JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Mapping Fields For Batch Processing

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The document discusses mapping fields for batch processing in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne and provides details on fields in the alternative address table.

The document provides information on modifications to mapping fields for batch processing in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne version 9.0, including copyright notices and license restrictions.

The alternative address table includes fields for the effective date, address lines, postal code, city, state, country, and other identifying information.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Modifications to Mapping Fields for Batch Processing 9.

September 2011

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Modifications to Mapping Fields for Batch Processing 9.0 Copyright Notice Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Trademark Notice Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. License Restrictions Warranty/Consequential Damages Disclaimer This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish or display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, is prohibited. Subject to patent protection under one or more of the following U.S. patents: 5,781,908; 5,828,376; 5,950,010; 5,960,204; 5,987,497; 5,995,972; 5,987,497; and 6,223,345. Other patents pending. Warranty Disclaimer The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. If you find any errors, please report them to us in writing. Restricted Rights Notice If this software or related documentation is delivered to the U.S. Government or anyone licensing it on behalf of the U.S. Government, the following notice is applicable: U.S. GOVERNMENT RIGHTS Programs, software, databases, and related documentation and technical data delivered to U.S. Government customers are commercial computer software or commercial technical data pursuant to the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation and agency-specific supplemental regulations. As such, the use, duplication, disclosure, modification, and adaptation shall be subject to the restrictions and license terms set forth in the applicable Government contract, and, to the extent applicable by the terms of the Government contract, the additional rights set forth in FAR 52.227-19, Commercial Computer Software License (December 2007). Oracle USA, Inc., 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood City, CA 94065. Hazardous Applications Notice This software is developed for general use in a variety of information management applications. It is not developed or intended for use in any inherently dangerous applications, including applications which may create a risk of personal injury. If you use this software in dangerous applications, then you shall be responsible to take all appropriate fail-safe, backup, redundancy and other measures to ensure the safe use of this software. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates disclaim any liability for any damages caused by use of this software in dangerous applications. Third Party Content, Products, and Services Disclaimer This software and documentation may provide access to or information on content, products and services from third parties. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates are not responsible for and expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind with respect to third party content, products and services. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates will not be responsible for any loss, costs, or damages incurred due to your access to or use of third party content, products or services. Contains GNU libgmp library; Copyright 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This library is free software which can be modified and redistributed under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License.


Mapping Fields for Batch Processing

This appendix contains the following topics:

Section A.1, "Mapping Fields in the Address Book - Interoperability Table (F0101Z2)" Section A.2, "Mapping Fields in the Customer Master LOB-Batch Table (F03012Z1)" Section A.3, "Mapping Fields in the Supplier Master - Batch Table (F0401Z1)" Section A.4, "Mapping Fields in the Batch Who's Who Information Table (F0111Z1)" Section A.5, "Mapping Fields in the Batch - Related Person Table (F01112Z1)" Section A.6, "Mapping Fields in the Phones - Interoperability Table (F0115Z1)" Section A.7, "Mapping Fields in the Batch - Electronic Address Table (F01151Z1)" Section A.8, "Mapping Fields in the Batch - Alternative Address Table (F01161Z1)"

A.1 Mapping Fields in the Address Book - Interoperability Table (F0101Z2)

This section contains a list of the fields in the F0101Z2 table. Some of the fields are required to run the Address Book Batch Upload program (R01010Z), while others are not. Not all fields are displayed on address book forms or used by the Address Book system.

A.1.1 Required Fields

This table lists the required fields for the F0101Z2 table:

Mapping Fields for Batch Processing


Mapping Fields in the Address Book - Interoperability Table (F0101Z2)

Field Name EDI - User ID


Type Alpha

Length 10

Definition A user-defined identification number. Enter the user ID of the person who runs the R01010Z program or the person who is to receive messages in the Employee Work Center. This field, in conjunction with SZEDTN and SZEDBT, uniquely identifies a specific transaction. A number assigned by the person who runs the Address Book Batch Upload program to each batch. The system assigns a new batch number whenever this field changes. You can significantly increase performance by assigning one batch number for each group of transactions that you process. A number that identifies each transaction. A new transaction number indicates a different address book record. You cannot have more than one transaction with the same number in a batch. This field often contains the document number of the source system so that the sender can readily identify the transaction.

EDI - Batch Number




EDI - Transaction SZEDTN Number



A-2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide

Mapping Fields in the Address Book - Interoperability Table (F0101Z2)

Field Name EDI - Line Number


Type Number

Length 7

Definition A number used to uniquely identify a record. Each transaction can have multiple, consecutive line numbers. A value that indicates whether a transaction was successfully processed. Leave this field blank. The value N indicates that the transaction was not processed or was processed in error. The system changes the value to Y when the transaction is successfully processed.

EDI Successfully Processed



Mapping Fields for Batch Processing


Mapping Fields in the Address Book - Interoperability Table (F0101Z2)

Field Name Transaction Action


Type Alpha

Length 1

Definition A value that indicates the transaction to be performed. The value A indicates a new transaction. The value D indicates a deletion. The value A indicates an add. The value C indicates a change to an existing document. You must process changes after you process additions. For outbound processing, the system updates the value in this field with after image (UA) or before image (UB). The system uses UB only if the processing option in the Address Book MBF (P0100041) is activated. For outbound processing, you can also enter A for additions and D for deletions.

A-4 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide

Mapping Fields in the Address Book - Interoperability Table (F0101Z2)

Field Name Business Unit


Type Alpha

Length 12

Definition A value that identifies the business unit that is used for security purposes. The value in this field is also used by transaction entry programs and can be concatenated with the object account of certain automatic accounting instructions (AAIs) to derive an account number. If you leave this field blank, the system assigns a value of 1. The value must exist in the Business Unit Master table (F0006).

Tax ID




The identification code required by various tax authorities. This might be a social security number, federal or state corporate tax ID, or sales tax number. This field is required only if the value of the Search Type field (SZAT1) is E and the country code is US or CAN.

Alpha Name




A name typically entered in the format of last name, first name to optimize search capabilities. The Word Search program (P01BDWRD) uses this field.

Mapping Fields for Batch Processing


Mapping Fields in the Address Book - Interoperability Table (F0101Z2)

Field Name Search Type

Alias SZAT1

Type Alpha

Length 3

Definition A value that identifies a record as part of a specific group, such as suppliers, customers, employees, and companies. The value that you enter in this field must exist in UDC table 01/ST (Search Type).

A.1.2 Optional Fields

These fields in the F0101Z2 table are optional. You can use these fields to provide additional information about a transaction.
Field Name Type Transaction Alias SZTYTN Type Alpha Length 8 Definition A value that identifies the type of transaction. If you leave this field blank, the system uses the value in the transaction type processing option in the Address Book MBF (P0100041), if it is set up. This field is required if you use outbound processing.

A-6 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide

Mapping Fields in the Address Book - Interoperability Table (F0101Z2)

Field Name Direction Indicator


Type Alpha

Length 1

Definition A number that identifies whether a batch job is inbound or outbound processing. For inbound processing, enter 0. For outbound processing, leave this field blank. The system updates this field with 1 if the record is a "before image" and 2 if the record is an "after image." A processing option in the Address Book MBF (P0100041) determines whether a before image is written to the table.

EDI - Detail Lines SZEDDL Processed


The number of detail lines included in a specific transaction. This field is informational only. A value used in an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) transaction to identify who is trading documents with you.

Trading Partner ID




Mapping Fields for Batch Processing


Mapping Fields in the Address Book - Interoperability Table (F0101Z2)

Field Name


Type Number

Length 8

Definition A value that uniquely identifies a supplier, customer, employee, company, and so on. If you leave this field blank, the system assigns a number based on the Next Numbers Automatic table (F0002) for the Address Book system. If you enter a value in this field, it cannot exist in the Address Book Master table (F0101) unless the SZTNAC field has a value of C, which indicates a change to an existing record. Otherwise, the system considers the transaction a duplicate and does not process it. Note: This field is required when the SZTNAC field is C, which indicates a change to an existing record.

Address Number SZAN8

A-8 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide

Mapping Fields in the Address Book - Interoperability Table (F0101Z2)

Field Name Long Address Number


Type Alpha

Length 20

Definition A value that identifies an address book record in a format other than that assigned by the system. Typically, you enter an address number from a legacy system to use as a cross-reference to the address book number assigned by the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system. If you enter a value in this field, the value cannot exist in any other address book record or the system will consider it a duplicate record and not process it. A code that classifies goods and services such as the standard industry code (SIC). A code that indicates the language to use on forms and for reports. If you enter a value in this field, the value must exist in UDC table 01/LP (Language Preference). If you leave this field blank, the system uses the language specified in the user profile of the person who runs the process. If that is blank, the system uses the default language for the system.

Industry Classification Code







Mapping Fields for Batch Processing


Mapping Fields in the Address Book - Interoperability Table (F0101Z2)

Field Name Credit Message

Alias SZCM

Type Alpha

Length 2

Definition A code that displays specific information about a customer or supplier. The value that you enter in this field must exist in UDC table 00/CM (Credit Messages). A code that designates the type of taxpayer. For U.S. clients, use one of these codes in conjunction with the SZTAX field: C: Corporate entity P: Individual N: Noncorporate entity The system chooses suppliers with codes P and N for 1099 reporting. For non-U.S. clients, use one of these codes in conjunction with the SZTAX field: 1: Individual 2: Corporate entity

Person/ Corporation Code



A-10 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide

Mapping Fields in the Address Book - Interoperability Table (F0101Z2)

Field Name AR/AP Netting Indicator

Alias SZAT2

Type Alpha

Length 1

Definition An option that indicates whether customers and suppliers are eligible for AR/AP netting. Values are: Y: Eligible for AR/AP netting. The system updates invoices and vouchers that are entered for the address number with a value of 1 (Eligible for Netting) in the Netting Status field. N: Ineligible for AR/AP netting. The system updates invoices and vouchers that are entered for the address number with a value of 0 (Ineligible for Netting) in the Netting Status field.

Address Type 3



A code that is reserved for future use. A code that is reserved for future use. A code that indicates whether the address book record is a customer. Values are Y and N. A code that is reserved for future use.

Address Type 4



Address Type Receivables



Address Type 5



Mapping Fields for Batch Processing


Mapping Fields in the Address Book - Interoperability Table (F0101Z2)

Field Name Address Type Payables


Type Alpha

Length 1

Definition A code that indicates whether the address book record is a supplier. Values are: Y (yes), N (no), M (miscellaneous, one-time supplier), and F (foreign supplier). The value that you enter in this field must exist in UDC table H01/AS (Address Type-Payables). A code that can be defined in the data dictionary to reference the address book record. A code that is reserved for future use. A code that indicates whether the address book record is an employee. Values are: Y and N. A blank indicates that the address book number can be used as a subledger.

Address Type Code, Purchaser



Miscellaneous Code Address Type Employee





Subledger Inactive Code



A-12 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide

Mapping Fields in the Address Book - Interoperability Table (F0101Z2)

Field Name Beginning Effective Date


Type Date

Length 6

Definition The date that the address book record first becomes effective. Use a format that your database accepts. Some databases allow you to enter the date in a Gregorian date format (mmddyy or yymmdd), while other databases require a Julian date format. The Julian date format is cyyddd (where c = century). Enter 1 for transactions in the 21st century. For example, the date 6/1/2005 corresponds to a Julian date 105152. For 6/1/04, the corresponding Julian date is 104153 (because the year 2000 has a leap day, 2/29/00).

Address Number SZAN81 - 1st


A related address book number (salesperson, law firm, accountant, and so on). Many address book programs allow you to inquire on records based on a related address number. The value that you enter in this field must exist in the table before you run the batch process. Therefore, if you enter a related address book number, you must process the related address records first.

Mapping Fields for Batch Processing


Mapping Fields in the Address Book - Interoperability Table (F0101Z2)

Field Name


Type Number

Length 8

Definition See the description for the SZAN81 field. See the description for the SZAN81 field. See the description for the SZAN81 field. See the description for the SZAN81 field. An address book number that identifies a special payment address in accounts payable. The value that you enter in this field must exist in the F0101 table before you run the batch process.

Address Number SZAN82 - 2nd

Address Number SZAN83 - 3rd


Address Number SZAN84 - 4th


Address Number SZAN86 - 5th


Factor Special Payee



Address Book Category Codes 01 through 30

SZAC01 through SZAC30


A category code. The values that you enter in the category code fields must exist in the corresponding UDC table 01/01-01/30. Category code 7 is used for 1099 reporting in the Accounts Payable system.

A-14 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide

Mapping Fields in the Address Book - Interoperability Table (F0101Z2)

Field Name G/L Bank Account


Type Alpha

Length 8

Definition A value that identifies the bank account in the general ledger that is associated with the address book record. This field is informational only and is not used in any JD Edwards EnterpriseOne financial transactions. Bank accounts associated with financial transactions are updated based on automatic accounting instructions (AAIs). The specific time when a person is scheduled to return. The format required is HH.MM. The date when a person is scheduled to return. Use a format that your database accepts. Some databases allow you to enter the date in a Gregorian date format while other databases require a Julian date format. See the description for the SZEBDT field for more information.

Time - Scheduled SZPTI In


Date - Scheduled SZPDI In


Mapping Fields for Batch Processing


Mapping Fields in the Address Book - Interoperability Table (F0101Z2)

Field Name


Type Alpha

Length 1

Definition A code that indicates whether the system displays messages in workflow. The value Y indicates that the system displays all messages, including messages that have been cleared or processed. A value other than Y indicates that the system displays only current messages. An informational field that you can use for a remark, description, or name. The system does not display this field on any forms in the Address Book system. A number that identifies a license or certificate that tax authorities issue to tax-exempt individuals and companies. An additional identification number that a tax authority assigns to an individual. An alternate name to accommodate double-byte coding. The name that appears on reports and labels for mailing purposes. If you leave this field blank, the value entered in the SZALPH field is used.

