Rhe RV/VDF L.In ( (R: LJ F, F I (Is

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Hightightsand Events LIpcoming

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Meet for workdays at the South at the BUMPshed. Time to Trailhead Oct21 Bike PoloTrussville for any meetis 9:00a.m.Callthe hotline Oct 26 KentuckRide subjectto Workdays possible changes. Oct24 Swap Meet - Cahaba CYcles weather cancellation - October Nov 12 IMBAI NOC CamP 10 Sunday BankheadRide??? 6 Oct Saturday November HalloweenNite Ride??? 5 Oct Sunday December (2867) for Seeyou at the next workdaYll Call our hotline592-BUMP
any recorded changes or additions in BUMPevents.

26 SundavSeptember Kentuck Ride - Meet @ Olive Garden in "lrondale/ Eastwood 8:30sharp! Mall8:00leave November October / Bankhead - A group ride is being plannedto the Bankhead Forestto ride the multiNational use Black Warrior trials near Springs. Double

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Saves DuctTape
by Paul Brookes August l4th, Three BIJMPeTs Saturday (Mark, Jerry and myself) went to made for Cheaha. The high elevations but it was still hot. 10 nicebreezes some minutesinto the ride I crashedbut with no visible damage. About 100 Yards furtherdown the trail I sat down and my behindwas greetednot with soft leather but spikytitanium - my saddlehad done a runner! We hiked back and found it minus the nose piece, so went to the country store and snaggedsome duct tape for a hasty rePair. With this incidentbehindus, the rest of the ride was superb. The trails were empty and fast. After riding all the loopsMark led us to sometrail down the mountainthat he helpedcut with NEABC 2 yearsago. 3 inches of leaf cover made for downhill riding, but the hike interesting back up was not so enjoyable. On the main trails there were a few too many downed trees and sectionsin need of pruning - a BUMP workdaY daY here wouldbe of greatvalue.
for Above is one ofthe severaldesignsconeidered the new BUMP jenery"Final artwork and ordering infomrationwill h availablesoon

Sokol Tleatat Munng Sweet

by MickiePowel

from a student on the trailwas Chris, his arrival.Ourrideleader awaited job of excellent parking did an He area. the met in we of Alabama Univ. networkor trails. leadingus throughthe windingand often confusing to the cars, after the first half of the ride, Bill's keys When we returned fromthe truckand he joinedus for the last halfof the had beenrescued ride.
ot cEry monltr .t ?rOOP.n. rt the V.atrvla Bo.ld ot Eduadan lulldlrg'

tho BUIf,? club n.at

on ({|c fll13t Wedneid.y

Check the BUMP Hotlinefor any changesin dates and time. 592-BtrMP(2867)

SWAP october 2f tvrEET

Hoover 8?2-ffi00 CahabaHeights 967-7A$ Oak Mountain 987-4043

Trail Wark Da,vis S*ndayOctoberI S

Got any old partsthat you would, liketo slvapfar some befterold parts?Lookingfor somegreat deals on outdaorgear? Whether its tsikingor Hiking, Campingor Canoeing, you'l! find what you are laokingfor at the CahabaCycles/ Alabama Outdaors Swap Meet. The event witl be at their locationsnear Oak Mountain {highway31 and 119junctian}an SundayOctober24 and open to anyonewith partsfo sel/ ar trade.For furtherinformation and space reseruation, call CahabaCyclesPelhamlacationat (205) 987-4A#.

BUMPTrailWorklmproves Everyone's Ride

BUMP'slast trail work day addressed several areas of Oak Mountain'sRed Trail. Many segments required "trail definition"to avoid future trail damage.The recentdry conditions the extentof the crew's limited work,but several corners and portiansof the single-track were lined with limbs to avoid riders cutting the corners" The work rangedfrom Blood Rock to the corners near the start of Tenace Drive. Ptease avoidskidding at all timesto avoidtrail erosion, but especially now with the dry conditions. In preparation for tre rain and accumulation of leavesthis falil,several waterbarswere cleaned or re-cutto allowthe water and debristo flow freely away from the trail surface.Thanks to Mark R., Derrick, Anne, Ken, DavidP., Keith, Paul, Andrew,Steve8., and the several riders that stopped and offeredtheir help.Join us for any work day. Learn more about trail maintenance at our nextworkday or the IMBAi NOCcamp(seebackpage).

MonteSanoRideTakesOff in Huntsville- Finallv!!

Weather wouldnot stop last month'sride of MonteSanoStatePark Joe down. A very enjoyable ride followed and then "experienced" Mark Richman, in Huntsville. MonteSanorider,lead a road trip back to Birmtngham. the BUMPcaravan up l-65.The caravan included BUMPmembss and guests;Joe, Paul, Margot,Joel, Jason,Danny,and Chris of Decatur. Joel summarized the trailsas rockytracktravelling through lushforest withseveral nooks+nd-crannies. Thetrailsreminded hiim of the trailsof Tennessee. But,thesewouldbe better experienced in Dtf JsJ F cooler temperatures. Fallfoliage tourin the future?

