Cavalry Journal, Volume 2, Nos. 4, 5, 6 & 7

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ALL R i b m n -WO.

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I J e u t e n a n t Cii.kRLm D . I ' a m n l r r ~ ........... ~ A WAR REYISISCESCE. - Lieutenant'Colooel A. K. A R S O L D . . ....... HIBLIOGR.\PHI('AL XOTFS-Maiiual for t h e Hospital Corpa ........ Lea Iles Samoa ........................................................................ 213 O n Seata a n d Saddles. B i b a n d Bitting .............................................. 213 C'AVALRY SMALL A R Y S C0MPET:TIOSY FOR IW9.- Colonel E. V. S C H N ............. ~ 3s9 CAVALRY WAR LE<?pSS.G ener al THEO.F. RODESMIY)I'GH. .......................... 109 LJRILL.REtiCL.iTIUS$ FOR CAVALRY. V S I T E D STAT& ARMY.. ............. ..1Z%DIJC'VSSIOSS . . . . . . . J ................................................................. 131-1W H ~ \ ~ . T -* oG E TTHE+ --SHOESBITS- R E > I O C S E . - L I & ~ ~ ~ I W I L U A Y B A X ~.. s15 . .................... 12D

FIF~II Lm~m.~Favln t hge s t r e n g t h of t h e Infantry.. ................... ~ i x T i t1.mER.A IIiswricnI ~ ~ u s t r e c ~ o ............................... ns.. P E ~ E s T HLLT Cavalry In t h e Battle8 of t h e Future.. ................. EII;IITII I.BrrE?'-The Future Task ol Cavalry-. .......................... S i s T i i I.l:TTER.l<hoilld Raids Ha\.e Been Attempted in 1sswii 1......... TESTH LETTER.- Future Raids f o r Diaturbiog an Euemy's blobilizatlou ELEVBSTII L m m . - T h e Dimcultlea Against Whlch Cavalry hss t o C o o t e o d ......... 148 TWEWTHI.BTTF&.How Is t h e Cavalry Prepared to Meet the Requlrementa of the I ' r e ~ n tTirne"..................................................................... 261 ................... 368


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T h e G er man Griind Y aneuver a S e a r H a n o v e r . . U nshod Hornea ....................................................................... Use o f t h e H ellogr aph ................................................................ OS PISTOL FIBING.--CopLaln R.A. \Vxx.~~rna ............................................







PROFESSIONAL NOTES.- Buford's Llne at G e t t j a b u g . . . . . . . . . & ........................ Revolvers and T h e i r Callher.. ...... 4 A m PrnctiW In Rusaia.. .... ......................................... T h e German Cavalry at vera .. ........,... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Servlce. RevoLver . .......................... ........................ RECRUITING FOR T H E CAVALRS.-Colonel RECBES F. B ..................... REVOLVEB 8liOOTISG.- Chptaln W.P. HALL.............. ..................... REVIEWS AND E X C H A S G 5 . - Uilltary 3Ilscellanles ......... . ,,, ,, ,,,,, .,,,, Recent G e t t y s b u g L l t m t u r e .......................... .! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Between the Llnes .......... ........................ . _ _ ..................... i . . The Chmpalgn of Kanlggni t z . . . ....................... .! .......................

Method o f Examiniu

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BOYE CAANGkg IN EQUIPMEST.- Lieutenant-Colonel J . K. >I@sEH.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . % I T E E CAVALRY AT GAISES' MILL.- By Lleuteuant-Colonel .%j R. AHSOLD.. . . . . . . . . . % i i " T H E DA1-S OF T E E EMPIRE"-ARIZOSA, 1&+1<%9.Captain C . ('. r.C'AHH ............ :i 'TEE S E W G E R Y A S DRILL BOOK A S D W Y E DEDI.CTIOSh T l l ~ l ~ E F R O > l .Lieu. tenant APTHUBL. WAGSER. ......................... 1.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 4 TEE PISTOL VERSCS TEE SABER FOR LICIIT ARTILLERY.? Lleutenant CIZARLFY I).
P A U R U ~ ~ ~ .



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No. 4.




I. E A V EN \VORTH, K A S .:
J 989.



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of treer, like the pa10 r e r d e that no fire could e r e r burn quite, the dry parts of which wore collected for fuel with

inetead ot being chopped with axes, whose edges it would glaw; the &ful but unlovely galkta grass. wliich v mowed w i t h a heavy hoe instead of u sc>-tlie; wliose sli woolil h a r e perfc)ratc.d the intestines of any i i t i i i i r i i l 1e-s the Californbri liomc or Government i i i i i l t b . I h v e :il\v:i that eveu tliey \voiiltl litrre succuni! t u i t s 1wtivtriitii)g it not a l ~ a p been tkd ii: c.onjulictioir with c o r ~ ii i i i i l \VI wliicli formed : I glutinous niuss that :ttforilecl :I ,gxb:it ale; tcetion to tlio ntoniacli. This grass. wliicli w:is our only I cost about one Ituudred clollurs per toil. The. t t i c i i ti1lc.i Racks with it. but atter tlie e x p r i t ~ i i c ent tlic tirst ni:i i i p > i ione-(itthein jiist long enoi~gli t o sl)i*iiig tioiii i t :inti *urgeon t o bintl up hi3 bleeiliiig ~ o u i i d s tltry . wcbre \N*:II tlring like stiioothnwr, if tint sottiiera. IicbtiBrc lwiiig i i s t - ( I . What p t r t ot the country \vas nait occuliicvl liy tlit. I qictus wec.iiiet1 t o be s o well liclcl dowu 1)y tlic iil)iquitou nieinusI$ ectivr hpuche that no otic w:is i i i I i i \ v w t - t ~ )gti U W H ~ from the lmat i n lu*o:uI ti:iFIigIit witliout ii siiit:ibii* Their tracks enuld be t h u d c.rt.ry rnorniiip i i i :rvil pont. Tllry actually picked tlic I)ulltata ( i t i t ot tlic. :ir,g the old guard \\-ere :iccustoincd to ~disc1t:irgc tlicbir IUII muskets e r e r y morning. ~ i i t lprowled about witli :I vivu a p OMbottles or anything else o f wliicli iirrnw-lit~ii~ls CYII Thoy.occnsionallg allot i i i m :tlnlnst within tlie l i t i i i t s 4 and yet no attcriipts were iiiadc t o piinish t ~ i c i i i . \Vhy asked. The fblloaing Mill serve to ~ ~ q p h i i i i .Gener:rl Iiad conceived nncl pot into practical operiition. tlic iilt.:i government farm wliic4i should either pro(liic*c1111 tlic ,gr bp the t r o o p tbr forage: or. a t least, such t i t i a~iioiint;I able him. to regulate the prircs of. tliiit I ~ ~ i i , g l l)y i t tliv ; A piece of bottom I:ind lying on tho river. iic*ar t l i r 1 ws 1 about half a section. w:is sekctcd. :in irrigiiti1i.g tlitcli h in length. and. i n pliices. ten or t\vt.lvc feet i i i clcptli. \\ land warr cleared of its d m w growth ot iiirsqiiite trce! and cactus-mainly by tlic Inlior of the three wm1i:iiiies . teenth U.S.Infantry, and one troop o f the First 1. S . ( utituting t h e garrison. We had reveille about 3 ocloc*kA. 31. The c.n\-alry narclied t o stables, groomed their horse*, and then returiied to 1x1 ,ucks for H sumptuous repant of bread and coffee. with. aonietinies. dim i uiit i v e

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* . ? H i D.4 YbT OF THE EMPIRE."
1. i

. of potatoes Z wasyQlo to .buy in .irizon:i I ,gl:idly p i 1 lars, and would Jinrc given sixty hncl it been cleninntle money seemed to ha\-e lost its po\vCr. It coul(l iieitlier

exchanged tor that aliicli the I!uiiiaii s ~ - s t c i n cra\-t-cl. . Bcurvy attacked the gdrrisbn, arnd the p s t ( purchase of anti-rrcorbutics. wrigonw i ~ c r r R e n t two Iiiiu i i l e o anti Ioatleck wit11 onions :it fi)riy-ti\-.e(~oI~:irs pc potatoes an&i.ucunilwr pickles :it corrrspoii,(liiir:price*. was expnsi?-el but i t \\-us the natunil result of the so-e: . caI.meusurm ori$niited I q - tIio.ct. iii iiutliority. warde, had tine gardens OII H part ot' the firni h i i d . :it1 had th6m tlie-tirst yriw t i n t 1 y o r k 011 tjotti gone I I ~ U I I i ae work 011 the f'ariii took precrA.iicc o f cvcrytliiiig 4 .late to begiri a gar(Itw utter tlw c*olnplrtion01' tlit. thrri Under such circuiiist:inces tlicrtb iiiay be sonic curi whether or not wv lost inany nieii by tlcsertion. i\: fact i t may be strid tlesrrtera \vert. tii\v ail(] fiir twtwcei because nieii willingly aiibniittctl to v s i n t ns they i l i t l . '. w a s no uppareiit way out of the tlittivulty. T 1 i t . r ~ thou&nd wbitc people in tlic w l i o l ~Territory. ~ outritl tary posts, and of them it is safe tti s:iy t h t i i t m i t scv werc fugitiren from juntiw iii other hiiids: n w n n have looked in a mirror witliout drawing ehooting at the reflection. There were t i a w st*ttlcnierit sistance or concecllnient. could bc ol)tuiriecl. If :i clc! the overland road, no matter in wliieh direction Iic 1 must bring up against 11 niilitnry post. To go south murder at the hands of tile .\Iexic.:ins, :inil thc interior clnsively by t h e Apaches. H u i l escape froin tlic eo111 eonably easy, 1 have no doubt that i n a short tinic thc have been left with a #mall escort of' :I few old soltlier tion to the .service nothing c*oultl slinkc. H y firut experience in command CJ!' :i cletiiclinient I. ciiviilry i i i Arizona may eome faint ideu 01' tlic iiticiiltic9 rider which M.. y at 1 vlovk militarj- operations m*erc conducted. One 4linnc.r. ttic jnst after I had finished w h a t b y coiirtcny \\ 1s (.:ill commanding o+er Raid to me, 6 . 1 w i n t you t take tI ty-tivc inen aniniti ni tioii . of Col. SANPORD'~ troop, ten days' rations :mrl plcnty .and report to tbc commanding officer of' Fort ( ~ I I lijr swutirip duty. Your transportstion will consist ot' tcii p i c k 1 II 1es. \v I1 i c l i to tllc Salt yonr men will pack, and you will cwort :I ,wiigon tru road before River crowing. You will be o u t of this post and on I





5 o'clock t h i s nfternoon." the comnian(Ii1ig ofticer was one o f the martinets of the old * c ' I i o o I who coiiltl give ordcrn o f nrly kind, RO long :i8 obedicnw to them tle~olre(l npoii kome one else and had a habit of cspvcting pi-onlpt a i r i l l rswt c o i n p l i t ~ n c with ~ ~ tlien), I loRt no tinic i n actting out t o iii:tkv the prepanitions for wIiicIi.1 ww allowctl !bur Iioiirv. Thc det:i(*liiiicilt aiitl w s p i tr:iiti I could liavc pot uw:iy witti eiisily i n Iinlt' a11 hour. but t l i r #tick train was sonietliiiip :I< iiovcl to i n c :iw ii stcaiii cngine would bc to :i Knmtchiitkan. The i n e n . horac.l.;. rations n r d rininiunition were soon in a nt:ite of rc~:ulint~ss. -1ttc-r tlirit curiie the priiieipal p r t of the procersiwi -thr t v n 1)roi:c.o p:iek iiiules. 13y wsignilig onc nian to each mule i i i i d iillowing a I:irpr w p c c to rncli i n w-Iiieh t o p i v e tiill plsy to his heels, iictt1;il loss of l i k w:is prcrciitetl. but corrtn)l over the anact cwiisiatc*d in iin:il* \viis not priiiiwl tbr sonits tiiiie. Tlic n w 4 1 1 1 ~ 1 thc bringing i n t o thc vicinity ot' II W : I ~ I I load ot' niiscellenc-ouw articles ivliivll but oiie i i i t i i i i u thc. ctiniin:iiid Iiad erer Heell, n i d eren ~ i r ( l i t 1 riot k n o w t l i r i i i i i i i w of iiiorc t I i : i n IitiIf of' t I i e i i ~ . Strange souiitls Iikv :ipnrcjt)s. intintas, lush ropes. chtc.. \vert' Iieard for tllv fimt tinic. t i i i d wcrc tiiiiilly tliic.ovcrccl to liurc soiiic nitwiling as npplied to tIic tIiiiigs bcti)rv 11s: but it took wwcrnI iniriiitc*wto-rc*:iIizthtile tict tIiat it \\-usonly with tlic a*.I*iNt:iIicc.tit' :ill tliiw Iippirzltuii that a band of mules could Iw conwrted into a pick tr:iiii. Imagist* H I ~ ~ I put on board ot i n uiiriggt8tI sliip, tlic wails. c-orti etc., thrown d o w i on d ~ Iwforc k Iiini. iind bciilg t o l d to IN r c d to Rail out of port i n ti g i v m tinw. and soriic slight itlcti of tli aitulltion may t)e ol)taine(l. .in o ~ scrgerint t ~ n ~ i o11uc1 nrrrttdl i d .\. .I. ~ r i T i i * N tr6op of' t l i r First Drripons tliiriri,< t h e Iiopuc Ttivrr wnr. uricl Iratl seen things like thew bcti~rc.altlroiigli tie Iiad ncvcr oscd them. caiiie to tlw rcacuc with all tlic iiiti)rni:itioii aiitl g(n)tl will ho possessed. Tlic npnwios were tiniilly p l n r d upon the mlllew i r l spite of thcir rigoroils protests. : i d t l i w enmth t l l r renl tug of' warslinging the cargow and securing them. 3fany hore preselrf hero doubtless wntclicd time and again H okillfiil packer handling his cargo, adjusting his lash roper? making the dianroncl hitch. and finiRhing hin work with t h v f i n d indirpensshle kick nnd cry of "'stB; bueno." and tliougllt liow eaay i t wai to do. nntl discorered, only after repeated trials. that it was something to br ICarned only by taking hold of the ropes and conducting tho operation to the finish -solliething which no amount of mere ohserration could teacband may appreciate the difficulties under which I waA laboring, working againwt time. We put on the pack*, hound them with-the lash ropes, and, of course, like any other *Ltenderfwt,"tied knob





wherever it seemed they \voultl do the most gootl. but for sonit' i n p brious reason, the mule was no sooner allowed to niovc off, than t h e packa slipped, .fell in all directions except he one in which - t h e y wme f i n d l g fired by the bucking and kickin ot ttic f'riglitelietl ~ f h r 4 o'clo .k cind not a pack animals. T i m wad pressing; it w a a had been induced to stay where i t w a s put. but 0 1 the coiitrirry, all were becoming rapidly pulverized and clisinttapriit 1 1 1))- riiugli usapt. We all knew'-we could learn the biisiness if \ e only l i r i t l time enough, but under existing orders that wirs riot to be hail i n the post for learning w o n a aimpler trade that1 that of 1) cking niiiles. 111 tlelivari-r of the this emergency niy wagon trait1 loo~uedup 1 1 s th e iill thrown into command. The cargoea. aparejos and rigging w the enipty wagons. tlie vicious mules which I slic ulcl Ii;rvc likwl to throw in atter them. were safely e u r e t l . the c* viilry satldlecl up and mounbd. and the coninland auiled out of the )est i i i ..true cavalry style," conscious ot ti literul cniiiplirriicc~wit orders. rind Iioping to find time elnewhert. for- leuriling it:, iicw trade of riinnilig H ' pack train. Knowing that the next day wc* Iiircl to cross II tliirtk-five n i i l v desert, t h e command way aroilsecl at uiiJnight :in I the ptcking bethcs e n at ouce. It continued i n the sanie spot u n : i l t i A. XI.. reasone already given iu our tirst day's esperieiict:. ant1 I tht)uglit web might as well have a chauge of sceiie. tiir t h r operation:, on the preeent one were growing. n;onotonoiis. :inti mcred out ot' canip. From 6 A. m. until 6 P. Y. wc"\vere on that IJurliing Icaert, beneath the blazing eun of mideummcr, men tliicl animds su Yering f'roni tllirrt which there was nothing to allay. Tlie scanty supply of water i n t h e canteens waR exhausted early' in tho day. Three days and nights more of similar worry and crhiiustiug wo.k and we arrived at Fort Grant, to the' dhgust o f the comniandi lg officer. alio regtetted me%gcavalry coming to his post to co isunic his meager supply of forirge. He had asked for infantry, he bqing one of those who thonght mounted troops would never be ahlr to pursue Apaclics in t h e monntains. However, he made the bent of a bad bargain. and t h e next evening, Rettilrg out from the p 3 t , under corer of darkness,with one halt-breed guide, we started ii I1 s ~ o u tinto the


.. TIII.' D.4 1-S 08' T I f B .CUPIRE."



For tire O r sis night* w e climbtvl t l i c nioiintailir on one sidta and nlid clown tlie otlter. 1c:iding our Iiorses. bnttcw(l and hruised ourselrea among the h)iil~kbrs. [wirkctl o u r flesh with thc!cac.tus Epitien we ran :igrrinst i n tlic dnrk. tlotlgtcil the roIIiiig stones bent crasliing down hy t h i w aiiwvt. l i s I ) I I t h e trail. ant1 rrutfc-rwI for d r i n t of nnter wIiicli \viis t i : i r t ~ ~ ty o IW I ~ : I ( I l i t i t I I . \Ye riiarc~icv~ iiII oiglit a n d lay cliiriti,c t l i v ~Iiiy i n t h c rwi hot criiloiis. their sii1i.s nclcling. hy reflected Itcat, to t l i c s wiirnitli of' t l i c s:iricI oii which iisu~rlly campetl. without diatlc. aiii(1 withtuit Iiaving us n i i i d i tirc as would m i k r a cup of c*offer. It w a s uwltwtoo4l wr wcrv going to uttiick a Irirge ratirlieria, of A paclirs irwl tht. grcntest svcrecy w a ~ al)~oltitely neccadary. ()lit. rttteruoon. riI)out tin Iiorir Iwti>resunset, w e startiti from crimp wntr;iry tab ~ ) u r ciisttinl ot' iiuirdtiiig only by night. Rnd lratl not. I)reii Iiulf :in Itoiir ~n t l i v trail beforc tlie tiiniiiitaip hides were rwvarniin,c wit11 - \ l ) i i ( ~ l t t ~ flceiug s t o placcu of safety. , W e Iiacl undoubtc*tlly h e n lwtr:iyctl 11.v oirr guide who. wlinn w e came near enough to t l i c .4l~:rcIiesto niakc. a11rarly morning attack posnible. hut1 licwmic : i l : i r n ~ r ~tbr l his 0w11 srrfcatp, pcrhups, having been for yc'ars ii c i i p t i v ~ : i n i a ) i i , g tlicb Aprcli~s. and not lui\-ing niucli contide~ice i n strirnye ~ l ~ l i e r 11:1(1 s . pvrsiiuclrtl t l i r Coniiiiiriidit~gOfficer much against his w i l l . t t t iiirikr tlic nios-t. he did. Tht. gat^ liacl flown, untl as w i t h totit trw)ps i t wiis tint thought posaible to fbllow the .lpaclies rapidly mougli t o bring them to a ntand. and as the mounted c~l large to operate alone againRt tbrcc was iiatt c ; o n s i ~ l ~ r siitiicieiit1~tlioni we rcturntvl to Fort Grant, a weary and dircpuntetl command. Soon litter in>- rcbtiirn. t o Yc1)owell permission to make a twout :igainst tlic .\I~itcIic>s living in that vicinity was obtained and the Troop. untlsr coiiini~iiidot' ('oloiirl S A S F O R D . aturtoci the light of tlir new nionn. ltiiving with it one civilian guide a + one Pima Indian :is ri t ~ i i l e r . 111 the .clinuica..i of night illiiniined only by the light of :i ywiig nioon, w e broke a new trail oyer dhe Mazaturl
w t h

moiinttrin riinge and tlcacended into the valley of Tonto ilreek. The next night i v e erossecl tlie Sierra Ancha and ramped! in Meadow Valley. Wv were ristonialied at rlie charncter of t h country in whicll wt~ tiwncl onrsclves. The desert a-aatea of th +ell Y'erde and Gila wvrc replwc~l by high plateaur and deep valleyn nupplied

w i t h water. fiwcsts of orikt pinr and walnut trees, and a luxuriant growth ot' gt*~ias. E : r e r p - l ~ e r ewere to lit. qeen t h e uins of the biiildinps of :in nitcicnt civilization-orie so far adradcotl tliat the

him, a n d under his instruction8 6 y men soon learned the art s o well had little more trouble 'on that wore wit the light loads wc t h a t ,we'

stone walls werr h i d with niortar made from the =isurn beds in the Ticinit-. untl iw white and hard aa Parian marble.: Wa felt all the erciteiircrit of explorer* of a n unknown land and enjoyed in





inored from
l i n g the s u r ie gnurd left

. . T H E D.4 I - S O F T H E E M P I R E . "


anticipation the.surpriaes in store for UR wli'encvcr tv8 one place to another. While the iuain body of the command was exnni rounding country a small party of Apaches attackctl in camp, but were quickly driven o f f . I h s t i l y rcti camp we Rtarted on t h e back trail of these Indians. oii never delaying for a moment to hunt for 21 lost trncl P. Y., on rounding tl mountain *pur, we Came i n full \large ranclieria iiT' Apaches, utterly uncnnscious of o T h e women and children were engaged i n g:ithe1 sunflower seeds of which they made almost the only IN had: Making the most of the surprise, with a whoop the whole troop charged, mounted. dou;n the niounttiii seething crowd of. Indiana, and the figtit was on. our rn pistolit and carbines, the Apaches relying for clc.feii upon their boas and arrows, although a few of theni When the mounted charge had spent its force the nie turned their horses loose and uned their carbintts s about fitteen minuteH the affair was ended and we c resultrr of it fifteeii dead hucks and a iiumbcr of xvc dren prisoners. Anotlier result was that in a dtiy o r return to Fort McDowell, DELCAAY, the Chief of tlie which tribe the Indians we liad killed bclongcil, ctinic make peace, bringing k i t h him- several hundred of h i made'the mont liberal promises an to future good be . a n nnquestionablc gmrruntee of his good faith. offer his warriors, about three hundred, and join the troop twn for the purpose of attacking and capturing For1 offer waa declined with thanks, but it sliowcd that th no idea that the tFopR of different posts belonged to t but were regarded as independent bodies, hostile to e simply holding places in the country for their own ventage. I n gpite of his promises DELCHAY, with 1 away from he post within a week and was engaged employment, murdering travelers on tho roads and whenever it could be done. There was no reservati0 , Apachea could be sent when they came i n and it wa, hold and guard )hem a8 primonere, so tlie game of and palaver was, indefinitely continued. With our one troop of cavalry w e overran and route tempordriry, at lead, from nearly every part of the col by t h e Xogollon; the Verde, Salt River and the East

Indian3 had no pcrniniieiit lioniep. w1it-n t l i e pursuit of those who

escaped from a11 ettack made upon n r:inrhcria stoppCd, fresh wickiUps or brush x 1 d t e - s wcre put up, anti the .\pnclioa were again

n i n g to the Pi nin trailer anal :tboiit 4 w of qiiitc : i * prosiniitr. ig grnaa a i d a i l they c r e r nil a Iiiirriih, side into t h e i w i n g their pri ne i pa 11)ail fire-arm?. tlisnioitntcd. wrcll'tliat i n iintctl 11sthe icii ant1 rliilivo after our 'o>-otrrnn. to n tlic post to people. Iic ti\*ior, :inti as I to bring :ill of' our ,gnrrih i n t . Tlii.;
2. sanie

much settlcd :I* Iwforc m :\I1 our :ipl)licratioii* for ririlinlis to Iiandle n pie triiin for 11sr that ?e coiil~lvnntiniic i i i tlie tield longcr, were ref sed by General
w h o tllouglit soldiers Rliould d o that kibd of work for tIiemscIvt.s. .\s our m e n iwre ricwied for fighting purposes we carried on our 1iorsc-s nearly all the tbod w e cspcctcd l o subsist om for twcIvC or fiftcvn (lays. Tliis consisted sonietinics of jerked beef, nintle l of parcliccl Intlilru corn \\-it11 t l i c ailditioii ot' l)inole. a ~ i ~ c a conrscly grouiid and Iirep"rei1 for use by mixing it with water and sug:~rto m u k c :t griicl. It qucncIie(I tliirst. ant1 t~l)p~:~setl hunger, if it dit1 not s:itisfy i t . b u t ; i n u short time, becniiie tiresome. Its long continued use prwliiczd intestinal troublrw. aiid i n otlicr respects it

army. m h other, nnrl rotit iind adhaiid. stole 11 his regular tealinp stock to which the . impossi ble to ce-saw. fight tlic Apaches. it r,- bou ntied ork. As the

was o\)jcctioiinble :is :I steady article of diet. When possible we carrieil salt pork :11u1 1i:ird 1)reniI. which i r e r e m:de to last without referelice t o t l i r iiumber of cluys or rations. That trick we had learnvcl \vvll i i i tlict .\rmy of the Potomire. A l l 1)iiv sc.c)irtiiiglint1 to lw h i e by night. hpwbea werv nkivays on tlit. lookout arouii(l the po3t during the d i q . aiid it' :I command attciiiytwl to start beti)re sunset it would hardly get awnas the Vordo -e River bctbrc! riyn:il suiokra \vi)uld alioot up from a dozen mountain peaks, to : d i ~ r i i iatrill wiirii tlie,hpaclies of the threatened danger. As tlierc were iio iiiouiitctl Intli n~ our vicinityj u'ny dust raiaed during tlic tliry ~ v o u l c lproduce t h same effect. Tlioru were no other cavalry t r o o p t o cotjperate with us. Vntil latc iu 1Sti7, the four troops of the First Ciivnlry were tlie only ones in all soiitliern Arizona. iiiid they were stationed at YcDowe~l. Bowie, Buclianan and Calabasns. Tliosc at tlic tlireo luat nemud posts Iiocl all they could do t o liolcl CoctrtsE ant1 his Chiricahuas in check, and escort trains ( ; . t to post. Tlie Cliiricahnas and payinastcr9 iiloiig the roads from p were then atllieir bcst. Well mounted, and using Mexico a8 a dopot Froin which to dr:iw aiipplieq they were a terror to all who traversed, o r attempted to reside in, the country between Bowie and T u c ~ j ~ n . As there N-erc 110 other trcmps to conperate with us, and tbe game must pI:tyeil, \ve liad to go it alone. Ttrcre w a ~ no one in the Territory who hiid t h e authority to order the troops from different post8 to execiite iiny combined morementa against the common eneniy. Scouting was done or not according to thepprice;or judgment oMiZXX5rcnt post commanders. Iudiana $riven from the



THE D.i YS OF T H E E M P I R R . '

field of operation of oue command took refuge i i i iiiintlier wlierv t ha, troops wore iriacfire. I n ncldition to our continued ncouting. we wvrt* oliligrtl t o furnish escorts for all paymastern coming info tlic Trrritory. :I rluty which deprived tlie t r o y of'tr niinibcr of ita nicn for a nioiitll or two :it ;I tirnr, and rdytced its ctfcctirc strcngth by just t Ii:it iiunil)cr. ' i\ s i r p r s t ious belief peculiar to the I'ini:is. upon wlitm~IVV 11ependetl for o -$r:iilws. w:rs a i constant ini~)edinientto stc:iil>- \vork. The nioinent u Pinru towlied a n Apaclie. clrad or a l i w . o r * cvcn killril; one in a fight; it was I ~ t ~ niecliciiie tl to go a step tiirt1ic.r. The I'iinrq: who thus corit:~niinuteilliiniself \vas Irt once taken i n vhi~rge Iiy olilei men wliosc duf?; it n i i s to scc tirat lie iiriink wntcr u i i t i ~v o n i i t i i i ~ and purging were IJroiIiicctI; tlittt Iir was provitIwi with II stic-k w i t which alone lie \CISto touch his hotly, so that his tingc~s wi)iiId not Id employed: tlint lie tastcd nothiug cont:~iiiing wit. :rml t h r . upon ai111 his return to t!ie rcscrv:itioii he wits tiikeii to u wlitiiry p l : i ( ~ provided with drinkiiig \r:itcr and pinolc. At1t.r furry tl:iys 01' tiisring and is oluti on, tlic wtiole tribe went out i n p r ~ w c ~ s s t4J i~g )~ rw ~t and bring lrniiie tlic slnyer of' tlie Iiatctl A I w I i c :IIHIc.t.lcl)r;itt. t I W prowess of tlic . I i c w ~ w , i t h general fiwting ah1 i*e~j~)icirig. :is :I RuperRtitiou~-practicc, it wis h n r i i i l r s s ~ ~ I I O I I ~ Iitnil I . 1 l ~ I J b : l b l origi~ nated i n the qii:irmtinc>ofaonieoiir who Iiad cncvuiitciwl the .\p~icl~c.s during thc 1ircv:dence union:! theni of srrrall pox or s i ) i i i c otlicr w ~ n tug ious (I iseusc ; but i t clcrioirsly i 11 t erftwc I 11-i t I I ct I II t i I 1 110 11s n p r : i tions against tlie Ap:rches. ant1 roinpellecl tlic ~ O I I ~ I I I : I I tI o ~ I rvt urn t t ) itw post almost :il\vuys :ittcr a single tight, instc:tcl of kcvpiiig on with .the goorl work. I n lM7, I Troop of the Eightli C'rrmlry, just nrg:~iiizcvI.jnine4I u s a t &Dowell. and tlienwfortb we hail nrorc ni('n t i w ~coiitiiigpurp o ~ ebut ~ , no prcater .f:icilitieB than before. I t w:~s still tllc suiuc hard work, scanty food nnd .lark of coiiperation. Until General ROOK was placed i n roniniand of' tlie Department there never was any organized or systematic plan of mnipaipn. Under. his rcginre, in 1872, the seventeen troo1)s of cavalry, t w o companies of tlie T\\-enty-third 17. S.Infantry, with H eufficient n u ~ i i ber of Indian smuts, compriRing the active forces. took tire firhi with everything necesstrry in the 'way of q p p l i e s , ant1 pack tniin.* handled by civilitin packers, to carry them, necessary for coiitiniioii~ a n d comfortable enniyaiguiiig. So large ti coniniaiitl, opc.r:itiii,< i r i any definite diatriCt,covereti the face of the country wit11 trails u n t i l it looked like a great c o h e b . Fleeing Intlinns c t ~ u l dnot run a\va?from one comniand without rushing into the arms of anotlicr. Cup-






At Jdaricopa \Veils, as. auggestetl by tlie agent. I cliriibecl very quietly into a buckboard, before which two partially liitched mules were held by the etable men. The driver. with lines i n hand. followed as gently as though treading on eggs The outer triiceh we,. hooked, the blinds removed from the eyes of the mules, when with a bound into the air which made erery buckle and strap crack like a whip and nearly broke my neck, they started, and . . l i t " again upon d i d ground about six mile8 from th6 point where they made their rise. When they came down they were still going a t full epeed, and it was sometime before they were bufficiently blown to take an ordinary gait. The driver's only object i n life seerned to be to keep them in or near the road and prercnt tlicm wandering o f f into the trackless desert. We passed the Jdaricopa Mountain, and I bade furewell forcrer, M I I hoped, to the colossal reclining figure of MOWTEZCMA, o n e of tbe grandest pieces of nn+ral sculpture in tlie world. The bold Aztec head thrown back upon the mountaiu pillow, tlic rays of the setting Bun projecting in high relief the clearly nutlinctl ktitiircs coniposed in sleep, presented a picture of dignifieh repose bordering upon the sublime. There he lay, waiting the coming of tlie time appointed for hie ehaking off his death-like slumber, and. according to the Pima belief, commanding the Aztec GABRIEL to sound tlic signal for the general resurrection O f all thoso who Iiad perislied h c o the great flood from which only YOXTEZCXA uncl hi* family Iiud been saved. Three days and two nights of torture on tlic iiurroiv scat of a buck-board, m-ithout support of a n y kind for tlie buck. the nioiiotony broken only by occasional halts a t the atntiou for the necessary eupply af bacon and beans to support life. tinil Fort Tuma was reached. . '1 The Quartermaster a t Yuma having n o otlicr conrcyiiicc', hired a 'civilian wagon for the transportatioii of niywelt' and two other afticere to. the eeacost. In this trap, wliich hail no springs and whose eqats wwre rough boards laid acrons the top of the wagon bed, m-e i x daye across the Colorado Dcsert. Finally. journeyed for fire or M after P diwstrouw wreck on the Jucumba Range, wliere we nearly periehed of culd, w e came down to the sliores ot' tlie beuutitul bay of !3an Diego, and, with a few days' reat, the long iiiglitrnare ot three yeam' uerriee i n Arizona war3 partially dispelled, if not entirely removed. C. C. C. C.4RR.


w- *

Captain F a & Cacalry.

I1E following proposed inetliod of recruitin:: tbr the cavalry, it i s thouglit, could bo advantageously appli .d also to tlic artillery tierire from i t nnd intiintry, tliougli tlie curnlry would und$te,1ly the greatest beiwfit. The cavalry recruit should be a mnnd. actiw, 'and intelligent man, b e t w x n twenty-one and twenty-five years & ape. who can read uric1 write and who knows aoinething i i h m t 4orwes and firenrnis. 1Ie sliould be single and whould not bo uI1owed to marry wliilc i n t h e service. The majnrity ot cavalry officern F i l l say, *'Yes, that is the claws ot' nien the cavalry slioiild 1)aV.c. hut how are we to pet tlicm?" Our answer is: Close e r e r y recruiting oEce i n t h o citien- -clam Jefferson Barracks as a caavalry depot. .iftc*r t l i i q i p done find t h e nuniber of recruits required for each regimeid of 'catnlry. i t m i send an officer of ear11 regiment to the country to e n l i s t those lie necurcs to his regiment. OWccrs on thia R held Rtrictly responsible for every man they enli*t : t1ic.p should assure themselves tliat every nian enlistcvl conies fiil1.v i i p to the PBquirements of a recruit ; that lie is a e l l and fuvomblb known by hia neighbors. and tliat h i s parenta, rc.latires iincl friends'know that he i s going into tho army.\ I t is believed that men enlisted i n thin n-ny will be dvterrcd by family and local pride from dewrtioii and other disgnccfiil acts, and that they will vie with each other in seeing who can r e t u r n lionie with the best record. It in not beliered that a large numher of tliercc n)(w would rebnlist, but that they would return home upon tlw expiration of their terms of serrice to aettle down-well instructed soldier8 and better citizens than if they had remained at home. In thie way the people would learn that they h a r e a n army, a n d would s m n look upon, it 813 one cjf their most reepcted inetitntione.



This eystem would scatter well instructed soldiers, instcud of journey.


This should be by commutation of ratione at 81.50 per

desertere and convicts, throughout the land. I n our country which reliea 80 moch for its defenee upon an unorganized militia. this is a
point of groat importance. The Government gives good pay to its soldiers. and i t should get good citirons tomceive it. Recruiting offlccrs should not stick to the cities where they-pick up the idle, discoritentell. flouting population of the land. It is believed that this system of getting recruits would cost a much less thnn the pGesent one, and u greatly diniinislretl l o ~ would be incurred by desertions, dibeharges through political influcnce and at the request of parents, and for the trpprelienaion, triiil and p u n ishment oferiminale. Should this plan seem impracticable or too great :In innovntion to be carried into effect at once for the whole army. t r y it-say f i r e years-for the cavalry and see how it works. Slioultl i t bc Riven ii trial, let it be done in good faith. Tlie offlcers that are ordcbrcd on recruiting service will not be, as they are now. Ioc*ate~l t5r two years in cities. They --ill have to nork, to travel, ant1 t o pay strict attention to duty. The government and their regiments +hould tiold them accountable for every man they enlist. S o otfiecr shoultl be allowed to enlist men for a n y regiment but his owti. ' I hare snggeeted in oufline a new plan for getting recruits. To show its details and practical methods. I will tlchcribe itiy idea ot' getting recruits for one year for a particular reginicnt. ray thc Eighth Cavalry. Snflilcient money for the purpose is plnccd to the credit of the regimental qoartermaeter, to be expended unt1c.r the clircctiori of t h e regimental commander. Suppose two hundrctl recruits to I W required. The commandbK o a c e r of tlie regitiient detail* ii conipetent officer with a euitable clerk to go to H certriin section ot' tlie country, say to Eastern Kentucky, W-est Virginia and East Ttwnessep. The officer Rends to the locality he ir; to visit. udrci.ti~enientsatid posters, sotting forth fully what h e wants, the troops iintl 1,ost for which he wants the men, and the time of his srririil. .\s soon as the number of' men required for one post or troop. or the riunibcr that van be olitained at one point, rire'c~rilistcd. t l l r officer w n d s them a t once to their posts under cliarK:u of one of their o\yn number. H e wliould make them understand that they a r e to b no expense to the government until they have started to thcir stations, from which time all unliatnienta should i l n t e l i e should diow the mun in charge of the party by railroad mnps the route h e i m to take, and should teH him how I i i R party in to be fed along t h e


Tpe post commander should be notified on what day the recruita brill be at the post, or a t tlie nearest railroad station or steamboat landing, and if neccssary, he should provide the nieans to take them to the post. This explanation for one detachment will eufllce for all. The meti accepted should remain a t home until tbe date of their enlistment, which would be the day ou whiclr they leave home for their posts. . OfficeM selected ehould be qualified to examine recruits physially without the aid of a tloctor. Single officers diould be preferred tbr this duty. The regimental quartermaster rrlioultl from time tu time. iipoii requisitions approved by the rcginientel cwnniander, upp ply the recruiting officer with funds to pay all xiecrjssary expenses. The men cnlisted for one troop or post slioultl be h k c n as nearly possible ttoni tlie 8aiiic s w t i m of country, atid should join, it prartic*iiblr. at the sanw time. In this wtry t l r r rpgimcntal com. tnander wit1 know froiii the date of the expiration of their terms ot sc*rvice when to order recruits to replace thrin. The advantages claimed for this plan o f rtwriiiting :ire the following : First.-Diniiniwhecl cost. &cond.-.A inore orclerlj- an(l easily disciplineil clir~s of men --ill be obtained. They will be men 01' good habite, arid knowing that any ehtinicfuI act will br kno\zri n t o n w 31 tlrrir : h O l l l C R , wiII be deterred from desertion and other crimes. ciin be o1)tainetl who arc already r~illcvl Iiorsenien Third.-Mcn ~y nnd military and t'aiiiiliar with firc-urnis! ani1 tircii o ~ i orgnriixat(oit cIiscipIinc to make thcni good c.:rralry soldiers. Blcw wlro h a w never, up to the <late of' their eiilistnirnt. been on a IIOI%C'N back (and inany siicli nrc n o w enlisted for tlir caviilry). seldotn attain that firm but easy sent and that almost instirictisc c.ontml of a horse 1,y nierelj- sliifting the weight by niovtments of the I c ~ N ,etc., which enable a caralrymnn to give Iiis whole attcntioti to Iris \\-capons uod to tlic coniinnnda of' his officers. R F. BERNARD, Major Eighth C a d r y , B r M cdacl U.S. A .







CapIaIn R A . WILLIAM^. Elghth Cavalry. d d : I thlnk C o l o n e l B m S ~ auggestlon ~~'~ todo away a l t h Jef%wn h m a c k a a verygood one. I t WM my fortune 10 be rtutloned there nearly two yeam In 161)1-4(. when I WM Depot AdJutant. and k m l l l u wlth all the worklnga of that mtahllrhment. Yen were iuppmed to beakought In there and retalned for a perlod of four months with a vier o f helng thoron& lnntrncted and then sent out t o thclr reglmeuld In a condltlon to be at once p b a d on duty. Ai a fact. when a a l l for recruits wan made. they were snmetlmea f f after a slay of a few weeka; thh was when the number at the Dt'pot was nnmll. A t drdted o other clmm the men ohtalned a falr knowledge of d.smounted drlll uud the manuul o f the carbine. a11 o f wPlch could he taught them in two or three weeks at thelr post. A a for monuted drill, there were not enough sah t u he availuhle for iustruction. The unruher of homea wan limlted to about nlnety d l v l d sUmollg four cumpaules of ln~triirtlon. nod the drill obulued WM w elementary In I U character thnl the men wheu thes jolued their t r o o p . bad to commeuce oure more at the heglnnlug. Sew men were constantly coming In and It WM almost I m p m l b l e I O keep Up the quadl l U their dlfferent degreen uf ndvnncemeul. It mby bd aglied l h t dl thew t h l w have b w n changml *lnce then, but the fnct la that detachments recentlg sent out show the name lark 01 Inrlrtitbtlon that they did in l w . The Lmmck.ruum la Iusumclent a n d (be meu are oremruwded. 1 huve knowo a t t i m e mom than .*GO men to he st lbe Depot when there WIYI not p n q r r m o m fnr intire than 400. The p a t . u statlstlca ahor'.la one of the most unhealthy In the army. the lower p n n of the hulldlnga belng merely eellara In the side of a hill. The rccrult la brmruht in there and t b n u t among8 crowd of undlaclpllned men. Ile bar no umiixmentd anal 110 n w J c l a t a savr such u he may plck UP a t random from those who come fruin uo one kllows where. The pal L. Wu mllea from Yt. Louls a n d the result Is that he s e e k s soclety among the frequenten o f the gne s h o p of Cawudelet. Tbcre he mecia meo who Itidwe hlm io drink . and gamble heav1ly.and he hM llttle or 1 1 0 money. be c ~ ~ n c l u ~ to l eget s it by selling hb clothing tu t h e Illlelt dealen In such artlcleu. w h o hover aroiiud the pust rontlnoally. Tn i h o w the extent to whleh thesole of c l o t l r i n ~ was rnrrled nn j i i r t before I went there. I nolleed that when I reponed. half the sfreet.cur aud iiinnihur driven or teamsten lo the oity were pruvldod with new csva~r,jorerrurta o f the latest pattern and wore them p u ~ i c ~ g . The result of all thls la that t h k r u l t elthcr desertn or comer hack from "absent r l l b out leave." to be an inmate o f the iuanl.houre. where he mnkm the arqualnrancc of the wont charactern In the eervlce. I belleve Chit many a promblug youna m r u l t har beco ipolled at t h e Depot. They do not gct u correct understanding of the service m It I s amonx properly dincipliued tmop. and M a consequence they hemole dlvlalLsfled and worthlepl. or they desert. Itwonld be mucb better to r o d these men on1 to thelr troopsas sonn an they are enlkted. The qPgtlon of weedla# out could be better dlrpnwi of after the men )olne,l.
' I

dgnlng regiments IO panicular dlstrlcu. and recruiting for them onlr in rucb dlatrlet.. Tho w r u l t l n g party froru M regiment should be sent to a ditrerrnt part of m e country each seu. It la certainly true that the larger the town or clly where the rendervow la a u b l b h e d . under the present syitem. the less ean the recruiting omcer Bnd out about theappllcantl for enllat ment. The proposed plan could not poarlhlg do aug h a r m , and 1. for one. fully belleve that I t would he u v a s t Improvement In more than one r u m t . DlSCUSSlOS A T PORT LEAYESWORTll. KAXBAY. Brevet Lieutenaur.Colone1 \VooDncI.L Medlcal Department. ~ l : dThe subject ofColonel ruwr is one of fundamental Imporurnre and of c o r m p o n d l w Interest to tbe army, and I belleve ihls method of seeklog a la& p.rt of Ild recrultr (whlch. Indeed. I have pub. licly advocrted ). to bL* esentlullg twmct. For nimt men of proper charucter the army la perfectly acreptable. and for the few o f them who may beco~ue dlsautlsiied. the mom1 control ofhome Influence would generally be a sufflclent roatrulnt. Under our p m n t system nearly all of the men who are perfectly deslnble a t e n h U n e n t are ohtalntd accldcnL*lly: but I have great faith i o the eleratlug effecl of dlrlpllne. and am sure that mauy orlgtnallg iodlEcurrnt mea are made In thls wuy not o u l y p d w l d i e n b U I Kood cltlrenr. I would not,$lOsQ all clty rendezvous. for many worth!' men.born there or drllting thlthcr foremployment. niug be found In citlca. but the rrndrrvoui nholrld be placed In more rcspcctable lurullcles and attention be drawn to them by c o p l o ~ advertlaing. s The r r m t 01 rt' for man.alll he greater by thc new niethtxl. but the aggrq(.te number of men miulred and their total CQst w i l l be I c e In the term of I v e yea \ keep t h a e The chief vuliie. though not the c*teuslhlc. nbjecl. of depots for MruIld, b men ut1,lt.r phyalcal ohurv8lllnn for a marlcrdte period. Thls bar frequeotly h n neutrall.ed hp drafts of very newly enlisted men. u O'apuln \YILLIAW polnts oul. At h v l d s bland I have known weu neut away within u week of thelr a m i d . l'nder any cin'lDnntaucm the mlllUry lnitructlon they rerelve is w r y small compared a l t h that to be mhed &rln# the same perlod with nu organized coiuniand.and I t ls p r o h b l e that m e n stn-cially rettulted. M Colonel BnL A R D pmposcs,rould ~ c r l v harm e rather than benc6t by.een.1C'e at the prenent cavalry depot. not If men sbould not p a u through a depnt. thev should be d i t l a l l y re;.xamlned on arrival i t thelr posts. M was formerly requlrcd. but la no l o w e r allowed. There are. however, two polutsln Colonel IIixsrar>'sschewe.admlmble M It hu a whole. a h e r e l a m sure It required amendlnent. 1 belleve I t woulcl bea rrj\stnke tbat '* the men enllrced for one tmop * * should join. if the same time." unleu. Inaeed. the @quad nhould beonly twoor three. \Yithagocxlcla.sBofmen p r u ~ r l g d i s t r l b u l r d . t h e a r e n g e ~ u p p l y ~ u l r s d would nnt be NOW than t w o . or, u k l n n account of re+nllxtrnen(s.over one m a n a month In peace. This doea not Include desertions. whlvh wlll penlst under the present system. "he crippling eKwt upon a command of many enlistrueub e x p l r l n g s i m u B a n e o ~ l ywould . led e every troop commander to object toan amnRcrucnt that uriulil deplete blm of a ronslderahle f old mldlern, and pmumahiy of non-commlb.loned o(llcen. a t once. Squndsalmul@quado might beaent to the same post. but not mom than t.r, or threelnenrbould taneo~llgenlisted go to the =me troop Ingether. . The second point to s h l c h I except is the oplnion that men c a m be properly elected wlthout m e d l a l help. 1 speak from no dralre to unduly magnlfy my ofBce.but. after a very exteudetl and palnrtatlng expcriencP alth recruits at depot. I rm SUR that even the m a t eonrlentlous llne omcen when left to themselves. not o u l y arcept many men who nhould be rejected. but wmeclmesrejeet men for Imngluary blemlshe% Sor h c v e g phydclan e o m p tent t o pars up00 the qiiallflratlo~aof a rcerult. It requlm a specla1 ralning to be a .ood mlllury examlner. to mcomize tbe advmtapes and the speclal dcfevts make or muaroldler's pbyslyue. That ls not the popular doctrlue. but I thlnk I t L true: , That there <h abuudant sild excellent materlnl for the r a n b thrm(phout the country U he had by golog for It. but thut wlll never go to the cltlea to enllat, I am'r t h d e d by penoMl ohnerratlon.


