Undergraduate Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of the College of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment, and Natural Resources Cavite State University Indang, Cavite
In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (Major in Animal Science)
Broilers are chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus) bred and raised specifically for meat production. Chickens are one of the most common and widespread domestic animals, and although the global population has decreased from more than 24 billion in 2003 to 19 billion in 2011, there are more chickens in the world than any other species of bird. Typical broilers have white feathers and yellowish skin. Most commercial broilers bred for meat reach slaughter weight at between 5 to 7 weeks of age, although slower growing strains reach slaughter weight at approximately 14 weeks of age. Because of this young age, much of their behaviour and physiology is that of an immature bird. Broilers and egg laying hen are the same species and share many characteristics, however, due to the rapid growth and selection for enlarged breast muscles, broilers are susceptible to different welfare concerns, particularly skeletal. Broilers are usually grown as mixed-sex flocks in large sheds under intensive conditions, but some strains can be grown as freerange flocks. Microvilli are a hair like structure in the chickens intestine which signifies the absorption of nutrients and minerals in chickens digestion. Studies show that if there is an enlargement in the microvilli, there is a chance that the feed that it takes is absorbed very well by the chickens body and the nutrients does the feed has. Papaya is a biennial crop wherein it grows up to 2 years of age and it is utilized in many purposes. It is called the meat tenderizers by other people because of its capability to make the meat tenders. Others use papaya as a natural color etc. The fruit, as
well as the other parts of the papaya tree, contain papain, an enzyme that helps digest proteins. This enzyme is especially concentrated in the fruit when it is unripe. Papain is extracted to make digestive enzyme dietary supplements and is also used as an ingredient in some chewing gums. In this study, were going to use papaya leaf extract as an additive into the broilers diet. Were going to extract the papaya leaves, and then add it to broilers feeds and drinking water. We want to know if the papaya extract is acceptable in the chickens appetite. In this case, after rearing the chickens up to almost 35 days or just to reach its market weight, the extraction of chickens internal organs will follow. After slaughtering the chicken, evisceration follows and then the digestive tract will be extracted especially the chickens intestine up to the duodenal loop. Getting of the sample of microvillus follows, placing it under a slide then evaluation will be conduct. Recordings will be done after the evaluation and see if the papaya is able to maximize the chickens feed efficiency ratio and feed conversion ratio. The effectiveness of the papaya as feed additive depends on the output or result of the chickens microvilli.
Before World War II The Jungle Fowl. Our country has still the wild jungle fowls in some of its forests. Red in colour, they are small in size. The cocks crow, more or less, in the same sound or tone. They are now fast decreasing in number due to indiscriminate hunting and trapping for sports and food (Fonda, 1972). According to some poultry authorities, this wild jungle fowl was the origin of all present breeds, types and varieties of chicken today. Poultry breeders and geneticists have made possible development of breeds and strains with more or less fixed character as to color, size and type. During World War II According to (Gapuz, 1992, p6.), the chicken population in the Philippines was more than 27 million at the time of the outbreak of the World War II. This included all the birds of all ages, classes and breeds. Just before and during the Japanese occupation in the country, the main concern of the people was to evacuate to places considered relatively safe from the risks attendant to shooting war. Under the circumstances, it is why chicken raising was neglected if not entirely abandoned in most places. According to the Cencus Bureau, the numbers of birds at that liberation time was only 7.5 million or about 30% of the chicken population reported in 1940.
After World War II There was a serious shortage of eggs and chicken meat after the war noted by the enormous depletion of the chicken population in the country during the Japanese occupation. The chicken, that survived the occupation were again reduced considerably in number by the sale of fried chicken and the preparation of chickens to soldiers of the liberation forces at very attractive prices in dollars. There was a great demand for chickens and egg, but the supply was very limited. So the Bureau of Animal Industry realized then that the fastest way to rehabilitate the poultry industry was to import hatching eggs and chicks from the United States. It will be noted that the government then made available sum of P1, 000,000.00 for the purchase and production of breeding animals (Gapuz, 1992, p.6-7).