Action - Message SZMSGA Control





Certificate - Tax Exemption




Additional Tax ID - Individual




Secondary Alpha SZALP1 Name



Mailing Name




A-16 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide

Mapping Fields in the Address Book - Interoperability Table (F0101Z2)

Field Name Secondary Mailing Name

Alias SZMLN1

Type Alpha

Length 40

Definition An alternate name to accommodate double-byte coding. Alphanumeric values that identify the mailing address for the address book record. A code assigned by the postal service of a country that is attached to the address to facilitate mail delivery. The city associated with an address. The country associated with an address. The value that you enter in this field must exist in UDC table 00/CN (Country Codes). The state or province associated with an address. The value that you enter in this field must exist in the UDC table 00/S (State or Province). The county, parish, or other political district associated with an address for mail delivery or for tax purposes.

Address Line 1, Address Line 2, Address Line 3, Address Line 4




Postal Code


















Mapping Fields for Batch Processing


Mapping Fields in the Address Book - Interoperability Table (F0101Z2)

Field Name Phone Prefix

Alias SZAR1

Type Alpha

Length 6

Definition The area code in the U.S. or the prefix in another country for a telephone number. The required format for the U.S. is three characters in parentheses. If an alternate format is required for non-U.S. area codes, the Display Rules field in the Data Dictionary for item AR1 must be changed.

Phone Number




The telephone number associated with the address book record. A code that designates the type of phone number associated with the SZPH1 field. For example, FAX, CELL, HOME, WORK. The value entered in this field must exist in the UDC table 01/PH (Phone Type). The area code in the U.S. or the prefix in another country for a telephone number. The required format for the U.S. is three characters in parentheses. If an alternate format is required for non-U.S. area codes, the Display Rules field in the Data Dictionary for item AR1 must be changed.

Phone Number Type 1



Phone Prefix 2



A-18 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide

Mapping Fields in the Address Book - Interoperability Table (F0101Z2)

Field Name Phone Number 2

Alias SZPH2

Type Alpha

Length 20

Definition A second telephone number associated with the address book record. A code that designates the type of phone number associated with the SZPH2 field. For example, FAX, CELL, HOME, WORK. The value entered in this field must exist in the UDC table 01/PH (Phone Type). A code that designates the stock ticker for the company. A code that designates the exchange on which the company's stock is traded. A code used to designate the DUNS number for the company. This number is the Dun and Bradstreet identifier that is used to get credit reports on companies. A code used to classify companies. Enter a valid value from UDC 01/CA. A code used to classify companies. Enter a valid value from UDC 01/CB.

Phone Number Type 2







Stock Exchange




DUNS Number










Mapping Fields for Batch Processing


Mapping Fields in the Address Book - Interoperability Table (F0101Z2)

Field Name CLASS03


Type Alpha

Length 3

Definition A code used to classify companies. Enter a valid value from UDC 01/CC. A code used to classify companies. Enter a valid value from UDC 01/CD. A code used to classify companies. Enter a valid value from UDC 01/CE. A number used to designate the number of employees employed by the customer or supplier. A code used to designate the growth rate for a company. A code that designates the year a company became a customer. A code that indicates the group for the employee for approval processing. This field is used only in Requisition Self Service. This field is reserved for future use. An amount used to designate the revenue range for a company. Enter a valid value from UDC 01/RR.







Number of Employees




Growth Rate



Year Started




Employee Group SZAEMPGP Approvals


Future Use Indicator Revenue Range





A-20 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide

Mapping Fields in the Address Book - Interoperability Table (F0101Z2)

A.1.3 Ignored Fields

This table lists fields in the F0101Z2 table that are ignored. The system does not use the values in these fields.
Field Name EDI - Document Type EDI - Translation Format EDI - Transmission Date Description Compressed Transaction Originator User ID Program ID Work Station ID Date Updated Time of Day Time Last Updated Alias SZEDCT SZEDFT SZEDDT SZDC SZTORG SZUSER SZPID SZJOBN SZUPMJ SZTDAY SZUPMT Type Alpha Alpha Date Alpha Alpha Alpha Alpha Alpha Date Date Number Length 2 10 6 40 10 10 10 10 6 6 6

A.1.4 User-Reserved Fields

This table lists fields in the F0101Z2 table that are reserved for users. These fields are not updated by any JD Edwards EnterpriseOne programs. The Address Book system does not display them on any forms.
Field Name User Reserved Code Alias SZURCD Type Alpha Length 3 Definition A user-defined alphanumeric value up to three characters. A user-defined date that uses a format that your database accepts. A user-defined amount that uses a format that your database accepts. A user-defined number up to eight digits. A user-defined alphanumeric value up to 15 characters.

User Reserved Date



User Reserved Amount




User Reserved Number User Reserved Reference






Mapping Fields for Batch Processing


Mapping Fields in the Customer Master LOB-Batch Table (F03012Z1)

A.2 Mapping Fields in the Customer Master LOB-Batch Table (F03012Z1)

This section contains a list of the fields in the F03012Z1 table. Some of the fields are required to run the Customer Master Batch Upload program (R03010Z), while others are not.

A.2.1 Required Fields

This table lists fields in the F03012Z1 table that are required. For some fields, blank is a valid value.
Field Name EDI - User ID Alias VOEDUS Type Alpha Length 10 Definition A user-defined identification number. Enter the user ID of the person running the process or the person who is to receive messages in the Employee Work Center program (P012501). This field, in conjunction with the VOEDTN and VOEDBT fields, uniquely identifies a specific transaction. A code that, in conjunction with the VOEDTN and VOEDUS fields, uniquely identifies a transaction within a specific batch. This field also serves as a level break and causes the assignment of a new JD Edwards EnterpriseOne batch number each time that the value changes. You can significantly increase performance by assigning one batch number for each group of transactions.

EDI - Batch Number




A-22 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide

Mapping Fields in the Customer Master LOB-Batch Table (F03012Z1)

Field Name


Type Number

Length 22

Definition A code that identifies each transaction. Each new transaction number indicates a different address book record. You cannot have more than one transaction with the same number in a batch. This field often contains the document number of the source system so that the transaction can be readily identified. A number used to uniquely identify a record. Each transaction can have multiple, consecutive line numbers. Leave this field blank. The system populates this field to indicate whether the transaction was successfully processed. The value N indicates that the transaction was not processed or was processed in error. After the transaction is successfully processed, the system changes the value to Y. For outbound processing, the system updates the value to N.

EDI - Transaction VOEDTN Number

EDI - Line Number



EDI Successfully Processed



Mapping Fields for Batch Processing


Mapping Fields in the Customer Master LOB-Batch Table (F03012Z1)

Field Name Transaction Action


Type Alpha

Length 2

Definition If you are processing new transactions, enter A in this field. If you are processing a change for an existing record, enter C. If you are processing a deletion for an existing record, enter D. Process all changes and deletions after additions. For outbound processing, the system updates this field with either after image (UA) or before image (UB). The system updates the table with UB only if the processing option in the Customer Master MBF (P0100042) is activated. For outbound processing, you can also enter A for additions and D for deletions.

Address Number VOAN8


A numeric value that uniquely identifies a customer. The value in this field must exist in the F0101 table or the record will not process.

A-24 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide

Mapping Fields in the Customer Master LOB-Batch Table (F03012Z1)

Field Name Company

Alias VOCO

Type Alpha

Length 5

Definition A value that indicates the company associated with the customer. The company number is used in line of business processing. The system processes a record for company 00000 in addition to any company entered for the customer. If you leave this field blank, the system uses company 00000. This field is displayed only if multicurrency is activated. A value that indicates the currency of the VOASTY and VOSPYE fields. The value entered in this field must exist in the Currency Code table (F0013). If you leave this field blank, the value entered in the processing option for the Customer Master (P03013) is used. If the processing option is blank, the field is updated with the currency code associated with the company of the business unit entered in F0101 table.

Currency Code A/B Amounts



A.2.2 Optional Fields Used by the Accounts Receivable System

This table lists fields in the F03012Z1 that are optional and are used by the Accounts Receivable system. You can use these fields to provide additional information about a transaction.

Mapping Fields for Batch Processing


Mapping Fields in the Customer Master LOB-Batch Table (F03012Z1)

Field Name Type Transaction


Type Alpha

Length 2

Definition A value that identifies the type of transaction. If you leave this field blank, the system uses the value in the transaction type processing option in the Customer Master MBF (P0100042), if set up. A number that identifies whether a batch job is inbound or outbound processing. For inbound processing, enter 0. For outbound processing, leave this field blank. The system updates this field with 1 if the record is a "before image" and 2 if the record is an "after image." A processing option in the Customer Master MBF (P0100042) determines whether a before image is written to the table. This system uses this field for data selection for the batch upload programs, and searches for a value of 0 to avoid uploading records that are for outbound processing.

Direction Indicator



A-26 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide

Mapping Fields in the Customer Master LOB-Batch Table (F03012Z1)

Field Name


Type Number

Length 5

Definition A number that represents the number of detail lines included in a specific transaction. This field is informational only. A value used in an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) transaction to identify who is trading documents with you. A value that, in conjunction with the VOCO field, determines the A/R trade offset account to which the transaction will be posted. The account established in the AAI PCxxxx (where xxxx= the value in the G/L Offset field) will be used the post process. You do not need to complete this field unless you want to direct different transactions to different offset accounts.

EDI - Detail Lines VOEDDL Processed

Trading Partner ID




G/L Offset



Mapping Fields for Batch Processing


Mapping Fields in the Customer Master LOB-Batch Table (F03012Z1)

Field Name Business Unit A/R Default


Type Alpha

Length 12

Definition A number that, in conjunction with the VOOBAR and VOAIDR fields, defines a revenue account that is used when you enter an invoice. Do not enter a value in this field if you complete the fields for a model journal entry (VOCKOR, VODCAR, VODTAR). The revenue account assigned to the model journal entry overrides the value entered in this field.

Object - A/R Default



A number that, in conjunction with the VOMCUR and VOAIDR fields, defines a default revenue account that is used when you enter an invoice. Do not enter a value in this field if you complete the fields for a model journal entry (VOCKOR, VODCAR, VODTAR). The revenue account assigned to the model journal entry overrides the value entered in this field.

A-28 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide

Mapping Fields in the Customer Master LOB-Batch Table (F03012Z1)

Field Name


Type Alpha

Length 8

Definition A number that, in conjunction with the VOOBAR field, defines a default revenue account that is used when you enter an invoice. Do not enter a value in this field if you complete the fields for a model journal entry (VOCKOR, VODCAR, VODTAR). The revenue account assigned to the model journal entry overrides the value entered in this field.

Subsidiary - A/R VOAIDR Default

Document Company - A/R Model



A number that, in conjunction with the VODCAR and VODTAR fields, defines a default revenue account that is used when you enter an invoice. Do not specify a model journal entry if you complete the fields for a default revenue account (VOMCUR, VOOBAR, VOAIDR). The model journal entry overrides the default revenue account.

Mapping Fields for Batch Processing


Mapping Fields in the Customer Master LOB-Batch Table (F03012Z1)

Field Name Document Number - A/R Model


Type Alpha

Length 8

Definition A number that, in conjunction with the VOKCOR and VODTAR fields, defines a default revenue account that is used when you enter an invoice. The system does not validate the values you enter. Do not specify a model journal entry if you complete the fields for a default revenue account (VOMCUR, VOOBAR, VOAIDR). The model journal entry overrides the default revenue account.

Document Type - VODTAR A/R Model


A number that, in conjunction with the VOKCOR and VODCAR fields, references a model journal entry that is used when an invoice is entered. The system does not validate the values you enter. Do not specify a model journal entry if you complete the fields for a default revenue account (VOMCUR, VOOBAR, VOAIDR). The model journal entry overrides the default revenue account.

A-30 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide

Mapping Fields in the Customer Master LOB-Batch Table (F03012Z1)

Field Name Currency Code


Type Alpha

Length 3

Definition This field displays only if multicurrency is activated. A value that indicates the default currency to use for this customer when you enter an invoice. The value that you enter in this field must exist in the F0013 table. If you leave this field blank, the system uses the currency associated with the company entered on the invoice.

Tax Rate Area




A value that indicates the default tax rate area used in invoices for this customer. The value that you enter in this field must exist in the Tax Areas table (F4008). A value that indicates the default tax explanation code the system uses for invoices that you enter for this customer. The value that you enter in this field must exist in UDC table 00/EX (Tax Explanation Codes).

Tax Explanation Code



Mapping Fields for Batch Processing


Mapping Fields in the Customer Master LOB-Batch Table (F03012Z1)

Field Name Amount - Credit Limit


Type Number

Length 15

Definition A value that indicates the credit limit in a format that your database accepts. Some databases accept a decimal identifier. To update this field, a credit manager must set it up and workflow processing must be deactivated. If workflow processing is not deactivated, a message is sent to the person referenced in the VOCMG field to approve the credit limit, and the system does not update the field. Credit limit approval is activated in the workflow process by default.

Hold Invoices



A code that allows you to hold all invoices for the customer. Values are: Y: Hold invoices. Do not allow entry of new invoices. Sales orders and receipts can still be entered. N: Do not hold invoices. Allow entry of new invoices. If you leave this field blank, the system uses N.

Payment Terms



A value that defines the payment terms for customer invoices. The value that you enter in this field must exist in the Payment Term table (F0014).

