Marcos, Ignacio and Pablo
Marcos, Ignacio and Pablo
Marcos, Ignacio and Pablo
Transporter 3
Quantum of Solace 007
Transporter 3 is the last film of the
Transporter Trilogy. The film has provoked a great deal This is a great film which has provoked a
of interest as much of who the starring actor is (Jason great deal of interest because the new starring
c package.
Transporter three is a non-stop motion film
with many stunts, escapes explosions and overall, car-
chases. One more, Jason Statham plays his role very
criminal organization. The criminal organization
called Quantum wants to make a subterranean
tunnel to take all the worlds water.
Quantum of Solace is a dramatic action
Based on a popular comic from the 80s, bring you to a fantastic world which could end
watchmen has provoked a great deal of in nuclear havoc. The only possible drawback is
interest in comic fans. Watchmen is a the duration of the film (163 minutes)
big budget film like 300, both which can make the film a bit too long
directed by the same director and also will be difficult for the
(Zack Snyder). Watchmen is set in director to make a trilogy.
1985 when a retired member of Rated R for full frontal
the watchmen is mysteriously nudity, sexuality, profanity and
murdered and his body is graphic violence its not
discovered by a vigilante named recommended for children.
Rorschach who tries to solve the
crime. This will involve - Directed by Zack Snyder
him saving the planet from extinction. - 163 minutes
Watchmen is an action, crime, sci-fi film - R rated
which will captivate you until it ends and it will -Luis Benito-
This film has provoked a great deal of interest among all teenagers. The film is based
on the book written by John Boyne. The plot takes place in Auschwiz, Germany. A period
of history when Hitler was exterminating all german jews. Jews were sent to concentration
R camps where they were killed. The main character moves next to one of those camps and
meets a very interesting boy.
The boy in the striped pyjama is a mixture between drama and war genre. It is a
fascinating film because it shows how
A the jewish extermination happens from
the child's point of view. It's only
possible drawback is that you may not
-Alex González-
Seven Pounds
Gran Torino
This is a film made by the director of “The
Pursuit Of Apiñes” and placed by the same starring
This is a film in which racism is very
actor, Will Smith, who has been nominated twice for closed hand due to the main character. The
an oscar. The story focuses on an unhappy man story is based on the life of an ex-soldier,
who has made several mistakes throughout his life
(Clint Eastwood) a veteran that has battled
and has an odd secret. Due to this, he sees himself
in a war in Korea and because of that he has
obliged to carry out a plan in order to try to change
the lives of seven strangers. However, life gets racist thoughts towards his new neighbours,
tougher when he falls in love with one of them and a group of Koreans that have just moved into
he pays less attention to the other ones, who are the neighbourhood.
united by a common theme, the desperate need of
Gran Torino is a drama in which the
help. veteran is very well characterised by a great
Seven Pounds is a dramatic film which performance by Clint Eastwood. Despite
expresses different kinds of fears, such as death, being a dramatic film, the comedy plays an
love and relationships with strangers. It is a plot- important role since the language used by
driven film and has a marvellous development and Clint Eastwood is very funny,
description of the main characters. Furthermore, the
However, this film is not recommended
part of the film related to Emily (the woman Ben
for people under eighteen due to some
(Will Smith) falls in love with) is extremely realistic
violent scenes.
and enjoyable. However, there might be one clear
drawback. Despite being a dramatic film, at some - Starring Clint Eastwood
points the description of the circumstances are - Directed by Clint Eastwood
developed to an extent that they hardly allow you to - 140 minutes
imagine thee story as you would like it to be, as it - Rating over 18
becomes too straight-forward.
Rated PG-13, this is a perfect film for -Marcos Areizaga-
teenagers or adults to watch alone or with their
partner, due to its sensitivity.
- Starring Will Smith
- Directed by Gabriele Muccino
-Loren Arteche-
- 123 minutes
- Rating PG-13
Twilight is an extraordinary love story about a girl who falls in love with a vampire. When
Bella Swan moves to rainy Forks and meets Edward Cullen, her life takes a terrifying turn.
With his irresistible good looks Edward attracts Bellaʼs attention, which leads to the
uncovering of his dark secret.
The movie is based on the book “Twilight” which is world bestseller. The
unexpected action is what makes the movie unusual. It contains special-effects with vampires
jumping and fighting, high-lighting their perfection. Teenagers love it because it tells t h e
story of true love surviving in impossible circumstances, with unreal creatures.
