Welcome Guests!: Gideons International Presentation Next Week

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Please see page two
for important information
about today’s service and
how to get the most out of
your visit with us.
4801 Franklin Avenue  Des Moines, Iowa 50310  515.255.2122  www.FirstFederated.org

Gideons International Presentation Next Week

By Steve Daugherty
Gideons were distributing New Testaments to 5th graders
outside of Mombasa, Kenya recently. It was late in the day and
there was one school that had not been located. However, the
Gideons did find children on the road and asked them about
the whereabouts of the school. The children pointed up a huge
hill and told the Gideons they would have to walk since the car
would not make it. The Gideons started up the hill, carrying
their heavy boxes of Scriptures, and sent the chil-
dren ahead to alert the headmasters.
In a few short min-
utes a large man came
bounding down the where it was needed.
hill toward the Gide- This is what our ministry is all about:
ons. He stopped about winning others to Christ.
10 feet short of them, Next week there will be a presentation
clapped his hands, and on the Gideons during our morning service.
said, “Oh, thank God! I We hope you will consider supporting us
am the headmaster. I am through your prayers and financial gifts
a Christian. I have been – over and above your normal tithes and
praying every day for two years that my boys and girls would have offerings.
copies of the Word of God.” As he raised his hands to heaven, tears The Gideons International is an organiza-
running down his cheeks, he exclaimed, “Today God has answered tion of business and professional men and
my prayers. My children do not have textbooks, but tonight they their wives who exist for the sole reason
will do their homework out of the Word of God. They will take it of winning the lost to Christ. We do this through our personal
home and share it with brothers and sisters, parents, grandparents, testimony and the distribution of God’s Holy Word.
aunts and uncles, and friends.” If you are interested in contributing financially to the work but
Every child in the 5th grade received a New Testament that will not be here next week, please consider our Memorial Bible
day and only heaven will reveal how many lives were changed as program. Attractive Memorial Bible cards are located in display
a result of the Gideons’ determination to get the Word of God out racks at the main doors of the church. The cards are free to you.
They deliver a wonderful message to those who have lost loved
ones, deserve recognition, or simply need a thoughtful touch.
Meet Pastor For a $5 donation, one full Bible will be placed by The Gideons
in memory or recognition of your special occasion. Each Bible
Curt De Graaff
Rescheduled for Tonight
has the potential to reach 2,300 readers during its life in a hotel
or motel. Remember, too, that every dollar goes to purchase and
6:00pm | Chapel place Scriptures. Not one penny goes for ministry overhead.
Come for a special time of getting If you have questions about the ministry, please talk with
acquainted with Pastor Curt De Graaff any Gideon or Auxiliary in the fellowship or visit our website at
and his wife Karen. www.gideons.org.
Reception to follow in I hope you’ll consider supporting us prayerfully and finan-
Fellowship Hall. cially in the coming year. If you are interested in joining with us
in this ministry, please visit our table in the foyer before or after
the service next week.

Volume 9  Number 40 First Federated Church  Sunday, February 24, 2008

Welcome to First Federated Church!
Thank you for choosing to worship with us this morning!
Have Questions?
If you have any questions, simply ask someone wearing a Guest Welcome Children’s
name tag with “Here to Help” on it or visit the Welcome Center
in the auditorium Foyer.
Reception Center Registration
Guest Reception North Parking Lot Station
If you are visiting with us for the first time or have just
recently started attending First Federated Church, we cordially FOYER

invite you to a reception in the Foyer immediately following the RESOURCE WELCOME

121 115

service. We would love to have the opportunity to meet you, get

N Women’s Locker
& Shower
Men’s Locker
& Shower

119 117

to know you better, and answer any questions you may have. North
Cloths Closet
&Food Pantry

