BINFORD, Constructing Frames
BINFORD, Constructing Frames
BINFORD, Constructing Frames
An Analytical Method for Archaeological Theory Building Using Hunter-Gatherer and Environmental Data Sets
l& U ,
q o n
xi xvii xix 1
p a r t i
Exploring Prior Knowledge and Belief Founders Effect and the Study of Hunter-Gatherers
The Explanatory Challenge of Complex Wholes Several Perspectives on Hunter-Gatherer Variability Conclusion 9 9 11 29 32 32 33 35 37 37 38 40 42 44 44 45 47 48 49 50 51
c h a p t e r
c h a p te r
c h a p te r
Setting the Stage for the Evolutionary Play: The Earth's Climates, Plants, and Animals
Climate: A Baseline for the Study o f Ecology Biomes and Habitats: Structures o f Accessible Resources Conclusion
c h a p t e r
115 116 130 142 156
c h a p t e r
Building a Baseline for Analyzing Niche Variability among Ethnographically Documented Peoples: A Minimalist Terrestrial Model o f Hunting and Gathering
Ecosystems, Sociocultural Systems, and Evolution Environmental Properties Germane to an Understanding o f Variability among Hunter-Gatherers Model Building: Further Considerations o f Species-Specific Properties and Initial Conditions for Imagining Dynamics A Model o f an Exclusively Terrestrial Hunter-Gatherer Who Responds Primarily to Variability in Directly Accessible Foods Using Models and Projections: System State Differences and Ideas about Emergent Complexity Looking at the Spread of Agropastoralism with Projected Knowledge Searching for Clues to Process: Other Uses for Frames o f Reference Conclusion
part h i
Recognizing Patterns an d Generalizing abou t W hat the World Is Like: The Transition from Pattern Recognition to Theory Building Twenty-One Generalizations in Search o f a Theory
Recognizing System State Variability Exploring System State Variability among Ethnographically Documented Hunter-Gatherers Relating Our Observations and Generalizations to Arguments in the Anthropological Literature Exploring Systems State Variability at a Smaller Scale Building a Minimalist Model of Hunter-Gatherer Group Size as a Standard for Measurement Conclusion
c h a p t e r
A Flat Earth or a Thick Rotundity Investigating What the World Is Like before Attempting to Explain It Variability in GROUP 1 Size: The Model versus the Documented Cases
Identifying Other Conditioners of Group Size Variability Where Are We? An Assessment Conclusion
244 255 AO" 314
c h a p t e r
The Play's the Thing in the Scientific Theater 316 Spotlight on the Group Size Model 317 Risk Pooling or Nested Hierarchies of Decision Makers? 351 Too Many Models and Constants! 351 More Interesting Problems Raised by the Frequency Distributions of Basal Units 352 The Population Pressure Controversy and the General Issue of Density-Dependent Changes in Organization 354 Reflections 357
Putting Ideas, Second-Order Derivative Patterning, and Generalizations Together: Explorations in Theory Building
363 364 372 375 387 399
c h a p t e r
io A Disembodied Observer Looks at Hunter-Gatherer Responses to Packing Habitat Variability, Potential Niche Diversity, and the Spatial Structure of Resource Accessibility Two New Instruments for Measurement: Spatial Packing and Niche Effectiveness Pattern Recognition Using Instruments for Measurement Intensification and Technology: More Responses to Packing Conclusion
c h a p t e r
The Evolution o f System States: Complexity; Stability, Symmetry, and System Change The Once and Future Processual Archaeology Recent Archaeological Research on Complexity: Issues of Stability and Instability Applying New Knowledge about Stability and Instability to Questions of Specialization and Diversification One Route to Complexity: Emergence through Internal Differentiation Conclusion
c h a p t er
45 j
Glimpses o f Processes beyond the Packing Threshold Have I Established a General Research Procedure?
458 471
Notes References Author Index Index of Ethnographic Cases and Archaeological Sites Subject Index
Model of an archaeologists intellectual matrix Model of the earths circulation patterns Scatter plot of data from the 1,429 weather stations included in the sample of the earths environments showing the relationship between latitude and mean annual rainfall Distribution of deserts by continent and latitude Comparative distribution of two measures of temperaturebiotemperature and effective temperature from the world weather station sample Comparative distribution of three measures of temperature mean annual temperature, effective temperature, and biotemperature, expressed relative to a modeled measure of temperateness from the world weather station sample Scatter plot of data from the 1,429 weather stations included in the sample of the earths environments showing the relationship between latitude and mean annual rainfall Dramatic latitudinal pattern in the coefficient of variation for rainfall, coded for season of greatest rainfall Percentage of annual precipitation falling in the three winter months over the Mediterranean region of southern Europe and North Africa. World map with ordinal zones for the length of the growing season Water balance graphs featuring examples from the Ngatatjara of Australia and the !Kung of Botswana Property space graphs, compiled from the world weather station sample, defined by latitude, effective temperature, and potential vapotranspiration World map with ordinal zones by effective temperature, compiled from the world weather station sample Property space map defined by latitude and the log10 value of net aboveground productivity in the plant biome, from the world weather station sample Demonstration of the relationship between potential vapotranspiration and rainfall as joint conditioners of net aboveground productivity in the plant biome, from the world weather station sample Demonstration of the property space defined by latitude and primary biomass as coded for available water (AVWAT), from the world weather station sample Demonstration of the property space defined by the biomass accumulation ratio and effective temperature as coded for available water (AVWAT), from the world weather station sample World map with zones defined by large-scale plant formations according to the world weather station sample Comparative distributions of two major plant associations from the world weather station sample savanna and tropical forest and grassland and midlatitude forestillustrating their different locations in the property space of latitude and the coefficient of variation for rainfa Scatter plot of observed biomass of animals of moderate body size and the ratio of potential to actual vapotranspiration Large herds of ungulates in Amboseli Game Park, Kenya Artificial pan in Kruger National Park, South Africa
Elephants on the O lifants River in the northern area o f Kruger National Park. South Africa
56 57 58
69 71 71 72 73 78 81 82 83 83
94 94
4.06 4.07 4.08 4.09 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17 4.18
4.19 4.20
j07 I
1 Qg
x ii
Scatter plot of observed and expected biomass of animals of moderate body size World map with zones defined by an ordination of projected biomass for ungulates of moderate body size according to the world weather station sample Property space map for primary net aboveground productivity and latitude, with zones defined by an ordination of projected biomass for ungulates of moderate body size, from the world weather station sample (XPREYORD) Nunamiut butchering caribou Pume women engaged in cooperative household plant food processing World map showing the location of the 339 ethnographically documented cases of hunter-gatherers used comparatively in this study Map of South America showing the areas occupied by hunter-gatherer groups documented during the colonial period World map showing the location of ethnographically documented hunter-gatherer cases, differentiated into those in settings with other hunter-gatherers and those that were integrated into non-hunter-gatherer systems at the time of description Percentage of the earths area covered by identified plant communities graphed relative to the percentage of each community occupied by documented hunter-gatherers Estimated distribution of hunter-gatherers just prior to 10,000 B.C. Nearly contemporary world distribution of the use of domesticated plants and animals Comparative world maps illustrating the geographic distribution of hunter-gatherer cases with information from those cases projected through plant community associations to the world, based on the
world w eather statio n sam ple
1 jq
115 1 ig 130 131
Comparative world maps for projected hunter-gatherer population density Three proportional projections from the sample of 142 hunter-gatherer cases from the world weather station sample Two proportional projections from the sample of 142 cases from the world weather station sample Scatter plot of the standard deviation of GROUP2 sizes among groups living in the same gross plant community displayed against the percentage of the earths total land area occupied by each plant community Comparative property space defined by latitude and the log10 value of net aboveground productivity among terrestrial plants aided for size of ethnic areas Contrast in the accuracy of relational and proportional projection from the world weather station sample for size of the area occupied by an ethnic group Demonstration of an inverse relationship between predominantly winter rainfall (SUCSTAB) and net aboveground productivity (NAGP) based on the world weather station sample World distribution map for scaled values of successional stability (SSTAB2) based on the world weather station sample Relationship between two measures of winter-dominant rainfall, SUCSTAB and MEDSTAB, based on the world weather station sample Global comparison of projections from ethnographically documented hunter-gatherers and from the Terrestrial Model for primary source of food. Projection of Terrestrial Model estimates for primary sources of foods for western Europe, using modem weather stations as the climatic baseline Distribution of Megalithic chambered tombs across western Europe Projection from ethnographically documented hunter-gatherers to western Europe for primary sources of food using modern weather stations as the climatic baseline Distribution of estimates of aquatic resource accessibility across western Europe using modem weather stations as the climatic baseline Comparative projections of the role of hunting among hunter-gatherers projected to inhabit the environments of contemporary western Europe Comparative graphs showing the dates of the earliest appearance of cultigens in northern and southern Europe, displayed against population density estimates projected by the Terrestrial Model Comparative graphs showing the dates for the earliest appearance of cultigens in northern and southern Europe, displayed against the percentage dependence upon aquatic resources of elhnographkallv described hunter-gatherers projected to inhabit the environments of contemporary Europe
6.03 6.04 6.05 6.06 6.07
194 194
6.10 6.11
6 .12
Comparative graphs showing the dates for the earliest appearance of domesticates in northern and southern Europe, displayed against the percentage dependence upon terrestrial animals projected from the Terrestrial Model for minimalist hunter-gatherers inhabiting the environments of contemporary Europe Early assessment of the distribution across Europe of LBK ceramics and their makers relative to earlier cultures at approximately the fifth millennium b .c . More recent map of the distribution of LBK ceramics and their makers, partitioned into early and later periods Property space graph of the world sample of weather stations showing the location of European sites for which 1 C dates document the appearance of cultigens Comparative graphs showing the cultural identity and the primary sources of food projected by the Terrestrial Model for all of the dated locations in Europe yielding the earliest evidence of the systematic use of domesticates Dates of the earliest appearance of domesticates in northern Europe displayed relative to the area occupied by an ethnic group projected from ethnographically documented hunter-gatherers to the contemporary environments of western Europe Comparative graphs showing the number of residential moves per year and the total miles moved among residential sites on an annual basis projected from ethnographically documented hunter-gatherers to the contemporary environments of western Europe Demonstration of a Poisson distribution for the residuals from global equations for ethnic area sizes Demonstration of a Poisson distribution for the observed values of ethnic area sizes and population density Demonstration of the partial independence between ethnic area and the population size of an ethnic group Demonstration of a Poisson-like relationship between GROUP2 size and the size of an ethnic area Bar graph illustrating the differences in GROUP 1 size of mobile groups dependent upon terrestrial plants Scatter plot with GROUP 1 size and the log10 value of net aboveground productivity defining the property space Comparative bar graphs illustrating the frequency of cases with different GROUP 1 sizes displayed relative to subsistence dominance; aquatic resources and terrestrial animal resources Property space map defined by latitude and net aboveground productivity relative to the quantity of stored food (all hunter-gatherer cases included) Property space map defined by temperateness and latitude relative to the quantity of stored food (all huntergatherer cases included) Property space map defined by temperateness and latitude relative to the quantity of stored food (only mobile hunter-gatherer cases included)
201 201
7.01 7.02 7.03 7.04 8.01 8.02 8.03 8.04 8.05 8.06 8.07 8.08 8.09 8.10 8.11 8.12 8.13 8.14
259 Comparative graphs of mobile hunter-gatherer cases displayed in property space defined by temperateness and effective temperature 260 Comparative plots of GROUP 1 size displayed relative to effective temperature 261 Comparative plots of GROUP 1 size displayed relative to effective temperature; cases are restricted to those occurring in settings with ET values of less than 16 degrees 262 Comparative plots of the number of species processed for storage displayed relative to effective temperature 263 A property space plot of the number of mammalian species present in the terrestrial habitat displayed relative to the effective temperature for only North American cases in settings of lower than 17 degrees latitude 264 Comparative property space maps defined by temperature indicators and the log10 value of net aboveground productivity using the world sample of 1,429 weather stations 264 Four graphs displaying the log10 value of net aboveground productivity relative to GROUP 1 size 265 Three graphs comparing patterns among mobile cases differing in the trophic level of their primary food resources and displayed in the same property space, defined by effective temperature and the log10 value of net aboveground productivity 26? yyc A two-graph comparison of subsistence and tactical differences among mobile cases only A four-graph comparison featuring the same property space, defined by the percentage of married males with more than one wife and the percentage of the total diet procured by males GROUP I size classes in a property space defined by the percentage of males participating in polygvnous marriages relative to family size A property space map defined by the percentage of males participating in polygynous marriages relative to differences between the mean age at first marriage of males and females A paircd-graph comparison between the mean age at marriage of males and females 2S7
299 500
GROUP 1 size sets show n in a property space defined by the percentage o f m ales p articip atin g in polygynous m arriages and the nu m ber o f fam ilies in GROUP 1 size units Utkuhikhalingmiut fishing camp, 1963 A three-grap h co m p arison o f fbrag er-co llecto r case d istrib u tio n s in a p ro p erty space m ap defined by
G R O U P 1 size and the percentage o f th e d iet co n trib u ted b y m ales fo r hu n ter-g ath erers d ependent on terrestrial anim als, terrestrial plants, and aq u atic resources
301 303
8.21 8.22
304 306 310 311 312 313 319 334 335 336 337 338 339 341 345 369 370 375 377 378 381 382 384 388 388 389 390 391 W3
8 .23
A three-grap h co m p arison o f fbrag er-co llecto r case d istrib u tio n s in a p ro p erty space m ap defined by the
percentage o f th e diet co n tribu ted by m ales and effective tem p eratu re
A paired-graph comparison featuring degrees of residential mobility in a property space map of GROUP1 and GROUP2 sizes expressed relative to the area occupied by an ethnic group A paired-graph comparison featuring degrees of residential mobility in a property space map of GROUP 1 and GROUP2 sizes expressed relative to the total population recorded for an ethnic group A paired-graph comparison between the total number of kilometers moved residentially and the mean number of kilometers per residential move A paired-graph comparison between mobile hunter-gatherers and sedentary hunter-gatherers, both expressed relative to the log10 value of population density Scalar-communications stress and decision performance A paired-graph comparison between the number of families included in each GROUP 1 unit and the number of households included in each GROUP 1 unit A paired-graph comparison between the number of families and the number of households in each GROUP 1 unit A paired-graph comparison of the number of GROUP 1 units and the number of households included in each GROUP2 unit, both plotted against the size of GROUP2 units Justification for the definition of subsets in mean household size when studied relative to GROUP2 sizes Displayed in the property space of GROUP2 size and mean household size is an investigation of the relationship between developed leadership and scalar differences as indicators of political complexity Investigation of mean household size as a possible basic organizational unit, viewed as an overall distribution and in finer detail Two demonstrations of observed versus expected values of mean household size Modeled GROUP2 basal unit sizes and mean household sizes compared with houses per modeled basal unit A fish drive on the Nata River, Botswana Hupa fish weir, California Demonstration of the packing threshold for GROUP 1 size among terrestrial plant-dependent groups Niche effectiveness and threshold-related patterning in GROUP 1 size among terrestrial plant-dependent groups Relationships between niche effectiveness and GROUP1 size illustrating system state differences at a demonstrable threshold among terrestrial plant-dependent groups Paired property space plots comparing groups dependent upon terrestrial animal resources and aquatic resources A three-graph comparison of groups dependent upon terrestrial animals, terrestrial plants, and aquatic resources; GROUP2 sizes are displayed relative to the packing index A three-graph comparison of groups dependent upon terrestrial animals, terrestrial plants, and aquatic resources; GROUP2 sizes are displayed relative to the niche effectiveness index A two-graph comparison of the relationship between latitude and the number of weapons used in food procurement The threshold in the number of tended facilities used in obtaining food relative to latitude A two-graph comparison of two measures of temperature and the relationship between these measures and the complexity of tended facilities used to obtain food The relationship between the number of weapons used to obtain food and the number of residential moves made annually A comparison between the technological responses to niche effectiveness of groups primarily dependent upon terrestrial and aquatic resources An overview of the relationship between the complexity of weapons design used in obtaining food and the logjo value of the packing index
9.03 9.04 9.05 9.06 9.07 9.08 9.09 10.01 10.02 10.03 10.04 10.05 10.06 10.07 10.08 10.09 10.10 10.11 10.12 10.13 10.14
10.15 10.16 10.17 10.18 10.19 10.20 10.21 11.01 11.02 11.03 11.04 11.05 11.06 11.07 11.08 11.09 11.10 11.11 11.12
The number of instruments used primarily to obtain plant foods displayed relative to the log10 value of the packing index The relationships between packing, storage, and increased numbers of untended facilities The relationship between GROUP 1 size and the number of untended facilities used to obtain food, with implications for the division of labor The relationship between the number of tended and untended facilities used in obtaining food The relationship between the complexity of tended facilities and the packing index The relationship between the number of tended facilities and the niche effectiveness index The relationship between the number of tended facilities and the niche effectiveness index Exploring the relationship between population density and subsistence diversity Partitioning the property space of population density and subsistence diversity by means of system state indicators Subsistence diversity as conditioned by aquatic resource dependence Paired property space plots illustrating the environmental geography of mutualists and tropical settings Water balance graph for a typical tropical rain forest Comparative water balance graphs for three ethnic groups from the Andaman Islands Water balance graph for a typical tropical monsoon forest Comparative water balance graphs for two mutualist groups from tropical Africa Water balance graph for the Nukak of tropical South America Comparative water balance graphs for four mutualist groups from Southeast Asia Comparative property space maps defined by subsistence diversity and log10 values of population density; comparison is between generic hunter-gatherers only and those primarily dependent upon terrestrial animals Comparative property space maps defined by subsistence diversity and log10 values of population density; comparison is between cases in settings projected to be uninhabited and those living in more supportive environments Distribution of generic hunter-gatherer cases with some institutional leadership roles displayed in the property space defined by subsistence diversity and the logI0 value of population density Comparative property space maps defined by GROUP2 size and the log10 value of population density Wealth-differentiated cases arrayed relative to the property space defined by subsistence diversity and the logjg value of population density Demonstration of the curvilinear pattern expressed between population density as anticipated for the world sample of weather stations and the log10 value of population density among hunter-gatherer cases
393 394 394 395 396 397 398 404 405 405 407 408 409 410 410 411 412 417
419 421 421 424 425 426 428 429 431 435 436 441
Property space map defined by subsistence diversity and log10 values of population density displaying only internally ranked hunter-gatherer cases 11.18 Property space map defined by subsistence diversity and log10 values of population density displaying only wealth-differentiated hunter-gatherer cases 11.19 Subsistence-based comparative property space plots featuring only wealth-differentiated hunter-gatherer cases 11.20 Comparative property space plots for generic, wealth-differentiated, and internally ranked hunter-gatherer groups 12.01 A two-graph property space comparison of the distribution of mutualists and forest product specialists and groups practicing some horticulture 12.02 A property space plot identical to that of figure 12.01 but displaying non-hunter-gatherer cases represented by Pueblo groups from the American Southwest and pastoralist groups from several locations 12.03 Isopleth map of western Europe showing modeled reproductive rates 12.04 Yearly cycle of abundance for three species of anadromous fish (as well as plants) in the southern Chesapeake Bay region 12.05 Paired property space graphs comparing the values of three reconstructed environmental variables at Jerusalem, Israel, and Zeribar, Iran 12.06 A property space graph comparing projected net aboveground productivity at Jerusalem, Israel, and Zeribar, Iran, arrayed over 40,000 years 12-07 Modeled and projected characteristics of hunter-gatherer systems over the past 40,000 years at Jerusalem, based on reconstructed climatic variables
44# 449
12.08 12.09
1 2 .1 0
Modeled population density of hunter-gatherer systems and environmental conditions at Zeribar, Iran, over the past 40,000 years, based on reconstructed climatic variables Modeled snow accumulation at Zeribar, Iran, over the past 40,000 years, based on reconstructed
clim atic variables
4 55
45g 4^
Modeled characteristics of hunter-gatherer systems and environmental conditions at Zeribar, Iran, over the past 40,000 years, based on reconstructed climatic variables Projected characteristics of hunter-gatherer systems at Khartoum, Sudan, over the past 40,000 years, based on reconstructed climatic variables
4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 4.06 4.07 4.08 4.09 5.01 5.02 5.03 5.04 5.05 5.06 5.07 5.08 5.09 5.10
6.01 6 .0 2
Basic climatic variables for use with hunter-gatherer data sets Temperature ordination of climates (CLIM) Water balance data for the Ngatatjara of Australia Water balance data for the !Kung of Botswana Moisture ordination of climates (AVWAT) Biomass, production, and biomass accumulation in different habitats Derivative environmental indicators for use with hunter-gatherer data sets Area of the earths surface covered by different vegetative communities A global sample of animal biomass variability for ungulates of moderate body size Environmental and sociocultural variables defined for the hunter-gatherer data set Comparison by geographic region of the global sample of hunter-gatherers with estimates of huntergatherer distribution in the colonial era Tabulation of the SUBPOP variable by geographic region Distribution of ethnographic sample of hunter-gatherer cases according to plant community type Subsets of vegetative communities ordinated from high to low by percentage of area occupied by huntergatherers and area covered by a specific plant community Plant community types as a frame of reference for the global distribution of hunter-gatherer cases Estimates of global population levels, Lower Paleolithic era to the present Data sets and their relationships to a geographically proportional representation of the earths plant communities t Test comparisons of six environmental variables in three different data sets Projected mean values for ethnographically documented hunter-gatherers, summarized by plant community Drainage categories (SETTING) Animal biomass in tropical and subtropical forests Hunter-gatherer stature and weight Consumption of plant foods by sixteen persons during a 243-day period at 99 percent dependence upon plant foods Comparison of projected and modeled frequencies for dominant subsistence sources among the weather stations from Africa and South America Weather station data for central and western Europe using the Terrestrial Model and the projected values from the hunter-gatherer data set Comparison of demographic and areal data segregating the hunter-gatherer data set by subsistence, mobility pattern, and acculturative state Population density partitioned by climatic zone, mobility pattern, and predominant food source
60 70 76 77 80 84
118 131 133 134 138 143 144 145 146 147 168 178 183 187 19! 195 214 215
7.03 7.04 7.05 7.06 7.07 7.08 7.09 7.10 7.11 7.12 7.13 7.14 7.15
8.01 8.02
Total population and area occupied partitioned by climatic zone, mobility pattern, and predominant food source Ratios indicating trends in the hunter-gatherer sample for total population and area occupied Comparison of group size among subsets of cases Comparison of group size by subsistence, mobility, and acculturative state Producers and dependents at selected Zu/wasi !Kung camps Dependency ratios of selected hunter-gatherer cases Comparison of work effort and dependency ratio at two Australian hunter-gatherer camps Empirical observations of foraging distances for female-only foraging parties Empirical observations of foraging distances for male-only foraging parties Size of foraging area for seven hunter-gatherer groups and time needed for coverage Summary of data on hunter-gatherer foraging trips Demonstration of the relationship between mobility and food abundance for 20- and 50-person groups of foragers Demonstration of the relationship between forager mobility and group size when abundance of food is held constant Hunter-gatherer group size during the most dispersed and most aggregated phases of the annual cycle and at periodic regional aggregations Comparison of GROUP 1 size by classes of net aboveground productivity Comparison of exceptional hunter-gatherer cases in terms of selected environmental variables, population density, and dependence upon stored foods Data on hunter-gatherer mobility, including number of moves and distance moved per year Cross-tabulations of foragers and collectors according to climate (CLIM) and primary food resources Mean values for hunter-gatherer GROUP 1 size, number of residential moves annually, and average number of kilometers per move, grouped by subsistence base Percentage of polygyny and age at marriage in hunter-gatherer groups practicing polygynous marriage Mean household size (persons residing in a single structure) and family size for a sample of ethnographically documented hunter-gatherer cases Effect of polygyny on GROUP 1 size Relationships between male division of labor and variability in group size when the number of producers is held constant Properties of hunter-gatherer systems Estimates of average number of basal units within GROUP2 cases, classified by primary food source for cases in which households are the basal unit Summary of relationship between mean household size and mean size of residential settlements during the most aggregated phase of the annual settlement cycle Summary information on linear regressions calculated separately by G2MHSET3 subset for the relationship between GROUP2 settlement size and mean household size Cross-tabulation of hunter-gatherer cases according to the ordinal variables G2BAORD and SYSTATE Number of species of flowering plants compared with size of area surveyed Expected number of species of flowering plants occurring in ranges of different size and occupied by huntergatherer groups of twenty persons Residual species in areas of comparable size located in different environmental zones, using French flowering plants as a baseline for measurement Cross-tabulation of hunter-gatherer system states and global warmth variable (CLIM) Comparative information on hunter-gatherer cases in tropical and equatorial settings: clues to complexity and niche breadth
217 218
227 230 231 231 235 236 237 238 240 241 245 253 258 270 277 278 281 288 298 302 320 336
11,01 11.02
Four people have each worked long and hard to help make this book a reality. Without their efforts, the form and con tent of the manuscript would have been much less interest ing and the experience of writing it would have been much less enriching for me. Three of them have served as my research assistants at Southern Methodist University during the time that the manuscript was evolving. In order of par ticipation, they are Russell Gould, SMU Ph.D. student and resident of Fairbanks, Alaska; Amber Johnson, Ph.D., research associate at the Institute for the Study of Earth and Man in Dallas, Texas; and Joseph Miller, graduate student in archae ology at SMU and my assistant for the past two years. Russell worked with me daily in the early 1990s, and much of the material summarized in chapters 4 and 5 will certainly be familiar to him. He also assembled most of the hunter-gatherer case references cited in the text and, then as now, acted as my advisor in all matters related to the com plex world of computer programming. Amber came on board when I was heavily involved in developing the equa tions for estimating net aboveground productivity and try ing to obtain a reasonable estimate of animal biomass. Successful completion of this aspect of the research set me up to cope with the difficult task of developing the Terres trial Model presented in chapter 6 . Amber worked with me on most of the pattern recognition work leading up to and including the writing of chapter 9, and she also cheerfully entered more data than any person ever wants to do in life. I salute her patience and persistence and the lengths to which she will go for a friend. Joe took over from Amber and faced the daunting task of learning the names of all of the computer files and master ing the protocols that manipulate the series of complicated programs used to translate selected variables into patterned relationships. Ultimately, Joes attention has been focused on the production of all of the computer graphics used in the book. 1 think that even this brief statement of what these three
colleagues have contributed to this book indicates the depth of my indebtedness to them and my appreciation for their splendid companionship during my extended intellectual journey. The fourth person I want to recognize has played a very different role in this process. My former wife, Nancy Medaris Stone, has been with me every step of the way since my decision in 1990 to concentrate on the research that repre sents the foundation of this book. Early on it became clear that, in addition to enlarging my hunter-gatherer data base, as much or even more time and effort was needed to develop the frames of reference in terms of which I would eventually examine relationships in the hunter-gatherer data. I had realized that regardless of how well this body of informa tion might have been collected by ethnographers only the diversity and informational content of well-chosen frames of reference would provide the aperture I needed to make sense of the patterns in the data. The day that I decided to move toward assembling a climatological frame of reference, Nancy and I made a com mitment to devote endless hours to data entry and to making tedious measurements using maps that in some cases had been very hard to find. Although this effort enabled me to do some early and very provocative pattern recognition work, it also convinced me that I did not yet have a real frame of reference. This unwelcome realization sent us back to square one as we coped again with the rigors of developing a much more comprehensive environmental frame of reference. In subsequent chapters, the reader will encounter dis cussions of hunter-gatherer labor organization and the dif ferent contributions that males and females make to the subsistence effort. Nancy and I have had our own division of labor with respect to this book, and our work has been com plementary. Typically, I would produce the first rough draft of a chapter, which I would then hand to her. Often there would be silence for the longest time as she read and, some
a c k n o w l e d g m e n t s
times, had to decipher what I was trying to say. Then I would hear the click-click-click of her computer keyboard as she rewrote the chapter. Finally she would come up with a title and hand the new draft back to me for review. Upon read ing my ideas and arguments in her words, I would frequently smile and say, Thats greatwhy didnt I say that myself? In an endeavor like this, there are those wonderful moments when, in discussion with others, newpoints are offered and ideas emerge. I have had many such moments over the past nine years, and that has been the real joy of working with Nancy, Russell, Amber, and Joe. We have all shared an exciting learning expe rience, and I cannot thank them enough. If this book can be said to have a godfather, then that benevolent minence grise is William Woodcock, my long time friend and publishing ally. He has been responsible for the transformation of the majority of my manuscripts into printed volumes, and when this book existed as only a rough outline in my head he provided the encouragement I needed to begin work. As evidence of his faith in the project, he wrote a publishing contract for me in 1991. Now, eight years after the due date has passedand because of his continued sup portthis book is at last in print. It is with the greatest relief and gratitude that I express my thanks to Bill. At a very different scale, a number of people have in fluenced my thinking in general and my ideas about huntergatherers in particular. Very early in my career as a graduate student in anthropology, John J. Honigmann strongly guided me in the direction of hunter-gatherer studies and, perhaps equally forcefully, toward an interest in cross-cultural com parison and analysis. His vast ethnographic experience was an inspiration to me, and emulating him intellectually became my goal. My first experience as an instructor in a comparative course on hunter-gatherers occurred in 1966-67 at the Uni versity of California at Los Angeles, where I enjoyed the companionship of Joseph B. Birdsell, Wendell H. Oswalt, andduring a short visitNorman B. Tindale. Birdsell attended my first class, and since my office was across the hall from Oswalts I was the grateful recipient of knowledge and vast experience from these pioneers of research. Coming
after the many intellectual feasts that I had shared with Joe and Wendell, Tindales brief presence in our midst was like an elegant dessert. All in all, I had the wealth of experience and teaching skills of these three excellent role models to draw on when I began the first of my many years of teaching courses about hunter-gatherers Beginning in 1966 and continuing to the present, the students in my classes at several universities have been a constant source of intellectual stimulation and have con tributed significantly to the growth of my knowledge about hunter-gatherers. I am fortunate to have been able to main tain contact with many of them, and they continue to pro vide me with an opportunity to share their interests and the results of their hard work. In chapter 1 , 1 discuss at some length many of the researchers whom I never met, or knew only slightly, who have played pivotal roles as founders of the hunter-gatherer research field. I have great respect and admiration for these early researchers, and I am thankful to be able to build upon their pioneering work. Finally, I celebrate the contributions to life, to scientific learning, and to my efforts in particular that have been made by the many women, children, and men who, as huntergatherers, welcomed me into their lives and allowed me to interview and observe them and to get to know them as friends. In a very real sense, they educated me well to deal with the subject matter of this book, and they have been my most important teachers. To them and the traditional knowledge that they represent, I am immeasurably grateful. The National Science Foundation, the Wenner-Gren Foundation, the Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies, the L. B. Leakey Foundation, and the Department of Anthro pology at the University of Capetown, South Africa, have all provided me with funding for field research on huntergatherers. Jean and Ray Auel generously provided me with the funds to obtain the Human Relations Area Files on hunter-gatherers. Additional support from the University of New Mexico through the Leslie Spier Professorship and Southern Methodist University through the University Dis tinguished Professorship has made the comparative and integrative work discussed in this book possible.
We will draw the curtain and show you the picture. William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night
This book has had a very long gestation period. It began life in 1971 as a book-length manuscript that I used as the basic text for the hunter-gatherer course I taught for twenty years at the University of New Mexico. Some of my former students still recall the tattered, yellowed, foolscap pages, littered with typos, which they photocopied and exchanged with one another in their effort to learn more about the world of hunter-gatherers. By 1974, however, I had given up all thought of publishing the H & G book in its initial incarnation. My own field work had convinced me that organizing huntergatherer data in a case study or topical format would not be very useful to archaeologistsand besides, there were many other books that presented descriptions of ethnographic groups as examples of the life ways of small-scale societies. My early manuscript had included tables of comparative datasome based on Murdocks early cross-cultural research and others assembled from data presented by students in earlier classes, who had reported on those aspects of huntergatherer organization that were relevant to their own research. Unfortunately, the ethnographic groups for which there were good data were few in number. Even though crosstabulations of data and some statistical tests filled many pages of my manuscript, I could never figure out how to use the results to develop an understanding of what the huntergatherer world was like and, more importantly, how it was organized. True, I had chapters on demography, the use of space, mean household size, and other topical features that documented domains of cultural variability. In some instances, the pat terns in these data even gave me some insight into how segments of a cultural system might be organized. Overall,
however, it seemed as though the harder I worked and the more traits or attributes I tabulated, the more unattainable a systems view of my subject matter became. As the number of paired comparisons and the combinations and permu tations of pairwise comparisons increased, the less hope ful I felt that my mountain of information would ever lead me to an understanding of how hunter-gatherer systems were organized. My former graduate students can verify that, from the out set, my efforts to develop a hunter-gatherer data base were accompanied by an exploration of various properties of the environments in which these groups lived. Using weather data, I had calculated various measures of temperature, and 1 had experimented with indices for evaluating rainfall in a bio logically meaningful way. I discovered that more interesting and provocative relationships emerged when continuous environmental variables could be used to organize the com parisons among nominal variables. It also became clear that comparisons between continuous environmental variables frequently resulted in the organization of ordinal cultural vari ables into interesting patterns, especially when both the environmental and cultural variables were continuous in character. Unfortunately, there were very few reliable values for continuous variables in the ethnographic literature of hunter-gatherers. One other major frustration in the 1970s was that the com puter hardware to which I had access was anything but "user friendly and the mainframes that I had begun to use while I was still a graduate student were simply not interactive on anything other than a geologic time scale. Todays generation of graduate students must find it inconceivable that one
would attempt to process data using the dinosaur comput ers of the 1960s, and there were times when I thought so too, particularly when I was trying to wrangle large boxes of punch cards, which were inevitably full of errors and minor formatting problemsnot to mention the problem of lost or mutilated cards. As a result of these technological difficulties, along with a large body of field-based observations that I had accumu lated and was committed to writing up, I had less and less interest in coping with my hunter-gatherer manuscript, and it gradually moved lower and lower on my list of intellectual priorities. I remained convinced, however, that finding a way to maximize the information in the ethnographic liter ature about the variability among hunter-gatherer societies had to be a major research priority for archaeologists who were interested in the 30,000-year time period between the Upper Paleolithic and the transformation to ways of life not based on hunter-gatherer strategies. The problem was not simply how to maximize the information accessible to archeologists but, much more importantly, how to use that information as part of a methodology for learning about the past particularly a past that was different in its range of organized system variants from what we know about the ethnographic present. I was particularly disillusioned by the way most archae ologists used their knowledge about hunter-gatherers. The standard operating procedure was to extract isolated facts or behaviors from an ethnographic monograph and use them to interpret archaeological sites. Interpretations were then assumed to explain the features and properties of the archae ological record at specific sites, and this accommodative fit was then cited as the warranting argument for the accuracy of the interpretation. The dazzling circularity of this explana tory method guaranteed that making more ethnographic sources available to archaeologists would only make the sit uation worse! I cannot emphasize strongly enough that the major prob lem this book addresses is the development o f a method for productively using ethnographic data in the service o f archae ological goals. This is not to say that the method I present in this book is the only procedure, but it is the only method ological tool that I have been able to develop which results in knowledge that is germane to archaeological problems. For mer students will soon appreciate that this book bears very little resemblance to my 1970s manuscript. Its evolution was definitely gradual and occurred concurrently with the real ization that my earlier attempts to record germane information about environments and habitats did not equip me to under take a realistic study of human adaptations. For example, I have learned that temperature is not just temperature. Some plants are more responsive to the prevailing temperature throughout the growing season, whereas others react to extreme temperatures during the nongrowing sea
son. Similarly, rainfall occurring at the beginning of the growing season may be more important to horticulturists in some climatic settings than rainfall that comes at the end of the growing season. This understanding of some aspects of what the world was like forced me to take a very different approach to the documentation of environments. I needed to devise many different ways of measuring temperature and available water in order to understand the differences among habitats and the diverse challenges faced by huntergatherers seeking subsistence security in different settings. It was clear that I needed to return to methodological square one, and I began to research in a much more comprehensive way the environments in which ethnographically docu mented hunter-gathers have lived. It took me two years to develop the data bases dealing with the worlds environments and the geographical distribution of documented hunter-gatherers. Once this aspect of the work was completed, it became clear that the limited range of hunter-gatherer characteristics upon which traditional cross-cultural studies had focused was not really relevant to most of the issues that I hoped to address in my book. I spent a great deal of time researching traditional anthropological interests, such as kinship, as well as the phenomena repre senting variability among hunter-gatherer educational systems. I also targeted areas of special interest to archaeol ogists, such as mortuary practices and the character of public rituals, as well as housing, settlement size and distribution, mobility, subsistence practices, and demographic properties. Quite early in my research, I realized that many of these areas of interest were very difficult to describe dimensionafly.1 In other words, I needed continuous ethnographic variables that I could relate to the many continuous environmental vari ables that documented the diversity in hunter-gatherer habitats. The lack of precise information in many of the ethnographies that I consulted was disappointing, but I con cluded that continuous variables with substantial noise would probably work better in analysis than ordinal variables. This decision meant that I spent many hours developing quantitative estimates and guesses to augment the observa tional data sometimes provided by ethnographers and observers. As a result, I was able to obtain a number of mean or normative values for settlement size by types, house sire by types, mean household size, age at marriage for males and females, percentage of polygamous marriages, mobility vari ables, demographic variables, and many other categories of information. These data were very important since I assumed that habitats varied quantitatively within and between nominal or ordinal classifications of habitat. If it were possible to identify truly adaptive responses to continuously varying environmental variables, there should be sigmfkant variab^o within so-called culture or ethnic areas as well as between them, in which case "Gallon's problem" (Naroll 1961) would
lose its problematic status (Harner 1970:73). It is also pos sible that the geographic distributions of entities and formal properties that archaeologists refer to as diffusion may really represent fine-grained adaptive adjustments to environ mental conditions. If this is so, I would expect changes in the synergistic social relationships among adjacent groups to result not from the spread of a good idea but, instead, from conditioning processes rooted in adaptive variability when studied analytically across geographic space. The idea that dif fusion could be explained that it might be possible to say when it would occur, when it would not, and how it would patternwas an appealing possibility. I also concentrated on other properties usually considered to be indicative of system state differences. I was well aware of the ecological principle that the same climatic changes act ing upon a population of mice and elephants would have very different effects on each species. This is another way of say ing that one would expect that the prior state of a system could potentially condition very different responses to similar or identical environmental variables. Throughout my intellec tual journey, I realized that I would not be able to categorize a priori many important features of hunter-gatherer life as either continuous or even ordinal variables. The preceding comments are part of the background or scenery revealed by opening the metaphorical Twelfth Night curtain, but they do not present a comprehensive pic ture of what to expect in this book. Three of the points presented previously are, however, central: 1. The primary problem that this book addresses is the development of a method for productively using ethno graphic data to serve archaeological goals. 2 . The possibility that the patterning which has been termed diffusion can be explained and that one might be able to predict when it would and would not occurand what shape it would assumehas great appeal. 3. It is reasonable to expect that the prior state of a system may condition very different responses to similar or iden tical values for environmental variables. These three statements can be visualized as providing the defining coloration in the intellectual background of the analytical hunter-gatherer picture, but details about the actors and their visages remain unclear. In an effort to sharpen some of the pictures blurred outlines, I offer the fol lowing comments about material that is nor included in this book. I do not analyze any archeological data directly, I do not discuss the ideas of many contemporary archaeologists, and I do not attempt to cope with paradigmatic diversity in the field of archaeology. This book is unapologetically written from a scientific per spective. It is largely an exercise in inductive reasoning, in that it asks questions regarding the character of the world of
organized variability among ethnographically documented hunter-gatherer groups. As such, it addresses many alleged empirical generalizations that appear in the archaeological literature which turn out to be inaccurate or, at best, only mar ginally useful. From a methodological perspective, the picture is built up gradually, chapter by chapter. Because some of the material is detailed and requires considerable concentration, I think it is important at the outset to give readers a brief guide to the books contents. Unlike a novel, whose writer tries to keep the ending of the book a secret until the climactic chapter, this book will mean more to the reader who has been given some idea about where the argument is heading at any given moment. The metaphorical picture that develops in this book is one in which particular devices for structuring data called frames o f referenceappear in the foreground as the way to organize prior knowledge and make it useful to archaeolo gists. Two major frames of reference are featured, one of which is designed to document the primary variables con ditioning habitat variability. Use of this frame of reference in turn permits archaeologists to relate archaeological facts to a multitude of environmental variables so that the charac teristics of adaptive responses to habitat variability can be documented and identified. As I have already indicated, very different responses to envi ronmental variables can be expected, depending on the prior conditions extant within the cultural systems that are expe riencing environmental fluctuation, change, or variability. This problem brings us to the second frame of reference developed in this book. The variability documented among ethno graphically known hunter-gatherers is organized into a basic frame of reference for comparison to archaeological remains. In principle, from the equations developed in this book, an archaeologist can anticipate many of the properties of huntergatherer groups that might be expected to occur at a given location, at an archeological site, or at a series of sites. These anticipated characteristics can then be used in a variety of ways to learn more not only about hunter-gatherers but also about the archaeological record. And, since one of the goals of this book is to explain variability among hunter-gatherers, the explanatory theory that I have developed is available for archaeologists to use deductively by reasoning to or simulating changing conditions and thereby providing patterns o f change that can be expected to occur in the archaeological record at specific locations. Most of this book is concerned with the development of procedures and methods that can be used directly by archae ologists or that can be used as models by other scientists. At the same time, 1 hope to illustrate the general principles of and the benefits to be derived from using environmental frames of reference to study patterning among huntergatherer cases. I hope that the archaeological reader nealuto
that the same procedures could be used with archaeological data. The organizational insights derived from using environ mental frames of reference to study hunter-gatherers also make it possible to construct a hunter-gatherer frame o f reference with which archaeologists can productively study the archae ological record. Last, I address the subject of cultural responses to changed climatic conditions by applying a hunter-gatherer frame of reference to changing climatic sequences at locations where there are provocative archaeological sequences. Although there are many graphs in this book that display the relationships among the several data sets that I have assembled during my research, the picture that this mate rial presents is essentially an intellectual one. It becomes graphic to the degree that the reader understands the orga nization of the data and my tactics and strategies for trans forming patterning into new knowledge. The book is divided into four parts, each of which uses in different waysthe prior knowledge available to me in the pursuit of different goals. The three chapters in Part I survey some of the prior knowledge available to me about hunter-gatherers. Although I spent years assembling and ordering this ethnographic information, earlier researchers devoted whole lifetimes to observing and recording the life ways of the small-scale soci eties that are at the core of my information base. In chapter 1 , 1 summarize the work of several important anthropolog ical researchers whose ideas about hunter-gatherers have shaped the thinking of their intellectual descendants up to and including the contemporary era. Following this founders effect chapter, I address contentious assumptions and ideas about the role of human actors in the explanatory process. I also use the stage in chapter 2 to clarify my position on many of the issues that are of great concern to humanists. Chap ter 3 is devoted to a discussion of science as the learning strat egy whose precepts will be implemented in subsequent chapters when I actually develop frames of reference and use prior knowledge within the broad framework of inductive research. Part II of the book is fairly well described by its title: Methods for Using Prior Knowledge: Building Frames of Reference and Models. Chapters 4 and 5 describe the mechan ics of building an environmental frame of reference and developing the means for making projections from huntergatherer data. In chapter 6 , 1 demonstrate how to use prior knowledge to build models with which to analyze ones sub ject matter. I conclude this section with an illustration of how to apply these models, using the constructed frames of reference for the analysis of European archaeological data deal ing with the appearance of domesticated plants and ani mals. These three chapters outline the logic and actual construction of intellectual models and frames of reference and are central to the tactical exploration of the procedures developed in subsequent chapters.
In Part III, the dialogue becomes more complicated. Instead of presenting a linear sequence of information, strategies, reasoning, and warranting arguments, I begin to demonstrate some strategies that have strong philosophical implications for such controversial subjects as objectivity and the ability of science to go beyond the circularity of theorydependent observations and reasoning. These issues reflect complicated interactions in what the reader will discover is the drama unfolding in the metaphorical scientific theater, where researchers engage their colleagues in a debate of ideas. One intellectual engagement in the scientific theater has arisen from several points that I first encountered in a fas cinating paper delivered by Patty Jo Watson (1986) at the fiftieth anniversary meeting of the Society for American Archaeologists. Watson was responding to an argument that I had made (Binford 1981:29; Binford and SablofF 1982:149) denying the empiricist assumption that the past was direcdy and self-evidently accessible. I had argued that the past was only knowable through disciplined inferential reasoning and that, up until then, I had encountered nothing in the archaeological literature that indicated archaeologists could cope with the magnitude of the methodological problem they faced. More specifically, I said that the dependence of our knowledge of the past on inference rather than direct obser vation renders the relationship between paradigm (the con ceptual tool of description) and theory (the conceptual tool of explanation) vague; it also renders the independence of observations from explanations frequently suspect and com monly standing in a built-in relationship, thereby commit ting the fallacy of confirming the consequent" (Binford 1981:29). Watsons response to this argument surprised me, par ticularly what she perceived as my skeptical attitude. Although I had publicly confessed that I doubted that many of the forms of reasoning presented in the archaeological literature would get us to the past, I had never doubted that the problem could be solved. In fact, in the monograph in which the preceding quotation appeared, I was working to reduce some ambiguities associated with the problem of inference. This point was overlooked, as was my earlier argument (Binford 1982) that the intellectual independence of propositions formed the has for a modern idea of objectivity. Not many years later. Ali son Wylie (1989) seemed to appreciate this issue and, unlike many other critical voices, acknowledged my attempts to solve some of the problems associated with the secure growth of knowledge in archaeology, at least at the methodological level. I have long admired the solution developed by the dw c> pline of geology to deal with the fact that it is impossible to observe directly the dynamics that occurred in the past (Kitts l977:56-<*8). By means of warranted, umformiiarian assump lions demonstrating the linkages between citvumstantw
evidence from the past and direct observations in the pres ent, the dynamic geologic processes that operate in the world today are argued to have also been operative in the past. The use of uniformitarian assumptions, however, implies tac tical reasoning and not a dogmatic assumption that the past was like the present, as many have imagined. Throughout my research career I have been an advocate of the use of cross-cultural comparisons as a uniformitarian strategy for learning in anthropology. Despite the fact that this was the method of choice during one phase of anthro pologys development, I always felt that the potential value of this technique had gone unrealized. This is partly because in my opinionresearchers always asked the wrong questions of their comparative data and also because the standard comparative tactics ensured that the results would be ambigu ous. In Part III of this book, I use cross-cultural comparisons differently and, I believe, more productively by looking at selected attributes and characteristics of a global sample of diverse hunter-gatherer groups in terms of multiple frames of reference. The patterns I isolate using this technique pro vide clues to dynamic processes that were operative in the world of nearly contemporary, ethnographically documented hunter-gatherers; they do not simply represent an inter pretation,with its attached logical fallacy of confirming the consequent. The title of Part III Recognizing Patterns and Gener alizing about What the World Is Like: The Transition from Pattern Recognition to Theory Buildingfairly accurately describes the challenges of the subject matter of chapters 7-9. In chapter 7 , 1 use generalizations derived from pattern recognition studies to build a model of the factors that might contribute to the variability in hunter-gatherer group sizes,
and in chapter 8 , 1 get feedback from the hunter-gatherer data set about how group size actually varies in a wide range of specific circumstances. In chapter 9 ,1 shift focus and discuss the observations and reflections of the scientific observer who is engaged in an effort to understand what the world is like and why it is the way it appears to be. Part IV of the book, which is called Putting Ideas, SecondOrder Derivative Patterning, and Generalizations Together Explorations in Theory Building, places the reader more directly in the scientific theater in which the researcher is engaged in theory building. This section also demonstrates that the learning strategies and tactics that have been focused on ethnographic investigation can have productive results when they are applied to archaeological research. I urge the reader not to jump immediately to chapter 10 (A Dis embodied Observer Looks at Hunter-Gatherer Responses to Packing), chapter 11 (The Evolution of System States: Complexity, Stability, Symmetry, and System Change), and chapter 12 (The Last Act Crowns the Play), because much of the value of these chapters will be lost unless the reader follows the development of the patterning and arguments that precede them. I hope that once the reader has made the considerable effort required to digest the material presented in this book, he or she will be motivated to apply this approach to the many intriguing problems that archaeologists confront in all regions of the world. One could say that the end of this book is, in fact, a beginning, since what has been learned from the research upon which the book is based cries out in the Epi logue for elaboration, expansion, and application to other sources of data that may be organized fruitfully into frames of reference.
One of the purposes of this book is to develop a method for productively using ethnographic data to serve archaeological learning goals. The next three chapters introduce some of the ideas guiding earlier researchers as they reported and commented on the variability they observed among hunter-gatherers. This background provides a set of fundamental ideas that guide the consideration of new observations and the creation of data. The principles that underlie the use of science as a learning strategy and their relevance to this endeavor are also discussed.
Culture, or civilization, . . . is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.
E. B .Tylor (1 8 7 1 :1 )
A comparison of the discipline of anthropology as it existed in the middle of the nineteenth century with what it has become at the beginning of the twenty-first century would reveal that the founding and contemporary states appear radically different. Early investigations into the scope and nature of human diversity were led by a handful of scholars; now tens of thousands of anthropologists contribute to almost every domain of human endeavor. Despite the expan sion of the range of subjects addressed by anthropologists, however, the ensemble of concepts in terms of which ques tions are posed and answers are pursued has not expanded in the same way as the fields purview. Many of the ideas that were initially proposed in the first fifty years of research, in addition to having exerted a profound impact in their own time, remain with us in essentially unaltered form.
of long and complex growth, can only be thoroughly under stood when studied through its entire range; that the past is continually needed to explain the present, and the whole to explain the past (Tylor 1878:2). There is no ambiguity about what Tylor meant when he affirmed that a knowledge of the past is a prerequisite to an understanding of the present, but when he referred to the whole as essential to an explana tion of the past, his intent is considerably less clear. An examination of the history of anthropology up until the 1930s reveals that research and debate were focused on the best use of the present to reconstruct the past. All of the early evolutionists and difiusionists addressed the issue of what the past had been like. Diffusionists used ethnohistoric sources to plot the geographic distribution of traits, cus toms, attitudes, house forms, and burial practices in an effort to reconstruct the histories of diverse peoples, particularly those who had been documented during the colonial era in North America. These unique, reconstructed histories were then cited as the causes of the cultural variability noted at the time of earliest description. Evolutionists, on the other hand, considered these recon structed histories inadequate and proposed instead that gen eral processes of diversification and change continually modified the cultural behavior of humankind. By the 1930s, however, voices in anthropology were being raised in oppo sition to a focus on the past as an explanation for the pres ent. One had to understand the present in terms o f the present, it was argued. Tylor had been wrong when he targeted a knowledge of the past as a precondition to an understand
ing o f the present. Although today we would agree that the ideas o f process contem plated by the nin eteenth-centu ry evolutionists were inadequate and in m any cases sim ply wrong, we should n o t reject T ylors co m m itm en t to an explanatory perspective that attem pted to encom pass vari ability at the largest scale im aginable that o f the whole.
Throughout the period in which the discipline of anthro pology coalesced and defined its mission, increased explo ration of the archaeological record produced a body of data and a host of explanatory concerns that were similar to the interests of social anthropology. As a result of this align ment, at least in the NewWorld, both ethnology and archae ology became linked as subdisciplines under the same anthropological aegis. During this era of disciplinary definition and expansion, however, Tylors prescription that the whole was needed to explain the past was ignored by archaeologists at the methodological level. Most early archaeologists attempted to reconstruct prehistory by partitioning their data into as many different categories as possible and then plotting the spatial distribution of separate material traits, much as their ethnographic colleagues had done with ethnohistoric and ethnographic data. The methods of inference were identical in each subdiscipline (i.e., the most widely distrib uted materials were the oldest), and archaeologists, too, attempted to reconstruct culture histories. Clearly Tylor considered that historieswhether recon structed or notwere necessary to an explanation of the pres ent, but why did he discuss the explanation of the past in different terms? Any satisfactory effort to explain the past would require access to the whole, which presumably meant total knowledge about both the past and the present! We may never know exactly what Tylor meant by this equiv ocal pronouncement, but it emphasizes that the explanatory challenge faced by those who try to understand the past can only be met by a higher-order understanding of the present and the past. In the 1930s, reactions to the predominance of the cul tural historical method prompted a reconsideration of the utility of an evolutionary perspective. It was argued that one could not explain the present by appealing to the par ticulars of unique cultural histories; rather, ongoing processes shaped the present as they had the past. In ensuing decades, research undertaken to develop this perspective has gen erated considerable controversy, and the anthropological arena of today echoes with faint as well as clearly audible chal lenges flung at one another by contemporary evolutionists and diffusionists, materialists and idealists, scientists and historians. The idea that specific processes may operate in the pres ent as well as in the past was the central formulation respon sible for the growth of the sciences of geology and paleontology, two related disciplines that also deal with the dilemma of knowing the past and the present. Could Tylor
have been referring to the development of uniformitarian prin ciples when he declared that in order to explain the past the researcher must address the whole of present and past? This book accepts Tylors challenge and regards those events reported or inferred to have occurred in the past, as well as those documented in the present, as the consequences of a fundamental set of processes that are common to the past and the present. It goes beyond this particular goal by seek ing to develop what is known about the present into a base line body of knowledge for evaluating some aspects of the character of past system states (system states are defined and discussed in chapters 6 and 7). This book explores how we, as archaeologists, can use our knowledge of and in the present to make defensible statements about what the past was like. An equally important concern is how we explain the past, once we are convinced that something reliable is known about it. Was the past different from what we know of the present? Most researchers would agree that the view of the past that is available through analysis of the archaeological record indicates that human behavior was different in many respects from hunter-gatherer life ways recorded during the era of colonial expansion and more recently. The fundamental synthesis that emerges from archaeological research reveals patterned change through time and the existence of cul tural systems with no apparent contemporary counterparts. I will attempt to demonstrate how archaeologists may profitably use the knowledge base developed about ethnographically documented hunting and gathering peoples as a tool in the search for an explanation of cultural variability, both past and present. This book is Darwinian in the sense that it wrcsdes with the same problem that Darwin faced: that is, how to take an awareness of great variety in the present and develop explana tory arguments that encompass all similar variety, regardless of time and place. Understanding the complexities of evolu tionary processes has preoccupied the biological sciences since Darwins day. I do not argue that the processual solutions proposed by Darwin will resolve the anthropological challenge of explaining sociocultural diversity and change. I merely maintain that the specification of process, or how the world works, is the key to the growth of further knowledge about evolutionary processes and, ultimately, to understanding. In the science of biology, the isolation and successive transmission of a subset of the total genetic composition ot a population, with little additional admixture, are referred to as the founders effect. I propose that a roughly com* parable intellectual process has occurred within anthnwpology generally and particularly with respect to the study ot hunter-gatherers. This chapter explores that intellectual legacywhat has been learned about hunter-gatherers in the last 150 year*as well as what remains unknown. The dis cussion of a series of important efforts to understand and
f o u n d e r
e f f e c t
explain variability in hunter-gatherer life ways undertaken by some of anthropology's founders frames a sense of problem for us in the present and suggests the direction in which relevant contemporary studies of hunter-gatherers might proceed.
can be extracted from it do not belong to the hunter, but to the family, no matter who hunted it.... The rules for winter are completely different. In contrast to the ego ism of the individual or the nuclear family, a generous collectivism prevails. First, there is communal regulation of fixed property. The long-house belongs to none of the families who live in it; it is the joint property of all the housemates.... Collective rights over food, instead of being limited to the family as in the summer, extend to the entire house. Game is divided equally among all members. The exclusive economy of the nuclear fam ily totally disappears. (Mauss and Beuchat 1979:57,62-64,70-72) Religion, the family, and property rights are only three of the components of Eskimo life about which Mauss noted important organizational differences between summer and winter. Seasonal contrasts were also reported in the size of set tlements and their occupational duration, in the degree to which labor was organized cooperatively or independently, and in the procurement and consumption of food. Differ ential aggregation and dispersion across the landscape of seg ments o f the larger Eskimo social formation that today might be called regional bands compose another set o f distinctions in terms of which Mauss compared winter versus summer and interior versus coastal settlement distributions. Settlement patterns at this larger scale of integration were char acterized as internally variable and responsive to shifts in seasonal conditions in the environment. Although more contemporary ethnographic studies of Eskimo peoples have provided many details that to some extent undercut the sweeping generalizations offered by Mauss and Beuchat, the authors basic point remains valid. More recent studies have confirmed that the major seasonal contrasts typical of the ways in which Eskimo social units were constituted, organized, and positioned are also a feature of hunter-gatherer life in many nonarctic settings. Unfortunately, Mauss and Beuchat were somewhat vague about the causal factors that might be responsible for the alter nating occurrence of different societal states that were iden tified as coincident with seasonal environmental change. We have proposed, as a methodological rule, that social life in all its forms moral, religious, and legal is depen dent on its material substratum and that it varies with this substratum, namely with the mass, density, form and com position of human groups (Mauss and Beuchat 1979:80). This statement would appear to be a fairly straightforward materialist proposition except for its failure to specify the fac tors that would operate determinatively on the "mass, den sity, form and composition of human groups. With regard to this critical omission, earlier in the monograph Mauss and Beuchat made two interesting statements: All this suggests that we have come upon a law that is probably of considerable generality. Social life docs not continue at the same level throughout the year; it goes
One of the earliest and most thought-provoking treatments of hunter-gatherer settlement patterns and what today would be called the autocorrelated dynamics o f social organization was published in 1906 by Marcel Mauss in collaboration with Henri Beuchat (1979). Given the limited ethnographic materials available to the authors, their monograph entitled Seasonal Variations o f the Eskimo: A Study in Social Mor phologyprovided a provocative description of the organi zational differences or, as I have previously referred to them, the structural poses (Binford and Binford 1966 after Gear ing 1962) within a society that can be observed seasonally. From the standpoint of interaction and internal organization, Mauss and Beuchat pointed to significant differences between larger and smaller Eskimo camps and between the winter and summer phases of organized life. There is, as it were, a summer religion and a winter religion: or rather, there is no religion during the sum mer. The only rites that are practised are private, domes tic rituals: everything is reduced to the rituals of birth and death and to the observation of certain prohibi tions__ By contrast, the winter settlement lives in a state of continuous religious exaltation.. . . It would appear that there are two kinds of family: one in which kinship is collective, conforming to the type that Morgan called dassificatory, and the other in which kinship is individualized_ _ one is the summer family, the other [former] the winter family.... During the win ter the rules of domestic life are entirely different. The nuclear family, so clearly individualized during the summer, tends to disappear to some extent within a much wider group, a kind of joint-family which resembles that of the Zadruga Slavs, and which constitutes domestic society par excellence: this is the group who together occu pies the same igloo or long-house Seasonal variations affect property rights even more significantly than they affect personal rights and duties. First, the objects used vary according to the seasons; food and implements are entirely different in winter and in summer. Second, the material relations that link indi viduals to one another vary both in number and in kind. Alongside a twofold morphology and technol ogy there is a corresponding twofold system of property rights__ The hunter [in summer] must bring back his entire catch to his tent, no matter how far away he is or how hungry he may be. Europeans have marveled at how strictly this rule is observed. Game and the products that
through regular, successive phases of increased and decreased intensity.... We might almost say that social life does violence to the minds and bodies of individu als which they can sustain only for a time; and there comes a point when they must slow down and par tially withdraw from it Instead of being the necessary and determining cause of an entire system, truly seasonal factors may merely mark the most opportune occasions in the year for these two phases to occur. (Mauss and Beuchat 1979:78-79) The explanatory framework of Mauss and Beuchat has been interpreted by some researchers (e.g., Fox 1979:1-17) as consistent with the principles of historical materialism in the original sense of this term. I think, however, that the two preceding paragraphs appear to relate alternating Eskimo orga nizational strategies to a putative limited tolerance of intense sociality and a need for restorative periods of solitude. The monographs translator, James J. Fox, refers in his foreword to the somewhat different view of Mary Douglas, for whom Seasonal Variations represented an explicit attack on geo graphical or technological determinism in interpreting domestic organization. It demands an ecological approach in which the structure of ideas and of society, the mode of gaining a livelihood and the domestic architecture are interpreted as a single interacting whole in which no one element can be said to determine the others (Douglas 1972:512-14). Although I might agree with Douglas that Seasonal Vari ations presents a systems view of hunter-gatherer society in which distinguishable features are strongly integrated and therefore appear autocorrelated with one anotherin other words, organizedI am not sure that a holistic view of soci ety in which cause cannot be discussed is implied. Mauss and Beuchat seem to be saying that their law has reference to basic or essential human properties that govern the pursuit or avoidance of intense social life and that perhaps the oscil lation between social poles determines the pattern of Eskimo -aggregation and dispersal, with attendant shifts in struc tural poses that were noted by the authors. In spite of the uncertainty about the authors views on the causes of Eskimo organizational variability, Seasonal Varia tions is a provocative work that sets the stage for future archaeological considerations of settlement pattern. It challenges the normative assumption that societies are internally homogeneous, in both action and organizational poses, and leaves open for investigation the explanation of documented forms of internal variability. There are, however, additional implications for the meth ods of study that might or might not be appropriate to the inductive study of social forms. If, as I have suggested, the work of Mauss and Beuchat represents an argument about the orga nizational integration of social systems, then I would expect many autocorrelations among the apparently different
phenomena that are selected when a system is described. Autocorrelations may well be informative about how the sys tem is organized, but they do not reliably signal the causes responsible for the phenomena so organized. In short, autocorrelations may suggest important vectors of orga nization but may not be indicative of the direction that an explanatory argument about the causes for the organization itself should take. This distinction must be kept in mind as I pursue possible explanations for the variability among hunters and gatherers.
The primary and fundamental cultural medium in terms of which small-scale societies are articulated is referred to by anthropologists as kinship. Kinship conventions are the tools used to recognize and grade relatedness among persons and, by extension, among families, and they therefore provide the terms for the potential integration and organization of fam ilies into larger social formations. There is little doubt that the focus on kinship prevalent in American anthropology in the 1920s had a formative effect on the interests and argu ments of Julian Steward. In Stewards student years, many of the arguments in the North American literature had to do with the explanation of clans, moieties, sibs, and other forms of kinship-based social categories that were ( 1 ) relatively large, (2 ) commonly multilocal in their spatial and social distrib utions, and (3) representative of institutions or networks that commonly crosscut observable groups of living people. When Steward turned his attention to the ethnographic record of hunter-gatherers, he noted that spatially exten sive, large-scale, kinship-based institutions were seldom characteristic of the life of the formerly mobile persons among whom he worked. His challenge was to develop a sys tematic assessment of the observable variability in huntergatherer social life, including many groups to whom the terms then being debated in the North American literature did not apply. The product of this research was one of the earliest arguments about variability among hunter-gatherer societies that was not based upon either diffusionist principles or the value-laden idea of progressive development. Steward recognized three "types of hunter-gatherer soci eties when viewed from the perspective of the principles of sociocultural integration: ( 1 ) the family level of integration, (2) the band level of integration, and (3) a level of integra tion characterized by clans and other forms of extended, lineage-like units that were multilocal in their spatial pat terning. The empirical model for what was called a bam appears to have been largely based on nineteenth-centurv ethnohistoric accounts of Plains Indian societies. Within the band category, Steward identified (a) the lineal band, (b) the composite band, and (c) the predatory band.
1 -
One of the points about kinship that loomed large in Stew ards thought concerned the relationship between different forms of kin affiliation and observable patterns of group for mation. Kinship as the organizing principle underlying many types of group formations is a subject that, over time, has absorbed the attention of numerous anthropologists, among them Meyer Fortes (1969:276 310). 1 Fortes argued that attempts to correlate systems for calculating descent with the social composition of specific human groups can produce con fusing results. Although actual human aggregations may in some cases embody relationships defined by a set of kinship principles (as in the case of lineal descent conventions that operate according to rules of inclusion and exclusion), in other situationssuch as those in which kin relations are tracked bilaterallyco-resident persons may be affiliated by kin ship ties, but the group itself cannot be defined in terms of descent. I think Fortes was correct when he argued for the use of the term filiation in reference to cultural conventions variable from case to case that direct the way individuals are scaled in terms of social distance and establish expecta tions for the behavior of persons so differentiated. In other words, filiation can be thought of as the culturally specific con ventions for calculating social distance when viewed from the individual perspective. Filiation is fundamentally rooted in the relationship of parent to child, and it shares with genetic distance the fact that the point of reference for a filial struc ture is simply a knowledge o f the parentage of a given individual. Derivative relationships, such as the identification of persons with whom marriage would be permissible or pro hibited, are all dependent upon this primary relationship. As Fortes said, I have considered filiation as the primary credential or set of credentials for activating the initial status relationship of what must necessarily expand into a hierar chy of status relationships for a person to be a complete right- and duty-bearing unit in his society ( 1969:276). Filial relationships are always egocentric since, in all sit uations, ego is socially defined by the parent-child relation ship. Because the parent-child relationship includes both a male and a female parent, any given individual participates in equal, parallel, filial relationships with both parents. Any given individual is therefore doubly defined by his or her par ents relationships and is positioned, as in the case of genetic distance, with equal filial distance to the recognized kin of both male and female parents. The attempts by anthropologists to uncover within extant or historically documented social groups a set of organiza tional principles that were fundamentally filial in form have, however, presented great difficulty. In contrast to matrilineal descent conventions, according to which it is not uncommon for sons to marry mothers brothers daugh ters, bilateral kinship reckoning often results in a situation in which the kinpersons of ones spouse are different from
ones own kin. Therefore, co-resident sets of persons that cal culate descent bilaterally are frequently characterized by no direct filial linkages, although persons within the group will be related to other persons through their bilateral kin net works. Julian Stewards identification of hunter-gatherer groups that were composed of families unrelated to one another in direct lineal terms led him to designate these groups as composite bands. Steward (1936:344) suggested that two very different kinds of factors promoted the existence of or, perhaps more appropriately, transformed lineal bands into composite bands. One set involved demographic or environmental conditions thought to influence band endogamy:2 1. Unusual band size, produced by greater population den sity (Cupeno and many tribes who are on a higher sub sistence level than those considered here); or unusual ecology such as reliance on migratory herds (Eastern Athabaskans). 2. Remoteness of bands into which to marry (Central African Negritos, Philippine Negritos). 3. Matrilocal residence as conditioned by a. Shortage of men in the wifes family or more favorable conditions (subsistence) in the territory of the wifes family (Algonkian). b. Lack of a woman to exchange with the wifes band in marriage (Congo Negritos). Another set of circumstances that Steward (1936:344) cited as contributing to the formation of the composite band resulted from modifications of the customary rules for social inclusion or exclusion dictated by specific kinship conventions: 1. Adoption of children between bands (Andamanese). 2. Legitimacy of parallel as well as cross-cousin marriage (Cape, Namib, and !Okung Bushmen and Philippine Negritos). 3. Desire to secure the assistance of the wifes mother in child rearing (Naron Bushmen). 4 . Sufficient strength of borrowed matrilineal institutions. The last may tend to produce matrilineal bands or even societies that are not classifiable as bands. Stewards analysis of the factors promoting the develop ment of composite bands has several interesting features. First, and perhaps most revealing, is the fact that demographic and environmental conditions, as well as cultural practices or choices, are cited as relevant causes for changes in group com position. Second, there is no attempt at theory building here. Steward simply listed the unique circumstances that he believed produced social arrangements that were exceptions to the conventional" practice of lineally defined groups and then classified those groups as composite bands.
Stewards listing of correlates, particularly those in the social domain, reveals a somewhat different viewpoint from that of Mauss and Beuchat, provided that one concludes that the sub liminal message in Seasonal Variations argues that within an organized system there would be many autocorrelations that might not betray cause. This point aside, if there is an implicit theory underlying the list of conditions that, for Steward, explained the transformation from lineal to composite bands, it is one based on demographic scale. Steward seems to be arguing that in some situations, factors impinge on large social units in such a way that exogamy becomes impossible, whereas, in other cases, the demographic structure interferes with the stability of some set of conditions that are essential to the maintenance of lineal band forms. Some significant assumptions about human society are also implicit in Stewards discussion of group structure. Of primary interest is his statement that mutual aid, coopera tion, and sharing are natural benefits of group living. Greater security is found in the superfamily group than is avail able to either isolated families or individuals: In practically all human groups several families cooperate in some economic activity and frequently share game and even vegetable foods communally. This provides a kind of subsistence insurance or greater security than individual families could achieve (Steward 1936:332).3 Steward seems to regard this assertion as a statement of self-evident reality that requires no explanation. Furthermore, the multifamily, mutualistic or communalistic social unit is assumed a priori to be a landowning unit: Greater human intelligence eliminates the strife of unrestricted competi tion for food by developing property concepts. Because of these facts, human groups will reach an equilibrium in which land is parceled among definite social groups (Steward 1936:332). It is Stewards apparent acceptance of primordial group ownership of land that makes the existence of bilateral kin ship and the composite band so troubling. Kin reckoning in terms of filiation ensures that the identity of ( 1 ) who is a group member and (2 ) who owns the land presumably controlled by the group remains totally ambiguous when viewed from the perspective of egocentric kinship. There seems to be little doubt that Steward considered the composite band as a special case derived from the normal patrilineal band (Steward 1955:150). He assumed that in order for there to be kin-defined concrete groups, the ambiguity of filiation must be eliminated by the stipulationnecessary for the defi nition of group boundariesof a relationship to only one parent. Otherwise, the concrete group would not be kindefined and the identity of the actual persons entitled to landowner status in any particular landowning group would be ambiguous. In his list of factors contributing to the transformation of lineal into composite bands, Steward attempted to summa
rize the conditions that would tend to introduce persons into the local group who were nonkin, in the emic sense of the word, and result in a group that was not kin-defined. It is therefore something of a paradox to consider that the unit which is most often cited by anthropologists as the funda mental social component of larger-scale social systems is thefamily. This unit is always a composite unit from the filial perspective of the egos who establish such a unit, that is, the married couple. This condition creates the often-discussed reality of a male or female, living with their spouses, either of whom may not be a member of the kin group to which their marriage-based family belongs. Instead, they remain socially defined members of the lineal group of their family of origin and not of their primary life course unit, the fam ily of procreation. One can argue that kinship and the kin conventions that Steward focused on were taken for granted, were considered fundamental properties of humankind, and were therefore only subject to examination and generalization in terms of the factors that were presumed to interfere with the normal operation of the conventional patterns of social integration. These assumptions about social organization and the limit ing factors operating upon its several forms also constitute the basis for Stewards later arguments regarding multilineal evolution (Steward 1953,1955). Equally important to an understanding of the develop ment of Stewards ideas is the fact that in his 1936 paper on hunter-gatherers there is no reference to the family level of sociocultural integration, a principle that he later devel oped and discussed in Theory o f Culture Change (1955). The genesis of this concept, however, lies without question in his work with Great Basin hunter-gatherer materials. In Stew ards most important publication on this subject, BasinPlateau Aboriginal Sociopolitical Groups (1938), the term family level is not used, but the following statements of great interest appear: Western Shoshoni, probably Southern Paiute, and perhaps some Northern Paiute fall outside the scope of the previous generalizations [the 1936 classification of bands], which were too inclusive. They lacked bands and any forms oflandownership. The only stable social and politi cal unit was the family. Larger groupings for social and eco nomic purposes were temporary and shifting" (Steward 1938:260; emphasis added). This statement reveals that Stewards two fundamental cri teria for identifying a band are ( 1) a relatively permanent or stable census of persons associated as a group, and (2 ) landownership by such a group. Steward proceeds to offer an explanation for the absence of these properties among the Western Shoshoni and other Great Basin groups: The radical departure of these peoples from the band pat terns, however, is explainable by ecological factors not previously encountered. It has been shown that the unusually great economic importance of seeds largely
restricted the economic unit to the family. Communal enterprises did not always align the same families, so that there were no large groups having political unity. It has also been shown that the peculiar occurrence of certain foods, especially seed species, entailed interlocking sub sistence areas which militated against land ownership. (Steward 1938:260) The interesting point in the preceding statement relates to the factors that Steward considered responsible for the com posite band. In the set o f causal conditions outlined in his earlier paper (1936:344), Steward was thinking primarily about the circumstances that would result in a shift from band exogamy to endogamy. When considering the environmen tal conditions that would favor the formation of composite bands, he had proposed that large group sizes were made pos sible by highly productive environments or large aggregations of attractive resources, such as migratory herd mammals.4 In contrast, his 1938 paper proposed that human occupation of unattractive environments was the fundamental reason accounting for the absence o f bands and the presence of the family level of sociocultural integration. In Stewards discussion of the family level of sociocultural integration, he overlooked the ambiguities of filiation and focused instead on a pattern o f economic independence atypical of the articulations that were assumed to exist among families organized into bands. He observed that vir tually all cultural activities were carried out by the family in comparative isolation from other fa m ilies (Steward 1955:102; emphasis added). This pattern o f economic independence was underscored for Steward by a lack of continuity or perpetuity in the association o f and related patterns o f cooperation among family units: I classify the Shoshoneans as an exem plification of a family level o f sociocultural integration because in the few forms o f collective activity the same group of families did not co-operate with one another or accept the same leader on successive occasions (Steward 1955:109). In other words, local groups varied in size, duration of co residence, and degree of redundancy in household compo sition, and there was no apparent cooperation or filial regularity to the actual composition of multifamily camps. Stewards diagnosis of familial independence was also sup ported by related spatial patterning in settlements, notably by the reported lack of close spatial proximity among fam ily residential locations. There was, therefore, a site structural correlate o f the family level o f sociocultural integration :5 These winter quarters have sometimes been called villages, but they were not tightly nucleated settlements which con stituted organized communities. Instead, family houses were widely scattered within productive portions of the pifton zone. The location of each household was deter mined primarily by its pine nut caches and secondarily byaccessibility to wood and water. The scattered families were able to visit one another to dance, gamble, and
exchange gossip, and the men occasionally co-operated in a deer or mountain sheep hunt. (Steward 1955:114-15) An interesting aspect of Stewards argument is that if one adhered strictly to his criteria for discriminating between lineal and composite bands, the Shoshoni-speaking peoples of the Great Basin would be classified as composite bands since the membership in on-the-ground groups was shifting and unstructured by strict kinship conventions, and therefore the local groups could not be defined by kinship criteria. Why did Steward classify the Shoshoni, the Eskimo (he did not spec ify which groups), and the Nambicuara, Guato, and Mura groups of South America as different and claim that they rep resented a different level of sociocultural integration from that of composite bands? The answer to this question rests with the demographic scale or size of the groups with which Steward was working. Composite bands were described by Steward as large relative to the size of patrilineal bands, size was considered the factor responsible for the practice of endogamy, and endogamy enlarged still further the aggre gations of families unrelated by kinship conventions. The Shoshoni, however, were organized in even smaller units than those considered characteristic of lineal bands and, therefore, required a separate category. By focusing on group size, or what Mauss and Beuchat would have called social morphology, Steward was approach ing the ethnographic record from a similar perspective: We have proposed, as a methodological rule, that social life in all its forms moral, religious, and legal is dependent on its material substratum and that it varies with this substratum, namely with the mass, density, form and composition of human groups (Mauss and Beuchat 1979:80). He differed, however, in his belief that the mass, density, form and com position of human groups were conditioned quite directly by characteristics of the environment; for Mauss and Beuchat, environmental conditions merely determined when and how the dual human needs of both solitude and social inten sity would be indulged. Another major difference concerned the essential prop erties of the band level of social organization. Stewards extended arguments with Omer Stewart6 about whether Great Basin groups were landowning emphasized his crite rion of landownership. A second criterion was based on two other attributes of social groups, demographic scale and degree of integration. The connection between these two attributes is demonstrated in the example of composite bands. These groups were large and tended to be endogamous; therefore in Steward's judgment they were integrated. In the Great Basin, Steward had observed many very small units that related to one another in terms of interper sonal ties and created a network of articulations that appar ently lacked integrating institutions, consistent leadership, and
sustained economic ties. There was no ownership of land nor any periodic social aggregation except in extemporaneous, situational contexts. Northern Athapaskan peoples, on the other hand, were thought to aggregate in a regular and pre dictable manner. What Steward meant by a criterion based on the scale of integration is made clear in his later work: A striking illustration of the shift of interest from the maximum group, or what was formerly called band, to the smaller divisions is the contrast between Helms and Father Morices reports. Morices data on the Dogrib Athapaskans gave the band average as 287 persons (1906a). Helm has distinguished these large groups as regional bands and shown that they are no more than groups of identification, whereas the local bandof some 10 to 2 0 persons constitutes the permanent subsistence unit (Helm 1968,1969). (Steward 1970:115) The difference between what Steward meant by the term band and the meaning assigned to that term in the huntergatherer literature generated since the mid-1960s resulted from the availability of detailed studies of on-the-ground groups containing observations that contrasted considerably with the way groups had been imagined by earlier researchers. The lat ter had worked primarily with memory culture information andin the Americas, at leastwith an empirical model of band organization based on the Plains Indians. It is clear from Stewards 1970 statement that he recognized the importance of this difference in observational perspective. If the seminal works of Julian Steward were the only intel lectual resources available to a contemporary archaeologist wish ing to explore hunter-gatherer variability, Stewards legacy would consist of the following fundamental assumptions: 1. The formation of social units larger than the biological fam ily is a natural or essential feature of human social exis tence. Persons belonging to these larger units engage in sharing and communal or cooperative activities in order to insure against misfortune. 2 . These suprafamilial communal units are landowning units. 3. Although Steward is not as explicit as a researcher might like, it appears that he considered the original form of the hunter-gatherer band to have been patrilineal, as he defined the term. He states: Social factors which made for composite bands where patrilineal bands normally occurred include.. (Steward 1955:150), after which he lists the circumstances quoted previously (see page 13) as causes of composite bands. In the course of Stewards lifetime, his research in the Great Basin appears to have led him to question the second assump tion and to have doubts about at least some aspects of the first. He postulated a family level of sociocultural integration for some, if not most, of the Paiute and Shoshoni groups of the
American Great Basin, and he repeatedly included unspeci fied Eskimo groups in this category. (At the Man the Hunter Conference in 19661was told by Fred Eggan that Steward was referring to the Copper Eskimo.) He also argued that in these groups there was little cooperative effort extending beyond the immediate family and that they were not landowning. Steward lived long enough to be able to examine his assumptions in the light of knowledge gained from more recent field work, reports of which were presented at Cana dian conferences in 1965 and 1966, as well as at the Man the Hunter Conference, also held in 1966. These ethnographic studies questioned whether mobile hunter-gatherers were characteristically landowning and whether Stewards earlier ideas about band size were accurate, at least as far as on-theground groups exploiting the landscape were concerned (Steward 1969:290-94). From an archaeological perspec tive, however, the allusions to spatial phenomena embedded in Stewards descriptions of Great Basin peoples were truly provocative. In light of the characteristics of hunter-gatherer society that were emerging from more contemporary research, his depiction of social units camping in small, widely dispersed aggregates and characterized by dispersed intrahousehold spacing illustrated the need for further investigation.
Contemporary with Stewards work, an ongoing set of argu ments debated the precontact character of socioeconomic life among the northern Algonkian peoples. Frank Speck (1915) had argued that nuclear families of northern Algonkian hunter-gatherers in eastern Canada were landowning units. Speck was convinced that this characteristic was not restricted to northern Algonkian peoples but was, instead, prevalent in a wide variety of ethnic groups (the Veddah; Australian Abo rigines; many groups in northeastern Asia; the Aleuts, Ona, and Yahgan; some Athapaskan cases; and Northwest Coast groups) (Speck 1926). Supporters of Specks position (e.g., Cooper 1939) cited the Punan and other, mostly reindeerherding, groups from Asia as additional examples of landown ing at the family level of organization. The context of these arguments was made explicit in a 1942 paper by Speck and Eiseley, which suggested that there were two types of hunter-gatherer societal form in the Labrador area of Canada: One is nomadic and communal in structure as regards the grouping of biological family units to form a collective band. . . , The second type is based upon the more sedentary limited nomadic family principle and seems to remain confined to the coniferous forest area. Thefhtctor operating chiefly to determine the two is, we keltevt. traceable in large degree to the natural history of the game
animals which alonefurnish the natives o f the Labradorean area with their subsistence.
(Speck and Eiseley 1942:219; em phasis added)
In short, Speck and Eiseley argued that ecological factors were responsible for the presence of communal versus familybased forms of landownership and that these factors had oper ated in the past to produce the same effect. They concluded, therefore, that the family-based form of landownership was an aboriginal pattern with considerable time-depth in the human experience, 7 and they situated their arguments in the context of a wider debate within the anthropological community: Does band ownership, for example, precede the family system? Does the assignment of land to individual fam ilies by die head man... precede the direct handing down of territories within the family?... These and many other questions present themselves for an answer. Their shadow must inevitably be troubling to those who, like Morgan, and many present-day Russians, would see the culture of the lower hunters as representing a stage prior to the development of the institution of individ ualized property. (Speck and Eiseley 1942:238) This view challenged the more general consensus, sub scribed to by Steward, that Morgan was essentially correct in his depiction of the character of early society as communalistic. It is interesting to recall that throughout Stewards active career, his view was consistent with the prevalent contemporary assessment, which interprets the landowning practices doc umented by Speck among the northern Algonkians as a response to changes brought about during the culture con tact period initiated by the fur trade. This view argues that familial landownership was the consequence of acculturation and not an aboriginal state of affairs. The argument over landownership remains unresolved and is discussed in the work of Eleanor Leacock in the recent era (Leacock 1954; Lea cock and Lee 1982).
ping for their own benefit. This change ultimately led to the distribution of small, relatively isolated social units in a dif fuse settlement pattern and to a system of land tenure in which families attempted to maintain control of their trapping territories by claiming property rights to ranges that they had once exploited as part of a societally sanctioned, usufruct monopoly. Although aboriginal Mundurucu social organization was thought to have been very different from what is known of northeastern Algonkian social structure, the cases are simi lar in one respect. Exploitation of the latex in a tract of rubber trees is a solitary activity that involves tapping the trees, processing the collected latex, and maintaining on a daily basis the path (called an avenue) through the lowland under growth that defines the boundary surrounding the one hundred or more trees maintained by one individual. As Murphy and Steward noted, the distribution of rubber trees is such that each avenue gives access to trees within an area of about three to five square miles (1956:343), depending on the density of the rubber trees. As the Mundurucu involve ment in latex extraction increased, rubber tree avenues became more extensive and tappers and their families became more dispersed. The parallel centrifugal trajectories of both the northeastern Athapaskans and the Mundurucu were said to have resulted in the geographic dispersal of familylevel units and a dissolution of integrative institutions, leadership, and cooperative endeavors. It was in this context that access monopolies were maintained by individual fam ilies over trapping and tapping areas. Based on the ethnographic case material discussed in their paper, Murphy and Steward presented two general propositions summarizing changes in subsistence strategy and social organization in acculturative contexts: When goods manufactured by the industrialized nations with modern techniques become available through trade to aboriginal populations, the native people increasingly give up their home crafts in order to devote their efforts to producing specialized cash crops or other trade items in order to obtain more o f the industrially made articles___ When the people o f an unstratified native society barter wild products found in extensive distribution and obtained though individual effort, the structure o f the native cul ture will be destroyed, and the final culmination will he a culture type characterized by individualfamilies having delimited rights to marketable resources and linked to the larger nation through trading centers. Tappers, trap pers, and no doubt other collectors conie under this general statement. (Murphy and Steward 1956:353} emphasis in original) These two processes have been documented in many encounters between native peoples and the global expansion of western industrial-capitalist society. One interesting tex ture of this argument is the linkage Murphy and Steward made
o n a c c u l t u r a t io n
In 1956, Robert F. Murphy collaborated with Steward on a paper entitled Tappers and Trappers: Parallel Process in Acculturation. The authors presented a variant of Leacocks acculturation argument to explain the postcontact appear ance of family hunting territories that Speck had docu mented so extensively among the northeastern Algonkians. Acculturative event sequences, as they were described by Leacock and others, were compared to analogous event sequences documented by Murphy among the Mundurucu of Brazil. In the northeastern Algonkian cases, an increasing number of articulations with traders had produced changes in basic subsistence strategics, and, as a result, communal activ ities were gradually replaced by individual family units trap
between ownership of land or property rights and a very spe cialized subsistence strategy. In the situations they describe, one set of related tasks is performed and the products there from are used to acquire most of a familys subsistence neces sities (in most instances, some minor component is obtained while engaged in the very specialized task). It is important, however, to note in the second proposition the use of the phrase wild products found in extensive distribution and obtained through individual effort This phrase should be com pared with the previously quoted proposition by Speck and Eiseley: The second type [the noncommunal familial form] is based upon the more sedentary limited nomadic family principle and seems to remain confined to the coniferous for est area. The factor operating chiefly to determine the two is, we believe, traceable in large degree to the natural history o f the game animals which alonefurnish the natives o f the Labradorean area with their subsistence (Speck and Eiseley 1942:219; emphasis added). It is apparent that both Murphy and Steward, as well as Speck and Eiseley, believed that the distribution and character of exploited resources determined which alternative cooperation or independencewas characteristic of resi dential labor units. The same environmental factors also conditioned the size of those social units that were eco nomically independent. Steward and Speck differed only over the issue of landownership, which Steward specifically denied was characteristic of the Shoshoni, and not over the actual existence of widely dispersed family units lacking strong interfamilial economic ties. This similarity in views is not surprising since I have already discussed Stewards recog nition, within the range of hunter-gatherer variability, of the family level of sociocultural integration exemplified for him by the Great Basin Shoshoni. Steward was certainly aware of the possibility that ecological factors could contribute to a family level of organization, and he had discussed them in detail only a year before the Tappers and Trappers paper was written. Clearly, Steward felt that a small social unit consisting of the family as the core economic entity was a pre dictable feature of particular aboriginal conditions in certain environmental settings.
term itself had been introduced into the anthropological literature several decades earlier. For example, in the work of William G. Sumner, sometimes referred to as one of the major advocates of Social Darwinism, the term atomism appears in the following context: There are observed cases where the close-knit worldsociety of civilized mankind finds its prototype in the scarcely more than temporary and scattering kin-groups of the Australian natives or the African Bushmen and Pygmies. Not only are these societies small, unstable, and disconnected, but their members harbor sentiments toward outsiders and even toward each other that can not, by any stretch of the imagination, be interpreted as brotherly. Where men are existing with slight resources on the edge of catastropheand, except in certain favored spots, we take this to have been the original state they are full of hostility, suspicion, and other anti-social feelings and habits. (Sumner and Keller 1927,1:16) The account of Homer concerning the Cyclopes, the rep resentatives to him of utter savagery, is typical of atom ism: Each rules his consorts and children, and they pay no heed to one another. (Sumner et al. 1927, IV: 1; emphasis added) Although Sumner is not cited in the 1960s revival of the concept of primitive atomism and its introduction is usu ally attributed to Ruth Benedict, the concept is nevertheless similar to some of Sumners ideas. The essential features of atomism were established in a series of articles characteriz ing this societal state: The atomistic-type of society. .. is a society in which the nuclear family represents the major structural unit and, indeed, almost the only formalized soda! entity (Rubel and Kupferer 1968:189). John Honigmann, an ethnographer reporting on many dif ferent North American groups, including Eskimos, outlined the characteristics of societies to which the term structural atomism would be applied: Structural atomism, corresponding to the empirical level, includes such observable characteristics of behav ior as the following: ( 1 ) Primary concern is put on a persons own indi vidual interests and on great freedom from, or avoid ance of, social constraint. As a result, interpersonal behavior strongly manifests the property of individu alism. This has been the core meaning of atomism, and the word was so used by Ruth Benedict in her Bryn Mawr lectures to describe the very simple societies as atomistic. They recognize only individual alle giances and ties," she said. They lack the social forms necessary for group action.* (2) People reveal a tendency to retreat from too intense or unnecessary contact with neighbors, with the result that interpersonal relations are marked by empirically demonstrable reserve, restraint, or caution . . . interest is most often confined to short-term coo
The Murphy and Steward paper was roughly contemporary with a general reconsideration by anthropologists of the types of hunter-gatherer social formations observed by ethnographers. One particular focus of this wider inquiry involved the Canadian communities that had experienced a long period of Euroamerican interaction prior to extensive ethnographic documentation. Although some researchers began to use the term atomism to refer to the kinds of social articulations documented in Canada and other regions, the
sequences or expected reciprocities; such relationships _ do not give rise to long-term structural obligations_ (3) A reluctance of people to commit themselves to large groups, even when ecological conditions allow such forms to appear. . . . The nuclear family repre sents the major structural unit and, in fact, almost the only formalized social entity.. . . Benedict in her Bryn Mawr lectures maintained that when mutual helpfulness does occur in an atomistic social setting, the individual helps others on their enterprises as they help him on his, rather than carrying out enterprises which some per manently constituted group engages in together, where the results are common property. Subsequently, she observed that anthropologists have not found any atomistic society with high synergy that is, with a social system geared to mutual advantage___ (4) Weak and ineffectual leadership and reluctance to delegate or even to assume political authority are further features of social atomism,. . . (5) Finally, social relations in an atomistic commu nity are marked by strain, contention, or invidiousness. (Honigmann 1968:220-21) Honigmann regards atomism as a characteristic of simple societies and seems to expect that simple hunter-gatherers would exhibit the defining atomistic attributes whether or not they had also experienced a period o f acculturation. The following summary of the attributes of atomistic society demonstrates that the anthropologists who were concen trating on this issue were attempting to define a social type or, as Steward would say, a level of sociocultural integration: Structural atomism is characterized by a lack of co operation beyond that of the immediate family. Inter personal relations beyond the family are weak and short-lived, occurring primarily to achieve individual istic short-range goals rather than persisting group goals. Such societies are frequently encountered among the hunting peoples of the worldfor example, Stew ards family level of social integration, and many of the groups which Service classifies as on the band level but with primarily familistic bonds of interpersonal rela tionships. These are the societies that illustrate Benedicts notion of atomism due to the lack of those social forms which unite larger groups of people into concerted action. On the surface, the causal factor would seem to be the low level of technology which prohibits large population aggregates. (Livy 1968:230-31) Instead of involving any communal sharing of goals or ongoing commitment of persons to one another beyond the family unit, structural atomism was a social form in which individualism was dominant, communal obligations and actions were minimal, and cooperation took the form that Sahlins (1972) would later call balanced reciprocity. Those who explored the notion of atomism, particularly with reference to northern hunter-gatherers, argued that society was simply an integration of individuals rather than an integration of statuses:
Allegiances and ties of social obligation, in other words, are not lacking in social atomism. On the contrary, the individual member of an atomistic society may attain his goals by helpfulness to other individuals, but he helps them on their enterprises and they help him on his, rather than carrying out enterprises that some per manently constituted group engage in together. . . . Individual acts [of helpfulness] are at the discretion of the individual. Munch and Marske (1981:161) quoting Benedict in Maslow and Honigmann (1970:323) Among those persons contributing to hunter-gatherer research and debate today, Peter Gardner was the first to argue that atomism was characteristic of recently docu mented hunter-gatherer systems (Gardner 1965,1966,1969, 1972,1978,1982,1983,1985,1988). In his 1965 Ph.D. the sis, the social life of the Paliyans of South India was such that individualism, familism, general social atomism, and covert revenge join forces with demography so that reliance can be placed only on primary kin bilaterally reckoned_ _ Weak leadership is one of the implications of atomism, symmet ric respect, and avoidance of overt aggression. Supernatural sanctions are similarly consistent with lack of cooperation and lack of authority hierarchy (Gardner 1965:103-4). In attempting to explain the factors responsible for the atomistic character of Paliyan social life, Gardner identified three causal domains: ( 1 ) the cultural environment, ( 2 ) the natural environment, and (3) demographic patterns. The fea tures that prompted Gardner to classify the Paliyans as an atomistic society were, however, attributed primarily to the cultural environment: The Paliyans dwell in the hills, but, conspicuously, their habitat is further limited to just the lower slopes. Above live the shifting agriculturists and below, the Tamils. This particular zone lacks all of the requisite resources for profitable agriculture, and is, in fact, most forbidding to gatherers too.... The Paliyan is vocal on all these points; he is aware of his lack of fortune. It is not the area that persons with unlimited freedom would choose, what ever their subsistence pattern. In other words, the Paliyans have withdrawn, or been pushed, into their present natural environment. Further validity to this find ing is given by our review of the history of culture contact.. . . Pressure from outsiders leads to retreat It is dear that in the event of unavoidable contact, the Paliyans have little alternative but to act submissively. It is the expected response and the one which most quickly brings cessa tion of hostility from the outsiders. This aspect of envi ronment is a contributor to the whole complex of retreat, avoidance of overt aggression, and framing interpersonal relations in terms of symmetric respect. (Gardner 1965:101 2) The Paliyans dearly exhibited many of the social char acteristics implied by the term structural atomism, and Gard ner advanced an argument attributing at least some of the
features of the complexparticularly their withdrawal response in a competitive situation as well as their refugee statusto cultural pressures from more powerful neigh bors. He then examined a sample of twenty-seven social groups in terms of a list of characteristics that he considered integral to the cultural state of the Paliyans and identified six different types of hunter-gatherer sociocultural organizations in the data set. The type most relevant to the history of hunter-gatherer research is the suite of cases most like the Paliyans in their response to intercultural pressure from more socially dominant neighbors. This set consisted of ( 1 ) the Malapandaram (referred to as the Hill Pandaram in this study), who lived in the same region as the Paliyans and have been more recently studied by Brian Morris (1982a); (2) the Kadar, also located in South India and described by Ehrenfels (1952); (3) the Semang of the Malay Peninsula, who have been characterized by Fox (1969) as professional prim itives; (4) the IKung of Botswana and Namibia, who were presented in the anthropological literature (in the year after Gardners thesis submission) as an archetypal form of huntergatherer society, previously isolated from outside contact (Lee 1968);8 (5) the Mbuti, another group claimed to exem plify an original hunter-gatherer social form (Meillassoux 1972); and (6 ) the Paiute-Shoshoni, whom Steward (1936) identified as an example of the family level of sociocultural integration. The 1960s discussion of social atomism emphasized soci etal forms and features that contrasted sharply with the views of researchers who assumed that primal huntergatherer societies were characterized by a kind of primitive communism. Investigators of structural atomism also ignored earlier arguments about family ownership of terri tory that had represented a challenge to the assumption that original hunter-gatherer societies were communalistic. Gardners analysis ignored the issue of landownership and attributed the similarities between the Paliyan and the Great Basin Shoshoni to the consequences of intersocial competi tion and acculturation rather than to the distribution and scarcity of resources (sensu Steward). He also argued that a similar set of dynamics had affected the IKung in the Kalahari. During the 1960s, Gardner was not the only anthropol ogist to claim that social atomism was attributable to processes of acculturation and its social consequences. The primary advocate of this viewpoint was Elman Service, although Gardner does not cite his research.
that hunter-gatherers differed in the character of the basic economic units into which local groups were organized. Steward had recognized that nuclear and even minimally extended families were invariably organized within local groups as subunits. There did, however, appear to be differ ences among hunter-gatherer groups in the degree to which economic principles or forms of behavior assumed to be char acteristic of families could be said to characterize the broader economic interaction among households living together in camps. The emphasis by both Steward and Speck on the character and distribution of resources as causal factors in the devel opment of social forms was replaced in Services arguments by the elevation of acculturation to the position of an explanatory principle. For Service, the band was an inte grated and familialiy linked social formation that constituted the primal, fundamental cooperative unit of hunter-gatherer society. Bands were communal and were characterized eco nomically by what Sahlins (1972) later referred to as the domestic mode of production. Since bands were by defini tion kin-based, the ambiguously defined, composite local groups noted by Steward were to be understood in the fol lowing terms: The causes of the modem fluid, informal, com posite band clearly lie in the initial shocks, depopulation, relocation, and other disturbances in the early contact period which produced refugee like groups of unrelated families among the Indians even before the time of the American Rev olutionary War. Depopulation owing to European diseases had the first and most devastating social effects (Service 1962:88; see also page 108). Stewards characterization of Shoshoni and Eskimo eco nomic organization as operating at the family level was explainable, in Services view, as the product of a sequence of historical events that disrupted the natural state" of hunter-gatherer social organization and was therefore epiphenomenal: Most of the bands under survey here, including patrilocal bands like the central Australians, are composed of nuclear family units that themselves undertake most of the economic tasks. The families are rarely all together in a total meeting of the band or bands. The big differ ence in any of these bands is whether reciprocal exogamy between groups or sodalities and virilocal residence rules are operative; this is what determines whether several nuclear families, scattered or not, are a struc tured band of families or are at a family level,with the larger society being merely informal, haphazard, and hoc (Service 1962:95; emphasis in original) Service paid relatively little attention to economics. Instead, his concept of the band rested heavily on one set of implicit preconditions that included territoriality (or what Steward would have called landownership) as well as the formal nues for marriage and postmarital residence governing the M u '
The intellectual ancestry of Services formulations can be traced to two arguments by Julian Steward, one of which con cerned the circumstances promoting the formation of com posite bands. Another logically parallel discussion claimed
ior of territorial or geographically bounded corporate groups. In Services typology of human social organization, huntergatherers constituted the band level, and it was argued that there were no ecological or environmental correlates of the archetypal or primal organizational form, the patrilocal band: It is truly an important, even astonishing, fact that we find this social structure in all the major quarters of the earth and in such tremendously varying habitats as deserts, seacoasts, plains, and jungles, in tropical, polar, and temperate zones, with great variations in kinds and amounts of food, and with seasonal and yearly alterations in the supplies. This is an even better reason for thinking that the patrilocal band is early; it seems almost an inevitable kind of organization (Service 1962:107-8). Service makes two key points in this revealing statement. First, the distribution of the patrilocal band, which appears to vary randomly with environmental variables, justifies his rejection of the relevance of ecology to an understanding of social variability among hunter-gatherers (Service 1962:73). And second, by appealing to diffusionist principles from an earlier era of anthropology in particular the age area hypothesis which argued that the traits with the most gen eral distribution were the oldestService posits the patrilocal band as the original form of social structure among ancient hunter-gatherers. Earlier in his monograph Service had discussed the con ditions responsible for the formation of the primal, patrilo cal band: It has been argued so for that rules of reciprocal band exogamy are related to peacemaking alliance and offense-defense situations, that is, to the superorganic environ ment rather than to food-getting alone. The rule of virilocal residence is also related to male cooperation in offense-defense, and not always to hunting alone---- Band exogamy and virilocal residence make a patrilocal band (Service 1962:75). It is clear that if one accepts that the patrilocal band was the original, generic form of hunter-gatherer organiza tion, one must also accept that the alleged causes (conflict and its social ramifications) were early and essentially per petual and ubiquitous. Second, one would have to be com fortable with the essentialist notion that territoriality and its correlateslocal band exogamy and virilocal residence were the essential, defining features of hunter-gatherer social life. Services arguments were so well insulated by sweeping claims for the effects of culture contact that counterarguments based on empirical evidence could always be dismissed by asserting that the challenging cases were not representative of primal conditions. Despite the fact that Services arguments were discussed and accepted by many anthropologists, they were never tested in any technical sense and were, instead, merely replaced later with an alternative argument purporting to identify a different primal form of hunter-gatherer society.
Implications for spatial phenomena that archaeologists could pursue were embedded in Julian Stewards arguments, but there were no similar implications for archaeologists in Services arguments. The issue generated by Services views was, instead, the relevance of ethnographic experience to an understanding of the past His arguments indirectly challenged the generalizations from ethnographic experience previ ously discussed here, i.e., the work of Mauss, Speck, Steward, and the proponents of social atomism, which all addressed some aspect of social organization among ethnographically documented cases. Services argument postulated an invari able primal form of social organization for past huntergatherers and related observed organizational variability to the more recent historical, colonial context This static view of the past referred variability in the present to conditions of acculturation in the presentin other words, it was a historical explanation. Service specifically denied the relevance of the ecological factors that were explored by Steward, Speck, and even Mauss and were implicit in Leacocks critique (1954) of Specks position. There was little discussion of the issue of individ ualism versus communalism, but the form of past society imagined by Service was consistent with a communalist formulation.
The Conference on Band Societies held in Canada in 1965 (Damas 1969) and the 1966 Man the Hunter Conference in Chicago (Lee and DeVore 1968) had a tremendous impact on the anthropological view of hunter-gatherers and, for a large group of students, defined what was considered germane to know about them. Certainly, the summary characteriza tion by Richard Lee and Irvin DeVore (1968) of the nomadic style has set the tone for discussion up through the present time. The following statement about hunter-gatherers is particularly important: The economic system is based on sev eral core features including a home base or camp, a division of laborwith males hunting and females gatheringand, most important, a pattern of sharing out the collected food resources (Lee and DeVore 1968:11). What Lee and DeVore are doing herethat is, charac terizing hunting and gathering as a way of life or a mode of production by abstracting a set of essential characteristics of a normatively conceived life wayis still very much in the tradition of preceding authors, although the typifying terms are different. (A contrasting approach would involve a con sideration of variables that might be expected to vary across cases and perhaps be seen as responsive to other variables in terms of causal processes.) If Lee and DeVore's static char acterization of the "organizational base line of the small-scale society from which subsequent developments can be derived
(1968:11) is accepted as the primal human condition (Isaac 1978a, 1978b; Leakey and Lewin 1977) o r as an archetypal form, then the task o f researchers is to uncover the factors that disrupted, modified, o r distorted this original persistent and well-adapted way o f life (Lee 1968:43).9
Lee and DeVores formulation of the five essential char acteristics contributing to the character of the organizational base linewas rather clearly drawn from Lees experiences with the JKung Bushmen. Their normative or archetypal view of the original form of hunter-gatherer society has remained rel atively unchanged in Lees writing over the years. For instance: Historical materialism argues that there exists a core of culture in primitive society that is intimately linked to mode of production. It is much longer lived, has a much deeper timedepth, than our own Western capitalist culture. Historical materialism further argues that this culture core is commu nal: the collective right to basic resources and the egalitarian political culture. By a dictionary definition of communism, our ancestors were communist (Lee 1990:232). This perspective shaped Lees thinking prior to his initial field work among the !Kung and has been expressed more and more clearly in recent years, although, as Gellner has pointed out, it represents a reversion to nineteenth-century ideas: Social anthropology was born of the hope of using the contemporary savage as a time machine, and modern West ern anthropology emerged from the rejection of this aspi ration (Gellner 1973:537-38). By modem Western anthropology Gellner is referring to the view that variability in cultural phenomena does not simply represent deviations from a primal form but is instead the consequence of contingent processes in which variables interact differentially and affect one another to produce variety. In light of the variability documented in contemporary ethnographic cases, the research challenge is to isolate, study, and understand the causal processes responsible for the observable range of differences. If one adopts a position claiming that there was an original, invariable form of social organization, then the intellectual goal is to identify it and to explain how subsequent diversity occurred. Either the primeval state was good (sensu Rousseau) and the problem is to identify the factors that led to the corruption of the ideal condition (which has been the quest of historical material ists and others who are less easy to label), or the primeval state was bad (sensu Hobbes) and the challenge is to explain what factors caused conditions to improve and were responsible for human progress. Except for the occasional intrusion of antiquated nineteenth-century notions of essential social forms, the terms in which hunter-gatherers were discussed in the conferences of 1965 and 1966 demonstrated that significant knowledge growth had occurred. For example, the recognition that a sta tic model of social units was no longer a productive perspective was illustrated by Woodburn'i (1968) descriptions of the
Hadza. Lee (1968) and Turnbull (1968) stressed the same observations that had impressed Julian Steward: that is, fam ilies were reported to change their associations regularly, and thus the composition of local groups could be highly vari able from one time to another within a single camp and also varied as camps were established and abandoned. This observation was even extended to societies that appeared to exhibit strict lineal definition of corporate groups, such as the Australian Aborigines, although this view of Australian sys tems was also criticized (Hiatt 1962; Stanner 1965). The issue of territoriality, which earlier anthropologists had assumed was an original feature of human life, was reassessed in light of reports that many mobile huntergatherer claims to exclusive use of territory were not in any way comparable to the ownership of private property. It was argued that their relationships to the habitat were orga nized in very different terms than previous notions of cor porate control of territory had specified. In another important development at the conferences, the assumption that hunter-gatherers were overworked and underdeveloped because of the difficulty of meeting basic sub sistence needs was challenged. Implicit in the old idea that starvation stalks the stalker (Sahlins 1968:85) was the belief that hunter-gatherers did not have sufficient leisure time to invent more complex cultural forms. If anything, the pen dulum swung to the opposite pole of opinion with regard to the amount of leisure time available to hunter-gatherers. All of these topics, as well as the issue of sharing, continue to be investigated and discussed in the contemporary huntergatherer literature. At the Man the Hunter Conference, shar ing was viewed by some participants as a behavioral manifestation of the primeval communal ethic, even though it was clear that there were many situations in which huntergatherer groups did not share. Some researchers felt a more productive approach was to attempt to explain the contin uum of sharing behavior rather than label those cases that did not fit the archetypal model as deviant or progressive (depending upon whether one accepted Rousseaus or Hobbess view of the original condition of man). The con trast in views is made vivid by comparing Lees statement on hunter-gatherers and sharing (see page 21) with Fred Eggans (1968) remarks at the conference: I want to follow up one of Washburns points on adap tation versus flexibility. There is a series of norms or sanc tions with regard to the sharing of food. It seems to me that they often differ with the kind of foodmeat, fish, or vegetablewith the size of the animals involved, and with the latitude of the location. I remember look ing at the Siberian-central Asian data, and in that area food-sharing increases to the mirth and decreases to the south. I wonder whether these patterns of sharing, if we worked them out, might not give us something relevant to the problem of adaptation, even an index to it. (Bggaft I96&85)
The focus in the anthropological literature on sharing behavior has increased since the Man the Hunter Conference, but unfortunately not enough attention has been devoted to reporting and attempting to explain the patterns of sharing to which Eggan referred. Instead, an increasingly integrated argument has been developed and systematically presented by Marshall Sahlins, defining the relationships between communalism, social solidarity, economics, sharing, and the spa tial relationships among households, as well as scales of social integration.
If I were to ask several anthropological theorists to enu merate the propositions that they accept as justified uniformitarian assumptions, their statements would provide a logical baseline in terms of which to compare their theories. If one of the theorists was Marshall Sahlins, he would prob ably offer two uniformitarian assumptions as the foundation of his arguments. The first would be that the fundamental building block of society is the family, which is also the fun damental reproductive unit, and that all societies in the pre capitalist world were organized articulations o f these fundamental units. The second assumption would be that human societies articulate such units into larger social for mations using extrasomatic or cultural mechanisms. Sahlins might add that the cultural definitions of just what consti tutes a family, the ways that families are socially articulated, and the conventions for recognizing and organizing more dis tant kin are emic phenomena and may therefore be expected to vary from setting to setting. Probably the arguments most commonly invoked by archaeologists when they attempt to make inferences about social organization in the past have been derived from Sahlinss work. These arguments may be considered trans formational in that various domains such as kinship, eco nomics, family well-being, social distance, interactional intensities, and knowledge of others are viewed as integrated and therefore autocorrelated phenomena. That is, everything is embedded in the single social phenomenon of kinship, which is said to be the conventional locus for the organized features of small-scale societies, particularly those of huntergatherers. Sahlinss argument, which has several components, was first introduced in his much-misunderstood article in the book Man the Hunter (1968), entitled "Notes on the Original Af fluent Society. His point was elaborated more fully in his own book, Stone Age Economics (1972:1-39). It represents an argument that can be viewed in several ways. I prefer to see it as a particularly important challenge to the idea, prevalent in the anthropological literature in the mid-1960s, that life was so difficult and uncertain that hunter-gatherers had no
alternative than to spend all available time searching for food. The temporal demands of the hunter-gatherer food quest had been held responsible for the apparent stability, docu mented archaeologically, in hunter-gatherer life ways. There had been no time, it was argued, for the development of social complexity, philosophy, art, and other highly valued fea tures of Western industrialized society. Sahlinss leisure time hypothesis challenged the view that mans wants are great, not to say infinite, whereas his means are limited (Sahlins 1968:85). Sahlins argued ( 1 ) that huntergatherers did have leisure time and that temporal invest ment in subsistence could not be the factor inhibiting progress; and (2 ) that the essentialist assumption that all people had unlimited wants was questionable. Despite suggestions by subsequent authors (Bettinger 1991:100; Foley 1988:207; Hawkes and OConnell 1981; Riches 1982:213) to the contrary, Sahlins was not suggesting that life was easy or secure. He was saying, rather, that there was no vitalistic force in the form of unlimited needs that drove huntergatherers to produce surplus and build culture (Sahlins 1968:85). It was in this context that he later proposed the domestic mode of production as characteristic of huntergatherer and other societies that he claimed were organized by a production for use strategy that resulted in chronic underproduction (Sahlins 1972:86). Sahlins argued that the family was the unit that produced for use and that when its needs were met production ceased: The DMP [domestic mode of production] harbors an antisurplus principle. Geared to the production of liveli hood, it is endowed with the tendency to come to a halt at that point. Hence if surplus is defined as out put above the producers requirements, the household system is not organized for it. Nothing within the struc ture of production for use pushes it to transcend itself. The entire society is constructed on an obstinate eco nomic base, therefore on a contradiction, because unless the domestic economy is forced beyond itself the entire society does not survive. (Sahlins 1972:86) Sahlins is making a classic Marxist argument here, the struc ture of which involves establishing a contradiction and then proceeding to define a dialectic through which the apparent contradiction is resolved. Sahlins himself commented on his use of this logical device: "The determination of the main organization of production at an infrastructural level of kinship is one way of facing the dilemma presented by prim itive societies to Marxist analyses, namely, between the deci sive role accorded by theory to the economic base and the fact that the dominant economic relations are in quality superstructural, e.g., kinship relations* (Sahlins 1972:102, note I ). This statement introduces another important compo nent of Sahlinss argument, the assertion that primitive societies are kin-based societies:. For Sahlins, kinship is the ideological (superstructure!) context in which the domestic
mode of production is embedded and integrated, and the vital ity of the larger multifamily society is derived from this context. Crucial to this argument is acceptance of the premise that within communities there is a quasi-normal distribution of household production such that some households produce below their needs and others produce beyond their needs. Sahlins also suggested that some communities, relative to their needs, overproduce while others underproduce. It is at this juncture that kinship plays a pivotal role in the argument: The kinship relations prevailing between households must affect their economic behavior. Descent groups and marital alliances of different structure, even interpersonal kin net works of different pattern, should differentially encourage sur plus domestic labor. And with varying success, too, kinship relations counter the centrifugal movement of the DMP, to determine a more or less intensive exploitation of local resources (Sahlins 1972:123). Clearly the superstructural principle of kinship is viewed as a scale of social distance that differentially incorporates per sons into larger domestic and quasi-domestic units. Sahlins made this point in the following example: Where Eskimo kinship categorically isolates the immediate family, placing others in a social space definitely outside, Hawaiian extends familial relationships indefinitely along collateral lines. The Hawaiian household economy risks an analogous integration in the community of households. Everything depends on the strength and spread of solidarity in the kinship system. Hawaiian kinship is in these respects superior to Eskimo . . . specifying in this way a wider cooperation (Sahlins 1972:123). As the solidarity of the domestic unit expands to include a broader social formation, the negative properties of the domestic mode of production Sahlins used the terms anti surplus, antisocial, centrifugal, a segmentary fragility, and a species o f anarchy to characterize the DMP are offset. (The term primitive atomism might be added to Sahlinss list of neg ative properties.) Maximum dispersion is the settlement pat tern of the state of nature_ _ Left to its own devices, the DMP is inclined toward a maximum dispersion of homesteads, because maximum dispersion is the absence of interdepen dence and a common authority, and these are by and large the way production is organized (Sahlins 1972:97). Having advanced this perspective, Sahlins proceeded to discuss the relationship between kinship and economics in terms of a scale of economic transactions ranging from gen eralized reciprocity to negative reciprocity (Sahlins 1972: 193-96). Generalized reciprocity borders on altruism and is said to characterize economic transactions within the domes tic unit. It embodies behaviors that in the archaeological literature are usually referred to as sharing, and it is frequently assumed to be a basic characteristic of hunter-gatherer social ity. Balanced reciprocity occurs at the midpoint of the scale and involves direct exchanges in which "reciprocation is the
customary equivalent of the thing received and is without delay (Sahlins 1972:194). Negative reciprocity is the polar opposite of generalized reciprocity, involving the attempt to get something for nothing, as in an exploitative relationship. After outlining the continuum of economic relation ships, Sahlins linked reciprocity to its determining criteria: The span of social distance between those who exchange con ditions the mode of exchange. Kinship distance, as has already been suggested, is especially relevant to the form of reciprocity. Reciprocity is inclined toward the generalized pole by close kinship, toward the negative extreme in propor tion to kinship distance (Sahlins 1972:196). This statement provides not only an intellectual frame work within which we may accommodate our expectations for social forms at the dawn of human existence but also a scalar focus for accommodating the variability that is documented in small-scale societies. It reflects a Marxist perspective in which changes in the superstructure determine the character of the observed system states, and it is in op position to vulgar materialist notions that the means of production and the fundamental character of work are the major determinants of social forms and their scales of organization. Sahlins was aware of the variability in labor organization and forms of cooperation observable among hunter-gatherers: I do not suggest that the household everywhere is an exclusive work group, and production merely a domes tic activity. Local techniques demand more or less co operation, so production may be organized in diverse social forms, and sometimes at levels higher than the household. Members of one family may regularly col laborate on an individual basis with kith and kin from other houses: certain projects are collectively under taken by constituted groups such as lineages or village communities. But the issue is not the social composi tion of work. Larger working parties are in the main just so many ways the domestic mode o f production realizes itself Often the collective organization o f work merely disguises by its massiveness its essential social simplicity. A series o f persons or small groups act side by side on parallel and duplicate tasks, or they labor together for the benefit o f each participant in turn. . . . Cooperation remains for the most part a technical fact, without inde pendent social realization on the level o f economic control It does not compromise the autonomy of the household or its economic purpose, the domestic management of labor-power or the prevalence of domestic objectives across the social activities of work. (Sahlins 1972:77-78; emphasis added) This is just another way of expressing the recurrent view that neither ecology, nor the articulation of humans with their envi ronments (both natural and social), nor subsistence strate gies, nor the means o f production are germane to the investigation and explanation of social change. Ingold has made this point quite forcefully: "It cannot he emphasised
too strongly that the concept of adaptation loses all signifi cance unless it is combined with a demonstrable principle of selection---- If this principle is contained within the social system, it is evident that the latter cannot be the object of a selective process (Ingold 1981:126). For the neo-Marxist, evolutionary ecology is irrelevant and general explanations are futile since it is the superstruc turethe ideological domain that directs change and man ifests itself as historically particular variability. Sahlins was attempting to transform emic phenomena into etic phenomena. Kinship distance becomes social distance and social distance becomes transactional distance once the spec trum of reciprocal relations has been introduced. The fun damental social unitthe familybecomes extended through emic kinship conventions, a process that widens the social domain of the domestic mode of production to include more and more persons. These extensions represent scales of solidarity that should be distributed isomorphically with economic connections in those situations in which general ized reciprocity is extended to larger and larger sets of per sons, producing larger and larger communal units. Given Sahlinss linkage of these scales, there is a clear autocorrelational equation in which ( 1 ) kinship distance, (2 ) social dis tance, and (3) physical distance or spatial association constitute a measure of communal solidarity. It should therefore be clear that for the archaeologist who seeks interpretive guidance by invoking Sahlinss prin ciples, variability in both site structure and settlement pat tern would be referred for explanation to the domains of kinship, social distance, and mutual aid and sharing. Variability in the size and dispersion of social units within a settlement system would be thought to reflect a single scale of degree of relationship, ranging from familial independence (atom ism) to the integration of families into a broader-scale social formation in which the economic solidarity of the domes tic mode of production is extended to others. With regard to site structure, those camps in which res idences were placed close to one another would be thought to exemplify solidarity, whereas camps with widely spaced res idences would reflect household independence, a lack of interhousehold integration, and, by extension, a lack of sol idarity. This same scale would be expected to reflect the emic scaling of kinship distance since, as Sahlins suggested, variability in familial inclusion and assimilation fosters inte gration and therefore solidarity. Another implication of this view is that as the kin-integrated unit becomes larger* pro ductivity and culture building will increase. Sahlinss scalar arguments about kinship and economic integration are consistent with the original proposals of Lewis H. Morgan regarding aboriginal house design. Ever since the publication o f Morgans seminal work, Houses and HouseLife of the American Aborigines ( 1881), many anthropologists have regarded communal shelter as a direct clue to the char
acter of the economic articulations between persons occu pying the same residence. For his time, Morgan made a convincing case. He certainly influenced the thinking of Marx and Engels, and his assumptions are a fundamental com ponent of the argument for primitive communism (Lee 1988). They also underlie the efforts by archaeologists (e.g., Movius 1965, 1966) to infer communal living based on archaeological house forms and camp plans: Communism in living had its origin in the necessities of the family.. .. Several families, related by kin, united as a rule in a common household and made a common stock of the provisions acquired by fishing and hunting, and by the cultivation of maize and plants. They erected joint tenement houses large enough to accommodate sev eral families, so that, instead of a single family in the exclusive occupation of a single house, large house holds as a rule existed in all parts of America in the abo riginal period. ...T o a very great extent communism in living... entered into their plan o f life and determined the character o f their houses. (Morgan 1881:63; emphasis added) To use Sahlinss terms, the construction and use of multi family dwellings were the ultimate manifestations of the principles of kinship-based sealing according to which many families are integrated into a large domestic unit to which all of the characteristics of the domestic mode of production are said to apply. It is not unreasonable to suggest that implicit in this argument is an additional normative expectation. Since the emic kin terms employed within societies and the social for mations they imply are not, according to Sahlins, modified drastically in short-term situations, normative patterning in both site structure and settlement patterning should be expected. For Sahlins, kinship and scale of kin distance are the factors conditioning social integration, which, in turn, is directly reflected in spatial association and proximity among fundamental family units. (It is hard to accommodate these normative views to the within-systems variability emphasized by Mauss in describing Eskimo societies.) Another set of expectations contained in Sahlinss argu ments may be anticipated in experience. The differences between strong and weak social solidarity, selfishness instead of sharing, and minimally integrated as opposed to strongly integrated social forms are said to be caused by factors belonging to the superstructure (in Sahlins s argument the domain would be kinship conventions). Social organization would therefore be expected to remain unaffected by the character of task groups, the forms of cooperative labor, and the organization of work in general. One would expect the scale of social solidarity to vary independently of labor organiza tion and its attendant, cooperative characteristics as condi tioned by the nature of the tasks themselves. In short, there should be little variability in either settlement pattern or
site structure in response to the many quite different demands that a range of subsistence strategies place on individuals in terms of the organization of labor and the amount of work required to operationalize those strategies. The arguments proposed by Sahlins contrast in their entirety with earlier views expressed by Chang, who believed that settlement pattern was directly related to ecology and subsistence of the inhabitants, whereas site structureor community pattern as he preferred to call itwould be referable to those aspects that can best be interpreted in terms of social oiganization and social psychology (Chang 1962:36). Sahlins instead attributed spatial separation in either settle ment pattern or site structure to a simple scale of variabil ity in social integrationthat is, to an expanded or contracted state of the domestic mode of production. It is reasonable to say that, in spite of their deficiencies, 10 Sahlinss views are central to or at least underlie most of the arguments currently offered by archaeologists regarding the importance of sharing. Not only is sharing invoked to pro vide an understanding of hunter-gatherer socioeconomic oiganization, it also forms the basis for the interpretation of variability in site structure, particularly for such features as interhousehold spacing in the layout of hunter-gatherer camps (Gargett and Hayden 1991). From one perspective, Sahlinss formulations are con cerned with the structure and extension of relationships among persons for whom sharing is the characteristic trans action. Food sharing in particular has become the definitive and pivotal criterion of human relationships for many archae ologists. The following passage from Speth (1990:148-49) is a good example of this point of view: Food sharing, particularly sharing involving meat from larger mammals, is widely held to be one of the princi pal hallmarks of so-called egalitarian hunter-gath erer or band societies (e.g., Isaac 1978a; Lee and DeVore 1968; Service 1971). Almost every ethnographic study of foragers mentions the occurrence of some form of food sharing, and most comment on the impor tance of meat from larger mammals in these exchanges. The reciprocal give and take of hunted foods as well as other resources, assured among egalitarian foragers by powerful social sanctions, is thought to play a crucial role in maintaining amicable and cooperative relations among the societys members__ Sharing of food, espe cially meat, is believed by many anthropologists to be so basic a part of the forager way-of-life that archaeo logical evidence for its apparent emergence more than one-and-a-half or two million years ago in the Plio-Pleistocene has been taken as one of the first clear signs of true humanness. (Isaac 1978a) Several recent publications on archaeological site struc ture contain propositions that reflect Sahlinss emphasis on communalism. Sharing is considered to be a clue to, if not the basis of, communalism, and the absence of sharing is
thought to be indicative of individualism or the lack of com munal ties: In sharing, the rule is that a subunit engages in exchange only with a larger unit which includes it. That is, each unit is obliged to give only to the whole of which it is a part, and is entitled to receive only from that whole, or as an undifferentiated part of it. Recipients do not become indebted to the sponsor of the moment: their obligation is only to the group as a whole (Gibson 1988:175). Of course, one way to ensure that sharing represents collectivism is to define it as such. The tendency to equate sharing with communalism is wdl represented in an argument by Parkington and Mills (1991), who contend that close interhousehold spacing is one means of reinforcing and educating new recruits to the communalegalitarian ethic. Tight interhousehold spacing also acts to guarantee the evenness of resource acquisition and the rel ative egalitarianism of interpersonal relations (Parkington and Mills 1991:357). This functional argument is consis tent with Sahlinss expectations that the caring-sharing egal itarian ethic of the domestic unit is extended to those living in tightly clustered houses. As interesting as all of the preceding arguments maybe, they cannot contribute significantly to an understanding of the organization of human behavior until their accuracy is examined. For instance, it is essential to determine whether or not the atomistic Paliyan camps are widely spaced and whether the !Kung, Paliyan, and Great Basin Shoshoni camps are similar in site structural terms. It would be equally impor tant to know what are the spatial relationships of structures in Montagnais and Naskapi camps that date to the fur trade era. The site structural implications of all of the competing arguments about atomism and communalism simply have not been evaluated, in spite of the ethnographic resources that could be brought to bear on this problem It is especially dimwitted that archaeologists, rather than using their data to evaluate the accuracy of these arguments, instead appeal to them as justifications for the inferences that they make about the past!
Subsequent to the work of Marshall Sahlins, the single most important discussion of sharing, cooperation, task group for mation, and related behavior to appear in the anthropolog ical literature is found in the work of evolutionary bwtap**5 (the initial label for this research focus was sociobtology^ On** cial to many of the early debates out of which the sociobk*logical perspective coalesced was the controversy over what unit constituted the fundamental element of evolutionary process. Opposing sides argued about whether change occurred at the level of the individual organism or whether
selection operated on social groups. According to the former perspective, social behavior was viewed as a consequence of evolutionary processes operating on the individual as the fun damental processual unit (e.g., Axelrod 1981; Axelrod and Hamilton 1981; Hamilton 1963). It was in the context of this initial argument over units of processual dynamics that research attention was directed toward altruism or behavior that appeared to serve the needs of others rather than those of the altruist (Trivers 1971). Another important set of arguments, now referred to as optimal foraging theory, emerged directly from the fields of ecology and microeconomics and was adopted and elaborated upon by researchers in the field of evolutionary ecology (see Stephens and Krebs 1986 for a review). Optimal foraging theory has implications not only for sharing behav ior but also for the controversy over which units of analysis should be used in investigating the role of evolutionary processes in the diversification of human systems of adaptation. Perhaps the greatest impact of efforts to develop an evo lutionary theory explaining variability will be on those explanatory approaches that postulate the existence of orig inal human conditions and primal states that are subse quently corrupted by the accidents of history. 11 These arguments become irrelevant when the original conditions are expected to have been variable and the history of change is in fact what one seeks to explain. One of the earliest attempts to challenge an explanatory argument based on allegedprimal conditionswas made by Elizabeth Cashdan and focused on the IKung Bushmen. The citation of IKung social organization as the quintessential example of primi tive communisma group selectionist proposition writ largehas been dealt with by Cashdan: Hie literature of anthropology is rich in theories and dis cussions on the causes of stratification, while egalitar ianism has largely been considered to be simply the baseline upon which stratification develops. Material from IKung ethnographers, however, indicates that the egalitarianism found among most Bushman groups is a phenomenon resulting from stringent constraints, not simply a natural condition that represents the absence of stratification. These constraints arise from high spatial and temporal variability in food supply, together with a paucity of means to buffer this variability. (Cashdan 1980:116) Cashdan then discussed the social sanctions that were implemented among the IKung to ensure that sharing occurred at the group level. (In this regard see the descrip tion by Richard Lee [1969b] of the IKung response to his dis play of wealth on the occasion of Christmas dinner.) She contrasted her observations among the IKung with her expe riences among the //Gana, who live south and slightly to the east of the IKung. The //Gana, Cashdan noted, were less
dependent upon the insurance provided by the economic leveling mechanisms typical of other Bushman groups (Cashdan 1980:118). Leveling mechanisms include both direct sharing between social units and household mobility as a means of reducing security differentials among geo graphic ranges. Implied in this argument, as well as in earlier discussions by Draper (1975) and Wiessner (1977,1982), is the proposition that sharing was selected for and is advan tageous only under certain ecological conditions. Prece dence for this conclusion is found in Steward (1936,1955) and in Eggans (1968:85) comments at the Man the Hunter Conference. During the time that Hillard Kaplan was working on his doctoral dissertation, he participated in a major study of shar ing among the Ache of eastern Paraguay (Kaplan 1983). This research formed the basis of a series of important papers dealing specifically with sharing and the arguments that had previously been offered to account for this behav ior (Jones 1983; Kaplan et al. 1984; Kaplan and Hill 1985; Kaplan et al. 1990). This body of literature is methodologi cally sophisticated, internally consistent, and comprehensive, and it is the most provocative examination of the subject of sharing currently available. Throughout the remainder of this book I refer to perti nent observations and arguments presented in the research of evolutionary biologists. At this juncture, however, I pre fer to deal with the issue of sharing as a risk-reducing mech anismthat is, one in which variance in productive success is leveled by sharing among cooperating producers. (The term leveling describes a situation in which the mean value of the food acquired by a set of producers is available to all within the set, as opposed to each producer having to rely on the product of his or her individual efforts during the term of the cooperation.) In order to understand variability in this domain of hunter-gatherer social phenomena, a set of cooperating pro ducers and a term or duration of the cooperation must be specified so that behavior can be monitored and risk reduc tion strategies can be evaluated. To obtain a measurement of mean and variance in the results of work effort within a socially defined labor unit, both categories of data are required, not only for field research but also for theory build ing. Thus far, data are available for only one group of huntergatherers, the Ache, although observations germane to the proposition of risk reduction are available for other groups. The following summary of detailed research on sharing is abstracted from recent work by Kaplan et al. ( 1990):*2
1. Risk Risk is defined not as danger or insecurity13 but rather as temporal variability in the amount of food available for consumption, resulting from the productive efforts of a I/7I'm , ? ^ 44J finite set of producers over a given time period of ohser- /.V ?3 . e r . Iku o 0 vation. Risk may be thought of as a particular oonse- i t c 5
of exploiting certain types of foods, in the course of which the skill, knowledge, and ability of different producers is not considered to vary during the period of observation. Nevertheless (a) the number of occasions on which a single producer is successful in a series of efforts is variable and (b) the total productivity of the set of producers is itself variable when the time frame is held con stant (e.g., a day or a week). This kind of variability is fre quently referred to as luck by many researchers. 2. Risk management decisions: A number of decisions are made in the course of implementing any particular risk man agement strategy. Food producers must decide with whom to cooperate in a risk-pooling unit, how many persons to include in the group (see E. A. Smith 1991 for extensive field-based research focused on task group formation), and what productive output to aim for during the period of cooperation. Whether producers envision a long-term cooperative effort or a task-specific cooperation must be established before rational discussion may proceed. (Remember that in order to calculate mean productivity and variance, a set of outcomes must be distributed across individuals when time is held constant or among outcomes for a single individual across a suite of events, or both.)
In the Ache study, it was necessary to distinguish between male and female behavior in terms of the extent to which they pursued a risk-prone versus a risk-averse strategy. This dis tinction illuminates another set of decisions having to do with the production targets or biased prey choices observed in co operative action. As Kaplan et al. ask: do they consistently choose either the high variance (unstable food supply) or the low variance (stable food supply) option? (Kaplan et al. 1990:110-11). When detailed Ache data were used to eval uate the proposition that food sharing represents a risk reduction strategy, it was found that without food sharing, families are likely to experience 2 weeks in which they acquire less than 50% of their caloric needs about once every 2 years (Kaplan et al. 1990:114; emphasis in original). The risk reduction argument was therefore empirically supported in the Ache case. Perhaps of even greater importance were the results of research that focused on the relationship between prey choice and variance in returns. Here the authors noted that uthe amount o f reduction in variance conferred by food sharing appears to depend on the acquisition pattern o f food' (Kaplan et al. 1990:118; emphasis added). In other words, sharing is conditioned both by the character of the environment and by the labor organization appropriate to the exploitation of given prey targets. The sharing argument is therefore directly linked to the optimal foraging argument regarding prey choice. For purposes of this discussion, the observations of Ache foraging and sharing behavior, as well as the optimal forag
ing theory to which they are linked, directly challenge argu ments claiming that superstructure conditions the relations of production. These data have similar implications for the viewpoints of Service and others who consider social solidarity or integration an essential property of small-scale society and attribute the existence of societies in which sharing is min imal to processes of social disintegration. Kaplan et al. have presented a set of propositions based on the definition of risk as temporal variation in individ ual returns and . . . inter-individual variation in returns at single points in time---- When both kinds of variation are present (that is, when the returns of individuals vary over time and that variation is not synchronized across individuals), food sharing confers the greatest reduction in risk (1990:118 19). This proposition covers those situations in which hunters collectively experience stochastic variance in their combined productivity while at the same time the productivity of each individual hunter also varies stochastically relative to other hunters in the risk pool: If individual returns vary over time but that variation is synchronized across members of a social group, as in the case of seasonal gluts and shortages, food sharing does little to reduce variance because when food supply is low for some it is also low for others. When the inter-individual variance is high but temporal variance for individuals is low, food sharing does not reduce risk (Kaplan et al. 1990:119). This second proposition is important since it acknowledges that a change in security simultaneously experienced by all of the participants in a risk-pooling labor group is not buffered by sharing associated with any one production event, such as one animal kill. The content of this proposi tion contrasts sharply with the meaning inherent in the expression risk-minimizing strategies used by some authors, who are simply referring to all of those strategies that tend to enhance subsistence security in an otherwise poorhabi tat (Gould 1980:87). (Later in this book I discuss the kinds of strategies adopted by hunter-gatherers when gluts and shortages characterize seasonal variability in the habitat.) When interindividual variance is high but temporal variance for individuals is low, food sharing does not reduce risk. It simply raises the mean of low producers and lowers the mean of high producers. While from a group perspective this reduction in interindividual vari ance may or may not be beneficial, it does not benefit high-producing individuals. Under these circumstances, high producers are not likely to elect to share food unless there are other compensatory benefits, or alter natively, unless there are costs associated with not shar ing food. (Kaplan et al. 1990:119) This proposition will assume more importance when I dis cuss differential productivity as a function of individual age and, in particular, the role of young unmarried males a> producers in the labor force. Situations in which food shar
f o u n d e r
e f f e c t
ing may occur as a result of other compensatory benefits, or those in which the refusal to share results in social sanctions, are variable among hunter-gatherers and will be kept in mind as I discuss variability in organizational forms among hunter-gatherers. Kaplan et al. (1990) have raised some additional issues regarding the preconditions for effective sharing as a riskreducing strategy and make some assessments about the likelihood that these conditions occur in real-life social sit uations. They point out that sharing does not work as a risk-reducing strategy if some participants in the risk-reducing labor pool do not share or if they hoard food for their exclu sive use. In short, in order to be successful, sharing must be a response-contingent strategy, which means that failure to share by participants in a risk-pooling group is dealt with by withholding shares to freeloaders or applying other negative sanctions. A successful response-contingent strategy implies that members of a risk-pooling unit must have extensive and dependable prior knowledge of the persons with whom they plan to share labor and output or the anticipated successful outcome will be jeopardized. For food sharing to either evolve or be maintained, group size, group stability, and the value of reciprocal food sharing will interact in determining whether it will evolve. . . . As group size increases or stability decreases (such that old partners leave and new partners enter the group), the value of food sharing must also increase___ If food sharing evolves in order to reduce variance, then, all other things being equal, it is most likely to occur when . . . [there is] high temporal variability in food acquisition which is not synchronized across the pool of potential sharers, repeated interactions, and small group size. (Kaplan et al. 1990:120-21) These statements constitute a bare bones outline of a theory of sharing, which is justification for some excitement since, in fact, theories are rare in the anthropological and archaeological literature. 14 Theories are the fundamental tools of the learning strategy that is generally referred to as science, and as such they outline dynamic relationships and permit the reasoned derivation of hypotheses that stipulate when a condition can be expected to occur and when it will not. The use of theory is well illustrated in the investigations conducted by Kaplan et al. among the Ache, and their work contrasts starkly with another kind of variability in the field of hunter-gatherer studies that is derived from the adoption by various authors of particular intellectual postures. It is not possible to review this voluminous literature here, but it may be summarized as advocating the utility of particular cog nitive criteria for characterizing hunter-gatherer societies. A currently popular example distinguishes between social groups in terms of immediate- versus delayed*return reci procity (Morris 1982b; Woodburn 1980, 1988) whereas
another heated set of arguments disputes the essential char acteristics of real hunter-gatherers (Bower 1989; Head land and Reid 1989; Kent 1992; Lee 1992; Lewin 1988; Schrire 1984a, 1984b; Wilmsen 1983,1989). I do not find either of these characterizing exercises use ful. Arguments about real hunter-gatherers proceed from a failure to address the question of what is an explanatory theory, and they ignore the vital concern of how knowl edge which exists in the present is most productively used to structure research to accomplish the goal of making knowledge grow. My approach to the strategic use of con temporary knowledge is described as part of a set of funda mental arguments that I make in subsequent chapters of this book.
This chapter has been concerned with what has been learned about hunter-gatherers from some of our intellectual pre decessors in the discipline of anthropology and about how this knowledge contributes to a definition o f the challeng ing research problems to be addressed by the contempo rary generation of researchers. The work o f Mauss and Beuchat was introduced to demonstrate that some early scholars who investigated orga nizational variety in hunter-gatherer life ways had tried to establish that behavior in many small-scale societies was organized in ways that were neither normative nor static. Their research demonstrated that hunter-gatherer behavior appeared to exhibit regularities that were at least influenced, if not caused, by large-scale environmental cyclicities. For the greater part of the twentieth century, this approach to research was frequently cited, but the processual implications were ignored until quite recently. Work at the pattern recognition level has repeatedly informed us that hunter-gatherers are vari able in the extent to which their social and labor organiza tion is stable or cyclically changing, and yet little work has been directed to explaining why within-systems variability should or should not occur. One could say, then, that Mauss and Beuchats intellectual bequest to future generations of hunter-gatherer researchers was inadvertently placed in trust and remained there for several generations. We believe that the time has come to gain access to that bequest and manip ulate it productively. The work of Julian Steward illustrates very graphically what happens when the units of observation in terms of which vari ability is monitored are ambiguous or indistinct. Stewards idea of the band was stated dearly enough. For him the func tional basis of band organization, then, was the habitual cooperation of its members in joint enterprises and its objec tive expression was the common name, chieftainship, and ownership of territory" (Steward 1938:51)
The problem was that no amount of definitional speci ficity could make reality correspond to Stewards terms. The Shoshoni did not appear to demonstrate much cooperation among spatially dispersed, small social units, nor did they maintain a chieftainship or appear to exercise property rights over the territory that they exploited. Stewards response to the lack of correspondence between his definitional units and reality was to conceive of a new unit, the family level of sociocultural integration, which fit the observations that he had made on Great Basin peoples. Steward later acknowledged that the size criterion embedded in his notion of a band was misguided, and he modified his view in light of more detailed field work. Since Stewards time, the term band has been used to refer to a number of different kinds of observational units, some defined by proximity criteria, or by the social compo sition of residential camps, or by criteria that monitor lev els of economic integration. One pattern emerges in this chapter from my overview of the stipulative approach: obser vational units require constant redefinition in order to accommodate the variability that is sequentially uncovered in the world of dynamics. The unproductiveness of a stipu lative research strategy has prompted me to follow a more pragmatic approach to unit conceptualization in the research and analysis reported in this book. By recognizing and concentrating on the variability in set tlement pattern and site structural data, both within and among hunter-gatherer systems, it becomes possible to pro pose that patterns of organization relate to conditions exter nal to the examined systems and to begin to do pattern recognition studies in these domains. Steward, of course, was a pioneer in the investigation of the ecological relationships that hunter-gatherers maintained with their environment, and it may be that of all his work, his research in this domain con stitutes our most important inheritance.15 The research by Speck, Leacock, and Murphy and Steward pointed to interesting patterns of social organization in the present and took the view that traditional interpretations of the past could not explain them. These authors argued instead that processes operating in the present accounted for some features of a pattern of organization that was referred to as atomism. It was theorized that a lack of economic inte gration among some groups of hunter-gatherers who had become productive specialists in the context of a market economy was accounted for by their exposure to forces of acculturation. It was argued that these processes were unique to their his torical context, but is it not reasonable to ask whether sin gular historical events are themselves the outcome of ongoing, more fundamental processes and, if so, might not some of the same conditioning variables have been at work in the past? A processual perspective is strongly opposed to the view that events cause events, and to the extent that historicism
is a major explanatory theme in anthropology, 16 archaeol ogists would be well advised to reject this aspect of our intel lectual patrimony. Social types and primal forms were important conceptual tools for Steward, Service, the atomists, and researchers like Richard Lee. Lee has argued that the original condition of hunter-gatherers was one of primitive communism and that this original form is extant in the modem world (e.g^ the Dobe peoples of the Kalahari area). I would suggest that the whole purpose of tools, intellectual or otherwise, is to facilitate doing work, and if our theoretical tools tell us that we already know what the past was like and why it was that way, then w e have to conclude that there is no significant work left to be done. Obviously I believe that constructs such as primal socialforms are useless when we explore the research challenges facing our discipline. In Sahlinss work there is a strong emphasis on the sys temic characteristics of domestic life. Sahlins makes many arguments about the bases of culturally organized life, but these all proceed from an assumption about what human life was like in a state of nature. His bias regarding where or in what domain we are to look for the causes of variability places causation in the superstructural realm of ideation. Sug gestions that causal relationships occur in the interrelations between humanity and the environment are generally denied Sahlinss work has provided archaeologists with a clearcut set of expectations for site structure and settlement pat tern and for what the variability might mean in terms of social integration. It is therefore unfortunate that these expectations are stipulative and derived from Sahlinss a priori assump tions about human nature. I suspect that those archaeologists who interpret their data in terms of Sahlins-like precepts w ill inevitably be surprised by the results of more rigorous theory building. In this review of some of the more recent anthropolog ical literature, it is clear that many elements of Sahlinss work remain relevantparticularly those having to do with sharing and the pooling of resources as fundamental forms of cooperationbut these elements are now embedded in some new and interesting perspectives. Recent studies sug gest that sharing is not just an idiosyncratically expressed human characteristic but that, instead, it varies in practice with different environmental contexts according to whether there either is or is not a tangible payoff. If this pattern is sus tained by continued research, such an understanding would be particularly germane to the problems posed by earlier writ ers who viewed cooperation, sharing, and communalism as essential to human life, particularly in prehistory, and it would lead us to expect much greater variety in the archaeologically documented settlement patterns and features of site structure remaining from the past. Overall, this review of the utility of the intellectual tools bequeathed to subsequent generations by the "founder* ot
o u n d e r
e f f e c t
hunter-gatherer research has provided an opportunity to evaluate the state of our knowledge and, by reflection, our ignorance. It has also stimulated a process of conceptual selection, as a result of which some elements of our inher itance are discarded and replaced by new formulations. For instance, I argue in this book that in order to address productively problems related to organizational variability among hunter-gatherers, it is necessary to investigate pat terns of variability in environmental properties, in group sizes (both within and among social organizations), and in mobility patterns and their consequences for group sizes, as well as spatial patterning in settlements. The sticky issue of integration must also be addressed if we are to succeed in discussing organization meaningfully. Sharing, cooper
ation, differential degrees of mutualism and independence among societal segments (particularly involving subsis tence), and the social relations of the distribution of the products of labor are all relevant topics demanding rigor ous investigation. Finally, although the issue of within-systems variability is largely ignored in most contemporary discussions, the kind of dynamics noted by Mauss and Beuchat among the Eskimo must be addressed in the same explanatory terms as between-systems variability. After all, the extent to which the contemporary generation of hunter-gatherer researchers is able to meet the research challenge facing us determines whether or not we will be able to leave a worthwhile theo retical inheritance for our intellectual descendants.
Human Actors and Their Role in the Evolutionary Play
Over thirty years ago, the eminent biologist G. E. Hutchin son published a book entitled The Ecological Theater and the Evolutionary Play (1965), in which he expanded on his insightful recognition of the resemblance between the struc ture of biological dynamics and certain aspects of the dra matic arts. Hutchinson visualized an ecological community as a locus of action similar to a theater in which an audience in this case made up of scientific researcherswatches the ongoing interplay of evolutionary forces and events that constitute the drama. Respectfully borrowing Hutchinsons metaphor, in subsequent chapters I visit many different envi ronmental theaters in an effort to understand the way the world works, in both ecological and evolutionary terms, for the human actors in these different settings.
Actors in Hyperspace
I am also indebted to Hutchinson for his role in the devel opment of several important ecological concepts that will figure prominently in the arguments presented in this book. In a sequence of articles (Hutchinson 1953, 1958, 1959, 1965,1967) and the discussion they generated, Hutchinson formulated a proposition stipulating that, at any given time, an individual species or population thereofwhich can be thought of as a unit of actorsoccupies an analytical domain referred to as hyperspace. Hyperspace can be visualized as an infinite array of gauges and dials, each corresponding to one of the known dimensions in terms of which individual states of being can be recorded at one particular time and place. The settings on the dials and gauges may change from moment to moment in response to changes in the forces that are being monitored, or the settings may remain constant, indi cating no fluctuation in the dynamics of interest. In the ecological literature, the analytical concept of hyperspace is partitioned into three different sets of variables
(or gauges) those relating to habitat, niche, and population (Whittaker et al. 1975:327)and there are important dif ferences among the three sets that it is necessary to review. Variables associated with habitat can be measured indepen dently of a consideration of the species or group of actors occupying any specific habitat. These are frequently referred to as environmental variables and can include such domains as temperature, rainfall, biomass, and species diversity, as w eQ as numerous others. Discussion of niche, on the other hand, requires a con sideration of the characteristics of a given group of actors, since a niche is a complex, systemically conditioned, multi dimensional state of a species or population (Whittaker et al. 1975:333) that results from the interactions between the specific attributes and capabilities of a set of actors and the organizational properties of their habitat Within any specific habitat, the actors constituting a group will exhibit certain patterned properties and therefore occupy a specific niche. On the other hand, when this same species is studied in many different habitats, variability is observable in the other components of hyperspace, particularly in niche variables. When the hyperspace associated with an individual theater is examined in greater detail, it may be obvious that the play is not being performed all in one place. For instance, within any given area exploited by a particular species, density gra dients for groups of individuals may frequently appear as extended, three-dimensional, normal curves featuring an optimal zone where individuals are concentrated, surrounded on either side by zones of lesser density. A closer inspection indicates, however, that a species is rarely dispersed in a single distribution. Instead it has mam discrete population aggregations of variable density that can be thought of as a swarm of microdistributions. Bach pop* ulation concentration occupies a semi-independent hyper space, yet interact* within the larger-scalc hyporspaa'ot ^u' area a a whole. It i* thought that this pattern occurs in
response to the interaction of multiple, unevenly distributed variables within the living system of which the species is a part and that these microvariations in the properties of a habitat result in minor adjustments in niche. Niche, then, may be said to be conditioned in two ways from one habitat to another: localities may differ with respect to gross climatic variables, and they may also reflect different distributional patterns in the components of the larger ecological communities. Niche has particular reference to the suite of articulations between a group of actors of one species and the nutritional resources that it regularly exploits within the habitat. Because niche properties are the result of a set of interactions going on within an ecological community, they constitute intra community states that may be analyzed in terms of many dimensional axes, including the number of species within the community, the prey size normally exploited by the actors of interest, and their trophic bias in food procurement. None of these variables, however, can be measured, studied, or understood without attendant consideration of habitat vari ables and the relevant properties of a particular set of actors. Invoking Hutchinsons metaphor once again, it can be said that niche is the way that the evolutionary play is enacted, given differences in the character of the theater and the responses of the actors to this variability. Relationships that result from the relative success or fail ure of the species within its niche fall into a different cate gory, however. They can be imagined as part of the dramatic action and can only be monitored as the play unfolds. Such measurements as changes in population density and fitness are the populational consequences of the effect of niche dynamics on the species or unit of study. These characteris tics, like those of habitat, may be measured independently of any consideration of niche. They are properties of specific guilds of actors performing in many different regional theaters. All three suites of habitat, niche, and populational vari ables are required in order to conduct a comprehensive investigation of the behavior of actors in different theaters and at different times. Any two sets of variables taken together can provide some understanding of what the evolutionary play is about, but it will be a static, mechanistic script When all three suites of variables are considered, however, the world of dynamic open systems becomes accessible and the investigation of organizational change and evolution becomes possible. The actors of interest in this study are hunter-gatherers, and the interaction of habitat, niche, and population variables across a broad range of ecosystems will provide the organizing framework for the presentation and analysis of the data developed for use in this book. Based on my review of the explanatory arguments in chapter 1 , 1 suspect that the adop tion of an ecological perspective would have been viewed with tolerance by Julian Steward and Frank Speckdespite their
vigorous disagreements over the primal form of huntergatherer societybut that Elman Service and Marshall Sahlins would find my intellectual framework somewhat disturbing. Sahlins and Service dismissed the important effects of eco logical factors on the forms assumed by hunter-gatherer societies, although for different reasons. Sahlins proposed that expansion of the kinship networks integrating the domestic mode of production both changed the characteristics of production and acted as the driving mechanism behind the appearance of more complex and productive forms of soci ety. A unique and particular characteristic of human actors their capacity for cultureremoved them from a state of nature and set them on a course toward progressive cul tural growth. Ingold (1981,1986:173-221), too, is among the ranks of anthropologists who proclaim that the unique char acteristics of human actors exempt them from the effects of interactive habitat, niche, and populational variables, and he would dispute the suggestion that ecological studies can contribute to an understanding of the different, changing behavior of human actors. Some anthropologists take an additional step and claim that because of the uniquely human characteristics of our species, the methods of science are inappropriate when applied to the investigation of human behavior. (This point of view is so prevalent, in fact, that a list of relevant citations would be immensely long.) Inherent within this assertion of uniqueness is the claim that human beings are, in effect, actors in a play-within-a-play, which can have themes, events, and outcomes that are independent of the larger drama of which they are a part. In evaluating such a postulation, the first issue to be dealt with is whether uniqueness is exclusively a human charac teristic. It is, in fact, well known that all species are unique with regard to certain features, so uniqueness per se is not exclusively a property of human beings. The uniqueness claim as such is therefore insufficient justification for a rejec tion of the thermodynamic grounding of behavior empha sized in ecological studies or the claim that science is an appropriate learning strategy to apply to human behavior.
capabilities, such as the ability to fly, the quality of night vision, climbing ability, passive as opposed to aggressive responses to predators, and flight versus fight responses to provocation. An identification of the relevant properties establishes the ini tial conditions that remain stable or constant during the investigation of the nature of the actors interaction with or responses to habitat variables, and they form the boundary conditions for any argument mounted subsequendy. For human beings, there are many relevant characteristics, of which the regular use of technological aids such as clothing and housing to cope with habitat variables and the use of tech nology to enhance the effectiveness of food-accessing strate gies are only two examples. An equally controversial problem has to do with a related question: in what ways are human beings unique? The set of properties at the center of debate in the social science arena may be broadly characterized as relating to the human capac ity for culture itself. The ability to think abstractly, to invent symbols, to anticipate events not yet experienced, to engage in volitional action, to plan behavior and organize actions directed toward achieving desired future eventsthese are the attributes most frequently cited as quintessentially and uniquely human. Considerations of singularly human capacities frequently lead to discussions about the appropriate human units for study. For instance, it is commonly argued that since indi vidual human beings make decisions and choose to act in anticipation of future events, the individual is therefore the only ontologically justifiable unit for study. One of the most frequently repeated claims by archaeologists calling themselves postprocessualists is that the individual human actor is the natural unit in terms of which the investigation of cultural processes should proceed (Hodder 1986:6-15). Similarly, many anthropologists are comfortable with the generaliza tion that variability in social organization can be scaled in terms of the differences between individual human beings in status, role, and other properties related to the organiza tional structures in which they participate. Since the emergence of new societal segments and dis tinctions in social form result in a corresponding change in units and organizational segments, it is not unreasonable to ask whether there is only one natural unit appropriate to the study of human behavior, as suggested by postprocessual arguments. 1 would argue that the question of what units and scales are the appropriate focus for investigation is not an onto logical problem but rather a pragmatic one and that a researchers choice of units and scales should be determined by the potential for knowledge growth inherent in the alter natives.1 Since the term knowledge growth implies that a researcher hopes to structure the investigative process so that the out come goes beyond the boundaries of what is currently known, knowledge growth is therefore incompatible with any
explanatory schema that would constrain the possible out comes of investigation by stipulating them in advance. Those researchers in anthropology who have mandated that the past must be written in exclusively human terms, and who have a very narrow definition of what an appropriate human past should be about, have cut themselves off from the explana tory goals of science from the exploration of cause and consequence in favor of the domain of thick descrip tion, where dynamics are cast in terms of reasons and moti vations rather than causes. The quotations from Edmund Leach that follow support such a modus operandi:2 The intentionality of human action implies that, where human beings are concerned, we can never predict what will happen next___ The proper analogy for human behavior is not nat ural law of the physical kindbut a game of chess__ What is the relevance of that?. .. Please recognize your limitations. As soon as you go beyond askingwhatques tions such as What is the nature of my material? and start asking How and Why questions, such as How did this deposit come into existence? Why does my series of deposits change over time?, or by analogy, How was the prehistoric game of social chess played out?, now you are moving away from verifiable feet into the realm of pure speculation. This does not mean that you should not speculate, but you need to understand what you are doing and when you are doing it. In spec ulative areas of this sort, because you are dealing with human materials, there are no intrinsic probabilities and science and statistics can give no answers at alL (Leach 1973:764; emphasis added) I would argue that reasons are mental constructs that defend the rationality of human behavior in a particular set of circumstances. They differ in focus from other constructs such as plans, tactics, and strategiesthat are concerned with the relationship between the informational content of a design for action and the character of subsequent out comes. If, for example, in response to the question why are you burning holes in that piece of canvas with your cigarette?" I said, I want to insert grommets into this mainsail and the burned holes are just the right size, the answer is likely to be considered rational once the goal has become clear. On the other hand, if I said, I am burning holes because if I do not, my grandmother will die of yaws, this would only be considered an acceptable reason if the questioner shared with me a belief in the relationship between burning holes in canvas and grandmothers recovering from yaws. If the valid ity of such a relationship is rejected, doubts about my san ity might arise or I might be suspected of lying about mv motives. In neither case, however, is acceptance of the offered reason related in any necessary way to conditions in the world of general experience. A reason is only plausible if it is consistent with one s own beliefs or prior knowledge about a set of relationships* either
real or imagined. Reasons are perhaps most easily understood in the context of excuses for behaving in unexpected ways. For instance, in an interesting essay in defense of historical explanation, Hexter (1971) presented the muddy pants example, in which a father questioned his young son about why the boy came home with mud on his pants when he knew his father expected him to keep his pants clean. The son replied that after school he was chased by bullies and that, in trying to escape, he slipped and fell, getting his pants muddy. The father accepted this explanation because it demonstrated that his son did not intentionally disregard his fathers injunction to keep his pants dean, but got them dirty as the result of an acceptable human response to aggres sionhasty flight. It should be clear from this example that reasons are not linked in any predictable way with outcomes. They have ref erence only to a persons motivations in the pursuit of particular goals or, in the muddy pants example, the substitution of one goal for another. If the object of interest is an individuals motivation for his or her own behavior, then Leachs view that predictability is impossible is at least par tiallycorrect Inspiring stories can be spun about human inten tions, and when reasons are linked metaphorically with abstract symbols, values, or relativist social principles (Gibson 1988) such stories can appear convincing, since the reader validates them by referring to his or her own experiences. A counterargument, however, asks the question: is a rea son a cause? Riches (1982), Mithen (1990), and many others hold the view thatin order to make causal arguments strategies, tactics, and decision making must be investigated. Riches restates a view previously articulated by Barth (1966, 1967) in proposing that social activity (or behavior) should be understood in terms of the goals realized through it, and in terms of the knowledge through which people judge that it is appropriate to these goals attainment (1982:5). In spite of my sympathy with Richess arguments, I believe that he ignores or makes only ambiguous reference to a number of important issues. There is, for instance, no discussion of the epistemological issue of functional explanations and the frequently invoked form of argument in which future goals are cited as causes for antecedent behavior (Hull 1974:101-24). Riches also neglects to specify the appropriate units among which dynamic interaction operates causally.
Kroll and Price take Susan Kent (1991; Kent and Vierich 1989) to task for her contention that at least some site struc tural characteristics are explained by the anticipated mobil ity or, more accurately, the duration of occupancy anticipated by the residents of a site. Kroll and Price reject this argument and ask how does one measure the intangible concept of anticipated mobility in an ethnographic context let alone in an archaeological context? (1991:9). A more productive restatement of the problem archae ologists face might be to ask how do we reconcile what we know from experiencethat persons make plans, devise tactics to fulfill them, and achieve desired goalswith the byproducts of the operation of past cultural systems that are observed in the archaeological record? One starting point might be an investigation into the factors that condition the outcomes of human planning and tactics, because the pat terned relationships that archaeologists observe among the components of the archaeological record directly reflect those outcomes. Let us think about planning for a moment and ask why the expression of human intentions frequently corresponds to patterned or regular outcomes. In the first place, intentions are manifested as effects and consequences in the broader world beyond the individual. They are therefore not part of a dosed system but must relate in some regular way to the world beyond the intending individual This is a world of vari able risk and uncertainty in all forms of interaction, affect ing even a creature capable of volitional acts: Problems of risk concern the effects of stochastic variation in the outcome associated with some decision, while uncertainty refers to the stock of information processed by an actor as compared to some objective measure of the state of rdevant variables (Smith and Boyd 1990:168). Rephrasing this statement in more human terms, I would say that uncertainty refers to the adequacy of the knowledge available to and used by persons as they develop their strate gies and tactics. Risk, on the other hand, has reference to unpredictable variability with regard to spedfic outcomes in the performance domain the world in which tactics and strategies are executedthat cannot be assessed by an indi viduals prior knowledge and experience. Human beings pursue a range of tactics and strategies that attempt to cope with risk itself, and these always entail some knowledge of the conditions under which stochastic variability can be antic ipated. In fact, any tactical or strategic measures undertaken in order to achieve future goals must involve an under standing of the relationship between antecedent and future conditions in order to succeed. In addressing the issue of intentionality it is necessary to introduce the distinction between the terms projection and prediction. When a public opinion poll is conducted prior to an election, many persons art asked to state how they intend to act at a future timehow they intend to vote on election
dayand the poll reports the total of these declared inten tions as the best estimate of collective future behavior on elec tion day. The pollster does not need to know why the respondents intend to vote for Candidate A or B only that they do. In order to anticipate the results o f thefuture election, the only assumption the pollster must make is that the world will stay the way it now appears to be. No theory about the way the world works is involved in this example. The validity of the poll rests on an expectation that the germane conditions, what ever they may be, will remain stable. This kind of anticipa tion of outcomes is a projection it is not a predictionand depends for its utility on the accuracy of the initial assump tion of stability in voting preferences. It is possible to argue that one reason why intentional or planned behavior frequently corresponds to regular, reliably projected outcomes is that human actors experience conditions that are stable or relatively stable. In such instances, planning pays off in accurately anticipated out comes when those stabilities guide the formulation of plans. This is only true as long as the stable conditions persist, however. The human capacity for assessing stabilities and planning tactics is one of the most important characteristics of human actors, but is it the cause of the outcomes associated with planned or tactically organized acts? Just as in the example of the opinion pollster,
Generalization 2.01
The capacity to assess and plan is a necessary condition for behavior, but the causes of the outcomes rest with the accu racy of the assumptions about stability in the initial conditions with respect to which plans were made.
In a tactical situation, outcomes are always caused by external conditions and their states stable or unstable coupled with the accuracy of human projections of these prior conditions to some future time. Knowledge of the state of the external conditions makes successful volitional action possible, and therefore cause is to be sought in those external conditions, given the human actors capacity for learning. It was necessary to make the preceding distinctions in order to expand our discussion of the previously introduced concepts of risk and uncertainty. Considering first the issue of uncertainty, if I could imagine a situation of absolute uncertainty, I would also have to imagine that the human capacity for planned, volitional action would be of little util ity. Projection would be pointless since any prior knowledge would be unreliable under conditions of total uncertainty. 1 might try to obtain new information upon which to plan my actions, but if I simply continued to act by trial and error no reliable estimate of outcomes would be developed, and the patterning of outcomes would appear chaotic. it
Given the fact that, at least some of the time, the human capacity for informed, volitional action coincides with sta bilities in external conditions and results in beneficial out comes anticipated by the human actor*, one wonders how Leach can so emphatically assert that the intentionality of human action implies that, where human beings are con cerned, we can never predict what will happen next (Leach 1973:764). Although he uses the word predictwhich in contemporary usage means to foretell the futureperhaps Leach really is referring to the ability to make projections about outcomes. If this reading is correct, though, Leach seems far too dogmatic in his generalization, since it is possible to demonstrate many instances that contradict his premise. The word predict, however, has a more restricted mean ing that is specific to science. It means to anticipate the char acter of future observations, based on deductions reasoned from a theory. If Leach is using predict in the scientific sense, he could be saying either ( 1 ) that no theory yet exists that makes this kind of expectation possible, or, more likely, (2 ) that because of the human ability to act volitionally, no theory is possible. This is not the place for an extensive discussion of the role of theory in modern science, but it is necessary to point out that in the early days of science, a theory was con sidered to be a trial statement about the empirical regularities demonstrable in the world. It consisted of empirical generalizations often referred to as lawsand, as such, was a projection in the sense that I have used the term. The success of any theoretical statement was dependent upon the relative stability, at or near equilibrium, of the systems described in the generalizations. In modern science, however, a theory is an argument about the way the world works. As such, not only is a theory dependent upon the recognition of stabilities germane to a given argument, it may also acknowledge variability in rel evant domains that is not easily generalized, except in gross statistical ways. A theory may posit dynamic linkages between variables in such a way that the outcomes of specific inter actions may be different from anything currently observed. Such a theory would go beyond the stabilities of the world as knownwhich are reversible and therefore equilibriumbased forms of order to imagine worldly conditions thus far unknown. Assuming that such a theory existed about some aspect of human behavior, its success would depend upon the valid ity of its assumptions of stability in many different compo nents of the integrated argument. If nothing is certain, then no argument can be reasonably mounted. One thing I can argue is that although many unexpected events occur in the messy world of human behavior, the goal is nevertheless the growth of knowledge and an increase in the intellectual utility of the ideas I use. Leach takes a different view, one which gives human actors a genuinely unique role that ol
playwrightbased on the putative ability to choose a future that cannot be projected from the present state. Alterna tively, Leach would have human beings determine the future by means of an inner dynamic that is rooted exclusively in human unpredictability. These and similar views have considerable cachet in con temporary anthropology. They are vigorously promoted as preferable alternatives to the conventions of Newtonian physics that defined a mechanistic world of strict deter minism, or to the principles of classical dynamics in terms of which the properties of entities were seen as unchanging and their interactions predictable in terms of equilibrium states. Historians and students of human variability have seen a different world one in which human properties are vari able, appear emergent, and can therefore be judged from a particular historical point in time as progressive, conserva tive, desirable, or undesirable. This latter conception includes an expectation that events will not necessarily materialize in the future the way we might imagine or desire.3
plete knowledge of all the initial conditions and the state of dynamics within any particular system prior to major changes (Mayr 1982:35). Although some archaeologists consider Mayrs work to be relevant to their concerns, it has been labeled whiggish (Wicken 1990:151) by another researcher who requires that explanatory schemata include a recognition of how dynamics relate to the appearance of organizational novelty and irreversible processes. Even though unpredictability in experience may still appear to many anthropologists to be a unique characteris tic of human behavior, in the new synthetic discipline coa lescing to investigate the phenomena of emergence in many contexts (Prigogine and Stengers 1984) the explanatory tar gets have become the world of irreversible process, the men tal construct of time that is produced by irreversibility, and the problem of the emergence of life itself. I would argue that much has already been learned as a result of the shift in observational scalefrom a view in which one variable pop ulation gives rise to another variable population to a focus on the organization of systems and the production of new organizational phenomena5and in this light, Ernst Mayr does appear whiggish and Edmund Leach seems to repre sent a bygone intellectual era (see popularly written summaries of emergence theory by Gleick 1987; Lewin 1992; Waldrop 1992).
text the word stochastic implies the inability to anticipate the outcome of a given action. If, however, we accept the state ment that an outcome cannot be anticipated because it is sub ject to stochastic variability, how can we reasonably speak of planned or rational volitional action? A useful example in this regard concerns the strategy of a man who leaves home to go hunting. He is always guided by the same knowledge about the natural world and uses the same tactics and strategies, yet on some days he is success ful and on other days he foils. The different outcomes of these hunting experiences are frequently chalked up to luck, but hunter-gatherers are known to cope advantageously with unpredictability, or luck, by relying on the human capacity for planned volitional action. Resolution of the apparent contradiction between unpredictability and the successful anticipation of risk will emerge from a discussion of the niche relativity of units. For the individual hunter whose luck varies in apparently unpredictable ways, risk is said to have reference to stochas tic variability in outcomes relative to a prior decision. Tac tics for dealing with this situation are termed risk-buffering strategies because they mitigate the effects of stochastic vari ability on individuals by distributing the risk among a set of individuals. This is accomplished by pooling the net hunt ing returns of a group of individual participants, even though each member of the pool may be operating individually. The effectiveness of buffering strategies such as risk pooling is documented both by empirical studies (Bailey 1985) and by mathematical demonstrations, which is undoubtedly why numerous examples of hunter-gatherer risk pooling are found in the ethnographic record. There are, however, two basic conditions that must be met if a buffering strategy is to work consistently. First, there must be a reasonable expectation that all of the persons in the risk-pooling unit intend to participate equally in terms of time and energy invested, and, second, the distribution of the products of successful hunting must be equal (Smith and Boyd 1990:178). In other words, the success of risk pooling is, in the long run, a frequency-dependent phenomenon. It is based on the frequency of interaction and the accumula tion of knowledge about the predisposition of potential group members either to share or not to share, to cooperate or not to cooperate (Smith and Boyd 1990:179). Certain stabilities in the behavior of others must be correctly projected if planned outcomes that depend on cooperative interaction are also to be projected successfully. This conclusion directly implies what anthropologists refer to as social organization and in the process it targets ideology as a particularly important integrating capability. The linkage between kinship and risk pooling opens the door to opportunities for explanation and theory building when the issue of variability in niche is addressed. Many features of social organization reduce a hunters uncertainty
about the expected behavior of potential collaborators and, in turn, make possible accurate projections of human behav ior in future situations involving groups of individuals. From this perspective, many of the conventional terms used to describe hunter-gatherer life ways and cited as diagnostic of system state variabilitysuch as kin-based, egalitarian, based on mutual sharing of the products of labor (Gould 1981:434) and the communal use of goods and resources (Lee 1990), typified by family-centered economics (Service 1966:8) or mode of production (Sahlins 1972:41-99)can be seen for what they really are: different organizational features requir ing an explanation rather than essential properties of huntergatherer system states.6 By identifying the necessity for accurate knowledge and information about patterned regularities and stabilities in both the habitat and social setting of decision makers as a pre condition for successful outcomes of planned actions, it is pos sible to integrate some fundamental anthropological domains. Most importantly, analytical tools can be brought to bear on Tylors pioneering definition of culture as that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society (1871:1).
stochastic variability in the outcomes of planned strategies, if there is no stochastic variability, then there is no risk to be buffered against. Food procurement strategies that focus upon widely available resourcesas well as resources that require little or no pursuit time because, once located, they are relatively stationary and exhibit few effective avoidance behaviors (plants, shellfish, small mammals)present the for ager with the probability of greatly reduced risk. Similarly, resources obtained and placed in storage for future use expose dependent consumers to relatively little risk, although there is always the possibility that some stored resources will be lost, depending on the environment, either to other animals (bears are a problem for the Nunamiut) or to spoilage (Panowski 1985:103-13). This type of risk is not, however, a procurement problem but instead relates to the maintenance of resources once they have been obtained. The Nunamiut strategy for dealing with the risks associ ated with stored foods involves establishing storage caches at many different sites. This practice distributes the risk among a number of locations so that at least some (and in reality most) caches survive the effects of damaging agents. In addi tion, the margin of probable loss is anticipated by hunters as they procure game for storage, and, to provide a buffer against storage loss and the uncertainty of the timing of the next caribou migration, they usually take a few more animals than the minimum number required for a household (see Binford 1978:139-44 for a discussion of sharing). Do procurement and distribution strategies designed to compensate for potential storage losses fall within the defi nitional boundaries of risk-pooling strategies? The location of storage facilities in many different places can be consid ered a risk-pooling strategy from the perspective of the cache unitsthe risk pool in this case being all of those caches included in a given pooljust as the example of hunters work ing as a task group on a given day constitutes a risk pooL If the goal is to develop useful theories about risk responses, the unit that from an organizational standpoint is said to be integrated into a risk pool becomes a subject of great interest. Most anthropologists would be comfortable with the definition of risk as stochastic variability in the luck of indi vidual hunters who are observed over a relatively short period of timeon any given day, for instance. A focus on individual decision making permits detailed discussion of the factors influencing an individuals decision to participate or reject participation in a risk pool, as well as the decision to initiate risk-buffering strategies (Smith 1991). Edmund Leach notwithstanding, studies show that human actors respond predictably to apparent unpredictability in hunting outcomes by changing the scale of the response unit from indi vidual to group participation in a risk pool (Smith 1991). Another strategy is to organize behavior with respect to a suite of caches in such a way that the caches, in fact, become a risk pool. Research indicates that in this context, the size of the
human unit is a product of organization and not the other way around. A well-researched example of risk pooling by human actors involves the Ache, a group studied intensively by Kaplan, Hill, Hurtado, Hawkes, and OConnell (Kaplan and Hill 1985; Kaplan et al. 1984, 1990). These authors have documented the movement through the landscape of foragers who are grouped into multiple family units. Male members of the group hunt in advance of the females and children, who move more slowly as they gather fruits and vegetables. The prey killed by the males is commonly, though not exclusively, turned over to the females as the entire group traverses an area. At the end of the day, instead of the male hunters dividing the meat equally among them selves, the products of all activities are pooled for con sumption by the group. In such a situation, what are the units making up the risk pool? Kaplan believes that his team has observed coopera tive hunting and that males are directly pooling risk at the level of the consumer unit or family that they each represent Organization at this level is different from situations in which males simply make up a hunting party as, for instance, Lee reports is common among the IKung (Lee 1979:200). I think a convincing argument can be made that risk pooling can be organized in terms of a number of different units, rang ing from individual producers or families to nonhuman units such as meat caches. Risk can be pooled among any units judged to be subject to stochastic variability in the outcomes resulting from planned strategies. Similarly, risk-pooling units may differ in terms of their duration. For instance, a risk pool may be formed on a daily basis by persons who decide to go hunting on a given day. The following day, the composition of the risk pool may change, and, in fact, each day it is possible to have a risk pool made up of different members. On the other hand, membership in a risk pool may remain stable over longer durations. The analytical challenge is to determine not only what fac tors affect the decision to adopt risk-buffering strategies, but also what factors are responsible for different scales of inclusiveness in risk pools and for differences in their dura tion. It is not necessary, however, to be able to account for all variability in risk-pooling behavior in order to appreciate the inutility of pronouncements that postulate a priori, empir ically verifiable, rear units in nature. Research with the Ache and others demonstrates that the composition of human social units is the result of the interaction of orga nizational phenomena and is neither immutable nor given by nature. Additional permutations of risk-pooling behavior are apparent in a Nunamiut example in which hunters killed more animals than were needed as insurance against the possibil ity that some of their caches might be destroyed or as a wav
of coping with uncertainty about when caribou herds might reappear in spring. This was a planned response, but was the pooling of risk among a number of at-risk units required? This strategy insures against the effects o f risk, should chance events occur, but it does not buffer against the acknowledged effects of risk among participants in a risk pool. It is not a risk-buffering phenomenon but rather a precaution against the possibility of stochastic variability. Overproduction as a strategy to insure against riskshould it occuris a secu rity strategy and not a risk-buffering strategy, as exemplified by risk pooling among producers with associated sharing in the context of demonstrable risk. In situations in which a similar security strategy of a given household fails, the distribution of risk among house holds to deal with the possibility of cache loss might be organizationally recognized. For instance, it has been noted that sharing occurs in these situations (Binford 1978:140) but only after thefact It is difficult in this context for a short-term observer to determine whether a long-term risk pool exists that is made up of different households or whether situational, altruistic sharing is taking place in response to the infrequent and specifically unanticipated effects of risk. Data on these infrequent events do not permit a conclu sion about Nunamiut organization, although for the Chippewayandescribed so thoroughly by Fidler (1934)-the presence of a long-term, multifamily risk pool was noted. In this case, information regarding the state of spatially sepa rated social units was regularly gathered by messengers reporting to the headman or chief of a larger social unit. Among the Nunamiut, there is little regularity in the kinds of kin ties linking the persons who are engaged in sharing to offset potential cache losses. Campmates simply share with the affected family once a loss has occurred (Bin ford 1978:140 41). This type of sharing resembles what Sahhns (1972:193 95) referred to as delayed reciprocity, and, in the example of cache failure, the reciprocity is among households, many of which are not directly linked by rec ognized kin ties. Nevertheless, the expectation would be that if the donors were to lose their stored food at some future time, their campmates could be counted upon to help out by sharing. In order for such households to constitute a risk-pooling unit, the unit would have to have some perpetuity, as well as stable membership, and there would also have to be long-term stability in the behavioral responses of the units in the pool to the system state conditions affecting those units. In addi tion, an effective flow of information about the system states impinging upon the units in the pool would be a necessary condition for success. Is such a risk pool maintained by organizational structures and ideological conditioners? Many situations involving risk pooling over the long term arc made up of socially constituted subunits that are not oper ative at the individual level of organization.
human actors regularly maximize their efforts or behave in a consistently goal-directed way? Many current anthropo logical arguments take this assumption for granted. It is claimed that human actors are motivated to enhance their prestige, to acquire competitive advantage over other actors, to maximize their reproductive fitness, to achieve a better life through maximizing social solidarity, and to maximize their longevity. Ethnic differences have even been attributed to maxi mizing or minimizing behaviors. For instance, proponents of atomism have claimed that in atomistic societies individuals attempt to maximize their individuality and to minimize social entanglements, whereas anthropologists who have charac terized societies as communalistic suggest that participants maximize social solidarity at the expense of individuality. Characterizations of this kind are usually wrong, but, more importantly, they represent inadequate ways of dealing with variability. Conceptualizing variability in terms of niche dif ferences, on the other hand, implies an awareness of differ ent articulations with causal variables that are, of course, amenable to further investigation. In the vocabulary of evolutionary biology, a currency is any property that is subject to maximization in any set of acts that are directed toward an optimizing outcome. Although the terminology may not be identical, in the anthropological debate over the role that different properties of human actors play in the outcome of events, the issue is really what curren cies are relevant to an explanation of the observed human behavior. Humanists claim that reasons and motivations con stitute the appropriate currency for the evaluation of specific human behaviors, and, not infrequently, reasons are reduced to particular character traits of individuals or societies (see the discussion of atomism in chapter 1). A similar reduction, but one involving a different currency, is a feature of the scientific subdiscipline of sociobiology, which views most human behav ior as a simple byproduct of natural selection operating through genetic mechanisms, and mostif not allbehav ioral variability as ultimately referable to the argument that all human actors seek to maximize their reproductive fitness. In contrast to arguments that maintain the primacy of one currency in all explanatory contexts, my research has con vinced me that the choice of currencies themselves will vary with niche dynamics and that the specification of goaldirected action in a given currency may be niche-depen dent (for example, prestige maximizing). Alternatively, one may use a currency that is a habitat variable, and therefore common to all niches, but perhaps varies in value in differ ent niches for actors of equal capacity. Energy would be an example of such a currency, although to be meaningful energy must be expressed as a relational phenomenon. (Prop erties of the interaction between a human actor and specific habitat variables are what one monitors by a ratio such as effi ciency, or the energy expended per unit of energetic return.)
Many informative niche-state variables might be devel oped using surrogate measures of energetic investment, such as time spent working, which would be indicative o f system states within niches. The value of these and similar measures as indicators of habitat or niche variables is dependent, how ever, upon the maximizing capacity of the actor/ In this study, I will assume that actors maximize niche state conditions and that many different currencies may be involved. This assumption makes it reasonable and possible to speak of trade-offs between currenciesthat is, decisions must be made continuously about the types of energetic investments that indi viduals or groups may make, since investments in one currency may preclude adequate investment in others. Discussions about trade-offs are common (for example, trade-offs between investing labor in obtaining food at the expense of child care in the context of fitness arguments), demonstrating that the subject is really niche states and not currencies per se. For heuristic purposes I will argue that
A constant characteristic of human actors is that they attempt to maximize their vital security in any habitat, limited only by their capacities and means.
This is a restatement of two frequently invoked ecologi cal principles: the principle o f the inoptimum (no commu nity encounters in any given habitat the optimum conditions for all of its functions [Dansereau 1957:257]) and the law o f tolerance (organisms are controlled in nature by . . . the quantity and variability of materials for which there is a minimum requirement and physical factors which are criti cal and... the limits of tolerance of the organisms themselves to these and other components of the environment [Odum 1959:93-94)). To my enumeration of the properties of human actors required for a discussion of the dynamics of human niches, only two need be added: the capacity for behavioral plastic ity and the capacity for culture itself. The former was the first property discussed by E. Q. WUson in his introduction to human beings and their behavior within the much broader inquiry entitled Sociobiology: Monkeys and apes utilize behavioral scaling to adjust aggressive and sexual interactions; in man the scales have become multidimensional, culturally adjustable, and almost endlessly subtle. Bonding and the practices of reciprocal altruism are rudimentary in other pri mates; man has expanded them into great networks where individuals consciously alter roles from hour to hour as if changing masks.... The variation exceeds even that occurring between the remaining primate species. Some increase in plasticity is to be expected___What is truly surprising, however, is the extreme to which it has been carried. (WUson 1975:548)
The extreme plasticity of human behavior is expressed by many quick, interactive responses to habitat conditions and by a complex procedure for distinguishing among individ uals in human social contexts. In terms of the currently accepted view of biological evolution, this means that genetic mechanisms operate on phenotypes in response to long term stabilities. Any conditions that increase phenotypic variety (resulting in a polytypic species such as Homo sapi ens sapiens) and at the same time decrease response time in phenotypic change (behavioral plasticity) must create for the observer extreme ambiguity about the relationship between the phenotypic properties and long-term stabilities, acting through genetic mechanisms, that molded a given phenotype. The relationship between cultural and genetically based evolution is certainly an important concern, but the stipu lation that most human phenotypic variability, in both indi vidual and group behavior, is accounted for by genetic factors (see Beatty 1987 for a discussion of this problem) overlooks the reality of extreme plasticity in human behavior. The consequences of this capacity for short-term, and in most cases demonstrably reversible, phenotypic expressions are a source of ambiguity or white noise in the overall pattern of much slower, genetically based evolutionary change. In subsequent chapters I focus on plasticity and ignore the issue of the longer-term relationships between plasticity and genetically based phenotypic change. The human capacity for culture itself is both an extension of the concept of plasticity and the source of human behavioral variability, and it makes possible an enormous range of different phenotypic behaviors as well as a dazzling array of organizational variety in that behavior. The features of Tylors complex whole that represented the products of the human capacity for cultureknowledge, belief, art, law, morals, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society (1871:1) appear diverse but are similar in one respect that is relevant to the concerns of this chapter. They all represent received knowledge that is transmitted from persons to other persons. In discussing risk and risk-coping strategies, it was noted that the success of planned behaviors is critically dependent upon an accurate projection of stabilities to future events, and that any planned and organized cooperative behavior depends on the knowledge available to potential participants about the behavior of other possible participants. Similarly, successful outcomes of planned behavior depend on the accuracy of the stabilities assumed to apply to both habitat conditions and the behavior of participants in planned events. This means that the contribution of culture to any adaptation (the niche state of the moment) lies in the quality of the transmitted information; that is, it adds to knowledge about habitat vari ables and about the ways in which human actors will behave. As far as human actors are concerned, many cultural sig nals may be totally arbitrary but nonetheless quite effective
in reducing uncertainty about the behavior of others. In the twentieth century, a traffic light is used to control urban vehicular flow, but any clearly visible on-off device will have the same effect under some habitat conditions as long as all participants are enculturated to respond in a predictable manner. This stabilization of behavior reduces chaos and low ers the risk that any given decision to drive through an inter section might otherwise entail. Most moral or ethical belief systems operate in a similar way in human society. They stabilize the potential chaos of individualistic decision making and reduce the hazards to indi viduals wishing to act in social settings and to plan cooper ative actions. Beliefs may focus on any phenomenapersons, the environment, the cosmosor combinations of phe nomena. They frequently center on how the world works when instability is perceived and provide answers to questions such as, Why do thunderstorms occur? or Why do very skilled men who habitually go out in kayaks and return safely through rough water sometimes unexpectedly capsize and drown? Examples abound, but in this context it is more relevant to point out several characteristics of ideologies. First of all, ideologies stabilize the behavior of persons vis--vis one another; they provide a model of the way the world works that defines the role of humankind in both natural and social dynamics. One would expect these models to bear some relationship to the world of human experience and to vary with the inten sity of instabilities, so that if the social experience is chaotic, there will be more ideological investment in that source of instability. If, on the other hand, the dynamics of the environment are less predictable and impinge in undesirable ways on human existence, there will be a corresponding investment in coping strategies dressed up as ideology. Ideologyor superstructure in Marxist terminologymay change the meaning of life for the participants within a system, but it does not change the character of life itself. Explanations for mate rial changes must be sought in the dynamics of niche states and in the conditions that systemically change such states. I would conclude, therefore, that the human capacity for culture is a constant that must be considered in discussions of human systems, but that this capacity is a boundary con dition for considerations of cause and effect and is not a cause in itself. Appealing to various cultural forms is never an explanation for either cultural variety or change itself. Rather, cultural variability in all its forms including ideology should be the object of anthropologys explanatory efforts.
In this chapter 1 have focused on several issues. One has to do with variables and how they are measured, both in*
dependency o f any consideration o f the properties o f the actors being investigated and as a means o f identifying niche. Niche has been defined as the dynamic juncture at which the properties o f the experiential world interact with the prop erties o f human actors and result in variable organizations and social forms am ong hunter-gatherers. Before em barking on a discussion o f specific habitat, niche, and populational variables, it was necessary to discuss the unique properties o f hum an actors that operate as ini tial conditions for any subsequent exploration o f niche dynamics. I have focused on planned or volitional action and on the associated idea that goal-directed behavior, extreme behavioral plasticity, and the capacity for culture itself are important human characteristics that must be considered as constants in any discussion o f hum ans as actors in the eco
logical theater and the evolutionary play. A lthough these constants serve as im portant boundary conditions for any arguments that m ight have explanatory potential, they can never be explanations for niche dynamics. Finally, throughout this chapter I have argued
against the
position that these features o f the hum an species w arrant a d ifferent kind o f learn in g strategy w hen th e focu s is human behavior, propriate learning strategy, and
against the assertion that science is an inap against the view that the best
explanation o f cultural variability lies in the attitudes o f per sons incorporated into d ifferent cultural system s .9 Having offered these caveats, I am ready to consider the roles that habitat, niche, and populational variables play in the devel opm ent o f theories about variability in hu nter-gatherer life ways.
The archaeological and ethnohistoric records provide observers with incomplete, tantalizing glimpses of innu merable evolutive dramas that have unfolded since the appearance of the human species. The former record consists of a sequence of remnant props, stage settings, and, in some cases, skeletal remains of the human actors themselves. In the latter record, there are reports of the physical appearance and mise-en-scene of a cast of characters who are often brought to life through dialogue and a description of their actions. Neither the static nor the dynamic vignettes, however, pro vide sufficient information to allow the observer to grasp what the evolutionary play may have been about and whether or not the performance remained the same or changed over time. The scientific investigation of the human past and the ethnographic present has many of the attributes of a theatrical presentation whose theme is the growth of knowledge. But unlike the conventional stagewhere action is organized in terms of a plot with a beginning, a middle, and an end the drama in this metaphorical example is more open-ended and improvisational. It depends for its direction and pace on the goals and strategies of a group of scientific researchers whoin this instancehave a common interest in huntergatherers. These dramatis personae work to reduce their ignorance, sometimes collectively but more often in isolation, with varying degrees of success. The results of their efforts are communicated in a public forum where the dialogue is frequently contentious and the argument is often ad hominem, but where there are also heroic achievements and insights to applaud and, after a suitable intermission, new goals to be defined and debated. In this chapter I am concerned with what happens on- and offstage as the play unfolds. I outline what I believe to be the salient characteristics of science that pro vide the context for learning and direct the outcomes of the actors efforts. 1 explore the intellectual tools and the con ventions for using them that, in my experience, most efficiently
contribute to the growth of knowledge, thereby setting the stage for my own contribution to the ongoing dialogue about how to make profitable use of ethnographic and envi ronmental data as a baseline for the study of the past.
Some plays begin with an introductory statement preceding the first act in which a character addresses the audience about the theme of the play or outlines the dramatic con ventions or rules of the game that will be observed by the players. A similar prelude inaugurates the play of ideas in the scientific theater. In it the participants define as explicitly as possible the terms in which they have chosen to describe the material properties of the world of experience. An archae ologist working in the American Southwest, for instance, might specify in a site report all of the properties of ceramic arti facts that he or she has chosen to record. These could include temper, type and placement of decoration, rim diameter, and many others. Precise definition benefits not only the audi ence but also the players themselves, who will evaluate and respond to their colleagues ideas or suggestions. Agreement on the terms of observation is critical at this juncture because it enables other players, should they so choose, to replicate these observational experiences at a future time, presumably with comparable results. In the prologue, players also describe the steps that they have taken to define a class of observations. An archaeolo gist might say, for instance, In order to measure rim diam eter, I will place each rim sherd on a piece o f cardboard containing the magic marker outline of rim sherds of nine different diameters ranging from 4 to 12 centimeters. The sherd will be assigned the value of the outline that it most closely resembles. Operational definitions, as these specin-
cations are called, are intended to prevent confusion and mis understanding as the play of ideas develops. Not all of the descriptive criteria that will later play a part in argument and analysis can be identified initially, however, since the direction that research sometimes takes is dependent upon what the players learn about the validity of their ideas as the action of the play unfolds. If some or all of a players corpus of knowledge is discovered to be irrele vant to the investigation of a particular problem, he or she must develop another set of propositions that appear to be germane to the current research trajectory. Such midstream regrouping does not necessarily represent failure. The process of recognizing ones ignorance or better, the limits of ones knowledgeis itself a form of knowledge expansion if it stim ulates the player to search for new, more relevant informa tion and then reformulate his or her argument. Archaeologists are participants in a play of ideas that attempts to transform ignorance of the past into secure knowledge. The fact that the past itself is gone and is there fore unavailable for them to observe has a profound effect on the tactics available to players wanting to know about the past. One challenge is to learn how to use the archaeological record as a source of circumstantial evidenceto borrow legal terminologyregarding the character of the past. Success in this endeavor then helps to define the questions that can be dealt with through the strategic use of accumulated prior knowledge, whether it concerns ethnographically docu mented hunter-gatherer peoples or the chemical changes occurring in clay as it is heated at high temperatures in a kiln. Earlier in the play of ideas represented by this book, I aligned myself with Tylors dictum that a knowledge of both the present and the past (or the whole in Tylors terms) was necessary to explain the past. I have refined my ideas about which domains in the vast continuum of available knowl edge would be relevant to such a pursuit (elsewhere referred to as middle-range research [Binford 1981:21-34]), and I am now prepared to make an argument about the relevance of ecological and environmental factors to some of the events in the past that created the archaeological record. The dramatic sequence of my play of ideas therefore re flects the logical sequence of my argument in this book. It progresses, in Part II, from a definition of environmental and ecological variables to their use, in Part III, as frames of reference and as components of models. I use both kinds of constructs as tools for recognizing patterns in the ethno graphic data that may implicate causal and conditioning processes affecting various properties of human organiza tional systems. Finally, in Part IV, I tackle the difficult task of building theory to explain some of the provocative con figurations that have been identified in the ethnographic data during the extensive pattern recognition work undertaken in previous chapters.
intellectual, or emotional states over a particular period of time. A different researcher, however, might not be very interested in the author himself and would choose to search the diary for references to another person, in which case a very different body of data would be produced from the very same entity, the diary.2 When some archaeologists are asked to describe what they do, they often say I study the past.Actually this state ment is incorrect: no one has or can obtain any facts (in the sense of things being done) about past events because the events that would have produced them are over and done with. All that remains of past events is circumstantial evidence. Archae ologists do, however, make observations on events in the pres ent: we record the events connected with excavating the archaeological record; with examining the sediments, features, and items of which it is composed; and with classifying our observations in terms of innumerable criteria. We record the facts generated by our investigation of the archaeological record. The challenge facing archaeological researchers is to decide which properties of our observational events can be linked most securely to events that occurred in the past. Since all arguments about what the past was like are based on circumstantial evidence, they must be judged by how well they link observations in the present to dynamic events inferred from such evidence. Only strong arguments of causal necessity are acceptable. There is, for instance, very little ambiguity about the physical consequences of the human use of a hammer stone on a nodule of flint to produce stone tools. The entire process has been replicated and documented thousands of times in controlled settings, allowing observers to relate energetic input and stone-working technique to their material consequences. The physical structure of numer ous types of lithic material has been investigated with suffi cient thoroughness to enable archaeologists to diagnose the sequence of blows and fractures occurring in the past that pro duced the lithic artifacts they examine in the present. Archaeologists who want to learn about the establishment and operation of extinct state-level societies might try to gen erate data that would help them assess the level of political complexity achieved by the human systems once operating at their archaeological sites. What observations on which classes of archaeological remains would unambiguously pro duce such data? First of all, researchers would have to be able to discriminate between political and nonpolitical phe nomena. This capability would permit the development of a scale of politicalness, with values ranging from one (com pletely nonpolitical) to ten (totally political), so that items recovered from archaeological sites could be ranked accord ing to their degree of political ness. A comparable set of cri teria would be necessary before a dimension of complexness could be defined and used to evaluate the properties of the same archaeological observations.
At present, however, no clear set of criteria exists for the assignment of archaeological facts to a dimension such as politicalness or complexness, although many researchers act as though these scales exist. Even in ethnographic research, which is based on the direct observation of human behav iors and events, there are few universally accepted dimensions in terms of which data are organized. Should a researcher stip ulate that the size of the retinue serving a political leader it a circumstantial indicator of organizational complexity? Or should size of retinue be interpreted as an indicator of despotic rule in a relatively noncomplex system?3 The answer is probably it could be either, which suggests that it would be a good idea to establish one scale for tabulating facts relating to the size of a political leaders retinue and another scale for distinguishing between members of the retinue who served in staff positions and those who were kinpersons of the leader and dependent upon him for support. The preceding example illustrates the important role that dimensionalizing data plays in organizing factsboth archae ological and ethnographicinto units in terms of some defining criteria that we, the researchers, decide are rele vant to our knowledge goals. The operational definitions that we apply to our archaeological observations serve the sam e purpose as those a physician might make when measuring the weight and age of all of his patients. The data enable the physician to say, Patient X belongs here on the age dimen sion [or scale] and here on the dimension of body weight, and when I look at my practice as a whole, it consists over whelmingly of elderly, obese patients. Having uncovered this pattern in his office records, the physician might then decide to compare his patients in terms of several other dimensions (perhaps the presence and severity of heart disease relative to caloric intake) to see if patient obesity might occur in conjunction with and be in fluenced by other health problems. This simple example illustrates the dictum that dimensionalizing data is one of the most useful tools available to all researchers who want to make their knowledge grow. A corollary would be that, as a profession, archaeologists tend to foreclose the possi bilities inherent in their subject matter by ignoring the dimensionalizing imperative. Equally pervasive is the habit of classifying data in terms of a particular dimension, then arguing that the dimension is germane by appealing to some other body of experience, and then elevating the body of experience itself to the level of an explanatory principle that is invoked to explain any similar observations in the future.'* Such a procedure srfsopro* vides a basis for the accusation hostile to science in its intent and meant to demonstrate that the logic o! science is tautologicalthat all researchers create their own data, I would argue that creating dimensionali/ed data from archae ological evidence is essential to all subsequent steps in the ana lytical process (in Binford 1989:34 39 I discuss further the
T H E P L A Y OF I D E A #
difference between creating data and creating evidence), which is why it occurs primarily in Act I of the play of ideas.
bution on a city map (the dimension of space) to see whether the patients were clustered or randomly distributed across the overlying north-south-east-west municipal grid. For purposes of illustration, let us assume that a signifi cant proportion of the elderly, obese patients were clustered in a section of the city where many retirement villages were located. This pattern, which I would call second-order deriv ative patterning, would probably prompt the physician to look at his patient records to see if there were another relevant cat egory of data against which he could array his second-order patterns. Another way of representing how analysis works is to imagine a researcher who is standing in the middle of an equi lateral triangle (figure 3.01). One leg of the triangle is labeled source side because all of the received knowledge that can be appealed to in argument or cited as warranting certain beliefs about process, dynamics, and cause is located here. The label subject side is attached to the triangles second leg because the phenomena selected for study have been arrayed here. This is the side with all of the question marks, because it represents the domain of ignorance that a researcher hopes to transmute into knowledge. For archaeologists, the subject side consists of the various properties of the archaeological record that will be organized for investigation (Watson 1979b). On the triangles third side are found all of the tactical options available to an investigator for articulating the source side with the subject side of the triangleincluding a few that I wish could be eliminated from the roster. How many times do archaeologists skip the opportunity to dimensionalize and analyze their data and instead routinely accommodate their observations to some domain of knowledge on the source side of the triangle? This kind of linkage is usually justified by a claim that the connection either is self-evident or can be val idated by an argument from analogy about resemblances between source-side and subject-side data. One very productive tactical option is to intensify the effort to increase source- and subject-side knowledge bases, 6
EthnoarchaeologicaJ research, improvements in dating tech nology, phytolithic research, and cross-cultural ethnographic analysis are only a few domains that have contributed to recent increases in source-side knowledge. Similarly, improved methods of excavating, recording, and documenting the archaeological record have greatly increased knowledge on the subject side of the triangle. Without a doubt, however, the most useful tactic available to archaeologists for articulating source- and subject-side knowledge is the construction of frames of reference.
dynamics, do not determine whether any concentrations will be observed. Neither does this knowledge affect the pat terned distribution of concentrations in Cartesian space. It is worth repeating that as long as the observational conventions remain the same, all of an excavators definitions and stipulated conventions for making observations deter mine neither the properties of the spatial patterns produced by distributions of ash and charcoal nor the presence or absence of these materials at different archaeological sites. The patterning itself defines a new domain of data that may have more direct implications for ancient (or at least prior) dynamic processes.7 To investigate these patterns, the exca vator may wish to change the frame of reference from simple Cartesian space to some type of property space.* For instance, I could structure a property space map by plotting two independent, continuous variables, such as the number of retouched tools and the amount of excavated anthropogenic deposit measured in terms of cubic meters. Then I could perform an intersite comparison by plotting points (each representing a different site) in terms of the num ber of cubic meters of ashy deposit, or the mean size of ashy concentrations at each site, or as a ratio with another of the sites characteristics, such as numbers of houses. If I were to note clusters in the resulting scatter of coded points, I might then have some due (although it would probably be incom plete) about the factors conditioning differential consump tion of fuels on archaeological sites relative to some indirect measures of site formational duration. This is an example of second-order derivative patterning. It is second-order because the patterning is made visible by plotting first-order observations against another frame of referencea Cartesian property space mapand shifting the scale to an intersite comparison that is displayed in a prop erty space defined by the relationships between additional vanables. Likewise, if the second-order patterns (which are also referred to as observations at this point) were then displayed against a new frame of reference, third-order patterning would be generated. I could continue to generate multiple orders of derivative patterning by exposing each new pattern to a different frame of reference. Because investigators select their frames of reference to suit their knowledge goals,9 they must decide at the outset what is the appropriate scale of the referential domain in terms of which they will look at their research subject. Since the sub ject I am investigating in this book is hunter-gatherers. I have had to decide whether to look at hunter-gatherers in only one climatic setting or in several different settings, on one eon tinent or from a global perspective. Since I have chosen the most inclusive of referential domainsthe entire earthlor purposes of comparison, I must adopt a global perspective. Selection of such a large-scale perspective presents me with another critical decision. The referential domain o! this studythe earthis characterized by an infinite number of
properties, many of which may be relevant to the search for patterning. Clarity demands, however, that initially I select only one set of properties to act as the frame in my frame of reference in terms of which the hunter-gatherer data will be arrayed. I could, for example, choose to array the data in terms of a classification of all of the earths plant formations like the one developed by Eyre (1968). At this juncture I would need to specify a currency in terms of which the measurements within the frame of reference will be expressed for purposes of comparison. In this case the currency will be spatial units of 100 square kilometers each, and I will measure how many 100-square-kilometer units of each type of plant community in Eyres classification can be found within my referential domain, which is the earth. Next I will compare the number of such units to the frequency with which hunter-gatherer cases from the global sample are found in each type of plant community. I might also have chosen to observe the patterning produced by a more typical geographical frame of reference in which the earth is separated into continents and countries. Much of the information and many of the variables that are presented in subsequent chapters are used to develop frames of reference that I believe are essential to making sense of archaeological phenomena. Throughout this study I use location in geographical space (as identified by longi tude and latitude) as the basis for linking archaeological and ethnographic observations to one another and to envi ronmental properties at these places. Using longitude and lat itude as the linking properties for the development of frames of reference should make it clear that an almost infinite number of useful frames of reference could be developed for both ethnographic and archaeological observations at different places on the earth. Sometimes I assume that ethnographic data are subjectside phenomena, and in these instances they are displayed against various frames of reference. At other times these phenomena function as source-side information against which archaeological data are arrayed. I also build frames of reference using field studies of animal biomass and data from other ecological investigations as a way of exploring the climatic variables that condition plant biomass. Frames of reference are not, however, the only way that prior knowledge can be organized and used tactically by archaeologists. Another helpful tactic is to project secure knowledge onto locations or settingsand into eras and contextsabout which there is little direct knowledge.10
assumption that the world is likely to remain the same as it was the last time one looked. If the assumption of stability is justified, then the outcome of planned or volitional action can be accurately anticipated. If, on the other hand, the world is not stable, then human actions may not have the desired results. (When I use the word stable I do not mean static or unchanging. I mean that the dynamic properties and organizational relationships stay the same even though some of the formal properties may have changed.) The logic of projection is one of the fundamental tools of scientific research. In science, as in life, it is the fit between what is projected and what is experienced that informs us about the utility of our prior knowledge as well as its limi tations. Most of us have no difficulty recognizing when the results of our carefully thought-out plans fall short of our expectations or when our strategies fail to yield the desired results. Investors receive prompt feedback when their stockpurchasing strategies fail to anticipate the markets behavior: they make or lose money, depending on whether the value of their stocks goes up or down. Science as a learning strategy relies on the disciplined use of this projective capacity. As scientists, we put our knowledge and ideas about process on the line through pro jection and then see if our understanding of dynamics is cor rect. We often refer to the future in this context, but what we really have in mind are the subsequent observations that we make and not the future course of the events or condi tions being projected. The recurrent distinction between the historical sciences about which it is claimed that experimental learning is not possible because the events studied are long overand the natural scienceswhich permit projections about the real future and thereby test projective arguments in the same way that an investors financial success or failure tests his or her strategiesis methodologically false. For the scientist, the future refers to his subsequent observations and not to some real, chronologically distant future of the phenomena being studied. Projection, in this case, refers to some situa tion in which germane observations are made on germane data. A scientists future (or subsequent) observations inform him or her whether or not a projection, based on prior knowledge and argument, is supported by events in the world of controlled observations, regardless of whether the subject of observation consists of material remains from ancient events or aspects of events in the future world of gen eral experience. The role of statistics in science is based exclusively' on pro jection. Eons ago it became apparent that, in general, there are two reasons why human plans or scenarios fail. One reflects the fact that although a knowledge of current con ditions was accurate and adequate when the plans were made, the world did not stay the way it was, and this chance in conditions made all plans obsolete. The other reason is that
knowledge about some critical aspect of the world was in adequate to begin with, either because of problems con nected with observation or because the terms chosen to describe the world were irrelevant.11If distorted views or irrel evant ways of conceptualizing are projected onto the world, the anticipated future will not be realized, not because the world has changed but because not enough was known about it in the first place.12 It is possible, for instance, to waste considerable time and energy trying to explain why the earth is flat or to explain the physics of flipping coins by reference to the graphic contrasts between heads and tails. The irony is that it is necessary to have germane knowledge of the world and its properties in order to decide what is a rational way to look at it further so that we might know it even more accurately! What is the best way to proceed in a situation in which there is insufficient accurate knowledge about the world to make any. projections as in the world of the past, for instance? How does a researcher construct a projection that puts prior knowledge and argument on the line to be eval uated by that ultimate arbiter, future observations?
have the unfortunate consequence of discouraging innova tive thinking about archaeological observations.15 No mat ter how interpretations of archaeological materials may be warranted, they are most often an accommodation of archae ological phenomenaand by implication the pastto what we think we know or believe to be true.16When an unknown context is interpreted in familiar terms, what might be called a meaning-added enhancement of archaeological obser vations occurs. The real opportunity for learning comes when we use our prior knowledge to tactically enhance our ability to learn rather than simply put our subjective stamp on the remains from the past.
Proposition 3.01
Good science consists of strategically using prior knowledge to make projections from better-known domains to less well-known domains. When observa tions on the less well-known phenomena are incon sistent with our projections, this is an important clue to the way in which the world may have been different from our conception of it. When ideas that we have con sidered germane are shown to be irrelevant, or at least poorly conceived relative to the way the world is orga nized, an opportunity for learning has been identified.
This is the way in which we learn what questions are impor tant to research and what domains will be the most productive to explore. A reasonable response to the preceding statement would be to note that archaeologists have frequently used their prior knowledge to make projections to unknown contexts by means of arguments that can be lumped under the head ing of ethnographic analogy. This approach has been used to interpret the archaeological record or to distinguish between archaeological and nonarchaeological phenomena at particular places.13 Not surprisingly, these arguments are frequently debunked by empirical arguments to the contrary, or some form of cautionary tale that cites a situation in which very different dynamics have been responsible for the same dis tributional patterns (Bonnichsen 1973).*4 Although these demonstrations illustrate ambiguity in the meaning of observations, they do not necessarily contribute to a growth of knowledge. Most of the time these responses
Of course, one assumption is that the entire earth is pop ulated by hunter-gatherers who were similar to those who have been documented ethnographically. I also assume that the pat terned relationships in environmental variables have been sta ble for at least the recent past. This uniformitarian assumption must be warranted, however, by arguments positing a nec essary ecological linkage between environmental variables and the organizational properties of hunter-gatherers. This is called a relational projection because it depends for its utility on a convincing argument for the necessity of the linkage. When properties about which I have less secure knowl edge are involved, an alternative tactic is to employ a simple proportional projection, using, for instance, the Eyre classifi cation of the earths plant communities as a frame of refer ence. To develop a proportional projection I would first obtain the means of various properties, such as the total area occupied by an ethnic group, from the hunter-gatherer cases occurring within the area covered by each plant com munity in the classification. This information could then be projected to the entire earth by dividing the total area occu pied by each plant community by the mean area occupied by an ethnic group in each class of plant community. The result of such an operation would be a statement of the projected number of ethnic groups per plant community, the sum of all types of plant communities would corre spond to the number of ethnic groups projected for the entire earth. Even though there is clearly much less infor mation and more faith in the adequacy and accuracy of the sample associated with a proportional as opposed to a rela tional projection, this will still be a useful tactic at certain junc tures in the research on which I report in this book.
Act III, Scene 2 : Learning about Variability through Pattern Recognition Techniques
Relational projections (illustrated in chapter 4 by the calcu lation of expected prey values) and proportional projec tions (which in chapter 5 link several properties of hunter-gatherer peoples) are not the only tools for expand ing the relevance of an admittedly limited knowledge base. Second-order derivative patterning is potentially more infor mative about how variability in one or more variables in a data set may pattern when arrayed against other variables. So far I have chosen to illustrate the use of frames of ref erence by examples based on the dimension of geographic space. Another major dimension along which variability in ethnographically and archaeologically documented systems can be expected to be arrayed has to do with organizational complexity. The frequently cited classification of human societies into units, ranging from bands to states, and the very term hunter-gatherer (which presupposes other subsistence strategies, such as horticulture, agriculture, pastoralism, and
industrialism) imply a developmental sequence or series of system states that constitutes a trajectory of directional changes at a given location. The term system state is used frequently in this book to refer to the fact that any dynamic system may exhibit signifi cantly different properties when observed at different times. Some of the variability noted in the hunter-gatherer cases in my ethnographic sample may reflect the fact that direction al, nonreversible, organizational changes have occurred between two different points in time. On the other hand, some of the differences between cases reflect the fact that while some characteristics of human groups may change cyclically, the cycle of change is itself recurrent and therefore stable. Many of the properties of the groups in the ethnographic sample were selected for study because I suspected that they were indicative of different system states or were condi tioned by such changes. Through the study of the way sys tem indicators relate to one another and to other potentially conditioning variables, 1 expect to learn more about dynamic system states themselves and how they are affected by processes contributing to directional change in huntergatherer organization.18 Although it is plausible to imagine that a significant amount of the variability among the hunter-gatherer groups in the sample may relate to variability in habitat, it is equally plausible that some, and perhaps much, of the variability reflects different trajectories of stability and change that have characterized the different evolutionary plays enacted in different ecological theaters. My sample of ethnographic cases is composed of societies that represent very different system states, reflecting different tempos and modes of evo lutionary change prior to their ethnographic documentation.19 Basic to the diagnosis of system states is the ability to approximate the divergence in state from some basic orga nizational standard. For archaeologists, hunter-gatherers have represented the point of departure for evaluating the organizational level of more complex social formations. Since one of my goals is an examination of variability among the hunter-gatherer cases in the sample, an a priori assump tion about which groups fall into the least-developed cat egory leaves little to be learned about organizational complexity and diversity. Instead of adopting a typological approach, I build a model and illustrate its potential for knowledge growth. I do not, however, use the model as a projection to which the data from the archaeological record are accommodated, thereby creating a meaning-added interpretation for archaeological observations. Since a model is a very explicit use of prior knowledge to simulate a specified stateor the determi nants of that statein nature, a totally stipulated set of con ditions can be used as a baseline against which to compare real-world conditions. Because there is complete knowledge of all the simulated conditions and ensuing interactions.
Pa r t
the observed deviations from anticipated values or proper ties are a direct clue to relationships and conditions not included in the model. The alternative (and invalid) tactic of using some descrip tive characterizations of a given hunter-gatherer case as the zero point on a scale of systemstate complexity is unproductive because it is not known what factors are conditioning the sys tem state of the chosen case. With a constructed model, all of
the conditioning components are specified when the model is built, an approach that permits both qualitative and quan titative comparisons with observed systems. I hope that this brief introduction to some of the tactics for developing and using source-side knowledge to deal with variability on a broad scale of comparison will sufficientlyori ent observers of the play of ideas unfolding in subsequent chapters.
The three chapters that follow represent a fairly linear accumulation of prior knowledge that is organized systematically for future use with various frames of reference. The equations nec essary for making projections incorporating the relationships discovered or selected for use in frames of reference are also developed. Based on a reasoned use of prior knowledge, the Terrestrial Model is designed and constructed to play a methodological rather than an explanatory role in subsequent studies and compar isons. This model can be used as a standard for measurement as well as a baseline for comparing observed conditions. Differences between the observations and values projected by the Terrestrial Model also play an important role in exploring the world of hunter-gatherer dynamics. Finally, a demonstration of the utility of the Terrestrial Model leads to a consideration of those sequences in the archaeological record in Western Europe that document the appearance of domesticated plants and animals. This examination prompts the question: do the archaeo logical statics indicate the appearance of a new niche in the region?
In this chapter, the variability in environments within which hunter-gatherers are known to have lived is documented and the habitat variables that I consider germane to an understanding of hunter-gatherer life ways are dimensionalized. I also illustrate how an ecologically informed descrip tion of the earths environments permits the definition, with intellectually productive results, of the environmental prop erty space of any given location. A relational projection for estimating moderate body size, ungulate biomass (which is important in subsequent models, frames of reference, and pro jections), is presented, and I illustrate how all of these data and variables can be used as frames of reference for both ethnographic and archaeological data. Habitat variables were defined in chapter 2 as those prop erties of the environment that can be measured without ref erence to the attributes of any particular organism occupying a specific habitat In this chapter, some of the habitat vari ables that are basic to the operation of ecosystems are considered, and specific values for some environmental properties characteristic of the locations where huntergatherers have lived are obtained. I have also developed a data base of 1,429 weather stations from around the world in which case frequencies are roughly proportional to the doc ument! variability in the earths dimatic regimes. These data provide a frame of reference against which to view and assess any bias that might be demonstrable in the environments that hunter-gatherers are known to have exploited. Analysis of these data also identifies links between specific ecological patterns and some organizational properties of the hunter-gatherer cases included in this study. The biosphere of the earth varies from place to place in the magnitude of its biological activity and in the number and forms of organisms that are present. One way of monitor ing this array of variability is to compare the amount of energy that passes through an ecosystem with the amount that is stored biologically in different regions of the world. r IVo
terms will be used repeatedly in discussions of these dynam ics. Production refers to the synthesis of energy within an ecosystem, measured in terms of the number of grams of new cells generated per square meter per year. Biomass, on the other hand, represents the amount of synthesized energy that is stored by plants or animals in an ecosystem. Like all other animal species, human beings ultimately depend upon the plant species that in any ecosystem act as the initial biological transformers of energy. The amount of energy stored within an ecosystem in the form of animals is therefore considered secondary production because it is derived from and supported by primary plant producers. It is reasonable to expect that certain dependent relationships exist between human populations and the primary pro ducer component of their habitats, and that similar nicheconditioning relationships occur between human populations and other animals. Ultimately I would like to be able to compare the behav ior of hunter-gatherers in relation to quantitative variabil ity in their environments in terms of the production and biomass of plant producers and plant consumers (animals). Before I can anticipate how human actors might fit into different habitats, however, it is necessary to understand the factors that affect both primary and secondary production. The fundamental principle of ecological dynamics is that all stored energy in an ecosystem has been synthesized from the solar radiation that penetrates the earth's atmosphere. A strong relationship can therefore be expected between the amount of energy synthesized by plant communities and the duration and intensity of their exposure to solar radiation. Other things being equal, the gross primary production occurring in an ecosystem is linked to its location relative to the equator: the greater the distance from the equator, the lower the ecosystems gross production. Photosynthesis the process by which plants convert or "fix solar energyrequires the presence of at least three
ingredients: solar radiation, water, and carbon dioxide. Car bon dioxide is present at a fairly uniform level (0.02%) over most of the earth, and because it is a constant, it may be elim inated as a source of meaningful variation in plant produc tion. Water and solar radiation are, therefore, the two major variables whose interaction determines the irregular and complicated pattern of biotic production observable across the surface of the earth.
of cooler air occurs from the polar regions toward the equa tor while, coincidentally, a similar band of warmer air moves at high altitudes toward the poles. This rather simple picture is further complicated by the effect of the earths rotation, which I do not attempt to explain but merely describe in terms of patterned results. The model of atmospheric circulation presented here in which air masses rise along the equator, move at high altitudes toward the polar areas, are cooled, drop to the sur face in response to cooling, and then move along the surface toward the equator, where warming occurs once again results in three interacting circulation cells: (1) the equato rial or major convection cell, (2) the middle or horse latitude cell, and (3) the polar cell (see Trewartha and Horn 1980:100-91 for more information). The interaction of these three circulation cells is illustrated in figure 4.01. The air moving at higher elevations in the equatorial zone is sufficiently cool at a latitude of about 30 degrees to drop again to the earths surface. Some of this cooler air moves at low elevations back toward the equator and some moves in a polar direction, but in both cases the air from the upper atmosphere becomes warmer as it moves over the earths surface. When warm air moving along the surface in a polar direction encounters cold air moving toward the equator from within the polar cell (figure 4.01), it is forced to rise over the cold air, which causes an initial expansion of the warm air followed by cooling and condensation. Rain fall is produced in the zone of overlap (usually located between 45 and 60 degrees latitude) between the polar and middle circulation cells. Within the polar cell, a looplike circulation pattern pre vails, with warm air moving toward the pole at higher ele vations and then dropping to the surface near the poles. The now-cool, dry air then moves across the surface in an equatorial direction until it meets warm air moving in a polar direction in the middle or north temperate <*11. These
Model of the earth's circulation patterns. Adapted from Trewartha and Horn
Scatter plot of data from the 1,429 weather stations included in the sample of the earth's environments showing the rela tionship between latitude and mean annual rainfall. Marker is an ordination of the earth's climates by temperature (CLIM): (1) polar, (2) boreal, (3) cool temperate, (4) warm temperate, (5) subtropical, (6) tropical, and (7) equatorial.
circulation patterns produce two broad bands of heavy rain fall over the earths surface: the convection or thunderstorm zone along the equator (0 to 18 degrees latitude) and the polar front zone between 45 and 60 degrees. This generalization is strongly warranted by the patterns in figure 4.02, which are derived from the large data set of the worlds weather stations referred to earlier.1 Figure 4.02 is a scatter plot of data from 1,429 weather sta tions with latitude plotted on the y axis and total annual rainfell summarized in millimeters and displayed on the x axis. High-rainfell zones are indicated by the points spread to the right of the graph. The equatorial convection zone is rep resented by the scatter between 0 and 18 degrees north and south latitude. Similarly, the zone of interaction between the air of the polar zone and the central cell is shown by the points to the right of the graph between 45 and 60 degrees latitude. The north and south middle latitude zoneswhich lie on either side of 30 degrees latitudeare traversed by dry, upper-atmosphere air that converges on the earths surface at a latitude of 30 degrees. This dry air, which may move either southward or northward, generates relatively low rainfall, whereas the equatorial and polar front zones have relatively high and sustained rainfall. Figure 4,03 illustrates the latitudinal distribution of some of the earths great desert areas. It is clear that the lowestrainfalJ zones are concentrated in the latitudes between 15 and
30 degrees, with a more rapid increase in rainfall occurring as air moves toward the poles from the 30 degree zone. The midlatitude zone in which dry upper atmospheric air returns to the earths surface is visible in figure 4.02 as the hole (between 40 and 18 degrees latitude) in the scatter of points resembling a wishbone that extends from 45 to 25 degrees latitude. This is the zone in which either dry upper atmospheric air dominates the circulation pattern and results in very dry settings (the left margin of the distribution) or cyclonic and anticyclonic storm tracks interact to produce higher rainfall. Cyclonic tracks and prevailing westerlies may also interact along the polar side of 30 degrees latitude. This zone is char acterized by either-or environments either dry or fairly wetand there are very few areas within these geographic boundaries that have climatic regimes intermediate between the two extremes. The few points occurring more or less in the center of the hole are primarily weather stations from northern Mexico and Texas in the Northern Hemisphere and from South Africa, Botswana, Mozambique, and Australia in the Southern Hemisphere. All of these areas are within the 30 degree zone with rel atively small landmass when compared with the adjacent ocean regions with their massive high-pressure cells. They repre sent convergence zones in which moisture-laden winds having their origin in two different high-pressure systems meet and overlap across a narrow landmass with lowered pressure. Vast areas of North Africa and Asia that fall within the 30 degrees latitude boundaries are not included in the either-or climatic dichotomy because they either are landlocked or share minimal coastal boundaries with adjacent oceans. The wet areas forming the right side of the wishbone distribution in figure 4.02 support three basic types of veg etation: the southern pine forests of the southeastern United States; the midlatitude deciduous forests of the eastern United States, China, and adjacent areas in Asia; and the subtropical, broadleaf evergreen forests of both the south eastern United States and a vast area of China. Minor con tributors to the distribution are regions with predominantly winter rainfall, including parts of California and the Mediter ranean areas of Albania, Greece, and Italy, as well as the mountainous areas of Algeria and Tunisia. Figure 4.02 is explored more fully in subsequent sections of this chapter. In the meantime, with regard to the model of the earths climatic circulation pattern, it should be noted that the primary factors responsible for deviations from the model are the presence of physical features such as mountain ranges, as well as the different thermal prop erties of land and water surfaces and proportional differ ences in their distribution. Cyclical temperature differentials related to seasonal changes from winter to summer constitute another factor conditioning deviations from the circulation model. It will be necessary to monitor all of these factors
Latitude (degrees)
4 .O3
Distribution of deserts by continent and latitude. Redrawn and adapted from Trewartha and Horn (1980: figure 12.10 ).
in order to identify the variables that affect the lives of hunter-gatherers when they are viewed from an ecological perspective. This brief introduction to air circulation patterns provides a background for several generalizations about the earths bio logical activity. Since carbon dioxide levels are more or less uniform worldwide and therefore do not contribute to vari ability in biological productivity, solar radiation and rainfall are the two remaining variables affecting differential pro ductivity among the earths ecosystems. If the only available knowledge about the earths ecosystems consisted of a simple sketch of the air circulation patterns, coupled with diminishing levels of solar radiation as distance from the equator increased, several expectations would still be justifiable. Simply by con sidering water as a limiting factor in plant production, max imum primary productivity would be expected in the equatorial zone and in the vicinity of 55 degrees latitude. The middle zone at around 30 degrees latitude should be char acterized by greatly reduced primary productivity, given the probability of low rainfall in the areas where dry upperaltitude air descends to the surface. If these expectations are coupled with a scalar reduction of solar energy as distance from the equator increases, polar areas would be expected to have low levels of pro duction, temperate areas to have moderate levels, and equa torial areas to have high productivity. This expectation is tempered by the limitations of available moisture in the
Basic temperature data in this study consist of mean annual temperature (CMAT) and the monthly values from which this annual value was obtained. This information can, of course, be organized in different ways to produce more technical mea sures serving different analytical functions. For instance, effective temperature (ET) is a measure that was specifically designed by Bailey (1960) to examine the biological impli cations of ambient warmth, which is another way of refer ring to the amount of solar energy available at any given location. ET is calculated in terms of three empirically deter mined constants: 1. The minimal mean temperature (1 8 *0 of the coldest month of the year that will sustain tropical plant com munities (those having 365-day growing seasons). 2. The minimal mean temperature ( 10 *0 expected at the beginning and end of the growing season along the zonal boundary between polar and boreal environments. 3. The minimal mean temperature (8C) at the beginning and end of the growing season, orat the earth's polo the warmest month.
The choice of these constants permits the calculation of effective temperature values that relate directly to the major biological boundaries recognized empirically as marking transitions in biological activity. The relationship between ET and the earths biotic com munities can be visualized as a scale along which ET values range. An ET value of 18C or higher corresponds to those places in the world where there is no killing frost during the year. Locations that have an ET value of 10C or less are char acterized by fewer than thirty days of the year without a killing frost. Effective temperature provides more biologically relevant information than simple mean annual tempera ture, and, in addition, the magnitude of the value is directly indicative of the duration of the growing season. The following formula is used to calculate ET when tem perature is measured in degrees centigrade:
ET = [(18 * MWM) - (10 * MCM)J/(MWM - MCM + 8) where MWM = mean temperature in degrees centigrade for the warmest month of the year and MCM = mean temperature in degrees centigrade for the coldest month of the year.
