Stainless Steel Corrosion by Chloride Ions
Stainless Steel Corrosion by Chloride Ions
Stainless Steel Corrosion by Chloride Ions
We are a small company in France, producing encapsulated raw material for cosmetic industry. We use a stainless steel machine (316SS), and we have had recent problem of green coloration in our products. We think it could be due to a previous preparation where we used 10% sodium chloride solution which could have done some corrosion to the stainless steel. Do you think this is possible (corrosion of stainless steel by NaCl solution at room temperature)? How can we demonstrate that ? We have looked for Ni and Cr ions in the product, and we did not find them. Should we look for iron ions ? What could be the remedy ? Will passivation with nitric/fluorhydric acids solve the problem ? Thank you very much for your answer. Sincerely Ren L - PESSAC, FRANCE -
316 SS has excellent corrosion resistance, but it is not impervious to rust. Chloride is an excellent rust cause with a little damp air moisture. After your NaCl step, increase your rinsing via sprays (mist) or added tanks. A final warm water tank and blow dry step will significantly reduce the corrosion. The probable thing that allowed the corrosion to form was trace smearing of ferric iron in the manufacturing step. Nitric acid or nitric acid/chromate will reduce this problem. Hydrofluoric acid is NOT a recommended step. There are some quite good citric acid proprietary products available now that are a lot safer to use.
Rene - I have often seen stainless steel have corrosion because of high chlorine content of the water. Generally, this causes a "white rust" and is very damaging. It happens frequently in cooling applications where biofouling has occurred and the operator throws in a bunch of bleach to kill bacteria and algae in the recirculating tank. I hope this provides a starting point for your investigation. Good luck Dan Brewer chemical process supplier - Gurnee, Illinois -
You may or may not have corrosion of the stainless steel from the chloride exposure, but I doubt that the green color that you are observing is the result of such corrosion. Green corrosion will occur on stainless steel only under very specific conditions, and the green is due to segregation of chromium. If you are not finding Cr or Ni in the green material, this is further evidence that the color is not from the SS. Do you have any copper in the system? Pitting corrosion of stainless steel due to chlorides would certainly produce a rust-colored product. Passivation can be used to maintain a good corrosion resistant surface of stainless steel process vessel. There are many commercial products for this purpose. In the pharmaceutical industry, this process is often called "derouging", that is to remove the buildup of iron oxides on the stainless steel process surfaces. I would recommend a commercial product with technical support from the supplier, rather than a home-brew passivation treatment. Inspection of the stainless steel process vessels for pitting corrosion can be very tricky. The pits are often undercut with only a microscopic opening at the surface. Look for small spots of red-brown stain on the surface, then probe these spots for a deeper pit under the surface.
First of all, let me confirm that the green products you found are probably not issued from the stainless steel grade 316. At Tocopilla combined cycle power station located in the north of Chile, we face a high corrosion rate of our seawater submerged stainless. The problem is in fact the mixing of to unfavorable conditions: seawater and chlorine injection against biological fouling. After 3 months only crevice corrosion appeared on the main cooling water pumps impellers made of 1.4408 SS grade (a kind of 316). This was due to chloride attack of the SS passive layer leading to a pitting corrosion. The active base metal remained therefore unprotected and a standard galvanic corrosion occurred between the passive layer (nobler metal or cathode) and the active metal (less noble metal, anode). All this created crevices in the impeller casings. All corrosion products found were red or brown (rusty). The conclusion is: if you use SS material in a chloride environment, be sure you use the adequate grade of SS. Maybe, under certain concentrations, SS316 is not the best grade to fit your requirements. Have a look SS316HMo or SS317 or other grades with high molybdenum content and even with nitrogen content. Axel L - Brussels April 25, 2008
Definitely in 304 stainless steel corrosion takes place by pitting corrosion caused due to Chloride ions, But its color is reddish brown, It is not green. Green color is seen in corrosion of Copper metal. So you must look if there is copper. Abhishek T - Roorkee, India September 17, 2009
Ren L, I have replicated a green color solution with stainless steel by submerging a s/s bolt in hydrochloric acid (muriatic acid, HCl). Did you ever clean the stainless with hydrochloric acid containing cleaning products? If so the HCl may have reacted with the stainless and a resulting green color could have been the result. Cliff Kusch electropolishing shop - North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Hi everyone,
We were using an AISI 316 SS plate heat exchanger to cool 80 C bi-distilled water (product side) with tap water (service side). After only 5 months of use the heat exchanger evidences significant holes on the product side due to what the equipment supplier has determined to be pit corrosion caused by a combination of chloride, high temperatures and stagnant water with air mixtures. bi-distilled water: chlorides <= 0,5 ppm tap water: chlorides <= 53 ppm saturated vapor: chlorides <= 0,5 ppm The equipment is sterilized once a day with pure saturated steam on the product side and then used for approx. 1 hr and then drained.