Fill Out the Care & Communication Card


C 114

If you have never completed a Care and Communication Card,


M NE Entrance

W W 113 113
120 118

please take a moment to do so. This allows us, as a church family,

Children’s B C
W 113 113


to better know your needs and how we can serve you. The Care 110 110 111C

 L ar g

and Communication Card is located inside this newspaper. Just fill Parish e Black D
110B 111B

o or s

out the card completely and leave at the end of your pew, give to an nurse 1117 1128
M 1131
1135 1158
1162 1163

Nursery Sign-in
1118 W 1165

usher, or hand it in at the Visitors’ Table located in the foyer. R

R 106D


Thank you for taking the time to visit First Federated Church. West Entrance
1171 1170 1169 1168 R
1166 E


If you are not presently a member of a Bible teaching church, we

103 103A
152A 152B B C

invite you to join our church family.

101 D

M W M Office
149 147 145 143 141 137A 137 131A 131
139 Library
100 A B

If You Have Children Visit the Children’s 148

Junior & Senior High 146

Ministry Registration Station

142B 142 130B
SE Entrance
DOCK 142A HALL 130A 130
Trust your children to the care of our dedicated, loving
SW Entrance
South Entrance

Children’s Ministry staff. Our children’s programs provide qual-

M Men Restroom
South Parking Lot
W Women Restroom

ity care and learning for kids of all ages. R Restroom

If your child has not already been enrolled in our Children’s

Cellular Phones & Pagers
Ministry, a quick visit to the Children’s Ministry Registration
Station will provide you with temporary security tags and give us Thank you for turning off, or muting, your cell phone, pager and other electronic
the information we need to effectively minister to your child. devices during this morning’s worship service.
Infants & Preschool Children Assistive Listening Devices
Childcare and teaching are available during the 9:00 hour and 10:30 worship service ALS devices are available for check-out at the Resource Center in the foyer.
in the Nursery and Preschool Departments. AED (Automated External Defibrillator)/First-aid
Kindergarten–4th Grade Facilities for guests needing first aid are provided by our Parish Nurses
During the 9:00 hour, K–4th graders meet in graded classroom groups for Bible and located in the west hallway in Room 1117. Blood pressure checks
learning and fun. are also provided after the service.
K–2nd graders attend the first part of the 10:30 worship service with their families Please contact an usher if you need assistance.
and then are dismissed through the large black doors at the front of the auditorium Lost and Found
to attend their own age-appropriate children’s church, called KZ Church. Parents, we Lost items may be reported or claimed at the Main Office of the church during
encourage you to go with your children the first time they visit KZ Church. regular M-F office hours. Lost and Found items are kept for 30 days.
3rd & 4th graders attend the worship service to listen and learn with their families. Safety
First Federated Church regards your safety as our highest priority. If you have any
Xtreme AM (5th & 6th Grade) concerns, please inform one of our ushers or staff. If a building emergency arises,
Our preteens meet in their own Xtreme spot, Room 205, at 9:00 for a time of Xtreme directions will be provided over the public address system.
learning, Xtreme prayer and Xtreme relationship-building, then join their families for
Recordings of Today’s Message
the 10:30 worship service.
CD recordings of the morning message can be picked up immediately following the
Youth (Grade 7–12) & Adults service at the Resource Center in the Foyer.
Groups for ADULTS and activities for YOUTH begin at 9:00am. Stop by You can also listen to the message at www.FirstFederated.org.
the Welcome Center to find out about each of the groups and how to get there. Prayer Team Up Front
If you would like to pray with someone today, please come to the center commu-
nion table at the front of the Sanctuary following this morning’s service. Members
of our church leadership stand ready to serve you.

