Newsletter June 09

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Traditionally this is one of the busiest times in school when staff

members are tired, children are excited and the workload gets bigger and
bigger with reports, assessments etc, etc. (A bad combination actually!!!)
This year is no different and so I would ask for a measure of patience as
we try to finish off one year and plan for another.

As many of you will know, we are a couple of staff down with Mr

Connochie and Mrs Menzies both having had surgery recently. I’m
delighted to say they are both recovering well and both will be back in
school before the end of term.

The diary is very full but there are one or two things I think you would all
like to know:
Reports have now been written and will be sent home on Friday June 12th
Sports are planned as follows – P1-3 first chance is the morning of June
9th and second chance is the morning of June 16th. We will likely start
these at about 9.45. P4-7 first chance is the afternoon of June 12th with
second chance on Wednesday June 17th. These will likely start at about
1.45. This year we will be doing more traditional sports and not the potted
version – this follows feedback from our own mini Olympics last
Children’s Day is on Saturday June 20th and a separate letter will be sent
from our PTA. The football competition will be held here from 9.30 a.m.
on June 17th. The inter school sports will be held in Grangemouth Stadium
on June 15th in the evening.
The CG/Moray Trophy will be held here during the day on Thursday 11th.
The Big Fit Walk is planned for Friday 12th so all children should come
prepared for that with a suitable jacket in case of rain and comfortable
School will close for the summer break at lunch time – 12.30 – on Friday
26th and will re-open to pupils on Wednesday August 19th. There will be 2
staff development days on Monday and Tuesday August 17th and 18th
If you wish to buy items of school uniform these are on sale during school
hours any day.
We have also set aside a day during the summer break when you can come
in and this will be Wednesday August 12th between 10.00 a.m. and 3.00

The children have had some super trips this year once again and I would
like to take this opportunity to thank our PTA members who have worked
tirelessly to raise funds for our school. Some of this money was used to
subsidise the trips and this meant we could cut the costs to parents /
PTA funds have also been used to buy equipment for school as well as to
pay for two theatre productions which all pupils have been able to enjoy.
They also paid for the fiddlers and pipers who came to give us a flavour
of our own culture just prior to the National Mod in Falkirk.

Our end of term church service is being held on Friday 26th at 10.00 a.m.
in Zetland Parish church. Should the weather be unkind to us the P7s will
do the service in church for parents and families and will then do it all
again for the pupils in school. We feel that this is such an important part
of our school and a time for us to say farewell to P7 and we really want
families to be able to share the experience.

As you will all know, Mrs Davidson is about to retire and I want to wish
her well as she begins a new chapter of her life. Jean has many new
challenges ahead and I know she will make good use of this new leisure
time. It has been an absolute pleasure to know and work with Jean and
I’m sure I speak for all of us when I say “Happy Retirement – you deserve
this. Be happy and healthy and take good care”

To all of you – many thanks for your support over the year. Have a safe
summer break. This will be the final newsletter for 2008/09 but there
may be the need to send you update notes over the next few weeks.

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