Can low chloride concentrations in the 1 ppm range actually cause this type of corrosion? Could the use of Titanium plates solve this problem? How does the steam thermal and mechanical shock affect the corrosion process? Could there be some other mechanism causing corrosion (presence of ozone, etc.)? Any comment will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. Jos B - Spain
We are about to purchase an RO water treatment system for the dairy. To do so we need to present the required water quality. As we use SS304L for our piping and tanks, what would be the maximum ppm of chlorides allowed ? Thanks Yaron W dairy - Israel +++
To the individual asking about the maximum chlorine concentration for an RO Water System, the answer is essentially zero. The corrosion of the 304SS is not the issue, because all RO membranes cannot tolerate even low concentrations of chlorine. Activated carbon filters are used to remove any chlorine prior to the RO system. Even slight leakage of chlorine damages the membranes rapidly. Rick L - Perrysburg, Ohio
I would like to ask in which way stainless steel react with bleach, and after that what could happen on the surface if in contact with an organic substrate? the steel surface become "reactive"? Mario Rossi pharma - Italy
I would like to ask why stainless steel reacts with bleach? Thank you!
This to hopefully answer the question presented by the student from Hong Kong, Mr.Leung T. The question was why stainless steel reacts with bleach? 1. There are over 50 grades of S.S., some are more expensive than others. S.S. that has higher concentrations of molybdenum in it are considered marine grade and resist chlorides much better. These grades are expensive. 316 is approximately 20 to 30% more expensive that grade 304. 2. What concentration is the bleach? Bleach is sodium hypochlorite (NaOCL)In the U.S.A., it can range across various concentrations. Chlorox bleach is typically 12.5% available chlorine or 125,000 ppm chlorine. 3. The chloride ion penetrates the chrome oxide layer that protects the metal then destroys the rest of the metal components. Hope this helps. Chlorine is a Halogen and there are other such chemicals the spread destruction. fluorine,bromine,iodine. Note: they all have an "...ine ending in their name. Pete Churchill
Dear Sirs
Concerning chloride action on 316 stainless steel, we are selecting the material for water injection pumps; this water contains 2500 ppm chlorides; what would be the appropriate material for this service? Enrique Londono Oil - Bogota, Colombia May 16, 2009
Hello to all, We have been experiencing premature failure of 304 S.S. bolts used in the construction of main line gate valves in our water distribution system. Other buried infrastructure made of mild steel are rendered worthless with a few years. The problem has been traced to winter road salts (calcium chloride and sodium chloride)that find their way to the valves thru valve extensions, a direct route to the surface and by roadside melt / runoff that leaches to the pipes below. We are considering changing our specifications to include the use of 316 S.S. in all buried infrastructure with the addition of a topical application (No-Ox-Id) on all bolts prior to installation. In addition, we are strongly in favor of "wrapping" all buried infrastructure. Lab samples (obtained through valve extensions) of groundwater in the immediate vicinity of some valves, have yielded chloride levels of 3,520 mg/L and a pH of 7.6 We are facing a public who demands safe driving conditions in the winter and are paying a hidden price for this with a reduced life of our infrastructure. We trust that we are taking the proper response to this problem that impacts all communities that treat their roads in the winter, for the safety of the driving public. Peter W. Churchill Water & Sewer Supt. - Randolph, Massachusetts
We use syringe pumps in our facility with 316SS lapped and polished bores. DI water or a neutral mineral oil are most often used in the pumps. I turned to this site to understand if I can use 1-3% NaCl brine in the mirror finished pumps without damage. It seems risky. What do you think, can I live with 1 or 2% NaCl w/o causing pitting to the pump bore at relatively low temperature? However, while reading responses there seems to be general confusion between chlorine, chlorite, and chlorides. Please understand that these are not the same!. Chlorides are part of dissolved salt or seawater and will not damage RO membranes used for water purification. On the other hand, hypochlorites release the very oxidative element chlorine which will destroy many polymers - maybe those found in RO membranes. Thank you robert schlemmer - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia October 6, 2011
Hi everyone, I had a problem with our Stainless steel hand washing sink table. The environment where it is placed is closed and very smelly because of chlorine that they used in the area although it is not contact with the product. The stand of the sink table and other part of it corroded. My initial finding is that it is because of the fumes and chlorine atoms may build up on the surface of the stainless steel thus corroding the sink table. Is my finding correct? any answer please thanks
IS 202 MORE CORROSION RESISTANT THAN 304? RECHIE MAGHARI product specialist and researcher - Davao City, Philippines October 6, 2011
Hi, Rechie.
