selected procedure. It is interfaced with the
Publications Catalogue and makes use of the Data Mining Paradigm, which provides the
instruments to locate, to extract and transform the data and the instruments for the
management of data. The Inferential Engine is made by: an interpreter which decides the
useful rules to request to the Knowledge Base, and a scheduler which organizes the rules to
get developed and their execution order. The engine goal is to extract the rules for the
problem solving according to an activation and recognition of the same, executing an exam
of the rules on the ground of knowledge select the right rule. It is organized in two phases: a
work memory (or blackboard) where the general plan is memorized and a workflow engine
of what to do, besides a description of the solutions conjectured up to now. In the inferential
engine there is also the consistence enforcer; this is a schedule which, once conjectured an
hypothesis, looks for evidences to enforce or eliminate the hypothesis. Thus if the inference
is a single deduction that the system can get from the premises (for example a single
calculation), the inferential engine is the instrument fit to determinate the inferences
complex. The DataWarehouse contains the information drawn out from the operations of
text mining, whose structure is just like the semantic networks model one and is fit for the
analysis algorithm of the Data Miner. It contains also the structured information from any
external databases that the K-Maintainer wants to integrate into the system. The Web
Resources is the database that contains the extracted information from the resources present
in web. The Publication Catalogue is the repository of the scientific literature founded.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

4.3 Grid-enabled knowledge application
In the field of the computer systems for the bio-medicine, the case studies have a long list of
electronic documents about their health status, e.g. lab exams, diagnostic images, medical
records, several special texts or even the letter of hospital discharge. Such data and
information, since they are sector based, cannot be integrated or read by different systems
tools even if digitalized, sometimes also because of the lack of appropriate communication
infrastructures among the different systems. Even though they can be rebuilt or transferred on
a similar computer platform, these documents cannot be reached from all researchers or
specialists working on the same case study, just because such documentation has been kept in
several autonomous computer systems. One of the major obstacles in their integration is the
lack of a unique standard, yet also the different kinds of information products in the health
world, the technological gap. The research and the agreement on a standard is even more
important to the re-elaboration of the information acquired from the various information
resources, balancing various elements (such as local resources, local networks, Internet) and
employing various communication technologies, protocols and switching and filtering
systems. Besides these drawbacks, the approaching techniques analyzed in the previous
sections, such as the text mining or the statistic algorithm, when extended to a great amount of
resources, require a huge computational power, a large broadcast band, and inner
organization which can also make possible the interoperability. The solution proposed up to
now can be really useful if an advanced technology based on computer systems is able to
exceed computer networks and organizational problems that often make it difficult to share
data and information. The Fig. 12 refers to a scenario of distributed resources all potentially
very useful for continuous improvement of expert knowledge and indicates a solution based
on grid computing. A worthy approach to use and share the resources and which includes
computing power, mass memory, and a large broadcast band, comprise a network of
information instruments called grid, whose main characteristic is its dynamism, i.e. the ability
to re-configure itself in any moment, encompassing new knots and tolerating the loss of others,
and capable to adapt to any required work every time it is necessary. All these operations are
automatically performed, in a completely transparent way for the user, who will perceives the
grid as a unique, stable, unchangeable, effective and always accessible system.
The grids (or computational grids) are advanced services which allow to the users to share
computational resources, archival space, scientific data and instruments among different
computers. They are then a valid instrument to automatically store the accomplished
researches and spread the knowledge to the domain. The grid technology, indeed, facilitates
data downloading, arranges documents, and periodically updates the researches.
The grids (or computational grids) are advanced services which allow to the users to share
computational resources, archival space, scientific data and instruments among different
computers. They are then a valid instrument to automatically store the accomplished
researches and spread the knowledge to the domain. The grid technology, indeed, facilitates
data downloading, arranges documents, and periodically updates the researches.
To define a grid architecture valid for the activities involved by the knowledge model, is
necessary to take into account that it is not only a architectural model to provide
computational resources for applications with great need of processing, but it is also an
infrastructure where can connect and unify heterogeneous resources issued on local or
geographical scale. The interoperability becomes the main problem to solve; indeed, it is
necessary to allow the interaction among different platforms, languages, and research areas.
In an interconnected zone, the interoperability implies common authentication protocols,
therefore the grid to implement needs an architecture of protocols first of all. In this way it is
possible to define a basic system through which users and knots can communicate.
Biomedical Knowledge Engineering Using a Computational Grid


Clinical DB
Medical DB
Medical DB
Researc DB
Medical Resources
Grid Platform
Computational Resources
Distributed Systems

Fig. 12 Grid Computing.
A Grid system allows to manage its own resources to obtain different service qualities, such
as response time, availability, security, and performance to satisfy users request. The quality
of service (QoS) is a highly important parameter, but it is not the only one. An information
system that has to solve highly complex problems, such as the management of the
biomedical knowledge, can take other advantages of the grids. The scalability is one of these
advantages: a grid can comprise millions of resources, implying a potential degradation of
services. For this reason the grid-enabled application should be able to deal with connection
latency on geographical distances. Dynamicity and adaptability are criteria that determine
the reliability. In a grid a breakdown is a rule not an exception, since the great number of
resources increases the chances of breakdown. This technology has been designed as a very
promising application-level specialization and several proposals have been made of the
same. (see for example Castellano at all, A bioinformatics knowledge discovery in text
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

application for grid computing; A Workflow based Approach for Knowledge Grid
Application; Intrusion Detection Using Neural Networks: A Grid Computing Based Data
Mining Approach; Biomedical Text Mining Using a Grid Computing Approach)
5. Results and discussions
This chapter deals with a particular class of biomedical engineering systems such as
Computer-Based Decision Support Systems. Different DSS applications are proposed in the
literature to date. They highlight the system performances in the biomedical field, without
examining the methodological aspects on which the investigation was based. Since these
systems are of considerable complexity, their development and adoption are a problem in
the field of biomedical engineering. In this chapter in response to the problem just
mentioned a framework for analysis and design of these systems is discussed. It is based on
a methodology of knowledge engineering. An application to a diagnostic process in the
biomedical field is also presented.
Methods for problem solving vary from ad hoc to highly structured. Ad hoc approaches are
often used to solve simple problems in a linear way. Highly structured methodology for
studying complex problems become even more formal where it is usual to pre-specify all the
system requirements. In this chapter has been used a problem solving highly structured life
cycle based on the schema shown in Fig. 1. It has been used to carry out analysis and design
phase: the analysis to gain an understanding of an application domain with its problem and
the relative conceptual solution; the design to specify a system that meet these requirements.
Although this chapter focuses on the analysis and design stages applied to the problem
solving life cycle, it is said that there is a further phase of building systems in which one
focuses on the actual construction of the system by an executive project.
Fig. 13 summarizes the results from the life cycle of problem solving both for the analysis
and for design.

Analysis of Domain
Knowledge Identification
Task Analisys
Study of Inference
Knowledge Refiniment
User Interface
Knowlege Base
(Functional Elements)
Knowledge Discovery
Knowledge Processing
Knowledge Resources
Design Model
Analysis Model System Specifications

Fig. 13. Analysis and Design for the Biomedical Diagnostic Process.
Biomedical Knowledge Engineering Using a Computational Grid

The designed system is made up of any number of components. Each one carries out part of
the system function. They are important because can help to handle systems complexity and
then improve understanding of a system. Components communicate between them by
passing messages. A good system will made up of highly independent components with
minimal flows between them.
The components are identified according to the encapsulation strategy. It allows to hide the
internal working of procedural elements so as to protect the other parts of the system from
the changes which would occur in it, if this working was faulty, or if one decided to
implement it in a different way.
From the technological solution point of view, the decision support system functional
components aims to widen the human being capabilities. For example the automatic
retrieval of scientific literature is important for the performances of the system. In fact the
web suggest several scientific documents and that slows down the manual research.
Moreover the use of automatic equipments is an advantage for the texts research, their
readings and the knowledge extrapolation, which represent a study more similar to the one
made by an expert, with reduced times, big quantities of examined texts and a lasting
memorization. However when dividing the tasks into simple activities, it is necessary to
respect the main rules of the biomedicine knowledge to develop a functional knowledge
based automatic system. Algorithms and data will be effective only if the study about the
knowledge domain has been clearly made.
Design decisions have specified functional blocks and their interaction needs to solve the
problem. All of them can be regarded in terms of computational resources such as
algorithms, data and computational power. As a consequence design phase must be specify
also a computing model resource organization in order to satisfy user requirements and
system performances. A grid computing based model has been discussed in order to
support a knowledge based system development with high quality of services, based on
interoperability, resource sharing, security and collaborative computing. Others
computational aspects that are left open during analysis such as representational formats,
computational methods used to computing inferences, dynamic data storage and the
communication media, could be taken into account also.
Finally must be considered that the study presented in this chapter shows a methodological
solution or framework focused on knowledge to develop a knowledge based system very
useful in biomedical engineering and the application here presented is a case study to
examine the way in which the framework works.
6. Conclusions
Different Decision Support System applications are proposed in the literature to date
highlighting the system performances in the biomedical field, without examining the
methodological aspects on which the investigation was based. Since these systems are of
considerable complexity, their development and adoption are a problem in the field of
biomedical engineering. In this chapter has been presented a tool for Biomedical
Engineering based on a framework of Knowledge Engineering specialized into develop
applications of decision support computer systems. The framework has been applied
successfully to the Biomedical Diagnostic Process. The framework application explores
technologies for knowledge applied to the processes and resources enhancing data,
information, collaboration and computing models in order to produce new expert
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

knowledge over time. The study presented in this chapter has shown that new knowledge
in the digital age can also be produced automatically and that instead the knowledge
produced by human processes can be effectively supported by specific digital resources (or
knowledge resources). To this end, it was revealed that the application of distributed
computing to these problems based on knowledge reveals structural characteristics such as
interoperability, resource sharing, security and collaborative computing. At the aim the
application here presented has proposed the grid computing approach.
7. References
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William, Douglas, Clinger, (1981). Foundations of Actor Semantics, Lab Technical Report
Efcient Algorithms for Finding Maximum and
Maximal Cliques: Effective Tools for Bioinformatics
Etsuji Tomita
, Tatsuya Akutsu
and Tsutomu Matsunaga
The University of Electro-Communications &
The Research and Development Initiative, Chuo University, Tokyo
Kyoto University, Kyoto
NTT DATA Corporation, Tokyo
1. Introduction
Many problems can be formulated as graphs where a graph consists of a set of vertices and a
set of edges, in which the vertices stand for objects in question and the edges stand for some
relations among the objects. A clique is a subgraph in which all pairs of vertices are mutually
adjacent. Thus, a maximum clique stands for a maximum collection of objects which are
mutually related in some specied criterion. The so called maximum clique problem is one of
the original 21 problems shown to be NP-complete by R. Karp (19). Therefore, it is strongly
believed that the maximum clique problem is not solvable easily, i.e., it is not solvable in
polynomial-time. Nevertheless, much work has been done on this problem, experimentally
and theoretically. It attracts much attention especially recently since it has found many
practical applications to bioinformatics (see, e.g., (2; 15; 27; 28; 37; 3; 9; 4; 8; 14; 55; 23; 25; 22; 13))
and many others (see, e.g., excellent surveys (34; 5), and (17; 20; 31; 49; 54; 51)).
This chapter presents efcient algorithms for nding a maximum clique and maximal cliques
as effective tools for bioinformatics, and shows our successful applications of these algorithms
to bioinformatics.
2. Preliminaries
(1) We are concerned with a simple undirected graph G = (V, E) with a nite set V of vertices
and a nite set E of unordered pairs (v, w)(= (w, v)) of distinct vertices called edges. V is
considered to be ordered, and the i-th element in V is denoted by V[i]. A pair of vertices v and
w are said to be adjacent if (v, w) E.
(2) For a vertex v V, let (v) be the set of all vertices that are adjacent to v in G = (V, E), i.e.,
(v) = {w V|(v, w) E}. We call |(v)|, i.e., the number of vertices adjacent to a vertex v,
the degree of v. In general, for a set S, the number of elements in S is denoted by |S|.
(3) For a subset R V of vertices, G(R) = (R, E(RR)) is an induced subgraph. An induced
subgraph G(Q) is said to be a clique if (v, w) E for all v, w Q V with v = w. In this case,
we may simply state that Q is a clique. In particular, a clique which is not properly contained
in any other clique is called maximal. A maximal clique with the maximum size is called a
2 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
Maximal Cliques
{A, B, F}
{B, C, E, F} : Maximum Clique
{C, D, E}
Fig. 1. Example graph
maximum clique. The number of vertices of a maximum clique in an induced subgraph G(R)
is denoted by (R).
Consider an example graph G
= (V
, E
) in Fig. 1, where V
= {A, B, C, D, E, F} and E
{(A, B), (A, F), (B, C), (B, E), (B, F), (C, D), (C, E), (C, F), (D, E), (E, F)}. All maximal cliques are
{A, B, F}, {B, C, E, F} and {C, D, E}, where {B, C, E, F} is a maximum clique of size 4. Note
that {B, C, E} is a clique, but is not a maximal clique since it is contained in a larger clique
{B, C, E, F}.
3. Efcient algorithms for nding a maximum clique
3.1 A basic algorithm
One standard approach for nding a maximum clique is based on the branch-and-bound
depth-rst search method.
Our algorithm begins with a small clique, and continues nding larger and larger cliques
until one is found that can be veried to have the maximum size. More precisely, we maintain
global variables Q, Q
, where Q consists of vertices of a current clique, Q
consists of
vertices of the largest clique found so far. Let R V consist of candidate vertices which may
be added to Q. We begin the algorithm by letting Q :=, Q
:=, and R := V (the set of all
vertices). We select a certain vertex p from R and add p to Q (Q:= Q{p}). Then we compute
:= R (p) as the new set of candidate vertices. This procedure (EXPAND()) is applied
recursively while R
= . Note here that if |Q| +|R| |Q
| then Q R can contain only a
clique that is smaller than or equal to |Q
|, hence searching for R can be pruned in this case.
This is a basic bounding condition.
When R
= is reached, Q constitutes a maximal clique. If Q is maximal and |Q| > |Q
holds, Q
is replaced by Q. We then backtrack by removing p from Q and R. We select a
new vertex p from the resulting R and continue the same procedure until R = .
This is a well known basic algorithm for nding a maximum clique (see, e.g., (12; 10)) and is
shown in detail in Fig. 2 as Algorithm BasicMC. The process can be represented by a search
626 Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software
Efcient Algorithms for Finding Maximum and
Maximal Cliques: Effective Tools for Bioinformatics 3
procedure BasicMC (G = (V, E))
global Q :=;
global Q
output Q
end {of BasicMC}
procedure EXPAND(R)
while R = do
p := a vertex in R;
if |Q| +|R| > |Q
| then
Q := Q {p};
:= R (p);
if R
= then EXPAND(R
else (i.e., R
= ) if |Q| > |Q
| then Q
:= Q

Q := Q{p}
else return

R := R {p}
end {of EXPAND}
Fig. 2. Algorithm BasicMC
forest that is similar to Fig. 3 (b).
3.2 Algorithm MCQ
We present a very simple and efcient algorithm MCQ (46) that is a direct extension of the
previous BasicMC.
3.2.1 Pruning
One of the most important points to improve the efciency of BasicMC is to strengthen the
bounding condition in order to prune unnecessary searching.
For a set R of vertices, let (R) be the chromatic number of R, i.e., the minimum number
of colors so that all pairs of adjacent vertices are colored by different colors, and

(R) be
an approximate chromatic number of R, i.e., a number of colors so that all pairs of adjacent
vertices are colored by different colors.
Then we have that
(R) (R)

(R) |R|.
While obtaining (R) is also NP-hard, an appropriate

(R) could be a better upper bound

of (R) than |R|, and might be obtained with low overhead. Here, we employ very simple
greedy or sequential approximate coloring to the vertices of R, as introduced in (42; 12; 43).
Let positive integral numbers 1, 2, 3, ... stand for colors red, green, yellow, ... Coloring is
627 Efficient Algorithms for Finding Maximum and Maximal Cliques: Effective Tools for Bioinformatics
4 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
also called Numbering. For each p R, sequentially from the rst vertex to the last, we assign
a positive integral Number No[p] which is as small as possible. That is, when the vertices
in R = {p
, p
, . . . , p
} are arranged in this order, rst let No[p
] = 1, and subsequently, let
] = 2 if p
) else No[p
] = 1, . . ., and so on. After Numbers are assigned to all
vertices in R, we sort these vertices in ascending order with respect to their Numbers.
We select p as the last (rightmost) vertex in R (at the 4th line in procedure EXPAND(R) in Fig.
2), then No[p] = Max{No[q] | q R}, that is an approximate chromatic number of R. So, we
replace the basic bounding condition:
if |Q| +|R| > |Q
| then
in Fig. 2 BasicMC, by the following new bounding condition:
if |Q| + No[p] > |Q
| then.
Numbering is applied every time prior to application of EXPAND().
Since the greedy Numbering to R is carried out in O(|R|
)-time and is not so time-consuming,
the new bounding condition can be very effective to reduce the search space with low
3.2.2 Initial sorting and simple numbering
We have shown in (12) that both search space and overall running time are reduced when one
sorts the vertices in an ascending order with respect to their degrees prior to the application of
a branch-and-bound depth-rst search algorithm for nding a maximum clique. Carraghan
and Pardalos (10) also employ a similar technique successfully. Therefore, at the beginning of
our algorithm, we sort vertices in V in a descending order with respect to their degrees. This
means that a vertex with the minimum degree is selected at the beginning of the while loop in
EXPAND() in Fig. 2 since the selection of p is from the last (rightmost) to the rst (leftmost).
Furthermore, we initially assign Numbers to the vertices in V simply, so that No[V[i]] = i for
i (G), where (G) is the maximum degree of G, and No[V[i]] =(G) + 1 for (G) + 1
i |V|. This initial Number has the desired property that No[p] (V) for any p in V while
V = . Thus, this simple initial Number sufces.
This completes our explanation of the algorithm MCQ. See (46) for further details.
3.3 Algorithm MCR
Algorithm MCR (48) is an improved version of MCQ, where improvements are mainly
for the initial sorting of the vertices. First, we alter the order of the vertices in V =
{V[1], V[2], . . . , V[n]} so that in a subgraph of G = (V, E) induced by a set of vertices V

{V[1], V[2], . . . , V[i]}, it holds that V[i] always has the minimum degree in {V[1], V[2], . . . , V[i]}
for 1 i |V|. While the resulting order is identical to that of (10), it should be noted that
time-consuming computation of the degree of vertices is carried out only at the beginning of
MCR as in MCQ, and hence the overhead of the overall selection of vertices is very small, too.
Here, the degrees of adjacent vertices are also taken into consideration.
Numbering of the vertices is carried out in a similar way to MCQ, but more closely. The above
considerations lead to an improved clique nding algorithm MCR.
Example run We show an example run of MCR to an input graph G
given in Fig. 3 (a).
In the initial sorting, vertex G with the minimum degree is selected at rst. Then, vertices F
and E follow after G. Now the remaining vertices A, B, C, D are of the same minimum degree,
628 Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software
Efcient Algorithms for Finding Maximum and
Maximal Cliques: Effective Tools for Bioinformatics 5
(a) An input graph G
1, 2, 3, 4,
D, A, B, C, E,
E, B,
1, 2,
D, C,
1, 2,
E, A,
1, 1,
= {A, B, C, D}
(b) A search forest of G

Fig. 3. Example run of MCR
and then Numbering is applied to this set of vertices to have No[A] = 1, No[B] = 2, No[C] = 3,
No[D] = 4. The other vertices are numbered as No[E] = 4 + 1 = 5, No[F] = 6 (= (G
) + 1),
No[G] = 6. In addition, we have that Q
= {A, B, C, D} (of size 4), since every degree of the
vertices in the induced subgraph G
({A, B, C, D}) is 3 = 4 1.
The result of the initial sorting of vertices is shown at the top of Fig. 3 (b) and the
corresponding numbers are just below these vertices.
Subsequently, in EXPAND( ), the rightmost vertex G is selected to have Q={G}, R
=(G) =
{A, E, F}. These vertices A, E, F are numbered 1, 1, 2 as shown in the second row of Fig. 3 (b).
629 Efficient Algorithms for Finding Maximum and Maximal Cliques: Effective Tools for Bioinformatics
6 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
Here, |Q| + No[F] = |{G}| +2 = 3 <|Q
| = 4, then prune (

: checkmark in Fig. 3 (b)). The

searching proceeds from the right to the left as shown in Fig. 3 (b). As a result, the maximum
clique in G
is Q
= {A, B, C, D}.
3.4 Algorithm MCS
Algorithm MCS (39; 49; 50) is a further improved version of MCR.
3.4.1 New approximate coloring
When vertex r is selected, if No[r] |Q
| |Q| then it is not necessary to search from vertex
r by the bounding condition, as mentioned in Sect. 3.2.1. The number of vertices to be searched
can be reducedif the Number No[p] of vertex p for which No[p] >|Q
| |Q| can be changed
to a value less than or equal to |Q
| |Q|. When we encounter such vertex p with No[p] >
| |Q| (
de f
= No
) (No
stands for No
), we attempt to change its Number in the
following manner (16). Let No
denote the original value of No[p].
1) Attempt to nd a vertex q in (p) such that No[q] = k
, with |C
| = 1.
2) If such q is found, then attempt to nd Number k
such that no vertex in (q) has Number
3) If such number k
is found, then change the Numbers of q and p so that No[q] = k
No[p] = k
(If no vertex q with Number k
is found, nothing is done.)
When the vertex q with Number k
is found, No[p] is changed from No
to k
( No
); thus,
it is no longer necessary to search from p.
3.4.2 Adjunct ordered set of vertices for approximate coloring
The ordering of vertices plays an important role in the algorithm as demonstrated in (12; 10;
46; 48). In particular, the procedure Numbering strongly depends on the order of vertices, since
it is a sequential coloring. In our new algorithm, we sort the vertices in the same way as in
MCR (48) at the rst stage. However, the vertices are disordered in the succeeding stages owing
to the application of Re-NUMBER. In order to avoid this difculty, we employ another adjunct
ordered set V
of vertices for approximate coloring that preserves the order of vertices appropriately
sorted in the rst stage. Such a technique was rst introduced in (38).
We apply Numbering to vertices from the rst (leftmost) to the last (rightmost) in the order
maintained in V
, while we select a vertex in the ordered set R for searching, beginning from
the last (rightmost) vertex and continuing up to the rst (leftmost) vertex.
An improved MCR obtained by introducing only the technique (38) in this section is named
3.4.3 Reconstruction of the adjacency matrix
Each graph is stored as an adjacency matrix in the computer memory. Sequential Numbering is
carried out according to the initial order of vertices in the adjunct ordered set V
, as described
in Sect. 3.4.2. Taking this into account, we rename the vertices of the graph and reconstruct the
adjacency matrix so that the vertices are consecutively ordered in a manner identical to the initial
order of vertices obtained at the beginning of MCR. The above-mentioned reconstruction of the
adjacency matrix (41) results in a more effective use of the cache memory.
The new algorithm obtained by introducing all the techniques described in Sects.
in MCR is named MCS. Table 1 shows the running time required to solve some DIMACS
630 Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software
Efcient Algorithms for Finding Maximum and
Maximal Cliques: Effective Tools for Bioinformatics 7
Graph (18) (33) (35) (46) (48) (50)
brock400 1 22,051 8,401 1,783 1,771 693
block800 1 >10
>10, 667 18,002 17,789 9,347
MANN a27 >10
>2, 232 14 5.4 2.5 0.8
MANN a45 >10
>10, 667 4,646 3,090 281
p hat500-2 133 96 24 4.0 3.1 0.7
p hat1000-2 >10
12,478 2,844 2,434 221
san200 0.9 3 42,648 135 10 0.16 0.06
san400 0.7 2 >10
113 50 1.0 0.3 0.1
san400 0.9 1 >10
1,259 46.3 3.4 0.1
gen200 p0.9 44 48,262 5.39 0.47
gen400 p0.9 55 5,846,951 58,431
gen400 p0.9 65 >2.5 10
C250.9 >10
44,214 3,257
Table 1. Comparison of the running time [sec]
benchmark graphs (18) by representative algorithms dfmax (18), New (33), ILOG (35), MCQ,
MCR, and MCS, taken from (50). (10
seconds 1.16 days).
Our user time (T
) in (50) for DIMACS benchmark instances: r100.5, r200.5, r300.5, r400.5,
and r500.5 are 1.5710
, 4.1510
, 0.359, 2.21, and 8.47 seconds, respectively. (Correction:
These values describedin the Appendix of (50) should be correctedas shown above. However,
other values in (50) are computed based on the above correct values, hence other changes in
(50) are not necessary.)
While MCR* obtained by introducing the adjunct set V
of vertices for approximate coloring
in Sect. 3.4.2 is almost always more efcient than MCR (38), combination of all the techniques
in Sects. makes it much more efcient to have MCS.
The aim of the present study is to develop a faster algorithm whose use is not conned to any
particular type of graphs. We can reduce the search space by sorting vertices in R in descending
order with respect to their degrees before every application of approximate coloring, and hence
reduce the overall running time for dense graphs (36; 21), but with the increase of the overall
running time for nondense graphs. Appropriately controlled application of repeated sorting
of vertices can make the algorithm more efcient for wider classes of graphs (21).
Parallel processing for maximum-clique-nding is very promising in practice (41; 53).
For practical applications, weighted graphs becomes more important. Algorithms for nding
maximum-weighted cliques have also been developed. For example, see (45; 32; 30) for
vertex-weighted graphs and (40) for edge-weighed graphs.
4. Efcient algorithm for generating all maximal cliques
In addition to nding only one maximum clique, generating all maximal cliques is also
important and has many diverse applications.
In this section, we present a depth-rst search algorithm CLIQUES (44; 47) for generating all
maximal cliques of an undirected graph G = (V, E), in which pruning methods are employed
as in Bron and Kerboschs algorithm (7). All maximal cliques generated are output in a
tree-like form.
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8 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
4.1 Algorithm CLIQUES
The basic framework of CLIQUES is almost the same as BasicMC without the basic bounding
Here, we describe two methods to prune unnecessary parts of the search forest, which
happened to be the same as in the Bron-Kerbosch algorithm (7). We regard the set SUBG (= V
at the beginning) as an ordered set of vertices, and we continue to generate maximal cliques
from vertices in SUBG step by step in this order
First, let FI NI be a subset of vertices of SUBG that have been already processed by the
algorithm. (FI NI is short for nished.) Then we denote by CAND the set of remaining
candidates for expansion: CAND = SUBG FI NI. So, we have
where FI NI = at the beginning. Consider the subgraph G(SUBG
) with SUBG
(q), and let
= ),
where FI NI
= FI NI (q) and CAND
= CAND (q). Then only the vertices in CAND
can be candidates for expanding the complete subgraph Q {q} to nd new larger cliques.
Secondly, given a certain vertex u SUBG, suppose that all the maximal cliques containing
Q {u} have been generated. Then every new maximal clique containing Q, but not Q {u},
must contain at least one vertex q SUBG (u).
Taking the previously described pruning method also into consideration, the only search
subtrees to be expanded are fromvertices in (SUBGSUBG(u)) FI NI = CAND(u).
Here, in order to minimize | CAND (u) |, we choose such vertex u SUBG to be the
one which maximizes | CAND (u) |. This is essential to establish the optimality of the
worst-case time-complexity of CLIQUES.
Our algorithm CLIQUES (47) for generating all maximal cliques is shown in Fig. 4. Here, if
Q is a maximal clique that is found at statement 2, then the algorithm only prints out a string
of characters clique, instead of Q itself at statement 3. Otherwise, it is impossible to achieve
the worst-case running time of O(3
) for an n -vertex graph. Instead, in addition to printing
clique at statement 3, we print out q followed by a comma at statement 7 every time q is
picked out as a new element of a larger clique, and we print out a string of characters back,
at statement 12 after q is moved from CAND to FI NI at statement 11. We can easily obtain
a tree representation of all the maximal cliques from the sequence printed by statements 3, 7,
and 12.
The output in a tree-like format is also important practically, since it saves space in the output
4.2 Time-complexity of CLIQUES
We have proved that the worst-case time-complexity is O(3
) for an n-vertex graph (47).
This is optimal as a function of n, since there exist up to 3
cliques in an n-vertex graph (29).
The algorithm is also demonstrated to run fast in practice by computational experiments.
Table 2 shows the running time required to solve some DIMACS benchmark graphs by
representative algorithms CLIQUE (11), AMC (24), AMC* (24), and CLIQUES, taken from
For practical applications, enumeration of pseudo cliques sometimes becomes more important
632 Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software
Efcient Algorithms for Finding Maximum and
Maximal Cliques: Effective Tools for Bioinformatics 9
procedure CLIQUES(G)
end of CLIQUES
procedure EXPAND(SUBG, CAND)
2 : if SUBG =
3 : then print (clique,)
4 : else u := a vertex u in SUBG which maximizes | CAND (u) |;
5 : while CAND (u) =
6 : do q := a vertex in (CAND (u));
7 : print (q, ,);
8 : SUBG
:= SUBG (q);
9 : CAND
:= CAND (q);
11: CAND := CAND{q};
12: print (back,)

end of EXPAND
Fig. 4. Algorithm CLIQUES
Graph (11) (24) (24) (47)
brock200 2 181.4 75.2 35.9 0.7
johnson16-2-4 908 151 153 4
keller4 3,447 1,146 491 5
p hat300-2 >86, 400 16,036 4,130 100
Table 2. Comparison of the running time [sec]
5. Applications to bioinformatics
5.1 Analysis of protein structures
In this subsection, we show applications of maximum clique algorithms to the following three
problems on protein structure analysis: (i) protein structure alignment, (ii) protein side-chain
packing, (iii) protein threading. Since there are many references on these problems, we only
cite references that present the methods shown here. Most of other relevant references can
be reached from those references. Furthermore, we present here only the denitions of the
problems and reductions to clique problems. Readers interested in details such as results of
computational experiments are referred to the original papers (1; 2; 3; 4; 8).
5.1.1 Protein structure alignment
Comparison of protein structures is very important for understanding the functions of
proteins because proteins with similar structures often have common functions. Pairwise
comparison of proteins is usually done via protein structure alignment using some scoring
scheme, where an alignment is a mapping of amino acids between two proteins. Because of
633 Efficient Algorithms for Finding Maximum and Maximal Cliques: Effective Tools for Bioinformatics
10 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
( ) ,
( ) ,
( ) ,
( ) ,
( ) ,
( ) ,
( ) ,
( ) ,
( ) ,
Fig. 5. Reduction from protein structure alignment to maximum clique. Maximum clique
shown by bold lines (right) corresponds to protein structure alignment shown by dotted lines
its importance, many methods have been proposed for protein structure alignment. However,
most existing methods are heuristic ones in which optimality of the solution is not guaranteed.
Bahadur et al. developed a clique-based method for computing structure alignment under
some local similarity measure (2). Let P = (p
, p
, . . . , p
) be a sequence of three-dimensional
positions of amino acids (precisely, positions of C atoms) in a protein. Let Q= (q
, q
, . . . , q
be a sequence of positions of amino acids of another protein. For two points x and y, |x y|
denotes the Euclidean distance between x and y. Let f (x) be a function from the set of
non-negative reals to the set of reals no less than 1.0. We call a sequence of pairs M =
, q
), . . . , (p
, q
)) an alignment under non-uniform distortion if the following conditions
are satised:
and j
< j
hold for all k < h,
(k)(h = k)

f (r)
< f (r)

where r = min{|q
|, |p
|}. Then, protein structure alignment is dened as the
problem of nding a longest alignment (i.e., l is the maximum). It is known that protein
structure alignment is NP-hard under this denition.
This protein structure alignment problem can be reduced to the maximum clique problem in
a simple way (see Fig. 5). we construct an undirected graph G(V, E) by
V = { (p
, q
) | i = 1, . . . , m, j = 1, . . . , n},
E = { {(p
, q
), (p
, q
)} | i < k, j < h,
f (r)
< f (r) }.
Then, it is straight-forward to see that a maximum clique corresponds to a longest alignment.
5.1.2 Protein side-chain packing
The protein side-chain packing problemis, given an amino acid sequence and spatial information
on the main chain, to nd side-chain conformation with the minimum potential energy. In
most cases, it is dened as a problem of seeking a set of (
, . . .) angles whose potential
energy becomes the minimum, where positions of atoms in the main chain are xed. This
problem is important for prediction of detailed structures of proteins because such prediction
methods as protein threading cannot determine positions of atoms in the side-chains. It is
known that protein side-chain packing is NP-hard and thus various heuristic methods have
634 Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software
Efcient Algorithms for Finding Maximum and
Maximal Cliques: Effective Tools for Bioinformatics 11
been proposed. Here, we briey reviewa clique-based approach to protein side-chain packing
(2; 3; 8).
Let R = {r
, . . . , r
} be the set of amino acid residues in a protein. Here, we only consider
angles and then assume that positions of atoms in a side-chain are rotated around the
Let r
be the ith residue whose side-chain atoms are rotated by (2k)/K radian, where we
can modify the problem and method so that the rotation angles can take other discrete values.
We say that residue r
collides with the main chain if the minimum distance between the
atoms in r
and the atoms in the main chain is less than a threshold L

