TMP 85 D7
TMP 85 D7
TMP 85 D7
Ecology 2006
20, 261–268 recruitment and microhabitat heterogeneity
*Technische Universität Darmstadt, Institut für Zoologie, Schnittspahnstrasse 3, 64287 Darmstadt, Germany, and
‡Max Planck Institut für Biogeochemie, Hans-Knöll-Strasse 10, 07745 Jena, Germany
1. The effects of the anecic earthworm Lumbricus terrestris L. on plant seedling recruit-
ment and spatial aggregation were investigated in a microcosm glasshouse experiment
by varying plant seed size (small and large); functional groups (grasses, legumes, herbs);
plant species diversity (1, 3, 6); and plant functional group diversity (1, 3).
2. Generally, earthworms buried seeds quickly irrespective of seed size and species.
Secondary seed dispersal (phase II dispersal) by earthworms affected plant community
composition depending mainly on seed size but less on plant functional group identity
and diversity: small-seeded species were repressed whereas large-seeded were promoted.
3. Although, in general, recruitment of seedlings was less in the presence of L. terrestris,
recruited seedlings benefited from establishing in the vicinity of earthworm burrows.
The strong aggregation of plants in the vicinity of earthworm burrows resulted in plant
communities with a more heterogeneous small-scale architecture. Earthworm burrows
and middens acted as an important regeneration niche for emergent seedlings by reducing
microsite and nutrient limitations.
4. In conclusion, seed dispersal, seed burial, seedling recruitment, and the spatial
distribution of seedlings of plant species of different functional groups and with a wide
range of seed size are strongly affected by L. terrestris, and this probably affects plant
community composition.
Key-words: anecic earthworms, Lumbricidae, regeneration niche, seed size, secondary seed dispersal
Functional Ecology (2006) 20, 261–268
doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2435.2006.01098.x
262 Large surface litter-feeding earthworms (anecic sion of certain species, depending on seed size and seed
A. Milcu et al. species, Bouché 1977), such as Lumbricus terrestris L. functional group identity (grasses, herbs, legumes) and
(Lumbricidae), are dominant components of decomposer diversity. We also investigated whether the spatial distri-
communities in virtually all non-acidic agricultural and bution, and consequently the small-scale architecture,
forest ecosystems, including pastures and meadows of of recruited seedlings is affected by L. terrestris.
the temperate zone. Lumbricus terrestris is a peregrine
(invasive) species which has been spread through European
Materials and methods
agricultural practices virtually all over the world, as
well as into pristine ecosystems previously devoid of
earthworm species (Bohlen et al. 2004). Earthworms,
in particular anecic species, function as ecosystem The experiment was set up in microcosms consisting of
engineers, modifying the physical structure of soils PVC tubes (inner diameter 16 cm, height 38 cm) covered
by changing soil aggregation, soil porosity, and the by a 1-mm mesh at the bottom to prevent L. terrestris from
distribution and abundance of micro-organisms and escaping but allow drainage of water. The soil (pH 8·1,
other soil invertebrates (Wickenbrock & Heisler 1997; carbon content 4·6%, C : N ratio 15·7) was taken from
Maraun et al. 1999; Tiunov & Scheu 1999). the south-eastern edge of the Jena Experiment, a large
Modification of the physical structure of soil by biodiversity field experiment (Thuringia, Germany;
creating and modifying microsites may function as a Roscher et al. 2004). A total of 90 microcosms were
small-scale disturbance which is known to affect plant filled with 5·5 kg sieved (1 cm) and homogenized soil
recruitment and therefore, potentially, plant community and placed in a temperature-controlled greenhouse
structure (Grime 1973; Connell 1978; Fox 1979). Earth- at a day/night regime of 16/8 h and 20/16 ± 2 °C. Before
worm casts and burrows probably form an important starting the experiment, the microcosms were watered
regeneration niche for plant seedlings (Crawley 1992), regularly for a month and germinating weeds (unwanted
so it is surprising that, to our knowledge, there has been plants from the seedbank) were removed. One gram
no study investigating how recruitment of seedlings of of dried litter (2·53% N, C : N ratio 17·3, dried at 60 °C
different seed sizes or plant functional groups is affected and cut into pieces ≈3 cm long), collected near the
by the presence of earthworms. There is evidence that Jena Experiment study site and consisting mainly of
earthworms can affect plant community structure by grass leaves, was placed on top of the soil prior to the
promoting certain functional groups of plants via addition of earthworms and seeds to simulate natural
decomposition processes (Kreuzer et al. 2004; Wurst, conditions. Two adult L. terrestris (average fresh weight
Langel & Scheu 2005). On the other hand, earthworms 4·2 ± 0·94 g) were introduced in half the microcosms,
are affected by the composition and diversity of plant creating two treatments (control and earthworms).