- Starring Kirsten Steward and Robert Pattinson
- Directed by Catherine Hardwicke
- 122 minutes
- Rated PG- 13
This is a film that has been enjoyed by a
This is a film which has provoked a great
lot of teenagers. The story is based on the life deal of interest obviously because of the starring
of a couple whose, boy dies. But before he dies actor (Benicio del Toro) who is identical to Che in
he leaves some letters for his girlfriend. She real life. There are two parts in the film. Part one
goes finding the letters, where he tolds her is called Che, the argentinian, who helps Fidel
what to do, and at the end he always says " Castro to start a cuban revolution, which
succeeds. But the second part, called Che
P.S: I love you"
guerrilla focuses on starting a revolution in
P.S: I love you is a romantic drama that at Bolivia, without having many people to support
some point makes you feel very sad, but also them and without having enough resources to
makes you think about death. It shows us that survive in the jungle and fighting against the
our life doesn't finish when a friend or a bolivian soldiers.
familyar member dies.
Che, a revolutionary life is an historic war
This film is perfect for those who love film which really demonstrates the politic tensions
romantic films, but in an unusual way. and conflicts present in those times between a
- Starring Hilary Swank and Gerard Butler country and rebellions of the people. It is also
- Directed by Richard LaGravenese very interesting seeing the main actor so identical
- 126 minutes to the figure of the Che. The only possible
drawback to the film are some parts which
-Patricia Ascorreta- concern the United States that are no t very clear
in demonstrating their function in what may be an
international conflict.
With a PG rating this film is a perfect movie
for people who study political history and want t
know about the way of life these people had.
-Daniel Goiria-
The pink panther 2
This film was obviously succeeding those got funny dialogue. Steve Martin gives the film a
who like comedies, is based on a detective who is fresh humor and it’s genuinely interesting seeing its
very clumsy. The detective (Steve Martin) is ability to make really funny jokes. I think he acts
constantly doing silly things and making funny really well in this film. It suits him a lot.
mistakes and his assistant is always trying to help ! This is the perfect film
him not making so many mistakes and solving for those who enjoy
successfully his cases. laughing.
! The pink panther is a comedy with lost of - Staring: Steve Martin
opportunites for one-liners and visual gags. It has - 92 minutes
- Director by Harald Zwart
-Macarena Oliván-
This animation has obviously
provoked a great deal of interest as
much because of it being one of the
latest Walt Disney’s productions as for
the film itself. The story takes place
somewhere in the future where the This is a film which has had
human race has produced such an a great relevante in the $th year, as The film that provoked a lot
amount of rubbish that makes the Earth much because we have read the of controversy in the late 90’s, has
no longer habitable and only one robot book as for its cultural content in now returned with different actors
is left in New York City. His name is language. The story is based on the and atmosphere. Anna, George and
Wall-E and he is in charge of cleaning live of a veteran spanish soldier their son have gone out to their
the whole city. So he spends all his time called Diego Alatriste. During the summer country house on holiday.
film, we are shown the different Paul and Peter show up in their
doing his job without hesitation until he house just waiting to play with them
fells in love with another new robot. problems that Alatriste, with his
page, Iñigo de Balboa have to deal a very peculiar game…
Her name is Eva and she is sent by the Funny games it’s a suspense
humans from a spaceship with a with. This film is set in the 17th
century. thriller film that captivates the
mission: find a sign of any vegetation. audience from the very first moment
! Wall-E is an amusing animation and makes you feel intrigues as
full of visuals gags mixed with a really Alatriste is a historic action film there are some key scenes which
original script. Wall-E, the main which is very attractive for people you can not miss. If you’re looking
who like history and epic titles. It for a physically violent film, don’t
character, will soon meet your love not clearly portrays the 17th century and
only for the good person he is, but also watch this one, but do expect
it is very interesting for people who shocking moments.
for his great sense of humour brought want to know what the way of life
to us by Disney and Pixar studios. In This remake is very appropriate if
was like at that time. The only you want to be shocked or if you
addition, this animation also mentions possible drawback is that perhaps like films with unusual psycho-
the environmental problems we have the film is very long and that killers.
nowadays so that children may learn sometimes it is difficult to follow. - Starring Nomi Watts and Michael
how well we have to treat our planet. With a PG rating and both Pitt
! With a PG rating and both action and history this is the perfect - Both of the versions directed by
amusing script and its great variety of film for every body, Michael Haneke
funny moments, it is perfect to make young or old , that wants to have - 111 mins
the youngest and oldest of the home fun.
have a really good time. - Starring Vigo Mortensen, Javier -Rocio Chillida-
- Directed by Andrew Stanton Cámara, Eduardo Noriega.
- 98 minutes - Directed by Agustín Díaz Yanes.
- Rating PG - 140 minutes.
- Awards: (2008) Oscar for the Best - Now available on DVD
Animated Feature Film of the Year -Pablo Santos-
- Release Date: 6th August 2008
- Now available on DVD
-Ignacio Iturrarte-