A D-Brane Inspired Trinification Model. G. K. Leontaris and J. Rizos
A D-Brane Inspired Trinification Model. G. K. Leontaris and J. Rizos
A D-Brane Inspired Trinification Model. G. K. Leontaris and J. Rizos
Abstract We describe the basic features of model building in the context of intersecting Dbranes. As an example, a D-brane inspired construction with U (3)C U (3)L U (3)R gauge symmetry is proposed -which is the analogue of the Trinication model- where the unication porperties and some low energy implications on the fermion masses are analysed.
Talk presented at the Corfu Summer Institute, Corfu-Greece, September 4-14, 2005
Model building establishes the connection between the mathematical formulation of a physics theory and the known (experimentally discovered) world of elementary particles. In High Energy Physics the known world is dened as the one which is described by the Standard Model (SM). The SM spectrum, consists of three avors of LH lepton doublets and quarks, the RH electrons, up and down quarks respectively plus gauge bosons and the Higgs eld (although not yet discovered). During the last three decades we have learned a lot from the attempts to extend the SM. As early as 1974, the observation that gauge couplings converge at large scales, suggested unication of the three forces at a scale MU 1015 GeV. This observation led to the incorporation of the SM into a gauge group with higher symmetry i.e., SU (5) etc (Grand Unication). A number of Grand Unied Theories (GUTs) (Pati-Salam model, SO(10) GUT etc )1 predicted also the existence of the RH neutrino. Its existence can lead to a light Majorana mass (through the see-saw mechanism) which is now conrmed by the present experimental data. Next, the incorporation of supersymmetry [2] into the game of unication had a big success: This was the solution of the hierarchy, which was a fatal problem in all non-supersymmetric GUTs. However, the cost to pay was the doubling of the spectrum, with the inclusion of superpartners and many arbitrary parameters. For example, the number of arbitrary parameters one counts in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) are pretty much above 100. String theory model building went a bit further: For instance, one could calculate from the rst principles of the theory the Yukawa couplings [3]. Non-renormalizable contributions of the form n Quc h, = M , (and S similar terms for the other masses), where is a singlet and MS the string scale, were also calculated to any order. This gave the possibility to determine the structure of the fermion mass matrices in terms of a few known expansion parameters[4]. This kind of mass textures gives rise to successful hierarchies of the form mu : mc : mt 6 : 2 : 1 up to order one coecients (and similarly for the other fermions). A number of other phenomenological problems however, were not resolved even in the string context. For example, there was no systematic way of eliminating baryon violating operators of any dimension, since, even if they are absent at the three level (due to the existence of a possible symmetry), they generally appear in higher order corrections. Another aesthetically and experimentally unpleasant fact is that the string scale which, in all models obtained from the heterotic string theory, is of the order of the Planck scale [5]. Yet, the non-discovery of the superpartners at energies expected to be there, is also another headache. It now appears that many of the above unanswered questions and puzzles might have a solution in models built in the context of branes immersed in higher dimensions [6]. Indeed, the models built in this context oer possibilities for solving the above problems: a class of them allows a low unication scale of the order of a few TeV [7], therefore supersymmetry is not necessary since there is no hierarchy problem; further, in certain cases, (type I string theory) the presence of internal magnetic elds[8] provides a concrete realization of split supersymmetry [9], therefore, intermediate or higher string scales are also possible in
3 this case[10]. Further, the gauge group structure obtained in these models contains U (1) global symmetries, one of them associated with the baryon number, so that baryon number violation is prohibited to all orders in perturbation theory.