ET values have been calculated for all of the 339 docu mented groups of hunter-gatherers that make up the com parative data base of this study,2 and in table 4.01 ET and some other basic climatic variables are listed for specific loca tions associated with each hunter-gatherer case. Because the human adaptation to environmental conditions differs so drastically from strictly biological responses, such as plant production, table 4.01 includes some additional measures of temperature. Mean temperature during the coldest month of the year (MCM) has a direct impact on the human investment in shelter and clothing, so this value, along with the range of mean temperatures between the cold est (MCM) and warmest (MWM) months (TRANGE), can be calculated. Other conventional measures for summarizing basic cli matic data such as biotemperature (BT), first used by Holdridge (1947) in a well-known classification of the earths vegetation based on climatic datawere calculated. Bio temperature is a measure of central tendency calculated by dividing by twelve the sum of all mean monthly temperatures greater than 0C.3 The relationship between BT and ET, both of which summarize climatic data relating to temper ature and solar radiation, is illustrated in figure 4.04 relative to the more familiar measure of mean annual temperature, CMAT. Although it might be assumed that these three measure ments would be closely related since they represent different ways of measuring approximately the same thingthe solar energy available at any given locationthis assumption is not
supported by the pattern in figure 4.04. In the comparison between mean annual temperature (CMAT) and biotem perature (BT) in graph A, these measurements are identical until BT reaches a value of 13.68, the point at which the first monthly mean value equal to or less then zero appears. Thereafter, a cascading scatter of points diverge from the straight line that otherwise dominates the graph. This dif ference holds only for cold environments, where the means of the warmer months deviate from the mean of all the months. In contrast, a predominantly curvilinear relation ship occurs in the plot of CMAT and ET in graph B, which has a substantial scatter of points both higher and lower than an ET value of approximately 14.4. Figure 4.04 clearly illustrates that summary measure ments based on only the means of the warmest and coldest months (ET) or the means of all months (CMAT) or the means of only those months with values above zero (BT) pro duce very different results. Since temperature extremes play such a crucial role in the observable deviations between these summary measurements, some calculation of tem perature variability throughout an annual cycle (or evenness) has been considered a desirable goal. Bailey (1960:10) has developed a variable that he refers to as temperateness (TEMP), which combines aspects of even ness with a comfortjudgment based on human experience. This measure tracks differences in temperature range between adjacent months at specific locations, with a positive bias in favor of locations where mean winter temperatures are above 0C. When large month-to-month differences are noted, the location is said to lack temperateness, whereas the loca tion is referred to as temperate when temperatures are very similar. Temperateness values may be calculated from the basic meteorological data available for each huntergatherer group in the sample, using the same constants used to calculate values of ET. The formula for calculating tem perateness is
TEMP = 161.7 - 41 log10{(MWM - 10)2 + (MCM - 18)21
The variables ET and TEMP measure different aspects of the same set of environmental characteristics. Effective tem perature tracks the effect of intra-annual temperature dif ferences on the length of the growing season, whereas temperateness measures the constancy of temperature throughout the year relative to the earths mean effective temperature. Figure 4.05 displays the patterned relationship among mean annual temperature (CMAT), effective tem perature (ET), and biotemperature (BT) when plotted against temperateness (TEMP), and it is clear that the overall pat tern is very similar for both ET and BT. In each case there is great variability in the temperature measure for similar val-
4 .O I
ET 25.27 25.19 24.39 24.33 24.27 23.69 23.37 23.29 23.26 22.89
Indonesia Philippines Indonesia Xkobar Island Andaman Islands Andaman Islands Philippines Andaman Islands Malaysia Sri Lanka India Philippines Philippines Philippines India Thailand India India India India India Japan China Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Venezuela Venezuela Suriname Venezuela Colombia Colombia Brazil Brazil Bfyvia H O tflT K I Brazil Florida
5 6
8 9
Punan Batek Kubu Shompen Onge Jarwa Ayta-Pinatubo North Island Semang Veddah Hill-Pandaran Agta (Casiguran) Agta (Isabela) Agta (North Luzon) Chenchu Mrabri Paliyans Birhor Kadar Cholanaickan Nayaka Ainu (Hokkaido) Orogens Ket Gilyak Yukaghir Nganasan Siberian Eskimo Paraujano Shiriana Akuriyo Yaruro-pume Guahibo Nukak Bororo Guato Siriono Yuqui Nambikwara Calusa
3.00 N 10.00 N 3.04 S 7.00 N 10.70 N 12.19 N 15.50 N 13.32 N 5.86 N 8.58 N 9.25 N 17.33 N 17.48 N 17.82 N 16.25 N 18.41 N 9.75 N 23.41 N 10.25 N 10.18 N 11.90 N 44.01 N 51.91 N 6 2.00 N 51.54 N 70.00 N 73.83 N 65.96 N 9.90 N 3.86 N 3.00 N 6.85 N 5.38 N 2.56 N 16.52 N 18.00 S 15 .0 0 S 16.46 S 12.73 S 26.50 S
26.45 27.65 26.31 27.84 26.79 26.59 26.84 26.36 24.58 27.97 28.99 26.37 26.77 26.52 25.34 2 6.3 4 21.60 2 3.7 9 14.22 14.25 14.18 6.26 - 2 .4 6 -3 .8 1 -1 .7 3 -1 3 .1 9 -1 1 .6 2 -6 .9 1 2 8.30 27.13 26.64 27.38 26.87 23.10 24.27 25.35 25.60 25.55 23.54 23.11
3,444.31 2,546.75 3,138.13 3 ,189.80 3 ,081.84 2,301.48 3,051.20 1,752.74 2 ,5 6 0 .7 0 1728.16 850.62 2,713.71 1,806.97 1,941.83 1,410.24 1,141.75 1,124.60 1,367.21 1,672.30 1,282.26 1,008.28 807.06 406.48 524.88 4 4 0 .6 4 158.66 288.87 330.79 1,453.04 2 ,294.35 2 ,039.06 1,839.05 2 ,571.14 2,470.54 1,721.35 1,218.72 1,466.61 2,358.02 549.50 1,351.30
26.00 26.89 25.50 26.70 26.04 25.36 25.39 25.11 24.02 25.56 25.56 23.72 23.72 2 3.47 22.47 21.53 19.03 16.19 12.50 12.50 12.50 -7 .4 3 -2 6 .4 6 -2 4 .1 7 -2 1 .5 6 -3 6 .9 2 -2 8 .0 6 -2 0 .4 7 27.39 26.22 26.06 26.54 25.72 22.28 22.50 22.08 22.06 21.97
26.80 28.78 26.89 29.70 28.29 27.71 28.39 27.86 25.18 29.94 31.89 28.39 29.17 28.83 29.08 29.50 24.22 31.72 16.56 16.53 16.50 20.30 19.22 17.39 16.50 12.06 8.39 6.64 29.39 27.89 27.61 29.00 27.75 23.44 25.42 27.00 27.61 27.50 26.00 27.94
361.02 445.26 378.42 485.80 521.72 388.75 753.87 391.92 349.44 375.36 177.16 420.12 257.39 275.17 404.11 241.43 201.34 391.67 274.07 208.96 177.63 115.32 105.73 72.90 90.55 26.04 54.48 67.60 209.30 283.72 276.48 552.80 337.06 289.18 307.09 192.91 241.05 399.03 96.77 226.95
144.08 18.54 18.54 125.35 39.62 54.61 3.05 5.61 23.03 4.42 32.00
101.00 E 81.25 E 77.25 E 122.13 E 122.05 E 121.80 E 78.97 E 100.47 E 77.50 E 84.38 E 77.17 E 76.40 E 77.21 E 144.17 E 122.50 E 9 0 .0 0 E 140.00 E 145.00 E 9 0 .0 0 E 170.08 E 72.41 W 6 6.17 W 55.00 W 68 .7 7 W 68.31 71.81 55.00 57.50 63.58 64.97 59.55 82.00 W W W W W W W W
10.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.17 7.50 9.00
10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
21.61 21.40 21.28 20.45 19.77 18.62 17.38 14.35 14.34 14.33 12.31 11.37 11.19 11.13 10.29 9.71 9.23 25.51 24.80 24.75 24.53 24.16 21.74 21.30 20.53 20.40 20.35 19.85 17.83
7.50 10.50 9.83 9.50 5.50 4.75 5.50 4.60 5.00 5.00 5.50 4.60
20 21
j 'y
11.60 37.00 2.54 17.02 5.46 5.97
23 24
25 26
14.61 34.67 105.41 50.04
36 37
31 3*
8.00 6.00
9.50 4.00 9.50 7.75 7.50
107.30 155.26 19.56 16.00 34.54 62.61 15.34 31.50
41 42 43 44 45 46
6.00 6.00
10.50 4,00
49 50 51 52 53 54 55 60 61 62 63 64 65
69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 T7 78 79 82 S3 84 85
89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97
Paraguay Brazil Brazil Brazil Argentina Chile Chile Argentina Argentina Congo Congo Zaire Cameroon Zaire Zaire Madagascar Zambia Namibia Tanzania Kenya Angola Botswana Botswana Botswana Botswana Botswana South Africa South Africa South Africa Australia Queensland Australia Northern Territory Australia Northern Territory Australia Northern Territory Australia Northern Territory Australia Northern Territory Australia Northern Territory Australia Western Australia Australia Queensland Australia Northern Territory Australia Northern Territory Australia Queensland Australia Queensland Australia- Northern Territory Australia Queensland Australia Northern Territory
Guayaki (Ache) Botocudo Heta Aweikomo Tehuelche Chono Alacaluf Ona Yahgan Aka Bayaka Bambote Baka Efe Mbuti Mikea Hukwe Hai//Om Hadza Dorobo (Okiek ) Sekele !Kung Nharo GAVi Kua !Ko /Auni-khomani //Xegwi /Xam Kaurareg Larikia Gunwinggu Mirrngadja Anbara Gidjingali Murngin (Yolngu) Jeidji (Forest-river) Wikmunkan Kakadu Nunggubuyu Yintjingga Yir-yoront Tiwi Kuku-yalanji Groote-eylandt
25.70 S 18.71 S 23.52 S 28.00 S 46.00 S 45.00 S 49.55 S 53.90 S 60.00 S 2.00 N 3.58 N 6.64 S 2.39 N 2.70 N 1.54 N 22.32 S 16.93 S 18.65 S 3.82 S 0.00 S 16.42 S 20.00 S 21.64 S 22.46 S 22.88 S 23.86 S 27.37 S 26.28 S 31.47 S 10.77 S 12.60 S 12.43 S 12.31 S 12.20 S 12.18 S 12.93 S 15.55 S 13.47 S 13.13 S 13.76 S 14.00 S 15.00 S 1 1.59 S 15.92 S 14.00 S
W W W W W W W W 68.66 W 17.00 E 17.76 E 28.26 E 15.31 E 27.64 E 28.61 E 43.81 E 24.32 E 16.12 E 35.32 E 36.00 E 19.53 E 21.18 E 21.61 E 23.39 E 24.41 E 22.20 E 19.82 E 30.23 E 19.77 E 142.12 E 130.78 E 134.12 E 135.20 E 134.73 E 134.40 E 135.84 E 128.19 E 142.00 E 132.95 E 135.98 E 143.50 E 142.17 E 130.87 E 145.32 E 136.62 E
20.62 19.61 19.11
9.57 8.83 5.28 5.57 25.55 25.56 24.11 24.05 23.23
24.49 22.32 22.25 19.60 17.45
20.60 20.44 19.35 19.32 18.54 18.27 16.65 16.30 26.14 27.70 28.09 27.15 26.98 26.81 27.08 28.92 25.89 26.61 27.23 25.61 26.83 25.92 25.29 25.98
1,534.16 1,297.60 1,505.20 1,587.07 182.16 2,399.86 3,649.84 476.32 524.80 1,758.11 1,751.09 1,241.07 1,648.50 1,556.46 1,576.71 397.36 763.60 517.16 780.65 1,246.33 618.50 405.60 385.60 333.84 354.20 281.50 123.77 918.72 209.04 1,749.39 1,811.75 1,391.51 1,351.21 1,303.74 1,256.38 1,245.70 638.82 1,750.10 1,315.80 956.06 1,723.90 1,145.51 1,681.39 1,906.86 1,122.62
1.78 24.72 24.72 23.28 23.28 22.36
12 .11
9.50 9.22 26.50 26.50 24.78 24.89 24.19 23.11 28.11 26.81 25.61
2 1.11
20.39 16.97 16.33 16.50 16.28 14.42 14.78 12.98 12.93 12.65 10.72 10.79 11.50 9.50 24.57 24.89 25.15 24.31 23.98 23.65 23.60 24.22 23.02 23.09 23.02 22.39 22.76 21.97 21.89 21.89
18.76 27.42 24.22 25.66 23.52 23.78 25.50 23.45
161.80 270.43 173.74 160.02 26.03 290.20 363.09 55.03 56.52 247.90 214.19 216.54 228.47 189.48 192.41 126.62 172.97 120.14 149.78 169.23 147.32 90.60 82.90 137.73
46.10 4.57 57.91 43.05 55.50 2.79
5.49 3.00 4.00 4.00 8.50 6.50 8.50 6.50 6.50 11.50 12.25
11.13 9.76 9.60 23.50 23.50 22.45 22.40 21.55 20.49 19.22 17.54 17.23 17.06 16.69 16.64 16.52 16.06 15.82 15.76 15.44 15.21 14.89 14.80 22.81 22.34 22.30 21.89 21.63 21.37 21.19
10.50 5.00 7.50 6.50 7.00 7.50 6.50 8.25 3.50 7.50 5.50 5.50 6.50 3.50 10.50 7.50 7.50 6.50 5.50 7.50 7.50 5.50 6.50 7.50 5.50 6.50 7.50 6.50 6.50 7.50 7.50
0.02 0.01
2.55 36.51 0.03
77.50 22.97 156.97 28.96 370.87 429.70 332.37 313.87 296.78 308.63 305.39 172.47 489.78 317.70 233.97 408.18 299.55 359.71 449.36 267.57
22.78 27.50 29.60 30.44 29.28 29.16 29.05 29.66 32.22 28.22 28.80 30.51 27.94 29.69 28.14 27.81 28.99
0.89 0.67 0.41 0.16 0.93 0.51
2 1.11
21.04 20.97 20.59 20.59 20.55 20.24 20.23 20.06
13.46 1.15 1.17 19.50 0.98
98 99
Australia Queensland Australia Northern Territory Australia Western Australia Australia Western Australia Australia Queensland Australia Queensland Australia Western Australia Australia Queensland Australia Western Australia Australia Queensland Australia Western Australia Australia Northern Territory Australia Queensland Australia Western Australia Australia Western Australia Australia Northern Territory Australia Queensland Australia Queensland Australia Queensland Australia Northern Territory Australia Western Australia Australia New South Wales Australia Northern Territory Australia South Australia Australia Northern Territory .Australia South Australia Australia Northern Territory Australia New South Wales Australia Western Australia Australia Western Australia Australia New South Wales Australia South Australia Australia New South Wales Australia South Australia Australia Western Australia Australia Victoria Australia Victoria Australia Victoria Tasmania Tasmania
Walmbaria Mulluk Worora Lungga Lardil Kaiadilt Karadjeri Mamu Kariera Warunggu Djaru Walbiri Ngatjan Mardudjara Udawongga Pintubi Undanbi Jinibarra Karuwali Alyawara Ngatatjara Badjalang Pitjandjara Dieri Arenda (southern) Jankundjara Arenda (northern) Ualaria Nakako Ooldea Barkindji Karuna Wongaibon Jaralde Mineng Tjapwurong Bunurong Kurnai Tasmanians (eastern) Tasmanian* (western)
14.34 S 13.58 S 15.32 S 16.91 S 16.30 S 16.94 S 18.92 S 17.64 S 20.88 S 18.41 S 19.16 S 20.00 S 17.36 S 22.79 S 22.93 S 22.86 S 27.28 S 27.25 S 24.41 S 22.27 S 25.32 S 29.59 S 26.00 S 28.54 S 26.09 S 27.00 S 23.70 S 29.30 S 27.31 30.38 32.40 34.56 32.14 35.06 34.95 35.86 38.93 37.59 42.62 41.38 S S S S S S S S S S S S
l e
CM AT 25.49 26.94 26.31 27.36 26.10 26.10 26.31 23.27 25.29 23.13 25.41 25.23 CRR 1,128.28 1,498.27 1,280.67 587.13 1,207.20 1,155.31 445.97 3,534.41 303.86 2,122.23 413.86 334.50 1,901.20 298.01 317.08 314.47 1,017.79 1,018.20 248.91 300.31 244.47 881.22 245.37 184.08 175.88 189.27 277.63 403.55 213.80
)N G I T U D E
144.22 130.58 124.72 127.83 139.30 139.28 121.21 145.84 118.27 145.61 130.00 130.57 145.56 125.06
21.61 21.49 20.94 20.94 20.55 20.55 20.25 19.17 18.67 18.50 17.53 17.39 17.50 15.49 15.46 14.56 15.00 15.00 13.50 13.54 12.89 14.06 12.59 12.69 12.56 11.99 11.73 11.78 11.47 11.48 10.38 11.44 9.46 10.74
28.56 30.27 29.61 31.47 29.74 29.74 30.11 26.72 31.11 26.83 30.89 30.94 25.14 31.95 30.29 31.33 25.17 25.17 30.94 28.96 30.83 25.67 30.56 30.16 29.96 29.11 28.62 28.40 28.17 24.11 26.03 23.17 26.65 21.79 19.17 21.83 18.50 18.56 15.89 15.00
24.63 24.04 23.71 20.54 20.55 22.90
306.32 359.36 384.05 159.68 318.84 305.24 119.21 686.82 83.40 485.72 119.51 76.10 359.51 54.76 67.65 55.92 145.29 145.29 47.63 69.54 45.08 115.82 30.96 31.60 28.90 32.60 41.11 52.81 26.88 21.37 22.92 74.42 39.27 37.06 152.40 40.51 84.58 64.52 62.73 192.79
0.22 1.02
0.93 0.73 1.94 0.93 80.52 1.95 24.59 1.65
5.50 5.50 5.33 6.50
5.50 5.00 5.50
39.68 5.28 4.99 6.45 27.18 27.18 4.32 5.65 6.89 23.62 7.98 8.38 9.00 3.27 8.93 19.60 5.35 11.31 14.67 19.20 24.13 16.54 26.16 16.76 37.08 42.93 41.02
6.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 5.50 5.00 5.50 4.50 6.50 5.00 5.50 5.50 5.50 4.50 6.50 3.50 5.50 8.50 5.50 10.50 9.50 10.50
127.18 E 129.44 E 153.24 E 152.87 E 141.64 E 135.17 E 127.27 E 152.78 E 130.00 E 139.09 E 135.52 E 131.95 E 133.76 E 147.25 E 128.19 E 131.81 E 142.25 E 138.40 E 146.09 E 139.29 117.81 141.38 145.07 147.42 147.49 145.21 E E E E E E E
19.93 19.66 19.41 19.30 19.19 19.19 19.01 18.60 18.26 18.24 17.82 17.77 17.74 17.18 17.11 16.89 16.68 16.68 16.58 16.48 16.42 16.39 16.33 16.33 16.29 16.09 15.98 15.98 15.88 15.47 15.42 15.34 15.29 14.95 14.83 14.46 14.12 13.51 12.74 12.51
22.46 20.36
21.84 21.55 20.74 20.84 20.53 20.25 18.20 18.37 17.18 18.23 16.21 15.57 15.28 14.11 12.83 11.35 10.88
215.31 535.60 348.64 346.81 1,007.61 356.46 760.56 633.84 610.61 1690.19
8.61 10 .0 0 7.03 6.72 7.17
1.50 1.50 10.50
143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 15 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167
169 170 171 172 173 California 174 California 175 California 176 Oregon 177 California 178 California 179 California ISO California UI Oregon 1(2 California 183 California 184 California 185 California 186 California 187 California
Mexico California California Mexico California California California California California California California California California California California California California California California California California California California California California California California California California California
Seri Cahuilla Cupeno Kiliwa Diegueno Lake Yokuts Serrano Luiseno Wukchumi Tubatulabal Nomlaki Northern Foothill Yokuts Patwin Gabrielino Monache Eastern Pomo Clear-Lake Pomo Wintu Chumash Chimariko Nisenan Salinan Pomo (Southern) Sinkyone Lessik Miwok (Coast) Mattole Miwok (Lake) Yuki (Proper) Wappo Pomo (Northern) Yana Miwok Tekelma Yuki (Coast) Tolowa Shasta Hupa Tututni Karok Atsugewi Wiyot Maidu (Mountain) Yurok Aehumawi
29.59 N 33.59 N 33.26 N 31.44 N 32.44 N 36.00 N 34.52 N 33.42 N 36.45 N 36.00 N 40.00 N 37.44 N 39.08 N 34.00 N 36.60 N 39.03 N 39.12 N 40.90 N 34.63 N 40.85 N 39.03 N 35.47 N 38.54 N 40.10 N 40.18 N 38.24 N 40.17 N 38.79 N 39.70 N 38.59 N 39.34 N 40.38 N 38.00 N 42.44 N 39.64 N 41.87 N 41.62 N 40.93 42.61 41.58 40.75 40.75 N N N N N
112.18 W 116.24 W 116.59 W 115.25 W 116.49 W 119.83 W 117.00 W 117.30 W 118.96 W 118.32 W 122.56 W 120.44 W 122.05 W 118.00 W 117.08 W 122.94 W 122.94 W 122.35 W 119.60 W 123.30 W 121.1 5 W 120.84 W 122.88 W 123.96 W 123.16 W 122.88 W 124.04 W 122.48 W 123.15 W 122.54 W 123.29 W 122.89 W 119.77 W 123.48 W 123.74 W 123.92 W 122.70 W 123.61 W 124.04 W 123.47 W 121.12 W 124.14 W 120.56 W 123.89 W 1 21.19W
24.34 22.95
19.47 17.24 18.33 17.48 16.89 17.41 17.63 16.41 15.94 16.33 15.07 15.87 15.44 15.12 15.23 14.87 14.94 14.84 14.89 14.78 14.29 13.82 14.08 13.50 13.99 12.89 13.88 13.37 12.14
285.86 79.81 209.43 203.88 275.41 168.28 235.34 314.33 654.23 211.47 510.73 472.42 445.67 518.72 128.73 819.96 913.62 986.25 390.03 1522.88 958.86 422.89 889.61 1,357.40 1,126.43 807.34 1,298.42 718.42 1,186.35 861.16 1,264.85 941.20 867.96 767.59 1,546.68 1,513.70 1,095.93 1,374.97 1,573.62 1,161.77 565.14 1,079.38 454.32 1,812.74 477.88
12 .11
11.50 12.25 11.36 8.44 9.06 11.07 7.89 7.14 6.93 7.19 7.46 9.22 4.83 7.56 7.72 5.69
5.61 6.42 9.30
31.36 33.83 31.39 26.83 23.52 29.06 27.00 23.15 28.50 29.03 27.04 26.00 25.59 21.92 27.72 23.58 23.17 25.72 18.26 24.94 23.94 20.07 21.09 22.39
6.83 5.72 8.28 7.78 8.09 4.83 8.03 8.25 3.01 2.94 3.94 7.81 5.97
18.89 19.22 18.83 21.69 18.72 18.42 22.24
79.63 16.76 34.16 42.04 50.32 32.34 43.05 65.19 124.71 37.34 99.82 90.68 88.90 106.55 29.97 170.81 191.26 191.87 86.36 308.61 188.72 93.27 186.86 273.56 231.33 169.80 259.59 154.37 243.25 188.38 264.48 166.62 151.64 142.24 318.64 290.83 213.21 251.33 269.58 220.34 102.49 205.61 85.22 316.23 78.40
10.50 12.50 12.50 13.00 12.50 13.00 10.50 10.50 13.34 10.25 10.50 10.50 10.50 10.30 9.17 10.50 10.30
0.68 1.02
1.40 1.40 0.34 0.16 0.32 1.52 1.40 1.27 3.81 0.43 5.08 0.77 0.25 0.76 0.51 2.48 0.51
17.55 16.41 16.14 15.96 15.37 15.33 15.24 15.24 15.17 15.09 14.85 14.77 14.77 14.61 14.59 14.52 14.49 14.49 14.39 14.37 14.37 14.29 14.21 14.21 14.09 13.82 13.79 13.77 13.76 13.73 13.71 13.60 13.55 13.55 13.53 13.35 13.32 13.10 13.06
10.50 10.50 10.50 10.50 9.83 10.25
0.59 1.46
10.50 9.50
12.09 12.96 12.35 11.63 11.42 11.70 10.85 9.73 11.81 8.57 11.08 8.46
22.00 21.22
18.03 18.67 21.24 18.36 17.00 17.64 19.75 14.89 19.19 15.17 18.83
2.54 4.83 1.59 8.76 7.16 6.98 10.75 10.92 4.06 1.90 2.79 8.64 3.89
10.50 10.50
4.81 6.67 4.25 0.25 8.53 -1 .3 9 6.94 -1 .4 7
10.00 10.00
12.84 12.72 12.57 12.55 L ri
Oregon Oregon Mexico Mexico California Texas Mexico California Arizona California Arizona California California Colorado California Nevada Arizona California California Idaho Nevada Utah Nevada Nevada California Utah Utah Nevada Nevada Nevada Nevada California Utah Utah Oregon Nevada Nevada Nevada
mu id a
Modoc Klamath Guaicura Chichimec Death Valley Karankawa Coahuilenos Panamint Shoshoni Yavapai Koso Mountain Shoshoni Walapai Kawaiisu Shoshoni Saline Valley Shoshoni Antarianunt Southern Paiute Owens Valley Paiute Kawich Mountain Shoshoni Kaibab Southern Paiute Mono Lake Paiute Deep Spring Paiute Salmon-eater Shoshoni Pyramid Lake Paiute Ute-timanogas Cattail Paiute Fish Lake Paiute Honey Lake Paiute Hukunduka Shoshoni Gosiute Shoshoni Spring Valley Shoshoni White Knife Shoshoni Rainroad Valley Shoshoni Reese River Shoshoni North Fork Paiute Grouse Creek Shoshoni Utewimonantci Bear Creek Paiute Antelope Valley Shoshoni Washo Surprise Valley Paiute Wind River Shoshoni Ruby Valley Shoshoni Bohoguc Northern Shoshoni
26.00 N 36.37 N 33.37 N 36.12 N 35.95 N 35.37 N 36.65 N 37.86 N 36.88 N 37.92 N 36.90 N 38.11 N 37.28 N 42.9 4 N 4 0 .0 0 N 40 .2 2 N 40.12 N 37.69 N 40.2 7 N 41.5 5 N 39.88 N 39.1 9 N 4 1 .0 0 N 38.33 N 39.25 N 37.00 N 41.59 N 37.67 N 43.94 N 40 .1 9 N 39.08 41.50 43.1 9 40.36 N N N N N
203 204 205 206 207 208 209
l e
21.81 19.17 18.14 17.35 16.37 16.00 14.13 13.73 12.78 12.23
258.96 808.33 137.32 527.48 41.42 839.19 253.89 96.84 327.42 122.64 276.98 195.95 135.41 163.54 141.96 214.08 288.55 205.86 131.37 219.05 160.11 405.04 120.19 105.18 285.09 374.36 183.26 295.74 265.03 239.44 301.86 813.04 204.16 309.40 294.76 293.30 326.28 364.18 292.56 312.57 250.28
-1 .3 9 -2 .8 1 14.00 15.06 11.39 13.61 13.31 7.63 7.39 5.89 6.33 4.97 3.58 0.74 2.67 1.64 0.81 1.50 0.69 - 1 .7 8 - 1 .0 3 -1 .7 2 -1 .1 7 - 1 .2 8 -0 .9 7 4.06 - 2 .8 3 - 2 .1 4 -1 .9 2 - 2 .7 6 - 1 .9 4 1.61 -4 .6 4 -3 .6 1 0.06 -3 .2 8 -1 .1 8 - 1 .5 3 -7 .3 9 -3 .6 1 -5 .9 8
117.33 W 110.50 W 117.70 W 114.50 W 118.00 W 117.79 W 110.72 W 118.18 W 116.45 W 112.55 W 118.85 W 118.00 W 115.30 W 119.60 W 111.81 W 118.37 W 118.14 W 120.44 W 112.22 W 114.00 W 114.48 W 117.31 W 115.78 W 117.32 W 119.07 W 113.94 W 109.00 W 120.49 114.24 119.82 120.06 108.86 115.39 112.00 W W W W W W W
18.22 16.61 30.50 24.22 39.00 29.08 28.15 30.78 29.69 29.61 27.89 27.83 25.53 26.07 23.78 24.22 24.00 22.97 23.31 24.94 24.00 24.14 23.72 22.83 22.33 24.00 23.22 21.89 21.64 21.72
33.66 133.11 46.23 103.12 6.35 117.35 64.94 17.86 53.09 23.75 38.86 36.70 26.61 22.27 30.73 27.18 35.18 37.42 25.91 30.73 23.72 44.20 17.27 16.51 49.28 41.40 24.30 35.31 31.33 27.43 40.64 158.23 22.61 36.77 39.50 33.95 60.13 54.10 62.48 38.86 29.04
12.38 11.93 16.69 16.63 16.52 16.50 16.36 15.34 15.20 14.95 14.84 14.62 14.15 13.86 13.79 13.72 13.59 13.52 13.48 13.44 13.39 13.34 13.34 13.20 13.15 13.11 13.11 12.97 12.95 12.89
5.50 10.50 5.50 13.00 5.50 13.00 13.00 5.83 10.50 13.00 2.50 13.00
1.65 3.81 4.25 2.29 9.82 1.90 6.98 9.14 5.33 3.05 3.30 2.92 18.88 3.81 3.30 3.39 11.85 10.16 15.32 7.79 11.18 12.70 1.40 12.83 14.16 7.87 13.04 4.19
10.98 11.07 10.79
12.50 10.50 1.50 9.83 1.83 2.50 1.83 2.17 1.50 1.50 12.50 2.50
10.54 10.29 9.92 9.66 8.71 8.95 9.01 8.49 9.50 8.24 8.97 9.16 7.96 8.75
2 1.11
19.11 22.36 21.76 19.69 21.28 19.71 19.86 22.64 20.28 21.28
12.86 12.86
12.83 12.82 12.81 12.77 12.69
6.00 2.00
12.50 10.50
7.73 7.73 7.62
8.16 10.92 11.60
2.17 0.50
12.68 12.66
230 231 232 233 234 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 248 249 250 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 28J 282 283 284 285 286 287 288
Utah Oregon Idaho Nevada Utah Texas Texas Texas Kansas Texas Colorado Colorado Wyoming South Dakota Montana Idaho Montana North Dakota Alberta Alberta Saskatchewan Saskatchewan Alberta Alberta British Columbia Oregon Washington Washington Washington British Columbia Cteegon Oregon British Columbia Washington Washington British Columbia British Columbia Oregon British Columbia British Columbia Washington Washington Washington British Columbia British Columbia
Uintah-ute Harney Valley Paiute Sheep-eater Shoshoni Little Smoky Shoshoni Uncompahgre Ute Lipan Apache Comanche Chiricahua Apache Kiowa Kiowa Apache Cheyenne Arapahoe Crow Teton Lakota Kutenai Bannock Gros-Ventre Plains Ojibwa Peigan Blackfoot Assiniboine Plains Cree Blood Sarsi Squamish Alsea Puyallup Twana Chehalis Nootka Chinook Coos Lillooet Lummi Quinault Stalo Cowichan Tillamook Comox Bella-bella Quileute Clallam
40.47 N 43.25 N 45.17 N 39.33 M 38.14 N 28.96 N 36.83 N 32.52 N 36.90 N 35.83 N 38.83 N 40.13 N 45.83 N 44.50 N 47.48 N 43.66 N 48.12 N 47.60 N 49.34 N 51.01 N 49.49 N 51.86 N 52.79 N 53.15 N 49.77 N 44.42 N 47.11 N 47.55 N 46.87 N 49.34 N 46.06 N 43.43 N 50.46 N 48.84 N 47.38 N 49.23 N 48.41 N 45.40 N 50.00 N 52.87 N 47.77 N 47.95 N 48.22 N 53.50 N 50.42 N
98.90 W 102.35 W 102.72 W 108.48 W 102.27 W 114.08 W 112.32 W 105.60 W 97.25 W 111.21 W 110.76 W 102.43 N 102.67 W 113.86 W 111.04 W 1 2 3 .1 9 W 123.84 W 122.04 W 123.16 W 123.67 W 125.74 W 123.75 W 124.11 W 123.00 W 122.34 W 123.82 W 122.70 W 123.64 W 123.82 125.50 127.87 124.14 W W W W
4.51 20.18 17.81 16.33 15.71 14.03 10.52 10.09 7.82 7.53 7.01 6.64 5.51 3.99 4.66 2.64 2.42 1.44 2.53 1.87
10.83 10.42 10.46 10.30 9.68 10.53 11.16 8.75 9.83 9.87 9.55 9.74 10.32 8.76 8.64 9.50 9.00 9.21
222.26 282.40 227.40 221.38 520.84 778.73 432.47 303.62 677.41 488.00 387.47 411.69 289.94 391.88 434.58 225.62 309.99 456.87 239.10 227.74 308.80 272.84 317.28 300.08 904.88 1,319.45 1 , 102.00 1,778.39 1,515.39 1,397.41 1,725.85 1,629.09 413.86 659.84 2,597.94 785.99 861.04 2,354.42 1,249.18 3,152.68 2,692.45 1,061.77 2,372.87 3,472.40 1,462.14
-9 .5 9 -3 .6 1 - 8.00 -5 .6 9 -5 .6 1 10.97 6.78 6.44 3.28 0.83 -1 .8 3 -2 .8 5 -7 .4 6 -6 .9 8 -4 .7 5 -7 .3 6 -1 0 .0 6 -1 5 .0 3 -1 0 .5 6 -1 4 .9 4 -1 6 .1 5 -1 8 .0 0 -1 3 .1 7 -1 5 .4 4 4.06 4.52 3.58 3.02 3.52
21.52 18.89
18.69 15.35 28.83 28.17 27.46 28.06 27.39 23.83 23.87 22.78 22.52
110.87 72.90 63.16 69.26 62.40 76.71 78.99 32.26 78.32 90.04 64.69 54.99 86.19 70.78 75.69 77.13 141.82 219.96 167.13 288.21 246.72 236.22 281.77 273.98 69.43 95.67 415.04 114.13 146.22 372.81 198.37 431.63 422.40 183.56 387.10 556.60 224.11
20.58 20.69 20.75 19.17 18.50 18.54 18.54 17.06 16.85 17.52 17.15 17.58 17.85 17.13 17.83 16.69 15.11 20.28 16.24 15.80 16.24 15.86 14.89 15.56 15.53 14.72 14.69 14.15 16.11 14.06
13.02 8.64 11.94 13.55 28.89 44.07 12.62 5.33 24.64 12.70 8.30 8.38 8.55 9.74 19.05 11.18 6.77 11.81 0.25 0.03
0.03 0.03 0.19 18.03 11.43 23.11 23.88 24.47 31.16 25.99 12.53 14.90 19.14 47.07
4.07 7.26 -3 .8 9 3.35 3.98 2.74 3.28 5.56
20.15 32.26 36.49 135.64 51.65 20.91 45.64 135.89 49.02
2.25 4.11 3.30 4.07 -3 .5 6 3.44
4.50 0.84 3.50 3.50 5.50 4.50 2.17 5.50 2.50 2.50 3.83 2.83 3.17 3.50 3.00 3.00 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 4.50 9.50 5.50 9.50 9.50 8.83 9.17 8.83 9.17 6.50 9.50 8.83 9.50 8.83 8.50 7.83 6.83 8.50 8.50 8.50 7.17 7.83
12.36 12.33
12.15 11.48 15.83 14.95 14.81 14.41 14.02 13.29 13.20 12.67 12.67 12.46 12.35
11.96 11.94 11.64 11.60 11.53 11.48 11.36 12.80 12.77 12.76 12.75 12.64 12.63 12.60 12.58 12.56 12.39 12.34 12.32 12.28 12.26 12.15 12.08 12.03 11.94 11.84 11.77 11.74 (continued)
ta b le
y 1 S
British Columbia British Columbia British Columbia Alaska British Columbia Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Idaho Washington British Columbia Washington Idaho British Columbia Idaho Mkhigan Wisconsin New Brunswick Montana Ontario Ontario Aiberta Ontario Ontario British Columbia Ontario Quebec Ontario Quebec Ontario Quebec AlbetU ASierta
Tsimshim Haida Bella-coola Tlingit Gitksan Konaig Eyak Kuskowagmut Chugash Aleut Nunavak Tenino Umatiela Wenatchi Yakima Wishram Coeur dAlene Sinkaietk Okanogan Sanpoil Nez-perce Thompson Kalispei Ojibwa (Kitchibuan) Kitikitegon M icmac Flathead Rainy River Ojibwa Northern Saulteaux Shuswap Pekangekum Ojibwa Round Lake Ojibwa Alcatcho Nipigon Ojibwa Mistassini Cree Ojibwa ( Northern Albany) Waswanip Cree Weagamon Ojibwa Montagnais Sckani Beaver
294 295 296 297 298 299 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344
54.00 53.54 52.32 57.00 55.65 57.93 60.48 61.01 61.21 55.00
1.13 3.16
60.03 N 45.59 N 45.4 9 N 47.41 N 46.33 N 45.72 N 47.42 N 48.78 N 49.4 6 N 47.9 4 N 46.25 N 51.26 N 47 .9 4 N 45.21 N 45.00 N 46 .9 9 N 46.28 N 45.21 N 52.28 N 53.41 N 51.84 N 52.71 N 51.32 49.34 51.75 51.22 49.78 52.79 52.42 56.14 58.51 N N N N N N N N N
147.61 W 162.85 W 166.30 W 120.45 W 119.94 W 120.31 W 120.27 W 121.13 W 116.34 W 119.56 W 119.63 W 118.44 W 116.46 W 121.75 W 115.67 W 85.10 W 91 .0 0 W 65 .0 0 W 113.26 W 85 .1 0 W 96.78 W 119.53 W 93.85 W 90.62 W 124.02 W 88.31 72.66 83.10 76.64 90.64 63.33 120.00 1 15.76 W W W W W W W W
-1 .4 9 11.97 11.48 10.18 10.04 10.38 8.45 8.18 7.80 7.97 7.34 7.83 6.97 6.17 4.55 4.75 5.57 3.09 2.05 4.92
1,839.64 1,778.16 1,986.22 1,958.37 664.74 1,479.00 1,291.42 509.00 1,373.58 897.86 385.67 218.64 259.72 398.57 238.47 535.06 697.00 317.89 341.04 374.66 547.04 200.28 721.07 754.08 811.90 735.41 405.43 594.10 375.60 427.11 389.45 452.67 617.50 456.19 602.35 465.93 677.23 404.92 509.48 269.60 243.63
-1 .8 3
-3 .9 4 - 0 .9 6 -7 .6 5 - 1.22 -1 2 .5 8 -1 6 .7 2 - 9 .0 9 - 2 .11 -
0 .0 0
15.48 14.33 15.26 13.50 14.15 12.89 12.92 12.92 11.69 10.72 9.94 23.94 22.87 22.94 21.83 20.67 19.83 20.92 20.41 19.92 18.83 19.80 18.72 19.35 19.69 18.63 17.26 19.35
304.63 261.70 290.24 294.39 127.68 169.42 201.04 125.35 215.56 124.21 59.94 32.85 34.80 72.64 39.96 99.23 93.64 37.34 46.74 49.19 69.09 32.34 98.04 86.87 122.43 92.88 58.76 94.74 83.65 62.91 81.66 98.04 89.24 81.70 102.87 86.28 98.55 94.36 85.26 53.34 59.31
73.57 68.07 81.45 86.53 17.19 95.25 49.66 13.21 54.61 40.89 14.73 4.32 5.50 5.97 3.81 4.57 19.30 12.06 15.92 11.26 24.64 5.08 22.27 37.08 24.51 22.52 20.07 15.83 0.18 5.33 0.03 0.14 30.40 0.42 2.29
6.83 7 / 17 JL/ 6 50 7 50 7 *m 17 .9 6.50 6.50 5.50 5.83 4.50 4.50 10.50 10.50 9.50 10.17 10.17 9.50 9.50 5.50 9.83 2.50 3.50 9.50 3.83 3.50 4.83 3.50 4.50 3.50 5.50 5.00 4.50 8.50 4.50 4.50 3.50 3.50 4.50 6J7 3.83 4.50
11.05 10 1 V/.70 / \J 10 62 1 yjm X JA m 10 A .V 47 / 10.28 9.98 13.49 13.37 13.01 12.96 12.95 12.58 12.53 12.44 12.41 12.36 12.36 12.25 12.14 11.95 11.95 11.85 11.74 11.73 11.64 11.53 11.30 11.26 11.25
16.80 18.67 17.64 14.61 16.83 16.46 16.56 16.11 16.50 15.11 14.83 16.11
- 0 .9 2 4.62 -0 .5 1 0.53 - 0 .7 6 - 0 .2 4 - 2 .1 7 0.72 2.15 - 1.21
- 6 .7 6 -1 8 .8 5 -1 7 .9 6 -2 0 .2 8 -1 8 .8 9 -2 3 .0 3 -1 4 .5 0 -1 3 .2 6 -2 1 .7 5
11.17 11.14 11.09 11.09
4.07 0.14 3.47 0.69 0.03
11.07 11.07
345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390
Northwest Territories British Columbia British Columbia British Columbia British Columbia Northwest Territories Yukon Northwest Territories Ontario Alaska Saskatchewan Yukon Alaska Northwest Territories Alaska Quebec Northwest Territories Alaska Alaska Alaska Quebec Alaska Alaska Alaska Newfoundland Quebec Northwest Territories Alaska Alaska Northwest Territories Alaska Alaska Northwest Territories Northwest Territories Northwest Territories Northwest Territories Greenland Northwest Territories Northwest Territories East Greenland Alaska Greenland
Slave Kaska Tahltan Chilcotin Carrier Mountain Han Hare Attawapiskat Cree Koyukon Chippewyan Kutchin Ingalik Satudene Nabesna Rupert House Cree Dogrib Tanaina Tutchone Holikachuk Naskapi Norton Sound Inuit Kobuk Inuit Kotzebue Sound Inuit Labrador Inuit Great Whale Inuit Caribou Inuit Noatak Inuit Nunamiut Inuit Mackenzie Inuit Sivokamiut Inuit Point Hope Inuit Copper Inuit Utkuhikhalingmiut Aivilingmiut Inuit Ingulik Inuit West Greenland Baffin Island Inuit Netsilik Inuit Angmaksaslik Tareumiut Inuit Polar Inuit
61.15 N 59.73 N 57.66 N 51.68 N 53.33 N 63.68 N 64.79 N 67.47 N 53.62 N 66.52 N 59.47 N 65.94 N 61.82 N 65.75 N 63.44 N 51.08 N 63.85 N 61.74 N 61.24 N 63.33 N 56.19 N 63.98 N 66.95 N 66.77 N 57.97 N 55.32 N 64.33 N 68.09 N 68.18 N 69.96 N 63.49 N 68.29 N 68.58 N 66.99 N 65.16 N 69.44 N 69.31 N 65.00 N 71.46 N 65.63 N 71.32 N 77.49 N
119.50 W 125.00 W 127.85 W 124.00 W 123.15 W 125.37 W 141.20 W 125.00 W 83.88 W 153.78 W 106.19 W 135.23 W 157.75 W 122.89 W 143.12 W 77.81 W 115.61 W 150.45 W 138.21 W 157.54 W 68.92 W 160.75 W 156.94 W 161.53 W 62.02 W 77.69 W 96.20 W 160.00 W 151.71 W 132.09 W 170.31 W 166.62 W 106.61 W 95.18 W 88.12 W 81.51 W 50.21 W 65.00 W 94.93 W 37.64 W 156.78 W 69.50 W
-2 .4 7 -2 .1 8 -4 .0 8 -3 .8 6 -6 .0 9 -6 .2 6 -3 .5 8 -5 .0 5 -11.88 -8 .7 7 -9 .3 6 -10.62 -4 .9 9 -8 .9 5 -13.60 -14.06 -12.18 -12.48 -3 .3 1 -10.46 -16.24 -0 .3 2 -12.35 -10.60
222.61 242.49 266.38 225.18 196.37 195.31 246.44 180.11 454.55 350.50 221.56 156.16 488.29 173.35 271.76 464.33 150.48 500.25 158.14 521.55 327.01 472.81 287.45 239.69 325.90 304.10 150.52 231.68 225.47 142.97 304.53 181.76 85.40 106.86 114.51 91.58 331.93 117.73 63.19 869.50 113.56 120.05
-2 5 .7 0 -2 3 .3 1 -1 4 .5 2 - 10.00 -1 0 .4 4 -2 8 .1 4 -2 6 .4 4 -2 9 .0 0 -2 2 .6 9 -2 3 .7 2 -2 6 .3 9 -2 7 .0 0 -1 9 .3 5 -2 7 .7 4 -2 4 .7 8 -2 1 .6 7 -2 7 .7 6 -1 0 .7 0 -2 1 .3 9 -1 6 .2 5 - 22.02 -2 0 .1 7 -2 2 .5 8 -2 0 .8 9 -2 0 .4 7 -2 3 .7 2 -3 3 .0 0 -2 5 .4 7 -2 5 .3 0 -2 8 .4 2 -1 7 .7 4 -2 4 .0 8 -3 2 .9 8 -3 3 .5 6 -3 1 .2 2 -3 0 .8 3 -1 2 .1 4 -2 7 .0 8 -3 4 .3 3 -6 .8 9 -2 8 .0 0 -2 3 .3 3
16.31 15.92 14.44 13.63 13.56 15.72 15.50 15.56 14.80 14.89 15.17 14.67 13.87 14.59 14.28 13.94 14.54 12.83 13.65 12.92 11.69 13.50 13.08 11.78 11.39 10.61 10.72 10.28 9.31 9.08 9.17 8.97 8.61 7.67 7.52 7.22 7.61 6.33 4.61 7.28 4.22 4.00
56.30 58.42 45.13 42.93 49.53 58.04 50.37 53.93 84.20 77.64 56.98 47.37 107.44 47.07 58.59 96.60 45.13 91.78 37.08 131.57 77.22 98.04 67.44 68.07 76.45 69.85 44.96 51.18 44.83 32.26 61.47 51.82 30.90 36.32 34.71 30.86 53.47 40.77 27.69 93.98
0.03 3.56 2.89
0.03 5.17 0.03 0.89 6.18
0.10 0.02
13.21 0.03 5.59 0.76
18.54 0.03 11.56
7.11 1.52 0.14
7.11 5.97
10.50 5.08 0.03
12.45 0.03
44.96 3.05 4.06
4.83 4.00 4.50 3.50 3.50 5.50 4.83 5.50 4.00 5.50 4.50 5.50 5.50 5.17 4.50 4.50 5.50 5.83 5.07 4.81 4.83 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.00 4.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.17 5.50 4.83 5.50 5.17 5.50 6.50 5.21 5.50 8.50 5.50 4.50
11.01 11.00
10.96 10.91 10.89
10.88 10.88
10.85 10.84 10.84 10.83 10.75 10.75 10.73 10.73 10.72 10.72 10.71
10.63 10.32 10.67 10.56 10.35 10.28
10 .11 10.11
10.05 9.87 9.84 9.81 9.80 9.78 9.62 9.58 9.52 9.31 9.29 9.08 9.02 8.85 8.64
4 .O4
Comparative distribution of two measures of temperature bio temperature (A) and effective temperature (B) from the world weather station sample. Each is shown relative to mean annual temperature.
ues of temperateness above 43.45, and the spread of values diminishes as temperateness values increase. This corre spondence is to some extent a function of the patterned variability in temperature itself, since temperateness is stan dardized relative to a comfort value for temperature. (Note that the highest values for temperateness lie between ET values of 13.00 and 16.00 and include the earths mean biotemperature, which occurs at an ET value of 14.84.) In order to examine temperature constancy in greater detail, an additional measure, MTEMP, was calculated by means of the following formula:
MTEMP * {(MCM + 45)/(MWM + 45)| x 100 where MCM * mean of the coldest month and MWM mean of the warmest month.4
The results of this equation can be arranged on a seal* between 0.0 and 100.0, where a value of 0 would indicate the least evenness or the most extreme contrast between warm and cold months of the year and a value ot 100.0 would tnd*
Temperateness (TEMP) fC )
_______________________________________C L A S S _________________________________________________
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Polar climate, defined as all locations where the value of effective temperature (ET) is less than 10.00 Boreal climate, defined as all locations where the value of ET is greater than 9.99 and less than 12.50 Cool temperate climate, defined as all locations where the value of ET is greater than 12.49 and less than 14.56 Warm temperate climate, defined as all locations where the value of ET is greater than 14.55 and less than 16.62 Subtropical climate, defined as all locations where the value of ET is greater than 16.61 and less than 18,16 Tropical climate, defined as all locations where the value of ET is greater than 18.15 and less than 22.58 Equatorial climate, defined as all locations where the value of ET is greater than 22.57
cate no difference between the warmest and coldest months. In human terms, values of MTEMP provide a measure of the scale of temperature extremes with which an inhabitant of a specific locality would have to cope. Two additional indices of variability have also been calculated for use in subse quent comparisons: the standard deviation of an array of mean temperature values across the twelve months of the year (SDTEMP) and the coefficient of variance (CVTEMP) for such an array. Over the years, a number of different systems of classify ing temperature-based data have been developed by eco logical researchers, each reflecting a judgment by its author about which data are germane to a particular research goal. As my research progressed, it became necessary to develop my own classification of gross temperature-related climatic variability, in which temperature and its correlative mea surement, latitude, serve as the primary basis for a general classification of climates. The following system, defined in table 4.02, is based on an ordination of seven temperature classes. These range from coldest to warmest, in which a value of one is assigned to the coldest climates and a value of seven to the warmest. The ordinal variable is referred to as CLIM. Now that the procedures for measuring temperature and its correlate, available solar energy, have been introduced and a temperature-based classification of climates that is relevant to the needs of this study has been presented, it is time to discuss measurement of the second major conditioner of biological activity on the earththe water available to the plant community.
tor the evenness of rainfall distribution throughout the year. It is calculated using two observations included in table 4.01: RHIGH, which is the mean monthly rainfall occurring during the wettest month of the year, and CRR. (A related valueRLOW, which is the mean monthly rainfall occurring during the driest month of the yearwill figure in subsequent calculations.) REVEN is a straightforward measure resulting from a two-step calculation: first, total annual rainfall is divided by 12.0 to obtain the value expected for any one month, assum ing that all months had identical rainfall. Then the value of the month observed to have the highest rainfall (RHIGH) is divided by the expected monthly value. REVEN is distributed so that a value of 1.0 would occur if all months received the same amount of rainfall, and it increases as the magnitude of the wettest month rises relative to the mean annual value. The highest possible value would be 12.0, which indicates that all rain occurred in one month and no rain occurred in any other months. The relationship between these measures is rep resented in the following formula:
(4-04) REVEN = RHIGH/(CRR/12)
Basic information about monthly rainfall levels was obtained for each of the ethnographic cases in this study and mean annual rainfall (CRR) was then calculated for each case. From these data, a suite of related indices and measures has been derived. One of these, REVEN, will be used to moni
REVEN is very similar to Mohrs Index (Whitmore 1975:44-66) and, like the latter scale, it is not corrected for the effect of frozen water stored during the winter months. Rainfall variance (CVRAIN) has also been calculated, as has the standard deviation for the array of mean monthly rain fall values, which is referred to as SDRAIN. In order to develop variables that effectively measure seasonal differences in rainfall, the season in which rainfall occurs must be specified, as well as the length of the grow ing season, which represents the access window available to the plant community for the effective use of water. Season ality in rainfall is easily measured in this study since, at the time of data collection, both the warmest and the wettest months were recorded. Using the warmest month as a ret-
Mean Annual Rainfall (CRR) (mm) Coefficient of Variation for Rainfall (CVRA1N)
Scatter plot of the data from 1,429 weather stations included in the sample of the earth's environments showing the relationship between latitude and mean annual rainfall. Marker is for season of greatest rainfall (SEASON): (1) spring, (2) summer, (3) fall, and (4) winter.
4 .O7
Dramatic latitudinal pattern in the coefficient of variation for rainfall, coded for season of greatest rainfall. Marker is for season of greatest rainfall (SEASON): (1) spring, (2) summer, (3) fall, and (4) winter.
erence point, the number o f months or parts thereof, posi tive or negative, that separate the wettest month from the warmest month was calculated and assigned the term RRCORR. All positive values of RRCORR refer to the num ber of months after the warmest month. Although these conventions were used in the initial tab ulations of monthly weather data, in subsequent analysis the positive and negative scale became confusing, so a value of 4.5 was added to the recorded scale and any negative val ues remaining after this addition were subtracted from a value of 12.0. The result is a positive scale running from 0.0 to 12.0 and referred to as RRCORR2. This scale proved to be less confusing and could be separated into a seasonal ordi nation of three-month segments, termed SEASON, in which spring (season 1) values range from 0 to 2.99, summer (sea son 2) values range from 3.0 to 5.99, fall (season 3) values range from 6.0 to 8.99, and winter (season 4) values range from 9.0 to 11.99. In addition, the variable RRCORR3 was defined to accom modate the fact that in environments with a twelve-month growing season, identification of those months with high rain fall is less important than in other habitats. In this study, there fore, for those cases with a twelve-month growing season the value of RRCORR3 is set at 4.5, which is the mean value of summer or growing season rainfall in seasonal settings. On the other hand, in all those cases in which the growing sea son is not year-round, the values of RRCORR3 and RRCORR2 are the same.
The scatter plot in figure 4.02 illustrating the relationship between latitude and mean annual rainfall (CRR) has been redesigned in figure 4.06 so that all data points are coded for season of rainfall (SEASON). The value measuring variance in the mean values for monthly rainfall (CVRAIN) replaces mean annual rainfall (CRR) on the x axis in figure 4.07, and these points are also then coded for SEASON. These two scatter plots each contain several striking fea tures, one of which is that locations with very high values for annual rainfall are dominated by autumn or winter rainfall patterns, particularly in the 40 to 60 degree latitude zone o f high rainfall. Greater variability in the season o f rainfall is found in tropical zones, but there the highest rainfall also tends to occur during the coolest months. Another interesting pattern is the high density of cases with winter-dominated rainfall that runs diagonally across the graph. It begins at about 24 degrees latitude with very-low-rainfall cases and runs diagonally up into the high-rainfall zone, where it peaks at about 48 degrees and then falls steeply to 55 degrees. This pattern illustrates the dynamics o f two significantly different climatic regimes. The first is the maritime climate of coastal western Europe and northwestern North America, and it includes the Southern Hemisphere equivalent along the Chilean Pacific coast, where autumn and winter rainfall is heavy but rain also occurs during other seasons. The other variant is the classic Mediterranean" dimate in which the ummer months are dry and rainfall is concentrated during the winter months.
Although these two rainfall patterns are quite distinct, they tend to grade into one another in both the Mediterranean region and California. Figure 4.08 illustrates the gradual transition from a dassic Mediterranean rainfall pattern to the weak winter-autumn-dominated pattern along the narrow coastal areas of western Europe. A Mediterranean" dimate prevails along the North African coast of the Mediterranean Sea, as well as along the eastern end of the Mediterranean coast and over most of California. In the Southern Hemisphere, the Mediterranean rainfall pattern occurs in a small part of Chile, at the western tip of southern Africa, and along the south coastal areas of western Australia and in parts of the states of South Australia and Victoria. A Mediterranean climate indicator (MEDSTAB) was calculated to reflect the seasonality o f rainfall and deemphasize the measured dryness that occurs during the growing season. MEDSTAB is determined by the following equation: (4.05) MEDSTAB = 10 ** {[iog10ET2 - logT0(7.5 * sqrt CRR)] * RRCQRR2 * Iog10REVEN}/10 By squaring RRCORR, the sign is eliminated and the resulting value simply measures the temporal distance between the months with the warmest temperature and the highest rainfall. Rainfall occurring during the growing sea son results in a low value whereas a high value indicates winter rainfall, when coupled with lower values of CRR and REVEN. Referring back to Figure 4.07 we note a striking reversal of rainfall patterning as latitude changes. The coefficient of variation in rainfall (CVRAIN) is generally highest in those
areas with low annual rainfall and dramatic contrasts between wet and dry seasons of the year. Above 50 degrees, a latitude that corresponds to the northern boreal and polar environ ments, rainfall is strongly summer-dominated and CVRAIN is distributed over a very wide range of values. The lowest vari ance is localized discretely at 45 degrees and at 0 degrees latitude whereas the greatest variability occurs in the latitu dinal zone characterized by dry environments, which are roughly clustered at 20 degrees latitude. Subsequent chapters will explore the relationship between hunter-gatherer system structure and the fundamental cli matic patterns that have been presented in this chapter thus far, but some additional habitat variables must first be intro duced and discussed. One of these variables is MRAIN, a mea sure of rainfall evenness that is calculated by dividing the mean monthly rainfall occurring during the driest month of the year (RLOW) by the value for the mean monthly rainfall occur ring during the wettest month (RHIGH) and multiplying the result by 100:
MRAIN = (RLOW/RHIGH) * 100 This calculation results in a scale of values from 0 to 100 in which 0 indicates the least evenness or the greatest extremes of variation between high- and low-rainfall months. MRAIN is thus the rainfall equivalent of the MTEMP mea sure of temperature. In addition to the preceding indicators of seasonality, two measurements of the effect of rainfall on vegetation provide at least a partial basis for classifying plant commu nities in terms of production. Thomthwaite and Mather s (1955) moisture index? (MI) and Holdridges (1959) rainfall
Percentage of annual precipitation falling in the three winter months over the Mediterranean region of southern Europe and North Africa. Redrawn and adapted from Trewartha (1961 ;figure 5.26).
World map with ordinal zones for the length of the growing season.
index? (HIRX) are introduced in this section but will be explored more fully following a discussion of techniques for measuring production in the plant community. Two important properties of environments that have implications for productivity are the length and quality of the growing season. Growing season is itself a term that has been defined in different ways. For instance, it can refer to the length of timemeasured in consecutive dayswith out killing frost which is usually defined as a temperature of 0C. But because the data used in this study are monthly means of temperatures, a related but slightly different mea sure (GROWC) has been developed by counting the num ber of consecutive months in which the mean exceeds 8C. This measure takes into account the fact that although many plants are not killed at temperatures approaching freezing, few will germinate under near-freezing tempera ture#. For example, some common agricultural crops of the temperate zone will not germinate if temperatures go below 4C, whereas others require temperatures higher than 10C for germination. A constant of 8C is used because Bailey (1960) found that this value best summarized the temper ature at the beginning and end of the growing season in the coldest places on earth.
In the global distribution of growing season indicators depicted in figure 4.09, truly remarkable differences between North America and western Europe are observable in the rela tionship between growing season and latitude. For example, agriculture can be practiced at much higher latitudes in western Europe than in North America. With this illustration, the introduction of basic measures of temperature and mois ture is now complete, and it is time to consider how to mea sure the earths biological activity as it is affected by these variables.
The amount of energy that human actors are able to access from the biological components of a habitat is strongly infl uenced by both the sources of potential energy available tor exploitation within the ecosystem and the tactics and strate gies available to humans for extracting that energy. Since all stored energy in a terrestrial ecosystem is derived from the
conversion of solar energy penetrating the earths atmosphere, it is reasonable to expect that there will be some relationship between productive intensity and the duration of exposure to solar radiation. Other things being equal, the distribution of net production occurring in an ecosystem is related to its position relative to the equatorthe greater the distance from the equator, the lower the net production. This simple generalization has led to attemptsthe most successful by Rosenzweig (1968)to relate net production to those climatic variables that seem to be at least partial deter minants of biological activity. One basic climatic process is summarized by the term actual vapotranspiration (AE), which, according to Rosenzweig, may be defined as precipitation minus runoff, minus per colation ... it may be thought of as the reverse of rain. It is the amount of water actually entering the atmos phere from die soil and the vegetation during any period of time__ Obviously, this atmospheric entry simulta neously requires water and sufficient energy to make the phase transfer of the water possible. Thus AE is a mea sure of the simultaneous availability of water and solar energy in an environment during any given period of time. (1968:67) Rosenzweig demonstrated a log10 relationship between annual vapotranspiration (in millimeters) and net annual aboveground productivity (measured in grams per square meter per year), and he explained why AE is a good predic tor of biological activity and productivity: The fact that AE is a measure of the simultaneous avail ability of water and energy in an environment suggests to me an explanation as to why it should be a success ful predictor of production. Gross productivity may be defined as the integral rate of photosynthesis through out the year. The rate of photosynthesis depends on the concentrations of its raw materials, and water and solar radiational energy are two of these. In terrestrial envi ronments, the third, C 02, is a more or less constant 0.029 percent. Thus the AE is a measure of the two most variable photosynthetic resources. ( 1968:71) Although Rosenzweigs arguments and the demonstrations upon which they were based are impressive, there never theless remains a real-world problem of obtaining a reliable estimate of annual actual vapotranspiration. A number of years ago, after spending considerable time describing the detailed and expensive methods then available for measur ing primary productivity, Odum (1971:56-62) sounded an optimistic note in a discussion of the ability of researchers to obtain reliable estimates of net aboveground productiv ity using basic meteorological data:
Despite the many biological and physical com plica tions, total vapotranspiration is broadly correlated with the rate o f productivity. For example, Rosenzweig (1968) found that vapotranspiration was a highly sig*
nificant predictor of the annual aboveground net pri mary production in mature or climax terrestrial com munities of all kinds (deserts, tundras, grasslands, and forests): however, the relationship was not reliable in unstable or developmental vegetation Knowing the latitude and mean monthly temperatures and precipi tation (basic weather record), one can estimate (AE) from meteorological tables (see Thornthwaite and Mather, 1957), and then with the above equation [Rosenzweig 1968:71 ] predict what a well-adjusted, mature, natural community should be able to produce. (Odum 1971:376-77) Odums optimismprompted by Thornthwaite and Mathers Instructions and Tables for Computing Potential Evapotranspiration and Water Balancewas not wholly justified because the procedure developed by Thornthwaite and his associates, although methodologically elegant, w as very awkward at the operational level. It is, for example, very difficult to follow all of the steps involved in the proce dure and, even if somehow this obstacle were to be sur mounted, several of the steps are primarily germane to estimating conditions affecting agricultural plant species rather than naturally occurring plant communities.7 In an attempt to eliminate some of these impediments, Thornthwaites associate, lohn Mather, published a six-part series of articles entitled Average Climatic Water Balance Data of the Continents (Mather 1962,1962a, 1963,1963a, 1963b, 1964,1965,1965a), in which each article dealt with a differ ent geographic region of the earth. By water balance, Mather meant temporal variability in the relationship between the moisture available to the plant community from rainfall and other sources and the maximum availability of solar radiation in an annual cycle. It should be clear that if most precipitation occurs in the winter, when solar radiation is least abundant, the effect on plant production will be very different than if rainfall occurs during the growing season, during which the highest rates of biological activity in the plant commu nity occur. Mathers series of articles contained a large sample of the earths weather stations and provided data on the longi tude, latitude, topographic elevation, and number of years that meteorological data had been recorded at each station. Although Mathers series of articles contained a wealth ot important data in an accessible tabular format, the equation* by means of which the data were produced were, unfortu nately, never published. This meant that if the locations of interest to a researcher were not listed in the Mather series, it was unlikely that water balance values could be used in that particular analysis. Mathers series was sufficiently comprehensive, however, for the purposes of several researchers. For instance, in V Jsjfetation o f the Earth (1973), Heinrich Walter used water bal ance as the organizing principle for a discussion of the earths vegetation and the basis for excellent graphic summaries oi
environmental conditions affecting seasonality and vegeta tion. Water balance plays an equally important role in a number of textbooks on physical geography (e.g., Strahler and Strahler 1984). Thomthwaite and Mathers logic and reasoning are so sound and elegant that I was prompted to invest the time and effort necessary to generate the equations upon which the water balance data were based.8 The logic was to work back wards from the tables of meteorological data presented by those authors (1957) and, once the water balance equations were derived, to develop a computer program to calculate the data dimensions required for a description of weather sta tion locations in the terms developed by Thomthwaite and Mather.9 In table 4.03, water balance data gathered from the region occupied by the Ngatatjara peoples of Australia are pre sented in the terms devised by Thomthwaite and Mather (1957) and Mather (1962,1963a, 1963b, 1964).10 Comparable data are presented in table 4.04 for the area of the Kalahari desert of Botswana occupied by the !Kung. These tabulations illustrate how a simple format can be used to provide a quick and informative way of comparing basic habitat parameters. Thomthwaite and Mather also used innovative graphing techniques to illustrate the relationships among water bal ance variables (Mather 1962:fig.l). Some of their conventions are included in the climatic diagrams in figure 4.10, in which the horizontal axis is scaled from left to right in terms of the months of the year, from January to December for the North ern Hemisphere and from July to June for the Southern Hemisphere. The vertical axis is scaled in increments of 50 millimeters of water. Since all of the values in figure 4.10 are in millimeters of water, all of the curves can be overplotted, which permits easy visualization of the dynamic state of the plant community over a yearly cycle at a chosen location. The advantage of graphic overplotting is demonstrated by a comparison of graph A in figure 4.10, which presents water balance data for the region of Australia inhabited by Ngatat jara peoples, and graph B, in which similar data are plotted for the Botswana home range of IKung Bushmen. It has been alleged (Gould and Yellen 1987:86) that these two groups occupy similar environments and that environ ment can therefore be regarded as a constant when other properties of the two ethnographic cases are compared. Examination of the critical habitat variable of water bal ance as illustrated in figure 4.10 indicates, however, that Gould and Yellens assumption is unjustified. The question of what the obvious difference in water balance between the Ngatatjara and IKung habitats might mean in terms of divergent niche boundaries between the two groups must, unfortunately, remain unanswered, since there has been no systematic investigation of the relationships between habi tat variables and system state properties.
Before Thomthwaite and Mather could plot the seasonal differences in photosynthetic processes that result from vari ations in water balance at any given location, they first had to obtain estimates of the potential amount of water lost to the soil and the plant community in the form of water vapor dissipated into the atmosphere. Whereas AE is the amount of water, measured in millimeters, that is actually transpired and evaporated from the soil and the plant community dur ing a given period of time, potential vapotranspiration (or PET) is the amount of potential water loss to the soil and the plant community, measured in millimeters, assuming that the only limiting factor is the availability of solar energy. Any difference between AE and PET values at a given location is therefore a direct measure of the degree to which water limitation affects the production of new cells in a specific plant community. If, for example, AE is less than PET, the difference is attributable to the fact that actual rainfall was less than the amount that could have been metabolized by the plant community given the level of available solar energy. The deficit in available water relative to the amount that could have been metabolized is referred to as water deficit (WATD) and is also measured in millimeters. Thomthwaite and Mather were aware that moisture already retained in the soil could fuel both evaporation and transpiration and directly affect the productive capacity of a plant community. They also realized that the value o f AE could not be based exclusively on the amount of rain falling during a given time period (CRR) but must also take into account the quantity of moisture already stored in the soil (WATRET). Further, if rainfall levels tabulated as CRR exceed the amount of moisture that can be evaporated or tran spired (PET), then the excess water either increases the level of water already present in the soil (WATRET) or is lost to the location through runoff. The term runoff (RUNOFF) includes water that is rendered inaccessible to the plant com munityeither through surface flow away from the area or through storage below the level of plant root penetration and ultimately constitutes a regions water table and con tributes to bodies of water such as lakes and ponds. In some climates, snow accumulation, or SNOWAC, also contributes to a regions water surplus or deficit and therefore to the amount of water either stored in the soil (WATRET)11 or released seasonally through runoff. The information summarized in Thomthwaite and Mathers approach to water balance is useful in several ways: 1. It introduces variables based on the dynamic interaction between moisture and solar energy, particularly within the terrestrial plant biome, that cannot be calculated as long as attention is focused st rictly on climatic conditions per se. For instance, instead of relating exclusively to hydro logical dynamics, runoff is now more meaningfully rep resented as that water which falls in excess of the amount
18.43 18.00
18.07 10.50
29.35 10.13
110.46 8.35
11.00 0.00
10.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
Note: PET - potential vapotranspiration; AE - actual vapotranspiration; MRR = mean monthly precipitation in millimeters; WATRET = water retention in millimeters; WATD = water deficit in millimeters; SNOWAC = snow accumulation in millimeters; RUNOFF = water surplus in millimeters.
54.01 1.30
34.29 0.80
123.65 19.50
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
1.00 0.00
1.00 0.00
20.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
Soies: PET = potential vapotranspiration; AE = actual vapotranspiration; MRR = mean monthly precipitation in millimeters; WATRET = water retention in millimeters; WATD = water deficit in millimeters; SN0WC = snow accumulation in millimeters; RUNOFF = water surplus in millimeters.
!Kung GroupNo = 72
g E
Water balance graphs featuring examples from the Ngatatjara of Australia (A) and the IKung of Botswana (B).
that can be evaporated or transpired, given the available solar energy at a given location. Similarly, seasonality of runoff can be evaluated relative to the growing season, so that moisture that was in storage as snow or ice can be seen to be a source of water during the early part o f the growing season, released by the same increasing temper atures that also make plant growth possible. 2. It provides values for variables that are required to calculate estimates of net above-ground productivity as envisioned by Odum. 3. It facilitates the creation of informative graphs that plot the basic variables conditioning plant production in ter restrial biomes. At this juncture, another set of variables used in analysis must be defined. These measure ecologically important properties that can now be standardized relative to potential vapotranspiration (PET), thereby making it possible to compare properties as though potential vapotranspiration were being held constant. These variables include the following: 1. PTOAE: This term refers to the value that is obtained by dividing potential vapotranspiration (PET) by the sum of actual vapotranspiration (AE) and 1.0. It should be dear that low values of AE will result in high values of PTOAE while low values of PTOAE signify AE values very close to or identical to PET. The numeral one is added to AE
so that the lowest values o f AE will yield a value equal to PET. The importance of the PTOAE variable is underscored by the fact that many researchers concerned with plant communities have found that forest maintenance depends on more rain than is indicated by PET values; in other words, more water is required than can be potentially transpired or evaporated. Researchers have also found that a transitional zone between forests and grasslandscom posed of botanical communities termed forest steppe" in cooler settings and savanna in warmer environ ments occurs regularly in places where values of PET divided by CRR (mean annual rainfall) are just slightly greater than 1.0. In this study, the PET/CRR index is referred to as HIRX and is similar to one reported by Holdridge (1947) (see note 6 to this chapter). All locations with values of less than 1.0 support forests, while values greater than 1.0 apply to arid plant communities semidesert, desert, and various transitional forms o f vegetation such as steppe, savanna, thorn woodland, and most Mediter ranean vegetation types. In the era since water-balanoc formulas were developed and more detailed information has become available on the water resources actually serving plant communities as measured by AE and other variables, there have been some attempts to develop more accurate indices for anticipating types o f vegetation using climatic data (Strahler and Strahler 1984),12 2. PTOWATD: This term refers to the value of PET divided
by the sum of WATD plus 1.0, where WATD is the total amount of water that could have been utilized by the plant community annually had it been present in sufficient quantity or at the correct time of the year. As in the pre vious example, high values of WATD yield low values of PTOWATD. In contrast to the previous example, however, low PTOWATD values are not positive indicators. On the contrary, the lower the value, the greater the water defi cit and therefore the less growth potential there is in the plant community. 3. PTORUN: This term refers to the value of PET divided by the sum of the value of RUNOFF plus 1.0 and measures the water that is lost to the plant community through runoff or absorption by the soil beyond the limits of root penetration. It is also a measure of the amount of excess water that may be present at a location, either seasonally or in general, measured by values of HIRX or (PET/CRR) that were less than 1.0. As such, PTORUN is considered a predictor of all true forest plant associations. In addition to the three preceding coefficients, several others were calculated using the water balance approach to measure or count some feature or characteristic of the grow ing season: 1. WILTGRC is a term for the number of months during the growing seasonas defined by GROWCin which rain fall (CRR) is less than or equal to 38 percent of PET. On average, in each month of the growing season included in the WILTGRC variable, available water is below the level at which plants wilt because of water deprivation. 2. WATDGRC is a term for the number of months during the growing season, as defined by GROWC, in which the value for WATD is greater than zero. 3. RUNGRC refers to the number of months during the growing season, as defined by GROWC, in which RUNOFF is greater than zero. These three variables will be of considerable help in deal ing with the types of plant communities from which huntergatherers must obtain their food. Using the preceding measures that summarize relevant properties of the growing season, it is possible to calculate an additional set of useful percentage values with which to doc ument variability in the water balance properties of the growing season. In each of the next three itemized para graphs, the number of months during the growing season characterized by particular water balance conditions is tab ulated, and this count is then divided by the number of months in which the mean monthly temperature equals or exceeds 8C (GROWC). The product of this calculation is the percentage of the growing season during which a given set of conditions occurs.
1 The term PERWRET refers to the percentage of the grow ing season, measured in months, during which water is stored in the soil (the scale is from .001 to 1.00):
(4 -07 )
2. The term DEFPER refers to the percentage of the grow ing season, measured in months, during which a water defi cit occurs (less water delivered as rainfall than could be evaporated or transpired given the potential vapotran spiration values for the months of the growing season; the scale is from 1 to 100):
3. The term PERWLTG refers to the percentage of the grow ing season in which the water available to the plant com munity is at or below the wilting point for plants, which occurs when the sum of rainfall and water stored in the soil is 40 percent or less than the PET value for the month:
In preparation for the introduction of another classification of both climate and vegetation, table 4.05 presents an ordina tion of climates referred to as AVWAT. This classification of the earths environments is based exclusively on a biologically important set of differences in the amount of water available to plant communities in different environmental settings. It con sists of eight classes of vegetation that range from a low of 1.0, which refers to the driest locations, to a high of 8.0 for rain forests. Describing the relationships among some of the impor tant climatic indicators associated with water balance dynam ics now makes it possible to fulfill Odums dream of developing estimates of net aboveground productivity (NAGP) from cli matic data. NAGP represents the new cell life added to a habi tat as a result of photosynthesis and growth (measured in grams per square meter per year) and can be calculated by inserting the estimates of actual vapotranspiration or AE into the formula derived by Rosenzweig ( 1968:71 ):
log,0NAGP * {{1.0 + (1.66 0.27)1 * [log10AE]} (1.66 0.07) where NAGP = net annual aboveground productivity in grams per square meter per year and A E = annual actual vapotranspiration in millimeters. Another useful value is POTNAGP, which represents potential net aboveground productivity as if the only limi tations were from temperature as a surrogate measure of solar radiation. The formula for POTNAGP is
t y p e
4 .O5
4 5
If PTOAE is greater than 5.0, conditions are very dry. If PTOAE is less than or equal to 5.0 and greater than 2.25, conditions are dry. If PTOAE is less than or equal to 2.25 and greater than 1.61, conditions are moderately dry. If PTOAE is less than or equal to 1.61 and greater than 1.41 and DEFPER is greater than 50, conditions are transitional dry. I f PTOAE is less than or equal to 1.61 and greater than 1.41 and DEFPER is less than 50, conditions are transitional damp. If PTOAE is less than or equal to 1.41 and PTOWATD is greater than 3.40, and if PTOAE is less than or equal to 1.41 and greater than 1.23, conditions are damp. If PTOAE is less than or equal to 1.41 and PTOWATD is greater than 3.40, and if PTOAE is less than or equal to 1.23 and greater than 1.01, conditions are moist. If PTOAE is less than or equal to 1.41 and PTOWATD is greater than 3.40, and if PTOAE is less than or equal to 1.01, conditions are wet.
log10POTNAGP = f[1.0 + (1.66 0.27)] ? [log10PET]} (1.66 0.07)
where POTNAGP equals potential net annual aboveground productivity in grams per square meter per year and PET = potential vapotranspiration in millimeters.
The variable POTNAGP is therefore an estimate of the pro jected level of net annual aboveground productivity, given the unlikely possibility that unlimited water is available at all loca tions. In reality, this measure is a little misleading since cloud cover is related to rainfall and tends to depress tempera tures and the amount of available solar radiation. Similarly, dry environments tend to lack cloud cover and are therefore characterized by higher temperatures.
As the analysis of the large environmental and ethnographic data bases at the heart of this study proceeds, it should become clear that the descriptive generalizations and theo retical conclusions that are produced have resulted from the application of inductive principles of investigation. The inductive method consists of a search for relationships between classes of entities or properties, and a researchers goal is usually to identify the character of a relationship (or to illustrate a nonrelationship) between two factors or prop erties assigned to the axes of a two-dimensional graph. The field of possible data points within the boundaries of such a Cartesian graph can be thought of as an analytical space often referred to as property spaceagainst which distribu tions of properties of interest to the researcher assume different forms that reflect the relationships between those properties.
It is possible to project onto property space some of the environmental dimensions previously defined in this chap ter, such as AE, PET, and POTNAGP, whose differing values are likely to be strong conditioners of hunter-gatherer niche differentiation. The graphic pattern that is created in such a display is called a property space map, and the different spa tial forms that the environmental data of my study assume can be thought of as habitat continents. As the two scatter plots in figure 4.11 illustrate, these analytical continents are in some ways comparable to the physical earth with its warm equatorial zones and cold polar regions. They demonstrate the relationships between latitude, plotted on the y axis, and the two measures of solar energy, ET and PET, plotted on the xaxis. Both graphs feature a familiar pattern: a slightly curvilinear distribution with high energy (warm) values in the lowlat itudes and lower energy values in the high latitudes. A more surprising observation, however, is an increasing spread in the energy values as one approaches the lower latitudes (less than 20 degrees on the ET chart and less than 30 degrees on the PET chart). This pattern records the increasing effects of altitude and other conditions, such as ocean temperatures, on the energy variance as a function of increased potential values for warmth in the tropics. As displayed in property space, the pattern or habitat continent resembles a beanie or skullcap with a feather emerging from the upper left side. Figure 4.12 illustrates the relationship between the geo graphic distribution of weather stations in the global sampk and the temperature-based classification of climates (CUM) that will be used in some subsequent comparisons. Without any other relevant information, however, the CLIM categories would constitute a very limited frame of reference for look ing at habitat variability. Similarly, solar energy equivalents scaled relative to latitude in figure 4.11 (which also appear in figure 4.02), although useful, are nevertheless only single climatic approximations of fundamental energy states.
Property space graphs, compiled from the world weather station sample, defined by latitude, effective temperature, and potential vapotranspiration.
In an effort to endow the habitat continent depicted in figure 4.12 with greater information and therefore more realism, the relationship between latitude (y axis) and the log10 value of net aboveground productivity (NAGP) in the plant community (xaxis) is shown in figure 4.13. This distribution should be compared with a plot of latitude (y axis) against the log10value of the net annual productivity expected if water were not a limiting factor (figure 4.14). (It should be recalled that primary productivity as estimated by either NAGP or POTNAGP is a direct estimate of the amount of new plant cells added to the plant community per unit area per year.) The addition of NAGP and POTNAGP has a dramatic effect on the shape of the habitat continent. Instead of the
beanie-with-feather pattern produced when solar energy was the only defining parameter, now the continent is very much wider. A pronounced peninsula of low net aboveground productivity forms a high-latitude arc pointing to 90 degrees and another broad, triangular peninsula converges to the left at 20 degrees latitude. The former peninsula rep resents the limitations on plant productivity that are almost exclusively conditioned by diminished solar energy, whereas the latter peninsula corresponds to situations in which there is insufficient rainfall to ensure maximum productivity from the amount of available solar energy. The peninsula that converges on 20 degrees represents the concentration of very dry environments identified earlier in a discussion of
Pa* t
m e t h o d s
fo r
p rio r
know ledge
F IG U R E 4 . 1 2 World map with ordinal zones by effective temperature, compiled from the world weather station sample. Marker is for temperature (CLIM): (1 ) polar, (2) boreal, (3) cool temperate, (4) warm temperate, (5) subtropical, (6) trop ical, and (7) equatorial.
weather circulation patternsthat includes the deserts of the world and occurs just below 30 degrees latitude on a model of the earth. In fact, all of the points in figure 4.13 that fell either below or to the left of the right edge of the distribution rep resent situations in which insufficient water, relative to PET, results in less productivity than would otherwise be possible, given the amount of available solar energy. This pattern is indi cated by the distribution of points that is coded in terms of the eight-point AVWAT scale in table 4.05, which measures the annual water deficit in each case. In this graph, the larger, open, circular markers correspond to locations with the least water deficit. The projection of a smooth, curved line along the upper right margin of the distribution represents the upper limit of productivity, conditioned by solar energy, on the earth as it is geographically constituted. Similarly, the graph in figure 4.14 demonstrates that any deviation between the amount of solar radiation, measured by PET, and net productivity (NAGP) results from either of two conditions: (1) the amount of annual rainfall (CRR) is less than the amount that could be evaporated or transpired at a given location, or (2) variations in geography, such as land-
mass size and elevation, affect the temperature regime at a location in response to the interaction of such meteorolog ical factors as ocean currents and air circulation patterns. The plots in figures 4.11-4.14 illustrate what is meant by the concept of property space and demonstrate the poten tial utility of graphic tools such as property space maps in a complex, comparative study of hunter-gatherer ecology. After I have introduced some additional variables that appear to condition sociocultural variability, more property space maps will be generated as part of my examination of the inter action of pertinent variables and their effect on huntergatherer life ways. The huge spread at the top of the graph in figure 4.14 illustrates the relationship between the amount of water in a region and net aboveground productivity. It should also be clear from this example that the doser an area is to either polar region, where PET approaches zero, the less effect water has on NAGP values. Prim ary Biom ass Any consideration of habitat variability in terms of net aboveground productivity leads directly to the subject t biomass -that is, the amount of synthesized material pres-
a +f
a s
& 3
Net Aboveground Productivity (NAGP) (g/m2/year)
Property space map defined by latitude and the log10 value of net aboveground productivity in the plant biome, from the world weather station sample. Marker is for available water (AVWAT): (1) very dry, (2) dry, (3) moderately dry, (4) transitional dry, (5) transitional damp, (6) damp, (7) moist, and (8) wet.
Demonstration of the relationship between potential vapo transpiration and rainfall as joint conditioners of net above ground productivity in the plant biome, from the world weather station sample. Marker is for available water (AVWATh (1 ) very dry, (2) dry, (3) moderately dry, (4) transitional dry, (5) transitional damp, (6) damp, (7) moist, and (8) wet.
ent or maintained in the producer component of an eco system. Although levels of biomass and production are the direct result of gross climatic conditions, they respond in dependently to the impact of specific climatic variables. Think for a moment of a dense forest in which much of the biomass is concentrated in tree trunks, limbs, and roots. In this setting, production may be low relative to the amount of biomass that is present. On the other hand, in a grassland, where most of the biomass is represented by reproductive tis sue (e.g., blades of grass), production is relatively high and biomass is low. Table 4.06 documents some of the variability in biomass and production that has defined the opportunities and lim itations on subsistence that hunter-gatherers in different habitats have had to cope with. The various levels of primary biomass that are listed in column 3 for a range of habitat types have considerable impact on the subsistence efforts of human foragers. Primary biomass is greatest in high-rainfall zones such as boreal-temperate forests and tropical and subtropical forests. Any location where water is restricted will place lim its on both net primary productivity and primary biomass, although primary biomass does not respond to energetic lim itations such as temperature in the same way as net primary productivity. In the face of variations in available solar radiatvon, the amount of primary biomass is tempered by the vari able metabolic rates that characterize the different quaternary forest types and results in a partial independence between the distributions of biomass and net primary productivity.
These patterns have significant implications for all animal species, including human beings. For instance, the higher the biomass accumulation ratio (table 4.06, column 6), the lower the proportion of primary production available for brows ing and grazing animals to eat. Secondary biomass the amount of animal tissue supported by the habitat is even more directly signaled by the percentage o f biomass repre sented by leafy plant material (column 4). Those habitats with the highest values for percent o f biomass represented by leaves temperate steppe, arctic tundra, dry steppe, imma ture temperate broadleaf forest, and dwarf scrub tundra are also habitats with the highest secondary biomass. The arctic tundra biome is characterized by vast caribou herds, the steppe by bison and horse herds, and the subtropical savannas by mixed herds of wildebeest, zebra, and other ungulates. In fact, other things being equal, it is reasonable to expect that the lower the leaf percentage of a habitat is, the less secondary or animal biomass is likely to be present in that habitat. The lowest values in column 4 occur in temperate mature forests, followed by deserts and subtropical forests, strongly indicating that a subsistence strategy based pri marily on animal resources will be difficult in these settings. This brief comparison of some of the data in table 4.06 is sufficient to indicate that the distribution of biomass is cru cial to the niche definition of both human and nonhuman foragers. The next step is to develop a measure of primary
4 .O6
V V wM UL Type
Subtype True Dwarf-scrub Northern taiga Middle taiga Southern taiga Northern coniferous Beech Oak Temperate broadleaf Secondary birch Northern coniferous Acacia plantation Beech-poplar Temperate broadleaf Bamboo Temperate Dry Subtropical Dwarf/semishrub Dry Moderate True True
Total 0.50 2.80 10.00 26.00 33.00 26.00 37.00 40.00 43.20 8.77 8.05 9.33 2.20 6.20 1.30 2.50 1.00 0.60 0.43 0.27 6.66 41.00 50.00
Percent leaves 15.00 11.00 8.00 6.00 6.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.80 3.60 4.20 7.60 7.70 11.60 3.50 18.00 15.00 3.00 3.00 11.00 12.00 3.00 8.00
(p) 0.10 0.25 0.45 0.70 0.85 2.00 1.30 0.90 2.16 1.08 1.11 2.94 0.86 2.80 1.60 1.12 0.42 0.25 0.12 0.73 1.20 2.45 3.25
5.00 11.20 22.20 37.10 38.70 13.10 28.40 44.40 20.00 8.10 7.20 3.20 2.40 2.20 0.70 2.20 2.40 2.40 3.50 3.70 5.60 16.70 15.40
Note: Total biomass and net production values are calculated as kg/m2 per year. Data are taken from Krebs (1972:449) and Odum (1971:376).
biomass so that this variable can be reliably incorporated into the frame o f reference used in this study as a tool to inves tigate the organization o f hunter-gatherer groups. A search o f the ecological literature has revealed that independent estimates o f biom ass are not available for m any specific areas where measures o f other habitat variables could be obtained. This discovery has necessitated the use o f the data in tables 4.01 and 4.07 to ground em pirically the proce dures for estimating biomass. To do this, the locations at which biomass values were sum marized in table 4.06 were identified and additional mete orological data relevant to these locations were obtained, thereby linking biomass values to other variables used in this study. Those cases were plotted for which maximum biomass was expected that is, where actual vapotranspiration ( AE) equaled potential vapotranspiration (PET) and rainfall exceeded potential vapotranspiration by at least 1.75 times PET. The preceding criterion is derived from a number o f studies of the relationship between rainfall relative to poten tial vapotranspiration and biomass. For example, true rain
forests generally occur only in regions in which annual rain fall is greater than potential vapotranspiration. Similarly, em pirical inform ation has been summarized by Holdridge ( 1959) and Thornthwaite and M ather ( 1957) which demon strates that biomass increases as a function o f increases in rain fall o f between 1.7 5 and 2.0 times PET the interval within which m axim um plant biom ass occu rs.1' Plant biomass therefore appears to be a function o f the availability of water beyond that which is evaporated or transpired by the plant com m unity, which makes good sense given the fact that m axim um biom ass is achieved when water is not a limiting factor for the plant community. The more continuously that excess water is available while not resulting in long periods of standing water the higher the biomass in a plant com munity will be. For the documented cases in this study that spanned the total range o f the earth's environm ents, a curve " a s tit defining the relationship between prim ary biomass and the m axim um net aboveground productivity that could be supported at a given location ,1" * using the following equation:
( 4 . 12 ) MAXBIO= [-1514.10169014 + (23.7869109052 * POTNACP) + (-0.0609287524512 * POTNAGP2) + (6.46993574054E-05 * POTNAGP3)l/ (1 + (-0.00230688794979 * POTNAGP) + (1.30111054427E-06 * POTNAGP2) + (7,5212956032E-10 * POTNAGP3)] Once an estimate of MAXBIO or the maximum biomass that can occur at a given location has been determined, it is possible to calculate the maximum biomass accumulation ratio, or MAXBAR, that would correspond to this value: (4.13)
where PGROW is a weighted measure of the simultaneous presence of both water and solar radiation available to the plant community and PPPER is the percentage of potential vapotranspiration realized as actual vapotranspiration. This weighting is obtained through the following series of steps: If then Else if then Else if then CRR is .40 * PET PGROW = 0.0 for the month CRR is < 1.2 * PET PGROW = 1.0 for the month CRR > 1 . 2 * PET PGROW = 3.0 for the month
With two maximum estimates for biomass at any cli matically documented location and assuming maximum water availabilityit becomes possible to scale observed conditions against this maximum estimate to obtain an esti mate of actual primary biomass. Before outlining the steps involved in the development of this important environ mental parameter, a brief recap of the research standing behind MAXBIO might be helpful. Numbers of empirical studies have demonstrated that in order for maximum primary biomass to occur, water in considerable excess of PET is required. In fact, total rainfall levels nearly equal to or double PET are common in areas in which maximum bio mass values have been observed. Regular shifts in the char acter of a forest, as well as shifts to nonforest habitats, have been noted to scale with the proportions of rainfall to PET. Although it is easy to think of the real world in these terms, the actual relationship between rainfall levels and PET is curvilinear, which made it necessary to use log10 conver sions in estimating primary biomass (BIOS).
The sum of monthly PGROW indices for all months is then divided by thirty-six, or the maximum value that could occur if all twelve months had a value of 3.0. This percent age value is then multiplied by 2.5 and added to the percentage value obtained when CRR/(1.75 * PET). Annual rainfall is divided by 1.75 times annual potential evapotranspiration (PET), and the entire value is then divided by 3.5 to obtain an average percentage for the weighted sum value. This value is then multiplied by MAXBIO, and the resulting value is then multiplied by the values obtained from the first step in the equation. This result has the effect of a squared percentage value, but the two values are different ways of obtaining estimates of similar conditioners of primary biomass. The final equation used for estimating primary biomass is
If then AE/PET is less than 1.0 BIOS = 10 * * [log10CRR - (log101 .75 + log10PET)] * MAXBIO * [(2.5 * PGROW/36) + PPPERJ/3.5 otherwise B I05 m MAXBIO.
AE/PET is less than 1.0 BI05 = 10 ** [log10CRR - (log101 .75 + log10PET>] * a modified value for MAXBIO to be described in step two, otherwise BIOS = MAXBIO.
The preceding equations now make it possible to obtain primary biomass (BI05) estimates from climatic data. Val ues for biomass accumulation ratio,
This equation outlines only part of the dynamics, since water is only one of several limitations on primary biomass that include reduced solar radiation and differences in the metabolic rates of plant communities at different latitudes. It is necessary to build into the equation such factors as the effects of temperature limitations, as well as constraints that involve the interaction between temperature (growing sea son conditions) and water availability. These conditioners of primary biomass are summarized in the next analytical step.
can now be calculated using values presented for each group in the hunter-gatherer data set in table 4.07. Figure 4.15 illustrates the distribution of latitude and primary biomass (BI05) for the global sample of weather
4 .0
1 j
5 6
Indonesia Philippines Indonesia Nicobar Islands Andaman Islands Andaman Islands Philippines f yAndaman Islands Malaysia Sri Lanka India Philippines Philippines Philippines India Thailand India India India India India Japan China Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Venezuela Venezuela Suriname Venezuela Colombia Colombia Brazil Jjfe . flr Brazil Bolivia Bolivia Brazil Florida
Punan Batek Kubu Shompen Onge Jarwa Ayta-Pinatubo North Island Semang Veddah Hill-Pandaran Agta (Casiguran) Agta (Isabela) Agta (North Luzon) Chenchu Mrabri Paliyans Birhor Kadar Cholanaickan Nayaka Ainu (Hokkaido) Orogens Ket Gilyak Yukaghir Nganasan Siberian Eskimo Paraujano Shiriana Akuriyo Yaruro-pume Guahibo Nukak Bororo Guato Siriono Yuqui Nambikwara Calusa
1,637.66 1,778.69 1,609.52 1,794.49 1,679.34 1,650.56 1,678.16 1,605.91 1,320.69 1,779.68 1,867.69 1,590.15 1,633.04 1,601.79 1,428.30 1,573.28 1,033.43 1,306.81 698.73 699.02 697.84 565.29 491.47 465.09 452.85 331.97 250.51 223.66 1,842.08 1,717.92 1,654.70 1,742.83 1,676.08 1,144.33 1,291.23 1,462.16 1,487.55 1,482.57 1,211.40 1,234.85
1,637.66 1,445.65 1,609.52 1,794.47 1,566.25 1,414.14 1,224.17 1,235.08 1,320.69 1,305.34 850.62 1,590.15 1,400.41 1,446.63 946.74 1,088.39 1,015.75 936.14 698.73 699.02 695.51 550.42 4 2 2 .8 7 358.30 378.82 153.59 171.06 189.93 1,370.66 1,644.54 1,611.05 1,217.25 1,667.86 1,144.33 1,152.33 1,341.13 1,385.18 1,482.57 801.58 1,233.17
56,660.51 30,378.80 56,157.12 59,274.80 57,386.48 29,082.34 57,366.23 2,0875.11 50,350.34 17,266.13 3,916.20 47,9 4 1 .2 0 23,670.98 26,951.88 15,645.89 9,571.19 17,804.35 13,839.86 36,0 4 9 .3 0 36,054.52 22,638.52 21,509.67 8,175.25 8,724.06 6,895.30 875.62 1,219.11 1,235.29 13,800.41 36,721.40 30,257.05 18,920.42 42,207.45 46,251.29 26,175.82 13,715.39 18,304.27 43,035.30 4,806.06 19,445.02
9 10
12 13 14
18 19
23 24 25 26 27 28 35 36 37 38 39
40 41
43 44 4!
H U N T E R - G AT H E R E R D A T A
B a R 5
11.96 7.89 12.120 10.75 13.05 7.83 19.63 7.04 15.19 5.31 2.45 10.62 6.48 6.99
4,738.19 3,852.15 4,603.80 5,514.85 4,400.17 3,713.79 2,922.91 2,966.27 3,315.37 3,251.70 1,597.21 4.512.19 3,654.14 3,856.52 1,907.85 2,404.72 2.144.19 1,872.51 1,152.28 1,153.06 1,143.48 775.45 500.62 380.24 417.06 93.19 111.44 132.57 3.526.19 4,771.26 4,611.08 2,895.55 4,884.11 2,613.32 2,643.73 3,400.97 3,588.40 4,016.87 1,447.29 2,958.67
0 .0 0 0 .0 0
12 12
a 3
12 12 12
0 0 0 2
4 3
12 12
12 12 12 12
474.32 1,017.07
0.00 0.00
0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0
0 2
232.63 155.15 481.56 484.89 17.68 370.67
0 1 0
3 3
3.98 8.30 7.39 31.29 3 1.27 19.80 27 .7 4 16.34 22.95 16.53 9 .40 10.94 9.32 3.91 7.70 6.56 6.53 8.64 17.70 9.90 4.03 5.10 10.71 3.32 6.57
174.52 84.98 174.52 306.71 259.95 196.74 65.8 178.00 174.52 129.28 9.00 113.49 51.75 63.27 78.07 28.99 76.56 77.54 363.18 166.28 292.12 88.69 24.18 44.10 62.17 35.41 52.19 51.77 14.25 87.32 190.66 145.32 299.64 373.93 96.32 98.28 84.50 127.85 61.87 110.62
0.00 0.00
25.00 41.67 41.67 41.67
41.67 83.33
41.67 33.33 50.00 66.67 16.67 41.67
0.00 0.00
2.32 14.88 68.60 106.79 74.03 178.38 79.44 33.73 471.42 73.38 43.65 525.58
12 12 12 12 12 12
6 5 3 5 3 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0
0.00 0.00
8.33 16.67 80.00 66.67 60.00
138.90 121.03 102.37
0 .0 0
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0 .0 0
12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
0 0
0 0 1 0 0 0 0
16.67 50.00 25.00
50.00 S.33
48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 60 61 62 63 64 65
67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 78 79
82 83
89 90
93 94
Paraguay Brazil Brazil Brazil Argentina Chile Chile Argentina Argentina Congo Congo Zaire Cameroon Zaire Zaire Madagascar Zambia Namibia Tanzania Kenya Angola Botswana Botswana Botswana Botswana Botswana South Africa South Africa South Africa Australia Queensland Australia Northern Territory Australia Northern Territory Australia Northern Territory Australia Northern Territory Australia Northern Territory Australia Northern Territory Australia Western Australia Australia Queensland Australia Northern Territory Australia Northern Territory Australia Queensland Australia Queensland Australia Northern Territory Australia Queensland Australia-N orthern Territory
Guayaki (Ache) Botocudo Heta Aweikomo Tehuelche Chono Alacaluf Ona Yahgan Aka Bayaka Bambote Baka Efe Mbuti Mikea Hukwe Haiy/Om Hadza Dorobo (Okiek) Sekele IKung Nharo G/Wi Kua !Ko /Auni Khomani //Xegwi /Xam Kaurareg Larikia Gunwinggu Mirrngadja Anbara Gidjingali Murngin (Yolngu) Jeidji (Forest River) Wikmunkan Kakadu Nunggubuyu Yintjingga Yir-yoront Tiwi Kuku-yalanji Groote-eylandt
1,108.86 978.44 930.89 914.24 690.24 613.71 599.25 485.00 508.63 1,472.02 1,472.30 1,258.56 1,249.95 1,157.54 1,048.96 1,345.27 1 , 122.66 1,130.89 899.93 798.18 1,147.65 998.50 1,024.23 934.94 942.07 916.00 900.39 799.29 810.07 1,569.36 1,754.19 1,791.86 1,678.19 1,652.76 1,627.61 1,656.69 1,834.81 1,513.15 1,603.68 1,652.81 1,476.92 1,620.94 1,517.62 1,435.67 1,509.97
1,108.86 935.41 930.89 914.24 206.91 613.71 599.25 392.84 414.50 1,443.27 1,472.30 927.34 1,246.66 1,154.09 1,043.32 397.36 688.80 616.70 732.73 795.41 700.45 457.32 385.60 333.84 354.20 281.50 123.77 742.61 236.12 997.90 1041.45 969.83 976.04 960.48 945.63 965.00 638.82 983.44 1,042.59 896.22 1,062.81 899.50 1,052.17 1,097.66 957.95
31,611.53 22,041.49 37,881.40 37,074.12 1,322.77 34,097.80 33,546.36 8,600.41 10,603.66 25,461.31 28,448.64 16,752.04 30,880.84 30,072.33 33,168.24 1,065.74 6,994.88 3,060.41 11,372.16 25,774.44 4,469.83 2,081.68 2,110.81 1,521.00 2,008.09 909.82 124.22 17,513.66 1,028.31 17,620.21 16,168.63 11,366.31 10,146.53 9,860.92 9,573.19 9,420.35 2,131.21 16,648.36 11,138.53 6,275.31 18,003.14 8,576.32 16,400.11 21,477.13 10,129.69
12.75 11.79 20.42 20.59 8.65 36.70 37.57 19.41 21.90 6.63 7.16 9.09 10.25 11.35 14.80 2.36
3.27 9.12 18.04 3.86 3.65 4.91 4.50 5.38 3.57 1.91 13.74 5.40 8.46 7.23 5.72 5.06 5.05 5.03 4.79 2.15 8.19 4.97 3.60 7.79 4.89 7.21 8.81 5.21
2,480.26 1,870.10 1,855.11 1,800.37 152.83 929.01 892.96 443.00 484.28 3,841.66 3,970.77 1,843.38 3,012.60 2,650.44 2,241.67 451.48 1,125.21 936.53 1,246.84 1,428.85 1,156.98 570.12 429.52 338.12 373.04 254.76 65.12 1,274.87 190.29 2,082.03 2,235.02 1,985.71 2,006.86 1,954.04 1,904.13 1,969.32 992.95 2,032.18 2,239.09 1,741.85 2,311.62 1,752.44 2,273.33 2,438.82 1,945.50
0.00 43.02 0.00 0.00 483.33 0.00 0.00 92.16 94.13 28.75 0.00 331.22 3.29 3.46 5.64 947.91 433.86 514.19 167.20 2.77 447.20 541.18 638.63 601.09 587.87 634.49 776.62 56.68 573.95 571.46 712.74 822.02 702.15 692.28 681.99 691.69 1,195.99 529.71 561.08 756.59 414.11 721.44 465.45 338.01 552.02
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
12 12 12 12
9 7
3 3
0 0 0 0 7 0 0
0 0 0 3 0 0 0
12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
4 4
0 3
8 6
12 0
7 4 5
6 6 6 6 6 8
154.16 101.29 174.52 152.68 5.49 174.52 143.03 43.35 45.54 177.95 226.79 81.58 300.96 289.85 324.97 0.00 48.91 14.04 61.91 133.95 26.12 4.82 0.00 3.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 48.43 3.40 55.14 59.32 53.31 55.90 53.47 45.45 49.34 0.00 54.38 47.83 27.41 53.16 40.24 55.83 59.68 41.95
100.00 100.00
16.67 0.00 41.67 8.33 8.33 8.33
58.33 83.33 41.67 8.33 66.67 83.33
50.00 66,67 66.67 58.33 58.33 58.33 50.00 58.33
6 6
5 3 5
NO. STAT E Austral ia- Queensland Northern Territory Australia- Australia--Western Australia Australia--Western Australia Australia--Queensland Australia -Queensland Australia--Western Australia Australia -Queensland Australia -Western Australia Australia -Queensland Australia -Western Australia Australia -Northern Territory Australia -Queensland Australia -Western Australia Australia-Western Australia Australia-Northern Territory Australia-Queensland Australia-Queensland Australia Queensland Australia-Northern Territory Australia Western Australia Australia-New South Wales Australia-Northern Territory Australia-South Australia Australia-Northern Territory Australia-South Australia Australia-Northern Territory Australia New South Wales Australia Western Australia Australia-Western Australia Australia-New South Wales Australia-South Australia Australia-New South Wales Australia--South Australia Australia-Western Australia Australia--Victoria Australia-Victoria -Victoria Australia latmania IftMMMM Walmbaria Mulluk Worora Lungga Lardil Kaiadilt Karadjeri Mamu Kariera Warunggu Djaru Walbiri Ngatjan Mardudjara Ildawongga Pintubi Undanbi Jinibarra Karuwali Alyawara Ngatatjara Badjalang Pitjandjara Dieri Arenda (southern) Jankundjara Arenda (northern) Ualaria Nakako Ooldea Barkindji Karuna Wongaibon Jaralde Mineng Tjapwurong Bunurong Kiirnai Tasmanians (eastern) Tasmanian (western) Seri NAME
1,456.20 1,625.29 1,544.83 1,631.88 1,520.08 1,521.27 1,528.09 1,211.90 1,398.59 1,206.87 1,432.30 1,419.12 1,061.83 1,369.51 1,331.81 1,300.40
858.81 1,017.53 909.11 587.13 878.98 895.09 445.97 1,211.90 303.86 1,144.95 413.87 334.50 1,061.83 298.01 317.08 314.47 982.93 983.17 248.91 300.30 244.47 877.98 284.49 184.08 175.88 189.27 277.63 478.89 247.10
1 ,012.21
1,013.01 1,243.02 1,261.29 1,215.88 1,017.25 1,192.01 1,173.73 1,149.40 1,093.38 1,094.03 1,078.66 1,054.35 891.90 937.42 845.84 941.58 801.73 759.21 780.19 721.54 696.90 658.31 640.60 1,350.78
215.31 428.41 406.42 374.60 550.68 356.49 596.51 568.81 575.94 640.60 306.23
136 143
M ntko
, 0 7 (continued)
9 ,113.49 13,576.86 9,543.11 2,118.17 9 ,481.53 8 ,6 6 9 .9 0 1,302.20 47,8 6 4 .8 2 65 7 .3 4 47,7 4 6 .4 3 1,063.79 75 6 .2 7 44 ,2 2 9 .2 6 524.32 468.23 886.85 14,698.17 14,695.53 538.75 850.55 644.52 1 2,888.24 711.99 355.58 338.19 48 5 .1 9 862.00 2915.04 848.04 737.40 783.20 6,801.93 2,808.65 3,307.30 17,590.48 3,812.81 14,340.08 12,535.66 12,091.62 34,871.13
5.62 6.31 5.35 2.45 5.62 4 .9 9 2.38 16.65 2.27 18.25 2.20 2.23 19.16 1.87 1.51 2.90 7.24 7.23 2.59 23.00 3.20 7.66 2.75 2.82 2.90 3.68 3.46 4.74 4.13 5.10 4.80 13.30 5.99 8.08 22.67 10.11 16.18 15.31 14.46 34.96 2.20
1,622.82 2,150.46 1,783.62 863.18 1,686.58 1,738.21 546.82 2,874.45 289.23 2,615.68 483.04 339.23 2,308.07 280.04 310.41 306.18 2,030.41 2,031.27 207.70 283.64 201.58 1,683.40 259.28 125.87 116.70 131.81 248.97 615.44 205.19 144.69 163.26 511.56 468.70 409.38 776.07 377.01 886.20 818.92 836.05 997.54 292.99
597.39 607.75 635.72 1,044.75 641.10 626.18 1,082.13 0.00 1,094.73 61.92 1,019.12 1,084.62 0.00 1,071.50 1,014.73 985.93 29.28 29.84 994.11 960.98 971.41 139.27 907.52 989.65 973.53 904.11 816.40 599.77 807.25 691.70 722.11 417.42 535.16 427.13 208.52 423.73 125.03 128.09 82.36 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 .0 0 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00
12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 10 9 9 12
7 5 7 8 7 7 9 0 10 0 9 10 0 11 11 9 0 0 10 9 9 0 7 10 9 8 9 5 "7 7 8 8 4 4 4 2
42.42 58.22 34.73 0.00 45.53 43.77 0.00 154.21 0.00 103.45 0.00 0.00 112.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 43.65 43.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 25.70 4.85 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0 .0 0 15.64 5.11 0 .00 0 .00 33.41 17.25 9.84 53.40 14.77 50.57 38.41 45.98 143.00 0.85
58.33 58.33 58.33 100.00 66.66 66.67 100.00 0.00 100.00 25.00 100.00 100.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 16.67 16.67 100.00 100.00 100.00 41.67 75.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 66.67 75.00 100.00 100.00 50.00 58.33 58.33 33.33 58.33 25.00 50.00 33.33 0.00 100.00
1 044.54
4 0 0 0 0
144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188
Califrnia Califrnia Mexico Califrnia Califrnia Califrnia Califrnia Califrnia Califrnia Califrnia Califrnia Califrnia Califrnia Catifomia Califrnia Califrnia Califrnia Califrnia Califrnia Califrnia Califrnia Califrnia Califrnia Califrnia Califrnia Califrnia Califrnia Califrnia Califrnia Califrnia Califrnia Califrnia Califrnia Califrnia Califrnia Califrnia Califrnia Gregon Califrnia Califrnia Califrnia Califrnia Califrnia Cfl&frnia Oregori
Cahuilla Cupeno Kiliwa Diegueno Lake Yokuts Serrano Luiseno Wukchumi Tubatulabal Nomlaki Northern Foothill Yokuts Patwin Gabrielino Monache Eastern Pomo Clear-lake Pomo Wintu Chumash Chimariko Nisenan Salinan Pomo (southern) Sinkyone Lessik Miwok (Coast) Mattole Miwok (Lake) Yuki (Proper) Wappo Pomo (northern) Yana Miwok Tekelma Yuki (Coast) Tolowa Shasta Hupa Tututni Karok Atsugewi Wiyot Maidu (Mountain) Yurok Achumawi Modoc
1,269.97 1,143.68 988.19 846.94 983.44 910.07 834.18 9,30.61 955.62 886.75 845.91 864.97 765.42 876.96 809.49 792.10 831.02 736.85 810.88 793.75 755.30 767.47 763.50 754.31 731.93 720.59 731.30 722.32 727.19 711.77 706.80 696.01 706.56 700.29 695.74 693.13 670.54 671.63 654.65 630.07 660.47 591.07 648.99 589.94 573.00
117.47 204.68 196.68 244.57 174.83 210.37 238.83 321.43 255.22 287.96 284.43 265.15 295.72 201.91 325.92 335.97 367.28 332.06 452.79 320.47 315.22 346.78 431.10 371.67 377.74 425.54 365.07 372.37 349.13 451.60 385.53 364.98 345.62 464.55 482.68 388.39 447.34 521.60 453.80 304.59 464.69 257.65 510.86 281.85 239.71
222.03 1,111.30 1,177.00 2,324.81 1,112.48 1,701.29 2,668.39 7,506.25 1,653.91 5,653.81 5,146.86 4,702.85 5,606.47 946.14 10,002.09 11,433.60 13,717.91 4,518.86 38,231.51 13,389.29 4,712.60 11,534.93 37,259.99 18,266.87 11,200.64 36,448.62 9,873.17 19,987.89 11,741.79 36,287.22 15,222.43 14,023.43 12,055.83 36,077.82 35,994.43 19,376.48 35,519.58 35,541.01 35,193.32 8,782.52 19,717.44 6,729.62 35,068.30 7,567.83 3,958.39
3.72 7.40 8.378 11.53 9.63 10.83 13.76 23.64 7.64 21.37 19.86 20.39 20.28 6.45 30.78 33.46 34.62 13.48 68.18 42.38 15.33 32.02 72.09 45.21 26.98 72.05 25.17 49.31 32.23 64.99 35.45 35.77 33.66 61.66 57.72 44.57 64.63 50.11 62.53 30.25 33.68 30.60 51.18 29.64 20.29
59.71 150.10 140.49 201.72 115.54 157.09 193.92 317.52 216.51 264.54 259.19 230.68 276.48 146.74 324.91 341.71 396.18 335.14 560.78 315.94 307.39 360.15 516.89 404.08 415.09 505.88 392.24 405.34 364.21 558.32 429.40 392.08 358.16 585.15 623.55 434.69 549.61 709.22 562.86 290.38 585.46 219.94 685.14 255.29 195.11
1,152.50 939.01 791.50 602.37 808.61 699.71 595.35 609.17 700.40 598.79 561.48 599.81 469.70 675.05 483.57 456.13 463.74 404.79 358.09 473.28 440.08 420.69 332.40 382.64 354.19 295.05 366.22 349.95 378.06 260.17 321.27 331.02 360.93 235.75 213.06 304.74 223.20 150.03 200.85 325.48 195.78 333.42 138.13 308.09 333.30
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 83.24 0.00 166.67 0.00 167.75 84.14
12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 10 10 11 12 9 11 11 10 12 9 10 12 12 10 9 12 11 12 9 12 12 7 8 8 11 9 8 8 9 /
8 6 8 6 6 6 6 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 5 3 4 5 4 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 3 3 3 3 3
2.82 9.25 6.81 12.83 12.51 16.20 13.62 74.36 30.09 48.35 53.23 45.03 36.96 22.08 43.76 48.68 66.41 40.37 97.51 49.49 44.82 47.95 96.84 72.02 62.73 66.75 53.91 78.93 47.85 91.57 86.44 75.91 62.86 90.75 100.93 80.64 94.91 110.75 101.30 64.26 90.51 73.34 114.83 66,16 43.11
83.33 66.67 66.67 66.67 58.33 58.33 58.33 45.45 63.64 60.00 50.00 54.55 50.00 77.78 54.54 45.45 40.00 50.00 44.44 50.00 50.00 41.67 40.00 44.44 41.67 36.36 41.67 44.44 41.67 25.00 42.86 50.00 50.00 27 27 33.33 50.00 37.50 33.33 42.86 71.43 33.33 83.33 33.33 83.33 83.33
3 3
1 1
12 6 9 6 6
3 3 3 1 3 3
N O. 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 Oregon Mexico Mexico California Texas Mexico California Arizona California Arizona California California Colorado California Nevada Arizona California California Idaho Nevada Utah Nevada Nevada California Utah Utah Nevada Nevada Nevada Nevada California Utah Utah Oregon Nevada Nevada Nevada Wyoming N cvtdi Idaho Utah STATE NA ME Klamath Guaicura Chichimec Death Valley Karankawa Coahuilenos Panamintshoshoni Yavapai Koso Mountain Shoshoni Walapai Kawaiisushoshoni Saline Valley Shoshoni Antarianunts Southern Paiute Owens Valley Paiute Kawich M ountain Shoshoni Kaibab Southern Paiute Mono Lake Paiute Deep Spring Paiute Salmon-eater Shoshoni Pyramid Lake Paiute Ute-timanogas Cattail Paiute Fish Lake Paiute Honey Lake Paiute Hukunduka Shoshoni Gosiute Shoshoni Spring Valley Shoshoni White Knife Shoshoni Rainroad Valley Shoshoni Reese River Shoshoni North Fork Paiute Grouse Creek Shoshoni Ute Wimonantci Bear Creek Paiute Antelope Valley Shoshoni Washo Suprise Valley Paiute Wind River Shoshoni Ruby Valley Shoshoni Bobogue-Northern Shoshoni Uintah-ute PET 518.50 1,170.04 973.32 1,395.53 1,173.22 1,167.46 1,066.02 993.38 9 6 1 .2 4 8 89.57 879.37 788.72 811.54 731.87 722.02 714.31 69 8 .4 0 698.61 710.18 693.57 692.44 687.49 665.98 658.98 67 7 .6 5 652.89 602.03 613.01 61 5 .3 8 589.79 606.03 614.08 622.97 617.45 583.61 595.14 598.69 619.76 576.01 601.46 AE 302.28 173.80 6 53.53 87.0 6 821.01 2 8 7 .0 9 96.84 297.83 122.05 268.85 160.17 131.06 248.81 128.91 183.84 225.47 185.97 131.37 156.92 220.22 336.91 176.58 126.55 2 3 1 .5 6 25 7 .1 6 171.08 225.11 194.71 181.73 199.29 313.75 170.68 246.55 315.44 205.67 190.71 292.79 268.13 192.72 217.20 217.80
B AR 5 53.44 1.71 3.67 N AG P 286.73 114.41 1,031.20 36.32 1,505.97 263.21 43.34 279.76 63.63 236.04 99.91 71.62 207.56 69.67 125.60 176.24 128.02 71.90 96.57 169.48 343.30 117.46 67.57 184.22 219.25 111.46 175.78 138.16 123.21 143.60 305.02 111.03 204.44 307.75 151.31 133.48 271.94 235.00 135.83 165.65 166.40 WAT D S NOWAC 216.22 996.24 319.79 1,308.47 352.21 880.38 969.18 695.55 839.20 620.72 719.20 657.66 562.72 602.96 538.17 488.85 512.43 567.24 553.26 473.35 355.53 510.92 539.42 427.42 420.49 481.81 376.92 418.30 433.65 390.50 292.28 443.40 376.42 302.01 377.93 404.43 305.90 351.63 383.29 384.26 392.16 285.29 G RO WC 5 WLTGRC WAT RET DEFPER
B I O5 15,322.20 195.77 3,788.91 68.18 10,689.81 754.92 379.35 2,434.57 774.54 2,168.30 1,368.73 984.53 1,434.38 1,091.25 1,921.01 3,252.46 1,786.88 1,053.53 2,051.78 1,465.46 5,959.34 1,044.20 681.13 3,645.01 5,240.48 1,988.45 4,384.23 3,770.34 3,202.16 4,777.80 1,4123.51 2,700.44 4,396.30 4,696.67 4,311.22 4,482.79 5,789.72 4,814.55 4,541.17 3,523.25 3,107.02
9 3
7.09 2.87 8.75 8.70 12.17 9.19 13.70 13.75 6.91 15.66 15.29 18.45 13.96 14.65 21.25 8.65 17.36 8.89 10.08 19.79 23.90 17.84 24.94 27.29 25.99 33.27 46.30 24.32 21.50 15.26 28.49 33.58 21.29 20.49 33.43 21.27 18.67
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
12 12 12 12 12 11 10 10 10
9 9
8 1 8 8 6 6 6 6 6
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
0.00 0.00
6 6
5 5
24.28 29.80 44.85 118.99 28.23 16.63 96.31 89.13 36.87 60.51 80.93 54.09 83.14
83.25 1.85 17.89 3.14 32.93 1.73 3.85 15.23 8.25 18.24 14.36 9.93 20.51 11.76 15.09 19.30 21.44
60.00 91.67 66.67 83.33 50.00 91.67 81.82 80.00 80.00 70.00 88.89 88.89 75.00
85.71 85.71 85.71
6 6
5 3 5
20.59 38.40 60.19 20.57 7.33 55.05 28.34 15.37 23.80 24.51 21.50 26.14 75.96 20.76 23.24 44.24 25.70 37.84 70.16 29.16 28.64 30.98
2 8 .4 2
85.71 71.43 71.43 85.71 85.71 71.43 85.71 85.71
4 4 5 4 4 4 4 3 4 3 3 4 4 3 3 4 4 4
54.55 66.28 27.73 53.82 81.83 144.31 65.70 95.03 67.40 57.62
6 6 6 6 6 6
7 7
85.71 57.14
6 6 6 6 6 6
100.00 100.00
66.67 83.33
83.33 85.71
231 232 233 234 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 248 249 250 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259
Oregon Idaho Nevada Utah Texas Texas Texas Kansas Texas Colorado Colorado Wyoming South Dakota Montana Idaho Montana North Dakota Alberta Alberta Saskatchewan Saskatchewan Alberta Alberta British Columbia Oregon Washington Washington Washington British Columbia Oregon Oregon British Columbia Washington Washington British Columbia British Columbia Oregon British Columbia British Columbia Washington Washington Washington British Columbia British Columbia British Columbia
260 268
269 270 271
273 274
275 276 277 278
279 290
281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289
Harney Valley Paiute Sheep-eater Shoshoni Little Smoky Shoshoni Uncompahgre Ute Lipan Apache Comanche Chiricahua Apache Kiowa Kiowa Apache Cheyenne Arapahoe Crow Teton Lakota Kutenai Bannock Gros-Ventre Plains Ojibwa Peigan Blackfoot Assiniboine Plains Cree Blood Sarsi Squamish Alsea Puyallup Twana Chehalis Nootka Chinook Coos Lillooet Lummi Q uinault Stalo Cowichan Tillamook Comox
558.33 581.37 528.83 468.34 1074.62 989.59 867.93 890.07 827.15 681.55 678.91 634.00 619.71 575.21 578.20 581.12 585.12 558.92 540.22 533.90 535.17 527.64 519.48 667.78 657.66 656.29 659.23 650.61 643.54 652.37 652.04 651.04 639.70 634.97 634.97 636.85 637.58 609.40 612.18 622.60 612.19 615.11 574.00 602.51 571.85
273.32 227.39 169.04 384.62 681.45 515.77 415.08 635.05 542.61 395.81 455.76 273.34 384.96 408.75 202.85 364.62 468.07 340.07 333.93 407.71 351.02 419.27 395.29 466.94 487.32 527.50 518.36 527.84 491.74 580.46 547.70 314.07 444.66 610.67 461.82 452.22 546.50 451.51 612.18 618.41 461.38 611.09 574.00 576.30 571.85
4,464.95 3,278.51 2,880.07 8,781.20 9,929.81 4,101.51 2,645.77 11,490.80 7,083.70 6,532.32 7,277.78 4,536.61 6,870.95 8,364.15 3,168.93 5,536.30 10,336.32 4,191.69 3,918.71 6,207.44 5,240.62 6,371.04 5,628.49 18,563.15 35,257.78 23,858.77 35,290.62 35,104.62 34,942.13 35,143.66 35,136.31 6,819.72 13,045.84 34,729.48 15,827.69 16,646.70 34,796.22 33,945.90 34,044.99 34,383.32 23,332.60 34,145.23 32,220.84 33,681.48 32,080.96
18.40 18.34 26.36 20.53 8.98 5.89 5.45 11.69 9.35 14.56 12.84 18.70 16.04 17.68 21.43 14.14 17.44 12.02 11.58 13.17 14.26 12.91 12.57 31.45 55.65 33.02 50.28 48.53 54.33 41.49 45.69 22.32 23.97 37.69 27.31 29.75 45.41 60.82 36.80 36.55 40.33 37.03 38.76 40.24 38.83
242.59 178.75 109.27 427.72 1,105.34 696.11 485.39 983.25 757.26 448.56 566.90 242.63 428.34 473.18 147.88 391.44 592.53 348.66 338.28 471.17 367.50 493.56 447.60 590.17 633.54 722.59 701.91 723.36 643.11 846.96 769.09 305.53 544.17 921.38 579.45 559.60 766.29 558.14 925.17 940.84 578.55 922.43 831.37 836.90 826.21
285.01 353.97 359.78 83.71 393.17 473.83 452.86 255.01 284.54 285.74 223.15 360.55 234.75 166.46 375.35 216.49 117.05 218.85 206.28 126.19 184.14 108.37 124.19 200.84 170.34 128.79 140.87 122.76 151.80 71.91 104.34 336.98 195.03 24.30 173.15 184.63 91.09 157.90 0.00 4.19 150.81 4.03 0.00 26.21 0.00
88.43 61.53 86.72 175.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11.79 30.35 30.18 56.58 61.80 99.58 82.21 43.80 74.85 4.41 4.22 6.54 3.94 4.02 4.59 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 88.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 825.90 0.00 476.66
6 5 5 4 12 10 10 9 7 7 7 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 10 7 7 7 7 7 8 6 6 7 7 7 5 6 5
3 4 4 0 1 4 4 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 4 2 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
58.51 27.68 26.96 75.87 25.09 21.47 22.21 43.31 31.43 19.18 26.78 21.44 31.66 64.64 34.55 34.94 44.87 19.36 19.24 27.59 14.01 23.27 20.04 93.80 97.19 112.08 108.33 106.92 103.47 116.32 114.20 71.81 81.85 123.61 92.46 89.38 16.67 12.65 174.52 141.92 90.23 123.13 174.52 117.15 138.61
66.67 100.00 100.00 75.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 33.33 57.14 71.43 57.14 83.33 83.33 60.00 80.00 60.00 80.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 80.00 60.00 60.00 42.86 42.86 42.86 42.86 42.86 42.86 28.57 30.00 57.14 42.86 14.29 42.86 42.86 25.00 66.67 0.00 14.29 42.86 14.26 0.00 16.67 0.00 (continued)
290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345
Haida Bella-coola Tlingit Gitksan Konaig Eyak Kuskowagmut Chugash Aleut Nunavak Tenino Umatilla Wenatchi Yakima Wishram Coeur dAlene Sinkaietk Okanogan San poil Nez-perce Thompson Kalispel Ojibwa (Kitchibuan) Kitikitegon M icmac Flathead Rainy River Ojibwa Northern Saalteaux Shuswap Pekangekum Ojibwa Round Lake Ojibwa Alcatcho Nipigon Ojibwa Mistassini Cree Ojibwa (Northern Albany) Was wan ip Cree Weagamon Ojibwa Montagnais Sekani Beaver Slave
585.75 547.97 542.21 517.88 472.27 459.14 421.63 4 2 4 .8 7 388.73 333.35 742.01 714.7 700.55 6 7 2 .5 0 6 7 0 .1 4 6 1 6 .3 2 6 3 9 .0 4 6 2 8 .1 0 6 1 8 .7 6 5 71.40 6 3 0 .6 9 573.12 571.29 562.02 533.22 526.05 546.08 562.48 545.89 525.27 4 7 6 .1 0 506.92 437.71 475.15 4 60.68 4 58.57 444.97 439.97 505.08 497.80 479.24
582.12 547.97 542.21 436.59 469.11 45 9 .1 4 360.35 42 4 .8 7 3 88.73 2 99.74 2 52.49 278.67 263.52 24 0 .6 9 3 11.77 3 7 8 .1 0 2 73.84 2 8 2 .0 4 266.11 4 2 4 .2 6 2 7 4 .2 4 3 7 1 .5 7 4 6 5 .0 9 5 5 6 .6 4 4 5 1 .4 5 347.88 47 5 .9 3 3 7 5 .6 0 4 1 6 .9 3 3 8 5 .7 8 4 1 1 .9 2 3 74.75 40 2 .1 6 444.71 395.51 4 52.28 388.95 383.87 269.60 285.12 222.61
British Columbia British Columbia Alaska British Columbia Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Idaho Washington British Columbia Washington Idaho British Columbia Idaho Michigan Wsconsin New Brunswick Monta na Ontario Ontario Alberta Ontario Ontario Brilsh Columbia Ontario Quebec Ontario Quebec Ontario Quebec Alberta Aftcrta -ortbwest Trrntm e*
, 0 7 (continued)
0 .0 0
32,905.27 30,164.86 29,593.31 14.806.47 19,558.85 17,420.94 6,814.29 12.456.48 8,646.98 2,503.76 2,326.58 2,936.51 4,984.83 2,738.23 7,618.60 13,515.44 4,552.07 4,990.19 5,690.89 11,373.33 2,525.15 15,294.97 18,090.10 21,718.49 17,980.64 7,157.57 14,256.87 7,518.73 9,302.59 8,500.37 8,370.43 11,669.18 7,242.04 11,943.50 81,77.04 12,826.40 6,377.49 7,721.32 4,462.15 3,980.58 3,456.11
10.94 11.72 21.83 13.94 25.24 32.51 18.71 19.52 24.52 22.60 10.35 37.89 30.86 27.49 32.22 19.77 23.40 18.29 19.02 19.78 17.46 28.48 15.72 21.94 18.25 22.92 14.64 18.11 18.82 15.30 20.03
850.97 769.72 756.34 527.86 594.72 573.90 383.86 504.55 435.32 282.74 212.68 250.52 228.33 196.44 301.82 415.74 243.35 255.58 232.06 503.35 243.94 403.90 586.28 790.04 558.01 362.06 609.14 411.20 488.99 429.85 479.28 409.66 460.58 544.26 448.00 559.73 435.73 426.34 237.14 260.22 172.55
0 .0 0 0 .0 0
5 5 5 4 4 3 3 3
81.29 3.17
0 .0 0
0 .0 0 0 .0 0
33.61 489.52 436.12 437.02 431.81 358.37 238.22 365.20 346.06 352.65 147.14 356.45 201.54 106.20 5.39 81.78 178.17 70.15 186.88 128.96 139.49 64.18 132.17 35.54 30.45 65.17 6.30 56.03 56.09 235.47 212.69
390.74 504.05 96.82 428.43 481.01 165.61 512.96 224.91 127.25 32.85 34.13 182.56 70.40 64.18 177.48 98.82 113.80 120.09 133.270 22.65 196.73 169.98 141.45 123.63 158.27 89.18 11.79 73.54 8.58 12.32 224.70 35.46 73.04 39.32 98.05 16.04 72.32 21.19 3.34 12.13
1 1
) ) ) 4 4 4 4 3
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
3 3 4
6 6
5 5
5 5 5 5 4 5 3 4 4 4 4 4
5 3
2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
140.91 148.89 156.87 109.14 157.96 136.00 114.41 160.68 146.06 91.24 41.95 46.12 76.91 53.14 81.63 85.89 55.59 59.69 53.92 92.90 28.64 90.71 40.40 46.55 42.83 70.46 31.% 5.16 55.97 12.72 30.70 99.57 39.15 45.13 39.84 49.75 24.21 44.87 11.60 5.17 5.74
0.00 0.00
40.00 25.00
0.00 0.00
50.00 71.43 71.43 71.43 71.43 71.43 42.86 71.43 71.43 71.43 50.00 66.67 60.00 3333
40.00 66.67 60.00
60.00 60.00 75.00 60.00 66.67 50.00 50.00 25.00 50.00 50.00
346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 377 378 379 380 3 tl 362 363 384 385 366 3f7 368 369 390
British Columbia British Columbia British Columbia British Columbia Northwest Territories Yukon Northwest Territories Ontario Alaska Saskatchewan Yukon Alaska Northwest Territories Alaska Quebec Northwest Territories Alaska Alaska Alaska Quebec Alaska Alaska Alaska Newfoundland Quebec Northwest Territories Alaska Alaska Northwest Territories Alaska Alaska Northwest Territories Northwest Territories Northwest Territories Northwest Territories Greenland Northwest Territories Northwest Territories Greenland Alaska Greenland
Kaska Tahltan Chilcotin Carrier Mountain Han Hare Attawapiskat Cree Koyukon Chippewyan Kutchin Ingalik Satudene Nabesna Rupert House Cree Dogrib Tanaina Tutchone Holikachuk Naskapi Norton Sound Inuit Kobuk Inuit Kotzebue Sound Inuit Labrador Inuit Great Whale Inuit Caribou Inuit Noatak Inuit Nunamiut Inuit Mackenzie Inuit Sivokamiut Inuit Point Hope Inuit Copper Inuit Utkuhikhalingmiut Aivilingmiut Inuit Ingulik Inuit West Greenland Baffin Island Inuit Netsilik Inuit Angmakaslik Tareumiut Inuit Polar Inuit
489.39 501.12 472.19 471.88 454.73 474.66 462.43 425.43 464.50 423.51 439.68 442.01 445.62 452.22 398.92 423.14 454.50 440.60 423.84 340.29 426.32 393.30 331.57 342.46 317.45 281.18 305.56 284.45 272.69 290.37 266.35 223.71 198.52 207.22 197.93 263.98 188.58 118.49 293.69 123.18 133.09
333.50 320.20 295.59 256.12 310.95 238.26 180.11 369.06 269.04 221.56 183.05 378.59 173.35 245.90 374.32 150.48 389.03 158.14 346.40 291.85 275.06 217.53 221.60 287.11 259.92 150.52 189.26 178.63 142.97 201.77 163.54 95.44 106.86 114.51 91.58 169.87 117.73 104.89 233.07 98.06 88.18
4,124.34 4,410.89 2,854.82 2,466.40 2,674.83 3,550.31 2,267.59 6,448.43 4,902.67 2,370.59 1,688.05 7,103.03 1,933.35 3,541.57 5,496.17 1,387.74 7,980.49 1,612.90 6,495.36 2,415.18 5,609.51 2,546.58 1,484.89 2,542.70 2,039.60 724.73 1,285.11 1,115.98 598.97
12.22 13.98 10.33 11.33 8.90 18.38 18.68 16.15 20.75 13.85 13.54 17.05 16.97 17.40 13.44 15.41 18.31 16.49 18.07 8.91 22.88 15.33 8.67 9.66 9.14 8.04 9.75 9.32 7.24
337.55 315.50 276.28 217.78 300.51 193.15 121.40 399.37 236.32 171.20 124.70 416.64 113.92 203.55 408.87 90.08 435.88 97.81 359.50 270.50 245.16 166.07 171.26 263.25 223.17 90.12 131.80 119.74 82.73 146.58 103.42 42.30 51.02 57.24 39.50 110.16 59.93 49.48 186.23 44.25 37.10
155.89 180.92 176.60 215.76 143.78 236.40 282.32 56.37 195.46 201.95 256.63 63.42 272.27 206.31 24.60 272.66 65.47 282.46 77.43 48.44 151.25 175.77 109.97 55.35 57.53 130.66 116.30 105.82 129.73 88.59 102.81 128.27 91.66 92.71 106.35 94.10 70.85 13.61 60.61 25.12 44.91
10.37 32.53 40.61 6.13 5.32 58.65 4.85 39.23 111.01 17.59 6.94 168.47 8.16 69.80 28.22 11.20 143.55 18.35 111.05 56.13 183.77 88.59 78.91 53.86 23.95 13.36 88.56 92.13 46.32 132.81 60.98 7.78 25.09 21.85 20.46 123.36 6.60 4.77 485.70 59.20 71.91
5 5 4 5 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 3 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1 1 2 2 0 1 0 1 0 2 1 0 2 0 2 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10.93 36.48 30.73 6.91 9.23 27.59 2.24 40.22 42.84 10.18 5.59 104.81 4.35 35.10 43.95 7.54 103.35 10.46 52.37 34.48 50.18 41.97 39.02 35.05 37.21 12.21 49.07 60.71 26.53 49.30 34.34 6.79 20.60 17.58 16.53 51.75 10.64 7.69 53.84 40.33 41.12
100.00 80.00 100.00 80.00 66.67 100.00 100.00 50.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 33.33 100.00 100.00 50.00 100.00 75.00 100.00 33.33 100.00 66.67 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 0 .00 0.00 0 .0 0 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 .00
1514.5825 10.33 761.4264 7.36 250.4341 5.92 265.2573 5.20 317.7130 212.7756 268.4011 27.4751 41.1707 31.33 5.55 5.39 4.48 0.56 0.93 0.84
1544.5499 14.02
3644.7700 19.57
6 OI
j 4 s
Demonstration of the property space defined by latitude and primary biomass as coded for available water (AVWAT), from the world weather station sample: (1) very dry, (2) dry, {3) moderately dry, (4) transitional dry, (5) transitional damp, (6) damp, (7) moist, and (8) wet.
Demonstration of the property space defined by the bio mass accumulation ratio and effective temperature as coded for available water (AVWAT), from the world weather station sample: (1 ) very dry, (2) dry, (3) moderately dry, (4) transitional dry, (5) transitional damp, (6) damp, (7) moist, and (8) wet.
stations included in this study. It should be clear that at any latitude there is a range in B I05 values, but the greatest variability occurs at the equator. Even though the range in variability decreases as latitude increases, it nevertheless remains wide until a latitude of approximately 60 degrees. The relationship between BI05 and net aboveground productivity is conventionally summarized by the biomass accumula tion ratio (BAR5), which is simply primary biomass (BIO) divided by net aboveground primary productivity (NAGP). Figure 4.16 illustrates the distribution of the biomass accumulation ratio (BAR5), expressed with respect to effec tive temperature (ET). It should be clear that BAR5 is at its absolute maximum in boreal forests and in rare, slowmetabolism, temperate oak forests, while in tropical forests BAR5 is significantly below boreal and temperate oak forest levels. This range refers primarily to variation in metabolic rates in different plant communities. H abitat V ariability D escribed in F orm al Terms Thus far I have introduced a number of environmental vari ables that I suspect are particularly germane to understand ing and modeling variability among plant communities in such basic conditions as biomass and productivity. I have discussed the earths climatic variability and the impact of climatic dynamics on the biological domain considered exclusively in terms of plant abundance, but many important, qualitative differences between plant and animal communities have been temporarily ignored. Even though humans live in
a world of habitat variability that is structured in quantita tive terms, more often than not we cognize the world around us in very different terms. We perceive that boreal forests are different from deserts and that tropical rain forests have very little in common with southern pine forests. Our responses to these environ mental differences are usually in terms of the impact they have on our sensory apparatuson the signals we can receive with our eyes and ears and skin. In short, we tend to think of habi tat variability in form al terms and to classify the differences we perceive in terms of a set of observed properties and characteristics. Very often, in daily living, our folk classifications of habitats begin with vegetation; the word desert" evokes an image of a cactus and "forest" might bring to mind a giant redwood tree. As an introduction to qualitative differences in habitat vari ability, I begin with the classification of the earths plant formations initially summarized by Eyre (1968) and projected in his text onto world maps.15 A few of the vegetational dis tinctions made by Eyre were merged into a classification by Strahler and Strahler (1984:420 40), and in most instances I have followed this simplified classification, augmented at the descriptive level by reference to Walter (1973). According to Eyre, his classification represents climatic climax, which means that empirical reports of vegetation haw been smoothed and the earth is described as if there has been no destruction of vegetation by human beings and other agents. A further assumption is that climax vegetation is
uniformly present, in contrast to the real-world situation, in which formations consist of a mix of different, successional stages as a result of intermittent, destructive events such as fires, volcanic eruptions, and the death of individual plants from natural causes. This is an appropriate assumption in light of the fact that hunter-gatherers are widely assumed to have rarely affected climax vegetation to the point that a habitat would consist solely of lower successional stages.16 Eyres global classification identified thirty-one different types of vegetative communities. Strahler and Strahler reduced this number to twenty-eight types by eliminating separate categories for several formations, such as Scottish bog communities and Russian forest steppe zones. Using these two sources, I have identified the types of vegetation at each location in the hunter-gatherer data base and in the world sample of weather stations. This was difficult because the maps used by Eyre and Strahler and Strahler differed in scale although all were relatively large-scale and overlapped in complicated ways. Another problem was that while a longi tude-latitude grid was superimposed on those portions of the maps representing bodies of water, it was omitted on all land surfaces, an omission that made the identification of specific locations very difficult.17 The fact that the pub lished maps appeared to be tracings from other, presumably more accurate, base maps was another complication in iden tifying vegetative formations for specific locations of relevance to this study. Nevertheless, using both sets of maps (Eyre 1968: appen dix I; Strahler and Strahler 1984:420-40), I was able to assign plant communities to specific formations using one or, in some cases, two different designations. The term VEGTAT applies to those locations that were clearly positioned well within the boundaries of a given vegetative formation, so any marginal inaccuracy in my estimate of longitude and latitude would not affect their assignment to a particular type of formation. In other cases in which the location of interest was very dose to a boundary between vegetative types, a second iden tification, referred to as VEG, was also recorded. For example, it is not uncommon for montane forest zones to be sur rounded by tropical rain forest formations. If a particular weather station for which I knew the longi tude and latitude appeared to be located on the montane for est side of a boundary between montane forest and tropical rain forest zones, I would give it a VEGTAT designation of tropical montane forest (FMT-6). To cope with the fact that I could not determine with complete confidence whether the weather station was actually on the tropical rain forest side of the boundary, 1would also assign it the VEG designation of tropical rain forest (FE-1). The type of vegetative formation (VEGTAT) was stipu lated for each case in the ethnographic file of 339 huntergatherer groups, for all 103 cases in the animal field studies nit, and for the world sample of 1,429 weather stations. All
of these, taken together, total 1,871 cases. It should be noted that although Eyres classification of vegetative communities functioned as a Rosetta Stone by permitting me to link mea sured areas of the earth to properties of the earths vegeta tion coded for each case in this study, its use represents a compromise. For instance, dassificatory inconsistencies in Eyres maps reflect his inclination to be a "lumper in one instance and a splitter in another. Most of the classification is based on soil type rather than on specific climatic variables, and some groupings are not easily defended when com pared with, for example, state-of-the-art empirical forest ordination studies such as those undertaken for the state of Wisconsin (Curtis 1959). For future researchers, a further problem with Eyres dassification is inaccessibility, although this is offset by the fact that the maps offer the correct carto graphic projections and permit the accurate measurement of pertinent vegetative formations. In this study, which uses climate as a frame of reference, one useful category refers to the Mediterranean environ ment, a set of meteorological dynamics characterized by long, hot, and very dry summers followed by warm, moist win ters. Five geographically separate regions are included in this category: (1) large areas of California, (2) a section of the Chilean coast of South America, (3) southern portions of both Spain and Portugal as well as other coastal regions sur rounding the Mediterranean Sea, (4) the southernmost tip of Africa, and (5) areas of southern Australia. Although these regions have very different spedes inventories, they share many features that are attributable to particular character istics of the rainfall-to-temperature cycling. Eyres classification accommodates this type of environmental setting very well and does not tie itself to particular plant species. On the other hand, when distinguishing between plant formations that occur in very dry regions, in some instances Eyre appears to lump species in terms of rainfall and to ignore differences in potential evapotranspiration, but in other casessuch as the taxon desert alternating with porcupine grass (DSP-25)18 he defines the dry plant community in terms of particular sets of spedes. For example, the formation termed boreal forest (FBO-19) includes xerophytic, mesophytic, and hydrophytic species, whereas taiga formations are ordinated in terms of temperature differences, although this criterion is not specified in the classification. Eyres propen sity for lumping seems to account for the mixture of species included in the boreal forest class, the tropical rain forest cat egory (FE-1), and all settings drier than the Mediterranean formation, with the exception of Australian formations. My work with dimatic variables suggested that i could pro duce a classification similar to Walter's taxonomv (1973) that would enhance the analysis and pattern recognition studies that I planned to undertake and could be assigned to cases through the use of climatic data. In a sense, 1 used Eyres classification as a "seed" by converting it to an ordinal
scale of increasing values of net aboveground productivity (NAGP) ranging from one to twenty-eight. The conversion made it possible to use the scale as the dependent variable in a discriminant function analysis, which confirmed that 56.32 percent of all the cases were correctly assigned to the same Eyre classes. Glasses with the highest number of reassignments included most of the very dry settings and some of the highest-biomass regimes, such as tropical rain forests, tropi cal-subtropical monsoon forests, boreal forests, and the cat egories of tallgrass prairie and temperate deciduous forest. The next step was to rerun the discriminant function analysis using the results of the initial analysis, which pro duced an 89.99 percent fit between the first derivative classification and the results of the second run. This same pro cedure was repeated for twenty iterations, at which point there was a 100 percent fit between the last classification and the results of the previously iterated classification. This result seemed to be the best operational classification to use once I had discussed the problem of sampling weather stations and hunter-gatherer cases in numbers proportional to the areas covered by the vegetative classes of the Eyre classification (see table 4.06). As a result of the discriminant functions analysis, I made one change in the Eyre classification. It was dear that the class called alpine tundra (TA-26) was a nonclass, vegetationally speaking, because a number of cases originally assigned to the boreal forest (FBO-19) dass had been lumped into it, at the same time that most of the taxons original cases were assigned elsewhere. It appeared that the classificational cri teria of temperature and moisture were responsible for the reassignments and that the new locations in the restruc tured dasstermed dry boreal parkland (BPK-23)were colder than the classic boreal forest but not as cold as those of the boreal larch forests of Siberian Russia. Some of the reclassified locations are characterized by microhabitat clusters of dwarf and scrub boreal species and by stands of willows in stream beds, with tundra interspersed between the patches of taller vegetation. These were the dri est cases in the boreal forest category and comprised the xerophytic segment of the lumped boreal forest dass, which also had the lowest primary biomass and production. It is likely that the original Eyre category would have remained intact if weather station data from Tibet and the nearby Asian highlands had been available and there had been a larger sample of Andean stations. At the time that I and my graduate assistants were working with Eyres maps,19 we also used a polar planimeter to measure the area covered by different types of plant formations on Eyres equal area pro jection (homolographic) biogeographic maps. These mea surements provided the data on the total area covered by various plant communities that arc presented in table 4.08 and that were used to calculate the percentage of the earths total land area covered by different types of vegetative com munities summarized in that table. Table 4.08 also summa rizes the mean values for those climatic variables that vary in informative ways among the vegetative types.
The linkage between climatic variables, vegetative types, and the areal distributions of plant communities, summarized in table 4.08, provides a currency for discussing differences in the geographic distribution of living systems, regardless of whether they are composed of nonhuman animal species or hunter-gatherers. With the definition of that currency, all of the germane environmental variables that can be isolated with out reference to properties specific to human foragers and their niches have now been briefly presented in this chapter. The analytical utility of property space plots has also been sug gested, but geographic space itself has been referred to only in terms of longitude and latitude. This narrow focus on spatial coordinates is replaced in figure 4.17 by a global perspective in a map of the world on which the distribution of the 1,429 weather stations induded in this study is represented. In this sample, the number of weather stations in each vegetational formation is proportional to the percentage of the worlds area that is characterized by each formation. Several features of the sample become appar ent when their distribution is examined. First, the maps mercator projection produces a reduction in the density of sites in the polar areas of the world Second, there are obvious blank spaces or holes in the distribution, such as in western China and Tibet, for which no weather sta tion data were available. There are also very few stations in truly desertic regions, and those that are present frequently do not report time-transgressive data on temperature. Sim ilarly, holes in the distribution of stations occur in tropical rain forests as well as tropical savanna woodlands, not nec essarily because of a lack of coverage but, more frequently; because stations in equatorial regions often fail to report tem perature data. Because a goal of the study was to make the number ot stations in a particular environmental zone correspond to the percentage that each zone represents of the world's total area, one strategy for coping with a lack of representation w as to exclude regions such as western China and Tibet from the worlds total area. Approximately one-third of the work! s desertic areas were also excluded because weather station JUu were not available for those locations. The symbol code in figure 4.17 represents generic group ings of the twenty-eight different types of vegetative com munities that are identified and described in table 4.Q & These and other plant associations form a consistent jj*''' graphic pattern and provide clues to the types ot climate and
4 .O8
D -2 8
I. Water-stressed communities: 36.12 percent o f the earth's area Desert. Usually located between 18 and 28 degrees latitude with a mean of 26.44 degrees, which places them at the upper extreme
of the tropical vegetation zone. The wettest month is in autumn (RRCORR2 = 8.04 2.86 months). The growing season is 11.54 months 1.34 months. Subtropical semidesert scrub. This formation represents 13.48 percent of the earths vegetative surface (164,204.86 units of 100 square kilometers). It occurs in North Africa, Australia, the southwestern United States, northern Mexico, and Afghanistan. This is the most common plant formation on earth in terms of areal extent. Succulent plants are prevalent, spacing between plants is considerable, and plant height is limited. Plants have very superficial roots. Grasses are generally rare or absent. In the New World, cactus may be an important subsistence resource. In terms of rainfall, this is a transitional for mation that is somewhat wetter than a true desert. Mean annual rainfall is 242.22 mm 252.07 mm. Transitional zones o f this type usually occur at a mean latitude of 27.12 degrees 6.97 degrees. As in true deserts, rainfall occurs primarily in autumn (RRCORR2 = 7.05 2.52 months). This formation supports more potential prey animals in the ungulate class than does a true desert. Formations have essentially a twelve-month growing season (GROWC = 11.61 months). Desert alternating with porcupine grass semidesert. This formation represents 0.82 percent of the earths vegetative surface (9,994.90 units of 100 square kilometers). It occurs primarily in Australia. Australias faunal and floral species differ considerably from species at many other places on earth. Spinifex (neither a shrub nor a succulent) is dominant in this formation in the niche that shrubs and succulents might be expected to occupy. Mean annual rainfall averages just under nine inches (227 mm 61.65 mm). This formation is centered on 26.09 degrees latitude 2.78 degrees, which places it largely in the tropical-sub tropical climatic zones. The wettest month is usually during the summer (RRCORR2 = 5.3 0.895 months). Expected prey values for this formation are much lower than in the DSS-27 formation. There is essentially a twelve-month growing sea son (mean = 11.93 months). Midlatitude semidesert scrub and woodland. This formation represents 2.40 percent of the earths vegetative surface (29,216.23 units of 100 square kilometers). It occurs primarily in North America, Asia, and Patagonia. Rainfall averages just slightly more than in the porcupine grass semidesert zone. Mean latitude for the occurrence of this formation is approximately 39.7 degrees 7.32 degrees. The wettest month occurs at the end of summer and the beginning of autumn, although there is a wide range of variability (mean RRCORR2 = 6.75 3.76 months). Of the worlds classic dry environments, this zone has the shortest average growing season (7.53 months). Lower tropical thomtree-desert grass savanna. This formation represents 3.86 percent of the earths vegetative surface (47,024.16 units of 100 square kilometers). It occurs primarily in Australia, Africa, and Patagonia. Annual rainfall averages almost four teen inches (342.0 mm 207 mm). This is the driest formation to occur in true tropical areas. Formations occur at 18.27 degrees latitude 8.97 degrees. This formation is never transitional to desert or semidesert; it is simply the driest tropical zone, which, with increased rainfall, grades into more woody savanna and forest. Maximum rainfall follows the warmest month by about 1.77 months (RRCORR2 = 6.50 2.21 months). Potential prey animals may be abundant in this forma tion, with an average expected value of 1,518 kilograms per square kilometer. Most documented locations have a twelve month growing season (average = 11.87 months). Upper tropical thorn forest and thorn woodland. This formation represents 3.74 percent of the earths vegetative surface (45,564.13 units of 100 square kilometers). It may be transitional to forest formation. It occurs primarily in Brazil, Bolivia, Australia, and the west coast of Mesoamerica. Rainfall averages 22.72 inches (577.16 mm 332.9 mm). Formations are found on average at 24.19 degrees latitude 7.36 degrees. Maximum rainfall occurs in late summer, following the warmest month by about 1.5 months (RRCORR2 = 6.14 1.82 months). Expected prey is 662.33 kilograms per square kilometer. The growing season is just slightly short of twelve months (GROWC = 11.94 months). Midlatitude short grass prairie. This formation represents 6.12 percent of the earths vegetative surface (74,498.34 units of 100 square kilometers. This formation centers on 43.32 degrees latitude 6.45 degrees. Mean value for rainfall is 16.98 inches (431.49 mm 177.9 mm). This formation may grade between semidesertic formations (DSD) and tall grass prairie (GP), which in turn grades into midlatitude steppe-forest savannalike formations. In these latitudes transitional savanna zones are generally less extensive than in tropical and equatorial zones. Maximum rainfall follows the warmest month (RRCORR2 = 5.73 3.29 months). Expected prey equals 6,686.73 kilograms per square kilometer. The growing season is the shortest of all dry environments thus far discussed (GROWC = 6.94 months). II. Water-graded biomes transitional to forests: 12.92 percent o f the earth's area A. Savanna biomc: 9.05 percent of the earths area Upper subtropical Australian sclerophyllous tree savanna. This formation represents 0.40 percent of the earth's vegetative vur face (4,866.84 units of 100 square kilometers). Mean annual rainfall is 433.79 mm 111.05 mm. Formations occur on aver age at 33.00 degrees latitude, 2.46 degrees. Maximum rainfall occurs in early autumn (RRCORR2 7.78 3,09 monthsV The growing season is twelve months long. Expectcd prey equals 831.72 kilograms per square kilometers.
D SS-22
D S P -25
D S D -2 4
D T G -19
D T W -11
t a b l e
4 . 0 8 (continued)
SW -2
Tropical thorntree-tallgrass savanna. This formation represents 5.93 percent of the earths vegetative surface (72,231,63 units of 100 square kilometers). It occurs primarily in Africa and Asia. A savanna is a grassland with more-or-less evenly spaced woody plants or trees. This formation may grade into grassland or into the savanna-woodland zone in which trees are more prevalent than grassland. Annual rainfall is on average 795.52 mm 335.15 mm. Locations are centered on 16.16 degrees latitude but range between 23.22 and 9.1 degrees. This formation tends to grade into more open grasslands or, more com monly, tropical monsoon forests. Maximum rainfall follows the warmest month by 2.39 months and occurs in autumn. In this classic African savanna the mean value for expected prey is 4,212.78 kilograms per square kilometer, making it the high est mean value of any plant community. There is a twelve-month growing season with a standard deviation of 0.00. Upper equatorial savanna-woodland/broadleaf tree savanna. This formation represents 2.72 percent of the earths vegetative surface (33,181.75 units of 100 square kilometers). It occurs primarily in Africa, Asia, and South America. The mean annual rainfall is 61.5 inches (1,563.74 mm 559.77 mm). Formations are centered on 9.71 degrees latitude 6.23 degrees. This formation grades to damp forest and can include some dry equatorial forests with a closed canopy and patches of grassy understory. Maximum rainfall follows the warmest month by 2.84 months, making this technically winter rainfall There is, however, a twelve-month growing season. Expected prey is 1,813.9 kilograms 2,044 kilograms per square kilometer. B. Sclerophyllous (thick- or hard-leafed plants) biome: 2.52 percent of the earths area Upper subtropical sclerophyllous scrub-dwarfforest This formation represents 1.40 percent of the earths vegetative surface (17,106.47 units of 100 square kilometers). It is a chaparral formation that may be transitional to desert formations. Mean annual rain fall is 543.10 mm 241.76 mm. This value overlaps that for the subtropical savanna, but this formation is also heavily con ditioned by predominantly late fall-early winter rainfall (RRCORR2 = 9.08 2.04 months). Formations are centered on 33.21 degrees latitude 7.99 degrees. Expected prey values are 176.45 kilograms 187.81 kilograms per square kilometer. On average the growing season is 11.38 months 1.55 months. Lower midlatitude Australian sclerophyll scrub forest. This formation represents 0.28 percent of the earths vegetative surface (3,389.40 units of 100 square kilometers). Mean annual rainfall averages 726.03 92.95 mm. Formations are found pri marily between 31.6 and 40.81 degrees latitude. This formation is conditioned by predominantly early winter rainfall (RRCORR2 = 7.32 3.61 months). The average growing season is 11.40 months 1.34 months. Expected prey is 1,499.83 kilograms 1,597.21 kilograms per square kilometer. This formation is one of the most variable with regard to ungulate abundance. Midlatitude Mediterranean evergreen mixed forest. This formation represents over 0.84 percent of the earths vegetative sur face (10,250.62 units of 100 square kilometers). It includes the cedar forests of North Africa and Lebanon. Mean annual rainfall averages 724.78 mm 264.43 mm. Formations are centered on 39.35 degrees latitude 3.06 degrees. This forma tion is heavily conditioned by predominantly winter rainfall (RRCORR2 = 7.80 2.59 months). The average growing sea son is 10.28 months 2.19 months. Expected prey is 327.86 kilograms 200.08 kilograms per square kilometer. C. Grass-parkland transitional biome: 1.35 percent of the earths area Tall grass prairie-forest steppe. This formation represents 1.35 percent of the earths vegetative surface (16,494.76 units of 100 square kilometers). It includes the pampa of Argentina, the eastern prairie of the United States, and the moist prairie of Poland. It also includes so-called forest-steppe or the transition from deciduous forest to more water-stressed formations. Mean annual rainfall is 717.07 mm 257.12 mm. Formations are centered on 40.29 degrees latitude 6.35 degrees. Rainfall occurs pre dominantly in midsummer (RRCORR2 = 4.39 2.55 months). The growing season averages 7.95 2.21 months. Expected prey is 1,098.82 kilograms 630.73 kilograms per square kilometer. III. Water-abundant biomes: 45.82 percent o f the earths area A. Forests of the equatorial, tropical, and subtropical zones: 20.09 percent of the earths area Equatorial and tropical rainforests (broadleaf evergreen forests). This formation represents 7.72 percent of the earth's vegeta tive surface (93,998.97 units of 100 square kilometers). It occurs in Asia, South America, and Africa. Mean annual rainfall averages 2,499.53 mm (98.4 inches) 1,281.88 mm. Formations are centered on 9.30 degrees latitude 6.95 degrees. Most rainfall occurs in autumn (RRCORR2 = 7.64 2.91 months). There is nearly a full twelve-month growing season. Expected prey is 352.18 kilograms 565.42 kilograms per square kilometer. Tropical montane forest (may also include some conifers). This formation represents 2.22 percent of the earth's vegetative sur face (27,056.56 units of 100 square kilometers). It occurs in Asia, South America, and Africa. Mean annual rainfall is 1,314.5* mm 801.86 mm. Formations are centered on 12.04 degrees latitude 9.23 degrees. Rainfall is predominantly in early autumn (RRCORR2 = 6.53 2.46 months). Expected prey equals 2,386.10 kilograms 2,179.92 kilograms per square kilometer The growing season is twelve months 0.00 months. This formation tends to grade into classic thomtree savanna (STG)Monsoon (raingreen) forest (tropical deciduous forest). This formation represents 7,27 percent of the earths vegetative surt*x (8 8 ,5 1 4 .4 0 units of 100 square kilometers). It occurs primarily in Africa, Asia, and Australia. Mean annual rainfall is 1,509.27 mm (59.42 inches) 694.40 mm. Rainfall occurs predominantly in autumn (RRCORR2 = 7.111 2.00 month* There is a foil twelve-month growing season. Expected prey equals 1,358.44 kilograms 2,054.15 kilograms per square fckw**1
GP -8
FMT -6
t a b l e
4 . 0 8 (continued)
Subtropical broadleaf evergreen forest (laurel forest that may include needle-leaf trees). This formation represents 2*88 percent of the earths vegetative surface (35,127.82 units of 100 square kilometers). Mean annual rainfall averages 1,428 mm (56.22 inches) 597 mm. Formations occur at 30.12 degrees latitude 6.4 degrees. Rainfall occurs predominantly in late sum mer (RRCORR2 = 5.03 2.13 months). The growing season is 10.68 months 1.73 months. Expected prey equals 648.52 kilograms 698.75 kilograms per square kilometer. B. Forests of the midlatitude and subarctic zones: 25.73 percent of the earths area Midlatitude deciduous (summergreen) forest. This formation represents 3.30 percent of the earths vegetative surface (40,20418 units of 100 square kilometers). It occurs primarily in eastern Europe, the eastern United States, western Europe, China, and Korea. Mean annual rainfall averages 959.53 mm (37.77 inches) 481 mm. Formations cluster around 44.04 degrees latitude 7.96 degrees. Rainfall occurs primarily in late summer (RRCORR2 = 5.61 2.66 months). The growing season averages 6.87 months 1.72 months. Expected prey averages 543.17 kilograms 520.18 kilograms per square kilometer. Coastedforests (largely needle-leafevergreen forests). This formation represents 0.36 percent of the earths vegetative surface (4,441.07 units of 100 square kilometers). It is common on the northwest coast of North America but also occurs on the west coast of Chile. Mean annual rainfall averages 2,022.43 mm (79.62 inches) 898.03 mm. Formations are localized around 47.9 degrees latitude 7.31 degrees. Winter rainfall predominates (RRCORR2 = 9.43 2.14 months). The growing season is on average 6.16 months 2.14 months. Expected prey is 265.45 kilograms 457.56 kilograms per square kilometer. Lake forest. This formation represents 0.26 percent of the earths vegetative surface (3,110.67 units of 100 square kilometers). It is most common in the Great Lakes area of North America. It is largely a needle-leaf forest. Average mean annual rain fall is 660.59 mm (26.0 inches) 130.9 mm. Formations are localized around 47.50 degrees latitude 2.08 degrees. It is char acterized by predominantly summer rainfall (RRCORR2 = 4.21 0.58 months). The growing season averages 5.25 months .50 months. Expected prey equals 197.01 kilograms 191.31 kilograms per square kilometer. Southern pine forest (and other small analogous communities). This formation represents 0.42 percent of the earths vegetative surface (5,092.83 units of 100 square kilometers). It occurs as a major formation exclusively in the southeastern United States. Mean annual rainfall is 1,172.36 mm (46.16 inches) 478.9 mm. Formations are localized around 31.45 degrees latitude 2.83 degrees. Rainfall occurs predominantly in late summer-autumn (RRCORR2 = 8.37 4.17 months). The growing season aver ages 11.71 months 0.75 months. Expected prey equals 495.66 kilograms 343.60 kilograms per square kilometer. Mixed boreal and deciduous forest. This formation represents 2.51 percent of the earths vegetative surface (30,588.25 units of 100 square kilometers). It occurs primarily in northern Europe and Asia as well as northern North America. Mean annual rainfall averages 1,013.92 mm (39.91 inches) 659.8 mm. Formations are localized around 45.86 degrees latitude 4.84 degrees. Rainfall is predominantly in late summer-early autumn (RRCORR2 = 5.46 2.08 months). The growing season averages 6.00 months 1.48 months. Expected prey equals 644.54 kilograms 760.51 kilograms per square kilometer. Boreal forest This formation represents 10.26 percent of the earths vegetative surface (124,959.23 units of 100 square kilo meters). It is largely a needle-leaf evergreen forest occurring across North America northern Europe, and Asia. North Ameri can and Asian boreal forests tend to have somewhat greater species diversity than European forests. Mean annual rainfall is 517.93 mm (20.39 inches) 306 mm. Formations are localized around 55.01 degrees latitude 8.21 degrees. Rainfall occurs predominantly in late summer (RRCORR2 5.37 1.62 months). The growing season averages 4.22 months 1.52 months. Expected prey equals 265.55 kilograms 397.98 kilograms per square kilometer, Borealforest dominated by deciduous larch-aspen. This formation represents 4.44 percent of the earths vegetative surface (54,058.95 units of 100 square kilometers). It is most common in northern Asia and occurs in regions with little soil development above permafrost layers. Because trees tend to have shallow roots, tall conifers are generally absent. These conditions are reflected in low values for primary biomass (BIOS = 3,894.57 grams 2,285.56 grams per square meter). Mean annual rainfall aver ages 345.73 mm (13.61 inches) 192.8 mm. Formations are located at 58.40 degrees latitude 7.16 degrees. Predominantly summer rainfall occurs (RRCORR2 = 4.88 0.47 months). The growing season averages 3.0 months .56 months. Expected prey equals 384.26 kilograms 790.69 kilograms per square kilometer. Moderately dry boreal parkland. This formation was not developed by Eyre or discussed by Strahler and Strahler ( 1984). It occurs in well-drained locations or locations with some water deficit during the growing season, in regions otherwise having boreal forest characteristics. Many cases classified by Eyre as TA belong in this category because they are well drained. Many other cases are ecologically similar in terms of rainfall deficit but these occur at lower elevations. This is essentially a dry transi tion to tundra. This formation is concentrated around 61.13 degrees latitude 4.88 degrees. It has roughly half the mean annual rainfall of the classic boreal forest (229.71 mm 73.39 mm). Rainfall tends to occur in midsummer (RRCORR2 = 4.74 0.63 months) and the growing season averages 3.60 months 0.96 months. Expected prey averages 65.40 kilograms 72.91 kilograms per square kilometer. JV. Tundra biome: 8.30 percent o f the earth's area Polar tundra. This formation represents 4.12 percent of the earth's vegetative surface (50,242.10 units of 100 square kilome ter). Mean annual rainfall averages 233.21 mm (9.17 inches) 185 mm. Formations occur near the Arctic Ocean at 69,05 degrees latitude 4.81 degrees. Rainfall occurs primarily in late summer (RRCORR2 ** S.41 0.90 months. The growiiut season averages less than one month (0.98 1.16 months). Expected prey equals 24.76 kilograms 36.72 kilograms per square kilometer.
F D -10
F C -11
F S P -5
F B D -:
FBI-: a
t a b l e
4 . 0 8 (continued)
T A -2 1
Alpine tundra and borealforest. This formation represents 5.18 percent of the earths vegetative surface (63,050.04 units of 100 square kilometers). The largest areas are in Tibet and parts of central Asia, as well as in the Andes and the northern Rocky Mountains of Alaska and western Canada. Mean annual rainfall averages 210.57 mm (8.29 inches) 135 mm. Formations are localized around 42 degrees latitude, but variability measures 11.95 degrees. Rainfall occurs primarily in late summer (RRCORR2 = 5.96 2.17 months). Expected prey is 1.62 kilograms per square kilometer. This taxon was originally called Alpine tundra (includes boreal forest) but did not hold up as a type of vegetation when climatic variables were used in analysis. For instance, the largest area assigned to this classification is in the Himalayas, centered in Tibet. No weather sta tion data were available for this region, but examination of many photographs indicates that the vegetation grades to w hat is called DSD in this classification and bears little resemblance to arctic tundra. Another area demonstrated no internal consistency in terms of climatic parameters, and for these reasons this remains a nonuseful category.
the ranges of values that are likely to occur at different places in geographic space. Graph A in figure 4.18, on the other hand, illustrates differences in property space between two o f the basic vegetative groupings moderate- to high-biomass for est (TF) and savanna communities. Differences in the annual variability in rainfall are dramatically illustrated by a com parison of the water-starved savanna (graph A) and grass land plant communities plotted in figure 4.18 (graph B) with two different kinds of forest communities high-
biomass tropical and midlatitude in the same property space in graphs A and B.
Having developed techniques for monitoring and ways of understanding global variability in both climate and vege-
I i TXm dra
World map with zones defined by large-scale plant formations according to the world weather station sample.
Comparative distributions of two major plant associations from the world weather station sample savanna and tropical for est (A) and grassland and midlatitude forest (B) illustrating their different locations in the property space of latitude and the coefficient of variation for rainfall.
tation, I now turn to a consideration of the nonhuman ani mal species with whom humans share a dependence, either direct or indirect, on the earths plant producers. The term hunter-gatherer acknowledges that although it is variable from place to placea substantial proportion of the human diet come from the animal kingdom. This generalization imposes on us the necessity of investigating the ways in which animal species vary in both abundance and distribu tion among the worlds many different types of plant com munities. Any rigorous investigation of human dependence on animal food resources must begin, therefore, with the accu mulation of data documenting the distribution of animal species, which in this analysis are referred to collectively as secondary biomass. I had expected that the literature focusing on commu nity ecology would include detailed faunal analyses of var ious ecological settings, but I discovered, unfortunately, that complete tabulations of all of the animal species at a given location were extremely rare. Studies of secondary bio mass are available, but, more often than not, they have recorded the number of individuals in only a single species such as mule deer or moose. My survey of the literature on animal biomass has also revealed that although many stud ies are available from all parts of the world, they are not all equally reliable. Another unwelcome discovery was that most long-term studies have focused on the animal species found in tropical savanna settings. It seemed that if I wanted cases from the full range of the earths climatic and biotic zones, I would have to accept studies that focused on only a few species.
After a very informative conference with John Eisenberg,201 settled on an approach that used data from two dif ferent kinds of biomass studies. In environments in which ungulates of moderate body size are represented by one or at most two species, I have used combinations o f single species studies. On the other hand, in environments char acterized by the presence of many different species, I have relied on community studies. Since settings with multiple species are more frequently located in the tropics and sub tropics, it is not surprising that most community studies have, in fact, been carried out in these settings. The term ungulates o f m oderate body size refers to animals that are equal to or larger in size than an impala or prong horn antelope and that range up to and include a giraffe. Large herbivores such as elephants were excluded from consider ation because their numbers are so variable from study area to study area. This variation is primarily due to the effects of poaching, at one extreme, as well as to the negative effects o f habitat destruction on confined populations at reserves, such as Amboseli in Kenya, and to species proliferation at other localities. When the data on elephant and hippopotamus were removed from community ecology biomass estimates, secondary biomass values varied convincingly with climatic variables. Table 4.09 lists the 107 localities spanning the earth's major biotic communities for which studies documenting variability in ungulates of moderate body size were available. In addition to providing bibliographic citations for the species data for each locality, it lists values for two variables for each case: BIOMASS, which is the total value o f all
NAME Wilpattu
B E VE R E NC> ( 1 }
Eisenberg and Seidensticker 1976; McKay and Eisenberg 1974 Eisenberg and Seidemtkker 1976; McKay and Eisenberg 1974 Hougerwerf 1970; McKay and Eisenberg 1974 Eisenberg and Seidensticker 1976; Schaller 1967 Eisenberg and Seidensticker 1976; Schaller 1967 Eisenberg and Seidensticker 1976; Schaller 1967 Eisenberg and Seidensticker 1976; Schaller 1967 Eisenberg and Seidensticker 1976; Schaller 1967; SpOlett 1967 Eisenberg and Seidensticker 1976; Schaller 1967 Eisenberg 1980; Eisenberg and Thorington 1973 Eisenberg et al. 1979 Eisenberg 1980; Eisenberg etaL 1979 E. Piana (pers. comm.) E. Piana (pers. comm.) Coe et aL 1976 Collins 1958 Coe et aL 1976 Lock 1977 Coe etal. 1976 Field and Laws 1970; Spinage 1982 Coe et al. 1976 Coe et aL 1976 VanLavieren and Bosch 1977 Coe et aL 1976 Coe et al. 1976; Lamprey 1964; Sinclair and NortonGriffiths (eds.) 1979 Coe et al. 1976 Coe et al. 1976 Dasmann and Mossman 1962 Coe etal. 1976 Barnes and DouglasHamilton 1982; Coe etaL 1976 Coeet al. 1976 Coe et al. 1976; Lamprey l%4 East 1984; Hofmeyer 1980; loubert and Mostert 1975 Lamprey 1964 Caughley and Goddard 1975; Naylor 1973
Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka
Gal Oya
3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Nepal Panama Venezuela Venezuela Chile Argentina Kenya Ghana Kenya Uganda Tanzania Uganda Rwanda Tanzania Cameroon Kenya Tanzania
Royal Chitawan Barro Colorado Calabozo Hato Chono Island Tierra Del Fuego Lake Rudolf Tano Nimri Tsavo Park Kabalega Falls Mkomasi Queen Elizabeth Akagera Park Ngorongoro Boubaldijidah Samburu Serengeti
5,370 542 8,684 7,460 175 125 405 94 4,210 10,164 1,731 18,352 3,650 7,561 2,164 2,018 8,352
1,790 169 3,654 3,730 175 125 205 150 1,690 2,258 1,731 8,282 2,259 7,339 1,788 1,300 8,142
1,245.98 222.14 2,303.81 3,694.37 375.75 93.00 53.96 191.37 1,933.40 1,370.15 1,357.66 9,768.28 2,421.58 4,197.01 1,870.49 1,012.11 8,929.25
26 27 28 29 30
Kruger Park north Sengwa Victoria Falls Kruger Park south Ruaha
31 32
33 34 35
ta b le
4 . 0 9
r e f e r e n c e
( s )
36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65
South Africa South Africa South Africa Tanzania Australia Australia Australia Australia Tasmania Florida California California Texas Mississippi Arizona South Carolina Oklahoma Tennessee Arizona California California California California Nevada Japan Nevada Arizona California Utah California California Washington Nevada Washington Michigan Nevada Utah Arizona Montana Colorado South Dakota California California Montana Washington Montana Washington Idaho Newfoundland Minnesota Scotland Michigan Canada Canada Wyoming
Umfolozi Hlu-Hluhluwe William Pretorius Lioliondo Bond Springs Charlie Creek Derwent Hamilton Down Mount William Everglade Imperial Valley Kern River Llano Basin Greenville 3-Bar Ranch Greenwood Wichita Mountain Bolivar Mingus Lake County Jawbone deer Hayfork Sacramento Belted Mountains Sendai deer Trinity Mountains Prescott White Mountains Oak Creek deer Yosemite deer Mono Lake deer Hoh elk Battle Mountain Humtulips Reserve Schell Creek deer Uncompahgre deer Kaibab deer Crow Reservation Ouray deer Wind Cave Orick Prairie Hat Creek Missouri Breaks Queets Sun River elk Elwha elk Big Wood Zero Deer herd Rhum Island deer Isle Royal Alberta moose Fort McKay, Alberta Yellowstone
3802.57 1,097.29 300.42 4,696.91 79.24 127.41 119.92 93.01 785.74 334.54 24.76 162.89 1,915.73 530.62 373.85 617.69 1,235.53 322.85 231.30 188.14 287.13 317.24 144.79 66.14 539.91 72.64 375.84 38.72 291.60 231.81 51.82 262.68 34.77 307.99 330.83 108.04 375.83 127.01 882.18 622.50 961.21 272.16 185.23 861.82 252.18 1,366.79 293.37 168.59 168.24 199.59 422.13 198.28 227.20 195.33 466.28
69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85
15 137 2,063 695 146 303 815 465 199 792 510 411 745 58 1,162 19 183 17 761 228 165 1,143 26 90 678 314 547 235 1,655 612 1,437 132 128 1,312 599 595 670 296 690 97 1,388 674 179 274 1,538
15 137 2,063 695 511 303 815 465 298 367 246 411 745 58 650 19 325 17 414 228 165 179 26 135 550 314 246 235 1,055 489 862 132 128 650 199 659 340 296 328 97 1,041 303 179 274 769
89 90
Mentis 1970 Bourquin et al. 1971; Mentis 1970,1980 Coe et al. 1976 Coe et al. 1976 Newsome 1965,1965a Newsome 1965,1965a Newsome 1965,1965a Newsome 1965,1965a J. F. Eisenberg (pers. comm.) Loveless 1959 Longhurst et al. 1952 Longhurst et al. 1952 Teer et al. 1965 Sigler-Eisenberg ca. 1993 Swank 1958 Sigler-Eisenberg ca. 1993 McHugh 1958 Sigler-Eisenberg ca. 1993 Swank 1958 Taber and Dasmann 1957 Leopond et al. 1952 Longhurst et al. 1952 Longhurst et al. 1952 Rue 1978 Ito 1967 Rue 1978 Swank 1958 Longhurst et al. 1952 Robinette et al. 1977 Longhurst et al. 1952 Longhurst et al. 1952 Schwartz and Mitchell 1945 Gruell and Parez 1963 Schwartz and Mitchell 1945 McCullough 1979 Reference misplaced Kuffeld et al. 1980 Russo 1964; Swank 1958 McHugh 1958 Kuffeld et al. 1980 McHugh 1958 Harper et al. 1967 Longhurst et al. 1952 Mackie 1970 Schwartz and Mitchell 1945 Knight 1970 Schwartz and Mitchell 1945 Tanner 1965 Bergerud 1974; Bergerud and Manuel 1969 Floyd et al. 1979 Clutton-Brock et al. 1982 Nlech 1966 Rolley and Keith 1980 Hauge and Keith 1981 McHugh 1958
4 .O
B I O S M A L L E X P R E V R E F E R EN C E ( S )
_______ B I O M A S
Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Canada Alaska Greenland Russia Canada Kenya Zimbabwe Upper Volta Nigeria Ivory Coast
Fortymile herd Yukon moose Beaver herd Porcupine herd Kenai moose Valdez Peninsula caribou Kaminuriak herd Arctic herd W. Greenland caribou Coastal Siberia Boothia Peninsula Amboseli Park Hendersons Ranch Arli Kainji Lake Comoe
72.53 85.22 92.37 59.54 152.20 167.73 127.92 41.57 37.71 19.58 17.35 10.88 58.85 842.61 1,516.40 1,324.85 528.55
Hemming 1971 Evans et al. 1966 Hemming 1971 Hemming 1971 Evans et al. 1966 Hemming 1971 Hemming 1971 Parker 1972 Hemming 1971 Thing 1981 PoulovetaL 1971 Parker 1972 C et aL 1978; Western 1975 Dasmann and Mossman 1962 Green 1979 Milligan et aL 1982 Geering and Bokdam 1973
herbivores reported in the cited studies, including animals of large body size such as elephants, and BIOSMALL, which is the adjusted value of only ungulates of moderate body size. In the fifty-three cases in which the value o f BIOSMALL is lower than that entered for BIOMASS, the difference is due to one or more of the following conditions at the study loca tion: (1) values for elephant, hippopotamus, and rhino were subtracted from the community totals; (2) secondary vege tation reported at the study location (i.e the mature plant community) had been harvested by humans prior to the study (managed elk populations in North America were particularly affected, as was the Tasmanian marsupial pop ulation); or (3) game managers maintain the animal popu lation at the study site by supplemental feeding (this applies to most bison populations within the United States). Some areas for which animal biomass data are available were char acterized by more than one of these conditions. In 8 of the 107 cases in table 4.09, the BIOSMALL estimate is higher than the BIOMASS value. In these cases, a single-species study was augmented by information about other species in the same area, including domesticated animals. Although it might appear that I have jumped ahead of myself by describing the data collection strategies involved in this aspect of my research and that a more appropriate dis cussion would focus on the reasons that I was collecting data in the first place, the sequence in which I have introduced my research on animal biomass may seem more logical when viewed in the context of ecological research as a whole. Ecologists have worried for some time over two major ques tions: (1) What factors limit the biomass of animals? (2) How do the dynamics of animal biomass fluctuations dif-
ferentially condition the abundance of animals at different times and places within a habitat? In a seminal work on this issue entitied The Distribution and Abundance o f Animals (1954), two Australian zoolo gists, H. G. Andrewartha and L C. Birch, addressed the ques tion of how animal abundance is differentially conditioned in space and time. The authors distinguished between four major components of the problem: (1) a factor they referred to as a place to live, (2) the subsistence strategies of differ ent animals, (3) the social geography of different species, and (4) the climatological context of the species and its habitat. Because Andrewartha and Birch addressed their concerns using data drawn primarily from insect species, many of their colleagues were critical of the results, arguing that the unique features of insect organisms made it unlikely that knowledge gained from the study would be relevant to mam malian and, particularly, human behavior. Before accepting the majority verdict and dismissing Andrewartha and Birchs research entirely, I present one of the major conclusions of this study: The numbers of animals in a natural population may be limited in three ways: (a) by shortage of material resources, such as food, places in which to make nests, etc.; (b) by inaccessibility of these material resources rel ative to the animals' capacities for dispersal and search ing; and (c) by shortage of time when the rate of increase r is positive. Of these three ways, the first is probably the least, and the last is probably the most, important in nature. Concerning c, the fluctuations in the value of r may be caused by weather, predators, or any other com ponent of environment that influences the rate ot increase. For example, the fluctuations in the value ot
r which are determined by weather may be rhythmical in response to the progressions of the seasons, or more erratic in response to "runs of years with goodor bad weather.... The fluctuations in r which are determined by the activities of predators must be considered in relation to the populations in local situations.... How long each newly founded colony may be allowed to multiply free from predators may depend on the dis persive powers of the predators relative to those of the prey. (Andrewartha and Birch 1954:661) These conclusions challenge the views on animal distrib ution and abundance advanced by Australian animal ecolo gist A. J. Nicholson (1933, 1954a, 1954b, 1957, 1958), who developed the density-dependent approach to species numbers and differential dispersal. A basic tenet of this argument states that as the number (density) of individuals of a species increases at a particular location, processes are activated that dampen or reduce the rates at which the population grows. One of these inhibiting factors is intraspecific competition, which was referred to by Nicholson as the governing reaction According to Begon et al., density-dependent processes play a crucial role in determining the abundance of species by operating as stabilizing or regulating mechanisms (1990:516). Despite the feet that this view of population dynamics, with its cycles of growth and decline, has been widely accepted, Andrewartha and Birch (1954) nonetheless minimize its role. In their study, which was remarkable for the quality of its data and the duration of research, multiple regression analy sis of population counts were run against environmental variables. The results indicated that 78 percent of the vari ation in population levels could be accounted for by weather variables (Andrewartha and Birch 1954:660-61), a conclu sion that led the authors to conclude that density-dependent responses played little or no role in determining animal population levels. Andrewartha and Birchs challenge to Nicholsons assertions set in motion a debate (McLaren 1971) that has ramified into manydifferent fields, including anthropology (see the criticism of equilibrium topics by postprocessual archaeologists [Hodder 1982:2] and Hassans review [1981:144-75] of discus sions in the 1960s and 1970s). The contemporary view is well stated by Begon et aL: it is important to note that because all environments are variable, the position of anybalance-point is continually changing. Thus, in spite of the ubiquity of density-dependent, regularizing processes, there seems little value in a view based on universal balance, with rare non equilibrium interludes. On the contrary, it is likely that no nat ural population is ever truly at equilibrium (1990:520-21). This view focuses on dynamics and variability in dynamic patterning rather than ideas of stable versus unstable system states. It may well be that a growing system is organization ally more or less stable than an oscillating one, but confir mation of either alternative must await further research.
Although a major concern of this chapter is the distrib ution and abundance of animals, particularly human animals, my interest at this juncture is the biomass of animals, which represents the standing crop of potentially accessible food for a human actor in a particular habitat. I especially want to be able to estimate the ungulate biomass at any location for which climatological data are available, and several studies offer encouragement that such a goal is attainable. The compar ative study by M. J. Coe, D. H. Cumming, and J. Phillipson (1976) demonstrated a relationship between the standing crop biomass of herbivores from the game-rich east African grass lands and mean annual rainfall (CRR), which is certainly one of the major conditioners of plant productivity upon which ungulate populations depend. Coe et al. (1976:349) obtained a correlation coefficient of 0.96 for the relationships sum marized by the following equation: (4<17) Large herbivore biomass = 10 ** [1.685(0.238) * (CRR) 1.095(0.661)]
where targe herbivore biomass is measured in kilograms per square kilometer and CRR equals mean annual rainfall. These researchers stressed that this equation accurately pro jected conditions in African settings in which mean annual rainfall ranged between approximately 250 and 1,100 mil limeters. They noted that the relationship was curvilinear with an inflection point at around 850 millimeters (Coe et al. 1976:347). An earlier, more global examination of ungulate biomass by Eisenberg and McKay (1974) had a more general ecolog ical focus and dealt more specifically with tropical forests. One of the authors observations will play an important role in ideas developed in later chapters of this book: the carrying capacity of a mature forest region is reduced for the terrestrial herbivores. In order to effectively graze and browse in a forest, a terrestrial herbivore is obliged to live at thin densities and, if the species is nonmigratory, then intraspecific spacing mechanisms become important. An open forest condition or an interface between forest and grassland allows for the max imum in diversity and density of herbivores for the tropical regions, but the true forest itself supports a less diverse ungulate fauna at thinner densities. (Eisenberg and McKay 1974:586) Specific climatological data from the study sites in their biomass comparisons were not available to Eisenberg and McKay, so they used an approximate classification of vege tation types based on an ordination of rainfall levels to demonstrate some interesting patterning in herbivore bio mass. The following equation best fits the distribution that is presented in Eisenberg and McKays graph (1974:587) of their data:
(4.18) y = [(a + cx +
.0 + b x + t/x 2)!2
where y = ungulate biomass in kilograms per square kilometer, x = mean annual rainfall in millimeters (CRR),
C !L" I L 8
a = -2.4449724, 6 =-0.0023505657, c = 0.034561408, d 1.759661 E-06, and e = -3.65421 29E-06. Both the Coe study and that of Eisenberg and McKay illus trate the strong relationship between herbivore biomass and climatic variables, particularly rainfall, but subsequent stud ies have recognized that a single variable is not likely to account for fine-grained variability across a global range of different habitats. McNaughton, Oesterheld, Frank, and Williams (1989; Oesterheld et al. 1992) have shifted from simple rainfall measures to estimates of net aboveground pro ductivity, which is strongly conditioned by both rainfall and temperature, and their findings offer considerable support for the daim that herbivores are strongly food limited. Eisen berg and McKays reports of the reduced role of ungulates and other herbivores in high-biomass forests have also been val idated and further documented by McNaughton et al. (1989:143). In fact, in the latter study, when the proportion of net aboveground productivity that is converted to stand ing biomass in the form of tree trunks and limbs was excluded from calculations and only foliage production was included, an even closer relationship was demonstrated. Another contentious issue troubling researchers who do comparative studies of animal biomass is whether contem porary, domestic range animals can be regarded as repre sentative of a localitys past populations of undomesticated animals. Oesterheld et al. (1992:235) found that higher animal biomass was correlated with net aboveground productivity in both wild and domesticated animal popula tions. The slope of the line in each case was similar, although the intercepts were different, and domesticated animals as a group behaved at a higher biomass level than wild animals (17% more biomass per unit of net aboveground produc tivity). The introduction into the equation of a new variable, soil quality, reduced the difference between domesticated and wild animal biomass and made contrasts between African and South American grassland-savanna regions appear less pronounced. Previous interregional comparisons had shown that sec ondary biomass was strongly related to net aboveground productivity, and, when cases from roughly the same regions and ecotypes were compared, rainfall was also a good pre dictor, at least up to the 1,000-millimeter level. Evidence also suggested that, relative to net aboveground productiv ity, terrestrial herbivore biomass was considerably reduced
C O < 0 a C 9 I
1 I
1000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 9000 000 7000 8000 9000
4 .19
Scatter plot of observed biomass of animals of moderate body size and the ratio of potential to actual vapo transpiration. Cases are coded for available water (AVWAT): (1) very dry, (2) dry, (3) moderately dry, (4) transitional dry, (5) transitional damp, (6) damp, (7) moist, and (8) wet.
in high-biomass forests. Since my goal has been to project her bivore and, more particularly, ungulate biomass to the entire earth as a way tracking hunter-gatherer habitat differences, I have approached the problem somewhat differently than is customary in ecological studies. I had assembled a wide range of climatic information on the locations for which biomass estimates of herbivores, especially ungulates, were available, so I decided to perform a series of multiple regression analyses21 on the data file of 103 cases in which BIOSMALL was the dependent variable and all of the environmental variables presented earlier in this chapter constituted the suite of independent variables. The major variables were converted to log10 values so that the mul tiple regression (which is a linear model) could retain or elim inate either the log10 or the normal scale value of a variable, depending upon the measures used for retaining variables in the equation. Independent analytical runs were made on a series ot different ways to segment the data file into various subsets. Previous ecological studies had focused on rainfall as an important variable, and, not surprisingly, 1 discovered that grouping subsets of the cases in terms ot rainfall-related criteria produced the highest correlations with the fewest vari ables contributing to the solution.22 The partition was made in terms of the variable AVWAT, which represents a dimen sional ordination of variability of rainfall-related criteria. Siikv PTOAE was the primary variable used to define the eight-step
ordination of environments by AVWAT value, the reason that this segregation produced the best results is illustrated in figure 4.19, which presents a graph with PTOAE plotted on the y axis and BIOSMALL on the x axis. By taking this approach, I learned that when a small sample is partitioned into still smaller samples and multiple regressions are performed, two complications are common: (1) As a result of distributional bias in the subset sample, a smooth transition from one subset to another frequently does not occur. (2) With small samples that do not represent the full range of variability in the population targeted for pro jection, the equations will frequently yield impossible values when run on cases with values outside the range represented in the sample. Attempting to project expected ungulate bio mass accurately to all of the earths environments on the basis of a data set composed of 103 cases invariably means that the sample does not adequately represent all environmental set tings. For instance, in this sample of animal biomass locations there are only four cases from true rain forest zones, so it is not likely that my projections will be within acceptable lim its of precision in true rain forests. Another problem is that I lacked a critical environmen tal control variable to measure the quantity and seasonal dis tribution of unearned water in dry environments. (It should be recalled that unearned water falls as rain somewhere else andis transported to plant communities in very different types of settings.) Rivers may bring unearned water to otherwise verydry places and various processes may distribute and make ground water abundantly available to plants at locations where there is very little rainfall. Such a situation occurs at
Amboseli Game Park in Kenya (Coe et al. 1976:350), and figure 4.20 illustrates the large number of animals that are found adjacent to the parks spring-fed marshes and streams. The vegetation in these areas is not maintained by earned rainfall, which means that there will be bias in my results depending upon the number of dry setting cases that are supplemented by unearned water as opposed to those that are not. The probability is strongly in favor of supple mented cases since, in truly dry settings, one would expect no ungulates of moderate body size. If they are reported from otherwise dry locations, it is nearly certain that unearned water resources are involved. I concluded that no matter how I solved the problem of selecting the most useful summary of the relationships between animal biomass and basic environmental variables, I could still expect inflated values in very dry environments since my sample is almost certainly biased in favor of higher biomass values at study locations with substantial unearned water. In fact, many of the study locations feature con structed dams, ponds, and tanks designed to exploit both earned and unearned water, providing animals with more and longer-duration drinking spots than they would find in the natural landscape. Contrast the setting in figure 4.21, in which elephants are provided water in the southern part of the Kruger National Park in South Africa, with the water resources along the Olifants River in the parks northern area (figure 4.22). In both settings animals depend on unearned water resources, but the dammed-up pond in figure 4.21 would never be anticipated by my rainfall-only data.
i o8
It is also likely that m y projections Will overestimate the amount of animal biomass for very wet environments because my sample included only four cases representing the full range of the earths variability in these settings. Uncontrolled variability among the cases in the sample is not, however, the cause o f the overestimate. It derives instead from the very
abrupt transitions between low-biomass forests and highbiomass savanna depicted in figure 4.19. Since the cases are not evenly distributed across the full range of variability but are concentrated at the drier end of this variability, a line fitted to these cases projects more biomass for animals in extremely wet locations. My only recourse is to note this condition
Elephants on the Olifants River in the northern area of Kruger National Park, South Africa.
and expect that biases of this kind will occur for locations onto which the best-fit equations developed here may project expected values. As I tried alternate ways to make the best use of the infor mation contained in the animal biomass file, I would some times get a set of equations that would anticipate the sample very well. But when the equations were used to calculate expected values for the large file of 1,429 global weather sta tions, I would sometimes have negative values for very dry loca tions and unreasonably high values (e.g., 3,456,238 kilograms of animal biomass per square kilometer) for some locations that were not represented in the range of environments for which I had animal data. As a result, I took two different approaches to developing the best equations for projecting val ues of expected ungulate prey biomass for the whole earth. First, I would use only a single equation, which would elim inate the problem of disjunctures between merged equa tions calculated on subsets of the total number of cases. Then I developed a reality check for the results so that I could identify wild values for those cases in which my equations were not well constrained by the range of variability in the sample when compared with the global range of variability in cer tain important environmental variables.231 also discovered that by forcing the equations through the origin, I partially solved the problem of negative values for low-rainfall cases. Another finding was that better correlation coefficients and lower standard error values resulted when I ran the envi ronmental variables against the log10 value of BIOSMALL. The best-fit multiple linear regression24 that I obtained using a stepwise method for anticipating the log10 value of BIOSMALL had a squared multiple R value of 0.99206 with an r2value of 0.98418, an adjusted r2 value of 0.98258, and a standard error of the log10 value of 0.34978 when the equation was forced through the origin. The equation takes the following form:
expression of that value. This is not surprising since each form is represented with opposite signs and therefore interacts to define the threshold of the relationship between secondary biomass and primary production. In addition, four vari ables measuring different aspects of the water balance char acteristics of habitats are included: 1. Negative LWATD, which is the log10 value of the total annual water deficit or the amount of additional water that could have been evaporated or transpired had it been present. LWATD is inversely correlated with secondary bio mass and strongly supports other water-related variables, but it provides more information relative to NAGP because its values imply what is frequently called the wilting point 2. LWATRGRC, which is the log10 value of the number of months during the growing season in which water was retained in the soil at the end o f the month. This is another way of saying that rainfall levels were high enough, in spite of evaporation or transpiration, to result in water stored in the soil. This variable makes a positive contri bution to the equation. 3. WATRET, which is the yearly total of water stored in the soil. WATRET is an indicator of the difference between wet, high-biomass forests and dry-to-savannalike settings. As the value of WATRET increases, the biomass of ungulates decreases, negatively conditioning the equation. 4. RRCORR2, which is the measure of the seasonality of rain fall relative to the warmest and potentially most produc tive months of the year. Animal biomass is expected to be higher when RRCORR2 values are low and lower when they are high. This means that spring and summer rain fall contributes to high animal biomass whereas autumn and winter rainfall is correlated with lower levels of ungu late biomass. In the animal kingdom, dynamics related to RRCORR2 affect seasonal birthing patterns and increases in primary plant productivity in response to rainfall. Another provocative variable included in the equation, WSTORAGE, is an ordinal scaling of soil type in terms of water storage potential. Poor, sandy soils have low storage capac ity whereas rich mollisols, at the other end of the scale, have high storage capacity. This scaling of soil quality supports other research demonstrating that soil quality is a major conditioner of animal biomass levels above and beyond relationships attributable to net aboveground plant productivity (Fritz and Duncan 1993).25 In my equation solving for EXPREY, topographic eleva tion is included as a positive contributor and the log, value of latitude represents a negative contributor. This means that increases in elevation are correlated with increases in ungulate biomass, whereas increases in latitude correspond to decreases in net aboveground productivity and ungulate biomass. In a real-world context, these statements about the
EXPREY = 10 ** [(ELEV * 5.30810E-05) + (LLAT *-0.300235) + (LNAGP * 1.200771 ) + (LWATD* -0.116610} +
(LWATRGRC * 0 .2 1 6 4 9 3 ) + (NAGP * - 4 .2 6 4 9 5 E - 0 4 ) + (RRCORR2 * - 0 .0 2 8 5 7 7 ) + (WRET * - 0 .0 0 8 0 6 6 ) + (W5TORAGE * 0.005171)1
This equation is provocative when viewed from the per spective of previous work on the conditioners of net above ground productivity and the quantity of secondary biomass. First, the three variables most frequently cited as condition er of secondary biomass are represented. Obviously, net aboveground productivity (NAGP) plays an important role since it is represented by both its natural value and the log| 0
relationships between variables translate into the challenges to survival, in addition to food limitation, that ungulates face in settings of increasing coldness, where the primary prob lem is maintenance of body temperature. Different species have different coping mechanisms, rang ing from growing thicker pelts to hibernation, so latitude is used in this equation as a surrogate for many of the problems that ungulates must solve in cold settings. On the other hand, ele vation is a surrogate for habitat diversity and the fact that the security of ungulates increases through their access to differ ent food resources. There are, of course, other ways of evalu ating the significance of these variables, but my goal was to developusing habitat variablesan accurate projection of what is already known about ungulate biomass that could be applied to locations for which there is little if any knowledge. Let us examine the results of applying this equation to the cases from which it was generated. Figure 4.23 displays observed values of BIOSMALL and expected values of EXPREY, both of which are expressed as kilograms per square kilometer. In three rather extreme cases, observed and expected values are quite different: (1) Ruaha Park in Tan zania (664 observed; 9,097 expected); (2) Hlu-Hluhluwe Park in South Africa (6,588 observed; 1,105.8 expected); and (3) Gir National Park in Gujarat, India (6,800 observed; 409.7 expected). These differences are so large that some attention must be paid to these cases. 1. Ruaha Park values for BIOSMALL came from Coe et al. (1976),26 who estimated the total elephant and non elephant biomass to be 3,909 kilograms per square kilo meter. Six years later, Bames and Douglas-Hamilton (1982) reported a total animal biomass value of 5,422 kilograms per square kilometer, of which elephant biomass amounted to 4,157 kilograms, or 76.67 percent of the total This percentage was used as a guide to eliminate elephants from the biomass value reported by Coe et al., with the understanding that it might not correspond to current biomass values at the park. The next question was whether an expected prey value of 9,097 kilograms per square kilometer is totallyoff the mark, and here I have to admit that I simplydo not know . One thing is certain, however: Ruaha does not represent a climax or stable animal population relative to the produc tivity and character of the plant community. 2. Hlu-Hluhluwe Park in South Africa is very close to Umfbioa Game Reserve and, like the latter, contains a protected and managed population of black and white rhino, as wdl as other ungulate species, including nyala, impala, waterbuck, greater kudu, blue wildebeest, buffalo, giraffe, and BurchelTs zebra. The proportion of rhino to other species is unreported, andsince hippo, rhino, and elephant w ere subtracted from the biomass value to obtain BIOSMALL it was impossible to perform such a correction in this case. This undoubtedly accounts for most of the discrepancy between the observed and expected values of BIOSMALL 3. Gir National Park in India was recendy carved out of an area previously occupied by seminomadic cattle herders to provide a habitat for the rare Asiatic lion of India. The forests are reported to have been depleted by decades of grazing cattle (Krishnan 1984:54). The biomass values used here were taken from Eisenberg and Seidensticker (1976:300), who reported that 6,171 kilograms of the total represent domestic stock that feed in the park. Only
Scatter plot of observed and expected biomass of animal* of mod erate body size.
383 kilograms were reported to be wild ungulates, a value that is very close to the 409 kilograms projected by the expected prey equation. Other cases with lower expected than observed values of BIOSMALL include the Scottish island of Rhum, Bharatpur and Kanha Parks in India, Ngorongoro Crater in Tanzania, and William Pretorius Game Reserve and the southern sec tor of the Kruger National Park in South Africa. Unearned water is suspected as a major contributor to the discrepan cies in each of these cases: 1. The red deer populations on the Scottish island of Rhum constitute the only case in which expected animal biomass values are lower than the observed values for reasons that are unrelated to unearned water. The higher than expected biomass value is likely to be related to the destruction of the islands forests during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, which resulted in the complete extirpation of all woodlands by the dawn of the nineteenth century. Since 1957, the island has been a nature reserve supporting wildlife, with a vegetation cover of heath, blanket bog, and grassland heath. Prior to a study initi ated by zoologists, there was also some feeding of animal populations by humans on the island (Clutton-Brock et al. 1982:27). Another relevant point is that although eagles have sometimes been observed killing calves, there are no larger predators affecting animal populations on the sland (Clutton-Brock et al. 1982:85). The climatic data, of course, anticipate a forested area that would sup port considerably fewer animals on a sustainable basis. 2. Bharatpur, or the Keoladeo Ghana Animal Park, consists of 32 square kilometers surrounding a 29-square-kilometer lake that is the breeding area for so many species of water birds that the park is thought of primarily as a bird sanc tuary. The size of the lake expands considerably during the rainy season. Schaller reports even higher biomass levels than were reported by Eisenberg and Seidensticker (1976), noting that the buffalo population primarily feeds in the swamp and the area around the lake is deteriorating rapidly to desert conditions (Schaller 1967:202 3). It is clear that the lake is a major source of water and that ani mals seasonally aggregate there; this is having a very neg ative effect on the plant community. Inflated biomass values are expected under such conditions. 3. Ngorongoro Crater Conservation Area is another location at which unearned water resources support more animals than could be supported by locally earned rainfall in a more conventional topography. 4. William Pretorius Game Reserve in South Africa is a 34.7-square-mile park with an artificial lake that pro vides water for park animals (Guggisberg 1970:175). In flated biomass values are expected under such conditions.
5. The southern part of the huge Kruger National Park in South Africa is dotted with artificially dammed ponds and tanks. These facilities not only conserve local rainfall that would otherwise be lost as runoffbut also allow game ani mals to be dispersed over a much larger area than would be possible with only a few sources of naturally occurring water during the dry season. Once again, observed bio mass is higher than the expected value, which was based exclusively on rainfall levels. There are only four cases in which the observed BIO SMALL value is less than the expected value. These include Lake Nakura Park in Kenya, which is a small reserve of 24 square miles that is best known as a bird sanctuary owing to its location adjacent to a lake that is considerably larger than the park itself. Large game is strictly managed in the park in order to reduce predation on the bird populations and to mit igate the destruction of bird habitats. Two other parks where animal populations are strictly regulated are the Umfolozi Park in South Africa and Nairobi Park, which is only four miles from the center of the capital of Kenya. Last, there is the Mikumi Park in Tanzania, but I know very little about this location. Except for the preceding locations, the data are quite remarkable, and, as I have noted, the oudiers are almost exclusively understandable in terms of conditions that my equation does not accommodate. The results are better at anticipating conditions in a natural state than is any simple summary of the data itself, andsimply by projecting the knowledge summarized in the EXPREY equation it is now possible to provide an ungulate biomass estimate for any loca tion on earth for which there is adequate weather data. The equation was run on the world sample of weather sta tion cases and yielded an expected prey (EXPREY) value in units of biomass measured as kilograms per square kilome ter for all of the 1,429 locations in the world sample. Figure 4.24 illustrates how ungulate biomass would be globally dis tributed if the rest o f the world were like what is known about the set o f cases documenting animal biomass. Many features of this distribution make good sense in light of what was learned about the natural world at the time it was first documented in the historical and anthropological lit erature. The high-animal-biomass areas of Africa are well defined in figure 4.24 as a semicircular scatter of dark shad ing around a core of moderately dark units extending along the West African coast and around the Congo drainage. Both north and south of this region of graded secondary pro ductivity there is the wide zone of low to absent productiv ity represented by the Saharan zone that is defined by adjacent regions of Mauritania, Mali. Algeria, Niger, Chad, Libya, Sudan, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia on the north and Namibia, Botswana, and most of central and western South Africa on the south.
76 to 225 0 to 75
2,026 to 7,040
World map with zones defined by an ordination of projected biomass for ungulates of moderate body size accord ing to the world weather station sample.
Regions analogous to the Namibia-Botswana-South Africa area, where hunter-gatherers and pastoralists were reported at the time o f initial European exploration, include Patagonia in southeastern Argentina and the entire continent of Australia, both of which were occupied exclusively by hunter-gatherers at the time of initial European exploration. (It is tempting to ask at this juncture why so many huntergatherers were found in these regions, or, reversing the per spective, why agriculturists were absent. Hunter-gatherers operated next to state-level societies in South America and adjacent to both agriculturists and pastoralists in southern Africa. It is only in Australia that a case can be made for iso lation, and that argument can be effectively challenged. I am, of course, jumping ahead of myself here but only because the environmental information developed for comparative work is so provocative.) Another region with a history of high ungulate produc tivity is the Great Plains of North America, which is defined in figure 4.24 by an inverted, backwards, L-shaped distrib ution There is an east-west distribution along the border between Canada and the United States that includes the southern parts of Alberta and Saskatchewan and a small
western comer of Manitoba, and a similar distribution across Montana and North Dakota that turns south through west ern South Dakota, Nebraska, and Kansas, into Texas and along the gulf coast o f Mexico. The only other location on earth with such an extensive distribution of moderately high animal productivity is in Asia, where it runs along the Russian-Mongolian border into Manchuria and turns southwest to Beijing and Tientsin in China. An analogous but much smaller area is (bund in cen tral Europe, beginning on the Turkish Plateau; jumping over to Bulgaria, Romania, eastern parts of the former Yugoslavia, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia and into southern Poland; and covering much o f the Ukraine as well. Other fascinating features of this map include the distributions in India and the contrasts in the distribution of ungulates between the Oki and New Worlds. I will have to defer another demonstration of the rewards of large-scale, multivariate comparison (in this case, an examination o f the geographic patterning in the projected abundance of animals of moderate body sue) while I inti" duce two other frames of reference for examining distribu tional variability in the abundance of ungulates. In figure 4.25
FIGURE 4 . 2 5
Property space map for primary net aboveground productivity and latitude, with zones defined by an ordination of projected biomass for ungulates of moderate body size, from the world weather station sample (XPREYORD): (1) very low, (2) low, (3) scant, (4) moderate, (5) high, and (6) very high.
for instance, the ordination of ungulate abundance is plot ted on a property space map with the log10 value of net aboveground productivity (NAGP) on the x axis and latitude on the y axis. This projection makes it clear that regions with the highest and lowest primary biomass support the low est biomass for ungulates of moderate body size. On the other hand, the highest biomass for the animals in this study occurs at latitudes below 15 degrees and in settings with primary net aboveground productivity of between 1,000 and 2,220 grams per square meter. The second highest bio mass occurs below 35 degrees in regions with NAGP values of between 500 and 3,900 grams per square meter. The other feature of the distribution in figure 4.25 is that the property space defined by maximum values for animal biomass is by no means homogeneous. Values as low as 226 grams per square meter may occur in the same property space as much higher levels of NAGP. This is a clear indica tion that variables other than NAGP are strongly condi tioning animal biomass. This set of relationships was demonstrated in equation (4.19), which included important conditioning variables representing the season of rainfall, soil storage capacity, and the amount of water retained in the soil during the growing season, in addition to the more basic vari ables conditioning generic plant productivity. Using the results of the EXPREY equation, I can exam ine the relationship between my classification of vegetation
and the abundance of ungulates of moderate body size. An ordination of the mean values for expected prey at loca tions identified by the twenty-eight vegetative communi ties used in this study and described in table 4.08 was obtained. The resultant pattern corresponds roughly to what is already known about this issue: the highest values of ungu late biomass per unit area are found in tropical montane forests (FMT-6), tropical thorntree tallgrass savannas (STG-7), tropical savanna woodlands (SW-2), and tropical-subtropical monsoon raingreen forests (FMO-3). Conversely, the lowest level for biomass of ungulates of moderate body size is found in tundra settings (T-26), followed by porcupine grass semidesert (DSP-25), true deserts (D-28), and coastal forests of the temperate zone (FC-11). The first three cases are perhaps no surprise, but the last case includes the classic Douglas fir and redwood forests that are found along the west coast of North America from northern California to Valdez, Alaska. These forests were home to many well-documented hunter-gatherer groups often referred to collectively as the Northwest Coast Native Americans whose bold graphic styles and social complex ity have preoccupied the public imagination for many years. A pertinent question to ask at this juncture might be: is this pattern related in any way to the natural absence of prey? This is, of course, a question that I will investigate later in this study, but the fact that it comes to mind demonstrates the utility of the referential tools I have been building.
In this chapter, I have introduced a robust body of information and some of the analytical tools that will be used to build var ious frames of reference for the comparative study of huntergatherer peoples. I have even demonstrated that when these tools are used to analyze my data sets, some interesting patterns become visible. The experience of reading this chap ter, however, may provoke some readers to compare it to swallowing a maximum-strength vitamin pill. That is, almost everything that is needed to provide a realistic ecological basis for tackling the explanation of ethnographic variability has been concentrated into one unit, and it may produce the slightly queasy feeling that sometimes accompanies the con sumption of the days concentrated dose of nutrients. I certainly hope, however, that as I proceed in sub sequent chapters to project ethnographic and even archae ological data onto various environmental frames of reference, the effort of digesting this large intellectual capsule will fade from memory, to be replaced by an appreciation for the growth of knowledge that an environmental baseline makes possible.
In chapter 3 , 1 discussed two different kinds of analytical toolsframes of reference and projections. In chapter 4 , 1 introduced and defined numerous ecological variables that can be used to record specific, relevant properties of the worlds environments. In this chapter, I integrate these two domains and look at some aspects of hunter-gatherer behav ior through several different sets of lenses. And because this book is concerned as much with how to do analysis as it is with the results of my endeavors, at every juncture I exam ine the utility of the tools I use and the logic directing their use, reporting where appropriate either the patterns and insights they produce or their failure to contribute to my knowledge goals. I begin by constructing an environmental frame of ref erence that will be used to study a sample of ethnographically observed hunting and gathering peoples of the relatively recent past. Of course, such a tool could be used just as effectively to study archaeological data derived from an unknown past. Most of the environmental variables are taken from weather station data, which means that they are based on observations that are global in distribution and stan dardized in terms of collection procedures. This consistency, and the fact that well-understood environmental dynam ics inform us about critical factors producing habitat vari ability, will permit the construction of very robust frames of reference. I also intend to use information tabulated in a sample of 339 hunter-gatherer cases as the basis of another frame of ref erence that can be used in a search for patterns in archaeological data. The immediate methodological challenge is, of course, to develop a globally comprehensive hunter-gatherer frame of reference from an ethnographic data base that is admittedly biased in many ways, including spatial distribution. The brief survey of hunter-gatherer research presented in chapter 1 illustrated an additional research problem: the discipline of anthropology has yet to develop a coherent
statement of the factors conditioning hunter-gatherer vari ability, although there are some germane descriptive resources. Since archaeologists cannot simply suspend their efforts to account for archaeological patterning until ethnological researchers develop a comprehensively descriptive, explana tory body of knowledge about hunter-gatherers, they must themselves do the middle-range research necessary to create and experiment with the intellectual tools that will make pat terning in the archaeological record meaningful.1 Because it is impossible for contemporary researchers to observe the behavior of ancient peoples and then record its archaeological consequences, many archaeologists have been less than discriminating in using ethnographic data to inform themselves about the patterns documented in archaeologi cal sites. Indeed, they have been encouraged in this practice by the prevalent belief that living hunter-gatherers constitute a surviving remnant of past human populations. The argu ment for historical continuity made by Elman Service in the 1960s had particularly powerful repercussions: The paleolithic era. . . firom the beginning of culture until the beginning of the domestication of plants and animals was a time when there were no forms of economy higher than hunting-gathering bands. Once the Neolithic era began and the tribes gradually expanded, some bands were transformed, others possibly obliter ated and the remainder pushed into, or confined toeco logical areas where domestication of plants and animals was not feasible. Still higher stages of cultural develop ment, culminating in industrial civilizations, came to dominate these earlier levels of culture until remnants of the original kind of hunting-gathering bands which once covered the face of the earth are found in modern times only in marginal out-of-the-way places. (Service l%2:59) It is true that in the decades since Service discussed sup* posedly remnant hunter-gatherer populations anthropolo gists of all persuasions have become much more aware of the
folly of using extant peoples as discrete exemplars of pre historic life ways. Among southern African researchers the pendulum has even swung to the opposite extreme. Wilmsen (1983,1989) and others challenge the characterization of mobile San peoples as the latest practitioners of an un broken foraging tradition in the Kalahari, extending without interruption from the distant past (see also Bower 1989; Headland and Bailey 1991). Implicit in Wilmsens argument is the assumption that a break in occupational and organizational continuitywhich probably did, in feet, occur in the Kalahari arearenders a group of hunter-gatherers irrelevant to an investigation of what life is like for food producers exploiting domesticated plants and animals. I hope to make a strong case to the contrary and to demonstrate how knowledge of nearly con temporary hunter-gatherers may profitably serve the goal of learning about a past that may have been altogether differ ent from the present and, in many places, created by persons with no extant descendants in the present era. Two middle-range research alternatives are available to me. I can attempt to develop a theoretical understanding of the variability among ethnographically documented huntergatherers and thereby answer such questions as why are some groups mobile and others sedentary? Or I can devise ways to use the descriptive wealth of hunter-gatherer eth nography as a frame of reference for studying archaeologi cal materials. In this case, the documented variability among hunter-gatherers becomes a baseline for studying variability in the archaeological record.
It is undeniable that the more success I have with the for mer approach, the greater the likelihood that the latter approach will be successful. I have chosen, however, to begin with the problems associated with the latter approach, because understanding the nature of the bias in any data set is central to the success of both approaches. I hope to demonstrate some useful research tactics for converting a biased data set into a useful frame of reference instead of dismissing such data as irrelevant to generalizing research goals.
t r .A
Pume women engaged in cooperative household plant food processing. Photo by Rusty Greaves.
The evolutionary play was going on in the ecological the ater when as part of the plot man entered, romping and stamping on the stage and bringing it almost to the point of collapse. The feedback between ecosystems and evolving species is obvious in the relations between man and nature. The second part of the circuit involves _ The evolution of man the impact of man on nature_ has not been in the direction of passive adjustment to more mature ecosystems but is actively sustained through a regression of the rest of the biosphere. (Margalef 1968:96-97) The factors that are responsible for the many different niches occupied by so many different groups of individuals of a single human species are of some interest, but how does one determine what they are? The first step is to address the issue of niche diversity itself; then it will be possible to focus on the dynamic properties of a particular niche. By niche diversity I am referring to the characteristics of humanity that anthropologists have undertaken to explain: the astonishing variety in life styles, levels of organizational complexity, beliefs, customs, social rituals such as marital and burial practicesin short, all of the organizationally different ways in which human beings engage each other and the world. The ethnographic record of hunter-gatherers is not orga nized in terms of niche diversity per se. It is composed of observations and descriptions of life ways that are docu mented with different degrees of accuracy and comprehen siveness. Since, however, it is impossible to anticipate accurately the different properties of niches by considering the universally shared physical and cognitive characteristics of human actors,
researchers have no choice but to examine human behavior and organized life ways relative to some other standard, which in this study will be a suite of observed and derivative habitat variables. Just as in chapter 4 it was necessary to specify the terms in which I intended to describe some properties of the earths environments, I must also specify the terms I will use to describe hunter-gatherer peoples and conduct an analysis of niche diversity. I will not, however, introduce all of the descriptive criteria at one time. I prefer instead to trace the development of my argument about what is germane knowl edge at each juncture and to introduce the criteria for obser vation in that context.