A. We say that residue
collides with residue r
if the minimum distance between the atoms in r
and the atoms
in r
is less than L

A. We dene an undirected graph G(V; E) by
V = { r
| r
does not collide with the main chain },
E = { {r
, r
} | r
does not collide with r
Then, it is straight-forward to see that a clique with size n corresponds to a consistent
conguration of side chains (i.e., side-chain conformation with no collisions). We can extend
this reduction so that potential energy can be taken into account by using the maximum
edge-weighted clique problem.
5.1.3 Protein threading
Protein threading is one of the predictionmethods for three-dimensional protein structures. The
purpose of protein threading is to seek for a protein structure in a database which best matches
a given protein sequence (whose structure is to be predicted) using some score function.
In order to evaluate the extent of match, it is requiredto compute an optimal alignment between
an amino acid sequence S = s
. . . s
and a known protein structure P = (p
, p
, . . . , p
where s
and p
denote the ith amino acid and the jth residue position, respectively. As
in protein structure alignment, a sequence of pairs ((s
, p
), (s
, p
), . . . , (s
, p
)) is called
an alignment (or, a threading) between S and P if i
< i
and j
< j
hold for all k < h. Let
, s
, p
, p
) give a score (e.g., pseudo energy) between residue positions of p
and p
when amino acids s
and s
are assigned to positions of p
and p
, respectively. Then,
protein threading is dened as a problem of nding an optimal alignment that minimizes the
pseudo energy:

, s
, p
, p
where we ignore gap penalties for the simplicity.
This protein threading problem can be reduced to the maximum edge-weighted clique problem
(1; 4), which seeks for a clique that maximizes the total weight of edges in the clique. From an
instance of protein threading, we construct an undirected graph G(V, E) by
V = { (s
, p
) | i = 1, . . . , n, j = 1, . . . , m },
E = { {(s
, p
), (s
, p
)} | i < k, j < h },
where the weight of an edge is given by g(s
, s
, p
, p
). It is straight-forward to see that a
maximumedge-weight clique corresponds to an optimal alignment. Though this clique-based
approach is not necessarily the best for protein threading, the results of (1; 4) suggest that it is
useful for protein threading with certain constraints.
635 Efficient Algorithms for Finding Maximum and Maximal Cliques: Effective Tools for Bioinformatics
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5.2 Data mining for related genes in a biomedical database
In this subsection, we present an application of enumerating cliques. Readers interested in
details are referred to the original paper (25).
Progress in the life sciences cannot be made without integrating biomedical knowledge on
numerous genes in order to help formulate hypotheses on the genetic mechanisms behind
various biological phenomena, including diseases. There is thus a strong need for a way to
automatically and comprehensively search biomedical databases for related genes, such as
genes in the same families and genes encoding components of the same pathways.
We constructed a graph whose vertices (nodes) were gene or disease pages, and edges were
the hyperlink connections between those pages in the Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man
(OMIM) database (25; 26). This work was based on the assumption that the structures of
hyperlink connections correspond to the structural features of biological systems. Clique
enumeration approach has been applied to a relational graph based on the assumption
that relevant relationships are reected in completely interconnected subgraphs (cliques) or
nearly completely interconnected subgraphs (pseudo-cliques). We address the extraction of
related genes by searching for densely connected subgraphs in a biomedical relational graph.
Sets of related genes are detected by enumerating densely-connected subgraphs modeled as
cliques (47) or pseudo-cliques (52).
We obtained over 20,000 sets of related genes (called gene modules) by enumerating cliques
computationally. Table 3 shows gene sets included in typical large gene modules. The
gene module in the rst row is constituted by a family of chemokine genes, and the gene
module in the second comprises NF-B family genes (including RelA and RelB) and genes
that form complexes with them (IB). The gene module in the third row is made up of DNA
repair-related genes. The BRCA1-associated proteins; the BLM, MSH6, MSH2, and MLH1
proteins; and subunits of the RFC complex are involved in DNA repair. The genes in the
module in the fourth row are related to general transcription factor (GTF) protein complexes.
The gene module in the bottom row is associated with the signal transduction pathway of the
inammatory response. TNF receptor-associated factor 2 (TRAF2) is a protein that interacts
with TNF receptors and is required for signal transduction. The MAP kinase kinase kinase 14
(MAP3K14) gene in this module encodes a protein that simulates NF-B activity by binding
to the TRAF2 gene product. The gene modules thus comprise various types of related genes
including gene families, complexes, and pathways.
For applying gene modules to disease mechanism analysis, we assembled gene modules
associated with the metabolic syndrome as an example of a typical multifactorial disease
comprising obesity, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, and hypertension. The number of gene
modules associated with diabetes, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, and obesity were 110, 16,
34, and 28, respectively. There were no overlaps among the modules. Then a total of
188 modules and 124 genes contained were identied. The 10 most frequent genes in the
188 modules are listed in Table 4 along with the numbers of times they were found in the
modules (i.e., cliques) of various sizes. As shown in the table, INS gene and LEP gene are
Gene module Attribute
{ PPBP, SCYB6, GRO2, GRO3, IL8, SCYB10, IFNG, GRO1, PF4, SCYB5, MIG, SCYB11 } Family
{ RFC4, RFC1, BRCA1, MSH2, MLH1, APC, RFC2, MSH6, MRE11A, BLM } Complex
{ POLR2A, GTF2E1, GTF2B, GTF2F1, GTF2H1, TAF1, TAF10, GTF2A2, GTF2A1 } Complex
Table 3. Typical large gene modules computationally extracted as pseudo-cliques.
636 Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software
Efcient Algorithms for Finding Maximum and
Maximal Cliques: Effective Tools for Bioinformatics 13
Rank Gene Total 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 INS 29 2 6 2 18 1 0
2 LEP 27 2 6 4 12 3 0
3 POMC 16 1 0 3 10 2 0
4 PCSK1 13 0 1 2 9 1 0
5 IRS2 12 0 0 0 11 1 0
5 IGF1 12 0 1 0 10 1 0
5 INSR 12 3 4 1 4 0 0
8 IRS1 11 0 0 1 9 1 0
9 MC4R 10 0 0 1 7 2 0
10 FGF1 9 0 0 1 4 2 2
Table 4. The 10 most frequent genes in the 188 extracted modules associated with the
metabolic syndrome.
the top and the 2nd, respectively. The modules of size 6 including INS gene or LEP gene
and {Diabetes,LEP,IGF1,IRS1,INS,IRS2}. Each module contains biologically plausible genes
related to obesity or diabetes. By combining the 188 modules and 124 genes using the
correspondence analysis, we obtained a coherent holistic picture helpful for interpreting
relations among genes (25).
The comprehensive extraction of gene modules can be a potential aid to researchers in the
biomedical sciences by providing a systematic methodology for interpreting relationships
among genes and biological phenomena.
6. Conclusion
We have presentedefcient algorithms for nding maximumand maximal cliques, and shown
our successful application to bioinformatics. It is expected that these algorithms can be
convenient and effective tools for much more problems in bioinformatics.
7. Acknowledgments
We should like to express our sincere gratitude to our many colleagues and (former) students
who worked with us in this research. Many helpful comments by E. Harley are appreciated.
We wish to thank P.M. Pardalos and his colleagues for reviewing our earlier works including
(43), (44) in their surveys (34), (5). Our earlier works received considerable attention by their
reviews. Thanks are also to D.S. Johnson and M. Trick for their efforts in organizing the Second
DIMACS Implementation Challenge for Cliques, Coloring, and Satisability (18). They made
it easier for us to compare the results of different algorithms carried out on various computers.
This research was partially supported by Grants-in-Aid for Scientic Research Nos. 19500010,
21300047, 22500009, 22240009, and many others from the Ministry of Education, Culture,
Sports, Science and Technology, Japan, a Special Grant for the Strategic Information
and Communications R&D Promotion Programme (SCOPE) Project from the Ministry of
Internal Affairs and Communications, Japan, and the Research Fund of the University of
Electro-Communications to the Advanced Algorithms Research Laboratory. The research was
also provided a grant by the Funai Foundation for Information Technology.
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14 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
8. References
[1] Akutsu, T., Hayashida, M., Bahadur D.K.C, Tomita, E., Suzuki, J., Horimoto, K.:
Dynamic programming and clique based approaches for protein threading with proles
and constraints, IEICE Trans. on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and
Computer Sciences, E89-A, 1215-1222 (2006). The preliminary version was presented In:
Akutsu, T., Hayashida, M., Tomita, E., Suzuki, J., Horimoto, K.: Protein threading with
proles and constraints, Proc. IEEE Symp. on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (BIBE
2004), 537-544 (2004)
[2] Bahadur D.K.C., Akutsu, T., Tomita, E., Seki, T., Fujiyama, A.: Point matching under
non-uniform distortions and protein side chain packing based on an efcient maximum
clique algorithm, Genome Informatics, 13, 143152 (2002)
[3] Bahadur D.K.C, Tomita, E., Suzuki, J., Akutsu, T.: Protein side-chain packing
problem: A maximum edge-weight clique algorithmic approach, J. Bioinformatics and
Computational Biology, 3, pp.103-126 (2005)
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640 Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software
A Software Development Framework for
Agent-Based Infectious Disease Modelling
Luiz C. Mostao-Guidolin
, Nick J. Pizzi
Aleksander B. Demko
and Seyed M. Moghadas

Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Winnipeg,
Institute for Biodiagnostics, National Research Council Canada,
Department of Computer Science, University of Manitoba,
1. Introduction
From the Black Death of 13471350 (Murray, 2007) and the Spanish influenza pandemic of
19181919 (Taubenberger & Morens, 2006), to the more recent 2003 SARS outbreak
(Lingappa et al., 2004) and the 2009 influenza pandemic (Moghadas et al., 2009), as well as
countless outbreaks of childhood infections, infectious diseases have been the bane of
humanity throughout its existence causing significant morbidity, mortality, and
socioeconomic upheaval. Advanced modelling technologies, which incorporate the most
current knowledge of virology, immunology, epidemiology, vaccines, antiviral drugs, and
public health, have recently come to the fore in identifying effective disease mitigation
strategies, and are being increasingly used by public health experts in the study of both
epidemiology and pathogenesis. Tracing its historical roots from the pioneering work of
Daniel Bernoulli on smallpox (Bernoulli, 1760) to the classical compartmental approach of
Kermack and McKendrick (Kermack & McKendrick, 1927), modelling has evolved to deal
with data that is more heterogeneous, less coarse (based at a community or individual
level), and more complex (joint spatial, temporal and behavioural interactions). This
evolution is typified by the agent-based model (ABM) paradigm, lattice-distributed
collections of autonomous decision-making entities (agents), the interactions of which unveil
the dynamics and emergent properties of the infectious disease outbreak under
investigation. The flexibility of ABMs permits an effective representation of the
complementary interactions between individuals characterized by localized properties and
populations at a global level.
However, with flexibility comes complexity; hence, the software implementation of an ABM
demands more stringent software design requirements than conventional (and simpler)
models of the spread and control of infectious diseases, especially with respect to outcome
reproducibility, error detection and system management. Outcome reproducibility is a
challenge because emergent properties are not analytically tractable, which is further
exacerbated by subtle and difficult to detect errors in algorithm logic and software design.
System management of software simulating populations/individuals and biological
/physical interactions is a serious challenge, as the implementation will involve distributed
(parallelized), non-linear, complex, and multiple processes operating in concert. Given these
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

issues, it is clear that any implementation of an ABM must satisfy three objectives:
reliability, efficiency, and adaptability. Reliability entails robustness, reproducibility, and
validity of generated results with given initial conditions. Efficiency is essential for running
numerous experiments (simulations) in a timely fashion. Adaptability is also a necessary
requirement in order to adjust an ABM system as changes to fundamental knowledge occur.
Past software engineering experience (Pizzi & Pedrycz, 2008; Pizzi, 2008) and recent
literature (Grimm & Railsback, 2005; Ormerod & Rosewell, 2009; Railsback et al., 2006;
Ropella et al., 2002) suggest several guidelines to which ABM development should adhere.
These include:
i. Spiral methodology. ABM software systems require rapid development, with continual
changes to user requirements and incremental improvements to a series of testable
prototypes. This demands a spiral methodology for software development, beginning
with an initial prototype and ending with a mature ABM software release, via an
incremental and iterative succession of refined requirements, design, implementation,
and validation phases.
ii. Activity streams. Three parallel and complementary activity streams (conceptual,
algorithmic, and integration) will be required during the entire software development
life cycle. High-level analytical ABM concepts drive the creation of functionally relevant
algorithms, which are implemented and tested, and, if validated, integrated into the
existing code base. Normally considered a top-down approach, in a spiral
methodology, bottom-up considerations are also relevant. For instance, the choice from
a set of competing conceptual representations for an ABM model may be made based
on an analysis of the underlying algorithms or the performance of the respective
iii. Version control. With a spiral development methodology, an industry standard version
control strategy must be in place to carefully audit changes made to the software
(including changes in relation to rationales, architects, and dates).
iv. Code review. As code is integrated into the ABM system, critical software reviews should
be conducted on a regular basis to ensure that the software implementation correctly
captures the functionality and intent of the over-arching ABM.
v. Validation. A strategy must be established to routinely and frequently test the software
system for logic and design errors. For instance, the behaviour of the simulation model
could be verified by comparing its output with known analytical results for large-scale
networks. Software validation must be relevant and pervasive across guidelines (i)(iv).
vi. Standardized software development tools. Mathematical programming environments such
as Matlab

(Sigmon & Davis, 2010), Mathematica

(Wolfram, 1999), and Maple

(Geddes et al., 2008) are excellent development tools for rapidly building ABM
prototypes. However, performance issues arise as prototypes grow in size and
complexity to become software systems. A development framework needs to provide a
convenient bridge from these prototyping tools to mature efficient ABM systems.
vii. System determinism. In a parallel or distributed environment, outcome reproducibility is
difficult to achieve with systems comprising stochastic components. Nevertheless,
system determinism is a requirement even if executed on a different computer cluster.
viii. System profiling. It is important to observe and assess the performance of parts of the
system as it is running. For instance, which components are executed often; what are
their execution times; are processing loads balanced across nodes in a computer
A Software Development Framework for Agent-Based Infectious Disease Modelling

In order to adhere to these guidelines and satisfy the objectives described above, we
designed a software development framework for ABMs of infectious diseases. The next
section of this chapter describes Scopira, a general application development library designed
by our research group to be a highly extensible application programming interface with a
wholly embedded transport layer that is fully scalable from single machines to site-wide
distributed clusters. This library was used to implement the agent-based modelling
framework, details of which are provided in the subsequent section. We conclude with a
section describing future research activities.
2. Scopira
In the broad domain of biomedical data analysis applications, preliminary prototype
software solutions are usually developed using an interpreted programming language or
environment (e.g., Matlab

). When performance becomes an issue, some components of the

prototype are subsequently ported to a compiled language (e.g., C) and integrated into the
remaining interpreted components. Unfortunately, this process can introduce logic and
design errors and the functionality of resultant hybrid system can often be difficult to extend
or adapt. Further, it also becomes difficult to take advantage of features such as memory
management, object orientation, and generics, which are all essential requirements for
building large scale, robust applications. To address these concerns, we developed Scopira
(Demko & Pizzi, 2009), an open source C++ framework suitable for biomedical data analysis
applications such as ABMs for infectious diseases. Scopira provides high performance end-
to-end application development features, in the form of an extensible C++ library. This
library provides general programming utilities, numerical matrices and algorithms,
parallelization facilities, and graphical user interface elements.
Our motivation behind the design of Scopira was to satisfy the needs of three categories of
users within the biomedical research community: software architects; scientists
/mathematicians; and data analysts. With the design and implementation of new software,
architects typically need to incorporate legacy systems often written in interpreted
languages. Coupled with the facts that end-user requirements in a research environment
often change (sometimes radically) and that biomedical data is becoming ever more
complex and voluminous, a software development framework must be versatile, extensible,
and exploit distributed, generic, and object oriented programming paradigms. For scientists
or mathematicians, data analysis tools must be intuitive with responsive interfaces that
operate both effectively and efficiently. Finally, the data analyst has requirements straddling
those from the other user categories. With an intermediate level of programming
competence, they require a relatively intuitive development environment that can hide some
of the low level programming details, while at the same time allowing them to easily set up
and conduct numerical experiments that involve parameter tuning and high-level
looping/decision constructs. As a result of this motivation, the emphasis with Scopira has
been on high performance, open source development and the ability to easily integrate other
C/C++ libraries used in the biomedical data analysis field by providing a common object-
oriented application programming interface (API) for applications. This library provides a
large breadth of services that fall into the following four component categories.
Scopira Tools provide extensive programming utilities and idioms useful to all application
types. This category contains a reference counted memory management system,
flexible/redirectable flow input/output system, which supports files, file memory mapping,
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

network communication, object serialization and persistence, universally unique identifiers
(UUIDs) and XML parsing and processing.
The Numerical Functions all build upon the core n-dimensional narray concept (see below).
C++ generic programming is used to build custom, high-performance arrays of any data
type and dimension. General mathematical functions build upon the narray. A large suite of
biomedical data analysis and pattern recognition functions is also available to the developer.
Multiple APIs for Parallel Processing are provided with the object-oriented framework,
Scopira Agents Library (SAL)

, which allows algorithms to scale with available processor and

cluster resources. Scopira provides easy integration with native operating system threads as
well as the Message Passing Interface (MPI) (Snir & Gropp, 1998) and Parallel Virtual
Machine (PVM) (Geist et al., 1994) libraries. Further, this library may be embedded into
desktop applications allowing them to use computational clusters automatically, when
detected. Unlike other parallel programming interfaces such as MPI and PVM, Scopiras
facilities provide an object-oriented strategy with support for common parallel
programming patterns and approaches.
Finally, a Graphical User Interface (GUI) Library based on GTK+ (Krause, 2007) is provided.
This library provides a collection of useful widgets including a scalable numeric matrix
editor, plotters, image and viewers as well as a plug-in platform and a 3D canvas based on

(Hill & Kelley, 2006). Scopira also provides integration classes with the popular Qt
GUI Library (Summerfield, 2010).
2.1 Programming utilities
Intrusive reference counting (recording an objects reference count within the object itself)
provides the basis for memory management within Scopira-based applications. Unlike
many referencing counting systems (such as those in VTK (Kitware, 2010) and GTK+),
Scopiras system uses a decisively symmetric concept. References are only added through
the add_ref and sub_ref calls specifically, the object itself is created with a reference count
of zero. This greatly simplifies the implementation of smart pointers and easily allows stack
allocated use (by passing the reference count), unlike VTK and GTK+ where objects are
created with a reference count and a modified reference count, respectively. Scopira
implements a template class count_ptr that emulates standard pointer semantics while
providing implicit reference counting on any target object. With smart pointers, reference
management becomes considerably easier and safe, a significant improvement over Cs
manual memory management.
Scopira provides a flexible, polymorphic and layered input/output system. Flow objects
may be linked dynamically to form I/O streams. Scopira includes end flow objects, which
terminate or initiate a data flow for standard files, network sockets and memory buffers.
Transform flow objects perform data translation from one form to another (e.g., binary-to-
hex), buffer consolidation and ASCII encoding. Serialization flow objects provide an interface
for objects to encode their data into a persistent stream. Through this interface, large
complex objects can quickly and easily encode themselves to disk or over a network. Upon
reconstruction, the serialization system re-instantiates objects from type information stored
in the stream. Shared objects objects that have multiple references are serialized just
once and properly linked to multiple references.

The term agent used in this context refers to the software concept rather than the modelling concept.
To avoid confusion, we will use the term SAL node to refer to the software concept.
A Software Development Framework for Agent-Based Infectious Disease Modelling

A platform independent configuration system is supplied via a central parsing class, which
accepts input from a variety of sources (e.g., configuration files and command line
parameters) and present them to the programmer in one consistent interface. The
programmer may also store settings and other options via this interface, as well as build
GUIs to aid in their manipulation by the end user. Using a combination of the serialization
type registration system and C++s native RTTI functions, Scopira is able to dynamically (at
runtime) allow for the registration and inspection of object types and their class hierarchy
relationships. From this, an application plug-in system can be built by allowing external
dynamic link libraries to register their own types as being compatible with an application,
providing a platform for third party application extensions.
2.2 N-dimensional data arrays
The C and C++ languages provide the most basic support for one-dimensional arrays, which
are closely related to Cs pointers. Although usable for numerical computing, they do not
provide the additional functionality that scientists and mathematicians demand such as easy
memory management, mathematical operations, or fundamental features such as storing
their own dimensions. Multiple dimensional arrays are even less used in C as they require
compile-time dimension specifications, drastically limiting their flexibility. The C++
language, rather than design a new numeric array type, provides all the necessary language
features for developing such an array in a library. Generic programming (via C++ templates,
that allow code to be used for any data types at compile time), operator overloading (e.g.,
being able to redefine the addition + or assignment = operators) and inlining (for
performance) provide all the tools necessary to build a high performance, usable array class.
Rather than force the developer to add another dependent library for an array class, Scopira
provides n-dimensional arrays through its narray class. This class takes a straightforward
approach, implementing n-dimensional arrays, as any C programmer would have, but
providing a type safe, templated interface to reduce programming errors and code
complexity. The internals are easy to understand, and the class works well with standard
C++ library iterators as well as C arrays, minimizing lock-in and maximizing code
integration opportunities. Using basic C++ template programming, we can see the core
implementation ideas in the following code snippet:

template <class T, int DIM> class narray {
T* dm_ary; // actual array elements
nindex<DIM> dm_size; // the size of each of the dimensions

T get(nindex<DIM> c) const {
return dm_ary[dm_size.offset(c)];

From this code snippet we can see that an narray is a template class with two compile time
parameters: T, the element data type (int, float, etc.) and DIM, the number of dimensions.
The actual elements are stored in a dynamically allocated C array, dm_ary. The dimension
lengths are stored in an nindex type, a generic class at is used to store array offsets. A
generalized accessor is provided, which uses the nindex-offset method to convert the
dimension specific index and size of the array into an offset into the C array. This
generalization works for any dimension size.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

Another feature shown here is the use of Cs assert macro to check the validity of the supplied
index. This boundary check verifies that the index is indeed valid otherwise failing and
terminating the program while alerting the user. This check greatly helps the programmer
during the development and testing stages of the application, and during a high
performance/optimized build of the application, these macros are transparently removed,
obviating any performance penalties from the final, deployed code. More user-friendly
accessors (such as those taking an x value or an x-y value directly) are also provided. Finally,
C++s operator overloading facilities are used to override the bracket [] and parenthesis ()
operators to give the arrays a more succinct feel, over explicit get and set method calls.
The nslice template class is a virtual n-dimensional array that is a reference to an narray. The
class only contains dimension specification information and is copyable and passable as
function parameters. Element access translates directly to element accesses in the host
narray. An nslice must always be of the same numerical type as its host narray, but can have
any dimensionality less than or equal to the host. This provides significant flexibility; one
could have a one-dimensional vector slice from a matrix, cube or five-dimensional array, for
example. Matrix slices from volumes are quite common (see Figure 1). These sub slices can
also span any of the dimensions/axes, something not possible with simple pointer arrays
(e.g., matrix slices from a cube array need not follow the natural memory layout order of the
array structure).

