PSYC 420 Syllabus

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University of South Carolina College of Arts and Sciences Psychology Department

Survey of Developmental Psychology Psychology 420 Summer 2013 Monday-Friday, 11:45-1:35PM, Hamilton 201 Instructor: Bridgette Tonnsen Office: Psychology Annex, 819 Barnwell St Office Hours: 2-4PM Tuesday & by appointment Email: Phone: [email protected] (preferred) (843) 810-0238 (emergencies)

Course Description: This course will explore human development across the lifespan, encompassing the prenatal period through late adulthood. We will incorporate social, cognitive, physical, and emotional theories. We will also explore current research and practical applications of material. Learning Objectives: The instructor will use lecture, readings, discussion, projects, and research articles to facilitate students critical thinking and successful mastery of the following learning objectives: Describe the hallmark features of physical, cognitive, and social/emotional development over the lifespan, and appreciate the inter-relationship among these domains. Define and contrast cross-sectional and longitudinal research methods, and articulate their advantages and limitations. Compare and contrast theoretical perspectives used to frame developmental findings. Appreciate the importance of the parent-child relationship over time. Understand the basic process of brain development over the lifespan and how developmental neuroscience contributes to our understanding of human development. Identify how culture influences expectations and development over time. Recognize how individual differences including intelligence, temperament, and gender affect typical and atypical development. List multiple examples of adolescent risky behavior and the biological, cognitive, and social mechanisms that contribute to these behaviors. Describe how the mind ages and how intelligence is expressed during adulthood. Critically evaluate claims in the media and popular press regarding developmental processes. Integrate course concepts with real-world experiences.

Readings/Materials: 1. Essentials of Life-Span Development, 3rd Edition (Santrock, 2014) 2. Research articles and other readings will be assigned and can be accessed on Blackboard or via databases as identified by the instructor. For additional reading, students may also consult How Children Develop (Seigler, DeLoache, & Eisenberg, 2011) and Human Development: A Cultural Approach (Arnett, 2011), which complement your primary text. You will not be responsible for information from these textbooks that is not covered in lecture. Course Policies: Lecture Notes: Students must attend class and read the text to obtain all necessary content that will be covered on the exam(s) and other assignments. Lecture notes will be posted on Blackboard before class but may not be considered a substitute for attending class.

Course Schedule: The instructor will attempt to keep the course schedule as-is. In the case of unforeseen circumstances, students will be notified of any changes in person and/or via e-mail. Attendance: Students must follow university guidelines for class attendance. Absence from more than 10 percent of the scheduled class sessions, whether excused or unexcused, is excessive and the instructor may choose to exact a grade penalty for such absences. It must be emphasized that the 10 percent rule stated above applies to both excused and unexcused absences. Please note that due to the brief duration of this course 10% of class equates to two sessions. Instructor Contact: Please use e-mail as your primary method of contacting the instructor. Include PSYC 420 in the subject of the e-mail to ensure accurate delivery. If your e-mail is not returned within 24 hours (excluding weekends), please re-send your message. Late/Missing Assignments: Students will not turn in assignments late. Late projects will be penalized 10% off per day beginning with the day they are due (e.g. assignments turned in after the appropriate time will be penalized 10% on the first day, an additional 10% the second day, etc.) Cell Phones: Students will keep phones silenced and will not text during class. Study Groups and Review Sessions: The instructor will facilitate formation of student study groups for any interested class members. Controversial topics: The field of human development contains topics that may be controversial or uncomfortable for students. Material presented is designed to reflect recent scholarly thinking about topics rather than the instructors personal viewpoint or opinion. Students are encouraged to think critically about topic areas and to present arguments for why they agree or disagree with a particular area. Please be respectful of other students. It is normal to disagree with your peers about topics, but it is unacceptable to attack other students personally or to make them feel unsafe in the classroom. Disability accommodations: Any student needing accommodation for a disability, including exam modifications, needs to communicate these needs to the instructor within the first week of class and provide appropriate documentation through the Office of Disability Services. All information regarding a students disability will be kept strictly confidential, and students are encouraged to speak with the instructor regarding any special needs that they may have. Academic integrity: Plagiarism and cheating are serious offences and will not be tolerated. Any instances of academic dishonesty will result in a grade of 0 and referral to the academic dean. Students are expected to adhere to the University honor code ( Evaluation: At the close of the semester, you will be assigned a grade based on your performance on exams, papers, projects, and participation. You are responsible for lecture and reading content. Requirement Exams Reaction Papers Interview Project In-Class Participation Total points possible: 300 269-300 = A 257-268 = B+ 239-256 = B 227-238 = C+ Total Points 140 90 45 25 Description Exams 1 and 2=35 pts, Exam 3=70 pts 3 reports @ 30 points each

