Air Force Institute of Technology

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Evolving Self-Organized Behavior

Homogeneous and Heterogeneous
UAV or UCAV Swarms
Ian C Price, Second Lieutenant, USAF
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio
The views expressed in this thesis are those of the author and do not reect the ocial
policy or position of the United States Air Force, Department of Defense, or United
States Government.
Evolving Self-Organized Behavior
Homogeneous and Heterogeneous
UAV or UCAV Swarms
Presented to the Faculty
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Graduate School of Engineering and Management
Air Force Institute of Technology
Air University
Air Education and Training Command
In Partial Fulllment of the Requirements for the
Degree of Master of Science
Ian C Price, B.S.C.S.
Second Lieutenant, USAF
March 2006
Evolving Self-Organized Behavior
Homogeneous and Heterogeneous
UAV or UCAV Swarms
Ian C Price, B.S.C.S.
Second Lieutenant, USAF
/signed/ 10 Mar 2006
Dr. Gary B. Lamont, PhD (Chairman) date
/signed/ 10 Mar 2006
Dr. Gilbert M. Peterson (Member) date
/signed/ 10 Mar 2006
Maj. Andrew W. Learn (Member) date
This research designs an o-line evolutionary system to create multi-UAV be-
havior capable of searching for and attacking targets. The design for this behav-
ior system assumes the UAVs have no apriori knowledge about undetected targets,
UAVs, or the environment. In addition, the system does not rely upon global com-
munications. WIth regard to the behavior design and approach, self-organization is
a potential solution since exemplar systems relying upon it tend to be exceptionally
robust, scaleable, and exible.
The UAV behavior, evolved with a genetic algorithm, relies upon a behavior
archetype architecture. This design allows the system to evolve a small set of behaviors
that are selected based upon particular sense inputs to the UAVs. The sense inputs
summarize observable characteristics of each UAVs environmental representation such
as the density of sensed UAVs and a simple target associated pheromone. At its core,
the sets of behaviors are built upon behavior rules describing formation building rules,
safety, and target interaction.
To add another avenue in testing the scalability and robustness of UAV behavior
with regard to target destruction, the targets can eectively destroy UAVs as well.
This mutual ability on the part of both UAVs and the targets forces the resulting
behavior to be more robust. Additionally, by allowing the targets to retaliate, the
simulation has a greater degree of realism.
This approach to multi-UAV behavior is tested when the UAVs have similar
abilities towards target attack and detection and when sensor and attack abilities are
split into two dierent UAVs. With regard to these situations, the system demon-
strates eective behavior evolution. Additionally, the behavior strategies evolved are
scaleable with increasing UAV and target populations.
Dr. Lamont,
Thank you for your patience, persistence, advice, and knowledge. I sincerely
thank you.
To my section mates in ENG1,
You have provided me with the support I needed to remain sane. Thanks.
To my Evolutionary Algorithms and High-Performance Computing Peers,
The occasional conversations greatly helped me vent. Thanks.
To my family,
You provided the support I needed on many of those long nights. Thanks.
My lovely, young wife,
Thank you for motivating me when I couldnt see the light.
Ian C Price
Table of Contents
Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv
Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
List of Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi
List of Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiv
I. Introduction and Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1 Problem Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Key Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 Research Goal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.4 Sponsor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.5 Assumptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.6 Thesis Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
II. Self-Organization Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.1 Self-Organization Denitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.2 Alternatives to Self Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.3 Levels of SO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.4 Feedback Loops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.5 Example Behaviors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.6 General SO UAV Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.7 SO Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
III. UAV Background Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3.1 Benets of UAVs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3.1.1 Dirty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3.1.2 Dull . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3.1.3 Dangerous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3.1.4 Endurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3.2 Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3.2.1 Operating Personnel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3.2.2 Cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.2.3 Communication Bandwidth . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.3 Desired Improvements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.4 Approaches to UAV Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3.4.1 Vectorizing UAV Needs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3.4.2 Direct Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3.4.3 Rule Based . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
3.4.4 Approaches Towards Specic Behavior . . . . . 38
3.4.5 UAV Senses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
3.4.6 Exemplar System Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
3.5 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
IV. High Level SO Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
4.1 Bottom-up SO Framework Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
4.1.1 Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
4.1.2 Macro State Transition Function . . . . . . . . 52
4.1.3 Markov Chain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
4.1.4 Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
4.2 High-Level UAV and Environment Models . . . . . . . . 64
4.2.1 Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
4.2.2 Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
4.2.3 Targets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
4.2.4 Engagement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
4.3 GA Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
4.3.1 General methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
4.3.2 Representation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
4.3.3 Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
4.3.4 Mutation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
4.3.5 Recombination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
4.3.6 Alteration of Scenarios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
4.3.7 Fitness Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
4.4 Simulation Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
4.5 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
V. Low Level Design and Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
5.1 Variable and Subfunction Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
5.2 Sensor Vision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
5.2.1 Explicit Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
5.2.2 Target Sense Propagation . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
5.2.3 UAV Density Calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
5.2.4 Selection of Behavior Archetype . . . . . . . . . 100
5.3 Rule Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
5.3.1 Rule 1: Alignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
5.3.2 Rule 2: Target Orbit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
5.3.3 Rule 3: Cohesion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
5.3.4 Rule 4: Separation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
5.3.5 Rule 5: Weighted Target Attraction . . . . . . . 108
5.3.6 Rule 6: Flat Target Repulsion . . . . . . . . . . 109
5.3.7 Rule 7: Weighted Target Repulsion . . . . . . . 110
5.3.8 Rule 8: Flat Attraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
5.3.9 Rule 9: Evasion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
5.3.10 Rule 10: Obstacle Avoidance . . . . . . . . . . . 115
5.3.11 Rule Summation and Normalization . . . . . . . 117
5.4 Simulation Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
5.4.1 Speed Normalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
5.4.2 Motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
5.4.3 Engagement Modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
5.5 Genetic Algorithm Functions and Algorithm . . . . . . . 121
5.5.1 Crossover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
5.5.2 Mutation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
5.5.3 Generalized algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
5.6 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
VI. Design of Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
6.1 Design of Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
6.2 Metrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
6.3 Homogeneous UAV Experiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
6.3.1 Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
6.3.2 UAV Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
6.3.3 Target Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
6.3.4 Initial positions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
6.3.5 Adaptive Scenarios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
6.3.6 GA Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
6.3.7 Expected Outcome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
6.4 heterogeneous UAV Experiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
6.4.1 Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
6.4.2 UAV Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
6.4.3 Target Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
6.4.4 Initial positions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
6.4.5 Adaptive Scenarios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
6.4.6 GA Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
6.4.7 Expected Outcome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
6.5 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
VII. Analysis of Experiment Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
7.1 Homogeneous UAV Experiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
7.1.1 GA Fitness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
7.1.2 Scalability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
7.1.3 Selected Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
7.2 heterogeneous UAV Experiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
7.2.1 GA Fitness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
7.2.2 Scalability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
7.2.3 Selected Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
7.3 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
VIII. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
8.1 Denition of SO Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
8.2 Design of Simulation System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
8.3 Design of UAV System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
8.4 Testing Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
8.5 Future Investigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
8.6 Final Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
Appendix A. Low-Level Simulation Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
A.1 Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
A.2 UAVs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
A.2.1 Physical Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
A.2.2 Sensor Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
A.2.3 Communications Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
A.2.4 Engagement Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
A.2.5 Behavior Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
A.2.6 UAV State in Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
A.2.7 UAV Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
A.3 Targets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
A.4 Obstacles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
A.5 Simulation updates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
A.6 Connections to the GA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
A.7 Mapping to SO model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
A.8 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
Appendix B. Simulation Design and Software Engineering . . . . . . . 203
B.1 Fidelity Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
B.1.1 UAV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
B.1.2 Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
B.1.3 Behavioral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
B.1.4 Overall Fidelity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
B.2 Simulation Divisibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
B.2.1 Task Decomposition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
B.2.2 Load Balancing approaches . . . . . . . . . . . 209
B.2.3 Structural and Parallel Decomposition . . . . . 210
B.3 Communication Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
B.4 Basic Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
List of Figures
Figure Page
1.1. DarkStar UCAV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2. Black Widow MAV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3. Predator UAV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.1. SO Positive Feedback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3.1. First Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
3.2. Second Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
3.3. Third Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
3.4. Kadrovich distance example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
4.1. Graphical Representation of Algebraic SO System Relationships 64
4.2. Velocity Eects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
4.3. Sensor Shadowing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
4.4. Sensor and Active Communication Interrelation . . . . . . . . . 76
4.5. GA Representation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
5.1. Flow of information between the distinct UAV components . . 96
5.2. Target Sense Propagation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
5.3. Density Sense Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
5.4. Alignment Field Plot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
5.5. Stable orbit created by Orbitting, Flat Attraction, and Flat Re-
pulsion rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
5.6. Orbiting Field Plot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
5.7. Cohesion Field Plot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
5.8. Separation Field Plot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
5.9. Weight Target Attack Field Plot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
5.10. Target Repulsion Field Plot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
5.11. Weighted Target Repulsion Field Plot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
Figure Page
5.12. Flat Target Attraction Field Plot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
5.13. Obstacle Avoidance Field Plot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
6.1. Exemplar Fitness Histograph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
6.2. Experiment 1 Initial Positions for 10 UAVs . . . . . . . . . . . 136
6.3. Experiment 1 Initial Positions for 20 UAVs . . . . . . . . . . . 139
6.4. Experiment 1 Initial Positions for 30 UAVs . . . . . . . . . . . 140
6.5. Experiment 1 Initial Positions for 10 UAVs . . . . . . . . . . . 148
6.6. Experiment 1 Initial Positions for 20 UAVs . . . . . . . . . . . 149
6.7. Experiment 1 Initial Positions for 30 UAVs . . . . . . . . . . . 150
6.8. Experiment 1 Initial Positions for 100 UAVs . . . . . . . . . . . 151
6.9. Experiment 1 Initial Positions for 1000 UAVs . . . . . . . . . . 152
7.1. Experiment 1 Mean and Best tness Improvement . . . . . . . 154
7.2. Experiment 1 Fitness Change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
7.3. Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA on Experiment 1 tness . . . . . . . . 155
7.4. Experiment 1 Fitness Scalability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
7.5. Experiment 1 Scalability of target destruction . . . . . . . . . . 159
7.6. Experiment 1 Behavior Archetype Selection Depiction . . . . . 161
7.7. Experiment 1, Pertinent aspects of best solution . . . . . . . . 162
7.8. Experiment 1, Close Formation example . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
7.9. Experiment 1, Best solution attack behavior eld plot . . . . . 163
7.10. Experiment 1, 4th diculty solution behavior . . . . . . . . . . 164
7.11. Experiment 2, Mean and Best tness performance . . . . . . . 166
7.12. Experiment 2, Mean and Best tness performance changes . . . 166
7.13. Third Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
7.14. Experiment 2, Fitness Scalability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
7.15. Experiment 2, Most Scaleable Solution Fitness Scalability . . . 172
7.16. Experiment 2, Scalability of Area Search . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
7.17. Experiment 2, Small Simulation runtimes . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
Figure Page
7.18. Experiment 2, Overall Simulation Runtimes . . . . . . . . . . . 173
7.19. Sensor UAV Target Avoidance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
7.20. 49th Generation Solution Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
7.21. Experiment 2, Small-scale formation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
7.22. Experiment 2, Eects as formation scales . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
7.23. Experiment 2, Best Solution Sensor UAV behavior archetype plot 178
7.24. Experiment 2, Best Solution UCAV behavior archetype plot . . 178
7.25. Experiment 2, Display of Sensor Encoding . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
7.26. Experiment 2, Display of UCAV Encoding . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
7.27. Experiment 2, Field plot of typical UCAV behavior . . . . . . . 180
A.1. Macro, Micro, Genetic Algorithm Level interactions . . . . . . 202
B.1. Simulation Task Illustration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
B.2. Illustration of computation divided across solutions . . . . . . . 208
B.3. Illustration of computation divided across simulations . . . . . 208
B.4. Illustration of Load balancing created with the farming Model . 210
List of Tables
Table Page
2.1. Comparison of Quoted Self-Organization Denitions . . . . . . 11
2.2. Sensing or Communication requirements to support specic ex-
emplar behaviors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
3.1. Example comparison of single layer architecture complexities. . 36
4.1. Simulation Features implemented in other investigations . . . . 66
4.2. UAV Simulation Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
4.3. Success rate for hitpoint based approach with only one UAV . . 85
4.4. Success rate for hitpoint based approach with two UAVs . . . . 86
4.5. Success rate for hitpoint based approach with three UAVs . . . 87
5.1. Key to Various symbols used in low-level design equations . . . 95
5.2. Key to Various subfunctions used in low-level design equations 97
5.3. Predator Flight Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
5.4. Master Initialization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
5.5. Master Initialization Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
5.6. Master Sending Jobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
5.7. Response from master when client requests a job . . . . . . . . 125
5.8. Master Receiving a Score . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
5.9. Master receiving the results from a particular run . . . . . . . . 126
6.1. Listing of how the specic features of self-organization are ad-
dressed within the system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
6.2. UAV specic variables that can be changed in an experiment . 129
6.3. Environment specic attributes for experimentation. . . . . . . 129
6.4. Environment specic attributes for experimentation. . . . . . . 130
6.5. Homogeneous Experiment UAV Characteristics . . . . . . . . . 133
6.6. Homogeneous Experiment Target Characteristics . . . . . . . . 133
6.7. Homogeneous Experiment Population Characteristics . . . . . . 134
Table Page
6.8. Homogeneous Experiment, Initial UAV Positions and Bearings
for generations 0-49 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
6.9. Homogeneous Experiment, Initial UAV Positions and Bearings
for generations 50-59 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
6.10. Homogeneous Experiment, Initial UAV Positions for high scala-
bility test with 30 UAVs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
6.11. Homogeneous Experiment, Initial Target Positions and Bearings
for generation 0-49 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
6.12. Homogeneous Experiment, Initial Target Positions and Bearings
for generation 50-59 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
6.13. Initial Target Positions and Bearings for 30 UAV scalability mea-
surement scenario . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
6.14. Ex 1, Ex 1 Adaptive Scenario Qualities . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
6.15. heterogeneous Experiment Sensing UAV Characteristics . . . . 141
6.16. heterogeneous Experiment UAV Characteristics . . . . . . . . . 142
6.17. Homogeneous Experiment Population Characteristics . . . . . . 142
6.18. Initial UAV Positions and Bearings for generations 0-49 in het-
erogeneous experiment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
6.19. Initial UAV Positions and Bearings for generations 0-49 in het-
erogeneous experiment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
6.20. Initial UAV Positions and Bearings for heterogeneous experiment
scalability assessment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
6.21. Initial UAV Positions and Bearings for heterogeneous experiment
100 UAV behavior assessment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
6.22. Initial UAV Positions and Bearings for generations 1000 UAV
Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
6.23. Ex 2, Initial Target Positions and Bearings . . . . . . . . . . . 147
7.1. Results for homogeneous UAV experiment according to all 30
runs for the rst 30 generations. The horizontal lines mark the
change of scenario diculty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
Table Page
7.2. Results for homogeneous UAV experiment according to all 30
runs for the last 30 generations. The horizontal lines mark the
change of scenario diculty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
7.3. Percent of Environment searched by UAVs. . . . . . . . . . . . 158
7.4. Results for heterogeneous UAV experiment according to all 30
runs for the rst 30 generations. The horizontal lines mark the
change of scenario diculty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
7.5. Results for heterogeneous UAV experiment according to all 30
runs for the last 30 generations. The horizontal lines mark the
change of scenario diculty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
A.1. Listing of the intervals of operation for each behavior model and
the size of the behavior model space, U.M
. . . . . . . . . 194
A.2. Listing of the UAV attributes that do not belong within the
space. Rather, these attributes make up the static U
attributes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
B.1. Comparison of task division strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
B.2. Side-by-side comparison of task division strategies. . . . . . . . 209
B.3. Client Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
B.4. Client operation algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
Evolving Self-Organized Behavior
Homogeneous and Heterogeneous
UAV or UCAV Swarms
I. Introduction and Overview
his chapter provides a high-level overview for the research conducted in this
investigation. It covers an overview of unmanned aerial vehicles and self-
organization, the goals and objectives of this research investigation, and the sponsors.
Chapter one also highlights the assumptions and risks of this research and provides a
overview for the thesis document.
1.1 Problem Statement
Unmanned aerial vehicles oer advantages over manned aircraft. In a sense,
UAVs oer advantages characterizable as the dull, the dirty, and the dangerous [65].
UAVs can have longer persistence and loitering - they accomplish the dull missions
with far less fatigue than human pilots. They can operate in areas exposed to nuclear,
chemical, or biological agents without risk to humans - the dirty missions. Almost
more importantly, UAVs do not risk human life when on dangerous missions. It is
for these reasons that contemporary research is examining the control of many UAVs
simultaneously. Potential ways in which UAVs will be operated include reconnaissance
and location of targets [20], attack and pursuit [40],and even automated jamming
missions [41].
Eective UAV employment with currently applied technology, however, requires
a great deal of human supervision and communication bandwidth. Each unmanned
aircraft requires at least one human pilot despite technological abilities to support dif-
ferent control structures [65]. Additionally, as of 2003, UAVs are excessive consumers
of military bandwidth [76].
According to a senate committee suggestion in 2003, by 2010, one third of the
USAF aircraft will be unmanned [73]. The purpose of this suggestion is to limit the
exposure of pilots to danger. Coupling this with a potential pilot shortage in the
USAF [30] [67], there are two signicant problems - unmanned aircraft to support US
interests will be available but there may not be enough pilots and the military com-
munications infrastructure may not be able to provide a one-to-one control structure
to operate UAVs on an individual basis. For this reason, research must investigate
methods of making UAVs autonomous [26]. By creating autonomous UAV systems,
the reliance upon individual human control and interaction is reduced.
Self-organization is a promising answer to UAV automation. By harnessing
organizational concepts inspired by colonial insects, wolf packs, and even economics,
multi-UAV systems could successfully function autonomously. In observing groups of
UAVs as a singular system rather than individual vehicles, the potential for emergent
self-organized behavior can be realized.
Figure 1.1: The DarkStar is a unmanned combat aerial vehicle intended to operate
as a stealth attack platform.
1.2 Key Concepts
UAVs. With all the attention given to UAVs, it is quite apparent that they are
necessary components for future air forces [80] [41]. And to this end, a great deal of
research into eective elding and operation of these forecasted UAVs has been done.
From reconnaissance and location of targets [20] to attack and pursuit [40] and even
automated jamming missions [41].
Figure 1.2: The Black Widow is an example micro-aerial vehicle or MAV.
Currently UAV model development runs the gamut from large vehicles such
as the Global Hawk towards tiny micro aerial vehicles (MAVs) like the Black Widow
produced by AeroVironment Corporation [43] (Figure (1.2)). These dierent vehicles
are destined to perform many dierent types of missions. Predator UAVs (Figure
(1.3)) armed for the rst time in 2002, have even led to the armament of United
States UAVs and use as weapons platforms [2]. In short, UAVs are quickly becoming
capable vehicles that can perform a myriad of tasks.
Self-Organization is a systemic approach to unifying multi-agent collections or
systems [11]. These systems can be inorganic, however the biological systems produce
more apparently stunning behaviors.
An exemplar self-organized system is ants when they forage [9]. When ants
have not found food, they apparently search randomly around the nest, dropping
pheromones for communication. When an ant locates food and returns to the hive, it
leaves a trail of pheromones between the hive and the food-source. When other ants
are exposed to the pheromone signal released by the rst ant, they have a greater
likelihood of traveling the pheromone trail rather than search randomly based upon
Figure 1.3: The Predator UAV is a long endurance, medium altitude platform that
can operate in both reconnaissance and attack missions. [2]
the pheromonal strength. When those new ants travel the pheromone trail, they
release their own pheromones and in that way increase the strength of the trail. This
trail formation is a positive feedback loop created by a stigmergic communication
scheme [11]
Flocking birds and foraging bees demonstrate self-organized behavior as well.
Birds maintain a loose formation when ocking which seemingly obeys a few basic
rules [66]. Foraging bees execute self-organizing behaviors in the way they search for
In many cases, the operation of self-organized systems can be described as the
interaction of a set of behavior rules [11]. These dierent rules interact through
positive and negative feedback loops to create self-organized behavior.
1.3 Research Goal
The overall and guiding goal of this research is: the generation of a new model
utilizing self-organizing principles to coordinate
UAV swarm behavior. This new
In this case, coordinate refers to the control of UAV behaviors through selection of which be-
havior(s) are more appropriate at particular times
model demonstrates comparable eectiveness to other approaches and provides a
foundation for future development along the same lines.
This overall goal consists of three major objectives:
1. Dene a mathematical model for UAV, environmental, and self-organized be-
2. Create a simulation environment to test UAV self-organized behavior compo-
3. Test and Analyze the eects of the self-organized method in various missions.
Dene The principle reason for the rst major objective is the creation of an
eective denition of self-organization applicable to multi UAV control. This deni-
tion explains and reinforces the need for communication, job or task breakdown and
distribution amongst disparate system entities, and the notion of self-organizational
locality or neighborhoods.
The denition framework is then used in developing a symbolic mathematic
model. The math model facilitates exact implementation of self-organizing systems.
In addition, this symbolic model addresses features identied as being pertinent to
self-organized systems. This mathematical framework is robust and exible while
providing the necessary support to develop other systems using this approach. With
regard to the self-organized mathematic model developed in this eort, the model has
general applicability towards the creation of any self-organized system.
Following the denition of a general self-organization math model, the needs and
features of UAVs and their environment is considered. Naturally, this leads to the
creation of a UAV and an environment model interfacing with the self-organization
Lastly, creating a well-performing self-organized system requires specic con-
sideration. In biology, such systems do not immediately arise. Rather, they evolve
over long periods of time [11]. In addition, investigations attempting to create self-
organized systems cite the diculty for human designers to completely account for
all possible situations [22] [49]. Due to the diculty in designing a self-organized sys-
tem by hand, those investigations relied upon an evolutionary algorithm to develop
self-organized behaviors. For this reason, an evolutionary algorithm is created. A
mathematical model for the evolutionary algorithm is also created.
In a sense, the UAV behaviors created by this research are capable of operating
in a hands o manner in an unknown environment against an unknown enemy force
where the UAVs are not directly aware of their entire force strength and disposition.
This entails behavior addressing the specic discovery and attack of targets as well
as facilitating formations for distinct behaviors.
Create The second major subgoal is the creation of a simulation which imple-
ments the models dened in the rst goal. This simulation addresses the appropriate
levels of delity for UAVs, environment, communication, sensing, and engagement.
In addition, the simulation allows for modications that implement other potential
Likewise, this system necessarily requires some form of ecient parallelization
to handle the extreme amount of computation [63].
Test and Analysis The nal objective examines the eectiveness of the devel-
oped simulation system and mathematical design. In testing the system, appropriate
scenarios are developed in the simulation environment. These scenarios allow compar-
ison to other UAV automation systems when possible, particularly those addressing
target discovery and attack [47].
In testing a system, appropriate metrics are identied to adequately draw con-
clusions. These metrics include but are not limited to the total area searched or
covered by the UAV systems, overall UAV attrition, the number of targets located,
or the number of targets destroyed. In a sense, the metrics are capable of measuring
performance of the desired system behavior. That is, the metrics indicate how well
they UAV systems search the environment as well as their ability to destroy targets.
In addition to metrics that report the direct performance of the self-organized
UAV systems, there are other metrics developed which measure the quality of self-
organization. Potential metrics include but are not limited to exported entropy [61],
job switching rate [39], or the baseline increase by the self-organized system over that
of non-self-organized systems.
1.4 Sponsor
This research supports the goals of the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL).
The application of self-organization to UAV systems is of especial interest to Mike
Foster of the Virtual Combat Laboratory (VCL) at AFRL. This research supports
ongoing investigation into the capabilities and elding of UAVs.
In addition to the AFRL VCL, this investigation furthers the eorts of the
AFRL Information directorate Embedded Information Systems Engineering branch.
This research into UAV systems that dynamically adapt to situations supports the
work performed by Dr. Robert Ewings group.
Additionally, this research is of interest to the AFRL Sensors directorate and
Vehicles directorate.
1.5 Assumptions
The research makes a few assumptions with regard to the model and created
simulation. First, it utilizes a two dimensional top-down view. This view does not ad-
dress altitude. A two dimensional simulation environment was selected over a three
dimensional one since it simplies the necessary calculations for simulation. Addi-
tionally, it assumes that the UAVs operate with a rst order ight model. Again, the
simpler motion model provides for faster simulation and evolution of solutions. Com-
munication between components is highly abstracted and assumes a unidirectional
communication ability [47, 72]. Communication is thus modeled to, again, simplify
the amount of computation required for behavior evolution. Engagement between
UAVs and targets is based upon a hit point damage model. This was selected over
probabilistic engagement models as it provides more stable tactical simulations. And
lastly, it is assumed that the UAVs identify targets immediately and eectively. This
nal assumption allows for more immediate eects upon UAVs in that their behavior
is modeled as an optimal sensor scenario and evolve more concrete behaviors.
With respect to these assumptions, this work does not focus on providing a
UAV simulator with extreme delity. Rather, the assumptions place this UAV sys-
tem on par with other two-dimensional UAV behavior simulators developed by AFRL.
Since this system requires many thousand simulations, excessively accurate models
or calculations only slows system operation. This research investigation focuses upon
demonstrating the ecacy of a self-organizational approach towards multi-UAV sys-
tem behavior rather than production of an extremely-high delity simulator.
1.6 Thesis Overview
Chapter 1: This chapter introduces the problem and research goals.
Chapter 2: This chapter provides a thorough overview of self-organization and
presents the features that make self organization desireable.
Chapter 3: Provides a comprehensive problem background in multi-UAV simu-
lations and an examination what others have done to address the problem area
of autonomous UAV systems is the impetus of this chapter.
Chapter 4: This chapter describes a mathematical model for self-organization
utilizing the features illustrated in Chapter 2 specically addressing communi-
cation, entity-oriented task selection or assignment, and the notion of locality.
Creation of a math model for the UAVs and the environment which connects to
the self-organization model is also included in this chapter. The development of
UAV and environment models is described in this chapter as well as the genetic
algorithm used to evolve the behaviors.
Chapter 5: The low-level design and implementation of the system is described
in this chapter. It specically deals with the particular formula design for be-
havior rules, how behaviors are selected and mapped to the direction UAVs
travel. In addition, the particular sensor system is described along with the
system senses and the genetic algorithm functions.
Chapter 6: The development of metrics for measuring system performance and
eciency alongside behavior is accomplished in this chapter. It then denes
the specic scenarios to be tested with the system and the expected results and
Chapter 7: Analysis of experimentation results is performed in this chapter. In
addition, this chapter provides the major trends and behaviors observed in the
Chapter 8: The nal chapter presents concluding remarks and recommendations
for future research into using self-organization for UAV behaviors.
Appendices: Data supporting the simulations/experiments, if necessary. Data
can by anything from dicult mathematical developments, where the result is
key in previous chapters but the development itself serves as a side issue, to
actual raw data, depending on the topic.
II. Self-Organization Background
o eect better performance from multi-part systems or multi-agent systems,
application of self-organization (SO) is a viable consideration [38]. Self-organization
is observable in both biological and nonbiological systems [11]. Three aspects of self
organization are addressed to completely answer how self-organization applies to sys-
tems like homogeneous and heterogeneous collections of unmanned aerial vehicles
(UAVs). These aspects address what SO is, what desirable behaviors and capabilities
are seen in extant systems, and what expected results are from applying SO to UAV
2.1 Self-Organization Denitions
To understand self-organization as applied to UAV behavior, it is important to
understand self-organization in a broader sense. However, literature does not com-
pletely agree on the denition of self-organization (SO). It is for this reason that a
new and combined denition for SO is proposed as related to UAVs. The following
list of denitions describes varying SO views.
1. Heylighen According to Heylighen [31], [s]elf-organization is a process where
the organization (constraint, redundancy) of a system spontaneously increases,
i.e. without this increase being controlled by the environment or an encompass-
ing or otherwise external system. Also, he goes on to state, Self-organization
is basically a process of evolution [ ] where the development of new, complex
structures takes place primarily in and through the system itself.
2. Coveney Coveney [15] describes self-organization as the spontaneous emergence
of non-equilibrium structural organization on a macroscopic level, due to the
collective interaction between a large number of (usually simple) microscopic
3. Camazine [11] relates self-organization as [ ] a process in which patterns at
the global level of a system emerge solely from numerous interactions among the
Table 2.1:
Heylighen [31] Coveney [15] Camazine [11] Collier & Taylor
Type of Focus
on SO
as a process attribute of a
as a process attribute of a
Indications system or-
emergence of
Global emer-
gence of organi-
Three specic
Cause unclear microscopic in-
lower-level inter-
lower-level components of the system. Moreover, the rules specifying interac-
tions among the systems components are executed using only local information,
without reference to the global pattern.
4. Collier and Taylor Collier and Taylor [13], explain that their denition of SO
are enumerated in a list of features
(a) The system is composed of units which may individually respond to local
(b) The units act together to achieve a division of labor.
(c) The overall system adapts to achieve a goal or goals more eciently. Of
the ve conditions Collier and Taylor go on to dene for a system to be
self-organized, two are prominent:
The units must alter internal state based on their observable input values
and the states of other units.
No single unit or non-communicative subset of units achieves the systems
goal as well as the collection.
Combination of the viewpoints presented in each of these self-organization den-
itions reveals important aspects for a more-encompassing self-organization denition.
Table 3.1 identies some of the critical concepts in these denitions.
Self-organization is a mix of these four denitions. From the Heylighen [31] view,
successful self-organization is indicated by a marked increase in system organization
and eectiveness. Additionally, the notion that it is the system that evolves and not
the environment, though obvious, provides a framework for what is encompassed by
Coveney [15] and Camazine [11] explicitly state that the resultant self-organizing
behavior is due to lower-level or microscopic component interaction. In many cases,
these lower-level components are usually describable by simple rules which, when
the components are combined in large numbers, aect the group or system emerging
behavior [11].
The feature based approach of Collier and Taylor [13] is unique in that it ex-
plicitly states what makes a system self-organized. Major dierences between this
denition and the others are the recognition of a specic system objective, that the
individual components change their states based upon their inputs and their neigh-
bors states, and that specic components of the system are less successful. These
distinct features are intrinsic to their denition and allow it to be explicitly applied
to sensor networks and other engineered systems.
Of particular interest with the Collier and Taylor denition is the identication
of a specic system goal. Such a goal is not easily extracted from natural systems [13].
However, with an engineered system, it explicitly functions to achieve an objective.
For example, in a self-organized sensor network, the objective of the network is the
maximization of detection. If an objective is identied, the quality of each individual
components individual ability to achieve the objective is comparable to the systems
entire ability.
In this way, the constraint that the system achieves its objective more e-
ciently than each individual operating alone describes the operation of self-organizing
systems. Basically, the performance of a self-organizing system, with respect to its
objective, performs better than a system with equal component population in which
the components act purely individually in a non-self-organized fashion [13].
The specication of individuals changing their state based upon observations
and neighbors limits the capabilities of the individual interactions within their en-
vironment. Individuals have a neighborhood in which they observe and make their
changes to their own state, the environment state, and the state of other individuals
based solely upon local environmental representation [13]. This view is also shared
by Camazine [11] in that the specic interactions between the components are based
upon local knowledge.
From the dierent denitions in the above sections, an applicable characteriza-
tion of self-organization which is highly useful for UAV behavior is extracted. Self-
organization is well dened by the following features:
1. An attribute of a system [15] with regard to a specic attribute or goal-like
quality [13],
2. made up of many lower-level components [15] [13],
3. that interact to produce system wide behavior [11] [15] [13],
4. which performs better than achievable by purely individual actions [13].
5. These components select their behavior determined based upon local observa-
tions made by each component [11] [13],
6. without global knowledge of a pattern, strategy, global direction, or specically
hierarchical architecture [11].
SO Denition Feature 1 This denition of self-organization easily describes what
features of SO behavior are inclusive to an organized system. First of all, based on
feature 1, self-organization is a system attribute with a specically focused objective.
It is not a process or method of UAV evolution as suggested by Heylighen [31], but
rather a type of ordered interaction which a UAV system implements. This suggests
that a self-organized UAV system is a static solution and not an evolving system due
to the emphasis on being an attribute and not an evolutionary process.
Additionally, the inclusion of an objective goal-like quality into the denition
provides a method for measuring the system performance [13]. The objective in
question is not necessarily ingrained into the lowest components of the SO system;
rather, it is a measurable quality or function observed from the global system as a
whole. As such, this objective might not be directly implemented in a self-organized
system. For example, a system objective is the complete elimination of all local targets
or protecting a high value component from being destroyed whereas the individual
UAVs are not specically programmed to maximize a particular behavior such as
target destruction. In a sense, direct implementation of this objective makes the use
of self-organization irrelevant as an attribute.
SO Denition Feature 2 A system of UAVs is naturally composed of individual
UAVs. The lower-level components in a UAV system are clearly the UAVs themselves.
In this case, the UAVs when acting as individuals are not self-organized. However,
a collection of UAVs when together could operate in a SO fashion. The basic caveat
here for UAV SO systems is that the organizing behavior is only observable when
considering multiple agents or UAVs.
SO Denition Feature 3 Each UAVs behavior must inuence and be inu-
enced by other UAVs to fulll feature 3. This suggests a method of communication
or stigmergy [11] between the individual UAVs. This interaction is either explicit
or implicit. Explicit communication is performed when dierent components to an
SO system perform actions with the intention of communication. Another term for
explicit communication is signals [11].
Implicit communication is at the heart of SO systems and provides much of
their mystery. Implicit communications, or cues, are stimuli that convey information
incidentally [11]. Implicit communication is dicult to predict or understand.
Implicit communication is very closely related to stigmergy [11]. Stigmergic
communication is the passing of information between agents by using cues created in
the environment. For example, ants use stigmergy when they communicate by using
pheromones [11]. The pheromones do not explicitly carry any communicative value.
However, they change the environment in ways aecting other ants behavior.
SO Denition Feature 4 This requirement restricts SO systems to those in which
the interaction between the systemic components synergistically improves the overall
system above independently operating components. The interaction and coordination
between the diering system components must raise the systems ability to accomplish
the goal. In this way, SO is a synergistic improvement to the performance of a set of
components through their implicit and explicit interactions.
SO Denition Feature 5 The requirement to only use local information in mak-
ing decisions can be seen as a description of UAV sensor and communication capabili-
ties. This, in a sense, places a direct denition of UAV abilities and the scope of each
individuals capabilities in accomplishing the goal. However, the denition of local
is unclear; it does not give an explicit denition of what locality is with respect to
UAVs. In this regard, local is left as an implementation decision in design of actual
self-organizing UAV systems. To enable better scaling of a nal system, however, it
is suggested that the locality constraint rely upon a value distinct from the environ-
ment. For example, if a SO sensor system is being constructed, the communication
or sensing range of each sensor is dened as a concrete value and not dependant upon
the the environment. If the example sensor communication ranges or sensor ranges
are based upon a percentage of the environment size or sensor network position, then
the resulting behavior may not be scaleable with large populations.
SO Denition Feature 6 The last feature is the crux of self-organizing systems.
Kleeman [37] states, The diculty determining whether a behavior is self-organized
or not for complex organism is that the observer must be sure that the organism
are not aware that their actions create the group behavior as a side-eect. In the
basic sense, Feature 6 prevents other strategies that result in behavior similar to
self-organization. Such alternatives are listed in the section (2.2).
An illustrative exemplar denition is the solar system. Though inorganic, the
solar system is self-organized. Each planet in the solar system resides within the
micro-level. The macro-level consists of all planets in the solar system. Based upon
the denition of self-organization above encoded within the six features, the solar
system is self-organized.
Feature 1: The solar system is composed of all entities residing within Plutos
orbit of Sol. Being a non-biological system, identifying a goal-like attribute is dicult.
However, in this case, an assigment is the stability of the solar system as a whole.
Feature 2: This feature is satised since the system micro-level is composed
of smaller components, the sun, planets, moons, asteroids, and various other stellar
Feature 3: Each of the components interacts with the others via gravity. In this
case, the agent stimulus is an implicit cue since it does not explicitly communicate
any known information.
Feature 4: Since the goal requires a system-wide characteristic be lled, no
individual entity on the micro-level satises the goal alone. Because the dierent
entities must interact to produce stability, this feature is satised.
Feature 5: The dierent entities alter their directions, velocities, and accelera-
tions based upon the gravitic interactions between surrounding entities. In this way,
the dierent entities simply follow local information to produce their global behavior.
Feature 6: Clearly, each of the entities in this SO solar system model operates
without a concept of orbits or how their particular actions inuence the global level.
The combined fulllment of these six features heavily suggest that the solar
system, with regard to stability and the denition used here, is self-organized. In
addition to the solar system, many other systems are self-organized within the auspices
of this denition.
2.2 Alternatives to Self Organization
Other organizing behaviors, discussed in [11] and [37], include but are not limited
1. Leader Initiated - a hierarchical system in which a leader directs the other
components to follow a specic plan.
There are many reasons why SO is preferred to these other methods. Leader
initiated (LI) systems require some sort of leader or hierarchical implementation.
LI systems appear eectual when the leader is capable of processing all of the
information while eectively coordinating the actions of the other components.
However, in larger systems, a leader become a bottleneck and is unable to
coordinate system activities. Also, a designated leader becomes a liability in
a UAV system - if the leader is destroyed, the entire system may be placed in
jeopardy or temporary chaos. Additionally, the information owned by the leader
may be lost. These two disadvantages of a LI system are very disadvantageous
to a UAV swarm.
2. Recipes - a step by step method or procedure to accomplish a task.
Use of recipes does not appear advantageous to a UAV system, either. To
implement a recipe requires a complete understanding of all UAV tasks and
missions and to script them into the UAVs. This scripting may eliminate part
of the exibility desired in a self-organizing system [11].
3. Blueprints - a compact representation of the spatial or temporal relationship
of the parts of a pattern [11].
The blueprint approach suers from the same problems as recipes but on a
larger scale. Since blueprints are descriptive and appear to be inexible, they
are not desirable in a system that must act with exibility.
4. Templates - a mold that is a pattern for a task [37].
The use of a template or mold requires environmental attributes to guide the
system. Such attributes are not guaranteed to exist within the environment in
which a UAV system may be deployed. Additionally, if a UAV system solely
uses details of the environment to orient and decide, then the entire system is
manipulated by intentional alterations to the environment.
2.3 Levels of SO
Perhaps, one of the best ways for examining the notion of self-organization is
by using a two layered approach [11] [37] [62]. In this two layered view, the individual
components exist on a microscopic, or entity, level whereas the self-organizing system
is seen on a macroscopic, or global, level.
Each component of the system operates only with stimuli obtained from the
micro level. Additionally, the individual components almost completely eect change
on only the micro-level; the individual SO system components are hard-pressed to
alter the macro-level.
When examining a SO system on the global level, emerging patterns of behavior
are observable. It is these observable patterns in which the SO system is considered
self-organized. Central to this process is that local information, interactions, and
decision making taken from the entities on the micro-level produce universal patterns
at the global-level. A self-organized system in this view is simply a virtual global
entity expressing patterns caused by existing agents.
The description of macro and micro levels does not preclude multi-level systems.
That is, a system which is self-organized at many dierent levels. In this way, a
particular SO system exists within a series of levels described as a macro or micro
level to a dierent system.
A major diculty in creating SO systems stems from connecting actions per-
formed at the entity-level to the behavior which emerges at the global-level [62] [22].
In this way, it is very problematic to decompose desired self-organized behavior into an
all-inclusive entity behavior description; it is almost impossible to completely predict
how entity-level interactions combine to create self-organized global-level behavior.
To successfully generate explicitly engineering SO systems which completely achieve
their goal, SO systems are frequently evolved [22] [49]. By having evolutionary al-
gorithms evolve SO system behavior, the solutions better dene and connect entity
actions to global performance.
2.4 Feedback Loops
Self-organized systems rely upon feedback loops to coordinate agent-level be-
havior [11]. Feedback loops come in two varieties: positive and negative. Positive
feedback loops serve to increase the expression of something in question whereas neg-
ative feedback loops quell said expression.
An example of a positive feedback loop is population growth [11]. As a particular
population grows, the number of individuals which potentially reproduce grows. In
this way, the population grows at a faster rate as the population increases. Another
positive feedback mechanism is ant trail formation [79]. This eect is seen in Figure
Negative feedback, on the other hand, lessens expression of particular attributes
or qualities. This particular reduction eect is seen in many systems. The rise of
insulin release after a meal high in sugar is an example of a negative feedback loop [11].
As insulin is released, it reduces the blood-sugar levels. Another example of a negative
feedback loop, the eect of time on ant pheromone trails, is seen in Figure 4 [79].
As time passes, the strength of pheromone left on an ant trail diminishes. As the
pheromone strength drops, ants are less likely to travel that trail.
It is worth noting that these particular behaviors have specic uses with respect
to SO systems. Positive feedback loops typically cause the system to create more
Figure 2.1: Ants are subject to feedback loops. As ants follow a path, the
pheromones they drop make it more likely that other ants likewise follow the path.
On the other hand, evaporation causes the pheromones to evaporate and makes paths
that are not renew disappear. [79]
organization in an environment. In this sense, positive loops incite the system towards
organization and cooperative behavior [11].
2.5 Example Behaviors
There are many dierent types of self-organized systems which have attributes
or designs which incorporatable into a SO UAV system. Three specically examined
behaviors include clustering, schooling, and foraging.
1. Clustering There are many self-organizing systems in which the individual com-
ponents move to a central location. This movement of the individual system
components to a centralized location is called clustering or aggregation [11].
Clustering behavior is predominantly investigated in biological systems. There
are many such systems from bark beetle feeding aggregations to penguin young
huddling for warmth [11]. Some of the biological reasons for clustering, accord-
ing to [33] are:
Reduction of physical stress
Facilitation of coprophagy
Increase in eciency of alarm responses and antipredator behavior
Faster development and more ecient reproduction
The reasons for clustering presented by [33], although describing biological sys-
tems, are also useful when applied to UAVs. Clustering is potentially advan-
tageous to UAV systems by allowing the components to better communicate,
coordinate, and increase their sensing capabilities.
Clustering is also be a precursor to UAV attack. Kleeman [37] used bark beetle
feeding aggregations to describe a simultaneous clustering attack by UAVs:
This model has application to UAVs as a form of attack response. For exam-
ple, the mission of a group of UAVs may be loitering over an enemy location
and ring upon threatening target. Each UAV is equipped with sensors that
detect enemy re or lock-on. All UAVs that detect enemy re or a lock-on
aggregate towards the area around enemy action and re upon the target.
Kleeman [37] describes the coordination as being controlled by a pheromone
signal. The strength of this signal is proportional to the number of aggressive
acts observed by the UAVs. Using a method similar to the beetles, the UAVs
distinguish between the apparent value of joining one particular attacking cluster
over another.
2. Schooling There are many systems in which the components display synchro-
nous and coordinated movement or schooling [46]. The schooling behavior is
observed in sh schools and bird ocks by their coordinated movements [11]
Like clustering, schooling has many benecial results for the biological systems
which implement it. For the most part, schooling is used by SO systems in
avoiding predation and group hunting [11]. These purposes of schooling lend
themselves very clearly to a UAV system.
Examples of protective schooling examples are ash expansion and the foun-
tain eect [11]. Flash expansion is the immediate increase of distance be-
tween the components of the schooling system. This is usually caused by a
predator attempting to capture prey from the school. By immediately expand-
ing, the schooling behavior has the chance of confusing the predator and foiling
its attempt. The fountain eect is an evasive technique in which a school of
small, slow-moving prey outmaneuvers a predator by splitting into two groups,
each of which moves in opposite directions and regroups behind the preda-
tor. [11].
Kleeman mentions the use of schooling as a method of UAV defense against
missiles [37]. Additionally, application simulation of this behavior to UAVs has
been examined by other researchers [46]. The research in other works includes
the use of schooling to allow communication, avoid targets, and perform recon-
3. Foraging Foraging [21] is
wandering in search of food or provisions.
making a raid, as for food[