Fig. 1. An nslice reference into an narray data item.
The narray class provides hooks for alternate memory allocation systems. One such system
is the DirectIO mapping system. Using the memory mapping facilities of the operating
system (typically via the mmap function on POSIX systems), a disk file may be mapped into
memory. When this memory space is accessed, the pages of the files are loaded into memory
transparently. Writes to the memory region will result in writes to the file. This allows files
to be loaded in portions and on demand. The operating system will take care of
loading/unloading the portions as needed. Files larger than the systems memory size can
also be loaded (the operating system will keep only the working set portion of the array in
memory). The programmer must be aware of this and take care to keep the working set
within the memory size of the machine. If the working set exceeds the available memory
size, performance will suffer greatly as the operating system pages portions to and from
disk (this excessive juggling of disk-memory mapping is called page thrashing).
A Software Development Framework for Agent-Based Infectious Disease Modelling

2.3 Parallel processing
With the increasing number of processors in both the users desktops and in cluster server
rooms, computationally intensive applications and algorithms should be designed in a
parallel fashion if they are to be relevant in a future that depends on multiple-core and
cluster computing as a means of scaling processing performance. To take advantage of the
various processors within a single system or shared address space (SAS), developers need
only utilize the operating systems thread API or shared memory services. However, for
applications that would also like to utilize the cluster resources to achieve greater scalability,
explicit message passing is used. Although applying a SAS model to cluster computing is
feasible, to achieve the best computational performance and scalability results, a message
passing model is preferred (Shan et al., 2003; Dongarra & Dunigan, 1997). Scopira includes
support for two well established message passing interfaces, MPI and PVM, as well as a
custom, embedded, object-oriented message passing interface designed for ease of use and
SAL is a parallel execution framework extension with several notable goals particularly
useful to Scopira based applications. The API, which is completely object-oriented, includes
functionality for: using the flow system for messaging; task movement; GUI application
integration; multi-platform communication support; and, the registration system for task
instantiation. SAL introduces high-performance computing to a wider audience of end users
by permitting software developers to build standard cluster capabilities into desktop
applications, allowing those applications to pool their own as well as cluster resources. This
is in contrast to the goals of MPI (providing a dedicated and fast communications API
standard for computer clusters) and PVM (providing a virtual machine architecture among
a variety of powerful computer platforms).
By design, SAL borrowed a variety of concepts from both MPI and PVM. SAL, like PVM,
attempts to a build a unified and scalable task management system with an emphasis on
dynamic resource management and interoperability. Users develop intercommunicating
task objects. Tasks can be thought of as single processes or processing instances, except that
they are implemented as language objects and not operating system processes. A SAL node
manages one or more tasks, and teams of nodes communicate with each other to form
computational networks (see Figure 2). The tasks are coupled with a powerful message
passing API inspired by MPI. Unlike PVM, SAL also focuses on ease-of-use: emphasizing
automatic configuration detection and de-emphasizing the need for infrastructure processes.
When no cluster or network computation resources are available, SAL uses operating
system threads to enable multi-programming within a single operating system process and
thereby embedding a complete message passing implementation within the application
(greatly reducing deployment complexity). Applications always have an implementation of
SAL available, regardless of the availability or access to cluster resources. Developers may
always use the message passing interface, and their application will work with no
configuration changes from both single machine desktop installations to complete parallel
compute cluster deployments.
The mechanics and implementation of the SAL nodes and their load balancing system are
built into the SAL library, and thereby, Scopira applications. Users do not need to install
additional software, nor do they need to explicitly configure or set-up a parallel
environment. This is paramount in making cluster and distributed computing accessible to
the non-technical user, as it makes it a transparent feature in their graphical applications.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software


Fig. 2. SAL topology of tasks and nodes.
SAL provides an object-oriented, packet based and routable (like PVM, but unlike MPI) API
for message passing. This API provides everything needed to build multi-threaded, cluster-
aware algorithms embeddable in applications. Tasks are the core objects that developers build
for the SAL system. A task represents a single job or instance in the SAL node system, which is
analogous to a process in an operating system. However, they are almost never separate
processes, but rather grouped into one or more SAL node processes that are embedded into
the host application. This is unlike most existing parallel APIs, that allocate one operating
system process per task concept, that, although conceptually simpler for the programmer,
incurs more communication and start up overhead, as well as making task management more
complex and operating system dependent. The tasks themselves are language-level objects but
are usually assigned their own operating system threads to achieve pre-emptive concurrency.
A context object is a tasks gateway into the SAL message passing system. There may be
many tasks within one process, so each will have differing context interfaces something
not feasible with an API with a single, one-task-per-process model (as used in PVM or MPI).
This class provides several facilities, including: task creation and monitoring; sending,
checking and receiving messages; service registration; and group management. It is the core
interface a developer must use to build parallel applications with SAL.
Developers often launch a group of instances of the same task time, and then systematically
partition the problem space for parallel processing. To support this popular paradigm of
development, SALs identification system supports the concept of groups. A group is simply
a collection of N task instances, where each instance has a groupid={0,,N1}. The group
concept is analogous to MPIs communicators (but without support for complex topology)
and PVMs named groups. This sequential numbering of task instances allows the developer
to easily map problem work units to tasks. Similar to how PVMs group facility
supplements the task identifier concept, SAL groups build upon the UUID system, as each
task still functionally retains their underlying UUID for identification.
The messaging system within SAL is built upon both the generic Scopira input/output layer
as well as the UUID identification system. SAL employs a packet-based (similar to PVM)
Remote Node Instance
Remote Node Instance
Embedded Node Instance
User Application

A Software Development Framework for Agent-Based Infectious Disease Modelling

message system, where the system only sends and routes complete messages, and not the
individual data primitives (as MPI can and routinely does) and objects within them. Only
after the sending task completes and commits a message is it processed by the routing and
delivery sub-systems. A node uses operating system threads to transport the data, freeing
the users thread to continue to work.
Sending (committing) the data during the send_msg objects destruction (that is, via its
destructor) was the result of an intentional software design decision. In C++, stack objects
are destroyed as they exit scope. The user should therefore place a send_msg object in its own
set of scope-braces, which would constitute a sort of send block. All data transmissions for
the message would be done within that send block, and the software programmer can then
be assured that the message will be sent at the end of the scope block without having to
remember to do a manual send commit operation. Similarly, the receiver uses a recv_msg
object to receive, decode and parse a message packet, all within a braced receive block.
The following code listing provides an example of a task object that, via its context interface
(the interface to the message network), is sending a variety data objects using the object-
oriented messaging API.

// declare my task object and its run method
class mytask : public agent_task_i
{ public: virtual void int run(task_context &ctx); };
int mytask::run(task_context &ctx) {
// send some data to the master task
narray<double,2> a_matrix;
{ // this scope (or send) block encapsulates the sent message
send_msg msg(ctx, 0); // prepare the message to task #0

msg.write_int(10); // send one integer; // send a matrix type safe; // send a user object via serialization

// at this point, msgs destructor will be called (automatically)
// triggering the sending of the message

SAL currently has two types of scheduling engines, a local engine that uses operating
system threads on a single host machine and a network implementation that is able to
utilize a network of workstations. The local engine is a basic multi-threaded
implementation of the SAL API. It uses the operating systems threads to implement
multiprocessing within the host application process. As this engine is contained within a
single-process, it is the fastest and easiest to use for application development and
debugging. The programmer may fully design and test their parallel algorithm and its
messaging logic before moving to a multi-node deployment. The local engine is always
available and requires no configuration from the user. Developers need not write a
dedicated non-message passing versions of their algorithms simply to satisfy users that may
not go to the trouble of deploying a Cluster. As the local engine provides as many worker
threads as active tasks, it relies on the operating systems ability to manage threads within
the processors. This works quite well when the number of tasks instantiated into the system
is a function of the number of physical processors, as encouraged by the API.
The network engine implements the SAL API over a collection of machines connected by an
IP-based network; typically Ethernet. The cluster can be a dedicated computer cluster and/or a
collection of user workstations. The engine itself provides inter-node routing and
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

management, leaving the local scheduling decisions within each node up to a local-engine
derived manager. A SAL network stack has two layers (see Figure 3). The lower transport
layer contains the SAL nodes themselves (objects that manage all the tasks and administration
on a single process) and their TCP/IP based links. Tasks can send messages to each other
using their UUIDs, ignorant of the IP layer or the connection topology of the nodes
themselves. For simplicity and efficiency, a SAL network (like PVM) has a master node
residing on one process. This master node is responsible for the allocation, tracking and
migration of all the tasks in the system. The network engine uses a combination of URL-like
direct addressing and UDP/IP broadcast based auto-discovery in building the node network.
The simplest and most popular sequence is to start an application in auto discovery mode.
When a network engine starts, it searches the local network for any other node peers and, if
found, joins their network. If no peers are found, then it starts a network consisting of itself as
the only member and assumes the master node role. Users may also key in the masters URL
directly, connecting them explicitly to a particular network. In addition to its critical routing
functions, the master node is also responsible for all the task tracking and management within
the network. By centralizing this information, load and resource allocation decisions can be
made instantly and decisively. The master node handles all task instantiation requests. When a
task within node requests the creation of more tasks, the request is routed by the hosting node
to the master node. The nodes then create the actual tasks report back to the master, which in
turn reports back to the initial node and task.
2.4 Graphical user interface library
This subsystem provides a basic graphical API wrapped around GTK+ and consists of
widget and window classes that become the foundation for all GUI widgets in Scopira. More
specialized and complex widgets, particularly useful to numerical computing and
visualization, are also provided. This includes widgets useful for the display of matrices, 2D
images, bar plots and line plots. Developers can use the basic GUI components provided to
create more complex viewers for a particular application domain.
The Scopira graphical user interface subsystem provides useful user-interface tools
(widgets) for the construction of graphical, scientific applications. These widgets
complement the generic widgets provided by the GTK+ widget library with additional
widgets for the visualization and inspection of numeric array data.
A matrix/spreadsheet like widget is able to view and edit data arrays (often, but not limited
to matrices) of any size. This extensible widget is able to operate on Scopira narrays natively.
The widget supports advances functionality such as bulk editing via an easy to use, stack
based macro-language. This macro-language supports a variety of operations of setting,
copying and filter selecting data within the array. A generic plotting widget allows the
values of Scopira narrays to be plotted. The plotter supports a variety of plotting styles and
criteria, and the user-interface allows for zooming, panning and other user customizations
of the data plot. An image viewer allows fully zooming, panning and scaling of narrays,
useful for the display of image data. The viewer supports arbitrary colour mapping,
includes a legend display and supports a tiled view for displaying a collection of many
images simultaneously. A simplified drawing canvas interface is included that permits
software developers to quickly and easily build their own custom widgets. Finally, Scopira
provides a Lab facility to rapidly prototype and implement algorithms that need casual
graphical output. Users implement their algorithms as per usual, and a background thread
handles the updating of the graphical subsystem and event loop.
A Software Development Framework for Agent-Based Infectious Disease Modelling

Network Hardware Layer (Ethernet, )
Network Engine
Node Infrastructure
Node Transport Layer
UUID Messaging Layer

Additional APIs
(MPI, )
Tasks Services

Fig. 3. The SAL network stack.
Scopira provides an architecture for logically separating models (data types) and views
(graphical widgets that present or operate on that data) in the application. This view-model
relationship is then registered at runtime. At runtime, Scopira pairs the compatible models
and views for presentation to the user. A collection of utility classes for the easy registration
of typical objects types such as data models and views are provided. This registration
mechanism succeeds regardless of how the code was loaded; be it as part of the application,
as a linked code library, or as an external plug-in.
Third parties can easily extend a Scopira application that utilizes models and views
extensively. Third party developers need only register new views on the existing data
models in an application, then load their plug-in alongside the application to immediately
add new functionality to the application. The open source C++ image processing and
registration library ITK (Ibez & Schroeder, 2005) has been successfully integrated into
Scopira applications at run time using the registration subsystem.
A model is defined as an object that contains data and is able to be monitored by zero or more
views. A view is an object that is able to bind to and listen to a model. Typically, views are
graphical in nature, but in Scopira non-graphical views are also possible. A project is a
specialized model that may contain a collection of models and organize them in a
hierarchical fashion. Full graphical Scopira applications are typically project-oriented,
allowing the user to easily work with many data models in a collective manner. A basic
project-based application framework is provided for developers to quickly build GUI
applications using models and views.
A complementary subsystem provides the base OpenGL-enabled widget class that utilizes
the GTKGLExt library (Logan, 2001). The GTKGLExt library enables GTK+ based
applications to utilize OpenGL for 2D and 3D visualization. Scopira developers can use this
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

system to build 3D visualization views and widgets, which allows for greater data
exploration and processing. Integration with more complete visualization packages such as
VTK (Schroeder et al., 2006) is also possible.
3. Agent based modelling framework
3.1 Agent based models
ABM simulations consists of emulating real-world systems in which collections of
autonomous decision-making entities, distributed in a grid or lattice, interact with each
other unveiling the dynamics of the system under investigation (Bonabeau, 2002;
Sokolowski & Banks, 2010). This kind of simulation has emerged from the need to analyse
and model systems that are becoming more complex in terms of their interdependencies, at
the same time that data are becoming more organized into databases at finer levels of
granularity. This type of modelling and simulation originated in the field of multi-agent
systems, which derived from research in distributed artificial intelligence. The idea behind
distributed artificial intelligence is to solve problems (or a related set of sub-problems) by
distributing them amongst a number of relatively simple programs or agents, each with its
own particular type of knowledge or expertise (Gilbert & Terna, 2000; Epstein, 2007).
Additionally, ABM research draws from several related fields including computer science,
management science, social science, system dynamics, complexity theory, complex
networks, and traditional modelling and simulation (Macal & North, 2005; Shoham &
Leyton-Brown, 2008).
The first step in defining an ABM is to establish the meaning of the term agent. Although
there is not one universally accepted definition, a good characterization may be given as:
An agent is an encapsulated computer system that is situated in some environment and that is
capable of flexible, autonomous action in that environment in order to meet its design objectives.
(Wooldridge, 1997). The most fundamental feature of an agent is the capability of making
independent decisions and relating itself with other agents and their environment. From a
practical modelling standpoint, an agent is a discrete individual, identifiable and located;
goal-directed and autonomous; lives in an environment; has a set of intrinsic characteristics
(properties), decision-making capabilities, a system of rules that govern its behaviour, and
the ability to learn and adapt based on experience (which requires some kind of internal
memory); can interact with other agents, and respond to the environment.
Depending on the subject under investigation, there may be different types of agents, for
example trees, bugs, humans, viruses, bacteria, or cells. Even sub-types are possible, like
tissue cells, immunological system cells, stem cells, or nerve cells. Considering the vast
gamut of possible agents and situations, a system may be composed of more than one type
of agent at the same time. For instance, assuming an infectious disease in a population of
susceptible individuals, the variability of the species may be included considering that each
agent may present different levels of susceptibility to the specific disease caused by
differences in their immune system, lifestyle, prior health conditions, specific health risk
factors, and so on.
The uniqueness of every agent is established by its state variables, or attributes, such as an
identity number (desirably unique and immutable so that the agent can be traced during all
the pertinent simulations), age, gender, location, size, weight, energy reserves, political
opinion, disease stage, etc. These attributes distinguish an entity from others of the same
kind, trace how the agent changes over time and guide its behaviour. In addition, these state
A Software Development Framework for Agent-Based Infectious Disease Modelling

variables may be saved allowing re-starting the simulation once interrupted. It is from the
heterogeneity of agents, and consequent variety of behaviours, that the collective aspects of
interest concerning the real-world system being modelled and simulated emerge.
From the uniqueness and autonomous nature of the agents, it becomes quite clear that
adopting an agent-based approach demands multiple agents in order to represent the
decentralized perspective of the problem. Moreover, the agents must interact with one
another and with the environment. For this purpose, the agents must be spatially located in
some type of grid or lattice in which they can come into contact with other agents based on
defined rules and assumptions.
The agent lattice awareness is limited and localized. Agents are always placed in some
position of the grid and have limited visibility of their surroundings, implying that only a
few other agents are in the agents domain of influence. This is in contrast with a typical
two-dimensional cellular automata, in which every position of the grid consists of a cell;
each cell can assume different states that may be updated according to some rules based
only on its immediate neighbours. In an ABM, there can be more than one agent per location
of the lattice at the same time. The agents are not static, ensuring that they are free to move
so their radius of interaction in the long term is not restricted to their nearest agent
In contrast to many analytical models, which are in general easier to communicate and
analyse since they are described using precise mathematical formulas, ABM descriptions are
frequently incomplete and therefore less accessible to the reader. In an attempt to tackle this
pertinency problem, a group of modellers in the field of ecology (Grimm et al., 2006)
proposed a standard protocol for describing ABMs. The Overview, Design Concept and
Details protocol, or simply ODD, proposes that an ABM (and its various interaction rules)
be described in a standardized way making model descriptions easier to understand and
complete. Achieving this objective makes ABMs reproducible and a much more reliable
scientific tool for investigations.
3.2 Designing an agent based model
Before modelling a problem using an agent-based approach, a few points must be
considered. First, one must consider the nature of the problems that can benefit from this
method and how the simulations can provide useful information about the scenarios being
investigated. An ABM can provide a realistic and flexible description of a system, and it can
capture emergent phenomena (Bonabeau, 2002; Shoham & Leyton-Brown, 2008). An
emergent phenomenon can be conceptualized as a large scale, group behaviour of a
system, which does not seem to have any clear explanation in terms of the systems
constituent parts (Darley, 1994; Sokolowski & Banks, 2010). These phenomena may arise due
to the nonlinear nature of the behaviour of the agents, which can be described by
discontinuities in agent behaviour that is difficult to capture with differential equations. In
addition, agent exhibits memory (non-markovian process), path-dependence, learning and
adaptation. Being so, ABMs are adequate for describing real world phenomena where agent
behaviour is complex (Ferguson, 2007). Upon concluding that an ABM is appropriate for a
specific case, the chart in Figure 4 offers some guidelines for the development of an ABM.
Modelling agent-based simulations requires the creation of a representation of the sub-
world under investigation. For this representation to be realistic and accurate, there should
be a set of available data to support the various considerations adopted for the several
aspects and parts included in the agent-based model. As we go through the design process
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

of an ABM for the spread of an infectious disease in an urban centre, we are going to
illustrate what data can be used in each step.
Considering the spread of an infectious disease in a population, data regarding the age-
gender structure of the population can be obtained and used to create the in silico
population. However, the lack of detailed information regarding the actual event (e.g.,
estimates of epidemiological parameters for an emerging infectious disease) often poses
significant challenges for modelling agent-based simulations. On the other hand,
experimenting with the model under various assumptions (for instance, different
intervention strategies) may reveal emergent phenomena that lead to a better understanding
of the system and its behaviour. It is this circular dependency relationship that makes ABMs
powerful and challenging at the same time.
Although this modelling framework was built to be generic for major types of ABMs, it is
possible that some aspects of very specific cases have not been included. Nevertheless, with
this framework, the reader should have a starting point for designing an ABM and performing
simulations by adding specific characteristics of the system. As with any software
development project, the main point to be defined is the purpose of the application. In our
example, the purpose of the model is to understand what are the key characteristics of a
population, with its social interaction patterns, that influences the spread of an infectious
disease and leads to epidemic scenarios. In this stage, the appropriate disease model for the
specific disease must be chosen. Unless the disease under investigation is completely new and
uncharted, it is possible to choose whether a simple susceptible-infectious-recovered (SIR)
model suffices or if a more refined one, including other intermediate states, is required. It is
important to note that the assumptions based on global community parameters influence
some of the local individual parameters. In this example, choosing an SIR model implies that,
in terms of the disease, the agents can be in only one of the three (susceptible, infective, or
recovered) states. From the perspective of the local individual parameters, aspects such as
pregnancy, aspirin treatment, and so on, can be taken into account.
This description gives the general idea of what is going to be simulated. At this point it is
important to know the exact questions the model is aimed to answer. This way it will be
clearer what data resulting from the simulation should be stored for analysis. Once the
purpose is established, we will have a clear idea of what the agents in our simulation are
going to be. In general, simulations will involve different kinds of agents. In a typical spread
of some virus in a population, as with the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic, there is only one
type of agent involved, namely humans. These agents are either affected by the disease or
not. When infected, they can transmit the disease to a susceptible agent if they come to a
close contact range (the definition of close contact is all interactions that can result in
infection). In this case, there is no need to have more than one agent since the infectious
disease may be considered as a property of the agent. Conversely, if the interest is to
investigate the pattern of transmission of a disease from pigs to humans, then two types of
agents may be involved (pigs and humans). In more specific scenarios, the interest may be
in the virus population itself. In this case, there can be sub-types of agents, i.e. virus strains,
which are all sub-types of a broader class of a specific virus.
Regardless of the type of agents, they will have features (state variables) that define them as
individuals. For all agents, the modeller will need to list all the state variables including not
only those that define their characteristics (like age, weight, and temperature), but also those
that describe the agents behavioural traits, such as velocities, strategies, probabilities,
susceptibility, etc. In addition, it is important to define how the agents interact with the
A Software Development Framework for Agent-Based Infectious Disease Modelling

environment within specified time periods. Demographic data is used to create the agents so
that the resulting in silico population follows the same distributions as the real population.
In this sense, the state variables are defined as the primitive characteristics of the individuals
that can be later described in terms of demographic information, such as age and gender
profiles. Additionally, several other, non-demographic specific, variables must be defined.
Some of these variables relate to the disease, such as symptoms duration, susceptibility, etc.
Other kinds of variables relate to behavioural traits. Based on these variables and relevant
information acquired from the environment and other agents, an agent can have its state
altered and make decisions regarding its next steps. In short, the state variables are the most
important part of the model, given that they define the agents and provide the relevant
information for them to act in an autonomous fashion.
Once agents are defined, the next step is to determine where they are placed, thus defining
their environment. If the relationship between the agent and the environment is not important
for simulation purposes, the environment should be only a place that facilitates the
interactions between agents. In some cases, this relationship may be important, as in the case
when the demographic distribution may play an important role in the spread of an infectious
disease. Once the environment is defined, its scales must be determined to establish its
dimension and the size of each dimension. Additionally, the representation of the environment
is not restricted to an n-dimensional space but rather defined as a complex network or some
other data structure, and may contain other properties that influence the agents decisions and
behaviour. In epidemic scenarios, urban centre characteristics such as commuting distance,
demographic density, and city boundaries, may affect the spread of the infectious disease, as
well as agent behaviour. Being so, data regarding mobility patterns can be used to define
lattice properties, which in turn can be used by the agents in its decisions and actions.
The planning of the agents and environment is not complete until the processes associated
with them are defined, which leads us to the next block in the flowchart in Figure 4. The set
of processes are the kernel of the simulation. At this stage, it should be pointed out that all
actions that each agent takes are in terms of updating its state, interacting with other agents,
and interacting with the environment. Likewise, all the mechanisms for updating the
environment should be listed.
In terms of updating the state of an agent, several steps may be considered, such as deciding
if the agents objective has been achieved, or identifying the best course of action for
achieving the objective. As an example, considering the case of an infectious disease, it must
be verified if the agent is infected and, if so, to decide if it is time to seek medical care.
Performing agent-to-agent (or agent-to-environment) interactions requires communication
between the agents (or with the environment), so that the entities involved can access each
others information and choose their next action. In the case of a susceptible agent
interacting with an infective agent, it must be determined whether the susceptible
individual will become infected.
Once all the associated processes are defined, a natural question that arises is the timing at
which these actions take place. This issue is represented by the scheduling box in Figure 4.
Here, a flowchart of the processes will be useful for determining the order that the processes
are performed. Several processes may occur concurrently, while others may depend on
other processes. Knowing the overall picture of the events, it is possible to identify if the
state variables are updated synchronously or asynchronously. Moreover, the type of time-
scheme should be determined in terms of being discrete, continuous, or both.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software


Fig. 4. Development cycle for an agent-based infectious disease model.
In the context of parallel computing, the relationship among processes will determine the
ease with which to parallelize the code (for example, tightly coupled or spatially proximal
relationships are more difficult to parallelize compared to loosely coupled or spatially
distant relationships). ABMs may start with small and simple simulations. However, as the
ABM evolves over time, it can become large and computationally complex, thus requiring
the parallelization of the execution of the code. In this way, structuring the model before
coding, and choosing the right tools for the task, will certainly save time in the end.
3.3 Building an agent-based simulation
In this section, we describe an ABM software framework for simulating the spread of a
contagious disease in human populations. The agents in this model are a simplified
representation of the real inhabitants of an urban centre in which an infectious pathogen
was introduced. In this system, the three main components of simulations are: the agents,
the lattice (or grid) in which these agents are placed, and the rules of between-agent and
agents-environment interactions. Considering that ABM simulations rely on the interactions
between agents that are similar in characteristics but have different behaviours, it is natural
to choose any object oriented programming (OOP) language to run such simulations. Using
OOP, each agent may be created as a representation of a common class of agents in which
every software object has the same set of properties, or state variables. Assuming a different
set of values for the properties of each agent, the uniqueness of each agent is established,
and the variability of the species is taken into account (Grimm et al., 2006; Epstein, 2007).
A Software Development Framework for Agent-Based Infectious Disease Modelling

In the context of an ABM, the unit of simulations is the agent (often referred to as an
individual), and in the context of OOP, this unit is the object of a defined class. It is, however,
important to note that agents and software objects are different components of the ABM. A
software object is an appropriate way to represent agents in the sense that objects encapsulate
both agent state (as data members) and agent behaviour (as methods), and communicate via
message passing. But agents, on the other hand, are rational decision making systems that
are able to react and behave according to the situation (Wooldridge, 1997).
Depending on the particular problem being modelled, the agents properties of interest may
vary. For an epidemic spread in a population of susceptible agents, some of the relevant
characteristics of these agents include age, gender, susceptibility to the disease, state of the
disease, among several other properties pertinent to the nature of disease in infectious
agents. In such a scenario, investigating the dynamics and evolution of the contagious
disease requires the development of a realistic model of the population with a significantly
large number of agents (as given in pertinent demographic data) whose properties render
the age-gender distribution of that specific location. Hence, the performance of the
simulation framework becomes an important issue when choosing the proper tools for
building the simulation.
As with every software engineering project, choosing the appropriate programming
language and libraries to build the ABM application is crucial to produce reliable, efficient,
and adaptable software code as described in Section 1. In an ABM, the use of OOP is an
appropriate simplifying approach for the logic of simulations and coding processes.
Furthermore, the choice of the right model data and libraries will impact the performance
and resource utilization, reflecting in the last instance in the running time of the simulation.
Keeping in mind these requirements, we adopted C++ as the most suitable programming
language for the ABM described here. In terms of performance and versatility, the C++
language is comparable to the C language with the addition of some OOP specializations.
Moreover, using the Scopira framework (see Section 2) functionalities and data structures
like smart pointers, narrays and its distributed computing tools, simplifies the software
development of ABM applications especially with respect to code parallelization.
Another important characteristic of ABMs is related to the stochasticity present in every part
of the simulation. The variability among agents may arise from sampling, for example, an
age-gender distribution, a susceptibility distribution, or distribution of infectious period.
The state of an agent can be altered by means of interactions with other agents, where the
outcome of these interactions depends on the value of parameters sampled from some
prescribed distribution. As a result, the random number generators must be chosen
carefully. For the generation of random numbers, a good choice of numerical library is the
GNU Scientific Library, which has been widely adopted in scientific and engineering
applications and which has the additional advantage of being open source, thread safe, well
tested, and portable (Gough, 2009).
3.4 Simulation framework design
Agents are modelled as objects of a class named Agents in which the member variables
represent the characteristics of the agents, such as age, gender, susceptibility to the disease,
and state of the disease. The methods of this class are simple manipulators that change the
values of these member variables. In this way, every agent represents a person with the
same basic characteristics that may assume different values. Using age-gender distributions
for a specific population, variability in age and gender is introduced. In an epidemic disease
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

scenario, an agent may assume different states regarding its epidemiological status, which
may be one of the following: susceptible, exposed (but not yet infectious), infectious and
recovered (immune against re-infection). Since the number of agents in a simulation may
range from a few thousands to millions, it is important to save memory whenever possible.
Considering that these states of infectious may assume only two values (true or false), stating
whether the agent is in the specific state or not, the best way to store this information is to
use one unsigned int as a bit set (or alternatively to use the bitset class from the C++ standard
library), in which every bit represents one of the possible states. Furthermore, the state of
the agent may be assessed by using bitwise operations testing only the specific bits of
interest, saving in this way, a few processor operations per agent per cycle.
Similar to a real world scenario, agents, in general, live in a city (or community) in which
they must be located somewhere and are free to move to different locations. Therefore, the
city is modelled as another class, named Lattice, in which a 2-dimensional n-array is used to
represent the city map and is a container to hold agents. The simplest way to build ABM
simulations is to consider only one agent per site that interacts with its adjacent neighbours,
as in a cellular automaton, or even with distant neighbours, but carrying these interactions
without moving from its position. Another approach, which is used in the model presented
here, is to consider several free-to-move agents at the same position. This model tries to
mimic the behaviour of people in a city, where it is possible for people to interact with
others in the same location, as would be the case in a house, office, or a shopping mall.
Considering that several agents may be in the same x-y position of the city grid at the same
time, and that these agents may move through the map, every site in the lattice holds a
standard vector of Scopiras smart pointers to agents, that is, the lattice is a two-dimensional n-
array of standard vectors of pointers to agents as shown in the left panel in Figure 5. Based on
this scheme, moving an agent from one location to another is done by assigning a pointer to
the agent being moved to the vector at the destination location, and then removing the pointer
to this agent from the vector at the initial position, as shown in the right panel in Figure 5.
Using this smart pointer strategy, there would be no additional overhead of moving or
copying the agents data into memory. Another advantage with smart pointers is that there
is no need to manually free the memory at the end of the application, since it is refreshed as
soon as the smart pointer goes out of the scope. Furthermore, it is possible to test if the
software object is alive, which dramatically reduces the number of segmentation faults
during the software development phase due to access attempts to memory pages that have
already been released. Additionally, by using scope as a way to control the life cycle of the
software objects, the resulting application is better structured, robust and extensible.