Broiler and the Broiler Industry Broiler. Broilers are the breed of chicken raised intended for meat utilization. They are typically had white feathers and yellowish skin. According to Villegas, (1969, p.23-24 ), most commercial broilers bred for meat reach slaughter weight at between 5-7 weeks of age, although slower growing strain reach slaughter weight at approximately 14 weeks of age. Broiler Industry. As stated from (Gapuz, 1992, p.32 ), broiler industry is concern itself principally with the production of broiler or young chicken of either sex that
weight more than one kilo liveweigth at 7-8 weeks of age. The income from this phase of poultry industry comes from the sale of live or dressed birds for meat. Broilers are sold either by piece or by unit weight . Mangubat, (2006, p. 12-13), says while it is heartening to note a lot of people are showing keen interest in entering the broiler business, it is very necessary that they study the market first. It so easy to grow broilers he explained. The problem is after they grow and youre ready to sell, where you go? he added. Therefore, engaging to this kind of industry is really risky
Description of broiler (focus: Feed Supplement) There are different kinds of chickens that depends on their use, if a chicken is raised for its egg it is a layer type of chicken, if a chicken is raised for utility or for satisfaction only like those bantams, they are called fancy type, if the chicken is raised to develop and discover new breeds of chickens, they are breeder types of chicken. But if a chicken is raised for its meat, it is called broilers or meat type chickens. Leghorn or the so called 45 days is the usual breeds of chicken that is raised specially for its meat. Aside from the fact that its meat is evidently more tender and easy to cook, broilers are easy to manage and raised. Nowadays broilers are raised 32-35 days only depending on its weight. If it reaches its weight in less than 35 days, some raiser harvest their flock earlier due to demand and they dont wait for 35 days before they harvest it. Broilers market weight ranges from 1.5 1.8 kg., the price of the broiler chicken is lower compared to native. Others say that broilers meat is not that flavourful compared to native. In addition
Feed proteins are complex amino acid polymers which are broken down in the gut into amino acids. These amino acids are absorbed and assembled into body proteins which are used in the construction of body tissue e.g. muscles, nerves, skin and feathers. Dietary crude protein levels do not indicate the quality of the proteins in a feed, protein quality is based on the presence and balance of essential amino acids in the feed ingredients. The availability to the bird of these essential amino acids is most important and broiler feeds should be formulated using digestible amino acids. It should be noted that the digestible amino acid levels quoted in this Supplement are based on true fecal digestibility, as opposed to apparent fecal digestibility. The levels of crude protein suggested in this Supplement should be seen as a guide; the actual protein level used will vary according to the feed ingredients and will be driven by the first limiting essential amino acid not available in synthetic form. It is preferable to use high quality protein sources where these are available, especially for broilers under heat stress. Retrieved from:
Broiler Industry in the Philippines The Philippine broiler industry is relatively small, both by world standards and when compared with those of its neighbouring countries. According to Vasquez, 2011, (p.18-21), Amid the slew of problem it encountered in the first few months of 2011, the Philippines the poultry industry seemingly did well in the first quarter of the year. According to the Bureau of Agriculture Statistic (BAS), broiler poultry industry in the
country output from January to March went up by 3.92% due to the expansion of poultry farms in the provinces. Therefore, broiler industry is very risky. In the Philippines, as in most Asian countries, is more diverse and less developed on several fronts, compared with its Western counterparts.). These integrators are members of the PABI (Philippine Association of Broiler Integrators) and involved in the production and marketing of broiler chickens, the importation of grandparent and parent stocks, and the manufacture and sale of commercially mixed feeds.). The balance comes from other independent, non-integrated commercial farms (organized under the banner of the United Broiler Raisers Association) and backyard raisers. While broilers are raised mostly in large-scale, industrialized production systems, native chickens are raised mostly by backyard smallholders based on traditional methods using locally available resources. Generally, the native chickens have relatively low productivity (e.g., slow growth8, low laying rate, and high mortality rate) and inconsistent quality and supply because of less organized production systems and management practices retrieved from : In addition, the corn shortage is also a big factor in the broiler industry of the Philippines, they say that there is high demand for corns to use in feeds but the production and supply of corn is relatively minimal. Also the new varieties of corn now in the Philippines has high amount of aflatoxin that is a factor why other chicken is small. Thats why Philippines need to import corn from other countries.