First Federated Church  Sunday, February 24, 2008

Women’s Ministry on the Move
Last October a number of women from FFC attended the annual women’s ministry
conference held at Elmbrook Church in Wisconsin. Included in this group were
members of the Women’s Ministry Council as well as women who are active in a
number of ministry areas here at FFC.
Following the conference, a number of discussions were held. The result of
these discussions was that in January the Women’s Ministry Council determined
that how we do ministry for women here at FFC should be reviewed and the
Council, as it is now structured, should be discontinued.
Between now and September a number of exciting things will be happening.
First, several important ministry activities are continuing. Our commitment to
make the Just Give Me Jesus rally in April a success is moving forward. This is
a tremendous revival opportunity and our women continue to encourage participa-
tion, train for follow up studies, and solicit prayer and financial support for the event.
In addition, our Women’s ABF continues at 9am every Sunday morning in room
208; our Women’s Card Ministry continues to meet on Monday nights in room 139; and
a new Wednesday night elective for women, Falling in Love with
Jesus, will begin March 12th. Also the Women’s Circles and
Thursday morning and evening Beth Moore studies are continu-
 ing.
During this time of transition, a team of women has been put
together to help us determine the best next steps for the future.
As part of the process, the team will be seeking input from a
variety of women through interviews and other means. Periodic
updates will be given as this exciting work unfolds. Please join
Jill Briscoe us in prayer as the team is excitedly looking forward to God’s
leading to results not even imagined yet!

Fernando Ortega
Financial Faithfulness
takes Good Sense
If you spent last Sunday safe and warm at home, you missed a
clear and compelling message from Pastor Mike regarding being
a faithful manager of the resources God has trusted to your care.
If you were not able to be here last week, you can listen to the
Stephanie Seefeldt message on our website at www.firstfederated.org.
During this time of year,
many people are especially at-
tuned to their financial situation,
A two day, life-changing due to compiling financial in-
revival with formation and preparing annual
ANNE GRAHAM LOTZ tax returns. During this process
many people realize that they
APRIL 18 & 19, 2008 have overextended their budget
and also fallen short in the area
WELLS FARGO ARENA of financial faithfulness. This is where Good Sense helps.
Good Sense is a biblically-based course to help you walk
Des Moines
through the process of developing a budget, controlling your
FRIDAY: 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. SATURDAY: 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
spending, and honoring God by being financially faithful with
the money He has given you to manage. If you are interested in
taking the course, you can indicate your interest on the Care &
Free Admission Communication card, or by calling the Adult Ministries office at
For more information call 515-264-7200
255.2122, ext. 129.
or email [email protected]


First Federated Church  Sunday, February 24, 2008

Adult Groups
Sunday Mornings | 9:00am The HUB (18–23 years old)
Groups for All Ages
See the Adult Sunday brochure for complete listing.
New Young Couples Group | Room 209
Men’s Group | Room 210
Sunday 9:15am—Come up and worship
with us! Then, grab something to eat and
enjoy a relevant lesson and fellowship
before the service!
Sunday at 6:00pm—Welcome Pastor Kurt and Karen

Sunday, March 2 at 9am—Breakfast with the Young Marrieds class to

Women’s Group | Room 208 hang out with Kurt and Karen in the HUB room!
Sunday Prayer Group
Sundays | 9am | Room 100

Card Ministry
Mondays | 6:30-8:15pm | Room 139
Tuesdays at 8:30pm—Ladies’ Bible study
Wednesdays at 7:00pm—Men’s Bible study
Sunday Night March 2 at 6:30pm—Belated Valentine’s Dinner. Guys
are serving the ladies a 5 star meal and providing entertainment as


If you have questions, call Carol Fugere 274.6333. Thursday at 6:30pm—Von Hubben band practice—open to anyone
who wants to sing or play!
Beth Moore Study
The Beth Moore study of David, A Heart Like Men’s Winning at Work & Home Group
His is for women of all ages. Feel free to invite Saturdays | 7:00–8:30am | Room 1250–51
friends and neighbors to come with you to this
Men’s Basketball – February 26
6:30pm | Lakers vs. Celtics
Thursdays | February 7–April 24 | 9:10–11:10am |
8:00pm | Rockets vs. Bulls
Room 108
Led by Catherine Erickson | Childcare Provided
Thursdays | February 7–April 24 | 6:30–8:30pm | Room 108
Women Alone Serving
February 28 | 11am | Beaverdale Estates
Led by Vickie Blair | No childcare
Please have money ready when we meet. Cost is $5
Cost: $20