Fig. 5. Representation of agent movements in the lattice.
A Software Development Framework for Agent-Based Infectious Disease Modelling

The methods of the Lattice class are used to control the access to the map locations and to the
agents located in each position. Using, for example, the map of a city in which its
boundaries and demographic distribution is specified, the lattice representation will define
all the sites (that is, x-y positions) according to the city boundaries, and the number of agents
allowed in each site according to the demographic density. In this approach, the agents are
placed in the lattice but they may not be directly related. The agent-to-agent and agent-to-
lattice relationships are stored in another class called Simulation. In this class, a smart pointer
to the lattice is used, and the rules concerning the movement of the agents in the lattice and
interaction between agents are considered as methods of this class. Furthermore, this class is
responsible for updating counters that keep track of the number of agents in each state in
the simulation, and for writing reports to files on the computer systems hard disk drive. For
these two tasks, the Counters and Reports classes are generated.
Since the simulation has been built to be able to use more than one processor using threaded
programming, Counters and Reports classes need to be built in order to be thread safe, thereby
supporting concurrency. When working with multiple threads, it is possible that different
threads will try to access the same memory area simultaneously; for example, to increment the
value of the same variable at the same time; this may cause unpredictable results. One way to
avoid data inconsistencies is to use mutual exclusion locks, or mutexes. Before a thread
operates with a variable, it must acquire the lock on this variable in order to prevent other
threads from operating on the same variable at the same time. This ensures serialization of
access to the specific data area. After the thread has performed the desired operations, it needs
to unlock this variable for other threads to access it. Determining what resources should be
locked and unlocked, and in what order, are fundamental considerations when parallel
programming. Moreover, a strategy must be adopted for interacting with these shared
resources in order to minimize the number of simultaneous accesses to the same shared area.
Otherwise, it will slow down the simulation considering that when a thread is waiting to
acquire the lock, it stops its other operations. Although it is possible to tackle this situation in
different ways, it makes the problem more complex and might introduce other unnecessary
synchronization issues.
The Counters and Reports classes both perform actions on areas of common access by threads.
The member variables of the Counters class, keep track of several aspects of the simulation, like
the current time step in which the simulation is run, the total number of susceptible agents,
and the number of infectious agents. Scopira provides several methods for parallel
programming in SAL that simplifies this process. In the case of protecting certain data areas
like variables, it defines a shared_area class to which is associated a mutex that can be later
accessed by objects of the lock_ptr class. Auxiliary to the Counters class, it defines a data
structure called SimulationCounters that holds all the counter variables that may be accessed by
more than one thread at the same time. In the Counters class, an instance of the shared_area class
associated with the SimulationCounters data structure is created. The methods of the Counters
class, when manipulating these variables, call them through an object of the lock_ptr class
associated with the object of the shared area. When the lock pointer is created, it automatically
locks the shared area with which it is associated, and when it moves out of scope, it is
automatically destroyed, thereby unlocking the associated shared area. Likewise, when the
method is called, it creates the lock pointer and acquires the lock, then the desired operations
are performed, and at the end of execution of the method, the lock pointer is destroyed
automatically, hence unlocking the shared area. With this method, the programmer does not
need to manually lock and unlock the variables, but rather needs to define the lock pointer
inside the scope targeted for manipulation of the shared area.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

Following the same idea, the Reports class is used to write information about the simulation
into files. If two threads try to access the same file at the same time, the message may
become garbled, and therefore mutexes must be used. For this purpose, Scopira provides the
fileflow class that in turn provides methods for manipulating files and also includes mutexes.
An object instance of the Reports class is associated with each file. It is basically responsible
for opening and closing files, and overloads the stream insertion operator <<. In this way,
every time the insertion operator is called on a Reports object, it calls the fileflow::write_lock()
method, passes the message to the fileflow object, and then unlocks it through the
fileflow::unlock() method.
Figure 6 shows a diagram of the simulation environment with its several components. In
this representation, the Simulation class aggregates Lattice, Reports, and Counters classes.
These three classes are included in the Simulation class via smart pointers to the appropriate
objects of each class. Since the Lattice class contains smart pointers to all the agents in the
simulation that can be accessed through the Lattice object, the rules concerning the agent-to-
agent and agent-to-lattice interactions are methods of the Simulation class.

Fig. 6. Simulation environment showing the interaction of two threads.
For the agent-based simulation infrastructure proposed here, we now present the
mechanisms for parallelizing the simulations. The parallelism strategy adopted in this
example was to divide the lattice into chunks and assign them to different processing
threads. To balance the amount of work performed by each thread, the narray that
represents the lattice was divided into an approximately equal number of active sites, which
correspond to the defined locations in the city map. Agents are allowed to move between
sites in the map but the location of the destination site may be out of the scope of control for
the actual processing thread. As a result, it is necessary for all threads to be equipped with a
shared area to which other threads can send the moving agents (see Figure 6). The Threads
class inherits the basic functionality of the scopira::thread class, which provides the
mechanisms for creating the parallel environment and controlling all aspects of the threads
A Software Development Framework for Agent-Based Infectious Disease Modelling

independent of the operational system. As a result, only a few methods concerning the
particular problem being investigated and a shared area for exchanging agents between
threads need to be implemented in the Threads class. The most important method, from the
simulation point of view, is the Threads::run() method, which is an overload of the Scopiras
thread::run() method, where the actual simulation takes places. The pseudo-code for this
method is given below.

Threads::run() {

foreach site:
simulation.InteractAgentsToAgents( site )
simulation.InteractAgentsWithLattice( site )
simulation.MoveAgents( site )


In this case, every thread iterates over all the sites under its control, and performs the tasks
required by the simulation. In a simple case, it will perform the agent-to-agent and agent-to-
lattice interactions, and move the agents if necessary. The latter step of moving agents is the
most critical task in terms of distributed programming, as it involves other threads and
synchronization issues.
As mentioned before, an agent may move to a location out of the scope of control for its
current assigned thread. For this reason, the controlling thread must verify if the agent is
moving out of its domains and send it to the shared area of the responsible thread.
Consequently, additional steps in the run() method are required, including verification of its
own shared area, which is performed by the CheckSharedArea() method, and attribution of
the moving agent to its new location, performed by the MoveAgents() method. At this point,
synchronization issues emerge requiring strict control over the time step of the agents.
Although threads share the same address space, they are not aware of other threads and
should be controlled from a central location, namely the parent process. The Workspace class
is responsible for creating, control, destroying, and keeping track of the threads and their
domains, as well as facilitating their communication. In order to perform these activities,
each thread must have a reference to the instance of the Workspace that can be used as a
mediator between all active threads.
4. Concluding remarks and outlook
The current spectacular interest in agent-based modelling has gradually built up over the
last twenty years, in particular for understanding the social aspects of human populations
and simulating the spread of infectious diseases within and between communities. The use
of agent-based models, in general, requires a more comprehensive incorporation of agents
characteristics both individually and group-wise, detailed information of the pertinent
environment and the relationship between the systems various components. Despite the
rapid evolution of ABM-based software applications and development of more
sophisticated simulation approaches, the study of ABMs of any kind lacks a comprehensive
and flexible software development framework. While some efforts have been made on
developing such simulation models more consistent with the nature of the systems under
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

investigation, and on designing computer software algorithms for their rapid
implementation, the literature on general theoretical aspects of agent-based models is, as
yet, quite small.
In this chapter, we reported our attempts in developing a software simulation framework
for agent-based infectious disease modelling. Models implemented using this development
framework will satisfy the software objectives of reliability, efficiency, and adaptability as
fully described in Section 1. This framework has already been used to implement an agent-
based model to evaluate mitigation strategies applied during the 2009 influenza pandemic
in urban centres. An important aspect of this development framework is its flexibility to be
adopted for simulating interconnected populations with distinctly different mobility
patterns and demographic structures. Strategies for implementing this framework to
simulate the spread of a disease in remote and isolated populations are being currently
The agent-based modelling framework described has several advantages that go beyond
computer simulation experiments, providing a platform for addressing important aspects of
modern world with global connectivity. We plan to use this framework to develop desktop
decision-support systems for use in public health to address critical issues arising in the
acute management of public health crises. Incorporating agent-based models into these
software systems can provide an essential tool for public health experts to perform
preliminary analysis, which can inform the formulation of optimal mitigation strategies in
the face of substantial uncertainty regarding epidemiological aspects of a novel disease.
Such decision support systems will require rapid development and deployment, an intuitive
graphical user interface, and must quickly produce scenario outcomes. Such requirements
can be satisfied using the framework presented here.
In the context of software design and engineering, future research activities will include the
development of fault-tolerant distributed agent-based modelling systems as well as a
comprehensive model description markup language to generate efficient software. The end
results of these activities must satisfy the requirements of both modellers and public health
officials in simulating the outcomes of infectious disease transmission, as well as prevention
and control strategies.
5. Acknowledgment
The research activities and software engineering described in this chapter were supported
by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), the
Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex Systems (MITACS), Canadian
Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), and the Department of Foreign Affairs and
International Trade of Canada, Emerging Leaders of the Americas Program.
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Engineering, Vol. 144, No. 1, 2637, ISSN: 1364-5080

Personalized Biomedical Data Integration
Xiaoming Wang, Olufunmilayo Olopade and Ian Foster
University of Chicago,
1. Introduction
Translational research is a growing field of science that seeks to discover the molecular
underpinnings of diseases and treatment outcomes in any individual patient (Horig,
Marincola et al. 2005). The mission has driven researchers out of isolated and discipline-
oriented studies into collaborative and trans-disciplinary research efforts known as team
science (Guimer, Uzzi et al. 2005). In this new scientific arena, the ability to search for an
individuals biomedical data across various domains and sources via a common
computational platform is a vital component for the formulation of sophisticated hypotheses
and research decisions.
Biomedical data is composed of records from both clinical practice and basic research. Each
sector has distinct data governance policies and database management rules. While basic
biological research data sources are open some 1,230 curated databases are available in
the public domain and accessible through the Internet (Cochrane and Galperin 2010), all
primary clinical data sources are kept private with rigorous data access controls, due to
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulations (Faddick 1997).
Furthermore, while basic biological research data sources frequently make data elements,
database schemas, metadata information and application programming interface (API)
available to the public, the majority of clinical data sources are hosted by proprietary
commercial software. The vendors (or developers) of these tools usually disclose little
information about schema and metadata to third-parties. Finally, while most basic research
(e.g., biological molecule or pathway) data sources must have data integrity at the species
level, translational research requires data integrity at the individual patient level. Indeed,
integrated and individualized biomedical data sources will need to make a significant
contribution to translational research in order to truly achieve personalized medicine.
However, generating such data sources is a more difficult task than the already challenging
mission of integrating basic biological research data (Stein 2008).
Data integration is the process of combining data from different sources into a unified
format with consistent description and logical organization. After more than two decades of
research, the topic continues to become more challenging due to increasing demands and
persistent obstacles (Batini, Lenzerini et al. 1986; Bernstein and Haas 2008; Agrawal,
Ailamaki et al. 2009). In this chapter, we focus on the issues that must be addressed to fulfil
the demands for individualized biomedical data integration and introduce a customized
warehousing approach for this particular purpose.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

2. Background
2.1 Current status of biomedical data
To illustrate the demand of integrating individualized biomedical data, we start with an
example: for a cancer translational researcher to assess the association between the genetic
background and the occurrence of a particular cancer and its treatment outcomes, she likely
needs to:
1) screen family history through medical surveys on a selected cohort; 2) read pathology
report about each individuals histological diagnosis; 3) check surgical, chemo, and radiation
records in the clinics; 4) follow the outcomes and adverse events of the treatments; 5) record
dates and evidences of the cancer recurrence and metastasis; 6) find DNA samples from
specimen bank; and 7) conduct genotyping experiments and link the genotype results back
to the phonotypical records.
In order to extract meaningful information from these data, the researcher needs to have
these data distinguishably aligned to individual persons, but linking these data together,
even in a modest number of subjects, often fails due to data heterogeneity and discontinuity.
Combining biomedical data with integrity at individual level frequently encounters four
distinct challenges.
The first challenge is caused by source heterogeneity. Data elements and/or schemas for the
same domain data that are designed by independent parties will normally be semantically
different. Such heterogeneity may also exist in different (or the same) versions of software
developed by the same party. To further complicate matters, many data sources are subject
to dynamic change in all aspects, including data structures, ontology standards, and
instance data coding methods. These sources customarily do not provide metadata or
mapping information between datasets from previous and newer versions.
The second challenge stems from data descriptor inconsistencies. Many biomedical domains
do not have established ontologies and others have more than one set of standard
taxonomies. For example, one can find official taxonomies for describing cancers in
SNOMED (Cote and Robboy 1980), International Classification of Disease (ICD) (Cimino 1996),
and the NCI-thesaurus (Sioutos, de Coronado et al. 2007).
The third challenge comes from data source management styles. Most data sources are
isolated and autonomously operated. These sources typically neither map nor retain the
primary identifiers (of a person or the specimens that originated from the person) created in
the other sources. The silo settings of the data sources not only generate segregated datasets
but often require repetitive re-entry of the same records (e.g., patient demographic data) by
hand into different sources. This practice increases the risk of human error.
The fourth challenge is due to low data source interoperability. The majority of clinical data
sources are neither programmatically accessible (syntactic interoperability) nor have
metadata available for the source data (semantic interoperability).
Many of these problems have been continual to date and will linger for the foreseeable
future. As a consequence, biomedical source data are typically heterogeneous, inconsistent,
fragmented, dirty and difficult to process. Valuable information embedded within the data
cannot be consumed until the data are cleansed, unified, standardized, and integrated.
2.2 Related data integration regimes
The purpose of data integration is to deliver integrated information. This purpose can be
realized via either permanent (physical) or transient (view) data integration. Among the
Personalized Biomedical Data Integration

various information integration approaches, data warehousing, view integration, and
information mashup are popular regimes that are actively discussed in IT and informatics
publications (Halevy 2001; Jhingran 2006; Goble and Stevens 2008). Each regime has its own
distinct design principle and system architecture.
2.2.1 Data warehousing

While describing the architecture of a data warehousing solution, many focus on a
multidimensional database (Louie, Mork et al. 2007; Goble and Stevens 2008). This database-
centred approach is widely used across multiple fields and has a well-documented history
in regards to its evolution. A warehouse delivers integrated information by organizing and
storing data from various sources within a physical schema so that the integrated data can
be reused for a variety of applications. Since the basic requirement for a database to function
is data availability, the warehousing approach appears to be more tolerant to various data
source conditions than its counterpart solutions which all require data sources to be
interoperable and accessible. Warehousing is generally considered most suitable for
historical data accumulation, quality data integration, and post-integration data curation
and annotation (Halevy, Ashish et al. 2005). In biomedical informatics, the warehousing
approach is considered most suitable for personalized biomedical data integration (Louie,
Mork et al. 2007; Wang, Liu et al. 2009).
The major drawbacks of the warehousing approach are its association with stale data and
the resource-consuming nature of system maintenance. These negative aspects reveal a
simple truth about warehousing: data supply issues are the biggest obstacle and financial
drain to the ultimate success of the strategy. These issues demonstrate the need for a data
extraction-transformation-loading (ETL) process that determines the quality and freshness of
integrated data. Thus, we discuss in greater depth of both the database and the ETL process. Multidimensional database modelling

The database in a warehousing strategy must store multidimensional data. Three distinct
conceptual modelling methods are often employed for database design: 1) the Entity-
Relationship (ER) model (Chen 1976; Kamble 2008); 2) Entity-Attribute-Value representation
with classes and relationships (EAV/CR) model (Dinu and Nadkarni 2007; Lowe, Ferris et
al. 2009); and 3) Object-Oriented Database (OODB) (Trujillo, Palomar et al. 2001). Although
no consensus has been reached concerning modelling standards, we prefer the ER model
due to its solid mathematic foundation, data structure semantic clarity, and data
presentation transparency. These features not only benefit high-throughput data
deployment at the database layer for integration but also support satisfactory query
performance at the user-application interface. In addition, since the ER model requires
semantic clarity and consistency for each attribute element during cross-source data
processing, the delivery of useful data and consumable information is better ensured.
At the implementation level, a data warehouse is suggested to have a star schema (a single
large fact table and many smaller dimension tables) to improve application performance by
reducing the time required to join multiple tables to answer a query (Kimball, Reeves et al.
1998). However, a highly de-normalized schema, like a star schema, also increases cost of
database maintenance. With materialized-view technology being well-developed, the de-
normalization of data entities at the primary schema level is no longer critical. Materialized-
view technology is capable of flexibly aggregating data into any combination.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

668 ETL modelling and tools

A warehouse relies on an ETL process to refill and refresh data from heterogeneous sources
into a predefined schema for data integration. The history of developing and optimizing
ETL is directly tied to the history of data warehouse systems. Yet, a significant technological
breakthrough for ETL remains to be seen. In general, the process remains error-prone and
labour-intensive (Rizzi, Abello et al. 2006). The methods related to the different stages of an
ETL process can be briefly categorized into the following: 1) schema mapping (Bernstein
and Rahm 2001); 2) metadata collection and management (Kolaitis 2005); 3) error detection
and data cleansing (Kalashnikov and Mehrotra 2006); and 4) systematic modelling of the
entire ETL process (Vassiliadis, Simitsis et al. 2002).
The pressing demand for data integration has spurred the development of commercial ETL
software packages. Examples include DataStage (Oracle), Informix (IBM), and products
from smaller vendors. To date, all ETL strategies still involve human intervention, albeit at
different levels. Many approaches appear to be exhaustive and obsessive in the hierarchical
levels of schema mapping while paying insufficient attention to data value integration.
Some are inherently brittle, often without a clear measure of success for an ETL workflow in
the real world. In the field of biomedical informatics, which fiercely promotes interoperable
data integration (Komatsoulis, Warzel et al. 2008), ETL remains an autonomous in-house
activity and formal reports on the topic are seldom seen.
2.2.2 View integration
The architecture behind view integration consists of an interoperable data grid with
constituent primary databases that are autonomous, disparate, and heterogeneous. Yet, data
from these databases need to be aligned to a common virtual schema during integration
(Halevy 2001; Stein 2002). In this regime, queries issued by users are posed to the virtual
schema and then translated into various customized queries against disparate data sources.
Extracted source data is then transformed on the fly to meet the definitions of the common
schema. Finally, unified data is presented to users as integrated information.
Because view integration combines data dynamically, without any persistent physical data
aggregation, it can provide real time information. However, its effectiveness depends
critically on the interoperability and network accessibility of every data source of interest,
which (at least at the current time) seems unlikely to occur in practice. In addition, because
view integration requires the entire data aggregation process from disparate sources to the
view to be fully automated, it provides less control of data quality than data warehousing
approaches in which manual curation steps can be included in the ETL process. This lack of
sufficient data quality control is a serious concern for biomedical informatics researchers
(Goble, Stevens et al. 2008; Galperin and Cochrane 2009).
To date, view integration systems with production level maturity are not commonly seen in
the real world. However, the design concepts utilized in view integration, including global-
as-view (GAV) and local-as-view (LAV), are valuable principles to all data integration
efforts (Lenzerini 2002). In GAV, the virtual schema is made adjustable to accommodate all
source data elements. In LAV, each source data is individually managed to be transformed
to align to this global view.
2.2.3 Information mashup
The architecture behind the information mashup approach comprises of an open fabric which
augments information from different sources that allow their API accessible through the
Personalized Biomedical Data Integration

Internet. Although having some similarities to ETL, mashup is advantageous both in its ability
to be light-weight and its utilization of a service model that is easily extensible via Web 2.0
techniques, e.g., representational state transfer (REST) technology (Fielding and Taylor 2002). The
prerequisite for a mashup fabric to consistently present (overlay) different messages on a web
interface is standardized information formats in the atomic data elements that carry instance
data. These data feeds are either staged within the sources (or at a middleware) or converted to
have consistent data interpretation, e.g., geographic code, and formats on the fly. For example,
a (subject-predicate-object) triplet expressed in the W3C-standard resource description framework
(RDF) carries metadata information for related atomic data elements. Therefore, RDF can be
easily converted into an ER model and vice versa.
Unlike view integration, which has a predefined schema, a mashup fabric uses structured
basic data elements to form information presentations that are not rigorously structured,
e.g., information situational display overlay (Jhingran 2006). Therefore, a mashup strategy
becomes more implementable and as a result, has been used in many information
integration-lite tasks (Franklin, Halevy et al. 2005; Goble and Stevens 2008). Examples
include Google maps (Wong and Hong 2007) and Avian Flu maps (Butler 2006).
However, the openness of the mashup fabric along with its integration lite nature limits its
application as the first layer technology option for personalized biomedical data integration.
At this layer, the integration framework must manipulate primary source data in a secluded
network because the data contain protected health information (PHI). Furthermore, data
integration with individualized integrity from longitudinal records is an integration-heavy
task, which is better handled by a relational database in a secure environment alleviating
HIPAA concerns. However, the mashup strategy may still be suitable for higher-level
(anonymous) biomedical data integration for population studies that require evidence from
a significant number of individuals in a particular domain or against a geographic
2.3 Related human-intensive efforts
In addition to computationally heavy informatics solutions, human-developed information
research is also a crucial component in overall information delivery (Bernstam, Smith et al.
2010). These efforts include domain ontology creation (Yu 2006) and mapping for multiple
standards in the same domain, e.g., unified medical language system (UMLS) (Bodenreider
2004) for SNOMED and ICD. However, despite the challenge of mapping between existing
standards, newer standards keep emerging. Mapping concepts between different ontologies
in the same domain or different versions within the same ontology requires good mapping
references, which are usually either inadequate or not computable, e.g., cancer registry
coding schema (Edge, Byrd et al. 2010). Nevertheless, discussions concerning how to best
use human effort in the field of informatics are rare. It is evident that these efforts can either
benefit or hinder data integration efficiency.
3. Methods
3.1 Conceptual design of the warehousing framework
Based on our analysis of existing data integration regimes, biomedical data statuses, and
conditions of data sources in the real world, we adopted a warehousing strategy to address
the general need for personalized data integration. The purpose of our approach is to
provide a computation framework aimed at data unification for integration (UNIFIN). By
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

design, the UNIFIN framework contains two essential technical components: a
multidimensional database, the Translational Data Mart (TraM), and a customized ETL
process, the Data Translation Workflow (TraW). UNIFIN also includes an interoperable
information integration mechanism, empowered by REST and SOA technologies for data
that do not need manipulation during the integration process. Examples of such data
include homogeneous molecular sequence records and binary image datasets.
In this chapter, we focus on describing the semi-automated ETL workflow for
heterogeneous text data processing. We explain data processing, integration and ontology
issues collectively, with the intent of drawing a systematic picture describing a warehousing
regime that is customized for personalized data integration. Although TraM and TraW have
been developed by the same team, each is designed to be independently portable, meaning
that TraM can readily accept data from other ETL tools and TraW, after customization, can
supply data to target databases other than TraM.
3.2 Data warehouse TraM
3.2.1 Domain ontology integrated ER conceptual model
We used the top-down design method to model the TraM database. The modelling is based
on our analysis of real world biomedical data. The results of the analysis are depicted in a
four-dimensional data space (Fig 1A). The first dimension comprises study objects, which
can range from human individuals to biomaterials derived from a human body.
Restrictively mapping these objects according to their origins (unique persons) is essential to
assure personalized data continuity across domains and sources.

Person Radioloty
Tissue/Blood Pathology
DNA Genotyping
Instance data
Time & Place

Fig. 1. Data warehouse modelling: A) Biomedical data anatomy; B) DO-ER conceptual
model for the TraM database. The square shapes in panel B indicate data entities and the
diamond shapes indicate relationships between the entities. The orange colour indicates that
the entity can be either a regular dictionary lookup table or a leaf class entity in a domain
The second dimension is positioned with a variety of domain concepts that are present in an
extensive biomedical practice and research field. Domain concepts can either be classified in
domain ontologies or remain unclassified until classification takes place during integration.
There are no direct logical connections between the different domain ontologies in an
Personalized Biomedical Data Integration

evidence-based data source. The associations among domain concepts will be established
when they are applied to study objects that are derived from the same individual.
The other two dimensions concern the times and geographic locations at which research or
clinical actions take place, respectively. These data points are consistent variables associated
with all instance (fact) data and are useful to track instances longitudinally and
geographically. This analysis is the foundation for TraM database modelling.
We then create a unique domain-ontology integrated entity-relationship (DO-ER) model to
interpret the data anatomy delineated in Fig 1A with the following consistency. (See Fig 1B
for a highly simplified DO-ER model.)
1. The instance data generated between DO and study objects are arranged in a many-to-
many relationship.
2. Domain concept descriptors are treated as data rather than data elements. Descriptors
are either adopted from well-established public ontology data sources or created by
domain experts with an ontology data structure provided by TraM, assuming that there
is no reputable ontology existing within that domain. Thus, domain concepts are either
organized as simply as a single entity for well-defined taxonomies or as complex as a
set of entities for classification of concepts in a particular domain.
3. Study objects (a person or biomaterials derived from the person) are forced to be linked
to each other according to their origins regardless of the primary data sources from
which they come.
There are three fuzzy areas that need to be clarified for the DO-ER model. The first is the
difference between an integrated DO in the DO-ER model versus a free-standing DO for
sophisticated DO development. The DO development in the DO-ER model needs to be
balanced between its integrity in concept classification (meaning the same concept should
not be described by different words and vice versa) and its historical association with the
instance data (meaning some DO terms might have been used to describe instance data).
The data values between the DO and ER need to be maintained regularly to align the
instance data descriptors to the improved DO terms. For this purpose, we suggest that
concept classification be rigorously normalized, meaning to make concept of an attribute not
divisible in the leaf class of the DO, because merging data with unified descriptor is always
easier than splitting data into two or more different data fields. The advantage of the DO-ER
model is that these changes and alignments usually do not affect the database schema. The
latter remains stable so there is no need to modify application programs.
The second is the conceptual design underlying the DO structures in the DO-ER model. In
fact, the DO under this context is also modelled by ER technique, which is conceptually
distinct from the popularly adopted EAV modelling technique in the biomedical informatics
field (Lowe, Ferris et al. 2009) . The major difference is that the ER underlying the DO has
normalized semantics for each attribute, while the EAV does not.
The third is determining the appropriate extent of DO development that should go into an
evidence-based database. We believe that TraM users in general have neither the intention
nor the resources to make TraM a DO producer. Thus, our purpose in allowing for DO
development within TraM is solely to satisfy the minimal requirement of harmonizing
highly heterogeneous data with controlled vocabulary, so that the DO is developed as
needed. The resulting standardization of data concept abstractions, classifications, and
descriptions will make it easier to merge data with future reputable DO standards as they
(hopefully) emerge. Under this context, we further explain a use case underlined with DO-
ER transformation-integration mechanism in section 4.2, and detail how an evolving DO
may affect data integration workflow in section 3.3.4.
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3.2.2 Enforcing personalized data integrity
Personalized data integrity is enforced throughout the entire TraM schema. To achieve this
level of quality control, the first required condition is to identify uniqueness of a person in the
system. HIPAA regulations categorize a persons demographic information and medical
administrative identifiers and dates as PHI that should not be disclosed to researchers or
transferred between databases without rigorous legal protections. However, as a person is
mobile, an individuals medical records are often entered into multiple databases in more than
one medical institution or clinic. Without PHI, it is almost impossible to reliably identify the
uniqueness of a person unless 1) the persons identifiers are mapped across all data sources or
2) there is a universal identifier used in all healthcare and research domains. Neither condition
currently exists. Therefore, a data warehouse often must be HIPAA-compliant to contain PHI
data to verify the uniqueness of a person. This is the case in the TraM operation. Once the
uniqueness of a person is identified, TraM has a built-in mechanism that automatically unlinks
the PHI records to form the materialized view. Since the materialized view is the schema that
answers queries, the application program can only access de-identified data, and therefore,
regular users do not see PHI but can still receive reliable individualized information.
3.3 ETL process TraW
The TraM data model reflects one particular interpretation (our interpretation) of
biomedical data in the real world. Independent parties always have different opinions about
how a warehouse database should be constructed. Different data sources also interpret the
same domain data differently both among themselves and from a warehouse. To bridge
these gaps, TraW is designed to be configurable to adapt to different sources and targets.
Since most medical data sources do not disclose database schema or support
interoperability, we have focused in designing TraW on gathering the basic data elements
that carry data and performing data extraction from available electronic data forms (Free
text is not included in this discussion.). Unlike TraM, which has a relatively free-standing
architecture, TraW is an open fabric with four essential highly configurable components:
1. A mechanism to collect metadataroutinely not available in source data deliveries. A
web-based data element registration interface is required to collect metadata across all
2. A set of systematically designed and relatively stable domain data templates, which
serve as a data processing workbench to replace numerous intermediate tables and
views that are usually autonomously created by individual engineers in an
uncontrolled ETL process.
3. A set of tools that manipulate data structures and descriptions to transform
heterogeneous data into an acceptable level of uniformity and consistency as required
by the target schema.
4. A set of dynamically evolving domain ontologies and data mapping references which
are needed for data structure unification and descriptor standardization.
Behind these components is a relational database schema that supports TraW and records its
data processing history.
3.3.1 Metadata collection
TraW treats all data sources as new by collecting their most up-to-date metadata in each
batch data collection through a web-based application interface. If the existing sources do
Personalized Biomedical Data Integration

not have any changes since the previous update, the source data managers are required to
sign an online confirmation sheet for the current submission. To avoid another level of
heterogeneity as generated by metadata description, TraW provides a pre-defined metadata
list for data providers to choose from through the registration interface. These metadata are
defined based on the TraW domain templates (the differences between domain templates
and target schema are detailed in section 3.3.2). These metadata will not completely cover all
source data elements, not necessarily because they do not represent the meanings of those
data, but because they do not share the same semantic interpretations for the same kinds of
data. Thus, TraW allows data providers to create their own metadata for unmatched data
3.3.2 Domain data template
In section 2.2.2, we described the GAV and LAV concepts. The TraW domain template is
derived from the GAV concept. The difference is that the GAV in view integration is a virtual
schema that responds directly to query commands, while the domain template in TraW both
carries physical data and serves as a workbench to stage data before integration. Unlike a
target schema, which has normalized domain entities and relationships governed by
rigorous rules to assure data integrity, domain templates in TraW do not have entity level
data structures, nor do they have relationship and redundancy constraints. Instead, since
there are no concerns about the user application interface, the templates can simply be
frequently edited in order to accommodate the new source data elements. However, these
templates must have three essential categories of data elements.
First, a template must contain elements that support minimal information about data integration
(MIADI). MIADI is presented by a set of primary identifiers from different sources and is
required for cross-domain data integration. These identifiers, which come from independent
sources, should be capable of being mapped to each other when study objects are derived
from the same person. If the mapping linkage is broken, PHI will be required to rebuild data
continuity and integrity for one person may have multiple identifiers if served in different
medical facilities.
Second, a template must contain the domain common data element (CDE), a set of abstracted
data concepts that can represent various disciplinary data within a domain. For example,
cancer staging data elements are required for all types of cancers so they are the CDE for
evidence oncology data. Elements for time stamps and geographic locations are also CDEs
for cross-domain incidence data. Domain CDEs are usually defined through numerous
discussions between informaticians and domain experts if there is no available CDE that is
widely accepted in the public domain.
Third, the template must contain elements that carry data source information, e.g., source
database names, owner names of the databases, data versions, submission times, and etc,
which are collectively called data provenance information. This information is required for
data curation and tracking.
ETL workers continue to debate what exactly constitutes domain CDE, despite significant
efforts to seek consensus within or across biomedical domains (Cimino, Hayamizu et al.
2009). Each ETL often has its own distinct semantic interpretation of data. Therefore, TraW
should only provide templates with the three specified element categories in order to give
ETL workers flexibility in configuring their own workbench.
Generally speaking, domain templates have looser control on CDE formulation than do target
schemas because they are intended to cover all source data elements, including those that have
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

a semantic disparity on the same domain data. For this reason, a domain template actually
serves as a data transformation medium which in principle, has a consistent data structure as
the target schema while simultaneously containing both an original (O-form) and a
standardized (S-form) form for each data element. Data need to be in a semantically consistent
structure before they can be standardized. Data in S-form are completely consistent in both
structure and description to the target schema. Reaching semantic consistency relies on a set of
data transformation algorithms and semantic mapping references.
3.3.3 Data transformation algorithms
Data transformation is a materialized process of LAV (refer to section 2.2.2), meaning that it
converts data from each source to a common data schema with consistent semantic
interpretations. Since we focus mainly on basic data element transformation, we mashup
these elements from different sources and rearrange them into different domain templates.
Because each domain template contains a data provenance element, we can trace every
single record (per row) by its provenance tag through the entire data manipulation process.
The transformation of a data element proceeds in two steps: data structure unification and
then data value standardization. The algorithms behind these two steps are generic to all
domain data but depend on two kinds of references to perform accurately. These references
are the domain ontologies and the mapping media between sources and target schema
(more details in 3.3.4). In this section, we mainly explain data transformation algorithms.
In our experience with integrating data from more than 100 sources, we have found that
about 50% of source data elements could not find semantic matches among themselves or to
the target schema even when they carried the same domain data. Within these semantically
unmatched data elements, we consistently found that more than 80% of the elements are
generated through hard-coding computation, meaning that data instances are treated as
variable carriers, or in other words, as attribute or column names (Fig 2.I). This practice
results in data elements with extremely limited information representation and produces an
enormous amount of semantically heterogeneous data elements. It is impossible to
standardize the data description in such settings unless instance values are released from
the name domains of the data elements. The algorithm to transform this kind of data
structure is quite straightforward, unambiguous, and powerful. The process is denoted in
the formula:
{ } { }
(1) (i) (i ) (specified)
f x , y f x , y =>
In this formula, a data table is treated as a two dimensional data matrix. x represents rows and
y represents columns. Column names (left side of arrow) are treated as data values in the first
row. They are transposed (repositioned) into rows under properly abstracted variable holders
(columns). The associated data with those column names are rearranged accordingly (Fig 2.II).
The decision as to which column names are transposed into which rows and under which
columns is made with information provided by a set of mapping references. Since this process
often transforms data from a wide form data matrix into a long form, we refer to it as a wide-
to-long transformation. The fundamental difference between this long form data table versus
an EAV long form data table is that the data table in our system is composed with semantically
normalized data elements while EAV data table is not.
Once data values are released from data structures under properly abstracted data elements,
normalization and standardization of the value expression can take place. This process is
Personalized Biomedical Data Integration

called data descriptor translation and relies on a mapping reference that specifies which
specific irregular expressions or piece of vocabulary are to be replaced by standardized
ones. At the same time, further annotation to the instance data can be performed based on
the metadata. For example, the test values in Fig 2.II are measured from two different test
methods for the same testing purpose. In this circumstance, unless the test methods are also
annotated, the testing results cannot be normalized for an apple-to-apple comparison. In
addition, the assessment (asmt) field is added to justify the score values read from different
testing methods (Fig 2.III).
There are other complex data structure issues besides hard-coded data elements requiring
significant cognitional analysis to organize data. We discuss these issues in section 5.