Hunter-Gatherer Variability
Although hunter-gatherer societies differ from each other in many significant ways, in one respect they are all members of a single class: they do not organize themselves to control food production through strategic modifications in the organization of the ecosystems that they exploit. This distinction does limit to some extent the range of variability with which I will be work ing, but it does not isolate a unit, such as a species or subspecies, that has clear niche implications. As a class, in tact, huntergatherers encompass an enormous variety of niches compared with the range observable in nonhuman animals. Between 1971 and 1978,1was engaged in a systematic study of the ethnographies dealing with all 196 hunter-gatherer eases
included in the Ethnographic Atlas (Murdock 1967), focus ing exclusively on groups with subsistence strategies desig nated by Murdocks codes as fishing, hunting, and gathering. During the same interval I accumulated infor mation about a number of hunter-gatherer cases that were not included in Murdocks tabulation and began to explore various ways of classifying and documenting environments. Work on this project was intermittent in the decade between the mid-1970s and mid-1980s, but in the late 1980s I began to concentrate on expanding the sample of ethnographic cases and acquiring the monographs, reports, and other records that documented them. A suite of 163 variables was initially identified as important for comparative analysis, and a data base was established as a repository for the rapidly increas ing volume of coded data. As it became clear that fewer and fewer ethnographic resources remained to be explored, I began to concentrate on documenting various characteris tics of the environments in which the cases in the ethnographic sample were located. In table 5.01, the 339 hunter-gatherer groups that now make up the comprehensive, comparative data base used in this study are presented, along with seventeen categories of ethnographic and environmental data. The first data category, SUBPOP, is a nominal variable that reflects my judgment about the character of a groups system state at the time of documentation. Groups are designated as either norm al ( n) or suspect (x). A classification of n means that at the time of initial con tact, subsistence was based exclusively on hunting, gathering, or some combination o f both strategies. No domesticated resources were exploited except perhaps the dog or plant sub stances such as tobacco. A classification of x means that although the group may be organized similarly to huntergatherers, subsistence is based primarily on mutualistic artic ulations with non-hunting and gathering peoples. Classic examples of groups in the x category include the Nayaka of India, the Mbuti of the Ituri forest of Zambia, and the Mikea of Madagascar Groups also receive a classification of x if there are claims that, prior to European contact, subsistence was based on hunting and gathering even though all records describe them as exploiting domesticated plants. The Cahuilla of California, the Ayta of the Philippines, and the Hai//om of Namibia all have an x in the SUBPOP category. The next variables to be tabulated are TLPOP, which refers to the total number of persons to whom the ethno graphic description applies, and AREA, which represents ethnographers estimates of the total land area occupied by the group, calculated in units of 100 square kilometers. Dividing TLPOP by AREA produces the variable DENSITY, which is the number of persons per 100-square-kilometcr unit. The next three variables in table 5.01 deal with subsistence3 and are estimates (calculated as percentages) of a groups dependence upon terrestrial plants (GATHERING)/ ter
restrial animals (HUNTING), and aquatic organisms (FISH ING) as reflected in the diet of average members of the group. The summary variable SUBSP indicates what food type supplies the majority of a groups nutritional intake. A SUBSP value of 1 corresponds to terrestrial animal resources; when SUBSP equals 2, it refers to terrestrial plant resources; when SUBSP equals 3, aquatic resources are indicated. The next six variables refer to group size and degree of mobility. GRPPAT is a nominal variable that distinguishes between those cases that are mobile and move the entire group from camp to camp as they go about the subsistence round (coded as 1) and other cases that either move into and out of a central location that is maintained for more than one year or are completely sedentary (coded as 2). GRPPAT is followed by three measures of group size, each with a different mean ing, depending upon the coding for GRPPAT. For instance, in those cases for which GRPPAT equals 1, GROUP 1 records the mean size of the mobile consumer unit that camps together during the most dispersed phase of the yearly set tlement cycle. If, however, GRPPAT equals 2, the entry indi cates the size of the mobile task group operating out of a relatively permanent settlement, as in the case of family units moving together in a walkabout strategy during some season of the year. For cases in which GRPPAT equals 1, the variable GROUP2 represents the mean size of the consumer group that regu larly camps together during the most aggregated phase of the yearly economic cycle. When GRPPAT equals 2, the GROUP2 entry refers to the mean size of the villages that are maintained by the group for two or more years. In cases with a GRPPAT value of either 1 or 2, the value for GROUP3 records the mean size of the multigroup encampments that may aggregate periodically, but not necessarily annually or for immediate subsistence-related activities. In order to provide an additional perspective on the mobility strategies of the ethnic units in the sample, the variable NOMOV records the average number of residential moves made by household units within the group on an annual basis. A related variable, DISMOV, records the esti mated total distance that these residential moves represent each year. Both of these values are documented in table 8.04. The last two variables in table 5.01 summarize prop erties of the environment within which the hunter-gatherer cases are found. VEGNU refers to the classification by veg etative type, such as boreal forest or tropical savanna woodland, that was discussed in detail in chapter 4. SOIL indicates the primary soil type that is characteristic of a groups range. Although many other tabulated properties of environments and social systems will be introduced subsequently, at this juncture my immediate concern is tactical. Operating on the assumption that until one has demonstrated the nature of the problem there is no way of evaluating whether the
TABLE 5 .0 1
S B * ___________________
1 2
Batek Kubu Shompen Onge Jarwa
5 6 7
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
23 24 25 26 27 28 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 60 61 62 63 64 65
Cholanaickan Nayaka
349 424 11,800 342 393 255 1,645 464 366 72 556 609 1,644 46 426 139 3.000 629 565 254 70
3.9 7.9
AinuHokkaido Orogens
Guahibo Nukak Bororo Guato Siriono Yuqui Nambikwara Calusa GuayakiAche Botocudo
3.5 744 625 76.7 3,868.8 1,904.3 274.9 142.8 76.9 16.4
Tehuelche Chono
Yahgan Aka Bayaka Bambote
Baka Efe
Mbuti Mikea
Hukwc Hai//Om
3,400 3,497 2.500 1,088 1,223 937 3.000 750 1,4% 300 124
87.4 30.1 16.5 66.8 15.6 25.8 30.2 142 28.7 239.4 3.1 26 4,753 153.9 226.9 481
88 120
43 9.2 39.54 40.1 44.65 91.89 33.38 17.57 18.5 70.37 87 42 37.94 123.3 23.16 9.63 22 50 70.5 70 34.8 4.3 1.64 19.31 0.61 0.46 4.7 35 15.6 7.04 19.95 17.63 9.34 51.36 6.74
65 65 70 50 35 50 87 60 50 65 82 45 35 50 85 75 85 65 90 75 90
30 30 25 15
20 20 8
35 40 30 16 15
14 35 5 15
10 10
5 3 5
1 1
15 65 45
55 55 30
70 37.5 220 47 34
43 520
7.78 38.73 3.48 9.8 9.6 4.1 1.89 13.64 14.98 7.27 28.42 9.06 17.47 25 13.63 15.96 44 4.36 2.9 3.84
30 60 55 41 60 76 70 20 45 35 75 25 30 60 55 35 30
5 5
35 40 20
11 20 10
50 60
20 10
62 30 35 60 65 20
79.5 90.3 85 85
14 14
90 85 60
15 35 45
G ROU P3 62
0 0 0
NO M O V 45
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 6 1 1 1 6 2
S O IL u H U O O O H O U O A3 H H H A3 A3 A3 A3 O A3 O H H A1 H
T T T D H O O O O A3 O A3 U O
5 5
2 2
1 2
22 19
30 58
35 45
0 8
5 5
10 5 2
5 1 0
2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 1 3 3 1 1 3 3 2 2 3
10 0 75 25 50 85 40 44 69 60 5 5 53
1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1
19.3 10
2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1
70 5 5 65
10 10 5
2 3 1 2 2
1 1
1 1
27 25
70 65
0.1 12
40 59
80 71 72 141 82 70
0 0 0
36 3 45 27
0 .1
14 95 55 90 19 75
265 182
1.5 15 13
350 420
410 375 90
7 7 7 17 17 17 17
180 116 90
0 66
33 49
171 285
70 179 94
1 1 2
i 3 3
175 225
0 0 0 0
75 700 130 84
0 0 210
312 70
2 2 1 6
4 4 7 4
58 7
290 135
u u u
0 110
30 17
170 360
D u H
75 75
70 00 4 0.7
1 1
3 1 3 2 2 2 2
i 1
1 1
1 1
2 1 2 I
2 0 1
5 0 2
0 45 24 36 30 60 31.7 33 104 40 23 60
0 0
290 250
0 0
0 0
320 90 75 37 60 85 65 64
73 95 90
7 6 10
7 16
12 12 10 10 1
A2 A2
O O u O O
3 19
70 166
0 8 0
A3 A3 A3
t a b l e
5.01 (continued)
n U O vlr ur w v/.
n a m e
69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 78 79 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125
D o ro b o
!K u n g
Nharo G/Wi Kua !Ko /Auni-khomani //Xegwi /Xam Kaurareg Larikia Gunwinggu Mirrngadja Anbara Gidjingali MurnginYolngu Jeidji Forestriver Wlkmunkan Kakadu Nunggubuyu Yintjingga Yir-yoront Hwi KukuYalanji Groote Eylandt Walmbaria Mulluk Worora Lungga Lardil Kaiadilt Karadjeri Mamu Kariera Warunggu Djaru Walbiri Ngatjan
Mardudjara Ildawongga
X x n x tt x n rt x n X rt X X n X n n rt n tt n n tt n n rt tt n rt tt n n
rt tt tt tt
rt n tt n
n n
Pitjandjara Dieri Arenda southern Jankundjara Arenda northern Ualaria
rt rt tt
n n n n
600 151 3,500 726 7,500 528 954 122 364 280 300 140 1,560 1,302 77 35 400 588 442 1,602 528 1,610 217 104 2,662 650 595 75 445 1,114 562 120 165 536 585 1,111 1,562 1,345 1,598 299 169 354 343 500 219 660 560 312 804 358 420 500 572 2,045 1,080
25 3.7 2,300 110 600 180 150 118 570 78.4 123.5 4 39 73 2 0.8 5.5 50 26 83 60 70 7 13 71 13 26 1.3 10 104 125 4 2.5 143 13 117 96 338 1,378 5 226 787 229 23 13.7 330 463 780 60 598 218 455 572 767 120
24 40.81 1.52 6.6 .5 2.93 6.36 1.03 0.64 3.57 2.43 35 40 17.84 38.5 43.7 72.7 11.76 17 19.31 8.8 23 31 8 37.5 50 22.9 58 45 11 4.5 30 66 3.75 45 9.5 16.28 3.98 1.16 59.8 0.75 0.45 1.5 21.74 16 2 1.21 0.4 13.4 0.6 1.93 1.1 1 2.66 9
60 45 65 67 67 55 55 55 52 40 70 35 20 40 40 35 35 55 60 50 55 30 20 65 40 35 30 25 30 60 60 35 13 55 68 55 24 65 70 65 70 80 65 20 55 65 65 75 35 65 55 65 65 55 45
40 55 35 33 32.5 45 45 45 48 50 30 0 15 35 10 10 10 35 15 30 20 10 5 25 25 10 10 5 10 30 35 5 7 40 10 42 30 30 15 30 20 35 5 30 35 35 25 35 25 30 35 45 35
0 0 0 0 0
G R P PAT 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
G RO 0
0.1 0
D I S MOV 80
0 0
2 1 2 2 2 2 'y 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 1 2
0 0
75 65 87 70 85 42 111 77
2 6 6 6 6
A3 A3
11.5 9
0 0
0 65 65 25 50 55 55
19 19 7 23
2 2 2 2 2 2 2
4 7 14
32 60 140 14 17
U A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 U A3 A3 U U A3 U A3 U A3
A3 A3 A3 A3 D
25 60 75
0 .1
15 14 14
12 10 6
0 0
2 2 2 2 2 2
35 55 60 70 60
10 6 8
0 250
2 2 2 2
5 60 80
5 25 35 34
150 150 0 0
4 7 13
4 7
0 12
35 35
19 "y 2 19
25 50 42 25 25
70 130
350 380
19 2 19 19
4 24 24 24 4 4 24 19 24 9 24 24 24 24
5 0
0 0 0
2 2 2 2 2
15 0 0 0
2 2 2 2
2 2 2 2 2 2
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
130 180
13 14
8 8
11.5 8.5
416 380 325
0 20 0 10 11
0 21 0
300 150 400
0 8
13 14 14
32 275 3 25 373 90 289
30 25 40 23
230 150 250 256 350
9.5 9.6
22 0
28 30
225 310
0 0 12
0 0
298 2K5
D D l) D H
t a b l e
5.01 (continued)
h u n t i n g
126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185
Nakako Ooldea Barkindji Karuna Wongaibon JaraJde Mineng Tjapwurong Bunurong Kurnai Tasmanianseastern Tasmanianswestern Seri Cahuilla Cupeno Kiliwa Diegueno Lake Yokuts Serrano Luiseno Wukchumi Tubatulabal Nomlaki North Foothill Yokuts Patwin Gabrielino Monache Eastern Porno Clear Lake Porno Wintu Chumash Chimariko Nisenan Salman Pomo southern Sinkyone Lessik MiwokCoast Mattole MiwokLake YukiProper Wappo Pomo northern Yana Miwok Tekelma Yuki Coast Tolowa Shasta Hupa Tututni Karok Atsugewi Wiyot MaiduMountain
n X n n n n n
n n n n n X
x n n
n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n it n n n n
429 300 3,008 1,296 3,589 200 889 2,450 1,953 336 700 450 550 3,675 195 445 3,000 6,500 3,500 5,500 92 1,000 1,575 360 1,517 5,000 387 940 2,099 4,000 2,124 450 4,770 3,500 2,250 1,300 1,770 1,500 652 227 4,000 1,170 3,360 1,820 1,212 900 750 2,562 2,925 1,000 2,200 1,500 1,300 1,390 1,900
494 637 195 72 701.1 5 127 70 78 19 85.7 33.7 21.6 84 4 36.4 166 170.7 199 81.2 3.8 58 45 9.4 18.5 77 13.5 7.4 5.4 68 18 9.9 120 94 20.3 9.54 18.2 28 5.6 3.5 30.4 9.7 31 58.1 49.5 70 11.2 21 117 12.5 32.8 32 72.5 13.2 81
0.87 0.47 15.43 18 5.12 40 7 35 25.04 17.7 8.17 13.35 25.48 43.75 48.8 12.25 18.1 38.1 17.58 67.9 24.21 17.2 35.0 38.29 82 64.9 28.7 127 308.7 58.82 118.2 50 39.75 37.4 110.8 136.44 97.2 53.57 116.4 65 131.6 120.6 108.4 31.3 24.54 12.85 66.96 122.0 25 80 67.07 46.9 17.93 107.93 23.5
50 55 40 45 40 45 40 35 35 45 25 15 30 75 75 55 55 50 60 60 45 50 60 50 50 40 50 60 65 35 25 30 50 50 45 40 45 40 40 60 50 55 50 45 55 35 25 25 45 35 10 35 35 30 50
45 45 25 20 35 15 30 20 25 30 35 25 10 25 25 15 25 20 40 15 40 35 30 25 30 10 30 15 10 25 5 30 30 20 15 15 20 10 10 10 15 15 20 25 35 20 15 10 25 10 30 10 40 30
2 2 2 2 2 2 2
1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 1
1 0 .6 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 8 0 0 0 0 10 0 12
0 0 100 0 0 0 0
35 35 25 40 30 45 40 25 40 60 60
0 0
3 3
9 25 7.3
3 3 3
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
7.5 7.5 17
20 0 0 0 0 0
50 175 44 50 35 33 45 75 97 62 39 91.6
68 110
7 7 4
0 .1
165 65 95 40
27 24 13 23 13 16 9 16 9 9 9
7 7
25 15 15
0 10
300 350
13 16
0 0
65 40 53
5 9 3
6 2 0 .1
90 80 4 90 18 50
33 70 14
2 2 2
0 0 20 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
25 25 40 70 40
3 3 3
2 2 2
150 50 557 42 45
9 3
0 6 0 .1 2 1 0 0 .1
85 36
0 0 0 0 0 0
34 5
0 0
30 40 45 35 50 50 30 35 30 30 30
27 27 27 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 18 18 18 23 25 18 18 18 23 17 18 23
11 11 11 11 11
150 23
0 0 0 0 0 2 4b 0.1
0 0 0 0 0 8 0
3 3
2 2 2 2 2 2
26 45 90 25 95 127
45 60 65 30 55 60 55 25 65
3 3 3
19 18
45 50
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 4
6 8
85 32 70
1 00
23 li 17 17 17
11 11 11 11 11 11
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 3 3
96 48 113 60 30
5 3
60 55
0.1 0 1
0 0 12
33 40
D D D A4 V A4 A4 A2 A2 A2 H H D D D D D A4 D D U U A4 A5 A4 D U A4 A4 A A5 U A4 A5 A4 U U2 M5 U2 \15 M5 A4 U u u U4 u u M5 U U u MS U U
icontrm u^J)
t a b l e
5.01 (continued)
h u nt i mg
186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 248
Yurok Achumawi Modoc Klamath Guaicura Chichimec Death Valley Karankawa Coahuilenos Panamint Shoshoni Yavapai Koso Mountain Shoshoni Walapai Kawaiisu Shoshoni Saline Valley Shoshoni AntarianuntsSouthern Paiute Owens Valley Paiute Kawich Mountain Shoshoni Kaibab Southern Paiute Mono Lake Paiute Deep Spring Paiute Salmon-eater Shoshoni Pyramid Lake Paiute UteTimanogas Cattail Paiute Fish Lake Paiute Honey Lake Paiute Hukunduka Shoshoni Gosiute Shoshoni Spring Valley Shoshoni White Knife Shoshoni Rainroad Valley Shoshoni Reese River Shoshoni North Fork Paiute Grouse Creek Shoshoni UteWimonantci Bear Creek Paiute Antelope Valley Shoshoni Washo Suprise Valley Paiute Wind River Shoshoni Ruby Valley Shoshoni Bohogue North Shoshoni Uintah Ute Harney Valley Paiute Sheep-eater Shoshoni Little Smoky Shoshoni Uncompahgre Ute Lipan Apache Comanche Chiricahua Apache Kiowa Kiowa Apache Cheyenne Arapahoe Crow
n n n n n n n n n n X n X n n n n n n n n rt n n n n n n n n n n n n n n rt n n tt n n n n n n n n X n X rt n n n n
2,500 1,700 2,000 1,200 977 3,000 42 2,800 600 500 600 222 1,000 500 65 234 2,100 105 425 170 23 400 485 480 481 100 385 1,000 435 378 500 250 390 385 200 405 60 78 1,877 367 1,500 450 380 1,750 200 550 96 1,100 500 3,500 1,425 392 1,908 2,750 3,000 4,650
19 98.5 90.0 89.8 162.9 333 32.7 133 373 236 405 25.9 259 42 28 68 55.2 52.6 114.6 28.8 6.5 57.9 26.2 138.8 21.8 25.7 36.3 337.6 259.7 62.6 42.7 58.4 23.4 24 122 156 54 58.4 126 27 960 32.6 365.4 233.7 160.8 88.1 52.6 256.4 980 1,500 1,228.5 280 460 570 400 800
131 17.25 22.89 13.36 6 9 1.29 21 1.68 2.12 1.48 8.57 3.86 11.9 2.32 3.45 38.04 1.99 3.71 5.9 3.54 6.9 18.53 3.47 22 3.89 10.6 2.96 1.67 6.09 11.71 4.28 16.7 16.04 1.64 2.6 1.1 1.13 14.9 13.59 1.87 13.79 1.04 7.48 1.24 6.24 1.82 4.29 0.51 2.33 1.16 1.4 4.14 4.82 75 5.81
20 30 45 30 70 65 75 30 65 65 60 60 65 60 60 50 65 55 60 48 55 30 50 40 50 50 40 45 50 45 40 55 45 40 40 35 45 50 48 50 20 55 30 40 45 20 45 35 60 20 60 20 10 15 20 20
10 40 30 20 15 20 25 15 30 35 35 40 35 40 40 35 30 45 40 45 45 50 20 30 30 30 50 35 40 55 45 45 40 45 45 55 50 40 37 30 65 37 55 35 35
55 50 55 80 40 80 90 80 80 80
G RO U P 2
n o m o v
Dl S MO V 24 64 45 84 135
70 30 25 50 15 15
1 2
2 2 2
55 5
2 2
9 Im 2 2 2
2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 0
15 18 11.7
45 23 92 31 45
275 157 97 128.3
3 9
45 225 153
6 8 0
9 7.5
31 22.5 107 55 27.8 31 30
13.5 7 15 9
0 0 0
60 45 65
0 0 11
9 14 4 9 14
0 0 220
105 150 180
15 5
20 30 30
15 15 15 10 5
15 25
15 5
0 0
0 0
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1
13 9.5
64 19.5
300 42 70
25 23 34 50 50 46 27
0 11.2 0
17.5 18 10.5
0 0
119 320 160 130
10 2 12 8 11 8 12
17 270
215 195
5 9 9
90 150 165 250 228
0 0 10 11
24 33 24 23 32 30 29 38 37 40
101 0
138 150 180 180 70 132
0 0
0 0
90 130
11 10 0
8 0
16 12.5 9 12.9 16
29 28.4 50 48 60 43
0 0 0
7 9
0 0 0
21 12
18.3 16 17 25 60 34 35
0 0 0
45 75 269 95 313 291 275 325 330
300 96 150 166 650
0 0 11
210 0 120 0 0
250 270 260
11 0
45 36
687 750 1,500
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
TA B L e
5 .0 1
h u m t in
249 250 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328
Teton Lakota
Kutenai Bannock Gros-Ventre Plains Ojibwa Piegan Blackfoot Assiniboine Plains Cree Blood Sarsi Squamish Abet Puyallup Twana Chehalis Nootka Chinook Coos Lillooet Lummi Quinault Stalo Cowichan Tillamook Comox Bella-bella Quileute Clallam Makah Haisla Kwakiutl Tsimshim Haida Bella-coola Tlingit Gitksan Konaig Eyak Kuskowagmut Chugash Aleut Nunavak Tenino Umatiela Wenatchi Yakima Wishram Cur dAlene Sinkaietk Okanogan Sanpoil Nez-perce Thompson Kalispel Ojibwa Kitchihuan Kitikitegon
tt n n rt tt n tt n n n tt rt tt n rt n rt rt
tt n rt rt n n tt n n tt tt n tt n n rt n n tt tt n
rt rt rt tt rt rt tt rt
12,725 1,200 1,500 2,260 2,000 1,525 2,425 4,500 4,650 3,110 700 1,700 1,500 441 965.5 4,000 14,000 5,000 2,000 4,000 459 1,661 1,650 347 1,500 2,475 2,000 1,324 2,400 332 1,300 14,500 10,100 10,000 1,950 12,000 3,000 8,800 156 7,200 3,170 13,500 864 1,510 1,155 5,000 3,780 2,132
1 ,0 0 0
1,450 595 649 670 716.8 600 700 1,400 1,700 700 400 30 15.5 12 29.8 182 91 148 19.2 170 4.1 28.3 25 10 36.3 45 97.5 12.7 33.9 2.7 68.2 211 241 103 150 1,050 127.2 287 26.6 416 262 247 45 79.5
8.77 2.01 2.31 3.37 2.79 2.54 3.46 3.21 2.73 4.44 1.75 56.5 96.8 36.75 32.4 21.97 153.9 33.8 104.2 23.5 104.63 58.7 66 34.75 41.32 55 20.51 104.3 70 123 19.1 68.7 41.9 97.09 13 11.42 23.58 30.6 5.86 17.3
10 15 30 20 10 20 20 20 10 10 10 15 10 15 10 15 5 15 10 10 10 10 10 10 30 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 5 1 5 1 1 1 0.01
5 0 .0 1 1
90 45 50 80 75 80 75 70 75 85 82 25 15 15 20 20 5 10 10 40 15 15 15 30 25 15 20 15 20 10 35 10 20 10 25 15 30
20 10
tt tt rt rt
1 30 30
30 25
15 25 25 33
20 20
30 25 25 15 55 25 30
3,000 76
600 24.6
15 15
15 25 35 40 45
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2
GROUP3 500 0 650 445 500 762 1 ,1 0 0 850 285 800 300 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 225 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
V EG N U 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 10 18 22 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 18 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 17 11 17 17
SOIL M M U M M M M M M M M U U M U U u u u u u u u u 14 14 u u u u u u u
20 0
15 5
43 34 40 45 70 55 40 42 43
0 0
60 75 70 70 65 95 75 80 50 75 75 75 60 45 75 70 75 70 80 55 85 75 89 70 84 69 94 89.99 75 89.99 94 84 50 40 55 45 60 25 60 45 40 52 55 45 45 40
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
145 80
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
166 164 650 420 389 577 58 197 179 162 57 108 53.5 55 54.6
0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0.1 0.1
21 20
3 3 3 3 3 3 3
0 0
212 0 500 0 700 350 230 245 0 438 265 350 200 0
6 0 2 0 0.1 11
3 0 0 0 14
17 17 17 17
25 25
u u u u u u u u u u M M
M M M u
25 25
25 25 25 18 18
u M u t t V1
ta b le
0 UP NO.
329 330 331 332 333
AREA 1,017 533 190.1 154.2 1,176 124 142.9 54 255 779 157.4 358 490 6,600 800 1,947 2,453.7 600 700 217 70
1 ,0 0 0
Micmac Flathead Rainy River Ojibwa North Saulteaux Shuswap Pekangekum Ojibwa Round Lake Ojibwa Alcatcho Nipigon Ojibwa Mistassini Cree Ojibwa Northern Albany Waswanip Cree Weagamon Ojibwa Montagnais Sekani Beaver Slave Kaska Tahltan Chilcotin Carrier Mountain Han Hare Attawapiskat Cree Koyukon Chippewyan Kutchin Ingalik Satudene
S UB P OP tt tt n tt tt n n tt tt n n n tt tt n tt tt n n tt n tt tt n n n tt tt n n n n n n tt n n tt tt n n n n n n n tt n n n tt tt tt n tt n tt n
10 20 10
HUNTING 55 60 60 65 30 60 65 55 55 74 60 55 55 50 60 55 60 65 60 40 47 75 70 65 40 60 70 65 43 75 40 56
339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390
12.4 3.08 1.75 7.5 0.87 0.58 1.43 0.41 0.51 0.41 0.82 0.51
1 .0
5 15
10 10
0.9 5 5
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
572 4,460
2 ,0 0 0
Tanaina Tutchone Holikachuk Naskapi Norton Sound Inuit Kobuk Inuit Kotzebue Sound Inuit Labrador Inuit Great Whale Inuit Caribou Inuit Noatak Inuit Nunamiut Inuit Mackenzie Inuit Sivokamiut Inuit Point Hope Inuit Copper Inuit Utkuhikhaling-miut Aivilingmiut Inuit Ingulik Inuit West Greenland Baffin Island Inuit Netsilik Inuit Angmakaslik Tareumiut Inuit Polar Inuit
2,850 4,863 1,500 825 162 450 1,590 4,500 1,500 330 400 1,600 500 975 1,460 450 700 550 240 2,500 600 450
2 ,0 0 0
187 147 525 242 2,365 250 249 650 40 107.1 4,620 431 400
2 ,2 1 0
5 5 5 2 2 3 3 3 3 3
2 2 1 1 1 1 0 .0 1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0 .1 0.1 0.1 0 .0 1 0 .0 1 0 .0 1 0.0 1 0 .0 1 0 .0 1 0 .0 1 0 .0 1 0 .0 1 0.01 0.0 1
51 62 36 73 15 63
2 .2
29 18 55
0.96 3.84 15 4.2 0.43 0.38 0.32 0.54 4.73 1.26 0.25 7 72 3.86 0.41
89 38
35 25 50 35 15 15 5 25
25 30
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
G RO UPl 15 24
G RO U P 2 25 73 57 45 108 55 50 85 36 37 50 58 50 95 40 58 39 58 71
G RO UP3 150 300 190 185 266 160 150 235 126 215 225 235 140 245 164
110 220
12 0
VEG N U 14 18 14
SO I S u s s u s s
30 30 55 30
0 22
13 15 4
0 0
350 375 60
0 0
18 17 17 17 17 17
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
35 35 25.1 35 40 35 40 30 35 30 25 30 50 43 15
6 0 12 10 22
5.5 14 16 14
0 0
s s A1 S s s A1 T
17 17 17 17 17
22 22
19 15
13 16
0 0
139 165
13 9
0 0 12 0 0
U U U A1 U
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
18 15
54 60
0 0
17 18 17 17
25 55 35 25 33 55
13 17 14 23 32
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2
2 1 1 1 1 1
12.5 17
12 22 0
26 55 38 75 78 77 29 39 55 60
225 162
0 0
14 18 16 4 14 14 16 13
450 215 350 496 450 64 375 320 340 450 36 450
17 17 17 26
22 22
3 3 3
1 1 1
23 27.5 18 24.5
11 20
39 48 30 49 35 40 40 30 25.1 45
300 117
0 0
4 3 16
12 11
6 2 2
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
19 13 18 18 13
17 17 17 17 26 17 17 26 26 26
12 22
79 105 35 26 60 31.5
26 26
120 0
26 26 26 26 26 26 26
T 1 T T T T T T
1 1
2 2
14 14 U.5
70 85 30.9 309 35
3 4
70 175 307
proposed solutions are rational, I begin by examining a sub set of the total data set in order to expose the types of prob lems that may be recognized through analysis.5
umented at the level of detail required by this study. The neigh* boring island of Tasmania, consisting o f 26,000 square miles was occupied at close to maximum capacity by nine groups of hunter-gatherers, of which only two are included in our study. The only other geographic unit inhabited exclusively by hunter-gatherers at the onset of the European colonial expansion was the Andaman Island group in the Bay of Bengal, where twelve ethnic groups were observed in a 2,508square-mile area. Although sixteenth-century Spanish, English, French, Dutch, and Portuguese explorers of the New World encoun tered both large, centralized, state-level polities and looser net works of small-scale, agrarian communities, nearly one-diird of the total land mass of both North and South America was nevertheless occupied by hunter-gatherers at colonial con tact. An estimated ninety-four ethnically distinct groups of hunter-gatherers, twenty of which are included in our sample, inhabited southeastern South America (figure 5,04) and occupied approximately 21 percent, or 1,511,716.21 square miles, of the continents total area. At the time of initial observation by literate Europeans, approximately 250 eth nically distinct groups of hunter-gatherers were distributed across 46 percent of the total land area of North America (4,235,317.16 square miles). Of these groups, 215 (86 percent of the contact-era population) are included in this study. Twenty of the cases in the global sample (including one case from Madagascar) were located in southern and central Africa, occupying 1.75 percent of the continental land mass.
World map showing the lotration of the* i 19 ethnographic ally documented ease* of huntw*gatht*w* uwri 1 paratively in this study,
F R A M B 8 OF R E F E R E N C E
Map of South America showing the areas occupied by huntergatherer groups documented during the colonial period. Adapted and redrawn from Wilson (1999:figure 5.1).
In contrast, thirty foraging groups arc thought to have been extant during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, inhabit ing approximately 313,016 square miles or roughly 2.67 per cent of the continental land surface. Similarly, compared with the size of the Asian land mass, a disproportionately small number of Asian hunter-gatherer groups are observable in figure 5.03. Of the thirty-nine ethnically distinct groups referred to in sixteenth-century documents, twenty-eight cases are included in the global sample. The colonial era populations had access to 2.55 percent of the Asian land area (434,949.42 square miles), but this is reduced for groups in my sample to 358,932.55 square miles or 2.1 percent. In some areas of the worldprimarily western and central Europe, the Near East, North Africa, and the central Eurasian steppea subsistence strategy based on the exploitation of hunted and gathered resources by highly mobile peoples has not been an option for thousands of years. Not only are these regions blank on the map in figure 5.03, they would also have been featureless on a map of the global distribution of huntergatherers produced in the fifteenth or sixteenth century. Similarly, in the colonial eraas nowthe area of east ern North America from the Great Lakes south to the Gulf of Mexico would have had no hunter-gatherer populations. This is also true for most of Mesoamerica and major regions of South America. On the latter continent, the only excep tion is a huge contiguous area composed of most of the modern states of Argentina and Uruguay, parts of Paraguay, the eastern region of Bolivia, and southwestern Brazil. Despite the likelihood that this large region was well populated by hunter-gatherers at the time of European intrusion, the thin scatter of points across this area in figure 5.03 reflects the fact that little information about the regions indigenous peoples remains in the ethnographic record. In table 5.02,1 look at the problem of lack of represen tation from a global perspective and present estimates of the
tab le
^ ^ K A p H l C R E G I O N OF T H E G L O B A L S A M P L E OF H U N T E R - G A T H E R E R S W t t t , D IS T R Ib u t i E S T I M A T E S OF H U N T E R - G A T H E R E R ................................................... T 1 N I N T H E C O L O N I A L E R A
a re a :1
a. Colonial era
b. Globa) sample
P E R C E N T OP ( a ) R E P R E S E N T E D B Y ( B )
6 6 .6
FI GURE 5 . 0 5
Exceptional Normal
World map showing the location of ethnographically documented hunter-gatherer cases, differentiated into those in settings with other hunter-gatherers and those that were integrated into non-hunter-gatherer systems at the time of description.
number of hunter-gatherer groups encountered by early European explorers as well as the size and continental place ment of their territories. I contrast this distribution with the geographic location and area occupied by the 339 ethnographically documented groups forming the informational baseline of this book. The differences between the two samples are to some extent the result of decisions by observers about the feasibility of undertaking field work and the like lihood that research would be productive. Much more respon sibility for the loss of ethnic identity, amalgamation, or outright extinction standing behind the two-thirds reduction in hunter-gatherer cases in my sample lies, however, with the appropriation and destruction of foragers territories and resources by indigenous and colonial agents of change. Of the five continental areas included in table 5.02, North America is represented by the largest number of cases, and it also has the highest percentage of cases remaining from the colonial era. In contrast, the greatest attrition recorded in table 5.02 between the colonial era and my comprehensive sample and the greatest loss of informationhas occurred in Aus tralia and South America. A corresponding reduction in the
size of hunter-gatherer territories is noticeable in all five regions between the time of initial contact and the period of ethnographic documentation. Hunter-gatherer groups liv ing in large, contiguous regions of North and South America and throughout the continent of Australiadiffered from similar groups in Asia and Africa in that their territories were part of larger geographic units composed of a number of other ethnically distinct hunter-gatherer groups. The organizational differences between hunter-gatherer groups that operated in a competitive matrix of similar but economically independent units as in Australia, for exampleand those that occupied a specialist role in a com plex, mutualistically organized system such as the Efe in Zaire will be discussed in greater detail in chapters 7 and 8. An initial picture of the geographic distribution of the hunter-gatherer groups belonging to each of these two dif ferent organizational types is provided in figure 5.05. I distinguish between those groups that were independently organized, active foragers at the time of ethnographic descrip tion and those that are suspected to have participated in complex arrangements integrating various occupational
5 . O3
n= n o r m a l i n d a t a
s u spec t
7 13 65.0
11 17 60.7
9 11 55.0
49 7 12.5
209 6
285 54 15.9
file )
(co d ed IN r e g i o n
s u s p e c t in data f i l e )
percen ta g e o p t o t a l cases
Note: Cases from Australia and North America are primarily classified as suspect* because nineteenth-century ethnographic descriptions were incomplete or inaccurate and not because the original status of the groups is uncertain.
specialists into an economic mosaic. Groups in the latter categoryas well as groups whose recent status as huntergatherers is not disputed but who were practicing agriculture or working as wage laborers at the time of ethnographic description (usually as the result of intense regional com petition)have been identified by the variable SUBPOP. A tabulation of cases by geographic region and organizational status is provided in table 5.03. A SUBPOP designation of suspect applies to more than 3 percent of the hunter-gatherer cases from Asia and Africa, a high percentage due largely to the mutualistic articulation of many hunter-gatherer groups with societies of nonhunter-gatherers. Many of the cases in the suspect category are assumed to be survivors of historically known huntergatherer groups, which may be correct, but I also think that at the time of ethnographic description, many were special ists who contributed nonagricultural products to a regional system dominated by non-hunter-gatherers. Some of the cases that have been assigned to the normal category might also be challenged because their classification was not based on their history but, instead, on whether their internal orga nization proceeded primarily from the integration of hunt ing and gathering activities. By taking another look at figure 5.03 and instead of focusing on the areas of the world where ethnographically documented groups of hunter-gatherers have been found by concentrating on where they have not, a geographic bias becomes clearly evident. All hunter-gatherer groups for which eyewitness reports exist have consistendy been dis tributed in areas of the world that are peripheral to those places in Europe, Africa, and Asia where agriculturists, pastoralists, and ancient complex societies once developed. Since the archaeological record reveals that there was a time when all human groups depended upon wild resources for their sub sistence, this is an appropriate point at which to ask an epUtemological question. Is the accumulated knowledge of Hunting and gathering peoples that is depicted schematically in figure 5,03 so historically and geographically circum
scribed that I cannot justify any attempt I might make to learn about past hunter-gatherers who lived in geographic areas where hunter-gatherers are unknown in the modern era? I believe that the answer to this question is no, I am not constrained by my ignorance o f the past as long as I can fin d other relevant knowledge to bring to bear on the problem. Even though the distribution of my sample of documented huntergatherers is in no way representative with regard to the earths geography and is relatively marginal to the regions where so-called great civilizations arose (particularly west ern civilization, with its post-fourteenth-century colonial expansion), the relevant question is: is this bias particularly germ ane to my efforts to understand the conditioners o f variability among hunter-gatherers? Since no one has yet systematically investigated the factors that contribute to societal variability, it is not known what the geographic bias of the data set implies in processual terms. As a first step in exploring this question, therefore, I will substitute an information-laden environmental frame of reference in place of a deficiency-ridden geopolitical and historical frame of ref erence and take a look at the data against this new background. As the first step in my attempt to evaluate the utility of the ethnographic data base and generate useful information, I develop a proportional projection based on the use of the environmental variable VEGNU as a frame of reference. Ini tially I want to answer the following question: is the sample of hunter-gatherers as strongly biased relative to the VEGNU clas sification of the earth s vegetation as it is when I look at the same ethnographic data in terms of simple historical geography? If it is not, then it may be possible to use the observable rela tionships between organizational properties of hunter-gath erers and some specific properties of their ecological theaters as the basis for subsequent relational projections of what wr know" to geographic areas where no hunter-gatherer groups have ever been documented. As I have argued previously, decisions about what is germane analytical practice are not an ontological issue but rather a tactical one, and my choices at any given juncture are based primarily on my learning goals.
TABLE 5.04
Vegetation code(l)
FE-1 SW -2
215.50 634.00 1,187.00 873.00 1,813.00 489.70 2,729.10 551.20 3,054.00 1,813.70 75.00
DTG-17 GS-l8 FBO-19 FSS-20 FBL-21 DSS-22 BPK-23 DSD-24 DSP-25 TA-26 T-27 D-28
3,866.80 14,835.00 40,539.70 1,773.20 3,868.00 2,032.10 14,622.70 10,212.30 5,001.00
8.22 19.91 32.44 10.37 7.15 1.23 66.68 34.95 50.03
1.94 2.94 13.86 2.94 0.00 5.90 0.00
27,545.30 20.06
54.82 2.88
The attributes of each vegetative type included in the classification of the earths plant formations have been pre sented in detail in table 4.08, but in order to use these twentyeight types I must specify a currency in terms o f which measurements within my frame of reference will be expressed for purposes of comparison. I have chosen a standardized currency of 100-square-kilometer units, and I will measure how many such units of each type of plant community in the classification are found in my referential domain, which is the earth. I will then compare this number of units to the num ber of units of each vegetative type that each hunter-gatherer group in the global sample occupies. The results of this comparison are summarized in table 5.04, using the following conventions. The table is ordinated from beginning to end in terms of the net aboveground productivity (NAGP) value of each plant community, procecding from the highest value, which is the equatorial and
tropical rain forest community (FE), to the lowest, which is the desert formation (D). Column 2 of the table summarizes the total area covered by each plant formation, and in col umn 3 the percentage o f the earths land area represented by the formation is listed. The total number of 100-squarekilometer units that hunter-gatherers occupy in each plant community is listed in column 4, and the figures in column 5 correspond to the percentage of a plant community s total area that is occupied by hunter-gatherers (column 4 divided by column 2 and multiplied by 100). Column 6 lists the percentage of cases in the global sample that is found in each plant community. In order to provide a different perspective on the issue ot the representativeness of my sample of surviving huntergatherers (Lee and DeVore 1968:5) I rework some of the data in table 5.04 so that I may ask in what environments there is a rough proportionality between the amount ot the earths
5 . O6
Percentage of the earth's area covered by identified plant com munities graphed relative to the percentage of each community occupied by documented hunter-gatherers.
surface covered by a particular vegetation type (column 2) and the percentage of the global sample of hunter-gatherer cases found within a given plant community (column 6). A plot of this information on the graph illustrated in figure 5.06 reveals four vegetative subgroups distinguished in terms of the percentage of the area occupied by hunter-gatherers within a particular vegetative formation (HGPER) when arrayed against the percentage of the earth covered by that formation (EARTHPER). A fifth, less visible, distribution con sists of the vegetative communities for which there are no doc umented cases of hunter-gatherers. The first subset consists of examples of rather small vegetative communities for which the percentage of resident hunter-gatherer cases is substantial. These include the coastal forests of northern California and the Pacific north west (FC-13), the so-called lake forests of northern North America (FL-14), the boreal parkland located primarily in North America (BPK-23), the Australian deserts that alter nate with porcupine grass (DAP-9), and the Australian sclerophyllous forests (FSA-10). It is likely that if I had adequate ethnographic information, the congruence between EARTHPER and HGPER would be 100 percent because these plant formations occur only in regions that were also exclu sivelyoccupied by hunter-gatherers. In any case, from a sam pling perspective there is more than adequate coverage of these environments. All possible cases are represented except for Australian sclerophyllous forests, which are dis tributed widely over the area of the earliest European set tlement in Australia, where, unfortunately, there was minimal ethnographic documentation. In the second subset in figure 5.06, the percentage of the earth covered by a vegetative type (EARTHPER) and the
percentage of the area of each vegetative community occu pied by hunter-gatherer cases (HGPER) are linearly related, but the number of cases rises steeply relative to EARTHPER. Plant formations in this category include tundra (T-27), temperate zone semidesert scrub and woodland (DSD-24), sclerophyllous scrub-dwarf forest and chaparral (FSS-20), tallgrass prairie (GP-8), and Australian sclerophyllous tree savanna (SSA-15). Here also the list of vegetative communities can be understood in terms of the geographic bias in the dis tribution of hunter-gatherers. The tundra, the semidesert scrub of the Great Basin of North America, the tallgrass prairie, and the dwarf forest-chaparral of California are major plant communities characteristic of the regions of North America where hunter-gatherers were continuously distributed. The Australian sclerophyllous tree savanna is also found only in a region exclusively occupied by hunter-gatherers. With the exception of the latter vegetative type, all of the preceding plant communities cover considerably larger areas of the earth than do the hunter-gatherer cases in the global sample. In other words, there are areas of the earth with identi cal or similar vegetative types but no ethnographically doc umented history of hunter-gatherer occupation. These include the tundra of Eurasia, a large semidesert scrub region in central Asia and another in Argentina, a zone of sclero phyllous scrub-dwarf forest and chaparral around the Mediterranean basin, and a large area of tallgrass prairie in Uruguay and northern Argentina, as well as smaller areas in Poland, Czechoslovakia, parts of eastern Hungary, western Ukraine, and northern Romania. The absence in these regions of ethnographically documented hunter-gatherer groups makes them prime candidates for proportional projection, followed by archaeological verification. A relatively large number of hunter-gatherer cases have been documented in the vegetative communities making up the second subset. There is, however, a distinct geo graphic bias associated with their location relative to the actual geographic distribution of the vegetative communi ties to which hunter-gatherer habitats have been assigned. Nev ertheless, as representatives of vegetative communities rather than geographic areas, these cases can be expected to be informative about the role of conditioning variables in these plant communities and their effect on hunter-gatherer vari ability in analogous settings, if not in general At the very least, these cases inform us about probable dynamics in geo graphic regions where there are no known hunter-gatherers. The third subset of vegetative types in figure 5.06 is the largest and, as in the second, there is a linear correlation between HGPER and EARTHPER. The only difference between the two is that in the third the slope of the line is much less steep, which means that the proportion between the values of HGPER and EARTHPER in each vegetative type is much closer. This pattern indicates that of all the vegetative types the ones in the third subset most closely resemble a
numerically unbiased sample. The plant communities included in this subset are boreal forest (FBO-19), shortgrass prairie (GS-18), boreal forest dominated by deciduous larchaspen (FBL-21), thorntree desert grass savanna (DTG-17), deciduous forest (FD-9), equatorial mountain forest (FMT6), mixed boreal and deciduous forest (FBD-12), tropical and subtropical savanna woodland (broadleaf tree savanna) (SW-3), and subtropical broadleaf evergreen forest (FBE-5). Initial observation of this cluster of plant communities reveals that it includes most of the vegetative types that are found in Europe west of 60 degrees east latitude and north of the Mediterranean basin or Saudi Arabia. The exceptions are polar tundra (T-27), which leads the list of overrepresented groups of hunter-gatherers in the second subset, and Mediter ranean evergreen mixed forest (FSM-16)including cedars of Lebanon in better-watered areas and mixed pistachio and juniper in less well-watered regions where no huntergatherers are found. This pattern confirms that my sample of hunter-gatherer cases is numerically adequate and can be projected to the areas of the earth where no groups were recorded historically. There is also a huge geographic bias in the particular locations where hunter-gatherers have been documented. The question remains, however, whether it is reasonable to project what has been learned from this geographically biased sample to climatically and vegetatively analogous regions of the earth where hunter-gatherers have not been observed. I think that the geographic bias is relatively un important in light of the fact that the number of docu mented hunter-gatherer cases is almost perfectly correlated with the actual area of the earth covered by the twenty-eight plant communities in my classification. In other words, there is little relational bias among these plant communities rela tive to the environmental variables that condition the sim ilarities in vegetation. The fourth subset of figure 5.06 is composed of four vegetative communities: tropical rain forest (FE-1), tropicalsubtropical monsoon (raingreen) forest (FMO-3), thorntreetallgrass savanna (STG-7), and subtropical semidesert scrub (DSS-22). Each of these plant types covers a considerable area of the earth, but the total area exploited by hunter-gatherers is relatively small, although other subsistence strategies have permitted human presence. These plant communities are char acterized by formations with very low primary productivity (DSS, for example) as well as two of the most productive communities: tropical rain forests, which have very high plant productivity, and thorntree-tallgrass savanna, where the second highest standing crop of ungulates is usually found. Tropical-subtropical monsoon forests, which have the third highest levels of ungulate biomass, are also in this subset. The final subset in figure 5.06, which represents only 10.74 percent of the land surface of the earth, includes four plant communities in which there is no hunter-gatherer
presence. On balance, this is a relatively small proportion of the earth for which there are no exemplars to act as guides in imagining a world populated exclusively by huntergatherers. The plant communities in the fifth subset include true deserts (D-28), which are the most marginal of habitats in terms of plant productivity, and alpine tundra or Puna (TA26), comprising the high, mountainous areas of Tibet and analogous regions in the South American Andes. Also in this subset are Mediterranean forests (FSM-16), such as the cedars of Lebanon and the forested areas of western North Africa, and southern pine forests (FSP-4) in the southeastern United States (and analogous zones in south China). Both of the forest communities are relatively small areas and are components of regional plant communities in which agri culture was a relatively early feature. Although desert and alpine tundra-Puna plant commu nities are two of the least productive vegetative settings on earth, if conventional anthropological wisdom were correct one would expect that hunter-gatherers would have been quite common in these settings. According to a popular anthro pological origin myth, hunter-gatherers once occupied most of the earths best environments. With the onset of human food production, it is argued, hunter-gatherers were rapidly replaced by agriculturists in the best environments and were forced to become food producers or to retreat into what Service (1962:59) referred to as areas where domestication of plants and animals was not feasible This view has been restated so many times that huntergatherer survival into the modem era is expected to have occurred only in the most marginal of the earths habitats (see also Ammerman and Cavalli-Sforza 1984:24). Accord ing to Steward and Faron, at the time of their discovery, the nomads lived in regions that were economically marginal, infe rior, or relatively unproductive, such as swamps, deserts, and other hinterlands (1959:374 75). Lee and DeVore expressed the similar view that neolithic peoples have been steadily expanding at the expense of the hunters. Today the latter are often found in unattractive environments, in lands which are of no use to their neighbors and which pose diffi cult and dramatic problems of survival. The more favorable habitats have long ago been appropriated by peoples with stronger, more aggressive social systems (1968:5). The evidence arrayed in figure 5.06 and table 5.04, how ever, contradicts these assertions and prompts me to make the following empirical generalization:
Generalization 5.01
Hunter-gatherers are not found in true desert settings, which are the most marginal habitats in terms ot plant productivity. They are rarely found in zones of semidesert scrub (OSS*, which is the worlds most prevalent plant formation and the second driest environment when measured in letms of total annual rainfall. Hunter-gatherers are not found in the high
mountain areas of Tibet and analogous regions of South America {vegetative type TA). In other words, in heavily water-stressed areas, pastoralists or agriculturists who use some form of irrigation or other unearned water source predominate. The absence of hunter-gatherer survivors in the worlds most water-deficient habitats suggests that knowledge about the range of hunter-gatherer niches in the past is seriously incomplete. The preceding generalization also prompts me to question the conventional view that the use of domesti cated sources of food was primarily responsible for popula tion growth. The data in table 5.05 suggest that, as a consequence of domestication, it became possible to support human beings in some settings that were marginal to or pre viously unoccupied by hunter-gatherers. It also suggests that the evolutionary importance of the domestication of plants and animals stems from the fact that their existence opened up new niches while increasing the productivity of old ones. Another way to use the data from table 5.05 to address the issue of marginality is to ask if there is any statistical rela tionshipmeasured in terms of primary productivity between the locations where hunter-gatherers are found and specific plant communities (see notes to table 5.05). When I do a chi-square analysis, I find that there is no significant relationship, which supports my assertions about marginal ity and supports the conclusion that there is no bias to the distribution of ethnographically documented huntergatherers if marginality is judged relative to plant pro ductivity. I should, therefore, be able to use the global sample of ethnographically documented hunter-gatherer peoples to study the relationships between the organizational prop erties of social groups and basic environmental condition ers of plant productivity. Any observed regularities could then be projected to the total earth as relational analogies that are relatively unbiased with respect to the conditioners of pri mary plant productivity. On the other hand, with regard to the distribution of hunter-gatherers vis--vis the estimates of secondary biomass in table 5.05, a low probability value was obtained for the bio mass of ungulates of moderate body size (EXPREY), which suggests that there is some bias in the spatial distribution of hunter-gatherers relative to rank order variability in the esti mated standing crop of ungulates (see ranks for animals data in table 5.05). I conclude, therefore, that G eneralization 5 . 0 2 -------------------When hunter-gatherers occupy a high percentage of the area Covered by a given plant community, there is a bias in favor of settings in which ungulates are not present in large num bers. In settings that feature a strong proportional relationship between the area covered by a plant community and the per
centage of the area occupied by hunter-gatherers, there is a bias In favor of plant communities in which ungulates do moderately well. On the other hand, in settings in which hunter-gatherers are absent or only minimally represented, there is a bias in favor of plant communities in which ungu lates should be common or present in moderately high numbers.
These provocative patterns reveal that the areas in which hunter-gatherers are absent are the regions in which agri culturists, pastoralists, and industrial states predominate in the contemporary world. The latter regions are also places in which ungulate biomass would be expected to be high to mod erate, provided that the impact of human exploitation was minimal. This pattern may be surprising to researchers who have argued that domestication, particularly of plants, might have been expected to occur in settings in which huntergatherers were primarily dependent upon plants. In such scenarios, domestication is viewed as the logical outcome of the intensified use of a plant species already basic to hunter-gatherer diet (Rindos 1984). This could be true, but the major impact of domestication may be to open up new niches in very different areas from the ones in which domes ticates were originally produced. Research thus far has shown, however, that there is no bias with respect to plant productivity in the distribution of ethnographically documented hunter-gatherers. This fact alone casts doubt on the credibility of the assertion that hunter-gatherers of the contemporary era were found in marginal and out-of-the-way places or impoverished eco logical settings (Martin 1969:244). It might be argued that there are exceptions to this assertion, but whereas it is true that the arctic tundra region can be accurately described as a marginal environment from a subsistence perspective, and it is certainly out-of-the-way relative to the areas where much of recent human history has been centered, this region was also marginal to the areas occupied by hunter-gatherer peoples until rather recently. It is apparent in figure 5.07, which illustrates a com monly accepted distribution of hunter-gatherers at 10,000 R.C., that the vast zone of northern tundra was uninhabited across Eurasia and most of North America. Hunter-gatherers expanded into the New Worldand particularly into polar regionsin response to a suite of dynamic processes that opened up a new niche in their habitats. They were not mar ginalized by agriculturists and pastoralists who, in (act, arrived on the scene much later in time,6 Hunter-gatherer niche diversity during the colonial period can be deduced from a reconsideration of the distribution of the global sample depicted in figure 5.03. There is a northern-temperate-to-arctic distribution, which is almost exclu sively a North American phenomenon, and a spotty, scattered
Subset 2
Subset 3
8 .2 5 % 3 6 .0 3 % Ranks
Subset 4
1.90% 4 0 .0 % Ranks
Subset 5
0 .0 0 % 10.74% Ranks
9.67% Ranks
Anim al
23 22 24 27
28 24 17 08 15
28 23 21 05 08
Vegetation type
20 19 18 21 10 09 06 12
19 09 16 18 13 06 01 14
Vegetation type
22 01 03 07 02 04
20 12 04 02 03 10
Vegetation type
D TA FSM fsp
27 26 16 05
26 15 17 11
14 23 25 11
- percentage of the total area for the set that is occupied by hunter-gatherers. B = percentage of the earths total area represented by the set of plant communities. 0 columns o f ranks for each subset represent the rank ordering of the mean values for the plant community measured in terms of net aboveground productivity (NAGP) and the biomass of ungulates present j Low numbers correspond to the greatest amount of production and biomass. The chi-square value corresponding to high equals 1-9, to medium 10-18, and to low 19-28. Tabulation of plant rankings by K t yiekfa a chi-square of 8,72 (df = 8, P = 0.39). The tabulation of EXPREY ranks yielded a chi-square value of 18.10 (df = 8, P = 0.22).
Estimated distribution of hunter-gatherers just prior to 10,000 b.c . Adapted and redrawn from Lee and DeVore (1968: figure facing title page).
distribution o f groups in the subtropics and tropics who live among non-hunter-gatherer peoples. A third, southern temperate distribution is situated on large, contiguous areas of South America, Africa, and Australia that share many cli matic and ecological properties. Around the western and northern perimeters o f the South American temperate zone distribution, hunter-gatherer groups have interacted with complex states as well as with less complex agriculturists and pastoralists. In the southern part of Africa occupied by hunter-gatherer peoples, which includes parts of Angola, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Botswana, and South Africa, interaction with agriculturists and pastoralists was com mon. In contrast, the entire continent of Australia was occu pied exclusively by hunter-gatherers who lived in a slightly greater range o f habitats than analogous groups in Africa and South America. Although unique mixes o f plant communities were char acteristic o f each o f these three continents, various dis persions of three different plant formations were found in the areas inhabited by hunter-gatherers. The driest o f the formations, all o f which may be transitional to woodland, is thomtree-desert grass savanna (DTG-17), which is followed in terms of increasing moisture by desert thorn woodland (DTW-11) and thorntree-tallgrass savanna (STG-7). The tropical thorntree-tallgrass savanna is the venue of some of the better-documented hunter-gatherers o f the Kalahari region of southern Africa, particularly the IKung (Lee 1979; Marshall 1976) and the /Gwi (Silberbauer 1981; Tanaka
1980). Desert thorn woodland is the setting of the Hadza in Tanzania, of the Chenchu and Paliyans in India, and of the Nambikwara in Brazil. All four of these groups either are par tial agriculturists or maintain mutualistic relations with neighboring agriculturists. Two other New World groups inhabiting different local ities within this vegetative class are the Chichimec o f Mex ico and, in the southern plains o f the United States, the Comanche. Both o f these groups exploited naturally occur ring food resources in areas in which agriculturists were also known to have flourished. The best-known o f the Australian cases found in a similar desert thorn woodland community are the Northern Arenda peoples, whose range encircled Alice Springs in the center of the continent. The driest of these plant formations, the thorntree-desert grass savanna, is found in the sections of the Kalahari inhab ited by the !Ko and the Hai//om (who were pastoralists at the time of documentation), as well as in regions o f Madagas car occupied by the Mikea, who appear to have been situated in a mutualist-specialist niche that is common in various parts of India. A number of well-known Australian cases includ ing the Alyawara, Walbiri, and Karicra have also met their subsistence needs while situated in this formation. A common feature of the preceding suite of cases from Africa and the Americas is that they have all occupied what might be called a tension zone shared by agriculturists* pas toralists, and hunter-gatherers. This observation prompts me to ask why the ethnographic record is characterized by the
Nomadic herding Livestock Primitive subsistence agriculture Intensive subsistence agriculture wet rice dominant jj Intensive subsistence agriculture Plantations and small farms | EgjS
Mediterranean agriculture Commercial grain farming Crop and livestock farming Commercial dairy farming
5 .O 8
Nearly contemporary world distribution of the use of domesticated plants and animals.
huge underrepresentation o f hunter-gatherer groups in deserts, semidesert scrub formations, and high-altitude deserts adjacent to tundra formations where agriculturists and pastoralists have predominated yet in regions that are more productive in terms of both plant and animal resources, hunter-gatherers competed successfully with agriculturists and pastoralists until the contemporary era.7 What properties o f these environments appear to give hunter-gatherers an edge, while in less productive habitats for agers are either not present to begin with or are replaced by agriculturists or pastoralists? Is it simply that the latter found a niche in regions that were never previously occupied by, or were marginal to, hunter-gatherers? Why would a replacement by agriculturists and pastoralists occur consistently in the most marginal o f nonpolar environments deserts and near deserts while hunter-gatherers held on in more productive environments? Another perspective on the three-continent distribution o f hunter-gatherers in the Southern Hemisphere is provided by a comparison o f this pattern with the global distribution in the contemporary era of domesticate-based food pro* duction, illustrated in figure 5.08. Contemporaneously, live stock production predominates in those areas of the continents
of the Southern Hemisphere characterized by hunter-gatherer occupation. A similar land use pattern prevails in those regions o f North America formerly occupied by huntergatherers, with the exception of California and the coastal regions of the states of Oregon and Washington. These sim ilarities are consistent with earlier findings that ungulate prey can be expected in moderate numbers in those regions in which hunter-gatherers occupied plant communities pro portionately to the size of a plant community itself (table 5.05V The patterning that triggered the preceding discussion has implications for a process frequently referred to as the spread o f agriculture and pastoralism. I would suggest that changes in basic subsistence strategies may not be related to the transmission of a way of making a living that is "supe rior to that o f ones neighbors, who struggle to maintain themselves by means o f an inferior dependence on non cultivated foods. The alternative supposition that hunter-gath erers were simply replaced by more advanced agriculturist* and pastoralists appears equally dubious to me. I am skep tical that "by about 5,000 B.C., peasant farmers from western Asia had begun to penetrate Greece and push northward to the Danube in the vicinity of Belgrade. Moving along the nvct and its tributaries, agriculturists practicing shifting cult'*
Comparative world maps illustrating the geographic distribution of hunter-gatherer cases (A) with information from those cases projected through plant community associations to the world, based on the world weather sta tion sample (B).
tion occupied central Europe and reached the Rhineland no later than 4,000 b .c . (Atkinson 1964:115). I also doubt that to early agriculturists . . . crops and livestock came to rep resent much more than food and it was in part these subsidiary qualities that made agriculture such an attractive alternative to hunting and gathering. With agriculture, for the first time in history, humans could harness labour by using food as a currency and a medium of exchange. This idea, like that of domestication itself, spread very quickly (Hole 1992:377-78).8 One further characteristic of the geographic distribu tion of hunter-gatherers may be related to the issue of explaining variability. Many of the cases in the global sample from tropical and subtropical regions of Africa, South Amer ica, and Asia have provoked arguments about the validity of their status as foragers. For example, according to Brosius (1988), the Punan represent remnant survivors of a way of life that is being replaced by more developed systems. An alter native view states that many of these tropical and subtropi cal groups have been encapsulated by more complex peoples, which explains some of their social features (Woodbum 1988). Still another view argues that these groups have devolved from peoples who were once more complex (e.g., Gardner 1965:141; Hoffman 1984; Martin 1969). It is also sug gested that in some settings the presence and needs of agri culturists have created a hunter-gatherer niche that some persons have adopted as a secondary specialization (Bower 1989; Headland and Bailey 1991).9 Although these arguments have largely been proposed in discussions focusing on a search for real hunter-gatherers and are therefore concerned with accurately tracing histor ical trajectories, at least they recognize and document the range of variability in hunter-gatherer organization that must be explained before an understanding of what the past was like is possible. In one way or another, all of these views express concern that processual convergences are being treated as homologous forms,10 a perspective that is based on a belief in the existence of a real or natural hunter-gatherer unit.11 Presumably this unit would be characterized by a shared suite of features, and all groups in this class would share a com mon set of initial conditions that would account for their observable properties. If this argument were true, it would validate claims that an ethnoarchaeologists observations in the present would be representative of the archetypal past and therefore justify the projection of specific, contemporary observations to past hunter-gatherers in general (Lee 1968). Of course, if another researcher had different experiences, the claim could be made that these were more valid according to a set of more privileged criteria (Hill 1982), and the argument could go on indefinitely. The research reported in this book does not proceed from a belief in organizational archetypes and the charac teristics that define them. The global sample I have assembled has demonstrated that, as a class, hunter-gatherers are so orga nizationally variable that the investigative challenge is to explain that variability. I have shown that geographic bias in the sample of ethnographic cases looks different when the frame of reference shifts to a classification of the earth's plant communities, only four of which are not characterized by documented cases of hunter-gatherers in the nearly con temporary era. This diversity of settings represents 89.22 percent of the total area of the earth, and one would expect that some germane information about hunter-gatherers might be generalizable to almost 90 percent of the earths land area. Although bias still exists in the documented ethnographic variability of the global sample, bias must always be measured relative to some germane frame of reference. This point is demonstrated by the two maps in figure 5.09, which illustrate the geographic distribution of bias in case distribution (figure 5.09, map A) and compare it with the geographic dis tribution of information about the relationship between hunter-gatherers and their habitats (figure 5.09, map B). This comparison illustrates the wealth of germane infor mation that is available about the earths temperate, boreal, and polar regions and confirms the fact that, although hunter-gatherer groups in tropical and subtropical habitats are underrepresented in the sample, some productive infor mation can nevertheless be used to tease out what is unknown about these zones. The appropriate analytical technique at this juncture would appear to be proportional projection, which I discussed in detail in chapter 3.
Notes: 1. Vegetation types are arranged by NAGP value in descending order of magnitude. 2. Area is expressed in lOO-square-kilometer units. 3. The total number of persons represented by the 339 cases is 573,224.
of persons per case documented in that plant community (col umn 6), and an estimate of the total number of persons liv ing in the plant community worldwide was obtained (column 7). Using these two steps, an estimated global population of 7,032,402 persons was derived, which represents a mean population density of 5.27 persons per 100 square kilo meters, or 0.136 persons per square mile. In this projection, the information about hunter-gatherers as summarized by plant community is projected proportionally to the earth as a whole. It must be kept in mind that for past eras about which no estimates of population size exist, any estimates that I make are primarily projections from what is known about nearly contemporary hunter-gatherers, weighted by various biases derived from archaeological observations. Table 5.07 illustrates
that the population estimate of more than seven million persons falls halfway between Hassans ( 1981 ) estimates of population levels (in column 6) during the Upper Paleolithic and Mesolithic eras. The projection from my data is also higher than both Birdsells (1975:292) and Deeveys (1960) esti mates for the Upper Paleolithic (columns 3 and 5), In my judgment, the projection from ethnographic infor mation is more likely than other estimates to represent pop ulation levels during the Mesolithic era, close to the initial appearance of domesticated plants and animals between approximately 9,000 and 11,000 h.p. Ha&sans (1981:7-10) Mesolithic projection is considerably higher than mine but it is based on Baumhoff's (1963) population estimates ot Cal ifornia hunter-gatherers and Yesners ( 1977) estimates of Pacific northwest coast population levels. I believe that the
TABLE 5 . 0 7 E S T I M A T E S OF G L O B A L P O P U L A T I O N L E V E L S , L O W E R P A L E O L I T H I C E R A TO T H E P R E S E N T
( i 960)
h assan ( 1981)
Co m p t o n s
e n c yc l o p ed ia
1.5 3.2 3.9 | | -----;
2.25 3.0
1.0 2.2
jjg p l f i
. :
_ _
1.2 6.0
8.63 H
i 960
y ;
199 7
Note: The cited authors disagree about the area of the earth occupied by humans at different time periods in the past. Comparisons are therefore
difficult except for population density values. My estimates are projected to the entire earth and are perhaps most accurate during the European Mesolithic-epipaleolithic period. Although Hassans estimates are inflated, they are nevertheless based upon BaumhofPs (1963) and Cooks (1955, 1956) population estimates for California and Yesners (1980) estimates for the Pacific Northwest (Hassan 1981:7-10).
latter estimates are inflated and that, if they are used to proj ect population levels in other parts of the world, generally in flated levels wiUresult. If, however, the estimates had included a knowledge of variability among hunter-gatherers and had been measured against the geographic distribution of entities such as the plant communities included in my study, I believe the results would have had a higher probability of accuracy. Even though I am fairly confident that my projections are defensible from the standpoint of the use of available knowl edge, does this mean that the projected values are accurate? Unfortunately, no; it simply means that this is a good use of contemporary knowledge and that the value is probably somewhere in the ballpark. This is a claim, however, that at least Hassan and perhaps others could also make for their pro jections, which required much less work and many fewer steps to produce! On the other hand, if I were not content with such an uncertain approximation and wanted to pursue other analytical techniques, what are the choices available to me?
As a first step, I can examine my assumptions regarding sta bility. Hidden in my projection of population levels is an unstated assumption:
--------------- Proposition 5 . 0 1 ------------------The greater the amount of space occupied by a given plant community, the greater the likely diversity in the properties of hunter-gatherer peoples living there.
Suppose, for instance, I were to suggest that I needed a pro portionally representative sample of hunter-gatherers and pro
posed that the number of hunter-gatherer cases from each plant community should be proportional to the percentage of the earth covered by that plant community. Such a pro posal would make sense only if I believed in some relation ship between area and diversity in which a larger number of cases would be required to represent the diversity adequately. Now it should be clear that I do not know what factors condition diversity in cultural systems in fact, one of my research goals is to learn more about the conditioning factors but, since I have to begin somewhere, it is at least plausible to assume there is a relationship between area and diversity and to select a sample of hunter-gatherer cases based on these terms. As it turns out, I discovered that a sample size of 142 cases was the most that I could derive from the data set o f339 hunter-gatherer groups if my goal was an aneally proportioned representation of the earths plant communi ties, excluding the true desert and alpine desert-tundra cat egories that were characterized by no hunter-gatherer cases. Table 5.08 summarizes information on three different sets of data that will be used repeatedly as samples in this study. One set (HG339) consists of the global sample of docu mented hunter-gatherer cases, while another (HG142) con sists of a subset of those cases designed to correspond as dosely as possible to the proportions of the earths surface covered by the twenty-eight different plant communities adapted in this study from Eyres classification (1968). If, for instance, the tropical rain forest plant community constitutes 7.72 percent of the earths surface, then 7.72 percent of the ethnographk cases in sample HG142 were drawn from regions character ized by tropical rain forest vegetation. The third data set (WLD1429) consists of a sample of the earths weather stations that also were selected so that the percentage of weather sta tions from each plant community corresponds to the proportion of the earths surface occupied by that plant community.
48 7 37 98
6 0
3 3 3
3 3 3 5 3 42 4 3
56 56 5 43
3 4
4 7 14 13 64 99 161 48 174
1 1 0
4 7
5 .7 9 9 .1 8 1 5 .1 9 6 .6 3
29 42
9 5 5
4 .5 9 3 .6 0 1 .2 3 5 .2 8 8 .5 8 6 .1 8 1 6 3 .2 7 *
41 13
2 0 0
9 142
10 0 0 20
31 67 1 ,4 2 9
Notes: 1. Values in column 2 are derived by multiplying the values in table 5.04, column 3, by 150 and dividing the result by 100. 2. Values in column 5 are derived by multiplying the values in table 5.04, column 3, by 1,475 and dividing the result by 100. An asterisk (*) indicates that the differences between the total and initial target totals are due to the exclusion of D-28 (deserts) and TA-21 (alpine tundra) from the sums as the samples were originally conceived. Bold type signifies situations in which sufficient cases could not be found to meet the numbers required for a truly representative sample and still maintain adequate geographic coverage.
Inspection o f table 5 .0 8 reveals that both H G 142 and WLD1429 represent a com prom ise with regard to my selec tion criteria, because in order to m aintain a credible sample size some of the proportionality had to be sacrificed for those plant com m u n ities in which there were either no hunter-gatherer cases or insufficient coverage of the plant com munities by weather stations o f record. To evaluate how representative the samples may be, I must use environm en tal properties to obtain some perspective, since the samples are designed to permit me to see biased distributions in
hunter-gatherer cases. I chose six environm ental variables to guide my evaluation o f between-sample com parisons: m ean annual temperature (CM AT), total annual rainfall (C R R ), net aboveground productivity (NAGP), primary biomass (BIO S), water retention or the total am ount o f water stored in the soil annually (WATRHT), and the biom ass o f ungulates as ca l culated from equations developed in chapter 4 (E X P R E Y ). Using these variables, I calculated means and standard devi ations for each vegetative com m u n ity within each o f the three data sets listed in table 5 .0 8 (H G 142 HG339> and
HG142 H G I 42 AND W L D I 429 -----------------------------HG339
AND W L D I 4 29 ---------------------------------
GROUP F E -1 SW -2
1 0 0 .0 1 0 0 .0 1 0 0 .0 1 0 0 .0 1 0 0 .0 1 0 0 .0 1 0 0 .0 1 0 0 .0 1 0 0 .0 1 0 0 .0 1 0 0 .0 8 8 .8 1 0 0 .0 1 0 0 .0 1 0 0 .0 1 0 0 .0 10 0 .0 1 0 0 .0 1 0 0 .0 8 8 .8 1 0 0 .0 1 0 0 .0
1 0 0 .0 1 0 0 .0 1 0 0 .0 1 0 0 .0 10 0 .0 1 0 0 .0 1 0 0 .0 1 0 0 .0 1 0 0 .0 1 0 0 .0 10 0 .0 1 0 0 .0 1 0 0 .0 1 0 0 .0 10 0 .0 1 0 0 .0 1 0 0 .0 1 0 0 .0 1 0 0 .0 1 0 0 .0 1 0 0 .0 10 0 .0
1 0 0 .0
F S P -4
F B E -5
FM O -3
83.3 33.3
1 0 0 .0 10 0 .0 1 0 0 .0
66.6 No h u n t e r - g a t h e r e r c a s e s
1 0 0 .0
f m t -6
ST G -7
F D -10 F S A -9
D T W -11
1 0 0 .0 1 0 0 .0 8 8 .8
83.3 83.3
1 0 0 .0
1 0 0 .0 1 0 0 .0 8 8 .8 1 0 0 .0 1 0 0 .0 8 8 .8
83.3 83.3
1 0 0 .0
1 0 0 .0 8 8 .8 1 0 0 .0 1 0 0 .0 10 0 .0 1 0 0 .0 10 0 .0 10 0 .0 8 8 .8 1 0 0 .0 1 0 0 .0 8 8 .8 1 0 0 .0
1 0 0 .0 8 8 .8
F B D -12 F L -14 F C -I 3
10 0 .0 1 0 0 .0 1 0 0 .0 8 8 .8 8 8 .8 10 0 .0 8 8 .8 10 0 .0 1 0 0 .0 10 0 .0
1 0 0 .0 1 0 0 .0
1 0 0 .0
S S A -16
f s m -i 6
No h u n t e r - g a t h e r e r c a s e s 66.6
8 8 .8 8 8 .8
1 0 0 .0 1 0 0 .0 8 8 .8 1 0 0 .0 1 0 0 .0
8 8 .8 1 0 0 .0 8 8 .8 1 0 0 .0
No h u n t e r - g a t h e r e r c a s e s
B P K -23 D S D -2 4 D S P -2 5
1 0 0 .0
No h u n t e r - g a t h e r e r c a s e s No h u n t e r - g a t h e r e r c a s e s
1 0 0 .0 1 0 0 .0 1 0 0 .0 1 0 0 .0 8 8 .1 1 0 0 .0 8 8 .1
Notes: Bold type signifies a majority o f comparisons. Italic type signifies a high number o f comparisons.
W LD 1429). Double-tailed t tests were then perform ed for the com parisons o f m ean values am ong the different data sub sets from identical plant communities for each o f the six envi ronmental variables. Levenes test for equality o f variance was also calculated by vegetative com m unity for all o f the vari ables within each o f the three data subsets. In all cases, prob ability values o f less than .05 were considered indicative o f bias and deviations from an unbiased, sampling-based vari ability. In table 5.09 the results o f all o f these tests are sum marized in terms o f the percentage o f hits and misses for probability values in each test. For each among-subset com parison, 168 f tests and an additional 168 Levenes tests for equality o f variances were calculated (twenty-eight vegeta tive communities multiplied by six variables). Table 5.09 is arranged so that there are separate columns for the comparison of means and the comparison of variances
in each p air o f data sets being com pared for identity of m eans and variances. An entry o f 100.00 in either column w ould indicate that no com parison varied by more than the range expected from sam pling error alone. It, for instance, a value o f 66.6 were entered, it would signify that of six com parisons for variance, four were not considered differ ent but two deviated more than would he expected from vim pling error alone. Several features o f the com parisons are worth noting. I would expect more deviations from simple sampling erro* in the variance com parisons than in the comparisons of means, and this expectation is supported hv the percentage means in each column. I would also expect lev* deviation from sampling error for the ll ( i M2 sample when compared with the K G 339 data set, since the form er is, in fact, sdevtiveh drawn from the latter. This expectation is met hv the results
TABLE 5.10
P R O J E C T E D M E A N V A L U E S F O R E T H N O G R A P H I C A L LY D O C U M E N T E D H U N T E R - G A T H E R E R S , S U M M A R I Z E D BY P L A N T C O M M U N I T Y ( 3 3 9 C A S E S )
g p -8
GS-17 DTG-17
31.26 (20) 27.08 (28) 26.06 (05) 28.48 (07) (00) 28.17(10) 34.29 (07) 8.85 (03) 14.26 (05) 13.45 (03) 67.03 (42) 10.02 (03) 8.92 (03) 2.91 (04) (00) 28.00 (03) 10.79 (42) 31.96 (29) 4.63 (11) 0.61 (01) (00) 0.99 (10) 37.48 (15) 1.23(10) 14.67 (49) 2.81 (20) 14.51 (09) (00)
103.78 (20) 117.64 (28) 87.84 (05) 32.64 (07) (00) 118.70(10) 90.57 (07) 291.00(03) 73.90 (05) 604.33 (03) 73.75 (42) 179.40 (03) 682.27 (03) 457.92 (04) (00) 65.00 (03) 675.74 (42) 495.51 (29) 351.53(11) 3,868.80 (01) (00) 1,462.27 (10) 118.22(15) 500.10 (10) 217.28 (49) 1,377.26 (20) 203.21. (09) (00)
59.74 (20) 40.82 (28) 81.84 (05) 40.71 (07) (00) 68.90(10) 62.14 (07) 20.00 (03) 32.00 (05) 6.67 (03) 20.52 (42) 5.00 (03) 41.67 (03) 12.50 (04) (00) 41.67 (03) 10.02 (42) 29.24 (29) 61.55(11) 5.00 (01) (00) 5.80(10 49.67 (15) 65.00(10) 42.76 (49) 0.43 (20) 63.33 (09) (00)
21.48 (19) 8.50 (24) 17.02 (05) 18.03 (04) (00) 11.2 0 ( 10) 7.12 (06) (00) 10.00 (03) 15.50 (02) 2.60 (32) 14.00 (01) (00) 13.25 (04) (00) (00) 7.40 (34) 12.44 (16) 1257 (07) 17.00 (01) (00) 14.56 (09) 4.71 (13) 14.00 (07) 8.36 (36) 8.46 (20) 9.38 (08) (00)
36.73(19) 38.44 (25) 65.40 (05) 48.80 (05) (00) 35.54 (10) 43.44 (05) 302.00 (02) 44.80 (05) 48.00 (03) 131.56 (39) 50.00 (01) 269.00 (01) 45.75 (04) (00) 175.00(01) 59.81 (41) 153.44 (27) 37.56 (09) 55.00 (01) - (00) 60.89 (09) 101.18 (13) 25.17 (06) 50.10 (41) 72.07 (20) 46.37 (08) (00)
9.01 (16) 5.35 (14) 5.21 (05) 14.97 (03) (00) 4.03 (09) 9.10 (06) 7.66 (02) 6.17 (03) 6.49 (03) 14.15 (28) 7.25 (01) 6.2 8 (0 1 ) 6.96 (04) (00) 5.00 (01) 10.51 (30) 8.45 (21) 4.29 (04) 7.85 (01) (00) 6.96 (08) 6.28 (07) 4.31 (03) 6.17 (29) 8.46 (20) 5.53 (07) (00)
in column 3, which illustrate that 100.0 percent of all tests of means yielded values that deviated within expected ranges of sampling error only; consistent with these observations, the variance comparisons were slightly reduced (99.2 percent is the mean value). The comparisons between the 142-case set of huntergatherers and the 1,429-case set of weather stations pro duced interesting results. The mean percentage of cases within sampling error ranges drops slightly from the values observed when the HG142 data set was compared to the HG339 set. The mean value for (tests of means is 92.7 per cent, and the mean for Levenes test of equality in variance yielded a percentage value of 82.2. The relative reliability of the means is fairly high, but, given the much smaller sample (142 versus 1/129 cases), the variance is less reliable in the small sample. A similar comparison between HG339 and HG142 was made using six coded properties of the hunter-gatherer cases; (1) total area occupied by ethnic group in number of 100-square-kilometer units (AREA) (2) population den
sity calculated in terms of persons per 100 square kilometers (DENSITY), (3) estimates (in percentages) of the dependence upon terrestrial plants (GATHERING), (4) mean size o f the largest annual social aggregation as a regular feature o f the settlement round (GROUP2), (5) mean number o f resi dential moves made annually (NOMOV), and (6) mean household size or mean number of persons associated with each residential structure (MHS). When values were calcu lated using the same procedure as in table 5.09, only slightly lower percentage values were obtained for the suites of com parisons for mean values (98.6 as opposed to 100.0 percent for the environmental variables) and the comparisons of standard deviation (97,2 percent versus 98.5 percent for the environmental variables). This exercise indicates that I am justified in projecting to the world the variability documented among huntergatherers, given that I expect to warrant the projections by reference to habitat variability. My assumption in proposi tion 5.01 that the size of a given habitat conditions diversity is supported by the Levenes tests for equality of variance. Mv
goal is to be able to project information in such a way that archaeologists working in different places could use current knowledge about hunter-gatherers to structure direct com parisons between the archaeological record as it is reported in different locations. I also need to be able to project infor mation from recent hunter-gatherers so that the archaeological record can be used to evaluate the accuracy of my projections, which would enable me to recognize variability and condi tioning variables that are not well represented in the sample of recent hunter-gatherers. I will use the data in table 5.10 to illustrate what I mean. In table 5.10, mean values for six different hunter-gatherer variables are summarized by vegetative community. These include population density (DENSITY), the percentage of the total diet obtained from terrestrial plants (GATHERING), the number of residential moves per year (NOMOV), the mean size of the residential group during the most aggregated phase of the annual cycle (GROUP2), and the mean house hold size of the average number of persons associated with one residential structure (MHS). Because each weather sta tion in the WLD1429 data set was coded for type of vegeta tion using the Eyre (1968) world vegetation maps, I could project onto these discrete weather stations the mean values for all of the variables listed in table 5.10. This allowed me to produce a world map of summary information about the geographic distribution of the properties that I want to illustrate (figure 5.10). Since the pattern resulting from a pro jection of twenty-eight separate symbols for vegetative type onto a two-dimensional representation of the earth is very confusing to interpret, ordinal shading was used for popu lation density so that the gross patterning would be clear. Two assumptions stand behind the projections in figure 5.10. It is assumed that the whole earth is filled with huntergatherers who are exactly like those documented in the recent past and summarized in the sample file used in this example. I also assume that the documented relationships between the variability in the HG339 sample and the patterned distribution of the earths vegetation is maintained over all areas of the earth. A look at the results of the projections involving the full suite of 339 hunter-gatherer cases (figure 5.10, map A) compared with the projection using the pro portional sample of 142 cases (figure 5.10, map B) reveals that the difference in patterns is striking. Overall contrasts are great est for symbols indicative of population densities greater than thirty-two persons per 100 square kilometers. Figure 5.10, map A, illustrates a pronounced cluster of high population projections in the North American region char acterized by shortgrass prairie. There is similar but less dense clustering in the prairie areas north of the Black Sea and across the Turkish plateau. In light of reliable historical knowledge about these areas, however, there is little reason to have much confidence in these projected values, and the archae ological record does not suggest that these areas were
characterized by high population density during the Mesolithic era, just prior to the appearance of agriculture. The cause of this projected patterning, which is in con flict with two different sources of knowledge about the past, becomes clear from a comparison of map A with map B, in which projected population density is based on the propor tionally drawn sample of hunter-gatherer cases (HG142). There is a greater correspondence between what I accept as true and the latter sample, and it should also be noted that the shortgrass prairie areas of the world are no longer char acterized as some of the most densely occupied. This differ ence results from the inclusion of a number of California cases (Wintu, Patwin, Nomlaki, Nisenan, Eastern Pomo, Clear Lake Pomo, and Lake Miwok) with rather high population densities, which are classified as occupying regions of short grass prairie.12 These cases dramatically inflate the mean values for the HG339 sample but are less important sources of bias in the proportional sample (HG142). The problem appears to originate with Eyres classifica tion of grasslands, which equates the Mediterranean grass lands of California with both the short- and tallgrass prairies of North America (Eyre 1968:appendix I, map 5). The pro jection in map A of figure 5.10 is useful, however, because it allows me to reemphasize that a frame of reference must be realistic and accurate in order to produce useful propor tional projections. Further examination of the two distributions reveals that the only other major differences occur in the projected cod ing for Australia. There is very little contrast in the internal part of the continent, but the north and south coastal areas display different scales of projected values. This comparison simply confirms what was already known, which is that if one is projecting summary information in terms of a propor tionally variable target population, the sample of cases must also be proportional in terms of a common set of criteria. It is clear that the projections from the proportional 142-case sample of hunter-gatherer cases are more reliable, although the problem with the classification of grasslands is reduced but not eliminated in this sample. Another set of projections based on the HG142 sample is illustrated in the three maps that make up figure 5.11. These include ( 1) map A, an illustration of the percentage depen dence upon terrestrial plants in the total diet (GATHERING); (2) map B, the size of the largest regular residential aggregation during the annual round (GROUP2); and (3) mapC, mean household size (MHS). Before I discuss what the relationships demonstrated in these patterns may imply vis--vis wellknown archaeological patterning in some regions o! the world, I must acknowledge that, in addition to my skepticism about projecting to the entire earth the information drawn from ethnographically documented hunter-gatherers 1aw also aware that there are inaccuracies in my frame ol refer ence. This problem is due primarily to Eyre's classification ol
Population Density
Projection from 339-Case File " >32 24 to 32 1 6 to24 H a to 16 1=3 * 8
Population Density
Projection from 142-Case File * 24 to 32 8 to 18 0 to a 16 to 24______________
cases from the world weather station sample
A uses the biased but complete while map B Uses the proportional Sample of 142 hunter-
gatherer cases.
Percentage Gathering
H 0,05
Three proportional projections from the sample of 14 2 hunter-gatherer cases from the world weather station sample: map A shows the percentage dependence upon terrestrial plants, map B features the size of the largest residential aggregation during the annual round, and map C illustrates mean household size.
grasslands, which does not discriminate between very different plant communities and therefore identifies as similar a num ber of hunter-gatherer cases that have very different rela tionships to different habitats. Before I proceed any further, it is also necessary to deal explicitly with the issue of similarity in places, things, or systems and how unconformity affects the production of frames of reference and the pattern recognition work carried out on subject-side observations expressed relative to frames of reference. Whereas the earth may be regarded as variable in terms of the distribution of vegetation, hunter-gatherers differ from one another in numerous properties that are likely to be indicators of system state and therefore suggest the outlines of past evolutionary plays. The distributions observable in the maps in figures 5.10 and 5.11 demonstrate that
and, therefore, implicate other environmental vari ables that could be expected to affect both population density and vegetative differences. It is reasonable to suspect that system state differences among huntergatherer groups may also relate in regular ways to population density, resulting in different patterning because of their interaction with otherwise similar environmental variables.
Proposition 5.02
Population density and other variables correspond in tegular ways to geographic differences in vegetation
The maps in figure 5.12 illustrate just this kind of differ ence. In map A, population densities are projected to the whole world using the proportional sample of 142 hunter-gatherer cases. Only those cases are included, however, that have a value of n or normal" for the variable SUBPOP, which indicates that their subsistence is based on the acquisition and con sumption of undomesticated foods, Groups that have hunted or gathered for the purpose of trade with more complex, non-hunting and gathering peoples are generally excluded from this category, as are cases that arc reported to have
Population Density
1 >32 I 24 to 32 I 1 6 to 24
8 to 16 0 to8
24 to 32 16 to 24
0 to 16
Two proportional projections from the sample of 142 caset from the world weather station sample: map A illus trates the population density of cases that are relatively unaffected by larger non-hunter-gatherer systems. while map B features the same projected variable, but the distribution now includes only group* from ifn' N .'H iM ' sample judged to utilize mobility as a basic food procurement ta< tic.
been hunter-gatherers in the past but were practicing agri culture at the time of observation. The projected pattern in figure 5.12, map A, is compara ble to map B, in which the same sample is used but the pro jected values have been summarized using only nonsedentary, residentially mobile hunter-gatherer cases with a classifica tion of 1 for the GRPPAT variable. By varying the features that serve as the basis for the projection, it is possible to see impressionistically how system state indicators may differ entially condition the geographic patterning of different variables.13 A comparison of the patterns in the two maps in figure 5.12 produces the initial impression that population density varies strongly with mobility, since the number of locations with high-population-density cases is significantly reduced in map B, which included only residentially mobile huntergatherers in the projection. Although this kind of trial-anderror pursuit of system state indicators can be informativeas in the previous example, which demonstrates the geographic consequences of holding different features constant fortunately it is possible to develop more direct ways of rec ognizing system state differences. I noted earlier that, other things being equal, it might be expected that variability in the form of hunter-gatherer sys tems would be correlated with the size of the area covered by a given plant community. This view was supported by Levenes tests for equality of standard deviations, listed in table 5.09.1 can reverse this expectation and explore the possibil ity that cases whose standard deviations vary inversely with the area covered by a plant community might, in fact, pro vide a clue to major system state differences. This approach is illustrated in the graph in figure 5.13, which summarizes and presents on the y axis the standard deviations of the size of the largest group (among cases found in the same plant community) to associate residentially on an annual basis (GROUP2). On the x axis, the percentage of the earths total land area that is occupied by each plant community is displayed. It is clear from an examination of figure 5.13 that the coastal forest (FC-13) and Mediterranean sclerophyllous scrub (FSS-20) plant communities have very high standard deviations for GROUP2 sizes, yet both types cover very small areas of the earth compared with other vegetative types. That this unexpected pattern is informing us about the sys tem state differences that are concentrated in these two veg etative communities is verified by an examination of the cases contributing to this pattern. The coastal forest (FC-13) biome is the vegetative community in which almost all of the ranked societies of the Pacific northwest coast of North America are found. This is true also of the complex and largely sedentary coastal peoples of northern California, including the Yurok, Coast Yuki, Wiyot, and Tolowa. The
region is characterized by high variability and differentiation in system state, which ranges from the expansionist Kwakiutl to the small California Mattole. There is also a wide range of variability in GROUP2 size in the sclerophyllous scrub (FSS-20) formation, which includes the Chumash, Gabrielino, Lake Yokuts, Luiseno, Salinan, and Tubatulabal groups of Cal ifornia; the Karuna of South Australia; and the /Xam of South Africa. The plant community with the third highest standard deviation in figure 5.13 is the shortgrass prairie, which was identified in the comparisons in figure 5.10 as a roughly analogous suite of grasslands differing in the seasonality of rainfall. Plains Indian cases are included in this category, as are hunter-gatherer groups from the interior valleys of Cal ifornia. The cases in this grouping represent different evo lutionary trajectories whose different phases appear to have had a major effect on the high values of the standard devi ation of mean values from different plant communities. All three of the preceding plant communities are char acterized by moderately high biomass and are found in areas in which winter rainfall changes gradually across space into zones of very low summer rainfall. These classic Mediterranean formations are typical of locations with either great variability in the availability and productivity of the adjacent aquatic biomes or dramatic contrasts between the productivity of the terrestrial and aquatic biomes. A great deal of the variabil ity can be directly attributed to a corresponding variability in the productivity and seasonal scheduling of resources in the aquatic biome. Up to this point, I have not considered this fact in my discussion of environmental variables or when I developed habitat frames of reference. Additional sources of variability may reflect hunter-gatherer dependence on dif ferent combinations of terrestrial and aquatic resources. It is also apparent in figure 5.13 that there is an obvious linear subset of cases associated with plant formations des ignated as VEGNU classes 3,8,18,22, and 26.1have already discussed VEGNU class 18, which is the shortgrass prairie for mation occupied by Plains Indians and hunter-gatherer groups occupying interior valleys of California, where salmon runs are among the mixed terrestrial-aquatic resources that are exploited. All the other groups in this projection rely on either exclusively terrestrial resources or a mixture of terrestrial and aquatic resources, except for VEGNU class 3, which includes the Bororo, who were agriculturists at the time of documentation; the Efe and Mbuti, who are mutualists exchanging forest products with non-hunter-gatherer peoples in return for horticultural products; and the Palivans of India, who are an encapsulated group. In VEGNU class 3, only the Nukak of Colombia are mobile hunter-gatherers. 1 would again point to high variability in the subsistence base, the overall system state relative to neighboring groups* and different mixes of major food resources as the sources
5 .1 3
Scatter plot of the standard deviation of GROUP2 sizes among groups living in the same gross plant community displayed against the percentage of the earth's total land area occupied by each plant community. Cases are Eyre's veg etation types.
that are not confined to particular time periods, they may fur nish strong clues about hunter-gatherer organizational vari ability that will provide a strong platform for subsequent theory building. As a first step in developing a relational projection using hunter-gatherer data, I created a computer file that included all of the environmental variables described so far in this study and some not yet introduced, as well as the values of all the variables recorded for each hunter-gatherer case in the HG339 suite of cases. Using SPSS software (version 6,1.2), I then ran stepwise multiple regressions on the entire file of envi ronmental variables and several specific hunter-gatherer variables. This set constituted the independent variables in my equation; the single dependent hunter-gatherer variable was AREA, which represents the total area utilized relatively exclusively by an ethnic group, recorded in units of 100 square kilometers. Co-lineality indicators were calculated so that variables could be eliminated from the list as a func tion of their redundancy relative to the dependent variable. I then accepted the best multiple regression equation based on several measures of correlation: multiple r, r-square, adjusted r-square, and the standard error. The equation takes the following form: (*o 1)
A REA = 1 0 ** [3 .4 2 1 4 3 1 + ( 0 .0 0 4 7 3 2 * HUNTING) + ( - 0 .3 8 7 2 2 9 * L B I05) + ( 0 .1 8 6 5 7 4 * LCOKLM) + ( - 0 .1 1 0 2 8 6 * LRUNOFF) + ( 0 .1 7 5 1 5 7 * WATRGRC) + ( - 0 .1 6 4 6 0 4 * MEDSTAB) + ( - 0 .7 4 3 1 4 4 * PERWLTG) + ( 0 .0 0 4 7 0 6 * RLOW) + ( - 0 .0 8 0 3 3 9 * RUNGRC) + ( 0 .0 2 4 7 5 5 * SDTEMP)] where the following variables are positive contributors (that is, higher variable values increase the anticipated area of the ethnic unit's home range):
of the higher standard deviation values for GROUP2 sizes in figure 5.13. In procedural terms, this exercise has allowed me to isolate an additional source of bias in the data having reference to the treatment of systems that are fundamentally different in some important organizational dimensions and to treat them as if they were all examples of a single natural kind (Quine 1991). That hunter-gatherers do not constitute a natural kind in any organizational sense was demon strated by the use of a vegetational frame of reference. There fore, if I am correct in suggesting that systems in different formal states might well respond differently to similar envi ronmental variables, then simple correlational approaches using the total sample of hunter-gatherers would appear to be inappropriate for the study of many system properties. This also means that more powerful relational projections must be designed for my analytical endeavors.
If 1can develop continuously scaled equations that summarize the relationships between the properties of hunter-gatherer systems and suites of environmental variables, it is likely that these equations could be used to project estimates for habitats from which there are few, if any, actual eases of hunter-gatherers documented in the recent past. But since such equations summarize interactive ecological relationships
the percentage contribution to the diet of foods obtained from terrestrial animals: the log10 value of the distance from the marine coast; the number of months during the growing season when water remains stored in the soil; the number of millimeters of rainfall during the driest month of the year; and the standard deviation of mean monthly temperature readings.
The relationships between these variables make consid erable sense. Both dependence upon hunting and inflated val ues for the distance to the coast condition higher ARFA values. These variables are negative relative to a dependence
upon marine resources and positive relative to the exploita tion of terrestrial game. These basic conditions are modified bytwo rainfall-related variables, with the effect that, since both measure the absence of real annual drought conditions, larger ethnic areas would be expected when associated with either higher values for the percentage of the growing sea son in which water is stored in the soil or higher values for rainfall during the driest month of the year. It also makes sense that as the standard deviation for monthly temperatures increases home range size would increase correspondingly. An additional suite of variables act as negative condi tioners on the size of an ethnic groups home range; that is, as values of these variables increase, the projected size of the ethnic area decreases. These include (1) LBI05, the log10 value of the standing biomass of the plant community measured in grams per square meter; (2) LRUNOFF, the log10 value of the number of millimeters of water that is neither evaporated nor stored in the soil and represents excess relative to the needs of the plant community; (3) MEDSTAB, an indicator of successional stability or a measure that highlights cases with winter rainfall and a high probability of fire during warm months; (4) PERWLTG, the percentage of months in the growing season when insufficient rainfall produces plant wilting; and (5) RUNGRC, the number of months with runoff during the growing season. I noted in chapter 4 that primary biomass increases with rainfall, especially when rainfall increases beyond the level at which it can be evaporated or transpired. This rela tionship is implied by the presence o f log10 values for B I05 and RUNOFF, both of which condition smaller ethnic home ranges. Stability in the plant community seems to be related to smaller home range sizes, as indicated by the inclusion of MEDSTAB and PERWLTG as negative condi tioners. The inclusion of RUNGRC, a rainfall indicator that has the opposite effect of MEDSTAB and PERWLTG, also suggests stability, but home range sizes are equally depressed by excessive rainfall during the growing season. The factors that appear correlated with small ethnic areas are the presence of marine coasts in the region, high plant biomass, and environmental stability in seasonality of tem perature and rainfall variability. When these factors all have negative values indicating opposite conditions, large ethnic areas are unlikely. The property space graphs in figure 5.14, which feature log10 values of net aboveground productivity on the x axis and latitude on the y axis, illustrate the relationships among the preceding suite of variables. In both graphs, huntergatherer cases occupying small ethnic areas are clustered in towlatitudes that are characterized by high plant productivity. This placement corresponds to terrestrial settings that have v*ry high productivity and low variance patterns of annual rainfall and temperature variation. Another loosely scat
tered set of cases appears on the display of the world sample in graph B, beginning around 30 degrees latitude, where cases are scattered between NAGP values of 0.5 and 2.5, and moving toward higher productivity zones at approximately 40 degrees latitude. A partial expression of this pattern can be seen in graph A, where hunter-gatherer cases with small areas are found along the marine coasts of Mexico and Australia, as well as in California and the Pacific northwest. Hunter-gatherers in these regions were heavily dependent upon marine resources in the temperate zones. Drier and more interior locations at similar latitudes have larger areas for each ethnic group, while locations with latitudes above 50 degrees have high fre quencies of ethnic units characterized by very large areas. One way to think about these results is to consider the size of an ethnic groups area to be at least a partial indicator of the geographic scale of social networks. Small areas are indicative of small, inward-looking groups that are rela tively self-sufficient and whose social customs do not foster the maintenance of social ties to distant neighbors. For the cluster of high-biomass tropical cases in figure 5.14, these properties may well be consistent with indicators o f habitat stability, but they do not fit well with the temperate zone cases located between 20 and 45 degrees latitude. Cases in the lat ter distribution have the highest primary biomass in the temperate-boreal zone (the coastal forests o f the Pacific northwest of North America) and in some very-low-primarybiomass locations, such as the western coast of Sonora in Mex ico. Some Australian cases are also ethnic groups that control very small areas. Another suite of cases is distributed across a wide range of productivity zones, including the very-high-primarybiomass forests ranging from the northern coast of California up to Vancouver, British Columbia. Almost without excep tion these cases are heavily dependent upon marine resources and only minimally dependent upon terrestrial food resources. (The scattering of cases farther north o f this zone consists of all coastal peoples.) Since two very differ ent habitat contexts appear to be favoring small ethnic areas, how is it possible to isolate the relevant variables and begin to envision the causal processes that stand behind such interesting patterning? The habitat indicators included in the projectional equa tions seem to be providing some clues to human organiza tional dynamics, and they support my assertions about the research value of relational projections. In addition to iso lating relevant variables, relational projections also allow me to make projections to the entire earth that are unaffected! by the geographic bias in the original sample. They also provide a tip-off to system state differences associated with different ecological settings. Both the equations and the pat terns produced when they are displayed against property
i I I f .
. t , , . i
Comparative property space defined by latitude and the log10 value of net aboveground productivity among terrestrial plants coded for size of ethnic areas. Comparison is between projections from the total sample of 339 cases and the proportional sample of 142 cases from the world weather station sample.
space maps provide thought-provoking clues to process, which was one of my research goals.
Hie differential utility of relational and proportional pro jection is illustrated in the two property space maps in figure 5.15. The relational projection of the variable AREA is arrayed in map A, while map B presents a proportional projection for AREA using means from the VEGNU classes. I pointed out previously (see figure 5.14) that the world relational projection is very faithful to the actual data when both are displayed in common property space. The maps in figure 5.15 demonstrate that there is much greater resolution in the relational pro jection. The proportional projection suffers from taking the mean value of a major plant community, which is very mis leading when applied to habitats in which there are diverse niches. This effect is visible in figure 5.15, map B, in which mean values between 60 and 150 square kilometers pre dominate in the zone of lowest latitude, while a range of smaller values is found in the low-latitude wet zones. This pat tern is also apparent in the actual hunter-gatherer data pre sented in figure 5.14. Another problem is that the use of VEGNU as a frame of reference is limited by the fact that it encompasses only ter restrial plant communities, whereas hunter-gatherers also
exploit aquatic biomes, and VEGNU provides no clue about when this might occur. The relational frame of reference, on the other hand, includes variables such as distance from the marine coast (COKLM) and a number of surrogate indica tors of aquatic variables, such as RUNOFF, as well as the sub sistence variables that were included in the multiple regression analysis. If one assumes that the entire earth is populated with hunter-gatherers as they are known from the recent ethno graphic record, relational projections are the most useful tools, provided that the correlation with environmental vari ables is high. In those situations in which these correlations are lowperhaps as a result of very different system state con ditions in the sampleproportional projections might be less misleading at the scale of specifics. I have illustrated how the use of property space projections provides clues to the types of habitat in which similar formal conditions prevail or where high variability is expected for proportional pro jections owing to high standard deviations within plant communities (figure 5.15, maps A and B).
1 began this chapter with the suggestion that data fro ethnographically documented hunter-gatherers could be developed to serve two interesting purposes* Not only wm> M it provide a useful frame of reference for the study ol the
Proportional Projection >650 _ 2 0 to 60 150 to 550 60 to 160 N 3* t*
f ig u re
5. 15
Contrast in the act uracy of relational (A) and proportional (B) projection from the world weather station sm i for size of the area occupied by an ethnic group.
archaeological record, but it could also form the basis of models that would embody the initial conditions of human systems that subsequently evolved from a dependence on some combination of hunted and gathered resources into cul tural systems with non-hunter-gatherer forms of subsis tence. I also argued that the study of hunter-gatherers relative to an environmental frame of reference would provide infor mation pertinent to the goal of developing theories explain ing hunter-gatherer organizational variability. As an initial illustration of a useful frame of reference for assessing the bias in information collected about ethnographically documented hunter-gatherers, I chose Eyres (1968) classification of the earths plant communities. I discovered to my surprise that there were no documented hunter-gatherers in true deserts and alpine tundras, as well as very few cases recorded in the earths second driest plant community, the semidesertic scrub plant formation. In spite of numerous generalizations in the anthropological literature asserting that huntergatherers could be found in the recent era only in the most marginal or nonproductive habitats, I discovered that truly nonproductive habitats were occupied exclusively by pastoralists and agriculturists. Looking at the global sample of hunter-gatherers from a geographic and environmental perspective, I also noted that in those habitats in which no cases in my sample occurred ungulate biomass is projected to have been substantial. In contrast, those locations in which huntergatherers were found in the recent era constitute settings in which, using my projections, ungulates are not expected to proliferate, and indeed these areas are characterized by rel atively low secondary biomass. These are provocative obser vations relative to the issue of which conditions in the past favored human intensification of subsistence and resulted in the use of domesticated plants and animals. I am not con vinced by claims that the domestication of plants was a nat ural consequence of heavy plant dependence (Rindos 1984), and I will explore my observations further in sub sequent chapters. This chapter has demonstrated the utility of several tech niques for looking at one set of data in terms of another. Proportional projection techniques allowed me to estimate the total hunter-gatherer population of the earth, assuming that the earth was peopled by groups similar to those doc umented in ethnographic sources. Then I designed an environmentally proportional sample of hunter-gatherer cases (HG142)and a similar sample of the earths weather stations (WLD1429)and evaluated the relative reliability of these populations for use in projection and as target loca tions for projection. I discovered that estimates of reliability could be made for projections to different plant communi ties, and this ability allowed me to see the limitations of proportional projections. Mean values of five different properties of hunter-gatherer systems were then summarized by vegetational community, and these demonstrated provocative differences in habitats. One variable, population density, was proportionally projected to the world sample of weather stations. This exercise allowed me to evaluate the utility of a sample that is proportional rel ative to an underlying environmental frame of reference. I noted that error in the underlying frame of reference can pro duce high-variance associations of hunter-gatherer cases in common vegetative communities. I also demonstrated that a relational projection represents a more powerful use of the information in the environmental frame of reference than a proportional projection. In the course of my analytical trajectory I also learned more about hunter-gatherers. This result demonstrates the way in which the play of ideas in the scientific arena tends to unfold: subject-side growth of knowledge is to a great extent tied to the intellectual tools that one builds by using source-side knowledge. My analytical efforts helped me to realize that although identical suites of environmental variables under lie the abstract terms variability and system state, these vari ables may interact in different ways to produce human cultural systems that can be either organizationally simi lar14 or different in their fundamental organizational prop erties, depending on system state conditions. Systems of the latter kind might be expected to relate in different ways to a common set of environmental variables as a function of their important organizational differences. The concept of system state was introduced in the con text of exploring inadequacies in my underlying frame of ref erence, the Eyre classification of vegetative communities. I discovered serendipitously, however, that by examining the standard deviations of ethnic area sizes within plant com munities I had found a reliable clue to system state variability. In chapter 2, one of the reasons I proposed that proper ties of human actors were important initial conditions for dis cussing different evolutionary plays was my recognition that different species with different organizational properties might well react to common environmental conditions in dif ferent ways. I noted that important generic properties of human beings structure organized life ways quite differently than it is structured in nonhuman animals. One of the human properties that appears at least quan titatively unique is the ability of our species to occupy very different niches, in an ecological sense, and yet remain a cohesive single species. The evolutionary plays in which humans participate produce different organizations of lirebut we, the participants, in spite of phenotypic behavioral vari ability, remain biologically unchanged, at least in the sens* indicative of speciation. These facts prompt me to ask the following q u e s t i o n : it the species is the entity or natural kind* that designates
organizationally different units upon which subsequent bio logical evolution must act, what are the units or natural kinds of variability among cultural systems? It is also pertinent to ask a related question: what produces variability when cul
tural systems respond in similar ways to similar stimuli, and what produces variant systemic forms that respond differently to similar stimuli? In the next chapter, I develop techniques specifically designed to deal with some aspects of this problem.
Building a Baseline for Analyzing Niche Variability among Ethnographically Documented Peoples
A Minimalist Terrestrial Model of Hunting and Gathering
fundamental properties of human actors, I can begin to identify some particularly germane properties of the envi ronment with which such a species of actors might interact in a biased way. Different initial ecological conditions, in interaction with the fundamental energetic properties of a group of actors, arc expected to produce different outcomes in the evolutionary plays in which human groups participate. The actors maybe limited or constrained by some forms of ecological dynamics, or, alternatively, some interactions may present new career opportunities for the human species. Information about these dynamics is essential in order to study niche diversifi cation and the tempo at which it occurs and to address the feet that these diverse niches are, nevertheless, all occupied by a single species. In order to make headway with the somewhat daunting task I have just outlined, at this juncture I must discuss a per tinent element of current evolutionary arguments describ ing how evolutionary processes produce new forms and new kinds of organized life. Adjusting my perspective for a moment to encompass the history o f intellectual problems that archaeologists have customarily addressed, I think it s clear that they seem to fall into two primary categories: ( 1) variety in the forms of artifacts, assemblages, and (by impli cation) ways of life in the past, and (2 ) variability in socio cultural complexity. Interest in the latter issue has always been accompanied by a concern with transformations," events w emergence, and changes in sociocultural organization. According to this viewwhich frequently proceeds nt>m a holistic perspective that sees similarities between the structure of nature and nested Chinese boxessystems IM* are smaller and made up of relatively small numbers of dif ferent components are expected to become the buildmi blocks of systems at more complex levels of integration. It is argued here, however, that even a compw* knowledge of lower-level systems is insufficient to antictp**^
accurately the organizational properties of higher-level integrations or systems o f more complex form even though some lower-level systems may be incorporated as sub systems. A more colloquial way of summarizing this view is that an emergent system is more than the sum of its parts. Approaching the world with this set of expectations results in a habitual concern with identifying organization ally defined units, because complexity implies organization. It is not surprising, then, that the issues most frequently discussed by archaeologists are the origins of culture,the origins of agriculture, and "the appearance of complex sys tems. Usually the defining properties of complex systems are said to include social stratification and coercive, powerbased autocracy. If, however, an archaeologist were to ask what are the processes that foster changes in organizational com plexity, as opposed to changes in morphology and form among organizationally similar systems, he or she would be brought face-to-face with one of archaeologys most impor tant, unsolved problems. 1 Organizational complexity in the natural world has itself been the subject o f significant research in recent years, although thus far there has been little impact on archaeological thinking.2 Some of this research has contributed to the development of a synthetic argument about the systemic world which posits that evolutionary processes operate over time to produce systems that differ in size, organizational scale, flexibility in energy transfers, and overall levels of system com plexity. In an intellectual bailiwick that is sometimes referred to as complexity studies,emergence theory, or, more self consciously, as the evolutionary grand synthesis (see Laszlo 1987), it is argued that the same processes are involved in such diverse domains as the appearance of complex forms of sociocultural systems in the recent past and the origins of life itself. The seminal ideas underlying this new explanatory focus developed from early attempts by L. Bertalanffy (1950,1968), Anatol Rapoport (1953,1956,1966), and Kenneth Boulding (1956) to establish a general systems theory, as well as from research in cybernetics by Norbert Wiener (1954) and W. Ross Ashby (1964). Exposure to these ideas, coupled with Leslie Whites energy-based arguments (1949,1985),3 stimulated me in the 1960s to begin thinking and writing about process and a systems approach. Somewhat later, the research of Robert MacArthur (1972) and his colleagues and students, which explored the dynamics of ecosystems, was equally influential. These researchers did some of the earliest work with supralevel organizations and rejected from the outset a taxonomic approach positing that higher-level systems require different forms of explanation than lower-level subsystems. Like Leslie White, MacArthur used energy as a master cur rency, in conjunction with a series of simplifying models, to address the complex problems of ecosystem organization and
the issue of species versus niche.4 The knotty problem of sub system and suprasystem relationships was also dealt with with out resort to an all-or-nothing position on the issue of reductionism versus holism. Equally productive research was going on simultaneously in the domain of nonequilib rium thermodynamics (see particularly Prigogine and Stengers 1984) and in an early attempt at complex, dynamic system theory known as catastrophe theory (Renfrew 1978; Renfrew and Cooke 1979; Thom 1975; Zeeman 1979, 1982). More recent research has been summarized by Laszlo (1987), and concurrent developments in complexity research have been reported by Lewin (1992) and Waldrop (1992). Essential to the growth of knowledge in this domain has been the recognition that all physical systems may exhibit properties indicative of three basic states. When a system is at or near equilibrium, it is stable and relatively inert, it resists motion or action, and it is chemically inactive. A sys tem in such a state is internally homogeneous, and the ele ments of the system are internally unordered. Systems that are near equilibrium are characterized by some internal dif ferentiation in temperature and disposition of matter. Their internal structure is neither homogeneous nor random, and the system is responsive to changes in both sources and scales of perturbation that tend to be destabilizing. When the limiting factors abate, the system tends to move toward equi librium. The system is entropic when in a state of nonequi librium, but as it approaches equilibrium, entropy diminishes to nearly zero. A third type of system includes living systems of many forms that are not characterized by thermal or chemical equilibrium. Changes in these systems tend to be nonlinear and, under some conditions, may appear to be indeterminate. Organizational properties may, nevertheless, dramatically amplify fluctuations and move the systems structure to new organizational levels. The propensity of living systems to become more ener getic over time, with corresponding increases in organizational complexity, appears to violate the second law of thermo dynamics, which generalizes that systems gradually lose energy and experience an associated reduction in structure or organization. This apparent paradox is resolved by the knowledge that living systems are open or energy-capturing, whereas the second law applies only to closed systems. Exclu sively internal processes obey the second law of thermo dynamics, as do internally organized components of living systems, but energy may nevertheless be introduced or imported across the system boundaries of macroscale living systems. This possibility results in a spectrum of potential sys tem state conditions that can include a condition of dy>namk equilibrium, or steady state, in which free energy is imported in quantities roughly equal to the internal energetics of the system. The term dynamic equilibrium is more appropriate than steady state, however, since there are likely to be
II -
abound Regrettably, no single theory is sufficiently deidbsd to permit fine-tuned testing and evaluation. In spite of many claims for the existence of a "true* evo lutionary theory (see Dunnell 1980; (Undos 1909; Tetttcr 1995;* and O'Connell 1995, for instance), many interesting issues remain unresolved and many stipulations about theway the world works have not been adequately researched* Binford 19927). One controversial issue that is cental la many conflicting views of evolution revolves around the role of human tendencies to solve problems and to ptaaitf execute goal-directed actions. I discussed some of these properties in chapter 2 in the context of clarifying what I mem by the term projection. I noted that profecxiont arc alwaysbased on expectations of stability and that successful, goal-directed actions based on projections are by nature conservative. Human actions that are based on a limited experience of dt possible outcomes are therefore not likely to result in daecied change, despite the arguments mounted by critics of the socalled adaptational approach. An awareness of these characteristics of human debtsmaking has led to the suggestion that cultural rmiiMiiwL although not directed at the macro-evolutionary scale of process, may exhibit some bias in the production of variety that allows potentially new phenotypic variety to arise from the recognition of problems and attempts to solve them (Rosenberg 1990). According to this view, the bigger is the problem requiring human action, the greater wiH be the effort to solve it. Therefore, the production of variety would be stimulated by both the intensity of the stress experienced by human actors and the problem-solving effort that the sere stimulates. I would therefore expect that the production of variety in human cultural history would not be a random, continuous process, as has been maintained by Rtndo* (1984:59-61) among others, but that it may be * p a <tsated relative to system state conditions. Problem-solvers frequently select alternatives bvtndand error. In such situations they must combine prior faeation in new ways that, in their judgment, are uiwne to e new problems they confront Because probkro-solwen ft** duce new variety, the possibility exists that they wfll * * * agents of evolutionary change, baaed on i h f c o n n f i * * * their accumulative, decision-making experience*, as (? transmit their experience to subsequent pmeralM*- I s * process of transmission seats human acmes %r\vrch ai n r evolutionary process and contrasts sharply wih die selns*** construct of a paasivr human phenotype that a W* the proceaaaa producing variety and junwawpMWHflw ment and selection.* I think them is Utile doubt (hat a m e iliN d sIM n # ^ alas in the domain of pnthlem nMngt <Ank pevaoaa W i experience and paas on tntosmatton vo ila a n t pNM M flsefe I cannot claim to Im tguided hy a umMiaJ etnliMMifli? M M i'a however, because auch a coMpeeiMastte A ean i m a s t ^
instabilities in the environments of open systems that result in the presence of varying levels of free energy in the envi ronment available for capture or importation. Additionally; changes in entropy levels within open sys tems are not determined exclusively by irreversible processes internal to such systems. Instead, the dynamics of living sys tems are a function of the connectivity among nets and nodes of energy-based interaction both within and across the interior systems that are linked to energy sources outside the system. According to this organizationally oriented per spective on evolution, dynamic processesparticularly those leading to internal reorganizations and changes in organi zational complexityare driven by the dynamics of energy flows as well as the scales and forms of energetic networks. Arguments of this kind are concerned with and attempt to explain changes at the macro level of systemic organization. The better-knownor at least more widely discussed neo-Darwinian view of evolution is derived from the synthesis of Darwinian principles and modern genetics (Mayr 1982). Its view of dynamics is strongly tied to mechanistic views of process. In the terminology associated with a concern for energy-based, macrolevel processes, neo-Darwinian arguments may apply to living systems near a state of dynamic equilib rium, but they are unable to explain changes in either the level of energy flow through a system or the level of organizational complexity surrounding nonequilibrium states. Competing evolutionary schemata can be easily distin guished from one another by comparing the answers they pro vide to the following three questions: (1) How does variety arise? (2) How is variety transmitted to future states of a sys tem? (3) What process of selection biases the transmission of variety to subsequent generations? Proponents of cre ationist, Lamarckian, Darwinian, and neo-Darwinian theories of evolutionary changeincluding neo-Darwinian variants such as sociobiology (Wilson 1975), evolutionary ecology fDuprl 1987), and selectionism (Dunnell 1989, 1995) would deal with the preceding questions very differently. And, if I were to ask what are the units or carriers of variety and upon what units does selection operate, still other views of evolution would present themselves. Finally, a query about the implications that any given suite of answers to the preceding questions would haw for the character of temporal patterning in the results of evolu tionary process would return me full circle to at least some variant of the macrotystcmk perspective with which I intro duced this discussion. Contrasts between a macroeystemk view and the "replacement* view of some current fitness-driven arguments are illustrated in rtisrussioni of gradualism versus punctuated equilibrium I EJdredge and Gould 1972t Eldredgpe and Tattertal! 1992), in discussions of micro- versus macro* evolution (Stanley 1979), and in the contemporary Interest in emergence and complexity studies ( Lewtn IW j Waldrop iWZ). There is ndw i little doubt that evolutionary viewpoint!
exist. I nonetheless have some expectations regarding evo lutionary processes and how they operate in the causal domain of systems change, which make it imperative to know something about the properties of human actors rel ative to variations in the quantities and changing tempos of energy that flow through the living systems in which they participate. This means that any conditions that cause an imbalance in the relationship between the amount of available free energy and the demand for that energy, and result in either the demands being less readily met or an increase in the energetic costs of meeting the demands, or in the failure to meet the demands, will condition some or all of the follow ing responses: 1. Tactical shifts in the energy-capturing activities of the actors. 2. Increased competition among the actors both within and between socially integrated systems. 3. The appearance of new tactical variants that may include either technological aids or new organizational means of extracting energy or the matter necessary to such extrac tion, or energy conservation. 4. Exploration of and experimentation with the extraction of energy from new or previously untapped sources of energy or the matter required to extract free energy from new energy sources. All situations in which energy is expended in the course of capturing free energy are intrinsically economic. In addi tion, all situations involving the extraction of energy or the transfer of energy across system boundaries exhibit the char acteristics of an economically defined cost-benefit relation ship. Among hunter-gatherers, the cost-benefit relationship is usually expressed as the relationship between the cost in energy expended to do work and the potential energetic returns acquired or captured by that work. Recent research has demonstrated that human actors attempt to maximize their energetic returns in contexts of energy expenditure; in short, they commonly optimize (Smith 1991:32-52). Humans also seek to synchronize the flow of free energy into the human system relative to the human demand curve for food and other energy sources, such as fire wood. Humans tend to organize their labor and their activ ities in a way that reduces the risk associated with accessing critical resources, and they tend to organize into cooperative social units in order to minimize any uncertainty associ ated with the dynamics of their social and ecological envi ronments. Knowledge about the dynamics of patterned flow, state changes, and distribution of potential energy sources, as well as the matter required to access such sources, is a pre requisite to adaptive behaviors such as volitional or planned risk reduction strategies.9
I introduced the term risk in chapter 1 and pointed out that it refers to temporal variability in the amount of food that is available for consumption as a result of the produc tive efforts of a single producer over a given period of time. Other things being equal, risk pooling, or cooperation and subsequent pooling of products, is based on a sense of trust among those persons cooperating as food producers. Con sequently I would expect social groups to use many differ ent mechanisms to instill trust among those who cooperate in labor- and risk-pooling forms of organization. Indeed a variety of kinship conventions and other constructions and elaborations of social identity have been developed to reduce uncertainty about an individuals level of participation in cooperative efforts and the interaction among competitive groups. Risk and cost-benefit constructs are essential to the argu ments of many micro-evolutionary or neo-Darwinian schemata. They may be woven into a complex cognitive fab ric of assumptions about proximate and ultimate causation or they may be linked to reductionist arguments about fitness that are unconvincing when based on phenotypic characteristics. On the other hand, when these propositions are considered in the context of energy-based arguments about macrosystemic change, they can be synthesized into a single, comprehensive theory that is not dependent upon holis tic or reductionist preferences and biases. To evaluate my daim, however, it is necessary to explore further some of the obser vations and arguments that have emerged from general sys tems research. The processes of evolution unfold in all domains of the empirical world.... They produce systems in the third state dynamic matter-energy systems far from equi librium. These systems form a continuum that bridges the traditional boundaries of classical disciplines.... The relevant parameters include size, organizational level, bounding energy, and level of complexity.... As we move from microscopic systems on a basic level of organiza tion to macroscopic systems on higher organizational levels, we move from systems that are strongly and rigidly bonded to those with weaker and more flexible binding energies. Relatively small units with strong binding forces act as building blocks in the formation of larger and less strongly bound systems on higher levels of organization. These in turn become building blocks in still larger, higher-level and less strongly bonded units.. .. On a given level of organization, sys tems on the lower level function as subsystems; on the next higher level of organization systems jointly form suprasystems. (Laszlo 1987:21-25) Laszlos views are based on Prigogine s seminal work on entropy and energy flows, which demonstrates that emergent forms of organization are derived from nonequilibrium states. This research has resulted in the development of a more precise argument consistent with the earlier proposition
that cultural systems evolve as the energy harnessed per capita per year increases (White 1949:368). In todays terminology, such a relationship is referred to as the freeenergy flux density (Laszlo 1987:28) of a system and is expressed as energy per unit time per unit mass. The cur rent focus on energetic systems and the investigation of chaos and other dynamic properties of systems have been responsible for still other changes in the way evolution may be conceptualized: The relationship between energy flow over time and change in entropy and free energy is essential for answer ing not only the question as to how systems in the third state evolve, but also whether they evolve necessarily, under certain conditions. Until the 1970s investigators leaned to the viewexposed most eloquently by Jacques Monodthat evolution is due mainly to accidental factors. But as of the 1980s many scientists are becom ing convinced that evolution is not an accident, but occurs necessarily whenever certain parametric condi tions are fulfilled. (Laszlo 1987:28-29; emphasis in original) Although I do not pretend to contribute to the basic research effort to understand the structure and operation of energetic systems, I do agree with the content of general theories describing suprasystemic levels of organization such as ecosystems and sociocultural systems. A basic principle of the study of macrolevel forms of organized integration is that such systems cannot be understood simply in terms of their subsystemic components, whether considered individually or in the aggregate. This same principle also renders point less any effort to understand sociocultural systems of orga nized variability, or the appearance of sociocultural complexity itself, exclusively by means of an examination of the individuals who participate in the system. Energetic processes are clearly the basis for systemic organization, structure, and dynamics, and they also underlie the restructuring of organizational properties in response to changing energy flows and networks. Consistent with my affirmation of the utility of energybased approaches to the study of systemic organization, I would also expect interesting organizational parallels, and even direct similarities, between aspects of ecosystems and socio cultural systems. For this reason, I think that hunter-gatherer groups can be viewed most productively as subsystems within organizationally more comprehensive ecosystems. Some types of Changes that have occurred in the human evolutionary experience, however, have resulted in situations in which some components of ecosystemsif not ecosystems in their entiretyhave become organized as subsystems of supralcvel sociocultural systems. Ecosystems themselves, then, would appear to be a logical subject for study since the investiga tion of such a supralcvel organization might well help us learn how to study macrolevel organizations in general and, ulti mately, lead to a serious consideration of the interactive
dynamics between ecosystems and sociocultural systems in particular. I begin my focus on ecosystems by identifying some properties of the environment that particularly contribute to the generation of diversity in human niches. In this effort I use whatever knowledge I have about human behavior and the dynamics of environments to outline a few basic condi tions that may limit hunter-gatherer access to all of the food resources available in an environment. I use my knowledge of more generic aspects of human environments as a guide to the construction of a bare-bones, minimalist model of prob able human responses to different environments. The model is minimalist in the sense that it assumes human actors will behave exclusively as terrestrial huntergatherers, exploiting only terrestrial plants and animals as food resources. The model also assumes that hunter-gatherers are nearly perfect generalists, which means that they include food resources in their diet in almost direct proportion to the availability of resources in the habitat The construction of this model provides some analytical advantages, since it is concretely defined and the assumptions standing behind it are explicit Initially I explore only some of the geographic and prop erty space distributions of selected human behavior to see how the subject of the model responds to differences among the worlds gross environments. I also explore the differences between a modeled and a projected frame of reference and the contributions that these analytical tools will make to research into variability and temporal trends in the archae ological record. In the final section of this chapter I applythe tools that have been developedboth the model and the projections from ethnographically documented huntergatherersin an examination of some archaeological features related to the spread of domesticates throughout Europe in the sixth and seventh centuries b .c . I also examine howa con cern for processes of emergence (the appearance of new forms that a full knowledge of preceding events would not permit one to anticipate)which are energy based and not simply the result of gradual, accumulative, incremental changewill modify the ways in which the archaeological record is interpreted.10
ing habitats. These conditions can be described as variables that would not have seemed relevant had I not known some thing about both the range of human behavioral variability and the differential organization of productive variability in the worlds environments. The recognition of new variables is stimulated by a growing understanding of human effective environments studied in conjunction with a recognition of the limiting factors that affect modern human participation in ecosystems. These constraints, of course, condition the char acter of the system states that could be achieved by partici pating sociocultural systems.
Even though ecologists often invoke a state of optimal or per fect balance in the natural world to serve as an intellectual standard against which real-world dynamic states are mea sured, it is accepted that their use of such a conception is purely heuristic. In the 1950s, this understanding was embodied in the ecological principle of the inoptimum, which states that no community encounters in any given habitat the optimum conditions for all of its functions (Dansereau 1957:257). This is another way of saying that no adaptation11 is ever optimal or balanced with reference to its habitat. Subsistence security is defined by the environmental set ting relative to the tactical capabilities and options of the organism that confronts it. For hunter-gatherers, solutions to the problem of subsistence insecurity are derived from the strategies or tactical arrays of behavior designed to cope with specifically inoptimum environmental conditions. Some environments may place strict limits on the ways in which security may be obtained, whereas others may tolerate the application of a strategy to a much broader range of situa tions. In this sense, one can speak of environments that dif fer in their levels of security potential, other things being equal. Other things, in this case, would be the range of knowledge and learned behaviors from which strategies could be built. The term effective environment is a useful way to refer to the components of the gross environment with which a given group of human actors is most closely articulated, including the particular species within the habitat that are reg ularly exploited for food. Different groups of hunter-gatherers are known to vary in their relative dependence upon plant, animal, and aquatic foods. They are also known to vary in the amount of the earths surface across which they range for food, in their pattern of movement within the habitat, in their techniques for organizing labor to procure resources, and in the ways they utilize foods. From its inception, the discipline of anthropology has been preoccupied with the relationship between the character of all of the various attributes of an environment and the effec
tive environments characteristic of different groups, although anthropologists have used different words to voice their concerns. There has been no consensus, however, about whether people simply choose their effective environments because they like to eat fish or honey or whether ecologically influenced, selective conditioning pushes and pulls human actors into different niches. I agree with the latter proposi tion, even though to suggest that some kind of environ mental conditioning is a factor in the choices made by human actors prompts many archaeologists to dismiss supporting evidence as just another example of environ mental determinism.12 In order to explore the claim that niches are conditioned and not chosen, I build a minimalist terrestrial model of human behavior to which I will then compare documented human behavior in a variety of organized forms. The model will assume that, like other animals, human actors are con strained by properties of the gross environment to partici pate only in certain types of ecological plays that are characterized by a particular kind of plot. Possession of an explicit model rooted in ecological dynamics allows one to compare the differences between modeled variability and doc umented real-world cases. The model is quite literally like the zero point on a scale of values in terms of which real-world cases can be arrayed to observe their deviation from the modeled values. If I were to express this relationship in terms of system state variability, I would say that the model represents the assumption of a par ticular response state relative to actual response states in given habitats. The model assumes that the response of the actors will be the same in all situations and that the envi ronmental situation in which the actors find themselves is what is varying. Deviations from the modeled values are, therefore, some measure of the actors organizational divergence finom the modeled conditions and can be interpreted as potential indicators of system state differences. Both modeled values and deviations from them can be pro jected onto either property space maps or the more famil iar geographic representation of the earths surface. The patterning visible in these projections can form the basis for arguments about the causes of emergent evolutionary episodes and their temporal and spatial discontinuities. Although building a minimalist model of human terrestrial subsistence is the goal of this chapter, my initial concern is to identify some of the generic properties of the effective environments of hunter-gatherers and to develop additional measures of those properties that are particularly germane to human actors.
Most of the variables introduced in chapter 4 are environ mental attributes that make it possible to specify in some detail
the differences between environmental conditions at a vari ety of locations. All of these variables, therefore, may be considered potential conditioners of the between-habitat diversity that characterizes the totality of different places where hunter-gatherers have lived. All of the variables that I have introduced thus far, however, defined climatic and asso ciated energetic conditions. I did not explore how habitats themselves are grounded by topographic variability aris ing from the earths internal energetics. Topographic variability is not conditioned by the same kind of dynamic causation as variability in biomass in the plant community. Diversity in the topographic placement of a habitat nevertheless affects how many basic climatic variables are modified and redirected. Extant habitats are considerably more varied than if they were situated on a perfectly smooth sphere with no irregularity in the elevation of land surfaces and bodies of water. Topography an d G eography Topography is the defining context in which the differential juxtaposition of biological species in space creates betweenhabitat diversity. Vertical and horizontal topographic dif ferences produce microclimatic multiformity in habitats that has considerable impact on the composition of ecolog ical communities. Although some differences among habi tats maybe referable to differences in habitat stateswhich, as we have seen, are affected by supraregional factors such as rainfall and solar radiationthese structural differences are not included in the category of between-habitat diversity but are instead various expressions of within-habitat states. The term between-habitat diversity refers exclusively to variabil ity in the spatial juxtaposition of biotic communities that results from the character of the habitat base or land surface itself. One of the most useful studies of between-habitat vari ability was undertaken by Simpson ( 1964), who examined the species density of mammals in North America from Panama to the arctic. In addition to describing the graded distributions of species and their correlations with latitude, Simpson also pointed out that there is certainly a relationship between topography and species density, although the correlation is neither perfect nor simple (1964:68). One of Simpsons particularly provocative observations was that species density is greater in areas of broken topog raphy. He also noted that peninsulas exhibit lower species densities than analogously placed, continuous land masses ( 1964:73), and he summarized his empirical observations with the overarching generalization that species density is negatively correlated with rainfall at equivalent latitudes (Simpson 1964:72). This means that species density is higher in the southwestern United States than it is in the forests of east ern North America, if latitude is held roughly constant. Sev eral related differences come to mind as a result of Simpsons
correlations (e.g., the forests of eastern North America have higher biomass and there are lower elevationai differences per unit area), but at the time that his research was published there were few explanatory arguments to account for the patterning. More recent ecological research has produced additional patterns, most notably that species heterogeneity is condi tioned by the nutrient level available to plant communities (Tilman 1982), and this factor may be implicated in some of the contrasts that Simpson observed relative to rainfall. Additional field studies of desertic species and their densi ties have greatly expanded what is known about diversity in dry environments (Hallett 1982; Pianka 1969,1971; Rosenzweig and Winakur 1969), and attention has also focused on the structure of ecological communities on islands and peninsulas (Case et al. 1979). Explanations of this variabil ity are, however, less important to this study than the facts of the patterning itself. As a way of controlling for at least some of the factors con tributing to between-habitat diversityand the impact these factors have on human subsistence strategies I have assembled topographic data for the regions inhabited by the hunter-gatherer groups in this study. The same procedure was applied to each case: a point in the center of each region was identified, and I then recorded the highest and lowest ele vations in the area defined by a set of circles inscribed at ten, twenty-five, and fifty miles from the central point. Six elevationai values were determined for each region, and two different measures were calculated using these data. A modal elevation, ELEV, was calculated by adding the lowest and highest values noted within a ten-mile radius of the central point of the groups range and dividing this sum by two. In those cases in which the only available source of ele vation data was a weather station, the stations elevation was recorded. The second value, MAXRANGE, is more germane to habitat variability. It was calculated by subtracting the low est elevation value from the highest value recorded within a fiftymile radius of the center of the territory. I also calculated the standard deviation (SDELEV) of a regions six elevation values and the coefficient of variation (CVELEV), which was calcu lated using the observations taken from a fifty-mile radius. When only weather station data were available, the preceding measures of within-area variability were not calculated. Although the local elevationai characteristics contribute significantly to habitat variability and diversity within the ranges of human sociocultural systems, they must be con sidered in conjunction with the fact that humans are omniv orous feeders whose habitat breadth has expanded in some settings to include the exploitation of aquatic resources* A quatic Bionics and Human H abitats So far my discussion of habitats has focused on the proper* tics of terrestrial biotypes because human beings are term*
trial animals who are biologically incapable of living in aquatic environments without technological assistance. Nevertheless, as I noted in chapter 5, many past and present hunter-gatherer groups have expanded their niches to include the aquatic biome as a component of their habitat. The degree to which this expansion has occurred is conditioned by slightly different variables than those that structure ter restrial habitats. Although human actors are capable of direct participa tion, ecologically speaking, in a terrestrial setting, they may be thought of as outsiders in aquatic biomes; they intrude at times, but always at very restricted locations and under rather specific conditions. To exploit aquatic resources, humans must be positioned on aquatic-terrestrial ecotones. This positioning, together with the fact that successful human exploitation of an aquatic biome is severely limited, ensures that specific properties of the ecotone from which human intrusions are launched condition to a large extent how and when aquatic resources are tapped for human use. This ecotonal constraint often results in a linear distribution of the human groups who regularly incorporate aquatic resources into their niche space. Most generalizations about the geographic patterning of variability in terrestrial habitats do not apply to marine habitats because the marine biome is energetically conditioned by the mobile properties of liquids. These properties tend to modify the temperature and salinity of the marine world quite independently of the actual distribution of solar radiation over the surface of the earth. Tides, ocean currents, and particu larly the depth of the ocean affect not only the distribution of important biological parameters but also the local vari ability and stability of these parameters. As a result, from a global perspective the biogeography of marine production and biomass is very different from that of terrestrial biomes. In contrast, the patterns of production and biomass dis tribution in riparian and lacustrian biomes are linked to the bioenergetics of the terrestrial habitats in which they are located, being strongly related to the same variables that regulate terrestrial production rainfall and solar radiation. Runoff from rainfall provides the water for riparian and lacustrian biomes, and solar radiation provides the energy for most of the production in these terrestrially linked aquatic settings. Another link between riparian and lacustrian set tings and the terrestrial habitat in which they are embedded results from the fact that much of the production in streams and rivers is the result of a truncated trophic structure. Many of the habitats consumers are not dependent upon pro duction in the aquatic domain because they feed on detri tus derived ultimately from terrestrial production. Still other consumers feed on organisms whose reproductive success is directly conditioned by the bioenergetics of the terrestrial biome (e.g., insect larvae). As might be expected, production in streams and lakes is correlated with terrestrial production.
The exception to the preceding generalization occurs in those instances in which the flow of water to the sea is through areas of low or reduced rainfall. The term unearned water13 is used to describe settings of this kind, in which the water occurring within a habitat is not produced by rainfall in the region. Many of the worlds major river systems including much of the Nile River valley, the Rio Grande val ley, the Colorado River valley, and the better part of the Murray River drainage in Australia are good examples of regions in which rivers supply unearned water. These sys tems support much higher productivity and biomass in riparian settings than would be possible from earned water alone. The productivity of these streams and rivers is also much greater than would be anticipated from the level of adjacent terrestrial production. As a river nears the ocean, unearned water accumulates from very large drainage catchments and causes accelerating increases in productivity. In some settings, like the lower Columbia River drainage, productivity is enriched not only by unearned extra water but also by earned water that occurs in a zone of high earned rainfall near the rivers mouth. These features are not directly related to terrestrial productivity per se but are produced by the coin cidence of the topographic characteristics and bioenergetics of terrestrial habitats. I had originally intended to include data in my study estimating the amount of aquatic resources available to hunter-gatherers in various locations by directly measur ing production in the worlds oceans, inland lakes, and rivers. I quickly discovered, however, that global data on productivity were scanty and that there was no consistent procedure for measuring productivity levels for those data that were available. Many of the conventions that have been applied to the interpretation of archaeological data are based on ethno graphic information about the location and size of a groups territory. In those situations in which relevant information is available, such as those reported by BaumhofF (1963), estimates of the number of miles of streams or coastlines within a groups territory have been used successfully to anticipate population density or fishing dependence. One of the goals of this research is to develop a frame of reference for archaeologists who do not know the ranges or territories of the prehistoric peoples responsible for the archaeological sites that they excavate. I asked myself what knowledge would allow me to anticipate intense use of aquatic resources at any given location when it was unknown how the landscape was partitioned into ranges. It seemed to me that a study of the topography and character of drainage systems was an obvi ous way to assess the likelihood that different localities would have usable aquatic resources. This approach required that I make a number of dis tance measurements in the drainage systems in which hunter-
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gatherer groups in my study were documented. Their loca tion in space was known, so I measured the distance in miles from a central point in their territory to the headwaters of the streams and rivers draining into the area within which they lived (HEADWAT). The distance from the central point to the mouth (at the sea) of the larger drainages was also mea sured in miles and added to HEADWAT, resulting in a measure in miles of the total length of the drainage system (DRAIN) passing through the area of interest. In order to develop a scale in terms of which drainages could be com pared, the length of each drainage (DRAIN) was divided by 4,132 miles, which is a constant based on the length of the Nile (the worlds longest river system), and each percentage value was then multiplied by ten. The resulting variable, DRANK, ranks drainages on a scale from zero to ten: the higher the value, the larger the drainage system. Because there is a positive relationship between drainage size and the volume of water flowing at different points along the trunk drainage, I calculated an index value (DGROSS), which is simply DRANK multiplied by DPOSIT (a variable determined by dividing HEADWAT by DRAIN). The values are distributed from zero to ten: the higher the value, the greater the amount of unearned water expected at the location serving as the reference point for the measure ments. The water resources of all hunter-gatherer cases in this study were then evaluated and a categorical classification, called SETTING, was defined. This classification is presented in table 6.01. The final variable developed as part of my investigation of the exploitation of aquatic resources is the crow-flies dis tance from hunter-gatherer habitats to the nearest coast, measured in kilometers (COKLM). It should be pointed out that DRAIN, HEADWAT, DRANK, DPOSIT, and DGROSS do not apply to all coastal settings or to many set tings with only intermittent streams or waterless deserts. In some cases, a groups position may be coastal but located at the mouth of a major riverfor example, the Chinook of Ore gonand in such a situation the drainage can be measured and the values calculated. Similarly, continuously flowing internal drainages such as the Humboldt River of Nevada may also be measured, but in many internal drainages these riparian measures do not apply. Several conventions have been used in this situation. For coasts, SETTING = (C), a DRAIN value of 1.0 and a HEADWAT value of 1.0 are entered, yielding a DPOSIT value of 1.0, which indicates maximum positioning relative to an exclusively marine biome. For internal drainages, SETTING (P), but not lakes or regularly flowing internal drainages capable of supporting significant aquatic resources, a value of 1.0 is entered for DRAIN and a value of 0.01 for HEADWAT, indicating the absence of a significant aquatic biome.
t y p e
6.01 (SETTING)
2 3
Coastal locations (C): includes some groups located on islands and peninsulas as well as cases on the coasts of major continents, in major utilizing bays, and in tidal estuarine settings. Rivers and streams (S): includes cases located in terrestrial settings with defined drainage systems and outlets to the sea. Lakes and swamps (L): includes cases that are also terrestrial in that drainage systems are classified as rivers and streams, but there is a major lake or accumulation basin in the drainage, either within or immediately adjacent to the range. Pans and all internal drainages (P): includes locations with spring water or access to underground water only. Good examples of this type are found in the Humboldt River drainage of Nevada and the Coopers Creek drainage of southeastern Australia. Both system s are quite long but dissipate in sinksLake EyTe in the Australian case and Humboldt Lake and Carson Sink in Nevada. These locations may support either lakes with varying degrees o f salinity, seasonally filled pans, or water holes. In very dry settings, vegetation may seasonally fill the role of water sources. Intermittent streams are, however, the most common form of drainage in these settings.
the least diversity is found among upperstory species, an observation also made by Monk (1967). As succession pro ceeds, however, diversity increases in the upperstory and decreases in the understory (Loucks 1970:20). Using comparative data, Loucks was able to demonstrate that if no disturbance interrupts the continuation of a successional trend, diversity in the upperstory tends to decrease as more and more of the species are replaced by maturing indi viduals of shade-tolerant species, which in his study area were sugar maples. It was Louckss (1970) contention that under normal conditions fires periodically interrupted this sequence and returned the forest to lower stages of succession. Over time, the maximum diversity in the upperstory tended to be the inflection point in an oscillating steady state in which max imum diversity was associated with the modal maturity level of forests in the region. This research is important for several reasons. It con firms that, for animals, the greatest variety of potential foods is present during the early stages of succession and decreases in maturing forest associations.14 Second, it illustrates the shift in diversity from understory to upperstory growth, which favors the increased presence of small-body-size, secondary consumers concentrated in the upperstory zones. Finally, it renders intelligible Whittakers observation (1956) that diver sity was generally lower in the isolated and exceedingly mature cove forests of the Great Smoky Mountains. The mere mention of the term succession implies per turbations, the most common of which are violent storms and fires,15 that reduce or change the biomass-production rela tionships in particular places. I have not accumulated global data on lightning strike frequencies and the seasonality of burns resulting from this phenomenon, but it should be kept in mind that on a global basis lightning strike fre quencies vary in a patterned way from one location to another (Komarek 1964). Two major factors that condition the incidence of fire are, of course, lightning strike frequen cies and the predominance of winter rainfall coupled with the severity of rainfall deficits during the summer months. In tropical settings in which growing season temperatures are high, potential vapotranspiration is also very high, which means that very large quantities of rainfall are required to main tain water balance. The fact that forest vegetation will be maintained only in areas of exceedingly high rainfall, combined with the fact that thunderstorm frequencies generally increase as the distance from the equator decreases (Komarek 1964:142), ensures that a steady state with regard to immature successional stages is likely. The African savanna is at least partially a firemaintained ecosystem, as are most temperate steppic areas. In the temperate zone, potential vapotranspiration is reduced because decreased solar radiation results in shorter growing seasons, whichother things being equal increase the prob ability that water balance will be achieved.
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On the other hand, rainfall is substantially reduced in the zones on both sides of 30 degrees latitude, although local con ditions may modify global circulation patterns and result in local patches of higher rainfall. This means that the middle latitudes will, on the whole, have fewer areas with highbiomass plant communities and more areas where fire haz ard is high, in spite of lower frequencies of thunderstorms. Still farther to the north and south, potential vapotran spiration is correspondingly reduced, and in the zones bor dering 60 degrees latitude rainfall tends to increase. Thunderstorm frequencies in these regions are reduced still further, which means that destructive fires are less likely because of lower thunderstorm frequencies and increased rainfall. This generalization does not apply to areas with pro nounced seasonality in rainfall, particularly areas with pre dominantly winter rainfall regimes, where the probability of significant, cyclically occurring fires is high. Much of California and the western region of the United States, parts of British Columbia, and even Alaska are characterized by significant for est destruction from fires caused by lightning strikes. In a fifteen-year study of a major stand of ponderosa pine in northern Arizona, Wadsworth (1943) found that one-third of the individual tree deaths were caused by light ning strikes. In the forests of Yellowstone Park, Taylor (1969:279) reported that of the 1,228 fires documented between 1931 and 1967,54 percent were caused by lightning strikes. Also in Yellowstone, 35 percent of the lodgepole pine trees larger than four inches in diameter were fire-scarred (Taylor 1969:289). In both of these study areas, significant fire scarring occurred. Applying these observations and their implications for successional dynamics to concrete case material, Hardy and Franks ( 1963) estimated that in Alaska during the month of June alone, 511,000 acres would be burned as a result of fires caused by lightning. I have developed a numerical indicator for those regions in which successional dynamics are likely to exhibit greater amplitudes, based on the following patterns and assumptions. The first pertinent observation is that thunderstorm fre quencies must correspond roughly to effective temperature levels. The only departure from this pattern is a slight increase in storms in zones bordering 60 degrees latitude north and south, where polar convection cells may be overridden by the northward-moving, warmer surface air of central circulator) cells. The frequency of fires, therefore, results from a com bination of thunderstorm activity and dry conditions in the plant communities. These conditions usually occur in regions with dry summers or in areas dominated by either winter rain fall or very low levels of annual rainfall. Based on the climatic conditions that interact to pro duce meteorologically induced fires, the following equation has been developed to provide an indicator, termed SUCSTAH, of the conditions likely to result in extensive, periodic burning
6 .0 1
Demonstration of an inverse relationship between predominantly win ter rainfall (SUCSTAB) and net aboveground productivity (NAGP) based on the world weather station sample.
and subsequent cyclical primary biomass reduction in regions inhabited by hunter-gatherers (table 4.01):
SUCSTAB = 10**{logloET2 - log10(7,5 * sqrtCRR)]} * {10**[log10(PERWLTG/100) * LREVENJ1/10 This measure tends to inflate the differences between areas with very dry growing seasons and those with wet growing seasons. Values that are close to zero suggest low prob abilities of fire-induced community destruction; the higher the value, the greater the probability of fires and community destruction. In the preceding equation, SUCSTAB includes variables that relate only to the rainfall and temperature conditions favoring fire and does not actually deal with the other necessary condition, which is adequate fuel. One can imagine, for instance, a setting near the equator with opti mal conditions of low rainfall and high temperatures, yet fires would not occur if the rainfall level was zero and there was no unearned water because truly desertic conditions would exist and there would be no vegetation to burn. To make the SUCSTAB index more realistic, a corrective procedure was therefore added to the preceding equation to take into account the partially independent distributions of fuel and the optimal temperature and moisture conditions favoring fires. The distribution in figure 6.01 illustrates a very distinct, inverse relationship between SUCSTAB and net aboveground productivity (NAGP). As the values for productivity decrease, the value of SUCSTAB increases, which would suggest that
with zero productivity the probability of fire is highest. I have already pointed out, however, that this is impossible since fuel is required in order for fires to start and burn. An examina tion of the cases represented in the distribution in figure 6.01 leads me to define a cutoff value for NAGP of 500 grams per square meter. For cases in which this value is exceeded, the value o f SUCSTAB calculated in the preceding equation would be accepted, indicating that fuel is not considered a lim iting factor. In cases characterized by an NAGP value of less than 500, a straight-line equation was fitted between the lower part of the distribution in figure 6.01, where NAGP approaches zero, and an upper value of 500. According to this equation,
V = a + bX where a * 1.2699958 b * 0.27247497 and Y = a new variable called MAX5UC and X = an NAGP value of less than 500. This equation sets an upper limit for the value of S t CSTAB simply as a function of increasing values of NAGP. In settings in which there is no fuel, there is a zero value for SI v STAB, regardless of temperature and moisture conditions using this value, I reverse the distribution ot SUCSTAB shown in figure 6.01 for cases with high SUCSTAB values but low to zero values of NAGP, my surrogate measure of the quantity of fuel present. To correct tor fuel absence, the fol lowing procedure was implemented:
_ b u ild in g a baseline
World distribution map for scaled values of successional stability (SSTAB2) based on the world weather station sample.
If NAGP is greater than 499.99, then SSTAB2 equals SUCSTAB. If NAGP is less than 500.00 and SUCSTAB is less than MAXSUC, then SSTAB2 is also equal to SUCSTAB. If, however, NAGP is less than 500.00 and SUCSTAB is greater than MAXSUC, then SSTAB2 is equal to { 1 . 0 [(SUCSTAB - MAXSUQA225 - MAXSUC)]} * MAXSUC.
When 225 is the maximum value allowed by the default setting used in calculating SUCSTAB, MAXSUC is the esti mated value for SUCSTAB that could occur given the pre vious equation for correcting the limiting effects of low fuel availability. When MAXSUC and SUCSTAB are used in the context of the preceding equation, the result is an inverted percent age value that produces low percentages in cases in which SUCSTAB values far exceed those of MAXSUC, thereby adjusting the cases to the realities of fuel deficits. The fuelcorrected value, SSTAB2, is illustrated in figure 6.02, which presents the distribution of this variable in a proportional
sample of the earths weather stations. SUCSTAB is a very real istic indicator of the probability of successional turnover in the earths environments. The variable MEDSTAB, which was introduced initially in chapter 4, is similar to SUCSTAB but emphasizes the seasonality o f rainfall and de-emphasizes relative dryness during the growing season. Like SUCSTAB and SSTAB2, it is an indicator of gross environmental conditions, but the latter variable is a much more sensitive indicator of between habitat variability. Figure 6.03 illustrates the relationship between log10 values of SUCSTAB and MEDSTAB. The interaction of these indices delineates an eight-part classi fication of habitats based primarily on the quantity o f rain fall and its effect on the role o f fire and the seasonality of precipitation. In chapter 4 ,1 introduced equations that permit the pro jection of current knowledge about ungulates and their rel ative success when measured by their biomass. In light of my discussion in this chapter about fire and the fact that suc cessional reduction enhances the habitat for animals, it is not surprising that positive values of SUCSTAB are an important conditioner of higher ungulate biomass values.
s ----
Relationship between two measures of winter-dominant rainfall, SUCSTAB and MEDSTAB, based on the world weather station sample.
When MacArthur (1965) introduced the distinction between within- and between-habitat diversity, diversity was defined as the difference in the numbers of species present per unit area at different locations. MacArthurs construct emphasized the scalar differences between features of the ecosystem that were due to widespread climatic variability (between-habitat diversity) and those features resulting from organiza tional differences arising in the context of the internal dynamics of ecological communities themselves (withinhabitat diversity). MacArthurs interest was initially focused on the assumption that two species utilizing the same resources could not occupy the same niche, which was a prelude to arguments about competition. He was also con cerned with the observation that, for tropical species but not for species in higher-latitude settings, diversity also seemed to correlate with some features of niche breadth, which was evaluated in terms of diet breadth. In other words, more trop ical species exhibited specialized feeding strategies and fewer were more generalized feeders who resorted to what MacArthur termed jack-of-all-trades strategies. Arguments attempting to account for within-habitat diversity may be grouped into several sets that differ largely in terms of scale shifts in the way the problem is envisioned. The most widely cited arguments link a localitys system state properties, such as stability or predictability, and more formal characteristics, such as diversity, into a single argu ment. For many years it was thought that a system state property such as stability simply referred to stability in basic
climatic variables. Researchers then began to explore the pos sibility that aspects of stability in the gross environment should be considered independently of measures of ecosystem stability. It was also thought that there were differences between com munity stability and instability among the particular breed ing populations of species participating in the same ecosystem. Variability in particular breeding populations was thought to be responsive to within-ecosystem dynamics rather than simply to reflect the meta-stabilities of the gross environment providing the systemic envelope for the ecosystem. Conventional wisdom had stipulated that complexity in ecosystems resulted from environmental stability, but this view has been challenged on many different fronts by recent research. It was argued convincingly that environmental steadiness or lack of high-amplitude variability in basic cli matic variables fostered ecological stability. Pielou (1975:130) took the argument one step further by proposing that high environmental stability leads to high community stability, which, in turn, permits (but is not caused by) high diversity. Pielou should have qualified his statement by including the phrase other things being equal," since local conditions dampen climatic fluctuations in temperature and r a i n tail quite independently of tropical or high-latitude placement on the earth. This seems, nevertheless, to have been what Pielou had in mind, since he observed that to survive in a seasonal or unpredictable environment, a species needs to be'flexible in its responses or, equivalently, to have a wide niche. .. as result a given type of habitat can contain fewer niches and hence fewer species the more strongly seasonal, or unpre dictable, the conditions (Pielou 1975:131).
CHAPTER 6 The preceding statement touches upon a subject that ecologists have debated at lengththe distinction between a feeding generalist and a feeding specialist. Other things being equal, the members of a species are called specialists if they feed on very few other species, and they are said to be gen eralists if they feed on many species. The phrase other things being equal is very important in this context, and its omission has led to many strange arguments about the implications of feeding strategies.16 One critically important characteristic of habitats is simply the number of species present at different locations. For instance, a generalist in an environment containing only seven species might feed on four of the seven (57 percent of those present), whereas a species feeding on four species in a setting containing sixty species would be exploiting only 6.6 percent of the resident species and would be considered a specialist17 The confusion in the archaeological literature between the terms specialist and generalist results from a failure to consider not only the number of species that a group exploits but also that number relative to the total number o f species present in the habitat. Confusion also arises from a misunderstanding of the ecological implications of differ ences in strategic feeding behaviors. For those ecologists who study nonhuman systems, species diversity is essentially isomorphic with niche diversity. Generalist and specialist are terms that have reference to between-species niche com parisons of diet breadth, and these comparisons are always made relative to the gross environment within which niches are structured. There are, in fact, other ways of looking at system stabil ity besides Pielous mechanistic generalizations. It is pos sible to compare systems in terms of their actual responses to perturbations in variables affecting the systems energet ics. A system may be viewed as stable or unstable depending upon whether a perturbation tends to be amplified or rapidly dampened by internal system dynamics. Recent research has tended to confirm that if one measures the number of species and the connectance in the interaction matrix among species in an ecological community (Auerbach 1984:413-28), an estimate of stability is indicated. Recent studies also suggest that various probability models, frequently referred to as neutral models (Sugihara 1980; Tilman 1982:190-204; Wiens 1984), may be as use ful in anticipating stability as more conventional argu ments based on mechanistic reasoning (Crowder 1980). Development of nonlinear and probability-based analysis has rendered problematic the old idea that increased species diversity itself results in increased complexity and, there fore, greater stability. Contemporary research does not emphasize only species numbers and the limitations that low numbers place on the combinations and permutations that can be regarded as
BUILDING a b a s e l in e
some measure of complexity. Of equal concern is how species are organized and articulated. Current research supports the following generalization:
As the number of energetic linkages between species increases, overall stability decreases.
Other things being equal, omnivores and trophic gener alists tend to reduce systemwide stability, whereas an increase in the number of specialists seems to enhance it (May 1972:414). Additionally,
------------------ Generalization 6.02 -----------------The more organized or partitioned into feeding guilds the group of species in a habitat may be, the greater the sta bility relative to the total number of species represented. In contrast, the presence of intraspecific feeding guilds reduces the connectance links among all species in the community.
Much more work must be done before the diversitystability connection can be fully understood, but the evidence appears to support a third generalization:
------------------ Generalization 6.03 -----------------Other things being equal, the fewer fluctuations in the basic variables conditioning production and biomass structure, the greater the potential stability and complexity of the system.
This generality is mediated, however, by a large number of fascinating organizational possibilities within ecosystems themselves, which prompt me to ask what rules govern this variability. In the course of my research, I developed some tools for analyzing gross environments in terms of their stability dif ferentials, some of which were introduced in chapter 3. I believe that a number of the variables directed toward mea suring the magnitude of annual climatic fluctuations are important since the coincidence of high rainfall with high tem perature affects subsistence, mobility, and sheltering require ments very differently than does a coincidence between high rainfall and low temperatures. I need, nevertheless, to increase my ability to monitor organizational variability, not only in the articulation of human units into the broader organiza tion of the ecosystem in which they participate, but also in the articulation of different human groups to one another within an ecoiystemic context. How does this "human
ecoystem within an ecosystem differ from the articulations of nonhuman systems that ecologists study? I have already pointed out that for ecologists studying non human systems, niche differentiation is basically signaled by species difference. Given that genetically based species differ entiation in terms of behavior, morphology, and niche is a consequence of the same processes of natural selection that condition the differential reproductive success of breeding individuals, it is reasonable to think of niche and behavioral flexibility as aspects of the differences between species. In con trast, vastly different levels of organization are observed among human populations, the differences in niche are extreme, there is variability in the behavior-based tactics and strategies employed in analogous niches, and yet there is universal acknowledgment that human beings all belong to only one species. These correlates of phenotype that (for students of nonhuman ecosystems) would be clear and unequivocal indicators of species differences have been observed in contrasts between cultural systems past and present. This feet alone indicates that there is something emergent about organized human participation in ecosystems. This is not a unique phenomenon; it happened earlier when life emerged from nonlife, when mammals emerged from non mammalian species, and so on. It does mean, however, that a successful explanation of diversification among nonhuman species, although not irrelevant, is inadequate to explain the processes occurring in ecosystems after the new and differ ent human participant arrived on the scene. Since phenotypic differentiations are not simultaneous steps in the speciation process, differentiations in the organization of cultural systems do not necessarily appear to be the phenotypic building blocks of species differentiation. In chapter 2,1discussed some uniquely human properties and argued that those unique properties could never explain the diversity of outcomes from various planned events. I sug gested that those unique properties must be considered constants; that is, they are the boundary conditions for arguments about organized human variability and there fore can never directly explain the variability. In this chap ter I am suggesting that humans may perform unique roles in ecosystems and that researchers really do not know the degree to which the human species operates by the same rules as other species participating in ecosystems. Nor is it known how human behavioral flexibility (very nearly the defini tion of a generalist in ecological terms) may condition the appearance of within-species specializations and many other organizational building blocks of species differenti ation. It is also unknown whether some of the generaliza tions about ecosystems may well be applicable to various forms of cultural systems and at the same time not apply to the roles those cultural systems actually play in the broader ecosystem.
Model Building: Further Considerations of Species-Specific Properties and Initial Conditions for Imagining Dynamics
One way of addressing the questions that have been posed is to construct a model of human behavioral responses to between-habitat variability. This model should specify in explicit terms the behavioral role of the human species in vari able environments. It is also necessary to anticipate some of the characteristics of the human species that would limit the possible niches that it could occupy. Body size is a feature of paramount importance because it places limits on the range of locations within an ecosystem in which the modeled species could perform. The body size of humans basically limits our species to a terrestrial role in the biosphere. Because we cannot fly, we are unable to play an effective role in exploiting foods from, for instance, the upper canopy of trees in a tropical rain forest. Humans are also unable to digest wood cellulose, so tree trunks and fallen branches lie outside the human dietary range. It should be clear that successfully casting species as actors in evolution ary plays depends initially on the behavioral capabilities of the actors. In turn, a knowledge of the behavioral range of a species conditions the features of the gross environment that, in interaction with the actor, may further limit the roles that a specific actor could perform.
A discussion of the role of human actors in evolutionary plays, performed in a variety of ecological theaters, can be approached most economically by limiting the roles and desires of actors. In this initial exploration of modeling, all of the plays are about subsistence and all the actors want to ensure their own security. By securityand in this example security refers to the food supplyI mean a system state or a set of relationships between human consumer demands and human producer capabilities to meet those demands. When demands can be met, one can say that an adaptation offers subsistence security. When demands are not met, a state of insecurity prevails. Given what is known about human actors and their subsistence needs, as well as the environments constituting the locus of potential foods, I will make an argument about how differences in the ecological theater may determine where in their gross environment human actors might be expected to achieve the greatest success. It is suggested that, other things being equal,
I have already pointed out that variability in the period icity of rainfall and the levels of temperature and solar energy throughout an annual cycle tends to result in cyclical shifts in the magnitude of primary biotic production. The inten sity of this productive periodicity increases along tempera ture or latitudinal gradients. Similarly, it varies with global rainfall patterning in such a way that higher periodicity is expected in the middle latitudes, both north and south of 30 degrees latitude, in rain shadow areas of equatorial zones, and occasionally in areas approaching 60 degrees latitude. I also suggest that, other things being equal,
Potential subsistence security will decrease as a direct result of seasonality in primary production stemming from either annual periodicity or long-term variability in rainfall or from concentrations of solar radiation at terrestrial locations.
ing the year. Humans do not usually consume plant biomass per se but concentrate primarily on plant parts resulting from annual gross production, such as nuts, seeds, leaves, and honey.18 There are exceptions to the productivity rule, par ticularly in dry environments in which the consumption of underground tubers and roots is common. Similarly, it is not uncommon in tropical settings for entire trees, such as the sago palm, to be exploited. Nevertheless, the majority of the food resources taken from the plant community are techni cally products of net annual production and not components of the plant communitys standing biomass. In order to estimate the potential food available for human consumption in a habitat, I have selected net above ground productivity as the baseline parameter in terms of which to create an index of plant foods. The following equa tion, in which net aboveground productivity is expressed as the number of kilograms per 100 square kilometers, measures the potential maximum amount of consumables present in a habitat, expressed at a scale19 consistent with population measures:
If one reflects on this statement, it is reasonable to ask how this generalization has much to do with humans, since I have already demonstrated that (1) potential net above ground productivity varies latitudinally in a rather regular fashion and (2) deficiencies in both solar radiation and rainfall result systematically in lowered net aboveground pro ductivity (see figures 4.13 and 4.14) Why, therefore, is sim ilarly patterned regularity in human behavior not simply an autocorrelation relating to the broader trends in habi tat variability? The answer to this question is very important: the peri odicities of human energetic needs are very different from the metabolic trajectories of habitats. The human need for water is such that comparatively little time elapses between recurring states of critical need. Similarly, the human need for food, although scaled to a slightly longer duration, is nevertheless short relative to the cycles of productivity in plant communities. The human species does not have the widely varying fluctuations in metabolic rate that characterize some plant and animal species. There is a big difference between the resources produced in a habitat and the resources that are accessible, given the energetic needs of humans. In this case, the word accessible is used in the sense of resources being pres ent when they are needed and being obtainable when they are both present and needed.
NAGP per 100 square kilometers = (NAGP/1000) * 100,000,000 Primary productivity is not the only factor conditioning the amount of food in a habitat that is available for human consumption. Access to food resources is also affected by the length of the growing season and by correlated environ mental variables such as the measurements of temperature developed in chapter 4. Complex interactions among these factors influence how much primary productivity humans might reasonably exploit throughout a full and potentially variable annual cycle. My model assumes that
Most human food is obtained from sources that are referred to as production and in settings in which pro duction (and therefore food accessibility) slows or ceases for periods of variable length during the year. Humans, on the other hand, have a nearly continuous demand curve for food and a maturational period that exceeds the length of the annual cycle. Given these con ditions, the amount of food that is available during the least productive period of the year will limit the level of sustainable population within an area.
A knowledge of how much plant biomass is present in a given habitat in an average year is very different from a knowledge of the amount of potential plant foods that are accessible to human beings in any habitat at a given time dur
This statement represents the application to the human species of one aspect of Shelfbrds law o f tolewnce, which states that the presence and success of an organism depends upon the completeness of a complex of conditions. Absence or fail ure of an organism can be controlled by the qualitative or
Ecologists frequently speak of complexity as a variable property of ecosystems although complexity, as such, is a diffi cult property to measure. Estimates of species diversity are often used to approximate what is implied by the term eco logical complexity, but at the simplest level species diversity simply refers to the number of species present in a specified area (the technical term is actually species density). Another more complicated meaning attached to species diversity refers to the relationship between the number of individu als of a particular species and the number of other species present in the same area (another term for this relationship is species equability). If I were interested simply in species density and discov ered, for instance, that two different regions of identical size each contained two species, this knowledge would reveal very little about the habitat to a potential consumer of those species. On the other hand, if in one region almost all of the individuals encountered were from one species and the sec ond species was quite rare, while in a second region the two species were represented by roughly equal numbers of indi viduals, it is clear that these differences in equability might require that hunter-gatherers in the two regions develop different procurement strategies. Accurate analysis requires that measures of both species density and species equability be developed. One of the most widely accepted generalizations about species density was stated with notable emphasis by Fischer, who observed that the correlation of floral and faunal diversity with latitude is one of the most imposing biogeo graphic features on earth (Fischer 1960:64). Attempts to explain the geographic patterning of diversity have occupied the attention of many ecologists, and recent research has begun to uncover some of the complications (Connell and Orias 1964; Pianka 1966; see MacArthur 1965 for a review of work through the mid-1960s; see Pielou 1975 and Bon ner 1988 for more recent research). For my purposes, attempts to explain this phenomenon are provocative, but the phenomenon itself is interesting because of its potential conditioning effect on the labor costs incurred by human actors in obtaining food. Species equabilityor the relationship between the num ber of individuals and the number of species in a given habitatis highly variable from habitat to habitat. MacArthur and Connell have provided a graphic example of differential equability: In these forests (tropical rain forests) the number ol species is astonishing. Although the pattern of many species is found in most organisms, wc illustrate it with trees. In an undisturbed rain forest at latitude 17 degrees south in North Queensland, Australia,*there were 141 species among 1261 trees over one inch diameter on an area of 1.25 acres (Connell et al. 1964). This diversity is difficult to comprehend for someone front a temperate
quantitative deficiency or excess with respect to any one of several factors which may approach the limits of tolerance for that organism (Odum 1971:107). Experimentation with environmental variables, together with the available information about hunter-gatherers, has demonstrated that the most reasonable weighting of a vari able encompassing human access to shifting levels of plant productivityresulting from the annual cycle of tempera ture fluctuations at a given location on earthcould be approximated by the following equation:
Accessibility-weighted production = Measured production * [1.0 - (GROWC/12)2] * 1.0 - [(ET - 7.0)/23J = [1.0 - (GROWC/12)2] * 1.0 - C (E T- 7.0)/23j Human access to edible plant products is limited as a curvilinear function of both the length and the warmth of the growing season, other things being equal. The preceding equation approximates this limiting relationship with respect to plant foods by dividing the variable measuring the length of the growing season (GROWC) by twelve months of the year and squaring the result, which is then subtracted from 1.0. The value obtained is a percentage that, when multiplied by a measure of potential plant food productivity, is decreased in a way that parallels the effect of the availability of solar energy on die productive activity in the plant community. This limitation on production, taken together with variability derived from the amount of energy available to drive photo synthesis, is weighted by a percentage scale based on effec tive temperature (ET). When these segments of an equation are multiplied by the total plant productivity present in a habi tat, they yield a value for the quantity of inaccessible plant productivity characteristic of the location. The preceding propositions and mathematically structured statements attempt to approximate the access limitations affecting human feeders in a particular habitat, but they are admittedly inadequate because it is well known that other con ditions place further limitations on human access to poten tial foods. 1 suggest that
Other things being equal, optimal security would exist in environmental settings in which there is a maximum amount of food accessible per unit of energy expended in its procurement.
Obviously, many different factorssuch as habitat struc ture, species diversity, and habitat stabilitywill affect the labor costs that humans, other things being equal, can cxpect to pay in the process of obtaining food.
country, where such an area of woods may have ten or fifteen species of trees. Another feature of these forests is the lack of a dominant species that would account for most of the trees. By summing up the basal area (i.e., the cross-sectional area of tree trunks, measured at breast height) of all trees of each species, it is possible to obtain a rough estimate of the relative amount of organic matter contained in each species. In North Queensland the commonest tree accounted for about 9 percent of the total basal area, while in South Queens land it was 16 percent. In a beech-maple forest in south ern Michigan, using the same sized trees, the commonest of the ten species of trees was found to represent 51 per cent of the total basal area (Cain, 1935). Each species in such a mixed tropical rain forest tends to be widely scattered. We seldom find a grove of a single species, each tree we come to seems to be different. The impression we obtain is an arrangement of great complexity. (1966:37) In equatorial settings like the North Queensland rain forest21 described by MacArthur and Connell, species den sity and equability are frequently correlated in such a way that as species density increases, so does equability. In less equa torial settings, however, both species density and equability tend to be reduced, with the result that a few species tend to be present in large numbers while others are present in a rapidly decreasing curve of relative frequencies. If I expand my consideration to include the differences between a grass-covered prairie and an arctic tundra instead of simply a tropical rain forest, it is immediately apparent that species density and equability also vary with differences in biomass (BI05) and biomass accumulation ratio (BAR5) when latitude is held constant. There may be a wide variety of potential foods for hunter-gatherers occupying a habitat in which animal resources are present in high species den sity and high equability, but the quantity concentrated in any one place would be relatively small. In low-density and lowequability settings, fewer animal species are present, but the dominant species may occur in a number of discrete spatial aggregations so that the same basic procurement strategy can be applied in many different locations. Further insight into the range of procurement strategies available to hunter-gatherers can be drawn from a brief exploration of the tactics of nonhuman species that result from differences in locomotor ability and placement in the verti cal structure of niches within a habitat. Whether a species is a terrestrial or canopy feeder is related to its body size and to the spatial structure of primary production, which may vary with species density (Fleming 1973). Flemings study iden tified a number of patterns generated by an equatorial-to-polar scaling of species density: Several geographic trends were seen in the communi* ties examined: (1) a southward increase in the propor tion of bats; (2) a southward decrease in the proportion of carnivores; (3) a southward increase in the propor
tion of small species; (4) a southward decrease in the pro portion of terrestrial species; (5) a southward increase in the proportion of aerial species; and (6) an increased variety of food types eaten in the tropical forests. (Fleming 1973:558) When Fleming analyzed these trends relative to the over all increase in species density from polar to equatorial set tings, he found that this increase is largely accounted for by increases in the number of species that are scansorially, arboreally, and aerially adapted. These observations point to the higher primary biomass of tropical forests and signal marry of the accessibility problems that human hunters face in procuring food in these settings. Constraints on access are largely due to the vertical stratification of production in tropical forests and the role of the high canopy as the locus of greatest primary production. The human species is ter restrial in terms of locomotor skills and its body size is large compared to the most successful species occupying highbiomass tropical forests. Like many other occupants of tropical forests, human beings take advantage of the great number of fruiting trees and respond favorably to the lack of synchronized seasonality among different species in many tropical settings. (For a review of the explanatory arguments regarding these patterns see Pianka 1966; Pielou 1975; Tilman 1982:98.) Many studies of species density and equability focus on a wide variety of secondary producers or animals. Simpson (1964) has demonstrated strong patterning in the species den sities of North American mammals that appears to be related to latitude. Stehli (1968:178) has presented global data on lat itudinal gradients for mosquito species and demonstrated a regular reduction in species density in both hemispheres as latitude increases. Dobzhansky (1950) illustrated a similar rela tionship between snake species density and latitude, and similar studies of nesting birds produced the same pattern (Schoener 1968). The species density of organisms acting as human pathogens is similarly distributed with respect to latitude. Human beings experience the highest pathogen stress" at roughly zero degrees latitude, while the least stress occurs in polar settings (Low 1988,1990:334). In fact, all studies of ter restrial species confirm the generalization that species den sity and equability are high in the tropics and become lower as distance from tropical settings increases. The opposite pattern, however, has emerged in studies of marine birds such as penguins and puffins (Stehli 1968) and marine fauna dwelling in shallow coastal shelf areas (Thorson 1957). Some other characteristics of high-diversity, highequability tropical settings should be noted as part of the dis cussion of terrestrial animals. For instance, field studies of animals have been conducted in the same North Queensland forest in which the plant studies cited by MacArthur and Con nell (1966) occurred. Table 6.02 summarizes the number of
TABLE 6 . 0 2
i t u r i
E F F E C T IV E T E M P E R A T U R E A N N U A L R A IN F A L L ( m
19.54 3750
24.82 3276
22.86 2418
z o n e
/ b o d y
s i z e
No. 8 9 17
No. 27 25 52 21 30 51 103
No. 10 12 22 16 8 24 46
Canopy zone Middle zone Arboreal subtotal Large body size Small body size Ground subtotal Total
Note: This classification of the Ituri data is based on Harako (1976:49-51). The Australian and Malayan data are drawn from Harrison (1962).
mammalian species tabulated in a sample area of unknown size in the North Queensland rain forest as well as in a trop ical rain forest area near Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The table also includes Harakos (1976) data on animal species exploited by the Mbuti, who occupy a moderately dry trop ical forest, the Ituri forest, that gradually changes into a broadleaf tropical savanna (VEGTAT = SW-2). Because the number of animals is reported relative to the Mbuti use of animals, very small terrestrial species are probably under represented. Several features of the comparison in table 6.02 are in formative. In Queensland, which has low levels of solar radi ation but high rainfall levels, 61 percent of the mammalian species live in the forest canopy and upper strata of plant production. In contrast, only 50.5 percent of the species in the Malaysian forest are found in the upper strata and 49.5 percent are ground feeders. The Ituri forest has the lowest rain fall of the three cases in table 6.02, and tree-feeding species make up only 47.8 percent of the fauna compared with the 52.2 percent that are terrestrial feeders. Given that small ground feeders are underrepresented in the Mbuti case, ground-dwelling species are almost certainly more com mon than the 52 percent figure indicates. Perhaps the best example of the increase in terrestrial species that is associated with decreasing rainfall is the Ituri forest, which is characterized by much less equably distrib uted plant species and higher effective temperature than the Queensland forest, but considerably lower rainfall. In com parison to descriptions of the Queensland forest, it may appear surprising that in over one-half of the Ituri forest area, 90 percent of the canopy is composed of a single tree species (Hart and Hart 1986:34).
Clearly, the structural differences of generally more com plex forest settings will have a significant impact on human food procurement strategies because of the relatively easy access that human populations have to food resources in bioticaily different settings. This point is underscored by Eisenberg in his general comments about animal biomass in tropical and subtropical settings: If one imagines moving along a rainfall gradient, the biomass increases progressively until the type of forest cover becomes so continuous there is very little grassland and shrub habitat Once again, the for est will tend to support a low density of terrestrial, mammalian herbivores (Eisenberg 1980:43). Enough information has now been presented to warrant the development of several additional indices for making quantitative estimates of the variability in levels of demand that may be securely met in different types of habitats. The goal is to learn the attributes and range of differential suc cess that human actors would experience as they participate in evolutionary plays in different ecological theaters. It should be clear that the greater the biomass of a plant community such as a tropical rain forest, the more fre quently human occupants must cope with two obvious problems. The first difficulty is that, given their relatively large body size, humans cannot readily gain access to the pro ductivity of the upper canopy. Another constraint, as Eisen berg suggests, is that when primary biomass increases, the success of terrestrial animals decreases because there is simply less for them to eat on the forest floor unless the animal is a detritus feeder. Of course, Eisenberg had in mind ungulates and grazers who depend primarily on grass and other plant species in locations at which production is situ ated directly on the ground surface. In this specific situation.
however, the human species shares a similar problem of access with ungulates, although such an overlap is not gen eral in all habitats. In the equations that I have constructed thus for in this chapter, all habitats have been considered equal with respect to the limitations on access that high-biomass locations impose. The components of my incomplete model con strain access in terms only of seasonal fluctuations in resources, which I propose to monitor through measures of the length and energetic intensity of the growing season. I now need to build into the model the limitations that biomass itself imposes on human access to food resources. I must also cope with the much more difficult problem of estimating the proportion of the total net aboveground productivity in a habitat whose potential food resources are available to humans. Before I proceed, however, I must first eliminate the pro portion of net aboveground productivity that increases the overall biomass of the plant community annually and is generally not available to human actors. This proportion is measured by the biomass accumulation ratio (BAR5),22 which is determined by the metabolic rate of a particular plant community. Before I can use this value as a partial estimate of the proportion of total net aboveground productivity that is rendered inaccessible to humans, I must transform BAR5 values into a percentage scale ranging from zero to one. This is illustrated in the third component of my evolving model:
1. (NAGP/1000) * 100,000,000 2. 1 . 0 - {10**(GROWC/12)2 * II .0 - (ET - 7.0)/23]| 3. 1.0 - (BAR/85) 4a. 1.0 - [10**(BI05/61,000^1 4b. 1.0 - (BIOS/61,000)
In the preceding statements I have defined four sets of empirically defensible relationships that advance my effort to estimate the quantity of resources derived from produc tion that would be available and accessible to human feed ers in any habitat. The major elements are identified as a temporal component (number 2), a spatial component (number 4), and a nonedible component (number 3). I must now quantify the impact on human consumption of one of the earths major habitats, the great grasslands and savan nas, where ungulates thrive but a majority of the production is unavailable to humans because our species does not derive any nutritional benefit from grass leaves and stems. To approximate the limitation that this habitat places on human access to plant production, I have used squared, reversed val ues of EXPREY that have been weighted slightly to reduce their impact relative to the drastic impact of biomass on access. I then combined this component with a smoothing element based on net aboveground productivity (NAGP), which is the value from which both BAR and BI05 were partially derived, producing a reversed percentage of NAGP:
Component 5: II .0 - (EXPREY/20,000)2] * [1.0 - (NAGP/6300)]
Components: 1. (NAGP/1000) * 100,000,000 2. 1.0 - [1.0 - (GROWC/12)2] * 1.0 - [(ET - 7.0)/23] 3. 1 .0 - (BAR5/85) The first step in formulating the fourth component of my model is to convert biomass (BI05) into a percentage scale encompassing all known variability in biomass rang ing from zero to the highest recorded estimate, which is approximately 57,000 grams per square meter per year. I have converted biomass values into percentage values by divid ing by 61,000, which ensured that there were no zero per centages given the reversed-values equation. The resulting values were squared to emphasize the curvilinear effect of high biomass and to downplay the role of biomass at lower values. On a percentage scale, this segment of the equation iden tifies the extremes. The second segment of component four repeats the properties of segment one, except that it is not squared. Its function is to make the role of biomass more important than the role of biomass accumulation itself (component three) and to smooth the curve of percentage values between the two segments of the equation in favor of biomass itself, rather than the metabolic characteristics of bio mass accumulation.
The second segment of the equation smoothes the rough transitions that can occur when a series of independent transformations is linked together. The two segments of component 5 were combined because each time a single percentage scale is multiplied by another, the overall effect is to reduce the scale proportionally to the percentages of each. The five components required to build a model of the amount of plant production potentially accessible to human for agers per 100 square kilometers are as follows: Components:
1. (NAGP/1000) * 100,000,000 2. 1.0 - 1 1 0**(GROWC/12)2 * [1.0 - (ET - 7.0V231I 3 . 1 .0 -(BAR/85) 4. { 1.0 - [10**(BIQ5/61 t0Q0)2]} [1.0 - (BIOS/61,000)1 5. {1.0 - [10**(EXPREY/7000)2 *.75]} * (1.0 - NAGP/63,000) Producing an estimate of the amount o f production per 100 square kilometers that is potentially accessible to a human consumer is, however, somewhat more complicated than simply linking all five components sequentially, lb pro duce meaningful results, calculations must take place in the following three separate steps:
EXPRIM 1 = [(NAGP/1000) * 100,000,000) *
those locations where prey is territorial. I have concluded, therefore, that access in the proportional sense of the term is essentially a reciprocal reflection of actual ungulate biomass distribution, and I have modeled this relationship in the following terms:
(6 .11)
RXPREY = 1.0 - (EXPREY/20,000)
The preceding three equations produce an estimate of the accessible plant production that my models human consumer could exploit as food. Since, however, my goal is to develop a minimalist terrestrial model of hunter-gatherer resource pro curement, I must also develop a comparable estimate of the animal resources, or accessible secondary biomass, that my models hunter-gatherer could exploit.
With this equation, I have now completed the first step in building a minimalist terrestrial model that will allow me to estimate the quantity of accessible plant and animal resources that would be available to hunter-gatherers in various habitats.
As a first step in my efforts to model plant production, it was necessary to convert the measure of expected prey into values for the unit in terms of which human biomass will be cal culated, which is 100 square kilometers. To do this we simply multiplied EXPREY values by 100:
EXPREYA = 100 * (EXPREY + 0.01) Access to prey is not absolutely related to prey abun dance in a reciprocal way. Rather, it is proportional, which in this context means it is relative to the number of prey organ isms present in a habitat. Furthermore, the situations in which ungulates of moderate body size do best are those in which human consumers have proportionately less access. This finding is due partly to the fact that in some settings with extremely high biomass values potential prey are also extremely mobile, which often prevents humans from continuously and reliably exploiting otherwise available resources (Burch 1972). The same conditions limiting access to the vast herds of caribou discussed by Burch also place constraints on access to the massive herds of zebra and wildebeest that move annually over huge areas of the Serengeti Plains. This is also one reason why American Indian villages were not situated on the Great Plains of North America until after the intro duction of the horse in the colonial era. The places in which ungulates are most successful are the locations where they are largely migratory. In contrast, human hunters are able to exploit ungulate prey most effectively, relative to the numbers present, in
Since my minimalist model of hunter-gatherer resource exploitation will provide a template against which to com pare more complex, real-world human behavior, my human prototype must be endowed with the simplest set of strate gies. For this reason I will assume that a minimalist huntergatherer exploits only animals and plants from the terrestrial domain. Another minimalist tactical assumption is that my hunter-gatherer is a terrestrial omnivore who exploits poten tial food sources as a direct function of their abundance and accessibility in any given habitat This constraint acknowl edges that, unassisted, the human species is unable to fly or otherwise readily gain access to potential food resources located on small branches high in a forest canopy. Similarly, the human species cannot eat grass and digest cellulose. These constraints mean that when I model abundance, 1 must take into consideration the problem of access. I have already developed estimates of plant productivity (NAGP) and secondary biomass (EXPREY) at any location for which basic climatic data are available. I have also devel oped measures embodying the constraints on human access to some resources and have adjusted gross estimates of plant and animal standing crop to reflect human access problems. What I need now is a common currency for discussing human food requirements, as well as some knowledge of a few important constants affecting the relationship between the biomass of consumers and the biomass of the nutrients required to sustain these consumers. I will begin with a dis cussion of human nutritional requirements and the effect th a t these requirements have on the habitats of human consumers.
i gt
raie conditions the quantity o f food needed to sustain it. A cold-blooded animal that does not burn up energy in the process o f maintaining a fairly constant body temperature requires much less food than a warm-blooded animal of equivalent body size. Crocodiles and alligators generally have higher biomass values per unit area than warm-blooded animal* exploiting the same foods. If I hold metabolic rates constant, the need for food is primarily a function o f body size, with minor variations related to the quality o f the foods consumed. I also need to calculate the human biomass that any given habitat could be reasonably expected to support under certain assumptions of use. In short, I need to calculate human biomass as a cur rency and as a way o f translating measures o f biomass into food demands that must be met by the habitat. Although biomass may be defined simply as the number of animals multiplied by the mean body size of the tabulated animals, measures of biomass are not as straightforward as the definition might imply. One o f the earliest observations of importance in this context is Kleibers law, which is an empirical generalization describing a log-linear relationship between basic metabolic rate and body size.23 Kleibers law stipulates that organisms of small body size have higher basic metabolic rates per unit o f body weight than large organisms. An interesting aspect of this relationship is that organisms of larger body size require more energy (food) than organisms o f smaller body size, but, given some niche dif ferences between species of different body size, one might expect there to be more individuals of smaller body size in a habitat This means that while organisms of different body size may have equal biomass (population density multiplied by mean body weight expressed with respect to units of area), population densities o f these organisms may be vastly different Body Size and Biomass. Human beings are quite variable in body size. For instance, the Efe pygmies of Zaire have a recorded mean body size of 39.8 kilograms or 87.7 pounds, while the mean of three samples of Eskimos is 63.63 kilograms or 140 pounds (Roberts 1953:556-57), the difference repre senting 60 percent of the mean for the Efe. In the United States, the mean body size of males of median height is 73.9 kilo grams, and for females of median height it is 67.6 kilograms or 162.6 pounds - 148.7 pounds (Diem 1962:623), repre senting a weight differential of greater than 1.75 times across the human range. A good way to illustrate the importance of this variable as a potential conditioner of population density values is to calculate the difference that body size makes in biomass val ue* for a group of a given size, such as twenty persons. Since biomass is calculated as the number of persons multiplied by their mean body weight, in the Efe example the biomass of a group of twenty adults would be 796 kilograms, while the
biomass o f a group of twenty adult American males would be 1,478 kilograms. Given that total consumer biomass con ditions the amount of food required to sustain a group, it should be dear that, from an energetic perspective, a group of twenty Efe and a group of twenty American males are not at all equal. If both of the cited groups lived in a similar amount of space for example 65 square kilometers they would each have a population density of 30.76 persons per 100 square kilometers. The same amount of space, however, would have to support a human biomass of 796 kilograms in the Efe example and 1,478 kilograms in the American male example. In other words, the Efe range would have to contain resources capable of supporting 12.24 kilograms of human biomass per square kilometer while the range of the American males would have to supply resources capable of supporting 22.74 kilograms of human biomass per square kilometer of resource space. Very different strategies would likely accompany dif ferential energetic demands of this magnitude, even though population density would be the same. Clearly, body size is one property of human actors that must be controlled in my minimalist model. Body Size and Environment. In the middle of the nineteenth century, Swedish researcher C. Bergmann argued that poly typic, warm-blooded species were distributed in a patterned way relative to latitude, with species o f larger body size located where temperatures were lowest and the number of organisms of smaller body size increasing regularly as mean annual temperature increased. J. A. Allen elaborated on this observation by empirically demonstrating that the size of exposed portions of the body should decrease with decreases in mean annual temperature. During the twentieth century, many students of anthro pometry discovered that these two empirical generalizations also applied to humans, and more recent research has also confirmed these condusions. There is, however, unexplained variability that appears to exhibit somewhat different slopes for the relationship of body size to temperature in African and European populations as opposed to Asians and American Indi ans. There are also some exceptional cases. (For a comparison with ancient hominid material see Stringer 1984:67-76.) The implications of Allens rule describing the proportions of body mass and the size of appendages have been challenged by many demonstrations of major changes in stature over rel atively short periods of time (Lasker 1946; Tobias 1962). presumably in response to dietary changes occurring as a result of modern food production techniques and supply. Never theless, Bergmanns rule remains a "statistical law*' in the nineteenth-century sense of the word. Even if the only sources of knowledge consisted of what is known about human and other animal species, I could expect varying levels of population density among hunter
gatherers, other things being equal, in response to differences in both body size and niche characteristics resulting from trophic differences in the feeding strategies of human groups. I might also expect different relationships between range size and population density when the trophic characteristics of niche were held constant but productivity and accessibil ity varied. If, however, I intend to use population density as a system state indicator in my model, I must develop some analytical tools to deal with several lacunae in my knowledge base. At this stage in the analysis I can measure population density, but I do not know how to argue about what differ ent levels of population density imply in terms of system state. This situation is similar to being able to measure a persons body temperature but not knowing what the normal body temperature of humans might be. I need, therefore, to develop a standard or scale that will allow me to link population density values to indicators of system state. I would also like to be able to control for the effects of hunter-gatherer body size variability and to recognize differences that result from trophic feeding biases. When I began to record the data on hunter-gatherer mean body size and stature that are summarized in table 6.03, I quickly discovered that there are far more observations in the ethnographic literature on stature than on weight. This difference probably reflects the difficulty of carrying scales into remote areas compared with the ease of transporting a tape measure. As a way of coping with missing weight data, I consulted a number of summary sources that publish data on the relationship between human body size and temper ature, hoping to be able to estimate body size using its cor relation with temperature. The most recent and widely cited summary of these relationships is provided by Roberts (1953), but when 1 examined his data I discovered that many of the cases with extreme values were hunter-gatherer groups located in Africa and the North American arctic. In light of the common assumption that hunter-gatherers live closer to nature than many of the modern populations included in Robertss studies, I wondered whether a more appropriate summary of the allometric relationship between temperature and body size might be obtained by using only the hunter-gatherer populations. It seemed reasonable that peoples using less technologically based thermal regulators might well exhibit somewhat different and more reliable correlations to habitat temperatures than nonforaging peoples. Focusing exclusively on the small sample of hunter-gatherer cases for which body weights could be obtained (table 6.03), I tried several different analytical approaches. Using singlevariable curve-fitting strategies, I found that the most mean ingful fit was between body weight and the mean temperature value of the coldest month of the year. The best result was a complex polynomial equation that yielded an r* value of
0.61. Multiple regressions produced a much simpler fit and a somewhat more provocative equation yielding a multiple R value of 0.801 using two variables; (1) the logl0 value of tem perature range (LTRANGE) and (2) a measure of the even ness of rainfall during the year (MRAIN). The equation illustrates that as rainfall increases, so too does body weight, other things being equal:
(6 .12)
Y= a + b * LTRANGE + c * MRAIN Where a = 39.154974, b - 16.276180, and c= 0.146003
This equation allows me to project the relationship between body weight and environmental variables onto those locations for which I have hunter-gatherer cases but no information about body size. Although this estimate may be somewhat crude, it is still better than using mean human body size, which is a value that does not anticipate variability. 1 now have the information I need to calculate biomass estimates for any location for which I have climatic data, and I also have population density estimates. Since biomass is the product of body weight multiplied by numbers of persons, I can now determine biomass any time I have population den sity estimates.
1498 1567 15 3 1 1578 1597 159 1 1464 1490 1492 1491 15 33 1435 1520 1530 15 10
1468 1432 1462 1474 1487 1388 13 7 1 1393 1408 1433 13 7 1 1457 1450 1425 1427
52.9 46.5 60.5 55.3 43.5 44.5
37.9 40.6 48.0 4.71 39.5 42.3
44.0 41.0
1630 1580 1529 1546 1580 15 8 1 1587 1560 1628 1599 1540 1680 1625 1620 16 10 1585 1652 1750 1574 1754 iH 0 0 00 in 1530 1452 1526 1453 1440 1574 1553 1539 1694 1605 1593
Urquhart 19 5 1:5 0 1 Oldrey 19 7 5:155 Eder 1987:140 Volz 1909:92 Rizvi 1990:35 Agrawal 1967:84 87 Reed 1904:75-77 Temple 1903:54 Man 1883:73 Skeat and Blagden 1906:575 Skeat and Blagden 1906:574 Bailey 1863:283 Headland 1986:544 Wastl 1957:805 Vanoverbergh 1925:400 Goodman et al. 1985: 1203 Frer-Haimendorf 19 4 3:17 Bernatzik 19 5 1:16 5 Flatz 1963, table 1 Trier 19 8 1:2 9 2 Ehrenfels 1952:6 Landor 1893:299 Shimkin 1939:149 Jochelson 1926:20 Szathmary 1984:65 Petrullo 19 39 :177 Hurtado and Hill 1990:329 Newman 19 53:32 1 Holmberg 1950:8 Newman 19 53:32 1 Hill et al. 1984:table 4 ,1 3 2 Ehrenreich 18 8 7 :16 -17 Kozak et al. 1979:374 Lothrop 1928:45 Lothrop 1928:39 Lothrop 1928:41 Lothrop 1928:41 Cavalli-Sforza 1986a:83 Heymer 1980:178; Hiernaux et al. 1975:7 Skeat and Blagden 1906:573 Hiernaux et al. 1975:7; Vallois and Marquer 1976:63 Bailey and Peacock 1988:107 Hiernaux et al. 1975;?; Cavalli-Sforza I986c:392; Roberts 1953: 557 Clark 1951:60 Werner 1906:241 Tobias 1962:802-3 Wayland 19 3 1:2 17 Bleek 1929:11)6; IV Castro and Almeida 195b, 1957
t a b l e
h u n t e r
6 . 0 3 (continued)
W EIG H T ( KG )
(CM )
g a t h e r e r
GROUP !k u n g
1584 15 15 1584 15 7 0 15 9 3 1578 16 10 15 5 8 1489 1696 1706 1665 1669 1668 16 50 170 8 15 7 8 1698 16 7 1 16 6 1 1687 1663 1680 16 4 7 16 18 16 70 1680 1668 17 10 1690 1650 1640 1690 1690 1670 15 7 0 1640 1690 1660 1660 1630 1650 1630 1640 1670 1620 1670 1740 1684
1485 14 5 5 149 3 15 0 1 149 3 15 2 0 15 2 3 1460 13 4 7
Howell 1979:258-59; Bleek 1929:106Tobias 196 2:802-3 Kaufm ann 19 10 :13 5 Tobias 196 2:802-3 Tobias 19 6 2:802-3 Tobias 19 6 2:802-3
g /w i
Tobias 1962:802 3; Wyndham and M orrison 1958:221 D art 19 37b : 184 Toerien 19 5 8 :12 2 -2 3 Howells 19 3 7 :16 A ltm an 1987:34 M acintosh 19 5 2 :2 13 Howells 19 3 7 :16 ; Peterson 1976:269 H owells 19 3 7 :16 Howells 19 3 7 :16 Hale and Tindale 19 33:7 1 Stanner 1933:386 Birdsell 19 6 7 :112 A bbie 19 5 7 :2 36 -3 8 C am pbell et al. 19 3 6 :113 C am pbell et al. 19 3 6 :113 Cam pbell et al. 19 3 6 :113 Roberts 1953:556 Roberts 19 53:556 ; Spencer and Gillen 1899:appendixC C aw thorn 1844:50 Birdsell 19 6 7 :113 Roth 189 9 :19 2 M cGee 18 9 8 :136 G ifford 19 2 6 b :232 -33 G ifford 19 2 6 b :2 32 -3 3 G ifford 19 2 6 b :2 32 -33 G ifford 19 2 6 b :232 -33 G ifford 19 2 6 b :232 -33 G ifford 19 2 6 b :232 -33 G ifford 19 2 6 b :2 3 2 -3 3 G ifford 19 2 6 b :2 32 -3 3 G ifford 19 2 6 b :2 32 -3 3 G ifford 19 2 6 b :232 -33 G ifford 19 2 6 b :232 -33 G ifford 19 2 6 b :232 -33 G ifford 19 2 6 b :232 -33 G ifford 19 2 6 b :232 -33 G ifford 19 2 6 b :232 -33 G ifford 1926b:232~33 Clifford I9 2 6 b :2 32-33 G ifford l926bj232r-33 Gifford 192fb:232~33 G ifford 19 2 6 b :*32 -33 G ifford l9 26 b :232 -33 Gifford 192<vb:232-33 Corbusier 1886:276* -79 HrdliCka 1909:413
46.1 43.5
15 5 0 50.5 56.7
15 7 1
1568 15 2 0
5 3 .1 56.9
64.4 15 0 3 16 12 15 8 0 15 6 0 15 5 0 158 0 15 7 0 15 2 0 15 10 1640 1480 1540 15 5 0 15 20 1540 1560 15 30 15 30 15 30 1550 1600 1600 15 77
7 1.0
t a b l e
S T AT U RE ( C M )
6. 03 (continued)
h u n t e r
g a t h e r e r
1640 1667 1683 1661 1669 1665 1650 1668 1730 16 4 1 1 16 28 1 16 6 51 1691 1678 1724 1685 1690 1652 16 5 1 16 16 1633 1639 16 10 1637 1633 1656 1625 1661 1659 1660 16 12 16 18 1659 1747 17 19 1705 1680 1709 1676 17 12 1693 1683 1683 1651 1679 1680 1647 1646 1704 1699
1560 15 2 1
1568 1562 1600 1569 1486 67.8 64.4 1532 1495 1543 1520 1552 1573 1543
1549 1574 1578 1568 1564 1565 1572 1555 1509 1521 161 7
Gifford 1926b:232-33 Hrdlicka 1909:408 Boas 1899:753 Boas 1899:753 Gifford 1926b:232-33 Boas 1899:753 Gifford 1926b:232-33 Hrdlicka 1909:409 Gifford 1926b:232-33 Boas 1899:753 Boas 1899:753 Boas 1899:753 Hrdlicka 1909:412 Goldstein 1934:299 Sullivan 1920:169 Boas 1899:753 Chamberlain 1892:564-82 Boas 189 1:433 Eells 1887:273 Cybulski 1990b: 54 Boas and Farrand 1899:630 Cybulski 1990b:54 Wilson 1866:278 Cybulski 1990b:54 Boas and Farrand 1899:630; Cybulski 1990b: 54 Boas and Farrand 1899:630; Cybulski 1990b: 54 Boas and Farrand 1899:630; Cybulski 1990b:54 Boas and Farrand 1899:630; Cybulski 1990b:54 Hrdlicka 1930:251 Newman 1960:289 Hrdlicka 1930:251 Boas and Farrand 1899:630 Boas 1895:574 Grant 1924:302 Chamberlain 1892:615 Grant 1924:302 Grant 1924:302 Rogers 1972:92 Boas 1895:574 Jenness 1937:27 Grant 1936:18 Grant 19 3 6 :13 -15 Boas and Farrand 1899:630 Grant 1936:18 Mason 1967:5 Grant 19 3 6 :13 -15 Boas 1901:64-65; McKcnnan 1964:47 Boas 19 0 1:6 1-6 3 Mckcnnan 1964:46
t a b l e
S T A T U H U N T E R - G A T H E R E R G R O U P RE ( C M )
6 .0 3
W E I G H T ( KG )
Male 1654 1662 1654 1675 1583 1685 1649 1683 1661 1633 1665 1648 15801 1622 1626 1660 1620 1602 1635 1665 16 15 1662 1574
Male 66.6
1546 1561 1607 1504 1556 1549 1535 1533 15 14 1564 1583 65.3 1537 1520 1499 15 5 11 15 2 1 1537 1536 1558 1454
T A R E U M IU T (B A R R O W )
Szathmary 1984:65 Hallowell 1929:341 Seltzer 1933:341 Rodahl and Edwards 1952:243 Seltzer 1933:341 Boas 1901:64-65 Jamison 1978:56,58 Seltzer 1933:341 Rodahl and Edwards 1952:243 Hrdlicka 1930:251 Jenness 1922:b49; Seltzer 1933:341 Jenness 1922:b49 Oetteking 1931:423 Hrdlicka 1930:230 Szathmary 1984 Hallowell 1929:353 Hansen 19 14 Roberts 1953:557 Oetteking 1931:423 Pooled from Hansen 1914 and Poulsen 1909:135,144 46 Roberts 1953:556; Seltzer 1933:341 Jamison and Zegura 1970:132,138 Roberts 1953:557; Steensby 1910:389
61.22 66.2
Note: 1. Instead o f providing separate means o f male and female stature, in this case the ethnographer reports a combined mean that includes both male and female measurements.
but it is sufficient to allow me to calculate an estimate o f the relationship between human biomass and dietary intake o f plant foods. Using the data in table 6 .0 4 ,1 can now demonstrate the importance of developing a biomass ratio25: human biomass (688 kilograms) divided by a biomass ratio o f 0.043748 yields the weight in kilograms o f the plant resources required to sustain the quantity of measured human biomass (15,726 kilograms). This ratio now allows me to calculate the plant biomass necessary to feed a given biomass o f human actors at a given level of plant dependence. One of the intellectual benefits of building a model is that the model does not have to be accurate in every detail in order to be useful. In fact, in situations of ignorance or uncertainty, a model may be designed to be inaccurate so that deviations from the expected result can signal sources o f ignorance and indicate in which direction the researcher might profitably invest more effort. It is important to note that the inter active properties of the relationships described by the model must be as accurate as possible, but the values that express these relationships may be off the mark in minor ways. I'he
reason that relationships among the cases for winch the model was constructed are relatively unaffected by error in the constants is that all results are still arrayed in a regular way relative to one another. I can therefore accept the biomass ratio derived from Rappaports data as the human-to-plant food ratio and use it to calculate the plant biomass required to sustain that proportion o f the gross human biomass that is totally sup ported by terrestrial plant foods. Equipped with a biomass conversion ratio and a knowledge o f the quantity of plant bio mass accessible to a human population at a given location. I can use the ratio to estimate the number of persons whose nutritional needs can be met at that location. The calculation is simply the amount o f accessible plant food divided bv the plant food required to feed a single individual of a given body size or accessible plant biomass divided by 0.043748 I understand that one documented ethnographic case is not representative of the biomass o f all human boingv and that the food to*human-biomass conversion ratios are hkeh to be different in New Guinea than elsewhere. In fact, vari ability in this ratio is one of the primary wavs in which one
1. Number o f persons per 100-square-kilometer unit who could be supported by ungulate resources alone: (6 . 13 )
TERMH2 = ({EXPREYA * [1.0 - (EXPREY/20,000)ll * 0.026142)/(EXWGT/0.0450)
Notes: Weight of plant food extrapolated to one year = 10,469.99 divided by 0.6657534 = 15,726.52 kilograms. Human biomass in adult male weight equivalents equals 688 kilograms. Biomass ratio = 0.043748 (human biomass divided by biomass of plant foods). The mean body weight of adult males was 43.0 kilograms. Data are taken from Rappaport (1967:280-91).
sociocultural system differs from another. Ironically, my admittedly imperfect model may help me to develop a bet ter understanding of the sources of that variability.
A Model of an Exclusively Terrestrial HunterGatherer Who Responds Primarily to Variability in Directly Accessible Foods
I have now developed all of the components of a minimalist model of hunter-gatherer response to the variable habitat con ditions that I believe influence the number of persons who can be sustained under assumptions of constant behavioral potentials. The model itself is really very simple compared to the issues of variability that I have dealt with in esti mating terrestrial plant productivity and terrestrial animal biomass. It is also simple compared to the task of develop ing the assumptions of the model and the constants required to make it work. To determine the number of individuals who could be sustained by the available food base in a given area, I simply divide the accessible standing crop of either terrestrial plants or terrestrial animals by the amount of food required to sustain a single individual of a projected mean body weight. The only other essential component is the trophic conversion ratio that I discussed in preceding paragraphs. The equations for calculating expected dependence upon terrestrial plants and terrestrial animals, particularly ungulates, and for expected population densities or human biomass at differ ent locations under the minimalist assumptions of this model are as follows:
This equation begins with expected prey (EXPREY) val ues corrected to biomass units per 100 square kilometers (EXPREYA). This value is then multiplied by the recip rocal percentage value of EXPREY expressed relative to a maximum value of 2 0 ,0 0 0 grams per square meter, which is the correction for access discussed previously. This value is then multiplied by a constant o f0.026142, which was introduced after experimenting with observed values of hunting pressure among hunter-gatherer cases and accepting the mean value of the lowest-performance cases in the set, minus a full percentage point. The minimalist model is thereby standardized to a value lower than was observed among the least hunting-dependent peoples of the ethnographic present. The resultant value is then divided by the body weight anticipated at a given location divided by the biomass con version ratio of 0.0450, which is just slightly better than the value used for plant foods because of the generally higher-quality foods obtained from terrestrial animals. The resultant value, called TERMH2, therefore represents the models estimate of the number of persons per 100 square kilometers who could be supported by terrestrial animal resources exclusively at the given location. 2. Number o f persons per 100-square-kilometer unit who could be supported from terrestrial plant foods alone:
TERMG2 = (EXPRIM3 * 0.000060)/(EXWGT/0.43748) The only value in the preceding equation that has not been discussed is the constant 0.000060, which is used to reduce the estimated biomass of accessible plant foods utilizable by humans, further reduced by the basic trophic conversion ratio (0.005882) used by ecologists (Odum 1959:66) to convert plant biomass into human biomass. 3. Population density (adjusted for body size) expected at a par ticular location and expressed in terms o f persons per 100 square kilometers:
(6 4 $ )
TERMD2 TERMH2 + TERMG2 4. Percentage dependence upon terrestrial plant foods: (6 , 1 6 ) (TERMG2/TERMD2) *
( T E R M H 2 /T E R M D 2 ) * 1 0 0
Thirteen of the preceding equations (6.04-6.17) taken together permit the calculation of population density values for any location for which basic weather data are available. These values reflect simple differences between the accessi bility of the terrestrial plants and animals that sustain human beings who, according to the terms of the model, rely on minimal technological assistance to procure their food. The values also reflect differences among habitats in terms of the potential subsistence security offered to tactically un sophisticated humans whose procurement strategy involves the consumption of accessible food in proportion to its abundance in the habitat. The model stipulates that the habitats abundance is limited only by the demand for food of persons practicing no storage. The model therefore provides a baseline for examining the real world of adaptive flexibil ity, niche differentiation, and system state diversity.
Using Models and Projections: System State Differences and Ideas about Emergent Complexity
So far in this chapter, I have identified some properties of ecosystems that make it possible to understand variability in some properties of sociocultural systems. I have also used eco logical variables in my construction of a minimalist model that I will refer to hereafter as the Terrestrial Model. The model demonstrates how purely terrestrial hunters and gatherers might modify their food procurement tactics in response to the effects of environmental variability. With the model in place, I have arrived at the ultimate goal of this chapter, which is to demonstrate how the intellectual tools that I have constructed can help us address patterning in the arche ological record. As the demonstration proceeds, I illustrate some of the differences that result from using a projected frame of reference and a modeled frame of reference when one stud ies archaeological patterning. Patterning in archaeological data implicates the past, but if archaeologists inaccurately visualize the basic processes that operated in the past they are not likely to appreciate the implications of the patterns that they recognize. This chap ter began with a discussion of relatively recent ideas about self-organization and emergence that are the subjects of macro-evolutionary theory building. Emergence studies deal with the appearance of new forms of organization and their novel properties, which cannot be anticipated from a com plete knowledge of the prior organizational features of a parent system. The appearance of new niches in the biological domain is generally addressed by researching the appearance of new
species, but for human beings, as I have pointed out, a niche is a form of organization that is not linked to the physical prop erties that, in other species, weld species and niche together. In the human species, new niches have not been tied to bio logical change for at least 40,000 years. Niches may appear as a result of gradual accumulative changes, but they may also result from rapidly emergent kinds of processes that produce change. In the latter case, new niches will appear to arise out of nowhere, since the new organization that they entail may include little that would permit us to see continuity with the parent system. Archaeologists have recognized two types of change in the archaeological record. One involves gradual, additive, or substitutive changes that seems to indicate continuity between an antecedent system and its offspring. The other type of change is swift and dramatically contrastive, and it appears to signify a lack of continuity in a temporal sequence. Con ventionally, the latter pattern has been interpreted as an episode of migration or some other sort of populational replacement that interrupts the normal and very gradual process of descent with modification. What archaeologists often overlook is that normal evolutionary processes can result in dramatic restructuring of the component parts of an organization. When such a process does occur (albeit less frequently than gradual processes of change with con tinuity), it represents a major event in the overall history of culture change. Unfortunately, archaeologists are still very likely to interpret such events as migrations and populational replacements (Binford 1999)! Before this chapter concludes, I will apply the referential tools that I have developed and reported on in the last sev eral chapters to the archaeological data relating to the appear ance of domesticated plants and animals in western Europe. This exercise will be interesting in and of itself, but looking at properties of the archaeological record through numerous environmental frames of reference will also allow me to introduce other problems associated with the recognition of system state differences that will help prepare the way for the subject matter presented in chapter 7.
When I use the term intensification, it refers to any tactical or strategic practices that increase the production of food per unit area. Production can be increased by investing more labor in food procurement activities or by shifting exploitation to species occurring in greater concentrations in space. In terms of animal resources, one intensifying strategy would be to domesticate and breed animals whose maintenance on reduced ranges requires increasing quantities ol human labor. In some environments, another strategy would be to
shift from animals of larger body size, which require exten sive ranges, to increased dependence upon plant species that occur in more spatially clustered distributions. In environ ments in which plants are not a realistic alternative to animals of larger body size, aquatic resources may be increasingly exploited when there is pressure to intensify food procurement. Clues to intensification are found archaeologically in evi dence of a reduction in the size of food procurement areas, increased labor in the form of technological aids such as traps and facilities for food procurement, and reduced mobility both in numbers of annual residential moves and in the distances traveled in the course of a seasonal round. Another measure of intensification is the increased exploitation of species that require a greater investment of labor to procure or process. For example, evidence that prehistoric foragers were leaching tannic acid from acorns may signal intensification. I have already mentioned that a shift in biome or from one trophic level to another may also signal the onset of intensification. I am well aware that the ethnographic cases in my sample are nearly contemporary peoples, and I know that many of them experienced strong pressure to intensify. At the time of documentation, 37.2 percent were described as sedentary or semisedentary and 15.9 percent could not be described as inde pendent groups whose subsistence depended exclusively on some combination of hunting or gathering. I also know that even the well-known !Kung group of for agers did not live in a world composed exclusively of other hunter-gatherers but instead participated in a complex world of non-hunter-gatherers. This was a dismaying fact for those who looked to the !Kung for a realistic depiction of what life was like during the Pleistocene. Interestingly, Richard Lee pre sented the IKung as an anthropological object lesson about the reliability of plant resources and their importance in the diet of all hunter-gatherers. In contrast, the Terrestrial Model projects that the IKung would have been heavily dependent upon terrestrial animals. Lees report of the sit uation at /Xai/xai pan, however, located in the very heart of IKung territory, stresses exploitation of plant resources: Some 50 years before cattle had permanently been settled there, it presented a very different aspect The elephant grass that filled the basin was higher than a mans head, and hippopotamuses lived hidden in the extensive reedbeds of the pan. The pan lay in a lush val ley flanked by dense stands of Grewia bushes, and the river course attracted flocks of migrating waterfowl. It is hard to believe this description when faced with the dustbowl reality that is /Xai/xai today, but the picture is true and serves to underline how rapidly a semiarid environment can degrade when cattle are introduced. (Lee 1979:82) Could it be that the changes that Lee found so profoundly shocking could also have modified the world of the IKung
sufficiently to cause them to shift their subsistence practices from the exploitation of wild animals to increased dependence upon plant resources prior to Lees arrival? Did IKung food procurement strategies represent a response to intensificational pressures? This would be completely consistent with events occurring at /Xai/xai since Lees work there in the late 1960s (Brooks et al. 1984). This case should be kept in mind as I clarify and emphasize some characteris tics of the frames of reference I will be using. At the same time, I suggest that the comparisons that will be made between the Terrestrial Model and my projections of ethno graphic data will be very helpful to an understanding of the whole issue of intensification.
The Terrestrial Model is a baseline frame of reference that anticipates variability that could only arise as a result of dif ferences in effective environments. There are no compo nents of the model that contribute to variability in different system states or to processual changes in the character of sys tems over time. Furthermore, no system state variability among similar habitats could be the result of overexploita tion, forest clearance, or other assaults extraneous to the environment. All environmental projections are for stable climax veg etation and relatively stable animal populations. No system state differences are modeled for the habitats themselves. Variability among hunter-gatherers in this model can arise only from variability in the fundamental input variables of solar radiation and rainfall as they are known to affect the earths biota. The model is further restricted to purely ter restrial consumers. In almost total contrast, the ethnographic frame of reference is grounded in the variability documented among hunter-gatherers of the relatively recent era and makes no effort to standardize or control for system state variability. The Rosetta Stone that permits me to relate these two intel lectual constructions is, of course, the environment of the earth as it has been determined by dimatological dynamics dur ing the past 125 years. The environmental variables upon which the model is built and to which huntcr-gathercr vari ability is related and correlated are the same environmental conditions to which variability among hunter-gatherer cases has been previously related.
Proposition 6.05
Differences In the ways that documented hunter gatherers respond to the same environmental conditions that constitute the basis of the Terrestrial Model should be considered a measure of the degree to which the
PART II m e t h o d s f o r u s i n g p r i o r k n o w l e d g e
n H
Global comparison of projections from ethnographically documented hunter-gatherers (A) and from the Terrestrial Model (B) for primary source of food. Markers are for SUBSPE: projection from 339 hunter-gatherer cases for subsistence bias, and SUBSPX: Terrestrial Model expected subsistence bias.
ethnographic cases diverge from the modeled condi tions in the same environmental settings. This is a measure of system state variability and differentiation. In many cases, this differentiation takes the form of system state variability in response to processes of intensifiation.
com m ent is that the illustration o f the model in map B appears much more fine-grained; patchv distributions of plants, animals, and plant-animal mixtures are visible in both sub-Saharan Africa and South America. In the projec tions from the eth nograph ically docum ented huntergatherers in m ap A, these sam e areas reflect a rather homogeneous dependency upon terrestrial plants. In my opinion, the model has more provocative impli cations for these areas than the ethnographic projection since most cases o f hunter-gatherers from the tropical regions depicted are either engaged in a mutualistic partnership with agriculturists (e.g., the Mbuti jHarako 1976]> Elf {Bai ley 19 8 51, and Bayaka (Hevmer 19801 o f Africa; the Mike* o f Madagascar [Dina and Hoerner 1976]; the Yerukulas ot South India (Murty 1 9 8 1 1; the Van Vagrvs ot Rajasthan
6 .0 5
Terrestrial plants
Terrestrial animals
A. Comparison o f the combined data for South America and Africa for the Terrestrial Model and the projected values from the hunter-gatherer cases (counts are o f weather stations).
h u n t e r - g a t h e r e r p r o je c t io n
35 (72.9)
(12.5) 7 (14.6) 48 (11.4)
18 (31.6) 16 (28.1) 23
B. Comparison o f the combined data for South America and Africa for the Terrestrial Model and the combined data from the hunter-gatherer cases from both South America and Africa.
5 (71.4)
( 66.6)
0 (00.0)
(1 4 3 )
(3 3 3 )
(14.3) 7 (18.4)
0 (00.0)
(50.0) 1 (50.0) 2
Note Percentage values are in parentheses and are column values except for the rows, which are totals. Bold entries show important high- and lowcorrespondence cells.
[Misra 1990]; the Kanjars of Uttar Pradesh [Nagar and Misra 1990]; the Kadar [Ehrenfels 1952]; the Bihor [Williams 1974]; the Paliyans [Gardner 1965]; the Chololanaickan [Bhanu 1982,1992]; and the Mrabri of Thailand [Pookajom 1988]) or maintain mutualistic partnerships with pastoralists (e.g., the Haddad of Chad [Nicolaisen 1968] and the Nemadi of Mauritania [Gabus 1952]) or were agriculturists at the time of documentation (e.g., the Kubu of Sumatra [Sandbukt 1988]; the Chenchu of India [Ftirer-Haimendorf 1943]; and the Ayta (Pinatubo) of the Philippines [Fox 1952]) or were wage laborers acting as forest specialists (e.g., the Nayaka-Naikan of southern India [Bird 1983]). The patterned absence of more than one group of huntergatherers in the same environment documents changes and pressures relating to the dominance of pastoral and agri cultural subsistence in relatively recent times. In other words, a long-term trend of increasing intensification in food pro duction characterizes these regions. Since the ethnographic projections are based on hunter-gatherer data recorded dur ing the last two hundred years, and the Terrestrial Model is
perhaps more behaviorally germane at the very close of the Pleistocene but is displayed against recent environments, contrasts between the two maps can be viewed as providing dues to intensifying pressures on hunter-gatherer subsistence that affected the trophic level of exploited food resources dur ing the Holocene. Table 6.05, part A, presents data from Africa and South America illustrating the differences between the Terrestrial Model and the projected ethnographic data in terms of the consumption of animal, plant, and aquatic resources. Part B of the table summarizes the differences between the ethno graphic projections of hunter-gatherer cases from Africa and South America and the expected food dependencies anticipated by the Terrestrial Model. The results confirm the patterns illustrated in figure 6.04. Of the 234 weather stations in part A of the table that the Terrestrial Model predicts will be dominated by terrestrial plant food resources, 75.6 percent are also projected to have been dependent upon terrestrial plant sources by the equations that summarize the ethnographic data. The major difference lies
David Clarke (1976) in his comments about the character of subsistence in Europe at the close of the Pleistocene: The conventional interpretation that depicts the dis placement of the European meat-eating Mesolithic hunter-fishers by Neolithic cereal farmers has indeed become traditional.... It is a culturally induced assump tion that hunted mammals were the main source of Mesolithic food supply and meat quantitatively the most important food-stuff. Modern North Europeans and North Americans come from cultures that especially esteem meat. (Clarke 1976:449-50) Clarke proceeds to argue that foragers in Mesolithic Europe were largely dependent upon plant resources and that cultural biases, stereotypes, and unwarranted assumptions made by archaeological investigators have conspired to dis tort our view of the past.26 Are the opinions of Richard Lee and David Clarke correct, to mention only two of the recent researchers who have made normative statements about hunter-gatherer plant-based subsistence? I have already noted that the Terrestrial Model anticipated that the !Kungupon whom Lee based his skep ticism about the importance of terrestrial mammals in the diet of ancient peopleswould be predominantly dependent upon terrestrial animals! Based on the comparisons between my two different frames of reference, it can be concluded that ethnographically documented hunter-gatherers represent a range of system state variability, much of which is probably referable to various mixes of exploited resources and differ ent levels of intensification. In subsequent chapters, I con centrate on assessing more concretely some of the types of variability that hunter-gatherer systems represent.
in the fifty cases projected to have been dependent upon aquatic resources, which is an alternative the Terrestrial Model does not allow. This means that 21.4 percent of the cases modeled as dependent upon terrestrial plant sources in our Pleistocene model of hunter-gatherer behavior shifted to primary dependence upon aquatic resources. This result is consistent with the wide-scale resource shifts among inten sifying hunter-gatherers that are suspected to have occurred at the close of the Pleistocene (Clarke 1976). The big contrast, however, occurs in comparisons of loca tions that the Terrestrial Model predicts are predominantly dependent upon terrestrial animals.
------------ ----- Generalization 6.04 -----------------The hunter-gatherer equations project that 73.5 percent of these ideations will be dependent upon terrestrial plants. An additional 21.7 percent are projected to be dependent upon aquatic resources. Only 4.8 percent of the cases pro jected by the Terrestrial Model to be dependent upon terrestrial animals are also projected by the modern hunter-gatherer data to be primarily dependent on hunting.
It is important to remember that the Terrestrial Model pro jects that hunter-gatherers take food from their environ ment in approximately the same proportions as it occurs in the habitat. In contrast, the projective equations derived from the recorded behavior of nearly contemporary huntergatherers demonstrate a huge bias against the exploitation of terrestrial animals and in favor of terrestrial plants and aquatic resources. The difference between the bias in the ethnographic record and the possibilities suggested by an eco logical analysis of hunter-gatherer habitats has fueled many debates in the anthropological literature about the charac ter of the pastnone more germane than those of Richard Lee at the Man the Hunter Conference: The basis of Bushman diet is derived from sources other than meat. This emphasis makes good ecological sense to the !Kung Bushman and appears to be a com mon feature among hunters and gatherers in general. Since a 30 to 40 percent input of meat is such a consis tent target for modern hunters in a variety of habitats, is it not reasonable to postulate a similar percentage for prehistoric hunters? . . . One gets the impression that hunting societies have been chosen by ethnologists to illustrate a theme... but unfortunately it has led to the assumption that a precarious hunting subsistence base was characteristic of all cultures in the Pleistocene. This view of both modern and ancient hunters ought to be reconsidered. (Lee 1968:43) The view that terrestrial animals were focal food targets and accounted for a substantial amount of the organized vari ability among hunter-gatherers has been dismissed as little more than a romantic bias, perhaps most enthusiastically by
FIGURE 6 .0 5
Projection of Terrestrial Model estimates for primary sources of foods for western Europe, using modern weather stations as the climatic baseline.
Distribution of Megalithic chambered tombs across western Europe. Adapted and redrawn from Piggott (196 5figure 29).
to an interior distribution across Belgium and the Nether lands. Mixed dependence extends across Lower Saxony and Schleswig-Holstein in western Germany and southwestward into the southern part of western Germany. This pattern of mixed dependence on plant and animal resources corre sponds in many ways to the dispersion of chambered tombs that begin to appear archaeologically during the fifth mil lennium B.C. (figure 6.06). The pattern of real interest, however, extends across the European continent north and east of the areas characterized by hunter-gatherer plant dependence. With some very minor exceptions, the Terrestrial Model projects that subsistence in this entire area is predominantly dependent upon terres trial mammals. The archaeological record of this heardand region is characterized by the early appearance of domesticate-dependent societies in the southern Balkans; their pres ence along the Vardar, Morava, Struma, and Maritsa Rivers; and a later extension of domestication into the Danube River valley itself. The ecological and organizational dynam ics underlying such a transition in subsistence have been encapsulated in the archaeological identifier the early painted pottery cultures, and they include sites at Karanovo, Starcevo, Koros, and Cri (Tringham 1971:68 139). A somewhat later but nonetheless interesting appear ance of domesticate-dependent societies that are identified archaeologically with linear pottery or LBK materials occurs across the loess belt traversing western Moldavia, the Ukraine, Czechoslovakia, Poland, and Germany and extends into the eastern edges of the Netherlands and northern France. The Terrestrial Model anticipates that hunter-gatherer subsis tence in all of these areas of temperate Europe would have been predominantly dependent upon terrestrial animals. The broad outlines of these basic adaptive zonal patterns were identified many years ago, but when they are com pared with the patterns projected from the ethnographic
data set, some major differences emerge. Along the coastal margins of western Europe,28 for instance, there is a huge shift to dependence upon aquatic resources. Consistent with the global sample comparisons, this shift maybe at the expense of dependence upon both terrestrial animals and plants. The fit between the projected ethnographic data and the generalizations derived from data on the Mesolithic of Europe is illustrated by a comparison of the patterns in figures 6.07 and 6.08. Clearly, not only are my projections for Europe con sistent with other global patterns, they are also consistent with the Mesolithic archaeological reality.29 Nevertheless, in Europe, as maps A and B in figure 6.09 illustrate, the most dramatic reduction relative to the Terrestrial Model occurs in the regions occupied by peoples who are dependent for their subsistence on terrestrial mammals.
gatherers to western Europe for primary sources ot food using modern weather stations as the climatic baseline.
PAKT II m e t h o d s f o r u s i n g p r i o r k n o w l e d g e
6.09, map B. With these interesting patterns in mind, I now emphasize some features o f the frames o f reference that are being used and reiterate how these comparisons can help us understand processes o f intensification.
6 .08
Distribution of estimates of aquatic resource accessibility across western Europe using modem weather stations as the climatic baseline. A simple visual comparison o f the latter two plots demon strates that, in contrast to the projections o f the Terrestrial Model presented in map A, the data from ethnographic sources (map B) project a massive reduction in the area occupied by peoples predominantly dependent upon terrestrial animals. The projections o f the shape and distribution o f the area in which terrestrial mammals provide more than 50 per cent o f the diet are even more interesting. This region bears a striking resemblance to the area in which Paleolithic artifacts have suggested to researchers that a major alliance network provided a safety net for dispersed populations living at low densities in such high-risk envi ronments as those which characterized Europe after 30,000 b p (Gamble 1982,1983; see also Champion et al. 1984:86). For instance, both the Paleolithic dispersions o f female figurines and much later distributions of the LBK culture of the Early Neolithic are very similar to the pattern in figure
The Terrestrial Model is both a baseline model and a frame o f reference that anticipates variability arising only as a result o f differences in effective environment Nothing in the model contributes to variability in system state or to proces sual changes in the character o f systems over time. Similarly, no system state variability is modeled that might arise from overexploitation or forest clearance in otherwise similar habitats. All environmental projections are based on stable climax vegetation and relatively stable animal populations, and no system state differences are modeled for habitats themselves. According to the terms o f the model, variability among hunter-gatherer groups arises exclusively from dif ferences in the fundamental input variables of solar radia tion and rainfall and their effect on the earths biota. The model is further restricted to purely terrestrial consumers. In almost total contrast, projections from the ethno graphic frame o f reference are grounded in the differences that have been documented among hunter-gatherers of the relatively recent era, and no effort has been made to control for system state variability in the sample of cases. The Rosetta Stone permitting us to relate the two frames of reference is the environment o f the earth as affected by its climate dur ing the last 20 to 125 years. The environmental variables upon which the Terrestrial Model is built are the same envi ronmental conditions to which hunter-gatherer variability is related and correlated (see proposition 6.05).
% /2 ,
\ .j
*' / 'a / \
> V L
FIGUKE 6 .0 9
-v V
Comparative projections of the role of hunting among hunter- gatherers projected to inhabit the environments of conRmporary western Europe. Map A is the projection from the Terrestr ial Model while map B is the projection from the ethiKHFaP** cases. Both use modern weather stations as the climatic base line.
1 95
h u n t e r
g a t h e r e
p r o j e c t i o n
Terrestrial plants
9 (10.7) 9 (10.7)
Terrestrial animals
(0.0) 137 (63.1) 80 (36.9) 217 (53.6)
(0.0) 27 (36.5) 47 (63.5) 74 (18.3)
( 0.0)
( 2 .2 )
(78.6) 84 (20.7)
(66.7) 30 (7.4)
As an illustration of the utility of the grounded pro jections of system state variability, I explore briefly some features of a set of phenomena commonly referred to as the spread of agriculture into western Europe during the seventh and eighth centuries b.p., using an enriched sample of405 weather stations distributed across Europe roughly west of 35 degrees east longitude and extending into the British Isles. Climatic data from this region allowed me to calculate all of the basic environmental estimates as well as the sub sistence and demographic variables estimated by the Terrestrial Model. I also calculated values for many properties pro jected from the 339-group sample of hunter-gatherers. With these data in hand, I am now able to compare the patterns made visible by the two different frames of reference and to observe how variability among the ethnographically docu mented hunter-gatherers differs from the variability antici pated by the model when the only operative factors are differential productivity and accessibility of productivity in different environmental settings. Another insight into how the two frames of reference provide clues to patterns of system state differentiation is found in a cross-tabulation in table 6.06 of how often the food sources projected from the hunter-gatherer data diverged from expectations obtained from the Terrestrial Model. If my expectations were based on the comparison in table 6.05, parts Aand B, of projected and modeled data from Africa and South America, then the data in table 6.06 should certainly come as no surprise.
in the European example only 10.7 percent of the cases that were modeled as dependent upon plants are projected to have remained plant dependent. In the European data, 78.6 per cent of the model's plant-dependent cases shift to aquatic resources in the ethnographic projections.
---------------- - Generalization 6.06 -----------------In Africa and South America, 73.5 percent of the cases mod eled as primarily dependent upon terrestrial animals had shifted to terrestrial plants in the ethnographic projections. In contrast, in Europe, 63.1 percent of the modeled hunters remained dependent upon terrestrial mammals in the ethno graphic projections, none had shifted to plants, and 36.9 per cent had shifted to aquatic resources.
The most surprising contrast between the Terrestrial Model and the ethnographic projections occurs in the mixed category:
------------------ Generalization 6.07 -----------------In Africa and South America, 72.9 percent of the huntergatherer cases had shifted primarily to plants in the ethnographic projections, whereas in Europe no groups had shifted to plants, although 63.5 percent had shifted to aquatic resources.
In the comparison of groups from Africa and South America, approximately 75 percent of the cases dependent upon ter restrial plants are observed to be dependent upon terrestrial plants in projections of the ethnographic data set. In contrast,
As I have noted elsewhere, the ethnographic projections in general reflect cases exhibiting varying degrees of inten sification relative to the Terrestrial Model. It should be stressed that the ethnographic cases are not representative of forager subsistence in the Pleistocene, nor do they represent some mythical group of pristine hunter-
I have already elaborated on the point that the human species is able to occupy what might be considered an infinite variety of niches and that the essential link between niche and species in the majority of the natural world does not apply to humankind. System changes that open or create new niches are an option for any humans who might optimize or gain by moving into the new niche. This means that there need not be any continuity between the system within which an emergent change occurs, although the persons who occupy the old and new niches could be the same. The well-documented changes that occurred on the Great Plains of North America during the historic period illustrate this point. At the time of ethnographic docu mentation, the Great Plains were occupied by many ethnically different groups whose clothing, housing, patterns of mobility, site structure, customs, and religious beliefs were nevertheless so similar that the term Plains Indians was used to describe their material culture. This relative homo geneity across a huge area was not, however, referable to a single cultural progenitor. The ethnic groups of the Plains came from practically all of the different language and ethnic groups that surrounded the Great Plains prior to the spread o f the horse northward from early Spanish settlements. Of even more interest is the fact that some of the ances tral groups were agriculturists, while others were huntergatherers. Groups came from regions as vastly different as boreal forests, eastern deciduous forests, and steppic and semidesertic regions adjacent to the southern plains. Yet nineteenth-century ethnographers detected very few remnants of this diverse background in the extreme homogeneity of Plains Indian culture (Wissler 1934). Perhaps even more important, if one were to look for the historical origins of classic Plains Indian cultural traits and overall characteris tics, there would be little continuity between the protohistoric archaeology of the Plains regions and the archaeology of the classic Plains Indian groups.30 Most of the dramatic changes occurring on the Great Plains were initiated as a result of the spread, from group to group, of one domesticated species the horse (Ewers 1955; Wissler 1914). This example can easily lead one to question whether the incorporation into the subsistence base and controlled use of several domesticated forms of plants and animals by Mesolithic hunter-gatherers of western Europe may document emergent changes in system states in some cases and yet, in others, represent simply one incremental step in a pattern of gradual intensification in the use of wild resources that produced little, if any, major system change. Phe nomena such as demographic migrations and radiations, which have been proposed to account for similar disconti nuities in the archaeological record (Ammerman and CavaUiSforza 1971,1973), require a very different kind of explanation (Hinford 1999).
gatherers. They are merely interesting cases whose various strategies and tactics for intensifying food production in different habitats contribute to much of the between-case vari ability in the sample. If I am correct, this is a valuable body of case material that is germane to unraveling the differences between system state variability and habitat adaptability. The range of system states observable in these cases is likely to refer to different scalar states of intensification. I want to learn more about scales of intensification and differences between states in order to determine whether the variety that I can demonstrate arises from gradual, additive change or punctuated, dramatic kinds of emergent change. Consider able variability in system state may be related to changing strategies of intensification that produce different results in different habitats and contexts of regional interaction. The contrasts between Europe, in the Northern Hemisphere, and Africa and South America, in the Southern Hemisphere, underscore the important fact that initial conditions the structure of both within- and between-habitat variability appear to influence strongly various strategies of intensifi cation in different settings, regardless of the factors that may be selecting for intensification itself.