conducting a search; rummaging.
This type of behavior is mostly concerned with identifying and exploiting promis-
ing sources of food. In particular, two types of models are identied: bees and
ants. Both of these models identify the best food sources and exploit them.
The bee model makes a distinction between employed and unemployed for-
agers [11]. The distinction, simply put, is that employed foragers nd the food
sources and relate that information to unemployed bees who then exploit that
source if it is of value [11]. This simple organization results in the optimal divi-
sion of bees obtaining nectar from food sources according to the sources relative
The ant model does not rely upon an active communication signal, but rather
a stigmergic one. Instead of relying on direct communication at a central point,
as accomplished by the bee model, ants utilize a pheromonal model to mark
trails. When ants run across a pheromonal trail, they are likely to follow that
trail. As more and more ants use the same trail, the pheromonal strength grows
and attracts more ants [11].
The trail building behavior of ants is taken to an extreme when examining army
ant raids. Army ant raids use the stigmergic principles to guide an army of up
to 200,000 blind individuals to nd and kill much larger prey [11]. The basic
principles of normal ant foraging hold with the exception of a swarm front. The
swarm front is a slow-moving portion of the raid in which the ants are actively
attacking and killing prey.
The foraging behaviors lend themselves to target identication and destruction
[37]. Both of these models could be used to identify targets, their locations,
and their relative quality. The bee model uses explicit communication for an
employed forager to express target locations to unemployed foragers. According
to Kleeman, this approach works well for a group of UAVs that must strike
a series of targets. The main impetus with this model is that the individuals
relay information about targets to each other at a central point. It appears that
this model works exceptionally well if the UAV system incorporates returning
to a base for repairs or to a refueling station between attacks. In this particular
situation, the UAVs communicate target locations while refueling and rearming.
The ant-based model appears more suited to larger, swarming UAV SO sys-
tems. The use of a pheromonal trail-building strategy lends itself more towards
dynamic modications. There are two benets of using the ant model over
the bee model: the ant model utilizes all UAVs at the same time without the
need for an unemployed caste of workers and its components have need for less
individual capability. Additionally, the lack of sophistication in individual com-
ponents is heavily supported by the success of extremely large numbers of blind
components perform in army ant raiding.
2.6 General SO UAV Model
By combining the dierent desired behaviors, a model supporting the expression
of those behaviors is developed.
Implementing Clustering Clustering requires some form of coordinating signal
[11]. There are three dierent methods for coordination: chemical, mechanical, and
visual [11]. It appears that for an SO UAV system to implement clustering, it must
have some form of analog to these biological senses.
Use of pheromone like markers is one way in which UAVs could communicate
clustering cues. Instead of a chemical pheromone, as in insects and other biological
systems, UAVS might implement a radio message system. For example, each UAV
simply broadcasts a radio pulse when it locates a target as suggested by Kleeman
[37]. Or, instead of a radio signal, UAVs perform an airborne version of the waggle
dance [11] when they locate targets.
But this use of active communication may be unnecessary. Instead of a coor-
dinating signal, UAVs cluster when they detect either hostile targets nearby or other
allied UAVs begin to cluster. Such a system does not need a specic communication
signal, but it does require a sophisticated sensor suite which capable of extracting
very specic information from its environment.
Of importance here is that to implement clustering, UAVs must be able to either
sense each other or engage in at least rudimentary communication.
Implementing Schooling Schooling relies on information relating to the align-
ment and direction of neighboring UAVs. As such, schooling requires a method for
determining the relative position and motion vector taken by each sensed UAV. This
particular need is satised by either a sophisticated detection system or by a com-
munication construct in which each UAV broadcasts this information to each other
neighboring UAV.
Implementing Foraging Foraging is a very complicated behavior example to in-
corporate into a SO UAV system. Like clustering, foraging requires some form of
communication method. The models implement both explicit communication (bee
model) and pheromonal stigmergy (ant model). The deciding factor in which forag-
ing model is implemented is based upon the capabilities of the UAVs. Based upon
the generalizations seen in natures, it seems that if the UAVs have greater sensing
capabilities, they implement the bee model. Otherwise, given larger numbers and
diminished sensing capability, the ant model seems more ecient.
The bee model relies upon communication at some central location. As such, the
UAVs require a specied meeting place. Additionally, communication at the central
location is not necessarily trivial - the communication must express the approximate
direction, distance, and relative value of located targets [11]. In a UAV system,
this communication could be performed through any form of UAV communication
system like that required for active schooling communication. Like in clustering,
the UAVs could attempt to perform a version of the waggle dance [11] to describe
target information. These systems also require each UAV to locate targets from
communicated descriptions.
The ant model relies upon frequent simple communications to simulate a pheromone.
As such, the system for controlling foraging only requires transmitters and receivers
or another other form of similar components. This implementation is probably simple
like a coordinating radio message used to signal clustering. A sensor system may also
be able to perform the same as a coordinating radio message if it locates each of
surrounding UAVs.
Behavior Type Requirements
Clustering Coordinations signals or waggle dance (for signalling
Schooling Sensor suite (for active cues) or broadcasting of position
/ direction (for use with signalling)
Foraging Sensor suite (to detect target cues)
Table 2.2: Sensing or Communication requirements to support specic exemplar
From Table (2.6), the dierent combination of UAV requirements is seen. For
example, a system could use a sensor suite to allow schooling and foraging while
relying upon a coordination signal for clustering behavior.
Bear in mind that these particular requirements are not the only ones that a
UAV system requires. Rather, these requirements are only to perform this limited set
of exemplary SO behaviors. A few other potential useful behaviors are coordinated
ashing like reies, attacking of prey in the manner of wolves, and thermoregula-
tion in bees [11] [37].
A few species of rey demonstrate synchronous ashing behaviors. In this
particular behavior, the male reies cluster at a specic location like a tree. When
expressing their behavior, the male reies all ash at exactly the same time [11]. This
behavior is useful in designing controls for synchronizing specic actions for UAVs.
Wolves attack their prey in a SO way. That is, they move in the same direction
and create a front that attacks the prey. This particular approach to attacking prey
could be used by UAVs when they seek to destroy targets.
Bees rely upon a form of thermoregulation to prevent mass death during the
winter [38]. Basically, this form of behavior is similar to clustering in that the bees
all move towards a centralized location. However, the bees continuously shift their
position in the cluster to get warm - as bees on the outer periphery of the cluster get
colder they shift to the center for warmth.
2.7 SO Conclusion
UAV and MAV automation requires a robust, scaleable, and exible system for
UAV behavior control. In this light, self-organization is a general system attribute in
which those very same features seem to exist [11]. For these reasons, self-organization
demonstrates potential towards design of successful UAV and MAV systems.
This denition is based upon various viewpoints as found in the literature. After
evaluating those view points, specic features from the dierent sources are included
into an all more encompassing denition.
Utilizing known information about biological SO systems, particular behaviors
are identied that could be used in UAV systems. After identifying those behaviors,
a general review of the needs for a UAV model which implements these behaviors is
III. UAV Background Information
AVs are not a new concept. They have been around since the middle of the Civil
War [43] and are becoming quite indispensible in recent years [65]. Autonomous
operation of UAVs, however, greatly increases the utility in UAVs by allowing them
to function in more hands-o ways. Fully autonomous UAVs oer greater utility since
they do not require limited human attention and supervision.
A great deal of previous research has explained UAV history and develop-
ment [35] [14] [46] [53]. These works basically the evolution of distinct airframes and
their associated roles in within the US military. This information does not require
However, there are elements of UAVs which are background information to this
investigation. This information includes the reason UAVs are being heavily developed,
the problems inherent within current UAV systems, and how those problems are being
solved or attacked.
3.1 Benets of UAVs
In general, UAVs oer extensive benets. These benets are summed up by
Prieditis [65] as the dirty, dull, and dangerous missions. Each general type of mission
is related to the absence of a pilot in the aircraft.
3.1.1 Dirty. Dirty UAV missions are those in which the environment itself
is dangerous to human life. Examples of this include areas in which nuclear, biolog-
ical, or chemical weapons have been used and threaten the life of any aircraft pilots
in the vicinity. This general mission subsection can be extended to describe any en-
vironment in which there is a passive threat upon any pilots. This can range from
the aforementioned areas contaminated by radiation, chemical, or biological agents to
high earth orbit where human pilots require a pressurized cabin.
UAVs can operate where the environment is inhospitable to human life.
3.1.2 Dull. Being mechanical, UAVs are well suited to rote tasks. These
types of tasks are said to include performing area reconnaissance [65]. In general, dull
missions are any in which a human pilot becomes bored and therefore perform their
mission in a subpar manner. The use of a machine instead of a human pilot results
in equally well performance throughout a boring mission.
UAVs do not become bored.
3.1.3 Dangerous. One of the most straightforward types of missions in which
UAVs are of most use is dangerous missions [65]. Exemplar dangerous missions are
SEAD attacks upon dangerous ground emplacements. Additionally, UAVs are capable
of carrying equipment that is dangerous to use with a human pilot. Examples of this
are extremely high-powered radio emitters for use in SEAD missions.
3.1.4 Endurance. Though not directly addressed by dirty, dull, and dan-
gerous, another great benet of UAVs is that they can operate with much greater
endurance. That is, the operation time of a UAV on target is not limited by human
endurance. Rather, UAV operation is limited by more mundane factors like fuel or
3.2 Problems
Although UAV systems oer great promise, they also have signicant disadvan-
tages. These can be decomposed into three main groups:
Operating personnel
Communications bandwidth consumption
3.2.1 Operating Personnel. Although UAVs do not have pilots, there can
be pilots remote controlling them. This, for the most part, means that there is a pilot
controlling each UAV. Despite not having pilots, UAVs are still piloted by humans.
This means that there is a direct correlation between the number of pilots that are
necessary to operate the UAVs - UAVs do not operate autonomously! Currently,
attempts to correct this problem include research into automating the UAVs. That
is, making the UAVs capable of operating without pilots.
3.2.2 Cost. Military grade UAVs are not cheap. This is due to the propri-
etary nature of UAV components [76]. One such component is high-grade sensors for
UAVs. Since there are few manufacturers of eective UAV sensors, there is monopo-
listic pricing.
3.2.3 Communication Bandwidth. A nal major diculty of UAVs is that
they require signicant amounts of bandwidth to communicate. For example, when
used in Bosnia during OAF, a single Predator UAV required approximately 6 Mbps
to operate [36]. By comparison, the total peak capacity provided by the DSCS to the
allied forces during Operation Desert Storm was 68 Mbps (this was approximately
75% of all superhigh frequency communications) [36]. At this rate, a commander
cannot support a large force of UAVs.
3.3 Desired Improvements
This investigation supports the development of UAVs by developing a technique
which corrects the issues demonstrated in Section 3.2. Self-organized heterogeneous
UAV swarms, if eective, address each of these problems.
Firstly, making UAVs self-organized presumes that their operation is autonomous.
If UAVs are autonomous, they do not require pilots to control their actions.
The prohibitive cost of UAVs could be mitigated by using self-organized prin-
ciples. For example, in bees and ants [9], the more valuable colony members, the
queens and drones, are protected and preserved. If the SO system evolves an analog
to this which protects the UAVs with sophisticated sensing mechanisms like ants pro-
tect their queen, then the SO system helps alleviate the cost of UAVs via developed
behaviors and organization. Likewise, the SO system might develop a much simpler
UAV structure relying upon less expensive components.
By making UAVs able to function in an autonomous manner, the communica-
tions bandwidth required for each UAV could be feasibly reduced. The reduction of
bandwidth overhead likewise addresses the nal UAV problem.
3.4 Approaches to UAV Automation
The attempt to ameliorate the diculties associated with UAV deployment are
addressed by similar investigations into autonomous UAV behavior. In general, these
investigations are composed of three general mechanisms:
How needs of the UAV are distilled into a single vector
How each of these vectors are combined into coherent behaviors
How the coherent behaviors are then selected
3.4.1 Vectorizing UAV Needs. This type of UAV system automation com-
ponent maps what the UAV directly knows about the other UAVs and environment
into unprioritized vectors. For example, these components determine whether a par-
ticular UAV moves closer to other UAVs or move away. These dierent UAV needs
are essentially the building blocks of more descriptive UAV behaviors. There are two
general ways in which the UAV needs are vectorized: direct control of velocity and
rule based directional control.
3.4.2 Direct Approaches. Direct approaches use some sort of decision mak-
ing process that directly determines the turn rate and thrust. This can range from
an evolutionary programming mechanism which directly encodes the direction and
velocity of each UAV [53] [82] to a perceptron or neural network with the outputs
tied to velocity and steering [58] [84].
Figure 3.1: The next velocity is determined directly by a behavior matrix or com-
When used in an evolutionary sense, this approach seeks to evolve behavior
from scratch [84] [58]. This particular approach attempts to evolve a controller used
by the UAVs dening its own behavior without any explicit human guiding.
This approach has a signicant disadvantage. Direct mapping of system inputs
to aircraft actuator settings or turnrates and velocities assumes that the evolutionary
system and method for mapping facilitates the expression and evolution of required
sophisticated behaviors. This approach often has diculty developing useful behaviors
[84]. The reason for these failures attributable to the inability to model complex
behaviors with the mapping structure and that these systems try to evolve too many
attributes simultaneously.
This approach also presumes that the designer does not either know or assume
that the behaviors they believe are important are added to the system. The approach
here is rather that the behaviors expressed by the UAVs are emergent and not con-
strained by the programmer. However, anecdotal evidence shows that this form of
system over specializes and is unable to well handle all potential situations or stimuli.
The direct mapping approach is also addressed with unchanging systems. In a
non-evolutionary sense, the actual behaviors of UAVs are directly connected to sta-
tic and complex mathematical ideas about how UAVs behave [34, 40, 71, 77]. The
particular appeal of these systems is that they explicitly perform what they are pro-
grammed to do. However, with respect to SO systems, a manually created system is
very dicult to construct [13].
3.4.3 Rule Based. A dierent way to map inputs to the next heading and
velocity relies upon the explicit use of codied behavior rules. These rules describe
behaviors based upon certain anticipated system needs and projects a velocity and
heading for the individual. For example, Reynolds described three types of rules for
ocking behavior [66]. These rules are
alignment with neighbors
group cohesion
repulsion from neighbors that are too close.
Reynolds used these rules to create ocking behavior for his boids [66].
However, behavior rules are not limited to the three described by Reynolds.
Crowther [17] espouses two additional rules: evasion and migration. In its most basic
sense, any type of rule can be created that takes in environmental information and
recombines it to generate a new velocity for the UAV.
The next major diculty, then, combining these distinct rules. In Reynolds
work, the rules were combined through summing them. However, the dierent rules
could be weighted such that they aord a dierent mixture of rules at dierent times.
For example, if UAVs were to attack, it might be worthwhile to relax the repulsion
rule so the UAVs better mass prior to the attack. This desired change in behavior
weights necessitates some sort of control mechanism.
This type of mechanism is feasibly implemented as many dierent structures.
Example structures are:
Genetic programming [63]
Perceptrons or Neural Nets [63] [58] [44] [6]
Finite State Machine [47] [72]
In a sense, the rule based systems add another layer of complexity and predened
behavior. However, they require a suitable method for combining the dierent rules
like the summation used by Reynolds [66]. The following equation demonstrates how
a series of weightings, w, derived from a behavior mechanism could be applied to a
set of behavior rules, R, to derive a next velocity, V .
V = w
The combination of a weight determination mechanism and the weightings them-
selves along with the behavior rules results in a general structure depicted in the (3.2).
Figure 3.2: Rather than directly determining the next velocity, the behavior matrix
determines the relative importance of each behavior rule. The weighted rules are then
combined to generate a velocity.
The major dierence between the rule based and the direct approach to cal-
culating next velocity is that the direct approach seeks to create emergent behavior
whereas the rule based approach seeks an optimization of behaviors presumed to be
necessary for the system. That being said, the rule-based approach seems to be far
more useful when the particular behaviors that are needed are known and can be
encoded into the system rather than elicited via an evolutionary process.
Another consideration is the use of sets of behavior weightings for particular
situations rather than using a behavior matrix
1 1
to directly determine rule weightings
[63] [46]. This approach means that the behavior matrix, instead of directly outputting
a series of weights to be combined with the behavior rules, indicates which already
dened set of weights are used in a particular situation. This type of behavior weighted
structure is termed a behavior archetype by [63, 64].
With a large number of rules and exibility in the actual weights associated with
each behavior rule, countless behavior archetypes can be created [63]. For example,
for the UAVs to implement a searching behavior like that described in chapter 2,
the searching behavior archetype uses high weighting upon rules which create larger
spread out formations while preserving communication. In this way, the behavior
rules act as building blocks for the behavior archetypes.
Diagram (3.3) demonstrates how this extra abstraction ts into the rule-based
approach to determining UAV behavior.
Figure 3.3: The behavior matrix selects which statically dened behavior archetype
is used.
The use of behavior archetypes has three major eects upon the structure which
determines UAV next behavior: it reduces potential complexity, allows for incorpo-
A behavior matrix is the behavior component which is used to map specic sensory inputs to
appropriate outputs. In this case, the particular behavior matrix is a genetical programming system
or genetic algorithm system that makes the determinations for utilized or selected behavior. This
term is used by Lotspeich [46].
ration of dicult to represent data, and simplies the understanding of resultant
To demonstrate the improvement in complexity, consider the use of a fully con-
nected perceptron used to directly determine the behavior rule weights. The complex-
ity in for a perceptron with n senses and r rules is nr. The complexity for a system
with b behavioral archetypes instead is nb +rb. This indicates that, for a perceptron
or neural network as in [63] and [46], the complexity when using behavior archetypes
is less as long as b < (nr)/(n + r). Additionally, non-linear relationships between
the input senses and direct behavior weights require multiple layers in systems not
implementing behavior archetypes. A comparative example is in the following table
Value Normal Behav. Arch.
Senses 5 5
Rules 10 10
Behav. Arch.s n/A 3
Complexity 50 45
Table 3.1: Example comparison of single layer architecture complexities.
In addition to the decrease in representative complexity, the behavioral archetype
design also allows for the encoding of variables which cannot be controlled by a neural
network. For example, the dierent behavior archetypes could be associated with par-
ticular values or actions which are dicult to represent as a direct result of neural
network or perceptron calculations.
Finally, the use of behavior archetypes creates easily understood nal behaviors.
Rather than behaviors only expressed as an equation, the nal behaviors from a
behavior archetype system are described simply as sets of behaviors.
This approach has the benet of reducing the complexity of the behavior-matrix.
However, it also has the disadvantage of limiting the rule values which can be ex-
pressed; the rules are not able to function in a dynamic way and must operate as a
limited number of states.
Dierent structures used to control the selection of behavior archetypes have
been attempted. These include the same general approaches used to determine rule
weightings directly.
A dierent investigation [63] attempted to utilize a genetic programming mech-
anism to select appropriate behavior archetypes. This approach created an equation
associated with each available behavior archetype. Sense values extracted from each
UAVs environmental view and small double values were used as the terminal leaves
to the equations while arithmetical operators were used in the interior leaves. The
behavior archetype with the greatest result from the genetic programming equation
is selected. The performance of this method appeared to be nearly random.
The use of a perceptron or neural net to select behavior archetypes has been
investigated [63]. This particular work, inspired by that performed in [1,6,22,49], was
found to be a fairly eective method for selecting distinct behavior archetypes. This
method, relying upon only a single layered perceptron and not a neural network, does
not use a neuron activation function and cannot generate nonlinear relationships be-
tween senses and resultant behavior weights. Despite these shortcomings, this design
approach demonstrates a great deal of ecacy. In [1, 6, 22, 49], the systems eective
evolved dierent behaviors that addressed the particular situation need. However,
those works did not explicitly rely upon a BA architecture. A BA approach was
combined with a perceptron in [63] and demonstrated success in learning appropriate
Lua [47] used a generally subsumptive architecture to design their attacking
UCAVs. These vehicles have ve types of layered behavior in subsumptive order:
avoid, attack, orbit a station, orbit a target, and search. These dierent behaviors are
essentially behavior archetypes which are combined and controlled by the subsumptive
Another system which holds similar behaviors is that of Schlecht et all [72]. The
aerial vehicles in this investigation perform behaviors that include a specic searching
formation and target attack behaviors. This particular system made by Schlecht
relies upon a mechanism to decide next behavior archetypes based upon tight sensor
coupling. This appears to mean that determination of which state is appropriate is
made by specically intended circumstances and communications passed between the
dierent agents.
3.4.4 Approaches Towards Specic Behavior. Reynolds work originally dealt
with the generation of swarms of boids [66]. In his work, Reynolds identied three
specic rules that can be combined to created eective ocking behavior for boids.
These rules address distinctly dierent aspects for formation stability.
The collision avoidance rule ensures that each agent does not impact another
agent. This rule inuences the agents to steer away from potential impacts by main-
taining a specic distance between each other.
The velocity matching rule causes agents which are relatively close to match
their velocities. The reasoning behind this rule is that if agents move in similar
headings and speeds then they rarely, if ever, impact each other. By coupling velocity
matching and collision avoidance, the agents never impact each other.
The nal Reynolds [66] rule is that of ock centering. This rule causes the agents
to move towards the center of their viewable environment. This rule is counteracted
by both of the other rules to create coherent swarm movements similar to sh schools,
bird ocks, and land-animal herds [66].
Crowther [17] identies two more rules, likewise mentioned in section 3.5.3,
which can function alongside those dened by Reynolds [66] to generate coherent
formations: evasion and migration.
The evasion rule causes an agent to avoid occupying the same local airspace as
[its] nearest ockmate. [17] This rule operates like a more localized form of separation.
In this view, the results that it produces are created by the Reynolds [66] collision
avoidance rule.
The other rule specied by Crowther is that of migration [17]. This rule in-
uences an agent to move towards a pre-specied point which could be outside the
agents locality. In this way, this rule causes agents operating in a formation to move
towards a particular location.
The behavior rules identied by Reynolds [66] and Crowther [17] can be com-
bined to create ocking type formations. however, they do not specically deal with
searching and target engagement.
Kadrovich [35] also relies upon a variation of the Reynolds rules to allow safe
maneuvering for a UAV swarm. Rather than reliance upon three dierent rules,
Kadrovich combined the eects of collision avoidance and cohesion into a single rule.
In the combination, specic distances between the UAVs were selected to gauge the
specic expression of cohesion and avoidance.
Searching a specic location for targets seems to require more sophisticated
behavior than simply the ve Reynolds [66] and Crowther [17] rules. An ideal example
behavior for cooperative system search is that observed in [72]. In this work simulating
a decentralized search by UAVs, there is little overlap of search locations by the
UAVs. Generally, in [72], the UAVs line up and search the space while in a line
formation. When the UAVs reach a boarder or edge of their environment, they move
to create another line formation sweep. This particular behavior relies upon an explicit
communication between the agents and a fenced in environment for coordination in
almost all organizational aspects. Despite these shortcomings, a main feature for the
systems success in [72] is its formation. The formation allows for the maintainence
of UAV communication while creating a sensor curtain to detect targets. A similar
formation could be created by using variations upon Reynolds rules [66] to both
balance the distance between the UAV agents while keeping them close enough to
maintain contact ranges. Reynolds Rules [66] could be redesigned to take into account
threshold distances at which point they are activated. This technique is used by
Kadrovich [35] to create a preferred distance band which locks UAVs into formation.
Figure 3.4: UAVs repel each other if they are too close. When they are too far,
they attract each other. Otherwise, there is no eect.
This approach to formation generation requires implementations of the Reynolds
rules [66] which take into account acceptable formation distance thresholds. These
thresholded variations of the cohesion and separation rules between agents can be
used to specify the proximities between agents for a type of formation.
Methods for attacking targets are absent in Reynolds [66], Crowther [17] Schlecht
[72], and Kadrovich [35]. However, Lua, Altenburg, and Nygard [47] address potential
attack scenarios. In this work, they describe a synchronized multi-point attack upon
a single target using local communication. Upon rst encounter with a target, the
UAVs enter a small orbiting loop around the target. The UAVs then coordinate and
enter stationary jump positions at an outer loop. Once all of the UAVs occupy a
jump point, they synchronously turn towards the target and attack it in mass. Like
the formations created in [72] the UAVs rely greatly upon explicit communication
signals. Additionally, to determine jump point locations, sophisticated formula are
used. Lastly, the work in [47] does not address post attack. In fact, it seems that
this investigation assumes that all of the UAVs are destroyed when attacking the
target. Despite these disadvantages of numerous specic and explicit communication,
the intrinsic formulas for position calculation, and the assumed destruction of all
UAVs, [47] introduces a few useful behaviors for attacking. These behaviors include
a direct attack upon targets and orbiting behavior.
Direct attacking appears to be a variant of Reynolds ock centering [66]. The
dierence used in [47] is an attraction toward targets instead of cooperating UAVs.
One thing is clear about this particular behavior as observer in [63] is that a behavior
rule to attack targets must also consider situations in which two or more targets are
known by a target. In the two-target situation, attraction towards the center of the
two targets may place the UAV outside of an attack range with the any of the targets.
In this case, a target-centering rule is actually detrimental towards a UAV SO system.
To correct this problem, there must be a weighting associated with the distance of a
UAV from a target. This weighting places a higher attractiveness for targets that are
closer instead of equal attraction for all known targets.
A target orbiting behavior [47] allows UAVs to stay in loitering positions outside
of danger while waiting for an opportune time to attack the target [63]. This behavior
allows the UAV agents greater time to coordinate before risking an attack.
3.4.5 UAV Senses. UAVs require distinguishing features between states to
determine how they move. These features are seen as UAV senses. UAVs utilize a
series of sensor values distilled from their local representation of the environment as
input to their movement logic. These senses contain information which is useful in
deciding when and in what value each of the behavioral rules are applied. Additionally,
the senses facilitate cooperative action. For example, the senses aid the UAVs in
determining when to perform the major behaviors. Additionally, the senses allow
coordinated attacks and searching behaviors. Likewise, the senses allow the UAVs
appropriate information to determine their own behaviors. Potential sensory values
for each UAV include but are not limited to:
Density of other known UAVs
Proximity to environment obstacles or boundaries [58]
Density of targets
Whether enemy attacks are observed [38]
Density of dierent types of UAVs
Behaviors selected last time by the same UAV
Entity sensing using directionality and shadowing [35] [46]
UAV damage
Density of each behavior being used by known UAVs
Coordinating signals between UAVs [47] [72]
Pheromone-like signals [60]
when enemies are spotted [38]
A UAV density sense could be used by a UAV to determine the UAV crowding
in its known environment. This sense has utility as a deciding factor for when UAVs
spread out or come closer. This sense or another which can perform the same behavior
is a clear necessity.
Likewise, a sensor that indicates the proximity to the environment obstacles
may be useful to prevent UAVs from impacting them. However, necessarily knowing
the UAVs distance to the said obstacles might not be an essential sense because a
behavior rule encoding obstacle avoidance could be set to operate and only function
when the UAV is a particular distance from the obstacle. The usefulness of this sense
could be replaced by a well designed rule.
Density of targets, at rst glance, appears to be a useful sense. However, it may
not be as important as rst thought. A sense indicating the presence of targets is
quite essential. But knowing the density of targets does not serve to coordinate UAVs
for cooperative attack unless the UAVs are consistently within the same formation.
The density of known targets serve as a primer for behavior selection. Other methods
or senses seem better geared towards the use of coordinating UAVs to attack. An
example of this is the use of certain pheromone like signals [63]. This type of sense is
discussed later.
Kleeman indicated that it is useful for UAVs to know when enemy targets
are observed [38]. Within the assumptions made by this investigation, there is no
dierence between a target that has not acted aggressively and one that has. For this
reason, a sense encoding whether enemies have attacked is of low importance.
A variation upon the density of all UAVs is the density of individual types of
UAVs. This particular sense is not necessary to indicate when UAVs spread out as
that is already be indicated by the all-UAV density sense. It seems that there are
ways to encode this type of information to the UAVs without such a sense.
The idea of using the previous selected behaviors as feedback into the currently
selected behaviors is a very good idea. In fact, this particular sense supports the idea
of feedback loops presented by SO. This type of sense is of high importance.
Other UAV and robotic systems have utilized senses which incorporate direc-
tionality [6] [49] and shadowing [35] [46] of important environmental objects. These
types of senses are used generally to tie a lower-level idea of motion to a lower-level
representation of the environment. What is meant by this is the outputs generally
provided for agents utilizing senses like these are often directly linked to simpler be-
haviors than the behavior rules described [6] [49] [22] [24]. The apparent reasoning
for linking sensing systems which know the direction and approximate distance for
items of interest and simpler behaviors is that the distance and direction encoded by
the senses translate into eective behavior rules within the connection between the
senses and simple actions. Basically, since the senses incorporate the direction and
distance of items of interest, the simpler actions can take advantage of that informa-
tion. Complex behaviors are expected to be evolved from a system.
With regard to systems using behavior rules, the relative directions and dis-
tances are already encoded into the behavior rules themselves. The need for senses
representative of explicit directions and distances are not as essential since the behav-
ior rules already address the specic details.
Incorporation of UAV damage sensors may be a useful sense. This sense could
be used to allow UAVs to select behaviors and next states which better realize UAV
capability when they are damaged.
Coordinating signals, like that used by [47, 72] appear to be very complex in
nature. They communicate specic information like the next location for a specic
orbit or commands to other vehicles. As such, they are too detailed to support a
successful BA architecture.
Pheromone-like signals are very dicult to engineer into a strictly airborne
system. However, their usefulness has been tested [60] and shows promise. The
problem with such a signal is that pheromones tend to require sampling along a
series of points and the UAVs are not necessarily at those points. As a simulation,
this technique performs quite well. But in practice, the use of a pheromone in its
classical representation requires extra resources like ground based pheromone nodes
[60]. Pheromone senses, however, are highly used in many existing SO models and
are considered. In fact, this particular approach has been combined with a target
detection sense in [63, 64] to coordinate between multiple behaviors.
3.4.6 Exemplar System Models. Three descriptive system math models are
available. These models were created by Lotspeich [46], Kadrovich [35], Milam [53],
and other important model that are referencially less grounded are those by Schlecht
[72], Lua [47], and Parker [58]. In addition, some tertiary models are briey discussed. Kadrovich Model. This model was created mainly to study
communication and formation stability aspects of UAVs to support its operation as
a ying ad hoc network [35]. Even control issues with UAVs are ignored.
The UAVs, as a whole, have two major behavior rules: alignment and attraction.
These two rule encompass the three ocking rules established by Reynolds [66]. There
are a few dierences in the implementation here, however. Kadrovich relies upon 4
distinct types of distances between UAVs. These distances have a great eect in that
if two UAVs are within the too close distance, then the attraction rule attempts to
separate the UAVs.
Kadrovich also introduces the use of a sensor shadow created by neighboring
UAVs. Simply put, closer neighbors to a specic UAV shadow or block the detection of
other further UAVs if their bearing relative to the close UAV is smaller than a specic
angle. In [35], this sensor shadow was set at 30 degrees. In this way, the system tended
to enter into hexagonal formations to maximize neighbors and formation stability.
In addition to the behavior rules, the UAVs in the Kadrovich model also place
more importance on other UAVs that are in front rather than to the sides. This
peripheral vision weighting by Kadrovich was added to increase delity. Lotspeich Model. This model [46], was created by Lotspeich
to investigate the control of UAVs. As such, it has more pertinent information to
the control and behavior of UAVs specically when complex communications systems
are ignored. Lotspeich implemented behavioral rules which encompass cohesion, sep-
aration, threat avoidance, and goal seeking. These behaviors are then combined by
summation of the rules multiplied by some weighting factor. The weighting factors
were determined through an evolutionary strategy.
The behavioral rules are based upon potential eld calculations. The imple-
mented control model for the UAVs is rst-order and therefore oers greater simula-
tion control delity than that oered by Kadrovich. Like Kadrovich [35], Lotspeich
implements a weighted peripheral vision mechanism.
With regard to threat detection, the threats are the related to radar detecting
the UAVs. These equations are made with the assumption that the radar site is
This investigation successfully evolved behavior dealing with the issue of an
unknown number of targets in an unknown area.
45 Milam Model. This model [53], was created by Milam to also
investigate the control and behavior of UAVs in an environment. The major dier-
ence between this investigation and others like it is that this work used a genetic
programming model. This model does not implement a sophisticated control simulat-
ing system like that in Lotspeich [46]. However, it does rely upon a direct approach to
UAV control. That is, the output from the genetic programming component speci-
cally states what actions are taken to change the UAV velocity.
Despite the comparative simplicity of outputs, the inputs to the GP module are
not as simple. The system relies upon senses, encoded as terminals to the GP trees,
which include values like UAVs current velocity and the average velocity of all UAVs.
The purpose of this model was to train a swarm of UAVs to travel in a 3
dimensional space between known targets. At this, the Milam model succeeds. Schlecht Model. This model was designed to oer a form
of behavior that optimizes the searching of a two dimensional space by intelligent
munitions. In this work, the intelligent munitions perform sweeps of the searching
area by lining up at a side, synchronously and, in a parallel formation, search the area
while traveling towards the opposite side. If the intelligent munitions locate a target
while performing their sweep, they determine whether the target is important enough
to immediately attack. If not, the relative value of each target and assign themselves
to attack those targets upon the completion of the area search.
The model is a hard coded control system. It does not appear to rely upon any
form of evolution to optimize the control model. Likewise, the munition velocities are
limited to slow, cruise, and pursuit. Additionally, communication reception ranges
is often limited to the nearest neighbors. Schlecht claims that the success of this
system validates that simple communication and behavior can be combined to create
a scalable and exible system architecture for intelligent munition systems [72].
46 Lua Model. The Lua model demonstrates very sophisticated
target attacking behaviors. It relies upon complex attack patterns. Like the work
performed by Schlecht [72], this investigation assumes that attacks performed by the
UAVs are terminal and that the UAVs function as intelligent munitions. Additionally,
the control mechanism is based upon a subsumption architecture and has not been
optimized through an evolutionary process.
For use as an attacking model, this work demonstrates quite a few exceptional
traits. When attacking, the UAV system relies upon two distinct orbiting patterns
around the located target. The rst and closer of the two orbits is used by the UAVs
to coordinate a collective move to the outer orbit. Another dierence between both of
these orbit other than the simple distance from the target is that, when in the outer
orbit, the UAVs attempt to stay in a holding pattern by circling in place along the
orbit. This is another coordinating step for the UAVs. After the UAVs all enter the
outer loop, they simultaneously attack the target in mass.
This system, however, relies upon strongly tied connections between the inputs
and the outputs between the UAVs. This strong coupling may not function correctly
in the real world where communications are susceptible to noise and enemy retaliation.
Despite these drawback, the Lua model suggest specic useful behavior for UAVs when
attacking a target. Tertiary models. Saber [71] uses a graph theoretic framework
to describe swarm ocking. In this work, three dierent types of agents are used to
inuence the swarm behavior in obstacle avoidance. Basically put, his algorithms
cause the UAVs to enter into extremely stable formations. This inuence on stable
formations is very similar to the sensor shadowing introduced by Kadrovich [35] and
provides for group joining and splitting.
Kos work [40], dealt mainly with the allocation of search and pursuit area
within the environment. In eect, the algorithm for environment division is quite
novel- as new UAVs join the network, the environment is divided amongst the UAV
in the area in which the new UAV joins. This division technique is used to guide
individual searches by the UAVs.
Sujit and Ghose [77] also implement a specially designed search algorithm. Their
algorithm is based upon an agent negotiation scheme to assign individual search routes
in the environment to UAVs. Though their work appears quite unique, it also seems to
suer from complex communication protocols between the agents and limited delity
in environment representation.
Jin [34] uses a cellular environment representation and allows the UAVs to
cooperatively move about the environment. The UAVs in this work appear very
simply modeled though they execute multiple types of behavior accordingly. This
simulation seems to assume a great deal of communication between the agents or
stigmergy [9].
3.5 Summary
Behavioral approaches made by multi-UAV systems operate in a variety of ar-
chitecture. They rely upon very specic information taken from their environment
to decide upon their next behavior [53, 58, 59, 82, 84]. Other approaches utilize higher
level determinations about the environment to select their behavior [46, 47, 57, 63, 72].
The exact nature of the behavior selected could be a direct encoding to actua-
tors as in [1, 6, 49, 53] or more rule based approaches to next state as addressed
in [14, 16, 35, 63, 66]. In any event, these dierent design choices aord UAV behavior
models the ability to address dierent situations.
By better automating UAVs, these vehicles are able to operate with reductions
in their personnel requirements, potentially inecient use of costly and essential com-
ponents, and communications bandwidth.
IV. High Level SO Model
UAV and simulation mathematical model in this investigation is based upon
three concepts:
A Self-Organization Framework
A UAV Framework
A simulation framework
This chapter describes the necessary frameworks and illustrates the reasoning
behind the design decisions. Section 4.1 describes, in a bottom-up fashion, the design
of a SO framework. The following, Section 4.2, constructs the UAV and environment
models for this investigation. The design for the genetic algorithm is presented in
Section 4.3. The nal section, 4.4, describes the design of the simulator and its
accompanying systems.
4.1 Bottom-up SO Framework Model
In relating to the background on SO presented in Chapter 2, the SO algebraic
model used by this system is designed in a bottom-up fashion. Self-organization is
the combination of what things are done by what type of actor or agent. It is under
these auspices that a bottom up approach to designing a SO system math model can
be taken. This provides a foundation for expansion into other components that make
up a SO system and, eventually, a dening tuple representative of SO systems.
State. This rst component, which must clearly exist, is macro or global state.
For this reason, state is dened.
Denition 1: Macro State This component of a global view of SO systems
comprises visible attributes of the particular SO systems current instantiation. Macro
State represents the dynamic features of a particular SO system directly relating to at-
tributes observable from a perspective external to the agents and their decision making
It is dened as the variable s
For example, in an ant or bee colony [11], macro state represents the combined
total position of all ants or bees and what they are doing. Another example is the self-
organized network of sensors described by Collier and Taylor [13]. In [13], the sensors
communicate on many dierent frequencies without overlapping. In the scenario
presented by [13], the specic state, s
is the communications being sent out by each
node and their specic frequency.
This is all well and good, but, in the real world, states change. This means that
the state of a self-organized system must change as well. These changes are described
as transitions between one state to another [31]. The possibility and potential for
change requires the introduction of two more elements- the limitations of all possible
macro states and a transition between states.
Since it is possible for states to change, the ranges in which states can change
must also be dened. Without the specication of these state dimension limitations
state could be anything from the reasonable and banal to the purely absurd. For
example, without specied limitations for states it is possible for an ant colony state
describing individual agent positions and activities to transition to a state in which
the ants perform a glowing rendition of the musical Cats. The point is that without
a proper denition of possible states, a system could do anything [31]. To prevent
undesireable states, the idea of a state space specifying all valid states is dened.
Denition 2: Macro State Space this component of a SO system provides
all of the valid macro states for a particular system. All valid macro states for a
particular system exist within the macro state space. A variable that represents the
macro state space is S
. The relationship between macro states, s
and the macro
The issue of observability deals directly with components of state. Macro state is not concerned
with agent-state.
state space is demonstrated by the following equation.
4.1.1 Environment. Returning to the state change function, SO systems do
not necessarily rely solely upon the previous macro state to transition to future states.
Rather, The system does not operate in a vacuum - contributions of the environment
are not ignored [13]. For this reason, the environment is considered a contributing
factor to the state transition. However, where an environment consists of a series of
entities, this SO model represents it as a set of eectors.
Denition 3: Set of Eectors The set of eectors includes all eects external
to the system macro state. These eects are collectively represented by the variable
e. In this regard, eector sets store all possible eects and relevant simulation infor-
mation external to the actual SO system. In this way, the environment is modeled in
Equation (4.2).
e = (effector
, effector
, ..., effector
) (4.2)
Examples of an eector set with respect to SO systems are varied. In ants [11],
the eector set consists of all things inuencing the space in which the ants move
except the ants themselves. The eector set plays a key role for ants by holding the
pheromones the ants use for stigmergy [11]. With regard to a sensor network [13], the
eector set similarly is the medium in which the sensor in which communication can
take place.
In much the same way that the SO system state transitions, as modeled by the
function , eector sets can also change in this progression. Modeling eector set
changes alongside SO system state transitions requires some function associated with
eector set transitions. For this purpose, the variable is used.
4.1.2 Macro State Transition Function. Since the SO system does not
transition to new states in an environmental vacuum [31], the environment is included
as the eector set in system state transitions. However, the ways the eector set
inuence the next SO system state can be both implicit and explicit.
Implicit inuences upon the SO system include such factors as environmental
cues and stigmeric eects [11]. This weighs heavily into the actual updates of system
state. An illustrative example for this is the way in which ant pheromonal signals
contribute to the next state selected by ant [11] [9]. Ants rely upon the environment
to encode the actual strengths of pheromones to determine the next direction and
position that ants take. In this way, the environment acts as an implicit component
to the ant organization - the environment does not perform an action to inuence the
ants next state. Rather, the environment eects the next state for the ants in an
implicit and passive way.
Explicit environmental inuence upon the next system state includes things the
environment does. Actions performed by the environment which directly aect the
system state are considered explicit. An example of this relating to ants is an anteater
attacking the ant colony. Clearly, the anteater is directly aecting the next state of
the ants as it kills o the colony. The possibility for environment directly aecting
next system state suggests the need to incorporate another term into the way the
system state transitions to other states.
Since the environment is represented as a set of eectors with regard to the
SO system, the distinct inuences are simply modeled as dierent forms of eectors.
Both of these environmental inuences are easily incorporated into the system update
by requiring eector sets be incorporated into the system state transition function,
. The next state of a SO system relying upon only the systems previous state and
eector set properties can be thusly modeled
The system state can change in the presence of the previous system state as
well as eector set inuence. These changes can be tracked in a Markov chain [54]
and delineated by the state progression counter k.
: S
The assumption that the macro-state can be changed allows for dynamic mod-
eling. That is, since the macro-state can be changed, a SO system operating with
this algebraic representation must be capable of similar modications. The rst four
denitions provide for the the existence of both macro-system state and environment
state as well as the feasible values they can maintain. Projection 1, on the other hand,
suggests that these dierent states can change and provide the necessary assumption
for an implementing system to change.
4.1.3 Markov Chain. The process that updates the eector set and the
system macro state cannot be deterministically reversed to derive predecessor macro
states [31]. Heylighen states that this irreversibility of state is due to the energy
dissipative nature of the SO system. Basically put, SO systems tend to dissipate
information and complexity. Because this dissipation is one way and not completely
predictable, the causes of SO system transitions cannot be easily inferred from ap-
parent system responses.
However, Heylighen goes on further to explain that SO system state transitions
can be modeled as Markov chains and therefore successor states can be probabilisti-
cally predicted. Through the use of the Markov assumption, it is possible to predict
the next state based solely upon previous states [28]. An equation modeling the prob-
abilistic chain between macro-states according to the Markov chain model follows:
) = P(s
, s
) (4.4)
This Markov chain approach probabilistically links system expression of macro-
states. However, it is important to realize that this Markov chain model deals respec-
tively with macro behavior and not that at lower-levels
. True, all but one next state
could be very improbable, however, those others states are possible.
The apparent closure of SO system macro state [31] is properly modeled within
the Markov chain model [28]. The closure is dealt with by the notion of absorbing
Markov chains [28]. These particular forms of Markov chains have particular states
or sets of states which grow in expression over multiple transitions. This increase
macro-state prediction as modeled by the absorbing Markov chain model demonstrates
behavior similar to the attractor states described by [31]. In fact, Markov chains can
express both positive and negative feedback [11] [31] behavior through absorbtion [28].
Another concern to the system update described in projections 1 in section
4.1.4 and 2 in section 4.1.5 is the necessarily rst-order nature of transition changes
in the system and eector set with a Markov chain [28]. These particular update
denitions only rely upon the previous state to predict the next state. It seems that
previous states other than the current one could be used to determine the next state.
This particular approach is similar to multi-ordered approaches to modeling other
systems. For example, in Newtonian physics, the position of an object at a time
can be modeled by using velocity, acceleration, and jerk components [42]. These
components can be determined from the previous history points of the system. In
a basic sense, increases in the modeling order can be made by incorporating more
history points into computation for the next position. Modeling newtonian motion at
higher orders increases the modeling accuracy. Seemingly, by using greater history in
the state and eector set updates greater accuracy in modeling could be achieved.
However, with regard to the macro-state being representable by a Markov chain
[28] [31], only the previous behavior is necessary to predict the next behavior. The
use of more previous states to predict the next state could be used at a lower level to
Lower-level behavior is described the the agent or micro state. Predicting macro-state behaviors
does not incorporate all of the information available to the micro system agents and is therefore
probabilistic without the requisite suitable information. This relationship between macro-state and
micro-state is described with the micro system agents.
generate the next behavior. In this way, levels existing below the macro level could
implement non-Markov decision processes to determine next state.
It is important to realize, at this point, that the mapping between states at
the macro-level is unreliable [31] and necessarily probabilistic. It is this diculty
in understanding the mapping between macro-level states to their successors which
makes creation of a SO system dicult. This suggests the need to perform more
reliable simulation at a lower level. By performing the transitions at a micro-level, it
is possible to sidestep much of the diculty in creating SO systems. However, it is
also dicult to predict how interactions at the micro-level aect the macro-state [11].
In this case, reliable simulation could be performed at the micro-level of a SO system
and and translated to macro-state to evaluate the system wide performance.
Mention of the existence of state below the macro level implies the existence
of such a level. This level is composed of the many agents that interact to create a
SO system [11] [13] [31] [74]. And, the lower-level state, or micro-state, is the state
implemented by the lower-level agents comprising the system.
4.1.4 Agents. SO systems are composed of smaller components that interact
to produce an emergent global behavior. These independent agents also exhibit their
own micro-state. The existence of this micro-state is dened.
Denition 3: Agent Micro-State the agents, direct entities of the SO system,
have their own individual states. The micro-state includes all attributes used by the
agent to derive future behaviors. An independent micro-state for a single agent within
the SO system is represented as the variable s
. The relationship between the micro-
state and the macro-state can be expressed by the following equations.
It is important to realize that there is a correspondence between distinct micro-
states and a SO macro-state. This correspondence is best demonstrated with the ant
colony example. The individual ants exist as individual agents within the entire SO
ant colony. The macro-state, in this example, corresponds to the information which
an observer can glean when watching the ant colony function and its environment.
The micro-state, however, includes more distinct information relative to each ant like
its current task.
Unlike the macro-state, there is no need to dene a micro-state space. Each
valid micro-state must correspond to at least one macro-state. Since the macro-states
correspond to a dened state space, the micro-states are similarly conned. However,
all information within a micro-state does not necessarily correspond to information
with a macro-state. This information, basically the is used by an agent to determine
its next behavior. For example, the apparent behavior of ants in a colony are based on
observation instead of exact understanding in ant decision processes [9]. Additionally,
the exact reasoning a bird uses to select its position within a ock is not completely
understood [11]. Rather, the models and approaches used to model their behavior is
based on observation rather than an exact knowledge about the system agents. It is
this distinction which is modeled by separating the micro-state from the macro-state.
Given the denition of micro-state, the components executing the micro-states
are also described. These components are the agents which make up the SO system.
These components which are described by the variable a.
Denition 4: Agents the agents are the directly observable entities of an SO
system. The actual SO macro-level is a virtual construct comprised of information
from these smaller agents state. Each of the smaller agents has an associated micro-
state which it executes in the same manner that the SO system can change its macro-
state. The following equations help to relate how the agents t into the system. If
a micro-state is associated with a particular agent, it is noted via the exponent. For
example, s
is the micro state of agent a.
With regard to the agents themselves, they contain more information than a
micro-state. For example, real ants have what they ar currently doing, the ways
in which they interact with the world and themselves, and observations about their
world. Taking this into account, it is possible to rene the specication of agents to
include this. In this way, a functional tuple describing an agent can be constructed.
This agent tuple is demonstrated in Equation (4.5).
a = (s
, O
, S
) (4.5)