--lDl' rrrr-


Joe madethe human-highlight of the trip by dr,awing bloodbefore parkingstop was too rnuchfor Joe's hittingthe trails.A concrete earlymorning hand-eye coordination. But,it was not enough to slow
Eaptcmbar lll9 lUIt ma|t|bar! Lccltt {O% o,ff rcguhr tricod prd.r.cc.aroriar

#l I Dexter Avenue, Mountain Brook Village

trorr blkc ahopr i.atrr.d In nawalettct

Hurricane Floyd Hits Oak Mountain.,,

No, this is not a tabloidline to get your attention. lt has some truth to it. lf you have noticed the smell of smoke on your recent rides at Oak Mountain,the source is a result of the brisk winds in the area due to the forces of Hurricane Floyd. According to Mr. Darrell Ingram of Oak Mountain State Park, hikers reported a small fire on August 8 near the Yellow Trail. The fire was investigatedand a fire break was made to contain the blaze. The damage amounted to approximately 2.5 acres being burned. The fire jumped the containmentcuts a couple of days later and consumed 6 acres before it was put under control by park personnel and bulldozers. Embers continued to smolder in the forest for nearly a month. Although the weather was very pleasant in the Birminghamarea as

PIAZA- ''VYER'VESS BROOKHIGHIAND (2O5) eer-3335 its impact Floyd trekkedup the easternseaboard, The weathersystemstirred reachedOak Mountain. windsto the and brought blestery up the atmosphere the burning embers. area.Thesewindsrekindled The was 8-10totalacresbeingburntnearthe North result Trailhead. alongthe RedTrail. Thisareais visible This fire was the first in two years. lt was unknown what started the fire, but the dry conditionshave for all in the park. Pleaseuse causeda real concern extreme carewithfiresin the park.

Highlights Magazine Oak MountainTfai,l

Southeastern Outdoor Recreation magrzine's August / September issue has a feature on the top mountain bike rides in the southeast. 'O&k mountain was the pick of Alabama. The SE picks were (in no order): I I n X J Oak Mountain in Alabam* Bull Nlountsin in Georgia Clemmer I Clear Creek in Tennesee Jenny Ridge in Kentucky Slate Rock / Tilot Csve in North Cnrolin* Dr-v Fork West Virginia


lf you would like to run a classified ad, please submit by the next BUMP meetingfor inclusionin next month's newsletter. For Sale: 98 Trek Y-33 Med. with XT rapid-fireshifters,XTR rear Derailleurs, V- Brakes, Manitou SX Ti fork, For Air Vanilla RC Rear $hock with remote damping.$1250 o.b.o Call Hardwick976-2003or 951-3640 For Se!e; 1998BUMP and GRINDtee shirts($'t0), r 999 B-n-G tee-shids$15 GallJoe Gotlinto pwchase limited quantitiesare in), and BUMP Sweatshirts. or [email protected]. Wanted: COOL old bikes 1930's - 1960's EspeciallySclnvinn.Absolutely any condition. Call Joel 252-1612 Wanted / For Sale: All kinds of outdoor gear - attend the Gahaba Cycles I Afabama Outdoors Swap Meet October 24 to ftnd great deals and those parts. hard-to-find FOUND- FOUND- FOUND 1 Helmet,work gloves,ridinggloves{3 pah),and small tool bag at Bump and Grind. lf you lost anything at the race, call will Derrick or Anne to describe and claim at 987-3827.FSIitems uno-laimed be given to the needy. Call soon, the items will be placed in a good home soon!!

The article presents a ver_vbrief overiew of each trail and could become an guide for your next road trip around the southeast. This is the magazines third issue, and it includes whitewater, biking, to articls ranging firm hiking, If you are not a subscriber, pick up one at your local shop or go to www.sormagazine.com.

1410MontgomeryHwy, Vestavia

Ttre lAllDfUliffF is published to inform the local mountain biktng community of current happerungs tn the area, and promote safe and mountain responsible use of bicvcles. If you would like to submit information of an1' kind. please let BUMP know Yotu ideas and suggestions will be appreciated. Leave a tnessago cn ourHotline at (205) 592-tsUMP or to send an e-mril iBykDoU@aolcom.

{999 BUMP Board of Directons

BUMP is a notfor profit organization President Jce Cotlin U9-8298 879-6255 VicePres. Jim Tyndol VicePres. HendrickSnow 879-6255 Secretwy AnneTraeger 987-38?7 Metnber Joel Robertson 452-161e tlAember Jon Kirchoff 870-9538 Newsfetter Derrick Seys 987-3827



Gheck the BUMP Hotlina for any change'c in dates and time.

592-BUHP (2t67)

IMBA'S Tip of the Manth

llr4BA distribules a variet); af mountain bike edLtca{iorz mttteria{ssucl'tss trail design book'lets, ntensgement guidelines,trailhead signs and Rttles of the Trail parnplrlets. Youcan requesta list fu, thephone or effiaiL

ttfTf,*traT!lHit *r{}uHTr.lH 3i{?{tti.g *f tstl*?*{}l*

Trail BuildingSchool at b{OC

IMBA is sponsoring a trail buildingschoolthe weekend of November13-14. This is oneof three important eventsin Novemberat the NantahalaOutdoorCenter(NOC) nearBryson City, North Carolinaandthe Tsali trails. TrainingConference Nov 5-6 - NationaiMountainBike Patrolwill hold its annual Instructor Nov &11 - Kurt Loheitwill teach two 2-daycourses on Trail Management for LandManagers Nov 13-14- IMBA's lastTrail buildingSchoolwill feature hands-on tools,techniques, andfun. Enjoy free lodging, cheapmeals,and an excellentexperience. Interested in attending Call NOC at (888)662-1662, IMBA at (303)545-9011, or anyoftheseevents? visit the web sitesat www.noc.com or www.imba.com for moreinformation on the progams. BUMP memberMark Smithersis interested in organizinga groupto makethe trip to NOC for the trail camp.Attend the next BUMP meetingfor more information-

Birmingham Urban Mountain Post Office Box 590()61 Birmingham, AL 35259-0061 page www.BUMP.org Internet

Peda lers A/erarsI ette r



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