In preceding chapters, I suggested that recent research focused on the emergence of complex systems has provided some com pelling arguments for the view that emergent change can and does characterize the natural history of living systems. One of the most important characteristics of emergent change is that the outcomes of change cannot be anticipated, even if all of a systems properties are known prior to the change. In short, a break in continuity occurs between a systems composition prior to and after a change of state. Archaeologists have long recognized that two basic kinds of patterning occur in the archaeological record. Deposits often reflect long periods of continuity accompanied by gradual, substitutional, and addi tive changes, but abrupt discontinuities also occur, indicating that in a short period of time phenomena appear that could not be projected from a knowledge of preceding patterns. Tra ditionally, stable patterns have been interpreted as normal local developments, whereas evidence of instability is said to signal a migration or the replacement of one culture by another in a local or regional sense. I believe, however, that
Proposition 6 . 0 6 ---------------
Both stable and discontinuous types of patterning may represent autochthonous phases of change within the trajectory of a single system and therefore may be a reflection of the uniquely human property of niche metamorphosis.
With regard to the linkage of emergence and intensifica tion, however, different kinds of emergent change in Euro pean hunter-gatherer cultural systemsand the rates at which such changes occurredshould be related, at least in part, to habitat differences and to the prior or initial condi tions constituting the environmental springboard for change. The characteristics of a prior or preexisting state should have much to do with whether the adoption of domesticatebased subsistence strategies solves a set of basic problems or simply increases a groups subsistence security by expanding its tactical responses to the problems it confronts. Since sim ilar selective processes may occur in settings with very dif ferent initial conditions, one should expect trajectories of change to correspond to the way that similar processes oper ate in a context of different initial conditions. A comparison of some features of the archaeological record documenting the appearance of domesticates in west ern Europe with projections from the Terrestrial Model and my ethnographic frame of reference may provide some insights into system state differences documented among the more contemporary hunter-gatherers. The Rosetta Stone in this comparison is the structure of variability in climatic conditions and how climatic variables affect other environ mental conditions characteristic of the era for which there are climatic records. Early historical inferences about the appearance of Neolithic societies in Europe favored migrational scenarios in which agropastoralists moved into Europe from eastern demographic centers and displaced local populations (Gimbutas 1973,1977,1979,1980). More sophisticated versions of the same argument have been termed the wave of advance modelor demic diffusion (Ammerman and Cavalli-Sforza 1984). In the latter argument, the spread of domesticates was not linked to system state changes or variability between resident systems but was attributed instead to the mechan ical consequences of adopting domesticates. According to Cavalli-Sforza, populations tend to grow more rapidly in sedentary contexts rather than under conditions of high mobility, so domesticate-based production will take the form of a wave of advance as new communities are created by excess population. In this kind of argument, the explanation of the spread of agriculture is very different from the explanation of its ori gins, which must result from conditions operative prior to the consequences of the use of domesticates. Most models of diffusion share with the wave of advance argument the prop erty that new system state conditions, brought on by the introduction of domesticates, drive the spread of domesti cates. Most of the time these arguments emphasize the alleged advantages conferred by domesticates on their users; therefore, the adoption of domesticates by new populations is said to be a consequence of the self-evident superiority of agriculture over the exploitation of wild foods.
More recent research explores the possibility that some processes operating in Europe transformed local Mesolithic societies into increasingly domesticate-dependent systems (e.g., Dennell 1983,1992; Donahue 1992; Zvelebil 1986). Another view of the European archaeological evidence suggests that the spread of domesticated plants and animals may be a different process than the one that leads to the transforma tion of hunter-gatherers into agropastoralists (Cowan and Watson 1992; Dennell 1992; Zvelebil and Rowley-Conwy 1984). This view is at least predisposed to regard system state transformation as something quite distinct from accu mulative gradualism and the repetitive incorporation of possible subsistence tactics and strategies, but because these distinctions have not heretofore been seriously considered, questions such as how to distinguish emergent evolutionary change from other discontinuities visible in the archaeo logical record have never been addressed.
B A < A
@ @ @
j% 2
.7 -9 1.1
1-3 1S 1.7 1
Comparative graphs showing the dates of the earliest appearance of cultigens in northern and southern Europe, displayed against population density estimates projected by the Terrestrial Model. Graph A shows sites along the "northern route," where the marker indicates recognized cultures (CULT): (a) early Greek; (b) Koras, Karanovo I, Starcevo, and Cri^-Central European block; (c) linear pottery culture (LBK); and (d) Baltic region sites. Graph B shows sites along the "southern route": (1) eastern Mediterranean, (2) western Mediterranean and France, and (3) British Isles.
well known and accessible and the point at which they are adopted might well vary inversely with the costs of alterna tive intensification strategies using wild resources. If the costs of the latter are very high, I would expect rapid adop tion of domesticate-based alternatives. Conversely, if the costs of acquiring other resources are low, then I would expect considerable time to elapse between the availability of domesticated species and their adoption by any given group. I would also expect that prior conditions determining the organizational scale of social networks would affect the accessibility of either seeds or breeding pairs of a species. Knowledge of potentially useful domesti cated species, and hence the speed with which lower-cost domesticate-based tactics would be adopted by huntergatherers, would be similarly affected in those locations in which the intensification costs of wild alternatives are rela tively high. Against the backdrop of the preceding arguments, I now examine some patterns produced by plotting archaeological properties against the frames of reference I have developed. In figure 6.10, graphs A and B, uncalibrated l4C dates for the first appearance of domesticates have been plotted against pop ulation density estimates (in numbers of persons per 100 square kilometers) produced by the Terrestrial Model. In graph A of figure 6.10, sites associated with the northern route into central and northern Europe are plotted; in graph B, sites
associated with the Mediterranean route into France and from there into Great Britain appear. A positive curvilinear relationship characterizes the central-to-northern route (graph A), illustrating that the lower the projected population density, the later the appearance of domesticates across western Europe. The curvilinear aspects of the relationship are not as evident in the data from the Mediterranean to Great Britain sites, although the positive aspects of the relationship are sustained. What makes the dis tribution in graph B different from the one in graph A is that the dates from Italy are not significantly different from those in Spain and France. The significant contrasts are between the dates for the continent and Great Britain and between low land sites and those in the Alps. These relationships between dated archaeological sites and projected population estimates suggest that initial conditions affecting population density may have con tributed to the rate of intensification.33 It would also be worthwhile to investigate the possibility that absolute numbers of persons, perhaps varying in different settings, could be a more important conditioner of intensification than the percentage increase represented. It is quite clear, however, that in figure 6.10 the patterning indicates that early intensification occurs primarily in areas in which the Terrestrial Model predicts that subsistence would be pre dominantly dependent upon terrestrial plants and secotv
Comparative graphs showing the dates for the earliest appearance of cultigens in northern and southern Europe, displayed against the percentage dependence upon aquatic resources of ethnographically described hunter-gatherers projected to inhabit the environments of contemporary Europe. Graph A shows sites along the "northern route," where the marker indicates recognized cultures (CULT): (a) early Greek; (b) K6ros, Karanovo I, Starcevo, and Cri$-Central European block; (c) linear pottery culture (LBK); and (d) Baltic region sites. Graph B shows sites along the "southern route": (1) eastern Mediterranean, (2) western Mediter ranean and France, and (3) British Isles.
darily in areas where trophically mixed strategies would have prevailed. I have already noted that, based on comparisons between the two projections, intensification results in increased depen dence upon aquatic resources in those settings in which aquatic alternatives exist. Graphs A and B in figure 6.11 illustrate pro jections from the ethnographic data set that plot the rela tionship between the percent dependence upon aquatic resources and the dates for the first use of domesticates. Both distributions are similar in shape but they differ in scale; that is, the time represented between the two horizontal arms of the open elliptical distribution is greater for the central to north ern European distribution than for the Mediterranean to Great Britain distribution. In both graphs, some of the earli est groups using domesticates were also projected to include significant numbers of persons supported by aquatic resources. This initial stage was followed by the spread of domesti cates into areas in which a greatly reduced dependence upon aquatic resources is projected. There is also a correlation between the date of early documentation and a projection of less reliance upon aquatic resources. Along the central to northern European route, a considerable delay occurs between the appearance of LBK materials and dates from the north ern Scandinavian and Finno-Baltic area, but this is not an orig inal observation. In a comparative study of the appearance of domesticates in the archaeological record of Denmark and
Finland, Zvelebil and Rowley-Conwy (1984:104) note that the cases studied emphasize the long continuation of foraging adaptations, and the long delay before the appearance of a predominantly agricultural economy. This delay has been caused by the development of successful maritime adapta tions, which acted as a viable alternative to farming until a specific triggera decline in marine resourcesoccurred and initiated the substitution phase of the transition. What is impressive about the patterns in the graphs in figure 6.11 is that they were produced by projections from recent hunter-gatherer data. The fact that these patterns are at least consistent with patterning observed in the archaeo logical record suggests that much of the criticism directed toward the archaeological use of ethnographic data has nothing to do with the data per se but rather its inappropriate use by researchers. One of the fundamental concerns of this book is to demonstrate that prior knowledgewhich in this case includes environmental, ecological, and ethnographic data -can be either useful or useless, depending upon what researchers try to do with it. As far as the issue of intensification in western Europe is concerned, all of the projections have pointed to an un relenting shift away from dependence upon terrestrial ani mals in those settings for which there is archaeological evidence of intensification. For example, in graphs A and B in figure 6.12, the percentages of the diet obtained from
FIGURE 6. 1 2
Comparative graphs showing the dates for the earliest appearance of domesticates in northern and southern Europe, displayed against the percentage dependence upon terrestrial animals projected from the Terrestrial Model for minimalist hunter-gatherers inhabiting the environments of contem porary Europe. Graph A shows sites along the "northern route/' where the marker indicates recognized cultures (CULT): (a) early Greek; (b) KOros, Karanovo I, Starievo, and CriCentral European block; (c) linear pottery culture (LBK); and (d) Baltic region sites. Graph B shows sites along the "southern route": (1) eastern Mediterranean, (2) western Mediterranean and France, and (3) British Isles.
terrestrial ungulates as projected by the Terrestrial Model are shown against the dates o f the first appearance o f dom esti cates in the archaeological record for two sets of archaeological sites. Graph B, the southern route, illustrates an inversely correlated sigmoid curve with an inflection point at a value
o f approximately 40 percent dependence upon terrestrial animals. The pattern in graph A, the northern rou te is anal ogous to that in graph B, although the inflection point devi ates from its placement in the conventional sigmoid curve. (It is likely that the distribution in graph A would inscribe
Early assessment of the distribution across Europe of LBK ceramics and their makers relative to earlier cultures at approximately the fifth millennium B .C .
More recent map of the distribution of LBK ceramics and their makers, partitioned into early and later periods.
a sigmoid curve if dated sites from Finland and northern Swe den had been included in the list of plotted locations.) Nevertheless, the interesting feature of graph A is the horizontal scatter of LBK sites, which have been previously interpreted as classic examples o f a rapid migration of agropastoralists into Europe (see figures 6.13 and 6.14 for an early assessment of LBK site distribution and a much more recent one). It is true that a very tight distribution of 14C dates is evident in figure 6.12, graph A, but with only one excep tion all of the LBK sites were projected by the Terrestrial Model to range between 48 and 88 percent dependence upon ter restrial animals for hunter-gatherers living in the same set tings. Furthermore, according to Tringham (1971:116), these LBK sites have not contained remains of fish or other aquatic resources. These observations provide an interesting backdrop to the conventional archaeological assessment of the preLBK, or Mesolithic, deposits in the region. These have been characterized as nonexistent in the loess deposits in which LBK sites are found and, when present in the region, are located on sandy soils and in cave deposits. The archaeo logical materials recovered from the loess deposits have been identified as typically Paleolithic industries because they are manufactured on blades and lack a significant microlithic component. Using their typological templates, archaeologists have decreed that since blades are by definition Paleolithic, when blade tools are found in loessic soil contexts they must have been deposited during the Paleolithic era.34 Similarly, the Mesolithic era is defined by the presence of microlithic tools, and if no microliths are recovered from deposits then the Mesolithic is said to be absent. The lack of continuity between subsequent Neolithic materials and preceding blade-based assemblages is therefore said to be irrefutable proof of the absence of the Mesolithic.
The projections illustrated in figure 6.12 suggest that had Mesolithic populations preceded the populations responsi ble for the LBK materials in the region, the available subsis tence base would have more than met their nutritional needs. This leads me to speculate that perhaps the blade-based assemblages assigned to the Paleolithic are, in fact, repre sentative of the Mesolithic in this region. Tringhams (1971:117) observation that LBK lithics typify a blade indus try supports the view that instead of a lack of continuity between the Mesolithic and the Neolithic, the LBK represents autochthonous system state change rather than an intrusive culture that spread very rapidly over the northern and central European regions characterized by loessic soil. What other data might be brought to bear on the nature of the change in the archaeological record coincident with the appearance of LBK materials? I have already pointed out that projections from both the Terrestrial Model and the ethnographic data set suggest that hunter-gatherers in the LBK region would have been predominandy dependent upon terrestrial mammals. I have also suggested that intensifica tion would have been very difficult in settings lacking an aquatic alternative to terrestrial animals. Plant-based inten sification would have become less and less possible as latitude increased, and domestication of locally hunted wild ani mals would take considerable time. On the other hand, if populations who were under pres sure to intensify had access to already domesticated plants and animals that would flourish at LBK latitudes, the adoption of agropastoralist strategies could be expected to occur rapidly. In fact, the LBK may represent emergent change similar to that described for the Great Plains of North Amer ica, where a new niche opened up and peoples from many different peripheral sources converged on the region. An internally homogeneous culture area would, therefore, have been formed that had a heterogeneous origin in terms of pop ulation but a single systemic origin in the sense of the emer gence of a new niche.
1 00-.
It is not yet certain, however, what the diagnostic criteria of episodes of emergent change would be in the archaeological record. There have been some very dramatic and rapid changes that are currently considered examples of emergence,35 but no analysis attempting to develop criteria for accurate diagnosis has been undertaken. I am aware that doing the requisite research is required before I could con vincingly evaluate the idea that LBK patterning represents an emergent phenomenon.
- 1 0 t 2 * 4 Log10 Value of Net Aboveground Productivity (LNAGP)
Property space graph of the world sample of weather stations showing the location of European sites for which 14C dates document the appearance of cultigens.
What do these frames of reference say about the charac teristics of the locations of LBK sites when we look at them from the perspective of ethnographically documented huntergatherer systems? Figure 6.17 displays the relationships between the expected size of ethnic areas (measured in 100square-kilometer units) and the chronology (measured in uncalibrated 14C dates) of the suite of archaeological loca tions containing the earliest evidence of the use of domes ticated plants and animals in a large region that includes Greece, the Balkans, the loess deposits extending from the Paris plain to the edge of the Black Sea, and the Balto-Scandinavian region of Europe. The points in the distribution are coded for culture group or region, and those representing early Greek agropastoralism are relatively tightly clustered at the top of the graph. The points at the bottom of the plot represent sites from Scan dinavia and the Baltic states. In contrast, the LBK sites and the Karanovo I, Stardevo, Cri$ culture block in the north Balkan states form a continuous scatter across the entire graph with the Karanovo I, Starfevo, Cri$ culture block to the right and the LBK materials scattered from the middle to the left of the graph. Ethnic areas range in size from moderately small (comparable to the ethnographically documented Chi* mariko of California and the interior central coast, Salishspeaking Cowichan of Canadas British Columbia) to Urjf. in the case of the projected ethnic area surrounding the site of GyAlarlt. The closest ethnographic analogues to the lat ter area are the Coeur d'Alene of the Columbia Plateau and the Gros-Ventre of the Great Plains of North America. In North America, moderately large ethnic areas reflect sub-
^ B >
Comparative graphs showing the cultural identity (A) and the primary sources of food projected by the Terrestrial Model (B) for all of the dated locations in Europe yielding the earliest evidence of the systematic use of domesticates. This information is summarized in a property space defined by latitude and net aboveground productivity (NAGP). Graph A shows sites along the "northern route," where the marker indicates recognized cultures (CULT): (a) early Greek; (b) Kdrds, Karanovo I, Starcevo, and Crif-Central European block; (c) linear pottery culture (LBK); and (d) Baltic region sites. Graph B shows the same sites as graph A. However, the marker for Graph B is the dominant source of food as anticipated by the Terrestrial Model (SUBSPX): (g) terrestrial plants, (h) terrestrial animals, and (m) mixed sources.
stantial regional networks that developed in the context of the spread of the horse among previously agricultural or much less mobile hunter-gatherers who gave up agriculture for the new hunter-pastoralist niche that the horse made possible. The patterning in figure 6.17 illustrates that a very wide range of variability in the anticipated size of ethnic areas char acterized the hunter-gatherers who exploited the area sub sequently occupied by LBK populations. This suggests that much of the cultural diversity extant among hunter-gatherers was replaced by relative homogeneity across the same range of environmental variability. It is reasonable to imagine that the appearance of a new niche, accompanied by an increase in system complexity, might well be signaled by the dis appearance of some of the characteristics of the habitat that have been rendered irrelevant in the new effective envi ronment. In short, the new niche may replace previous multiplicity and diversity with a larger but relatively more homogeneous cultural organization (compared with prior system) that is associated with a considerable shift in the effec tive environment. Another feature suggested by the large ethnic areas pro jected in figure 6.17 is the possible role of intergroup networks as an important initial condition for the rapid adaptive transformation that may have occurred within the LBK
region. In support of this assertion I note that the sizes of net works and ethnic areas seem to be related to the scales o f mobility and the character of the environments in North American hunter-gatherer analogues.36 When I examine the projections based on the huntergatherer data that appear in graphs A and B in figure 6.18 and look for characteristics related to mobility that are thought to indicate the extent of social networks in the LBK and northern Balkan areas, some provocative patterns are appar ent. Site dates (in uncalibrated 14C determinations) are plot ted against two different indicators of mobility: projections of the number of residential moves per year (in graph A) and the total distance, expressed in miles, of all residential moves made in one year (in graph B). Once again, the LBK and northern Balkan early agropastoralist sites are independently distributed, varying between twelve and nineteen projected residential moves per year in graph A while in graph B (the actual distance moved residentially) there are four cases that overlap the dis tributions from both Greece and the Balto-Scandinavian states: Gornja-Tuzla, a Starievo tell site in the former Yugoslavia; the two northernmost LBK sites of Eitzum and Stezelce; and Lautereck, the only LBK site that is close to the upland Alpine area. Not surprisingly, all of the sites that overlap other culture areas are on the periphery of the
LBK and K6r<5s-Cri$ distributions. Considerable variability in m obility is projected for hunter-gatherers who might have lived within the distributions o f the two culture areas.
Data (RCYBP)
In previous chapters, I have described in perhaps greater detail than many will find palatable the steps I have taken to assemble environmental and ethnographic frames of refer ence that would, I promised, eventually be applied to ques tions stimulated by archaeological patterning. In this chapter, I have used two o f these tools, the Terrestrial Model and a set o f projections based on ethnographic data, to approximate the subsistence base, degree o f mobility, and ethnic diversity that might have characterized the hunter-gatherer popula tions preceding agricultural peoples in specific regions of Europe. As I worked back and forth between the expectations of the model and the archaeological record, I demonstrated that what could have been an area populated by hunter-gatherer groups o f considerable ethnic diversity became, in the Neolithic era, a culture area o f considerable internal homo geneity. In addition, mobility values for hunter-gatherers in what would later be called the LBK and Koros-Cri culture areas are projected to be dramatically high, although archae ological evidence indicates that the LBK and K6ros-Cri sites are almost, if not totally, sedentary settlements.
FIGURE 6 .17
Dates of the earliest appearance of domesticates in northern Europe displayed relative to the area occupied by an ethnic group projected from ethnographically documented huntergatherers to the contemporary environments of western Europe. The marker indicates recognized cultures or cultural regions (CULT): (a) early Greek; (b) Koros, Karanovo I, Starcevo, and Cri$-Central European block; (c) linear pottery culture (LBK); and (d) Baltic region sites.
< S B > S g
o o c
6 .1 8
Comparative graphs showing the number of residential moves per year (A) and the total miles moved among reskiw^Ml v*' on an annual basis (B) projected from ethnographically documented hunter-gatherers to the contemporary environments 01 western Europe. Both distributions are displayed against the dates for the first appearance of domesticates. The matket **' cates recognized cultures or cultural regions (CULT): (a) early Greek; (b) KOrOs. Karanovo I. StarCcvo, and O i$-t entrai wnv pean block; (c) linear pottery culture (LBK); and (d) Baltic region sites.
The absence during the Mesolithic era of any evidence of intensification in the LBK region and much of the Krs-Cri area also supports a diagnosis of rapid and dramatic systemic change. Ironically, however, the possibility of migration is not rendered any less likely by the patterns that the frames of ref erence have allowed us to see because there are no definitive recognition criteria that one might look for either in the archaeological record or in first- and second-order deriva tive patterning revealed by the frames of reference. Unfortunately, I cannot solve in this chapter the problem posed by the LBK patterning in the archaeological record. I can, however, allow myself to be excited by the new kinds of patterning that the frames of reference have made possible and the new ways of looking at old data that implicate processes of emergence and patterns of system growth that are not simply the result of abrupt or accumulative changes. I hope that using the two projective frames of reference to study such simple features of the archaeological record as the age of sites and their culture area classification has suggested other trajectories of comparative research that could be investigated, provided more detailed information was avail able from relevant sites. Of interest would be the archaeological evidence of a sites aquatic resource and terrestrial faunal content, variability in lithic assemblage content, the size of structures and set tlements, settlement plans, and forms of mortuary practice, to name only a few categories of data. Similarly, variability
in the density and character of Mesolithic sites located between early Neolithic culture areas could be profitably studied. It would also be interesting to determine if the density of Mesolithic sites varies in any regular way with differences in projected mobility based on my ethnographic frame of reference. Does the content of Mesolithic sites vary with the projections and subsequent rates of change doc umented among the early Neolithic sites in similar places? If so, we might begin to see the way that initial conditions influenced the direction of subsequent changes in local sequences. Seeing the past is merely a figure of speech for those archaeologists who appreciate that there are no remnant dynamic processes observable in the deposits that they exca vate. Knowing the past is, however, a realizable goal, pro vided that archaeologists devise and implement the kinds of analytical tools that I have been outlining in this book. In the aggregate, these intellectual tools can be thought of as con stituting an archaeoscope,37 a device that provides us with a range of secure knowledge about observable dynamics that can be used to examine the data from the past. In chapter 7,1will continue to enlarge the purview of my archaeoscope by returning once again to a reexamination of the ethnographically documented hunter-gatherer data set. My goal this time will be to understand some of the patterning related to indicators of intensification and to see if I can deter mine what factors may pressure foragers to intensify.
In this part of the book, readers come face-to-face with the interesting problem of what is the world of hunter-gatherers like? Asking this question is a fundamental precondition for con sidering another query: why is the world the way it appears to be? The currency in terms of which each of these two questions is asked must be the same, but they must be answered using independently reasoned arguments. The problem under investigation must be understood in the same terms as the answer is framed. If the problem arises in one domain and the answer is offered in another, then the link age between the two domains may be unclear. The flaw in so many of the so-called theories of the social sciences lies in the linkage between the phenomena said to be explained and a pos tulated explanation that is usually based upon human agency.
I have used various metaphors in this book to illustrate the similarities between my intellectual modus operandi and the structure and presentation of theatrical productions. Now I extend the figure of speech to include the overall structure of this book, which has a lot in common with a con temporary, three-act drama. The first act of most plays is designed to orient the audience in time and space and to intro duce the characters and themes that will be explored in dra matic form. In similar fashion, chapters 1-3 of this book form an introductory unit in which I review the history of huntergatherer studies, present my generic human actor and advance an argument about the role he or she plays in the events occurring in habitats and niches, and introduce the intellectual tools that I use initially in the play of ideas. My metaphorical act 2 began in chapter 4 with a discussion of the environmental frame of reference I have used to exam ine some of the properties of the ecological theaters within which evolutionary plays involving human actors have occurred. In chapter 5 ,1 explored how an environmental frame of ref erence can isolate the relationships between hunter-gatherer variability and environmental variables. When these rela tionships were robust, I demonstrated how both proportional and relational projections of hunter-gatherer variability could be applied to the entire earth and used as a baseline for com parisons with other kinds of data. Act 2 concluded with chap ter 6, in which I developed the Terrestrial Model of human hunting and gatheringanother basic construct to which I could compare either ethnographic or archaeological variability. As this chapter begins, the curtain has just opened on act 3, the unit in which the dramatic action begun in the preceding acts reaches its logical conclusion. In the play of ideas in the scientific theater, this is the point at which the patterns that have been generated by projecting data against frames of ref erenceand the relationships that have been identified between the variablesare summarized in general state ments describing the way that the world appears to be. The gen eralizations I present synthesize the patterns demonstrable
in the ethnographic and environmental data sets, so the world, in this instance, refers to hunter-gatherers in their eco logical and social contexts. In this chapter, I describe how sets of variables relating to hunter-gatherer group size and dependency ratios behave in relation to mobility and labor organization, and how these variables may be distributed in scalar fashion when instru ments for measurement are developed comparing them with some relevant standard. I begin by asking the following questions: what has been accomplished by studying ethno graphic and environmental data at a global scale, by gener ating property space patterning, and by developing the Terrestrial Model and the projections from the huntergatherer data base? And what is the relationship of all of the foregoing to archaeological data? These are complex ques tions, and to deal with them I start by referring to figure 5.14, graphs A and B, which revealed the following patterns:
When the variable referred to as size of the area occupied by an ethnic group was projected from the hunter-gatherer data set to the entire earth, it was correlated with environmental and geographic boundaries without apparent regard tor the level of sociopolitical complexity. Small ethnic areas were usu ally situated in high-productivity tropical and subtropical settings, as well as in a spotty distribution across moderately dry settings. The latter cases, however, were dependent upon aquatic resources, in contrast to their neighbors, who were primarily dependent upon terrestrial plants.
Generalization 7.02
The largest ethnic areas occurred in regions in which sub sistence was predominantly based on hunting, but ethnic areas of almost comparable size were found in very dry settings inhabited by highly mobile, plant-dependent peoples.
Much more information than simply the relationship between the size of an ethnic area and the many environmental variables in the data set was encoded in the equations from which generalizations 7.01 and 7.02 were derived. In order to detect some of these other relationships, I projected the data against a spatial frame of reference in this case, geog raphy at a global scaleand produced second-order deriv ative patterning. Patterns at this scale may take a variety of forms, limited only by ones imagination and ability to proj ect complex observations against relevant, knowledge-laden frames of reference. For example, in chapter 6 1 compressed the projected global data into a nominal classification of primary food sources and produced a cross-tabulation of fre quencies comparing the Terrestrial Model and the ethno graphic projections at the same places (table 6.05). These comparisons produced patterns that can be summarized as follows:
------------------ Generalization 7.03 ------ -------Among ethnographic cases in Africa and South America that were projected by the Terrestrial Model to be primarily dependent upon terrestrial plants, 75.6 percent remained plant dependent while 21.4 percent shifted to aquatic resources. In projections from the ethnographic data set, however, only 3.0 percent shifted to terrestrial animals. In Europe, projections from the ethnographic data set revealed that only 10.7 percent remained plant dependent, 78.6 per cent shifted to aquatic resources, and 10.7 percent shifted to hunting terrestrial animals.
All of the details in the preceding two generalizations can be summarized in the following comprehensive statement:
-----------------In discussing the preceding comparisons, I claimed that differences between the projections from the Terrestrial Model and those produced by the ethnographic data set were due to system state differences resulting primarily from processes of intensification, by which I mean tactical or strategic practices that tend to increase the exploitation of resources in circumscribed or shrinking food patches. When Europe is compared with Africa and South America, there is a clear contrast in intensificational indicators, although a sim ilar set of trends occurs in both places. The following obser vations are therefore justified:
In environments in which the resource mix permits intensi fication, the preferred strategy of human actors experiencing subsistence stress will be increased dependence upon ter restrial plants. Human dependence upon aquatic resources occurs either as a supplement to a plant-based strategy or as the primary strategy in environments that prohibit plantbased subsistence options. Considered as a unit, the preceding generalizations imply a set of relationships between subsistence, biotic geography, the size of ethnic groups and the areas they exploit, and intensificational processes in general. In spite of these encour aging results, however, before I can proceed with theor> building itself, I must address the issue of accuracy in tn< hunter-gatherer data base on which my projections ha\e been based. It would, after all, be folly to develop tactics to explain the way the world appears to be and then discover th*t I have been misled by appearances that are ambiguous or in* accurate. For this reason, I continue to explore the variab* tty in subsistence, mobility, size of ethnic area, and si#e o
Generalization 7 . 0 4 ------------------
If intensification is indicated by a shift in exploitation from one type of biotic community to another, the shift will usu ally be to aquatic resources and rarely, if ever, to terrestrial animals. Of the biotic communities exploited by noninten sified hunter-gatherers, only terrestrial plants appear to offer much potential for intensification.
different determinant and conditioning properties (Binford 1983:214). Attempts to deal with this issue have stimulated an impor tant, although controversial, literature in anthropology. For instance, julian Stewards (1949) seminal article "Culture, Causality, and Law: A Trial Formulation of the Develop ment of Early Civilizations and his essay Evolution and Process (Steward 1953) dealt with some aspects of the issue introduced here.1 As Steward noted, Hunting and gather ing . . . is far too broad a category. The functional relations and cultural-ecological adaptations which led to a patrilin eal band, consisting of a localized lineage, were very differ ent from those which produced a nomadic, bilateral band composed of many unrelated families (1953:322). If Steward was correct in surmising that patrilineal and bilateral bands represented distinct systems organizationally, it becomes important to know whether similar shifts in environmental variables would result in convergent or fur ther divergent changes between patrilineal and bilateral bands. This would depend upon another major factor affect ing the vectors of systemic change: the nature of initial sys tem state conditions. In order to evaluate Stewards assertion that patrilineal and bilateral bands developed from very dif ferent cultural-ecological adaptations, one would need to have reliable diagnostic indicators of a systems initial con ditions and its current state. In chapter 6 ,1 noted that a knowledge of initial conditions is particularly important when one uses an atemporal sample of hunter-gatherer systems as the basis for making projec tions.2 One attribute of science is a concern for the recognition of system boundaries, and it is important to remember that relationships among variables in dynamic and organiza tional terms may be different in different system states. Because a major source of variability within the sample of hunter-gatherers is likely to be referable to system state dif ferences, I expect attempts at correlational analysis to yield diverse results as a consequence of using cases that differ from one another in terms of their scale of complexity relative to environmental conditions. Other factors affecting the out come of correlational analysis include using cases that have developed from different sets of prior initial conditions or that started with similar initial conditions but now vary in a scalar way with habitat differences, as I demonstrated by pointing out the variability within the Terrestrial Model. Other researches have recognized the validity of Steward's (1953:322) injunction against lumping cultural units into one broad hunting and gathering category and have dealt with system state differences by creating more discriminating classifications based on differences in sociopolitical organi zation. Two well-known typologies identify social units either as bands, tribes, chiefdoms, and states (Service l% 2) or as egalitarian, ranked, stratified, and state-level systems (Fried 1967),
signaled. These differences will be explored as potentially vari able initial conditions that could influence the appearance of changed organizational forms with different evolutionary potential in punctuated evolutionary events, resulting in restructured organizational forms of greater complexity. In other words, I must investigate the possibility that some theories may be useful in explaining variability among some systems while other theories may be needed to address vari ability in systems of diverse kinds. Since the recognition of natural kinds is an empirical issue, the ability to recognize different system states must be built into the tools that are used for pattern recognition work. I must also develop the ability to assess whether these differences refer to the relationships among a common set of variables of differing values or whether the variability exists between systems whose different variables are linked in ways affecting the differences I observe. This is what is meant by the challenge of learning: when the organizational rules of natural variability change, different theories are required to explain the resulting patterns. The issue becomes how many and what other things are justifiably considered equal when an exploratory pattern recognition study is undertaken or when an explanatory argument about vari ability is attempted. My previous discussions of projection and the adequacy of the hunter-gatherer sample have not seriously addressed the probability that the sample includes many systems that are engaged in either similar or different evolutionary tra jectories but occupy relatively similar habitats, when viewed strictly from the perspective of the environmental vari ables introduced thus far. At this point, how might system state be held constant as I examine the factors affecting the diverse sources o f variability referring exclusively to differences among the ecological theaters within which evolutionary plays are produced? I pursue the answer to this question in this and subsequent chapters, but in the mean time I need to illustrate the character of the problem with an example that will underscore the important role that system state plays in the design of the samples to be used as the basis of projections, depending upon the questions I seek to address.
These and other sociocultural types are envisioned as nat ural kinds (Quine 1991:164), although the criteria of sim ilarity usually apply only to the dimension of organizational complexity. When other criteria are applied to a broader suite of formal properties, particularly to design elements reflected in material culture, the result is a classification of entities referred to as cultures, and the list is endless (Anasazi, Mississippian, Natufian, Mousterian, Lungshan, Prepottery Neolithic A, Aztec, Inka, and so forth). The difference between typologies based on natural kinds and those grouped in terms of similar design elements resembles the distinction by Sahlins (1960) between specific and gen eral evolution. Specific evolution was identified with adaptation, or the process of securing and conserving control over environ ment (Harding 1960:47). When it is compared with the terminology and arguments made in this book, it could be said that specific evolution refers to the processes underly ing the variability observable in the Terrestrial Model. Gen eral evolution, on the other hand, applies to the concept of culture as an open system and embraces relationships both to nature and to other cultural systems (Harding 1960:47). According to Sahlins, general evolution led the passage from less to greater energy exploitation, lower to higher lev els of integration, and less to greater all-around adaptabil ity (1960:22). Both specific and general evolutionary taxonomies were based on the assumption of the existence of natural kinds (Kornblith 1993; Quine 1991). The concept of natural kinds of cultural systems is not incompatible per se with the differentiation represented by the identification of either niche differences or distinct biological organisms. I do not, however, consider that creating a scale of progressively more complex systemic organization (Cameiro 1973; Cameiro and Tobias 1963) pro duces the kind of information needed to recognize such sociocultural natural kinds. Although it is conceivable that systems at different levels of complexity, measured by attributes such as the presence or absence of roads, can belong to the same category of natural kind in terms of organization, it is equally conceivable that systems belong ing to roughly similar levels of complexity could be orga nized quite differently. Given the uncertainty in my understanding of what criteria to use in recognizing impor tant differences in system state, I arbitrarily choose to focus in this chapter on differences in subsistence base in other words, where food comes from when viewed from an eco logical perspectiveexhibited by the hunter-gatherer groups in my ethnographic data base. In the search for system state indicators, I will also be alert to cross-cultural differences that appear to vary with sub sistence base. This focus is warranted by the demonstrable organizational repercussions that such shifts as a heavy dependence upon domesticated plants and animals have
I noted in chapter 1 that Julian Steward believed that group size had an important effect on the organizational form assumed by social units and that his distinction between lineal and composite bands was based in part upon this key criterion. Steward also believed that at least some of the dif ferences in hunter-gatherer group size were related to such subsistence activities as the exploitation o f herd mammals. I also pointed out that other researchers believed that what was termed a groups acculturative state accounted for organizational diversity among hunter-gatherer groups, particularly the Shoshoni speakers of the Great Basin of North America, about whom Steward (1938:260) was the researcher of record. Other researchers cited a groups scale of mobility as a major indicator of system state, with the result that sedentary hunter-gatherers were frequently con sidered to be very different systemically from more mobile groups. I thought that it might be useful to compare huntergatherer groups in terms of a set of coded properties relat ing to group size that, when applied to my data set, identified three separate kinds of groups: (1) the designation GROUP 1 refers to the mean size o f the social unit camping together during the most dispersed phase of the settlement-subsistence system; (2) GROUP2 refers to the mean size of the campsharing groups during the most aggregated phase of the sub sistence settlement system; (3) GROUP3 designates the mean size of social aggregations occurring annually or every several years that assemble for other reasons than strictly subsistencerelated activities. Groups in these three categories were assigned a value for each of three coded system state indicators. The first indicator is the variable SUBSP, which identifies the primary source of food in the diet (terrestrial plants are signified by 1, terres trial animals are coded 2, and aquatic resources have a code of 3). The variable GRPPAT refers to mobility and distin guishes between those cases for which settlement mobility is a major tactic used in the annual subsistence round (GRP PAT = 1) and groups maintaining at least semisedentary settlements that do not move as part of a groups position ing strategy throughout the year and from which subsis tence activities are launched (GRPPAT = 2). Finally, the coded variable SUBPOP refers to a groups acculturative state: those that obtained their food exclusively from hunt ing and gathering activities at the time of ethnographic observation have been given a SUBPOP code of n. If, on the other hand, group members were working as wage laborers, or procuring forest products and exchanging them for agri cultural products, or actually practicing agriculture, a SUB POP code of x was recorded, and the cases are referred to as suspect. My comparison also includes data summarizing the mean value of the total population attributed to the ethnic group and summarized as a case (TLPOP); the size of the geo
graphic region reported to be controlled by the ethnic group, recorded in units of 100 square kilometers (AREA); and the derivative ratio of TLPOP divided by AREA, which is a mea sure of population density (DENSITY). My first assessment of the variability related to system state differences is presented in table 7.01 and directs our attention to some basic demo graphic and spatial facts about the hunter-gatherer groups in the data set. I summarize the most striking features of this table in the following five generalizations. ------ -------------G eneralization 7.06 ---------------------
In all comparisons among nonsuspect cases (SUBPOP = n), there is a dramatic increase in the size of the ethnic group among sedentary peoples relative to their mobile analogues, except for those that are dependent upon terrestrial animals.
G eneralization 7 .0 7 ---------------------
In all comparisons among nonsuspect cases (SUBPOP = n), there is a dramatic decrease in the size of the area occupied by all sedentary peoples relative to that occupied by mobile peoples.
The figures in table 7.01 reveal several other interesting differences among the cases in the hunter-gatherer data set. For instance, sedentary gatherers exploit approximately onethird of the area that is required by mobile peoples who are predominantly dependent upon terrestrial plants. Corre spondingly, sedentary peoples predominantly dependent upon aquatic resources are controlling only one-fourth of the area needed by mobile peoples who depend upon aquatic resources. Very different proportions result from a compar ison of the numbers of persons included in an ethnic group. Groups designated as gatherers support 3.4 sedentary per sons for every mobile person in 31 percent of the geographic area required by mobile peoples. Groups in the fishers" category support 2.02 sedentary persons for every one sup ported among nonsedentary fishers in 27.0 percent of the geo graphic area needed by mobile peoples. The following generalization summarizes these observations: --------------------- G eneralization 7.08 Tactically mobile and sedentary hunter-gatherer groups dif fer in two of the dimensions being compared in table 7.01. A larger number of people are integrated in a given seden tary ethnic unit and, even more importantly, there is a reduc tion in the size of the area controlled by the demographicaMy larger sedentary groups. Both of these conditions merge in the derived ratio of pop ulation density, one striking feature of which is the contrast
1 2 1 2
764.0 803.6
124.6 90.4
1 2 1 2
34.9 24.8
1 2 1 2
10.5 10.7
82.7 68.1
21.5 2 2 .8
17.9 1 7 .7
48.5 33.2
(Q S l
(01 )
Note: Underlined values are the highest value in the row; italics indicate highest value in GRPPAT comparisons among sets with identical values, e.g^
1 or 2 in a column.
in ordination between the mobile and sedentary cases when food is obtained from different trophic or biotic sources: -------------------G eneralization 7.09 ----------------
Those mobile peoples dependent upon terrestrial animals have the lowest population densities, 3.4 persons per 100 square kilometers, compared with 10.5 persons for mobile plant exploiters and 17.9 persons for mobile groups exploiting aquatic resources.
Examination of the cases classified as sedentary, however, reveals marked contrasts when compared with mobile peoples: -------------------G eneralization 7.10 --------------------
With only one exception, groups exploiting terrestrial plants and aquatic resources are characterized by a reversed ordi nation in population density, with 48.8 persons per 100 square kilometers for groups classified as fishers and 82.7 per sons for terrestrial plant users. These contrasts suggest that in those circumstances in which it becomes necessary to pursue tactics or strategies designed to increase the amount of food obtainable from a given geographic area, the greatest intensification! poten tial lies with terrestrial plants. Among peoples who are at least
still somewhat mobile, however, aquatic resources offer the greatest return from intensifkational strategies. Support for the correlation between sedentism and increased depen dence upon terrestrial plants comes from the archaeological record of the Near East, where there is considerable evi dence for the argument that the domestication of plants occurred in the context of dramatically reduced mobility (BarYosef and Meadow 1995). I also note that the preceding observations support the comparable patterning produced by both the Terrestrial Model and the projected ethno graphic data when different continents were compared. With these generalizations in mind, I now turn to the cases classified as suspect and coded x in table 7.01, which repre sent hunter-gatherer societies living in close association with one another at the time of colonial contact. Except for cases that are predominantly dependent upon terrestrial plants, it is clear that population levels are greatly reduced compared with the cases that appear to have been relatively unexposed to other complex systems. The exceptional cases (SUBPOP * x) in the category of peoples dependent upon terrestrial plant resources and designated "nonsedentary" either were practicing agriculture at the time of ethnographic descnp tion (e.g., the Chenchu of India, the Pinatubo Ayta of the Philippines, the Cahuilla of southern California) or repre sent groups considered suspect because of the extraordi narily high population estimates assigned to them by local researchers (e.g., some northern California cases).
Naturally, I am curious about the organizational dynam ics underlying the data summarized in table 7.01. Why should sedentary ethnic groups have more people, on average, and at the same time control two-thirds less land compared with the area controlled by smaller but more mobile ethnic units? I also want to know why, when population levels are increasing within a mobile ethnic unit, the geographic area controlled by such a unit is simultaneously decreasing. Unfortunately, the summary means in table 7.01 represent gross estimates at best, and I am unable to answer these questions because I do not know how the tabulated variables are distributed with respect to other important variables. It is reasonable, however, to want to know whether the patterns in table 7.01 simply re flect biases in the frequencies of cases in different environmental areas or whether the mobile cases come from one suite of envi ronments and the sedentary ones from another.
In order to explore these possibilities, I classified groups in table 7.02 in terms of their primary food resources and then compared mean population density values. Groups primar ily dependent upon terrestrial animal resources, terrestrial plants, and aquatic resources were tabulated independently and grouped by climatic zone (CLIM) and then further par titioned into mobile versus nonmobile cases. This compar ison resulted in some interesting patterns:
Of the groups that are predominantly dependent upon ter restrial plant resources, many mobile cases are located in equa torial (11), tropical (23), and subtropical (15) regions. There are, however, only seven sedentary cases (12 percent) in ail three regions combined. In warm temperate regions, mobile, plant-dependent groups still outnumber sedentary cases
5.3 4 .3 (18)
21.8 16.9(10)
79.1 51.8 (25)
3.3 0 .9 (03)
23.6 2.6
1 2
8.0 7 .5 (03)
1 2
20.3 12.9(11)
m m
almost 2.5 to 1.0, but 27 percent of the cases are sedentary. Boreal and polar regions are only minimally represented by plant-dependent peoples.
On the other hand, when one looks at the groups that are predominantly dependent upon either hunting or aquatic resources, a very different distribution of cases in terms of cli matic zones emerges. It would appear from this exercise that even though there is not a complete segregation in which all of the mobile cases come from one environment and all of the sedentary ones come from another, there is, nevertheless, strong environmental patterning in the relationship between sedentary and mobile state frequencies. This patterning appears to be ecological in character, in that it suggests meaningfully variable initial conditions arising from ecological variability between hunter-gatherer habitats. If my infer ence is correct, then the factors contributing to increased inten sificationindicated here by reduced mobilityappear to proceed very differently depending upon the subsistence strategies being pursued in response to intensificational pressures. A serendipitous byproduct of exploring the possible bias in the hunter-gatherer data set has been the emergence of provocative patterning identifying unanticipated relationships between variables, such as how group mobility co-varies with the types of food resources exploited. The next gener alization and its derivative proposition summarize these results:
In the boreal region, 76.6 percent of the mobile cases exploit primarily terrestrial animals while 96.5 percent of the seden tary cases exploit primarily aquatic resources. In contrast, in tropical and equatorial regions, 69.3 percent of the mobile cases depend primarily upon terrestrial plant foods, while among the small sample of settled peoples, only 60 percent exploit plant foods and 40 percent exploit aquatic resources. There is clearly something different about aquatic resources in cold and warm environments. Based on these observations, I now propose Proposition 7.01 -----
In warmer climates, there are two distinct paths lead ing to settled living, depending upon the type of food resource exploited: intensification based on the use of terrestrial plants and intensification based on the use of aquatic resources. In colder environments, intensi fication resulting from the exploitation of aquatic resources is the only pathway.
These conclusions about differences in the resource base of settled versus mobile peoples support the picture that emerged from an examination of the projected and modeled data on intensificational pathways summarized in general ization 7.04.1 may, therefore, return to earlier observation* and ask again if there are any systematic differences in mean total population values between mobile and sedentary huntergatherer systems in different environmental settings. In order to answer this question, I prepared table 7.03, in which data on the total population of an ethnic group (TLPOP) and the geographic area it occupies (AREA) are partitioned accord ing to the primary food resource exploited by the group. The tabulation is made in terms of the abundance of water avail able in an environment relative to potential vapotranspiration (AVWAT), and within each environmental unit cases are tabulated independently for mobile and sedentary settle ment patterns (GRPPAT). The observation that prompted my examination of the relationship between environmental setting and a groups placement on the mobility-sedentism continuum was sum marized in generalization 7.08: A larger number o f people are integrated in a given sedentary ethnic unit and, even more impor tantly, there is a reduction in the size o f the area controlled by the demographically larger sedentary groups. It might there fore be expected that mean ethnic group size should be smaller for the mobile hunter-gatherer cases in the data set The data in table 7.03 illustrate, however, that there are some environments in which this expectation is not met and, fur thermore, that the environmental distribution of the excep tional cases depends on the trophic level of a group s primary source of food. In order to make this pattern more explicit, I compiled table 7.04, based on the following reasoning: if the expectation is for ethnic unit size to be smaller for groups of mobile peoples than for sedentary peoples, then when mean mobile eth nic group size is divided by mean sedentary ethnic group sizethe value of this ratio should be less than one, given the accuracy of generalization 7.08. Exceptions would, of course, exhibit values greater than one. Since I would also expect that area occupied by an ethnic unit should be smaller for seden tary peoples and larger for mobile peoples, if the mean area values for sedentary peoples are divided by the mean area val ues for mobile peoples, I would expect the ratio of the mean value of settled peoples divided by the mean value of mobile peoples to be less than one, and that exceptions would like wise be greater than one. In table 7.04, expected ratios for values of total popular tion and area have been calculated for mobile anti sedentan subsets (represented by the variable GRPPAT). The matrix of cells is defined by values of the variables AVWAT- representing an ordinal scale of variability in the amount of water available to the plant community relative to the potcn tial vapotranspiration at the same location -and SUHSP
Dry (AVWAT = 2)
1 2
1,613.7 1 ,1 8 7 .7 (0 6 )
1 2
1,161.1 9 6 5 .9
650.4 6 43.0
680.0 287.1
1 2
779.2 725.3
(03) (07)
1,435.2 7 0 5 3 (06)
Damp (AVWAT = 6)
6 1 2
598.2 351.9 (05)
1.975.91.566.9 (08)
2.757.03397.5 (16)
1 2
1 2
83.0 3 4 .7
78.5 69.9 (04)
Dry (AVWAT = 2)
2 I
1 .6 4 1 9 , 1 7 ) ________________
301.7 651.7 7 u } ~ ~
f { S)
t a b l e
7 .0 3
1 2
153.5 82.0
(03) (041
1 2
--Damp (AVWAT = 6)
42.2 49.2
1 3 .9 1 5 .7
578.4+399.0 (08)
273.8 312.8
Moist (AVWAT = 7)
789.91.581.9 (16)
01 )
(14) (13)
Wet (AVWAT = 8)
Note: Underlined values are the highest value in the row; italics indicate highest value in GRPPAT comparisons among sets with identical values, tg ,
1 or 2 in a column.
a categorical separation of cases according to the trophic level of a groups primary food resources. It is clear in table 7.04 that although the mean values for ethnic group size and area occupied vary among sedentary and mobile peoples in provocative ways, nevertheless when these relationships are examined in cases separated in terms of an ordinal scale of
water availability, and by trophic bias in the source of food, there is a contrast in the ways that AREA and TLPOP distribute. The vast majority of the comparisons between the areas occupied by sedentary and mobile peoples result in values that sustain my generalization that area decreases markedly with
A R E A :
1 2
6 7 8
0 .1 2 0 .3 9 0 .7 2 0 .4 1 0 .5 8 1 .0 7 2 .0 0
n * 1 .0 9
0 .4 0 0 .4 9 0 .4 8 1 .5 2 0 .5 3 0 .4 2 0 .3 6
0 .4 2 0 .4 7 0 .0 5 0 .0 5 0 .1 5 0 .2 1
mm. mm.
0 .6 5 0 .0 2 0 .4 9 1 .5 0
0 .9 1
sedentism. Only one exceptional value occurs for the variable AREA, and it is found in the aquatic-dependent cell formed by the intersection of column 6 and row 8 in table 7.04. This exceptional cell compares thirteen sedentary cases, all but one from the northwest coast of North America, with only three groups of mobile peoples. Two of the latter cases are the Chono and the Alacaluf, both classic Canoe Indians from the west coast of Chile, and the third case is the north coastal Tasmanian group. These three geographic regions differ dramatically in the topography of their respective coastlines. There is a vast archipelago along the Chilean coast and a moderately large archipelago along the Pacific coast of northwest North Amer ica, but the Tasmanian coast lacks a major coastal archipel ago. An important difference between the coastal regions of Chile and the Pacific northwest, however, is that many major river systems drain from the interior of the latter region and support major runs of anadromous fish, while along the Chilean coast such river systems are absent, as are anadro mous fish. It is also relevant that warfare and competition were common features of the life of the settled and socially more complex societies of the Pacific northwest coast, whereas no such organized competition characterizes the mobile peoples of South America and Tasmania. An examination of the cases in this comparison suggests that the three mobile groups do not have markedly low val ues for size of ethnic area. The high value of the ratio results from the large ethnic areas associated with the sedentary peoples of the Pacific northwest coast relative to other seden tary peoples studied here. The question is: why are some of the coastal peoples of the Pacific northwest controlling areas that exceed the size of areas under the control of mobile peoples in roughly comparable rainfall environments? This question can be placed in a wider context by point ing out that it is possible to identify many sedentary agri cultural and industrially based ethnic groups that were much larger than the northwest coastal groups and also controlled larger geographic regions. This knowledge tells us that, at some point and under some conditions, a threshold must be reached that marks a reversal of this trend and that subse quent patterning proceeds in the opposite direction: that is, the size of an ethnic area increases with further intensifica tion. Such a threshold appears to separate most huntergatherer systems from the world of larger-scale, more complex, ethnically recognizable systems. Some hunter-gatherer soci eties, however, have crossed this threshold without becom ing non-hunter-gatherers, and the majority are found along the Pacific northwest coast of North America. I feel that my efforts at pattern recognition have taught me something important about the relationship between the size of an ethnic groups area and its degree of intensifi* cationand perhaps even something about system com plexity, too. My conclusion (summarized in generalization
7.08) that, other things being equal, the size of the area occu pied by an ethnic group decreases regularly with corre sponding decreases in mobility and hence appears to be diagnostic of intensification among hunter-gatherers, is therefore strongly supported by the study of variability among the 339 hunter-gatherer cases in the study population. There are, however, notable exceptions to this regular pattern:
------------------ Generalization 7 .13 -----------------In a very few cases, which differ from the patterns observable in the vast majority of hunter-gatherer groups, increases in the number of persons included in an ethnic group coincide with the acquisition and maintenance of a much larger ethnic area than is customary for mobile hunter-gatherer groups of a similar size. These exceptional groups maintain multiyear res idential sites. I must conclude, therefore, that the generalization stip ulating that as the number of persons incorporated into an ethnic group increases the size of the area occupied decreases is not universally applicable. Most of the exceptions come from the northwest coast of North America and include the Nootka, Haida, Chinook, Kwakiutl, Aleut, and Thompson groups. Other cases in this category are the Gabrielino of Cal ifornia, the Calusa of Florida, and the Paraujano of Venezuela. The Calusa and Paraujano are, in fact, the only complex, inter nally stratified, large-scale hunter-gatherer systems found out side the northern Pacific rim area.
------------------ Generalization 7.14 -----------------All of the cases in which the more customary inverse rela tionship between group size and size of ethnic area is reversed can be categorized as socially complex and having organi zational properties that justify their designation as "com plex hunter-gatherers" (Price and Brown 1985; Burch and Ellanna 1994; Kelly 1995:293-331). I believe that I can now reasonably argue that my pattern recognition studies have isolated at least one possible diag nostic criterion for a major system state boundary within the population of hunter-gatherer cases available for study. Given that most hunter-gatherer systems appear to contract in spatial scale in response to increases in the number of per sons participating within the system, one could reason that:
--------------- Proposition 7.02 -----------------Most hunter-gatherer groups respond to increases in population with a kind of spatial specialization that is accompanied by an increase in the number of systems per unit area and an attendant increase in subsistence diversity and security among systems within a region.
I have noted that the process of intensification, as currently understood, could be underlying the patterns I have identi fied in my data set. I have also demonstrated that properties relating to intensification differ significantly, depending on what food resources ethnic groups primarily exploit. It is also important to keep in mind that I have developed very provocative equations that allow me to anticipate rather accurately, and in terms of percentages, the different food resources upon which the documented cases of huntergatherers in the data set primarily depend. The data support the view that variability in subsistence practice is strongly related to the type of habitat in which a group is located, and it is therefore reasonable to expect that these differences should be explicable in any comprehensive theory dealing with intensification. If I use the equations to obtain estimates of diagnostic variables, such as the area occupied by an ethnic group, environmentally corrected val ues are obtained for the variable of interest. Other things being equal (particularly error in the data set), differences between the observed and expected values should be informative about system state differences. Isolating these differences might, in fact, be a more provocative way of identifying cases that represent instances when the rules governing intensification change than the tab ulations summarized in tables 7.02 and 7.03 that suggested system changes. Since I have used mean values for subsets within the total population of hunter-gatherer cases, there may well be cases that have not yet been identified but that belong in the set of complex societies that defy the gener alizations derived from the majority of the hunter-gatherer cases. Figure 7.01 was prepared to explore these possibilities using the observed-versus-expected-value approach. The residu als from five equations, derived from the full set of huntergatherer cases that best anticipated the size of ethnic areas using environmental variables, were backplotted against density only for cases with a GRPPAT value of 2 (settled or sedentary).3 1think that the inverse relationship between den sity and the residuals for AREA has reference to system state variability, since expected values for area are based on rela tionships to the environment that are determined by differ ences in subsistence and mobility strategies. The exceptional groups in the Poisson dispersion in figure 7.01 are, without exception, cases for which the observed value far exceeds the expected positive value for the AREA variable (size of ethnic area). Examination of the cases whose uniqueness was absorbed by the mean values used in tables 7.02 and 7.03 permits the addition of the Konaig (group 294), Tlingit (group 292), and Tsimshim (group 289) to the list of cases from the Pacific northwest coast of North America (the Aleut (group 2981, Chinook igroup 274),Haida (group290), Kwakiutl (group 288],and Nootka
1000 -
- 2 00 '
Demonstration of a Poisson distribution for the residuals from global equations for ethnic area sizes. Marker is dom inant sources of foods (SUBSP): (1) terrestrial animals, (2) ter restrial plants, and (3) aquatic resources.
[group 273]), all of which represent a reversal of the pattern of expanding area relative to the total population included in an ethnic group (generalization 7.13). It is also clear that there is a second set of cases in which reversal of the inverse relationship between the size of the eth nic area and increases in population is not nearly as pro nounced that is, the scale of the reversal is quantitatively less than that among the first group of casesbut this dus ter nevertheless belongs in the group of exceptions to the rule. Cases in this second grouping include the Bella-Bella (group 283), Chehalis (group 272), Comax (group 282), Gitksan (group 293), Lillooet (group 276), Thompson (group 325), and Wenatchi (group 317), which are all from the Pacific northwest coast of North America. Also included are the Dorobo (group 70) of east Africa, the Tjapwurong (group 133) of south Australia (who constructed large facilities for catch ing eels), and the Wintu (group 160) of California. These cases, as well as the Calusa (group 46) and Paraujano (group 35), constitute a set of twenty groups that differ from all other settled hunter-gathcrers in the relationship that is main tained between the size of their ethnic area and the number of persons in their ethnic group. 1believe that my examination of the eases included in the exceptional" cell in table 7,02 provides an important clue to the recognition of system state boundaries, which were antic ipated in my introduction to the problem of system state van-
ability. As I have pointed out, part of our job as scientists is to identify systems characterized by fundamentally different deter minant and conditioning properties (Binfbrd 1983:214). The provocative threshold that has been isolated in patterning derived from the hunter-gatherer data set appears to correspond to differences in system state, but whether this threshold also represents the kind of system boundary that demands a change in the realm of explanatory theory remains to be seen. I must now redirect attention to the cells in table 7.04 that failed to meet my expectations about the relationship between the total number of persons in an ethnic group and reduced mobility, which was indicated by the contrast between TLPOP values of mobile and sedentary peoples arrayed across a rainfall gradient of environments (AVWAT). For groups pri marily obtaining their food from terrestrial plants and ani mals, the unexpected reduction in group size associated with sedentism occurs only in the wettest habitats (table 7.04, rows 7 and 8, columns 1 and 2). In drier settings, the prevailing pattern consists of larger ethnic units made up of fewer mobile peoples. Wet settings were also the loci of the exceptions to the area reduction generalization. Among plant-dependent peoples, however, increased group size in the mobile groups is producing the inversion in index value. In the wettest environments, dependence upon terrestrial plants would not be expected to support many persons, and mobility would be expected to be high, given the scattered distribution of potential foods.4 In these settings, the ratios indicative of reversals in overall trends are exclusively con fined to both mobile and sedentary cases whose status at the time of observation was recorded as suspect or to groups that were alleged to have been hunter-gatherers in the past but at the time of observation had a different subsistence base and social organization. These facts, together with the very low frequency (23%) of sedentary hunter-gatherers in moist and wet settings, reinforce the view that sedentary peoples are unlikely to be found in circumstances characterized by hunter-gatherers living in an environment of other huntergatherers. All of the sedentary groups in this pattern were either mutualists, forest specialists, or peoples who had recently adopted horticulture. If groups become sedentary in settings in which plant foods are the primarily available wild food, they must concentrate plant production in spatially circumscribed areas, which in its most extreme form is what is meant by horticulture or agri culture. Groups in this category are by definition no longer hunter-gatherers, and most would have been excluded from this study. The cases that are included were once huntergatherers, but in the context of modernity their subsistence base has been systemically modified, either by the adoption of agriculture or by their integration as mutualists or wage laborers into larger systems, or by their physical resettle ment around mission stations.
Problem 7 . 0 1 ----------------
Why should mutualists and forest product specialists have larger ethnic group sizes than mobile peoples in similar environments?
I conclude that rather than merely remaining exceptions to the generalization, these cases constitute the exceptions that prove the rule. My judgment is supported by the fact that processes leading to intensification could also occur as a result of a groups increased dependence upon aquatic resources, a pattern that, in fact, occurs in table 7.04, row 5, column 3, among peoples in transitional wet habitats who are dependent upon aquatic resources. The population lev els of observed sedentary ethnic groups were smaller than those of their mobile analogues in settings with the same rainfell regimes, a finding that is a dear exception to previous gen eralizations. The expected pattern of larger sedentary ethnic units is found, however, in all other environmental settings in which both mobile and sedentary groups obtain their food primarily from aquatic resources. It was not initially clear how this exceptional pattern was to be understood, since examination of the contributing cases did not reveal any obviously provocative environ mental associations. The single feature that did prove to be important is the coefficient of variation, a parameter that is very high for the mobile cases and very low for the sedentary cases. In table 7.04, the cell formed by the intersection of row 5 and column 3 has a mean value of 2,180.9 persons per eth nic group for mobile cases, with the contributing cases dearly distributed in two distinct sets. Cases with more than 2,700 persons include the Baffin Island Inuit, the Karankawa of the Texas coast, and the West Greenland Inuit, while the Kaurareg, Polar Inuit, Pume, and Coast Yuki have group sizes of fewer than 750 persons. The mean value of this cell is being inflated by the two Eskimo cases, which could better be described as macroregional populations rather than ethnic groups, and by the Karankawa, about whom not much is known. Examination of the cases from the same cell that are classified as seden tary reveals a different pattern. Only one case (the Lummi) has a TLPOP value of less than 750, while values for the remaining five cases (the Hupa, Karok, Squamish, Tolowa, and Wiyot) are over 1,000 persons. These values indicate at least a bimodal distribution in size of ethnic group, and there is a bias in favor of expected large group size in spite of the in flation of the mean by the inclusion of large regional groups of Inuit in the mobile group category. These observations prompt me to reconsider the problems encountered when units of different sizes are considered as equals in this classification of ethnic groups.
Croups differing from one another in a number of different respects are being classified as similar units in the tabulations derived from ethnographic dataof total population size and other properties. For example, the name Heta has been given to a local group of fewer than fifty persons while the designation Baffin Island Inuit includes all of the people living on Baffin Island. Between these extremes are found some cases whose com monality is based on sharing a linguistic dialect or others who represent regional segments of a language group, while still other cases are discrete sociopolitical units, such as the Calusa and Paraujano. Good science demands that generalizations and descrip tions have an unambiguous referent, which in practical terms usually means a well-defined class or category of phe nomena. Unfortunately, I can see no way of ensuring that all of the hunter-gatherer cases in my data base represent the same kind of unit. It may also be true that ethnicity itself is orga nized differently by peoples who live in organizationally dif ferent systems. If this is so, then the defining characteristics of a classification such as ethnic unit must be considered variables organizationally speaking rather than taken together to define an analytical unit or category in terms o f which variability in other properties may be studied. I believe the solution to the conflict between the exigen cies of good science and the inclusion in the data base of some incomparable entities in my classification of so-called ethnic units may lie with the variable population density. Because pop ulation density is a ratio defined as the number o f persons within the boundaries of a geographic unit of specified size, the count of persons and the area occupied is standardized and therefore comparable, regardless of the organizing prin ciple used to identify the social unit occupying a spatial unit. In table 7.02,1 compared the population density levels of both mobile and sedentary peoples against the background of a classification of the climatic conditions of the earth. This comparison revealed that, in all climatic zones for which both sedentary and mobile peoples were available for com parison, higher population densities were found among the sedentary peoples regardless of food sources. This observa tion lends support to the previous correlations noted between the reduction in the total area occupied by an ethnic group, an associated increase in the numbers of persons included in the ethnic group, and reductions in mobility leading to sedentary settlement patterns. Of the generalizations derived thus far from the patterns produced by analysis of the 339 cases in the hunter-gatherer data set, generalizations 7.06 and 7.07 appear the most provocative. Taken together, they claim that, other things being
equal, there is a twofold difference between tactically mobile and more stationary hunter-gatherers who live among, and are articulated primarily with, other hunter-gatherers. First, more people are included in an ethnic unit, and, even more importantly, there is a reduction in the size of the area con trolled by these enlarging ethnic groups. When these obser vations are related to others first introduced in chapter 6, a clue emerges about how subsistence behavior changes rela tive to intensificational processes:
Proposition 7.0 3
Any conditions that contribute to a reduction in area and increased ethnic group numbers will favor a shift in subsistence strategies and an accompanying reduc tion in dependence upon terrestrial animals.
Given what I think is secure knowledge, it is reasonable to suggest that if selective forces (such as a reduction in the area needed to sustain a group) are favoring intensification of production, there may be a progression in resource exploita tion down the trophic scale in the direction of lower-level resources. In such a successional sequence, other things being equal, hunter-gatherers would shift from terrestrial animals to aquatic resources to, finally, terrestrial plants in settings in which each o f these options is feasible. In settings in which some constraint renders impossible one or more options, other trajectories may be expected. In environments such as much of the arctic, in which the Terrestrial Model suggested that dependence upon terrestrial animals is not feasible, the only option for successful human occupation of such an environment is either dependence upon aquatic resources or perhaps some combination o f aquatic resource exploitation augmented by hunting terrestrial animals. If none o f the preceding options is unavailable to human groups, the data from north Asia demonstrate that the onh subsistence alternative is to shift to domesticated animals. In plant communities such as the boreal or other northern forests, the exploitation of terrestrial animals will support onh minimal population levels and intensification is likeiv to occur primarily through a major shift to increased exploita* tion of aquatic resources. In warm temperate and equator ial settings, intensification will occur as the end product of
the sequence of changes in trophic level that I originally described. I have also identified another event sequence that can result in changes in mobility and subsistence base. In generaliza tion 7.08,1 noted that, as reductions in a groups mobility occurred, there was an associated reduction in the size of the area it occupied. At the same time, I noted an increase in the numbers of persons included within the group. This pattern persisted when the relationships between mobility and group size were examined relative to environmental variables such as temperature and rainfall (tables 7.02 and 7.03). There were, however, significant exceptions to generalization 7.08. In three of the five exceptional cells in table 7.04, the rever sal of the relationship between group size and the area occu pied by the group was understandable when it was learned that all of the sedentary cases were classified as suspect (SUB POP = x). Such a designation indicates that the cases appeared to have been strongly conditioned by more complex, nonhunter-gatherer systems in the region. I would argue that the suspect cases reflect the conse quences of life in the colonial era, during which documen tary evidence records many instances of massive decreases in population and displacement of local peoples. Colonial administrations also encouraged native peoples to settle at newly established missions and towns, where they were pressed into wage-based labor. Any or all of these factors would be expected to reduce the size of the area exploited by stillmobile peoples and to affect the size of already sedentary pop ulations. For peoples dependent upon aquatic resources, however, the picture is a more complex. -------------------- G eneralization 7.1 7 -------------------Under some conditions, sedentism is associated with a reduc tion in the area controlled by an ethnic group, whereas in other situationswhich appear to be related to success in warfare or alliance buildingthe area controlled by an ethnic group enlarges as intensification increases.
ethnic units than expected and are heavily concentrated in wet environments. At this juncture, however, a better per spective on the issues of area utilized and ethnic group size can be obtained from anthropologists who have already wrestled with causality in this domain.
It should be stressed that, at some point, the preceding trends must reverse themselves, since larger ethnic group sizes and control over larger areas are demonstrable in many sys tems with clearly identified hunter-gatherer antecedents. In answer to the question of what factors condition a reversal of the patterning seen among mobile hunter-gatherers, so far my analysis has allowed me only to suggest that warfare and sociopolitical complexity appear correlated with huntergatherer groups that also appear to be operating from an expansionist imperative. It is also important to keep in mind that more research must be devoted to the cases isolated in table 7.04 that indi cate there is something strange about mutualists and forest product specialists (problem 7.01). These groups have larger
hunter-gatherer mobility is high, the area controlled by groups of foragers is large, whereas groups whose mobility is reduced are associated with smaller geographic regions. I have also argued that the number of persons constituting a discrete ethnic unit is small among mobile peoples and con sistently larger among more sedentary groups, regardless of trophic bias in the subsistence base. These studies show that, other things being equal, population density is positively related to situations in which the variable AREA is small, a finding that directly contradicts Birdsells expectations. These results also challenge Birdsells argument for the existence of a self-defining unit that he later termed the dialectical tribe. This influential construct was estimated to have a mean size of 500 persons and, at the Man the Hunter conference, it stimulated considerable discussion about demographic constants and their role as determinants of the group sizes of modern and Pleistocene hunters (Lee and DeVore 1968a:245-48). Instead of identifying demographic constants, my data exhibit considerable variability, at least at the level of the pos tulated dialectical tribe. All of this variability appears related to mobility and environment, as indicated by the vari ables included in the best-fit equations for AREA, which were obtained by segregating the hunter-gatherer cases in terms of subsistence base, as well as by patterning relating to mobility, as indicated by the variable GRPPAT. My study reveals that rather different environmental variables predict AREA, depending upon the character of the subsistence base. This is not what one would expect if Birdsells relationship between area and rainfall was the only factor conditioning the size of ethnic unit areas. My pattern recognition stud ies also show that very different kinds of units stand behind the ethnic units included in the hunter-gatherer data base (generalization 7.13). A comparison of my findings with Birdsells important and visionary work7 still leaves unconsidered two aspects of the problem that he sought to solve. First, I must deal with the issue of how density relates to environmental variables. Of equal importance is the concept of self-defining units in general, particularly the magic number of twenty-five, which to Birdsell and others suggested the presence of self defining features in hunter-gatherer group formation processes.
r i"
55 4000
< "c
a j 2000' % 1000 55
-1000 -SO
Demonstration of a Poisson distribution for the observed values of ethnic area sizes and population density. Marker is relative mobility of the cases (GRPPAT): (1) mobile cases and (2) relatively sedentary cases.
As I have already noted, the term population density refers to a ratio that expresses two measurements: a given number of persons and a spatial unit of measurement, such as one square kilometer. Ratios are extremely useful ways of sum marizing observations, but when a ratio varies there is no way
of knowing which term in the ratio is varying, or whether both are varying, or how they are related. This ambiguity made the possibility of self-defining demographic constants a credible idea, and it prompted Birdsell to argue that the population size of so-called tribal units varied around a mean o f500 per sons. According to the logic of Birdsells argument, such a con stant was not responsive to environmental variables and was therefore self-defining. Only the area controlled by an ethnic unit was thought to be related to environmental vari ables, and any correlation between density and environ ment arose because a constant was being divided by the environmentally responsive variable termed tribal" or eth nic area. In figure 7.02, the relationship between AREA and DEN SITY is displayed for the cases in this study. The pattern resembles the Poisson relationship that Birdsell demon strated between tribal area and mean annual rainfall, using cases from the interior of Australia. Undoubtedly Birdsell would have interpreted this pattern as support for his argu ment that the number of persons per tribal or ethnic area var ied slightly around a constant value of 500 persons. Oases on the vertical axis reflect groups located in environments in which rainfall was very low and AREA was very large-cir cumstances in which, Birdsell argued, population density val ues would be very low. Cases on the horizontal axis occurred in regions where rainfall was very high and areas were wry small, resulting in very high density values tor tribal groups of 500 persons.
-1000^ ) I I I J I , 1 I I r I I I n I I r 1 I < 1 I > ! 1 I I I H I I I I I I I 1.1 I I . -2000 0 2000 4000 6000 6000 10000 12000 14000 16000
There does not appear to be a "self-defining" constant struc turing the number of persons included in hunter-gatherer regional units, dialect groups, or ethnic units. The data reveal that large-scale, collective human groups co-vary in size with environmental variables. Large-scale macro units are pre sumably selectively conditioned, and the extent to which they can be thought of as system state indicators is also variable.
I think, nevertheless, that the fundamental hunter-gatherer socioeconomic unit is not a language group or a dialect sub group or an ethnic unit per se. If I want to learn something about the dynamic processes underlying hunter-gatherer social forms, I need to examine properties and units that have the potential to be more directly informative about culturalIn figure 7.03, however, when I display the scatter plots of ecological relationships. I begin by shifting scales and examin ing some statistics summarizing properties of hunter-gatherer the distribution of cases plotted by AREA on the y axis and total population (TLPOP) on the x axis, it is clear that there systems that refer to internally variable phenomena, that is, is no support for Birdsells position. Cases with both large and properties that vary among the social components of the small ethnic units have small areas, and those with large larger-scale ethnic units that I have treated as ethnographic areas also have high population density values. In other cases. The target of this research is the size of the on-theground social unit, the sum total of which units constitutes words, both AREA and TLPOP are varying. Total population an ethnic group. is therefore not a constant, nor is there support for the view I have recorded data from ethnographic sources relating that all variability in TLPOP is referable to different types of to the three types of groups previously referred to in this chap ethnic units within the sample. I think it was worthwhile to compare the patterning pro ter as GROUP 1, GROUP2, and GROUP3. Table 7.05 sum marizes the means and standard deviations of these three types duced by my hunter-gatherer data set with Birdsells postu of camping units that can be observed to vary within ethnic lation of a self-limiting regional population unit, and I units. The cases are separated in terms of GRPPAT and SUB believe that I have demonstrated that his argument is not sus POP, and means are provided for cases in terms of their pri tained.8 The same patterning has, however, occurred in mary dependence upon either terrestrial plants, terrestrial many different manifestations, and it has been summarized animals, or aquatic resources. in generalizations 7.08-7.12. The patterns in the hunterIt is interesting to look at the data in table 7.05 in light of gatherer data set imply a process of intensification, particu Julian Stewards (1936:344) argument that peoples who were larly those patterns illustrating that as the area utilized by an dependent upon terrestrial animals had larger band sizes ethnic group decreases, the number of persons within such than groups dependent on other food resources. Steward a unit increases. This pattern is strongly reinforced by con trasts in the degree of mobility maintained by relevant believed that successful hunting was contingent upon the coor dinated collaboration of numbers of hunters, and the data hunter-gatherer cases and suggests that I may need to change in table 7.05 which demonstrate that the mean group sixes the scale at which I look for patterns in the data, since mobil ity is not, strictly speaking, responsive to conditions at the level of peoples dependent upon terrestrial animals are largest of the ethnic group but varies in response to circumstances among mobile peoplescertainly support his assumption. affecting the local groups that together compose the ethnic Furthermore, mobile groups of terrestrial plant exploiters are unit. in some cases approximately half the size of analogous groups
Demonstration of the partial independence between ethnic area and the population size of an ethnic group. Marker is relative mobility of the cases (GRPPAT): (1) mobile cases and (2) relatively sedentary cases.
22 6
Group 1 (GRP1): Size o f the most mobile residential group n x 1 2 1 12.2 4.0 13.2 1.5 17.2 6.0 (61) (05) (25) 23.8 14.6 (61) 21.9 + 5.7 (04) 13.2 4 .6 (33 ) 19.0 + 94 pm 15.412.1(05)
Group 2 (GRP2): Size o f the most aggregated residential group 1 2 1 2 34.5 10.9 87.5 37.5 40.5 16.7 67.430.7 (67) (14) (28) (13) 97.6 94.3 (65) 76.0 (01) 57.713.7 (03) Group 3 (GRP3): Size o f periodic aggregates 1 2
46.7 24.6 (32) 126.4 131 ,5 (67 ) 39.8 14.1 (05) 34.0(01)
156.2 92.5 (52) 214.3 937.7 (12) 119.3 67.8 (23) 166.065.2 (08)
181.2 89.8 (33) 273.8 187.7 (18) 83.3 22.1 (04) 80.0(01)
Note: Underlined values are the highest value in the row; italics indicate highest value in GRPPAT comparisons among sets with identical values, e.g^ 1 or 2 in a column.
exploiting terrestrial animals. Similar proportional differences prevail between groups in the GROUP2 and GROUP3 cat egories, which are only 50 percent as large as the groups o f terrestrial hunters. I noted in chapter 1 that the ethnographic records avail able to Steward contained relatively poor data on groups o f northern boreal forest hunters. As a result, he had assumed that the large group sizes reported for these units meant that they must have been similar to the large, cooperatively organized groups of horse-mounted hunters documented on the Great Plains of North America. The provenance of Stew ards assumption prompts me to investigate whether there is any systematic difference in organization between mounted hunters and peoples who exploit wild terrestrial animals using other modes of transport. Table 7.06 summarizes the data relative to this inquiry by isolating and separately tab ulating the thirty cases o f mounted hunters in my study (groups 23,51,209,222,227,229,230,234,240-260, and 333). When, in fact, groups o f mounted hunters are tabulated independently, the dramatic contrast in group size identified in table 7.05 disappears from summaries o f the remaining hunter-gatherer cases. Nevertheless, meaningful differences distinguish hunters from peoples dependent on other food resources (for instance, nonequestrian hunters still have the largest GRDUP1, GROUP2, and GROUP3 sizes). The reason why equestrian hunters have larger group sixes, however,
remains unknown. Was Steward correct in suggesting that suc cessful hunting required cooperation at a larger organizational scale? He was thinking o f the labor investment that was required to launch game drives focused on relatively large herd mammals such as bison and caribou, but perhaps hunting imposes constraints or imperatives on group size that have not yet been identified. These questions suggest that perhaps my research might benefit from a consideration o f the factors affecting huntergatherer group size in general before I attempt to answer more specific questions about organizational dynamics in lessinclusive situations. I will begin with the observation that in all comparisons o f group size in table 7.06, peoples primar ily exploiting terrestrial plants have the smallest group size, hunters o f terrestrial animals have the largest group sire, and peoples primarily dependent upon aquatic resources are located in between. It is also worth noting that in all on-theground groups regardless o f subsistence base group sire is larger for sedentary peoples than for mobile peoples. The comparisons in table 7.06 include two very different kinds o f units: ethnic groups of various sires and smaller res idential groups that together form ethnic groups. There are real differences in group size for peoples exploiting different food resources, and group sire differs consistently between mobile and sedentary peoples. I must conclude that, consistent with earlier generalizations about ethnic group sire and area
7 .O 6
Group 1 (GRP1): Size of the most mobile residential group n n Horse n n Horse
1 1 2 2 12.0 4.0 (59) 16.3 +
5. 1
. ___
20.85.8 (23)
Group 2 (GRP2): Size of the most aggregated residential group n nHorse n nHorse
1 1 2 2 34.1 10.8 (65) 46.5 4.9 (02) 46.7 18.2 (431
565.3 349.9(20)
Note: Underlined values are the highest value in the row; italics indicate highest value in GRPPAT comparisons among sets with identical values, e.g.,
1 or 2 in a column. All horse-mounted hunters were excluded from the total of normal cases. SUBPOP was summarized independently to signify
occupied, I was unable to discover a self-limiting group size that is characteristic of all hunter-gatherers, discussions of a magic number of twenty-five at the Man the Hunter con ference notwithstanding. The presence of moderately low stan dard deviations for GROUP 1 group sizes, however, lends support to the view that some rather regular causal rela tionships condition residential group size. These observations, coupled with my earlier discussions of intensification, prompt me to argue that, other things being equal, intensification should condition group size at all scales of observation. The consequences of intensification, however, should be most regular and pronounced in those domains in which subsistence strategies are directly organized and implemented. As a way of evaluating my impressions of analogous patterning between ethnic unit areas and sizes as opposed to residential groups and their sizes, I prepared figure 7.04, which illustrates the relationship between size of ethnic group area (AREA) and the mean size of residential groups during the most aggregated phase of the annual set tlement cycle (GROUP2). The overall pattern in figure 7.04 illustrates a fuzzy Pois son relationship between the size of the area occupied by an ethnic group and the mean number of persons included in a socioeconomic group within the ethnic group. The scatter plot demonstrates that cases with large group sizes during
1000j -100
2 S it e (G R P 2 ) (persons)
7 . 04
o f 1 P o i s s o n - l i k e r e l a t i o n s h i p b e tw e e n
D e m o n s tr a tio n
aggregated annual camps (GROUP2) are also those with the smallest ethnic areas. Cases with the smallest GROUP2 group sizes are also those that usually have the largest eth nic areas. These results support the earlier impression that at least some of the same processes not only are operating on ethnic groups but also are conditioning the size of the onthe-ground socioeconomic units that constitute ethnic groups. Both comparisons reveal that as larger numbers of people are included within groups, such groups have access to the resources of a smaller area. Since area is decreasing at the same time that numbers o f people are increasing absolutely, intensificational processes must have an acceler ating effect on ratios such as population density. Even though trends in the direction of intensification are common to all hunter-gatherer cases in the data set, it is clear that the type of food resource that assumes dietary predominance strongly and differentially conditions the size of analogous groups and, therefore, the way groups are dis persed spatially. Groups that are primarily dependent upon terrestrial animals have the largest group sizes and tend to have the largest areas, whereas peoples primarily exploiting aquatic resources cluster in groups of moderate size, and peoples dependent upon terrestrial plants have the smallest group sizes. Not only do changes in the primary food resource appear to play a role in determining group size, there also seems to be sequential patterning when hunter-gatherer cases are ordinated in terms of intensificational indicators. There are clear indications that peoples who are primarily dependent upon terrestrial animals uniformly respond to intensificational pressures by reducing their dependence upon these resources. In temperate and arctic settings, aquatic resources are exploited more heavily during periods of intensification, whereas peoples in warm-temperate and tropical settings may shift to terrestrial plants, aquatic resources, or some combi nation of both. Among terrestrial plant-dependent peoples, aquatic resources may assume an important role, but increased dependence upon terrestrial plants seems to be the ultimate response to intensification.
I have demonstrated so far that a suite of patterned rela tionships underlies the differences between hunter-gatherer systems that are mobile and those that are more sedentary. I do not know, however, whether the transition in system state from high mobility to residential stability is the kind of scalar relationship implied by the word intensification or whether an abrupt and rapid set of changes related to regional dynamics is set in motion by intensification (generalization 7.17). I also do not have any satisfactory measure of the area occupied by a hunter-gatherer ethnic group that can be
unambiguously related to the measure of the number of persons occupying different types of socioeconomically and reproductively integrated groups. All that I have, in fact, is a set of provocative patterns illustrating relationships between mobility, basic classes of wild food resources, and spatially defined social groups that all point to a set of causal rela tionships between the organization of hunter-gatherer task groups and the character of the tasks. At the conceptual level, I have an intellectual tool inten sificationthat defines a changing set of relationships between persons and their use of a geographic area. The challenge, at this juncture, is to develop an argument about how the world works in a dynamic sense relative to my idea of inten sification. This will permit me to anticipate accurately the cir cumstances in which changes in the size of a geographic area, changes in the number of persons in spatially clus tered groups, and changes in the target of food procure ment and the labor strategies employed in food procurement would occur. If I can develop an argument about how inten sification occurs, not only will I be able to identify the dif ferences between the cases in my data set that refer to intensification, I will also be able to anticipate when inten sification would and would not occur. I am describing, of course, a theory of intensification that in principle would also account for the set of past dynamics usually referred to as the origins o f agriculture, and perhaps other transitions in system state as well I am, however, just beginning to explore different kinds of units and to isolate patterns that will help narrow down the character of the variability that theory building efforts will address. I can expect that a shift from pattern recognition studies to theory building will necessitate some changes in tactics, and I will illustrate what I mean by returning to the issue of the ambiguity in one of my basic units of comparison, the eth nic group. My working definition of an ethnic unit is an association of on-the-ground hunter-gatherer groups that are econom ically and reproductively integrated within a wider system. In order to transform this informal definition into a mean ingful component of a theory, I need to identify some specific properties of groups in terms of which I can isolate and array the cases in my data set. In chapter 4 ,1 referred to this sorting and regrouping strategy as dttnettsiomilizing data, and, in my judgment, a good place to begin this particular kind of scrutiny is with the variable 1 call ruu/> size. At the outset, it might seem that I already have a useful measure of group size that is, the number of persons in a group but, as will be seen, that phrase tells us very little I want to dimensionalize my data in informative terms by developing an instrument for measurement that will define a dimension consisting of unique units, such as inches, and provide a continuous scale of measurement that, having a ref erent, carries directly readable information.
Measurement of a quantity implies that a number is assigned to represent its magnitude. Usually the assign ment can be made by a simple comparison. The mag nitude of the quantity is compared to a standard quantity, the magnitude of which is arbitrarily chosen to have the measure 1. Quantities having a scale of measurement chosen in this way arbitrarily and independently of the scales of other quantities are called fundamental and all other quantities are measured in units defined in relation to, or derived from fundamental quantities. (Morris 1969:811) Considered in these terms, what, I may ask, is the standard for measuring group size? Obviously it is numbers of per sons, but how do I determine what a group might be? The concept of group size expresses a vague ratio in which the group provides the boundary conditions for counting per sons. In this sense, a group is conventionally defined as any collection or assemblage of persons or things; cluster; aggre gation (Morris 1969:582). This means that a group is defined with reference to space as a cluster or aggregation. There are, however, other characteristics that allow us to distinguish one kind of group from another, as I illustrated in my typology of group pattern (GRPPAT) that distin guishes between mobile and sedentary residential units (table 7.05). Model building is one of the tactics available to me in my quest to identify the properties of groups that interact to produce causal responses in other variables, and at this point I will build a structure that embodies my units of interest and their germane properties in order to explore their relation ships and the ways in which they respond to intensificational processes.
residential groups and examine how the proportional rela tionships between producers and dependents affect group size. Then I will demonstrate the character of the relationship between group size and mobility using modeled relationships of land use.
Proposition 7.04
Other things being equal, mobility costs act as the ultimate limiting factor on economically constituted hunter-gatherer group sizes.
In other words, minimizing mobility costs provides the con text for understanding how other variables regularly inter act. Given this limiting factor, 1 must identify the variables that act as fundamental conditioners of hunter-gatherer subsistence performance. This model building exercise must perforce consist of two parts. First I will explore the factors conditioning subsistence performance within hunter-gatherer
Since a social group is minimally a unit of food procurement and consumption, the fundamental components of the group, when viewed from this perspective, consist of the persons who are active food procurers and the persons who are consumers but usually not food procurers. Empirical evidence suggests there is a rather narrow range of variabil ity in the relationship between consumers and producers referred to as the dependency ratiowhich is calculated by dividing the total number of persons in the group by the num ber of active food producers. The resulting value represents the number of consumers, including the producers themselves, who must be fed by a single food producer. One feature of the human life course is the extended period of maturation that juveniles experience, and any model of human economic behavior must take into con sideration the consumer demands made by immature off spring on a single producer. One important source of variability in the dependency ratio is, therefore, the age structure of a population. From the populational perspective, however, which is concerned with very large aggregate units, the age structure of a population does not modify the depen dency ratio as much as might be anticipated. For instance, a very young population has many children relative to the adult producer category, while the number of old persons is small. On the other hand, in populations that are classified as old, there are fewer young children relative to the number of producers, but the number of aged dependents increases (see Wrigley 1969:23-28). For purposes of discrimination, however, at present I am looking at hunter-gatherer groups at an entirely different scale and am concerned with actual on-the-ground group sizes, in aggregations that ethnographers would be likely to see dur ing their field work in an ethnic territory. For instance, in the November 1968 census reported by Nancy Howell (1979:45 h the dependency ratio is 1.598 persons for a !Kung popula tion of 569 people, whereas between 1964 and 1973 the aggregate value from JKung camps with a total population of 561 people is 1.65 persons (Lee 1979:68-70) Table 7.07 illustrates the fact that among !Kung hunters and gatherers living in relatively small groups during 1964, the dependency ratio varied between 1.25 and 3.00 persons. In contrast, in the contemporary world of nation-states, the dependency ratio ranges between 1.10 and 1.98, based on a
GROUP PLACEMENT DOBE ( n e ISHI) DOBE (TOMA//GWE) Jkangwa ( b o ) BATE (XOMA) BATE (KXARU) !k u bi ( n / a h k a ) GOSHE (/TISHE) GSHE (/T i ! k AY) GOSHE (BO) ! g o s h e kau ( d w a ) /XAl/XAI (//KAU) /XAl/XAI (//KAIHANIa ) / x a i / x a i ( t o m a !x w a ) /XAl/XAI (SA//GAI) / x a i/ x a i ( t o m a z h o ) TOTAL (N = 15) MEAN NUMBER OF PERSONS MEAN NUMBER OF PRODUCERS MEAN DEPENDENCY RATIO FROM TOTALS MEAN OF CAMP DEPENDENCY RATIOS
z u
a s i
k u n g
8 12
23 23
11 8
17 15
12 8 8 2
1.57 1.73 1.25 1.35 1.53 1.37 1.90 130 2.60 3.00 1.76 2.25 1.65
3 9 3
19 13 13 9 30 18 28 273 18.20 10.86 1.68 1.68
8 10 10
5 3 17
17 163
10 11 110
Notes: 1. The highest dependency ratio is indicated by bold type; the lowest is italicized. Data were recorded by Lee (1979:68) during the high-food-density period in 1964. The term Producers refers to persons between the ages of fifteen and fifty-nine. The name of the groups headman, in parentheses, follows the name of the camps location.)
definition o f producers as persons older than age fifteen and younger than age sixty-five (Hawley 1959:365). The median value corrected for the definition of producers in con temporary populations is 1.57 persons. Based on Lees ( 1979) data, it appears unrealistic to include hunter-gatherers older than age fifty-nine in the producer category, so I have followed Lees convention o f calculating dependency ratios based on an age span for producers o f between fifteen and fifty-nine years of age. I was able to find only eighteen cases in the ethnographic literature for which dependency ratio values were calcu lated, and these are listed in table 7.08. In light o f such lim ited evidence of hunter-gatherer demography, it is difficult to extrapolate the best estimate for hunter-gatherers in gen eral, but I believe that the contemporary global data, coupled with data available from ethnographic sources, will produce a defensible (if not ideal) mean value. Obviously, if I were omniscient, I might discover that the real dependency ratio value is different, but for purposes of model building I will use a dependency ratio of 1.75 consumers per producer.
Australia by McCarthy and McArthur ( 1960), who reported on the work habits o f two different groups of Aboriginal hunter-gatherers. The data are summarized in table 7.09. One group o f thirteen people, five o f whom were children (depen dency ratio o f 1.62), were observed foraging over a seven-day period near Hemple Bay on Groote Eyelandt During this time, ten female foraging expeditions were observed, the average size o f the foraging unit was 2.2 persons, and the average dura tion o f each expedition was 7.0 hours. There were four adult women in the group o f thirteen persons, so there were twenty-eight potential female work days during the period o f observation. O f this total, women actually worked on twenty-two days, which means that each woman partici pated in a work group every 1.27 days. During the same seven-day period of observation, the men in the group, who were engaged in both collecting and fish ing, were observed on five fishing expeditions. The average size o f the foraging unit was 2.6 men, and each expedition lasted an average o f 6.26 hours. Seven collecting expedi tions were observed with an average o f 1.26 men per expe dition and an average duration o f 5.1 hours. O f the twenty-eight potential work days available to men, foraging units were actually engaged in subsistence activities on twenty-two, which means that males participated in a work
H urtado 1985:39 Denham 1975:135 Krupnik 1993:46 Rose 1960:61 Altm an 1 9 8 7 :1 0 1 -5 Blurton-Jones et al. 1 9 9 2 :1 6 7 M orris 1982a: 169 Howell 1979:45 Lee 1 9 7 9 :6 8 -7 0 Ichikawa 1978:141 Jones 1963:67 Krupnik 1993:99 Binford 1 9 9 1 a :2 9 -8 9 Yengoyan 1970:73 Gragson 1 9 8 9 :1 2 6 -2 7 H olm berg 1950:51 H olm berg 1950:51 Jones 1963:28 1.75 1.84 1.71
1.60 1.65 1.81 1.75 1.69 2.09 1.62 1.59 1.70 1.61 1.76
H U N T E R - G AT H E R E R
EYELAN D T 22 4W m a t
31 3.19 persons 3.86 hours 119.67 hours 381.74 hours 140 days 154 days 2.72 hours 2.40 hours Every 1.43 days
1.99 persons 6.2 8 hours 138.27 hours 2 7 5 .1 5 hours 56 days 91 days 4.91 hours 3.02 hours
E v e r y 1.27 days
group every 1.27 days. From the standpoint of labor expen diture, this value is identical to that of the women, although the duration of the male foraging expeditions was less than the duration of the female expeditions. In contrast, table 7.09 summarizes the fourteen-day record available for a group of eleven persons (ten adults with a depen dency ratio of 1.10) living in the Dry Fish Creek area of Arnhem Land, fifty miles from Oenpelli station. Observations were recorded between October 7 and 20, near the end of the long dry season, when food resources are least abundant. Twelve female collecting expeditions were observed, composed on averageof325 women and lasting on average for only three hours and twenty-four minutes. Of the possible fifty-six female work days, work occurred on only thirty-nine, which meant that a woman participated in a work group every 1.43 days. On ten occasions, males were observed hunting terrestrial mammals, with an average of 3.1 persons per expedition, each of which lasted an average of five hours and ten minutes. Nine fishing expeditions were observed, lasting an average of three hours and two minutes, with an average foraging unit of 3.22 persons. Of the eighty-four potential male work days, men participated in a work group every 1.4 days, for a total of 60 work days. Once again, this value very closely approximates the work schedule of the women in the group. The comparison of these two Australian cases in table 7.09 suggests that the dependency ratio has a significant effect on work effort In the Fish Creek group each producer worked only 2.72 hours per day, whereas in the Hemple Bay group each pro ducer worked 4.91 hours per day. In other words, the producers in the Fish Creek group worked only 55 percent as much as the producers in the Hemple Bay group. On the other hand, when I compare the two groups in terms of consumer days, individuals at Fish Creek worked 2.40 hours per consumer day whereas the Hemple Bay group worked 3.02 hours. In this comparison, Fish Creek producers worked 79 per cent as much as the Hemple Bay group relative to the num ber of consumers in the group. The difference between 55 percent and 79 percent is, other things being equal, the difference that dependency ratios of 1.10 and 1.62 make relative to the work effort required of producers. In other words, 53 percent of the observed difference in work effort expended between the two groups may be related directly to differences in the dependency ratio, while the remaining 47 percent is presum ably related to differences in the availability of food resources in the two habitats. I believe that this example illustrates the importance of an additional variable that must be included in any model that might be built to demonstrate the relationship between group size and labor organization. Division o f Labor and Male and Female Labor Schedules
The organizational character of the division of labor and the way k is reflected in daily work schedules have an important
effect on the number of producers in a group and the w ay their labor is deployed on a daily basis. At this point in my inquiry, I want to be able to identify the factors that gov ern differential male and female participation in the food procurement labor force and to discover what conditions determine the size and frequency of food-getting expedi tions. With regard to the former, individuals obviously vary in their capacity to perform work, but one might nevertheless expect there to be a mean number of days of effort per year that could be accepted as a standard for foragers working on foot. In fact, data on this subject are scarce, but I have been able to find some information in the ethnographic record. Richard Lee (1969) has recorded some pertinent obser vations about the Dobe !Kung (Zu/wasi) Bushmen that I paraphrase because of their relevance to my present con cern. Men tended to work more than women, Lee reported, but their schedules were unpredictable. A man might hunt three days in a row and then do no hunting for ten days or two weeks. Lees activity diary of the Dobe camp followed the eleven males of hunting age in residence at the camp over a twentyseven-day period in July 1964. During that interval, four of the eleven men did no hunting at all, while the other seven men worked an average of three or four days per week, resulting in a total of seventy-eight man-days spent hunting. Since there were 189 potential work days for the active men and hunting occurred on only seventy-eight days, hunters were active on only 41.2 percent of the available days. In other words, during a one-year period, the average hunter would be expected to work 150.4 days. If I include the four inactive men in the calculation, I obtain a workday percentage of only 26.2 percent or an expected work budget of only 95.6 hunt ing days per year per man. In his description of the Xai/Xai IKung at /Du/da, Lee (1968) has reported that adult work routines were similar to those described for the nearby Dobe !Kung to the north. Adults preferred to work one day and stay home the next, and on a typical day one-third to one-half of the able-bodied adults were at home, either resting or doing maintenance chores. Adolescents and old people performed serious work even fewer days per week. The hunting patterns of the men at /D u/da were also different from those observed in the north. Lee has recorded that, on occasion, parties of hunters stayed out several nights tracking down and butchering an antelope, although the more usual pattern of adult male work consisted of a day of hunting followed by a day spent in camp All of the able-bodied men at /Du/da hunted on a tegu lar basis, although there were differences among them in skill, luck, and the numbers of antelope they killed. Draper (per tonal communication April 1974) has noted that the women of /Du/da spent more hours per week gathering than did the women of Dobe or Mahopa. Their gathering trips lasted *ix
to eight hours per day, reflecting the feet that they walked far ther in a day and that they searched for a greater variety and volume of bush foods. Holmberg reported that, half a world away, the Siriono hunters of Bolivia maintained a very different schedule: The most persistent hunter was out for 16 o f the 31 days in August, 12 of the 30 days in September, and 19 of the 31 days in October. The majority of the hunters averaged from 11 12 days a month" (1950:31). According to these observations, the most active Siriono hunter was engaged in food production for forty-seven of the ninety-two days on which observations were made, or 51.0 percent o f the total period. If this pro portion of days worked to days not worked was maintained on a yearly basis, this Siriono hunter would have been engaged in food production for 186.1 days o f the year. The other men in Holmbergs study would have hunted approx imately 35.8 percent o f the days in the period of observation or an estimated 130.7 days of the year. The mean estimate of the total number of days during which observation occurred would approximate 138 days per year. Holmberg noted, however, that to be sure the conditions at Tibaera were not in all respects aboriginal. Informants told me, however, and my observations under aboriginal conditions seem to bear them out, that a man goes hunting on the average of every other day throughout the year. On the odd days he rests, repairs arrows, eats (1950:32). Clearly the Siriono are more persistent hunters than the !Kung. An estimate of their level of activity would be between 138 and 186 days per year under aboriginal conditions, although I doubt that the average of every other day reported by Holmbergs informant applied to all of the men in the labor pool. As the best estimate, therefore, I will accept a value halfway between the two reported values, or 162 days per year. Another on-the-ground group for which data on food pro duction exist are the Nunamiut caribou hunters of north cen tral Alaska. I have restricted my consideration of the Nunamiut data to a twenty-six-day period during which the Eskimo engaged in intense hunting at the peak of the fall 1971 cari bou migration (Binford 1978). Because of several coincidences, the number of hunters in the village was low, the caribou migration was smaller than normal in terms of animal den sity, and the animals were more dispersed than usual. For these reasons, the data from this period should be a fair approxi mation of the level of a hunters performance when operat ing at maximum capacity. My records show that there were nineteen active hunters during the caribou migration and, therefore, 494 potential hunter-days in the record. Of those 494 days, die men hunted 237 days or 47.9 percent of the time. If this level of investment were to be maintained throughout the year, the men would have hunted 174.8 days per year. Using the records of the three preceding cases, I have determined that an energetic !Kung hunter would invest 150*4 days each year in terrestrial animal procurement, an aver
age Siriono would work 162 days per year at the same activ ity, and a Nunamiut Eskimo working at peak performance would be expected to hunt about 174.8 days per year. Although these estimates are not conclusive and are based on limited data, I would argue that the maximum effort that might be expected of a hunter would result in a hunting schedule of approximately 180 days per year or, on average, every other day. This estimate appears reasonable since foraging groups also need time to move camp and to cope with illness and the varying capabilities of individuals who differ in age and state of health. Since a hunters weekly schedule does not proceed with the regularity o f an office workers, a day o f strenuous hunting is likely to be followed by a day spent recuperat ing and repairing gear. Although I have suggested that the maximum number of days of active hunting that males in a hunter-gatherer society might be expected to maintain is 180, a more realistic estimate of the level of performance that could be sustained over long periods of time might be closer to between 165 and 175 days per year. For purposes of model building, therefore, I have decided that 170 days per year is a reasonable estimate of the time an average hunter will invest in the procurement of terrestrial animal resources.
My estimate of group size represents a mean calculated over a full year, since for short periods of time only 10 pro ducers instead of 11.7 would be necessary. If there were only ten producers in a group (five of whom could work each day), at a dependency ratio of 1.75, a minimal group size of 17.5 persons could be maintained. If group size falls below this level and at least a partial collapse of the male-female division of labor occurs, group sizes of 10.23 persons (for a long-term group) or 8.75 persons, based on group members working 50 percent of the time, could be maintained.10 A group size of 8.75 persons approximates a modal value when the group is at a truly minimal level and maintains a somewhat increased work load by dispensing with the male-female division of labor. It is likely, however, that these conditions would occur only during a relatively short period of the annual settlement round and that during the majority of the year minimal group size values of between 17.5 and 20.47 persons would be more common. The Terrestrial Model is designed to explore the rela tionships between the variables that condition group size under certain assumed initial conditions. The model is sta tic in that minimal labor and producer relationships are considered constants when calculating the interaction among the variables in the model. I have therefore defined a standardized measurement of group size that has direct meaning for hunter-gatherer labor organization and the relationships between food procurement and consumption. I refer to this measure as a COHAB because it represents the minimal size of a local group that camps and forages together and is capable of sustained subsistence procurement tasks. One COHAB represents 20.47 persons, and I can determine the number of COHABs that any particular hunter-gatherer group represents by dividing the number of persons in that group by 20.47. For instance, if a group includes 57 persons, its group size would be 2.784 COHABs (57 divided by 20.47). By modeling the relationships among a suite of variables that demonstrably condition hunter-gatherer group size under certain assumed initial conditions, I have now created a dimension in terms of which I can array and compare data. Andbecause the COHAB standard is not defined with respect to any spatial or geographic properties, it is unambiguous as measured. The model is minimalist because it assumes that some very important conditions favor minimal group size among mobile hunter-gatherersthe primary limiting fac tor being mobility itself.
At a given level of food availability in the habitat, the larger the group size, the greater the demand on the available food supply per unit of occupied area. Therefore, other things being equal, in the absence of intensification, the larger the group size, the greater the number of moves a group must make dur ing a year in order to meet subsistence needs.
This statement makes sense, however, only if there is some basic limitation affecting the size of the area that a group is able to exploit on a daily basis. By convention, this impor tant variable has been referred to as a foraging radius. M odeling the M in im al Subsistence Area From the short-term perspective of a single day, it is reasonable to ask if there are certain limits on the size of the area that human beings can readily cover in the course of their food procurement activities. I assume that those human attributes affecting levels of physical performance, such as stature, metabolic rate, musculature, and so forth, would be pri mary conditioners of the distance a human being could comfortably cover in a single day, other things (e.g., health, age) being equal. Geographic and seasonal differences in the number of day light hours might also be expected to affect the number of hours a forager could devote to acquiring food resources, as would regional temperatures and the foraging distance. These factors would affect foraging schedules and ranges in any given setting but would not have a direct effect on the physiologically based optimal foraging distance for human beings, other things being equal. I also expect optimal for aging distance to form a normal distribution for which the standard deviation of the mean would be relatively low. I turned to ethnographic sources in an attempt to assign an empirical value to optimal foraging distance but was sur prised to discover that most ethnographers have failed to pro vide data on the number of hours worked or the distances covered by the peoples they observed. The body of relevant data (which includes my own field observations) turns out to have been collected by only a small number of persons: Robert Altman, Patricia Draper, Richard Gould, Russell Greaves, Kristen Hawkes, Kim Hill, Betty Meehan, and John Yellen. Data from these researchers are presented in tables 7.10-7.12, which also include summarizing statements from a number of sources and information supplied to me by Woodie Denham, Rhys fones, Mervin Meggitt, and lames OConnell. Although these data are dearly limited, they will allow me to make a reasonable estimate of hunter-gatherer foraging ranges for inclusion in the model. It should be noted that some of the foraging expeditions quantified and presented in tables 7.10 7.12 occurred under special circumstances that require elaboration. For instance.
The linkage between mobility and group size is relatively traightforward and is summarized in the following generalization:
( k m /h r )
1. Ten berry-picking foraging expeditions by N unam iut Eskimo women during late sum m er 1972 and 1973 (Binford, unpublished data)
3 5 3 WOMEN AND 2 GIRLS 1 WOMAN AND 2 GIRLS 1 3 .5 1 4 .3 1 4 .6 9 .3 9 .5 1 5 .9 1 3 .0 6 .7 5 .9 7 .3 2 .9 3.1 4 .7
2 .4 1 1 .9 9 3 .2 1 3 .0 5 3 .3 8
5 .5 5 .6 5 .7
1 .9 4
1 1 .9 1 2 .4
2 .1 7 2 1 .5 4
1 2 5 .3
5 3 .5
1 2 .5
5 .3 5 1 .4 2
2 .1 6 0 .9 2
2. Three foraging expeditions by Alyawara-speaking Australian women to collect seed and bush potatoes at MacDonald Downs, Northern Territories, 1974 (Binford, unpublished data)
4 1 1 .3 1 2 .9 NUMBER OF CHILDREN TOTAL NUMBER MEAN STANDARD DEVIATION 3 .6 6 .3 4 .0 1 3 .9 7 3 .0 4 .6 5 1 .43
3 .0 6 2 .0 3
8.0 20.0
3 .0
7 .1 0 3 .0 2 .3 7 0 .5 9
6.66 1.22
2 .5 6
the data on N unam iu t m ale foraging parties were collected during the sum m er, when daylight is con tin u ou s in the high arctic. T h e settlem en t was subsisting p rim arily on stored foods and hunting expeditions were rare (during the sum m er m onths, a single h u n ter m ight m ake only o n e foraging trip ). These circum stances accou n t for the high values recorded for
ro u n d -trip distance and foraging radius, as well as the m ean n um ber o f p articipants in a trip, and m ust not be m istaken for a n orm al, d ay-to-d ay foraging strategy. In this case, the record o f 408 trips by males with an average o f 1.44 participants per trip, which was
( KM /H R )
1. Eight sheep- and caribou-hunting expeditions by N u n a m iu t Eskimo m en d u rin g m id-sum m er 19721 2 3 27A 25.1 2 7.7 2 3 .7 2 9 .7 15.0 2 3 .5 2 4 .9 197.0 5.6 9.6 13.6 10.6 18.7 5.1 10.5 11.5 95.1 4 .8 9 2.61 2.03 2.23 1.58 2 .9 4 2.2 4 2.17 2 0 .6 9
2 1 2 1
2 4 .6 2 7.9 3
1.8 4.11
2 .59 0 .4 0
2. Sixteen hunting expeditions by D obe !Kung males with sam e-day return, M ay 2 4 -Ju n e 9, 1968 (Yellen 1972)
3.7 15.9
2 1 2
11.4 18.5
9.2 19.6 15.6 16.7 20.4 18.8 14.0 6.4 4.2 15.9 208.2 16.0
5 3
2 1
3 3
b in f o r d
1991a:102-7) 6.91
A C H E (P A R A G U A Y ) ( N U M B E R N O T S P E C I F I E D ) ( H I 1X A N D
h a w kes
p i e d n o t s p e c
P U M E (V E N E Z U E L A ) (
n u m b e r
A N D (fR K A V E S
1 9 9 5 :t a b i.i- 1 )
P H K p n U w er
fl on foot. The
B A M B O T E O F Z A IR E ( N E T H U N T E R S )
E F E O F Z A IR E (B O W H U N T E R S )
M B U T I O F Z A IR E ( N E T H U N T E R S )
Walking time = 4.15 kilometers per hour Foraging area of a single camp = 20 km2 Foraging radius = 2.52 kilometers Annual foraging range = 75 km2 Annual foraging radius = 4.89 kilometers. Adult daily work schedule = 6 hours Foraging radius of a single camp = 4.279 kilometers Foraging area of three bands = 280,210, and 265 km2, respectively Mean foraging area = 250 km2 Mean foraging radius = 8.92 kilometers Work interval is every other day with an average workday of 10.2 hours Foraging area of a single camp = 80 km2 Foraging radius = 5.05 kilometers Observed spear hunts involve 10.7 men and last 9 hours 49 monkey hunts average 3.31 hours each with an additional 3.6 hours devoted to arrow-making 45 ambush hunting episodes averaged 1.87 hours each 71 group hunts averaged 5.49 hours each Average daily distance of hunting trips = 4.61 kilometers Band foraging area = 1 3 3 km2 Foraging radius = 6.50 kilometers Average number of hours per day spent hunting = 7.33 Average number of hours per day spent hunting = 7.47 Band foraging area = 10 7 km2 Foraging radius = 5.84 kilometers Foraging area = 88.8 km2 Foraging radius = 5.32 kilometers Mean local community group size = 55.6 persons Foraging area = 79.66 km2 Foraging radius = 5.04 kilometers Dependency ratio = 2.04 persons
Terashima 1980:245
Bailey 1985:173 Bailey 1985:175 Bailey 1985:178 Bailey 1985:181 Bailey 1985:184 Ichikawa 1983:56 Ichikawa 1983:58 Tanno 1976:112
Dunning 1959:68
Note: Data are categorized differently for different groups. Data do not discriminate by gender of foraging parties.
It is much more likely that the !Kung data reflect a nor mal, day-to-day hunting pattern, since they were taken from records of male foraging parties whose mobility was directed expressly toward meeting subsistence goals. The large size of !Kung male hunting parties (3.0 males) is not, however, directly comparable to the Nunamiut data, in which values refer strictly to the size of male foraging parties. Data for the !Kung represent the number o f males from the same camp who went hunting on a given day, although these hunters were not necessarily all hunting together.
In contrast, the data on female foraging parties is rem ark ably similar in all cases. The female work groups in table 7 .10 had a smaller foraging radius and lower standard deviations than either o f the male cases in table 7 . 1 1. The size o f the female work group on average three adults per w o rk party also differed significantly from the size o f the aver age two-person male hunting party. Consistent w ith the foregoing data is the contrast between men and women in the rate o f travel; the rate documented for men is 2*59 kilo meters per hour while for women two rates were recorded.
R O U N D - T R I P N U M B E R G R O U P IN P A R T Y D I S T A N C E (
k m
E X P E D I T I O N (
h r
T R A V E L (
k m
) (
k m
h r
1. Data on women
5.35(1.42) 4 .65(1.43)
2. Data on men
11.8 (4.11)
2.26 (0.40)
2.26 2.31
2.16 and 2.37 kilometers per hour. Time lost by women in collecting is not directly comparable to time lost by men searching for prey and waiting in lookout locations. Table 7.13 records the mean foraging radius for male and female work parties in very different environmental settings. Because the terms of the Group Size Model being constructed require that I produce a single value from the combined record of male and female foraging activities, I used the mean of the female (6.66 kilometers) and male (9.9 kilo meters) foraging radiuses. The combined mean value of 8.28 kilometers applies to the radius of a circle encompass ing 215.38 square kilometers or 2.15 100-square-kilometer units. Since this figure is itself an approximation, I have chosen to accept as the standard a circle forming the boun dary of 2.25 100-square-kilometer units. I made this adjustment because the data from the Kalahari applied to a group that at the time of documentation was rapidly becoming more sedentary, and I have tried to account for this ongoing change in system state in my approximated, rather than measured, mean value for foraging area. For pur poses of model building, therefore, the standard foraging radius was arbitrarily set at 8.469 kilometers, which corresponds to a foraging area of 225.33 square kilometers. I have termed this arbitrary unit of hunter-gatherer foraging space a FORAD, one FORAD being equal to a circle with a radius of 8.459 kilo meters and a total area of 225.33 square kilometers. My estimate of foraging area is greater than the estimates offered by Henry (1964:11-12), Holmberg (1950:40), and Williams (1974:147), but in the cases documented by these
three researchers either processes of intensification were suspected to be occurring or an inference was required to obtain an estimate of foraging radius. The same logical structure underlies the standards that I am proposing in the Group Size Model, forI repeatthe values I have chosen to work with are not empirical generalizations applying to all hunter-gatherers. They represent, instead, a summary of available information that I believe is germane to mobile hunter-gatherers, and they are used as instruments for mea surement in an effort to reduce ambiguity. In this chapter so far, I have developed two analytical tools. One is the COHAB, which represents 20.47 persons and serves as the standard in terms of which I will measure the size of a foraging group. I will also use the FORAD, which cor responds to a 225-square-kilometer circular area that serves as a standard for the unit of geographic space within which a COHAB operates. Equipped with these instruments for m ea surement, I can now give meaning and significance to pop ulation density values. For instance, if a given ethnic group had a population den sity value of 13.45 persons per 100 square kilometers, and since one FORAD is larger than the standard unit lor express^ density in this study (100 square kilometers), then the n u m ber of persons within a FORAD would be determined by m u l tiplying the population density by 2.25, or, in this example 30.26 persons, representing 1.478 COHABs. Since popuU tion density refers to an ethnic group, I can also visualise structure of the population in space. II the population w as distributed in FORAD-sized units, there would be a smg
settlement of30.26 persons evenly spaced every 16.94 kilometers (10.53 miles) across the entire ethnic territory. In addition, I would know that the group was rather sedentary since a pop ulation density value that exceeds 9.098 persons (20.47 divided by 125) per 100 square kilometers would be circumscribed by groups living in FORAD-sized units on all sides. Exploring Variability in the M odeled Units and Their Contributing V ariables If I consider the problem of mobility from the perspective of the number of moves that occur as well as the pattern of movement, several factors become important. First of all, the more abundant the food supplyother things being equal the lower the mobility level required to support a given number of people. As a demonstration, let us consider a sit uation in which all of the basic constants that I have previ ously discussed are, in fact, constant: the foraging area consists of 225.33 square kilometers (or 86.83 square miles), the dependency ratio is 1.75 persons, an average producer works 170 days per year, and a normal foraging expedition is composed of 2.5035 persons. Given these values and a knowledge of (1) the area needed to feed a single person, (2) the number of persons, and (3) the average area covered by a single foraging expedition (8.33 square kilometers), I can calculate the following variables: 1. The total area that must be searched (group size multi plied by area needed per person). 2. The number of moves per year (total area divided by the foraging area constant of 215.383 square kilometers). 3. The duration of stay at any one camp (365 days divided by the number of moves). 4. The number of producers in the group (total group size divided by the dependency ratio of 1.75). 5. The number of producers available to work each day (the number of producers multiplied by 0.465). 6. The number of expeditions per day (the number of pro ducers available per day divided by the average expedition size of 2.5 persons). 7. The frequency of foraging area coverage, which is another way of saying the number of times during a stay that an area will be searched (8.33 square kilometers covered by a single expedition or 27.05 expeditions that cover 225.33 square kilometers). The relationships between mobility and the variables just enu merated have been calculated for groups of 20 and 50 people and are presented in table 7.14. The food abundance variable is indicated by the number of square kilometers needed to support a single person (column 2). The information in table 7.14 clearly demonstrates that as food abundance decreases, mobility increases, regardless
of group size. For instance, a group of twenty persons in a food-abundant setting (19.9 square kilometers per person) would have to move only 1.77 times per year, while a simi lar group in a food-scarce setting (79.9 square kilometers per person) would need to move 7.1 times during a year to meet their nutritional requirements. This finding is a graphic illustration of the generalization that search time increases as food resources become less abundant. As an example, at an abundance level of 19.9 square kilometers per person, a group of twenty persons could meet their nutritional require ments in a single FORAD for a period o f206 expedition days. In contrast, at a food abundance level of 79.9 square kilometers per person, food resources would be depleted after only 51 expedition days. Other things being equal, the data in table 7.14 also indi cate that, the larger the group size, the more annual mobil ity increases. This relationship can be seen by comparing the number of moves for a group of fifty persons at a given level of abundance with a group of twenty persons. For instance, in settings in which 79.9 square kilometers are required to support a single person for a year, a group of twenty persons would have to move only 7.10 times whereas a group of fifty persons would move 17.7 times. The relationship between group size and mobility is explored further in table 7.15, in which food abundance is held constant at 15.4 square kilometers per person per year and the size of the group is allowed to vary. This sce nario demonstrates that increases in group size do not result in increased coverage o f a foraging area. Rather, groups in all size categories cover a foraging area approx imately 20.8 times during their occupation o f any one FORAD. The scale of annual coverage of the territory is simply increased and the time spent at any one resource loca tion is reduced. The preceding exercise has illustrated several relationships between variables and constants in the Group Size Model, which I will now summarize in two generalizations and two related propositions:
Generalization 7.20 -
The energy required to move from one foraging area to another is minimized by living in small groups, regardless of the level of food abundance.
Proposition 7.05
Therefore, other things being equal, I anticipate that there is a minimum group size and an optimal small group size that should be characteristic of mobile hunters and gatherers regardless of other variable conditions.
(2 ) 398 798 1,198 1398 995 1,995 2,9 9 5 3,9 9 5
TOTAL PRODUCERS IN GROUP (5) 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 28.6 28.6 28.6 28.6
( k m 2) (1)
19.9 39.9 59.9 79.9
5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3
7.6 5.1 3 .8
4 .4 8 .8 13.3 17.7
2 2 2 2
5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3
7. I 5
TOTAL ARE A NE E DE D ( k m 2)
(2 ) 154
OF STAY (days)
(4 ) 521 261 174 135 107 89 76 66 59 54
(5 ) 5 .7 1 1.4 17.1 2 2 .9 2 8 .6 3 4 .3 4 0 .0 4 5 .7 5 1 .4 57.1
(7 ) 1.1 2.1 3.2 4 .2 5.3 6 .4 7 .4 8 .5 9 .5 1 0.6
(8 ) 2 1 .2 2 0 .3 2 0 .6 2 0 .9 2 1 .0 2 1 .0 2 0 .8 2 0 .7 2 0 .7 2 1 .2
10 20
30 40 50 60 70
80 90
15.4 15.4 15.4 15.4 15.4 15.4 15.4 15.4 15.4 15.4
As the abundance of food in a habitat decreases, of neces sity a group's mobility increases. Other things being equal, it is certain that greater net benefit is associated with small group sizes in food-poor settings.
Therefore, I expect the smallest groups and the most consistent relationships between mobility and group size to occur among peoples living in low-productivity habitats.
This modeling exercise has allowed me to define two instruments for measurement, the COHAB and the FORAD, by means of which I can now relate such abstract measures as population density to more easily understood properties of mobile hunter-gatherers. I can also explore the relational consequences of shifts in the values of the variables and dimensions that I have discussed and explored thus far. I am now in a position to apply the intellectual tools that have been developed to the empirical data on group size to see if my expectations about the world of dynamics, which I have presented in the form of generalizations, will be confirmed.
In this chapter I have demonstrated provocative patterns in the relationships between several categories of information in the ethnographic data set. I have illustrated that the size of the geographic area occupied by ethnic groups, as well as the number of persons included in such groups, is linked in provocative ways to properties of the habitats that are exploited for food. I have also suggested that the human unit implied by use of the term ethnic group is ambiguous and that any generalizations I might develop that would incor porate such a term are equally ambiguous. I have also demonstrated what I mean by the term system state and its linkage to thresholds where the rules change. I have argued that building theories to explain transitions in system state could require different types of arguments than building theories to explain variability among cases in which a reversal in the relationships between variables does not occur. I have tried to show that being able to identify exceptions to the regularities summarized by generalizations is a good way to recognize such transitional situations, but I did not systematically follow up on this argument. I did demon
strate, however, that equestrian hunters differ markedly in group size parameters from all other hunters and that they had uniformly larger group sizes than foragers who w ere dependent upon terrestrial animals. In light of the general izations summarized in this chapter, I would also expect mounted hunters to be highly mobile, and (as will be seen in chapters 10 and 11) my expectation is confirmed. One might then ask why equestrian hunters did not reduce their group sizes and thereby lower their mobilitycosts. The answer is that domesticated horses allowed hunters to reduce their mobility costs drasticallywhich in turn prom pts me to ask what is the advantage, given such reduced costs, of maintaining large group sizes. The answer to this question is important, but of even greater significance is the point that the data on equestrian hunters highlight: mode of transport is yet another variable that must be controlled, both in com parative experiments and in theory building. In both instances, one must either hold mode of transport constant or permit it to vary as a way of exploring the interactions between such variables as the costs of transport and the scale of ter ritorial coverage relative to the body size of prey, the shifts in food resources, and human energy budgets relative to labor requirements. I noted that not only should a theory anticipate accurately when something will occur, it must also anticipate when it will not For example, many of the ancestors of the Plains Indi ans had responded to intensificational pressures by becom ing horticulturists, but when a new subsistence technology (represented by the horse) became available, they reversed direction and once again became hunter-gatherers (or hunterpastoralists, as some would say). At the same time that these groups changed from a higher to a lower state of intensifi cation, their trajectory was toward a more complex formof social integration that featured secret societies and other kinds of sodalities.11By developing a good theory, it should be possible to anticipate when exceptional forms of organi zation should occur rather than categorically dismissing groups as bogus or somehow not real hunter-gatherers. I do not mean to suggest that I cannot use a limited number of hunter-gatherer cases as the basis for a modd that will act as a standard to clarify both what is being measured and how cases may differ from the standard. In chapter 8,1 intend to use the generalizations and exceptions developed in this chapter, as well as the Group Size Model, in the analy sis of the hunter-gatherer data set. My goal is to explain the patterns already identified and the relationships that I expevi to see when operationalizing the knowledge developed in this chapter. I will also develop some further refinements to apply to the investigation of what the world appears to he N l** with respect to an increased focus on intensification.
Theory building is not for sissies! It is a rigorous, timeconsuming process, and there is no guarantee that a com prehensive, defensible theory will result from the effort that has been invested in its development Thankfully, intellectual tactics do exist that can make the process less daunting, as a reviewof the sequence of steps I have taken in this study thus far will illustrate.1 I argued in chapter 2 that successful use of the human capacity to plan for the fixture is made possible by a knowl edge of stabilities in the world of experience. In attempting to build theories about the patterned interactions among var ious recurring dynamic properties in the world of experience, I am using my own reasoning capacity to structure the sta bilities I have observed in a particular set of dynamics. I must also take care to look at the world unambiguously, so that I can see how independently varying features of expe rience actually interact as part of event sequences in the external world. Theory building is as heavily dependent upon the use of prior knowledge as is the construction of frames of reference and projections. Because, however, a theory is a causal argument about pat terning in nature,2 theories operate at a higher explanatory level than simple projections in the hierarchy of a scientists intellectual tools. A good example of the confusion that still exists on this point, even in rarified scientific circles, occurs in the following account of Per Baks encounter with eminent paleontologist Stephen J. Gould at a meeting of the Harvard Society of Fellows: 1happened to be sitting next to the president of the soci ety, and on the other side of the president was a smil ing gentleman. I introduced myself. Stephen lay Gould the gentleman responded. What a coincidencethe very person I wanted to meet was my neighbor at the table. That should not be wasted. Wouldnt it be nice if there were a theory of punctuated equilibria? 1 started. Punctuated equilibria is a theory! Gould
responded. Where do you go from there? Not much com munication took place, and I had to run to catch my plane. (1996:162-63) I would have to agree with Per Bak that the relatively sudden appearance and disappearance of now-extinct species in the fossil record constitute an evolutionary pattern that demands an explanation and that, as such, is not a theory at all. In chapter 7 , 1 presented and commented on many provocative, patterned relationships among the variables in the hunter-gatherer data set. These ranged from the obser vation that small ethnic areas were usually situated in highproductivity tropical and subtropical localities (generalization 7.01) to the association of higher mobility levels with decreases in the abundance of a habitats food supply (generalization 7.21). Throughout the chapter, I suggested which variables might be interacting to shape the patterns I had isolated, I narrowed my focus to patterning in the size of economically important residential groups, and I addressed the issue of mea surement and model building. In this chapter, I am searching for ideas. I once again explore patterns in the hunter-gatherer data, but this time I am interested in how the different patterns relate to my ideas about how the world works and why it might work that way. In chapter 7 ,1 built a bold model. Now I evaluate how well that model permits me to anticipate classes of data that I intentionally did not use in the construction of the model. I also discover whether or not the model enables me to see new patterning. In the process of model building, I tried to identify the fac tors that could be contributing to variability in group size. Based upon prior knowledge of the exigencies of hunter-gathercr life, I chose to look more closely at dependency ratios and the organization and scheduling of the division of labor among food producers. Despite the lacunae in the ethno graphic literature on the subject of dependency ratio values
(summarized in table 7.08), I was able to calculate a defen sible, if less than ideal, mean value for this important vari able. I also explored the effect of dependency ratios on the organization and intensity of male and female food-related labor (table 7.09). At this juncture, I want to determine how these factors are affected by the different trophic levels targeted by huntergatherers and to identify the degree of mobility that results from their various subsistence strategies. I will, in fact, extend my evaluation of mobility, begun in chapter 7, by focusing on the effect that differences in degree and mode of mobil ity have on group sizes. Along the way, I hope to refine and develop my understanding of the processes contributing to adaptive differentiation among peoples making use of differ ent habitats as well as variability arising from intensification. My more specific goal includes an examination of the avail able information on group size relative to the models and dimensions that I developed in chapter 7. Does the real world correspond in any way to my hunter-gatherer Group Size Model? If it becomes clear that the model is an imper fect recreation of real-world dynamics, then I must search for sources that will enlighten me about why the variables rep resented by the models constants diverge from my projec tions and what the factors responsible for the variation may be. I also want to identify any additional sources of data that are relevant to the already identified patterns and model I have built.
modeled in chapter 7 for COHAB, my standardized unit in terms of which data on group size were dimensionalized. The assumptions underlying the COHAB variable are most likely to be met by hunter-gatherer cases that are predominantly dependent upon terrestrial plants (SUBSP - 2), classified as mobile (GRPPAT = 1), only moderately disrupted by colo nial expansion (SUBPOP = n), and not included in the mounted hunters of the Americas category (HUNTFIL2 = 1). GROUP 1 size was available for fifty-nine of the cases in table 8.01 that met all of the assumptions about COHAB units. All are designated as foragers (sensu Binford 1980) with respect to the variable MOBP2, which classifies cases accord ing to the way that labor is organized and positioned to exploit resources. Figure 8.01 illustrates that there is a bimodal distribution of GROUP 1 sizes among the cases that are predominandy dependent upon terrestrial plants, are mobile, and are not heavily affected by non-hunter-gatherer systems. The smaller of the two distributions has a mean of 9.95 1.58 persons while the mean of the larger distribution is 17.49 3.39 persons. It should be recalled that, for smaller groups, the model anticipated a GROUP1 size of 10.23 persons in groups with a partially collapsed division of labor. For larger groups with a normal division of labor, I modeled a GROUP 1 size of 20.47 persons. The short-term version of the basic model anticipated a value of 8.75 persons for groups with a collapsed division of labor and a minimal group size of 17.5 persons when the division of labor was normal. In this instance, the empirical case material corresponds quite well to the mod eled values, and I think it is a good demonstration of the models likely utility. It should also be noted that the smaller of the models two variants of minimal group size, which I anticipated would be characterized by a collapsed division of labor, is more preva lent among plant-dependent peoples by a factor of 2.28 to 1.0. This proportion is not restricted to the Great Basin of North America, even though Steward (1955:101-21) ini tially identified the family level of organization in this region, at least partly because of the frequency of groups of this type.3 Among the groups in the global hunter-gatherer sample that are dependent upon terrestrial plant resources, social units with a collapsed division of labor are more prevalent by a ratio of 1.71 to 1.0, even when the Great Basin cases are excluded. This frequency bias should not be surprising since I argued in proposition 7.06 that the greatest net gain from smaller group sizes would accrue to peoples in habitats with relatively low primary productivity, since greater mobility would be expected in such settings, other things being equal. On the left side of the graph in figure 8.02, which repre sents low-productivity settings, GROUP1 sixe values tor most of the cases are in the range of the collapsed division of labor variant (mean size 9.95 1.58 persons). There s
r e f e r e n c e
Tropical-subtropical Asia
batek kubu
(Palawan )
30 26 30 58 31 23 25.8 35 43 34 29 34 30
10 8.6 11 11
70 65
17 14
80 71 72 141 82 70
Harrison 1949:135,139; Urquart 1951:515, 505; Brosius 1986:174 Sellato 1994:143-44 Eder 1978:56,1987:105 Hagen 1908:25-28; Persoon 1989:511 Rizvi 1990:8 Bose 1964:305 Temple 1903:62,77,84 Fox, 1952:188; Reed 1904:19 Radcliffe-Brown 1948:28 Schebesta 1962a:17,220; Rambo 1985:4, 33; Brandt 1961:131-33 Bailey 1863:296, 308; Seligmann and Seligmann 1911:43 44 Morris 1982a:36-37,174 Headland pers. comm. 1993 Rai 1982:63,66,119 Vanoverbergh 1925:195,196-98,432 Frer-Haimendorf 1943:366 Pookajorn 1985:187,207; Velder 1963:186-87 Gardner 1965:101,1988:93,94 Sen and Sen 1955:172; Williams 1974:79 Ehrenfels 1952:66-67 Bhanu 1992:table 1.1 Bird 1983:58 Watanabe 1964:8-9 Landor 1893:89,125 Qiu 1983 (estimates only) Lee 1967:24; Shimkin 1939:150 Shternberg 1933:385 Kreynovich 1979:191-92,196 Popov 1966:12,103 Krupnik 1983:94-95
122.6 122.6
24 23 12.3 14 15
60 33 90 55 29 35
18.5 15.1
50 28 57 60 47 118 37 70 43 47 62 50
70 179 94
75 700
Mtraux 1948:863 Kloos 1977:116 Greaves pers. comm. 1993; Gragson 1989:289-90 Wilbert 1957:90 Politis 1992:3, pers. comm. 1992 Baldus 1937:115 23; Lvi-Strauss 1936:269 Mtraux 1946a;4l0 Holmberg 1950:51 Stearman 1989a:26,31 Lvi-Strauss 1970:288; Oberg 1953:86 Hann 1991:42,159,168 Clastres 1972:163; Oberg 1953:18,38
ta b le
8 . 0 1 (continued)
r e p e r e n c e
20 27 25 13.4 20 13
50 30 75 45 24
Mtraux 1946:534 Kozak et al. 1979:360 Henry 1964:11,50,159 Cooper 1946c: 150; Goni 1988:145 Bird pers. comm. 1970 Chapman 1982:58; Cooper 1946b:117; Gusinde 1931:205 Gusinde 1937:384,387
36 30 60 32.6 31.75 33
Bahuchet 1988:131; Hudson 1990:58, 6 3,71 Heymer 1980:178,193-96 Terashima 1980:234,235,262 Cavalli-Sforza 1986c:32-33 Vallois and Marquer 1976:113 Bailey and Peacock 1988:99-100; Fisher and Strickland 1989:476 Tanno 1976:107,108,130 Turnbull 1965:97,98 Kelly and Poyer 1993:1 Clark 1951:65 Fourie 1927:51 Blurton-Jones et al. 1992:164; Hawkes et al 1989:344; Woodbum 1968:104 Huntingford 1951:8; 1954:128 Bleek 1929:109; De Castro and Alemeida 1956:9 Marshall 1960:328 Lee 1972a:330 Guenther 1986:186; Schapera 1930:78 Silberbauer 1972:296,1981a:195-98 Kent and Vierich 1989 Eibl-Eibelsfeldt 1972:32-33 Steyn 1984:118; Dart 1937b:160-65 Potgieter 1955:8 Bleek 1924:viii, ix
30.7 30.2
60 104 40 23 60 42 46 31 24.3 23 20 36 21 54 21 24
87 252 70 166
!k u n g ( d o b e )
g/w i
17.5 18.5 16 10 16 18 17 8
50 44 34 35 34 36 32 45 32 30
17 15
Moore 1979:39 Altman 1987:15-27; Bcmdt and Bemdt 1970:3-14 Peterson 1973:185; 1970:11; pers. comm. 1992; Peterson and Long 1986:40 Meehan 1982:31-41 Peterson 1972:26; Peterson and Long I98tv4<1 Thomson 1949:16; Warner 1950:127- 28 Kabcrry 1935:428 Wills 1980:85 (LRB estimates from photos' Leichardt 1847:507; McOuthy and MacArthur 1960:90 96 Biernofl 1979:12; MacArthur 1960:9$: Thompson 1949:4 Thomson 1934:241
t a b l e
y ir - yo r o n t
20 16 11 14 10
60 30 25 90 23
22 28 30 50 175 44 50 35 33
Peterson and Long 1986:88 89,9 5 -9 9 ; Sharp 1934a:425 Hart and Piling 1960:35,36,65,66 Anderson and Robins 1988: 187,191-92 Peterson and Long 1986:78 79 Hale and Tindale 1933:77-78 Stanner 1933:393 (estimate) Blundell 1980:106-7; Love 1936:93 Memmott 1983a:367 Tindale 1962a:269 Harris 1978:128 Radcliffe-Brown 1912:146 Brayshaw 1990:31; Lumholtz 1889:194 Nind 1831:22 Meggitt 1962:47,50,56 Harris 1978:128 Peterson and Long 1986:116 17; Tonkinson 1978:53 Peterson and Long 1986:112-15,124 Long 1971:264-65; Meggitt 1962:55; Peterson and Long 1986:104-11 Colliver and Woolston 1975:93 Morwood 1987:339; Winterbotham 1980:41 Binford field notes 1974; Denham 1975:120; OConnell 1987:85 Gould 1977:21-22 W. Gardner 1978:239-46 Brokensha 1975:19,33; Layton 1983:26; Peterson and Long 1986:127; Tindale 1972:224,244 Gason 1879:257,264; Sturt 1849a, 1:254, 261, 296, 316,407,414; 2:70,74 Tindale pers. comm. 1965 Spencer and Gillen 1927:15,506 Peterson and Long 1986:129-34 Nind 1831:28 Williams 1985:75 Gaughwin and Sullivan 1984:92,94 Fison and Howitt 1880:209; Howitt 1904:773-77 Hiatt 1967:201; Jones 1971:278, 279 Hiatt 1967:201; Jones 1971:278, 279
17 20
1 14
Bowen 1976:24-30; Griffen 1959:vii Bean 1972:76; Kroeber 1925:692, 706-7 Strong 1929:43 56 195 Strong 1929:187-19 97 130 Meigs 1939:18-20 62 120 39 Kroeber 1925:712, 719; Luomala 1978:597 150 Cook 1955:40 91 68 Kroeber 1925:617-18 300 110 Oxendine 1983:50-57 350 40 Cook 1955:40 110 21 Voegelin 1938:39-43 ----------------------------- ------------ ___________________ __ _____ ,_______ _ ------ -------- (continued) 45 75
188 180
8 .0 1
REFERENCE(s) Goldschmidt 1948:445 Cook 1955:35 P. J. Johnson 1978:352 Gifford 1932b :42-47 Cook 1956:116-17 DuBois 19 3 5 :2 8 ,2 9 Cook and Heizer 1965:71 Wilson and Towne 1978:388 Cook 1956:118 Cook 1 9 5 6:103-5 Collier and Thalman 1991:72, 177-78 Cook 1956:102 Cook 1955:122 Cook 1956:107 Cook 1956:124 Cook 1956:114 Cook 1955:36 Cook 1956:101; Drucker 1940:226-27 Cook and Heizer 1965:70 Cook 1956:100 Cook Cook Cook Cook 1956:98 1956:97 and Heizer 1965:71 1956:101; Schalk 1978:125
13 16 13 20 11
19 18
45 96 48 113 30 33 40 45 23
275 157 97
15 18
92 31
11.7 7.5
128 45 225
Aschmann 1967:122 Steward 1938:85 91 Stiles 1 9 0 6 :8 0 -8 7 Steward 1938:84 Gifford 1932a: 1 8 0 -8 9 Steward 1 9 3 8 :8 0 -8 4 Hayden 1 9 3 6 :1 4 2 , 165 - 68,7 0 ; Kroeber 1935:45
13.5 7 15 9 13
60 45 65 300
Voegelin 1938:48 Steward 1938:77, 78, 80 Liljeblad and Fowler 1986:414-15; Steward 1938:110 Steward 1938:110 Kelly 1964:11-22 Euler and Fowler 1966:35; Staffle and Evans 1978:183 Euler and Fowler 1966 : 35 ,101 Davis 1965:36 Steward 1938:58-59 Gould pers. comm. 1992 Fowler and Liljeblad 198 tv443 , 45? lanctski 1983:53-34*75 Fowler 1992:35-37, 154 Steward 1938:61 Steward 1938:177 Steward 1938U32
19.5 21.2 27 26 25 23
50 ejg 4 f,
42 70
i& 6 os
9.6 11.2
| 7 ,5 18 1 0 .5
8 . 0 1
(s )
11 12 11 10
24 23 32 30 29 38 37 40
Steward 1938:124-27 Lowie 1924:284; Steward 1938:161 Steward 1938:117 Steward 1938:101, 108 Cook 1955:37 Steward 1938:174 Callaway et al. 1986:352; Smith 1974:123 Lowie 1924:284 Steward 1938:130 Price 1962:40 Kelly 1932:78,105 Shimkin 1947:255; Steward 1974:373 Steward 1938:145 46 Steward 1938:209 Steward 1974:147 Whiting 1950:19 Steward 1938:186-89 Steward 1938:113 Steward 1974:147
16 16 12.5 9 13 16
21 12
29 28 50 48 60 43
18.3 16 17
25 60 34 35 45 36
166 650
38 43 34 40 45 70 55 40 42 43
Basehart pers. comm. 1972; Swanton 1952:323 Wallace and Hoebel 1952:23 Basehart 1972:5; Morice 1906b:496; Opler 1937:177-82 Bamforth 1988:106-9 Bamforth 1988:106-9 Moore 1987:180-86,194 Flannery 1953:54; Gussow et al. 1974:23 Bamforth 1988:106 9; Denig 1961:165 Culbertson 1952:135 Chamberlain 1892:551 Steward 1938:201-6 Bamforth 1988:106-9; Swanton 1952:278 Skinner 1914:477 Ewers 1955:303 Bushnell 1922:26; Ewers 1955:303 Bushnell 1922:32-33; Culbertson 1952:107: Lowrie and Clarke 1832 Bamforth 1988:106-109; Bushnell 1922:20,21 Bamforth 1988:106-109 Bamforth 1988:106-109; lenness 1938:10-11
50 60 106 145 80
Gray 1987:37-40 Gray 1987:56 Suttles 1990:453, 473 Smith I940A;7 14 Umendorf 1960:32-55
ta b le
8 . 0 1 (continued)
r e f e r e n c b
110 195 52 58 85 140 36 37 48 65 240 181 112 166 164 650 420 389 577 58 197 179 162 57 108 40 67 55 54.6
Taylor 1974a: 187 Drucker 1951:222-49; Koppert 1930b:53 Ray 1938:38-41 Boyd 1990:136; Zenk 1990:572 Teit 1906:199 Stern 1934:7 Schalk 1978:165 Duff 1952:45 Suttles 1990:462; Wilson 1866:286 Seaburg and Miller 1990:561 Kennedy and Bouchard 1990:450-51 Hilton 1990:313 Pettitt 1950:3-5 Boyd 1990:136; Suttles 1990:456 Swan 1870:2 Schalk 1978:165 Schalk 1978:165 Schalk 1978:126,165 Schalk 1978:126,165 Schalk 1978:165 Schalk 1978:127,165 Adams 1973:8 Knecht and Jordan 1985:21 Birket-Smith and de Laguna 1938:19 Michael 1967:306 Michael 1967:306 de Laguna 1956:256 Lantis 1970:178; Mitchell and Donald 1988:319-21 Lantis 1946:163 64
I 843
25 21 20 23
18 22 15 15 24 21 15 22 7 20
212 500 700 350 230 245 438 265 350 200 190 300 210 185 266 160 150 235 126 215 225 235
Murdock 1980:130 Teit 1928:93-108 Spier and Sapir 1930:166-67 Teit 1930:39,331 Cline et al. 1938:87 Teit 1930:207-11 Teit 1930:211 Spinden 1 9 0 8:174-75,196, 240 Teit 1900:241-48 Teit 1930:331 Jenness 1935:13 Kinietz 1947:247 Speck 1922:143-44 Teit 1930:331; Turney-High 1937:98 Hickerson 1967:54-55 Bishop 1978:222-26 Teit 1905:457-66 Dunning 1 9 5 9 :57,58,84; Rogers 19c*9;3l Rogers 1963:67, 76, 88; 1969:25,31 Goldman 1940:334 Hickerson 1962:30-33 Rogers 1962a: 23, 1969:30 Rogers 1969:43 Rogers 1969:31; Moroni* 1983:89, 106
t a b l e
cases d i s p e r s e d
m o n t a g n a is
10 22
r e f e r e n c e
13 16 18 15 13 17 14 23 32
8 12
50 95 40 58 39 58 71 54 60 26 55 38 75 78 29 77 29 39 55 60
Rogers and Black 1976:19 Tanner 1944:592-609 Dennison 1981:434 35; Jenness 1937:14 Ives 1985:166-67 Helm 1961:50-52,169; Ives 1985:166-67; Janes 1983:50-51 Honigmann 1949:33-37 MacLachlan 1981:460-61 Jenness 1943:485-86 Gillespie 1981:334-35 Crow and Obley 1981:511 Helm 1961:169; Savishinsky 1974:47,54 Honigmann 1956:58; 1981:228-29 Clark 1974:96 Smith 1981:275,1978:81,1976:19 Slobodin 1969:58-59,64 Michael 1967:307; Sullivan 1942:10 Michael 1967:307 MacKenzie 1966:49-56 McKennan 1959:18 Morantz 1983:106 Helm 1968:120 Michael 1967:306 Legros 1982:68-69 Snow 1981:615 Henriksen 1973:58-59,68
12 22
225 162
17 23
300 117
27.5 18 24.5
11 20
48 30 49 35 40 40 30 31.1 25.1 40 5 45
Ray 1992:295 Burch 1975:257-58 Burch 1975:269-72,1984:305 Taylor 1974:15-19,64 Willmot 1960:48,53 Birket-Smith 1929:67-69 Binford 1971 field notes; Burch 1975:255 Amsden 1977:224 Amsden 1977:224 Amsden 1977:224; Binford 1991:80 McGhee 1988:11; Tyrrell 1897:167 Moore 1923:340 Burch 1975:260-69 Jenness 1922:30,55, 57; Rasmussen 1932:70,78-85 Briggs 1970:15,372-74 Rae 1850:40,48,49 Mathiassen 1928:32 Perry 1898:131,171-72,267-68 336, 386, 431; York 1875:179 Boas 1888:426; Hantzsch 1977:39,99; Low 1906:57-58 MClintock 1860:8,230,232,235,239,240 Mirsky 1937:53; Peterson 1984:623 Simpson 1875:237; Spencer 1959:15 Ekblaw 1948:3, Steensbv 1910:266, 296, 324
1934-1950 1951-1959
19 13 18 18 13
12 22
14 14 11.5
PART H l -
O 3
A 1
@ @
A ** a A a @ (
Bar graph illustrating the differences in GROUP1 size of mobile groups dependent upon terrestrial plants.
Scatter plot with GROUP1 size and the log10 value of net aboveground productivity defining the property space. The marker is coded ordinally for political development (POLY SCAL): (1) groups with strict local autonomy, in which senior males provide informal, advisory leadership; (2) groups with strict local autonomy but with performance-based leadership; and (3) groups with strict local autonomy but with a coun cil of advisors that is convened by a recognized leader who has specific corporate duties. Shading defines the zone for cases in which POLYSCAL = 1.
also a trendwhich is steeper among more politically com plex peoplestoward larger group size in more productive habitats. This pattern is inversely related to mobility-adapted peoples and, thus far, seems to support the mobilityminimizing assumption of the Group Size Model. Another way to demonstrate the relationship between net aboveground productivity and GROUP 1 size is to com pare the plant-dependent cases illustrated in figure 8.02 with other subsistence-based subsets in a cross-tabulation such as the one in table 8.02. Arraying the data in this format sug gests that groups living in food-poor environments would derive the greatest benefit from the reduced mobility that smaller group size facilitates. Another way to summarize the patterns in figure 8.02 and table 8.02 is to say that
Proposition 8.01
GROUP1 size may also increase regularly with inten sification and therefore be autocorrelated with other responses to intensification, such as sedentism and political complexity.
-------------- Generalization 8.01 ----------------Among terrestrial plant-dependent peoples, smaller GROUP1 sizes predominate in settings in which net aboveground pro ductivity is low. The reverse is true for settings with substantial net aboveground productivity.
Generalization 8 . 0 2 ----------------Politically complex cases have larger GROUP1 sizes regard,ess of environment. In this instance, however, political comp,exitV may be autocorrelated with sedentism, since increased ethnic group sizes and decreased ethnic group areas were both documented (generalization 7.08).
The inverse relationship between the abundance of food in a habitat and group mobility, summarized in generaliza tion 7.20 and proposition 7.06, is supported by the patterns in figure 8.02 and table 8.02. These illustrate that greater benefits would accrue to terrestrial plant-dependent peoples in marginal habitats who maintained minimal group sizes and reduced their mobility costs. Because table 8.02 also includes data on groups that were primarily dependent upon terrestrial animals and aquatic resources, the two graphs in figure 8.03 present a more focused comparison of group size among peoples practicing these different subsistence strategies. In frequency histograms referring to the GROUP1 sizes of mobile peoples* those groups dependent upon aquatic resources are plotted in graph A while groups dependent upon terrestrial animal arc
TABLE 8 . 0 2
10(06) 43 (05) 53
33(03) 15 (00) 48
43 58 101
38 (17) 19(01) 57
08 (03) 01(00) 09
46 20 66
26 (12) 10(00) 57
13 (01) 12(00) 09
39 22 66
Note: Values in parentheses indicate the number of cases that are politically complex and whose POLYSC value is greater than 3. Boldface denotes the most common frequency in each paired comparison.
plotted in graph B. Given the effect that inclusion of horseassisted hunters of the North American plains had on sum mary values in previous comparisons (tables 7.05 and 7.06), the frequency histogram of groups predominantly dependent upon terrestrial animals in figure 8.03, graph B, does not include mounted plains hunters.
In figure 8.03, graph A, the bimodal pattern in figure 8.01 that was associated with plant-dependent peoples does not occur. There is, instead, a strongly skewed, unimodal dis tribution with a mean of 15.10 persons and a mode of 18 per sons. The larger GROUP 1 size that is less frequently associated with plant-dependent peoples is most common, and there are
5 1
f i g u r e
Comparative bar graphs illustrating the frequency of cases with different GROUP1 sizes displayed relative inance: aquatic resources (A) and terrestrial animal resources (B).
that are situated in habitats with low primary productivity. On the other hand, groups primarily exploiting aquatic resources have higher frequencies of large GROUP1 sizes, regardless of the productivity of the habitat. Among the latter there are roughly equal numbers of small and large GROUP1 cases. With regard to the degree of political complexity, the pattern is identical to, but more robust than, that noted among plantdependent peoples, and politically complex cases are exclu sively characterized by the larger GROUP1 variant.
only a few cases in the range of the smaller GROUP 1 unit that typifies plant-dependent groups. A similar unimodal distri bution occurs in graph B of figure 8.03; most of the cases fall in the distribution that includes GROUP 1 sizes of fewer than thirty persons. Thirty-nine cases in this subset have suffi cient data to record a value in each of the categories being tab ulated; 90 percent of the groups are classified as foragers and 10 percent as collectors. There is a statistical difference between the mean GROUP 1 value of 16.87 recorded for all groups in this category and the means calculated separately for groups of collectors (mean = 17.45 persons, n - 35) and foragers (11.75 persons, n = 4). The mean GROUP 1 value for groups depending primarily upon terrestrial animal resources falls in the trough separating the two components of the bimodal distribution of plantdependent peoples. This is a strong indication that signifi cant organizational differences exist between terrestrial hunters and plant-dependent peoples. I believe that the observable difference in GROUP 1 sizes between figures 8.03 and 8.01 is not likely to be due to dif ferences in initial conditions affecting foragers and collectors. It is more likely that the assumptions underlying the model regarding sexual division of labor and the number of parties searching daily for food may not be characteristic of groups exploiting terrestrial animal resources.
Examination of the groups primarily dependent upon ter restrial animals, however, reveals a third pattern:
----------------- Generalization 8.03 -----------------All of the groups depending primarily upon the exploitation of terrestrial plants for which relevant information is available (fifty-nine cases) were classified as foragers. A strategy of residential mobility positioned consumers in proximity to the sources of food in their habitat. In marked contrast, thirty-five of the thirty-nine groups primarily exploiting terrestrial ani mal resources were classified as collectors, which means that food resources were available at sufficient distances from res idential sites to require acquisition and transport to residen tial ly based consumers.
The tactical differences in residential mobility demonstrable between foragers and collectors, particularly the collector strat egy of transporting consumable products to residential sites, also result in a very different organization of male and female labor. I discuss these differences in subsequent sections of this chapter. The data in table 8.02 also illustrate another contrast between groups that are dependent upon aquatic resources and those primarily exploiting terrestrial plant resources: Generalization 8.04 I have emphasized that groups primarily exploiting terrestrial plant resources are associated with small GROUP1 units
This pattern could be accounted for by the feet that few opportunities for hunting occur in high-biomass settings such as tropical rain forests. On the other hand, the prevalence of large GROUP 1 sizes among hunters in settings with low primary productivity does not support my argument that smaller group sizes should decrease mobility costs. Since small GROUP 1 size is not common among hunters in lowproductivity settings, mobility costs do not appear to be the primary conditioner here. Since a preponderance of the evidence indicates that hunters are more mobile than foragers who exploit terres trial plant resources, why are their GROUP 1 sizes larger? When I examine the overall patterning in the subsistence sub set, I note that, except for hunters, there appears to be a consistent pattern of large GROUP 1 sizes associated with high-productivity habitats. Small GROUP 1 sizes are, how ever, regularly found in nearly equal numbers in high- and low-productivity settings among groups that are primarily dependent upon aquatic resources and occur in 6 percent of the cases in which terrestrial plant exploitation predom inates. These patterns demand that I search for the cofidi* tions that appear to be responsible for displacing mobilitv as the sole driving force behind the variability in GROUPS size in groups of non-plant-dependent peoples.
R O T U N D I T Y W?
these factors may vary interactively with the changing spa tial distributions and abundance of potential foods within a habitat. And last, the technological aids available for mov ing across the landscape and transporting procured resources certainly constitute a variable that must be acknowledged as I try to understand the relationship between group size and mobility.
Mobility in its quantitative characteristicsfor example, how far people move in a year or how far they move between residential locationsis a byproduct of strate gic articulations between the structure of the habitat and the demand for resources, when both are adjusted by variability in labor organization and positioning tactics within the habitat.
This is a different view of the world than the one under lying my earlier suggestion that hunter-gatherers adjusted their group size to minimize the physical costs of mobility. If proposition 8.02 has merit, it shifts attention away from expectations about correlations between group size and dis tance moved to a consideration of how demands for food may vary independently of the simple relationship between the number of consumers in a group and their average daily food requirements, which were fundamental components of the Group Size Model. Another important factor is the range of ways that labor can be organized to meet demand curves that may vary independently of the simple daily food needs of the workers involved in procuring and processing foods. All of
In the Group Size Model, the demand curve for food was a simple linear relationship between the number of consumers in a group and the amount of food each consumer needs per day. Other things being equal, the larger the number of con sumers, the greater the demand for food. The only source of variability in consumer food demand resulted from differ ences in the age, body size, and reproductive status of the per sons in a group. One of the factors that would significantly modify the rela tionships specified in the model would be the procurement and storage of foods for consumption over periods of time greatly exceeding the simple assumption of same-day pro curement and consumption that was built into the model. This modification would only occur, however, if food for stor age was being procured during the most dispersed phase of the settlement cycle.4 Such a tactic results in the number of persons in the group being equal to the number of consumerdays for which food is obtained by the labor of the group. Once the storage of food becomes the tactic of choice, the num ber of consumer-days for which food is procured each day is no longer necessarily equal to the number of persons in the group actively engaged in food production. It often happens that a group organizes to obtain large quan tities of food that is destined for consumption by a group of a different size over a long period of time. In other words, a pro ducer unit may well be large in order to meet the nutritional needs of the labor unit required to obtain and process a large amount of food, which would then be consumed by a smaller group over a very long period of time. The one-to-one rela tionship between both the size of the producer and consumer units and the daily production and consumption of food may therefore be disrupted by the practice of storage. These changes in fundamental relationships ensure that one could observe large GROUP 1 labor units engaged in procuring and processing foods that are destined for con sumption over extended periods of time by groups of differing sizes. The large group size may be a response to the sheer bulk of the materials being processed per unit of time and not to the consumer demands of the labor group itself over the same period of time. I have referred to storage as a basic strategy for gaining time utility from resources (Binford 1978:91,1990). Expressed in
this way, storage can be considered an entropy reduction strat egy o f a given consumer or group o f consumers. In habitats with resources that occur periodically in huge abundance, if a group uses only what its members can consume during the period o f availability, from a consumer viewpoint much potential food is going to be wasted. Processing and storage would make possible the exploitation o f large quantities of food over a relatively short period and thereby extend the time over which those resources could be consumed. In summary,
------------------- Generalization 8.06 ------------------Storage breaks the one-to-one link between group size and the size of the consumer unit. Given a storage strategy, GROUP1 size could well reflect the labor demands of bulk procurement and processing rather than simply an attempt to minimize the consumer demand upon localized resources.
Proposition 8.03
In situations in which storage occurs, GROUP1 size or the size of the social unit during the most dispersed phase of the annual cycle could represent one of two tactics: (1) an organizational response to the sea son of least food abundance, during which small GROUP1 size would most likely reflect minimal mobil ity and minimal food demand per unit area; or (2) an organizational response to the number and spatial dis tribution of patches of concentrated resources and to temporal variability in the availability at such patches. In the latter situation, there may be few direct mobil ity correlates to GROUP1 size.
Property space map defined by latitude and net aboveground productivity relative to the quantity of stored food (all huntergatherer cases included). Cases are coded for the quantity of food stored (QTSTOR): (1) no regular storage or minor, veryshort-term storage of two or three days; (2) moderate invest ment in storage, in both quantity and period of potential use; (3) major investment in storage and in the duration of antic ipated use; and (4) massive investment in storage from the standpoint of both species stored and duration of use.
Woodburns arguments ( 1980) are not as single-minded as those o f Testart, but they also assign considerable causal importance to contrasts very similar to ones pointed out much earlier by Meillassoux (1973)5 between immediatereturn and delayed-return systems. This distinction expands the concept o f storage to include other tactics for maximiz ing the time utility o f human labor, such as the construc tion o f traps and other types o f facilities (in Wagners [1960] terms [Binford 1968] ) and reliance on delayed social obligations. Most o f these tactics are common among sedentary peoples with high population densities and represent the effects o f intensificational processes. Since storage often functions as a very important intensifica tional strategy, it ought to be clear that storage itself cannot therefore cause intensification. I have argued elsewhere (Binford 1990:140-50) that stor age and many features o f "delayed return societies" may rep resent cost-benefit responses to environmental variations that are strongly tied to the length of the growing season* I explore this linkage in figure 8.04, which dramatically doc uments the relationship between storage and latitudethe latter acting as a measure o f the length of the growing sc. son. In this figure, I am using the property space map intw-
duced in figure 4.13 and used productively in chapter 5 (figure 5.14). At latitudes of less than 35 degrees, 108 (87.8 percent) of the 123 hunter-gatherer cases in the sample generally do not store food. Only fifteen cases below this boundary are reported to use storage, of which nine are classified as having minor insurance storage and seven store surpluses produced by domesticated plants. The remaining two cases in this category, and all six cases classified as exhibiting mod erate investments in storage, either are complex hunter-gatherers or practice some agriculture and would therefore be considered intensified. Thus,
| t-
--------------- Proposition 8.04 ---------------Consistent with earlier arguments, the practice of stor age in low-latitude (less than 35 degrees) settings may be regarded as an eational indicator.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
FIGURE 8 . 0 5
Of somewhat greater interest at this juncture are those cases located between 35 and 90 degrees latitude (the boundary of the polar areas). Within this area 214 cases occur, and 191 (89.25 percent) of these make moderate to major invest ments in stored foods. An additional seven cases are classi fied as practicing minor, short-term insurance storage, and only six cases are classified as practicing no storage. I believe that the scale of comparison clearly demonstrates that the practice of storage is related to latitude. The six cases whose subsistence tactics do not include stor age are the Kurnai and Jaralde of South Australia, both the Eastern and Western Tasmanians, and the Chono and Yahgan of southwestern Chile and Argentina. All six exceptions occupy a relatively rare environmental zone that has com parativelylittle variation in annual temperature, with MTEMP values ranging between 81 and 86 and TEMP values of between 62 and 73C. These cases are all located in the plant community dominated by northofagus vegetation found at the southern tip of South America and on the Island of Tas mania, and this habitat includes many other common fea tures as well. Environments with the highest temperateness values (figure 4.05) are usually clustered in zones close to the earths mean biotemperature (ET = 14.84), although there are exceptions. In figure 8.05, the property space defined by the rela tionship between temperateness (TEMP) and latitude is dis played, along with markers coded to indicate the quantity of stored food (QTSTOR). The same threshold between stor age and nonstorage that was observed in figure 8.04 is very clear at 35 degrees latitude. I have also indicated the thresh old between temperate and nontemperate settings at the TEMP value of 50C. There is also a provocative threshold at a TEMP value of 66*C, where a cluster of cases practicing considerable food storage occurs. This pattern then gives
Property space map defined by temperateness and latitude relative to the quantity of stored food (all hunter-gatherer cases included). Cases are coded for the quantity of food stored (QTSTOR): (1) no regular storage or minor, very-short-term storage of two or three days; (2) moderate investment in storage, in both quantity and period of potential use; (3) major investment in storage and in the duration of anticipated use; and (4) massive investment in storage from the standpoint of both species stored and duration of use.
way to cases with higher TEMP values but no storage and a scattering of cases with minimal to moderate storage. The obvious question is why such an abrupt drop-ofF in dependence on storage occurs at a temperateness value of 66C. High temperateness, as measured by the variable TEMP, seems to elicit very different tactical subsistence responses. One might even surmise that at similar latitudes high temperateness would tend to reduce the probability that heavy storage would occur. If this conjecture is true, it could account for the six cases from South America and Tasmania that rarely if ever resorted to storage.6 This simple view seems very unlikely given the strong clustering of heavy dependence upon storage found between TEMP values of 60 and 66C in figure 8.05. An examination of the geographic distribution of the global sample of weather stations reveals that the environ mental settings in which hunter-gatherer groups practice little or no storage occur in the following regions: along the southeast coast of Australia from Sydney to Melbourne, throughout most of Tasmania, across the southern portion of New Zealands South Island, on the Chatham Islands (approximately 400 miles off the eastern coast o f New Zealand), and around the southern tip of South Amcrica along
3 2
( baltasound - u n it e d k in g d o m )
4 2 4
4 4
55.00 13.67
8.17 (51.66)
1 1 1
3 3 4
(?) 2
1 2
Notes: Boldface indicates cases from the Subantarctic Zone. Cases in italics indicate hunter-gatherers whose regions share many environmental
characteristics with cases in boldface. Parentheses indicate weather stations that share many environmental characteristics with cases in boldface.
both the Chilean and Argentine coasts, south of approximately 47.5 degrees south latitude. All of these regions occur within the convergence zone formed by the Antarctic and subtrop ical oceanic temperature and salinity regimes. This area is noted for unpredictable weather patterns, occanic storms, strong winds, and an associated chill factor,7 all of which drive the convergent pattern of ocean dynamics between surface and deep water. No analogous conditions exist in the Northern Hemisphere because continental landmases interfere with their forma tion. Nevertheless, convergent zones in the (Keans north of the equator roughly coincide with the two great clockwise cur rents of the northern Pacific and the Atlantic: the Japan
Current and the Gulf Stream, respectively. The former strikes the west coast of North America between southern British Columbia and northern California. The Gulf Stream simi larly affects the coastal areas of western Europe, although with somewhat less force since the convergence zone between arctic and subtropical waters is less distinct along the fc'uropean coast. Even so, the Canaries Current modifies the cli mate along the Portuguese coast and the Norwegian Coastal Current has an impact on conditions in the Bay of'Biscay, the Irish Sea, and the Hebrides Islands west of Scotland < Stowe 1979:184). 1 he north central Pacific coast of North America e\|v rienccs similar temperateness at comparable latitudes, but
A P L A T E A R T H OR A T H I C K R O T U N D I T Y ?
storms in this region are characterized by milder tempera tures than those affecting coastal regions in the Southern Hemisphere. Locations of interest include the west coast of Portugal and the northern coast of Spain, extending roughly to the French city of Biarritz and northward. Another patch of high temperateness occurs in the southern Irish sea and along the coast of Wales as for south as Cardiff. The Hebrides Islands are also characterized by high temperateness values (greater than 66C). These occur in the same property space as shown in the second quadrant of figure 8.05, in which cases from the Southern Hemisphere that were minimally depen dent upon storage as a subsistence tactic were observed. In North America, an area of comparable temperateness extends northward along the California coast from just north of San Luis Obispo to the central coast of Oregon. Thereafter, tem perateness drops steadily as latitude increases, until the TEMP values equal 50C at approximately 54 degrees north latitude. Keeping in mind my synopsis of the factors conditioning climatic features o f both coastal and insular locations, as well as analogous locations elsewhere, I look again at the hunter-gatherer cases that were identified as exceptional from the distribution in figure 8.05. Table 8.03 presents these exceptional cases in sets grouped according to the number of months in the growing season. When arranged in this fashion, the exceptional cases scale with the length of the growing season; all cases in localities with a growing season of more than six months have been observed to prac tice no storage. In contrast, cases in areas with a growing sea son of less than or equal to six months practice some storage. When I compare the exceptional cases to other huntergatherer groups occupying localities that are very similar in temperateness and latitude to regions in which exceptional cases are found, it is clear thatalthough the scale of depen dence on storage is different a relationship between stor age and the length of the growing season is nonetheless noticeable. The mean values for the storage index (QTSTOR) are 2.3 for a twelve-month growing season, 3.3 for a ninemonth growing season, and 4.0 when the growing season equals six months. The single comparative case in group A (three-month growing season) has a QTSTOR value of 3.0. These results clearly indicate that, even though the scale at which storage is practiced by highly and moderately inten sified hunter-gatherer groups is different, the underlying relationship between storage and length of the growing sea son is maintained.8 The character of this relationship, how ever, is more apparent when the intensified cases are eliminated. Figure 8.06 uses the same property space as figure 8.04, but all of the sedentary cases have been eliminated. As a result, the cluster of cases in figure 8.04 that are heavily dependent on storage disappears, and the remaining mobile cases are distributed along the ordinal scale of storage depen-
3 o *
A 1
; c
o o
rrr 7 0
Property space map defined by temperateness and latitude relative to the quantity of stored food (only mobile huntergatherer cases included). Cases are coded for the quantity of food stored (QTSTOR); (1) no regular storage or minor, veryshort-term storage of two or three days; (2) moderate invest ment in storage, in both quantity and period of potential use; (3) major investment in storage and in the duration of antic ipated use; and (4) massive investment in storage from the standpoint of both species stored and duration of use.
dence. This distribution indicates that temperateness (TEMP) does moderate the normal effects of latitude on the length of the growing season. Settings with high temperateness tend to have very moderate winter temperatures, and they can therefore be regarded as a measure of minimal extremes in temperature. Storage becomes important at approximately 35 to 36 degrees latitude for the majority of cases. This threshold appears to be delayed until between 40 and 43 degrees latitude when temperateness (TEMP) values are high. The effects of temperateness are further illustrated in figure 8.07, graphs A and B, in which the role of temperate ness in expanding the growing season relative to effective tem perature values is strongly indicated. Two very different environmental contexts were chosen to illustrate the impor tance of temperateness. In graph A, which includes all of the mobile cases that have twelve-month growing seasons, it is clear that those cases located in areas in which effective tem peratures correspond to cool climatic regimes also have high values for temperateness. In fact, 64 percent of the cases whose ET values are greater than 16 have TEMP values greater than 60C. Graph B illustrates the same effect, but this plot includes only cases with a three-month growing season. Here the majority of the cases are clustered between ET val-
FIGURE 8 . 0 7
Comparative graphs of mobile hunter-gatherer cases displayed in property space defined by temperateness and effective tem perature: graph A includes only cases with a twelve-month growing season; graph B includes only cases with a three-month growing season. Both graphs are coded for primary source of food (SUBSP): (1) terrestrial animals, (2) terrestrial plants, and (3) aquatic resources.
ues of 11.0 and 10.5, but two extraordinary cases have ET val ues o f 9.0 or less and TEMP values o f more than 60C.
Other things being equal, higher-latitude settings in which meteorological and climatic conditions have a moderating effect on temperature extremes also have longer growing sea sons. Temperateness values greater than 60C are a good indi cator of such effects.
The habitats of some localities at 35 degrees latitude or higher are characterized by temperateness values that exceed 60C. These locations are usually affected by oceanic conditions asso ciated with a convergence zone between subtropical and polar ocean temperature and salinity regimes.9 Less com monly, resources can be exploited throughout the winter at some higher-latitude locations, such as places in the high arctic where breathing hole sealing is a productive tactic. In both of these kinds of settings, there may be a considerable reduction in a group's dependence upon stored foods.
It is also true that My discussion thus far o f the factors that may promote storage but do not result from the concentration of social units into increasingly smaller geographic patches and there fore are not accompanied by intensification prompts the following postulation:
Other things being equal, there will be a curvilinear rela tionship between the quantity of food stored and the length of the growing season for mobile hunter-gatherer groups that experience little or no intensificational pressure. The first appearance of storage will be noted at approximately 35 degrees latitude, hereafter referred to as the storage thresh old and corresponding to an ET value of 15.25. Greater reliance on stored foods should be associated with decreases in the length of the growing season.
Proposition 8.05
In the following settings, two major factors may precip itate a decrease in a groups investment in storage relative to the latitude of its home range:
Other things being equal, GROUP1 size should vary somewhat independently of mobility costs among hunter-gatherer groups practicing storage. Considerable variance in GROUP1 sizes might be expected as dependence upon storage increases, but larger GROUP 1 sizes might be expected to occur in sys tems that process for storage materials with greater bu lK per unit of processing time.
Comparative plots of GRO U P1 size displayed relative to effective temperature: graph A focuses on the pattern defined by the small- to moderate-body-size cases relative to a series of environmental thresholds, while graph B displays the total dis tribution. Graph A is coded for an ordination and classification of GRO U P1 sizes: (2) small, (3) medium, (4) large, (5) over sized, (7) exceptional cases, and (8) very large. Graph B is coded for the quantity of food stored (QTSTOR): (1) no regular storage or minor, very-short-term storage o f two or three days; (2) moderate investment in storage, in both quantity and period of potential use; (3) major investment in storage and in the duration of anticipated use; and (4) massive investment in stor
age from the standpoint of both species stored and duration of use.
It might therefore be expected that GROUP 1 size would track increased dependence upon storage. I would also expect increases in dependence to be disproportionately higher in settings with a short access window for obtaining storable foods or when the time between food procurement and spoilage is short. This would be particularly true for groups exploiting aquatic resources, for whom the size o f GROUP 1 labor units would vary inversely with the time between pro curement and the onset of spoilage. Figure 8.08, graphs A and B, provides provocative insights into the modifying effects on GROUP 1 size of storage and scalar differences in primary pro ductivity, such as the length o f the growing season, as indi cated by effective temperature. In graph A, the patterns of variability in GROUP 1 size rel ative to the earths effective temperature range are illus trated. The overall sawtoothed shape has a range of variability of approximately twelve persons and remains fairly con stant across the earths range of temperatures. Variability in the pattern is introduced in the mode of the absolute values of the maximum and minimum group sizes. High values (GlSET * 3 and 4) are concentrated just above the ET indi cator of 18 degrees, which marks the shift in the length of the growing season from twelve to fewer months, and at a thresh old of 11.53 degrees ET. Such a value is common within the boreal forest or at lower altitudes along the margin between boreal forests and grassland steppes. This pattern indi
cates that GROUP 1 size is clearly distributed differentially rel ative to environmental variables, but it is unclear what is the linking mechanism in a causal sense. Graph B illustrates the linkage between GROUP 1 size and storage. Between the storage threshold at an ET value o f 15.25 and the threshold within the boreal forest at ET 11.53, there are many cases whose GROUP1 size is much larger than the normal range of variability of plus or minus six persons from the mode. Almost all of these groups are reported to be heavily dependent upon storage. It is tempting to attribute the increase in GROUP 1 size in this temperature interval as primarily related to the pro cessing and storage o f fish for winter consumption. More importantly, the cases with the largest GROUP 1 sizes also pri marily exploited anadromous fish, which are only available in the Northern Hemisphere. It is interesting to note that o f the ten cases from the Southern Hemisphere from settings with cooler temperatures than those at the storage threshold, none falls outside of the range of variability of groups in figure 8.08, graph A, that are situated in climates with warmer tem peratures than at the storage threshold. These facts support the view that GROUP 1 size gets larger when high hulk processing for storage becomes necessary and when with out substantial processing there is a very small temporal window between food procurement and the onset o f spoilage.
The threshold at ET 11.53, which marks a reduction in GROUP 1 size as effective temperature drops lower and lower, can be seen as defining the point at which freezing becomes a viable storage alternative. At these temperatures, creatures of larger body size requiring much less labor-intensive prepa ration for storage become the most-sought-after food resources. An exception to this general rule would be the cases in the G1SET = 7 category (figure 8.08, graph A), which do not fol low the larger pattern. This class of exceptional cases includes both the Eastern and Western Tasmanian groups, for which data have come exclusively from early contact situations. Consequently, not only is the group type far from clear but, since children were rarely counted by colonial observers, group size is seriously underrepresented as well. Nonetheless, these are cases with high temperateness values, which means that storage should not drive up group size (generalizations 8.07 and 8.09). Other groups in this cluster of exceptional cases come from the Canadian boreal forest and include the Round Lake Ojibwa, the Weagamon Lake Ojibwa, and the Mis tassini Cree, who were trappers at the time of documenta tion and therefore share characteristics with other groups in the atomistic category (Rogers and Black 1976). One com mon feature o f these three cases is that their groups were most widely dispersed during the winter, which is not character istic o f the other cases in similar environments. In the two graphs in figure 8.09, segments of figure 8.08 are examined in more detail. The plot in graph A includes cases
from latitudes above 35 degrees (ET approximately 15.00 degrees) that are fully mobile (GRPPAT = 1) and normal" hunter-gatherers (SUBPOP = n). Groups of mounted hunters (HUNTFIL2 = 1) from the New World plains areas are excluded. By looking initially only at cases of this type, it w ill be possible to evaluate the degree to which intensification and sedentism influence patterning in GROUP 1 size and grow ing season indicators. Figure 8.09, graph A, reveals that
----------------r Generalization 8.10 ----------- ---Between ET values of 15.25 and 11.53 there is a significant increase in GROUP1 size from a median value of approxi mately 10.0 persons at ET 15.00 to a median value of 19.5 persons at ET 11.53. A distinct threshold occurs at 11.53 below which, as ET values decrease, there is a correspond ing reduction in GROUP1 size. The reversal in GROUP 1 size was a totally unexpected result, given my arguments about storage, according to which the greatest environmentally conditioned dependence upon stor age was expected to coincide with the lowest ET values!10 The variables in figure 8.09, graph B, are identical to those in graph A, but the plot now represents patterning among only those cases that were considered to be intensi fied based on their status as nonmobile groups that were essen tially sedentary in their overall setdement pattern. GROUPI values would therefore refer to social units within the
[ g s t ]
I <I
A .A * *
FIG URE 8 .0 9 I to the Comparative plots of GROUP1 size displayed relative to effective temperature; cases are rest tings with ET values of less than 16 degrees. Both graphs apply to hunter-gatherers unmodified by adjacent < ettes and to nonmounted hunters. Graph A displays only mobile cases while graph B displays only c:ases that a Both graphs are coded for an ordination and classification of GRQUP1 sizes; (2) small, (.1) medium, M) large, (7) exceptional cases, and (8) very large.
Comparative plots of the number of species processed for storage displayed relative to effective temperature: graph A includes only mobile hunter-gatherer groups and graph B includes only sedentary hunter-gatherer cases. Both graphs are coded for the quantity of food stored (QTSTOR):(2) moderate investment in storage, in both quantity and period of potential use; (3) major investment in storage and in the duration of anticipated use; and (4) massive investment in storage from the stand point of both species stored and duration of use.
otherwise sedentary settlement that seasonally moved their temporary residences. The same threshold in group size observed in graph A also occurs here at the ET values of 15.25 and 11.53, althoughin this instancethe distribution of GROUP1 values at the thresholds is higher. It can therefore be said of the pattern in graph B of figure 8.09 that
Among groups in localities with ET values of less than 15.2 5 degrees, mobile residential work groups originating in seden tary settlements are larger, on average, than the maximally dispersed components of residentially mobile peoples at similar locations.
I have already taken exception to the proposition that stor age is a causal factor in the evolution of complex societies; at this juncture, I think it is more accurate to say that stor age might be expected to increase as pressure to intensify increases. Furthermore, if I am correct about the interaction between GROUP 1 size and processing food resources for stor age, increases in GROUP 1 size among intensified peoples could be seen as reflecting increased dependence on storage. One of the few studies attempting to relate dependence upon stored foods to political complexity was undertaken by Eileen Panowski ( 1985). She found that there is a correlation among hunter-gatherers between measures of political com plexity (visualized as a scale of social stratification) and the number of species processed for storage. Another interest*
ing observation is that the number of aquatic foods utilized is positively correlated with both the size of labor groups and Panowskis ranking of political development (1985:21 31, 42 56). In figure 8.10, graphs A and B, the relationships between effective temperature and Panowskis tabulations of the numbers of different species prepared for storage (STOR SPEC) are demonstrated. Markers indicate the dependence upon storage (QTSTOR) coded in this study. In figure 8.10, mobile cases are arrayed in graph A and sedentary cases appear in graph B. In the graph of mobile cases, there is a threshold similar to the one observed in the plot of ET and GROUP1 size in figure 8.09, which anticipates major changes between mobile and sedentary hunter-gatherer cases. In graph A in figure 8.09, when GROUP 1 size was plotted on the xaxis, the threshold occurred at a value of 11.53, which is between the mean ET value of the boreal forest (11.33) and that of the lake forests of east central Canada
( 11.88).
In figure 8.10, the GROUP1 size threshold occurs within the coniferous evergreen northern forests, while the thresh old for the number of species processed for storage occurs within the coastal redwood forests of California or within the transitional deciduous-northern coniferous forest zones. This positioning corresponds to the boundary between the boreal and cool temperate climate categories in the classifi cation of plant communities summarized by the variable CLIM and presented in chapter 4. Clearly, major changes in many aspects of hunter-gatherer adaptations occur at the 11.53 threshold. The graph in
p p L U : *' S
o Jj
0 20 40 60 80 100
A property space plot of the number of mammalian species present in the terrestrial habitat displayed relative to the effective temperature for only North American cases in set tings of lower than 17 degrees latitude.
figure 8.11 illustrates that, within this zone, the relationship between the expected number of terrestrial mammal species11 and ET values has important organizational consequences for the ethnic units residing there. This figure identifies the presence of a major biological boundary with a zone of overlap corresponding to the two thresholds previously iden tifiedthe hunter-gatherer GROUP 1 size data (figure 8.09, graph A) and the number of species processed for storage (figure 8.10, graphs A and B)when both are arrayed against ET. The threshold patterning in both GROUP 1 size and numbers of species processed for storage strongly suggests either the operation of a new variable or a major point of diminishing returns for the labor strategies that worked suc cessfully in environments with ET values between approxi mately 15 and 12 degrees. Unfortunately, a knowledge of only the patterns docu mented in figures 8.09 and 8.10 provides no clear indication of what factors may be conditioning the reversal in GROUP1 size and number of species stored. The demonstration in figure 8.11 suggests that hunter-gatherers are responding, at least partially, to a set of environmental conditions that also affect the number of terrestrial mammal species present in the habitat. This is indicated by the gap in the number of species that appears at the threshold at approximately ET 11.53 degrees. The threshold itself could mark a major change in biotic communities, with the result that the niches for ani mals on either side of the gap would be very different indeed
supsp ]
p c Sti
1 **
3 3 U
"2 40
Subpolar Bottleneck
1 |
F I G U R E 8. 12
Comparative property space maps defined by temperature Indicators and the Ior, value of net abovegrour ung the world sample of 1,429 weather station. Graph A displays the pattern when effective temperature lTI graph B display* the pattern when latitude is used as an Indicator of solar energy. Coding for both graphs is the | food (SUBSP)t H) terrestrial animals, (2) terrestrial plant, and (3) aquatic resources.
35 A
A ^ *
A i
Subpolar Bottleneck L o g .. Value o f Net Aboveground Productivity (LNAGP)
.< 3>
Subpolar Bottleneck
Four graphs displaying the log10 value of net aboveground productivity relative to GROUP1 size. In all comparisons, mounted hunters and groups heavily affected by colonial presence have been eliminated from the data plotted. Differential responses to the subpolar bottleneck are demonstrated. Graph A is coded for the primary sources of food (SUBSP): (1) ter restrial animals, (2) terrestrial plants, and (3) aquatic resources. Graphs B, C, and D are each differentiated by the primary source of food: terrestrial animals (A), terrestrial plants (B), and aquatic resources (C).
Fortunately, the global sample of the earths environments will help me examine climatic conditions at the crucial ET threshold of 11.53 degrees. In figure 8.12, graph A, I look first at the basic relationship between temperature and the avail ability of water to support terrestrial plant life (the log10 value of net aboveground productivity). The variables on they axis of both graphs A and B are temperature indicators, and there fore the spread of values in net aboveground productivity at any given temperature indicator represents the controlling effects of moisture on annual plant productivity. The greatest diversity in plant productivity occurs at approximately 20 degrees latitude or 15.5 degrees ET, which
corresponds closely to the storage threshold. As one moves in the direction o f higher latitude and lower ET values, the diversity is significantly reduced until a bottleneck in net aboveground productivity is reached at approximately 55 degrees latitude or 11.45 to 11.60 degrees ET. At the bottle neck, which implies only various forms o f northern forest, all of the earths environmental settings with an ET of approx imately 11.53 degrees have log,0 net aboveground produc tivity values o f between 2.31 and 2.89. These are moderately high productivity values, but they represent relatively high biomass values (5,000 to 10,000 grams per square meter) at these latitudes.
On the lower-ET side of the bottleneck, the productivity curve drops off sharply to the left, indicating that an accel erating reduction in net aboveground productivity occurs as ET decreases. This pattern also represents a pronounced, curvilinear decrease in biomass compared with the values occurring at the bottleneck. I believe that the patterning in figure 8.12 shows that the provocative thresholds in GROUP 1 size visible in figures 8.10, graphs A and B, and 8.11 reflect important environ mental dynamics and are therefore not attributable to the operation of new causal variables. Indeed, the thresholds refer to patterns previously associated with groups dependent upon terrestrial plant resources that maintain larger group sizes in higher primary productivity habitats (generaliza tion 8.01). The four graphs in figure 8.13 illustrate several addi tional features of the relationship between GROUP 1 size and the log10value of net aboveground productivity. The less ambiguous view of the relationship appears in graph A, where only groups whose basic settlement pattern is nonmobile have been plotted. Most of the cases that are depen dent primarily upon plants occur on the lower end of the distribution, while the majority of the cases are primarily dependent upon aquatic resources. The overall pattern in graph A of figure 8.13 is positive. In the other graphs a pos itive pattern is found to the left of the subpolar bottleneck, suggesting that, other things being equal, as the log10 value of net aboveground productivity increases, GROUP 1 size also increases. The only difference among graphs B, C, and D is the pri mary source of food, but all three graphs differ substan tially from graph A. Graphs B, C, and D exhibit major changes of direction consistent with the range of LNAGP val ues that identified the bottleneck in the number of mam malian species in figure 8.12, graph A. In graph B (dependence upon terrestrial animals) and graph D (dependence upon aquatic resources), GROUP 1 size fells off precipitously as pro ductivity increases beyond a threshold at log10 values of between 2.525 and 2.600 for primary productivity. Is it a coin cidence that this approximates the median value of the bot tleneck identified in figure 8.12, which incidentally coincides with the threshold clearly demonstrated in figure 8.09 at an effective temperature of 11.53? Values of primary productivity within the bottleneck are found across the full range of ET values that are warmer than those of the bottleneck itself (figure 8.12, graph B). This means that a threshold defined in terms of productivity could be ambiguous in any areas warmer than the bottleneck. Another implication is that the patterns in graphs B, C, and D in figure 8.13 could represent either autocorrelations or ambiguous information arising from sample bias in the environments represented in the controlled sample of cases displayed in the graphs.
In order to clarify which of these possibilities might be involved, the three comparative graphs in figure 8.14 were pre pared, using the same property space defined by effective tem perature on the y axis and the log10value of net aboveground productivity on the x axis. All plots feature the same marker, which is the GROUP 1 size ordinal variable G1SET that w as developed for figure 8.08. The only difference between the three graphs is that, for groups whose GRPPAT * 1, SUBPOP = n, and HUNTFIL = 1, they plot a subset of the cases based on the class of food resources upon which each ethnic group in the controlled sample primarily depends. The results of this exercise certainly help to clarify the sig nificance of the patterning at or near the ET threshold of 11.53. For instance, in figure 8.14, graph A, among hunter-gatherer groups that are primarily dependent upon terrestrial animals, there is a much higher percentage of larger GROUP1 size cases in settings with ET values that are lower than the 11.53 threshold. Only one case, the Warunggu from Australia, is located in a setting with high net aboveground productivity, which indicates that the case was probably misclassified. The information about this groups diet came from Brayshaw (1990:55) and summarizes the reports of explorers who observed the food procurement choices made by these abo riginal groups. Brayshaw also provides information on native diets rel ative to the variability in rainfall in the region. I chose to use values from settings with greater than 1,500 millimeters of rainfall. Comparison of graph A (hunters) with graph B (gatherers) shows that the Warunggu (graph A, 107) are more consistent with other plant-dependent peoples. Brayshaw estimated that plant dependence would account for 50 per cent or more of the diet of groups in the more moderaterainfall settings, an estimate that is likely to complement the group size observations more accurately. The pattern formed in figure 8.14, graph B, by the groups primarily dependent upon terrestrial plants clarifies pat terns seen earlier in figure 8.13, graph C. Most importantly, there are few cases with plant-dominated diets in settings with ET values of less than 12.75 degrees. I suspect that the few cases that occur below this limit come from unusual settings in which the length of the growing season is not reliably indi cated by temperature values at the beginning and end of the growing season. The feet that the majority of groups that are dependent upon plant resources are found in settings with ET values of greater than 12.75 degrees simply reflects the uneven distribution of plant resources throughout the earth's environments. Most readers were, I suspect, already aware of global vari ability in the availability of edible plant species, but when the focus is on variables such as GROUP 1 site, the distribution of this bias is clearer. When we compare graphs B and C in figure 8.14, for example, it is apparent that larger GROUP! sizes are more common among plant-dependent peoples in
B.,.m , ----; A
4 G1SET r
4 > <
* 3
............ V
^ ^ s
_ 9
m*> 4 a g i
1-5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
Three graphs comparing patterns among mobile cases differing in the trophic level of their primary food resources and dis played in the same property space, defined by effective tem perature and the log10 value of net aboveground productivity. Coding for all three graphs is an ordination and classification of GROUP1 sizes: (2) small, (3) medium, (4) large, (5) over sized, and (7) exceptional cases.
2. The storage threshold, which occurs at approximately 35 degrees latitude (figure 8.04 and proposition 8.04) or at 15.25 degrees ET (generalization 8.11). 3. The terrestrial plant threshold, which occurs at an ET value of 12.75 degrees (generalization 8.12 and figure 8.14). In warmer settings than this threshold, plant-dominated sub sistence strategies can be expected. In cooler settings, plantdominated subsistence strategies are not expected, except in rare instances in which temperateness extends the growing --------------- Generalization 8.12 -----------------season in spite of lowered temperatures during the growing Several thresholds at which major changes in the behavior season (generalizations 8.08-8.10 and proposition 8.05). of hunter-gatherers regularly occur have been identified. 4. The subpolar bottleneck, which occurs at an T value These include the following: of 11.53 degrees and corresponds to a global constriction in 1. The growing season threshold, which was actually the range of variability in net aboveground productivity. modeled by Bailey (1960) as part of his development of the Locations with this ET setting exhibit a very narrow range of effective temperature variable. The transition from environ net aboveground productivity values 0og|() value ~ 2.31 to mental settings with the potential for a twelve-month grow 2.89), representing forest biomes with substantial biomass but ing season to settings with shorter growing seasons occurs at very little species diversity (figures 8.08, 8.0*1, and 8.12, an T value of 18 degrees. The importance of this pivotal point and generalization 8.12). was demonstrated in figure 0.08. high-productivity settings, while smaller GROUP 1 sizes occur only among aquatically dependent groups living in rel atively high-plant-productivity settings. Pattern recognition studies have taught us a great deal about the interaction between habitat, subsistence practice, and the size of the groups practicing those subsistence strate gies for at least some part o f the year. One could say that
Not only have pattern changes at four major transition points become apparent, but we have also inquired into what exactly happens at these thresholds and, in some cases, what may be conditioning the shifts:
A Review o f the Demand Curve as a Variable Distinct from the Consumer Demand Represented by Food-Procuring and -Processing Task Groups
The patterns I have been illustrating indicate a set of strongly linked relationships involving the trophic level of the food resources that foragers exploit, which (at least partially) implicates GROUP 1 size, reliance on storage, and intensification. One clue to the character of this link age can be found in Panowskis research into the species counts of stored foods demonstrated earlier in figure 8.10. The same set of thresholds in GROUP I size marks changes in the number of species stored relative to ET. Both of these patterns appear to be related to primary productiv ity and the complex relationships between primary pro duction and the proportion between temperature and moisture that sustains biomass in the plant community. Panowski herself observes: It seems to me that the number of stored foods is an indi cator of the number and extent of conflicts encountered in scheduling major food procurement activities, confl icts that involve not only the time element, but also the division of labor required, and the storage options available. (1985:41) She provides several examples from the ethnographic literature: The busiest time of the year for the Southern Pomo was from August to November when two primary resources, salmon and acorns, were harvested. The most utilized oak groves were those on the slopes and valleys near the river. To avoid quarrels, the people recognized owner ship of certain trees or groups of trees.. .. Since salmon and nuts were procured in the same general area, men, women, and children helped with both procedures. The intensive work of drying salmon could be done in two-to-three-week periods, with acorn and buckeye gathering taking place between the peaks of the fish runs and also afterwards. If it was felt necessary to do both at the same time, women could cut fish and dry them while men and children collected nuts. All helped carry the winter stores back to the village where most of the group congregated for the colder months. (1985*41) In the example that Panowski describes, the Pomo were dispersed in residentially based work groups that were orga nized as coordinated, multitask labor units. Men and women performed different tasks related to the procurement and pmcessing of the same species, except in those instances iw which simultaneous exploitation and processing of several different species were required. This difference may assume considerable importance in my continued investigation of the sources of variability in GROUP I size.
Proposition 8.06
Beginning at the storage threshold and continuing until the subpolar bottleneck (figures 8.08 and 8.09, and generalization 8.11), increases in CROUP1 size among mobile hunter-gatherers seem to represent a response to at least two conditioning variables. The first is an increased dependence upon stored foods in response to the shorter growing season that occurs between these two thresholds (generalizations 8.08 and 8.06). As dependence upon stored foods for longer periods of the year increases, one can expect larger and larger quan tities of food to be procured during the relatively short segments of the growing season. The food is then processed for storage and later consumption during the nongrowing seasonal segment of the annual cycle. The size of the localized labor force should increase as a simple function of the increase in procurement poten tial per access location in the habitat. The size of the taskspecific labor force should also vary inversely with the number of different resources exploited simultaneously in the habitat, for either storage or consumption. The second factor contributing to the regular increase in group size occurring between the storage threshold and the subpolar bottleneck is the presence of the ter restrial plant threshold at an ET value of 12.75. The lat ter threshold occurs at one-third of the ET range below the subpolar bottleneck, which is where the empirical shift to a diet that is primarily dependent upon terres trial animals occurs. It has been regularly demon strated that GROUP1 size tends to be larger among hunters of terrestrial animals (generalization 8.06). Among the cases arrayed between the storage thresh old and the subpolar bottleneck, it might be expected that terrestrial animals would contribute more to the total diet as the terrestrial plant threshold is approached and then replace plants as the primary component of the diet once the terrestrial plant threshold is reached, other things being equal. I think it should be clear that
Generalization 8.13
Increases in GROUP 1 size among mobile hunter-gatherers between the storage threshold and the subpolar bottleneck are to be referred to increased dependence upon storage and increased exploitation of terrestrial animals in direct response to environmental variables, either things being equal.
A F L A T E A R T H OR A T H I C K R O T U N D I T Y ?
26 9
I have already discussed the fact that the demand curve is drastically modified once a group is engaged in food pro duction for storage, trade, or wages. Groups engaged in food production are no longer constituted to meet their daily consumption requirements. They are, instead, organized in terms of the labor needed to procure and process the amount of food necessary to meet the nutrient requirements of groups whose size and duration of consumption may vary quite independently of their own. Recognition of this set of conditions, which were not embodied in the Group Size Model, led me to investigate the phenomenon of storage and is responsible for my expecta tion that dependence on storage tactics should increase as the length of the growing season decreases. This relationship leads to the expectation, summarized in proposition 8.05, that GROUP1 size should increase as the bulk processing of foods for storage increases. It was assumed that, other things being equal, GROUP 1 size should also increase as the length of the growing season decreases. The discovery of an unanticipated and significant reversal in the relationship between GROUP 1 size and the number of species processed for storage prompted me to reexamine the assumptions underlying the model. (It should be remem bered that the model described the behavior of a classic for ager [Binford 1980], who practiced no storage and consumed foodat roughlythe rate at which it was introduced to the camp on a dailybasis. Foraging parties would procure food in terms of a normal daily return strategy, which would ensure that, as returns diminished, consumers would be moved to another patch in the habitat) Thus far, my research strongly suggests that deviations from the characteristic sexual division of labor andthe work schedules of each gender-defined work party such as simultaneous multitasking at single locations rather than gender-based differentiation at different locationsmay account for differences between observed GROUP 1 sizes and the values built into the Group Size Model.
In my discussion in chapter 7 of the development of a min imalist Group Size Model, I argued that a fundamental link age existed between group size and mobility. Data presented in tables 7.06 and 7.14 have led me to conclude that
Generalization 8.14 ---------Other things being equal, increases in group size may result in increased mobility since, when food resources are avail able at a constant level, the number of residential moves per year increases as group size increases.
It is possible to evaluate this generalization by referring to ethnographic estimates of residential mobility for the hunter-gatherer groups in the global sample of cases. The basic data on the number of moves per year and the distances moved by the groups in the sample, as well as the sources from which these data are taken, are presented in table 8.04. Now that these data have been compiled and made accessible, I can begin to address the implication in generalization 8.14 that GROUP 1 size should increase with mobility, other things being equal. The data displayed in the scatter plots in figure 8.15 con sist of the hunter-gatherer cases for which I have both GROUP 1 size and an estimate of the total number of kilo meters traversed by a group during an average annual round of residential movement. These groups are also mobile (GRPPAT = 1), are not heavily affected by more complex cul tural systems (SUBPOP n), and do not use horses for hunting (HUNTFIL2 = 1). A threshold seems indicated at approximately 400 kilometers, below which groups making residential moves show a high variance trend toward reduced GROUP 1 size with increased distance moved. Above the 400-kilometer threshold, GROUP 1 size increases as the dis tance moved increases, a finding that contradicts the assump tions underlying the Group Size Model but supports generalization 8.14. The seven relatively tightly clustered collector cases to the left of the threshold, which move 100 kilometers or less each year, are also the groups that are most intensified. The five scattered cases that move between 100 and 350 kilometers annually very likely represent nonintensified cases. The sev enteen collector cases that represent 61 percent of the total number of groups cluster above the point at which distance moved exceeds 350 kilometers. I have argued (Binford 1980) that groups adopt collector (also referred to as logistical) strategies in two sets of cir cumstances. Logistical strategies represent the reorganization of labor to cope with the incongruent distribution of criti cal resources, such as when consumers are located near one critical resource but far from another equally critical resource like water or food, firewood, or shelter (Binford 1980, 1983:344). The widely scattered collector cases in figure 8.15 whose annual moves are equal to or greater than 200 kilo meters are likely to have a problem with congruence. I have suggested that these conditions tend to occur at places in which the number of critical resources is greatest, such as in the polar region and northern temperate zones. Collector strategies might also be adopted in situations in which some restrictions are placed on consumer or resi dential mobility (Binford 1983:353). In such settings, vari ous kinds of resources have very different spatial scales of dispersion and clustering. Collector strategies could be favored if groups were limited in their mobility (Binford 1983:353) by the presence of competing groups, or if there were only a few
TABLE 8 . 04
r e f e r e n c e
(s )
Tropical-subtropical Asia
240 50 140 40 59 0 76 147 36 150 135 170 120 14 95 55 90 19 75 0.1 8 350 420 0.1 410 375 90 Tropical-subtropical South America
Harrison 1949:135,139; Urquart 1951:505, 515 Eder 1984:843 Persoon 1989:512; Volz 1909:96-101 Cooper 1991 Temple 1903:69-90 Reed 1904:39-43 Radcliffe-Brown 1948:28 Schebesta 1962a: 143 44 Seligmann and Seligmann 1911:43-44 Morris 1982a: 1 3 6 ,1 7 4 -8 0 Headland pers. comm. 1992 Rai 1982:105,107 Vanoverbergh 1925:195,196-98,432 Eurer- Haimendorf 1943:366 Bernatzik 1951:140; Pookajorn 1988, figures 7 5 -7 7 Gardner 1 9 65:27-28,33 Williams 1974:76-77 Ehrenfels 1952:8 Bhanu 1982:225; 1992:31 Bird 1983:57-59; Bird-David 1987:153-56 Watanabe 1964:8-9 Qiu 1983 (LRB estimate) Lee 1967:23-44 Shternberg 1933:67 Kreynovich 1979:194-209 Chard 1963:106-8 Krupnik 1983:96
7 8
0 .11
12 36
45 27 10 29 4 12 5 8 1.5 4 0.1 1.5 15 13 0.1 17 12 3
MA A M MO 14 l 1 l Vy W A n f A Lv I l l j t A i D A A
33 49 7 40 55 13 0.1 17 53 13 0.1
171 285 33 175 225 70 0.1 110 312 70 0.1 290 135 170 360 320 90
* 7 /
1 A
LRB estimate Kloos 1977:119; pers. comm. 1982 Gragson 1989:285 88 Kirchhoff 1945:449 Politis pers. comm. 1992 Lvi-Strauss 1948b:266, 288; Aspelin 1976:9-16 Lvi-Strauss 1936:269, 1970:140; Baldus 1937:123-24 Holmberg 1950:51 Stearman 1989a (estimate) Lvi-Strauss 1948:266, 288 Widmer 1983:15-18 Clastres 1972:163; Oberg 1953:18,38 LRB estimate Henry 1964:159 LRB estimate Chapman 1982:19 Gusinde 1937:366, 511
t a b l e
n u m b e r
8 . 0 4 (continued)
m o v e s
Tropical-subtropical Africa
n ya e)
6 10
7 16
0.1 11
75 37 60 85 65 64 65 145 125 80
!k u n g ( d o b e ) NHARO
g /w i
Hudson 1990:57-80 Heymer 1980:189 Terashima 1980:241,261 Vallois and Marquer 1976:112-19 Bailey 1985:48-58; Peacock 1985:47 48 Harako 1976:44,114-17 Tanno 1976:123 Ichikawa 1978:173-75 LRB estimate Lee and Devore 1968a: 194 Huntingford 1929:340,1955:623-34 Hitchcock and Ebert 1989:55 Lee 1972a:330,1979:168,182-204 Hitchcock and Ebert 1989:55 Silberbauer 1972:295-97; 1981:193,196, 246; 1981b:460 Tanaka 1976:100,113,1980:79-81 Hitchcock and Ebert 1989:55 Hitchcock and Ebert 1989:55 Informant from Molopo River
4 1 14
32 60 140 14 17 180 218 238 150 85 25 145 75 18 60 30 40 150 35 35 70 130 380 416 380 325 32 275 325 373
groote eyela n d t
15 14 14
12 10
A u
4 7
4 7
12 8
14 15
13 14 14
Moore 1979:238 Parkhouse 1895:639-41 Altman 1987:22-27 Peterson 1973:185,1970:11 Meehan 1982:26-41 Hiatt 1965:31-32 Tindale pers. comm. 1967 LRB estimate Thomson 1939:211-20 Chaloupka 1981:163-71 Biernoff 1979:156 Thomson 1934:241 LRB estimate Hart and Pilling 1960:35,36,66 Anderson and Robins 1988:184 87 Tindale, pers. comm. 1967 Hale and Tindale 1933:64, 77 LRB estimate Blundell 1975:127-29. Memmott 1983a: 121-26 LRB estimate Harris 1982:378-82 Radcliffe-Brown 1912:144 47 Meggitt pers. comm. 1973 LRB estimate LRB estimate M yers 1986:77-89 Winterbotham 1980:41 Duncan-Kemp 1964:129 Binfbrd field notes 1974 Gould 1968:104-12
t a b l e
8 . 0 4 (continued)
D I S T A N C E P E R Y E A R M O V E D ( M I L E S ) R E F E R E N C E (
14 17
8 10 12
90 165 65 North America: California and Northern Mexico
Belshaw 1978:74-78 Tindale 1972:233-38 Tindale pers. com m . 1966-67 Binford field notes 1993; Spencer and Gillen 1927 Tindale pers. com m . 1966. Draper pers. com m . 1993 Gaughwin and Sullivan 1984:90 Jones 1972:4 Jones 1972:4
7 4
95 40
7 7
90 80 4 90 18 50
5 9 3
33 70 14
2 0.1
9 3
85 36 139
34 5
1 0.1
4 4
8 0.1
85 32 70
6 8
5 3
60 55
w iy o t
5 0.1 1 4 2 1 J O y 6
75 0.1 12 28 24 64 45 84
McGee 1898:152 LRB estimate LRB estimate LRB estimate LRB estimate Gayton 1948a:7-14; Kroeber 1925:484 LRB estimate Sparkman 1908:212 LRB estimate Voegelin 1938:2 4 Goldschmidt 1948:445 Gayton 1948a:56-64, 7 0 -7 6 Kroeber 1932:259-62 LRB estimate Gayton 1948a:254-63; Gifford 1932b Barrett 1908:182-204 DuBois 1935:28-29 LRB estimate Dixon 1910:295-302 Kroeber 1929:407-8 Barrett 1908:210-26 Nomland 1935:149-78 Driver 1936:179-220 Barrett 1908:124-35; Loeb 1926:172 Waterman 1918:37-60 Barrett and Gifford 1933:198-206 Gray 1987:37-40 Gifford 1939:294, 3 2 9-30 Drucker 1940:226-35 Dixon 1907:421-22 Goddard 1 9 0 4 :1 2 -1 6 ,2 1 -2 9 Gray 1987:48-51 Schenck and Gifford 1952:387-92 Schalk 1978:125 Dixon 1905:201,225 Schalk 1978:125 Kniffen 1926:303 Ray 1963:180-211 Spier 1930:11
u e s
b p
e e
r r
y e a r r e f e r e n c e
9 14 4 9 14
10 2 12 8 11
2 2 0
Corbusier 1886:283; Gifford 1932:206-13 Steward 1936:81-83 Knifen 1935:38-45 LRB estimate Steward 1936:76-80 LRB estimate Steward 1 9 3 3 :2 3 8 -3 9 ,2 6 3 -6 6 Thomas 1983:29-30 Kelly 1964:12,14 Davis 1965:29-31 Steward 1938:58-60 Gould and Plew 1996:64-66; Steward 1938:165-72 LRB estimate Fowler 1992:25-42 Steward 1938:64-68 Riddell 196o:21 44 Steward 1938:178-79 Steward 1938:132-39 Steward 1938:118-21 Steward 1938:100-5 Steward 1938:173-77 Downs 1966:12-37 Kelly 1 9 3 2 :7 8 ,1 0 5 -6 Steward 1938:figure 11,147 49 Whiting 1950:17-19 Steward 1938:187-92 Steward 1938:114-15, figure 8
17 270
2 0 0
215 195
2 1 0
S A L M O N -E A T E R
3 5 9 9
13 5
14 7 9
210 120
250 270 260
18 18 31 13 24 28
Basehart pers. comm. 1972 Gussow 1954; Moore 1987:163-75 Denig 1961:159; Kelly 1995:table 4.1 Turney-High 1941:53-55 Flannery 1953:23-24 Ewers 1955:125-27 Kehoe 1993:89 Ewers 1955:123-29 Jenness 1938:12
30 18
Drucker 1990:464; Kelly 1995:table 4.1 Drucker 1939 Smith 1940a:7 - 3 2 , 1940b: 138-42 Elmendorf 1960:253-65; Kelley 1995: table 4.1 Schalk 1978:126 Ray 1937:366, 1938:38-42,55 Zenk 1990:572-74 Hayden 1997:18-22 Stern 1934:43-53 Olson 1936:93-94 Schalk 1978:126 Wilson 1866:286 *'4 ft |\ M t 1 A ft laylor 1974a:33~41
50 65 25 28
4 3
2 0.1 8 2 2
20 12
40 60 16
6 2
ta b le
8 . 0 4 (continued)
D I S T A N C E P E R Y E A R M O V E D ( M I L E S ' ) R E F E R E N C E ( s )
45 15
2 0.1
3.5 3.5 3
31 85 30 55 45
Pettitt 1950:5-7 Schalk 1978:126 Schalk 1978:125,165 Olson 1940:170 Schalk 1978:165 Halpin and Sequin 1990:269-71; Schalk 1978:126,165 Schalk 1978:127,165 Mitchell and Donald 1988:310 Halpin and Seguin 1990:269-71 LRB estimate de Laguna 1990:190-91 Oswalt pers. comm. 1966 Birket-Smith 1953:123-28 Lantis 1970:174-82 Lantis 1946:163
6 2 0.1 11
7 3 5 14 14
70 19
300 90 40 75 225 280 252 350 375 60 90 350 450 275 318 400 400 445 280 275 450 215 350 496 450 64 375 320 340 450 36 450 0.1 420
13 15 4 5.5 14 16 14 19 15
13 9
14 18 16 4 14 14 16 13
19 ni 1 V 1 16
Murdock 1980:131 Teit 1 9 2 8 :104,114-15 Spier and Sapir 1930:164-67,202-5 Teit 1 9 3 0 :9 5 -9 7 ,1 5 0 -5 2 Cline et al. 1938:11 Grabert 1974:8 Kelly 1995:table 4.1; Ray 1932:15-24,27-28 Jenness 1935:13-14 Kinietz 1947:43-55 Speck and Dester 1951:251-55; Wallis and Wallis 1955:64-66,172 Hickerson 1967:48-52; Landes 1937b:88-95 LRB estimate Dawson 1891:7-10 Goldman 1940:351-52 Cameron 1890:256 Rogers 1972:107-11 Dunning 1959; LRB estimate Lane 1952:13 Jenness 1937:32-37,58 Goddard 1916:212; Ridington 1982:472 Helm 1961:16-27 Honigmann 1954:12,31-68 Jenness 1943:531-39 Savishinsky 1974:86-138 Honigmann 1956:32 McFadyer 1981:593, 588-89 Fidler 1934 Slobodin 1969:58-64, 78 83 Michael 1967:307 Hooper 1853 McKennan 1959 Morantz 1983:33-37 Helm 1972:63-72 Michael 1967:306 Legros 1982;67 69 Snow IV81:615-16 Henriksen 1973:2,4
M O V E D ( M I L E S )
r e f e r e n c e
0.1 9 0.1 4 3 16 12 11 6 1 2 14 15 14 12 3 4 11 2 3 11
0.1 225 135 85 440 360 501 145 16 75 444 380 400 385 70 175 307 13 60 350
LRB estimate Giddings 1956:5-55 LRB estimate Taylor 1974:51-58 Saladin dAnglure 1984:497-99 LRB estimate Binford 1972 field notes Amsden 19 77:159 ,16 3 McGhee 1988:7-24 Moore 1923:349 Burch 1975:260-69; Rainey 1947:240, 244-67 Jenness 1932:32, 55, 56 Briggs 1970:30, 32-40 Mathiassen 19 2 8 :15 -17 ,2 4 Mathiassen 1928:29-36 Gronnow et al. 19 8 3 :13-37 Boas 1888:422-24; Hantzsch 1977:39,99 Balikci 1970:23-90 Holm 1914:97, Thalbitzer 1914: 6 18 -26 Simpson 1875:237; Spencer 1959:139 46 Steensby 1910:279,289-305
Note: 1. A value of 0.1 indicates no residential mobility (a convention to differentiate missing data from zero moves).
A 1
A two-graph com parison of subsistence and tactical differences am ong mobile cases only. Each graph is displayed in iden tical property space defined by GROUP1 size and the number of kilometers associated with residential m oves on an annual basis. Graph A is coded for the forager-collector distinction (FORCOL): (1) forager and (2) collector. Graph B is co d ed for the primary source of food (SUBSP): (1) terrestrial animals, (2) terrestrial plants, and (3) aquatic resources.
s o u r c e s o f w a te r in a r e g io n , o r i f a g r o u p liv e d o n a s m a ll is la n d . In s e ttin g s in w h ic h r e s o u r c e s a r e s c a tte r e d o v e r a w id e a r e a , t h e ir e x p lo it a tio n is lik e ly t o b e o r g a n iz e d lo g is tic a lly . T h e r e s id e n tia l m o b ility p a tte r n s o f c o lle c to r s h a v e b e e n re fe rre d to a s p o in t-to -p o in t m o v e m e n t (B in fo r d 1982, 1 9 8 3 :3 6 2 ) . T h is d e s ig n a tio n r e fle c ts t h e fa c t t h a t r e s id e n tia l s ite s a r e n o t p o s itio n e d in th e la n d s c a p e to fa c ilita te th e s e a r c h fo r fo o d o n a n e n c o u n te r b a s is , a s w ith fo ra g e rs . In s te a d , th e y a r e p la c e d a t k n o w n lo c a tio n s th a t p r o v id e a s e t o f c r itic a l r e s o u r c e s . T h e a c q u is itio n o f o th e r c r itic a l r e s o u r c e s (p r im a r ily m ig r a t o r y a n im a ls in t h e c o ld e r s e t t in g s ) is a s s ig n e d t o w o r k g r o u p s th a t lo g is tic a lly ta r g e t t h e ir a c q u is itio n . T h is o r g a n iz a tio n a l s tr a t e g y p r o m p ts th e fo llo w in g e x p e c ta tio n s :
Generalization 8.16 -
Generalization 8.17
Proposition 8.07
P o in t- t o -p o in t m o v e m e n t s h o u ld r e s u lt in h ig h e r m e a n d i s t a n c e s t r a v e le d p e r m o v e ; it is , in r e a l it y , m o s t o f t e n a c c o m p lis h e d b y m e a n s o f tr a n s p o r ta tio n a id s s u c h a s d o m e s t ic a t e d a n im a ls ( d o g s in N o r t h A m e r i c a a n d r e in d e e r a s w e ll a s h o r s e s in A s ia ) .
T h e p a t t e r n in g in t h e th r e e p r e c e d in g g e n e r a liz a tio n s
Proposition 8.08
p r o v i d e s a b a c k g r o u n d a g a in s t w h ic h t o c o n t in u e m y d is c u s s io n o f t h e r e la tio n s h ip b e t w e e n G R O U P 1 s iz e a n d m o b il ity . A t t h is p o i n t , h o w e v e r , I w a n t t o lin k m o b ilit y m o r e d i r e c t l y t o t h e G r o u p S iz e M o d e l I b u i l t in c h a p t e r 7 a n d its c o n s t i t u e n t u n i t , t h e F O R A D , w h i c h is a m e a s u r e o f t h e s iz e o f a g r o u p s f o r a g i n g a r e a . I c a n c o m p a r e t h e a v e r a g e d i s t a n c e o f a s in g le r e s id e n tia l m o v e t o th e m in im a l d is ta n c e a g ro u p c o u l d m o v e w i t h o u t o v e r la p w h ile e s t a b lis h in g a n e w fo r a g in g a r e a ( 1 6 .9 3 8 k ilo m e t e r s o r 1 0 .5 3 m ile s ). A n e s tim a te o f th e m in im a l d is t a n c e o n e c o u ld m o v e w ith in th e m o d e le d F O R A D u n i t is 5 3 .2 1 k il o m e t e r s ( 3 3 .0 7 m ile s ) , a n d th e d is t a n c e o n e w o u ld tr a v e l w h ile m o v in g a r o u n d th e c ir c u m fe r e n c e o f t h e m o d e le d a r e a is 6 0 .1 4 8 k ilo m e te r s , a s s u m in g m o v e m e n t fr o m th e c e n te r o f th e F O R A D a n d re tu rn . I n a d d itio n to a fo r a g in g r a d iu s (F O R A D ), o n e o f th e c o n s t a n t s t h a t a p p lie s t o c o l le c t o r s y s te m s is t h e
T h e lo g is tic a l m o b ility o f s e d e n t a r y c o l le c t o r s is e x p e c t e d t o b e o r g a n iz e d in t e r m s o f a c e n t r a l p l a c e , u s u a lly a c e n t r a l s e t t le m e n t t h a t is m a in t a in e d a n d u s e d o v e r a m u ltiy e a r p e r io d . T h is s tr a te g y d o e s n o t p r e c lu d e s o m e r e s id e n tia l m o b ility w ith in th e b a s ic fo r a g in g r a d iu s o f th e c e n tr a l p la c e , a lth o u g h t h e d is ta n c e s a r e e x p e c te d to b e r e la tiv e ly s h o r t a n d th e m o v e s c o n s id e r a b ly f e w e r t h a n is t h e c a s e w ith m o v e s b e t w e e n d iffe r e n t F O R A D u n its .
In o r d e r to d e v e lo p fu r th e r m y a r g u m e n t lin k in g g r o u p s iz e a n d m o b ilit y p a tte r n , I m u s t fir s t p r e s e n t s o m e in te r e s tin g d a ta fr o m th e h u n te r -g a th e r e r w o rld s a m p le th a t w ill p r o v id e a b a s e lin e fo r t h e d is c u s s io n . T a b le 8 .0 5 c o m p a r e s d a ta o n th e p r im a r y fo o d r e s o u r c e s o f fo r a g e r a n d c o lle c to r c a s e s th a t a r e a r ra y e d a c c o r d in g to th e o r d in a l s c a le o f c lim a tic r e g im e r e p r e s e n te d b y th e v a ria b le C L IM . T h e ta b le c o n fir m s m y e a r lie r p o s tu la tio n s a b o u t th e d is tr ib u tio n o f fo r a g e r s a n d c o lle c to r s :
logistical radius
Generalization 8.15
L I M)
I a m AND P R I M R
Aquatic resources
3.00 3.00
0.00 0.00
16.00 16.00
B oreal clim ate (CLIM = 2) COUNT EXPECTED ROW PERCENTAGE COLUMN PERCENTAGE 13.00 19.30 27.70 40.60 34.00 27.70 72.30 73.90 47.00 47.00 2.00 2.50 66.70 1.70 1.00 0.50 33.30 4.80 3.00 3.00 4.00 15.30 8.70 10.00 42.00 30.70 91.30 52.50 46.00 46.00
C ool tem perate clim ate (CLIM = 3) COUNT EXPECTED ROW PERCENTAGE COLUMN PERCENTAGE 12.00 8.20 60.00 37.50 8.00 11.80 40.00 17.40 20.00 25.60 27.00 31.50 73.00 22.70 10.00 27.00 27.00 47.60 37.00 26.40 11.00 11.00 33.30 27.50 22.00 22.00 66.70 27.50 33.00 33.00
Warm tem perate clim ate (CLIM = 4) COUNT EXPECTED ROW PERCENTAGE COLUMN PERCENTAGE 2.00 1.60 50.00 6.30 2.00 2.40 50.00 4.30 4.00 5.10 37.00 38.30 82.20 31.10 8.00 6.80 17.80 38.10 45.00 45.00
0 .00 1.00 0 .0 0 0 .00
3.00 3.00
0 .0 0 0 .0 0
0 .0 0
0 .0 0 0.0 0
15.00 15.00
66.70 5.00
3.00 3.00
Tropical clim ate (CLIM 6) 3.00 COUNT 1.20 EXPECTED 100.00 ROW PERCENTAGE 9.40 COLUMN PERCENTAGE
0 .0 0
0 .0 0 0 .0 0
3.00 3.00
26.00 26.00
0 .0 0
15.00 15.00
0 .0 0 0 .0 0
78.00 (23.10)
14.00 14.00
140.00 (41.40)
1 .0 0
4.00 4.00
1 2 0 .0 0
Notes: The variable CLIM is discussed in chaP^r. " collector status. B o ld face denote, the dominant frequency. 1. T otal is for sum of column count only.
8 . 0 6 H E R E R G R O U P 1 S I Z E , O V E S A N N U A L L Y , O M E T E R S P E R M O V E , E N C E B A S E
16.29 4.90 18.53 13.81 32.16 10.82 17.32 5.55 14.34 4.99 42.72 11.92
(0 ) (0 )
(0 )
14.00 32.18
(1) (1)
15.09 4.74 6.59 12.15 8.69 13.17 16.90 6.19 3.22 3.61 10.71 4.84
14.40 4.03 8.31 3.17 20.55 15.14 16.28 4.07 6.77 3.81 36.59 13.70
20.33 3.78 2.62 1.63 17.32 10.47 20.67 6.03 2.53 2.91 17.08 14.88
mobile cases as w ell as for those that are tactically localized, whose residential mobility is not a fundamental part of the subsistence strategy.14Cases classifiedas foragers and collectors (and excluding mounted hunters) are summarized inde pendently under three major headings separating cases according to the trophic level of exploited food resources (SUBSP). Perhaps the first item of interest in table 8.06 is that the mean distance of each residential move among foraging peoples dependent upon terrestrial animals is 1.9 times greater than the value in my model for nonoverlapping site catchment movement based on the FORAD. In fact, all val ues for groups classified as hunters cluster around the 35.4kilom eter value modeled for collectors. And although foragers have a smaller mean distance per move (32.18 kilometers),
it is nevertheless much larger than the minimumv a l u e of 1 6 . 9 4 kilometers modeled for foragers. On the other hand, w i t h i n the mobile hunter category, collectors have a m ean v a l u e o f 42.7 kilometers per move. It appears, therefore, that the model significantly underestimates the distance m o v e d to * groups dependent upon terrestrial animals. These results lead me to suggest that
G e n e r a liz a tio n 8 .1 8
Groups primarily exploiting terrestrial animat resourvev regardless of labor strategy, are uniform ly more m oW k? aw have considerably more spatial separation between r*'M dential catchment areas (FORAD* or CQLRADs) than v . v modeled for peoples not prim arily dependent upon
animals. H u n t e r s , i n p a r t i c u l a r , m a k e p o i n t - t o - p o i n t r e s i dential m o v e s ( B i n f o r d 1 9 8 3 : 3 6 2 ) .
it is lik e ly t h a t t h e y w e r e m is c la s s ifie d a s s t a tio n a r y . F o u r g r o u p s th e C h im a r ik o , S in k y o n e , C o a s t M iw o k , a n d M a tto le a r e fr o m C a lif o r n ia , a n d a ll w e r e p r o b a b ly m is c la s s i fie d a s fo r a g e r s , a lt h o u g h t h e r e is in s u f f ic ie n t in f o r m a t io n o n m o b ility o r la b o r o r g a n iz a tio n to b e c e r ta in . T h e fin a l g r o u p , th e W a lm b a r ia fr o m P r in c e s s C h a r lo tte B a y , Q u e e n s la n d , A u s tr a lia , t u r n e d o u t u p o n r e e x a m in a t io n ( H a le a n d T in d a le 1 9 3 3 ) n o t to b e s ta tio n a ry , a n d th e ir G R P P A T c la s s ific a tio n w a s i n c o r r e c t . 15 R e fle c tin g o n th e q u e s tio n o f w h e th e r g r o u p s d e p e n d e n t u p o n a q u a tic r e s o u r c e s w e r e e v e r s ta tio n a r y fo r a g e r s le a d s m e to c o n c lu d e th a t h u n te r -g a th e r e r s w e r e r a r e ly i f e v e r o r g a n iz e d i n s u c h a w a y . 16 M o s t p e o p l e w h o r e l y u p o n a q u a t i c r e s o u r c e s fo r fo o d u s u a lly o b t a in th e e q u a lly c r it ic a l r a w m a te r ia ls fo r c lo th in g , h o u s in g , a n d te c h n o lo g y p r im a r ily fr o m te rre s tr ia l lo c a tio n s . T h e la c k o f c o n g r u e n c e b e tw e e n th e lo c a tio n s w h e r e f o o d is a v a ila b le a n d t h e s it e s w h e r e o t h e r r e s o u r c e s e s s e n tia l fo r life c o u ld b e fo u n d s tr o n g ly fa v o r s a c o lle c to r s t r a t e g y fo r th e p r o c u r e m e n t o f n o n fo o d r e s o u r c e s (B in fo r d
A s I s c a n ta b le 8 .0 6 f o r o t h e r m o b ile c o lle c to r s , I n o t e th a t th e y o c c u r o n ly a m o n g g r o u p s t h a t p r im a r ily e x p lo it a q u a tic re so u rc e s. C a s e s in th is c a t e g o r y h a v e a m e a n d is ta n c e p e r m o v e o f 3 6 .5 9 k ilo m e t e r s . T h is v a lu e is n o t s ig n if ic a n tly d if fe re n t fr o m th e 3 5 .4 k ilo m e te r s m o d e le d f o r c o lle c to r s u s in g a n o n o v e r la p p in g o r c o m p le t e le a p f r o g p a t t e r n o f r e s i d e n tia l m o b ili t y w h e n t h e C O L R A D is t h e s iz e o f t h e c a t c h m en t area. S h iftin g fr o m t h e c o n t r a s t s b e t w e e n f o r a g e r a n d c o l le c to r s tra te g ie s a m o n g m o b ile p e o p le s t o a f o c u s u p o n th e d iffe r e n c e s b e t w e e n t a c t ic a l ly s t a t i o n a r y a n d m o b i l e c a s e s , I n o te a d d itio n a l p a t t e r n in g :
-------------------------- ---
Generalization 8.19
1 9 8 3 :3 4 4 ). In c o n tr a s t, g r o u p s th a t d e p e n d u p o n te r r e s tr ia l r e s o u r c e s ( e .g ., b ig g a m e h u n t e r s ) f r e q u e n t ly o b t a in r a w m a te r ia ls fo r fo o d , c lo th in g , a n d s h e lte r fr o m s p e c ie s a s th o s e fr o m s p e c ie s . I t is a ls o in t e r e s t in g t o n o t e t h a t in t a b le 8 .0 5 t h e r e is n o p r o b a b ilis tic d iff e r e n c e b e tw e e n th e m e a n G R O U P 1 s iz e s o f m o b ile fo ra g e rs w h o d e p e n d p r im a r ily u p o n e ith e r te r r e s tr ia l p la n ts o r a q u a tic r e s o u r c e s . T h e r e a r e , h o w e v e r , v e r y r e a l d iffe r e n c e s b e tw e e n th e n u m b e r o f a n n u a l r e s id e n tia l m o v e s a n d th e d is ta n c e tr a v e le d p e r m o v e . T h is p a tte r n c a n b e v ie w e d in m o r e t h a n o n e w a y . T h e la c k o f d iffe r e n c e in m e a n s c o u ld in d ic a te th a t th e d iff e r e n c e b e tw e e n te r r e s tr ia l p la n t a n d a q u a tic r e s o u r c e p r o c u r e m e n t is ir r e le v a n t a s a c o n d it io n e r o f G R O U P 1 s iz e . I t is a ls o p o s s i b l e t h a t a g r o u p s p r i m a r y s u b s i s t e n c e a c t i v i t y d u r i n g t h e th e sa m e re la te d w h ic h fo o d c o m e s , o r fr o m
G R O U P 1 s iz e s o f t a c t ic a lly s ta tio n a r y g r o u p s , r e g a r d le s s o f s u b siste n c e b a s e , a r e la r g e r th a n t h o s e r e c o r d e d fo r m o b ile c a s e s , a fin d in g th a t s u p p o r ts th e v ie w th a t s m a ll G R O U P 1 s iz e s a r e m o s t c o m p a t i b l e w i t h h ig h e r m o b ili t y . T h e n u m b e r o f m o v e s a n d th e d is ta n c e s m o v e d a r e d r a m a tic a lly lo w e r fo r s ta tio n a r y c a s e s ( w h i c h is n o t s u r p r is in g ) , b u t t h e m e a n v a lu e s fo r to t a l d i s t a n c e m o v e d ( N O M O V * K M / M O V E ) a r e a ll e it h e r v e r y c l o s e t o o r b e l o w th e m o d e le d v a lu e o f 5 3 .2 1 k ilo m e te r s fo r a F O R A D u n it . N e v e r t h e le s s , a m o n g s ta tio n a ry g r o u p s o f p la n t - d e p e n d e n t p e o p le s , t h e m e a n to ta l d is t a n c e m o v e d is s ig n if i c a n t l y le s s f o r c o l l e c t o r s t h a n fo r fo r a g e r s .