Wednesday Nights Mothers of Preschoolers

Next meeting Tuesday, February 26
Moms’ Prayer Group 9:00–11:15am |Fellowship Hall
Wednesday Evenings | 5:15–6:15pm | Room 131 (Library) Sherri Stufflebeem
Concerts of Prayer The Benefits of Giving Kids Boundaries
Wednesday Evenings | 6:30–8:00pm | Room 1116 Upcoming Speakers:
Tuesday, March 11
Parenting Class Essentials of Discipline, Focus on Barb Rosberg, America’s Family Coaches
the Family Upcoming Event:
12–Wednesdays | Started February 13 Moms’ Night Out Coming in April! the HOME factor:
What Every Child Needs
6:30–8:00pm | Room 1238–39
“...he lives with you and will be in you.” John 14:17

Already volunteering on Wednesdays?

Great news for you! Parenting class will be offered on Sunday
mornings beginning April 6. Sign-up details coming soon. Upcoming Groups
Developing Your Passion for Jesus For Women—Falling in Love with Jesus
Wednesdays | Started February 13 Wednesdays | Beginning March 12 | 6:30–8:00pm
6:30–8:00pm | Room 1244–47
Facilitator: Pastor Mike Rose

Weekly Newspaper Deacon of the Month

Brent VanRoekel | 255.2122 ext 139
Regular Submission Deadline: Tuesdays by noon Our Deacons stand ready to help with the physical needs of the
We prefer that items be submitted electronically! members and attenders of this fellowship. Should you have a
E-Mail: [email protected] short-term, emergency need, do not hesitate to call the church
All submitted items are subject to submission guidelines and editorial review by office and leave a message for the “Deacon of the Month.” This ministry is made
the church staff. FFC reserves the right to edit submissions possible by your gifts to the Deacons’ Fund.
for length.
Deaconess of the Month
Disclaimer: Cheryl Griffin | 953.5390
First Federated Church does not claim to own any copyright privileges on items Our Deaconesses are available to the women of the church in
printed in this newspaper, unless otherwise stated. All items published are areas of encouragement and spiritual support. If you need a
quoted in good faith and believed to be free for circulation or public domain. listening ear and someone to pray with you, please call Cheryl.
First Federated Church  Sunday, February 24, 2008
Notes Today’s WORSHIP
Sunday, February 24, 2008 | Pastor Mike Rose
Parking Lots to Pathways: Socially Responsible Welcome: Michael Howland
Matthew 5:16, James 1:27 Beautiful One
One Pure and Holy Passion
The Stand
Fairest Lord Jesus
My Jesus I Love Thee
Prayer & Offering: Mike Rose
John Hunsberger: If We Are The Body
K–2nd Dismissed
Message: Parking Lots to Pathways:
Socially Responsible
Mike Rose

Special Guest Speaker

Sunday, March 9 | 10:30am | Auditorium
On Sunday, March 9th, Bill Brown, President of Cedar-
ville University, will be the special guest speaker during our
worship service.
Brown is a nationally recognized expert in helping Chris-
tians understand and develop a biblical world-
view. He is an ideal speaker to follow our
Pathways to Spiritual Maturity series.
He will help us determine the next step
in taking our faith into the areas of influ-
ence in which God has placed each of us.
Brown became President of Cedarville
University in June 2003, following a 10-
year presidency at Bryan College in
Dayton, Tennessee. A graduate
of the University of South
Florida, Brown holds a Master
of Theology and Ph.D. from
Dallas Theological Seminary.
Dr. Brown is the author of
three books and the executive
producer of re-View, a dy-
namic worldview curriculum
our Youth Ministry recently
re:VIEW Seminar
Grandview Park Baptist School will be hosting the
re:VIEW Seminar on Friday, March 7, 8:45am–2:45pm.
Students from area Christian schools will be participating
in this seminar. FFC members and attenders are also invited
to attend. There is no charge for the seminar, but if you are
planning to attend you are asked to call the school office at
265.7579 ext. 200, to register. Again, the seminar is free.

