Cancer Formulas1
Cancer Formulas1
Cancer Formulas1
LC1 Liver Cancer................................................................................................................................. 5 Ban Zhi Lian Herb Scutellaria barbata......................................................................................... 6 Dang Gui Root Angelica sinensis ................................................................................................ 7 Dan Shen Root Salvia Miltiorrhiza .............................................................................................. 8 Hong Hua Flos Carthami ............................................................................................................. 9 Bing Lang Semen Arecae........................................................................................................... 10 Lou Lu Radix Rhapontici........................................................................................................... 11 Yi Yi Ren Semen Coicis ............................................................................................................ 12 Mu Tong Caulis Akebiae ........................................................................................................... 13 Bai Shao Radix Paeonia ............................................................................................................. 14 LC2 Liver Cancer............................................................................................................................... 15 Huang Qin Radix Scutellaria ..................................................................................................... 16 Huang Lian Rhizoma Coptidis................................................................................................... 17 Zhi Shi Fructus Citri seu Ponciri................................................................................................ 18 Mu Dan Pi Caulis Moutan.......................................................................................................... 19 Shi Song Folium Lycopus.......................................................................................................... 20 Bai Shao Radix Paeonia ............................................................................................................. 21 Lou Lu Radix Rhapontici........................................................................................................... 22 Bie Jia Carapax Amydae............................................................................................................ 23 Wu Gong Scolopendra ............................................................................................................... 24 SC1 Stomach Cancer ......................................................................................................................... 25 Feng Wei Cao Herba Pteris........................................................................................................ 26 Dang Gui Root Angelica sinensis .............................................................................................. 27 Tao Ren Semen Persica.............................................................................................................. 28 Bai Shao Radix Paeonia ............................................................................................................. 29 Xiang Fu Rhizoma Cyperi ......................................................................................................... 30 Zhi Shi Fructus Citri seu Ponciri................................................................................................ 31 Shan Zha Fruit Crataegus pinnatifida......................................................................................... 32 Xia Ku Cao Spica Prunellae....................................................................................................... 33 Dang Shen Radix Codonopsis pilosula ...................................................................................... 34 Huang Qi Root Astragalus membranaceus ................................................................................ 35 SC2 Stomach Cancer ......................................................................................................................... 36 Hai Zao Herba Sargassii............................................................................................................. 37 Kun Bu Thallus Laminaria......................................................................................................... 38 Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinellia.......................................................................................................... 39 Zhi Ke (Qiao) Fructus Citri seu Ponciri ..................................................................................... 40 Ju Hong Pericarpium Citri Erythrocarpae .................................................................................. 41 Chuan Bei Mu Bulbus Fritillariae .............................................................................................. 42 Mu Li Concha Ostea .................................................................................................................. 43 Lian Qiao Fructus Forsythia....................................................................................................... 44 Shan Zha Fruit Crataegus pinnatifida......................................................................................... 45 Shen Qu Massa Fermenta........................................................................................................... 46
Bi Li Guo Fructus Fici Pumilae ................................................................................................. 47 CC1 Cervical Cancer ......................................................................................................................... 48 Chai Hu Radix Bupleuri............................................................................................................. 49 Tu Fu Ling Rhizoma Smilacis ................................................................................................... 50 Jin Yin Hua Flos Lonicerae........................................................................................................ 51 Zhu Ling Sclerotium Polypori ................................................................................................... 52 Ze Xie Rhizome Alisma orientalis ............................................................................................. 53 Bai Mao Gen Rhizoma Imperatae.............................................................................................. 54 Che Qian Zi Semen Plantaginis ................................................................................................. 55 Gui Wei (Dang Gui) Extremitas Radix Angelica....................................................................... 56 Chi Shao Radix Rubrus Paeonia ................................................................................................ 57 CC2 Cervical Cancer ......................................................................................................................... 58 Bei Sha Shen Radix Glehniae .................................................................................................... 59 Huang Qi Root Astragalus membranaceus ................................................................................ 60 Tu Fu Ling Rhizoma Smilacis ................................................................................................... 61 Dang Shen Radix Codonopsis pilosula ...................................................................................... 62 Bai Mao Gen Rhizoma Imperatae.............................................................................................. 63 Nu Zhen Zi Fruit Ligustrum lucidum......................................................................................... 64 Sang Ji Sheng Ramulus Loranthes ............................................................................................. 65 Lu Feng Fang Nidus Vespae ...................................................................................................... 66 Tu Si Zi Semen Cuscuta............................................................................................................. 67 Han Lian Cao Herba Ecliptae .................................................................................................... 68 Shan Yao Radix Dioscoreae....................................................................................................... 69 Long Kui Herb Solanum nigrum................................................................................................ 70 Jiao Gu Lan Radix Gynostemma pentaphyllum......................................................................... 71 Bai Hua She She Cao Herb Hedyotis diffusa............................................................................. 72 OUC1 Ovarian & Uterine Cancer ...................................................................................................... 73 Long Kui Herb Solanum nigrum................................................................................................ 74 Bai Hua She She Cao Herb Hedyotis diffusa............................................................................. 75 Huang Qin Radix Scutellaria ..................................................................................................... 76 Feng Wei Cao Herba Pteris........................................................................................................ 77 Huang Bai (Bo) Cortex Phellodendri ......................................................................................... 78 Dan Shen Root Salvia Miltiorrhiza ............................................................................................ 79 OUC2 Ovarian & Uterine Cancer ...................................................................................................... 80 Huang Qin Radix Scutellaria ..................................................................................................... 81 Long Kui Herb Solanum nigrum................................................................................................ 82 Pu Gong Ying Herba Taraxaci................................................................................................... 83 Bai Zhu Rhizome Atractylodes macrocephala........................................................................... 84 Fu Ling Sclerotium Poria cocos ................................................................................................. 85 Ze Xie Rhizome Alisma orientalis ............................................................................................. 86 Yin Chen Hao Herba Artemesae Capillaris ............................................................................... 87 Chai Hu Radix Bupleuri............................................................................................................. 88 San Leng Rhizoma Sparganii..................................................................................................... 89 OUC3 Ovarian & Uterine Cancer ...................................................................................................... 90 Huang Qin Radix Scutellaria ..................................................................................................... 91
Long Kui Herb Solanum nigrum................................................................................................ 92 Shan Yao Radix Dioscoreae....................................................................................................... 93 Sheng Di Huang Root Rehmannia glutinosa.............................................................................. 94 Huang Bai (Bo) Cortex Phellodendri ......................................................................................... 95 Fu Ling Sclerotium Poria cocos ................................................................................................. 96 Ze Xie Rhizome Alisma orientalis ............................................................................................. 97 Dang Shen Radix Codonopsis pilosula ...................................................................................... 98 Shi Hu Herba Dendrobii............................................................................................................. 99 BRC Breast Cancer .......................................................................................................................... 100 Pu Gong Ying Herba Taraxaci................................................................................................. 101 Long Kui Herb Solanum nigrum.............................................................................................. 102 Zi Cao Radix Lithospermi........................................................................................................ 103 Xia Ku Cao Spica Prunellae..................................................................................................... 104 Tian Hua Fen Radix Trichosanthes.......................................................................................... 105 Wang Bu Liu Xing Semen Vaccariae ...................................................................................... 106 Qing Pi Pericarpium Citri reticulata......................................................................................... 107 Zhe Bei Mu Bulbus Fritillariae ................................................................................................ 108 Chai Hu Radix Bupleuri........................................................................................................... 109 Man Jing Zi Fructus/Folium Vitex trifolia............................................................................... 110 CRC Colorectal Cancer.................................................................................................................... 111 Bai Hua She She Cao Herb Hedyotis diffusa........................................................................... 112 Jin Yin Hua Flos Lonicerae...................................................................................................... 113 Huang Qin Radix Scutellaria ................................................................................................... 114 Long Kui Herb Solanum nigrum.............................................................................................. 115 Hong Teng Herb Sargentodoxa................................................................................................ 116 Huai Jiao Fructus Sophorae ..................................................................................................... 117 Di Yu Radix Sanguisorba......................................................................................................... 118 PC Prostate Cancer........................................................................................................................... 119 Man Jing Zi Fructus/Folium Vitex trifolia............................................................................... 120 Saw Palmetto............................................................................................................................... 121 E Zhu Rhizoma Curcuma zedoaria .......................................................................................... 122 Zi Cao Radix Lithospermi........................................................................................................ 123 Pu Gong Ying Herba Taraxaci................................................................................................. 124 Che Qian Zi Semen Plantaginis (Ba Zheng San formula)........................................................ 125 Bian Xu Polygonum aviculare (Ba Zheng San formula).......................................................... 126 Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhiza uralensis (Ba Zheng San formula) .............................................. 127 Qu Mai Diantbus superbus (Ba Zheng San formula) ............................................................... 128 Deng Xin Cao Juncus effusus (Ba Zheng San formula) .......................................................... 129 Shan Zhi Zi Cardenia juasminoides (Ba Zheng San formula) ................................................. 130 Hua Shi Talcum (Ba Zheng San formula)................................................................................ 131 Mu Tong Caulis Akebiae (Ba Zheng San formula) ................................................................. 132 LC Lung Cancer............................................................................................................................... 133 Yi Yi Ren Semen Coicis .......................................................................................................... 134 Gua Lou Fructus Trichosanthes ............................................................................................... 135 Sang Bai Pi Root Bark Morus Alba ......................................................................................... 136
Hai Zao Herba Sargassii........................................................................................................... 137 Yu Xing Cao Herba Houttuyniae ............................................................................................. 138 Xing Ren Semen Pruni............................................................................................................. 139 Ting Ling Zi Semen Lepidium................................................................................................. 140 Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinellia........................................................................................................ 141 Bai Bu Root Stemona sessilifolia............................................................................................. 142 She Gan Rhizoma Belamcandae .............................................................................................. 143 BC Bone Cancer............................................................................................................................... 144 Yan Hu Suo Rhizoma Corydalis .............................................................................................. 145 Mo Yao Myrrha ........................................................................................................................ 146 Chong Wei Zi Fructus Leonuri ................................................................................................ 147 Dan Shen Root Salvia Miltiorrhiza .......................................................................................... 148 Ru Xiang Olibanum ................................................................................................................. 149 Hong Hua Flos Carthami ......................................................................................................... 150 Niu Xi Radix Achyranthis bidentatae ...................................................................................... 151 Xu Duan Radix Dipsaci ........................................................................................................... 152 Tu Bie Chong Eupolyphaga seu Steleophaga .......................................................................... 153 Shui Zhi Hirudo ....................................................................................................................... 154 Su Mu Lignum Sappan............................................................................................................. 155 Xue Jie Resina Draconis .......................................................................................................... 156
Western medical
This herb is mainly indicated in the treatment of dysentery, appendicitis, jaundice, sore throat, furuncles, snake bite and cancer.
Eastern medical
Pattern: Clears Heat, removes Toxin, treats boil, induces diuresis, relieves swelling. Properties: Acrid, bitter, cold. Channels entered: Lung, Stomach, Liver.
Pharmacological actions
Expectorant effect Antibacterial effect Anti-tumor effect ban zhi lian had very slightly inhibitory effect on the blood cells of acute granulocytic leukemia. A dose-dependent augmentation of oxidative burst was observed with Oldenlandia diffusa (OD) and Scutellaria barbata (SB). The effect of OD and SB on the growth of a murine renal cell carcinoma (Renca) was determined. Balb/c mice were transplanted subcutaneously with 1 x 10(5) Renca cells and were randomized into groups of 10 to receive oral feeding of OD (4 mg/day), SB (4 mg/day), or saline as control. Oral feeding with either OD or SB significantly inhibited the growth of Renca in mice. The data of this study show that OD and SB are capable of enhancing macrophage function in vitro and inhibiting tumor growth in vivo.
Clinical Studies
Oesophagus cancer Decoction of 50g ban zhi lian was used as tea for daily drink, this method had effects on patients wth oesophagus cancer to a certain effect.
Western medical
Headache, chest and abdominal pain, constipation, menstrual disorders, amenorrhea, menorrhalgia, dysmenorrhea, functional bleeding, anemia and palpitations.
Eastern medical
Pattern: Tonifies the blood. Properties: Sweet, acrid, warm. Channels entered: Heart, liver and spleen.
Pharmacological actions
Uterine effect Anti-inflammatory and analgesic actions Antibacterial actions Cardiovascular actions Gynaecological diseases Antiinflammatory and Analgesic effect Antiplatelet aggregation Respiratory actions Cerebrovascular effect Cardiovascular effect Immunological effect
Clinical Studies
Tumor Hua Liu Tang: dang gui wei, 10g; chi shao, 10g; hong hua 10g; tao ren 10g; dan shen 20g; shu zhi 10g; ban zhi lian 30g; bai hua she she cao 30g, 5 cases of brain tumor were treated for 6 months, and they survived for 2~7 years. Among 28 cases of thyrophyma, all were effective except for 3 cases.
Western medical
Dan Shen is indicated in the treatment of viral myocarditis, acute myocardial infarction, diabetes, chronic simple rhinitis, and hepatocirrhosis, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Activates Blood, removes Blood stasis, cools Blood, clears the Heart, nourishes Blood, calms shen. Properties: Bitter, slightly cold. Channels entered: Heart, Pericardium and Liver.
Pharmacological actions
Functions over the kidney Functions on the heart Function of preventing radioactive pulmonary injury Effects on digestive system Effects on tumors dan shen had inhibitory effect on cervical carcinoma in mices. Effects on inflammations Effects on hematopoiesis Effects on reproduction Effects of protecting liver injury Effects on nervous system
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
This herb is usually indicated in the treatment of ischemic cerebrovascular diseases, coronary heart disease, epidemic hemorrhagic fever, peptic ulcer, chronic nephritis, phlebitis, erythema multiforme, bed sore, irregular menstruation, postpartum abdominal pain and infectious hepatitis.
Eastern medical
Pattern: Activates Blood, restores normal menstruation, removes stagnated Blood, alleviates pain, removes ecchymoses. Properties: Acrid, warm. Channels entered: Heart, Liver.