T h is o b s e r v a tio n is n o t u n r e a s o n a b le if , a s I e x p e c t e d , t h e g re a te r p a r t o f t h e e ffe c tiv e m o b ilit y o f a g r o u p o f c o lle c to r s ta k e s th e f o r m o f n o n r e s id e n t ia l t a s k g r o u p s . I f I a c c e p t t h is s u p p o s itio n , t h e n t h e d a t a o n t a c t ic a l ly s t a t i o n a r y p e o p le s w h o e x p lo it a q u a t ic r e s o u r c e s a s s u m e a d if f e r e n t s ig n if i c a n c e . T h e re a re n o p r o b a b ilis tic d iff e r e n c e s b e tw e e n a n y o f th e v a l u es re c o rd e d fo r fo ra g e rs , a s o p p o s e d to c o lle c to r s , a m o n g th e s ta tio n a ry g r o u p s d e p e n d e n t u p o n a q u a tic r e s o u r c e s . I t h in k th is m a y in d ic a t e t h a t a m o n g s t a t i o n a r y , a q u a t i c a lly d e p e n d e n t p e o p le s , t h e d is t in c t io n b e t w e e n fo r a g e r s a n d c o l le c to r s is ir r e le v a n t . O n ly s e v e n c a s e s w e r e c la s s ifie d a s s e d e n t a r y f o r a g e r s in th e s a m p le o f a q u a t ic a lly d e p e n d e n t p e o p le s . O n e w a s a r e s e t t l e d Australian g r o u p t h e G i d j i n d g a l i t h a t p a r t i c i p a t e d in a v e r y n o n a b o r i g i n a l s e t t l e m e n t s y s t e m a t t h e t i m e o f d e s c r ip tio n ( H ia t t 1 9 6 5 : 1 0 - 1 3 ) . F o r a n a n a lo g o u s g r o u p th e P e k a n g e k u m O ji b w a d a t a o n m o b ili t y w e r e s c a n t , b u t
m o s t d is p e r s e d p h a s e o f t h e a n n u a l c y c le is b ia s e d in fa v o r o f te r r e s tr ia l r e s o u r c e e x p lo ita tio n . In th e la tte r c a s e , th e s im ila r ity in th e m e a n s w o u ld le n d s t r o n g s u p p o r t t o th e c o n c lu s io n th a t th e s tr u c tu r e o f th e r e s o u r c e d is tr ib u tio n h e a v ily c o n d it io n s g r o u p s iz e . I f, o n t h e o t h e r h a n d , t h e f o r m e r a lt e r n a t iv e is c o r r e c t a n d t h e t r o p h ic le v e l o f r e s o u r c e s p e r s e is p e r h a p s ir r e le v a n t , t h e n th e s tr u c tu r e o f r e s o u r c e d is tr ib u tio n in te r m s o f a b u n d a n c e a n d c lu s te r in g w o u ld h a v e th e g r e a te r e ffe c t u p o n G R O U P I s iz e a n d th e r e f o r e b e t h e m o s t im p o r t a n t v a r ia b le . I n t h a t c a s e , c o r r e la tio n s b e tw e e n th e ty p e s o f r e s o u r c e ta r g e ts w o u ld a c tu a lly b e a u to c o r r e la tio n s a r is in g fr o m d iffe r e n t " n o r m a tiv e p a tc h s tr u c tu r e s . S u p p o r t fo r th e a r g u m e n t o f r e fe r r a l b a se d o n p a tc h s tru c tu r e r a th e r th a n o n r e s o u r c e c a te g o ry c o m e s fr o m th e p r e v io u s ly d e m o n s tr a te d r e la tio n s h ip b e tw e e n G R O U P I s iz e a n d t h e l o g ,0 v a l u e o f n e t a b o v e g r o u n d p r o d u c tiv ity .
THE ORGANIZATION OF LA BO R: EX PL O R IN G TH E RELA TIO N SH IPS BET W EE N FOOD T Y P E AND SY STEM STATE AS C O N D ITIO N ER S OF G RO U P SIZ E I n th e G r o u p S iz e M o d e l, th e c h a r a c te r o f th e s e x u a l d iv is io n o f la b o r a n d th e w o r k s c h e d u le s m a in ta in e d b y e a c h g e n d e r b a s e d la b o r u n it w e r e m a jo r p a r a m e t e r s in t h e d e t e r m in a t io n o f g r o u p s iz e . I n c o n s id e r in g s u b s is t e n c e t a c t ic s t h a t p r i m a r ily ta r g e t a q u a tic r e s o u r c e s o r te r r e s tr ia l a n im a ls , g r o u p s a r e e n c o u n te r e d fo r w h o m s to r a g e is c o m m o n a n d m o b il it y is o r g a n iz e d d if f e r e n t ly f r o m s e a s o n t o s e a s o n . F e w e r o f th e a s s u m p tio n s d ir e c tin g th e c o n s tr u c tio n o f th e G r o u p S iz e M o d e l a r e m e t a m o n g p e o p le s w h o d e p e n d u p o n a q u a t ic a n d te r r e s tr ia l a n im a ls , p a r tic u la r ly t h e a s s u m p tio n a b o u t th e s e x u a l d iv is io n o f la b o r .
th e m a le a n d fe m a le c o n tr ib u tio n s to th e d ie t in te r m s o f th e p la n t o r a n im a l s p e c ie s n o r m a lly e x p lo ite d b y e a c h g e n d e r. F o r e x a m p le , a n e th n o g r a p h ic o b s e r v e r w ill n o te th a t m a le s h u n t r a b b it s a n d fe m a le s g a t h e r g r a in s , b u t n o e s ti m a t e is a v a ila b le t h a t m e a s u r e s t h e q u a n t it a t iv e c o n t r ib u t io n o f in d iv id u a l m a le h u n te r s a n d in d iv id u a l fe m a le g a th e re rs w h o a r e o r g a n iz e d in o n - t h e - g r o u n d g r o u p s a c tu a lly e n g a g e d in o b t a in in g f o o d . I t m ig h t t h e r e f o r e b e s u s p e c te d th a t p o ly g y n y w o u ld b ia s t h e e s t im a t e o f M D I V L A B t o w a r d t h e h ig h s id e w h e n fe m a le s o u t n u m b e r m a le s in th e a d u lt la b o r fo rc e w ith in f o o d - p r o c u r in g g r o u p s c o m p o s e d o f p o ly g y n o u s h o u s e h o ld s . A d r a m a tic s e t o f a n a lo g o u s p a tte r n s o c c u r s in th e th re e id e n tic a l p r o p e r ty s p a c e p lo ts in fig u r e 8 .1 6 . G r a p h s A , B , a n d
Generalization 8.20
C f e a t u r e m o b ile h u n t e r - g a t h e r e r g r o u p s a n d d if f e r o n ly in t h e k in d o f fo o d r e s o u r c e s th a t c o n s titu te th e p r im a r y c o m p o n e n t o f t h e d ie t. A ll th r e e g r a p h s e x h ib it m u ltip le , c o n v e r g in g lin e a r a n d in v e r s e r e la tio n s h ip s b e tw e e n th e p e rc e n ta g e o f p o ly g y n o u s m a le s a n d t h e p e r c e n ta g e o f th e d ie t p r o d u c e d e x c lu s iv e ly b y m a le la b o r . I t is c le a r th a t, a m o n g g r o u p s th a t a r e d e p e n d e n t u p o n e ith e r a q u a tic re s o u rc e s o r te rre s t r i a l p la n t s , t h e h ig h e s t le v e ls o f p o ly g y n y o c c u r w h e n w o m e n o b ta in m o r e th a n 5 0 p e rc e n t o f th e to ta l fo o d re so u rc e s. T h e g r o u p s t h a t d e p e n d m o s t h e a v ily u p o n t e r r e s t r ia l a n im a ls h a v e a p a t t e r n t h a t is m o s t lik e th a t o f p e o p le s d e p e n d e n t u p o n a q u a t ic r e s o u r c e s , e x c e p t t h a t in a ll b u t o n e c a s e th e W a r u n g g u o f A u s t r a li a t h e a b s o l u t e le v e ls o f p o ly g y n y a r e a ll le s s t h a n 3 0 p e r c e n t T h e W a r u n g g u a ls o s t o o d o u t in t h e p lo t o f G R O U P 1 s iz e in g r a p h A o f fig u r e th a t th e ir p la c e m e n t in fig u re
In o th e r w o rd s , b e c a u s e a d u lt m a le s te n d a ls o t o b e h e a d s o f f a m i l i e s , 18 a d d i t i o n a l n u m b e r s o f a d u l t m a l e s i n a g r o u p b o th e n la rg e th e w o r k fo rc e a n d in c r e a s e th e d e p e n d e n c y r a tio , b o t h o f w h i c h a f f e c t g r o u p s i z e . 19 T h e r e i s a n e x c e p t i o n t o th is p a tte r n , h o w e v e r :
Generalization 8.21
8.14, a n d
I m e n tio n e d
t h a t I t h o u g h t t h e y m u s t h a v e b e e n m i s d a s s i f i e d a ju d g m e n t
8.16 s u p p o r t s . T h e r e f o r e
Generalization 8.22
O th e r th in g s b e in g e q u a l, th e fr e q u e n c y o f p o ly g y n y d e c lin e s a m o n g m o b i l e p e o p le s a s t h e c o n t r ib u t io n o f m a le s t o t h e d ie t G e n e r a l i z a t i o n 8 .2 0 a p p l i e s t o t h o s e p o l y g y n o u s g r o u p s in w h ic h e a c h n e w w ife is a ls o a n e w f o o d p r o d u c e r , w h o s e c o n t r i b u t i o n t o t h e f a m i l y s r e s o u r c e b a s e a c t u a l l y d e c r e a s e s th e d e p e n d e n c y r a tio . In s u c h a s itu a tio n , th e to ta l n u m b e r o f c h ild r e n in t h e g r o u p m a y in c r e a s e , b u t t h is w ill n o t g r e a tly c h a n g e t h e d e p e n d e n c y r a tio b e c a u s e th e s a m e p r o p o r t i o n b e t w e e n c h il d r e n a n d f e m a le f o o d p r o d u c e r s is b e i n g m a in ta in e d . g o e s u p . A n o t h e r w a y o f s a y in g t h is is t h a t p o ly g y n y is m o s t c o m m o n a m o n g g r o u p s in w h ic h f e m a le la b o r m a k e s th e g r e a te r c o n tr ib u tio n to th e d ie t. In th e c a s e o f g r o u p s th a t a n ? p r im a r ily d e p e n d e n t u p o n te r r e s tr ia l p la n ts a n d a q u a lK r e s o u r c e s , t h e h ig h e s t l e v e ls o f p o l y g y n y c o i n c i d e w ith s itu a t i o n s in w h i c h m o r e t h a n 5 0 p e r c e n t o f t h e t o t a l d ie t is o b ta in e d b y fe m a le s .
TABLE 8 . 0 7
p e c e n t a g e
R E F E R E N C E ( S )
Tropical-subtropical Asia
19.9 18.0 14.0 20 19.0 15 21.7 15.0 19.0 16.0 15.5 25.0 27.0 18.0 19.5 16.0 16.0 22.0 23.0
15.1 15.0 12.0 18 14.5 14.0 9.0 18.4 13.0 17.0 14.0 13.0
1 1 .0
Kedit 1982:261-64 Cadelina 1982:72-74; Warren 1964:28,76 Rizvi 1990:20,41 Temple 1903:65 Reed 1904:57,60 Man 1883:81; Whiting 1964:529 Evans 1937:250; Whiting 1964:529; Schebesta 1962a:220,239 Spittel 1945:8,65 Morris 1982a: 150,250 Headland 1986:146,366-67 Rai 1982:67 Vanoverbergh 1925:425-26; Goodman et al. 1985:171 Frer-Heimendorf 1943:134,142 Bernatzik 1951:145 46 Gardner 1965:18,100; Gardner 1972:421 Williams 1974:73 Ehrenfels 1952:66-68,139 40 Bird-David 1987:157 Hitchcock 1891:465 Batchelor 1927:196 Qiu 1983:37 Lee 1967:52; Shimkin 1939:155 Shternberg 1933:165,167 Jochelson 1924:79 85,110-11 Bogoras 1904:30; Moore 1923:367
23 3 16 5 25 28 4 17 12 6 8 30 32 <4
i A A jgj
9.0 13.0 13.0 12.0 11.0 14.0 12.5 13.0 10.0 13.0
Kloos 1977:117 Gragson 1989:123; Petrullo 1939:232 M etzger 1968:83,85; W ilbert 1957:89 Politis pers. comm. 1993 Cook 1908:387; Lvi-Strauss 1936:276 Mtraux 1946a:417 Holmberg 1950:51,82-83,216 Stearman 1989a:94 Lvi-Strauss 1948a:366; 1970:269; Oberg 1953:103-04 Goggin and Sturtcvant 1964:189 Clastres 1968:19-23; Mtraux and Baidus 1946:442 Mtraux 1946b:537 Kozak et al. 1979:360 Henry 1964:45 Cooper 1946c: 149 Cooper I946d:52 Bird 1946:77 Chapman 1982:58; Cooper 1946b:l 15 G ujiindc 1931:444, 479
t a b l e 8.07
M ale 18.0
Female 15.5
C ooper 1946a:92
Tropical-subtropical Africa
4 16 36
3 0.5
16.0 15.0 14.5 15.0 16.0 15.0 13.5 17.0 14.5 17.0
Bahuchet 1979:1001 Heymer 1980:200; Lalouel 1950:179 Terashima 1980:233 Cavalli-Sforza 1986a:37 Bailey 1988:59 Schebesta 1962a:244 Harako 1976:46-47; Putnam 1948:336 Fourie 1928:92 Bleek 1931:427; O'Connell pers. comm. 1982 Blackburn 1971:266 Marshall 1959:336,350 Howell 1979:243-44; Lee 1972a:358 Kaufmann 1910:156; Schapera 1930:104 Bleek 1928:33-34; Schapera 1930:104 Silberbauer 1981:149,155 Cashdan 1980:119 Vierich 1981:146 Eibl-Eibelsfeldt 1948:29-34 Dart 1937b
( 1960s)
g/ w i
5 3 <4
/ / gana KUA ! ko / a u n i ( k h o m a n i)
12 2
23.0 45 45 42 38 36.2 43 18 40
21 .0
13.0 14.0
13.5 13.0
1 1 .0
43 53.8
30.0 35.0
48 40 35
Moore 1979:146 Basedow 1907:14 Berndt and Berndt 1970:95; Peterson and Long 1986:137 Long 1970:303 Peterson and Long 1986:137 Hiatt 1965:36, 77 Long 1970:302 Long 1970:303; Peterson and Long 1986:154 Kaberry 1939:420 Peterson and Long 1986:137 Spencer 1966:49 Thomson 1933:509 Peterson and Long 1986:95-99; Sharp 1940:490; Sharp 1934a:427 Goodale 1962:455; Hart 1970:296; Hart and Piling 1960:16, 36, 66; Peterson and Long 1986:137 Roth 1909:5 Rose 1960:12,69, 248 Roth 1909:4
Stanner 1933:391
Love 1917:21,1936:36 Kaberry 1939:113-15
33 52
45 7.4 38
Memmott 1983b:53-54 Tindale 19e2h:319-21 Roth 1909:12 Clement 1903:13; Radclifte-Rrown 191 : I > >
Lumholtz: 1889:179, 201
Kaberry 1939:114
Meggitt 19f*2:7?-?9
t a b l e
case o f p o l y g y n y
8 . 0 7 (continued)
---------------------------- ----------------
r e f e r e n c e
30 41 31 30 13 25
30.0 24.0 25.0 23.0 27.0 23.0 27.0 20.0 25.0 24.0 26.0 28.0
16.0 13.5 12.0 14.0 13.0 15.0 16.0 12.5 13.0 8.0 12.0 14.0 13.5 15.0 12.0 11.5
27 26 21
25.0 30.0 18 29
Harris 1978:128 Tonkinson 1978:67 Peterson and Long 1986:112-15 H ayden pers. comm. 1990,1992; Long 1970:296-97 Winterbotham 1980:34 Denham 1975:137-38 Gould 1969a: 184 Long 1970:299; Tindale 1972:259,260; Yengoyan 1970:89 de Bertrodano 1978:283 Howitt 1891:79-87 Schulze 1891:236 Tindale 1965 pers. comm.; White 1915:726-28 Long 1970:293; Spencer and G illen 1927:70-71, 472 Parker 1905:56 Long 1970:298; Berndt and Bemdt 1944 14(3):232 Cawthorn 1844:76 Nind 1831:38-39 Cannon 1983:606-7 Plomley 1983:166
17.0 17.5 17.0 18.0 17.0 13.0 12.5 20.0 15.0 16.0 22.0 14.5 21.0 18.0 16.5 32.0
14.5 14.0
1 1 .0
16.0 13.5 14.0 20.0 14.5 18.0 15.0 13.5 20.0 15.0 15.5 15.5 14.5 15.0
M cGee 1898:279 Kroeber 1931:8; G ilg 1965:51 Strong 1929:74 Strong 1929:239 M eigs 1939:47-50 Luomala 1978:602 W allace 1978b:455 Benedict 1924:371-74 Sparkman 1908:214, 225 Gayton 1948b: 105 Voegelin 1938:43 44 Spier 1978:479 Gayton 1948b:235 Loeb 1926:277-79 G ifford 1926a:299 DuBois 1935:55 Faye 1923:36 Nomland 1935:159 Nomland 1938:100 Foster 1944:184, 185 Driver 1936:208 Loeb 1926:280 G ifford 1916:162 M iller 1978:250 Dixon 1907:462 W allace 1978:173 Dixon 1905:370 H eizer and M ills 1952:145 R ay 1963:83,90
t a b l e
Spier 1930:45, 5 2 -5 4
18 13
12.0 20.0
Baegert 1 8 6 3 :3 6 7 -6 8 Sm ith 1978:439; Steward 1 9 3 8 :8 7 -8 8 ,9 1 Schaedel 1949:124 Steward 1938:85 C orbusier 1886:330; Gifford 1 9 3 2 a :1 9 1 ,195 Kroeber 1 9 3 5 :1 4 1 ,1 4 3 Z igm ond 1986:404 Kelly 1964:100; Kelly and Fowler 1986:377-80 Lowie 1909:210 Steward 1933:295 Kelly 1 9 6 4 :9 9 -1 0 0 ; Kelly and Fowler 1986:377 W hiting 1964:531 Davis 1965:17
5 4.5 4.5 3 3.5 4 3 18 15.0 15.0 19.0 17.0 14.5 18.5
2 1.0
12.0 12.0
13.0 15.5
< 10 11
Fowler and Liljeblad 1986:449; Steward 1938:58-59 Kelly 1 9 3 2 :1 6 3 ,1 6 4 Brink 1 9 6 9 :7 0 -7 2 Callaway et al. 1986:352 Fowler 1 9 9 2 :1 5 2 ,1 5 5 Steward 1 9 3 8 :6 2 -6 4 H arris 1940:49 Steward 1938:118 Steward 1 9 3 8 :1 7 4 -7 5
17 5 18.0
< 10 20
d'Azevedo 1963:109; Price 1962:8 9 Lowie 1924:227 Stewart 1941:296 W hiting 1950:100 Steward 1938:195 Steward 1938:11314
12 10
16.5 14.0
25 17.5 57 26
2 7 .0
Wallace and Hoebel 1 9 5 2 :1 2 6 ,1 3 3 ,1 4 2 O pler 1 9 3 7 :2 0 1 ,2 0 4 Miskin 1940:55; Newcomb 1961:201 M oore 1987:178, 1 7 9 ,3 2 0 Eggan 1 9 3 7 :6 1 -6 2 ; Hilger 1 9 5 2 :1 9 3 ,1 9 7 .1 9 8 Denig 1953:34 Turney-High 1 9 4 1 :1 1 9 ,1 3 0 Flannery 1953:171 D elong 1 9 1 2 :1 9 2 -9 7 Wissler 1911:11 Lewis 1973:40 Lewis 1973:40 Denig 1930:504, 511 Mandelbaum 1940:246 lenness 1 9 3 8 :2 1 -2 4
16.0 27.0 27.0
( I 8O O S )
20.0 20.0 20 21
23 25 23.0 35.0 23.0 25.0 16.5
10 6 9 8
Smith 1940b :38-39, 166 Eclls 1 8 8 7 :6 1 2 -1 5 Drucker 1951:281. 284, 287, 297 Ray 1 9 3 8 :6 3 -6 7 , 73 Teil 1906:264*^65
A G E C A S E p E C E N T A G E
m a r r i age
Re f e r e n c e ( s )
15.0 14.0 15.0 14.0 17.0 15.0 16.0 14.0 13.0 14.04-5.0 13.0
1 2 .0
Stern 1934:23-26 Duff 1952:52,92 Hill-Tout 1904:319 Kennedy and Bouchard 1990:448 Pettitt 1950:16 Eells 1884:35-36 Sw an 1870:12,13 Mcllwraith 1948:371-72,379 Holmberg 1985:53 Birket-Smith and de Laguna 1938:133 Oswalt 1966:107; Nelson 1899:292 Lantis 1984:179; M ickey 1955:15 Lantis 1960:204-14,233
40 25
Murdock 1 9 8 0 : 1 3 0 , 1 4 1 Spier and Sapir 1 9 3 0 : 2 2 , 1 7 1 , 2 1 8 Teit 1 9 3 0 : 1 7 0 Cline et al. 1 9 3 8 : 1 1 3 Ray 1 9 3 2 : 1 3 7 Spinden 1 9 0 8 : 2 5 0 Teit 1 9 0 0 : 3 2 1 , 3 2 6 Jenness 1 9 3 5 : 9 8 Kinietz 1 9 4 7 : 3 1 - 3 3 , 1 2 8 , 1 3 7 Speck 1 9 2 2 : 1 4 4 ; W allis and W allis 1 9 5 5 : 2 3 3 , 2 3 7 ,
2 4 0 T e it 1 9 3 0 :3 8 2 ; T u r n e y -H ig h 1 9 3 7 :8 6 ,9 4 H ic k e r s o n 1 9 6 7 :5 6 ; L a n d e s 1 9 3 7 :6 9 -7 1 H a llo w e ll 1 9 3 8 :2 4 0 ,1 9 5 5 :3 0 0 ; S k in n e r 1 9 1 1 :1 5 1
17 15 8 23 13 13 16.3 16 17 7
2 1 .0
23 21.7 15.0
2 1 .0
T e it 1 9 0 0 :3 2 4 D u n n in g 1 9 5 9 :1 3 8 R o g e r s 1 9 6 2 a :B 5 4 C a m e r o n 1 8 9 0 :2 6 5 ; G r a n t 1 9 6 0 :3 2 0 L ip s 1 9 4 7 :4 1 9 - 5 4 ; R o g e r s 1 9 6 2 a M o r a n tz 1 9 8 3 :8 7 ,8 9 R o g e r s a n d B la c k 1 9 7 6 :1 9 L a n e 1 9 5 2 :2 9 Je n n e s s 1 9 3 7 :5 2 G o d d a r d 1 9 1 6 :2 2 1 ; Iv e s 1 9 8 5 :1 5 6
24 9
> 6
1 4 .0 2 5 .0 1 8 .0 1 9 .0 1 7 .0
2 1 .0
1 1 .0
1 7 .5 1 6 .0 1 5 .0 1 6 .0 1 7 .5 1 4 .0 1 3 .0 1 6 .5 1 4 .5
1 2 .0
H e lm
1 9 6 1 :4 8 ,5 3 ,7 2
H o n ig m a n n 1 9 5 4 :1 3 1 E m m o n s 1 9 1 1 :9 8 ; M a c L a c h la n 1 9 8 1 :4 6 4 L a n e 1 9 8 1 :4 0 5 Je n n e s s 1 9 3 7 :5 2 4 -2 5 S v S ^ a i d H H o n ig m a n n m ' f 9 8 9 L 3 l 9 ; W h i t i n g 1 9 6 4 :5 3 0
1 9 .0 1 6 .0 1 9 .0 1 9 .5 2 6 .0 1 6 .0 2 4 .0 2 4 .0 2 8 .0
1 9 5 6 :6 1 ,6 2
1 5 .0 1 5 .0
1 0 .0
1 9 8 1 :6 0 9 ,6 1
R u s h fo r th 1 9 7 7 :1 1 9 -2 1
1 4 .0
I W tf tlH tf tf M *
ta b le
2 1 .0
1 4 .0
1 2 .0
r e f e r e n c e
M o r a n t z 1 9 8 3 :8 7 ; S k in n e r 1 9 1 1 :1 5 1 H e lm 1 9 7 2 :7 4 ; K e ith 1 9 6 0 :1 1 4 O s g o o d 1 9 3 7 :1 6 1 ,1 6 4 ; T o w n s e n d 1 9 6 3 :2 1 4 ; 1 9 8 1 :6 3 3 M c C le lla n 1 9 8 1 :5 0 0 S n o w 1 9 8 1 :6 1 5 T a n n e r 1 9 4 4 :6 8 5
1 8 .0 3 0 .0 2 5 .0 2 4 .0
2 2 .0
1 6 .5 1 6 .0 1 4 .5 1 5 .0
1 3 .0 2 4 .0 2 4 .0 1 9 .0 2 5 .0 2 8 .0 2 3 .0 2 5 .0 1 9 .0 1 8 .0 1 5 .0 1 3 .0 1 4 .5 1 6 .0 1 5 .0 1 5 .0 1 3 .0 1 4 .0 1 2 .5
9 36 25
10 12
5 .6
3 .1 3 13 5 3 6 .3
2 0 .0
1 4 .0 1 4 .5 1 5 .5 1 4 .0
B a lik c i 1 9 7 0 :1 0 2 ,1 5 6 ; R a s m u s s e n 1 9 3 1 :8 5 -9 0 B u r c h 1 9 7 5 :1 0 2 ; S im p s o n 1 8 7 5 :2 5 4 ; S p e n c e r 1 9 5 9 :2 5 0 G ilb e r g 1 9 8 4 :5 8 7 ; S te e n s b y 1 9 1 0 :3 2 5 ,3 6 9
1 7 .0 2 5 .0
7 .4 0 .5
I am not yet sure what to make of the presence in figure 8.16 of suites of linear relationships with different intercept values. I w ill have to keep these relationships in mind as I do further pattern recognition studies, but, based on the preceding observations, it is reasonable to investigate the likelihood that polygyny is strongly tied to the organization of a groups labor base and may represent a w ay of organizing fem ale labor under some circumstances. More insight into the nature of those circumstances may come from an examination of the cases that are not mobile but are, instead, largely sedentary and so present a very dif ferent pattern. The vast majority of these casesregardless of the contribution made by males to the dietare polygynous only 10 percent of the time or less. Among those groups that are primarily dependent upon either terrestrial plants or aquatic resources, within each subset of cases there is a minor decrease in polygyny with increases in the male con
tribution to the diet. There are a few exceptional cases, but these also reflect the inverse relationship between polygyny and the percentage of the diet contributed by males. These include the Aleut, the Eskimo peoples of Nunivak and Saint Lawrence Islands, and the Thompson and Shuswap. The effects of polygyny should also be visible in the data on hunter-gatherer family size, a variable that w as calculated by dividing the population of an ethnographicallv observed unit by the total number of married m ales. It is presented here in table 8.08, along with data on mean household size (M HS) and the bibliographic sources of the data. Figure 8.17 explores the relationship betw een polygyny and group size as it may be conditioned by tamilv size. there appears to be a clear break, indicated by a reference line across the graph, between family size and GROUPI size at a FAMSZ value of five. The majority of cases to the right ot the five-person line have small GROUP! sizes (GISH 2)
o SO
[ gS S t ]
* v* 5 * o *
1 20
2 6
o MA 4 8
60 70 80 90
A *'k
1 0 40
8 . 1 6
b u t la r g e fa m ily s iz e s . I t is q u it e lik e ly t h a t t h o s e w it h a G 1 S E T v a lu e o f 2 a r e G R O U P 1 u n its c o n s is tin g a lm o s t e x c lu s iv e ly o f a s in g le p o ly g y n o u s fa m ily . C a s e s t o t h e le f t o f th e fiv e -p e r s o n lin e h a v in g la r g e G R O U P 1 s iz e s w o u ld c o n s is t o f m u lt i p le - f a m il y u n it s w i t h le s s b ia s in fa v o r o f f e m a le s in th e fa m ily la b o r fo r c e . T w o v e r y d iffe r e n t r e la tio n s h ip s b e tw e e n p o ly g y n y a n d fa m ily s iz e a r e s u g g e s t e d b y t h e s h a d e d a r e a s o f t h e g r a p h . T h e a r e a o n t h e le f t d e f in e s t h e z o n e in w h ic h p o ly g y n y is a s s o c ia te d w ith s m a ll fa m ilie s . I n t h e s e g r o u p s , a s fa m ily s iz e in c r e a s e s , p o ly g y n y te n d s t o d e c r e a s e . T h e s h a d e d o v a l t o th e r ig h t id e n t ifie s g r o u p s in w h ic h f a m ily s iz e is la r g e a n d
p o ly g y n y in c r e a s e s a s g r o u p s iz e in c r e a s e s , a lt h o u g h G R O U P 1 u n its te n d to b e s m a ll. In th e la tte r c a s e s , th e G R O U P 1 u n it is la r g e ly is o m o r p h ic w it h o n e p o ly g y n o u s f a m ily a n d is b ia s e d in fa v o r o f fe m a le la b o r . T h e s e g r o u p s a r e e x p e c t e d t o b e h e a v ily d e p e n d e n t u p o n te r r e s tr ia l p la n ts o r r e la tiv e ly lo w -r is k a q u a tic r e s o u r c e s , s u c h a s s h e llfis h . T W o c a s e s in th is s a m p le ( t h e tw o d a r k tr ia n g le s w ith s m a ll fa m ily s iz e a n d PO LY G = 3 0 o r g re a te r) a re tre a te d a s s u s p e c t c a s e s a n d w e re n o t u s e d a s p a r t o f th e d e fin itio n o f th e s h a d e d a r e a s . T h e fir s t ty p e o f p o ly g y n o u s fa m ily is e x e m p lifie d b y th e W a lb ir i (g r o u p 1 0 9 ), fo r w h o m d a ta o n fa m ily s iz e c a n u * f r o m a c e n s u s o f h o u s e h o ld s a t H o o k e r C r e e k in 1 9 5 3 (M e g g itt
8 . O 8
f e r e n c e
Tropical-subtropical Asia
6 .5 9 2.91 5 .7 6 5.91 5 .0 6 3 .0 5
3 .4 7 3 .7 5 3 .8 9 4 .0 0 3 .6 2 3 .1 5 3 .0 6
(F n ) (F n ) (F n ) Fn (N )
(P a l a w a n )
(M ) (M )
2.08 (26.00) 4.10 3.57 3.50 (3 2.00) 4.10 3.01 2.81 (1 9 .0 0 ) (2 8 .0 0 ) 3.33 3.81 4.23 4 .6 4 4.33 4.11 5 .9 6 3 .9 8 6 .0 5 4.81 3.98 4 .0 0 3 .85 3.33 3 .57 Fm 3.77 3.20 N N
Heine-Geldem and HoehnGerlachstein 1958:25 Sen 1962:72 Cooper 1991:17, figures 3 and 4 Cooper 1991:17, figures 3 and 4 Temple 1903:62 Temple 1903:61 Temple 1903:61 Temple 1903:61 Radcliffe-Brown 1948:28-35 Schebesta 1 9 5 4 :1 0 ,1 7 ,2 2 0 Skeat and Blagden 1906:176 Skeat and Blagden 1906:176 Schebesta 1 9 5 4 :1 1 ,2 2 2 Kuchikura 1988:277 Bailey 1863:292; Seligmann and Seligman 1911:63; Spittel 1945:8 M orris 1 9 8 2 a :9 7 -9 8 ,174 Headland 1986:141, pers. comm. 1992 Rai 1982:228 Vanoverbcrgh 1 9 25:1%
(N) (M)
N (Fn)
Frer-H am endort 1943:366 Nim m anahaem inda and HartUnd Swam 1962:173; Pookajom 1988:187; Velder 19 6 3 ;18 6 -8 8
4 .0 8 4 .8 8 4 .4 9 4 .4 3 3.59
(N )
(G) (G)
(F n )
G ardner 1972:420 Sen and Sen 1955:170, 1 7 4 -7 5 Williams 19 4:79 Ehrenfels 1 9 5 2 :6 5 -6 7 Ehrentels 1952:50 Bhanu
r n
F n
8 . O8
( c o n tin u e d )
Qiu 1983 (photo estimate) Shimkin 1939:155 Shternberg 1933:288, 387 Shternberg 1933:288, 387
Tropical-subtropical South America
5.50 (7.4) 4.25 2.71 (10.28) 6.94 5.20 (20.60) (16.66) 9.8 4.00 (16.88) 4.62 5.15 (15.00) (15.80) 4.16 6.25 (19.00) 4.75 (27.00) -9.80-7.25-8.20-7.03.92
Mtraux 1948:863 Gragson 1989:127,288-89 Gragson 1989:288 89 Gragson 1989:288-89 Hurtado and Hill 1986:18 Metzger 1968:268-71 Politis 1992:3 Politis 1992:3 Baldus 1937:115,123-24; LviStrauss 1936:269 Schmidt 1942:47 Holmberg 1950:51,82-83 Stearman 1989:113 15 Lvi-Strauss 1970:268 69,288 Lvi-Strauss 1970:288 Oberg 1953:88 Jones 1983:176 Mtraux 1946b:534 36 Ehrenreich 1887:22 Kozak et al. 1979:369 Henry 1964:10-11, 159 Boschin and Macuzzi 1979:33; Cooper 1946c: 150 Bird 1988:16-19 Chapman 1982:19; Gusinde 1931:205 Gusinde 1937:32
Fn Fn
N (N)
(N) P Fn N N
Tropical-subtropical Africa
Hudson 1990:88 Heymer 1980:193-97 Terashima 1980:233, 235 Cavalli-Stbrza 1986c33 Vallois and Marquer 197&1 u , |23 Fisher 1987:104, 111 Harako 1976:46 47 Tanno 1976:108 Clark 1951:58,65
t a b l e
H O U S E H O L D T Y P E R E F E R E N C E ( s )
4.50 5.14
O Connell pers. com m . 1977; O Connell et al. 1991:63, table 1 Huntingford 1 9 5 5 :631-34,1942:183 Bleek 1929 :1 0 9 -1 2
s e k e l e
d r y
s e a s o n
u n g
G E N E R A L M O B IL E , R A IN Y S E A S O N , C A M P S 1, 3 , 5 , 6 , 9 M O B IL E , D R Y S E A S O N ,
Fn Fn Fn
Howell 1 9 7 9 :4 3 ,4 5 Yellen 1 9 7 7 :2 3 7 -5 3 Yellen 1977 :2 3 7 -5 3 Brooks et al. 1 9 8 4 :3 0 0 -5 ; Gould and Yellen 1 9 8 7 :8 6 ,9 3 Lee 1979:254 Guenther 1986:186
C A M P S 2 , 4 , 7, 1 0 - 1 6 D O B E , D R Y S E A S O N
D O B E , D R Y N H A R O
W E T //g
a n a
4.552.9 2 4.6 0
Gn Gn
Hitchcock pers. com m . 1990 Weissner and Hitchcock pers. comm. 1991 H itchcock pers. com m . 1990
K U A G E N E R A L M O B IL E , R A IN Y M O B IL E , D R Y !k
4 .54
4.28 6.65 3.99 3.53 Australia: subtropical desert through temperate settings Hitchcock p e r s . com m . 1990 Eibl-Eibesfeldt 1972:32-34
Peterson 1976:268, pers. comm. 1992; Peterson and Long 1986:135; Peterson pers. comm.
1994 Hiatt 1965:33-37 Peterson and Long 1986:87-89 H art 1970:299; Hart and Pilling 1960:66; Peterson and Long 1986:135 Anderson and Robins 1988:191 92 Peterson and Long 1986:80-83.135 Hale and Tindalc 1933:77 M emmott 1983:123 Tindale I962b :319-21 Meggitt 1962:81 Peterson and Long 1986:116-1 Peterson and Long 1986:1 12-15. l~4 Myers 1986:45; Pfetersoa and Long 1 9 8 6 :1 0 4 -1 1 Gargett and 1lavden 1991:13-22; Havdcn pers. comm. J993 O'Connell 1987;/? Denham 1975:142 Gould 1971: lc>8,1977 43 Gould 1977:85
7.00 4.65 3.71 3.47 3.86 4.12 4.33 4.42 4.93 5.20 3.55
6.00 6.20 6.33 6.68 4.51 5.20 6.94 5.80 6.68 6.75 6.18 6.29
P A P U N Y A , S E T T L E D
N G A T A T JA R A L A R G E , S E T T L E D
m u l y a n g ir i
Gould 1977:43 Gould 1977:43 Gould 1977:43 Gould 1977:43 Gould 1977:43 Gould 1977:43 Gould 1977:43 Tindale 1972:243 Tindale pers. comm. 1966 Spencer and G illen 1927:70-71 Peterson and Long 1986:129-34 Nind 1831:22 Williams 1985:74-75 Gaughwin and Sullivan 1984:94 Plomley 1983:166 Jones 1972:6
North America: California and Northern Mexico
1938 1865
-6.48(9.30) -6.45-7.203.81 -7.003.88 -6.433.47 (11.70) (13.06) 6.00 4.00 (9.50) 3.61 3.81 2.91 4.40 6.25 5.62 3.75 (8.36) (12.00) 3.76 6.00 4.16 8.34 -8.00-8.00-
Fm N N N M M Fn M (E) Fm Fn
4.33 4.75
Griffiin 1959rvii, 50,188 Strong 1929:45 Strong 1929:189-214 M eigs 1939:1 Gayton 1948a:57 Voegelin 1938:43 44 Goldschmidt pers. comm. 1966 Cook 1955:54 Barrett 1908:290-92 Barrett 1908:186,191 Gifford 1926a:292-97 Cook and Heizer 1965:71 Barrett 1908:289 Cook and Heizer 1965:51 Cook and Heizer 1965:71 Barrett 1908:205,214 Barrett 1908:235 36,244 Goddard 1923:97-101 Collier and Thalman 199IJ31-J3 Cook 1956:107 Barrett 1908:268 Driver 1936:201 Cook and Hci/er 196$;7I Barrett 1908:131-32 Cook and Heifer 1965:71 Barrett 1908:316 Gray 1987:37-3* Cook 1956:101 Cook and Hciict I9fe5:70
Fm 4.50 Fp m
tekelm a tolctw a
8 .0 8
(c o n tin u e d )
Kroeber 1 9 2 5 :1 3 1 ,1 3 8 Cook and Heizer 1965:70 Loud 1918:266, 339 Cook and Heizer 1965:71 Kroeber 1925:16 Ray 1963:159 Ray 1963:149 Spier 1930:54
- 7 .4 6 -
( 1 3 .0 8 )
3.94 - 7 .5 0 4.01 3.30 5.61 4.27 4.9 0 5.66 7.60 5.40 3.82 4 .6 0 4 .4 0 5.00 4 .4 0 4 .3 8 4 .3 3 4.53 4.12 5.70 4.1 9 4 .2 7 5.15 4.1 7 4.2 7 4 .0 0
7 .7 7
N 3.70
Steward 1 9 3 8 :8 7 -8 8 ,9 4 ' Bolton 1916:199; Schaedel 1949:124 Steward 1 9 3 8 :8 4 ,8 7 -8 8 Corbusier 1886:283; Gifford 1932a: 180-81
3.53 305
Hayden 1 9 3 6 :7 0 ,1 6 5 -6 8 Steward 1938:79 Steward 1 9 3 3 :2 9 0 ,1 9 7 7 :1 2 7 Kelly 1964:13 N Euler 1972:100 Knack 1975:115 Davis 1965:36 (LRB estimate) N Steward 1938:58 Fowler 1 9 6 6 :6 1 -6 2 Smith 1974:123 Fowler 1 9 9 2 :3 6 -3 8
3 .67
Ewers 1955:26 Steward 1938:163 Steward 1938:118 C ook 1955:37; Gayton 1948:145 Gifford 1932b :57-61 Steward 1 9 3 8 :1 7 4 -7 5 Steward 1 9 3 8 :1 2 6 ,1 2 9 Price 1 9 6 2 :8 -1 0 Smith 1974:123; Steward 1974b:l 17 W hiting 1 9 5 0 :1 9 -2 0 Murphy and Murphy 1960:325 Steward 1938:114 Steward 1974b: 140, 147
6 .2 8 7 .8 1 7 .9 3
1806 l 880
7 .3 6
(i 8 6 0 ) ( 1833)
(8.80) 7.50 ( 10 .0 0 )
1849 1850
Culbertson i 952:135
t a b l e
CASES ban n ock
r e f e r b n c e
6 .0 0
M u r p h y a n d M u r p h y 1 9 6 0 :3 2 5 C u lb e r ts o n 1 9 5 2 :1 3 7 R E w e rs 1 9 5 5 :2 5 E w e r s 1 9 5 5 :2 1 E r Er R o b b in s 1 9 7 1 :4 2 E w e r s 1 9 5 5 :2 1 E w e rs 1 9 7 1 :9 4 R R L o w r ie a n d C la r k e 1 8 3 2 :7 1 6 D e n ig 1 9 3 0 :4 3 1 B u s h n e ll 1 9 2 2 :2 0 E w e rs 1 9 5 5 :2 1 R le n n e s s 1 9 3 8 :2
g ro s-v e n t r e
i 860
bla ck fo o t
8 .2 4 7 .9 2 8 .0 4 4 .9 1
8 .0 0 8 .0 0
i 860
a s s in ib o in e
1800 1854
PLAINS C REE (S P R IN G ) BLOOD ( i 860 ) SARSI ( 18 OOS)
7 .9 5 4 .5 0 4 .2 8
8 .0 0
7 .5 5
( 12 .0 0 ) (3 0 .0 0 ) (2 6 .0 0 ) (4 0 .0 0 ) ( 2 0 .0 0 ) (1 5 .8 0 ) 7 .0 0 (9 .5 0 ) (1 6 .0 0 ) (1 8 .4 4 ) 4 .6 1 4 .7 5 (2 4 .0 0 ) (1 4 .9 7 ) (1 4 .5 6 ) 4 .2 3 3 .1 3 F n 4 .4 4 F n 5 .0 3 .6 1
Fn Fn Ep En Fn
k o n a ig EYAK ( 1884)
Gnther 1 9 6 2 : 5 4 4 ; Swan 1 8 7 0 : 5 Gunther 1 9 6 2 : 5 4 4 Kane 1859:appendix Kane 1859 .appendix Kane 1859:appendix Kane 1859:appendix Kane 1859:appendix Adams 1973:28 Knecht and Iordan 1985:21 Birket-Smith and de Laguna 1938:19-20,123 Porter \893:Table 6 Michael 1967:3% Oswalt and Van Stone 1%7;4 Michael l%7$06
ku sk o w a g m u t
1843 CHGASH ( 1843 ) ALEUT
17 9 0
^ V A T A N A K
Lantis 1970:173 Untis 1970:173 l^ntts 1970:173 I-antis 1970:173 Units 1970:173 Lantis 1970:173
8 .0 8
A K U T A N A L A SK A U N G A N U N IV A K S U M M E R T R A D IT IO N A L 1 9 4 0 S S P R IN G C A M P M A IN
1 9 4 0 S L A R G E V IL L A G E
Lantis 1970:173 Lantis 1970:173 Lantis 1970:173 Lantis Lantis Lantis Lantis 1946:164 1946:164 1946:164 1946:164,317
3.58 3.66
Spier and Sapir 1930:164-67,221 Teit 1930:331 Cline et al. 1938:87 Ray 1932:16 Hayden et al. 19% : 154, table 1 Teit 1930:331 Fn Fn Tyrrell 1908:276 Kinietz 1947:246-47 Quimby 1962:219 Speck 1922:143; Wallis and Wallis 1953:104 Ewers 1955:25 Hickerson 1% 7:57 Bishop 1969:52 (mean) Bishop 1% 9:52 Bishop 1969:52 Dunning 1959:63-64 Rogers l% 3 :7 5 -7 7 Rogers l% 2 a :B 8 ,67 Jenness 1943:486 (Smith field notes on file, National Museum o f Canada 1 Moran tz 1982:89 Lips l9 4 7 a :3 9 7 -9 8 .453-54 Rogers 1% 2:23 Speck 1923:454 Rogers 1973:3-4 Morantz 1983:89 Lane 1952:12-13 Keith 1960:68; Nicks 1980:34-43 Helm 1961:48 Janes 1983:102 MacKenzic 1966:56 MacKenzie l% 6 :5 ? Honignunn 1949:37 Jenness 1943:486-^7 Gillespie 196) Adney 1900:500 Savtshinikkv 1974:60,2 J0 MacKcnne l**i*6 :SH MacKenzie l% 6 ;5 9 Honignunn 19M> i35 Honigmann 1949:20
1939 1763
3.5 5.45
( 1805)
4.20 Fn Fn Fn Gp
SA U L T E A U X ( 1965)
h o u s e
e l f a r e
n a t iv e
h o u s e
N 5.59
1823 1828
Fn Fn Fn Fn N R R R Ee Fo
1953~54 ( a u t u m n )
k a s k a
( 1945 )
4 .9 9 4 .5 0
4 .1 8 ( 1 5 .2 7 )
Np Np
p e r s o n s p h o u s e h o l d p e r e r s f a o
8.0 8
n m s i l y h o u s e h o l d r e f e r e n c e
t y p e
(14.45) (4.0)
( 1 1 .2 0 )
Michael 1967:306 Sullivan 1942:10 Sullivan 1942:10 Clark 1974:124 4.52 3.71 4.34 N N N Smith 1981:276 Brumbach and Jarvenpa 1989:54 Brumbach and Jarvenpa 1989:64 Brumbach and Jarvenpa 1989:250-58 Irimoto 1981:73 Irimoto 1981:73 Irimoto 1981:73 Muller-WilJe 1974:7 Irimoto 1981:59 Irimoto 1981:60 Irimoto 1981:61 Irimoto 1981:61 McKennan 1965b:20,43 Porter 1893:164 Michael 1967:306 Michael 1967:306 Oswalt and VanStone 1967:4 McKennan 1965a:106; Pitts 1972:118 Pitts 1972:229 Pitts 1972:229-31 Pitts 1972:232-34 Pitts 1972:235-38 Pitts 1972:239-40 Morantz 1983:89 MacKenzie 1966:49-56 Michael 1967:306 OLeary 1985:88 Michael 1967:307 Snow 1981:615 Tanner 1944:593,627-28 Henriksen 1973:58
5.23 4.25 4.17 3.79 6.81 5.57 4.75 5.00 4.66 -7.80-6.08(11.00) (17.90) (18.00)
- 8 .0 0 -
(1789 SUMMER C A M P)
NASKAPI 1 9 3 7 -3 8 1 9 6 6 -6 8
19 5 9 ~ 6 5 a m b l e r
early su m m er la te in u it
7.25 6.00 4.73 5.42 5.80 6.30 9.80 (22.80) 7.36 7.14 7.50
Burch 1975:257-58 Footc 1966:43 Foote 1966:43 Foote 1966:43 Foote 1966:43 Burch 1975:269-72 Taylor 1974:71 Taylor 1974:71 Taylor 1974:71 Taylor 1974:71
t a
l e
r e f e r e n c e
1882 1964 S U G L U K
5.70 7.49
G R E A T W H A L E 1 9 5 8 1 9 7 0 C A R IB O U IN U IT
5.76 5.82
1893 S U M M E R
7.10 4.3 0
Hayden et al. 1996:154, table 1 ; Tyrrell 1897:167 Rasmussen 1 9 3 0 :1 1 -1 3 Birket-Smith 1 9 2 9 :6 7 -6 8 Birket-Smith 1 9 2 9 :6 7 -6 8 Birket-Smith 1 9 2 9 :6 7 -6 8 Birket-Smith 1 9 2 9 :6 7 -6 8 H arper 1964:10 Vallee 1967:17 Vallee 1 9 6 7 :6 0 -6 3 Burch 1975:255 Binford 1971 (field notes)
M A Y 1 9 2 2 G E N E R A L A A E R N E R M U IT H A U N E T O R M IU T P A D L IM IU T H A R V A C O A S T
1 9 4 7 S U M M E R i 9 6 0 B A K E R
i 9 6 0 S U M M E R N O A T A K IN U IT
N U N A M IU T IN U IT l 880
1 9 4 7 -4 8 1 9 4 7 -4 8
Binford 1991a:90 Gn Gn Binford 1991a:89 Binford 1991a:89 Hayden et al. 1996:154, table 1 Hughes 1960:14 48
3.81 5.75 ( 20 . 00 ) 5 6 .7 5
( 1 9 0 9 )
3.3 9
(Fn )
Burch 1 9 7 5 :2 6 0 -6 9 Hayden et al. 1996: 154, table 1 Jenness 1932:30 Jenness 1932:66, 71
Rasmussen 1 9 3 2 :7 8 -8 5 Amundsen 1908:281 (G ) (G ) (Fm ) Briggs 1970:15 Briggs 1 9 7 0 :3 0 ,1 7 0 -7 1 Briggs 1 9 7 0 :2 4 ,3 7 0 -7 1 Briggs 1970:372 Rae 1850:40
1963 T E N T S
1846 1 8 4 6 T E N T S
A U G U S T 1 9 2 1 1 9 2 1 S O U T H A M P T O N 1 9 5 9 S O U T H A M P T O N H A R B O U R
Rae 1850:49 Mathiassen 1 9 2 8 :1 5 -1 6 Mathiassen 1928:16 VanStone 1960:82 VanStone 1960:82 VanStone 1960:82 Fn Lyon 1924:230 Mathiassen 1928:17, 19,32 Danias, letter 7/6/92
3.03 7.07
C O R A L S N A F U IN G U L IK J u ly
( 1 2 .66 ) 7.05 7.50 8.14
9 .7 3
I 9 6 O S W IN T E R W E S T G R E E N L A N D IN T E R
1870 W 18 9 6
1897 W
Rink 1877:166, 182. 191 Ferry 1898:131, 171-72 Perry 1 8 9 8 :3 3 6 ,3 8 6 Birket-Smith 1928:78 Christy 1894:208 Low 1906:5 7 -5 8
1615 S U M M E R
t a b l e
8 . 0 8
p e r s o n s
HOUSEHOLD TYPE r e f e r e n c e (
n e t s il ik i n u i t
3.41 3.96
Boas 1964:18 (1888) Hantzsch 1977:39,99 Savelle 1987:229 Ross 1835:589; Savelle 1987a:429-31 Rae 1850:49 MClintock 1860:141 43 MClintock 1860:235 Boas 1907:377-78 Van der Steenhoven 1959:2 Birket-Smith 1928:79 Hayden et al. 1996: 154, table 1 Mirsky 1937:53 Simpson 1875:237 Ray 1885:41 Ekblaw 1928:41 Steensby 1910:324
1859 1956
3.74 3.93 (22.00) (25.80) 9.50 5.72 6.20 5.80 3.74 4.83
(Fn) En
6.70 4.59 3.74 0.84 2.50 4.22 (9.00) 6.16 3.60 4.30 4.90 Er
Kramer 1982:72-73 Watson 1979:47 Tobert 1985:280-82 David 1971:125 Harpending and Pennington 1990:419 Kelly 1986:45 Gifford 1977:94 Harner 1973:78 Hill and Kaplan 1989:323 Glick 1959:596
Notes: P a r e n t h e s e s
a r o u n d v a lu e s in c o lu m n 2 ( n u m b e r o f p e r s o n s p e r h o u s e h o ld ) in d ic a te th e p r e s e n c e o f a c o m m u n a l s tr u c tu r e ; d a s h e s in c o lu m n M u r d o c k (1 9 6 7 :1 5 5 ) a n d r e fe r to th e
A la r g e e x te n d e d fa m ily , t h a t is , a c o o p e r a t in g a g g r e g a t io n o f s m a lle r fa m ily u n it s o c c u p y in g a s in g le d w e llin g o r a n u m b e r o f a d ia c e n t d w e llin g s a n d n o r m a l ly in c l u d in g t h e f a m il ie s o f p r o c r e a t io n o f a t le a s t t w o s ib li n g s o r c o u s i n s in e a c h o f a t le a s t t w o a d ja c e n t g e n e r a t i o n s . A s m a ll e x te n d e d fa m ily , n o r m a lly in c lu d in g th e fa m ily o f p r o c r e a tio n o f o n ly o n e in d iv id u a l in th e s e n io r g e n e r a tio n b u t a t le a s t tw o in d iv id u a ls in t h e fo llo w in g g e n e r a t io n . T h is t y p e o f fa m ily u s u a lly d is s o lv e s u p o n th e d e a th o f t h e h e a d o f t h e fa m ily . A m in im a lly e x te n d e d o r
stem f a m
K I n d e p e n d e n t p o l y g y n o u s f a m i l i e s , i n w h i c h p o l y g y n y i s c o m m o n a n d p r e f e r e n t i a l l y s o r o r a l . I n f a m i l i e s o f t h i s t y p e , c o - w i v e s a r e n o t reported
Generalization 8.23
I n ta b le 8 .0 9 ,1 e x p lo r e th e e ffe c t o f p o ly g y n y o n G R 0 U P 1 s iz e w h e n t h e n u m b e r o f m a r r ie d m a le s i n a g r o u p is h e ld c o n
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
s ta n t. O n ly t h e p e r c e n ta g e o f m a le s p r a c t ic in g p o ly g y n y a n d t h e a g e a n d r e p r o d u c t iv e s ta te o f t h e g r o u p , a s in d ic a te d b y d iff e r e n c e s in th e v a lu e o f
a, v a r y
in th is ta b u la tio n . W h e n
F I GURE 8 . 1 7
GROUP1 size classes in a property space defined by the per centage of males participating in polygynous marriages rel ative to family size. The marker indicates an ordination and classification of GROUP1 sizes: (2) small, (3) medium, (4) large, (5) oversized, (7) exceptional cases, and (8) very large.
1 9 6 2 :8 1 ). T h e e s tim a te s o f W a lb ir i p o ly g y n o u s h o u s e h o ld s , h o w e v e r , w e r e g e n e r a liz e d f r o m d a ta c o lle c te d b y L o n g ( 1 9 7 0 ) fr o m a n u m b e r o f s o u r c e s th a t m a y o r m a y n o t h a v e b e e n r e li a b le . D a t a o n th e s e c o n d ty p e o f p o ly g y n o u s fa m ily , th e K a ia d ilt (g r o u p 1 0 3 ), a r e b a s e d o n r e c o n s t r u c te d fa m ily h is to r ie s (T in d a le 1 9 6 2 b ) t h a t d o c u m e n t th e p o ly g y n o u s h o u s e h o ld s o f a d u lts b e lo n g in g t o t h e g e n e r a t io n o f t h e in te r v ie w e e s . S in c e c h ild r e n w e r e r a r e ly m e n tio n e d in th e s e fa m ily h is to r ie s , e s tim a te s o f fa m ily s iz e a r e lik e ly t o b e m is le a d in g . E x p e r im e n ta tio n w ith th e c a s e s e x h ib itin g a n in c r e a s e in b o t h f a m ily s iz e a n d p o ly g y n y r e v e a le d t h a t t h e y d id n o t a p p e a r to v a ry m u c h in th e s lo p e o f th e lin e b u t d iffe r e d p r i m a r ily in t h e v a lu e o f th e in t e r c e p t . I n o t h e r w o r d s , th e in te r c e p t r e p r e s e n ts t h e a v e r a g e s iz e o f t h e fa m ily t h a t e x is te d a t th e p o in t a t w h ic h p o ly g y n o u s m a r r ia g e s b e g in to a p p e a r in a h y p o th e tic a l g r o u p o f m o n o g a m o u s fa m ilie s . L o o k in g a t th e r e la tio n s h ip s in th is w a y , I fo u n d t h a t th e b e s t e s tim a te o f th e s lo p e o f th e lin e s t h a t m a y v a r y w ith th e m e a n s o f f a m ily s iz e w h e n p o ly g y n y h a s a v a lu e o f z e r o b u t d id n o t v a r y i n s l o p e w a s a v a l u e o f b= 0 . 7 9 0 8 5 . T h e s t r a i g h t - l i n e e q u a t io n o f th e r e la tio n s h ip b e tw e e n fa m ily s iz e ( F A M S Z ) a n d th e p e r c e n t a g e o f m a le s in p o ly g y n o u s m a r r ia g e s is , t h e r e f o r e ,
n if ic a n tl y f r o m t h o s e s u m m a r iz e d in g e n e r a liz a tio n 8 .2 3 . In th is s e c to r o f th e p lo t, h ig h p e r c e n ta g e s o f p o ly g y n o u s m a r r ia g e s o c c u r i n g r o u p s w i t h r e la tiv e ly s m a ll f a m ily s iz e s , a n d la r g e fa m ily s iz e s a r e a s s o c ia te d w ith lo w e r p e r c e n ta g e s o f p o ly g y n o u s m a r r ia g e in a ll b u t o n e c a s e t h e A ly a w a r a (g r o u p 1 1 7 ).21 T h e d a ta in t a b le 8 .0 9 a n d fig u r e 8 .1 7 r a is e a n u m b e r o f q u e s tio n s . F o r in s t a n c e , w h y s h o u ld a r e v e r s a l o f r e la tio n s h ip o c c u r b e t w e e n p o ly g y n y a n d f a m ily s iz e , c o in c id in g m o r e o r le s s w ith th e la r g e r (n o r m a l d iv is io n o f la b o r ) a s o p p o s e d to t h e s m a lle r ( c o lla p s e d d iv is io n o f la b o r ) g r o u p s iz e v a ria n ts
TABLE 8 . 0 9 E F F E C T OF P O L Y G Y N Y ON G R O U P 1 S I Z E
A 5*36
F A M S Z = a 0 .7 9 0 8 5 (P C > L Y G ) In th e s a m p le o f h u n te r -g a th e r e r s fo r w h ic h e q u a tio n a m ay ran g e b e tw e e n 3 .0 0 a n d 6 .0 0 , w ith m u ltim o d a l p e a k s a t 3 .0 0 ,3 .8 3 ,
8 .0 1 w a s d e v e l o p e d , v a l u e s o f t h e i n t e r c e p t
A F L A T B A R T H OR A T H I C K R O T U N D I T Y " ?
of t h e G r o u p S i z e M o d e l ? R e s p o n d i n g t o t h e s e i s s u e s s e q u e n
tia lly , I n o t e t h a t
1 2 Generalization 8.24
a: : 40 : Ax AA A A v . 1 ^ A. AA * *4 A * * A
When polygyny occurs frequently among groups in warm cli mates that primarily exploit terrestrial plants or aquatic resources, these are also usually the settings in which a species-focused division of labor ensures a much-reduced role for males in food provisioning on a daily basis.
1 1 1
p c 0 3 0 >
1 1 202 15
| 0. i * *1 * 1 A4 I
I f p o ly g y n y is a w a y o f r e c r u it in g p r o d u c tiv e fe m a le s t o p a r tic ip a te in a r e la tiv e ly s t a b l e , f a m il y - b a s e d la b o r u n it , t h e n , o f n e c e s s ity , f a m ily s iz e s h o u ld b e p o s it iv e ly c o r r e la t e d w it h t h e fre q u e n c y o f p o ly g y n y . S u c h a p a t t e r n w a s , in fe e t, d e m o n s tr a te d in th e d is t r i b u ti o n o n t h e r ig h t s id e o f t h e g r a p h i n f ig u r e 8 .1 7 . I t m ig h t a ls o b e e x p e c t e d t h a t , s in c e p o l y g y n y p r o v i d e s a n o r g a n iz e d , f e m a le - b ia s e d l a b o r f o r c e , t h e r e w o u ld b e d if f e r e n c e s in th e a g e a t m a r r ia g e o f m a le s a n d fe m a le s , in th e r o le o f b e tro th a l in m a r r ia g e a r r a n g e m e n ts , a n d p e r h a p s in p r e fe r e n c e s fo r m a te s w h e n v ie w e d f r o m a k in s h ip p e r s p e c tiv e . T h e s e s u p p o s itio n s a r e b a s e d o n th e r e c o g n itio n th a t th e in c o r p o r a t io n o f f e m a le s in t o o r g a n iz e d la b o r u n it s t h r o u g h m a r r ia g e s e ts u p t h e v e r y r e a l p o s s ib ili t y t h a t m a le s w ill b e o r g a n iz e d in t o c o o p e r a t iv e la b o r u n it s d if f e r e n t iy , s in c e p o l y g y n y s m i r r o r i m a g e p o l y a n d r y , o r t h e o r g a n i z a t i o n o f m a le s in t o c o - s p o u s a l l a b o r u n i t s t h r o u g h m a r r ia g e is n e i th e r c o m m o n n o r v e r y im p o r ta n t a m o n g k n o w n h u n te r g a t h e r e r p e o p l e s .22 I t i s w e l l d o c u m e n t e d t h a t , i n g r o u p s p r a c tic in g p o ly a n d r y , k in b ia s e s in m a r r ia g e p a r t n e r s ( a t le a s t a m o n g c o o p e r a t i n g m a l e s ) a p p e a r t o r e s u lt i n s e v e r a l d if fe re n t k in d s o f lin k a g e s a s t h e b a s is fo r th e fo r m a t io n o f m a le la b o r p a r t ie s . T h e s e r e l a t i o n s h ip s c a n b e n e p o t i s t i c (fa th e r-s o n o r b r o th e r - b r o th e r ) o r a ffin a l (b r o th e r -in -la w p a ir in g [ B in f o r d 1 9 9 0 ] ) li n k a g e s , o r t h e y m a y b e b a s e d o n b o n d s fo rm e d d u r in g e v e n ts , s u c h a s m a le in it ia t io n c e r e m o n ie s . In fig u re 8 . 1 8 , 1 e x p lo r e th e r e la tio n s h ip s b e tw e e n th e p e rc e n ta g e o f m a le s in p o ly g y n o u s m a r r ia g e s a n d d iff e r e n c e s in th e m e a n a g e a t fir s t m a r r ia g e o f m a le s a n d fe m a le s . In th is fig u r e , th e c a s e s a r e c o d e d in t e r m s o f th e G R O U P 1 s iz e s e t s f i r s t i d e n t i f i e d i n f i g u r e 8 . 0 8 . M o s t o f t h e c a s e s f a l l in to t h e s m a ll ( s u b s e t 2 ) a n d la r g e ( s u b s e t 4 ) G R O U P 1 s iz e v a r ia n ts r e la tiv e t o e n v ir o n m e n t a l s e t t in g . T h e s im ila r ity is a p p a r e n t b e tw e e n t h is p a t t e r n in g a n d t h e in v e r s e r e la tio n s h ip o f s u b s e t 4 t o fa m ily s iz e in fig u r e 8 .1 7 , in w h ic h s u b s e t 2 v a r ie d in a s t r o n g l y p o s i t i v e w a y w i t h f a m i l y s iz e . I n f i g u r e 8 . 1 8 , h o w e v e r, s u b s e t 4 is p r im a r ily c h a r a c te r iz e d b y a s t r o n g ly n e g a tiv e r e l a t i o n s h ip b e t w e e n t h e p e r c e n t a g e o f p o l y g y n o u s m a r r ia g e s in a g r o u p a n d d if f e r e n c e s in t h e a g e s o f m a le s a n d fe m a le s a t fir s t m a r r ia g e . A s t h e la t t e r in c r e a s e s , t h e p e r c e n ta g e o f p o ly g y n y in t h e g r o u p d e c r e a s e s , a lt h o u g h ju s t t h e r e v e r s e p a t t e r n a p p lie s t o t h e c lu s t e r o f c a s e s in w h ic h le v e ls o f p o ly g y n y a r e n e a r t o o r g r e a te r th a n 3 0 p e r c e n t.
aA io- A t
m u
0 5
::* 4 0
-------20 25 30
Difference between the Mean Age at First Marriage for Males and Females (A G ED IF)
FI GURE 8 . 18
A p r o p e rty s p a c e m a p d e fin e d b y th e p e r c e n ta g e o f m a le s p a r t ic i p a t in g in p o l y g y n o u s m a r r ia g e s r e l a t i v e t o d i f f e r e n c e s b e tw e e n th e m e a n a g e a t firs t m a r r ia g e o f m a le s a n d fe m a le s . T h e m a r k e r in d ic a te s a n o r d in a tio n a n d c la s s ific a tio n o f G R O U P 1 s iz e s : (2 ) s m a ll, (3 ) m e d iu m , (4 ) la r g e , (5 ) o v e r s iz e d ,
(7) e x c e p t i o n a l
c a s e s , a n d (8 ) v e r y la r g e .
1 h a v e a lr e a d y n o te d t h a t, w h e n a m a r k e d r e d u c tio n in m o b ilit y o c c u r s , t h e r e is a c o r r e s p o n d in g in c r e a s e in G R O U P 1 s iz e (g e n e r a liz a t io n 8 .1 3 ) . W h a t m e a n in g s h o u ld b e a s s ig n e d to th is p a tte r n in g ? P e r h a p s th e fir s t p o in t t o b e e m p h a s iz e d is t h a t th e a g e d iff e r e n c e s p lo tt e d in fig u r e 8 .1 8 r e p r e s e n t a n a v e ra g e fo r e a c h g e n d e r a n d d o n o t r e fe r to th e a c tu a l a g e d if fe r e n c e b e tw e e n tw o s p o u s e s a t th e fir s t m a r r ia g e o f e ith e r m a le s o r fe m a le s . I t is n o t u n c o m m o n , fo r e x a m p le , fo r th e fir s t w ife o f a r e la tiv e ly y o u n g A u s tr a lia n a b o r ig in a l m a le t o b e a w id o w w h o is c o n s id e r a b ly o ld e r t h a n h e r n e w h u s b a n d . T h e o ld e r w id o w , h o w e v e r , m a y h a v e b e e n v e r y y o u n g a t th e tim e o f h e r fir s t m a r r ia g e . T h e A G E D IF v a r ia b le d o e s n o t in c lu d e in fo r m a tio n o f th is k in d . I t h in k th e p a tte r n in fig u r e 8 .1 8 is p r o v o c a tiv e a n d s u g g e s ts th e p r e s e n c e o f a th r e s h o ld a t a p o ly g y n y le v e l o f a p p r o x im a te ly 2 5 p e r c e n t th a t m a r k s a d r a m a tic s h ift to a p o s itiv e r e la tio n s h ip b e tw e e n m e a n a g e d iff e r e n c e s a n d p o ly g y n y . T o c la r if y th is p o s s ib ility , I h a v e p r e p a r e d th e tw o g r a p h s in fig u re 8 .1 9 , c o n tr a s tin g th e d is tr ib u tio n o f th e m e a n a g e a t fir s t m a r r ia g e fo r m a le s (g r a p h A ) a n d fe m a le s (g r a p h B ) . B o th o f th e s e v a r ia b le s a r e p lo tte d r e la tiv e to th e p e r c e n ta g e o f m a le s w h o s e m a r r ia g e s a r e p o ly g y n o u s . I n b o t h g r a p h s , t h e m a r k e r c o d e s a g r o u p 's p r i m a r y s o u r c e o f f o o d . T h e o v e r a ll p a t t e r n s in t h e g r a p h s a r e v e r y d if f e r e n t . A m o n g m a l e s , t h e h i g h e r t h e p e r c e n t a g e o f polygyny i n a g r o u p , t h e g r e a t e r t h e a g e at first marriage. A s t h e p e r c e n t a g e o f p o l y g y n y d e c r e a s e s , h o w e v e r , t h e g r e a t e r t h e variation ii In th e a g e o f m a le s i t th e tim e o f th e ir fir s t m a r r ia g e . O n e
0 C
c C O
20 -
FI GURE 8 . 1 9
A p a ir e d - g r a p h c o m p a r is o n b e t w e e n t h e m e a n a g e a t m a r r ia g e o f m a le s (A ) a n d f e m a le s (B ). B o t h v a r i a b l e s a r e e x p r e s s e d r e l a t i v e t o t h e p e r c e n t a g e o f m a l e s p a r t i c i p a t i n g i n p o l y g y n o u s m a r r i a g e s . T h e m a r k e r i n d i c a t e s t h e p r i m a r y s o u r c e o f f o o d (SUBSP): ( 1) t e r r e s t r ia l a n im a ls , ( 2 ) t e r r e s t r ia l p la n t s , a n d ( 3 ) a q u a t i c r e s o u r c e s . L ig h t s h a d i n g s h o w s t h e g r o s s o v e r a ll t r e n d .
c o u ld a ls o a r g u e t h a t th e r e is a te n d e n c y fo r t h e a g e a t fir s t m a r r ia g e to in c r e a s e a s p o ly g y n y d e c r e a s e s w ith in w h a t a p p e a r to b e r e c o g n iz a b le s u b s e ts b a s e d o n s u b s is te n c e , s u c h a s th e g r o u p s d e p e n d in g p r im a r ily u p o n h u n tin g a n d a q u a tic r e s o u r c e s in th e c e n tr a l s h a d e d a r e a o f g r a p h A . In c o n tr a s t, t h e o v e r a ll p a t t e r n a m o n g fe m a le s is fo r a g e a t fir s t m a r r ia g e to in c r e a s e a s p o ly g y n y d e c r e a s e s . I n g r o u p s w ith h ig h le v e ls o f p o ly g y n y , f e m a le s t e n d t o b e y o u n g e r a t th e tim e o f th e ir fir s t m a r r ia g e . I t is th e r e f o r e n o t s u r p r is in g th a t in fig u re 8 .1 8 th e v a r ia b le A G E D IF e m b o d ie s th e p r o p e r tie s d e m o n s tr a te d in b o t h g r a p h s in fig u r e 8 .1 9 .
g r o u p s w e r e s e d e n ta r y a n d h a d p r e -e x is tin g la r g e -G R O U P l u n it s . I n t h e r e m a in d e r o f t h e c a s e s , m a le s c o n t r ib u t e d r e l a tiv e ly li t t l e t o t h e d ie t, a n d m u c h o f t h e t o t a l d ie ta r y in ta k e r e s u lte d fr o m a c o lla p s e o f t h e d iv is io n o f la b o r , fr o m th e s ta n d p o in t o f th e e x p lo ite d s p e c ie s . T h e a g e d iff e r e n c e s b e tw e e n m a le s a n d fe m a le s th a t h a v e b e e n d o c u m e n t e d i n t h is s t u d y t h e r e f o r e a r is e f r o m a t le a s t t w o v e r y d if f e r e n t s it u a t io n s . G R O U P 1 s iz e a ls o h a s m u ltip le c o n d it io n e r s , o n e o f w h ic h is p o ly g y n y in a s s o c ia tio n w ith b o t h m o d e r a t e a n d la r g e G R O U P 1 u n it s . I h a v e a lr e a d y o b s e r v e d t h a t s im il a r t h in g s c a n b e o r g a n iz e d d iff e r e n d y a n d d if f e r e n t t h in g s c a n b e o r g a n iz e d s im ila r ly ; t h e v a lid ity o f t h is o b s e r v a t io n is e a s y t o d e m o n s t r a t e u s in g th is e x a m p le o f p a tte r n in g :
-- ----------------------------------
Generalization 8.25
Generalization 8.26
e q u a l, h o w e v e r , s in c e th e p o s itiv e
O t h e r fa c t o r s b e s id e s p o ly g y n y fa v o r la te m a r r ia g e fo r m a le s a n d a n a s s o c ia t e d in c r e a s e in t h e a g e s p r e a d b e t w e e n m a le s a n d f e m a le s a t fir s t m a r r ia g e . T h e d a t a in d ic a t e th a t th is p a t te r n is c h a r a c t e r iz e d b y a h ig h c o n t r ib u t io n o f m a le la b o r to s u b s i s t e n c e a n d t h a t t h is la b o r is h ig h ly s k ille d a n d r e q u ir e s c o n s i d e r a b l e l e a r n i n g a n d p r a c t i c e t i m e . P o l y g y n y is g e n e r
r e la tio n s h ip a m o n g m a le s o c c u r s u n a m b ig u o u s ly o n ly a m o n g c a s e s in w h ic h p o l y g y n y is g r e a t e r t h a n 2 0 p e r c e n t a n d t h e a g e a t fir s t m a r r ia g e is a t t w e n t y - f iv e y e a r s o r o l d e r .
a lly lo w in t h is c o n t e x t .
a lth o u g h , in th o s e in s ta n c e s w h e n th e y d o n o t, th e le v e l o f p o ly g y n y is h ig h e r .
Generalization 8.27
B y m e a n s o f s e v e r a l ta b le s a n d fig u re s , I h a v e e x p lo r e d p o ly g y n y a n d th e w a y s in w h ic h it c o n d it io n s G R O U P 1 s iz e . T h e s e d is p la y s o f p a t t e r n e d d a ta h a v e p r o v id e d a g lim p s e o f o r g a n iz a t io n a l d o m a in s in w h ic h la b o r r e c r u it m e n t is b ia s e d in fa v o r o f fe m a le s r a th e r th a n m a le s . I h a v e a ls o d is c u s s e d s o m e e x c e p tio n s to m y g e n e r a liz a tio n s a b o u t la b o r o r g a n i z a tio n a n d th e p r a c tic e o f p o ly g y n y , a n d I h a v e n o te d th a t th e r e a r e e th n o g r a p h ic c a s e s in w h ic h m a le s o b ta in m o s t, i f n o t a ll, o f th e fo o d a n d s till p r a c tic e p o ly g y n y . O th e r e x a m p le s in c lu d e th e m o u n te d h u n te r s o f th e G r e a t P la in s , w h o a r e s o fr e q u e n tly e x c e p tio n s to m y g e n e r a liz a tio n s , a n d th e L a b r a d o r E s k im o , w h o r e o r g a n iz e d th e ir la b o r fo r c e in th e e ig h te e n th c e n tu r y a fte r E u r o p e a n fu r tr a d in g s ta tio n s w e r e e s ta b lis h e d n e a r th e ir s e ttle m e n ts . In o r d e r to e x p lo r e th e o r g a n iz a tio n a l b a s is o f th e s e e x c e p tio n a l c a s e s , I m u s t fir s t fo c u s u p o n m a le b ia s in th e s u b s is te n c e la b o r fo r c e .
FI GURE 8 . 2 0
C R O U P 1 s iz e s e t s s h o w n in a p r o p e r t y s p a c e d e f in e d b y t h e p e r c e n ta g e o f m a le s p a r t ic ip a t in g in p o ly g y n o u s m a r r ia g e s a n d th e n u m b e r o f f a m il ie s in G R O U P 1 s iz e u n it s . T h e p a t t e r n d e m o n s tra te s a s tro n g r e la tio n s h ip b e tw e e n p o ly g y n y a n d v e r y fe w fa m ilie s p e r G R O U P 1 u n it. T h e m a r k e r in d ic a te s a n o r d in a tio n a n d c la s s if i c a t io n o f G R O U P 1 s iz e s : ( 2 ) s m a l l, (3 ) m e d iu m , (4 ) la r g e , ( 5 ) o v e r s iz e d , ( 7 ) e x c e p t i o n a l c a s e s , a n d (8) v e r y la r g e .
p ro d u ce rs. M a le s , h o w e v e r , a p p e a r n o t t o b e r e c r u ite d in a s im ila r fa s h io n , s in c e e v e n t h o u g h a la r g e n u m b e r o f g r o u p s o r g a n iz e fo o d p r o c u r e m e n t in t e r m s o f m a le - m a le b o n d i n g p o ly a n d r y is , in fa c t , q u it e r a r e a m o n g h u n t e r -g a t h e r e r s . T h e o n ly r e g io n in w h ic h p o ly a n d r y h a s b e e n r e p o r te d in a n y s ig n ific a n t n u m b e r s is t h e G r e a t B a s in o f N o r t h A m e r ic a (S te w a rd 1 9 3 8 :2 8 5 ) , w h e r e it o c c u r r e d w it h lo w e r f r e q u e n c ie s t h a n s o r o r a l p o ly g y n y . I h a v e n o t y e t e x h a u s te d th e le a r n in g p o s s ib ilitie s a s s o c i a te d w ith t h e r e la tio n s h ip s b e t w e e n p o ly g y n y , G R O U P 1 s iz e , a n d fa m ily s iz e . If, f o r in s t a n c e , p o ly g y n o u s fa m ilie s c a n b e e x p e c te d to b e o n a v e r a g e la r g e r th a n n o n p o ly g y n o u s fa m ilie s , it is r e a s o n a b l e t o c o n c l u d e t h a t i n a n y g i v e n g r o u p m a d e u p o f p o ly g y n o u s fa m ilie s th e r e w o u ld b e fe w e r fa m ilie s a n d , o th e r th in g s b e in g e q u a l, fe w e r m a le s in e a c h g r o u p . S u c h a p o s s ib ilit y is e x p lo r e d in f ig u r e 8 .2 0 , in w h ic h th e s h a d e d a r e a s id e n t if y t h e c a s e s w it h s m a ll G R O U P 1 s iz e s . A ll g r o u p s in th is s h a d e d c lu s t e r a r e m a d e u p o f t h r e e o r fe w e r fa m ilie s a n d a t le a s t 5 p e r c e n t o f t h e m a r r ia g e s a r e p o ly g y n o u s . In th e z o n e in w h ic h p o ly g y n y r a n g e s fr o m lo w to h ig h a n d t h e G R O U P 1 u n i t is c la s s if i e d a s la r g e , t h e n u m b e r o f fa m ilie s p e r u n it is s till t h r e e o r fe w e r . I n c o n t r a s t , g r o u p s w ith la r g e G R O U P 1 s iz e s ( i n w h ic h c a s e s a r e c la s s if ie d a s G 1 S E T = 3, 4 , 5, a n d 8 ) te n d to h a v e m a n y m o r e fa m ilie s , 1
Generalization 8.28
A s t h e p r o p o r t i o n o f a g r o u p 's t o t a l d i e t a r y i n t a k e f r o m l a r g e s e a m a m m a ls in c r e a s e s , th e p r o p o r tio n o f th e to ta l d ie t th a t is o b t a in e d b y m a le s in c r e a s e s ( H ia t t 1 9 7 0 : 7 ) .
Generalization 8.29
A s a g r o u p 's d e p e n d e n c e u p o n t e r r e s t r i a l a n i m a l s i n c r e a s e s , th e p r o p o r tio n o f th e to ta l d ie t o b t a in e d b y m a le s in c r e a s e s (M u rd o c k a n d P ro v o s t 1 9 7 3 :2 0 8 ).
o n g r o u p s iz e . A s a n in it ia l illu s t r a t io n , t h e b e s t in f o r m a t io n o n th e m a le d e p e n d e n c y r a tio in s itu a tio n s in w h ic h m a le s o b ta in m o s t o f th e fo o d c o n s u m e d b y a n e n tir e g r o u p c o m e s fr o m m y d a ta o n th e N u n a m iu t (m a le d iv is io n o f la b o r e s ti m a te = 9 7 .1 7 ). T h e s e d a ta w e r e c o lle c te d p r io r to th e tim e w h e n th e N u n a m iu t h a d r e g u la r a c c e s s to m o d e r n m e d ic a l s u p p o r t a n d in c lu d e a m e a n m a le d e p e n d e n c y r a tio o f 4 .0 4 4 .2 3 1 u s e th is v a lu e a s th e s ta n d a r d fo r m o d e lin g t h e e ffe c ts o f s h ifts in th e d iv is io n o f la b o r . I f I w is h to illu s tr a te th e e ffe c t o n g r o u p s iz e o f a s h ift in ta c tic s to p r e d o m in a n tly m a le fo o d p r o c u r e m e n t, I n e e d v a lu e s f o r o n ly th r e e v a r ia b le s : t h e m a le c o n t r ib u t io n t o t h e l a b o r f o r c e , t h e m e a n m a le d e p e n d e n c y r a t i o a t 100 p e r c e n t p r o d u c tio n , a n d th e n u m b e r o f p r o d u c e r s in th e g r o u p . S u c h a c a lc u la tio n a ls o r e q u ir e s o n e c o n s ta n t th a t, in th is c a s e , r e p r e s e n ts th e in c r e a s e in th e m a le d e p e n d e n c y r a tio fo r e a c h in c r e a s e in th e p e r c e n ta g e o f th e m a le c o n t r ib u t io n to th e la b o r fo r c e . F o r th e p r e v io u s ly d e fin e d s ta n d a r d v a lu e o f 4 .0 4 4 , th e s lo p e o f th e lin e is
Generalization 8.30
When the male-female division of labor is collapsed, group size decreases to roughly half of the minimal size of groups with a fifty-fifty division of labor. On the other hand, when more and more responsibility for food production is assumed by males in groups that are primarily dependent upon aquatic resources and terrestrial mammalsminimal group size increases as a linear function of increases in the percentage of the contribution that male labor makes to the total diet.
M o d e le d G R O U P 1 s iz e s in t a b le 8 .1 0 a r e v e r y d o s e to th e m e a n v a lu e s i n t a b l e 8 .0 6 f o r a f i f t y - f i f t y d iv is io n o f la b o r in c a s e s in w h ic h t h e m a le c o n t r ib u t io n t o t h e d iv is io n o f la b o r is h ig h e r t h a n 8 5 p e r c e n t. S in c e t h e c a s e s in t a b le 8 .0 6 a r e c la s s ifie d a s e s s e n tia lly n o n m o b ile o r s e d e n ta r y (o n ly th r e e a re f o r a g e r s , s e n s u B in f o r d ) , it is v e r y lik e ly th a t th e y a r e in te n s ifie d . T h is v ie w is s u p p o r te d b y th e fa c t t h a t tw e n ty o f th e tw e n t y - th r e e c a s e s w ith M D I V L A B v a lu e s o f g r e a te r th a n 8 5 p e r c e n t a r e ta b u la te d a s c o lle c to r s w h o s e p r o d u c e rs ra n g e o u t w a r d f r o m a c e n t r a l p la c e a n d r e tu r n w ith e s s e n tia l r e s o u rc e s t o t h e r e s id e n t ia l lo c a t i o n . E v e n a m o n g t h e s e r e la tiv e ly s e d e n ta r y p e o p le s , fa m ily u n its d o m o v e to fo o d p r o c u r e m e n t lo c a t i o n s , p a r t ic u l a r l y d u r in g t h e g r o w in g s e a s o n o r d u r in g fis h r u n s . T h e s e te m p o r a r y r e s id e n tia l g r o u p s a r e c o d e d a s G R O U P 1 u n it s , a n d t h e c o r r e s p o n d e n c e o f t h e h is to g r a m s in fig u r e s 8 .0 1 a n d 8 .0 3 t o t h e 2 0 .4 7 m e a n v a lu e o f th e G r o u p S iz e M o d e l is r e m a r k a b le . M y e x p e r ie n c e s r e a d in g th e e th n o g r a p h ic c a s e m a te r i a l 24 h a v e l e d m e t o c o n c l u d e t h a t a l t h o u g h m a l e s a n d f e m a l e s
b 0 .0 4 5 8 ,
o r a n in c r e a s e in th e
(number of producers)
I h a v e u s e d th is e q u a t io n t o o b t a in t h e G R O U P 1 v a lu e s in ta b le 8 .1 0 , w h ic h r a n g e fr o m 8 .9 2 fo r a g r o u p in w h ic h th e m a le c o n tr ib u tio n t o th e la b o r fo r c e is 5 0 .0 p e r c e n t o f t h e to ta l g r o u p e ffo r t t o a v a lu e o f 2 0 .5 5 f o r a g r o u p in w h ic h t h e p e r c e n ta g e o f th e m a le d iv is io n o f la b o r r e a c h e s 9 9 .9 9 p e r c e n t. T h e n u m b e r o f p r o d u c e r s h a s r e m a in e d th e s a m e in a ll c a s e s , h o w e v e r . D iffe r e n c e s in g r o u p s iz e a r e a t t r ib u ta b le t o t h e n u m b e r o f a d u lt fe m a le d e p e n d e n ts r e la tiv e t o th e n u m b e r o f m a le p r o d u c e r s . I n th is e x a m p le , th e n u m b e r o f p r o d u c e r s c o r r e
R E L A T I O N S H I P S B E T W E E N M A L E D I V I S I O N OF L A B O R AND V A R I A B I L I T Y IN G R O U P S I ZE W H E N T HE N U MB E R OF P R O D U C E R S I S H E L D CON! STA NT MALE DEPENDENCY RATI O 1.750 2.860 2.895 3.295 3,410 3.910 4.039 NUM BBR OF P RODUCERS 5.10 5.10 5.10 5.10 3.10 5.10 5.10
O lflltV l
1 3 .0 1
N ote: In column 6, the number of producer! it unknown and therefore not neteuirlly equivalent to the estimated vehie*
C H A P T E R 8 - A F L A T E A R T H OR A T H I C K R O T U N D I T Y ?
m a y p u rs u e in d e p e n d e n t p r o c u r e m e n t a c tiv itie s in s o m e s e ttin g s , t h is is n o t t h e k in d o f r ig id d iv is io n o f l a b o r in w h ic h e a c h g e n d e r is r e s p o n s ib le f o r t h e p r o c u r e m e n t a n d p r o c e s s in g o f d if f e r e n t s p e c ie s o r p r o d u c t s t h a t is c o m m o n a m o n g p l a n t - d e p e n d e n t p e o p l e s .25 A m o n g g r o u p s t h a t a re p r im a r ily d e p e n d e n t u p o n a q u a t ic r e s o u r c e s , m a le s a n d fe m a le s fr e q u e n t ly p e r f o r m d iff e r e n t r o le s w h ile p r o c u r in g a n d p r o c e s s in g a s in g le r e s o u r c e . I n o n e s e n s e , th e d iv is io n o f la b o r is c o lla p s e d in c o m p a r is o n w it h t h e fo ra g e rs w h o h a v e s e r v e d a s m y m o d e l, s in c e m a le s a n d fe m a le s a r e b o t h in v o lv e d in t h e e x p l o i t a t i o n o f t h e s a m e s p e c ie s . O n t h e o t h e r h a n d , in g r o u p s w it h a t r u ly c o lla p s e d d iv is io n o f la b o r , m a le s a n d f e m a le s n o t o n ly c o n c e n t r a t e o n a s in g le s p e c ie s o r r e la te d s u it e o f s p e c ie s , t h e y a ls o p e r fo rm id e n tic a l ta s k s . T h e la s t N u n a m iu t c o r p o r a t e c a r ib o u d r iv e , h e ld in 1 9 4 4 a t C h a n d le r L a k e , A la s k a ( B in f o r d 1 9 9 1 b :3 3 - 4 3 ) , is a g o o d e x a m p l e o f m a l e a n d f e m a l e t a s k s h a r i n g . 26 I n t h i s i n s t a n c e a s w e ll a s in a ll o t h e r d o c u m e n t e d e x a m p l e s e q u a l o r p r o p o r tio n a l n u m b e r s o f m a le s a n d f e m a le s a r e n e e d e d t o a c c o m p lis h t h e s u b s is t e n c e t a s k s . T h e s iz e o f t h e r e s id e n t ia l g ro u p th e re fo re r e fle c ts th e c o n tr ib u tio n o f b o th g e n d e r s o n a d a ily b a s is , ju s t a s it d o e s w it h t h e la r g e r g r o u p s o f p la n t d e p e n d e n t p e o p le s in th e o r ig in a l m o d e l. In fig u r e 8 .2 1 , a c o m m u n a l r e s i d e n t i a l s i t e o f t h i s t y p e i s i l l u s t r a t e d i n ) e a n B r i g g s s p h o to g ra p h o f a 1 9 6 3 U tk u h ik h a lin g m iu t fis h in g c a m p ( 1 9 7 0 :8 8 -8 9 ).
Proposition 8.09
W h e n r e s o u r c e s m u s t b e o b t a in e d in la r g e q u a n t it i e s w ith in a c o m p a r a tiv e ly s h o rt p e r io d o f tim e , c o n s id e r a b le p r o c e s s in g o f th e p r o d u c ts fo r b o th s to r a g e a n d c o n s u m p tio n w ill fr e q u e n tly b e r e q u ir e d . In s u c h c ir c u m s ta n c e s , th e d iv is io n o f la b o r w ill b e b e t w e e n m a le s , w h o a r e p r im a r ily in v o lv e d in p r o c u r e m e n t , a n d fe m a le s , w h o a r e p r im a r ily in v o lv e d in p r o c e s s in g . U n d e r th e s e c o n d itio n s , g r o u p s iz e w ill b e r e s p o n s iv e to th e n e e d fo r s im u lta n e o u s m a le a n d fe m a le w o r k p a r tie s (a ls o n o te d a m o n g p la n t-d e p e n d e n t fo r a g e r s ). T h e la b o r o f m a le s a n d fe m a le s , h o w e v e r , w ill b e d ir e c te d to d iffe r e n t ta s k s a s s o c ia t e d w ith t h e p r o c u r e m e n t a n d p r o c e s s in g o f th e s a m e s p e c ie s in s te a d o f b e in g c h a n n e le d in to s e p a r a te p r o c u r e m e n t ta s k s fo r m a le s a n d fe m a le s . W h e th e r th e ta s k s a r e a s s o c ia te d w ith p r o c u r e m e n t o r p r o c e s s in g a p p e a r s to b e ir r e le v a n t a s a c o n d it io n e r o f g r o u p s iz e . T h e im p o r ta n t v a r ia b le is t h e n u m b e r o f s im u lta n e o u s m a le a n d fe m a le w o r k p a r tie s th a t m u s t b e a s s e m b le d e a c h d a y in o r d e r t o c o m p l e t e th e s u b s is te n c e ta s k .
It should be clear that groups dependent upon aquatic resources have very different ways o f organizing the genderbased division o f labor than groups who depend prim arily on plants. T h is fact is reflected in d ifferen t freq u en cy
patterning in GROUP1 size for the two types of groups. The major determ inant of both sim ilarities to and differences from the conditions of the Group Size M odel lies in the relationships between simultaneous gender-based work groups that are essential to the accom plishm ent of subsistence tasks conducted by the group as a whole. Unfortunately, ever since the early cross-cultural research of M urdock and his colleagues, the division of labor has beenthought of interm s of differences inthe species exploited bym ales and fem ales. U singthis criterion meant that the char acter of the division of labor in a sample of social units could be distinguished by simply identifying which species w ere procured by m ales and which by fem ales. Such a dis tinction never really dealt with the organization of labor. M uch of the ethnographic data used in this study is derivedfromsources that conceptualized human labor in cat egorical terms. For this reason, the measure that I use to esti mate the percentage of the total diet obtained by males
(MDIVLAB) represents an accommodation to the M urdock modus operandi. M DIVLAB is literallyan estim ate of the rel ative contribution of m ales and fem ales to the total quantity of food coming fromterrestrial plants, terrestrial anim als, and aquatic resources that is consumed by a group. If m ale sub sistence acquisition in a hypothetical group is concentrated on terrestrial animals, I have recorded an M DIVLAB value of 100 percent from terrestrial animals. Such a variable merely identifies the resources that males and fem ales con tribute to subsistence; it does not m easure the amount of labor each gender expends in the procurement of consum ables. In figure 8.22, graph A , the relationship betw een G RO U P1 size and the percentage of the male contribution to the acquisition of terrestrial animals is displayed for cases that are classified as normal hunter-gatherers (SUBPOP = n) (mounted hunters of the NorthAm erican plains areexcluded). The pattern inthis graph isquite definite and can bedescribed in the following terms:
CL o c a
2 *1
2 o
50 60
8 . 2 2
A three-graph com parison of torager-col lector < ase distt'bu tions in a p roperty space m ap
the percentage o f the d iet contributed by males tor hunt* ' gatherers d ep end ent on terrestrial anim als (K tern>tn> plants (B), and aquatic resources
m ale contribution to the diet are demonstrated' All gra| 1S ,l cod ed for the torager-i o lle d o r distinction (fOKC c
Percentage of Contribution to the Diet by Males (MDIVLAB)
y >5
Generalization 8.31
g r a p h , a n u n a m b ig u o u s th r e s h o ld o c c u r s a t a p p r o x im a te ly 7 7 p e r c e n t o n th e m a le d iv is io n o f la b o r ( M D I V L A B ) a x is a n d is m a r k e d b y a r e fe r e n c e lin e . ( I m u s t p o in t o u t t h a t th e s e p a t te r n s w e re c o m p le te ly u n e x p e c te d . I h a d a n tic ip a te d th e s im p le , p o s itiv e lin e a r r e la tio n s h ip b e t w e e n G R O U P 1 s iz e a n d in c r e a s e s in m a le p a r tic ip a tio n in fo o d p r o d u c tio n th a t w a s m o d e le d in ta b le 8 .0 6 a n d r e p r e s e n ts a v ie w th a t h a s p r e c e d e n t in th e a n th r o p o lo g ic a l lite r a tu r e [H ia tt 1 9 7 0 ].)
Generalization 8.32
I h a d o r ig i n a l ly t h o u g h t t h a t in c r e a s e s in t h e m a l e c o n t r ib u t io n t o t h e t o ta l d ie t s h o u ld r e s u lt in in c r e a s e d g r o u p s iz e . S u c h T h is d is tr ib u tio n a ls o d o c u m e n ts th a t d e c r e a s in g G R O U P 1 s iz e r e la tiv e t o a m a le d iv is io n o f l a b o r v a lu e o f g r e a t e r t h a n
77 p e r c e n t o c c u r s i n t w e n t y - s e v e n c a s e s c l a s s i f i e d a s c o l l e c
to r s a n d o n ly s e v e n fo r a g e r c a s e s (a 3 .8 6 :1 .0 0 r a tio ). T h is p a t te r n s u p p o r ts th e e a r lie r o b s e r v a tio n t h a t lo g is tic a lly o r g a n iz e d h u n te r s te n d t o h a v e s m a lle r G R O U P 1 s iz e s , a c o r r e la t io n th a t is a ls o r e la te d t o v e r y h ig h v a lu e s f o r m a le d iv is io n o f la b o r . T h e s e r e la tio n s h ip s a r e a c c e n t u a t e d b y t h e f a c t t h a t t h e r e is a 1 .5 0 :1 .0 0 r a t i o o f f o r a g e r s t o c o l le c t o r s a m o n g t h e c a s e s t h a t a r e d is tr ib u te d o n th e lo w s id e o f t h e M D I V L A B t h r e s h o ld a t 7 7 p e rc e n t. T h is o b s e r v a t io n is c o n s is t e n t w it h N u n a m iu t s e t t le m e n t s y ste m s d a ta , w h ic h r e c o r d th a t th e s m a lle s t r e s id e n tia l g r o u p s o c c u r r e d d u r in g t h e s p r in g a n d fa ll, c o in c id e n t w ith c a r ib o u m ig r a tio n s . D u r in g th e s e s e a s o n s , a r e g io n a l f o o d g lu t o c c u rr e d a n d r e s id e n tia l p a r tie s w e r e o fte n p o s itio n e d r e la tiv e t o t h e lo c a t i o n s o f p r i o r k il l s it e s , w h e r e t h e a n im a ls k ille d in la r g e n u m b e r s w e r e p r o c e s s e d a n d p r e p a r e d f o r s t o r a g e . G r o u p s w e r e s m a ll n o t b e c a u s e h u n te r s w e r e tr y in g to re d u c e th e m o b ility c o s ts in c u r r e d w h ile o b ta in in g fo o d , b u t b e c a u s e th e s o c ia l u n its th a t w e r e p r o c e s s in g m e a t fo r s to r a g e w e r e u s u a lly n u c le a r o r s lig h tly e x te n d e d fa m ilie s w h o w e r e w o rk in g in d e p e n d e n tly o f o th e r s im ila r u n its to m e e t th e ir s u b s is te n c e n e e d s , a n d t h e y h a d n o n e e d fo r a la r g e la b o r c o n tin g e n t. It w a s n o t u n u s u a l, h o w e v e r , fo r N u n a m iu t m e n a n d th e ir s o n s - in -la w t o c o o p e r a t e in t h e s p r in g a n d fa ll h u n t s ( B in fo rd 1 9 9 1 a ). I n th e s e s itu a tio n s , m o r e t h a n o n e n u c le a r fa m ily w a s e x p e c t e d a t k il l s it e s , a lt h o u g h t h e s e s it e s w e r e n o t c o r p o r a te ly o r g a n iz e d . W it h r e g a r d to g r o u p s iz e , s u c h e x te n d e d fa m ily u n its a r e c o m p a r a b le t o g r o u p s a t th e h ig h e r e n d o f th e r a n g e o f p la n t-d e p e n d e n t c a s e s h a v in g a c o l la p s e d d iv is io n o f la b o r . F ig u r e 8 .2 2 , g r a p h B , d e m o n s t r a t e s th e p r e s e n c e o f a v a g u e th r e s h o ld a t th e 5 0 p e r c e n t p o in t o n th e m a le d iv is io n o f la b o r (M D IV L A B ) a x is a m o n g p e o p le s d o m in a n tly d e p e n d e n t u p o n te r r e s tr ia l p la n ts . N o m e a n in g fu l r e la tio n s h ip s to th e c o lle c to r s tr a te g y a r e in d ic a te d s in c e a ll t h e c a s e s d e f in i n g t h e p l o t s c h e v r o n p a t t e r n a r e f o r a g e r s . A m u c h m o r e im p r e s s iv e p a t t e r n is d e m o n s t r a t e d in g r a p h C f o r g r o u p s t h a t a r e p r im a r ily d e p e n d e n t u p o n a q u a tic r e s o u r c e s . In th e s a m e
Generalization 8.33
T h e p r e s e n c e o f th r e s h o ld s is n o t a n e w p h e n o m e n o n in t h e a n a ly s is o f m y d a ta . T h r e s h o ld s in th e d is t r ib u tio n o f h u n te r -g a th e r e r g r o u p s o c c u r r e d in p lo ts o f G R O U P 1 s iz e a n d E T , a s w e ll a s G R O U P 1 s iz e a n d la t itu d e ( f ig u r e s 8 .0 8 a n d 8 .0 9 ) . T h e s e t h r e s h o ld s o c c u r r e d in s e ttin g s in w h ic h th e r e w a s a m a jo r s h if t in t h e n u m b e r o f m a m m a l ia n s p e c ie s , p r o d u c in g d r a m a tic c h a n g e s (th e s u b p o la r b o ttle n e c k ) a t a n E T v a lu e o f 1 1 .5 3 (f ig u r e 8 .1 2 , g r a p h s A a n d B ) . A t t h is t h r e s h o l d i n a l l o f t h e e a r t h s a n a l o g o u s s e t t i n g s , e x t r a o r d i n a r y fo r e s ts o c c u r th a t h a v e th e h ig h e s t b io m a s s a c c u m u la tio n r a tio s o n e a rth b u t r e la tiv e ly lo w v a lu e s o f n e t a b o v e g r o u n d p r o d u c tiv ity . A t th is p o in t I a s k th e o b v io u s q u e s t io n : d o e s th e o b s e r v a b le t h r e s h o ld in G R O U P 1 s iz e r e la tiv e
6 110 1 90 j'
i . rM * : * 1j O ; # [I * j 0f * * 1 F O R C O L z *1 L i
Effective Tem perature (ET) (C) :c
Ja -
2 # 1
FIGURE 8 . 23
A t h r e e - g r a p h c o m p a r is o n o f f o r a g e r - c o ll e c t o r c a s e d is tr ib u t io n s in a p r o p e r t y s p a c e m a p d e f in e d b y t h e p e r c e n ta g e o f th e d ie t c o n tr ib u te d b y m a le s a n d e ffe c tiv e te m p e ra tu re . C o m p a r is o n s a r e b e t w e e n t h e p r im a r y s o u r c e s o f fo o d : te r
3 *
: * * * * * *
| 1
Subpolar Bottleneck
r *
* -$
* * *
B 10 12 14 16 18 20
22 24 26
to th e m a le d iv is io n o f la b o r c o r r e s p o n d to th e th r e s h o ld s in G R O U P 1 s iz e t h a t w e r e n o t e d a t t h e b o t t le n e c k a t E T 11 .5 3 o r a t o t h e r p r e v io u s ly id e n tifie d th r e s h o ld s ? B y c o u n tin g th e c a s e s a n d th e ir fo r a g e r -c o lle c to r p e r c e n ta g e s , it s h o u ld b e c le a r th a t th e th r e s h o ld p a tte r n in g r a p h A o f fig u r e 8 .2 2 c o r r e s p o n d s t o a p o i n t t h a t is h a lfw a y b e tw e e n th e te r r e s tr ia l p la n t th r e s h o ld a t 1 2 .7 5 E T a n d th e s u b p o la r b o tt le n e c k a t 11 .5 3 d e g r e e s E T in fig u r e 8 .2 3 , g r a p h A . T h e m in im a lly d e fin e d th r e s h o ld fo r g r o u p s th a t a r e p r i m a r ily d e p e n d e n t u p o n t e r r e s t r ia l p la n ts is a n a r tif a c t o f s p littin g a p a r a lle lo g r a m a t th e 5 0 p e r c e n t lin e fo r m a le d iv i s io n o f la b o r o n g r a p h B o f fig u r e 8 .2 3 . T h e r e s u lt is t h a t m o s t o f th e c a s e s in s e ttin g s w a r m e r th a n 1 6 d e g r e e s E T o c c u r o n th e le ft s id e o f th e lin e a t 5 0 p e r c e n t M D I V L A B in fig u r e 8 .2 2 , g r a p h B . In c o n tr a s t, m o s t o f th e c a s e s fr o m c o ld e r s e ttin g s o c c u r t o th e r ig h t o f th e c h e v r o n . T h is p a tte r n in d ic a te s th a t th e p o s s ib le th r e s h o ld s u g g e s te d in fig u r e 8 .2 2 , g r a p h B , r e s u lts fr o m a b ia s in th e d is tr ib u tio n o f th e c a s e s o n e ith e r
Generalization 8.34
3 07
resources and greater female involvement in the preparation of hunted foods for storage. The absence o f a marked thresh old-except for the one noted at the growing season thresh old in figure 8.23, graph B is consistent with the organization of foraging among mobile peoples who are prim arily depen dent upon terrestrial plants and whose m obility strategy is tied to the length of the growing season. This observation amends the statement on plant-dependent peoples in generalization 8.32.
to ta l fo o d c o n s u m e d b y th e g ro u p . A n o th e r a s s u m p tio n w a s th a t th e d iv is io n o f la b o r w a s s tr u c tu r e d s o th a t m a le s o b ta in e d fo o d fr o m o n e s e t o f s p e c ie s , th a t fe m a le s p r im a r ily e x p lo ite d a n in d e p e n d e n t r a n g e o f s p e c ie s , a n d t h a t e a c h d a y m a le s a n d fe m a le s in d e p e n d e n tly o r g a n iz e d w o r k p a r tie s a n d o b ta in e d fo o d s . T h e s e a s s u m p tio n s r e q u ir e d t h a t I e s t im a t e t h e m in im a l m e a n s iz e o f s u c h w o r k p a r t ie s a s w e ll a s th e n u m b e r o f p ro d u ce rs n e e d e d p e r d ay . It w a s n e c e ssa ry t o e s tim a te th e a v e r a g e in d iv id u a l w o r k s c h e d u le o r h o w m a n y d a y s p e r y e a r th e a v e r a g e p r o d u c e r w o r k e d . W ith th is in fo r m a tio n , I c o u ld th e n e s tim a te th e m in im u m n u m b e r o f p ro d u c e rs a g ro u p m u s t h a v e in o r d e r to m e e t th e n e e d fo r
p r o d u c e r s o n a d a ily b a s is a n d , a t th e s a m e t im e , m a in ta in t h e w o r k s c h e d u le ( e .g ., w o r k e v e r y o t h e r d a y ) . T h e p r e c e d in g e s tim a te s a llo w e d m e t o o b t a in a n e s tim a te o f g r o u p s iz e b y m u ltip ly in g t h e m in im u m n u m b e r o f p r o d u c e rs n e e d e d in a g r o u p b y th e d e p e n d e n c y r a tio . T h e r e s u lt w a s a n e s tim a te o f 1 8 .9 8 p e r s o n s in th e m in im a l g r o u p , 27 a l t h o u g h I n o t e d t h a t g r o u p s i z e w o u l d d e c r e a s e t o 9 .4 9 p e r s o n s i f th e s e x u a l d iv is io n o f la b o r w a s c o lla p s e d . I fo u n d th a t a m o n g th e h u n te r -g a th e r e r g ro u p s th a t w e re p r i m a r ily d e p e n d e n t u p o n te r r e s tr ia l p la n ts a n d w e r e c la s s ifie d a s f o r a g e r s t h e r e f o r e m e e t i n g t h e m o d e l s a s s u m p t i o n s a b o u t fo o d s o u r c e , a c q u is itio n s tra te g y , a n d th e s e x u a l d iv i s io n o f la b o r fo r ty -o n e o f th e fifty -n in e d o c u m e n te d c a s e s o c c u r r e d i n t h e s m a l l e r b i m o d a l c l u s t e r o f c a s e s i n f i g u r e 8 .0 1 t h a t h a d a m e a n s iz e o f 9 .9 5 1 .5 8 p e r s o n s ( c o m p a r e d t h e e x p e c te d v a lu e o f 9 .4 9 p e r s o n s ). T h e r e m a in in g e ig h te e n c a s e s f o r m e d a la r g e r c lu s te r w ith a m e a n o f 1 7 .4 9 2 .3 6 p e r s o n s (c o m p a r e d w ith a n e x p e c te d v a lu e o f 1 8 .9 8 ). W it h o u t m u c h q u e s tio n , t h e G r o u p S iz e M o d e l b e h a v e s v e r y w e ll f o r c a s e s t h a t m e e t its a s s u m p tio n s , b u t in th is c h a p te r I h a v e b e e n e x p lo r in g v a r ia b ilit y in G R O U P 1 s iz e s a m o n g c a s e s t h a t v i o l a t e o n e o r m o r e o f t h e m o d e l s a s s u m p t i o n s . I n s p i t e o f th e la r g e n u m b e r o f c a s e s o f th e la tte r k in d , th e a c tu a l r a n g e o f v a r ia b ilit y in G R O U P 1 s iz e s is r e la tiv e ly s lig h t O f t h e 2 2 5 c a s e s o f h u n te r -g a th e r e r s in th e e th n o g r a p h ic s a m p le f o r w h ic h G R O U P 1 e s tim a te s w e r e a v a ila b le , 8 7 .1 1 p e r c e n t, o r 1 9 6 c a s e s , fe ll b e t w e e n t h e v a lu e s o f fiv e a n d t w e n t y - f o u r p e r s o n s . T h e t w e n t y - n in e c a s e s w h o s e G R O U P 1 s iz e e x c e e d s t w e n t y - f o u r p e r s o n s a r e a lm o s t e x c lu s iv e ly g r o u p s o f m o u n te d h u n te r s fr o m th e N o r th A m e r ic a n p la in s , w h ic h I h a v e r e g u la rly r e fe r r e d to a s e x c e p tio n a l in te r m s o f th e to ta l s a m p le . I b e l ie v e t h a t t h e f e c t s ju s t p r e s e n t e d ju s t i f y t h e f o llo w in g g e n e r a liz a tio n :
Generalization 8 . 3 5 ------------------------------------
Ouring the most dispersed phase of the hunter-gatherer set tlement cycle, minimal group sizes are most likely to occur.
In th is c h a p te r , I h a v e u s e d th e G r o u p S iz e M o d e l a s a s c r e e n a g a in s t w h ic h I h a v e p r o je c t e d a n u m b e r o f r e la te d v a n -
, 08
a b l e s from t h e e t h n o g r a p h i c d a t a s e t i n o r d e r t o d e t e r m i n e w h e th e r m y id e a s a b o u t t h e w o r ld o f h u n t e r - g a t h e r e r s u b s is te n c e o r g a n iz a tio n d e s c r ib e d a s p h e r e o r a p la n a r s u r fa c e . I d e fin ite ly h o p e d th a t th e e m e r g in g s h a p e w o u ld b e s p h e r ic a l, a n d I h a v e b e e n r e lie v e d t o d is c o v e r t h a t, in g e n e ra l, m y a p p r o x im a tio n o f th e w o r ld h a s n o t b e e n c o n tr a d ic te d b y a n y o f th e fe e d b a c k I h a v e r e c e iv e d fr o m m y p a tte rn r e c o g n itio n w o rk . I b e lie v e th a t th e a n a ly s is h a s c o n fir m e d t h a t a n u m b e r o f th e r e la tio n s h ip s b e tw e e n th e v a r ia b le s s u m m a r iz e d in b o th m y g e n e r a liz a tio n s a n d m y p r o p o s itio n s s tr o n g ly im p ly th e o p e r a tio n o f s e lf-o r g a n iz in g p r o c e s s e s u n d e r ly in g th e v a r i a b ility I h a v e b e e n e x p lo r in g . B y
th e e th n o g r a p h ic d a ta a n d th e g e n e r a liz a tio n s e m e r g in g fr o m th e a n a ly s is in c h a p te r 7 . I n c h a p te r s 6 a n d 7 , 1 b e g a n t o d is c u s s in te n s if ic a tio n , s tre ss i n g a t t h e s a m e t i m e t h e d i f f e r e n c e b e t w e e n v a r i a b i l i t y related t o s y s te m s ta te d y n a m ic s a n d v a r ia b ility t h a t w a s r e la te d to e c o lo g ic a l d y n a m ic s . I n t h e la y la n g u a g e o f a r c h a e o lo g y , th e la tte r c h a n g e s c a n b e r e g a r d e d a s a d a p tiv e r e s p o n s e s in th e s a m e s e n s e a s th e d is tin c tio n m a d e b y S a h lin s a n d S e r v ic e ( 1 9 6 0 ) b e t w e e n s p e c i f ic e v o l u t io n a n d g e n e r a l e v o lu tio n , w h ic h I d is c u s s e d in c h a p te r 7 . T h e r e c o g n itio n th a t s y ste m s c o u ld b e s e lf-o r g a n iz in g w h ile o p e r a t in g a t t h e in te r fa c e b e t w e e n c u ltu r a l s y s te m s a n d t h e ir e n v ir o n m e n t a l s e ttin g s a n d r e s u lt i n a d ju s t m e n t s b y c u l t u r a l s y s t e m s w h ile t h e y r e m a in in a s ta te o f e q u ilib r iu m is a ls o v e r y c lo s e t o w h a t th o s e a u th o r s in te n d e d b y th e te r m
self-organization I
m e a n o n ly
th a t th e c a u s e s o f p h e n o m e n a in th e e m p ir ic a l d o m a in a r e to b e fo u n d in th e in te r a c tio n s a m o n g v a r ia b le s a n d n o t in a n y in d iv id u a l fa c to r o r a g e n c y . A s P r ig o g in e h a s p o in te d o u t, I n b io lo g y , th e c o n f lic t b e tw e e n r e d u c tio n is ts a n d a n t ir e d u c tio n is ts h a s o fte n a p p e a r e d a s a c o n flic t b e tw e e n th e a s s e r tio n o f a n e x te r n a l a n d a n in t e r n a l p u r p o s e . T h e id e a o f a n im m in e n t o r g a n iz in g in te llig e n c e is th u s o f te n o p p o s e d b y a n o r g a n iz a tio n a l m o d e l b o r r o w e d fr o m th e te c h n o lo g y o f th e tim e (m e c h a n ic a l, h e a t, c y b e r n e tic m a c h in e s ), w h ic h i m m e d i a t e l y e l i c i t s t h e r e t o r t : W h o b u i l t t h e m a c h i n e , t h e a u to m a tio n th a t o b e y s e x te r n a l p u r p o s e ? (P r ig o g in e a n d S te n g e rs 1 9 8 4 :1 7 4 ).28 S e lf-o r g a n iz a tio n e m p h a s iz e s a v ie w o f th e w o r ld th a t lo o k s to p r o c e s s e s d y n a m ic e v e n t s e q u e n c e s th a t m a y flu c tu a te b e tw e e n s ta te s o f n e a r e q u ilib r iu m a n d n e a r c h a o s r a th e r th a n t o a g e n ts fo r c a u s a l e x p la n a tio n s . F lu c tu a tio n s m a y m o d ify th e n o r m a l v a lu e s o f e q u ilib r iu m s ta te s r a th e r t h a n c o r r e c t d e v ia tio n s a s in e q u ilib r iu m s ta te s s o th a t n e w s y s t e m s t a t e c o n d i t i o n s a r e b r o u g h t i n t o b e i n g .29 D e t e r m i n a n t a r g u m e n ts a p p ly w h e n d e a lin g w ith e q u ilib r iu m s ta te s , w h ic h is w h y I e m p h a s iz e d in c h a p te r 7 th a t, in th e c la s s ic s c ie n tific s e n s e o f th e w o rd , th e o r ie s a r e s y s te m s p e c ific (B in fo r d 1 9 8 3 :2 1 4 ). In o th e r w o rd s , th e o r ie s a r e d e p e n d e n t u p o n c e r ta in fu n d a m e n ta l s ta b ilitie s , a n d w h e n th e s e r e la tio n s h ip s a r e n o lo n g e r s ta b le th e o r ie s r e q u ir e m o d ific a tio n , e la b o r a tio n , o r r e p la c e m e n t w ith n e w th e o r ie s . I t is in th is s e n s e t h a t I h a v e u s e d t h e e x p r e s s i o n t h e s a m e t h in g s c a n b e o r g a n iz e d d if f e r e n t ly a n d d if f e r e n t t h in g s c a n b e o r g a n iz e d s im ila r ly t o d e s c r ib e d y n a m ic s in b o th th e e x te r n a l w o r ld a n d th e w o rld o f id e a s . U p to th is p o in t, I h a v e a p p r o a c h e d th e a n a ly s is o f G R O U P 1 s iz e a s th o u g h t h is p r o p e r t y o f h u n t e r - g a t h e r e r o r g a n iz a tio n w a s th e s a m e th in g a n d c o u ld b e e x p e c te d to v a r y a c r o s s a ll s y s te m s in r e s p o n s e t o t h e s a m e c a u s a l o r c o n d i t io n in g c ir c u m s ta n c e s . In s o d o in g , I w a s h o p in g to b e a b le t o r e c o g n iz e w h e n a n d i f th e r u le s c h a n g e d , w h ic h w o u ld e n a b le m e to b e g in to s p e c ify a t le a s t s o m e p r o p e r tie s o f s y s te m ic b o u n d a r ie s . A ls o , fr o m th e v e r y b e g in n in g o f th is c h a p te r, I h a v e a ssu m e d th a t th e stu d y o f o n -th e -g ro u n d g r o u p s iz e s w o u ld h e lp m e u n d e r s ta n d th e p a t t e r n in g in
specific evolution.
functional interactions, b
u t b e c a u s e o f th e a m b ig u ity g e n e r
a te d in a n th r o p o lo g y b y th e u s e o f th e w o rd
th e d is r e p u te t h a t is a tta c h e d t o th e te r m a t p r e s e n t I n o w r e f e r t o t h is c la s s o f d y n a m i c s a s in t e r o p e r a t i n g , m u tu a lly a c c o m m o d a t in g p r o c e s s e s w i t h i n c u l t u r a l s y s te m s ." F iv e o t t h e p r o p o s it io n s a n d s ix o f t h e g e n e r a liz a t io n s p r e s e n te d in th is c h a p t e r h a v e r e fe r e n c e t o th e s e d y n a m ic , in te r n a l, c u l tu r a l p r o c e s s e s . T h e g e n e r a liz a tio n s d e a l w ith a n u m b e r o f c o n d i t i o n s : ( 1 ) s t o r a g e o f f o o d a n d g r o u p s i z e ( 8 . 0 6 ) ; (2 ) g t f i u p s iz e a n d m o b ili t y ( 8 .1 1 ) ; ( 3 ) fa m ily s iz e a n d d e p e n d e n c y r a t i o s ( 8 . 2 3 , 8 . 2 4 ) ; ( 4 ) t h e d i v i s i o n o f l a b o r a n d g r o u p s iz e ( 8 .2 6 ) ; ( 5 ) m a r r ia g e , p o ly g y n y , d iv is io n s o t la b o r , a n d s e d e n tis m ( 8 .3 3 ) ; a n d ( 6 ) th e r e la tio n s h ip s b e tw e e n G R O tP l s i z e , p o l y g y n y , t h e d i v i s i o n o t l a b o r , a n d f a m i l y s i z e (& < * - ' - T h e p r o p o s itio n s a r e m o r e c o m p le x a n d d e a l w ith ( I ) th e tu t o r s a f f e c t i n g m o b i l i t y ( 8 .0 2 ) ; ( 2 ) t h e l a c k o t i n t e r d e p e n d e n c e
C H A P T E R 8 - A F L A T E A R T H OR A T H I C K
b e tw e e n g r o u p s iz e a n d m o b ili t y w h e n s t o r a g e is p r a c t ic e d (8 .0 5 ); (3 ) th e p a tte r n , s c a le , a n d te c h n o lo g y o f m o b ility (8 .0 7 ); a n d (4 ) s tr a te g ie s o f r e s o u r c e p r o c u r e m e n t, th e d iv i s io n o f la b o r , a n d g r o u p s iz e ( 8 .0 9 ) . T a b le 8 .0 9 s u m m a r iz e s d a ta r e la tin g t o fe m a le p r o d u c e r s , p o ly g y n y , a n d g r o u p s iz e . T h r o u g h o u t th e in q u ir y th a t p r o d u c e d th e g e n e r a liz a tio n s a n d p r o p o s itio n s , I c o n s is te n tly n o te d e x c e p tio n s to th e r e g u la ritie s th a t w e re e n u m e r a te d . I o f te n s u s p e c te d th a t m a n y d e v ia tio n s a r o s e b e c a u s e m y a n a ly t ic a l u n it G R O U P 1 d id n o t r e a lly r e fe r t o t h e s a m e t h in g in t h e o r g a n iz a t io n o f e th n o g r a p h ic a lly d o c u m e n te d h u n te r -g a th e r e r s y s te m s (p r o p o s itio n 8 .0 3 ). F o r e x a m p le , w h e n I a s k e d t h e q u e s tio n u n d e r w h a t c o n d itio n s a r e h u n t e r -g a t h e r e r s e t t le m e n t s y s te m s m a x im a lly d is p e rs e d ? I d is c o v e r e d th a t G R O U P 1 u n its o c c u r r e d u n d e r v e r y d iffe r e n t c o n d it io n s in d if f e r e n t s y s t e m s . I n t h e K a la h a r i, t h e G / w i w e re m a x im a lly d is p e r s e d d u r in g th e le a s t p r o d u c tiv e p h a s e o f th e s u b s is te n c e s e td e m e n t c y c le , th e d r y s e a s o n (S ilb e r b a u e r 1 9 8 1 :1 9 6 ). I n c o n tr a s t, t h e IK u n g s p e a k e r s o f D o b e P a n w e r e m a x im a lly d is p e r s e d d u r in g t h e r a in y s e a s o n , w h ic h is th e h a b i t a t s m o s t p r o d u c t i v e p h a s e o f t h e y e a r ( B a r n a r d 1 9 9 2 : 4 3 ) . In th e h ig h a r c tic , th e N u n a m iu t w e r e a ls o m o s t d is p e r s e d r e s id e n tia lly d u r in g t h e c a r ib o u m ig r a t io n , w h e n t h e ir m o s t im p o r ta n t fo o d r e s o u r c e w a s m a x im a lly a v a ila b le . O th e r in te r e s tin g e x a m p le s in c lu d e th e H a d z a o f T a n z a n ia , w h o w e r e m o s t d is p e r s e d d u r in g t h e s e a s o n w h e n h o n e y , o n e o f t h e ir p r iz e d f o o d s , w a s m o s t a b u n d a n t ( J. O C o n n e ll, p e rs . c o m m . 1 9 8 9 ). T h e a v a ila b ility o f h o n e y a ls o a ffe c te d th e s e a s o n a l g r o u p s iz e s o f m o s t o f t h e c e n t r a l A f r ic a n t r o p ic a l m u tu a lis ts , s u c h a s t h e E f e ( B a ile y 1 9 8 5 :1 0 9 , 1 1 1 ) . O n t h e o t h e r h a n d , th e S e m a n g w e r e r e p o r te d t o b e m o s t d is p e r s e d d u r in g th e w e t s e a s o n , a t w h ic h t im e f lo o d in g w a s lik e ly in t h e ir n o rm a l ra n g e (E n d ic o tt a n d E n d ic o tt 1 9 8 6 :1 5 3 -5 5 ; G re g g 1 9 8 0 ). H u n te r-g a th e re r g ro u p s th a t h a v e b e e n re fe rre d to a s fo re s t p r o d u c t s p e c ia lis ts a r e p a r tic u la r ly in te r e s tin g . T h e s e p e o p le e x p lo it t r o p ic a l fo r e s t s f o r p r o d u c t s t h a t t h e y u s u a lly d o n o t c o n s u m e b u t in s te a d e x c h a n g e , b a r te r , o r t u r n in a s p a r t o f w a g e la b o r a r r a n g e m e n ts (s e e , fo r in s ta n c e , th e N a y a k a o r N a ik e n s o f S o u th In d ia [B ir d 1 9 8 3 ] a n d th e H ill P a n d a r a m f r o m t h e s a m e a r e a [ M o r r is 1 9 8 2 a ] ) . G r o u p s o f th is k in d b r in g t o m in d t h e ta p p e r s a n d tr a p p e r s a r g u m e n t o f M u r p h y a n d S te w a r d ( 1 9 5 6 ) , to w h ic h I m u s t a d d a n o t h e r c la s s o f s p e c ia lis t s , t r a d e r s . H e r e t h e f o c u s is n o t o n th e p r o d u c ts th a t a r e a c q u ir e d fo r e x c h a n g e o r fo r w a g e la b o r b u t r a th e r o n t h e e c o n o m ic d e p e n d e n c y o f h u n t e r - g a t h e r e rs u p o n la r g e r ,
n o n
tic h u n te r -g a th e r e r s o c ie ty (L e a c o c k a n d L e e 1 9 8 2 ). In a lm o s t a ll o f th e c h a r a c te r iz a tio n s o f h u n te r -g a th e r e r s o c ie ta l o r g a n iz a tio n , a c o n tr a s t h a s b e e n r e c o g n iz e d b e tw e e n c o o p e r a tiv e in te g r a tio n in e c o n o m ic p u r s u its and a m o re in d iv id u a liz e d , le s s c o o p e r a t iv e in t e g r a t io n , t h e la t t e r d e s ig n a te d a s a to m is tic a n d th e fo r m e r a s p r im itiv e c o m m u n is m . T h e c o n tr a s t b e tw e e n th e s e c h a r a c te r iz a tio n s illu s tr a te s th e s te r ility o f m a n y o f th e a n th r o p o lo g ic a l a p p r o a c h e s to v a r i a b ility . A m u c h m o r e p r o d u c tiv e a p p r o a c h tr ie s t o d e te r m in e th e fa c to r s th a t fa v o r c o o p e r a tio n a n d to id e n tify th e c ir c u m s t a n c e s in w h ic h it is a d v a n t a g e o u s f o r in d iv id u a ls a n d g r o u p s to p u r s u e c o o p e r a tiv e o r in d iv id u a lis tic s tr a te g ie s . M y a n a ly s is , in fa c t, h a s b e e n a b le to d e m o n s tr a te th a t
Generalization 8.36
T h e v a r ia b ilit y in G R O U P 1 s iz e in t h e d a ta s e t d e m o n s t r a t e s t h a t t h e r e is n o u n if o r m i t y in t h e s iz e o f h u n t e r - g a t h e r e r r e s id e n tia l u n its . D u r in g c e r ta in s e a s o n s o r u n d e r c e r ta in c o n d itio n s h a v in g to d o w ith th e s c h e d u lin g o f a c c e s s to p o te n tia l fo o d s , s m a ll g r o u p s o r m in im a lly c o o p e r a tin g s e g m e n ts s u c h a s fa m ilie s o r h o u s e h o ld s m a y r e s id e a n d w o r k in d e p e n d e n tly . D u r in g o t h e r p h a s e s o f th e s u b s is te n c e s e t tle m e n t c y c le , th e s e s e g m e n ts m a y c o o p e r a te w ith o t h e r s im ila r u n its in la r g e r , in te g r a te d a s s o c ia tio n s . T h e is s u e is n o t w h e th e r th e o r ig in a l a n d p e r s is te n t c o n d itio n o f m a n k in d w a s e s s e n tia lly c o o p e r a tiv e o r u n c o o p e r a tiv e , b u t in s te a d w h a t fa c to r s a ffe c t th e v a r ia b ility in a n d s ta b ility o f a c o o p e r a tiv e s ta te in a c u ltu r a l s y s te m . O f th e s e v e r a l a tte m p ts to a d d re s s th is is s u e , t h e le a s t p r o f it a b le c o n s id e r a t io n o f t h is s u b je c t is b y R ic h e s ( 1 9 8 2 ) a n d t h e m o s t g e r m a n e a n d in t e r e s t in g o n e is b y E r ic A ld e n S m ith ( 1 9 9 1 :2 8 7 - 3 5 6 ) .30 T h e e v id e n c e s tr o n g ly s u g g e s ts th a t d iffe r e n c e s in g r o u p s iz e a r e a d ir e c t in d ic a t o r o f t h e s c a le o f c o o p e r a t io n d u r in g th e m o s t d is p e r s e d p h a s e o f th e y e a r. T h e fa c to r s th a t d iffe r s u c h a s d is p e r s io n d u r in g th e le a s t p r o d u c tiv e s e a s o n o f th e y e a r a s o p p o s e d to d is p e r s io n d u r in g th e s e a s o n o f g r e a te s t fo o d a b u n d a n c e a r e t o b e u n d e r s to o d in te r m s o f th e c o s ts a n d b e n e fits b e tw e e n la r g e -s c a le c o o p e r a tio n a n d r e d u c tio n s in th e s c a le o f c o o p e r a tin g u n its . I t h e r e f o r e d o n o t r e g a r d d iffe r e n c e s in th e c o n d itio n s o f d is p e r s a l a s a n im p e d im e n t to th e d e v e lo p m e n t o f g e n e r a l a r g u m e n ts a b o u t v a r ia b ility in g r o u p s iz e . I h a v e n o t y e t , h o w e v e r , d e v e lo p e d a n y a r g u m e n ts a b o u t th e s c a le s a t w h ic h c o o p e r a t io n p e r s e o c c u r s . R e tu r n in g t o th e is s u e o f th e lo c u s o f p r o c e s s , 1 h a v e p o in te d to th e in te r fa c e b e tw e e n c u ltu r a l s y s te m s a n d th e ir h a b it a t s , a s w e ll a s t h e in t e r n a l a r tic u la tio n s b e t w e e n c u ltu r a l p r o p e r t ie s a n d s u b s y s te m s . 1 h a v e n o t r e a lly a d d r e s s e d d ir e c tly th e is s u e o f in t e n s if ic a t io n a l p r o c e s s e s n o r th e v e r y r e a l p r o b le m o f th e ir im p a c t o n s y s te m s ta te d iffe r e n c e s . M y fo c u s o n
-h u n te r -g a th e r e r s o c ie tie s w h o s e e c o
A a
A 1
< g . o e
SED 1 5000-
o< , ,1 0*1 * 21 A 1
300 400 500 600 700
FIGURE 8 . 2 4
A paired-graph com parison featuring degrees o f residential m obility in a property sp ace m ap o f G ROU P1 (A) and GROUP2 sizes (B) expressed relative to the area occu p ied by an eth n ic group. Both graphs are cod ed for degrees o f residential mobil ity (SED): (1) fully nom adic, (2) sem inom ad ic, (3) sem isedentary, and (4) fully sedentary.
s o m e o f m y f in d in g s a n d t h e v a r ia b le s t h a t p r o m p t e d th e d e c i s io n t o w o r k w it h G R O U P 1 a n d G R O U P 2 u n its in th e firs t p la c e . I b e g in in fig u r e 8 .2 4 w ith a n illu s tr a tio n o f th e re la t io n s h ip s b e tw e e n t h e s iz e o f t h e a r e a o c c u p ie d b y a n e th n ic g r o u p ( A R E A ) a n d t h e s iz e o f G R O U P 1 a n d G R O U P 2 u n its . F o r b o t h G R O U P 1 a n d G R O U P 2 , t h e o v e r a l l p a t t e r n is th e s a m e : th e r e is a m in o r c o r r e la tio n b e tw e e n a r e a a n d g r o u p s iz e . H u g e g e o g r a p h ic a r e a s t e n d t o h a v e s lig h tly la r g e r G R O U P 1 a n d G R O U P 2 s iz e s , b u t t h e r e la tio n s h ip is o v e r s h a d o w e d b y t h e fa c t t h a t th e la r g e s t d o c u m e n te d G R O U P 1 a n d G R O U P 2 u n its o c c u r in v e r y s m a ll e th n ic a re a s ! T h e s e s m a ll s o c ia l u n its e x h ib it th e s a m e b a s ic p a tte r n d o c u m e n te d in c h a p t e r 6 : t h a t is , t h e s m a lle r t h e s iz e o f th e e th n ic g r o u p a r e a , t h e la r g e r t h e s o c ia l u n it s t h a t a r e fo u n d in th a t a r e a . T h is p a tte r n a p p e a rs to a p p ly a c r o s s th e w h o le r a n g e h u m a n a g g r e g a tio n s fr o m c o n fid e n t th a t la r g e e th n ic u n its to s m a ll s o c ia l s e g m e n t s s u c h a s G R O U P 1 a n d G R O U P 2 u n its . I fe e l fa irly
ethnicgroup i s
n e ith e r w e ll d e f in e d n o r c o n s is te n tly e m p lo y e d .
T h is r e c o g n itio n d e m a n d e d th a t I s h ift th e s c a le o f o b s e r v a tio n to a w e ll-d o c u m e n te d a n d e c o n o m ic a lly im p o r ta n t u n it s u c h a s G R O U P 1 s iz e . H o w d o e s t h e v a r ia b ilit y d e m o n s t r a t e d in G R O U P 1 s iz e r e la te to th e p a tte r n s th a t h a v e b e e n o b s e r v e d fo r v a r ia b le s s u c h a s th e to ta l n u m b e r o f in d iv id u a ls in a n e th n ic g r o u p o r th e to ta l a r e a u tiliz e d b y a n e th n ic g r o u p (A R E A )? T h e r e a r e tw o r e a s o n s w h y th is is a n im p o r ta n t q u e s tio n . T h e fir s t is s im p ly t h a t it w a s p a tte r n in g in t h e d is t r ib u tio n o f T L P O P a n d A R E A t h a t le d m e t o e x p lo r e th e p r o c e s s o f in te n s if ic a t io n . T h e s e c o n d is t h a t I r e c o g n iz e d a m b ig u ity in th e T L P O P v a ria b le a n d s u s p e c te d th a t th e e th n ic g r o u p w a s n o t th e a p p r o p r ia te u n it w ith w h ic h to e x p lo r e o r g a n iz a tio n a l lin k a g e s b e tw e e n e n v ir o n m e n ta l v a r ia b le s th a t, in t u r n , h a d a s ig n ific a n t im p a c t o n w h a t h u n te r -g a th e r e r s w e r e lik e ly to e a t. I a ls o e v a lu a te d h o w t h e b a s ic t r o p h ic s o u r c e s o f fo o d m ig h t c o n d it io n d iff e r e n t ia l p a t t e r n s o f m o b ilit y , g r o u p s iz e , a n d t h e o r g a n iz a tio n o f s e g m e n ta lly b a s e d , la r g e r s o c ia l u n its . N o w th a t 1 h a v e s tu d ie d h u n te r -g a th e r e r g r o u p in g s th a t I b e lie v e a r e m o r e a p p r o p r ia te t o th e is s u e s a n d q u e s tio n s th a t c o n c c r n m e , I n e e d t o m a k e a c o n n e c t io n b e tw e e n a t le a s t
Proposition 8.10
FI GURE 8 . 2 5
A p a ir e d -g r a p h c o m p a r is o n f e a t u r in g d e g r e e s o f r e s id e n t ia l m o b ilit y in a p r o p e r t y s p a c e m a p o f G R O U P 1 (A ) a n d G R O U P 2 s iz e s (B ) e x p r e s s e d r e la tiv e t o t h e t o t a l p o p u la t io n r e c o r d e d fo r a n e t h n ic g r o u p . T h e m a r k e r in d ic a t e s t h e p r im a r y s o u r c e o f fo o d (S U B S P ): (1 ) te r r e s tr ia l a n im a ls , (2 ) te r r e s tr ia l p la n ts , a n d (3 ) a q u a t ic r e s o u r c e s .
G R 0 U P 2 s iz e s . H e r e t h e la r g e s t G R O U P 1 s iz e o c c u r s in e t h n ic g r o u p s o f s m a ll t o m o d e r a t e s iz e , w h ile v e r y la r g e e th n ic g r o u p s a r e a s s o c ia te d w it h m o d e r a t e t o s m a ll G R O U P 1 s iz e s . The
a r e a (A R E A ) a n d t h e n u m b e r o f p e r s o n s p e r e th n ic g r o u p , in c r e a s e s in p o p u la t io n d e n s it y s h o u ld b e a c c o m p a n i e d b y d e c r e a s e s in t h e in d ic a t o r s o f m o b ili t y .
xa n d ya r m
s o f th e d is tr ib u tio n s in b o th g r a p h s a r e b e n t O th e r r a m ific a tio n s o f m o b ility a r e e x p lo r e d in g r a p h A o f f i g u r e 8 . 2 6 , w h i c h d i s p l a y s t h e r e l a t i o n s h i p b e t w e e n t h e I o g 10 v a lu e o f p o p u la tio n d e n s ity (L D E N ) a n d t h e t o t a l d is ta n c e o f a ll r e s id e n tia l m o v e s p e r y e a r, m e a s u r e d in k ilo m e te r s . ( T h e m a rk e r s id e n tify th e p r im a r y fo o d r e s o u r c e s e x p lo ite d b y e a c h g r o u p .) T h is d is t r ib u tio n p r o m p t s m e t o o b s e r v e th a t
d o s e r t o th e d ia g o n a l, b u t t h e y s till f o r m c le a r ly d is t in c t , in v e r s e p a tte r n s . T h is s u g g e s ts t h a t p e r h a p s t h e r e is m o r e c o n v e r g e n t o r c o r r e la te d p a tte r n in g b e tw e e n e th n ic u n it s iz e s a n d G R O U P 2 s iz e s , b u t t h e c o n s id e r a b le in d e p e n d e n c e im p lic a t e s d iffe r e n t s u ite s o f c a u s a l v a r ia b le s . N e v e r th e le s s , w h e n la r g e G R O U P 1 s iz e s o c c u r , a s w a s th e c a s e w ith a r e a , th e y a r e a s s o c ia te d w ith s m a ll to m o d e r a te e th n ic g r o u p s iz e s . T h e p a t t e r n in g i n b o t h t h e la r g e s t s o c ia l u n its c o n s id e r e d h e r e e t h n ic g r o u p s a n d t h e s m a lle s t o f t h e s e g m e n t a r y 32 s o c i a l u n i t s t a r g e t e d f o r s t u d y G R O U P 1 a p p e a r s t o b e h a v e s i m i l a r l y w i t h r e s p e c t t o t h e r e la tio n s h ip s b e tw e e n g r o u p s iz e a n d a r e a o c c u p ie d : th e s m a lle r th e a r e a u t iliz e d , t h e la r g e r t h e g r o u p u s in g t h e a r e a . T h e s e r e s u lts in d ic a te t h a t f u r t h e r in v e s tig a tio n o f in t e n s if i c a t io n a l p r o c e s s e s is c l e a r l y ju s t i f i e d . I h a v e n o te d n o t o n ly a n in te r e s tin g r e la tio n s h ip b e tw e e n g r o u p s iz e a n d a r e a u t iliz e d b u t a ls o t h a t , t o t h e e x t e n t t h a t m o b ilit y is a b a s i c h u n t e r - g a t h e r e r t a c t i c t o e n s u r e s u b s i s t e n c e s e c u r ity ,
Generalization 8.37
T h e r e is a n e g a t iv e li n e a r c o r r e l a t i o n b e t w e e n t h e s u m o f t h e d i s t a n c e m o v e d r e s i d e n t i a l l y p e r y e a r a n d t h e l o g 10 v a l u e o f p o p u la tio n d e n s ity .
Proposition 8 . 1 1
C h a n g e d r e la tio n s h ip s s h o u ld b e e x p e c t e d b e tw e e n th e n u m b e r o f p e o p le a n d t h e a r e a u tiliz e d th a t w o u ld a ffe c t th e e ffe c tiv e n e s s a n d u tiliz a tio n o f ta c tic a l m o b ility a s a m e a n s o f e n s u r in g s u b s is te n c e s e c u r ity . S in c e p o p u la tio n d e n s it y is c a l c u l a t e d a s a r a t i o b e t w e e n e t h n i c
A (o
FIGURE 8 . 2 6
A p a ir e d - g r a p h c o m p a r is o n b e t w e e n t h e to t a l n u m b e r o f k ilo m e t e r s m o v e d r e s id e n t ia lly (A ) a n d t h e m e a n n u m b e r o f k ilo m e t e r s p e r r e s i d e n t i a l m o v e ( B ) . B o t h v a r i a b l e s a r e e x p r e s s e d r e l a t i v e t o t h e l o g 10 v a l u e o f p o p u l a t i o n d e n s i t y . B o t h g r a p h s a r e c o d e d fo r t h e p r im a r y s o u r c e o f f o o d (S U B S P ) : (1 ) te r r e s tr ia l a n im a ls , (2 ) te r r e s tr ia l p la n ts , a n d (3 ) a q u a t ic r e s o u r c e s .
m o b ility d e c r e a s e s a s a fu n c tio n o f th e r e la tio n s h ip s b e tw e e n T L P O P and A R EA . A s h ift in fo c u s to th e p a tte r n in g w ith in th e p r o p e r ty s p a c e d e m o n s tr a te d in g r a p h A o f fig u r e 8 .2 0 c o n fir m s a p a t te r n o b s e r v e d e a r lie r in a d iffe r e n t c o m p a r a tiv e c o n te x t: th e fr e q u e n c y d is tr ib u tio n s a n d p o s itio n in g w ith in th e p r o p e r ty s p a c e d i f f e r d r a m a t i c a l l y a s t h e t r o p h i c l e v e l o f a g r o u p s p r im a r y s o u r c e o f fo o d c h a n g e s . I n o te d in g e n e r a liz a tio n 8 .1 8 t h a t t h e v a s t m a jo r it y o f h u n t e r - g a t h e r e r s w h o s e s u b s is t e n c e is b a s e d p r im a r ily o n t e r r e s t r ia l a n im a ls a ls o r e ly o n m o b il it y a s a m a jo r p o s it i o n i n g s t r a t e g y w i t h i n t h e ir h a b i t a t . M o s t h u n te r s m a k e r e s id e n tia l m o v e s th a t to ta l m o r e th a n 3 0 0 k ilo m e te rs p e r y e a r. A lth o u g h s o m e p la n t-d e p e n d e n t g r o u p s m o v e e q u a l d is ta n c e s , m o s t c a s e s in th is c a te g o r y a c tu a lly m o v e le s s t h a n 3 0 0 k ilo m e t e r s a n n u a lly . S o m e g r o u p s e x p lo itin g a q u a tic r e s o u r c e s a r e s im ila r to p la n t-d e p e n d e n t p e o p le s in th a t th e y m o v e la r g e d is ta n c e s w it h in a y e a r . T h e m a jo r it y o f c a s e s , h o w e v e r , m o v e le s s th a n 1 7 5 k ilo m e te r s a n n u a lly , a n d a n im p r e s s iv e c lu s te r o f th e s e c a s e s h a v e th e h ig h e s t p o p u la tio n d e n s itie s a n d th e lo w e s t m o b ility o f a ll h u n te r -g a th e r e r g r o u p s . T h e s e p a tte r n s s u p p o r t m y a r g u m e n t th a t, o th e r th in g s b e in g e q u a l, p r o c e s s e s o f in te n s ific a tio n d is p r o p o r tio n a te ly fa v o r p la n t fo o d r e s o u r c e s o v e r a n im a l fo o d r e s o u r c e s , a n d in m a n y e n v ir o n m e n t s a q u a tic r e s o u r c e s a r e fa v o r e d o v e r te r r e s tr ia l a n im a l fo o d s a s w e ll. T h e r o le o f a q u a t ic r e s o u r c e s in c o n t in e n t a l, w a r m t e m p e r a te , a n d e q u a to r ia l s e ttin g s a p p e a r s in n e e d o f fu r th e r c la r ific a tio n , h o w e v e r. In th e c o m p a r a b le s c a tte r p lo t in fig u r e 8 .2 6 , g r a p h B , th e in d ic a t o r o f m o b ilit y is th e m e a n d is t a n c e tr a v e le d p e r r e s _____
id e n t ia l m o v e d u r in g a y e a r . T h is is a r e f le c t io n le s s o f h o w m o b ile g r o u p s a r e t h a n o f h o w g r o u p s u s e m o b ility to p o s i t i o n t h e m s e lv e s o n t h e la n d s c a p e . T h is d if f e r e n c e is illu s tr a te d b y th e w id e d is tr ib u tio n o f c a s e s a c r o s s th e d e n s ity r a n g e , m a n y o f w h ic h t r a v e l t e n o r fe w e r k il o m e t e r s p e r m o v e . C a s e s in t h e lo w e r d is t r i b u t i o n in t h e g r a p h a r e f u lly s e d e n ta r y , w h ic h m e a n s t h a t s e t t l e m e n t s l a s t l o n g e r t h a n a s i n g l e y e a r .33 A p a r a lle l d is tr ib u tio n in c lu d e s g r o u p s th a t m a k e , o n a v e r a g e , v e r y s h o r t r e s id e n tia l m o v e s , in m a n y c a s e s m o v in g e v e r y d a y o r tw o a s th e y q u ite lite r a lly fe e d th e ir w a y a c r o s s t h e h a b i t a t .34 T h i s i s a v e r y d i f f e r e n t s t r a t e g y f r o m w h a t I h a v e r e fe r r e d to a s m a p p in g o n o r p o s itio n in g s tra te g ie s . In s p it e o f t h e s e d if f e r e n c e s , h o w e v e r , t h e r e is a n u n d e n ia b le i n v e r s e c o r r e l a t i o n b e t w e e n t h e l o g 10 v a l u e o f p o p u l a t i o n d e n s ity a n d t h e a v e r a g e d is t a n c e m o v e d b e tw e e n r e s id e n tia l c a m p s . T h is p a t t e r n u n a m b ig u o u s ly d o c u m e n t s a n in v e r s e s c a la r r e la tio n s h ip b e tw e e n m o b ilit y a n d in te n s ific a tio n a l in d ic a to r s . I a ls o w a n te d to e x a m in e la r g e r s o c ia l u n its re la tiv e to t h e m a le d iv is io n o f la b o r , w h ic h is o n e o f th e v a r ia b le s is o la te d in th is c h a p t e r th a t c o n s is t e n t ly p a tte r n e d w ith s m a ll G R O U P 1 u n it s . T h e g r a p h s in fig u r e 8 .2 7 d e m o n s tr a te t h a t t h e r e is a v e r y c o m p l e x r e l a ti o n s h ip b e tw e e n th e m a le d i v i s i o n o f l a b o r a n d l o g 10 v a l u e s o f p o p u l a t i o n d e n s i t y . T W o t h r e s h o ld s a r e in d ic a te d in e a c h g r a p h . O n e o c c u r s o n th e
x a x is
( m a le d iv is io n o f la b o r ) a t v a lu e fo r a m a le c o n t r i
b u t io n t o t h e d ie t o f b e t w e e n 5 7 a n d 6 2 p e r c e n t, w h ic h m a r k s th e a p p r o x im a te u p p e r lim it o f d e p e n d e n c e u p o n p la n ts a n d c o r r e s p o n d s to th e te r r e s tr ia l p la n t th re s h o ld a t E T 1 2 .7 5 d e g r e e s .
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F I GUR E 8 . 2 7
A p a ir e d -g r a p h c o m p a r is o n b e t w e e n m o b ile h u n t e r -g a t h e r e r s (A ) a n d s e d e n t a r y h u n t e r - g a t h e r e r s (B ), b o t h e x p r e s s e d r e l a t i v e t o t h e l o g 10 v a l u e o f p o p u l a t i o n d e n s i t y . B o t h g r a p h s a r e c o d e d f o r t h e p r i m a r y s o u r c e o f f o o d ( S U B S P ) : ( 1 ) t e r r e s t r i a l a n i m a l s , (2 ) te r r e s tria l p la n ts , a n d (3 ) a q u a t ic r e s o u r c e s .
T h e firs t a p p e a r a n c e o f a n o th e r th r e s h o ld o c c u r s a t a p p r o x i m a t e l y t h e l o g 10 v a l u e o f 1 . 0 , w h i c h i s t h e p o i n t a t w h ic h m a le d iv is io n o f la b o r a m o n g g r o u p s o f g a t h e r e r s e x h ib its a m a r k e d th r e s h o ld . T h e h ig h e s t v a lu e s a r e c lu s te r e d a t th e d e n s ity th r e s h o ld a n d d im in is h in a c h e v r o n p a t t e r n o n e ith e r s id e . M o s t g r o u p s o f t e r r e s t r i a l a n im a l h u n t e r s a r e c lu s te r e d a b o v e t h e M D I V L A B t h r e s h o ld a n d h a v e a lo w e r p o p u la t io n d e n s i t y t h a n a t t h e t h r e s h o l d v a l u e a r o u n d 1.0 . A q u a tic r e s o u r c e s p e c ia lis ts a r e d is t r i b u te d a c r o s s t h e f u ll r a n g e o f v a r ia b ility fo r th e m a le d iv is io n o f la b o r b u t a r e n o t ic e a b ly a b s e n t f r o m t h e q u a d r a n t o f t h e g r a p h i n w h ic h b o t h d e n s ity a n d m a le d iv is io n o f la b o r a r e lo w . T h is p a t t e r n m a y su g g e st th a t d e n s ity -d e p e n d e n t fa c to r s a ff e c t a q u a tic r e s o u r c e e x p lo ita tio n in e n v ir o n m e n ts in w h ic h h e a v y d e p e n d e n c e u p o n te r r e s tr ia l p la n ts is a p o s s ib ility . B a se d o n th e in fo r m a tio n p r e s e n te d in fig u re 8 .2 7 , g r a p h A , it a p p e a r s t h a t a m o n g m o b ile p e o p le s a t a d e n s it y le v e l o f b e t w e e n a p p r o x i m a t e l y 1 0 a n d 3 2 t o 3 5 p e r s o n s ( o r a l o g 10 v a lu e o f 1 t o 1 .5 4 p e r s o n s ) p e r 1 0 0 s q u a r e k il o m e t e r s , w h o u s e r e s id e n tia l m o b ilit y a s a s u b s is t e n c e s tr a te g y , t h e r e is a v a g u e c o n tin u a tio n o f th e r e s p o n s e s th a t c h a r a c te r iz e d ta c tic a lly m o r e m o b ile p e o p le s li v i n g a t lo w e r le v e ls o f p o p u la t io n d e n s ity . O n t h e o t h e r h a n d , in f ig u r e 8 .2 7 , g r a p h B , w h ic h o n ly in c l u d e s c a s e s t h a t d o n o t u s e r e s id e n t ia l m o b i l ity a s t h e ir p r im a r y s u b s is t e n c e s tr a te g y , a s h ift o c c u r s in t h e d i s t r i b u t i o n s c e n t e r o f g r a v i t y t o c a s e s w i t h d e n s i t y v a l u e s g re a te r th a n 3 2 t o 3 5 p e r s o n s p e r 1 0 0 s q u a r e k ilo m e te r s a n d in c r e a s e d m a le c o n t r ib u t io n s t o t h e d ie t. T h e m a jo r it y o f th e s e ca ses a re d e p e n d e n t u p o n a q u a tic re s o u rc e s. T h e c a s e s p r i m a r ily d e p e n d e n t u p o n p la n t s , lik e t h e c a s e s w it h lo w e r
p o p u la tio n d e n s ity v a lu e s (g r a p h A in fig u r e 8 .2 7 ) , c o n t in u e t o e x h ib it lo w v a lu e s fo r t h e p e r c e n ta g e o f t h e m a le c o n t r i b u t io n t o th e d ie t. A s in te r e s tin g a n d p r o v o c a tiv e a s th e p a tte r n s in fig u r e 8 .2 7 m a y b e , th e tw o m o s t im p o r ta n t fe a tu r e s o f th e g r a p h a r e a s fo llo w s : 1 . T h o s e c a s e s t h a t in m y ju d g m e n t u s e r e s id e n t ia l m o b il ity a s th e ir p r im a r y s u b s is te n c e s tr a te g y o c c u r a t u n i f o r m ly lo w e r le v e ls o f p o p u la t io n d e n s ity . I n c o n t r a s t , t h e f o o d - g e t t in g s t r a t e g ie s o f t h e m a jo r it y o f t h e c a s e s d o n o t in c lu d e r e s id e n tia l m o b ility to a n y g r e a t e x te n t. T h e th re s h o ld b e tw e e n th e tw o ty p e s o f s tra te g ie s o c c u r s a t a p p r o x i m a t e l y 3 2 t o 3 5 ( l o g 10 1 . 0 t o 1 . 5 4 ) p e r s o n s p e r 1 0 0 s q u a r e k ilo m e te r s . 2 . T h e th r e s h o ld b e tw e e n in c r e a s in g a n d d e c r e a s in g p e r c e n ta g e s in th e m a le c o n t r ib u t io n t o th e d ie t o c c u r s a t a l o g , 0 d e n s i t y v a l u e o f 1 .0 0 . 2 , w h i c h p l a c e s t h e m e a n f o r t h e t h r e s h o l d a t a p p r o x i m a t e l y 10 p e r s o n s p e r 100 s q u a r e k ilo m e te r s . T h e p r e s e n c e a n d v a lu e o f th is th r e s h o ld a r e e v e n m o r e p r o v o c a tiv e s in c e , a fte r I b u ilt th e G r o u p S iz e M o d e l a t th e e n d o f c h a p te r 7 , 1 n o te d th a t " a p o p u la tio n d e n s ity v a lu e th a t e x c e e d s 9 .0 9 8 p e r s o n s ( 2 0 .4 7 d iv id e d b y 2 ,2 5 ) p e r 1 0 0 s q u a r e k ilo m e t e r s w o u ld b e c ir c u m s c r ib e d b y g r o u p s liv in g in F O R A D - s iz e d u n its o n a ll s id e s (p a g e 2 3 9 ) . T h e c o i n c i d e n c e between t h e t h r e s h o l d i n M D I V L A B v a lu e s a n d th e m o d e le d v a lu e o f t h e le v e l o f p o p u la t io n d e n s i t y ( 9 . 0 9 8 persons) a t w h i c h c o n s t r a i n t s o n m o b i l i t y
c o n fin e h u n te r -g a th e r e r s to F O R A D -s iz e d u n its
strongly sug
w e r e s u m m a r iz e d in c h a p te r 7 . 1 c o n t in u e t o r e g a r d in te n s if ic a t io n a s r e s p o n s ib le f o r m u c h o f t h e o r g a n iz a t io n a l v a r i a b ility d o c u m e n te d in h u n te r -g a th e r e r s g r o u p s , b u t tw o o th e r p o in ts h a v e b e e n s u g g e s te d b y m y p a tte r n r e c o g n itio n s tu d ie s . T h e m o r e im p o r ta n t o f th e tw o p o in ts r e la te s to c o o p e r a tio n a n d th e fa c to r s r e s p o n s ib le f o r its v a r ia b ility w ith in sy s te m s . V a r ia b ility in th is c a s e r e fe r s to d y n a m ic s th a t a r e b o th s e a s o n a l a n d s itu a tio n a l (a p o in t in itia lly r e c o g n iz e d b y M a u s s a n d B e u c h a t [ 1 9 7 9 ] a n d d i s c u s s e d i n c h a p t e r 1) a s w e l l a s t o p r o c e s s e s a f f e c t in g t h e w a y t h a t s y s t e m s v a r y a lo n g a s c a le o f c o o p e r a tiv e in te g r a tio n r a n g in g fr o m a to m is m to c o m m u n is m . A lth o u g h it w o u ld b e d iff ic u lt t o a r r iv e a t th e fo l lo w in g c o n c lu s io n fr o m a p e r u s a l o f th e a n th r o p o lo g ic a l lit e r a t u r e , c o o p e r a t io n is a v a r ia b le a n d n o t a n e x p r e s s io n o f th e e s s e n tia l d is p o s itio n o r id e o lo g ic a l e th o s o f h u n te r g a th e re rs . S o fa r , I h a v e o n ly h in te d a t th e s e c o n d im p o r ta n t p o in t, w h i c h i s m y a s s u m p t i o n i n c h a p t e r 7 t h a t s m a l l G R O U P 1 s iz e s e n a b le d h u n te r -g a th e r e r s to m in im iz e m o b ility c o s ts . T w o o f th e o b s e r v a tio n s I h a v e m a d e in th is c h a p te r a r e g e r m a n e to
gests t h a t
g r o u p s r e s p o n d to m o b ility c o n s tr a in ts b y m o d i
fy in g th e w a y in w h ic h t h e ir la b o r is o r g a n iz e d . T h is c o in c id e n c e s u g g e s ts th a t I m a y b e o b s e r v in g c lu e s to th e k in d o f s y s te m ic c h a n g e b r o u g h t o n b y d y n a m ic p r o c e s s e s th a t le a d s t o th e a p p e a r a n c e o f e m e r g e n t c o n d it io n s . I n s u c h a s y s te m s ta te , v e r y n e w p r o p e r tie s a b r u p tly a p p e a r th a t c o u ld n o t h a v e b e e n a n t ic ip a t e d b y p r o je c t io n s f r o m t h e c h a r a c t e r is tic b e h a v io r s o f th e p a r e n t s y s te m . I h a v e c o n t r a s t e d th is k in d o f c h a n g e w ith g r a d u a l, a c c r e t io n a l m o d if ic a t io n s th a t a re th e o u tc o m e o f s y s te m ic g r o w th r a th e r th a n e m e r g e n c e . T h e r e h a v e a lr e a d y b e e n h in t s t h a t s to r a g e ta c t ic s m a y w e ll r e s p o n d q u ite d iffe r e n tly to b a s ic e n v ir o n m e n ta l g r a d ie n ts (fig u r e s 8 .0 4 a n d 8 .0 5 ) t h a n t h e y d o t o p r e s s u r e s t o in te n s if y . O th e r p a tte r n s in d ic a te t h a t t a c t ic a l m o b ilit y p la y s a d im in is h in g r o le in s y s te m s in w h ic h t h e n u m b e r o f p e r s o n s p e r u n it a r e a is in c r e a s in g . A n d , in s p it e o f im p e r f e c t a n d r a t h e r m e c h a n ic a l te c h n iq u e s fo r e s tim a tin g th e c h a r a c te r o f t h e s e x u a l d iv is io n o f la b o r , t h is v a r ia b le a ls o in t e r a c t s in a p a t t e r n e d w a y w ith p r o p e r tie s t h a t v a r y c o n s is t e n t ly w it h m y e a r lie r id e a s a b o u t in te n s ific a tio n . I w ith s o m e c o n fid e n c e th a t th e p a tte r n o f in te r e s t is in t e n s i fic a tio n its e lf. I f it is p o s s ib le t o u n d e r s ta n d t h e in t e r a c t in g fa c to r s th a t c a u s e it a n d h o w th e c a u s a l p r o c e s s s tim u la te s n e w o r g a n iz a tio n a l p r o p e r tie s w it h in c u ltu r a l s y s te m s s o m e t h in g th a t m y in v e s tig a tio n s th u s fa r s u g g e s t t h e n I w ill h a v e m a d e m a jo r p r o g r e s s in m y s e a r c h f o r w a y s t o id e n t i f y a n d e x p la in th e d iff e r e n c e s in h u n t e r - g a t h e r s y s te m s ta te s . In te n s if ic a tio n w a s im p lic a te d in c h a p te r 7 a s a m a jo r f a c to r u n d e r ly in g s y s te m s ta te d iffe r e n c e s , a n d th r e e o f th e g e n e r a liz a tio n s a n d p r o p o s itio n s e n u m e r a te d in th is c h a p te r a ls o d e a l w i t h i n t e n s i f i c a t i o n a l i n d i c a t o r s . G e n e r a l i z a t i o n s 8 .0 2 , 8 .1 3 , a n d 8 .1 9 s u m m a r iz e th e c o r r e la tio n s b e tw e e n la r g e r G R O U P 1 s iz e s a n d s e d e n tis m , c u ltu r a lly c o m p le x c a s e s , th e lo g is tic a l o r g a n iz a tio n o f ta s k g r o u p s , a n d p a tte r n s o f m o b il ity . N o n e o f t h e s e v a r i a b l e s is a m o s t a re th o u g h t to b e
fe e l th a t I h a v e le a r n e d e n o u g h fr o m m y a n a ly s is t o s a y th is is s u e : 1 . T h e lin k a g e o f t h e d e m a n d f o r f o o d t o t h e s iz e o f th e G R O U P 1 u n it m a y b e s e v e re d c o m p le te ly w h e n g ro u p s r e s o r t t o f o o d s to r a g e . O n c e s to r a g e t a c tic s a r e im p le m e n t e d , g r o u p s iz e is m o r e lik e ly t o b e c o n d it io n e d b y th e t im e a n d t r a n s p o r t c o n s t r a i n t s t h a t a r e in v o lv e d in s u c c e s s fu lly p r o c u r in g a n d p r o c e s s in g a d e q u a te q u a n titie s o f fo o d t o s u s ta in g r o u p s o v e r v a r y in g a n d s o m e tim e s c o n s i d e r a b l e p e r i o d s o f t i m e . I n s u c h a s i t u a t i o n , g r o u p s iz e is li k e l y t o b e c o n d it io n e d b y la b o r d e m a n d s t h a t v a r y in d e p e n d e n t ly o f t h e d a ily f o o d n e e d s o f t h e g r o u p p r e p a r in g fo o d r e s o u rc e s fo r s to ra g e . 2 . M o b i lit y c o s t s m a y n o t b e g e r m a n e w h e n s in g le -s p e c ie s fo o d g lu ts o c c u r o r d u r in g th e a c c u m u la tio n a n d p r o c e s s in g f o r s to r a g e o f la r g e q u a n titie s o f s im u lta n e o u s ly a v a ila b le fo o d s . It m ig h t b e s a id th a t m o b ility c o s ts m a y b e e p ip h e n o m e n a l in m a n y c o n t e x ts in w h ic h d iffe r e n tia l fo o d a c c e s s ib ility o r c lu s te r in g o c c u r s (p r o p o s itio n 8 .0 5 ). O n c e 1 b e g in to q u e s tio n th e e ffe c t o f m o b ility c o s ts o n G R O U P 1 s iz e s , I c o m e f a c e - t o - f a c e w it h t h e is s u e o f s y s te m s ta te v a r ia b ility a n d t h e p o s s ib ility th a t e m e r g e n t c o n d itio n s a r e in v o lv e d t h a t c h a n g e t h e w a y t h e w o r ld w o r k s in r a th e r d r a m a t ic w a y s . S in c e in t e n s if ic a t io n is t h e s y s te m s ta te in w h ic h t h e r e is a s e le c t iv e a d v a n t a g e t o t a c t ic s a n d s tr a te g ie s th a t in c r e a s e t h e y ie ld o f fo o d fr o m s p a tia l u n its o f a c o n s ta n t o r d i m i n i s h i n g s iz e , s u c h a s t a t e i m p l ie s a n e v e r -d e c r e a .M O g r o le fo r r e s id e n tia l m o b ility in th e ta c tic a l s e n s e o f th e w o rd . I n w h a t e v e r t e r m s i n t e n s i f i c a t i o n is c o n c e iv e d * h o w e v e r it im p l i e s r e d u c e d m o b i l i t y , a t le a s t a t t h e G R O U P * le v e l- If in t e n s if ic a t io n is a c c e p t e d a s a p r o c e s s , t h e n , in lig h t o t th e
measure o f i n t e n s i f i c a t i o n , consequences o f i n t e n s i f i c a t i o n . G
but en
As t h i s
c h a p te r c o n c lu d e s , I h a v e o r g a n iz e d m y o b s e r v a tio n s
within c u l t u r a l
s y s te m s . I h a v e a ls o lin k e d m y o b s e r v a tio n s
o n G R O U P 1 s iz e b a c k t o m y o b s e r v a t i o n s a t a la r g e r s c a le th a t
g e n e r a liz a tio n s p r e s e n t e d in t h is s tu d y , o n e m u s t a ls o c o n ce d e th a t
higher net food returns. Changes in the organization of labor would be occurring at the same time that tac tical mobility was becoming an increasingly ineffec
Generalization 8.38
Mobility is not an independent variable; it responds to changes in system state induced by intensification. W e m ig h t th e r e f o r e e x p e c t t h a t T h is p r o p o s it io n is s u p p o r t e d b y m y p r e v io u s o b s e r v a t i o n s o n th e b ia s e d fr e q u e n c y o f h u n te r -g a th e r e r c a s e s p r a c tic in g c o lle c to r r a th e r th a n fo r a g e r s tra te g ie s . T h e g o a l o f th is e n tir e e n d e a v o r is t o le a r n h o w a n d
--------- -------------------------------------------------
Proposition 8.12
CROUP1 size responds to changes in the demand for food and for differently configured labor groups, par ticularly since at least one major intensificational strat egy is to increase labor inputs in an effort to secure
In c h a p te r 3 , 1 d e s c r ib e d tw o v e r y d iff e r e n t d r a m a tic e n te r p r is e s t h a t c a n b e v is u a liz e d a s p a r a lle l d im e n s io n s in w h ic h e v e n ts u n fo ld c o n c u r r e n tly . O n e d o m a in c o n s is ts o f th e w o rld o f d y n a m ic s th a t a s c ie n tis t s tu d ie s a n d a tte m p ts to e x p la in , w h ic h in t h is c a s e r e fe r s t o m a n y h u n t e r - g a t h e r e r e v o lu t io n a r y p la y s u n f o ld in g in m a n y d if f e r e n t e c o lo g i c a l t h e a te rs. In th e o th e r r e a lm o f d y n a m ic s th e s c ie n tific th e a te r r e s e a r c h e r s ta k e c e n te r s ta g e a s th e y e v a lu a te , e lu c id a te , a n d d e fe n d th e ir id e a s a b o u t th e n a tu r e o f th e e v e n ts t h a t th e y h a v e o b s e r v e d in th e e v id e n tia r y fo r u m . I a ls o n o te d t h a t s c ie n tif ic c o llo q u y is a n e s s e n tia l c o m p o n e n t o f t h e le a r n in g p ro c e s s , o fte n a n o p p o r tu n ity fo r th e r e s e a r c h e r to e x p a n d h is o r h e r fu n d o f k n o w le d g e o r t o c o m p a r e th e fr u its o f in d i v id u a l r e s e a r c h t o th e d is c ip lin a r y c a n o n a s a w h o le . I n th e p a s t fiv e c h a p te r s , I h a v e p la y e d th e r o le o f a n e x p lo r e r . I h a v e u s e d p a tte r n r e c o g n itio n t e c h n iq u e s t o p e r u s e d a ta a b o u t h u n te r -g a th e r e r a c tiv itie s , e n v ir o n m e n ta l d y n a m ic s , a n d e c o lo g ic a l r e la tio n s h ip s , a n d I h a v e d is c o v e r e d e x c it in g r e g u la r itie s in th e w a y s th a t v a r ia b le s c o - o c c u r a n d in te r a c t. I h o p e to h a v e illu s tr a te d th a t b u ild in g a n d u s in g m o d e ls a s p a r t o f th e le a r n in g p r o c e s s is m u c h m o r e u s e fu l th a n c r e a tin g a c o r p u s o f s ta tic tr u th s to w h ic h th e o b s e r v a tio n a l w o r ld is th e n a c c o m m o d a t e d . I h a v e a ls o in s is te d t h a t w o r k in g w ith u n d im e n s io n a liz e d d a t a s i m p l y m i r r o r s t h e o r g a n i z a t i o n o f o n e s o w n c o g n i t i v e s c h e m e s . I h a v e s tre s s e d th a t s e c o n d -o r d e r d e r iv a tiv e p a t te r n in g o ffe r s th e o n ly h o p e o f d is c o v e r in g p r o p e r tie s th a t a r e in f o r m a t iv e a b o u t t h e w a y in w h ic h t h e e x te r n a l w o r ld is o r g a n iz e d . U p u n til n o w , h o w e v e r , I h a v e n o t d is c u s s e d t h e in t e r a c t i o n b e t w e e n , o n t h e o n e h a n d , a r e s e a r c h e r s i d e a s a b o u t w h a t t h e w o r ld is lik e a n d w h y it m ig h t b e t h a t w a y a n d , o n t h e o t h e r h a n d , s e c o n d - o r d e r d e r iv a tiv e p a t t e r n in g in g e n e r a l. I n c h a p te r 3 , 1 c o m p a r e d th e lo g ic o f s c ie n c e to a n e q u i la te r a l tr ia n g le in w h ic h t h e s c ie n t is t s ta n d s in t h e m id d le . O n e c o r n e r o f t h e t r i a n g le is la b e le d s o u r c e s id e a n d c o n t a in s a ll o f t h e r e c e iv e d k n o w le d g e t h a t c a n b e u s e d in a r g u m e n t
o r c ite d a s w a r r a n tin g b e lie fs a b o u t th e p h e n o m e n o lo g ic a l w o r ld o f in t e r e s t t o t h e s c ie n tis t. T h e s e c o n d c o m e r o f th e tr i a n g le i s la b e le d s u b je c t s id e , a n d i t is h e r e t h a t t h e p h e n o m e n a to b e s tu d ie d r e p o s e . In th e c a s e o f a r c h a e o lo g y a n d e th n o l o g y , th is in c lu d e s a ll o f th e a c c e s s ib le p r o p e r tie s o f th e a r c h a e o lo g ic a l a n d e th n o g r a p h ic r e c o r d s , th e o b s e r v a tio n s th a t o f fe r th e a r c h a e o lo g is t th e o p p o r t u n it y t o le a r n a b o u t th e p a s t a n d th e e th n o lo g is t th e o p p o r tu n ity to le a r n a b o u t th e n e a r p re se n t. T h e t h ir d c o m e r o f t h e t r i a n g le c o n t a in s a ll o f t h e r e c e iv e d k n o w le d g e a b o u t t e c h n iq u e s a n d s tr a te g ie s fo r p r o d u c tiv e ly l i n k i n g s o u r c e - s i d e k n o w le d g e t o s u b je c t - s i d e o b s e r v a t io n s . A m a jo r fo c u s o f t h is b o o k h a s b e e n t h e u s e o f ta c tic s a n d s tr a te g ie s f o r o r g a n iz in g s o u r c e - s id e k n o w le d g e to m a x i m i z e t h e i n f o r m a t i o n t h a t c a n b e e x t r a c t e d f r o m s u b je c t - s i d e o b s e r v a tio n s . I h a v e p r a c tic e d w h a t I p r e a c h e d in c h a p te r 3 , a c t I I I , s c e n e s 1 a n d 2 , a n d , a s a r e s u lt, in c h a p te r s 6,7 , a n d
8 I h a v e b e e n a b le t o d e v e lo p p r o v o c a tiv e , g e n e r a liz a b le
o b s e r v a tio n s th a t im p lic a te th e d y n a m ic w o rld o f h u n te r g a th e r e r v a r ia b ility . T h e a p p r o p r ia t e t a c t ic a t s u c h a ju n c t u r e , I b e lie v e , is to r e tu r n to t h e in te lle c tu a l th e a te r a n d in itia te a d ia lo g u e th a t w ill e x p o s e m y s u b je c t - s i d e o b s e r v a t i o n s , g e n e r a liz a t io n s , a n d m o d e ls t o th e a r g u m e n ts o f o t h e r a n th r o p o lo g ic a l r e s e a rc h e rs . A s a lw a y s , t h e g e n e r a l g o a l is t o le a r n ; t h e s p e c if ic f o c u s in th is in s t a n c e is t h e u t il it y o f t h e G r o u p S iz e M o d e l v ie w e d a g a in s t th e b a c k d r o p o f o t h e r c o n c e p t io n s o f v a r ia b ility . I h a v e d e s c r ib e d m y w o r k in e a r l ie r c h a p t e r s a s a n e x p lo r a to r y p r o c e s s in w h ic h I lo o k e d fo r c lu e s to r e la tio n s h ip s b e tw e e n a n d a m o n g v a ria b le s a s I w o rk e d h a c k a n d fo rth b e tw e e n p a t t e r n in g in th e e th n o g r a p h ic a n d e c o lo g ic a l d a ta s e t s . T h e d i r e c t i o n o f m y r e s e a r c h w a s d e t e r m in e d t o a la r g e e x te n t b y th e s e q u e n c e o f m y o b s e r v a tio n s , c o u p le d w ith m y p r io r k n o w le d g e . M y in c e s s a n t, r a m ify in g e x e r c is e s in p a tte r n r e c o g n itio n fr e q u e n t ly r e s u lte d in d e s c r ip tiv e s ta te m e n ts , o r g e n e r a l iz a t io n s , a b o u t w h a t t h e w o r ld a p p e a r s t o h e lik e .
In th is c h a p te r , h o w e v e r , I a m p o rt to a c c o u n t fo r
p r o c e e d in g d iffe r e n tly .
b y s e lf - d e f in in g u n it s is b e s t u n d e r s to o d b y q u o t i n g h is o w n w o r d s : S o m e s y s te m o f e q u ilib r iu m fo r c e s , in v o lv in g b o t h e c o lo g ic a l a n d c u ltu r a l fa c to r s , te n d s to m a in ta in a p p r o p r i a te p o p u la t io n s iz e f o r b a n d s t r u c t u r e f o r g iv e n lo c a l c o n d i tio n s . S in c e a n th r o p o lo g is ts h a v e n o t d e fin e d d e ta ils o f th e n a t u r e o f t h e c u ltu r a l f o r c e s in v o lv e d a n d h a v e g a th e r e d n o m a te r ia ls w h ic h a llo w a d e ta ile d e x a m in a tio n o f th e e c o lo g ic a l fa c t o r s , it is im p o s s ib le t o c o n s t r u c t m o d e ls t o e x p lo r e th e s y s te m s o c c u r r in g a m o n g v a r io u s p e o p le s ( 1 9 5 8 :1 9 5 ) . B ir d s e ll s e e m s to b e r e fe r r in g to th e p r o c e s s o f s e lf-o r g a n iz a tio n , w h ic h p r o c e e d s w ith o u t a d ir e c tin g a g e n c y , s im i la r t o th e d y n a m ic s r e s p o n s ib le f o r th e p a t t e r n in g in h u n t e r - g a t h e r e r g r o u p s iz e s e x p lo r e d in c h a p t e r s 7 a n d 8 . I t is u n f o r t u n a t e t h a t a s B ir d s e ll w a s w e ll a w a r e h e w a n te d t o in v e s tig a te p r o p e r tie s t h a t in 1 9 5 8 w e r e in a d e q u a te ly d o c u m e n t e d . F o r t y y e a r s la t e r it is a p p r o p r ia t e t o a p p la u d h is fo r e s ig h t a n d , I h o p e , fu lfill h is e x p e c ta tio n s : it d o e s s e e m c le a r t h a t b a n d s iz e is n o t p r im a r ily d e t e r m in e d b y c h a n c e fa c t o r s a n d th a t s y s te m a tic fo r c e s d o e x is t. O n e m a y h o p e th a t fu tu r e g e n e r a tio n s o f fie ld w o rk e rs m a y c o lle c t e n o u g h d e m o g r a p h ic a n d e c o lo g ic a l d a ta t o p r o v id e a b a s is f o r s u c h in v e s tig a tio n (B ir d s e ll 1 9 5 8 :1 9 5 ).
S h o r tly I w ill e x a m in e s e v e r a l d if f e r e n t s c h e m a t a t h a t p u r
why t h
e w o r ld is t h e w a y it a p p e a r s t o b e .
I a m n o t m y s e lf e n g a g e d in t h e o r y b u ild in g , h o w e v e r . T h e g o a l is s im p ly t o e v a lu a t e a n d r e d u c e t h e m u l t i t u d e o f k n o w l e d g e
claims a n d a r g u m e n t s t h a t h a v e b e e n a d v a n c e d t o e x p l a i n w h y
th e w o rld , in o n e o f its m a n y d o m a in s , is t h e w a y it a p p e a r s to b e. A little m o r e th a n a d e c a d e a g o , E r n e s t G e lln e r (p e r s . c o m m . 1 9 8 6 ) a s tu te ly o b s e r v e d th a t th e th e o r e tic a l a p p le b a r r e l is a lw a y s fu ll a n d t h a t t h e r e m o v a l o f s o m e b a d a p p le s o n ly m a k e s r o o m f o r m o r e a p p le s o f u n k n o w n u tility . I h a v e ch o se n o n e o f m a n y th e o r e tic a l a p p le s in th e a n th r o p o lo g ic a l b a r r e l t o u s e a s a n i n t e l le c t u a l f r a m e o f r e f e r e n c e f o r l o o k in g a t s o m e o f m y o w n p o s t u la t i o n s a s w e ll a s a t s o m e o t h e r o fte n -c ite d a p p le s , w h ic h w ill b e e x a m in e d f o r w o r m s a n d s o ft s p o ts. I w ill c o n t in u e t o u s e p a t t e r n r e c o g n i t i o n t e c h n iq u e s , b u t as a w a y o f r e la tin g r e le v a n t o b s e r v a tio n s a b o u t th e w o rld o f h u n te r -g a th e r e r s t o t h e v a r io u s s u p p o s itio n s u n d e r s c ru tin y . A s a r e s u lt, t h e p a t t e r n s t h a t a r e g e n e r a t e d w ill n o t n e c e s s a r ily a p p e a r c u m u la tiv e , s in c e t h e y w ill b e r e la tiv e t o d ie p a r tic u la r in t e lle c t u a l a p p le s r a th e r t h a n t o a g e n e r a l p r o b le m , s u c h a s v a r ia b ilit y in g r o u p s iz e , t h a t I s e e k to u n d e r s ta n d . I t s h o u ld b e c le a r th a t e x p lo r in g a n in te lle c tu a l a p p le b a r r e l is v e r y d if f e r e n t f r o m e x p lo r in g a b o d y o f d im e n s io n a liz e d d a t a . A l t h o u g h i t is lik e l y t h a t s o m e i m p o r t a n t p r o p e r tie s a b o u t t h e w o r l d o f h u n t e r - g a t h e r e r s w i ll b e e n c o u n t e r e d , th e y w ill h a v e t o b e ig n o r e d f o r t h e m o m e n t w h ile t h e f o c u s is o n a p a r t ic u l a r a p p l e , r e g a r d le s s o f h o w m a n y o t h e r a p p l e s m a y b e im p lic a te d b y m y o b s e r v a tio n s . I b e lie v e th a t th is u s e o f in te lle c tu a l c a p ita l is ju s t if ie d b e c a u s e i t p r o m is e s in t h e lo n g r u n t o le a d t o a n e n h a n c e d u n d e r s ta n d in g o f in t e n s ific a tio n a l p r o c e s s e s .
jo h n s o n s
co n sta n t
G r e g o r y J o h n s o n is o n e o f th e r e s e a r c h e r s w h o h a s r e s p o n d e d t o B i r d s e l l s i n j u n c t i o n t o i n v e s t i g a t e t h e f a c t o r s c o n t r i b u t in g t o p a t t e r n in g in g r o u p s iz e , a n d h e h a s p r o d u c e d a n e le g a n t a n d w id e ly c ite d a r g u m e n t d e a lin g w ith th is is s u e ( J o h n s o n 1 9 7 8 a n d , p a r tic u la r ly , 1 9 8 2 ) . J o h n s o n is p r im a r ily c o n c e r n e d w ith u n d e r s ta n d in g th e o r g a n iz a tio n a l v a r ia b ility in s o c io c u ltu r a l s y s te m s th a t r e s u lts fr o m d iffe r e n c e s in th e s iz e s o f t h e s o c ia l u n it s s o o r g a n iz e d . I n th e c o n t e x t o f th e s e in te r e s ts h e h a s d is tin g u is h e d b e tw e e n w h a t h e te r m s
e n tia l h ie r a r c h ie s a r e
c h a r a c te r is tic o f s o c ie tie s th a t a r e c o n s id e r e d to b e e g a lita r ia n . In c o n tr a s t, s im u lta n e o u s h ie r a r c h ie s r e fe r to c o m p le x s o c ie tie s th a t a r e in te r n a lly d iffe r e n tia te d b y e v e r -p r e s e n t c r ite r ia r e g u la tin g th e r a n k o r s o c ia l p la c e m e n t o f th e p a r tic ip a n ts in th e s tr a tifie d s y s te m . Jo h n s o n o r g a n iz e d th e r e c e iv e d k n o w le d g e s id e o f h is p a r tic u la r r e s e a r c h tr ia n g le in n e w a n d p r o v o c a tiv e w a y s . H e b e g a n w ith p r e v io u s ly o b s e r v e d p a tte r n s th a t h a d d e m o n s tr a te d a p o s itiv e c o r r e la tio n b e tw e e n v a r io u s w a y s o f m e a s u r in g s y s te m c o m p le x ity a n d t h e s iz e in t h e s e n s e o f th e n u m b e r o f p e r s o n s o r g a n iz e d o f th e s y s te m s ta r g e te d fo r m e a s u re m e n t. H e n o te d th a t
Generalization 9.01
There is a tendency toward positive correlations between mea sures of system complexity and the size of the system. This pattern holds, however, only if a very wide range of popu-
iation sizes is included in the array studied. If, for example, one looks only at small-scale systems (which would include most hunter-gatherers), there does not appear to be such a correlation. In lig h t o f th e s e o b s e r v a t io n s , Jo h n s o n r e a s o n e d t h a t ---- - ------------
J o h n s o n s i n v e s t i g a t i o n o f t h i s p a t t e r n l e d h i m t o c o n c l u d e th a t th e im p e d im e n ts to c o n s e n s u a l d e c is io n m a k in g w e re r e l a te d t o t h e h u m a n c a p a c i t y t o m a k e ju d g m e n t s a b o u t u n id im e n s io n a l s t im u li t h a t is lim it e d b y t h e a m o u n t o f in fo r m a tio n (in b its ) th a t m u s t b e p r o c e s s e d a n d a s p a n o f im m e d ia te m e m o r y lim ite d b y th e n u m b e r o f ite m s (in f o r m a tio n c h u n k s ) th a t c a n b e s im u lta n e o u s ly r e ta in e d . B o th s p a n s a re fa irly n a rro w , a n d a v e ra g e a b o u t s e v e n (Jo h n s o n 1982:394). M o r e e l a b o r a t e l i n k a g e s h a v e a l s o b e e n s u g g e s t e d , b u t th e p e r tin e n t g e n e r a liz a tio n s r e fe r t o h u m a n d e c is io n m a k in g c a p a b ilitie s in s itu a tio n s in w h ic h c o n s e n s u a l d e c is io n m a k in g , o r h u m a n c o o p e r a t io n , is e x p e c t e d t o o c c u r . A s I n o t e d i n c h a p t e r 2, l i k e
Proposition 9.01
"This suggests that while there is an underlying process that governs the scale-complexity relationship, this process is subject to significant 'local' variation" (John son 1982:391-92; emphasis added).
all c o n s t a n t s , J o h n s o n s
s ta n t d o e s n o t e x p la in o b s e r v a b le e v e n ts o r p a tte r n s . B u t, a s Jo h n s o n w a s p a r tic u la r ly in te r e s te d in th e lo c u s o f s o c i e ta l d e c is io n m a k in g a n d in th e fa c t th a t th e r e a r e r e a lly n o s o c ie tie s in w h ic h a ll p e r s o n s m u s t p a r tic ip a te in o r d e r f o r c o n s e n s u s t o b e a c h ie v e d . I n r e a lity , c h ild r e n r a r e ly p a r t ic i p a te in a d u lt d e c is io n m a k in g , a n d m a n y d e c is io n s a r e m a d e b y s e ts o f m a le s in d e p e n d e n t o f e ith e r fe m a le s o r c h ild r e n . S im ila r ly , s e ts o f fe m a le s m a y a c t in d e p e n d e n d y . S o m e d e c i s io n s a r e m a d e a m o n g fa m ilie s lin k e d b y im m e d ia te k in tie s in to e x te n d e d fa m ilie s , a n d , i f d e c is io n s m u s t b e m a d e b y a s u ite o f e x te n d e d fa m ilie s , t h e d e c is io n m a k in g is t h e r e s p o n s ib ility o f th e e ld e r s o f th o s e e x te n d e d fa m ilie s . H u m a n s o c ia l s y s te m s c a n b e o r g a n iz e d in a s e g m e n ta r y fa s h io n (M id d le to n a n d T a it 1 9 5 8 ) s o th a t, u n d e r s o m e c o n d it io n s , n u c le a r fa m ilie s c o n s titu te a d e c is io n m a k in g s u ite o f u n its . I n o th e r c o n te x ts , th e s a m e n u c le a r fa m ilie s m a y b e n e s te d w ith in a n e x te n d e d fa m ily u n it w h o s e r e p r e s e n ta tiv e jo in s th o s e o f o th e r e x te n d e d fa m ilie s to fo r m a d e c is io n m a k in g c o u n c il T h is o r g a n iz a tio n a l p r in c ip le r e s u lts in c o n s id e r a b le f le x ib ility in u n it fo r m a tio n . In d iv id u a l fa m ily u n its m a y b e c o m b in e d in to s e q u e n tia l h ie r a r c h ie s , e a c h o f w h ic h m a in ta in s r e la tiv e ly s m a ll g r o u p s iz e s f o r d e c is io n m a k in g p u r p o s e s , a lth o u g h th e s e r e la tiv e ly s m a ll g r o u p s m a y r e p r e s e n t a v e r y la r g e n u m b e r o f p e o p le . I t w a s t h is p a tte r n e d s e q u e n c e o f e v e r s m a lle r n e s te d u n its e a c h r e q u ir in g c o n s e n s u a l d e c is io n m a k in g a t e a c h s te p o f th e n e s te d c h a in th a t le d Jo h n s o n t o fo c u s o n th e o r g a n iz a tio n a l u n it p e r s e , r a th e r t h a n th e n u m b e r o f p e r s o n s in e a c h u n it, a s a m e a s u r e o f s o c ie ta l s c a le . J o h n s o n w a r r a n te d th e id e a o f s e q u e n tia lly n e s te d d e c i* s io n m a k in g b y r e fe r r in g to o b s e r v a tio n s m a d e b y n o n a n th r o p o lo g ic a l r e s e a r c h e r s a n d s u m m a r iz in g th e r e s u lts o f m u ltip le in v e s tig a tio n s s p e c ific a lly d e s ig n e d t o r e v e a l th e e ffe c ts o f g r o u p s iz e o n t h e p e r f o r m a n c e o f d e c is io n m a k in g ta s k s ( Jo h n s o n 1 9 8 2 :3 9 5 ). T h e s e s tu d ie s re v e a le d th a t a lim ite d n u m b e r o f p e r s o n s in th is c a s e s ix -c o u ld p a r t ic i p a te in c o n s e n s u a lly b a s e d d e c is io n m a k in g a n d , a t th e s a m e tim e , f e d s a tis fie d w ith th e r e s u lts o f th a t p r o c e s s . W h e n m o r e th a n s ix p e r s o n s w e r e in v o lv e d , c o n s e n s u s w a s d iff ic u lt t o a c h ie v e , a s th e g r a p h in fig u r e 9 .0 1 illu s tr a te s . I d e m o n s tr a te d in th e c o u r s e o f b u ild in g m y tw o m in im a l is t m o d e l s , a k n o w l e d g e o f t h e e x is t e n c e o f a c o n s t a n t a s w e ll a s i t s v a l u e is b a s i c t o u n d e r s t a n d i n g w h a t t h e w o r l d is lik e a n d h o w it w o r k s . T h e r e f o r e , a c o n s t a n t fa c ilita te s e ffo r ts to d e v e lo p a n e x p la n a tio n o f o b s e r v e d v a r ia b ility in th e p h e n o m e n a b e in g s tu d ie d . F o r t h e m o m e n t , l e t u s a c c e p t J o h n s o n s a r g u m e n t t h a t h u m a n a c to r s h a v e a lim ite d a b ility t o p r o c e s s in fo r m a tio n a n d t h a t t h e in f o r m a t io n lo a d t o b e p r o c e s s e d is a fu n c tio n o f th e n u m b e r o f p a ir e d r e la tio n s h ip s w ith in a g r o u p o f d e lib e r a tin g p e r s o n s . I t is a ls o a s s u m e d t h a t c o n s e n s u a lly b a s e d d e c is io n s w ill b e m o r e lik e ly t o o c c u r i f e a c h p e r s o n in th e g r o u p s h a r e s in f o r m a t io n a n d o p in io n s w ith a ll o th e r p e r s o n s in th e g r o u p o n a o n e - to -o n e b a sis. U n d e r th e s e c o n d it io n s , t h e e q u a t i o n 1 t h a t y ie ld s t h e n u m b e r o f p a ir e d r e l a t i o n s h i p s t o b e c o n s i d e r e d b y a n y o n e p e r s o n is ( n 2 ")/ 2, w h e re
n e q u a ls
g r o u p s iz e (s e e J o h n s o n 1 9 8 2 :3 9 2 fo r a n
e x p a n d e d d is c u s s io n o f th is p o in t) . T h e in f o r m a t io n s u m m a r iz e d in fig u r e 9 .0 1 s u g g e s ts th a t t h e o p t im a l s iz e o f s u c h a d e lib e r a t in g b o d y is s ix p e r s o n s . A s s u m in g th a t, in a r e a l-w o r ld s itu a tio n , th e s ix p e rs o n s e m b o d y i n g J o h n s o n s c o n s t a n t a r e e n g a g e d t o g e t h e r i n t h e e x e c u tio n o f a s e r ie s o f ta s k s , o n e w o u ld s im p ly m u ltip ly th e n u m b e r 6 w h i c h i n m y e x a m p l e r e p r e s e n t s t w o w o r k p a r t ie s a v a ila b le o n a lt e r n a t e d a y s in a g r o u p w i t h a c o lla p s e d d iv i s io n o f la b o r b y th e d e p e n d e n c y r a tio o f 1 .7 5 p e r s o n s u se d in m o d e l b u ild in g . T h e v a lu e o f 1 0 .5 p e r s o n s w o u ld r e p r e s e n t t h e s iz e o f s u c h a g r o u p , a s s u m in g th a t d e p e n d e n ts w e re e lim in a te d fr o m th e d e c is io n m a k in g c o m p o n e n t o f th e g r o u p . T h is is a n in t e r e s t in g v a lu e w h e n it is r e c a lle d th a t th e s m a l le s t m o d e o f t h e b i m o d a l d i s t r i b u t i o n o f G R O U P 1 s iz e s ta b u la te d fo r te r r e s tr ia l p la n t-d e p e n d e n t h u n te r -g a th e r e r s w a s 9 .9 5 1 .5 8 p e r s o n s . T h e G r o u p S iz e M o d e l w h ic h w a s b a s e d o n a s s u m p tio n s a b o u t m o b ilit y m in im iz a t io n , t h e c h a r a c te r o f th e d iv is io n o f la b o r , a n d in d iv id u a l w o r k s c h e d u le s y ie ld e d a v a lu e o t 1 0 .2 3 p e r s o n s f o r a g r o u p w it h a c o l la p s e d d iv is io n o t la b o r . It is in t e r e s t in g t h a t, b y u s in g t h e m o d e l b u t s u b s titu tin g a m a x im iz in g a s s u m p tio n a b o u t d e c is io n m a k in g c a p a b th -
Group Size
tie s in p la c e o f t h e a s s u m p t i o n a b o u t m o b i l i t y c o s t m i n i m iz a tio n , th e s a m e g r o u p s iz e v a lu e r e s u lts . B o t h f o r m s o f t h e m o d e l fit v e r y w e ll w ith t h e e m p ir ic a l d a ta o n p la n t d e p e n d e n t p e o p le s . I f t h e o p t im a l s iz e o f a d e c i s i o n m a k in g g r o u p is d o u b le d to in c lu d e s ix a d u lt w o m e n a n d s ix a d u lt m e n r e p r e s e n t in g t h e la b o r f o r c e r e q u ir e d in o r d e r f o r o n e - h a l f o f t h e p r o d u c e rs to b e a v a ila b le f o r w o r k e v e r y o t h e r d a y it m u s t a ls o b e a s su m e d th a t m a le s m a k e th e d e c is io n s a ff e c tin g m a le la b o r a n d fe m a le s a r e r e s p o n s ib le f o r d e c is io n s a ff e c t in g fe m a le la b o r . T h e e s t i m a t e d s i z e o f s u c h a g r o u p i s 21 p e r s o n s ( 1 2 * 1 . 7 5 o r th e a s s u m e d d e p e n d e n c y r a t i o ) , w h ile t h e m e a n g r o u p s iz e o b s e r v e d in th e e th n o g r a p h ic d a ta s e t w a s 1 7 .4 9 a n d th e m o b ility -m in im iz in g m o d e l a n tic ip a te d 2 0 .4 7 p e r s o n s . T h is t s a n o t h e r i n s t a n c e i n w h i c h u s e o f J o h n s o n s c o n s t a n t r e s u lts in p r o v o c a tiv e m o d e lin g a n d p r o d u c e s r e s u lt s t h a t a r e
J o h n s o n s
arg um en t
I n lig h t o f t h e e x c e lle n t r e s u lts p r o d u c e d b y t h e G r o u p S iz e M o d e l w h e n it in c lu d e s a n a s s u m p tio n th a t g r o u p s iz e r e fle c ts e ffo r ts to m a x im iz e d e c is io n m a k in g r a th e r th a n t o m in im iz e m o b i l i t y c o s t s , i t b e c o m e s n e c e s s a r y t o r e e x a m i n e J o h n s o n 's a r g u m e n t ( 1 9 8 2 : 3 9 1 - 9 2 ) t h a t p o p u la t io n is n o t n e c e s s a r ily t h e b e s t m e a s u r e o f s c a le . T h i s s t a t e m e n t im p l ie s t h a t b y o r g a n iz in g d e c is io n m a k in g a c tiv itie s in to u n its m a d e u p o f n o m o r e th a n s ix p e r s o n s , it w o u ld b e p o s s ib le to in t e g r a t e g r o u p s w ith v e ry d iffe r e n t to ta l p o p u la tio n s a t s im ila r
1 2
4 5
10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22
Punan Batek Kubu Shompen Onge Jarwa Ayta (Pinatubo) Andaman Semang Vedda Hill Pandaran Agta (Casiguran) Agta (Isabela) Agta (Kagayan) Chenchu Mrabri Paliyans Birhor Kadar Cholanaickan Nayaka Ainu Orogens Ket Gilyak Yukaghir Nganasan
S ib e r ia n E s k im o
2 5
3 1 1
4.93 11.46 10.16 0.88 0.81 8.33 10.49 1.19 6.86 7.35 6.93 5.11 7.27 12.06 6.61 7.55 15.81 3.48 5.71 19.17 6.59 9.51 6.6 8.65 7.01 3.09 3.5
1 1 5 5
1 5 9 6
1 3 3 4 4 3 3 4
2 2 2
3 6 4 3 3 4
7.98448 4.2059 3.7508 6.61206 7.16103 3.81822 3.95306 8.76872 5.07109 5.4076 5.13707 6.21994 6.01463 4.03734 9.94507 3.64967 4.00363 8.31778 6.12191 4.39131 8.0433 7.11653 8.57266 9.09599 6.78662 7.78842 8.96478
4 4
2 A 4
X j"
2 2 1
2 2
5 5
3 3 3 3
0 j
5 L A 4 J 4
1 1 1 1 2 J JC 1
3 3 3 3 c D 1 6 6 2 2 6 7 4 2 2 4 2 2 2
5 2
2 c !>
1 1 3 J2 1 1
4 4 4 1 4 5 3 5 6 1 1 6 3 4 3 4 4 1 1
4 3 4 3
23 24 25 26 27 28 35 36 37 38 39
40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 60 61
3 3 2 2
1 4 4 3 3
3 1 3 3 1 1 3 1 2 1 2 2 1 1
5 5 4 3 5 4 2 6 4 6 4 7 6 3
S h ir ia n a A k u riy o Pum e G u a h ib o N ukak B o ro ro G u a to S ir io n o Y uqui N a m b ik w a r a C a lu s a G u a y a k i (A c h e ) B o to c u d o H e ta A w e ik o m o T e h u e lc h e C hono A la c a lu f O na Y aghan A ka B ayaka B a m b o te Baka fie
5 4 3 4 5 3 5 2
5 4 1 5 4 2 2 3
4 5 1 4 1 3
1 5
4 4 4
2 2 1 3 1 3
2 4
6 6 8
5 3 5
6 5
7 4 5 4 5 1 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3
1 5 3 3 4
2 6
6 .3 2 7 .6 5
3 2
1 1 1
6 5
1 4
6.91858 7.11653 6.25876 10.94348 3.85193 15.82685 3.95306 6.25876 14.25838 4.23961 6.45671 7.98448 S. 10626
3 3 1
1 1 1 1
5 .4 9 0 .9 3 0 .7 3 0 .6 5 0 .7 9
1 6 6 6 5 6
1 1
3 3
1 0 .9 2 5 3 7
6 .8081*
5 5 5
3 .4 3 1 2 .0 8 1 0 .6 4 1 8 .9 9 9 .1 4
1 0 .1 2
V 83508
3 3 3
6 4
\73394 l W6l
3 ,:$ 4 5 1
POLPOS 3 3 3 3 1 1 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3
CLASS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1
PEROGAT 2 1 1 1 * 1 * 1 * 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 1 1 2 2 5
MONEY 1 1 1 1 * 1 l
OCCSPE 1 1 1 1 i 1 l 1, A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 * 1 1 1
A 2i 4
2 2
5.33 3.27
8.56 7.52
'X D
2 2 2 2 2 2 2
1 1 1 4I 4 * 5 3 1 1 4 5 3 5 5 5 3 5 2 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 3 5 3 3 5 5 3 4 5 3 4 4 1 1 1 4 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
3.82 3.95
5.07 5.41 5.14 4.48 6.01 4.04 8.42 3.65 4 6.7 4.37 4.39 6.41 7.12 6.97 9.1 6.79 6.14 7.39
1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 4 2 1
3.171 4.852 3.222 4.232 9.212 1.921 2.84 3.83 3.28 3.17 4.8
1 1 4 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 I 1 i 1 l | I 1 t * l
5.54 3.01
21.69 13.48
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 2 5
1 2 1 3
2 2 2 2 4 2 3
1 1 1 1
1 2 1 2 4
5 3.97
2.11 1
2 2 2 2
1 1 1 1 I 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l 1 1 1 i
2.79 9.46 5.1 3.84 3.73 4.24 3.76 3.78 5,63 5.08 4.05 3.64 11.25 7.73 12.32 7.22
1 2 1 2 2
1 1 1 1 1
t I
NAME ______ ___________ _
2 3 .2 1
4 .9 * 1 2 5
4 3 0 .8 1 0 .9 9 0 .7 4 1 1 .5 7 9 .0 7 1 9 .6 9 .6 8 5 .8 4 7 .9 1 4 .5 8 0 .7 7 1 4 .4 4 .6 7 5 4 7
6 1
2 4
2 4 4
5 5 5 5
1 1 1 3 1 3 1 3
3 3
1 2 1
5 5 4 3
3 .9 3 6 2 1 6 .1 9 2 7 8 3 .7 5 0 8 3 .6 3 7 8 7 6 .0 6 3 1 5 .5 3 2 % 6 .1 8 0 7 3 4 .1 3 8 4 8 6 .2 1 9 9 4
5 2 5 2
1 6 1
2 6 2
4 4
/X am K a u ra re g L a r ik ia G u n w ig g u ^ 4 4 4
4 4 4 2
5 11a . 1 ,7 U *6 . 11 4 4 5 .7 2 5
2 2 2
A n b a rra G i d jin g a li M u r n g in J e id ji W ik m u n k u n K akadu N unggubuyu Y in t jin g g a Y ir -y o r o n t T iw i K u k u ( Y a la n ji ) G r o o te E y la n d t W a lm b a r ia M u llu k W o ro ra Lungga L ar
5 "2
1 1
3 3
0 .. 6o 1i u 0 .c9 n1 n
0 .8 6
3 i
5 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 3 3 4 4 4 3 4 5
3 .9 6 9 9 2 8 .7 6 8 7 2 8 .7 6 8 7 2
4 4 4 4 4
4 5 1
0 .8 8 4 4
8 .1 3
3 .7 3 3 9 4
5 .2 6 9 0 4 3 .8 1 8 2 2
4 4
5 5
1 1
6 4
0 .7 8
6 .8 8
9 .4 3
4 5
2 3
4 4 5 1 0 .5 5 1 2 .9 7
3 .9 8 6 7 8
4 4 4 4
5 4 3 5
0 .8 6
1 0 .8 8
2 1
3 .9 3 6 2 1 7 .0 0 4 1 8
6 .2 2
3 3 0 .7 9 6 .0 7 4 .8 5
4 4
0 .6 5
Pintubi Undambi
Jin ib a rr a
6 . 2 1 '9 9 4
6 3 3 3 1
117 118 119
12 0 121 1 22
4 4 4 4 4 4
2 2 2
A ly a w a ra N g a t a t ja r a B a d ja la n g P itja n d ja r a D ie r i S o u th e rn A re n d a
3 3 3
0 .7 5 0 .7 2 0 .8 3
5 .9 3 5 .5 8 4
21 11
7, 9 8 4 4 $ 7 .0 0 4 1 8
6 .6 1 2 0 6
2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1
1 4 3 3 4 5 2 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 4 1 5 5 5 5 5 3 3 3 3 5 5 3 3 3 3 5 4 5 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 4 5 5 3 3 4 4 4 3 3
3 3
1 1
2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 3 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 2 1 2 1
1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1
7.11 6.29
t a b l e
9 . 0 1 (continued)
N O . 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180
N AM E Jankundjara Northern Arenda Ualarai Nakako Ooldea Barkindji Kaurna Wongaibon Jaraide Mineng Tjapwurong Bunurong Kurnai Tasmanians (southern) Tasmanians (northwestern) Seri Cahuilla Cupeno Kiliwa Diegueno Lake Yokuts Serrano Luiseno Wukchumi Tubatulabal Nomlaki Yokuts (northern) Patwin Gabrieleno Monachi Eastern Porno Porno Clear Lake Wintu Chumash Chimariko Nisenan Salinan Southern Porno Sinkyone Lassik Coast Miwok Mattole Lake Miwok Yuki Proper Wappo Nothern Porno Northern Yana Sierra Miwok Tekelma Coast Yuki Tolowa 4 4 4 4 4 4
4 4 4 6 4 4 4 4 5
4 c J c D
5 1 1
0.89 0.84
7.51 35 8.8
4 7 4
2 3 2
5 10 5 5 4 4 5 7
8 6 4 7 6 8 4 2 6 4 6 4 9 5 13
2 2
3 3 5 4 5 5
2 1 4 4 5 4
1 1 2 2 3 2
5 4 5 6 6 6 4 5 6 6 6 7 5 6 6 6 7 4 6 6 6 6 6 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 6 5 6 6 6
4 3 4 4
5 2 2 5 2 3 5 4 5
1 3 3 1 3 4 1 5 1
6 1 3 6 2 4 5
3 1 1 3 1 2 3 3 3
2 2
3 3
5 .2 3
9 3 3
6*61206 7.20024
2 4 5 5 2 4 2 5
3 5 1 1 3 5 3 1
1 .6 6 1 .8 6
4 .4 5 1 1 .3 6 3 3 .7 8
8 .8 6 6 12
1 8
9 .4 2 5
4 7 4 3 4 3
2 1
5 5 8 5 8
6 .12*8 11.9056?
* ,4 9 1 5 # 1 1 .5 1 - 1I > *15
6 17.66
y 1
OWNE 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2
4.31 4.69
1 1
1 1 2 3 1 3
1 2
4.46 1.23
31.19 7.42
1.95 5 1.46
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 4 3 3 4 4 4 3 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 3 4 3 4
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2
4 3 3 4 1 3 5 3 5 3 4 5
1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 2
2 2
3 3 3 1 1 1 3 2 1 3 3
3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
3 3
3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2
1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2
1.43 2.49
1 1
3 3 3
1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 3 2 3
1 2 2 5 5
1 3
2.52 31.58 5
3 1 2 2 2 3 1
2 2 2 2 2
4,89 5.51
3 4 5 2 4 4 4 5 1 4 4 4 1
5 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 0 Am
2 3 2 5 3 6
2 3 2 2
3 2 3 3 4 3 3
3 4 4 6 4 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 5 4 i 6 6 5
% l 1 3
3 3 > 2 2 2 3
1 3 3
2 i 1 1 1
1 1 2 2 2 2
3 3
2 1 1 1 1 1 2
1 2 I 2 1 IR
4 4 4 4 3 1 1 1
3 2
i 2
4 4
2 1
2 3 % % % 4*. 3 3
I 3 3
i 3 5 5
I t t t f f f l t J w irf
t a b l e
9 . 0 1 (continued)
181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199
200 201 202
C o a s ta l T u tu tn i K A W M a ro k tsu g e w i iy o t o u n ta in M a id u
6 6 6
2 2
4 3 .5 9 6 .6 7 6 .0 3 9 .2 3 .1 3
1 1
1 1 1 1
3 4 4 5 3 7 4 5
7 .9 8 4 4 8 8 .5 7 2 6 6 9 .9 4 5 0 7 1 0 .9 2 5 3 7 9 .2 2 7 9 5 8 .1 8 0 5 4
6 6 6 6 6
Y u ro k A chom aw i M odoc K la m a th G u a ic u r a C h ic h im e c D e a th V a lle y K a ra n k a w a C o a h u ile n o s P a n a m in t Y avapai K o so M o u n ta in W a la p a i K a w a iis u S a lin e V a lle y A n ta r ia n u n ts E a ste rn M o n o K a w ic h M o u n ta in K a ib a b M on o Lake D e e p S p rin g s S a lm o n E a te r K u y u id o k a d o U te -tim p a n o g a s C a tta il E a te r F is h L a k e H on ey Lake H u k u n d ik a G o s iu te S p r in g V a lle y W h ite K n ife R a ilr o a d V a lle y R e e s e R iv e r N o rth F o rk M o n o G ro u se C re ek S o u th e rn U te B ear C reek A n te lo p e V a lle y W asho K id u to k a d o W in d R iv e r S h o sh o n i W a d a d ik a Bohogue U in ta h U te W adadokado A g a id u k a L ittle S m o k e y U n c o m p a h g re U te L ip a n A p a c h e
T 3
4 3
3 3 4
2 1
4 4 4 5 4 4
2 2
3 2 .0 3
5 .7 1 1 4 .8 6 0 .7 2 5 .6 1 3 2 .4 2 1 .5 9 4 .9 6 4 .6 8
6 .5 1 4 0 3 3 .9 1 9 3 5 6 .5 1 4 0 3 5 .0 3 1 8 2 7 .5 5 3 1 5 8 .1 8 0 5 4
6 1
2 8 6
2 2
1 1
1 1
3 3
3 4 3 3
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
2 2 2
1 .3 4
1 3 .0 6 5 .1 8 6 .5 4 5
1 2 1
1 1 1 2
6 2 2
430703 6 .2 5 9 1 6 7 .0 0 4 1 8 6 .6 1 2 0 6 5 .4 0 1 4 .0 7 1 0 5 4 .0 0 3 6 3
3 3 3
1 1
3 3 4
5 5 5
1 .4 7 1 .2 9
7 .0 8 1 1 .3 6 1 0 .3 6
4 5 5
3 3
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
3 3 3 3
1 .2 5
6 .1 6 5 .5 4 5 .3
3 3 4 3
7 .3 9 6 3 6 .8 0 8 1 2 6 .8 0 8 1 2 6 .6 1 2 0 6 5 .2 6 9 0 4 5 .0 7 1 0 9 3 .8 6 8 7 9 5 .5 9 8 9 5 6 .0 2 3 8 8 5 .0 7 1 0 9
2 2
1 1
1 1
0 .8 2
5 5 5 5
5 .5 8 7 .6 4 6 .7 9 9 .1 1 7 .4 4 .6 8 7 .2 5
4 4 5 4
4 3
1 1 1
0 .8 7 0 .9 5
4 4 4
223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 240
4 4 4 5 4 5
1 1
0 .9 8
5 4 4
1 1
2 .5 2 0 .7 9
5 .5 8
4 5
7 .5 5 15
6 .1 2 6 8 4 .4 ^
1 1
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
4 1 4 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1
4 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 1 1
2 3 1
2 2 4 1
3 5
2 2 3 2 3 2 3 3 3 1 1 1
7 JL
3 2 2
1 1 1
3 5 3 5 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 3 1 1 1
5 1
7 m a t
9. 23 6. 55 2 2 2 2 4. 79 1.9 1 3 3. 92 4.79 5. 03 1.98 7.88 1.25 1.87 1.34 4.02 3.26 1.87 1 2 3 2 5 . 89 6 . 55 2 3 2 2 4.31 3.54 17.44 2.65 3 1 4 . 52 5.31 4 .8 9 5.4 4 .0 7 4 5. 72 5.1 5.1 4.89 5.27 5 . 07 3. 87 5.6 4 . 27 5.07 3.65 2.28 4.6 3 7.71 3.43 10.4 14.66 2.33 2.47 2.51 1 2 2 2 2 3 4.05 2.4 2 2 1 2 1 2.43 2.77 2.63 2 1 2 2 5.88 8.68 3.84 2 2 3 1 2.86 4.58 2.93 2.25 1 2 2 3 2 3 9.05 5.23 2.08 14.05 2.08 2.63 2.03 3.38 6. 13 2.85 3 2 2 1 1 3
7 m
1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
4 2 2
1 1 1
3 1 1 4 4 4 5 4 4 1 1 1 2 4 4 4 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 5 5 4 1 1 1 5 1 1
j 4m
1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1
1 1 1
1 1
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 & 1 1 1 1 > y
i 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1
1 2 1 1 1 2 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I
2 4 m
1 e )* m 1
1 1 1 1 1
t a b l e
G 2M H SE T 3
241 242 243 244 245 246 248 249 250 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 315 316 317 318 319
C om an ch e C h iric a h u a A p a c h e K io w a A p a c h e K io w a C heyenne A rap ah o C ro w T e to n S io u x K u te n a i B an n ock G ro s -V e n tre B ungi P e ig a n B la c k fo o t A s s in ib o in e P la in s C r e e B lo o d S a rsi S q u a m is h A lse a P u y a llu p Tw ana C h e h a lis C e n tra l N o o tk a C h in o o k C oos L illo o e t L um m i Q u in a u lt S ta lo C o w ic h a n T illa m o o k C om ox B e lla -B e lla Q u ile u te K la lla m M akah H a is la K w a k iu tl T s im s h im H a id a B e lla -C o o la T lin g it G itk s a n K o n a ig Eyak K u skow agm u t C hu gach A le u t N u n iv a k Y e n in o U m a tilla W e n a tc h i Y a k im a W is h r a m
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 6 6 6 6 2 2 2 2
5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 4
4 2 .8 3 4 0 .0 8 1 .0 4 3 4 .6 8 4 4 .1 6 3 7 .5 3 2 .3 4 2 8 .3 3 2 3 .2 7 3 1 .5 9 4 3 .7 4
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
11 8
7 .7 6 2 4 2 8 .5 0 4 0 6 7 .8 6 3 5 5 8 .7 0 6 3 3 8 .7 9 0 6 7 .9 9 8 3 9 6 .0 9 3 7 2 6 .3 9 7 1 2 7 .5 0 9 5 8 9 .0 6 0 2 9 5 .9 0 8 3 1 4 .4 9 2 4 4 7 .4 4 2 1 6 5 .5 8 8 0 5
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
12 12
6 6 6 6
11 12 12 11 8
10 10 11
6 6
11 12
6 6
9 7
1 7 .5 2 3 1 .2 5 1 8 .5 4
5 5
3 3 3 3 4 4
4 .8 3 4 .2 3
3 3 3
9 7
8 10 6 6
3 0 .5 3 1 3 1 2 3 .6 6 9 2 3 4 0 .3 3 4 2 7 1 2 .2 9 7 7 8 8 .7 6 6 0 8 1 2 .3 9 5 0 9 9 .1 6 0 8 3 9 .3 5 6 8 9 1 4 .8 4 6 5 6
1 1
6 6
9 .0 1
4 .8 8
2 .6
2 2
7 7
6 6 6 6
3 3
8 .9 5 8 .7 5 4 1 .9 5
4 4
2 1
7 9 4 4 4
6 11 10
3 3 4 .6 4
7 7
6 2
3 4 4 4 5 4 4 5 4 3 4 3 3 3 2 .5 7 3 .1 5 4 .6 5
4 .6 7 1 1 .0 9 1 1 .2 6 1 5 .9 1 4 0 .3 9 3 7 .2 3 1 0 .3 7 2 0 .0 4 9 .5 3 3 .4 8 7 .9 1 4 .5 4 3 .1 3 5 .1
3 4 4 4
1 2 2
8 10
2 4 .0 6 1 3 5 1 4 .1 1 0 6 2 1 3 .9 7 8 6 5 3 0 .8 7 0 0 3 9 .7 8 5 0 8 1 2 .9 5 3 9 2 1 6 .1 5 6 0 6 6 .2 4 5 4 2 1 3 .8 4 6 6 9 1 3 .2 7 8 0 8 1 0 .2 8 3 6 6 1 2 .5 9 1 8 7 1 2 ,8 8 5 9 6 1 2 .8 0 7 5 4
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
6 6
3 3 3 4 3 3 4 3
9 13 13 13 13
6 10
3 3
5 4 5 4
1 2 1 1 1
10 9 6
2 2 2
2 2 2
6 6
7 7
6 6 6 6 6 6
u 5
3 10
6 .6 8 3 6 6
2 0 .5
3 3
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2
2 1 l 1 2 1
3 3
4 3 3 4 3
2 2 2 2 1
7.17 4.21
3 3 3
3 3 3 3 3 3
2 1 1 2 1
3 1 3 3 3 2 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 4 4 4 3 2 5 4 5 2 2 4 4 3 2 3 5 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 5 4 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 3 3 4 4 3 3 1 4 3 2 2 3 4 4 3 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 3 1 4 3 1 I 1 1 1
29 22.16 0.93 2 3
2 2
43.92 4 3 3 3 3 7.81 7.79 2 2
3 2 2 3 3 3 2
3 4 1.21 2 3 52.4 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 3 3 10.96 1.39 3 3 3 4 13.09 4
2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 2
1 1 1 2 4 4 2 2 4 2 2 3 3 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2
1 2 2 2 2 2 2
3 3 3
3 3 3 3 3 3
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
4 4 4 4 4 4 4
2 2
1 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 2
4 4 4 4 4 3 4 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 4 3 4 3 3 3 3 3
2 2
2 5 2
1 1 2 1 1 I 1 1 3 4*
3 3 3 3
1 2 I
2 .5
t a b l e
9 . 0 1 (continued)
320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 369 370 371
Coeur dAlene Sinkaietk Okanagon Sanpoil Nez Perce Thompson Kaiispel Kitchibaun Katikitegon Micmac Flathead Rainy River Ojibwa North Saulteaux Shuswap Pekangekum Round Lake Ojibwa Alkatcho Ojibwa Nipigon Mistassini Cree Northern Ojibwa (Albany) Waswanipi Cree Ojibwa-weagamon Montagnais Sekani Beaver Slave Kaska Tahltan Chilcotin Carrier Mountain Han Hare Attawapiskat Cree Koyukon Chippewyan Kutchin Ingalik Satudene-Bear Lake Nabesna Rupert House Cree Dogrib Tanaina Tutchone Holikachuk Naskapi Norton Sound Kobuk Eskimo Kotzebue Sound Labrador Eskimo Great Whale Caribou Eskimo Noatak Eskimo Nunamiut Eskimo
5 3 3 3 5 3
5 .7 1
8 .3 8 3 .9 7 4 .5 5 .0 2 1 0 .3 6 3 .5 7 14 3 .4 7
6 .0 2
3 2 3
2 1 1 1 2
7 5 9 8 7
6 6 6
5 4
2 2
7 3 7
6 6
5 5
3 3 4 3 4
1 .3 2 1 .9 5
5 1 3
3 1 1 2 1 1 3 2 1
6 .9 5 5 .3 6 6 .7 1 9 .8
8 .1
2 3 5
3 3
6 5 7
7 6
3 3 3 3 5
4 3 1 .9 4
6 .1 4
5 3 2 .2 7 6 .3 3
1 4 4 4 6 7 7 4 6 4 4 4 4 6 5
4 5 7 .5 6
2 1
4 .1 5
6 6
3 5 3 4 5 3 3 3
1 1 .8
1 .4 4 3 .2 1 1 .9 9
5 .4 9 9 .1 7 2 .4 9 8 .3 3
7 7 3
2 2
3 4
2 2 2
4 4
3 1 2
4 .3 5 .0 3 4 .8 8 15 3 .7 9 3 .6 9 1 .7 3 1 .6 1
1 1 1 3
4 7 6 6 4 6
2 2 2 2 2 1
6 6
3 3 3 3 3
3 2
1 1
6 6
5 3 5
4 .4 4 .7 4 .1 4 5 1 .5 4 6 .9 1 5 .6 3 4 3 .3 5
4 1 .6 5 2 .5
1 .6
2 2 2
5 3 3 3
1 1
1 1
3 3
G 1M H S
po lpo s class
7 .1 2 1 7 .3 6
5 .8 7 5 .4 6
1 6 .7 6
2 .9 3 0 .9 6
1 0 .5
2 2
3 3 3 2 3 3 3
1 1 1 1 1
2 3 .6
6 .0 8 4 .2 9 2 0 .7 2 7 .1 4 3 .0 4 2 .1 4
2 1 2
1 3 .6 2 4 .5 1 5 .3 1 1 5 .2 8 6 .9 2 9 .4 6
2 2
1 1 1 1
1 1 1
2 3 2 3 3 3 3 2
1 1 1 2 2 1 1
2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 3 3 3
2 .7 5
4 .5 9
2 .0 8 1 .9 8
1 3 .5 7
2 .5 6 1 .7 9
2 2
2 2
1 1
4 3
2 1 2
5 5
4 4
2 3 2
1 1 .5 4 4 .0 7 8 .7 7
1 .3 7 1 .9
2 2
3 2 2
3 3
1 1
3 3
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 .4 9
2 2
5 5
19.86 3.33 5.17 5.73 4.66
2 2 2 2 2
3 3 3
1 1 1 1
2 2 2
1 1 1 1
1 .3 8
3 2 3
3 3
2 2 2 1 2
2 2 2
2 2
2 .7 4
8.01 8.11
8.3 16.12 6.14
3.82 2.34
8.76 10.72
4.24 14.24
5.11 13.83
18.02 16.22
6.35 10.3 5.8 8,42 6.35 5.33
8 .11
6 .1 4 9.28
2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 2
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
2 2
2 2 1 1
1 1 1 1 1
3 4
1 1 9
* >
1 1
2 2
9 jf t *
i 9 m
9 Jw
2 t m
9 4*
9.01 (continued)
G 1M H 8ET2
G 2M H SE T 3
378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388
Mackenzie Eskimo Sivokamiut Point Hope Eskimo Copper Eskimo Utkuhikhalingmiut Aivilingmiut Iglulik West Greenland Baffin Island Netsilik Eskimo Angmaksalik Tareumiut Polar Eskimo
6 6
4 4 5
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
2 2
4 5
3 5 5 I 3 3 5 3 5
1 2 1
5 5 5
3 3 3
1 1
8 10 8
4 5
15.23 1.29 54.02 6.03
1 1 2 1 2
3 4 3
7 4
10.92537 5.2678 6.24542 4.99811 8.96478 7.20024 7.11653 8.27857 7.77635 4.661 8.16093 8.43664 8.96478
organizational scales. This is particularly true if there is some leeway in the demand that the optimal number of persons occur in each and every unit. Johnson illustrated his thesis using information about sea sonal variability in social groupings among the Ju/hoans, or !Kung speakers, of the Dobe area in Botswana. He noted that during the rainy season groups were composed of seg mented nuclear families (comparable to GROUP 1 units), whereas in dry-season camps the basal segments of organi zation were extended families composed of several nuclear families. By shifting the basic decision making unit in the large camps to extended families, larger populations could be organized and, at the same time, the size of decision making units (made up of representatives of the extended families) could be maintained at six persons. In this example, a reorganization occurs within a system of basal units involving what I would refer to as GROUP1 and GROUP2 units. Organizational dynamics of this kind are not unprecedented (see my arguments about internal organiza tional shifting in Binford 1972; 1983; Binford and Binford 1966) and have been reported by Gearing (1962) and Mauss and Beuchat (1979). Another of Johnsons observations implicates betweensystem or system state variability itself. In proposition 9.01, Johnson states that if scale indicators are compared with group size population values, local variation accounts for many of the differences among small-scale systems. Support for this proposition comes from the GROUP 1 data set, in which group size varies considerably between peoples exploiting dif ferent resources and living in environments with different pro ductivity levels (generalization 8.01). GROUP1 size is also responsive to levels of political development and scales of res idential mobility (generalizations 8.02 and 8.04). Much of this variability can be related to shifts in labor organization re
fleeted in the division of labor and the contribution of each gender to subsistence and to differences in the level of polyg yny. Presumably this is what Johnson has in mind when he speaks of local variation. Macroscale differences in population levels may also be important indicators of organizational and system state dif ferences. This is particularly true if populational values are distributed multimodally or are arrayed in a punctuated pattern of change with respect to social groupings of differ ent sizes that appear to be temporally clustered. Thus far in my analysis, however, I have not been able to see variability at this larger scale. Perhaps the fact that, up to this point, dif ferences in population values have appeared to result from local variabilityin Johnsons terms should prompt an expansion of the purview and scale of my inquiry. At the time that I began to read extensively in the ethno graphic literature and to develop a list of attribute codes for recording relevant data, neither did I appreciate the orga nizational implications of the variability among huntergatherers nor had I developed the ideas that have been presented in this and previous chapters. I therefore did not attempt to identify basic organizational units," in John sons terms, nor did I really think much about sequential hier archies or nested segmental forms of organization. Largely for other reasons, I nevertheless made a number of obser vations that are germane to the issues that lohnson raises. 1 have already presented data on family size and mean house hold size (table 8.08); identified three types of on-the-ground groups, which have been labeled GROUP1, GROUP*, and GROUP3 (tables 5.01 and 8.01); and have estimated the total population of each ethnic group in the world sample (TLPOP values in table 5.01). I also coded a number of rel evant variables that have not yet been formally introduced in this book, although a few of these were identified when-
G 1M H S
1.09 2.81 3.83 5.26 4.68 4.26 6.56 3.35 3.14 5.88 52.8 30.7 9.09 8.52 19.67 6.52 18.32 22.73
3.25 2.16 2.26 2.84 1.97 1.71 3.94 0.59 2.45 1.98
7.12 6.66
7.78 4.66 8.44 7.39
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 1 1
1 1
2 1
1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 2 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 1 2 2
4 4 4
1 1 1 1 1 1
2 1 2 1 2 1
1 1 1 1 1
i I
1 1
1 1
1 1
ever they were used as coded markers on some of the graphs. Table 9.01 presents a suite of variables for each of the 339 ethnographic cases in the world sample. These include (1) the number of households per GROUP 1 and GROUP2 unit; (2) the number of families per household, GROUP 1 and GROUP2 unit, and other group unit ratios; (3) a set of coded properties referring to characteristics of leadership and the political organization of groups; (4) features of community structures and facilities; (5) whether ownership claims are asserted for particular locations of high productivity; and (6) whether there is economic role specialization beyond simple age and gender differences. Included in the community codes is a class that specifies the type of system state based on some of the criteria used in more thoughtful evolution ary classifications, such as ones by Fried (1967) and Johnson and Earle (1987). These data will be helpful in the exploration of ideas discussed in this chapter.