A-32 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide

Mapping Fields in the Customer Master LOB-Batch Table (F03012Z1)

Field Name Send Statement To


Type Alpha

Length 1

Definition A code that indicates the address to which statements are sent. Values are: C: Customer P: Parent 1: First Address Number 2: Second Address Number 3: Third Address Number 4: Fourth Address Number 5: Fifth Address Number 6: Sixth Address Number (Special Factor/Payee)

Payment Instrument



A code that specifies how payments are made to the customer. The value that you enter in this field must exist in UDC table 00/PY (Payment Instrument). A code that indicates whether the customer is eligible to receive a statement or invoice. The default (Y) prints the invoice or statement. A person or company other than the customer assigned to the PYR field. If you leave this field blank, the system updates it with the customer number when the record is processed. The value you enter in this field must exist in the F0101 table.

Print Statement (Y/N)



Alternate Payor



Mapping Fields for Batch Processing


Mapping Fields in the Customer Master LOB-Batch Table (F03012Z1)

Field Name Auto Receipt (Y/N)


Type Alpha

Length 1

Definition A code to indicate whether receipts from this customer can be processed using auto cash (lock box). If you leave this field blank, the system updates this field with Y when the record is processed. A code that indicates the address to which invoices are sent. Values are: C: Customer P: Parent 1: First Address Number 2: Second Address Number 3: Third Address Number 4: Fourth Address Number 5: Fifth Address Number 6: Sixth Address Number (Special Factor/Payee)

Send Invoice To



Statement Cycle



A code that identifies a certain time in which statements are printed for customers. You can also use this code to indicate a specific billing cycle. If you leave this field blank, the system populates it with the first initial of the customer's alpha name when the record is processed.

A-34 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide

Mapping Fields in the Customer Master LOB-Batch Table (F03012Z1)

Field Name Temporary Credit Message


Type Alpha

Length 2

Definition A code that indicates a temporary credit condition for the customer. The value that you enter in this field must exist in UDC table 01/CM (Credit Messages). The date of the last credit review for the customer. Use a format that your database accepts. Some databases allow you to enter the date in a Gregorian date format (mmddyy or yymmdd) while others might require a Julian date format. The Julian date format is cyyddd (where c = century). Enter 1 for the century to indicate transactions in the 21st century. For example, the date 6/1/01 corresponds to a Julian date 101152. For 6/1/00, the corresponding Julian date is 100153 (because the year 2000 has a leap day, 2/29/00).

Date of Last Credit Review



Delinquency Notice (Y/N)



A code that indicates whether the customer is eligible to receive delinquency notices. Blank indicates that the customer is eligible to receive delinquency notices.

Mapping Fields for Batch Processing


Mapping Fields in the Customer Master LOB-Batch Table (F03012Z1)

Field Name Person Completing Last Credit Review


Type Alpha

Length 10

Definition A code that indicates the person who completed the last credit review for the customer. The value that you enter is not validated against a table. A date that represents when the customer credit status should be reviewed. Enter the recall for review date in a format that your database accepts. See the data item VODLC for examples.

Date - Recall for Review



Credit Manager




A code that represents the credit manager to whom workflow messages are sent. To receive workflow messages, an address book record for the credit manager must exist in the F0101 table, and the designation that you enter in this field must exist in UDC table 01/CR with the address book number assigned to the Description 2 field.

A-36 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide

Mapping Fields in the Customer Master LOB-Batch Table (F03012Z1)

Field Name Collection Manager


Type Alpha

Length 10

Definition A code that represents the collection manager to whom workflow messages are sent. To receive workflow messages, an address book record for the collection manager must exist in the F0101 table and the designation that you enter in this field must exist in UDC table 01/CR with the address book number assigned to the Description 2 field

Collection Report VOCOLL (Y/N)


A code that indicates whether the customer address book number is eligible to be printed on the Collection Report. If you leave this field blank, the system updates it with Y when the record is processed. A code that indicates whether the customer is eligible for delinquency fees. If you enter N in this field, the customer is bypassed during fee processing. If you leave this field blank, the system updates it with N when the record is processed.

Apply Finance Charges (Y/N)



Mapping Fields for Batch Processing


Mapping Fields in the Customer Master LOB-Batch Table (F03012Z1)

Field Name Last Statement Date

Alias VODT1J

Type Date

Length 6

Definition The date when the last statement was processed. The system displays this information from the A/R Statistical Summary table (F03B16S). The date when the first invoice was entered into the system. Use a format that your database accepts. See the data item VODLC for examples. Alternatively, leave this field blank and run the Statistical History Refresh program (R03B16A) to update it.

First Invoice Date VODFIJ


Last Invoice Date VODLIJ


The date when the last invoice was entered into the system. Use a format that your database accepts. See the data item VODLC for examples. Alternatively, leave this field blank and run the Statistical History Refresh program.

Date Last Paid



The date of the last receipt. Use a format that your database accepts. See the data item VODLC for examples. Alternatively, leave this field blank and run the Statistical History Refresh program to update it.

A-38 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide

Mapping Fields in the Customer Master LOB-Batch Table (F03012Z1)

Field Name


Type Alpha

Length 3

Definition A value that represents the credit rating assigned by Dun & Bradstreet. The date that the Dun & Bradstreet ratings were available. Use a format that your database accepts. See the data item VODLC for examples. A value that stores the credit rating assigned by TRW (Experian). The date that the TRW ratings were available. Use a format that your database accepts. See the data item VODLC for examples. Reserved for future use.

Dun & Bradstreet VODB Rating

Dun & Bradstreet VODNBJ Date


TRW Rating



TRW Date



Amount Due




Mapping Fields for Batch Processing


Mapping Fields in the Customer Master LOB-Batch Table (F03012Z1)

Field Name Amount - Prior Year Finance Charge


Type Number

Length 15

Definition The finance charges for the current and prior years. Use a format that your database accepts. Some databases accept a decimal identifier while others do not. If you use multicurrency, the amounts entered must be in the currency that corresponds to the Currency Code A/B Amounts field (VOCRCA) in the Customer Master Information program (P03013). Alternatively, leave these fields blank and run the Statistical History Refresh program to update them.

A-40 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide

Mapping Fields in the Customer Master LOB-Batch Table (F03012Z1)

Field Name Amount - YTD Finance Charges


Type Number

Length 15

Definition A number that indicates the finance charges for the current and prior years. Use a format that your database accepts. Some databases accept a decimal identifier while others do not. If you use multicurrency, the amounts entered must be in the currency that corresponds to Currency Code A/B Amounts field (VOCRCA) in the Customer Master Information program. Alternatively, leave these fields blank and run the Statistical History Refresh program to update them.

Mapping Fields for Batch Processing


Mapping Fields in the Customer Master LOB-Batch Table (F03012Z1)

Field Name


Type Number

Length 15

Definition A number that indicates the amount invoiced for the current and prior years. Use a format that your database accepts. Some databases accept a decimal identifier while others do not. If you use multicurrency, the amounts entered must be in the currency that corresponds to the Currency Code A/B Amounts field (VOCRCA) in the P03013 program. Alternatively, leave these fields blank and run the Statistical History Update program to update them.

Amount Invoiced VOASTY This Year

Amount Invoiced VOSPYE



A number that indicates the amount invoiced for the current and prior years. Use a format that your database accepts. Some databases accept a decimal identifier while others do not. If you are using multicurrency, the amounts entered must be represented in the currency corresponding to the value entered in the Currency Code A/B Amounts field (VOCRCA). The system updates this field only when you run the Statistics Annual Close program (R03B161).

A-42 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide

Mapping Fields in the Customer Master LOB-Batch Table (F03012Z1)

Field Name Amount Last Applied


Type Number

Length 15

Definition A number that indicates the amount of the last payment received from this customer. Use a format that your database accepts. Some databases accept a decimal identifier while others do not. Alternatively, leave this field blank and run the Statistical History Refresh program to update it.

Person Opening Account




The User ID of the person opening the account. The system supplies the User ID. The date when the customer record was entered into the system. Use a format that your database accepts. See the data item VODLC for examples. If you leave this field blank, the system updates it with the date when the record was processed.

Date - Account Opened



Mapping Fields for Batch Processing


Mapping Fields in the Customer Master LOB-Batch Table (F03012Z1)

Field Name Policy Number (Internal)


Type Number

Length 5

Definition An internal code representing an Accounts Receivable delinquency policy. This field is updated when the policy name is entered on the Customer Master Information form. If you have established policies, you can update this field with the policy ID number (RFPLY) associated with the policy name stored in the A/R Delinquency Policy table (F03B25). A value that you enter in this field is validated against an entry in the table. The address book number of the person who is responsible for deductions. The value that you enter in this field must exist in the F0101 table. A value that you represents a list of algorithms used in auto receipt processing to match receipts to invoices in a specific order. The value that you enter in this field must exist in the Receipt Application Algorithm Execution Lists table (F03B50).

Deduction Manager



Auto Receipts Execution List




A-44 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide

Mapping Fields in the Customer Master LOB-Batch Table (F03012Z1)

Field Name Address Book Category Codes 01 through 30



Length 3

Definition A code that is defined in the Address Book system and used in the Accounts Receivable system for reporting. The value that you enter in one of these fields must exist in the corresponding UDC table 01/01 - 01/30 (Address Book Category Codes). The values that you enter in the category codes for the Address Book Master (ABAC01 ABAC30) are not updated in these fields.

VOAC01 through Alpha VOAC30

Customer Status



This field indicates the customer status for CRM purposes. Enter value 0 to set status as Active. Enter value 1 to set status as Inactive.

A.2.3 Optional Fields Used by the Sales Order Management System

These fields are optional in the F03012Z1 table and are used by the Sales Order Management system. You can use these fields to provide additional information about a transaction.

Mapping Fields for Batch Processing


Mapping Fields in the Customer Master LOB-Batch Table (F03012Z1)

Field Name ABC Code Sales

Alias VOABC1

Type Alpha

Length 1

Definition A grade that represents the level of sales activity for a customer or for inventory items. This field indicates the use of the 80/20 principle (80 percent of the significant results are attributable to 20 percent of the business effort). The possible grades are A (best) to F (worst). You can leave this field blank and run the ABC Analysis program (R4164), which assigns the code.

A-46 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide

Mapping Fields in the Customer Master LOB-Batch Table (F03012Z1)

Field Name ABC Code Inventory

Alias VOABC2

Type Alpha

Length 1

Definition A code that represents an item's ranking by average investment. Values are: A: Assign this item to the first amount ranking. B: Assign this item to the second amount ranking. C: Assign this item to the third amount ranking D: Skip this item in the ABC Analysis. You can leave this field blank and run the ABC Analysis program, which assigns the code based on an item's value as follows: Total Item Average Investment divided by Business Unit Average Investment equals the Item's Calculated Value Total

Mapping Fields for Batch Processing


Mapping Fields in the Customer Master LOB-Batch Table (F03012Z1)

Field Name ABC Code Average Days

Alias VOABC3

Type Alpha

Length 1

Definition A code that represents the average number of days that a customer takes to pay an invoice. This field indicates the system is using the 80/20 principle (80 percent of the significant results are attributable to 20 percent of the business effort). The possible grades are A (best) to F (worst). You can leave this field blank and run the ABC Analysis program, which assigns the code.

Open Order Amount




A number that represents the total amount of open orders for this customer. Use a format that your database accepts. Some databases accept a decimal identifier while others do not. A number that represents the largest order that can be entered. If the amount of the order is greater than the number entered in this field, the system will return an error. A number that represents the lowest amount of an order that can be entered. If the amount of the order is smaller than the amount entered in this field, an error is returned.

Maximum Order Value




Minimum Order Value




A-48 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide

Mapping Fields in the Customer Master LOB-Batch Table (F03012Z1)

Field Name Orders Year To Date


Type Number

Length 3

Definition The number of orders for the current year. The number of orders for the prior year. A value that connects a ship-to address to a sold-to address, or the opposite. For example, if you enter only a ship-to address in sales order entry, the system uses this field to determine which address number to select from the list of related address numbers, which is the value in the Sold-To field. The values for this field are 1 through 7. The value that you enter in this field must exist in UDC table 40/RA (Related Address Number).

Orders Prior Year VOOPY


Related Address Number



Billing Address Type



A code that directs the system to use this address as a sold-to address, a ship-to address, or both. Values are: X: Indicates a bill-to and a ship-to address. S: Indicates only a ship-to address. B: Indicates only a bill-to address The value that you enter in this field must exist in UDC table H42/BA (Billing Address Type).

Mapping Fields for Batch Processing


Mapping Fields in the Customer Master LOB-Batch Table (F03012Z1)

Field Name Customer Price Group


Type Alpha

Length 8

Definition A code that identifies a group of customers. The value that you enter in this field must exist in UDC table 40/PC (Customer Price Groups). A code that identifies a list of items that are most frequently ordered. The value that you enter in this field must exist in UDC table 40/OT (Order Templates). A number that represents the percentage by which the system reduces the price of each item. This percentage is the only discount that will be applied. You can override the discount percentage if you enter a price. Enter the percentage as a whole number (for example, 5 for 5 percent). A code that is assigned to a message that prints on the purchase order. The value that you enter in this field must exist in UDC table 40/PM (Print Message).

Order Template



Trade Discount



Print Message




A-50 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide

Mapping Fields in the Customer Master LOB-Batch Table (F03012Z1)

Field Name Credit Hold Exempt


Type Alpha

Length 1

Definition A code that indicates whether the customer is exempt from credit checking in the sales order processing cycle. Values are: Y: This customer is exempt from credit checking. N: This customer is not exempt from credit checking. If credit checking is activated in the Sales Order Entry processing options and the customer exceeds the limit, the order is placed on hold.

Hold Orders Code



A code that describes the reason why an order is on hold. The value that you enter in this field must exist in UDC table 42/HC (Hold Codes).