CIpWn E . A. GODWIN. Elghth Cavalrv. a d d : I q r e e w l t h ('olonel BERSARD in h b Idem shout r s m l t l n g , a a e r p ~ In d the paperjult rend. f do not doubt t h a t theadoption of the method mmmmeuded by hlm would result In t h enllstment 01 a better c 1 n . w of men and n reduellon In the tobul expensea of the a w y by n . w u of a reduced number of desertions. fowerdhfor a n d bg uourt+m*rtirl. .\u;Jther. and I thiuk. the mo5t ImpJrcpnl rault would follow, vlx: t h e better rcgualntance of the people anti the nrniy. At present It annot be denled (b.t many lovk upon the enlhtment of thelr auns l o the army M almost a -race; and I helleve that it L .generally cansidered that ouch enllstmeut Is et~ulvuleut t oa k o n f d o n that the young man Is good for nothlng else-It amuunta to a lasr of standing

among hl. frleodu and u q u a i n u u c e s . I oLnuo1 doubt that more familiarl6y on the part of the people wlth m l l l t u y arvlce M It exlata In thls country lu time o f peaax would effect a martad clump In thelr Ida n d oplnlona on the suhlect : and. healden other heneflcial re.olm,would haw the e e l of-lnduclng a larger number of desirable y o u q Amerltxns to en. l W In the army. The number of young Oerniana who apply for enlistment In the urmpshow t h t they have not thesame Idem regardips mlllurrservlce that prevail among Americans. Tbelredncutlon b . s heen dlserent they have .een more of It and kuow more about It. and do not dof Ita balng derogatory to thelr chnraeteia or standing. 1 do not wbh h be understoodan lrnplylng thnt we have no good men now In the service: there are many ; hut It tr dadmble to hsre none othersand to Inmenee. by all proper means. lha number of good meo who would be wllllng to e n h t . I am not lo favor of locrllxlng the army bp permnueucly as-




mac, in tlie spring ot' 1 8 ~ 1the , Fit111 U. S . ~ a v a ~ r jcoiisisting -. of Ireadquarter*, bnnd, and troops C. E. G, H, I and 11. i n nll about 250 sabres, was attached to t h e Hestm-e Brigade, First Division. Cav-


the comnieneenient of'tbe campaign ot' tlic Army of the


alry Corps, The officers present with this command were C;ipt:iin A . K. ARNOLD, commanding; Lieutenant ~f-4sTIsus: Atljutaiit ; Lieutenslit MALEY. Qiartermaster ; Troop Comiiianders, Licutuiinnts S W E A T Y A S . URBAN, UEVLEY, WIL~~ 'ROBBISS S, and FITZIIERALD. T r o o p H. F und K were serviug an escort to General GUST; troops A ;irid*l). detached a t Point Lookout, Md., troop L, not orgaiiized. After the cavalry tight tit Todd's Tavern, Yny 7th. uiid the iiction on the 8th, which resulted in driving.buck FITZLEE'S l)ivision to Spotteylmnia Court Houuo, the cavalry corps was witliilr:iwii from the front and rendezvoused on the evening of tlic 8th tit Altlrich's. on the Orange . O d e r e having td seek the Confederate cuvalry and fight it. the corp9 started southward on the morning of the 9th. Striking the telegraph road nome distance north o f Mussuponis Church, it commenced ita memorable march to gain the rear of the Confderata army, expecting tliun to draw the enemy's cavalry away ., from LEE'S lines, and into an open country where it could be inore &ly overwhelmed. Theorder of march .was a8 follows : The First Division, General ~~GBBITT commanding, in advance ; CUITER'Y Brigade, as advance guard; DEVIN'B Brigade next, and then the Reserve Cavalry RrigWILSON coni. adel GIB= commending. The Third Divieion, Gen-1 manding, in the rear of the First, followed by the Second Divison.

were busily cnpagecl cciiisiiltiiig a map by t h e dim lidit of a candlc. .\!tvr reporting. General %lERIDAS informed (hptriiti . \ ~ s o i . n that he desired to m o r e as cnrly as pwnible in the nioriiiiik so a R to reach Ground Squirrel Rritlpr on the South Anna and tllrre enenmy for the night, and that lic tlitl not wiah to he :innoyedl 1))- the eneniy wliilc breaking ranip. He riaitl he cxpectcd a p o r t i d 'of the enemy would cross the river above and get on his flank before he waN well under way. Examining the m a p HR Davinport's-and ordered Captain and seek this ford and hold it at nll hy his order, remarking that he was going to

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the James River. and that if h t . - . ~ R S O I . I ) - \ V : ~ s uniiblc t o j ) i n liini directly he coulcl inow towerda the I V I i i t c IIoust. on t l i c P a i i i ~ ~ ~ t k e ~ -via Hanover Junction, ant! tioni tlierc join h i m : or if that s r : ~in)poeaible, to proceed t o Fortress Mouroe :it111 ciwait t'urtlit*r ortlcrs. ' Capt. ARSOLD immedintely 5%-crit to his c o i n ~ i i ; t t ~sti~lllle(i ~t, up. ant1 foiintl i t moved out upon the roriil letidiiig up t h c rivthr. blocked with troop, some moniitcd aind reiitly t o i l i o w . o t lying a b o u t trying to cntc*li a wink of ~ I c e pSO . that it W:IS rorrietirrit. Ircfi)rc he could get hia comniancl through, :is lmtli sillen of the ~*ontl \vert> thickly w-mded. Atler mereliiiig sc~cr;iII n i l r a . the c . o l u ~ i i ~ c:lrlle i to S.rr the iatersec,tion OF t l i r roucl l e w l i i i g nortliuxril. Ttrrniri,g I),?' on this road. it rdirclied :I p i n t t m r tlic i*iv-cr :I littlt' :iftsr $1111 rise. Seeing mn)e tents stuncling on the bank. tlir ~iClv:iiic.~ giiartl riia~lt. a dash at th'ehn; Tllesc tents p r o w l to bc t l w c . a r i i p ot' H tIrt:ic.Iiriient of Confedorafe mgineerw wIiicIi a:ir t Iicrc fiw tIic 1)iirposc of' rts1)airi n g the bridgo at this point, known tis Daivinport's. : l i l t 1 \\ Iiicli had been-dentmyed by K i L P . a T m x i tlic. prweding y ~ r .rI. I W t t ( I \ - : i i ~ c ~ > captured tlie camp :itid (lc.n$oyctl the tools f i ) i i r i ( l i i i i t . Thc nieli who were working on the bridge csc.:ipc"I :it111 .;ougIit s l I t ~ l t t ~ irn strip o f ' t h k k pilie timber o n t l i c tiorth sidle?frmi W I I C W t1tc.j- opericd a sharp fire upon US. h troop \vas tlisrnoi1litc.d. : i t i d :iftc.r cltwtroying the oewly laid al~cpem ucross the bridgcb, wt+s tlirc,wii o u t i t a ski,.. mishers 80 py to cowr tire approw1it.s t o i t . tltc sliirniislit~rs replyirtg to the enemy whenever he tired froni liis cover. During t h i s skirmish screral of our men were wouiidetl. Having some doubts as to t h i n being t l i t h fortr. :IS thc river ra11 deep and aluggisli between ita bunks. C:iptain ilRNor.n comriicriccd to look about for some definite int1ic:itions as t n tlic crossing. Iic found an old negro l i t i n g bclon the brid,~r o n the b:itik of t h river who informed him thit this W ~ tlw R point used nn a forti ever siiicc tllc bridge liad 'been burned, and pointed o u t a plncc ~ I tlir'otlicr I side -which bad eridcntlr been dugout and used a.r e wcigo~iroad t l o ~ n to t h e water's edge. The point of egress 011 this side \\-:IS not so w . v ~ I 11etined: However, as the n e g p wan rery powitire. rtiyiiig * : c l l i t dar w & 00 otlior ford about deae parts," tlir troop wvrc iIis1)oseO for the defenmof this ford. covering t h e roiid which le11 to i t from the d north side. They had hardl- been placccl i n position w l ~ r ~ tlic. r h a d of a column of cavalry, folloiveti hp artillcry anal a train of wagons appeured on tbe high and cleared ground i i i frcbnt of tlic bridge road. The cavalrj- cmsaed the road, nlored u p the river and clisappearecl &hind the dimber .referred to above. A n tlie artillery n i M I e its ap.

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t o oiir cumbersomc anti weigbty cavalry equipinelit ; it i.* suggestetl tlint w e !]lay work a iieede reform by urging Y U C ~vIi:iiigw ~ I R will Lriiifi relief' to t h e trooper nd his over-loaded Ilorsr. t custom permits. :inel orclcra t'wqurtitly require. as a necessary arsenill. for w:ir or ti~,ldservice i i i q l c:irtri(lpr box, - 1 t : i p : llelel t o t l i i p pouch, carbine ding :inti swivt.1. c:itrtcerl ant1 that i n addition to the wt4glit ot' t I i c trooper ,the horse muAt carry M I ~ I I I ~s:r~lillc . l)lur~kct :in11 and halter, lariat and picket pili. curi*ycoiilbiind side-lines, aii extra pnir o f tittc.11 slioes. rntions. Tlk very list oil paper is iipp:illilig: it n i u s t relict' for tile horse a i d liis riiler is urg:cbntiy

HE attention of the Association is i i i r i t c v l


to nlollllt

ct o r to cotltrol or

that all the articles eiluiiicratcll con3titatc the oper: this 11la~be exontinuc to equip their

orse and t h e outfit of tlic trooper should

llan saddle. blanket and surcinple. the ; diwcard the lariat. picket pin. present s, retaining o n l - the horst. 1irii.*Ii.i n f extra Iiorueslmes, tcl hc c:irr*it*clwitti the smallest pair ot' sadtllc-bays that

' - I .-3 6


Besides the other advantages gained by reduction d ' calibre is the poeeibility of carrying twenty-five per cent. niort. ammunition a s d t h e probability of ~ e c u r i n ga better proportioiled rind more evenly-balancod a r m for our mounted nervice. be Experience has taught u s in this country that the sabre 11iu~dispensed with in ordinary Indian warfare, a n they now urie 110 similar weapon. Yet it is a historical tact that i n l S 5 i 11 battalion of cavalry, by an impetuous sabre charge, scattcwtl to the !bur witids of heaven three times its nunibcr of Indian- drawn up i n hiittic

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Licutmanf-Cdonel Eighth Cavalry.

revolver tested i n civil as well IIY military circles, leads us 40 go somewhat into the details of t h e business. and to rcpeut ninny things whicb h a r e been said before. triid which are evident t o niodt piatol mhots. f l i r t ditficultiea to bo overc.c)nie i n shooting piwtbl correctly, are directing it properly ut tlie object tlic instant the taigger is pulled, nnd preventing the pull of the trigger. the blow of t h e hammer and recoil of the pilitol from deranging thia direction till after t h e bullet *a6 left the muzzle. A n r one with ordinary nerved can, if allowed to take deliberate aim-that i w , occupy t a o or tbree scconde in pointing tlie pistol after it ia raised-soon become a fair shot by 0 pa)-ing close attention to u few points. One great trouble to beginnera is pulling too much on the right or loft side of thc trigger, causing the bullet to deviate to the right o r left. Another is diiicliing the inrtaiit the. tliigger is pulled. that tbc lecoil throws tho Others find they hold t h e pit401 80 looncl~muzzle u p e o r e the bullet Fete out, causing an upward deviation, - while wnie allow the biceps and tricepn to rumain M) relaxed that the recoil swerves the pistol to tlie riglit or left before the bullet clears the inuzzle. An ordinary observer, by giving dose attention to these points. noting aud correcting the cleriatione peculiar to himaelt; will y o u n become a a h o t sumciently skillful to compete. with in the pistol ,matcliod frequently occurring in niore or less succ~nn. different parts of this countrJ-. This. however, in but the A B C of what is required of' a cavalryman in handling the rerolrcr. It is what the firntl position of' the feet and left hand, and the holding of the rapier in In acquiring t h e accomplishments of a master of fence. The next "yep to be attained i n this line, is called "snap shooting," which is takin the least poetible length of time to direct and fire t h e pistol cor ctly.

1' b a conibiiiation of acquirenienta in conneotikm d i t h ita use, a n d aliooting, whidi seems to be manithe growing intereet in
YKILL in handling tlic revolver tor carnlry
u r l q s e s neceseitatae









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with a n occasional round of blank ammunitioii. Tilis work siioutd continued till they hate no difflculty in ridiiig L?. t h e five targets tarfull speed arid tiring one round of bluiik aiiiiiiunitioii at c~ue11 as they go by. This distance. with targets twenty yards tipart. f courue, e i g h u yards, and noue of' the nieu diould be allow-ed to use ball cartridges till they can niake this eighty yurds uiitl put in the five blanks in eight seconds. STIiis is tlir outside liiiiit. but the time is made long in order to-take i n all t I urcktccird.9, of whicli there are unfortunately not a few alien it cr~riies o inouiitecl work. The same targets are used for practice with bu curtritlgcs. uiid u marker is placed in front of each with pasters. ciiitl so tiir i n front aa to allow the men firing to ride between him aiid tlie t n r g d . Tile rroop is then ordered to load with tire rounds o f ' ball c:irtridges. (preferably those coiihining five gruins of powder urid :i round ball ). and t o put the hanimer down on the racant clinmbrr. E:ich trooper is then made to ride along tile track at a gallop. iiiid tiire rme sliot at each target. As won as the lust target is tired :it, lie should rcturn along the- track and notice the effect o f his sliot. \ v l i t w marker calls and pastes it, and reniiri!es his pltict.. .\ s c o r ~ r is pliicecl in a convenient place to record eac.11 shot. By this time all the horses sliorilil be brokrii ~ ~ ~-1ioug11 1 1 t o take the track without attempting to swerve OW to the h i t wlieri tlie tiiv is to the right. The reason for pcisting tlie sillioiic*ttc n i i t1w friiiiir with a paper border i s to g i r e each trooper tiis error 11s iit.arly a~ possible. They slioultl be ericourugtd to incrr:iw t l i r spe(1 of' tlicir horses when going over the truck :ind the tiine Iiorac r i i : i k e ~ . taken a t intervals. This teaches tlieiii to fire w l i w tliv Iiorse is 1m)ducing his niuiimum deviating influence to tlic ri(1c.r. wliii*li is r i i i i ning a t his higheet speed. If the sillioucttc is struck. t l i v s h o t is scored a hit ; a11 others being misses. W e beliere tlie goal to lie attained in this rerolvcr 1)r:ic.tic.e for cavulry, is quick, 'accurate shooting wheii the Iiorse is :it his Iiiglicst speed. Tlie idea is to reach. tlie point wuglit n s sooii as possiltlc. and lehve nothing iii your track8 in a sliape to riw l i g i i i i i . General SHERIDAN, in speaking of u Frciicli c-av:iIry cliiirgr. iliiring the Fratico-Gerniuq war, says: .-Tho Freiic4i c*nv:ili.ycliurgwl over the Germnn nkirinidi line, ant1 nftei. the>- 1i:uI p i s s i v l . tlie s k i r mishers opened iirr on tliein." This practice a t the willouettes whould be coiitiiiiietl ctnily. with reduced charges, and after a time the nioRt proficient nien slioiilt! be put it a aeparate platoon and tlieir cartritlges loaded wit11 ten or fifteen grains of powder behind a round or conical ball 1 we beliere




1t h e

infantry we believe all. from the captain to the last private, should he a sharpshooter; .in the cavalry. all should reach the corresponding excellence with the carbine, ant1 in addition the iieceseary skill with the rerolver, to tire. mounted. t i r e allots in a less number of seconds. horse u t a r u n . and to hit ttw kiitvlitig silhouette fonr times in fire at a distance of' ten' yards. Then when troubled tinies come again. as they ~ i i r c l y will, with u regular a r m y tminetl to this etaiidurd of escclleiicr. i t will not be wid, l ~ it ~ was l during our late uiipleusirntrless. t1i:it tlic volunteers make as good soldiers as the regulars. w.P. HALL,
Captain F;fth Cardry.





unimpeded handling of the piece; and so little stress is laid upon the fancyc'eetting up"of the men, that the prescribed position permits t h e neck of the recruit to protrude fteely from the shoulders," the eyes straight to the h n t and not strikiug tlie ground. The ordinary march is at the rate of 114 steps a minute. the attack march, 120. T h e length of the etep is about tliirty-tiKo English inches. Most of the movenients are esccuted witliout i n file. cadenced step,- the men retaining the oi-diiiary step. c*orei*iiig and preserving silence. T h e double time is at tlic riitr of froni 165 to 170 pteps a minute, the length of the step Iwing aboiit fairty Eugliah inches. The double time is executed without ciideiict*.a i i i t l as rapidly us is compatible with the preserriition of order The men fall in at order arms. The iiianiiiil is worillerfiilly s i i i i plified, the o.nly cadenced tiioremerits bciiig order iirnis. prrsciit :I~IIIW. and left shoulder ainid. Haking tlie execution of tlic ni;iiiii:il audible by bringing t h e pioce Nmartly against the haiitl or 1ud.v. or bringing the butt of the rifle sliarply to the ground, is forbitlduri. The leR ahoiilder is executed from the order ; tlic ~ i i * ~ w ifroni it. t h e left shoulder ; and, conrerncly, tlic left sliouldvr froni tlic. IjrcLseut. Loading is executed from the order. the left slioultler. or titter firing. Ready is executed from tlie left slioultler. The piece is 1i;ilJit. u d l y used as a wingle loader; tlie nitrguziiie being usetl only b?.; apecial orders. Draw cartridge and unload iiiag;izine :ire t*se.cuted either f r o m t h e left shoulder or order. I n marches, including thosc to the drill ground, tlie piwe niiiy be carried at ease. on the.right.or left slioulilcr. iiiiiler the arm. or suspended by the sling from either shoultler. \\'lien niiirehiiig i n the cadenced step the command &'Rightshoulder iI n w " iiiiiy Le pirrii. I_. T h e drill-book provides for tiring sttiniling, kiirelirip. or lying down. Fix and unfix bayonets a r e uncadcnccd niorenients. The bdattack position" is very similar to the triiil w m s . i n UPTON'S tactice, except that the piece is more nearly horizontal. .The above mentioned movementn comprise the riini-total of t h e manual of arms of the.German infantry. I t will 1)c oliserretl that such position; as carry arms,' support arms, a r m s port, wciire arms, rcverse arms, a n d rest on arms, a r e entirely igiioretl. Bayonet exercise is taught in t h e g y m w s t i c training of the men, and no niention ie made of i t in the d r i l l - h o k . The oblique aimings are omitted, t h e front of t h e firing line always boing perpendicular, to the direction of the aim. As already stated, there are only three

cadenced riiorenicnts i n tlic. iiianiial : the other movenirnta being exccutecl w i t h ccalerity, but a i t l i no attention to nice uniformity of tinie. 11s practically The rc.piilatioiis tijr skirmisli drill w e so wmplc~ta t o c s l i i i i i s t t h e siilJ.jeet. -1s soon ais tlic recruit Iias iiiirtle sonie pegww in iiiii~~liing 1a):iiIiiig . i ~ i i i l niiiiing. t i n i l c:ii*iy-iii$ tlie piecc o n 1111. Ivft ~ l i o i i l d ~ his i . ~ instriictioii i i i sliirniisliing bqiiis.1 T h e siniplrr i n o r e i i i v i i t - iirc cssp1:iiiieii t o ~iiiii. ~mjiig vszeiitrii tiiiinrti woltiierr. . I I ih ~ tiicii r i ~ ~ o wto w cLsccutc* ~ ~ ~ iiiOvciiiciits i e iiiiiisclt; 1 ~n or& tIi:it liis iiiatriivtiiin niaiy I ) < * coiiiplt.tcs. 1111 tip1Boneiit is pitteil ag:lii;irt Iiiiii. He is inrtriictv(l I i o w t o iivt at closc r i n d long r a n j p , i r i ~ c lpiirticu1tirl.v. Iiow t o utilize t l i c iiivaliiailitics of t l i r ground t ( i whvlter hiiiiaelt t i i i d t o iniprovv I r i s :iiin. 'l'lic recruits arc titkt*ii ciut i n t o t l i c coiiiitry at Ie:tst t w i c e LI w w k . i i i orilthr tliiit they IIIII\- I m i c t i c r . o i i tliveraificvl grouiial. Tlie skiriiiisliers iirc priivtiveil i n siirinountiiig o1)stitvIcs. ( juiiipiri,g :ici*oss tlitclic.s. clinilJiiig walls. tbnces. ctc.,) i r i i i l i n s t a l k ing their iiplioiieiits i n tlic ticltl. In tiring lying d l n p . thc- position is csclii.iively .. pr~iiir." no I)zick Iiorition I w i i i g allmved. Careful rnil 4 ininute iiistruc.tioiis lire given i i i regard to tiring fkiiiii beliiricl trees. Iirc.wt~~-orks. etc.

Tlie coiiipiiny is iliridcd into tliree platoons; tltu plutoona are c!iv.icltvl into Iidf-platoons : und tlicst. again into suctions. Each section coiltailis froni four t o six files, LI tile conni .ting of two meri ( froiit r i r i t l rear ruiik ). Each platonii corisists o ; sistccn files a t Icirst. On a w i r fLoting the rompany riurnlw 450 men. ' Tlic platooii is ti)rniecl i n t n o ranks. Each man tour ico his neiglilwr with thc <.ll)ow.witli~iut crowding Iiini. Tlit1 chief of platoon ( a i liciitcniirit ) is t w o paces i n front of tIie centerof l i i i pIntoon. .t nonconiiiiissioned officer is on cacli flnnk of the front rank. the rcmnini n g non-i.oiiiniisnionc.(l officers being distrihuted a8 file cIomerP two pacesin rcar of the rear rank. The field musiriane arc w r e n p n c e ~ i n r e a r of the center of the rear rank. The firing is bp roller or hy file. The file firing is either slow '( iising.tlie piece as a ringle shnoter)! or rapid (with magazine). The signal to cease firing is giren with B *-biatle. *hir.h forms part , ,of the equipment of the company officers. The forward march. ohlique march, and wheeling af the platoon . . a r e siinihr t o t h e corresponding morements i n I'pms'~tactic@. Colutiin ot' tiles is formcrl hy facing, from a halt or on tlie march. I n the latter vase t h e moieinent resembles "by t h r right (or left) flank" in UPTOS.

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sections ia formed


The colurnn of foiirs is unknown in Geriii:rii tactics. Columii of by each section u-heeliii+ to the right ( o r l r f t ). At the ronimaiid * 4 By seetioiia, right tbrwurtl, iiiarcli." coluiiiii ot' section8 ia fhrnied in D iiiauner resembling. i n dl esseiiti:il t'c;itiirc.s. the formation of coliinin of' !burs by t l i r conininrid *.Riglit ti~rwai*(l, foum right, march." Line is formed from coltiiiin ot' tilrs by tiicing. or by iiioviiig ri,glit (or lett) front into line. : Liiir is formed from column ot' sectioii-. by wht.eIiiig. or 1,- mor. ing rigtit joy,~ef+) front into liiie. Another nioremcnt, whrcling into l i i i r by htbctioiis. is :iliiiost identiciil with ~ P T O S ' S i - O right ~ ~ i n t o liiie." siib*titutiii,g sections for fours. The cliaiiges froiii column of tiles t o coliiriin ot' sc*ciia)ii.;:in(l tlic rererse are siinilar to the nioreiiiciits Foriii !kiirs. riglit (4)r Ictt 'i oblique," ant1 Riglit ( o r left ) by twos." rrrpwtivvly. i i i I ' r T o s . The ctiaiige o f direc+tioni i i cotliiiiii of t i l l a s o r scc.lion.; i.; 6iiiiil:ir to t~i&h:tngr oftIircctioii of coluiiin of t w o o r tijurs i i i o u r txc.tit.3. At the siinplc. conini:ind *.I)t~ploy."the skiriiiisli l i i i c . t ~ i ilw formed froni uriy tbiwiation of tlie pliitooii. ai111i i i : i n ? tlii:cac.ticin. The men merely iiiove to t h e riglit aii(1 left ti'oiii tlic. t.c'iit1.r. i i i i t i l there is a n i n t c r r d o f i ~ i i eor two p:iecs bctwwii every t w o iiieii. To deploy o n aii oblique !'roiit,_tlie eoiiiiiiairid is. tiw iiistunctb. rection of the windniill, deploy! At t h i s C Y J I I I I I I : ~ tlie ~ ~ ~ ~ c.eiitcr wkirniistier morw i n the tlirectioil of t h e indiented o i ! , i t B ( * t . :iii(l 1 1 1 ~ others, doptoFing to tlic right i t i i t l IcR. place tlioiiselrcs o n t l i r same front with him. DcpLoynieiit (it a Ijcrlt. witlioiit gaiiiiiiig p o i i n i l to the front. ia cxrecuteil by i:rcing t c i i r l nioring to p y w r intcrv:il. The movements- tbricrrd. to th? rear. oblique. i i n l l to tlie fliink, a m similar to tho movements prescribed in I'PTOS. All flank iiiorementa in the face of the enqmy a r c to he nvoidetl. Tlic ilittic-ult>- ot' manoeuvring under effective tire is recognized, and as i n an estciiilerl line, and in t h e heat of action, the men necessarily get somc\vliut n u t of hand, group leaders a r e provided, (generally a t least oiitb to a seetion) from the non-commissioned oftleer*.* Some non-comniissioiieil adcers, about one to each platoon. a r e not used ns group leadern. hiit remain behind tbe skirmish lice to assist i n its general snperrision.

*.Rushes" weldom exceed one hundred pares. ?Eo firing is permitted while advanein& sure i n esceptionul cases. bnri'theti hy order. The most careful fire cliwipline" i s ni:rintairicd HR' long as possible. and the innst explicit ortler* :ire given tn tliv i n c i i (MI the tiring line. For exaiiipltb: <-At -tlie artillery oii tlic greeii bluff; i*:tr sight SO0 and ! N H ~meters: I < c w l y : .\ini: Fire: Lord :" or. .;At t h v skirniialiers Iyinx alowii straight i n your tiont ; rc:ir sight 500 iiieterN: Fire bv tilc ! In tirinc. the phtooiis are separ:rted by a t1istltic.t .interval. and kept well in I i a r i i i l . Two o r tlirce skillfiil cNtiiiiators' of tlisteiirew are kept i n (tie ric*iiiity nf the p h t o o i i coiiiiii:iiiihr. va)lleyw nre i i phlimitcvi tab tlic I)cgiiiiiirig ot' tlie t i g i l t . rrud to oceiisitiiis ~ ~ i vtlie toon is i i o t itselt' iiritlcr tire. The sliiriiii*liers :tsscml)le by closiiix i n on the c e i i t w skirmisher. wlio eitlicr l i d t s tyr wiitinucs the iiiarch. nri clircctcd.


Thc cnptaiii


iiiouiitwl nlieii his coiii1):rny k coinlJiiic~lKith

others. Platooiis aiid Ii:ilf platoons are nunil)(~reiI i i i t t i c cornpuny from r i g h t to l e f t . Srctioiis :IIW nuiiibcrctl iii t l i r 1)lzitboii ftoni right to ? left. The Cornpiny C'olunrtr.

The coini):iiiy h i i i g in line. et a hit, i n t w o ruiiks, flic c*omniand is. Form coniimiiy eoluinii." at wliidi coiniiiuiid tbe swond platoon Ptands fa$t; tlie tirst platooii firccri to the let?. the t h i r d to the right. und place*z s v v e i i alia1 fimrtern p e e s r:.+pqtriivcly in rear of tlie'scconti pI:ttooii.* .\II cti:inp~s ot' ibrniationifrorb line to vompuny coluinii aut1 Imc-k c y : i i i i iritn line are e s e c u t ~ di n iiricndenced step. On the nixireli. the centcr plainon



f oue mpuriu. one fint Iieiirrn&nt. *On a wsr footing. a German campanF mnslaL- o three rscond Ileutenanrs. one ,frWuuhd (slmilnr to our Brst sergeant. but posmslng intirr aachodty.) m e f i i h d c h (an'*eoaign designate" o n pmbtlonary servlce prepnrarors to promotloo.) one v*c-/dd&. foLr .ergemla. thlrteeo corporals. twenIy4our l u n e rorponih twvdrurnman. two buulers ( who are ulio flfur..i aut1 two huudrecl and one privates. This o r . ~ U Oe u I D l y admits ora group-leader for e\Fq floe privates.


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T o charge with the bayonet. the coiii1)any being at close order. the ..attack position ' ' ir taken uiitl the coninianpl rushes forward hiirrabing. Wlient~rer obliged to retirc i i i tlie preseitcw of the enemy. tlie troops are required do more i n cadenced step. L


It the coiiipany he in company column. tlic l&ding platoon dep l o p : if i n line. li ilesigiitited platoon cleployr Tpie other platoon*.
in column or line. firm tlir support. The rkirinisli line i N reinforced either by estcmiitig tlic flunks or by'iiirirrtiiig rei forwments in i n terralr of the line. S o fixed ride for tlie distanbe of tht; m p p r t troni tlw firing line i.1 gireii: 011 drill it p r t w ure i n liiiv or c ~ o l u i n i i according to

circumataiiers of ground anal action


The tiitwriiiriits ot' thv German battalion are few and simple. The battalion conhist* ot tbur cnmpanim, alwayb formed in r o m pany rolunin. The normirl fiiriii:itioii* are only tlirer in nul e r ; namely. the double column. tlie cleep column. and the hroad r o mn,a@&own in the cliagrunis. The double coliriiin is iiaed for niovernerit* bryo ti the zone offire. The deep column is u@edwlien the nature of t B p o u n d , or the circumNtancer of the battle. require a narrow fron . The broad coluniii in used in parude*, and in attle when niore I breadth than depth i H required. Being in double colnnin. to form deep d u m n . the two companiep on the designated side stand fast, and the othe companien place y. themselves in t h e i r rear. moving i n the shortest Being in donble column. to change to broad c umn. the leadiup: companies staid fast. and the rear companien pl ce tbernselve8 on their right an$ lett. or both on the right or leR. a indicated by the battalion commander. I

Being in deep cwlumu. to change to (1oiiblz colqmn. the two leading companiep stand fast: the two rear companlec move to their pnitionn on their right or left. Being in tlcrp column. t o change to broad w m p a n y s t a n & fast; the other compauier lines to their positions abreaet of it.


The regimcntal evolutions consist of simple morenients fi)rn-arti and to the reair, wlieels, and marchine b : - the flunk: on prinviplcn prtxscribcd in the instrilrtions for the conipany zind battalion. The nnI>- rcgimeirtuI inovenicn t cspcc-ially ckscriGecI is tho ctiangv of tkoiit wlieeling ; tlie cliniige of front ~ i c v c r e s c d i n g one-riglitti . o f n circle. The cwiimand is ( for instance). Roginiont. 011 first batr:iiion. ontvigiitli right. w l i c d ! If the regiment-l)c iti a siiigle Iinr ot' h t t i i l i o i i tlciublr,columns. the first Imttnlioli \vlioels td the riglit, iliarclics a tlistnncw q u r i I to tlir dcpth of tht. colulnni rind halts. Tlic. w n i : t i i i i n g Iiattulions niaive i n the sliortrst \v:iy, I A I I ~ I@act t l i e n i ~ ~ abrc:ist ~ of 1 it. ~ It' s ( 1 1 s is generally the c:iw ) the rcgiment con*i*ts ot' t x o lirics of doul)lc columns. tlie fiivt httrilion. :ifter wheeliiig. ninws forwarti :I tti..itanc.cb equal to tlic tlcpth of both coliiniiiw. : I i i ( l tlic other 1,:ittiilions trike their p l a c ~ s by t h v rhortc.sir.'nliy. The ui:iiint-r ot' deploying t h e rrginient io left ciit~rclp t o the (liscrc.tioii ot' tlte cciloiic.i. Circumstances very rarely rci tiire t l i c siliXTtt:ineous cleptoyiiicrit ot' :ill the biittalioss. I n t l i c b gcn ral C':IW of the 4 i t . p l o y ~ ~ t~ J~ f c,iiI?* + l ~ t a portiol! of the rtyiliicnt. t h battalions retained nrv lieltl i i i rclielon behind nnc or both wings; i n yare cwes. Iwliincl tliv ceiitc-r. Tlic object. i n e r c r y c:ise. is ,tIi prompt rcinf~~rcenretit of tlic tiring- %ne. conibined with the oh cct of finding sliclter for t l i c . rwt~rrcs. o n the advance. tlic ilcplo nient i s made t i n tlw Ietding Ixittulion ; o n rctreat. on the rear bact lion. Tlic re:i*scrllbl?- is gc.nernll\- escctittd o n the inarcli. ,and i the direction of' tlic ni:irc+li: otlierwisc. on tlic original line in tlie n ost pructical)le \\-ny. The riweiiil)ly formation tlcpendn o n circurlista ces, and is Ief? c.rrtirely to the colonel.

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Being in broad column, to change k d o u b l e column. two conipanies, side b y side, a r e designated to stand fast ; tlie others m o w in t h e shortest way to positions in their rear. Bding in broad column, to change to deep colunin, a dcsignatcd company stclrida fast; the others (those nearest the ilc4gn:itcd (.(mipany firstpplace themselves in ita rear. When these movemonts are executed on the march. the comiunies described above as standing fast, continuo tlw ni:irch ; tlic o t l t c w move at double time. The only other battalion overnents prescribed fire the changes of direction while moving i columu. The change of direction of the deep or the ,double colQmn is made by tho leading platoons wheeling, the ot!iers follo ng on the same ground. I n broad . column the company on t h flank towards which thc cliangc of direction i B made, wheels at o ce, m o w s forward ii! tlie new ilirection a distance equal to the depth1 of tho colnmn, and halts. Tlic other companies oblique in the desi nnted direction, and when they hare arrived at proper distance, heel and place theniselves abreast of the leading company. SO fired rules for .the tletploymqnt of tlie brittalion :ire given. The deploj-ment admits of n a n y different'coiiibiIiatioiis,according to the number of companies eployed. Circunistnnws m a y rcndcr it necoseary to deploy the wh le battalion a t cince, but gcnerrilly one or two platoona will form th first firing line: tlie oompnnics from which they are taken followin as supports, aiid t h e rcniaining companies ae reserves, until the rogress of the fight absorbs thcni ull in the firing line. X o fixed istancre from firing line to supports and from supporte to reserves a r e given, these dist:ince$ tlcpending op the nature df the ground and the urgency of reinforcing the firing line.


T h e regiment consists of hree or four battalions. The regimental commander givee only breparatory commands or orders ; the battalion commanders give corresponding commands of esecution. The battalions composing the regiment are formed each in double column. If the regiment consists of three battalions. one is formed on the interval between the ot e r two, either in their front or rear. If it contain@four battalions, t e battalions in the ~ e c o i i dline eorer those in the first. T h e normal regimental formation is i n one o r two lines of battalion double columns. The interval between tlie battaliope in the same line is twenty paces; the distaucc between the l i n e s is thirty paces.' . I



The brig:i'le consists geiierall- of two regiment-.


ckither aitlc by *icle. or one i n rear of the other. Iu I)rttt:ilionn of each regiment stand one behind o t the correspontling battaliolia of the other regiment1


14 the latter it ttie reginicnta lirrre tile same number of 1mttjlioas. tliose of rlie second rrginicnt corer those of the filwt; it' t h hiwe not the *:tnie niinibvr? the hattolions of the second corer t h r Titervals of the 1 tirst . The rrc~liitio~is of t h e brigade arc limited to the $implest moveinrntta. and arc left entirely to the discretion of t h e h+ade cnm7


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The deplo~nic.ntof the Iirigacle fiw battle b I k e d e n d l e princip~c of allotting a separate t + i to tach rcMient, +llcriet r practicable; and the formation eide by sideis,~herefoi21,.p*fe~ . .I f cir-










cumstances require the forniution of one reginielit i n rear of the other, add the deployment is. consequentlv, made with one reginitant. t h e battalions of the otlicr t:ikc the best positiotis tiw tfrployitig to t h e front. or (more f r q u e o t l y ) assemble us echelons I~rliitidoiic or both wings of the first.


The movements of the dirision and corps l)rlon.r to t h e -plic,rr 1)t grand taatics, and depend on the generalship of the' tliri-inn rincl corps conxmanders. S o attenipt in made to Iinnipt'r tltek coiiiiiiandera with fixed rules, nnd tbe drill regulation- :ire -ilt.nt on the gobject. ,


A large portion of the drill book is devoted to instructions relat.ive to the conduct and handling of troops in battle. This part of the work is of peiuliar value. The following is mercly :i synopsis of ita most salient features :I On drill the natnre of the ground should ulwiys be considered. a n d the movements regulntoil according to the termiti. But it slioiild be borne i n mind that the attainment of the object of tlic fight is even more important thn taking adrantage of iiutiirnl shelter. Whenever practicable a t rill, a supposed Iiostilt. linc sltorild be marked by flags and a few en. Proficiency i n akirniisli drill is the highest p m f of t h e eficiency of a coniniand. Battles must be begun by the troops in oxtentled order; but close formationeare. still necessary for the dieltcr and proper Iinnclling of al\riiys l be used. enpporta and reeerres. Enough skirmishers s l ~ o u l ~ N o attention should be paid to keeping precise ititrrriils on tlw skirmish line: evon.less should be had for acmrute ulignnient. preparation for :issault. or. on the Magazine &re is used in at close quarters. It is also used defensive, for the for t h e k p u l e e of a n y audclen and inimediute attack: also in' and fleeing twmiy. Grcat 6 t M is laid on economy o f ammunition, and a11 useless and inctfcctive fire is to be w o i d e d . .Practioally, the only movements of the firing line are t'orn-ard a n d to t h e rear. Small oblique movements ma? be made. S o mn-1.ment by t h e flank should be undertaken filr a n y distance. .\n ~ t h jection to rushes lie# in .the increased difficult- of grtting troops oiit of cover aa they draw near the enenir. A c.ontin:tous aclvnncc n h o i i l t l . therefore, be made whenever practicable. The troops tire while in motion only when retiring, end then only by order.