a (4.7)
In Equation (4.5), the particular agent is represented by a and its state is
represented by s
. Additionally, agents have a function used to modify their own
state, . The operation of this function is in later denitions. The agents also have
a set of observations, O, from other agents and the set of eectors. The observations
are eectively a subset of the union of all other currently existing agents and the
eector set as demonstrated by Equation (4.7). The nal attribute that agents have
is a nite set of states that agents can execute, S
. This set describes all states that
this agent can enter and is described in Equation (4.6).
The attributes for an agent as described in Equation (4.5) suggest agents have
various dimensions in which they can operate. These dimensions can be formalized
into an agent space denition, A
. With regard to Equation (4.7), A
is a subset of
the agent space at stage k.
With the use of agents, system changes are more easily performed through
micro-state changes rather than at the macro-level. These micro changes are the
precipitating cause for new macro-state. This view provides better modeling for a SO
system than achievable by the macro-level with the state transition function, . The
transition between macro-states relies upon solely the macro-state and the eector
set. However, macro-state transitions are actual performed by transitions at the
micro-level executed by an agent. For this reason, the actual changes rely upon the
micro-states. In this light, the eective system state transition necessitates change.
There are two ways in which the combined states of the agents are updated:
asynchronously and synchronously [48]. Asynchronous updates to the result from
changes performed to a single agent in the system at a particular state progression.
Synchronous updates represent the simultaneous changes of all agents within a system.
The exact intent of these updates is clear. Modeling them in this SO algebraic design,
however, requires adding the notion of an agent subset to the state progression based
model. Coupling the macro state and eector set into a tuple has already been
addressed and shown to be necessary. This dynamic representation of a SO system
is increased to incorporate an agent set into the model. The agent set incorporates
agents with micro-states that can be changed or modied to change the derivable
system macro-state. Since the macro-state is constructed from the dierent agent
micro-states, the tuple is changed to only contain an agent subset and an eector set.
Denition 5: Dynamic SO System State This representation is a particular
SO system implementation at a particular state in a progression of states. It contains a
set of agents and an eector set. In general, a dynamic SO system state is represented
by the variable at stage k.

, e
) (4.8)
The dynamic system state representation is essentially composed of two parts:
and e
. In this case, A
is simply the set of all valid agents within the system at
that particularly expressed macro state. Additionally, E
is the current eector set.
This denition of a dynamic instantiation does not preserve the correlation between
the macro-state and the micro state for a dynamic system. Mapping the specic
features existing within a dynamic system state to an observable system macro-state
is still a necessary to demonstrate correlation between macro and dynamic SO system
states. This mapping between the dynamic state representation, which operates upon
the micro-level, to macro-state is dened below.
Denition 6: Mapping between Dynamic System State to Macro-
State This function provides a way to convert the dynamic representation state to
a particular SO system macro-state. It maps the micro-system to the observable
macro-system. As such, it provides a one-way translation - there are potentially many
dynamic representation states that are mapped to each macro-state. This mapping
function is denoted as .
+ s
The distinct dynamic system states are also subject to a limit space for feasible
instantiations. This space is constructed by the both agent spaces and the eector
set. However, there is extra information which is required to map to a macro-state.
This information is denoted in Equation (4.9) as .
This particular function provides the only way to map the operation of the dy-
namic SO system which focusing upon the micro-level to macro-states. This operation
is one way. That is to say, there is no way to convert a macro-state into a fully edged
SO dynamic state - the macro-states simply do not have all information available at
the micro-level.
Denition 7: Dynamic System State Space The dimensions of feasible
dynamic system state,
, are limited by feasible agent space, A
, and eector set
space, E
. The number of distinct dynamic system states are either equivalent or
greater than the macro-state space cardinality. This is due to the relative amount of
information existing within the dynamic system state as opposed to the macro-state.

Viewing a SO system at the micro level reveals that changes to the system macro
level and eector set are actual precipitated by changes at the agent micro-level; micro-
level changes inuence the global system expression. And these changes respond
to eects within the eector set. Incorporating the eector set in the agent-level
state update functions introduces another problem: according to the SO denition
features, an agent operates within the limits of a locality rather than the global world.
This imparts a constraint to the inclusion of the environment into the agent-level
state update functions that the representative environment must be dened by the
agent locality. This requirement is very logical; for example, ants base their actions
and determination of next state upon the subsection of their environment that they
see [9] instead of global knowledge. For this reason, a function which determines the
subsection of the environment a particular agent can view is dened.
Denition 8: Agent Locality Filter This function uses the information
encoded within an agent to determine what elements of the eector set and other
agents can be observed. It requires the agent in question and the particular dynamic
SO state representation as input. The agent locality lter is represented by the
variable, g.
g : a
This equation, coupled with Equation (4.7), demonstrates the operation of the
locality lter. Simply put, it selects the elements within the dynamic system state
that an agent can observe and coalesces that into the agents set of observations. For
example, in use for a SO UAV system, this function is used to determine what each
UAV can sense from the environment.
Now that the notion of agent locality can be determined by each agent, the
actual operation of the agent-level update function is dened.
For an agent to change its own state, two things must be available: access to
the agent itself and the information about the agents locality. The need for the
agent being included within the self-change function allows the agent to have input
to the process. Additionally, the environment is a necessary component since it has
an impact.
Denition 9: Agent Self-Change Function This type of agent-level change
function allows an agent to determine its next appropriate state based upon the
environment and the agent itself. This function is represented by .
: s


This equation simply demonstrates how can be used to generate the an agents
likely next state.
The second type of agent-level update function is agents changing the state
or observations of other agents. This type of function is seen as a form of explicit
communication that does not travel through or is modeled within the environment.
An example of this is how blind army ants, while foraging, communicate by touch as
well as pheromones [11]. These touches between ants serve to help orient the ants
without actually changing their environment.
This process relies upon the already dened state progression component. A
function identifying application of an iterative update simplies the process for the
SO system operation. As identied by [48] relating to cellular automata, there are
two dierent mechanisms with which a model can be updated: synchronously and
asynchronously. In synchronous updates, the entire system updates simultaneously
whereas asynchronous updates support staggered updates.