Pharmacological actions
Effects on cardiovascular system Effects on blood coagulation Effects on blood fat Anoxia tolerance improving effect Effects on smooth muscle Antalgic, sedative and anti-convulsion effect Influence over immunological activities hong hua polysaccharide could obviously antagonize the immunosuppressive effect of prednisolone. hong hua yellow could lower the content of serum lysozyme and phagocytic function of celiac macrophage and whole blood WBC.
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
This herb is used to treat various parasite diseases, paralytic ileus, chyluria, glaucoma and infantile cough and asthma.
Eastern medical
Pattern: Expels parasites, eliminates stagnated food, promotes the circulation of qi to induce diresis. Properties: bitter, acrid, warm. Channels entered: Stomach, Large Intestine.
Pharmacological actions
Helminthic effect Anti microbial effect Anticancer effect Polyphenolic substance obtained from bing lang had obvious inhibitory effect on Ehrlich carcinoma, it had medium cytoxic effect on Hela cells. Anti-hypertension effect
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
This herb is indicated in the treatment of obesity, cystic hyperplasia of breast, and albuminuria, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Clears Heat, removes Toxin, treats carbuncles, dissolves lumps, restores normal menstruation, and stimulates milk secretion. Properties: Bitter, cold. Channels entered: Stomach.
Pharmacological actions
Effects on central nervous system Effects on cardiovascular system Anti-oxidant effect Anti-fungi effect Cellular immunity enhancing effect Anti-aging effect
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
This herb is indicated in the treatment of flat wart, cancers, sciatica, edema, diarrhea, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Strengthens the Spleen, eliminates Dampness, treats bi syndrome, stops diarrhea, clears Heat, discharges pus. Properties: Sweet, tasteless, cool. Channels entered: Spleen, Stomach, Lung.
Pharmacological actions
Anticancer effect Intraperitoneal injection of ethanol extract of yi yi ren had inhibitory effect on Ehrlich carcinoma of mice, and could lengthen the survival time of animals. Acetone extract of yi yi ren had obvious inhibitory effect on mice cervical cancer-14 (U-14) and HCA solid tumor. Sedative effect Psyctic and anti-febrile effects Antalgic effect
Clinical Studies
Cancer Yi Yi Ren Syrup (100ml was equal to 50g crude drug), oral administration, 20~40ml, 3 times daily. It was used to treat lung cancer , intestinal cancer, stomach cancer, cervical cancer, etc.. yi yi ren ombined with teng liu, he zi an ling jiao was used to treat alimentary tract cancers. 168 cases of patients were treated, 1 dose every day, taken in three times. After treatment, the appetite and general condition were improved. And this formula had certain therapeutic effects on 30 cases out of 36 cases who took over three months treatment.
Western medical
The herb is indicated in the treatment of urinary disturbance, edema, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Purges Fire, promotes Water circulation, removes obstruction from Blood Vessels. Properties: Channels entered: Heart, Lung, Small Intestine and Bladder.
Pharmacological actions
Diuretic effect
Clinical Studies
No related research.
Western medical
This herb is indicated in the treatment of pain, viral hepatitis, asthma, whooping cough, diabetes, peptic ulcer, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Nourishes Blood, regulates menstruation, soothes the Liver, alleviates pain, astringes yin and suppresses sweating. Properties: Bitter, sour, sweet, slightly cold. Channels entered: Liver and Spleen.
Pharmacological actions
Influence over immune system bai shao could promote the phagocytic function of macrophages in mice and rats. Total glucoside of paeoniae (TGP) could regulate the generation of interleukin-1, leukotrienes, as well as PGE2 and TNF. bai shao could antagonize the inhibitory effect of cyclophosphane on peripheral T lymphocytes and restore suppressed cellular immunity. In humeral immunity, bai shao could promote the generation of spleen cell antibody, and restore the lowered generation of antibody induced by cyclophosphane. Anti-inflammatory effect Antibacterial and antiviral effects Influence over central nervous system TGP had antalgic effect on mice, and had a dose-dependent temperature-lowering effect on the normal body temperature of mice and rat. The extract of bai shao had anti-convulsion effect on mice and rat. TGP could also improve the sleep of rat under different functional states. Spasmolytic effect Anoxia tolerance effect Liver-protecting effect
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
This herb can be used to treat infantile pneumonia, viral hepatitis, infantile bacillary dysentery and hypertension, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Clears Heat, dries Dampness, purges Fire, removes Toxin, stops bleeding, and prevents miscarriage. Properties: Bitter, Cold. Channels entered: Lung, Stomach, Gallbladder, and Large Intestine.
Pharmacological actions
Anti-microbial effect Anti allergic reaction effect and anti-inflammatory effect Anti-febrile effect Blood pressure lowering effect and sedative effect Liver protecting, gallbladder benefiting and spasmolytic effects Blood fat lowering effect Anti-oxidant effect Diuretic effect Anti-tumor effect Tincture of huang qin had anticancer effect, and the plant of huang qin whose seed was in the mature stage had positive tumor-inhibiting effect.
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
This herb can be used to treat bacillary dysentery, acute gastroenteritis, chronic diarrhea, nonspecific ulcerative rectitis, atrophic gastritis, pulmonary TB, arrhythmia, hypertension, diabetes, and burn etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Clears Heat, dries Dampness, purges Fire and removes Toxin. Properties: Bitter, cold. Channels entered: Heart, Liver, Stomach, Large Intestine.
Pharmacological actions
Anti-microbial and anti-protozoon effects Effects over cardiovascular system Effects over digestive system Effects on central nervous system Effects over neurotransmitter and receptors Anti-inflammatory effect and effects over immune system Berberine had anti acute inflammatory effects. Berbamine was a cellular immunity accelerator. Anticancer effect Berberine and its derivants had anticancer activity. In vitro experiments showed that berberine and 0-berberolin had certain inhibitory effect on Ehrlich carcinoma and lymphoma NK/LY cell. But when these drugs were injected to mice with these cancers, the effect was not good or none. Influence over metabolism
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
This herb is usually indicated in the treatment of peptic ulcers, gastritis, shock, uterine prolapse and constipation, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Breaks qi, promotes digestion, dissolves Phlegm, relieves fullness. Properties: Bitter, acrid, slightly cold. Channels entered: Spleen, Stomach, and Large Intestine.
Pharmacological actions
Effects on cardiovascular system Effects on gastrointestinal smooth muscle Effects on uterine smooth muscle Diuretic effect Anti-allergic reaction
Clinical Studies
No research related to cancer.
Western medical
This herb can be indicated in the treatment of purpura haemorrhagica, hypertension, bacillary dysentery, allergic rhinitis, and eczema, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Clears Heat, cools Blood, activates Blood, and removes stagnated Blood. Properties: Bitter, acrid, slightly cold. Channels entered: Heart, Liver, Kidney.
Pharmacological actions
Effects on cardiovascular system Anti-inflammatory effect, anti allergic reaction effect Effects on central nervous system Anti-microbial effect
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
This herb is indicated in the treatment of pain, viral hepatitis, asthma, whooping cough, diabetes, peptic ulcer, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Nourishes Blood, regulates menstruation, soothes the Liver, alleviates pain, astringes yin and suppresses sweating. Properties: Bitter, sour, sweet, slightly cold. Channels entered: Liver and Spleen.
Pharmacological actions
Influence over immune system bai shao could promote the phagocytic function of macrophages in mice and rats. Total glucoside of paeoniae (TGP) could regulate the generation of interleukin-1, leukotrienes, as well as PGE2 and TNF. bai shao could antagonize the inhibitory effect of cyclophosphane on peripheral T lymphocytes and restore suppressed cellular immunity. In humeral immunity, bai shao could promote the generation of spleen cell antibody, and restore the lowered generation of antibody induced by cyclophosphane. Anti-inflammatory effect Antibacterial and antiviral effects Influence over central nervous system TGP had antalgic effect on mice, and had a dose-dependent temperature-lowering effect on the normal body temperature of mice and rat. The extract of bai shao had anti-convulsion effect on mice and rat. TGP could also improve the sleep of rat under different functional states. Spasmolytic effect Anoxia tolerance effect Liver-protecting effect
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
This herb is indicated in the treatment of obesity, cystic hyperplasia of breast, and albuminuria, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Clears Heat, removes Toxin, treats carbuncles, dissolves lumps, restores normal menstruation, and stimulates milk secretion. Properties: Bitter, cold. Channels entered: Stomach.
Pharmacological actions
Effects on central nervous system Effects on cardiovascular system Anti-oxidant effect Anti-fungi effect Cellular immunity enhancing effect Anti-aging effect
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
This herb can be used to treat costal chondritis, tuberculo-ulcer amd viral heapatitis.
Eastern medical
Pattern: Nourishes yin and suppresses hyperactive yang, softens and resolves hard masses. Properties: Salty, cold. Channels entered: Liver, Spleen and Kidney.
Pharmacological actions
Anticancer effect Powder of bie jia had inhibitory effect on transplanted solid carcinoma in mice, but it had no obvious effect on ascites carcinoma. Bei Jia San could obviously inhibit the growth of L1210, HL-60 and stomach cancer 803 cells. Tonifying effect Immunological enhancing effect Polysaccharide of bie jia could significantly improve the hemolysis ability of plaque forming cell in mice, and promote the generation of hemolysin antibody. It could enhance the delayed hypersensitivity of mice too.
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Wu Gong Scolopendra
Pinyin: Wu Gong Latin: Scolopendra Introduction
Wu Gong, or Centipede, is the dried body of Scolopendra subspinipes mutilans L. Koch (Fam. Scolopendridae). It is collected in spring and summer, scalded to death in boiling water, dried in the sun.
Western medical
This herb is indicated in the treatment of epilepsy, facial paralysis, hemiplegia, tetanus, hypertension, hepatitis, chronic nephritis, mumps, whooping cough, burn, psoriasis, and cancer, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Extinguishes Wind, relieves convulsion and spasm, attacks Toxin, dissolves lump, removes obstruction from collaterals and alleviates pain. Properties: Acrid, warm. Toxic. Channels entered: Liver.
Pharmacological actions
Central inhibitory effect Anti-convulstion effect Antalgic effect Effects on cardiovascular effect Anti-inflammatory effect Influence over immunological function wu gong could increase the phagocytosis of intraperitoneal macrophages of mice, and activate Fc receptor in macrophages. wu gong at low dosages had the tendency of inhibiting the generation of antibody, while at high dosage, it could obviously inhibit the generation of antibody. Bacterial inhibiting effect Anticancer effect wu gong preparation had inhibitory effect on mice sarcoma180 and Ehrlich carcinoma, etc.. in vitro experiments showed that it could inhibit the respiration of liver cancer cells. wu gong extract had inhibitory effect on transplanted tumors in animals.
Clinical Studies
wu gong was made into injection or powder to treat 43 cases of stomach cancer, liver cancer, esophagus cancer, cervical cancer and breast cancer, 5 cases were cured, 8 markedly effective, 15 effective, and the total effective rate was 65.2%.
Western medical
This herb is indicated in the treatment of dysentery, diarrhea, jaundice, carbuncle, mumps, mastitis, and various bleeding syndromes.
Eastern medical
Pattern: Clears Heat, induces diuresis, reduces swelling, removes Toxin, cools Blood and stops bleeding. Properties: Tasteless, slightly bitter, cold. Channels entered: Large Intestine, Liver and Heart.
Pharmacological actions
Antibacterial effect Anti-tumor effect Intraperitoneal extract of ethanol extract of feng wei cao had inhibitory effect of mice sarcoma180.
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
Headache, chest and abdominal pain, constipation, menstrual disorders, amenorrhea, menorrhalgia, dysmenorrhea, functional bleeding, anemia and palpitations.
Eastern medical
Pattern: Tonifies the blood. Properties: Sweet, acrid, warm. Channels entered: Heart, liver and spleen.
Pharmacological actions
Uterine effect Anti-inflammatory and analgesic actions Antibacterial actions Cardiovascular actions Gynaecological diseases Antiinflammatory and Analgesic effect Antiplatelet aggregation Respiratory actions Cerebrovascular effect Cardiovascular effect Immunological effect
Clinical Studies
Tumor Hua Liu Tang: dang gui wei, 10g; chi shao, 10g; hong hua 10g; tao ren 10g; dan shen 20g; shu zhi 10g; ban zhi lian 30g; bai hua she she cao 30g, 5 cases of brain tumor were treated for 6 months, and they survived for 2~7 years. Among 28 cases of thyrophyma, all were effective except for 3 cases.
Western medical
This herb can be indicated in the treatment of cerebrovascular accident, hypertension, sprain, chronic pelvic inflammatory diseases, acute mastitis, infantile dyspepsia, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Activates Blood, removes Blood stasis, moistens Intestines, relaxes bowels, treats carbuncles, discharges pus, arrests cough and relieves asthma. Properties: Bitter, sweet, neutral. Slightly toxic. Channels entered: Heart, Liver and Large Intestine.
Pharmacological actions
Effects on cardiovascular system and blood system Exciting uterine smooth muscle Bowel relaxing effect Antitussive effect Antalgic effect Anti-allergic effect Anti-inflammatory effect Antibacterial effect Parasite-killing effect Anticancer effect Amygdalin could prolong the survival time of mice transplanted with glandular epithelium tumor. Its hydrolysate HCN and benzaldehyde had coordinated destructive effect. Anti-oxidant effect Liver protecting effect Immune regulating effect
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
This herb is indicated in the treatment of pain, viral hepatitis, asthma, whooping cough, diabetes, peptic ulcer, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Nourishes Blood, regulates menstruation, soothes the Liver, alleviates pain, astringes yin and suppresses sweating. Properties: Bitter, sour, sweet, slightly cold. Channels entered: Liver and Spleen.
Pharmacological actions
Influence over immune system bai shao could promote the phagocytic function of macrophages in mice and rats. Total glucoside of paeoniae (TGP) could regulate the generation of interleukin-1, leukotrienes, as well as PGE2 and TNF. bai shao could antagonize the inhibitory effect of cyclophosphane on peripheral T lymphocytes and restore suppressed cellular immunity. In humeral immunity, bai shao could promote the generation of spleen cell antibody, and restore the lowered generation of antibody induced by cyclophosphane. Anti-inflammatory effect Antibacterial and antiviral effects Influence over central nervous system TGP had antalgic effect on mice, and had a dose-dependent temperature-lowering effect on the normal body temperature of mice and rat. The extract of bai shao had anti-convulsion effect on mice and rat. TGP could also improve the sleep of rat under different functional states. Spasmolytic effect Anoxia tolerance effect Liver-protecting effect
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
This herb is used to treat menstrual problems, infertility, vomiting of pregnancy, peptic ulcer, gastritis and cholecystitis, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Moves qi, relieves depression, regulates menstruation, alleviates pain, reduces swelling. Properties: Acrid, slightly bitter, slightly sweet, neutral. Channels entered: Liver, Spleen and Sanjiao.