Chlorine is a gas, not a liquid. The gas evolves from bleach solutions. Hydrochloric acid is a gas dissolved in a liquid. So, although no bleach or acid may have splashed on it, the chlorine is still there to attack the stainless steel. Regards,
This is a follow up of my earlier question.The hand-washing sink we use is actually grade 304 stainless steel. The 304 SS stains due to the chlorinated water (calcium hypochlorite of 400 ppm) fumes that dominate the area. What is the recommended chlorine present in water to not corrode the steel because of its fumes? Thank you so much Best regards, Rechie Rechie Maghari - Davo City, Philippines October 10, 2011
Hi every one We had a problem in water piping. we have a lot of chloride in water and we use stainless steel 304 in a part of piping. after 5 years, we observe pitting. which type of steel we can use? thank you Forough D employee - Iran December 22, 2011
Can I use 304 stainless steel needle valves in chlorine gas? Will there be a corrosion problem or not? Hessam Lohrasbi - Iran March 9, 2012
Hi all,
I would like to know procedures to retrieve sample (rust) from a stainless steel tank. The rust is in moist form. Perhaps cotton bud or glass rod? Jeaseanjore Ng - Singapore
Hello sirs, I want to know which of the following materials: 316L SS, 1.4408 SS, and Alloy 20 should I use for storage of sulfuric acid. Thank you Ubong Etukudo - Warri, Delta State, Nigeria
June 5, 2012
We are a manufacturer of autopsy equipment. We recently provided sink stations in 316 stainless steel which are developing rust and pit marks.
The facility is using a combination of bleach, hydrogen peroxide and Brillo pads to clean the units. Are any of these causing the problem? Thanks for the help. Gino Joseph - Azusa, California, USA
June 6, 2012
Hi Gino. Perhaps brass wool could replace the Brillo, but bleach is still murder on 316 stainless. Regards,
I recommend scrubbing with "Barkeepers Friend" with water and dilute bleach, followed by dilute bleach rinse for sterilization, followed by a clean water rinse. Using brillo may transfer free iron to the surface that will cause rust spots, so it should be avoided. The combination of bleach and peroxide is counter-productive, since the peroxide will react with the bleach with the disinfecting power of each will be partially or totally destroyed. Use one or the other, and bleach is preferable since it will disinfect at low concentrations, whereas peroxide will not be effective at low concentration. Even 10-25 mg/L of bleach can be remarkably effective. Lyle Kirman water treatment systems - Cleveland, Ohio
Ted is right, steel-based scrubbing pads should be replaced with something that doesn't contain iron (Scotchbrite perhaps), and bleach is a horrible thing to put on stainless. I realize that it's hard to break a customer off of bleach since they are only thinking about the need for sterilization, so they should be regularly giving the stainless a passivation treatment to counteract the bleach damage. This can be done safely and easily with citric acid based products. Extra measures are likely needed in this case since pit corrosion has already set in. Let us know if we can help.
Best shaft material for flow/speed measurement in pool, lake and ocean water. I'm developing an instrument for measuring open water speed using a small plastic propeller. I've used 316SS, .125 and .062 dia, as the shaft and noticed residue on the shaft after a week or so of use. This application requires low friction for accurate measurement. Considering going to ceramic but like the toughness of metal. The 316 shaft was actually a commercial dowel pin which is not passivated. Any recommendations for material? 317, 904 or ceramic? Thanks Mike Sweeney - Irvine, California, USA
September 7, 2012
Hi... I am using an evaporator made of SS 316. Recently several holes have been developed on its surface. after analysis of Evaporator feed we found Chlorides in the range of 10,000 ppm and sulfates in the range of 22,000 ppm. Can you please suggest a method to take care of this?? Is chlorides the only responsible factor in this case?? Avanti Bannore - Pune, Maharashtra,India
316 Stainless steel is not a good choice for the high chlorides in your evaporator concentrate. The sulfates are not a concern. For resistance to chlorides in this concentration range, you will probably need to use a Hastelloy alloy. Lyle Kirman water treatment systems - Cleveland, Ohio September 10, 2012
If your heat source is thru the bottom or the walls, You will build up a scale layer that will act as an insulator and cause a faster degradation of the metal as well as wasted heat. James Watts - Navarre, Florida September 12, 2012 Hi... Thanks for your answer. But as far as it is the question of SS 316 as MOC in evaporator, there are many companies here which have same MOC and their evaporators are working perfectly fine with it. And about heating source I am not sure. I will get it confirmed and get back to
you. Thanks again.. :) Avanti Bannore - Pune, Maharashtra,India December 26, 2012
I wish to use Butterfly valves in chlorine solution pipeline service (3500 ppm max.) Material of disc of the valve used is SS316. I was reading about oitting of SS316. What are long term and short term affects of chlorine on SS316 valves... and any graphical documentary evidence or photographs are available for the same? Await for a reply. Thanks in advance. Neil Pereira - Mumbai, India ^- Privately contact this inquirer -^ January 22, 2013
Neil, Chloride solutions are always rough on stainless. 316 is the best you can have for this short of duplex. Even so, keep an eye on it and repassivate them as needed. This can be done safely and easily with citric acid based products.
We have Rinse tank made out of SS304 material on pre-treatment line. Tank was filled with water for conducting trials. After two months we found many holes on the bottom side of tank especially where Mild Steel stiffener is welded from out side of the tank. See We checked the water in the tank and found that chlorides as Cl 450 ppm in the water. Corroded area looks like rusty colour. Can anybody suggest how to repair this tank? We are separately taking measures to reduce the chlorides in the water. Umesh Phadke - Pune, Maharashtra, India ^- Privately contact this inquirer -^ April 24, 2013
If you weld ordinary SS T304, you will get carbide precipitation in grain boundaries at the weld area, and corrosion resistance will be lost. Use type 304L (low carbon) for all welded parts. In the presence of chlorides, use T316L.
