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Production of High Density Polyethylene from

Ethylene-Process &its optimization


1. 2. 3. 4.

Acknowledgement Synopsis Certificate of Originality of Work Statement of Project Guide

Page No.

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

Introduction Method of Production Feeds and its Sources Products and by Products Uses of High Density Polyethylene Process overview Detailed Process Description Process Flow Diagram Mass Valance Energy Valance Process Optimization Project at a Glance /Summary Conclusion & Final result

First and foremost, I would like to express the deepest gratitude and greatly thanks to my project guide, Mr.Krishna Kumar Agarwal,FIEof The Institution of

Engineers (India) for his excellent guidance, inspiration and encouragement to me to complete my project work. I have successfully completed my Project work on Production of High Density Polyethylene From EthyleneProcess and its optimisation. Finally , I offer my regards and blessing to all of those who supported to me in any respect during the completion of the Project work.


It is certified that the details of project work in my project report is an original one and has not been submitted earlier to any other institution for fulfilment of the requirement of a course of study.


TITLE OF THE PROJECT: Production of High Density Polyethylene from Ethylene-Process and its optimization.

OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY: To Study the process of HDPE Production, process optimization and conclude of optimum operational parameter of: Polymerization Drying section Extruder section

RATIONALE FOR THE STUDY: General Unit operations Process Description Optimization of the process

METHODOLOGY OF THE STUDY: Introduction Method of production & Selection of the process Feed:- Its characteristics & sources Products and by products of the plant Uses of HDPE and by product destination Process overview Process flow diagrams(PFD) Mass & Heat balance Process optimization and process parameters.


The study will help to increase Economically HDPE production.

Bar Chart

S.N. Activities

From To

No. Of days

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Identification of project Methodology Compilation of the project Finalization of the project report Typing & Binding Final submit of the project report to project guide

PLACE & LABORATORY: Indian Oil Corporation Limited, Naphtha Cracker Complex, Panipat Refinery, Panipat Haryana.

Problem envisaged in carrying out the project work


Approved By

Petrochemical industries started growing since Second World War and today the petrochemical products have taken an important role in our daily life. The per capita consumption of petrochemicals in India is 7.4 kg. against world average of 28.9 kg. So there is a healthy demand and growth in this sector. HDPE is one of the most important product of a petrochemical industry. The HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) Unit in the Panipat Naphtha Cracker Complex is designed to produce different grades of high density polyethylene polymer from polymer grade ethylene sourced from the Naphtha Cracker Unit, within the complex.

The HDPE unit employs the Hostalen slurry process technology licensed by M/s BasellPolyolefine GmbH of Germany. The polymerization is carried out in liquid solution (slurry) phase and Hexane is used as the diluent (solvent) in the polymerization process.


1). Slurry polymerization: the polymer is produced at relatively low temperature (70-110C) and low pressure (8-9kg/cm2).in the presence of a solvent. 2). Gas Phase Polymerization: It is carried out in a Fluidesed bed reactor.


From the above method of the production slurry polymerization is the best methodof production of HDPE because of high yield. FEED & ITS SOURCES Process Feed Specifications Plant Raw Materials Ethylene Polymer grade (as monomer) Hydrogen (as molecular weight controller) 1-Butene (as comonomer ) Hexane (as solvent) Propylene (only for refrigeration unit) NaoH solution(for neutralisation)

Raw St materi at al e

Pres sure kg/c m2g

Tem QUALITY p Component C

Concen Poiso Ma tration ns x. Co nc. (pp m) 99.9 % Acetyl 1 vol. min. ene (vol

Ethyle ne




(key mono mer)

.) Methane 500 ppm Carbo 0.5 vol. n (vol max. Mono .) xide 500 ppm Oxyge 1 vol. n (vol max. .) min 99.3 Butadi 30 % wt. ene(wt. 1,3 ) max Propa 0.2% wt. diene max 0.1 % wt. 5 (wt. )


Butene L -1 (comono mer)





Carbo 5 nyls (wt. )

Hydro gen (chain termin ating agent)




90% vol. Acetyl 10 enes (vol .) 10% vol. Carbo 10 n (vol Mono .) xide Carbo 10 n (vol

Total Hydrocarbon

Dioxid .) e Hexan e (solve nt) L 3 amb n-Hexane ient Methyl Cyclopentane Cyclopentane &Isohexane Propyl L ene (refrige rant) 26 40 Propylene Propane Water Causti L c soda (for neutral izing) 3 amb Caustic soda ient min 4652 % wt max 10 % wt. 30-45 % wt 99.5 % min 0.5 % vol. max 2 ppm vol. max 20 % wt



High Density Polyethylene(HDPE)

By Products - Wax


HDPE: For merchant producing HDPE articles.