Pharmacological actions
Estrogen-like effect Effects on uterine Effects on central nervous system Effects on cardiovascular system Anti-inflammatory effect Antibacterial effect
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
This herb is usually indicated in the treatment of peptic ulcers, gastritis, shock, uterine prolapse and constipation, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Breaks qi, promotes digestion, dissolves Phlegm, relieves fullness. Properties: Bitter, acrid, slightly cold. Channels entered: Spleen, Stomach, and Large Intestine.
Pharmacological actions
Effects on cardiovascular system Effects on gastrointestinal smooth muscle Effects on uterine smooth muscle Diuretic effect Anti-allergic reaction
Clinical Studies
No research related to cancer.
Western medical
This herb is indicated in the treatment of dyspepsia, coronary disease, angina pectoris and hyperlipemia, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Dissolves food stagnation, activates Blood, removes Blood stasis. Properties: Sour, sweet, slightly warm. Channels entered: Spleen, Stomach and Liver.
Pharmacological actions
Digestive function Functions on cardiovascular system Antibacterial effect
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
This herb can be indicated in the treatment of chronic hepatitis B, hypertension, diphtheria, nodules of breast, infantile bacillary dysentery and liver cancer, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Clears the Liver, brightens eyes, dissolves lumps and reduces swelling. Properties: Acrid, bitter, cold. Channels entered: Liver, Gallbladder.
Pharmacological actions
Effects on cardiovascular system Anti-inflammatory effect Anti-microbial effect Influence over immune system xia ku cao had immunosuppressive effect. Blood sugar lowering effect Histamine-like effect
Clinical Studies
Liver cancer xia ku cao was used as the main herb, and combined with yin chen, bai hua she she cao, hai zao, kun bu, lou lu. The formula was used to treat primary liver cancer and had certain therapeutic effect.
Western medical
Shortness of breath, palpitations, cough, anorexia, diarrhoea, diabetes, physical weakness, loss of appetite.
Eastern medical
Pattern: Tonifies qi, spleen and lungs. Properties: Sweet, neutral. Channels Entered: Spleen and lung meridians.
Pharmacological actions
Phagocytic actions Blood and hematopoietic system effect Cardiovascular system effect Gastrointestinal effect Endocrine effect Anti-fatigue
Clinical studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
This herb is indicated in the treatment of immune deficiency disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome, anaemia and adrenal deficiency. Has diuretic actions. Effective in the treatment of spontaneous and night sweating, prolapse of the anus and uterus, abscesses and chronic ulcers, chronic nephritis with edema and proteinuria.
Eastern medical
Pattern: Tonifies qi and blood. Tonifies spleen, lungs. Properties: Sweet, slightly warm. Channels entered: Spleen, lung.
Pharmacological actions
Enhancement of the Immunologic Function Antiinflammatory Actions Effect on the Cardiovascular System Hepatic actions Chronic Persisting and Chronic Active Hepatitis Effect on Cellular Metabolism Diuretic Effect Effect on Experimental Nephritis Hormone-Like Effect Antibacterial Effect
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors
Western medical
This herb can be used to treat benign tumors of thyroid, cervical scrofula, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Dissolves Phlegm, softens hard masses, induces diuresis, reduces swelling. Properties: Bitter, salty, cold. Channels entered: Liver, Stomach, and Kidney.
Pharmacological actions
Effects on thyroid Blood pressure lowering effect Blood fat lowering effect Anticoagulant and hemostatic effects Anti-microbial effect
Clinical Studies
Benign tumors of thyroid hai zao, zhe bei mu, ge fen, 3 each; xiang fu, bai jie zi, 2 each; xuan shen, xia ku cao, mu li, 4 each; jie geng, gan cao, 1 each; hong niang zi 30 piece, sticky rice 8. All drugs were made into power according to above proportion and made into pills. 4.5g, 2 times daily, after meals. 112 cases of thyroid benign tumors were treated, and 33 were cured, 35 markedly improved, 33 improved, and 11 ineffective.
Western medical
This herb is indicated in the treatment of thyroid adenoma, globus hystericus, hyperthyroidism and constipation, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Dissolves Phlegm, softens hard masses, induces diuresis, reduces swelling. Properties: Salty, cold. Channels entered: Liver, Stomach and Kidney.
Pharmacological actions
Effects on thyroid gland Anti-tumor effect Hot water extract of Laminaria angustata had obvious anti-tumor activity on transplanted S180. The main active ingredients that had the anti-tumor effect may be its polysaccharide and nucleic acids. The active ingredients had good anti-tumor effect in vivo, but had no activity in vitro. Effects on immune system kun bu could obviously improve the immunological function. Effects on cardiovascular system Blood sugar lowering effect
Clinical Studies
Thyroid adenoma huang yao zi 6g; mu li, hai zao, kun bu, 30g each; shan ci gu, xia ku cao, yu jin, pao shan jiao, jiang can, 10g each; tian hua fen 12g; xuan shen 15g; jin ju ye 6g; water decoction. 1 dose every day. 42 cases of thyroid adenoma were treated, and 37 were cured, 5 effective.
Western medical
This herb is often used to treat vomiting, Menieres disease, alimentary tract diseases, cancers, coronary disease, viral myocarditis, insomnia, thyroid tumor, whooping cough, mastitis, toothache, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Dries Dampness, dissolves Phlegm, lowers adverse of qi, stops vomiting, clears and dissolves lumps. Properties: Acrid, warm, toxic. Channels entered: Spleen, Stomach and Lung.
Pharmacological actions
Antitussive and expectorant effect Antiemetic and emetic effects Antitumor effect PTA(exogenous agglutinin) isolated from the fresh ban xia bulbs could agglutinate human liver tumor cell, Ehrlich carcinoma and ascitic type of liver cell. Experiments showed that the polysaccharide ingredients in ban xia PMN also had anti-tumor effects. Anti-early pregnancy effect Glucocorticoid-like effect
Clinical Studies
Cancers Water-soluble extracts from ban xia were made into tablets for oral administration, each tablet was equal to 10g crude drug, 2~3 tablets, tid, after meals. 247 cases of cervical carcinoma at different stages were treated with this method for over 2 months course of treatment, and 63 cases were short-term cured, 84 markedly effective, 44 improved, the total effective rate was 77.3%. And it had an effective rate of 96.7% in patients at stage I, 74.7% in stage II, and 74.2% in stage III. Peeled fresh ban xia was made into pills after being smashed into paste, 2 g each time, 3~4 times daily. The pill was put under the tongue root and swallowed to treat 30 cases of obstruction in esophagus and cardia cancer. In the 25 patients of obstruction due to esophagus cancer, 9 were markedly effective, 12 improved; among 5 patients of cardia cancer, 2 were markedly effective. The administration was usually no more than 30 days. Thyroid tumor sheng ban xia was decocted in water for over 15 minutes, modification was made according to different accompanying symptoms. 1 dose every other day, for consecutive 20 doses. Among treated 91 cases of thyroid tumor, 48 was cured, and 15 improved.
Western medical
The herb is often used in the treatment of dyspepsia, chest pain, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Breaks qi, relieves fullness, dissolves Phlegm, promotes digestion. Properties: Bitter, acrid, slightly cold. Channels entered: Spleen, Lung, and Large Intestine.
Pharmacological actions
No related research.
Clinical Studies
No related research.
Western medical
This herb can be used to treat cough, dyspepsia, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Dries Dampness, dissolves Phlegm, regulates qi and relieves epigastric distension. Properties: Acrid, bitter, warm. Channels entered: Liver, Spleen and Stomach.
Pharmacological actions
No related research.
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
This herb can be used to treat whooping cough, prostatic hyperplasia, infantile dyspepsia, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Clears Heat, moistens the Lung, dissolves Phlegm, suppresses cough. Properties: Bitter, sweet, slightly cold. Channels entered: Lung, Heart.
Pharmacological actions
Antitussive and expectorant effct Blood pressure lowering effect.
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Mu Li Concha Ostea
Pinyin: Mu Li Latin: Concha Ostreae Introduction
Mu Li, or Oyster Shell is the shell of Ostrea gigas Thunberg, Ostrea talienwhanensis Crosse or Ostrea rivularis Gould (Fam. Osteridae). The drug is collected all the year round, removed from soft part, washed clean, and dried in the sun.
Western medical
This herb can be used to treat insomnia, edema due to pulmonary heart disease, chronic hepatitis, acute nephropyelits, diarrhea, and allergic purpura, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Calms shen by its heavy property, subdues the hyperactiveyang, softens and dissolves hard masses, arrests discharge. Properties: salty, astringent. Channels entered: Liver, Kidney.
Pharmacological actions
Effects on cardiovascular system Anti gastric ulcer effect Influence over immunity Water soluble extract of oyster meat could obviously improve the spleen T lymphocyte transformation function and NK cell activity in mice. mu li polysaccharide could promote the immunological function. Radiation therapy enhancing effect Water solution of fresh oyster meat could enhance the cancer cell killing effect of radial.
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
This herb is indicated in the treatment of acute infectious hepatitis, acute nephritis, bacillary dysentery, hiccup, psoriasis and scald, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Clears heat, removes Toxin, treats carbuncles, dissolves lumps, and disperses Wind Heat. Properties: Bitter, slightly cold. Channels entered: Lung, Heart and Small Intestine.
Pharmacological actions
Anti-microbial effect Anti-inflammatory effect Anti-febrile effect Liver-protecting effect Effects on cardiovascular system Antiemetic effect Diuretic effect
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
This herb is indicated in the treatment of dyspepsia, coronary disease, angina pectoris and hyperlipemia, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Dissolves food stagnation, activates Blood, removes Blood stasis. Properties: Sour, sweet, slightly warm. Channels entered: Spleen, Stomach and Liver.
Pharmacological actions
Digestive function Functions on cardiovascular system Antibacterial effect
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
This herb is usually used to treat dyspepsia and infantile diarrhea, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Promotes digestion, harmonizes the Stomach. Properties: Sweet, acrid, warm. Channels entered: Spleen, Stomach.
Pharmacological actions
Digestion promoting effect
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
This herb is used to treat menstrual problems, soft tissue injury, and tumors.
Eastern medical
Pattern: Activates Blood, reduces swelling, removes Toxin, promotes milk secretions, and treats tumor. Properties: Sweet, sour, neutral. Channels entered: Liver, Spleen, Large Intestine.
Pharmacological actions
No related research.
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
This herb can be indicated in the treatment of various fever, cold, cough, liver and gallbladder diseases such as viral hepatitis, liver cancer, cholelithiasis, acute biliary system infection, hyperlipemia, allergic rhinitis, renal diseases such as adult chronic nephritis, diabetic nephropathy, infertility, alimentary tract diseases such as hiccup, constipation, infantile anorexia, Menieres diseases, Raynauds syndrome, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Disperses and allays fever, soothes the Liver, relieves depression, elevates yang and lifts prolapsed zangfu organs. Properties: Bitter, lightly cold. Channels entered: Liver, Gallbladder.
Pharmacological actions
Sedative, antalgic, antifebrile and psyctic effects on central nervous system Anti-inflammatory effect Liver-protecting and gallbladder-benefiting effect Anti-tumor effect Gastrogavage or intraperitoneal injection of Saikosaponin d could inhibit the growth of Ehrlich carcinoma in mice and obviously lengthen the survival time. TNF which had anticancer effect and was prepared from rabbits with chai hu could result in the necrosis of liver cancer cells. Anti-microbial effect Anti-radiation
Clinical Studies
Liver cancer Modified Xiao Chai Hu Tang (dang shen 9g; chai hu, huang qin, fa ban xia, xian he cao, 15g each; zhi gan cao 6g; yu jin 20g; mu li, she she cao30g each; powder of tian qi (taken with water) 3g) was applied after liver cancer interventional therapy. The treatment usually started from the second day after the interventional therapy, 1 time daily. 81 cases were treated while the effect was compared with that of Western Medicine group.. The results showed that in TCM group, hemorrhage of digestive tract could be stopped obviously, the appetite could be improved and pain could be relieved. No vomiting was seen in the TCM group.
Western medical
This herb is indicated in the treatment of headache, syphilis, acute bacillary dysentery, acute tonsillitis, psoriasis, and chronic pelvic inflammatory diseases.
Eastern medical
Pattern: Removes Toxin, eliminates Dampness, eases joint movements. Properties: Sweet, tasteless, neutral. Channels entered: Liver, Stomach.
Pharmacological actions
Diuretic effect Antalgic effect Antibacterial effect Anticancer effect This herb had certain inhibitory effect on rat liver cancer induced by AFB1, it also had inhibitory effect on transplanted tumors. Immunosuppressive effect
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
This herb can be used to treat upper respiratory tract infection, acute tonsillitis, acute urinary system infections, appendicitis, chronic enteritis, acute diarrhea, hyperlipemia and skin diseases.
Eastern medical
Pattern: Clears heat, removes Toxin, disperses Wind Heat. Properties: Sweet, cold. Channels entered: Liver, Heart and Stomach.
Pharmacological actions
Anti-microbial effect Anti-inflammatory and anti-febrile effects Effects over immune system jin yin hua decoction diluted as low as the concentration of 1:1280 could still promote the phagocytosis of WBC. Water decoction of jin yin hua had inhibitory effect on cellular immunity. Blood fat lowering effect Anti early pregnancy efect Central exciting effect Others In vitro experiments showed that water and wine immersion fluid of jin yin hua had obvious cytoxic effect on Sarcoma 180 and Ehrlich carcinoma.