In terms of cost, feed is the most important input for poultry production, and the availability of low-priced, high-quality feeds is critical for the expansion of the poultry industry. For maximum performance and good health, poultry need a steady supply of energy, protein, essential amino acids, minerals, and vitamins and, most important, water. Recent advances in poultry nutrition have focused on three main areas:
1. developing an understanding of nutrient metabolism and nutrient requirements; 2. determining the availability of nutrients in feed ingredients; and 3. formulating least-cost diets that bring nutrient requirements and nutrient supply together.
Information about this topic is available from this website, through links to information notes on specific subjects.
Practical poultry diets are formulated from a mixture of ingredients, including cereal grains, cereal by-products, fats, plant protein sources, animal by-products, vitamin and mineral supplements, crystalline amino acids and feed additives. In developing countries, the increasing cost and decreasing supply of traditional feedstuffs are expected to constrain the future expansion of poultry production. This situation highlights the urgent need to improve utilization of the wide range of alternative feedstuffs available in these countries. In many circumstances, feed resources are either unused and wasted, or used inefficiently. The use of most alternative feedstuffs is currently negligible, owing to constraints imposed by nutritional, technical and socio-economic factors. However,
unlike intensive commercial poultry production systems, family poultry units and semicommercial systems are well-suited to the inclusion of these feedstuffs. Retrieved from:
A major nutritional problem in developing countries is the biological and chemical contamination of poultry feeds, which may have serious consequences on bird performance and the safety of poultry products for humans. Of the potential contaminants, mycotoxins are the most widespread, particularly in hot, humid conditions, and mycotoxin decontamination must be a part of feeding strategies.
Broiler Management Practices Brooding Management Brooding is the process of providing supplement heat to broiler chicks from hatching up to the time they have grown sufficient feathers to control their own body temperature. It is usually done for two weeks and may extend or reduced based on the weather (Daggon, 1990, p, 30-310). Gwayu and Tye, (2001) of the Department of Animal Science in Tamela, Ghana noted that the ideal temperature condition should probably exist when there is a range in temperature always available to the chicks from a maximum of not less than 1000F to a minimum of 600F or 700F, Some test show that with the temperature taken 21/2 inches above the liter, chick are apparently comfortable at all temperature in the range of 800F to
1100F. A maximum in the average temperature was 91oF dropping from 940F on the first day to 880F on the ninth. Ecano, (1983) reported that mortality rate in the brooding period is higher than the rearing with an average of 2.43% to 5% to eight weeks of age.
Feeding Management Feeds uses are to keep the animals alive by maintaining metabolic processes and used for growth of muscles and bones, disposition of fats and development of internal organs. It is also provide nutrients, tapped by the body to initiate and sustain reproduction. According to Gapuz, (1992, p 204-205) all means of including the birds to eat more, it should be done including moistening of mash during hot days and frequent stirring of feeds during wet days. Clean fresh water also should give in abundance. Grass and grift are may not necessary. Dagaas and Bustria, (2001) stated that based on the condition under which the study was conducted, it can be concluded that the broilers subjected to feed restriction at an early age (5th to 11th) could exhibit compensatory growth at 35 days of age except for
birds restricted at 50% level of feed restriction. Improved Feed Efficiency is realized during refeeding immediate after restriction period. They also mentioned that male broilers perform better from female broilers in terms of final body weight and body weight gain and have greater ability to exhibit compensatory growth more efficiency than female. Feed restriction can increase economic profitability in broiler production. Moreover, in times of feed crisis, mild feed restriction program at an early age (1st two weeks of age) could be implemented as one management strategy to increase economic profitability. Duration and severity of under nutrition should be considered to gain the full potential of compensatory of growth. Buddy and Diggins (1983), reported that to obtain higher income from the enterprise birds, it should be fed with well balance ration and mortality will kept to minimum.