= (
), k 0 (4.13)
Dierences between synchronous and asynchronous updating [48] falls within
the implementation of :
Denition 10: Synchronous and Asynchronous system updating A
synchronous SO system allows all agents within its system to update at the same
time whereas the asynchronous does not force each agent to update at the same
time [48]. These dierent forms of updating, follow the type of implementation. The
variable represents a SO system update. In this way, the system updating function
utilizes the functions and to update the system.
Recall that
= (A
, e
Synchronous These systems update entirely at an iterative process. In this
fashion, the entire system is updated simultaneously.
For the rst agent:

= g(a,

= (s
, O
And the macro-state is updated: S

= (A
, e
Asynchronous this contrasts with the update process supported by the synchro-
nous system in that only a single agent at a time updates the system.
For the selected agent:

= g(a,

= (s
, O
Followed by the macro-state update: S

= (A
, e
After the application of the system update, returns the changed states for
the UAVs such that

)) (4.14)
The above symbolic math system provides for the system operating and moving
between states. However, there is no function contained within the denition tuple
which grounds the initial system condition for the environment and the agents. The
instantiation of the system for A and e at k = 0, or the original state, is left for the
particular implementation of this model but can weigh heavily into the results of the
system operation. This original state is denoted as
. Altogether, the denitions
provided can be combined into a SO system tuple.
Denition 11: SO System Tuple This tuple provides for the dierent at-
tributes that provide for accurate simulation. This tuple also provides the mapping
between the more accurate micro-level and the observable macro-level
SO (
, g, , ) (4.15)
The components to the SO system static tuple constitute the eective dynamic
; an initial dynamic state
; the locality constraint, g; system update func-
tion, ; and the function mapping dynamic state to macro-state, .
The general operation of the algebraic system created to model SO systems
is graphically demonstrated in Figure (4.1). This gure demonstrates the general
mapping between the macro and micro levels with regard the the system operation.
When examined as a whole, this denition of SO systems has characteristics
similar to nite state machines [19]. In [19] nite state machines are dened as a six
tuple of (Q, S, R, f, g, q
) where Q is the set of internal states, S is the input alphabet,
R is the nite output alphabet, f maps states and inputs to next states, g maps output
alphabet elements from the state and inputs, and q
is the initial state. With regard
to the SO tuple,
and Q provide a framework of feasible system states. Additionally,

and q
provide a starting state for the system to operate. The SO tuple is distinct
from the nite state machine tuple since it does not include either an input or output
alphabet. However, the interaction between the agents and environment within each
state is analogous to the input and output alphabets. Although there is no nite
state machine analogue to the locality constraint within the SO tuple, g operates in
conjunction with to transition the dynamic states. Finally, functions m within the
SO tuple and g within the nite state machine tuple perform output mappings.
Figure 4.1: This is a graphical representation of the rst three steps of a SO system
4.2 High-Level UAV and Environment Models
In much the same way that developing a SO system requires a mathematical
denition, creation of a robust UAV system requires similar denitions. However,
unlike the development of the SO model, the UAV and environmental models rely
upon the SO model as a specication framework. In this manner, creation of a self-
organized UAV system is more grounded and organized.
The features that must be dened from the SO denition include mainly the
agents and the environment. Returning to the capabilities for self-organization pro-
vided by the SO model reveal that the specic system implementation of the SO
model must particularly address two key details: ensuring that the agents interact
with each other and aect their environment and that the agents themselves do not
implement a decision-making scheme utilizing mechanisms like recipes or blueprints.
A reasonable starting point for this denition process is grounding the model
environment space, E
4.2.1 Environment. The environment is the general space in which the
system operates. Since the SO macro-system is built upon UAVs, the environment is
representative of a physical space containing all system elements including the agents
themselves. In this regard, the environment can be quite complex. This complexity
includes such features as
Physical space dimensionality,
ground terrain,
environmental factors like wind and cloud visibility,
electromagnetic spectra for communication and sensing purposes,
virtual communication for use as data passing areas,
obstacles such as no-y zones
The combination of these dierent aspects denes the environment as an immense
space. However, to operate in a comparable way with other UAV systems, a certain
level of environmental delity can be gleaned from other investigations.
Table (4.1) illustrates particular references dealing with UAV simulations and
their implemented features.
Observation from other investigation approaches suggest the delity which is
implemented in a suitable and comparable simulation environment.
The environment is implemented in only 2 dimensions. This delity constraint
was selected to provide for suitable accuracy and comparability to other simulations
without imposing potentially extraneous simulation computation. Additionally, it
allows for unconstrained motion by the UAVs. The UAVs are not constrained to
Table 4.1: Listing of representative simulations and
their various attributes
Ref Sim
Gran Targets Terrain Weather E. Spec-
[47] 2 Free Yes
[72] 2 Free Yes
[26] 3 Free Yes Pheromone
[3] 2 Free Yes Simple
[55] 2 Free Yes
[82] 2 Free
[7] 2 Free Allies
[71] [70] 2 Free Obstacles
[62] Hex-
Many Pheromone
[52] 2 Free
[8] Fixed
[14] 2 Free Ad-Hoc
[35] 2 Free Ad-Hoc
[53] 3 Free Yes Obstacles Yes
[46] 2 Free Yes Threat
travel along edges between grid points in the environment [8]. Free motion of UAVs
in the 2 dimensions is implemented to allow more realistic results than simply a grid
or hex based system. Thusly, the environment does not implement a hex [62] or other
geographic-breakdown for UAV location. Instead, the UAVs have the capability to
travel to any point within the space [3, 7, 14, 26, 35, 46, 47, 52, 53, 55, 69, 71, 72, 82].
With respect to actual measured accuracy, that is a question left for scenario system
The environment implements the use of targets with capabilities similar to those
of the UAVs. This was selected to allow for greater testing of simulation behaviors.
Specically, the targets are capable of retaliation against the UAVs. This feature was
selected since it provides extra testing of the SO behavior exibility- since UAVs can
be destroyed, the UAV behaviors must be able to account for potential attrition.
Terrain is not implemented. This is due to the assumption that the UAVs are
operating suciently high-above the ground that terrain does not mask movement.
However, obstacles such as no-y zones are incorporated. These obstacles are essen-
tially polygonal and, despite the UAVs high altitude, impassible.
Since weather eects are not generally a simulation consideration, they are not
included. This feature is not incorporated in the system since it also represents
potential extra calculation.
Additionally, from the simulations reviewed in Table (4.1), communication
mechanisms do not appear to frequently use the environment. This is due to a few
issues. Environmental communication similar to stigmergy [11] relies upon a degree
of signal persistence. For example, ant pheromonal signals persist for a limited time
in the environment while evaporating. At a high altitude, environmental conditions
likely do not support a system similar to chemical pheromones or markers placed
directly into the air. Similarly, the use of radio signals as articial pheromones does
not likely produce the necessitated persistence. Ground located beacons have been
suggested to alleviate the persistence issue [62] [72]. These beacons, however, require
placement prior to the use of a UAV swarm. This approach has limited usefulness
due to the resource needed to place the beacons.
Instead of stigmergic communication methods, UAVs must rely upon more di-
rect approaches. UAVs rely upon passive sensed signals passed between UAVs. These
passive signals are likely encoded by the direction and position of other UAVs. Active
signals, on the other hand, are used to intentionally communicate information. These
types of communication take the form of UAV beacons or even more complex methods
of communication like broadcasting of information. For these reasons, the direct com-
munication approaches are used without the need to specically design environmental
attributes to allow for communication.
Exact communication between the agents does not rely upon environmental
support for complex models. Basically, observable self-organized systems usually rely
upon simple communication signals. Ants use pheromones that indicate travel paths
[11]. Bird and other ocking avians rely mostly upon visual cues [11]. Even the solar
system example in chapter 2 relies upon simple communications. In light of simple
SO communications, it is reasonable to restrict communication between UAVs in the
environment to being simple and not a complex network [14] [35].
Each of these above items is combined into the total environment denition for
the UAV and Environment denition.
Denition 12: Environment Model The environment consists of dimension-
ality constraints, obstacles, a UAV set, and a target set.
' ' O A T (4.16)
In this implementation, the rst two elements, '', represents the 2-dimensional
space in which the simulation elements, agents and targets, function. These numbers
oer two cartesian values describing the location of any entity existing within the
The variable O represents the set obstacles the UAVs are not able to y through.
Each obstacle is two points in the 2-dimensional space. For this reason, each obstacle
represented by its end-points. With regard to this specic dierence between the SO
denition of environment space and the denition made here, obstacles are passive
object and do not create an schism.
A is a copy of the agent space specication from SO in denition 7. This is an
important inclusion since the environment is capable of changing itself through the
function. If the agents were not a part of the environment, then elements within the
environment are not be able to operate upon the agents.
T is a set representative of the entire target space. Targets are similar to UAVs
and are discussed in the following sections.
With respect to the SO model dened in Section 4.1, the environment contains
all functioning elements. Essentially, it most closely matches the eector set. Manipulation Function. The environment, representated as
in a particular SO system instantiation, is capable of performing updates to itself
through the static system variable . These updates include actions upon the agents
and targets existing within the environment. In this way, the entities existing with
the environment are allowed to change.
4.2.2 Agents. UAVs can be seen as similar to the denition of mobile robots
presented Xiao and Michalewicz [83] in that they need to generate collision free paths
that move the robot from a starting position to a nishing position. This is a very
simplistic but very applicable view of UAVs; they clearly must avoid contact while
also generating suitable paths to follow. Building upon the general notion presented
in [83], Castillo and Trujillo present four systems intrinsic to mobile robots [12]:
1. vehicle control,
2. sensors,
Table 4.2: List of the dierent levels at which a UAV
can be modeled.
Level Description
Motion Physics controlling the movement of enti-
ties in simulation
Sensor Sensing model or scheme used for a simu-
Communication Model or scheme used for communications
between UAVs
Target Engagement How UAVs can attack and destroy targets
Behavior How an UAV determines its next form of
behavior. This includes how the UAV and
humans interact
3. navigation,
4. and path planning.
Vehicle control clearly maps to the control model used by the vehicles. This translates
to the physics of how the bodies move and the appropriate modeling of ight dynamics
for the UAV agents.
The actual input to each UAV/agent to make decisions constitutes the sensors.
These are likewise dened to clearly ground the agent model.
Navigation and path planning can be eective lumped together into the agent
logic. This portion of the agents determines the next appropriate state the UAV
However, it seems more appropriate that the simulation of UAVs be seen as the
fusion of multiple distinct models. In this way there are multiple facets of UAVs that
could be simulated. Some of these simulation facets or levels are listed in table (4.2).
Each of these dierent levels must be addressed to design a suitable UAV sim-
70 Motion and Physics. The physics model for the UAV/agents
are simple enough to easily facilitate simulation of UAV behaviors but yet realistic
enough to serve as suitable modeling.
Kadrovich [35] and Corner [14] opted for the use of a point mass representation.
Basically, each UAV operates as a weightless object at a point in the 2 dimensional
environment. These UAV models only rely upon a very simplied representation.
The UAVs are constrained to operated within the limits of a maximal turn radius
and maximal speed [35]. This restricts the UAV movement to little more than a
particle swarm. It is important to note that this particular investigation was concerned
with measuring and quantifying movement and communication of UAVs rather than
modeling motion accuracy.
Lotspeich [46] addressed this control problem through the use of an inertial
model. This inertial model abstracts out complex ight dynamics but still addresses
acceleration and speed of UAVs. According to Lotspeich, this approach has the
benets of greater realism than the Kadrovich movements while still being simple
enough for simple calculation. The UAV movement can thusly be said to be rst-
order. This modeling approach taken by Lotspeich uses the following attributes for
its modeling: acceleration, mass, drag,air density, velocity, and maximum thrust.
Modeling UAV motion in this investigation does not require extreme accuracy.
However, a point-mass representation does not provide enough realism. A motion
system similar to that used by Lotspeich [46] appears more suitable. The control
model, operates in much the same way as the inertia model. In general, a desired
velocity vector, D, is feed into the system. This vector is both normalized to within
acceptable turn-radii for the UAVs, r and the maximal and minimal acceleration of
the UAV. Normalization is depicted in gure (4.2).
Maximal acceleration is calculated similar to Lotspeich:
T =
(a) Acceptable next velocities
(b) Velocity Normalization
Figure 4.2: Velocity Eects
Following normalization, the normalized velocity vector, D
, is then com-
bined with appropriate deceleration like that calculated in Lotspeich [46] to obtain a
nal velocity for the UAV, D


= D
.length (4.18)
In equation (4.18), C
is the coecient of drag, S is the wing planform area,
is the air density, and D
.length is the current speed of a UAV. Sensor Model. Dierent sensor models have been used, most
frequently, UAVs sensors are generally modeled like that in Kadrovich [35], Corner
[14], and Lotspeich [46]. In those works, UAVs sense anything within a specic
distance regardless of direction. This results in a circular sensing neighborhood. with
a very simple calculation used to determine whether something can be seen- simply
check the distances between the UAV and other object and if the distance is less than
a sensor threshold or range, then the object is considered seen.
Other sensor types include limited range of visibility [8, 72]. In this form of
sensing, rather than a circular sensor footprint, UAVs can only sense objects within
a specied cone projecting from the front of the UAV. This form of sensing appears
to more closely match aperture styled sensors.
Yet another approach relies upon two distinct sensor mechanisms- allies are
sensed within a circular range while opposing forces are detected with a cone sensor
However, it is reasonable to assume that all UAVs and targets within the sim-
ulation give o a unidirectional detectable signal or signature which make them dis-
tinguishable as in [47]. This assumption allows for a single sensor to be used. Addi-
tionally, this particular sensor may be better suited to formation building.
The sensing system used by this system is very similar to that modeled in
Kadrovich [35], Corner [14], and Lotspeich [46]. It provides for a unidirectional de-
tection of any entity within the sensor range In addition to simply detecting the
fellow UAVs, targets, or obstacles, this sensor model can determine their distance
and bearing.
In addition to a circular range for vision, Kadrovich introduced the idea of sensor
shadowing. The idea is basically that closer UAVs create a sensor detection shadow
preventing detection of other UAVs along a similar bearing. This is illustrated in
gure (4.3).
Kadrovich also posited that sensor shadowing increases the stability of imple-
menting UAV systems [35]. This stability results in shapes based upon the simulated
shadowing angle. This particular characteristic was implemented in [14, 46] with a
great deal of success.
Another sensing feature implemented by Kadrovich is a weighting scheme ap-
plied to ally UAVs based upon their angle of detection. This particular attribute is





Figure 4.3: This gure depicts sensor shadowing. UAV 1 can see UAVs 2 and 3.
However, it cannot see UAV 4 because 2 shadows it.
built around the assumption that UAVs in front are more important that those that
are behind or moving parallel to a UAV in question. This particular assumption may
not necessary hold true. For this reason, relative angle weighting is not included in
this simulation. Communication Model. In a multi-UAV system, it seems pru-
dent to also dene a suitable communication model. Communications, unlike sensing,
is harder to dene - it must specify two key aspects: what types of messages are passed
between the dierent receivers and how the actual communication is modeled.
With regard to previous work, communications include messages that are used
to negotiate for tasks [77], divide search space [40], pheromonal signals [62], behavior
coordination cues [47, 72], position, and velocity. With regard to actual information
sent, communication can occur at both a passive or active level. In this regard, passive
communications, or cues, include the information which is not directly intended for
communication. The passive messages already exist within the environment. Such
communications include the position and velocity of known UAVs- if a UAV can sense
the existence of a UAV and its relative distance and direction, then the UAV is able
to calculate the relative velocity as well. These values can be considered passive cues.
Active messages include any type of message intentionally transmitted between
the UAVs. These messages are the coordination values or the assignment of jobs.
In this simulation, the position and velocity of each UAV is passively com-
municated between all UAVs and targets that can see each other. In addition to
these mentioned passive signals, it seems that a pheromonal communication is also
included since they are frequently utilized in exemplar SO systems like ants [11]. This
particular pheromonal communication is considered a passive signal. However, the
pheromonal value needs to be broadcast. This could be accomplished with a very
simple communications system that can signal a strength.
The passive signals are considered, with regard to the simulation, included into
the sensors and require no extra computation.
Explicit communications are also included in this simulation. This communica-
tions must be kept simple or universally applicable such that their evolution can be
easily facilitated. For this reason, state cues like those used in [47, 72] are not imple-
mented. Likewise, communications which describe the environment [40] or negotiate
for tasks [77] are not used. Rather, explicit communications, in this simulation, spread
the visibility of the sending UAV and the location and movement of any targets the
sender sees. Basically, explicit communication is used to announce the existence of
the sender and any targets it sees. This can be seen in gure (4.4); Engagement Model. Since this simulation allows for the de-
struction of UAVs due to target retaliation, it requires an engagement model. Such
a model runs the range from simulated missile launch and subsequent impact and
aircraft-missile or missile-target interaction. However, more complex engagement
modeling like this was not implemented due to potential overhead and simulation
Earlier investigations into similar simulations [64] utilized a probabilistic en-
gagement model. That is, each UAV had a maximum engagement range and a given
probability to destroy a target for each simulated attack. When the UAV gets within



UAV 1s
Sensor and Active
Communication Range
UAV 2s
Sensor Range
UAV 3s
Sensor Range
Figure 4.4: This gure depicts active communications eect upon sensing. UAV
1 can see the target and communication with UAVs 2 and 3. Active communication
allows UAV 1 to share its passive information along with the presence of the target
with UAVs 2 and 3. The eective ability to see UAVs and targets is illustrated by
dotted lines.
maximum engagement range with targets, it proceeds to calculate whether it destroys
the closes target outright. This approach resulted in behavior relying upon long-shot
chances to destroy targets rather than truly cooperative behavior.
Another method used to model engagements of this type rely upon a hit point
model [63]. This second form results in more stable behaviors and cooperative be-
havior since it directly incorporates cooperation into the destruction of targets; more
UAVs attacking the same target at the same time can destroy it faster than an in-
dividuals can. The hit point model abstacts out more complex cooperative behavior
like target lasing. Such activities as target marking are rolled together into the hit
points of a target.
To support more stable behavior and the evolution of cooperative behavior, the
hit point model was selected. Behavior and Logic Design. Returning to the review of logic
systems presented in the previous chapter, the agent logic is, at its core, rule-based.
In this case, the use of rule based behaviors is preferred to direct approaches; many
suitable rules are available or can be created to model dierent priorities in UAV
motion. Potential rules to add follow:
Collision Avoidance [66]
Velocity matching [66]
Flock centering [66]
Evasion [17]
Migration [17]
cooperative parallel formation [72]
target interaction rules [47, 57, 72]
simulation area boundary rules [63]
The Reynolds rules [66] coupled with Crowthers evasion rule [17] provide a
simple framework for UAV system formations. In addition, the behaviors appear
compatible with behaviors addressing target attack [63].
Searching a specic location for targets seems to require more sophisticated
behavior than simply the Reynolds [66] and Crowther [17] rules. An ideal example
behavior for cooperative system search is that observed in [72]. In this work simulating
a decentralized search by UAVs, there is little overlap of search locations by the UAVs.
Generally, in [72], the UAVs line up and search the space while in a line formation.
When the UAVs reach a boarder or edge of their environment, they move to create
another line formation sweep. A main feature for this systems success in [72] is its
formation. The formation in allows for the maintainence of UAV communication while
creating a sensor curtain to detect targets.
A similar formation is created by using variations upon Reynolds rules [66] to
both balance the distance between the UAV agents while keeping them close enough
to maintain contact ranges. Reynolds Rules [66] could be redesigned to take into
account threshold distances at which point they are activated. This technique is
used by Kadrovich [35] to create a preferred distance band which can lock UAVs
into formation. This type of behavior is designed to create stable congurations of
UAVs [35].
This approach to formation generation requires implementations of the Reynolds
rules [66] which take into account acceptable formation distance thresholds. These
thresholded variations of the cohesion and separation rules between agents can be
used to specify the proximities between agents for a type of formation.
Luaall [47] provides for additional behavior rules with potential for this system.
Specically, the use of orbiting behaviors for UAV loitering and coordination has
promise as part of the target interaction rules. This particular behavior allows UAVs
to stay in loitering positions outside of danger while waiting for an opportune time
to attack the target [63]. Direct attacking appears to be a variant of Reynolds ock
centering [66]. The dierence used in [47] is an attraction toward targets instead of
cooperating UAVs. One thing is clear about this particular behavior as observer in [63]
is that a behavior rule to attack targets must also consider situations in which two or
more targets are known by a target. In the two-target situation, attraction towards
the center of the two targets may place the UAV outside of an attack range with the
any of the targets. In this case, a target-centering rule is actual detrimental towards a
UAV SO system. To correct this problem, there must be a weighting associated with
the distance of a UAV from a target. This weighting places a higher attractiveness
for targets that are closer instead of equal attraction for all known targets.
A rule causing the UAV to avoid crossing simulation boundaries is also be useful
[63]. However, taken one step further, this rule is extended to allow avoidance of all
obstacles in the environment and the borders are represented simply as obstacles.
A list of the behavior rules that are implemented in this system follow:
Evasion [66] [17]
obstacle and border avoidance [63]
Alignment Matching [66]
Thresholded Cohesion
Thresholded Separation
Weighted Target Attraction [47] [63]
at target attraction
Thresholded Target Avoidance
Target Orbiting [47]
These rules eectively fall within three categories: safety, formations, and target
behavior. The safety behavior includes evasion and obstacle / border avoidance. Since
these rules are always applicable, it is appropriate to set them to an arbitrarily high
The formation rules, velocity matching, thresholded separation, and thresholded
cohesion are necessary for safe formations. Basically, these rules combine to create
stable and useful formations.
The target behaviors consist of weighted target attraction, at target attraction,
avoidance, and orbiting rules. These dierent rules are used by the UAVs to eectively
interact with the targets.
Due to the desire for a simple method to reduce complexity and potential evolu-
tionary algorithm runtimes, a behavior archetype approach has been selected instead
of directly tying the behavior matrix outputs to the behavior rule expression weights.
This reduces the overall complexity and allow values which cannot easily be described
by a linear dynamic expression to be within each archetype. An example of these dif-
cult to express values are the angles which are allowed for formations to be built.
The behavior matrix itself is a perceptron. This follows from the apparent suc-
cess in [63] over a genetic programming method for selecting behavior archetypes.
Additionally, the perceptron design for a behavior matrix allows much simpler repre-
sentation and evolution. The perceptron model oers both a simple model for evolu-
tion [1, 6, 49] while still providing a framework for deciding when particular behavior
archetypes are applied. Senses. The UAV behavior model relies upon two specic
senses as input to the behavior matrix: UAV density and a pheromone-like target
indicator [63]. These particular senses were selected since they appear to provide the
necessary characteristics to identify when the UAVs in this system select dierent
Formation specic cues, particular those governing the proximity and UAV pop-
ulation can be derived from the UAV density sense. In this way, behavior archetypes
with the appropriate formations can be selected.
The other sense, the pheromone-like target indicator was used in [63] to great
eect. This sense operates as a type of passive communication between UAVs to indi-
cate when a particular UAV has located a target. Due to the diculty use pheromonal
models that propagate along geographical locations, this model only allows propaga-
tion through UAVs. By modifying the behavior rules addressing attack, the target
indicator pheromone becomes a signicant asset for attacks. The necessary behavior
rule modications include allowing attack attraction towards allied UAVs with the
strongest target indicator. These modications cause a UAV swarm to move toward
targets in anticipation for attack.
Proximity to environmental boundaries or targets is not indicated as a signicant
sense. This is due to the design presumption that obstacle avoidance is a safety
rule. Since all safety rules are universally applicable in this system, senses addressing
potential applicability of obstacle rules are not signicant.
Enemy attacks are likewise not a signicant sense in this system. This is due
to the simulation presumption that all found targets can be engaged. This particular
sense may be of use in other systems employing dierent rules of engagement.
Density of UAVs employing specic behavior archetypes was utilized in [63].
Careful examination of the results from that investigation suggest the inuence of
this set of senses can be replaced by the density sense. For this reason, archetype
densities are not used as sensory values. Visibility. The agents also have a sensor envelope around their
position. This sensor envelope encompasses a localized neighborhood [46] [63] that
the UAV can see. Everything outside this envelope cannot be seen whereas pertinent
things within the envelope are known to the agent.
Within this neighborhood, the UAVs can passively detect the position, velocity,
and pheromonal signals broadcasted by each known UAV. These values are used by
the behavior rules to compute next suggested directions.
The eective sensor environment includes passive sensing of both targets and
cooperative UAVs. This restricts the UAVs visibility of both friendly UAVs and
opposing force targets. Limiting the visible range of UAVs allows greater scalability
than methods with more global visibility [46].
Additionally, like the work in Kadrovich [35] there is an implemented shadowing
of UAVs that cannot be seen. This provides greater formation stability for interacting
UAVs than other approaches. Alternatives to this form of limiting performed by [35]
and [46] is limiting the visibility of UAVs to a specic number that are the closest [59].
This particular approach does not appear to create formation stability in a specically
geometric way.
In addition to shadowing, Kadrovich also implemented a peripheral weighting
scheme depending upon the location of a peer UAV to the UAV in question. This
weighting made UAVs directly ahead much more valuable than UAVs behind or even
to the side. Unlike visibility shadowing, peripheral weighting does not appear to
confer additional benets to this investigation. In fact, this type of weighting may
actually impede formation building if the UAVs prefer ying in parallel directions
rather than follow-the-leader.
81 Agent State. Agent state is basically the representation of the
specic instantiation from previous description of the UAV models. Each agent state
contains information concerning the agents current position and velocity. Since the
environment model is two dimensional, the position and velocity are two dimensional.
The position of an agent, P, represents only two cartesian coordinates which describe
the UAVs location in the environment. The velocity, D, though also being only two
numbers, represents the direction in which the UAV is ying as a force vector. As
such, its length encodes the current speed at which the UAV is ying. This value is
centered upon the current position of the UAV such that if the UAV continued moving
in the same direction, the next state is simply the sum of position and velocity.
= P
The logic components of the agent require certain variables to function as well.
These variables are used for feedback when the UAV performs its next state changes.
Information encoded in the state for the logic also includes what behavior archetype
the UAV is currently in, BA, and the previous values for the pheromonal target
indicator, p. In this case, BA is limited by the number of archetypes in BA. p
is limited in the range of [0.0...1.0]. In this regard, each UAV broadcasts a signal
describing the pheromonal strength at their location. In this way, p represents the
pheromonal scores that the agent senses from its environment. The pheromonal scores
are saved within the agent because the environment is unable to save them. This is
all combined to form the agent state tuple in denition 17.
The engagement model also requires some information be saved to the state.
This information maintains the current amount of damage caused to each UAV, H.
As such, this value indicates how much more damage needs to be caused to a UAV
before it is destroyed. The necessity for this value is made more explicit in Section
Additionally, the pertinent visible aspects are included within the agent state.
The purpose of this is made more evident in the discussion of agent change func-
tions. The pertinent visible aspects include all visible UAVs and targets existing with
the detected neighborhood. In this state denition,

N represents sensed UAVs,

represents the known targets, and

O represents the known obstacles.
Denition 17: Agent State the agents state is the exact modular implemen-
tation of specic values associated with each Agent at an instance in the model. This
state is represented as s
in the SO model.
(P, D, BA, p, H,



O) (4.20)
The values of the agent state mappable to the SO system macro state are the
position, P; velocity, D; and remaining hit points, H, of each agent. Agent change functions. The agents are capable of changing
their own state with the function. These function models the dierent contributions
that each agent has to the state and variables of other agents.
The function is used by an agent to change its own state. This is performed
by feeding the sensor values from the environment into the behavior matrix. This
resultant values from the behavior matrix then indicate which behavior from the
available behavior archetypes are used. In this way, b
is updated. The position and
velocity of the agent are then updated by the indicated values from the behavior
In addition to this, enables the pheromonal value updates. This update occurs
in a fairly simplistic manner [63] rather than more complex pheromonal models like
that used in [60]. This is due to the easier compution provided by the simple model.
Also, the performance of the simple model in [63] appears to provides suitable cuing
for behavior.
Lastly, the next neighborhood representation is generated by each agent by
utilizing the SO system function g upon the environmental state of the dynamic sys-
tem. This essentially updates directly from the dynamic environment. This function
also models direct UAV to UAV communication. This eect of direct UAV to UAV
communication can be performed by one UAV altering the others observations. In
this simulation, active communication using g is performed by each UAV detecting
whether other sensed UAVs are actively communicating.If the active communication
range of a UAV is greater than the sensor range of a dierent UAV, then the UAV
that cannot sense the communicating UAV receives the active signal and have its
neighborhood modied. In addition to actively broadcasting UAV position, UAVs
also broadcast known target locations within their communication range. For the
sake of simulation, active communication can be disabled.
A nal function, is used by a UAV to interact with its environment. The only
way in which a UAV in this simulation interacts with the environment is to destroy
or attack a target. The actual way in which attacking is modeled is handled in the
appropriate section. Basically, this function only serves the purpose of allocating
damage to targets.
These three function come together to describe how UAVs are able to alter their
own state representation, actively communicate, and aect their environment.
4.2.3 Targets. Targets, simply put, operate almost identically to UAVs.
They have the same characteristics and the same general structure. They rely upon
the same state representations and so forth.
4.2.4 Engagement. Attacks between UAVs and targets use a hitpoint based
approach [63]. Using this approach, UAVs deal a certain guaranteed amount of dam-
age to the closest target within attack range at every iteration. Likewise, targets deal
a similar guaranteed amount of damage back to the closest UAV in attack range. THis
approach is heavily weighted towards cooperative engagement since multiple UAVs
Table 4.3: This table illustrates how a singular UAV
with an attack range of 10, attack strength of 1, 10
hitpoints, and speed of 1 dies prior to even damaging
a target with an attack range of 20, attack strength of
1, and 10 hitpoints assuming optimal attack behavior.
Iteration Target Life Total UAV
UAV Dis-
UAV Life
0 10 1 21 10
1 10 1 20 9
2 10 1 19 8
3 10 1 18 7
4 10 1 17 6
5 10 1 16 5
6 10 1 15 4
7 10 1 14 3
8 10 1 13 2
9 10 1 12 1
10 10 0 11 0
can deal much more damage to a singular target than a sole target can deal to the
closest UAV.
This diers from a success probability approach used in [64]. In this approach,
each UAV and target had a probabilistic chance to destroy an opposing entity at
every time interval when the entity is in range. The probability approach was far
too unpredictable and resulted in situations where a single UAV could unrealistically
destroy a target [64]. The hitpoint based approach has experimentally demonstrated
that its results are more stable and less unpredictable [63].
Since the engagement model allows for attacks against on a single UAV or target
at each simulation instance, this model is heavily weighted towards cooperative action.
Tables (4.3-4.5) illustrates how the hitpoint approach is heavily weighted towards
cooperative behavior.
Table 4.4: This table illustrates how a two UAVs
with an attack range of 10, attack strength of 1, 10
hitpoints, and speed of 1 dies and with the possibility
to successfully destroy a target with an attack range
of 20, attack strength of 1, and 10 hitpoints assuming
optimal attack behavior.
Iteration Target Life Total UAV
UAV Dis-
UAV 1 Life UAV 2 Life
0 10 2 21 10 10
1 10 2 20 9 10
2 10 2 19 8 10
3 10 2 18 7 10
4 10 2 17 6 10
5 10 2 16 5 10
6 10 2 15 4 10
7 10 2 14 3 10
8 10 2 13 2 10
9 10 2 12 1 10
10 10 1 11 0 10
11 9 1 10 0 9
12 8 1 9 0 8
13 7 1 8 0 7
14 6 1 7 0 6
15 5 1 6 0 5
16 4 1 5 0 4
17 3 1 4 0 3
18 2 1 3 0 2
19 1 1 2 0 1
20 0 0 1 0 0
Table 4.5: This table illustrates how a three UAVs
with an attack range of 10, attack strength of 1, 10
hitpoints, and speed of 1 can successfully destroy a
target with an attack range of 20, attack strength of
1, and 10 hitpoints assuming optimal attack behavior
and only suer the complete loss of one UAV.
Iteration Target Life Total UAV
UAV Dis-
UAV 1 Life UAV 2 Life UAV 3 Life
0 10 3 21 10 10 10
1 10 3 20 9 10 10
2 10 3 19 8 10 10
3 10 3 18 7 10 10
4 10 3 17 6 10 10
5 10 3 16 5 10 10
6 10 3 15 4 10 10
7 10 3 14 3 10 10
8 10 3 13 2 10 10
9 10 3 12 1 10 10
10 10 2 11 0 10 10
11 8 2 10 0 9 10
12 6 2 9 0 8 10
13 4 2 8 0 7 10
14 2 2 7 0 6 10
15 0 2 6 0 5 10
4.3 GA Design
As mentioned earlier, this investigation evolves a suitable behavior set for gen-
eralized application to specic scenarios. This system must evolve both the behavior
archetypes and the perceptrons. This section assumes a general familiarity with ge-
netic algorithms.
4.3.1 General methodology. Drawing upon inspiration from [22, 49, 63, 64],
this investigation uses a genetic algorithm approach to map UAV behavior from the
sensory inputs to the potential outputs. With the variables dened for UAV senses
and outputs, the potential problem space is extremely large. Given three behavior
archetypes, there are 2 senses and 3 outputs. Considering that the behavior archetypes
themselves are also evolved, the values constrained within them is based upon the 12
variable values. This indicates that there are 42 dierent numbers that need to be
evolved for a system that relies upon only 3 behavior archetypes.
4.3.2 Representation. The perceptron, mapping the sensory inputs to be-
havior archetypes, is fully connected. As such, the evolvable elements are the weights
placed upon each sensory input.
Previous work into using a perceptron to map behavior archetypes suggests
using a very simple bit-based representation since more dynamic approaches have a
harder time balancing sensory values for corresponding archetype evaluations [64]. In
addition, to simplify the representative perceptron and reduce evolutionary complex-
ity in representation, the activation threshold for the neurons is set to zero.
The actual number range is similar to that implemented in similar works [22,49].
Each weighting or gene is assigned 5 bits and operates in the range of [16...15] as a
Gray Code [29]. For a completely connected perceptron, this means there are 30 bits
which encode the six distinct connection weights in a behavior matrix. Each behavior
archetype, on the other hand, has 60 bits encoding 12 dierent ve bit genes.
The primary reason why the 5 bit connection weights are Gray encodings is
to lessen the dramatic eect of Hamming clis [5]. However, if the Hamming clis
were completely removed, then the GA may have problems jumping out of local best
solutions and fail to nd the global best.
In addition to the perceptron connection weights in the behavior matrix, the
values for each rule expression weight within each behavior archetype are also impor-
tant. These values also function with 5 bit representations and according to the same
distribution as the perceptron input weights above. However, the range for rule ex-
pression are in the interval [0.0...1.0]. Transformation between the perceptron weight
is accomplished via the following equation:
RuleWeight =
InputWeight + 16
The transformation provided in Equation (4.21) is used to normalize the Gray code
values associated with each representation gene to a value in the [0.0...1.0] range. This
normalization prevents rules from having a negative eect upon the UAV behavior.
The behavior archetypes also contain the specic ranges for various rule expres-
sions. These values are also in the range of [0.0...1.0]. These values are the percentage
of the sensor range that the particular radius occupies. The following equation better
expresses this.
RadiusLength = RadiusRuleWeight SensorRange (4.22)
This representation structure is demonstrated in (4.5).
In the event that multiple types of UAVs must be simultaneously evolved, the
representation is actually increased in size such that there is a single perceptron and
set of behavior archetypes for each type of UAV. This is not to say that each UAV has
its own independent behavior representation. Rather, each type of UAV shares the
Figure 4.5: There is a connection weight for each sense for each behavior archetype.
These are followed by 12 genes which describe the weights and radii for the behavior
rules for each behavior archetype.
same representation with all of the others but independently uses the representation
to determine its next state.
This Gray encoding, however, is unlike the gene mapping used in previous works
[63, 64]. In those works, each gene was represented by 8 bits with a gene value in the
range [10..10]. In the old encoding, the rst four bits represent negative numbers:
-4, -3, -2, and -1. The last half stands for the positive numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4. When
calculating what an 8 bit representation actual is as an integer, the number values of
each binary location are summed. For example, 11010010 is -4 + -3 + -1 + 3 = -5.
Single bit mutations move this value to -1, -2, -7, -4, -4, -3, -8, or -1 respectively.
In this old representation, extreme values are much less likely to be selected. By
minimizing the likelihood that extremes are randomly selected, there is a much greater
chance that the resultant behavior matrix has connection weights centered on 0 and
behavior archetype weights centered on .5. This was viewed as a benecial trait in [63].
However, experimentation demonstrated that this representation actually diminished
the evolutionary capabilities of this system since it avoided extreme values.
4.3.3 Selection. This genetic algorithm utilizes a xed population size for
each generation. Since the population size is xed, there must be some method
to reduce the combined newly created and old chromosomes to a maximal allowed
population size. In this case, the method selected here reects the best type identied
for GAs in performing this type of calculation [63]: elitist.
Elitism preserves the most successful individuals across generations. For exam-
ple, if the maximal population size is 3, then the three ttest individuals are the only
ones which continue into the next generation. However, purely elitism usually leads
to very quick convergence on local solutions rather than global ones. Is it not nec-
essarily as much of a concern for this particular problem because the tness of each
solution is generated from multiple simulations with various scores. For this reason,
the actual score of each solution may be slightly skewed. This inaccuracy many oer
results similar to tournament selection method [29]
4.3.4 Mutation. There are two forms of mutation utilized by this system.
The rst operator, taken from [63] acts upon the entire binary string. In much the
same way as CHC [23] performs its mutation, a number of bits up to a maximal
mutation neighborhood size in the solution are ipped. The exact bits to ip are
selected by a roulette wheel selection [54]. Unlike CHC, this operator is used to
perform local searching by ipping a small number of bits. If the number of bits to
ip is too large, then the operator becomes destructive.
The second type of mutation seeks to reinvigorate behavior archetypes which
have become unused. It accomplishes this by randomly selecting behavior archetype
and randomizing all of its associated bits in both the associated perceptron and the
behavior rule values.
4.3.5 Recombination. A modied two-point recombination is utilized by
this GA [29]. Previous similar eorts utilized a unform crossover operator [63, 64].
However, those works used an eight bit representation for each number value. In the
eight bit representation, the location of the bit within each gene had a controlled the
correspondence value. With the Gray code representation [22, 29, 49] points for the
crossover operator are limited to between genes. This prevents the crossover operator
from altering the gene values in inappropriate ways.
In addition to limiting the crossover point to between genes and not alleles, this
operator performs a normal two-point crossover at two locations within each solution.
The rst two-point crossover is performed within the behavior matrix perceptron
section and the second crossover within the behavior archetypes.
4.3.6 Alteration of Scenarios. Previous experimentation in [63, 64] demon-
strated that there is a large initial learning curve which must be addressed at the
beginning of a GA run. By varying the diculty of scenarios, the tness function
is essentially adaptive [45]. By exposing the population to easier scenarios at the
beginning and increasing the scenario diculty as the GA operates, there are more
exploration of the solution space. In contrast with the work performed in [45], experi-
mentation with this setup suggests that a xed schedule tness function
a static tness function.
4.3.7 Fitness Function. The tness of an individual simulation is deter-
mined by the amount of damage caused to the targets [63, 64] based upon the number
of UAVs in the scenario. This tness function encapsulates the needs for the UAV
systems to search the area, coordinate attacks, and successfully damage and destroy
targets without suering excessive attrition. Additionally, by dividing the resulting
damage the UAVs perform by the UAVs present, the tness function can return val-
ues in the same interval if the ratio of targets to UAVs is identical when scaled. The
tness function assigns 100 points for each tenth of a target being damaged. The
total tness function is then computed as the summation of damage to each target
multiplied by 100 and then scaled by UAV population. When multiple simulations
are run to obtain a generalized tness score, the tness functions from each individual
simulation are averaged to obtain a composite score.
The scenarios are changed after a xed number of generations
As related to the SO model, the tness function solely compares the amount of
remaining hit points at the nal simulation state to their starting hit points. That
value is then divided by the number of UAVs present in the starting state. In this
way, the tness function does not oer any preference to the specic behaviors or ways
in which the UAVs destroy the targets. It only measures the ecacy for a particular
behavior model given the initial state at destroying the targets.
4.4 Simulation Design
With regard to actual design and implementation of the simulator, that infor-
mation is in Appendix (B). That specic information does not aect the results
generated by this system. Rather, it describes the way in which this system works
and is therefore a tangent subject to the system results themselves.
4.5 Summary
This chapter illustrates the high-level design decisions for a system capable of
evolving SO UAV behaviors. The self-organization symbolic model is described. This
design relies upon the features and background presented in Chapter 2. Next, the
design choices for the UAV and environment models are discussed. The design for the
genetic algorithm is addressed in the third section of this chapter. Finally, engineering
issues pertinent to the simulation platform are discussed.
V. Low Level Design and Implementation
ore specic grounding of simulation features is necessary to completely de-
scribe the system. The particular features include mathematical details asso-
ciated on how the UAVs determine the next behavior. This involves equations relating
to the behavior rules, senses, and behavior archetype selection methods. Additionally,
specic features connected to the various simulation models must be addressed.
For each UAV, the simulation rst calculates what entities are visible to each
other. Following this, active communication, if employed, is performed. Once the vis-
ible environment features are determine for each UAV, the sense values are extracted.
The sense values are then fed into the perceptron matrix to obtain the selected be-
havior archetype. Following identication of the applicable behavior archetype, the
behavior rules are calculated and combined to obtain the UAVs optimal direction.
Then, the physical model restrictions are used with the desired direction to obtain
the feasible next direction. All UAV positions are then updated and engagements
between UAVs and targets, if any, are calculated. This process repeats until the par-
ticular simulation terminates. After all available simulations have been completed,
the genetic algorithm then performs its calculations to obtain the next generation.
In general, the ow of information between the dierent system components
as well as their mapping to the genetic algorithm representation is demonstrated in
Figure (5.1). This particular picture models how a particular UAV calculates its
appropriate behavior based upon cues from the environment and its own behavior
5.1 Variable and Subfunction Keys
The more detailed representations of various system components relies upon a
great deal of variables and subfunctions. Tables (5.1) and (5.1) provide symbolic
notation in order to easily relate to the modeling equations.
Symbol Description