Clinical Studies
Thirsty due to radiotherapy and chemotherapy in tumor treatment Jin Yin Hua Lu, 100ml, tid, 2 weeks as a course of treatment, analyze the effect after 2 courses. 978 cases of thirsty caused by radiotherapy and chemotherapy in tumor treatment were treated, the effective rate was 87% in radiotherapy group, and 74% in chemotherapy group.
Western medical
This herb is often used to treat urinary disturbance, jaundice and tumors.
Eastern medical
Pattern: Induces diuresis, eliminates Dampness. Properties: Sweet, tasteless, neutral. Channels entered: Kidney, Bladder.
Pharmacological actions
Diuretic effect Anti-tumor effect Polysaccharide of zhu ling had anticancer effect. Intraperitoneal injection of water soluble part of ethanol extract of zhu ling at the dosage of 2g (crude drug)/kg daily for consecutive 10 days had an inhibitory rate of 62% on Sarcoma180 in mice, and 37~54% on liver cancer of mice. But it had no effects on mice leukemia L615.. Effects over immune system zhu ling was a kind of nonspecific immune stimulant.
Clinical Studies
Tumors zhu ling extract 757 was used to treat lung cancer and oesophagus cancer and its believed preliminarily that it had anti-tumor effects and could improve immune function.
Western medical
This drug is indicated in the treatment of hyperlipemia, acute nephritis and obesity, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Induces diuresis, discharges Damp, purges Heat. Properties: Sweet, cold. Channels entered: Kidney and Bladder.
Pharmacological actions
Diuretic effect Effects of lowering blood fat Effect of lowering blood sugar Anti-fatty liver effect Effects on cardiovascular system
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
This herb can be used in the treatment of renal diseases, hepatitis, epidemic hemorrhagic fever, urination disturbance and epistaxis.
Eastern medical
Pattern: Cools Blood, stops bleeding, clears Heat, induces diuresis. Properties: Sweet, cold. Channels entered: Lung, Stomach and Bladder.
Pharmacological actions
Haemostatic effect Antibacterial and antiviral effects Diuretic effect
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
Edema, painful urination, dysuria, hematuria, urolithiasis, diarrhoea, diuresis and rheumatism.
Eastern medical
Pattern: Benefits water, drains dampness: reduces edema. Clears heat, disperses phlegm. Properties: Sweet flavor, cold. Channels Entered: Liver, Kidney, Small Intestine & Lung Meridians.
Chemical constituents
Plantagin, aucubin, ursolic acid, -sitosterol, n-hentriacontane, and plantaglucide composed of methyl Dgalacturonate, D-galactose, L-arabinose and L-rhamnose. Palmitic, stearic, arachidic, oleic, linolic acids.
Pharmacological actions
Diuretic action Expectorant and Antitussive action Antimicrobial action Gastrointestinal action Urological affect
Clinical studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
Headache, chest and abdominal pain, constipation, menstrual disorders, amenorrhea, menorrhalgia, dysmenorrhea, functional bleeding, anemia and palpitations.
Eastern medical
Pattern: Tonifies the blood. Properties: Sweet, acrid, warm. Channels entered: Heart, liver and spleen.
Pharmacological actions
Uterine effect Anti-inflammatory and analgesic actions Antibacterial actions Cardiovascular actions Gynaecological diseases Antiplatelet aggregation Respiratory actions Cerebrovascular effect Cardiovascular effect Immunological effect A.sinensis and ferulic acid potentiated the phagocytic activity of macrophages when given to mice.
Clinical Studies
Tumor Hua Liu Tang: dang gui wei, 10g; chi shao, 10g; hong hua 10g; tao ren 10g; dan shen 20g; shu zhi 10g; ban zhi lian 30g; bai hua she she cao 30g, 5 cases of brain tumor were treated for 6 months, and they survived for 2~7 years. Among 28 cases of thyrophyma, all were effective except for 3 cases.
Western medical
This herb can be used to treat coronary heart disease, acute cerebral thrombosis, pulmonary heart disease, acute hepatitis with jaundice, acute mastitis, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Clears Heat, cools Blood, eliminates Blood stasis, relieves pain. Properties: Bitter, slightly cold. Channels entered: Liver.
Pharmacological actions
Anti-inflammatory effect Effects on tumors Intraperitoneal injection of normal butyl alcohol extract of chi shao at the dosage of 1~1.5g/kg had obvious inhibitory effect on S180 solid tumor. Combination of water extract of chi shao and cyclophosphane or amethopterin had obvious effect on the growth of S180 solid tumor and survival time of L615 mice. Therere also reports showing that water extracts could promote the formation of ascites in Ehrlich carcinoma S180 and W256 ascites carcinoma and significantly shorten the survival time. Anti-microbial effect Spasmolytic effect
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
This herb is often used to treat esophagitis, infantile aphtha, hoarseness of voice and persistent pneumonia.
Eastern medical
Pattern: Nourishes yin, clears the Lung, benefits the Stomach, generates Body Fluid. Properties: Sweet, slightly bitter, slightly cold. Channels entered: Lung, Stomach.
Pharmacological actions
Anti-febrile and antalgic effects Immunosuppressive effect Intraperitoneal injection of polysaccharide of bei sha shen at the dosage of 500mg/kg had inhibitory effect on delayed hypersensitivity induced by 2,4-DNCB. It had immunosuppressive effect similar to hydrocortisone and cyclophosphane. Mutation-inhibiting effect 0.5g/ml immersion fluid of bei sha shen showed quite strong mutation-inhibiting effect when added into in vitro cultured mammalian cells.
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
This herb is indicated in the treatment of immune deficiency disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome, anaemia and adrenal deficiency. Has diuretic actions. Effective in the treatment of spontaneous and night sweating, prolapse of the anus and uterus, abscesses and chronic ulcers, chronic nephritis with edema and proteinuria.
Eastern medical
Pattern: Tonifies qi and blood. Tonifies spleen, lungs. Properties: Sweet, slightly warm. Channels entered: Spleen, lung.
Pharmacological actions
Enhancement of the Immunologic Function Antiinflammatory Actions Effect on the Cardiovascular System Hepatic actions Chronic Persisting and Chronic Active Hepatitis Effect on Cellular Metabolism Diuretic Effect Effect on Experimental Nephritis Hormone-Like Effect Antibacterial Effect
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors
Western medical
This herb is indicated in the treatment of headache, syphilis, acute bacillary dysentery, acute tonsillitis, psoriasis, and chronic pelvic inflammatory diseases.
Eastern medical
Pattern: Removes Toxin, eliminates Dampness, eases joint movements. Properties: Sweet, tasteless, neutral. Channels entered: Liver, Stomach.
Pharmacological actions
Diuretic effect Antalgic effect Antibacterial effect Anticancer effect This herb had certain inhibitory effect on rat liver cancer induced by AFB1, it also had inhibitory effect on transplanted tumors. Immunosuppressive effect
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
Shortness of breath, palpitations, cough, anorexia, diarrhoea, diabetes, physical weakness, loss of appetite.
Eastern medical
Pattern: Tonifies qi, spleen and lungs. Properties: Sweet, neutral. Channels Entered: Spleen and lung meridians.
Pharmacological actions
Phagocytic actions Blood and hematopoietic system effect Cardiovascular system effect Gastrointestinal effect Endocrine effect Anti-fatigue
Clinical studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
This herb can be used in the treatment of renal diseases, hepatitis, epidemic hemorrhagic fever, urination disturbance and epistaxis.
Eastern medical
Pattern: Cools Blood, stops bleeding, clears Heat, induces diuresis. Properties: Sweet, cold. Channels entered: Lung, Stomach and Bladder.
Pharmacological actions
Haemostatic effect Antibacterial and antiviral effects Diuretic effect
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
This herb can be used to treat chronic nephritis, diabetes, thrombocytopenia, hyperlipemia and acute viral hepatitis.
Eastern medical
Pattern: Supplements the Liver and Kidney, brightens the eyes. Properties: Sweet, bitter, cool. Channels entered: Liver, Kidney.
Pharmacological actions
Effect of increasing immune function Anti-cancer effect 60g/kg gastrogavage of nu zhen zi infusion once daily could inhibit Hela cell and U14 tumor strain of mouse cervical carcinoma both in vitro and in vivo, the inhibitory rate was 49.2% Water extract of nu hen zi (50, 100g) could partially reverse the macrophage function inhibitory effect induced by Renca cell, and restore the J744CL to normal level. 100g nu zhen zi could completely or partially recover the macrophage inhibition induced by MBT-2 cell, restore the J744CL to normal level or above. nu zhen zi had quite good anti-mutation ability, it had protective effect on the mutation effect and injury of cell chromosome induced by mutagen cyclophosphane and urethane. Anti-inflammatory effect Influence over the blood system Effect of lowering blood sugar Effect of lowering blood fat Anti HPD photo oxidation effect Anti aging effect Anti mutagenic effect Effect of protecting liver
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
This herb is often used to treat
Eastern medical
Pattern: Expels Wind Dampness, nourishes the Liver and Kidney, prevents miscarriage. Properties: Bitter, sweet, neutral. Channels entered: Liver, Kidney.
Pharmacological actions
Blood pressure lowering effect Sedative effect Blood vessel dilating effect Diuretic effect
Clinical Studies
No research related to cancer.
Western medical
This herb can be used to treat inflammatory infections, acute mastitis, mammary cancer, TB, rhinitis, toothache, dysentery, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Attacks Toxin, kills worms, dispels Wind and alleviates pain. Properties: Sweet, neutral. Channels entered: Stomach.
Pharmacological actions
Effects on cardiovascular system Anti-inflammatory effect Parasites expelling effect Anti-tumor effect In vitro experiments showed that lu feng fang could inhibit human liver cancer cells.
Clinical Studies
Mammary cancer Feng Chuan Bu Liu Tang (lu feng fang, chuan shan jia 9g each; shi jian chuan, wang bu liu xing, e zhu, huang qi, dang gui, 15g each, powder of san qi 3g (swallowed in two times)), 1 dose every ay, water decoction, 15 days as a course of treatment. This method had therapeutic effects on mammary cancer.
Tu Si Zi Semen Cuscuta
Pinyin: Tu Si Zi Latin: Semen Cuseutae Introduction
Tu Si Zi, or Dodder Seed is the dried ripe seed of Cuscuta chinensis Lam. (Fam. Convolvulaceae). The plant is collected in autumn when the fruit is ripe, dried in the sun, the seed is collected and removed from foreign matter..
Western medical
This herb is indicated in the treatment of dysfunctionaluterine bleeding, male and female infertility, urinary tract infection, vitiligo, and acne, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Nourishes the Liver and Kidney, stops emission and reduces urination, brightens eyes, stops diarrhea, quenches thrist, prevents miscarriage. Properties: Sweet, warm. Channels entered: Liver, Kidney and Spleen.
Pharmacological actions
Effects on reproductive system Anti-cataract effect Effects on immune system Gastrogavage of 85% ethanol extract of tu si zi could improve the serum hemolysin level in mice with burn, and elevate the percentage of phagocytosis percentage and index, restore the suppressed immunological function to normal level. Anti-ageing effect
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumor.
Western medical
This herb is often indicated in the treatment of massive haemorrhage, hematuria, paddy field dermatitis and diphtheria.
Eastern medical
Pattern: Nourishes the Liver and Kidney, cools Blood and stops bleeding, removes Dampness and alleviates itching. Properties: Sweet, sour, cold. Channels entered: Liver, Kidney.
Pharmacological actions
Influence over immune system han lian cao had a dose-dependent effect of improving hemolysis ability of plaque forming cell, and the effect could be inhibited by prednisolone. Decoction of han lian cao could increase non-specific immunologic function and cellular immunity. It had no enhancing effect on humeral immunity. Liver protecting function Anti-mutagenesis effect Gastrogavage or intraperitoneal injection of han lian cao had obvious inhibitory effect on PCE microkernel induced by cyclophosphane in mice. Hemostatic effect Antibacterial effect
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
This herb is indicated in the treatment of diarrhea, dyspepsia, dermatitis, diabetes, leukorrhagia, chronic nephritis, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Invigorates qi, nourishes yin, nourishes the Spleen, Lung and Kidney, treats spontaneous emission and leukorrhagia. Properties: Sweet, neutral. Channels entered: Spleen, Lung and Kidney.
Pharmacological actions
Effects on digestive system Blood sugar lowering effect Anti-ageing effect Effects on renal functions
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
This herb is indicated in the treatment of boils and furuncles, chronic bronchitis, acute nephritis, cancers, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Clears Heat, removes Toxin, activates Blood, relieves swelling. Properties: Bitter, cold. Channels entered: Lung, Bladder.
Pharmacological actions
Antibacterial effect Blood sugar increasing effect Analgesic effect Anti inflammation effect Effects on nerve system Anti tussive, expetorant and anti asthma effects Antiulcerogenic effect CNS-depressant action. Acetylcholine-like activity
Clinical Studies
Tumors Clinical reports showed that long kui was effective in the clinical treatment for cancers cancer.
Western medical
This herb can be used to treat tumors, hyperlipemia, leucopenia, and thrombocytopenia, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Nourishes qi and yin, clears the Lung, dissolves Phlegm, nourishes the Heart and calms shen. Properties: Sweet, slightly bitter, cold. Channels entered: Lung, Spleen, Heart, and Kidney.
Pharmacological actions
Anti-ageing effect Anti-fatigue, anti-anoxia, anti high and low temperature effects. Effects on metabolism Effects on immune system jiao gu lan could regulate immunological functions. Anti-tumor effects Saponins of jiao gu lanhad inhibitory effect on tumors or cancers of stomach, rectum, uterine, mouth, esophagus, gallbladder, pancreas, liver, brain, lung, kidney, tongue, thymus, thyroid, prostate and skin, etc.. Effects on central nervous system Effects on cardiovascular system Effects on endocrine system Effects on digestive effects
Clinical Studies
Tumor 43 cases of malignant tumors (including esophagus cancer, cardia and stomach cancer, large intestine cancer, lung cancer, mammary cancer) were treated with complex Jiao Gu Lan decoction (jiao gu lan, bai zhu, fu ling ,etc.) for 2~3 weeks. It could elevate the lymphocyte transformation rate.
Western medical
This herb is indicated in the treatment of appendicitis, lung abscess, furuncles, carbuncles, snake-bite by poisonous snake, etc.