209-226 = C 197-208 = D+ 179-196 = D <178 = F

Exams: This course includes three mandatory exams. Each exam will consist mostly of multiple-choice questions designed to reflect both your understanding of core concepts, as well as your ability to effectively apply these concepts beyond their definitions. Some exams may also include brief short-answer questions. Content will cover text, lecture, videos, and supplemental readings. Your instructor will clarify the format and content prior to each exam. Exams will be administered through Blackboard. Reaction Papers (30 points each): The purpose of Reaction Papers is for students to demonstrate their (1) mastery of core concepts and (2) ability to effectively articulate their accumulated knowledge. Students will be given a choice of two essay prompts for each paper. Papers are to be written outside of class using text, lecture notes, and independent reading. All reports must be written in APA formatting and are not to exceed two double-spaced pages in length (Times New Roman 11-pt font). Title page and references may be included on additional pages. Reports must be submitted via Blackboard by 11:59PM on the due date. Grades will be administered using the following rubric: Mastery of Content (24 points): 20-24 Student demonstrates exceptional ability to describe and apply key concepts 12-19 Student adequately describes or applies key concepts 6-11 Student describes and applies key concepts with several errors 0-5 Student does not demonstrate understanding of key concepts APA Formatting (2 points): 2 Student appropriately uses APA formatting (0 or 1 errors) 0 Student does not appropriately use APA formatting (2+ errors) Writing Style (4 points): 4 Student writes with clarity, conciseness, and felicity of expression. (-Charles Brewer) 2-3 Student writes adequately but may make grammatical, spelling, or writing style errors 0-1 Student does not demonstrate appropriate writing or proofreading skills These reports are designed to provide students with helpful feedback regarding their ability to articulate course concepts effectively. As such, the instructor will grade reports using rigorous standards. Each student may edit and re-submit two of the three reports within 48 hours of receiving their grade in-class. The first draft must be included in the same document as the second submission. Students may earn back up to 50% of missed points, pending exceptional demonstration of course content mastery, APA formatting, and writing skills. Interview Project (45 points): Each student will choose three individuals to interview. One individual will be between 3 and 8 years of age, one individual will be between 9 and 17 years of age, and one individual will be at least 45 years of age. Students will spend at least 30 minutes with each individual and will interact with them informally (e.g., play a game, talk about interests, share a meal) as well as interview them using a set of standard probes in addition to probes that the student develops. Detailed information regarding the process and content will be provided via Blackboard. In-Class Participation Assignments (25 points): You will be given up to 25 points for active student participation during class. Students are expected to have read assigned material prior to class and to come to class prepared to fully engage in course material. Participation points will include both informal participation (e.g. daily attendance, responsiveness during lectures) and structured activities. EXTRA CREDIT. Students may earn up to 3% extra credit by serving as experimental participants in research conducted by Psychology Dept. faculty and students. Each research credit will gain you .5% of the final grade up to a maximum of 6 credits. Beyond the extra credit you could gain, your participation supports the research done by members of the Psychology Department, which in turn increases the prestige and visibility of our University. To sign up, go to: . As the number of available studies varies throughout the semester, you should start participating as soon as possible

Suggestions for Succeeding in this Course: 1) Read before class. 2) Start your interview project immediately. 3) Become engaged in the material. Take time to think of how key concepts apply to your own studies, personal life, or potential career. 4) If your only study strategy is memorizing definitions, you will not earn a strong grade in this course. 5) Practice the test before you take the test. In other words, anticipate the key concepts (using your lecture notes as an outline), learn them, and practice articulating them clearly. 6) Attend class. 7) Do not be discouraged by feedback. Learning is a lifelong process.