1 10
2 10 20
3 90% 20%
1 C 10
2 B 20
2 A 10
3 D 20%
3 B 90%
1 C 10 Positive Panel-A
2 B 20 Negative Panel-A
2 A 10 Positive Panel-A
3 D 20 Negative Panel-B
3 B 90 Positive Panel-B
Value normalization
and validation

Fig. 2. An example of data transformation: I) Hard-coded data elements; II) Semantically
unified data structure; and III) Standardized and normalized data values with additional
annotation based on metadata and data mapping references
3.3.4 Domain ontology and mapping references
Domain ontology and mapping references are human-intensive products that need to be
designed to be computable and reusable for future data processing. In general, it is simpler
to produce mapping references between irregular data descriptors and a well-established
domain ontology. The problem is how to align heterogeneous source data elements and
their data value descriptors to a domain ontology that is also under constant development.
Our solution is to set several rules for domain ontology developers and provide a backbone
structure to organize the domain ontology.
1. We outline the hierarchy of a domain ontology structure with root, branch, category
and leaf classes, and allow category classes to be further divided into sub-categories.
2. We pre-define attributes for the leaf class, so that the leaf class property will be
organized into a set of common data elements for this particular ontology.
3. Although domain concept descriptors are treated as data values in ontology, they
should be in unique expressions as each should represent a unique concept.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

We train domain experts with these rules before they develop ontologies, as improper
classification is difficult to detect automatically. We maintain data mapping references in a
key-value table, with the standardized taxonomy as the key and irregular expressions as
values. Both in-house domain ontologies and mapping references should be improved,
validated, maintained, and reused over time.
3.3.5 Data transformation process
Here, we describe a snapshot of the data transformation process. Typically, this process
requires a set of leaf class attributes for a domain ontology, a mapping table that connects
the leaf class data elements and the source data elements, a data structure transformation
program, and a set of source data (Fig 3). At the end of this process, the source data
structures and values are all transformed according to the concept descriptor classification
in the domain ontology. The original source data attribute name is now released from the
name domain (red boxes in Fig 3) of a data element and becomes a piece of value record
(purple box in Fig 3) that is consistent to the taxonomy in the domain ontology.

Aribute name
Aribute name Instance value value Leaf aribute
Aribute name Instance value
Instance value
Match /Map
Domain ontology
Value standardized
value Leaf aribute
value Leaf aribute
Source aribute name
matches DO value
Loading with
Integraon in
Target schema
Source data element
Assemble new data elements
Remove the mapping media - transformaon takes place
Domain template

Fig. 3. A generalized data transformation processs using dynamically evolved domain
ontology and mapping media.
4. Results
4.1 UNIFIN framework overview
UNIFIN is implemented through the TraM and TraW projects. TraM runs on an Oracle
database server and a TomCat web application server. TraW also runs on an Oracle
database, but is operated in a secluded intranet because it processes patient PHI records (Fig
4). TraM and TraW do not have software component dependencies, but are functionally
interdependent in order to carry out the mission of personalized biomedical data
integration. Fig 4 shows the UNIFIN architecture with notations about its basic technical
Personalized Biomedical Data Integration

Data matching
Domain templates
Transformation /
Loading toolkit
TraM TraW



Other DBMS
Other Destinies
other protocol
TraW Schema

Fig. 4. UNIFIN overview: Dashed lines for the panel on the left indicate the workflow that
does not route through TraW but is still a part of UINFIN. Red lines indicate secured file
transmission protocols. Areas within the red boxes indicate HIPAA compliant
computational environments. The right side panel of TraW indicates other data integration
destinations other than TraM.
Whereas the web application interface of TraM provides user friendly data account
management, curation, query and retrieving functions for biomedical researchers, TraW is
meant for informaticians, who are assumed to have both domain knowledge and
computation skills.
4.2 A use case of TraM data integration
We use the example of medical survey data, one of the least standardized and structured
datasets in biomedical studies, to illustrate how domain ontology can play an important role
in TraM. It is not uncommon to see the same survey concept (i.e., question) worded
differently in several questionnaires and to have the data value (i.e., answer) to the same
question expressed in a variety of ways. The number of survey questions per survey subject
varies from fewer than ten to hundreds. Survey subject matter changes as research interest
shifts and no one can really be certain as to whether a new question will emerge and what
the question will look like. Therefore, although medical survey data is commonly required
for a translational research plan (refer to the example in 2.1), there is little data integration
support for this kind of data and some suggest that survey data does not belong in a clinical
conceptual data model (Brazhnik and Jones 2007).
To solve this problem, we proposed an ontology structure to manage the concepts in the
questionnaires. Within the DO, the questions are treated as data in the leaf class of the
questionnaire and organized under different categories and branches. Each question, such
as what, when, how, and why, has a set of properties that define an answer. These
properties include data type (number or text), unit of measure (cup/day, pack/day, ug/ml),
and predefined answer options (Fig 5A).
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software




Fig. 5. Domain ontology and data integration: A) Leaf class attributes of the questionnaire;
B) Instance data described by domain ontology. Both A and B are screenshots from the TraM
curator interface (explained in 4.4). The left hand panel of screen B shows hyperlinks to the
other domains that can also be associated with the individual (TR_0001894). The data shown
is courtesy from the account of centre for clinical cancer genetics
Personalized Biomedical Data Integration

Since a new question and its properties are treated as a new record (a new row in the leaf
class table), the overall database structure stays the same. Since the possible answers in the
survey are pre-defined with controlled vocabulary, the answers will be recorded in a
relationship between the person entity and the question item entity. The survey results are
also instantly and seamlessly integrated with the other domain data (Fig 5B). This
underlying mechanism is meant to allow for the new question to play a double role: first, as
a record (value) in the questionnaire ontology and second, as a question concept to recruit
the survey result. In this way, the TraM system gains enormous flexibility in recruiting new
concepts and is able to annotate data with controlled vocabularies.
4.3 A life-cycle of TraW process
Running a life-cycle of TraW takes four steps: 1) extract atomic data elements from various
source data files; 2) unify (transform) data structure at the atomic data element level and
mashup data into proper intermediate domain templates; 3) standardize (translate) and
validate data values upon mixed data elements on the domain templates; 4) load and
restructure data from domain templates into a target schema and complete integration.
We have yet to gain much experience in extracting data directly from sources since most of
the medical data sources that we work with deny programmatic data access. The source
data files we obtained are in table or XML formats delivered through a secured file transport
process (SFTP).
The person(s) who operates TraW is also responsible for customizing and maintaining the
essential constituent components. This responsibility includes editing domain templates,
maintaining data mapping references and modifying programs in the toolkit. As a high-
throughput computation process, TraW may drop a list of disqualified data at each step and
keep moving forward. Disqualified data will be sent to a curator for further validation.
Recovered data may rejoin the workflow after verification to be processed with other data
(Fig 6). Unified and standardized data on the domain templates (in the S-forms, refer section
3.3.2) are in a mashup status but not integrated. Integration is realized through the loading
procedure which resumes ER structures and constraints in the destination. Since domain
templates provide a standardized and stabilized data inventory, loading procedures can be
highly automated between domain templates and the target schema.

Domain templates
Data source
Source data
Data extracon
structure transformaon
Semanc matching
Value standardizaon
End user
Disqualied data
Vericaon Customize, maintain,
and operate TraW

Fig. 6. Semi-automated TraW process
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

4.4 Information delivery
Evaluation of the success of the UNIFIN approach is assessed by its final products:
personalized biomedical data and the applications that deliver these data. The quality of
TraM data reflects the integration capacity of the TraM schema and efficiency of the TraW
process and is measured by data uniformity, cleanness and integrity. A researcher who
demands individualized cross-domain data (as described in the example in 2.1) should be
able to query through the TraM application interface to obtain satisfactory information.
Specifically, quality data should have the following features: 1) the same domain data
should have consistent data elements (e.g., domain CDEs) and data descriptors; 2) all
specimens, which are the linkage between clinical and basic science records, should be bar-
coded and annotated with at minimum, the persons demographic information; 3) various
domain data derived from the same person should be interlinked regardless of their
disparate sources; 4) redundancies and discrepancies in the data are rigorously controlled at
all hierarchical levels of schema and domains. Fig 7 displays some of these features of the
TraM data in a breast cancer translational research account.

Fig. 7. An example of the TraM data (screenshot on the regular user interface): In this
particular query, the user used filters for three negative breast cancer biomarkers (noted as
probe names), while other domain data are also displayed on the screen, including specimen
samples. Each data field provides hyperlinks to allow for navigation to more detailed
domain records. Important time stamps, e.g., the dates of diagnosis, surgery, and
medication, are also shown. The export function allows users to retrieve normalized data in
any domain, including detailed domain data that are not shown on this screen. The data
shown is courtesy of a breast cancer translational research account.
On average, when data are collected from more than 10 independent sources (batch data
processing usually contains data from 10-30 disparate sources), around 50% of the distinct
individual counts from these sources will be eliminated after data descriptor standardization
and error correction, which means that about 50% of the person counts in the raw data are
redundant because of heterogeneous descriptions and errors generated by humans in
disparate sources. Furthermore, 50%-60% of source data elements do not match the target
schema or among themselves because of semantic heterogeneity (detailed in section 3.3),
which means that these elements need to go through a data structure transformation in order
to retain the data carried by these elements. Although these simple statistics only reflect the
Personalized Biomedical Data Integration

situation of the ETL executed between our data sources and our particular target schema, it
delivers a piece of important information: complicated data transformation and curation are
required to achieve personalized biomedical data integrity in the real world.
For a biomedical data source that contains detailed patient data with records of time stamps,
even de-identified, the data source usually is not freely accessible because of HIPAA
concerns. Therefore, the application of the TraM data is quite different from a conventional
biological data source in the way how data is accessed. First, the TraM data that contains
healthcare administrative dates can only be viewed through project accounts. Each account
usually contains at least one institutional research board (IRB) protocol (Fig 7). Researchers
need to be approved by the same IRB protocol that patients have consented to in order to
view the data within the account.
Under each project account, TraM offers four kinds of user interfaces and each allows a
specified user role to access data with a uniquely defined privilege. 1) The role of account
administrator has the highest privilege within an account and the person manages users
within the account by assigning them different roles. 2) The role of curator has write
privileges so the person can edit data even after the data have been loaded into the TraM
system (Fig 5). 3) The role of power uses, usually a physician, under IRB approval, has
privileges to view the patients medical record number which is considered as PHI, but has
no right to edit data. Finally 4) the role of regular user can view all de-identified TraM data
(Fig 7). Although unlimited accounts are allowed to access the TraM data based on IRB
protocols, there is only one copy of integrated data in the database. If the IRB protocols that
a patient has consented to happen to be in different accounts, the patients records will be
shared by these accounts without duplicate records in database.
5. Discussions
Personalized biomedical data integration is a complicated and perpetual challenge in
biomedical informatics. Simply utilizing a single method, technology, or system architecture
may not solve all of the problems associated with the process. In comparison to the other
software products available in this line of work, the focus of UNIFIN is on data processing
for integration, a goal that the system has achieved utilizing current real-world data. The
architecture of UNIFIN is supported by a highly abstracted data modelling strategy which
provides a solid foundation to be modified, extended, and improved for future and
presumably improved source data environments without altering its backbone structure.
Issues related to UNIFIN are the following:
Ad hoc versus sustainable solutions: Personalized biomedical data integration is on the frontier
of scientific challenges on a day-to-day basis. Rapidly evolving research has forced many to
adopt ad hoc data capture solutions to keep the records. These solutions usually capture
data in as-is formats and the data, along with its descriptors, are not synthesized with
concept abstraction, semantic normalization and vocabulary standardization. Some ad hoc
approaches are unavoidable, especially when users who create ad hoc data are not computer
professionals. However, we believe that the ad hoc solutions should be limited to raw data
capture but not be promoted for multiple source data integration or integrated data
management. Considering the cost, scope, and endeavour of a warehousing project, making
an effort up front in the design stage to separate data concepts (variable carriers) from data
values (instance data) will be rewarded with long term software architecture stability and
function flexibility. A software product produced with such planning should be suitable to
ad-hoc events and sustainable in a constantly evolving data source environment. Here,
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

sustainability does not mean that software is static and does not need to be modified.
Instead, it means that if required, software can be modified at minimal cost to gain a
significant improvement in capacity.
Reuse and impact of human efforts: TraW is a workflow that requires human-intervention. The
products of human intervention are data mapping references and domain ontologies. After
about three years of effort, we have reduced the time needed for a life-cycle of data processing
of the same scope of data from several months to a few weeks while gaining much improved
quality consistency in the final product. Yet, one of the major reasons for us not able to
further significantly reduce the ETL time at present is semantic heterogeneity of source data
and high modification frequency of data sources (minimal 3 times a year in some major data
sources). These changes often require human cognitive attention to validate data matching,
mapping, and transformation processes. In some cases (e.g., source data elements designed
with implied or multiple overloaded meanings) off-line human research is required to form a
data processing solution before proceeding. Therefore, it is important to design and maintain
these mapping references to make the human-intensive products computable, so that they can
be reused in data processing with a high-throughput manner. When these mapping references
become more sophisticated, improved automation should be possible. At the current stage, the
need of human intervention reveals a major limitation of the UNIFIN approach: TraW needs to
be operated by experts in biomedical informatics, which not only slows down a process that
was intended to be streamlined, but also has the potential to produce data with uneven quality
due to the uncertainty of human behaviour.
Position and contribution of warehousing solution in a biomedical data space: If there is a spectrum
for data integration strategies based on their product integrity, warehousing solution appears
to fall at the top of the spectrum as the most integrated while mashup at a position of less
integrated. However, the two can be successfully interlinked when individualized studies
need to be transformed into population studies, e.g., medical census. UNIFIN-like approaches
will potentially become conduits that allow for significant amounts of information mashup by
providing standardized quality data. In order to form a harmonized ecosystem in the data-
space, warehouse data sources need to work towards using interchangeable domain
ontologies and CDEs to process data and making these data available for interoperable
sharing. If this does not occur, the sprawling warehouses, which usually collect regional
biomedical data, may contribute to yet another layer of data heterogeneity.
6. Conclusion
We have created and tested a warehousing framework consisting of a unique database
conceptual model and a systematically adjusted and enhanced ETL workflow for
personalized biomedical data integration. The result is a real-world tested solution that is
capable of consistently and efficiently unifying data from multiple sources for integration
and delivering consumable information for use by translational researchers. The UNIFIN is
a work-in-progress in the field that demands new knowledge and innovative solutions to
this line of work.
7. References
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Smart Data Collection and Management in
Heterogeneous Ubiquitous Healthcare
Luca Catarinucci, Alessandra Esposito, Luciano Tarricone,
Marco Zappatore and Riccardo Colella
University of Salento,
1. Introduction
The increasing availability of network connection and the progress in information
technology and in hardware miniaturization techniques, are determining new computing
scenarios, where software applications are able to "configure themselves" based on
information coming from heterogeneous sources (sensors, RFID, GPS, databases, user input,
etc.) which form the so called "context". In other terms, such applications are based on the
representation and codification of different kinds of data, such as biomedical parameters,
environmental data, device location, user preferences, resource availability, every time, from
every location and through different modalities (pervasiveness), and on the provision of
services and contents adapted to current context (context-awareness). Such computing
scenarios find application in a large number of real-life domains, as environment
monitoring, supply-chain management and so on. Health-care is perhaps one of the most
relevant and promising. Indeed, the perspectives opened by such technologies are wide and
variegate: they range from the home-care of mobility-impaired people to the harmonization
and presentation to hospital workers of information gathered from distributed
heterogeneous sources.
The implementation of context-aware systems is based on two distinct but strongly
interlaced tasks: 1) monitoring and collection of sensorial data, with the related issues
concerning data transmission, costs, enabling technologies as well as the heterogeneity and
the number of data to be collected 2) processing and integration of data with available
context information in order to activate decision processes which are in many cases not
Key points are the selection of the enabling technologies for the collection, transmission and
smart management of data gathered from heterogeneous sources, and the design of a
system architecture having the following characteristics:
a. simple to use;
b. low-cost and low-power consumption in order to make possible the implementation of
systems with a high number of nodes;
c. interoperable with any type of sensors;
d. customizable to different kinds of application domains with a limited effort;
e. scalable with the number of nodes;
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

f. suitable response times so to be adopted also in emergency situations.
Based on the above considerations, we developed a cost-effective RFID-based device for the
monitoring and collection of sensorial data, and a pervasive and context-oriented system
which operates on sensor data and is based on an innovative, flexible and versatile
framework. The description of the RFID device and of the software framework is provided
in this chapter, which starts with an introduction to potential applications for healthcare and
to emerging techniques for both data collection and smart data management, and concludes
with the validation of both hardware and software solutions in the real-life use-case of
patient remote assistance.
2. Potential applications
This paragraph proposes an overview of the possible applications of emerging technologies
for data sensing, gathering and smart data elaboration with a special focus to the healthcare
domain. We partition applications into four groups, even though some overlapping between
such groups exist.
2.1 Knowledge sharing, availability and integration
Management and delivery of healthcare is critically dependent on access to data. Such data
are normally provided by several heterogeneous sources, such as physiological sensors,
imaging technology or even handwriting and often spans different organisations. Moreover
they are generally stored by using different formats and terminologies, such as electronic
health records, clinical databases, or free-text reports. If such a rich collection of health and
community data could be linked together, we would improve enormously our capability of
finding answers to health and social questions and of tackling complex diseases (Walker,
2005). Unfortunately, sharing such a complex aggregate of information and deriving useful
knowledge from it is currently very difficult.
A very promising answer to this need is provided by the enabling technologies for smart
data collection and management which are named ontologies [Section 3.4]. Ontologies
define a formal semantically rich machine-readable specification of concepts and
relationships which is unique and sharable among dispersed consumers. They provide
coherent representations of biomedical reality thus enabling wide-area multi-organizational
sharing of data by supporting publishing, retrieving and analysis of data in large-scale,
diverse and distributed information systems.
Moreover, when integrated with other enabling technologies (such as those listed in Section
3.3 and 3.5) ontologies allow the identification of the correct information to be forwarded to
health care professional depending on available information about context, such as time,
place, patient current state, physiological data, and so on.
2.2 Independent living
The combination of sensors, RFID, wireless protocols and software solutions, is going to
enhance aging population and impaired people capability of conducting a possibly
autonomous independent living. Indeed, pervasive and context-aware applications are more
and more recognized as promising solutions for providing continuous care services, while
improving quality of life of people suffering from chronic conditions.
Smart Data Collection and Management in Heterogeneous Ubiquitous Healthcare

Support to independent living encompasses a wide range of applications ranging from the
telemonitoring of vital parameters to scenarios involving home automation and domotics.
In the former case (Paganelli, 2007), the system allows chronic patients, such as epileptics or
persons with chronic mental illness, to conduct a substantially normal life as it makes a
continuous measurement of vital data and/or of the activities of daily living and social
interactions. An immediate assistance is provided in emergency situations, when patients
may be unconscious and unable to react. Indeed, the system is able to autonomously alert
the best suited care giver and to forward her/him a meaningful synthesis of real-time (e.g.
physiological data) and static data (e.g. historical patient information).
Smart homes (SM4ALL, 2010), instead, consist in homes augmented with networked
sensors, communicating objects, and information appliances. Ambient sensors acquire
information about the home environment, body near sensors acquire information about the
habitant. The combination of these sensors enables the creation of activity profiles which
allow the constant monitoring of patient daily life. Also in these cases, adverse events are
recognized by the system (the habitant leaves the home while the cooker is still switched
on, or the patient has a fall) and specific assistance is quickly provided.
2.3 Tracking
The capability to trace, localize and identify a large number of heterogeneous objects in a
complex and dynamic environment is essential in many sectors, including the healthcare
one (Bacheldor, 2008, 2009), (Swedberg, 2010). Moreover, the widespread diffusion of the
object/people to be traced, forces the use of flexible, easy to use and inexpensive
technologies. Such requirements are typical of RFID systems. The joint use of RFID tags and
smart software infrastructures in identification badges for health care professionals,
patients, and fixed assets, therefore, is more and more gaining momentum. Thanks to these
technologies, physicians and nurses are tracked in real-time or near real-time, and contacted
in case of emergencies, whilst specific medical devices, such as multi-channel infusion
pumps, are associated with patients.
Tracking is also of utmost importance to control drug dispensation and laboratory results.
Medical dosages and patient samples are validated, together with blood supplies and blood
type matching.
In the pharmaceutical supply chain, where security and safety are required to prevent
compromising the health of patients, smart labels and sensors are fundamental. Smart labels
are attached to drugs, in order to track them through the overall supply chain. Sensors
continuously monitor the status of items requiring specific storage conditions and discard
them if such conditions are violated. Drug tracking and e-pedigrees also support the
detection of counterfeit products and for keeping the supply chain free of fraudsters.
The smart labels on the drugs can also directly benefit patients in several manners, e.g. by
storing the package insert, informing consumers of dosages and expiration date, by
reminding patients to take their medicine at appropriate intervals and monitoring patient
compliance, etc...
2.4 Smart hospitals
With the ability of capturing fine grained data pervasively, wireless sensors and RFID tags
have numerous available and potential applications in hospitals (Wang, 2006). The quality
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

of patient care at the bedside is improved and errors reduced. This is accomplished by
integrating the physical process of care delivery with medication information and software
applications that provide clinical decision support, and quality and safety checks.
Without such systems, healthcare providers traditionally use a paper-based flow chart to
store patient information during registration time, which is updated by different
professionals and forwarded to the incoming staff at the end of each shift. As a result the
paper report is not always accurate. RFIDs allow for transmitting and receiving data from
patient to health professionals without human intervention. RFID wristbands are used to
identify patients during the entire hospitalization period. They are used to store patient data
(such as name, patient ID, drug allergies, blood group, and so on) in order to constantly
keep staff informed. Medical professionals can easy access and update patients records
remotely via Wi-Fi connection using mobile devices.
3. Emerging technologies
Pervasive platforms derive from the merging of several technologies which recently had an
impressive improvement, such as wireless communications and networking, mobile
computing and handheld devices, embedded systems, etc.
As a result, a review of the emerging technologies which enable the development of
pervasive systems may reveal a hard and tedious task. The focus of this section is therefore
restricted on a subset of such technologies. We substantially concentrate on the technologies
which will be cited in the course of the chapter and which we believe actually constitute,
and will probably still constitute in the future, the core of pervasive context-aware systems.
Computing environments are inherently distributed and heterogeneous. They are made of
components which can be mobile, embedded in everyday objects or in general hidden in the
infrastructure surrounding the user (Weiser, 1991). The context data to be computed must
be collected by spread, inexpensive and easy to use data collectors. Those based on the RFID
technology (Section 3.1) guarantee both identification and localization. The integration of
sensors on traditional RFID tags (Section 3.2) assure also the interaction with other physical
values, mandatory for a realistic context reconstruction. Such heterogeneous and dispersed
components have different requirements and capabilities and are expected to interact
continuously and in a transparent manner.
Interaction and transparency in a distributed environment are well supported by the
so-called multi-agent paradigms, which, as explained in Section 3.3, organize applications
around the coordinated interaction of autonomous reasoning software entities, which wrap
the natural components of the distributed system.
Pervasive systems must also exhibit some intelligent behavior in terms of context awareness,
i.e. their components must be able to coordinate with one another in order to recognize and
react aptly to environment modifications. Coordination and reasoning require a high
level of (semantic) interoperability, i.e. the availability of a shared and agreed knowledge
layer upon which agents base their inferences and cooperation.
For this purpose, ontologies (Section 3.4) and rule based logic (Section 3.5) seem the best
combination of technologies for enabling knowledge representation and reasoning, the
former provide a sharable, reusable model of reality, the latter efficiently support
inferencing and event recognition.
Smart Data Collection and Management in Heterogeneous Ubiquitous Healthcare

3.1 RFID
Radio frequency identification is one of the emerging technologies that is having the most
capillary diffusion, thanks to its low cost, its easiness and the very large number of
applications where it can be crucial.
RFID can be seen as the enhanced version of the union between radio frequency (RF) anti-
theft systems and bar codes.
RF anti-theft systems are based on passive devices, called tags, essentially constituted by a
spiral antenna in parallel to a capacitor. If a tag is exposed to a certain electromagnetic field,
such as those generated by the RF gates at the shop exits, the spiral antenna receives enough
power to charge the capacitor. Once the capacitor discharges, a new signal is transmitted
through the spiral antenna and received by the RF gate, generating the alert.
As well known, vice versa, a barcode is a series of bars and spaces through which
information is encoded. The reading is then delegated to optical scanners which, however,
work only a few centimetres away and only in line-of-sight condition.
RFID technology, therefore, combines the capability of barcodes to transmit complex
information with the peculiarity of responding only when interrogated through a proper RF
signal, characterizing passive anti-theft systems.
Substantially, if a book marked with an RF anti-theft tag passes through a RF gate, a
nonspecific alert is generated (telling us that something has been stolen). A more detailed
information about the book can be obtained only by reading its barcode through an optical
scanner. When the same book is marked with an RFID tag, we can know which book is
passing through the gate in terms of title, author, cost, number of pages, inventory number
and so on. It is apparent, though, how this sophisticated anti-theft system is only one of the
most simple applications which can take undeniable advantage from an RFID-based
A generic RFID system is, hence, mainly based on two entities: on one side there are the
tags, which store in a microchip information in terms of electronic product code (EPC), and
can receive and transmit signals by means of an aluminium or copper antenna. On the other
side there are the readers and the reader antennas, which emit electromagnetic signals and
wait for an answer. When a tag is in the region covered by a reader antenna, the tag
microchip is powered and a signal containing the EPC, is sent back towards the reader
antennas. The reader decodes such an identifier code (ID), telling a middleware system that
a specific tag has been read by a certain reader antenna. In Fig.1 a schematization of an RFID
system is reported.
The reasons for the spread diffusion of RFID technology, however, is not to be found in its
working principle, but rather in its cost and its ease of use. The mere wireless transmission
of an ID under certain electromagnetic solicitations, in fact, does not hide any particular
technological impediment. On the contrary, the capability of using passive devices, which
do not require maintenance and cost a few cents, is a peculiarity of RFID tags.
This promises a widespread use, for instance, also in applications where the cost should
remain affordable and reusability is not guaranteed.
A comprehensive classification of the RFID technology in terms of working frequency,
maximum working distance, tag powering method, cost, sensitivity, storage capacity etc., is
certainly possible but is beyond the scope of this chapter. The interested reader is addressed
to (Dobkin, 2007) for such a goal.
On the contrary, it is worth highlighting that, among the others, passive RFID systems in the
ultra high frequency (UHF) band are those that provide the wider perspectives of
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software


Fig. 1. Schematization of an RFID System
Their work frequency varies accordingly to individual state regulations; it ranges from a
minimum of 860 MHz, for instance in Europe, to a maximum of 960 MHz, in Japan, via the
915 MHz of the United States (Dobkin, 2007). In Fig. 2 a prototype of a home-made UHF
passive tag is shown. Both chip and antennas are clearly visible in the figure. RFID tags are
generally bonded to a polyethylene terephthalate (PET) layer, which can be adhesive or dry.
The prototype of Fig.2, on the contrary, is realized by cutting an adhesive sheet of copper by
using a numerically controlled cutting plotter.