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Iitthntry must Le superior to opposing infantrylin weight of fire i n morale in order to defeat it. If infantry has nimpeded fire it lnUSt always repulse cavalry. Iufantry wliicli does ot dare: thPough lack of confidence. to receive caratry i n a deplo$ed line. when its own flunks are protected b - the fire of eclielons i n rear. will no; find s2fety in :I square. Skirmishers ~ h o u l dknow that :while r u n n i n g they are ~lefeii~eless u p j u s t cavalry. Iiitnntry epposwl to infantry iiiiist aroiti c ~ o s e toritiution: even w ~ w n tlireat+ed by cavalry. Inthiitry .ilioul(l be able tt) ccdt.unr.r. OII opeii ground aguippt hostile tlie c a v a ~ r y is aiitiecl b y superior i i i t L r i t i * yoirirtillory cavalry. u i i ~ c s s tirq. or is so tiiucIi superior i n iiuiiibcr tlitit it w i t &rick at same titile i n s.-c.rt-ral cIitf+rcnt iIircctioiis. . squ:i,rc gIioii1ii L+ tLrtivd o u ~ y w-tieti tlic itttiatitry i- yliort of t i n i ! i i i i t i i t i o t i . or ita/ )tiortile is slinken by Ii6:ivy l o s w s , nr \rlitw its rcxtrciit ov'rr open grodii~l {* mctiiiced by ctiruiry. ~ ~ c*:irti~ry i e 1nu9t LCb coiisiilc.rctl $ s 1i:iritiX daaintvl ti great adriintapc it it cain compel the iiifiiittry to lirilt or't:iki*:i torrnutiori unttirorable t i ) tlbe grratest clt.vclopirirnt ot' tire. I . . Artillcry is s u p r i o t - to iiitiintry a t long r:~iigvs. .it 1.OOO metera the equality of the two artiis brlitis to be tblt. .iti short rurigea the infantry is superior to the airtillcry. Tltc intiiiitty miint therefore take ntlr:itit:ifie of the corer :iflor(lctl by the p o lid, and clove i n upon tlic :irtillery a s quickly as possible. tiring tirst upon such teamu 115 may be visible. i i i i t l nest i i I ) o i i t l i e cannoneers. Infuntry may be etfectivr by usiii,c .- Iiiglt-ungle.' t i r i w ) ug:iiiist curtillery a t long range, but a t t I i v c s p c . i i s t - ot' I grctit c.otir:iniptio+ of uiiioiunition. Infantry slioiild J I ~ V Wlivl itself called upon to ryplaCe artillery i n cotnpeting w i t 1 1 hostile urtillvry n t long rariw. The iittrericliing tool iiiust tw frivlucntly riscvl. [ l i i i t . coliiniaudk. iiiuat caiitrol i t s use, iiisteud of lwiitg coritrollwl I)$ it. Tltc preniaturr strengtIiciiiii;l ot' the ground is ;I positirv ilisathuiitape, as it interferes w i t h t I t v free niorcnient ot' t h e troops. Tlitr grruteat use of the intrriiclting tool is on t h e d~~tbttrire.It id mainly used on t t i e ofic~ririrc i i i strctigt~ic~iiing cupturrtl positioiis, $'lie intrencltiiients slroultl coit* o f ..rifle t t ~ i i c h t * r . " which apdetlilg furnish cover tipr i ~ i ei t i e i i . :IWI, wliicli may atterwitrtls Iie deelwiit.(I nnti *trengtlietietl it' circuinataiiew require. i ' I n a11 esercirw i n tirile of pc.ace tIie offictvw iuiist I k iii t h e pomitiona that they would occupy i n actual battle. TI1 ntounteil olliceru frequently dismount at drill, i n order t h a t the men. beidg accustomed to seeing tlieni oii foot. may not be demorulizetl b? aeeiny them distiiount wlirn under lieary fire i n battle. 1







foremost iirie of infantry a ready cieploycd tire rtirely succcsst\ll. and P daiigerous acutteriirg of' the troops. n effective fire on the epproacliing enemy is the 1~ssenti:il remeiit of tIio -(iefense. Estcnsire use ot* fic.111 t.ntrcricliipeiitw d be made by troop* on the defensive : but the positioii shotild not be fully occupied uiiti the directioii of tlir eiieniy's uttack is ascwtainecl. .\ good retre;ilt can be macle only riiidcr cover of a11 unshaken reserve; hut tlie reserve inunt not I)c kept out of the tight when needed. merely in order maiy cortv t i Imssiblu retreat. In all tuorcments tlie battalion is regarded lis the unit. but large discretion is given to the captains of conipiinies. - A continuous waiting t o r w d e r s would mike proper and tinlely wtioir of tllc c0111-4 panie8 imponsiblo." The coinpuny must keep its proper plat-e in ttle batNlion, and must retain connection with thc other companies. Whole companies are uot deployed until nccenanry; for. once de-

There in no geueral rule as to the number o companies in the first Bine of the b t t a l i o n at the beginning of the ombat. Whether all faur companies a r e in the first line, or only one (divided into two or tlfree subdirisious from front to rear ), depends'on circumstances, an&?is decided by the battalion commander. S o t the least of the battdlion coinrnander's duties consists in directing. tlie supply of aminuoition froin tlic rear to tliosc parts of tlie tiring line where it is iiiost necded. l i e is generally with the reserw. The i*egiiueiit;il conini:i1ider givw n geiieral dirtctioli to tlie whole regiment. but interferes with siugle coliipinies onlf when it is uecessary to do su to prcvt.iit a miscarriage of tRc geiitr:iI plan. Tlic~cc)operation of birttrrlioiis fighting side b,?t side is Iiabitually governed by intlic:rtiliy an object in front. So attclilpt is made to keep tliern aligiicci. but tlie touch is, i n geiicral lurmn, iiidicutcd to the center. riglit, or left. The regiiiieiitiil coniniander cletrrinincs tlic ~ a ~ t of ~ t the e regimental littack. tlie uuniber of baituilioiis tor rcserye. tlic proper exbut i n the tension o f front, etc. He is gcncmlly with the r Legiiiniiig of tlie figlit 1ie'sliouItl be we11 to mike his dispositii)ns according to his o w n I tion ,of nttiirn betbre him. Only a brig:itle consisting of three rcgiineiits. o r of two regiments i r i i t l u .(jaeger" battalion,* liua the ~ ( I v u I I ~ of H ~ II ~ Qiyiaion into three parts. Wlieii tliridetl iiito two parts,; tliu bi.ig:ide comnisiitler must detail a rcservt- arconling ti) t l i c bIJ.jeCt of tile figlit, wliicli -reserve sliould iia'ver be leas tlinii ;I b:itr'ulion. Tlic brigade comninndcr should be well to the front at the Lcgibning of the fight; where he can then, when tlie brigade is well crigageil. I i r s l i o u R 1 l ~ e best control it. The t w k of subdividing tliz c.oiiitu:inil iii.cordiiig to the object i n viet*- form* tlie inost iinportaiit (IiIty of tlic brigade comni a ntlcr . The tlrill regulation$ do not nttcnipt to liiiinpe+ wmninntlera with but Ie:ive very niucii to tlici! tlircretion. 'Che Iiunl-aiid-fast rti~cs. latitude lctt to su1)ortlinate commanders is iic'vcr UII(IWCII. lio\rcver, to extenil-tm far ns to aonipromiae the snfcty of tho ccnnniaiid or t h e proper conduct o f the action. Care is always 9ka.11to preserve I order and cohesion. The concluding portion of tlie drill book is devoted to the subject ot' ceremonies, and contains pothing of real tactical intorest to foreign officern.


0 L battalion of rilles not embIn any regimental organbadon. A l l m e n in lbe Oern nre still erpalrlly m a n lufantry are now armed with rifler. of mnm. but the 1 reemltedfrom forestan, e k , and nuy. rlthout matadd error be @ % d hvpebootem








li+xnm.v D B I L L



Ereu the outward appearance ot' tlie clrill book gives a11 idty 01' itifantry tactics. A ractically the equivalent of a n equal small volume of 208 pa ctics. contains all the drill regulatioiis . dividual recruit to t o be drawn from ir tatforts to obtain ill. o r h e that o u r aimplicity. eliniinatec p drill system contains utit of mere enibroitlery." Probablr the latter infere rect one. Without irtteinpting to point out all the U I obsolete ftbatures of oiir present a p t e m , it is easy to to w i i v of t l i e i i i o r e proniiiiriit superfluities. The simplification of t h b manual ot' ariiis is O x iii) ineaiis tlic least important feature of the new drill systeni of Gcrniaiiy. \\-lien we redect upon the amount of time consumed in every company i n our wrrioe in maRtering the extended and iritricatc manual prrecribed bj- UPTON. and when we cwnsiclcr further tli:rt oiir militia weete eo inuch time in obtaining a nice esccutioii of these morements, that (in many instancetj) they have no time to spare for skirmieb drill and target practice, we cannot but regard a corresponding eimplification of oar manual a* a *i cwiiijuintiietion devoutly to be wished." Thiw simplideation would be an easy matter. Carry arms is nnnecesaar>-.for the reason that an equnlly p o t 1 basis for the manual can be found in the right shoulder or order. Support arms is useless. Witti a ride tb t 11as11 bolt iristcail of a hammer. this poeition cariuot be taken, an 1 in any case ( wuch. ti)r in aucceasive formationR the t i g h t shoultler or ortlcr would answer i n . iirnis port. svtitiiiel ill equolly well. There is no ncccssit?- f transmitting bis ortlerz c.ould do so jiiwt as wcll rit ortler arms nr parade ront. I n rhallengiog enti rcceir'inp ,the vouritcrsipn. the sentinel does so a t charge bayonet. and it is not clear that arms port is . of the eliglrtest practical r a l e under nn>- c.onwirst)lc~ Bnrrly. in advancing to an attack. either the riglit shoulder or trail in mom natural and heater. .Sevure ernis is ii iller(* relic. of t l i r days of the flint-lock iiiiiskel;. Reverse arms and rthsr o n nriiis are bits of fanry drill that nevefl wcbre ot' nny iisc. an(I s11oi1111liar^ been eliminated tram the tactic? long ago. If' Germari soldiers can march with ahuuldered arms in tlie funeral procession ot' H dead Emperor, H similar poaitiod ahould answer nil the tirneral purpowe of the eoldiem of our eniocratie nation. l'ar~tlerest could % mnbetituted .for Pest on arm*. Pmhahly no other movement* i n
3 .




are so difticult f i r tlie r w r d to learn these two pieces lugubrious tnctical nonsenee. end when lie has iastered them. hie taficiency ari a soldier has riot been increawed 011e -bit. Bayonet exercise, as taught generally in our army. ia sirnplc a laborious farce. Whether thir? exercise be retain 1 in the tactica or titught i n a sepiirate manual. a s target practice i*. nintters little. Kliile the bayonet is retained as a n infantry weapdn. the nieii should I)c inatrucrrtl in its use. and t h i s can best be dorid ( aa the Gernianw #lo) by giving t h e soldiers casques. padded irwkUts and wlialebone 1)aJonetr. anti pitting tlieni against eacli otlier iti regular fenvinp t.sercisc.. I'airagmpli 141 of Vmox's Tactics does tiot vover the case :it all. I t the exercise be of d u e it should riliraytj be *.practicable'* t i ) have t lie iiei*essaryrquipnieiits. and the exerqkh rlioultl not be uri(1ertakt.n wittiout tlieiii. The present .*ystc*iii 04 bayonet inatructioii ia about a a valuable ad w o u l d be nil Rttc-mpt td tracli'bosing by Ilaring tlie pupils practice the wrioiis parries and cointera against ,.iiiptp air. nithout even the beriefit of lucid e s p l a a t i o n a* to their t)liject*. 1 I i a w Iirar(l only two vsciines fiw our pruecnt a p t e m of Iuiyont.t ilrill : one. that it is pi,od esercise. and otlirr, that it iiitikes a very sliowy di.ill. A s to the tirrrt. it is B U cient t o cay that thr ~ i i i e aiiiourit i ) f time hstowed upon tliv ,gymriaistic. training o f ' rhe men \rould pnrbribly product' better resiilts. A s t o the second. i t 1-nnnoi I)e clenieal that nothing i n all our drill ir so Iwaiitifiil 80 a nmipaiiy air Iutttulioii w i t h oprri tiles. esecutiiig i n unison the roIta,p s s t i i l r * . parries and t h r u s t s : but if spectacular c + h t be tlie object ai!' t h r rlrill. i t \voultl be well t n place the RIHALFI-BROTHERS irr t.onimaiicl of thc. a n t i ? . ant1 s.lr1ec.t i)iir & p i n s tram r i l e cnryphice of' the Hliick ('rook. With the Geriiiniis. as with I I N . tsrKlet practice islaiiiglit i l l another iiiirnunl than the ilrill I)ook. Rllr. iiiilike ours. tlwib lines of instrucrim do not .. riiii i i i puraIIi.1 groove*." iiever nicetir)g and never conw y i n g to the iiiiiid ot' the 1)rirutc. rroldirr tlit. itlea' that they are for ime comiiion enti ai111aiiii. W i t i i the Geroiuiis. target] practice and in fan try t lri 1I are a1niorit i iiscparnbly ci)piiec.~ tvl . T l i e ~ i n p a n i e are s marched to the ranges. and when tlic firing is Bni ied they are marched hack to their barracks. I n the iniliridurl f i l i n g the men urv in heavy niurchinp order, exactly HA they would cbnie upon the t)attle-tieltl. Tlicy have n o skiiwiinli runs '' like odm. hut they h a r e II .'ahtn>tirig exercise" niucli more valuable than ai our system of drill. A s tlie gentlemen faniiliar with the exercise. I may he Itwgth BR ohaervtd by nipsrll.



I -

l l



While I was i n Berlin, 1 st July. it was m y good fortune to receive s n invitation to accomyan a battalion of the Kaiser Franz Regiment of Grenadier. Guard from the city to its sliooting g r o u i d s a t Schoeneich. The battalioq went by rail to Zosseii. (iibout 20 miles from Berlin), then disernba ked froni the train. untl niarclied to the shooting grounds, about 1' ur miles diatiint. Thc iii;ircli WIS coiiducted aa though in a lrosti e country. Hiding :rIic:i~I witli two tieldofficers, whose dutien were niinilar to those of our in>pectors of rifle practice, I cuiiie in u i g h t o a loiig l i n e t i f targets. wliicli rrpreseritetl 'artillery and iufantry. 0 the tt:irik. aud cciiiccnlcil froin tlie line by which tlie troop# were :ippr":icliirig. were targets reprcseiitiiig cavalry. The battalion wu approticliiiig. ;rppii*ently itliiiware o t tlie precise location ot' t h e ta gets. Tlie *.point" caliic within view ot the targets arid lialtetl ; tht adririicetl gu:ird, 1i:wteiiiirg u I i , tlc1l)loyed : Tlie coniand, to m y aiiiazeiiicnt, th trrtillery t n r p t s optnett - r i f t , ! nietcrs." mander of the advauced g rd gave tlio coiiiiiiunil. ...It S ~ I U \ Iiuncli and tlie sights were udjus ti; tlicn. *.Ready.aiiii. tire!" . ot little d o u d ~ of' dust a11 wed t1i:it tlie r:rnge \viis sliiirt. 111 the meantime, the infatdry tar tu opetied -/ire. Tlie u~l\-aiicetlgiiiirtf adjusted ita sights ut 900. m terr. aiiotlier volley seenictl to sliow that t h e range wus correct, uu tile-tiring beg;iu. M y niystific>rtioii at the apparent shooting bac '' on tlir part ot' tlie targets w:is clewed up by the explanation that tlicre were ccirtrii1gc.s buried i n tlie sand in front ot' the guns iriitl I I froiit' ( i t ' the infantry targets. which cartridges were exploded, b nieans of Ianyurds aut1 tiiction primers, by mer1 sheltered i n .pita.. ' io atlvaiicetl gu~irtliiioreil for\\-ard. Two other conbpanies coining froin the iiiuin bwly followed us supporte in echelon 011 euch fln ik. the tburtli forniing the rc'serve. The distance between the tiring line and suppnrts. :incl t h e latter anti the . A s tlic battnliiiri :iiIwiiced. tlie wrreaerve,w'as about 150 ya s alry t,argets came in sight on its riglit. Tlic riglit eclieloi! quickly wheeled half riglit, and opened magazirie tire, which was continued until the cavalry was prcsumcd to bo driren back. wlieii tlie company resumed its forward movement. The \)attalion approached to within 200 yards of the targets, tlie eclieloris were now on tlie extension of t h e firing line, the reserve rcintbrced the line, tlie whole battalion opened with mapa ine tire, antl tlie cliarge was niirtle, stopping short of the target8. This concluded, t h e hits on tlic targets were counted anti recorded. that of our men. for thc reason that T h e e h e t i n g was not aa good a marksman ns nn America?, and a German is not each man per year for target pract h e number of






tice is much leaa the11 t h e alloaulrce i n our aerride. But .the drill \VIIS vastlr superior to anything of t h e kind tlirit wc l!a\-e. Tlie entire tactica of attuck tiud bceii apptieti. arid i n corijuiicjicici tlierewitlr was targrt pructice ot' ttie most v a ~ u u ~ kind. ie It ir,iof course, impossible ( and it is tiardly iitkcssury to I r t l t I iiiitlesirable ) to liare on thc drill <round (ill the circuiiisttir1cc.s of' actual c o m b i t ; but in .this shootiiig esercisc tlic similitude ot' Imttlc w:i* as g&t as poasible, while our -skirriiisli runs" do not r c w i i i l i l c . a b:ittlt. ail>- iiiore than they do ii FoiirtIi-ot'-July crlebriltioti. Chir soldiehi at wkirniiali tarqet practice tire i n liglit iiiarclriiip tirder-iii thct t-iicuiul)c*redwith iiot ti i i i g but t Iwi I' urnis i r i i t l aiiiniurii t ion -:I iid e v e r t coiitlitioii seem8 to be errangcd riitlier with ti riew to obttiiiiiiig a 11' 41 tigure of merit tli;rii to uwustoniing the i i i c n to the circiiiiistlin$s ot' battle. Instead of' couibiniiig tnrget practice witti tlie I,attal,iou battle tactics, we tievote I ( pcriod to YITON m d utiotlic*r space of t i p e to BLUNT, without any attenipt so to combinc tlieni lis to muke of' them consistciit eleniciit* of' a tactical wlialc. A step i n the riglit direction 1 1 ~ 3 .h o w r e r . been takeii by tlic. iiirtitutioli of hunmier ca~iips of instruction. ut wliicli problenis i n riiiiior tactics will iiitroducc. inany of' the practical features ot'wrir. One tihatiire of t l i r Gcwnan t:ic.tica which slioultl be introcluced und eniphrisizcd i i i our own, is tlic rrtlaptutioir of' :ill drill uioveinente t o the ground o n wliicli they arc Iieltl. Such II tliiiig litia been seen i i i our sl*rriccas a con1ni:intler piying tho iiiost c.arc.fal uttention to the iiitcrrals and alignnie~it of his skiriiiishcrs. uiiqli then lialting the oIwfiinp f i i v 1v1ic-m~liin uicn could line near the base of :I n l o ] ~ .a1141 :iiiii at iiothing but tlic sky or the tiillsitlc, w t i i l c * tliurtj$crven wcreon :I crest i n rear. i n full view nnd witliout tlic sliglicb+ cprcr. I It goes without saying that rucli I i e r t u n v t w ~ drill is Iiiiril1yjtiettt.r than none zit all. It should continually be boriic. in i i i i i i t l tliu tlrc sole objoct of' drill is to ~ ~ r q ) i i r soldicw e !'or h t t l e . 1 1 1 rkirn i 3 drill, almost every morenient *IiouIiI be mude with retbrence to u line supposed to be occupied liy a hostile forw. und wit11 tlie do )Id object of wcuring shelter antl obtainirig nii etfi'ctiw fire u p the enemy. If

the intervals ure not acciirately kept, and the ia not nicely preseroed, no niutter, HO long as tIiew twq igpment pbraniount ob.1 jectn are attained. The drill ground diould be rcgjrdcd au a bloodless battlefielcl, niid then. in action. tlie battletioh/ *till seem only like a bloody drill ground. In our present tactic# tbere is no a t tempt to indicate the manner in which a n y gic-eii mq\.ement could be applied to the circumstances of' war. except in, paragraphs 359

and i45.





With the Germans. skirmish drill is regurcled as tlit. highest test of the efflcien'cg of a commend. Yet with us. no riich h i g h importance has yet been assigned to it. I t would be interesting to know, in how many cases during the paat year the dcqxwtnient inupectora' have required skirmish drills. partaking i n a n y degree of the nature of battleltactica, at tLe different posts inspected. uiid the degree of importance that they haye placeti on i t in cstiiiitrtiri,s t h r c-tfjcieiicy of the troops. ,. h striking feature of th8 German drill systriii is the ,great intlependence ot' company comhiumlers. Not only on clrill. h i t iri administration, t h e b e a t e s t latitude i s allowecl t l i r i i i . Ylic. policy ot' t h e German m a r D e p r t w n t aetwis to be t o select goo(l m e n for


nierr as far as possible. for the etHciency of

to Iiolc! them to a rigiql reApoiisilJility Iiidtkql. t h i s ia but one tba-

ie. I think. recognized and ldeplorecl by iiiost c o ~ i i ~ ) ~ r coiiiiiiaiiilem. iiy The German captain Iias much ot' the intlepeii~leiicr of a colonel : an American captain is. too often, uci~rcelyriiore tliun H 1ieutcii:iiit.

I trust t h a t , I am far fioni being a i i,Iiii#l w-orstiippr ot' ttie C+erman military system. even i n its t;ic*tic:rl t h t i i r e s : but the Gerniaii
drill syatem is certainly su erior to our o t v i i ~ iuiil there ia niiicli that we can learn from it. W ilc i i i tlir iiiatter of organization and armament we need some i iiportant cliaiigc*s. our grcatest need is a change in the rrystem of tac ical instruction. Wlietlier we copy froni t h e Germane in tactical details or not. w e sliould iipitate tlieni i n recognizing tlie fact tliat drilling is ainiply prvpuriml to jiqht. ~ o c l that everything that d w s not h a v e :I clircct h u r i r i p upon the duties of n soldier in actual war i a mere superfluity-mere eiiibroitlerywhich may be 6. magniticen ." but kliicli cc>rtninl-.. is not war." As our. amall army is a mode for tlic militia. ant1 i i i t i m e o f \\-ai*for volunteers, it ia dceirablc Bat our drill be 21s Finiple arid biiaineselike as poesibfe.. If "simp city alone promiacs siicce~s" i n an army composed o f regnlar troops, and drawing its rcinfbrc.ements frnni


t h e work-shop and

the plow.
pirat Infrtnlly.

b,,, _... ., :





at Sedan, and it numbered on the nioruing after the battle ot' Sedan
13,000, and on tlir day ot' the iiiclnsiiig o f Paris 9,000 inen fiir line of batth. W c thus eec tltut it liad lozlt 12.000 nicn by 1-ensoti of caeualtiFs of' tlie marcll. Hid tlie earalry not relieved thclii alniost entirely of' outpost and patpl duties; liatl it I i o t c ~ l ) i t . t tiirtll i to march in comfort as i n tinicd of pewe, the Guiirtl Corps llliglit p r haps have reacliccl Paris o i l tliv 19th of Scpttmbcr without i t s i l l fantry. The marcliew mnde i i i 1850 csceetled i i i l e n g t h t l i o s c ot any 1Cvious caniimigti. For es:iiiiple : thc collective iii:irelit~so f t h t b Gu:ird Corps froin tile 3cI of August, to the I!,tli of Scq)ttwil~er :iriioiiiite(l to about 5.55 miles, arid !hr tile. roops wliirli took pirt i i i t h c operutions again& Jlontini.dy iibout 58, miles. 1 1 1 thiri time tlw ('t~rpqllad but f o w days' rcst rind took par i n tlirec. great h i t t le*. 'rile work of the other corps was ul)out tliq w:iiiic. Witlioiit tlic protectinti of the carnlry veil ac1.08~ our t i w i t . me11 riiarcl~euwoultl 2t;ive been i r i i -



Our advancing iii1kiitr.v tUivisiotis always ~iusltedo u t 1111 2iiIvaIicta guard BR a prcrautioriary ineqaure, Gliieli took positiwi Iwliiritl sonit' favorable accident ot'tlie tcrraiii atid p i t nut outposts. I h t t l i r orily object of fliia mlrniice gu:ird \vna t o w r v t - 214 11 suliport t t i the cav:ilry in case it sltoultl bc driven ip, : r i d the outposts roiild litiiit tlitmselves to pjaciiig guards uiid viclettw i n ttont o f the vil1;igc.s. i n order to prercnt mirrliief on tlic. pert of the in1i;tbittiiits. :11141 t o i i i a k ~ sure that uny reports, scrit iit-liF tlic v:indrj-. iiii$it rc:ccIr tlicir destination with the leaat possil)lu tlc*l:iy, cvt'ii diiriiig tile tiiplit. AR a rule, utter the d:iy'?~ ninrdi thc infiiiitry aeiit iiito cuiitonment quarters; tlie niarclies a i d resting WTV :irrtiitgd solc*ly with regard to the wiints of' the t r o o p . and it \vas not necessq- at a n y time to . s o rltauge tlien'i n~ t o c;iuse estvu eso'tioii t o the t r o o p by -on of unforseeii action nii the part of' the ciieniy. To t i t i tliia it was neceswary that the camtry stioultl reconnoitre and c sp l o r c t l i e country 80 far to, tile front thnt any apprnaeii o n tItc p i r t or the enemy would be reported at least twenty-four hours befort. any collision could poanibly take place. If i n eseeptionnl instances t l i v advance guard was pualied far to tho front. and coilsequtmtly s o close to the cavalry, that th possibility arose that it niiplit lint Le able to aeeemble in readinc for action a i t h sufficirnr promptitcar fiom the cantmmentn iii.the iciiiity. t h t x i i speciiil iiiztrurtioris were given that the ndvance gu:ird ot' t h e tliviaioti aIioii1d 1)ivniiac. Tlic i n f a n t e of the corps ~~iroucwked only o n very rare ocriisintis. and i i i h t only upon wcuaions of'yasaiiig the troops juet prior to, aud




was follo\vcd by



drive it off, he must spend a disproportionate aniount Ijt. time in making a very tiresome m. rch of a few miles. For instance. the French Seventh Corps brokg camp early ou the morniug of August 29tb, at Boult-nux-Bois. It was constantly annoyed hy our L-luns and failed to reach its objective. La Beaanre. that dtiy : b u r toward* sundown we saw if go into aiiip at Pierrenioiit. scarerly a i s iiiilw from Boult-aux-Boix, and tl e weary infantry niuat tlien eniploy t l i c horn of the night in c w k i g and eating? and ,f'oontl little tiiiie tbr that rest which was so nece sary to strengthel: i t f h thc csertian.: of the next day. I t is not. br wondered ut it' such tirc-cl iiifhntry neglected o u t - p a t and vide t c duty and tliereliy atfi)nltd 11s oppnrtunities to surprise and al riii their biroiiaw. Tlicse alariiis wt'ri' visited upon t h e French c a m p in various ways. Ereryonr knows how damaging such alarms ro upon the inorule ot' t h c t r o o p : lionmuch material in tlie way o food. cooking uteiieilr. Ii:iggiige. r t c . . ir lost; and how much the d priratioiis. I i u r ( l n l i i p : r i d siitfwiiig arc increased by them. The reportn of tlic Frenc-li t w i o p siitlicit~titly testify to this. The niost coniylete nurpriae was tlint of' t l i c Cnr11s of FAILLY at Beaumont. The destruction nt this wliole ~rrriiyc o r p waa the reeult of it. Tlic Yreiicli ariiiy w:rs ulrt~atlywcriry 1irfi)re t h e beginning of the decirire hattle ot' Srclaii. parts ot' i t WIW (liscouraged, and the bonds of discipline much tliatiirletl. :iii(l tliir result is niaioly owing to tlir work of our,c a r d r y . US it is also clue to our ceralry that our coniinanders lint1 bucli e x w t i n t h i i ; i t inii of' the movements of. tlir eiiriny that they wdre able t o ticsrt h i i i i w i t l i certainty . Upon the other hatid the cavalry held II tlircr ilistiirhuiii.tas far from our infaintry. 111 tlir .entire march froni the RIiiiic to Paris our infantry wap not alernied 4 single tim by the cwciiiy. Rven t I w alarm signal was very rarely heard. In Itlie Giuird Corps it was heard but twice, on t h e 17th of August: add hefore daybreak oil tlir 1st of September. Upon l y t h occasions t(ie object of it was t o cmllect t h e troops for a11 advande against a n enemy who n-as atill W Y era1 miles diatant. and the order, which mmediately followed t h e alarm, gavo t h e troops time arrange andlsecure rverythiiip quietly and in order, before beginnirll3; t h e march. On all other d a p of this part of the c iipaigii the iiifaiitrj- w t i put in motion by t b c reRulay-order of th day." whivh WIC gener

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ti , w o i t r r order. as \vc were coni >e cil to cliange di1 ) rwtioii t o our riglir t t i m r c t ?11.4c.\laHOs. Tllc niovciiirnts 411' our itifantry for forty-tira ' tlrct forty-eiglit tiny*' incirvti w r i i t likr clock work. I t is not pw41) to ralculate the ccnnoiiiy c*ffvc.twl i n t I i c pliysical forcw ot' the t r 01)s by aclviNinp t l i c n i l i ~ t i ) ~ ~ l i : i ~ i t ll i t ' \vli:it t l i r ~ linrc t o do. I)? gir 1 1 stlielii a time. k i i ~ ~ w l c ~ t ot' l g ctlrv ~ csvrticiiis t.spci.r~tlof t1it.m. w l i I they can liavc their tiitvIs :inti rt*$t witliiiut (list iir1i:tnci.. atit1 i w n i c lur to, our vttrulr>- t1i:it niir lc-:itlers wcre eiitil)lctl tci tlircc-t o i i f iiiQtitry i n thir tnuattvly ni:r!iner. I t h i s occiirrcil to me t t ) claraitj- the nerrices of'oiir cnralrr d u r ing t h v I:i.:t war by :iilding a short recnpitulatioii iQ order to make a 11:i*fl rliesc f:ict* ti)r turther stnteinciits. Firnt.-Tlir c*:trtilry divisions scouted the country f h i n front of oiir iii:iiii rtrrny. Iiorcrt.d a r o u y l tlie cneniy'o army ani1 prerenteci its conini:~n~Icrs ti.oni 1c:irning a'nrtliing of our morcinantn, while it ktq)t our i)\vii conitiitindtw conatniitly inti)rmctl of the tpovcinents of the eiwtiiy. It t w i i I ~ l t 4oiir conimirnders to gir? tlru law" to the ctitmiy. :I* CI,AI.SEWITZ expresses it ; i. c . . orilv ta fight when and wlierc \ V C ~wi.lieil. Tlint \\-as half t l i r rictory Iic4brc. t l i c action be,~;III. 'I'llc vneiiiy gropcvl i n dnrkiizas while oiir dcnrnniaiiders was vlcnrly. I t i :i *t riigglv Iwtiwen two Iwrwiin onc'of whom vain see :iiit1 t l i c ot1ic-r n o t . t l i r Iiitter must suffvr tlcfent. altliougli I i c mary be the stronqer. I:LYSSEJ rolhed tlie CWLOPot' his ,power by putting





I i i * eye. ~ ~ t v ~ o n t ~ . - T I cnv:rlry ic divisions fatipucvl t l i r ,enemy's infantry w l i i l t b t1ic.y rcIicrr(1 oiir o w n of rery mucli rxcrtihn. wliic*li cnuhled i t t o riiakc niiicti grc:itcr mnrclies thnn the e n e 4 y colild. In con-



ineiitioiied. tlir



.. rrgiilnr o r d r r o t for tlic %tIi ot' Aiigua.

jiiriction with t l i v division cavalry. they performdl marly all the outpost and patrol duty. Third. . - I n n i i c battle in nliich the victory &as undecided, but the scale9 sccmetl to incline to t h e side of the energy, the cavalry, in ronnection with the Inst efforts of the infantry, ciqided the battle in o u r favor. Fotrrth.--In rarioun battles and actionn the d r r a l v shared the rictory hy n direct or indirect rigoroua pursuit ktid i n c r e a d tbe resnlts of the rictory. ! F~fth.-While the otber arms were engaged the cavalry took an actire part i n t h r ntriiegle through reconncriterfing. icovering the flanks. t-tc.. rtc. I / . of the purpnws nf the cnralry i d former times w88 -' to corer the retreat of defeated troops. Our cavdlry divisions W !




\re (lift not suffer a n y decided defeats. Iii tlic single iiiitiirtunate Lirttle (Coulmiere), however. they did all that could IN cspcctcll or demanded of them. > It cannot be denied that tho results of the operaiioils ot' our car8lry would not hare been RO great it' the enemy 1i:iIl nppliell Iiis c a r alry in a similar manner. He held it back t i s : i l:i*t rtwxrve. t o be ueed at the critical niomelit in the old triulitioii:il fiisliiori, and it c clc;irly y . - wliat great value was repeatedly defeated. This s h o w \ must bu laid upon the cavalry. ,If the enemy had employed his cavalry as we did ours, then there would have been an obstinate etrnggle between the cav Iry prior to the ninin I)attle. arid after. wards, the cavalry which h d won the victory, would hare been in condition to play the role o rs did in tho last war. I do not doubt that our cavalry would h ve come off victorious, but would they etill have had enough fo ce remaining to accotnplislt the work which they performed? I think not, but I imagine that such D misfortune would havo brought to us the conriction that we did not have too much, but too littls cavalry.'

not employed in this manner during our last \-air. bccause



of tho last w a r give us a basis npon be espected and demanded of the

cavalry i p tho future. T h e duties of the cavalry at the present time, ns has becn already remarked, are none other than they were in former campaigns. I t is always to observe the enemy, to veil their o a n forces, to take part in the final decision ot' the battle, to profit by t h e results, or in c a m of d e f a t , to cover the.tetroat. Their duties are in some measure more stable than thoa of the other arms, especially those of t h e artillery, for the chief of the cavalry, the horse, is less subject U) changes through than fire arms. The cavalry is under the necessity'of passively looking on while very gwst changes are h i n g brought about in its Rpecial sphere of aotivity, and whilo ite field of usefulncss, in connection with tho


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to 2,400, without support from their own infantry. overcamc 25.000 i n f a n t v of tlw enemy (DiTision UCJIBERT and I3ixio. aut1 Rrignde PIUTOJA). and niade more prisoners than it niinibwcd. Tlic rrsiilt of this attack was of vital assistance to tho w l i o l ~army ~ i n gaining tbe victory: I t is rcarcely to be bclicvod tli:it tlic Austri:iii* would have been able .to hold tho field of battle if this iiifiintry c o u l ~ lIiavc been brought u p to Custozza a t the decisive nimiicnt. Our attention is called anotlicr part of t h i s hattleficld where another cavalry attack was tnnde upon infantry. It was undertaken with a small force, but, in cromparison with the force engaged, the results were greater. Between 7 and 8 o'clock i n the morning a n orcrwhclming force ot the Italian army forced back t h e Brignde BENICO, n-hich formed the Austrian right, and, getting posseJsion of the position J i o s T E ~ a ~ c o ~ - ? l l o . u o . r B r a - ~ had ~~lL aE pojition , wliich tlireatcncct thc flank and rear of the Austrian line of battle rery seriousl>-. In was necessary to drive tho cnemy out of that position, nnd the Brigade WEIVAR hastenod to the assijstanco of the Brigade BESKO. nttneked the advancing enciny on thc right The Brigado PIRET flank. If tho enemy had succccded in establishing liiiiiself i n pouitioq before bcing attacked, it would scnrccly lirirc bccn powible to drive him from it. Three littoolis of Sicilinn V h n s did n o t allow the onemy the time to csta lish himself i n tlic position h c had just takon. They charged liin infantry, bivaking tlirougli the Briand fell upon tlia Brigade FORTI.I n tlic last iianictl brigade PISA gade a panic arose, and four of the firo battalions \wrc broken itp and were of no more service during the battle. To be sure, the three platmiis of cavalry wcre almost entirely dcstroyed, but what did tho loss of two o'fflceru, eighty-four men, nnd seventy ninc horses amount to in comparison Tit11 the results. Tliey c:iuacd four battalions to disappear from tqe field of battle; they created II panic i n tlie rnnke of the enemy.; they robbed the enemy of thc tiiiic required to establish liimself an the position he had won; and made it possible to recover a position, tho possession of which would hare enablod tho enemy to win the battle. This result was socured by tho cavalry in the most broken counkry in tho world; a coiintry i n which tho cavalry mas compclled to keep t o the', highway, which has many s t a p ascents and descents, and ia lined, on either side,.by vineyards, mulberry groves and stone
I ~ I J



In the b a t h of Koniggratz I saw a battalion of the enemy's A squadron of our dragoons atinfantry broken up by Y&cIIY.

tacked it and captured three o5ccro and seventy men. In the aame battle a n Austrian battalion, flushed with SUCC'CSR, b o k e forth from the north side of the Swip-\Valdo, for tho possession of wbich there had been a warering fight for hours, nuti nppeuTcd in the open . ground. I t had broken through the cntirc Priissiad line of battie, and took tlic? dircctiou of some tiinbcr lying off towards I l i i e ~ c o w c s . ii. single squadron of hussnrs, not excee~li~ig oiic Iiufidrd Incn, took it prisoner. Sisteen officers and six hundred nnd siyty-fivo m'cn (infhntry) laid dowii tlicir arm3 to otic-sixth their :number of cavnlrymcn. : i d without loss to the latter. TIic buttnliou \vae s u r prised and atttickcd bct'orc it could offer an>- rcsietiilicc. Thggrcat cav:iIry contests about Kijiii,qriitz, w j t l i which it can be taken for granted all are fanliliar, Iia-vc bccn spoken bt' by many militdry writcry us rcsuItIcsa carairy duels. But tliu !act that a carnlry duel took phce establishes tlic couscqucnt f:uVt t d u t tlie contending tbrces botli rccopnizcd tliat tlie tcrrairi \viis &litable, nnd tho timc l i d arrived for tlic p r q w r cniployinciit ol"tlio special servicca of thc cnviilry. That the cinploymciit o f tlic c:ivflIry was USCless cannot be cstablislicd. When tlic positiGn o f ' the Austrian nrmy id csatuinod, how it was posted nt 4 o'clock i n tlic alternooti ot' the it can 3d of July, tlic great b u l k of it being c.nclosed o n tl~rceisidcs, not be denied that a great catrtstrriplie, sucli a9 dcdtrd, sacmod imminent. Alrmdy a grcat portion of tlic Austrian artillc$ I d fiillcn into the hands of the e~ieiiiy, and t l i r liiic of rctrcad \vtw tbrcutcncd from botli flanks. Tlicti thc cavalry tlircw tlien1sclies upon the enemy, true to their duty. to cover tlie retreat. 4 s tlic Austrians yielded, tlie Prussian cnv:ilry mas ordcrcd to pursue. The cavalry inasses fell upon onu anotlier. It'in not to be wondckcd at, tliat the Austrians were a t first superior i n forcc to the Pivssiaiis. f'or they were acting on the defensive aud were Iicld i n rc:tdlinors, wliilo tho Prussinus liad to come up in coluinn tlirougli detilus. .But as addinrriviiig tip& tlic field of tional Prussian regiments were constant~y battlo they uoon won the upper hund. But it must Uc auknonledged that t h e Austrian cavalry ctfected its object just as %ell w tho Prusa i m . Under the protection of the prolonged cavulky oontcst, euacient time was won to enable the Austrians to reloim and reestablish their somewhat broken infantry. The broked battalions fled through Koniggratz, but the last to m o w off hpd njgninod uuch a n imposing bearing, that regimental commanders of our cavalry have told me, that, after they had driven the Austrian c a b l g behind the infantry squares beyond the Weestar, they came u2on . i n f a n t v brigdee of 80 impoeing a bearing that it would have been foolish to

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attack them. So the idea of the Prussiau cavalry, to rcap the barvegt of the victory by pursuit, was scarcely obtained. Iinagiiie the result if the Austrian cavalry had not beeu there. Tlic entire -\ustrian a r m y would have been lost between 4 and 5 o'clock: and. again: imagine the Prussians without cavalry; the attacks of the Aaatrian cavalry would p e r h a p have chauged the result of the battle, as was the cane on a later date a t Vionville. Of t h e cavalry attacks in the last iiamtvi battle I have said enough i n my carlier 1 e . To balance those successes of the c a r d r y us one o f the arnis on the battle field, w e find the followipg failures i n its eflorts a9iiii-t infantry in tho latest n-art+. I n the battle of Kbniggriitz. iiiiiiiediably aAer tho successful attack of the dragoom, I witnesw.rl H I I attack,on the opposite side: of the heights, of an c1itii.e r e g i n i h t o!' dragoons upon retreating-infantry while on t l l c niiirch. .\ftcr the regimental cornninuder Iiai/ found aii Ireroic deatli, tire r c ~ g i n i c n t ~ ~ v i t l ~ drew without having :icco+plished uriytliin~. Tlie :\ustriair ciiiraseiere, who gaiued tlie atlraptuge i n tlie opeiiiiig of' the grcnt littack at Koniggriitz, were sc*attubud by tlio rapid tire of the b r ~ c I i - i o ; ~ ~ l c r s at Langenhof. A few days before. in the liircs i n tfont of Gitricliiu. two battalions ot' ttie Grenatlicr Guards could uot I)e de1:iyetl 11 1110ment by the best nntl brqrcst attucks of the A1isitri:in squadrons. The ground was corcrud vitti the corpses of' nien a n d 1iorw.i ut' tllu cavalry, while tlie infantry, upon which it n d c the attack, dit1 uot low a wingle man. To balance thc fruitful attacks of the Priissiaii c:iralry ut \-ionville wu tinil the unsuec~sstul attacks of tbc French c:iv:ilry at Wwrtli and art Vionrillc Irr#airist our intiintry. Conccrnily the French cavalry attack a t ill'oertli. nn iirfiintry 0tfict.1. wilt) n-as on the ficld rrliitcd to me tlia it wan m:icle while o i i r intiintry w;is t i l l iug buck utter uii Itnsirccegnful attack. This iiif'aiitry w t ~ s t'ollowctl by a IitiiI a p t : Iiiillets and prbjectilrs, ant1 ewry one fcIt tIi;rt i t W~IIIII be impossible t o rwch t.lie protection of' the tinibcr Iwlow. Tirod to death. but lrlro, true to the tle:ith, the ciitire iiif:iiitr?- W:IS falling s l o ~ l y back. Sutl~.(c~~iIy tlie n ~ ~ ~ r l l e r tire o~~ ceasetl. s Ercry one stopped tlirougli :i*toii~*lln~c.rlt and Ioq,kell rouirll t o *<*e to what he owed his advation. \rhpn lie supposed lie w;is cwttiiiily clooi~~ctl to death.. They thon saw tlitit the French cuiriisxicrs l i u~ lallruricrd and maskcd their o w n intiairtry and artillery atill prcrciitetl them from continuing their tire. These cuirussiers sccmctl like saving angela to them. Every man stood quietly in liiJ place as lie wad and opened fire upon tire ouirassioru who were noon brokeu up.

Of the attack of th$ French cavalry up011tho Prussian infantry at Vionville, an cj-e witness related to me imme intely thereafter that a9 a regimental cominnnder of caralry he ha trotted forward in support of the infantry which \vas attacked, b t b u n d that hie assistance wag not necewiry; and that whilu h6- w s advancing, he had watched the struggle with closc attention a d had necn with great joy the tirmncss of their comrudeu of the infantry, and t h a t scarcely any ot' thcin were riddcn down ; but that his heart bled at the sight of the powcrlessnc** of tlrc bi-we Frenah cavalry against the firm ant1 r:ilrii infantry, wliich dit1 not even form square, but coolly delivcrc 1 i t 4 fire ti.0111 the furmation in which it then ww. The Frcncli Cuira-sicrs of tlic Guard. escellciitly mounted, clothed and led, csinc 011 with tlic greatest cour:qu. tlutcrdnation, and precision, but under t h i s well directed fire tlicse fine trcmps were shot 'down in nuiyscs. Tlie centre of the cuirassier line, which was diroctlg i i i front of tlic infentry. was entirely clcstroye.yccI. The two wings of the cuirawicrs then took divergent lines and shot past the battalion they I i : d attacked, nnd after passing the akirmish line they had to r u n tlie gauntlct o f the supporting companies. I n a few moments there was nothing left of this fine carsky Regiment but a few scnttcrctl Iiorwnicn, and there WI'I scarcely a singlo infantryman who had bccn disabled. I Tlie failure of the French cavalry which att mptod to aut ita way through our line i n tlie battle of Scdan epe ks atill lees favorably for tlic cavalry. Tlicy rode clown, inilccd, part of tho skirmish line, but did little execution, and the s k i m shelca then opened fire upon thein to the rear und the nttack was btokeln by the eupports, and tlie whole c:ir:ilry force dwtroyed. Thd Prussian iafnntry was only tlelaj-eil in it* adruiice during tlie time of the attack. GALLIFET'S cavalry sared its honor, but exercieQd little or DO effect upon the course of the battle. I n ttie same battle I lieti an opportunity to soq a u attack of Pmesian cavalry upon French infantry. The latter w p not daunted, but advanced to meet tlie Prussian c a d r y as far +e tbc etono quarries of Illy, and opcned from there a rapid fir4 thht our cavalry could not overcome. Our shells eo covered the Ffenc infantry t h a t i t 5nally had to withdraw again, but we could not v nture to open fire until friend and foe were sufficiently far for our own people. The cavalry attack, howcvdr, i fai1ed . In summing up our experiences, we may sttack6 of cavalry upon foot troop8 have occurrefi i q oar late W m ,




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and will continue to occur in t h e future even if t h e cavalry should be greatlyin t h e minority. As a rule, their efforts can only be crowned with euccesa when t h e iufantry of the enemy is surprised, or has suffered in its power of resistance through an action. accident. or ttom Borne other cause. A n at ck in front upon intact infantry will 4dom succeed. Be regards t e episodes in the battle of'Cutozza. where, at Villa F r a n c s a n d Monga ia, the cavalry was so u n u u u a l l ~ succeseful against intact infantry it ust be acknowledged, that, for some reamn or another, this infant y could not have had the full value of intact infantry. But even t en this cannot be known to the cnvalry beforehand, a n d the attack'of t h e cavalry upon intact infantry must not be totally rejected, and it is well said, that the stnte of the action may be such that the cavalry, by making a sacrifice of the \vhole force, may perform P s e r v i p for the army, as rr wliole, which w i l l more than balance the mcr fice made, as at Moilgabin t i t i 1 1 a t Vionville. We see further that, in e attncks of the cartitry. so won :IN they break forth in front of tbei own infantry and mask i t , tlicy ctop tile Bre of their own people a n give time to the enemy to recover hime l f , and that tben the attac lis not only without rwult but gircs H I I atlvantage to t h e enemy's infaiitrJ- (Woertli). They hsve grenter cliunces of euccesa if tliey pass aro nd the flanks of their on-n iiithritry in order, and tho srtill ry, may continue their tire until tlie nioment of t h e rush, and thus ontinue tho disturbance of the enemy's infantry until t h e !ast mom nt. It must alwtiys be the ctfort 01' tlie cavalry, if they enter tlie action with thc other uriiic. to locate tliemeelros upon the wings of the line of battle, i n order to strike tlie enemy upon hin flank, und tlitks pertnit the other arms to retiiain i n action as long as possible. One of our most capable generals, who, alas. was ttikeii froni us too won, Freilierr V.WECB AB, wished to make tlie diri*ioriu o f ' caralry.valuable auxiliaries in action by having them break through intervals between t l i e gdv w i n g infantry, i n order to draw upori them the fire ot' tlie eiiem , and thus render tlie advance of tlie infantry easier. I LXII not agree with my highly esteemed friend in tbis idea, a8 I fear that by socli u course our cavalry W I ~ I I I I I siiffcr i i neelexa butchery and our o\vn i n h n t r y might be ttirowvli iiito disord e r by the overthrow of the gavalry. I a m strengtliewtl in iiiy oppo_. eition by tho fact that but lidtie can be expected from an tittuck w-liich ie made with the previous e nvietion that it cannot succeed. WXCEMAB'S idea origina d from t h e observtition thnt I had also made in war, a8 well a~ at a n m u m e , that it was of f i q u e n t occur-

i i

renee that the infantry quietly looked on as spw/.tore and waited for the results, while t h e cavalry made ita atteck, ibetead of moving up at n rapid pace a.nd lending all tlie assistance;it wutd towards securing good resulti. But this habit,or better a i d , t h i a vis inertire, had better be banidied through better infantry inetruction than by aerificing t h e cavalry. 1 a m leaving the theme of thir letter, and I prefer to close it, but bay perhaps touch upon this subject a t a later date.



difficulty wliich presents itself in securing tbe cooperation of tlie cnralry with the other arliis i n bnttle will be incremed liercatter tliroirgli the exteuciitrg ot' tire etfcctive rapge of fire-arme.

within the danger zone arid under Sl1ra~mc1 fire of the present day tiintry tire about 1,300 yards, but its ctfect u p o n m u l l objects is not iniportant a t that range and tlie percentage of h i t s but small. Still it \vould bc inipossille for u deep coluinn of reserve cam-airy to reiiiain i n position at a liirlt for a length of' tintr, w e n a t that distance. The caralry mass designated to coopernte i b t l i c battle, must LIS lrct a position wliicli will give an oreraight 01' a Wid4 district of country, and must remain 2.000 ynr& t'roni tlie enemy's infantry t ) long it line of battle, and 4,000 yardn froni his tirtillery line, s considers that tlio time lias not yet conic for i t to act. The eiieniy'e infautry line w e d not necesrurriiy btt ~ ' , O O O s a r d s i n front of Ilia artillcry; a few hundred Tar& ia ail that existing c o d i t i o n s demand, sincc the inthntry rifles have been made effective at' euah great diei laid down a general rule, that t h e cavalry tances. and it c ~ t be inast be held at a distance of 4,000 yards from the 4 e m y 80 long 88 i it is inactive.


dition of the enemy.