Mapping Fields for Batch Processing


Mapping Fields in the Customer Master LOB-Batch Table (F03012Z1)

Field Name Route Code


Type Alpha

Length 3

Definition A code that represents the delivery route for the customer. This field is one of several fields used by the freight summary facility to calculate potential freight charges for an order. For picking, use the route code with the stop and zone codes to group all of the items that are to be loaded onto a delivery vehicle for a specific route. The value that you enter in this field must exist in UDC table 42/RT (Route Code). You set up the default for this field on the Customer Billing Instructions form.

A-52 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide

Mapping Fields in the Customer Master LOB-Batch Table (F03012Z1)

Field Name Stop Code


Type Alpha

Length 3

Definition A code that represents the stop on a delivery route. This field is one of several fields used by the freight summary facility to calculate potential freight charges for an order. For picking, use the stop code with the route and zone codes to group all of the items that are to be loaded onto a delivery vehicle for a specific route. The value in this field must exist in UDC table 42/SP (Stop Code). You set up the default for this field on the Customer Billing Instructions form.

Mapping Fields for Batch Processing


Mapping Fields in the Customer Master LOB-Batch Table (F03012Z1)

Field Name Zone Number


Type Alpha

Length 3

Definition A code that represents the delivery area where the customer is located. This field is one of several fields used by freight summary facility to calculate potential freight charges for an order. For picking, use the zone code with the route and stop codes to group all items that are to be loaded on to a delivery vehicle for a specific route. The value that you enter in this field must exist in the UDC table 40/ZN (Zone Number). You set up the default for this field on the Customer Billing Instructions form.

Carrier Number



A value that represents the address book number of the carrier specified by the customer or your organization. Use this field for route and special handling requirements. The value in this field must exist in the F0101 table. Use this field to enter delivery instructions. Use this field to enter delivery instructions.

Delivery Instructions Line 1 Delivery Instructions Line 2







A-54 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide

Mapping Fields in the Customer Master LOB-Batch Table (F03012Z1)

Field Name Transit Days


Type Number

Length 5

Definition A value that represents the number of days that goods are in transit. When you enter a number in this field, the Sales Order Detail program (P4210) subtracts the number from the promised delivery date to calculate a pick release date. A code that designates the method for a customer to receive shipments. You can use this code to indicate who has responsibility for freight charges. The value you enter in this field must exist in UDC table 42/FR (Freight Handling Code). A code that indicates whether the system performs freight calculations during processing. Values are: Y: The system performs freight calculations during processing. N: The system does not perform freight calculations during processing. If you leave this field blank, the system updates it with Y when the record is processed.

Freight Handling VOFRTH code


Apply Freight (Y/N)



Mapping Fields for Batch Processing


Mapping Fields in the Customer Master LOB-Batch Table (F03012Z1)

Field Name Partial Line Shipments Allowed (Y/N)


Type Alpha

Length 1

Definition A code that indicates whether the customer requires that the entire line be shipped at one time or whether the customer accepts multiple partial shipments instead. Values are: Y: The customer requires full shipments. N: The customer permits partial shipments. If you leave this field blank, the system updates it to Y when the record is processed.

Substitutes Allowed (Y/N)



A code that indicates whether the customer accepts substitute items. Values are: Y: The customer accepts substitute items. N: The customer does not accept substitute items If you leave this field blank, the system updates it to Y when the record is processed.

A-56 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide

Mapping Fields in the Customer Master LOB-Batch Table (F03012Z1)

Field Name Backorders Allowed (Y/N)


Type Alpha

Length 1

Definition A code that indicates whether the customer allows backorders for this item. You can allow backorders by item using the Item Master (P4101) or Item Branch/Plant (P41012) program, or by customer using the Customer Billing Instructions program (P03013), or by branch/plant using the Branch/Plant Constants program (P41001). Values are: Y: Allow backorders for this item N: Do not allow backorders for this item regardless of the backorders code assigned to the customer.

Customer PO Required (Y/N)



A code that indicates whether a purchase order is required for the customer. Values are: Y: A customer purchase order number is required. N: A customer purchase order number is not required.

Mapping Fields for Batch Processing


Mapping Fields in the Customer Master LOB-Batch Table (F03012Z1)

Field Name Priority Processing


Type Alpha

Length 1

Definition A code that prioritizes orders for a customer. This value determines the priorities for printing pick slips. In addition, the Backorders to Fill report (R42118) can be sequenced by this code to release orders with the highest priority first. The value that you enter in this field must exist in UDC table H40/PR (Priority Processing Code).

A-58 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide

Mapping Fields in the Customer Master LOB-Batch Table (F03012Z1)

Field Name Credit Check Level


Type Alpha

Length 1

Definition A code that controls how the system performs credit checking. Values are: P: The credit check is based on the customer's parent number C: The credit check is based on the customer number only. S: The credit check is based on the customer number only. If you use method P, the system compares the open accounts receivable and open sales orders for the sum of the children and the parent against the credit limit for the parent number. For example, you can use method P when a customer with multiple offices or branches requests that all credit checking be reflected in a single account. Note: Even though credit checking can be conducted at the parent or customer number level, all accounts receivable transactions are posted to the Customer Number field (SDAN8) when you run the Sales Update program (R42800).

Invoice Copies



The number of invoice copies to print.

Mapping Fields for Batch Processing


Mapping Fields in the Customer Master LOB-Batch Table (F03012Z1)

Field Name Invoice Consolidation


Type Alpha

Length 1

Definition A code that indicates whether to consolidate invoices for a customer. Values are: Y: The system generates a single invoice from multiple sales orders. Blank: The system updates this field with N when the record is processed.

Billing Frequency BOBLFR


A code that defines the billing frequency to use when determining how often to run invoices. Values are: M: Monthly W: Weekly D: Daily The value that you enter in this field must exist in UDC table H42/BL (Billing Frequency). However, the system recognizes only the values listed above.

Next Invoice Date



A date that indicates the next time invoices will be printed for the customer. Use a format that your database accepts. See the date item VODLC for examples. This field is used in conjunction with the VOBLFR field to determine how often and when invoices are printed.

A-60 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide

Mapping Fields in the Customer Master LOB-Batch Table (F03012Z1)

Field Name License Expiration Date Price Pick List (Y/N)


Type Date Alpha

Length 6 1

Definition The date a license expires. A code that indicates whether price information appears on the customer pick list, purchase order, or sales order. If you leave this field blank, the system updates it with Y when the record is processed. A code that prevents a customer order from being shipped together and merged by the Warehouse Management system. A code that identifies customers who allow the shipment of pallets. Values are: Y or 1: Customer allows the shipment of pallets N or 0: the customer does not allow the shipment of pallets.

Merge Orders (Y/N)



Pallet Control



Unit of Measure - VOVUMD Volume Display


A code that identifies the unit of measure to display for the volume of an order. The value that you enter in this field must exist in UDC table 00/UM (Unit of Measure). If you leave this field blank, the system updates it with the value in the Inventory Constants table (F41001).

Mapping Fields for Batch Processing


Mapping Fields in the Customer Master LOB-Batch Table (F03012Z1)

Field Name


Type Alpha

Length 2

Definition A code that identifies the unit of measure to display for the weight of an order. The value that you enter in this field must exist in UDC table 00/UM (Unit of Measure). If you leave this field blank, the system updates it with the value in the F41001 table. A code that indicates whether the customer is prohibited from batch processing or whether the customer is in a test or production mode. Values are: I: Inhibited. The customer is not available for batch processing T: Test mode. Only reports are produced when the record is processed. P: Production mode. Reports and orders are produced when the record is processed

Unit of Measure - VOWUMD Weight Display

Batch Processing Mode



Item Type Identifier



A code that specifies the type of item number to be sent in an Electronic Data Interchange transaction (for example, UPC code or supplier part number). The value that you enter in this field must exist in UDC table 40/II (Item Type Identifier).

A-62 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide

Mapping Fields in the Customer Master LOB-Batch Table (F03012Z1)

Field Name Customer Type Identifier


Type Alpha

Length 1

Definition A code that specifies the type of number to be sent in an EDI transaction (for example, a DUNS or telephone number). The value that you enter in this field must exist in UDC table 40/CI (Customer Type Identifier). The number of positions to the right of the decimal point that is used for all quantity fields in an EDI transaction for this customer. The number of positions to the right of the decimal point that is used for all amount fields in an EDI transaction for this customer. A code that indicates whether the system prints delivery notes for a customer. If you leave this field blank, the system updates it with N when the record is processed.

Quantity Decimals



Amount Decimals



Delivery Note



Mapping Fields for Batch Processing


Mapping Fields in the Customer Master LOB-Batch Table (F03012Z1)

Field Name Item Restrictions

Alias VOEDF2

Type Alpha

Length 2

Definition A code that designates whether restrictions are placed on ordering items from this supplier. Values are: I: An item may only be purchased if it is set up on the Item Restrictions form. E: An item may not be purchased when it is set up on the Item Restrictions form.

A-64 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide

Mapping Fields in the Customer Master LOB-Batch Table (F03012Z1)

Field Name Partial Order Shipments Allowed (Y/N)

Alias VOSI01

Type Alpha

Length 1

Definition A code that indicates whether the customer requires that the entire order be shipped at one time or whether the customer accepts multiple partial shipments. If you leave this field blank, the system updates it with Y when the record is processed. Note: Partial order shipments allowed is activated only when adding orders in the Sales Order Entry program (P4210) with availability checking activated, since this program is the only place that all lines can be grouped together as an order. Availability checking performed at pick slips or shipment confirmation does not guarantee that all lines are together for the order.

COA Print (Y/N) VOSI02


A code that indicates the certificate of analysis. Reserved for future use. Reserved for future use. Reserved for future use.

Special Instruction 03 Special Instruction 04 Special Instruction 05


Alpha Alpha Alpha

10 10 10

Mapping Fields for Batch Processing


Mapping Fields in the Customer Master LOB-Batch Table (F03012Z1)

Field Name


Type Alpha

Length 1

Definition A value that indicates how the system determines the Price Effective Date in the Sales Order Header File (F4201) and Sales Order Detail File (F4211). In Sales Order Management, the system uses the Price Effective Date field (PEFJ) to retrieve the base price from the Item Base Price table (F4106) and the price adjustments from the Price Adjustment Detail table (F4072).

Sales Price Based VOCP01 on Date

A-66 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide

Mapping Fields in the Customer Master LOB-Batch Table (F03012Z1)

Field Name Price and Adjustment Schedule


Type Alpha

Length 8

Definition A code that identifies a price and adjustment schedule. A price and adjustment schedule contains one or more adjustment types for which a customer or an item might be eligible. The system applies the adjustments in the sequence that you specify in the schedule. You connect customers to a price and adjustment schedule through the customer billing instructions. When you enter a sales order, the system copies the schedule that is attached to the sold to address in the order header. You can override the schedule at the detail line level. For the Agreement Management system, this is the Agreement Penalty Schedule. The information in the schedule provides the system with the criteria for an agreement to have penalty conditions. The value that you enter in this field must exist in UDC table 40/AS (Adjustment Schedule).

Mapping Fields for Batch Processing


Mapping Fields in the Customer Master LOB-Batch Table (F03012Z1)

Field Name


Type Alpha

Length 1

Definition A code that identifies whether the system should print the price adjustment details on the sales invoice. This field is active only if you use the Advanced Price Adjustment system.

Price Adjustment VODSPA on Invoice (Y/N)

Program Name Shipping Labels




The name of the program that is used to print shipping labels for a customer. The version of the program used to print shipping labels for a customer. The default pick and pack configuration required by a customer. The default configuration for standard carton pack required by a customer. The default configuration for carton pack required by a customer. Values are: 1: Pick and pack configuration 2: Standard carton configuration Blank: UCC-128 processing is not performed for this customer

Version Name Shipping Label Program




Configuration Pick and Pack




Configuration Standard Carton Pack




Default Configuration



A-68 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide

Mapping Fields in the Customer Master LOB-Batch Table (F03012Z1)

Field Name Requires Packaging Code

Alias VORQ01

Type Alpha

Length 1

Definition A value that indicates whether a packaging code is required for a customer. Values are: 1: A packaging code is required for this customer. Blank: A packaging code is not required

Requires Weight Code



A value that indicates whether a weight code is required for a customer. Values are: 1: A weight code is required for this customer. Blank: a weight code is not required

Requires Identification Code 1



A value that indicates whether an identification code is required for a customer. Values are: 1: An identification code is required for this customer. If you enter 1 in this field, you must also enter a value in the CODR03 field. Blank: An identification code is not required.

Mapping Fields for Batch Processing


Mapping Fields in the Customer Master LOB-Batch Table (F03012Z1)

Field Name Requires Identification Code 2

Alias VORQ04

Type Alpha

Length 1

Definition A value that indicates whether an identification code is required for a customer. Values are: 1: An identification code is required for this customer. If you enter 1 in this field, you must also enter a value in the CODR04 field. Blank: An identification code is not required.

Requires Transportation Method



A value that indicates whether a transportation method is required for a customer. Values are: 1: A transportation method is required for this customer. Blank: A transportation method is not required.

Requires Routing VORQ06


A value that indicates whether a routing description is required for a customer. Values are: 1: A routing description is required for this customer. Blank: A routing code is not required

A-70 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide

Mapping Fields in the Customer Master LOB-Batch Table (F03012Z1)

Field Name Requires Equipment

Alias VORQ07

Type Alpha

Length 1

Definition A value that indicates whether an equipment code is required for a customer. Values are: 1: An equipment code is required for this customer. Blank: An equipment code is not required.

Requires Reference Number 1



A value that indicates whether a reference number is required for a customer. Values are: 1: A reference number is required for this customer. If you enter 1 in this field, you must also complete the VODR08 field with a valid value. Blank: A reference number is not required.