Eastern medical
Pattern: Clears Heat, removes Toxin, treats boil, induces diuresis, treats stranguria. Properties: Bitter, sweet, cold. Channels entered: Stomach, Large Intestine & Small Intestine.
Pharmacological actions
Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect Hepatoprotective effect Anti-tumor effect bai hua she she cao (6g/ml crude drug) had quite strong inhibitory effect on acute leukemia of lymphocyte type, granulocyte type, monocyte type and chronic granulocytic leukemia in vitro. 0.5~1g crude drug had inhibitory effect on yoshida sarcoma and Ehrlich ascites tumor.
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
This herb is indicated in the treatment of boils and furuncles, chronic bronchitis, acute nephritis, cancers, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Clears Heat, removes Toxin, activates Blood, relieves swelling. Properties: Bitter, cold. Channels entered: Lung, Bladder.
Pharmacological actions
Antibacterial effect Blood sugar increasing effect Analgesic effect Anti inflammation effect Effects on nerve system Anti tussive, expetorant and anti asthma effects Antiulcerogenic effect CNS-depressant action. Acetylcholine-like activity
Clinical Studies
Tumors Clinical reports showed that long kui was effective in the clinical treatment for cancers cancer.
Western medical
This herb is indicated in the treatment of appendicitis, lung abscess, furuncles, carbuncles, snake-bite by poisonous snake, etc.
Eastern medical
Pattern: Clears Heat, removes Toxin, treats boil, induces diuresis, treats stranguria. Properties: Bitter, sweet, cold. Channels entered: Stomach, Large Intestine & Small Intestine.
Pharmacological actions
Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect Hepatoprotective effect Anti-tumor effect bai hua she she cao (6g/ml crude drug) had quite strong inhibitory effect on acute leukemia of lymphocyte type, granulocyte type, monocyte type and chronic granulocytic leukemia in vitro. 0.5~1g crude drug had inhibitory effect on yoshida sarcoma and Ehrlich ascites tumor.
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
This herb can be used to treat infantile pneumonia, viral hepatitis, infantile bacillary dysentery and hypertension, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Clears Heat, dries Dampness, purges Fire, removes Toxin, stops bleeding, and prevents miscarriage. Properties: Bitter, Cold. Channels entered: Lung, Stomach, Gallbladder, and Large Intestine.
Pharmacological actions
Anti-microbial effect Anti allergic reaction effect and anti-inflammatory effect Anti-febrile effect Blood pressure lowering effect and sedative effect Liver protecting, gallbladder benefiting and spasmolytic effects Blood fat lowering effect Anti-oxidant effect Diuretic effect Anti-tumor effect Tincture of huang qin had anticancer effect, and the plant of huang qin whose seed was in the mature stage had positive tumor-inhibiting effect.
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
This herb is indicated in the treatment of dysentery, diarrhea, jaundice, carbuncle, mumps, mastitis, and various bleeding syndromes.
Eastern medical
Pattern: Clears Heat, induces diuresis, reduces swelling, removes Toxin, cools Blood and stops bleeding. Properties: Tasteless, slightly bitter, cold. Channels entered: Large Intestine, Liver and Heart.
Pharmacological actions
Antibacterial effect Anti-tumor effect Intraperitoneal extract of ethanol extract of feng wei cao had inhibitory effect of mice sarcoma180.
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
This herb can be indicated in the treatment of bacillary dysentery, enteritis, hemorrhoid, chronic prostatitis, chronic bronchitis, chronic osteomyelitis, eczema, herpes zoster and burn, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Clears Heat, dries Dampness, purges Fire, removes Toxin, allays fever, and expels hectic fever. Properties: Bitter, cold. Channels entered: Kidney, Bladder, Large Intestine.
Pharmacological actions
Anti-microbial effect Effects over cardiovascular system Effects over digestive system Effects over central nervous system Antitussive and expectorant effects
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
Dan Shen is indicated in the treatment of viral myocarditis, acute myocardial infarction, diabetes, chronic simple rhinitis, and hepatocirrhosis, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Activates Blood, removes Blood stasis, cools Blood, clears the Heart, nourishes Blood, calms shen. Properties: Bitter, slightly cold. Channels entered: Heart, Pericardium and Liver.
Pharmacological actions
Functions over the kidney Functions on the heart Function of preventing radioactive pulmonary injury Effects on digestive system Effects on tumors dan shen had inhibitory effect on cervical carcinoma in mices. Effects on inflammations Effects on hematopoiesis Effects on reproduction Effects of protecting liver injury Effects on nervous system
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
This herb can be used to treat infantile pneumonia, viral hepatitis, infantile bacillary dysentery and hypertension, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Clears Heat, dries Dampness, purges Fire, removes Toxin, stops bleeding, and prevents miscarriage. Properties: Bitter, Cold. Channels entered: Lung, Stomach, Gallbladder, and Large Intestine.
Pharmacological actions
Anti-microbial effect Anti allergic reaction effect and anti-inflammatory effect Anti-febrile effect Blood pressure lowering effect and sedative effect Liver protecting, gallbladder benefiting and spasmolytic effects Blood fat lowering effect Anti-oxidant effect Diuretic effect Anti-tumor effect Tincture of huang qin had anticancer effect, and the plant of huang qin whose seed was in the mature stage had positive tumor-inhibiting effect.
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
This herb is indicated in the treatment of boils and furuncles, chronic bronchitis, acute nephritis, cancers, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Clears Heat, removes Toxin, activates Blood, relieves swelling. Properties: Bitter, cold. Channels entered: Lung, Bladder.
Pharmacological actions
Antibacterial effect Blood sugar increasing effect Analgesic effect Anti inflammation effect Effects on nerve system Anti tussive, expetorant and anti asthma effects Antiulcerogenic effect CNS-depressant action. Acetylcholine-like activity
Clinical Studies
Tumors Clinical reports showed that long kui was effective in the clinical treatment for cancers cancer.
Western medical
This herb is often used to treat infectious diseases, mastitis, mumps, hepatitis, gastritis, uremia, gynecologic cysts and infantile constipation, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Clears Heat, removes Toxin, treats carbuncles, dissolves lumps, induces diuresis and treats stranguria. Properties: Bitter, sweet, cold. Channels entered: Liver, Stomach.
Pharmacological actions
Bacterial inhibiting effect Anti-tumor effect The hot water extract of aerial part of pu gong yin was believed to consist of polysaccharide, and it had the characteristics of know anti-tumor polysaccharides. Ulcer-protecting effect Anti-endotoxin effect
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
Anorexia, abdominal distension, diarrhoea, excessive perspiration, dizziness, palpitations.
Eastern medical
Pattern: Tonifies spleen qi. Properties: Bitter, sweet, warm. Channels entered: Spleen, stomach.
Pharmacological actions
Diuretic action Hypoglycemic action Anticoagulant action Cardiosvascular action Hepatic action Immunological action Antineoplastic action The neutral fraction of the volatile oil of the herb was proved in vitro to have a significant inhibitory action on esophageal carcinoma cells. Detachment of all the carcinoma cells was observed within 24 hours at the concentration of 10 /ml and of most carcinoma cells at 5/ml. The remaining cells showed shrunken nuclei, inconspicious nuclei and multiple vacuoles in the cytoplasm. Intraperitoneal injection of the volatile oil at the dose of 50-100 mg/kg also significantly inhibited Erhlich ascites carcinoma.
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
Edema with oliguria; dizziness and palpitation caused by fluid retention: diminished function of the spleen marked by anorexia, loose stools or diarrhea, restlessness and insomnia.
Eastern medical
Pattern: Benefits water, resolves dampness: reduces edema. Properties: Sweet flavour, neutral property. Channels Entered: Heart, Lung, Spleen, Stomach & Kidney Meridians.
Pharmacological actions
Anti-tumor effect As with many other medicinal fungi, the polysaccharides of P. cocos have been reported to inhibit tumors indirectly by stimulating immunological functions. One polysaccharide, named pachyman, showed no signifiucant antitumor activity, but it increased phagocytosis in the peritoneal macrophages and accelerated recovery from cyclophosphamide-induced leukopenia in rats. However, a protein-bound polysaccharide (Hll) isolated from the mycelia of P. cocos inhibited sarcoma 180 in mice, apparently through a host-mediated reaction. Hll was isolated when it was discovered that in large doses (22mg/KG) a crude fraction of the mycelium produced a tumor inhibition rate of 80% and complete remission of tumors of 10% of animals. Carboxymethylpachymaran (CMP), a chemically modified form of the polysaccharide pachyman in P. cocos, increased the effectiveness of interferon induction in vitro, enhanced phagocytic activity of macrophages and produced very high rates of tumor inhibition in mice. Pachyman was found to be effective against original-type, anti-GBM nephritis in rats. This may be due in part to the inhibitory action of pachyman on C3-deposition in the glomeruli. Immuno-stimulating effect Effect on the Digestive System Sedative effect
Clinical studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
This drug is indicated in the treatment of hyperlipemia, acute nephritis and obesity, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Induces diuresis, discharges Damp, purges Heat. Properties: Sweet, cold. Channels entered: Kidney and Bladder.
Pharmacological actions
Diuretic effect Effects of lowering blood fat Effect of lowering blood sugar Anti-fatty liver effect Effects on cardiovascular system
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
This herb is indicated in the treatment of hepatitis, biliary tract infections, hyperlipemia and coronary heart disease.
Eastern medical
Pattern: Clears Dampness and heat, treats jaundice. Properties: Bitter, acrid, slightly cold. Channels entered: Spleen, Stomach, Liver, Gallbladder.
Pharmacological actions
Cholagogic effect Liver protecting effect Blood fat lowering, coronary artery dilating effects Blood pressure lowering effect Anti-febrile effect Anti-tumor effect Water extract of yin chen could significantly inhibit the growth of Meth A tumor transplanted in mice and prolong the survival time of tumor bearing mice. In vitro experiment showed that it had obvious cytoxic effect on several tumor cells. yin chen had initializing effect on the generation of tumour necrosis factor (TNF).
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
This herb can be indicated in the treatment of various fever, cold, cough, liver and gallbladder diseases such as viral hepatitis, liver cancer, cholelithiasis, acute biliary system infection, hyperlipemia, allergic rhinitis, renal diseases such as adult chronic nephritis, diabetic nephropathy, infertility, alimentary tract diseases such as hiccup, constipation, infantile anorexia, Menieres diseases, Raynauds syndrome, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Disperses and allays fever, soothes the Liver, relieves depression, elevates yang and lifts prolapsed zang-fu organs. Properties: Bitter, lightly cold. Channels entered: Liver, Gallbladder.
Pharmacological actions
Sedative, antalgic, antifebrile and psyctic effects on central nervous system Anti-inflammatory effect Liver-protecting and gallbladder-benefiting effect Anti-tumor effect Gastrogavage or intraperitoneal injection of Saikosaponin d could inhibit the growth of Ehrlich carcinoma in mice and obviously lengthen the survival time. TNF which had anticancer effect and was prepared from rabbits with chai hu could result in the necrosis of liver cancer cells. Anti-microbial effect Anti-radiation
Clinical Studies
Liver cancer Modified Xiao Chai Hu Tang (dang shen 9g; chai hu, huang qin, fa ban xia, xian he cao, 15g each; zhi gan cao 6g; yu jin 20g; mu li, she she cao30g each; powder of tian qi (taken with water) 3g) was applied after liver cancer interventional therapy. The treatment usually started from the second day after the interventional therapy, 1 time daily. 81 cases were treated while the effect was compared with that of Western Medicine group.. The results showed that in TCM group, hemorrhage of digestive tract could be stopped obviously, the appetite could be improved and pain could be relieved. No vomiting was seen in the TCM group.
Western medical
This herb is used to treat menstrual problem, apoplexy, coronary heart disease, pelvic inflammatory disease, dyspepsia, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Breaks Blood, moves qi, promotes digestion, alleviates pain. Properties: Bitter, acrid, neutral. Channels entered: Liver, Spleen.
Pharmacological actions
Effects on the blood system Effects on smooth muscle
Clinical Studies
No research related to cancer.
Western medical
This herb can be used to treat infantile pneumonia, viral hepatitis, infantile bacillary dysentery and hypertension, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Clears Heat, dries Dampness, purges Fire, removes Toxin, stops bleeding, and prevents miscarriage. Properties: Bitter, Cold. Channels entered: Lung, Stomach, Gallbladder, and Large Intestine.
Pharmacological actions
Anti-microbial effect Anti allergic reaction effect and anti-inflammatory effect Anti-febrile effect Blood pressure lowering effect and sedative effect Liver protecting, gallbladder benefiting and spasmolytic effects Blood fat lowering effect Anti-oxidant effect Diuretic effect Anti-tumor effect Tincture of huang qin had anticancer effect, and the plant of huang qin whose seed was in the mature stage had positive tumor-inhibiting effect.
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
This herb is indicated in the treatment of boils and furuncles, chronic bronchitis, acute nephritis, cancers, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Clears Heat, removes Toxin, activates Blood, relieves swelling. Properties: Bitter, cold. Channels entered: Lung, Bladder.
Pharmacological actions
Antibacterial effect Blood sugar increasing effect Analgesic effect Anti inflammation effect Effects on nerve system Anti tussive, expetorant and anti asthma effects Antiulcerogenic effect CNS-depressant action. Acetylcholine-like activity
Clinical Studies
Tumors Clinical reports showed that long kui was effective in the clinical treatment for cancers cancer.
Western medical
This herb is indicated in the treatment of diarrhea, dyspepsia, dermatitis, diabetes, leukorrhagia, chronic nephritis, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Invigorates qi, nourishes yin, nourishes the Spleen, Lung and Kidney, treats spontaneous emission and leukorrhagia. Properties: Sweet, neutral. Channels entered: Spleen, Lung and Kidney.
Pharmacological actions
Effects on digestive system Blood sugar lowering effect Anti-ageing effect Effects on renal functions
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
Antipyretic and hemo-static, epistaxis, dermatological conditions. Indicated in the treatment of rheumatic conditions.
Eastern medical
Pattern: Nourishes yin and blood. Properties: Sweet, bitter, neutral. Channels entered: Heart, liver, kidney.