As an alternative feed supplement Feed costs amount to about 70% of the total production costs of broiler meat. In Cameroon, the major ingredients of broiler feeds are maize and imported protein concentrates based on soybean concentrate, fish and/or animal meals. Over the past few years the feed costs have increased because the price of locally produced maize is going up and because the use of animal meals has been prohibited. This paper describes the use of possible alternative feedstuffs. It is concluded that there are locally produced, potential alternative feedstuffs, but in order to sustain broiler production at high inclusion levels, more research is necessary to characterize these feedstuffs as to their digestibility, amino
acid profile and contents of anti-nutritional factors. In addition, methods applicable on small-holder farms should be developed to properly treat the alternative feedstuffs so as to improve their nutritional value Retrieved from: Nutrient digestibility directly influences intestinal health and growth performance of broilers and turkeys. Coccidiosis is among the most economically important enteric diseases in turkeys as it has adverse effects on performance and resistance to other enteric pathogens. Retrieved from :
Feeding system There are several different systems available for delivery and distribution of feed to broilers. Since feed constitutes the major share of total production cost, wastage should be an important consideration in the choice of system. There is three major systems available: Automatic pan feeders: 1 pan per 65 birds; 33 cm pan diameter. Chain feeders: 2.5 cm per bird; 80 birds per metre of track. Round, hanging tube feeders: 65 birds per tube; 38 cm diameter base.
Automatic pan feeding systems have become the industry standard due to advantages of low feed wastage, ease of height adjustment, preservation of pellet quality, and reliability. As a number of different pan feeder designs are available, feeder heights should be set according to manufacturers' recommendations. Distance between the feeder lines should be not more than 2.5 metres. This ensures that all birds have adequate access to feed. Level of feed within the feeder should be adjusted to a height that minimizes wastage. If possible, the feed supply system should be allowed to empty at least once a day. This eliminates the presence of stale food and therefore reduces the risk of contamination and the growth of micro-organisms.
Drinking Systems It is essential that fresh water is available to the broiler flock at all times and that it is free of contamination. The drinking systems chosen must be capable of delivering the water efficiently to all birds with the minimum of spillage. To ensure that the flock is receiving sufficient water, each day, the ratio of water to feed consumed should be monitored. When the ratio of water volume (ml or l) to feed weight (g or kg) remains close to 1.8:1 (1.6:1 for nipple drinkers), only then can it be assumed that the birds are consuming sufficient water. The Table shows water consumption achieved with different drinking systems for broilers at increasing ages. Birds will drink more water at high ambient temperatures. Water requirement increases by approximately 6.5% per degree as temperature exceeds 21C. Water consumption will vary with feed consumption.
Alternative feeds to be use Papaya (Carica papaya) or paw-paw leaf extract. We prefer to choose papaya leaf extract as alternative or else additive in our feeds because, papaya is available anywhere. You can get papaya in farms, forests, and barangays and even in subdivisions. Were going to use the leaf meal on feeds because were going to use the extract in the drinking water of the broilers.
Effect of Papaya Leaf Extract Supplementation on the Length of Microvilli of Broiler Papaya Papaya (Carica papaya) is spherical or pear shaped fruits that can be long as 20 inches. Their flesh is a rich orange color with either yellow or pink hues. The fruit as well as the other part of papaya tree, contain papain, an enzyme that helps to digest protein. This enzyme is specially concentrated in the fruit when it unripe. Papain is extracted to make digestive enzyme dietary supplements and is also used as an ingredient to some chewing gums.
Retrieved from: For Vera, (2008, p.18-20) papaya is not a very cumbersome fruit to grow. It grow even in Cavite which has typically Type I (distinct wet and dry season) but not as productive in ideal places. Ideal climate is one with even distribution of rainfall and typhoon free. Place with longer rainy season starting in May up to January are better than places with type I climate
Health Benefits of using Papaya as Feed Supplement Papayas are excellent sources of dietary fiber, vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E, and folate, while at the same time being rich in antioxidants, flavonoids, and carotenes. It has been used for digestion problems. Retrieved from: Chowdhury, S. D., (2005), the chemical composition of dried papaya (Carica papaya) skin (DPS) was determined and its potential as a dietary ingredient for broiler chickens was investigated at dietary concentrations of 0, 40, 80 and 120g/kg. DPS was found to give similar food consumption, food conversion efficiency, survivability and meat yields (except male liver weight) to a control diet when used up to 120 g/kg of diet. Weight gain tended to increase with dietary concentration of DPS up to 80 g/kg.