I wish to store a Mild Solution (About 1%) of Sodium Hypochlorite in a S.S. 316 Q Tank. Will it be safe ? Is there any chances of corrosive of S.S. 316 Q Metal. Shirish Ramanlal Gandhi - Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India ^- Privately contact this inquirer -^ June 10, 2013
Shirish, I don't have any hard data that's applicable, but given 316 and the low concentration you plan to use, I think you will be okay for the the most part. However it would not surprise me if there was at least a little bit of corrosion within a year or so.
Do you perform Hydrogen Induced Cracking and Sulphide Stress Corrosion Cracking tests?
TCR Engineering Services can carryout tests like Hydrogen Induced Cracking and Sulphide Stress Corrosion Cracking test as per NACE TM 0284 and TM0177 specifications respectively. In addition Chloride Stress Corrosion Test can also be carried out. We have the facility to undertake all these tests. Top
Do you perform Magnesium Chloride Stress Corrosion Cracking tests on Duplex SS Tubes?
TCR Engineering Services can undertake Magnesium Chloride Stress Corrosion Cracking test on duplex Stainles Steel (SS) tubes. We recommended conducting this test at 145C Temp and for 500 hours duration. If your requirement is urgent, at least a 7 day test must be performed. Our charges for Magnesium Chloride Stress Corrosion test as per ASTM G 36 will be: a) for 500 hours - US $ 350 per sample b) for 240 hours - US $ 250 per sample c) for 168 hours - US $ 215 per sample d) for 100 hours - US $ 180 per sample Top
Can you conduct corrosion testing on oil tubes of N-80 grade carbon steel material as per API 5CT?
We would need samples from both good and affected portions of the tubes with a minimum of 2 feet in length. Also take care that these tubes are sent without cleaning because we need to analyze Corrosion products deposited on these tubes. If possible you may send additional packet of corrosion products that you may have collected from various tubes also. Please also send complete details of layout of tubes, history of failures and also samples of soil where these tubes are laid. We would need about 4 weeks time to complete the job. We are also prepared to carryout certain accelerated corrosion test in simulated conditions and study the behavior of your materials. Also certain standard NACE (National Association of Corrosion Engineers) that such as HIC & SSCC can be performed. We can also study the effect of certain impurities in metals and carryout EDAX and SEM analysis to evaluate corrosion mechanism. Top
and has been providing our services to all types of industries including Petrochemicals, Fertilizers and Offshore industries. We can carry out work under international inspection agencies like LRS, BV, DNV, Toyo etc. We have facilities for HIC & SSCC Tests at room temperature as well as at elevated temperature and pressure. These tests are performed as per NACE TM 0284 and NACE TM 0177 specification. We have full facilitates for preparation of sample and we can arrange for any third party witnessing of the same such as LRS, BV etc as per your choice. If you let us know your requirements, indicating whether any third party inspection agency is under our scope and also the approximate number of samples that may be forthcoming in next 12 months, we can submit our best quotation to you. For your information we do have spare capacity for these tests and we can always plan out in such a way that there is no delay in start of tests. Top
Can you perform a corrosion test on a M.S. Based copper & tin coated wire?
Yes, we can carryout salt spray test on these samples to compare their corrosion rate. Top
Can you perform Chloride Stress Corrosion Cracking test as per ASTM G 36?
Yes, TCR can perform Chloride Stress Corrosion Cracking test as per ASTM G 36. This test involves keeping a stressed specimen in Magnesium Chloride solution at 155C for a period of 500 hours. If no sign of cracking is observed at the end of 500 hours period then the material is considered as good resistance to Chloride Stress Corrosion. Top
How much will you charge for conducting ASTM A262 Type E test?
As per ASTM A 262 Pr. E Spec, we are supposed to keep flat sample in boiling Copper - Copper Sulphate Sulphuric Acid solution for 15 hours (earlier it was 24 hours) and then do the bend test and then see for fissures. We do not know why you have kept sample in bent condition for boiling. A Micro examination can be done to see if inter granular attack has taken place in case of doubt about fissures. Our charges for this test inclusive of Micro examination shall be US $ 30 which includes sample preparation charges also. A 12.24% Service Tax is however extra. If micro examination is not necessary, the charges will be US $24. Top
How long will it take to do a Corrosion and SEM test for a steel plate?
Please let us know which type of Corrosion test (Chloride Stress Corrosion Test / Sulphide Stress Corrosion Test / IGC Test/ Pitting corrosion Test / Salt Spray Test) is required by you. We do all these tests and some of them are long duration test. We can always start the test within ONE weeks of receipt of sample and completion would depend on stipulated duration of test. Therefore please give us details of tests required by you. As far as SEM is concerned, we can give you analysis in ONE weeks time. Please indicate locations and details of analysis required so that we could give you precise quotation. Top
Can you comment upon the corrosion levels in the Arabian Sea?