Pharmacological actions
Effects on the Adrenocortical Function and Catabolism of Cortisol Antiradiation Action Liver-Protective Action Effect on Blood Glucose Actions on the Cardiovascular System Hemostatic Action Diuretic Action Anti-inflammatory Action
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
This herb can be indicated in the treatment of bacillary dysentery, enteritis, hemorrhoid, chronic prostatitis, chronic bronchitis, chronic osteomyelitis, eczema, herpes zoster and burn, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Clears Heat, dries Dampness, purges Fire, removes Toxin, allays fever, and expels hectic fever. Properties: Bitter, cold. Channels entered: Kidney, Bladder, Large Intestine.
Pharmacological actions
Anti-microbial effect Effects over cardiovascular system Effects over digestive system Effects over central nervous system Antitussive and expectorant effects
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
Edema with oliguria; dizziness and palpitation caused by fluid retention: diminished function of the spleen marked by anorexia, loose stools or diarrhea, restlessness and insomnia.
Eastern medical
Pattern: Benefits water, resolves dampness: reduces edema. Properties: Sweet flavour, neutral property. Channels Entered: Heart, Lung, Spleen, Stomach & Kidney Meridians.
Pharmacological actions
Anti-tumor effect As with many other medicinal fungi, the polysaccharides of P. cocos have been reported to inhibit tumors indirectly by stimulating immunological functions. One polysaccharide, named pachyman, showed no signifiucant antitumor activity, but it increased phagocytosis in the peritoneal macrophages and accelerated recovery from cyclophosphamide-induced leukopenia in rats. However, a protein-bound polysaccharide (Hll) isolated from the mycelia of P. cocos inhibited sarcoma 180 in mice, apparently through a host-mediated reaction. Hll was isolated when it was discovered that in large doses (22mg/KG) a crude fraction of the mycelium produced a tumor inhibition rate of 80% and complete remission of tumors of 10% of animals. Carboxymethylpachymaran (CMP), a chemically modified form of the polysaccharide pachyman in P. cocos, increased the effectiveness of interferon induction in vitro, enhanced phagocytic activity of macrophages and produced very high rates of tumor inhibition in mice. Pachyman was found to be effective against original-type, anti-GBM nephritis in rats. This may be due in part to the inhibitory action of pachyman on C3-deposition in the glomeruli. Immuno-stimulating effect Effect on the Digestive System Sedative effect
Clinical studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
This drug is indicated in the treatment of hyperlipemia, acute nephritis and obesity, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Induces diuresis, discharges Damp, purges Heat. Properties: Sweet, cold. Channels entered: Kidney and Bladder.
Pharmacological actions
Diuretic effect Effects of lowering blood fat Effect of lowering blood sugar Anti-fatty liver effect Effects on cardiovascular system
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
Shortness of breath, palpitations, cough, anorexia, diarrhoea, diabetes, physical weakness, loss of appetite.
Eastern medical
Pattern: Tonifies qi, spleen and lungs. Properties: Sweet, neutral. Channels Entered: Spleen and lung meridians.
Pharmacological actions
Phagocytic actions Blood and hematopoietic system effect Cardiovascular system effect Gastrointestinal effect Endocrine effect Anti-fatigue
Clinical studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
This herb is often used to treat gastritis, burred vision, cough, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Nourishes yin, clears Heat, benefits the Stomach, generates Body Fluid, brightens eyes. Properties: Sweet, slightly cold. Channels entered: Stomach, Kidney.
Pharmacological actions
Effects on digestive system Influence over immune system shi hu decoction could improve the phagocytosisof mice macrophages. And its polysaccharide could elevate the ERFC formation rate of peripheral lymphocytes in patients with cancer, the elevated value was similar to thymosin. Anti-febrile effect Treating cataract
Clinical Studies
No research related to cancer.
Western medical
This herb is often used to treat infectious diseases, mastitis, mumps, hepatitis, gastritis, uremia, gynecologic cysts and infantile constipation, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Clears Heat, removes Toxin, treats carbuncles, dissolves lumps, induces diuresis and treats stranguria. Properties: Bitter, sweet, cold. Channels entered: Liver, Stomach.
Pharmacological actions
Bacterial inhibiting effect Anti-tumor effect The hot water extract of aerial part of pu gong yin was believed to consist of polysaccharide, and it had the characteristics of know anti-tumor polysaccharides. Ulcer-protecting effect Anti-endotoxin effect
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
This herb is indicated in the treatment of boils and furuncles, chronic bronchitis, acute nephritis, cancers, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Clears Heat, removes Toxin, activates Blood, relieves swelling. Properties: Bitter, cold. Channels entered: Lung, Bladder.
Pharmacological actions
Antibacterial effect Blood sugar increasing effect Analgesic effect Anti inflammation effect Effects on nerve system Anti tussive, expetorant and anti asthma effects Antiulcerogenic effect CNS-depressant action. Acetylcholine-like activity
Clinical Studies
Tumors Clinical reports showed that long kui was effective in the clinical treatment for cancers cancer.
Western medical
This herb is often used to treat pityriasis rosea, burn, hepatitis, flat wart, psoriasis, persistent ulcer, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Cools Blood, activates Blood, removes Toxin, facilitates eruption. Properties: Sweet, salty, cold. Channels entered: Heart, Liver.
Pharmacological actions
Anti-microbial effect Anti-inflammatory effect Effects on cardiovascular system Anti-tumor effect Shikonin which is extracted from Arnebia euchroma at the dosage of 5~10g could completely inhibit the growth of sarcoma180, at the dosage of 10mg/kg, it could prolong the survival time of tumor bearing mice at the rate of 92.5%. zi cao had anticancer effect. It had certain inhibitory effect on the multiplication cycle of Hela cells. Anti-pregnancy effect Blood sugar lowering effect
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
This herb can be indicated in the treatment of chronic hepatitis B, hypertension, diphtheria, nodules of breast, infantile bacillary dysentery and liver cancer, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Clears the Liver, brightens eyes, dissolves lumps and reduces swelling. Properties: Acrid, bitter, cold. Channels entered: Liver, Gallbladder.
Pharmacological actions
Effects on cardiovascular system Anti-inflammatory effect Anti-microbial effect Influence over immune system xia ku cao had immunosuppressive effect. Blood sugar lowering effect Histamine-like effect
Clinical Studies
Liver cancer xia ku cao was used as the main herb, and combined with yin chen, bai hua she she cao, hai zao, kun bu, lou lu. The formula was used to treat primary liver cancer and had certain therapeutic effect.
Western medical
This herb can be used to treat diabetes, mumps, early pregnancy, malignant trophoblast neoplasm, hemorrhoid, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Clears Heat, generates Body Fluid, relieves swelling, discharges pus. Properties: Sweet, slightly bitter. Channels entered: Lung, Stomach.
Pharmacological actions
Miscarriage-inducing and anti early pregnancy effect Effects over immune system tian hua fen had both immune stimulating effect and immunosuppressive effect. It had promoting effect on the formation and differentiation of spleen immune cells. Trichosanthin could stimulate humeral immune system, and induce the body to generate IgE antibody which could antagonize trichosanthin. Trichosanthin had inhibitory effect on humeral immunity and cellular immunity. Anti-tumor effect Intraperitoneal injection of tian hua fen at the dosage of 0.2ml/mouce could significantly reduce the ascites in mice with Ehrlich carcinoma, and prolong the survival time. Intraperitoneal injection at the dosage of 5mg/kg had certain therapeutic effect on mice with ascites type of experimental liver cancer. After processed with over 50g trichosanthin, the multiplication of human liver cancer cell could be inhibited, and the inhibitory effect increased while the dosage increased, but this kind of inhibition was reversible. Effects on blood sugar Antibacterial effect
Clinical Studies
Malignant trophoblast neoplasm Tian Zao Mixture (tian hua fen 60mg, yao zao 25 mg grounded into powder and capsulated), administrated into vagina, once every 5~7 days. 7 cases were cured, and 5 cases of malignant mole were cured, 2 cases of chorionepithelioma were ineffective. 12 cases who took both surgery and Tian Zao Mixture were cured. In 19 cases took the mixture and chemotherapy, 13 cured, and 6 ineffective. 65 cases take the mixture, surgery and chemotherapy, 54 cured and 11 ineffective.
Western medical
This herb is indicated in the treatment of hypogalactia, acute mastitis, urinary system stones, intercostal neuralgia, herpes zoster, and irregular menstruation, urinary disturbance, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Activates Blood, restores normal menstruation, promotes milk secretions, induces diuresis and treats stranguria. Properties: Bitter, neutral. Channels entered: Liver, Stomach.
Pharmacological actions
Anti early pregnancy effect Anti-tumor effect Water extract and aether extract had same anti-tumor activity when given through intraperitoneal injection.
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
This herb is used to treat acute mastitis, shock, paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia, and cholelithiasis, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Soothes the Liver, regulates qi, relieves dyspepsia. Properties: Bitter, acrid, warm. Channels entered: Liver, Gallbladder, Stomach.
Pharmacological actions
Effects on smooth muscle Effects on cardiovascular system Expectorant and anti-asthma effect
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
This herb is indicated in the treatment of cough, carbuncles, scrofula etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Clears Heat, dissolves Phlegm, relieves depression and dissolves lumps. Properties: Bitter, cold. Channels entered: Lung, Heart.
Pharmacological actions
Antitussive and expectorant effect Uterine exciting effect
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
This herb can be indicated in the treatment of various fever, cold, cough, liver and gallbladder diseases such as viral hepatitis, liver cancer, cholelithiasis, acute biliary system infection, hyperlipemia, allergic rhinitis, renal diseases such as adult chronic nephritis, diabetic nephropathy, infertility, alimentary tract diseases such as hiccup, constipation, infantile anorexia, Menieres diseases, Raynauds syndrome, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Disperses and allays fever, soothes the Liver, relieves depression, elevates yang and lifts prolapsed zang-fu organs. Properties: Bitter, lightly cold. Channels entered: Liver, Gallbladder.
Pharmacological actions
Sedative, antalgic, antifebrile and psyctic effects on central nervous system Anti-inflammatory effect Liver-protecting and gallbladder-benefiting effect Anti-tumor effect Gastrogavage or intraperitoneal injection of Saikosaponin d could inhibit the growth of Ehrlich carcinoma in mice and obviously lengthen the survival time. TNF which had anticancer effect and was prepared from rabbits with chai hu could result in the necrosis of liver cancer cells. Anti-microbial effect Anti-radiation
Clinical Studies
Liver cancer Modified Xiao Chai Hu Tang (dang shen 9g; chai hu, huang qin, fa ban xia, xian he cao, 15g each; zhi gan cao 6g; yu jin 20g; mu li, she she cao30g each; powder of tian qi (taken with water) 3g) was applied after liver cancer interventional therapy. The treatment usually started from the second day after the interventional therapy, 1 time daily. 81 cases were treated while the effect was compared with that of Western Medicine group.. The results showed that in TCM group, hemorrhage of digestive tract could be stopped obviously, the appetite could be improved and pain could be relieved. No vomiting was seen in the TCM group.
Western medical
This herb can be used to treat migraine, vascular headache, otitis media, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Disperses Wind Heat, clears and benefits the head and eyes. Properties: Acrid, bitter, slightly cold. Channels entered: Bladder, Liver and Stomach.
Pharmacological actions
Antalgic effect Anti-inflammatory effect Expectorant effect Anti-asthma effect Blood pressure lowering effect Micro-circulation improving effect
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
This herb is indicated in the treatment of appendicitis, lung abscess, furuncles, carbuncles, snake-bite by poisonous snake, etc.
Eastern medical
Pattern: Clears Heat, removes Toxin, treats boil, induces diuresis, treats stranguria. Properties: Bitter, sweet, cold. Channels entered: Stomach, Large Intestine & Small Intestine.
Pharmacological actions
Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect Hepatoprotective effect Anti-tumor effect bai hua she she cao (6g/ml crude drug) had quite strong inhibitory effect on acute leukemia of lymphocyte type, granulocyte type, monocyte type and chronic granulocytic leukemia in vitro. 0.5~1g crude drug had inhibitory effect on yoshida sarcoma and Ehrlich ascites tumor.
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
This herb can be used to treat upper respiratory tract infection, acute tonsillitis, acute urinary system infections, appendicitis, chronic enteritis, acute diarrhea, hyperlipemia and skin diseases.
Eastern medical
Pattern: Clears heat, removes Toxin, disperses Wind Heat. Properties: Sweet, cold. Channels entered: Liver, Heart and Stomach.
Pharmacological actions
Anti-microbial effect Anti-inflammatory and anti-febrile effects Effects over immune system jin yin hua decoction diluted as low as the concentration of 1:1280 could still promote the phagocytosis of WBC. Water decoction of jin yin hua had inhibitory effect on cellular immunity. Blood fat lowering effect Anti early pregnancy efect Central exciting effect Others In vitro experiments showed that water and wine immersion fluid of jin yin hua had obvious cytoxic effect on Sarcoma 180 and Ehrlich carcinoma.
Clinical Studies
Thirsty due to radiotherapy and chemotherapy in tumor treatment Jin Yin Hua Lu, 100ml, tid, 2 weeks as a course of treatment, analyze the effect after 2 courses. 978 cases of thirsty caused by radiotherapy and chemotherapy in tumor treatment were treated, the effective rate was 87% in radiotherapy group, and 74% in chemotherapy group.
Western medical
This herb can be used to treat infantile pneumonia, viral hepatitis, infantile bacillary dysentery and hypertension, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Clears Heat, dries Dampness, purges Fire, removes Toxin, stops bleeding, and prevents miscarriage. Properties: Bitter, Cold. Channels entered: Lung, Stomach, Gallbladder, and Large Intestine.
Pharmacological actions
Anti-microbial effect Anti allergic reaction effect and anti-inflammatory effect Anti-febrile effect Blood pressure lowering effect and sedative effect Liver protecting, gallbladder benefiting and spasmolytic effects Blood fat lowering effect Anti-oxidant effect Diuretic effect Anti-tumor effect Tincture of huang qin had anticancer effect, and the plant of huang qin whose seed was in the mature stage had positive tumor-inhibiting effect.