Thick clondn of





i n sections of t h e engaged'lines, and with the thunder of t h e guns

t h e noise is such that one shot cannot be distinguished from another, and no thoroughlJ- reliable opinion can be formed ns to the state of t h e action. T h e normal nfantry formation is changed into knots and groups, a n d these g r o ps are seen through tlie *inoke to advance and retreat, and it canno be determined wlio are friends and who enemies.. Granted t h a t the cnvdry recognizes tlic proper moment to attack, yet it has two milea to ride to rencli tlic ciic.iiiy. This distance is utili further increased by tho roundabout courw tlic crir:ilr~- must take in order to pass about the flank of the line of bsttlc. niid if it does not previously know upon which wing it will be necdcd, it will -1part usually be held in rear of the centre of the liiic of b:ittlc. of this cavalry will probably h a r e to iiinrcli fkoy t h r t o tivc miles on account of tho changes in the fornxltion. direction. ctc. . etc Even if i t is accepted that thi3 morcmcnt \\*ill bc iii:rflc rit :L gallop ( 4 s yards to t h e minute), nineteeti minute3 will p:i*- Iwforc it rcwhcq the enemy; and if wo take the trot ar tlie :iverugc rate o f ripced of t h e cavalm mass, we see that it. would be ovcr l i t b i t ' i i i i hour in reaching the enemy. I n half a n hour tlic condition of tlie action may have entirely changed. The entwiy's intiintry niay 1i;rre been fatly reformed, his reserves may hare arrived. TIicrc lire Iiourq in a battle in which nothing i s changetl, ar;d there :ire tinier i i i which each minute presents a dlff'erent picture. Tlicse critic:il iiioincnts are the only occasions when the carulry caii bc sure ot' obtaining great results; theseizing of the opporturie monierit is a necessity. How ie it possiblc to soize these moiuents if a lialf h o u r i3 neccssary to reach the grou D(i14 This query i8 the result of tlieoreticnl calculation upon the '&tabula rasa." But there is no battle field which resemble3 the open field, and all theories thud grounded are of doubtful value. Still greater delays can be imagined : bud roiiil+ or obstacles may c a m a prolongntion of the cavalry column, and attcr passing tlcfilcs the command must be closed up, etc., ctc. But there are orctiards, timberland, hedges nnd villages, behind which tlic carnlry can approach a n d halt without saffering loss from the e n e m ~ ' a fire, because their presence baa not been made known. I n tlic most lcvcl terrain there are swates and de ressions in which entire divi4ons of cavalry may be concealed, d of which the enemy has no elispicion because he has consider it as a plain. I need only recall the well known swale in t h e plai -like field of Tempelhot, which has given e n many fine opportunities in manoeuvres, a n d bas brought mie-

fortuiie upon niniiy cuiiiniandcrs who were uot limiliar with the
ground. Yucli d c l ~ r ~ * i o n c'au s be wore easily use4 for a n approach to wurpriw an cueniy if Ilia atteiition is licld byltlio course ot' the rictiori 0 1 1 a ditt'erelit~partof the field. Oilcc iii a t viuion iiianeu\-rt! ayainJt ii inasked viicniy I opened ari offciisiw att *k Uguiiist a pod-

infantry 11' -i*ioii. The ea\* tion uiitl tlevcloped griiduully tlic ~vliolc alry, aniuuiiting t u ten scluadrous, arciilrtl itsclt' 1' Y U ~ L I a depresr i d YO unexpectsion aiitl trpprowtied, under cover. arid ruslicd !'or * cdly to the attack tigciiiist the cxposccI flaiik of' tile enemy'a infantry that not only t l i i * > but the. officers of' liigli ruiik iv I O Ifad becn prcsc r i t :it t l i v iiiiti:il ritlruncc o f ' t l i i k ciiv:ilry r i i i t l hri4 then galloped to t l i v liiic. ot' tlic nlarkeil ciiciiiy i u urdcr to ivitric.sri tho nction, were coiiiplc~tcly si~rpri~ :iid ~ d tlioiiglit t l i c c.rir:ili.y nilis Iiaw kprung out ut' the groiintl. C'IJOII :iii(,tlwr ucca&)ii I Iiad the r:tsk of attacking a11 encpiy which WIS i n position o n :I voniiiiaill(1ikig Iit.iglit. A s I W:IJ moving fi)rwird on tlie low grouiid I viiiiie upon suc*li :L depres3 i t ) i i \vtiic.ti coiiccbated ttic trni)ps vonip11.tcly. WIiito ttic. ndrunce yu:irtl anal tlic wtillc*ry occiipie(l tltc. :ittciition of ttic c.iieliiy in tiont, t h e niiiiii bocly ot' tlic tlivisitiii iiii)reil t o ' tlio l e f t , in this depressioii, rind re:ic.lie~lt l i c riglit f l i i i i k 01' tlic ciiocpiy \)ctorc lie WBB aware of i t . Tlw wiiiiiiall(liiig otficcv of t h c l i c i i i ~ aftc.r\v:irds said to nic tlirit lie r i m 1 his n l i o l c st:itt' liutl looketl tlitbir y e a alnioat out i i i the w e ot' ticlil gIw*cs~ rind asketl if m y t l i r i n i o n had sunk into tlir ciirtli on the open pl:iin. Tlw contlitions iirr quite different i n biittlc; i t !y much ea&r to Iiold tlic :ittention (if t l i r c.ncniy aiiiii4lst t l i c t i i t l i n g o f ' stint a n t i shell, than i t is :it iniiiiawvrt's w i t h blank firing. 1 1 1 tliu1I)iitile of Kiinig. priitz Irctoocl u p i i the tii,gli ritlgcbetu-c*criJlcc*lo~rc~lr~tt~l S~*cleli*tduring tlic artillery t!oiitc*t :igriinst t t i t b c i i c s n i y ' s n r t i l l c ~ y iiiic m p n tlie ridge bctwecn Clilirm aria1 Sctleli*t.wIiicli tlic .\ustrian Iiisqorical bri eau haN stated contained 120 grin.. Acwwtliiig t o tlic. strikiiik of our I i o t ~ the diritanvc wi.4 between 1300 nntl l:+ll0 y i r d s . The ttvo rrtill ry liiios were ccpciratctl by a tlccp open cut. o r vallcy, witlidlit o h t a lea, but with corn standing 21s high ~ I H a man's head. Our. sklrliiiN erw ndvnnced straight to the front. through tlic cor11 o i i t l i i ~ colo i pal IBattery. Tlir cIos~tIcoliinins of infantry followed. The &cnl 7'8 artitIcry wn9 RO entirely occupied with our batteries qti ies Irad not noticed our skirmishera advancing through the corn a , l di riot fire a shot upon them. T h e battrrlion ma*wi of our third .line'firrrt excited tlieir attention, aiid we were atterwartls informed: by prisonen that they were greatly Rurprised that the PruRsian infantry, t h u s in close order of masees, u if on parade, should enter, the zone of thpir


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artillery m,and that thoy were preparing to open fire upon i t when a destractive fire h m our skirmishers was opened upon them at vory short range, which shot down both gunncrs and horses and in a few minutes our enterpr sing skirmishers had possession of sistyfive guns. The othere ee aped. The position was won. If, in a country which is consider open, a strong line ot' skirmirliers can mme etraight upon the e my, the c a ~ n l r y can likewise reach the &tank of the enemy if the mail tliemselvea of the accidents of the terrain. If, however, t h y attempt, as did the French caralry on t h e afternoon at St. rivet, north of tlie road tkoni Ste Marie to St. Privat, t o lead thbir caralry forward through tlie intervals of t h e k engaged linejof battle and form by regular erolulions in front, thus inviting the /concentrated fire of tlic infantry and artilem, then they cannot accoiiiplisli anylery of a n a r m y corps u riven out of the zone of tire. The thing and will be bro

form in front of a firing li

occurred to tlie Frciich car:ilrytlirision

and Amanvillers, avail head of column t o get yards.; then followed n q lree of the halt rnatlc by the enemy's w r y exactly uiid ibunil it to be lS00 re ot'tliirty or forty ~ U I I S ,arid i i i a few

Prussian Cavalry Division lit thc defile lesson was taught to through the line of battle the caralry of Gravelotte. By a e enemy before its time, and it is tben attracts the attention of compelled to advance und r a hail of shot aud shell wbich niust deetroy it before it reaches i 8 objective. If it trots around the wing, while tho enomy is fully cripied on his front, it can choose the route and the point of a t ck that will admit of our infantry and artillery continuing their re until the moment of collision. B y this conree of action a surprise and great rebults, are far rnorc probable terrain.

when it is hot and has be-

or it may

doubtedly at tlie nionieiit when both sides hare put in their entire tbrcen i n order to tlwiilc t h o struggle. Then the infhntryman fires upon the eiicwiy's iiitiiiitry rhos so sliota u-hi.rtlc. tliac~:itrniiigly about liis rcirs; the two artilleries oppose one another niid clo not willingly yive u p a bnttery or crcn n single g u n , a l i i c l i niiglit turn the ~ c a l c in thin last effort, fbr n diferciit objective; or tlic artilli~y nitiy liuru rcceirctl a n order to matkc a Iwrucli for the inf:iptrj*, or they may. have to concentrate :ill tlicir strength against t i t l i r e n t ~ ~ e infantry d attack. In short. tlica ot1ic.r armr tinre, nt c.ritic*cil momenta, other, nearer. nuti :it tlie n i o i i i c i i t , more clcciricc objects i n view tlian the w~atcliinpof tlie iiiorcniclits of the rcscrve carnlrr i n the rear. I n ?;1ic11 t i n i c . cvtw if i r i sight. the ciivalry can i n o w a11 nearer without no Ion~cr hold itself bcyoiitl the clnii.qr zoiic of the aI:inqcr. It 11cc11 otlicr Farms of t h y enviiiy. h r Iic has s~)mctliiiigelse to do than to watrli t l i v niovsiiicilts of c:iv:ilry. slid it i N no long,.c.rin such danger : i s if i t u-crc t l i c only target tbr tlir shots of tlie enemy. Truc, it - &.. . will A t i l l be the l ~ : ~ l l - c : ~ t cot' l i ~tlic ~ r o t h w troops engng.wd on its front ani1 will not wish to rcm:iin beliiiicl tlicni. but \vould prefer to be placed i-tw ecliclon '' i i i rear of one flank. It is ii(it.rary dangerous to be placed t i s t h e ~ - 1 J : l l l c:itch" it' it docs not c'oinc up closer than 1 J O yarils to tlicv wcon(l linc o f infantry. Irolated, e t r q - shots, whicbh ' linrc Iwen aitncil too Iii,cli. w i l l s t i l l strike the cavalq-; is not possible to tiid iiiiy plnw on a battlctieitl t h t is witliout danger. So l o n g :is i t is not k n o w n tlefinitcly upon which w i n g the cav- . alry ~lioultiItc cinployc(l i t will be better to leave it i n rem of the centre. Rcsi(lc3. t h e nc:ir~-rtlie moment appmaclies it will * wing tlie c a r : i l r ~ s1:ould act. As berome more cvi~leiiti i p o i i w11i(.l1 soon as tlic geii~r:il hituation :i(lriiit* of thin detinite conclusion the camlry must be tlirectetl to tlint w i n i to tako ita potition in echelon. Too niucli caution ainnot be exercised to see that the cavalry does not get too h r tkoiii tlie tirltl of battle. It hao alwnys a strong inclination tliat'wa)-. wliich arises as much from the natural love of ercry good soltlicr lbr tlic greatest pos8iblc independencc, as it d m . from tho proper coneideration of the fact that by t a F n g plenty of room it is easier t 9 fall upon the flank of the enemy/ It muat be considered that at too great a distance from the field otders will not nrrire so quick]>-.and tluriiig the carrying of these orders the favorable moment for the attack mag have.slipped by. "'lie ideal position for the caralry ie that in which ita leader can hdld himself in the immediate ricinity of the general commanding, i n order to rew i r e h i s orders rertndly. i n person, aithoiit absenting himself too long or a t too great a distance from his squadrons.


pr '

i R to


It must not be uiiderst;bod by this that tlir coniiii:inciing general



give the cavalry commander the absolute orclrr to titt:ick, which i R to be executed inimedilttely by tliu cavalry. O n tlie coiitr:iry, lie ~88s in tlie gencrril s i t u t i o i i that the nioiiicnt is :ipj~ri):icIiiiigwhen the cavalry can take 1):ryt i n tlic :iction: with verI1:11 ill*triiction concerning his views i i n i l piirpost-s tic, i i n l t . : i . l i v s l i i s t.:i\-:iIry lt~:iilc~r, From this moment I i c niii. t Ic:ivc : i l l to Iiiiii. 'l'lit- c.:iv:iIi.y ( . o i i i i i i : i i i der 'then conducts tiis coni and, untlcr covci' i)t' I t i t - :ic.vitIciit.: o f t I i t * ground, to tlie vieinit>- o f the crr~~niy's fl:iiik : \v:it(.li(*s.: i n 1 1 pro1):iI)Iy waits some time. tiir tlic oppirtunc nicmcnt. :iii11 t lit*ii givc-s t Iic preconcerted signal tor t i i r prc~-inst+ictcitc:iv:i~ry11) ~)lx.:iktitrtti. ~ u v ~ a signal SEYDIATZ lialiitiyilly nia(lr l ~ y tlirowiiiz liir p i p i n the , air. I n the I~c-pinnirip f m y Icttrr i i i i ~ l ~ * rc.ti.rc.iic.c. r tri : i open ~ - . field, I naid t h t it \viis cli cult t o jiiilgc vorrcbvtly I ) ! ' t l i i . sitii:ttinn at the enemy and to cliocwc t l pr op-r i n s t a n t t i l t . t l i t . :itt:ic.k :it :I ili-t:iiiee of 4,000 yard& B u t thin! s :ire \-er?- iii:iti-ri:illy ~ ~ l i : i ~ i , gi w n l p i x t * tiec by the excitcmcmt in wliic I e r c r y oiie t i i i i l s l i i i i i s c l t ' i i i :rctr!:il battler After tlic n l i o l c line lias b -conic cng:ixetl i t o t t v l i i ) ( ~ * i i r tli:it s niir or two isoletetl niountcil nicii arc entirely uiiiiotiee~lIw:iu*c tlic irliole attention is directed to t h eiieiiiy's n i i i s s t ~ - , 11)i i i ? tiivii vs~ic~rieriee t o ~oriie I have had a few strikin esarnl)lc*so t t l i i s . I OII(Y* r i ~ l c infantry which I tliouglit 4 1 I)e souit' of our o w i i fiillitlg 1):ic.k I)c.tiore t h e c;~cmytowarcle tlie IC flank ot' m y urtil1c~r.v. \ V i t l i t l i c r i c w of having the coniinantlcr c vcr tlic lett (if iiiy :irtillvi*y lint. I rode towards this infantry, s t i l l keeping my atteirtioii o i l t l i t - :ii.titrii ibt'oor own batteries. , ~ d t l c n l y iy ortlc.rly c:illctl m y : r t t r i i t i o n t o tlie fact s skirniisli line. I i*ccogiiizeil i n t h e supthat wc wcre in the eneni ' porting httnlions, notwi istandiii,g thc fiict tli:tt I : t i n soinc*whnt ebort-sighted, the faces o officers wliom I 11:1(1 c.litc.rtaiiiel1 in illy quarters two p u r r before. The cnc*niy'srifleiiirn Ii:i(l paid1 116 :ittentiun to me. When I sta tcci back a t t l i r top of in>- rpceil For rny own Command I heard th balls whistle about riiy chars f i x thc tirat time. I


reaching his own sidc' ~ n t i r e l y unnoticed. 111 tlw battle of Sedan, ~ l buttery t~. made its appmirance which during tho l n i i g c : i ~ i ~ i n ~ i : ia 8:inkt.d our :irtillsiy liiic. I agreed with G c i i c m l V . PAPEthat the l v ) 4 t i o i i of the battery and tho fall riiitl I)ursting of tlic shells srcrned to int1ic:itc tlint this was a German I):ittcry, :idi n fact niunt be one of tlic h t t e r i e s of tlie S~isolior T\vcl!tIi Corps. He tlien sent his adjutitlit, V. RI-SSTADT. with two 1iuss:irs ti) url)lain to the battery its error. T1it.y roclc tliroiigli :i r:ivinc ant1 f i i i i i i c l thcnisc~lrerr i : i tlic nii(lst ot tlic Frcric.11. -1s they tiirnrtl t o ride awtiy at full speed t1ia.y \wrc n o t i c r ~ ~by l tlie t*iic.niy. w h i tired after tlit*ni. A i l thrrc c n n i c h i c k iiiilirirt. :inti but o i i c 1iors.e \viis wmiidwi. I could c.itc iii:iiiy cast's wliicli 1i:ire l~ceri related t o me i n nvliic*li sirigle ~ioiwzriieii~ i a v e t)I)wrvet~ tile enciny i n I i i s i n i i i i w I i i i t c s diviiiity W ~ ~ I I a , i i i I i : i r i i i , g Iiis n t t c i i t i o n , :in11 t h i s Iit.voines ersicr i n cxaet i ~ i t i i )wit11 t l i c - iiicrc:l..:ic-d v i o I L v i w of' the battle. A I I rritIiu.*i:istic c:iv:tIry Ic;ittrr. gittwl wit11 a j u i t k cyc RigIit, will find. i n : i l i i i o s t c w r y c:ise, soiiic opportunity to npproacli i n person rei.\- iieiir t o t l i c riii.niy. : i i d t l i c w arv:iit t l t v fiivoriiblc moiiient liw t l i c . c:iv:ilry :itt:ic*k. Trow IIC rii:tkcs this attack, and when the spv(.i:iI iiioiiiciit h:is ci)nie. the roiiini:intlii)g general must 1 t - a t~ o ~liia jutlgniciit. fi)r tlii.i.z is no rulc I)y wliicli; 1 ' . it canebe fore.



I n the wame battlo a e r a l r r detachment came very close in on

oar fiank-and rear, both t our and t&ir- own Rurprise. Tlie roinmander had ridden up to ithin about fifty paces hefore our infirntry a n d artillery openod. naw'the major of hussars and Iris horse h l l ; the horse was dead, dhe detachment waq hrokrn up nnll cntireldeetroyed. Xo' one troubled him-self about t h e fhllen major: we all had 6omething else to attend to. I Ienrned later t h n t h e w r k e c f himRelf oat from under-%%- dead Iiorsr. :inil. t i l i l l i r ! p Iiinisclf qllitz unhurt, made his way, on foot, through our troops and srieceedetl in


Tlic comniaii~linji gencr:il will do well not t o let tJic raralry leave tiis g : t q too soon. ccrt:iiiily riot l)eRirc* i t h:i* Iiccn cltfitiitcly shown or iintil it iw ratiiblished Ireupon which wi1i.g i t s l i t i i i l ~ l lie eni~)Ioy~vl~ yoiiil :I doubt tli:rt lie will not iicctl i t as :i siipport, for his centre. 1,c.t 11s cvnsidcr the resiilt of tlic cncniy lmwking with liin centre the r n i i l c l l c of oiir figlitin:: l i n c of ii1f:intry. If he mcccctls, he will piww oiir lirw wit11 broktbii org:iniz:itions nntl i n 1):rll onlcr. Sliould the caralry f i i l l siill(lc.iily upon Iiini. while lie ia raked with Rhot and 4 c l l froiii both flaiik~.,trc will ccrt:ririly bc ritltleri down and the llnttle will br r c ~ ~ t n l ~ l i s l i e Tliia d . idea occurred to our commandore :it Vionville. wlicn they rctaiiied n part of the c a v a l q bcliind t h e thin line of infantry of the Third Corps as a sort of second line, and scnt only a part of thc Fifth Caralry Division rind the tlivision cavalry fo thc great caralr)- struggle on t h e Irft wing. Because thc c:ivalry did not attack in niasses and make decisive charges in the latter part of tho war of 1870-71, many oeem to have pome to the conclusion that they could no longer do so. But in the hitter campnipno were so abnormal that it was n& possible to r i l e for the application o f the c a r a l q arm from them. often four timce as humcrous'm


I .

we, and h e carried B rifle which had a range three timrs that of ours. tis a r m y had such a n extpnded front, that our infantry lines; i f they fought never HO thin, nius he outflanked by him. Then our cavalry. which wan more nuinero s tban that of the cneniy. Iiad to I,e (letaclied far upon the flu11 * i n order to occ.ilpy the nttclitioli ot tile w i n e of the ciieniys inth itry li:ne ana1 to prcwiit i t from encltwing o u r engaged iiithiitry. Illin ciiralry (*tin only r i c s t in tIii* tci:inner collecteai ant] unin*trircteii Iiinssrs against a n e&iiiy w ~ i o s e ~ .iasti~ p . d o not have the mine value in action as iliscililiiiwl riiiti instriictetl troops hare. It the caralry must Iw eniplnyeil i n tnrtking cit.nionstrations upon the exteii$ed w-iiigs of tlic erieiiiy it cainnot be OII hand for the attack n-lieii./he decision f a l l s i n tlir cciitrtb. Soilit. v e r y fine isolated cavnIryatrltac#* occurrctl iir I S T O - ~:I sucti :IS the rsttnck of COLOXI~ at Pdiipry. :id isoltitecl regiiiirnt:il rittcicks a t (-)rle:ir-. Later, in December anti Jnnuiiry. tlie uctivity ot tlic cavalry wits greatly contracted by frost and ice. at1111liniitcvl iilriiqst t o ~ I ~ ~ i i i ~ ~ t i s t r t i tions and observation. I was so i i i the c*;itiip:ii,gii 0 1 1 tlie If;illut!. of BAPACSIE and ST. (JUENT S , i n tlie second caiiipign t)f tlic Loire? S which,ended in the battl of Le M;iiis. anal i n \ \ - I S I ~ D E H (xiiipiigii which resulted in the hntt c of Litmine. H i i t siii.11 svwons :irv csceptionnl. Because these laet campaigns arc tlict c*lc:ircst i i t tlit*niory many have permitted tlie;idc:i t o I)tcoinc tixcd i n tlirir niinds that t h e cavalry, as a general pic, can only be ni:i~Icviilu:il~li~ \\-lien uwcl aa mounted infuntry. I < Supported by these w I expcricnrcs. I h a r e conic to the coiiclusion.that t h e part of tlir nvalry in nn otfenwivr Ibiittle. notwithstiindi n g t h e extended range o the other arm*? is s t i l l . u1111er ccrt:iiii circumstancar; very clecidecl.;nrtd tti:it f u t u r e clc*fi.nsirc 1)iittles will present maFy favorabie opp+tuniticn tbr tlie :ittacks ot cavalry. The theoretical development leads U R to the result. that. i n 1111 offensire battle, the cavalry must nass over a distance ot froni three t o tbur miles, at 8 rapid gait, befqre it passes to the attuck. This distnncc ie very considerably shar w e d in the defensive. tbr tlicn tho cavalry maas can be held in readi ew for the attack very much nearer the battle field. I n most cas E t h e condition of the t r r w i n . and the general military situation o t h e field, will designate. i n adnmce. the plaee where the cavalry , ust make its attack. In choosing8 defensivd position the commander has i t i n h\e power to gain a thorough know1 ge of the ground, a n d to determine where a n attack wonld be mos likely tooccur a n d where such , n t h i n s wqdd be one of the- PO ibiliticn, ctc.. oppnsitc to the rccopniswl place the caralry is bro h t up and formcd, under cover, to await







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of it*-position frcini t h e opportune iiionieiit to Iittac*k. Tlir ~listani*r the tielcl ot ccction is r i o t si0 greHt ns in tlic otihcive: bwidce, when the altrickiii,g force atlvaiicrrc it approwlics t h i s cerailry, and when destructive. the enpapciiieiit ~ W Y J I I I C S st.riuu?r. ;inti tlir tirc I)c*co~iiur t l i c i i viiters t Ii:it coriclition i n which the w v n l r y ( ~ a e ito * be 21 target. I I C ~ C : I U ~ C t l w twviiiy IKIS o t l i c r work o n his Iiainils. \Vitii t lie lessening < I I t h c t i i i i c - rcquircil to ridt. tab the a t t a c k . t l i v scititig i)t tlie rigTit t i i l ) n i e i i t Iwcoiiics proportiottiilly ensicr. Tliv IK-SI pwition is geiier:illy a high (wniniaiiiiliiig r i i l p tirmi wliicli t l i r rittiickinp rcitlc can be w:itclieil an11 1,eliinil wliicli tlie c+a\.:iirFis Iivlii iindcr w v e r . From .u(.11 21 position it is t 4 e r to ol)st.rve I t l i d judge of tho vontlition of iiic enviiiy. tinil 11) wizv tlie inonicnt when h i s orgaiiiziitionn art 11rnki*ii. 0 t t c . r i tlirrc ;ire very tien. nionients brtswrrr tlie devision : I I ~ the bIo\v. To n i : i k ~tliir decisive it m u s t hc c..uvciited. 11s in t h e ottt*nsi\-t-. iiroiinil one nt tlie wings. rind t a l l u p o n the flank of tliv cneiiiys l i n c . in oi*~lcr n o t to niask t l i r tire of t l i r i r c ~ i aidc. i but to :1111nitof its 1wiii.g kept u p to i t s full tbstent until tlic! inorrient of i eontact. Our lmttlcs of t l i v Irist war offer ur; little cxperienceTn the employnieiit of c:rv;rlry o n t l i t . tlefennire. We had too fPw dofensive I m t t l o . I n tlios#lcr,lefi*iisive actions which occurred during the block:ilies i t t .\lctz : i t i i i 1:iris. a t Soiseviile. Hourget and Mount Falerien, tlic cctiititiu~w.*1int.s. walls and ditches of our fnrtificattinns on o u r front. t i i i ( 1 tlic. nwriiess of the fortifications of the eiiamy before un, t.sclu~1t.d tlic :ivtion of e:iniIry niasses: a n d t i t Lisuinc w e see the iccn liniitiiig tlic sctirity of the caralry. \Vc can. Iiowever. consiilei- the :itt:icks ot the Brigiitlo BREDOW nt Vionx-ilk. : l i t & Dragoonw o f the (iiiiiril :it Mars Lti Tour, as well as COLOJIH zit Ioupry, as clcfcnsire att;tckr. H u t the?- were not w o in the f1111 ~ e i i s eof the word. for the 1);ittlrs wrre.not defensive battles in wliicli the cavalry WIS p u t i n position lwforeliand, hut the momentary cowlition wan an improrisc4 clefensivr i n the wavering of the nction. But in t h e hnttlc. of Ki)ni,cgr;its a t * see a defensive caralry attack made by our cnemizs on 3 gr:ind scale. There t h e heavy niaw o f AuHtrian CATalry niailc :I siirct+diil nttack, in close order. i n q i t e of the breechloirtiitig iicc.allc gun and the rifled artillery. I t w 8 S ti1adt. quite evi<lent 0 1 1 t h i s iwc:i*ion Itow p e a t the superiority of tlia cavalry ia in tlie detbrisivr. Tlie .\nntrisnR were able to roccewfiilly attack with hear?- rnasws i i n c l the few Priissian reginient#. which arrivecl siiccepRively from 1on.g diataiirca and across defiles. were driven back by t h e >Iiovk- u n t i l t l i v nias..i of the IrusNian cavalry \+a* iiicreawd nnfficiently tm resist tliem. But t h e purpose for which t h e Anetrians


L B T T h S O S (A FALH 1-

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had niatle tlie atttic-k waa ccouipliahed; it liad ~a\-ecl their iiifniitrj A wider dintaiicr waa eata lished lietween the liiirs ot tlic ctmtend\rhicli thr~ ing arniies. which was s w pt by the r*olos8nI lilie ot ~ i r I i ~ ~ t h e Austriana had establi hetl in the ineaiitiine. and those I I tlit. ~ Austrian battalioiia tliut Ilad to fly betbre our victorious troops wen. able to WULVC ?lirniselrca behind the prottxtiiig fbrtress of Koiiiggnitz without being dieturliecl farther Iiy the Priisviaii infantry. If this attack of the Auatrian cawilry did not trniisfiirni t l i c battle into a victory, the reaRoii ia to be found in the fact that it could not be made around the wings, rncl was not asrristed by the full power of their other arms iip to the last moment, partly because the terrain would not admit of it, and partly because the fire of the other arms had already almost entirely ceased. From all that I have said in this long letter it appears tlitrt I tiin of the opinion that the c a ~ d r y can in the future take an importlint part in battles if they are 80 led 8 8 to strike around t h e flanks, and thus allow the fire of theirlown line of battle to be kept up until t l i t . moment of contact. Tho kkmand entere here. hoivewr. tliat t i l t . wvalry must be able to p a s over four niilea nt rapid gaiits befortthey make the attack. Can this be done? It niwst Iiedo~icit they will be applicable as battlo cavalry. T h e y can (10 it if they :in. sptematically trained until their wind is good. When I ptmontilly inepected the squadrons in dejail as division coniinaiider, I required them, under the weight of (full field equipnient. to trot and t o gallop at the speeci fixed in the in going throiigli their evolutiona, and tho latter gait for at lenet s i s iniiiuter Msny squadrons galloped niiniitcs continuoiisIy Then they closed witli after which t h q made an attack as and dimiouiited to sed that no






86 .

The day i R passed for iuch brilliant renults :is tlie caralrq- socured a t Rossbuc*li, Leiithe :ind Zorntlort: but it I i i w iiot passod k w equally bold cleetls. If w lcave tlie brilliailcy of t l i c rcsult o i i t o t sight, it i s difficult to ilecicle to whom to u ~ r a r dtlie c m l i t of tlw greatest gallantry, \\-tietile tlie troopcw et^ 1)y ~ b : y I ) I . i T zlit 1tos3bach, who, being full? con. cioiin ot t l i c superiority of tticir looked upon the poorly or unizctl aiid badly l e t 1 iniperi:il troop.; :IS an easy prey, or to the t r pers led by BREDOW :it Vioiiville. or by AUEESWALD at J.IllrJ La To r, where, i n orb- to care tlieir own i n fantry, these yallunt troop rs threw themselrer upon the French infantry, although it was pled with the irresistible, rapid firing Chassepot rifle. I n a n y ca 0 , we are compellctl to csterni the selfsacrifice of the cavalry of 810-11 as highly as that of the cavalry of tlic Seren Tears War. But the most zealoua aclvocute of the curalry must graiit, unconditionally, that battle action of cavalry has reached its estreine liniit when it encbunters intact, well-led, morally unbroken

retreat of the disorgauized part of the army. The more trophies and prisoners the caralry capture, the sooner will the direct pursuit come to an end, because those cause delays, and the escorting of trophies and prisoners to the rear weakens the cavalry. If the direct pursuit has corno to a stop? anti a t YO distant B point that no infantry is at hand in order to set it i n motion again, then the indirect pursuit must begin by threatciiiiig tlic fluiiks of t h e cuemys defe:ited army. in order to conipcl liiiii to contiiiur his dcrtioruliziiig rctrcut without rest niid witliout g i v i n g l i t i n ;in OiJpOI-tunity to rt+stal)lish Iiinirelf. u n t i l u new 1c:tse o f life ia #ii:rlly gireii h i m by Iiir rcceiving fresh troops. TIic.orc.tic:iIIy svc t u i i n o t possibly tor in each tlesignatc what is to be desired, or expcbc,trti i n cucli cu~9cn, instunce the conditions will be clitferent. In ] ) r l V t i C t our cnrulry h : i ~acconiplisliccl so much i n this w:iy t h t i t 1i:is even surprised
our?tclrcs. .4itcr tlic battle ot Wocrtli this 1i:is bccii missed I1-j ~n:iny. jl\lac~AIiOsS army assernbled at Clialorr~. to wliicti plicc. pirt of it wad distance being 110 niilt*s i n a11 air line. Tho taken by rail-the pursuing cacilrj- of the Third Army w t i s titilted i n tlic vicinity of the Meuse uiitil tlrc operations against tlic ariiiy of BAZAINE liatl been tleeide~l. The toucb of tlie iweniy w:i* tliur lost.

has experienced i n its tlie pivot of its ucaiicl outpost service. The experience of the Iist great wars gircs u s full kiiowll*dge of what we.,may erpedt of th caralry in this dircetion, :IS well ns wlitbt we may demand, and I can ot refrain froni iiicisting that it is very dangerous to demand more than can be expected, because one niiglit fostcir illusions that would e followed by a very bitter uriileceiriiig. So far as pursuit is conoerncd, I h a r e previously nieritioncd thrit in our last wars activity i n this field was often paralyzed by the conditions, espccinlly when whole armies capitulated and notliing was jert to pursue. I n many actions, however. ttie curnlry did tlieir whole duty in this respect, iespeciallv when i t related to pursuit during the battle, as a t Woert and Orleans. The numerous trophies and prisoners which they t ok, gave ample evidence of this. Rul& cannot be given for such duty. The cavalry, when ordered to purme, can know but little of $he situation of tlie enemy, because the long range of modern fire-arms holds the lines of battle a t a lotla distance apart, and, t h e k o r e , renders it difficult to gain an insight into the situation inside of the enemys lines; but the cavalry must override broken, fleeing troops, and capture those w h o hare lost their order and cohesion, not stopping until they are opposed bqtroops atill in good order, who form a bound rear guard to corer the


Xftcr the action of Xrteiiiiy and Orleans t i n t 1 the c:ipturc of tho last named city on the 11th ot October, the Sccond a i d Fourtli Car:dry Dirisions piirsucd tlie ciiciny for tbrty iirilcs. t o tlnr Saiuldrc and towards Blois uiicl Jlurclieiioirt when u ti.vsli forc.t. of tlic e n ~ m y - ~ infantry put an end to their further a J w i n w . There is Imt a single instcince in tliiq war i n w1iic.b our cavalry had an opportunity to reverse tlieir course of actioii :inti p i t an end of tlic battlu to the enemjH pnrsuiiig us; and t h i s was attcr tlir l o ~ g of Coulmiers. IIow they csccutecl this niissioii is well known already ( r i d e staff history pages 418-19). When one considers the operations as tlier occpirrod. a w l reflects. ot cavttiat if ttie ~ r e n c t ihad liad a t Coulniicis n (iirpmable fiirc.~ alry supcrior to that of the Pruwians rind hac1 owrthrown it, the large Freiich army would have been in position to continue itH march upon Paris, inHtcod of remaining Iialtcd for three weeks behind the Orleans wood, he will place a just raluation on the role which the cavalry played on that occasion. We wee, however, that the cavalry is now more hampered in its operatiom in pursuing an enemy, under existing conditions, than it was i n foriiicr times. A h r the battle of Leuthen the cavalry cleared dl Silesia, and also Upper Silesia, of the enemy. In late wars the cavalry pumait






is brought to a n abrupt en whenercr it is no longer assured of the advance of infantry upon hich it can rely for support. and which muat attack and break th ,enemy again if h e attempts to b o l d a new position. ARer t h e ttle of Woertli the caralry of tiisThird Army remained halted in he vicinity of the Meuse as long a s the army was held in that diet ict, and the Commauding General did not . h to eend t h e cavalry irisions alone and unsupported still f'urther into the heart of Fra e. where they would be constantly surrounded by franc-tireure, g de+mobiles, and newly organized troops, when he detcrniinetl. i n Octol)ri*. Likewise. Gcneral VON DER,TANN to hold his detached a r m y in position about Orleatis. did not Iivriiiit the cavalry to go beyond the wood o f Yarclienoir i i t i t l Hloia t o tlic west,.and Salbris on the Saiildre to the south. .I - c o i i l i (It. ni:iiii ' upon Vierzon, or even Bourges, tor the purpow ot tle?itroyiny t l i v work'shops and the linen of supply fbr the newly tbrnivcl c o i p . \vas not considered poyihle. .\a a general tliiiig w e tinil t l i v ciivcilry t l i visiotia did not *eparate themselves more than t w o or three tl:iysc' march from the body of' tlie arniy when i t \viis licilttvl. a t i d thcy never, willingly. abandoned their coiiucetion with t l i r i ~ r n i yi i i rear, Thia lian frequently heeii niailv t h e su1ijec.t ot' rrproacli to our cavalry. Even writers wlio belong t o cavalry C O I I S C ~ ~ ItIo t h i s repr6acb. I will . poatpone the iinulysis of thest. rtlproiiclies until m y next letter but will here ireniark that they slioitlil l i t . ciililrrsr;rd to our arnij- commanders4 for tlir cavalry piir;I~eil n i t t j u s t tis tbr ae these coinmatiders auttprized it to go. iiiiql each one u r i i l o u l ) t - . d l y liatl good reawoti for not winhing thtb i*:rvalry alivisiotis t o go so tkr oiit that they woul lose their cniitiwtioti w i t h tllt. ariiiy. It' t l i r carrilry diriaiotis ti t o rciiiaiti in c o r i i t i i i i i i i c t i t i i ~ t i w i t h t h e itiaiti boil? of tlic imiiy. t en from t N - 0 to t h r w diiys' iii:irvli t i i i i s t I w held RH tlie itittsiniuni 11 wtcince to which they et111l i e puslietl to tlir front' tor v u r i i m r rcasoiis. Tlic. prtwerirr or iie:ir< ;ipproacli of' tlic infantry;ezl ;I strong restraining influelice i i p n :i populatioii iiaturnlly i n synipitliy w i t I our eneiiiien. iiiid a h o . witlioiit sucli restraitit. woul~l raptiirv oitr Ic.oiti*iera and pitrols. etv. Cartilry operating entirely cilonc. i*an iii-t clispenne with tirc weapons. The gutis ot the horae artillery as \v BII HY t l i r c.irrliinvs :it-(' o t t c r i ciilletl i i i t i i play, and re-siipiilirw I# an niiitiition eirr tit~ct~ssciry. tiir without tlieni the cavalry could I w rende ed poaerlwn 1))- ii rery iiisipnitic*rrnt clc-



The iiitelligenct*

a t r a n e e cavalry shoitltl h i t i g i n cc)n-

hare made their obuervationa. This is scarcely yoaaible i t the dietame exceeds fifty miles. This belongs, however, to the other field ot' d u t y of the cavalry, the reconnoitering a n d scouting eerrice. Practice in the la& war shows us that the cavalry. when brilliantly tulfilling this duty of theirs. was very rarel? more than three days' inarch in front of the army. The most di9tant detachment was that ut' the cavalry of the Third Arniy and of the Arniy of the Meuse, when they were put in motion towartla Chlilons sfter t h r hattle of St. Prirat. Wlieti the tiioat distant patrols diacovcwd. on the 24t Ii ot' . \ u p a t . that the camp at ('liiilons hail beell a l ~ u r i d o ~ itliry ~~~l wt*rc. . i i i uti air line, between tort!-five and fitky miles froni t l i c army. Tliis distanw inust naturiilly be lessened. \+lien. by recison ot' t1w presvtict~ of the enemy. the varalry niects with obstruction* J i t i i l rwiatitncr. 1'poti the arrival ot' tlie army before Paris wv s w tlic iidv:iiic.e IlutrolN ot' the ccrralry wcrv only Iwtwrrii thirty :it111 t l i i r t f - t i w iiii1t.n in c i i l w n c e ot' the army. cover l~~i~tly The t>xtriit c b t ' oountry t h a t t h c cnvirlry can i t ~ d t = ~ ~ a t i ~ -offers ronaidernblc contraction hy LI 1)roloiigcil 1i:ilt of tlie army. tor during such 11 hait the etirniy fiiicls t i n i c - iiiiii opportiitiitic.rc for planning etiterprisen apaiii?rt inolutzd carnlry. \Ye w e . tbr inNteiiice: that when t l i c carulry hail to protect t i l ~ reiir of ttiv blockading army at Paris it was fooiid neceseary to piinli Q U I itifiriitry for ita wpport, in Soriiiiintly air; far tis the Eptv c i i i i l to the went HR far HS Drrux and Raiiii)nuillt~t. We thus w e . t1i:it :is n grtwrul tliiiip the c.avalry can o n I j lie inilqwnilrnt nlicti i n cwtitic4tinn with infiiiitry. atid on the other Iiutid. tho infantry only l'cels secure when in roniiection with cuvalry. The* rnutunl support of t l i k two iirnis is more iiecetmiry now tli:rn it w u formerly. I n opposition to all the principles tinil riilcn. w l i i d i we mar dta4loce from the Irpplication of the csralry in our last c*anipaijins it can, with apparent fairnern, IN annwered that tiiv eonditiotin were abnormal and cannot be accepted ria niodels. hecaitet. t h e eiiemy did iiot employ Iiir cai-alry in the same manner H-edid, In tlie early part of t h y war and until after the catastrophe of Sedan the Frciicli eommanders held their c+ralry in r e s e n e and @pared! it fiw use in battle.' In no single instarrce"did a French cavalry clirinibn reconnoiter at H distance in front of the army, and it muRt be cnncoc~t~d that cwnditione might. have taken quite a different foriii hail tlid French made the same use of their cavalry that the Crt.rnial\n niadtx of theire. The German cavalry would then hove found thelr wbrk rery much more difflciilt. but that would not have altered t h i correctness of t h e

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principl& If the Frencb cavalry had been employed as skillfully as was that of the Germans, the results would have been then what they will be in the future, when the cavalries of contending armies ; r e equally well employed. In the future both armies will eeud fornard their grzat cavalry

maeeee in order to push o a t their feelers, their officers' patrols. to examine the enemy'e strength and position and discover his intentione. These heavy mas s will come in collision and contend for the possession of the t e j n . Finally one of the opposing masse9 will gain the advantage, a d driving the other back upon its infantry will eecure to the comma er of their own side the s4me atrategical superiority that the Germ n cavalry did for their arm>- commanders in the last war. W h e n the operations have led up to a cieci4re battle. a t tliv opening of it the cavalry of each army will be i n rear of tlie other decision. If tliey diould they will ug;iin tirll up011 driren from the f i t 4 t l w i l l the other be in position tojiict againPt the other arnid seek to enh:ince tile victory by u The succeseful side to corer the retreat. If the latter still purauit, the weaker will bas unbroken cavalry a t Lis disposition after tlie tirst two conte?s. it munt he employed before the other arnis. and onl? after it has been overthrown will the victor be able to make a profitu1)le pursuit against the other arms. After thin direct purauit has ccased it will then be the duty of the defeated army to prevrnt a n d delay the iiidircct pursuit, nliicli the cavalry of the victor r i l l undoubtedly unilertuke. as fiir ais the dexterity ot' manmuvre will eiiable their int'erior riunibtrs to do so. Of the tibur varwn, cuvalq- dirinions art. ustvl in a t t a c h upon the other arms i n but two of them, and in those only after they have first bruditd away the enemy's cavalry. The other two cases refer to actions between cavalry troops acting iri(lcpeiidcnt1y T h e probability' presents itnelf that cavalry will generally find itself confronted by cavalry. and altliough i t may endeavor. and even succeed occsnionally in attacking the other nrniN. yet in mowt actions cavalry will be employed against cavalry. What will the critics then say about uselewn cavalry duels, private battles that cavalry h a r e fought independently. iwolated actions not connected with t h e army as a whole? As though it lay in the will of the leader to avoid such cavalry duels, and as it' they did not

result from the very nature of things. Perhaps these critice denire in order to aroid such duels, that in the next war our wralry should run from the foe, take refuge behind the infantry and abandon the entire field of observation to the enemy, thus giving to bim a t thc beginning and without a struggle the strategical supelrorirg. Were this to happen the cavalry would deserve the most setere criticism, for upon i t would rest the responsibility that our uornmandem were tinder the sad necessity of fighting with their eye0 bliadfolded.