According to: Department of Poultry Science, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh. The chemical composition of dried papaya
(Carica papaya) skin (DPS) was determined and its potential as a dietary ingredient for broiler chickens was investigated at dietary concentrations of 0, 40, 80 and 120g/kg. DPS was found to give similar food consumption, food conversion efficiency, survivability and meat yields (except male liver weight) to a control diet when used up to 120 g/kg of diet. Weight gain tended to increase with dietary concentration of DPS up to 80 g/kg. It was concluded that DPS could safely be used up to 120 g/kg in the diet of broiler chickens
Importance of papaya It tenderizes the meat and based on studies it improves the feed conversion ratio of broilers that may affect the broilers microvilli. Papaya is also used as intercrops; they plant papayas between their crops. Example, they plant coffee and they intercrop papaya between coffees. They call papaya as cash crop because it takes 7-10 years before a coffee can yield its fruit. Thats why it is important to intercrop papaya into it to have income while waiting for the coffee to yield. There are some uses of papaya such as; side dishes or the atsara, you can eat ripe papaya whether it is raw and you dont need to cook it, the male papaya leaf can be used as coloring in suman, and just like others do, they use papaya as cure for scalp problems such as dandruff.
Amount of feeds and papaya to be used is based on the weight and the age of the broilers, minimum amount of papaya is to be used to chicks and then gradual feeding follows. It depends on the required feeds does a chicken need. The only difference is the additional papaya leaf meal into it. At first, during the brooding stage, there is a small amount of papaya were going to use. But as they grow up, the amount of papaya need ed to supply for broilers increases up to the finishing stage wherein there is a higher proportion between papaya leaf meal and the commercial feeds.
System of feeding using papaya. The feeding system to be used is gradual feeding wherein the papaya extract is mixed with the drinking water, and the papaya leaf meal is mixed with the feeds. The amount of papaya extract and papaya leaf meal depends on how old and the weight of the chicken, as they grow older, the ratio of papaya extract and papaya leaf meal to the feeds increases.
Availabity of papaya. Since we are going to use the papaya leaves, it is easier to find papaya leaves. Especially in our barangays wherein papaya leaf is not that important for those farmers who plant papaya. The main reason why they plant papaya is for fruit production, thats why papaya leaf is not that important to them.
Problems and issues in broiler production Problems identified (international studies) based on the overview of the world broiler industry, it is clear that the world broiler market is highly competitive, with an increasing number of efficient producers fighting for market share. They succeed by
competitive pricing, aggressive marketing, new product development, and new market development. Another observation from the overview is that, although in the past competitiveness was based on cost factors, in future additional factors such as food safety, quality assurance, biosecurity, and environmental and animal welfare issues will become more important in determining overall competitiveness. This means that a wellmanaged and coordinated supply chain, including production, processing, and distribution, will be key to meeting the changing consumer demands and government regulations. That the Philippine broiler industry is less competitive implies that it will face increasing threats from global competition and cheaper imports. An important policy question for the policymakers is how to balance the need for developing the countrys own industry and the need to provide cheap and high-quality products to the domestic market.
Problems (local studies). There are several problems the Broiler Industry is facing nowadays, one example is the unfavourable weather condition, and the main victims of this condition are the lower area wherein flood occurs. Unfavourable weather condition may affect the chickens immune system wherein, it weakens the respiratory system of the chickens that may lead into some various kinds of illness namely: infectious corryza, flu, pox, in chicks it may lead to vent pasting and worse, to death. Climate change is also a factor of rapid growth of different bacteria and viruses. Philippines as a tropical country is experiencing almost 19 typhoons a year excluding those monsoons. The mortality rate increases because of these calamities. Another problem is the smuggling of chicken egg, meat and chicks whereas the price of these smuggled products is much lower actually less
than the half of the retailed price of the chicken and chicken products that is sold in our markets. This factor is a main reason why other poultry raisers become bankrupted and lead to permanent closure of their production. They think that instead of making themselves busy raising those chickens, they chose to rely on that smuggled product that weakens the Broiler Industry of the Philippines. In addition, high cost of feeds and input is the main consideration of the raisers, sometimes, the capital and inputs has the highest part or percentage during the production.