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
This herb is indicated in the treatment of boils and furuncles, chronic bronchitis, acute nephritis, cancers, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Clears Heat, removes Toxin, activates Blood, relieves swelling. Properties: Bitter, cold. Channels entered: Lung, Bladder.
Pharmacological actions
Antibacterial effect Blood sugar increasing effect Analgesic effect Anti inflammation effect Effects on nerve system Anti tussive, expetorant and anti asthma effects Antiulcerogenic effect CNS-depressant action. Acetylcholine-like activity
Clinical Studies
Tumors Clinical reports showed that long kui was effective in the clinical treatment for cancers cancer.
Western medical
This herb is often indicated in the treatment of acute appendicitis, biliary ascariasis, rheumatic arthritis, burn and pelvic inflammatory disease, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Clears Heat, removes Toxin, activates Blood and alleviates pain. Properties: Bitter, neutral. Channels entered: Large Intestine, Liver.
Pharmacological actions
Antibacterial effect
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
The herb can be used treat hemorrhoid, hypertension, etc.
Eastern medical
Pattern: Cools Blood and stops bleeding, clears the Liver, purges Fire, lowers Blood pressure. Properties: Bitter, cold. Channels entered: Liver, Large Intestine.
Pharmacological actions
Antibacterial effect
Clinical Studies
No research related to cancer.
Di Yu Radix Sanguisorba
Pinyin: Di Yu Latin: Radix Sanguisorbae Introduction
Di Yu, or Garden Burnet Root is the dried root Sanguisorba officinalis L. or Sanguisorba officinalis L. var. longifolia (Bert.) Yu et Li (Fam. Rosaceae) The latter is commonly known as "Woolly Radix Sanguisorbae". The drug is collected in spring during budding or in autumn after withering, removed from rootlet, washed clean, dried; or cut into slices while fresh, and dried.
Western medical
This herb is indicated in the treatment of typhoid fever, peptic ulcer, hemafecia, chronic gastritis, uterine bleeding, and some skin diseases such as scald and eczema, acute bacillary dysentery, chronic colonitis, mouth ulcer, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Cools Blood, stops bleeding, removes Toxin and promotes wound healing. Properties: Bitter, acrid, astringent. Channels entered: Liver, Large Intestine.
Pharmacological actions
Hemostatic effect Promoting the healing of burn and scald Anti-microbial effect Anti-inflammatory effect Immunological enhancing effect 10g/kg of di yu decoction was given to mice through gastrogavage for 6 days, this could obviously enhance the delayed hypersensitivity induced by 2, 4-DNCB. Anti-diarrhea, anti-ulcer and liver protecting effects
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
PC Prostate Cancer
Western medical
This herb can be used to treat migraine, vascular headache, otitis media, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Disperses Wind Heat, clears and benefits the head and eyes. Properties: Acrid, bitter, slightly cold. Channels entered: Bladder, Liver and Stomach.
Pharmacological actions
Antalgic effect Anti-inflammatory effect Expectorant effect Anti-asthma effect Blood pressure lowering effect Micro-circulation improving effect
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Saw Palmetto
1. Saw palmetto for prostate disorders Saw palmetto is an herbal product used in the treatment of symptoms related to benign prostatic hyperplasia. The active component is found in the fruit of the American dwarf palm tree. Studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of saw palmetto in reducing symptoms associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia. Saw palmetto appears to have efficacy similar to that of medications like finasteride, but it is better tolerated and less expensive. There are no known drug interactions with saw palmetto, and reported side effects are minor and rare. No data on its long-term usage are available. The herbal product also has been used to treat chronic prostatitis, but currently there is no evidence of its efficacy. Gordon AE, Shaughnessy AF. Am Fam Physician. 2003 Mar 15;67(6):1281-3. 2. Saw palmetto berry extract inhibits cell growth and Cox-2 expression in prostatic cancer cells. The cytotoxicity of a commonly used material to alleviate the symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), Saw Palmetto Berry Extract (SPBE), was examined as neat oil using a set of prostatic cell lines; 267B-1, BRFF-41T and LNCaP. Proliferation of these prostatic derived cell lines is inhibited to different degrees when dosed for 3 days with SPBE. The amount of SPBE required to inhibit 50% growth (IC50) of these cell lines was 20-30 nl equivalents of SPBE per ml of medium for cell lines 267B-1 and BRFF-41T and approximately 10-fold more for the LNCaP cell line. The effect of SPBE dosing on these cell lines is not irreversible, since a 30 min treatment with SPBE at an IC50 concentration does not inhibit their growth. Normal prostate cells were inhibited by 20-25% when grown in the presence of 200 nl SPBE equivalent per ml media. Growth of other non-prostatic cancer cell lines, i.e. Jurkat and HT-29, was affected by approx. 50% and 40%, respectively. When LNCaP cells were grown in the presence of dihydrotestosterone and SPBE, the IC50 concentration decreased significantly compared to LNCaP cells grown in the presence of serum and SPBE. Reduced cellular growth after SPBE treatment of these cell lines may relate to decreased expression of Cox-2 and may be due to changes observed in the expression of Bcl-2. Expression of Cox-1 under similar conditions is not affected because of its constitutive expression. Since increased Cox-2 expression is associated with an increased incidence of prostate cancer, and decrease in its expression by SPBE would provide a basis for further investigation of its use against BPH and in prostatic cancer chemoprevention. Goldmann WH, Sharma AL, Currier SJ, Johnston PD, Rana A, Sharma CP. Cell Biol Int. 2001;25(11):1117-24.
Western medical
This herb is often used to treat chronic bronchitis, urinary system calculi
Eastern medical
Pattern: Breaks Blood, promotes qi circulation, eliminates stagnated food, alleviates pain. Properties: Acrid, bitter, warm. Channels entered: Liver, Spleen.
Pharmacological actions
Anticancer effect Oral administration or intraperitoneal injection of E Zhu Injection had inhibitory effect on S180 sarcoma. Intraperitoneal injection or gastrogavage of complex E Zhu Tang at the dosage of 0.125g, 0.25g, 1.0g had significant inhibitory effect on hepatic solid tumor, S180 solid tumor and liver cancer, and the inhibitory effect were 38.3%, 44.6% and 25%. Antibacterial effect Anti-inflammatory effect Anti-ulcer effect Antiviral effect
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
This herb is often used to treat pityriasis rosea, burn, hepatitis, flat wart, psoriasis, persistent ulcer, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Cools Blood, activates Blood, removes Toxin, facilitates eruption. Properties: Sweet, salty, cold. Channels entered: Heart, Liver.
Pharmacological actions
Anti-microbial effect Anti-inflammatory effect Effects on cardiovascular system Anti-tumor effect Shikonin which is extracted from Arnebia euchroma at the dosage of 5~10g could completely inhibit the growth of sarcoma180, at the dosage of 10mg/kg, it could prolong the survival time of tumor bearing mice at the rate of 92.5%. zi cao had anticancer effect. It had certain inhibitory effect on the multiplication cycle of Hela cells. Anti-pregnancy effect Blood sugar lowering effect
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
This herb is often used to treat infectious diseases, mastitis, mumps, hepatitis, gastritis, uremia, gynecologic cysts and infantile constipation, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Clears Heat, removes Toxin, treats carbuncles, dissolves lumps, induces diuresis and treats stranguria. Properties: Bitter, sweet, cold. Channels entered: Liver, Stomach.
Pharmacological actions
Bacterial inhibiting effect Anti-tumor effect The hot water extract of aerial part of pu gong yin was believed to consist of polysaccharide, and it had the characteristics of know anti-tumor polysaccharides. Ulcer-protecting effect Anti-endotoxin effect
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
Edema, painful urination, dysuria, hematuria, urolithiasis, diarrhoea, diuresis and rheumatism.
Eastern medical
Pattern: Benefits water, drains dampness: reduces edema. Clears heat, disperses phlegm. Properties: Sweet flavor, cold. Channels Entered: Liver, Kidney, Small Intestine & Lung Meridians.
Chemical constituents
Plantagin, aucubin, ursolic acid, -sitosterol, n-hentriacontane, and plantaglucide composed of methyl Dgalacturonate, D-galactose, L-arabinose and L-rhamnose. Palmitic, stearic, arachidic, oleic, linolic acids.
Pharmacological actions
Diuretic action Expectorant and Antitussive action Antimicrobial action Gastrointestinal action Urological affect
Clinical studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
This herb is often indicated in the treatment of bacillary dysentery, mumps, etc..,
Eastern medical
Pattern: Induces diuresis, treats stranguria, kills parasites, relieves itching. Properties: Bitter, slightly cold. Channels entered: Bladder.
Pharmacological actions
Diuretic effect Blood pressure lowering effect Anti-fungi and antibacterial effect
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
Cough, palpitations, shortness of breath, epigastric and abdominal pain, peptic ulcer, asthma, laryngitis, bronchitis, pyogenic infection and ulceration of the skin.
Eastern medical
Pattern: Tonifies spleen and stomach, moistens lung, clears heat, detoxifies fire poison, nourishes nutritive qi. Moderates and harmonizes the characteristics of harsh herbs by virtue of its sweet, neutral and moderating characteristics. Glycyrrhiza Uralensis moderates hot and cold herbs, and make violent herbs more gentle. Because it is said to enter all twelve Primary Channels, it can lead and conduct other herbs into the Channels. Properties: Sweet, neutral. Channels Entered: Spleen, stomach.
Pharmacological actions
Glucocorticoid action Mineralocorticoid-like action Anti-inflammatory action Anti ulcer action Hepatic Action Antispasmodic action Detoxicant action
Clinical studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
This herb is often indicated in the treatment of urinary infections, urolithiasis with difficult painful urination or hematuria.
Eastern medical
Pattern: Clears Heat, induces diuresis, breaks Blood and restores normal menstruation. Properties: Bitter, cold. Channels entered: Heart, Small Intestine.
Pharmacological actions
Diuretic effect Effects on cardiovascular system Bacterial inhibiting effect Anti-tumor effect
Clinical Studies
Oesophagus cancer, rectal cancer 30~60g fresh shi zhu (qu mai) root (or 20~30 dried one), water decoction, or combined with ren shen, fu ling, bai zhu, gan cao. It had certain therapeutic effect on oesophagus cancer and rectal cancer.
Western medical
This herb is used to treat stranguria, insomnia, aphtha, and sore throat, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Clears Heart Fire, induces diuresis. Properties: Sweet, tasteless, slightly cold. Channels entered: Heart, Lung and Small Intestine.
Pharmacological actions
No related research.
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
This herb is indicated in the treatment of acute hepatitis with jaundice, bleeding, pain, coronary heart disease, infantile fever, etc.. It can also be applied in external use for sprains and bruises.
Eastern medical
Pattern: Purges Fire, relieves restlessness, clears Heat, removes Dampness, cools Blood, removes Toxin. Properties: Bitter, cold. Channels entered: Heart, Lung and San Jiao.
Pharmacological actions
Effects on digestive system Effects on cardiovascular system Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects Effects on central nervous system
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
This herb can be used to treat stranguria, eczema, and other skin diseases.
Eastern medical
Pattern: Induce diuresis, treat stranguria, clears Heat, relieves summer Heat, removes Dampness and promotes wound healing. Properties: Sweet, tasteless, cold. Channels entered: Bladder, Lung, and Stomach.
Pharmacological actions
Skin and mucous membrane protecting effect Antiemetic and anti-diarrhea effects
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
The herb is indicated in the treatment of urinary disturbance, edema, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Purges Fire, promotes Water circulation, removes obstruction from Blood Vessels. Properties: Channels entered: Heart, Lung, Small Intestine and Bladder.
Pharmacological actions
Diuretic effect
Clinical Studies
No related research.
LC Lung Cancer
Western medical
This herb is indicated in the treatment of flat wart, cancers, sciatica, edema, diarrhea, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Strengthens the Spleen, eliminates Dampness, treats bi syndrome, stops diarrhea, clears Heat, discharges pus. Properties: Sweet, tasteless, cool. Channels entered: Spleen, Stomach, Lung.
Pharmacological actions
Anticancer effect Intraperitoneal injection of ethanol extract of yi yi ren had inhibitory effect on Ehrlich carcinoma of mice, and could lengthen the survival time of animals. Acetone extract of yi yi ren had obvious inhibitory effect on mice cervical cancer-14 (U-14) and HCA solid tumor. Sedative effect Psyctic and anti-febrile effects Antalgic effect
Clinical Studies
Cancer Yi Yi Ren Syrup (100ml was equal to 50g crude drug), oral administration, 20~40ml, 3 times daily. It was used to treat lung cancer , intestinal cancer, stomach cancer, cervical cancer, etc.. yi yi ren ombined with teng liu, he zi an ling jiao was used to treat alimentary tract cancers. 168 cases of patients were treated, 1 dose every day, taken in three times. After treatment, the appetite and general condition were improved. And this formula had certain therapeutic effects on 30 cases out of 36 cases who took over three months treatment.
Western medical
This herb is usually indicated in the treatment of coronary heart disease, breast fibroadenoma, asthma due to bronchitis and pulmonary heart disease, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Clears Heat, dissolves Phlegm, relieves chest stuffiness, removes stagnation, moistens Intestines to relax the bowels. Properties: Sweet, slightly bitter, cold. Channels entered: Liver, Stomach, Large Intestine.
Pharmacological actions
Influence over cardiovascular system Expectorant effect Laxative effect Antibacterial effect Anti-tumor effect In vitro experiments showed that gua lou decoction and extracts of gua lou peel and kernel had killing effect on ascites cancer cells in mice. Animal tests showed that gua lou had certain inhibitory effect on sarcoma, but had no obvious effects on ascites cancer. Therere also reports showing that preparations of gua lou had no effects on transplanted cervical cancer, lymphosarcoma-1 and S180.
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
Diuretic, Hypotensive, Sedative. Indicated in the treatment of cough, asthma, oliguria, facial edema and dysuria.
Eastern medical
Pattern: Transforms phlegm, alleviates coughing and wheezing. Properties: Sweet, cold. Channels entered: Lung.