Wax : For candle & other industries.


film, crates, boxes, caps and

closures, bottles and containers for food products, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, household and industrial chemicals, toys, fuel tanks and other automotive parts, pipes for gas and water distribution etc.

HDPE is produced by the polymerization of the ethylene in the presence of a catalyst at a temperature of 79-83 degree centigrade and a pressure of 8-9 kg/cm2. It is an exothermic reaction the heat to be removed by cooling water with the help of jacket and outer cooler. HDPE plant may be divided in the following sections. Catalyst preparation. Ethylene Drying

Reaction Section Filtration Drying Extrude Distillation/Recovery(Solvent)


The catalysts used in the polymerisation are called THE, THB and THT and their production is performed batchwise from commercially available components (titanium tetrachloride and magnesium ethoxide) in the catalyst preparation unit (41-R-1101) as per prescribed recipe. The 4th catalyst used in the polymerisation is Avant Z501 is supplied by Basell as solid powder in drums.

The prepared catalyst is transferred to catalyst suspension vessels 41-V-1102A/B/C/D. From here the catalyst is supplied to 41-V-1104A/B, where some more hexane can be added if required, and is continuously sent to the reactors via dosing pumps 41-P-1101A/B

ACTIVATOR DOSING The polymerisation activator is pumped from tank 41-V4103 (10% TEAL solution in hexane), or 41-V-4106 (20% IPRA solution in hexane) respectively into the activatordosing vessels 41-V-1103A/B by their respective pumps 41-P-4103A/B. From here it is pumped into the reactors 41-R-1201 and 41-R-1202 by activator dosing pumps. All vessels and the reactor in the catalyst preparation area are nitrogen-blanketed and the pressure is controlled by split range loops between nitrogen feed and off-gas line. The temperature of the reactor is controlled by a closed jacket water loop. POLYMERISATION

Polymerization General The continuous polymerisation reaction takes place in an inert solvent (hexane) in agitated reactors 41-R-1201

(reactor 1) and 41-R-1202 (reactor 2). Butene-1 is used as co-monomer to manipulate the polyethylene density as per required grade. Hydrogen is used as chain terminator to set the desired molar mass. Continuous polymerisation takes place in 2 reactors connected in series (K2, BM mode) or in parallel (K1 mode), at a temperature of 76 to 85 C and pressure between 2.6 9 kg/cm2g. A part of the slurry discharge is re-circulated by pumps 41-P-1201A/B and the remaining is fed to the flash vessel 41-V-1201 for degassing to control the reaction conditions for next reactor. The suspension from this vessel is pumped to the second reactor by pump 41-P-1204. From reactor 2 the suspension is fed to the post reactor 41-R-1204 to convert the rest of ethylene into HDPE. The products are then pumped to the decanter feed vessel (acting as a buffer) after being cooled in suspension cooler 41-E-1301 and post cooler 41-E-1302. All the reactors as well as the decanter feed vessel are equipped with top-driven multi-stage agitators. In order to remove the reaction heat, all reactors are equipped with cooling jackets. At temperatures over 89 C the monomer and catalyst supply are stopped through interlocks. The water used for slurry cooler and the reactor jackets is fed from a closed system: the secondary cooling water or jacket water system.

