Paper 3SetA Final 23nov2009 Key
Paper 3SetA Final 23nov2009 Key
Paper 3SetA Final 23nov2009 Key
Date: 20.12.2009
General instructions: o o o o o Please check that this question paper contains 15 printed pages Please check that this question paper contains 64 questions The question paper is divided into three sections All questions in all three sections are compulsory All parts of a question should be answered at one place
Marks: 50 x 1 = 50
Answer all 50 questions Each question carries one mark Please hatch the appropriate oval in the OMR answer sheet with Black Pen or HB pencil, as per instructions
1 In the city electrical distribution scheme, a proposal is being prepared to upgrade 33 kV network to 66 kV. The distribution loss, corresponding to the same quantum of load in the proposed upgraded system will be a) less by 25% c) less by 75% 2 b) less by 33% d) none of the above
Rating of power factor correction capacitors at induction motor terminals should be a) 100% of no load magnetizing kVAr of induction motor b) 90% of no load magnetizing kVAr of induction motor c) 120% of no load magnetizing kVAr of induction motor d) none of the above
Select the correct statement: a) the advantage of PF improvement by capacitor addition in an electric network is that active power component of the network is reduced b) the power factor indicated in the monthly electricity bill is the lowest power factor recorded at any time during the billing month
Which of the following is not likely to create harmonics in an electrical system? a) soft starters c) uninterrupted power supply source (UPS) b) variable frequency drives d) induction motors
What is the % slip of a 4 pole induction motor if the shaft speed at 49.5 Hz supply frequency is 1460 rpm? a) 1.68 b) 2.66 c) 1.71 d) none of the above
During induction motor operation, magnetic field is established in a) stator winding only c) stator and rotor windings b) rotor winding only d) at carbon brushes
An induction motor rated for 7.5 kW and 90 % efficiency at full load, was drawing 5 kW. The percentage loading on the motor is a) 60 % b) 66.66% c) 74% d) none of the above
If the apparent power drawn over a recording cycle of 30 minutes is 3000kVA for 10 minutes, 2400kVA for 15 minutes and 2900 for 5 minutes, the MD recorder will commute MD as a) 3000 kVA b) 2400 kVA c) 2683 kVA d) none of the above
The performance of rewinding of an induction motor can be assessed by which of the following factors? a) load current c) no load current b) stator resistance d) both no load current and stator resistance
The pressure drop in mains header at the farthest point of an industrial compressed air network shall not exceed d) 2 bar b) 0.3 bar c) 0.5 bar d) 1.0 bar
The Free Air Delivery capacity of a reciprocating compressor is directly proportional to a) pressure b) volume c) speed d) all of the above
The inlet air temperature to a two stage reciprocating air compressor is 35 oC. At which of the following 2nd stage inlet temperatures the compressor will consume least power? a) 75oC b) 65 oC c) 60oC d) 50oC
At which of the following discharge pressures, the reciprocating air compressor will consume maximum power a) 3 bar b) 3.5 kg/cm2 c) 150 psi d) 6 kg/cm2
Which of the following is not true of air receivers? a) smoothens pulsating air output c) a source for draining moisture b) stores large volumes of air d) increases the pressure of air
A 1.5 ton air conditioner installed in a room and working continuously for two hours will remove heat of a) 3024 kCals b) 6048 kCals c) 9072 kCals d) none of the above
Which of the following can be used as refrigerant both in vapour compressor and vapour absorption systems a) Ammonia b) R 11 c) R-12 d) Lithium Bromide
Chilled water enters evaporator at 12 0C and leaves at 60C. The flow rate of chilled water was measured as 300 m3/hr. The tons of refrigeration capacity is a) 0.595 b) 595.24 c) 35.7 d) none of the above
Centrifugal compressors are most efficient when they are operating at_____. a) 50% load b) full load c) 75% load d) all load conditions
The Coefficient of Performance (COP) of Vapour Absorption Refrigeration System (VAR) a) is higher than that of Vapour Compression Refrigeration (VCR) System b) is lower than that of Vapour Compression Refrigeration (VCR) System c) is same as that of Vapour Compression Refrigeration (VCR) System d) is normally 4 to 4.5
Backward-inclined fans are known as _____ because change in static pressure does not overload the motor a) overloading c) radial b) non-overloading d) axial
The fan characteristic curve is a plot of a) static pressure vs flow c) total pressure vs flow b) dynamic pressure vs flow d) suction pressure vs flow