Intersecting branes
In the construction of D-brane models the basic ingredient is the brane stack, i.e. a certain number of parallel, almost coincident D-branes. A single D-brane carries a U (1) gauge symmetry which is the result of the reduction of the ten-dimensional Yang-Mills theory. A stack of N parallel branes gives rise to a U (N ) gauge theory where the gauge bosons correspond to open strings having both their ends attached to some of the branes of the various stacks. The compact space is taken to be a six-dimensional torus T 6 = T 2 T 2 T 2 , however, for simplicity, let us assume rst the intersections on a single T 2 . D -branes in at space lead to non-chiral matter. Chirality arises when they are wrapped on a torus. In this case chiral fermions sit in singular points in a transverse space while the number of fermion generations [11, 12], and other fermions in intersecting branes are related to the two distinct numbers of wrappings of the branes around the two circles R1 , R2 of the torus 2 . Consider intersecting D6-branes lling the four-dimensional space-time with (n, m) wrapping numbers. (This means that we wrap n-times the brane along the circle of R1 radius and m-times along R2 .) For two stacks Na , Nb , we denote with (na , ma ) and (nb , mb ) the wrappings respectively. The gauge group is U (Na ) U (Nb ) while the fermions (which b ), (or (N a , Nb )). We may also live in the intersections) belong to the bi-fundamental (Na , N obtain representations in (Na , Nb ) from strings attached on the branes a, b , where b is the mirror of the b-brane under the R operation, beeing the whorld-sheet parity operation and R a geometrical action. The number of the intersections on the two-torus is given by ) and Iab = na mb + ma nb for (Na , Nb ). These also equal Iab = na mb ma nb , for (N, N the number of the chiral fermion representations obtained at the intersections. Additional pairs can be constructed by the action on the vector v = (n, m) with the SL(2, Z ). The latter preserves the intersection numbers, therefore it preserves also the number of chiral fermions. The SL(2, Z ) elements act: n m = a b c d n m (1)
(Since ad bc = 1, it follows na mb ma nb = na mb ma nb .) The gauge couplings of the theory are given as follows: Let g be the metric on the torus g = (2 )2
2 R1 R1 R2 cos 2 R1 R2 cos R2
where is the angle of the two vectors dening the torus lattice. The length of the v = (n, m) wrapping, is then nm = gab v a v b , i.e.,
2 2 mn = 2 n2 R1 + m2 R2 + 2nmR1 R2 cos
where MS is the string scale, II is the type-II string coupling and ma na is given by (3). Yukawa coecients are also calculable in these constructions in terms of geometric quantities (area) of the torus[11, 12]. For example, the size of the Yukawa coupling yijk for a square torus is yijk = e
R1 R2 Aijk
where Aijk is the area of the world-sheet connecting three vertices, scaled by the area of the torus. We may generalize these results, considering compactications on a 6-torus factorized i as T 6 = T 2 T 2 T 2 . For example, if we denote (ni a , ma ) the wrapping numbers of the D6a brane around the ith torus, the number of intersections is given by the product of the intersections in each of them
Iab =
i=1 3
(6) (7)
Iab =
while cancellation of the U (N ) anomalies requires that the spectrum should satisfy b Iab Nb = 0. To satisfy this critirion, one usualy has to add additional matter states. For example, the fullment of this requirement in deriving the Standard Model in [13] led to the introduction of the right-handed neutrinos. We should note that further consistency conditions, as the cancellation of RR-tadpoles for theories [11] with open string sectors should be satised by i 3 ni a , ma . Due to the fact that D-brane constructions generate U (N ) symmetries, from U (N )a SU (N )a U (1)a , we conclude that several U (1) factors appear in these models. For, example, the derivation of the SM may be obtained from a set of U (3), U (2) and several U (1) brane stacks, leading to a symmetry[14, 15]
U (3)C U (2)L
n i=1
U (1)i
Fermion and Higgs representations are charged under U (1)C,L,i. Some of these U (1) symmetries, play a particular role in the low energy eective theory. For example, U (1)C is related to baryon number, since all quarks carry the same U (1)C -charge. Thus, all global symmetries of SM are gauge symmetries in the context of D-brane constructions. Further, the U (1) factors have mixed anomalies with the non-abelian groups SU (Na ) given by
5 Aab = (Iab Ia b )Na /2. It happens that one linear combination remains anomaly free and contributes to the hypercharge generator which in general is a linear combination of the form
cm Qm
where the cm are to be specied in terms of the hypercharge assignment of the particle spectrum of a given D-brane construction. The remaining U (1) combinations carry anomalies which are cancelled by a generalized Green-Schwartz mechanism and the corresponding gauge bosons become massive. These symmetries however, persist in the low-energy theory as global symmetries.