For every complex question, there is an easy answerand it is wrong, wrong, wrong. H. L. Mencken

Class Schedule
Date Topic WEEK 1 Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri 6/3 6/4 6/5 6/6 6/7 Introduction and Research Methods Developmental Theory Developmental Theory (cont.) Biological Beginnings Prenatal and Newborn Development Exam on Blackboard Ch 1 (p. 1-32) Little Albert Ch 2 (p. 33-70) Scientific Birth EXAM #1 (35 pts) Readings Assignments/Grades

WEEK 2 Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri 6/10 6/11 6/12 6/13 6/14 Infant Physio-Cognitive Development The Brain Infant Socio-Emotional Development Early Childhood Physio-Cognitive Development Early Childhood Socio-Emotional Development Exam on Blackboard Ch 3 (p. 71-108) Baby Einstein (2) Ch 4 (p. 108-132) Ch 5 (p. 133-161) Ch 6 (p. 162-189) Parenting EXAM #2 (35 pts) Baby Einstein Prep Reflection #1 Due

WEEK 3 Mon Tues Wed Thurs 6/17 6/18 6/19 6/20 Neurodevelopmental Disorders Middle Childhood Physio-Cognitive Development Middle Childhood Socio-Emotional Development Adolescent Physio-Cognitive Development NO CLASS (Session E Exams) WEEK 4 Mon 6/24 Adolescent Socio-Emotional Development Early Adulthood Middle Adulthood Late Adulthood Final Exam on Blackboard Ch 10 (p. 274-294) Criminal Brain Adolescent Brain #2 Ch 11-12 (p. 295-333) Emerging Adulthood Ch 13-14 (p. 334-369) Ch 15-16 (p. 353-424) Autism and Geeks ADHD Diagnoses Ch 7 (p. 190-218) Ch 8 (p. 219-248) Ch 9 (p. 249-273) Adolescent Brain #1 (glean key points) Interview Project Due

Reflection #2 Due



Tues Wed Thurs Fri

6/25 6/26 6/27 6/28

Reflection #3 Due Aging Activity Prep Interview Presentations EXAM #3 (70 pts)

Additional Readings and Activities (updated 6.4.13 based on class input) Week 1: Little Albert Read: Watson, J. B. & Rayner, R (1920). Conditioned emotional reactions. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 3, 1-14. Retrieved 6/2/13 from . Read: The Atlantic commentary on medical birth interventions

Scientific Birth

Week 2: Baby Einstein Assignment: Read through the Baby Einstein web site, and bring an example of a developmental toy advertisement to class. Read: Zimmerman, F. J., Christakis, D.A., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2007). Television and DVD/Video viewing in children younger than 2 years. Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, 161, 473-479. Read: Los Angeles Times popular press article summarizing Baby Einstein research Parenting Week 3: Autism and Geeks Read: Scientific American article on geeky couples and vulnerability to autism Read: Scientific American article on ADHD diagnostic rates Read: Wall Street Journal essay written about parenting

ADHD Diagnoses

Adolescent Brain #1: Read: Dahl, R. E. (2004). Adolescent brain development: A period of vulnerability and opportunities. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1021, 1-22. Week 4: Adolescent Brain #2: Read: New York Times article on teenage brain, with reference to Boston bombing Criminal Brain Read: The Atlantic commentary on brain science, addiction, and criminal law Read: Arnett, J. J. (2000). Emerging adulthood: A theory of development from late teens through the twenties. American Psychologist, 55, 469-480. Bring: one example of an advertisement designed for middle-aged adults. Bring: a copy of your interview project, and be prepared to discuss interesting findings

Emerging Adult

Aging Activity Interview Present.

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