Propose feeding techniques in broiler production using papaya Acceptability of the chicks appetite using papaya extract. At first, small amount of papaya extract is to mixed with the drinking water as well as the papaya leaf meal to be mixed in feeds. As they grow older, the amount of papaya extract and papaya leaf meal application to drinking water and to their feeds also increase up to the point that he broilers can eat the alternative feeds without mixing it to the commercial feeds. The kind of container of feeds depends on what is available, but it is better if we use auto feeders for our broilers aside from the fact that it is less laborious. During the brooding period, were going to use newspapers as flooring and then floor-feeding follows. Wherein there is the little amount of papaya leaf meal added in the feeds.
Accurate feeding system for broiler using papaya. Were going to use chain feeding system wherein, the papaya leaf meal is mixed together with the little amount of commercial feeds. Amount of papaya leaf meal will always depend on how old is the
chicken. Using automatic feeders lessen the competition between the broiler and the sparrow. Sparrows or maya also join or unless compete for the feeds, especially when you put your feeders outside the cage.
Evaluation of broilers intestine (microvilli). Significance of microvilli Microvillus is a shaggy hair tiny hair-like fold in the plasma membrane that extend from the surface of many absorptive or secretory cells. They are most clearly visible with an electron microscope but may be seen as a "brush border" with a light microscope. The function of the villi and microvilli of the small intestine is to increase the surface area in order to maximize the efficiency of absorption. According to Caspray, (1992) have a function of providing a vastly increased surface area for the more efficient absorption of nutrients. The efficiency of the absorption is influenced by the surface area available for the nutrients to move though the more villi for better absorption. Increasing the villi height increased surface area capable of greater absorption of available nutrients. Lange (2011), the general importance of microvilli present on the surface of all differentiated cells has been strongly underestimated and essentially functions of thoe abundant surface organelles remained unrecognized. Commonly, the role microvilli have been reduced to their putative function of the cell-surface enlargement. But here, a number of microvillar mechanism functional importance cell function are discussed: First, the exclusive location of almost all functional important membrane protein of
microvilli of differentiated cells and second, the function of the F-action-based cytoskeletal core of microvilli as a structural diffusion barrier modulating the flow of low molecular substances and ions into and out the cell. The specific localization on microvilli of important functional membrane protein such as glucose tranporter, ion pumps, ion channels and ion exchangers indicate the importance and diversity of microvilli functions. Procedures on how to evaluate the broilers microvilli Process of slaughtering the chicken to get its intestinal villi (microvilli). Before the chicken is slaughtered it must undergo at least a fasting. It must not be fed overnight. It is based on animal science etiquette. At the day it is to be slaughtered, feathers on the neck located in front of the throat must be picked, and then procedures are as follows: a. The chickens breast must hit the ground prior to its blood flow. Cut a slit on the neck until the blood flows. Wait until there is no blood coming from the slit and let the chicken for a while. b. In scalding the chicken, the water must not boil the 60-710c is just enough to remove the feathers of the chicken (too high temperature may cook the chickens carcass and may damage the skin) c. Wash the chicken with tap water (this may help the feathers to be wet and be ready for scalding) next, submerges the chicken in the scalding tub or in a basin only. Hold its head and let its feet and body submerge then repeat the procedure holding the chickens feet this time d. Check if the feathers and scales are evidently easy to remove, then, remove all the feathers and scales of the chicken e. After feather is removed, wash the chicken with tap water. f. Focus on the chickens vent; make a circular slit around it. This technique may avoid the damage on the specimen which is the chickens intestinal villi (microvilli)
Evaluation of the chickens intestinal villi (microvilli) After the extraction of the chickens intestine, try to get the hair like structure inside the intestine. Prepare a slide and a slide cover. Put the specimen in the slide then cover it. If the image is not too clear, you may add water in the specimen to see it clearly. Observe under microscope and record the findings.
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