Fig. 2. Home-made prototype of a UHF RFID Tag
Although the apparent simplicity of the tag, it is important to stress that the antenna design
plays a very crucial role. The chip exhibits a strong capacitive contribution, so that a
conjugate matching technique, guaranteeing the maximum power transfer between chip
and antenna, must be applied. Moreover, the need of a reduced size forces the use of
miniaturization techniques (Dobkin, 2007). A well designed antenna guarantees reading
Smart Data Collection and Management in Heterogeneous Ubiquitous Healthcare

range up to 9 m, good enough to support the use of this technology in many applications
based on auto-identification. Vice versa, when an application needs the management of
more complex data, such as physical values representing the context around the tag, an
integration between RFID and sensors is mandatory.
3.2 RFID and sensor integration
An evolution of RFID technology is represented by its integration with sensors, so that, along
with the ID code, also the value measured by the sensor is sent towards the reader. In such a
way, the collection and management of heterogeneous data, similarly to canonical wireless
sensor networks, is made possible, with some advances in terms of benefit/cost ratio.
Indeed, many different wireless technologies are mature for the transmission of data
measured by generic sensors, much more than the inexpensive RFID. Compared with RFID
technology, Wi-fi, Bluetooth, GPRS, UMTS and GSM guarantee wider transmission
distances, higher bit-rates as well as larger amount of exchangeable data. Unluckily, the
benefit/cost ratio of such technologies, depending on the target application, is often not so
appropriate. Therefore, when a capillary diffusion of physical sources is needed, a cheaper
wireless technology is desirable. Moreover, the easy interfaceability with Internet could be
another added value.
So far, the integration of wireless sensor networks with RFID-based sensor systems appears
to be the most practicable way. UHF RFID technology, in fact, is quite inexpensive (passive
RFID tags are as cheap as few euro-cents). It is also naturally compatible with Internet, and
provides a reading range adequate for many applications. It is worth mentioning that some
UHF RFID tags with embedded sensors of temperature or of pressure are already available
on the market (Cho et al., 2005), being often inexpensive and rather accurate. Nevertheless
the study of general purpose devices that support the integration of RFID and generic
sensors, independently of the size and of the cost of the sensor itself, seems to be the new
Furthermore, the ability to gather in an easy and low-cost way a large amount of
identification and context data, paves the way to the solution of ambitious problems that
require the smart management of data. For such a goal, though, it is necessary to
complement this hardware resources with new adequate software technologies, able to
smartly support the decision-making processes.
3.3 Software agents
Software agents (Bradshaw, 1997) are (semi)autonomous programs which represent objects
from the real world, such as persons, devices and services. Real entities delegate to agents
the capabilities which are requested by ubiquitous context-aware systems, such as the
interaction with the environment and with other entities (i.e. agents).
Agents are autonomous, i.e. they are distinct entities, separated, in some sense, from the
world in which they exist. They are able to correctly operate with little or no direct human
input or supervision, and have control of their internal state and behavior.
Agents interaction with the environment happens in a both reactive and proactive manner.
Reactivity means that the agent is able to acquire information about the operating
environment through sensors, messages or interaction with humans and adapt to
perceived changes. Pro-activity means that the agent has a number of goals and is able to
take the initiative to realize them.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

Agent-based systems are used in many situations. For instance, they are worth to be
adopted when the knowledge required to solve a given problem is spatially distributed,
when different computational entities must cooperate to reach a common goal and when a
given task can be subdivided in autonomous sub-tasks. Many problems in the healthcare
domain have such features: knowledge is usually distributed in different physical locations;
medical problem solving strategies quite always require collaboration between different
healthcare operators, structures and devices; finally medical procedures are complex and
are suited to be partitioned into different sub-tasks.
According to Nealon and Moreno (Moreno, 2003) the healthcare domain is a vast open
environment, characterised by shared and distributed decision making and management...
requiring the communication of complex and different forms of information between a
variety of clinical and other settings, as well as the coordination between groups of
healthcare professionals with very different skills and roles. As agents may tackle
distributed problems, are able to communicate among each other, can partition complex
problems in sub-problems, take decision autonomously and provide information to end
users reactively and proactively, they represent a good choice in the healthcare domain. As a
result, agents-based systems are currently used in a wide series of medical-related problems
(Moreno, 2003): patient scheduling, organ and tissue transplant management, community
care, information access, decision support systems, home healthcare monitoring, medicine
and device management, healthcare operators scheduling.
Agents coordinate and exchange information, have a representation of their goals, and
determine their course of action on the basis of a model of the environment which is shared
with other agents. As explained below, ontologies are actually recognized as the best
instrument for defining such a model.
3.4 Ontologies
The advent of ontologies (Gruber, 1995) in computer science in the early nineties and the
current effort in their settlement and development is making the semantic interoperability
dream come true, i.e. ontologies are more and more recognized as the best suited
instrument to harmonize complex and different sources of information and to get
meaningful knowledge from them.
Ontology is the branch of philosophy that provides a formal foundation for specifying, and
making statements about, what exists and how the things that exist are related to each
other. In computer science ontologies are used to describe the logical structure of a specified
domain of interest, its concepts and the relations among them, and to present them in an
explicit and standardized way.
In order to encode knowledge in the form of an ontology an appropriate language must be
used. The most recent emerging standard proposed by W3C is the so called Web Ontology
Language (OWL) (W3C OWL, 2005). OWL represents reality as a set of classes, properties
and instances. Classes stand for the concepts which must be encoded; instances are the
concrete individuals populating classes, whilst properties (relationships) assert general facts
about the members of classes and/or about individuals. OWL provides also a certain
number of operators (constructors and restrictions) for expressing complex concepts,
constraints and dependencies which reflect the human model of reality.
An important feature of ontologies is that they can be processed by a reasoner, i.e. by a
software tool able to extract new knowledge implied by explicitly codified knowledge. This is
Smart Data Collection and Management in Heterogeneous Ubiquitous Healthcare

very interesting for context aware computing. A simple example of reasoning can be given by
the exploitation of transitive relations, which are supported by OWL. Given three entities,
such relations bring the conclusion of the existence of a relation between the first and third
entity, when a relation between the first and second and between the second and third occurs.
For example, the locatedIn relation between an Entity and a Location is commonly marked
as transitive. As a result, if a user is locatedIn the room Bedroom, which is in turn
locatedIn the Home, then the reasoner concludes that the user is located in Home.
Indeed, context-aware systems require more advanced reasoning mechanisms. They are
expected to be able to derive higher-level, conceptual context, such as what the user is
doing from relevant low-level context, such as the door is moving, which is provided by
context sensing. This is the reason why ontologies are normally accompanied by rule based
3.5 Rule based logic
Rule-based logic (Partridge, 1994) is an expressive way to define situations. Rule-based
systems (RBS) differ from standard procedural or object-oriented programs as they do not
clearly define the order in which code executes. Their behaviour is embedded in a set of
rules, each of which encodes a small piece of codified knowledge and can be executed
according to the current content of the so-called working memory (or agenda). The working
memory stores the so-called facts, which represent the factual knowledge of the RBS.
Rules are similar to traditional if-then-else statements, but, differently from them, they are
not executed in any predetermined order. They have a left hand side (the if part) and a right
hand side (the then component). The left hand side contains information about facts and
objects which must be true in order for the rule to potentially fire (i.e. execute).
The process of firing rules is carried out by the so-called rule engine (or inference engine): a
program (interpreter) that performs iteratively the so-called Match-Resolve-Act (MRA) cycle
over the rule set and the working memory. In a MRA cycle, at any given time, rules are
activated by matching them against the working memory elements (Match phase); then
activated rules are chosen for execution according to some selection strategy (Resolve phase)
and finally executed (Act or firing phase). In the Act phase, facts can be modified or deleted,
and new facts can be added to the working memory as well.
In synthesis, RBSs select and execute available rules according to the current context they
perceive. This makes RBSs particularly suitable for implementing context-aware
architectures that must be modular and easily extensible: facts contain a symbolic and
declarative description of a current situation and the rule set puts in relationship context
conditions and devices behavior and actions.
4. A real-life application: a context-aware infrastructure based on RFID
sensor tags
4.1 Introduction
In this section, we propose a framework for context-aware pervasive systems built around
the above mentioned technologies: RFID, sensors, ontology representation, multi-agent
paradigm and rule-based logic.
The section is organized as follows. Section 4.2 introduces the general-purpose framework
and its prototypal implementation. Section 4.3 synthesizes system implementation choices.
Sections 4.4, 4.5 and 4.6 are centred around context modelling. First the ontology
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

representation, then the rule-based reasoning are illustrated. Section 4.7 focuses on data
collection strategies. It describes S-tag, a novel low cost device enabling the integration of
sensor networks with RFID systems. A home-health scenario in the emergency
management domain is finally provided in Section 4.8 as specific example of application
and practical result.
4.2 The Architecture
The architecture of our system (Fig. 3) follows a widely accepted abstraction (Indulska, 2003)
according to which context-aware systems are organized into three layers: context sources,
context management middleware and context consumer level.

Fig. 3. Layered system architecture
Context sources include entities providing raw context data. They are conceptually
partitioned into two groups: physical and virtual sources (Strang, 2004). Physical sources
include hardware devices able to sense context data, such as RFID, sensors, positioning
systems, etc. Virtual sources include software services able to gather context data, such as
GUIs for user preferences input, databases, etc. Such data must be elaborated in an
intelligent manner, so that the overall system reacts properly to context changes. This
requires the availability of a machine-interpretable representation of context and of software
components (agents) able to suitably process such knowledge. Both of them are conceptually
situated at the intermediate level of the system architecture, the so-called middleware layer,
as they provide the core building blocks of a context-aware application. Agents interoperate
with one another thanks to the availability of a unified model of reality. Their behaviour is
strongly influenced by data provided by context sources and substantially determines the
Smart Data Collection and Management in Heterogeneous Ubiquitous Healthcare

activities to be performed at the highest layer. Indeed, the context consumer layer includes
all the entities, such as mobiles, Web interfaces, laptops, which interact with final users in
response to meaningful context changes, thus determining the behaviour of the context-
aware application as a whole.
Fig. 4 shows the fundamental components of the prototypal implementation of the
framework. The system core is a team of cooperating agents, which share an ontology-based
knowledge representation and reason by means of a rule-based inference engine.

Fig. 4. The system follows a multi-agent paradigm and runs on distributed nodes connected
by a local area network. Context Provider Agents (CPA) filter and integrate data provided
by physical and virtual sensors. Context Interpreter Agents (CIA) identify the actions and
the actors best suited for managing an emergency. Context Consumer Agents (CCA)
perform the actions identified by CIAs
4.3 Implementation choices
Many ontology languages exist including Resource Description Framework Schema (RDFS)
(W3C RDFS, 2004), DAML+OIL (DAML, 2010), and OWL (W3C OWL, 2005). OWL is a key
to the Semantic Web and was proposed by the Web Ontology Working Group of W3C. It is
much more expressive than other ontology languages such as RDFS. We chose OWL rather
than DAML+OIL as the latter has been merged into OWL to become an open W3C standard.
We took advantage of the Protg (Protg, 2010) graphical tool with the OWL plug-in and
adopted Pellet (Pellet, 2010), a freeware, public domain ontology reasoner, to perform
consistency checking.
The rule-based domain knowledge was implemented with Jess (Friedman-Hill, 2003) on top
of OWL ontologies. Jess is a rule engine and scripting environment written in Java. Its rule
engine uses the Rete algorithm (RETE, 2010) which has been shown to be fast and efficient
especially for large data sets and it is widely used within a professional programmers
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

Agents are implemented by using the Java Agent Development Environment (JADE).JADE
(JADE, 2010) is a software framework to develop and run agent applications in compliance
with the FIPA specifications (FIPA, 2010) for interoperable intelligent multi-agent systems.
Inter-Agent communication is based on the FIPA ACL which specifies a standard message
language by setting out the encoding, semantics and pragmatics of the messages.
The three technologies were glued together (Fig. 5) by taking advantage of a local
adaptation of BeanGenerator (OntologyBeanGenerator, 2010), a Protg plugin able to
convert OWL codification into Java classes. As a result, the semantics of agent messages and
their reasoning are built over OWL concepts and predicates, having been matched with Jess
and JADE vocabulary (see next section).

Fig. 5. The system implementation is based on the matching between OWL vocabulary with
Jade agent inner context representation (in the form of Java classes) and Jess shadow facts
Finally, input data are provided by both physical and virtual context sources. Physical
sources are obtained by integrating sensors with an RFID device (see Section 4.7), whilst
virtual context sources consist in databases providing static information.
In the following sections, the system components and their way of functioning are described
more in detail, with reference to a home-care giving scenario.
4.4 Context ontology
A common practise, when developing ontologies, is to adopt a top level (upper) shared
conceptualization (Guarino, 1998) on top of which domain ontologies are built. Top level
ontologies codify general terms which are independent of a particular problem or domain.
Once the top level ontology is available, several lower level ontologies can be introduced,
with the scope of incrementally specializing concepts from the high level generic point of
view of the upper ontology to the low level practical point of view of the application. This
Smart Data Collection and Management in Heterogeneous Ubiquitous Healthcare

way of structuring knowledge promotes sharing and reuse of ontologies in different
application domains.
The hierarchical architecture of our ontology is organized into three levels (see Fig. 6, left
side). Indeed, the ontology of our framework provides the knowledge representation upon
which agents reason and exchange messages. Therefore, the top level concepts of our
taxonomy contain terms useful for codifying the multi-agent environment, thus facilitating
their interoperation. These concepts can be reused in any agent-based environment,
independently from the application domain.

Fig. 6. A fragment (on the right) of the ontology, which is hierarchically structured in
ontology modules (depicted on the left)
In order to fully exploit them in a context-aware system, a specialization is needed. In other
terms, the context knowledge must be represented. This is done by implementing a context
middle level ontology which specializes the top level ontology and codifies general
concepts related to context. Terms specifically related to the application domain are
introduced at the bottom level by making a further specialization. Some more details about
the way our ontology is structured can be evinced by Fig. 6 (right side). Indeed, the top level
ontology reflects the JADE codification of ACL message slots, as represented in the
publicly available ontology named OWLSimpleJADEAbstractOntology (JADE Tutorial,
2010). This ontology allows agents to give a semantics to message components. It makes a
distinction between predicates and terms. Predicates can assume true or false
values and are used to describe the current status of codified entities (e.g.
SingleParameterVariation_Predicate). Terms are specialized into Agent Actions (not
depicted in Figure 4) and Concepts classes. Agent Actions codify the actions being
performed by agents (such as NotifyAnomaly). Concepts are used to characterize the
entities upon which predicates and actions operate (such as MonitoredParameter,
MonitoringParameter, PhysicalRegion, Worker and so on). Agents are themselves
codified in the ontology by instantiating a suited subclass of the Concepts class, namely
the AID class.
The vocabulary related to context entities was defined starting from the widely accepted
definition of context, provided in (Dey, 1999): Context is any information that can be used
to characterize the situation of an entity. As a consequence, an entity is a person, place,
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

computational entity, or object which is considered relevant for determining the behavior of
an application. Moreover, in order to satisfy the ontology reusability requirement, the
MonitoredEntity, MonitoredParameter and MonitoringEntity contextual entities have
been introduced at domain level. On their turn, such entities specialize into different
concepts depending on the context subdomain they belong to. For instance, a
MonitoredEntity can be a patient, an object or an environment; a MonitoringEntity can be
a relative of the patient or a health operator. Devices can be of different types as well.
4.5 Context rules
Jess rules are used to convert low-level information, given in a raw form by sensors, into
high-level context. This is conceptually performed in an incremental fashion. When the
system starts to work, the sensor network or other devices get data from physical world.
Depending on the incoming events captured by sensors and context, the facts in the Jess
working memory are updated. A set of rules determines if an alarm has to be triggered and
which alarm level should be activated, according to measurement values and corresponding
thresholds. Jess rule engine then searches automatically through the available combinations
of facts to figure out which rules should be fired. Such rules, when matched, infer new facts
which express the context switching to situation of alarm. In other terms, the system
acquires a sort of anomaly awareness, i.e. the raw data interpretation infers facts which
express the occurrence of an anomaly.
In order to keep the system as general as possible (and easily customizable to different
application scenarios) (Esposito, 2010), we adopted the so-called normalized rules
(Williamson, 2010), i.e. rules that can be used in a variety of heterogeneous cases without
changing their structure. For instance, rules concerning the identification of alarm events
due to an anomaly behaviour of data provided by physical sensors have the same
codification, independent from the specific monitored parameter.
The following example shows a rule activating an alarm when a parameter has a monitored
value (?par-c variable) that exceeds the patient thresholds (?par-max and ?par-min
variables). When the rule is fired, the fact Single Parameter Variation (?f-SPVp variable)
is inferred (as another predicate) and the action notify that abnormal event is activated
(send-single-alert action). The ?pn variable, finally, identifies the monitored parameter
having generated the alarm.

The anomaly awareness facts may fire other rules, which may on their turn infer other
facts. This determines the switching to the higher level context. In other terms, the context
switches to a new situation, which we may call procedure awareness, in which the
activities to be performed in order to manage the alarm situation are known.
Smart Data Collection and Management in Heterogeneous Ubiquitous Healthcare

The following example shows how a rule is fired as a consequence of an abnormal status
due to a couple of parameters. The rule infers the fact Aggregated Parameter Variation
(?f-APVp variable) and starts the action send-aggregate alert in order to notify the
anomaly to entities at a higher logical level.

Once that the procedures needed to manage the anomaly have been identified, the context
consumers come into action by performing suited anomaly management actions.
As detailed in the following section, the kind of reasoning above described is carried out
with the support of suited agents.
4.6. Agent-based reasoning
The following subsections respectively depict the multi agent organization of our system
and an example of agents interaction.
4.6.1 The multi-agent framework
Fig. 7 shows the proposed multi-agent framework, which assigns three fundamental roles to

Fig. 7. The proposed multi-agent framework
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

Context Provider Agents (CPA). These agents wrap context sources to capture raw context
data and instantiate the ontology representation. CPAs may encapsulate single sensors or
multiple sources. In the former case (single domain CPAs) they are mainly responsible for
gathering and filtering data and info from sensor devices. In the latter case, (Dockorn Costa,
2005) they interact with single domain CPAs, in order to aggregate context information from
various context sources (for instance sensed data must be aggregated with patient
thresholds). Both kinds of CPAs are responsible also of making low level context inference
and putting relevant context information into the rule engine as facts.
Context Interpreter Agent (CIA). Context Interpreter Agents are responsible for observing
context changes sensed by CPAs, and, as consequence of these changes, to identify the set of
actions that should be performed by context consumer agents. Substantially, they are
responsible for identifying the monitoring entity best suited to manage an alarm situation,
for contacting it and for forwarding context information to it.
Context Consumer Agent (CCA). Context consumer agents are responsible for performing
the actions triggered by CIAs. Actions provide the application reaction to context
information changes, which may assume diverse forms, such as the generation of a signal,
the delivery of a notification or a web services request. Moreover, they may request further
data to CPAs by contacting the suited CPA
Registration Agents (RA). are in charge of managing agents registration and deregistration.
Indeed, the system is dynamic in nature, as monitored and monitoring entities can be added
and removed during its functioning. The JADE environment provides a service, namely the
Directory Facilitator (DF), which supports runtime registration and service advertizing.
However, DF has limited capabilities in service description and reduced performances.
Therefore we implemented our own system by using the Jess virtual machine, which
demonstrated to be much more efficient and supports a much richer description of agent
capabilities and features.
4.6.2 Agents interaction
A simple example of agents interaction is provided in Fig. 8. A logical CPA, i.e. a CPA in

Fig. 8. A simple example of agents interaction
Smart Data Collection and Management in Heterogeneous Ubiquitous Healthcare

charge of aggregating data coming from different context sources (and their CPAs), gathers
data coming from a sensor device and from the patient archive and identifies alarm events.
When an alarm is issued, the CPA communicates the event to the CIA by sending an
inform ACL message. The CIA, on its turn, requests information about the availability of
physicians to the CPA being associated to the doctors archive. Finally, an inform ACL
message is forwarded to the suited CCA in order to communicate the alarm to the selected
The code snippet below shows how ACL fields are perfectly aligned with the classes being
codified in our Ubiquitous Health-Care (UHC) ontology (see Section 4.4). It contains an
example of inform message sent by a physical CPA (namely
CpaP_BodyTemperature_Patient3 in the following code snippet) to a logical CPA
(indicated as CpaL_Patient3). The UHC vocabulary is adopted to communicate sensed
data of a patient (identified by his id MonitoredEntity_ID slot) measured at a certain
timestamp (timestamp slot). The UHC HasMonitoredParameter predicate, together
with its slots NormalMinValue, NormalMaxValue, CurrentValue (indicating the
thresholds and the current sensed value of the monitored parameter), enrich the message
with a deeper semantic meaning. Once that the message is interpreted, the identification of
consequent actions is done by means of rules similar to those described in Section 4.5.

4.7 Context sources
As previously stated, the input raw data of the proposed architecture is represented by the
set of values, usually physical parameters, collected by the so-called physical sources. It has
also been outlined that the realization of devices that integrate RFID technology with
generic sensors has numerous advantages in terms of cost and easiness.
Indeed, the scheme proposed in Fig. 9 represents the actually designed and realized general
purpose Sensor-Tag (S-Tag) connected to a generic sensor including, among the others,
sensors for biomedical applications (patented). When Tag and sensor are connected one to
another and are interrogated, the measured value can be read by a standard UHF RFID
system and interpreted through an RFID middleware. In such a way, the system takes
advantage from the standard RFID technology, preserving most of its peculiarities and
maintaining the compatibility with all the devices already available and worldwide
The working principle is as easy as effective: data measured by the sensor connected to the
S-Tag is used to control a set of integrated RF switches which select the appropriate IDs to
be transmitted back towards the reader when the S-Tag is interrogated. Actually, as the S-
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

Tag is designed as a general-purpose device, the sensor signal must be preventively
quantized through an ad-hoc circuit embedded in the sensor itself. Of course, the number n
of bits used for the quantization must be equal to the number of available IDs on the S-Tag.
As a result, the number of different combinations, excluding the one with all the bits equal
to zero (which would cause interpretability problems) is
2 1 .

Fig. 9. A simplified scheme of the designed RFID sensor tag
Consequently, when the Tag is in the region covered by the RFID reader, it sends back a
signal containing a proper combination of identity codes (IDs) depending on the value of
the input itself, thus facilitating the transmission of sensor data. More specifically, the
internal microwave circuit of the S-Tag samples the value at its input (which has been
measured by the sensor) and quantizes it by using a number of bits equal to the number of
available different IDs. For each bit with value equal to 1, the integrated micro-switch selects
the corresponding ID to be transmitted; the combination of bits can be hence received by a
standard RFID reader and easily decoded in order to rebuild the sensor-measured data.
For a better clarification of the working principle of the S-Tag, Fig. 10 reports a block
diagram referred to a temperature sensor applied to a 4-ID S-Tag. The sensor is supposed to
work in the range 35-42 C and to be provided with a 4-bit binary digital output (15 valid
combinations), guaranteeing a resolution of 0.5 C. The measured temperature, for instance
assumed to be 38.3 C, after the quantization and the digitalization, will correspond to the
binary symbol 0110, that will become, hence, the input signal of the S-Tag. Consequently,
the internal logic of the S-Tag enables the transmission of the two IDs associated to the
second and the third bit (those ending respectively in 752 and 753 in the figure), and
disables the transmission of the others. When an RFID reader interrogates the S-Tag, hence,
it receives back only the enabled IDs which are automatically associated to the logic state
1. The non-received IDs, instead, are associated to the logic state 0. The so-reconstructed
Smart Data Collection and Management in Heterogeneous Ubiquitous Healthcare

symbol is then reconverted, resulting in temperature value of 38.5 C, slightly different from
the actually measured one because of the quantization effect.
This is not the most adequate context for a more exhaustive explanation of the
implementation issues of the S-Tag; we only would like to observe that, as apparent from
the picture, the sensor is an external unit. In such a way, generic sensors, with the only
requirement of a specific digital output, can be used. Such sensors are not integrated into the
S-Tag, so that they do not influence the tag cost. Moreover, thanks to an accurate
electromagnetic design of the tag antenna and of the microwave circuit (microcontroller, RF-
switch and so on), also the implemented technological innovation is reasonably inexpensive.

Fig. 10. Example of temperature data transmission through a 4-ID S-Tag. The binary symbol
at the S-Tag input is used to discriminate the IDs to be transmitted. Vice versa, the
information about whether or not an ID has been received by the RFID allows a
straightforward symbol reconstruction. The difference between measured and received
temperature value is due to the quantization
4.8 Results
This section provides a number of results obtained from a benchmarking phase performed
to test performance and efficacy of both the S-Tag component (subsection 4.8.1) and the
overall software platform fed by S-Tag data (subsection 4.8.2).
4.8.1 Benchmarking the S-Tag
In this section the proposed S-Tag is extensively tested in order to demonstrate its
effectiveness and versatility. All the reported results have been obtained by using a 4-ID S-
Tag receiving in input the four binary signals of the quantized measured value.
In the first presented results, the signal at the S-Tag input has been artificially generated in
order to create extremely stressing conditions. Indeed, each of the four binary inputs is
assumed to vary every two seconds at random. The random signal generator, hence, can
2 different uncorrelated combinations, thus covering the whole dynamic range of
the S-Tag.
In such a situation, the S-Tag has been positioned at different distances (varying from 50 cm
to 4 m) from a standard UHF RFID reader antenna (for instance, the Alien ALR-8610-AC).
For each distance, the random signal generator has been connected to the S-Tag for a testing
time of 10 minutes, in which the RFID reader has collected data and the signal has been
reconstructed via an ad-hoc but very uncomplicated software. The difference between actual
and received signal has then been evaluated.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

In Fig.11, for instance, transmitted and received samples are compared at a Reader-Sensor
distance of 3 m. It can be observed that, despite the presence of one spike, the transmitted
signal is quite perfectly reconstructed. It is worth mentioning, however, that the longer is
the interrogation distance, the highest is the number of recorded spikes. The spikes
correspond to erroneous received samples which, obviously, should be reduced as much as
possible. Because of the strong correlation between consecutively measured values in real
situations, however, software filters capable to correct most of the read erroneous values can
be easily implemented and applied. For a detailed quantification of the performance of the
system, hence, the circled-dotted line in the graph of Fig. 12 reports, for different distances,
the percentage error evaluated as ratio between number of erroneous samples and number
of samples. A sample is a transmitted symbol of four bits and it is considered erroneous if at
least one bit is not correctly received. Many observations result from the graph. For
distances superior to 3.5 m, for instance, the measured signal cannot be correctly

Fig. 11. Comparison between the actual random signal at the input of the S-Tag and the
signal received by a RFID reader at a distance of 3 m
Even though passive RFID Tags can be read even at 9 m from the reader, in fact, the slight
mismatch caused by the microwave circuits and the coupling among the S-Tag antennas,
reduce the reading range. Work is in progress in order to improve such issue. For distances
inferior to 3.5 m, however, the percentage error is definitely negligible, especially if it is
considered that no software filter is applied to the received bits. In such a context, the
squared-continuous line in the same Fig. 12 shows how the accuracy is improved after the
use of a very simple filter that detects and removes the spikes. Since the RFID reader
interrogates the S-Tag many times a second, the filter verifies the eventual difference among
Smart Data Collection and Management in Heterogeneous Ubiquitous Healthcare

samples referred to the same transmitted value, and where only one reading differs from the
others, it corrects the erroneous sample.
In order to verify that the S-Tag can be used with generic sensors, once disconnected from
the random generator, it has been connected to a glucometer. In this case, it is expected an
improving of the S-Tag performance. It is worth recalling, in fact, that the physical
parameters potentially monitored, show much slower variation in the considered time
intervals than the previously used random generator. In the same Fig. 12, for instance, the
reported results refer to the blood glucose monitoring in the range 4 12 mmol/l. More
specifically, results have been obtained by loading into the used artificial glucometer some
realistic glycemia values of a diabetic patient recorded during a whole day. For such a goal,
glucose values to be transmitted have been obtained from AIDA web site (AIDA, 2010), that
is an on-line educational simulator designed to assist interested parties in obtaining a better
understanding of how insulin and glucose interact within the body (Blanchard, 1998). More
specifically, one of the sample cases proposed on the AIDA web site (the number 0015
referring to the virtual patient named Edward Carllson), has been chosen, and the virtual
patients blood glucose values have been charged on the artificial glucometer connected to
the S-Tag. Results of Fig. 12 clearly show the optimal behavior of the system even at the
maximum investigated distance both for the non-filtered and filtered received signals.