R1 R2
R2 R1
We now present a specic non-supersymmetric example with gauge symmetry U (3)3 which can be considered as the analogue of the Trinication model proposed long time ago [17, 18]4 . We will therefore describe here the steps one has to follow for a viable D-brane construction. To generate this group one needs three stacks of D-branes, each stack containing 3 parallel almost coincident branes in order to form the U (3) symmetry. We write the complete gauge symmetry as U (3)C U (3)L U (3)R , so that the rst U (3) is related to SU (3) color, the second involves the weak SU (2)L and the third is related to a possible intermediate SU (2)R gauge group. Since U (3) SU (3)U (1), we conclude that, in addition to the SU (3)3 gauge group, the D-brane construction contains
For further explorations, as well as supersymmetric and string versions of the Trinication model see[20]-[26]
6 also three extra U (1) abelian symmetries. The U (1) symmetry obtained from the color U (3)C SU (3)C U (1)C is related to the baryon number [14]. All baryons have the same charge under U (1)C and consequently this U (1) is identied with a gauged baryon number symmetry. There are two more abelian factors from the chains U (3)L SU (3)L U (1)L , U (3)R SU (3)R U (1)R so the nal symmetry can be written SU (3)c SU (3)L SU (3)R U (1)C U (1)L U (1)R (10)
The abelian U (1)C,L,R factors have mixed anomalies with the non-abelian SU (3)3 gauge part with are determined by the contributions of three fermion generations. There is an anomaly free combination, namely [27] U (1)Z = U (1)C + U (1)L + U (1)R (11)
which contributes to the hypercharge, while the two remaining combinations are anomalous; these anomalies are cancelled by a generalized Green-Schwarz mechanism. The pos-
, 3,1
,3 ,3 )
Figure 2: Schematic representation of a U (3)C U (3)L U (3)R D-brane conguration and the matter elds of the model. sible representations which arise in this scenario should accommodate the standard model particles and the necessary Higgs elds to break the U (3)3 symmetry down to SM. The spectrum of a D-brane model involves two kinds of representations, those obtained when the two string ends are attached to two dierent branes and those whose both ends are on the same brane stack. In gure 3 we show the minimum number of irreps required to accommodate the fermions and appropriate Higgs elds. Under (10) these states obtained from strings attached to two dierent branes have the following quantum numbers5 Q = (3, 3, 1)(+1,1, = (1, 3, 3)( = (1, 3, 3)(
Qc = ( 3, 1, 3)(1, L H
A schematic representation of the intersections of a T 2 torus which result to three fermion families is shown in gure 3, however, in a realistic scenario one should solve the complete system of equations for all states arising in this constructions on T 2 T 2 T 2 .