communities (Spehn et al. 2000; Milcu et al. 2006). Yet Within each treatment seeds of six plant species were
it remains to be explored whether effects of earthworms sown, consisting of two seed-size classes (small and large)
on plant performance start with changes in seed germina- and three functional groups (grasses, herbs and legumes)
tion and seedling recruitment. (Table 1). The species were selected from the species
We set up a microcosm greenhouse experiment to pool of the Jena Experiment (Roscher et al. 2004)
evaluate if L. terrestris affects seed germination and and sown as monocultures and two mixtures with three
seedling recruitment success (defined here as the percent- species (one mixture with the small seed-size species,
age of seeds sown that gave rise to emerged seedlings) one with the large seed-size species), in a factorial and
of plant species through promotion and/or repres- fully randomized design with five replicates per species
Table 1. Setup of experiment varying plant species number (1, 3, 6); functional group number (1, 3) and identity (grasses, G;
herbs, H; legumes, L); and seed size (small, large) in a factorial design with and without Lumbricus terrestris (five replicates each)
Table 3. Results of (SS1) on the effects of Lumbricus terrestris, plant species diversity (diversity) and their interaction on the recruitment of seedlings of different species (as arcsin-transformed percentages
0·2 NS
0·6 NS
0·1 NS
3·9 NS
A. Milcu et al. terrestris, seed size, functional group diversity and identity of
functional groups (grasses, herbs, legumes) on the arcsin-
transformed percentage of total recruited seedlings in
monocultures and three-species mixtures
V. cracca
0·9 NS
0·7 NS
2·5 NS
Source F1,72
Lumbricus terrestris 203·8***
Seed size 56·8***
0·4 NS
2·3 NS
0·8 NS
L. terrestris × seed size 9·0**
Functional group diversity 4·5*
Grasses 4·9*
Herbs 2·9 NS
of the number of seeds added per species) and on the biomass of plant individuals at the end of the experiment from monocultures and three- and six-species mixtures
Legumes 1·0 NS
T. pratensis
1·5 NS
1·4 NS
0·8 NS
***, P < 0·001; **, P < 0·01; NS, P > 0·05.
1·7 NS
Large seeded
F. pratensis
2·2 NS
1·6 NS
0·4 NS
0·1 NS
1·6 NS
0·3 NS
T. repens
0·5 NS
1·0 NS
0·3 NS
Fig. 1. Percentage recruitment of plant species as affected by
seed size (small and large) and presence of Lumbricus terrestris.
Error bars, ± SE.
0·2 NS
3·4 NS
1·5 NS
0·9 NS
(from 43 to 10%) and F. pratensis (from 64 to 22%); but
low in T. pratensis (from 54 to 38%) and V. cracca (from
47 to 37%) (Table 3). The recruitment and individual
B. perennis
0·4 NS
biomass of the grass species (P. pratensis and F. pratensis)
1 NS
1 NS
were affected by earthworm presence and plant diversity
(L. terrestris × diversity), but no consistent pattern
could be observed. In contrast to seedling recruitment,
1·9 NS
P. pratensis
this was also true for the six-species mixture (F6,2 = 42·58,
© 2006 The Authors.