Using the information summarized in table 9.01, it is pos sible to evaluate Johnsons arguments about the probability that nested basic organizational units should fit within each other at proportions of six to one or less. In figure 9.02, graph A, the number of families included in each GROUPl unit (GlFAMSZ) is displayed, while in graph B the number of households in each GROUPl unit (G1MHS) appears. The pat terning in graph A demonstrates that
- Generalization 9.02 -----All of the cases with both GROUPl and family size data have six or fewer families in GROUP1 units except the Mbuti, Guayaki (Ache), Iglulik, and Kutchin.
A modified version of this pattern is visible in graph B, which plots data on the number of households in each GROUPl unit. Although there are data on both GROUPl size and mean household size for more cases than in the previ ous comparison of family size and GROUPl size, the vast majority of the cases have six or fewer household-size units in each GROUPl unit. The distribution is nevertheless very different from the pattern in graph A. First, cases representing the mounted hunters of the Great Plains of North America are clustered in a distribution that is completely distinct from the remainder of the huntergatherer cases (shaded). The only group of nonmounted hunters represented in the shaded area is the Kutchin, who constitute one of the very few North American cases in which the leadership hierarchy and sodalities are analogous to those of the plains hunters (Osgood 1936:128-30). This distinctive distribution describes a region of the graph that is centered on the Johnson constant but separated from all other hunter-gatherer cases by the clustered, uniquely large size of its GROUPl units. The exceptional cases analogous to the mounted hunter distribution that had more than six households per GROUPl unit include the Efe (group 64), Birhor (group 18), Bayaka (group 61), Aka (group 60), and Bambote (62). Without exception all of these groups are net-hunting mutualists of the tropics and subtropics. Two other cases, the Guayaki (Ache) (47) of Paraguay and the Shompen (4) of the Nkobar Islands, are also among the exceptional eases. Because the Shompen maintain separate structures for unmarried teenagers and other combinations of children and elders, mean household size is less than mean family size, so the family is the unit that is nested within GROUPl units. The Guayaki (Ache), however, are a different story. Because of disruptive events within the past few decades affecting their
FI GURE 9 . 0 2
A paired-graph comparison between the number of families included in each GROUP1 unit (A) and the number of house holds included in each GROUP1 unit (B). Both are expressed relative to the size of GROUP1 units. Graph A is coded with respect to political scale (PQLYSCAL): (1) local autonomy, senior male "guidance"; (2) local autonomy with performancebased leadership, leaders are acknowledged; (3) local autonomy with a formal council and a leader who assembles the coun cil and has other group duties; and (4) neighborhoods of GROUP2 units integrated into an overarching leadership and decision making organization. Graph B is coded with respect to system states (SYSTATES): (1) mounted hunters, (2) agriculturists, (3) mutualists, (4) egalitarian without leaders, (5) egalitarian With leaders, (6) ranked wealth, and (7) ranked elites.
subsistence base and societal organization, the most dis persed phase of the Guayaki (Ache) residential cycle occurs when they are on walkabout, moving their residential camp every day or so as they forage through the forest. Hill and Hawks (1983:175) have documented Guayaki (Ache) group size in terms of the number of male hunters, since their research interest was focused on Guayaki (Ache) hunting returns. When another colleague provided me with census information for nine Guayaki (Ache) groups (Kaplan pers. comm. 1990), it was immediately apparent that the depen dency ratio was relatively low for six of these groups. I will forgo a detailed discussion of this data, but I stress that most of these mobile groups do not appear to maintain reproductively viable units. In six of the nine cases, task groups were biased in favor of active males and there were fewchildren (only nursing infants were regularly present) and no elderly persons.2Ethnographers have considered these units to be equivalent to traditional ethnic groups, but I strongly doubt this supposition. A more judicious reading of the data supports the view that, under normal conditions, the Guayaki (Ache) did not disperse and aggregate during dif ferent phases of a subsistence settlement cycle. (See the con trasts between the recently observed band sizes and earlier data (Hill and Hawkes 1983:175}.) I suspect that Guayaki (Ache) GROUPl size is large because it really represents an approximation of a traditional GROUP2 unit.*
Another look at the overall distribution in figure 9.02, graph B, reveals that there is a concentration of cases between 0 and 4.0 on the x axis with a modal concentration around 2.25 households. The marker symbol documents that mean household sizes in the area of the graph to the left of a value of 1.0 on the xaxis represents few of the smallest household sizes. It is clear that, in most of these cases, GROUPl size is smaller than household size. This fact alone strongly suggests that households do not constitute the basic organizational seg ments of which GROUPl units are formed. On the other hand, the mounted hunters and the cases in the nonshaded area to the right side of a value of 6.0 on the xaxis could rep resent such units. The accuracy of this suspicion can be checked by partitioning the data into classes reflecting the number of families in a household scaled relative to mean household size. The marker symbols 3 and 4 in figure 9.03, graph A which is the same graph illustrated in graph A of figure 9.02now reflect an ordination of large mean household sues in which household size exceeds the size of the GROUPl units scattered across the full proportional array of numbers ot fam ilies per GROUPl unit. In contrast, graph B simply confirms earlier suspicions and reinforces the pattern in graph A. In the cases distributed to the right of the groups identified by a solid marker, household size and family size approximate one another. I believe that this pattern clearly indicates that
FI GURE 9 . 0 3
A paired-graph comparison between the number of families (A) and the number of households (B) in each GROUP1 unit. Both variables are expressed relative to the size of the GROUP1 unit. Both graphs are coded for the relationship between mean household size and the size of other social units (MHSPROP): (1) mean household size is less than family size; (2) mean household size is approximately equal to family size; (3) mean household size approximates GROUP1 size; and (4) mean household size exceeds GROUP1 size.
the family is the segmental form being nested to build GR0UP1 units, regardless of the sheltering strategy. This con clusion strongly supports Johnsons insightful analysis of the Dobe IKung data collected during their encampments in the rainy season. What Johnson did not know was that this is a widespread hunter-gatherer pattern. -------------------
The household appears to be a basic organizational entity for GROUP1 units only when it is larger than GROUP1 size, or when the household is identical in size to the family. In other words, among all hunter-gatherers, the family consti tutes the unit of organizational scale for GROUP1 units.
This generalization confirms Johnsons earlier observation of considerable variability in the actual size of units even when there is no variability in the form of the basal unit of which larger units are composed. It is also compatible with the generalizations about the variables conditioning size differ ences in GROUP1 units presented in chapter 8.
Since GROUP2 residential locations can be thought of as the social pool out of which GROUP 1 units and other task groups are formed, it is reasonable to suspect that GROUP2
units represent a segmentally organized form o f GROUP 1 units. This possibility is explored in the graphs in figure 9.04, which illustrate the relationship between GROUP2 size and the number of GROUP1 units that a GROUP2 unit could accommodate. Using the same cutoff criteria here as in figure 9.02, it could be argued that GROUP2 residential units consist of multiple GROUP 1 units. There is, however, an overall distribution similar to the pattern in figure 9.02, graph B, in which the majority of the cases are clustered around a value just greater than two GROUP 1 units per GROUP2 settlement. Although the maximum size of most GROUP2 residential units is less than six GROUP 1 units, unit size is not evenly distributed across the range of the Johnson constant (see figure 9.02, graph A, for contrast). This pattern leads me to suspect that GROUP 1 units are not, on average, the organizational building blocks of GROUP2 aggregations. I had earlier entertained the idea that households were per haps the basic organizational units of which social groups larger than GROUP 1 units were composed. In order to examine the relationship between mean household size and GROUP2 size, the number of GROUP 1 units included in GROUP2 units is illustrated in graph A of figure 9.04. In graph B, I plotted the number of households per GROUP2 unit on the x axis and the mean size of GROUP2 settlements on the y axis. In graph B, there is a distinct break in mean house hold size at a value just greater than the Johnson constant of six units, with a fairly normal distribution between one and six units that peaks at four and five units. This pattern is
FI GURE 9 . 0 4
A paired-graph comparison of the number of CROUP1 units and the number of households included in each GROUP2 unit, both plotted against the size of GROUP2 units. Both graphs are coded with respect to political scale (POLYSCAL): (1) local autonomy, senior male "guidance"; (2) local autonomy with performance-based leadership, leaders are acknowledged; (3) local autonomy with a formal council and a leader who assembles the council and has other group duties; and (4) neigh borhoods of GROUP2 units integrated into an overarching leadership and decision making organization.
repeated just prior to a value of twelve, suggesting single- and double-house basic units. The pattern is also similar to the relationship between fam ilies and GROUPl units that was illustrated in figure 9.02, graph A. Cases with large GROUP2 units are politically complex, and in such large GROUP2 units mean household size is large and represents more than 2.8 to 3.1 families. It therefore appears that some GROUP2 units may be composed of basic household units while others may not. At present, however, it is not known what factors are responsible for con ditioning households as basal organizational units. Given the uncertainty about the causal factors underly ing the organizational patterns visible in figure 9.04,1 decided to take a closer look at mean household size. I summarized the number of houses, using the variable SUBSP, for only those hunter-gatherer cases in the shaded zone of figure 9.04, graph B, in which the household appears to be the basal organizational unit of GROUP2 settlements. As table 9.02 demonstrates, statistically meaningful differences in the number of basal organizational units nested within GROUP2 units are related to the primary food resources that groups exploit. This pattern also demonstrates that type of food resource does not bias whether households do or do not function as the basal organizational unit. Another look at the relationship between mean household size and GROUP2 size seemedjustified, so I prepared the graph in figure 9.05. When 1first examined this distribution, it seemed to have three major components. One group of ca^es is desig
nated by sets of marker symbols numbered 5 ,6 , and 7 and represents a distribution in which there is substantial variabil ity in GROUP2 size but relatively little variability in mean household size. Set 4 is the central or transitional unit, in which there is variability in both GROUP2 size and mean household size. Sets 1through 3 are distinctive in that they exhibit little vari ability in GROUP2 size but impressive variability in mean household size, which is the mirror image of sets 5 through 7. The sets themselves were defined by grouping together those hunter-gatherer cases that were best aligned in an
TABLE 9 . 0 2 E S T I M A T E S OF A V E R A G E N U M B E R OF B A S A L U N I T S W I T H I N G R O U P 2 C A S E S , C L A S S I F I E D BY P R I M A R Y F O O D S O U R C E F OR C A S E S I N WH I C H H O U S E H O L D S A R E T H E B A S A L U NI T
9 . O5
Justification for the definition of subsets in mean household size when studied relative to GROUP2 sizes. Cases are coded for the subsets recognized in G2MHSET2: (1) MHS is in the extended family size range and GROUP2 size is fewer than fifty persons; (2) MHS is highly variable but large, while GROUP2 sizes are regularly fifty or fewer persons; (3) MHS varies positively with GROUP2 size, but at a very seep angle due to the large size of the communal structures and the rel atively small size of the GROUP2 units; (4) MHS varies lin early with GROUP2 size, with cases in the extended family range as well as the communal house range; (5) MHS is in the extended family range and group size is variable; (6) MHS is slightly larger than seven persons but GROUP2 size is much more variable; and (7) MHS is small and GROUP2 size is large and variable.
experimental series of scatter plots produced prior to figure 9.05.1 had hoped to note some similarities in the sets of cases produced by this classification, but initially I failed to sec any thing very obvious about the cases assigned to each of the sets. My next thought was that new and relevant patterns might be revealed if I changed scale and looked at the relationship between mean household size and GROUP2 size for these sets in tabular form. Table 9.03 therefore includes values for the correlation coefficient (R2) and the adjusted R2, the standard error, the value of f, the number of cases used in the calcu lation of the regressions, the value of a (the intercept), and the value of b (the slope of the line) for each regression. There is little doubt that all of the sets (figure 9.05), with the possible exception of number 2, exhibit substantial lin ear relationships between the size of the GROUP2 unit and mean household size.4 It is also clear that household size varies with GROUP2 size, but not in a consistent and uncomplicated way. The seven sets of hunter-gatherer cases and their asso ciated equations show that some other factor besides GROUP2 size must be strongly conditioning the interaction between GROUP2 size and mean household size. But at this point, all I know is that the dynamics underlying some as yet uniden tified set of initial conditions have partitioned the huntergatherer cases into seven sets, and that in sets 3 through 7 the interaction between mean household size and GROUP2 size is very strong. Another potentially informative perspective may result from looking at the seven sets of cases (G2MHSET2) in terms of the commonalities that might account for their being aggregated in one of the three clusters of sets originally identified in figure 9.04, graph B. When this is done, it becomes apparent that sets 1 through 4 each has a mix of com plex and noncomplex hunter-gatherer cases. Sets 5 , 6, and 7, on the other hand, seem to have relatively fewer cases that would be called socially complex, and sets 6 and 7 also include most of the mounted hunters of the Great Plains. To
R* R2
m 3 SET 4
*ET 7
42 35 24 53 34
6.406445 -1.666352 3.157613 3,386997 2.747215 2.133912
0.156824 0*223166 0,065982 0,023763 0,016218 0.013513
FIGURE 9 . 0 6
Displayed in the property space of GROUP2 size and mean household size is an investigation of the relationship between developed leadership (A) and "scalar differences" (B) as indicators of political complexity. Graph A is coded for the prerog atives of leadership (PEROGAT): (1) no special prerogatives; (2) no relief from subsistence and no special dress prerogatives, but messengers as regular assistants; (3) no relief from subsistence and only minor dress prerogatives, but both messengers and a talking chief or speaker for the leader; (4) some regular relief from subsistence, in-kind contributions to the leader from the "people," sometimes special labor for food production and manufactured goods contributed, messengers, a "speaker," and special roles for the leader's wife; and (5) complete relief from subsistence duties, more assistants, special roles associ ated with the leader, visible symbols associated with the office, perhaps a permanent "guard," perhaps special marriage rules, and very distinctive clothing. Graph B is coded for political scale (POLYSCAL): (1) local autonomy, senior male "guidance*; (2) local autonomy with performance-based leadership, leaders are acknowledged; (3) local autonomy with a formal coun cil and a leader who assembles the council and has other group duties; and (4) neighborhoods of GROUP2 units integrated into an overarching leadership and decision making organization.
follow up on the possibility that organizational complexity contributes to the differentiation of the hunter-gatherer sample into seven sets, the two graphs in figure 9.06 were pre pared. These display the same distribution as in figure 9.04, although now the cases are coded in terms of two variables that are indicative of political complexity, PEROGAT and POLYSCAL. A general overview of both graphs in figure 9.06 indicates immediately that a very different structure of dynamics is responsible for the patterns in both scatter plots. In graph A, the ordinal variable PEROGAT (the scale is explained in the figure caption) is used to encode the prerogatives of leader ship regardless of the types of leadership present in the group. Insofar as these prerogatives can be regarded as some measure of political development or investment, there appears to be little linear correlation with the size of GROUP2 resi dential units. On the other hand, there is an association of larger group size with a greater number of prerogatives afforded to leaders. Another way of expressing this relationship is that pre rogatives increase both with increases in GROUP2 size and with mean household size, but the type# of prerogatives are
ordered differently. This pattern suggests that the relation ship between the amount of social investment focused on per sons acknowledged as leaders and the size of GROUP2 units is not a simple one. In addition, the relationship between mean household size and GROUP2 residential units is not linked in any direct or simple manner with political complexity, at least in the terms that have been used here. It appears instead that
------------------ Generalization 9.04 --------Substantial social investment in persons acknowledged as lead ers can occur in systems with either very small or very large GROUP2 sizes. When leadership is present and GROUP2 size is small, mean household size is usually large. In at least some small-scale societies, politically differentiated leadership roles do not appear only in response to scalar differences.
It could be argued that there are sequential, curvilinear, inverse relationships between mean household size and the size of GROUP2 residential units among cases designated tt leadership developed. Within this group of cases, the larger
2 0
4 0
6 0
1 5
FI GURE 9 . 0 7
Investigation of mean household size as a possible "basic organizational unit," viewed as an overall distribution (A) and in finer detail (B). Cases are coded in both graphs for G2MHSET2: (1) MHS is in the extended family size range and GROUP2 size is fewer than fifty persons; (2) MHS is highly variable but large, while GROUP2 size is regularly fifty or fewer persons; (3) MHS varies positively with GROUP2 size but at a very steep angle, due to the large sizes of the communal structures and the relatively small size of the GROUP2 units; (4) MHS varies linearly with GROUP2 size, with both cases in the extended family range as well as communal house range; (5) MHS is in the extended family range and group size is variable; (6) MHS is slightly larger than seven persons but GROUP2 size is much more variable; and (7) MHS is small and GROUP2 size is large and variable.
communal houses are associated with smaller GROUP2 sizes. Perhaps another way of saying the same thing is that among some groups the basic organizational unit (sensu Johnson) is housed together in a single dwelling, while in other societies the members of such basic units do not occupy the same domicile. In addition to this difference, the char acter of leadership and associated prerogatives does not seem to be the same among cases with large GROUP2 sizes, as opposed to groups with large mean household sizes. Graphs A and B in figure 9.07 illustrate this point by plotting mean household size against the mean number of houses per GROUP2 settlement, using markers that repre sent the same classificatory sets presented in table 9.03. The first notable feature of the graphs in figure 9.07 emerges from a comparison of these graphs with patterned relation ships between mean household size and GROUP2 size in figure 9.05. The similarity originally noted between sets 1 through 3 (G2MHSET2) is now much more apparent, since, for all three sets (1 3), mean household size is negatively related to the number of houses in GROUP2 settlements. There also appear to be two modal peaks (1 3 and 4), sug gesting two basic units with different scales of communal liv ing, In contrast, for sets 5 through 7, mean household size is seemingly unrelated to the mean number of houses per GROUP2 settlement. This relationship is well illustrated by
the enlargement in figure 9.07, graph B, emphasizing the important distribution in the left-hand comer o f graph A. The figure 9.07 cases in which the household appears to be the basal unit have dark symbols, and some of these are identified as having the household as the GROUP2 unit. A distinct threshold occurs between 6.50 and 6.75 houses per GROUP2 settlement, marking the location where the over all distribution shifts from negative to positive. The distri bution of the remaining cases is flat, except for those in which the mean household size is eight or more persons. These cases appear to represent systems in which the basal social unit involved in decision making is composed of two households (see the threshold indicated at twelve houses per GROUP2 unit). The fact that there is a clear change in the use of com munal houses at the lohnson constant of six houses per GROUP2 unit strongly confirms the importance of the constant. I pointed out earlier that in my opinion set 4 (G2MHSET2) in figure 9,05 was intermediary between a cluster that included sets 1,2, and 3 and one including sets 5, 6, and 7 .1 noted that set 4 was likely to represent a mixture of two different ways of organizing basic units relative to households. In sets 2 and 3 in graph B of figure 9.07, a single household equals the GROUP2 unit in many cases, whereas three to six households make up the basic unit when cluster size is fewer than ten
97 53
When eight outliers are removed and the equation for set 1 is recalculated, the following equation is obtained:
When the equations for set la, set 2, and set 3 are used to obtain predicted values, and then the entire suite of values is run back against the observed values, the following equation is obtained:
persons. Among cases in set 4, eight to twelve households make up the basic organizational unit at the decision making level of societal organization. On the other hand, G2MHSET2 sets 5, 6, and 7 represent systems in which households do not con stitute segmentary units defining the basic organizational units of society. I would conclude from this patterning that
----------------- Generalization 9.05 ------ --------In some systems, households constitute the segmentary com ponents that define the basic organizational units of societies integrated at the GROUP2 level, whereas in other systems they do not Households do not appear to be the defining segments when GROUP2 units are housed in a single structure or when more than approximately six households make up the GROUP2 settlement.
When the distribution is examined from the preceding per spectivethat is, relative to the number of households per GROUP2 settlement one no longer sees the set of positive relationships that occurred when size of settlement and mean household size were compared in figure 9.05. This new perspective provides, instead, some indication of the dif ferences in the organizational role of households themselves. The number of houses per settlement does increase, but only a very small increase in mean household size occurs with increases in the number of houses as a function of GROUP2 size. Mean household size remains below ten persons, with fewer small household examples in large communities (figure 9.07, graph A). In light of the structure of the patterning in figures 9.06 and 9.07, it is clear that the seven sets of cases summarized
in table 9.03 are overly specific and that reality corresponds more closely to the patterning in figure 9.07. To reflect this different perception, a new variable, G2MHSET3, was devel oped, for which a code of 1 now includes former sets 1 through 3, a code of 2 now represents former set 4, and code 3 equals former sets 5 through 7. Regressions were cal culated for the relationship between mean household size and GROUP2 size using these new categories, and the results are summarized in table 9.04. A graphic representation in figure 9.08 of the combined values of the equations for sets 1 through 3 will facilitate a discussion of the relationships between observed and predicted values for mean household size. In the graph, the distribu tion of cases is relatively clustered, but there are eight obvi ous outliers (G2MHSET3 = 4): the Onge and Jarwa of the Andaman Islands, Semang of Malaysia, Calusa of South Florida, Chinook of Oregon, Quinault of Washington, Labrador Inuit, and East Greenland Eskimo of Angmaksalik. In all of these cases, without exception, the entire GROUP2 unit is essentially housed in a single structure, during either the rainy season or the coldest season, or when both sets of conditions occur simultaneously. This is obviously a very dif ferent sort of relationship between GROUP2 size and mean household size than commonly occurs in the majority ot the hunter-gatherer cases in the sample, but it does point to an important fact:
Generalization 9.06
Shelter is not necessarily partitioned isomorphically with a society's basic organizational or segmental units. In some cir cumstances, all or nearly all basic organizational units may be communally housed. Investments in housing, including
t h e
p l a y
t h e
t h i n g
Two demonstrations of observed versus expected values of m ean household size. Cases are coded for the size sets 1 -3 defined in table 9 .0 4 ; 4 designates excep tio n al cases.
the size of structures and expanded inclusiveness of those shel tered, may be directly responsive to the intensity of th e envi ronmental conditions that m ust b e sheltered against.
this huge and controversial literature and the provocative ideas it co n tain s. N everth eless, m an y w riters have argued th a t h ou sehold size is responsive to intensificatio n th ro u g h lab o r u n it exp an sio n (N ettin g 1 9 9 3 :3 0 1 -1 9 ; Sah lin s 1 9 5 6 ), w hich is som etim es reflected in increased h o u seh o ld size. It w ould
The graphs in figure 9 .0 8 nev ertheless illu strate th a t all other h u n ter-gath erer cases in th e sam ple e x h ib it a p atte rn o f in creasin g h o u se h o ld size as a fu n c tio n o f in c re a se d G RO U P2 setd em en t size. A lth o u g h it is tru e th a t th e re are at least th ree d iffe re n t w ays in w h ic h th is in te r a c tio n is expressed am on g h u n ter-gath erers corresp on d in g to equ a tions fo r sets l a , 2 , a n d 3 in ta b le 9 .0 4 a n d th e fa cto rs responsible fo r th ese d iffe re n ce s have n o t y et b e e n iso lated , all cases exh ib it in creases in m e a n h o u se h o ld size as th e ir G R O U P 2 size increases.
certainly b e reasonable to entertain the possibility th at at least tw o eco n o m ic factors could con d ition increased m ean hou se h o ld size as it relates to in creased G R O U P 2 u n it settlem en t size.
|----- ------- -
Proposition 9.02
M ean h ou sehold siz e m ay in cre a se as G R O U P 2 set tlem en t size in creases if a . Larger G R O U P 2 s e ttle m e n t s iz e is co rre la te d w ith m ore perm anent settlem ents and increased labo r in v e stm e n ts in h o u sin g . U n d e r th e s e c o n d itio n s , social units or persons (such as the elderly) w h o se c o n tribution to th e labor fo rce (as w ell as th e lab or invest m en t th e y r e c e iv e fro m o th e rs) is re d u c e d w o u ld in cre a sin g ly b e h o u sed w ith in th e larger la b o r units to w h ich th ey o n c e co n trib u ted b u t u p o n w h ic h th ey n o w d ep en d . b. Larger G R O U P 2 settlem ent size is also correlated w ith in creased intensification in production, lead ing to an e x p an d ed n u m ber o f food so u rces and a greater investm ent o f labor in th e processing of both traditional and new reso u rces, particularly if m u ltip le w o rk p ar
*------------------ Generalization 9.07 -------------------Except under th e c o n d itio n s e n u m erated in g en eralizatio n 9 .0 6 , all oth er h u n ter-gath erer c a s e s sh o w a p ositiv e c o rre lation betw een m ean h o u se h o ld s iz e and G R O U P 2 size. This relationship c a n ta k e tw o form s: o n e in w h ic h th ere is a greater increase in m ean h o u seh o ld size per unit G R O U P 2 increase (a te n d en cy tow ard c o m m u n a l houses) and an oth er in w hich there is m u ch less in cre a se in m ean h o u seh o ld size and the total n u m b er o f p e rso n s h o u sed to g eth er d o e s not exceed elev e n .
M any a n th ro p o lo g ic a l p u b lic a tio n s have b e e n d ev oted to a discussion o f the hou sehold (e.g., B en d er 1967; B lan ton 1994; Byrnes 1976; Sah lin s 1 9 5 6 ; W allerstein 198 4 ; W ilk and R ath je 1982; W ong 1 9 8 4 ), b u t h e re I o n ly m e n tio n th e e x iste n ce o f
ties are requ ired to e x p lo it sim u ltan eo u sly a v a ila b le resou rces. U nd er th ese con d ition s there is an e x p e c te d in c re a se in th e s iz e o f th e b a s ic p ro d u ctiv e unit.
Sequential cases
(1 )
(6 ) 0.0 0.0 - 2 .9
13.0 4.4
Nuclear family
2.0 4.0 - 0 .9
2.0 4.0 - 1 .7
7.0 14.0 - 4 .2
0.0 0.0 - 3 .9
50.0 16.8
Nuclear family
2.0 3.3 - 1 .5
11.0 18.0 -3 .1
0.0 1.6 - 4 .7
61.0 20.5
Stem-polygynous family
10.0 20.4 - 1 .3
0.0 0.0 - 3 .8
49.0 16.5
12.0 26.1 -6 .1
3.0 6.5 - 0 .4
46.0 15.5
Joint-extended family
1.0 4.8 -0 .2
0.0 0.0 - 1 .6
4.0 19.0 - 4 .2
1.0 4.8 - 0 .6
21.0 7.1
Kin clique
t ilt V ID IlflC T lD
Model 20,00
3.0 16.6
5.5 -
5.5 -0 .4
5.5 -6 .5
52.6 5.6
0.0 0.0
-1 .5
2 0 .7 9 a n d
0.0 0.0
- 1 .7
0.0 0.0
- 3 .9
3.0 30.0
lG u.0 >
0.0 0.0
- 0 .7
0.0 0.0
- 3 .9
0.0 0.0
- 0 .7
Fourth shift: Dominant state goes from 8 to 3 Major break in character of units
75.0 5.2
0.0 0.0
-0 .5
0.0 0.0
-3 .1
12.5 - 0 .9
12.5 0.4
2.7 "Lineage clan"
8 3 .3
12-0 >
0.0 0.0
- 0 .3
0.0 0.0
- 2 .4
16.7 - 0 .4
0.0 0.0
-0 .5
6.0 2.0
Fifth shift: Dominant state goes from 3 to 8 Major break in character of units
tIZ t
0.0 0.0
- 0 .5
0.0 0.0
-0 .3
0.0 0.0
- 0 .4
0.0 0.0
- 0 .4
5.0 1.7
Large sodality
Noiey (jjtumm arc a* follows: ( I ) mounted hunlm with extensive land use pattern, .secret societies, and age grades; (2) agriculturalists; (3) mutualists and product specialists; (4) consensus decision makers (leadership ai not pofcticjfiy drveiopecJ i, \ 5/ consensus decision makers hut with minimally supported political statuses; (6) wealth-based differentiation and minimal presence of "ownership and economic differentiation; and (7) r Uv' differenttatjon m the society, with noWe* leadership. Boldface denotes highest value in row. Underscore denotes second highest value in row.
I will return to these and other provocative possibilities once I have examined the data relative to Johnsons ideas and argu ments. For the moment, it is necessary to stick with an exam ination of Johnsons applewhich postulates a fundamental constant of six as an approximation of the upper limit on the number of persons who can participate in consensus-based deci sion making and a size threshold at which point scalar stress conditions organizational change. Exploration of the idea of basal organizational units might benefit from the enumeration of a fewassumptions about such units, followed by an exam ination of the composition of GROUP2 social units based on the parameters that Johnson has proposed.
Working back and forth between the data set and the patterns visible when Johnsons constant is applied to a search for reg ularities in group size, I still do not know what the building blocks of social organizationwhich, following Johnsons lead, I am referring to as basal unitsmight look like in the real world of hunter-gatherer dynamics. In order to approx imate this reality, I have decided to use my knowledge of group size means and medians to produce an array of units that are consistent with what is already known. For instance, it has been established that the mean of the largest GROUP1 unit is 17.49 persons and that the smallest GROUP 1 unit consists of 9.95 persons. Dividing 9.95 by 17.49 results in a pro portional estimator of0.5668. It should be noted that this value is not very different from the value of 0.5024, which accom modates the empirical material used in constructing figure 9.08. By using this proportional estimator as a constant, the following array of values can be produced, representing the mean num bers of basal units that Johnsons arguments anticipate: 1.812, 3.196,5.64,9.95,17.49,30.85,54.44,96.05, and 169.46. These numbers represent actual group sizes of 10.87,19.176,33.84, 59.70, 104.94, 185.1, 326.64, 576.3, and 1,016.76, provided that all group sizes were segmented into six units of equal size. It should be clear that I have begun to build a model of the sizes of decision making segments, or basal units, but in order to isolate these values more dearly it is necessary to con struct intervals of equal proportional value between the higher and tower paired values that define the size range between the values in the array of modeled basal units. This is done in three steps, by ( 1) dividing the differences between the paired values by four, (2) assigning one-fourth to the pos itive side of the lowest of the pair being considered, and (3) subtracting one-fourth from the larger of the two values defining the high and low boundaries of a new ordinal unit situated between the two modeled basal units. (The ordinal classification that results from this process is presented in table 9.05.) With this new model of basal units, it is now possible to examine how various properties that might be indicative
of related scalar changes in organization correspond to or diverge from junctures in the modeled array of basal unit approximations. I have said that it is difficult to imagine that households actually represent basal units in very many situations, but now there is a way to evaluate this judgment. Graph A in figure 9.09 replicates the distribution illustrated in figure 9.04, graph B, but in this case the symbols identifying huntergatherer cases refer to classifications in the ordinal scale of modeled basal units presented in table 9.05. The demonstration in figure 9.09, graph A, is simple: a given GROUP2 basal demographic unit is distributed across varying ranges of houses per basal units, which means that houses are sheltering different numbers of basal demographic units. For instance, an examination (G2BASE) of basal unit eighteen per GROUP2 unit reveals that, in some instances, basal units occur in houses that shelter more than one such unit, although in some cases almost six houses are required to shelter one basal unit. This range of variability suggests that other factors must be conditioning house size and the number of occupants sheltered per house. This point is reinforced by graph B in figure 9.09, which plots mean household size (MHS) on the y axis and the number of houses per GROUP2 unit (HOUGRP2) on the x axis. Case markers refer to classes defined by the ordinal sets for GROUP2 (G2MHSET2). In graph B, cases in size class 6 illustrate that the range of mean household sizes required to accommodate a single basal unit is extensive, ranging from thirty-five to approximately two persons per house. This pattern illustrates that
Variations in the size of the basal unit are not necessarily responsible for differences in mean household size among hunter-gatherers.
Since my interest at the moment is in identifying basic orga nizational units and how they may relate to the size of sys tems and to system states, I will defer until later a consideration of the interesting issues of how such units are housed and what factors account for variability in the size of the units sheltered together (household size). There is, however, an obvious question that follows from generalizations 9.03 and 9.05, which will now be stated in the form of a problem:
Problem 9.01
What factors are conditioning the differential size of hunter-gatherer households?
The juxtaposition of hunter-gatherer variability and John son s postulations of scalar stress has focused attention on the
Houses per Group 2 Unit (HOUGRP2)
FIGURE 9 - 0 9
Modeled GROUP2 "basal unit sizes" (A) and mean household sizes (B) compared with houses per modeled basal unit. These graphs illustrate that differences in "basal unit" size do not account for differences in mean household size. Graph A is coded for the classification of the relationship between mean household size and the houses per GROUP2 unit (MHSET2): (1) MHS is fewer than five persons and HOUGRP2 is greater than 0.60; (2) MHS is between twenty and thirty-eight persons and HOUGRP2 is fewer than 0.30; (3) MHS is over the full range and HOUGRP2 is fewer than 0.60; (4) MHS is greater than eight persons and HOUGRP2 is greater than 0.60; and (5) MHS is greater than five and fewer than eleven persons and HOUGRP2 is greater than 0.60. Graph B is coded for G2MHSET2: (1) MHS is in the extended family size range and GROUP2 size is fewer than fifty persons; (2) MHS is highly variable but large while GROUP2 sizes are regularly fifty or fewer persons; (3) MHS varies positively with GROUP2 size, but at a very steep angle due to the large sizes of the communal structures and the relatively small size of the GROUP2 units; (4) MHS varies linearly with GROUP2 size, with both cases in the extended family range as well as communal house range; (5) MHS is in the extended family range and group size is variable; (6) MHS is slightly larger than seven persons but GROUP2 size is much more variable; and (7) MHS is small and GROUP size is large and variable.
question of whether system state differences might be related to punctuated stress arising from scalar phenomena. Although Johnsons suggestion that scalar thresholds should be asso ciated with changes in system state did not figure in the original dimensionalization of the hunter-gatherer data, I have been prompted by my exploration of Johnsons work to come up with one or more ways of dimensionalizing the avail able data in a new format that incorporates concerns about both system state and scalar stress. A new variable, SYSTATE, is introduced in the cross tabulation in table 9.05 and represents a combination of data embodied in four other variables: CLASS, PEROGAT, HUNTFIL2, and POLPOS. (In some instances it was neces sary to refer to the ethnographic literature to resolve ambi guity in the classifications or to supply missing data on key variables.) SYSTATE refers to formal properties of organi zation, which include leadership, internal differentiation of leadership status, associated roles relative to participation in decision making, and the exercise of power within the soci ety. Cases that are clearly in different states" relative to the overall world of hunter-gatherers are also identified; these include the mounted hunters of the North American plains
and other regions (column 1) such as the Teton Sioux, the Comanche, and the Blackfoot peopleswho have emerged as exceptions in several previous comparisons. Hunter-gatherer groups who were agriculturists at the time of ethnographic documentation are also listed separately in table 9.05 (column 2). These include the Chenchu o f India, the Cahuilla of southern California, and the Bororo of South America. Groups that maintain mutualistic relationships with nearby agriculturists or exchange forest products for goods or money with representatives of more complex sys tems or at regional markets are also identified and tabu lated separately (column 3). Since many of these groups are the subjects of extensive discussion in the hunter-gatherer lit erature, it must be determined if and in what ways they dif fer from hunter-gatherer groups that are not as involved with non-hunter-gatherers. Comparison of the columns in table 9.05 provides a number of interesting insights into the relationships between scalar ordination and system state organizational differ ences. Focusing initially on the group of exceptional cases, the most exceptional with regard to the scalar distribution o f the size of basal social units are the mounted hunters.
As a group, the mounted hunters have the highest row per centages (size classes lOand 11), not only of the cases in the exceptional category but in all of table 9.05.5 These cases are also represented in size classes greater than size class 5, and there is no question that many of the mounted hunter groups have large GROUP2 sizes. Values for the mounted hunter cases also occur between the distributions of ranked societies (columns 6 and 7). This is not too surprising, since wealth is also a prerequisite for prominence among the mounted hunters, and they could quite easily have been classified with the groups in column 8 had not another propertytheir use of domesticated animals in huntingbeen given taxonomic priority.
Beginning with generalizations 7.06 and 7.07 and continu ing in chapter 8 with generalizations 8.02,8.04, and 8.19,1 have referred repeatedly to conditions that strongly implicate very regular patterning that co-varies with intensification. In generalization 7.08 and proposition 7.02, intensification was defined as a process that results in a reduction in the area avail able for exploitation at the same time that an increase in pop ulation occurs. Processes of intensification therefore require an increase in the net amount of food that must be extracted from a given geographic area. A good example of the impact of intensifying pressures on population density can be seen in a comparison of the data in table 9.05 for mounted hunter groups and ranked societies (columns 1and 7). The mounted hunters have GROUP2 sizes that are roughly equivalent to those of ranked societies, but the mean values of population density in all categories of the table are 3.69 persons per 100 square kilometers for mounted hunters, 29.60 for agriculturists, 23.97 for mutualists, 13.15 for egalitarian groups, 14.8 for egalitarian groups with insti tutionalized leadership, 46.74 for ranked societies with no elite leadership, and 51.08 for ranked societies with elite leadership. Even though the GROUP2 sizes of mounted hunters and groups with elite-based leadership are roughly equivalent, there is a stark contrast in population density between 3.69 per sons per 100 square kilometers for mounted hunter groups and 51.08 persons for groups with elite leadership. As these values indicate, there is no necessary relationship between intensification and increases in the size of social units or, in Johnsons terms, social scale. In the world sample, groups at opposite ends of the population density scale have roughly equal GROUP2 sizes. Increases in social scale may, in fact, be
exceptions to many of the patterns in the hunter-gatherer data set that have been summarized as generalizations. The pri mary ways in which they behave differently from the major ity of the groups in the sample include ( 1) the large size of their GROUP1 and GROUP2 units, (2) the huge geographic areas they utilized relative to their large group sizes, and (3) the simultaneous presence o f indicators of social complex ity and very low population densities. I have pointed out that the mounted plains hunters represent an outstanding example of new niche creation the dramatic emergence o f what was clearly a region of great cultural integrity molded from a historically documented, diverse set o f original participants. The new niche was unquestionably stimulated by the availability of domesticated horses, which increased the scale o f range use and provided a transport advantage to peoples who were formerly semisedentary horticulturists. It is paradoxical, however, that as the plains became occupied at an unprecedented scale by groups of mounted hunters, the population density of these groups was lower than the densities characterizing the ancestral hor ticultural groups that originally adopted the horse and began to exploit bison as their primary source of food. The process standing behind the appearance of the vital plains culture area (sensu Lowie 1954) was extensification,8 which was also responsible for analogous changes in huntergatherer life ways in the steppic regions of Argentina after the rintroduction o f the horse. Unfortunately, rather than searching for the important variables operative in diversityproducing situations, it has been customary in anthropology to dismiss these organizational changes, as well as those of the American plains, as historically caused, rather than the result of basic systemic processes. For example, Fried speaks of events in Patagonia in the following terms: perhaps the largest bands [were] those o f the Patagonian Tehuelche, running 400 and 500. These last can easily be discounted, how ever, as occurring in response to European influence, which included, among other tangibles, the Tehuelche acquisition of domesticated horses ( 1967:68). This kind of response by a self-proclaimed evolutionistwho considers some orga nizational variants as pristine consequences o f adaptive processes and other social forms as historically conditioned and of no interest to process-oriented researchersis baffling.
intensificational process allows the study of scalar effects in a controlled manner relative to populational variables.
Processes of extensification have played important roles in other times and places in the world, almost certainly in the regions in which the horse and camel were domesticated. One could speculate about other historical contexts, but in this study the plains mounted hunters provide an almost perfect experimental opportunity to use a comparative approach to investigate the features of social change that appear partic ularly responsive to scalar change, independent of contexts (such as systems with elite and sequential hierarchies) in which intensificational processes are at work.
------------------ Generalization 9.09 -----------------The process of extensification responds to very different con ditioning variables than intensification. Changes in social scale, such as the larger group size of the Plains Indians, are nev ertheless produced quite independently of any changes in pop ulation that might be measured by population density. This pattern supports Johnson's view that scale is distinct from populational variables. The recognition that extensificational processes are to some extent conditioned independently of
I continue the comparison between Johnsons apple and my own observations by noting that in table 9.05 agriculturists are most often found in ordinal class 5 and occur less fre quently in class 6, both of which categories have moder ately large GROUP2 and basal unit sizes. A concentration of cases occurs within the stress category, which contradicts my expectation that this class would be avoided if scalar stress was the only factor at issue. Such a situation could occur if ( 1) variables other than scalar stress are conditioning GROUP2 sizes among agriculturists or (2) some ways of orga nizing basal units are more available to agriculturists than to peoples relying on other strategies of food procurement In this regard, it is interesting that the only other systems showing an analogous pattern are those in which wealth-based ranking is an important component of leadership (column 6). As a way of examining this situation more closely, I review all of the cases in the agriculturist category that have basal unit sizes within the range in which most of the noncomplex hunter-gatherers are clustered, all of which are recognizable as exceptional in various ways. For instance, a single case, the Nharo o f the Kalahari, occurs in ordinal size class 1. At the time of observation, group members were working as labor ers on Ghanzi farms in Botswana (Guenther 1986:120-33), so this case would have fit equally well in the wage laborer category along with other product specialists (column 3). The two cases in ordinal size class 2 are the Walapai and the Nganasan, but I think in retrospect that the latter group is misclassified since they are reindeer herders in northern most Siberia who use their domestic reindeer primarily for transport and as draft animals.9 The Nganasan should be included in the mounted hunter class and almost certainly represent an instance of extensification. The inclusion of the Walapai is provocative since this group lived in small groups (Kniffen 1935:45) in a region of low rainfall along the
tors of an organizational response to scalar stress. This exam ination suggests that --------------------
area. Agriculture was practiced around these water sources ownership of which was hereditaryand often involved the investment of low levels of labor in irrigation (Kniffen 1935:44). No cultivated products were stored, and crops were consumed at harvest. Hunted and gathered resources constituted a major component of the diet, and families spent considerable time moving through the landscape in search of food. The Walapai maintained very low population densities, usually between 3.86 (Kroeber 1953:136) and 4.89 (Kniffen 1935:44-45) persons per 100 square kilometers.10 In this case, the adoption of domesticated plants may represent a diversificational strategyan example of Flannerys broadspectrum revolution (1986:8) or an expansion of niche breadth in response to seasonal instability in natural pro ductivity (Johnson 1997:87-90) rather than population growth and subsequent demographic packing (Binford 1983:203). Of course, this particular strategy is likely to be adopted only when initial conditions include such an option, as in the presence of agriculturists in a region when adop tion becomes necessary or, alternatively, when a daughter com munity of agriculturists takes up residence in an unoccupied or very sparsely occupied region. One of the groups in ordinal size class 3 is the Ayta from the Pinatubo region of the island of Luzon in the Philippines. The Ayta were reported to be hunter-gatherers at the turn of the century, but they were practicing agriculture at the time of the most detailed ethnographic description. In marked con trast to the Walapai, Ayta population density was 91.9 per sons per 100 square kilometers, and they practiced no irrigation. For these reasons, this case must be regarded as an example of intensification. The second case in ordinal class 3 is a poorly documented group from South America, the Guato, who traditionally exploited aquatic resources in an swampy, inland area. This case would have fit equally well in a remnant group category since, at the time of ethno graphic observation, their numbers were greatly reduced and they were practicing horticulture. Last, the four cases in ordinal size class 4 are the Chenchu of India (population density 125.29 persons per 100 square kilometers), the Nambikwara of South America (7.78), the Dorobo of Africa (40.8), and the Kaurareg (35.0), who lived on the island of Mabuiag off the coast of the Prince of Wales Island in the southern Torres Straits between Australia and Papua New Guinea. All of these cases are considered hunter* gatherers who have adopted the cultivation of domestic plants in very recent times. Some controversy has surrounded the degree to which the Nambikwara were dependent upon cultivation (Aspelin 1976,1979; Lvi-Strauss 1948), but the other cases were clearly intensified, judging from their pop ulation densitiesalthough there arc no obvious indica
There may be two systemic contexts in which hunter-gath erers use cultivars. One is a context of diversification or an expansion of niche breadth in the face of productive insta bility in the habitat, whereas the other seems to be a conse quence of intensification based on population packing as a density-dependent response.
For cases in the latter context, where scalar stress is antic ipated, cultivars maybe playing very different roles for par ticipants within the system, and members of any one basal unit may not consistently invest in the whole range of avail able subsistence strategies. Intensification may well have an atomizing effect on the components of a system undergoing major subsistence change, since, as Netting ( 1993) has compellingly reported, it is the small household or family-based unit that actually intensifies and expands productivity from cultivars.11In other words, all households may not invest in similar strategies during transitional episodes of responsive change.1 2 Although a review of these cases has produced provoca tive results, there is still no direct evidence identifying the prac tice of horticulture as a specific response to increases in group size and accompanying scalar stress, in Johnsons terms. In most of the cases in the ethnographic sample, intensification among horticulturists is indicated by increases in population density, but unambiguous evidence of scalar stress has not yet been observed. Instead, most of the vari ability might be due to what Johnson would term local effects among small-scale societies.
Groups of mutualists (the Efe and Aka) and product specialists (the Hill Pandaram and Birhor) are listed in column 3 of table 9.05 and have a proportional distribution of frequencies similar to that of the cases in column 4. There are, however, small differences between the two categories: estimated basal units are larger and proportionally more cases occur in size classes 3 and 5 .1 have also noted that many of the cases tab ulated in column 3, particularly the product specialists, have been identified as atomistic13with an emphasis on indi vidualism while at the same time conventional leadership roles were undeveloped. The Epulu Mbuti, one of the excep tions noted in figure 9.02, are mutualists and have the largest basal unit (G2BASORD 6). The next largest basal units occur in five product specialist cases, all size class 5, that include the allegedly atomistic Nayaka of southern India, who were
essentially wage laborers (Bird 1983). The logical question to ask at this juncture can be expressed in the form of a problem: - ------------
P L A s
ily, the next largest aggregation would be the functional equivalent of GROUP3 units among many mobile hunter-gatherers.
Problem 9.02
-----------------Regardless of the taxonomic status of GROUP2 units among forest product specialists, the differences between product specialist and mutualist groups are likely to refer to dissimilarities in the organization and division of labor and the scales of cooperation. In general, these same factors affect variability in hunter-gatherer group size. Therefore, given the present level of knowledge, these cases do not represent system states distinctly different from those observed among other generic hunter-gatherer cases. (In this and all future instances, generic refers only to the fact that hunter-gath erers with this designation use mobility as their primary means of ensuring subsistence security). It should be kept in mind that the Group Size Model and the groups in the world sample of hunter-gatherer cases do not differ greatly in scale except for, as previously noted, the mounted hunters and perhaps systems with ranked elites who monopolize leadership roles. Using the Group Size Model as a standard revealed that most of the variability in group size within the ethnographic sample appeared related to the organization of labor and provided a more compre hensive understanding of the effects of changes in the divi sion of labor, polygyny, and the relationships between fundamental social units. Similar issues appear to be involved in the contrasts between mutualists and product specialists, although the Group Size Model is unable to anticipate the states of these systems relative to their neighbors. The model and its modifiersthe division of labor and polygyny assumed a fundamental equivalence between labor organi zation and what people ate. With mutualists, however, this assumption was regularly violated when groups in this cat egory were organized to procure animal resources even though their primary source of food consisted of terrestrial plants, and domesticated plants at that. In chapter 8, 1 demonstrated that storage breaks the link between group size and the demand for food at a given time (generalization 8.06), and it may be equally true that a for malized exchange of foods breaks the link between food getting, labor organization, and what people actually eat. This recognition permits the identification of systems in which the relationships among variables are different and prompts me to think about cooperation itself. The subsistence success of net-hunting mutualists is based on cooperation at the point of food production, as they coordinate the use of a number of nets, each owned by a different social unit, in the pursuit of specific prey. In contrast, forest product specialists either independently accumulate the forest products upon which their subsistence depends or receive only minimal cooper ation from others.
Why should atomistic societies have larger GROUP2 sizes than the majority of egalitarian hunter-gatherers, while the majority of mutualists have GROUP2 sizes that are consistent with the egalitarian hunter-gatherer groups tabulated in column 4except, of course, for the Epulu Mbuti?
One answer that comes immediately to mind is that ethnographically documented mutualists are rather tighdy knit social units who are strongly dependent upon cooper ative action and all that it implies organizationally. Net hunt ing as a subsistence strategy is a particularly striking example of an effort that depends for its success on large-scale co operation and labor integration. The differences between mutualists and product special ists could be due partly to the very different role that coop eration plays in the labor organization of the two sets of cases. This contrast is striking in light of Murphy and Stewards com ments on the effect of wage labor or an exchange economy on foraging peoples: When the people of an unstratified native society barter wild products found in extensive dis tribution and obtained through individual effort, the struc ture of the native culture will be destroyed, and the final culmination will be a culture type characterized by individ ual families (1956:353). One might imagine that, under the conditions described by Murphy and Steward, GROUP2 size might not matter, at least insofar as decision making and cooperation are concerned. In fact, atomists argued that, when mutual helpfulness occurred in an atomistic social setting, one individual helped another with his or her endeavor to the same degree that they had received help. There was no per manently constituted group that engaged in common pur suits whose byproducts were regarded as common property (Honigmann 1968:220-21). Another possibility, however, is that * -----------------
Among forest product specialists, GROUP2 units might be considered equivalent to the GROUP3 units main tained by mobile hunter-gatherers, which served pri marily to maintain social relationships between persons at a much larger scale (the connubium, for instance) than the normal social unit of cooperation around which everyday subsistence tactics and strategies were organized. In circumstances in which the execution of such strategies is reduced to the level of a single fam
These distinctions prompt me to regard the research of earlier anthropologists in a somewhat different light, par ticularly the work of the atomists. These researchers accounted for the absence of cooperative labor efforts by postulating the existence of hidden properties of the hunter-gatherer per sonality, which were knowable through the same observable behaviors that led to the recognition of atomism in the first place.1 4 Unfortunately for those who habitually resort to characterizing life in small-scale societies, there is consider able diversity in which aspects of life hunter-gatherers orga nize cooperatively. A good example would be the polar differences in the level of cooperation in resource procure ment between most mutualists and forest product special ists. I hope that more attention to issues of this kind will resolve some of the pointless, normative discussions of sharingand degrees thereofamong hunter-gatherers, as well as argu ments about the social postures of hunter-gatherer groups throughout an annual cycle. The issue of how cooperation is organized and what kinds of units and lower-order organizations are nested in cooperative and other forms of organization also has not been productively explored. For instance, one assumption of this study has been that hunter-gatherers have a three-tiered structure of group aggregation and dispersal. For that rea son, as I researched the ethnographic literature I tried to find estimates of three different group sizes for each huntergatherer case. Speculation about the organizational equiva lence of the relatively large GROUP2 settlements of some forest product specialists led to the suggestion that there might not be genuine functional equivalents of GROUP2 units among these groups. This would be particularly true if the atomists were correct in their view that the basic or fundamental unit of labor cooperation in such societies was the family and that larger social units did not exist. This possibility leads to another research problem: ------------------
as specified by my classification. (Australian Aborigines pro vide a good example of GROUP3 units every three to seven years, when members of local groups from a large region aggregate for special events such as male initiations.) Northwest Coast groups were not the only cases lacking GROUP3 units. Seven of the eight Eskimo cases from coastal arctic regions that maintained permanent winter villages also reported no GROUP3 units. Only the Mackenzie Delta Eskimo had a GROUP3-size unit, and it occurred only occa sionally, whenever whale hunting was not sufficiently pro ductive to provide stored food for winter consumption (McGhee 1988:4-5). Under these conditions, permanent winter villages were abandoned and temporary snow houses were built on the sea ice, where people from several settle ments cooperated to kill seals at their breathing holes. The reported group size at these settlements was, of course, much larger than at the separate settlements from which people had moved. The aggregation pattern of the Eskimo cases is certainly different from the pattern of the Australian Aborigines who served as a model for the definition of GROUP3 units (breathing hole sealing settlements represent an alternative kind of GROUP2 settlement). Nevertheless, I have learned that all hunter-gatherers do not necessarily have GROUP3 units, and I have identified some cases that either do not have GROUPl units, such as the Guayaki (Ache), or have what appear to be GROUP2 units that, functionally speaking, are GROUP3 units, such as the Nayaka. I think, therefore, that -------------------
One source of variability among hunter-gatherers is the character of the group unit hierarchy. All huntergatherer groups do not have the same types of units, and the units they have may serve different functions.
Problem 9.03
Is it possible that one of the sources of organizational variability among hunter-gatherers is the character of the group aggregation and dispersion hierarchy itself?
Earlier in this chapter, as part of the discussion of the Guayaki (Ache) of Paraguay, I wondered about the possibility that this group had no GROUP 1 pattern of dispersal and that all basal subsistence units were GROUP2 units. I have now suggested that, for forest product specialists, what appear to be GR0UP2 units may well be the organizational equivalent of the GROUP3 units of mobile hunter-gatherers. Once this idea occurred to me, a check of the cases that report no val ues for GROUP3 units revealed that twenty'eight of the thirty-two cases from the Pacific northwest coast of North America have no aggregations comparable to GROUP3 units
An additional source of variability in hunter-gatherer GROUP2 sizes is the number of alternative subsistence strategies that could be implemented at the time of the greatest annual aggregation of basic subsistenceoriented social units. The Mackenzie Eskimo pro vide an example of alternative winter strategies that result in different GROUP2 sizes. Similarly, the South ern Tutchone peoples had the option to return regu larly to good salmon fishing locations and put up stores for winter or to depend more upon moose hunted during the winter for food. Each subsistence option resulted in different GROUP2 sizes at differ ent seasons (O'Leary pers. comm. 1990; see also O'Leary 1985).
CHAPTER 9 ~ THE PLAYS THE TH IN G Risk Pooling or Nested H ierarchies o f Decision M akers?
I have already pointed out that hunter-gatherer groups in the central arctic have anomalously high GROUP2 sizes (Balikci 1964:17,36; Damas 1963:116). A look at the values recorded for egalitarian hunter-gatherers with limited leadership (table 9.05, column 7) reveals that the group with the largest basal unit is another central arctic case, the Copper Eskimo. Win ter seal hunters of the central Canadian arctic, such as the Mackenzie Eskimo, inspired Mauss and Beuchat (1979) to point out the strong, seasonal, within-system, organizational contrasts in religious observance, family composition, and economics. My analysis has led me to wonder whether the groups from the central arctic that fascinated Mauss and Beuchat and are reported to aggregate in large communities on winter sea ice (Riches 1982:29-31) actually represent a dis tinct form of organization. A pertinent field study by Erik Alden Smith (1991:329) determined that, relative to other hunting strategies, breath ing hole sealing is characterized by uncertainty. This conclusion helps explain why the preferred subsistence strategy of the Mackenzie Delta Eskimo was the accumulation of stored resources acquired through whale hunting. Based on the strong evidence showing that labor organization is a major conditioner of group size, I would expect that a shift in the way cooperative effort is organized would be associated with a change from whale hunting and associated storage to seal hunting for direct consumption.15 In fact, recent research has proposed just such an organizational restructuring in the breathing hole sealing context as a basis for large group size: The hypothesis here is that winter aggregations reduce variation in seal consumption rather than seal harvest, through cooperative distribution rather than cooperative production___I have also pointed to household food stor age as an alternative means of variance reduction, but am now less convinced that it is equal or superior to sharing in a sit uation where poor hunting luck could and sometimes did result in starvation (Smith 1991:330). Smiths argument is informed by the excellent research of Bruce Winterhalder (1990). He also explored the issue of com parability between the demand for and the production of resources. He has contrasted the strategy of diversification among productive venues by a single labor-consumer unit to reduce risk with that of diversification among small labor units working in different places as a way of reducing risk for a larger, risk-pooling consumer unit within which sharing is organized. Smith suggests simply that the latter two strate gies can be nested, or practiced simultaneously, to use John son's term. Labor units may exploit different venues to reduce the risk experienced by a consumer unit within which shared aver aging of returns occurs. At the same time, these consumer units
may be sharing among a larger set of similarly organized units. The classic central arctic hunter-gatherers may be engaged in a similar arrangement with regular seal-sharing partners, which would contribute to large group sizes, in spite of the fact that available information shows that risk does not vary independently of the net return rate in breathing hole seal ing field studies (Smith 1991:327). Under the latter conditions, there is no way that maintaining a very large, cooperative hunt ing party could reduce risk per se. Winterhalders work also demonstrates the presence of an economy of scale among small hunting parties whose high est return rate is reached when an average hunting party con sists of 3.0 to 3.5 hunters. On the other hand, nested risk poolswhich the snow house settlements of the central arctic breathing hole sealers may representwould be a different story. Smith determined that optimally organized hunting parties engaged in breathing hole sealing would consist of approximately 3.5 hunters. The basal unit of pro duction in large camps the unit from which daily hunting parties were drawnwould be organized into a risk pool with other basal social units among which there would be for malized sharing conventions. Winterhalder concluded from his study of risk that 80% of the potential risk reduction from pooling and division can be gained by only 6 cooperating for agers. For modestly negative values of R, even smaller num bers of individuals (e.g., 3-5 foragers) can achieve dramatic reductions in the variation of their pooled catch (1990:79). The importance of Winterhalders magic number of six should not escape the notice of those who have followed my discussion of Johnsons constant. Equally provocative is the realization that Johnsons empirical example illustrating his constant, and the idea of scalar stress itself, were based on Lees work with the IKung speakers of Dobe! This is the same group of people who have been proclaimed by many anthropologists to be the quintessential example of an egal itarian society based on food-sharing principles. Among the IKung, sharing occurs both in large camps, in which extended families make up the basal unit, and in small rainy season camps in which nuclear families define the basal unit. Given Winterhalders magic number, the patterning cited by John son to support his argument that scalar stress determines group size among the IKung Could just as easily be related to risk pooling and could therefore account for the sharing pools with which the IKung peoples of Dobe are identified. In that case, I would expect sharing to be organized differ ently in dry and rainy season camps. This expectation, in fact, appears to be the case.
of the Johnson constant produces a nearly perfect fit between group size and the values anticipated by the model. Now another constant with a value of six has been introduced, which appears to be a factor in the totally dif ferent domain of risk reduction. At this juncture I find myself working with three arguments, all of which seem to accommodate at least some of the data on group size. My predicament reminds me that in science it is not uncommon to have two or more theories that accom modate the same facts equally well. In such a situation, a researcher usually stops everything and attempts to deter mine which is the best causal construction, while at the same time he or she may also be attempting to discover under what different initial conditions each explanation may be correct and germane. The best strategy would be to make some new observa tions that would help resolve three crucial issues: ( 1) the effect of group size on the division of labor as discussed in chapter 8; (2) the optimal size of task groups in the context of a division of labor; and (3) the extent to which different tasks affect optimal group size measured in terms of return rates. I also want to clarify the circumstances in which organizational mediation of risk is achieved by the inte gration of nested risk pooling units and to determine whether group size is modified by decision making proce dures in circumstances in which scalar stress is being min imized. These concerns are stated more explicitly in problem 9.04:
Problem 9.04
I have identified three different approaches to build ing an explanation of variability in hunter-gatherer group size: (1) the Group Size Model developed in chapter 7, (2) the argument based on johnson's deci sion making constant of six persons and his postula tions about scalar stress, and (3) the arguments of evolutionary biologists who cite optimal task group sizes that are conditioned primarily by return rates and risk reduction strategies. The latter regularly result in Winterhalder's constant of a group of six persons, which, like Johnson's sequential hierarchies, can be nested or segmentary. I want to determine which of these argu ments has the maximum explanatory utility and what are the boundaries of such utility.
As tempting as it is, however, to follow up these issues, I feel that this is not the time to abandon the strategy that has brought me this far in my studythat is, to continue to expand my knowledge about what may be germane to know about the world before I attempt to explain patterning already observed.
Problem 9.05
Why do more than 25 percent of the hunter-gatherer cases in which wealth and ranking (sensu Fried 1967) play important roles in both leadership and decision making have small GROUP2 units, when these are the units that would facilitate consensual decision making among participating families? It seems unlikely that scalar stress would be responsible for organizational differentiation in these cases as opposed to other egal itarian societies included in table 9.05, column 4. Other conditioning variables must be at work here.
The problem of identifying what these variables may be is exacerbated by the fact that wealth and associated social ranking are characteristic of the mounted plains hunters who demonstrably exemplify groups that have responded to extensificational processes and are also organized at a social scale that is far larger than the majority of hunter-gatherer cases. There is considerably less ambiguity, however, about the expected locus of scalar stress in the ranked societies with elite leadership and simultaneous hierarchies tabulated in col umn 7 of table 9.05:100 percent of the basal unit size classes of these cases are larger than the set in size class 4 of table 9.05, and no cases occur in the size classes typical of egalitarian hunter-gatherer groups. The range of variability is also proportionally extended so that five stratified cases define the upper limit of GROUP2 sizes for all of the hunter-gatherer cases studied here. In fact, these cases dominate the frequencies from size classes 5 through 9 and size class 12 as well. Size classes 10 and 11 include only one case of stratified hunter-gatherers and are dominated by column 3the mounted hunterswith which I began my comparisons. As I have already noted, mounted hunter groups could also be classified on the basis of wealth differentiation, and therefore some cases, particularly the large ones, could also be included in column 6. ~ ----------------
Stratification usually occurs in sociopolitical systems that exceed the scale at which most hunter-gatherer societies are organized. A related term, complexity, has been defined as the degree of internal differentiation, both structural and functional, within a system. It appears that for internal dif ferentiation to occur, at least a minimal level of group size and social connectivity must be present. This minimal scalar threshold seems to be present in regularly integrated laborbased, social cooperatives of greater than 53.16 persons, or 8.86 persons per basal unit (see table 9.05, size class 4). Another feature of the overall distribution of elite-based systems in table 9.05, column 7, is that it is uneven and less
graduated than most of the distributions in columns 1 through 6. One could also argue that there is a multimodal distribution to the frequency patterning of the cases in table 9.05, with one suite of cases in size classes 5 and 6, then a gap, followed by another cluster in size classes 8 and 9, followed by another gap, and finally five cases in size class 12 repre senting the larger-scale GROUP2 units in the 339-case sample. Earlier indications foreshadowing this pattern occurred in chapter 7 (generalization 7.14, proposition 7.02, and the discussion of figure 7.01), where it was noted that the most politically developed cases scaled at very different lev els of population relative to size of ethnic territory. It is pos sible that these dissimilarities in overall scale are played out in the discontinuous distribution of GROUP2 sizes for sys tems with elite-based leadership. If so, then generalization 9.09 will at least have to be amended and perhaps even consid erably modified to account for the impact of scalar condi tioning on variability in GROUP2 size. Some of the features of the relationship between social scale and complexityas measured by internal social differenti ation (generalizations 9.01, 9.04, 9.09, and 9.11) have already been summarized, but these relationships are easier to visualize using the distributions in table 9.05. For example, those sets of cases that were designed to control for differ ences in the degree of status and role differentiation, as well as the presence of class differentiation and the concentration of differential access to goods and services in the hands of a few elite families, are scaled with respect to GROUP2 basal unit sizes (the mean size of the largest annual aggregated set tlement). This overall pattern should not be surprising, since various researchers have generalized about scale as a diagnostic correlate of complexity in human societies (Johnson 1982; Johnson and Earle 1987; Kosse 1990,1994; and many oth ers). Nevertheless, the fact that many researchers have sensed patterned regularity in the size of social unitsand have argued that it implies organizational changes that are causally linked to scalar levels in group size itselfis not the same thing as arriving inductively at similar conclusions based on the analysis of a global sample of hunter-gatherer cases. Looking back over this particular discussion, I can see that it is necessary to relate the issues enunciated in problem 9.04 to the observations in generalization 9.09.1 will begin by noting that wealth, as a precondition for leadership or a characteristic of leaders, did not exhibit any regular corre lation with societal scale as indicated by GROUP2 size. On the other hand, stratification or differential access to goods and services by virtue of inherited social position was dis tributed exclusively among cases for which GROUPS size exceeded fifty-three persons. Large GROUP2 sizes were not, however, exclusively a feature of systems with elite-based leadership. GROUP2 sizes among the Great Plains mounted hunters overlapped the upper size range of"generic huntergatherers and spanned almost the entire range of values tor
tial correlation (in a comparison of the Pomo to at least some Pueblo groups), to a stable, high-level autocorrelation. Johnsons research has forced me to recognize a very important parameter, but it does not help me deal with other differences between egalitarian or generic and more complex systems, particularly those with, on the one hand, internal divisions such as moieties, secret societies, and incip ient age-grades and, on the other, hereditary elite leadership and associated control over production. Before issues of this magnitude can be addressed, however, it is necessary to pre pare intellectually by focusing on the contrast between scale and populational parameters.
sy s te m s w it h e lite -b a s e d le a d e r s h ip , e v e n t h o u g h t h e s e g r o u p s a r e t h e e p it o m e o f s o c ie t ie s t h a t w e r e s i m u lt a n e o u s l y la r g e a n d e g a lit a r ia n . I m u s t t h e r e fo r e c o n c l u d e t h a t
W hile the factors invoked by the use of the term scale may be necessary initial conditions, they are not suffi cient to account for the appearance of social stratifi cation (which would include caste systems and slavery as well as elite monopolies of leadership and the con trol of resource-based internal differentiation).
I am now face-to-face with one of the issues that has plagued anthropology since its inception: how do we classify or characterize the observable variability in cultural sys tems? Often when cultural variability has been considered at a larger comparative scale, many anthropologists have been content to characterize hunter-gatherers in normative terms and then place them on the lowest rung of a taxonomic lad der that ascends to ever-increasing levels of social complex ity. In chapter 1, I criticized the intellectual habit of characterizing, and it is no more productive an alternative in this chapter.1 6 It is dear that the integrative institutions of the Great Plains mounted hunters constituted what anthropologists have called secret societies, which admitted members based on the criterion of age. A search of the hunter-gatherer data set for other similarly organized groups reveals that the Pomo of west central California have similar institutions, even though these groups were primarily dependent for subsistence upon aquatic resources and the exploitation of native plants, particularly acorns. Searching again for institutional analogues, I find that some of the agricultural Pueblo peoples of the American Southwest also had secret societies,17 although others did not. A quick survey of the data base suggests that secret societies and weak leadership might be associated in large-scale social entities regardless of the character of the food base. The feature that seems to be shared by these otherwise dissimilar societies is social scale, in Johnsons sense of the term. Clearly, population density levels are very different in all three examples, and different conditioning factors are also involved. The genesis of the life style of the mounted hunters was due in some part to extensificational processes, whereas the factors affecting the Pomo and Pueblo groups were intensificational in character. These dissimilarities tend to support Johnsons view that, at least in some contexts, there are important conditioning differences and therefore potential independence between social scale and populational variables. These factors may appear as autocorrelations, but their quan titative relationship to one another may range from complete independence (in a Plains-Pomo comparison), through par
The Population Pressure Controversy and the General Issue of Density-Dependent Changes in Organization
Johnson (1982:390) denies any necessary relationship between scalar change in group size and population growth, and he cites Hassan (1975:38) approvingly for distinguishing between population density and group size. Johnson war rants this position by claiming that there is much less vari ability in group size than in environmental conditions (Johnson 1982:390), but the logic underlying this claim is at best opaque. The argumentative sequence begins with a denial of a systematic relationship between group size and population growth, then moves to a discussion of popula tion density (which, I would like to emphasize, is not a direct measure of population growth), and ultimately focuses on variability in environmental conditions! The only way this semantic slipperiness can appear to make sense is if the real argument is about what Johnson (1982:391) calls sub sistence stress, or demand pressure on resources, which is a very controversial subject. Regardless of terminology, arguments about subsistence stress are arguments about evolutionary processes, which inhabit an entirely different explanatory domain from the views about evolution expounded by early anthropologists. According to their world view, technology caused sociocul tural change, and therefore the history of inventions and dif ferential exposure to the knowledge of inventions explained cultural variability. In contrast, Johnsons research explores relationships within sociocultural systems, and in his view scale and scalar stress refer to size in an organizational sense but not necessarily to overall demographic growth. Johnson s research also operates as a not altogether negative response to the anthropological literature of the 1960s. That corpus sought to reverse the arguments of traditional anthropology by claiming that technological change represents a response to systemic processes that have been triggered by increases in the numbers of persons occupying a habitat and decreases in the capacity of the habitat to sustain them.
A r g u m e n t s d e m a n d in g t h a t d e m o g r a p h i c f a c t o r s b e c o n sid e re d in d is c u s s io n s o f t r a d it i o n a l p r o b le m s s u c h a s t h e o r i g in s o f a g r ic u lt u r e ( B i n f b r d th e lit e r a t u r e o f t h e
1968)- o r
m o r e a p p r o p r i a t e ly
t h e c a u s e s o f i n t e n s if i c a t io n a l p r o c e s s e s w e r e c o m m o n in
1960s. I a r g u e d t h a t t h e o p t io n s a v a ila b le
to g r o w in g c o m m u n i t i e s w e r e e it h e r t o c h a n n e l e x c e s s p o p u la t io n in t o s e p a r a t e , g e o g r a p h i c a l l y d i s p e r s e d , d a u g h t e r c o m m u n it ie s o r t o i n t e n s if y p r o d u c t i o n . I n r e g i o n s i n w h ic h s o m e p o p u la t i o n s w e r e g r o w i n g f a s t e r t h a n o t h e r s , I a r g u e d th a t t h e i n t e n s if i c a t io n a l r e s p o n s e s o f e x p a n d i n g s y s t e m s re d u c e d th e fo r a g in g r a n g e s o f s lo w e r - g r o w in g h u n te r g a th e r e r g r o u p s .
At roughly the same time, Ester Boserup (1965) claimed that her research contradicted classic Malthusian arguments (see Banks and Glass 1953 for references to Malthuss work) postulating that population growth resulted in diminished food supplies, which inhibited further growth. Boserup argued instead that increases in population stimulated tech nological changes, which boosted agricultural production and stimulated economic growth. I was never convinced by Boserups scenario, which denied that competition and increasing implementation of short-term strategies would occur in a spatially bounded system with increasing popu lation and demand on limited and delimited resources. Boserups utopian vision, which assumed that long-term sets of future-oriented strategies would be implemented to deal with immediate, pressing problems, seemed to me to be based on a misplaced motivational idealism that made no attempt to account for dynamics in a very material world.1 8 Initially Boserups arguments enjoyed a brief period of pop ularity during which they were applied to various archaeo logical sequences (Smith 1976; Smith and Young 1972) and elaborated upon (Flannery 1969,1972). Acceptance, however, was short-lived, and numerous negative responses followed (Bender 1975; Bronson 1975; Brumfiel 1976; Cowgill 1975; Hassan 1978,1981:161-75; Hayden 1972,1975; and many oth ers). Rejection of the demographic arguments took one of sev eral forms: either a dismissal of the w population as cause position based on an opposing paradigm or an internal crit icism directed against specific assumptions associated with demographic arguments. I will briefly summarize these two approaches. Neo-Marxists were particularly uncomfortable with demographic arguments, but because their discourse has been well summarized elsewhere in the anthropological lit erature (lohnson and Earle 1987:6-15), I focus here on a nar rower suite of arguments that were presented specifically to challenge postulations about population pressure as a causal engine. I deal first with Barbara Bender (1978,1981,1985), who professed that the locus of cause of societal change could be found in the relations of production. Thia place ment of cause ensured that demographic pressure will be per ceived when the social structure comes under threat rather
than in terms of population survivalit may therefore have nothing to do with an increase in numbers (Bender 1978:208-9). Given this perspective on prehistory, Bender ( 1978:211 ) searched for potential internal pressure that might make increasing demands on production. She found her causal motor in the alliance theory of Lvi-Strauss and the eco nomic arguments of Sahlins, which were briefly reviewed in chapter 1. For Bender, the link between alliance and economics was exchange, which she pronounced the engine of internal pressure responsible for social change. Increased sedentism would further speed up the internal societal motor, and at this point in her upward theoretical spiral Bender speculated about the contexts in which technological change would be stimulated by alliance exchange: In areas where resources are bountiful, as along the Northwest Coast, it may lead to increased investment in durable facilities, weirs, dams etc (fur ther enhancing the leaders status since he organizes the construction and controls access). In other areas, where potential domesticates are available, it may lead to an increased commitment of food production (Bender 1978:214). Bender has made a vitalistic argument in which the behav iors and activities of individuals are ascribed to an inherent, irrepressible property of human life, in this case the social rela tions of production. Her argument is reminiscent of the ideas outlined by Gregory Bateson ( 1958) in his fascinating ethnographic study Naven, in which he claimed to have identified a vital process, which he called schismogenesis, that underlies social change. Schismogenesis was defined as a process of differentiation in the norms of individual behavior resulting from cumulative interaction between individuals, enlightened by the study of the reactions of indi viduals to the reactions of other individuals (Bateson 1958:175). In the ensuing years, similar arguments have attributed major intensificational changes in the organiza tion of cultural systems (including the origins of agriculture) to various schismogenetic linkages between trade, prestige seeking, and increases in productive surplus. Another kind of argument usually begins with a recita tion of the universal properties of human beings and then moves to a schismogenetic formulation: We argue that the transition from egalitarian to rank societies was a process that occurred on a regional scale under special historical and techno-environmental circumstances. The engine for change was self-interested competition among political actors vying for prestige or social esteem (Clark and Blake 1996:259). The similarities between this statement and the reactions of individuals to the reactions of other individuals* are strik ing and suggest a vitalistic process of internal feedback. The problem with such arguments is that there is no cause, only consequence, if cause is admitted as vital to the process. This is a variant of what I have called the Garden of Eden" argument, which is given full expression by Brian Hayden
(1986, 1992; Gargett and Hayden 1991) among others. Human psychology is considered a constant, and therefore all groups contain individuals who are prestige seekers. Groups find themselves in environments that will sustain escalating exploitation by an aggrandizer.. . . The environ ment must be productive enough to support a rapidly grow ing labor force, the followers attached to an aggrandizer. In other words, aggrandizers fare best in intensifiable habi tats (Clark and Blake 1996:261). One would have to con clude that the aggrandizing personality is a societal constant that requires only a fertile environment to produce the tran sition from egalitarian to ranked society. To say that I am underwhelmed by the preceding arguments is an under statement. A second suite of objections to the demographic arguments of the mid-1960s was not so much a set of alternative propo sitions as critiques of the use these arguments made of the related concepts of carrying capacity and population pres sure. The linkage between these concepts was reputed to take the form of a ratio between carrying capacity and the demand made on a habitat by a given level of population. The greater the demand relative to the habitats supply of food resources, the greater the pressure that a population was thought to exert. A corollary of this axiom was that popula tion growth itself regulated the size of the population and, ultimately, the demand for sustaining products. I have long referred to this formulation of the relation ship between carrying capacity and population pressure as the petri dish view of niches. Given the link between the size of a population attempting to meet its needs and an inflex ible carrying capacity, the hidden assumption is that group fission and expansion of rangethe mechanisms that sus tained hunter-gatherers and resulted in the peopling of the earthare somehow no longer feasible. Population levels are assumed to increase within a bounded space, and therefore changes in population density are considered to be surrogate indicators of population pressure. The human response to this putative pressure is to invent new adaptive strategies and techniques that, when implemented, change a regions car rying capacity. In a very insightful paper, Dewar (1984) has pointed out that this formulation visualized carrying capacity very dif ferently from the meaning given the term by demographers in studies using Lotkas curve (Odum 1959:232). For demog raphers, the symbol k refers to all density-dependent prop erties operating to modify the rates at which populations grow. The difficulties inherent in isolating the density-dependent from the density-independent conditioners of population growth have been pointed out numerous times (Dewar 1984:602-5). Intellectual obstacles do not, however, prevent researchers from wondering what the density-dependent consequences are that would suppress rates of population growth and whether such suppression would have any effect
themselves have mediating efficiencies and optimal settings for implementation that drastically modify the relationship between simple, gross demand for food and the abundance of potential foods. These efficiencies vary with the scale of the envi ronment over which they can be implemented and the struc ture of the distribution of potential foods in that environment. A set of tactics may work quite well under one set of demographic conditions, but when they are employed in conjunction with a different regional demographic structure, the same techniques may be counterproductive. For instance, some groups of hunter-gatherers such as the Tubatulabal, whose range was east of the current city of Bakersfield, Cal iforniaset fires on a regular basis as part of their rabbit drives (Smith 1978:444). The fires would eventually burn out before they threatened neighboring settlements or negatively affected the subsistence practices of adjacent groups. It does not require much imagination, however, to antic ipate the reaction to a fire set today by a Tubatulabal who wanted to hunt rabbits in the valleys of the Kern River. This is what is meant by saying that some tactics and strategies are density-dependent in terms of their utility and efficiency. It may well be that many basic tactical and strategic changes, such as the adoption of techniques of plant cultivation, could have more to do with thresholds conditioning the utility of earlier tactics and strategies than the actual long term, nutritional state of a population or its absolute level of demand on resources. In preceding chapters, I have argued that intensification is a process of extracting greater nutritional benefit from parcels of land of decreasing size. This process can be thought of as a response to increased numbers of failures in the timetested strategy of hunter-gatherer adaptation, which is mobil ity. In this regard I have written elsewhere: the driving forces of change lie in the interaction between the environment and the adaptive system being con sidered. Given such a view, the systems of adaptation may enjoy relatively stable periods of varying duration, rep resenting times when it is able to cope successfully with the perturbations of the environment. Selection for change occurs when the system is unable to continue pre viously successful tactics in the face of changed condi tions in the environment. The source of such change may be the accumulated effects of the systems history, but such effects are buildups of changed ecological rela tionships rather than the continuous operation of either some inner vital principles or of unrelenting external pressures. (Binford 1983:203) The challenge to archaeologists is therefore to be able to isolate density-dependent processes that render traditional subsistence strategies and techniques ineffective and obso lete. In such a context, innovations would become manda tory considerably before starvation and social chaos ensued, which is the condition most often implied by the proponents of population pressure as a mechanism for change.
I had two goals in mind when I began this chapter. I wanted to illustrate that it is sometimes useful to contrast apparendy conflicting ideas with one another and then to use ideas developed in the context of one argument as a frame of ref erence for looking at the ethnographic data base in ways that had not previously been considered. A related goal was to accumulate intellectual ammunition for my engagement in the next chapter with the issue of intensification. I hoped that my goals would interact synergistically, prompting me to think new thoughts and to imagine new ways of organizing the observations at my disposal. The first thing I learned was that Johnsons constant of six entities matched the frequency distribution of the number of basic family units making up GROUP1 units (generalization 9.02). This congruence makes a great deal of sense and sup ports Johnson and Earles claim that the family or hearth group is the primary subsistence group. It is capable of great self-sufficiency, but moves in and out of extended family camps or hamlets opportunistically as problems or oppor tunities arise (1987:19). The independence of the basal family as defined in my study20 provided the basis for many generalizations attesting to the flexibility of hunter-gath erer groupings. With regard to GROUP 1 units, my findings provide substance for pronouncements by many anthro pologists, and they support Johnsons constant as funda mental to segmentally organized social units. When patterning in the distribution of GROUP2 units was examined, however, the identity of basal units and the impor tance of a constant of six became less clear. My expectations were similar to those enunciated by Johnson (1982:396-97) and Johnson and Earle (1987): that hunter-gatherer social seg mentation corresponded to what is termed the extended fam ily, a much-discussed but elusive entity. According to Murdock (1949:23), the extended family consisted of two or more nuclear families united by consanguineal kinship bonds such as those between parents and child or between two siblings. Although segmental organizations of nuclear families certainly existed among the cases in the global sample of hunter-gatherer cases, such forms were not doc umented at the time of data production for the basic huntergatherer file. That such forms were probably germane is supported by the observation that neither GROUP 1 units nor basal family units were the basal units of GROUP2 settlements (see the discussion following figure 9.04). I therefore investigated the possibility that households might provide a surrogate clue to the character of the basal unit segments making up GROUP2 units. Generalizations 9.05 and 9.07 point out that household size responds to envi ronmental variables affecting the primary function of houses, which is to provide shelter, as well as to the size and com position of the segmental units in need of shelter. The as yet
central arctic Eskimo, and I discovered that for these groups breathing hole sealing was the customary winter subsistence strategy. Evolutionary biologists have tried to explain the popularity of this alternative, beginning with the argument that because risk pooling could be segmentally organized by the central arctic Eskimo, the large size of their winter sealing villages could not be understood exclusively in terms of pooling the risk associated with food acquisition. It appeared more likely that a two-stage, nested set of risk-pooling organizations was at work: the smaller unit was a labor-sharing pool for reducing the risk in food procurement, while the larger, more inclusive, more reticulate risk pool was designed to reduce the risk of food shortages among consumers.22 The presence of the latter, larger risk pool, it was argued, condi tioned the larger GROUP2 winter settlements. These observations and arguments were fascinating in themselves, but I discovered that the upper limit on the number of units participating in the larger risk pool designed to cope with food shortages corresponded to the Johnson con stant of six. The ubiquitous presence of the constant six finally clarified several observations that had originally seemed inconsistent. First of all, Johnson used the IKung as an example of what he termed sequential hierarchies. He noted that the nuclear family was the basic social unit in rainy season GROUP 1 camps, whereas the extended family formed the basic unit at dry season GROUP2 camps. In Johnsons data, the mean size of the nuclear family was 3.43 persons and mean extended family size was 11.43 persons. The latter unit con sisted of 3.33 basal units (11.43 divided by 3.43), a figure that does not have much in common with a constant of six. Johnson also reported that IKung dry season camps were made up of extended family basal units and had a mean size of forty persons. Dividing the size of the dry season camps by the mean value of their basal units (40.0 divided by 11.43) produces a value of 3.49 as the number of basal units, whichagain is not in the same ballpark as the Johnson constant. On the other hand, 3.33 and 3.49 are not very different from the value of 3.55 that Smith (1991:327-30) found was the optimal size of the labor unit designed to reduce the risks resulting from differential hunting success by averaging returns, or sharing, among the participating hunters. The social units of the Dobe IKung have been reported as modular in structure, associated with a sequential hierarchy of shifting sizes of basal units, as Johnson argued. The difference in the IKung case appears to be that the nested hierarchy is organized in terms of labor cooperatives and risk pools that function at the level of both food pro* curement and food consumption. For example, food shar ing in rainy season camps was based on the pooling of procurement risk among all cooperating males in the camp In dry season camps, however, a pattern of meat sharing and
Quite unexpectedly, I found that, except for cases in which households equaled GROUP2 or basic organizational units, household size increased in a regular way with increases in GROUP2 size. I also discovered that this patterned increase was not identical in all hunter-gatherer cases but that it instead took three different forms. Although I did not pur sue these provocative observations, the possible linkage between household size and environmental and social cor relates, particularly GROUP2 unit size, suggests that archae ologists should investigate these relationships further. The study of household variability relative to variability in house size is an obvious place to begin, and it should be followed up by a search for patterning linking these two variables to household composition and GROUP2 size. My strategy in this chapter has paid off in several other ways besides what I learned about basal organizational units. The decision to assume that basal units were defined by Johnsons constant of six led me to the realization that very different conditioning factors were involved in processes of extensification and intensification. The mounted hunters of the Great Plainswho have consistently emerged as dif ferent from other hunter-gatherer groups in many compar isons and tabulations of variablesagain demonstrated their divergence from the norm with large-scale social units and very lowpopulation densities. These groups also had more of the attributes associated with complexity, a process that appears to be responsive to social scale rather than to pop ulation levels and the density-dependent variables usually cited in discussions of social complexity. In this regard, I pointed out in chapter 5 that, contrary to conventional wisdom, pastoralistsrather than huntergatherersoccupied the worlds most marginal environ ments. This fact illustrates that the growth and development of social systems on which extensificational pressures have operated is a neglected domain of anthropological research. In how many textbooks is it possible to find pastoralists2 1 and other systems that respond to processes of extensification listed as examples of the linear model of cultural evolution? One of the most interesting results of my pattern recog nition work was the identification of systems practicing alternative subsistence strategies during the most aggregated phase of their annual cycle. As an example, I pointed to the experience of the Mackenzie Delta Eskimo, who one winter were forced to relocate to larger than usual, temporary set tlements on the Arctic sea ice, where they hunted seals at breathing holesa tactic that required the establishment of new working relationships emphasizing cooperative labor. This singular event, which was recorded by an observer, prompted me to take another took at the circumstances associated with the anomalously large GROUP2 sizes of the
averaging of returns among cooperating hunters was followed by a pattern of distribution in which individual hunters shared their portions with others, based on egocentric criteria. The only well-documented case of two-stage sharing among the IKung was recorded by DeVore and published by Yellen (1977b:285-90). In this record, sharing among hunters takes the form of a pooled average of returns, while each hunters sharing with consumers is biased toward sharing with members of the preceding or parental generation. Any campwide distributions of food result from subsequent sharing by members of the senior generation. Each extended family is represented in the daily hunting cooperatives of short duration by males of the younger generation. It is this linkage between labor and the size of the risk pool units in each of the different ways of organizing risk that accounts for the strong fit of the Group Size Model with the empirical material. The provocative fit of GROUP 1 data to the Johnson constant of six is due to the fact that nuclear fam ilies made up the basal units and that group sizes were a func tion of labor cooperatives with alternating daily work schedules, which required six units in order to meet the tar get of three different male or female workers each day. This understanding of the sequential hierarchies preva lent among many small-scale hunter-gatherer groups is also consistent with Johnsons astute observation (generaliza tion 9.01 and proposition 9.01) that the correlation between a systems complexity and the size of its population is only really apparent if a very wide range of variability in popula tion is considered. Johnson also pointed out that, when rel atively minor differences in population were involved, there was significant local variation, and I agree with this assess ment All of the variability in GROUP 1 sizes is conditioned by labor organization, work schedules, and the sexual divi sion of labor. There is a much greater range in the size of GROUP2 units, and they are also less well understood. When GROUP2 size exceeds a threshold of between forty and fifty-three per sons (generalization 9.11), scalar-based changes may appear. This threshold, however, has been determined by assuming that the smallest of the elite-based systems in my sample of ethnographic cases have been subjected to scalar stresses subsequent to documented population growth or reduc tions in the size of their ranges. Since my method recognizes
only those systems that have been successful in coping with stress or other intensificational pressures, there are still many questions about the systems that fail and become extinct such as: What would failing systems look like? Are organizational responses to scalar change or intensificational processes reversible? If the answer to the latter question is no, then it raises the possibility of abnormally small-scale systems that have overblown organizational features and presents another challenging aspect of system state variability to investigate. As part of the discussion of intensification in the next chap ter, I will need to control for more variables and design the analysis with issues such as these in mind. A preoccupation with system state issues in the last sec tion of this chapter stimulated my discussion of population pressurewhich was contrasted with Johnsons concept of scalar changeand some of the difficulties associated with identifying the sector within a system where density-depen dent variables operate. It has been widely assumed that these factors operate at the consumer level and that reductions in the accessible food base exacerbate the stereotypical huntergatherer condition in which, as Sahlins (1968:85) said, star vation stalks the stalker. I discussed Boserups (1965) argument that food scarcity was the stimulus for technological changes that, in turn, increased agricultural production and prompted further demographic growth. I also commented on the controversial literature arguing that populational variables were causal conditioners of change and suggested that density dependence is a state that has direct impact on hunter-gatherer tactics and strategies of food procurement, perhaps partially independently of reductions in return rates that result from their implementation. My contribution to this important discussion briefly introduced ideas that take a wider view and attempted to argue that the costs of tactical implementation are conditioned by more variables than simply the standing crop of available resources at any given time. For instance, although compe tition with neighbors can be costly and result in an increase in the standing crop of resources, competition may also drive down the return rate and result in a shift to alternative foods. In the next chapter, discussion of the complicated interaction of density-dependent variables continues as the issue of intensification is addressed directly.
In this final section, the focus is on analysis and integration, with the goal of learning more about what appear to be the germane characteristics of the world of hunter-gatherers. At the same time, I hope to integrate the picture of that world with arguments about why'it is the way it appears to be. My conclusions may or may not represent a formal theory, because what I have learned by using frames of referencecoupled with how the world I have observed is organizedmay change my view of what the subject-side world is like. The focus of theory building can be said to shift as our learning strategies lead to the development of more secure, subject-side knowledge. One challenge remains unchanged, however, and that is to explain the cultural variability that has been documented ethnographically among hunter-gatherer peoples. In the final chap ter of this book, we come face-to-face with the realization that cultural variability may have arisen in response to dynamics operating in two or more semi-independent causal domains. I have demonstrated, for instance, how the domain of habitat variability irfipinges upon huntergatherer life ways. Environments are not static but fluctuate at some scale all of the time. The question becomes: how do changes in the environmental domain differentially affect cultural systems that vary in terms of social scale, adaptive organization, and packing state? I believe that I have made some progress toward understanding and beginning to explain the causal processes that operate upon these domains. I have not been able to deal substantively with the issues of reversibility and irreversibility, but I hope that the exercises in environmental reconstruction make it clear that this subject is critically important, since the real world is not static but changes at an ecosystemic level at dif ferent rates and tempos. The importance of dynamics of this kind must be appreciated prior to developing a theory that will predict both when something will happen and when it will not. I have stressed, however, the importance of initial conditions in structuring trajectories of change, since, to a large extent, they affect the way that similar density-dependent processes or ecologically induced changes in habitat play out for different hunter-gatherer groups. A greater understanding of these dynamics should put us in a position to address systematically the issue of irreversibility and the mechanisms underlying emergent patterns of punctuated change rep resented by new niche formation.
The flow of ideas in this chapter has much in common with the rush-hour traffic patterns seen from a helicopter that hovers over and monitors the vehicles streaming through the confluence of two or more multilane highways. These big interchanges are often given names like the spaghetti bowlor the mix-master because some roads turn and twist and disappear while others wrap around themselves and emerge from the jumble oriented in a different direction from the one they were following when they entered the interchange. In the first half of this book, it was fairly easy to distin guish between the events taking place in the scientific theater and those on the hunter-gatherer stage, but in the last three chapters it has seemed increasingly artificial to separate the two arenas. Tactics and strategies initiated in the scientific domain have become increasingly important to an under standing of events that once occurred in the hunter-gatherer theater. A marked shift in tempo between the two domains should be apparent to the reader: discussions of themes in the scientific theater flow smoothly and quickly, but the pace slows in the sections in which dynamics in the huntergatherer theater are monitored through pattern recognition studies. The justification for the spaghetti bowl metaphor comes from the feedback between the slow and sometimes labori ous episodes of pattern recognition work and subsequent events in the scientific theater. Ideas often change, commit ments to particular ways of looking at the world are frequently modified, and, in the full light of knowledge growth, what had appeared to be helpful natural units are revealed as expe dient, rather than essential, analytical tools. This chapter is about the synergy between a scientists use of prior knowledge and the patterns that are exposed through structured, source-side observations that directly implicate the characteristics of dynamics taking place in the huntergatherer theater. To illustrate the synergetic method, I shift
back and forth between two roles: at one moment I partic ipate as an actor in the scientific play, while at another I become a disembodied observer who floats above the stage and comments on the action. In the former role, I provide a commentary on the developing plot of the scientific play. As a disembodied observer, on the other hand, from the vantage point of my metaphorical helicopter, I describe the complicated traffic patterns moving through the analytical spaghetti bowl and point out the feedback loops that char acterize the synergistic learning experience. The term intensification has been used many times in previous chapters. I think of it as the process that impels hunter-gatherers to increase the amount of food they extract from smaller and smaller segments of the landscape. The link age between intensification and increases in population has already been identified, and I have presented arguments outlining the factors that govern group size among mobile hunter-gatherers. I and others have suggested that small group size is advantageous for mobile peoples and that, as pop ulation increases, new groups will be formed, resulting in increasingly packed ranges and circumscription of the eco nomic space used by any given group. In this chapter, the effect of reduced range size on huntergatherer habitats will be explored, as will the responses of hunter-gatherers to the inevitable impact of range reduction on their subsistence strategies. Another feature of this chap ter is an expansion of the scope in terms of which intensifi cation is investigated. Obviously, intensification applies both to horticultural practices and to the seminal issue of the origins of agriculture. It was, after all, hunter-gatherers who became prehistorys horticulturists, pastoralists, and agri culturists. I increasingly explore clues derived from a study of hunter-gatherer variability to determine how, in the past, intensification might have promoted the exploration of new ways to satisfy human nutritional requirements using plant and animal resources,
may occur without affecting the environment, lowering the nutritional returns, or degrading the ecosystem and reduc ing its complexity. On the other hand, there are no free meals, and intensification can lead to a reduction of the energetic level of segments of the ecosystem.
Habitat Variability, Potential Niche Diversity, and the Spatial Structure o f Resource Accessibility
Disembodied Observer: The title of this section makes sense only to readers w ho know that in the scientific the ater many behind-the-scenes discussions and late-night brainstorming sessions have preceded the opening cur tain. One argument claims that, thus far, environmental infor mation has been used in a relatively static way, usually as a stable frame of reference against w hich variability in hunter-gatherer plays has been projected. A more realistic view holds that environments are not static and that there are likely to be dynamic links between habitats defined exclusively in terms o f nonhuman ecology and biology and the scales at which human beings fit into these habitats. At this point in the scientific play, this idea is explored by drawing upon prior knowledge available from nonanthropological research to develop a number of provocative generalizations. Then the audience is exposed to the impact that new information can have on previous research, as a number of propositions are developed that stipulate the pos sible consequences for hunter-gatherers o f changes in their effective environments. These ideas appear consistent with w hat I already know, but they nevertheless extend beyond my current analytical abilities.
If niche diversity is considered not as a formal property of a habitat but as a variable condition of hyperspace (see chapter 2)that is, variable with respect to die spatial clump ing and availability of diverse food resourcesit might be pos sible to isolate some consequences of intensification that I have not previously considered. As a bonus, other clues pointing to the factors responsible for various forms of adaptation might also be recognized, as well as differences in system state levels of complexity. I have already demonstrated that variance in huntergatherer subsistence practices is strongly related to the habi tats within which such groups live (see generalizations 7.01 through 7.05,7.11,7.12,8.04,8.08,8.09,8.12,8.17,8.18, and 8.33 as well as propositions 7.01 and 8.02). I have not yet con sidered the changes in hunter-gatherer habitats that result from their own different density-dependent states. It would be worthwhile to consider the character of changes in the habi tat that inevitably arise from reductions in the subsistence range or the area from which hunter-gatherers obtain their food. This is because changes in the effective environments of peoples living in the same ecological space are indeed habitat changes, even if they result from shifts in the size of the subsistence range and changes in the way labor is organized. Investments in technology usually have a similar effect as they enlarge and render more productive a particular set of windows giving access to resources. This kind of change
It is a well-known fact that the number of plant species in a given area varies exponentially with the size of the area within which the species count is made (Cailleux 1953; Williams 1964). This relationship is well illustrated in table 10.01, which presents Cailleuxs data from various regions in France. The exponential relationship between the number of species and the area ensures that changes in range size will restructure the effective environment of a group of foragers, even if there is no change in group size. As an example, by using the equation in table 10.01, the number of species that would be available for exploitation by groups of foragers living at different density levels in Francewhose range size is between approximately 140 and more than 4,000 square kilometers can be determined. These relationships are explicated further by the data in table 10.02, which illustrate that range reduction can dra matically modify the effective environments of human groups as measured by the number of species available for potential exploitation. It should be noted, however, that the number of species tells only part of the story. In most set tings, abundant species account for approximately 20 per cent of the total species present in an area (Williams 1964:60). Plentiful species also yield higher nutritional returns other things, such as handling time, being equal than relatively rare species because of the greater search time and mobility costs associated with acquiring fewer available resources.
Nott; These data fit on exponential curve according to y * + If logN <*)}, where 5.7393514 and b - 0.19559006, of specie*, and x area in square kilometers.
RANGE (K M 2 )
490 607 671 716 821 920 983 1,033 1,209 1,386 1,588
98 121 134 143 164 184 196 206 215 277 318
4,207 1,127 4,307 2,838 2,773 1,615 3,949 3,907 1,998 769 1,628 1,127 2,935 385
129 62 1,029 1,084 1,096 653 3,727 4,000 2,228 1,007 2,500 1,750 5,100 2,400
Notes: All values were calculated using the formula in table 10.01. Data on area and num ber o f observed snecies W illiam s (1964:312-17). ( 1 9 6 4 :3 1 2 - 1 7 V Area Area I r\ urac th^n used to solve for expected ____ s e r vusing ea sp e c ie s hams (x) was then species, the s W ere ta k e n fro m im e equation.
In a given area, therefore, approximately 86 percent of the total animal biomass will consist of feeders on primary produc tion and the remaining 14 percent will be carnivores. This rela tionship demonstrates that, at the scale of trophic differentiation, there is a correlation between range size and habitat abundance: the less abundant the habitat the larger the size of the range. Even these two trophic classes can be broken down into more niche-specific terms. For instance, McNab (1963) found that herbivorous animals that consume primarily the photosynthetic organs of plants (e.g., bovids) have higher pop ulation densities than herbivores subsisting on the repro ductive organs of plants and related plant products, such as seeds and nectar. It was also apparent that for the latter class of herbivores population densities are lower relative to body size than among blade and leaf feeders. Similarly, primate species that are fruit and insect feeders have larger home ranges than leaf-eating species (Harvey and Read 1992:156). Unlike the relationships between range size, body size, and species abundance in trophically distinct forms, such as her bivores and carnivores, among species that feed on primary production the feeding specialties are more numerous and body sizes and ranges are smaller. This means that, in some areas with low plant productivity, the number of animal species is greater other things being equaland average body size is smaller. For example, of the forty-eight contiguous United States, New Mexico has the highest number of different mammalian spedes (Simpson 1964), even though plant pro ductivity is not particularly high. New Mexico does, however, have considerable betvyeen-habitat diversity that is related to altitudinal differences, but this factor is not enough to account for the high level of animal spedes richness. In this case, species diversity appears to be associated with the pres ence of many creatures of very small body size that have small home ranges and correspondingly reduced niche distributions. More recent ecological research has tended to study the relationship between body size and spedes density rather than range size itself (Currie and Fritz 1993; Demuth 1981,1987; Maurer and Brown 1988; Peters and Raelson 1984), and the results indicate that more than 80 percent of the variation in the log1 0value of animal population densities is accounted for by body size. -------------------- Generalization 10.01 ~
As hunter-gatherer range size is reduced, exploitation mals
Changes in range size often result in different conse quences for foragers, depending upon their environment Table 10.03 illustrates the significant differences in the number of species per unit area associated with a variety of climatic and geographic regimes, using flowering species from France as a baseline for measurement The locations for which species counts were available are arranged ordinally in table 10.03 in terms of the differenceexpressed as a percentagebetween observed and expected values. The term expected values, of course, refers to expected abundance of species in France. It is dear that very warm locations with high rainfall have observed values that exceed expected levels by as much as 83 percent, whereas observed values are lower than expected by 97 and 94 percent respectively, for Baffin Island (in the arctic) and the desert of NewMexico, both places with very low productivity. In the case of Baffin Island, diminished solar radiation accounts for reduced productivity and species richness; low rainfall is responsible for the same result in the New Mexican desert.1 The species density of habitats prior to intensification is a crucial component of the complex set of circumstances encompassed by the term initial conditions, and clearly dif ferences in species density levels can be expected to pro duce different outcomes in response to reductions in the size of hunter-gatherer ranges. The feet that aquatic resources play such a predominant role in the subsistence of foragers in arc tic zones, and that most of these cases are also packed, sup ports the view that a shift to aquatic resources is the most viable hunting and gathering response to intensificational pres sure in high-latitude settings.2
The investigation of the relationship between animal body size and home range has a long history in ecological research (Damuth and MacFadden 1990), one result of which has been the discovery of an overall logarithmic relationship between these two variables (Damuth 1982; Eisenberg 1990; Gittleman and Harvey 1982; Harestad and Bunnell 1979; McNab 1963; Peters 1983; Schoener 1968,1981; Swihart et al. 1988). When animal species are segregated into trophic subclasses, the empirical relationships are much tighter and differ according to feeding strategy. Animals that are direct consumers of primary plant pro duction, such as ungulates, have a smaller home range per unit of body size and more animals are supported per unit area, resulting in a relatively high population density. On the other hand, carnivores that feed primarily on other animals have much larger home ranges than herbivores of similar body size and correspondingly lower population densities (Harestad and Bunnell 1979:390; Peters 1983:167; Schoener 1968:135).
greater the reduction in subsistence area, other things equal, the more dependent upon animals of nailer ana smaller body size hunter-gatherer* must
Body size is not the only issue, however. Species v K'umi or richness also exhibits great geographic variability- R**en
research has shown that once the strong relationship to body size is controlled and animals are separated into different metabolic groups (invertebrates, ectotherms, birds, and mammals), the single variable that best accounts for most of the residual variability is potential vapotranspiration (PET). Currie and Fritz ( 1993) have demonstrated the strength of this variables patterning using global positioning techniques applied to sample locations. The preceding discussion of the geographic patterning in and relationships between animal density and richness can be summarized in the following terms: ------------------- Generalization 10.02 --------------------As subsistence area and species richness are reduced as a power function of area, hunter-gatherers normally rely more heavily on fewer animal species of smaller and smaller body size, other things being equal.
The patterns summarized in generalizations 10.01 and 10.02 correspond to niche differences relative to the abun dance of targeted foods in a habitat. The frequencies of species of large body size decrease as net aboveground pro ductivity declines, but they increase as the turnover rate in the plant community increases. If most of a habitats biotic production is in the form of plant biomass, less food is avail able to those plant feeders that consume new growth, par ticularly photosynthetic and reproductive organs and related products. The smaller an animals body size, the shorter its life span, which means that its period o f reproductive matu rity is very short. Most short-lived species produce mature offspring annually, and their populations change in very short growth intervals.3 This results in long-term stability in the food supply for species that exploit such animal populations.4 The preceding discussion of habitat differences exem plified by variability in the species abundance of plants and animals was intended to demonstrate that, as far as the exploitation of prey species is concerned, a reduction in the size of subsistence ranges will have inevitable consequences: . 1 Generalization 10.03 ---------------------
species richness or density of trees (the numbers of species per standard unit area) appears to be strongly related, as a curvilinear function of actual vapotranspiration (AE), to the usable energy available to a plant community. This energy is partitioned among species within the community, and the total available amount acts as a limit on species richness itself (Currie and Paquin 1987:327). Regardless of the dynamics that are postulated to account for these patterns, however, the point is that the number of plant species varies in response to the same environmental variable (AE) as net aboveground productivity. In highly productive environments, there are a greater number of species per unit area than in low-productivity settings. The pattern of reduction in species numbers in response to conditions suggested in generalization 10.02 is not expected to vary linearly but rather as a power fonction relative to the availability of solar radiation, since the metabolic rates of plants vary considerably with latitude or PET. As the metabolic levels of the plant community are reduced in conjunction with reduced levels of solar radiation, the number of species appears to decrease as a power function of metabolic levels, semi-independently of productivity. In other words, ------------------ Generalization 10.04 --------------------The scalar consequences of range reduction for hunter-gatherers will vary among habitats as a function of the species rich ness and structure of equability within the plant community where the range reduction occurs.
These patterns in the distribution of species richness and (in animal species) the relationship between body size and density ensure that range reduction results in a decrease in the number of species and the number of potential food sources. In the case of animals, range reduction results in fewer opportunities for exploiting animals of large body size, other things being equal. Another important feature is that species richness is strongly conditioned by the global patterning in energy distribution. -------------------- Generalization 10.05 ........- ........ 1
Given a reduction in the size of a group's effective subsistence range, the number of plant species available for exploitation decreases as a power function of the scale of the reduction in area. These relationships are further complicated by the fact that habitats differ dramatically in the number of species per unit area. The range of difference in plant species was illus trated in table 10.02 (see also Currie and Paquin 1987), and it applies to animals of all kinds (Currie and Fritz 1993). The
Other things being equal, when climate changes from colder to warmer conditions, as it did at the close of the Pleis tocene, it is reasonable to expect increases in diet breadth and the appearance of a broad-spectrum revolution as a simple function of environmental change. Subsistence change by hunter-gatherers in this instance represents a response to environmental change and is not a "strategic change" per se. Against the background of the preceding cursory descrip tion of the relationship between range size and species rich ness, as well as changes in the accessibility of terrestrial
animals, I now turn to a consideration of hunter-gatherer responses to intensification and packing. My focus remains, however, on subsistence practices and correlative relationships.
stantial aquatic alternatives, in spite of growing inten sificational pressures in nearby areas in which for agers already exploit aquatic resources.
I have already pointed out that no successful hunter-gatherers in my ethnographic data base were, at the same time, primarily dependent upon terrestrial animals and either sedentary (generalization 7.10) or characterized by population densi ties exceeding the packing threshold (generalization 7.09). I have also contended that the only significant, long-term intensificational response of hunters to packed conditions is to reduce their dependence upon larger terrestrial animals and to shift to terrestrial animals of smaller body size (gen eralization 10.02). For hunter-gatherer groups in cool to cold environments, the only option is to shift to aquatic resources, which, along with an increased dependence upon plants, is also an option for groups in warm-temperate to equatorial settings. In settings in which foragers are expected to be primarily dependent upon terrestrial plant resources (see figures 5.11 and 6.07), intensification may condition expansion of diet breadth through increased use of terrestrial plants and at the same time also result in experimentation with aquatic resources. An expansion of both diet breadth and niche breadth is therefore possible when pressures to intensify occur. ------------------ Proposition 10.01 -----------------Increased use of aquatic resources by groups depen dent upon terrestrial plants would reduce risk as a function of the increased probability that accessing schedules are not likely to be synchronous (Binford 1991 c:33-40,232). Under these conditions, greater sta bility in meeting consumer demands for food could be anticipated. Greater niche breadth would also reduce the rate at which intensification of plant use, includ ing cultivars, would proceed relative to (1) scalar changes in social organization and (2) other, as yet unidentified, factors favoring ranking or other nonegalitarian social features. Applying these expectations to the issue of the transfor mation of hunter-gatherers into horticulturists, it is rea sonable to suggest that, other things being equal, ------- Proposition 10.02 The earliest use of domesticated plants and animals should occur in already packed regions that lack sub
By expanding the investigation still further, we learn that a cross-tabulation of the hunter-gatherer cases reveals that twenty-five of the twenty-six cases classified as stratified or characterized by elite and privileged leaders (SYSTATE3 = 7) are primarily dependent upon aquatic resources. The single exception is a group of mounted hunters who are also heav ily dependent upon aquatic resources. It is justified to gen eralize that there is a strong association in my data set between nonegalitarian social characteristics and the use of aquatic resources. If it can be assumed that this is a general condition and not a regional bias in the modern huntergatherer data, then I would venture an additional expecta tion that, other things being equal, ------------------
During the earliest stages of intensification in which domesticated plants were being adopted, evidence of nonegalitarian social features should not appear in those groups for whom the exploitation of alternative aquatic resources is not feasible.
In this instance, perhaps the most important feature of the conditional statement other things being equal is that the domesticated plants and animals that were used experi mentally were not native to aquatic biomes. A good example is wet rice cultivation in Asia. The exploitation and eventual domestication of this cultivar may have been part of a process of intensification that was focused upon a freshwater aquatic biome. It is not surprising that population growth in China was accompanied by expansion of the number and size of sites in new low-lying areas... [with] access to regularly flooded land where clearing and planting would have produced appropriate conditions for rice (Higham 1995:154). An interesting aspect of wet rice cultivation is that it may well demonstrate an important point about aquatic resource exploitation in general. The patches or access windows for the procurement of aquatic resources are largely determined by the nature of the habitat, as modified, of course, by the avail able technology for accessing food from the biome. This means that expansion of the geographic scale of an aquatic adaptation is limited by the characteristics of the access win dows to the biome. as well as differences within the habitat from location to location within the biomein the frequency and clustering of access windows. Relative to the terrestrial habi tat, accessible resources are distributed in an extremely con centrated or clustered fashion, which almost certainly conditions the way human beings organize their exploitation of resources.
Add to these features o f the environment the fact that a technological filter stands between many resources and the human ability to access or exploit the aquatic milieu. In such circumstances, the extraction o f resources is fre quently dependent upon not only the prior investment of substantial labor in technology but also the fact that there are only a limited number of places or contexts in which such investments of labor will result in needed food yields. Most people would agree that, in a marine context, shell fish in general and species isolated in tidal pools or made accessible from a terrestrial vantage point by tidal varia tion are the only resources that could be exploited with out tools of some kind. Aquatic birds that nest terrestrially, as well as some sea mammals who mate and give birth terrestrially, would be accessible from a terrestrial base; their capture would require some simple technological aids.5 In riparian and lacustrine contexts, factors such as the restricted width of some streams would make fish drives and wading-based strategies (figure 10.01), such as the hand capture of fish, occasionally feasi ble. Riparian analogies to tidal phenomena (particularly the rise and fall of flood conditions) that would make it possible to take naturally trapped fish and turtles in flood ponds are another example. When the exploitation of aquatic resources is intensified much beyond the situations described in the preceding para graph, it is likely to be technology-driven. Increased labor investments might be expected in both the production of tech* nology (figure 10-02) and the procurement and processing
time associated with implementing technology, but these tactics, as well as the gross returns from their implementa tion, are poorly understood. I nevertheless venture to say that, other things being equal, given an increase in the exploita tion o f aquatic resources resulting primarily from range reductions due to population increase and associated increases in the number of groups in the region, -------------------
The greater the prior investment o f labor in im p le ments and facilities used to extract resources from a par ticular venue, the more access to the venue w ill be restricted to particular persons and the more the prod ucts derived from the venue w ill be restricted to the per sons contributing their labor to construct the facilities. Moreover, the fewer the locations for productive access to the aquatic biom e, the greater the lim itation on the persons w h o have acknow ledged rights to use the venue.
If the preceding supposition is correct, it is also reason able to suppose that -------------------Proposition 10.05 In settings characterized by demographic packing, the expansion o f diet breadth and niche breadth through the use of aquatic resources necessarily results in orga nized and institutionalized stewardship or ownership
37 0
p a r t
FIGURE 1 0 . 0 2
Hupa fish weir, California. Photo by Goddard (1906), courtesy of the Phoebe Apperson Hearst Museum of Anthropology and the Regents of the University of California.
of the critical and often rare locations used for access ing aquatic resources.
------------------- Proposition 10.08 -----------------As the size of a group's range decreases, variance in the seasons of availability of accessible resources should also decrease.
If we accept the probability that proposition 8.04 is accu rate, another consequence of high population density, other things being equal, is likely to be that ------------------
With a given technology, there will be increased exploitation of resources that are accessible in bulk and there will be an accompanying development of tech niques for gaining time utility from such resources through storage strategies.
The preceding propositions apply to a series of linked sit uations in which, as the area containing exploitable resources is reduced, it is likely that variance in the variables conditioning semi-independent, seasonal production schedules of acces sible foods would also be reduced. Reductions in the sine ot the range from which foods can be extracted can be visual ized as cone-shaped; as the power of the focus (e.g., degrees of packing) changes, fewer things are visible, but they appear much more important and dominate our field of view. A s the
area of the cone is reduced, there is a corresponding reduc tion in the range of values of variables conditioning both dif ferences in productivity schedules and the diverse pool of species from which foods must be drawn. As the area of the cone is reduced still further, it contains fewer and fewer resources that must, therefore, be exploited in greater and greater quantities. Looking at dynamics from this perspective brings us back to some of the topics I have already discussed. For instance, in chapters 7 and 8, 1 have shown how important labor orga nization is to an understanding of group size (generalizations 7.14,8.30, and 8.31; propositions 8.09 and 10.05). In situa tions in which demographic packing is not a problem, I have argued that the larger the group size, the greater the mobility costs required to provide sufficient food (general izations 7.19 and 7.21; proposition 8.02). On the other hand, among politically complex hunter-gatherer groups, GROUP 1 and GROUP2 sizes are larger (generalization 8.02; proposi tion 8.01). These groups are also usually sedentary, so mobil ity is not a realistic tactical option for expanding diet and niche breadth (generalizations 8.02 and 8.11; propositions 8.01,8.05, 8. 10, and 8.12). The larger group sizes, particularly GROUP1, seem to represent an increase in the size of productive labor units. At the same time, an increase in GROUP2 size seems to be an aggregating response associated with greater micro habitat specification within the productive ranges of relatively independent, fundamental units of production. Among most of the groups of the Pacific northwest coast that distinguished between elite and non-elite persons and featured social ranking, the house was identified as the fun damental unit of production. In these societies, the social hier archy consisted of nested, integrated units, with GROUP2 communities made up of multiple, independent, foodproducing units or houses, situated at the peak of the size range. The houses were, in turn, composed of multiple, cooperating families, who owned various access windows to resources that were the venues where different types of aquatic resources were exploited. The transactional hierar chy was, however, only a two-stage segmentary system. Heads of houses organized intergroup exchanges of goods, most of which took place within the community or among the units that wintered together in a single GROUP2 settlement. Among these groups, the transfer of goods always repre sented a debt incurred by the recipient that had to be settled at a future date. This transactional scheme has been referred to as social storage (OShea 1981) because, at a future date, the host or gift-giver could expect a return, and even an increase, on his investment from those who were indebted to him.6This approach to donor-debtor transactions empha sizes the fact that they are unidirectional transfers in any specific transactional episode. In some cases, this type of scheme was extended to exchanges between independent communities and was sim
ilar to the internal differentiation within the community regarding the scale of marriage networks. Some heads of houses tended to seek mates outside the community or win ter village, although most people married endogamously within the winter village community. Internal differentiation between the social and geographic scales of economic trans actions, parallel differentiation in kin networks among per sons of low and high rank, and socioeconomic stratification itself (indicated by a system state value of SYSTATE3 = 7) are the characteristics usually considered as indicative of com plex hunter-gatherers. 7 I hope to show that hunter-gatherer sociopolitical com plexity assumes quite different forms when viewed from an organizational perspective. For instance, in contrast to the transactional exchanges8 that I have briefly described, there are many hunter-gatherer cases in which the transfers were bidirectional. That is, in a given exchange episode, craft goods and food tended to move in opposite directions. Arrangements of this sort were particularly characteristic of hunter-gatherer systems in California, in which various types of craft items, particularly shell beads, were exchanged for food. The transfers were simultaneous and no debts or obliga tions to exchange items again in the future were incurred. In this context, possessing durable goods meant that at a later time they could be exchanged for food, if necessary, while the consumption of food provided an incentive to produce more goods as money in the bank (Dalton 1967) with which to buy food in case of future shortfalls. In huntergatherer organizations, such a risk-buffering, transactional strategy has the effect of breaking the linkage between the short-term demand curve for food products and the normal consumer demand set by the number of cooperating pro ducers and their dependents. In this sense, the relationship between social storage and the size of producer units is similar to strategies that I dis cussed in chapter 8 (see generalization 8.06 and proposition 8.03) regulating the use of physical storage and breaking the linkage between producers and immediate consumer demand. Under these conditions, when access to sufficient food-yielding patches is cut off as a consequence of reduc tions in group mobility, security results from increased labor inputs. The ownership of food-yielding venues goes hand in hand with packing and intensification. Ownership in this context represents an increasing monop oly over resources, or more realistically an accelerating exclu sion of ones kin from access to food-producing venues, although these family members were usually welcome under less packed conditions. This process of exclusion results in an increasing segmentation of kinpersons into smaller and smaller units that have more and more restricted functions. At the same time, integrative mechanisms such as moieties and secret societies may begin to function at larger social scales. Although these mechanisms may be quite independently
conceived in their linkages between kin distance and economic cooperation, they nevertheless serve inclusive social functions that in less complex systems were embedded directly within the kinship system itself. This uncoupling of scale and func tion is one manifestation of complexity. Although I have made some progress toward the goal of viewing complexity as the consequence of variations in the scales of intensification, I have not yet developed a con vincing account of the kinds and different levels of complexity that are demonstrable among hunter-gatherer peoples. To address complexity properly, however, it is also necessary to address variability. With regard to the idea of reducing the habitat space from which a forager obtains basic foods, groups primarily dependent upon aquatic resources may well be fundamen tally different from hunter-gatherers who pursue a truly ter restrial adaptation. For instance, the way a forager searches the ecological space of exploited aquatic species is not at all analogous to the way a forager searches terrestrial space. Clearly, the role of mobility is likely to be very different for each forager, and the packing argumentwhich is derived from the minimal group size argumentmay therefore not be equally relevant to each subsistence mode. Additionally, the arguments about species richness and the relationship to body size presented in this chapter are diffi cult to translate into statements about the access space of aquatic resources. Strictly speaking, the coverage of space in an aquatic context is exclusively dependent upon technology, whereas the most common technique used by terrestrially dependent foragers for covering the landscape is walking. This distinction simply points out that the idea of range is very different, energetically speaking, for groups dependent upon aquatic resources than for foragers primarily exploiting ter restrial resources (Osborn 1 9 7 7 ,1 9 8 0 ).10 Disembodied Observer: A focus on the impact of range reduction on the effective environments of hunter-gatherers resulted in three important generalizations that are useful in anticipating responses to intensification (generalizations 10.01,10.02, and 10.03). A study of the patterning leading to the first three generalizations directed attention to the issue of habitat differences, particularly in terms of "richness" (generalization 10.04). Speculation about the consequences of differences in habitat was more fruitful when climatic change over time was considered (generalization 10.05). Generalization 10.05 made it possible to explore ideas that went beyond the specifics of the generalizations deal ing with the synergy between habitat scale itself and the scale at which a habitat is utilized by a group of hunter-gatherers. Two problems surfaced several times during this consider ation, the most recurrent being the clear difference between hunter-gatherers who specialize to some extent on aquatic resources (propositions 10.01,10.03,10.05, and 10.06) and
those whose terrestrial adaptation is governed by a toggle switch that directs their focus back and forth between ani mals and plants. The other concern that began to surface was a clear expansion of interest beyond hunter-gatherers to processes of intensification that could ultimately lead to a non-hunting and gathering adaptation. Speculations were introduced that focused on the contexts in which domesticated plants and animals might appear in response to pressures to intensify (propositions 10.02 and 10.03). Subsequent explorations focused on the synergy between such practices as storage and intensification (proposition 10.07), storage and tech nology (proposition 10.09), habitat and technology (propo sition 10.06), and intensification and diet breadth (proposition 10.08). These discussions led to a reexamination of diet breadth and niche breadth, and the links between labor, "social stor age," and other transactional exchanges of food products. These considerations prompted the focus to shift again to hunter-gatherer adaptations based on aquatic resources and associated issues of complexity. It became apparent that at least some of the earlier difficulties of dealing with com plexity may have resulted from the lack of specific techniques for measuring intensifiation, particularly packing, as well as some measurement that would make it possible to cope more directly with habitat diversity and richness. This train of thought makes it imperative to turn now to the devel opment of two crucial instruments for measurement.
I hope, to develop an understanding of the character of the organizational changes that intensification stimulates.
The expression measuring niche effectiveness is an indirect way of saying that I am measuring the deviation of a particular ethnographic group from the baseline system state stan dardized in the Terrestrial Model. In this instance, the effec tiveness of the niche occupied by any given system will be measured in a currency consisting of the number of persons per 100 square kilometers. In other words, the population den sity of an ethnographically documented hunter-gatherer group will be scaled according to the following standard: the number of persons reported by the Terrestrial Model to be present in 100 square kilometers and situated in the identi cal environment of the group to be measured. In practical terms, the population density of an ethno graphic case is simply divided by the variable TERMD, which is the population density estimated by the Terrestrial Model at the center of the territory occupied by the group in ques tion. The result is a measure in basic units generated by the Terrestrial Model of how many such units, plus or minus the observed case, are positioned relative to the standard. This variable is called NICHEFF; it refers to how the ethno graphic case in question differs, in its ability to convert food into people, from a group in an identical habitat as antici pated by the Terrestrial Model.
Ratio o f niche effectiveness:
NICHEFF = Population density/TERMD2
Ratio o f niche effectiveness in exploitation o f terrestrial plant resources: NICHEFFG = DENG/TERMG2
Ratio o f niche effectiveness in exploiting terrestrial animal resources: NICHEFFH = DENH/TERMH2
plants and the population density of an ethnographic case. DENH and DENA are determined the same way, given the known proportions of dependence upon terrestrial animals and aquatic resources, respectively. All of the measures out lined in the preceding six equations are expressions of mod eled demographic expectations for any given location for which basic weather data are available. This approach to carrying capacity provides a measure of the role played by cultural tactics and strategies in exploit ing environments at different levels of effectiveness, as indi cated by the number of persons supported per unit area. It includes a correction for the fact that environments differ in their capacity to produce foods that are readily accessible to human foragers. Although NICHEFF measures niche effec tiveness, it is not a direct measurement of population pres sure. The latter condition refers to a state that is expected to occur prior to major changes in technology or organiza tion, but to my knowledge there are no convincing, inde pendent identifiers of population pressure that are not tautologies. Most arguments alluding to population pressure have focused on population growth,11whichas the basic Lotka curve anticipates is assumed to be density-limited and expected to decelerate, or at least not to increase apprecia bly. Growth rates are enormously difficult to measure,1 2 and even if it was possible to approximate them there is little agree ment on the relationships between the number of persons (density) and the conditions of growth that would bring about population pressure. The same problem also applies to measurements of niche effectiveness, but I can use the scale of deviations from a known standard the NICHEFF component of the Terres trial Modelto study the system state variability that I sus pect indicates the presence of intensification. The model holds habitat variability relatively constant, but this instru ment will not single-handedly solve the problem of tracking evolutionary system state phases. It should, however, be very helpful when used in conjunction with another instrument for measurement that I now discuss.
where DENG is the number of persons per 100 square kilo meters who could be supported exclusively by plant foods, given the known proportions of dependence upon terrestrial
Unlike NICHEFF, which relates niche differences to the dif ferential support human consumers receive in a produc tively finite environmental setting, packing relates human groups to the geographic space they use, regardless of niche. This variable is designed to evaluate the probability that mobility is a major tactical component of the (bod-getting strategies in the niche that a given group occupies. Since hunter-gatherers are often characterized as mobile and nomadic-whereas intensified populations are usually described as sedentary and "settledsome factors must be
responsible for the obsolescence of mobility as an effective strategy for ensuring an adequate food supply. Casting things in these terms removes the argument from the arena in which starvation and food shortages are said to foster inven tion and new tactics. I strongly suspect that the really important density-depen dent factors conditioning subsistence change are those that negatively affect the tactics and strategies of food procure ment. I am, therefore, skeptical about arguments that pos tulate some sort of failure that results in starvation or other events that dramatically modify the mortality and fertility rates of the population. As I have previously suggested, it is more likely that the latter scenarios would have the effect of pro longing the use of precatastrophic strategies and reducing the pressure to intensify, therefore rendering density-dependent change less likely. Clearly, there is a great need for an independent dimen sion that measures the relationship between the number of persons participating in a social unit and the units of space they occupy. As part of the development of the Group Size Model in chapter 7,1devised such a baseline sociospatial unit, the FORAD (225.33 square kilometers), which was utilized in the model by a minimalist extractive social unit called the COHAB (20.47 persons). I was able to show that, given a regional value for population densityfor example 13.75 per sons per 100 square kilometersI could deduce the spatial structure of the FORAD units within the region. This was achieved by dividing the COHAB value of 20.47 persons by the number of 100-square-kilometer units in a FORAD (2.2533), which yields a value o f9.098 persons living in a 100square-kilometer unit. When population density is calculated relative to the 100-square-kilometer unit convention I use in this study, the result can be divided by 9.098 persons to obtain a re-scaled value of population density that is expressed relative to FORAD-COHAB standards. This value is called PACKINX and represents the number of standard COHAB units per FORAD in the region. Values greater than 1.0 would indicate circumscription of the FORAD and hence regional packing within the ethnic area. By re-scaling population density values in this way, it is possible to measure directly the intensity of packing within a region relative to a known standard. At the same time, one can provide a measure of the differences in the packing levels of groups within a region, quite independently of con siderations of the carrying capacity or effective productivity of different habitats. A log,0 value of 0.0 for the PACKINX variable approximates the boundary of circumscribed FORAD units in a region. Values greater than 0.0 are, therefore, a direct indication of packing pressure among the circumscribed units within the ethnic territory. A log|0 value of less than 0.0 records minimal or low levels of circumscription and there fore identifies groups for whom residential mobility is a
realistic tactical means of exploiting regional food resources, regardless of their abundance.
Disembodied Observer: The requisite instruments for mea surement have now been developed, and it is time to embark on a long and perhaps tedious trip through the pat tern recognition "spaghetti bowl." It was suggested eadier in this chapter that the point of entry into the spaghetti bowl is not a very good indicator of where the exit will be. I now enter with new tools for measuring several aspects of inten sification, and I apply them first to group size, building on previous knowledge and expanding my interests in other directions. My current knowledge, however, in no way allows me to anticipate where my interest will be focused when I exit. Pattern recognition is a learning strategy, and, although I may follow the group-size route at first, I have already indi cated that the origin of system complexity and diversity is one desired destination. Previous research prompts me to want to determine whether the vague concept of environ mental richness plays a role as a conditioner of complex ity itself and whether it has any modifying effect on rates of intensification and the diversity of responses to pressures to intensify. The goals are clear, but it is less than certain what will be foremost in my mind when I exit from the spaghetti bowl. My search for relevant patterning must be approached with several things in mind. The first is that the Terrestrial Model refers only to terrestrial adaptations; no exploitation of aquatic resources was permitted in the specifications of the model. This means that when groups that are dependent upon aquatic resources are examined, the intensification indicator NICHEFF applies only to the terrestrial habitat. Any expan sion into the aquatic domain may push the potential effec tiveness to levels considerably above that modeled for the terrestrial habitat. The second point to remember is that the Group Size Model is identified as minimalist because it is based largely on information taken from foragers of the Kalahari and areas in central Australia. Therefore it might be expected that the model is most accurate as a standard when examining for agers. When the focus is on other cases, deviations from the modeled conditions should be examined carefully for indi cations that the forager organization assumed by the model is not applicable. The utility of these measures for investigating questions of regional packing and niche effectiveness rests with the fact that the former is anchored by the Group Size Mew* whereas the latter is bound to the Terrestrial Model.
Another way of thinking about these measures is that they are differentially scaled expressions of population den sity and are useful precisely because they express population density in different terms. Using NICHEFF and PACKINX should reveal minor differences in patterning in response to different questions. For instance, does the threshold of the packing index actually anticipate major changes in group size? Is there an analogous threshold on the NICHEFF scale? Is there patterned regularity among the cases designated as exceptional relative to the patterns observed in NICHEFF property space? I also examine any properties that may result from processes of intensification that are revealed in the course of using the packing and niche effectiveness scales as the basis for defining new property space matrices.
fig u re
The effect of packing on the process of intensification is per haps not as easy to appreciate as one might have assumed. Packing affects the ability of foragers to cover space readily in search of food and to accomplish this task reliably on a daily basis. The Terrestrial Model assumes that group size consists of the minimum number of laborers needed to search for and obtain food and to return to a residential loca tion in a single day. The area needed for subsistence is mod eled in terms of the modal distance walked by foragers carrying out these tasks. If the population density of a region is such that the area available annually to a modeled group is only a single foraging area with a radius of 8.469 kilometers, then the region is packed. It is possible to imagine a very productive environment in which the modeled group is able to obtain all the food it needs from a single foraging area, in which case the group would not necessarily be intensified. The group would only be intensified if it were under pressure to increase the food yield from its single foraging area, a situation that is easy to imagine in a much less abundant environment than the one envisioned in the previous example. What is unknown is the scale of land use required for a given set of food procurement tactics to be cost-effective. It could be that the use of some tactics, regardless of the richness of the habitat, would result in intensification pres sure if the foragers were constrained to a single foraging area. Obviously, one topic to be researched is what factors trig ger pressures to intensify. With these issues in mind, it is tune to turn to an examination of GROUP 1 size among the hunter-gatherer groups that are primarily dependent upon terrestrial plant resources.
Demonstration of the packing threshold for GROUP1 size among terrestrial plant-dependent groups. Marker is a clas sification of systems state (SYSTATE3): (1) mounted hunters, (2) horticulturally augmented cases, (3) mutualists and forest product specialists, (4) generic hunter-gatherers, (5) generic hunter-gatherers with instituted leadership, and (6) wealthdifferentiated hunter-gatherers.
In figure 10.03, the overall pattern is somewhat surprising, given the basis for the modeled values. Hunter-gatherer cases from the least packed settings have GROUP1values of between roughly nine and fourteen persons, but as packing increases GROUP 1 size drops to between five and ten persons at an LPACKINX value of -0.60. This is equivalent to a population density of 2.27 persons per 100 square kilometers. At this point, the distribution reverses, and with further increases in the pack ing index GROUP 1 size increases up to a point at the log,0value of 0.0. This is the value at which foraging area circumscrip tion is modeled, associated with a population density of 9.098 persons per 100 square kilometers.1 3 After this point in the graph, two separate trends are vis ible. One is a continuation of the pattern in which GROUP 1 size increases to a maximum of approximately twenty-two persons. The other trend reverses the earlier pattern, and another threshold occurs at approximately a log,0(PACKINX) value of 0.16, which translates into a population density value of 13.19 persons per 100 square kilometers. On the pos itive side of this threshold, GROUP 1 size decreases in a reg ular manner.
Generalization 10.06
Among peoples who are dependent upon resourc es, GROUP1 sizes greater than
persons are found only just prior to and immediately after circumscription.14
Larger GROUP1 size has been shown to co-occur with maximum values for the male contribution to the labor force, a variable that increases as temperature decreases across the temperate zone (figure 8.23, graph B). It has also been shown to achieve maximum size among sedentary peoples (figure 8.13, graph A). -------------- Proposition 10.10 -----------------The pattern displayed in figure 10.03 documents the fact that as packing increases and the option of mov ing into a new foraging area decreases, there is an increase in male efforts to maintain the previous lev els of net returns from terrestrial animals and an expan sion of male exploitation of aquatic resources. Males also share more of the labor costs with females, as both sexes pursue food resources that may have previously either been obtained primarily by females or not been exploited at all. Strategies of this kind indicate that the broad-spectrum revolution may be in operation. According to the terms of the Group Size M odel, after the packing threshold is passed, the division of labor is restructured. O ne possible implication of this restructuring is that species traditionally obtained by males constitute less and less of the diet.
Eleven hunter-gatherer cases in three locations of the graph in figure 10.03 do not conform to the overall pattern. The first two exceptional cases, the Djaru (group 108) and the Alyawara (group 117) are aligned on the left side of the graph, above the cases with low GROUP 1 size values around -0.5 on the x axis. Both of these Australian cases have high levels of polygynous marriage, so inflated family sizes are not too surprising. The cases differ from others in the array because GROUP 1values were recorded after both groups had been resettledthe Djaru at a mission and the Alyawara at several cattle stations. Population density values were cal culated, however, using the size of their traditional areas and not the area surrounding their resettled communities. If data on the latter areas could have been included, the density values would have been inflated and the cases would shift to the right side of the graph, into the sector of the pack ing threshold and larger GROUP 1 sizes associated with intensification.1 5 The second set of cases with exceptionally high GROUP1 values consists of two net-hunting groups of mutualists, the Birhor (group 18) from India and the Mbuti (group 65) from Africa. In both of these groups, the organization of labor is structured to facilitate hunting, even though the diet is biased
in favor of plant foods. Although the placement of these groups in the graph is consistent with generalization 8.25, which states that GROUP1 size is higher among hunting peoples, another characteristic of these groups is affecting their position in the array of cases. Population densities were calculated only for each ethnic group itself and do not reflect their status as partners in a mutualist suite that includes agriculturists living within the subsistence ranges of the hunter-gatherers. If persons living in the agricultural groups among which the hunter-gatherers move and exchange goods were included, density levels would be considerably higher, and these cases would be found in the area of the graph in which high levels of pack ing are documented, which would reinforce the overall pattern in figure 10.03. Last, several cases on the right side of the graph are all cir cumscribed, have GROUP 1 sizes of between fifteen and twenty persons, and appear to have inflated PACKINX val ues. These four groups include ( 1) the Chenchu (group 15) of India, who practiced horticulture at the time of ethno graphic observation; (2) the Agta (Casiguran) (group 12), a mutualist group that exchanged labor and forest products with their neighbors in return for agricultural products, making them analogous to the Mbuti and Birhor as far as population density is concerned; (3) the Cahuilla (group 144) of Cali fornia, who were horticultural at the time of initial ethno graphic documentation; and (4) the Shompen (group 4) of Great Nicobar Island, who were also horticultural, depend ing heavily upon pandanus at the time of recording. These exceptional cases can be separated into three dif ferent categories based on their contexts: 1. Two groups lived as noncircumscribed peoples during the traditional era for which the density estimate applies. These groups were resettled in the context of European expansion, and their GROUP 1 size was observed in the resettled or packed context. These cases are ambiguous because they were polygynous, a characteristic that has been demonstrated to inflate family size and therefore GROUP1 size (see generalizations 8.17,8.19, and 8.20). 2. Two groups were circumscribed net-hunting specialists whose diet was based primarily on plant products. The organization of GROUP 1 units, however, was in terms of hunting, which conditions large GROUP I sizes. Although these groups were mutualists, their density values did not include the agricultural peoples living within their ranges, who were treated by their ethnographers as in dependent systems. 3. Four groups were circumscribed horticultural people* at the time that their group size and population density levels were recorded. These values fall near the upper range of the array in figure 10.03 and bewnd those ot more typical hunter-gatherers.
The very obvious relationship between GROUP 1 size and the packing index in figure 10.03 is important, and the modeled threshold for the circumscription of a single foraging area is clearly evident in the GROUP 1 size patterning. At the antic ipated value of 1.0, the direction of the relationships between the packing index and GROUP 1 size both reverses on itself and accelerates, indicating that the principles of labor orga nization among hunter-gatherers appear to change dramat ically at this threshold. At least in this initial illustration, which is restricted to groups that are primarily dependent upon terrestrial plants, packing appears to structure all of the previous relationships defined in chapter 8 as the fundamental conditioners of GROUP 1 size. Shifts in labor organization, the division of labor, and relative dependence upon other food resources pattern nicely with the packing index, which, it should be recalled, ignores differences in food richness among habitats. A relevant question to ask at this juncture is: what would patterning in niche effectiveness look like when the values are standardized across habitat differences in potential food abundance? Should a dramatic threshold be visible or is a highvariance scatter correlated with habitat differences to be expected? ------------------
- 1.0
FIGURE 1 0 . 0 4
Niche effectiveness and threshold-related patterning in GROUP1 size among terrestrial plant-dependent groups. Cases are coded for packing (PACKING): (1) nonpacked and (2) packed.
--------------------- Generalization 10.07 --------------------Increases in spatial packing and niche effectiveness beyond a log10 threshold value of 0.0 for the packing index (PACKINX) and 1 .6 for the niche effectiveness index result in decreases in GROUP1 size and increased frequencies of GROUP1 units of fewer than fifteen persons. The observed modal range suggests units composed of joint or extended families.
If intensification is being triggered by differences in the natural richness of habitats, coupled with differences in the ease with which niche effectiveness could be expanded, the pressure to intensify could be expected to be less in rich habitats and considerably greater in food-poor settings with lower values for packing.
In order to explore the difference between packing and niche effectiveness as indicators of intensification, niche effec tiveness was plotted for the same group of cases presented in figure 10.03. In the results displayed in the graph in figure 10.04, the cases that are packed and have a popula tion density of greater than 9.098 persons per 100 square kilometers are indicated by small, solid traiangles. The pat tern in figure 10.04 differs in some details from that in figure 10.03, but it also retains some familiar features. These include the lower concave distribution that rises to a threshold of slightly greater than 1.6 log1 0value of NICHEFF, which is forty times the population density antici pated by the Terrestrial Model. At this point, the modal range of GROUP 1 sizes is between thirteen and twenty-two per sons, and the upper part of this range is clearly within the size range conventionally accepted for band size. As in figure 10.03, increases in the indicators of intensification should fall to the right o f the threshold that records pro portional decreases in GROUP 1 size.
Continued focus on only the lower arc of cases in figure 10.04 reveals that the transition between packed and unpacked cases, as indicated by the markers, occurs at a log1 0value of 1.0934 or about 12.4 times the value in the Terrestrial Model. It is also clear that niche effectiveness interacts with packing only between 12.4 and 40 times the Terrestrial Model pop ulation density values. This is the zone of overlap between the two indicators of intensification. In contrast to the packing index distribution in figure 10.03, there is a separate, upper convex arc of thirty-two cases in figure 10.04 that rises very gradually from the low values on the left of the graph to the threshold at approximately a log 1 0value of 1.60 (emphasized by shading). All of these cases have relatively large GROUP 1 sizes but are not intensified with respect to accessible foods, as are other large GROUP 1 cases clustered at the threshold value of log 1 0 1.60 or beyond. Twenty-five cases (83 percent) are packed but have relatively low values for niche effectiveness, particularly relative to the rather clear threshold distribution. The presence of cases
s < 7 5
2. 0
FIGURE 1 0 . 0 5
Relationships between niche effectiveness and GROUP1 size illustrating system state differences at a demonstrable threshold among terrestrial plant-dependent groups. Marker is a classification of systems state (SYSTATE3): (1) mounted hunters, (2) horticulturally augmented cases, (3) mutualists and forest product specialists, (4) generic hunter-gatherers, (5) generic hunter-gatherers with instituted leadership, and (6) wealth-differentiated hunter-gatherers.
culturists. The demographic information supplied by Bailey (1985:36) states that for every Efe person there are 1.17 Lese persons in the same territory, which means that the ecolog ical population density of the Efe is 35.46 persons per 100 square kilometers. An increase of this magnitude would shift the Efe toward the cluster of cases surrounding the packing threshold in figures 10.03 and 10.04.16 If all thirteen cases could be corrected to reflect the ecological density in their ranges, they would move to the right of the graph and much, if not all, of the upper distribution of exceptional cases would disappear. This same effect would also shift the two uppermost, shaded cases (which were identified in figure 10.05 as having exceptionally large GROUP 1units) into the thresh old zone. It is worth reiterating that the organizational complexity of the system within which mutualist cases are integrated would be more complex and larger in scale than that recorded for its subsystemic components.1 7 It must be recognized that some cases may be components of a complex, caste-based system,1 8 whereas others should be considered as differen tiated hunter-gatherer specialists who are mutualistically articulated with non-hunter-gatherer peoples in the same region. A third alternative is that members of some groups may be true economic specialists (wage laborers) in a much larger, internally differentiated system, such as a complex state or colonial system. -------------------- Generalization 10.08 -------------------
with lowvalues for niche effectiveness, but with sufficient den sity to be considered packed, may indicate the presence of high habitat productivity that is depressing the effects of packing (see proposition 10.04). To clarify this ambiguity, the same property space graph in figure 10.04 was used in figure 10.05, but the marker vari able has been changed to indicate the system state of the cases. This change makes it apparent that 62 percent of the twentynine cases clustered in the upper arc were organizationally articulated to populations that were not hunter-gatherers or were mutualists or forest product specialists (SYSTATE3 = 3) or, at the time of observation. Groups in the former cat egory include the Batek of the Philippines (Cadelina 1982) and the Chenchu of India (Fttrer-Haimendorf 1943). Thir teen of the cases in this group unquestionably shared terri tory with other non hunting and gathering populations, andlike the exceptional cases in my examination of the pack ing index in figure 10.03they prove the rule. In both graphs, when the exceptional cases are viewed from an eco logical perspective, the population densities calculated only for hunter-gatherers are energetically inappropriate. For example, the Efe population density value of 16.33 per sons per 100 square kilometers is calculated only for Efe liv ing in a territory defined by Efe settlements, but these communities are all associated with villages of Lesc horti
Systemic complexity can be organized at very different scales when viewed from the perspective of the cultural or politi cal autonomy of the basal units integrated into a more com plex system. In some situations, societies with similar cultural characteristics may be politically and economically autonomous. A more complex, emergent system could, how ever, integrate these culturally similar units into a larger, more complex political or economic system. Conversely, a region that is strongly differentiated ethnically and culturally could also be integrated by an emergent, complex system in such a way as to permit the initial cultural differentiations to persist, thereby creating the impression that culturally inde pendent systems were incorporated into a larger system of eco nomic interdependencies.19 Consistent with the preceding generalizations in this chapter, the importance of the information in figure 10.05 cannot be overestimated. Regardless of the type of complex systemthat is to say, the degree of cultural similarity within a complex systemthe threshold at which a major response in GROUP 1 size appears is the same for systems composed of culturally homogeneous or heterogeneous communities. The patterned distributions in figures 10.03,10.04 and 10.05 are consistent with the following statement:
y jn
Organizational change in group size appears to be a density-dependent response, at least among peoples that are dependent upon terrestrial plant resources. A major threshold in density dependence is centered at a log10 value of 1.60 for niche effectiveness, suggesting that there is a point at which the "laws" of variability gov erning GROUP1 size change for hunter-gatherer groups so positioned. A sudden increase in systemic com plexity is suspected to occur at this threshold and should continue subsequent to it. The systemic scale at which an increase in complexity will occur, how ever, is not controlled by the threshold conditions. Complexity could occur at the regional level or at the local group level at the same threshold.
be dealt with. Complex systems may differ in terms of the cul tural homogeneity of the fundamental basal sociocultural units making up the internally differentiated system (proposition 10.08). In short, complexity within systems that are integrated at very different scales can occur in response to the same level of intensificational pressure. This means that the scale at which organizational responses to such pressures are appar ent may be conditioned by variables that have not yet been considered. -------------------
Problem 10.02
The conclusions summarized in proposition 10.12 lead to the suggestion that ------------------
Is it possible that mutualism is not usually a realistic response to regional, systemic diversity? Does it occur in all environments? Is it a predictable phenomenon in any region with cultural and between-habitat diversity in the ecosystem? The assumption has been made in several studies that mutualism is a reasonable organi zational response whenever the two preceding con ditions are met (Gregg 1988; Spielmann 1991).
Problem 10.01
------------------I will return to this point when I have completed the pattern recognition studies that explore variability in group size relative to indicators of intensification, packing, and niche effectiveness. To some extent, the discovery that mutualism is proba bly a density-dependent phenomenon has distracted atten tion from a question that originally prompted this exploration of data from my hunter-gatherer world sample. I began my research with a very different problem, one more directly related to niche effectiveness and packing. In proposition 10.11, I addressed the issue of environmental richness and responses to packing out of a concern with whether or not environ mental richness diminishes or delays organizational responses to packing. I also want to know whether, other things being equal, environmental richnessby supporting inflated rates of population growth accelerates the time required for packing to occur. One promising source of information consists of the exceptional cases in figure 10.05 that were ignored during the discussion of patterning related to mutualism. Eleven cases were distributed in an upper arc with the mutualist cases, and these were characterized by larger GROUP I sizes and low niche effectiveness scores. Six of thesethe !Ko, Yir-Yoront, Djaru, Alyawara, Akuriyo, and Hetaeither were remnant groups (Akuriyo and Heta), had been resettled at missions (Yir-Yoront and Djaru) or on cattle stations (Atvawara), or had lived in some other nonvoluntary context at the time of demographic study (see Heinz and Lee 1979 for a participant's description of the events behind an artificial aggregation of IKo foragers; see Eibl-Eibelsfeldt 1972:33 37 for, more strictly speaking, a demographic summary of the same group). These were all artificially aggregated groups that no longer
The factors that are responsible for complexity at a regional scale of internal differentiation (e.g., mutual ism and patron-client relationships) need to be iden tified, as do those governing the occurrence of internal changes in local group structure that lead to stratification or ranking within otherwise small, culturally homo geneous groups.
I amplify this problem in the form of another proposition: ----------- ----- - Proposition 10.13 ------------------Mutualism must be considered a form of organization that occurs in response to intensification pressure, but it is only one of several possible responses. There must be specific conditions that would favor mutual ism, along with other forms of ethnic incorporation such as caste systems. More traditional forms of internal dif ferentiation and functional specialization would arise within an ethnically similar population under other con ditions. It is important to search for clues to what these conditions might be.
So far in this chapter, I have synthesized the results of sev eral pattern recognition episodes. I have recast them as a set of generalizations and propositions that prompts me to identify some challenging problems not usually acknowledged in most discussions of complex systems. The most striking feature of the work thus far is the recognition of another kind of variability that has not previously been considered but must
used mobility as a primary subsistence strategyor at least not in the same way as when they had lived independently. Of the remaining five cases, the Hadza have undergone rapid population growth in recent years, but only the least settled groups of Hadza have been the subjects of ethnographic description. The Gunwinggu of Australia have also experi enced considerable population growth, which has been accommodated by territorial expansion into the countries of other aboriginal peoples who became extinct during the colonial era. The data on Gunwinggu group size have, how ever, come from relatively recent, mission-focused settle ments. This is also true of the Wororo of northwestern Australia and the Tiwi of northern Australia. The Murngin of north central Australia were studied during a period of intense local warfare. In none of these cases does richness of the environment seem to account for either the exceptionally high group size values or the lower values of niche effectiveness. In all cases, the exceptional values at the time of observation appear to be referable to the impact of western colonization as well as the lack of direct fit between the regional population as counted by demographers and local group sizes. -------------------- Generalization 10.09 --------------------There is no indication of a reduction in the definition of thresh olds a condition that would be expected if richness mitigated the effects of packing at which marked changes in group size are recognizable among plant-dependent peoples. It remains to be seen whether primary dependence upon other food resources, when studied relative to the packing index, might be associated with less definite thresholds and possibly impli cate richness as a mitigating phenomenon.
I have already demonstrated that both labor organization and the division of labor vary significantly with the niche occu pied by hunter-gatherers (generalizations 8.26,8.28,8.29,8.31, and 8.32). I can therefore expect that, for groups dependent upon terrestrial animals or aquatic resources, the threshold effects relative to both packing and niche effectiveness mea sures could well be different, not only from one another but also from those for plant-dependent peoples. In order to achieve a better perspective on these possibilities, I prepared the graphs in figure 10.06. My expectations for differences in threshold effects are sup ported by the pattern in figure 10.06, graph A, which deals
with hunter-gatherers who are primarily dependent upon ter restrial animals. A striking 94.525 percent of the cases fal1on the low side of the log1 0packing threshold of 0.0 posited by the Group Size Model, which was shown to be germane to group size variability among peoples who are primarily dependent upon plants (figure 10.04). In other words, heavy exploitation of terrestrial animals is simply not done under packed conditions. In fact, there appears to be a threshold at a log1 0value of -0.803 for the packing index (LPACKINX), which corresponds to 1.59 persons per 100 square kilome ters. Beyond this point, group size increases dramatically among groups of mounted hunters but reverses and then decreases for nonmounted hunters as the log1 0value of zero is approached. There are four exceptional cases of hunting peoples in the zone of the graph corresponding to packed conditions. These include the Warunggu of the Herbert River area in the Queensland region of Australia, which is the only Australian group classified as primarily dependent upon terrestrials animals.20 Two groups from California, the Achumawi and the North Fork Paiute, are both classified as primarily depen dent upon terrestrial animals, although there is little direct observational data to justify this classification. That they were packed, however, seems likely. The fourth exception is the White Knife group of the North American Great Basin. According to the primary source (Harris 1940), this group was primarily dependent upon plant foods, and their classification as hunters of ter restrial animals represents a coding error in my data set21The presence of these four cases is not sufficient to modify the over all pattern that has been generalized, that is, that peoples pri marily dependent upon terrestrial mammals are not found under packed conditions. Two other exceptional cases located above the basic dis tribution in graph A the Siriono (group 43) and the Alcatcho Carrier (group 336) appear to be related to the earlier packing threshold noted among plant-dependent peoples. This is not surprising since the Siriono were prac ticing agriculture at the time of initial observation, and their subsistence classification should have reflected their status as agriculturists. They were, instead, classified in terms of reconstructed subsistence, which was an error. The Alcatcho, on the other hand, were economically linked to the BellaCoola, and their diet is reported to have consisted of an equal mixture of terrestrial animals and aquatic species (Goldman 1940:351). It is quite likely that the ethnogra phers report is correct in terms of the resources they procured, but Goldman reports that meat figured prominently in their exchanges with the coastal peoples. It is therefore more likely that aquatic resources were the primary source of food tot the Alcatcho. In spite of cases that appear to be exceptions to the task pattern, 1would say that
Paired property space plots comparing groups dependent upon terrestrial animal resources (A) and aquatic resources (B). Both graphs are coded for the forager-collector distinction (FORCOL): (1) forager and (2) collector.
------------------- Generalization 10.1 0 --------------------The hunter-gatherer groups dependent upon terrestrial ani mals that are displayed against the packing index provide a strong confirmation of earlier generalizations (7.10, 7.12, 7.16, 8.18, 10.01, and 10.02) and propositions (7.01 and 7.03), which state that intensification results in a reduced depen dence upon terrestrial animals. The distribution in figure 10.06, graph A, further documents that GROUP2 size exhibits a threshold with respect to the packing index at a value equal to 1.57 persons per 100 square kilometers. Given what is known about the sexual division of labor and group size (generalizations 8.31 and 8.32; propositions 8.10, 8.11, and 8.12), the observed thresholdequal to 1.59 persons per 100 square kilometerscorresponds to the point in the divi sion of labor at which more female labor begins to be employed. This threshold is also associated with decreased dependence upon big game and greater use of smaller ani mals or aquatic resources in northern temperate and more polar settings. In warmer climates, groups dependent upon terrestrial animals that are undergoing intensification will exhibit increased dependence upon terrestrial plant foods or aquatic resources, and the proportion of female labor devoted to food procurement will also increase. The difference in the packing thresholds between groups dependent upon terrestrial animals and those dependent upon plants (a log1 0 value of 0.803 as opposed to 0.0) directly reflects the differences in the spatial requirements of individual mobile animals and individual stationary plants. Different patterns of aggregation and dispersion of the
species themselves are also implicated. These ultimately re flect the trophic differences between primary and secondary productivity and the overall structure of energetic relation ships between plants and animals. The spatial stability and degree of clumping in the structure of species distributions are the factors that directly condition differences in the geo graphic scale of hunter-gatherer ranges and the patterns of mobility that characterize peoples who exploit trophically dis tinct species as basic resources. Two packing thresholds, each with a different impact, have now been identified. The new threshold applies to hunter-gatherers who are primarily dependent upon ter restrial animal resources, and it is identified at a population density of 1.59 persons per 100 square kilometers. Once this density level is reached, two different responses are indi cated. First, GROUP2 size will decrease as packing increases, which would be expected if, as I have suggested, there is an increased dependence upon animals of smaller body size and mobility costs are being minimized. The second response is that new energy sources, such as animals for riding or transport, make possible extensificational strategies and accompanying reductions in density. Once these effects occur, the second threshold associ ated with groups dependent upon terrestrial plant resources kicks in at a population density o f9.098 persons per 100 square kilometers, and, it should be noted, dependence upon ter restrial animal resources disappears. Clearly, one threshold does not replace the other; rather, different constraints on group size and subsistence strategy operate on groups whose diets are made up of resources from different trophic levels. These observations reinforce the conclusion that environ
mental richness does not appear to be germane as a medi ating variable when demographic packing occurs.
The distribution of GROUP2 values for peoples dependent upon aquatic resources is markedly different from the log1 0 values for packing of groups primarily dependent upon ter restrial resources (figure 10.06, graph B). The most obvious contrast is the feet that the majority of the aquatically depen dent cases fell to the right or on the high side of the 0.0 log1 0 threshold value of the packing index identified for plantdependent peoples (figure 10.03).
A three-graph comparison of groups dependent upon terrestrial animals (A), terrestrial plants (B), and aquatic resources (C): GROUP2 sizes are displayed relative to the packing index. Marker is a classification of systems state (SYSTATE3): (1) mounted hunters, (2) horticulturally augmented cases, (3) mutualists and forest product specialists, (4) generic huntwgatherers, (5) generic hunter-gatherers with instituted lead ership, (6) wealth-differentiated hunter-gatherers, and ( ' internally ranked hunter-gatherers.
size and social complexity. These variables are considered inde pendently of density-dependent conditions as measured by the packing index (generalization 9.11 and proposition 9.06), although the latter may be autocorrelated in many instances. By looking discretely at hunter-gatherer groups that pri marily exploit either plants or animals or aquatic resources but using the same pair of lenses in each instanceimportant differences can be seen in the relationship between the indi cators of complexity, and thresholds can be recognized as they emerge. In figure 10.07, graph A, for example, groups depen dent upon terrestrial animals are primarily positioned to the left of the major threshold at log1 0 0.0, which indicates that demographic packing has not yet occurred. I have already discussed the four exceptions to this pattern in con nection with figure 10.05, graph A, even though it has been established that no groups primarily exploiting terrestrial ani mals are able to survive under packed conditions. In figure 10.07, graph B, groups of foragers who are pri marily dependent upon terrestrial plants have a very differ ent distribution. I noted previously that many cases are found to the right of the log10packing threshold value of 0.0 and that mutualists and supplemental agriculturists tend to fell below the horizontal reference line for a GROUP2 size of sixty-five or more persons. This pattern indicates that, in spite of the fact that mutualists and product specialists are orga nized into larger regional systems, -------------------- Generalization 10.11 --------------------There are no increases in social scale within the ethnic com ponents of larger, more complex regional systems. The con sequences of scalar increases are therefore not manifested in the social organization of the ethnic components of larger, regionally integrated systems.
major sources are conditioning complexity among groups dependent upon aquatic resources. By substituting niche effectiveness (NICHEFF) for the vari able LPACKINX featured in figure 10.07, a useful compari son across trophic levels is apparent in the three graphs in figure 10.08. One of the most interesting features of a com parison of the graphs in figures 10.07 and 10.08 is the dif ference in the distribution o f groups dependent upon terrestrial animals. In figure 10.08, graph A, the dispersion of the cases adopting an extensificational strategy (the mounted hunters) ascends from the left side of the graph and terminates at or near the middle of the transitional segment leading to the log1 0 value of 1.6. This makes a great deal of sense since ---------------
Hunting terrestrial animals as a major subsistence strategy will decrease in response to increased pack ing pressure after a population density value of approx imately 1.57 persons per 100 square kilometers is exceeded. Hunting will continue to decrease as den sity increases until the level of 9.098 persons per 100 square kilometers is reached, by which time the pri mary source of food should have shifted to either ter restrial plants or aquatic resources, depending upon the environmental setting. In cases in which, for whatever reason, such shifts are not feasible, a demand for food that exceeds the effective carrying capacity will ensure that populations are reduced owing to nutritional and disease-related stress.
On the other hand, plant-dependent cases in which rank ing and wealth figure importantly in social differentiation fell almost exclusively above the reference line indicating GROUP2 sizes of more than sixty-five persons. As Gregory lohnson (1982) initially suggested, these cases are likely to be expe riencing organizational changes in response to scalar stress. In figure 10.07, graph C, foraging groups dependent upon aquatic resources exhibit an even higher percentage of cases to the right of the packing threshold. Also, in a much higher proportion of the cases below the scalar stress line, wealth and ranking are features of the social organization. I noted in gen eralizations 9.04 and 9.09, and in problem 9.05, that this type of social differentiation does not appear to be related to a scalar phenomenon and seems, instead, to indicate a more laborbased linkage to the resource structure within the habitat. The other striking difference in graph C is the number of cases whose GROUP2 size dramatically exceeds the size range of most other hunter-gatherers. This suggests that at least two
In the context of the exploitation of terrestrial animals, these costs probably ensure the onset of a classic Malthusian scenario (see chapter 9 for a discussion of the population pres sure controversy) in which competitive restrictions on mobil ity could condition still larger group sizes and result in extreme packing. Dependence upon a limited food resource, such as bison, could well initiate a negative feedback system with attendant decreases in the number of bison as a result of increased demand per unit area. The near extinction of the bison on the Great Plains of North America is probably not exclusively a consequence of the predation by buffalo hunters employed by the railroads. The success of extensificational processes as measured by pop ulation increasesin conjunction with competitive exclusion in many areas of the plains that reduced the effective mobil ity of many Native American groups resulted in increased demand on diminishing areas of the bison's former range. These thoughts also suggest that the initial domestication of the horse on the Pontic steppe would make a fascinating sub ject within which to investigate further clues provided by com parative ethnography.
A three-graph comparison of groups dependent upon terrestrial animals (A), terrestrial plants (B), and aquatic resources (O; GROUP2 sizes are displayed relative to the niche effective ness index. Cases are coded for packing (PACKING): (1) non-packed and (2) packed.
Another interesting feature of figure 10.08, graph A, is that there are only three groups dependent upon animal resources to the right of the log1 0threshold of 1.6, which is analogous to the structure of the packing graph in figure 10.07 (graph A). All evidence (see generalization 10.08) supports the view summarized by proposition 10.14. The pattern in figure 10.08, graph B, for plant-dependent groups is familiar since it appeared in figures 10.04 and 10.05. The distribution of cases in figure 10.08, graph Call of which are groups dependent upon aquatic resources represents a new pattern with respect to the niche effectiveness index. There is a distinct chevron-shaped threshold at the niche effectiveness value of log10 1.6, which prompts the speculation that
groups that are primarily dependent upon terrestrial resources. This pattern may, however, result at least par tially from an autocorrelation with increasing use of aquatic resources by intensified peoples.
Proposition 10.15 Although packing appears to be a very important con ditioner of the shift by foragers to aquatic resources, It not nearly as important a conditioner of variability among aquatieally dependent groups as It is among
Increased exploitation of aquatic resources shifts land use to a more linear distribution of settlements along shore lines. Following such a range shift, increases in packing result not so much from increased population as from its spatial restructuring. Unfortunately, there is insufficient informa tion currently available to explore the potential ambiguity ot this suggestion. Nevertheless, proposition 10.15 is strongly supported by the additional observation that only sevrn cases occur to the left of the low group-size threshold tor niche effectiveness noted among plant-dependent groups. This is another w*v of saying that there are very few groups that are dependent upon aquatic resources which would not also be cUuMtkd as intensified, based on the packing threshold.
------------------ Proposition 10.16 --------------------Exploitation of aquatic resources, other things being equal, appears to be a density-dependent response to terrestrial packing. It may result from the costs associ ated with maintaining high mobility in low-foodyielding terrestrial habitats. In such situations, experimentation with aquatic resources could reduce mobility costs. Nevertheless, packing is a general char acteristic of documented hunter-gatherers who are dependent upon aquatic resources.
It must be kept in mind that the marked transition at the log1 0value of 1.6 for LNICHEFF in figure 10.08, graph C, has properties that are similar to those of terrestrial packing thresholds. For example, increasing group sizes are located to the left of the threshold and both accelerating and decreas ing group sizes fell to the right. It should be remembered that the threshold associated with the LNICHEFF axis occurs at a value that is approximately forty times the population density modeled by the Terrestrial Model. The majority of groups dependent upon aquatic resources with niche effectiveness values of less than 12.4 are found in tropical monsoon forests; the second most common habitat is the boreal forest The majority of cases with niche effec tiveness values of between 12.4 and 40.0 are from boreal forests and midlatitude coastal forests (the redwood and Douglas fir forests of the Pacific northwest coast of North America). It is perhaps not surprising that of the fifty-seven groups dependent upon aquatic resources that had niche effec tiveness values greater than 40.0, 84 percent (forty-eight cases) are from midlatitude coastal forest, boreal forest, and tundra biomes. During the discussions of high-biomass forests in chap ters 4 and 5, it was noted that these forests do not offer abundant resources to hunter-gatherers. With regard to the tundra biome, it was suggested that when hunter-gatherers radiated into uninhabited arctic coastal regions, they were already pursuing an aquatic adaptation. These comparisons suggest that ----------------- G eneralization 10.12 --------------------The majority of the global sample of hunter-gatherer groups that are dependent upon aquatic resources are situated in for est plant communities. In general, these habitats offer rela tively little accessible food for hunter-gatherers, and this is particularly true of forests in cool and cold environments, where species diversity is much lower than in subtropical and tropical forests with comparable biomass. Forests in warmer climates offer more food opportunities to hunter-gatherers because of their greater species diversity and, in many instances, longer growing seasons.
The arctic coastal tundra is one of the earths least pro ductive habitats in terms of providing food for human beings, so it is not surprising that many of the huntergatherers who are dependent upon aquatic resources are found there. Although no ethnographically documented hunter-gatherers have inhabited true deserts, archaeological deposits in the deserts along the coasts of Peru and Chile, and in Mauritania and the Spanish Sahara, contain sites produced by peoples who were heavy exploiters of aquatic resources in the past. These distributions, and the patterns associated with cases having high niche effectiveness values, strongly support the assertion in generalization 10.12 that the exploitation of aquatic resources is primarily a density-dependent response. ------------------- Proposition 10.17 ------------------Relative niche effectiveness appears to be the major fac tor determining how intensification affects system state variability among groups dependent upon aquatic resources. In principle, this variability reflects the diversity of aquatic species and the heavy investment in technological aids employed in intensive food extraction from aquatic biomes.22
Other things being equal, this means that ------------------- Proposition 10.18 ------------------The abundance and distributional structure of aquatic resources and the periodicity in access to them, together with the technology used to access them, will be the major factors determining the broad outlines of vari ability in social organization among groups dependent upon aquatic resources (see, e.g., Cohen 1981; Schalk 1981).
The preceding comparisons have demonstrated that ------------------- G eneralization 10.13 ------------------Packing appears to be an important conditioner of system state variability regardless of the character of the subsistence base. The character of the variability pro duced in response to packing, however, differs from one group to another, depending upon the specialized resources that become the dietary focus.
I have argued in generalization 10.11 and proposition 10.14 that increased packing produces inlcnsificational pres sures that force a reduction in the dependence upon terres trial animals. I have also suggested in generalization 10.12 and proposition 10.16 that conditions approaching packing, as defined by a population density of 9.098 persons per 100
square kilometers, may well initiate intensification by increas ing a groups dependence upon aquatic resources in settings where this is a realistic alternative. .. ------------ Generalization 10.14 -------------------Among groups dependent upon terrestrial plants, packing drives the buildup of intensificational pressures. The only avail able responses are to increase the net returns per unit area from plant resources and to expand niche breadth by increas ingly exploiting aquatic resources, wherever possible.
Aside from providing an increased understanding of the linkages between subsistence, the organization and division of labor, and the impact of both of these factors on group structure, the patterning characteristic of groups dependent upon aquatic resources has led me to suggest links to tech nology. It is an appropriate juncture for me to turn now to the issue of intensification and its impact upon technolog ical variability and change: ------------------
Problem 10.03
Is the role of technology in facilitating intensification the same for groups subsisting upon fundamentally dif ferent types of resources? Disembodied Observer: Although I appear to have emerged from the spaghetti bowl and to be getting ready to head pur posefully toward a consideration of the relationship between intensification and technology, it is also possible that I am a bit lost At this point, questions such as "Where was I going when I entered the bowl?" "Where am I now?" and "Did I take a wrong turn?" might well be on my mind. I entered with the intent of exploring the variable termed environ mental richness, particularly the role it might play in con ditioning different responses to intensificational pressure. I also intended to pursue what is meant by social or cultural "complexity," a term that is often discussed by anthropol ogists but is still quite ambiguous. Almost immediately, I learned that the packing index did, in fact, isolate a major threshold of system change in the group size of hunter-gatherers who were primarily depen dent upon terrestrial plant resources (generalization 10.06). This clarified earlier observations relating sociopolitical complexity and group size (generalizations 8.01 and 8,02; proposition 8 .0 1 ). Since I had earlier demonstrated some strong relationships between group size and the division of labor (generalizations 8 .3 2 and 8 .3 3 ), as well as group size and changes in the labor costs of subsistence (propo sition 8 . 12), I was prompted to speculate further about the division of labor and the organization of labor in general (proposition 10.10), When I turned to the use of my second
instrument for measurementniche effectiveness values I encountered the issue of habitat "richness" and its role, if any, in modifying responses to intensification (proposition 10.11). Although I had some expectations about patterning if richness was an important conditioner, no clear or unam biguous indicators were revealed. An investigation of exceptional hunter-gatherer cases led quite unexpectedly to the issue of complexity as I focused on groups that were classified as mutualists. It became clear that complexity can be "built" in different ways. It most commonly occurs within systems undergoing restructuring, but the mutualist cases document an integrational pathway along which relatively independent systems are integrated into higher-order systems while maintaining their ethnic and cultural "independence" (generalization 1 0 .0 8 and prob lem 1 0 ,0 1 ). The evidence at hand was consistent with the view that mutualism itself was a density-dependent response (proposition 10.13), which prompted me to ask what fac tors produce that type of response instead of, for instance, internal system restructuring (problem 10.01 and proposi tion 10.13). An investigation of the distribution of mutual ist cases relative to habitat variability revealed such pronounced environmental bias in the distribution of cases that it seemed reasonable to question whether similar responses might be expected in all types of environments (problem 1 0 .0 2 ). Finally, an application of instruments for measuring habitat richness to groups dependent upon ter restrial plants did not clarify the issue at all. On the contrary, there was no indication that this variable played any role whatsoever in conditioning the occurrence of major intensi ficational responses (generalization 1 0 .0 9 ). Pattern recognition studies were expanded to include, first, hunters who were primarily dependent upon terrestrial animals, followed by groups dependent upon aquatic resources. Among the groups exploiting animal resources, I found that no cases in my sampling of the past survived the packing threshold that has been identified as affecting groups dependent upon terrestrial plants. This was very strong confirmation of earlier observations and arguments in this chapter asserting that intensification selects against terrestrial animals as food resources (generalizations 10.01. 1 0 .0 2 , and 1 0 .1 0 ). An additional threshold was unexpect edly identified at a low value of 1 .5 9 persons per 1 00 square kilometers as the point at which reductions in group size occurred. This threshold implicates dependence upon terrestrial animals since I demonstrated earlier that group size was particularly sensitive to the relative dependence upon terrestrial animals (generalizations 8 .1 8 , 8 .2 9 , 8 ,3 1 , and 8 .3 2 ). Although groups dependent upon either terrestrial aw* mats or plants were usually found on ihe low side of the packing threshold, foragers primarily dependent upon aquatic resources were more common on the high side oi
the packing threshold. This bias among groups primarily exploiting aquatic resources led to the suggestion that the shift to aquatic resources was a density-dependent response (proposition 10.16). In light of these conclusions, it should come as no sur prise that my pattern recognition work with sets of cases grouped in terms of subsistence base concluded by demon strating a bias in the habitats in which aquatic resources play major roles (generalization 10. 12). I initiated a discussion of the factors responsible for system state variability among groups dependent upon aquatic resources (proposition10.18) and summarized what I had learned about packing as the force driving intensificational processes (generalizations 10.13 and 10.14). I concluded with a question about the role of technology, which was prompted during my con sideration of differences between aquatic and essentially ter restrial adaptations.
terms of the number of basic tools and the number of com ponents from which such tools were constructed (see also Oswalt 1976). In this important early study, the operative prin ciple was simple: through time, the complexity of a tool assemblage increased. The challenge to the researcher was to measure this trend and to recognize major junctures at which advance occurred. Oswalts interpretation of the technologies that he reviewed is not important here, but his researchwhich made avail able a number of ethnographic cases that were studied and described in the same termsoffered other researchers the opportunity to undertake comparative studies. This oppor tunity was seized initially by Robin Torrence (1983), who demonstrated a compelling relationship between latitude and the measured complexity of ethnographicalty docu mented tools used to obtain foods. Simply put, in Torrences study complexity increased as latitude increased. This correlation is demonstrated in figure 10.09, graphs A and B, using thirty-one cases23 instead of the twenty that were available to Torrence in 1983. Interestingly, the rela tionship between latitude and number of weapons is even more robust than in Torrences earlier work ( 1983:figs. 3.1 and 3.2). The cases in figure 10.09, graph A, are identified in terms of the ordinal variable leader, for which a code of 1 indicates that leadership status is based on the relevance of a persons knowledge and the quality of his or her advice and is often embedded in the roles played by older persons.24 A code of 2 indicates that leaders are quite visible and are rec ognized by everyone. Usually the latter kind of leadership sta tus is derived from performance, and recognized leaders have followers. I have thought of category 2 as show me leadership because unlike consulting leaders who are sought out for advice but never really have a followingfol lowers of show me leaders shift their allegiance in response to a leaders performance in role.25 Both graphs in figure 10.09 clearly indicate that there is a positive curvilinear relationship between the number of weapons and latitude.26 There is also a threshold at approx imately 40 degrees latitude above which show me leader ship prevails in the higher latitudes and below which consulting leadership is characteristic. These differences are likely to reflect important initial conditions for changes in sub sequent social forms initiated by intensification. A similar distribution in figure 10.09, graph B, demon strates the relationship between latitude and the number of weapons for ethnographic cases coded to reflect the pri mary source of food. Groups characterized by relatively few weapons dominate the graph below 40 degrees latitude and are primarily dependent upon terrestrial plants, in whose acquisition weapons would not be very useful. Above 40 degrees, there is a pronounced shift in the orientation of the graph, as rapid increases in the number of tools occur with increases in latitude. The groups featured in this pattern are
A two-graph comparison of the relationship between latitude and the number of weapons used in food procurement Graph A is coded for leadership (LEADER): (1) an elaboration of achieved social status judged in terms of knowledge and "good advice' criteria, leadership may be said to be embedded in the roles of elder persons; (2) leaders are quite visible, everyone recog nizes them, and the role is performance-based; there are "followers" of given leaders. Graph B is coded for the primary source of food (SUBSP): (1) terrestrial animals, (2) terrestrial plants, and (3) aquatic resources.
all primarily dependent upon terrestrial animals or aquatic resources, which is not surprising since the procurement of these two types of resources usually involves weapons and dependence upon them is documented to increase with lat itude (generalizations 7.05,7.11, and 7.12). The higher lat itudes are also where performance in role is crucial to subsistence security. Knowledge and its tactical use in plan ning for the capture of both terrestrial and aquatic ani mals,27 coupled with skill in using the technology, are the two essential qualities that a leader must possess. The evidence for increasing numbers of weapons28 used in direct procurement subsistence activities in higher latitudes has been convincingly demonstrated in figure 10.09. To pur sue further my interest in the tool-task relationship, figure 10.10 was prepared to show the patterned distribution between latitude and the number of tended facilities used in obtaining food. Tendedfacilities have been defined by Oswalt (1976:106-7) as tools that control the movement of a species to mans advantage but require a human presence to either initiate the use of or take advantage of the controlled animal movements. Tended facilities include game blinds, hunting disguises, items thrown to direct or control animal movement (such as the boomerangs used by Australian Aborigines to restrict the flight of birds), fish weirs, fish nets, fish hooks, and similar devices. In figure 10. 10, a positive relationship is visible between latitude and the number of tended facilities (FACNO) up to a threshold at approximately 42.6 degrees, after which the pat-
The threshold in the number of tended facilities used in obtaining food relative to latitude. Cases are coded for depen dence upon storage (STORE): (1) storage beyond a day or two is not present; (2) special event storage only (food is process and accumulated prior to a special event at which guests are supplemented with food gifts); and (3) food is stored lor use during seasonal and other low-productivity phases of the
p 20
u j. 1 8
> g c 2 JS p to
i8 >
Storage Threshold
O1 O1
-2 0
SU BSP <> a
20 40 60 60 100
2 1
-4 0 '
FI GURE 1 0 . 1 1
Atwo-graph comparison of two measures of temperature and the relationship between these measures and the complexity of tended facilities (A) used to obtain food. A threshold is suggested relative to a mean of-4.0C for the coldest month (B). Graph A is coded for the quantity of food stored (QTSTOR): (1) no regular storage or minor, very-short-term storage of two or three days; (2) moderate investment in storage in both quantity and period of potential use; (3) major investment in stor age and in the duration of anticipated use; and (4) massive investment in storage from the standpoint of both species stored and duration of use. Graph B is coded for the primary source of food (SUBSP): (1) terrestrial animals, (2) terrestrial plants, and (3) aquatic resources.
tern reverses and the number of tended facilities decreases. R e l a t i n g this pattern to the distribution in figure 10.09, it is clear that, although the number of tended f a c i l i t i e s goes down at latitudes of approximately 42.6 degrees, the num ber of weapons increases dramatically. It should be empha sized that the 42.6-degree threshold corresponds to the terrestrial plant thresholdnoted earlier in proposition 8.06at 12.75 degrees ET, at which point accessible plant resources become less available. As subsistence shifts to the pursuit of large game and sea mammals supplemented by fishweapons and mobility become more important. Other interesting observations emerge that refer to gen eralization 8.10, which notes that a threshold in GROUP1 size occurs at an ET value of 11.53, and to figure 3.10, which records a threshold in the number of species stored at an ET value of 12.75 degrees. The latter threshold corresponds to the latitudinal threshold in figure 10.10 marking the transi tional zone of reversal in the relationship between weapons and tended facilities. GROUP1 size also goes up as the number of weapons and dependence upon storage increase until a threshold occurs at ET 12,75 (generalization 8.12), after which GROUP1 size and the use of tended facilities both decrease. Other rela tionships between ET and complexity in the design of tools and facilities (FACTU) are explored in figure 10. 11, graphs A and B, which illustrate that a transitional zone in ET val
ues corresponds to a habitat in which the temperature dur ing the coldest month of the year is -4C (figure 10.11, graph B). This is also roughly coincidental with the terres trial plant threshold at ET 12.75 degrees.29 Presumably, a reduction in the use of tended facilities is linked to the size of the labor force in environments in which the plants are no longer expected to provide most of the food. Another possibility is that the reduction in the number of mammalian species that occurs in arctic regions may also decrease the number of contexts in which different types of species might occur. --------------------- Generalization 10.15 --------------------The observed relationship between tools and latitude is refer able to the character of the targeted food resources, to the orga nization and deployment of labor, and to an investment of labor in the facilities that are best suited to the capture of dif ferent targeted food resources.
These facilities are autocorrelated with latitude, given the niches occupied by human groups, but this autocorrelation does not, as Torrence suggested, directly reveal causal link ages. Support for this point is found in the patterned coin cidences between contrasts in leadership (figure 10,09, graph A) and primary sources of food (figure 10,09, graph B) when
each of these variables is plotted against increased com plexity in the design and number of weapons. Tended facil ities (figure 10. 10) are parallel to this pattern, diverging at the point at which a reduction occurs in the size of the basic units engaged in food procurement. This point coincides with important shifts in the primary sources of food. Figures 10.10 and 10.11 demonstrate that the number of tended facilities and the complexity of their design vary with group size and cold temperatures in a different way rel ative to weapons. The numbers accelerate dramatically at approximately 39 degrees latitude, then a threshold occurs at a mean of close to -4C for the coldest month of the year, at which point the pattern reverses. Thereafter, as latitude increases, the number of tended facilities and the complex ity of their design decrease. I originally thought that this pattern could reflect two dif ferent determinant conditions: an increased dependence upon aquatic resources as one moves in a polar direction and an increase in sociopolitically complex groups that are depen dent upon aquatic resources at approximately 45 degrees lat itude, followed by diminishing complexity above 60 degrees. This pattern prompts me to ask whether complexity some how drives down the use of tended facilities. This possibil ity echoes the claims made by other researchers, the work of one of whom I will now discuss. Using only five of Oswalts original ethnographic cases and eliminating the high-latitude arctic cases,30 Michael Shott (1986) compared Oswalts measures to the number of annual residential moves and the total distance moved residentially by the five groups. He argued that mobility frequency (num ber of annual residential moves) may limit the number of tools and, correspondingly, the number of tool classes that can be carried between residences (Shott 1986:23).31 Shott illustrated a rough, inverse, curvilinear relationship between the num ber of residential moves and his data on the number of weapons and instruments, to use Oswalts terms. The pat tern in figure 10.12 is analogous to that reported by Shott, but it tabulates only the number of weapons (using the vari able WEAPNO), rather than tool classes, and the number of residential moves made annually (NOMOV). The ethno graphic cases have been coded according to their primary source of food. The most obvious pattern in the graph relates food source to mobility. Groups primarily dependent upon terrestrial ani mal resources are most mobile, plant-dependent cases are less mobile, and although groups primarily dependent upon aquatic resources overlap with plant-dependent peoples, on the whole they are even less mobile. A general increase in the number of weapons corresponds to a decrease in residential mobility for groups dependent upon either plants or terres trial animal*. It is clear, however, that the most emphatic pat tern shows that, among exploiters of aquatic resources, the number of weapons increases as mobility decreases. Com-
A , |
. y
-10 0
10 20 30
FIGURE 10.12
The relationship between the number of weapons used to obtain food and the number of residential moves made annually. Cases are coded for dominant sources of foods (SUBSP): (1) terrestrial animals, (2) terrestrial plants, and (3) aquatic resources.
parable reductions in the mobility of plant-dependent peoples result in a much smaller increase in the number of weapons. In general, groups dependent upon terrestrial animal resources are more mobile and have fewer weapons. Shott interpreted the patterned relationship between hunter-gatherer mobility and the number of weapons as directly related to transport limitations or the high portability costs incurred when many moves were being made (Shott 1986:23,45). He argued that these constraints ensured that the equation of tool type to task was less likely in sedentary contexts in which tool diversity was subject to fewer utilitarian constraints. According to Shott, in such a context tool dif ferentiation could be referable to an increasing number of social reasons (Shott 1986:45). Given the patterns in figure 10.09, one wonders why groups dependent upon terrestrial plants should feel more bound by utilitarian constraints or endow their tools with fewer social meanings than peoples who depend primarily upon aquatic resources. Contrary to Shotts argument, I think the answer to such a dilemma lies elsewhere: -------------------- Generalization 10.16 Variability tral to food procurement and when the character and
tribution of potential food resources in the habitat dirtwthe specificity of the role of tools in such events condition the num ber and the complexity of design of fundamentally different kinds of tools.
The pursuit of aquatic resources is directed toward many food targets that must be both constrained in their movement and extracted from the aquatic milieu. It is the latter demand on the forager which ensures that differentiated tool design will vary more discretely with the character of the access win dowand the size and behavior of the creatures being extracted 60m the aquatic milieu. In contrast, the extraction of edi ble plant components from their location requires relatively simple toolsdigging sticks or poles for knocking down fruitcompared with the variety of implements used to extract fish and sea mammals from aquatic biomes. ---------------- Generalization 10.17 -------------------Differences in the character of capture and extraction events are the major stimuli for the design differences in tools used to obtain resources directly.
With regard to the equation of task and tool, accurately anticipating changes and shifts in tool frequency and design is complicated further by differences in food procurement tac tics. In feet, one could argue that many of the differences between the biased use of weapons and tended or untended facilities are tactical and correlated with the size of the labor group (generalizations 8.31 and 8.32) and variability in group organization (generalizations 8.03,8.12,8.13,8.14, and 8.27).
I have already suggested that tactical changes are likely to occur when system state conditions change, and I have also focused on changes that are driven by pressures per square kilometer to intensify. When these pressures operate on diverse systems that exploit profoundly different food resources, foragers would be expected to vary significantly in the way they design and use tools, depending upon the orga nization of the system coming under intensificational pres sure. This point underscores a central theme in this book; that one should expect marked variability that relates in regular ways to the character of the initial conditions prevailing at the time that change-inducing pressures arise. The identifi cation of relevant initial conditions is fundamental to under standing variability itself and to the successfrd investigation of patterned variability in the temporal trajectories of sys tems with different initial conditions. I have already suggested that packing is an important initial condition underlying the shift by hunter-gatherers to heavy exploitation of aquatic resources (generalization 10.07). I also argued earlier that niche effectiveness directly measures the extent to which a given group of huntergatherers exceeds the extractive effectiveness anticipated by the Terrestrial Model. It was implied that increases in effec tiveness would be driven primarily by technology and associ ated tactical changes in the organization of food procurement activities. The graphs in figure 10.13 demonstrate the relation ship between the niche effectiveness index (NICHEFF) and
FI GURE 1 0 . 1 3
A comparison between the technological responses to niche effectiveness of groups primarily dependent upon terrestrial
and aquatic (B) resources. Graph A is coded for the primary source of food (SUBSP): (1) terrestrial animals and (2) terrestrial plants. Graph B is coded for the quantity of food stored (QTSTOR): (1) no regular storage or minor, very-short-term storage of two or three days; (2) moderate investment in storage in both quantity and period of potential use; (3) major investment in storage and in the duration of anticipated use; and (4) massive investment in storage from the standpoint of both species stored and duration of use.
I D E A S , D E R I V A T I V E P A T T E R N I N G , AND G E N E R A L I Z A T I O N S
the total number of techno-units32 (WEAPTU) incorpo rated into the design of weapons used by a given group. Cases are represented by the ordinal variable SUBSP in graph A and by the variable QTSTOR in graph B. This figure confirms the pattern in figure 10.09, which illus trated that weapons play minor roles among hunter-gatherer groups that are primarily dependent upon terrestrial plants, but that their importance accelerates as hunting contributes more significantly to the diet. One could argue that in the zone in figure 10.13, graph A, in which packing and therefore increased niche effectiveness would be expected to increase (indicating that intensification is occurring), the complex ity of weapons decreases and then increases again once the threshold zone has been traversed. The latter increase could reflect the higher cost of obtaining essential animal protein and, consequently, greater weapons specialization, as well as increased competition or warfare. The number of cases tab ulated for technology is, unfortunately, too small to make these observations compelling. What is obvious is the contrast between the two graphs in figure 10.13, both of which feature the same scale. In graph B which records only groups that are primarily dependent upon aquatic resourcesas the niche effectiveness threshold range (0.6-1.6) is approached, there is a pronounced increase in the complexity of weapons measured in terms of the numbers of techno-units. The acceleration proceeds as a curvilinear func tion and, as in earlier graphs, a shadow effect occurs with acceleration, beginning at a threshold of approximately 0.6 on the k>g10scale of niche effectiveness. As the graph indicates, all of the cases clustered in the darker shaded area are groups from latitudes at or above 60 degrees. Most of these groups were located in areas projected by the Terrestrial Model to have been uninhabited or to have had very low population densities. It is quite likely that intensificational pressures were felt earlier (in niche effectiveness terms) in these settings because of the extremely lowlevel of accessible terrestrial food sources. In envi ronments that are more hospitable to hunter-gatherers, the major threshold for intensification is delayed until approxi mately 1.6 on the niche effectiveness scale.33 The only hunter-gatherer group that falls outside the basic pattern in figure 10.13, graph B, is the Yahgan, located at the southern tip of South America. Although it is my impression that the available population density estimates are maximum values, the Terrestrial Model projects a very low value for this case. At the time that the variable temperateness was modeled (see generalization 8.07), this case was noted as an exception relative to the quantity of food stored. In spite of these tech nical problems, there seems little doubt that
are the primary source of food. Since dependence upon ter restrial animals diminishes as pressures to intensify increase, there is a corresponding decrease in both the use and the com plexity of weapons used for subsistence purposes as the exploitation of terrestrial animal resources decreases.
The split between the left and right reference lines dis tinguishes between the intensified cases (right line) and those cases that are intensified relative to their terrestrial settings (left line), which are projected by the Terrestrial Model to be uninhabited. The role technology plays in main taining groups in such low-productivity settings is clear, and it should be noted that the vast majority of the weapons produced in these settings are used to exploit sea mammals. This graph is considered strong support for the earlier propo sition that
- | Generalization 1 0 .1 9 -----------------
Increasing niche effectiveness among groups that are primarily dependent upon aquatic resources is made possible by the increased complexity and diversity of their food-procuring technology.
Since system state has been documented in numerous instances (generalizations 10.01, 10.03, 10.04, and 10.08; proposition 10.17) to vary significandy with the packing index, which is also related in a very general way to the niche effectiveness index, it can be expected that
Generalization 10.10
Increasing complexity in the design of weapons responds pos* itively to intensificational pressures when aquatic resources
To help evaluate this proposition, figure 10.14 plots the number of techno-units (sensu Oswalt) relative to the pack ing index. All groups display a reduction in design com plexity as the packing threshold is approached. This finding is almost certainly related to an earlier demonstration of a patterned reduction in hunting (compare to figure 10.08 graph A) as groups dependent upon terrestrial resources approached the packing threshold. Once systems become packed, there is an increase in weapon complexity among groups who depend primarily upon aquatic resources* as we as those that are dependent upon terrestrial plant resources*
A t
-2 .0
-1 5
- 1 .0
0 .0
1 .0
An overview of the relationship between the complexity of weapons design used in obtaining food and the log10 value of the packing index. Cases are coded for the primary source of food (SUBSP): (1) terrestrial animals, (2) terrestrial plants, and (3) aquatic resources.
The number of instruments used primarily to obtain plant foods displayed relative to the log10 value of the packing index. Cases are coded for the primary source of food (SUBSP): (1) terrestrial animals, (2) terrestrial plants; and (3) aquatic resources.
Further examination of these cases reveals that this trend also associates packing with an increase in the exploitation of aquatic resources. The groups that are dependent upon aquatic resources, have low PACKINX values, and are located in the upper shaded area of the graph are all sea mammal hunters of the high Arctic. The Terrestrial Model projects that such a habitat would be uninhabited, and it is only the devel opment of a complex technology for exploiting marine resources that made successful penetration of this habitat possible. The two cases above 60 degrees latitude in the lower shaded area of figure 10.14 the Ingalik and the Tanaina of Alaskaare adjacent geographically, occupying the lower riparian zone just inland from coastal groups. Both of these groups hunted and fished, but only very rough estimates of aboriginal populations can be found in the ethnographic record (Snow 1981; Townsend 1981).35 Nevertheless, given what is known about the archaeological record in northern latitudes, I propose that
------------ Proposition 10.20 ---------------The development of weapons technology can open up new niches and facilitate radiations into previously unoccupied geographic regions.
As a further demonstration of the relationship between tools and the contexts of tool use, in figure 10.15 I have
plotted hunter-gatherer cases coded for their primary source of subsistence in a matrix with the log10 value o f the pack ing index (LPACKINX) on the x axis and the number of instruments used primarily in obtaining plant foods on the y axis. Oswalt (1976:64) defined these instruments as handmanipulated [tools] that customarily are used to impinge on masses incapable of significant motion and are relatively harmless to people. Two features of the graph are provocative. First, once the packing threshold is passed, there is in increase in the num ber of instruments, which should correspond to increased intensification and the exploitation of a greater number of plant species. The second important feature of the graph is that relatively few of the groups dependent upon aquatic resources exhibit such a threshold-related increase. Those that do are cases in warm temperate and subtropical habitats in which aquatic dependence expands simultaneously with dependence upon plants. Clearly, increasing numbers o f instruments appear to relate directly to intensification. Weapons and instruments are not the only kinds of tools that may be critical to obtaining food resources. Oswalt also made a distinction between two types of facilities (Wagner I960), In addition to tended facilities, which I have already discussed, he referred to untended facilities, a category that includes items such as snares and mechanically activated traps (either deadfall or pitfall), which do not require manip ulation to be activated. In figure 10.16, the relationship between the number of untended facilities and the log10 value of the packing index
- 2 .0
-1 .5
-1 .0
- .5
0 .0
1 .0
1 ,5 0 2 4 6 > tO 12
The relationships between packing, storage, and increased numbers of untended facilities. Cases are coded for the quantity of food stored (QTSTOR): (1) no regular storage or minor, very-short-term storage of two or three days; (2) mod erate investment in storage in both quantity and period of potential use; (3) major investment in storage and in the duration of anticipated use; and (4) massive investment in stor age from the standpoint of both species stored and duration of use.
The relationship between GRO UP1 size and the number of untended facilities used to obtain food, with implications for the division of labor. Cases are coded for the primary source of food (SUBSP): (1 ) terrestrial animals, (2) terrestrial plants, and (3) aquatic resources.
------------------- Generalization 10 .2 0 -----------------There are apparently two contexts in which untended facil ities play a significant role in food procurement. The first occurs when the division of labor is collapsed (see general ization 8.30) and labor is therefore in very short supply (see the lower left segment of figure 10 .17 ) . In the second con text, GRO U P1 size and gender-based differentiation in sub sistence roles both increase with packing. The number of untended facilities increases positively and linearly as GRO U P1 size increases above the level of a collapsed divi sion of labor.
is illustrated for hunter-gatherer cases coded in terms o f the variable QTSTOR (the quantity o f food that is stored). The chevron pattern in the graph is reminiscent of the way group size and the packing threshold interacted in figure 10.14. Here the number o f untended facilities goes down as the packing threshold is approached, but once that threshold is crossed the number of facilities increases again. Although the sample size in figure 10.16 is small, it appears that this distinctive pat tern does not apply to groups that do not store food. The increased investment in untended facilities therefore seems to be a response to packing primarily when stored foods make an important contribution to the diet.36 Untended traps can be regarded as mechanical hunters; by placing them in many different locations, huntergatherers increase both their potential animal encounter rate and their net return. This strategy should pay off in situa tions in which either there is insufficient labor or the labor demands increase the demand curve for foods, which raises the bar on net returns and possibly increases mobility costs as well. An exploration of the relationship between GROUP 1 size and the number of different untended facilities coded for the primary resources exploited by hunter-gatherers is presented in figure 10. 17, The pattern in this graph suggests
It is relevant to note that the vast majority of groups in the latter context are primarily dependent upon either ter restrial animals, aquatic resources, or both (see marker code for cases in the higher-GROUPl-size range in figure 10. 17). I have demonstrated earlier that the amount of labor con tributed by males increases dramatically as dependence upon terrestrial and aquatic resources increases (generalizations 8 .29, and 8 .30 ). During my own field experience in the arc tic, I learned that under these conditions females do, in fact, invest substantial labor in the use of untended trapping facilities, particularly during summer months. This kind of activity along with other, more direct labor contributions (proposition 8 .09 ) accounts for a reversal in the relation ship between estimates of the percentage of the total food obtained by males (MDIVLAB) and GROUPl size igener
C H A P T E R 10
is not much opportunity to expand the numbers of tended facilities. I have already pointed out that the design complexity of tended facilities expands dramatically from warm environ mental settings up to locations in which the mean temper ature of the coldest month of the year is -4C or warmer, which corresponds to the plant threshold at 12.75C (ET) (figure 10.11, graph B). Thereafter, in environments with short growing seasons and cold winters, obtaining high net returns in relatively short periods of time is crucial to the success of storage strategies. The subsistence base in such settings con sists of terrestrial animals and, under increasingly packed con ditions, greater dependence upon aquatic resources. In such settings, tended facilities are used less and less. A former student of mine, Trent Holliday (1998), under took a comparative study of trapping and found that the use of untended traps was low when both residential mobility and ungulate biomass were high. It tended to be high, however, in habitats in which animal biomass was relatively low and animals were dispersed. He also noted that the primary con text of reduced mobility was associated with the increased uti lization of aquatic resources. This was also the setting in which the use of untended traps among recent huntergatherers was highest. Hollidays findings amplify and sup port the relationships between tended and untended facilities demonstrated in figure 10.18, and they form the basis of the expectation that
S o
^ 357
A 1
Number of Untended Facilities Used to Obtain Food (UNFACNO)
1 0 . 18
The relationship between the number of tended and untended facilities used in obtaining food. Cases are coded for the pri mary source of food (SUBSP): (1) terrestrial animals, (2) ter restrial plants, and (3) aquatic resources.
alization 8.12). This reversal occurs at the same point in the graph as the threshold for tended facilities (see the discus sion of figure 8.23). Hie absence of a reversal in the pattern in figure 10.17 and the regular linear relationship with male contribution to die total labor effort demonstrate that untended facilities track shifts in group size and the proportion of the total division of labor represented by male effort. This is true regardless of directional changes in that effort at the threshold of a mean temperature of approximately -4C for the coldest month of die year (see figure 10.11, graph B), which roughly corresponds to the terrestrial plant threshold (generalization 8.12). A good illustration of this pattern occurs in figure 10.18, in which the number of tended facilities behaves similarly to group size and the male contribution to the labor force rel ative to the terrestrial plant threshold that has now been identified with an approximate value of 4C as the mean of the coldest month. This coincidence is important to changes in both the number and complexity of tended facilities (figures 10.10 and 10.11). Figure 10.18 shows that the num ber of tended facilities increases as the number of untended facilities increases up to a point between 5.0 and 7.75 untended facilities. Thereafter, tended facilities decrease as untended facil ities increase. This pattern occurs at two different orders of magnitude for tended facilities, labeled land 2 in figure 10.18.37
---------------- Proposition 10 .21 ----------------Tended facilities are increasingly successful in settings in which artiodactyl biomass is moderate to high and animals are at least periodically aggregated. The same distributional principles apply to smaller species. The use of tended facilities will also increase in settings in which packing occurs and residential mobility is reduced, depending primarily on the feasibility of the use of aquatic resources.
------------ Generalization 10.21 ------Situations in which untended facilities of many kinds con tribute significantly to subsistence are situations in which there
The preceding pattern recognition studies have provided some ideas about the circumstances in which the use of tended and untended facilities is likely to be selected for. As the final step in my examination of variability in subsis tence technology using Oswalts conventions, it is time for a direct examination of the facilities that are tended or activated by hunter-gatherers. I have already pointed out that these facil ities include many types of fish weirs, the use of seine net ting, and most netting equipment used in a terrestrial contest, including many but not all of the types of game drive facil ities. On the other hand, the forms most frequently recorded are various kinds of fish hooks and gorges, items used in game
I D E A S , D E R I V A T I V E P A T T E R N I N G , AND G E N E R A L I Z A T I O N S
drives such as torches and beating sticks, and basket traps used in conjunction with weirs. The use of some of these kinds of facilities also implies communal hunting (sensu Hayden 1981:371), although the vast majority of forms do not. The preceding comparisons of tended and untended facilities, coupled with cross-cultural ethnographic studies, are not the only sources that provide useful intellectual cap ital in my examination of tended facilities. A discussion of one of the relatively few instances in contemporary archaeol ogy in which problem-oriented research is actually derived from pattern recognition studies conducted on the archae ological record is germane at this juncture. This research touches directly upon the subject of tended facilities and is pertinent to the broader issue of intensification as well. In his 1982 doctoral thesis, Frank Bayham pointed out that, in the long sequence at Arizonas Ventana Cave, evidence for the use of plant materials diminishes through time and the exploita tion of artiodactyls of large to moderate body size increases. Simultaneously, there is an unrelenting trend in the region toward increased sedentism and dependence upon horti culture, culminating in irrigation horticulture. Bayham has stated his expectation that, over time, a reduction in body size and an overall decrease in the con tribution to the diet from animal sources would be expected. Bayham continued to research this proposition, and later Speth and Scott (1985) undertook a comprehensive investigation of the patterns isolated by Bayham. Speth and Scott found that in many, mostly New World settings involving horti cultural and settled peoples, a counterintuitive increase in artiodactyls relative to animals of small body size was demon strable (for relevant discussions see Kent 1989; Speth and Scott 1989; Szuter and Bayham 1989). Speth and Scott (1989:75-76) linked this pattern to an increase in communal hunting. Against this background of provocative results from almost two decades of research, it seems reasonable to ask why at least some hunter-gatherers have responded to intensification by using tended facilities. This question is explored in figure 10.19, which shows the patterned interaction between the complexity of tended facilities and the log10 value of the packing index for ethno graphic cases that are categorized in terms of their degree of class differentiation. Unlike most of the other graphs in which tools or techno-units are plotted against the packing index, in figure 10.19 the number of techno-units does not decrease as the packing threshold is approached and then increase as packing continues to increase. Instead, three rel atively independent distributions of cases occur. In the two distributions designated 1 and 2, there is an over all decrease in the number of tended techno-units across the packing index threshold. The two lines then converge at a value of ten times the packing threshold, or ten times the popu lation occurring at the time a packed condition it first reached, where tended units drop to zero. In contrast, cases
p r
C F *5
The relationship between the complexity of tended facilities and the packing index. Cases are coded for class distinctions (CLASS): (1) absence of any significant class distinctions, (2) wealth distinctions only, (3) dual stratification into a hered itary aristocracy and a lower class of ordinary people.
that have only wealth distinctions (distribution 3) behave com pletely differently: the number of techno-units increases sharply as the packing threshold is crossed. What is to be made of such an anomalous pattern? Examination of the cases in terms of Oswalts tool typol ogy reveals that the majority of the tended facilities are used as part of a wait and hope procurement strategy. Good examples of this kind of technology include hook and line fishing, human-activated snares, and traps that involve the use of a lure. Tools of a very different character are associ ated with game drives: torches and beating sticks might be used, or musical instruments (such as drums) might be played, or fire itself could be used to control the movement of game. Some groups construct features such as lines of rocks or fences of vegetation to influence the behavior of their prey. Between twenty and thirty-two of the tended facilities listed in Oswalts typology result in the capture of only individual animals or a small number of animals or fish at one time. Only six of these forms (Oswalt 1976:110-11) are used by groups in their communal hunting activities. As intensification increases, I can therefore expect that decreasing numbers of less complex tended facilities may well co-vary with a shift to communal hunting tactics or the abandonment of some techniques that are not rate-maximizing* (Beckerman 1994:179) with regard to labor investments, such as a shin from tended facilities to untended facilities (figure 10.18). An Increase in the use of tended facilities in contexts associated with wealth differentiation could reflect the rejection of a ratemaximizing strategy by persons without wealth in favor ol
a strategyof maximizing net returns under stress. Nevertheless, I do not know what stands behind the contrary distribution 3 in figure 10.19. In other contexts, an increase in the use of tended facilities maintained by communal labor may not necessarily occur in the early stages of intensification. The hunter-gatherer data in figure 10.19 indicate a general reduction in tended facilities, culminating in a low-end convergence on the Chenchu of India, an agricultural group with a population density of 123.3 persons per 100 square kilometers (thirteen times the number of persons associated with the packing threshold). Among the Chenchu, the use of fish poison is reported to be prevalent, and communal use of tended facilities accounts for over half of the recorded techno-units. These observa tions support the conclusion that heavily intensified groups use relatively few tended facilities but that, when present, they are biased in favor of communal use of such facilities. Additionally, the overall return from these communally organized activities may be expected to exceed the returns from tended facilities that are individually organized. Since the avail able information is insufficient to account for the pattern in figure 10.19, these accommodations to the data are only offered as provocative examples. Conclusive evidence would require additional research using the original sources, which amounts to undertaking an entirely new investigation. There is, however, another speculation that could stim ulate research. If I had included a number of horticultural societies in my study, such as those cases referenced by Speth and Scott (1989) and discussed in the book edited by Kent (1989), would an increase in tended facilities have appeared on the high side of the graph in figure 10.19, associated with packing index values of a little more than 10.0? Of course this question cannot be answered, but it is possible to examine the small sample of available cases for which the state of the system relative to packing is known and to plot them against the niche effectiveness index. When I do this in figure 10.20, a provocative pattern emerges. Packed cases are associated with a remarkable increase in tended facilities as the niche effectiveness thresh oldidentified through the comparative study of group sizesapproaches a log10value of 1.6. Immediately thereafter, the number of tended facilities drops off considerably. Unpacked cases that have a niche effectiveness value of approximately 0.6 which marks the lower edge of the intensification-driven transition zone noted for group sizes (see proposition 10.10) tend to rely more on tended facil ities than do packed cases at the same relatively low niche effec tiveness level. These relationships buffer the argument in generalization 10.10 about the role of different food sources as conditioners of responses to packing and other intensificational pressures.
When, however, the cases included in figure 10.20 were examined relative to their primary food resources, no com-
o z $
m g
m (oj
The relationship between the number of tended facilities and the niche effectiveness index. Cases are coded for pack ing (PACKING): (1) nonpacked and (2) packed.
pelling patterning emerged. This finding suggests that the character of the habitat is more likely the conditioning variablea conclusion that is supported by the patterning in figure 10.21. In this figure, ethnographic cases are classified in terms of an ordinal ranking of their dependence upon stored food. This information is plotted in a matrix defined by the number of tended facilities and niche effectiveness. Although the number of hunter-gatherer cases in figure 10.21 is small, the pattern is robust. The groups that are dependent upon storage define a chevron pattern of increas ing numbers of tended facilities up to just beyond the already identified threshold of a log10value of 1.6 on the niche effec tiveness index. Thereafter, the familiar pattern of a decreased use of tended facilities on the high side of the threshold is vis ible. It is also clear that, as the niche effectiveness value increases, the use of tended facilities decreases among those hunter-gatherer groups that did not depend on storage.
------------------ Generalization 10 .2 2 -----------------Substantial dependence upon storageexpressed relative to the productivity of accessible food in the habitat, or niche effectivenessappears to be a necessary initial condition for the accelerating use of tended facilities in response to intensificationai pressures.
I suspect that
Proposition 10.22
The declining number of tended facilities following a recognizable threshold of intensification indicates a
I D E A S , D E R I V A T I V E P A T T E R N I N G , AND G E N E R A L I Z A T I O N S
tools that are emphasized numerically relative to their labor requirements for activation. In short, techno logical change in a system consists most often of tac tical changea redistribution of technological variety among systemsrather than a series of discoveries or the recognition of new technological principles per se.
The relationship between the number of tended facilities and the niche effectiveness index. Cases are coded for the quantity of food stored (QTSTOR): (1) no regular storage or minor, very-short-term storage of two or three days; (2) mod erate investment in storage in both quantity and period of potential use; (3) major investment in storage and in the duration of anticipated use; and (4) massive investment in stor age from the standpoint of both species stored and duration of use.
Disembodied Observer: A review of the preceding section of this chapter reveals that the first sets of observations and generalizations concluded simply that variability in tools is a consequence of the variability in tasks and the labor strategies associated with successful task performance (gen eralizations 1 0 .1 5 and 10 .16 ). This conclusion is not sur prising if one thinks of tool use in subsistence activities as primarily a means to successful task performance. The importance of technology in ensuring effective task per formance is well illustrated by the relationship between niche effectiveness, technological complexity, and aquatic resource dependence (generalizations and propositions 10 .19 ,10 .20 , and 10 .2 1).
change in both the organization and size of the labor units using the facilities.38
At this juncture, by changing the focus from specific pat terned relationships between types of technological aids and their richness and complexity of design to the implications of the overall shifts in technology in response to packing, I am able to look at technological change in somewhat nontraditional ways. When early anthropologists attempted to account for technological change, they imagined discoveries that, it was thought, changed the course of history. These inno vations appeared abruptly and were truly novel phenomena. More recently, technological change has been visualized as a set of responses to problem-solving challenges. The search for patterns in this chapter has demonstrated that similar kinds of tool technology, including weapons and both tended and untended facilities, are developed and used by hunter-gatherer groups that live in vastly different system state conditions.
The use of untended facilities, such as deadfall traps and snares, increases in situations in which the division of labor has collapsed and packing is not a factor. The most common context of increased use of tended facilities occurs when groups are experiencing demographic packing. Traps are most often used by groups at the packing threshold when GROUP1 size is increasing (generalization 10.20 and propo sition 10.22), although traps usually vary inversely with tended facilities in packed situations. Tended facilities are gen erally used in conjunction with game drives and facilities such as large fish traps and seine nets, but heavy dependence upon storage appears to be a necessary precondition to an increase in tended facilities when intensification pressures are mounting. Groups with a heavy dependence upon storage are all also primarily dependent upon aquatic resources (propo sition 10.22 and generalization 10.22). Perhaps the most provocative patterning in the discussion of technology demonstrates that tool types and frequen cies, as well as design complexity, vary in response to densitydependent system states. Demographic packing quite directly affects tool variability, as does the source for food, particu larly when the focus is on species that can be accessed in large bulk units. Tools change in tandem with changes in subsis tence strategies and the food resources exploited more inten sively (proposition 10.23). The pattern recognition work in this section supports the assertion that expanding ones dependence upon aquatk resources is contingent upon technological development in association with demographic packing. These factors appear to have less of an effect upon hunter-gathercrs who are pri marily dependent upon plants. As far as terrestrial hunters are concerned, packing reduces dependence upon animal
C H A P T E R 10
resources and results in a corresponding decrease in weapon utilization, These observations certainly have implications for the archaeological record.
Conclusion Exploration of the relationships between the variables devel oped from my ethnographic and ecological data sets has been a significant learning experience. It has taught me a great deal about the connections between hunter-gatherers and their habitats and how these vary under different density-dependent system state conditions. I have advanced an argument about the fundamental tactical role mobility plays in huntergatherer subsistence and how demographic packing pro vokes intensificational pressures that increasingly render mobility obsolete as a tactical subsistence strategy. I have touched upon the processes that play an active part in the evo lution of small-scale systems into increasingly complex orga nizations, citing mutualism as one kind of complex system that is usually overlooked by anthropologists in their dis cussions of the development of complex societies. Even so, organizational complexity and the factors that con dition various complex sociopolitical forms are topics that have not been adequately addressed. Also left unfinished is
the discussion of habitat richness, which appears to play an insignificant role as a modifier of responses to packing, judg ing from the specificity of the packing threshold values. On the other hand, the range of values for niche effectiveness is considerablealthough why there is ambiguity in the loca tion of thresholds for this measure is unclear. This problem is further complicated by the fact that most of the cases clustering at the high end of the niche effectiveness scale arc demographically packed and dependent upon aquatic resources, prompting me to wonder what factors are forcing a threshold in niche effectiveness among already packed groups. It is possible that habitat richness, coupled with other habitat variables, may condition the rate of demo graphic change, but it is likely that packingwhich is the out come of differential growth is the factor forcing major adaptive changes. At this point, however, there are no con vincing explanations for many of these problems. Finally, I have not used the habitat-related variability that is documented among hunter-gatherers as a tool to study the chronology of culture change. In fact, I have not directly addressed the question of how the analytical tech niques and knowledge presented so far in this book can serve archaeological goals. I hope, however, to weave together many of these important loose strands in the next analyti cal chapter of this book.
ability in the domains of disease and nutrition. Today, the exploration of variability in the human body continues, much of it dependent upon a prior knowledge of the phys iology of the circulatory system. Contemporary research focused on the cause and treatment of high blood pressure, the reduction of atherosclerotic deposits in the arterial sys tem, and the links between obesity and circulatory problems is built on the kind of growth of knowledge exemplified by Harveys early endeavors. Of course, there are properties of the human condition that a knowledge of the circulatory system is not likely to address in any causal sense. But only research focused on process will lead to sufficient knowledge to enable one to say with confidence that variability in x and y is independent and unaffected by variability in a and b, when each is a char acteristic of cultural systems. Most intellectual variability among archaeological and anthropological researchers can be explained by differences of opinion about the causal pri ority that should be assigned to various characteristics of cul tural systems. For instance, do innovations in ideology drive culture change? If ideology is preeminent in the causal domain, as many researchers prior to Harvey would have argued (even about the function of the heart), can we not imitate Harveys inquirywhat makes the heart central and what does it do?but ask instead what makes ideology central and what does it do? Unfortunately, few persons could answer these questions today by citing convincing empirical research. Processual archaeology anticipates that, in the future, our understanding of the dynamics of cultural processes will grow and that we may be able to make compelling, empirically based arguments about the origin and (unction of ideology. In the meantime, processual archaeology acknowl edges that it is impossible to study everything at once* We must build up a relevant knowledge base through cumulative, accretional research.
C H A P T E R 11
It should be kept in mind that Harveys understanding of the circulatory systemwas significantly incomplete since, prior to the invention of the microscope, the capillary had never been observed, and of course it is in the capillary that the fun damental exchange of oxygen for carbon dioxide and other waste products takes place. lust as a knowledge of the struc ture and function of capillaries was developed many years after Harveys work, contemporary processual research in archae ology ensures productive research in the future. Since we can never achieve a complete understanding at a single point in time, the growth of knowledge that science makes possible assumes fundamental links between todays research and the paths it paves for work tomorrow. The passage of time changes what is once and what is in the future. Archaeology once embraced the idea of progress, and this concept has become a constant source of controversy and debate in todays evolutionary literature (Gould 1996:135-230). Researchers frequently clash over what is meant by complexity, and arguments abound about the meaning of the directional patterning observable in the formal properties of entities that undergo evolutionary processes when these are arrayed against a temporal frame of reference. One of the most provocative, thoughtful discussions of this issue occurs in the concluding chapter of a book by J. T. Bon ner (1988) entitled The Evolution o f Complexity: A Conclu sion with Three Insights. Bonner distinguishes between two different kinds of systemic change. The first refers to the differences that occur within units as a result of internal structural differentiation and functional specialization. The other kind of organizational complexity results from an integrating process that merges already differentiated enti ties into a new level of systemic organization. Although Bon ners research is focused on complexity in noncultural system s, I argue in this chapter that these two pathways to com plexity also occur in cultural systems. Bonner is interested not only in the structural differences between various trajectories of increasing complexity but also in the correlates of complexity. He offers a convinc ing argument that although size, internal differentiation, and species diversity could each be independently acted upon by selection, these variables nevertheless tend to behave in tandem, since if one is altered it may automat ically affect the others (1988:226). From this perspective, complexity might even be described as the emergence of new and more synergistically linked components of a system. In chapter 10,1 pointed out that complexity that appears to arise within a unit such as a cultural system is perhaps dif ferent from complexity arising from the integration of pre viously independently organized units. In this chapter, I begin with an examination of complexity that arises from the additive, integrative pathway, orto put it another way
complexity arrived at by means of the integration of previ ously independent systems. After addressing this subject, I examine the process of emergence, which can also be described as the transformation that results in sociocultural complex ity within a system that did not previously appear to be complex. Emergence, however, presupposes a temporal sequence, and at the moment I am concerned with essentially atemporal phenomena. Even when we are, strictly speaking, thinking about tra jectories and temporal sequences, we can certainly learn things that are strongly suspected to imply emergent change, although these processual implications remain regrettably atemporal. In light of this reality, but informed by the pat terning that has been generated so far, I then examine other important characteristics of culturally variable systems. Domains of variability so for unaddressed analytically will be examined to see how they vary with the properties that have already been demonstrated to strongly suggest systemic processes. Some of these characteristics are chosen because they occupy a place in the archaeological literature reserved for reliable indicators of complexityMy question at this junc ture is simply are they?Along the way, I discuss additional facts that may appear to point to processes, although these do not represent a departure from the world of atemporal phenomena.
----------------- Generalization 11.0 1 -----------------There is a strong relationship between the number of species prepared for storage and the degree of ranking and complexity in the jurisdictional hierarchies of the social system.
Although this pattern is somewhat ambiguous, it still points to a linkage between the diversity of the food base and the complexity of the society.
I D E A S , D E R I V A T I V E P A T T E R N I N G , AND G E N E R A L I Z A T I O N S
----------- Proposition 11.01 --------------Given a correlation between the number of species pre pared for storage and the complexity of the society, as indicated by the centralized roles of leaders in the jurisdictional hierarchy, this suggests that, other things being equal, there is a relationship between a diverse diet that requires substantial labor input prior to con sumption and the power vested in social hierarchies.
tem and reduce the rates of change as measured by major sys tem state indicators.
In the case of hunter-gatherers of the Northwest Coast, most of the species came from the aquatic biome, and therefore dietary diversity was not the result of differences in trophic level but rather of species diversity within the single biotic domain from which the primary food resources came. Hie next provocative research link was made by Carol Raish (1988, 1992), who took as her problem the demonstrable differences in the onset and duration of an archaeological phenomenon that has been termed the villagefarming period, which occurs in sequences around the world. This period is identified by the appearance of domesticated species in asso ciation with more or less permanent settlements of small-scale horticulturists. It lasted until the appearance of major public buildings and other facilities that are usually cited as evidence of a complex social organization featuring social ranking or stratification and major institutional supports for a multi level, jurisdictional hierarchy. Raish found dramatic differences in the duration of the village farming system state in ten Old World sequences ranging from 6,200 years in central Europe to 1,900 years in southern Mesopotamia. Five of the six NewWorld sequences she examined were shorter than any of the Old World sequences, the longest being 1,750 years and the shortest 800 years. Only the sequence from Peru, with a duration of 3,650 years, fit comfortably within the range of variability from the Old World. Why, asked Raish, was there such a contrast between the New and Old Worlds, except for the Peruvian sequence? Raish argued that the only important difference was that Old World systems were based on domesticated plants, with the addition of domesticated animals, whereas subsistence in New World systems with village farming periods of short duration was based only on domesticated plants. Highquality animal protein had to be obtained from hunting. For Raish, the exception that proved the rule was Peru, which had both domesticated animals and a village farming period of longer duration than any other New World sequence. One thing seems clear from Raishs (1992) research:
More recently in this sequence of research, the Ph.D. the sis of Richard Wojcik (1992) reviews the ethnohistoric records of hunter-gatherers from California northward to the arctic regions of North America. Wojcik identifies a number of inter esting relationships and patterns linking the scale and char acter of labor organization as it relates to the procurement of food resources with the character of the habitat and selected ecological variables. He also argues that subsistencefocused labor organization was strongly linked to socially orga nized transactional structures. Wojcik demonstrates that forms of leadership and the social scales at which transactions related to the exchange of goods were differentially organized in different systems and appear to be strongly conditioned by basic ecological variables. Four years later, Ph.D. research by Amber Johnson ( 1997) was based on the premise that
- ------------ Proposition 11.0 2 ---------------"Other things being equal, systems with greater niche breadth, or subsistence diversity, are more stable than those which are more specialized" (Johnson 1 997:iv).