(3 ,1 ,3 )
0,+1,1) 0,+1,1)
7 while the states arising from strings with both ends on the same 3-stack are HL = (1, 3, 1)(0,2,0) HR = (1, 1, 3)(0,0,2) (16) (17)
Under SU (3)L SU (3)R [SU (2)L U (1)L ] [U (1)R U (1) ] and the U (1)Z , we employ the hypercharge embedding 1 1 1 Y = XL + XR + Z 6 3 6 (18)
where XL , XR , Z represent the generators of the corresponding U (1) factors. Under the symmetry SU (3)C SU (2)L U (1)Y U (1) (12-17) decompose as follows Q Qc L 1 1 = q 3, 2; , 0 + g 3, 1; , 0 6 3 2 1 , 1; 1 , 1 + uc 3, 1; , 0 + g c 3, 1; , 1 = dc 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 = + 1, 2; , 1 + 1, 2; , 1 + c 1, 2; + , 0 2 2 2 + c+ (1, 1; 0, 1) + c (1, 1; 0, 1 ) + ec (1, 1; 1, 0) 1 1 1 H = (1, 3, 3) = hd+ 1, 2; , 1 + hd 1, 2, , 1 + hu 1, 2; , 0 2 2 2
c+ c +ec H (1, 1; 1, 0) + H (1, 1; 0, 1) + H (1, 1; 0, 1),
(19) (20)
+ 1, 2; 1 , 0 + HL = (1, 3, 1) = h HL (1, 1; 1, 0) L 2
c+ c HR = (1, 1, 3) = e c H (1, 1; 0, 1) + H (1, 1; 0, 1) H (1, 1; 1, 0) + R R
Representation (19) includes the left handed quark doublets and an additional colored triplet with quantum numbers as those of the down quark, while representation (20) contains the right-handed partners of (19). Further, (21) involves the lepton doublet, the right-handed electron and its corresponding neutrino, two additional SU (2)L doublets and another neutral state, called neutreto[17]. The Higgs sector consists of (22) which is the same representation as that of the lepton elds, and the left and right triplets (23) and (24) respectively.
The reduction of the SU (3)3 U (1)3 to the SM is in general associated with three dierent scales corresponding to the SU (3)R , SU (3)L and U (1)Z symmetry breaking. We will assume here for simplicity that the SU (3)L,R and U (1)Z symmetries break simultaneously
C Q3
Figure 3: Schematic representation of the intersections on a T 2 for a three-generation U (3)C U (3)L U (3)R D-brane model. at a common scale MR , hence the model is characterized only by two large scales, the String/brane scale MS , and the scale MR . Clearly, the MR scale cannot be higher than MS , i.e., MR MS , and the equality holds if the SU (3)R SU (3)L symmetry breaks directly at MS . In a D-brane realization of the proposed model, since the three U (3) gauge factors originate from 3-brane stacks that span dierent directions of the higher dimensional space, the corresponding gauge couplings C,L,R are not necessarily equal at the string scale MS . However, in certain constructions, at least two D-brane stacks can be superposed and the associated couplings are equal[14]. In our bottom up approach, a crucial role in the determination of the scales MR,S is played by the neutrino physics. More precisely, in order to obtain the correct scale for the light neutrino masses, which are obtained through a seesaw mechanism and are found to be of the order m m2 W /MS , the string scale MS should 13 15 be in the range MS 10 10 GeV. In order to determine the range of MS , MR , we use as inputs the low energy data for 3 , em and sin2 W and perform a one-loop renormalization group analysis. The cases L = R and R = C presented in Table 1 are found to be consistent with the neutrino data. In particular, we nd that the case L = R predicts model aL = aR aL = aC aC = aR MR /GeV 1.7 109 < 2.3 1016 < 2.3 1011 MS /GeV > 1.7 109 > 2.3 1016 > 2.3 1011
Table 1: Upper and lower bounds for SU (3)R breaking scale (MR ) and the corresponding String scale (MS ) for the three cases aL = aC , aR = aC and aL = aR . MR constant, i.e., independent of the common gauge coupling a L = R and MS also in the required region. For R = C , we also obtain MS 2.3 1011 GeV.6
The case L = C is ruled out by neutrino data, since it predicts MS > 1016 GeV.