TCR has strong experience in looking at marine corrosion in Arabian Sea. We have observed strong levels of corrosion on different types of stainless steels and copper parts that are part of shipping or offshore refinery. There are certain tests to verify the cause whether it is due to problem in your material or due to external cause. We can also find extent of damage and give you recommendations for remedies. We have seen MIC (microbiological Induced corrosion), and corrosion due to sour gas. We will need the actual samples send to our laboratory. Once the samples and any associated related data is with us we will provide you the quotation and actual time frame for the investigation. Top
Can you undertake corrosion test for a steel plate and SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) test?
Please let us know which type of Corrosion test (Chloride Stress Corrosion Test / Sulphide Stress Corrosion Test / IGC Test/ Pitting corrosion Test / Salt Spray Test) is required by you. We do all these tests and some of them are long duration test. We can always start the test within ONE week of receipt of sample and completion would depend on stipulated duration of test. Therefore please give us details of tests required by you. As far as SEM is concerned, we can give you analysis in ONE weeks time. Please indicate locations and details of analysis required so that we could give you precise quotation. Top
Can you check our flatware to see if they are 430 (18 / 0 ) stainless steel or not, our customers complain about our flatware getting easily rusty?
Indeed, AT TCR, we are fully equipped and experienced people to guide you in respect of the problem of rusting of your flatwares. In fact, composition testing is the first test we will undertake. We would also recommend verifying what grade of stainless steel your item is. After establishing its grade (430 / 304 etc) and if you find grade is not what you needed, your problem is over. But if you find that grade is OK as per your requirements and since your flatware is rusting, you would need to check its microstructure examination which also is possible at our end. The cost of Composition Test is US $12 per sample and Microexamination is US $15 per sample. In addition 12.24% Service Tax is also applicable. Top
We are pleased to inform you that TCR can undertake these tests. For CSCC test we will need a sample of 40 x 200mm two samples of 20 x 200mm. For SSCC Test we will need a sample of dimension 15 x 100mm. Top
Can you conduct Acetic Acid- Salt Spray (fog) testing as per ASTMB287-80 on M.S. Pipes?
We do have a Salt Spray Chamber and therefore we feel that there should be no problem in conducting this test. We normally carryout Salt Spray Test with 5% NaCl solution or as stated in ASTM-B287-80 the solution should have its Ph adjusted to 3.2 by Acetic Acid. We propse to have an observation interval of 24 hours each for a total of the 96 hours duration test. We would need about one weeks time to complete the job depending on prior commitments for salt spray chamber. Top
We would like to know whether you can perform LPR corrosion testing.
At TCR, we do not undertake LPR Corrosion testing, as we do not have the requisite facilities. Top
Can you test our propeller shafts for Salt Spray Test as per ASTM B 117?
We do have salt spray test facility, and maximum length we can test is 500mm. Our charges are Rs. 1,500/- for 1st day and Rs. 1,000/- for each additional day. 10.2% Service Tax shall also be applicable. Top
Can you conduct NACE TM 0177-1996 Method B ( Four Point Bend Test)?
TCR can conduct the NACE TM 0177-1996 Method B (Four Point Bend Test) test. Please give us your design pressure, Max. content of H2S, Max content of CO2 , and Duration. The cost of testing will depend on cost of gas mixture. Top
Please quote for HIC test on plate samples to NACE Standard TM02842003 on material of grade ASTM A516-70?
TCR Engineering Services, India is pleased to inform you that we can undertake Hydrogen Induced Cracking (HIC) test as per NACE TM0284-2003 specification and our charges for preparation of test specimen (machining) and testing shall be US $ 496 per sample. This includes the mandatory 12.24% Service Tax. If any third party inspection such as BV, LRS, ABS, TUV etc is also required, their charges will be extra. Sample size should be 150 x 150 x t mm Thk. Top
What tests are required on ASTM A 216 Grade WCB material (DIN 1.0619 Casting) to have NACE MR 0175 & Sour Service requirement?
Please note that for NACE Sour Gas application, you need material (A 216 WCB) with very low (less than 0.002%) Sulphur contents. If your material is extra low sulphur then it may pass HIC & SSCC test requirements of NACE. Please enquire with your client his exact acceptance criterion for HIC & SSCC test. AT TCR Engineering services material testing laboratory in Mumbai, India we routinely conduct HIC and SSCC tests for clients. To conduct these tests please send us 3 test bars of about 250mm length. Top
Can you let us know about the sample sizes and time to completion for the HIC test?