The fundamental warranting argument for the accuracy of this proposition was presented in chapter 6. It maintains that the cycles of abundance, accessibility, and utility of potential food resources obtained from different trophic levels (e.g., terrestrial plants as opposed to terrestrial animals) and biomes (e.g., terrestrial versus aquatic) are likely to be at least semi-independent In many instances, the patterns are totally independent, as in the example of arctic groups, for whom the accessibility of marine mammals in winter is not positively correlated with the lack of edible terrestrial plants. Synergistic interactions also enhance stability, as Raish (1992: 45 51) pointed out in her discussion of the relationships in the annual diet of agriculturists between the production of domestic plants, the use of traction and fertilizer, and the sec ondary products derived from animals. Given my discussion thus far, there may be some ambi guity about the kind of diversity implied by the term rnthe breadth. The more familiar term diet breadth usually refers to the species richness of the diet or the number of different species that are regularly included in the diet. Niche breadth or diversity, on the other hand, docs not refer to the inven tory of exploited species but instead to the scale, complex ity, and energetic connectivity among the components ot the ecosystem tapped for food and energy resources* For instance, if a group of hunter-gatherers exclusively exploits only annually occurring terrestrial plants, then *11of
C H A P T E R 11
these species are likely to be linked to the temperature and rainfell levels that are characteristic of the growing season. The pro ductive cycles of the exploited plants would be generally synchronized and food would only be available during the grow ing season, broadly defined. On the other hand, if the same group of hunter-gatherers exploited both annual and peren nial plants, some of the latter kind, such as oak trees, would dependably provide food at the close of or after the growing season. In order to actually measure niche breadth, it would be necessary to know the species being exploited, the length of their period of availability, and how frequendy these periods occur. One would have to know something about the con nectivity or linkages between all of the different species included in the diet. Niche breadth would not be increased if a group exploited fifteen species instead of ten if all fifteen species were direcdy tied to the temperature and rainfall regimes characteristic of a single place. Changes in either or both regimes would result in comparable increases or decreases in the diet breadth but would not affect niche breadth1and would not contribute to system stability unless storage was being practiced. On the other hand, if a group exploited the preceding hypothetical ten species and also exploited twenty-two species from a marine biome, the chances of synchrony in the sched ule of accessibility would be greatly reduced. Even more importantly, it is unlikely that the dynamic response of a ter restrial biome to basic variables such as temperature and rain fall would correspond to that of an adjacent marine biome, particularly in colder climates. As lohnson has pointed out, the principle of risk reduction is the same for subsistence as for investors in the stock marketdiversify the income base: If one resource fails or is seasonally unavailable, there are others to fall back on (1997:80). The analogy to investing in the stock market is perhaps less appropriate than it might seem, however, because where subsistence is concernedthere is a demand curve for food that must be met on a daily or weekly basis. Regular ity in making investments is not the only way to build a portfolio, but if for some reason it is, then additional stock purchases are usually made at quarterly or annual intervals, while meeting subsistence needs is regulated by a demand curve with critically shorter intervals. During the period in which Raish (1992) carried out her thesis research, she and her committee understood the impor tant connection between subsistence stability and the exploita tion of species with different or semi-independent limiting factors (Binford 1964b, 1991c). An equally important factor in her research was the recognition of how synergistic links had been developed in the past between different sources of food, such as the energy transfer inherent in the use of ani mal manure to enhance soil fertility and the use of animals for traction and transport.
One of the features of early animal domestication that was not appreciated, however, was the relationship between the reproductive cycles of mammals and plants in the same habitat Most mammals give birth prior to or at the very begin ning of the growing season, which means that as plant foods become increasingly abundant, the demand for food from spring-born young is increasingly met For hunter-gatherers, on the other hand, spring is a season (particularly in latitudes other than tropical and subtropical zones) when food from terrestrial sources is least available. Controlling reproduction means controlling access to secondary production, and once groups take this step, the proliferation of synergistic links and the development of alternative exploitative strategies illus trated by the secondary products revolutionand others summarized by Raish (1992:60-72) can be expected to follow. In neither of the preceding two studies, however, did the exploitation of aquatic resources play much of a role in argument. In contrast, the role of aquatic resources is very important in my analysis, both by contributing to subsistence diversity among hunter-gatherer groups and also by providing clues to explanatory variables and important initial condi tions. One of the indicators of niche breadth that A. lohnson found to be informative was the calculation of standard deviation using estimates (in percentages) of the relative contribution to the diet coming from different trophic and biotic sources, including both wild resources and domesti cated plants and animals. For my study, it was possible to cal culate the standard deviation2 of the quantity of terrestrial plants, animals, and aquatic resources estimated for each hunter-gatherer case. Unfortunately, at the time of coding I did not distinguish between domesticated and wild animals and plants and included both categories in one estimate. I am able, nevertheless, to identify the cases that include both categories of resources. In figure 11.01, hunter-gatherer groups that are primar ily dependent upon terrestrial plant resources (SUBSP = 2) are plotted in a matrix measuring subsistence diversity on the y axis and the log)0 value of population density on the x axis. Two distinct threshold patterns are visible in the upper por tion of this plot. There is also a lower circular pattern, iden tified as C and composed almost exclusively of cases situated in regions containing both hunter-gatherers and non-huntergatherers. All of the mutualists and many of the forest prod uct specialists in my data set live in such regions and have low values for subsistence diversity, which indicates that their niche breadth is limited. TVvo other interesting patterns in figure 11.01 can be seen in the shaded areas marked A and B. These have parallel pat terns but different intercepts on the y axis. Cases in the smaller cluster with the larger y intercept value ot approxi mately 68.0 are all from relatively dry but temperate envi-
I D E A S , D E R I V A T I V E P A T T E R N I N G , AND G E N E R A L I Z A T I O N S
tionships support Flannerys (1969:77-79) suggestion that just prior to early experiments with domestication, a broadspectrum revolution occurred. As originally presented by Flannery, the broad-spectrum revolution primarily entailed an increase in diet breadth as more and more species were exploited. The data from hunter-gatherers summarized in figure 11.01 suggest, however, that, along with increased population density, there is a regular increase in niche breadth. The latter would have the additional effect of sta bilizing the system as food resources were restricted to smaller spatial units. In both instances, it is reasonable to expect that
Exploring the relationship between population density and subsistence diversity. Cases are coded for political encroach ment (POLPOS): (1) group is autonomous and exists in a matrix of similarly scaled hunter-gatherer systems; (2) group is autonomous but is articulated to a socially or politically more complex group of hunter-gatherers; and (3) group exists in a culturally heterogeneous region and is articulated to a non-hunter-gatherer society, either mutualistically or in a patron-client relationship.
Increases in both niche and diet breadth may well be accompanied by increased labor costs per unit of additional net return obtained from smaller units of space.
ronments in the southern Kalahari, the American Great Basin, and southern Australia. There appears to be a thresh old at a value of y = 85, below which the cases increase in a linear manner as population density increases. Above this threshold, cases with lower values for density and higher values for subsistence diversity (SUBDIV2) are also increas ing. In the distribution marked B, the pattern is similar but the y intercept is lower and population density values are much higher at a threshold on the y axis at SUBDIV2 = 85. As in the A distribution, subsistence diversity increases linearly and at regular intervals as density increases, until the rela tionship reverses at a subsistence diversity value of 85.0. Both of these patterned distributions are telling a similar story: ----------- --------- G eneralization 11.03 ----------------Other things being equal, when density-dependent spatial packing increases among hunter-gatherers who primarily exploit terrestrial plant resources, subsistence diversity increases at regular intervals up to a threshold value of 85.0, after which packing decreases in value for groups whose sub* sistence diversity indicator continues to increase. Given the assumption that the domestication of plants and animals was a response to intensification, these measured rela
An examination of the dispersion of cases in figure 11.01 to the right of the modeled3 packing threshold at a log10value for x of 1.0 reveals that the regular patterning notable on the left of the threshold disappears dramatically. In its place is a scattering of cases in a shaded area of the graph that appears to be pulled down and to the right I have already noted that the adjacent circular distribution with low values for sub sistence diversity, designated as area C, contains cases that share a geographic region with ethnic units that are organiza tionally very different, such as agricultural peoples or trad ing representatives of larger industrial systems. There is little doubt that once systems become packed, as anticipated by the Group Size Model, many hunter-gatherer groups have lower subsistence diversity values. Figure 11.02 was prepared in order to clarify the rela tionship between subsistence diversity and the mutualist cases in area C. In this graph, mutualist cases are, once again, primarily situated in a circular distribution similar to area C in figure 11.01. Cases with increased social complexity particularly ones featuring special prerogatives associated with leadership have greater subsistence diversity and are clus tered around the threshold at a value of 85.0 on the y axis. A scatter of cases, however, tails off to the left, and all of these have lower subsistence diversity values (between 70.0 and 80.0) and higher population densities. This scatter appears to link the distribution of cases with values of between 64.0 and 75.0 on the y axis (shown in figure 11.02 as the "rone of horti cultural dietary supplement"). There are some interesting contrasts among these cases in terms of their responses to packing. At identical values of the log|0 value of population density (-0.50 through I.O Kno cases are identified as ''complex,*although complex cases pre dominate when subsistence diversity values exceed the upper
1 0 0 -----
% > S <0 O1 ^ ^ fP o 0 O #0 ,
14 g
* 1 I 70 Q
Ap 0
0 .0
1 .0
1 .5
2 .0
2 .5
3 .0
Partitioning the property space of population density and sub sistence diversity by m eans o f system state indicators. Cases are coded for system state differences (SYSTATE3): (1) mounted hunters, (2) horticulturally augmented cases, (3) mutualists and forest product specialists, (4) generic hunter-gatherers, (5) generic hunter-gatherers with instituted leadership, and (6) wealth-differentiated hunter-gatherers.
Subsistence diversity as conditioned by aquatic resource dependence. There is more to learn from system state indi cators. Cases are coded for system state differences (SYSTATE3): (1) mounted hunters, (2) horticulturally augmented cases, (3) mutualists and forest product specialists, (4) generic huntergatherers, (5) generic hunter-gatherers with instituted lead ership, (6) w ealth differentiated hunter-gatherers, and (7) internally ranked hunter-gatherers.
limit of the zone of horticultural dietary supplement. This pattern suggests that
Proposition 11.04
specialists appear to represent a response to packing. This response is more likely to occur in environmen tal settings in which an aquatic alternative for expand ing diet and niche breadth is not feasible. This usually means interior continental settings or areas associated with the upper reaches of river drainages.
Packing is not the only factor contributing to social com plexityas measured by ranking and special privi leges for leaders among hunter-gatherers primarily dependent upon terrestrial plant resources (compare this statement to generalization 9 . 13 ).
In figure 11.03, subsistence diversity (SU BD IV 2 ) is plotted against aquatic resources using the same marker vari able (SYSTATE3) that was included in figure 11.02. In this graph, all but two cases of mutualists (the Casiguran Agta (group 12] and the coastal Agta from Kagayan province [group 141) derive less than 10 percent of their diet from aquatic resources. Both of these exceptional cases share territories with peoples engaged in very different subsistence strategies and regularly interact with them, but it is certainly questionable whether they are mutualists or represent an economic caste or class. In any case, the organizational status of these two groups at the regional level is unclear, although it does appear that
Among the cases in figure 11.03 in which aquatic resources contribute more than 15 percent of the total diet, the major ity have leaders who enjoy special prerogatives denied to the rank and file, or they are societies with institutional ized, internal social ranking. Exceptions to the association of aquatic dependence and nonegalitarian social characteristics include cases such as the Guahibo, who have recently adopted agriculture and exploit primarily riparian fish in the interior of the continent. This description also applies to the Guato and the Yaruro-Pume, who are remnant groups that have recently adopted horticulture but lack any evidence ot nonegalitarian social features. Although the patterning in the exceptional cases in figure 11.03 is complicated by the use ot
riparian resources, these groups are not complex and are consistent with other horticulturists in their lack of ranking. In fact
----------------- Generalization 11.04 -----------------Social ranking and leadership prerogatives such as assis tants and relief from production are not present in the huntergatherer cases that practice horticulture and are primarily dependent upon terrestrial plants. This is not to say that they are not "complex"; they are just different, organizationally speaking. Most of these groups are organized into sodalities such as moietiesor into a nested hierarchy of sodalities and may have secret societies as well. All of these units are socially reticulate ways of integrating large associations of per sons, many of whose members may live in different, but nevertheless large, residential groups.
do appear to condition the presence of sodalities and secret societies that may be integrating multilocal social groups and fostering nested hierarchies of deci sion making as well as status and rote differentiation, particularly in terms of age.
In situations in which ranking and strong leadership pre rogatives are favored, scalar stress (see chapter 9) may also favor the formation of sodalities that serve larger-scale social functions of integration. Therefore
---------------- Proposition 11.0 8 ---------------Systems with and without ranking may be integrated by sodalities, depending upon the presence of scalar trends toward larger group sizes and associated coop erative endeavors.
Good examples of this kind of group would be the Bororo, Cahuilla, Cupeno, Guahibo, and Serrano, who also serve as a reminder that we have encountered a similar form of com plexity among the mounted hunters of the North American Great Plains. Packing was not demonstrable among the mounted hunters, but large group sizes were characteristic (see generalizations 9.08 and 9.10 as well as proposition 9.04). I suggest, therefore that
---- ----------- Proposition 11.06 ---------------Organizational features such as secret societies and reticulate sodalities represent a scalar response to the large size of residentially associated social groups that may cooperate in a segmentary fashion. Such large units regularly occur and frequently represent relatively sedentary settlements.
An interesting feature of the hunter-gatherer cases within the zone of horticultural supplement in figures 11.02 and 11.03 is that, unlike the mounted hunters, they have high pop ulation densities. In fact, densities in these groups exceed the modeled packing threshold as much or more than they do in most hunter-gatherer groups that are significantly depen dent upon aquatic resources, yet there is little evidence of this pattern if the focus is simply on leadership privileges, eco nomic differentiation, or social ranking. I must conclude that
Although packing may condition larger GROUP1 and GROUP2 sizes (figures 10.05 and 10.06, graph B), it does not directly condition the presence of social ranking and leaders with considerable power and spe cial prerogatives (problem 9.05 and proposition 10.06). On the other hand, scalar responses to larger group sizes
C H A P T E R 11
S s
Paired property space plots illustrating the environmental "geography" of mutualists and tropical settings. Graph A is coded for temperature ordination (CLIM). The shaded markers are: (7) equatorial climate, (6) tropical climate, and (5) subtropical climate. The scale of climate categories ends with a code of (1) corresponding to polar conditions. Graph B is coded for sys tem state differences (SYSTATE3): (1) mounted hunters, (2) horticulturally augmented cases, (3) mutualists and forest product specialists, (4) generic hunter-gatherers, (5) generic hunter-gatherers with instituted leadership, (6) wealth-differentiated hunter-gatherers, and (7) internally ranked hunter-gatherers.
simultaneously. At this point, therefore, I again take up the issue of mutualism, which clearly occupies a unique position in the property space charts of figures 11.01, 11.02, and 11.03. These particular specialists appear to represent an organizational variant that is usually ignored when the sub ject of complex societies is discussed. Perhaps the most obvious indication of the pathway to complexity defined by accretive integration of differenti ated units lies with hunter-gatherers who are mutualists or forest product specialists, both of whom exhibit interesting patterning summarized in generalization 10.04 and propo sition 10.05. The first question to be answered is simply: is there any habitat bias affecting the occurrence of these sub sistence specialties? The property space maps in figure 11.04, graphs A and B, address this issue. In graph A, climate is classified in terms of temperature and features a zone of subtropical, tropical and equatorial temperatures that is emphasized by shad ing. The map in graph B features a shaded area in which mutualist societies are concentrated in two localizations. The smaller of the two, situated at a latitude of approximately 50 degrees, includes hunter-gatherers who originally were pri marily dependent upon terrestrial animals and aquatic resources but were transformed by forces of colonial expan sion into product specialistsin this instance, fur trappers. It seems to me that
Product specialists might occur in any environment in which representatives from an expansive, eclectic, product-using system intrude into a region of largely small-scale societies.
The interesting distribution of cases in figure 11.04, there fore, is the lower one, which includes product specialists and mutualist groups that are articulated with relatively small-scale horticultural societies. In fact,
------------------ Generalization 11.0 5 -----------------With the exception of the northem-latitude fur-trapping spe cialists, all of the mutualistic societies involving alleged hunter-gatherers occur in equatorial to subtropical habitats. Given such a biased distribution, two questions come to mind:
Problem 11.0 1
(1 ) Why have so many hunting specialists and groups using forager tactics survived in subtropical and equa torial zones and not in localities In which agricultur ists and horticulturists have been most successful? (2)
some properties of the ecosystems themselves. As I noted in chapter 6 (paraphrasing Ernst Mayr):
------------------ Generalization 11.06 ---------------- Environmental "steadiness" or lack of high-ampfitude vari ability in basic climatic variables fostered ecological stability.
A comment of relevance to the second question raised in problem 11.01 why have so few cases of independent hunter-gatherers who are not articulated in symbiotic ways with other ethnic groups survived in the same regions?also occurred in chapter 6:
---FIGURE 11.05
Generalization 1 1 .0 7 ------------------
Omnivores and trophic generalists tend to reduce systemwide stability, whereas an increase in the number of specialists seems to enhance it.
Why have so few cases of nonmutualistic hunter-gatherers survived in the same range of environments in which midlatitude horticulturists have predominated?
In chapter 6 , 1 discussed at some length the issue of within-habitat diversity and the relationships between species density, system stability, and feeding specialists. The pat terning in figure 11.04 makes me wonder whether the sur vival of conservative cultural forms in certain habitats is fostered by the advantages that cultural diversity offers in some habitats. It is possible that this phenomenon may just reflect analogies or even homologies between cultural systems and
In tropical rain forests, the two basic ingredients needed to maximize biotic activity, water and solar radiation, are pres ent in maximum amounts. The seasonally flat pattern on the water balance graph in figure 11.05, for example, is diagnostic of settings with the kind of maximum stability referred to in generalization 11.06. These relatively stable, high-biomass trop ical rain forests are characterized by the presence of many feed ing specialists. In chapter 6 ,1 also noted that, in the biological domain, niche is generally synonymous with species, but that among human actors organized into cultural systems, species offers no clues to niche. Therefore, when speaking of numerous species that occupy different niches but nevertheless
11.01 STATES
C R O S S - T A B U L A T I O N O F H U N T E R - G AT H E R E R S Y S T E M AND G L O B A L W A R M T H V A R IA B L E ( C L I M )
3.00 3,70
2.00 10,00 13.13 5.00 11.62 53.33 8.00 44.44 53.33 15,00 18.51
1.00 5.00 6.25 11,00 25.58 25.00 4.00 22.22 25.00 16.00 22.22
16.00 5.00 50.00 0.00 0.00 50.00 1.00 5.55 50.00 2.00 2.47
20.00 80.00 35.55 26.00 60.46 6.66 3.00 16,66 6.66 45.00 55.00
81.00 100.00
G ro u p N o = 5
600 550 500 450 400 350 300 250 150 400
Jarwa G roupN o = 6
-50 -100 -150
Months - Northern Hemisphere
C N orth A n d am an Isla n d G ro u p N o = 8
Comparative water balance graphs for three ethnic groups from the Andaman Islands.
behave as feeding specialists, it is important to remember that, among human beings, niches must be considered quite inde pendently of species. The relevant question then becomes: are there more food procurement specialists among huntergatherers in the tropics than elsewhere? To answer this question, table 11.01 was prepared by summarizing data on the frequencies of different types of sys tem state indicators for hunter-gatherers living in subtrop ical, tropical, and equatorial habitats. These have been classified according to the amount of solar radiation they receive, calculated in terms o f temperature using the global warmth variable CUM . One of the most obvious points embedded in table 11.01 is that groups classified as horti culturist and remnant groups" are most common in the
earths warmest settings. Here economically independent groups of hunter-gatherers, as well as those in symbiotic relationships with agriculturists, each represent approxi mately 22 percent o f the sample. O f the independent hunter-gatherers, three of the four cases are from the Andaman Islands and include the Onge (plant biomass of 57,386.48 grams per square meter and population density of 40.10 persons per 100 square kilome ters), the Jarwa (plant biomass of 29,082.34 grams per square meter and population density of 44.65 persons per 100 square kilometers), and the Aka-Ho of North Andaman Island (plant biomass of 20,875.0 grains per square meter and population density of 33.38 persons per 100 square kiktmeters). Members of the remaining group, the Shiriana of
South America (plant biomass o f36,721.40 grams per square meter and population density of 15.60 persons per 100 square kilometers) have become horticulturists in relatively recent years, leaving the Andaman Island groups as the only economically independent hunter-gatherers documented in the equatorial zone. The water balance graphs in figure 11.06 illustrate that the habitats of each of the economically independent huntergatherer cases from the Andaman Islands have some water
deficit (indicated by the coded distribution below the zero line), and there is also a corresponding zone in which poten tial vapotranspiration (PET) does not correspond to actual vapotranspiration (AE). The habitats of all groups experi ence a minimal but nevertheless noticeable seasonality, con ditioned by rainfall, which roughly corresponds to a small decrease in warmth. Although these habitats are extremely productive and are technically classified as tropical forest set tings, they are notexcept for that of the Ongelocalities in which the greatest ecological stability would be expected to occur. In tropical rain forests, biologically speaking, feed ing specialists would be expected in the zone of reduced equability in rainfall but would not be expected to extend into the much less stable tropical monsoon forest region in which pronounced seasonality in rainfall occurs. A comparison of the graphs in figures 11.07 and 11.08 illus trates that the scale of the water deficit experienced by the hunter-gatherers in the Andaman Islands is much greater than the deficit experienced in their habitats by most warm dimate mutualists, such as the Aka and Bayaka. The larwa and North Island Andamanese are situated at the drier end of the range of variability in tropical rain forest habitats, while the Onge of Little Andaman Island enjoy a better-watered setting. The small size of these islands, however, makes it impossible to accommodate human feeding specialists exploiting sepa rate ranges. It should also be noted that on North Andaman Island, conditions differ for interior and coastal peoples (Radcliffe-Brown 1948:26), but the character of the rela tionships between these groups is unknown.
Aka GroupNo = 60
Bayaka GroupNo = 61
-so ----
--------------------------------------- --
C H A P T E R 11
In contrast, the Aka and Bayaka groups, who live in the worlds warmest settings in the Central African Republic and the Cameroons, experience only minor water-regulated seasonality, which begins to approximate the conditions illustrated in figure 11.07 for tropical monsoon forests. In these seasonally drier variants of the tropical rain forest, greater amounts of sunlight reach the ground through the canopy, at least during the drier months. The result is more under story plant growth and therefore more terrestrial fauna than in the kind of classic tropical rain forest depicted in figure 11.05, in which the flat top and bottom lines are a distinc tive feature. In such settings, hunter-gatherers tend to be more dependent upon terrestrial plant resources. The water balance graph in figure 11.09 illustrating the Nukak range in Colombia provides an example. It is interesting that the African cases are both localized along the boundary between seasonally variable and ener getically stable habitats. The Aka region experiences a min imal and relatively insignificant water deficit between January andthe beginning of April, but in both the Aka and Bayaka habi tats there is a marked reduction in excess water or runoff dur ing this period. Although the abundance of available water during the entire year provides the necessary conditions for a maximally high-biomass, tropical rain forest to flourish in these regions, the marked reduction in runoff ensures that standingbiomass will be reduced. The Aka habitat is estimated to have 25,461.31 grams of plant biomass per square meter, enabling the Aka to be less dependent upon agriculturists than all of the other African mutualist groups, whereas the Bayaka habitat is slightly more productive at 28,448.64 grams of plant biomass per square meter. Both habitats have sufficiently low biomass for the Terrestrial Model to indicate that primary dietarydependence should be upon terrestrial plant resources.
A very different hydrological regime drives conditions in the region of Malaysia occupied by the Semang. Although the essential properties required for plant productionwater and solar radiationare more or less constant, there is regular runoff all year round that supports continuously flowing streams. The lack of seasonality in these two environmental variables creates an abundance of water not available to the Aka and Bayaka. Not surprisingly, the region is estimated to have almost twice the biomass of the Aka habitat (50,350.34 grams per square meter). The wide range in conditions that can characterize the habitats of groups that are involved in mutualism and other types of complex interregional artic ulations is documented in figure 11.10, graphs A-D. Of the four groups whose water balance graphs are included in figure 11.10, the Semang have the lowest plant biomass levels. The Kubu, Punan,5 and Shompen have plant biomass estimates of 56,157.12, 56,660.51, and 59,274.80 grams per square meter, respectively. All four groups live in true tropical rain forests and have population densities that coincide with or exceed the packing threshold (the pop ulation density of the Kubu is 9.20 persons per 100 square kilometers and the others exceed this amount). If the pop ulation densities of the agricultural peoples with whom these groups share their ranges were available and had been included, thenfrom a regional perspectiveall four groups would be considered extremely packed. As an example of the processes of intensification these groups are experiencing, even without these figures, the Shompen have a density of 39.54 persons per 100 square kilometers, which is more than four and one-third times the packing threshold value. Dietary criteria can be used to differentiate true rain for est dwellers from groups such as the Aka and Bayaka, who live in somewhat drier tropical forests. These include the greater importance of riparian resources, particularly fish, among the Kubu (Persoon 1989: Sandbukt 1988:133), Punan (Nicolaisen 1976:209-10), Semang (Gregg 1980:128), and Shompen (Rizvi 1990:31). Plant foods are biased in favor of sago palm or pandanus and various fruits. Yams and other bulb or root plants are well represented in the diet, and pigs and monkeys are major sources of meat, depending upon the local setting. The Kubu, Punan, Semang, and Shompen may all invest to varying degrees in on again, off again'* horti cultural activity. Although all of these groups have trade relationships with local horticulturists, none has the relatively stable, institutionalized, mutualist relationships that char acterize groups in the central African area. There is a considerable contrast in organizational scale between the hunter-gatherers and the horticultural groups with whom they interact symbiotically within a culturally complex, regional setting. This also applies to other groups that are commonly lumped together in categories with names like commercial hunter-gatherers (Headland 1986:545) or professional primitives" (Fox 1969). A more detailed
Semang GroupNo = 9
Kubu GroupNo = 3
Punan GroupNo = 1
Shompen GroupNo = 4
Com parative water balance graphs for four mutualist groups from Southeast Asia.
examination o f the latter cases reveals that the character o f the intergroup articulations may be quite variable. The pat terns o f connectance between those groups filling a special ist hunter-gatherer niche relative to adjacent groups who may occupy very different economic niches within the same environment and territory may also vary considerably. Another complication occurs between groups that differ in terms o f within-habitat and between-habitat social artic ulations. In the preceding examples, I was talking about niche differentiation within a broadly defined habitat. Some hunter-gatherer groups may articulate across large regions with social units that have noncomplementary consumer roles.
Alternatively, they may maintain relationships with repre sentatives o f larger-scale systems that have different ways o f organizing the procurement, processing, and eventual sale of goods to consumers. Good examples of wage-gatherer groups, such as the Nayaka or Naikens, have been reported in southern India (Bird 1983), and it seems to me that
------------------ Proposition 1 1 . 1 0
Economic relationships integrated by high levels of con nectance should be expected to vary temporally in response to density-dependent pressures at the regional
C H A P T E R 11
4 13
level. Scalar differences between articulated units would produce different local problems and opportu nities, depending upon the character and diversity of the regional cultural-economic environments within which pressures build up. In those regions in which eco nomic diversity is high among adjacent social units, the rates of change in any one socioethnic component within such a complex regional system should vary over time with the scales of absolute change in niche density.
eralistsand all that they imply in terms of reduced ecosystem stabilitywould be expected. Ecological sta bility would be diminished regardless of the scale at which the cultural-economic system was organized. Regional mutualism would affect ecosystems in the same way as a "megageneralist" might, if the organi zational unit was either a species or several indepen dent ethnic groups.
Taking a clue from the ecological literature regarding niche diversification and system stability, I would expect that
In other words, I am arguing that cultural systems may be organized like ecosystems and at the same time participate in ecosystems! Assuming the accuracy of the preceding propositions, I would say that
--------------- Proposition 1 1.11 ---------------Greater stability and therefore slower rates of change should be coupled with greater niche specialization. This implies that more socially independent economic specializations, or at least semispecializations, should be found among independent sociocultural systems that are embedded within more stable ecosystems, e.g., those with the least fluctuation in temperature and rainfall inputs.
---------------- Proposition 11.14 ---------------The more that cultural systems are integrated like ecosystems, the greater their stabilitybuf the greater their potential for degrading the parent ecosystem. Therefore, the organizational scale of the overall sys tem, and that of the participants in such a larger inte gration, represents a trade-off between what is stabilized and the pattern of entropie flow within the larger sys tem. The closer the scale of a participating subsystem comes to the scale of the larger ecosystem, the greater the risk of ecosystemic instability and therefore poten tial crisis in the subsystem.
If proposition 11.11 is correct, a complex organization inte grating a number of cultural-economic systems might func tion within the broader ecosystem as a megageneralist, with the following consequences for the larger ecosystem:
As mutualist and product specializations in resource procurement are organized into socioeconomic artic ulations of larger and larger scale, "megageneralist" units will act to decrease the stability in the broader eco system to the extent that they cut down forests, over exploit biomass for construction and fuel, and overexploit targeted species.
On the other hand, in ecological settings in which marked seasonality in production is conditioned by high month-tomonth variability in rainfall or temperature, the response to demographic packing should be to increase niche breadth. This means that, in such settings, ethnic units should behave increasingly like generalists vis--vis the ecosystem, which ensures that
As an aid to visualizing the relevance of the preceding propositions to the cases classified as hunter-gatherers but probably integrated into larger regional systems as internally differentiated specialists, I have prepared table 11.02. This table lists the groups that are thought to be embedded within larger cultural systems and provides other germane information. Given recent claims in the anthropological literature that hunter-gatherers could not exist in tropical rain forests6 except as mutualists or in other roles embedded in larger cul tural systems, perhaps the first item of interest is the realization that the vast majority of the cases that are cited as germane to this controversy are not found primarily in true tropical rain forests! They are, in fact, included in a temperature cat egory that is referred to as tropical to distinguish it from the warmest, or equatorial, habitats.7All of the mutualist and forest specialist cases in this category arc listed in part I of table
Proposition 11.13 ~
As annual and interannual variability in basic climatic variables increases, the presence of more trophic gen-
When this list is compared with the independent huntergatherer cases from subtropical and warmer climates, the most striking observation is the vast difference in the role played by aquatic resources in equatorial climates. Among mutual ists, only 27 percent of the cases are reported to depend on aquatic resources for more than 15 percent of their diet,
T AB L E 11.02
p o p u l a t i o n
p l a n t m o d e l
s y s t e m
____________________ _____
-................. -
PROPPQtipc r R u r ck i i t a
D P .1 Po Fn Mu nc cw ^ n Lfi
AGTA (CASIGURAN) 47,941.20 MAKU 51,576.72 SEMANG 5 0 3 5 0 .3 4 KUBU PUNAS SHOMPEN 56,157.12 56 3 5 0 .5 1 59,274.80
9,420.35 9,481.53 WORORO 9 3 4 3 .1 1 GROOTl CTELANOT 10,129.69 KAKADU 11,138.53 11366.31 CUNWIWGGV MULLUK 13 3 7 6 .8 6
16,400.11 16*648.36 18,003.14 20,875.11 21,477.13 29,082.34 46,251.29 47,746.43 47,864.82 57,386.48
6.62 5.98 5.83 6.13 5.37 3.96 0.93 1.38 1.17 0.21
37.5 0 19.31 31.00 33.38 50.00 44.65 9.34 16.28 45.00 40.10
4.13 2.12 3.41 3.67 5.50 4.91 1.03 1.79 4.95 4.41
5.66 3.22 5.32 5.44 9.31 11.35 10.04 11.79 38.46 190.95
12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
5 5 4 3 3 2 0 0 0 0
Independent Independent Independent Independent, use of drugs Independent Independent, expanding warfare Independent Independent, unknown Independent, alkaloid processing Independent
35.0 20.0 75.0 5.0 55.0 30.0 13.0 34.0 25.0 30.0
4,806.06 13,715.39 15,645.89 17,620.21 18,304.27 18,920.42 26,175.82 30,378.80 36,721.40 42,207.45 5 7 3 6 6 .2 3
14.85 9.84 5.61 6.36 5.27 7.86 4.52 3.37 1.73 0.96 0.76
7.78 6.74 123.30 35.00 6.00 19.95 51.36 43.00 15.00 17.47 91.89
0 .86 0.74 13.57 3.85 0.66 2.20 5.65 4.73 1.71 1.90 10.11
0.52 0.69 21.9 7 5.50 1.14 2.54 11.36 12.75 9.01 18.19 120.90
12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
4 0 3 4 0 4 1 3 0 0 4
Independent, hunter-gatherer horticulture Independent, remnant group Independent, heavy horticulture Independent, horticulture Independent, remnant, horticulture Independent, horticulture Independent, heavy horticulture Independent, horticulture Independent, warfare, horticulture Independent, primarily horticulture Independent, heavy horticulture
5.0 70.0 5.0 65.0 5.0 53.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 5.0 5.0
S ate UaderKned figures represent instances in which population density exceeds the packing threshold, except for values in the aquatic dependence column, in which case underlined percentages represent 15 percent or osore of the total diet
I D E A S , D E R I V A T I V E P A T T E R N I N G , A ND G E N E R A L I Z A T I O N S
while an impressive 80 percent of the independent huntergatherers in such warm settings are heavily dependent upon aquatic resources. These percentages are especially meaningful considering that the hunter-gatherer cases situated in trop ical and equatorial settings are overwhelmingly intensified. Forty of the forty-nine cases in this category (81.6 percent) have population densities in excess of the packing threshold. Given that such an overwhelming proportion of these cases are intensified, it is interesting that aquatic resources contribute only a small percentage to the total diet of groups acting as mutualists and forest product specialists, as well as those that have recently begun to supplement their diets with hor ticultural products. In only 27 percent of the former and 36 percent of the latter cases do aquatic supplements contribute significantiy to the diet. These data indicate that
interannual variance in rainfall and temperature. Con versely, as variance in rainfall and solar radiation increases, the optimal buffering strategy would be to expand one's niche breadth rather than to contract itthrough specialization and by increased dependence upon another group that occupies a different niche in the same unstable setting.
Other things being equal, mutualist and forest product specializations appear to be intensificational responses in environmental settings in which aquatic resources are not viable subsistence alternatives for otherwise moderately mobile peoples.
The content of the other things being equal stipulation now becomes critical for understanding the environmental contexts in which mutualist and forest product specializations might be expected to occur. If I reason exclusively from what I know about these issues, the answer to problem 11.01 seems clear. There are many mutualists and economic spe cialists in tropical and subtropical regions that are charac terized by the highest environmental steadiness in temperature and rainfall, which are the two fundamental ingredients supporting the plant community. Biological pro ductivity is greatest where there is the most thermal energy and water and, most importantly, where there is the least vari anceboth annually and interannuallyin these vital neces sities. Specialists must be able to rely completely upon the species or niches that they exploit and exchange for other vital necessities. Mutualistic arrangements among product spe cialists are driven by the same imperative: partners must be able to depend upon one-another for some portion of the nutrients essential for life.
---------------- Proposition 11.16 ---------------Unstable ecosystems that regularly exhibit high-amplitude variability in fundamental climatic variables such as rainfall and solar radiation will not support mutu alistic or other symbiotic relationships between culturally distinct units, it seems likely that the probability of mutualistic articulation between culturally differ entiated units is reduced as a nonlinear function of the
If this response to problem 11.01 is correct, then recent arguments stating that mutualism is an equally rational strategy for intersystemic articulation in any environmental setting (Baugh 1991; Gregg 1988; Speth 1991; Spielmann 1991) or at any geographic scale are likely to be incorrect.8 Central to warranting these arguments has been the belief that mutu alism can be defined as simple exchanges of goods and that such exchanges across habitat boundaries are evidence of mutualism (Spielmann 1991a:5,1991b:37). In the language of this book, the terms used by recent researchers refer to between-habitat exchanges, but this is not what is meant by mutualism. As I have pointed out, documented cases of mutualism among hunter-gatherers occur among specialists within the same habitat and constitute articulations between niches within a habitat rather than interactions between social units living in different habitats.9 Between-habitat articulations are best viewed as trade relationships and not as the kind of organizationally stable instances of symbiosis exemplified by the mutualist groups of central Africa, who nevertheless are cited as prototypical of mutualistic rela tionships everywhere! Regardless of these academic problems, the patterning observable among hunter-gatherer mutualists may mean, at least in part, that differences in both internal organization and inter-ethnic unit complexity could well be a simple exten sion of similar variability in the organization of ecosystems themselves. As such, they would not represent a different kind of evolution unique to cultural systems. If we admit this possibility, some types of variability in complexity arising in response to intensification may be referable to habitat dif ferences as initial conditions rather than to emergent phe nomena at the level of cultural systems themselves. These observations are provocative, but I have not yet finished with the issue of niche breadth. My initial exploration of groups that were exclusively dependent upon terrestrial plants produced interesting results that supported the iden tification of mutualist groups as representatives of a differ ent kind of complexity. Researching them meant, however, that I have ignored many interesting hunter-gatherer eases that were not primarily dependent upon terrestrial plants, par ticularly those that were primarily dependent upon aquatic resources. Many of these groups are also considered to be com plex hunter-gatherers and are of great interest to archaeol ogists. It has even been suggested that becom ing "complex
C H A P T E R 11
# x * # # * * jfci#
* # '% * *
'** * P f% V f i * # ** ? ** p* * *
/** AMA A A*
FIGURE 11.11
Comparative property space maps defined by subsistence diversity and log10 values of population density; comparison is between generic hunter-gatherers only (A) and those primarily dependent upon terrestrial animals (B). Graph A cases are coded for the primary source of food (SUBSP): (1) terrestrial animals, (2) terrestrial plants, and (3) aquatic resources. Graph B is coded for HUNTFIL2, which distinguishes between (1) generic hunter-gatherers and (2) mounted hunters.
was a necessary precondition to the experimental use of the plants and animals that were ultimately domesticated (Price and Gebauer 1995:8). Is it accurate, however, to imagine that organizational complexity is a prerequisite to intensifying the production of foods through cultivation and herding? Per haps such a linear idea of process is shortsighted because, when different habitats and initial conditions are examined, other alternatives come to mind when the focus is on differential responses to causal factors such as packing.
tem state differences among mutualists. In previous discus sions of system state (table 9.05), I created a nominal vari able (SYSTATE3) that identified various properties o f hunter-gatherer cases that I thought might indicate differ ent system states. At this juncture, it seems reasonable to use the seven different system state groupings as data subsets to be explored for additional relationships, using property space maps that are defined by subsistence diversity (SUBDIV2) and the log10value of population density (LDEN).10
The most appropriate set of cases to examine first are the hunter-gatherers who, at the time of ethnographic docu mentation, were thought to be using mobility as their primary strategy for maintaining subsistence security (simply for convenience, I have referred to groups in this category as generic ). Further, only those mobile groups were included that exhibited none of the characteristics normally used to identify sociocultural complexity. These cases are displayed in the graphs in figure 11.11, which feature the same variables to define property space that were used in figures 11.01 and 11.02 to examine patterning in groups dependent upon ter restrial plants. It should be recalled that this approach to graph ing led to interesting conclusions about the mutualist cases. In order to emphasise the patterns in the graphs, lines were
placed on the xaxis at the log10values of three previously rec ognized density thresholds: 1. Line 0 occurs at the log10value o f-0.57, which identifies the lower threshold for the presence of hunter-gatherers, based on estimates taken from the Terrestrial Model.11 2. Line 1 occurs at the log10 value of 1.57, which is the threshold in group size values among terrestrial hunters. 3. I inf* 2 occurs at the log10value of9.098, which is the thresh old anticipated by the Group Size Model for packed con ditions among foragers dependent upon terrestrial plants. The thresholds corresponding to lines 3 and 4 will be clari fied subsequently. Interpreting the patterning in figure 11.11, graph A, is a challenging intellectual exercise. Groups dependent upon aquatic resources are located around the lower and right-hand edges of the distribution, while hunter-gatherers who primarily exploit terrestrial plants and animal are arrayed in the cen ter and upper part of the graph. Although this is an interesting distribution, an even more unexpected pattern is evident among the groups primarily exploiting aquatic resources. It should be recalled that high values for the subsistence diver sity variable point to wide niche breadth, whereas niche spe cialization is indicated by lower values of SUBDIV2. The pattern in figure 11.11, graph A, suggests that
------------------ Generalization 11.08 ----------------- The only indication of niche specialization under nonpacked conditions among mobile groups with no wealth differentials or special prerogatives accorded to leaders occurs in groups that are primarily dependent upon aquatic resources.
This specialization is dramatic at low population density levels and reaches a maximum at the reference line indica tive of the threshold among terrestrial hunters first seen in figure 10.06, graph A. It seems clear that the factor respon sible for the weak threshold in this graph was the contrast between nonmounted hunters who dominated the data prior to the threshold (figure 11.11, graph B) and the mounted hunters with their large group sizes who defined the distri bution between the 1.57 and 9.098 thresholds. This bias in the frequency distribution of extensified cases conditioned the threshold in group size seen earlier. What I did not appreciate earlier is that this threshold identifies a bias in niche specialization as well. I have already pointed out that, among groups that are pri marily dependent upon terrestrial animals, specialists occur more often among extensified cases prior to the packing threshold (line 2 in figure 11.11, graph A). In the plot of ter restrial hunters in figure 11.11, graph B, the extensified cases that use horses are identified by a distinctive marker, and it is clear that only with extensification is there much niche spe
cialization. In graph A, the same threshold value of 1.57 persons occurs, but it is the reverse of the pattern of spe cialization found among groups primarily exploiting aquatic resources. At the point of reversal (line 1) and thereafter, an undeviating pattern of decreasing specialization occurs as pop ulation density continues to increase. The co-occurrence of two patterned reversals at the same population density threshold for two different sets of cases is provocative and sup ports the belief that this density value is an important thresh old for system characteristics among groups dependent upon both aquatic and terrestrial resources. On the other hand, there is a lack of symmetry in the dis persal of groups of extreme specialists who are dependent upon either terrestrial animals and aquatic resources (inclu sive of the mounted hunters). Among terrestrial hunters, spe cialists are most common above the 1.57-person threshold, whereas specialists exploiting aquatic resources occur below the 1.57-person threshold. These contrasts ensure a very different symmetry for the two distributions. It is dear in figure 11.11, graph B, that terrestrial hunters define a nearly per fect triangular distribution, and both specialization and expanded niche breadth increase as the packing threshold is approached. Among the generic cases, specialization increases among exploiters of aquatic resources only up to the 1.57person threshold and thereafter diminishes. What should we make of this contrast? In searching for an answer to this question, it seems rea sonable to examine the content of the property space dis tribution described by the so-called generic cases. In figure 11.12, the distribution of cases is split into two subsets. Graph A displays hunter-gatherer cases that live in environ ments anticipated by the Terrestrial Model to be incapable of supporting a minimalist terrestrial human adaptation. In graph B, groups living in environments capable of sustain ing a minimalist human adaptation are presented. When the diamond-shaped distribution that occurs in graph B is superimposed over the distributions in both graphs A and B, it is clear that the overall distribution of groups who live in environments that would support a viable terrestrial adap tation according to modeled conditions fits within the dia mond pattern. Almost without exception, the distribution of cases that in figure 11.11, graph A, looked like a ragged par allelogram represents groups that live in environments mod eled to be uninhabited (figure 11.12, graph A). Another look at figure 11.11, graph A, reveals that these are the same cases that are primarily, if not exclusively, dependent upon aquatic resources and in which specializa tion and population density both increase until the LDEN threshold at #1 is reached. (These are hunter-gatherers from the high arctic for whom a specialized niche was the only alter native.) It is also noteworthy that only seven out of thirtytwo of these cases were documented to have population densities that exceeded the packing threshold. The exceptfcM is
C H A P T E R 11
Comparative property space maps defined by subsistence diversity and log10 values of population density; comparison is between cases in settings projected to be uninhabited (A) and those living in more supportive environments (B). Graph A cases are coded for the quantity of food stored (QTSTOR): (1) no regular storage or minor, very-short-term storage of two or three days; (2) moderate investment in storage, in both quantity and period of potential use; (3) major investment in stor age and in the duration of anticipated use; and (4) massive investment in storage from the standpoint of both species stored and duration of use. Graph B is coded for Terrestrial Model subsistence (TMSUB): (1) terrestrial animals, (2) terrestrial plants, and (3) uninhabited. hunter-gatherers who inhabit the lowest-productivity set tings, such as those projected by the Terrestrial Model to be uninhabited.
indude the Onge of Little Andaman Island, who are primarily dependent upon aquatic resources, and the Yaghan of Tierra del Fuego, who also primarily exploited aquatic resources. The remaining exceptions are from the driest parts of Southern California and the Great Basin of North America.12 Of equal interest is the fact that five of the seven exceptional cases enjoyed substantial niche breadth and only two fell minimally below the median line for subsistence diversity. These pat terns suggest that
----------------- Generalization 11.09 -----------------If so-called generic hunter-gatherers successfully radiate into environments that are modeled to be uninhabited by the Ter restrial Model, the majority succeed through specializations with relatively narrow niche breadth. Extremely specialized cases occur in environments in which there are few if any resource alternatives, such as the high arctic or extremely dry locations. Not only is narrow niche breadth a feature of extremely low-productivity settings, it is also true that
------------ Generalization 11.10----------------Very low achieved population densities, implying very low rates of population increase, are also characteristic of generic
If the argument presented in proposition 11.16 is correct, then there should be no instances of balanced mutualism that is, mutuaiistic connections between ethnic groups at roughly similar levels of complexity who differ only in terms of scalar characteristics. My research indicates that no such instances have been documented in uninhabited TM zones. Similarly, if the arguments presented in proposition 11.13 are correct, I would expect to see trophic generalists or groups with wide niche breadth in the most warm and productive settings. If this expectation is not confirmed, then the adaptations should be very unstable and subject to extreme cydkity in terms of demographic growth and decline. There have been repeated claims that these dynamics occur in the northern boreal forests, in the high arctic, and in low-productivity, dry habitats where, as I have noted, hunter-gathercr groups have extremely to only moderately narrow niche breadth, which implies instability. These groups have been reported to experience lamine regularly (Balikci 1968:81 S2( Henriksen 1973:67; Leacock 1969; 13-15; Meggitt 1962:24; Rogers 1962b: 16-32; Watanabe 1969), which indi cates that my arguments about stability and instability anticipate the facts quite well.
I D E A S , D E R I V A T I V E P A T T E R N I N G , AND G E N E R A L I Z A T I O N S
By focusing on hunter-gatherer cases in more user-friendly habitatssuch as in settings that are projected to support ter restrial adaptations (figure 11.12, graph B)we see a biased distribution with few intensely specialized cases. This pattern is accommodated comfortably within the diamond distrib ution noted earlier, and a feature becomes visible that was not as clear in the original distribution in figure 11.11, graph A:
resources edible, such as removal of toxins; (4) labor invested in extending the time utility for resources obtainede.g., preparation for storage and investments in storage facilities (propositions 10.07 and 10.09).
The choices hunter-gatherers make about how to invest labor to increase net returns from a more limited geographic area and array of productive food resources ensure that, once the packing threshold is reached, reduced subsistence diversity will result when only wild species are being exploited. This specialization might be expected to increase further if pressures are mounting for still higher net returns in response to further increases in population density.
---- ----- ~- Generalization 1 1 . 1 3 ----------------- This chevron pattern is consistent with earlier suggestions in propositions 11.02 and 11.13 that subsistence diversity fos ters stability. It must be kept in mind that no mutualist groupswhich are demonstrably common in tropical and equatorial settingsappear in the array of cases displayed in figure 11.12, graph B. The vast majority of the displayed cases are from midlatitude temperate regions or from the worlds subtropics, where expanding ones niche breadth is generally feasible and tends to stabilize a system that is increasingly constrained in its mobility options. At the pack ing threshold, however, a different set of conditions develops, and mobility is essentially no longer a feasible strategy for ensuring adequate net food returns. I have already suggested that attempts to increase the net returns from a smaller home range present the hunter-gatherer with a dilemma. I have shown how, with decreases in range size, an inevitable reduction occurs in dependence upon terrestrial animals (generalization 10.01). The number of accessible terrestrial plant and animal species is also reduced as a power function of reductions in the size of a groups range (generalizations 10.02 and 10.03). These con sequences of density-dependent range reduction should be regarded as marking the transition between expending labor on mobility and expending labor on intensificational tactics.
Other things be equal, it is expected that if, following pack ing, the only choices are to procure either wild terrestrial plants, animals, or aquatic resources, then subsistence diver sity among generic hunter-gatherers should be reduced as a log function of increases in population density. Relative diet breadth may increase, however, given the likelihood that accessible but lower-return species would increasingly be exploited.
----------------- Generalization 11.12 -----------------The consequences of reducing range size in response to density-dependent pressures are usually accompanied by accelerated labor costs per unit increase in the net returns (propositions 10.09 and 11.03). it is suggested that these increased labor costs break down into four major types: (1) labor invested up front in increasing, through technological means, the probabilities of prey capture as well as the bulk returns per capture event (proposition 10.09); (2) labor invested in designing or enhancing the habitat to yield higher returns from key species; (3) labor invested in rendering the
One remaining task is to examine those hunter-gatherer cases that display some minor indications of increasing social complexity and to inquire whether they provide dues to the emergence of complex forms. There are a few cases of somewhat mobile, egalitarian hunter-gatherers that maintain institutionally acknowledged leaders who are responsible for organizing and coordinating community activities not nec essarily dealing directly with subsistence. These leaders may be in charge of providing hospitality to visitors and organizing social events to which other communities are invited or to which the local GROUP2 unit has been invited by faraway groups. Although the role of leader carries with it corporate expectations, there are few prerogatives associated with the status. Persons in leadership positions are not relieved of their subsistence responsibilities and there are no unique sartor ial or ornamental prerogatives. Special messengers may be available, however, to assist the leader with both gathering and distributing information, since one of a leaders primary tasks is to keep track of the well-being of GROUP 1 units that may be dispersed in a variety of locations. A look at the graph in figure 11.13, which plots the groups in the hunter-gatherer data base that meet these criteria, indicates that leaders of this type are characteristic of soci eties that cannot be considered to have a narrow niche breadth. All cases occur in the upper half of the distribution and represent a homologous, symmetrical version of the pattern in figure 11.11, graph A, in which the packing thresh*
C H A P T E R 11
A @
f * 0 A
-1.0 -.5 0 .0 .5
1.0 1.5
2 .0
y 3 .0
2 .5
Distribution of generic hunter-gatherer cases with some insti tutional leadership roles displayed in the property space defined by subsistence diversity and the tog10 value of pop ulation density. Cases are coded for dominant sources of foods (SUBSP): (1) terrestrial animals, (2) terrestrial plants, and (3) aquatic resources.
old (line 2) marks a point of reversal in subsistence diversity. It seems clear that, among noncomplex hunter-gatherer groups with community leaders, the response to packing is no different than in cases without community leaders. This kind of leadership can occur either below or above the pack ing threshold, which means that it does not arise as a response to density-dependent conditions. An examination of other variables reveals an inverse rela tionship between GROUP2 size and population density among these cases. Large GROUP2 sizes are found among the nonpacked groups with the lowest population density, whereas small GROUP2 sizes are characteristic of packed cases with the highest population density. All groups in the latter category are, without exception, dependent upon either aquatic resources or a nearly equal mix of aquatic and ter restrial animal resources, so it would seem that reductions in subsistence diversity in this instance are referable to increases in the exploitation of aquatic resources. A reduction in GROUP2 size is associated with the post packing response and, coupled with increased specializa tion in aquatic resources, is possibly related to the changes in GROUP2 size that were noted earlier in figure 10.06, graph B. Among these cases, once the packing threshold was reached, some groups had smaller GROUP2 sizes whereas other GROUP2 units increased in size. To help sort out the ambiguity in postpacking GROUP2 patterning, I have pre pared figure 11.14, which, in graph A, displays a scatter of generic hunter-gatherer groups that are primarily dependent upon terrestrial plant resources. The y axis is defined by
381 @ j& v
386 }
_ 9 p i
- 1 t i
P liis w t R s n
[ .................. j
V A tu
F I GU RE 1 1 . 1 4 Comparative property space maps defined by GROUP2 size and the log10 value of population density. Contrasts ai trated in the response to packing by groups dependent upon terrestrial (A) and aquatic resources (B). Both graphs arc coded for the primary source of food (SUBSP): (1) terrestrial animals, (2) terrestrial plants, and (3) aquatic resources
I D E A S , D E R I V A T I V E P A T T E R N I N G , AND G E N E R A L I Z A T I O N S
GR0UP2 size and population density remains on the xaxis. In contrast, graph B in figure 11.14 displays the generic cases that are primarily dependent upon aquatic resources. The distribution in graph A of generic hunter-gatherer groups obtaining most of their food from terrestrial plants documents that
----------------- Generalization 11.14 -----------------Increases in GROUP2 size correspond to increases in pop ulation density until just beyond the packing threshold, at which point GROUP2 size decreases at the same time that population density continues to increase. The largest GROUP2 sizes occur around the packing threshold, and there are no generic cases in which group size increases once the pack ing threshold is reached. Given the observations summarized in generalization 11.11, this means that GROUP2 size increases as subsistence diversity increases, although above the packing threshold, as subsistence diversity decreases, there is a correlated decrease in GROUP2 size.
As a system whose components are primarily dependent upon terrestrial plant resources approaches packing, more than two work groups may be organized each day. The former pat tern of minimizing group size to reduce mobility costs becomes irrelevant, and as packing is approached increased daily labor is required to increase the subsistence diversity within a smaller home range. Once population exceeds the packing threshold, group size is reduced further as a function of decreases in subsistence diversity and attendant splinter ing of groups into new residential units. The latter units are situated adjacent to the resources (either bulk-return species or a suite of species) upon which each group focuses. Splin tering is accompanied by the concentration of labor upon those resources that respond best to increased input of labor with increased net returns. This scenario seems quite plausible, but I began this investigation with the observation that, among generic hunter-gatherers, leaders whose service was communityoriented rather than subsistence-oriented were associated with large GR0UP2 sizes prior to packing and that, after packing, group size decreased. Looking back at the data on leadership, I realized that all the groups with leaders and population den sities below the packing threshold were equally split between terrestrial animal huntersknown to have large GROUP2 sizesand groups in boreal forest and arctic settings that were dependent upon aquatic resources and also documented to have large GROUP2 sizes. In contrast, those groups above the
packing threshold were primarily dependent upon either plant or aquatic resources. In order to see how groups that are generic, dependent upon aquatic resources, and subject to packing respond to increases in population density, graph B of figure 11.14 was generated. In this plot, there is at best a very minor response in group size to increases in population density, and there is essentially no response to the packing threshold. Another interesting feature of the graph is the scatter of cases occur ring above the scalar threshold for group size. It comes as no surprise that the Copper Eskimo and the Netsilik, Iglulik, and Baffin Island Eskimo cases are among the overly large GROUP2 cases. In chapter 9 ,1 described these groups of breathing hole sealers whose large winter settlements are really GROUP3 units within which a network of sharing partners acts as a riskbuffering mechanism by crosscutting the relatively small units into which cooperative labor is organized. Some of the consequences of this type of settlement structure include the fact thatalthough it is not manda torymost marriages tend to be endogamous within the GROUP3 unit. On the other hand, settlements may be seg mented into units that in other circumstances would prob ably be separated into GROUP2 clusters or barrios within the larger settlement. Overall, as the packing threshold is approached, the size of these units decreases. All of the cases that are known to represent GROUP3 units are in the high shaded area of graph B. The cases in both shaded arms form a linear distribution in which the size of GROUP2 units decreases as the log10 value of population density increases and there is no response whatsoever to the packing thresh old. Twelve of the packed cases are from Australia and five of the non-Australian cases are the Ainu, Chimariko, Onge, Seri, and Yahgan.13
---------~ Generalization 1 1.1 5 -----------------Among generic hunter-gatherers who are dependent upon aquatic resources, an unrelenting linear reduction in group size accompanies increases in the !og10 value of population density. This pattern applies particularly to GROUP2 sizes, but when GROUP3 units replace GROUP2 units the former may be similarly affected. At the packing threshold, however, there is no group size response. Coupled with what is already known about the use of aquatic resources, these conditions prompt some sugges tions about process:
C H A P T E R 11
nities for hunting and gathering o n ce populations increase (generalization 11.09). These factors ensure that increased spe cialization directed toward aquatic resources also requires that heroic labor investments will be attempted (generalization
As specialization increases in response to density-depen dent pressures, new settlements will increasingly be located in settings that, under unpacked conditions, were considered to be only marginally productive. Group size is likely to be smaller at these locations, and therefore mean GROUP2 size should regularly decrease as places with more and more marginal access windows are occupied. The same steps toward specialization that, once the packing threshold is crossed, favor reduced group size among groups dependent upon terrestrial plants (scenario 11.01) also condition reduced GROUP2 sizes among many groups dependent upon aquatic resources. The only difference lies in the inability of many of the latter groups to increase their niche breadth in response to packing pressures.
I have pursued the subject of symmetry as a clue to regularity among generic hunter-gatherer groups by examining patterns that appeared to demonstrate symmetrical relationships between subsistence diversity and population density, as well as population density and GROUP2 size. As I suggested in generalization 11.14, among groups primarily dependent upon terrestrial plant resources there is a parallel increase in both niche diversity and GROUP2 size as both variables approach the packing threshold. Similarly, both variables decrease once the threshold is passed. A comparable symmetry is observable in the pattern of subsistence diversity relative to a threshold of 71.75 on the niche diversity index once the packing threshold is approached. This is particularly strik ing since dependence upon terrestrial animals does not sur vive the packing threshold. This balanced pattern is disrupted by scatters of cases that are all dependent upon aquatic resources, particularly ones situated in habitats that were projected by the Terrestrial Model to have been uninhabitable. These habitats turn out to be settings in which niche breadth cannot be expanded, provided the three simple domains of resource procure ment (terrestrial plants, animals, and aquatic resources) are used as measures for niche expansion. Obviously if this were true, then increased niche breadth as a response to increased population density, followed by a reversal in the direction of greater niche specialization, could not occur, and the only pos
sibility would be an unrelenting pattern of increased specialization. An attempt to understand the apparent symmetry drove my effort to make sense of the exceptions to this pattern the cases that did not behave by the same rules of symme try (see proposition 10.15)but there are even further implications. Earlier in my pattern recognition work, I observed that most of the groups dependent upon aquatic resources were also packed and only a few cases had density levels below the packing threshold. I proposed that, other things being equal, heavy use of aquatic resources was itself a density-dependent response (proposition 10.16). Although at present there is little additional support for this assertion, I will keep it in mind as I continue to explore these patterns in an attempt to account for complexity and its emergence. It is also true that the symmetry between population density and niche specialization would not appear to be so striking if I were not using a frame of reference of great reg ularity to view the distributions of cases. In order to discuss the issue of regularity I must go back to graph A in figure 11.11, which was the first array of generic hunter-gatherer cases. Among the most interesting features of the graph is the presence of a third vertical reference line, which identifies the truncated right side of the distributionalthough I did not simply place the line there to emphasize the truncation. I had noticed that the distance, measured in population density, between thresholds 1 and 2 was very similar to the distance between the uninhabited linethe threshold at line 014and the threshold at line 1. When the value estimated from the hunter-gatherer data (0.27107) was used instead of the arbitrary value of 0.30, which set a lower limit on huntergatherer presence in the Terrestrial Model, the result was a value of 5.7919 for the number of times the value of the thresh old at line 1 can be divided by the threshold at line 0. This is so close to the comparable value of 5.7949 obtained when the threshold at line 2 is divided by threshold at line 1 that a regular set of relationships was easy to imagine. Two cases and three points, however, are not compelling evidence of a pattern, so, as an experiment, I decided to multiply the packing threshold o f9.098 by 5.79, which yields a value of 52.677or a log10 value of 1.7216. It is the latter value that is plotted on figure 11.11, graph A, as the thresh old at line 3, and it seems to define nicely the average point at which the distribution of generic hunter-gatherers, as measured by population density, ends. On the basis of this computation, it appears more reasonable to suspect a regu lar pattern to the distribution of thresholds.
----------------- Generalization If. 1 6 -------A regular pattern occu rs in population density thresholds such that each higher threshold is 5 .7 9 times the value of the next lower threshold. In the case of generic hunter*gatherers, the upper limit of population density is 5 .7 9 times the packing
I D E A S , D E R I V A T I V E P A T T E R N I N G , AND G E N E R A L I Z A T I O N S
threshold of 9.098 persons, or a density of 52.677 persons per 100 square kilometers. As a simple experiment, a multiplier of 5.79 was used to cal culate an additional threshold with a value o f304.99 persons per 100 square kilometers, which represents the population den sity level beyond which hunter-gatherer subsistence efforts should disappear. Realizing that there were minor differences in the multiplier for the intervals originally recognized, I developed the following exponential equation describing the relationship between the ordinal value of the threshold and the density in persons per 100 hundred square kilometers:15
y a exp(a + bx) where the exponential constant exp = 2.71828, the intercept a = -1.3053703, the slope of the line b = 1.7564672, x = the threshold ordinal value (e.g., 1, 2, 3 , . . . , N), and y = density in persons per 100 square kilometers.
I have used this equation to obtain the best estimates of the threshold values16 that are plotted on the graphs in this chapter because it allows me to anticipate thresholds for which there are no empirical referents at the present time. Will these projected thresholds correspond to features of huntergatherer distributions that have not yet been recognized? It is impossible to say at this juncture, but I can now proceed with analysis armed with two new robust patterns to help in the exploration of cases that exhibit properties commonly referred to as evidence of complexity and invoked to define complex hunter-gatherers.
Wealth-differentiated cases arrayed relative to the property space defined by subsistence diversity and the logT0 value of population density. Contrasts are illustrated in the response to packing. Cases are coded for the primary source of food (SUBSP): (1) terrestrial animals, (2) terrestrial plants, and (3) aquatic resources.
Compared with the kind of leadership customary in generic hunter-gatherer groups (see figure 11.12), leaders of groups characterized by wealth differentials may enjoy some relief from subsistence tasks and be able to delegate some duties to messengers and perhaps to an assistant talking chief. In other words, clearly designated staff persons are associated with leadership status and, in some instances, special roles are also ascribed to the leaders wife. These enhanced pre rogatives of leadership are usually linked with perquisites of wealth or economic well-being as a basis for social differen tiation within the group. In the graph in figure 11.15, wealth*conscious hunter* gatherer cases are arrayed relative to the familiar dimen-
sions of subsistence diversity and the log10 value of popula tion density. The distribution of cases defines an almost perfectly symmetrical, diamond-shaped pattern whose long, vertical axis is centered on the packing threshold (line 2) and horizontal axis coincides with a mean subsistence diversity value of 71.75. The eye is immediately drawn to the fourth reference line on the x axis, which is placed at the value of the fourth interval calculated by equation (11.01) and passes through the hunter-gatherer case with the highest popula tion density. Does this placement correspond to the last hunter-gathererthe value beyond which there are only othertypes of societies, such as horticulturists, agriculturists, pastoralists, and state-level societies of increasing size? The answer would appear to be yes. lust as the third threshold marks the point beyond which there are no longer generic hunter-gatherers and the pack ing threshold identifies the point at which mobility can no longer be used to ensure subsistence security, the first thresh old indicates the end of groups primarily dependent upon terrestrial animals. (Of course, the initial threshold of zero defines the point of minimal population density for occu pation by hunter-gatherers [see figure 11.16].) If there are no hunter-gatherer cases beyond the threshold at line 4, then complex hunter-gatherers must be situated to the left of this threshold. These are the groups defined by internal social rank ing, inherited leadership among elite segments of the soci ety, and many properties that some researchers cite as the initial conditions upon which a transition to the 'next" step are based:
C H A P T E R 11
End of Hunters
End of Mobility
End of Nonranked
H unter-G atherers
Dem onstration o f the curvilinear pattern expressed betw een population density as anticipated for the world sample o f w eather stations and the log10value of population density am ong huntergatherer cases. The four density thresholds that mark m ajor system ic changes in hunter-gatherer organization are identified.
the development of cultivation, the domestication of plants and animals, and the inevitable march to civilization! The following statement is an illustrative example of this kind of domino effect: One reason I view the socioeconomic competition model of domestication as so attractive is that it is capa ble of providing a plausible and powerful single expla nation for non-food as well as food domesticates.... the model posits that these items were all used in prestige contexts, as demonstrations of wealth or as motivators in their own rightspecial items that some people would exert themselves to a greater extent than normal to obtain. They therefore fit in with the other aspects of prestige technologythat became prevalent only among complex hunter-gatherers, in contrast to the over whelmingly practical technologies of generalized huntergatherers. (Hayden 1995:294) Claims of this kind can be evaluated by focusing on the content of the distributions in figures 11.15 and 11.17. These graphs feature relationships between important variables characteristic of the kind of complex hunter-gatherers that, in Haydens mind, preceded the Neolithic revolution. The social organization of these groups, which share their region
of residence with noncomplex hunter-gatherers, is charac terized by ranking; elite status is inherited; and common people enjoy few of the responsibilities and privileges of their elite leaders. In many of these groups, the lowest social class is reserved for slaves, but disenfranchised might be a better description of these persons. All of the most socially complex ethnic groups from the Northwest Coast of North America usually come to mind when the phrase complex hunter-gatherers is used.17 The contrast in figure 11.17 between ranked and non ranked cases (all of the hunter-gatherer groups nor included in figure 11.17) corresponds roughly to Johnsons (1982: 396,407-10) distinction between simultaneous and sequen tial hierarchies, if the word hierarchy is truly applicable in this instance. Figure 11,17 displays these cases, which have a value of 7 for SYSTATE3 or of 3 for SYSTATE4, in a prop erty space defined by the log10 value of population density on the x axis and subsistence diversity (SUBDIV2) on the y axis. The case codes refer to the ownership of resource locations. The remarkable feature of this distribution is that almost all of the cases are arrayed between the packing threshold (line
I D E A S , D E R I V A T I V E P A T T E R N I N G , AND G E N E R A L I Z A T I O N S
< * >
Property space map defined by subsistence diversity and lg10 values of population density displaying only internally ranked hunter-gatherer cases. Cases are coded for ownership of resource locations (OWNER): (1) no ownership reported, use rights recognized by others; (2) the local group claims exclusive use rights over resource location, residential sites, while households may claim special trees and similar features of the landscape; (3) local group claims for hunting areas, dom inant animals, fishing sites, and animal drive locations, such claims administered by a group leader, but smaller segments may claim exclusive access to resource locations; and (4) elite ownership of land and resources.
2) and the fourth threshold, which marks the end of all hunter-gatherer distributions. The ranked cases, which are of particular interest here, all occur within the range of vari ability of nonranked hunter-gatherers, and the only factor that marks them as different is that they are specialized. As I have already pointed out, niche diversity decreases as pop ulation density increases beyond the packing threshold and approaches the level of groups residing in habitats that were projected by the Terrestrial Model to be uninhabited. An examination of the cases reveals that all except two have Terrestrial Model densities ranging from just above 0.30 to just below 0.9 persons per 100 square kilometers. The most specialized cases are those with the lowest Terrestrial Model densities, representing forest settings that are barely able to support a local population without the exploitation of aquatic resources. The Terrestrial Model anticipates that all but the four cases with the highest diversity measures would initially be dependent upon terrestrial animals. In contrast, the vast majority of the cases have low subsistence diversity values and are specialized in their subsistence practices in a rather dra matic way. The tendency for increased specialization to fol
low increased population density occurs in this group of cases, but it begins at a slightly lower level of subsistence diver sity prior to packing. Increased exploitation of aquatic resources would have tended to increase subsistence diver sity prior to packing, but, since hunting is no longer an option once the packing threshold is reached, further increases in dependence upon aquatic resources would reduce the subsistence diversity measure to lower, more specialized val ues. This expectation is consistent with Terrestrial Model pro jections that, under conditions of low population density, these groups would be primarily terrestrial animal specialists. It is also consistent with the relationship demonstrated by Panowski (1985) and summarized previously in general ization 11.01between the complexity of the jurisdictional hierarchies in Northwest Coast societies and the number of mostly aquatic species regularly prepared for storage. The other dramatic feature of the distribution is that all but one of the cases to the right of the packing threshold have monopolistic strategies for restricting access to resource locations. The majority of these cases exhibit the highest level of all the groups in the hunter-gatherer data set of resource ownership through inheritance and elite control of access to productive locations. It is tempting to ask why elite control of resource locations in this instance is heavily biased in favor of aquatically dependent peoples, but this ques tion will have to be put on hold until I complete my discus sion of wealth differentials and the possibility that they may be a precondition to elite monopolies. Looking for a moment at the distributions in figures 11.15 and 11.17, it is clear that, as I indicated in propositions 9.04 and 11.04, the presence of wealth differentials does not appear to be a density-dependent phenomenon. The groups in figure 11.15 are distributed across the full range of vari ability in density known for hunter-gatherers. A similar lack of association between population density and wealth dif ferentials characterized the mounted hunters of the Great Plains of North America (generalization 9.07). In these extensified groups, wealth signified important social dis tinctions even though population density values were bdow the packing threshold.
------------------ Generalization 1 1.1 7 Wealth-based social differentiation is not exclusively a den sity-dependent phenomenon. It can appear in hunter-gath erer groups at any level of packing or population density between 0.03 and a maximum of 300 persons per 100 sqwanr kilometers. A pattern of symmetry in the distribution of cases which was suggested in figure 11.11, graph A* was roorr apparent in figure 11.12, and was strongly confirmed in figure 11.13, graph Acan be summarited as follows:
C H A P T E R 11
--------------Generalization 11.18 ------------------There is a sharp reduction in the range o f variability in sub sistence diversity among wealth-differentiated hunter-gatherers who survive as hunter-gatherers despite increased levels of population pressure that exceed the packing threshold. Both generalist and specialist cases converge at a subsistence diversity value o f 7 1 .7 5 with maximum population density.
lineage, a house, or some other social unit associated with the exploitation of owned locations for obtaining resources. In this situation, wealth is once again correlated with pro ductivity, but it is now maintained by limitations that are placed on access to resource locations. It appears that
---------------- Proposition 1 1 . 1 7 ---------------Wealth differentials can result either from (1 ) differences in the skill and consistency o f individual perform ance among those involved in food production or ( 2 ) efforts that increasingly m onopolize access to locations with
Beyond this point, no hunter-gatherers o f this type remain in the nearly contemporary world.
This type of symmetry is surprising, andas one confronts the last hunter-gatherer survivors but has no idea about what kind of society might have replaced themit evokes a kind of closure or finality. Nonetheless, the pattern seems to have added the other half to the symmetrical distribution of hunter-gatherers who are primarily dependent upon ter restrial animal resources. The pattern provided here is an over all distribution of wealth-differentiated cases that forms a nearly perfect diamond shape with a vertical axis centered on the packing threshold. Figure 11.15 contains even more interesting patterning, however. Among those groups in which differences in wealth contribute to status differentiation, there is a huge bias in the types of resources that are exploited. Among the cases in figure 11.15 that are not packed and may be considered specialized (i.e., having a subsistence diversity value of less than 71.75 and located in segment C of the graph), nine are dependent upon aquatic resources and three exploit terrestrial animals but are also heavily dependent upon aquatic resources. All o f the groups that are packed and specialized are also dependent upon aquatic resources. In contrast, among groups that primarily exploit terres trial plants, all cases with wealth differentiation have both a diversified diet and population density levels that are con siderably beyond the packing threshold (segment A). These groups also have large GROUP2 units, secret societies, and some age grading. Leaders are primarily responsible for arranging intergroup events, providing hospitality to visit ing dignitaries, and coordinating activities among families in the residential group. Leaders in this setting are more like headmen who have increased corporate responsibilities and expanded roles in a social environment in which wealth and its display are important. In groups that are primarily dependent upon aquatic resources, leaders can assume two different kinds of roles. Achieved leadership status is a function of exceptional per formance in subsistence activities and is associated with technological and tactical sophistication. Such men usually act as hosts at social events occurring in the mens house or they organize inviting in feasts. Wealth in this context is usu allya correlate of success. The other kind of leadership is inher ited, and persons in this position act as the head of a sib or
productive resources by restricting a c c e s s to them based on kinship conventions. In co n text (1), non density-dependent w ealth differentiation can o ccu r at any tim e. Context (2) is density-dependent and occu rs only under packed conditions.
The dynamics described in proposition 11.17 represent a good example of the rule of thumb that the same things can be organized differentiy and that different things can be organized similarly. That this proposition is realistic is sup ported by the data displayed in figure 11.18, in which the marker distinguishes between hunter-gather cases in terms of the form their ownership of resource locations assumes. First, it should be pointed out that overall there is a greater interest in ownership among groups in which wealth is important than among generic hunter-gatherer cases. In fact, only 7 of the 102 cases that are not packed have own ership codes of 3 or 4. Without exception, these cases either were documented after they had experienced considerable decline in their population levels during the colonial period or represent resettled, remnant populations that were not liv ing in their original homelands. In any case, I suspect that both types of groups differed significantly from their aboriginal ancestors. Of the total of 156 generic hunter-gatherer cases, only 18 had ownership codes of 3 or 4, whereas among groups with wealth differentiation 48 of the 79 groups had developed institutions of ownership. Perhaps of greater interest is the concentration of cases with a code of 4 (elite ownership of resource locations) in the dis tribution of specialized cases represented in the lower right graph segment All of these packed groups are dependent upon aquatic resources and have a subsistence diversity factor of less than 71.75. In addition to a huge bias in favor of elite own ership of resource locations, the second germane observation relative to the cases illustrated in figure 11.15 is that those with high subsistence diversity values and the highest popula tion densities are most often groups that are dependent upon terrestrial plant resources. Most of these groups have a classification code of 2 on the scale of ownership of resource locations. The high subsistence diversity values of groups in the code 3 category are conditioned by considerable sec-
90 4
I o 8 c
i 4
te 1 # ^ J5)
health status and secondarily from differences in per* formance, given normal, labor-based sharing among producers. In this situation, wealth differentials arise because productive individuals attract followers and, when groups are mobile, there are limits on how large they can become.18
Under these conditions, wealth is primarily a matter of comparison between GROUP2 units, and therefore much of the character of nonegalitarian societies is manifest between such units. On the other hand, in systems in which monop olies are maintained by ranking persons in terms of their kin ship distance from, for instance, an original settler at a place or the first ancestor to learn how to build larger salmon traps at a given location, one would expect wealth differen tiation not only between GROUP2 units but also within them. Given the provocative results of group size comparisons among generic hunter-gatherer cases in figure 11.14, graphs A and B, a reexamination of the data on GROUP2 size for ranked and wealth-differentiated cases is presented in figure 11.19, graphs A and B, in the hope of determining why there is such a strong bias toward ownership of resource loca tions by elite leaders in hunter-gatherer groups that are aquatic specialists. From a comparison of graph A in both figures, it is clear that the distribution of generic cases in figure 11.14 is elaborated in figure 11.19, and as density increases GROUP2 size gets smaller once the packing threshold is crossed. In another array of cases, the pattern is reversed and increasing GROUP2 size is correlated with increases in pop ulation density. Twelve cases or 63 percent belong to the latter grouping, which exceeds the scalar threshold, while decreasing group size occurs in only seven or 37 percent of the cases. Of the twelve cases, ownership is developed to the level of codes 3 to 4 in only four (33.3 percent) of the cases, whereas among the smaller GROUP2 units, only two (28.6 percent) of the cases have ownership codes of less than 3 to 4. This pattern suggests that at the GROUP2 level, ownership is most evident when units are small. It should be recalled that, among generic cases, dependence upon aquatic resources was associated with a regular pattern of minor reduction in GROUP2 size with no response to the packing threshold. In contrast, large GROUP2 size was observed in hunter-gatherer cases that I knew had been mis* classified and should have been designated as special case GROUP3 units. I have already noted that there are impor tant substantive differences between these two types of aggre gations. GROUP2 units create integrative networks for food sharing and subsistence risk reduction, whereas GROUP3 unites aggregate periodically and coordinate networks that articu late marriage and educational responsibilities. Within both
Property space map defined by subsistence diversity and log10 values of population density displaying only wealthdifferentiated hunter-gatherer cases. Cases are coded for ownership of resource locations (OWNERS): (1) no owner ship reported; use rights recognized by others; (2) the local group claims exclusive use rights over resource location and residential sites; households may claim special trees and similar features of the landscape; (3) local group claims for hunting areas, dominant animals, fishing sites, and animal drive locations; such claims administered by a group leader, but smaller segments may claim exclusive access to resource locations; and (4) elite ownership of land and resources.
ondary use of aquatic resources. These patterns support the view that the structure of aquatic resource access windows and their probable links to technology greatly affect monop olistic access strategies, so it is reasonable to conclude that
---------------- Generalization 1 1.1 9 ---------------When hunter-gatherers respond to packing by concentrating their subsistence efforts on aquatic resources, increasingly monopolistic control over resource locations is expected. On the other hand, when the response to packing is increased dependence upon terrestrial plants, the ownership of resource locationswhen it occursis vested in units that are much smaller than GROUP2 units. With regard to the conditions associated with wealth dif ferentiation summarized in proposition 11.17,1 suggest that
- Proposition 11.18 When wealth differentiation occurs within nonpacked systems, it results primarily from differential participation by individuals in subsistence pursuits owing to age or
C H A P T E R 11
400 --------
f i g u r e
Subsistence-based comparative property space plots featuring only wealth-differentiated hunter-gatherer cases. Property space is defined by GROUP2 size relative to the log10 value of population density. Comparison is between groups primarily depen dent upon terrestrial (A) and aquatic (B) resources. Cases are coded for the primary source of food (SUBSP): (1) terrestrial ani mals, (2) terrestrial plants, and (3) aquatic resources.
sets of cases with an aquatic specialization, however, there was a decrease in group size associated with increased population density. The pattern in figure 11.19, graph B, resembles the dis tribution of egalitarian cases and features a minor reduction in group size with increased population density. Smaller group size appears to be independent of dynamics that are activated at the packing threshold. There are two clusters of cases with larger group sizes that also experience a reduction in size as population density increases. Of the three cases in the upper part of the distribution, the Tareumiut whale hunters of Point Barrow, Alaska, are distinctive because of their single-settlement ethnic group, and one could say they rep resent another instance in which the members of a GROUP3 unit now reside together permanently. Two other interesting cases the Wenatchi and the Wishramare from the Columbia River drainage, which becomes a focal point for regional aggregations during the annual salmon runs upriver to spawning sites. The human aggregations that are distributed along the river to capture and process salmon are not really GROUP3 units, but nei ther are they normal GROUP2 units. They resemble the Tareumiut in that they are essentially one-village ethnic units, but the big difference is that the Wanatchi and Wishram welcome all who choose to come to their ethnic territory dur ing the salmon runs. In contrast, the Tareumiut maintain their ethnic identity by excluding not only visitors but also resi dents who leave the village from participating in the integrated activities of the local community. Relatives and trading part
ners from other communities are welcome to visit, but they are guests of individual residents and are not integrated into the structure of activities within the setdement. The larger cluster in graph B of figure 11.19 is composed of eleven groups with GROUP2 units o f moderate size. These include (1) the Eskimo village o f Point Hope, which is similar to the Tareumiut; (2) the Eskimo of St. Lawrence Island, who are also similar to the Tareumiut but have a number of different settlements; (3) the contemporary Kuskowagmut, whose communities are artificially aggre gated around established churches; (4) the Hupa and Tolowa of northern California; and (5) five Salish-speaking groups the Quileute of Oregon and the Chehalis, Puyallup, Squamish, and Thompson. A single Australian case, the Tjapwurong of southwestern Victoria, adds a keystone to the list.19 None of these cases responds to crossing the packing threshold with anything other than an unrelenting reduc tion in group size as population density increases. There appear, however, to be four different scales of village size, which I have triedwith little success to relate to most of the more than 100 coded ethnographic variables. There are autocorrelations, to be sure, but the obvious patterned relationships are between subsistence diversity and popu lation density. Given this experience, I am reminded of the pattern recognition work in chapter 8 that examined rela tionships in the male-female division of labor (MDIVLAB) and polygyny as a strategy for increasing the female labor force. It occurs to me that these two variables may well make
I D E A S , D E R I V A T I V E P A T T E R N I N G , AND G E N E R A L I Z A T I O N S
------------------ Scenario 11.03 ----------------- Another feature to be considered when thinking about the rela tionship between division of labor and polygyny is the coor dination of male and female labor during the bulk processing of food for storage (proposition 8.09). In such a situation, tem perature determines the time that is available for processing many meaty foods. The higher the temperature, the more imperative it becomes to process food resources at the same time that they are being procured. When groups establish simultaneous labor parties, the males are usually involved in procurement and the females in processing.
become increasingly involved in processing. In either case, limitations on the quantity of food delivered to storage rest with the female labor force, and this is increasingly true if the access window for procuring resources in large numbers is relatively short. One suspects that in warmer and warmer settings, regard less of the quantities in which terrestrial animal and aquatic resources are available, they will not be selected for long-term storage. If pressures to intensify force hunter-gatherers to adopt a storage strategy, other species particularly terrestrial plantswill become the stored resources because animal resources (either terrestrial or aquatic), even though more abundant, are very likely to spoil.
------------------ Generalization 1 1 .2 0 ----------------If males can obtain huge quantities of fish using dams, weirs, or nets, the translation of large bulk returns into usable food is a function of the time that elapses between pro curement and the onset of spoilage. Other things being equal, the duration of this temporal window is a function of the size and skill of the female labor force. Another consideration is that most groups that are depen dent upon fish and shellfish do not obtain the basic raw materials for making clothing from their major food resource. The use of nets and storage baskets, as well as baskets for trans porting processed foods to their final storage places, increases the importance of adequate supplies of fiber. Obtaining materials for the manufacture of clothing, nets, and bas ketsand the manufacturing process itselfis usually the responsibility of the female labor force when aquatic resources are the primary sources of food. The limitations on the accumulation of large quantities of meaty foods, as well as their stabilization through processing and storage for consumption in the future, can be seen as a triangle, with outside temperatures and humidity, the size and performance of the male labor force, and the size and per formance of the female labor force as its three angles. Under conditions of easy accessibility to meat-yielding species, the colder the outside temperature is at the time of meat pro curement, the less the female labor force will influence the scale of the delivery of meat into storage. Limitations on avail ability will rest with the performance of the male labor force and fluctuations in resource accessibility. On the other hand, the warmer and more humid the local conditions become, the more the pattern will reverse and the performance of the female labor force will increasingly become the limiting factor in the delivery of meaty foods into storage. This will be true regardless of the quantities in which one or more species are accessible for exploitation by males. If the rate of procurement far exceeds the rate at which items can be processed and rendered into storage, then the males must cither slow their procurement rate or
The problems associated with attempting to store aquatic resources and meat in warm and humid settings probably favor productive specialists who fish daily for small yields and then distribute or sell their products to a particular set of cus tomers. In more packed settings, markets are at least partially a response to the necessity for a structure to facilitate the prompt distribution and consumption of fragile food resources.
I have calculated an equation from data obtained by Lynch and Poole (1979:220) that could well be germane to the prob lem of identifying the environmentally limited zones of high est storage potential for meaty resources. I refer to it as the codfish equation because it defines the relationship between temperature and the number of days that a codfish would remain edible prior to spoilage, if the only sources of pathogens were the fish itself and those it has accumulated while in the aquatic medium. If the fish has been cleaned and processed in any way, the time would be shortened by the risk of con tamination from handlers, insects, and rodents, which are the common sources of salmonella thattogether with Clostrid ium botulinum, the source of botulism poisoningshould account for most episodes of microbial contamination. (u.oa) Y = exp(a + fax) where exp = 2.71829, Y = number days between catch and spoilage, x ambient temperature, a = 2.7725887, and 6 = -0.13862944.
The graphs in figure 11.20 demonstrate the results of solv ing equation (11.02) using the mean temperature at the beginning and end of the growing season (ET). I chose this variable because food resources selected for storage are usu ally obtained near or at the end of the growing season. On the y axis, the variable CODAY represents the number of days that are likely to elapse between the procurement of fresh cod-
o &4 I
Transitional Zone
271 272
Traneflfortal Zone
L 274
S Ot
20 40 60 80
4 A, O2
Percentage Dependence on Aquatic Resources (FISHING)
Transitional Zone
Comparative property space plots for generic, wealthdifferentiated, and internally ranked hunter-gatherer groups. Property space is defined by the number of days between pro curement of fish and the onset of spoilage and the percent age of the diet obtained from aquatic resources. Cases are coded for the quantity of food stored (QTSTOR): (1) no reg ular storage or minor, very-short-term storage of two or three days; (2) moderate investment in storage in both quantity and period of potential use; (3) major investment in storage and in the duration of anticipated use; and (4) m assive investm ent in storage from the standpoint of both sp e cie s stored and th e duration of use.
of the diet. The line at 3.75 days indicates a transition to heavy dependence upon storage and, in many cases, very heavy dependence upon aquatic resources. When I compare the distribution o f generic huntergatherers in figure 11.20, graph A, to the plot o f wealthdifferentiated hunter-gatherer cases in graph B, it is clear that almost all of the groups in the latter graph occur in envi ronments at or above the 2.0-day line on the CODAY axis. There are many cases above the 2.6-day line, beyond which aquatic resources make up most of the diet, and these are also the cases with the maximum dependence upon stored (bods. The groups clustered just above the 2.6-day boundary include the Hupa, Karok, and Tolowa of California and more north ern groups of Salish speakers from along the coasts of Ore gon and Washington, as well as interior peoples from the Frazier and Columbia River drainages. These groups include the Alsea, Chehalis, Chinook, Quileute, Quinault, Stalo, TVvana, Wenatchi, and Wishram. This rather tight cluster of
I D E A S , D E R I V A T I V E P A T T E R N I N G , AND G E N E R A L I Z A T I O N S
cases is distinctly out of place when compared with the generic hunter-gatherer groups for whom heavy dependence upon storage only occurs in settings with greater than 3.75 days between procurement and storage. These patterns reinforce my earlier supposition that dependence upon aquatic resources is associated with den sity-dependent conditions but, more importantly, that the interval between procurement of resources and spoilage is very much less when groups rely increasingly on aquatic resources that are processed for storage. The groups in figure 11.20, graph B, are, of course, the hunter-gatherer cases with wealth differentials and polygamous privileges for the elite. For some heads of elite houses, these prerogatives are linked to the custom of debt slaves and half-marriages, thereby providing these leaders with more laborparticularly female laborto devote to resource extraction and preservation (for a good description see Gould 1978c:129-33).
---- -
W hen, for any given group, packed conditions reduce th e nu m ber o f a c c e s s lo c a tio n s at w h ich c ritic a l resources can b e obtained w hich o ccu rs frequently with high-yielding aquatic species and this condition is linked to exclusionary tactics for reducing the sca le of kin-based a ccess to productive locations, the m eans for expanding the "leg itim ate" labor fo rce at th ese locations is also d ram atically reduced. Increasingly restricted ow nership results in a labor cru nch , partic ularly w hen a cce ss is being restricted to locations that provide crucial bulk resources for storage.
eulachon, which becomes available in February and March, when it is exploited for its oil, which is used as a condiment for lean dried fish,22 These two types of hunter-gatherers differ in other sig nificant ways, such as warfare, which is much more preva lent among ranked hunter-gatherer groups than among groups with wealth-based distinctions. The size of winter vil lages is much larger among ranked groups and the level of complexity related to scale effects is much greater. Diet breadth is also much greater. The differences between these types of cases are directly related to conditions other than small group size and may have more to do with increased seg mentation and decreased mean sizes. Among those groups who have crossed the packing threshold and now have dif ferences in wealth but not ranking, strong ownership claims are asserted. Because of smaller group sizes, however, there are often difficulties mobilizing the labor corps needed for resource processing. In my opinion, the comparative study of these cases may provide further clues to the causes of internal differentiation and ranking. It is, however, safe to say that cases with devel oped ranking are more complex in response to complications arising from scalar changes, regional competition, and the increased instability that results from greater exploitation of aquatic resources.
Perhaps the most important conclusion from this explo ration of the conditions associated with the emergence of com plexity is that complexity appears to take two different forms. One is associated with scalar changes in group size as, for example, among hunter-gatherers who are primarily depen dent upon terrestrial plants and have the highest values for population density. In these groups, increased complexity is represented by secret societies and social differentiation based on an individuals progress through a series of agegraded sodalities. These societal structures are also embedded in a social fab ric that features the ownership or unchallenged association of persons with specific, highly productive locations for resource exploitation. Intensification is apparent in the increased labor inputs required at the time of harvest and preparation for storage, as well as during the food process ing required for immediate consumption. This pathway to intensification is associated with decreased dependence upon terrestrial animals of large body size and a shift of male labor into roles previously assumed by female laborers, par ticularly the collection and processing of plant materials. At the same time that group size increases, there is an insti tutionalization of regular regional interactions among the growing communities. Round-robln hosting and mutual
1 am suggesting that
----------- ---- Proposition 11.20 ---------------T he linkages betw een labor and ow nership m on opo lies over resource-yielding venues form the basis for still further differentiation in social ranking through gen erational dilution that reduces the num ber o f elites and increases the number of marginalized, disenfranchised persons (sometimes referred to as "slaves") in a society.
The ranked cases in graph C of figure 11.20 are located in higher latitudes, where colder temperatures mean that more time can elapse between procurement and the onset of spoilage. In these settings, processing can be extended over three to four days, so the demand for labor is less intense than when resources are processed at lower latitudes where food spoils more quickly. In regions with groups of ranked huntergatherers, the primary fish that is prepared for winter stor age is the chum salmon, which tends to run in late fall. The heaviest investment of labor is, however, required by the
C H A P T E R 11
participation in mortuary rites and educational events are major expressions of the development of regional, institu tionalized interaction, as are moieties, which perform com plementary functions that crosscut at least some of the residential units. This is well illustrated by many of the Cal ifornia hunter-gatherer groups, although there are differences between groups from the southern and northern regions. In northern California, in addition to more intensified exploita tion of plant resources, greater niche breadth is possible because of abundant aquatic resources. When I think about all of the different factors that con tribute to variability among hunter-gatherer groups, I am impressed with how much the character of the subsistence base has contributed to my explorations. This megavariable is of paramount importance to a consideration of the appear ance of more complex social forms. I have already suggested that complex forms arise from processes of internal inten sification that are primarily related to density-dependent shifts and the synergistic interaction of limitations and changed potentials. Some of these were suggested in the preceding discussion of the causal contexts of the appearance of wealth differentiation and institutionalized ranking. The resources exploited at the time that density-depen dent pressures to intensify are first detected are fundamen tal, not only to the character of subsequent responses but also, apparently, to how the responses further condition the char acter of the society that emerges. Internally ranked and ulti mately stratified societies do not just appear at the end of a linear trajectory toward complexity. These characteristics are not diagnostic of large hunter-gatherer groups, at least not initially. The contrast between, on the one hand, large soci
eties that lacked internal ranking and council-based decision making and, on the other, internally ranked and socially stratified societies that were more dependent upon aquatic resources was noted among horticultural societies in the Virginia-North Carolina region over forty years ago (Binford 1964,1991b:65 127). The similarities between the horticulturists of the eastern seaboard of North Americawith their secret societies, age grades, and multicommunity networking and the social institutions of plant-dependent hunter-gatherers o f Californiaand even the Pueblo people of the American Southwest (Johnson 1997) strongly suggest that these orga nizationally diverse societies had been subjected to similar kinds of density-dependent changes and that the result was even greater diversity. This point is emphasized by the region ally complex systems within which many of the equatorial mutualists participate and that are not really perceived as com plex within their specialized social units. Julian Steward (1955:11-29) was correct in his expecta tion that causal processes could result in different organiza tional trajectories. The attempt to identify adaptive variation exclusively with diversity and multilinear patterningand general evolutionary change with a generalized sequence of indicators of sociocultural complexity (Sahlins and Service 1960:ix) fails in any scientific sense to explain either vari ability or emergence. This criticism applies as much to the anthropological literature of the 1960s as to more recent examples of linear arguments (Hayden 1995:294), even though the latter are expressed in more humanistic terms. In recent arguments, humanism only drapes soft cognitive cloaks around vitalistic nonexplanations.
regions in which occupation is possible only if aquatic resources are exploited. No viable terrestrial adaptation exists in regions of this kind, examples of which include the high arctic and relatively unique places like the north coast of Chile and the south coast of Peru, where there is no indication that rainfall has occurred in recent geologic time. On the other hand,
---- ----- ------ | Generalization 12 .0 2 ---------------In regions that can support local human populations who exploit exclusively terrestrial resources and in which popu lation density has not yet reduced mobility options to move ment within a small foraging area (i.e., areas that have not yet reached the packing threshold), the gross tendency is to increase subsistence diversity as a linear function of the logio valiie of population density. Many changes tend to cluster around the next threshold at a population density of 9.098 persons per 100 square kilometers. This is the point at which the maximum di versity in niche breadth occurs among known huntergatherers. It is also where a reversal occurs in many trends that were characteristic of hunter-gatherers in lower-density regimes who used mobility as their primary means to adjust the demands for food to the sequencing and differential spatial clumping of needed resources. At this packing thresh* old, mobility as die basic adaptive strategy underlying hunter* gatherer subsistence security disappears and many patterns emerge as populations continue to increase in density. Niche diversity is reduced at the high end of the variability spec trum at the same time that specialization also tends to dis appear among generic hunter-gatherers. Beyond this point, there are no cases of hunter-gatherers who are primarily dependent upon terrestrial animals.
Under conditions of low population density, narrow niche breadth (trophic or biotic specialization) is restricted to
C H A P T E R 12
FIGURE 1 2 .0 1
A two-graph property space comparison of the distribution of mutualists and forest product specialists (A) and groups prac ticing some horticulture (B).
I strongly suspect that the packing threshold identifies what has been called a point of self-organized criticality* (Bak 1996). This term refers to the transition from a state of rel ative stability in the patterns of variability among generic hunter-gatherers, which were based on a limited number of tactical accommodations to habitat variability, to a state of greater nonequilibrium that develops as a result of increas ing population density that the adaptive tactics used by hunter-gatherers do nothing to arrest. The thresholds I have just described mark major changes in the character of organized variability among huntergatherers, and they describe a curvilinear law, marking points of criticality in the trajectory of evolution among huntergatherer systems. Since the cases in my data set were, with very fewexceptions, restricted to hunter-gatherers, there is no way to monitor directly the emergence of mw-hunter-gatherer sys tems without expanding the sample enormously. I did, how ever, include cases that, during my analysis, I discovered were non-hunter-gatherer systems in that they appeared to be new forms that had emerged in response to processes of self-organized criticality centered on the packing threshold. These mutualist cases and the few groups who had expanded their niche breadth by adopting horticultural strategies are arrayed in graphs A and B in figure 12.01. It is known that the majority of the mutualist cases in graph A are packed. The exceptions are all fur trappers from the boreal forests of North America. Almost half of the cases using domesticated animals or plants are not packed, but the majority of these are herders of domesticated reindeer in Siberia. These groups must be considered extensified, since the reindeer were primarily used for transport in aboriginal times (Krupnik 1993:162). Only two of the groups in graph
B subsisting on domesticated plants are not packed and both of these are resettled, remnant North American groups, the Walapai and Yavapai, who had been encouraged by the U.S. government to adopt horticulture on their reservations. The important characteristic of the patterning in graphs A and B is that, given the conditions specified in proposition
These tendencies toward niche breadth specialization have the effect of breaking up the second patternthe sym metry in the distribution of cases in the two-dimensional property spacethat seemed apparent when the huntergatherer cases were examined relative to the dimensions of population density and subsistence diversity (see the nearly perfect, diamond-shaped distribution in figure 11.15). Appar ently some subsistence specialists have emerged very quickly from the packing thresholda pattern that is illustrated by the ranked cases in figure 11.17a finding that tends to deprive the pattern of wealth-differentiated cases in figure 11.15 of its symmetry along the lower part of the diamond shape.
I D E A S , D E R I V A T I V E P A T T E R N I N G , AND G E N E R A L I Z A T I O N S
The other interesting feature of figure 12.01, graph B, is that, among horticulturists, scalar group size thresholds appear to elicit organizational responses similar to those of specialists such as mounted hunters and other huntergatherers with relatively high subsistence diversity but no domesticates. Groups in this category include the Pomo of northern and central California and ranked groups from the Pacific Northwest Coast who maintained secret soci eties and large winter villages. Hints about these conditions occurred previously in generalization 11.04 and proposi tion 11.06, and I think that it is safe to conclude that
------------------ Generalization 12.04 g*--------The diamond pattern anticipated in figure 1 1 . 1 1 , graph B, and realized in figure 1 1 . 1 3 is not necessarily expected to occur beyond the packing threshold. It has been clearly demon strated that niche breadth reduction is one response to the obsolescence of mobility as the major means of adjusting con sumer demand to the differential spatial distribution of edi ble products in the habitat during a seasonal cycle, which occurs at the packing threshold.
A property space plot identical to that of figure 12.0 1 but dis playing non-hunter-gatherer cases represented by Pueblo groups from the American Southwest and pastoralist groups from several locations.
I expect that a new diamond-shaped pattern may well be forming, centered on the packing threshold and with a sub sistence diversity value of approximately 71.75, which rep resents the new kinds of systems that emerge from the point of criticality when mobility becomes impossible. In addition, the obsolescence of hunting at this point also ensures that more packed cases will necessarily have subsistence diversity values indicative of increased specialization. It must be real ized, however, that, as coded in my data set, mutualists, for est product specialists, and horticulturists present something of a problem. If I were to consider horticulture and domes ticated animals as new food resources, it would be necessary to calculate the SUBDIV2 value for five rather than the three alternative classes that applied to all the other cases in the hunter-gatherer file.3 This would have the effect of raising the mean for the subsistence diversity index from approximately 71.75 (a real value of 72.3425) to approximately 84.56, which would lead me to expect the diamond-shaped pattern to translate upward as the new suite of systems appeared. Assuming a recalculation with five classes of subsistence, the upward translation would probably take many of the hor ticultural, mutualist, and forest product specialists out of the specialist range illustrated in figure 12.01. On the imagi nary new graph, only hunter-gatherer cases with ranked social classes would remain as unambiguously specialized cases.4
shifts to horticulture and pastoral pursuits. Such shifts should not define new property space diamonds, or even new forms of patterning. Instead, the new emer gent forms should share the same property space as the modified hunter-gatherers themselves. A pure huntergatherer response to packing is in no way a necessary, linear antecedent to horticulture or to increased repro ductive management of animals, butlike the latter is a direct response to packing in different settings. It is also suspected that some habitat-related biases would favor differential responses to packing by emer gent non-hunter-gatherers.
Proposition 12.01 -
Reasonable responses to packing and the obsoles cence of subsistence-oriented mobility would include
Confirmation of the expectations in proposition 12.01 is provided by figure 12.02. In this graph, data from Pueblo peoples dependent upon domesticated plants, as well as a number of pastoralist systems, are plotted on a property space graph defined by hunter-gatherer cases. The full impli cations of the provocative pattern are not immediately dear. For instance, many recent discussions that refer to the ori gins of agriculture or the origins of pastoral systems haw tended to imagine specific, linear, formal properties of hunter-gatherers as necessary preconditions for the emergence of non-hunter-gatherer life ways. These discussions begin with the fundamental premise that early cultivation and other activities leading to the domes tication of plants and animals were uniquely new and that therefore a unique explanationa historyis both demanded and expected. If, however, what I have learned about hunter-
gatherers is correct and the packing threshold defines the denouement of the fundamental strategies of hunting and gathering particularly as residential mobility becomes obsolete as a positioning strategy for obtaining food then as all hunter-gatherers crossed the packing threshold they were equally on the edge of chaos, or, more appropriately, in a state of criticality at that threshold. As I have already suggested, almost half of the known hunter-gatherer adaptations are, in fact, postpacking adap tations, and this is especially true of all of the cases referred to as complex hunter-gatherers and mutualists. There is a zone of minor overlap between the packing threshold and the third density-related threshold in which both generic and complex hunter-gatherers are found with some complex hunter-gatherers maintaining their way of life until the fourth threshold but those cases overlap in terms of pop ulation density and subsistence diversity with the Pueblo peoples of the southwestern United States (figure 12.02). I have argued that the heavy bias in favor o f aquatic resource dependence among already-packed hunter-gatherer groups relates to the particular spatial characteristics of the access locations from which foods may be extracted from aquatic biomes. Reduced mobility has a very different impact on groups that are dependent upon aquatic resources by forcing them to a more specialized adaptation in settings in which aquatic productivity is high. I expect that specializa tion in this context results in increased instability, but it is con siderably less than would be experienced by specialists exploiting terrestrial animals, who would be unable to con tinue hunting once they had crossed the packing threshold. The domestication of terrestrial plants and animals is primarily a terrestrial response, although there are some exceptions, such as wet rice farming, which is linked to an aquatic biome. Nev ertheless, the vast majority of the hunter-gatherer groups that are discussed in the context o f the origins of agriculture turn out to be groups focused on the intensification of ter restrial species. I also expect that most cases of primary domestication will represent packing responses by terrestri ally adapted peoples.
Many years ago, I invested considerable time and energy in learning about the archaeological sites for which claims about the first exploitation of domesticated species were made (Binford 1966). After that early immersion in data and supporting arguments, I kept up with the subject less attentively. Recendy, 1 thought that it would be interesting to see how thirty years of work by other dedicated researchers had changed what is known about the past and the impor tant issues surrounding agricultures origins.
I scoured the library, combed through bibliographies, ordered books, made copies of journal articles, and began to build a wall of research materials around my desk. I read about many new sites, better field methods, potentially fruitful collaborations between pollen specialists, climatologists, authorities on phytoliths and macroplant materials, and taphonomists. I was impressed by the vast number of new archaeological observations that had accumulated since my initial research in the late 1960s. I discovered that chronologies have been refined and more extensive information about site structure and settle ment systems has been made available. But, as the initial thrill of all the new observations began to fade, I felt a grow ing detachment and intellectual disappointment taking its place. I had so eagerly anticipated a new understanding, a new enlightenment about the causes of change in organized life ways that are documented prior to, during, and after the shifts to cultivation agriculture and pastoralism. Disappointment accompanied my gradual realization that the new observations and the more highly defined pat terning had not produced much change in the ideas of causal process that were being debated and accommodated to these new data. Environmental change, population pressure, and little scenarios about rational human responses to various sit uational stimulisuch as rich resources or dwindling food suppliesseemed old hat and indicated that not much intel lectual change had occurred during the past three decades. It depressed me that archaeologists seemed no closer to hav ing an explanatory theory of intensification than they had been in the 1960s. After examining the contemporary research, I realized that one ideapopulation pressureis discussed by everyone, even by me in this book. It should be clear, however, that in my viewwhich I will label the processual position population pressure (as it is usually conceived) probably does not contribute very much to an understanding of the appearance of horticulture and other adaptive changes. This is not to say that demographic variability is not important or that density-dependent demographic conditions are not central to the issue. It is not necessary here to revisit my argu ment about the packing threshold because I have already dealt with this particular preoccupation of contemporary researchers, and I can therefore move on to several other con temporary postulations that can be critiqued by relevant knowledge already presented in this book. I have singled out for comment four statements about alleged causes or pre conditions of the origins of agriculture that are prominently featured in the contemporary archaeological literature: 1. Sedentism as a cause or necessary precondition (Price and Gebauer 1995:6,8; Smith 1995:211; Watson 1995:37). 2. Environmental richness as a necessary precondition to the adoption of horticulture (Hayden 1995:282-83; Price
andGebauer 1995:7,8; Smith 1987:37). 3. The importance of assumptions about the prior huntergatherer subsistence base as both a cause and an initial condition (Bar-Yosef and Meadow 1995:50). 4. Environmental change as a fundamental causal agent or at least a subsistence destabilizer (Bar-Yosef and Meadow 1995:68). What does my research into variability among huntergatherersthe systemic context out of which horticultural and pastoral systems arosecontribute to the discussion of these four explanatory postulations? Reduced M obility an d Sedentism: Cause or Effect? Many persons writing about hunter-gatherers have tended to think of mobility as the soft underbelly of the foraging way of life. Such a viewpoint frequently assumes that mobil ity is eventually abandoned because hunter-gatherers finally appreciate the obviously superior way of life that sedentism facilitates.5 It is argued that sedentism is the stimulus for inten sification as well as the basis for increasing rates of popula tion growth that further accelerate the intensification process (Harris 1990:19-28,1996:557). Implicit in most of the recent arguments citing Harriss work is an assumption that seden tism is a better or more economical approach to living. This vitalistic, progressive view must give way to the war ranted understanding of the causes of reduced mobility and, ultimately, sedentism demonstrated in chapter 1 1 .1 have clearly shown that hunter-gatherers living at population densities below the packing threshold vary in their group sizes, subsistence bases, patterns of mobility, and labor organiza tion, and they may live in a wide variety of habitats. None of these groups, however, whose populations are below the packing threshold are sedentary. Even among those groups that have exceeded this threshold, feware fully sedentary unless they are aquatic specialists. After packing occurs and mobility is severely constrained, affected groups position their labor units adjacent to resources, and their sites are usuallyorganized in terms of residential units. Prior to reaching the packing threshold, there are only two con texts in which hunter-gatherers are engaged in very little intraseasonal residential mobility. The first is exemplified by Eskimo peoples who are primarily engaged in aquatic resource exploitation with a particular emphasis upon sea mammals. The second applies to those plant-dependent people who live in krw-productivity settings and are dispersed into social units of minimum size (e.g., the dry season settlements of the G/wi). Otherwise, mobility appears to be the mechanism for ensur ing accessible foods year-round among hunter-gatherers whose populations are below the packing threshold, regardless of variability in habitat richness or climatic instability. Constraints on mobility result from intensificational pressures that arise from the presence of increasing numbers
of social units within a region. As each new group establishes its own independent subsistence base, there is an automatic reduction in the mobility options that are now available within the region. As mobility becomes less and less feasible, other ways of ensuring subsistence security are required. Sedentism is the end product of intensificational pressures that render residential mobility obsolete as the primary annual or short-term food procurement strategy. It fre quently occurs in the context of tactics that localize labor at a particular venue, once packing has occurred. At least with regard to cultivation and horticulture, total sedentism would not be expected until a nearly exclusive investment of labor has been made in a single venue for the production of nonmobile food resources. This means, basically, specialized subsistence from cultivated plants that are localized in a single accessible area. I therefore argue that
---------------- Proposition 12.02 ----------------Sedentism is a response to intensificational pressures, as are such strategies as an increased investment of labor in rendering plants edible, an expansion of the temporal usefulness of food resources by means of storage tech niques, the cultivation o f plants them selves, and the selection o f a limited num ber of dom esticated plants for cultivation. At some scale, all of these strategies result from the sam e determinant processes; one is not the cau se of the other.
Environm ental Richness as a Precondition to Horticulture an d Pastoralism I have demonstrated that dramatic changes occur in sys tems relative to the packing threshold constant of9.098 per sons per 100 square kilometers. There is an analogous point of change in the niche effectiveness index at the log10 value of 1.62 for the ratio between observed population density and the density anticipated by the Terrestrial Model Changes reg istered more or less simultaneously relative to the number of times that observed density was divided by the density value stipulated by the Terrestrial Model. Of course, Terrestrial Model densities varied with the accessibility of food in the habitat, so the more people that are anticipated by the model the richer the environment when observed from the per spective of a technologically unaided human actor. Con versely, fewer people were supported in poor habitats. Major cultural changes in group size, mobility, and tech nology did not scale with the quality of the habitat but were instead arrayed relative to a sequence of thresholds related to packing at 9.098 persons per 100 square kilometers. The contrast between initial conditions and achieved differences in population density was a more important indicator of major cultural changes than the actual quality of the habitat, which
probably only affects the rates at which packing and critical levels o f niche effectiveness may occur. Systemic changes and adaptive responses are associated, however, with critical threshold values and not the rates o f change per se. This means that
---- ------------- Generalization 12.05 -----------------It has been argued in this book that group size is homeostatically conditioned and that, given population growth, the expected result is increasing numbers of hunter-gatherer groups. In regions with uninhabited land and in which occu pation is within the techno-informational scope of the par ent population, excess population can be expected to radiate into uninhabited areas. The process of fission would considerably slow the rate at which populations increase and create packed conditions within the subsistence range of the parent population. On the other hand, any condition that would circumscribe the geographic expansion of a growing population, such as the finite size of an island or peninsula or extreme clustering and concentration of basic resources would favor constriction of a group's range and reorganization of its annual subsistence cycle. All of these conditions would speed up the packing process and place constraints on new group formation, other things being equal.7
Insofar as the quality of the habitat for human use is related positively to rates of population growth, it might be expected, other things being equal, that indi cators of intensification would appear earlier in "opti mal" habitats and later in other, less user-friendly settings. The cause of these changes is not population pres sure in the traditional sense of the word but packing, which constrains mobilitythe primary food-getting strategy among nonintensified hunter-gatherers.
As usual, the use of the phrase other things being equal in proposition 12.03 is very important. It is easy to imagine a number of different conditions that could ensure that the demographic state of one group of people relative to the pack ing threshold might be very different from that of others, even if all groups had identical rates of population growth. For instance:
---------------- Proposition 12.04 ----------------Since packing is an achieved state that reflects the number of persons in an area rather than the rate of growth at any given time, differences in the length of time that discrete populations resided in a region could produce different levels of packing at any given time, in spite of identical rates of growth. Similarly, identi cal levels of packing could be found among popula tions with very different rates of growth, depending upon the length of time that each population had resided in the same region. In this way, founder's effects would constitute one set of processes covered by the other things bein g equ al phrase.
The process of intensification is strongly related to habi tat variability insofar as it conditions not only differential rates of population growth but also the spatial properties of habi tats, as I have already suggested. Given the strong links to habi tat variability, it is reasonable to expect that
The temporal sequencing of packing-related events across geographic space should pattern strongly with habitat variability. Other things being equal, packingrelated eventsas well as other density-dependent phenomenashould appear later in settings that are less conducive to high rates of population growth and more quickly in geotopographic settings such as islands, where there are physical constraints on population expansion.
It should be clear that, since packing is an achieved state, comparisons between indicators of rates of population growth need not directly reflect the level of intensification of any system/* A population whose rate of reproductive growth was nearly zero could be under heavy, density-dependent, intensificational pressure, as could a local population whose range was being infringed upon by an intrusive population (Binford 1968), even if its own rate of growth was very low. It is also important to realize that the timing of the onset of packing pressures is relative to the events and conditions occur ring in the regions and land masses adjacent to where a par ticular group resides.
Intensification is a dynamic process in which different lev els of packing pressure result in different responses in different habitats. Depending upon the initial conditions, in some regions intensification results in increased exploitation of ter restrial plants, while in others an increase in the use of aquatic resources is an analogous response. In fact, adapt*tional variability is expected to relate rather directly to habi tat variability. On the other hand, I have isolated several thresholds corresponding to increases in population density that identify points of major adaptational change among
I D E A S , D E R I V A T I V E P A T T E R N I N G , AND G E N E R A L I Z A T I O N S
groups who live in very different habitats but experience similar levels of intensificational pressure. These thresholds indicate where many organizational and behavioral parallels are expected to occur among historically independent devel opmental sequences. These are the flashpoints of change, providing what Steward (1955:11-29) called the parallels between otherwise unrelated sequences, such as the histor ically independent appearance of domesticated plants in very different places. One of my first demonstrations of the utility of frames of reference for archaeological research concerned the geo graphically graded, temporal sequences that provide evi dence of the initial appearance of domesticates in Europe (in chapter 6, see Looking at the Spread of Agropastoralism with Projected Knowledge). The fit in these sequences between chronology and environmental variables was impressive, and I identified what may be an example of niche meta morphosis, by which I meant the appearance of something very different or a new niche. At the time that chapter 6 was written, I did not know about the density-dependent thresh olds demonstrated in figures 10.03,10.04,10.05,10.06, and 11.01.1had suspected that the appearance of new niches could be rapid, but I did not know about the threshold-related responses to packing and growth in group size that are now so well documented. I think it can now be reasonably imagined that these geo graphically graded, temporal sequences do not represent an expansion across Europe of peoples bringing their distinctive languages (Renfrew 1987,19%) and the good newsof domes ticated plants and animals (Cavalli-Sforza 19%). I think the pat tern identified archaeologically is much more likely to represent a graded distribution of differential rates of indigenous population growth in which the disparity is at least partly the result of differences in the length of time that initial human populations were present in central and western Europe. Vari ability in these two conditions alone could result in a geo graphically patterned, temporal sequence corresponding to habitat variability and reflectingdifferences in the timing at which local groups crossed packing and other scalar thresholds!
Proposition 12.06 instantly directs our focus to the ques tion of what are the best habitats for humans. Although I do not address this issue in detail in this book, I have previously made suggestions along these lines (Binford 1983:208-13) and, earlier in this book, I made the following comments:
---------------- Proposition 12.07 ---------------Other things being equal, "optimum security would be possible in environmental settings with minimal tem poral variability in the availability and abundance of potential foods" (proposition 6.01 ).
----------- Proposition 12.08 ---------------Other things being equal, "potential subsistence secu rity will decrease as a direct result of seasonality in pri mary production stemming from either annual periodicity or long-term variability in rainfall or from reduced concentrations of solar radiation at terrestrial locations" (generalization 6.03, proposition 6.02).
It must be acknowledged, however, that for a habitat to be optimal for human reproductive success more than food resources are required. Other factors that affect differential fecundity and mortality are fundamentally important to a con sideration of reproductively optimal habitats. Interesting discussions of these issues are available (Groube 1996; Low 1988,1990), but, to my knowledge, no convincing modeling of the idea of optimal habitats has been attempted (see, however, Binford 1999). From my perspective, pathogen diversity is likely to be sim ilar to other patterns of species diversity in general because the reproductive success of pathogens, like that of other species, is regulated by moisture and temperature. For this reason I would expect that
---------------- Proposition 12.09 --------------- Other things being equal, the greatest disease burden for human beings would be in those settings in which very high and regularly present moisture occurs and where temperatures are unvaryingly high. These con ditions would occur in habitats in which actual vap otranspiration was roughly equal to potential vapotranspiration and the latter was very high. The lowest pathogenic disease load would be expected where temperatures were regularly low and where rainfall was low relative to potential vapotranspiration.
--------------- Proposition 12.06 ---------------Geographic patterning in the temporal appearance of tactics and behaviors reasonably viewed as responses to intensification should vary in regular ways with habitat variability. Other things being equal, earlier dates should be associated with "better" habitats and later dates with less optimal habitats.8 The timing of responses to intensification should also vary with the time that has elapsed since initial human occupation, other things being equal, or with major climatic events that would have depressed the rates of population growth or even resulted in population declines.
If the views summarized in propositions 12.07 and 12.08 are used as approximate guides to modeling the optimal
C H A P T E R 12
4 4!
Isopleth map of western Europe showing modeled reproductive rates. This map is based on weather data from 472 contemporary weather sta tions distributed across the region.
habitats for humans and are then linked to proposition 12.09, it should be clear that the places that offer optimal secu rity in food resources are likely to overlap only partially with those locations in which there is optimal relief from disease. In fact, it is quite likely that
------ -------- Proposition 12.10 ----------------In very dry and very cold settings, the rates of human population growth are primarily food limited. On the other hand, in warm and moist settings, the reinforcing interaction between disease and food limitations ensures that in very-high-biomass, hot, and wet forests rates of population growth are likely to be relatively low.9
If the expectations in proposition 12.10 are sustained, the zones of optimal population growth should occur in cool sub tropical and warm temperate zones, which would be water stressed at the warm end of that range of environments and, at the cool end, somewhat more water rich. It is certainly pos sible to imagine a structured distribution that yields differ ent rates of population growth as a function of habitat variability, but it must be kept in mind that such variability, when examined in greater detail, will also vary with initial founding conditions. Figure 12.03 illustrates the results of using an early-stage model of reproductive rates projected across western Europe, based on data from a total of 472 modern weather stations. It should be said at the outset that the models projections are constrained by three factors: (1) the necessity of using an
incomplete model of reproductive rates, (2) my ignorance of the baseline population levels at the time that biotic condi tions initially stabilized, and (3) inadequate information about how the newly stabilized biotic conditions would have affected rates of population growth. The point here, however, is not the accuracy of the modeled values but the issue of ini tial conditions and the differential buildup of density-depen dent causal conditions. It should be clear that there would have been geographic differences in the effect of density-depen dent pressures across Europe and that, over time, there should have been corresponding differences in the trajecto ries of organizational change as well. Other things being equal, the earliest density-dependent changes should have occurred between Valencia and Barcelona on the southern coast of Spain, as well as in an area (which played a central role in the spread of agriculture into west ern Europe) centered on the Romanian Plain with extensions into the Hungarian Plain and eastward toward the western shore of the Black Sea. The model projects analogously high rates in Turkey, southern Greece, southern Italy and Sicily, and along the northern coast of the Mediterranean between Genoa and Nice (Liguria). North of the Mediterranean zone, reproductive rates are projected to have declined relatively gradually with increases in latitude. The gradual geographic distribution of archaeological phenomena associated with these early rates of population growth would traditionally haw been interpreted as diffusion, and in turn diffusion would have been cited as the explanation for the distribution. I argue that the rates of change of various cultural phe nomena are likely to be contingent upon the interaction of
I D E A S , D E R I V A T I V E P A T T E R N I N G , A ND G E N E R A L I Z A T I O N S
underlying conditioning variables and that so-called diffu sion therefore represents patterns that require explanation rather than sets of phenomena that operate independently of underlying processual dynamics. Graded spatial patterns are most likely to represent the consequences of differential temporal sequencing in the forcing effects of causal processes. In the context of this demonstration, the idea of environ mental richness should take on a different significance. Environments are neither rich nor poor; instead, the inter actions between variables affecting the characteristics of habitat space are responsible for different rates of change in the spatial components of adaptive niches. I have taken some pains to explore the subject of habitat richness as a precondition for the development of cultivation, subsequent horticulture, and pastoralism. To think of rich ness as a property of the environment is simplistic in the extreme since whether or not an environment is considered rich depends very much on ones niche. After all, a rich habi tat for a termite would present a primate with poor pickings indeed. If those who appeal to richness are given the benefit of the doubt on this point, however, the problem of locali ties that are pathogen limited rather than food limited must still be dealt with. Under these conditions, richness would have none of the effects imagined by those who claim it acts as a catalyst in the development of prestige economies. The analytical imperative is to isolate the relationships that must exist at critical thresholds between different temporal and spatial distributions, for it is these relationships that force culture change. I would expect societies that are distributed across major geographic regions to cross the packing thresholdand other critical demographic bound ariesat different times. It is also reasonable to expect that human systems in different habitats will become packed at different rates, some quickly and others much more slowly. Those archaeologists who plot the geographic distribution of material traits that I would identify as responses to pack ing, and then demonstrate a temporal gradient in these traits, and then explain the pattern as a reflection of either diffusion or migration never address the issue of process and the factors that are responsible for the distribution of such responses to intensification as horticultural or pastoral life ways. One might ask why populations should unrelentingly radiate into already occupied subsistence ranges, bringing with them a set of techniques that require less space and can feed more people. It is much more likely that horticultural tech niques would spread rather rapidly across a region in which strong pressures to intensify are at work. If, on the other hand, groups were not under heavy intensificational pressure, the rates of change in subsistence tactics would be quite slow. This is not to say that there are no situations in which populations might expand quite rapidly into new territory. I have already cited the example of the radiation of the mounted hunters
of the North American Great Plains, for whom an extensificational strategy was made possible by transport technol ogy. But it is possible to envision the appearance of new niches that could result in a relatively rapid dispersion of people into areas that were minimally used or unoccupied by hunter-gatherers. Hunter-Gatherer Subsistence Base: Initial Conditions I have repeatedly stressed how much initial conditions con tribute to the different trajectories of change that huntergatherer systems undergo. I have also taken pains to emphasize that differential rates of population growth are not the only ways in which hunter-gatherer systems differ initially. It should be clear by now that another fundamental differ ence that directs the course of change for hunter-gatherers is the composition of their subsistence base, particularly the primary resource that is exploited when packing pressure begins to increase. Sadly, many researchers have ignored the issue of dietary initial conditions beyond pointing out that, prior to the appearance of agriculture, human subsistence was based on hunting and gathering. Similarly, in the not too dis tant past, it was assumed that Pleistocene hunter-gatherers were primarily hunters of large terrestrial animals. One of the longest-lived arguments maintains that environmental changes at the end of the Pleistocene reduced the population levels of animals of large body size (Miller 1992:52) and that hunter-gatherers thereafter pursued a more eclectic, broad-spectrum diet. On the other hand, in regions in which pristine" agri cultural adaptations developed, several researchers have dealt more explicitly with the initial conditions immediately antecedent to the development of agriculture. For instance, Cowan and Watson (1992:209) have observed that archaic economies dependent upon wild plant foods developed dur ing the early Holocene in each of these areas, and in each area the archaic adaptation was dominated by a fewstaple species. Similarly, Bar-Yosef and Meadow (1995:50) note that Most hunter-gatherer diets in middle latitudes and up to 1,500 m above sea level are based on vegetal resources." Clarke (1976) also assumes that the hunter-gatherer societies that became dependent upon cultigens were, initially, predominantly dependent upon plant resourcesan expectation that under lies Rindoss (1984) gradualistic scenario of the domestica tion of plants. I believe that the pattern recognition studies undertaken in this book can provide a relevant comment on these views. First, packingor the patterned reduction in subsistence range arising from a regional increase in populationis a uni versal conditioner of change in both subsistence strategies and the labor base operationaliiing them. Changes in these domains are reflected in a groups size and pattern of mobil ity. I have also shown that technology, gender roles, and the
resources targeted for exploitation respond as linked sets to the packing level of a hunter-gatherer system. The thresholds for the initiation of subsistence shifts occur at different values on the packing or niche effective ness scales, depending upon the initial conditions associated with the primary source of exploited food resources. Groups that are dependent upon terrestrial animal resources appear to respond to packing pressures at a population density level of 1.57 persons per 100 square kilometers.10 When popula tion levels of 9.098 persons per 100 square kilometers are reached, the shift away from primary dependence upon ani mal resources has already occurred and dependence upon either terrestrial plants or aquatic resources has increased cor respondingly. This kind of processual understanding renders the frequendy cited !Kung preference for reliable terres trial plants (Lee 1968:42) not only wrong11 but also totally irrelevant to the achievement o f any realistic understanding of hunter-gatherer variability. The data from my global sample o f hunter-gatherer groups not only correct past inaccuracies but alsowhen they are used analytically to develop patterns between variables demonstrate regularities, such as the fact that the packing threshold coincides with changes in both group size and technology, regardless of habitat variability. There are, at the same time, major correlates between hunter-gatherer habitats, exploited food resources, and the technology used to obtain resources (generalizations 10.10 and 10.13, propo sition 10.13). The greatest contrast in group size and mobil ity patterns occurs between groups that are dependent upon terrestrial animal resources and those who exploit terrestrial plants. Linked to these differences is an extreme bias against terrestrial animals as the primary food resource under packed conditions. It can be argued that
seem to ensure greater rates of change per unit of time. First, group size can be expected to decrease and, even if there is no overall change in the regional pop ulation level, there will be an increase in the number of economically independent groups in the region. Second, as the shift to increased dependence upon plants occurs, range size will also contract. Insofar as there is a restructuring of the population relative to the patch structure of accessible terrestrial plantsand given the preceding conditionsa retraction of pop ulation can be expected from segments of the former range with less accessible plant foods and their con centration at and around the locations where reliable plant foods can be obtained.
The preceding conditions should have the effect of accel erating the consequences of packing, regardless of the role, if any, of population growth per se within the region.
Proposition 12.13
In the case of groups that were originally dependent upon terrestrial animals, the adaptive responses to increased packing that favor a shift from animals to plants accelerate the packing state as a consequence of restructuring to increase plant dependence itself. This "doubling" of effects ensures that the major organiza tional changes among such systems will occur at a more rapid rate.
Proposition 12.14
Proposition 12.11
Other things being equal, packing results in greater and more drastic changes in group size and mobility pat terns among peoples who were initially heavily depen dent upon terrestrial animals (generalization 10.10, proposition 10.14). It might be expected that such changes would also be more rapid,12 and this expec tation is justified by the patterning in figure 10.04. This graph demonstrates that, after a threshold of 1.57 persons per 100 square kilometers is reached, GROUP2 size decreases and no cases survive as dependent upon terrestrial animals once the packing threshold of 9.098 persons per 100 kilometers square is reached.
If packing increases in a region occupied by groups dependent upon terrestrial plants and there are no alternative aquatic resources, the only available response is to increase the dependence upon plants. Normally this tactic involves (1) expanding the diet breadth to include species that increase the net return but are obtained less efficiently, or (2) increasing the labor inputs for processing and incurring the costs associated with building and maintaining facilities, including the costs connected with the storage and logistical transport of resources. These tactics will enable groups to gain time and space utility from highreturn resource patches. In either case, the labor costs increase with intensification.
P roposition 12.12 If the shift in food resources is from terrestrial animals to terrestrial plants, certain consequences occur that
Regardless of which choice groups make and their attendant costs, the likelihood of their producing distinctive archaeological patterning is substantial. Groups that were
I D E A S , D E R I V A T I V E P A T T E R N I N G , AND G E N E R A L I Z A T I O N S
originally dependent upon animal resources go through a twostep process, beginning with rapid change rates that are a con sequence of spatial restructuring, which does not necessarily accompany intensification among groups that were originally plant dependent. Changes in subsistence produce dramati cally different settlement patterns, as do the newly orga nized changes in division of labor and group size. I also would expect major changes in technology. For groups originally dependent upon terrestrial plants, there is only an unrelenting pattern of increasing intensifi cation pressure favoring the extraction of greater net returns from smaller areas that reliably produce plant foods. Tech nological change may be minimal and settlement patterns should indicate reduced mobility, but the overall pattern of land use may appear to be relatively unchanged. Using traditional interpretative conventions, archaeolo gists are likely to infer that the archaeological record produced by a group of hunter-gatherers that is primarily dependent upon terrestrial plants but undergoing an intensificationdriven shift to the use of cultivars reflects culture change with continuity. For groups originally dependent upon terres trial animals, the process begins at much lower population levels but quickly accelerates with intensification. Accom panying the acceleration will be drastic changes in the archae ological record, initially reflecting the major restructuring responses of the shift to plant dependence and, subsequently, to cultivars. If cultivars are accessible from neighboring regions, the change might well be so drastic as to suggest a discontinuity or break with tradition and be interpreted in conventional terms as the replacement of one group by, per haps, an expanding population. If, as I have suggested, the group of interest is one in which hunter-gatherers were originally dependent upon aquatic resources, it is very likely that such a subsistence focus is density dependent and therefore represents an earlier response to packed conditions. Particularly in cooler habi tats, the initial shift from terrestrial animals in response to intensificational pressures would have resulted in increased dependence upon aquatic resources. As pressures to inten sify continue to build and scalar responses become acti vated, experimentation with cultigens seems to represent a simple technique for expanding niche diversity. Subsequent developments could even be more complicated. Finally, in some settings with considerable niche breadth, aquatic resources have already been incorporated into the diet as part of the normal increase in niche breadth associated with increased population density prior to reaching the packing threshold (generalization 11.11). Under such conditions, it is unclear exactly what changes might be expected at the pack ing threshold. I have argued, for instance, that dependence upon aquatic resources is fundamentally a response to pack ing (propositions 10.14, 10.15, and 10.16), but aquatic resources could also be tapped as part of the stabilizing
increase in niche breadth that some groups experience prior to packing. Based on my eth nograph ically documented hunter-gatherer sample, this tactic would be expected in settings with unearned water, or where rivers carry water through regions with little rainfall, or where there are sub stantial internal drainages leading to lakes in otherwise dry settings. It has also been argued that
------------ - Generalization 12.06 ----------------Forests tend to offer less accessible food resources than many other types of plant formations, so in w ell-w atered forest set tings (generalization 1 0 .1 2 ), rivers and streams offer an obvi ous opportunity to expan d n ich e breadth as population increases prior to packing. Such a strategy would stabilize the system and produce an arch aeological record that had con tinuity in both settlem ent locations and the basic materials and tactics o f adaptation.
Under these sets of conditions, the archaeological con sequences of a groups response to the packing threshold are ambiguous, since most of the hunter-gatherers dependent upon aquatic resources in my sample were already packed when they were observed by ethnographers. This led to my argument that dependence upon aquatic resources was a response to packing (propositions 10.15 and 10.16). My assumption still seems justified, since primary dependence is a move toward niche specialization, and, as I have argued, expanding the diet breadth in an aquatic biome is a tech nology-dependent strategy (generalization 10.18). These cases, however, do not tell us much about settings in which terrestrial food alternatives are complementary to aquatic alter natives rather than, strictly speaking, a substitution of one for the other. For example, figure 12.04 (data from Binford 1964) illustrates that the availability of fish increases in the spring, which is also the period of lowest food accessibility in the terrestrial biome (proposition 6.03). I have now encountered a situation in which there appears to be a strong bias in the data from ethnographically docu mented hunter-gatherers. Groups living in packed conditions with a wide niche breadth to which aquatic resources make an important contributionparticularly in forested set tings that have a substantial river drainageare rare in the sample. This seems an excellent opportunity to reason deduc tively from the patterns I have isolated and the theory I haw been building:
C ereal Substitutes
P ril
W S tu rg eo n / 'N C
\ JK \ /
G r a in \
/ L /v I Avv. y
lar Apr May June July
T1 Dec
A $ r
M ar fi
1 2 .0 4
Yearly cycle of abundance for three species of anadromous fish (as well as plants) in the southern Chesapeake Bay region.
I D E A S , D E R I V A T I V E P A T T E R N I N G , AND G E N E R A L I Z A T I O N S
exploitation of aquatic resourcesif they are available will be increased to provide food during that phase of the annual cycle (figure 12.04). If packing has proceeded to the point that there is reduced dependence upon terrestrial ani mals during the nongrowing season in temperate settings, then the tactical response would be to initiate or increase depen dence upon storage. If temperatures are warm during the period in which bulk aquatic resources are accessible or during the storage-dependent months, then there will be a shift to the storage of dried plant seeds to reduce the risk of dis ease from consuming in warm seasons aquatic products that were processed during cold periods but may now be haz ardous to consume (scenario 11.03, equation (11.02), and figure 11.20). , Further increases in population density will force groups to depend increasingly upon terrestrial plants, particularly dried seeds. In this context, a door will open for the inadvertent domestication of plants, as Smith (1995) has argued in the "floodplain weed theory" of domestication. Insofar as domes ticated weeds derive from the same habitat as the one exploited by groups that have reached the packing threshold, this step must be seen as an intensificational response. It is, however, one that will not necessarily lead to a truly new niche, since it represents an expansion or restructuring of niche breadth (proposition 11.03) and would have a stabilizing effect rather than bring about change (propositions 11.02 and 11.11). Concentrating subsistence upon floodplain "weeds" would be the functional equivalent of increasing one's labor investment in the removal of toxins from available, but ini tially inedible, acorns. Such a tactic may increase subsistence security, but it does not necessarily shift a system into a new niche. Given the patterns that have already been demonstrated, in situations in which aquatic resources represent a narrow niche breadth specialization (generalization 11.08)which occurs along the coasts in subtropical and temperate zones or in large river systems in northern temperate regions that lack many terrestrial alternativesone would expect the appearance of settlement hierarchies (proposition 10.04) with "village-hamlet" distributions (Binford 1991b:83) and some social differentiation in terms of wealth (proposition 10.05). Ranking may even occur in such circumstances if post packing pressures to intensify have been significant (propo sition 11.20). Relatively permanent occupancy, substantial houses, andin large settlements where scalar effects have resulted in integrative institutionscommunity buildings and prominent constructions might also be expected to occur. All of these conditions, which are often associated with "complex hunter-gatherers," could precede the appearance of cultivation or the exploitation of domesticated animals. Other things being equal, the "level" of complexity should be a linear function of the log10 values of population density that exceed the packing threshold. The primary qualifier
resulting in variability would be increases in storage depen dence relative to the length of the growing season (proposi tion 11.19). The shorter the growing season, other things being equal, the greater the quantity of resources processed for storage must be. As bulk requirements increase, the num ber of access locations yielding such returns should decrease and the size of the labor force needed to process the resources should increase. These patterns force social differentiation and monopolistic control of access locations.
I cannot emphasize strongly enough the fundamental importance of studying the differences that initial conditions precipitate when a general process is operative across a diver sified sample of adaptive responses. A review of the literature discussing the origins of cultivation and the domestication of plants and animals reveals that, in spite of endless argu ments against linear evolutionary models, most researchers are in fact arguing that their particular sequence or area of expertise provides the correct model or theory of the ori gins of cultivation and domestication. Intellectually, they are offering an event sequence as a model of process even though an event sequence is simply a pattern in need of explanation. Postulations about dynamics do not equal process. The term process refers to the underlying causal factors that condition dynamics, whereas theories consist of relational statements about the necessary patterns of interaction and synergy among variables that would produce event sequences. It is a common misconception to believe that a single, clear, descriptive event sequence provides a prototype for all examples, but this assumption is simply wrong. Archaeolo gists should expect a wide range of variability in the paths to cultivation and domestication. Only through comparative study and theory building about underlying processes such as intensification can we even begin to explain the event sequences in the archaeological record and to anticipate when events will and will not happen. It is not uncommon for archaeologists to argue that an observed change in the archaeological record could be a response to environmental change or population pressure. When these alternatives are appealed to, the term stress m od el is frequently used to label the argument (Hayden 1995:289). I have tried to develop an argument that exposes the explana tory poverty o f th e population pressure argum ent by focus ing on the process o f intensification, in which increases in
po pulation d ensity are on ly on e co m p o n en t. Argum ents that focus exclusively o n population pressure stress food shortages and overexploitation o f the food supply, but it should be clear that the packing argum ent points to lim ita tions on m obility that create population densities that force hunter-gatherers to intensify. Overexploitation of the food supply is conspicuously absent in my argum ent.
C H A P T E R 12
---------- Scenario 12.02 --------------------Given the necessary links between the habitat and the fun damental energetic infrastructure of a cultural system, it is hard to imagine that packing or any other aspect of system state conditions would remain unaffected by climatic change. The synergy between changes in climate and human adap tive responses ensures that demographic and climatic dimen sions will not act alone, nor will they present themselves as simple alternative causes. It is imperative to understand in more detail the character of the interactive process between habitat change and adaptive response, when the system state is expected to represent a set of varying initial conditions.
------------- ---- Problem 1 2 .0 1 -------- Anticipating the scale as well as the character of responses to differing degrees of climatic change, given varying initial system state conditions prior to the climatic event, is a theory building challenge.
14,000 b . p and in five40,000 years ago. I was very excited when I learned about the Brysons' research, because all of the equations that were developed for the environmental variables presented in chapters 4 and 5, as well as those that project information from the hunter-gatherer variables, depend upon values for mean monthly rain fall, temperature, and elevation. With the Brysons procedure, I can provide estimates of the habitat variables developed in this booksuch as net aboveground productivity, length of the growing season, amount of snow accumulation, and plant biomassby two-hundred- and five-hundred-year intervals projected 40,000 years into the past. Similarly, it is possible to project summary information about huntergatherers not only onto space using information from present climates (as I did in chapter 6 for Europe and for the earth in chapters 5 and 6)but also onto climatic sequences at particular places. Doing this provides a picture of how hunter-gatherers as we know them would respond to specific climatic changes. I have chosen to illustrate this capability using data from two locations: (1) Jerusalem, which represents the upland region adjacent to the Dead Sea basin that has been studied by Bar-Yosef and Meadow (1995), and (2) the Zagros region, represented by the site of Zeribar, where available pollen samples have provided clues to past environments in the vicinity of the archaeological sites of Jarmo, Karim, Palegawra, Shahir, and Zarzi. The two graphs in figure 12.05 illustrate the relationships between three different variables at these two locations: (1) potential vapotranspiration (PET), or the total amount of water in millimeters that could be evaporated or transpired if unlimited water was available at the location; (2) mean annual rainfall (CRR), or the total amount of rain fall in millimeters that fells annually, and (3) the amount of rainfall that occurs as runoff in either rivers, lakes, or other bodies of water (RUNOFF) and is lost to the botanical habitat. On both graphs, three vertical shaded columns repre sent major glacial episodes at the close of the Pleistocene. The column farthest to the left marks the interstadial episode between stages 3 and 2 of the oxygen isotope glacial sequence. The wide column that occurs between 24,000 and 15,000 years ago identifies the most recent glacial period, which reached its maximum at approximately 18,000 years ago. The third column identifies the Younger Dryas episode, which in the Near East occurred between approximately 11,350 and 10,000 years ago.15 In the Levant, two other climatic episodes are important in local sequences, and these are identified by short, more lightly shaded columns on either side of the Younger Dryas. In graph A (Jerusalem), these columns are labeled "increasing rain-A, to indicate a climatic regime particular to the Mediterranean Levant, according to Bar-Yosef and Meadow ( 1995:44).
the present backw ards in tim e to hundred-year intervals thereafter to
Date (RCYBP)
Date (RCYBP)
FIGURE 12.05
Paired property space graphs comparing the values of three reconstructed environmental variables at Jrusalem, Israel (A), and Zeribar, Iran (B).
C H A P T E R 12
Some of the complexity in the interaction between rainfall and temperature is clearly demonstrated by a comparison of the two graphs in figure 12.05. For instance, there are interesting contrasts between the graphs for the interstadial that occurred between 30,000 and 27,000 years ago. There was a pronounced rise in temperature (PET) at Jerusalem and a corresponding decrease in rainfall (CRR), even though there was an increase in runoff (RUNOFF). This situation appears contradictory but results from a shift to winter rainfall at Jerusalem during the peak of the interstadial. The graph indicates that runoff was greatest at Jerusalem during and immediately following the interstadial, whereas the pattern is reversed at Zeribar, where most runoff occurred during glacial events. Figure 12.06 provides a further appreciation of how basic variability in weather translates into differences over time in the character of the plant communities at Jerusalem and Zeribar. Perhaps the first notable feature is that the two peri ods of increased rainfall that are said to have occurred only in the Mediterranean zone of the Levant are shown to have anticipated periods of increased rainfall and runoff at
Jerusalem (figure 12.05, graph A) but did not translate into increased plant productivity at this location! This situation is the result of a simultaneous increase in temperature that actually offset the effects of increased rainfall and resulted in greater evaporation and transpiration per unit of available water and therefore less productivity within the plant com munity. The difference in millimeters between the PET line and the CRR line on graph A is some measure of reduced pro ductivity. The importance of these differences is shown by a com parison with figure 12.05, graph B (Zeribar), in which rain fall actually exceeded PET values between 14,000 and 11,400 b.p . and again between 10,000 and 8,000 b .p ., after which PET reversed and exceeded CRR by about 95 millimeters of water. These differences in conditions are responsible for the dra matic drop in net aboveground productivity at Jerusalem illus trated in figure 12.06, even though productivity at Zeribar increased throughout the Younger Dryas, except for a dip between 10,000 and 8,000 b .p ., when potential vapo transpiration exceeded rainfall.
Date (RCYBP)
FIGURE 12. 0 6
A property space graph comparing projected net aboveground productivity at Jerusalem, Israel, and Zeribar, Iran, arrayed over 40,000 years. Marker is for season of greatest rainfall: (1) spring, (2) summer, (3) fall, and (4) winter.
I D E A S , D E R I V A T I V E P A T T E R N I N G , A ND G E N E R A L I Z A T I O N S
The most striking difference in the comparison in figure 12.06 of climatic regimes at Jerusalem and Zeribar concerns the overall climatic pattern, which is almost totally reversed. This means that when productivity in the plant community was high at Jerusalem it was low at Zeribar. Plant productivity at Zeribar was highest during the interstadial and immedi ately after the last glacial event, but then it dropped regularly between 8,000 and 3,000 years ago. At Jerusalem, plant pro ductivity was highest during glacial events and dropped dra matically during the interstadial. It also dropped dramatically at the end of the increasing rain-A period that terminated about 11,400 years ago and signaled the beginning of the Younger Dryas, during which productivity at Jerusalem dropped to its all-time low. At Zeribar, however, productiv itywas higher during the Younger Dryas than during any other postglacial period. According to the environmental reconstruction I have presented here, there is little doubt that conditions at Zeribar were very different from those at Jerusalem. In spite of the differences in both sequences, however, gross chronological markerssuch as the interglacial, the last glacial maximum, the periods marked increased rain, and the Younger Dryas do identify recognizable climatic episodes. In fact, the fit between the episodes that were identified by independent researchers working in the Jerusalem area (Bar-Yosef and Meadow 1995:44) and those produced by reconstructing climatic patterns are quite remarkable, and this congruence encourages a serious consideration of the reconstructed sequences. Nevertheless, my concern is not with reconstructed envi ronments per se but with the issue of how a knowledge of hunter-gatherersprojected by means of environmentally based equations to the changing climates indicated in the reconstructed sequencesmay enlighten us about the archae ological remains recovered from the Near East and any other area. There is also the possibility that, by using the techniques described in this book, new things will be learned by observ ing howthe worldthat we know responds to condensed climatic changes that neither we nor the hunter-gatherers in my data set have ever experienced. It should be kept in mind that
----------------- Generalization 12 .0 7 ----------------The equations in this book are completely reversible, so that, for instance, the environmental conditions that are related to small group size will yield small size projections whenever the appropriate environmental conditions are encountered, regardless of sequence. The second feature of the hunter-gatherer equations is that most include all of the cases in my data setthe mobile peoples as well as the intensified groupsand therefore the environmental corre lates of intensification are also built into the equations devel oped early in the book.
I certainly expect that many changes are likely to be irre versible in the world of evolutionary processes. Under cer tain selective conditions, the coping strategies of hunter-gatherer groups are likely to have failed, causing them to disappear or change in ways that would have made it impossible to return to the niche they had occupied prior to the onset of destabilizing processes. When archaeologists have seen directional change in cultural deposits, if it has not appeared to reverse direction, we have assumed that change itself was irreversible. Now the hunter-gatherer projections can tell us when, other things being equal, conditions should have reversed. We can then refer to the archaeological record, which can tell us when and if they did not. Using our prior knowledge as a frame of reference opens up many new research opportuni ties, and we should be able to discern whenand in response to what magnitude of climatic changestress would be an appropriate way to define the selective context of a system. What should the archaeological record at Jerusalem and Zeribar look like when we project our knowledge of nearly contemporary hunter-gatherers onto the environmental changes reconstructed for these locations? In figure 12.07, graph A displays the projected population density anticipated by the Terrestrial Model at Jerusalem. Graph B refers to the same location, but the projection is based on the scale of ego centric social networks and correlated levels of mobility of the mobile hunter-gatherer cases in my global sample. The variable NETP1 is calculated from projected values for the total ethnic population and for the area used by the total eth nic population,16 yielding an inverse value for the percent age of the total ethnic population utilizing an area of 100 square kilometers. High values of NETP1 indicate large ethnic areas and lower values indicate small ethnic areas. High values can be interpreted as an indication of the presence of extensive egocentric social networks that in ethnographic contexts are associated with moderate to high mobility. Low values, on the other hand, suggest trends toward a cellular distrib ution of ethnic groups. These values are correlated with packing in such a way that an NETP1 value of 91.42 is the mean of all packed hunter-gatherer cases. The mean value of all nonpacked hunter-gatherer cases is 99.126 1.74. For all practical purposes, as values decrease from 99.0, intensification pressures are mounting. By the time the values are reduced to 91.42, there is a greater than 75 percent chance that the packing threshold has been reached. If networks exist beyond this point, they tend to be socially negotiated networks main tained among representatives" of social or ethnic groups or specialists of various types. ^ Perhaps the first observation of interest in figure 12,07 is that in graph A the Terrestrial Model anticipates that prior to approximately 10,000 B.P., when cultivation is suspected to have begun, the primary food resources consisted of a
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roughly equivalent mix of both terrestrial plant and animal resources. During the earlier interglacial, hunter-gatherers are projected to have been primarily dependent upon terrestrial plants. An unstable period in which shifts between plants and animals occurred is anticipated from the earliest increasing rain-A period through the Younger Dryas, after which dependence upon terrestrial plants is anticipated. I have already argued in propositions 12.11,12.12,12.13, and 12.14 that such a change could be rapid and dramatic, and it is inter esting that at least some of the anticipated events appear to have actually happened, at least during the period from about 14,000 B .P . until the present. The shift to plant cultivation represents an extreme form of dependence upon terrestrial plants (proposition 12.14). In this instance, however, the players were not the minimal ist hunter-gatherers stipulated by the Terrestrial Model but were instead groups that had abandoned mobility as their pri mary food-getting strategy and substituted an increased investment of labor in food production and infrastructure. The Terrestrial Model also assumes technologically unaided, minimally performinghumans and, given technological aids, we might expect a greater dependence upon terrestrial ani mals than the model allows. In graph B of figure 12.07, the points are coded with subsistence expectations projected from nearly contemporary hunter-gatherers. As anticipated, during the six thousand years prior to the transition to plant cultivation, groups that were primarily dependent upon ter restrial animal resources are projected to have occupied the area around Jerusalem.18 This projection is at odds with the assumptions and inter pretations that have guided researchers in the region (BarYosef and Meadow 1995:50), particularly the view that the hunter-gatherers who were transformed into intensified cul tivators of plants were originally primarily dependent upon terrestrial plants. It is possible that the peoples who first practiced cultivation were previously hunters who responded to intensificational pressures by shifting to a greater depen dence upon plants and then simply extended their exploita tion of plants to cultivation. Propositions 12.11 through 12.14, generalization 12.02, and proposition 12.01 deal with the rapidity of change when hunters become intensified and could be germane to areas of the Levant, particularly areas north of Jerusalem, at the critical period between 10,000 and 11,400 years ago.19 An understanding of initial conditions and adaptive dif ferences among hunter-gatherer systems is crucial to any considerations of system change, but when we shift our attention to the change events themselves, as documented archaeologically, many frames of reference become avail able to use in our research. These include the frame of ref erence provided by reconstructed climatic conditions, the one provided by modern environments as they vary with climatic conditions, and the frame of reference provided by our
knowledge of the adaptive variability of contemporary hunter-gatherers and the ways in which their behavior dif fers according to environmental conditions. The Terrestrial Model anticipates dramatic adaptive responses among hunter-gatherers during the last glacial period. At that time, a population of approximately one person per 100 square kilometers is projected for techno logically unaided hunter-gatherers and, beginning at about 16,000 years ago, the expected population drops precipi tously to an absolute low20 just at the end of the Younger Dryas episode. At that timeif the Terrestrial Model can be accepted as an indicator of a user-friendly environmenthuntergatherers would have had great difficulty making a living along the upland western border of the Jordan River valley. This is strong support for the contention that the stress model is germane in this region, despite strong criticism (Hayden 1995:286-88). In the archaeological sequence on the eastern side of the Jordan valley, the Natufian sequence appears between 11,000 and 12,000 years ago,21 corresponding to an upturn in pop ulation at the end of the oldest increasing rain-A period just prior to the Younger Dryas (during the Younger Dryas itself, there are no dated archaeological remains). At the low point of die plot of population density in figure 12.07, graph A, cor responding to the beginning of the most recent increasing rain-A period, the prepottery Neolithic A appears. During the latter half of this era, prepottery Neolithic B predominates. The patterns in figure 12.07 make the case that environ mental changes must have strongly affected the hunter-gatherers living in the region during the time that archaeological remains from the Natufian to prepottery Neolithic B were deposited. Since it is already known that rainfall increased during the increasing rain-B period, it is reasonable to ask why huntergatherer population density in the region is projected to be so low. The answer is that at the beginning of the Younger Dryas a shift is predicted from summer to winter rainfall (figure 12.06) with more runoff and therefore less water available to drive production in the plant community. This projected shift corresponds exactly with the reported history of the Dead Sea: the Dead Sea began ca. 15,000 years ago, during a period with a low runoff/evaporation ratio, which indicated a dry climate. Shortly after this, pluvial conditions caused the lake to rise, reaching its maximum between 12,000 and 10,000 b .p . and continuing to ca 6,500 B.P., when desic cation ensued (Goldberg 1994:90). Near the end of the Younger Dryas, there should have been many new springs and seeps that would have made water much more available along Iordans western bonier with the Dead Sea basin. Maximum runoff is indicated toward the end of the Younger Dryas and during the first half ol the increasing rain Bwperiod, which coincides exactly with the appearance of prepottery Neolithic A. As Waterbolk
C H A P T B R 12
(1994:358) notes, traditionally, the Jordan Valley... is asso ciated with PPNA. In data projected from the mobile hunter-gatherers in figure 12.07, graph B, an overall reduction in the scale of net works that is positively autocorrelated with reduced mobil ity is projected by NETP1 and is consistent with a general pattern of anticipated intensification. There are, however, sev eral other features of this graph that demand attention. For instance, during two major glacial periods (from 40,000 to 36,000 b.p. and from 24,000 to 17,000 B .P .), subsistence is pro jected to be dominated by aquatic resources.22 Nevertheless, populations are projected to be highly mobile and to main tain only slightlyless extensive networks than during the interstadial and the interglacial. As I have said many times, the use of aquatic resources is a response to intensification (propo sition 10.16). The projection for aquatic resources should therefore be read as a consequence of the interaction between cool climates and the preliminary responses to intensifica tion that are anticipated among groups dependent upon terrestrial animal resources (proposition 10.14). It should be noted that archaeological remains associated with glacial periods are generally rare in the Levant region. If we consider only dated sites, then the controversial Early Ahmarian and the Levantine Aurignacian assemblages occurred during interstadial or interglacial periods with onlytwo possible exceptions, Boker A and Ein Agev, both of which are at the very end of glacial events. This pattern is not conclusive, but it suggests that large populations were never coincident with the glacial events occurring to the north. Consistent with low population levels, a similar lack of sites also occurs in the Jordan basin, where the best-dated site sug gesting occupancy during a glacial period is Ohalo II (BarYosef and Meadow 1995:54; Waterbolk 1994:355), a lakeside settlement near the Sea of Galilee. It is quite possible that, instead of the region having been occupied during glacial events by highly stressed local populations of hunter-gath erers who were dependent on terrestrial animal resources, it experienced a marked decline in population. In such a sce nario, only small pockets of hunter-gatherers survived in relatively unique refugia such as the Ohalo II site, where waterfowl and other aquatic species are represented in the deposits. During both glacial eras, the mean effective temperature (ET) values during these cool periods are estimated to have been between 12.9 and 13.10C during the maximum. These ET values are approximately the contemporary tempera ture equivalents of the area in North America from the Washington-Oregon border down to central Oregon, or along the east coast near Philadelphia.23 Nonpacked ethno graphic cases located in analogous settings and tempera tures would be the Honey Lake Paiute of northern California and the Gosiute of northern Utah. In Europe, a comparable temperature zone extends across France from the French-
Italian border at the Mediterranean coast to the mouth of the Loire on the Atlantic coast. The values estimated for Jerusalem do not correspond to glacial conditions but the temperatures were approxi mately 5C lower than current mean annual temperatures in the region. This is sufficient to have replicated, in parts of the Levant, the major shifts in subsistence documented among contemporary hunter-gatherers at an ET value of approxi mately 12.75, which is the terrestrial plant threshold. Many other dramatic changes in technology and group size are also clustered just prior to and around this threshold (proposi tions 10.02 to 10.09 and 10.20 to 10.23, and also generaliza tions 10.15 to 10.22). The important question at this juncture is whether similar changes occurred in the Levant during Pleis tocene glacial events or whether the region became largely devoid of population.
Proposition 12.15
At 18,000 years ago, the world certainly had fewer people than the global population of 7,032,402 huntergatherers that was projected in chapter 5 to have occurred at approximately 11,000 to 12,000 b . p . We must imagine a patchily inhabited world in which large, uninhabited areas separated localizations of very mobile, adaptively successful populations that exploited extensive areas in order to maintain their sub sistence security.
In figure 12.07, graph B, packed conditions are projected as possible for the first time at approximately 16,900 bjp. Based on NETP1 values, this projection is best understood as indi cating that populations were likely to have been higher than at the earlier low, which occurred at 17,250 years bj. It should be kept in mind that projections from modem huntergatherer data are not processual but represent, quite literally, the peopling of habitat space with conditions experienced by more nearly contemporary peoples. These conditions are projected instantaneously and not processually. This means that when packing actually occurred is not necessarily the same as when it could have occurred, based on projections from environmental conditions correlated with population den sity data from nearly contemporary hunter-gatherers. The pro jection of packed conditions between 13,150 and 1 6,750 b . p . does, nevertheless, suggest that conditions may have been con ducive to population growth over those 3,500 years, follow ing what were most certainly low population levels during the last glacial maximum.24 Archaeological sequences in the Near East first provide evi dence of packed conditions in the coastal zone north of Jerusalem at the end of the first increasing rain A" period at approximately 11,700 years b.p . and continuing into the early years of the Younger Dryas. These sequences are called the
I D E A S , D E R I V A T I V E P A T T E R N I N G , A ND G E N E R A L I Z A T I O N S
early Natufian at Ain Mallaha and Hayonim (Byrd 1994:218) and are characterized by well-defined houses, storage pits, and a rich and diverse archaeological assemblage. These deposits correspond to a high spike in packing indicators and a reduc tion in egocentric networks (figure 12.07, graph B, NETP1 = approximately 89). Events thereafter are dramatic: NETP1 estimates rise precipitously, indicating higher mobility and an increased probability of egocentric networks during the late Natufian: Radiometric dates, stratified sites, and addi tional archaeological traits indicate that a subdivision into early and late Natufian is of crucial importance. Early Natufian base camps are characterized by semi-subterranean dwellings. Late Natufian sites have yielded flimsier remains (Bar-Yosef and Meadow 1995:55-56). The environmental changes between the early and late Natufian that are suggested by the environmental recon structions lead me to expect that recently packed hunter-gatherers would try to increase their mobility and explore previously avoided areas to see if conditions were better than those where they were localized. Their world had changed and the conditions of stability upon which their strategic planning depended were no longer reliable. If the reliability of persons in positions of leadership was questioned, the result would be group fission (Binford 1991a), but if conditions were causing subsistence stress, mobility would still appear to be a reasonable alternative to coping with decreasing returns where one was tethered.25 The archaeo logical record of the late Natufian appears to represent the generic hunter-gatherer response to stress: the dispersal of pop ulations in search of better conditions, particularly those who, at the onset of the environmental changes, had been pri marily, or at least heavily, dependent upon terrestrial a n i m a l s (generalization 10.10, proposition 10.14), which, after all, were experiencing severe stress themselves. Events in the Levant are of crucial importance between the early Natufian and the appearance of prepottery Neolithic A immediately following the Younger Dryas. Projections based on the mobile hunter-gatherer cases in my global sample unequivocally anticipate a return to maximum mobil ity and extensive egocentric networks. The archaeological record instead documents a period of settlement instability which suggests that institutionalized networks were no longer operationalfollowed by intensification and the appear ance of a new niche in the region. In order to arrive at a different perspective on the preceding projected events and archaeological sequences, projections of the variable NETP2 were calculated, using a completely dif ferent set of hunter-gatherer cases that were sedentary or semisedentary at the time of ethnographic observation. When the equations derived from these cases were projected onto the environmental sequence from Jerusalem, a simple dichoto* mous classification of high and low values resulted. Values of zero indicated hyperpacked conditions during the inter-
stadial and the period following the end of the Younger Dryas. Values fluctuating into the range projected for mobile peoples in graph B of figure 12.07 were very close to 99.12 and only slightly higher than values for the cases during the glacial events. Both sets of higher values were indicative of mobile hunter-gatherers. These results are remarkable since, with two very different subsets of hunter-gatherer cases, I obtained reinforcing results regarding the important role of the Younger Dryas as the switching point between mobile and hyperintensified hunter-gatherers. That these projected conditions represent stress indicators is supported by the archaeological record. It seems clear that in the Jerusalem area the climatic effect of the Younger Dryas would have destabilized hunter-gatherer adaptations, particularly for those groups that were close to or beyond the packing threshold. Such an event sequence is consistent with an open systems viewpoint, which main tains that equilibrium systems never evolve to the point of emergence or a state of criticality, because this state is precipitated by variables that vary independently of the homeostatic organization of a system. Although demogra phy operates independently of the homeostatically orga nized relationships between group size and mobility among generic hunter-gatherers, adaptations adjust to climatic vari ability across geographic space. The ranges of variability that adaptations are able to accommodate, however, are likely to be a function of the scale of the subsistence area avail able to hunter-gatherers and the range of climatic variabil ity that a dynamic steady state can tolerate. My observation in chapter 2 is relevant in this context:
Generalization 1 2 .0 8 ------------------------------------
The tactics and strategies guiding human adaptive behaviors are based on projections from past experience. In turn, the success of planned strategies and tactics is a function of stability in the variables that are assumed to be similar to past experiences.
C H A P T E R 12
One can imagine that there would be a high level of entropy during these chaotic episodes and that many more decisions would be made at the level of smaller group seg ments, which would result in considerable diversity in the responses to the disaster. Are there any clues about the steps that might be taken to produce a positive adaptive readjust ment following a systemically critical state? Logic tells us that the answer lies in the discovery of a new but nevertheless sim ilar habitat that allows hunter-gatherers to translate their prior knowledge to a different set of habitat conditions. For instance, in the context of discussing the abnormally large GROUP2 sizes of contemporary arctic peoples in chap ter 9,1mentioned that the occurrence of the last Thule cul tural materials in North America is coincident with the onset of cooler conditions in the Arctic Sea. As a result, once open sea leads in which whales were able to breathe dur ingthe winter were closed following the formation of deeper sea ice. Thule culture had been based on whale hunting and the storage of whale meat and blubber on land for winter use, and substantial Thule winter houses had dotted the high arc tic coastal areas. Climatic change ensured that continued
attempts to hunt whales and store their meat would bring the Thule way of life to a precipitous end, so these hunters very quickly reorganized their subsistence efforts and established themselves in snow houses that were situated on the sea ice during the winter. From this vantage point they could exploit the regions seal population from facilities at seal breathing holes. Climatic change had ensured that the old, reliable, sub sistence techniques would fail, but the new adaptation was presumably based on prior knowledge that remained germane regardless of climatic changes that (fortunately for the Thule) did not affect seals as radically as they did whales. I think it is reasonable to view the appearance of the pre pottery Neolithic A as a similar translation of germane prior knowledge to the context of a new habitat. I also suspect that this process was not undertaken by the same social units that had occupied the earlier Natufian settlements characterized by substantial houses and storage pits. The integrity of those settlements almost certainly dissolved in the context of habi tat uncertainty during the Younger Dryas, and it is also quite likely that the prepottery Neolithic A was not the only successful response to the Younger Dryas. It is likely that
I v \
lV ',
1 2 . 08
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Modeled population density of hunter-gatherer systems and environmental conditions at Zeribar, Iran, over the past 40,000 years, bated on reconstructed climatic variables, Marker is for season of greatest rainfall: (1) spring/ (3) fall, and (4) winter.
I D E A S , D E R I V A T I V E P A T T E R N I N G , AND G E N E R A L I Z A T I O N S
uncertainty resulted in many instances of subsistence inse curity, lower reproductive rates, and, in some situations, higher disease and nutritional stress, depending upon the char acter of earlier responses to dramatic climatic changes. It is unlikely that the apparently packed, regional demo graphic patterns that characterized the early Natufian lasted very long in the Younger Dryas. Instead, mobility may well have become a viable alternative for some of the survivors, particularly in the late Natufian. I think the indications that, at the end of the Younger Dryas, plants were cultivated around the increased number of soaks and springs along the east side of the Jordan valley represent a translation of knowl edge from prior experience to new, very different habitat con ditions. A new niche had appeared in the region that changed not only plants but also the way foragers in many regions responded to intensificational pressures. This new opportunity resulted in a restructuring of the population in the region and a relatively quick filling of the niche space (propositions 10.12,12.12, and 12.14). In the search for further insights into the role that climatic change plays in human adaptations, I now shift my focus to the area surrounding Zeribar Lake in western Iran. This venue is approximately 1,180 kilometers northeast of Jerusalem, at an elevation of 1,300 meters. Given that Jerusalem is con siderably south of Zeribar and has an elevation of only 760 meters, it can be assumed that the habitats surrounding Zeribar Lake and Jerusalem were very different. In figure 12.06, graphs A and B, I demonstrated that the patterns of pro ductivity at these two sites were radically different from one another, and this pattern of dissimilarity continues. When figure 12.08 is compared with graph A in figure 12.07, the popula tion densities projected for these two sites by the Terrestrial Model show the same reversal of pattern that was noted in net aboveground productivity in figure 12.06. The Zeribar estimates in figure 11.08 indicate that over all population density is almost half that of Jerusalem. This point is underscored by the projection that, during the glacial phases between 40,000 and 34,000 b .p ., and again between 24,000 and 16,500 B.P., the region was uninhabited. A further contrast is observed in the estimates of increasing popula tion density in Zeribar between 15,000 and 6,000 b .p ., while the opposite pattern is indicated for Jerusalem. In addition to these differences, it is important to note that no snow accu mulation was projected for Jerusalem. In figure 12.09, however, it is clear that in Zeribar snow accumulation could be measured in millimeters, except dur ing the last 4,000 years, when no snowaccumulation occurred. In both Zeribar and Jerusalem, it would seem, the Younger Dryas was a period of considerable climatic instability, but only in Zeribar were there alternating periods of high and low snow accumulation. In Zeribar, however, there do not appear to have been any human populations present to experience the instability.
The archaeological sequence in this region is very spotty at high altitudes. Hole (1996:263-64) notes that Zarzian materials, as those of the local Epipaleolithic are called, are present just prior to 15,000 b . p . at altitudes above 1,000 meters. Thereafter, a gap occurs and no archaeological mate rials are found at high altitudes until approximately 8 ,0 0 0 b .p . At lower altitudes, however, a local variant of the prepottery Neolithic sequence occurs, termed the Mlefatian, during which a change from round to rectangular houses took place prior to the first ceramics (Kozlowski 1994:255-58). At lower altitudes, clearly intensified hunter-gatherer occupations appear to begin during the close of the Younger Dryas (Hole 1996:264). They seem to have been restricted to a relatively narrow band of elevation between 300 and 850 meters, which is considerably below Zeribar. One of the big differ ences between this area and Jerusalem is the timing of the major changes in archaeological continuity and the demo graphic scale of the projected populations. In the Jerusalem area, most of the action begins prior to the Younger Dryas with the early Natufian, but there is noth ing comparable to this in the Zeribar region, at either higher or lower elevations. The appearance of the prepottery Neolithic A in the vicinity of Jerusalem immediately after die Younger Dryas corresponds roughly to the aceramic Mlefa tian in Zeribars lower altitudes, but there is no equivalent of the prepottery Neolithic B in this region. The higher altitudes around Zeribar seem to be uninhabited during this period as well, and it is only later, between 6 ,0 0 0 and 8 ,0 0 0 b .p ., that setdements with remains of domesticated species occurred at high altitudes. Local events in Jerusalem have been successfully antic ipated by using equations that simultaneously project the likelihood of high mobility and large, egocentric social networks (NETP1) based on nonpacked hunter-gatherer cases. Using reconstructed climatic data, I have organized similar projections for Zeribar in the graphs in figure 12.10, and these differ significandy from the patterns for Jerusalem in figure 12.07, graph B. In the latter area, there were indi cations of population growth and steps in the direction of packing during the sequence, whereas in figure 12.10, graph A, NETP1 values for the entire sequence are considerably higher than the mean value for mobile hunter-gatherers (99.1256). This suggests that population density was far lower than 0.3 person per 100 square kilometers, an estimate that was anticipated by Terrestrial Model densities (figure 12.08). Projected values in this range are consistent with a largely uninhabited region and are supported by archaeological evidence. Beginning at around 7,000 b .p ., NETP1 values drop to the middle and lower part of the 98.0 range, which is roughly coincident with a shift in the region to winter rain fall (figure 12.10, graph B) and an eight-month growing season. Although this is the juncture at which we might
Younger Dryas
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FIGURE 1 2 . 0 9
Modeled snow accumulation at Zeribar, Iran, over the past 40,000 years, based on reconstructed climatic variables. Marker identifies the dominant sources of food anticipated by the Terrestrial Model: (h) animals, (m) mixed sources, and (u) uninhabited.
expect mobile hunter-gatherers to radiate into this region, the archaeological sequence at lower altitudes indicates that only already intensified peoples represented by the aceramic Neolithic were poised for radiation. The appearance of sites in the higher altitudes does reflect a radiation, but one by groups whose previously established adaptation at lower altitudes now worked at higher elevations. Processes of climatic change had made the region more user-friendly' for this established niche and it had expanded geographically (figure 12.08), so whereas the Zeribar region tells us nothing relevant to a shift from hunting and gather ingto a new niche, it does reveal something important about
from these critical values ensure that the niche cannot be directly transferred to a new area. Environmental change can, however, trigger niche radiation once the limiting variables reach nonlimiting values.
----------- Proposition 1 2 .17 ------The successful radiation of a particular adaptive niche depends upon the presence of a critical set of values for a suite of fundamental environmental variables that tend to define the basic conditions for, and the outer limits to, successful functioning of the niche. Deviations
Since my examination of Jerusalem and Zeribar was so instructive, I could not resist the temptation to introduce another site to see what might have happened at a location for which the projected initial conditions predicted that the primary food resources would have come from terrestrial plants. I chose to examine the site of Khartoum in the Sudan, since it is close enough to the equator to be well beyond the zone in which hunter-gatherers were primarily dependent upon terrestrial animals. In figure 12.11, graphs A and B illus trate several features of the history of Khartoum, beginning with the fact that, during the Pleistocene, viable human populations that were dependent upon locally earned resources could not have existed in the region. The first suc cessful occupation is projected to have occurred after 11,400
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I D E A S , D E R I V A T I V E P A T T E R N I N G , AND G E N E R A L I Z A T I O N S
y e a r s b .p w h e n h u n te r - g a th e r e r s m ig h t h a v e b e e n e x p e c t e d , a lt h o u g h a t v e r y l o w p o p u la t i o n d e n s it ie s a n d a t l o w le v e ls o f n ic h e e ff e c t iv e n e s s .
Archaeological deposits in the Khartoum area have yielded no evidence of human presence between 80,000 B.P. and the appearance of the Khartoum Complex at approximately 9,300 b .p . (F. Wendorf, pers. comm. 1998), at which point it occurs over a wide area and in a fully developed state (Clark 1984:115). In other words, there is a nearly perfect fit between the archaeological record and the environmental reconstructions, integrated by means of my hunter-gatherer projections. The appearance of the archaeological remains in Khartoum apparently documents a niche radia tion similar to the one at Zeribar, but with differences that are due to the character of the niche and the prior state of the systems that occupied the niche.
------------------ Scenario 12.03 ------------------Archaeologists have tended to think of migrations as ethnic phenomena, although radiations such as the horse-facili tated expansion of peoples into the Great Plains are actually niche-filling phenomena. In that example, ethnically and linguistically diverse groups moved to take up a new niche and occupy a relatively empty niche space. The result was the emergence of a new organizational collectivity that dis played a great deal of internal homogeneity in material cul ture and behavior.
Newniches attract peoples with diverse prior identities if they open up new opportunities for increased subsistence security. A statement that expresses the idea of niche-filling is nature abhors a vacuum. In this case, cultural systems abhor empty niche space, since it represents relief from packing pressures and an opportunity for greater independence from social restric tions on access to resource locations, which inevitably accom pany reductions in between-unit competition. As graph B in figure 12.11 illustrates, the projected sub sistence dependence at Khartoum was based exclusively on terrestrial plants. This pattern is not reflected in the archae ological record, which contains evidence of a diverse food base that is rich in aquatic resources: They lived from taking from the river large quantities of fish... as well as hippopotamus, crocodile, reed rats, python and turtle. In the gallery forest they hunted buffalo; from the swampy backwaters they took Nile lechwe and, from the grass plains and open forest, kob, Equus, elephant, rhinoceros, and various medium* to small-sized antelope, among which the oribi is cer tainly identified.... the diet was rounded off with large quantities o f. . . snails, the shells of which were ubiq uitous on the site. . . . Grain was also collected and upper grindstones . . . were comparatively numerous. (Clark 1984:115)
People in Khartoum were also using ceramics when they made their first appearance in the region, which is considerably earlier than the appearance of pottery in the Levant. During the fifth millennium b.p ., the first domes ticated animals show up in archaeological deposits. The term for this and other changes is the Shaheinab Complex, which occurs in the Khartoum area at the same time that groups in the predynastic phase in Egyptian prehistory were cultivating the first domestic plants. Given current information, the use of domesticated plants in the Khartoum area occurred between 4,500 and 4,000 b .p ., and, only slightly more recently, domesticated animals became the pri mary source of meat. The events at Khartoum, as at Zeribar, do not represent instances of initial domestication, but they are compelling nonetheless. In the first place, the environmental recon structions projected that, initially, groups in the region should have been primarily dependent upon terrestrial plants. Generalization 8.03 states that, in settings below a lat itude of approximately 35 degrees, plant-dependent groups are primarily foragers. According to generalization 7.05, when these groups are subjected to intensificational pressures, they respond by exploiting aquatic resources, if possible, and by increasing their dependence upon plants (proposition 7.01). Generalizations 7.04 and 10.04 state that, other things being equal, intensification ensures reduced dependence upon terrestrial wild animals. Groups that are dependent upon terrestrial plant resources and move toward aquatic resources in response to pressures to intensify (proposition 10.16) also tend to adopt collector strategies that move consumer goods from resource patches to consumers (generalization 8.17). In terms of scale-related phenomena, the response to packing is less immediate when aquatic resources are targeted (proposition 10.06). Essentially all of the preceding generalizations are consistent with the archeological sequence at Khartoum. The missing bit of crucial knowledge is that, at the time of the radiation of the Khartoum complex into the area, the site and its envi rons were situated in a large floodplain of the Nile River that had a much higher water level than later on in the sequence (Clark 1984:114). The adaptation at Khartoum was pri marily dependent upon unearned water during an espe cially bountiful period in the local hydrology. Not surprisingly, as conditions changed and water became less plentiful, the character of the land use around Khartoum also changed, prompting still other responsive changes in the cultural system. This observation brings us back to the question I began with when I introduced the reconstructed climatic sequences at Jerusalem, Zeribar, and Khartoum: do environmental changes cause culture change? 1could have begun to answer this question prior to my historical examination of these three locations, since 1 have stressed that
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Scenario 12.04
Many features of cultural variability are correlated quite directly with environmental variables. In fact, it is reasonable to refer to much of the variability observable among known hunter-gatherers as adaptive variability, in other words, dif ferences that reflect the adjustments of human groups to various properties of the habitats in which they find them selves. It should not be surprising that the same types of adaptive variability that can be demonstrated across an atem poral geographic landscape are also characteristic of a tem porally changing habitat structure at a single place.
of variability, including habitat-related adaptive variability, in conjunction with initial conditions should be apparent.
------------ ------ Scenario 12.05 ----------------When one is attempting to explain dramatic types of culture changes, it is crucial to understand the initial conditions of the systemincluding the character of the adaptationrel ative to the habitat, the qualitative and quantitative compo sition of the effective environment, the technology available for exploiting the effective environment, and the character of the labor organization engaged in exploiting the habitat. This knowledge is needed prior to a consideration of the impact on the system of self-organizing processes or thresh olds of criticality. All of the preceding properties and states may be differentially affected by habitat changes that are them selves driven by climatic change. It is the synergistic inter actions between prior conditions, unfolding thresholds, and changes in habitat that condition organizational restructur ing and result in a proliferation of new forms of complexity in cultural systems.
Climatic change can potentially restructure cultural vari ability, but the lessons learned about initial conditions still apply. This means that the same climatic shift can produce different responses depending upon the various system states that are acted upon. Of particular importance is the degree to which the system is approaching, or is in, a state of self organized criticality (Bale 1996:167-70). The comparison of three different locations has allowed me to examine the effects o f climatic stasis and change in greater depth. It has reinforced the observation that climate is strongly correlated with features of geography and varies with such geographic variables as latitude, elevation, and par ticular features of position relative to dynamics at the cen ters of climatic action. The positions of high- and low-center weather systems, as well as of phenomena such as the jet stream, all affect habitat variability in fundamental ways. I have also repeatedly demonstrated the strong determi nant influence of habitat variability on the adaptive strate gies undertaken by different cultural systems. The fit between projections drawn from contemporary hunter-gatherers and major changes in the archaeological record demonstrates that, other things being equal, adaptive variability follows habi tat variability. Insofar as climatic changes restructure the character and form of habitats, it is to be expected that adap tive responses track such changes. I have demonstrated26 that some niches are much broader than others, have greater niche breadth, and can function across a greater range of habitat variability. This kind of sys tem state variability has direct reference to ecostrategies. I have also shown that other types o f system state variability can occur, particularly self-organizing variability. This I have explored by focusing on intensification, although it may also represent a response to the size of social units. Other differences in cultural systems appear to be densitydependent in origin and represent a response to self-orga nized critical conditions in which mobility no longer ensures subsistence security. I have identified in equation (11.01) the points or thresholds in population density at which critical states are expected to occur, given an adaptation based on mobility. The importance of recognizing the preceding types
In this chapter, I have attempted to build a theory about the self-organizing process of intensification among huntergatherers. A theory of packing makes it possible to anticipate many of the kinds of responses that occur during important episodes of change and self-organized criticality. What can not be anticipated accurately is the range of systemic vari ability that may be generated during the period of criticality when the laws of self-organization themselves also change. In spite of this limitation, adaptive variability among huntergatherers can still be expected to follow habitat variability. This expectation was modeled by the projected information in my global sample of nearly contemporary hunter-gatherers, facilitated by the equations describing the interaction among habitat variables that best anticipated the variability among modern hunter-gatherers. Some of the properties projected in this manner were population density, number of resi dential moves, mean household size, size of single-family houses, and different types of group sizes. Demonstrating some relationships among them has been relatively easy. I hope that my pattern recognition work has also demon strated that our knowledge of the dynamics of adaptation itself is limited. Projections from the hunter-gatherer cases antic ipate some of the responses of human groups to varying envi ronmental conditions in rather provocative ways. In fact, these projections anticipate a tremendous increase in mobility and a huge increase in the scale of landscape use by a single group (figure 10.22, graph B), corresponding to the arvhae-
ological evidence up to and including the early Natufian period (propositions 8.02, 8.04, 10.08, 10.10, 10.20, 10.21, 11.07, and 11.20 and generalizations 8.37,8.38,9.09,10.07, 10.22,11.04,11.12,11.14,11.20). Unfortunately, our knowl edge of prior conditions and the laws governing the self-orga nizing properties that lead to a critical system state during the Younger Dryas do not permit us to anticipate accurately the prepottery Neolithic A. Similarly, gradualist ideas about incremental change and descent with modification do not help us. There is no archae ological continuity between the Early Natufian of Ain Mallaha and the beginning of cultivation in the Jordan valley. On the other hand, the apparent break in continuity signaled by the Late Natufian appears to be a response to the same rules guiding hunter-gatherer adaptive changesin this case the imperative to expand the spatial scale of land use. The response to the Younger Dryas suggests that the system changes indicated by the early Natufian27 at or just beyond the packing threshold were not yet irreversible. Conditions during the Younger Dryas modified the scale of nearcriticality extant at the time, which produced diverse responses, some of which were anticipated by our prior knowledge of the habitat variability of modern hunter-gatherers. To those who at this juncture are prompted to ask whether environmental change can be said to cause the cultural response referred to as the prepottery Neolithic A, my response is no, but environmental change forced an already packed system into a critical state. There were probably many different adaptive responses, some of which foiled and some of which survived and established a new niche by exploring and discovering new habitat characteristics in old subsistence ranges. To do this, however, Natufian groups had to imagine events not yet experienced and use their prior knowledge about the growth requirements and food potential of plants in habitat contexts that were different from those in which the plants had been originally exploited.28 This is not to say that I agree with Stephen Jay Gould, who argues that the methods of science are inadequate to deal with the realities of history (Gould 1989:277-79). My views are more aligned with those of Per Bak (1996:79), who refers to Goulds approach as story telling. I have applied the same criticism to archeologists who insist on interpreting sites and reconstructing history through the use of unfounded interpretative conventions or, less often, by appeals to con tingency, as Gould might say. The relevant question is: can archaeologists use what we have learned about the causes of hunter-gatherer variability to help us see that the prepottery Neolithic A is not a unique phenomenon, but rather one case among many? Actually, I doubt that there are many sequences in which identical events occurred, but there were many situations like the Early Natufian in which, in response to pressures to inten sify, groups experimented with greater dependence upon
plant foods and storage. I think it is quite likely that the first cultivation, or at least the first manipulation of plants, occurred as a result of intensificational pressures at this time. In spite of dramatic uncertainty during the Younger Dryas, which made successful planning very difficult and resulted in increased mobility and probably a decrease in regional population, cultural transmission of the adaptive strategies pursued during the early Natufian period proba bly occurred. I think, in fact, that much of the searching during the period of increased mobility during the late Natufian was for places where the successful adaptive tech niques of the early Natufian could be implemented with modifications. The springs and seeps that became avail able at the end of the Younger Dryas provided half of the solu tion in the form of reliable water sources for previously utilized productive plants. All that was needed was to trans port the seeds. Given the limited distribution of springs and seeps, it did not take long for the processes of intensification to force further changes that ensured higher yields from a smaller pro ductive area. During the early Natufian, the cultural trans mission of knowledge about intensified use of plant resources led to successful implementation in a new setting in which subsistence security was no longer provided by mobility. I think that there were many other instances in which the same basic process occurred, although I am also convinced that all specific historical paths to cultivation and domesti cation are unique. As I have argued throughout this book, all historical variety arose, nevertheless, from an antecedent set of density-dependent responses to packing. If the arguments I have presented accurately reflect dynamics in the past, they are not only consistent with the trajectory of change reflected in archaeological sequences from Jerusalem. They also anticipate archaeological sequences in locations where gradual incremental change occurred in response to packing-related processes of intensification, pro vided the initial conditions included primary dependence upon terrestrial plants and very little in the way of alterna tive aquatic resources (generalizations 9.10, 10.01, 10.02, 10.15,10.21, and 12.02 and propositions 10.02,10.03,10.07, 10.09,11.03,11.04, and 12,14). Archaeological sequences in the Tehuacan Valley (Pearsall 1995:166-75) appear to meet these criteria, and it is inter esting that, during the early archaic period, Flannery (1986a:ll) estimates that population density levels in the Tehuacan and Oaxacan regions were between 3.45 and 11.11 persons per 100 square kilometers. The upper one-third of this range would include peoples living at or above the pack ing threshold. This is exactly where my arguments would expect attempts to squeeze greater plant productivity from less land to have been critical to an adaptation that could no longer rely on mobility for subsistence security.
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My arguments would anticipate similar sequences, pro ceeding at different rates, in interior continental areas where groups were already primarily dependent upon terrestrial plants and had no realistic aquatic alternative. My argu ments also anticipate still other paths to cultivation and domestication, or at least to the use of domesticated species (scenario 12.01), when increased dependence upon aquatic resources was the initial response to packing pressures. I argued earlier that substantial houses, some social dif ferentiation in terms of wealth, and even some movement toward inherited ownership of important access windows for obtaining aquatic resources could already be in place. A settlement hierarchy consisting of a few large Settlements may havedeveloped, followed by increasing numbers of small ham lets, like the one reported for the Valdivia sequence in Ecuador (Pearsall 1995:183 89) that included both coastal and ripar ian settlements. Many possible combinations and permuta tions are expected to characterize societies with considerable niche breadth or greater energetic complexity, and I would expect a wide range of organized niche diversity among these cases. It shouldbe recalled that hunter-gatherer groups with high subsistence diversity and sociocultural complexity did not tend to be status-based, internally ranked hierarchies. Instead, they used age-graded secret societies and other social forms to partition society into units that provided institutionalized services, such as supplying wives, organizing funeral rites, or arranging periodic ritual events. The idea that complexity alw ays results in the division of leadership into elite or priv ileged persons and the disenfranchised is a vestige of linear evolutionary trajectories. Despite the length of these remarks, I have in no way exhausted the potential of the packing argument, nor have I begun to discuss the variety of adaptive responses that could be anticipated, given a knowledge of the subsistence base prior to intensification and of the available alternatives in different habitats. I also have not addressed the domesti cation of animals because I do not know enough about the ecology of this process to anticipate the types of responses and the limitations that context might place on possible responses. As a result, my colleague Amber Johnson has ini tiated a project to study pastoralists and agropastoralists usingthe same methods that I applied to my hunter-gatherer research.29 I started research by trying to build up an accurate body of knowledge about what the world is like. Beyond this con sideration, the possible variety in unknown processual rela tionships goes up appreciably if we permit the rates of intensification to vary based on different reproductive rates. Some alternatives may be strongly favored over others simply because of the likelihood that, as Rindos argued (1984), they require long temporal intervals to achieve appreciable returns. We do not know what effects different scales of
intensificational pressure, conditioned by differential repro ductive rates, might favor. Do quick-fix, short-term strate gies with immediate returns tend to reduce the probability that long-term strategies with low initial returns would be undertaken by a system? This is a research question that we can address in the future. Still other unresolved issues relating to ecological and cultural processes must be researched, and the criteria for rec ognizing a new nicheas opposed to an elaborated niche are still to be determined. I mentioned this issue in chapter 6 in connection with my discussion of patterning in Euro pean archaeological sequences. There I suggested that new niches could make possible a totally different way of orga nizing an adaptation within an otherwise unchanging envi ronment, producing dramatic breaks in the continuity of the archaeological record through time. Let us imagine that the dynamics underlying the Zeribar sequence could have occurred in a different environmental setting, one in which a resident population of hunter-gatherers was present at the time of the climatic amelioration that permitted the radiation of a niche and accompanying pop ulation into the Zeribar area at approximately 7,000 b . p . What would have happened: diffusion of cultivation tech niques to the hunter-gatherers and their transformation into horticulturists, or a replacement of the hunter-gatherer population by horticulturists from lower altitudes? Arguments about this scenario are legion in anthropol ogy, but it must be realized that neither diffusion nor migra tion explains the events described. Partisans for each position simply line up advocates for and against their preferred event sequences without realizing that an archaeologists job is to explain the event sequences. The debate remains unre solved because few researchers have addressed the problem of what a diffusion eventas opposed to a migration event would look like in archaeological deposits.30 Even if it can be taken for granted that archaeologists can identify when events related to diffusion or migration have occurred, advocates of these sets of processes still must face the prob lem of explaining why they happened. I have already made a few observations and suggestions that represent only elementary probes in this direction (gen eralization 12.05 and propositions 12.03,12.04,12.05, and 12.06). These statements deal primarily with environmental and temporal gradients in the distribution of cultural traits, since patterns such as theseparticularly the distribution of temporal sequences across geographic spaceare usually offered as evidence for both migration and diffusion, i do not expect this issue to be resolved, however, until some accom modation is reached in the debate between science and humanism in archaeology and anthropology (Wilson 1998). The three cases that I have used to illustrate climatic reconstructions are pertinent to this discussion. As BarYosef and Meadow (1995:60) have correctly pointed out in
the Jerusalem example, the critical climatic event is the Younger Dryas. A typical historian might be content with the statement that the Younger Dryas caused the shift to cul tivation, since one event causes another event for most his torians. But if we look at the data from Zeribar, the Younger Dryas can in no way be said to have caused any human response at that elevation. The appearance of peoples using domesticated species was greatly delayed at that location and, when it occurred, was facilitated by changes in the cli mate that can only be interpreted as making the area more user-friendly to the niche that had appeared initially at lower elevations. The situation at Khartoum is analogous since at present there is no evidence of a human presence in the area during the Younger Dryas. The appearance of the Khartoum complex seems to have resulted from a radiation, but it was a radiation of huntergatherers. Once these groups were established in the region, a sequence of events occurred that was probably driven by intensification. It appears to have been a gradual, additive process in which domesticated animals were introduced first, after which domesticated plants were integrated into the system. Judging from the reconstructed climatic information, this sequence took place as the habitat deteriorated. A com parative study of these specific temporal sequences would establish that the cultivation of plants appears to have pre ceded the domestication of animals in the Jerusalem area, whereas at Khartoum the use of domesticated animals pre ceded the introduction of domesticated plants. Should I therefore argue that a secondary adoption of domesticates is a different process than the initial context of domestication, particularly if the slow, transitional process documented in the Tehuacan Valley of Mexico represents a record of a precritical, self-organizing process of intensifi cation? If, as I suspect, it is, would the adoption of previously domesticated species as part of a critical state leading to a new self-organizing set of relationships with new variables be only a secondary event in the context of a fundamental and primary change? In such a situation, the availability of domesticated species through borrowing would be a condi tion external to the system state during criticality, just as would be any other independent event or condition, such as cli matic change. It may push or pull the system during criticality, but it is not what put the system in a position of change in the first place. The relationship between the precipitating vari ables is fundamental to an explanation of why change occurs, but the system state that results from an episode of critical ity cannot be anticipated from the rules and conditions of prior self-organization. What about the possibility that cattle were domesticated at Nabta Playa between 9,200 and 8,500 b . p .? Such events would have been contemporary with the prepottery Neolithic A and B materials in the Jerusalem area, but no evidence of contemporaneous domesticated plants occurred in the Nabta
archaeological deposits. The Nabta example would be a rival primary context of domestication, but with a different sequenceanimals first and plants much later. In the cur rent arguments about domesticated resources in the Zagros area of Iran, the domestication of sheep and goats is believed to have occurred considerably later than the use of domes ticated plants (Hole 1996:273). The point I am trying to make is really very simple: tremendous variability can be generated during periods of self-organized criticality, and much of this variability can be anticipated if the fundamental organizational compo nents of the prior period of relative stasis can be identified. In short, by knowing the rules of self-organization, we can anticipate many variants, although the emergent forms of new self-organization cannot be anticipated. Once hunter-gatherers reached the packing threshold, not only did some groups emerge from episodes of criticality orga nized in very different ways and with new niches and basic forms of organization, but their niche structure was also reshaped. Based on the evidence provided by ethnographic and historical records, a truly vast array of system state variabil ity emerged once hunter-gatherers crossed the packing threshold. We call some of the groups who experienced these adaptive transitions pastoralists, some agropastoralists, some horticulturists (slash-and-burn and otherwise), and some, perhaps, even agriculturists. And then there are all of the groups in the latter category who utilized at least some domesticated animals in ways different from pastoralists. What are the self-organizing principles that moved so many different postforaging adaptations toward new critical states? Just because a thorough knowledge of ethnographically doc umented hunter-gatherers does not equip us to anticipate what these principles might be does not mean that the variability among these systems cannot be explained. As I have demon strated in this book, we can study the variability and proceed with learning strategies that will allow us to isolate the self organizing principles affecting peoples who do not use mobility to map onto naturally occurring distributions of accessible foods as hunter-gatherers do. This research teaches us about new principles of adaptation and intensification, since it is unlikely that such processes would cease with the obso lescence of mobile hunter-gatherer strategies. We can expect that self-organizing processes will become more complex as the number of variables involved and the range of forms of complex systems proliferate. And, if we suc ceed in recognizing new thresholds arising from different forms of self-organizing systems, we may begin to develop an appreciation for the laws that govern different forms of criticality. Although these goals are certainly beyond the reach of anthropological science at present, they are not beyond the capabilities of science when the tools tor team ing i have presented here are used analytically.
It is said that at the conclusion of dramatic presentations in ancient Rome a person was designated to intone the words Acta es fabula (the play is over). Such an announcement is appropriate at this juncture since the final acts of both the hunter-gatherer play in the ecological theater and the drama of science have concluded. Like theater performances in the real world, my effort here will eventually be reviewed, but the sternest critic of a work is often the playwright him- or herselfand this certainly also applies to the authors of monographs. After the euphoria of having completed the last chapter of this book faded, I began to assess just what it is that I am offering to the world for its contemplation. My first impres sion is that even though I have presented a detailed analysis of many aspects of my hunter-gatherer data, a number of important points have not been synthesized. For instance, I have demonstrated that major organizational changes have occurred when groups in any given region have reached and exceeded the packing threshold, but I have not discussed some of the broader implications of these changes for other cul tural practices of generic hunter-gatherers. I have argued that self-organized, nonpacked huntergatherers maintain minimal group sizes primarily by struc turing their labor investments with respect to their dependence upon various food resources at different trophic levels. What also seems dear is that nonpacked hunter-gatherers are orga nized in terms of networks and not the more cellular kinds of social units that might be imagined when the word band is used to characterize their basic social attachments (see chap ter 1, pages 12 17). In my view, individuals and families are wf members of a band, even though regular cooperation, asso ciation, and shared responsibilities to the land may result in
a core group of persons who tend to move together. The important point is that the composition of on-the-ground groups and the regularity of the association of particular fam ilies or persons in these groups is quite variable. 1 Other things being equal, decisions about the persons with whom to cooperate and where to position oneself in order to maximize subsistence security are made by the family, which is the organizational entity making up larger, on-the-ground groups. A largerusually GROUP2-sizeunit tends to occupy a subsistence range or area over which the group moves, even though the composition of the group may change as this movement occurs. A seasonally related segmentation of the group into smaller units may also occur, after which these units may reassemble into a GROUP2 unit. In such a situation, however, the newly formed group is rarely identical to the GROUP2 unit that predated the dispersal into smaller units. Basically, generic hunter-gatherers are integrated into their social world through egocentric, reticulate patterns of extended, kin-based relationships. Persons who associate together in on-the-ground groups consider one another to be trustworthy because of their long-term experiences with one another in kin-based associations. In other words, persons are reasonably certain that the behavior of their groupmates will fulfill their expectations in matters relating to social responsibility and reliability. In groups articulated in this way, individuals may participate in what I earlier termed risk-pooling units, some of which may be relation ships of long standing while others may represent ad hoc units that are formed on a daily basis and dissolve when the coop erative task has been completed. The organization of a group of mobile hunter*gatherers must be viewed as a continuously shifting combination of
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sequentially scaled, risk-pooling, cooperative associations. Any given individual may participate in a variety of risk-pool ing relationships, including those that form and dissolve daily and others that are a function of longer-term cooper ative ventures between families or individuals. The latter may last for the duration of the group or even, in some cases, beyond the life of within-group, face-to-face associa tion. Risk-pooling associations of this type are not necessarily direcdy structured by kinship. They may be conditioned by compatibility in age and physical ability, commonalities hav ing to do with family maturation, or individual states such as pregnancy (Binford 1991a). It is my impression that female labor groups and risk-pool ing units have stronger links to ego-centered kin networks than do male risk pools and labor units, except when polygyny is prevalent (greater than 20 percent of the marriages). In such circumstances, female work groups are usuallycomposed of co wives who are structurally integrated as a long-term riskpooling unit2 As far as subsistence labor is concerned, the lack of extensive female networks in small, multifamily camps among highly polygynous peoples is expected to condition the character of the camp layout of houses or domestic spaces.3 Variability in the organizational structure of the group is con ditioned by the character of the risk-pooling associations extant at any given time. This determines the ratio of families to the number of domestic spaces, work areas, and consump tion areas and results in very different patterns of camp layout. The character of the risk pool hierarchy operating at any given time in turn conditions how necessary raw materials will be obtained, accumulated, and distributed within and among camps. To understand the variables that govern the latter sequence of subsistence-related events, we must know whether camps, families, or individuals are the units that are being provisioned. It is important to remember that generic hunter-gatherers are segmentary societies, even though the segments are most commonly individuals and families rather than larger-scale units. (Generalization 9.04 notes that GROUP 1 units do not correspond to the segments out of which GROUP2 units are formed.) If I shift scales for a moment and consider the role that egocentric kin networks play at the regional level, another set of interesting features becomes apparent. My ethnographic field work with mobile hunters and gatherers has convinced me that one of the most important forms of culturally orga nized behavior, other than subsistence activities, is the main tenance of social networks that are designed to facilitate family mobility and reproduction. I have also noted that most of the behavior that anthropologists have described as associated with ritual or religious observance if more accu rately identified as an aspect of the educational subsystem. In turn, my conclusions have influenced my view of the tra ditional ways in which anthropologists have described kin ship and its variants.
I have focused upon what a child receives by virtue of soci etal conventions for providing him or her with a full com pliment of kin. Although it is true that many anthropologists have described hunter-gatherers as living primarily in kin ship-based societies, most will acknowledge the existence of only a very limited set of kinship forms, which have been des ignated lineal, ambilateral, and bilateral. My reading of many hunter-gatherer ethnographies, including ones that report on most of the Australian Aboriginal groups, leads me to con clude that this three-part cognitive scheme misses a funda mental premise of kinship reckoning. The traditional classification represents an expectation that kinship distance is a unidimensional phenomenon, whereas in my view kinship reckoning is fundamentally at least a bidimensional phenomenon4 that differs significantly from bilateral systems. The latter appear to organize analogous kin of the paternal and maternal lines as if they were homolo gous or at least undifferentiated with regard to certain scales of kinship distance. Bidimensional systems, on the other hand, organize relationships in such a way that different features of an individuals social persona are conveyed to recip ients from the female and male dimensions quite inde pendently. For example, in some Australian groups the relationship of a person to geographic space and the social responsibilities for educating male persons are conveyed through paternal kinship conventions. The properties of individuals that by convention identify potential mates result from the conjunction of the property space defined by both female and male kinship dimensions. (Relationships of this kind are worked out in terms of the section systems of Aus tralian Aborigines.) Finally, the aspects of an individuals persona that define the appropriate etiquette governing how he or she may meet and relate to potentially marriageable persons are organized through maternal kinship conventions. Female kinship may also allocate to adult women their educational responsibil ities for particular female offspring. In general, then, males are responsible for transmitting to their offspring critical aspects of identity and information that deal with the social reproduction of the society, while females transmit critical aspects of identify and information having to do with the bio logical reproduction of society. The conjunction between these two dimensions largely defines the appropriate social domain in which their offspring can look for mates, so that both social and biological reproduction is ensured. The preceding example represents only one form of kin ship structure. Many other forms that organize an individuals privileges and responsibilities to other persons and places in the landscape are well documented, but the important point is that an individuals inheritance is differentiated between pater nal and material kinship dimensions, and both male and female offspring receive different cultural conventions, infor mation, and social relationships from both dimension*.
If I am correct in my assessment of the way in which the Australian Aboriginal cognitive world is constituted, then the dissonance produced by anthropological classifications that feature patrilineal dans with matrimoieties but posit that the society is based on unilineal kinship conventions could well be resolved. My view of Australian kinship would place Abo riginal hunter-gatherers in the same general world as most other hunter-gatherer groups that are classified as bilateral and have a dual dimensional system, but at some levels of kin distance paternal and maternal kin may be merged while at other levels they may not. These two variants are different, however; each would be a morph of nonlinear or multi dimensional kin reckoning systems. Most of the hunter-gatherer cases that are reported to be linear have turned out, on close reading, to be either bilat eral or bidimensional. In fact, all but four of the generic hunter-gatherer groups have either bilateral or bidimen sional kinship systems, and a large number of these could be called affinal inclusive systems5 in which affinal relatives are terminologically merged with lineal or bidimensional rela tives, I must point out that my world sample of huntergatherer groups indudes cases with varying degrees of bias in which numerically greater or more socially important features were transmitted through the male or female lines, resulting in what I have called an imbalanced dimensional structure. In terms of population density, however, the over whelming number of these groups were located either right at or beyond the packing threshold. The details are not as important here as the realization that kinship does much more than calculate kin distance for purposes of identifying potential mates. Among generic hunter-gatherers, kinship conventions link adults to children in terms of socially recognized educational responsibilities. To be effective, the education of juvenile hunter-gatherers requires that the appropriate adults make a major investment of time and energy in providing a child with instructive experiences in a wide range of environmental and geo graphic settings. This usually means repeated visits to rele vant places during which the child assumes the role of an apprentice and is guided by a very knowledgeable person in each local area. This wide dispersal of necessary educational experience is made possible by a kin-based network of per sons that is regularly maintained over a vast expanse of space. These extensive networks in turn facilitate mobility, not for a band but for the more fundamental units of the family or the individual. A network-based system sometimes extends over very large areas through overlapping paths in an individuals ego centric kinship system. The correspondence between the scale of kinship networks and the scale of the social pool rep resented at periodic aggregations such as male initiation ceremonies in the Australian central desert is, however, unclear ethnographically. When observed from the per
spective of individual groups in a region, these networks are clearly the conduits through which gifts and other items are circulated over very large areas, and the circulated items help maintain social ties over long periods during which no face-to-face contact occurs. When observed from the perspective of the circulation of goods, the organizational basis of kinship networks varies. Among groups that are dependent upon terrestrial animal and aquatic resources, there is a bias toward personally initiated trading partners. These adjunct networks frequendy link nonkin or affinal kin rather than consanguine kin. Among groups that are primarily dependent upon terrestrial plants, various gifts are circulated through kin-based networks. In either instance, it is my impression that the activities that archaeologists would presume relate to the trade and exchange of material items actually result from the everyday investments that persons make in maintaining their network of kinbased relationships. The volume of items flowing through a network is usually relatively low but the scale of dispersion can be very great. The items that circulate are biased in favor of value-added goods in which labor has been invested to modify the basic materials, such as skins that have been processed or lithic raw material that has been worked into nearly finished tools. I feel I need to comment on the degree to which generic hunter-gatherers represent a form of society that is often referred to as egalitarian and sometimes as communalistic. When I first wrote the early chapters of this book, I orig inally referred to generic hunter-gatherers as egalitarian, but I stopped using this designation since I thought that it was confusing and, in the long run, misleading. It is true that shar ing is very common among hunter-gatherer groups that have not approached the packing threshold, as is the prac ticewhen necessaryof using tools and supplies that belong to other persons. It is equally common, however, for individuals to be treated differendy in some circumstances and appealed to in terms of perceived differences in their skills, intelligence, athletic abilities, age, sex, and even family credentials. There is truth in the claim that, below the packing thresh old, hunter-gatherers are organized so that all partidpating individuals have maximum access to the vital resources that are accessible in their subsistence ranges. Participation in an economically integrated group means that all individuals endeavor to minimize the risk and maximize the returns from cooperative labor that is directed toward obtaining the vital resources needed to sustain the group as a whole. It is also true that nonpacked hunter-gatherers do not live in societies in which equal "rights are assured by the society. Rather, in their social world, trust and respect are built upon the lifelong associations and interactions of individual mem bers. Persons who are not considered trustworthy or "respectable" by the community may be denied not only
equal access to resources but even their very right to exist, which is hardlycompatible with the idea of an egalitarian soci ety in which all individuals have rights to the corporately shared largesse.
I have also argued that the vast majority of ethnographically documented hunter-gatherers who are primarily depen dant upon aquatic resources live below 60 degrees latitude and have population densities in excess of the packing thresh old. It is quite likely that groups dependent upon aquatic resources arrived at their adaptive destinations by one of two routes: (1) they had been hunters of terrestrial animals who shifted their subsistence base when pressure to intensity made dependence on hunting no longer feasible; or (2) they were once exploiters of terrestrial plants who expanded their subsistence base to include aquatic resources in response to pressures to intensify. Once population levels in warmer environments expand further and storage becomes necessary, these groups must increase their dependence upon terrestrial plants because of the risks associated with storing aquatic products. In cooltemperate, boreal, or polar zones, reduced temperatures tend to increase the probability that aquatic spedes can be safely stored, which makes continued specialization pos sible. Aquatic resource dependence may expand prior to the packing threshold and continue as population density increases, if no plant alternative is feasible. This means that groups that are dependent upon aquatic resources in settings in which terrestrial animals are expected to be heavily rep resented in the diet will have population levels that range from less than to greater than the packing threshold. This pattern provides a clue to some of the processes that may be operating during the critical state occurring at the packing threshold and that may include increased spe cialization focused on aquatic resources and gradual expan sion of aquatic diet breadth. This alternative is not possible for plant-dependent peoples under packed conditions in warm settings, however. The latter groups must specialize, to be sure, but the option of expanding the diet breadth is lim ited unless there is an aquatic alternative. A focus on aquatic resources would, in fact, be reversed if increasing population pressure were to force greater dependence upon storage. A very different picture has emerged for the thirty-two groups of aquatically dependent peoples that had not yet reached the packing threshold. TVventy-one were located above 60 degrees latitude, nine occurred between 60 and 45 degrees latitude, and only two occurred below 45 degrees. The great majority of these groups were heavily dependent upon sea mammals, and their specialized strategy made it possible for them to radiate into environments that had not been occupied prior to their arrival. Unfortunately, my ethnographic sample does not allow me to evaluate the degree to which the Arctic groups can provide clues to the organization ot the exduswcK aquatic adaptations of archaeologically documented groups that were once located near the equator along the coasts oi northern Chile, Peru, and southern Ecuador. I was able to demonstrate that the terrestrially adapted hunter-gatherer groups in my world sample increased tn
size once packing occurred, but no such pattern is demon strated among aquatically dependent peoples who continued to segment under such conditions. In these settings, daugh ter units were required to settle adjacent to reliable clusters of resources or near access windows where resources were obtainable, usually within the subsistence range of the par ent group.8 The linkage of groups to particular resource patches in already packed territories ensures that some of the more recently separated groups would, at least periodically, experience subsistence shortfalls, while the larger parental set tlements located at the best access windows might not be so disadvantaged. In some situations, this kind of spatial infilling, characterized by increased numbers of essentially nonmobile units, seems to have resulted in ethnogenesis within a region and the partitioning of groups into a greater number of competitive ethnic units. Alternatively, a group may have become integrated, or at least maintained, within an ethni cally identified unit that was itself expanding in size. This tra jectory is often associated with warfare. Other interesting consequences of arriving at the pack ing threshold were that (1) those hunter-gatherers who were primarily dependent upon terrestrial animals were no longer able to maintain their way of life, and (2) below the packing threshold, all cases of hunter-gatherers who were depen dent upon plant resources lacked any type of wealth or social ranking in their societies. Some of the groups dependent upon aquatic resources, on the other hand, exhibited wealth dis tinctions prior to reaching the packing threshold. These groups were the only hunter-gatherers with internally ranked social distinctions and some type of big man leadership structure, as well as secret societies and an increased ritual emphasis upon individual maturational events. All groups of plant-dependent hunter-gatherers that maintained their adaptation after crossing the packing threshold began to display differences in wealth. These groups began to depend upon aquatic resources to a considerable extent, although their societies were organized very differently from the big man sys tems maintained by groups of aquatic resource specialists. Many of these groups developed secret societies and some dis tinctions based on age, but a focus on prominent leaders and an emphasis on internal ranking was not evident. These are also the packed cases with the greatest subsistence diversity and are therefore expected to be the most stable. Regardless of some of the differences pointed out in the preceding paragraphs, regional packing radically changes the scale of kinship articulations as an overall function of reductions in mobility. Among aquatically dependent peoples, bidimensional systems tend to become imbalanced once packing occurs, as it does in groups of plant-dependent peoples who maintain their adaptation after crossing the packing threshold. Bidimensional kinship systems occur in groups dependent upon terrestrial animals about as often as do bilateral systems, but there is a cluster of imbalanced, bi*
dimensional systems at the threshold prior to packing. Between this point on the population density scale and the packing threshold, bilateral conventions with affinal inclu sive terminology tended to occur, but beyond the packing threshold no groups primarily dependent upon terrestrial ani mals remained. No one should be shocked to learn that, as mobility is reduced, kin conventions extending food procurement rights to distant kinsmen tend to disappear. Neither should it come as any surprise that marriages between persons who share rights of residence to common territories become more common and that conventions restricting access to resources become more prevalent.9 Under normal circumstances, this means that the kin distance between prospective spouses becomes shorter and shorter and various forms of cross-cousin marriage become more common. As population density increases, the geographic scale of the educational systems that are organized through kinship connections are also reduced, and the rules enforced by members of secret societies that gov ern inclusion in and exclusion from education become more stringent. At this point, in the few aquatically dependent groups that remain hunter-gatherers,10 control over resources becomes critical. When the effects of packing become severe, regional networks become greatly constricted or even disappear, and only with the later appearance of ranked and politically cen tralized authorities do kinship-based networks reappear. Under these new conditions, however, egocentric networks are replaced by sociocentric alliances based on elite kinship ties. This pattern occurs only among hunter-gatherer groups that are dependent upon aquatic resources, although differ ent conditions might prompt other emergent, non-huntergatherer responses to packing. There has been considerable speculation about the role that trade has played in societal transformation, particularly the role of emerging elites in stimulating trade. 1 have previously discussed how trade and the circulation of items among nonpacked hunter-gatherers can be organized in one of two ways: (1) the circulation of gifts through highly conven tionalized kinship links, and (2) exchanges within trading part nerships, which usually represent pairings of individuals or families, frequently in terms other than those of conventional kinship. As the packing threshold is approached, a reduction in the scale and incidence of network-based exchanges usually occurs. In some settings, this is accompanied by roughly contemporary increases in short-distancc, family-initiated trading expeditions. These trips are usually associated with the appearance of some form of money or with an increased investment of labor in the production of craft items or prim itive valuables (Dalton 1967:278; Polanyi 1968), with the result that a family with subsistence shortfalls will try to exchange their craft items for food.
This kind of behavior is well documented in data from Cal ifornia and adjacent regions (Goldschmidt 1951:417; Voegelin 1938:57),1 1 which record that subsistence-stressed families initiated transactions after they had invested their labor in craft items in the hope of exchanging their products for food with families not experiencing shortfalls. These exchanges were balanced and no social storage, delayed reciprocity, or debt was incurred. This kind of system ensured that settle ments with a broader subsistence base, located adjacent to highly productive patches, would accumulate craft wealth and that families so situated would almost automatically become the patrons in patron-dient relationships as a simple function of the reliable productivity of their subsistence ranges. It should therefore not be surprising that, in fact, longerterm patron-dient rdationships of exchange actually repre sent the next most common new form of exchange and drculation relationship appearing at and immediately fol lowing packing. The big man phenomenon may be the inevitable result of a continuation of the spatial segmenta tion that characterizes nonpacked hunter-gatherer organi zation beyond the point at which maintenance of small group size actually facilitates subsistence security through mobility. The more change there is from a settlement system to a settlement hierarchy composed of residential dusters of different size, the more the system resembles a big man organization. Generic hunter-gatherers do not give up an egalitarian way of life. They may be surprised to discover that their adher ence to a pattern of small-unit cooperation literally moves them into an emerging regional structure in which none galitarian relationships in subsistence security among basic, on-the-ground social units is an inevitable result of habitat patchiness. Territoriality becomes organizationally important in this context, and limits on territorial trespass and actual defense of territory are likely to increase as the quantity and volume of craft items increase. The value of many items is based on the scarcity of the materials and the quality and quantity of value-added labor underlying their procurement and production. The preceding dynamics are likely to occur most fre quently in systems that are substantially dependent upon aquatic resources or in situations in which the mix of exploited resources is nearly equally divided between the aquatic and terrestrial biomes. I have observed that most of the huntergatherer groups that depend heavily upon terrestrial plants, even those whose diets reflect a substantial contribution from aquatic resources, do not seem to continue the old, generic pattern of segmentation into small settlements. We see instead the increasing growth of settlements that are sit uated at locations where greater subsistence diversity is pos sible and where there tends to be less interannual variability
in food availability. In short, there is a change in residential density in the direction of megapacking at high-productivity locations. The contemporaneous appearance of secret societies and sodalities of various kinds suggests that scalar stress is conditioning the formation of broad, integrative institutions under the preceding conditions. I am well aware that the preceding suppositions reflect only a limited understanding of the dynamic contexts in which new organizational variability arose following the state of criticality experienced by hunter-gatherer groups as they crossed the packing threshold at different places and at different times in the past. On the far side of this organizational Rubi con, most of worlds prehistoric populations of hunter-gath erers were integrated into forms of organization based on completely different subsistence strategies and are, there fore, not represented in this study. Even so, it is very tempt ing to ask what the new systems looked like and whether there are any clues about subsequent organizational trajectories to be discovered in an examination of the initial conditions of ancestral hunter-gatherer systems. In the last section of chapter 12,1 briefly explored three archaeological sequences and found the exercise to be excit ing and provocative. We may anticipate that, once huntergatherer populations in a region crossed the packing threshold, a vast amount of variability appeared rather suddenly, associated with a high rate of systemic extinction. We should also expect a fair rate of extinction among the new, non-hunter-gatherer organizational variants, and the archaeological record of this era should reflect not a single, punctuated episode but, in some places, a succession of quick, punctuated phases that precede a new period of substantial stability. The empirical support for the major thresholds demon strated in this book should provide a substantial basis for the serious consideration of patterns in the tempo and mode of cultural evolution. Why do some archaeological sequences change rapidly while others seem to present us with a chrono logical sequence representing slow, gradual change? Still other sequences exhibit an orderly succession of related but nevertheless substantial changes, but we can also point to archaeological patterns of dramatic, punctuated changes followed by long periods of stasis. If we were to undertake a comparative study of ethnographically documented horti culturists and pastoralists using the packing theory developed in this book, would we see another point of cridcalitv among non-hunting and gathering peoples at the fourth threshold specified by equation (11.01)? Or do the rules change and does a new, self-organizing form of homeostatic mechanism appear that alters the scale of demographically based thresh olds of stress on the high side of the packing threshold? I do not knowbut at least now there is a basis for asking such potentially productive questions.
Have I E stab lish ed a G en era l Research P roced u re ? In the prologue to this book I noted that one of my major goals has been the development o f a method for productively u s i n g ethnographic data in the service o f archaeological goals. I hope that the logic I have followed is clear, but just in case readers are left with any lingering bewilderment, let me review several underlying principles. The first is that if one wants to use arguments based on ethnographic data to interpretarcheological observations, it is much better to pro ceed with arguments from homology rather than from anal ogy. If it is possible to explain the variability among hunter-gatherers, or any other class of ethnographically doc umented cultural systems, then we should be able to deduce hypothesesdealing with the conditional relationships between specified variablesthat state when particular phe nomena should or should not appear in the archeological record. I have focused upon subsistence base and group size in this book, but along the way I have shown that other properties also appear or disappear in tandem with changes in some of the basic variables. It must be recognized, however, that the correlations I have identified appear to be general ones but that the particular mechanisms that condition their linkages to the variables that received the most attention in this book remain poorly researched. I have nonetheless initiated a process of theory building, and what I have learned now moves us to the point of being able to argue from homology about some issues. In order to arrive at this point, considerable higher-level pattern recognition work has been fundamental. It is criti cal that readers understand that second-order derivative pat terning implicates the past and the processes that operated in the past. The patterned relationships between subjectside data and organized prior knowledge cannot be seen unless prior knowledge is organized into a frame of reference for use in research. I would go so far as to suggest that, in the absence of research rooted in the rigorous use of frames of reference, successful theory building cannot be accomplished. One must keep in mind that theories attempt to explain why the world is the way it appears to be. Accuracy in the description of the world is essential to successful theory building; otherwise one is simply engaged in producing cog nitively accommodating stories about a world that may not exist. The second principle is that a person who is engaged in the act of theory building cannot appeal to authority or to a prior theory directed at the same subject matter for his or her intellectual inspiration. The learning opportunity in such a situation rests with being able to do pattern recogni tion research. This means comprehensively projecting what
is known about a focal subject matter against a frame of ref erence made up of variables that are known or suspected to be relevant and about which there is some secure knowledge about the factors that condition variability in each. If one obtains robust patternsas I did in this book between envi ronmental variables and the ethnographically warranted variables related to hunter-gatherer systemsthen it is pos sible to project ones knowledge about the ethnographic conditions onto environmental variability in the real world. Doing this puts us in the position of being able to eval uate the degree to which relationships observed in the pres ent are germane or irrelevant to dynamics in the past If relationships between linked variables accurately anticipate patterning in the archaeological record, then we have iden tified a learning opportunity. This procedure allows us to transform some properties of hunter-gatherers into frames of reference in terms of which the archaeological record can be studied comparatively and unambiguously with respect to current knowledge. It is important to realize that much of what I currently envi sion as useful to archaeologists was not demonstrated directly in this book. In the act of exploring my initial ideas, I learned a great deal that offers the prospect of greater learning but also requires substantial future work. For instance, when the initial equations that define the relationships between ethnographic and environmental variables were first devel oped, I either used my total ethnographic sample of 339 cases or divided them into subsets that seemed to make sense or that I thought might turn out to reflect important ways of partitioning the obvious variability. I actually knew very little about the organizational differences that corre sponded to important system state differences in the cases. Between then and now I have learned a great deal about system state differences in many of the places on earth about which researchers are curious. I will certainly be able to develop a series of equations that will project current knowl edge about the sequential relationships among systems in dif ferent states onto targeted locations to see if my inferences about sequences, based on roughly synchronic data, are sus tained by chronological data when the conditioning variables are controlled geographically and in terms of climatic recon structions. During the course of my research I became aware of many new features of the environments and habitats in which hunter-gatherers have lived that strongly influenced the success or failure of some of their strategies. For instance, the conditions modeled by the "codfish equation (11.02) are not yet definitive, and substantial research is needed to understand the response of pathogens to variability in both temperature and moisture. I would also like to learn how these factors contribute to health risks in different kinds of stored products. I am particularly looking forward to discovering
the many other areas of research that readers of this book will be inspired to pursue. I fear, though, that some readers may accept some of the points I have made and still ask how archaeologists will be able to use the procedures and the knowledge developed up to this point. In response, let me point out that it is possible for archaeologists to study comparatively archaeological sites, assemblages, and even artifacts relative to the same habitat vari ables that I used in my study of ethnographic cases. To be sure, the scale of patterns of variability will be different when one is studying archaeological sites rather than ethnic groups, but this very difference, other things being equal, could well pro vide dues to the kind of interassemblage variability that is refer able to within- as distinct from between-system variety. I also think more light could be shed on the question of parts and wholesthat is, the degree to which the contents of archae ological sites are conditioned by the varying roles played by items of material culture within a cultural system at different times and places, as opposed to fundamental changes in the orga
nization of similar features and artifacts in different systems. We should also begin to see different scales of space and habi tat characteristic of these two systemic scales of variability. Archaeologists can begin to use the synthesized infor mation now available about hunter-gatherers as an additional frame of reference. We will never learn what causes variability in the archaeological record by simply providing a behavioral interpretation of our sites or, if we are fortunate to have chronological data, by reconstructing culture histories. We must strive to learn what factors have conditioned cultural variability in the recent as well as in the distant past. This goal requires that we embrace research strategies that permit us, for purposes o f learning, to use our prior knowledge ana lytically rather than simply apply it to the archaeological record in an accommodative, piecemeal fashion. Such a pro cedure results in the creation o f a past that is only as com prehensive as the current state of our knowledge orperhaps more frighteninglythat reflects only what we choose to believe about humankind and culture.
1. When I use the word dimension, I am invoking the defi nition that is used in physics and mathematics, which refers to one of the least number of independent coordinates required to specify a point in space uniquely. By extension, the term prop erty space refers to any space that is dimensionally defined.
1. I do not mean to suggest that Fortes is the primary advocate of this position, for many others have also adopted this view of kinship. I simply cite Fortes because he is a con venient example. 2. This issue has been addressed by Ives (1985) with provoca tive results. 3. During Stewards era, the major challenge to this assump tion was the argument presented initially by Frank Speck (1915) stating that among the Northern Algonkian huntergatherers of eastern Canada nuclear families were landowning units. 4. It is interesting that Stewards citations in support of linking large Athapaskan group size to the availability of migratory animals come exclusively from Morice (1906a, 1906b, 1907,1909,1910). Although these articles are quite infor mative, Morice discusses Athapaskans in terms of an ethnic groupor what June Helm (1968) would later call regional bandsand group size is referred to as large (220 persons for the Save and 287 persons for the Dog Rib) (Steward 1936:342). Steward appears to conclude that groups of this size actually cooperated in large, communally organized caribou drives, but I know of no ethnographic documentation supporting such a conclusion. The single possible exception might be the Chippewayan, if one accepts Heffley (1981:137-38), although J. G. E. Smith (1978:77) reported that the size of the contacttraditional hunting group varied between eleven and fortyone persons. Small Copper Eskimo units engaged in caribou drives are also reported by Jenness (1932:58). Riches (1982:21-55) is a more recent proponent of the view that very large groups were characteristic of societies undertaking caribou drives. He assumes that the term band as used by Gubser (1965:167) referred to hunting groups assembled at cari
bou drive locations. Gubsers use of the term was similar to that of Morice, whose reports misled Steward about the size of coop erating units engaged in communal hunting. It is interesting that Riches has simply assumed, as did Steward, that cooper ating groups were very large and then has proceeded to explain why they should be large. There are, in fact, good reasons to believe that communal hunting groups were not generally as large as Riches imagined. 5. Fred Eggan has discussed in general terms the spatial cor relates of the family level of sociocultural integration: Each family may camp one-quarter of a mile away from the others. The people do not actually come into dose house-to-house con tact, but they are within shouting distance of one another in the same valley (Damas 1969:199). 6. For an excellent review of the history of ideas with regard to kinship and the arguments between Julian Steward and Omer Stewart, particularly on the subject of landownership and the character of the groups being discussed under the band rubric, see Shapiro (1986:620-29). 7. In spite of forceful arguments to the contrary, this view has its defenders in the contemporary literature (Bishop 1970), and the issue remains unresolved in any scientific sense of the word. 8. This treatment of the !Kung provides a preview of the cur rent debate questioning whether this group should be viewed as a model for hunter-gatherers of the past (Wilmsen 1983). 9. Like Service, Lee attributed organizational divergence from a pristine band state to the destructive effects of contact with state-level societies. Interestingly, Wilmsen s criticism of Lees work invokes the same argument (Wilmsen 1989). 10. Sahlins has many critics. For example, Sahlinss incor poration of Chayanovs work and his defense of the "substantivist economic position have been criticized from the perspective of neoclassical economics (Donham 1981). Evo lutionary biologists have addressed his argument of limited needs by presenting evidence that hunters do not stop hunt ing when they "have enough but instead hunt longer hours when hunting returns are high (Hawkes et al. 1985). Although this is an important point, Sahlins was addressing the issue of the accumulation of wealth rather than the question of increas ing ones fitness, a concern that does not directly relate to the wealth issue.
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11. For a complete misunderstanding of the goals of science as a structured learning process, see the distorted description of processual archaeology and the claims for the value of a particularistic historical viewof causation presented by McGuire (1992:146-78). 12. I do not mean to imply that all of the ideas or research leading to the position summarized here were exclusively the work of these authors. Many other researchers have made basic contributions to the development of the views reviewed here. I have chosen this body of work because it is the most com prehensive treatment of the issue of sharing that I know of. 13. The term risk has been used in a number of ways in the anthropological literature. In many cases it is used to denote either insecurity or low productivity in a habitat, or periodic failure in subsistence strategies when compared with the over all security of a system. This usage is common in the work of Richard Gould (1980:85-87,1981:436) and John Yellen (1986), among others, but it has little analytical value and represents, at best, a vague characterization of a system state. 14. In my opinion, most of what is discussed as theory in con temporary archaeology and anthropology is not theory in any scientific sense of the term. At best, the term theory is used to refer to a series of abstract characterizations of experience that are often indistinguishable from essentialist propositions about what the world is like. These characterizations are usu ally consistent with some broader moral or political philoso phy to which the theorists subscribe. Theory in this context consists of the conceptual terms used by the theorist to accom modate the world of experience to his or her prior beliefs. 15. The typological approach to hunter-gatherer variability remains alive and well: Woodbum (1988) is perhaps the most visible writer currently adhering to this essentialist approach. 16. Historicismand its preoccupation with event sequencesunderlies many currently debated issues in the anthropological literature (Headland and Reid 1989; Schrire 1984b; Solway and Lee 1990; Wilmsen 1989).