P = 0·023) (Fig. 3). Standardized canonical coefficients
Diversity linear
Journal compilation
© 2006 British suggest that B. perennis contributed most to the change
In the present experiment plant seeds were buried quickly
Fig. 2. Mean biomass (DW) of plant individuals as affected by L. terrestris (within 48 h) regardless of size, species
by the presence of Lumbricus terrestris. Error bars, ± SE. For or functional group, which is surprising. In previous
full species names see Table 1.
studies, L. terrestris fed selectively on plant seeds of a
certain size, shape and surface texture (McRill 1974,
Grant 1983); selective feeding on leaf litter by L. terrestris
also varies with these parameters (Satchel & Lowe 1967).
We did not distinguish between seeds that were ingested
and those that were pulled into the burrow and buried.
As L. terrestris is unable to feed on particles with a
diameter >2 mm (Shumway & Koide 1994; Tiunov &
Scheu 1999), some seeds, such as those of V. cracca and
T. pratensis, were too large for the earthworms to swallow.
Seed germination and seedling recruitment were
generally reduced in the presence of L. terrestris,
irrespective of plant species and seed size. However, plant
species with small seeds were affected more strongly,
presumably due to digestion or damage during passage
through the gut of L. terrestris (McRill & Sagar 1973;
Shumway & Koide 1994), or due to burial below the
Fig. 3. Changes in plant species composition (percentage of germination level. On the other hand, large seeds
established) as affected by presence of Lumbricus terrestris
and seed size. For full species names see Table 1.
were not ingested, but were buried mostly in the upper
3–4 cm of soil or used, together with litter, to build up
middens at the burrow entry, which are typical for anecic
(Table 4), both of them being strongly depressed. earthworms. The improved germination and establish-
Furthermore, significantly more weed seedlings estab- ment of large-seeded species in the presence of earthworms
lished in the presence of L. terrestris (0·91 seedlings in this system was driven, in part, by the interaction
per microcosm) than in the control (0·28 seedlings per between earthworms and seed size, where the large-seeded
microcosm, F1,88 = 14·5, P < 0·001). species benefited from the ability to emerge from greater
depths coupled with the reduced ingestion and digestion
rates by earthworms. Furthermore, earthworms are
Table 4. Standardized canonical coefficients reflecting the contribution of individual able to promote or repress certain plant species: in
plant species to changes in plant community composition in the two mixtures with
the six-species mixture, plant species with large seeds
three plant species (small and large) and in the mixture with all six plant species as
affected by Lumbricus terrestris dominated in the presence of L. terrestris whereas small-
seeded species, especially B. perennis, were detrimentally
Standardized canonical coefficients affected.
As seeds at the soil surface are more vulnerable
Three plant species Three plant species All six plant to predation (Chambers & MacMahon 1994; Wilby &
Plant species with small seeds with large seeds species
Brown 2001) and germination might be hampered by
Poa pratensis −0·12 – 1·42 the lack of water, seeds avoid above-ground preda-
Bellis perennis 5·08 – 6·47 tion by being buried. Especially larger seeds, which are
© 2006 The
Trifolium Authors.
repens −0·23 – 0·58 known to be more prone to granivory than smaller
Journal compilation
Festuca pratensis – 4·53 1·68
© 2006 British seeds (Heske & Brown 1990), will benefit form being
Tragopogon pratensis – −0·47 −1·80
Vicia craccaSociety, – 0·76 3·65
buried by earthworms. Moreover, seeds surviving the
Functional Ecology, gut passage may find favourable environmental condi-
20, 261–268 significant effects in bold.
Statistically tions for germination, recruitment and growth due to
266 Table 5. Association between established plant seedling and burrows
A. Milcu et al.
Average co-occurrences
Mixture Diversity group Seed size Expected Observed P
The average number of co-occurrence of plants and burrows in the microcosms with Lumbricus terrestris is used as a test statistic
in a Monte Carlo test to compare with the frequency distribution of simulated co-occurrences resulting from 999 Monte Carlo
simulations where the observed number of plants and burrows was randomly and independently reallocated within each pot.