To conduct the Hydrogen-Induced Cracking (HIC) Test, as per NACE TM0284, TCR Engineering Services requires the following sample sizes: Plate - 150mm x150mm with rolling direction marked on it If the plate is more than 80mm think - 250mm x 250 mm sample size is required Pipe - upto 2" OD - 200mm long If the pipe is more than 2" OD pipe - 100mm long sample size is required Bars - Upto 3" dia - 300mm long If the Bars are more than 3" dia to 5" dia - 200mm long sample size is required If the Bars are more than 5" dia - 100mm long sample size is required Number of pieces to be tested upto 80mm thick/dia - set of 3 pieces to be tested Number of pieces to be tested more than 80mm thick/dia - 5 pieces to be tested Time for completion of the test - 2 weeks You should send your samples to: TCR Engineering Services Pvt. Ltd. Attn: Sample Receipt 35 Pragati Industrial Estate, N. M Joshi Marg, Lower Parel Mumbai - 400 011, Maharashtra, India
Tel : 23073390, 23092347, 23097921 Tel : 23097923, 23091938, 23053930 Fax : +91-(22)-23080197 Please mention the following on the shipping document "Materials with no commercial value ($0). Materials being sent for mechanical/chemical analysis and testing purposes only." Do include a cover letter with your samples outlining the test required. Also send us your purchase order for this test. Payment for the test can be made by electronic wire transfer or by Paypal (Visa / Mastercard). Payment is due upon invoice receipt. Top
Do you undertake Salt spray test for our Zinc coated metal components as per ISO 9227?
TCR Engineering Services laboratory in Mumbai undertakes Salt Spray test as per ISO 9227 which states that the sample be placed Salt of 5% NACL Solution, we can carry out the test for the Number of hours of duration 72 hrs or 120 Hrs depending on the thickness of plating. We shall however be carrying out NSS test (Neutral Salt Spray Test) only. Test duration should be specified by you. We will observe the results which could be White /Red rust formation. We can also measure thickness of coating by the following 3 methods - Elkometer (Analog Device) - Digital Coating Thickness Meter - By stripping Method Salt spray test charges are quoted on a per day basis. Turn around time will be 4 - 5 days ( for 72 hours) test, however, sometime it may be longer depending on prior commitments. We do also meet requirement of IS & ASTM specifications. Top
We are interested in Sulfide Stress Corrosion cracking testing (NACE TM0177) at 24 deg C on a 13mm bar stock?
At TCR Engineering Services, we can definitely undertake the NACE TM0177 testing at 24deg C at our laboratory in Navi Mumbai, India. We have been routinely undertaking this test for a large number of customers all over the world. We will require a 200mm long sample (8 inch long) of your 13mm bar stock. In our laboratory we can run upto 10 SSCC tests in parallel. For your samples we can accommodate 5 tests in parallel. We will begin the test within 3 days of receipt of the sample. The cost of the test will be US$600 for 720 hours of SSCC test as per NACE TM0177. A mandatory 12.24% service tax will be extra. Payment can be made via Bank wire transfer or via Credit Card (using Paypal). You will have to ship the samples to: TCR Engineering Services Pvt. Ltd. ATTN: Sample Receipt 35 Pragati Industrial Estate,
N. M Joshi Marg, Lower Parel Mumbai - 400 011, Maharashtra, India Tel : +91-22-23073390 Fax : +91-22-23080197 Please mention the following on the shipping document "Materials with no commercial value ($0). Materials being sent for mechanical/chemical analysis and testing purposes only." Do include a cover letter with your samples outlining the test required. Also send us your purchase order for this test. TCR takes pride in offering reliable material testing services at competitive prices and at agreed upon timelines. As a company with over 33 years of relevant experience we have quality resources, sound processes, high efficiencies and the needed experience to honor the commitment of time, quality and lowered cost. Offshore material testing, quality assurance and inspection resources in India are of high quality with good engineering skills. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Top
We are looking to testing our stainless steel corrugated flexible connectors for Pitting and Crevice Corrosion test as per ASTM G48, Salt spray test per ASTM B117, and Stress-Corrosion cracking tests per ASTM G35?
In order for us to provide you with a quote, we need the following information: - Material sizes - Number of hours of test for Salt Spray - Material type for Stress-Corrosion cracking tests per ASTM G35 Top
At the corrosion testing department at TCR Engineering Services in Navi Mumbai, India, we can take up to 12 specimens for SSCC Test at 24C (720 hours) and 4 specimens for SSCC Test at 90C and 16 bar pressure (720 hours). We can also carry out SSCC Test as per NACE TM 0177 with 4 point bend specimen for 500 hours. We can always increase our capacity in case your requirement is higher. Top
- Material less than 88mm Thickness / diameter US $500.00 - Material greater than 88mm Thickness / diameter US $700.00 The rates above are inclusive of machining charges. If sending material for NACE TM0284 then we will require your pipe to be sent as follows: upto 2" OD - 200mm long If the pipe is more than 2" OD pipe - 100mm long sample size is required TCR Engineering issues a detailed written report upon completion of each test. Each report includes a description of the test sample that was received, the test procedure that was used, and the pH values of the test solution before exposure and after the exposure. The test bars are cut into sections and examined under a microscope for hydrogen-induced cracks. The dimensions of any such cracks are recorded and used to compute the values in percentage for Crack Length Ratio (CLR), Crack Thickness Ratio (CTR) and Crack Sensitivity Ratio (CSR). For NACE TM 0284, Turnaround time for the testing will depend on your number of samples. Typically for 4 samples of up to 20mm in thickness, we will take 2 weeks to complete this test. Top
What are the sample size requirements for undertaking both NACE MR 0175 and NACE TM0284 together?
