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As Indonesians economy growing, growing energy consumption and GHG emissions will also grow. potential negative g impacts p of GHG emissions on the g global To reduce the p environment, Indonesian has made a national commitment to energy efficiency (EE) and energy conservation (EC). Energy Law (UU.No.30/2007) Government Regulation on energy conservation (PP 70/2009) Presidential Instruction (No.13/2011) (No 13/2011)

High Energy Conservation Opportunities

Implementation of energy efficiency projects may be constrained by a number of barriers: 1. Facility managers in public enterprises generally do not have a good understanding of the opportunities, opportunities costs and benefits of energy efficiency options; 2. Contracting and procurement rules in public enterprises are often restrictive; for example, they require the selection of the lowest bidder, which makes it difficult to adopt the performance contracting approach; 3. Responsibilities for capital and operating budgets in public agencies are often dispersed making it difficult to deploy funds from capital budget to reduce operating dispersed, costs; 4. Commercial banks are generally unwilling to provide project financing services enterprises. to public

Barriers to large-scale implementation of energy efficiency projects in the private sector include the following: 1. Large commercial energy users are unwilling to provide a high priority to energy efficiency projects and have limited interest in investing their own funds for such projects; 2. Senior managers of many large energy users are not convinced of the benefits from energy efficiency projects; 3. The concepts of performance contracting are relatively new to many commercial and industrial energy users in Indonesia; 4. Many financial executives are unwilling to take on additional debt on their balance sheets to finance energy efficiency projects. Project financing would be a preferred approach, but commercial financial institutions are not used to project financing of energy efficiency projects;

The growth of ESCO industry in Indonesia has been so slow due to some reasons, such as follows : There is no ESCOs model in Indonesia nationally accepted and local ESCO has limited experience with successful ESCO projects; The concept of project financing for ESCO projects is not commonly accepted by commercial financial institutions in Indonesia. A major reason for this is that commercial financial institutions require collateral and are generally unwilling to accept the savings stream generated by the project as appropriate collateral. The commercial financial institutions typically have limited knowledge and understanding of energy efficiency projects and the performance contracting concept; The commercial financial institution also perceive energy efficiency projects as inherently more risky than other investments, and generally require a large proportion of equity f di from funding f ESCO for ESCOs f a project. j

In order to achieve EE implementation potential, ESCO need to establish in Indonesia, Indonesia and need the following actions : 1. To provide an ESCO model and gain acceptance and goverment support g 2. Promotion with education and awarenes training 3. Standardize contracts for ESCOs & Standardize measurement and verification for ESCO projects. 4. Government Regulation concerning in ESCO Industries if necessary; 5. Establish a energy efficiency and energy conservation special fund and develop a third-party third party financing network. network 6. Implement pilot projects p incentive and disincentive mechanisms; 7. Develop 8. Develop a medium and long term plan; 9. Promote energy performance contracting in public sector 10. Establish an equipment-leasing in accordance with ESCO mechanism.

ESCO Financing-Some Successful Global Experiences

Hungary-WB IFC PCG program China-WB China WB ESCO program Brazil-Electricity cess for ESCO program Korea-Petroleum cess for ESCO program Thailand-Utility DSM & ESCO projects Japan-Utility ESCO development

Potential Financing Mechanism

Equity E it Capital C it l for f ESCOs ESCO RDPT (Special Purpose Mutual Fund Type) Venture capital p for corporate p and/or p project j equity q y Guarantee Fund Payment Security Mechanism Mechanism to secure the cash flows from energy savings for debt service Streamlined (Program-based) approach for small projects Development of standardised project approval parameters that mitigate risks on a portfolio basis


FinancingSchemefrom RDPT 1
Investors forRDPT: a. InvestmentManager b Banks(Treasury) b. c. PensionFund d. VentureCapital(DN/LN) e. InsuranceCos f f. CorporateTreasury g. GreenFundGtoG h. GreenFundPtoP i. DedicatedInvestor j j. BuyerProduct(Borrower offtaker) k. ManufacturerCredit GreenProduct l l. SWF m. Others
Asset Manajement j Co (as Investment Manager for RDPT)
Ijcense j from Government Authority (Bapepam LK)
Penempatan Modal / Pinjaman Dana Efek (surat hutang / saham)


RDPT UnitPenyertaan (UP) Max50Investor

BankCustody (Penyimpan Aset RDPT) Harta Investor dipisahkan


Leasing/Finance Cos Co s



Boiler Replacement Pemasangan g Mesin Produksi Investasi System ControlProduksi

Energy Saving Equipments Optimalisasi Mesin Produksi Investasi Power Plant

Investment GradeAudit fromconsultant

ActionPlandari Konservasi Energi lainnya


Key Features:
Grant $ I FC I.F.C. GEF $ Guarantee Facility Agreement Transaction Guarantee LOCAL FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONs


TA provided to all parties to prepare projects & build capacities Financial products w/guarantee developed for industry, SMEs, municipalities, hospitals, district heating, cogen & thermal plants, lending to ESCOs

EE Project Loans Leasing Co. Lease End-user



Energy Services Agreement End-user

Source : World Bank

Alt 1:PublicSectorWindow
International Institution Repayment Loan Exec Agency loan PSM Repayment Guarantee Mechanism loan Lenders PSM Repayment Small Projects EE Projects (large) ESCO GOI

Alt 2:PrivateSector
International Institution Fees/int Credit Guarantee loan Exec PSM Agency Repayment GOI

EE Projects (large) ESCO

Guarantee Mechanism (unfunded) loan Lenders PSM Repayment Small Project(s) (Borrower)

Why Do WE Need M&V?

Verifies guaranteed savings:
1. 2. 3. ESPCs are financed using avoided cost as a service debt. revenue to

A critical part of this financing tool is the ESCO- provided savings guarantee. M&V assures the government that savings have been fully achieved before full payment is made to ESCO.

AboutAPKENINDO ( ( p )
Energy Conservation Support Companies Association established in March 23, 2011 Mission statement : Mission
To support stakeholders in achieving energy conservation opportunities through greatest competence and internationaly recognized standard.

Member : 20 group of companies

1 Catalyzing 1. C t l i activities ti iti and d promotion ti of f the th establishment t bli h t
of strategic alliances : ESCOs, Potential Clients Energy End Users, Financing institutions, institutions Energy efficient equipment equipments s manufacturers and distributors, and Support Institutions 2.Strengthen the offer of ESCOs by a) Establishing a Special Fund F nd (there is a current c rrent initiative) initiati e) b) Help establish a financing mechanism that will allow ESCOs to bundle several projects and reduce transaction costs. 3 Support to project development 3. a) Technical Assistance b) Assistance in establishing the contact, negotiations and follow-up c) Capitalization of Experiences Promotion of results


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