The neighborhood of viewable UAVs with respect to U
U All UAVs within the system. Equivalent to
U.P The position vector of UAV or target U
U.D The current velocity vector of travel for UAV or target U
U.Sr The maximal sensor range of UAV or Target U
U.Cr The maximal communication range of UAV or Target U
U.Ar The maximal engagement range of UAV or Target U
T The set of all targets in the system
SA The shadowing angle for viewing. Set to 30 degrees
U.p The target spotted pheromone score for UAV U
U.den The density sense value for UAV U
U.BA The currently selected behavior archetype for UAV U
BA The set of all behavior archetypes.
The perceptron sensor weight for sense n for the archetype BA
Neighbor i for UAV in question
x Cartesian coordinate associated with vector L
y Cartesian coordinate associate with vector L
Range i associated with behavior archetype BA
.Cp The closest point on obstacle O to UAV U

O All obstacles viewable to a particular UAV

T All targets visible to a particular UAV

distSum the sum of distance to all visible obstacles for a particular UAV
The direction and weight at which UAV U avoids an obstacle based
on angle of approach
direction and weight at which UAV U avoids an obstacle based on
V.length The length of vector V
U.alive whether UAV or target U is alive
p The pheromonal target detection strength for a specic UAV.
G The representation of a behavior model as a series of 5 bit genes.
B The set of all behavior models. There is a correspondence of one
model per type of aircraft simulated.
Table 5.1: Key to Various symbols used in low-level design equations
Figure 5.1: Depiction of information ow for singular UAV determining its next
state. In addition, this gure demonstrates how the genetic representation is con-
nected to UAV behavior.
5.2 Sensor Vision
Given the assumed unidirectional sensor with a 100% correct detection rate like
that used in [47, 63, 64, 72], sensing between targets and UAVs is relatively simple.
Each UAV compares the distance between it and every other UAV and target. If the
distance is within its sensor range and that object is not shadowed [35,46] by another,
that object is considered seen and properly classied. Equations describing how this
is performed in this simulation follow:


= V U[V ,= U dist(U.P, V.P) U.Sr (5.1)
All UAVs that can possibly see each other are added to specic lists in Equations
(5.1). These lists do not yet address sensor shadowing. That determination is accom-
Subfunction Description
dist(X, Y ) The distance between points X and Y
.p) The maximum target spotted pheromone score for a UAV in the
neighborhood of UAV U
max(...) The behavior archetype with the highest scalar resulting from the
executed values
Orbit(P, D, t.P) a vector tangent to the point P on a circle drawn around t.P,closet
in angle to D
(U.P, t.P) a tangent vector on the circle centered at t.P at U.P
OV ect(O, U) a vector parallel to obstacle O that is closest to the current velocity
of UAV U
) the angular direction of a line from point P
to point P
inter(P, O) The intersection point of a line drawn from point P to its closest
point on obstacle O
between(P, P
, P
) A Boolean function indicating whether point P falls between points
and P
random(X) Generates a uniformly distributed random number between 0 and
Table 5.2: Key to Various subfunctions used in low-level design equations
plished in Equation (5.5) by generating N


= T T[dist(U.P, T.P) U.Sr (5.2)
Likewise, all targets that can be seen by the UAV are included into the specic
UAVs representation of the environment in Equation (5.2). This is done to facilitate
UAV behaviors that address targets such as target attraction or avoidance.


U[dist(t.P, U.P) t.Sr (5.3)
All targets that can see each other are similarly computed in Equation (5.3). This
is done to allow targets to execute cooperative behaviors is so implemented.


= o O[dist(U.P, o.Cp
) < U.Sr (5.4)
All obstacles that can be seen by UAVs are also computed in Equation (5.4). This
allows UAVs to avoid impacting the obstacles and to properly avoid them with the
obstacle avoidance rules.

= w N

, v N

[w ,= v (w.P, v.P, U.P) (180

SA) (5.5)
Finally, the neighbor UAVs list are corrected for sensor shadowing [14, 35, 46]. This
is accomplished in Equation (5.5.
5.2.1 Explicit Communication. When operating in this model, active com-
munication allows the communicator to essentially add both itself and all targets that
it sees to the eective sensor representation of the receiving UAVs. This particular
ability is meant to increase the cooperative ability by allowing information sharing
between neighbors.

dist(n.P, U.P) U.Cr N
= N
= T
This Equation (5.6) basically allows UAVs with long distance communication
capabilities to announce their existent to all nearby UAVs. Note that this particular
implementation also allows UAVs that cannot see each other due to sensor shadowing
eects to communication. That is, since explicit communication occurs between all
UAVs within communication range, UAVs that are not able to see each other due
to sensor shadowing are informed of the others existence. The applicability to all
UAVs rather than only those that are sensed is made to allow for stability generated
through communication as well as more limited neighborhoods - the communications
act as unidirectional broadcasts. As such, they are probably not, in the physical
world, impeded by factors similar to sensor shadowing.
5.2.2 Target Sense Propagation. To facilitate quick computation, a very
simple linear model for the target sense pheromone is implemented rather than those
more comples like in [62]. This choice is also made to facilitate quick changes in
target pheromone when formations split. For this reason, the target sense pheromone
operates in a simple linear manner.
In this simple pheromonal model, a particular UAVs target pheromone strength
is either 1 if it senses a target or half the strongest detected target pheromone from
a neighbor. It is worth noting that if the value of p falls below .001, it is truncated
to zero.
U.p =

1 [T[ > 0
.1Max(N.p) otherwise

The operation of this equation can be better seen in gure (5.2).
5.2.3 UAV Density Calculation. The density of neighboring UAVs is cal-
culated by consideration of both the distance and the number of known neighboring
UAVs [63, 64]. This calculation operates in the range of [0..[N[] where N is the set
of known neighbors. The potentially unlimited upper range of density could pose
problems where this sense overwhelms the target pheromone sense. However, experi-
mentation has demonstrated this range does not hinder performance.
U.den =

dist(U.P, N
Attempts at correcting the upper range issue for this calculation revealed other
similar ways to determine UAV density. For example, the approximate area of the
sensor envelope that is shadowed by a neighboring UAV could be used. However, this
requires complicated computations that slow down the simulation and are therefore
not thoroughly considered. Another less computationally intensive method is to de-
termine how much of the sensor envelopes circumference is eclipsed by neighboring
Figure 5.2: Plot of target detection pheromone propagation for a specic scenario.
UAVs at (420, 380), (400, 440), (400, 480), (400, 520) and target at (400, 4000). Plot
assumes a sensor radius of 5km
UAV sensor shadows. This approach likewise results in excessive computation and is
therefore not implemented.
A graphical depiction of this sense can be seen in gure (5.3);
5.2.4 Selection of Behavior Archetype. After the sensor values are cal-
culated, the selection of the appropriate behavior archetype can proceed. This is
performed in the manner of a single layer perceptron [54].
U.BA =
max(U.p b.C
+U.den b.C
) (5.9)
Figure 5.3: Plot of Density sense values for a specic scenario. UAVs at (420, 380),
(400, 440), (400, 480), (400, 520). Plot assumes a sensor radius of 30km
The single layered perceptron is selected to operate in conjunction with a be-
havior archetype architecture.
In the event that two or more behavior archetypes have the same selection scores
from the perceptron, the behavior archetype occurring earlier in the representation
is given priority. This provides a signicant weighting to early behavior archetypes
when both sense equations produce values of zero - since all behavior archetypes are
then weighted zero, the rst archetype is given selected.
5.3 Rule Equations
As explained in section, there are ten dierent rules governing the way a
UAV moves. Each of these rules is mathematically dened in the following subsections
and depicted graphically.
5.3.1 Rule 1: Alignment. A particular UAV tries to match directions for its
velocity with all other UAVs. This is expressed in the following denition where U
is the value of rule 1 with respect to U. This rule is essentially the same as that used
by Reynolds [66].

Other examined forms for this rule include a distance weighted alignment as
shown in Equation (5.11). The unweighted version was determined to be less compu-
tationally intensive since it required less divisions while resulting in similar behaviors.

dist(U.P, N
The the unweighted alignment behavior can be seen in gure (5.4). Basically,
this particular rule causes UAVs that can see each other to y in the same direction.
This behavior is eective for making formations y in the same direction.
5.3.2 Rule 2: Target Orbit. This rule provides a behavior causing UAVs
to circle around a target at a safe distance. This is performed by rst calculating
directions that run perpendicular to the line between U and the target. Then, the
perpendicular direction that is closest to Us current direction is selected. Determina-
tion of perpendiculars is performed for each target that U sees. The resulting selected
perpendiculars are summed for each target that U is more than 70% sensor range
Figure 5.4: Field plot for alignment rule. UAVs at (420, 380), (400, 440), (400, 480),
(400, 520) with individual velocities indicated by their direction line. Plot assumes a
sensor radius of 30km
distant. The reason for the eective range for orbits is simple: if a UAV gets too close
to a target and engaged, it might as well attack that target rather than simply circle
around it. This rule is inspired by Lua [47].
The perpendicular bearings are determined by the following Equations (5.12)
and (5.13):
(U.P, t.P) = (t.P
, U.P
) (5.12)
(U.P, t.P) = (U.P
, t.P
) (5.13)
Once the perpendiculars are calculated, the particular one closest to the current
velocity is selected. This particular selection is performed in Equation (5.14).
Orbit(U.P, U.D, t.P) =

(U.P, t.P) dist(d
(U.P, t.P), U.D) < dist(d
(U.P, t.P), U.D)
(U.P, t.P) otherwise

The preferred orbiting directions for each known target are then summed for
each target that is more than 70% distant. This is accomplished in Equation (5.15).
The reason this rule is applicable at a 70% distance is to facilitate cooperative function
with behavior rules that cause at target attraction and at target repulsion. When
these rules are combined, they can cause the UAVs to enter into stable orbits around
a particular target. This combination of rules can be seen in Figure (5.5). When
combined, these rules cause UAVs to



Orbit(U.P, U.D, t.P

) dist(U.P, t.P
) .7U.Sr
0, 0 otherwise

The results of this rule can be seen in gure (5.6). Clearly, when examining
Figure (5.6), this rule causes a UAV to prefer to orbit around a target at a safe
5.3.3 Rule 3: Cohesion. UAVs are attracted towards each other if the
distance between them is greater than a certain range. The inuence of attraction
towards each UAV is based upon the distance UAV U is from a specied percentage
of Us sensor value, r
. This rule is inspired by both Reynolds [66] and Kadrovich
[35]. Additionally, this particular version has shown usefulness in previous work [63].
Equation (5.16) demonstrates how this rule is computed.
Figure 5.5: Field plot for combining orbiting, at target attraction, and at target
repulsion. UAVs at (380, 400) and (420, 400). There is a target at (400, 400). Plot
assumes a sensor radius of 10km and a velocity of (0,1). Plot also assumes that the
UAV for which the plot is drawn is traveling (0,1).

.P U.P)(dist(U.P, N
.P) U.BA.r

0 dist(U.P, N
.P) U.BA.r
1 otherwise

In Kadrovichs work, this rule and a separation rule were combined into a single
rule. In this work, the individual rules were kept separate to enable alterations to
the cohesive and separation rules independently. Rather than use the cohesion and
separation equation designed by Kadrovich [35], these dierent aspects are separated
Figure 5.6: Field plot for orbiting rule. UAVs at (420, 380), (400, 440), (400, 480),
(400, 520) with individual velocities indicated by their direction line. Plot assumes a
sensor radius of 30km and a velocity of (0,1).
to allow more exible behavior evolution. The results of this rule can be seen in gure
(5.7). In allowing separate weights for cohesion and separation independently, each
particular rule can be independently addressed by the genetic algorithm. That is to
say, the individual aects of cohesion or separation can be changed without necessarily
changing the other.
As demonstrated in Figure (5.7), this behavior results in UAVs preferring to
stay within a specied distance with other allied UAVs. This particular behavior rule
has promise in preventing UAV formations from spreading out too far.
Figure 5.7: Field plot for cohesion rule. UAVs at (420, 380), (400, 440), (400, 480),
(400, 520) with individual velocities indicated by their direction line. Plot assumes a
sensor radius of 30km and radius of 15km.
5.3.4 Rule 4: Separation. If UAV U is too close to other UAVs, then there
is a weight based repulsion similar to cohesion. The inuence of repulsion is based
upon how much closer other UAVs are to U past a specied range, U.Sr U.BA.r
This, too, was inspired by Kadrovich [35]. Equation (5.17) demonstrates how the
separation rule is computed.

(U.P N
U.Sr dist(U.P, N

1 dist(U.P, N
.P) < U.BA.r
0 otherwise

The results of this rule can be seen in gure (5.8). Like the behavior for the
cohesion rule, separation has a threshold of operation. Unlike cohesion, separation
causes the UAVs to maintain a minimal distance to other UAVs. This means that
separation has promise as a rule that can expand the sizes of UAV formations. Figure
(5.8) demonstrates the eects of this rule.
Figure 5.8: Field plot for separation rule. UAVs at (420, 380), (400, 440), (400,
480), (400, 520) with individual velocities indicated by their direction line. Plot
assumes a sensor radius of 30km and radius of 15km.
5.3.5 Rule 5: Weighted Target Attraction. UAVs are attracted to targets
based upon the distance to said target. That is, UAVs proceed towards closer targets
rather than further away targets.


.P U.P
dist(U.P, T


T[ > 0

.P U.P)
dist(U.P, N

Experimentation in [64] demonstrated the need for a weighted version of target
attraction. The purpose for the weighted component is to cause the UAVs to proceed
towards specic targets rather than towards the center of a target formation. Un-
weighted target attraction behaviors cause UAVs to move towards the target center
of mass. This behavior is not detrimental when a UAV encounters a single target
- the center of mass is that target. However, when multiple targets are known to
exist, the target center of mass is between the targets and in a place at which the
UAV may not be able to actually attack. For this reason, the behavior rule used for
target attacking must provide some way to break the multi-target detection deadlock.
The approach taken here is that the UAV attacks the closer target. Other weighting
schemes may be of more use with other simulations. However, since the targets are
homogeneous, they are all equal with respect to system performance. The preference
towards attacking closer targets with this rule can be seen in Figure (5.9)
5.3.6 Rule 6: Flat Target Repulsion. UAVs are repelled from targets if
they are within a 90% of their sensor range. The repulsion eect is uniform across all
visible targets. The range prior to activation is geared to allow this rule to operation in
conjunction to the target orbiting rule. Flat target repulsion is calculated in Equations


(U.P T

1 dist(U.P, T
.P) < .9U.Sr dist(U.P, T
.P) < T
0 otherwise

Figure 5.9: Field plot for weighted target attraction rule. Targets at (360, 360),
(400, 450), (500, 270). Plot assumes a sensor radius of 30km.
The purpose of the 90% range before execution is to allow UAVs to observe tar-
gets without necessarily being repulsed by them. This specic range eect is intended
to allow this rule to operate in conjunction with the orbiting and at target attraction
rules as seen in Figure (5.5). A graphical representation of this rule operation can
be seen in gure (5.10).
5.3.7 Rule 7: Weighted Target Repulsion. Each UAV is repelled from targets
if they are within a particular range. The amount of repulsion for each UAV is based
upon how close each UAV is to each target. UAVs are more repelled from close
Figure 5.10: Field plot for target repulsion rule. Targets at (360, 360), (400, 450),
(500, 270). Plot assumes a sensor radius of 30km.
targets than they are targets that are far away. Equation (5.20) demonstrates how
this behavior rule is calculated.




T[ > 0 dist(U.P, T
.P) < U.BA.r
U.Sr > T

T[ > 0 dist(U.P, T
.P) < T
0 otherwise

This particular rule is distance weighted to cause the UAVs to be more repulsed
by individual targets rather than the center of a target formation. The dierence
here is that repulsion from the target center of mass may cause a UAV to enter into a
dierent targets engagement range rather than safely avoid the targets. A graphical
representation of this rule operation can be seen in gure (5.11).
Figure 5.11: Field plot for weighted target repulsion rule. Targets at (360, 360),
(400, 450), (500, 270). Plot assumes a sensor radius of 30km and threshold radius of
5.3.8 Rule 8: Flat Attraction. UAVs proceed towards the center of mass
for all known targets while they are outside of a given range with the target. This
center mass is not necessarily close to any particular target. This rule, calculated
in Equation (5.21) is intended to keep the UAVs within a distance to the targets
without creating a situation of undo risk.


.P U.P [

T[ > 0 dist(U.P, T
.P) .8U.Sr

.P U.P) otherwise

This rule is intended to cause UAVs to stop searching when they locate a target
and stay within a 80% sensor range distance to a target to facilitate coordinated
attacks. Like the constant weighting provided to the orbiting and at target repulsion
rules, the 80% range is intended to create a maximal range of minimum range of
operation. Additionally, the constant weighting, set as it is, can combined with target
orbiting and at repulsion to create very stable safe orbits around a target as seen
in Figure (5.5). A graphical representation of the at attraction rule can be seen in
gure (5.12).
5.3.9 Rule 9: Evasion. UAVs move away from each other if their next
positions are too close. In this case, too close is determined to be 3 times the size
of UAVs. This rule is inspired by Crowther [17]. However, unlike his denition, this
particular implementation has application in all directions rather than simply in front
of the UAV. This rule greatly increases the survivability of UAVs during simulation
by causing them to avoid situations in which UAVs come too close.
The distance between the UAVs is calculated and truncated to a minimum value
of one in Equation (5.22). This supports multiplicative weights later in Equation
nDist(U.P, P) =

dist(U.P, P) dist(U.P, P) > 1

1 otherwise

Figure 5.12: Field plot for weighted target repulsion rule. Targets at (360, 360),
(400, 450), (500, 270) and UAVs at (320. 360) and (400, 490). Plot assumes a sensor
radius of 30km.
Next, projected future distance is computed based upon current direction and
position. This important calculation, performed in Equation (5.23), is used to deter-
mine if the evasion rule is activated in Equation (5.24).
fDist(U, T) = dist(U.P +U.D, T.P +T.D) (5.23)
Finally, the combined close proximity repulsion are summed for each known
UAV. In summing the individual evasion values for each UAV, a vector describing the
safest direction to evade towards is generation in Equation (5.24).


(U.P N
.P) fDist(U, N
) < 3 Size
fDist(U, N
) < nDist(U.P, N
.P) [ >
0 otherwise

The design decision to implement 360 degree applicability rather than simply
within a frontal angle like Crowthers implementation was due to a couple of reasons.
First of which, checking within specic angles requires more computation. Secondly,
the intended visual system for the UAVs already examines 360 degrees and is therefore
not limited to a range within visual capabilities. Lastly, by allowing a large range
of applicable directions, both involved UAVs can take action to avoid a catastrophic
impact. By only applying evasion to the frontal visual range like in [17], only the
UAVs which detect possible impacts in the frontal range take action.
Additionally, the activation of this rule upon future state positions prevents too
close positions in the future rather than present. If the rule were triggered by current
proximities, then it may already be too late to prevent a collision!
5.3.10 Rule 10: Obstacle Avoidance. UAVs are repelled from obstacles
based on two factors: whether the UAVs direction intersects the obstacle and prox-
imity to the obstacle. Obstacle Avoidance causes the UAV to move in a direction
parallel to the obstacle if the UAVs course intersects it. The weight of this direction
parallelization is based upon how sharply the UAV intersectst the obstacle. If the an-
gle is sharp, then parallization is minimal. Contrary to the parallization, each UAV
is repulsed from an obstacle if it is closer than half its sensor range.
The distance between a UAV and an object are computed based upon the closest
point between that UAV and the object. This is either an end point or the intersection
of a perpendicular line from the UAV to the object. The distance weighting between
the UAV and its proximity is computed by comparison to the sensor range and the
distance to the closest point on the target. This is accomplished in Equation (5.25).
d(U, O) = U.Sr dist(U.P, O
.Cp) (5.25)
Additionally, the sum of all distances between the UAV and known obstacles is
calculated in Equation (5.26). This is done to aid in a distance based waiting for the
total behavior in Equation (5.30).
distSum =

d(U, O
) (5.26)

OV ect(O
, U)
(U.D U.P) +(O
.Cp U.P) < 90
.Cp = inter(U, O
) O
0 otherwise

OV ect(O, U) =

(U.D U.P) +(O.P
) <
(U.D U.P) +(O.P


.Cp U.P) dist(U.P, O
.Cp) < U.Sr/2
0 otherwise



A graphical depiction of this rules eect is in gure (5.13). For the most part,
this rule keeps UAVs safe by providing a repulsion. As UAVs get closer to an obstacle,
this rule provides a way in which the UAVs avoid hitting the object.
Figure 5.13: Field plot for obstacle avoidance. Obstacles are randomly generated.
Plot assumes a sensor radius of 30km and velocity of (0,1).
5.3.11 Rule Summation and Normalization. The way in which the rules
are combined is signicant. This is because it changes the inuence each behavioral
rule bears upon the nal direction a UAV takes. In this investigation, the rules
are weighted by the behavioral archetype values and summed. With respect to the
safety rules, evasion and obstacle avoidance, their weights are hard-coded at twice the
maximal weight for normal rules. Equation (5.31) demonstrates how the rules are
= (

) + (

) (5.31)
Equation (5.31) demonstrates how the various behavior rules are combined.
This is accomplished through a weighted summation. Within the rst summation,
the rst 8 behavior rules are combined. These rules are allowed to evolve within
the system. Additionally, the values derived from each rule are normalized to a unit
vector. This is performed so that the results of all rules, when combined with their
behavior archetype weight fall within a [0.0...1.0] interval. The second summation
functions similarly to the rst. It addresses behavior rules 9 and 10 which are impor-
tant for UAV safety. These rules are normalized to a vector of length 2. This is done
to allot more behavioral inuence, regardless of evolutionary attributes, to the safety
Other potential ways to combined the rules include just adding their weighted
components without normalizing the rule based upon its length. When the rules are
summed without prior normalization, rules with longer vector results have undo in-
uence upon the UAVs next behavior. That is to say, if a particular rule returns a
direction vector that is much larger than the others, then it has potentially unwar-
ranted inuence upon the system. Without early normalization, the rules with longer
resulting vectors tend to overwhelm the more subtle rules.
5.4 Simulation Characteristics
5.4.1 Speed Normalization. After the various behavioral rules have been
summed together, the overall length does not necessarily reect evolvable speed desires
for the system. For this reason, the next direction has its speed normalized to a weight
associated with each behavior archetype. This is performed in the Equation (5.32).

Rules nine and ten, evasion and obstacle avoidance, Equations (5.24) and
(5.30), are hardwired to a value double the maximal possible for other rules. This
gives the safety rules universal applicability without forcing the system to indepen-
dently develop weights reecting their necessity when combined with the other rules.
This simplies the behavior representation and allows it to potentially evolved faster.
5.4.2 Motion. In much the same is in [46], the motion of the UAVs model
that of Predators [81]. In this regard, the newly desired direction is truncated to
within a turn limit of 3 degrees per second. This turn rate is articially lower than
the maximal turn rate, 20 degrees per second, according to [46]. Experimentally,
the lower turn rate results in less chaotic motion.
First, the next direction is limited to within 3 degrees by Equation (5.33).
This provides a way of mapping the next desired direction to a more feasible one.

(cos((U.D U.P) + 3) dist(U.P, U.D

), (U.D

U.P) > (U.D U.P) + 3
sin((U.D U.P) + 3)) dist(U.P, U.D

(cos((U.D U.P) 3) dist(U.P, U.D

), (U.D

U.P) < (U.D U.P) 3
sin((U.D U.P) 3)) dist(U.P, U.D



Following the truncation to viable angles, the actual speed of the new velocity
must be corrected since U.D
might not fall within the maximum thrust ca-
pabilities of the UAV. The maximal increase in velocity is computed as the ratio of
thrust to mass in Equation (5.34).
MaxAcel =
Likewise, air resistance is computed as a factor of the coecient of drag, wing
planform area, air density at a 20,000 ft altitude like that in [46], and the mass of the
aircraft. Additionally, the current deceleration is calculated in a form modied from
that of [46].
decel =
dist(U.P U.D)
With both the maximum acceleration and deceleration determined, the nal
length of the next direction vector for each UAV can be calculated.


dist(U.P, U.D) > (maxAccel dec)

The actual values for UAV performance are grounded as Predators for this
simulation in the following table with values taken from [46].
Symbol Variable Value
mass Mass 1020.6kg
Co. of Drag .009
s wing planform 1.858m
Air Density .0652691kg/m
Table 5.3: Predator Flight Characteristics
The specic values for the physical model do not directly inuence the opera-
tion of the behavior rules. Rather, the physical model values inuence the behavior
archetype values. For example, if the UAV has a high max velocity, the behavior
archetype may prefer a larger minimal separation, rule 4, between the UAVs to bol-
ster evasion, rule 9.
5.4.3 Engagement Modeling. Actual engagement between the UAVs and
targets is modeled using a hitpoint based system [63]. This is in contrast to a prob-
abilistic model for destruction like that used in [64]. Experimentation demonstrated
that a hitpoint based model resulted in more stable results. Additionally, more com-
plex models involving the creation of SAM missiles or similar methods create extra
In essence, each UAV and target have a set number of hit points, H. During
each attack, a UAV or target reduces the hitpoints of the closest opposing target or
UAV in accordance to a damage capacity Dam. Once a UAV or target has zero or less
hitpoints, it is considered destroyed. Equations (5.37) through (5.40) demonstrated
how this is accomplished.


min(dist(U.P, T.p)) < U.Ar t.H = t.H U.Dam (5.37)

t.H 0 t.alive = false (5.38)


.P, T.p) = dist(u.P, T.P) u.H = u.H T.Dam (5.39)

u.H 0 u.alive = false (5.40)
5.5 Genetic Algorithm Functions and Algorithm
A few particular characteristics of the genetic algorithm (GA) is mathematically
grounded [4] to describe how its operators function. For these particular functions
to operate, they rely upon the representation structure for the behavior matrix and
behavior archetypes described in section 4.3.2. The following equation demonstrates
how these specic attributes are mapped to a series of ve bit genes, G, based upon
the number of sets of behavior models for each air craft,B, modeled.
G =

+... +ba.R

Each individual bit within G, can be referenced by number such that each ve
bits correspond to a whole value with a behavior representation.
5.5.1 Crossover. Crossover functions similar to a two point crossover [29].
The dierence is that there is a two point crossover within the behavior matrix and
a crossover within the behavior archetypes. This operator serves to mix successful
archetypes between dierent solutions. This operator selects two points within the
behavior archetypes of the representation with uniform probability and copies the
material from a secondary solution chromosome into the primary one. Likewise, it
selects two points with a behavior matrix and copies the material from the secondary
solution to the primary one.
First, the crossover points are selected. This is accomplished using uniform
random selection. Points 1 and 2 are used to select the behavior archetype crossover
locations whereas points 3 and 4 are for the behavior matrix locations. Equations
(5.42) through (5.45).
= 5random(


) (5.42)
= 5random(


) (5.43)
= 5random([G[/5


) (5.44)
= 5random([G[/5


) (5.45)
Now that the crossover locations have been dened, a copy of the primary par-
ents encoding, G
, is copied into the child, represented as G
. The childs encoding
is then crossed with the second parents selected locations, in G
, in points 1 through


(i < Point
i > Point
(i < Point
i > Point
(i < Point
i > Point
(i < Point
i > Point

5.5.2 Mutation. Mutation selects either a number of number of bits within
the representation to change upto a maximal neighborhood value, m
, or it selects
a behavior archetype and associated behavior matrix connections to completely ran-
domize. These function to increase the eective neighborhood of the solutions and
nd new characteristics to include into the simulations.
With respect to the rst type of mutation, the number of eective mutation
locations is randomly determined. After the scope of mutation is selected, the eective
genes can be selected in Equation (5.47).
m = random(m
) (5.47)
The locations for mutation are selected by randomly selecting a number of gene
locations from the specic index size. Following their selection, the individual genes
can then be mutated. To ensure non replacement, the various indices for genes is rst
converted to a set, I:
I = i[i [0..[G[] (5.48)
Then, a new set corresponding to the specic indices, I
, to mutate is created
by randomly selecting elements in I. Equations (5.49) through (5.51) are repeated
m times to generate the appropriate number of mutations.
i = random(I) (5.49)
I = I i (5.50)
= I
+i (5.51)
Following identication of indices to mutate, actual changes to a genetic encod-
ing, G, are performed.