Lectore delivered at the United Service IIImtltution of India. bv C . J. R. KAYXEST. &.. F. R. c'
V. 8, Adstnot Superbtenden6 Home Breedlog Department. Journal U n i t e d -Sxvice InatttuUoo o f Indlr.. No.73.

1. Lead the home gently out, and if possible he should Iiarc been standing in the stall eome lioum, and let hini stand for a short

time; obeerve whether he p i n t a with either fort* toot or rests ail>particalar 'leg and the attitude tie assumes when stantling. 2. Trot him steadily away from and to you. Wliilr trotting . away look for lamenem or stiffness beliiud, especially when tirst starting, observe whether he flexes his hocks well rind iqually. whether he goes cloee or straddles. whether he rolls i n h i s gait. .When turning watch the hock action, and the motion of the loins. O n coming towards you look for lameness or stitfnesn in front ; for cloee action, brushing, speedy cutting, toes in or oiit, clisliing. carriage of head, etar gazing or otherwise, or neck awry ; ?rhould the examiner t h i n l i t h a t the horse goes lame a t first. hut afterwards fail t o detect unsound action, he should tie the animal up for half an hour or eo to c I and then trot him again, as lanieness is frequently f f with exercise. and by allowing hini to e<sneecent an,,passes o stand he stiffeni on a n y pneound.limb. 3. Halt the horse and walk quietly round looking over hini, any glaring uneoundneee will'thuA be detected nnd s a w the trouble of further examination. 4. Advance quietly to the side, and facing towards the horse's head, oxam.ine with the right hand the withers and back for fistnls or eaddle gall, thence bring the hand down. along the ehoulder blade. obeerving if there be an$ waeting o f the muscles in this region ; feel the shoulder joint for edargement, heat or tenderneee. The hand now p~seea t o the knee ling for scare, capped knee, heat or en.


largenieot indicntiiig iiitlammatioo of joint, then along the ftont of tibe cannon b y e for sore shins, the fingere feeling along the c o u m ,It' the inner splint bone for splints or knee spario. on to the front Ot' the fetlock for heat, swelling, etc.. over the paatern for ring bone or inflammation uf coronarp band. to the hoof looking for eandcrack. to t h e toe for riginess. or bulging. n o d feeling both feet to detect :in?- ditftrence i n temperature. . i . ' T u r n round and with the left hand feel the point of the elbow tbr cappeql elbow. and looking at the horae's side fbr girth gall, p a e ~ t I i r hand clown t h e flexor muwles to the back of thf knee. below [lie knee tiw speetly cut. spavin, nr enlurgenieiit o ! check ligament. tlcsor trntlon*. or their slieatlia. and a k i n tliseaaei, and then to the Ii*tltjrk; w h i l e doing t h i s look down thr imide at' t t' off fore for .~ieed$ cut, brushing and santlcrn'ck i n t h e i n n e r qlrartqr ot' the hoof: :II t l i r tbtloek tkel tbr w i i i t l yalln. swinioiditis. aprsin or inflammation nkiu diseiisr (rat tail ) ; it' tliought w+rm lid tlie oppoatj)int, a ~ i d .itv !btIock tbr comparison: exanline t l i r t)tlithr trtlock : litt the foot : ~ i i d t!brrrvr t h e heel for c.rackeil Iit.t*ls. grcuar. horse pox : lateral txrtil,agr t i w &le hone ; *tilt, ti)r iiiitlue coiicarity:ronrexity or flat~it-ss : H i i d noriw if r h t . I)rirs iirv cut away. or tlit. wale. pitred, and it' t ~ i e kog ~ir i n gcnni w)ntlition nii(i tiiert. tie iio btfejwirr odor of ttiru8h: oliservv tlio cicscription ot' shoe if thick tir ttriii, if the heels ;irv thick. it' it is a bar slioe. tip, high Iieelcd or oliiinary. if any niiil or nails art' I d t nut. it' worn or t u r i i r t l up lit the taw, it' ahod to prtmwt 1)riisliing. it' herln t ) t * e l m * and toot -art' ,wide or wired in :iiid coiitrnctt*cl. if rlw aiiiinal has tklsr quartvr. , ti. G i n * 11iv t'oot to t l i r nttrridiriit to Iiolil nntl pa#. to the near I i i i i i l . tiacing rmvarcls t h c Iitwl. iioticc. tlit. loins and flank t o BW it' rliert. Ijr R I I wiwtiiig ~ ot' niiinclrs. pas* the riglit hand over t h e stifle jliint n n d itlong rtw tront ot' t t i v tibia r a l t l i v bock: taxnrninta for Iiont. spcrvin rcnti 110g spavin; coniparr ImtIi ~ i o c b swith tile right liiiiid, at1111 noticc riny litbat or tcndernesu: look i ' the anirnal he n utnllioii. rig or gtsltling, awl t*xuniiiic t h e ncr turn!. prepuce. or inrirnmw ( it' nirirv) f i r warta. mrlaiioeiN, hernia, propay. mammitiN. VIP., tlieri look aloirg tlie insidc ot' the nff liigli fo* f a y - buds, scam along rht, lpipliritics. or enlarpemwts from I\-ndpIirr~)gitis. Io the Iiollow or' hocks f'et.1 t'or skin disease (sallender$; ?low the hock in the forelimb. being enrefill lint to confound 6nlrr gements from .liccl ropes with ringhone. 7. Turn round and with thc left hand feel the t ndon actiillen i i i i ~ lthe p)int of the hock for capped hock, and i n frn t of tlie point I d the hock f i r thnrniigli pin. back nnrl M o w the hoe fnr rnrh. be-





I. I


Stand back and look from the point of



- 4 w which ne in fore leg.

hock downwards for curb,' paw behind and compare the hips? quarten, and' buttocks, and %el the tail for melanosis, note the carriage of the tail to see if there be any injury; observe the anus and ita ehape, in a mare the va 'na for melanosis, etc. 8. Order the attend nt to drop the near .fore leg. Go to tlie otf fore and proceed 8s withi the near fore and hind. 9. Stand in front ofithe horse; compare thr cj-e*, as to whether one is smaller than the other, the dides of tlischcst. slioulders: knees. fetlocks and hoofs; stand on each- side and look diagoitally at tlic hocks to detect spavin. 10. P u t up the jugular rein on the near side, look fbr fiircy buds on the neck and the sides of the fgce, aud for scabies, fed the submaxillary lymphatic gland for enlargement, rxaniinc tiic iiicnibranes of the nostrile for glander ulcer, healthiness or otherwise of' color. and polypi, also for nasal discharge or otfensirc odor. Esaniiiie thr mouth, the teeth for age, irregular growth, parrot mouth, the toii,zut* for torn tongue, the sid s of the mouth for bit bruise, or otfcnsivv odor, the m e r teeth r irregularities, poll for pol1 evil. c y c for triangnlsr*lid indicative of opthalniiu, torn eye lid. warts, weeping. etc. Then placing the nimal in a proper light, with n b1:ic.k ~liatlc (or hat) look diiigonally and straiglit into tlie eye, noting opacity or white epecks in the cornp, into pupillary opening for torii corpora .nigra, lenticular or cal$ulur cataract, glaiiconia. parasite. or scar ftom operations for parbsite, and amaurosis; note the color of t h e membrane of the eye-lid; Proceedto the off side and repc:it tlie inspection. Be careful to examine both side8 of tlie mouth for ngc. 11. P u t a man up, and observe if tlie horse gives i n tlic loins when being mounted, and if he crouches wlicn starting: if so b:ick and turn him to test for weak loinn. Then gallop till fairlj- blown. if plough or a n ascent be available nll the bettcr ; linlt h i m mddenly and put your ear close to his nostrils, nnd listen t? respiration for roaring, whistling or broken mind, etc., and observe if hurried respirations subeide quickly to normal or not.


The Ruwi:iri Staff publication of 168-1 still p r e r n s in tlist country. The nietliotls prtwribcd therein appear to givb disfaction and tt-c hart. n o infnrnwtion tliiit iiny cliangc is intcwlecl :it present. We tinil that the Riissiiin pructicc is to c*ondiic$ a11 ~~rclirginary iiistruction i n tlie iise of small :irnis :iceording t o diiiiibir principles. ~ i i curiosity r i* at onec nttr:irted to the revolver. !throe patterns of \rliicli :ire iiswl i n their :iriny! :in11 of \rliicli nere+l hundred linvr 1)ecii furi~isllc~l Iiy an Aiiierican tirni. ' For instruction i n tlie use of' tlie revolv-ei. tlie regillation requires :I i.nri*fiil knowlrtlgt~ of t l i v iiicc1i:inisni n n t 1 care of' t i l e nenpon and tnost cl:il)oriitch pointing :id aiiiiing drills. Every motion i n practiecii i n clcst:iil nil(1 i t is only :ittc.r a c1ozc.n ditferynt csiwisrn that rcc.ruit is ti11:itlysiippowd t o be ;il)lca to IW~forpi the act of rapi t l l y ainiirip niitl tiring - w i t h II s i i i i p . " This iilru of rapid firing is, i t t tlic Riisshn niind?six shots i n something less t l i ~ n thirty seconds, :III(I t l i c so1iIit.r iiiv:ii*i;ib1j*closes t h e let? r y e :iJi(l Iidk* along the s i ~ l l t witli s t h v riglit. Thiis t l i v Iliissiiiii t h i n k s tlicit *.PIPUI) shootiug" i . t:ikiiig :iboiit t i v c ~ C > ~ Y I I ~ C tI o S . II ringlc. stint. In rcirlity the "#nap .lmt * ' t;ikw n o niorc :iini. :is wc know. t1i:in the thrower of boom, T : I I I ~ .IXISC h l l s . stones. or any otlicr missiles. and h e a\-erages
r t ~ t h

I I I I I ~ ~tll:in ,

oiic s l i o t to t11v


of tinic.

Tl~c tinniiiil :illowaiice o f airiiniiinition is t~~rnty-fiinr roundn, of \vllieIi eig1itec.n arc. c s ~ i ~ ~ i i d c in cl clirniountctl priictice at twciity-five : i m l ti)rty 1):ict.s; o f tlie ciglitcc-ti. trvelvc arc tired without limit as to tinic, and sis i n t l i i r t j - sceoiiils. Tlic rcniainiiig sis roilrids of amriiiiiiitioii arc tirctl t o tlic riglit froiit nncl to tlic riglit r a w ; four Shot6 : t i :i walk, :iii(l t w o :it I g:ilLop. The aim tliroiighout. of course, is to tii:ike n mc:igc.r nllotv:iiice of aiiiniiiiiition go 11s far a% possible, but i t would sceni to 11s tlint they u-nste even II large portion of that .mnt supply. i n disniountwi tlcliberiitc firing. Two shots a t two 4list:incp will wrtain1.v not give tho recruit the practice neceseery 1 1 1 slipport thc recoil of Ilia ac.apon. while firing rapidly with hi@ !inwe a , t spcecl. Out of 5-16 pages o f firing riyulationa, these ten pages, given to t!ic revolrcr. cannot impress u s that we hare much to learn from r h t nation of t h e world which. next tn ournelrm, ha8 placed the
::'.lateat store o n the rcrolrer.

" We nre Indebted lor tmnnlntlong of Important pub of tbl) work to F i m t m t TI~ADDECB \Vim. Company I. Slxth Infantry.




W e iuay very tliaiikfhly t i t r i i t'roiii t h i s ti)rt.igii i i i i t i i u i t l t t ) our own new edition of Rmull arnis firing regulutioiis. \ V l i ~ ~ t t wn1;i.t. v be eaid of this book i t must be eoncrdetl t l i i t t t l i r points o t ' i i i o s i vital interest to tho cavrlryman Iiave been tiilly yit*ltletl to hiin. Let ue now make 6oinething out of our cttvrtlry c*oiiipetitiori~. S.


Pmm"Armlngol Uuunenaod Drirem: by Nujtrr 1.:ut:s the Royal Artlllery Iobttutlon. Yng. 186%


H. .I.. io tbc Proctmliogs of

I ani atroogly of opiiiioii thut licitti t h e g u i i n ~ uiicl ~ clrivt-r slioiil~l be armed with a revolver. h i t r i o t OIIC cit1it.r 14t l i v rtyulatiam ptrttern or of the bull'rr-eyr, liiiig-ratiige s l i i H ) t i i i ~ ..\ inericiiii tylw. t r i i l l I will briefly rrtate the reaionn tim tliir opinioii. ... x Whnt you want a rc.\iolvrr I O ilo on s e r v i c t . is t o g i v c i t iiiiin'ayststii such a aliock. t l i q v e r y i i i s t i t n t 1 1 1 ~ . 1ia11 ctrikt..; I i i i i i . tliyt hic uemee are at oiice prrftvtly ptraljztd. i t n d Iiv i- uii;iIdt* t o coiiiplvtcany movotnent lie niay Iiuve alrratly e o n i i i i t - i i v w l . 'l'lierc i* very little wtiafactioii in putting Iiullrts i n t o II iiiuii wliicli a i v w r t i t i i i t o kill him, if you chantitit oucctwl i i i stopping h i s qw:iring o r wittirig you down. I remenil)ei* an inrtuiice w1iir.h. tlioupli i i i p t t o t l i c Itoilit

aa regarde being on tlir.ilet'e~i4v.c..will illiistriitv w l i : i t ii w r v i w 'revolver caiinot do. 111 Wi!) I rmw Captitiii 11.. ot' t l i t . H t - i i p l Caivdry, empty fire barrel* into t l w Iiitek of a Gli;izi i wlit) w;ts riiiiiiiiip *'amuck" through the cirml"). ut less than tive yriid..: r;ingc without , atopping him. A Yartini-Ht.iiry Iiullet pierwct Iiiiii 21s w t ~ l li.t r i d yrr he kept on till brought up by a n infantry bayorirt. J t.sniniiird thc. man myself sfterwardv and f o i i i i t l tlic marks of all six I)ullcts i i i hib o d s . I coneider that a der i w revolver should throw a litvivy 1 ~ 1 ot' 1 about .6-inch or .Sb-incli iameter. and I am half i n d i n t 4 to lielievtthat a flat head to the bu let w-oulcl I)r a11 advantagt*. Tlirrr or. at t.he outside, four chambeq are ample. and tlirre r i l i o i i l d be a sitnplv and ready meann of ~ i m u l t a n r o u s lejecting ~ tlir rnipty c'asr- atiil

Voltrnie IZ. I88,Y.-.\ Citi4iiiiv tor tlic Spaiiisli Can-aIi.y.-649. c;tvttlrj* J i si i c r i i v r t ~~ at t l i r Caii~p ot' lirHsiiot;--,YEI.ii.i771. The ('rossiiig ot' t h e T c s s i i i by 11 (.'avalr>- Divi*i01i.-7!Il. Disiuounted Fighting i n thtb R i i w i t l i i ~ t t \ - t d r ~ . - 7 ! I I . T l ~ r Caval~y.C'o~nb~t.-?n?. h[;tiiwiivws of t l i e Liindwclir C';ivttlry.-81i. Tliv ;.Setion of Horsr .\rtillt~y.--?ili. Tlir Eiiipcror S I r H O L A W uncl tlid (?oekacka.--BtiH. 'Tile Xoderii I - w of (hvaIry.-Sil. Trial of u Sd\v !%ddle.-842. 'Prial ot' u Military \'~,locil)rde.--!IH. h Rtbpinient of: Lig'Kt Car:iIry froiii li93-lSl5 ( . I I . ~ B I E R ] . - ! N I ~ . Studirr i n Hipfilogy (BELIAHD >.-!Ei. Tliv L)islwsitioii* tbr Security on thr l?arrli and in ( ' : i i i i p in t h e Russian Cav~tlry.-!~:W. The Cob a n d tlid Hunter (V. im L O N O E Y ) . - ! ) i 7 . ~ h w Hnttyries i n the h u s i a n Cavalry Divi$ions.-9!\1. Triiils ot' t h v Infantry Cartridge iii the Carairy Cart)inc.-1020. IAi~cst*s i n Buttlr.-lOlo. The Clian$e of C'uiraseierw


ii l


into Vhlatis.--lOcii. Cavalry anti it# IIorries.-ll$??. The I'se of i-rlocipedes at Straalmurg.--IlY;. Caralry Maralics, ( FAWARDRasror~).-l1!~1. Sotee o n t h e Instruction of Camlr$ Kecruib.1217- An Encycloplrdia of Equitation ( J . P E L t l E R ) . + 2 6 0 . Volume ZZI. I889.-Tlie manufacture of Sabrew end /Bayonets in England.- I'agb 15. Changes :in Spanish Cavalry drgnnirtttion. -Page 16. The Abandonment of Fencing with the Bayonet.Page 33. I! our Casalry Ready? f A . GERHaRDr).-Pa$e 84. The Lance in Gerniany.-Page 125. The Russian Army and ite Leadern in 1888.-Page 131. The Lancer Question.-Page 1%. The uee of' the Bicycle in the Army of So,rway.-Page 149. The Becent of nearly 10,000 feet i n three days hr a Mountain Battery in the Caacasue.-Page 165.



1 -1



a portrait. Cavalry. Studiw in Cavalry Field Serur \ r (translation). ~ ~ S C h O~ O l N and ~ Masvice by General VEito~! ters of French Equitation t'rom the Middle ot'thr Fifteenth Century to Our Own Times.

DE CATALEHIE. BRUYERE (1772-3813) with

, i
~ ~



No. 8,1 8 8 8 . - ~ ~ P o L E o N cind CARJOT,by General \VANWERMAW.

An Improved Field Outfit for Military Signalling, by WAFFELAERT. Notes on Indirect Fire. Description. Theory and Use of the Hannot 1 Tacheometer.

O F T H E r s I m D S E R ~ I C E r s s T i n - w m OF I S D I A , YOLLV-ME XVII.

No. ;.$.-The Bulgwiuti Army. Horses for tlie .\rmy in India. The Higher Education of o u r Son-Conimisrrionrd Officem. Cavalry Conventionnlitiea. Lcttera on Strategy. Field Manceu~ree.



Volume XVI, 1888 The X k n i Automatic Machine Gun. The Arming of Personnel f Horse and Field drtillery.--I'ape 1. The question of Draught i Mountain Batteries.-Page 55. Letters on Cavalry.-February. ' The Employment of Scouts b y Field Artillery.-March. Passage o f ' the Myitgne Rirer of tlie Slian State@. -Page 151. T h e Maxim Gun.-Page 155. Extempore Ranips for Entraining Horrres.-Page.l75. Long Distance Yttrch.--Page 178. Personnel and Equipment of a Mountain Battery. Letters on Cnvalry.-April. T h e Arming of Gunners.-Page 227. Arming of Gunners and Drivers.-Page 231. Letters ou Artillery.-May. Rates of Marching. Lette,m on Cavalry.- June. Horse Artillery.-Page 349. Letters on C~valry.-Jnly. Letters on Cavalry.- August. 519. Combined Action of Field XrtilMountain Artillerj-.-Page lery and Mounted Infantry.-Page 5433. Letters on Infantry.--November. Notea on Mihor Tactics.-Page 569. Letters on Infantry --I)ecember. Moantain Artillery. Notes on Minor Tactics.-Page 601. Propeed New System of Carrying Ammunition in Horse Batteriee. Lettera on Infantry.-January, 1889.





December. IRR8.-Military and Naval S l a n e u r e r p . ~ o m p t i I r u > r ~ Education i n tlie Arni-.-Extr~cta from Minuten of I-.;S Nilitary Philosophical Society.-- Powere and DutieR of tlie Diffeaent Officem of the Army a t the time of James I. March, I88I).-Organization and Training of a National Reserve.-Field SInnsiivres.-Rerision of t h e Tactical Units for Our o n Infantry.-Letters o n hrti1ler)-.+Firing at Cavalrp.-LLctterra

Moring Objects.


Volume XZV, No. 4 , 1888.-The Necessity and Objectcl of a S a r d War College.-Xotes on Steel Inepection of Structural and Boilor Eeeaj- on the Tactics of the Gun. a p Discoverable Material.-An From Type War Shiptx-A Studp of Fighting Ships.-Naval Adminiatration.--A Proposed Syrtem of YeeRing the C r e w af Our Men. of-War.--Notecl on the Literature of Explosives.-XVIII. Vol. XP.No. 1. 18RI).-Xaval Reeerrea and the Recro'ting and Training of Men.-Sheathed or I'nnheathed Ships.-Lette of Captain A . T.MAHAJ, U. 8. N.-Naval Coast Signale.--%tes on the' Jitetature of Exp~osivee.-XI~.-Progreesive Naval hamanehip.


LIILb,vi. . i I


*I I







March, 1889.-The list gives rank and post office of every officer of t h e Army, Navy and Xarine corps. It is issued on the fitleenth day of each month, and is very accurate.

D. DIETZ, A Syetem of Drill for Ambulance Corps. By WILLIAM Aeeietant Surgeon U. S (The Yedical Record, Volume 34. Army* No. 1 3 . ) Notea on Bearer Drill with Hand Litter, Ambulance Wagon, Etc. By JOHN VAN R B N W E L HOW, A ~ Captain Medical Department U. S.

eo many cooks, at

, etc., from the line of

not mean merely the perpanent transfer of the army to the medhas actually occurred is, practically, the f special soldiirs, for the trnin-

Penetrating Cavalry IChnrgew. Recent Erperin1eilt.s Made in (:amp Krasiiot; - - S ~ L O . - - I'nge 1671. Establishment and Organization of Sutivc C'aralry in Finlantl.-Pagt~ lH99. L w t u r e on the Organization of C'uv:ilry. held at St. Pettmburg.- Page 731. Reinarks on Iluslrian Cavalry. b c a Russian. -Page 1156. The In('reuseof tlic French C:ivulry.- Pagc 57. Frencoli Camlrr Manenrrea i n 1887.- Pagc S 2 , (,'iivelr>Manceurrra i n the Odassa~Dcpartment, I with niap).--Pugr 51. Drilling and Ysiiczurring of Caralry, at Iyu11 War StroiigtIr.--- 'age ti4:3. Inatruetion of Cavalry in Minor 'I.Iicticw.-.- I'ripi~ 11 T. Lettcr of RITTMEISTER S.. to u Friend About the Instriictioti ot' His Troop i i i Minor Tucticw, During the Winter. -Page L"'91. The English Mounted Infnntry.-Pagew 704 and I !N4. 1Few \Vord* .ibout C'ossaeke.--Ptipe 1340. Tuctival Problemm #If Frendi ('avalry.-Page 1071. Tlie IiistriwtionR i n Target Practice for ('aralry. of January is31888.--Page 4S4. Tac-tir*al Instruction in C'uviilry Munceurres in the Canip of C'lialonA i n lS88.-Page 2019. Tile Manccuvrra ot' the Russian Cavalry in DiviAion No. 1, During tlir Suriiincr of 1x87 ( with map ).-Ptipe ?%3. Manaurrm l i t the Csr:ilry Ibivisioii So. !). [bring tlir \Vinter.-l'qy 1050.

. L



Hanual," outlining, i
tbe Hospital Corpe.

terms, a method of instruction for me of this manual indicates, i t is evisuggestions, to embody princi-

intended to fill this want. d will probably provoke connde i t d f upon the score of are neceesnry in a "eyatem 11 book" of forty-clix pagee, ita1 C o r p e a r e v precise


13randiiig or R u l h i i i g In.-Pages 113. 219: 236.3%;. Long Distance Riding i n 1)rnniark.-Page 1H80. Redurti n of Weight of IIorae ~qiiil)iiiciit".-Pa~t~s .X6. 783. Statistics of ,Sanitary Condition of tiit. kbraes i u the .\rmp of the Setherh~dda.-Pago 1660. Forced .\Iarc+li of Three Home BatterieR i n France.-Page 1864. Steeple Cliasing :iiitl Riding \Vith Extended Front. in Ruesia.-Page 140. Flour-water Food for Horse*.-Page 1656. Homes of 0 5 c e r s in HolIand.-Page 1376. Crnmue of IIorws Available for Military Service in Russia.-Page 1327;. The Horaee of the English Cavalry.-Page :308. The Horses o f the Russian Caralry.-Page 376. Projects for Improreiiicnt of t h e Mounts of the Coasarks.-Page 1725. S a i m m i n g of Horsw-Page 162% Endeavore in Switzerland to Improve the Breed of Iiorees.-Page 1312. Races of tbe*lCampagnelleiter Clrih." i n Yienna.- Page 328. The Sourcen of the Eillciency of the Horse.- Page 1365. Forage RatjonR for the Public Herds.Page 699. Forage Rations in the Sorwegian Army.-Page 988. 1leinount.s in France.-Page 231 1. Remounts in Russia.-Page 123.

i i



Swimming Across Rivers, by Russian CkvalrF and Infantry --PII~, 1960. Asaietance of the Italian Government in Promring Mount* for 083cerR of Ita Army.- Page 287.

11. L

JUNE. 1889.


No. 5.

The New Carbine of the Spnnisli Cavalry.-Page 1822. The h n c h Repeating-Carbine, Calibre 8 m. m.-Page 9295. New Head Cover of the French Cavalry.-Page 124. Fur Coats for Officers of the French Cavalry.-Pago 808. Bootn for Mounted Officers of the K h c h Army.-Page 1298.


Xew Years Reflections on CnraIry.-Page 90. Infltruction of Driver8 of Field Artillery.-Page 194. Ednrance of C a r a l r r Horses a n d Syateme of Riding.?Page 270.



At a meeting of the . S. Cavalry Association held at Fort Lear-worth, Kansa8, on Ja nary 7, 1889, the following rewolution was unanimoaely adopted : I
OTn, L.



HEIN, First C

, for the energy atid zeirl

ocintion are due. t o Captain with which hr. tion up t o its present condi.






. .

.. -




p" ' '.








pause by the Union troops for foriiiatinn eiiiiblc~l t l i c (.'uiifeclt.r;itt*s to concentrate upon BUFORD'? coluniii. BCFORD'S advance \pa8 stoutly ctnntrstcvl tijr tbiir lioiirs. IBiit i l l t i niately YTUART'B men were forced back upon Hruiitly Si;itioii w I i i c . I i GBEOO was rapidly approarliiiip from Belly's Ford. -It t Ilia t.ritit.:il moment a fresh Confederate brigaclca w a s tlirowii i i i : i i i r l fiercvly attacked BL-FORD'S right. GREOQ liud just coniiectcd with I ~ I . Y I ~ D , after a warm engagement with the enemy's right rind rear. a i d tlic combined Union effort wab beginning to tell when PLEASOSTOS. at.4 P. Y., having ckdeveloped" a distinctly superior infantry furce. ordered a withdrawal. This \vas acconiplisliecl leisurely t i n e l w i t h out interruption. the last of the Z'nioii c~arrilryrecrossiiig the rivc-r st -7 P . Y. The determinod rhartictrr ot' t h i s eng:liytwriit is t*vitIc-iit fpmi it8 duration of ten 1iours.l'aid its casualtieh of !):3? Uiiioiiists and more than 500 Conft?deraten: o n I i d h sitlea tlio I ~ I N . i n ~)fficc.i..i wa8 large. While there \Vat3 sonw clisnioiiritt~cl riglrtirig. t11t. I)~wI*:Itions were principally mounted aiitl the large iiuiiil~cr of' st'vcrt. sabci. wonndn attests their hand-to-hand character. Sever before nor eince were the conditioiiH so favortil)le b)r :l carslry duel. Hen and horsee were i n their prinie. tlie iiuiiil~~~rs a111pomd nearly equal, the infantry o i l both side* escwhilig 11 IIIIWUI rather than a physical support. Froiii n careful esiiiniriation of t h t . official tentimony -I'nioii and Cotifcvleratt.--:i iiil niy p w . : o i i : i I IWI )I lectiona of the tight. I tlraw the fnllowiiig miiclii*ioii*: ( . a i ) TII:lt the combat at lkrerly FORI iiitiy serve' :is t i n i1Iiistr:itioii. OII :I i i i o d eratc wale, of tlie grcat cavalry I)u'ttIw wliicii :~rt* t o olicn futurtb canipaignr : . ( I ) ) that tlic tlirniouiited tiglitiiig i i i sue11 t-iigagc~iiic~iit~ ie an tlic leaven to tlie maw, g i v i n g consistwicy tc) t h e . cIiiir:ictc-r c)!' the action, adding iiiiprtatice to tlic results, a,wal)liiig :idv:itltiigths ot' position to he retained and valuuble t i m r to bia gaiiie*(l; l e tli;it tlit. Confedem t e cavalry, caught nappi iig e 111lea foiw I t re i t s fii 11I t with prornptncscr arid gallantry ; i t I i c i t l . Iio\vcvcr. I)c*cric l l r . h ( l u p t i the threnholtl of a n aggrewire iiiorcniriit, aiid i t s Ic.iit1t.r w:is tituglit a i ler)won, which worier or later is learlicd by the* gciitAl-:il \ v l l o u~itlcrvaluee hiA enemy. I,ONYUITREET: who was prewnt with his corps near t l i r r(.tbiie 01' this combat, hm w e r t e d that, "af\cr 8 T I ' A R T l i l l t l rcl)Iilsetl tllc foreta ttimwn acrose the river, we might Iiaw fallcn UJWO" the forcse : i l l t l vrnatietl it, and then piit niirat~lre* i n poaiti4)ii. tlirmtc-lliiig the enepiy'fl right and rear, which would have dialo(lye(l bin) (: I I o o K E H ) from liis ponition at Fretlerickrlurg. arid g i v m 11s t h o1,portiinity !br an etfective blow."


l i


CA VA Lx 2' WA R LESS 0. V S .


ciee of a discretion given him by General LEE. tletermitirtl to pass to the rear of t h e Federal army and cross the I'utoiiiac a t Srnec.a Falls, a point between that arniy and their caipitiil. Including thebrigade (JENKINS') and battalion ( WHITE'S ) of ctrvalry. which coinpoeed the van-guard of the army. over one-liulfof thq caralry WUJ left in position to be used by General LEE."* -iccordin,g to tlic mme authority, the force with ~ T L . A R Tnunibcretl 4,000. That left behind abqut 6,300: of this force only the I)rigatlrs ot' J o s ~ s and ROBESTSON belonged to QTL-ART'S conini:incl :itid wcre 3ubjec.t to his order. FITZ LEEs a p , G The hildne.sw of General T,EE'S otft.ri~ivt~ strategy. in throwing hie a r m y upon one side ot' the Potoniw. while Ietlviiig his adrelwary upon the other! niatle i t partiwl:1rly*s:iryfor l i i i i i to know the morements of t b r Feclcwd :irniy. STI-AHT. with liis e x perionre, activity, and known ability for riiclt w o r k . s l i ~ i u l t l I i s v c ~ kept himself interpnaed trlwaya between tlie b't~lcralarmy a i d hi.; own, and while working lose on XEADE'S liner, hare I ) w t i i i i c1ircv.t left hcommunication with hin own a r m y coitimaiitdcr." STI:ART hind him two small brigrdee under R o B E R T s o s wit11 written instructions? intended to corer all eonlingencies ; Iiut this provision provctl inadequate. To thin thy there is g e n t cliffci*eiic.v nf opittioti as to wlicrc t h e . responsibility ehoiiltl rest for thin IONS ot* toiwh with 11w I-tiioit artiiy. Tlte tertimnrty appears t o tis tlic rcvpoki1iility ( 1 ) iiIinii t ~ i r .iriiiy cominnntler who. uiidcr tltc c.ircuiiiat:riices. g:ivc. 1 1 1 t h .. tlisc*rc*tioti spoken of above: m i l (-2j i n : I i i i o ( l i t i c ( l clcyrw. I I ~ I I I I t l i t . C!:iv:iIry C'liief Iiimnelf, wbo exerciwl wiicli tlisc.rt.tioit w i t h i t 1c:iving l i e h i n i l him a suitable forcee with oi.clcrs tci rc-j)ort t i i t i i t - ( ; a , i i ~ t . : i l - i i i - ~ ' l i i , . f . It is easy to rriticiss"nt1er tile fact. :itid tliwr cotiiitieiits i i r c IiiireIy impersonal and given fbr ~ l i a tthey iii:~y bc. worth i i i t'oii tie*ction with the study of a famoiia c*arulry war lemit i. General YEADE asriinied eniiimatitl Jnrte 88th. and on tlic following day dirocted u general uclraric.1~. His w v ~ l t - WIH y ordcrrtl to t l i c front to feel for the oncwiy, wltow gerirral loc.:itiori i t i tlic Cuiiiberland Valley, between Carlisle nnd (~1i:~iiiIit~rsliiirg. \viis kiiown to MEADE. GUEGOguarded t b e riglit flunk. KII.I*ATHICK covered t l i r centre, and BWORD, with two I)rig:itlre ( GAYHLE :incl I ~ V I Slinv} ered well in ntlvnnre of the left of tlic army, which rested near EIIImettaburg; the Regular Cavalry 1hig:ide ( JIERRITTT) Iwiii,g i n rear at &cbanicntown protccting the wagon trains. 0 1 1 the 29th. Br:-


*General P m 1.m In Soiitbern HL.(orlml W i e I y Papera. ( I P 3 ) So. 1. p. If<-;. tA copy o f Lheae. In B ~ U A R T 'bndarltlng. J Ilea before me.-T. Y. R.







as to the proper thing to do.

He was the first t - t i i n t t gt.iic.rul I > I I t l l c spot, and he then recognized, as otlirrs did :it a 1:itvr tnotnent. tlic natural advantages of the ground for detiwsire purposes. a ~ i dI I I ~ his arrangements to hold it. This spirit he itiipartwl t o Ilia brig:itlc commandem, and that night wartrcd tlirtii tliait ..the ciiriiiy will nttack ue in the morning." . l a tlie ('OYTE DE AHIS IS saiy:, .' This.n'rst impimtiun of a cacalry oficrr tinil t i trite soltlirr. tlt-,irIril. in r w r y respect, the f a t e . 3 the campaiyn. It rras BUFORD /rho srlrctrrl the blittlrfield where two armies cere about to ineudure their strrnyth." With the earliest dawn (July 1 s t ) t h e mIranct'(l villcttc 1111 tlrc 1 1 i v i * i i > not Cashtown road reported the enemy's approa~eh. I ~ E T I I ' S infantry, 7,000 strong, prrcerlecl by ; I cloti~lof skirtttisltt*r*. I I I I I ~ C Y I upon RCPORD'J c a r a l r p i e n : attacliwl t o I ~ E T I I ' S c . I ~ t i i i n : i i i a I \vcix* *is batterice of field nrtillery. Towtircl Czisltto\vtt t l i c i . o : i ~ l \viis griiy with tlic nien of PESDER'S divisi4)ti. to w h i ~ r t i(;cttysIatirg *tsc*tiic-ol i i t i oc:cii1iicd, except by n few Iioraemeii. But I ) r l i i i i d t i i t , tirst riilg,.c*. V:I-I of Willougliby Run which crossed tlic road oii aliicli tlie C'1)iitivlc.rateu were advancing, B C r o B D ' s disniounted nien Iiiiggccl tltrir carbitiecl, their horses being ncreened froin view b y tlie Clt~prcssioris ol' the ground ; deducting tlie horseliolilers the :irariliible fighting fiircy uiidcr G A ~ B L and E DEVIS clitl tint P S ~ P C I I 2.501) iiieti.
I ~ ~

Tlie prepamtiom to rowit-e tlic ('oiifeilt*i*:1tw :it-t* u-dl tliary o f Captuiit DASA,Eighth Illiitois C':iralr?- :

to111 i i i t l l c

"\\%en I rgacliud the oittpostri aibout siiiit.isc. I (.1>ii111 w c t l i t . t'iiemy's nkirniieli line wkaricing *lowly:1n11 rwvliitig f i * o t i i riglit t o I ~ i t arrbas tlie Cmlitotyn ~~otrtl, and OS \vc* tIioii,<ltt. tibr :I dist:iiitv a > f :I mile .rind a IiarIf, conc*caId ut interv:iIa by t i t i i I i t - i - . Imt tbvi(it-iitIJ. :I continuouR line forriled for iulvuuciitg. A s l t t w t ilist:itice :it t lie t ~ i r of this skirtiiish line, in tho open road i i i otir f'roitt. w t w c111ui111ts I>!' infantry deploying into t h e woods. evidently t i ) i * t i i i t i g tltvir l i t i t . ( , I ' battle. I' iinniediately fmwarded a report ot' my oliwrvatioiis 11) Iieadqnartere, tlicn, diniiiounting niy entire c o ~ i i l ~ i i t i111it1 y seittli tig t h e h o r w to,the rear, called in the pickets ;rnd fi~riticdthe tirst l i t i c with twonty men, including niyaelt: * * Tlic erieiriy utlvtiiieeal steadily though caatiounly. Onr first positioii l~rovcd t a t be wt.11 taken; in our front theru %-a*u large open fiel(l. Sc:itteritig niy t i i t ' t i to the right vod l e a , at interrala ot'tliirty !&et. iintl hrltiiitl post at111 . rail fences, I directed them to throw up their carbine sights to doo pa&, then taking *est 011 the top rail we gave the cneniy the b c ~ i r fit of long range p ctice, from a much attenuated line. Tlte firing W W mpid from ouzarbinLn. and at the distance induced the bclief



BCNRD'S Report,








*Colonel B . o o K e R n W L K in

The R k h t Plank at Gettysburg." Phlla.

& .L,.. & . -i


I 20



tliic (iiscussiori Prince IIOIIESLOAE is ltaiicIicnppccl ( I

12 I

1)y ~ i nppari ~ .sntisfaction with wlilit was then ac*co~ilplislirtl hy tlic German c:iv:llry. ( 2 ) by his assertion titat carulry slii,irld itvver wander far t'roiii t ile iitfiriitry i n tlic interest ot' tlieir Inutulrl tl~peiidence, and i: < ) hy liilr tlienr?; that cnritlry eaii iiervr e~igagcinfantry on n n y tliirig like q u n l trrnia. Among other exariiplss cortsiderecl by him. i n tlie strnle conncctiori. are certain suppositinus mclescente upon French g u n fourideries and dcpots at Bourgen awl Le Mans. He maintains that N U C raids ~ would have failed there from the strength . of tlie eiieniy'h garrisons (composed partially o f :i&v troops). tho hostility of the local population and the faet tlicrt oiie of .tho place# was forti fietl. R y an interesting coincitlencc. 1ViI.rns'r Alabam;i-Gr.oi.gia Expctlit i o i i . i n l d 6 5 , turnialtes evideliccb c)f tlic fewibility of sue11 utiusunl if uiidcrtnkcn i n tho aipc*rutiorisa s tliosc instanc.ctl by Princq KRAFT. -American niaiincr," with troop* similarly trained and I d . With 1?,000 Itorsemen, organized into tlirce divisions. under such able leaders as I,ONO? Upro.u, and YCCOOK, on March 25,1865, General WILSON made a descent, by several roads, into what General SEERM A X termed* $ 6 tlie bowels of the Confederacy." With, great celerity, : i t i t 1 a prccision of csccution worthy of t l i e Gcrmun General Staff, this f i ) ~ ~ witliiii ., w pcriotl nt tlirce wccks. ntt:wketl irdd captured. in .iicecsainii. t l t e c.iti1.s i i t ' % ~ I t n : i . Jloittgntnc~ry.\ V w t l'aiiit. C o l ~ ~ n b ~ s , : l i l t 1 ~I;ICOII. togetlivr with inilitwy : i i i t I ii;iv:il fiiuiiilricr. II war vowel iiist eoniplcteii. t;fl.t~O(t 1)riooricrs and t l i r i r ; ~ r i i i s . 1:irgth qii;intiti8 of' :rtntiiiiliitioii : ~ r i ( l :3~10.001i h l c s nf cotton. .\I1 tus i i i sliitc of strong :IIIII wt.11 cirrthwork3. t l i c vi,yairow t-tforts of' tltc f:irnou* pariis:iii FORREST :it t l i e 1io:uI nt c.:iv:ilry :IIIII iiifiiiit ry, : i i i c l IIW 1iittc.r Itostility of tlic iiilialiitnnts of tliirt rcyinii. Ic.s*on is tlic rcwbrtl cif tlic S o t tilt* Ictist raiuablc pirt of tltir w:~i* t*strnordiiiary r c r ~ t i l i t y of tile c.oiiinianil. 'lkw were brilliant tlinuittctl cliitrgcs. tleslwrate fighting on fnnt ugiiiit?rt infuntry; slid . ssaaulta upnn pcrniancnt work* worthy of a .. tiirlorti h o p ;'' while tlic tlcttiils o f britlgc construction o r repair. tlic c.rossiiig ot' wide and deep rtreanir. and tlic ingenuity generally dkpl~iycdin irnpm\*i*iiig 1 1 1 p ~ ito i ~ 4111 clitf. muwt ever cscite tlie u(lininrtio1i 01' tlic military staff officcrf wiio wcnmpanicd the cxptwlition icl fully .;tudcllt. iiiptified i n cluiriiinp that it wan 6-a legitiinatc military campaign, planned and executed with rare ability. directed apainst fortified pointn defended witli all the remurcep of militnry a r t . and in t h e


London 1. ishi.


t - The c.mpalprr of %lam." UaJor H-ZA. Clncinoetl. 1W.




I 23

ttiat reriilts coiiimensurate with its incrciisctl power will therefore ho cLxpectctl frnin its use. The inrroasetl inclrpeiialeiice of cnralry will uecessarily att'ect the ttrctlcal usc of' infantry: that arid rnunt bo more $elf-reliant. Genc.ral S I I E R . ~ . +elairir S ' s that t l i c iiiiitiitry ot'an army i i i the field sIioulcl be ablee to protect itself' i n cunip und on the march w i l l becaiiic I nuisiiii. Even tirat costly uuxi1i:rry:corps of warctiariots-tlic field artillcry-under tliebo\tiei li'racticc of the pres<.nt clay Iiaa leurtied to depend for safety. in an e n w r p n c y , upon the rapidity at its tire.and the gnllantrx of itn personnel rgthcr than iiptiii its tacticid support^" -_ Tlie m o r a l o f :ill tliii. it *ccnis. is tlint \ ~ e e b n n d afford to rcRt our f i i i t i i too vIt)sciy u1)nir tiic Iessons c i f :t single cdnipaign or the tr:iiiitioiis ot' :I 5 i t i g i c . t ~ o ~ ~ t i tbut r y , tti:it ~ ' stiniitd e :IvpiI ~ I I I U ~ I V W of tlic utiivcrs:il l'iirt i t i our itiilitury prqurutioris for the Future. THEO. F. KODESBOUGH,
Cdonrl o j CiiIulry ( rdirrd ), S r t . Brig. Om. U.5'. A.