A fan is drawing 16 kW at 800 RPM. If the speed is reduced to 600 RPM then the power drawn by the fan would be a) 12 kW b) 9 kW c) 6.75 kW d) none of the above
The hydraulic power of a motor pump set is 8.5 kW. If the power drawn by the motor is 15.5 kW at a 89% efficiency, the pump efficiency is given by a) 54.8% b) 61.6% c) 48.8% d) none of the above
For the same flow through which of the following diameter pipes, the pump will work with maximum pressure a) 80 mm b) 100 mm c) 120 mm d) 1400 mm
If inlet and outlet water temperatures of a cooling tower are 44 oC and 38oC respectively and atmospheric DBT and WBT are 40 oC and 35 oC respectively, then the effectiveness of cooling tower is a)54.5 % b) 66.6% c) 75% d) none of the above
In which of the following fans air enters and leaves the fan with no change in direction a) forward curved b) backward curved c) radial d) propeller
The motor efficiency is 0.9 and the pump efficiency is 0.6.The input power to the motor driving the pump is 28 kW. The power transmitted to the water is a) 15.12 kW b) 28 kW
c) 25.2 kW
A water pump is delivering 200 m /hr at ambient conditions. The impeller diameter is trimmed by 10%. The water flow at the changed conditions is a) 220 m3/hr b) 180 m3/hr c) 162 m3/hr d) none of the above
The operating point in a pumping system is identified by a) point of intersection of system curve and efficiency curve b) point of intersection of pump curve and theoretical power curve c) point of intersection of pump curve and system curve d) point of intersection of NPSH curve and pump curve
Increasing the Cycles of Concentration (C.O.C) in circulating water in a cooling tower, the blow down quantity will a) increase b) decrease c) not change d) none of the above
At which of the following condenser temperatures, the power consumption of a vapour compression refrigeration system will be the least a) 26oC b) 28 oC c) 29 oC d) 25 oC
Which of the following ambient conditions will not evaporate maximum amount of water in a cooling tower a) 41oC DBT and 38oC WBT c) 36 oC DBT and 30 oC WBT b) 38 oC DBT and 37 oC WBT d) 36oC DBT and 31 oC WBT
If inlet and outlet water temperatures of a cooling tower are 39 oC and 33oC respectively and atmospheric DBT and WBT are 35 oC and 28 oC respectively then the approach of cooling tower is a) 3oC b) 4oC c) 5oC d) 6oC
If flow rate is 100m3/hr and the range is 8 oC for a cooling tower, then its heat load in kCal/hr will be. a) 800 b) 8,000 c) 80,000 d) 800,000
If voltage is increased from 230 V to 250 V for a fluorescent tube light, it will result in a) reduced power consumption c) decreased light levels b) increased power consumption d) no change in power consumption and light levels
The 5th and 7th harmonic in a 50 Hz power supply system will have: a) voltage and current distortions with 55 Hz & 57 Hz b) voltage and current distortions with 500 Hz & 700 Hz c) voltage and current distortions with 250 Hz & 350 Hz d) no voltage and current distortion at all
Automatic power factor controller using kVAr control, requires sensing of a) current b) voltage c) capacitance d) both a and b
The COP of a vapour compression system is 3.0. If the motor draws power of 11 kW at 90% motor efficiency, the cooling effect of vapour compression system will be a) 29.7 kW c) 0.36 kW b) 37.8 kW d) none of the above as cooling effect is always measured in TR
Which of the following can also act as a heat pump? a) centrifugal pump c) air conditioner b) centrifugal compressor d) none of the above
A slide valve is used for capacity control in which of the following refrigeration compressors? a) reciprocating b) centrifugal c) screw d) scroll
In a DG set, a 3 phase alternator is supplying on an average 100 A at 420 V and 0.9 pf to a load. If the specific fuel consumption of this DG set is 0.30 lts/ kWh at that load, then how much fuel is consumed while delivering generated power for one hour? a) 11.34 litre b) 19.64 litre c) 21.82 litre d) 218.23 litre
The largest potential for electricity savings with variable speed drives is generally for: a) variable torque applications c) constant power load b) constant torque loads d) combination of above
The electronic ballast fitted in a tube light fitting does not have one of the following characteristics a) lower operational losses than conventional ballasts b) tuned circuit to deliver power at 28-32 KHz c) requiring a starter d) low temperature rise
Maximum demand controller is used to a) switch off non-essential loads in a logical sequence b) switch off essential loads in a logical sequence c) controls the reactive power of the plant d) all the above.