i I

In the second form of mutation, a behavior archetype is selected out of all
available behavior matrices. Then, the weights associated with that archetype in both
the perceptron connection weights and the archetype weights are randomized. The
archetype to randomize is selected out of all available. Following selection, all genes
associated with that archetype are randomized to potentially reinvigorate unused
5.5.3 Generalized algorithm. The general GA algorithm implemented is
quite simple. The population is randomly initialized and then simulated to obtain
tness values. Since the master, which generates the new solutions to test, operates
passively with regard to the actual simulations, the algorithm is broken into smaller
executing pieces. These pieces are the initialization and the sending the information
for a simulation.
During the initialization phase, the population is simply randomly generated
and the available simulations are placed into a list for assignment, jobs. Following
generation, the algorithm waits until all of the specied simulations have been com-
pleted. Additionally, the master maintains a two dimensional array, S, storing all
tness scores for the simulations, the sum of tness for all simulations on particular
individual, and the number of simulations nished for that individual. Each row of
the array corresponds to a particular solution. The rst value in each row stores
the running total for that solutions simulation scores. The second value maintains a
running count of nished simulations. A third value associated with each row stores
the number of simulations that have been assigned. The remaining values store the
individual scores for each simulation. The algorithm also relies upon a specied num-
ber of simulations to perform for each individual, sims. The master also keeps track
of the number of solutions that have been completely assigned, f.
Table 5.4:
1 For each solution, i, in the population, P
2 i =new random solution
3 S[0][i] = S[1][i] = S[2][i] = 0
4 for each simulation, j, in sims
5 jobs = jobs +P
6 f = 0
Table 5.5: Master Initialization Algorithm
Table 5.6:
1 If [jobs[ = 0
2 reply with wait signal
3 Else
4 reply with job and specic scenario name
5 s[2][f] + +
6 if(s[2][f] > sims)
7 f + +
8 s[2][f] + +
Table 5.7: Response from master when client requests a job
After the initialization, the operating clients interact with the master in two
ways: by returning scores to the server and by obtaining new jobs. When the clients
request new work from the master, if jobs is not empty, the master replies with a
message containing the solution encoding and the particular simulation name. These
values allow the client machines to perform simulations. If jobs is empty because there
are no more simulations that can be assigned, the master sends the client machine a
waiting message. Additionally, when the master sends a job, it increments its running
total of jobs waiting to be simulated for each solution.
The nal major situation in which the algorithm operates is when the clients
return a value. In these cases, the master can perform a great deal of calculations.
These include the calculation of summed score means and the generation of new
jobs by making new individuals in the GA. Its also important to remember that
the clients send both the score and the simulation number, Numb to indicate the
particular chromosome that was simulated.
Table 5.8:
1 s[s[1][Numb]][Numb] = score
2 s[1][Numb]++;
3 if(s[1][Numb])sims
4 computer chromosome tness
5 f
6 if(f = 0 [jobs[ = 0 currentGeneration < maximumGeneration)
8 P = select(P)
9 generate the new population for P
10 for each simulation, j, in sims
11 jobs = jobs +P
12 S[0][i] = S[1][i] = S[2][i] = 0
13 else
14 terminate
Table 5.9: Master receiving the results from a particular run
5.6 Summary
This chapter provides the necessary indepth design to understand how the sim-
ulation is constructed. The topics introduced run the range from exactly how each
UAV determines its next direction to the method operation of the system genetic
algorithm. These details oer support to other investigations by recreation of the
system designed in the research.
VI. Design of Experiments
xperimentation is necessary to validate the usefulness of the SO design within the
framework of the simulation environment. For this reason the experimentation
addresses each of the identied SO features within Chapter 2.
Number Feature Expression ensured by
1 System attribute with a goal The goal is specied by the GA tness
function. The system is self-organizing
with respect towards accomplishing the
2 Made of Lower-Level Com-
The macro system is composed of UAVs
which serve as lower-level components.
3 Interactions between Agents The design of the agent change functions
forces the agents to inuence each others
behavior and micro-states
4 Synergistic Performance Essentially a statement about scalability.
This attribute must be demonstrated by
resultant solutions.
5 Locality UAVs have locality ensured by design of
the g function which species their sensor
6 Sans global knowledge UAVs have no a priori knowledge. Like-
wise, the rules systems are not designed
to operated within an environmental tem-
plate. Rather, the system reacts to envi-
ronmental information.
Table 6.1: Listing of how the specic features of self-organization are addressed
within the system.
Experiments with this system are meant to develop the best SO behaviors for
UAVs to destroy a number of targets. In this way, the goal of the system is to
actually address a set of scenarios and specify the best possible behaviors. In this
regard, however, there are many dierent ways in which the various system attributes
can be congured for the testing. This are discussed in relation to the design of
There are two scenarios which are used to gauge the performance and capability
of this UAV system. The rst scenario considers UAVs with homogeneous abilities
and no explicit communication capability. The second scenario has a sensing UAV
and multiple UCAVs cooperative with explicit communication to destroy targets.
These particular scenarios were selected since there are no easily identied benchmarks
addressing aircraft and target interaction where targets can retaliate.
Additionally, the metrics with which the solutions are dened. These metrics
judge characteristics existing as both genetic algorithm components and performance
indicators as well as measures of simulation behavior performance with regard to each
6.1 Design of Experiments
A mentioned in the introduction, there are many dierent variables which can be
specied for experimentation. These dierent variables deal with the individual UAV
models, targets, environment, and the genetic algorithm. To demonstrate approach
ecacy for evolving behavior, changes among the UAV attributes were selected. These
dierences, communication, engagement ability and sensor applicability, were identi-
ed to enable evolution when the UAVs have similar abilities or when their abilities
are split between two aircraft types.
The UAV variables that can be changed deal with the distinct modeling decisions
high-lighted in Chapters 4 and 5. Specically, the modeling implementation desired
for this system includes the physical representation, the communication and sensor
ranges, the engagement abilities, and the behavior architecture settings. Table (6.1)
illustrates the ranges in which the specic values could be altered.
In addition to the UAV values, environmental variables exist that can be altered.
Table (6.1) illustrates the potential range of these variables for testing.
The targets also have distinct attributes which can be dierent for experimen-
tation. These attributes are essentially the same as those used by the UAVs. They
deal with physical models, potentially address communication, and engagement. The
Variable Interval
Mass [0.0...]
Coecient of Drag [0.0...]
Wing planform [0.0...]
Maximum Thrust [0.0...]
Air Density [0.0...]
Maximum Turn Rate [0
Maximum Communication Range [0.0...]
Maximum Sensor Range [0.0...]
Maximum Engagement Range [0.0...]
Attacking Damage [0.0...]
Starting Hit points [0.0...]
Maximum behavior archetypes [0...]
Table 6.2: UAV specic variables that can be changed in an experiment
Variable Interval
Environment dimensions [0...] [0...]
UAV population scenario specic
UAV initial positions scenario specic
Target population scenario specic
Target initial position simulation specic
Obstacle Population [0...]
Obstacle locations scenario or simulation specic
Table 6.3: Environment specic attributes for experimentation.
intervals in which these values can be set are identical to those attributes illustrated
for UAVs in Table (6.1).
A nal series of values which can be varied for experimentation are those for the
genetic algorithm. These values deal with the way in which evolution for the system
is enabled and eected. The values and the intervals win which they can be set are
in Table (6.1).
Variable Interval
Population [0...]
Preserved population [0...]
crossover rate [0%...100%]
mutation rate [0%...100%]
mutation neighborhood [0%...100%]
Table 6.4: Environment specic attributes for experimentation.
These many dierent attributes, displayed in Tables (6.1) to (6.1), can be
independently tested for their eect upon simulation.
6.2 Metrics
Before completely describing the scenarios, the desired metrics must be ad-
dressed. There are two dierent sets of pertinent information which are measured
concerning the evolution of these behavior types: rate of evolutionary improvement
with respect to the tness function and secondary attributes which support tness
scores like reconnaissance ability, time to nd targets, and time to destroy targets.
The metrics provide a simple way to measure the quality of a solution. These
measures operate upon both the genetic algorithm and individual solution behaviors. GA Metrics. Measures of the GA performance most simply
deal with the improvement of tness values across time. This is simply considered an
average of the mean scores by generation for each run as in [63, 64].
These values can be extracted from system output as it runs.
Its worth noting that the mean score of a particular GA at each generation is a
reasonable measure of the system performance due to the variation in reported tness
scores by each simulation. For example, the following histograph demonstrates the
resulting scores from a particular nal solution to the heterogeneous experiment when
evaluated 100 times.
Figure 6.1: Histograph of observed scores for a particular 49th generation hetero-
geneous experiment solution. The vertical line indicates where the approximate mean
occurs. Supporting Metrics. The tness score based upon destruction
of targets encapsulates three system requirements: reconnaissance of the environment
to nd the targets, the time taken to nd targets, and the time taken to destroy
Reconnaissance of the environment can be measured by breaking up the envi-
ronment into 100m100m squares and measuring the number of seconds that each
square is completely within the sensor range of a UAV. Measuring reconnaissance in
this fashion demonstrates the likelihood that dierent locations are searched and the
concentrations of sensor examination. Of most importance, however, is the average
percentage of the environment which is searched before the conclusion of simulation.
One concern about this metric, however, is that the simulation terminates when all
of the UAVs are destroyed, all of the targets are destroyed, or after 3000 simulated
seconds. These termination criteria mean that the nal score may be slightly incorrect
if the solution is too eective in destroying the targets.
The time taken to nd targets is another important metric. It indicates the
approximate time for the system to organize into preferred searching patterns and
actually nd the targets. One concern, however, is that measuring the variance in
nding targets increases as simulations increase. This leads to less accurate results.
For this reason, it seems more reasonable to measure the average time to locating the
rst target for a simulation rather than each target in sequence.
Finally, the measurement of time taken to destroy the rst target indicates the
time taken for the UAV system to reorganize their formation and successfully destroy
the target. Like the time taken to nd targets, only destruction of the rst target
seems to indicate the most reliable results. This is due to increases in variance as
successive targets are destroyed.
Due to the communication protocol used for the system to the increased com-
putation time required for measuring the supporting metrics, these values are not
collected while the system operates in its normal evolving mode. Rather, these values
must be collected with after-the-fact reexamination and simulation. For this reason,
these values are not computed for every solution considered by the system.
These particular metrics are used to justify scalability claims against the best
solutions from the dierent system runs.
6.3 Homogeneous UAV Experiment
This experiment seeks to evolve the best set of behaviors within the systems
framework for an engagement between a set of homogeneous UAVs and targets. Al-
ternative testing scenarios could deal with the amount of sensor coverage, quickest
location of targets, or the most stable formations. However, modeling search and
attack particularly was deemed most useful to better take advantage of the simple
tness function.
6.3.1 Environment. The environment, since it is the theater in which
the other experiment components interact, is dened rst. The environment is a
80km80km square with positions described in a Cartesian range of [0.0..800.0] by
[0.0..800.0]. With respect to the visualizations, the origin is the northwest corner
similarly to [63, 64]. The dimensions represent a correspondence of 100m to each
whole number value in the environments representation. For example, a change from
horizontal coordinate 75 to 76 is representative of 100m dierence.
6.3.2 UAV Characteristics. The UAVs have specic limitations to their
abilities. These limitations follow in Table (6.3.2).
Quality Value
Max Behavior Archetypes 3
Sensor Range 5km
Explicit Communication Range 0km (none)
Engagement Range 1km
Maximum Speed 77.16
Initial hitpoints 10
Maximum damage 1
Table 6.5: Homogeneous Experiment UAV Characteristics
6.3.3 Target Characteristics. The targets have similar characteristics to the
UAVs while being stationary. The following values reect the desired nal outcome.
Quality Value
Sensor Range 30km
Explicit Communication Range 0km (none)
Engagement Range 2km
Maximum Speed 0
Initial hitpoints 10
Maximum damage 1
Table 6.6: Homogeneous Experiment Target Characteristics
There are two major things to extract from the target characteristics when
compared to the UAVs- the targets have twice the engagement range and that they
are stationary.
Additionally, the number UAVs and targets is pertinent to this scenario. In this
respect, the number of UAVs tested is varied to test scalability. However, the UAV
and target populations are kept in the same ratio of 10:3. Table (6.3.3) demonstrates
the particular populations at which the simulations operate.
When UAV Pop Target Pop
Generations 0-49 10 3
Generation 50-59 20 6
Scalability 30 9
Table 6.7: Homogeneous Experiment Population Characteristics
The population for the system runs is intentionally limited. As the populations
increase, the time required for each simulation to complete grows in approximately
a linear fashion. This eect is demonstrated in the next chapter. The population of
UAVs and targets was limited to enable faster system execution. However, in assessing
the scalability of best solutions, this number is increased slightly.
6.3.4 Initial positions. The UAVs have a centralized starting location with
random initial bearings. Three dierent initial positions are dened. The rst repre-
sents the positions for all simulations in generations 0-49 and uses ten UAVs against
3 targets. The next uses 20 UAVs against 6 targets and operates for all simulations in
generations 50 through 59. The nal initial position describes 30 UAVs and 9 targets
and is used in measurements of scalability.
The positions of the UAVs were selected to place the UAVs at the north western
edge of the environment and within 4.5km to each nearest neighbor. This proximity
facilitates searching behaviors by allowing the UAVs to already be in a formation.
Coupled with the random initial bearing, the UAVs, at the beginning of the scenario,
are already in some sort of formation. The use of random initial directions is intended
to add an unpredictable quality to the starting formations and interactions of the
Vehicle Position Bearing
UAV 1 (25, 45) Random
UAV 2 (25, 90) Random
UAV 3 (25, 135) Random
UAV 4 (25, 180) Random
UAV 5 (25, 225) Random
UAV 6 (64, 67.5) Random
UAV 7 (64, 112.5) Random
UAV 8 (64, 157.5) Random
UAV 9 (64, 202.5) Random
UAV 10 (64, 247.5) Random
Table 6.8: Homogeneous Experiment, Initial UAV Positions and Bearings for gen-
erations 0-49
Vehicle Position Bearing
UAV 1 (25, 186.25) Random
UAV 2 (25, 231.25) Random
UAV 3 (25, 276.25) Random
UAV 4 (25, 321.25) Random
UAV 5 (25, 366.25) Random
UAV 6 (25, 411.25) Random
UAV 7 (25, 456.25) Random
UAV 8 (25, 501.25) Random
UAV 9 (25, 546.25) Random
UAV 10 (25, 591.25) Random
UAV 11 (64, 208.75) Random
UAV 12 (64, 253.75) Random
UAV 13 (64, 298.75) Random
UAV 14 (64, 343.75) Random
UAV 15 (64, 388.75) Random
UAV 16 (64, 433.75) Random
UAV 17 (64, 478.75) Random
UAV 18 (64, 523.75) Random
UAV 19 (64, 568.75) Random
UAV 20 (64, 613.75) Random
Table 6.9: Homogeneous Experiment, Initial UAV Positions and Bearings for gen-
erations 50-59
As the number of UAVs used in the simulation are increased to test scalability,
UAV positions are settled to a more centralized position as can be seen in tables
(6.3.4) and (6.3.4).
The setup of UAVs described in Table (6.3.4) is not used for actual system
runs. Rather, it is used to measure the scalability of 60th generation solutions.
The use of random initial positions for the targets simulates their unknown lo-
cations within the environment. Additionally, their placement away from the borders
of the environment require the UAV systems search the interior for target locations
rather than simply stick to the environment border obstacles. The initial positions of
the UAVs are demonstrated in gures (6.2) through (6.4).
Figure 6.2: Graphical depiction of the initial positions for experiment 1 in genera-
tions 0-49.
Vehicle Position Bearing
UAV 1 (25, 73.75) Random
UAV 2 (25, 118.75) Random
UAV 3 (25, 163.75) Random
UAV 4 (25, 208.75) Random
UAV 5 (25, 253.75) Random
UAV 6 (25, 298.75) Random
UAV 7 (25, 343.75) Random
UAV 8 (25, 388.75) Random
UAV 9 (25, 433.75) Random
UAV 10 (25, 478.75) Random
UAV 11 (25, 523.75) Random
UAV 12 (25, 568.75) Random
UAV 13 (25, 613.75) Random
UAV 14 (25, 658.75) Random
UAV 15 (25, 703.75) Random
UAV 16 (64, 96.25) Random
UAV 17 (64, 141.25) Random
UAV 18 (64, 186.25) Random
UAV 19 (64, 231.25) Random
UAV 20 (64, 276.25) Random
UAV 21 (64, 321.25) Random
UAV 22 (64, 366.25) Random
UAV 23 (64, 411.25) Random
UAV 24 (64, 456.25) Random
UAV 25 (64, 501.25) Random
UAV 26 (64, 546.25) Random
UAV 27 (64, 591.25) Random
UAV 28 (64, 636.25) Random
UAV 29 (64, 681.25) Random
UAV 30 (64, 726.25) Random
Table 6.10: Homogeneous Experiment, Initial UAV Positions for high scalability
test with 30 UAVs
Targets Position Bearing
Targets 1-3 Random in
range [80..720]
Table 6.11: Homogeneous Experiment, Initial Target Positions and Bearings for
generation 0-49
Targets Position Bearing
Targets 1-6 Random in
range [80..720]
Table 6.12: Homogeneous Experiment, Initial Target Positions and Bearings for
generation 50-59
Targets Position Bearing
Targets 1-9 Random in
range [80..720]
Table 6.13: Initial Target Positions and Bearings for 30 UAV scalability measure-
ment scenario
6.3.5 Adaptive Scenarios. By changing the scenarios that the genetic algo-
rithm uses for tness evaluations, useful traits are evolved into the solutions. In this
experiment, the scenarios vary according to the engagement range of the targets and
eventually the number of UAVs and targets simulated. By altering these attributes,
the UAVs rst learn to search and nd targets before adapting to destroying more
dicult targets. The larger simulations for the nal 10 generations also enable the
system to evolve more scaleable behaviors. The static schedule of the scenarios are
listed in table (6.3.5).
Scenario Generations Eect
Scenario 1 0-9 Target Engagement range = 0.4km
Scenario 2 10-19 Target Engagement range = 0.8km
Scenario 3 20-29 Target Engagement range = 1.2km
Scenario 4 30-39 Target Engagement range = 1.6km
Scenario 5 40-49 Target Engagement range = 2km
Scenario 6 50-59 UAV Presence is doubled
Table 6.14: Ex 1, Ex 1 Adaptive Scenario Qualities
6.3.6 GA Values. The genetic algorithm is run for 60 generations in accor-
dance with the scenario schedule. The population for each generation is 100 and the
20 best solutions are carried over between each generation. The crossover rate is set at
Figure 6.3: Graphical depiction of the initial positions for experiment 1 in genera-
tions 50-59.
10% and the mutation rate is 90%.The allowed neighborhood for mutation is approx-
imately 5% the solution representation. The values selected for the genetic algorithm
were derived while constructing the system and while tweaking the algorithm.
Each UAV is modeled using the same behavior attributes for individual simu-
lations. This means that all UAVs rely upon the same behavior matrix and behavior
archetypes for their behavior.
6.3.7 Expected Outcome. With the initial positions and UAV / Target
characteristics the way they are, it seems most likely that the UAVs and would evolve
eective searching behavior in within the rst 30 generations. It seems most likely
Figure 6.4: Graphical depiction of the initial positions for use in scalability assess-
that the UAVs would use larger spread out formations to locate targets similarly to
the behavior described by Schlecht to nd targets [72]. In the rst 30 generations,
since it is possible for a single UAV to destroy a target, it is unlikely that cooperative
attack behaviors be evolved. However in the last 20 generations of each system run,
it seems likely that they UAVs evolve a more cooperative attack strategy that would
bolster their reconnaissance behaviors. At the end of the simulation, they UAVs
should be capable of destroying at least 2 targets in each simulation 50% of the time
(a resultant mean tness greater than 150).
With respect to scalability, the solutions should increase score the same amount
in which their reconnaissance ability improves. What is meant by this is that the
performance of the solutions increases at the same amount that their reconnaissance
ability increases. This would demonstrate a correlative relationship between locating
targets prior to their destruction.
To derive signicant results, the system is run 30 times.
6.4 heterogeneous UAV Experiment
This experiment again pits a ratio of 10 UAVs against 3 targets. The dierence
in this experiment is that that the majority of the UAVs have limited sensing capa-
bilities while the other have greater sensing abilities to compensate. In this vein, 10%
of the UAVs are equipped with a 10km range sensor suite and no attack capability
whereas the others 90% are only be able to sense objects within 1.5km and attack
6.4.1 Environment. The environment is identical to that in experiment 1.
The environment is a 80km80km square with positions described in a Cartesian
range of [0..800] by [0..800]. And again, with respect to the visualizations, the origin
is the north western corner similarly to [63, 64].
6.4.2 UAV Characteristics. There are two specic types of vehicles that
represent the UAVs: sensor UAVs and UCAVs. The sensor UAV capabilities follow
in Table (6.4.2) whereas the UCAV abilities are in Table (6.4.2).
Quality Value
Max Behavior Archetypes 3
Sensor Range 10km
Explicit Communication Range 10km
Engagement Range 0km (none)
Maximum Speed 77.16
Initial hitpoints 10
Maximum damage 0
Table 6.15: heterogeneous Experiment Sensing UAV Characteristics
The UCAVs are intended as strike aircraft. Their capabilities follow.
Quality Value
Max Behavior Archetypes 3
Sensor Range 1.5km
Explicit Communication Range 1.5km
Engagement Range 1km
Maximum Speed 77.16
Initial hitpoints 10
Maximum damage 1
Table 6.16: heterogeneous Experiment UAV Characteristics
This experiment also varies the populations of the UAVs and targets for sim-
ulation. Like experiment 1, the population of targets to UAVs is held in a constant
ratio. This enables direct comparison between the tness score results for each size
of scenario. Table (6.4.2)
When Sensor UAV
Target Pop
Generations 0-49 1 9 3
Generation 50-59 2 18 6
Scalability 3 27 9
Behavior Demo I 10 90 30
Behavior Demo II 100 900 300
Table 6.17: Homogeneous Experiment Population Characteristics
As in the homogeneous experiment, the system uses a very small population
for its runs. This enables faster system execution. Additionally, the resulting best
solutions at the end of system runs are exposed to an additional scalability assessment
with the scalability level simulations. Finally, the very best performing solution from
30 system runs is assessed for individual behavior with the extremely large behavior
6.4.3 Target Characteristics. The targets have characteristics identical to
those in experiment one. This includes population ratios.
6.4.4 Initial positions. The UAVs have a centralized starting location with
random initial bearings. The targets also have random starting locations. With
respect to the actual simulations the starting positions for the various population
sizes are in tables (6.4.4) through (6.4.4).
Vehicle Position Bearing
Sense UAV (40, 40) Random
UCAV 1 (25, 55) Random
UCAV 2 (35, 55) Random
UCAV 3 (45, 55) Random
UCAV 4 (55, 55) Random
UCAV 5 (55, 45) Random
UCAV 6 (55, 35) Random
UCAV 7 (55, 25) Random
UCAV 8 (30, 40) Random
UCAV 9 (40, 30) Random
Table 6.18: Initial UAV Positions and Bearings for generations 0-49 in heteroge-
neous experiment.
The positions of the UAVs were selected to place the UAVs at the north western
edge of the environment and within 1km to each nearest neighbor. Coupled with the
random initial bearing, the UAVs, at the beginning of the scenario, are already be in
some sort of formation. The use of random initial directions is intended to add an
unpredictable quality to the starting formations and interactions of the UAVs.
As the number of UAVs increases, the UAVs are moved toward a more cen-
tralized position. Additionally, the positions are arranged similarly to that in Table
(6.4.4) by having 1 sensor UAV surrounded by a set of 9 UCAVs. These 10 UAV
sets are likewise spaced 90 distance units from each other. This allows for explicit
communication between the sensor UAVs.
With the 1000 UAV and 300 target simulation, the positions are chosen ran-
domly within a margin to the border obstacles. The decision to utilize random posi-
tions over more structure is due to the inability for a formation with the same spacing
Vehicle Position Bearing
Sense UAV 1 (32.1, 355) Random
Sense UAV 2 (32.1, 445) Random
UCAV 1 (25, 344.355) Random
UCAV 2 (25, 351.45) Random
UCAV 3 (25, 358.55) Random
UCAV 4 (25, 365.65) Random
UCAV 5 (32.1, 347.9) Random
UCAV 6 (32.1, 362.1) Random
UCAV 7 (39.2, 351.45) Random
UCAV 8 (39.2, 358.55) Random
UCAV 9 (46.1, 355) Random
UCAV 10 (25, 441.45) Random
UCAV 11 (25, 448.55) Random
UCAV 12 (25, 455.65) Random
UCAV 13 (25, 462.75) Random
UCAV 14 (32.1, 437.9) Random
UCAV 15 (32.1, 455.65) Random
UCAV 16 (39.2, 448.55) Random
UCAV 17 (39.2, 455.65) Random
UCAV 18 (46.1, 445) Random
Table 6.19: Initial UAV Positions and Bearings for generations 0-49 in heteroge-
neous experiment.
Vehicle Position Bearing
Sense UAV 1 (32.1, 310.15) Random
Sense UAV 2 (32.1, 400.15) Random
Sense UAV 1 (32.1, 490.15) Random
UCAV 1 (25, 299.5) Random
UCAV 2 (25, 306.6) Random
UCAV 3 (25, 313.7) Random
UCAV 4 (25, 320.8) Random
UCAV 5 (32.1, 303.05) Random
UCAV 6 (32.1, 317.25) Random
UCAV 7 (39.2, 306.6) Random
UCAV 8 (39.2, 313.7) Random
UCAV 9 (46.1, 310.15) Random
UCAV 10 (25, 389.05) Random
UCAV 11 (25, 396.6) Random
UCAV 12 (25, 403.7) Random
UCAV 13 (25, 410.8) Random
UCAV 14 (32.1, 393.05) Random
UCAV 15 (32.1, 407.25) Random
UCAV 16 (39.2, 396.6) Random
UCAV 17 (39.2, 403.7) Random
UCAV 18 (46.1, 400.15) Random
UCAV 19 (25, 479.6) Random
UCAV 20 (25, 486.6) Random
UCAV 21 (25, 493.7) Random
UCAV 22 (25, 500.8) Random
UCAV 23 (32.1, 483.05) Random
UCAV 24 (32.1, 497.25) Random
UCAV 25 (39.2, 486.6) Random
UCAV 26 (39.2, 493.7) Random
UCAV 27 (46.1, 490.15) Random
Table 6.20: Initial UAV Positions and Bearings for heterogeneous experiment scal-
ability assessment.
Vehicle Position Vehicle Position Vehicle Position
Sense UAV 1 (32.1, 40.15) Sense UAV 2 (32.1, 120.15) Sense UAV 3 (32.1, 200.15)
Sense UAV 4 (32.1, 280.15) Sense UAV 5 (32.1, 360.15) Sense UAV 6 (32.1, 440.15)
Sense UAV 7 (32.1, 520.15) Sense UAV 8 (32.1, 600.15) Sense UAV 9 (32.1680.15)
Sense UAV 10 (32.1, 760.15)
UCAV 1 (25, 29.5) UCAV 2 (25, 36.6) UCAV 3 (25, 43.7)
UCAV 4 (25, 50.8) UCAV 5 (32.1, 33.05) UCAV 6 (32.1, 47.25)
UCAV 7 (39.2, 36.6) UCAV 8 (39.2, 43.7) UCAV 9 (46.3, 40.15)
UCAV 10 (25, 109.5) UCAV 11 (25, 116.6) UCAV 12 (25, 123.7)
UCAV 13 (25, 130.8) UCAV 14 (32.1, 113.05) UCAV 15 (32.1, 127.25)
UCAV 16 (39.2, 116.6) UCAV 17 (39.2, 123.7) UCAV 18 (46.3, 120.15)
UCAV 19 (25, 189.5) UCAV 20 (25, 196.6) UCAV 21 (25, 203.7)
UCAV 22 (25, 210.8) UCAV 23 (32.1, 193.05) UCAV 24 (32.1, 207.25)
UCAV 25 (39.2, 196.6) UCAV 26 (39.2, 203.7) UCAV 27 (46.3, 200.15)
UCAV 28 (25, 269.5) UCAV 29 (25, 276.6) UCAV 30 (25, 283.7)
UCAV 31 (25, 290.8) UCAV 32 (32.1, 273.05) UCAV 33 (32.1, 287.25)
UCAV 34 (39.2, 276.6) UCAV 35 (39.2, 283.7) UCAV 36 (46.3, 280.15)
UCAV 37 (25, 349.5) UCAV 38 (25, 356.6) UCAV 39 (25, 363.7)
UCAV 40 (25, 370.8) UCAV 41 (32.1, 353.05) UCAV 42 (32.1, 367.25)
UCAV 43 (39.2, 356.6) UCAV 44 (39.2, 363.7) UCAV 45 (46.3, 360.15)
UCAV 46 (25, 429.5) UCAV 47 (25, 436.6) UCAV 48 (25, 443.7)
UCAV 49 (25, 450.8) UCAV 50 (32.1, 433.05) UCAV 51 (32.1, 447.25)
UCAV 52 (39.2, 436.6) UCAV 53 (39.2, 443.7) UCAV 54 (46.3, 440.15)
UCAV 55 (25, 509.5) UCAV 56 (25, 516.6) UCAV 57 (25, 523.7)
UCAV 58 (25, 530.8) UCAV 59 (32.1, 513.05.05) UCAV 60 (32.1, 527.25)
UCAV 61 (39.2, 516.6) UCAV 62 (39.2, 523.7) UCAV 63 (46.3, 520.15)
UCAV 64 (25, 589.5) UCAV 65 (25, 596.6) UCAV 66 (25, 603.7)
UCAV 67 (25, 610.8) UCAV 68 (32.1, 593.05) UCAV 69 (32.1, 607.25)
UCAV 70 (39.2, 596.6) UCAV 71 (39.2, 603.7) UCAV 72 (46.3, 600.15)
UCAV 73 (25, 669.5) UCAV 74 (25, 676.6) UCAV 75 (25, 683.7)
UCAV 76 (25, 690.8) UCAV 77 (32.1, 673.05) UCAV 78 (32.1, 687.25)
UCAV 79 (39.2, 676.6) UCAV 80 (39.2, 683.7) UCAV 81 (46.3, 680.15)
UCAV 82 (25, 749.5) UCAV 83 (25, 756.6) UCAV 84 (25, 763.7)
UCAV 85 (25, 770.8) UCAV 86 (32.1, 753.05) UCAV 87 (32.1, 767.25)
UCAV 88 (39.2, 756.6) UCAV 89 (39.2, 763.7) UCAV 90 (46.3, 760.15)
Table 6.21: Initial UAV Positions and Bearings for heterogeneous experiment 100
UAV behavior assessment.
as in Tables (6.4.4) through (6.4.4). Additionally, the random locations still allow
the UCAVs to likely be within the communication range of a sensor UAV.
Vehicle Position Bearing
Sensor UAVs 1-100 Random in([0..55] or
[745..800], [0..800])
or ([0..800],[0..55] or
UCAVs 1-900 Random in([0..55] or
[745..800], [0..800])
or ([0..800],[0..55] or
Table 6.22: Initial UAV Positions and Bearings for generations 1000 UAV Simula-
Targets Position Bearing
All Targets Random in
range [80..720]
Table 6.23: Ex 2, Initial Target Positions and Bearings
The distribution and initial position of the targets parallels that in experiment
6.4.5 Adaptive Scenarios. Like in the rst experiment, adapting the sce-
narios used by they genetic algorithm alters the traits in the resultant solutions. In
this experiment, the scenarios vary according to the engagement range of the targets.
Again, by altering this attribute, the UAVs rst learn to search and nd targets be-
fore adapting towards destroying more dicult targets. The schedule of scenarios and
their corresponding rate of target engagement range mirrors that of experiment 1.
Also similar to the rst experiment, the nal 10 generations attempt to evolve
scaleable behaviors by increasing the number of UAVs and targets.
6.4.6 GA Values. The genetic algorithm is run for 60 generations in ac-
cordance with the scenario schedule. The population for each generation is 100 chro-
Figure 6.5: Graphical depiction of the initial positions for experiment 2 in genera-
tions 0-49 and 3 targets.
mosomes and the 20 best solutions are carried over between each generation. The
crossover rate is set at 10% and the mutation rate is 90%. The allowed neighborhood
for mutation is approximately 5% of the solution representation. These values were
derived from tweaking the system while it was constructed.
It is important to note that since there are two distinct types of UAVs in this
experiment that the solution representation is double the size that of the rst exper-
iment. This allows the sensing UAV to have its own behavior matrix and behavior
archetypes while the UCAVs have their own such autonomy.
Figure 6.6: Graphical depiction of the initial positions for experiment 2 in genera-
tions 50-59 with 20 UAVs and 6 targets.
6.4.7 Expected Outcome. The use of explicit communication allows im-
proved UAV capability over the rst experiment. In this case, since explicit commu-
nication allows a UAV to signal both its own traits and the location of other targets,
more explicitly cooperative behavior should arise. It is expected that the sensing
UAV operates in a purely passive reconnaissance role and signal the location of tar-
gets to the UCAVs. The UCAVs, on the other hand, should operate within the sensor
envelope of the sensing UAV and aggressively attack communicated targets.
With respect to scalability evolved in generations 50-59, the dierent sets of
UAVs should operate in groups of ten. A single sensor UAV should operate in con-
junction with 9 UCAVs to independently search and destroy targets. The behavior
Figure 6.7: Graphical depiction of the initial positions for use in scalability assess-
ments with 30 UAVs and 9 targets.
should evolve some form of repulsion whereby the sensor UAVs guide the UCAVs
away from other sensor UAVs.
6.5 Summary
This chapter describes the experiments and the metrics used in this system. To
investigate SO behavior applicability, this system evolves for use with both homoge-
neous and heterogeneous systems. This behavior is intended to be examined for its
ability to destroy targets as well as its scalability. Additionally, the metrics used to
judge this system are also explained. These metrics address both the evolving simu-
Figure 6.8: Graphical depiction of the initial positions for use with 100 UAVs and
30 targets.
lation performance with the solution tness as well as more individual traits that can
explain scalability.
Figure 6.9: Graphical depiction of the initial positions for use with 1000 UAVs and
300 targets.
VII. Analysis of Experiment Results
fter much testing and analysis, the general conclusions for behavior responding
to individual scenarios is presented. In addition, the observed scalability of
solutions is discussed.
7.1 Homogeneous UAV Experiment
The behavioral results for the homogeneous experiment did not behave as ex-
pected. In fact, the homogeneous experimental scores were likewise less than expected.
The expected behavior was completely dierent than expected and resorts to small
formations and hyper-aggression [63].
7.1.1 GA Fitness. The genetic algorithm displays expected performance
with respect to increases in tness score. This is shown through examination of the
plotted mean and best scores.
Of particular interest in the plot of mean and best scores (Figure (7.1)) is the
large decrease in obtained average and maximal scores when the scenario diculty
changes according to the adaptive scenario schedule. Even after ten generations of
evolution with the new diculty, solution tness appears bounded by the constraints
imposed by scenario diculty. The apparent eects of this diculty constraint are
also reinforced by the similar drop in best tness which occurs at the same time as
the mean drops. This is better demonstrated when examining the change between
tness scores in Figure (7.2).
Analysis upon all individual scores by generation for all runs indicates a reason-
able level of predictable performance. This analysis was performed using a Kruskal-
Wallis analysis of varianceon ordinally ranked scores.
Examination of the best scores indicates that the diverse population frequently
increases solution performance in each scenario within the schedule rather quickly.
In contrast, the more gradual increase in mean tness score for each scenario di-
culty level indicates the reproduction of better performing solutions through out the
Figure 7.1: Mean and Best score by generation for all runs. Vertical lines mark
changes in the scheduled scenario. Mean score standard deviation is indicated by the
Figure 7.2: Experiment 1 Change in tness for all generations. Vertical lines mark
changes in scenario diculty. Standard deviation in mean score change is indicated
by the interval bards.
Figure 7.3: Kruskal Wallis ANOVA upon all individuals by generation for all runs.
Vertical lines mark changes in the scheduled scenario.
population. The results of the Kruskal-Wallis analysis of variance suggest that the
run scores are very similar in performance when the scenario diculty is increased.
However, as expected, the similarity between the simulation scores are dramatically
lower immediately after a diculty increase.
7.1.2 Scalability. Generations 50 through 59 in each system run are used
to develop behavior scalability. The tness scores do not explicitly indicate the per-
formance of simulation specic metrics (Section 6.3.2). However, these metrics can
be used to describe the scalability of each runs best solution. To demonstrate the
general scalability of results, the best solutions from each of the 30 runs is tested
against the 10 UAV, 20 UAV, and 30 UAV experiment positions as dened in Section
2.1.4 for 50 simulations.
In general, as the number of UAVs increase the tness scores tend to increase.
However, that increase is not linear. Rather, it appears that as the total population
of UAVs and targets increases the relative value of UAVs decreases. It is important to
Generation Population Mean Best Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA
0 128.3012667 293.82 0.00697762
1 193.0768667 293.92 0.046881947
2 222.4740667 295.96 0.065922053
3 237.6773 300 0.090914549
4 245.3651867 300 0.068804802
5 244.9003933 300 0.064464664
6 248.2189067 300 0.035662469
7 249.76204 300 0.048821456
8 253.2292733 300 0.050211839
9 250.88244 300 0.03455364
10 250.30234 300 0.03581339
11 252.9910733 300 0.041057994
12 251.1926 300 0.048520454
13 251.8564533 300 0.03422998
14 252.34912 300 0.043682061
15 254.7097533 300 0.026608585
16 252.5260667 300 0.024446408
17 252.8794333 300 0.029463128
18 253.5598067 300 0.030027517
19 252.02312 300 0.029714656
20 221.3996333 278.42 0.036149794
21 226.2011867 281.66 0.041907113
22 225.1637467 279.8 0.029195271
23 226.6753333 280.28 0.041371646
24 227.0877467 280.12 0.032980101
25 228.80094 283.04 0.026377848
26 229.7073867 285.86 0.02608254
27 227.43092 283.5 0.034501547
28 231.7007733 283.58 0.02065302
29 229.8536 279.16 0.013898025
Table 7.1: Results for homogeneous UAV experiment according to all 30 runs for
the rst 30 generations. The horizontal lines mark the change of scenario diculty.
Generation Population Mean Best Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA
30 120.5817933 189.36 0.095626691
31 131.3431 183.1 0.102598209
32 136.19062 185.94 0.087422522
33 140.2147 193.72 0.08384594
34 142.3665933 192.54 0.07107589
35 142.0839067 193.7 0.05858891
36 143.6901133 195.7 0.050291275
37 144.3909467 202.48 0.042961529
38 145.0020267 198.38 0.036032669
39 144.5813933 196.5 0.044538155
40 34.89792 101.32 0.097381078
41 50.46422667 119.18 0.107940116
42 64.00297333 128.32 0.098477627
43 71.08855333 122.12 0.106097529
44 75.46395333 135.18 0.064832288
45 77.38448667 128.48 0.042724678
46 79.03668667 123.3 0.047643831
47 80.43426 127.48 0.02662861
48 81.19456667 127.78 0.034199573
49 82.22742667 126.6 0.026764531
50 62.66723333 141.3 0.239617228
51 80.73173333 148 0.248273454
52 87.586 152.2 0.176361463
53 91.95043333 155.1 0.109504206
54 95.50783333 155.7 0.100962659
55 98.08893333 156.1 0.094690638
56 99.54506667 155.2 0.088481339
57 101.0826667 159.7 0.068195741
58 102.2235 157 0.04350212
59 102.4037 162.6 0.022775377
Table 7.2: Results for homogeneous UAV experiment according to all 30 runs for
the last 30 generations. The horizontal lines mark the change of scenario diculty.
remember that this performance is for 10 through 30 UAVs. The mean performance
of the 30 best solutions is plotted in Figure (7.4).
Despite the increase in performance, as the total population of both targets
and UAVs increase, the performance of this system falls. With large numbers of
targets, the probability that targets exist with an overlapping target engagement range
increases. When multiple targets engagement ranges overlap, both targets can attack
UAVs simultaneously. Simultaneous attack results in increased UAV attrition against
with less targets being destroyed. This particular behavior, though not simulated
explicitly for this experiment due to runtimes, is specically observable with the
heterogeneous experiment results. This particular behavior seems demonstrated when
the probability for destroying targets is examined in Figure (7.5).
The general eectiveness of target destruction increases until about two thirds
of the targets are destroyed. After this point, higher population simulations diminish
in ability. One potential reason for the lessened eectiveness is due to the increased
number of overlapping target engagement areas. Another possible reason for this
reduction in tness score is that the larger populations of UAVs enter into formations
which are too large to maximize their reconnaissance abilities. In the larger and
denser formations, the UAVs have more diculty locating targets while their ability
to destroy targets increases. The smaller formation argument, however, appears to be
incorrect since the overall area searched increases with UAV population size. These
values are displayed in Table (7.1.2)
UAV Population Percent of Environment Re-
10 UAVs 48%
20 UAVs 58%
30 UAVs 65%
Table 7.3: Percent of Environment searched by UAVs.
Figure 7.4: Experiment 1 tness scalability. Standard deviation is indicated by the
Figure 7.5: The probability of target destruction is plotted against the percentage
of targets destroyed for 10 UAVs, 20 UAVs, and 30 UAVs. Standard deviations are
indicated by the interval bars.
All in all, the behaviors evolved by this system are scaleable. Though they
suer from diminishing returns with respect to UAV population, the UAV behavior
successfully hunts down and destroys targets with larger populations.
7.1.3 Selected Solutions. Contrary to expected output, the typical nal
evolved behavior for the homogeneous experiment did not use multiple behavior types.
Rather, typically the most frequent set of behavior relied upon a single or two fairly
similar behavior archetypes that emphasize extremely close formations and hyper-
aggression [63]. Basically, the UAVs operate in the smallest formation they can while
attacking targets on sight.
This set of behaviors appears to be in response to the need to cooperatively
attack the targets. Simply put, while the targets have superior engagement range,
the UAVs must simultaneous attack a single target for any chance to succeed. If the
UAVs were in a larger formation, then they need to shrink their formation prior to
attack. In this particular case, it appears that by maintaining a smaller formation,
what the UAVs give up in regard to reconnaissance capability, they gain with respect
to formation coordination and behavior tness.
As an example, the best nal solution is analyzed for its features in the following
passages. This solution, from the second system run, scored approximately 162 out
of 300. It has only two behavior archetypes that function. Examples of when they
are applied are displayed in Figure (7.6).
From the archetype gure, it is clear that the rst behavior archetype operates
when ever the UAV does not see a target. However, when it either directly sees a
target or a peer that sees a target, it relies upon the second behavior archetype. In
this sense, the second behavior archetype is functions as the attack behavior and
whereas the rst is used for searching. The pertinent aspects of this encoding are
displayed in Table (7.7).
Figure 7.6: The particular behavior archetypes used for dierent situations are
indicated by color. Red stands for the rst behavior archetype, green indicates the
second is selected. This image assumes the section occurs with respect to a normal
UAV in this experiment. Additionally, allied UAVs, indicated by the Xs are located
at (420, 380), (400, 440), (400, 480), and (400, 520). Targets, indicated by the s, are