% .,





rather does it.not impede is niorernenta i i i i ( 1 wiinte liis stren,ztIi. if. indeed, he wears i!, and tI ea tie not, as is t1~11:11ly the c : ~ s r .II:IVCL it atrapped on the limber or caisson? A i i i l . if t l i v Ixittcry is cliurge(I. and the sabersarcon the en! of' h o w much u.w:~ribt h y i i i t l i c Iinivl liand engagenlent witt eitlier the inthntry or c.arnlry tli:it nuiy bare orerwleimed i t ? T e cannoneer is on tbot :ind \rc' a l l k n o w how feeble is'the y b e r i s u ~ l a'case. i Tile clrirrrs. it is true. nrc mounted, but how clpn tli. y use tlie saber w1ic.n tlirir Iiornes arc liarnessed in pairs and Iiitcli to II limber or cuisaoii? 111 both c a w s the .Lurber is not only nsel sst but nn iniprdinirnt. an11 *Iroiiltl tlicrefore he done sway with.


So true in thiti, that uring our Iictc wnr, I ani told liy 1,'ood autliority. tlie ~ u b e r s wer never taken into the ticld i n t l i c gviit~r:1l cam. They were let? brli lid w i t h tlic b~igpngctruiii. it'. i i i c l c * c d tliey fofmed part of' tho equipment at all. 8~1ily c.noug:h lieiiig t:tken :11o11g with which to urn1 the . ntiticls tliat fornicd tlic guard over tlic picket line' and park.
' And here again, of hat use is the saber? The sentinel is o n foot and can only reach t c length of his arm plus tlie length of hi3 blade. A good club woul be of just nri niucli use. and a* :I club tlic areragc. ~wtillcryiiiutiwould I I W I i i u snbcr if c.:illccl upoil t o I I V ' it :it

r i b




' 127


But how aoultl it lie if the :irtiIlcrpi:in ~ 1 1 - :iriricd w i t h t l i v rcrolvci. illstcad of the stulwr? \Voultl l i e n o t t l i c n Iiave w i i i e t l i i i i z tlrat w-onld lic of benefit o Iiinisclf aiicl t n t l i c w l i o l c ~1):ittcLry i i i :11iy Iisiid-to-liancl enpgeiiieii . or :IS :I scntinrl? T l i e writer is well u\w of'tlic. cliwonccrting influrnvc nttri1)11tc~d, to a muItipIic.ity of wenpdns atid tli:it it is cliiinictl that tIic1 :irtiIIery-* nlan should Iisrc his field piece, and t h t alonc, upon w l i i c . l i to t l c l ~ c i i d not only to orcrconie tho enc~~iiy ut lorip rungc. h i t a t clo+c qu:lrtt"rx us well. It i s well kno\ n that it ir, stated that duriiig tlie w i r t l i v revolvere had to be cal ~d i n beesuse the men would begili t o iisc then1 wlien tiley liatl no uninerrs to and wlien they sliotilcl I i n w y e t h e n Rerving their gun". Hut in not this tlic f : d t of discipliiic :riid not because of tlic waot qf ralue of tlrc revolver i n i t s propcr place? Cannot the men be taught t o t i w e both and to undcratontl that tlic r e r i i r e r is only to be u ~ as in Isst resort to xnvc their battery and themwlven firnni lwing nwrwliclnied? I think they cnn,antl I think n well disciplined b k t e r y ,can be kept tit their g u n s until the g u t i s are u d e s s ami then fall back upon their rerolrere rather, tlian :I apnnge staff & hsndnpfke or tlieir naked Iiandrr. a* tiicy gmt~i111y




1 3I

L E m E X S 03'CA VALR Y.


136 LETTERS O S CA VA I,R. ' 2


could carry froiii Tours. OI Iasoudun, as far as Vierg' \\*arded to tho Seiildre w n t l at Gien, they coiilcl t:ikr I which tlic raic Ii iig cav:~ I ry rear of the Gcrniiiii Iior. Nhould liare siiccectlctl i i i 1 destroying the work *lit> A h r tlic efforts of tlic mi it would Iiavc ii:itl t i o t l i i i dreary valleys of tlic Sola); ita way through tlic eiict northeast across tlie Lair erably, laid down its : w i forco of the enemy. whicl lines, had forestalled it ut

T o tho muthwe*t of 0 raid. I f i t alic~eltlsuvww( ing the lieatl of the en all further nietwures for





west iipoii t l i r i t 4 h i i k t i tlic St~iiivif' the FitIli : i i i t I SistIi (*:ivtiIry divisions Iiad been cletacl et1 froiii 60 t o n i i l c - t k o i i i the- iiriiiy OH a mid against IN Mo IS? Tlic entire rtwlt of' tlir wtir ~ r o ~ i l t l have been put i n cluestio . if sudtleiily KIrt'ttt i i i : i s s w o f ' iit.\vIy o r ganized French troops h d a p p a i w l i i i t l i v viviiiity i t t ' Vt.rstiillt*. f i n i the direction of Caati. W e I i t i c l iiiiieli ~~tir:ili.y i i i F~:IIWV iii 18'50. It waa superior i n iiumlwrw and qutility t o tlitit o f t l i t ' (~iieiiiy. and especially so titter the ciioiiy hail lost his cscclleiit c.:iruIry ot' the armies of Metz ai111S r ~ l r r n . Hiit \re ccrtaiiily did not Iiaw t o o riiucb cavalry. It HWN o i i y l ~ j - cxortiiig ituclt' t o the u t n i o u t that o u r cavalry w w able to ac ompliwli tlie work :issigiie(l i t . There waw. perliapa. on briyade. the Iicary lJri,gntlt*( ~ 1 t' 1 ) t x (iiitirtl. which at this time was n t over The i1ivisioii:il t.av:ilry. which belonged to tlic lwui ging army. was consttintl.v i i i rvaliiisitioii and tliia domnntl tinally re chrtl siieli ti pitch tli:rt it w:is ti)iiiitI i i t v w ._ mry to relieve it. The detaching of Ilea '3 eardry niasws upwi s i i c . l i 1i:izarclous expeditions an raitlw ia an feebling and endangeriiig of t l i v iieurwt and most vital interewtR ot IcigicaI military opcrntioiin. nntl iiiust be considered as a mistake. I cannot agree with theregrets. which are owanionally eul~resaetl. that upon our aide no raitlri were rintlertaken i n tlie war of 1Sit1-51 and that i i o cttralry n i a ~ ~interrupttbd e tlic iiiobilimtioii ot' t h t . i i v w formations ot tiis eneiiiy. 1 o r i tile wiitrtiry. I iiiii ot. t l i t . o p i i i i o i i t l i r i t surb undrrtakinga had no rospevt of good rwults. :iiitI t h t i t w:ifor our g m I that tlief w w oniitttvl. I t iiitiy hc said that sue ra'ids i i r t d not ttikr t i l l . tlirir ol!jiv.t t t i t . breaking up of the central i n t of' the eiieiiiy's o1wr:itioiia i n tJrg:bIiiriity his arniien, h i t d i m 1 untlrrtaktb ~ i i i a l l t ta ~s k s . riivli 11s t l w # I t * Rtmying ot' railroads, telegraph cormrctions. iii:iguziiit**. et(.. In Ruth eiiterpriwew grelct cavalry masses slioiil~lnot 1~ u s ~ d 1,111 . ntnall groups of cavalry, &rn an officer's ptitrajl to a tqiiuilroii i i i strength, which e m disaI)pyar easily :riitl quickly. .PIt*iity nf tliwt. 1 i i w t l oiily expeditions wcurrecl i n t l e cainpaigii of 1HiO-71. recall the prcvinualy nient oned interruption a)!' t l i t ' rail : t i i t 1 telt.. gmpli roninionicationw,jiisd lwfoi*eund anvr tlic 1i:ttt 1t.u : i h ) i i t JIvtz.




I Ro






. .

ours of 1850-51 w*aa far wperior. T l i i ~prncral c~iii4tlt~rntioii iric'remea my incliuation to ,hold it as correct tliar. even i n special caws. tile application niad of our cnvalry during tlie war of' 18iO-71 w w riglit i n principle, altl ougli i n sonic instanctbs t l i r wr\-ic.w 1)er formed may litrre fallen J ort of tlie possibilities. Our army coniiuanders woulcl not hare 11 aitated i n ordering nii esteiiilrtl raid, sucli au the Americana iuade, if hey lincl Iweii aide t o proinise tlieiiiaelres any uubatantial renulte, a n niore tlian they Iiesitatrd to rend MasTErmEL'm two corpa i n (1-winter over the icc nntl snow of' tlir Gold Coast, i n the inidat of nemies, to reach the rem- of B o i . R B A K l ' s army. But great an t l i r rtlsulta of 1870-51 were, yet. ; I t i r e unil i i i dependent ciaillination in allowable. niitl n o t h i n k i n g iiinii will p i * init his peraonal opinion t c I J so ~ blinded a* ti, ae.c*ept t-rerytliiiig us authoritative tliat waA the1 (done. Rut as I said i i i m y last Itxtter. a careful, free. and impartial xaiiiination of the obrrrrrcl r s l i t 4 t w c e s hae failed t o change tlir 011 iiion I liare prrvioiialy es1)rrsstvl. ailtl I cnnnot nccept the conclusi n ? that. because raid3 w t w esecuteil i i i America, and were productive of' good reeultw, they ~li(~111d liare found a place in Europe i n the Franco-Pruawinn war, <Itthat they muet neeeaearily find a pl ce in all future wars. I n tlie Anierieaii war of .%cession the pop111 tion WIN everyvwliere split u p i n parties aa is alwayn the caw i n cib I ~ a r n . A c.uvalry scoiitiiiy party foiiiid friends everywhere. ereii i i the rer$ iiiidnt ot'tlirir eiieniies. .\lean* of informatiou. and the cdre of' the \w)untlt=cl, assuiiietl an uiitireiy ditferent character i n Aniwicti. a i t l i t l n l w the supplying of' troqis. for everywhere a part of' tbe iiiliabitairita coiild be cciuritrel u p ~ i i i to welcoiue the arrival of either.d e . Furtlier. i n Aiiieriw there are extenaive foreats i i i Which eurnlr>- coulcl inarch wrnpletely cciiiceald; for example, S T V A I cavalry ~ ' ~ passed by tlic little villagr ot' Orleun on the 26th of hnguwt. 1862, aithoiit any one Iiaviiig t l i r lerrat sunpicion of it. Such.a thing \vould i i i i t I w possible i n Braucr. Tournine, or Vsndie. On the other hand, t h e great tlintricts of' uucultivated country, or uudiaturbed tbreata. m a k e l o u g alnd tryiiig ridee neceluwry in order to /come upon ttie enemy* Tlir entire cli~iracter of tho war was ditierent niid what wwri riplit i n Aiiirricn iiiuy be all wrong with us. The-conclusion might Ita diflerent if we were npeaking of rsid* by the French cavalry. For the nake of argument Ict nw ncwq)t as a fbct what wae really not the caw, namely. that the Frericli still lind iiiaswu of cavalry rrt their diapoeal when we were i n front o f ' Paris. One cnu

3 1

*The (own of Orlean. Fauqnier

0.. Va.

mnlrilned 102 inhabltanla In ~LW.

iiiiapinr a raid of a French c*avnlry tlivisiou. tlii-ough 1)ijoii. Larigreti. Bar l e Duc. St. .\Ieni.liould. Retlief' t o the iiorttirrri fort~'twtl~, evrryalirrr tirvorrd I)? the iiiliel~itantw.g i v u n tinlt*ly notice 1,t' any tlirentriirtl alaiigrr. lying iiiaiiy nigtitr coiicenle~l i n the. Ar,gtiiiiie: tcirrrrt. attacking u s ai111 disturbing oiir lint.* of wiiiiiiiiinicnt i o i i only 811 siich p i l i t * a* tlie iiilinbitaiits Iind i i i f i i r t i i r t l t l i r n i were vitlier totall>- irnprotectrtl 11r Init \ r r a k l ~ guurtletl. Suc.1111 e-nvalry aIirisii)ii could lia v r h i e us piwit clalliap:e by t Iireauwiiig our coni11111iii cat ions. 4 I est ro? i rig t h c rii i I-riiad. enlit u ri ng provisioils. bu 1-11 i n g .upply trniiil;?rtc.. aiitl could t Iius liare !i,uricl HII object of niifficieot t~ o ijustify iiii~~ii*t~ i ~ * e t l i r risk. .C;c,iiie siiinllrr enterprises of' this kind. which were uiidrrtakeii by iiifaiitry. iwcoiiipliwlie~l I*esolta Ut' , t h e i i i o w t wriourr cliaractrr tiir us. as. tiw exainplcb, t h e ,siirprine of' Y~iiiteiioyoil the 2211 of' .Jiiiw. 1871. Such raids woultl tine1 ncirtliy ttbjrcts i i i (irriticcny. tiw Cirrnirtn c a r d r y . tint1 could I Jcurriutl ~ out w i t h tiiie rcsultr, it' t h e iniatiwtilnr beft*l us of I I ~ V ~wtir I I C bring [ the ciieiiiy into tlie lieart of tlie fatlierlancl. or eveii it' political partisanship, or relipiou* disputed. shoulcl bring a b u t a civil war iri our t.ou1itt-y. Tlieu w r h raicls could acconipliali incalculable tliiiigm tlirougli being a u p p r t e d in kverr pla1.e. and i n eve+y city by aympntliizing ttiriich. They could nppenr ~ ~ d c l e i i l iy n distant.tliutricts, vucli raiding party tiirniiiig a iiuclciia aroiind wliicli their wyiupatliizerd woulcl aweinble. and tliey ~\.oultl iu this way **mist! armies out t b f the ground." But i n undertaking tlieni i i i tlw et~eiii?-'r country i t appears to nie. that. N-itli the IiigIi degree if et8vienc.y and fine wgniiization of the ariniea of our rieiglilmring stater, the reeulta would not jutatif\- the riek. W e Iiave soriiethiilg u i d o g o k to them i n t h e \\-(irk of our intlrprndent corps i n the war fbr freecloiii i n 1813. 'l'liey acconiplirhed great things while ciper~itiiig on Geriiian soil, but were able to accomplisl! little or iiothiiig nttvr oiir rirmier Ira(l.croaaed the Frencli 1)orclt.r. But, it ia well wtiitl. tliat nuch rtriclw will Iw of iiiavlr greater im~mrtaiicei L t t h e opening I P Iicptilitirs ~ i i i tlir f:Jture, if the cavalry urossea the eiieniy'n Iiortler a ( m i rrftw the clecturntioil of Iiostilitien, a i d . IJY over-running tlie country. distiirh his ~ i ~ ~ i l ~ i l i z a Theae tio~~. I'CW tvordrc liare a ntartliiig rrouiitl. HR tliough the cavrrlry?like a atreaiu %ualtleiily ~ w o l l e i i by a cloud-l)urst, Sile-like, arc- tci destroy all living things, and #top all intercourne. But a cavalry 014-w ;ne or two dioiniona id not able to scconiplinli siic*li a tn8k. Tliey would Iiave to distribute themaelvea ns indiridiialn over tbe country andthe inbabitantrl, arnied witii clubs and acytlier. could b6 able to dertroy tlieui.




T h e cavalry would l i j r e to nclrance in imposing strength over one, two, or at inoat tlirtw roads upon some dtdinitc objectire rrlirre they could inflict serious , njury iipoii t h e eiieiiiy rind greatly iiijurv Iiin means of defe se.

III order lint t lose ohmelves i n genrralitizs oil this t h c . i i i c h . ivc' should enn&lrr a diNtinct c.lirlet aiicl. supposiny u war to lucre Lrc~h-c*ii out, w e must *-or+ out sii(tIi a raitl. w i t h t h e e o i i i p s s e * s i i i IiniitI, and
isitler that i t will be iiiipnssiblc tirr hc!r wholly uiiprqJurc*d. .\ w i r c:iii oiily if soiiic. kitid. l e d i i i g t o discord Lt.twt.t.ii


apply to tlir uriny us ir wliolc. Sueli et, and the enenix will won follow suit by

:inwtviible i n division tbrniatioii I W -

tion rvltrtire to cerned. ThiR i

tionw for niobilizatioii o f the ariiiiw (.(inis not ut onr Clislmd. I m t siitticient
tlir inrntlcr can crow tlir Imrtler. On t l i v I tliet the cavalry of' tlie def'ciwiw army.

L, .:







lain i n poswewioii ot' the district

queNtion iii:iy Iw :trckwl wlit*tlier i t is uwcl'ul to pus11 t tic c-:irali-y forward into the ciiem-'rc cuontry i i i this manner hefore we arc i n cwn'lition to follow i t with !lie army. and t t i w insure i t the newsnary *tipport. I think riot, for we will enter t h i s field'later i n making our iiiain attaek. and we Iiavc- h e t r a p 1 our intrritioti?r too soon hy the advaiice of tlie cavalry niasw. and. it' i t is not 'our intention to attempt :inythiiig *crioii* i n that clircrtion. aliy t h n the cavalry will h very niiich nccvlwl t~lwew-livrv, Tlie final rcsiilt of my cwn~idwxtic~ii i s thereforo tlirrt the undertaking o t ' auc*ti r:iids for tlic piirpwt' 01' a l i w t iirhing the mnhilizatirin nt' the rnemy is iiot to lw cnvcwrag,rc4. but that it ir morc advisahie i n coniplctt~ tlic regular niobi1iz:rtion oftlie cavalry hcforr any grent riitcrpriscs are undertaktw hy it. i i n d mennwliile to recwniioitre :it111 distil& t h e cn eni y by -iiirilI alrtnc-hinciit* i i t i t i l t h e entire army i s i r i roridition to hegiii dec*isirc. offvnniw opcratinii*: then i n the iiioineiit t n pii*Ii t l i r cavalry III:LS?IC.; I C ) tlir froiit i n the mnnner i n which i t was 11a)nt~ i i i lS7ll. I ~ t v ~ ~ r i ii a t cv:iii ~ t l i e i i find siipport i n the ;iriiiF coiiiilig up i n it* r m r . The incvwwed efficiency i l l t l i r i i s e of tirc-artm i i i the cavalry 4loes riot alter rriiything i n t h i n result. A cavalry diricion cannot 1)iit many niore tli?rmoiintrd coiiilurtants into artioii t l i a i i nu infantry y s to ttic intiintry i n the uwc of battalion. an11they arc ~ I ~ a iiitivior their tire-ariiis atid i n instruction. A N tbr t l i v instruction of the v:iv:ilry i n riirnioiinting ihstaelc*s. h i * exiiriipltb i i i hritlging. 1 renal i t i a newsliaper a wliort tinic ago liow 1-lilittis. with unprepared i u : w 4 d . threw H bridge w r w s tlic Odcr at1111 vromrd over i t , hiit * niatcirial is not p l w a y ~at Iiand : the cavalry (*annot Bnd tiiiie for ainple instruction . i n pioiiwr rind pontonirr ilutiea unlercs tliry iieglect tlrcir inatruction :is t rnolwrs itnil t h i i n Iwcimc. Imi c-nvairy. I n tlic cardry courw of iiictructinri tlic hoars of enrh day li:ive their r p v i t i e d dtitiew. at111tliia course ~ I i o i r 1 1 1t i t l t he ciictiirhoal without mature cvm*idcnrtioii. T h e cavalry will tic.rer Riwcecd i n (.rawsing their g u n s and wagoiis i i p i i brir1gc.s of their own laying, :rnd ac we h a r e wid before. they cannot dispeiiw w(tli t h c w it' they :ire to act inclependetrtly for any leiiytli ot' tillit.. Hereafter. ae soon an the cavalry haw caiiiplett.d i t s iiiohilizatinn. after tleclaration of war. it will be it* cliity to iiiake 8 long and rapid tnareh- not exceeding one or tm-o days- into t l i c etietiiy's country. i n larger or smaller inaPRe*? ani^ to pusl,\out patrnln 8iii1srouta as far a* possible for the parpow of observing the e n o m y a n d fir pmtocti i i g and veiling ita o w n arniy. sotiiething i n the e a b r inaiiiier that our cavalry did during the latter part of tlie csiiips@n of 1870.






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I ti7

the coluiiirl i n kept c.onct:intly on the jog. tlic Iiorsea wiilkiiig n few ntid thcrr clmiiig up inore o r l w s r:iIii(lly ar n t r o t , dclwncliiiy ,)ti thc. kiiitl of ro;td:, iintl Ic.ii,gtli ol' c ~ t l 1 1 l i i l i .



The. ol).jt.etioii- t o using tliv t r o t 3s o i i e t i t ' tlic r e g u l a r p i t s iii r o u t e niarclic*. urgtvl by iiio-t officers, iirv.. t tiat it diwarrangrrr the eqiiipnic'nt. ncccwitiitcs ii t i g h t e r g i r t h i n g of t h e a d d l e to keep i t i n pl:icc. iintl is p r o d u e t i r e of >or(. ba c ks . If, Iiou-crer. t h e m e n llare been t a u g h t to l ~ c k t h e i r sadtllca properly a n d to p u t t h e m o n t h c Iinrws prnpcr1y: it t h e horses hare been trainotl i n tlic r i d i n g .ie\loctl to tnkc- n rv~uliir. even t r o t ; i t lialtn iirr niack. at proper i n tcrv:il* i i i ort1t.r t o ullow t h e rc.:icIjusttiirlit o!' ?wildlea or b l a n k c t s wliicli Ii:ivc~ sli1ilit*ti. i t is bt4itw.(l tluit :ill tlic**c* obj e c t i ons can he tt\Ivi;itcd. \ V i t l i r:irt- csc\-ptioii* :ill 1ii)r-w vi111 soot1 I i r triiiiiecl to \v:ilk tltrt*c. : i t i t 1 t i i i e - l i : i l f iiiilvs i i i i c l to t r o t s ~ ~ v c ' iiiiilcn i i n an h o u r . 'Y:ikiiig for gr:iiit~vItli:it i t i s tlcsirirblr to iiiiiiiitaiii U I I a\-eriigc para ot' :it I t w t thur ant1 o i i e - h l f iiii1c.s i n 2\11 liotir on orcliriury rnute iii;irvltcs. the- ! i ~ I l o \ v i i i , i ~s siiggcstt-tl 21s a preti.rablu routhlc for a n o r d i n a r y iiiarcli o f t w e n t y iiiiles: Reveille at good daylight -the cooks having been waked u p at least fortyt:ve minutes eariier. Iinniediately after Reveille the inen fold their sailtlle hlnnkeh and pack their sadtllt-Y, w1iii.h shorilil take alwut tifttwn ininutes.

Stal,lra -tlw iiien grtiotiiing their horses while fewling. After thin if ten- are uwil they should l w strm-k am1 thr wrrpono l o s h l , or iiiules pncketl. Water call, foIliIwed lty " Boob and Ssrhlles." >larch one hour at a walk, three and one-half n1ib.r. Halt !iftc*en niiiiuttw. 3larcli thirty rninntra at R walk, one and tlirtw-cliiartcm miles. March thirty minrit4~aat a trrit, three and one-half tiiile3. Ialt i i v e minutes. hlarch thirtv niinutes at a walk, cine and tliretrluartew milre. hlarch t h i r t y ~ i ~ i n u t at e s n trot, three and one-half iniles. Dismotint and lead out briskly for twenty minutes, wcornpli8liing about one mile. Halt for BVP minuMs. hlarch forty-five. niinutes a trot, tive and onequarter miles. The iiiiircli ot' t w e n t y ini in t h u s iiiaclc i n four ant1 a h a l f h o u r a . Mnrchcn U ~ tB o t h i r t y tililcs c a n be iiiatlc n t t h c w n i c m t c . nlWi1J-R Ii:rlting for a few iitiniites irftcr cncli trot. D i s i n n u n t i n g ant1 l e ndi ng out b r i s k l y for n mi l o nr M after t h e eoiiiiiinntl Iian been m a r c h i n g for Rereral IiourR, afford* n m r i t r t i o n a n d t en d n to rest b o t h inen a n d horws, but a houl d n o t be resorted


to too often.


Ii 1


. -




The secund command b p r o n o u ~ ~ cna a l if wrltwu ' T E S T I ~ I Z .







~ ~ W

.\t t1it.

ciplith tbscrcist.. I ~ I ~ : I I Ht.nil T : t h e t r u n k to the 1 right. without twistiiig it o r r:ii$iiig ritlicr Iict~l. LEFT: Bcntl t h e trunk rriniilurly t ~ tlic. ) Ictt. Escv.iitc* b i i t h iiiotioiis slowly. (:c)iitinkic t h e y e r c i a u by tlic rclictitioii of tlir tliirtl lint1 fourth ~ * o t i i i i i ~ r i i ~ I ~ :
TENTll E X E W l S E .

1 . Triittk. 2. E X E R C I S E . 3. i h H T , 4. IAEI'T. ~ (.o Ii iI i nIi :~ iiiil. p l a c ~ t l i c Iiantls on tho i h i p a s in t h e



1. Twiik. 2. E X E R C I S E . :3.


( o r LEFT


.\t the W C O I I I ~ w i i i i i i : i i i t I . p1:rc.e tlie hiiiicir on the hips :IS i i i t h o ~ ~ i g l i t c.scrciscb. li l < i ( i i i $ : Bt*ritl tliv t r u n k to t l i r r i g h t :IS i i i thu iiiiitli e s c r v i w : tiirii tlir t r u n k t o tlic rear u n ~ lbcnri t o tlir r w r l ~ i i i tlic ciglitli esvrciac: t u r n t h e t r u n k to t h c left I I I I ~ Ibciitl t o the let\ as i n t1ic niiith cscr(.iw: t u r n t h e t r u n k t o tlic t'ront irlicl h t i d tiprwaril :iu i i i 11iv eighth cxcrc+isc,. Continue t h e eserc*isc by t h o rcpctitioii ot' tlie fourth c.oninraiitl.



5'1. Coniiiiaiuls: 8 . L ) O \ V S . 4. I'll.


1. Art/r.* v e r t i d pdmu to the f r v i i t , 1'. k4115d,

.\I t Iic ac-coiitl coiiiiniiiiil. u i P e the arniR tkolii tliu aidcw. extentied their t u l l Icripth. till t h e hands meet above the hecrd, palms t o tho

t'ront. tiiigera pointed upwaril. t h u m b s locked, r i g h t t h u m b in front, aliouldvra Itack. DOWN : Bund over till t h o Irande, if pos~iblr. toucli tlic ground. keeping t h e arms a n d k n e d rrtrnight. UP: Straighten t h e I N w I ~and awing t h o arms, e x b n d e d , to t h e vertical 1wsitii)ii. Continue t h c cxerciwe b y t h e repetition df t h e t h i r d a n d iuurtli comiii:riitle.

5:;. C ' o i i i i i i i r i i d s : 1. Arittr fbrtctird, palins dotcn, 2. R A ~ S E3 ,. b o w s . 1. t-.r. , i t t h e ..iccoiitl con~inaiid, rairro t h e arms to t h e h n t , extended to their fiill length, till t h e b n d n are in front of and bt t h e h e i g h t of

ahoulders. p l n i n clown, tingers extanded a n d joined, t h u m b s under tiirefinger*. DOWN: Bend t h e t r u n k forward at t h e hipe 88 faar HC; Iiowihle. atid awing t h e a r m s backward. k n e e s and arm8 str:iiglit. I'r: Straighten t h e t r u n k and Rwing t h e nrm8 to t h e for\vtrr(I Iwaition. Continue t h e exerriwe by t h e repetition of thc t h i r d a n d fourth conrnisnde.





1 83



1. Ley. 2. EXERCISE, : i . Hdf-bend. 4.


5. UP.
A t t h e second command. place tlie hands on t h e hips as in tht. eighth exerciae. D O W N : Lower t h e body. separating t h e k n e w tlic. a n d betiding t in a n niurh ais 1iossililc. h w l s on t l i e gi*c~iiii~l. head a n d t r i ik erect. [ ' P : . Itaise tlie Iiocly. straightchtiitip arid closing tlic kuem. Continuts tlic e w r c i w 11y t i i t . rclletition 11t' t h e tburth a n d fifth coniinanils. '

F l l ~ R T E E h T t l ESERt'lSE:.

c P.


Coninisnds: 1. Luq? 2. EXEHSISK, :i.FdI-bt ,111, 4. Uows, 5 .

At thenecond roniniand.pbcc t h e hunds (111 t l i c 1 i i p : i s i i i thcciglith Lower t h e body, neparating t h e knees aiid hen& exercise. D o w ~ : i n g theni RW much u w paswiblc. h e r d a n d trunk crrct. liecxls raiswi. weight of t h e body renting on t h e btills of tlie ftwt. I'P: I1ciisc tlic body, straightening and closing t h e k i i w H untl lowtar t tic- liceln to t h e ground. Contintic the exercise by tlie rcptdtioti of tht. fourtlr a n d fifth rommnnds.
F IP T E E S T 11 E X E R('IS E.



1. Ley? 2 . E:XER('lSE.

:<. L r t f


,.i!/ht). 4.

FORWARD, 5. REAR. or 5. GRrwsn.

A t t h e aeeond command place t h e Iiurt(ls mi t h e tiips as in tlic Swing tlir left leg to t h e firorit. knee e i g h t h exerrine. FORWARD: straight. L U I as to advance the f h t about fifteen inches. toe turned o u t and slightly .&pre#wed, tlie tkotly balanced oii t h e right foot. REAR:S w i n g t h e leg to t h e rear. knee'struipht. tor o n a line with the riglit heel, d e tiearly ('ontititie the cxcarciwt*1 ) - tho repetition of ttw fourth a n d fifth e ~ i i i t ~ ~ a ~ i ~ l s . . Wlicri tlie recruit hns learned to Ji:iIaiict>liiiiistalt: the tourtlt coninitriid ie fbllowcd by G R W N D ; throw t h e wt*ipht o t ' t h e body forward by raiaing o n t h e Imll ot' tlic riglit foot. uclrancc arid plant t h ~ left, t h e left heel t h i r t y inches from the right. atid adreii~c*e t h e right leg quickly to t h e position o f forward. C'ontintic t h e rxercise hjthe repetition of t h e fifth criminalid, g i r e n whcn the- right uud left lege are alternately i n t h e position of forward.

57. Conimanda: 1. Leg. 2.. E X E R C I R E , 3. UP. A t t h e eecond command, plsce t h e handn on thtx hilis as i n tht. eighth esercine. U p : b i a a t h e left leg to t h e front, bending and




A t tho command foncordl throw the weight of thc I)otly U ~ W I I t h e right leg without bending the left knee. . A t the comniantl march, move the I1.A leg siiiartly. hut without jerk, carry the foot Rtraiylit forward thirty invhcs firom tlie right.
measuring from heel to beet. t.he Mole near the ground. the toe II little. depreeeed, the knee straight and slightly turiwl out ; I t t the ~ i i i i t ~ time throw the weight of thc hotly finwarti. :iiil1 phiit the h o t wittioiit shock, tlie weight of the body resting i i l i o i i i t : iicst i i i l i k c i i i : i n i i v r . advance the right foot, arid plant i t :IS a l i o w : v o i i t i r l i i c t l i c . iii;wcli. without croaning thc Iegn or striking oiic against tlic other. kccliii1g tbu face direct to tlir frolit. 64. Thc inrrtructor indicates f i oi i i tiiiio t o tiiric the v : ~ a I t - i i ~ ot c tho etep by calling, one, two., t h e . fottr; or let?. r;!/ht. t l i c i i i c t ; r i i t tho left and right foot, respc+reIy, nhoul(l bc. plaiitcd. T h e cadence is at first given ~loa-ly i n order that the recruit* may tboroiighrj; comprehend the mtdianinni of t h e step. m t l gradually inrreaRed to that of quick tinie. 65. To arrent thr. march, the inntriictor voiniii:iii(ls : 1 . S ~ I / O I / .



At the command march. carry the right foot twelve inches to the square to the right, keeping the knees atraight and the e h o u l d e ~ front; aa uoon as the riglit f i t is planted. bring the left foot to the side of it. and continue the mowiiient, observing the cadence for each foot as explaiiied for the direct step. The q u a d ie halted by the conimands: 1. Squad. 2. HALT. The side step is not executed in double time.


Being at a halt tlie instructor commands: 1. Bockcord. 2.

At the cniiiliiantl ntordt. *tep back with tho left fbnt Bf\cen inches Ntraiglit t o tJica rear. iiicwuring frnln heel to heel. and RO on with the f k t i n snvcrssiori. The sqiiiid is halted by the conimaiidR: 1. Sqtiud. 2. EAI.T. .it the coiiiniaiitl h i l t . bring bark tile foot i n front to tlie nidc nf the one in rear. The back step is only used for short dintancm and is not executed in double time. 70. The short step. aide step and back step niny be executed From inark time and convur*elv.

2. HALT. I A t the command halt, gircn the instant eithw fitot is brniight t o t h e ground, tlie font i n rear is brought ii1) i r r i i l plaiitcd by tlic s i d e of the other without shwk.



Being i n niarcli tlie inrtructor c.oiiiniands:

1. Clmnge step,


Being in march, the instructor vniiiinan(l*:

M u r k





2. MABCH. A t the command march, given the instant onc foot is voiiiing to the ground, continue the cadence irncl make :L sciii1)I:iiive of ni:u*cliing, without gainiiig p o u i i d , by alteriititeiy atlv-ltric.irig e:wh f i i o t about half ita lunyth, and bringirig it l>tic.k o n :L t i l i t . w i t t i ttic* otlici.. l o reaiinic the dirccl step, thc iiiatruvtor w i i i i n : i i i d s : 1. Joruatd, 2. Y A R C ~ .


At the comrnnnd tncirch. given the instant tlic right 4 7 2 t CnmeR to the ground. the let tiiot is atlrancetl lrritl ylaatecl : tlic toe of the right fimt is tlieii adrtrnvrd near tlie heel of the lvft. the recruit agaiii etepping off witti the left. Thc vliaiige o n the right fcwit is siinilarly exec-otecl, t h e command atctrr*h being giveii wlieii the left foot hikes thc ground.




Being in march, the instructor


1. Short step.

4 . MARCH.
A t the cwmmand murch, take atepa of tifteeii iiiclien. The dircct etep i s resumed at the command : 1. Forrmrd. 2 . JIARCH. Tbe length of the sbort step in double tiiiir is cightecii inches.


Being at a halt, the instructor voiiimaiids: 1. Riylct ( o r lrft



etep, 2. XARCH.

72. The length of the double step is thirty-dix inches: the cadence ia a t the rate of one hundred and eighty steps per minute. L At this rate P mile can be paeeed over iii abnot ten minutes. i s . T o marcli in t h e double step. the instruutor commirndR: 1. Fortcord, 9 . Dotible time, 3. MARCH. At the command forward, throw the weight d the body on the riglit log: at the second command. mise the liar& until the forearnia are horizontal. fingers clowed. nails toward the M y , elbows to the rear; at the conrniand march, carry fnrward the left foot, the


leg nlightlp bent. the knee nomewliat raised. rind I)laiit the foot. tilt. toe fimt, thirtynix inches from the riglit: t l i c r i rxecutv tlit, saint* motion with the right toot. Continue tliiw alterii:itt- iiiovviiitbnt o f ' the feet, throwing thz weight of the hotly upon the h o t i i i : i ~ I v t i i i c ~ ~ . and allowing a natural swinging motion t o tlir iirnis. The recruits are also exercisetl i n runiiing. tlic, 1iriiicil)lt.s Iwiiip for double tinie. the &me I n marcliing i n double time and at the riiii. t h e int*ii Iircaiitlie a?i much as powwiblo through the n o w , kreping t l i r i i i o i i t I i ~ ~ l o . * t ~ i l . ' The q u a d in halted by the coliimaiid : 1. .%/wd. 2. 1 i S l . T .



55. I n future. and until t h e recruit3 L a w Ictrriird the iiianual of arme, a part of the daily drills will be devoted to the Iiidividuul 111atruction with urms. anti a part to Squad Drill. without nrnis. , 5 1 1 the prtxecliiig instruction sliould be f r e q u e i i t l ~ repeated.


56. The recruit *~liouldbe taught tlir use of his carbine. and instructed in i t s care and prewrration. a* soon as pndible: therefore. tlie instruction i n the niuriual of arnis will begin ns wooti as the recruit has niatle tiiir progress i n tlir iiidivitlunl ilistructioii without

54. ' T h e recruit8 will be taught Iiow to corer two points. Fair this parpone the inetructor will select t w o points on tht. , ~ I Y J U I I It Ir i i t l =.quire each recruit i n wccewion to place hiiiiaelt' s o tli:it t t i e 1)rolongation of the straight line through tlow points shaill p s i l w tween his heels. . Tlie inetructor 1)lac.c-a Iiinist4f i r i rwir o t ' wivh recruit, points out the faults of hie position arid t l i r i i cxiiistas I i i n i t o cover nccurately. When tlie recruits are able to cover thc. point.* quickly 1 i i d a w u ratalp, they a r e required after covering, to marc41 I I I W I I t l i r poilit* in quick and double time. T h e inRtrrictor reniaiiiinp i n rc:ir of t l w recruit obnorres tiis march, and when halted t l i c rrcriiit (ibservt*s I i i * covering and corrects it if necessary. At the c*oniiiini:iiiiI YAI.I. O I . T . he s t e p to one side and NtanilR nt caw. The otlirr recruits tirth halted near tho Nmie point, arid wlieri :ill I i n w :irri\-ed. t l i c inntruc.tor joins them, and selecting new points. contiours the cxtw4sc. Two rocruits elioultl ulwo be eatal~lislieclby tlie iristructor. ant* covering tlie otlier, and the reet of tlir recruits reqiiirctl t o covcr them, as in file, a t connidernble distances from eacli ot1it.r: tht. rccruits should .then be faced about i i n d the c*orering tJiktw upon t h t . two now in frolit. I t should bo demon'ntrated to the recruits thut thc. ctiririot . march in a straight line without selecting t w o poi d J i n t h e tlcsirc.41 direction a n d keeping thcni- &overed while advancing. A distant and conspicnous landmark. tswh 8s a brtsnk i r l 21 moiintain range, a group of tr;tee or a ciiurcli eteeplc, will n e s t tpc selectril s i n point of direction; the reernit will be. required to choose t w o intermediate p i n b on the ground i n line with t h e point ot' d i k e tion and to march upon it by covering thene points. new- points h8' ing nelectd a~ he advances. The inntraction in covering and marching o n points niny extended at the discretion of tlie inwtrwtor.

Tile instructor will readily Ire n\iIc to altcrnatc tlic instrwtion wittloot arrlis. r r n 4 1 tiirrt w i t h arms. sn us t o prepirr t t i c r e c r u i t iiiost
raipitily aiitl eflwtirely ti)r h i s duties as ti soldier iii the troop. . I part of each drill with yrnis. slioultl be dcrotetl to niardiiiig. ( S e e Paragraph 131. 132). 4 . For this instruction. a few recruits. usually not exceeding fiiur. arc formed in single rank. At the c?mrnantl F A L L IN.the recruits place t h e Icft liancl above tlie hip s r i t l usseiiible 11s preseribccl i i i Par. 3;.1dec.w at order arim. 11s tli:it o f c11iic.k tiiiie, 79. The caileiice nt' t l i c iiiotioiis is tlit. s u i i i t ~ biit i l l ortler not to fatigue t l i i b i i i t ~ n .tliiay will rit t i i s s t l w iwliiirecl to qivv tlicir whole aitteiition t o tlir n i w l i i i i i i s i i i .of tlit. iiiotiims. the raderice being ,grutlually :iccIiiirccl :is tliey Iwonic :ivciistoiiid to Iiaiitlliiig their arnis. Tlic. iiistriictor w i l l a t tirst : i l l o \ v . t l i e i i i t - i i to c*st.c.utr t l i v I I I ~ V C mentR by tlieiliselvrs withoiit ~ w i i i i i i : i i i ~ l i. i i i t i l t1it.y iiritlt.rst:ind the detail#: after this oiily. will I i r reqiiirr t l i r i i i to tst.ciitc tlie iiiovc*nieiits topethri-at coiiiiiiand. An tlie moveiiients relatire to tlicb cartridge, atljustiiip the siglitw, sling and unsling carbine. caiiiiot be executed at t Iic. preevribctl rate, nor e r e n with uniform swiftness, tiley a r e not nub.ject to the cwlrnce. The instructor. however, cnrines three nioreiiients to I)rexecuted with promptnew and regularity. 79. Being at a Iiult. the iuorements are for the purImsecp of i n etruction, divided into motions and executed i n detail. ( h r . 8 and 9.) As won a8 the recruits thoroughly understand the wreral motions, they execute tlicni alternately with aiid without the numbers, in order to attain the proper cadence. and to becoiiie perfect in the mechanisin.






The execution of the ninnual by the numbers i u c.liiefly appIit*:ible to the instruction of recruitn, but niay be reciirrrtl t o for the purpose of correcting faultu and checking carelrssiiras. To f i x the cadence in the inindn of the iiirii, tliry i i i ~ y troiii t i i i i c t o time, be iiietructed to count in a low tone. one, trt the t.ritl of tlir first motion, two. three, etc., a t the elid of tlir nt1ic.r riiotioii.. 80. To aroid repetitionn, the following rulrs i i i the r i i : i n I i : i l of'

arm# are genet~l:

Fitst.-In ronurniiig the carry from u n y position i n tlic I I I : I I I I I ~ ~ . the motion next to t h e h t conciuclea rvitli the fingers of the left liur~tl as high as the hollow of the riglit shoulder. tinpara t'stclitlcll aiitl joined, thumb close to t h e forefinger. back of tlic hnncl t o t i l e front. elbow clone to the body, right liartd ernbracing tlie gunrd wit11 tilt. thumb and forefinger. Second.-In all positiona of' the left hand lit the + i t . tlic t l i i i i i i l ) ir extended along the stock. the end nf it touc;hing tlw bantl Third.-In all positions of the pieccb i n front of t l i c c.eiitrr o f t h e M y , the barrel is to the rear and vertical. FourtA.-The piece ia habitually carried with the 1i:iiiinitIr at tlic eafety notch.
(Adapted to theBprllUdeld Carblne Cal +% Yodel 1 6 9 4


tlie right ariii will bccome fatigued, an11 t l i c ulioulder will L r tlrawn i l t iwn . 81. Ilvcruit6 ottcii liavi. clcfects i i i tlie coiif'Qriii:itioii o f the xhoultlers. breast and hips. On first 1)earinp nrnia they arc liable t o d r r u n e their positionr. 1)v lowering the right atioiilder tirid tlic right Iiand. or 11y ?rinkii t t c h i p anti s1)reutling the elbows. The inNtruc*tor untlrnvorr to corrcwt t l l 1 2 N t b faults. s o that the position nt' tlic piccw iii t l i r satiie l i n e inay br uiiiforni. aitliout constraint to tlir inen. Tlie riianual o f the carbirir will be tiiiiplit to rccruits i n the Iiill~wing order : 85. The instructor. cotiiiiiands. bring at tlie o r d w : 1. ('irrrg. 2.
-\ R M S .
x : i ~ n ctiiiie,

81. The ret.ruit being in the position of tlie soldier. the in.triic.tor will firwt cnuw him to place tiis piece curefully. i n tlic tiBllowiiig

positions :

82. T h e butt rest8 evenly on the groiind,cirm* hanging n:it iirally. elbown near the h d y , the right hand Iioldirtg tlie picw I)etnec.n tllc thumb and fingem, finpen, joined. ball of tli? tliunil) :iC:tiust tlit. eeam of tlie trousern : this will incliiit. the 1lai.rc.l fnrwartl. ant1 tlit. toe of t h e piece will be about one inch to tlie riglit :tiit1 two iilehr. to the rear of the riglit toe.