Our sample size requirement for undertaking both NACE MR0175 and NACE TM0284 together in each sample is as follows: Pipe ==== - If your pipe is upto 1" (inch) NB, then we require a sample of 20 inches in length - If the pipe is more than 1" NB and less than 8" NB, then we require a sample size of 12 inches in length - If the pipe is more than 8" NB, we will require a sample size of 5 inches in length Plate ===== We will require a sample of 8" X 8" with the rolling direction clearly marked on it Bar === If your sample is a bar, please let me know and I will give you the appropriate sample sizing details. Turnaround time for the testing will depend on your number of samples. Typically for 4 samples of up to 20mm in thickness, we will take 2 weeks to complete this test. We look forward to receiving your samples at any time including the 4th quarter as indicated by you. Please let us know the number of samples expected so that appropriate arrangements can be made at our end to accommodate a large request. The cost for testing will be as follows: For NACE MR0175 including material specification (Mechanical and Full chemical properties) - US $60 per sample.
The material testing charges for Hydrogen Induced Cracking (HIC) Test as per NACE TM 0284 are: Material less than 88mm Thickness / diameter: US $500 Material greater than 88mm Thickness / diameter: US $700 Do note that the government in India mandates us to charge a 12.24% service tax on all invoices. You should send your samples to: TCR Engineering Services Pvt. Ltd. Attn: Sample Receipt 35 Pragati Industrial Estate, N. M Joshi Marg, Lower Parel Mumbai - 400 011, Maharashtra, India Tel : 23073390, 23092347, 23097921 Tel : 23097923, 23091938, 23053930 Fax : +91-(22)-23080197 Please mention the following on the shipping document "Materials with no commercial value ($0). Materials being sent for mechanical/chemical analysis and testing purposes only." Do include a cover letter with your samples outlining the test required. Also send us your purchase order for this test. Payment for the test can be made by electronic wire transfer. Payment is due upon invoice receipt. If Exxon Mobil sends us a purchase order, we can adhere to your normal payment terms as well. A wide variety of corrosion related tests can be undertaken at TCR Engineering Services in India to determine weight loss corrosion, intergranular attack (ASTM A262 A-F), pitting corrosion, Chloride Stress Corrosion, sulfide stress cracking, and hydrogen-induced cracking. We also undertake Salt Spray Test as per ASTM B117, Pitting Corrosion test as per ASTM G48, Ammonia Vapor Test and Corrosion tests as per ASTM A761 Specification. Our Sour Service Corrosion Testing department undertakes tests for SSCC (NACE TM 0177, EFC 16 and 17) and HIC (NACE TM 0284). The range of instruments available to undertake these tests in unrivalled in our operating region (Middle-East and India). We do have a laboratory in Kuwait as well. We have customers all over the world, including the US, who send samples to our laboratory in India. We also undertake NDT and inspection services for some large US companies in India and the Middle-East. For a list of our customers, you can view our company presentation at the download page. Top
Please outline your IGC and Sour Gas Corrosion Test facilities?
We thank you very much for your enquiry regarding testing of the test coupon. We are pleased to inform you that we can take up your job in our lab and we quote ourcharges for the same as under. Please note that SSCC tests particularly at high temp (90 & 120C) are long duration tests and we shall be able to accommodate only 4 specimen per month in Tensile mode (Practice A) and another 3 in C ring mode(Practice C) ( if C ring specimen is permitted by your client) . Thus we shall be able to accommodate maximum 7 No tests permonth. SSCC test at Room Temp can be take up at the rate of 8 specimen per month. Thus 24C specimen can be completed in 2 months time and 90 / 120C specimen can be completed in 4 months time. IGC & Pitting / Crevice Corrosion test can be completed in One month time. Chloride Stress Corrosion test will take 2 months to complete.