The Higgs states (22-24) are sucient to break the original gauge symmetry U (3)3 down to the Standard Model[27], however, according to ref[17], a non-trivial KM mixing and quark mass relations would require at least two Higgs elds in (1, 3, 3). We should mention however, that in string or intersecting brane models, Yukawas are calculable in terms of geometric quantities -such as torus area- thus, from this point of view a second Higgs is not necessary. To break the symmetry and provide with masses the various matter multiplets we assume two Higgs in (1, 3, 3) and a pair HL = (1, 3, 1), HR = (1, 1, 3) with the following vevs: H1 H2 HL HR
d c+ hu = u2 , H, = U, 1 = u1 , h1 1 c+ d d+ c hu 2 = v1 , h 2 = v2 , h 2 = v3 , H 2 = V1 , H 2 = V2
The vevs U, V1,2 and AL,R are taken of the order MR , while u1,2 and v1,2 are of the order of the electroweak scale. 3.1.3 Fermion masses
In the present U (3)3 construction, due to the existence of the additional U (1)C,L,R symmetries, the following Yukawa coupling is present at the tree-level Yukawa potential
c ij Q,1 Qi Qj Ha , a = 1, 2
It can provide quark masses as well masses for the extra triplets. For the up quarks
ij ij mij uuc = Q,1 u1 + Q,2 v1
c For the down-type quarks di , dc j , gi , gj , we obtain a 6 6 down type quark matrix in avour space, of the form
md =
ij ij where mddc = ij Q,1 u2 + Q,2 v2 and mdg c = Q,2 v3 are 3 3 matrices with entries of the ij ij electroweak scale, while Mgdc = ij Q,2 V1 , Mgg c = Q,1 U + Q,2 V2 are of the order MR . The diagonalization of the non-symmetric mass matrix (27) will lead to a light 3 3 mass matrix for the down quarks and a heavy analogue of the order of the SU (3)R breaking scale.
The extra U (1)C,L,R factors do not allow for a tree-level coupling for the lepton elds. The lowest order allowed leptonic Yukawa terms arise at fourth order. These are
ab fij ij Li Lj Ha Hb Li Lj + HL HR MS MS
ab where fij , ij are order one Yukawa couplings, and a, b = 1, 2. These terms provide with masses the charged leptons suppressed by a factor MR /MS compared to quark masses. Thus, a natural quark-lepton hierarchy arises in this model. They further imply light Majorana masses for the three neutrino species through a see saw mechanism. All the remaining states (lepton like doublets and neutral singlets) obtain masses of the order 2 MR /MS [27].
In this talk, we have described the basic features of model building in the context of intersecting D-branes. As an example, we have analysed a D-brane analogue of the trinication model which can be generated by three separate stacks of D-branes. Each of the three stacks is formed by three identical branes, resulting to an U (3)C U (3)L U (3)R gauge symmetry for the model. Since U (3) SU (3) U (1), this symmetry is equivalent to the standard SU (3)3 trinication gauge group supplemented by three abelian factors U (1)C,L,R . The main characteristics of the model are: The three U (1) factors dene an unique anomaly-free combination U (1)Z = U (1)C + U (1)L + U (1)R as well as two other anomalous combinations whose anomalies can be cancelled by a generalized Green-Schwarz mechanism. The Standard Model fermions are represented by strings attached to two dierent brane-stacks and belong to (3, 3, 1) + ( 3, 1, 3) + (1, 3, 3) representations as is the case of the trinication model. The scalar sector contains Higgs elds in (1, 3, 3) (which is the same representation which accommodates the lepton elds), as well as Higgs in (1,3,1) and (1,1,3) representations which can arise from strings whose both ends are attached on the same brane stack. The Higgs elds break the SU (3)L SU (3)R part of the gauge symmetry down to U (1)em ; they further provide a natural quark-lepton hierarchy since quark masses are obtained from tree-level couplings, while, due to the extra U (1) symmetries, charged leptons are allowed to receive masses from fourth order Yukawa terms. The SU (3)R breaking scale is found to be MR > 109 GeV, while a string scale MS 101315 GeV is predicted which suppresses the light Majorana masses through a see-saw mechanism down to sub-eV range as required by neutrino physics.
Ackmowledgements. This research was co-funded by the European Union in the framework of the program Pythagoras I (no. 1705 project 23) of the Operational Program for Education and Initial Vocational Training of the 3rd Community Support Framework of the Hellenic Ministry of Education, funded by 25% from national sources and by 75% from the European Social Fund (ESF).
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