In a fluid coupling, connecting an induction motor and a fan a) motor speed can be changed by the fluid coupling b) fan speed can be changed by the fluid coupling c) both motor and fan speed can be changed by the fluid coupling d) none of the above is possible
In a "V" belt coupled fan drive, the measured speed at motor end 6" diameter pulley is 1480 rpm and that at fan end 10" diameter pulley is 820 RPM. What is the slippage loss in %? a) 7.66 b) 8.29 c) 6.67 d) insufficient data, cannot be worked out
Select the incorrect statement: a) slip ring induction motors are normally less efficient than squirrel cage induction motors b) high speed squirrel cage induction motors are normally less efficient than low speed Squirrel cage induction motors c) the capacitor requirement for PF improvement at induction motor terminal increases with decrease in rated speed of the induction motor d) induction motor efficiency increases with increase in its rated capacity
Coefficient of Performance (COP) for a refrigeration compressor is given by a) kW/TR b) power input to compressor (kW) / cooling effect (kW) c) cooling effect (kW) / Power input to compressor (kW) d) none of the above
. End of Section I .
Section II: SHORT DESCRIPTIVE QUESTIONS (i) (ii) Answer all Eight questions Each question carries Five marks
Marks: 8 x 5 = 40
S-1 a) A 10 kVAr, 415 V rated power factor capacitor was found to be having terminal supply voltage of 440 V. Calculate the capacity of the power factor capacitor at the operating supply voltage.
Ans: a) Capacitor capacity at 440V= (440/415)2 X 10= 11.24 kVAR (3 Marks) b) No further compensation is required as the power factor is already leading (2 Marks) S-2 Fill in the blanks a) Heat Rate of a thermal power plant is expressed in ________ b) With increase in design speed of induction motors ,the required capacitive kVAr for reactive power compensation for the same capacity range will ____ c) An air dryer in a compressed air system reduces ____ point of air. d) A Pitot tube measures the difference between ____ and ______ pressures of the fluid e) The friction loss in a pipe carrying a fluid is proportional to the ____power of pipe diameter Ans: a) b) c) d) e) kCal/kWh decrease dew total and static fifth (1 Mark each) S-3 A pump is delivering 40 m3/hr of water with a discharge pressure of 29 metre. The water is drawn from a sump where water level is 6 metre below the pump centerline. The power drawn by the motor is 7.5 kW at 89% motor efficiency. Find out the pump efficiency. Hydraulic power Ph = Q (m3/s) xTotal head, hd - hs (m) x (kg/m3) x g (m/s2) / 1000 Q = 40/3600 m3/s , hd - hs = 29 (-6) = 35 m Hydraulic power Ph = (40/3600) x 35 x 1000 x 9.81 / 1000 = 3.815 kW (2 Marks) Pump shaft power = 7.5 kW x 0.89 = 6.675 kW
_______________________ Bureau of Energy Efficiency 7
Define one Ton of Refrigeration (TR). How do you calculate TR across the Air Handling Units?
Ans: A ton of refrigeration is defined as the quantity of heat to be removed in order to form one ton of ice in 24 hours when the initial temperature of water is 0 C. This is equivalent to 50.4 Kcal/min or 3024 Kcal/h in metric system (2 Marks) Refrigeration load in TR is assessed as ;
TR =
Where Q is the air flow in CMH h in h out is density of air kg/m3
Q ( h in h out ) 3024
Estimate the cooling tower capacity (TR) and approach with the following parameters Water flow rate through CT Specific heat of water Inlet water temperature Outlet water temperature Ambient WBT = 120 m3/hr = 1 kCal/kg C = 42 C = 36 C = 32 C
Ans: Cooling tower capacity (TR) = (flow rate x density x sp.heat x diff. temp)/ 3024 = 120 x 1000 x 1.0 x (42-36)/ 3024 = 238 TR (3 Marks) Approach = 36- 32 = 4oC (2 Marks)
P2 P1 V 273 + t1 P0 t 273 + t 2
(3 Marks)
= 0.7564 m3/min
. End of Section - II .