Functional group composition represented by grasses (G), herbs (H) and legumes (L). For full species names see Table 1.
increased water-holding capacity and concentrations Burial of seeds by anecic and other earthworms
of nutrients in earthworm casts and middens, in particular contributes significantly to the build up of the soil seed
nitrogen and phosphorus (James 1991; Blanchart et al. bank (Grant 1983; van der Reest & Rogaar 1988; Willems
1999). In support of this view, the above-ground biomass & Huijsmans 1994). Weeds (unwanted plant from the
of individual plant seedlings growing in the presence of seed bank) germinating in the microcosms during a period
earthworms was increased for all species, but this was of 4 weeks before the start of the experiment were
significant only in the case of P. pratensis, F. pratensis removed. Nevertheless, at the end of the experiment the
and T. pratensis. Shoot biomass also increased, due in number of weeds in the microcosms with L. terrestris
part to reduced intra- and interspecific competition had increased significantly, suggesting that the earth-
as the number of established plants was lower in the worms translocated seeds from deeper in the soil to the
presence of L. terrestris. Burial affected germination soil surface, where they germinated. As the soil seed
of large-seeded V. cracca beneficially, perhaps because bank contributes strongly to the resilience of grassland
the seeds on the soil surface did not remain wet in the communities, speeding up regeneration following
intervals between watering. Large seeds are known to be disturbances (Uhl et al. 1981; Marks & Mohler 1985;
produced by large plant species (Fenner & Thompson Kalamees & Zobel 2002), earthworms play an important
2005). Favouring recruitment of plant species with large role in the stability of grassland systems. However, detri-
seeds may therefore feed back positively to earthworms mental effects of earthworms on herbaceous plants
through the production of large amounts of litter. and tree seedlings have also been documented (James
The significant association of recruiting plants with & Cunningham 1989; Gundale 2002; Hale 2004),
earthworm burrows in the present study is consistent but these reports are restricted to habitats previously
with Grant’s (1983) finding that 70% of seedlings in devoid of earthworms and now invaded by non-native
temperate grasslands germinate out of earthworm earthworm species (Bohlen et al. 2004; Hale 2004).
casts, although they covered only 24–28% of the soil In conclusion, our findings suggest that secondary
surface. This indicates that the physical structures seed dispersal by anecic earthworm species, such as
created by earthworms (middens, casts and burrows), L. terrestris and probably also other earthworm species,
and the favourable conditions associated with them, form a major driving force for seed germination, seedling
act as important regeneration niches in grassland recruitment, plant community composition and stability
communities (Grubb 1977). In the field, reduced intra- of grassland communities. Lumbricus terrestris affects
and interspecific competition between seedlings, and the recruitment of seedlings, promoting or repressing
improved nutrient and water supply in and around certain plant species depending on seed size but less on
earthworm burrows, presumably result in high seedling functional group identity or diversity. Therefore, for
biomass and improve seedling recruitment success understanding of ecological and evolutionary relation-
by reducing microsite, nutrient and light limitations, ships between seed size and seedling recruitment, the role
particularly when competing with established plant of the soil fauna needs closer consideration. Results of
© 2006 The Authors.
species (Tilman 1988). Improving the competitiveness this study suggest that earthworm middens, casts and
Journal compilation
© 2006 British of recruited seedlings probably more than compensates burrows are important regeneration niches in grassland
Ecological Society, for seed digestion during gut passage through earthworms, ecosystems, thereby reducing recruitment limitation.
Functional Ecology, which is known to be low (McRill & Sagar 1973; Grant Fast removal of seeds from the soil surface, increasing
20, 261–268 1983). microhabitat heterogeneity and acceleration of seed-bank
267 formation are also prominent mechanisms through Gundale, M.J. (2002) The influence of exotic earthworms on
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