Fig. 12. Comparison among the evaluated error percentages by using two different inputs
(random signal and glycemia) and by varying the distance between S-Tag and reader
antenna . The same error is also reported after the software filter is applied
Finally, a more practical mobile scenario has been considered by positioning the S-Tag on a
programmable robot that, moving itself in the RFID covered area, simulates patient motion.
The robot has been programmed to alternate moments of stillness and moments of activity
for a total test time of 24h, during which the blood glucose values are transmitted through a
S-Tag each 15 minutes. After the reader has received the S-Tag signal, the blood glucose
values are reconstructed both with and without the filtering process. In Fig. 13, for instance,
the three reported graphs are referred to three types of signals: a) original transmitted blood
glucose trend, b) reconstructed signal without filtering, and c) filtered signal.
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

Results show the optimum behavior of both non-filtered and filtered signals and
demonstrate the very good matching between original transmitted blood glucose trend and
received reconstructed signal. The slight differences among signals are due to the
quantization, as described above.
In addition to the glucometer many other kinds of sensors have been tested and the S-Tag
used as a source data for elementary control systems, thus showing the S-Tag capability to
effectively transmit data measured by different kinds of sensors towards standard RFID

Fig. 13. Comparison of the actual glycemia values at the input of the S-Tag with the received
non-filtered and filtered values
4.8.2 Benchmarking the overall system
The overall system was tested in the framework of a network of computers connected by a
TCP/IP-based 100Mb/s network. Computers run under Linux operating system and have
the following characteristics:
1. Intel Pentium, 3.00 GHz (single core); RAM: 512 MB;
2. AMD Athlon, 1.8 GHz (single core); RAM: 478 MB;
The experimentation consisted in collecting average alarm generation and transmission
times in diverse configurations (Fig. 14). The simplest consists of a single patient monitored
by one sensor and assisted remotely by four doctors. The most complex consists of 5
patients, each being monitored by 4 sensors and being assisted by 4 doctors. Results concern
average times obtained over 30 runs. The system monitors data sensed by sensors, and,
based on patient info (loaded once at system start-up) determines alarm events. Alarm
events trigger actions which basically consist in identifying the best suited doctor and
contacting him/her (via mobile). Such doctors are the ones having the appropriate
specialization to tackle the out-of-range monitored parameters (i.e. cardiologists for alarms
concerning heart-rate and/or blood pressure) and the ones being available in the time
interval nearest to the alarm measurement time.
Measured times were taken by imposing four stressing conditions that simulate a real
scenario: 1) each sensed parameter has always out-of-range values, 2) in the same run, all
sensors send data at the same time, 3) the time-spacing between consecutive measurements
is equal to two seconds, 4) only one CIA has been activated, in order to create a fictitious
bottleneck in the system. Measured times consist in:
Smart Data Collection and Management in Heterogeneous Ubiquitous Healthcare

- the time elapsing at the CPA
side between the reception of data from the sensor and
the triggering of the corresponding alarm obtained by means of rule-based reasoning;
- the time elapsing at the CPA
side between the reception of a message coming from
and the triggering of the corresponding alarm obtained by means of rule-based
- the time elapsing at the CIA side between the reception of a message coming from CPA

and the forwarding of a message to CCA.

Fig. 14. Experimentation setup
As shown in Table I, CPA
are responsible for filtering data coming from a single sensor,
therefore their times do not change when the number of sensors and/or of patients change.
Each CPA
, instead, elaborates data coming from sensors connected to a single patient. In
our experimentation set-up, they elaborate data coming from up to four sensors and
produce two kinds of aggregate alarms: the former associates BodyTemperature and
BloodGlucose patterns, the latter combines BloodPressure and HeartRate patterns.
Therefore, CPA
times increase with the number of sensors attached to single patients. CIA
times, finally, depend both on the number of sensors and on the number of patients (i.e.
both on the number of CPA
and on the number of CPA
). Table 1 also illustrates data
obtained by aggregating the average times obtained for each configuration. As shown in the
table, processing times are very good, thus demonstrating the amenability of the proposed
approach to attach also more complex monitoring problems.


1 sensor
1 patient
2 sensors
1 patient
2 sensors
2 patients
4 sensors
1 patient
4 sensors
2 patients
4 sensors
5 patients
3.68 3.68 3.68 3.68 3.68 3.68
/ 4.74 4.74 5.96 5.96 5.96
CIA 2.24 2.87 2.93 3.28 6.97 24.49
Ttot 5.92 11.29 11.35 12.92 16.61 34.13
Table 1. Performance results [ms]
Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software

5. Conclusions
Context-aware ubiquitous systems open a very large number of appealing perspectives for
healthcare. They promise huge increases in performance, accuracy and availability of
treatment. The range of application domains potentially benefiting from these technologies
is wide and variegate, as it includes different areas, such as remote monitoring of mobility-
impaired patients and support to information flow among heath-care workers.
In order to facilitate the implementation of this kind of systems, scientific community is
working hard to define standards and to implement middleware solutions. In spite of that,
the available systems still lack in flexibility and often are not accompanied by a well
documented characterization of customization effort and/or of performance data. A number
of enabling technologies seems to provide a solid building block for the design and
development of flexible and robust context-aware pervasive systems. They were briefly
resumed and commented in this chapter, together with a framework for context-aware
computing based on such technologies.
The system harmonizes agents, ontologies and rule-based inference engines. The ontology
provides the knowledge codification needed to support both agent reasoning and
communication. The system elaborates data coming from heterogeneous sources, including
an innovative RFID system, which embeds RFID and sensors in a reasonably inexpensive
tag, thanks to an accurate electromagnetic design of the tag antenna and of the microwave
circuit (microcontroller, RF-switch and so on).
The effectiveness of the system is demonstrated by reporting performance results obtained
from validation in a real-life application in the home-care scenario.
The very promising results, in terms of easiness of use, reconfigurability and performance,
make the proposed approach a very good candidate for the solution of even complex
monitoring problems, belonging to the healthcare domain and generally to other scientific
domains provided that an ontology describing them is available.
6. References
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accessed: 2010, September).

Quality of Service, Adaptation, and Security
Provisioning in Wireless Patient Monitoring
Wolfgang Leister
,Trenton Schulz
, Arne Lie
Knut Grythe
and Ilangko Balasingham
Norsk Regnesentral
Interventional Centre, Oslo University Hospital
Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunications
Norwegian University of Science & Technology
Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Oslo
1. Introduction
Modern patient monitoring systems are designed to put the individual into the centre of
the system architecture. In this paradigm, the patient is seen as a source of health-relevant
data that are processed and transferred. Patient monitoring systems are used in health care
enterprises as well as in paramedic, mobile, and home situations to foster ambient assisted
living (AAL) scenarios.
There are a multitude of standards and products available to support Quality of Service (QoS)
and security goals in patient monitoring systems. Yet, an architecture that supports these
goals from data aggregation to data transmission and visualisation for end user has not been
developed. Medical data from patient monitoring systems includes sampled values from
measurements, sound, images, and video. These data often have a time-aspect where several
data streams need to be synchronised. Therefore, rendering data from patient monitoring
systems can be considered an advanced form of multimedia data.
We propose a framework that will ll this QoS and security gap and provide a solution
that allows medical personnel better access to data and more mobility to the patients. The
framework is based on MPEG-21 and wireless sensor networks. It allows for end-to-end
optimisation and presentation of multimedia sensor data. The framework also addresses the
QoS, adaptation and security concerns of handling this data.
In Section 2 we present background on patient monitoring systems, their requirements and
how we envision communication is handled. We present communication systems in Section 3
and how to treat QoS in Section 4. A short introduction to data streaming, binary XML and
how they relate to patient monitoring systems is presented in Section 5. In Section 6 we our
proposed solution for the framework and present a security analysis of it in Section 7. Finally,
we offer our conclusions in Section 8.
2 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
Fig. 1. Surgeons testing a patient monitoring system consisting of sensors, actuators, and
communication and presentation entities.
2. Patient monitoring systems
Patient monitoring systems comprise sensors, data communication, storage, processing, and
presentation of medical data. These functions are performed both near the patient, in local
surgery, or remotely at a health care infrastructure, e.g., a medical centre or a hospital. An
example of a patient monitoring system is shown in Fig. 1. In this gure, we see surgeons
holding some sensors and actuators. On the left side of the gure, a large monitor displays
the data fromthese devices. The information is also displayed on the laptop in the foreground
of the gure.
Patient monitoring systems can be used in a variety of health care scenarios ranging from
paramedic, diagnostic, surgical, post-operative, and home surveillance situations. The
systems must meet a high demand of exibility since data may be produced outside a
health care enterprise. This requires specic measures in order to full security, availability,
privacy, and QoS demands. The properties are: a) mobility; b) outside hospital infrastructure;
c) biomedical sensor networks in use; d) wireless channel.
As shown in a case study by Balasingham, Ihlen, Leister, Re & Samset (2007), even within
or between health care enterprises, the requirements that applications need to meet are strict
and require specic measures or architectures. Data from patients are transferred through
networks to the health care enterprise, and made available in a suitable form to the medical
personnel to support the treatment of patients.
2.1 Communication levels
In order to account for the different health care scenarios, we propose the following levels
surrounding the patient in which data are processed and transferred, as outlined in Fig. 2.
These are divided into four levels (0), (I), (II), and (III) depending on the logical distance
712 Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software
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Provisioning in Wireless Patient Monitoring Systems 3
to the patient with Level (0) being the patient. For Level (II), usually only one type applies at
a time. However, it must be possible to switch between the types in Level (II) as easily as the
patient moves between them.
(0) Patient. This is the actual patient.
(I) Personal sensor network. The personal sensor network denotes the patient and the
sensors measuring the medical data. These sensors are connected to each other in
a biomedical sensor network (BSN). While this sensor network can be connected
randomly, in most cases one special BSN node typically one that has additional
power and computational resources is appointed to be a personal cluster head (PCH),
where all data for one patient are collected. The PCH may have visualisation devices
attached to be used by the patient or by medical personnel. In this case, the PCH
represents all data for a patient. Other topologies are possible, including the possibility
that data from other patients are transferred using the sensor nodes of another patients
BSN. However, due to resource limitations of the sensor devices, organisational and
ethical issues may occur. Therefore, this possibility is disregarded.
(IIa) Paramedic. In the paramedic scenario, the BSN is connected to the medical devices
of an ambulance (car, plane, helicopter) via the PCH. The devices of the ambulance
can work autonomously, showing the patient status locally. Alternatively, the devices
of the ambulance can communicate with an external health care infrastructure, e.g.,
at a hospital. Note that the ambulance needs to employ some form of long-distance
communication to the external health care infrastructure.
(IIb) Smart home. The smart home scenario envisages that the patient is in a smart-home
environment, where the personal sensor network is connected to the infrastructure of
the smart-home. The smart home infrastructure might be connected to a health care
enterprise infrastructure using long-distance data communication.
(IIc) Mobility. The mobility scenario envisages that the patient is mobile, e.g., using public
or personal transportation facilities. The personal sensor network of the patient is
connected to the infrastructure of a health care enterprise via a mobile device, e.g., a
mobile Internet connection. Note that the mobile scenario requires temporary storage
in the PCH, since communication cannot be guaranteed at all times. The application
and the communication software must be aware of this.
(IId) Intensive care/surgery. During an operation the sensor data are transferred to the PCH
or directly to the hospital infrastructure over a relatively short distance. The sensors
are in a very controlled environment, but some sensors might be very resource limited
due to their size, so extra transport nodes close to the sensors might be needed. In
the operation environment, there is an increased need for QoS, so that correct data are
available to the surgeons at any time during the operation.
(IIe) Pre- and postoperative. During pre- and postoperative phases of a treatment, and for
use in hospital bedrooms, the sensor data are transferred from the sensor network to
the PCH, and from there to the health care information system.
(III) Health care information system. The health care information system is considered a
trusted environment. It comprises of the hospital network, the computing facilities,
databases, and access terminals in the hospital. It should be noted that communication
between Levels (II) and (III) is two-way.
713 Quality of Service, Adaptation, and Security Provisioning in Wireless Patient Monitoring Systems
4 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
Fig. 2. Generic model of patient monitoring systems showing the data ow to the observer.
Each level may have one or more data observers. An observer can be either the patient, medical
personnel using a suitable terminal, or a processing unit that can trigger alarms, aggregate
data, create logs, etc. The observer is usually in Level (II), while the communication may, or
may not go through Level (III), depending on the application. The generic model in Fig. 2
helps identify where possible technology-transitions in the line of communication appear, as
well as where the levels of equal security requirements can be placed.
2.2 Medical data streams
The medical data in a patient monitoring system, regardless of which level it is in, form
streams of data which can be characterised as temporal multimedia data. These data streams
contain the sensor data, often sampled values, attached to time-stamps and meta data, such as
type and identication of the data streams. In most cases several separate streams of different
data are used to describe the situation of a patient at a given time interval. The data may also
contain triggers, alarms, and video data, as the capabilities of the sensor devices increase.
Multimedia data streams have a producer here, the biomedical sensor and a
consumer here, a (mobile) terminal or a database. In principle, each data stream can be
transferred separately from the source (producer) to the sink (consumer). However, this
might be impractical for improvised situations since the assurance of requirements for QoS,
availability, security, and privacy will not be possible in a unied way. Therefore, we propose
to forward data in a standardised way, using the systemmodel of a generic patient monitoring
system shown in Fig. 3.
This system model is suitable for patient monitoring systems where data from sensors are
transferred to an observer who retrieves these data using a terminal. The medical data may be
transferred to the health care information systemto be stored and processed there. Additional
data from the health care information system may be used by the observer at a terminal
combined with the sensor data.
This generic system model divides the communication from Channels A to D as follows:
Channel A includes the sensor and the sensor network to the PCH, which acts as a gateway
for the personal sensor network to a network in Levels (IIa)(IIe), also denoted as Level (II).
Channel A may involve several intermediate nodes employing both wireless or wired data
transfer. Channel B describes the channel from the PCH to the observer terminal, keeping the
communication in Levels (II), without going through the hospital infrastructure. Channel C
714 Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software
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Provisioning in Wireless Patient Monitoring Systems 5
Fig. 3. System model of a generic patient monitoring system, identifying the communication
channels while the patient monitoring system transfers data.
transfers data from the PCH to the hospital infrastructure in Level (III) using infrastructure
like the Internet, a wired carrier or a wireless carrier. Channel D describes the data transport
fromthe hospital information systemto the observer terminal in Level (II) using infrastructure
like the Internet, a wired carrier or a wireless carrier.
The generic system model in Fig. 2 shows the data ow to the observer in different health
care scenarios, while Fig. 3 shows the communication channels in such a system. In this
architecture, note that security functions, like establishing identities for authentication, might
use different channels in advance of the phase where the medical data are transferred. The
different phases are presented by Leister, Fretland & Balasingham (2009).
The generic model is not dependant on how the communication in the scenarios of Level (II)
are implemented. Channels C and D can have different characteristics depending on
the use case, i.e., whether an external (ambulance, mobility, smart home) or an internal
(hospital-related scenarios) source is used. Note also that Channel B can meet different
requirements, depending on the scenario. However, froma security perspective, a short-range
wireless channel is assumed.
Using the generic system model, we are able to treat the security challenges separately for
every channel, thus reducing the complexity of the security analysis. However, note that each
channel is implemented using several of the communication layers in OSI model.
In our framework, we intend to provide end-to-end streaming of medical sensor data as
depicted in Fig. 3: a) from the patient to the terminal of the medic via the PCH (using
Channels A and B); b) from the patient to the health care infrastructure (using Channels A and
C); and c) from the health care infrastructure to the terminal of the medic (using Channel D).
This also includes data streaming using Channels A, C, and D. The characteristics of these
channels vary with the scenario that is addressed.
In our concept, all medical data streams are expressed using the notion of the MDI, which in
some cases, e.g., in Channel A, may be expressed as MDI (see Section 6).
3. Communication systems
In this section, we introduce wireless sensor networks and the need for providing quality
of service. We focus on the communication at Levels (I) and (II) since these are the
most interesting and are in contact with the patient. At each level, we can implement a
communications technology, such as ZigBee in Level (I); Bluetooth, WLAN, ZigBee or wires in
715 Quality of Service, Adaptation, and Security Provisioning in Wireless Patient Monitoring Systems
6 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
Level (IIa); Bluetooth in Level (IIc), etc. Employing only one technology in each level makes it
easier to dene and structure the security and QoS requirements. The medical data rst must
traverse Level (I), then through Level (II), and possibly arrive at the hospital infrastructure,
before reaching the observer of the medical data, i.e., the medical personnel in Levels (II) or
(III). It is important to have well-dened interfaces between these levels as they need to be
technically implemented.
3.1 Wireless sensor networks
A wireless sensor network (WSN) is often a part of a patient monitoring system. In our
reference model shown in Fig. 3, the WSN is denoted as Channel A. The WSN consists of
base station receiving data from one or more tiny, low cost, low power sensor nodes that
monitor information. The sensors are clustered and relay information from other sensors that
may not be close enough to reach the base station.
A WSN is a good t for a patient monitoring system since wireless technology is increasingly
used in the health care industry to help eliminate cables in patient monitoring systems. Here,
sensors can communicate wirelessly with a monitor that is close to the patient in a BSN. For
our purposes, a BSN can be considered a special case of a WSN. The WSN can contain many
small sensors that are capable of collecting vital signs and environmental information and
forwarding them along to the base station; the base station can then pass this information
onto the patient monitoring system. This leads, potentially, to more mobility for patients and
medical staff.
While a WSN can be used in many environments and situations for example, R omer &
Mattern (2004) list applications that include herding and observing animals, checking the
movement of glaciers and ocean water, and military applications the patient monitoring
systems have specic QoS and security requirements different from the other applications.
For example, medical data is considered private information and wireless communication
can be easily intercepted. This leads to issues in privacy, condentiality and integrity. Also,
wireless networks have their own issues with quality of service and radio interference. In
addition, an attacker could alter the communication leading to threats for the patient.
The basic operations of a WSN are depicted in Fig. 4. The purpose of the deployment lies
in the observation, aggregating and reporting of events in a spatio-temporal process. The
communication strategies within a sensor node must support the occurrence of observed
process events in various parts of the network, and possibly using distributed signal
processing. Therefore, the nodes in a sensor node must cooperate to maximise the probability
to full their deployed mission.
There are a variety of standard solutions that are used for communication between the nodes
on a wireless sensor networks. Depending upon the application and operational conditions,
the most suitable is selected. ZigBee and Bluetooth are two examples out of a growing set of
alternative solutions.
3.2 Quality of service provisioning
The observations made by the sensors are processed by suitable algorithms, possibly in a
distributed and collaborative fashion, before the results are conveyed from the WSN to the
users via a set of external networks. This way of approaching the operations of a WSN
resembles the traditional encoding and transmission of a single information source (Blahut,
1987), like voice in a mobile phone. The upper reference bound for QoS experienced by the
716 Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software
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Provisioning in Wireless Patient Monitoring Systems 7
Fig. 4. Collaboration for information generation in a WSN and its transport to an external
user through the WSN and external network. S
is the node of origin and PCH represents the
patient cluster head.
user is the entropy of the source, while the delivered QoS is a result of the capabilities and
degradations induced by the chosen encoding and transmission capabilities.
An overview of QoS inuential factors for sensor networks are presented and discussed by
Chen & Varshney (2004). These are organised into application- and network-specic factors,
with emphasis on the network. A middleware for supporting QoS in WSNs is introduced by
Heinzelman, Murphy, Carvalho & Perillo (2004) with examples from medical applications.
This middleware integrates the application and the WSN management to respond to the
required QoS and network lifetime. A protocol-independent QoS support for WSN is
presented by Troubleyn, De Poorter, Ruckebusch, Moerman & Demeester (2010) where the
packets between nodes are organised according to priority processing. The integration of a
WSN with external networks requires these two entities to be jointly considered (Khoshnevis
&Khalaj, 2007). The external transport mechanismmust be mirrored in the WSNto make QoS
tradeoffs at this level. Similar aspects are also discussed by Patel & Jianfeng (2010).
Although many aspects of QoS in a WSN have been given in the literature, and solutions
for networks and signal processing exist, e.g., as presented by Lei & Heinzelman (2007), a
structured approach for organising and balancing the tradeoffs and degradation mechanisms
appears to be lacking. In the spirit of the layered QoS for IP and mobile networks (Bai,
Atiquzzaman & Lilja, 2006), we include, in the following section, the layered application QoS
stack presented by Grythe, Lie & Balasingham (2009). This stack organises and seperates the
degradation mechanisms within a WSN for the purpose of QoS trading between the various
layers. This layered approach also facilitates tradeoffs between the intra- and inter-WSN data
4. Application-oriented layered QoS stack for sensor network
The purpose of the WSN deployment lies in the observation and reporting of variables or
detecting events in a spatio-temporal process as indicated in Fig. 4. As such, the overall QoS to
be evaluated should be oriented towards the application and end-user. The QoS experienced
by the user is a result of degraded maximumtheoretical information content in the event area.
717 Quality of Service, Adaptation, and Security Provisioning in Wireless Patient Monitoring Systems
8 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
The QoS degradation is due to both deployed topology and algorithmic imperfections under
interaction with communication imperfections both internally and externally to the WSN.
The operations of a WSN and associated systems can be split into ve different actions:
(1) Carry out the process observation by the distributed sensor nodes, each doing individual
(2) In the case of distributed signal processing, enable the nodes to collaborate under the
framework of the implemented algorithms.
(3) Based upon the operations of the algorithms, the nodes nally reach a consensus called a
result instance. This may be either periodically or a more random time domain operation.
(4) The result instance is transmitted to the user, initiated by a random or predetermined
sensor node called the node of origin, S
(5) The result instance is presented to the user via a terminal.
4.1 Layered QoS stack
The communication strategies within a sensor node must support the occurrence of observed
process events in various parts of the network and possibly distributed signal processing.
Therefore, the nodes in a sensor network must cooperate to maximise the probability
of meeting their deployed mission. The four-layered QoS stack of Fig. 5 simplies the
organisation of the degradation tradeoffs. Generally, the user perceptual QoS evolution
between the layers behave as
= QoS
where the QoS subscripts indicate which layer they belong to. This equation of inequalities
reects that the available user experience or perception of QoS is decreasing through the
WSN towards the user. Examples of metrics representing the user QoS are variances, signal to
noise ratio (SNR) for source coding or detection probabilities for event detections. QoS metrics
are derived from the specic application, representing the most proper quality criterion.
For a given WSN implementation and a given QoS metric q, the evolution of at the various
levels of the layered model can be expressed as:


1 0 0 0
0 0 0
0 b
0 0


or more compact as:

q = Bq
where q contains all the layer metrics while q
contains the process and intra-WSN metrics.
Associating q
and q
, the QoS evolution is logically expressed in a product
form as:
= q

; n = 1 : 4
This expression reects the QoS interactions and tradeoff levels of Fig. 5. Due to the statistical
behaviour of the inuential mechanisms, as discussed later, the parameters in the matrix B
718 Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software
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Provisioning in Wireless Patient Monitoring Systems 9
Fig. 5. The application oriented layered QoS stack for sensor networks and its association
with the external network.
represent random variables, p(b); b {b
, b
, b
, b
}. Their values and quantication range
depends upon the chosen metrics. Dening
f (b
) =

; n = 1 : 4
the mean value of the associated value of the quality metric is expressed within the variable
domain D(b
) as:
) = q

f (b
As is demonstrated later, for a specic application and implemented algorithm in the WSN, it
is possible that not all layers are relevant.
There are many mechanisms that inuence each of the four levels. We discuss a few of them
Level QL0 Entropy. The Entropy level represents the maximum theoretical information
content of the spatio-temporal process (STP) in the case of feature extraction
(Youngchul, Poor & Heejung, 2009; Blahut, 1987) or the optimum event detection
performance given the properties of the STP (Trees, 1968; Viswanathan & Varshney,
1997). These features are only related to the STP and not to any specic deployed
algorithm or communication solution. As such, QL0 represents the upper performance
and information bound a user can expect from the STP.
Level QL1 Deployment. This level represents the spatial sampling of the STP performed
through the topology of the specic deployed WSN and the associated implemented,
possibly distributed, signal processing algorithm. Given these factors, a denition of
the best performance can be done assuming that all the samples from all the sensor
nodes are collected and processed in a centralised unit without transport time delays or
errors. This is the maximum QoS a user or users can expect from the given WSN and
719 Quality of Service, Adaptation, and Security Provisioning in Wireless Patient Monitoring Systems
10 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
does not depend upon the communication properties within or external to the WSN.
The algorithm may produce a single result instance, a limited set or a continuous time
discrete stream of results. In the following, we denote one quantied result as a result
Level QL2 Efciency. Efciency denotes the QoS degradation due to interaction between
the nodes in the area of event (see Fig. 4) when executing the algorithm to obtain
a result instance and how this contributes to the QoS. The factors involved may be
divided into topology-related and communication-inuenced. Topology-related factors
include node malfunction, distributed energy consumption and saving while examples
of communication-inuenced factors are packet loss, bit error rate (BER), variable
delays and capacity. As discussed by Bai et al. (2006); Lei & Heinzelman (2007) and
others, there are several factors inuencing the networking within a WSN. Cross-layer
optimisation and energy efciency are key factors in this context.
Level QL3 Transport. Once the implemented algorithm produces a result instance, this is
conveyed from a node of originS
in Fig. 4 to the external user via intra-WSN
transport and the external network. S
may be a xed node or an appointed node
during the algorithmic interaction. In Fig. 5, QL3 is split into QL3I and QL3Ex to
separate the internal and external transport mechanisms respectively. The typical
transport degradation mechanisms are delay and packet loss in addition to broken
intra links due to nonfunctional nodes. Since the interaction with the external network
occurs at QL3, this layer implicitly involves the issue of optimising this interaction
to balance the transport QoS degradation. In the single user case, a single external,
possibly heterogeneous, network is involved; with multiple users, many different
external networks are possible. The transport cost functions and packet losses are
factors inuencing this interaction. In some cases with small losses (Khoshnevis &
Khalaj, 2007), the intra- and inter-transport may be treated separately. Otherwise, a joint
optimisation is necessary involving the transport statistics of all the networks, including
the intra-WSN transport.
4.2 Application examples
We give three examples of signal processing in a WSN to illustrate the involvement of the
different QoS layers. We apply the QoS measure at the algorithmic level and not at an
information theoretical level. The latter is reecting the STP properties.
Single sensor and one parameter. The observation is performed with one senor node. Atime
series, {z
; m Z
}, is generated and the samples are transmitted to the user, possibly
via multiple hops, in the WSN. Here S
is also the sampling node. The reconstruction
quality of the sequence by the user is governed by the QoS layers QL0, QL1, QL3I and
QL3Ex. If the node is malfunctioning in this case, no information is conveyed and QL2
is inuential. A proper algorithmic user QoS metric may be the minimum mean square
error (MMSE):


Uniform STP and sum aggregation. We assume that a WSN with K nodes is deployed in the
STP area and that the area of event is the whole STP area, i.e., A
= A
. We want
720 Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software
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to calculate the spatial mean value given by the aggregation function
) =

If the PCH node is identical to the node S
, the layers involved are QL0, QL1, QL2 and
QL3Ex since there is no intra-transport of the nal result instants {
}. Again MMSE
is a proper user QoS metric.
Collaborative information processing (CIP). The nodes within A
is carrying out a CIP.
In this case, a set of nodes use their observations and collaborate to generate a set of
result instances at each time instance m. In other words:


As can be seen in Fig. 4, for a deployed CIP in an event area, all the layers are
contributing to the end-user QoS result. In this case, the MMSE is also applicable as
an objective user QoS metric.
4.3 Local versus global optimisation
In the context of WSN for medical applications and the described variability in user terminal
capabilities and heterogeneous external networks, proper QoS to each terminal is critical.
Elements within a WSN inuencing the QoS are briey described by Chen & Varshney (2004).
The operations of the network are governed by two modes: event reporting or queries from
users. For proper operation of a medical WSN with respect to QoS and energy efciency,
external users are divided into two groups: super users and application users. Super users
have access to both the PCH (Patient Cluster Head) and individual bidirectional nodes of the
WSN. They can tune parameters and the performance of the WSN or initiate a deep network
data query. Application users can only access the PCH and obtain streaming data from the
PCH or members of parameter sets stored in the PCH. This distinction is necessary to avoid
draining energy due to excessive queries and to control the access to the sensor nodes.
The general description presented previously expressed the QoS evolution in a product form
= q

; n = 1 : 4
This can be considered as an expression pointing towards a single user representation or a
representation for multiple users as U

; j = 1 : J

in the situation where all the external

networks are identical. If the performance of the external networks are randomly varying or
are a mix of different solutions as with heterogeneous networks, the QoS evolution for each
individual user u
U can be expressed as q
= b
, where the internal operations of the
BAN is represented by
= q

The performance trade-offs between the internal and external behaviour of the WSN to obtain
the wanted or expected user QoS can be analysed and evaluated through these mechanisms.
A comment that is valid for both QL2 and QL3 is that when multiple disjoint observations
areas within the WSN are active simultaneously, the wireless communication activities may
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create mutual interference. Also note that a similarly layered QoS structure can be used in the
situation where an actuator in a WSN is fed with an excitant signal from an external user or
control algorithm.
Such a layered QoS modelling resembles the data processing theorem (Blahut, 1987)
stating that, in a cascade of signal processing elements, no processing can increase mutual
information. The statement puts no limit on the sophistication or complexity of the individual
cascaded processing blocks.
5. Data streaming
Typically, sensor data are streamed from the source to the sink, i.e., the sensor data are
consumed, e.g., presented on a terminal, while new data from the same stream are arriving;
an exception might be sensors that transfer single still images on demand. For data
streaming, several standards have been developed covering certain properties. Relevant
Internet protocol standards include the transport protocol RTP/RTCP (Schulzrinne, Casner,
Frederick & Jacobson, 2003) and session protocols like SDP (Handley, Jacobson & Perkins,
2006) and RTSP (Schulzrinne, Rao & Lanphier, 1998). Relevant media compression standards
include ISO MPEG 2 Systems (ISO/IEC 13818) and MPEG 4 Systems (ISO/IEC 14496). Media
content searching, ltering and transactions include MPEG 7 (ISO/IEC 15938) and MPEG-21
(ISO/IEC 21000).
The DICOM standard (DICOM, 2008), which is the basis for Picture Archive and
Communication Systems (PACS), is not designed to support streaming of medical data. Some
research has begun to add support for streaming (Dragan & Ivetic, 2009), but this is still in the
preliminary stages. On the other hand, DICOM is well suited of storing and retrieving sensor
data in a health care environment. So, it should be possible to import and export to DICOM.
5.1 MPEG-21
MPEG-21 (Burnett, Pereira, de Walle & Koenen, 2006) is a standard from the International
Standards Organisation (ISO) that attempts to dene a complete infrastructure for delivery
and consumption of multimedia content. The effort was started in 2000. The ISOs
introduction to Part 1 of the standard summarises the vision as, . . . to dene a multimedia
framework to enable transparent and augmented use of multimedia resources across a wide
range of networks and devices used by different communities (International Standards
Organisation, 2004, page vii). MPEG-21 currently consists of 18 parts that cover diverse issues
such as dening the fundamental structures, adapting these structures between different
networks, specifying creators and users rights, and dening testbeds and conformance
The basic unit for data in MPEG-21 is the digital item(DI). Like many other parts of MPEG-21,
it is dened in XML to be machine readable. The DI is a generic item that can contain
components, resources, or other containers. These structures can either refer to other XML
structures, included data, or reference another item by a universal resource identier (URI).
Additional parts of MPEG-21 include how to uniquely identify an item and how to process
MPEG-21 denes two ways of streaming information. One is by using Binary XML that was
originally part of MPEG-7, but is included as Part 16 of MPEG-21. Part 18 denes digital item
streaming (DIS), which is a pure XML way of streaming.
Another goal of MPEG-21 is to ensure that creators can protect their creations and that users
of content have the correct rights for viewing them. Parts 4, 5, and 6 of the standard deal with
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these issues. It denes the rights Rights Data Dictionary (RDD), how to express the rights
in a machine readable formRights Expression Language (REL), and nally, how they are
enforcedIntellectual Property Management and Protection (IPMP).
Since the vision is that MPEG-21 is to be used in a variety of situations, MPEG-21 denes Part
7 Digital Item Adaptationfor specifying how streams (i.e., the media content) should be
adapted to suit different network and terminal characteristics, like bandwidth and display
resolution. This is a vital mechanism in order to maximise the perceived QoS given the
constraints of the network and observer equipment.
5.2 Binary XML
One of the issues with using wireless sensor networks is that the sensors cannot transfer much
data in each individual packet. For example, earlier specications of ZigBee restrict the total
packet size to 128 bytes including routing information. Later versions of ZigBee allow for
larger sizes, but that is dependent on the hardware in use (Daintree Networks, Inc., 2010). So,
the size of the data in each packet is important. Since MPEG-21 uses XML throughout, we
need to use Binary XML to compress this.
Binary XML refers to any specication which denes the compact representation of the
Extensible Markup Language (XML) in a binary format (Bray, Paoli, Sperberg-McQueen,
Maler, Yergeau & Cowan, 2006). While there are several competing formats, none has been
accepted as a standard yet. Using a binary XML format reduces the size and eases parsing
of the documents at the cost of human-readability. Binary XML is used in applications where
performance or resource limitations apply. As part of this, we do not consider traditional
compression methods applied to XML documents, such as using gzip, or an existing standard
like ASN.1.
There are several different implementations of binary XML. For example:
The Fast Infoset standard from the ISO and International Telecommunications Union (ITU)
(International Standards Organisation, 2007b)
The Extensible XML Interchange format from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
(Schneider & Kamiya, 2009; Peintner & Pericas-Geertsen, 2009)
The Binary MPEG format for XML (BiM) dened by the ISO (International Standards
Organisation, 2006) and is used by many ETSI standards for Digital TV and Mobile TV
There are also other binary XML formats that are dened for specic application domains.
We selected the Binary MPEG XML Format (BiM) and Efcient XML Interchange (EXI) as the
most promising candidates since these were designed to work with general purpose XML,
and because it was possible to get access to implementations of both.
BiM is part of the MPEG-7 standard (International Standards Organisation, 2006) and is also
part of MPEG-21 (Part 16). It species a general method for compressing and decompressing
XML documents for efcient transport and storage. It does this by examining the schemas for
the document and using that information to create a separate decoder header that is used for
encoding and decoding documents that use those schemas. The encoder uses this information
to encode and partition the document into fragments. These fragments are then sent to the
decoder. The decoder reassembles the fragments into a semantically similar document.
EXI comes from the W3C. Its purpose is to have a . . . very compact, high performance XML
representation that was designed to work well for a broad range of applications, (Schneider
& Kamiya, 2009). It currently is a W3C Candidate Recommendation. EXI is schema informed,
which means that it can use the schema to create a more efcient document, but a schema is not
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necessary. EXI is compatible with other documents at the XML Information Set level, but not
at the XML syntax level. This means that you can inter-operate with other XML documents
assuming that you have everything at the Information Set level (2009). EXI does not have
explicit support for fragmenting itself, instead it depends other XML technologies for this.
Ignoring the separate BiM decoding header, both EXI and BiM compress documents to
comparable sizes. Therefore, other criteria were needed to gure out which method would
be used. One obvious advantage that BiM has over EXI is its support for fragmentation and
streaming. The BiM standard (International Standards Organisation, 2006) goes into detail
about how BiM can be fragmented and reassembled, while EXI (Schneider & Kamiya, 2009)
only describes that EXI fragments can exist, but not how a document could be fragmented,
streamed or reassembled.
6. Proposed solution
We have experimented with a variety of different solutions and have come up with some
solutions that integrate both WSN and MPEG-21 into patient monitoring systems. As the
basic idea, we adapt MPEG-21 to a WSN by adapting the basic Digital Items and employing
binary XML.
6.1 MPEG-21 for patient monitoring systems
MPEG-21 includes features like adaptation and security for network and users that make
it a good candidate in a health care system architecture. However, most of the patient
data aggregators are based on wireless sensor networks containing nodes with restricted
capabilities and battery capacity. This means that they may not be able to run all of the
processor intensive tasks of MPEG-21. Therefore, the MPEG-21 standard needs to be adapted
to work with this restricted setup.
As mentioned in Section 5.1, a digital item (DI) is the basic unit for transferring information.
Land en (2003) introduces a medical digital item(MDI) that adapts the digital itemto the health
care sector. The MDI also encapsulates mechanisms for adaptation and security. Since sensors
have limited resources, we developed a lightweight MDI or MDI for the sensors. However, to
save battery capacity and processing power in some situations, the XML syntax of MPEG-21
is not employed at all.
Lie, Grythe & Balasingham (2008) present a hospital scenario where the use of digital item
adaptation (DIA) is designed for sensors wirelessly connected to a PCH. The PCHis connected
to the health information system. The medical personnel access the patient data using a
terminal with an MPEG-21 enabled browser. After a threat analysis of patient monitoring
systems (Leister, Abie, Groven, Fretland & Balasingham, 2008) we extended this architecture
to include (BSNs) (Leister, Fretland & Balasingham, 2008). The architecture supports security,
privacy, and authentication, by using the mechanisms of MPEG-21 in the OSI presentation
layer and a carefully designed MDI (Leister et al., 2009). It also supports content adaptation
according to terminal and network capabilities, QoS, energy efciency, and several types of
session mobility. The impact of this work is currently being studied in a recently developed
testbed for evaluating MPEG-21 in health care applications, which is described in Section 6.4.
Other approaches to using MPEG-21 in health care use the IPMP Part of MPEG-21 for
patient records (Brox, 2005). Recently, a framework for using MPEG-21 IPMP components
for a security framework for pervasive health care architectures has been presented by
Fragopoulos, Gialelis &Serpanos (2009), including wireless communication between personal
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digital assistants (PDA). While that work introduces MPEG-21 for medical applications, our
work includes the use of MPEG-21 for BSN and uses a generic model to analyse the threats.
6.2 Using binary XML
The initial plan was to use BiM since we could partition up a document into fragments,
compress it, and send it all with one tool. EXI would only give us the compression. Ultimately,
the nal decision came down to the quality of implementations that were available since we
did not have time nor resources to create our own implementation. The BiM implementation
(Technische Universit at M unchen, 2007-2008) seems to be incomplete, is not documented, and
has many bugs. Initially, it would not encode our MDI document at all. After a lot of tracing
and xing, we were able to get it to encode a document similar to MDI, but it then failed
to decode it correctly. It also seems to be missing the code for partitioning the document into
fragments and reassembling it.
By contrast, the EXI implementation (EXIcient) is available as an open source project
(Peintner, 2010). While it is missing some documentation, it is actively developed and seems
to handle all the situations we have given it. Since EXI has no built in streaming, we needed
a method for streaming the items. This was solved using MPEG-21 Part 18 Digital Item
Digital Item Streaming (DIS) works by specifying a separate XML document that denes the
Bitstream Binding Language (BBL) for a document. This BBL species the packets or packet
streams for the document, when these packets should be sent, and how the source document
should be divided up. The BBL is then used by software to divide the document up and
send it over arbitrary protocols. DIS also allows specifying constraints for packet streams
(such as number of items, or packet size), but the standard indicates that constraints will be
broken in order to send a packet. There is a publicly available implementation from the ISO
(International Standards Organisation, 2007a). that works well. One issue with DIS is that
it only works with with a completed document. That is, one cannot add siblings to the
document after you have sent over the basic skeleton. Future packets must be children of the
current elements.
6.3 The complete system
We combine MDI, EXI, and DIS to form the following solution for a BSN using MPEG-21.
We have expanded the MDI to contain multiple entries. A portion of the new MDI can be
seen in Fig. 6. The various sensors can then send their identication information and their
data as separate packets using DIS. These packets are eventually received by the base station
and are attached to an already existing skeleton document. This document has a limited
number of parts. After this document is done, a new skeleton is added and the sensor can
then retransmit its identity and continue sending its information. The base station can transfer
this information on to the patient monitoring system.
The resulting packets should be small, but we can further reduce their size by using EXI and
transmitting them. The base station will receive the items as an EXI stream and will apply
them to the XML document.
The packets are sent from the WSN to a PCH. The PCH takes the information and converts
it from a MDI to a real MDI, adds extra information (e.g., identifying information for
the patient), and sends the information to other communication levels. This information is
encrypted with strong encryption, ensuring that only medical staff with correct permissions
may use it.
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<did:DIDL xmlns:did="urn:mpeg:mpeg21:2002:02-DIDL-NS"
xsi:schemaLocation="urn:mpeg:mpeg21:2002:02-DIDL-NS schemas/didl.xsd
urn:mpeg:mpeg21:2002:01-DII-NS schemas/dii.xsd">
<did:Item id="myitem">
<did:Statement mimeType="text/xml">
<did:Statement mimeType="text/xml">
<did:Statement mimeType="text/plain">20</did:Statement>
<did:Resource mimeType="text/plain">68.300</did:Resource>
Fig. 6. Excerpt from a MDI document adapted for Digital Item Streaming (DIS)
6.4 MPEG-21 testbed
A proposed architectures performance and functionality is best veried using a dedicated
software testing platform. Thus, a Java-based testbed was created to test the hospital and
home-care networks. The testbed is based on an existing MPEG-21 software that was
developed during the MPEG-21 standardisation work (Perkis & Drege, 2008), and then
modied to support the aforementioned medical network requirements (Lie et al., 2008). The
testbed design requirements had the following architecture in mind:
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Fig. 7. The hospital network architecture envisioned for the MPEG-21 supporting testbed
(Lie et al., 2008).
Support for wireless medical sensors
PCH bed-side terminals (optionally compatible with the NCAPNetwork Capable
Application Processors architecture of the IEEE 1451 standard) (IEEE1451.0, 2007;
IEEE1451.5, 2007), including WSN radio interface and WLAN radio interface
WLAN APs and backbone network infrastructure
User terminals equipped with MPEG-21 browsing capabilities
An MPEG-21 Broker server (MB)
One or several media servers (MS)
Optional Media resource Adaptation Server (MAS)
The envisioned system is depicted in Fig. 7. The medical body sensors are communicating
with the bed-side PCH terminal. This PCH includes NCAP functionality in case IEEE 1451.5
is in use, and uses short-range radio systems to communicate with the active sensors (e.g.,
Zigbee). Thus, the PCH will collect all the necessary meta information regarding the sensor
capabilities and current status collected in MPEG-21 validated XML DIs, based on the IEEE
1451 TEDS (Transducer Electronic Data Sheets). In addition, there must be a dedicated
authentication procedure to ensure that new sensors are connected to the intended PCH (the
short-range radio coverage can reach other patients sensors and PCH). The principle of the
resurrecting duckling (Stajano & Anderson, 1999) with physical imprinting between the sensor
nodes and correct PCH is a viable authentication approach for exchanging symmetric secret
All PCH terminals are connected to the network infrastructure, e.g., using WLAN. This helps
minimise the trafc from the energy constrained sensors. A moving patient without a PCH
would call for frequent handovers between the sensors and different access points.
To facilitate easy retrieval of all information available, a few centralised servers are needed.
The media broker (MB) server will hold the MPEG-21 CDI (Content Description Items) that
gives the updated menus on the end-users terminals, e.g., regarding patient lists. Patient
and diagnosis search could be facilitated through the accompanying MPEG-7 standard and
underlying meta information. Each patient will have one dedicated CDI menu system for its
PCH and one for the Electronic Patient Record (EPR) system, holding all relevant EPR and
pre-stored medical media. When pre-stored media is selected, it will be retrieved from the
media streaming server (MS). An optional powerful adaptation server (MAS) can be used to
727 Quality of Service, Adaptation, and Security Provisioning in Wireless Patient Monitoring Systems
18 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
Fig. 8. The Java based MPEG-21 testbed architecture.
facilitate media format adaptation on-the-y for both live and pre-stored media, following
MPEG-21 Part 7 methodology (DIADigital Item Adaptation).
The observer will thus use the system via the terminal, e.g., an MPEG-21 capable browsing
terminal, to access both live content streamed via the PCH, and pre-stored content from
the MS. The MPEG-21 testbed also incorporates support for Session Mobility (Soma, 2007).
The testbed is programmed in Java and ECMAscript, and has MPEG-21 validated XML
les that format the graphical user interface menus with the supported functionality. In
addition to supporting session mobility and DIA, it uses the MPEG-21 DIPDigital Item
Processing engine to process the user activities. For example, to process media streaming it
activates a Java based player named Fobs4JMF, which consists of Sun Java Media Framework
(JMF) player enhanced with codecs from the open source package ffmpeg (Omnividea, 2008).
Fig. 8 shows a diagramwith the key software components. At top, the user terminal is shown.
The initial GUI is formed by the local root DID (smdid.xml in this example). From this GUI
the user can select the patient list CDI located at the MB. After selecting a specic patient, the
user can choose either PCHor EPR. If choosing the PCH, the terminal will be given access over
HTTP to the online PCH for this patient. This PCH contains the current CDI showing a list
of connected wireless sensors (cdi pch.xml). The user will now be able to access online
data such as ECG. Available media format choices are stored in dedicated XML les (the
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Fig. 9. Snapshots from the MPEG-21 testbed, observer terminal part: a) start screen with
selection of source, b) The GUI is generated given the CDI contents, where the observer can
select the particular content, and c) the rendering of the selected medical content.
oval object at gure mid bottom). The available media formats are checked against the UED
(Usage Environment Descriptions) information, and a DIA engine located in the PCH or at a
centralised MS or MAS would eventually adapt the content for optimal delity to the users
terminal. Finally a message will be sent to the terminal containing the URL to the possibly
adapted media stream.
In Fig. 9, an example walkthrough of the user terminal functionality is displayed. The user
selects a specic PCH, using IP address and path to CDI. The list of medical content described
in this particular CDI is used to generate the GUI presented to the user. Behind the scenes, the
selected content is adapted to the current display capabilities and network conditions, using
the DIA functionality on the UED information.
7. Security analysis
In this section, we perform a security analysis of the use of MPEG-21 in patient monitoring
systems. The security requirements for patient monitoring systems are given by Leister
et al. (2009) as the following: (a) availability, (b) data condentiality, (c) data integrity,
and (d) data authenticity. The general threats and attacks to these security objectives are
eavesdropping, denial of service, masquerading, and disclosure. Leister et al. identied the
threats associated to these factors as compromised, destroyed, malfunctioning, lost or stolen
components; software errors; misuse of emergency access; and denial of service attacks for the
components; compromised or unstable communication infrastructure; and eavesdropping on
the communication channels.
We consider these security goals separately for each of the levels introduced earlier in
Section 2.1. This allows us to consider separately the threats and remedies for security, and
also consider whether the particular component or channel of a patient monitoring system
is within a trusted environment. Components and channels in a trusted environment can be
considered secure. For components and channels outside a trusted environment, we consider
the threat model by Dolev & Yao (1981), where an attacker can overhear, intercept, and
synthesise any message, and is only limited by the constraints of the cryptographic methods
used. Since some of the devices used may not have the resources for strong cryptographic
methods, the assumption of the Dolev-Yao attacker might be not applicable in all situations,
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20 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
and additional measures might be necessary, especially when wireless sensor networks are a
part of the patient monitoring system.
Using the Dolev-Yao threat model, availability cannot always be guaranteed since an attacker
always can synthesise messages, and thus disturb or interrupt a channel. While this cannot
be prevented on the OSI application layer using MPEG-21, there might be other technical
measures on lower OSI layers that can be applied, such as spread spectrum technologies.
The development of radio access methods based on time-hopping and frequency-hopping
spread-spectrum (TH/FH-SS) addresses power-efcient signaling methods, which becomes
an interesting candidate for wireless sensor networks. TH/FH-SS is preceived as an
anti-jamming technique with low complexity and does not require complicated signal
processing. An example of their implementation can be found in Bluetooth systems (Tsai
& Chang, 1994; Salonidis et al., 2005). However, these technologies are beyond the scope of
this chapter.
Some threats and vulnerabilities can be addressed on an administrative level, such as
describing responsibilities for the stakeholders, educating personnel, or providing routines
for keeping devices out of the hands of adversaries. These non-technical routines are not
considered further in this context.
Due to the nature of the biomedical data, we consider a model where a numbered sequence
of unique data packets that are on a channel are transferred from source to sink, protected
by means of MPEG-21. When this data stream arrives, packets may have been lost, altered,
replayed, be out of order, be subject to eavesdropping, be stored, etc. These characteristics
may be the result of processes at lower OSI layers.
In patient monitoring systems, data are usually sent in packets using both connection-based or
connectionless channels. Connectionless channels do not offer retransmission automatically.
However, mechanisms for retransmissions on any channel might block sending of data, and
thus prohibit the timely transfer of data. Ideally, short, self-contained sequences of packets
are preferred to avoid the issues in retransmission.
For Level (0) the security considerations are limited to human communication patterns, such
as outlined in the communication theory by Watzlawick, Beavin & Jackson (1967). The
other levels can be considered more from a technical perspective, while both technical and
administrative means can be used to reduce the vulnerabilities.
7.1 Security considerations for level (I)
Level (I) is usually implemented as a wired or wireless, biomedical sensor network, where
most of the data trafc consists of a stream from the sensor node to the sink since we are not
considering actuator networks here. Leister et al. (2009) discuss threats for biomedical sensor
networks in the domains of the entity domain, the network domain, the specic protocol
domain, and the routing and forwarding domain. In these domains, an adversary who has
access to the medium, can eavesdrop, inject, delete and alter data packets. This can lead to
incorrect data, lost data, data being attached to the wrong data stream or patient, and inferior
service quality.
Eavesdropping obviously threatens condentiality and privacy goals. Lost, delayed, and
altered packets threaten the integrity and the authenticity of the data as well as the availability.
As a consequence, this could cause inappropriate, delayed or missing treatment of the patient
at the risk of damage to the patients health.
MPEG-21 does not solve threats arising at the lower communication layers, but is suited to
detect possible inconsistencies in the case of altered content so that wrong content can be
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marked or discarded. Regarding eavesdropping, MPEG-21 offers mechanisms to encrypt the
content. Digital Items can be identied in MPEG-21, thus facilitating that the data belong to
the correct stream and patient as long as the data source can be authenticated. Authentication
is done by using the identication tags on the data and encryption. Therefore, as long as the
encryption key is secret, the authentication will work. The initialisation procedure of sensor
nodes shown by Leister et al. (2009) guarantees this. Here, the sensor nodes are provided
with the necessary security credentials in the initialisation step, while these are used in the
operation mode.
In wireless sensor networks, the data streams fromthe sensor to the PCHcan be sent via other
nodes. These nodes do not possess the capabilities to decrypt the streams from another sensor
node, and cannot inject valid packets, or alter packets consistently. However, data aggregation
in the sensor network is not possible in such a scenario.
Due to resource constraints in the devices, the possible cryptographic methods that can be
applied are weak. Therefore, additional measures must be taken, such as restricting all
data that can identify a patient in the wireless sensor network. The identifying information
necessary to attach the data to the right patient must therefore be formed such that the patient
is not revealed.
The architecture by Leister et al. suggests that the software loaded into the sensor nodes is
tied together with the necessary credentials for encryption and authentication. Therefore,
once provided with the credentials, the software in the sensor node cannot be altered unless
exchanged entirely, which would be similar to an attacker providing a fake node.
7.2 Security considerations for level (II)
Compared to Level (I), there are less resource restrictions for the scenarios on Level (II).
Therefore, better cryptographic methods can be applied, and the restriction on not sending
identifying information is less important. The health care infrastructure can perform data
aggregation if necessary, and also convert the MDI to an MDI with data not available in the
sensor network. Note, however, that identifying information should not be sent in the channel
unless necessary. For other characteristics, the same mechanisms apply regarding the use of
When roaming between the Levels (IIa) to (IIe) the authentication mechanism beyond
MPEG-21 is responsible for establishing the trust to facilitate the communication between the
PCH and the entity responsible for the respective level or scenario by using the correct keys.
Note that in some scenarios the PCH can have the role of both.
7.3 Security considerations for level (III)
Devices that are in the hospital infrastructure and that can be authenticated are considered
secure, and not tampered with; for these devices, no specic measures are necessary.
However, note that authentication is always necessary. In Level (III), the use of MPEG-21
provides a unied method to represent the medical data, and to provide data condentiality,
data integrity, and data authenticity through the mechanisms used.
7.4 Security considerations end-to-end
While MPEG-21 can be used to provide the security goals from end-to-end, other standards
might be employed in a health care enterprise, such as DICOM, ELIN XML (Christensen,
2009) or HL7 (Shaver, 2007), and make data conversions necessary for the data to be stored or
731 Quality of Service, Adaptation, and Security Provisioning in Wireless Patient Monitoring Systems
22 Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies
processed. The representation of medical data in a MDI data structure provides the security
goals of condentiality, data integrity, and data authenticity.
Since being placed in the presentation layer, MPEG-21 can be used in the Levels (I)-(III) and
end-to-end to sustain the security goals. Functionalities of the presented architecture, such
as converting the MDI to MDI, are not necessarily performed by the PCH, i.e., Level (I),
but can be performed in Level (II) or (III), before being further processed and stored. The
end-to-end security is sustained as long as the entities processing MPEG-21 can be trusted,
and the cryptographic methods used are strong enough.
The architecture shown here addresses the threats of devices being tampered with,
eavesdropping, altered communication at several layers, in the sense that wrong data are
not accepted. The limitations are in the relatively weak encryption in the sensor nodes. An
adversary could eavesdrop on the trafc, break the encryption, and either introduce a fake
node, or use an attack at the wireless network level. This is not considered by the Dolev-Yao
attacker, but could be done in a practical case.
However, since the wireless communication using weak encryption is limited to Level (I)
where the communication range is limited, an adversary needs to have access to the vicinity
of the patient, or have access to communication credentials from the inside. Such threats need
to be addressed on an administrative and stakeholder level, e.g., by strict control of access
to areas where security is critical, rules for handling devices, measures to increase awareness
among medical personnel, and so on.
The Dolev-Yao attacker sets requirements on the encryption. However, this is problematic
due to limited resources in the sensors. Therefore, to avoid the risk that an attacker can get the
data to the right patient, we do not include data into the streamthat can be used to identify the
patient, such as a personal identication number. The identity establishment must be done by
routines using the mechanisms described by MPEG-21.
The security analysis shows that the communication in patient monitoring systems can be
secure in principle in relation to the mentioned security goals and threats. For a concrete
implementation, a formal analysis is necessary, where the involved protocols are modelled,
and formally analysed using tools such as those shown by Hagalisletto, Strand, Leister &
Groven (2009) in another application area. The same methods can be applied for patient
monitoring systems, using concrete implementations and protocols.
8. Conclusion
We have shown a framework that includes QoS, adaptation, and security provisioning for
wireless patient monitoring systems with an emphasis on a solution that integrates the patient
monitoring system into the hospital infrastructure. For this, we proposed an architecture that
uses the MPEG-21 standard to reach these goals. We implemented parts of the system in a
testbed to show that the architecture is viable, and gained practical results.
We found that MPEG-21 is suitable for integrating a biomedical WSN with the health care
infrastructure in different health care scenarios. Challenges arising from the scarce resources
generally available in WSN are addressed by utilising XML compression, XML streaming,
and architectural means that avoid handling XML data in its text form in the sensor nodes.
One issue that remains is what should be part of the metadata in a digital item (DI) and what
should be implemented in the DI adaptation engine.
We showed that security concerns can be covered by describing the scenarios and considering
the different communication levels and communication channels. However, the WSN
has scarce resources that result in weak cryptography and the communication medium is
732 Biomedical Engineering Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software
Quality of Service, Adaptation, and Security
Provisioning in Wireless Patient Monitoring Systems 23
accessible; the result is that not all threats can be stopped at the OSI presentation level.
Therefore, in the case of certain attacks by a man in the middle, the availability might be
reduced. Adaptation for a patient monitoring system is shown by the means of a testbed that
also shows the integration with the information system of the healthcare enterprise.
While MPEG-21 covers security and adaptation issues, the QoS requirements are addressed
in WSN by a stack-oriented approach using a degradation model in an optimisation process.
How to implement these QoS structures in MPEG-21 is not investigated. However, it appears
that the adaptation engine approach is more versatile than editing metadata, and permits a
wider range of dynamic QoS attributes to be supported.
Future work on the architecture includes more integration and implementation on a larger
scale to determine how we can adjust parameters so the architecture is suitable for a real
network. These consideration about the architecture and its parameters are important
for factors like power thus battery life of sensors achievable security, availability, and
exibility in the form of adaptation.
In the future, this work can lead to benets for both the health care workers and patients.
Using our architecture, patients are able to move around more freely, stay productive out of
a hospital environment and know that their medical data is secure. At the same time, health
care workers have a better overview of a patients medical data in a variety of environments
and are assured of a certain level of QoS. The result is that, in the eventuality that a patient
needs it, treatment can arrive in a timely manner.
9. Acknowledgements
This research is funded by the SAMPOS and WISENET projects in the VERDIKT framework
of the Norwegian Research Council.
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