First Federated Church  Sunday, February 24, 2008

Pray for
One The contents of this page have been removed to protect the
Another privacy of those in our congregation.

Printed copies of this page can be obtained at the church.

Items found on this page include:

Pray for Those Who Grieve
Happy Birthday!
(Birthdays are listed for Federated members & missionaries)
Pray for those with Physical Needs
(In the Hospital, Upcoming Surgery/Procedures, Partial List of the Ongoing Needs of Our Members &
Our Encouragement Regular Attenders)
“Let your light shine Pray for Those Who Serve our Church
before men in such a way
that they may see your good
works, and glorify your
Father who is in heaven.”
Matthew 5:16

First Federated Church  Sunday, February 24, 2008

MISSION ONE  Reaching others for Jesus Christ
Dan & Sylvia Rogers Gordon & Grace
Mission Board: Mission Aviation Fellowship Location: Closed Country
Location: Quito, Ecuador What do they do? Gordon and Grace seek to promote prayer
What do they do? As a mis- for their country by organizing, orienting and facilitating
sionary pilot/mechanic, prayer teams that visit. They train local workers to assemble,
Dan provides safe trans- distribute and maintain solar cookers and teach families how
portation for missionaries, to maintain and cook with them. They establish and promote
Christian workers, medical radio programs, have Bible studies with seekers and believ-
workers and patients in ers, produce and distribute Bible materials.
rain forest areas where Prayer Requests
there is no other means of • For peace and safety amid the increasing roadside and guer-
transportation. The Rogers have served in Suriname, Haiti, rilla suicide attacks.
Honduras and now again in Ecuador where Dan is Chief of
• For God’s healing touch on Gordon’s painful back as well as
Maintenance. Sylvia, a gifted musician, teaches music and
his liver.
provides hospitality.
• Their landlord broke his contract and wants them out by
Prayer Requests
mid-April. Pray that he will let them stay.
• Wisdom for David Montero as Civil Aviation is requiring
• For the windows to their land to remain open as long as God
MAF to move toward nationalization and the setting up of
wants to use them in reaching every tribe.
commercial operations. They currently have two Ecuadorian
pilots, Freddy and Fernando, as part of their team. Pray for • For a new brother to grow in his faith and join up with a
unity and that all will work together well. local fellowship.
• Safety as Dan flies. South Africa
• Direction and wisdom for Lori who is graduating from high Source: Operation Mobilization
school this year. She hopes to attend the Torch Bearer’s Bible The first-ever African TeenStreet was held in December just
College at Alicante, Spain, and Capernwray Hall in England. outside Pretoria. Praise God that many Christian young people
from the townships participated. TeenStreet aims to motivate and
Sarah Decker equip Christian teenagers to have a real friendship with Jesus
Mission Board: InterVarsity and reflect Him in their world. Originally started in Europe, over
Location: Nice, France the years TeenStreet has spread across the world. This first Teen-
What does she do? In September Sarah started Street in Africa has the same purpose of discipling young people
her new role as a ministry team leader. but with a distinctly African flavor! Please pray for a significant
She is responsible for leading, training and impact on the lives of Christian young people, making them part
mentoring new team members. Her team of the emerging mission movement out of Africa.
serves on two university campuses, Liberal Arts and Medi- Central Asia
cal, and also links with Group Bible Universities (GBU) to
Source: Operation Mobilization
plan activities and outreaches. Her team also works with a
Kamal, a young Muslim, traveled from his remote village to
local church and a large number of young women who attend
a larger market town where he was given a Gospel of Matthew.
Bible studies.
Returning home, he sat on a rock by a river and began to read the
Prayer Requests Gospel. After reading it three times, he accepted the Lord, waded
• For opportunities to be bold in talking about Jesus. into the river and baptized himself! Since then, he has led his
• For good conversations with her non-Christian housemates, own family and two others to faith in Jesus, forming a small fel-
Victoria and Florian. lowship in his village. Pray that these new believers would grow
in faith, knowledge and love.
• For their Christianity Explored small group at
Café Grace—for God to reveal truth to seekers. What is a Daily Family Prayer Guide?
• For Sarah’s mentoring of Deborah and Clare, Each month a prayer guide is printed to help YOU pray more
new team members. effectively for our missionaries and their needs. Jean Crabbs,
• For Sarah to grow in Christ-likeness and be a with the help of a group of volunteers, reads through piles of mail
and writes current and urgent prayer requests from those we sup-
leader/person of integrity.
port. These can be picked up in the literature racks throughout
the church, put into your Bible, and added to your daily prayer
time. What a GREAT way to get to know our missionaries and
become a part of ministries in Des Moines and around the world!