83. Tbe piece itr in t h e right hand, the thunib niitl forc*tingcl* embracing the guard, the remaining fingers clnrcecl togctIwr arid g n u p i n g the stock junt under t h e hammer, which rerts on the little finger ; tho barrel nearly vertical, nncl reAting in the I~nIInwof the shoulder, the guard to the front; the arm hanging nearly nt i t u full length near the body. T h e instructor sem that the piece, at the carry. i H neither tno high nor too low; if too high the piecewill bc unuteady: if )(H, low.

h i s e t h e piec*.crrrticnlly with tlic right Iiancl. pasping it nt tlic with the left ubovt. t h e riglit. rtwiiniv t l i ~ carrrx wit11 the riglit liniicl. ( T w o . ) Drop the left liantl by t l i c 4 c . SG. Being at ttic carry: 1. Ortier. 2. A R M S . ~\tLraiicrthe piece. graiping i t with the left Iiaiicl. tlie lilrrarni Iioriztrntul. let go w-it11 the right tiand ; lower t l ~ eI)irc+e cluickly wit11 the left. re-grasping it with tlic riglit libore the siplit. the liand iicar the tliigli. the butt almiit thrce iric*hcn froiii the ground. the left lierid *teiitlyirig the pirce near the riglit, t h e tingum cxtcllt1t.d n ~ i d , i o i r i t d . the tbrearnl ant1 wrist strniglit. i i n ~ l inclining dowiiward. t'rwo.) I.ower the piece gently to the ground with t l i v riglit Iiantl. tlrol) the let? liaiitl to the side, anti take tlw pmitioii of ortlcr arnis. Y i . Bcing at +@ carry : 1. Present. 2. ARMS. Carry t h r piece with thc right hand i n front of the ccntcbr o f the \body, at the sarire time g m N ) , i t with the k t t liarid ut t h e sight, the tiwearm Iiorizontal and renting iigaiiint t l i r t d y . (T\vo.)Grasp the sniall of rlre atwk with the riglit hand: below 111ic1 agiriiist the guard. 1. Curry. 2. ABMS. Rcsunie the carry wit11 tlie riglit Iiaiid. (Two.) Drop the leA hand by the aide. 88. Being a t the carry or order : 1. Hiyht .shoulder, 2. ARMS. Raine the piece vertically with the right hand ; pmsp it with t h e lcft nt the band. and raise this hand till it is at the height of the chin; a t the same time embrace the butt with the right halid, the toe between the first two fingem, the other fingcm under the plato, barrel aanie inclination to the front as a t order a r m a (TWO.) Raise tlie pircc and place it on t h e riplit shoulder, the lock-plate up, tho i n u u l e derated and inclined to the left, 80 that, viewed from the front. the line of the ntork from the toe to the guard. Rllnll appar

. -





parallel to the row of buttonw; slip the left hand down to the lock Drop the left hand by the aide. plate. (THREE.) 1. Carry. 2. Aans. Carry the butt alightly to tlie left. a1111 lower the piece .with the right hand ; grasp it with the leR at th,. sight, tbq hand at t h e height of the chin. the barrel to the rear anti at the -me inclination to the front, as at the order. ( Two.) It,. Rume the carrx x-ith the right Iiand. (THREE.) Drop the Iett I~nncl by the aide. 89. Being at the right slioulder. 1. Order, 2. .\US Take t h e 6ret porrition of carry from right slioulder. (Two I Lower the piece with the left haiid. at the sanitb tinic regraqpiiig i t w i th ~e right above the sight, trnd take the tirct ponitioli of airtki. froni carry. (THREE.) Take the porrition ot order trrnia. 90. Being a t tlie carry or order. 1. Port. 2. ARMS. Raise and throw the piece diagonally acrowrr the body. lock to t i i t . front; grawp it sniartly at tlie tMme time with both Iiands. tlie riglit at t h e small of the ntock, the left at the sight. barrel -loping ~ 1 , . ward, a little to the front, and croaaing oppoaite the niitidle o f t l l r left shoulder, right forearm horizontal. elbows near the body. T h e palm of the right hand is above. a n d that of the lett hand i. under the piece. 1. Curry, 3. ABYJ. Reaunie the carry i t i t h tlie riglit I I ~ I I I ~ ~ (Two.) Drop tlie left Iiancl by the aide. 91. Being at the port. 1. Order, 2. . \ R w . Same as second uwl third positions from riglit *IiouIdcr to o i d t . r

1 grasp of t h e Tako the position of port xriiic. ( Two.) I ~ c w ~ 3 1the left hand and rcvolve the 1iicv.c. with the right. barrel to tho roar, Mgrwp it with tlie Ic-tt tiear tlit, swivd l i i ~ r .:iii(l iniivc- the le!\ band , wt the liallcl down. opposite to? air41 i i i t r o i i t o t t h c o Ivtt ~ l i o i l l a l t ~ i .1)ac.k thumb along t l i t ~groo\-t*. eIbo\v c h w t u the I)ody. iiiuzzlc pointing upward to the lctt :tiid troiit : u t the sailit. t i i i i r quit the piece witli the right hand, and w i t h i t rlip t h e swivel to the front, open the swivel with the thumb. engage i t i n the ring. and grmp the smell ot the stock wit11 t h e r i g h t I i a ~ i i l . ( T H R E E .I.ct ) gt~ with tlie lett hand dropping it to the d e . lower the iiiuzzlc ti) the right. puahing t h e carbine behind tlic riplit thiyli. butt t o t l i r rear, i i r i t i drop the r i g h t hand to the aidr. Being ut the port to sling c:rrhiiie. vseciitt*the secoricl :md third motionR as above. 96. 1. U n z l i n y . 2. CARHIXE.l i r a s p t l i e carbiiie trt the winall of the ntock with tlie right liaiicl and bring i t to the front and take the position o f tlie *ccoiicl iiiotioii ot sling carbiiie; free tlie ewirrl froni the ring, aiicl carry i t to t l i r rear w i t h the riglit band: grasp the crrrbinc with the riglit Irrriitl. i i t t I i c * s i i i i i l l < I t t l i r rtock. atit1 tcrke t h r pocitioii o f port ririiis. I O t l i c order, ~ ~ o i i i i i i ~ i i iIN~ l . Iir~~tiglit The cri~l,itii. iii:iy 11it-11. carry a i r riglit sIioiil(1c~r.




92. Re& wtand at eaw. and break rank#, xire executed IIIV scribed in Paragraph8 30. 32 tind 33. The mrn rcltain tllcir picc.1,. On reauming tlie attention they take the position of ordvr rrrn,. 93. Being at the order: 1. Parade, 4. REST. A t t h e command rest, carry the right foot nix inchew Rtrtiiglit t o t h e rear, t h e left knee elightly bent; carry the niuzzle i n frolit I,! t h e center of the body,tlie barrel to the left, the right hand near t l i r muzzle, and take t h e portition of parade rest, tlic muzzle between tilt. tbumb and forefinger of (the left hand. To resume t h a order:- 1. Squad, 2. ArremroN. Quit the piety with the left hand, a n d resume the order. 94. To dismiss tlie q u a i l with arms: 1. Port. 2. ARMY. 3. ISmiss, 4. Mmce. 95. Being at the order, carry or right shoulder.
1. S l i n y . 2.


v i . Tlic l i i o v t b n i i - l i t s of k i i w l i i i g . lying t1oW11 r r ~ i t l rirriug arc. firat taught without iirms: 11ivy iirc cscciitc.(l ;IN with IWIIW except that i n t l i c positioii kntwliii;: t l i c rislit liiin(1 ribsts n i l thc right thigh, arid i n iiioving to r i ~ i t ltiolii tlic lying p o 4 t b n , the right h u ~ i d b placed on the grouritl ; i r i the poaitiort lying d o n ~ ithe . forearnix :ire against ewli other o t i t l i v groiind. le!\ urin i n troiit. At tile preparatory coiiitiiriiid tijr kiieelirig. lying ~ ( I W I I . or rising, the liaiiiiiicr will bc I~iwt-ri~iI I O t l i v * ; r f c * t y - t i o t c . l i . if I i o t already there. This r d r is !Irnr*ral. RH. Heitig at tlic tirclt-r: 1. Zrtpirv to I;tir*c.l. 2. KNEEL. At tlic S C C O I I ~ coiiiiiirind. I i : i l f f i i w to t l i r right, cttrryi~ig the right foot so that tlie t(H shrill \)e almut ten inches t t b t l i v rear a ~ i d ten inchen to the left of the lrft h w l ; kriwl o n t l i c riglit kiiiae, Iwiiding the lea, the left toe rliahtly inclining to the riglit: the right leg pointing directly to the right. tlie wciplit o t tlie t ~ 0 4 1 y rmting on the right heel; place tlir lefi foremii trcro*a tlic left thigh, the haiid hanging

. + a





naturally; the piece remaim i n the position of O I V ~ W~ I ~ I I tile I ~ . riglit handgrasping it above the wight. Yhi.9 is thepositiorr tq order kneeling.
Being at tlir orIIur Iiiieding. 1 . Pr,.par.c> t11 rises. 2 . RISE, both f i v t . p l t l c v the riplit 111.t.1 \)eriaia* the I t a t t . tilld take tlie position of order uriiis.




100. l k n g at the order, 1. Prepare to lie h ~ n 2. . IAEDows. At the Recond cowlnand, take the psiti011 o f IJrder k1lec*li1ig. (Two.) Draw I N W the ~ left fmt, and place the knee o n tht. grcluird; place the left hand yell torwarcl on the groilritl: and lie flat 011 the belly, body inclinecl slightly to tlie right arid Icgs t o tire lett : tile piece ia lowered at tlie same time with the right I r n ~ ~ t toe l . uric1 li1uzcle restiug on the ground, barrel up, left liurici a t the sigtrt. elbow on ttie ground, right hand tit tho n i ~ i s lof l tllra rtocsk, oplodite the neck.


Being in poeition lying down : 1. Prepore to risr. 3 . RISE.

A t the secoud command, draw back tlie piece slightly. grtisl) i t

at the sight with ttie right lrantl. ant1 bring it to 11 vertical 1,ctrition. barrel to the rear, butt nppoeite tlie n e c k ; w i t h the uitl of hot11 hands, raise t h e bodfto tlic . p w i t i o l l of o r ~ l ~ krit*t.linq. r (Two.) Rise as from the order kueeliiig. 102.

Being rit tliv order


1. PrrptrtI to / i t , tfmrjt. 2 .

Execute tlie acc.o~i.d t i i o t i o i i of lie I I O W I I . ( ltir. 100. j 103. Being i i i position lying d o w i i : 1 . Prrpttr,, to


Execute thc tirst iiioticul of rist..

< h r . 1111.)

T ( I IA)AI#.

is opened t t t t c v cseciitiiig tliic: command and closed after executing ortlcr ariiis.
~ O P I I .it

If t h o cartridge box is

104. Being at the carry or order: 1. Prtpnrc. to loat?. 2. h A n . At the second coinluaudl lialf face t o the right. catrryiI1g t l l c . riglit heel six inclies to the rear and three iiiclrer t o the riglit of t l w Irft. turning the toes of h t l i eet slightly inward; at the sanre tiiiir raise the piece with the riqht hund, drop it i n t o t h e lctt art tlir sight. muzzle at tire height of the chin. left eltiow againrt tile body. t i l t , miall of the stock two inchelr below the right breast. place the rigllt thumb on the head of t h o haiillller, fc>retinger UII tllr trigger: the













A n the illspewtor rcturnu the piece, the next man csecl1tc.a iriaiic*ction amnii, and NO on throughout the squad. Should the piece Iw i i i apected without batidling, the mail d i n g s carhinc when tlie irlsprctor passes; the next man ininiediately eseciites inspectioti ariiis. The inspection of arm* usii:rlly begilia on the right. atter w l i i c . l l
t i l i d iiispect tlic Iioseo from lctt t o right. The carbines :ind h t i x e ~ 1i:iving Iiceii iiisI~c~ctt!(l. tlic iiisl~y-t~rr :ill. prnaclrcs tlw right of the q u a d ; 1st his trlqiro:reli 111c first t w o nic'll execute iiwlwction pistol; us lie ~ i i r s ~ ctn s the s*rrontl, tlic Arst III:III returns pistol : r i d drri\~a S ~ J ~ T arid , t l i r third mcin execiitc~siriwlicbt.tion' of pirjtol und w on tlirnuglloiit. WI&n the inspector again approacht%rthe riplit. tht. firat t w o men cxt'cute the first motion of inspection saber; tlie t i r n t r i i i r r l . :Itlir inspector vniiitw i n front o!' hiin. executes the sccontl motiori ( I t ' iiiepection nnber: the .*ccorid iiiaii. as the inwpcctcir WIIIW i i i frolit I I ~ ' gim executes tlir second lotio11 of inspection ?nrl)cr,the tirst 1ii:in :it t h i s iiistant c*sec.utitlg the third niotinn, and the third mall tlich fir-t motion; th* tirst iiian then return* reber and unslings c.:rrliinc.. .\the inwpectol. conies in front of the other t i l e ~tht. . n i o v t w t ~ l ~:I* t. j ~ t erplairied, is carried out pccewsivrly. 124. If uriiiwi wit11 karbinc trod sut)t.r only. c i r c ~ i n i : I i i lir:r\v. .saber as w o n au he diiig. c.rwbine, arid the iiqwctio1i is c.c~llctuctt-~l t i s before.

tlic inepcwtor miry pass i n rear

125. If armetl wit11 (tIie piSto1 a w l s:tIit*r, or sttbcr on\?. t \ i r s saber is returnrd after th inspection. 1%. If armed with carbine only, each carbin:, a t h r 1i:iviiig h e i i iiinpectetl,. will be br uglit to the order. 127. ' The following-INsitionx of tho piece ere intendetl niailily tiir UBI) in dispersed order c;iicb route marchen. When marvhiny i t 1 ;tr~y 111' thew, pmitions, the pieceq will .be brniight to the order nitlloiit COIIImand upon halting. Whpnever the commalid for any of thtbwc pwitionn is given, the piece yill be nhifted i n the n i o A t convenient mtrl1n e r ; reducing the move ents tn regular motions and cadence i b prohibited. 128. 1. Tmil, 2. AB s. The piece in grwsped with tht. ri,gllt hand, where i t will balan , barrel up, piece nearly Iinrizontal. A similar position in t e lett hand may he r i w d . 129. 1. Left Shnirlder 2 . ABMJ. The piece rest* on tile lrtt shoulder, barrel np and m zzie raised *o as not to interfere with the



d . ,






T h o object i s to give t h e corporril t h e c o n t i ~ l c . r i w ; i l i a 1 c.slwrit*Iic.r n e c e m r y to qualify him as a q u a d or group leader. while a t t l l ~ same time teaching t h e recruits t h e ninvcnlcrltr i r i ,clontb t r r i ( l dispereed order. The corporal, a w lea&, is porited o n tho right of tllr rttrik : ar i l l s t r u c t o r he goes wberover his prewunce in nectwtiry. (Cieircra~lriilt., ) Tho corporal .is the instructor, but t h e drill is ; i t \ \ - a p s i i ~ w r i r r tended by a n ofacer or nergeant. Tlle morenlcrlts :irc txsplaiitleti :IS w i t h srrn8; but in t h e Erclt inHtriirtiorr of rcc.rtrit.*. 111t.y are tittight without arms, omitting t h e references to the Iiositioii of t11c pitv.ab. A n intelligent recruit in laced 011 eat.11 flunk o f ' 111c s(111iid : whfi.11 t h e guido is announced i i i t h e co~nn~ainti. tlic III:III 0 1 1 tlle clc*sign:ttt~if flank, or in the conter, conducta t h e miirch but in 110 o t h e r I W ~ I C C I performe t h e function8 bf guide.
135. The depth of a man is taken ab: twelve iirchucl: his ./i'ont i r i r a n k a8 twenty-eight inches, which include^ his breatltl~ ai111 iiitcrval of six inches. 136. p a c i n g disfance ia sixteen inches. i. e.. t h r diti'crcnct* bvtween t h e front of a man in r a n k sad his depth. 137. TO form t h o equad, t h e corporal place8 Iiimaelfat tht. poiilt w h e r e t h e r i g h t of t h e q u a d in to be, facer in the dirtbetion in wliich i t is to h e , mnken t h e aignal for t h e aSHeIIIbl?- and c.oriiniaiirl.;

At this command, t&e men forin in their proper p1ac.c~in h i i i g l ~ rank, from r i g h t to left: tukiug tho interviilw as ~irescribt~~l. ar1113111 t h e order. ,
P R l N C ( P L E 8 OP T H E ALlON3lEST.5.

138. The alignmen u are first taught by requiring t h c rc.c.rllit* to align thenimlver, mu . by m a n , upnn t w o tiles est:il~lishc~l :I* i t

baeo. I Being at the curry orrjrder, t h e iiintrtietor cOltl1llii1l~ts: I . T W~~ / I P

from f k r i g h t , (left or cetdrt!) thrrac pwe.s to t h c t r o n t . 1. .\l.*RrH. 3. NEXT, 4. FBONT. 1 At the command /ita clr, t h e ti173t t w o tiles tronl t h e right essc.lrtt, eyee right, m a r c h t h r e e paccn t o thc. front, halt anti 1ilac.e t h e lcft


h a n d above t h e h i p (Pa , 26) ; t h e inatructor aligns thrill t t r i t i thcmrl c a a ~ e ethe r e m a i n i n g fi es to move niicccsxireiy on t h i s alignment by the command next. A t the command nr.M. t h c file o n t h e right of the rarik csec.utc.~ e y e a r i g h t a n d marchew iree pacea to t h e front. sliorteiiiilg tlic 1 : ~ t atop so OR to find hirnael about six incheR io rear of t h e new align-





T h o inntruetor vurifiea tlie ;iligiinieiit arricl c v i i i i i i ; i i i t l s . f r o n t , at thiu command, all thc men, including tile base tilcs. turn the I l l b : r 4 1 a n d oyoe to tho.front, a n d drop tlie left Iianql to t h e siclc. 142. Aligntpents to t h e rear arc executcll o n tlic ?;ciiiiepriiieiliie~s: t h o instructor conimnncin: 1. Right ( l i f t or criitcr) hodilr,irrl. 2.


1 is command. tlie nieii glance t h e step, a i d cast t h e i r eyes to

20 I


If tile men IORC step, tlie instructor comniantls: STEP;tit toward tlic side of thv guide. retrrkc the frolit.

To ,U(irc~h Bac4irurd.
Being at a halt, tlic instructor coiniiiuodw : 1. B w k m r d . 2. G u i d e right! (or l t f t ) , 3. MARCII.

The iquatl execute* eyes right, riiovw 1~:iektr~:irtl. li:ilts-;i littlt* i i i roar of t h o f i n e of tlie buae tilay, a n d ininietli:itely t l i * r s a c s ti11 by ? i t e p o t w o or tbvce inches. 1 x 3 . .To crocute ttie atigiiincnt usiiig tlic aicic s t c y t ~ i c .iiistriict1)r e+hliahea the barre tilea a few pwes from t l i r r;iiik, i t , line with i t . &id c o r n h a n d s : 1. Right (or left) s f t p , 5. Riyht ( o r I # ) . 3. I)HESS.

To ,Karc*h to the Hear.

rrtir. 2.
1-19. Being in maircli. t h e instructor com!nonds: 1. To the , u ~ 4 R C I l , 3. Grckle riqlrt ( / t f t or crtittr ). h t tlir coniiiiund niiirvh. giri.n as tlir right foot *trikes the grnuntl,

4 1


At t h o command dress, tilo mcu execiito the side step. c l o tow:irti ~ t h e baae filoe a n d drcsn a8 a l r e a d y explained. 144. Whon tho q u a d dresnee quickly m t l well. tlie. gtiitlc l i l o l i t * movoq to t h o poi:it, or witliuut le?briiig tlic rzbiik, lil;wc-s his 1 1 i o 1 i l ~ I ~ r ~ i n t h o diroction intliclrted by tlie i n a t r w t o r . 145. Io dressing, t h e 6 r s t 4wo or three files Iirc acciir:itl-ly irligiic.(l 88 quickly 88 possible, in order to afford 11 1):i.w Rir tlic rest of till, squad. This nile i 8 gmpml.

adv:ince atid plant tllch left toot: tlicn t e r n 011 tlic l i d l a of both feat, face t o t h e riglit :iliout an!l iliirlrctlintcly stel) off with tlic Ii4t foot. If niarcliing i n tloiiblc tinit.. face to tlic riglit tibout by tskinK !our short s t v p i i i Iil:icc. kcepiiig tliv catlc~icc~, end tlwn s t e p off with tllu left !bot. To ,Ifarch Cy the F l m k .
150. Being in line at a I d t , the inktruetor toiiiIliatids: 1. Right ( o r left j . 2. FACE.3 . Formmf. 4. MARCH. If ilizircliiiip. tlic i n ~ t r i i c t o r t~oiiiniunda: 1. B y t k c z right (or left) ~ d n l l k .?. J l A R C I l . .it tlir corlimaiid t w / r v h . givt*iicis tlit- riglit 1i-t atrikvs tlii*xround, ndvlrricc. rind 1 i h i i i t tlic Ic*f t t i m t . t l i e n fiicv to the riglit in iiiardiing and step ntf i n tlie IICW clirivtioil with tlie riglit font. In t h e rnnrc.11 liy tlic fliiiik. tlic inen v o w r :I* in file and keep clo~ctlto f,rriit!q disttrnw. that is. to niic4i c1ist:inc.c tlmt i n forininp lino tlirre will I i c a11 interval1 of six invlles lwtwecrl c4l)owr. 151. To Ilalt tlic coliiniii of tiles. tlie instructor cwnninnclw: 1. &{tt,r,j. ?. HALT:uiitl. tiYfwc i t . t o tlic f r o n t , H. Lqft ( o r riqht). 4.

To Mcirch



146. TCe squad being corrcctly ailigiiccl, tlic iii..itriictor conimunda: 1. Foric~ird,?. Gri;dti ri!/ltt (Ir:ft o r wntcSr). :!. M A w i i . At t h o coniniaiid rnarvh, tho squad steps otf ?iriiiwtly: t11c g i i i t l c b m a r c h i n g d r a i g l i t t o tlic front. The inst.ructor observes in marching in line: tlicit tllc nicw 111-pwrvu t h o interval toward tlie wide of tlic g u i d e ; tli:it tiicy y i c s l r l 141 preaauru f r t n i t h a t aiclc cind rqsiat prcwurc froiii thv tip1it)sitc (lire(.t i o n ; t h a t t h e y open out neitbcr iiriii; tli:it liy slightly slioi.tcriiii~ or longtheninp t h e atcp thoy k.ntdn:rlly rewvtr t l i c :iIi,giiiiiciit, :iIIII by slightly opunirrg out or c l h i n g in, tlicy grudu:rlly reqwwr tllc inbrvul, if loat; t h a t whilo habitually kevping tlic hcwl t1ircSc.t tu t h o front, t h e y niuy ovciwiohally glance toward tlic si& of the pui(Ic. to m u r e theniaelrcs of t h e ulignment a r ~ intcrvrtl. l h i t tlirrt t l i c helid is turned ae little BR pownible far thin purliow. The instructor will imprenaiupon the iitcii thrit tlic d i y i l m c n t u r d interval can o n l y be premerred by unifiorniity i n t h c lengtli a1iia1 cadence of t h e step, and b y keeping t l i r slioultlwa squ:irca w i t h t h e line of direction.

Y a r c h i n g in coluniri of tiles. to inttrcli i n l i i r , t h e inntruetor commands: 1.. By the riyht (or / e f t ) flnrtk. ?. ,\ZaRcrr. 3. Quide (right, /eft or center).

To Chanflc Direction in Coiiimn of M e a .

152. Being in niarcli. tlic instructor comnuinclR: 1. Column nght (or left), or: 1. Column h r ! f right (or hn!f / [ f t ) , 2. M A U C l f . 2\t tlic coiiirnnnd march, t h e leading man, mhortening two or tlireo Hteps. wheels t o tlie riglit, or lialf r i g h t , over a quarter or a n eighth circ+lewhose rndiiw i* a h n t cigtitecii inchem ; the other liioll follow tlie fiwt nntl wheel o n tile mnie ground.

L... , . .



pl f'
1. Quick




The Obliqtrc M a r c h .
153. Being. in line a t a halt, t h e iiistruvtor c o n r n ~ ::~ ~ I .~ R;!llit ~l~
(or / e f t ) obliqur, 2. MARCH.

To resume

t h e quick time. t h e inetructor eommands:








ritlier foot ir coming t o the

A t t h e tirst command, t h e men halt' h e to tlw riglit. A t t h e command march, they s t e p o f in t l i r oblicliiv clirvc*tioii and prewerve t h e i r relative positions by ,glanciu,g irlonp tlic diouldere of' t h e men toward t h e side to wliicli they are oliiiquiiig. a n d b y regulating their etepn eo as to k e e p their wlioultlers alwayparallel to, a n d i n rear of th&e of t h e niaii next on that sitlr. arid m a k e hie bead conceal t h e b a d e of t h e o t h e r men in t h e rank : tlic line of the r a n k remaina parallel to its original position. T h e clquad ie halted b y tlie comma nit^: 1. Sqwrd. 2. HALT. A t the command halt,' tlie men halt. faced to t h e front. If marching, t h e men half face t o tile right i i i niiircliiii,g. : ~ i i r l more o f f in t h e new direction a t t h e couiinaiicl tti,irc/i. To resume t h e original direction. tlie instroctor coiiiniaiiils: 1 .
Foruqrd, 2,

grouiitl. tlie q u a d takes tlir quick s t e p

T I - R SI SO.



nnd Halt.

MARCH. A t t h e command march, t h e m e n lialf face to tile left i n inar(.li-

, ? i n g a n d t h e n move Rtraight to t h e front. If m a r k i n g t i h e while obliquing. t h e obliqut. i i i e i . c . l i u r t A - u i i i t v l by t h e comnianda: , 1. Ohliqur, 2. MARCII. T h e short ntep will not he used in tlie obliclur iiizirt.11. 154. I n t h e oblique march, t h e guide iaalwriys witliout iiitIic.ritiaiii' on t h e side toward which the oblique is iiiatle. On r r s u i i i i i i g t l i c * < I'1rt.1.1 niarcli, t h e guide is without indication o n t h e side it was prc*viciuu 1 1 1 tlre oblique. If t h c oblique- be rxecutrcl froiu 21 I i r r l t . tliv g i i i t l t . is . announceti on t a k i n g the tlirrc-t i i i line. T h r s e ~ I I I C X nl'r gPnerti1. 155. T h e coluniu of tile^ obliquw b j tlic. saiiiit. (.t)niiiiainils ~ I I I ~ I means: tlie leading inan being t h e guide.

Marching in line. t h e instruetor commands: 1. Squad righr ( o r left). 2. MARCH. 3. FROST. Tlit. first coiiinianil is given when t h e squad is t h r e e pave* fmnr t Iic*turuing point. At t l i e cniiirnaual inrirr-h. gircn t h e iii?itant t h e q u a d is to t u r n . 111t.I I I ~ I I~ ~ I tiw I riplrt liiilts itud t'uce~ to tlir right : tlie otlier inen Ii;rlt' t a w t n 1 1 1 ~ .riglit i i i nriircliiiip. t r n d witliout cl+iiiging t h e leligth o r c.;rtlc~iic.c. of t h e .;tt*l), i i h c e tlit~msrl\-cwaucctwirql? upon t h e aligntiithiit retablisliwl by t h e pivot iiian : all drew te tlie p i r o t without (~orlirliand. Tlie lart inan having a r r i r e d on the new line, t h e in.;tructor verities tlie irligiinielit from t h e pivot flank a n d conimandw front. If at a halt. t h e movement is executed o n t h e same principlee; it' at t h e order a n d ttw movement ie c x e w t e d in quick time, t h e pieces arc- reisc4 slightly. while in niotioii. & i i d k t r / f rhyht ( o r ltft) is rxecutwl in tlie W Y I I I C ~inanncr, except tlluf t h e Ilivot i i i i i k v s ii Ii:rlf farce t o t h e riglit,

I r i t ) t u r t i . 2';

T u r i t cziid .-ldv(tnw.

T o March

in Dotrhlu


156. Being in line at a halt, t h e inNtructor coniniiinds: 1. A l r rmrd. 2. Guide (right, left or centre), 3. Double tirnr. 4. J l A R r i i .

M;rwliing i n lint- tlic instructor coiiiiiiunds: 1. Riyht (or MAHFII. Tlir fiivt coriin;antl i- , g i w i i wlitw t l i c quad i* t l i i w 1inceN from t Ilc. t u r n i iig 1ioi n t . , i t tlw (.oiniiii1iid wirt4. given tlw instant tlie sqiiritl in to t u r n . the iiian o n t l w right ~niarcliesby tlrr right flank and m o w n forward iu t h e new directinn without c h a n g i n g the length or cadence of the s t e p ; t h e o t h e r nien lialf fact. t o the r i g h t in niamliing. a n d moving i n double time by t l i r ? Rhorteet line. nuccewively place tliemnelres on the uew line. wIion t h e y reaume t b e s t e p a n d cadtmce of t h e pivot

To P u s s fr om Quick T i m e to Double T t m r , cintl



167. T h e i n ~ t r u c t o r , c o n i m a n d s : 1. Dotihlr time. 2. Jlaucii. A t t h e command m r c h , g i v e n when t h e left foot #trikes the ground, advance t h e r i g h t foot i n quick time, a n d s t e p off with t l l e left fnot in doable. time. .

If niarclring in donble +time. t h e nien murt increaac the g a i t in nrder t o n r r i r e o n t h e line. If at a halt, t h e nian o n f h c r i g h t inarchew in t h e new direction at quick tinie unlean tlic command double time be g i r e n . Riyht ( or left) hay turn i* executed i n the same nianner. except ' t h a t t h e pivot inan makes a half face to t h e right.


160. T h e manual of a r m s is exccutetl vidual Inotruction.


21s c~xplaiiiietli i i

t l i c Iii(1i-

161. T h e commands for firing are t h e same wlictlier tlic sqii:id is etanding, kneeling or lying down. T h e coiiiinaiids for kneeling or lying down, precede the, command* for firing. I f t h e cartridge box is worn, i t ia slipped to t h e h i p :iftcr C'SCc u t i n g t h e preparator? command. arid is opiiicd if i i e c c ~ : i r y : it i> closed and replacut1 utter uxucuting c't.tisc' tiring.


h l / e y pirircg.




R C I U being ~ ~

,in line fronting tlic- n1)jrc.t t o I W t i 1 ~ 1


upon, yiecerl loaded, the instructor coniniancls : 1. Fir,,

2. A t (auch an object). 3. At (so many) ytzrdd. 4. & / w I / .




7. ,FIRE,8. LOAD.

T h e commands are given with suliicieiit iiitcrv:ils t o a l l o ~ tlita111 to be executed IW already preacribed. T h e coniniand tire is givctl w h e n all t h e pieces appear to be steady. These rule,.$ nrr getrcrd. To fire a n o t h e r rolley at t h e s a m e ohjcctive. with t h e *ainch linr of sight, t h e instructor commantlw: 1. S q w ~ d . 2. READY. 3. :IIM. 4. FIBE,3. LOAD. . T o fire a n o t h c r rollcy at t h e sanw ( h j e c t i r c . biit with :I IIOII- liric of sight. tlic inwtructor comniands :. 1. At ( so iii:iriy) y , t r ~ / . *2. . S,/~t,t,/. 3. READY, 4. A i s , 5. FIRE, 6 . Loan. To fire anotlier volley at a new ol,jcctire :iii(I w i t 1 1 :I IIC'IV l i r i t h of' Night, the instructor coniniundn : 1. A t ( aii object ). 2. . ~ t m a n y ) yttrds, '3. & p R d . 4. READY, 5. A1.\1. 6. FIRE. 7. 1 . 0 . t ~ . 1ciR. Tlie objective and range will bc indicated in the proI);ir:itory coniinanda for all kinds o f fire, as illuntratctl i i i tlic. C X ; I I I I ~ ~ C . * j u s t given. This rule i s yrnernl. 164. I f t h e objective ia at more t h a n a wliglit a n g l e t o tlic fiwlit of t h e EqliSd, t h e inRtructor %ill change thy clirectioii of t h e *qu:ill This ride is griitrnl. RO as to face it.

To ('ecise Firing. 165. The inwtructor conimantla : CEASE F i R i w i . At t h i s command, the men. ntop firing, d r a w cnrtridgc or eject
t h e e m p t y shell, lower t h e Right leaf a n d t a k e t h e porition of ortlrr armR. o d o r kneeling, or tlic pmition. l y i n g ( l o a n . t h e cane niuy I I ~ L ,








When clinmounted. carry the riglit foot about twenty inches t o place the Iefl haiitl i n the ponition ot' the bridle Iiuiitl. tli; right a113 171. Being inouutecl illid at the poHitiori raise pistol. 1. L / i r e r .

2. PISTOL.. At the coniniaiid pistol. lower the pistol w i t h o u t ehanpiiig t l i t . granp, and rest the hand and pistol on the riglit tliipli, biick o f tlithind up, t.he muzzle about one inch i n front ot' the riglit knee. Wlien dismounted, lower tlic pistol without cliaiigiiig tlic g r i i n l i of the hand and rest the wrist aguinflt tlic riglit hip, back o f tht. hand to the right; tlie barrel inelinetl to the front and (1ownw:ird at nn angle of forty-five degrees. 172. Being at raise or lower pistol : 1. Heturn. 2 . E'I~TOL. At tlie cornlvand p;.*tol. inmrt the pistol i n t l i e holster. 1iac.k ( i t ' tlie hand to tlie body, button tlie tlup tind drop t h e Iiuiiil by tlic. *itlc.. If clisinounted. bring thc right foot by t l w side ot t l i c Ivtt :ilia1 drop tlie left liaiitl by the side. 173. Being at raise or lower pistol : 1. PrPpcire t o lomi. 2. LOAIL At the second comniand, place the pistol at the cylinder i n tlit. loft hand, the barrel inclined .to left front and downward at an anglv of about forty-fiye degrees. half cock the pistol und open the y:itt. with the right thunib; if necennary. eject the criipty ahells. wnrkiiig tlie ejecting rod w i t h tliv foretingcr of the left liaiitl i ~ i i c lturiiiii,c t l i c . cylinder r i t h tlic left tliiiiiib. the riglit haiid holtling t l i c stock : ttikt. a cartridge froin the box yr belt, innert it i n t h e cliaiiibrr. p r t w i t home with the riglit thuiiib, clone t h e pute witti the right !iirt*tiiigcr. lower the haninrer and ririsr pistol. 174. Being at raise or lower pintol: 1. Rectdy. 2. T o t/rr fto,ct ( o r Right ohliqrrr. et e . . ) or 2. At Caucti a n object). At tlie coiuniand wtidy. place tlie riglit t l i u n i l ~o n tlic I i i l i i i i i i c v : at the second c.oiiiintiiic1 direct tlir l y e * to tlir tioiit. or towird t l i i . object indicated.


156. Thrust and poiut tlie pintol to the front, or toward t h c objective, arm about three-fourth8 exteuded, at the same time cwckiii,: the pistol; fire without pause or any effort to align the sight up7 11 the objective.; after firing pause an instant and resunie tlie raise o r lower pistol according to the poRition before firing. . When mounted, leen sliglitly forward bearing on the ntirrups: i i i Bring to the front, lean well t o the right and digtitly fiwward t o avoid burning or frightening the horse. To continue the Bring i n the same direction or at the rlanie objective, the instructor commands: 1. Ready, 2. FIRE.



it i* stated that tlivrtI n the November number of t h e JOL-RNAL is nothing to mark BL-FORD'S line a t Gettyshurg, where he un gril lantly held the position on tlic first day until the Fimt CnrIi* e i i i i i i .

At the present time the Ninth S e w Tork nnd the Third 1ou:i have monumentu there; the Seventeenth Pennsylvania haw one 1111d e r way, and on t h e 1st of July, my old regiment. tlie Sixth S e t \ York, will erect another. Our monument will cost nini- tlinusnnil dollars and will be n very hantlsonie nieniorinl.

W. I,. HEERSIASCE, Fmnerlg Cdimel Sirlh Xni* 1 - d Cnralrv



I n discussinn of the varioun points concerning rcrolrcrs and t l i t . proper caliber for that urin. the following brief notes arc subniittetl I n 1882, I saw a COLT'S revolver, caliber 45, eniptied into t l i t > back and legs of a buck Indian, and he did not stop runniiig; l i t . limped somewhat, it i R true, but was not 'lehor.ked'* sererely. T l i ~ revolver was fired at no greater distance than five yards and niictor twice el-r. Being somewhat surprised by this circumstanco, I experirnentetl on a young wild animal, riding alohgeide of it for the purpnne. M y fifth shot dropped it, I holding t h e muzzle of tlie C o ~ ~ w i t l i in i ifc\v inches of t h e animal's head. Upon skinning the animal it was fouiitl t h a t four of t h e five sbota had juRt penetrated the hide. By inquiry it WBB ascertained that the powder used in that lot of cadridgee waa some that had been obtained from t h e old paper

Maneuven;' by ('aplain J . Y. 31 \ Y I n # L l > , H. A,. In tbr pro8:wdiuyS o f the Ibyal hrtillerp ~ M t ~ l U l ~ l lMarch. ii. IM9.1
[ Fmm "The c;erman Imperial

riitirely pircn u p to the ciivalry ; twrloc iv<iiiwiits titken from both corps relirraciitcd tlie cavalry ot' an :triiiy sclvanc.iiig from Frnnktbrt on the Odcr agrtiiist rt nkdcton ~iicriiy rutrciitiiig on Berlin thruugli Miiiicliclic.rg. TIN tbrrii1.r force w:ts conininiictcd by t h e Eiiilw'or ; the rcgiiiicvits were i i i p e a t -treiigtli, us tliu titth quudron, which, i i i irctuul w w titiic would t w I c t t us a dcpi>tl was-during thc muiicu\*cra--with the ucrvicc .qurtctroiis, d o that the Emperor had sixty squrtdroiis under his coniiiinid. The strength of each ncluadrnli aecinccl to irvrragc itbout cino hundrrd and twontj--fivr Nibem. Owingto tlic clnucl of dust i t was c*xtreniely ttifficult to follnw tliu nioreinciltw. ail41 it' thin was ditlicdt tor H rpcctator n i u ch more MJ i t must havv 1)ecii fnr thosc w h o . a c r c i n command. Oirectly regiments and wquadrons brokc into a trot they were at once lost to view, cloudu of dust alone nhoaing their
Sat iirtlay \ v w ulniont


2 10



21 I

L: _,,

HI 131 . I( ) c R .A PH I C A I , so r i:s.

c 214

BIB LIOQ 2 A l " A

L *YO f i S .



&gnlntions tbr tlie Uniform of' tlie Arniy of the t'nited State*. with Illustrations. Published by tbe Quarterinaster General at t h e Philadelphia Depot of the yuartermanter'w 1)epurtmriit.



Volume XVI.-SSight operiitionn.-Puge 625. l'vriwwion Fuav. -Page 639. Outline of an Instrunient tbi- Ycasuriiig Deflrctive Corrections, firing nt ninving 0bjectw.- Page 641. Suggentionn tor . Instruetion in Laying Field Artillery.-Pagt. 64.5. 0iitIimta.Page 649. Mountain Artillery. (Csiret aywteni. 1 W i ). I.etters O I I hfantry.-February. 1889. VoTblumc XPII.-High Velocity i n Field Guii~.-I'age 1. The German Iniperial xaneuret%.-Page 13. Sonic Thought8 on Slirapne1 Fire with the 12-pi-. B. L. Gun.-Page 25. Small Arnia vw. M a chine Guns.--Page 31. Hoiintain Artillery. Home .\rtillcry. Batteries of CavalrF DivinionR in the Riissiari hrniy. 1,ettcrw O I I InfantrJ..-hfarcli. 1889. The Vertical *' Drift" of Rlongiited h i jecti1ee.-Page 33. Signalling ~ rApplied l to Fired Artillery.-Pnge 39. Military Ballooning.-Page 41. Quadrant Elevation for S a r d Ordnance.-Page 59. Recent Theories o n tlie Organization of Fortided Places. Study of a Peciiliirr Care i n tlic Rtilt, of .\rtillery i i i the Field. Xaxinie and Opinionw of tlir late Rriariiaii G e i i e ~ i Slicil . BILEW, extracted from hia Daily Order I3nok.- April. 18W.
.\HMT ASD S A V Y (+i\Z,l"l'R.
Volitmv XXX.1889.- The HORIER Correal)oriilc.iice.- I'nge I . Mounted Infantry.-Page 24. Mounted Infantry.- Pugt*41. Tlir F u t u r e of Retired OtTiccra.-Page til. Tlie Slicmtirig t i l ' the .\rniy. - P a p 86. Army Reniountw.- l'agv Hti. Horiiiteci 1iit'nntry.Page 81. plbounted Infantry.- Page 106. .\riiiy Hnrses.-- Fagr 130. A Cure for Roariug i n Homea.-l'~ge 131. Mi)iinted Infkiitry. -Page 146. Forage for Military l'urpooee.-Page 1%. Employment of Uoge for Military Purpoees.- Page 207. Mounted Intkntry -Ita Pretwnt and its Future.-Page 227. The Province of Mounted Infantry.-Page 241. T Delhi Cavalry Canip- Paee 257. The Manufactare o f Swords. Page 265. Tlie l'rogres~of Artillery in 1888-89.-Page 281. T e Battles o f t h e Future.-Page 301. Mounted 1nfnntry.-Pay 318. Home Artillery.-Page 347. 1s a Ehldier'e Life worth IAiri&?-PpPge 3 i O . Conscriptinn.- Page 381. Mounted Infantry.-Pa&i 407.

Muy. lSH!j.-A Miwion for the Infantry Service. A Few Worcln o i i EIome Shooing. The Practical Training of Field Batterion. ('4)mparatire table^ ot the Relative Values of Field Artillery GUIIN. .\ Rritiwli Tribiitc to WASHINCITOX. FortreAs Defence. h t t e r a on Infantry. Letters on Artillery. Cavalry. A Review1 Giants in Spiked Helmetw. Tactical Gaitw for Cavalry. A Xaticrnal ReRerre.







Au Ofleer'* RewnrioirMoce Patrol During the Franc.o-Prll*ri:t11 W a r with map.-Page 446. Endurance oi' Cavalry Hors1.s :IIII~ Systems of Riding-Pages 458 and 70-7. Rernoulits i n the Statio11 502. Horse Shoes Without Sails i n the Englirh ZJervico.-Page 527. Russian Opinion about P r u a h r i c11v111ry.Page 931. Hamtbr i r i the Froricli Cavalry.-Payr In]?.


June9 I889.--Trcipival Cycloiies. The Iri.rb Hrigatle. The Cor. Little Bpeck of tinan War. The Arming o f Field .irtillery. % \Var. Operations Againat Ho*tile Indiana with General GEoEaE. Our, Netior1al Coat of Arias aud Probabl; (:ROOK. 18ti7-1&%. Origiii o f ttw Star Spaitglrcl Biiitiier. Tlrc triule t i t ' Staff Ofleer%

REYI-E DV CERCLK MIIAIT.\ I R K . Vo/anit*1&2889.-I)riIIn and Maneurers by Sight.-I';tg:(. 1 s5. NAmmcon'a Inspiration i n Italy, MIAILLEHOIS and h i - m - m . I iz%;i1135.-Pagc 191. The Italian Militia.-I'age 1!)4. . I S e w Bit.Page 200. German Cavalry from a Rueeian Point ot View.-Pag:ca 209. The Turkish Army in 1889.-Page 210. The Horae i n France and his Improvement.- Page-260. Sight Yancwrern hcforc livrt (41. Puge 310. The Armien of flurope.- t'ayc. :%Hi. T l l r Moral L~II~.:Ition of the Russian Soldier.+Page #t2. The San~oan Idaridr 1111t1 the GermamAmerican Diqbute: trith r i r n r i p - Page 4:3:3. Letter from the United States.- Page 439. Ficlcl Fortiticution.-Page 44:). Drill Regulations of the Germari Field Artillery. Marc-ti 25. 1 sS!j,Page 473. Butfalo Bill i n France.-PPap 4S!b. The Sew 1)rill Regnlationa for Infantry. The Scliool ot the Bnttalion.-P;ige w!). Caralry Armament, by an OBcer of the Army nt Egypt,- Pug' 51,s. (hmt X O L T K E , his Idife arid his Times. by HERMAY M~'I.I.ER--Ro~IH. -Page 516. Tho Horse ot' +lgicrs.---Pagy 511;.

