Print This File, Answer The Questions, & Submit Hard Copy at Start of Workshop

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Print this file, answer the questions, & submit hard copy at start of workshop.

Mon 10:00am
Name: ______________________________________
Workshop Day/Time: ______________
Clarence Yeung

Planning your B.SC.

(and beyond!)
The objectives of this weeks workshop activities are:
To become more familiar with the online calendar
To explore the many options available to you within the B.Sc. program
To help you begin planning for next year and beyond
Start by going to the main page of the UBC Vancouver Academic Calendar 2012/13 at You can also be redirected from
From the calendar section listing on the left, choose Faculties, Colleges and Schools. This brings you
to a page with a list of all the faculties, colleges and schools at UBC. Clicking on any of faculties listed
will lead you to information about each, including a list of degrees, diplomas, and certificates offered.
In the spaces below, list all degrees (not diplomas or certificates) offered by the faculties shown.
eg. Faculty of Applied Science

Bachelor of Applied Science, M.A.Sc., M. Eng, Ph.D._


Bachelor of Science
Faculty of Science __________________________________________________________


The Faculty of Arts __________________________________________________________

Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Fine Arts, Bachelor of Music,

and Bachelor of Social Work


M.D., Ph.D, M. Occupation Therapy, M. Phys. Therapy,

The Faculty of Medicine ______________________________________________________
M. Rehab Science, M. Sc., Bachelor or Midwifery, Medical Laboratory Science


B. Sc., M. Sc., D. of Pharmacy, Ph.D.

The Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences _________________________________________

If there are other faculties that interest you (eg. Dentistry, Law, Commerce) then check those out too,
and make a note of degrees offered.

From the Faculties, Colleges and Schools page, choose Science Bachelor of Science. This brings
you to a Table of Contents listing links to general information about the B.Sc. (near the top of the list)
and links to individual departments within Science (the rest of the list, starting with Astronomy and
proceeding alphabetically). Please bookmark this page. It will be referred to below as the B.Sc.
bookmark. Also included in the Table of Contents is a link to Integrated Sciences, which will be used
to answer question 9 on the next page.
But first, click on Introduction to Degree Options. This page briefly outlines seven options to earn a
BSc. They are:

Double Major

Combined Honours

Combined Major


Dual Degree in Science

and Another Subject

B.Sc. Planning

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General Science


It also briefly discusses Minor programs, part time programs and Co-op. After reading the descriptions,
answer the following:
5. An Honours and a Major program differ in several important ways that are described.

68% in each academic session.

Honours requires a minimum overall average of ________
For Honours specialization with corresponding Majors specializations, admission occurs when?

Third year

30 academic credits
The evaluation for ongoing participation in Honours requires enrollment in ______
per Winter term in which the student is registered.
6. What are the two different types of Double Major degrees?

Two science majors or one science + one arts major

7. Of the seven types of BSc program listed on the previous page, which one is described as
appropriate for those continuing in other professional areas such as dentistry, education, law,
medicine, or veterinary medicine, and is not normally intended for students planning to continue
with graduate study in science?
The General Science Program
8. For a Science student, what Minor programs are available? Hint: there are four.

Arts, Commerce and Business Administration, Kinesiology, or Land and Food Systems
9. From the Table of Contents on the Bachelor of Science page, select Integrated Sciences to answer
the following question. Before which year are students admitted to this program?

Before 2nd year


Now, return to the Introduction to Degree Options (found on the Bachelor of Science Table of
Contents). From the menu on the left side of the page, choose General Degree Requirements. Here
you can find more detailed information about getting a degree. In particular, the information under the
heading Summary of Minimum Program Requirements is useful.

What minimum number of credits is required for each of the following?

Double Major (Science)

11. Using the menu on the left of the page, select Science, Arts and Breadth Requirements. Identify
which 3 types of programs are NOT subject to the Breadth Requirement.

Double Major, Combined Major, Major in Cognitive Science


B.Sc. Planning

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Return again to the Table of Contents for the Bachelor of Science (BSc bookmark). You will now
explore the course requirements for various pre-set Honours and Majors degrees.
First, notice that there are a number of possible fields or departments listed.

12. How many did you count? ________________________.

13. Of these, how many were you aware of as degree options before today? ______________
Admission to most second year specializations requires a common online application. All Majors, all
Combined Majors, and second-year declarable Honours or Combined Honours specializations can be
applied to via the application. Using information found at, answer the following question.
14. In what month do you need to check the SSC for your eligibility to register for second year and
apply for your specialization?
Still on the same page, under the heading, Choose a Program Specialization: Be Realistic, Give
Yourself Options, there is a link to notes from the Beyond First Year workshop. Click on the link, or go
to This file
provides useful information about planning for your future degree. After you have read the file, answer
the following question.
15. How many Science Programs are listed as 2011/2012 Fair participants? ________________
Go back to the previous page (
Under the heading Determine What Specializations Are Available to You: Prerequisites, Prerequisites,
Prerequisites there is a sub-heading called Science Specializations. The url for the link is This gives you information about the many preset degree programs within the Faculty of Science. It will be helpful to have this summary before
completing the next part of this worksheet.

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16. Select a degree program from the list that interests you. Write it on the line below.


Look up the course requirements for this program.

17. By April will you have taken all the courses listed for first year? ________________
18. If not, what are you missing? ___________________________________________
19. What are the numbers and names of courses you will need to take in second year?

Biochemistry 203
Microbiology 202
Biology 200
Biology 234
Chemistry 203
Chemistry 213, 245


Chemistry 201
Math 200

20. What are the numbers and names of courses you will need to take in third & fourth years?

3rd Year:
Biochemistry 303, 301, 304, 335
Chemistry 305, 313, 315, 335




4th Year
Biochemistry 402, 410, 404, 420 403, 440, 450, 460, 449
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Electives

21. What is one interesting or surprising thing that you learned from doing this worksheet?

One interesting thing is how stringent or rigid each calendar for faculty is. It is
correct to note that in order to graduate in four years, a very strict schedule should
be kept in order to stay on track. A missing course can put you back easily.

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