First Federated Church  Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Gathering | March 29 | 6:00–9:00pm
Four bands and an awesome speaker. Come hear Vailene, For-
tissimo, and two other awesome bands. PLUS enjoy guest youth
Hangtimes speaker, Justin Herman. Cost: $5 at the door—and all funds go to
Feb. 24—Movie Night
help support the members of each band.
Mar. 2—SMT Meeting
Mar. 9—Flag Football East Lawn 7th–12th Grades
Mar. 16—BYOM Park and Cookout night
Mar. 23—Veggie Tales Marathon M-FUGE | July 20–27
Mar. 30—Foam Dart Wars A reminder for all
those going to M-fuge.
You need to begin your
In March passport process this
DODGEBALL!!! Mondays | 7-8:30pm | FFC West Gym month. The next major de-
Weekly match-ups! Come join us! Our group keeps getting bigger! posit of $175 is due April 15, so please be sure that your support
JH Broomball | March 8 | 6–8pm letters have gone out by now as well. Check w/ Howie for work
Hey JH, here’s an awesomely fun and even funny event you projects, balances and scholarship info this week.
won’t want to miss. Let’s head to the Metro Ice Sports Facility to
play some broomball. Cost is $10 per person.
In April
Guys Lock-in | Apr. 4 | 8pm-8am
Ignite Youth Leadership Conference | March 15
Hey Senior High guys: don’t miss an awesome night! Hear
Grace Church, Des Moines | $29 ($39 at the door)
testimony from some godly men of what it means to be a man
This is an awesome youth conference hosted by Grace Church.
of God. Plus enjoy laser tag, video games, open gym, food and
Did you miss Dare 2 Share? Are you just hungry for more? Do you
much more. BackDoor.
want to improve as a leader in your own youth group? This youth
leadership conference is an excellent place to start! Junior High Retreat | Apr 11-12 | Fri 6pm - Sat 9pm
Here we come! – Cost $75. Parent chaperones needed. Join us
Spring Break Service Projects | March 17–19
for a ropes course, swimming, volleyball, basketball, broomball,
3 Days—3 Projects
and more. Meals included and great Bible studies throughout.
Come minister to Freedom for Youth and Hope Ministries and
Don’t miss all the fun! $25 Deposit due: April 6.
join the efforts to revamp our own Backdoor. Make a difference
during your break and serve. Sign up in the Backdoor for which days
you will join us to serve. A schedule will be on the bulletin board.