Requires Reference Number 2



A value that indicates whether a reference number is required for a customer. Values are: 1: A reference number is required for this customer. If you enter 1 in this field, you must also enter a value in the VODR09 field. Blank: A reference number is not required.

Mapping Fields for Batch Processing


Mapping Fields in the Customer Master LOB-Batch Table (F03012Z1)

Field Name Default Identification Code Qualifier 1

Alias VODR03

Type Alpha

Length 2

Definition The value in the default Identification Code Qualifier that is used for this customer. The code is used in the Inventory Management system. The value that you enter in this field must exist in UDC table 41/X6 (X12 Reference Number Qualifier). The value in the default Identification Code Qualifier that is used for this customer. The code is used in the Inventory Management system. The value that you enter in this field must exist in UDC table 41/X6 (X12 Reference Number Qualifier). The value in the default Reference Number Qualifier that is used for this customer. The code is used in the Inventory Management system. The value that you enter in this field must exist in UDC table 41/X6 (X12 Reference Number Qualifier).

Default Identification Code Qualifier 2



Default Reference Number Qualifier 1



A-72 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide

Mapping Fields in the Customer Master LOB-Batch Table (F03012Z1)

Field Name Default Identification Code Qualifier 2

Alias VODR09

Type Alpha

Length 2

Definition The value in the default Reference Number Qualifier that is used for this customer. The code is used in the Inventory Management system. The value that you enter in this field must exist in UDC table 41/X6 (X12 Reference Number Qualifier).

A.2.4 Ignored Fields

This table lists fields in the F03012Z1 table that are ignored. Leave these fields blank. The system does not use the values in these fields.
Field Name Transaction Originator User ID Program ID Work Station ID Time Last Updated Date Updated Time of Day EDI - Document Type EDI -Translation Format EDI - Transmission Date Ledger Inquiry Sequence Auto Receipt Algorithm Balance Forward/ Open Item Credit Check Handling Code Days Sales Outstanding Dunning Letters Sent Date of Last Dunning Letter Alias VOTORG VOUSER VOPID VOJOBN VOUPMT VOUPMJ VOTDAY VOEDCT VOEDFT VOEDDT VOSQNL VOALGM VOBO VOCKHC VODSO VODLQT VODLQJ Type Alpha Alpha Alpha Alpha Number Date Date Alpha Alpha Date Alpha Alpha Alpha Alpha Number Number Date Length 10 10 10 10 6 6 6 2 10 6 1 2 1 1 5 3 6

Mapping Fields for Batch Processing


Mapping Fields in the Customer Master LOB-Batch Table (F03012Z1)

Field Name


Type Alpha Number Number Number Number Alpha Alpha Date Number Number Alpha Number Number

Length 1 3 3 3 3 1 1 6 3 15 1 15 15

Number of Reminders VONBRR to Send Number of Sent Reminders - 1 Number of Sent Reminders - 2 Number of Sent Reminders - 3 Finance Charge Days Finance Charge Create Entries Y/N Pending Cash Receipts Date - Financial Statements on Hand Average Days Late Amount of High Balance Send Method Amount of High Balance VONBR1 VONBR2 VONBR3 VOFD VOCFCE VOAB2 VOFNDJ VOAVD VOAHB VOCRMD VOAHB

Administration Credit VOAMCR Limit

A.2.5 Additional Fields for CRM

This table lists additional fields that are used by the CRM system. If you are using CRM, you can populate these fields.
Field Name Tier 1 Alias VOTIER1 Type String Length Definition 45 Enter a value from user-defined code table 01/T1 to specify the number of the tier associated with the customer. This number represent a subjective ranking of customer value. Select this option if you do not want the system to automatically assign sales team members to the customer based on the industry grouping and territory. If you select this option, you must manually assign sales team members to the customer. If you do not select this option, the system assigns all of the sales team members who are active in both the territory and industry grouping associated with the customer when the customer record is added or changed.

Override Sales Team Assignment



A-74 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide

Mapping Fields in the Customer Master LOB-Batch Table (F03012Z1)

Field Name Territory ID



Length Definition 15 Enter the area in which the customer resides. The system uses this field, in conjunction with the Customer Industry Group field to determine which sales team members to add to the customer's sales team. For a sales team member to be automatically assigned to a customer, the sales team member must be active in both the Territory and the Industry Grouping associated with the customer record. If you have selected the Override Sales Team Assignment option, this field is informational only, and is not used to assign sales team members to the customer. Enter the industry with which the customer is associated. The system uses this field, in conjunction with the Territory ID field to determine which sales team members to add to the customer's sales team. For a sales team member to be automatically assigned to a customer, the sales team member must be active in both the Territory and the Industry Grouping associated with the customer record. If you have selected the Override Sales Team Assignment option, this field is informational only.


Customer Industry Group




A.2.6 User- Reserved Fields

This table lists fields in the F03012Z1 table that are reserved for users. These fields are not updated by any JD Edwards EnterpriseOne program. The Address Book, Accounts Receivable, and Sales Order Management systems do not display them on any forms.
Field Name Amount Address Book Alias VOABAM Type Number Length 15 Definition A user-defined amount field. Use a format that your database accepts. A user-defined amount field. Use a format that your database accepts. A code that is user-defined. You can use any alphanumeric value up to three characters.

Amount Address Book




User Reserved Code



Mapping Fields for Batch Processing


Mapping Fields in the Supplier Master - Batch Table (F0401Z1)

Field Name User Reserved Date


Type Date

Length 6

Definition A value for a date. Use a format that your database accepts. See the data item VOEBDT for more information.

User Reserved Amount




A user-defined amount field. Use a format that your database accepts. A user-defined numeric field that can contain up to eight digits. A user-defined alphanumeric field that can contain up to 15 characters.

User Reserved Number



User Reserved Reference




A.3 Mapping Fields in the Supplier Master - Batch Table (F0401Z1)

This section contains a list of the fields in the F0401Z1 table. Some of the fields are required to run the Supplier Master Batch Upload program (R04010Z), while others are not. Not all fields are displayed or used by the Address Book, Accounts Payable, or Procurement system.

A.3.1 Required Fields

This table lists fields that are required in the F0401Z1. For some fields, blank is a valid value.
Field Name EDI - User ID Alias VOEDUS Type Alpha Length 10 Definition A user-defined identification number. Enter the user ID of the person who runs the Supplier Master Batch Upload program or the person who is to receive workflow messages. This field, in conjunction with the VOEDTN and VOEDBT fields, uniquely identifies a specific transaction.

A-76 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide

Mapping Fields in the Supplier Master - Batch Table (F0401Z1)

Field Name EDI - Batch Number


Type Alpha

Length 15

Definition A number the person who runs the Supplier Master Batch Upload program assigns to each batch. The system assigns a new batch number whenever this field changes. You can significantly increase performance by assigning one batch number for each group of transactions you process. A number that identifies each transaction. A new transaction number indicates a different address book record. You cannot have more than one transaction with the same number in a batch. Typically, this field contains the document number of the source system number so that the sender can readily identify the transaction. A number that uniquely identifies a transaction. Each transaction can have multiple, consecutive lines.

EDI - Transaction VOEDTN Number



EDI - Line Number



Mapping Fields for Batch Processing


Mapping Fields in the Supplier Master - Batch Table (F0401Z1)

Field Name EDI Successfully Processed


Type Alpha

Length 1

Definition A value that indicates whether a transaction successfully processed. Leave this field blank. The value N indicates that the transaction was not processed or was processed in error. The system changes the value to Y after the transaction is successfully processed.

Transaction Action



If you are processing new transactions, enter A in this field. If you are processing a change for an existing record, enter C. If you are processing a deletion for an existing record, enter D. Process all changes and deletions after additions. For outbound processing, the system updates this field with either after image (UA) or before image (UB). The system updates the table with UB only if the processing option in the Supplier Master MBF (P00400047) is activated. For outbound processing, you can also enter A for additions and D for deletions.

A-78 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide

Mapping Fields in the Supplier Master - Batch Table (F0401Z1)

Field Name


Type Number

Length 8

Definition A number that uniquely identifies the supplier. The value in this field must exist in the F0101 table, or the system does not process the record. This field displays only if multicurrency is activated. An alphabetic code that represents the address book currency. The value that you enter in this field indicates the currency of the VOAYPD and OAPPD fields. The value you enter in this field must exist in the Currency Code table (F0013). If you leave this field blank, the system uses the value entered in the processing option for the Supplier Master program (P04012). If the processing option is blank, the system updates the field with the currency code of the company of the business unit in the F0101 table.

Address Number VOAN8

Currency Code A/B Amounts



A.3.2 Optional Fields Used by the Accounts Payable System

This table lists fields in the F0401Z1 table that are optional and are used by the Accounts Payable system. You can use these fields to provide additional information about a transaction.

Mapping Fields for Batch Processing


Mapping Fields in the Supplier Master - Batch Table (F0401Z1)

Field Name Type Transaction


Type Alpha

Length 2

Definition A value that identifies the type of transaction. If you leave this field blank, the system uses the value in the transaction type processing option in the Supplier Master MBF (P0400047), if set up. This field is required if you use outbound processing.

Direction Indicator



A value that specifies whether the transaction is inbound or outbound. Values are: Blank: Inbound 2: Outbound

EDI - Detail Lines VOEDDL Processed


The number of detail lines included in a specific transaction. This field is informational only. A value used in an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) transaction to identify who is trading documents with you.

Trading Partner ID




A-80 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide

Mapping Fields in the Supplier Master - Batch Table (F0401Z1)

Field Name G/L Offset


Type Alpha

Length 4

Definition A value that, in conjunction with the company number, determines the accounts payable trade (offset) account to which the transaction will post. The account established in the AAI item PCxxxx (where xxxx= the value in the G/L Offset field) will be used in the post process. The AAI can be established for each company or for the default company 00000. The value in this field becomes the default for all vouchers entered for the supplier. Do not complete this field unless you want to direct transactions to offset accounts other than those specified in the AAI item PC.

Business Unit A/P Default




A value that, in conjunction with the VOOBAP and VOAIDP fields, specifies a default expense account that is automatically supplied on the G/L Distribution form when you enter a voucher. Do not specify a default expense account if you complete the fields for a model journal entry (VOCKOP, VODCAP, VODTAP). The model journal entry overrides the default expense account.

Mapping Fields for Batch Processing


Mapping Fields in the Supplier Master - Batch Table (F0401Z1)

Field Name Object - A/P Default


Type Alpha

Length 6

Definition A value that, in conjunction with the VOMCUP and VOAIDP fields, specifies a default expense account that is automatically supplied on the G/L Distribution form when you enter a voucher. Do not specify a default expense account if you complete the fields for a model journal entry (VOCKOP, VODCAP, VODTAP). The model journal entry overrides the default expense account.

Subsidiary - A/P VOAIDP Default


A value that, in conjunction with the VOMCUP and VOOBAP fields, specifies a default expense account that is automatically supplied on the G/L Distribution form when you enter a voucher. Do not specify a default expense account if you complete the fields for a model journal entry (VOCKOP, VODCAP, VODTAP). The model journal entry overrides the default expense account.

A-82 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide

Mapping Fields in the Supplier Master - Batch Table (F0401Z1)

Field Name Document Company - A/P Model


Type Alpha

Length 5

Definition A value that, in conjunction with the VODCAP and VODTAP fields, specifies a model journal entry in the Account Ledger table (F0911). The values are not validated. If you enter a valid model journal entry, the account you specified is used in the G/L Distribution form when you enter a voucher. Do not specify a model journal entry if you complete the fields for a default expense account (VOMCUP, VOOBAP, VOAIDP). The model journal entry overrides the default expense account.

Mapping Fields for Batch Processing


Mapping Fields in the Supplier Master - Batch Table (F0401Z1)

Field Name Document Number - A/P Model


Type Number

Length 8

Definition A value that, in conjunction with the VOKCOP and VODTAP fields, specifies a model journal entry in the F0911 table. If you enter a valid model journal entry, the account specified is used in the G/L Distribution form when you enter a voucher. Do not specify a model journal entry if you complete the fields for a default expense account (VOMCUP, VOOBAP, VOAIDP). The model journal entry overrides the default expense account.

Document Type - VODTAP A/P Model


A value that, in conjunction with the VOKCOP and VODCAP fields, specifies a model journal entry in F0911 table. The values that you enter are not validated. If you enter a valid model journal entry, the account specified is used in the G/L Distribution form when you enter a voucher. Do not specify a model journal entry if you complete the fields for a default expense account (VOMCUP, VOOBAP, VOAIDP). The model journal entry overrides the default expense account.

A-84 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide

Mapping Fields in the Supplier Master - Batch Table (F0401Z1)

Field Name Currency Code


Type Alpha

Length 3

Definition This field is displayed only if multicurrency is activated. A code that represents the currency to be used when a voucher is entered for this supplier. The value that you enter in this field must exist in the Currency Codes table (F0013). If you leave this field blank, the system uses the currency associated with the company entered on the voucher.

Tax Rate Area




A code that identifies the taxing authority to use on vouchers for this supplier. The value that you enter in this field must exist in the Tax Areas table (F4008). A code that identifies the type of tax to apply to vouchers for this supplier. The value that you enter in this field must exist in UDC table 00/EX (Tax Explanation Codes).

Tax Explanation Code



Mapping Fields for Batch Processing


Mapping Fields in the Supplier Master - Batch Table (F0401Z1)

Field Name Hold Payment Code


Type Alpha

Length 1

Definition A code that specifies whether you can enter vouchers and payments for this supplier. Values are: 1 or Y: Hold payment of outstanding vouchers and prevent entry of new vouchers. 2: Hold payment of outstanding vouchers but allow entry of new vouchers. N: Allow entry of vouchers and payments. If you leave this field blank, the system uses N.