. . HUDSON'S Army and Sary Iist.-Jurie. i'



Nunrber I, 1883. The Firc of Ititled C;~IIIIOII. 1)cwription. Theory and U s e ot' the LEA. NOT Toehcomcter. Dewription of' the Military Hospital at Brume1

1 +--

. -




Vuful~ X V , NO. I, 2889. I Naval finerrerr and the Hcbc.riiiting and .Training of Men. Shedthed or C'nehelrthed S h i p . Letter of' Captaiu -MAHAN. Nu-al Coq t Signals. NoteR on the Literature ot Explosivetx Progrewire Sa 111 Seam'annhip.





No. 6.


JS kl R N A L

O&xve intereatmi in the Cavalry Annociation nhouhi note the patrons of t h e JOLXWAL in it8 adnertiniog columna. Adrertinements

are taken to aid in meetin the expenees of publication, and only ench 88 are accepted by the publication Committee. The membership of the Awociation and he circulation of the JOCRNAL ha8 been incressing eteadily in the army, among ex-offieera of both Hides i n the late war, and t h e militia. T h e JOVRSAL i s now B vslunblr nirdiom by which business h o u w can be brought to their notier. Term# are given upon application. A hberal discount will be inaile for adrertieementcl contncted far a year.



V O L 11.


XO. 6.








presiinicd to rcgulatc the f i t - g e a r of man and woman, we need not he surprised if a greater ignorance should erist as to t h e neede of the horses foot. We fcrl, therefore, t h n t n o apology is necessary for kedpiog open this question. so vital to the trooper in all his work. It wns SESOPHON, our most ancient authority on t h e horee, who said, I n respect then to hi8 hody we assert that we must first ex.amine his feet. So let 11s do likewise. and first from a mechanical p i n t of view. Mankind. in all conetructions of aide to locomotion and in all structures that are to bo subjected to mhocka, has learned to inake use of springs or of some combination of levers to take up, ahsorb, or transmit the shocks. It is thus that the locomotive, rigid in certain parts, is flexible in otliem, and one has but to contrast tho scnuationll when riding a lnxurious coach to those experienced in a --doad axle wagon to fully realize t h e importance of the springe with which the coach is provided. Nature has provided each form of animal life with that which best serves the purpose. I n all we find a combination of both apringsand levers. The uprings are tho mosclee and the tendons which attach them to the bones; the levers a r e the bonee them.


I I E S w e consider the perpietency with which fashion has eyer



, .

,I !





T h e c.offlii bone foriiie the bane of tiit. horse's t o c ' ziiiq1 almnt i t a r c grouprcl all tlie array of parts wliicli Iicivc tlirir ottict. i i i producing tlic hoof. L~nderiientlitlie neat of' the tlc.sor t c i i i l o i i : i i i c l i t s i i i i i o i i w i t l i t l i t . coffin bone w e tiare tlir -*;iItiiit:ir eustii1)ii'. t)r . . s o t t '. o r .. tiitty trog:." t is directly within iind sliul)etl like tlic .. Ii(iriiy .' or ..rstc*rrl:il frog." Hctwceii tlic two tlie -iiiner" or ..seiisitirc. salt-" c s t c b i i t l r over tlie entire interior surfwe of the bottoin o f the Iioof. T I i t . fiitty frog, the inlier role. 1 1 1 1 ~ 1 thu iiiner w i l l ot' t l i c I i o o t ' :IR- 1)cariiiciitwl everywliere by u runiified nysteni ot' :irtwiw : I I I ~ vthiiis. Tlrcy : ~ r c also niost exquisitely w i ; a i t i r r . beiiig titIvii w i t t i ncrvt*r i i i :III t i i n - t . tiona. Externally we have tliu * I Iiorny trog." tlic -outer solt." ;ind tlic '.outer" or .-lioriiy wall" of tlie Iinof: Tlic: u p p r liortlvr ot' t l i ~ latter is surmounted by the so-callrtl .. coronary riyz '. wliicli rcvrett.. tlie horn of tlie wall. W e thus hare ultimately a h a d , Iinriiy Lox. fibriiiiiig the c.iivclol)c* wtiicb covers crnd protects a11 tile parts s ~ ~ r r o u ~ it t ~ i r~iottiil i ~ i g~ont.. . aut1 wiiicii firat receives 1111 ttic stlocks t o wtiicti ttic. tilot is subj!icc.t. S o w this horn of the Iioof. tlit. nails t i n our tiiigcrs. t l i c ~Iiilir O I I our lieuds ant1 tlie skin on our bndics are :ill oiie : i i i t l tlic stinic t l i i i i , g under different forme. Saturc. girw t h i s iii:iteri:il t l i v ti)riii I w h t suited for use 'n each case: a i d i n tlie linrw's foot it is ( ~ n i i i p o s ~ ~ i l ot hair-like til) rs. parallcl with caeli ot1it.r. pro,ic~ting~ o w I ~ w ; I ~ ( ~ from the corona y r i n g wliieli secrctes tliorii. Tliry arc- :ill coni~~ricted a i deiiae, Ii:ii*tl. ctlniost iiiilwrvious wall e.rtt.rtogether ao as to fo~*ni nally,'so as to be well tittecl to nithztnrid chither use or irijiir?-. This wall is not absolutely impervious. t i s w c kiinw t l i i i t i t sotiks u p o i l . greiwe o r water, placed thereon. But intrr,wlly tlie structiirv is sott and spongy, und full of a nioi.sture of i t s o w n . Tlie Iiiird h o r n of tlie exterior ahatlev gradually into softer Iiorii. i i n t i l WLS :irrive :it t l i c . inner wall. Tlie external w d l is geiirrally cnnsitleretl rinri-serisitirc. a n d i t is probably so on tlir iinmetli:itc~ c~xterior.but tlie clrptli ot' this non-seiiaitive part probably \-arks i n ditfereiit litbrscs iiiul i n a l l is probably much less than ia generally siipposctl. A11 who a r e firmiliar with the nppeiir:inec of tlic uiidtv sitlc of :I mushrooni will h a r e noticed the (I~Ii(.tite folds with \vliic*li miture 1 1 : i ~ formed it. So it is with both the esterri:iI a n d internal wrills of' t h e hoof. The interior of the extcmctl wall and tlie extc'rior of tlw internal wall, a r e both formed with just aiicli delicate fbltla. Tliere a r e something like six hundred of these in both tht. esterual a i d internal wall.



1' I'


Tbie ie not mere theokj-; n-e see i t ercrywlwre about 11s. TI)(.
high-born dame miry find hat nature liar oiily supplied her tlclic.:itc. hands with enough blood o iiiakc goo~l tlic. triviiil wnstc tli:it \ t - C b l i t on while she pursued such liglit'work aa suitrd licr taistc. but let licr use the brooin or scrub n g brush. uiid at tirst licr Ii:ii~ds nit~y blister, but under the stiiii lating action of her work t l i c iice~~as:try blood will be supplied untl!Iwr hands becoiiie Iicird :it kist. Sn w i t 1 1

A i

i b

so as to feel uo wpthrities




resisting. likc

work uiiiiijiircvi. u p bill.

tlirri w h y


to et:tnd


fwt. 11 And who has not read kf t h e custom of t h e Europtwn pc:i.*nntr when traveling to market/? They carry Iieary loutls fi)r long distances. and travel barefoged until about to a r r i w :it tire ni:irket place. Then only do they ut on their slioea s n 11s t o wiiiplrte tlit*ir work and trtrrcl biircfootzd. 1iii11 holiday attire. They only wear shoes for Their t~conoinji t r i d thrift p w vent the useless wear up I shoes that lire an espviisirc luxury. Hence man when used a* I beast ot' burden will t m w l uniiijurc~l with nature's apparatus; s also !nay the .bqiiic.k nioviiig coliped..' if man will only let naturdlalone, or assist her i)roperly. Thus n:itore io her own way own reniedies. aiitl uiitlcr ) I O circumstances of proper an artificial protection riccessary. p cided the loot i8 Irlt a.9 it a i d due w r e is t.c'+wised to t l t t i i t l . tairr it so. The time when firat thellliorae wns broucrht under niaii's doniiiiioii






. I n all t h c parts act 21s Iwer?r. c.nshions or spriIIgs. iriid a s all tllc 1 i . r weight is ultitiiatcly thr1)wn u p o n the hoof. w e Hhoulcl expect to c 3oiiie cliangr i n fnriii and nizc. of o u r horny east. wli& weight in thrown tliereorl or i* reniovrti tlwefroni. Hence the hoof ita not ~ J O U I I together ~ rigidly at thc lieel*. and uutler pressure downwards it rspands. i i i i d free from I)rw.siirc i t contracts. This rxpaiision encl counter contraction niay be diptit. h i t t h y nevrrtliclewn exist, and innirily at tlie heels. Xow wheji tlic rigid shoe is fiscd i n place %id tirnily hell1 by nails. the expiirision then caxirts also. but under what changrd con~litions! The extcrrial a.dI is bound to a ncnrlg iiiflesibla sliirpc. end tlic sttft inner parts nre repeiitedfj- squeezed ugiiiiist t h nioi*c or Iess rigiaI will. and against the nails driven tlicrein. This w i l has bccn recognized tinie ~ n :$pain d hy tlie efforts t i t ' inventors t o tin11 :I shoe citlirr n-itli I I flrsil)le joint at the toe. o r to find a wlinc tliiit w n be sccured wittiout ntiils. u n d lciivc the hoof 1 i . w to espnnd rind eontract. Our clirini is therefore that e\-t.n the nitliplest *hoe. applied i n tlic i i i o $ t rationiil in:inner. cannot he use(l without injury to the foot. FI.EJIISI; recognizes this i n his Practical Horsesliocing," hilt h e rrtill p-rsiats i n w i n g rlir shoe :IS the lesser of two evils. nlaintriinirlg t1i:it the fiint m u s t Iw shod t o ntanci the weiir and tear of work. JIc. uttcrly ign0Pe.s nnturc i n his trciitnieiit ot' the foot. IIc ~ . W / / / I P . * that t tbot cannot stand gning unshod. n n t because I I C tins tried nud Iiiilc.61 with Iioofs prolierly IweIxired. hut bctauae he never WPS a foot i t is oilc that hirs I i w n sIio(1. I i n * been-abused h r nlioeing. i i n ~ i h:ir tlierefnrc ticen put into siicli condition ns to br uiltible nt fimt to work witiioilt i t . Such an itlcii as mahcng the hoofs hurci ~voiil~ i;ppe:ir l to hiivr n c w r L w n mtc.rt:iinrd by Iiiin. nnd. secing tli:it t h o hoi*scwith :I ciist shnc t)r with his shoes j u s t rcnioi-ucl al\\*ciyw gow Iirine? he a r g w s t liat t h e slioe is newsswry t o p r c v m t Innieness. \\' our claim is that the hoof n i w h 110 sue11 protwtioii i t w r i f ) t i d / ya n d td,jtd/rd/.y r r # w d .and thrit tficwfore all stloen art. I I I I unniixcti evil. I n thc grctrtcr nunilJer ot' systenis i r i vogue i n vivi1 :IF well us military circles. H I H I even undcr the s p t c n i e?c set forth i n the Genw i l Order a b o w quottvl. it i h either hcld or practised t h a t the frog m u s t riot touch tlic grnuiid. I n MILES;'system. as laid down i n S(II.AS'S ..C'nrnlr.v Horst." i t ita gravely stated that the frog iniiwt he kept from the grounci hy thv shape ot' the shoe. or elwe it will ntrikc upnn and he bruised hy the hard stollen. H I I ~ I so produce narieular rliseiiqc uiid iireuruble I n i i i ~ * i i ~ *Other ~. aiuthors a r e no better, and it is uscless to nuawer that thest- authora are obaolete: they repre1 1 ~ 1


I . , . . .


to nature's inodcl.


rew nnd cxpiindeil




t lie groiiiitl rrt every step :

u hecnriie Iiard uiitl tlcrist : t l i v walls

leesly a i d ti* painlewsly All this \vu8 clone iri less remored by January. 18R

rocks ant1 stoner a* do t h e 0111 ones. six niontlia, us the lust toc-pl:itt. \VIIS

For several years p

nhod and their feet re

Rtuffetl" a w required by the H c p l u ut the RIIWW were rcnioretl d u r i n g tlic.

W . . '










The object of



282. Military the aids i n

prnIwr applic.atioi) 01 of tlie I)ocly w1tie.h

l i t i

his legs o r feet.



Thc instructt

icirtvs tlic ilifftmwt 1i:irt. <>f t ~ ~ l i i i l n ivitig Iiir; instriictiott.

the Strddlt, Rllral;t~t.

p o i i i t i n g to (lie Ictt : slip t h e I C - t i two-tliirtls i t s Icngtlt : i t 1 1 1 st*ixc* i t wit11

neize it with tliutnb tiit finger of the right hand ing ttie folda, grllrp tlic well in order to nniootli

g uiicl crctting the folds: iit1c.r ~ T C * I I 11 tllc hatit15 : l n ( l *h:ikc* t l i c . I i l : i ~ i k t * t

part under the chin tended, even the lower

, seize

n a r d : hold the blanket up. :irni* <ax. the niidtlle points betwccri t l i t . utside part over the right arm : g it on tlic horse.

ritlc. with thc I ) l : i i ~ it well forwurd on hi, the right a r m to tlir

ljitll,i, K E ( ; ( - i . l TIf)-V.V ?-f)it (-.I 1-.ii,.N 1 :


iiritiy t h e crowti picc* front of :it111 sliplitly 1)eliiw it.; proper Iiositiain: insert tlicb tliunlb iiito t l i v sitle i)f 1 1 1 ~ . 1iioiitIi a l i o t ~h e t u s h ; p ~ s open s t h e Itin-t-r j a w . in.;ert tlic liit 11)- raising t l i r vrowii p i w e ; witti ttiv IcR h:irial tlraw tlie cLar* g e n t l y iitiatcr t h e crown piecr. tlegiiiniIig with tht. left e a r : urr:ingtc t l i r tiirelock. wcure t h e throat laitrli ntid t h e n t b e c u r b s t r a j ) . t a k i n g cart, not t o svt tlic*ni too closrly. Ttic tiiotitlipiece rests 011 tliat p a r t of tlic Imrs dirwtly opposite t l l r chin groove: tlir curb str:rIi will t h e n tic in t h e c-liin groove wittintit an?. tendrnc\- to 1110li1it lip out of it on t h e sliarp tiones nf t h e lower jaw. T h i s position 01 t h e liioutli piece will br a t t a i n e d tor t h e majorit>- o f linrws ti? :idjustipg t h e cbrek s t r a p LO t h a t tlie t;nouthpiect- will Ile cine inch aitiovr tlic tuutle* of tlir Iiorw and t w o inclivo abo\-c. the c(irncr tt.etli ot ttic. mirrv. Tlic throat lutcli - l i o i i l t l aiiliiiit h i i r titigers b e t w t * r n it iirid tlir ihrntit : this prc.vcxnt* c o n ~ t i * i c . t iot ~ ~t i h e winti 11il~tor pressure on tlie large lilocitl vessels. T h e c u r b s t r a p o r c,h:rin .ilioiild Ite flat anal siiioaitli i n t h e cliiii gramve, lriid IOCJW eiiou,gti ti) adiiiit or t w o tingcm n l i e n tlir 1 ~ r : r n e I i mot the bit are i n line w i t h tlre c1)ec.k straps.
0 ~ 1 t h

. i t tlie discrvtioti of the instructor. the halter luiig be tarken off tiefort- bridling. tlic reins being first passed over t l i r neck : if t h e \iri(i\r ~ i c put on over t t i c lieart stall, tIic>%itching fitnip. if not let\

:it t h e iiiangcr or picket linc.. will lie tied a r o u n d t h e homes neck as i n Iaragrapli ~ I I .T h e liit(*liiiigs t r a p niay alw be airranged BR ful1(1ws: 1,oop it t s o or three time$ t h r o u g h tlre r i n g PO t h a t t h e loop iii;iy lie about e i g h t iiicliel; long: wind tile @ t r a p s e r e r a l tiriles :trt)tin(i ttir toop iind drat\\- t h e elid t i g h t l y t l i r c x q d i T


To Uiihridle. instructor coiiirnantlrl: I-SBRIIILE.

the bit i n tlie ieft h a n d , tbe forefinger against t h e niouth-piece;

Stanil o n t h e nriir *id<*i)f t h e horse : pms tliu reins over .)!bt;. t h e horses heiid. placing it on t h e Iiend of t h e left a r m : uiiliucklc t h e tlirotrt latch: grasp t h e c r o w n piece with t h e riqht. and assisting with the left h a n d g e n t l y disengage t h e e a r s : g r w p t h e b i t with t h e I t 4 hand anal g e n t l y c l i ~ c n g a g e it from the horses m o u t h liy lowering t h e c r o w n pircc in t h r palni of the left harid. t h e c r o w n piece: p l ~ r c e t:ike the rc.iiis by t h e r i g h t h a n d , psas t h e m t o g e t h e r o v e r t h e crown piece. make t w o or tlirec t u r n s a r o u n d t h e bridle, tlien POW t h e enti between t h e brow bani1 and crown piece a n d draw it. I t is tiling up 1 ) ~ t h e reins. or 1)liiced across t h e sarldle a n t h e Iilainket.



.. -

d l i y i t the Rnnk.

1. R+tt

( o r 1tLit1. ' I .


eft foot. a t thtb n:iiiie tinit. sliiIin,g t h t . ; face to t h e right tis t l i v rialit foot i.

Iiorse'a mouth.

t Ii row i i bat&. Cheat pushed out. Small of t h e back Elbows slightly to Forearms borizonta Wrists turtleti in nligh The r i g h t rein in t h hand, coming in on t h e out over t h e second curved forward. r of t h o points of t h e shoul~lers. clone to t h e sides witliout pressure.

hand. and t h e left rein i i i t h e lcft ride of t h e little finger. a n d coiiiiiig nger, which is jlightly pro-




These rules :ire

t l i r conini:intl plictoo/t. troop.

T o Rest.
is t~szc*iitc~il :is in ret:iin hnlil ot tlii

Soldier. If t h e nqii:id be niou 2. MARCH.

tlie in-triirtor


1. .It


kniiss tttc Sqwrl.


t ~ o n 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 l l s:


senior, non-commissioned Each m a n , as soou structor or

finished s t s ltt-ul. T I I t . 1i:iviiig s:itisfieiiliinis,.It I)?.




I ) i < i f , i , itEtil-r,-i TltjAV.v FOR ('-1 l--lldi<l-.


Escciitwl :is just tlercrilwil. vxcept that t h e 1m.itinlis 01' t h c h a n d s rcverwtl. t1t:tt tlic Iiody is turnetl to the- left alwiit a n d tlcrcencla 4 r n t h e ofl - i t l c .

tbot froni tlie s t i r r u p a n d porting it j u s t above t h e

t h e leg, knze Iiciit. to thc r w r . $II]I'. ngaiiist t h e ciiiitle o f tlic snilcllt..

ELEV ENTH >I(bI'STEI> E S E K ( ' l S i E

:3:<:3. 'l'lic troo2it.r niouiitcd ;it firce t o tltc Irtt. to di*niaiuiit on ~ ~ fF f i' t l c : 1. TOthr right. prt'prri' to dismotttit. 2 . D I S > I I I I . N T .


against t h e hide of t h e I g r o u n d witli t h e fingers. ( T h r e e . ) Resuiiie t h e 330. Being in lin t h e instructor coiiinian Right (or l e f t ) IOU, . 3 . A t t h e tirat comniand t o t h e r i g h t o f t b e horse: t h e riglit low r e : ~ c l i ~ n d The same' exercise n The instructor obNerve9 horeen ; t h a t e:di troop demonstrates his i tiabilit


.\t t h e tirst coiiininnil. pliiw tlic riklit hnnil o n tlit' witlicrs: seize 1oi.k t i t ' tlic iiiaiie with t h e let1 hanil. .\t t h e -ec.ciliii eoiiiiiinntl. support tlic wc.igiit on tltc Iiaiids. t u r n i n g the. hotly t o t h e riplit aliout. puss b t l i legs. joined. o ~ n r t h e Iiorae'n linck a n d ilwcciid IiphtlJ- to t l i c gra)un~I on tlic off' aidc7 nlipliting 011 . ttw 1i:iIls ot' t h e fiwt. 1)eii~ling t h e k n w g a little. It' tlir i.ccruit bc .itlc-. Coii~i1l:itiils; 1 . Esccutctl :is ju3t i- rev-ersc(l. that t h e tlic near si(Ie. :kt

face to tliv right. to disinoiint ibn tlie iienr

P w p n r t . to di.$ntount. 2 . D i S Y O C N T . tlescribcil. csc*ept tlist tlic iiositiibii c i f the. I i u n l l s hotly is turiicbil ta) thv I c b t t nlioiit i i t i ~ l~lcrwncla nti

lo so.
t IJL'

Tllr triiopcr :~4.

lfft ) ;\HOI'T.




t h . croup ;

Fwt. t~ tlw right

331. The trooper mount, c o m n i a n ~: l 1. A t t h e tirat ~ o m n neizc a lock of t h e init At tlic second coni i n g t h e body t o t h e r i t h e r i g h t leg. knee b e n t of trooper

11 nntl nt n f 6 7 w t(, t h t , /,:it .e to ntwott. 2. J ~ W S T . ace t h e riglit Iintitl on tlie lett Iinnd. upport t h e wt4glit o n t l i c


333. The trooper n Prppnre to disnioioit. 2 . A t t h e first coiiinian a lock of t h e m a n e with A t t h e secoud c'omni i n g the body t o t h e rigli balls of the feet, bendin I f t h e trooper be at comniuntl : 1. To the rag

d at face

t i ) tlic left. t o


:e t h e riglit Iinnil on tlie withtbr.;: win. eft Itnnrl. ,upport tlic weight on t h e 1i:itids. titrtiu t , desceiitl liglitly to tlic ground o n t l t t . knees a little. o the r i g h t , to tiisiiiouiit o n t h e oft' .sillt*.

P l n w the riglit Iiiind on t h e Iiowc'r Iiuck I)ehiiitl ttw seat (.with .;idtllc on cantle j . left Iiantl on t h e witlirrs ( w i t h sadtllo on p i i n t i i e l ) ; r:iiscb tlic boily. a r i i i s estentletl. (,Two.) T i l t t h e body t o tlie right, e l c r a t i n g tlic buttocks. 4.Ii:iiige t h e ri,clit 1t-gto the near side. leA to tlie off tide. tcnti take iwsition fucinp t h e croup. Tlic trooper tacing to t h e croup, to face hiin to the Iiropc'r front, tlre instructor giver the same cnnininntls, which are exec.utcv1 arr jurrt c.spl:~iiit'd. It is I)rcfcruLlc f o r t h e troopem to go tlirougli thin esercine by iniliritlu:il trial, until the\- linre gained the contidence necessary to f;tcility. before requiring tlirm to esccute it at t h e conini:rnd.



T ~I Ii l ? i Y O I ~ S T .

:<. I)lSM4bl.ST

:W5. To inouiit. mnrcliitip: 1. Prtpriv fo ncolrnt. 2. MWST. Executed a s p r e w r i l m i from H halt. except t h a t the trooper iw at a galloping s t e F ; t h a t lie springs forward as he riwe. and t h a t w he ilrops into his neat. h e catcher against t h e flank with hie leg to a r o i d passing over t h e horse.






the r;!/ht.pfrpiirv t l J ili.waoii Executed :is pre-wi bet1 ioi net I, t lie t roo 1wr prc'sses to' piish t i i s body clear. aiic itnd tiikts t h v giillnpiiig st


-ro r u t i l t iit ;I

Exrcit(ecl frotii either j nioiint from $1 Iialt. cseelbt and citrrics Ijotti legs joiiii~ i t ; u.1 soon ais thr bawly gradually n i i d takes it otf to tlir graBiiiid. iiliglits oti I)(


Escwtetl 1)). tlw .:IIIIC! tlint the troopcr :iliglit* fiic strp. 83s. W l i c w tlic troopc structor tiiaiy cotiil)inc* t l i t For esuiiiplc: Motititetl fit D i m o i - s T A S I ) > f O i . S T or n


jiiiiip nii



atancl to Iiorsc. withotit iiri his aide t ()\vtirds ai n d ti Re The troopers w i l l be i n a t r make. . A t t h e enrnmuncl : the tirat trooper tnriis his I or let?: wiilks nlorig ttie jumpeal faces h i m urrd take r Iris haiidn on tlie Iiorse's b directed, returns to his pl Each of the otlwr troopers

Tlie troopers will be c x clirec+tionof the c*rotip.

340. T o mount tloahle ti two equal parts; one p w t , d


tently u) s t e a d y t h e horse i n position. Clo*ing the lowor legs equally with slight pressure prepares hini t o ~ i i o ~or c . if moving to keep Ilirn u p t o t h e Iiand. Closrti with greater Iiressiirtb they u ge him torward. g it witli C a r r y i n g tire riglit ( o r left 1 leg t o ttie rear s l i d clo i Iiresyure. causes t h e horst* t c ) n i n w his IiHuncIiv t o t h e let1 ( or r i g h t ). The prewui*e of tlir legs must be 811 elastic. inusc.ular uetioii : :i llelrr\- clinging prernurr. or H d u l l tliunipinp with t h r Iictblr iniist t i a p t Iw permitted. T h e reins act to dirt& tiit. forehsnd: t h e lower leg* invite t o xcrioii ? i i d g o v e r n tlie movriiientn of t h r I i a i i i i ~ l i ~ ~ ~ . TI)G n t h w the I l m r .

c.11 tlir i n o v e n i c n t ~

Close the knees g r s d u a l l y a n d p i i t l y . itt tlie saints tiiiic riirn t h e little finger towarda tlie body; t h i s is t o a t t r a c t the attt-lition of tlic horde a n d t o p r v p r c him t o iiiove. t l i i r t I i i q 6rrt iiintioii* 1 IIV iiritlrer tipo :rlirupt n o r ton s l o w .

with t h a t of t h e legs;

elbow diould be carried

b u t witliout r n i r i n g the


To Mnrvh. halt. t h e iiintructor cornmulitls: 1. Flirirtrrd. 2. .MAHI*II. :344, A t t h e c o m m a n d fortrtird gutlicr t h e h o r w : at tlie coiiit l i i i t i d m i w h tming t h e h a n d a little toward t h e hotly. t i i r n i n g it 1111 the wrist, t h a t is, rein i11 aliglitly, their immndiutely yiuld tlic. linnd and close t h e legs slightly t o t h e rear. with n firm. t.cluaI ani1 vlastic pre.saure until t h e horse yields t o t h e i m p u l s e ; t h c n relax t h e prrssure of ttie leg* and adjust the reins so an t o k w l i 11iv h i t ~ i d si t i prnpt*r position and h a w H slight feeling ot' t h c hlt.
:it H

s a m e t i m e it niust be kept light. t'ni. t h c c o n s t a n t l y on t lie nioiit 11. (lestroys i t s rse's nioutli Iiartl.

TO Httlt.
Being in m a r d i , t h e it;structor voninianda: I . Syituif, 2. HALT. 345. A t t h e command .*squtid." g a t h e r the tiorhe without slack<Bitingt h e g a i t . At t h e command - . H i i l t . " rein in bx g r a d u a l l y bringiiig tlic hands t o w a r d s t h e body, t u r n i n g t h e m o n t h e n r i a t s n d - v t r r r y i n g t h v t.lbows slightly to t h e r e a r , at t h e enme tinie CIOW t h e legs t o ~tetidy t h e horse. W h e n t h e home to pa. relax t h e handa and I u ~ N . Being in line with intcrunle. t o march by the flunk. t h e i n s t r u c t o r t.ommands: 1. By the right (or l e f t ) . d t l ~ k .2. MARCH. , 3.46. A t t h e first c o m m a n d g a t h e r t h e horse; a t t!ie comniantl tntctch open t h e r i g h t rein a n d cloee both lege. t h e r i g h t leg a little more to t h e rear t h e n t h e o t h e r ; t u r n to t h e r i g h t by moving the horse nycr a quarter o f B circle whose radiua is t w o yardr: a l i e n

T h a t h a n d is hest, t h e horse w i t h t h e le As a r u l e i t is reco

g i v i n g a n d t a k i n g prop~rly, vontrols a n d will Iiest preserve t h e niouth. tlint tlie r e r r u i t a rich with one rein

Closing t h e kneen, w i t h o u l pressure hy t l i r lower p a r t of t h e leg.


i R coinpleted, clout. both origintil direction. When executed at this case the left) Icg 3-17. A q u a d liuri intervals, is in colicitin

untl move o f u t

i l





or gallop, the ibttcct ot tlie i i u t t b i . i i s bu iiicrcascd to stirtaiii tlic Iior>c. n nitrrclit~tlby the Hiiiik frctiii l i i i c \vi1 1 s o p n . with tlic clistiiiicca t i t tijiir t t . t . 1 re croup o f the horst. in t w i i i l
i i t b s t

of him.

eight feet in Icngtli.

1) \ \ - l i e n lost


Cit troolitsrs. t 1 1 , .

circle with :I rudiuw ot direction-the fijrmer r

-w r d s




OK i n

tiit. i i t * u

TO 0 B L l Q I . E .

then iiiovcs at :in angle



half left and then niov

flank fioni line. and



fkoiii coluiiiu ot' t r o o p t m , only ciiiin and end tlie tirill. the i i i t r r r u l a p t ' before d u r i n g tlir iustriwtioii.


The instructor

irithriirt Sjirldlr. 1. the men to w i t n t tiiiirlc niitl c oin. MOVST. 3. P w m . 1. I ~ A S K . d nunibers, steppirig off witli the 1t.t.t
tw (


more up in the i

unt ; at thc. eoiiiinaiid rtriik. t l i c t ; v t . i i Is without jostliiig or pret.ipit:ititiii.


If mnrcliing, all Ii ttie riglit. T h e mov


iitrrrdi. c * x c q t e n executed n N hcti)rc..

tllV IIIHII 0 1 1

. t f i f r ) r m Liiw

to thr Hi!llit w Lqit.

ad'vencwl ut l e a ~ t tive garde heforc urriviog left, forme rank t o th

The o t h e r s niore torw-ord a n d at twti their places i n line. each turna to tht. t h e inan who prertvled Iiini. halts o i l



_ -


Halt .from
Executed as explai horses together. b u t no



a n d s : 1. Sqiiod. 2 . HAI.T. o m a walk: t h e troopers stop


o f



trooper frowfront to r
A t t h e first cornman

ARCH, 3. SEXT. ending trooper g a t h e r s his horse : ;ti m n by n left or right tihout.

, ticcording a8 h e fs m a to t h e column a n d e n t h e same movemelit at hc inntructor until all t to rear or from r e a r t o front
to thr F r w t o i tht,


trooper ft-om rear to At t h e cornman

t h e command nwrr

t .

Trot, 3. MARCII. 4. SEXT. t r o o p w in rear gatllcra tiis Ilor?it.:

: ~ t


t h e column b y a n oblique. t;tkrs tlic CI it again ;it t h e front ti!

Should t h e trooper

the column nt too great a distancc i i i t h e wnlk iintil t l i r Ityitiitic

Miirch i n Cirvlt.,

trooper a r r i r e s a t t h e

t h e Iting sides. :rntl


At t h e first cornman nt tho command march,

leading concluetor gat h w s his I i o r ~ . cribes a circle between t h e t w o tracknrw before e n t e r i h g I I ~ I I I rein. nntl slipporting l i i n i
ss from
11 w:~lk to H trot a n d put in march. :I-

when m a r c h i n g on t h o t n&:
Coturnrt ri!l/tt. I


l e f t ) , 2. MARCH.

31 1

TU ( h l l o p .

Tlir r w r u i t c niurching to t h e riplit harid, tlir iiistruvtor : 1. To three yorriz; ttrkc di.stclncr. 2. TROT, 8. 3 f A R c f l . c.ain~manctn At t h e command rnnrch. tlre leading trooper takea the t r o t ; eacli

of t h e o t h e r troopem in rIUcceNNiOn t a k e t h e t r o t whcan the cme+ in front of him bas gained t b e diatance of t h r e e yard*. T h i s precaution is t a k e n with recruite to prevent t h e horses r u n ning on each other arid cauRing mnfusion. T h e instructor coninmndrI: T . GaIlop, 2 . Y A B c m .

I. I

t obey t h e premune of t h e legs a t tirst. feet tti tbti riglit. inc:reriw the ctti.c.t


388. To t u r n t h 1. OH haul right ( or left) rtbout,

on his tiauiiclre* the instructor ~ O I I I To the right o r 1r:t't I . or. 2 . T ~ th,, J

in. t o throw tht. weight



revent c a r r y t h e bridle band


frour bnckicig ; ttic'ri

uad i:.

iii:wclic*tl by t h e dank it arrives near ttie OII.

right. b y c a r r y i n g t h e A t t h e corn-mund co t h e b i t ; bear t h e horse's neck, a n d body erect; keep means. .

hand slightly to t h e r i g h t in. clone t h e l e p , to fnrct. the I i o r . ~ t h e right. t h e le!? ruiu p r r w i n g t l ~ leg behind t h e g i r t h , keeping t l i c . IJS a gentle application o t ' t h e W I I W t h r hauiicliea. t l u t in.


I .







The instriictor prescr

t h e prtrsned timy ride : if

the pursuit ceases in f i r r c to the squad. The inytructor tlesignn So. 1. trnd the other as t toward which So. 1 will instructor commands :. marches ut it walk i n t l i e distance of about fiftecn distance uiiil before rcac coiiiniaiids 1. The picrstri S o . 2 will endeavor t irrnis, Iirinds. legs and fee or something of tlie kiiid So. 1 w i l l eiidenror to I tlisniouiiting, etc. -It the sigiinl or the coli t es tit n t s return t o the The instructor sees tl cise tire obacrvcd t i r i d tl groiiiitl for this exercise I cles to jiinip. 399. The wrestle i i i t i I)c c.otiibiiietl with tlie.lbiir*uit. I.i' Tlic pairs beii formed as for tlic pursuit. t l i v instiwetor indicates tlie natiire of t ' exerciw rind conrliivt* it simihrly t t t th,. pursuit, the result desire being to overtiike :ind di*iii~iiintIii. ; I I I tagoiiist.

Srconcl. The q u a d t ng in any formntion, tlic inetriictq V I U I I niands: 1. At ccill, 2. I] i s m A S D WRESTLE. Thc eswcise is ( W I ' tiiicted NiiiiiiarIy to the n !*tie nt will. Any of the exercises a ! be executed a t w i l l , P . !/.; 1. d t i r i I / . 2. DISMOCNT and MOCNT. or 4. V A C L T , 01' 2. h o p B A R E R . 8 . I~Il;IIT and LEFTLOW, 4. REACE At the command ccttei on, the trooper&rcforni line or c d u n i i i .

krrtcises ut Will.
nimands: AT WILL. At this commaricl tlir troopers will be permittel .o do any o r all the exercise* herein, a n d to exercise their own ingen ty and fancy. The instructor must be nii the alert to prevent disc ierw or improprieties. .it the command

The hatructor

k e n not to disturl, the horse by



nie :id \-:I nee e:irhiiic..

:i* i n

Par. 1111. arid t1it.n re-

sume advance carbine.

This rrtlc iu general.


2 . C.\ R R I .Y E.

At the command lef't hand as i u load, Each trooper aAer

raise the c:irl)iiie nntl pass it i n t o t l i v clianiber and take atlr:iucc c:irbine. pector h:is. inspktcd tiis c:irt)ine :iii1I

r ~ t i i r l ic:irl)iiitb : 1 .

Ittsprct io i t , 2. A R Y Y.
tlic pisitioii ~ ) t 'i l l apction carbine.

all of the atock; the inspection ia executed The inspection uuu cumbers ; the inspecto

s in the belid of the riglit :iriii. Tliv 123, 12.4 and 125. gins on the right of tlic rank ~ ) ttic f tdil pauses in rear of the rank froni lctt to

The inatriictor niay

tlrcn form line by niarvl 418. The saber c'xei that at the eol11111a11d !/ saber only. 419. As tlic recruil sabers they arc practis;c coluinn of troopcrr at iil .'titnee to two y;irils. TIi nncl the bar. :it first wit1 the s:iher dr:iwii.

wqrk will be required t n get u p ; iproper &nee should dictcite initclt t t w is t o 1)~. adopted, but it would be jst unwise to orcrl4)ok the gre:it vxlwiience that has been gained i handling the iniriiriise iiuriibcra apt ttivalry trsmps atill kept up i Eiirop?. I t would be better to :t matters alonc. :illnwing e:icli i i i i i i i to ,pursue the course pointed u t by his espericnee and coilinion S C I I W , than to have a aystem thr would not stunt1 the test of IIW ~ i n d th:lr W O I I ~need ~ patching up soon as tried. Tlie tactical board nn\v in session can incorporate IC instructions i I i the n c w clrill l)oc)k, : i i i ( I to get the best results it ti ~ l seem d well for tlw ;issnci:itioii t o illrite further discowion of the ( estion, requesting its iiic.mhers to subinit I I Brief outline of the plar !ach thinks best. These opitiinrI9 boilt.aI clown \\-oultl he of grtwt \- .IC to those i n chlrrgc of tht. w o r k .

ducting a march h a s been tbllow his own ideas; b u lmrpose ot instruction. ai era1 method, ao that the coininaiitl. In the prese wa9 made; aucli instruct seeni to have little bind eorer all the cases niost I without fonige, with wag without either, kc. Wlie forced. cleriatioris being explanations should invai d great deal ot careai

Iniost ti-cc. trnm contrt>l : i i i c l :it lil)c-rty t o now marclies 11re hiiig ordc-ret1 for tllc it is a govd time to pacribc. snnie celli?tructinii will ni)t be tiitteretit i n c+vt.ry tuctivs too niucli effort ;it coiiilciisittion 1 3 tis :ire giwii :ire in(1etitiite. :iii(I tlwy p force. Th~b new inhtructioi).. s110iil1l cly to occur. s n c ~ l i :is tii;ircl)iiig w i t h o r ti,aiis]~l~rt:itioii or wit11 p i c k r i i u l ~ ~4)r s. ) n w adoptcd tiicy s l i o u l ~ l I + rigiilly enlo\vecl only i i i c.xcrption;iI c : i s c ~ . wti~~n

bly be rendrrell.

of rules. Our own


On ,\lay Blst at Kiei Fifth antl Sixth Sotniiia I nwam the Dnieper, passi The troops. under of Colonel MIKHAILOFF, c oflicers of the regiment, Dnieper at n point when miles per hour near the t middle, and where the wi The right bank is st( and roots; the other ban1 The passage conimcnc had the difficult task of bank. not allowing them rlosed by rafts, but fore thrther. The troops. pr c.olnmn of threes. It wa

W. E. F H I P P , .Tzcmtf I.ieitiemrr?i Tenth ( t r i u l r y .



(near the village of I L) urcri cvkn ) tlic. the First Regiment of Oiiritl C~)ss;ic.ks. to tlie left bank a i n c l tliw returning. ~nol coriimaiitl and !:)llowiiig the extlrnplc imandi ng tlie regime tit , wvoni piin iw I b.v ind it.* Lielitellalit-Cololiel. crossed the he current riins over one nntl o i i ~ - - I i ; t l t ik, antl over two miles per hoiir i n thc. h is over seven hunrlretl yards. ) and slippery and covered with nt1,nc.i s sandy with an easy atope. by Mending fire volunteers across : they eceiring the horses upon the olipositc. o land at the pltice wiiere flie bank is y theni to go over two Iiundretl pirt1.i ?ded by their chief<. t l i r n crowed i r i I strange sight to see tliese liearla of nicn



x<j 7


I n r.onsequence of tl reginleiits esperiniental now be rrnied with t h e ve alrcadr been ami
rers n e s t month.

The *

nientw have already bee I tirperiul ninncurers t l u c c i w t h e lance: so t h ; trnopn w i l l be. t i s far cii\-:i Irj- unit .- Deiitwlt e

. .

KIW. I ' . S. .\. IinrBvticeen thr Liiir.*.. By Captain CHARLES per'". S e a York, 11380. h bright soldierly story. full of t h e glowing life which counted throrigli t h e r e i n s of RO m a n y of t h e y o u n g heroes of a q u a r t e r of a c e n t u r y ago. both those w h o wore the blue a n d their o p ~ m n e n t e in t h e grey. Captain Krxo hashcre exchanged t h e plains a n d mountains of t h e V e s t for t h e beautiful ralleya of Virginia as a scene for t h e ac-

1 , * ,
i . :

I -


NO. i.

A t Bellevue. total s ( ' Division o f the Pwi At Fort \\'inyak, S..

..... ................

tirirlly useless unless

&vote t o thin speciri d e s i r r it. b u t tlie re many t l i r t t h e liors t h a t when both horse

got better horses rind IUIVC. niorc tinic t a l Most of 11s belicrc i i i t h e rcvolvvr : i i i d I t h e firing itt tliiq eoiiilictitiori Iiraivcvl t a l 11 t o 110 w i t h t h e m a k i n g of : iscortb. :in,! nian a e r e awkwitrd t h e revo1vc.r w:~. i t # -



I t 0 II' T O - * G E T TIIEIZE."




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In the Sixth rounded.

wounded. tlveeolinted men klllerl aiid live




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too Boon to expect a n entir

ge in the charwtcr of nioiinted


neuvers. Photograpliy in War. Tlie Latest from thp Rmsian Army -Reserves antl tlic Swiniming of Rirerr by Cossacks. N o . 7.3.Opepations on the Ret1 Sea tiy Itulinn Troops. J c u i ~ l iof tlie Frencli Army. Supplemenl.-Instruction for One Ytwr V o l i i ~ ~ t e and r r ~ -1spirants for Coniniissions i i i Crir:ilry. Irifiintry :incl Artillery. Four Y 2 . m of Gerni:in Colonial Polic>-. Education of the Recruit i n Itidi n g . Bay for Cnr:ilry Horse$.- 129 illustrations nf kinds of grrinses. XO. :b'.-Tiieoretical Educntioii of Lifilit B:rttcry Officsrr. N o . 77. ,--The Italian Army i n lSir3.9. A-0. 7&-FForniaitioi) of n Japiinwc General Staff. .NO. Z9.-What i s to be thc' Future 'Siiirdl .irm for Infantr?-. Experiments witti tlic Lance i n Fraiice. AVO. 80.-J.\Ianeuvers at the Ciinip of Krnsnoc-Selo. Xincurere o f the French Eighth Army Corps. Xo. SZ.-.C;tnntlartlr for French (':irnlry. Geographicul dournej- of Scholars of tlic Frerich W a r Scli~ml. A.0. 82. -Carrier Pigeons a s Bearers of Dizp:itc.hcs. Svpplcment. -Recollections of 1 G 1 . Small .\rms Regulations for Frcnr4i Inkintry. French Regulations for Light Artillerr Conibats. Drcnme of a Cavalry. Eo. #5.-3lilitary Etluciitiooal Systcnis of Enpl:ind. XO.~. 86 nnd 87.-Tactical Itcflectiona.


of tlic Sorthwertcrn Prorlnccs of 1ndi:r. Lecture IL-3fntiern Infantry Fire. Lecture 1II.-Coa6t DeftBnc.c by Brew h -Loadi n g G u 114 on Hydro-Pneuma t ic Carrihges.

Ler*turr I.-Defcncr

W a r Department nt the Ce ennial Exposition. Cincinnati. oliio. OWcial, 1888. Xanutil o f Dr,.ll of the Am latice Dettrchnient.

DIETZ, Captain und Assistant. rgeon U . 8. A r m r .

-k-+ -


By W I L I . I A M 1).


e .4rniy of tlie United States. Avo. the Guide be Cente or o n t h e Flunk? The Biilgnrian Army. No.$I.-TTlie Peace R uirements.of Officers. :is callctl for by Xew Battle Tactics and Org nizations. Recent Yilitnr)- Chunges ~n France-Recruiting, Artill ry, Engineering antl Railroading. N o . 7.2.--h Recent Publication Horsemanship. Geueral \VOLSEI.EY on the English Army. No. 7 . 4 . The Observance of Sunday at 11sL

Series of l88.!I.-h*o. 69.-T


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