Widows/Widower Banquet
February 10

First Federated Church  Sunday, February 24, 2008

Children’s Ministry
The Number One Thing
So, here they are… our Number One Things:
By Sherri Stufflebeem, Children’s Ministry Director
At our recent Team Time train- Nursery
I am loved unconditionally.
ing sessions we introduced “The
Babies can’t understand what we say, but they know
Number One Thing” to our
instinctively HOW we are communicating to them. We need
Children’s Ministry volunteers.
to let them know that WE love them and GOD loves them…
Soon you’ll be seeing “The
Number One Thing” signs
popping up all over the Preschool
Children’s Ministry. Curious? Good! Here’s God made everything.
God made me and wants to be my forever friend.
the scoop.
First, a little history. You know how you Toddlers think in concrete terms—unable to
sometimes read a really great book and it think abstractly.
causes you to take a fresh look at something? Early Elementary (K–2nd grade)
That’s what happened to our Children’s God created me to have a relationship with Him and I can trust
Ministry staff last summer after reading Him no matter what.
The 7 Practices of Effective Ministry. We were This age still thinks in concrete terms when it comes to
challenged to take a fresh look at our ministry. thoughts about God. They understand God’s love and can
We knew we have a church full of great kids understand that He wants to be their friend. (MOST KIDS will un-
and a team of capable and passionate volunteers derstand sin, forgiveness and their need for salvation by this age!)
who love kids, but then came the question: Were we being as Middle Elementary (3rd–4th grade)
purposeful and focused as we could be in what we were doing for God wants me to grow in my relationship with Him.
and with our children? What is the purpose of our ministry? 3rd and 4th graders clearly understand right and wrong and
That’s where “The Number One Thing” came in. We will understand that being a Christian is about a relationship
concluded that there were certain basic truths we wanted and with their Lord. They need to be challenged to grow and be
needed to communicate to every child before they graduated taught what that means.
to the youth group. At each age level, we wanted to focus on a Xtreme (5th–6th grade)
central theme that was appropriate to that age and to their ability It’s my choice to live for Jesus.
to comprehend. Each of these central themes would be the basis I can trust Him with every area of my life.
upon which the next age-appropriate theme would build, with These kids are developing strong opinions, yet are still very
the ultimate goal of seeing each child come to know and love the “shapeable.” They are beginning to be faced with lots of situ-
Lord and have a growing relationship with Him. ations where they need to KNOW WHAT THEY BELIEVE. We
After a great deal of thought, prayer and research, we have need to help them identify that their faith is something they are
formed our list of “The Number One Things” for each of our choosing, not because their mom or dad or their teacher say so,
Children’s Ministry age groups. Now, you may be asking but because THEY choose.
Pastor Mike’s familiar question, “So what?” What will this
mean to the staff, children and families in our ministry? As Put on Your Armor
we explained at our Team Time sessions, we want these to be Well, our Armor of God in KZ
central themes with our children throughout their time with us. Church is almost complete. It looks as
No matter what the lesson or activity, we want to be mindful of if we can defend ourselves quite well
“The Number One Thing.” against the attacks of Satan. But wait!
There may be a problem. If we soldiers
each try to be an army of one, Satan
can attack us from all different direc-
tions and wear us down. We need the
wrapped around protection that is only
available through prayer.
Ephesians 6:18 says, “And pray in
XtremePM the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.
5th and 6th graders, even With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all
if you don’t usually attend on the saints.” God never meant for us to fight alone. All the armor
Wednesday nights, you are welcome to join XtremePM for in the world cannot protect a soldier who tries to go it alone. We
“Manners Made Easy.” See you in the Xtreme Room (#205) need each other. So keep on praying and know that others are
at 6:30! praying, too!