Tax Rate Area Withholding




A value that identifies the taxing authority to use for withholding tax for a supplier. The value in this field is written to the Supplier Master table (F0401). This field is not displayed in the Accounts Payable system.

Tax Explanation Code Withholding



A value representing the type of withholding tax to be used for a supplier. Any value that you enter in this field is written to the F0401 table. This field is not displayed in the Accounts Payable system.

A-86 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide

Mapping Fields in the Supplier Master - Batch Table (F0401Z1)

Field Name Tax Authority


Type Number

Length 8

Definition A number that specifies the tax authority to whom withholding taxes must be paid for the supplier. The value that you enter in this field must exist in the F0101 table. A number that specifies the rate of withholding tax to be retained from payment to a supplier. The number is expressed as a decimal. For example, 20 percent would be expressed as.20. A code that specifies the due date and amount of discount available to a supplier. The value in this field is entered on all vouchers for this supplier. The value that you enter in this field must exist in the Payment Terms table (F0014).

Withholding Percent



Payment Terms



Mapping Fields for Batch Processing


Mapping Fields in the Supplier Master - Batch Table (F0401Z1)

Field Name Multiple Payments


Type Alpha

Length 1

Definition A code that indicates whether a separate check will be issued for each pay item on a voucher. Values are: Y: Create a separate check for each voucher pay item. N: Create one check for the voucher, regardless of the number of pay items. C: Create one check per contract and collate the checks in contract or job number order. If you leave this field blank, the system uses a value of N.

Payment Instrument



A code that specifies the format of a payment to be made to a supplier. The value in this field must exist in UDC table 00/PY (Payment Instrument). A number that identifies the person responsible for approving vouchers that are logged using Voucher Logging. The value in this field must exist in the F0101 table.

Approver Number



A-88 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide

Mapping Fields in the Supplier Master - Batch Table (F0401Z1)

Field Name Pre-Note Code

Alias VOAB1

Type Alpha

Length 1

Definition A code that indicates whether a supplier is in setup status for electronic funds transfer (EFT) processing. Values are: P: Pre-note status. The system writes a check to the supplier as well as makes an entry to the bank tape table for verification. he system does not do an electronic transfer of funds in this status. N: The bank has received and verified the supplier's account information. The system will process future payments to this supplier using EFT. If the field is blank, the system assigns the value P when it processes the first payment.

Float Days for Payments



A number that indicates the number of days to be added to the payment date for payments. This number updates the Cleared/Value Date (RMVLDT) in the Accounts Payable Matching Document Detail table (F0414) when automatic payments are run.

Mapping Fields for Batch Processing


Mapping Fields in the Supplier Master - Batch Table (F0401Z1)

Field Name Amount Vouchered YTD


Type Number

Length 15

Definition A value indicating the number of accounts payable vouchers written during the current year. Some databases accept a decimal identifier while others do not. If you use multicurrency, the amount should be in the currency you entered in the VOCRCA field. Run the Update YTD Voucher Amount program (R04820A) to update this field.

Amount Vouchered PYE




A value indicating the amount of vouchers entered in the prior year. The system updates this value when you run the Update YTD Voucher Amount program. A value that represents the address book number of the carrier specified by the customer or your organization. Use this field for route and special handling requirements. The value in this field must exist in the F0101 table.

Carrier Number



A.3.3 Optional Fields Used by the Procurement System

This table lists fields in the F0401Z1 table that are optional and are used by the Procurement system. You can use these fields to provide additional information about a transaction.

A-90 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide

Mapping Fields in the Supplier Master - Batch Table (F0401Z1)

Field Name Price Pick List (Y,N,2)


Type Alpha

Length 1

Definition A code that indicates whether net price information appears on the purchase order. Values are: Y: Print net prices. N: Do not print prices. 2: Print base price adjustments and net prices.

Amount - Open Order




A number that indicates the total amount of open orders for a supplier. The system adjusts the list price in the Item Location File (F41021) by the discount tables or any override price. A number that indicates the lowest amount that can be entered for an order. If the amount of the order is less than the amount in this field, the system issues an error. A number that indicates the highest amount that can be entered for an order. If the amount of the order is greater than the amount in this field, the system issues an error. This field is not used in the Procurement system and does not appear on any form.

Minimum Order Value




Maximum Order Value




Related Address Number



Mapping Fields for Batch Processing


Mapping Fields in the Supplier Master - Batch Table (F0401Z1)

Field Name Billing Address Type


Type Number

Length 8

Definition This field is not used in the Procurement system and does not appear on any form. This field is not used in the Procurement system and does not appear on any form. A code that indicates a list of items that you frequently order. The value that you enter in this field must exist in UDC table 40/OT (Order Templates). A code that indicates a message that prints on the purchase order. The value that you enter in this field must exist in UDC table 40/PM (Print Message). A code that indicates the reason an order is on hold. The value that you enter in this field must exist in UDC table 42/HC (Hold Codes). This field is not used in the Procurement system and does not appear on any form. This field is not used in the Procurement system and does not appear on any form.

Customer Price Group



Order Template



Print Message




Hold Orders Code



Route Code



Stop Code



A-92 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide

Mapping Fields in the Supplier Master - Batch Table (F0401Z1)

Field Name Zone Number


Type Alpha

Length 3

Definition This field is not used in the Procurement system and does not appear on any form. A value that represents the address book number of the carrier specified by the customer or your organization. Use this field for route and special handling requirements. The value in this field must exist in the F0101 table. An informational field to enter delivery instructions. An informational field to enter delivery instructions. This field is not used in the Procurement system and does not appear on any form. A code that indicates either the method to use when delivering shipments to a supplier or who has responsibility for freight charges. The value you enter in this field must exist in UDC table 42/FR (Freight Handling Code). A number specifying the number of purchase orders to print for this supplier.

Carrier Number



Delivery Instructions Line 1 Delivery Instructions Line 2 Transit Days









Freight Handling VOFRTH Code


Purchase Order Copies



Mapping Fields for Batch Processing


Mapping Fields in the Supplier Master - Batch Table (F0401Z1)

Field Name


Type Alpha

Length 2

Definition A code that specifies the unit of measure to display for the weight of an order. The value you enter in this field must exist in UDC table 00/UM (Unit of Measure). If you leave this field blank, the system updates it with the value entered in the Inventory Constants table (F41001). A code that identifies the unit of measure to display for the volume of an order. The value you enter in this field must exist in UDC table 00/UM (Unit of Measure). If you leave this field blank, the system updates it with the value entered in the F41001 table. A code that indicates purchasing costs that exceed the price of an item, for example, broker fees and commissions. Landed cost rules are set up in the Landed Cost Revisions program (P41291). The value that you enter in this field must exist in UDC table 41/P5 (Landed Cost Rule).

Unit of Measure - VOWUMD Weight Display

Unit of Measure - VOVUMD Volume Display


Landed Cost Rule



A-94 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide

Mapping Fields in the Supplier Master - Batch Table (F0401Z1)

Field Name Batch Processing Mode


Type Alpha

Length 1

Definition A code that indicates whether the supplier is excluded from batch processing or whether the supplier is in a test or production mode. Values are: I: Inhibited. The supplier is not available for batch processing T: Test mode. Only reports are produced when the record is processed. P: Production mode. Reports and orders are produced when the record is processed.

Supplier Type Identifier



A code that specifies the type of number to be sent to an EDI transaction, for example, a DUNS or telephone number. The value that you enter in this field must exist in UDC table 40/CI (Customer Type Identifier). A code that specifies the type of item number to be sent in an EDI transaction, for example, UPC code or supplier part number. The value that you enter in this field must exist in UDC table 40/II (Item Type Identifier).

Item Type Identifier



Mapping Fields for Batch Processing


Mapping Fields in the Supplier Master - Batch Table (F0401Z1)

Field Name Quantity Decimals


Type Number

Length 1

Definition A number that specifies the number of positions to the right of the decimal point to use for all quantity fields in an EDI transaction for this supplier. A number that specifies the number of positions to the right of the decimal point to use for all amount fields in an EDI transaction for this supplier. This field is not used in the Procurement system and does not appear on any form. A code that indicates whether restrictions are placed on ordering items from this supplier. Values are: Blank: No restrictions. I: An item can be purchased only if it is on the Item Restrictions form. E: An item cannot be purchased if it is on the Item Restrictions form.

Amount Decimals



Delivery Note



Item Restrictions



Supplier/ Parent Rebate Level



A code that indicates the organizational level that the rebate system is based upon. The value in this field must exist in UDC table 43/RL (Rebate Level).

A-96 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide

Mapping Fields in the Supplier Master - Batch Table (F0401Z1)

Field Name Supplier Rebate Code

Alias VOVI02

Type Alpha

Length 1

Definition A code that indicates whether rebates are active for this supplier. The value that you enter in this field must exist in UDC table 43/RA (Supplier Rebate Code). Reserved for future use. Reserved for future use. Reserved for future use. This field is not used in the Procurement system and does not appear on any form. This field is not used in the Procurement system and does not appear on any form. This field is not used in the Procurement system and does not appear on any form. This field is not used in the Procurement system and does not appear on any form. This field is not used in the Procurement system and does not appear on any form.

Special Instruction 3 Special Instruction 4 Special Instruction 5 Minimum Check Amount Code


Alpha Alpha Alpha Alpha

1 1 1 1

Address Type Code 5



Revenue Netted (Y/N)



Price and Adjustment Schedule



Send Method



Mapping Fields for Batch Processing


Mapping Fields in the Supplier Master - Batch Table (F0401Z1)

Field Name Evaluated Receipt Settlement


Type Alpha

Length 1

Definition A code that indicates whether you and the supplier have an agreement that you submit a voucher based on what is received. The supplier does not send an invoice and you can bypass the Payment with Voucher Match program. The system uses the Evaluated Receipt Settlement program (R43800) instead. Values are: N: Not eligible for evaluated receipt settlement processing. Y: Eligible for evaluated receipt settlement processing. T: Eligible for evaluated receipt settlement processing but a tolerance error occurred during the receipt process. R: Eligible for evaluated receipt settlement processing but the receipt is currently in the receipt routing process. V: The receipt transaction has been vouchered using the evaluated receipt settlement process.

A.3.4 Ignored Fields

This table lists fields in the F0401Z1 table that are ignored. Leave these fields blank. The system does not use the values in these fields.

A-98 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide

Mapping Fields in the Supplier Master - Batch Table (F0401Z1)

Field Name Transaction Originator User ID Program ID Work Station ID Date Updated Time Last Updated Time of Day EDI - Document Type EDI Translation Format EDI - Transmission Date


Type Alpha Alpha Alpha Alpha Date Number Date Alpha Alpha Date

Length 10 10 10 10 6 6 6 2 10 6

A.3.5 User-Reserved Fields

This table lists fields in the F0401Z1 table that are reserved for users.
Field Name Amount Address Book Alias VOABAM Type Number Length 15 Definition A user-defined number that represents an amount. Use a format that your database accepts. A user-defined number that represents an amount. Use a format that your database accepts. A user-defined code that represents any alphanumeric value up to three characters. A user-defined value that represents a date. Use a format that your database accepts. See the data item for VOEBDT for more information.

Amount Address Book




User Reserved Code



User Reserved Date



Mapping Fields for Batch Processing


Mapping Fields in the Batch Who's Who Information Table (F0111Z1)

Field Name User Reserved Amount


Type Number

Length 15

Definition A user-defined value that represents an amount. Use a format that your database accepts. A user-defined number up to eight digits. A user-defined alphanumeric value up to 15 characters.

User Reserved Number User Reserved Reference






A.4 Mapping Fields in the Batch Who's Who Information Table (F0111Z1)
This section contains a list of the fields in the F0111Z1 table. Some of the fields are required to run the Who's Who Information Batch Upload program (R011110Z), while others are not. Not all fields are displayed on address book forms or used by the Address Book system.

A.4.1 Required Fields

The table lists fields in the F0111Z1 that are required. For some fields, blank is a valid value.
Field Name EDI - User ID Alias CBEDUS Type Alpha Length 10 Definition A number that identifies the user. Enter the User ID of the person running the process or the person who is to receive workflow messages. This field, in conjunction with the CBEDTN and CBEDBT fields, uniquely identifies a specific transaction.


JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide

Mapping Fields in the Batch Who's Who Information Table (F0111Z1)

Field Name EDI - Batch Number


Type Alpha

Length 15

Definition A number that identifies a particular batch of data. This field, in conjunction with the CBEDTN and CBEDUS fields, uniquely identifies a transaction within a specific batch. This field also serves as a level break and assigns a new batch number each time that the value changes. You must assign a unique batch number for each new transaction being processed to correspond and maintain integrity with the EDI-Batch Number field in F01151Z1 (EBEDBT), F01161Z1 (LBEDBT), or F01112Z1 (PBEDBT).

EDI - Transaction CBEDTN Number



A number that identifies each transaction. A new transaction number indicates a different address book record. You cannot have more than one transaction with the same number in a batch. Typically, this field contains the document number of the source system so that the sender can readily identify the transaction.

Mapping Fields for Batch Processing A-101

Mapping Fields in the Batch Who's Who Information Table (F0111Z1)

Field Name EDI - Line Number


Type Number

Length 7

Definition A number used to uniquely identify a record. Each transaction can have multiple, consecutive line numbers. A value that indicates whether a transaction successfully processed. Leave this field blank. The value N indicates that the transaction was not processed or was processed in error. The system changes the value to Y after the transaction is successfully processed.