Charges (US $) per specimen is as follows - IGC TEST US $ 70.00 - Pitting Corrosion Test US $45.00 - SSCC Test at RT US $500.00 - SSCC Test at 90C US $2500.00 - SSCC Test at 120C US $2800.00 - Chloride Stress Corrosion test US $500.00 - Service Tax 12.24% on invoice value Above charges are inclusive of sample preparation charges but please allow atleast 7 - 10 days for preparation of test specimen and for C Ring Specimen 2 weeks time. Please also note the following: - 3rd Party Inspection charges (BV/LRS etc..) are not included in our quotation.. We can arrange for BV / DNV @ US $ 200 per visit - Overlay sample should have minimum 8mm overlay for SSCC Test - Please forward us cut strips only for each test. This will reduce your freight costs as well as spare customs duty - Please ensure that you make a declaration for Custom purpose indicating value of consignment as US $ 20. If any Custom Duty or courier charges are paid by us, it would be charges to you extra in our invoice - Sizes of specimen required are as under: a) IGC Test = 25 x 30mm (weld in middle) b) Pitting Corrosion Test (one piece for each temperature) = 26 x 50mm (weld in middle) c) SSCC Test = 25 x 150mm (weld in middle) d) CSCC Test = 25 x 150mm (weld in middle) - For Claded Specimen, base material can be removed prior to shipment keeping 2mm of base material from fusion line. This will reduce weight of consignment - TPI (Surveyors) stamp markings shall be made on cut edge of the sample so that we can go ahead for machining without any need for stamp transfer In case you wish, we can perform other Mechanical Tests also in our lab like Tensile, Bend, Impact etc at a very reasonable cost compared to what you pay at Dubai or elsewhere in the world. Top
Can you undertake Salt Spay testing for our 2 test panels?
Our total charges for testing of 2 panels for 300 hours will be Rs. 1,700/- for first day and Rs. 1,200/- for each additional day plus 12.24% Service Tax. Top
What additional information do you need for testing of our samples towards SSCC test as per NACE TM0177?
We need to know the following before our corrosion specialists can being work on testing a sample towards SSCC test as per NACE TM0177: - Number of specimen to be tested - Duration of Test - Stress to be applied for the test in N / mm2 or MPA - Test Temperature (24 / 90) - Test Specimen Gauge Diameter (we prefer to make the tensile specimen with a gauge diameter of 3.81 mm) Top
What kinds of corrosion test can you conduct for Duplex stainless steel (UNS 31803)?
We do carryout many tests for Duplex stainless steel materials. These tests are normally required by users such as EIL, ONGC etc. as per their specification. In general following tests are carried out: - IGC Test as per ASTM A 262 Pr. C - Pitting Corrosion Test as per ASTM G 48 Method A at 30C / 40C / 50C - Crevice Corrosion Test as per ASTM G 48 Method B at 25C - Chloride Stress Corrosion Test as per ASTM G36 in Magnesium Chloride Solution at 155C - Chloride Stress Corrosion Test as per ASTM G36 in Calcium Chloride Solution at 100C - Sulphide Stress Corrosion Test as per NACE TM 0177 at 24C - Sulphide Stress Corrosion Test as per NACE TM 0177 at 90C and 16 bar pressure Please let us know which tests are required by your client and we will quote for the same. Top
What tests can you perform on DSS / SDSS Welded Coupons of Duplex SS and Incoloy-825 material?
The size of coupon required is as under: - Claded sample (Incolloy 825 ) = 400 x 600* - PQR Sample (DSS / SDSS) = 300 x 650mm* * Length along weld For the above mentioned coupon sizes, TCR can perform the following tests: - Tensile Test
- Guided Bend Test - Charpy Impact Test of PM - Charpy Impact Test of WELD - Micro examination - Hardness Test - Bond Bend Test (A265) - Bond Efficiency Shear Test (A 265) - Pitting Corrosion Test (G 48 Method A) - Crevice Corrosion Test (G 48 Method B) - Inter granular Corrosion Test (A262 Pr C) - Chloride Stress Corrosion Test - SSCC Test at 24 C - SSCC Test at 90 C - SSCC Test at 120 C - Ferrite Content Test as per ASTM A 562 - Ferrite Content Test by magnaguage
Sunday, 16 June 2013
On any sea going boat corrosion is a constant companion, but a dangerous one. Like a sore tooth, it will flare up sometimes with no warning. We use grade 316 stainless steel fasteners whenever we can, to reduce the impact of corrosion, however every now and then we are reminded how even the 316 has its problems - namely crevice corrosion. When removing the old Onan generator a while back, we found one bolt head sheared completely (a real knuckle skinner !) as it was loosened. On bolts like this the thread is usually roll formed, while the head is forged, a process called "rolling and heading". Its a cold formed process, and it can clearly lead to problems, specially if sea water collects where the metal is deformed and stressed. 316L stainless steel in an oxygen deprived environment can and will corrode. Fortunately this bolt didn't cost a lot to replace, but in the past we've had to replace an entire propeller shaft due to crevice corrosion.
Labels: Cruising, Maintenance, Onan, Refit Posted by SV Crystal Blues at 12:57
1. wingssail17 June 2013 21:24 It is scary but true that all the stainless parts on the boat are subject to this type of corrosion, especially fabricated or machined parts. We had a backstay chainplate fail catastrophically while sailing. We kept the rig up thankfully, but finally we've now done the hard job of having all the chainplates replaced or renewed. This is recommended for any yacht over 10-15 years of age. Reply
2. Kentuckie-fai23 June 2013 20:59 Hi Neil n Ley, my pleasure to meet you guys up in weld quay restaurant just now, I must say you've got a wonderful life n boat too! Will follow your blog from time to time, looking forward to have a short visit to your beautiful yatch n perhaps I will bring you guys for a fire flies watch in nibong tebal, Penang (mainland) Reply