located at (400, 400) and (600, 600).
The primary behavior causes the UAV to prefer small clustering behaviors and
small formations. This behavior does not demonstrate any specially evolved traits.
An example image of the closer formations can be seen in Figure (7.8).
The attacking behavior, however, does demonstrate an exceptional characteris-
tic. When a UAV detects a target it prefers to orbit the target rather than attack.
This can be seen in the lower right hand corner of Figure (7.9).
With this behavior, UAVs tends to attack when other rules cause them to move
closer to targets. For example, UAVs attack targets by following their alignment
rule or the clustering rule. When UAVs are solitary, they are not inuenced by rules
dealing with other UAVs. As such, attacking UAVs enter into orbiting behaviors and
wait until other UAVs approach before they attack a target. This can be seen in the
lower right hand corner of Figure (7.9).
Figure 7.7: The pertinent aspects of the best solution are the behavior matrix and
the applicable behavior archetypes
Figure 7.8: Demonstration of immediate closing of formation for typical nal solu-
One nal dierence that may have signicant bearing upon performance is that
the attacking behavior relaxes the minimal distance for cluster. This causes the UAVs
to enter into an even closer formation than they do while searching for targets. This
closer formation may make it easier for UAVs to destroy targets. In addition, the
smaller formation may be slightly dangerous due to close proximities and is therefore
not used while searching.
The approach taken to deal with the highest diculty does not reect the so-
lutions obtained at the lower diculties. For example, one particular solution from
the 4th diculty uses two behavior archetypes: one geared towards reconaissance and
the other for attack. When in the reconnaissance archetype, the UAVs have a large
Figure 7.9: This behavior presents a preference to target orbiting rather than attack.
Additionally, allied UAVs, indicated by the blue dots are located at (420, 380), (400,
440), (400, 480), and (400, 520). Targets, indicated by the red dots, are located at
(400, 400) and (600, 600).
formation suited to search and are moderately attracted to other UAVs with a high
target spotted pheromone. When a UAV detects a target rst hand, it switches into
the attack behavior which allows it to enter into smaller formations with cooperating
7.2 heterogeneous UAV Experiment
Like the homogeneous experiment, the heterogeneous experiment resulted in
tness scores that are below expected quality with respect to tness. However, the
Figure 7.10: Entire simulation paths taken over time for exemplar 4th diculty
evolved behavior does resemble the expected results in section 6.2.7. Additionally,
the nal solutions to this system are very scaleable.
7.2.1 GA Fitness. The performance of the GA with the heterogeneous sce-
nario is similar to that of the homogeneous scenario. There are two major dierences
between the apparent performance of the system with regard to the heterogeneous
scenario when compared to the homogeneous. Firstly, the early scores, those in gen-
erations 0-29, are much lower in this experiment. The second major dierence is
the evolved behaviors greater resilience to increases in simulation diculty. These
aspects can be seen in Figure (7.11).
As mentioned earlier, the two major dierences can be easily seen in Figure
(7.11). It appears that the maximal score of any simulation appears to be bounded
in this scenario by around 230 points whereas the homogeneous score actual achieved
the maximal score at many low dicult levels. It is the conjecture of this author
that this is due to the overall reconnaissance capabilities. Since there are no explicit
reconnaissance rules, searching of the environment occurs as a combination of larger
formations and type of ight path. Since the total area that can be search at any one
time, based upon the combined sensor areas of all UAVs, is about 377.8km
whereas the homogeneous has about 785.4km
coverage out of 6400km
, it appears
reasonable to cite reconnaissance ability as the limiting factor for system performance.
The dierences in scenario dicults eect upon the simulation can be more easily
seen when examining the dierences in tness score as demonstrated in Figure (7.12).
With respect to increasing scenario diculty, the heterogeneous solutions are
almost half as detrimented. That is to say, the heterogeneous solutions drop about
half as much performance as the homogeneous drop.
The results for all runs appear to have similar performance. Analysis of all
individual scores by generation for all runs indicates a reasonable level of predictable
performance. This analysis was performed using a Kruskal-Wallis analysis of vari-
anceon ordinally ranked scores. The Kruskal-Wallis analysis of variance suggests that
Figure 7.11: Mean and Best score by generation for all runs. Vertical lines mark
changes in the scheduled scenario. Standard deviation is indicated by the interval
Figure 7.12: Mean and Best score changes between generations for all runs. Vertical
lines mark changes in the scheduled scenario. Standard deviation is indicated by the
interval bars.
scores resulting from dierent runs of this particular scenario obtain very similar
Since the Kruskal-Wallis results do not indicate a great deal of similarity between
tness results after generation 59, it appears that the system runs have developed
distinct behavior species. Additionally, since the slope of the Kruskal-Wallis values
plateau by the 59th generation, it is realistic to suggest the dierent system runs have
distinct nal solutions. That is, the overall guiding solutions evolved tend to rely
upon potentially dierent performing strategies. This comparison becomes clearer in
section 7.2.3 when discussing particular behavior solutions. One clear cut reason for
this observed dierence is that the evolved behavior representation is twice the size of
the homogeneous behaviors in this experiment. This is due to the individual behavior
matrix and set of behavior archetypes for the Sensor UAV and attack UAVs.
7.2.2 Scalability. To assess the scalability of behavior solutions generated
by this system, the best solutions from each of the thirty runs were simulated 50 times
with UAV target populations as 10 and 3, 20 and 6, and 30 and 9. From these three
sizes of simulation, the general scalability of heterogeneous scenario solutions can be
experimentally obtained.
In general, the best solutions from the heterogeneous runs exhibit excellent
scalability. Though the simulation score suers from diminishing returns with respect
to UAV population, the UAVs can function well in large groups. Figure (7.14)
demonstrates the average score based upon the number of UAVs.
In addition to checking the scalability of the best solutions from the system runs,
the most scaleable solution was individually tested for even greater scalability with
simulations having 100 and 1000 UAVs against 30 and 300 targets. The performance
of this individual solution if displayed in Figure (7.15).
The extreme standard deviation in Figure (7.15) for the smaller sets of UAVs
is due to two particular things: when less targets and UAVs are being simulated, the
relative impact of interactions between them has a greater eect on score and that
Figure 7.13: Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA upon all individuals by generation for all runs.
Vertical lines mark changes in the scheduled scenario.
Figure 7.14: Depiction of heterogeneous solution scalability. The pink line is the
best score and the blue line is the average score. Standard deviation for solution
tness is indicate by the interval bars.
Generation Mean Best Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA
0 86.24006667 192 0.010083089
1 127.7500667 202 0.039391836
2 138.4730667 200.4 0.028283646
3 143.9622 206.4 0.033693174
4 148.1342667 214 0.064047392
5 150.6934 214 0.041649504
6 153.8925333 214.2 0.049579919
7 156.9585333 214 0.039538175
8 158.0998 228 0.033760673
9 159.5764 222 0.033714516
10 154.795 212 0.048464991
11 158.5535333 220 0.059540772
12 159.4295333 212 0.074190961
13 160.1709333 214 0.051087517
14 159.8097333 218.2 0.035044369
15 161.4619333 222.8 0.038851907
16 160.8871333 222 0.051678644
17 161.2082 216.8 0.041169502
18 161.7141333 220 0.060557257
19 162.0137333 225 0.053927806
20 146.739 212 0.093784749
21 151.0460667 221.6 0.077843383
22 151.9044 216.2 0.084906892
23 152.3836 215 0.074509302
24 153.0338667 219.6 0.060548433
25 153.2711333 223.8 0.068979351
26 154.8658667 213.4 0.082270736
27 155.108 214.2 0.055988028
28 155.4127333 215.2 0.069608085
29 154.8322 218.6 0.059025845
Table 7.4: Results for heterogeneous UAV experiment according to all 30 runs for
the rst 30 generations. The horizontal lines mark the change of scenario diculty.
Generation Mean Best Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA
30 102.5348 182.6 0.207896832
31 112.4225333 185.6 0.191554127
32 117.3870667 187.2 0.176420296
33 119.1416 192 0.140298657
34 121.1030667 191.4 0.124792697
35 123.7474667 197.8 0.112261029
36 125.723 192.8 0.08252856
37 126.8948667 191.8 0.07954005
38 128.9367333 193.6 0.078710285
39 128.9608 203.6 0.08296039
40 92.97026667 160.6 0.153911436
41 97.04226667 170 0.137142498
42 99.8414 173.4 0.127357511
43 102.1732667 168.8 0.136131595
44 103.4868 166.8 0.132209913
45 106.0355333 178.4 0.120725514
46 106.2991333 169.8 0.101212367
47 107.5107333 180 0.103933208
48 107.6353333 170.8 0.084950378
49 109.8217333 177.6 0.072677328
50 60.18406667 177.6 0.315962704
51 80.53613333 172.8 0.301999668
52 92.90566667 175.1 0.245763441
53 101.6508 182.2 0.209048667
54 106.7294 179 0.185768005
55 108.9186333 189.2 0.180886529
56 113.2431667 183.9 0.164917919
57 118.0710667 186.5 0.172842429
58 120.0234667 190.1 0.166023577
59 124.035 194 0.172579146
Table 7.5: Results for heterogeneous UAV experiment according to all 30 runs for
the last 30 generations. The horizontal lines mark the change of scenario diculty.
standard deviation in this case is being measured directly from the simulation results
rather than solution tness. It is clear from Figure (7.15) that this behavior for the
heterogeneous experiment is scaleable to at least 100 UAVs in this setup.
In addition, the conclusion made in Section 7.2.2 concerning the eects of area
searched against the solution quality appears to also hold true for the heterogeneous
behavior. When examining the average area searched, its rate of change is very close
to the change in average tness value. The area searched against the number of UAVs
is plotted in Figure (7.16).
In comparing the relative increase to both score and reconnaissance caused by
increases to population, it becomes evident that, for at least the amounts of popu-
lation tested, that these two attributes are heavily connected. It seems that as the
reconnaissance abilities increase, the tness score increases as well. In addition, it
also appears that when the area surveiled holds steady and the overall UAV and tar-
get population increases that the general tness decreases. This suggests the UAV
behavior performance is heavily bound to the reconnaissance ability.
With respect to time for a simulation, the performance of this particular al-
gorithm was measured and is visible in Figures (7.17) and (7.18). The simulation
times appear to be O(n). This conclusion can be seen when comparing the apparent
increase in times in for the 10, 20, 30, and 100 UAV simulations, Figure (7.17), to the
charted results when 1000 UAVs are also simulated, gure (7.18). Additionally, the
worst results also suggest that the time for each simulation is approximately O(n).
However, making such claims for all possible scenario behavior results are dicult.
Since the majority of the calculations performed in each simulation rely upon the
local neighborhood representation used by each UAVs, particularly the behavior rules
in Section 5.3, the runtime is connected to the sensor capabilities of the UAVs as well
as the implemented sensor model features.
7.2.3 Selected Solutions. By using a heterogeneous combination of UAVs,
the resultant swarm must operate both cooperatively when attacking and coopera-
Figure 7.15: Depiction of most scaleable heterogeneous solutions scalability. Stan-
dard deviation for the score based upon all simulations.
Figure 7.16: Depiction of percentage of environment searched against the popula-
tion of UAVs. Standard deviation for the score based upon all simulations.
Figure 7.17: Depiction of average simulation runtimes with the 10, 20, 30, and 100
UAV setups.
Figure 7.18: Depiction of average simulation runtimes with the 10, 20, 30, 100,
1000 UAV setups
Figure 7.19: Demonstration of target avoidance by sensor UAV.
tively with respect to reconnaissance. What is meant by this is that the UCAVs have
a very limited capability to locate targets by themselves. Likewise, the sensor UAV
has no engagement abilities whatsoever. For these reasons, the swarm must evolve
such that the sensor UAV can safely communicate targets it locates to the UCAVs
and that the UCAVs can cooperatively destroy found targets.
The typical solution behaviors are similar to the expected behaviors but not
expected performance. The UCAVs prefer being in a tight formation centered upon
the sensor UAV. The small formations make target avoidance by the sensor UAV
dicult in most cases. However, it seems that this particular behavior is, in many of
the resulting nal solutions, included. An example of this is in Figure (7.19).
Overall, however, the behavior of the best heterogeneous swarm behaviors are
beat the expected tness. On average, the solutions destroy more than half of the
targets. When searching for targets in the simulations with 10 UAVs, the UAVs
blaze a winding path through the environment. This path is not straight or ordered
in any way which increases the coverage of space. It appears that the overall best
score available for this solution is bounded by the reconnaissance capabilities of the
sensor UAV. Since there is no possibility of specically organized search patterns
with the rules utilized in this system, the most eective solutions seem to rely upon
brute strength in the way of the sensing UAVs extended sensor range rather than a
Figure 7.20: Entire simulation paths taken over time for exemplar solution.
Another interesting characteristic that the good solutions tended to evolve is
that sensing UAV tends to stay away from the UCAVs - it does not allow them to
enter into a small formation around it. This particular behavior is in contrast to the
starting positions described in section 6.2.3. Rather, the sensing UAVs stay away
from the main UCAV body and direct it towards the targets.
This avoidance strategy used by the sensing UAVs exhibits interesting scalability
results. Despite the distinct sets of 10 UAVs for larger simulations to start with, as
illustrated in section 6.2.3, the sets of UAVs tend to coallesce into larger singular
formations. In these larger formation, the sensing UAVs occupy locations on the
periphery of the swarm whereas the UCAVs tend to move towards the center of the
formation and enter into exceptionally high density formations. These particular
behaviors can be seen in Figures (7.21) and (7.22).
These formations are highly scaleable. The sensing UAVs tend to want to enter
into orbit patterns around target that they detect. Additionally, this causes other
sensing UAVs that are nearby to turn the main swarm body towards a detected
target. For example, if the northwestern most sensor UAV in Figure (7.22) detects a
target to the north, it turns towards the target and inuence its neighboring sensor
Figure 7.21: Demonstration of highly successful small-scale heterogeneous forma-
Figure 7.22: Demonstration of highly successful heterogeneous formation when
UAV to turn as well. The neighboring UAV also inuences the main UCAV body to
proceed northward.
Additionally, the best solution of all 30 runs was tested individually for scalabil-
ity. This particular solution demonstrated exceptional scalability as shown in Figure
(7.15). The drop in tness scores associated with the best solution is a direct result of
increased overlap in target engagement zones as speculated in Section 7.1.2. Simply
put, as the area around targets becomes more dangerous due to their overlapping
engagement ranges, UAV attrition rises.
With explicit analysis of the best performing heterogeneous solution, the situa-
tions in which each behavior archetype is used is examined. These particular situa-
tions are displayed in Figure (7.23) for the sensor UAVs and Figure (7.24) for the
From Figure 7.23), it is clear that the sensor UAVs rely upon a mix of behaviors.
However, examination of the dierent behavior archetypes indicates that they all
appear to cause the same general eects. The only real dierence is the changes in
in rule threshold radii. This can be seen in Table (7.25) illustrating sensor UAV
As the sensor UAV searches, its threshold for UAV cohesion, Behavior archetype
3 - radius 1, is much greater than the other radii. This prevents sensor UAVs from
prefering to enter into small formations with the UCAVs. Additionally, the radius for
repulsion from other UAVs is much greater than the other behaviors. This also causes
the sensor UAV to be actually prefer having a large distance between itself and other
By comparison, the UCAV encoding, displayed in Figure (7.26), are relatively
similar. That is to say that the UCAVs prefer attacking targets, if possible. When
targets are not available, they prefer to enter into as tight a formation as possible.
Since active communication is enabled with the heterogeneous solutions, the UCAVs
Figure 7.23: Demonstration of when particular behaviors for a sensor UAV are
used. Sensor UAVs are located at (200, 200), (400, 520), and (450, 350). UCAVs are
located at (200, 245), (200, 250), (204.3, 247.5), (405, 440), (395, 440), (300, 350),
and (300, 300). Targets are located at (400, 400) and (600, 600).
Figure 7.24: Demonstration of when particular behaviors for a UCAV are used.
Sensor UAVs are located at (200, 200), (400, 520), and (450, 350). UCAVs are
located at (200, 245), (200, 250), (204.3, 247.5), (405, 440), (395, 440), (300, 350),
and (300, 300). Targets are located at (400, 400) and (600, 600).
Figure 7.25: Encoding of the best Sensor UAV pertinent behaviors.
Figure 7.26: Encoding of the best UCAV pertinent behaviors.
have ample ability to attack visible targets. This can be more clearly seen in Figure
Figure (7.27) specically highlights the eects of communication upon UCAV
attack patterns. There are two main concepts that are gleaned from this gure:
the UCAVs are incompetent when operating alone and that active communication
improves UCAV attack behaviors. In examining the southeastern target in Figure
(7.27), it becomes apparent that the limited sensor range of the UCAVs heavily im-
pedes their ability to attack targets. However, in examining how the sensor UAV at
(350, 350) in Figure (7.27), the synergism between the sensor UAVs and UCAVs with
regard to attacking becomes apparent. Basically, the UCAVs are not able to operate
well without sensor UAVs.
7.3 Summary
Overall, the behaviors evolved here appear to be both scaleable and meet the
overall tness expectations. In that regard, the homogeneous solutions relied upon
Figure 7.27: Field plot of typical UCAV behavior. Sensor UAVs are located at
(200, 200), (400, 520), and (450, 350). UCAVs are located at (200, 245), (200, 250),
(204.3, 247.5), (405, 440), (395, 440), (300, 350), and (300, 300). Targets are located
at (400, 400) and (600, 600).
small tight formations to improves success in attacking targets. This particular be-
havior resulted from the increased scenario diculty when the targets have superior
engagement range. This approach, small tight formations, is not indicative of suc-
cessful homogeneous solutions through system runs. Rather, the UAVs prefer more
successful search formations when they successfully accomplish the mission without
as small attack formations.
The heterogeneous solution also had interesting behaviors that appear quite
scaleable. The UCAVs also rely upon small formations. However, since the sensor
UAVs do not engage targets, they evolved better searching capabilities. This partic-
ular mix of behaviors allows the sensor UAVs to eectively guide the UCAV masses
towards targets with great success.
All in all, the system demonstrates eectiveness in evolving behavior. These
behaviors, given dierent scenario limitations like communication and attack ability,
enables the simulated UAVs to eectively search and destroy targets.
VIII. Conclusions
With respect to the design and use of a SO model for successful UAV operation, it is
successful. The SO model allowed for the evolution of a multi-agent system which in
most cases, conferred a scaleable cooperative set of behaviors upon the UAV systems.
Though the resulting behaviors were not quite as eective as expected with
regard to the number of targets destroyed, they did demonstrate surprising qualities.
For example, it was seen that a smaller formation, though it diminished reconnaissance
capabilities, was often favored at harder diculties since it required less loitering and
collapsing of the the formation for successful attack prosecution.
Future research with this particular system suggests the development and test-
ing of additional behavior rules designed for explicit reconnaissance purposes. This
may solve the conjecture that reconnaissance ability is the limiting factor for the
heterogeneous scenarios performance.
8.1 Denition of SO Model
The self-organization model created for UAV swarms is successful. It provides
the feature of self-organization directly to the UAV systems. Success in implementing
the creation of a macro-system out of the many operating UAVs is almost by default.
In this case, the assessment of tness upon the group as a whole rather than individual
performance with regard to the genetic algorithm also aided in the group collective-
ness. The UAV system here functions as a singular cooperative team that successfully
destroys opposing targets rather than a set of loosely interacting individuals.
System wide behaviors are successfully created by the UAV interactions. In
many cases, the direction that the UAV groups travel is the result of interactions.
The approaches towards attacking are also the result of interactions. In this respect,
both explicit and implicit communication facilitate the system interactions.
The UAVs, in their cooperation, perform better than individual UAVs. In this
case, this is clearly demonstrated when examining the eective engagement ranges of
the UAVs compared to the targets. Since the UAVs must pass through the targets
greater engagement range before even being able to attack it, singular UAVs are
not able to succeed. This can be most clearly seen when described in Table (4.3).
Additionally, in the heterogeneous scenario, the UCAVs are extremely limited by their
lack of sensor range and the sensor UAVs cannot even attack targets. In the second
experiment, not only are the UAVs incapable of individually damaging a target before
being destroyed themselves, but the UAVs that can attack the targets have limited
sensor capability. In this regard, the solution behaviors evolved for these systems
clearly operate synergistically.
The sensor model used in this system also enforces the locality constrain. Since
UAVs are limited in their ability to sense the environment, in this case restricted by
a unidirectional range, they do not make behavioral decisions with extra information.
This enforces the locality feature for self-organized systems.
Lastly, the UAV system does not rely upon a global strategy or pattern. Rather,
the UAVs rely upon their own localized behavior to make individual decisions. This
approach does not rely upon leaders or a hierarchical structure. It could be argued
that the heterogeneous system relies upon leaders, in a sense, due to the structure
between sensing UAVs and UCAVs. The UCAVs are not nearly as eective without
sensing UAVs as they are with them. However, the particular behavior relationship
is not forced. And, as demonstrated in simulations, whatever leader-like behavior
expressed by sensor UAVs is immediately replaceable. That is to say, in a simulation
with multiple sensing UAVs, the loss of a single sensing UAV does not paralyze the
macro-system as a whole. Instead, it only drops the group performance. It is also
possible to argue that the placement of obstacles on the edges of the simulation area
creates a template for UAV operation. That view is incorrect; creating a border
around the environment does not remove each UAVs freedom of operation within the
The self-organized design created in this work provides the self-organization
features in systems which implement it.
8.2 Design of Simulation System
As a whole, the simulation system allows for the free modeling of very exible
UAV behaviors. These behaviors entail a great deal of potential inuences from the
Reynolds [66] to target interaction. In fact, in the course of creating the nalized
UAVs behavior rules, many dierent rule models were simulated. As s behaviorial
model, this system provides a great resource for examining successful UAV behavior
interaction. What is meant by this is that the system easily accepts the incorporation
of behavior rules interacting with a terrain or explicitly geared towards reconnaissance.
The overarching design approach for this system, though not placing a great deal
of emphasis upon extremely high-delity modeling, does meet the operating needs for
specically evolving complex and interacting UAV behaviors. This simulation is not
well suited as a high-delity UAV simulator or general UAV simulator, however. This
does not preclude portability of the behavior results in this system. Basically, the
behavior results for specic scenarios is extracted and moved to higher-delity multi-
UAV simulators like that created by Kadrovich [35] or that being currently developed
at AFIT by James Slear and Ken Melendez.
This simulator provides an excellent framework for future research examining
multi-UAV behaviors.
8.3 Design of UAV System
The particular UAV system implemented here provides relies upon three specic
features for its success: the UAV system is built around a self-organization model to
explicitly generation cooperative action, the behavior model which allows for multiple
rules, and a simple engagement scheme allowing targets to attack UAVs as well.
The self-organization framework was specically designed to aord the same
general features observed in biological self-organizing systems like colonial insects,
bird ocks, and even sh [11]. As such, it provides a robust, scaleable, and exible
approach to modeling UAVs. Specically, the self-organization approach to sensory
locality and approach to group behavior contribute greatly to the UAV system design.
By modeling UAVs with only limited abilities as a whole, they can more exibly
address their performance. Since the UAVs are restricted to operating in only the
environment that they can see, they do not become overwhelmed by information that
they do not require. Limited neighborhoods, though they do not necessarily result in
the best informed decisions, allows the UAV systems to better scale. Additionally, the
self-organization approach to behavior control and the execution of jobs or missions
provides a much more robust nal solution. Since there is no true behavioral leader,
the UAV system does not break when single UAVs are destroyed.
The behavioral model allows the modeling of distinct sets of behavior that ad-
dress dierent potential situations. The behavior archetype model [63] is eective
in evolving behaviors that can be applied to distinct situations. Similarly, the re-
sulting behaviors are easy to understand - when UAVs are exposed to this type of
environment or situation they act in this manner. For example, the specially analyzed
homogeneous solution in Section 7.1.3 orbits targets rather than attack them directly
when operating alone. This behavior oers clear benet as it prevents solitary UAVs
from suicidally approaching targets when there is no chance to even damage a target.
Finally, the design of this UAV system incorporates targets that can destroy
UAVs as well. In this case, not only must the UAVs simply nd and destroy the
targets, but the UAVs must also develop behavior which can eectively handle targets
retaliating. This places extra constraints upon the evolving behavior in that it must
be robust with respect to UAV attrition. The system must evolve behavior that does
not fail when UAVs are destroyed. In addition, the modeling retaliating targets is
absent in similar works. The UAV system here is original in this regard.
8.4 Testing Results
The distinct behaviors evolved by the system met the tness score expectations.
However, the evolved behavior did not necessary nd and destroy targets using the
behavior expected. The homogeneous behavior did not rely upon behavior making
much distinction between searching, closing formations around targets, and engaging
them. In fact, the homogeneous solutions tended more towards hyperaggression [63]
and extremely small formations. This particular result is in response to the solu-
tion behaviors need to be able to nd targets, gather the necessary strength, and
then destroy them. The evolved behavior tends to ignore explicitly searching the
In contrast, the heterogeneous results seemed to be based upon what jobs the
UAVs individually perform well. The sensor UAVs operate in a continuously passive
searching mode. In this way, the sensor UAVs perform the target search by having
large formations. This eective search allows the UCAVs to maintain a small clustered
formation to quickly engage targets. This particular distribution of work parallels the
UAVs abilities. Naturally, the sensor UAVs act as the eyes of a UAV swarm and,
since they are rare, are protected and do not engage the targets whereas the UCAVs
eschew searching and attack the targets communicated to them.
The resulting behaviors were also scaleable. This is especially true for the best
heterogeneous solution. Though there was only enough time to test this single solution
in a large scale way, the results demonstrated that the cooperative behavior scales at
least to 100 UAV population and performs better than smaller populations.
The behaviors evolved to deal with the particular scenarios are successful.
8.5 Future Investigation
The research performed in this document is expandable in many ways. These
particular vectors for future research include new rules and senses, multi-objective
evolutionary algorithms, and creating agents with more abilities.
The particular behavior rules implemented in this investigation deal mostly with
formations and target handling rules. There are no rules addressing reconnaissance
or navigation. Additionally, the senses are limited to detecting the density of UAVs
and the presence of targets. Future research could address these limitations and po-
tentially correct specic diculties this investigation encountered. By adding specic
reconnaissance rules, the swarm systems is capable of more sophisticated searching.
Additionally, by modifying the target sensor to also track the number of targets, it
may be possible to evolve behavior that avoids overlapping target engagement zones
and attacks lone targets or weak points in formations. There are a great many ways
in which the rules and senses could be modied and tested.
With respect to the evolutionary scheme, the system currently evolves search
and attack abilities simultaneously with a tness assessment that judges the attack
success. This tness assessment assumes that for the solutions to successfully destroy
targets, they must rst locate them. By using a multi-objective evolutionary algo-
rithm, the tness of solutions could be judged in many dierent ways. For instance,
solutions might be judged on their separate abilities to search the environment, sur-
vive the simulation, and successfully destroy targets. The results from this form of
evolution would give rise to behaviors that are applicable to more than simply ef-
fective target engagement. Another particular way in which the evolutionary scheme
could be expanded is to allow conjoined evolution of the UAV characteristics as well as
the behavior. This form of evolution allows the physical models and individual UAV
characteristics to evolve and better utilize the simultaneously evolving behaviors.
A nal way in which this research could be expanded is to assume the UAVs are
more computationally capable and have memory of their environments. By allowing
the UAVs to remember their environments, a large range of new possibilities are in-
troduced. For example, pheromonal signals could be used to mark dierent places the
UAV has previously been. True, this pheromonal approach could lead to each UAV
having a dierent pheromonal map of the environment. However, explicit communi-
cation could be extended to allow UAVs to share their individual pheromonal maps.
This particular activity becomes even more eective if the UAVs must frequently re-
turn to a centralized location when they exhaust their fuel for instance. Refueling
becomes a time when the UAVs could share their knowledge of the environment.
Though this investigation yielded a great many interesting results, it can also
serve as the basis for much future research.
8.6 Final Remarks
This investigation successfully achieved its objectives. A mathematical model
for UAV, environment, and self-organized behavior was created. This model was
experimentally demonstrated to be successful in a simulation developed to address
UAV behavior. This simulation system evolved behavior which is well suited to the
particular simulations in which is was tested.
The ecacy of a self-organized approach to multi-UAV behavior has been suc-
cessfully shown. This approach should be used in future research.
Appendix A. Low-Level Simulation Design
bottom-up view of the dierent components within the simulator itself can
provide a glimpse at the particular structure for the system. Additionally, this
description demonstrates the implementation of system design in Chapter 4 to the
simulator system.
In general, the simulation itself was created with JAVA using RMI [51]. The
implementation language and parallelization scheme were selected to maximize the
potential computation farm. Java, since it is an interpreted language, is portable.
In addition, RMI allows object transmission between the clients and master. In
combining these features with a client driven algorithm, discussed in Appendix B, the
number of clients is not limited at system run time. Additionally, the system does
not require a communication backplane between the master and clients. This allows
computers which are connected by only general AFIT network to operate as clients
as compared to those with a message passing interface (MPI).
With regard to the system accuracy, the simulator uses only single and double
precision values. This software architecture supports the 300,000 individual simula-
tion executions that are performed for each system run.
A.1 Environment
The environment is the symbolic structure in which all entities reside. Dened
by [75] as the total of circumstances surrounding an organism or group of organisms,
the environment has a very large role. As such, it is very dicult to describe other
elements within the simulation without rst discussing the environment.
The environment contains the object representations for all other entities within
it as well as its spatial dimensions. The dierent entities; UAVs, target, and obsta-
cles; are saved as individual sets that correspond to each specic type. True, this
set structure does not describe all potential entities that could exist within the envi-
ronment in reality. Civilians are an example of discluded entities that exist in a real
world system. The included elements are chosen to be simulated specically since
they describe the pertinent simulation elements for this research. In addition to the
pertinent entities for simulation, the environment also includes with a specic two
dimensional size. These dimensions describe the general size for simulation for an
overhead 2D view. An individual environment instantiation, represented by e, has
many dierent attributes. These attributes include the size of the environment, the
number and type of UAVs, the number and type of targets, as well as the number and
type of obstacles. The spaces in which these dierent attributes and exist suggest the
existence of an environment space that denes its own feasible instantiations. This
space is composed of the UAV, target, and obstacle spaces along with the chosen envi-
ronment size. These distinct spaces are represented by A
for agents or UAVs, T
targets, and O
for obstacles. Additionally, the dimensions in which the environment
size space exist are represented as RR. Equation (A.1) describes the space, E
, in
which all environment instantiations exist.
(R R) (A
) (T) (O
) (A.1)
The allowable dimensions for environment size, RR, are real numbers rather
than integers. This was chosen to have greater delity with respect to UAV motion in
the simulations. Additionally, these numbers are assumed to be the maximal values
while the minimal value is set at 0. This means that the actual size of the environment
is constrained in the range of [0...R] [0...R]. These values are implemented as
doubles [32]. Doubles were chosen since the allow greater value range than oats,
integers, or longs.
With respect to the actual entities existing within the environment, they are
stored in distinct ArrayLists [78]. The ArrayLists allow more exible addition and
subtraction of individuals while providing potentially direct access to indexed items.
There exists an individual ArrayList corresponding to each set of UAVs, targets,
and obstacles within an environment instantiation. There is no specic order to the
ArrayLists storing entities for the environment. This is because there is no overriding
characteristic demanding some entities preempt others.
A.2 UAVs
The UAVs themselves have the most degrees of freedom within the simulation
architecture. Their design addresses feasible motion, sensor model attributes, com-
munications attributes, target engagement attributes, and behavior specic qualities.
When these dierent attributes are combined, the resulting range of UAVs for simula-
tion is very large. However, this large size for UAVs allows freedom in UAV instantiate
that reects many dierent types and abilities of UAVs. These dierent values are
stored within the object representation for each UAV.
A.2.1 Physical Model. The implemented physical mode for UAVs allows
dierent vehicular mass; thrust; turn-ratios; maximum speed; minimum speed; wing
planform, s; air density; and coecient of drag, C
. These distinct values are used
to model the ight characteristics of dierent aircraft. In this case, these values are
associated directly with each each type of aircraft and not allowed to change. Rather,
they are used to modify the direction of travel for a UAV in accordance with section
5.4.2. Equation (A.2) demonstrates the feasible range of UAV physical characteristics.
massmaxThrust turnspeed
sair density C
In Equation (A.2), each UAVs physical model, represented by U.M
operates within the physical model space created by combining all specic attributes.
For use, these values are saved within the symbolic representation of each UAV. In
this way, these values are called upon for use in modifying each UAV individually.
To allow accuracy in representation, these values are modeled as JAVA doubles [32].
The specic range for these values are [0.0...] for each except turn. That last value
operates in the range of [0.0
A.2.2 Sensor Model. The UAV sensor model described in Section 5.2 relies
upon one UAV specic value: the UAVs sensor range represented by Sr. For this
model to operate, the mechanism applying the model must be able to obtain the
UAV specic value. To facilitate application between UAVs and their sensor range,
the value for the range is directly associated with each UAV. In this guise, the UAV
sensor model, U.M
, operates simply within the space created by the sensor range
Sr (A.3)
The sensor range, like the UAV physical model constraints, are implemented as
a single JAVA double [32]. The range for the sensor range implementation is in the
interval of [0.0...]. This enables more delity than simple integer values.
Its worth noting that the sensor model facilitates distinction between what a
UAV sees and what it does not see. It provides the values used to determine the
subsection of the environment that a UAV sees. As such, the sensor model aids in
dividing the environment into what can be seen and therefore interacted with.
A.2.3 Communications Model. Like the sensor model, the communication
model only requires a single value to operate, Cr. This value, the maximum commu-
nication range, is used to determine what UAVs within communication range receive
the message. This simplistic communication model for active communication, de-
scribed symbolically in Section 5.2.1, relies upon only a single UAV specic value for
operation. This value is also associated with each individual UAV.
Cr (A.4)
This value, Cr, is implemented as a JAVA double [32] in the range of [0.0...].
This implementation, similar to for the UAV sensor model, allows a multitude of
expression ranges and compatibility to double math in JAVA without conversions.
A.2.4 Engagement Model. Modeling engagement between the UAVs and
targets requires more information than used by the sensor and communication models.
These attributes include the starting hit points of a UAV, H; its maximal engagement
range, Ar; and the amount of damage that it does per simulation second, Dam. These
distinct values combine to create an operating space for the engagement model of a
UAV. This model is illustrated in equation (A.5).
Ar H Dam (A.5)
In Equation (A.5), the UAVs have a specic range of abilities with regard to
engagement. These distinct abilities constitute another range in which UAVs can
be dierent. When implementing, each of these values was implemented as a JAVA
double [32]. This again allows more delity in simulation.
A.2.5 Behavior Model. The behavior model is the most important model for
this research. It contains information essential for the particular UAVs to decide what
behaviors they implement at any specic time. As a result of the decision making
process for the individual UAVs, the entire space of all behavior archetypes (BAs),
... archetype
); the space of perceptron connection strengths counted
by specic sense, (sense
... sense
; and the target spotted sense values, p, are
part of the behavioral model inclusions to the UAV values. These values combine to
create the space of all behavioral models is illustrated in Equations (A.6).
... archetype
) (sense
... sense
p (A.6)
Each archetype in this design has 12 distinct attributes. These attributes con-
stitute the necessary information to change the behavior rule weights and some dis-
tinct radii of rule applicability. Additionally, with this design, the values for the rule
weights and the perceptron weights are limited to 32 distinct values. The behavior
rule weights are normalized to JAVA doubles [32] in the range of [0.0...1.0] while the
sense weights are normalized to integers in the range of [16...15]. This is due to
the ve bit representation described in Section 4.3.2 for each gene. Additionally, the
target spotted signal operates at specic values in the set 0, .01, .1, 1. These values
combine to allow a more exact description of the behavior model space, U.M
The full range of values for each behavior model is illustrated in Table (A.2.5).
Value Number
Number of Genes in each BA 12
Number of possible values for each Gene 32
Number of BAs (n) 3
Dierent Mixes of BAs (32
Number of Senses (m) 2
Perceptron weights for each sense 32
Number of dierent perceptrons (32
Total Behavior Model Space Size (32
Table A.1: Listing of the intervals of operation for each behavior model and the
size of the behavior model space, U.M
A.2.6 UAV State in Simulation. Particular to the simulation is the mal-
leable UAV state. The above models describe information that does not necessarily
change between simulation intervals. However, there does exist information that
changes between UAV simulations. This changeable information operates as distinct
UAV states whereas the static information, which does not change in this simulation,
is not considered part of the UAV state. This does not preclude possible changes of
the static values in future research, rather, it is simply the values that are changed in
the simulators current incarnation.
The changeable attributes associated with each UAV are its current position,P;
velocity of travel, D; an index to the current implemented behavior archetype,BA; the
current target spotted value for each UAV, p; the current UAV hit points,H; as well as
a simplied subsection of the environment created by the sensing and communication
models composed of