Pharmacological actions
Cardiovascular action Diuretic action Sedative and tranquillizing action Antibacterial action Smooth muscle action Analgesic effect
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
This herb can be used to treat benign tumors of thyroid, cervical scrofula, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Dissolves Phlegm, softens hard masses, induces diuresis, reduces swelling. Properties: Bitter, salty, cold. Channels entered: Liver, Stomach, and Kidney.
Pharmacological actions
Effects on thyroid Blood pressure lowering effect Blood fat lowering effect Anticoagulant and hemostatic effects Anti-microbial effect
Clinical Studies
Benign tumors of thyroid hai zao, zhe bei mu, ge fen, 3 each; xiang fu, bai jie zi, 2 each; xuan shen, xia ku cao, mu li, 4 each; jie geng, gan cao, 1 each; hong niang zi 30 piece, sticky rice 8. All drugs were made into power according to above proportion and made into pills. 4.5g, 2 times daily, after meals. 112 cases of thyroid benign tumors were treated, and 33 were cured, 35 markedly improved, 33 improved, and 11 ineffective.
Western medical
This herb is usually used to treat pneumonia, upper respiratory tract infection, chronic bronchitis, whooping cough, influenza, acute bacillary dysentery, acute hepatitis with jaundice, rhinitis, mumps, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Clears Heat, removes Toxin, treats carbuncles, discharges pus, induces diuresis and treats stranguria. Properties: Acrid, slightly cold. Channels entered: Lung.
Pharmacological actions
Anti-microbial effect Effects on immune system yu xin cao decoction could significantly improve the phagocytosis of human WBC in peripheral blood to staphylococcus aureus. Yu Xing Cao Injection could obviously improve the proportion of T lymphocytes in peripheral blood, and increase the phagocytosis of neutrophil leucocyte. Diuretic effect
Clinical Studies
Pleural effusion due to cancers 20ml Yu Xing Cao Injection, (each ml containing 1g crude drug) was injected after pleural effusion was taken out. Once every other day, 7 times as a course of treatment. Results: 11 cases of pleural effusion due to cancers were treated, and the effusion disappeared in all cases. Lung cancer Bai He Gu Jin Wan plus yu xing cao, bai hua she she cao and ban zhi lian was used as the basic formula to treat 38 cases of metaphase lung cancer, one dose every day, 22 cases were improved.
Western medical
This herb is indicated in the treatment of chronic bronchitis, emphysema, whooping cough, tumors, chronic pharyngitis, and flat wart, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Relieves cough, prevents asthma, moistens Intestines and relaxes the bowels. Properties: Bitter, slightly warm. Slightly toxic. Channels entered: Lung, Large Intestine.
Pharmacological actions
Antitussive and anti-asthma effect Effect on digestive system Anti-tumor effect Crude preparations of hot water extract of xing ren had an inhibitory rate of 50~70% on human cervical cancer culture JTC-26. And its chemical constituents such as hydrocyanic acid ad amygdalin had slight anticancer effects. But therere also reports showing that xing ren had no anti-tumor effect.
Clinical Studies
Tumors ku xing ren, bi ma ren and other TCM herbs were made into Pi Ai Gao (skin cancer plaster) along with 5-Fu. 14 cases of skin cancer were treated with plaster alone, and 10 were cured, 2 markedly effective, 1 improved, 1 ineffective.Amygdalin and laetrile were administrated orally or intravenously to treat 34 cases of lung cancer and esophagus cancer in the late stage. The symptoms of most patients were relieved, and it was most obvious in relieving pain and controlling pleural effusion due to cancer.
Western medical
This herb is indicated in the treatment of whooping cough, spontaneous pneumothorax, pulmonary heart disease, ascites due to hepatocirrhosis and congestive heart failure, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Removes Heat from the Lung, relieves asthma, promotes Water circulation, reduces swelling. Properties: Acrid, bitter, very cold. Channels entered: Lung, Bladder.
Pharmacological actions
Cardiotonic effect Antibacterial effect Anticancer effect ting ling zi could exert its significant anticancer at a very low dosage. In vivo experiments showed that ting ling zi had inhibitory effect on ascites cancer.
Clinical Studies
No research related to cancer.
Western medical
This herb is often used to treat vomiting, Menieres disease, alimentary tract diseases, cancers, coronary disease, viral myocarditis, insomnia, thyroid tumor, whooping cough, mastitis, toothache, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Dries Dampness, dissolves Phlegm, lowers adverse of qi, stops vomiting, clears and dissolves lumps. Properties: Acrid, warm, toxic. Channels entered: Spleen, Stomach and Lung.
Pharmacological actions
Antitussive and expectorant effect Antiemetic and emetic effects Antitumor effect PTA(exogenous agglutinin) isolated from the fresh ban xia bulbs could agglutinate human liver tumor cell, Ehrlich carcinoma and ascitic type of liver cell. Experiments showed that the polysaccharide ingredients in ban xia PMN also had anti-tumor effects. Anti-early pregnancy effect Glucocorticoid-like effect
Clinical Studies
Cancers Water-soluble extracts from ban xia were made into tablets for oral administration, each tablet was equal to 10g crude drug, 2~3 tablets, tid, after meals. 247 cases of cervical carcinoma at different stages were treated with this method for over 2 months course of treatment, and 63 cases were short-term cured, 84 markedly effective, 44 improved, the total effective rate was 77.3%. And it had an effective rate of 96.7% in patients at stage I, 74.7% in stage II, and 74.2% in stage III. Peeled fresh ban xia was made into pills after being smashed into paste, 2 g each time, 3~4 times daily. The pill was put under the tongue root and swallowed to treat 30 cases of obstruction in esophagus and cardia cancer. In the 25 patients of obstruction due to esophagus cancer, 9 were markedly effective, 12 improved; among 5 patients of cardia cancer, 2 were markedly effective. The administration was usually no more than 30 days. Thyroid tumor sheng ban xia was decocted in water for over 15 minutes, modification was made according to different accompanying symptoms. 1 dose every other day, for consecutive 20 doses. Among treated 91 cases of thyroid tumor, 48 was cured, and 15 improved.
Western medical
This herb is often indicated in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis, chronic bronchitis, whooping cough, abcchia, scabies, and chronic pharyngitis, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Relieves cough, kills worms and lices. Properties: Sweet, bitter, neutral. Channels entered: Lung.
Pharmacological actions
Effects on bacteria Effects of killing parasites Effects on respiratory system.
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
This herb can be used to treat faucitis, chronic sinusitis, paddy field dermatitis, chyluria, and stomach, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Clears Heat, removes Toxin, removes Phlegm, benefits the throat. Properties: Bitter, cold. Channels entered: Lung.
Pharmacological actions
Anti-microbial effect Anti-inflammatory and anti-febrile effects Anticancer effect In vitro experiments showed that she gan had inhibitory effect on culture JTC-26 of human cervical cancer cell, and the inhibitory rate was over 90%.
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
BC Bone Cancer
Western medical
This herb is indicated in the treatment of various pain syndromes, sprain or contusion, gastritis, gastric ulcer, coronary heart disease, arrhythmia, and hypertension, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Activates Blood, moves qi, alleviates pain. Properties: Channels entered:
Pharmacological actions
Effects on central nervous system Effects on cardiovascular system Effects on digestive system Muscle-relaxing effect
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Mo Yao Myrrha
Pinyin: Mo Yao Latin: Myrrha Introduction
Myrrha, or mo yao, is the factice resin exudated from the trunk cortex of Commiphora myrrha Engl. and other plants from the same family (Fam. Burseraceae). It is collected in the autumn or summer, removed from cortex and foreign matters, smashed and dried.
Western medical
This herb is used to treat hyperlipemia, sprain and contusions, carbuncles, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Activates Blood, alleviates pain, reduces swelling, generates muscles. Properties: Bitter, neutral. Channels entered: Lung, Liver and Spleen,
Pharmacological actions
Effects on uterus Blood fat lowering effect Bacterial inhibiting effect
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
This herb is usually indicated in the treatment of menstrual problems and eye diseases.
Eastern medical
Pattern: Activates Blood, regulates menstruation, cools the Liver, brightens eyes. Properties: Acrid, bitter. Slightly cold. Channels entered: Pericardium, Liver.
Pharmacological actions
No related research.
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
Dan Shen is indicated in the treatment of viral myocarditis, acute myocardial infarction, diabetes, chronic simple rhinitis, and hepatocirrhosis, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Activates Blood, removes Blood stasis, cools Blood, clears the Heart, nourishes Blood, calms shen. Properties: Bitter, slightly cold. Channels entered: Heart, Pericardium and Liver.
Pharmacological actions
Functions over the kidney Functions on the heart Function of preventing radioactive pulmonary injury Effects on digestive system Effects on tumors dan shen had inhibitory effect on cervical carcinoma in mices. Effects on inflammations Effects on hematopoiesis Effects on reproduction Effects of protecting liver injury Effects on nervous system
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Ru Xiang Olibanum
Pinyin: Ru Xiang Latin: Olibanum Introduction
Ru Xiang, or Frankincense, is the resinous exudation of Boswellia carterii Birdw. (Fam.Burseraceae). Its collected in autumn and summer, removed from foreign matter, and scraped into the size of soybean.
Western medical
This herb is used to treat various infections, acute appendicitis, burn, pain syndrome and skin diseases.
Eastern medical
Pattern: Activates Blood, moves qi, alleviates pain, reduces swelling, promotes tissue regeneration. Properties: Acrid, bitter, warm. Channels entered: Heart, Lung and Spleen.
Pharmacological actions
Antalgic, anti-inflammatory effect Expectorant effect Gastric membrane protecting effect
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
This herb is usually indicated in the treatment of ischemic cerebrovascular diseases, coronary heart disease, epidemic hemorrhagic fever, peptic ulcer, chronic nephritis, phlebitis, erythema multiforme, bed sore, irregular menstruation, postpartum abdominal pain and infectious hepatitis.
Eastern medical
Pattern: Activates Blood, restores normal menstruation, removes stagnated Blood, alleviates pain, removes ecchymoses. Properties: Acrid, warm. Channels entered: Heart, Liver.
Pharmacological actions
Effects on cardiovascular system Effects on blood coagulation Effects on blood fat Anoxia tolerance improving effect Effects on smooth muscle Antalgic, sedative and anti-convulsion effect Influence over immunological activities hong hua polysaccharide could obviously antagonize the immunosuppressive effect of prednisolone. hong hua yellow could lower the content of serum lysozyme and phagocytic function of celiac macrophage and whole blood WBC.
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
Anti-inflammatory, detoxicant. The herb is mainly prescribed in amenorrhea due to hemostasis, dysmenorrhea, irregular menstruation, injuries due to impact fractures, contusions and strains, lumbar and knee atrophy, contracture of limbs, hematemesis, epistaxis, hematuria due to gonorrhea, gingivitis, laryngitis, and carbuncle. Dizziness, headaches, blurred vision.
Eastern medical
Pattern: Clears damp heat lower burner. Invigorates blood. Tonifies and nourishes liver and kidneys. Properties: Bitter, sour, neutral. Channels entered: Liver, kidney.
Pharmacological actions
Hematological effect Anti-inflammatory and Analgesic effects Blood-pressure lowering effect Actions on the Cardiovascular System Action on Protein Metabolism Action on Protein Anabolism Diuretic Action Actions on the Intestinal Tract Hepatic actions
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
This herb is used to treat threatened abortion, soft tissue injury, dysfunctionaluterine bleeding, impotence, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Nourishes the Liver and Kidney, strengthens Tendon and Bone, stops bleeding, prevents miscarriage, treats injury and fracture. Properties: Bitter, acrid, slightly warm. Channels entered: Liver, Kidney.
Pharmacological actions
Anti avitaminosis of vitamine E Hemostatic and antalgic effect Promoting the development of uterine
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
The herb can be used to treat coronary heart disease, bone TB, hypertension, fracture, sciatica, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Breaks Blood, removes Blood stasis, promotes reunion of fractured bones. Properties: Salty, cold. Slightly toxic. Channels entered: Liver.
Pharmacological actions
Anti-thrombus effect Blood fat regulating effect Liver protecting effect Anti-oxidant effect Anti-mutation effect
Clinical Studies
No research related to cancer.
Western medical
This herb is often indicated in the treatment of amenorrhea, cerebrovascular diseases, pulmonary heart disease, angina pectoris, bronchial asthma, hepatocirrhosis, and polycythemia vera, etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Breaks Blood, removes stagnated Blood, dissolves hard lumps. Properties: Salty, bitter, neutral. Slightly toxic. Channels entered: Liver.
Pharmacological actions
Effects on blood system Effects on cardiovascular sytem Kidney protecting effect Pregnancy terminating effect Anti-tumor effect Hirudin had inhibitory effect on tumor cells, and had certain inhibitory effect on the growth of mice liver cancer. The high anti-coagulant effect of leech could help anticancer drugs and immune competent cells enter the cancer tissues to kill cancer cells.
Clinical Studies
No research related to cancer.
Su Mu Lignum Sappan
Pinyin: Su Mu Latin: Lignum Sappan Introduction
Su Mu, or Sappan Wood is the dried heart wood of Caesalpinia sappan L. (Fam. Leguminosae). The drug is collected mostly in autumn, removed from the white sap wood and dried.
Western medical
This herb can be indicated in the treatment of soft tissue injury, skin diseases and menstrual problems.
Eastern medical
Pattern: Expels stagnated Blood, reduces swelling, activates Blood and regulates menstruation. Properties: Sweet, salty, acrid, neutral. Channels entered: Heart, Liver and Spleen.
Pharmacological actions
Anti-inflammatory effect Effects on cardiovascular system Sedative effect Anticancer effect Water extract (1g/ml) 2.5l had obvious killing effect on HL-60, K562, L929 and Yacl in vitro, and this effect was believed to be dose-dependent. Bacterial-inhibiting effect
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.
Western medical
This herb is indicated in the treatment of bleeding of the upper digestive tract, chronic rheumatic arthritis, chronic colonitis, hemorrhoid, and soft tissue injury etc..
Eastern medical
Pattern: Activates Blood, removes Blood stasis, stops bleeding, promotes wound healing and generates tissue regeneration. Properties: Sweet, salty, neutral. Channels entered: Heart, Liver.
Pharmacological actions
Effects on blood system Bacteria inhibitory effect Anti-inflammatory effect
Clinical Studies
No research related to tumors.