The composition of the gas contained in the gas phase of the two reactors is used as a basis for polymerisation process control, by controlling hydrogen, butene-1 and catalyst feed flow rates (according to the recipe) and reaction pressures. The gas leaving flash vessel 41-V-1201 together with the gas leaving 41-R-1204 is sent through pressure control to the condenser 41-E-1303. The gas leaving the condenser is sent to the scrubbing tower 41-C-3201, while the condensed liquid is discharged to decanter feed vessel 41-V-1301. DECANTER FEED VESSEL The decanter feed vessel 41-V-1301 is an agitated vessel which is normally filled with suspension up to a level of 20 to 30%. It serves as a buffer vessel to compensate shortterm interruptions of the product flow in the downstream units of hexane separation and powder drying. By means of decanter feed pump 41-P-1302A/B the suspension is transferred to the decanter centrifuges 41-S-2101A/B/C. CENTRIFUGE The decanter centrifuges 41-S-2101A/B/C, operated in parallel separates a major portion of hexane from the solid polyethylene (residual moisture content of the polyethylene of around 35% as compared to the dry substance) by means of centrifugal forces. The separated

hexane (mother liquor) reaches the mother liquor collecting vessel 41-V-2101 by gravity and is recycled to the reactors as per recipe. A stream from mother-liquor collecting vessel is sent to the hexane purification section. The hexane-moist HDPE powder is discharged from the centrifuges by gravity to the screw conveyors 41-SF2101A/B/C. DRYING The drier consists of two stages of which the first is fully back-mixed and the second is working according to the plug-flow principle. In the dryer the residual hexane contained in the HDPE powder is evaporated using hot nitrogen to a residual content < 0.1% (by wt). The screw conveyors 41-SF-2101A/B/C feeds the hexanemoist HDPE powder to the first dryer chamber, where the product is fluidised with hot nitrogen to evaporate the major part of the residual hexane. In the second chamber the rest of the hexane is separated and the powder temperature is maintained at around 102 C. The dryer is equipped with internal heating coils or plates fed with steam at 0.7 kg/cm2g and 115 C supplying the heat required for drying. Steam rate is controlled based on drying nitrogen temperature in the dryer.

The dried HDPE powder is pneumatically conveyed to the powder purification unit. The drying nitrogen forms a closed circuit. Nitrogen scrubbing tower The nitrogen containing hexane from dryer 41-DR-2201 is subjected to scrubbing in counter-current flow with cold hexane in the nitrogen scrubbing tower 41-C-2201. Hexane removed from nitrogen by condensation is sent to the mother liquor collecting vessel 41-V-2101 by scrubber circulation pump 41-P-2201A/B. POWDER CONVEYING The transport nitrogen used for conveying HDPE powder also forms a closed circuit. Transport nitrogen is compressed in the transport nitrogen blowers 41-K2203A/B, cooled in 41-E-2204 by jacket water and supplied to the rotary feeder 41-ME-2205 by which the HDPE powder from the dryer is pneumatically conveyed to the powder purification unit. Nitrogen filter 41-G-2302 separates the HDPE powder from the transport nitrogen. Nitrogen is then passed through filter 41-G-2202 and cooled in transport nitrogen cooler 41-E-2203 before being fed to the suction of 41-K-2203A/B. A part of the nitrogen coming from 41-G-2302, via split range loop is fed to the off-gas system via compressor 41-PK-3502.


Powder Treatment Vessel (PTV) In order to improve the quality (mainly necessary for food application) of the HDPE, the powder is subject to a posttreatment to further reduce the hexane level to less than <0.01% (by weight) and to destroy catalyst and co-catalyst residues. The hot HDPE powder is fed into the filter 41-G-2302 where transport nitrogen is separated from powder and fed back to the transport nitrogen circuit. The HDPE powder is fed to the powder treatment vessel 41-V-2301 via the rotary feeder 41-ME-2301 which also serves as gas lock. The powder flows through the silo in a plug flow, counter-current to the flow of hot nitrogen used to remove residual hexane. Slightly superheated steam is added to the nitrogen to destroy catalyst residues in the HDPE powder. The powder has a residence time in the range of hours in the vessel. The inlet temperature of nitrogen should be greater than 100C in order to avoid condensation of steam. Powder discharge and transport 1) The purified HDPE powder is discharged by a double rotary feeder 41-ME-2302 and 41-ME-2303 to the

pneumatic conveying system that transfers the purified polymer to the powder silos 41-V-2401A/B or directly to extrusion. The capacity of both the pneumatic conveying lines is 42 t/h. For conveying purposes, recycled nitrogen is compressed by compressors 41-K-2402A/B/C (compressor unit 41-PK2401). Compressed nitrogen is then cooled in cooling water exchangers 41-E-2402A for 1st line and 41-E-2402B for 2nd line.