1. This problem is directly implied by the discussions of atomism that have arisen in the comparative study of huntergatherers. 2. Postprocessualists justify their claims for a superior archaeology by adopting the methodology of critical divina tion. They call for a reconstruction of the rationality of a past cultural system because their vision dictates that knowledge of the thoughts of past actors must precede an interpretation of the archaeological record. Reasons, however, are always relative to the socioculturally constituted matrix within which persons live and act andgiven commonalities in belief, val ues, and moral and ethical positionscan be derived from any experiences in terms of which one evaluates the actions and reasons of others. The rules for creating the past in postprocessualist terms, therefore, must be arbitrary in order to accommodate the fact that reasons are difficult to access even after archaeological investigation. 3. Leachs assertion that prediction of human behavior is impossible places him in the relativist category, but is this judgment made with respect to the variety and novelty observ able in human action, and does Leach believe that it is uniquely referable to human abilities? If so, then quite unintentionally
Leach has placed the human species in the same research con text as nonhuman animals, since all researchers consider the unique properties of the subjects of their research. 4. Ironically, in the sense of physical dynamics the products of scientific learning strategies are neither static nor dynamic. Rather they are emergent and have many of the same properties that the critics of science have claimed require a different way of learning! 5. For Leach and other humanistic anthropologists, the problem is not one of emergence, since their ideological per spective is associated with an anti-evolutionary stance and a denial of emergence as a natural process. Unanticipated change is explained by the unpredictability of human actors and their alleged ability to change the nature of their own social orga nizations. According to this viewpoint, human actors are endowed with the capacity to choose their futures and then to make them happen without the impingement of natural processes. 6. From the perspective of biological evolution, models of kin selection and inclusive fitness may be more appropriate to arguments about group stabilities than to risk reduction, since successful risk reduction strategies appear to be based upon a reasonable certainty about the future behavior of other actors in the risk pool. 7. The research value of a maximizing assumption is well illustrated by Hurtado and Hill (1990:337-39), who noted a low level of work effort and a far from optimal nutritional state among the Hiwi (Guihibo) of Venezuela. These observations led them to look for other variables and states that could have produced a trade-off situation in which maximizing one cur rency resulted in a reduction in security because of other niche-related interactions. 8. There is considerable controversy over the meaning and correct usage of the term optimality (Richerson and Boyd 1987). In the context of this discussion, it can be used in two ways: to refer either to the best or most desirable outcome or to a state that is better than the current state. When I use the currency of maximizing vital security, I have in mind the sta bilization of a currently unstable situation or a restructuring of niche to increase overall stability. Either of these meanings simply represents an improvement in some condition. I do not mean to imply that a sentient organism can seek an optimal state in some absolute sense, since the knowledge necessary to imagine such a state and the stabilities prerequisite to realize that state will never co-occur. This is simply another way of stat ing the principle of scientific indeterminism (Popper 1988:29-86). 9. Anthropology involves a built-in conflict for practi tioners. In order to do anthropological research with living peoples, it is necessary to concentrate on learning the mean ings assigned to actions, as well as the values, beliefs, and cus toms that are shared by the peoples with whom one interacts. In short, one must become an authority on the reasons prompt ing the behaviors that one observes. The ability to fit in socially and to convey to others the rationality of one s own very dif ferent and sometimes shocking ways of doing things is criti cally dependent upon an appreciation of the other" and thetr mores. Anthropologists must never assume, however, that accurately recorded emic statements about the meaning ot life and the reasons for different kinds of behavior constitute an explanation of cultural variability itself. Archaeologists are perhaps uniquely positioned to undertake explanatory ventures
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since it is not necessary to work out a mutually satisfying modus vivendi in order to study human material remains. Our task is the explanation of documented variability that was created in dynamic contexts to which the human capacity for generating reasons was only one of many contributing factors.
C HA P T E R 3
1. Pattern recognition has been described as a skill at which human beings excel (see Watanabe 1985:20). This apparently innate facility has been enhanced by the development of numerous tactics and strategies directed toward increasing the reliability of human recognition skills (Grenander 1981; Patrick 1972). It would not be an exaggeration to say that the development of enhanced pattern recognition skills has been crucial to the development of science as a strategy for learning. 2. I and another researcher (Binford 1991a; Helm 1993) reported using diaries to produce data about the past that the authors of the diaries would have been unaware of or would have had no interest in. 3. One of the features of inductively reasoned arguments is the degree of inductive ambiguity of the observations used in the argument. Since induction can be the basis for propo sitions of either great utility or sheer nonsense, scientific strategies for evaluating the utility of ideas make a major con tribution to intellectual success. 4. One of the best examples of the transition from cogni tive attachment to explanation occurs in an article by Tim othy Earle (1991) in which he argues that individual choice can be assumed to be responsible for human behavior and that behavioralism therefore explains archaeological patterning. The author provides an example of how the processes of choice might be examined archaeologically by observing a number of changes in the archaeological record of the Mantaro River in Peru subsequent to the Inka conquest. Earle then says that die lesson appears to be quite obvious. In terms of status-defining material culture, objects with local and regional reference were largely replaced by objects that refer explicitly to the state styles. Following conquest, the Wanka elites identified themselves explicitly with the state rather than with their regional networks important prior to conquest. Eliteness derived, if you will, not from a class of elites connected hori zontally by networks of alliance but from a group identified vertically by their ties to the state (Earle 1991:95). It appears obvious to me that at the most superficial, explanatory level, processes of choice underlie most if not all of the changes in the formal properties of items of material cul ture found in the archaeological record. This is because human agency and motivation are correlated with these formal prop erties, whether one is making the items oneself or importing them from some other source. In this example, Earle stipulates that behavioralism (the physical manifestation of processes of choice) is the explanatory fulcrum of archaeological theory building. He then cites the change in Wanka material culture and imputes a set of attitudes and behaviors to the Wanka (they identify themselves with the larger political system) that is said to explain the archaeological patterning. This is a textbook example of stipulative thinking, which simply translates all phe nomena into a different set of terms with zero explanatory valueunless, of course, one believes that the intellectual content of sentences spoken in English is explained by a translation of the English into French.
5. The postmodernist criticism that interpretation is a log ical extension of the researchers original observational bias is correct when it applies to first-order patterning. Focus on first-order observations guarantees that the original justifica tions for making the observations will also justify the inter pretations. Unfortunately, these same critics offer alternative interpretations that make them appropriate targets of their own criticism. Apparently they do not understand that when analy sis proceeds to second- and third-order derivative patterning, a strict inductive pattern of inference is established, the com ponents of which must be independendy justified. 6. The so-called culture war in anthropology (Geertz 1995) derives from opinions about the correct way to articu late source- and subject-side knowledge. This debate also questions what is a proper subject-side focus of study and what is germane source-side knowledge. My position with respect to these issues should be clear from my attempt to develop rational and productive tactics for using source-side knowledge in a scientific search for greater knowledge and causal understanding of archaeological and ethnographic variability, with a special pragmatic focus on hunter-gatherers. 7. I realize that all prior processes are not necessarily ger mane to the ancient events about which the archaeologist wishes to learn. Many kinds of eventsand the processes that cause the modification of an archaeological depositleave residual patterning that does not directly implicate the orga nization of past cultural systems. 8. First-order patterning may be recognized without the use of a frame of reference per se. For example, when two variables are plotted in two-dimensional space by means of a range of values of variable X on the X axis and a range of values of vari able Y on the Y axis, the swarm of points in the area defined by the X and Faxes can represent a property space map of the relationships between the two variables. In situations in which there is a good understanding of the basis for the patterning on such a property space map, by adding one or more variables one can use the property space as a frame of reference for explor ing the possibility of differential or regular patterning. I might, for instance, code with a third variable all of the points where variable X and variable Y (whose interactive relationships are generally understood) intersect in order to see if the third variable exhibits any general patterning with regard to the property space defined by the better-understood referential variables. Property space maps can be thought of as something like geographic maps. In a distribution of points that defines the outline and features of the continent of South America, for instance, coding all points for another variable such as eleva tion would make it possible to transform the flat" space of the original distribution into a property space map of elevation. Depending upon the conventions I have chosen to observe, I could now depict the South American continent not only in terms of north-south, east-west extension but also in terms of topography. 9. As Wylie has pointed out (1985:100 105), it must be demonstrated that the subject-side phenomena (the obser vations or data being analyzed) and the source-side knowledge that is used to construct arguments or offer interpretations are linked in a germane or relevant real-world fashion. 10. I hope to illustrate how projection may be used in an argu ment from analogy in order to permit the evaluation of ana logical implications. By so doing one is able to answer a
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question such as: do data from the location of interest support the expectations projected from ethnographic data? An answer of either yes or no is directly informative about the pro jections limits of relevance and might also provide clues to causal conditions not considered in the original projection. 11. Students taking a course on statistics are invariably intro duced to the subject of probability by a coin-flipping demon stration. The reason that there is an equal probability distribution for the frequency of heads and tails is because the choice of heads and tails as properties to observe have noth ing to do with the physics of coin-flipping, which is related to the coins center of gravity. If the coin is tampered with in such a way that one or the other face of the coin is differentially weighted, then the coins surface becomes relevant to the out come. Statistics do not inform us about the external world in any direct sense; they only give us feedback about how germane the properties we have chosen to observe may be to the way the world might work. In this sense, it is not possible to prove that a random distribution really exists anywhere in nature only that one exists with respect to the irrelevant terms with which we have chosen to describe experience! 12. Failure to consider all these options is what has made Richard Goulds proposals (1980:138-68) for arguments from anomaly misleading and certain to result in false interpretations. 13. For an interesting discussion of ethnographic analogy see the article by Rensink (1995) entitled On Magdalenian Mobil ity and Land Use in North-west Europe. The author is clearly frustrated with inferential identifications by other researchers of site types that are based on my argument (resulting from ethnographic comparisons) for the presence of differences in settlement pattern and site composition that are related to logis tical and foraging forms of subsistence organization. The authors support for a return to the data reflects the posture of other critics of analogy, such as Richard Gould (1971,1974, 1977,1978a, 1978b, 1980,1985) and Gould and Watson (1982). I suggest that they all refer to my comments on this debate (Binford 1985, 1989; Binford and Stone 1985). Although I am sympathetic to these reactions, I remain unimpressed, since almost all of them derive from an empiricist paradigm. I would argue, instead, that it is imperative to learn how to use prior (source-side) knowledge more profitably to address the (subject-side) object of our research, which is the archaeological record. 14. See, for example, the discussion by Carr (1985:384-452). 15. I have tried to illustrate how ambiguity should be regarded as a tip-off to learning opportunities (Binford 1987), but, more often than not, ambiguity is cited as the reason that generalizations and cross-cultural comparisons are invalid. 16. For instance, it is common to read in the archaeological literature that ones theoretical orientation biases what one considers to be causes.Binford... attributes cross-culturally consistent relationships to environmental factors or causes, whereas I attribute cross-culturaliy consistent relationships to social-cultural factors (Kent 1994:6). Unfortunately, Kent appears to misunderstand my research. I have frequently demonstrated the correlation between cultural data and envi ronmental data. This is an empirical observation, and my theoretical orientation does not modify the reality of the demonstrated correlations. In fact, many of the variables that Kent focused upon in her research at Kutse were the very same variables that I have studied in many different contexts!
Interpretations of archaeological data are, at best, opinions about what is germane, what is relevant, and what may be linked to a researchers knowledge and beliefs. Insofar as inter pretations become the sole intellectual goal, then ones personal biases and knowledge constraints most certainly condition the kinds of interpretations offered. 17. This tactic may appear to be similar to Goulds (1985:642) argument from analogy, but in explanatory terms it is alto gether different. Gould stipulates the significance of archae ological phenomena that he terms anomalies and claims that they deviate from a materialist expectation. In fact, such deviations are potential sources of new knowledge since the causes of the deviations were not considered in the original argument. There is, however, absolutely no basis for the assumption that a lack of inclusiveness in the original argu ment must refer to mental or ideological phenomena, as Gould claims. 18. The presence of different system states directly implies that there are organizational differences: similar things can be organized differently and different things can be oiganized sim ilarly. For instance, it has been said (Bender 1985:21) that the hunter-gatherers of the Northwest Coast of North America were as complex as, or exhibited organizational forms more like, horticultural peoples. This assertion was then used to justify their exclusion from the category of true hunter-gatherers. Northwest Coast groups have also been used to support the claim that subsistence base is not a meaningful conditioner of societal form because these groups more closely resemble horticultural peoples in organizational properties. One of the unresolved issues in anthropology concerns the issue of sys tem state comparisons and the question of what types of processes produce organizational similarities and differences. In the 1960s, the formulations of Sahlins and Service (1960:12-44) distinguished between general and specific" evolution. The latter referred to phylogenetic classification and the former referred to shifts in the character of process itself. These shifts resulted in forms. . . classed in stages or levels of development without reference to phytogeny (Sahlins 1960:13). Subsequent attempts to classify patterns of general evolution have been strongly challenged and rejected, partic ularly by neo-Marxists, who embrace ideological and histor ically particularistic approaches. Traditional normative archaeologists frequently support historical approaches, while so-called selectionistsrepresented by Dunnell (1992), Leonard and Jones (1987), and OBrien and Holland (1990, 1995)seek to eliminate inference from archaeological method and arrive at theoretical certainty directly from a classification of empirical materials! 19. With one significant exception, archaeologists have invested little effort in the investigation of different tempos and modes of change in their data from different geographic set tings. The doctoral thesis of Carol Raish (1992), however, takes a global viewof important differences in the rate and mode of organizational change.
1. The data on the 1,429 weather stations included in my study were originally published by Wtrnstedt (1972), who reported values for the following variables: name of the weather station, location by country, station elevation, longitude, and latitude. Mean monthly values for temperature and mean
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monthly rainfall levels are also reported, as well as summary values for total annual rainfall and mean annual temperature. 2. An ET value was also calculated for the sample of weather stations used here as a frame of reference against which to com pare hunter-gatherer systems, as well as for all other loca tions that are used comparatively throughout the book. All other described variables were also calculated for all hunter-gatherer cases and any other comparative materials included in the study. 3. The most important measure of solar radiation used in biological calculations is potential vapotranspiration. Strictly speaking, this is a measurement of solar radiation expressed in terms of the amount of water that could be either evaporated or transpired, given the solar energy available at any given loca tion. This measure, which is referred to as PET, will be discussed subsequently. 4. Avalue of forty-five is added so that there will be no neg ative values in any calculations. 5. The moisture index was developed by Thornthwaite and Mather to facilitate evaluation of the suitability of environments for agricultural production (Mather 1962:120). The index is calculated as follows: MI = 100 * (CRR/PET - 1). This value is distributed between -100 and an open scale of positive val ues. The following classification of habitats was proposed by the original researchers: (a) perhumid: values from 100 and greater; (b4) humid-4: values from 80 through 99.99; (b3) humid-3: values from 60 through 79.99; (b2) humid-2: values from40 through 59.99; (bl) humid-1: values from 20 through 39.99; (c2) moist subhumid: values from 0 through 19.99; (cl) dry subhumid: values from -33.30 through -0.01; (d) semiarid: values from -66.7 through -33.31; (e) arid: values from -100 through -66.71. It should be noted that the transition point betweenwater-starved habitats such as desert, savanna, grass land, and some dry, scrub forests (versus true forests) occurs at a value of zero in this scheme. 6. This index was developed by Holdridge ( 1959) for use in classifying plant communities from climatic data. It is cal culated using the following equation: HIRX = PET/CRR. At this point in the discussion, PET has not been defined. It rep resents, however, potential vapotranspiration: the total amount of water in millimeters that could be both evaporated or tran spired at a particular location, given the amount of available solar energy measured by temperature. Holdridge developed the following nine-step classification of habitats: 1, superhumid: values from zero to 0.255; 2, perhumid: values from 0.256 through 0.555; 3, humid: values from 0.556 through 1.00; 4, subhumid: values from 1.01 through 2.00; 5, semiarid: val ues from 2.01 through 4.00; 6, arid: values from 4.01 through 8.00; 7, periarid: values from 8.01 through 16.00; 8, superarid: values from 16.01 through 32.00; 9, desiccated: values above 32,00. It should be noted that the cutoff or transition value between forests and forms of desert, savanna, grassland, and tropical raingreen dry forests is 1.0 on this scale. All true forests have values greater than 1.0. 7. This statement refers to the tables dealing with soil mois ture retention, in which the properties of soils are related to agricultural crops and not to natural plant communities (Thornthwaite and Mather 1957:244). 8. Most of this very difficult work was done in several time-consuming steps by Russell Gould. First, all of Thorn thwaite and Mathers (1957) tables of meteorological data
were scanned into the computer. Then, long iterations were run on that data relative to values read from the tables. Equations were then obtained for the relationships between the results and the variables that had been used to create the tables in the first place. Excellent results were obtained, and the equations made it possible to write a computer program that produced measures of potential evapotranspiration (PET) and actual evapotranspiration (AE), both of which are essential in cal culations of water balance. 9. In order to produce these values, the following data had to be included in the meteorological file: 1, NAME: the weather station or source of the data; 2, LATITUDE: the latitude of the weather station in degrees and tenths of degrees; 3, LAT: S = south latitude, N = north latitude; 4, LONGITUDE: the lon gitude of the weather station in degrees and tenths of degrees; 5, LONG: E = east longitude, W = west longitude; 6, ELEV: the elevation of the weather station in feet; 7, RJAN: mean rain fall for January in millimeters; 8-18, similar rainfall values for the months February through December; 19, TJAN: mean temperature for the month of January in degrees Celsius; 20-30, similar temperature values for the months February through December. In addition to these basic data, the following variables were entered to facilitate subsequent calculations: 31, MCM: tem perature of the coldest month of the year in degrees Celsius; 32, MWM: temperature of the warmest month of the year in degrees Celsius; 33, RHIGH: rainfall for the wettest month of the year in millimeters; 34, RLOW: rainfall for the driest month of the year in millimeters; 35, RRCORR: number of months (positive or negative from the wannest month of the year) of the wettest month of the year (positive values range from 1 to 6 while negative values range from 1 to 5). In reality, the meteorological data used in this study were obtained largely by geographic extrapolation from the data of several weather stations because only in rare instances was a weather station located exactly in the center of the range of a known group of hunter-gatherers. When extrapolation was required, a minimum of three stations were chosen that were roughly equidistant from the point to be estimated. If equidis tant stations were not available, data from other stations were weighted as a function of their distance from the longitude and latitude of the point of interest. 10. The equations and procedures for calculating all of the necessary variables (based solely on meteorological data) for an analysis of the water balance at any given location are cur rently stored on the computer in my laboratory at South ern Methodist University in Dallas. In the near future I hope to be able to make these files available to interested researchers. 11. One feature of the water balance approach is the con sideration given to the properties of soils. In order to use this method, the researcher needs to know the character of the soils at the various locations for which calculations will be performed. In turn, the different types of soils are weighted so that vary ing amounts of water retained within the soil are estimated dif ferentially, depending upon the mix of soil properties. The following values for water storage (WSTORAGE) have been used for the basic soil types: S = 62.72; A1 59,96; A2 = 108.75; A3 = 196.84; A4 * 103.86; A5 = 196.84; A (59.96 + 108.75 + 196.84 + l03.86)/4; U = 174.52; U2 * 174.52; U4 174.52; O ~ 383.93; V = 161.20; M * 195.92; M5 = 195.92; D = 69.95; T = 66.72; H - 143.03.
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12. I had originally planned to use existing systems of veg etation classification based on climatic data. On investiga tion, however, I discovered that while the Strahler and Strahler classification (1984:chapter 10 and appendix I) was based on Thornthwaite and Mather (1957), it was ambiguous in a num ber of ways and did not take advantage of the latter authors strengths. For example, water storage was considered to be a potential of all soil types, which was totally unrealistic. My large data set described here was used to generate a climatic classi fication more consistent with Thornthwaite and Mathers water balance approach. 13. This relationship is documented in the values of PET divided by annual precipitation, which range between 0.25 and zero. This interval defines the worlds rain forest zone in Holdridges scheme of plant community classification. Simi larly, in Thornthwaites moisture index, values in excess of 80.00 define the b4 humid-plus zone containing the highestbiomass plant communities on earth. 14. This was achieved by fitting a curve for the relationship between the maximum biomass and the net aboveground productivity recorded at several locations. The value of net aboveground productivity would be the same as the value of net aboveground productivity resulting from an actual vap otranspiration (AE) value that was equal to potential vapo transpiration (PET). 15. Eyres classification has been widely used and serves as the basis of a number of texts in physical geography (e.g., Strahler and Strahler 1984). The accompanying maps were scanned into a computer, enlarged to a uniform scale, and then printed. These standardized maps were then used to measure the area of the earth covered by the different vegetative for mations distinguished by Eyres classification. 16. It is true that hunter-gatherers in some predominantly dry environments are reported to have set fire to the landscape as a routine response to a cycle of annual desiccation. The regions in which this practice has occurred are also subject to fires of natural origin, and, not surprisingly, the climax plant community consists of species that are rejuvenated rather than destroyed by fire. Fire in this setting, regardless of agency, is one of the natural conditions that helps to maintain a cli max plant formation. 16. On Strahler and Strahlers maps (1984:424-25), lati tude was indicated by straight lines, so that it was relatively easy to project them fairly accurately across areas of the map rep resenting land surfaces. A bigger problem was accurately pro jecting the curved lines representing longitude, for which I used a Keuffel and Esser flexcurve drafting edge (#57-2817-18). 17. Porcupine grass refers to various species of spinifex that are restricted to Australia, which means that, unlike Mediter ranean types of vegetation, this formation is provincial. 18. Amber Johnson worked for several days measuring the areas on Eyres maps occupied by different vegetative zones. On the basis of her work, I then selected the areally propor tional sample of the earths weather stations presented in table 4.08, as well as the information on plant communities that the table summarizes. This information on the earths area will be referred to extensively in chapter 5. 19. Eyres maps acknowledge that his projections were adap tations of the work of a well-known person named Goode at the University of Chicago, but I have been unable to find an accurate bibliographic citation to Goodes work.
20. Eisenberg, who is one of the foremost researchers of animal biomass, kindly shared with me his vast knowledge of the ecological literature as well as his understanding of the prob lem that I was researching. 21. SPSS for Windows version 5.0 was programmed to per form this analysis, using a stepwise method with a 0.05 F probability for entry and a 0.10 F probability for removal. 22. These results are expected when the sample size is reduced for cases in which the basic relationships between the depen dent and independent variables are strong. There is no necessary implication of increased accuracy, however. 23. As a check against the production of impossible values, which my experience has demonstrated could be a conse quence of using such an equation, I developed the following procedure: 1. I would reject any value requiring that more plant food be available to feed the projected animal biomass than was projected as present, given certain correc tions for the difference between accessible and avail able plant food, as well as the trophic exchange ratio. I used the following equation, which produced the ratio (APLRTO): ({[100 * (EXPREY + 0.001)1 * 2.151/0.043748)/ NAGPP where 2.15 is simply an estimate of the niche-related fauna in addition to ungulates that might be present, and 0.043748 is a conversion ratio that tells how much plant biomass is required to support the amount of animal biomass into which it is divided. The vari able NAGPP is simply the value of NAGP scaled up to equal the amount present in an area measuring 100 square kilometers. This scaling requires that EXPREY be multiplied by 100 since it is calculated in the equa tion in units of square kilometers. 2. A n y c a s e s i n w h i c h t h e p r e c e d i n g e q u a t io n p r o d u c e d a v a lu e g r e a t e r t h a n 0.39 o r g r e a t e r t h a n 39 p e r c e n t
o f a v a i l a b l e p l a n t p r o d u c t i v i t y w e r e c o n s id e r e d u n r e a l is t i c a n d w e r e i d e n t if i e d in t h e o u t p u t b y a n e x p e c t e d v a lu e o f -99.0.
24. This equation was calculated using 98 of the 103 cases listed in the animal biomass file. The five omitted cases were consistent outliers regardless of how I calculated the equations. They include the Gir in India, Sengwa Park in Zimbabwe, Queen Elizabeth Park in Uganda, and Hlu-Hluhluwe in South Africa. 25. The inclusion of WSTORAGE in this equation is inter esting since the criticism by Oesterheld et al. (1992) of Fritz and Duncans work (1993) appears to be justified. This may well be a situation in which Fritz and Duncan are correct, but for the wrong reasons. Another possibility is that Fritz and Dun cans use of different data at different scales was not the seri ous blunder that Oesterheld et al. (1992) alleged. 26. Coe et al. (1976) report that the parks total biomass, including elephants, is 3,909 kilograms per square kilometer. Barnes and Douglas-Hamilton (1982:415), however, report that of 5,422 kilograms of animal biomass per square kilometer* only 912 kilograms were from species other than elephants. Since most of my data on Africa came from Coe et al., I reasoned that approximately the same percentage of total biomass represented by elephants was eliminated from the BIOSMALL estimates, and I chose a BIOSMALL value of 664 kilograms per square
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kilometer as the base estimate for the time period covered by the data of Coe et al. It is clear in retrospect that this was not a good strategy. Barnes and Douglas-Hamilton have reported a 9 percent per year increase in the Parks elephant population since 1972, which is attributed by the authors to human pressure. It should be noted that, prior to 1946, over thirty settlements were estab lished in the area that now constitutes the park, although cur rently there are no resident settlements. Since 1946, the abundance and distribution of animal populations has been changing dramatically.
1. Despite my efforts to inject clarity into the confused discussion in the archaeological literature about the nature and importance of middle-range research, many misconceptions about this term remain (Binford 1981:21-30, 1987:449-55, 503-8,1989:12-23). In general, however, all research on sourceside subjects that is applied to subject-side problems to facil itate secure inferences about the character of the past is embraced by the term middle-range research. 2. See Lee and DeVore (1968b) for a statement about the importance of hunter-gatherer data. 3. Since there is no such thing as a log10 value of zero, by convention a value of 0.01 has been entered in all cells that w ouldotherwise have been coded zero. In order to have the total value of the three subsistence-related variables equal 100 per cent, a fractional correction of 0.99 is entered in one of the three columns instead of a whole number. 4. Use of the terms hunting, gathering, and fishingis not an accurate indication of what these variables represent. The three terms refer to what a person does to get food, whereas the variables refer to where in the natural world one gets food. I have kept Murdocks terms because they are recognizable and because die phrase terrestrial plants or terrestrial animals is cum bersome in tables. 5. Considerable debate has been initiated by the postprocessual faction in archaeology, much of it focused on this issue. Clearly it is possible to choose one of many different prob lems as the starting point for analysis. I realize that not every one is interested in demographic and subsistence variables. In fact, postprocessualists labeled my concerns as illegitimate based on their ontological beliefs about the locus of cause. It w as argued that science was an invalid strategy for learning because postprocessual interests reside in domains that require unique epistemological underpinnings. Instead of engaging in counterproductive debate, a more reasonable course is to admit that, just as research focus may vary from researcher to researcher, solutions to different problems may also be different 6. Hunter-gatherer penetration of the challenging envi ronment of the polar tundra resulted from dynamic processes occurringjust prior to and contemporary with the appearance of the earliest use of domesticated plants and animals, which was itself a response to causal processes in other huntergatherer systems. Successful occupation of the arctic tundra was a remarkable feat of adaptive ingenuity and should not be mar ginalizedby ill-informed interpreters of the recent distribu tion of peoples and cultures. 7. See Vierich (1982) for information relevant to an answer to this question.
8. An examination of the ethnographic record casts doubt on the assertion that with agriculture... humans could har ness labour by using food as a currency and a medium of exchange (Hole 1992:378). True money was a currency used regularly by many of the hunter-gatherers of California, and food was the major commodity purchased with that money (Wojcik 1992). 9. See Shott (1992) for a review of such arguments. 10. This concern has extended to the question of what is the proper status of the peoples of the Northwest Coast of North America and the Ainu of Japan. Since all of these groups share characteristics with horticultural peoples, it has been argued that they should be excluded from the class of hunter-gatherers. 11. For a philosophical exploration of the issue of natural units and their importance in science see Komblith (1993). 12. Technically, the grasslands of California are components of an oak savanna that is typically conditioned by predomi nantly winter rainfall. These should not be equated with grass lands that do not have predominantly winter rainfalL This is a distinction that, unfortunately, Eyre fails to make. 13. Each time one adjusts the basis of a projectionas in map A in figure 5.12, for which I used only nonsedentary huntergatherer casesit is also necessary to reconfigure the projec tion in order to maintain proportionality relative to the vegetative communities. This adjustment was not made in these examples since I was simply trying to illustrate the util ity of using a frame of reference and making projections from the known to the unknown. In this case, these projections correspond to what the world would look like if it were peopled by hunter-gatherers. 14. The analogy here is with subspecies as opposed to spedes, which are separated by reproductively isolating mechanisms.
c h a p t er
1. Marshall Sahlins and Elman Service (1960) dealt with a similar question but did not address the issue of process. Sahlins and Service distinguished between specific and general evolution and argued that adaptation was the mechanism underlying specific evolution. In contrast, general evolution was identified with the emergence of complex political systems. Reaction to this distinction was not generally supportive; the prevailing view was that the problem of variability could best be understood as arising from the same processes that produce differential complexity, either between or among cases drawn from similar or different culture areas. 2. Although some archaeologists have recently expressed sympathy with or a poorly reasoned enthusiasm for recent research on the evolutionary processes resulting in complexification (e.g., Tainter and Tainter 1996), no publication in the archaeological literature has yet dealt with this issue incisively. 3. White was an inspiring but frustrating teacher. He argued vigorously on behalf of the holistic belief that cultural variability could not be explained by reductionist reasoning. At the same time, he worked with a general currencyenergyas the basis of all system dynamics, regardless of the level of organi zational complexity and ordered "uniqueness,as he would say. However, the position outlined by Sahlins (1976; 13), which claimed that, because culture was an emergent phenomenon, cultural variability had to be explained in cultural terms.
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seemed equally unwarranted. And similar ideas, vented con temporaneously by Dunnell (1971:133) and Leach (1973), made unproductive ontological claims about the locus of cause based on the taxonomic implications of a holistic view point, although they were expressed in terms of human char acteristics or human nature, rather than culture. 4. See MacArthur (1968,1972); MacArthur et al. (1966); and MacArthur and Wilson (1967). 5. The work of Boyd and Richerson (1985) dealing with the heritability of culture is an exception to this generalization and represents a major step forward in the development of evolutionary theory that is germane to the concerns of anthropologists. 6. The arguments presented in the articles listed have recently been characterized as an appeal to the uniqueness hypothesis of human behavior (Jones et al. 1995:13). This claim is rather silly since there are at least two contexts within which a claim of uniqueness might be warranted: (1) The differences between mice and men have consequences for the way equal selective pressures will operate on two such popu lations, which is another way of saying that initial conditions are important considerations in any attempted explanation. (2) There are important differences between domains of phe nomena, as Mayr argued forcefully with regard to biological versus physical domains, which were said to require different methods and even different types of epistemology! I assume that the selectionist criticism is of the latter position, which has been called Whiggish by Wicken (1990) and other insight ful thinkers. I support Wickens criticism and therefore sup port point (1) and reject point (2). Mayr, however, is one of the selectionists revered ancestors, and one can only won der what Jones et al. could be talking about. 7. Risk in this context does not refer to danger or insecu rity, but rather to variability in the success rates of individu als who are attempting to procure resources. Success or failure does not result from differences in the skills of the producers or variability in the abundance of resources present. Risk can be characterized as the differential luck of hunters on a given day. 8. In chapter 7, the Terrestrial Model will make it possible to traverse the interesting zone of uncertainty between what I allegedly know about the range of variability in the types of plays in which human actors could have participated when they were rigidly constrained by specified conditions and my knowl edge of the plays that have actually been produced. 9. The word adaptation has been misunderstood and mis represented in the anthropological literature. My use of the term does not refer to some optimal state of a system (Rindos 1989:35), nor is it an uncomfortable synonym for natural selection (Dunnell 1980:49). I believe instead that adaptation refers to the state of a cultural system at the time it is observed or becomes the focus of research. When I refer to variability among cultural systems or in the niches occupied by cultural systems, I would, therefore, mean variability in the cultural adap tations under discussion. An adaptation has reference to the ecological state of a cultural system and not to its stability or pattern of change, nor to any absolute criteria of optimality as implied by Rindos (1989:22). 10, Anthropology1 s unscientific character is nowhere better illustrated than by the outbursts of name-calling evoked by the results of human ecology research. In contrast to the scientific
method, which attempts to evaluate the utility and accuracy of a set of arguments, name-calling attempts to dismiss those arguments with which the name-caller disagrees by claiming that they are flawed, not in their logic or content but because they deal with arguments of cause and effect in terms of domains that are considered inappropriate to a discussion of human behavior. 11. See note 9. 12. There are certainly exceptions, such as Rostlunds (1952) comprehensive study, which should be of interest to archae ologists and ethnologists alike. Not all studies of this kind, how ever, provide the information needed to work with habitat variables. 13. This term is adopted from Birdsell (1953:184). 14. For an excellent illustration of the relationship between understory growth and animal body size see DuBost (1979). 15. The global pattern of plant community destruction due to fire is a fascinating study in itself. Storms are major condi tioners of successional dynamics, particularly in areas subject to cyclones. High-biomass tropical forests also experience this type of perturbation. See Webb (1958) for a description of the effect on the Queensland rain forests referred to in this chapter. 16. Not surprisingly, archaeologists have been concerned with some of the issues raised by the generalist-specialist debate (Cleland 1976). More recent literature has expanded con siderably on this subject (Bettinger 1980; Dunnell 1980; Meltzer and Smith 1986), but the discussion of specialists and generalists in the anthropological literature is uncon nected intellectually to the discussion by ecologists of withinhabitat diversity and structural complexity. The ecological arguments specify a set of initial conditions and define the phe notypes of the species within the habitat of interest. Like MacArthurs broken stick model, these arguments often indude irreversible conditions and subsequent outcomes that change the structure of the ecosystem as a result of selective pressures favoring or leading to the extinction of specialists or general ists. When archaeologists infer that their data indicate relatively narrow niche breadth (focal strategies is Qdands term), which means that few spedes are exploited instead of many, they search the ecological literature for information about specialization and jack-of-all-trades strategies. This application of eco logical principles is inappropriate since the issue is not whether a habitat is dominated by either feeding spedalists or gener alists, but rather what factors are conditioning differences in diet breadth in an omnivorous spedes occupying different habi tats. Another relevant question is what factors contribute to shifts in diet breadth when gross environmental conditions are con sidered similar. Archaeologists want to know why changes occur in diet breadth over time or in the trophic strata from which foods are obtained or from greater dependence upon hunting to increased use of plant species (Bettinger and Baumhoff 1982; Hayden 1990; Meltzer and Smith 1986). The ecological literature addresses instead the issue of niche dynam ics and variability within species and not the problem of within-habitat diversity, which is the context for a discussion of generalists and specialists when the issue is human niches. 17. The Nunamiut have often been identified as feeding specialists since most of their food comes from one species, the caribou. Considering the number of species present in their habitat, however, and the differential accessibility of species (lenv ming versus caribou, for instance), it is clear that they are
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almost perfect generalists. In fact, the Nunamiut feeding strat egyis consistent with Pielous previously cited generalization. Perhaps the most ill-advised use of the terms specialist and gen eralist is found in discussions of the alleged specialistbehav ior of Paleoindian societies in the New World, which is contrasted with the generalist strategies of hunter-gatherer groups in subsequent Archaic time periods. I think that these assessments are probably wrong and that the contrasts that archaeologists have noted refer to differences in habitat and not differences in the strategic behaviors of hunter-gatherers. In all likelihood, groups during both time periods were generalists. 18. Honey is a major source of food in many tropical settings, where it is collectedusually by malesfrom the nests of bees. In many ethnographic reports honey is classified as an animal product, but it is really a plant product that is accu mulated by bees. The energetics of production and the level of the bee population are a function of net aboveground pro ductivity in the plant community. 19. By dividingNAGP by 1,000, the equation transforms mea sures of NAGP from grams to kilograms. Anticipating the later use of human population density values that are expressed in units consisting of the number of persons per 100 square kilometers, I converted the measure of net aboveground pro ductivityto a comparable unit by multiplying by 100,000,000 square meters (the number of square meters in 100 square kilometers). 20. This is the environment of three of the hunter-gatherer groups included in this study: the Djaru, Mamu, and Ngatjan of the Queensland rain forest. 21. Two of the hunter-gatherer groups included in this study inhabited the North Queensland rain forests or forest margins. The Mamuwere forest-dwellers (VEGTAT = FE-1) whereas the Ngatjan lived in the slightly drier broadleaf evergreen forests nearby (VEGTAT = FBE-4). 22. BAR2 is simply total estimated biomass (BI05) divided by net aboveground productivity. Values of this indicator range from zero to sixty. 23. Human beings fall nearly perfectly on the fitted line describing this relationship (Aiello 1992a:41). 24. I had hoped that the recent interest in food procurement andconsumption that figures prominently in the literature on optimal foraging theory might be a source of the information I needed for my model. Researchers monitoring food con sumption had to weigh all consumables in order to calculate calories and kilocalories, which are the currency used in these studies. Unfortunately, primary observations of the weights of food items are usually unreported, and, in the rare instances w hen they are reported, they refer to labor efficiency values and not to the contribution a food item makes to the overall diet. 25. This value is very close to the value of 0.0466 used by Odum (1971:83) when he calculated the ecological pyramids of a boy, beef, and alfalfa plants. 26. This view has been presented yet again in the anthro pological literature by Kornfeld (1996). 27. The maps of Europe in this chapter are based upon a sample of 405 weather stations covering Europe west of 35 degrees east longitude. 28. ft should be kept in mind that the projections for aquatic dependence are not modified by information about rivers or lakesand are not related to the differential productivity of the marine environment. They are, instead, related to number of
kilometers from the coast, as well as other environmental variables that are correlated with the locations of aquatically dependent peoples during the historic period. 29. The equations used to project world weather station data and the expanded sample of stations used to project information to Europe do not include the information on rivers, lakes, and streams that was introduced in the section of this chapter entitled Aquatic Biomes and Human Habitats. In my judgment, a prohibitive amount of time would have been required to measure the global distribution (on maps providing sufficient detail, which were rarely available) of values for DRAIN, HEADWAT, DRANK, DPOSIT, and other similar variables. Instead, I provided values for those variables only in those regions in which the hunter-gatherer groups in my sample were located. Equations in subsequent chapters will pro ject both ethnographic data and more detailed information on rivers; other researchers working in specific local areas will be able to apply these equations to their own data with increased accuracy. 30. Of course, the presence of many items of European manufacture would mark the historic period, although these items would not explain either the origin and the character of the Plains Indian culture area or its fascinating internal cohe siveness at the level of similarities in material culture. 31. The suggestion that there were very different trajectories of intensification in the pastsome gradual and others trans formationalis at least partially acknowledged in discussions of the European Neolithic problem (Zvelebil 1986; Zvelebil and Dolukhanov 1991). 32. The dates from these sites do not all refer to the same phe nomena. Some refer to the first appearance of forms of domes ticated plants and animals, while others have reference to the earliest dependence on agropastoral strategies. In the latter case the date tentatively has reference to major system changes, and in the former the presence of major transformational changes is either unclear or undemonstrated. In addition, new dates have been obtained on some of these sites, and a wealth of new infor mation has been made available since the data used here were published. I initially planned to update the information on the spread of agropastoralism but realized that this is a highly spe cialized literature, published in many languages. I therefore decided that specialists in the field are much more qualified than I am to take on this project. 33. This pattern has been recognized by many different researchers (e.g., Keeley 1988,1995; Schalk 1981). 34. Long blade materials have been identified in Great Britain and are believed to date to the terminal Pleistocene or early Holocene. These industries are thought to have been prevalent in regions in which herd mammals survived longest in Europe, and they were common in Britain as late as the early Pre-Boreal period (Barton 1989). 35. The rapid and dramatic appearance of Middle Mississippian materials in the central Mississippi valley is usually con sidered to be such a phenomenon. The alleged lack of continuity' with earlier materials was cited as evidence for migrations. 36. If the changes that the adoption of the horse stimulated among the peoples who became the Plains Indians of North America were to be viewed simply in archaeological terms rather than historical termswould the result not be similar to the LBKf Would archaeologists see few sites on the Plains proper from the period immediately prior to the appearance
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of European goods and horse-related changes followed by a florescence of very similar materials distributed across a huge area? The phenomenon was not caused by a migration or a wave of advance, nor does it reflect a pattern of local, grad ual change. It represents instead an infilling of a huge area by populations from many different sources moving into sparsely occupied areas, all of which was made possible by the creation of a new niche. 37. According to Websters Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictio nary o f the English Language, the suffix -scope is a learned bor rowing from Greek used, with the meaning instrument for viewing, in the formation of compound words.
1. See also Steward (1955). 2. Almost all of the authors of so-called cross-culturalstud ies in anthropology have failed to include a consideration of system state variability in their correlational approaches to pat tern recognition. This is particularly true of the studies pio neered by Murdock (1949) and summarized by Levinson and Malone (1980). 3. In the five equations used to generate the patterning represented in figure 7.01,1 used only hunter-gatherer cases with a value of n for the SUBPOP variable, because I had dis covered that cases classified as suspect were usually outliers in any patterned relationship. It also became clear that cases classified as mobile hunter-gatherers exhibited very differ ent relationships to environmental variables than those in the settledGRPPAT category. It is also important to note that very different relationships prevailed between AREA and environ mental variables depending on the predominant source of food. Among mobile peoples, the multiple R values for groups primarily dependent upon terrestrial plant, terrestrial ani mal, and aquatic resources were 0.8785,0.9221, and 0.9504, respectively. For groups in the settled category, the values were 0.9769 and 0.9224 for those primarily dependent upon terrestrial plant and aquatic resources (there are no sedentary groups primarily dependent upon terrestrial animals). 4. The spatial distribution of potential foods was discussed in chapter 5. 5. This issue has been dealt with by Naroll (1964). 6. I have reviewed Kellys arguments in detail and find that his scholarship with respect to these issues is accurate. 7. I was privileged to team-teach both undergraduate and graduate courses with Joseph Birdsell at UCLA during the 1960s. Birdsell was one of anthropologys master teachers; not only did he teach his students about hunter-gatherers, he taught his junior colleagues how to teach. His early work link ing environmental and cultural variables was and remains an inspiration to me. 8. Birdsell was well aware that exceptions to his argument could be found among peoples who were not excluded because of unearned water (personal communication 1965). Addi tionally, he noted that interior groups, such as the Kamilaroi, Wongaibon, Wiradjuri, and Barkendjiall located in New South Waleswere bilateral in their kinship conventions and thus appeared as exceptions to his arguments about patrilineal bands. Based on more recent research, one could now argue that aUAustralian Aboriginal groups were bilateral in their kin ship conventions.
9. The value of 11.7 producers is the minimal labor pool required for a one-year period, since each producer works only 46.5 percent of the time and extra producers are needed as stand-in workers during the course of an entire year. Mobile hunter-gatherers meet these labor requirements by the regu lar movement of families and even young individuals among groups during the annual round. 10. Most of the values for family campsprovided by Julian Steward (1938:58,63,69,80,94,114,214) refer to numbers of adults; children are only rarely mentioned. For the twenty-four camps documented in the preceding citation, 140 persons are tabulated. When this total is divided by twenty-four, it yields a value of 5.83 as the mean number of adults per camp. Mul tiplying this value by 1.75 results in an estimate of 10.20 for mean camp size. This is very close to my modeled value for res idential groups with a collapsed division of labor. This vari able is documented by Steward for much of the year in the Great Basin and was the unit that he referred to as the family. Obviously, the members of such a unit are likely to be related but are unlikely to represent a single reproductive unit or family. 11. There is a big difference between seeking an explanation for variability and seeking a model for the past. For instance, about the band size of the Tehuelche of Patagonia, Fried (1967:68) opines: these... can easily be discounted, however, as occurring in response to European influence, which included, among other tangibles, the Tehuelche acquisition of domes ticated horses. Fried dismisses the data on the Tehuelche because European influence makes them irrelevant to a model of the past. In my view, the Tehuelche contribute impor tant data relevant to my interest in the cost-of-transport vari able and illustrate how the availability of horses changed the cost and ease of transport
1. The title of this chapter was suggested by Strike flat the thick rotundity o the world {King Lear, act 3, scene 2, line 7). 2. In theory building, one of the more common errors is the belief that it is possible to observe causes. Although the act of looking enables human beings to see events, entities, mater ial structures, and all sorts of other phenomena, to build theories one must reason and make an argument about the character of the necessary relationships among specified vari ables. It cannot be stated too often or with too much empha sis that it is not possible to see a cause. A cause is a relational statement developed through argument. 3. Steward himself never attempted to relate the dichotomy between units with a collapsed division of labor and those with regular gender role differentiation to the species these differ ently organized groups either exploited or targeted. He was fas cinated by his observation that in the few forms of collective activity the same group of [Shoshonean] families did not co operate with one another or accept the same leader on successive occasions (Steward 1955:109). Using Steward s criteria, many different groups of hunter-gatherers, particularly plant-depen dent groups, would have to be considered representatives of the family level of sociocultural integration. 4. At the time that I researched GROUP I siws in the ethno graphic literature, I did not appreciate how valuable it would be to know what the dispersed group was doing during this phase of the settlement cycle. This oversight demonstrates
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how , in the process of analyzing data, scientists learn a great deal about what it is germane to know. 5. Meillassouxs propositions (1973) about the relation ship between reproduction and production later appeared in Woodburns work (1980) as the justification for the inclu sion of Australian Aborigines in Woodburns category of delayed return societies, based exclusively on the character of their kin relationships. The astute reader is aware that most authors who assign explanatory power to such variables as stor age, who create dichotomous categories such as immediate and delayed return societies, and who cite similarities between the relations of production and the structure of kinship orga nization tend to subscribe to a Marxist world view. 6. Three of these cases were identified earlier in the dis cussion of table 7.04.1concluded that they were not necessarily exceptional, even though they inhabited environments anal ogous to the Northwest Pacific Coast of North America, where a concentration of complex hunter-gatherers has been docu mented. It now appears that there may well be some signifi cant environmental differences between the Northwest Coast and similar environments in the Southern Hemisphere. 7. In 1982, Douglas G. Sutton published a fascinating paper in CurrentAnthropology in which he called attention to the same locations that I have cited in the context of the minimal inter est displayedby indigenous hunter-gatherers in the tactical use of stored foods and the temperateness of the climatic regime relative to its latitude. 8. Another, and perhaps equally important, observation is that all of the analogous cases with biomass accumulation ratios in excess of 35.0 also have the highest contrast in stor agedependence relative to the exceptional cases. When I exam ine the population density values from these cases, the highest values also tend to track the biomass accumulation ratios. Storage dependence and population density seem to be equally inflated in high-primary-biomass settings. Intensification, therefore, seems greatest where high primary biomass limits both animal and human feeding success and there is a pro ductive aquatic alternative. 9. I have briefly summarized these locations in the discus sion preceding citation of table 8.03. The reduced investment instoredfoods in these settings is probably referable to two con ditions: the increased length of the growing season and the response of marine organisms and birds to a longer growing season. A reduction in extreme winter temperatures also increases the accessibility of foods during periods of the year when there would otherwise be less abundance owing to the effects of latitude. 10. This same pattern was clearly evident in one of my earlier studies (Binford 1980,1983:figure 23.4). At the time I did not comment on the pattern because I was uncertain about the conditions to which it might refer. 11. In this study, I include only information on North American species. My source was Simpsons ( 1964) series of isopleth maps depicting the species density of terrestrial mammals. 12. Some of the features of Pomo labor organization described by Panowski are also components of Marshall Sahlinss ( 1956) argument about family size on Moala, Fiji. He notes that if simultaneous labor is needed at different locations, then the size of the overall task group must be larger, other things being equal.
13. An excellent discussion of the foraging strategies of these interesting peoples is found in Savelle (1987b). 14. Tactical localization means that although families do move in the course of resource acquisition, their primary res idence is not abandoned or moved as part of this strategy. 15. These erroneous classifications have not been changed in the basic data set used in this analysis. To make such changes would require that I go back and redo all of the previous analyses, which defeats the dual purpose of analysis conducted to recognize patterning and expose coding errors. Coding misjudgments will be dealt with after the analysis has been completed. 16. The anthropological literature on this subject is some what confused. For instance, in an excellent behavioral study of mobility among the Batak, Eder uses the individual person as his unit of study (Eder 1984:838, table 1), although in other places the household becomes his unit As a result, it is unclear whether household moves or individual moves are being counted. Nevertheless, he concludes that some mobility dis tinctions are not valid because humans can change their units of observation (Eder 1984:846), with the effect that there are in reality different units. Eder seems to believe that it is pos sible to look at the world in terms of a wide range of units but that other researchers are unaware of such multiple units. Eders ontological viewof the scientific use of units borders on the absurd. Similarly, the view that a sedentary settlement system should include only nonmobile people is an equally irra tional use of units. It is much more profitable in terms of the growth of knowledge to generalize about identifiable units than to attempt to capture the essence of the personal state of motion. 17. Arguments of referral generate considerable controversy in archaeology. More often than not they represent the opin ions of persons who interpret the archaeological record accord ing to their personal biaseswhich, as a class, have recently been raised to the level of theory by postmodernist writers (Preucel and Hodder 1996). In spite of the relativist view of alter natives that forms the centerpiece of these authors paradigm, alternative arguments of referral can be evaluated and the utility of their claims determined. 18. Of course, this generalization is not always true since it is possible that a group will include adult unmarried males as well as persons involved in polyandrous marriages. Both of these situations occur less frequently than the presence in the work force of males who are heads of families. 19. In this study, family size is measured by dividing the total population of a group by the number of married males within that population. Although this figure does not coincide exactly with the male dependency ratio, in many situations it could be very close indeed. 20. For an excellent discussion of the complexities inherent in measuring the reproductive performance of different pop ulations, see Howell (1979), particularly chapters 11 and 15. 21. At the time of documentation, the Alyawara were essen tially sedentary, and the larger GROUP I size that was recorded probably relates to my observations in generalization 8.01. Because of their inflated GROUP 1 size, therefore, the Alyawara occur as an exception in size subset 4. 22. In those instances in which polyandry occurs, it is almost always fraternal polyandry, which means that two brothers share the same wife. Most often, the senior brother marries a woman
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to whom the younger brother then has sexual access. This kind of arrangement does not appear to represent a labor recruitment strategy. 23. Although this value is for a male dependency ratio of 97.17,1am using it in place of a 100 percent level of male pro duction since the data come from a rapidly growing population. 24. A good example of residential mobility occurs in Briggs (1970:88), who has described a late summer fishing camp at the Rapids, occupied by the Utkuhikhalingmiut. 25. Gender roles are frequently distinguished in terms of catch and process activities, which are well summarized by Balikci (1970:34-37) in his description of Netsilik Eskimo activities at a stone fishing weir. It should be pointed out that camps in which gender role distinctions in the treatment of a single species are documented are also usually arranged with very tight tent spacing. (See, for instance, the photograph by Jean Briggs entitled Late Summer at the Rapids [1970:an unnumbered photographic plate between pages 108 and 109].) A similar, though poorly documented, pattern seems to have occurred among the Copper Eskimo (Condon 1996: 73-77; Damas 1972:25). 26. I was unable to locate this site during my field work in Alaska in the 1970s, but I gave Alaskan archaeologists the information provided to me by Nunamiut informants. In 1989,1was notified by Grant Spearman that the site had been found, and I was able to obtain a modest research grant, which enabled Spearman to take the last three living participants in the 1944 events to the site for interviews. They provided excel lent supplementary documentation of the caribou hunt from which Spearman was able to make a map of the area, includ ing the locations of the residential camp, the butchering and processing location, and the placement of caribou fences. During the hunting and processing of the caribou, the twentytwo occupants of the site ate communally. Each day a differ ent female family head was responsible for the preparation of the food for the entire camp. A striking feature of the camp at Chandler Lake was the very close spacing of the tents, which differed completely from the wide spacing characteristic of res idential sites in other seasons (Binford 1991a). 27. This and the following values represent an average of the two versions of the model: one which is the same over an entire year and the second, which allows group size to vary over a year relative to differences in work schedules between an even and a fractional number. 28. The view that Prigogine describes is alive and well in anthropology. The popular answer to the question of who built the machine is, of course, that individual human beings cause culture and culture change. A restatement of this view appears in the article by OMeara (1997). 29. It is important to recognize that many other features of contemporary archaeology and anthropology provide classic examples of the use of bad or inappropriate models from physics, as Prigogine states: The foremost example of this is the paradigm of optimization. It is obvious that the manage ment of human society as well as the action of selective pres sures tends to optimize some aspects of behaviors or modes of connection. To consider optimization as the key to under* standing how populations and individuals survive is to risk con fusing causes with effects (Prigogine and Stengers 1984:207). 30. Smiths remarks do not devote much consideration to syn ergistic interactions among such features as work schedules,
the division of labor, and other organizationally important vari ables of which labor recruitment strategies constitute one example. It also seems that there is a hidden assumption of sta bility built into the argument since, as net returns or other mea sures of optimality diminish, mobile hunter-gatherers most commonly move rather than break up the cooperative unit in terms of such considerations as the joiners or members rules. 31. This pattern suggests that units such as the family, the household, and groups periodically aggregated within a region should all be investigated in order to understand how these segmentally agglomerated units respond to intensification. 32. In the case of GROUP 1 segments, smaller units would most commonly be households or families. 33. Sedentism is frequently discussed in the anthropologi cal literature, but almost exclusively in ontological terms. Eder (1984) insists that there can be no segmental mobility by components of a community who maintain a community settlement throughout a single year or season cycle. Rafferty (1985) recognizes that sedentism is not an ontological issue but rather one of convention and analytical utility. I might agree with Rafferty were she not adamantly opposed to the use of the term semisedentary. I find this a useful term when it is used to refer to a settlement system, rather than to a particular set tlement within a system. Raffertys hard and fast distinction (1985:116) is perhaps more germane to specific sites, but sites do not a settlement system make in any unambiguous, taxo nomic sense of the word. 34. These cases frequently move in what I (Binford 1982, 1983:362) have called a half radius continuous pattern, which is also characteristic of routed foragers (Kloos 1977). The phrase residentially constricted mobility has also been used for analogous patterning (Graham and Roberts 1986). For a more recent review see Kelly (1992).
1. This is the variable on the y axis of figure 9.01. 2. These Guayaki (Ache) foraging groups are, in feet, made up of residents of a permanent horticultural settlement who appear to be newly established families exploiting wild resources, thereby reducing the demand on food supplies at or near the settlement. Hill and Hawkes (1983) report that larger bands" were typical during the pre-mission period, but it is unclear how these unitswhich were classified by size into three cat egoriesrelate to patterns of dispersal and aggregation. In feet, the Guayaki (Ache) may be one of the very few hunter-gatherer groups who did not have a seasonal cycle of aggregation and dispersal. Their anomalous status is due to repeated attacks during relatively recent decades and their subsequent aggregation in large groups for their own protection. It seems more likely that bands were equivalent to GROUP2 units and did not disperse into small groups during the seasonal cycle. 3. In chapter 1, the first set of generalizations and descrip tions of organizational variability was based on the research of Mauss and Beuchat, who pointed out the dramatic differ ence in group size and behavior observable in North Ameri can hunter-gatherers. They related within-system variability to seasonal changes in climate and associated resource avail ability; over the years, the unquestioned assumption has devel oped that organizational shifting is a fundamental chanMenstk of hunter-gatherers. Such an assumption clearly stood behind
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the decision to tabulate group size during the most dispersed aggregated phases of the subsistence set tlement cycle. One should at least entertain the possibility thatin some environments an annual pulsation in orga nization should not occur if the relationship to seasonal habi tat variability noted by Mauss and Beuchat is reduced or nonexistent. There may, in fact, be systems that do not have GROUP1 units! 4. This result is not surprising since similarity in linear distribution was the criterion for classification in the first place. 5. Although these totals are the result of the relative sample size at this scale, the comparison is nevertheless still relevant. 6. One of the cases in my sample o f 339 ethnographic groups, the Orogens, is an ethnic group of mounted hunters that has a long history in the forested region of the Amur drainage along the Chinese-Russian border (Qiu 1983). Groups such as the Orogens served as the basis for the supposition that migrating peoples would take their knowledge of the utility of domesticated animals as transportation aids to a new locality and apply it to an analogous species. For basic regional argu ments see Laufer (1917). 7. In north Asia and Siberia, dogs were used to herd rein deer, particularly in eastern regions (Bogoras 1930:plate 1). 8. The use of this terms is appropriate and analogous to Net tings distinction (1968:135,205) between intensive and exten siveland use patterns. It is certainly germane to the difference in land use being discussed on a very different scale and with respect to very different production techniques. Amber John son has pointed out the relevance of Nettings distinctions to this analysis. 9. The classification of the Nganasan was not accidental. They were considered distinct from the plains hunters since they did not ride their domesticated animals while hunting. The process of extensification focuses on transport capability and not the particular context in which that capability is utilized. 10 . This is only slightly better than the mean for the mounted peoples of the Great Plains. 11. Nettings discussion of the literature and the reality of intensification in the ethnographic world is required reading for those who would address the issue of units, stress, and pres sure on resources as well as the theoretical literature of demog raphyand social change (particularly see Netting 1993:261-324). 12. What I have in mind was well documented among the people of Dobe Pan by Richard Lee (1979:412 14). He noted that all families did not have domesticated animals and that the tactical differences between caring for livestock and main taining a traditional expectation of food-sharing by some for mer hunter-gatherer families worked against the easy transition to animal husbandry. 13. See the discussion of atomism in chapter 1 . 14. One can see this as a foreshadowing of the methods of structuralism and later varieties of postmodernist thought. 15. The archaeological record suggests that this shift occurred in the central arctic between 1200 and 1300 a.d. Sites created by earlier whale-hunting peoples are followed by sites attrib utable to the neo-Eskimo peoples, who were observed by ethnographers to depend primarily upon the exploitation of ringed seal during the winter. The timing of these changes in Hibsiitencc strategy corresponds to environmental changes that
as well as the most
reduced the arctic habitat of migratory sea mammals of all kinds, but particularly whales (Savelle 1987b). 16. At best, characterizing is based on a single distinguish ing criterion in terms of which other systems are postulated to be characteristically different, and the criterion is usually considered to be causal with respect to the differences char acterized! Two good examples include the distinction between immediate and delayed return systems (Woodburn 1980) and more recent derivatives, such as the distinction between the root metaphor in terms of which participants in a culture view themselves, others, and the environment in general. The dis tinction in such a metaphor between the giving environ ment and the reciprocating environment is then argued to explain the alleged differences in economic behaviors such as sharing and the exchange of goods. This culturalist point of view is the ultimate in the functionalist fallacy (Junction is used here in the social anthropological sense of the word). In such a view, stability is always accommodated and change is never contemplated. 17. For a discussion of the role of secret societies in Pueblo life, see Johnson (1997, particularly pages 68-71). 18. Fekri Hassan (1981:162 footnote) has pointed out that this position is not inconsistent with Malthuss humanistic views. 19. Aside from fundamental differences between the two views of carrying capacity, another aspect of the demographers fc-basedview of carrying capacity has struck a chord with the romantic idealists in our midst. The state of being in balance with nature is frequently attributed to ancient or small-scale populations, particularly hunter-gatherers (McDonald 1977; Redford 1991). This alleged state is often associated with ide ological viewpoints based on respect for nature, which are contrasted with behaviors and ideologies that are said to degrade nature as part of a negative feedback spiral. The lat ter are often viewed as properties distinctive to the modem world (see Alvard 1993 for an excellent discussion of this issue). 20. The total population divided by the number of married males. This approach builds in the effects of polygyny and dif ferent marriage strategies on size differences. 21. Pastoral systems present a wonderful comparative oppor tunity. Some are almost certainly the byproducts of extensificational processes, after which intensificational pressures begin to operate. Others may result solely from internal spe cialization and contribute to complexity in an otherwise intensificationally driven regional system. The diversity in pastoral systems is staggering and ranges from the Hottentots of south ern Africa, to the Kazak and Kalmulk Mongols, to the Tatar State (Krader 1968:82-103). There are also many other spe cialty castes and groups of mutualists at varying levels of autochthonous complexity. 2 2 . I observed this kind of nested hierarchy of risk pooling among the Nunamiut, for whom the smaller segment consisted of food producers or hunters. The larger unit of longer dura tion was composed of families who pooled when the stored foods of a participating family had been destroyed by bears or, if stored underground, by water seepage.
1. In chapter 6 , see the section entitled "A More Dynamic View of Between-Habitat Variability" for a more general dis
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cussion o f between-habitat variability, particularly its rela tionship to species density. 2. An extensificational response would be the develop ment o f transport technology that would make previously uninhabited regions accessible. For example, the domestica tion of reindeer in the Old World and the use of dog traction in North America permitted exploitation o f previously unin habited zones. 3. For instance, the turnover rate o f rabbit populations can be quite high, yielding reliable food over the long term. 4. It is reasonable to ask whether the very late adoption of horticulture in southern New Mexico and northwest Texas is related to the stability o f the habitats exploited by prehistoric hunter-gatherers in these regions. 5. I do not wish to imply that accessing such resources would be easy, or even very frequently done. My only point here is that they may occasionally be obtained without technological aids. 6. For a number o f interesting discussions o f this kind of organization, see Halstead and OShea (1989). The chapter in that book by Rowley-Conwy and Zvelebil 1989) contains a good discussion o f issues germane to hunter-gatherers. 7. Hayden (1990) argues that this kind o f system is the context for the domestication o f plants and animals. I find the suggestion that the Pacific northwest coast which main tained hunter-gatherer populations until very recendywas a context for the development o f domesticates to be over whelmingly uncompelling. 8. I am indebted to Richard Wojcik (1992), whose research was very helpful as I formed much o f my discussion o f trans actional strategies and scales.
tion. It is also likely to be germane to systems at very differ ent levels of complexity. 15. It should be remembered that the number of families in each GROUP 1 unit was determined by dividing the total group size by the number of married males. Polygyny com monly results in large basal units and therefore large GROUP 1 units. Nevertheless, the packing levels associated with reset tlement are probably more responsible for the large sizes since this appears to be a general condition. 16. The relationship is even more important to a group like the Casiguran Agta of the Philippines. Headland (1986:96) reports that 609 Agta live among 35,000 non-Agta. Although I am convinced that this estimate is incorrect, it is still relevant to the point I am making about ecological density. 17. It has recently become a popular pastime to postulate the presence of mutualistic relationships among archaeologically documented hunter-gatherers, as well as between Neolithic societies and hunter-gatherers (see particularly Gregg 1988). The justification for these kinds of interpretative searches is based on well-recorded instances of mutualists in the ethnographic record, the most notable being the Mbuti and similar groups from equatorial Africa. The argument pos tulates that, since mutualism is known to exist, it should be an alternative in any setting in which culturally distinct groups practice different strategies for obtaining food. This argument fails to consider the causes of mutualism and assumes, or even argues, that there is a self-evident advantage to organizing subsistence in this way. Based on my data, I would point out that there is a strong concentration of mutualist cases in high-biomass, equatorial, and tropical forest settings. These habitats tend to be stable and very diverse in terms of species density, while the distribution of plant species would justify a high equability index. Given current knowledge, the stability of these regimes appears to be at least partially, if not exclusively, a function of connectivity. 18. See, for instance, the Van Vagris (Misra 1990) and the Kanjars (Nagar and Misra 1990). The only reason that these cases were not included in this study is because I had no informa tion about them at the time that I compiled my basic list of cases. 19. This issue has been explored by Headland (1986:402 40, 545). 20. This characterization of the Warunggu is based on the report by Brayshaw (1990:table 5:4, columns 6 and 7). The data consisted of species counts rather than body size or contribu tion to the diet by weight or calories. The author also noted that the primary observer in the region was a zoologist (Lumholtz 1889) whose observations were biased in favor of animals, most of which were very small. It seems likely that animals are over represented relative to their actual contribution by weight to the diet, but I have more confidence in the density values and the characterization of this system as packed. These attributes are supported by the type of leadership, the presence of institutions of conflict resolution, and the practice of cannibalism. 21. This error almost certainly results from the fact that the ordination of the subsistence specialty category was changed during the course of this study. Originally, plants had a code of 1, animals a code of 2, and aquatic resources a code ot 3. When an attempt was made to convert this nominal scale to an ordinal scale relative to social variables, the numbering ot plants and animals was reversed and a mechanical emw was introduced. Most errors were detected early, but this case was
9. Exclusion is largely achieved by manipulating the con ventions of kin inclusiveness. It can also result from an increas ing elaboration in the differentiation of functions that operate at different scales o f inclusiveness. 10. This idea has met heavy resistance (Perlman 1980; Renouf 1984; Yesner 1980), as has the idea that ecology is relevant to understanding the differences between groups dependent upon aquatic resources and foragers who are more terrestri ally oriented (Palsson 1988). More recently, Kelly (1995: 293-331) has productively discussed the problem of com plex, aquatically dependent peoples. 1 1 . For an introduction to the many problems associated with trying to measure prehistoric population growth using archae ological remains, see Sutton and Molloy (1989). The term density dependence literally means density and refers to how populations are distributed with respect to essential nutrients. Another aspect of the problem is that, although the growth rate in a particular area may be going down, the number of per sons per unit area can be increasing. 12. See Sutton and Molloy (1989) for a fine example of this analytical can of worms. These authors generate skepticism about the demographic arguments that they criticize, but they are unable to make any progress toward the goal of measur ing population pressure. 13. Actually, the population density value for packing is 9.098 or a log,0 value of -0.9589, which is slightly less than the 0.0 value. 14. This operational definition of circumscription makes it possible to use the available data base to evaluate some of Carneiros (1970) provocative arguments about state forma
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o v e rlo o k e d and was only recently changed in the data file. Earlier analysis, however, did not include this change. 22. By intensive exploitation of aquatic resources I mean reg ular exploitation of resources that are unobtainable in tidal pools or on rocks intermittently exposed by tidal fluctuations, or from wading depths. These resources must be quite literally extracted from the aquatic biome in settings in which foragers are unable to have direct access to the biome. 23. Over the years, my former students have studied the technology of another eleven hunter-gatherer cases. Susan G. Miller (1984) added seven new cases and Alan Osborn (1999) has added four more, for a total of thirty-one cases in my data set The values for the variables developed by Oswalt differ slightly in some cases from his original values because I have examined more ethnographic sources for the cases he studied and have found some errors in his original tabulations. 24. This observation is by no means unique to me; differences in leadership have long been recognized by anthropologists (see, e.g.,Lowie 1920:359-61). 25. See Binford (1991a) for a historical description of the social dynamics that this type o f leadership evokes. 26. A gross awareness o f this type o f relationship is not new. In an essay entitled Some Problems o f Methodology in the Social Sciences (reprinted in Boas 1940:267), Boas long ago generalized that we have simple industries and complex orga nization, or diverse industries and simple organization. In his lectures, Boas usually made this point by citing the complex technology and simple social organization of Eskimos in con trast to the complex social organization and simple technol ogy of Australian Aborigines (L. A. White, pers. comm. 1956). 27. See the descriptions o f leadership in Henriksen (1973) as well as in Binford (1991a). 28. Weapons are defined as tools designed to kill, wound, or maim animals that are capable of significant motion (Oswalt 1976:76-103). 29. When this threshold was first encountered in chapter 8 (figure 8.10), I did not realize it was very close to the point at which the temperature of the mean coldest month shifted from positive to negative. As graph B in figure 10 .11 illustrates, this is certainly the case. The coincidence o f so many thresh old patterns here marks a major transition point in the char acter of hunter-gatherer adaptational systems. 30. All cases located at higher than 57 degrees latitude were eliminated, but this strategy does not explain why the Tiwi and Ingura of northern Australia were not included. The Tasma nians, the Naron of west central Botswana, and the Owens Val ley Paiute were also eliminated, but an unspecified Paiute case (almost certainly the Surprise Valley Paiute, since Kelly [ 1932] is cited) was included although the values are very different from those provided by Oswalt! 31. This argument totally ignores the fact that mobile peoples routinelycache items. For instance, the Nunamiut did not carry
on gross estimates of primary and secondary biomass, turnover rates, and productivity values. Although these estimates were functional, now that it is possible to isolate the lack of regis tration indicated in figure 10.13,1 can make adjustments to the Terrestrial Model to bring these two lines on the graph into bet ter registration. This also applies to various properties in selected cases that were either miscoded or misclassified. This has not yet been done because the tools developed in the early part of the book are still being used as learning devices and, of course, one of the things I have learned is the limit of their utility. 34. I probably should include temperateness as a modifier in the Terrestrial Model. 35. It is not really clear why these two cases occupy this placement on the property space map in figure 10.14. 36. The dynamics underlying this pattern can be viewed in several ways. Traps may be used to provide food when foragers are busy processing other species that provide the majority of stored foods. This tactic reduces the demand on the species being processed so that it will be available to meet food demands at some future time. Although this is likely to be true in some situations, the cases that appear as exceptions in figure 10.16the Ingalik and Tanainawere both engaged in fur trading, and traps were primarily used in the latter context I would also expect that, as mobility decreased, the use of untended traps should have increased, even if the number of different types did not. 37. In my opinion, the differences in magnitude reflect the feet that ethnographers differed in the amount of attention they paid to tools and their uses. In all of the cases occurring in the area marked 2, there was a heavy research investment in tech nology, particularly the technology of food procurement The other cases included in figure 10.18 did not benefit from the same attention to technology. 38. In spite of the very limited sample of cases coded for tech nological variables, very provocative patterns have emerged in the figures in chapter 10. Clearly, the number of coded cases must be expanded to include the useful categories originally developed by Oswalt (1973,1976). There are doubtless many new relationships between technology, ecological variables, and other aspects of the organization of cultural systems remain ing to be discovered.
C H A P T E R 11
akayakwith them when they moved. Instead, they cached it near the lake where it was last used, along with other gear and tools used at the lake. Perhaps the only items that might be relevant to Shotts argument would be personal gear. 32. See Oswalt (1976:38) for a definition of this term, which refersto the total number of design features that are characteristic of the total number of weapons produced by a given group. 33. When the Terrestrial Model was constructed, the weight ing factors used to anticipate population density were based
1. The importance of these distinctionsas well as the relationship of both terms to the frequently misunderstood con cepts of generalist and specialist currently in vogue in the archeological literatureis discussed in chapter 6 and in notes 16 and 17 of that chapter. 2. The standard deviation is lower for cases with relatively equal contributions from all three kinds of resources and higher for cases that are primarily dependent upon only one source of food, such as terrestrial plants. The process of calculating an increase in niche breadth using a measurement that decreases as values increase is difficult to think about. For this reason, stan dard deviations were calculated using the percentage values of terrestrial plant, animal, and aquatic resources. These values were then subtracted from 100, yielding an inverted value, so that an increase In niche breadth corresponds to an increase in the value of 100 minus the standard deviation.
4 gg
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3. I am referring here to the Group Size Model developed in chapter 7, which demonstrates that a population density value that exceeds 9.098 persons per 100 square kilometers would be packed.At such a level, persons would be unable to move freely since they would be surrounded on all sides by groups of equal sire (see the discussion following table 7.13). 4. It is nearly impossible to scale this variable, but the time spent in host villages and the distance moved away from these villages appear to provide a clue (Bahuchet 1988:131). Nev ertheless, it has been observed that the strength of the symbiosis varies regionally in Africa, particularly in western regions such as Cameroon (Vallois and Marquer 1976). Exchange has been more common in the east, whereas true mutualism has predominated in the west (Lalouel 1950:209). 5. For discussions of Punan economic activities, see Endicott and Endicott (1986), Hoffman (1984), Rambo (1985), and Sellato (1994), who reflect slightly different interests in their discussions of the Semang. 6. See Headland (1987), Headland and Bailey (1991), and Headland and Reid (1989). 7. Equatorial is the term chosen to designate the warmest habitats on earth. Ironically, the mutualist cases that are, in fact, situated very near the equator do not live in the warmest of these forests, but are found in cooler settings that are referred to as tropical in this study. 8. Susan Gregg (1988) was one of the first to cite the huntergatherer cases in figure 8.17 as ethnographic justifications for proposing mutualist articulations between hunter-gatherers and agriculturists in temperate zone settings. This idea was not new, but the serious consideration it received certainly was. Since Greggs book was published, there has been a major expansion of publications that not only appeal to these ideas (Spielmann 1991) but also expand the intellectual scope of the argument to world systems theory and other contempo rary nontheories (e.g., Baugh 1982,1984; Kohl 1987; Schortman and Urban 1987). 9. I do not wish to suggest that articulations between sys tems exploiting different habitats are not possible. My point is that the conditions favoring articulations of this kind are likely to be very different from the ones that occur among species in moderate- to high-biomass subtropical to tropical ecosys tems. In such settings, there are analogous mutualist interac tions between small-scale societies composed of ethnically different people. Features of interregional trade and exchange are likely to be organized very differently, to be conducted among different types of units, and to represent a response to very different conditioning variables. 10. It should be remembered that the packing index is simply a re-scaled expression of population density. Since population density is the variable most people are familiar with, I will use population in this exercise. 11. The actual value used here is 0.27107, which was obtained by adjusting the Terrestrial Model estimate in light of actual values recorded for hunter-gatherers. The rather overprecise value used is a derivative of the method of estimating the probable error in actual density values at such low numbers among hunter-gatherers. 12. The great altitudinal differences in the territories of these people are not adequately represented. Most of the weather stations are in the lowlands, and hence the environ mental data are biased in favor of these more arid locations.
13. A comparative study of these interesting cases is in order, but unfortunately the importance of this set of ethnographic cases was not recognized until this book was almost finished. 14. When the density value of the packing threshold (9.098) is divided by the value of the threshold at line 1(1.57), the result is a value of 5.7949. This is 5.7949 times the line 1 value. When 1.57 is divided by the arbitrary value of 0.30 estimated for the lower limit of hunter-gatherer occupation in an area, the result is a value of 5.2333. This is a very close fit since the 0.30 value was an arbitrary estimate andafter the hunter-gath erer data were examineda value of0.27107 was identified as the best estimate based on the data (see endnote 11). 15. The initial threshold between uninhabited land and land occupied by hunter-gatherers is given the ordinal value of zero and each threshold thereafter is numbered sequentially. For instance, the last threshold, which defines the density boundary for hunter-gatherers, is threshold 4. 16. The values obtained are listed for the following numbered thresholds: 0 = 0.27107,1 = 1.57000,2 = 9.09935,3 = 52.66922, 4 = 305.05695,5 = 1,766.87142,6 = 10,233.61225. 17. See particularly Arnold (1996), Hayden (1997), Price and Brown (1985), and Price and Feinman (1995). 18. In chapter 8 ,1discussed the limits on group size in rela tion to the Group Size Model, but for another point of view see Eric Alden Smiths (1991) discussion of cooperative foraging, particularly pages 287-410. 19. The Tjapwurong built stone-lined ditches and used com plicated constructions to flush eels out of swamps and into arti ficial drains, where capture was relatively easy. The large group sizes reported for these locations almost certainly do not rep resent GROUP2 units but are more likely GROUP3 units (Lourandos 1980:255) that, over the years, produced the remarkable archeological remains at Mount William and Toolondo swamp. 20. This equation can be solved for each monthly temper ature, resulting in a curve of storage potential for all four sea sons that can then be compared with the period of procurement for given resources, such as the timing of salmon runs at dif ferent places. 21. One of the consequences of my extensive analysis is my recognition of the inadequacy of the information coded for the hunter-gatherer cases in my data base. Having learned what I needed to know to resolve ambiguities, most of the time the initial codes and dimensionalized data were rendered obsolete. 22. Fish that are lean and have little fat dry better and are less subject to spoilage. They become more palatable and nutritious, however, if oil is served when they are consumed.
1, The title of this chapter is a quote from Francis Quarles, Respice Finem" (Epigram). 2. It must be kept in mind that my analysis admits only three possibilities for increasing niche breadth. Horticulture itself m ay be considered another possibility, as is the domestication of ani mals. Economic diversification is both a measure of com plexity and a conditioner of stability and instability (propositions 11.10,11.11,11.12, U. 13, and 11.14). The inchi sion of more alternative niche breadth strategies changes the range of variability of the standard deviation, which in turn changes the distribution of the limits of scatter for subsistence
N O T E S TO P AGE S 4 3 ^ - 4 5 2
diversityas measured here. Clearly, a better way of measuring subsistence diversity must be devised. The coefficient of vari abilitymight be a better measure except for the fact that it does not really measure niche diversity. A solution to the problem of dealingwith cases beyond the basics of hunter-gatherer vari ability is currently being researched by Johnson (2000). 3. The means from each class would be reduced from approximately 33.33 to 20.00, assuming an array of cases in which all possible combinations were given equal probability of being present. 4. The problem of measurement, which really only affects theemergent possibilities, is one of diversity as opposed to equa bility, and it has been dealt with in ecological studies. In this book, the variable SUBDIV2 has worked very well, although I amsure that greater refinement will result from future work. 5. Brian Hayden is one of the few contemporary researchers w hostill believes that sedentism is the preferred state in which to live (Hayden 1995:279). As support for his view of progress, he cites the preferences of sedentary peoplesbut do any of us really know any life ways that are not defended as the best by the majority of the participants? d. This point has been lost on both advocates and critics of arguments about population pressure and its role in cultural process. The work of Sutton and Molloy (1989) provides an excellent example of missing the point of selection. 7. This point has been argued quite convincingly at a larger scale by Sherratt (1996:130-31). 8. I have not used the word marginal since its original ref erence to relativity has been lost in our literature. See, for instance, the discussion by Garrard et al. (1996), in which marginal is equated with low productivity in general and the productivity of arid lands in particular. I originally used the term, as did Flannery a bit later, to refer to areas around cen ters of rapid population growth that were capable of sup portingpeoples with a different subsistence strategy than was characteristic of the rapidly growing center. 9. See chapter 6 for a discussion of food access in such set tings (propositions 6.02,6.03, and 6.04). 10. The value is far below the 10.00 persons per 100 square kilometers frequently cited as a mean for hunter-gatherers in general (Bender 1975:6; Flannery 1983:35). 11. Frequency tabulations of modem hunter-gatherer cases are often cited as proof of the importance to hunter-gather ers, in general and in the past, of primary dependence upon terrestrial plant resources. My data show that of the 339 cases included in this study, 52.5 percent (178) are intensified and have population densities exceeding the packing threshold. Among the nonpacked cases, 72 (44.7 percent) are primarily dependent upon terrestrial animals, 58 (36.0 percent) are pri m arilydependent upon terrestrial plants, and only 31 (19.3 per cent) are primarily dependent upon aquatic resources. The latter cases are concentrated in areas that are projected to be unin habited by the Terrestrial Model. Any uncritical tabulation of contemporary hunter-gatherers will be biased in favor of intensified cases. In fact, depending upon which article is cited, the !Kung either are very close to being packed or were already packed at the time of Richard Lees (1968, 1972a, 1972b) early studies! Many authors have been taken in com pletely by such distortions (Clarke 1976; Kornfeld 1996). 12. Recent research in the American Southwest supports this claim. Hunter-gatherers who are believed to have been pri
marily dependent upon terrestrial animals changed more, per unit of time, after the adoption or onset of regular use of domesticated plants than did hunter-gatherers who were orig inally primarily dependent upon plant resources (Johnson 1997:76-90). 13. In December 1997, the Brysons came to Southern Methodist University and conducted an archaeoclimatological workshop, during which they taught interested faculty and students how to use their methods of climatic recon struction. Amber Johnson then worked one-on-one with the Brysons at the University of Wisconsin in order to clarify some technical ambiguities in their procedures. The Brysons have made two additional trips to Dallas to work out ways to link their reconstructive procedures and my work on calculating derivative values for a variety of ecologically relevant variables. This collaboration on the development of predictive models is expected to continue. 14. The procedure is straightforward for locations monitored by contemporary weather stations, but for sites and other locations of archaeological interest for which only pollen data are available, extrapolations from contemporary weather sum maries become necessary. 15. All dates used in this section have reference to uncalibrated 14C dates for every event. 16. To get this result, I divided the expected total ethnic population projected from only mobile hunter-gatherer cases by the total area occupied by the ethnic group measured in 100 square-kilometer units and divided the result by the total expected ethnic population multiplied by 100. The product of this calculation was then subtracted from 100: NETP1 = 100 - { 1 0 0 * (EXTLPOPl/EXAREAl)/EXTLOPOPl]. The result is the inverse of the percentage of the total population accom modated in a 100-square-kilometer unit. The inverse per centage was used so that large values would indicate extensive areas and large, egocentric, social networks. 17. This generalization is consistent with observations made by Kelly (1995:313) and adopted by Bar-Yosef and Meadow (1995:53). 18. It is likely that a more fine-grained classification with per haps a mixed category would yield results similar to those of the Terrestrial Model for some periods. The projections from modem hunter-gatherers include, however, the use of weapons such as the bow and arrow and other implements that are likely to have driven the dependence upon high-quality food in the direction of terrestrial animals. 19. Generalizations 1 1.12 and 11.14 may also be relevant to the Natufian situation, as might scenario 11.01. 20. The criterion for identifying an area as unoccupied is 0.3 person per 100 square kilometers. Values of only 0.32 person are indicated from the period immediately following the Younger Dryas. 2 1 . This information is summarized from Water hoik (1994:369). It should be noted that the early Natufian tends to be concentrated in the coastal zone to the north of Jerusalem. Interestingly, prepottery Neolithic A deposits are absent from the coastal zone and prepottery Neolithic B represents the initial Neolithic in this zone. Late Natufian deposits are dated to the Younger Dryas and are found in the coastal regions, but their general character is a matter of some speculation. BarYosef considers the late Natufian to have been associated with mobility and a land-extensive settlement pattern, particularly
4 p0
NOT E S TO P AGE S 4 5 3 - 4 6 7
22. This feature of the projected hunter-gatherer data is fas cinating. The equations on which these projections are based were developed at the time I was beginning the research reported in this book, but prior to beginning the actual writ ing. The analysis and pattern recognition work reported in the book after chapter 4, and some of the material at the begin ning of chapter 5, were all done as part of the writing of the book. The equations, therefore, were completed prior to the development of the Terrestrial Model and long before I had imagined that a Group Size Model would be useful. It now appears that the equation for mobile hunter-gatherer popu lation density had picked up the threshold at 1.59 persons for groups dependent upon terrestrial animals. This threshold became more germane as climates became colder, because the colder the climate, the less possible it became to increase ones dependence upon terrestrial plants. In the archaeologi cal sequences from the Near East, we are seeing a dramatic drop in projected densities to just slightly more than two persons per 100 square kilometers. This is only possible if an aquatic alternative is present in such settings. 23. At the time of European contact in eastern North Amer ica, this zone corresponded to the northernmost extension of the use of domesticated plants. At the colder end of this zone, hunter-gatherers were largely dependent upon aquatic resources. 24. To calculate the rate of population growth when one knows the size of the beginning population (Pj), the size of the ending population (P2), and the length of time between the two ( Y), the equation is: Rate per annum = log10P2 - (log^j/logjQY). 25. When groups are faced with short-term, extreme changes in their habitat, mobility is often the response, as persons search for better circumstances. For instance, during the crash of the caribou population at the beginning of the twentieth cen tury, the Nunamiut Eskimo actually split up into search par ties made up of adult and younger males who went on long trips to look for caribou. Some of these trips lasted over eigh teen months, and in some cases the information obtained resulted in the fission and movement of groups over long dis tances into new areas. 26. The niche breadth of linear pottery cultures, as opposed to the variability anticipated for mobile hunter-gatherers in the same settings, is discussed following figure 6.17. 27. Newevidence of decreased mobility in early Natufian sites has become available (Lieberman 1993). The authors data on Natufian era gazelle are fascinating and understandable, given the data on technology reported in chapter 10. Because the author has no framework to evaluate these data, however, his ideas about intensification and hunting are in the realm of sci ence fiction. 28. I strongly urge readers to refer at this point to chapter 2. One of the characteristics of the actors in the hunter-gatherer play I am discussing is the capacity to learn, to plan in terms of future outcomesin short to plan for events not yet in evi dence. Cultural life itself is only possible because of the human ability to reason using symbols. Imagining events not yet experienced is also the capability that makes scientific learn ing possible. This capability is not always homeostatically reg ulated by means of ideology. It may be expected to be manifested when cultural systems are in critical states. The only prereq uisite for the adaptive shift to seeps and soaks, fur instance, was
to be able to project what was already known about the biotic requirements of plants and to imagine the contribution that human labor could make to meeting these needs. Of course, this insight was followed by an enormous investment of energy to learn about how to make the new adaptation work. 29. Alex Applegate and Amber Johnson of Southern Methodist University researched this issue with the assistance of Jessica Patti during the summer of 1998 (Johnson 2000). 30. In the environment of postmodernist nihilism, many per sons interpret the reluctance of some archaeologists to postulate diffusion or migration as paradigm bias. See, for instance, Blunder (1996:36-37), who labels many rational attempts to dispel our own ignorance as paradigm bias, despite the feet that Blumler shares this ignorance with the rest of us.
1. For an excellent description see Galindo (1997:30-40). 2. This generalization may not apply to large camps, par ticularly if they include both mens and womens camps, which is common in Australia. Under such conditions, female egocentered kin may participate in risk- pooling units with or with out co-wives, as long as sharing includes the family of procreation. 3. In another pattern among generic hunter-gatherers, which I have not followed up as thoroughly, wide interhousehold spacing in camps is related to high levels of polyg yny. There are a few exceptions to this generalization, but these groups have all either been resettled or for many years been strongly pressured by missionaries to give up the prac tice of polygyny. Only one polygynous group is known that maintains tight camp spacing (Altman 1987:29), but the level of polygyny and the nature of the risk-pooling associations have not been well documented. The reader should be cautioned that groups with or without polygynous arrangements may actu ally be organized as labor-based risk pools of differing scales in particular types of camps that may have extraordinarily tight spacing when compared with normal residential camps. Such arrangements have been documented among the Nunamiut during cooperative caribou drives (unpublished site plan 1944: Caribou Drive at Chandler Lake) and among the south ern Netsilik during episodes of cooperative netting of fish for storage (Briggs 1970:108-9:photo 3). Northern Netsilik and Copper Eskimo groups also camp in tight clusters when doing breathing hole sealing, which is associated with a nested hier archy of risk-pooling networks. 4. Bidimensionality is appropriate from the perspective of birth as the event that endows an individual with a full com pliment of kin. In all cases, however, this event has been pre ceded by some form of marriage event incorporating or merging affinal kin with bidimensional kin. In some instances, a third dimension has even been added that relates to how the affines of an individuals parents have been conceptualized. 5. See Heinrich (1963:88). 6. In my opinion, neither of these terms is appropriately applied to generic hunter-gatherers, particularly if the only source of information is ethnography. The term tgaltiarmn makes sense only relative to stratified systems with centralized, authoritarian, power-based decision making. A more appro priate term for generic hunter-gatherers is nonstwtifmi or nonrattked.
N O T E S TO P A G E S 4 6 8 4 7 0
7. These observations strongly affect arguments such as those by Bettinger and Baumhoff (1982) postulating a Numic spread 8. Other possibilities include moving considerable dis tances to find uninhabited areas, or a new niche might open upwithin the subsistence range of the parent unit. This could lead to a huge increase in carrying capacity as well as some inter esting possibilities for increased systemic and regional com plexity. In general, these alternatives may represent possibilities standing behind many new kinds of systems that would not appear in my global sample of hunter-gatherers. 9. These processes are well documented in the ethnographies ofAustralian hunter-gatherers. For instance, at the time of the first European contact, the northern part of the region near the coast of New South Wales contained many ethnic groups. (A goodexample would be the Jinibara [Winterbotham 1980], who were in the process of coping quite directly with packing.) A variety of groups in southeast Queensland (Morwood 1987) were similarly affected. Important information on groups experiencing packing along Australias north coast was pub lishedby Galindo (1997), who reports that the population den sitywithin the clan estate where she conducted research was 23.31 persons per 100 square kilometers, which is well beyond the packing threshold. The marriage preferences and con ventions for access to other clan territories had essentially collapsed, so that a persons mate did not make territory acces sible to aflines who were not already considered to have access rights. 10. Owens and Hayden (1997) have provided an excellent reviewof the rituals and events at the center of maturational episodes among transegalitarian hunter-gatherers (these groups are usually classified as internally ranked in my study). Following their review, the authors attempt to argue that the late Upper Paleolithic painted caves of western Europe are to be understood as locations for maturational ritualswhich seem s likelybut they assume that the Paleolithic societies were internally ranked or transegalitarian! It is interesting that in m ysample of hunter-gatherers, maturational rituals are either the most important annual social ritual or the second most important social ritual in 5 7 percent of the nonpacked huntergatherer cases that are primarily dependent upon terrestrial plants, in 35 percent of the groups dependent upon terrestrial animals, and in only 10 percent of the groups dependent
upon aquatic resources. Among hunter-gatherer groups that have reached the packing threshold and do not exhibit evidence of either wealth differentials or ranking, the percentages increase considerably to 6 6 percent, 50 percent, and 80 percent, respectively. Among aquatically dependent cases, population densities above the packing threshold correspond to large dif ferences in the character of social rituals. In groups whose pop ulation density level is below the packing threshold, wealth differentiation and ranking do not occur when the primary sub sistence focus is terrestrial plants or aquatic resources. Wealth differentiation may be present among groups of terrestrial hunters, 42 percent of whom engage in maturational rituals. These data mean that in my global sample of hunter-gather ers maturational rituals are very common among groups that are packed but are found less often among packed, nonranked groups. On the other hand, remarkably few maturational rit uals occur among groups of nonpacked, aquatically dependent peoples, whereas the highest frequencies occur in ranked cases. So, to return to Owens and Haydens postulation, when making projections about behavior in the Pleistocene it is imperative to know whether or not the groups were packed. If the answer is affirmative, then they could not be primarily dependent upon terrestrial animal resources, and if they were dependent upon terrestrial plants, they would not be internally ranked. The remaining possibilitythat the groups were dependent upon aquatic resources and packedcan only be made with confidence if there is some confirmatory evidence. Hayden himself has argued that there was minimal use of aquatic resources by classic Upper Paleolithic huntergatherers (Hayden et al. 1987), so I think it is much more likely that the Upper Paleolithic groups were not packed and that they were not primarily dependent upon aquatic resources. They could have been nonpacked and dependent upon ter restrial animals, with or without wealth differentials, but plant-dependent Upper Paleolithic peoples in western Europe would not have been likely. Data on modem hunter-gatherers, therefore, offer no support for Haydens arguments about Upper Paleolithic artists.
11 . I do not mean to imply that the only context in which money was used and labor-added craft items were exchanged was a single-family expedition. These kinds of exchanges could occur at trade fairs, which were sometimes organized in a region as part of settlement-sponsored social events.
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Author Index
Albon, S. D., I l l Allen, J. A., 181 Altman, J. C , 234 Ammerman, A. J., 136 ,19 6 -9 7 Andrewartha, H. G., 104-5 Ashby, W. R., 161 Atkinson, R. J. C., 140 42 Auerbach, M. J., 173 Axelrod, R., 26-27 Bailey, H.R, 58-59,73 Bailey, R C., 3 8 ,114 -15 ,14 2 ,3 0 9 BakR, 243,435,461,462 Balikci, A., 351,419 -20 Barnard, A., 309 Barnes, R F. W., 110 Barth, R, 35 Bar-Yosef, 0 . 214,44 7,450,453,454,46 3-64 Baugh, T. G., 416 Baumhoff, M. A., 14 3-4 4 ,16 7 Bayham, E E., 396 Beatty, J., 41-42 Beckerman, S., 396 Begon, M., 105 Bender, B., 341 Benedict, R E , 18 -19 Bergmann, C., 181 Bergstrom, B. J., 366 Bertalanffy, L. von, 161 Bettinger, R. L., 23 Beuchat H., 1 1 - 1 2 ,1 4 ,1 5 - 1 6 ,2 9 ,3 1 ,3 3 2 ,3 5 0 Bhanu, B. A., 190-91 Binford, L. R., 4 ,11,3 9 ,4 0 ,4 5 -4 6 ,16 2 ,18 8 , 196,2 11,2 2 1,2 2 4 ,2 2 7 ,2 3 0 ,2 3 3 ,2 3 9 ,2 4 5 , 251,254,260,269,276,279,299,302,303, 305,308,332,348,355-57,368,400,403, 433,437,439,440,446,454,466,475,476, 479,483,484,487 Binford, S. R., 11,3 3 2 Bfrcb, L. G., 104-5
Blurton-Jones, N. G., 27 Bonner, J. T., 176-77,401 Bonnichsen, R., 50 Boserup, E., 355,359 Boulding, K., 161 Bower, B., 114-15,142 Boyd, R., 474,480 Boyd, R. T., 35,37-38 Briggs, J., 303 4 Brooks, A. S., 189 Brosius, J. R, 142 Brown, J., 219 Brown, J. H., 366 Bryson, R. A., 447,489 Bryson, R. U., 447,489 Bunnell, E L , 366 Burch, E. S., Jr., 180,219 Burch, E. S., Jr., 219 Byrnes, R. E, 341 Cailleux, A., 364 Cain, S., 177 Carneiro, R. L., 212,486 Case, T. J., 166 Cashdan, E., 27 Cavalli-Sforza, L. L., 136,196-97,440 Chisholm, B., 491 Clark, D. W., 442-43 Clark, J. D., 460 Clarke, D., 192-93 Clutton-Brock, T. H., 111 Coe, M. J., 105-7,110 Cohen, M. N., 385-86 Colledge, S., 489 Connell, J., 176-78 Cooke, K. L., 161 Cowan.C. S.. 197,442-43 Cowgill, G. L., 355 Crowder, L. B., 173 Cumming, D. H., 105 7,110 Currie, D. J., 366-67 Curtis, J. T., 95
Ddmas, D., 2 1 ,351
Dansereau, R, 41,165 Davie, M. R., 18 Deevey, E., Jr., 142-43 Denham, W. W., 234 Dennell, R., 197 DeVore, I., 21-23,26,134-36,318 Dewar, R. E., 356 Diamond, J. M. 166 Dina, J., 190-91 Dobzhansky, T., 177-78 Donahue, R. E., 197 Douglas, M., 12 Douglas-Hamilton, I., 110 Draper, P., 27,234 Duncan, P., 109 Dunnell, R. C., 37,162 Dupre, J., 162 Earle, T., 333,353,355,357,475 Eggan, E, 16,22-23,27 Ehrenfels, U. R., 20,190-91 Eibl-Eibelsfeldt, I., 379-80 Eiseley, L.C., 16,18,309 Eisenberg, J. E, 101, 105-6,111,178-79,366 Eldridge, N 162 Ellanna, L. J., 219 Endicott, K., 309 Endicott, K. L , 309 Engels, E, 25 Ewers, J. C., 196-97 Eyre, S. R., 1 5 ,9 4 -9 5 , 148 Faron, L C , 136 Fidler, P., 40 Fischer, A. G., 176 Flannery, K. V., 348,404,462 Flannery, R., 37 Fleming, T. H., 177 Foley, R., 23 Fortes, M., 13 Fox, J., 12, 190-91 Fox, R. ., 20 Frank, D. A., 106 Franks, I.W., lt>9-?0 Fried. M. H., 211-12, 332-3., 347
Bird, N 190-9 1, 309, 348-49,411-12 Bird-David, N., 190-91, 309 BirdseU, J. B., 142-43,223-25,317 Black, M. B 262 Blanton, R. E., 341
Fritz, H., 109 Fritz, T., 366-67 Furer-Haimendorf, C. von, 190 91 Gabus, J.j 190-91 Galindo, J. L., 490-91 Gamble, C. S., 194 Gardner, P. M 190-91 Gardner, W 19,142 Gargett, R., 26,356 Garrard, A., 489 Gearing, F., 11,332 Gebauer, A. B., 417 Gelburd, D. E., 189 Gellner, E., 21-22,316-17 Gibson, T., 26,35 Gilpin, M. E., 166 Gimbutas, M., 197 Gittleman, J. L., 366 Gleick, J., 37 Goldberg, P., 452 Goldman, I., 380-81 Goodman, B. M., 447 Gould, RA 28,38,75,234,432 Gould, S. J., 162,243,400-401,462 Greaves, R. D 234 Gregg, S. A. 309,379,416 Groube, L., 440 Guenther, M., 347-48 Guinness, E E., 111 Hale, H. M., 279 Hallett, J. G., 166 Halstead, 486 Hamilton, A., 26-27 Harako, R., 177-78 Harding, T. G., 212 Hardy, C. E., 169-70 Harestad, A. S., 366 Harner, M. J., 2-3 Harper J. L., 105 Harris, D. R., 380,438 Hart, C.W. M., 279-80 Hart, J.A., 178 Hart, T. B., 178 Harvey, P. H., 366 Harvey, W., 400-401 Hassan, F.A., 105,142-44 Hawkes, K., 23,39,234,333-34 Hawley, A., 229-30 Hayden, B., 26,356,395-96,425,446,452, 491 Headland, T. N., 29,114-15,142,474,488 Heinz, H. J., 379-80 Henriksen, G., 419-20 H e n r y ,238 Hexter, J. H., 35 Hiatt, B., 301,305 Hiatt, L. R., 22,279,305 Higham, C., 36.8 Hill, K., 27-29, 39, 142, 234, 333-34 Hobbes, T., 22 Hodder, 1., 34, 37,105 Hoerner, J. M., 190-91 Hoffman, C. L., 142 Hotdridge, L K., 59,73,78,84
Hole, F., 142,455,464 Holland, T. D., 37 Holliday, T. W., 395 Holmberg, A. R., 232-33, 238 Honigmann, J. J., 18,19, 349 Horn, L. H., 56 Howell, N., 229-30 Hull, D., 35 Hurtado, A. M., 27-29,39 Hutchinson, G. E., 32-33 Ingold, T., 24-25, 33 Isaac, G. L., 26 Johnson, A. L., 402-3,433,463,478,485, 489-90 Johnson, A.W., 333,353,355,357 Johnson, G. A., 196,317-19,332-35, 338-39, 344-45,348,351-52,425 Jones, G. T., 37 Jones, K. T., 27 Jones, R., 234 Kaplan, H., 27-29,39, 333-34 Keeley, L. H., 481 Keller, A. G., 18 Kelley, K. M., 223 Kelly, R. L., 219 Kent, S., 35,396-97 Kitts, D. B., 4 Kniffen, F., 347-48 Komarek, E. V., 169 Kornblith, H., 212 Kosse, K., 353 Kozlowski, S. K., 456 Krebs, J. R., 27 Kroeber, A. L., 347-48 Kroll, E., 35 Krupnik, 1.1., 346-47,435 Kupfer, H. J., 18,309 Lasker, G. W, 181-82 Laszlo, E., 161,163-64 Leach, E., 34-37 Leacock, E., 17,21,30,309,419-20 Lee, M., 379-80 Lee, R. B., 17,20,21-22,22-23,25-27, 30,38, 39-40,134-36,142,189,192,229-30,232, 309,317,443,474 Leonard, R. D., 37 Levin, S. A., 32,167 Lvy, J. E., 19,309 Lewin, R., 38,161 Long, J. P. M., 298 Loucks, O. L., 168-69 Low, B. S., 177-78,440-41 Lowie, R. H., 347 Lynch, J. M, 430-31 MacArthur, R. H., 161,171-72, 177-78 MacFadden, B. J., 366 Margalef, R., 116 Marshall, L 139 Martke, C. E., 19 Martin, L., 489 Martin, M. K., 142
Marx, K., 25 Maslow, A. H., 19 Mather, J. R., 72-75,84 Maurer, B. A., 366 Mauss, M., 11-12,13-16,21,25-26,29,30, 332,350 May, R. M., 173 Mayr, E., 37,162,172-73 McArthur, M., 230 McCarthy, F. D., 230 McGhee, R., 350 McKay, G. M., 105-6 McLaren, I. A., 105 McNab, B. K., 366 McNaughton, S. J., 106 Meadow, R. H., 214,447,450,453,454, 463-64 Meehan, B., 234 Meggitt, M. J., 234,298,419-20 Meillassoux, C., 20 Meitzer, D. J., 480 Middleton, J., 318 Miller, S. G., 442-43 Mills, G., 26 Misra, P. K., 190-91 Misra, V. N. 190-91 Mithen, S. J., 35 Monk, C. D., 168-69 Monod, J., 164 Morgan, L. H., 25 Morris, B., 29,309 Morris, W., 228-29 Movius, H., 25 Munch, P. A., 19 Murdock, G. P., 1,116-17,301 Murphy, R. F. 17-18,30,309,349 Murty, M. L. K., 190-91 Nagar, M., 190-91 Naroll, R., 2 Netting, R. McC., 341,348 Nicolaisen, J., 105-6,190-91 OBrien, M. J 37 OConnell, J. F., 23,39,162,234,308-9 Odum, E. P., 41,74-75, 79-80,175-76 Oesterheld, M., 106 OLeary, B., 350 Orias, E., 176-77 Osborn, A .1., 372 Osgood, C., 333 OShea, I., 371,486 Oswalt,, W. H., 387, 388,390,393,395-96 Owens, D., 491 Panowski, E. T., 39,268-69,401 2,426 Paquin, V., 367 Parkington, J., 26 Pearsall, D. M 462-63 Peters, R. H.. 366 PhiUipson, 105-7,110 Pianka, B, R., 166,176 -77 Piclou, E. C , 172-73, 17(v-77 Pilling. A. R., 279-8
P o la t iy i. K ., 4 6 9
Poole, N. J., 430-31 Popper, K. R.) 474 Preucel, R. W., 483 Price, T. D., 35,219,417 Prigogine, I., 37,161,163 64,308 Provost, C., 301 Quine, W. V. 0., 154,211-12 Radcliffe-Brown, A. R., 410-11 Raelson, J. V., 366 Raish, C., 401-3 Rapoport.A., 161 Rappaport, R. A., 182,186 Rathje, W 341 Read, A R, 366 Reid, L. A., 29,474,488 Renfrew, C., 161,440 Rensink, E., 476 Richerson, P. J., 474,480 Riches, D 23,35,309,350-51 Rindos, D., 162-63,442-^3,463 Roberts, D. F., 182 Rogers, E. S., 262,419-20 Root, R. B., 32 Rosen, R., 37-38 Rosenberg, M., 162 Rosenzweig, M. L., 73-74,79-80,166 Rousseau, J. J., 22 Rowley-Conwy, P., 197 Rubel, A. J., 18,309 Sabloff, J. A., 4 Sahlins, M. D., 19,20,22-27, 30,33,38,40, 212,308,341,433 Sandbukt, 0 ., 190-91 Schalk, R. F., 385-86 Schaller, G. B., 111 Schild, R., 460 Schoener, T. W., 177 78, 366 Schwarcz, H. P., 491 Scott, S. L., 396-97 Seidensticker, J., 111 Service, E. R., 20,21,26,28,33,38,114-15, 136,211-12,308,433 Shelford, V.E., 175-76 Shott, M. J., 390
Silberbauer, G. B., 139, 308-9 Simpson, G. G., 166,177-78, 366 Slade, N. A., 366 Smith, B. D., 446,480 Smith, E. A., 28,35,37-39,163,309,351 Smith, P. E. L., 355 Snow, J. H., 392-93 Solway, J. S., 474 Speck, F. G., 16-18, 20,21,30,33,309 Speth, J. D., 396-97,416 Spielmann, K. A., 379,416 Stanley, S. M., 162 Stanner, W. E. H., 22 Stehli, F. C., 177-78 Stengers, I., 37,161,308 Stephens, D. W., 27 Steward, J. H., 12-18,20-22,27,29-30,33, 136,211-13,225-26,244,300-301, 309, 349,433,439-40 Stewart, O. C., 16 Stone, N. M., 476 Strahler, A. H., 74-75,78-79,94-95 Strahler, A. N., 74-75, 78-79,94-95 Stringer, C., 181-82 Sugihara, G., 173 Sumner, W. G., 18 Swihart, R. K., 366 Szuter, C. R., 396 Tait, D., 318 Tanaka, J., 136 Tattersall, I., 162 Taylor, D. L., 169 Teltser, R A., 162 Testart, A., 256 Thom, R., 161 Thornwaite, C. W., 72-75,84 Thorson, G., 177-78 Tilman, D., 166,173 Tindale, N. B., 279,298 Tobias, P. V., 181-82,212 Torrence, R., 387,389-90 Towne, A. H., 463-64 Townsend, C. R., 105 Townsend, J. B., 392-93 Tracey, J. G., 176-77 Trewartha, G. T., 56
Tringham, R., 193,200-201 Trivers, R. L., 26-27 Turnbull, C. M., 22 Tylor, E. B., 9-10,38-39,42,45 Wadsworth, F. H., 169 Wagner, P. L., 256-57,393 Waldrop, M. M., 161-62 Wallerstein, I., 341 Walter, H., 74-75,94-96 Washburn, S., 22 Watanabe, H., 419-20 Waterbolk, H. T., 452-53 Watson, P. J., 4,47,197,442-43 Webb, L. J., 176-77 Wendorf, F., 460,463 White, L.A., 161,163-64 Whitmore, T. G., 70-71 Whittaker, R. H., 32,168-69 Wicken, J. S., 37 Wiener, N., 161 Wiens, J. A., 173 Wiessner, P.W., 27 Wilk, R., 341 Williams, B. J., 190-91,238 Williams, C. B., 364 Williams, K. J., 106 Wilmsen, E. N., 114 15 Wilson, E. O., 162 Wilson, N. L , 463 64 Winakur, J., 166 Winterhalder, B. P., 351 Wissler, C., 196-97 Wojick, R. R, 402 Wong, D., 341 Woodburn, J., 22,29,142,25657 Woodwell, G. M., 168-69 Wrigley, E. A., 229-30 Wylie, A., 4 Yellen, J. E., 75,189,234 Yesner, D. R., 143-44 Young, G , 355 Zeeman, E. C., 37-38,161 Zvelebil, M., 197
Ache, 27-29,39,333-34, 350,484 Achumawi, 380 Agta Casiguran, 376,405 Kagayan, 405 Ahmarian, 453 Ain Mallaha Site, 454,462 Ainu, 422,479 Aka, 333,348,410-11 Aka-bo, 409-10 Akuriyo, 379-80 Alacaluf, 219 Alcatcho, 380 Aleut, 16,219,220,286 Alsea, 431 Alyawara, 139,298,376,379 Anasazi, 212 Andamanese, 13,410 Arenda, 139 Athabaskans eastern, 13 northern, 16-17 Aurignacian, 453 Australian aborigines, 1 6 ,1 8 ,2 0 ,2 2 ,2 2 3 Ayta (Pinatubo), 117,191,214, 348 Aztec, 212
Chehalis, 220,429,431 Chenchu, 139,191,214,345,348,376,378,397 Chichimec, 139 Chimariko, 202,279,422 Chinook, 168,219,220,340,431 Cholanaickan, 191 Chono, 219,257 Chumash, 153 Coast Yuki, 153,221 Coeur dAlene, 202 Comanche, 139,345 Comox, 220 Copper Eskimo, 16,276,351,422,473,484, 490 Cowichan, 202 Cupeno, 13,406 Djaru, 376,379,481 Dobe peoples. See IKung Dogrib, 16 Dorobo, 220,348 Dryas, Younger, 447,449-50,452-56,462,
Mikumi, 111 Ngorongoro, 111 Rhum, 111 Ruaha, 110 Umfolozi, 110-11 William Pretorius, 111 //Gana, 27 Ghanzi farms, 347 Gidjindgali, 279 Gitksan, 220 Gosiute, 453 Great Basin peoples, 14-16,18,20,26,30,
Greenland Eskimo, East, 340 Groote Eylandt, 230 Gros-Ventre, 202 Guahibo, 405-6 Guato, 15,348,405 Gunwinggu, 380 G/wi, 309,352,438
464,489 /Du/da, 232. See also IKung Efe, 132,153,181,190,309,333,348,378 Eskim o, 11-12,15-16,18,20,24-25,31,181, 221,233,286,301,340,346,350-51,358, 422,429,438,473,484,485,487,490 Copper, 16,276,351,422,473,484,490 East G reenland, 340 Labrador, 301,340 Point Hope, 429 Polar, 221,352 W est G reenland, 221 Gabrielino, 153,219 Gam e parks Am boseli, 101,107 Bharatpur, 111 G ir National, 110 H luhluhluw e, 110,478 Kanha, 111 Kruger 107 8,111 Lake Nakura, 111
B affinIslandEskim o, 222 Bam bote, 333 B atek , 378 Bayaka, 190,333,410-11 B ella B ella, 220 B ellaCoola, 380 B irhor, 190-91,333,348,376 B lackfoot, 345 B oker ASite, 453 Bororo, 153,345,406 Bushm an, 18,27,192 C ape, 13 N am ib, 13 N aron, 13 !O kung, 13 C ahuilla, 117,214,345,376,406 C alusa, 219-20,222,340
H addad, 191 H adza, 22,139,309,352,380 H aida, 219-20 Hai//om, 117,139 H ayonimCave, 454 Heta, 222,379 H ill Pandaram, 20,309,348 H upa, 221,370,429,431 Iglulik, 276,333,422 Ingalik, 393,487 Inka, 212.475 j& ralde, 257 larmo Site, 447 larw a, 340,409-10 Jerusalem , 447-54,456~57; 460,4*>2-64 489-90 Iordan River V alley, 452 Kadar, 20,191 K aiadilt, 298 Kalahari area, 20,30,75,114-15,1W , 238, 309,347,374,404
Kanjars, 191,486 Karankawa, 221-22 Karieia, 139 40 Karim Shahir Site, 447 Karok, 221,431 Karuna, 153 Kaurareg, 221,348 Khartoum, 457,459-60,464 Complex, 460,464 !Ko, 139,379 Konaig, 220 Kubu, 191,411 !Kung, 20,22,26-27,30,39, 75, 77 table 4.04, 78 figure 4.10,139,189,192,229-30, 232-33,237,242, 309,332,335,351, 358-59,443,473,484 Kurnai, 257 Kuskowagmiut, 429 Kutchin, 333 Kwakiutl, 153,219-20 Labrador Eskimo, 301,340 Levant, 447,449,452-54,460 Lillooet, 220 Linear pottery culture (LBK), 193-94,198 99,200-205 Lummi, 221 Lungshan, 212 Mackenzie Inuit, 350-51, 358 Malapandaram. See Hill Pandaram Mattole, 153,279 Mbuti, 20,117,153,178,190,333,348-^9, 376,486 Mikea, 117,139,190 Mississippian Culture, 212,481 Miwok Coast, 279 Lake, 148 Mlefatian, 456 Montagnais, 26-27 Mousterian, 212 Mrabri, 191 Mundurucu, 17 Mura, 15 Murngin, 380 Nambikwara (Nambicuara), 15,139,348 Naskapi, 26 Natufian, 212,452,454-56,462,489-90 groups, 462 Nayaka (Naikens), 117,191,309,348,350, 412 Negritos. See also Pygmies Central African, 13 Congo, 13 Philippine, 13 Nemadi, 191 Nganasan, 347,485 Ngatatjara, 75,76 table 4.03,78 figure 4.10 Nharo, 347 Nisenan, 148 Nomlaki, 148
Nootka, 219-20 Northern California, 113,135,153,214, 258, 429, 433,453 Northwest Coast peoples, 16,113,143,153, 219-20, 350, 355,371,385,405,425-26, 436,476,479,483,486 Nukak, 153,352,411 Nunamiut, 39-40,115,233, 235,237, 302-3, 305, 309, 352,480-81,484-85,487,490 Nunivak, 286 Oenpelli Station, 232 Ohalo II Site, 453 Ojibwa Pekangekum, 279 Round Lake, 262 Weagamon Lake, 262 Ona, 16,352 Onge, 340,409-10,419,422 Paiute, 14,16,20,453,487 Honey Lake, 458 North Fork, 380 Northern, 14 Owens Valley, 487 Southern,14 Surprise Valley, 487 Palegawra Site, 447 Paliyan, 19,26,139,153,191 Paraujano, 219-20,222 Patwin, 148 Plains Indians, 12,16,153,180,196,201-2, 226,242,253,262,301, 333, 337, 347, 353-54, 358,383,406,426,442,460, 481,485 Point Hope Eskimo, 429 Polar Eskimo, 221, 352 Pomo, 354,436,486 Clear Lake, 148 Eastern, 148 Southern, 268-69 Prepottery Neolithic A-B, 212,452,454-56, 462,464,489 Pume, 115, 116 figure 5.02, 221,405 Punan, 16,142,411,488 Puyallup, 429 Pygmies, 18,181. See also Negritos Quileute, 429,431 Quinault, 340,431 Salinan, 153 San speakers, 115. See also Bushman Semang, 20, 309, 340,411,488 Seri, 422 Serrano, 406 Shaheinab complex, 460 Shiriana, 409 Shompen, 333,376,411 Shoshoni, 14-16,18-20,26, 30,213 Western, 14 Shuswap, 286 Sinkyone, 279
Siriono, 233,380 Squamish, 221,429 Stalo, 431 St. Lawrence Island Eskimo, 2 8 6 , 4 2 9 Tanaina, 3 9 3 Taremiut, 4 2 9 Tasmanians, 2 1 9 , 2 5 7 , 2 6 2 , 4 8 7 Eastern, 2 5 7 , 2 6 2 Western, 2 5 7 , 2 6 2 , 4 8 7 Tehuacan Valley, 4 6 2 - 6 4 Tehuelche, 3 4 7 , 4 8 2 Teton Sioux, 3 4 5 Thompson, 2 1 9 - 2 0 , 2 8 6 , 4 2 9 Thule, 3 4 6 , 4 5 5 Tiwi, 2 8 0 , 3 8 0 , 4 8 7 Tjapwurong, 2 2 0 , 4 2 9 , 4 8 8 Tlingit, 2 2 0 Tolowa, 1 5 3 , 2 2 1 , 4 2 9 , 4 3 1 Tsimshim, 2 2 0 Tubatulabal, 1 5 3 , 3 5 7 Tutchone, 3 5 0 Twana, 4 3 1 Utkuhikhalingmiut, 3 0 3 figure 8 . 2 1 , 3 0 3 4 , 4 8 4 Valdivia Sequence, 4 6 3 VanVargis, 1 9 0 Veddah, 16 Ventana Cave, 3 9 6 Walapai (Walipai), 3 4 7 - 4 8 , 4 3 5 Walbiri, 1 3 9 , 2 8 7 , 2 9 8 Walmbaria, 2 7 9 Wanka, 4 7 5 Warunggu, 2 6 6 , 2 8 0 , 3 8 0 , 4 8 6 Wenatchi, 2 2 0 , 4 2 9 , 4 3 1 Wessex Culture, 1 9 2 West Greenland Eskimo, 2 2 1 Wintu, 1 4 8 , 2 2 0 Wishram, 4 2 9 , 4 3 1 Wiyot, 1 5 3 , 2 2 1 White Knife, 3 8 0 Wororo, 3 8 0 Xai/xai, 189,232. See also !Kung /Xam, 153 Yaghan, 16, 257,392,419,422 Yaruro, 405. See also Pume Yavapai, 435 Yerukulas, 190 Yir-Yoront, 379 Yokuts, Lake, 153 Yuki, Coast, 153,221 Yurok,153 Zarzi Site, 447 Zarzian, 456 Zeribar, 447-50,455-57,460,462-63,4{>3-64 Lake 456 Zu/wasi (Zu/hoftxi), 230, 232, 319, See
also !Kung
Subject Index
Acculturation, 17,20,380 argument, 17 context, 17 as an explanatory principle, 20 forces of, 29 model, 17 state of, 213,380 as a variable, 20 A E. See Habitat: within-habitat diversity: synergistic variables: AE AGEDIF. See Hunter-gatherer systems: variables used in description: AGEDIF Agriculture. See also Horticulture claims, food as currency of exchange,
Appearance of ceramics, 460 domesticated animals, 460 Aquatic biome biogeography of production and biomass,
Agriculturists, 153 Altruism, 26-27. See also Sharing Anadromous fish, 441 along coast of Chile, absence of, 219 Analysis, Analytical, 114 ,13 0 discriminate function, 96 imperative, 442 practice, 133-34 tools, 164-65 Animal abundance, 104 conditioners of, 104,106-7 density-dependent approach, 109 herbivores as food limited, 106 limitations on, 104-5 soil quality as a conditioner, 106 as stabilizing mechanisms, 104-5 Anthropology approaches within, humanists, 10 goals of, 9 paradigms of culture history, 9 , 10 diffusionists, 9 evolutionist*, 9-10 traditional problem*, variety in forms,
v a r ia b ility in c o m p le x ity , 1 6 0 - 6 1
density dependence, 383-84 expansion of diet breadth, 368-69 intensified, 368-69 lacustrine, 167 linked to terrestrial, 167 marine, 166-67 packing conditions shift to aquatic resources, 384 resources, associated with nonegalitarian social features, 368 riparian, 167 technological access filter, 368-69 use clustered in high-biomass forests, 385 Archaeological sequence Jerusalem, 447-54 Zeribar, 447-54 Archaeologists most discussed issues, 160-61 tendencies to offer an event sequence as a model of process, 446 use of ethnology, 26 Archaeology, goals of reconstruction, 10 postprocessual, 34 AREA. See Hunter-gatherer systems: variables used in description: AREA
A rg u m e n t a c c o m m o d a tiv e , 4 6 - 4 7 c a u s a l, 4 4 7 c h a r a c te r iz in g , 3 5 4 c u ltu r e c h a n g e as a re s p o n s e to e n v ir o n m e n ta l c h a n g e , 4 4 6 ,4 4 7 p o p u la tio n p re s s u re , 4 4 6
transformational, 23 vitalistic, 355-56 Arguments linking goods exchange and leadership develop ment to ecological variables, 402 labor organization to subsistence base, 402 labor organization to transaction customs,
land ownership to specialized subsistence strategy, 17-18 Artificially aggregated cases, 379-80 Assumptions, 14, 16 ,36 ,2 2 3 by Bar-Yosef, 452 by Binford, 444 by Gould, 476 by Gould and Yellen, 75 by Harris, 438 by Marx, 25 by Steward, 226 by Wilmsen, 11 5 dogmatic, 5 demography, 355 empiricist, 4 essentialist, 23 fundamental, 16 hidden, 256 incorrect, 446 normative, 12 regarding causation, 163 COHAB, 244 division of labor, 280, 307 domestication, 404 food, 233 group size, 350 hunter-gatherers, 20,22 initial conditions, 438 landowning. 473 maximizing, 474 measurement, 5 9 mobility. 2 5 2 , 3 1 4 , 3 1 8 - 1 9 model, 1 6 4 - 6 5 , 1 6 9 , 1 8 7 , 2 3 3 . 2 2 5 , 2 5 4 .
2 6 9 , 2 8 0 ,3 0 7 m u t u a lis m , 3 7 V n a t u r a l k in d s , 2 1 2
Assumptions, regarding (continued) niche, 172 original condition of humans, 30,40-41, 51,140-41, 180,192, 255 projection, 148 propositions, 370 stability, 36-37,49,144,147,484 storage, 307 systems change, 417 systems flexibility, 484 vegetation, 94-95 uniformitarian, 4,5,23,50-51 violated, 349 Atmospheric circulation, 56 model of, 56-57 Atomism, 18-21,24,25,26-27,30,41,314, 350,474,485 assumed referable to psychology, 350 causes of, 20 contrasts with, 19-20 defined, 18-19 primitive, 24 problems regarding, 349 and scale of integration, 314 simple, 19 social, 20,21 structural, 19 Autocorrelation, 12,13,14,23,24-25 conditioned by intensification, 256 examples, 268,389-90 AVWAT. See Habitat: within-habitat diversity: synergistic variables: AVWAT Bands, 12,14,15 bilateral, 211 composite, 13,14-15,20,213 causes of, 13 definitions of, 14-15 endogamous, 15 endogamy, 14-15 exogamy, 14-15,20,21 family level of organization, 244-45 lack of, 16,17 lineal, 13,14-15,213 local, 16 model of, 16 and multiple referents, 29-30 organization of, 16 patrilineal, 14,16,211 patrilocal, 20,21 as primal forms, 114-15 regional, 16 as remnant populations, 114-15,405 size, 317,225-26
S t e w a r d s a r g u m e n t / a n a l o g y t o P l a i n s h u n te rs , 2 9 -3 0 B A R 5.
See H
a b it a t : b e tw e e n - h a b ita t c h a r a c t e r is t ic s : v a r ia b le s : d e s c r ip tiv e : B A R S
Bias geographical, 136 as relative issue, 133-36 BI05. See Habitat: between-habitat charac teristics: variables: descriptive: BIOS Biomass, 94. See also Habitat: betweenhabitat characteristics: variables accumulation ratio, table of, 179 as conditioned by primary productivity, 106 defined, 83 equation for large herbivores, 105 estimates of, 101 as limiting human access, 179 primary (plants), 82,155 problems of measurement, 96-101 relationship to production, 83 secondary (animals) 83-84,106-7,112-13 ungulate, 55,105 for ungulates of moderate body size, 101 Biome, Biotype, 83-84 aquatic domestication of plants from, 368 structured by different variables than ter restrial biome, 166-67 grass-parkland transitional tallgrass prairie-forest steppe (GP-8), 98 tundra alpine and boreal forest (TA-21), 100 polar (T-26), 99 water-abundant forests of equatorial, tropical, and sub tropical zones equatorial and tropical rain forests (broadleaf evergreen forests) (FE- 1), 98 monsoon raingreen forest (FMO-3), 98 subtropical broadleaf evergreen forest (FBE-4), 99 tropical mountain forest (FMT-6), 98 forests of midlatitude and subarctic zones boreal (FBO-19), 99 dominated by deciduous Larch-Aspen (FBL-21), 99 coastal (FC-11), 99,153 high standard deviations for huntergatherer cases within, 153 lake (FL-14), 99,153,154 midlatitude deciduous (summergreen) (FD-10), 99 mixed boreal and deciduous (FBD12), 99 moderately dry boreal parkland (BPK22), 99 southern pine (FSP-5), 99 water-graded, transitional to forests savanna, 97 lower- midlatitude Australian sclero* phyll scrub forest (FSA-10), 98 midlatitude Mediterranean evergreen mixed forest (FSM-16), 98 clerophyllous (thick- or hard-leafed plants)
high standard deviations for huntergatherer cases within, 153 tropical thorntree-tallgrass savanna (STG-7), 98 upper equatorial savannawoodland/broadleaf tree savanna (SW-2),98,153,178 upper subtropical Australian sclerophylious (SSA-15), 97 upper subtropical sclerophyllous scrub-dwarf forest (FSS-23),98 water stressed desert (D-28), 97 desert alternating with porcupine grass semidesert (DSP-25), 97 lower tropical thorntree-desert grass savanna (DTG-19), 97 midlatitude semidesert scrub and wood land (DSD-24), 97 midlatitude short grass prairie (GS-18), 97,148,153,154 high standard deviations for huntergatherer cases within, 153 subtropical semidesert scrub (DSS-22), 97 upper tropical thorn forest and thorn woodland (DTW-11), 97 BIOSMALL. See Habitat: between-habitat characteristics: variables: EXPREY: BIOSMALL Body size, 374 accounting for 80% of variation in species densities, 366 Allens rule, 181 and range size, 366 and feeding strategy, 366 and niche specificity, 366 and species diversity, 366 Bergmanns rule, 181 and biomass, 181 and climate, 181 and metabolic rate, 180-81 generalizations regarding, 366,381 Broad-spectrum revolution, 356-57,367 BT. See Habitat: within-habitat diversity: temperature and solar radiation variables: BT Carrying capacity. 105 356 Causal argument, 50,433,447 by Mauss, 12 Cause, 36,108,452,476,480 challenge, 22 confusion regarding, 438,447 as contingency, 462 defined, 482 density dependant, 433 dynamics, tor blood circulation, 400-441 ecological, 308,354-55, 401 exploration o f, 34 implications, 48 internal or functional, 308-4, J55-5N 401 locus of, 355,474,480 of or tor archaeological variability, 472 composite bands, l(v '0
cultural variability, 112 Eskimo organization, 12 hunter-gatherer variability, 462 group composition, 13 delay in appearance of agriculture, 199 emergent evolution, 165 energetic imbalance, 163 fluctuations in r, 104 intensification, 256,355,372 mutualism, 486 origins of agriculture, 437 packing, 439 patrilocal band, 21 projected pattern, 148 ranking, 432 reduced mobility, 438 stratification, 27 subsistence change, 189 systemic organization, 12 misplaced motivational idealism, 355 priority, in ideology, 400-401 processes, 22 referable to air circulation, 56 environment, 29,447,460,462,464, 476 external conditions, 36 events, 30,464 future goals, 35 history, 347 individual humans, 484 interaction among variables, 308,314 migration, 482 population, 355 sedentism, 437 storage, 256 superstructure, 25,30 subsistence base, 438 technology, 354 unearned water, 167,169 vital essence, 355 relationship to autocorrelation, 12,14 prior knowledge, 47 result in different trajectories, 433 search for, 256,400 versus, 34,35 constants, 37 motivations, 35 reasons, 35 within cultural system, 400 Change cyclical, 51 directional, 51 nonreversible, 51,450 Chronological sequences, 391 92 Circumscription, 374,375-76 generalizations regarding, 439 40 and division of labor, 375 76 and GROUP 1 size, 375-76 and spatial packing, 372,374 Circumstantial evidence, 4-5,44,45-46,47 ClaMifications nominal, 2 ordinal, 2
CLIM. See Habitat: within-habitat diversity: temperature and solar radiation variables: CLIM Climate, Climatic adaptational responses to, 447 as change agent, 367,450,455 446-47,461 as frame of reference, 94-95 as systems destabilizer, 447,454-56 generalizations regarding, 298-99 pattern, 449-50 as systems destabilizer, 447 consequences for hunter-gatherers, 367 similar events different impacts, 449-50 maritime, transition to, 71 figure 4.07 Mediterranean, 71-72 indicator (MEDSTAB), 71-72 reconstruction, 447 for particular sites, 447,449-50 CMAT. See Habitat: within-habitat diversity: temperature and solar radiation variables: CMAT COHAB. See Group: size: model of: assump tions of: COHAB COKLM. See Habitat: within-habitat diver sity: general variables: COKLM, Hunter-gatherer systems: vari ables used in description: COKLM Collectivism. See Communism Collector, 252-53,269,276,302. See also For ager central place, 276 food base scaled by CLIM, 276 mobile, dependent upon aquatic resources, 278-79 patterned relationships, 254 sedentary, 276 strategies of, 269,276. See also Mobility COLRAD. See Group: size: model of: assump tions of: COLRAD Communal, 17,20,21,22-23, 26, 30,41,303, 309,467,484 activities, 16,17,396,473 ethic, 22,26 goods, 38 land, 14,17 organization, 15,16,19,25,339,397, 473 resources, 14,38 shelter, 11,25 structures, 337,339,340, 341, 345,397 Communism, 21-22,25, 26 and scale of integration, 314 primitive, 20,25,29,309 Complex hunter-gatherer societies claimed to be prerequisite horticulture development, 416-17,424-25 classic characteristics of, 406-7,470 many not density dependent, 406-7, 420 unidentified variables suspectcd, 407 emergence of, 196,401,416-17,432-33 generalizations regarding, 379,401,401-2, 420, 421,422,424-25,426 Northwest Coast, 401-2,425 problems regarding, 352-53
Complexity complexification process, 401 differential paths to, 406-7 evolution of, 401 arising from independent systems, 401, 406-7 arising from within a system, 401,427, 427-28 clues to, 420,421,422,423,429-33 implies organization, 160-61 level of, 163-64,371-72,446 manifestations of, 371-72,401,420-21, 424,425 meaning of, 400 401 multiple trajectories to, 400 401,420-21, 422-23,428-29 nonegalitarian features of, 406-7 origins of, 160-61 parallels between cultural and biological, 401 political, 371,406-7 propositions regarding, 317-18,404 5 sociocultural, 160-61 studies, 161,371-72 Conferences, 21,22 Band Society, 21 Man the Hunter, 21,22-23,27,223-24,317 Constant, 38,40,42 associated with mobility, 276 importance of, 318 Johnsons, 317,339,341,351,357-58 ambiguous relative to others, 351-52 defined: 318 matched number of family units/GROUPl units, 357 scalar constant, for GROUP2,359 scale-related, 332 Smiths, 351,352 optimal labor unit size, 351 Winterhalders, 351,352 magic number, 351 risk reduction, 351 Consumer unit, 255-56 Convergence zone, 259 Cooperation, 14,15,18, 19,21,24,26,27,28, 29,30,31,163,226,309,314, 318, 349,350,372,465,470 Cooperative strategy as a variable, 314 as conditioner of group size, 255 propositions regarding, 406 Correlation, floral and faunal diversity with latitude, 176 Cross-cultural comparisons, 53 Cross-cultural differences, 212 CRR. See Habitat: within-habitat divmtity: water and rainfall variables:
Culture, Cultural building, 25 capacity for, 33 defined, 9,462 ecological articulations of, 314 evolution, 115-16 as adaptive response, 162 general, 162
Culture, evolution (continued) historical variety in, 462 not directed at macro-scale of process, 162 results in, 115-16 specific, 162 origins of, 160-61 periods village farming, 401-42 defined, 402 differential duration of, 402 contrasts between New and Old World, 402 process biased by human actors, 162-63 dynamics of, 400 401 rates of change, 402,443 symbiotic, 416 systems, 43 abhor empty niche space, 460 compared to ecosystems, 164,401 as mega-generalist within ecosystem, 412-13 organized like ecosystem, 413 stability among, 446 47 tempo biased by punctuation, 162 variety production biased by problem recognition and solution, 162 Currency, 41,49 CVELEV. See Habitat: within-habitat diver sity: general variables: CVELEV CVRAIN. See Habitat: within-habitat diver sity: water and rainfall variables: CVRAIN CVTEMP. See Habitat: within-habitat diver sity: temperature and solar radiation variables: CVTEMP Darwinian oudook of book, 10 Data, 45,46 accommodative fit to, 44 analysis, 47,48 creation of, 46 47 dimensionalizing, 46 47 domains of, 48 ecological, 316-17 ethnographic, 316-17 interpretation of, 51-52 production, 45 Databases 103 Hunter-gatherer cases, 100-1 HG142,147,148,158 compared to HG339,149 figure 5.10 HG339,95,133,142-43,148 epistemologicai question of bias, 133 geographical bias in, 130 figure 5.03,133 WLD1429, 55,56-57,95, 148,156,158 Decision maker, Decision making, 35,38,39, 318,319, 334,345,433,490 nested hierarchies of, 318,319, 332,334, 336, 338-40, 344, 351-53,406 DEFPER. See Habitat: within-habitat diversity: synergistic variables: DEFPER Demography, Demographic. See also Population
Boserup and critics, 355 and carrying capacity, 355-56 Garden of Eden view of, 355-56 growth as cause of intensification process, 354-55 issues in archaeology, 354-57 Malthusian arguments, 354-55, 383 and rainfall, 223 scale, 72 structure, 72 vitalistic arguments and, 355-56 DENSITY. See Hunter-gatherer systems: variables used in description: DENSITY Dependency: ratio, 211,231-36,241, 245 46, 282,303-4,309-11, 320-21, 336. See also Ratio subsistence, 192,194 trophic, 194 Description, dimensional, 46 Development, progressive, 12 DGROSS. See Habitat: within-habitat diver sity: general variables: DGROSS Diffusion, 3,9, 10,12,21,199,459,461,488 demie, 199 Dimension, Dimensionally, 2,32,46 48,51, 55, 75,80,107,131,149,155, 214,230,236,244,246, 318,320, 347, 377,438,452,467,491-94 DISMOV. See Hunter-gatherer systems: variables used in description: DISMOV Distribution in geographic space, 164 in property space, 164 Diversity, 3,9,51,144,147,174,204,265, 347, 350,374,454,455,489 cultural, 9, 10, 22,144, 147,160,164,203, 408,413 habitat, 2,110,142,165-66,168-69, 172-73,366,372,379,408,480 niche, 115-16,137,164,364,423,426,434, 444,463,489 species, 32,105,168,176,177,267, 366, 385,402,440 subsistence, 219,401-5,417-28,429,434, 435-36,437,463,469,470, 489-90 system state (organization), 188,213,374, 379,433,485 technology, tools, 390,392 Division of labor, 21,232, 233, 243-44, 254, 268,269,280,298-99,301-9, 312-14, 318, 332, 349, 352,359, 376,377, 380,381, 386, 394, 395, 429-30,444, 484 collapse of, 233-34,244, 298, 300, 302-3, 305, 307, 318, 394, 398,482 Domestic mode of production, 20, 33 Domestication and animals, 105,107,198, 224, 244, 278, 348-49,452, 483, 489 generalizations regarding, 402 pastoral pursuits, 436 and plants, 118, 259,350-51,370,453 55, 46ft,483, 48V
and plants and animals, 116,144,159,190, 198-200,203,214, 370, 374, 410,412,427,452-54,479 propositions regarding, 368 Dominant source of food aquatic biome, generalizations regarding, 254, 276.301.304-5,306-7,385,392, 393,418,422,427-28,436,434 terrestrial animals, generalizations regard ing, 214,222,254,276,278-79, 301.304-5,306-7,392 terrestrial plants, generalizations regarding, 244,252,276, 304-5,306-7, 385-86,403-4,406,420, 427-28,435 DPOSIT. See Habitat: within-habitat diver sity: general variables: DPOSIT DRAIN. See Habitat: within-habitat diversity: general variables: DRAIN DRANK. See Habitat: within-habitat diver sity: general variables: DRANK EARTHPER. See Habitat: between-habitat characteristics: variables; EARTHPER Ecological perspective, 33 Ecological principle, 47 Ecology and biological (biotic) production, 55-56, 58 and community, 32-33,100-101,168-69 dynamics, 165,169-70 factors, 21,33 fire as conditioner of, 169 human role in, 115 local, 168-69 and property space, 219 relationships between biomass and solar radiation, 55-56 role of fire within, 168-69 steady state within, 169 stability of, generalizations regarding, 173-74,408-9 studies, 33 theaters, 316 tropic roles within, 172,413 variability, 160 variables. See also Habitat: variables primary production, 55,56 secondary production, 55 Ecosystem, 172 complexity, 176 consequences of a *megageneralist " within, 412-13 contrasts to human sociocultural system, 174 diversity of human niches within, 164-65 fire maintained, 169 focus upon, 164 human participation within, 173,413. St* also Human internal dynamics 161,172 issues species versus niche, 161 subsystem-suprasvstem annulation, 161 < 163-64,413
niche comparisons, 174 organization, 161 and growing season, 169 and potential vapotranspiration, 169 and water balance, 1,69 stability, 408-9,412-13,413 strategy, 461 structure among niches, 169 unstable system and symbiosis, 416 variability, 160 Ecotone, Ecotonal, 166-67 constraint, 167 and temperature threshold in GROUP 1 size, 261 Egalitarianism, Egalitarian, 38,211,467-68, 490,491 as primal condition, 27 as caused by, 27 band societies, 26 ethic of, 26 foragers, 26 political culture, 22,317, 334,346, 349, 351-56,406,420,429,470,490 nonegalitarian features of, 368,405-6, 428,470 propositions regarding, 368,427-28 ELEV. See Habitat: within-habitat diversity: general variables: ELEV Energy approaches based on, 164 arguments based on, 162,164 as currency, 161 distribution of, 80,369 expended, 41,50,161,177,183,244,454 extracted, 164,165,214 free energy flux density, 163-65 potential, 73,369 solar, 56,58,59,70,74, 75,78,80-82,177, 266,426 sources, 163,386 stored, 55,73 transfers of, 162,412 transformed, 55 Entropy, 161-62,164 high during periods of instability, 455 Environment, Environmental changes in as cause, 460 dynamics, 95 effective, 164,165,203,363-64, 366 gross, 165,174-75 human system within, 413 locations with marked seasonality, 413 propositions regarding, 174-75, 370 organizational variability within, 173-74 potential, 165 richness, 95. See also Habitat: variables generalizations regarding, 367 summary data regarding, 105-6 types. See also Biome, Vegetation alpine tundra, 96 arctic tundra, 83-H4 boreal forest, 95-96 dry boreal parkland, 96
Mediterranean, 95,192-93 high-variability hunter-gatherer systems, 153 taiga, 95-96 tropical forest, 95-96 low-density and low-diversity fauna, 105-6 Equability, 177-78,369,419 Equations 6.06 (EXPREY calculation), 179 8.01 (relation between family size and polygyny), 298 8.02 (relation between dependency ratio and group size), 302 10.01 (general niche effectiveness), 373 10.02 (terrestrial plant niche effectiveness), 373 10.03 (terrestrial animal niche effective ness), 373 10.04 (modeled density for components of Terrestrial Model), 373 11.01 (exponential equation for density thresholds), 423-24 11.02 (spoilage time for codfish), 430-31 Essentialist, 21,23,254-55 ET. See Habitat: within-habitat diversity: temperature and solar radiation variables: ET Ethnic units, 2,16,41,51,118,131,133-46, 241,245-54,267-68,319,330, 336,355,377,380,382,388,392, 413-17,423,426,430,439,444, 483 area of, 209-10,213 size, 213, 220-31 problems regarding, 221 propositions regarding, 310 integrated into larger system, 383 territory, 239 as variables, 222 Ethnographic analogy, 50 Evolution, Evolutionary, 33 accretional growth, 313 14,462 anthropological view of, early, 354-55 during 1960s, 354 55 arguments, 160,163 arises from nonequilibrium states, 163-64 as nonaccidental process, 164 initial conditions, 160 conditions niche diversification, 160 emergent conditions, 314 emergent episodes, 165,436-37 emergent forms, 162 general versus specific, 433 gradualism, 162,462 grand synthesis, 161 irreversible process, 450 Lamarckian. 162 linear pattern, 446 literature, 400 401 macro-level explanation, 162 neo-Darwinian evolutionary ecology, 162 selectionist, sociohiology, 162
synthesis, 162 multilinear, 14,433 of complexity, 162,401,432-33. See also Complexity of systems states, 400,436-37,461 perspective, 60,161 plays, 316 process, processes, 26-27,162,163 64, 432-33 punctuated equilibrium, 162 punctuated pattern, 332,461 referred to accidental forces, 164 reversal in pattern, 450 systems change, 163 selection units groups, 27 individuals, 26-27 tempo, 317 theory, 27 comprehensive, 162 true, 162 Evolutionary biology, 26 27,40 41,358 Exchange chemical, 409 drives prestige seeking and productive surplus, 355-56 economy, 351 as engine of internal pressure, 355,357 episode, 373 as evidence of mutualism, 426 formalized, 351 medium of, 143 mode of, 24 of or for food, 373,374 forest products, 311 goods, 373 gossip, 15 meat, 26,385 money, 347 necessities, 426 wives, 13,373 social distance as a conditioner, 24 transactional scheme, 371,373,402 basic ecological variables, 402 linked to leadership, 402 risk-buffering, 371 subsistence labor organization. 402 transfers, 402 with agriculturists, 380 alliance-based, 357 bidirectional, 371 debt or "social storage, 371 direct, 24 goods for food, 371 between habitats, 426 with patrons. 452 unidirectional, 371 trophic ratio of scales of, 402 variable in Africa, M Explanation, Explanatory, .W ah Nntwxphnition based on human agency; 209 as a conceptual tool, 4 constant* relative h\ 320
Explanation ( continued) defined,408 domains of, 25 framework, 66 initial conditions, 354 logical problems with, 4,162,175,198 of or for actual evapotranspiration (AE), 74 agricultural origins and spread, 199 clans, 12-13 diffusion, 459-60 ethnographic variability, 114 hunter-gatherer variability, 12 group size, 354 lack of land ownership, 14 material changes, 42 moieties, 12-13 packing, 407 the past, 9,19 the present, 9,10 sharing, 40 sibs, 12-13 social change, 24,489 variability among cultural systems, 9,10, 42-43,400,408 opportunities for, 38 patterns, 245 types functional, 35 historical, 21,35,453 Marxist, 25 EXPREY. See Habitat: between-habitat char acteristics: variables: descriptive: EXPREY Extensification and domestication of horse, 383 generalizations regarding, 347 as a land-use strategy, 442 mounted Plains hunters as example, 346, 353,358,383,442 neglected research domain, 347 and niche specialization, 418,434 process of, 346, 347,353,354,358,381, 383,485 technology of, 346,442,485,486 tied to mobility, 381,383,434 Facilities defined by Wagner, 256-57 traps as example, 256-57 Fallacy of confirming the consequent, 52, 53 Family, 13,466,485 extended, 16,25,305,318,337,339, 345, 357,358-59 as fundamental social building block, 11, 12, 14,25,334-35, 357 as level of organization, 11,12,14-20, 23-25,30,38,39-40,117,244, 301,302,305,309, 334-35,348, 349,350,351,357,358,461, 465,466,467,469,473,482, 484,491 of procreation, 14,16,466,490 resource monopolies, 17,371 size, 280, 286-99, 308, 332-33, 334, 335, 337, 339, 345, 358, 376, 483
FAMSZ. See Hunter-gatherer systems: variables used in description: FAMSZ Feeding generalist adaptation, 172-73,402,406-7 specialist adaptation, 172-73,402 specialists versus generalists indicated by SUBDIV2,402 Filiation, 13,14 15 Fire hazard, 169 Fire and systems state of plant community, 168-69 FISHING. See Hunter-gatherer systems: variables used in description: FISHING Food demand curve for, 268 69,403 modifications to, 268-69,403 equation for accessibility, 176 equation 6.05 as function of growing season, 176 links to labor force, 255,429-30 modified by synergistic links among food sources, 403 spoilage, 430-31 storage, 255 FORAD. See Group: size: model of: assump tions of: FORAD Forager, Foraging, 26,39,83,96,114-15, 130-32,140,230,307,334, 349, 368,373,374,375, 379, 391,418, 438,456,464,476,483,484,488 classic, 195,199,244,269,275-79,304, 307-8, 315, 381,407,460,484 collector patterning, 254, 269,275-79, 304-8,315, 381 distinction, 142,189,192,195,199,224, 233,234,238,242,244,254,269, 275-78,302-8,315,381 food base of, 179,189,192,195,230,232, 240,254,268,276,303,306,366, 368,372,383,384,386-87,391, 486,487 scaled by CLIM, 276-78 mean distance of residential moves for, 278,312 optimality models of, 27-28,234,481 radius, 234,235,237-38,276,278,375 range, 224, 234-39,241,276, 278,355,364, 366,372,375-77,383,434 risk-reduction strategies, 39, 351 Founders effect, 4,9,10,439 Frame of reference, 48,49,50,133,142,151, 160,167-68,198, 209,357, 363-64,439-40,446 as aid in developing theory, 158 animal biomass, 49 archaeological attributes displayed against, 198-201 as basis for models of initial conditions, 156, 158 second- and higher-order pattern recognition, 201 -2 building of, 51, 113-14 climatic, 450 earth's plant communities as, 142 environment!, 50, 113-14
ethnographic, 5 5 ,115,160,357 geographical, 49, 51 hunter-gatherer, 50,115 multiple, 53 plant biomass, 49 relational projection as, 154 temporal, 400 401 variable habitat, 153 Gl FAMSZ. See Hunter-gatherer systems: variables used in description: Gl FAMSZ G1MHS. See Hunter-gatherer systems: variables used in description: G1MHS G2BASORD. See Hunter-gatherer systems: variables used in description: G2BASORD G2MHSET3. See Hunter-gatherer systems: variables used in description: G2MHSET3 Galtons problem, 47 GATHERIN. See Hunter-gatherer systems: variables used in description: GATHERIN Generalization, empirical, 48,252-53 Generalization number 2.01 (planning versus outcomes), 36 2.02 (humans maximize security), 41 5.01 (hunter-gatherer marginality and bias by environment type), 136 5.02 (hunter-gatherer marginality and bias by environment type), 137 6.01 (stability in ecological communities), 173 6.02 (stability in ecological communities), 173 6.03 (stability in ecological communities), 173-74 7.01 (size of ethnic area and social com plexity), 209-10 7.02 (size of ethnic area and subsistence base), 209-10 7.03 (geographic bias in Terrestrial Model projections), 210 7.04 (food biases under intensification), 210 7.05 (food biases under intensification),
7.O H(tactical mobility and sedentism), 213 7.09 (population density and mobility
among hunters), 214
7.25 (different types of units all classified alike), 221-22 7J 6 (sedentism and people dominantly dependent upon terrestrial animals), 222 7J 7(correlates of sedentary settlement system), 223 7.18 (groups and "self-defining size), 225 7.19 (group size and increased mobility), 234 7.20 (mobility minimized by small group size), 239 7.21 (mobility, group size, and scarcity of food), 239-40 8.01 (plant-dependent people and GROUP1 sizes in low-productivity habitats), 244,252 8.02 (politically complex hunter-gatherers and GROUP1 size), 244,252 8.03 (forager-collector patterning relative to sedentism and mobility), 254 8.04 (aquatic-dependent cases, GROUPl size, and habitat richness or political complexity), 254 8.05 (terrestrial animal-dependent cases, GROUPl size, and habitat rich ness), 254 8.06 (storage, GROUPl size, and consumer unit), 255-56 8.07 (effect of temperateness [TEMP] at latitudes greater than 60), 259-60 8.08 (quantity of food stored and growing season length for nonintensified, tactically mobile huntergatherers), 260 8.09 (exceptions to Generalization 8.08), 260 S.JO(GROUPl size and ET), 262 8.11 (GROUPl size and ET for sedentary cases), 263 8.12 (four environmental thresholds), 266-67 8.13 (mobile hunter-gatherer GROUPl size, storage threshold, and sub polar bottleneck), 268 8.14 (number of residential moves and GROUPl size), 269 8.15 (collector strategies and terrestrial animal-dependent peoples of polar and boreal climates), 276 8.16 (terrestrial plant feeders and forager mobility strategies), 276 8.17 (latitude, collector strategies, and for ager strategies), 276 818 (groups exploiting terrestrial animals, mobility, and catchment areas), 278-79 &J9(GROUPl sizes, sedentary groups, and mobile groups), 278-79 8.20 (polygyny as a labor recruitment tactic), 280 8.21 (polygamy and the dependency ratio), 280 8.22 (mobile peoples, polygyny, and male contribution to total diet), 286
labor-organization, 209 local structure, 379 mobility, 115,209,416 operational definition, 229 sedentary, 115,406 size, 15, 54,209, 212,223-24, 225-26, 228-29,279-80,317,428 and conditioning factors, 243-44,279, 280,314,428,429 and pedestrian mobility, 233-34,239-42, 254-55 and polygyny, 279-80 argument by J. Steward, 225 generalizations regarding, 226,239-42, 244-52,254,255-56,260-61, 262-63,268,269,278-79, 302, 304-5,306-7, 333,338, 375-76, 377,381,420,422,439-40 impacts on organization, 212-13 larger among mounted Plains hunters, 225-26,254-55 magic numbers, 224,317 measurement of, 234,238,239-42,244 misdassification when large, 428-29 model of, 229-34,268-69,279-80, 303-4,349 additional variables not modeled, 254-55 arguments regarding GROUP 1 size, 243,310 assumptions of, 349 COHAB, 234,238,242,374 assumptions, 244 defined, 238 and plant-dependent people, 244 COLRAD (foraging radius defined by logistical zone), 276,278-79 constants derived from distance around circumference, 276 minimal residential distance within FORAD, 276 minimal residential move to estab lish new FORAD, 276 FORAD (foraging radius for Group Size Model), 238,239,242,276, 278,279,313,314,374 permitted recognition of conditioning variables for, 349 mutualism and link between consumers and produced numbers, 349 problems regarding, 349, 352-53 relationship to dependency ratio, 307 ethnic area sizes, 310, 311 forager and collector distinctions, 244, 279 mobility, 278-79 ownership of resources locations, 428 resource demand curve, 255 subsistence, 213 rclevance to assumption of constant unit sizes, 233-34 scenario regarding, 422,423 storage of fish and larger GROUP I sizes, 261-62
varies independently of mobility as a function of storage, 260-61 varies with number of scheduling confli cts for labor, 268 propositions regarding, 229,239-42, 252,256,260-61,263,314-15, 341,350,353-54,378-79,406, 443 GROUP 1. See Hunter-gatherer systems: vari ables used in description; GROUP 1 GROUP2. See Hunter-gatherer systems: vari ables used in description: GROUP2 GROUP3. See Hunter-gatherer systems: variables used in description: GROUP3 GROWC. See Habitat: within-habitat diversity: synergistic variables: GROWC GRPPAT. See Hunter-gatherer systems: variables used in description: GRPPAT Habitat, 32,33,38-39,40,209 between-habitat characteristics bias, 379,407-8 generalizations regarding, 276,385, 407-8,444 breadth, 166-67 changes in, and density-dependant states, 364 distribution, 80-81 differences with respect to niche diversity, 156 diversity as measured by species density, 1 6 6 conditioners of, 1 6 6 specialized versus generalist niches,
1 7 2 -7 3
propositions regarding, 4 3 9 - 7 0 , 4 4 1
variability, 1 6 6 , 1 7 1 - 7 2 richness claimed to foster prestige economies,"
environmental richness and niche structure, 4 4 1 4 2 environmental richness and geo graphic variability; 4 4 1 - 4 2
as precondition to horticulture,
4 3 8 -3 9
propositions regarding, 3 7 7 , 4 3 8 3 9
quality, 3 7 2 , 3 7 4 , 3 7 5 , 3 8 6 stability. 3 6 1 instability, 172
as response to meta-stabilities of gross environment, 172-73 as response to within ecosystems dynamics, 172-73 structure, 361 propositions regarding, 255,385, 386 variables, 33-34,42,55, 116 variables, descriptive BARS (biomass accumulation ratio), 85,94,177,179 BI05 (primary plant biomass), 85,94, 145,154-55,177,179-80,481 data used in calculation, 60-67,84, 86-93 equation for, 85 relationship to production, 179-80 EARTHPER (percentage of earth occupied by plant community), 135 EXPREY (secondary animal biomass), 109-13,137,145,179-80,187, 478 and BIOSMALL (measured biomass of ungulates of moderate body size), 110-11 defined, 109-10 estimates of, 109 equation for, 109 global distribution of, 112 problems of measurement, 108-9 projection of, 110-13 HGPER (percentage of plant com munity occupied by huntergatherers), 135 LAT and LATITUDE (latitude of case location), 109,477 latitude, 22,49,56-58, 70-74,80-83, 85,94-101,109-10,113, 155-56,166,168-69,172, 175-77,181,197,201-3, 256-60,262,264,265,267,305, 314,346, 366,367,385, 387-90, 392-93,403,407-8,420,432, 441-42,447,460-61,468,476, 477,478,483,487 MAXBAR (estimate of maximum bio mass accumulation ratio), 85 MAXBIO (estimate of maximum possible biomass), 85 TURNOV (biomass turnover rate), 85 SOIL (dominant soil type), 117,478, 479 SOIL2 (dominant soil type), 117,478, 479 VEG (secondary possibility for VEGTAT), 95 VEGNU (discriminate function stan dardized VEGTAT), 117,133, 142,153,156 VEGTAT (as coded from Strahler and Strahler (1984)), 94-95, 178, 481 defined from Eyres classification, 94-95 within-habitat diversity, 171 general variables
COKLM, 156,168 CVELEV, 166 DGROSS, 168 DPOSIT, 168,481 DRAIN, 168,481 DRANK, 168,481 ELEV, 109,166,477 HEADWAT, 168,481 MAXRANGE, 166 SDELEV, 166 SETTING, 168 synergistic variables (water and tempera ture interactions) AE (actual vapotranspiration), 74-75, 78, 79, 80,84,85,367,410,477, 478 defined,74-75 measurement problems, 74-75 AVWAT (ordination of water-driven ecological variability), 79,80, 82,83,94,106,107,216,221 defined, 79 DEFPER (percentage of growing sea son with a water deficit), 79 equation for, 79 GROWC (effective growing season), 73,79,176,179-80 generalizations regarding, 259-60 and net primary plant productivity, 176 propositions regarding, 268 relationship to climate, 73 NAGP (net aboveground productivity), 79-80,81-83,85,94,96,109,113, 134,135,145,155,170-71,175, 179-80,203,478,481 conversion to population units, 175, 478,481 equation for, 79 propositions regarding, 239-42,385-86 PERWLTG (percentage of growing sea son with available water), 79, 154,155,170 below wilting point, 79 equation for, 79 PERWRET (percentage of growing sea son with water stored in soil), 79 PET (potential vapotranspiration), 75,78,79,80,82,84,85,367, 410,447,449,477,478 defined, 75 POTNAGP (potential net above ground productivity when lim ited only by temperature), 79-80,81,85 PTOAE (ratio of potential [PET] to actual [AE] vapotranspira tion), 78,106 7 defined,78 PTORUN (coefficient of potential vapotranspiration [PET] to runoff [RUNOFF|),79 PTOWATI) (coefficient of potential vapotranspiration [PET) to water deficit [WATD]), 78-79 defined, 78 79
RUNGRC (number of months during growing season [GROWC] in which runoff [RUNOFF] is greater than zero), 79,154,155 RUNOFF (water lost by local commu nity through runoff), 75,79, 155, 156,447,449 defined,75 SNOWAC (snow accumulation), 75 SSTAB2 (modified successions! stabil ity), 171 equation for, 171 SUCSTAB (successional stability), 169-71,172 equation for, 170 modification of, 170-71 WATD (water deficit), 75, 79 WATDGRC (number of growing sea son months [GROWC] with water deficits), 79 WATR (water retention in soil), 75 WILTGRC (number of growing season months [GROWC] with rainfall < 38% of potential vapotran spiration [PET]), 79 temperature and solar radiation vari ables, 58-70 BT (biotemperature), 59 compared to ET, 68 CLIM (earth temperature zone ordinal classification), 57,70,80,82, 215,263,276,277,407,408,409 defined, 70 CMAT (mean annual temperature), 58,59,145 CVTEMP (coefficient of variation for mean monthly temperatures), 70 ET (effective temperature), 58-59,68, 80,94,176, 179,180,257,259, 260,261,262,263,264,265,266, 267,268,305,306,312,389,395, 430,431,453,477 defined,58 equation for, 59 MCM (mean temperature of coldest month), 59,68,477 MTEMP (seasonal contrasts in tem perature), 68-70,257 equation for, 68 MWM (mean temperature of warmest month), 59,68,477 SDTEMP (standard deviation of mean monthly temperature), 70,154 TEMP (temperateness), 59, 257, 259-60 defined,59 equation for, 59 moderating latitudinal effects, 257, 259-60 shifts storage 10colder (ET), 259-60 water and rainfall variables CRK (mean annual rainfall), 70,71, 72, 75,78. 79, 82, 85, 105, K*\ 145. 447,449,477
5 50
Habitat, water and rainfall variables (continued) CVRA1N (coefficient of variation for mean monthly rainfall), 70-72 global distribution of, 71 HIRX (rainfall index), 73, 78,79,477 MEDSTAB (Mediterranean climate indicator), 72,154,155,171,172 equation for, 72 MI (moisture index), 72,477 MRAIN (seasonal contrasts in rainfell), 72, 182 equation for, 72 REVEN (evenness of annual rainfall), 70, 72 equation for, 70 RHIGH (mean rainfall for wettest month), 70, 72,477 RLOW (mean rainfall for driest month), 70,72,154,477 RRCORR (difference between month with greatest rainfall and that with highest temperature), 71, 72,477 RRCORR2 (alternative version of RRCORR), 71,72,109 RRCORR3 (alternative version of RRCORR for places with 12month-long growing season), 71 RUNOFF (runoff lost by local plant community in millimeters), 75, 79,154,155,156,447,449 SDRAIN (standard deviation of mean monthly rainfall), 70 SEASON (season of greatest rainfall), 71 water balance, 74-75,76,77,78,79,109, 169,408,409,410,411,412,477, 478 defined, 74 graphs, 78,408,409,410,411,412 summary of, 74-75 variability, 49,51,82-83,114 HEADWAT. See Habitat: within-habitat diversity: general variables: HEADWAT HGPER- See Habitat: between-habitat char acteristics: variables: HGPER Hierarchies aggregation and dispersion, 352 of authority, 19 family is unit being nested to build GROUP 1 units, 335 forms of segmental units, 332-33,335 439 group unit, 350 of groups, 352 intellectual tools, 245 jurisdictional, 401-2,410 of leadership, 335,415 nested, 360,373 of labor units, 360 risk pools, 360,491 sodalities, 415 scalar, 360,439 sequential, 317-18,332 33,425 of settlement, 488
simultaneous, 317-18,425,439 of status, 13 transactional, 370-71, 373 HIRX. See Habitat: within-habitat diversity: water and rainfall variables: HIRX Historicism, 30 Horticulture, Horticultural, 2,19, 51, 73,112, 133-34,136-42,148,149, 152-53,158,190-91,203-4, 213,214, 221,345, 354,347-48, 375,376,378,380, 382,396,397, 402,404-11,416,424,433, 435-38,442,463,464,468,470, 476,477,479,484,486,488. See also Agriculture claims, food as a currency of exchange, 140-42 as diversification strategy, 488 as an expansion of niche breadth, 435 flood plain weed theory of, 446 as intensification response, 242, 257, 348, 355,363, 368,416,438,442 origins of, 199,228,318,355,363,436-37, 442 precondition to scalar group size thresh olds, 348, 359,406,436 propositions regarding, 438 spread of, 140,161,191,197,242,368, 436-38,441-42,463 in Europe, 161,191,194-95 HOUGRP2. See Hunter-gatherer systems: variables used in description: HOUGRP2 Household, 1 and basic organizational units, 334-36, 340,344 generalizations regarding, 338, 344 interaction among, 20,23-24,40,116,280, 309 location of, 15,426,428 mean size (MHS), 2,147-48,151,286-98, 332-41,344 45,357-58,461 mobility, 27,117,337,341,483 as organizational unit, 15,23-25,40,116, 280,309,332-41,344-45,348, 357-58,483,484 problems regarding, 344-45 propositions regarding, 341 spacing, 16,23,26,490 storage, 39-40,351 Housing (shelter), generalizations regarding, 340-41 Humans actors response to system state conditions, 163 characterized by behavioral plasticity, 160, 173 74 common elements, 115 long maturation period, 229 organization into cooperative social units, 163 require trust in cooperative situations, 163 characteristics limiting range of possible niches, 175
accessibility of potential foods, 175 body size, 174 inability to fly, 174 inability to digest cellulose, 174 critical need schedules for water, food, 175 constants, 174 niches, 164. See also Ecosystem behavior variation in analogous, 173-74 differentiation, 173-74 differing levels of organization complex ity across, 173-74 expanded to include aquatic biome, 166-67 produced by human system-ecosystem interaction, 174 variation independent of species, 174 variation from generalists to specialists status, 174 omnivorous feeders, 166-67,180,408-9 original condition of, 27 as polytypic species, 160 role in ecosystems, 115 tendencies in decision making, 162 to economize, 163 to optimize, 163 to plan and execute goal-directed action, 162 to reduce risk, 163 to solve problems, 162 as terrestrial animals, 166-67 as trophic generalists, 408-9 as unique, 33-34,37-38,146 Humanists, 4,41 Hunters (dominantly dependent on terres trial animals) generalizations regarding, 214,222,254, 276,278-79,301,304-5,306-7, 392 propositions regarding, 222,383,443 mounted Plains, 225-26,383 84 GROUP2 size range, 353 conditioned by extensification process, 354 conditioned by intensification process, 354 exceptions to group size-mobility argu ment, 254 and Pomo and agricultural Pueblo peoples, 354 radiation of, 442 understandable as new niche creation event, 442 Hunter-gatherer society, 96,100 and animal extinction hypothesis, 442-43 archetypal, 21-22,142 associations ol modem cases, 313 assumptions made of homologous forms, 142,221-22 assumptions made about Pleistocene eases. 442 as commercial specialists, 411-12 data sets bias in, 113; 130, 133, 142 HGI42 ( 109 hunter patheftr ittoK 103-4
cases, 142,144,158 HG339 cases, 117,142 as devolved societies, 142 encapsulated peoples, 140,142,154 extensified, 418,419,434,437 generalizations regarding, 136,137,209-10, 219 generic, 348-49,417,418-19,419,419-20, 435 existing within socially complex region, 418 generalizations regarding, 260,262-63, 268,278-79,280,286,307,333, 335,340-41,344,353,418,419, 422,439-40 nomadic style of, 21 normative conception of, 21-22 organized as nested hierarchy, 406 primal form, 21,22,24, 27,29,31,142 problems regarding, 221,349 responses to dimate change, 446 47 responses to packing, 428-29,435,437 supposedly not in tropical rain forests, 413 scenario regarding, 423 similar to mutualists, 349 contrast with forest product specialists, 349 transformed to horticulturists, 368,406, 435,436-37 geographic bias, 210,215-16 politically complex, 153,244-52,254,420, 421,422-23,425-26,432-33 as knowledge baseline, 115 as representative of ancient societies, 114 as remnants of ancient populations, 142 as secondary specializations, 140-42, 411-12 aswage gatherers, 411-12 Hunter-gatherer systems change and subsistence tactics, 442 and domesticates used as food, 117,139, 153,348 intellectual challenges of, 142 and marginality generalization, 137,156, 158 and organized as mutualists, 117,132-33, 139-40,153,348-49,377-78, 379 variability in, 160 explanations for, 12 niche diversity among, 115 16,137 problems regarding, 350 propositions regarding, 350,385-86 survival into present and presence of ungulates, 140 variables used in description, 117 AGEDIF (mean age difference between males and females at first mar riage), 299-300 generalizations regarding, 300-301 AREA (area occupied by ethnic unit), 117,142, 147,154,213,216, 223-24
defined, 1 17
relational projection equation, 154, 156,224 variability and conditioners, 154, 218-20,224-25,227,310-12, 482,489 COKLM (shortest distance to coast), 154,156,168 data by case, 118-29 DENSITY (number of people per 100 km2), 117,147-48,213,223, 224,373 DISMOV (mean total mileage of yearly movements), 117 generalizations regarding, 278-79, 311-12 FAMSZ (mean family size), 286,288-98 defined as total group size divided by number of married men, 286 FISHING (percentage of aquatic resources in total diet), 117, 118-29,373 G1 FAMSZ (number of families per GROUP1 unit), 333 six or fewer families per GROUP 1 unit, except among Mbuti, Ache, Iglulik, and Kutchen, 333 G1MHS (number of households per GROUP 1 unit), 333-34 exceptions, 333-34 G2BASORD (ordination of basal organi zational units), 348 G2MHSET3 (subsets of cases based on ratio values), 340 GATHERIN (percentage of terrestrial plants in total diet), 117, 118-29,147,148,373 defined,117 GROUP 1 (mean size of smallest residen tial seasonal camps), 117, 118-29,213,224-25,244-69, 275-311,314-15,318,344,347, 350,357-59,372,375-79,382, 389,394,398,406,420,466,482, 483,484,485,486 bimodal distribution of, 244 and labor organization, 244,254, 255-56,280,359,371 defined, 117,213 fit to group size model, 244 size, and freezing as storage option, 261-62,267-68 segmental hierarchy of units, 309, 332-35 and storage, 255-56,260-68,269,276, 314 temperature thresholds for shifts in size, 261 GROUP2 (mean size of largest residen tial seasonal camps), 117,147, 148,225-27,310-11, 332-44, 346-47,349-50,351-53, 357-59,381,420,463,484,488 basic organizational units of, 344 families, 349-50 households, 334, 335, 339-40, 35(1, 371
intensification, 227-28,341 relationships to GROUP1,310,334, 335,466 size, 117,310-11,332-44,346-47, 349-50,351-53,357-59,371, 381-84,406,421-23,427, 428-29,443,455,465 basal unit of, 357 standard deviation values, 153,154 sortablility by leadership character istics, 338 ranked cases and unit size, 227-28, 346,349,352-53 unidentified conditioning variables, 311 varies with dominant food sources, 225-26,358,371,422-23 GROUP3 (mean size of periodic regional camps), 117,213,225,226,332, 349-50,422,428,429,488 defined, 117,213 GRPPAT (codes for different types of group size units), 117,153,213, 216,220,224,225,229,244,262, 269,279,482 defined, 117 relationship to GROUP 1, GROUP2 and GROUP3,117 HOUGRP2 (number of houses per GROUP2 unit), 344 45 HUNTFIL2 (identifies mounted hunters), 417 HUNTING (percentage of terrestrial animals in diet), 117,154,373 KMOV (mean total distance in kilome ters of yearly residential moves. See Hunter-gatherer systems: variables used in description: DISMOV MDIVLAB (percent of total diet derived from male labor), 280,302, 304-6,313,394,429 defined,280 described, 304 MHS (mean household size), 147 48, 286,337,339,344,345 generalizations regarding, 338,344 introduced, 147 NICHEFF (niche effectiveness), 373-75, 377,383,391 defined,373 NOMOV (mean number of residential camp moves in one year), 117, 147-48,276,279,390 defined, 117
generalizations regarding, 2 * 9 ,
278-79 PACKINX (packing index), 374 77,380, 383,393 defined, 374 threshold 375 PEROGAT (scale of leader prerogatives V 338, 345 POLPOS (political position of group relative to neighbors), 345, 404
Hunter-gatherer systems, variables used in description (continued) POLYSCAL (ordinal scale of importance of leader roles in society), 252, 334,336,338 relationship to communal housing, 334 relationship to GROUP2 size, 336,338 QTSTOR (ordinal scale of quantity of food stored annually), 389,391, 392,394,398,419,431 STORSPEC (number of species processed for storage), 263 SUBDIV2 (subsistence diversity), 404, 405,417,418,425,436,489 SUBPOP (differentiated by social con text), 117,133,151,214,223, 225,231,244,262,266,269,304, 482 defined, 117,133,151 SUBSP (subsistence specialist), 117,213, 216,220,227,244,260,264,265, 275,278,287,300,311,312,313, 336,382, 388,389,390, 391,392, 393,394, 395,403,417,421,424, 429 defined, 117 SYSTATE3 (system state classification), 368,371,375,378,382,405,417, 425 TLPOP (ethnic unit size), 117,142,213, 216,218,221,223,225,310,311, 312,332 defined, 117 WEAPNO (number of weapons made and used by group), 390 HUNTFIL2. See Hunter-gatherer systems: variables used in description: HUNTFIL2 HUNTING. See Hunter-gatherer systems: variables used in description: HUNTING Hunting areas, 17,211,440,443 boats, 348 communal, 395-96,402 and cooperation, 21,39,353,361 disguises, 394 dependence upon, 155,189,194,199 domesticated animals used in, 271,348 group size, 39,228,234,237,353 knowledge of, 134 luck, 353 net, 38,335,351,380 obsolescence and specialization, 436,453 people, 19,384 pressure, 189 projected dependence, 196 return, 336 schedule, 235,239 seal, 352-53 specialists, 4)6 success, 227,228,360 whale, 352,353,478 Homo sapiens sapiens, 42. See also Humans Hyperspace, 32,364
Ideology, 42 as integrating, 38 in need of explanation, 42,407 causality and, 407 as superstructure, 42 Induction, 3,4, 12,355 Inductive principles of investigation, 80 Inference, 4, 10,23,26, 199,218,240 Initial conditions of a system, 211-12,337, 366 condition different patterns of culture change, 461 dependence upon storage, NICHEFF, and use of tended facilities, 397-98 prior knowledge of, 462 Intensification, 221,308,310,313-14,347,357, 357-58,363,364,367-68,374 an adaptive differentiation among habitats, 243-44 alleged causes of differing initial conditions, 437-38 environmental change, 437-38 environmental richness, 437 38 population pressure, 437 sedentary life, 437-38 -based change, 355-56 as causal process, 313-14 cone model of, 370-71 consequences of, 364,367-68 among aquatic resource-dependent peoples, 375,376,381-82,383 among terrestrial animal-dependent peoples, 380,381,382 among terrestrial plant-dependent peoples, 383 correlates of, 347, 348 defined, 221,357 difficult in areas lacking aquatic alternative,
technological change, 386-87 mobility responses to, 243,314,438 in different habitats, 221-22,367-68 with different subsistence base, 215-16, 222,347,367,368 process, 309-10,313-14,317 results in, 314 experimentation with domestication, 222-23,363-64,372 non-hunter-gatherer systems, 372 shifts away from terrestrial animals, 199-201,222 shift toward increased dependence upon terrestrial plants, 222 propositions regarding, 219,222,252,257, 310,370,377,379,383-85, 397-98,404,406,416,438-39, 443 responds to different conditioners than extensification, 347 response to failure of residential mobility, 357 scalar states of, 196 and group size at all scales, 227-28 group size and character of tasks, 228 and GROUP 1 size, 308-9 scenario regarding, 422 trajectories conditioned by initial conditions, 196 Interpretation, 2,5,26,30,47,50,51,168, 194,393,472 Intention, 34,35,36,38,40,43,49,164. See also Volition Kinship, 2,11,12-13,14,33,325,400 -based society, 490 as descent, 490 ambilateral, 490 bilateral, 13,14,257-58,490 dimensional, 490-91 lineal, 13,490 matrilineal, 13 patrilineal, 14, 15,213,491 unilineal, 491 distance, 24-25 442,490 as driver of surplus production, 24 and economic cooperation, 374 and education, 490,491 egocentric, 491 and family, 359 as ideology, 23 24 integration, 12,25 networks, 13,33,491 as organizational conventions, 15>23,164, 407,440 organizational principles, 13 and polygyny, 301 and risk pooling, 38, 490 study, 1 terms or types Australian, 441 Eskimo, 24 Hawaiian, 24 KMOV. See Hunter gatherer systems: variables used in descriptive DiSMOV and KMOV
empirical support for process, 225 and expansion of terrestrial plant foods at expense of animals, 312 generalizations regarding, 210-11,213,219, 347,348,380,381,392,420, 427-28,444,450 indicators of, 205,364 leads to increased diet and niche breadth, 372, 418-20 increased storage dependence, 372 increased technological complexity, 387 reduced ethnic area sizes, 219 reduced terrestrial animal dependence, 386 linked to group size, 363,420-21,422 emergent complexity, 367-68, 374, 420-22 habitat variables, 363-64 propositions regarding, 216 niche diversity, 363-64,418-20 packed ranges and circumscription of economic space, 363 sedentary life, 438 population, 363 spatial structure of resources, 367-68
Knowledge base, 10 goals, 114 growth, 44 prior, 49, 50,35, 34,49-50, 51-52, 199 received, 38 39 source side, 47,49,50,316 subject side, 47,49,50, 151,316 tactical side, 47,316 Labor conditioned by, 255 cooperation, 24,254-55,359 groups female, 243-44,279-80 male, 243-44,279-80 generalizations regarding, 279 80, 302, 304 5,306, 389 90, groups optimal size to reduce risk in hunting, 358 high cost of bulk processing, 260-61 high cost related to storage, 261 multitask labor force, 268 69 organization o f , 24, 25-26, 279-80, 302, 420 as nested hierarchy, 358 59 pooling, 351 and risk, 351,359 producers versus dependents, 229 propositions regarding, 255, 303 4, 341, 3 9 7-98,401-2,404,438 responses to intensification, scenario regarding, 422,429-30 and resource demand curves, 255,402, 403 sexual division, 244 52,279-80,267-68, 318,332 -based work groups, 279 80 collapsed, 244 52, 302 species-based, 303,304, 307 task-based, 302-3, 304 terrestrial plant threshold, and a shift in food sources, 268 and transactional patterns of goods exchange, 402 and transport technology, 255 unit size and number of resources, 268 Land family monopolies of, 17 uninhabited, 418,419 Landownership, 15 16, 17,20 communal, 16 family, 17 of resource locations, 425,427 28 units of, 14, 15 16,17,427-28 LAT, LATITUDE. See Habitat: betweenhabitat characteristics: variables: LAT and LATITUDE Law Allens rule, 181 Bergmanns rule, 181 governing critical state production, 462 Kleibers law, 180 81 second, of thermodynamics, 161-62 of tolerance, 41,175 76
Leadership, 15, 17, 19, 252,333,334,336,338, 339,345, 346, 348,349, 351,352, 353, 375, 378, 382,387-89,402, 404-7, 420-21,422,424,427, 454,469,486,487 elite-based, 346, 347,349,352, 353,354, 406,424,463 Show me, 387 Marriage age at time of, 280,300-301 age difference between male and female at time of, 299, 300, 301 endogamous, 371 functions as labor recruitment, 300-301 networks, 371 polygamous, 279-80,286 referable to two different conditioners, 300-1 Marxism neo-Marxist view, 24-25 vulgar materialist view, 24 MAXBAR. See Habitat: between-habitat char acteristics: variables: MAXBAR MAXBIO. See Habitat: between-habitat char acteristics: variables: MAXBIO MAXRANGE. See Habitat: within-habitat diversity: general variables: MAXRANGE MCM. See Habitat: within-habitat diversity: temperature and solar radiation variables: MCM MDIVLAB. See Hunter-gatherer systems: variables used in description: MDIVLAB Measure, Measurement, 243-44 defined,228-29 distance, 340 instruments for, 14 15, 342,375 niche effectiveness, 372-74,377 contrasted with carrying capacity, 373-74,375 defined, 372-73 equations for, 373 standardized by, 373,374 spatial packing, 372,373-74 MEDSTAB. See Habitat: within-habitat diver sity: water and rainfall variables: MEDSTAB Mesolithic, 143-44,148, 204-5 MHS. See Hunter-gatherer systems: variables used in description: MHS MI. See Habitat: within-habitat diversity: water and rainfall variables: MI Mobility, 2, 31, 173, 196,204, 205, 214-29, 237,239-44,252-56, 260, 269-80,299, 307-15,346,349, 357, 364,371-74, 380-81, 385, 389, 390, 394,399, 417,420-22, 434,436,437-38,442-44,450, 452-54,456,461-62,464, 466-69,476, 483,484,487,489, 490 bccomes obsolete, 371 74, 399,420, 436, 438, 461 constraints, 222-23, 229, 234,242,254-55,
260,269,276-79,307-8,310, 313-14,383,420,438-39 costs, 314 induced by intensification, 189,214,219, 239,312,315,399,446 limited at population density threshold, 420.424.434.438 logistical, 276,279 measurement of, 2,117,213,225,256. See also Hunter-gatherer systems: variables used in description: DISMOV and NOMOV inversely related to population density, 242,244,311-13 minimizing assumption, 197,229,242,252, 256,305,307,314,318-19,381, 385,422 not an independent variable, 219-20,315 other variables displace mobility as condi tioner of group size, 254 point-to-point, 276 problem of, 209-10,214-29,239,307,312 related to low population density, 153,242, 244.252.311.314.434.438 residential, 27,31,35,203,213,254,269, 276,278,279,310,311,314,332, 374,390,395,437,438,468,484 responsive to system state changes, 203, 213,222,228,315,389 strategic, 117,255,313 Model, Modeling, 49,51-52 accessible plant foods, 175 as aid to pattern recognition, 243 44 as frame of reference, 164-65 building, 51,174,466 constants in, 239 construction of, 164 decision making (after Johnson) constant, 317,353,357,358 and GROUP 1 size, 318-19 equation for, 318 and values from Group size Model, 318-19 expectations relative to data, 244 fewer assumptions met by aquaticdependent peoples, 279-80 fit to GROUP 1 data, 358-59 for segmental hierarchies, 358 group size, 229-34,237-38,279-80, 351-52,358-59,373-74 most applicable to foragers, 374-75 like a zero point, 165 minimalist hunter-gatherer, 180,318 role of in science, 316 Terrestrial, 160, 234,374,425-26,426, 450-52.456-57 assumptions in, 164, 165 baseline for NICHFFF, 374 concerned with human response to different environments, 164 defined, 164 deviations from, 165 generalizations tuptrding, 210,418 projection*, 425 26 as static, 234 versus static truths, 316
MRAIN. See Habitat: within-habitat diver sity: water and rainfall variables: MRAIN MTEMR See Habitat: within-habitat diver sity: temperature and solar radi ation variables: MTEMP Mutualism, 153,221,223,309,349,377-78, 404-5,416 absence from some environments, 379 false assumption of equally likely in all environmental settings, 416 and habitat bias, 407,407 8 and castes, 404-5,452 and environmental setting, 416 and hunter-gatherers in tropical rain forests, 413 and aquatic alternative, 416-68 within a complex regional cultural system, 378,407,413,416,436-37 specialty within a habitat, 416 as analogue to ecosystems, 407-8 and ethnically differentiated groups, 378-79 exceptions, 404-5 as extension of ecosystem structure, 416 and habitat articulations, 416 as mega-generalist within ecosystem, 413 and species diversity, 379,386,404-5 as complexity in unrecognized form, 406-7 contrasts with product specialists, 348 49, 377-78,403-4,407-8 problems regarding, 221,407-8 propositions regarding, 349,405,407-8, 413,416 density-dependent response, 386,406-7, 436-37 exceptions, 376 and dependence on aquatic resources, 416 generalizations regarding, 407-8,435 problems regarding, 221,349,379,407-8 propositions regarding, 349,379,405,413, 416 in regions of extremely low productivity, 419-20 in regions of unstable climatic conditions, 413,419-20 MWM. See Habitat: within-habitat diversity: temperature and solar radiation variables: MWM NAGR See Habitat: within-habitat diversity: synergistic variables: NAGP Natural kinds, 211-12 Natural selection, 25,27,41,162,174,357, 401,474,476,480,489 units of, 162 Neolithic, generalizations regarding, 402 NETP1. See Network*: measure of impor tance (NETP1) Networks, 12,15,41,454 alliance, 196 educational responsibility and, 442 egocentric, 13,14,450,470,475,478,490 energetic, 163,165 female, 490
intergroup, 205,449 kin, 13,24,33,373,491 marriage, 373,442 measure of importance (NETPI), 450-51, 456-57 mobility and, 473,491 as an organizational base, 489,491 political, 131 regional, 205,293 risk pooling, 263 scale of, 471,473,480,481 sharing, 433,442 social, 156,200,205,453 Niche, 32,33-34,37-38,40,43,209,211 breadth, 172, 368,371,416,418,423,433, 434,435 diet breadth and storage, 403 defined, 403 expansion, 435 expansion versus new niche generation, 446,446 generalizations regarding, 348,419-20, 434,444 as measured by diet breath or species richness, 172,402-3 and population density with aquatic dominated subsistence, 434-35 propositions regarding, 369-70,402,404 and stability, 402-3,444 variability in, 461 complexity and hierarchy, 212 conditioning rather than choice, 165 defined, 402-3 dependant variability, 442 feeding specialities among biological organisms, 212,408-9 creation, 346-47,454 density, propositions regarding, 413 diversity implications of, 160 related to net above group productivity and turnover rate, 367 related to GROUP2,423 variability, 37-38,40-41,116,117,137, 160,364,412-13,422-23 dynamics, 37-38,40,43,116 effectiveness, 342,391-92,457 and aquatic users response to intensifi cation, 385 and habitat variability, 373-74 measurement of, 342 propositions regarding, 385 relationships to technology, 391-92 and technological change, 392 thresholds, 380,438-39 feeding specialties among hunter-gatherers, 80, 173-74,212,411-12 and niche differentiation within an ecosystem, 408-9 filling, 460 human, 196 contrasts not addressed, 197 contrasts with animal niches, 211 metamorphosis, 196,440 new, 201,203, 346-47,455-56 and peoples of diverse identities, 4(*0
related to wealth distinctions, 427 of resource locations, 369,370,427-28, 462-63 Packing, Packed. See also Circumscription as universal conditioner, 442-43 cases, propositions regarding, 368 length of time in area and rates of popula tion growth,439 group size, social ranking, and forms of leadership, 406,420-21,426,439 conditions projected at 16,900 b.p. in Near East, 453 defined, 375 general responses to, 404-51,460 generalizations regarding, 435,427-28, 439-40 packing threshold generalizations regarding, 348, 375-76, 377,380,385-86,403-4, 419-20,426-27 and systems state variability, 385-86 and subsistence focus, 385-86,41 and people dependent upon aquatic resources, 427,432 leader as head of unit that owns resources, 427,427-28 specialization, 426,427-28 ownership, 426,427-28 decreases basis for increasing labor force, 432 linkage provided basis for ranking, 432 most experience reduced access to resource locations, 432 at least two independent dimensions condition social complexity, 383 most cases are packed, 381-82, 436-37 presence of wealth distinctions not density dependant, 426 associated with subsistence diversity reduction, 426 possibly a necessary precondition to elite monopolies, 426 people primarily dependent upon terrestrial animals, not found under fully packed conditions, 380 threshold, GROUP2 sizes and intensification, 381-82 GROUP2 sizes and extensification, 381-82 at packing threshold of 9.097 persons, habitat richness does not affect threshold response, 381-82 people primarily dependent upon terrestrial plants, all cases with wealth differentials that are packed also have a diversified diet, 427 wealth differential and social rank ing is cluttered above 53.33 GROUP2-size threshold, 383, 427
and number of species processed for stor age, 263 383-85,392-93, 395-96,404-5, problems regarding, 352-53,379 406,436,438-39 propositions regarding, 252 scenario regarding, 422,423,444 ranking, 379 state, 462 63 stratification, 379 temporal sequencing of events and warfare, 432 propositions regarding, 439-40 POLPOS. See Hunter-gatherer systems: theory o f, 461. See also Intensification variables used in description: thresholds, 435 POLPOS condition for emergence of nonPolygyny, 279-80 hunter-gatherers, 435,436-37 and age difference between males and equal points of self-organized critical females at marriage (AGEDIF), ly, 435,436-37 299 insure parallels between historically and age structure of population, 298 independent developmental division of labor and subsistence base, 280, sequences, 439-40 298-99 mark major organizational changes equation for, 298 among hunter-gatherers, 435, and family size, 287-88,298,299 436-37,443 and female-based labor units, 279-80,287, describe a curvilinear law, 435 299 PACKINX. See Hunter-gatherer systems: vari generalizations regarding, 279-80 286, ables used in description: 298-99,300 PACKINX and group size, 279-80 Paradigm, 3,4,355,387,476,483,484,490 and male division of labor, 286-87,298 Pathogen and relative age at marriage, 280,299 scenario regarding, 429-30 density, 177 stress, 177-78 POLYSCAL. See Hunter-gatherer systems: Patron-client relationship, 379,404,435,470 variables used in description: Pattern recognition, 54,123,182,243-44, POLYSCAL 316-17, 363,374-75,461-71 Population, 32,33 age structure of, 229-30 Patterning controversy, 354,355 directional, 400-401 density, 33,239 discovery of, 316 first-, second-, and higher-order derivative, generalizations regarding, 214,219, 47,48,51,209-10,316 311-12,419,420,422,434 sequential and or directional, 228 propositions regarding, 151,311,378-79, 383-85 spatially graded distribution of variants, 441-42 dependent factors, 312-13,354,356, symetrical, 417-18,422-23 373-74,432 transformational, 50 criticism of some arguments, 373-74 PEROGAT. See Hunter-gatherer systems: function at consumer level, 359 variables used in description: impact on tactics and strategies, 359 PEROGAT 373-74 PERWLTG. See Habitat: within-habitat limitations of ratios, 222,224-25 diversity: synergistic variables: relationships to other variables, 224, PERWLTG 311,312-13,359 PERWRET. See Habitat: within-habitat responses to, 440,444 diversity: synergistic variables: propositions regarding, 378-79, PERWRET 383-85,413,427,439-40 Phenomena growth, 356,441 emic, 14,23, 24-25 as regulator of product demand, 354-55, etic, 24-25 356 Polar region, 21,56-58, 72,80,82,96,136, as stimulation, 355 137, 142,169,177,202,216,257, propositions regarding, 438-39,441 269,276, 381,390,407,468 rates and regional variability, 440,441 as marginal, 136,137, 158,479 of earth as recently occupied, 137, 158 at 11,000-12,000 b.p., 453 Politically complex hunter-gatherers. See also at 18,000 b .p ., 453 Hunter-gatherer society: as measure of scale, 319,332 politically complex pressure, 354, 357,437 generalizations regarding, 244,252,254,353 and carrying capacity, 356-57 and high habitat productivity, 244-52 as cause of de\vk>pment, 355 leadership and social scale, 353-54 as cause of intensification, 354,354-55, and primary plant productivity, 268 437-38 and number of aquatic species stored, 263 critics of above views, 355
Population, pressure ( continued) counterarguments to above, 355 56 contrasted with niche effectiveness, 373 as mechanism of change, 357 more like population growth, 373 normally not measured, 373 projection to earth, 453 radiation, 418 stressed, 453,454 POTNAGP. See Habitat: within-habitat diversity: synergistic variables: POTNAGP Prey, 2 8 ,3 3 ,3 9 ,5 1 ,1 0 4 -5 ,1 0 9 -1 1 ,1 1 3 ,1 4 0 , 1 8 0 ,2 3 8 ,3 4 9 ,3 6 7 ,3 9 6 ,4 2 0 territorial, 180,242 Principle adaptation, 165 of inoptimum, 41,165 sum greater than its parts, 164 of uniformitarianism, 60 Problem number 7.01 (ethnic unit size in different groups in analogous environments), 221 9.01 (factors conditioning size of huntergatherer households), 344- 45 9.02 (GROUP2 sizes in different groups), 349 9.03 (group aggregation-dispersion hierarchy in hunter-gatherers), 350 9.04 (three arguments [See Constant] appear equally germane, which has most utility?), 352 9.05 (GROUP2 sizes in cases with wealth distinctions and ranking), 352-53 10.01 (mutualist and patron-client rela tionships and stratification), 379 10.02 (restrictions of mutualist adapta tion), 379 10.03 (role of technology among groups with different subsistence bases), 386 11.01 (survival of mutualists and forestproduct specialists in subtropical and equatorial settings), 407-8 12.01 (hunter-gatherers and climates change), 446 47
locus of, 309-10 perspective, 30 Post-, 105 research, 400-401 reversible, 37,450 schismogenic, 355 56 specific, 58,308 self-organizing, 3 0 7 -8 ,4 3 4 ,4 6 1 systemically internal, 161-62 vitalistic, 355-56 Processual archaeology, 400-401 Producers-consumers and group size, 255,256 and storage conditions, 256 Production biotic. See also Habitat primary productivity, 7 9 -8 0 ,9 5 -9 6 ,1 0 6 7 ,1 0 9 ,1 3 3 ,1 5 5 ,1 7 0 -7 1 ,1 8 0
7.04 (mobility and group sizes), 229 7.05 (mobility, group sizes, and habitat
productivity), 239-42
secondary productivity, 112 terrestrial, 167 economic domestic mode of, 2 3 -2 4 ,2 5 relations of, 355 surplus, 23 under-, 23 for use, 2 3 -2 4 within a cultural system over-, 39 relations of, 28 Property space, 4 8 ,5 5 ,9 6 ,1 0 0 ,1 1 2 -1 3 defined, 80 map, 4 8 ,8 0 -8 1 ,8 2 ,2 0 2 Projection, 5 1 ,3 5 -3 6 ,3 8 -3 9 ,4 0 ,4 2 ,4 9 -5 2 ,
at odds with assumptions, 452 differential utility of relational and proportional, 154,156 to earth as a whole, 142 4 3 ,1 4 8 ,1 5 6 ethnographic, 164 from ethnographic data, 199-200 from past experience, 454 proportional, 5 0 -5 1 ,1 3 3 ,1 3 5 -3 6 ,1 4 2 ,1 5 8 to reconstructed climatic sequence,
4 4 7 -4 9 ,4 5 0 ,4 5 4
Process of becoming non-hunter-gatherers, 434 causal, 21-22,400-401,446 conditioning, 47. See also Intensification, Extensification comment relative to history, 347 convergences, 142 density-dependent, 356 dynamic, 53,161-62,313-14 of emergence, 164,313 14,434 evolutionary, 61
general, 58,308 genetic, 58 gradual, 442 43 irreversible, 42,161-62 implications, 48, 401,461 interna) or functional," 308 9,400
relational, 5 0 -5 1 ,5 5 ,1 5 4 ,1 5 6 ,1 5 8 Proposition number 3.01 (science, prior knowledge, and learning), 50 5.01 (correlation between area and diversity), 144 5.02 (population density and vegetation and environmental con ditioners), 151 6.01 (subsistence security and availability and abundance of potential foods), 174-75 6.02 (subsistence security and seasonality in primary production), 175 6.03 (population growth and food accessi bility during least productive period of year), 175 6.04 (optimal subsistence security), 176 7.01 (environmental contrast in paths to
intensification), 216
packed cases without aquatic alternatives), 368 10.04 (investment in implements and
facilities and access restriction),
10 05 (packing, niche breadth, and control of access to exploitation loca tions), 369 10.06 (aquatic diet breadth and technol
ogy), 369
10.07 (intensification and storage depen dence), 370 10.08 (group range size and seasonal access to resources), 370 10.09 (technological aids for exploitation and resources accessible in bulk), 370 10.10 (packing and male efforts to main tain levels of returns and expand diet breadth), 376 10.11 (intensification and habitat richness), 377 10.12 (niche effectiveness threshold and system complexity), 378-79 10.13 (mutualism as one response to inten sification), 379 10.14 (dependence upon terrestrial animals and population density thresh olds for hunter-gatherers), 383 10.15 (packing threshold and aquatic resource utilization), 383-84 10.16 (exploitation of aquatic resources as a density-dependent response), 384-85 10.17 (relative niche effectiveness seems and systems states among aquatic-dependent peoples), 385 10.18 (abundance, access structure, and technology among aquaticdependent peoples), 385-86 10.19 (packing and complex tools to extract foods among aquaticdependant peoples), 392-93 10.20 (development of weapons technology and radiations into previously unoccupied regions), 393 10.21 (tended facilities and amount of artiodactyl biomass), 395-96 10.22 (numbers of tended facilities and a threshold of intensification), 397-98 10.23 (technological change as tactical change), 398 11-01 (diverse diet requirements on subsistence-based labor inputs ISee Generalization 11.01]), 401-2 11.02 (niche breadth or subsistence diver sity and stability), 402 11.03 (niche and diet breadth and labor costs per unit gain), 404 H-04(social complexity among huntergatherers dominantly dependent upon terrestrial plants), 404-5 1-05(response to packing among huntergatherers dominantly dependant upon terrestrial plants), 405 11-06 (scalar responses to larger group sizes organized in a segmentary fash ion), 405-6
12.13 (rates of change and shifts away from dependence upon terrestrial animals), 443 44 12.14 (packing in a region dominantly dependent upon terrestrial plants), 443 44 12.15 (hunter-gatherers at 18,000 b . p . ) , 453 PTOAE. See Habitat: within-habitat diversity: synergistic variable*: PTOAE PTORUN. See Habitat: within-habitat diver sity: synergistic variables: PTORUN PTOWATD. See Habitat: within-habitat diversity: synergistic variables: PTOWATD Punctuated equilibria, 243 as patterning in products of evolution, 243 as theory, 243 QTSTOR. See Hunter-gatherer systems: variables used in description: QTSTOR Radiation, 1 9 6 ,3 4 6 ,4 4 2 ,4 6 0 ,4 6 3 -6 4 ,4 7 7 propositions regarding, 3 93 ,4 5 7 Range size, 363,364 65 equation for species richness and, 3 64 -6 5 generalizations regarding, 366 -6 7 and impact on effective environment, 364-65 propositions regarding, 370 reduction, 363 artiodactyis and animals of small body size, 396 and communal hunting, 396 consequences of, 3 6 4 -6 5 ,3 6 7 ,3 6 7 counterintuitive results, 396 increased exploitation of small animals,
3 66-67
e v e n ts a n d h a b ita t
v a r i a b i l i t y ) , 4 3 9 4 0 h a b it a t v a r ia b ilit y , a n d
o th e r c o n d itio n in g fa c to rs ), 4 4 0 a n d v a r ia b ilit y in a b u n
d a n c e o f p o t e n t ia l fo o d s ) , 4 4 0
12.08 ( s u b s i s t e n c e 12.09 ( p o t e n t i a l
s e c u r ity as f u n c t io n o f
v a r ia b ility in te m p e ra tu re a n d r a in fa ll) , 4 4 0 d is e a s e b u r d e n f o r h u m a n s
a n d m o is tu r e a n d te m p e r a tu r e s e t t i n g s ) , 4 4 0 41
12.10 ( p o p u l a t i o n
m o is tu r e a n d te m p e r a tu r e s e ttin g s ) , 4 4 1
12.11 ( p a c k i n g
a n d c h a n g e s a m o n g p e o p le s
w h o i n i t i a l l y w e r e h e a v ily d e p e n d e n t u p o n t e r r e s tr ia l a n im a ls ) , 4 4 3
12.12 ( b a s i s
f o r ra te s o f c h a n g e a n d 443
sint, 307,318 tew cases with data tor, 230 value of uk in model, 232, *07, 319
Ratio (continued) group unit, 209,216, 218,280,301-2,307, 318-33 human, 186 male division of labor (MDIVLAB), 243-44,280,302,305,483 defined, 280,304 relative to GROUP 1 size, 305 niche effectiveness (NICHEFF), 373 trophic conversion, 186 87,478 Reasons, 33,34-35,41,49,105,113,159,170, 215,235,312,334,350,358, 396 Reasoning analogical, 50 deductive, 3,462 inductive, 3,4,12,80,355 inferential, 4,52 Reciprocity balanced, 19,24 delayed, 29,40 generalized, 24 among households, 40 negative, 24 relationship to kin distance, 24,25 Regression, stepwise multiple, 154,156 Relationships irreversible, 37,51,163,470,486 reversible, 36,42,169,242,361,470 Reproductive fitness, 33,41 Research accretion, 400-401 empirical, 400 goals interpreting sites, 462 reconstructing history, 462 middle range, 45,114,115 problem, 114 Resources access, propositions regarding, 369-70,427 bulk, 370 demand curve, 255,279,280 and aquatic users response to packing, 385-86 relationship between group size and NAGP, 279-80 group size relative to trophic sources of foods, 279-80 dependence, 443 patch distribution, 279 REVEN. See Habitat: within-habitat diversity: water and rainfall variables: REVEN Revolution American, 20 broad-spectrum, 350,358,369,380,412 Darwinian, 37 Neolithic, 438 secondary product," 403,411 RHIGH. See Habitat: within-habitat diver sity: water and rainfall variable: RHIGH Risk, 35-36,38,40,42,164 adverse activities, 28 buffering strategies, 38,39,40,164,263, 353,354,360,373,433,489 defined, 27,2, 35,37-39,256-57
distribution of, 38,39 196,289 management, 28,164,353 group size and, 361 pooling, 28,29, 38, 39, 163, 223,350-51, 358 pooling unit, 28,38-40,350-51, 352,358 associations, 490 male, 490 labor-based, 263 multifamily, 40 reticulate organization of, 360,490 size of, 361 prone activity, 28 nested hierarchies and, 259-60,353 overproduction and, 40 reduction, 27,28,29,39,42,163,353,354, 368,403,411,442,491 sharing and, 28 sickness, 465 spoilage and, 444 storage and, 39 varies with food procurement, 28,360 Ritual, 400 RLOW. See Habitat: within-habitat diversity: water and rainfall variables: RLOW RRCORR. See Habitat: within-habitat diversity: water and rainfall variables: RRCORR RRCORR2. See Habitat: within-habitat diversity: water and rainfall variables: RRCORR2 RRCORR3. See Habitat: within-habitat diversity: water and rainfall variables: RRCORR3 RUNGRC. See Habitat: within-habitat diversity: synergistic variables: RUNGRC RUNOFF. See Habitat: within-habitat diversity: synergistic variables: RUNOFF Scale, Scalar, 48 changes, 359,359,368 appearance of wealth differentials and raiding, 383 integrative mechanism associated with, moieties, 371-72 question of reversibility, 359 relationship to intensification, 346,358, 379 secret societies, 371-72 demography, 347,354 propositions regarding, 317-18,406 stress, 344-45,347,351-52,354-55 and cases with small GROUP2 sizes and wealth differentials, 352-53 food base and, 347 horticulture as a response to, 348-49 minimized, 351-52 thresholds as markers of systems state change, 344 45 as a variable, 317-18,332 of group or systems size (scale scalar) ordination, 345 46 of social complexity, 166-67,432
of social integration, 22 of social solidarity, 22-23 variation in hunter-gatherer sample, 349 exceptions, 349,357-58 societies with elite leadership, 349 Scenario number 11.01 (changes in labor organization and intensification among groups dependant upon terrestrial plants), 422 11.02 (mobile hunter-gatherers, aquatic resource dependence, and packing), 422-23 11.03 (division of labor, polygyny, temper ature and the time available for processing aquatic and animal foods for storage), 429-30 12.01 (alternative responses to packing in warm to hot habitats with respect to aquatic versus terres trial plant alternatives), 444,446 12.02 (basic energetic synergy between habitat and niches, climatic change, and stability of cultural systems), 446-47 12.03 (migration as a niche filling phenomena), 460 12.04 (cultural variability strongly corre lated to environment, represent ing adaptive variability), 460-61 12.05 (self-organizing processes as explanations of dramatic types of culture change), 461 Science, 34,363 as exploration, 316 as knowledge growth, 34,363,400-401 as learning strategy, 51,49,316 historical, 49 long-term view of, 400 natural, 49 Scientific colloquy, 316 Scientific knowledge source side, 316 subject side, 316 as synergy, 363 tactical and strategic, 316 SEASON. See Habitat: within-habitat diversity: water and rainfall variables: SEASON Security defined, 175 of food supply, 175 and increased labor inputs, 373 optimum, 175,177,457,458 potential, 457 risk and, 28 strategy, 27,40 subsistence, 2, 28,166,175,176, 190,199, 221,313,351, 394,426,437,450, 454,465,473,478,4A2,484,4,%, 48 for ungulates. I l l vital, 4 1 S e d e n t a r y s e t t l e m e n t s y s t e m . 117,153,189, 197,204, 213-29, 238-39,256, 261-63,276,279,286, 300,302
310,312,314,368,371,373,376, 390,406,438,454,483,489 autocorrelated with political complexity, 252,256 not expected with groups dominantly dependent upon terrestrial animals, 222,482 value of storage related to growing season length, 259 Selection. See Natural selection SETTING. See Habitat: within-habitat diversity: general variables: SETTING Setdement hierarchy, 446,463,470 patterns, 2,11,15,17,24,25-26,30,31, 117,147,204-5,213,216,222, 227,234,244,255,262,263,266, 276,279,305,307,309,312, 334-41,350,353,357-58,371, 384,402,406,422-23,429, 437-38,444,463,469,470,476, 482,483,484,485,489 Shamanism, 400 Sharing, 24,26-27,31,40,351,358-59 basic characteristic of hunter-gatherers, 24 as basis of collectivism, 26 behavior, 22-23,27,28,29 conditioned by environment and labor organization, 28 dependent upon trustworthy participants, 29 ethic, 26 food, 22-23 as indicative of humanness, 26 in need of processual understanding, 350 patterns, 22-23 related to social disintegration, 28 as responsive to ecological conditions, 27 as risk reduction, 27,351 theory of, 29 Site structure, 14-15,17,25-26,30,31,35, 453 SNOWAC. See Habitat within-habitat diver sity: synergistic variables: SNOWAC Social Darwinism, 18 Social distance, 13,24-25 Social hierarchy, propositions regarding, 401-2 Social levels of integration band, 14,16 family, 14,14-15,16,18,309 Social mode of production, 21-22 Social networks, 198,415 Social ranking, 406,418,427-28 defined, 418 distributed independently of sodalities, 406 generalizations regarding 406 relationship to aquatic resource depen dence, 405 unrelated to packing, 406-55 Social structure, 355 Social units. See also Units on the ground, 225 Society atomistic, 349
basic stable unit of, 14-15 kin-based, 23-24 nonegalitarian, 368 features associated with aquatic resources, 368 not characteristic of mutualists, 406 primitive, 23-24 ranked, 346,406-55 greatest specialization found with lowest terrestrial production, 425-26 most cases are specialized, 425-26 secret, generalizations regarding, 406 wealth-differentiated, 345-46 propositions regarding, 427 Sociobiology, 26-27,41. See also Evolution: neo-Darwinian: sociobiology Sociopolitical complexity, 223,371,406 Sodalities, 20,244, 335, 371-72,406,414,447 generalizations regarding, 406 reticulate, 406 SOIL, SOIL2. See Habitat: between-habitat characteristics: variables: descriptive: SOIL or SOIL2 Space defined by 1,429 weather stations, 96 geographic, 96,164 property, 164. See also Property space Specialist, Specialization. See also Feeding aquatic resource-dependent cases may be specialized prior to hunting threshold, 418 forest product, 223,309,350, 377 78, 407-8 generalizations regarding, 348,419-20,430 generic cases behave in two ways cases where Terrestrial Model projects an uninhabited area, 418 other cases, 418 uninhabited area-occupying cases sur vive by specialization, 418,423 uninhabited area-occupying cases tend to fall outside threshold dia mond, 418 extensified hunters and specialization prior to hunting threshold, 418 scenario regarding, 422,423 terrestrial hunters become increasingly specialized after hunting thresh old, 418 Species density and richness, 168-69,176,177-78, 366,367 latitudinal gradient in, 177 problems regarding, 379 range reduction and, 367 residuals largely conditioned by P E T and AE, 367 diversity, 176 propositions regarding, 144 equability, 176-77 S S T A B 2 . See Habitat: within-habitat diver sity: synergistic variables:
SSTA B2 S t a b i l i t y , 406 o f a r c h a e o lo g ic a l r e c o r d , 1 9 8 a s s u m p tio n s o f, 3 6 , 3 7 ,4 9 ,1 4 5
in ecosystems, 173,174,416,418,422 of food supply, 369,370,411 habitat, 156,163,168,173,177, 350,386, 454,478 of knowledge base, 38,42 related to, 42,174,409,414,416,422,430 settlement, 230,475 successional, 156,172 systems, 5,23,29,40, 51,173,174, 311, 407-8,411,416,422,426,429, 447 Statistics, Statistical, 49 Levenes tests, 146 47 tests, 146-47 f-tests, 146 Stochastic, 28,35,37 38,39,40 Storage, 188,255-56, 303,308, 314,351, 388-89,391,394,397-98,401, 403.419.430-31,432,438, 454-55,483,488,490 arguments by others as to significance of, 256,263 bias in goods selected for, 261-62,263-65, 268.426.430-32,443,446,468 caches, 39 clue to delayed return system, 256,483 conditions monopoly-based resource con trol, 371,432 correlations with, 263,267-69,305,389, 397,426,438 group size and composition implications, 256,260-64, 266-69,280,303, 305,308-9,314,349,389 as intensification response, 259-60,262, 263,268,314, 370-72,397,430, 432,446,462,468,483 as such, cannot be a cause of intensifica tion, 256,263 a reliable indicator of intensification only in low latitudes, 257,430 and labor organization, 255 56,261,263, 269,280,305,307,371,402,420, 430,432,438,443,446 and latitude exceptions and correlates, 256-60, 262, 264-65,267,269,314,389,395, 397 thresholds identified, 257-63,265, 267-68,307,314 and risk and uncertainty, 39,351 social, 371,372,471 spoilage, 39,261,430-32,468 as a major conditioner of placement, 430-32,446 as related to system state, 432 time of, related to other households, 261, 446
See H
5 6 0
Strategies (continued) extensificational, 386 generalist, 173 human diversity in, 179,350 intensification, 198,200,216,316,350,454 investor, 49 knowledge relative to, 35,475 labor, 230,266,302,380,405,454 learning, 488 logistical or collector, 269-70,271,276, 278,281,310,317,482 mobility, 118,222,305,348,488 model, 182 monopolistic, 439,442 new, 358-59 niche and, 175,184,257,314 orientation of, 352,353,453,371,377,451, 470 research, 358 risk-related, 27,28,35,38,39,42, 73,164, 354 scale of operation, 257,311,351,353,357, 487 of science, 37,44,47,318,363,365 storage, 310,372-73,401 subsistence, 17,24,26,34,51,105,118,137, 141,166,173-74,177-78,191, 199,201,218,224,229,246,254, 269,311,315,348,349,354, 359-61,365,376,377,405,411, 413,460 Stratification, Stratified, 27,161,211,219, 263,317,353-54,368,371,379, 396,402,417,433,490 SUBDIV2. See Hunter-gatherer systems: variables used in description: SUBDIV2 SUBPOP. See Hunter-gatherer systems: variables used in description: SUBPOP Subsistence alternatives, 350 aquatic resources, 432,444 correlated to village hamlet settlement hierarchy, 446 link to labor organization, 432 with narrow niche breadth, 446 propositions regarding, 368,369-70, 383-85,392-93 bias in food sources, 210-11 political complexity, 244-52 related to GROUP 1 size, 244 52 diversity, 426. See also Niche: breadth among mutualists, 14-15 diet breadth, 47,402-3 elite ownership, 427 insures more stability, 402,402-3 mean value of 71.75 for huntergatherers, 424-25 propositions regarding, 376,401-2,404 terrestrial plant-dependent cases are generalists with high density, 427 generalizations regarding, 403 4 ,4 19-20, 426-27,434 propositions regarding, 402
social complexity indicators at threshold value of SUBDIV2,404-5,426 generalizations regarding, 209-10,214, 215-16,298-99,385-86,389-90 insecurity, 165 performance levels, 229 practices, 46 relates to habitat types, 220 resource demand, 255 said to implicate evolutionary process, 354-55 security, 165,174 75 conditioning factors, 176-77 optimal, propositions regarding, 174 75, 440 stress, 354 SUBSP. See Hunter-gatherer systems: variables used in description: SUBSP Succession in plant communities. See Habitat: within-habitat diversity: synergistic variables: SUCSTAB and SSTAB2 and Habitat: within-habitat diversity: water and rainfall variables: MEDSTAB conditioned by fire, 168-69 lighting strike frequencies, 169 meteorologycally induced, 169-70 related to winter rainfall, 169 conditioned by storms, 169 dynamics of, 169 reduction enhances habitat for ungulates, 171 stages of, 169 animal biomass related to, 169 variable in biomass, 169 steady state with respect to, 168-69 SUCSTAB. See Habitat: within-habitat diversity: synergistic variables: SUCSTAB SYSTATE3. See Hunter-gatherer systems: variables used in description: SYSTATE3 Systems approach, 161 boundaries, 211,212,220-21 change, 221,461 generally ecological in origin, 357 closed, 161-62 connectivity within, 161-62,412-13 delayed return, 29,256-57 density, 219 drainage, 167-68 dynamics, 51 educational, 46 equilibrium, 105, 163-64,454 emergent, 163-64, 314,432,433,436-37, 437, 454, 460-61 functional or internal articulations, 314 general research, 163 immediate return, 122 initial conditions of, 211-12,461 level of energy flow within, 162 level of organizational complexity, 162, 163-64
living characterized, 161-62 near equilibrium, 162,163-64 internal reorganization, 161-62 parallels among, 164 trends in, through time, 161-62 second law of thermodynamics, apparent violation of, 161-62 macrolevel, 162,163,332 open,33,161-62,454 physical, three basic states of, 161 prior state of, 48 response to instability, 357 scale macroscopic, 163-64,332 microscopic, 163-64 stability, 401,406 conditioned by connectance among species, 173 conditioned by greater niche breadth, or subsistence diversity, 402, 402-3,406 generalizations regarding, 402 instability, 401,406 propositions regarding, 151,385,402,413 synergistic interactions enhance, 402 state, 47,51,105,158,160,161-62,212, 242,279-80,308,434,461 cooperative, 309,413,413,416 differences-differentiation, 195-96,310, 314,332 of dynamic equilibrium, 161 62,163-64, 454 determinist arguments apply, 308 generalizations regarding, 209-10,213, 244,254,278-79,309,366-67 intensification as underlying process, 314,345-46,437 no necessary relationship to increases in size of GROUP2 units, 346 packed, responses to, 367-68,383, 384-85,385 steady, 161-62,454 transitions, 242 scalar ordination of, 345-46 character of, 345-46 extensification as basis for, 345-46 generalizations regarding, 333 most exceptional, 345 46 mounted hunters as examples, 345 46 scale-based, 344 45,346,432 33 variables, 165 variability, 151,153, 154, 156.162-63, 212,220,221,314,332,460-61 clues to, 153,158, Fig. 5.13 generalizations regttrdmg, 317-18,378. 385 86 measurement of (SYSTATE.M, 344-45 Tactics, Techniques, 356-57 changes in and systems state changcs, 3V | as density-dependant phenomena, 357 35V differences among different types ot tools are referable hi shirts in, 359,3^1 important to events in hunter-gatherer theater, 363
and initial conditions, 391-92 shifts in scientific theater, 363 thresholds as conditioners for shifts in, 357 Technology, Tools, 400 as cause of evolutionary change, 354-55 as critical to niche expansion, 371-72 facilities, 369-70,385,389-90,392-93, 397-98 facilities, tended, 387-88 change in GROUP 1 size, 388-89, 390 correlated with latitude, 389-90 declining numbers of, 397-98 examples, 387-89 propositions regarding, 395 96,397 98 generalizations regarding, 369-70,389-90, 391,392-93,444 and tactics, 398 early anthropologists view, 397-98 more recent view, 398 threshold, 388-89 corresponds to threshold in number of species stored, 389 threshold after which weapons go up and tended facilities goes down, 387-89 hunter-gatherers response to intensifica tion, 396 other mobile hunter-gatherers and decrease in tended units across packing threshold, 396 pattern and cases with wealth distinc tions, 3% changes in frequency at packing threshold, 393-94 design complexity increases up to plant threshold, 395 examples, 393 increases encounter rate with game, 393-94 increases in use, with a tactical collapse of division of labor, 398-99 most commonly associated with packing, 398-99 patterned with GROUP 1 size, 393-94 patterned with quantity of food stored, 393-94 untended, considered mechanical hunters, 393-94 use under packed conditions and bias in favor of communal use, 396, 398 99 variation with tended facilities, 395 instruments, 393 increase with intensification, 390-91,393 responses to habitat variability, 387 tool-task equation less relationship said to exist in sedentary context, 390 high when animal biomass low and animals dispersed, 395-96 most common when aquatic resource use was high, 395-96 positions not sustained by hunter* gatherer trapping, 395 social reasons suggested as more important, 390
untended traps and high mobility and biomass, 395 variability in tools, and variability in tasks and labor strategies, 398-99 weapons, and subsistence base, 390 increase in complexity as niche effective ness threshold approached, 391-92 minor roles among hunter-gatherers dominantly dependent upon terrestrial plants, 391-92 threshold in number of weapons at 42 43 latitude, 387 above which Show Me leadership prevails, 387-88 below which few weapons are present among plant dependent peoples, 387-88 weapons plus instruments and varia tion with mobility as a Umiting factor, 390 argument not sustained, 390 TEMP (Temperateness), 258,392. See also Habitat: within-habitat diversity: temperature and solar radiation variables: TEMP Terrestrial animals, 105-6,117,154-55,164,166-67, 177-78,187,189,192-95,197, 200-203,205,210,213-16,220, 222,225-28,232-33,242, 252-54,260,264-66,268, 275-76,278-80,287,300-302, 304-6, 311-13,367-68,373, 376,380-86,388-95,402-3, 407,411,417-24,426-27, 429-30,432,434,437,442-44, 452-54,457,460,468-69,479, 482-83,487,489-91 ecosystem-environment, 73-75,78,130, 153,155, 166-67,175,180, 264, 368-69,372,374,385, 387,392, 395,403,420,434,437,444,446, 470 model, 53,160,164-66,180,182,187-95, 197-98,200-204,209-12,214, 222, 234, 373-75,377,385, 391-93,411,418-19,423,426, 438,450-52,456-59,480, 487 90. See also Model: terrestrial as clue to system state differences, 188-90,211-23,373-77 comparison to ethnographic projections, 188-92,194-95,209-23,234, 373,392,411.418-19,423,426, 438,488,489,490 equations for accessible animal resources, 180,187-88 conversion of BIOS, 179 components, 175-76,179-80,182, 187-88 estimate of accessible plant food, 175-76,179-80, 187 conversion to human biomass for EXPREY, 180,182,187
Threshold, generalizations regarding (continued) among aquatic resource-dependent peoples, 305 57-62% male contribution to diet, 312-13 corresponds to plant dependence threshold at ET = 12.75, 312-13 77% male contribution to diet, 304 among terrestrial animal-dependent peoples, 304 biased in favor of collectors, 304 5 corresponds to subpolar bottleneck GROUP 1 size response, 305 mobility: at 400 kilometers total residen tial movement, 269 niche effectiveness: emergent complexity at loglO value of 1.6,378-79, 383-84 propositions regarding, 378 79 polygyny: at 25% level of occurrence, 299 population density: at 52.67 persons/100 km2 to scalar threshold, 423-24 generalizations regarding, 381,423-24 hunting threshold: at 1.57 persons/100 km2 propositions regarding, 383 with further increases, intensified cases exhibit group size reduc tion, 380,381-82, 383,418
with Terrestrial Model projec tions for viable populations at SUBDIV2 = 85,403-4 temperature-related, growing season threshold at ET = 18, 267-68 corresponds to terrestrial plant-dependent peoples stor age threshold at ET = 15.25 or around 35 latitude, 257-58, 260,262,267-68, 306-7 threshold and temperateness, 257-58, 259-60 storage threshold, 266-67,268 subpolar bottleneck, at ET = 11.53, 260-61,262,263,266,267,268 little variability in NAGP, 264 corresponds to 77% MDIVLAB threshold among aquatic resource-dependent peoples, 305,306-7 generalizations regarding, 266-67,268 GROUP 1 size patterned with, 265-66 located around 55 latitude, 264 niche differentiation implications, 263-66 patterned with diversity and NAGP relationship to number of mammal species present, 264-65 terrestrial plant dependence threshold at ET = 12.77, 267-68 terrestrial animal dependence with associated division of labor increase and associated GROUP 1 size increase just slightly cooler than, 306-7 projected, 424 TLPOP. See Hunter-gatherer systems: vari ables used in description: TLPOP Transport, 244 aids, 276 Trap, Trapper, 256-57,309. See also Facilities TURNOV. See Habitat: between-habitat char acteristics: variables: descriptive: TURNOV Typology, 21,49-50,231,402 Unearned water, 107, 111, 137,167, 168,170, 444,460,482 Uninhabited areas, 137,385,392-93,418-19, 426,439,453,456-59,486,488, 489,491 Units dialectical tribe, 317 ethnic, 309-10 ambiguity in definition, 228-29 argued to be self-defining," 223, 224 if self-defining, size nonresponsive to environmental variability, 223-24, 225 if self-defining, relationships expected, 223
if so, o f constant size, 223 24 focus u p o n ,318
foraging, 230,232 formation, 318 natural kinds, 154,158-59,363 organizationally defined, 160-61,333 basic, basal, 332-33,338-39, 340,352, 358-59 a common dwelling, 339 defined by household, an ambiguous unit, 339-40,357-58 found to increase in regular ways with GROUP2 size, 357-58 modeling of G2BASE, 341-44 nested size hierarchy G2BASORD, 344 problems with, 352 proportional constant of hierarchy, 341 42 regression equation for, 340-41 relationship found to fit three different equations, 357-58 said to reflect environmental variabil ity, 357 exceptions, 339-40 variations in size of basal units not conditioning (MHS) among hunter-gatherers, 344 problems related to unit types, 221-22 segmental, 332-33,334-35,339-40, 340 41,357,359 self-defining, 223,225,317 for study, 134-35 as a variable, 221-22 Upper Paleolithic, 1,143,491 Variability adaptive, 460-61 causes of, 12 explanation of, 10 structured by, 460-61 VEG. See Habitat: between-habitat character istics: variables: descriptive: VEG Vegetation, Vegetative codes described and characterized, 97-100 table 4.08 communities, 94-95 high-biomass forests, 168-69 tropical mountain forests, 95 tropical rain forests, 95,177 Eyres classification of, 94-95,96,144,148, 158 definition by type, 95-% difficulties with, 95 maps of, 96 problems with, 148 summary, 96 table 4.08 propositions regarding, 151 Walters classification, variables EARTH PER (percentage of earth occupied by plant community), 135 HGPER (percentage of plant com munity occupied by hunter* gatherers), 135 VEG secondary possibility tor VEGTAT. 95
Johnsons constant and size of decision-making bodies, 318 Johnsons scalar threshold: at 6.5-6.75 houses/GROUP2 unit, 339 and change in use of communal houses, 339 40 importance of Johnsons constant, 339-40 generalizations regarding, 339 41, 353.383.423-24 threshold, GROUP2 size, and stratification, 353-54,423 24 subsistence diversity-related, 403 4 separation of very-low-diveriityenvironment cases from those
VEGNU standardized VEGTAT as standardized through discrimi nate functions, 96,117,142,156 VEGTAT defined from Eyres classifi cation, 95 VEGNU. See Habitat: between-habitat characteristics: variables: VEGNU VEGTAT. See Habitat: between-habitat characteristics: variables: VEGTAT Volition, 34-36,38,40,43,49,163 W arfare, 219,223,380,392,432,469 W A TD . See Habitat: within-habitat diversity: synergistic variables: WATD
WATDGRC. See Habitat: within-habitat diversity: synergistic variables: WATDGRC Water balance, 169 conditioned by thunderstorm frequency, 169 earned water, 167 unearned water, 107,108,167, 168 WATR. See Habitat: within-habitat diversity: synergistic variables: WATR WEAPNO. See Hunter-gatherer systems: variables used in description: WEAPNO
Weather stations
definition of global sample of 1,429 stations, 80-81,142 station sample, 96 WILTGRG See Habitat: within-habitat diversity: synergistic variables: WILGRC Work groups female, 234,235,238 gender-differentiated, 269,318-19 male, 234,235,238 schedules, 318 Younger Dryas, 447-50,452-53,454 as point of dramatic culture changes, 454 new niches come into being, 454