N for UAVs,

T for targets, and

O for obstacles. The feasible
space of UAV state is described in Equation (A.7).



O (A.7)
It is important to realize that the simplied environment representation elements
are all subsets. That is each set is less than the environments total representation.
For example, for UAV U,

N A U,

T T, and

O O.
The particular values that do no implicitly change with regard to UAVs are still
included in each UAVs symbolic representation. This implementation choice was
made to facilitate multiple UAV types and models operating simultaneously in the
simulation. Each of these values combine to create the modeling space in which all
UAVs must exist, U.M. This space is described symbolically in Equation (A.8).
State also provides a partition between attributes which change and attributes
that are not intended to change. These unchanging static attributes are represented,
for a UAV U, by the symbol U
. The dierent attributes that fall within U
are associated with the dierent models described in this appendix. Table (A.2.6)
describes the space of this collection of attributes.
Within the UAV framework created by combining UAV state and non-state
attributes, the space of all UAVs, A
, can be constructed. This space is described in
Equation (A.9).
Value Model
Mass physical
Max thrust physical
Max Turn rate physical
Max speed physical
Minimum speed physical
Wing Planform physical
Coecient of Drag physical
air density physical
Sensor Range sensor
Active Communication Range communication
Attack Range engagement
Damage per second engagement
Entire Behavior Model behavior
Table A.2: Listing of the UAV attributes that do not belong within the S
Rather, these attributes make up the static U
A.2.7 UAV Summary. In summary, UAV entities are the combination of
attributes required for various models. These values are separated into static or
dynamic values as needed for simulating based upon state. The dynamic values,
dened in Section (A.7), constitute UAV state and are explicitly intended to change
as the simulation operations. However, the static values are not intended to change
as the system operates. The full space for UAV or agent instantiation is created by
combining the static and state related attributes as demonstrated in Equation (A.9).
A.3 Targets
With respect to the UAV models dened in Sections A.2, targets are functionally
identical. They operate within the same constraints issued to the the UAVs regarding
physical motion, sensing, communication, engagement, behavior, and even their state.
The dierences between targets and UAVs are created by the way in which they
operate and since they are pigeon-holed into the environments target set. These
dierences are made clear in Section A.5. The reason that this particular approach is
chosen over the creation of an entirely new type of symbolic object is that it facilitates
future development into more complex behaviors. Equation (A.10) displays the
dimensions of target space.
A.4 Obstacles
Obstacles are very simple objects within the simulation. With regard to the
simulation, they exist as a single point or a line segment without a two dimensional
When used as a single point, the obstacle exists as a vector of real numbers
within the environment range. This means the particular representation of each ob-
stacle must fall within the environments size. With respect to the obstacle avoidance
rule, described in Section 5.3.10, point obstacles are only subject to the second part
of obstacle avoidance, U
. This is because the rst part of obstacle avoidance
requires an angle to compare the UAV velocity to. Since a single point obstacle does
not have a specic angle in which the line segment operates, there is no way to apply
the rst part of standard obstacle avoidance.
As a line segment, the obstacle exists as a line segment terminated by vectors
of real numbers. The endpoints are not specically required to exist within the space
dened by the environment. However, there is no specic eect cause by the end
points if they are outside the environment; eectively, the points of the line segment
that intersect with the edge of the environment act as the endpoints. Line obstacles
constitute the most complex obstacle implemented in this work. This is because more
complex obstacles are created by by combining the two-point obstacles into polygonal
The dierent types of eective obstacles suggests two obstacle spaces depending
upon the type of obstacle. These spaces are dened in Equations (A.11) and (A.12).
(R R) (A.11)
(R R) (R R) (A.12)
The two distinct spaces can be combined to facilitate both obstacle types simul-
taneously. This is demonstrated in Equation (A.13).


The values for obstacle end points are implemented as JAVA doubles [32] in
the range specied by a particular environment. Given a particular environment
instantiation, e E
, with dimensions dened as e.X
and e.Y
, the particular
intervals of obstacle endpoint values are [0.0...e.X
] and [0.0...e.Y
A.5 Simulation updates
Updates to the system are started with the environment. The updates are
decomposed into roughly 3 categories: determining areas of vision, calculating next
state, and performing the state rollover.
The environment must rst inform each UAV and target what subsection of
the environment they can sense and interact. To do this, the environment rst de-
termines whether individual UAVs see each other relying upon their sensor models.
Then, it determines what targets each UAV senses and what UAVs each target de-
tects. Following this, the environment models the explicit communication. After this,
the environment then specically allows each each UAV to detect the appropriate
Following the division of the environment into appropriate smaller environment
representations; the


T, and

O for UAV states; the UAVs and targets generate their
next suitable state. This generation of next state does not change each of their current
values. Rather, these next state values are saved internal to each UAV and target as
copies. This is done to prevent later UAVs and targets operating later in the update
from computing their next values based upon already changed states. At this point,
each UAV computes its own appropriate next direction individually. Additionally,
after its next state is determined, each individual UAV also computes the eects of
its engagement model. Following the calculations for each UAV, each target makes
its determinations for its next state.
The nal major phase for simulation operation is the system update phase. The
environment causes each UAV and target to change their current state into the next
state that they calculated and saved. The synchronous update created by having each
UAV and target wait to update their state supports a synchronous simulation update.
If the update were asynchronous, there is no need for a rollover step. Rather, each
UAV or target would immediately change their states as that information becomes
It is not specically necessary that the environment perform the simulation
updates. Rather, a dierent simulation component could perform the updates and
computations. The selection of the environment to perform these computations was
chosen since it already stores the information used in these computations.
As mentioned in Sections 6.2.7 and 6.3.7, each simulation is performed until all
of the targets are destroyed, all of the UAV are destroyed, or 3000 synchronous updates
have been completed. These simulation termination constraints eectively limit the
necessary simulation for each system. Due to the tness function construction, a
simulation has obtained the maximum score when all targets are destroyed. Hence,
with regard to the target population, there is no reason to continue simulation when
all targets are destroyed. Likewise, when all UAVs are destroyed, the tness for a
particular simulation does not change. Finally, the 3000 update limit facilitates faster
simulation while providing suitable time for the simulations to fully examine the eects
of dierent behavior architectures. The nal state observed after the simulation is
completed constitutes the nal state of the system.
A.6 Connections to the GA
The genetic algorithm, designed in Section 4.3, enables the evolution of well
performing behavior architectures. Rather than designing the UAV behavior manu-
ally, the particular behaviors are evolved. This approach to behavior design is taken
since manually creating SO systems is extremely dicult [13].
With respect to the genetic algorithm, the operation of the simulation holds
very little bearing. In this rough sense, the genetic algorithm does not make any
dierentiate between approaches taken by the behavior to search for and destroy the
targets. Rather, the genetic algorithm performs its tness function evaluation based
upon comparisons between the initial state and nal state of the simulation. All
other information used in the system is basically considered irrelevant to the genetic
With regard to evolution of behavior, the genetic algorithm does associate the
tness values to only behavior attributes. That is, the tness function is specically
applicable to evaluating only the utilized behavior model in the context of relative
target population. This implies that the tness function is inuenced by both the
starting state and nal state of simulation.
A.7 Mapping to SO model
This simulation is easily compared to the original SO symbolic model created in
Section 4.1. That model describes a multi-level view of a SO system. This split view
operates upon both a micro and a macro level. The micro level is concerned simulating
the interactions between entities; it closely models the behavior and operation of each
agent. This level delves into the specic information and the exacting details. The
micro level makes explicit distinctions between dierent behaviors.
The macro level of the SO system, on the other hand, is not concerned with the
information available at the simulation or micro-level. In fact, it is not able to make
distinctions like those made at the simulation or micro level. Rather, the macro-level
is concerned with the results of micro-level interactions.
This split between SO micro and macro level is clearly seen in the system very
distinctly. There is a clear distinction between micro level operation and macro level
operation. The macro level operation for this system occurs on the master computer.
This computer only performs the distribution of work to the client nodes and the
genetic algorithm updates between generations. This work occurs at the macro-level
since the actual operation does not depend upon the detailed interaction between
each individual entity in each simulation. True, the master computer associates each
GA individual solution, which is essentially a representation of a specic behavior
model instantiation, with a tness derived at the macro-level. However, each genetic
algorithm individuals encoding has no meaning to the master system computer -
the master does not address the actual behaviors encoded by each individual in the
population. Rather, the individual encodings are only something to which a tness is
associated. This separation of views is made clear in Figure (A.1).
The client nodes, however, delve very deeply into the micro-level. That is, the
clients perform the actual simulation and modeling of each object and their inter-
actions. Each client models each UAVs operation with all appropriate information.
This information is necessary to suitably model the UAV and target behaviors. In
this case, the simulation requires information about each state to generate the next
state. When the UAVs are actually simulated, they require more information than is
available at the macro-level.
The macro-system serves to lter out the unnecessary and extraneous infor-
mation from the tness evaluation while the micro-system provides the information
Figure A.1: The connections between dierent system representations are demon-
necessary to explicitly perform the simulation. This separation supports the devel-
opment of suitable behaviors by not placing undo restrictions upon the particular
behavior approach taken by the well-performing solutions evolved by the system.
A.8 Summary
This appendix described the low-level simulation design and implementation.
This appendix reexamines the design and construction of the simulation to ensure that
it corresponds to the SO design for this system. The meta-level SO system designed
in Section 4.1 is mapped to the simulation low-level design and implementation.
Appendix B. Simulation Design and Software Engineering
he engineering of the system is very important and eects the operation of the
entire system. However, it does not specically aect the operation of correctly
designed and implemented mathematical model. For this reason, the engineering of
the software system itself is not necessarily a topic of interest with regard to the design
of a system. Rather it is relegated to ancillary information.
This appendix describes the approach to construction the system used for this
research. It covers the way in which the work is partition and split as well as the
general approach taken to creating the system algorithms.
To perform the experimentation for this research, a high speed simulator is re-
quired. This simulator needs to be able to perform a great deal of simulations of
varying time lengths, with enough delity to illustrate potential solutions. However,
with greater simulation delity comes a greater computational footprint; by increas-
ing simulation accuracy, assuming static code eciency, the amount of computation
required to complete the necessary simulation increases. To aid in handling the addi-
tional need for a great deal of computation, a distribution model is used.
B.1 Fidelity Requirements
Of great importance to simulation is the accuracy of such a simulation. In-
creasing the delity of a simulation increases its accuracy at the cost of increased
computation. For this reason, the eective delity and simulation accuracy is limited
to subjects having high-level bearing upon experimental results while disregarding
those that are unimportant [40]. In this sense, one only simulates those aspects and
attributes which hold the most importance to simulation results.
B.1.1 UAV. Naturally, the UAV model holds a great deal of importance
for a UAV behavior simulator. However, the UAV characteristics and delity do not
out-perform the specic behavioral limitations tested in the simulator. That is, one
does not attempt to simulate the UAVs in three dimensions unless the behavior being
tested acts in those three dimensions.
The particular features that are selected for this system are illustrated in the
preceeding sections of this chapter. They include the use of a Dubins Car UAV Imple-
mentation [56]; a simple communication model; simple sensor implementation; easy
motion calculation; no explicit implementation of fuel, damage or ammunition; and a
simple combat model. The selection of these simpler computation models still meets
delity needs for simulation without providing undo computation for simulation.
B.1.2 Environment. The environment has no features other than retaliating
targets that interact with the UAVs. In this model, there are no terrain connected
eects other than simple obstacles. The environment exists solely to facilitate en-
counters between the UAVs and targets. Basically, the environment acts as an empty
space bordered by obstacles.
B.1.3 Behavioral. The UAV behavior is the key objective for this simulator.
As such, the UAV behavior is well developed. In this case, the delity of UAV
behavior is dened by two key characteristics: behavior expression guided by rule
combinations in a behavior archetype architecture and independently determinable
UAV behavior.
These two features allow UAVs to act autonomously when compared to the
global system of UAVS. This capability is essential in keeping with the two-level SO
approach used by this work.
B.1.4 Overall Fidelity. Combined, the system accuracy is at a high enough
level for experimentation in evolving self-organized behavior. At this level of delity
the resultant SO behaviors are limited. For example, the UAVs cannot develop behav-
ior to operate in the third dimension or sophisticated formations relying upon speed
modication. Likewise, the eects of the environment upon UAV - and inherently
behavioral - performance. The described level of delity is adequate to evolve UAV
B.2 Simulation Divisibility
Unlike simulators geared towards a single serial simulation like that produced
by [14], the requirements for this simulator, being that it includes an embedded evo-
lutionary algorithm, suggest additional ways to divide the work. Simulators like that
created by [14] perform simulations in serial - each simulation is performed one at a
time. This technique is eective when the results from only a single simulation are
needed. When the number of simulations grows exceptionally large, performing all
possible simulations in parallel is an extremely viable option.
Divisible portions of simulation can be identied from a general understanding
of the overall simulation amount composition. Assuming that there are x solutions
per generation and each individual is simulated y times to prevent inaccurate results,
then the work could be divided up in multiple ways across the dierent individuals.
B.2.1 Task Decomposition. Each individual solution in the evolutionary
algorithm requires a tness evaluation. This tness evaluation is generated by per-
forming multiple simulations and processing their results. Since each the EA requires
each solution have a tness value to properly construct the next generation, there is a
natural computation barrier which cannot be overstepped by parallelization: the EA
must generate the new solutions to test before they can be distributed.
The total simulation performed in each GA generation can be simply described
as a large number of simulations of a set of individual solutions. Figure (B.1) better
illustrates the relationship between these levels.
This structure of simulations lends itself to division in many ways. Like Cor-
ners work [14], simulations themselves could be divided to execute actual simulation.
Another possible way to divide the work is according to the each solution. In this
way, the distributed computation components individually perform all of the simula-
Figure B.1: The computation performed for each generation can be seen as a series
of M simulations performed on N individuals.
tions required to derive the tness of an individual solution. Furthermore, each single
simulation could be assigned to for individual execution completion.
Along the same lines as [14], individual simulations could be performed by more
than one node in a distributed environment. This method appears eective when
executing higher delity simulation. Additionally, the distributed simulations could
be implemented in a parallel discrete environment simulator (PDES) [25]. Exemplar
PDES include SPEEDES [68], which Corner used in [14] and WARPED [50].
Division of single simulations does, however, suer from some restrictions and
problems. For example, investigation into the code produced for [14] shows that
it must perform certain calculations repeatedly. Likewise, the system produced by
Corner requires each logical UAV process perform large amounts of redundant com-
These method for division appears to support a great deal of delity, however.
For example, this greater delity shows as time to accomplish simulation of 55 UAVs
for 12 time steps by [14] is about 4.8 seconds [68]. Using [14] as an example, it seems
that, for the delity required, division of each simulation does not well achieve the
goals of this project.
Of the three example ways to divide the simulations proposed, dividing the
work based upon each evolutionary individual seems that it utilizes the least amount
of communication overhead but also create the largest amount of processor idle time
when the number of repeated simulations is increased for each individual. These two
claims can both be explained away very simply.
To execute a simulation, a computational component in a distributed machine
needs to receive the pertinent information about the particular simulation to run.
This information contains the individual specic data for an individual - the data
necessary to build a behavioral matrix. Since each individual solution requires mul-
tiple simulations and those simulations are assigned together in bulk, only a single
message assigning the simulations is necessary.
Despite the reduce communication oered by this approach, there is a signicant
disadvantage. There is a limited amount of work that can be assigned in each EA
generation. This means that, in each generation, the production of new work waits
until all solutions in a generation have been evaluated. This means that if simula-
tion of a particular behavior matrix requires more computation due UAV and target
longevity, executing each of that solutions simulations may take longer than others.
This variance in simulation runtimes can cause other processors to remain in an idle
state and wait until the next generation. Figure (B.2) demonstrates this problem.
In Figure (B.2), the problem dividing the tasks by the simulations required to
evaluate each individual can be clearly seen - three of the four simulators result in a
signicant percentage of idle time.
This last method, dividing the work into individual simulations, appears to
oer the best performance of the three according to the delity needs for this project.
This method addresses the problems with division by simulating each individual and
oers a corrective trade-o. Division by individual is prone to large idle times due
to the large size and commit of each set of simulations. If the assigned behavior
model results in long simulations, completing all of those simulations takes a great
Figure B.2: The relative idle times for simulators 2 through 4 can be seen as quite
signicant since they must wait for simulator 1 to nish before more work can be
deal of time whereas other behavior model may create short simulation times. The
large disparity in times taken to complete each assigned set of work is minimized by
reducing the size of each assigned set of work. The best way to describe this method
is in Figure (B.3).
Figure B.3: The relative idle times for simulators 2 through 4 can be seen as less
signicant than as division between solutions.
Figure (B.3) illustrates how shrinking the size of assigned work decreases the
potential resultant idle time. The maximal idle time is the time taken to evaluated a
single solution.
Table B.1:
Division Type Pros Cons
Each Simula-
Supports higher delity repeated computation and
excessive communication
Each Solution Very Low Communication Large potential idle times
Each Simula-
Idle times bounded by simu-
lation time
individual Communication
required to assign each sim-
Table B.2: Side-by-side comparison of task division strategies.
The only apparent problem with this approach is that by assigning each indi-
vidual simulation, the amount of communication increases dramatically. Instead of
communication limited to only once for each individual, there are similar communi-
cation associated with each assigned simulation. For this task division strategy to
be eective, the increase in communication time must be less than the potential idle
time in division by individual evaluation.
Based upon [63] which used a serial predecessor to Swarmfare, it is reasonable to
select division by each individual simulation. In [63], the program required an average
of about two to three seconds to perform each individual simulation. Considering that
the data produced in [63] also required 50 simulations of each individual solution to
obtain a reasonable level of accuracy, it seems fair to say communicating the overhead
necessary to perform each simulation independently is far less then the 100 to 150
seconds of potential idleness produceable by division along each evaluated individual.
B.2.2 Load Balancing approaches. Determining the time that taken to
complete a single simulation appears to be similar to the halting problem [10]. The
dierence, in this case, is that there is too much randomness involved in each simula-
tion to predict early termination. This being the case, load balancing schemes which
rely upon expected run-times are not applicable [18]. Instead, any applicable load
balancing scheme must rely upon another method.
For this particular problem, the recommended method for task division seems
to also lend itself towards a load balancing scheme. By simply distributing available
singular simulations to each processing component when they nish the previous
simulation, the work balances itself to a great degree. For example, if one computing
component is slower than the others, it receives less work since it requests work less
often. The following gure demonstrates how, if one processing component is slower
than they others, the work is balanced.
Figure B.4: Simulator 1 is a less capable simulator. The farming model, by virtue
of its operation, naturally performs load balancing.
It is worth noting that, in this form of balancing scheme, the maximum poten-
tial idle time that could result is dened by the time taken to perform the slowest
simulation on the slowest process. This dynamic method for load balancing is actually
well known in literature as the farming model [51].
B.2.3 Structural and Parallel Decomposition. Since the balancing system
utilizes a farming model, it seems reasonable to breakup the implementation structure
to best support such a model. The farming model requires a process to generate new
jobs. These jobs are the individual simulations making-up each GA solution tness
This need for a separate process to generate and assign jobs [18] seems to best
lend itself to a master-slave [27] structural decomposition. In this particular model,
there remains a single processor acting as a master and generating the new jobs. Ad-
ditionally, the master contains the necessary mechanisms to create the next following
generation. With this software, the actual creation of the next generation requires
negligible computation when compared to the actual simulations. For this reason,
parallelizing the GA is not a consideration.
B.3 Communication Library
For the most part, selection of the actual communication library is limited by
the fact that the Swarmfare version parallelized from [63] is in JAVA. Since the orig-
inal program that was parallelized is in Java, the available communication libraries
are limited to those implemented in Java. These communication libraries include
CORBA and RMI. CORBA is a communication specication that happens to have
java implementations [51]. This communication specication, since it is not limited
to strictly a Java implementation, allows communication between clients and servers
that created in many dierent languages.
RMI, on the other hand, is a strictly Java communication system. Both RMI
and CORBA utilize an interface system to communicate objects using skeletons and
stub classes. RMI is implemented in Java whereas CORBA interfaces are dened in
IDL [51]. Since CORBA uses a framework designed for greater compatibility whereas
RMI is made to function with only Java systems and to be able to transmit objects,
RMI appears favorable since the overall communication time is not as much a concern.
It is for this reason that RMI is selected as the communication language for the parallel
B.4 Basic Algorithms
To best implement a farming model with the least amount of server overhead,
the majority of work is distributed to the clients. The distribution of as much com-
munications work and algorithmic operation to the clients allows the best scalability.
Table B.3:
1 StaticInformation = master.getStatics();
2 clientName = StaticInformation[0];
3 simulationInformation = master.getJob(clientName);
4 While(simulationInformation ,= null)
5 simulationChromosome = simulationInformation[0];
6 jobIndex = simulationInformation[1];
7 simulationName = simulationInformation[2];
8 Simulation = new Simulation(simulationChromosome, simulationName,
9 Simulation.runSimulation();
10 master.setScore(simulationName, Simulation.getFitness());
11 simulationInformation = master.getJob(ClientName);
12 while(simulationInformation[0] = WAIT)
13 Wait;
14 simulationInformation = master.getJob(clientName);
15 end while
16 end while
17 Terminate
Table B.4: Client operation algorithm
The clients initiate communication with the server in all cases - clients request work
and clients send the results of that work back.
Since the server functions in a mainly reactive way, there is not as much a need
for explicit server algorithm design. However, the client algorithm is well designed
since they drive the program. The general client algorithm follows.
Even though the client does not actively assign the jobs and collect results, the
functions that are triggered remotely using RMI are signicant. The server has three
major functions that it performs: sending the static simulation information when
requested, sending a new job when requested, and accepting simulation results.
Sending the static simulation information is essentially little more than a client-
server based get operation. A client, when starting up, contacts the server to get
the information is unchanging between all simulations. Also, the client receives its
numbered name which is used when it corresponds with the server.
When a client attempts to get a new job from the server, it sends its name and
attempts to get the rst available job. In the event that no jobs are available - when
they have all been distributed and the server is waiting for their results to generate
new jobs - the server returns a waiting job back to the client and cause it to wait.
To associate job tness scores with the EA individuals, the clients must send
the simulation results back to the server. The server tracks the number of jobs that
it has no results for. Once the results of all of those simulations are known by the
server, the server can perform the calculations necessary to create the next set of jobs.
In all cases, the clients terminate when they detect that the server has termi-
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Sept 2004 Mar 2006
Evolving Self-Organized Behavior
Homogeneous and Heterogeneous
UAV or UCAV Swarms
Price, Ian C, 2nd Lt, USAF
Air Force Institute of Technology
Graduate School of Engineering and Management
2950 Hobson Way
WPAFB OH 45433-7765
Mike Foster, [email protected]
Virtual Combat Laboratory
2241 Avionics Circle
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH 45433
Approval for public release; distribution is unlimited.
This investigation uses a self-organization (SO) approach to enable cooperative search and destruction of retaliating
targets with swarms of homogeneous and heterogeneous unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). To facilitate specic system
design, a facilitating SO algebraic framework is created that emphasizes scalability, robustness, and exibility. This
framework is then used to implement a UAV behavior architecture relying upon rules governing formation and target
interaction. Sets of applicable behaviors are created by weighted summation of the rules where dierent weights act as
distinct behavior archetypes. Appropriate behavior archetypes are based upon sense information distilled from the
environment and a simple perceptron mapping. Successful behaviors are evolved within this architecture using a genetic
algorithm. This approach tests a swarm of UAVs, when sensor and attack abilities are both homogeneous and
heterogeneous, against targets with superior engagement range. Resulting behaviors are highly cooperative, generally
scaleable, and robust.
self-organizing systems, remotely piloted vehicles, automatic, attack
Lamont, Gary B., Ph.D (ENG)
(937) 2553636, ext 4718

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