Treatment of waste gas from powder purification The waste gas from powder treatment vessel 41-V-2301, consisting of a steam-nitrogen mixture enriched with hexane and HDPE dust, is transferred to the membrane separation unit 41-PK-2301 via filters 41-G-2301 and 41G-2304. The HDPE dust separated in 41-G-2301 is recovered into the silo. The gas leaving the filter 41-G2301 contains traces of HCl and thus diluted aqueous NaOH (20% by wt) is sprayed in the gaseous stream for neutralization.


Powder silos 41-V-2401A/B are operated as buffer silos in normal operation, during start-up and shutdown of polymerisation, for taking up off-spec product obtained when changing over to a different product grade and during shut down of the pelletising lines. Powder is supplied to the powder silos at random. From the powder silos the HDPE powder is conveyed to the extrusion section via rotary feeders 41-ME-2401A/B.

HEXANE DISTILLATION The hexane distillation/purification unit comprises an evaporation step, a distillation step and an adsorptive purification step. In the evaporation stage (41-E-3102 and 41-V-3101), wax and other impurities are removed from the hexane mother liquor. For wax separation, the hexane mother liquor is preheated in the pre-heater 41-E-3101 and transferred to separator 41-V-3101. Wax is further enriched in evaporator 41-E-3102 which is steam heated and is continuously discharged to the wax recovery unit for further treatment. Hexane vapours from 41-V-3101are used for heating up mother liquor in pre-heater 41-E-3101, for heating reboiler 41-E-3104 of the hexane distillation column 41-C-3101 and in the fluidised bed drying circuit for preheating the nitrogen in 41-E-2201.

The various condensate streams are collected in feed vessel 41-V-3102 and fed to the hexane distillation column 41-C-3101. The hexane distillation column 41-C-3101 separates light ends such as butene, ethylene and ethane from hexane. The hexane purified in the distillation column is pumped by 41-P-3102A/B to the adsorption towers 41-C-3102A/B/C. The non-condensibles are sent to the butene column through the butaneadsorption towers 41-C-3103A/B.

PELLETIZING In the pelletizing unit, the essential quality characteristics and properties of HDPE are set by homogenisation and by mixing with additives.

From the pelletizing powder bin V-5101, HDPE powder flows by gravity to the main powder dosing scale W-5101 via rotary feeder ME-5101. Depending on the powder quantity measured by the scale W-5101, all additives as well as off-spec pellets from V-5102 are rationed to the powder and mixed to obtain a homogeneous solids mixture in the screw mixer M-5101. Additives are discharged from small bags emptying station PK-5201

LZ-52015205) into a single dosing facility of main powder and stabilizer dosing package PK-5202 ( W-52015205). From the screw mixer M-5101 HDPE powder, additives and recovered pellets are discharged to the powder vibration screen S-5101 to remove oversize mixture and subsequently to the extruder EX-5101.

Extruder The homogeneous mixture from the screw mixer is fed into the hopper of the extruder which is blanketed with nitrogen. The blanketing nitrogen goes to the atmosphere, The mixture is then molten and thoroughly homogenised in EX-5101. The energy required by the extruder is mainly introduced by friction provided by the main drive motor driven screw. The part upstream and downstream of the gear pump, which is an integral part of EX-5101 in the extrusion package unit PK-5102, and the gear pump itself is steam heated. The melt is pressed through a heated die plate by the gear pump. The HDPE strands are cut to the desired length by rotating blades located in the underwater pelletizer. ADDITIVATION Polymer Degradation processes: PH P + H


Overall Material Balance

Law of conservation of mass is applied to all calculation Basis per hour operation. Material balance A typical material balance for one of the product grades (002DF50) in K-1 mode of operation is as under: Input streams Feed Raw materials Ethylene Flow-rate (kg/hr) 35000.00 Output streams Products / By-products PE Pellets Flow-rate (kg/hr) 34860.00

Butene-1 Hydrogen Catalyst Co-catalyst CaSt ZnSt I-168 Total:

165.00 35.00 4.00 6.00 35.00 35.00 52.50 35332.50

(ex Extruder) Wax off gas-1 cracker gas-2 150.00 200.00 100.00

Loss/ unaccounted Total:

22.50 35332.50


DATA INPUTS Ethylene Load (TOTAL) = Ethylene Split Up (in %) -> Reactor 1 = Reactor 2 = REACTOR 1201 35000 kg/hr 50 50

Cooling Water Jacket -> Water Flow Rate = Water Inlet Temperature = Water Outlet Temperature = Reactor Inlet & Outlet -> Reactor Temperature = Ethylene Inlet Temperature = Hexane Inlet Temperature = Outer Coolers -> Slurry Inlet Flow Rate = Slurry Inlet Temperature = Slurry Outlet Temperature (E1201 A)= Slurry Outlet Temperature (E1201 B)= Water Inlet Flow Rate = Water Inlet Temperature = Water Outlet Temperature (E1201 A)= Water Outlet Temperature (E1201 B)= Water Segments Operational = (out of 5) CALCULATIONS Heat generated during reaction = Heat Gained By Ethylene = Heat Gained By Hexane = Heat Lost In Water Jacket =

92000 kg/hr 30 Degree Celcius 55 Degree Celcius

85 Degree Celcius 35 Degree Celcius 42 Degree Celcius

1600000 kg/hr 78 Degree Celcius 56 Degree Celcius 58 Degree Celcius 370000 kg/hr 36 Degree Celcius 55 Degree Celcius 55 Degree Celcius 5

69825000 1271375 3336675.3 9614000

KJ/hr KJ/hr KJ/hr KJ/hr

Pumping Losses = Heat removed in Outer Coolers = LMTD for E-1201 A = LMTD for E-1201 B =

25312000 KJ/hr

30290949.7 KJ/hr 21.46507088 22.49629581

Overall Heat Transfer Coeff. (Actual) = 637.9959896 W/m2 K *Prandtl's Number = Slurry Flow Velocity = Reynold's Number = Nusselt's Number = Hi (Heat Transfer Coeff. For Slurry Side) = *Prandtl's Number = Water Flow Velocity = Reynold's Number = Nusselt's Number = Ho (Heat Transfer Coeff. For Water Side) = 0.018 8.054298324 m/s 6317989.511 1271.451968 152.5742362 W/m2 K 0.116 1.81202006 m/s 736404.9522 479.9592787 57.59511345 W/m2 K

1/(Uth*Ao) = 0.395980962 1/Uth = 0.02246004 Overall Heat Transfer Coeff. (Theoritical) = 784.9703436 W/m2 K FOULING FACTOR 0.000293474 K m2/W 0.000342387 m2 oC hr/Kcal

Reactor -2

Cooling Water Jacket -> Water Flow Rate = Water Inlet Temperature = Water Outlet Temperature = Reactor Inlet & Outlet -> Reactor Temperature = Ethylene Inlet Temperature = Hexane Inlet Temperature = Outer Coolers -> Slurry Inlet Flow Rate = Slurry Inlet Temperature = Slurry Outlet Temperature (E1202 A)= Slurry Outlet Temperature (E1202 B)= Water Inlet Flow Rate = Water Inlet Temperature = Water Outlet Temperature (E1202 A)= Water Outlet Temperature (E1202 B)= Water Segments Operational =

200000 kg/hr 30 Degree Celcius 42 Degree Celcius

79 Degree Celcius 35 Degree Celcius 42 Degree Celcius

1600000 kg/hr 78 Degree Celcius 73 Degree Celcius 74 Degree Celcius 900000 kg/hr 36 Degree Celcius 40 Degree Celcius 41 Degree Celcius 6

(out of 6)

Heat generated during reaction = Heat Gained By Ethylene = Heat Gained By Hexane = Heat Lost In Water Jacket = Pumping Losses = Heat Gained In Slurry = Heat removed in Outer Coolers = LMTD for E-1202 A = LMTD for E-1202 B = Overall Heat Transfer Coeff. (Actual) = *Prandtl's Number = Slurry Flow Velocity = Reynold's Number = Nusselt's Number = Hi (Heat Transfer Coeff. For Slurry Side) = *Prandtl's Number = Water Flow Velocity = Reynold's Number = Nusselt's Number = Ho (Heat Transfer Coeff. For Water Side) =