EDI Successfully Processed




JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide

Mapping Fields in the Batch Who's Who Information Table (F0111Z1)

Field Name Transaction Action


Type Alpha

Length 2

Definition A value that indicates the transaction to be performed. The value A indicates a new transaction. The value C indicates a change to an existing document. The value D indicates a deletion for an existing record. You must process changes and deletions after you process additions. For outbound processing, the system updates the value in this field with either after image (UA) or before image (UB). The system uses UB only if the processing option in the Address Book MBF (P0100041) is activated. For outbound processing, you can also enter A for additions and D for deletions.

Alpha Name




A name typically entered in the format of last name, first name to optimize search capabilities. The Word Search program (P01BDWRD) uses this field. A value that uniquely identifies a customer. The value in this field must exist in the Address Book Master table (F0101) or the record will not process.

Address Number CBAN8


Mapping Fields for Batch Processing A-103

Mapping Fields in the Batch Who's Who Information Table (F0111Z1)

Field Name Who's Who Line


Type Number

Length 5

Definition A value that connects a who's who entry to an address book number. An alphanumeric value representing the name of the company or the person to whom correspondence is sent.

Mailing Name




A.4.2 Optional Fields

This table lists fields in the F0111Z1 table that are optional. You can use these fields to provide additional information about a transaction.
Field Name Type Transaction Alias CBTYTN Type Alpha Length 8 Definition A value that identifies the type of transaction. If you leave this field blank, the system uses the value in the transaction type processing option of the Who's Who MBF (P0100087), if set up. This field is required if you use outbound processing. Direction Indicator CBDRIN Alpha 1 A value that specifies whether the transaction is inbound or outbound. Leave this field blank if the transaction is inbound. Enter 2 if the transaction is outbound. The number of detail lines included in a specific transaction. This field is informational only.

EDI - Detail Lines CBEDDL Processed



JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide

Mapping Fields in the Batch Who's Who Information Table (F0111Z1)

Field Name Trading Partner ID


Type Alpha

Length 15

Definition A value used in an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) transaction to identify who is trading documents with you. A code that specifies the order in which a group of records displays. You can specify a display sequence for each of your contact entries. A code that indicates the professional title for a contact. An informational field that you can use for a remark, description, or name. The system does not display this field on any forms in the Address Book system. An informational code that represents a title of courtesy used before a surname. It is used as a greeting word in correspondence. An alternate name field to accommodate double-byte coding. The first name of a person. This field is informational. The middle name of a person. This field is informational. The surname of a person. This field is informational only.

Display Sequence CBDSS5


Contact Title








Salutation Name




Secondary Alpha CBALP1 Name



Given Name




Middle Name








Mapping Fields for Batch Processing A-105

Mapping Fields in the Batch Who's Who Information Table (F0111Z1)

Field Name Type Code


Type Alpha

Length 1

Definition A user-defined code that identifies the function of a contact (who's who) entry. Examples of type codes are: A: Attention name B: Billing C: Contact E: Emergency contact O: Other T: 1099 legal name The value that you enter in this field must exist in UDC table 01/WO (Type Code).





An informational field to use for the nickname for a person. The nickname is connected to a who's who line of an address book number. A code that indicates the gender of a person. Values are: M: Male F: Female




Effective Date for CBEFTW Address


The date the address that is identified in the Alternate Address table (F01161) becomes active. You must select the Address by Effective Date option in the Address Book constants if you want to enter effective dates.


JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide

Mapping Fields in the Batch Who's Who Information Table (F0111Z1)

Field Name Date of Birth


Type Number

Length 2

Definition A number that indicates the day portion for a person's date of birth. A number that indicates the month portion for a person's date of birth. A number that indicates the year portion for a person's date of birth. A category code. The values that you enter in the category code fields must exist in the corresponding UDC tables 01/W0-01/WT. A category code. The values that you enter in the category code fields must exist in the corresponding UDC tables 01/N1-01/NA. A user-defined code (01/CQ) that defines the desired contact method for the contact. A code used to designate primary contacts for an address book entity. You can have only one primary contact per contact type. Enter 1 to designate a record as a primary contact. This field is reserved for future use.

Month of Birth



Year of Birth



Who's Who Category Codes 01 through 10

CBW001 through Alpha CBW010

Who's Who Information Category Codes 01 through 10

CBWN001 through CBWN010


Preferred Contact CBPCM Method



Primary Contact



Indicator Flag



Mapping Fields for Batch Processing A-107

Mapping Fields in the Batch Who's Who Information Table (F0111Z1)

Field Name


Type Alpha

Length 36

Definition This field is used for synchronization with Domino or Exchange to uniquely identify a who's who record. A user-defined code that indicates the function the contact plays in the company. Enter a value from UDC 01/FC. This field is used for synchronization with Domino and Exchange. Enter the company name from Domino or Exchange. The system uses this value to search for a duplicate entry. A code used to designate whether child records for the F0111Z1 record have processed successfully. Child records include records from these tables: F01161Z1 F0115Z1 F01151Z1 F01112Z1 Child records are associated with the parent F0111Z1 field using EDI-User, EDI-Batch Number, and EDI-Transaction number.

Unique Identifier CBCFRGUID

Function Code




Reference Name




Child Successfully Processed



A.4.3 Ignored Fields

This table lists fields in the F0111Z1 table that are ignored. The system does not use the values in these fields.


JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide

Mapping Fields in the Batch Who's Who Information Table (F0111Z1)

Field Name EDI - Document Type EDI - Translation Format EDI - Transmission Date Description Compressed Transaction Originator User ID Program ID

Alias CBEDCT CBEDFT CBEDDT CBDC CBTORG CBUSER CBPID (This field contains the value PIMSYNCH in records that are sent from Domino or Exchange to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne to prevent the records from being sent back to Domino or Exchange.) See JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools 8.98 System Administration Guide.

Type Alpha Alpha Date Alpha Alpha Alpha Alpha

Length 2 10 6 40 10 10 10

Work Station ID Date Updated Time of Day Time Last Updated


Alpha Date Date Number

10 6 6 6

A.4.4 User-Reserved Fields

This table lists fields in the F0111Z1 table that are reserved for users. The system does not use the values in these fields.
Field Name Secondary Mailing Name Alias CBMLN1 Type Alpha Length 1 Definition An alternate mailing name field to accommodate double-byte coding.

Mapping Fields for Batch Processing A-109

Mapping Fields in the Batch - Related Person Table (F01112Z1)

Field Name Search Type

Alias CBAT1

Type Alpha

Length 3

Definition A value that identifies a record as part of a specific group, such as suppliers, customers, employees, and companies. The value that you enter in this field must exist in UDC table 01/ST (Search Type). An indicator that specifies a currency relation as active or inactive. A user-defined value that indicates the role of the contact, such as an influencer, a competitor, and so on. The value that you enter in this field must exist in UDC table 01/CT (Contact Type).

Active/ Inactive Flag



Contact Type



A.5 Mapping Fields in the Batch - Related Person Table (F01112Z1)

This section contains a list of the fields in the F01112Z1 table. Some of the fields are required to run the Contact Information Batch Upload program (R011110Z), while others are not. Not all fields are displayed on address book forms or used by the Address Book system.

A.5.1 Required Fields

This table lists fields in the F01112Z1 table that are required. For some fields, blank is a valid value.


JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide

Mapping Fields in the Batch - Related Person Table (F01112Z1)

Field Name EDI - User ID


Type Alpha

Length 10

Definition A number that identifies a particular user who is running the process or who is to receive workflow messages. This field, used in conjunction with the PBEDTN and PBEDBT fields, uniquely identifies a transaction within a specific batch. A value that identifies a batch. This field, used in conjunction with the PBEDUS and PBEDTN fields, uniquely identifies a transaction within that batch. Each time the value changes, the system assigns a new batch number. You can significantly improve performance by assigning one batch number for each group of records. A value that identifies each transaction. Each new transaction number indicates a new related person record. A batch cannot contain more than one transaction with the same number. Typically, this field typically contains the document number of the source system so that a record can be readily identified.

EDI - Batch Number




EDI - Transaction PBEDTN Number



Mapping Fields for Batch Processing A-111

Mapping Fields in the Batch - Related Person Table (F01112Z1)

Field Name EDI - Line Number


Type Number

Length 7

Definition A number used to uniquely identify a record. Each transaction can have multiple, consecutive line numbers. A system-provided value that indicates whether the transaction processed successfully. Values are: N: The transaction did not process or processed in error. Y: The transaction processed successfully. For outbound processing, system updates the value to N.

EDI Successfully Processed




JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide

Mapping Fields in the Batch - Related Person Table (F01112Z1)

Field Name Transaction Action


Type Alpha

Length 2

Definition For inbound processing, a value that specifies the type of transaction. Values are: A: The record is new. C: The record is a change for an existing document. Process changes after additions. D: The record is a deletion for an existing document. Process deletions after additions. For outbound processing, values are: UA: After image UB: Before image The system updates the table with UB only if the processing option in the Who's Who MBF (P0100087) is activated. For outbound processing, you can also enter A for additions and D for deletions.

Address Number PBAN8


A value that connects the related person to a unique address book record. The value in this field must exist in the Address Book Master table (F0101) or the record will not process. A value that connects a who's who entry to an address book record.

Who's Who Line



Mapping Fields for Batch Processing A-113

Mapping Fields in the Batch - Related Person Table (F01112Z1)

Field Name Related Person


Type Alpha

Length 40

Definition A value that connects a related person entry to address book record.

A.5.2 Optional Fields

This table lists fields in the F01112Z1 table that are optional. You can use these fields to provide additional information about a transaction.
Field Name Type Transaction Alias PBTYTN Type Alpha Length 8 Definition A value that identifies the type of transaction being processed. If you leave this field blank, the system uses the value in the transaction type processing option of the Who's Who MBF (P0100087), if set up. You must complete this field if you are using outbound processing. Direction Indicator PBDRIN Alpha 1 A value that indicates whether a transaction is inbound or outbound. Values are: Blank: Inbound 2: Outbound EDI - Detail Lines PBEDDL Processed Number 5 A value used in an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) transaction to specify the number of detail lines included in a specific transaction. This field is informational only.


JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide

Mapping Fields in the Batch - Related Person Table (F01112Z1)

Field Name Trading Partner ID


Type Alpha

Length 15

Definition A value used in an EDI transaction to identify who is trading documents with you. A value used to connect a who's who or contact record with a related person. Each related person record must have a unique value in this field. If you are changing or deleting records, this field is required.

Related Person ID



Relation Type



A value that identifies the relationship between the contact the related person. The value that you enter in this field must exist in UDC table 01/RT. A numeric value that specifies the day portion of the date of birth of a related person. A number that specifies the month portion of the date of birth of a related person. A number that specifies the year portion of an individual's date of birth.

Day of Birth



Month of Birth



Year of Birth



Mapping Fields for Batch Processing A-115

Mapping Fields in the Phones - Interoperability Table (F0115Z1)

Field Name Related Person Category Codes 01 through 10



Length 3

Definition Category codes that are defined in the Address Book system and are used for reporting about related persons. The values that you enter in these fields must exist in the corresponding UDC tables 01/CP001-01/CP 005.

PBCP001 through Alpha PBCP005

A.5.3 Ignored Fields

This table lists fields in the F01112Z1 table that are ignored. The system does not use the values you enter in these fields.
Field Name EDI - Document Type EDI - Translation Format EDI - Transmission Date Transaction Originator User ID Program ID Work Station ID Date Updated Time of Day Time Last Updated Alias PBEDCT PBEDFT PBEDDT PBTORG PBUSER PBPID PBJOBN PBUPMJ PBTDAY PBUPMT Type Alpha Alpha Date Alpha Alpha Alpha Alpha Date Date Number Length 2 10 6 10 10 10 10 6 6 6

A.6 Mapping Fields in the Phones - Interoperability Table (F0115Z1)

This section contains a list of the fields in the F0115Z1. Some of the fields are required to run the Batch Who's Who Information program (R011110Z), while others are not

A.6.1 Required Fields

This table lists the fields in the F01151Z1 table that are required.


JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide

Mapping Fields in the Phones - Interoperability Table (F0115Z1)

Field Name EDI-User ID


Type Alpha

Length 10

Definition A user-defined identification number. Enter the user ID of the person running the process or the person who is to receive workflow messages. This field, in conjunction with the PIEDTN and PIEDBT fields, uniquely identifies a specific transaction. If you are uploading phone numbers for a who's who record, enter the value used to upload the who's who record.

EDI-Batch Number




A code that, in conjunction with the PIEDTN and PIEDUS fields, uniquely identifies a transaction within a specific batch. This field also serves as a level break and causes the system to assign a new batch number each time that the value changes. You can significantly increase performance by assigning one batch number for each group of transactions. If you are uploading phone numbers for a who's who record, enter the value used to upload the who's who record.

Mapping Fields for Batch Processing A-117

Mapping Fields in the Phones - Interoperability Table (F0115Z1)

Field Name EDI-Transaction Number


Type Alpha

Length 22

Definition A code that identifies each transaction. Each new transaction number indicates a different who's who record. You cannot have more than one transaction with the same number in a batch. Typically, this field contains the document number of the source system so that a transaction can be readily identified. If you are uploading phone numbers for a who's who record, enter the value used for the who's who record.

EDI-Line Number



A number used to uniquely identify a record. Each transaction can have multiple, consecutive line numbers. If you are uploading a phone number for a who's who record, enter 0. If you are uploading a phone number for a related person record, enter the value in the EDLN number field that was used to upload the related person record.

EDI -Transaction Line




A number used to identify phone number records. Enter a unique number for each phone number record.


JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide

Mapping Fields in the Phones - Interoperability Table (F0115Z1)

Field Name Transaction Action


Type Alpha

Length 1

Definition A value that indicates the transaction to be performed. The value A indicates a new transaction. The value C indicates a change to an existing document. The value D indicates a deletion for an existing record. You must process changes and deletions after you process additions. A value that indicates whether a transaction was successfully processed. Leave this field blank. The value N indicates that the transaction was not processed or was processed in error. The system changes the value to Y when the transaction is successfully processed

Successfully Processed



Address Number PIAN8


A value that uniquely identifies a supplier, customer, employee, and so on. Enter the Address Book number of the customer or supplier for which you are uploading phone information.

Phone Number




A number that indicates the phone number for the contact person for which you are uploading phone information.

Mapping Fields for Batch Processing A-119

Mapping Fields in the Phones - Interoperability Table (F0115Z1)

A.6.2 Optional Fields

This table lists the fields in the F0115Z1 table that are optional.
Field Name Type Transaction Alias PITYTN Type Alpha Length 8 Definition A value that identifies the type of transaction. A value that specifies whether the transaction is inbound or outbound. Values are: Blank: Inbound 1: Outbound Outbound processing for phones is not supported. Detail Lines Processed PIEDDL Number 5 The number of detail lines included in a specific transaction. This field is informational only. A value used in an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) transaction to identify who is trading documents with you. A code used to identify the line ID number for a Who's Who record. A number used to create a unique key within a file. If you are using a program which will allow you to resequence the records, we recommend you use one of these data dictionary items: DSS5, DSS7, DSS9.

Direction Indicator



Trading Partner ID




Who's Who Line Number-ID



Line Number ID5.0




JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide

Mapping Fields in the Phones - Interoperability Table (F0115Z1)

Field Name Related Person-ID


Type Number

Length 5

Definition A number that is used to identify related person records. This field is used when you change or delete related person records. Enter the line number of the related person that you want to change or delete. A code that indicates either the location or use of a telephone number. Enter a valid code from UDC 01/PH. A number that designates the first segment of a telephone number. In the United States, the prefix is the three-digit area code. This field is reserved for future use. This field is reserved for future use. This field is reserved for future use.

Phone Number Type



Phone Prefix



Generic Number 1 General Information1 Future Flag Use








A.6.3 Ignored Fields

This table lists the fields in the F0115Z1 that are ignored by the system. The system does not use the values in these fields.
Field Name EDI-Translation Format EDI-Transmission Date EDI-Document Type User ID Program ID Work Station ID Alias PIEDFT PIEDDT PIEDCT PIUSER PIPID PIJOBN Type Alpha Date Alpha Alpha Alpha Alpha Length 10 6 2 10 10 10

Mapping Fields for Batch Processing A-121

Mapping Fields in the Batch - Electronic Address Table (F01151Z1)

Field Name Date Updated Time Last Updated


Type Date Number

Length 6 6

A.7 Mapping Fields in the Batch - Electronic Address Table (F01151Z1)

This section contains a list of the fields in the F01151Z1 table. Some of the fields are required to run the Batch Who's Who Information program (R011110Z), while others are not. Not all fields are displayed on address book forms or used by the Address Book system.

A.7.1 Required Fields

This table lists fields in the F01151Z1 table that are required. For some fields, blank is a valid value.
Field Name EDI - User ID Alias EBEDUS Type Alpha Length 10 Definition A user-defined identification number. Enter the user ID of the person running the process or the person who is to receive workflow messages. This field, in conjunction with the EBEDTN and EBEDBT fields, uniquely identifies a specific transaction. A code that, in conjunction with the EBEDTN and EBEDUS fields, uniquely identifies a transaction within a specific batch. This field also serves as a level break and causes the system to assign a new batch number each time that the value changes. You can significantly increase performance by assigning one batch number for each group of transactions.

EDI - Batch Number





JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide

Mapping Fields in the Batch - Electronic Address Table (F01151Z1)

Field Name


Type Alpha

Length 22

Definition A code that identifies each transaction. Each new transaction number indicates a different address book record. You cannot have more than one transaction with the same number in a batch. Typically, this field contains the document number of the source system so that a transaction can be readily identified. A number used to uniquely identify a record. Each transaction can have multiple, consecutive line numbers. A value that indicates whether the transaction has successfully processed. The value N indicates that the transaction was not processed or was processed in error. After the transaction is successfully processed, the system changes the value to Y. For outbound processing, the value is updated to N.

EDI - Transaction EBEDTN Number

EDI - Line Number



EDI Successfully Processed



Mapping Fields for Batch Processing A-123

Mapping Fields in the Batch - Electronic Address Table (F01151Z1)

Field Name Transaction Action


Type Alpha

Length 2

Definition A value that indicates the type of transaction. For a new entry, enter A in this field. If you are processing a change for an existing document, enter C. All changes must be processed after additions. For outbound processing, the system updates this field with either UA (after image) or UB (before image). The system updates the table with UB only if the processing option in the Who's Who MBF (P0100087) is activated. For outbound processing, you can also enter D for deletion and A for additions.

Address Number EBAN8


A value that uniquely identifies the company, customer, supplier, and so on to which the contact (who's who) for the related person is linked. The value in this field must exist in the Address Book Master table (F0101) or the record does not process. A value that connects the electronic address to a particular who's who entry for the address number entered in the EBAN8 field.

Who's Who Line




JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide

Mapping Fields in the Batch - Electronic Address Table (F01151Z1)

A.7.2 Optional Fields

This table lists fields in the F01151Z1 table that are optional. You can use these fields to provide additional information about a transaction.
Field Name Type Transaction Alias EBTYTN Type Alpha Length 8 Definition A value that identifies whether the transaction is for the after image only, or the before and after image. If you leave this field blank and the transaction type processing option of the Who's Who MBF (P0100087) is set up, the system updates this field with the value in the processing option. You must complete this field if you are using outbound processing. Direction Indicator EBDRIN Alpha 1 A value that specifies whether a transaction is inbound or outbound. Values are: Blank: Inbound 2: Outbound EDI - Detail Lines EBEDDL Processed Number 5 A value indicating the number of detail lines included in a specific transaction. This field is for user verification only. A value used in an EDI transaction that identifies the party trading documents with you.

Trading Partner ID




Mapping Fields for Batch Processing A-125

Mapping Fields in the Batch - Electronic Address Table (F01151Z1)

Field Name Line Number ID-5.0

Alias EBRCK7

Type Number

Length 5

Definition A value that indicates a unique key field. If you have more than one electronic mail address for a contact or who's who entry, you can use this field to order the entries. A value that indicates whether an address is an E-mail address or an internet address. A value that identifies the E-mail or internet address for the contact or who's who individual. The messaging indicator used by workflow to determine how E-mail addresses will be processed. Enter 00 if E-mail will not be sent to the specified address. Enter 01 if E-mail will be sent to the specified address. Enter the format of the E-mail address, for example: HTML Text RTF

Electronic Address Type



Electronic Address




Messaging Indicator



E-mail Format




Generic Number 1 General Information 1 Future Flag Use



This field is reserved for future use. This field is reserved for future use. This field is reserved for future use.







JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide

Mapping Fields in the Batch - Alternative Address Table (F01161Z1)

Field Name E-mail Classification


Type Alpha

Length 3

Definition Reserved for future use.

A.7.3 Ignored Fields

This table lists fields in the F01151Z1 table that are ignored. The system does not use the values in these fields.
Field Name EDI - Document Type EDI - Translation Format EDI - Transmission Date Transaction Originator User ID Program ID Work Station ID Date Updated Time of Day Time Last Updated Alias EBEDCT EBEDFT EBEDDT EBTORG EBUSER EBPID EBJOBN EBUPMJ EBTDAY EBUPMT Type Alpha Alpha Date Alpha Alpha Alpha Alpha Date Date Number Length 2 10 6 10 10 10 10 6 6 6

A.8 Mapping Fields in the Batch - Alternative Address Table (F01161Z1)

This section contains a list of the fields in the F01161Z1 table. Some of the fields are required to run the Contact Information Batch Upload program (R011110Z), while others are not. Not all fields are displayed on address book forms or used by the Address Book system.

A.8.1 Required Fields

This table lists fields in the F01161Z1 table that are required. For some fields, blank is a valid value. Values entered in these fields are processed into the Alternate Address table (F01161).

Mapping Fields for Batch Processing A-127

Mapping Fields in the Batch - Alternative Address Table (F01161Z1)

Field Name EDI - User ID


Type Alpha

Length 10

Definition A user-defined identification number. Enter the user ID of the person who runs the Contact Information Batch Upload program or the person who is to receive workflow messages. This field, in conjunction with the LBEDTN and LBEDBT fields, uniquely identifies a specific transaction. A number the person who runs the Contact Information Batch Upload program assigns to each batch. The system assigns a new batch number whenever this field changes. You can significantly increase performance by assigning one batch number for each group of transactions you process. A number that identifies each transaction. A new transaction number indicates a different alternative address record. You cannot have more than one transaction with the same number in a batch. Typically, this field contains the document number of the source system so the sender can readily identify the transaction.

EDI - Batch Number




EDI - Transaction LBEDTN Number




JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide

Mapping Fields in the Batch - Alternative Address Table (F01161Z1)

Field Name EDI - Line Number


Type Number

Length 7

Definition A number used to uniquely identify a record. Each transaction can have multiple, consecutive line numbers. A value that indicates whether a transaction successfully processed. Leave this field blank. The value N indicates that the transaction was not processed or was processed in error. The system changes the value to Y after the transaction is successfully processed.

EDI Successfully Processed



Mapping Fields for Batch Processing A-129

Mapping Fields in the Batch - Alternative Address Table (F01161Z1)

Field Name Transaction Action


Type Alpha

Length 2

Definition A value that indicates the transaction to be performed. The value A indicates a new transaction. The value C indicates a change to an existing document. The value D indicates a deletion for an existing record. You must process changes and deletions after you process additions. For outbound processing, the system updates this field with either after image (UA) or before image (UB). The system uses UB only if the processing option in the Contact Information MBF PO is activated. For outbound processing, you can also enter A for additions and D for deletions.


JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide

Mapping Fields in the Batch - Alternative Address Table (F01161Z1)

Field Name


Type Number

Length 8

Definition A value that uniquely identifies a supplier, customer, employee, company, and so on. If you leave this field blank, the system assigns a number based on the Next Numbers Automatic table (F0002) for the Address Book system. If you enter a value in this field, it cannot exist in the Address Book Master table (F0101) unless the SZTNAC field has a value of C, which indicates a change to an existing record. Otherwise, the system considers the transaction a duplicate and will not process it.

Address Number LBAN8

Type - Address



A code that indicates the type of address, such as a home address or an office address. The value you enter in this field must exist in UDC table 01/AT (Address Type). A value that specifies which who's who entry is associated with an alternative address record.

Who's Who Line



A.8.2 Optional Fields

This table lists fields in the F01161Z1 that are optional. You can use these fields to provide additional information about a transaction.

Mapping Fields for Batch Processing A-131

Mapping Fields in the Batch - Alternative Address Table (F01161Z1)

Field Name Type Transaction


Type Alpha

Length 8

Definition A value that identifies the type of transaction. If you leave this field blank and the transaction type processing option of the Who's Who MBF (P0100087) is set up, the system updates this field with the value in the processing option. This field is required if you use outbound processing.

Direction Indicator



A value that specifies whether the transaction is inbound or outbound. Values are: Blank: Inbound 2: Outbound

EDI - Detail Lines LBEDDL Processed


The number of detail lines included in a specific transaction. This field is informational only. A value used in an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) transaction to identify who is trading documents with you.

Trading Partner ID





JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide

Mapping Fields in the Batch - Alternative Address Table (F01161Z1)

Field Name Date - Beginning Effective


Type Date

Length 6

Definition The date the alternative address record first becomes effective. Use a format that your database accepts. Some databases allow you to enter the date in a Gregorian date format (mmddyy or yymmdd), while other databases require a Julian date format. The Julian date format is cyyddd (where c = century). Enter 1 for transactions in the 21st century. For example, the date 6/1/2005 corresponds to a Julian date 105152. For 6/1/04, the corresponding Julian date is 104153 (because the year 2000 has a leap day, 2/29/00).

Address Line 1, Address Line 2, Address Line 3, Address Line 4




Alphanumeric values that identify the mailing address for the alternative address record. A code assigned by the postal service of a country that is attached to the address to facilitate mail delivery. The city associated with an alternative address.

Postal Code








Mapping Fields for Batch Processing A-133

Mapping Fields in the Batch - Alternative Address Table (F01161Z1)

Field Name County


Type Alpha

Length 25

Definition The county, parish, or other political district associated with an address for mail delivery or for tax purposes. The state or province associated with an address. The value that you enter in this field must exist in UDC table 00/S (State or Province). The country associated with an address. The value that you enter in this field must exist in UDC table 00/CN (Country Codes). A code that indicates whether there is an effective date for an address. A code that indicates that the address is the primary address.







Effective Date Existence (I/O)



Main Address Flag



A.8.3 Ignored Fields

This table lists fields in the F01161Z1 table that are ignored. The system does not use the values in these fields.
Field Name EDI - Document Type EDI - Translation Format EDI - Transmission Date Transaction Originator User ID Program ID Work Station ID Date Updated Alias LBEDCT LBEDFT LBEDDT LBTORG LBUSER LBPID LBJOBN LBUPMJ Type Alpha Alpha Date Alpha Alpha Alpha Alpha Date Length 2 10 6 10 10 10 10 6


JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide

Mapping Fields in the Batch - Alternative Address Table (F01161Z1)

Field Name Time of Day Time Last Updated


Type Date Number

Length 6 6

See Also:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools 8.98 Foundation Guide.

Mapping Fields for Batch Processing A-135

Mapping Fields in the Batch - Alternative Address Table (F01161Z1)


JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide

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