First Federated Church  Sunday, February 24, 2008

Upcoming Events OTHER NEWS
Wednesday Night Meal Memorial Service
Feb 28 Cavatelli, Green Beans, Tossed Salad, Garlic Breadstick, Dessert Monday, March 3 | 11:00am | FFC Chapel
Lunch immediately after the service at approximately noon
Election of Church Officers Private family burial
Today, February 24 | 8:30-10:25am | Foyer A joint memorial service will be held for Clyde & Darlene
Ballots will be available in the foyer or preschool hallway to Killion. Clyde died on June 7, 2007 and Darlene died on Febru-
members 16 years of age and over. Members may vote for up to 4 ary 15, 2008. It was Clyde’s desire that a joint service be held for
Elders, 4 Deacons and 2 Deaconesses. them both. Memorial contributions have been designated to go
to First Federated Church.
Congregational Meeting
Sunday, March 30 | 6:00pm | Chapel Thank You
We will introduce the new Boards and officers, review the last Thank you all for the prayer, care, concern, cards and meals
six months of ministry and look ahead to the spring and summer. while I was recovering from knee replacement surgery. I am
doing well thanks to answered prayer. Blessings, Peg Olson
Date With A Purpose
Space is limited for Date with a Purpose events! We extend our heartfelt thanks to each and all of you who
Join Gary & Barb Rosberg on May 9. prayed for Edith’s recovery from a bowel resection surgery mid
Visit www.DrGaryandBarb.com for details. January. We deeply appeciated each of your cards, calls, and well
wishes. We are convinced your prayer support was instrumental in
February 2008 His heaing ministry. We also thank each of our Pastoral/support
Parenting Class Essentials of Discipline (Wednesdays | 6:30pm)...............Started 13 staff who prayed for and called on her during an extended hospital
Developing Your Passion for Jesus (Wednesdays | 6:30pm).....................Started 13 stay. By God’s Grace, we are hopefully planning she can be back
Meet Pastor Curt De Graaff (Chapel, 6:00pm)................................. Rescheduled 24
in “circulation” in the next several weeks. (Philippians 1:3).
Board Elections (Auditorium Foyer & Preschool Hallway | Sunday | 8:30am–10:25am).............. 24
In Christ’s love, Chuck and Edith Underwood
March 2008 Do You Know What to Do in a
Guest Speaker: Dr. Bill Brown (President of Cedarville University)...................................9
Daylight Savings Time Begins................................................................................9 Cardiac Emergency?
Good Friday.................................................................................................................21 CPR/AED Class
Easter............................................................................................................................ 23 Saturday, March 1 | 9am–Noon or 1pm–4pm
Womens Association Birthday Party................................................................ 27 Room 120 (enter the NE door of the building)
Congregational Meeting | Informational (Chapel | Sunday | 6:00pm).................... 30
FFC has 2 AEDs (defibrillators)--please join either of these
April 2008 classes to learn or relearn how to use them and perform CPR.
Spring Clean-Up Day.............................................................................................. 26 Register on the Care & Communication Card or call the church
office at 255.2122.
May 2008
Spring Clean-Up Day (Rain Date)..........................................................................3
Date with a Purpose (www.DrGaryandBarb.com)..........................................9 Volunteer Opportunities
Mother’s Day...............................................................................................................11
Takin’ It Back to the Streets in 2008
June 2008 We had such a great time last summer “Takin’ it to the
Father’s Day (Motor Fest).......................................................................................15 Streets” we thought we would start early with some local minis-
try work projects.
Saturday, March 29 | 10am-2pm
We will be working at AGAPE Pregnancy Center, 2550
Financial Report Budgeted Missions: Martin Luther King Jr. Pkwy. Dependent on the weather, we will
Year to Date: 9/1/07-present be helping to reorganize the Bargain Basement area and possibly
Attendance doing yard work. Bring along a sack lunch.
02/17/08.......................................311 Need.................................... $129,401
Offering............................... $138,338 Saturday, April 5 | 8am-4:30pm
General Fund Offering Travel down to Camp Appanoose in beautiful Plano, IA to
Overage................................... $8,937
Last Week help them get ready for the upcoming camp season. There will
Weekly Need.........................$34,889 Mortgage be tree trimming, yard work, collection of firewood, and general
Offering ................................ $17,621 Current Balance................... $854,811 clean up. Lunch will be provided for those who sign up. The
Shortage.......................…..($17,268) Next Payment February 25 Homebuilders class will be heading this up, so if you have ques-
Year to Date: 9/1/07-present tions call Keith Christiansen at 957.8054.
Need....................................$872,225 Contact
Offering ..............................$803,342 See what God can accomplish through you by just volun-
Shortage..............................($68,883) teering some of your time. Contact John Porter, 255.2122,
[email protected].
First Federated Church 10 Sunday, February 24, 2008

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