69825000 1118810 5359373.04 10032000 3616000 -702882.6

KJ/hr KJ/hr KJ/hr KJ/hr KJ/hr

50401699.56 KJ/hr 37.49777767 37.49777767

518.566735 W/m2 K 0.018 8.281837325 m/s 6317989.511 1271.451968 127.1451968 W/m2 K 0.116 4.407616361 m/s 1791255.289 977.3205266 97.73205266 W/m2 K

1/(Uth*Ao) = 1/Uth = Overall Heat Transfer Coeff. (Theoritical) = FOULING FACTOR

0.288240212 0.016348985 1078.382888 W/m2 K 0.001001078 K m2/W 0.001167924 m2 oC hr/Kcal

Process Optimization

Process optimization is the discipline of adjusting a process so as to optimize from specified set of parameters without violating some constraint. The most common goals are to minimize cost, maximize through put and efficiency fundamentally, there are three parameters that can be adjust to affect optimal performance. They are: Equipment Optimization The first step is to verify that the existing equipment is being used to its fullest advantage by examining operating data to identify equipment bottlenecks. Operating procedures Optimization Operating procedures may vary widely from person to person or from shift to shift. Automation of plant can help significantly. But automation will be of no help if the operators take control and the plant in manual.

Control Optimization:

There are hundreds or thousands of control loops each control loop is responsible for controlling one part of the process such as maintaining a temperature, pressure, level or flow. Now we will discuss on the HDPE plant process optimization. Overall HDPE plant is classified in the following sections: Reaction: This reaction is exothermic in nature & carried out at 75 to 85 degree centigrate. Main controlling parameter is MFI (Melt Flow Index) we have to adjust the reaction temperature & pressure according to MFI required. Effect of temperature on MFI:

If Temperature rises, MFI also rises, Short chain polymer obtained. If Temperature lowers, MFI also lowers, Long chain Polymer obtained. Effect of pressure on MFI: If pressure increased, MFI lowers, long chain obtained. If pressure decreased, MFI raises, short chain obtained. Pressure of the reactor is controlled by the partial pressure of ethylene according to required MFI.

Other controlling Parameters: Problem MFI Action (I) Hydrogen (II) Catalyst (III) Temperature



Wwater outlet

Wwater outlet

Water inlet

Slurry outlet

Optimum parametre of Reactor : Temperature of Reactor : 75 to 85 degree centigrate Pressure of reactor Level Residence Time R-1 : 2.7 to 9.0 kg/cm2 : 80 to 85% : 3.5 hr

Residence Time R-2

: 1.5 hr


Name of Project Work- Production of HDPE from Ethylene :prcess & Its optimization. Main product of the Plant- High Density Polyethylene. Plant capacity 300000 TPA = 0.3 MM TPA = 37.5 T/hr Process selection - Liquied phase Polymerization. Raw material By products Ethylene,Hydrogen,Butene-1

- Wax

Major Equipments Reactors, distillation column, heat exchangers, centrifuge, dryer, extruder Location of plant - indian Oil Corporation Ltd. Panipat

Refinery Naphtha Cracker Complex, Panipat Haryana. Type of Plant -Continous & DCS control.

10.Operating pressure 2.5 to 9.0 kg/cm2.. 11.Operating temperature -75 to 85 degree.

12.Required Utilities

- Cooling water, Electric Power,

Nitrogen, D.M. water, L.P. steam, H.P. steam etc. 13.Use of product ware. moulding of pipes, tanks 7 other plastic

Conclusion & Final Result

Finally the result shows that the reaction is exothermic so heat to be removed as soon as possible, about 20-25 % cooling is done by coil of the reactor and rest 75-80 % cooling is done by outer cooler with cooling water. Reaction depends on temperature, pressure,C2/H2 ratio, catalyst and activator. The conversion is 99.96 % at a temperature of 75-85 degree centigrade and a pressure of 2.5-9 kg/cm2. The polymer slurry is centrifuged, the wet powder goes to fluidized bed dryer from where it goes to powder treatment vessel in which hot nitrogen is fed to remove hexane. after then it goes to extruder where some additives are mixed in powder and extruded in to pellets.

Hexane is recovered by distillation in a distillation column. We distillate 60 % of mother liquor and rest 40 % mother liquor is used in reaction to decrease distillation load. Wax is removed from hexane during distillation.

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