Section III: LONG DESCRIPTIVE QUESTIONS (i) (ii) Answer all Six questions Each question carries Ten marks
Marks: 6 x 10 = 60
L-1 a) A small scale industry has a constant load of 380 kVA. It has installed two transformers of 500 kVA each. The no load loss and full load copper loss of each 500 kVA transformer is 750 W and 5410 W respectively. From the energy efficiency point of view the small scale industry management wants to take a decision on whether to operate a single transformer or two transformers equally sharing the load. What is your recommendation ? b) A no load test conducted on a three phase delta connected induction motor gave the following values: No load power = 890 W Stator resistance per phase at 30oC = 0.233 Ohms No load current = 14.5 A Calculate the fixed losses for the motor.
_______________________ Bureau of Energy Efficiency 10
Answer a) 1 x 500 kVA Transformer loss at 380 kVA load No load loss + [kVA load/Rated kVA]2 x full load loss = 750 + [(380/500)2 x 5410] = 750 + (0.5776 x 5410) 750 + 3124.8 3874.8 W 2 x [750 + {(190/500)2 x 5410}] 2 x [750+(0.1444x5410)] 2 x (750 + 781.2) 2 x (1531.2) = 3062.9 W
Two transformers are better because the losses are the least and there is a saving of 812.4 watts. (5 Marks) Answer b) No load power Stator resistance at 30oC No load current Stator Copper loss at no load Fixed losses 890 W 0.233 Ohms 14.5 A 3 x (14.5/3)2 x 0.233 Ohms = 48.985 W 890 48.985 = 841 W (5 Marks) L-2 A 15 kW, 415 V, 26 A, 4 pole, 50 Hz, 3 phase rated squirrel cage induction motor has a full load efficiency and power factor of 90% and 0.89 respectively. An energy auditor measures the following operating data of the motor (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Supply voltage Current drawn PF Supply frequency RPM = = = = = 408 V 15 A 0.81 49.9 Hz 1488
Find out the following at the motor operating conditions: 1. 2. 3. Power input in kW % motor loading % slip
L-3 a) What is the impact of condensing temperature and evaporator temperature on the Coefficient of Performance (COP) of a refrigeration system? b) Why is it beneficial to operate induction motors in star mode operating at loads below 50 % of rated capacity? c) In a throttle valve-controlled pumping system with oversized pump, name any 3 solutions for improving energy efficiency..
a) COP increases with reduction in condensing temperature and rise in evaporator temperature. (2 Marks)
b) For motors which consistently operate at loads below 50 % of rated capacity, an inexpensive and effective measure might be to operate in star mode. A change from the standard delta operation to star operation involves reconfiguring the wiring of the three phases of power input at the terminal box. Operating in the star mode leads to a voltage reduction by a factor of 3 . Motor output falls to one-third of the value in the delta mode, but performance characteristics as a function of load remain unchanged. Thus, full-load operation in star mode gives higher efficiency and power factor than partial load operation in the delta mode. However, motor operation in the star mode is possible only for applications where the torque-to-speed requirement is lower at reduced load. (4 Marks) c) 1.Trim impeller, 2. smaller impeller, 3. variable speed drive, 4. two speed motor, and 5. lower rpm motor (4 Marks) L-4 A compressed air leakage test was conducted by an energy auditor in an engineering industry, which normally runs 3 nos. of 500 cfm reciprocating compressors. The compressed air system is maintained at the normal loading-unloading settings of 6.6 kg/cm2g and 7.0 kg/ cm2g respectively. The following was observed for a period of 10 minutes trial by running a 500 cfm compressor during an off day:
L-5 a) Define Range, approach and effectiveness in cooling tower operation b) An induced draft-cooling tower is designed for a range of 8 C. The energy auditor finds the operating range as 2 C. In your opinion what could be the reasons for such situation
a) b) c)
Answer: a) The refrigeration load in TR = Q. Cp. (Ti To ) / 3024 where Q= mass flow rate of brine in kg/hr Cp = specific heat capacity of brine in kCal/ kg deg.C Ti & To= inlet and outlet temperature Refrigeration load imposed by the brine TR: TR= {18,000* 1.2 * 0.97 (12-7)}/3024 = 34.64 TR (4 Marks)