Geological Domain For Gold Exploration in India
Geological Domain For Gold Exploration in India
Geological Domain For Gold Exploration in India
for gold mineralization are:1. Archaean granite greenstone terrain of Dharwar, Bastar and Singhbhum craton. 2. Proterozoic volcano-sedimentary Fold Belts/Supracrustal belts of Eastern, Western and Central India. 3. Proterozoic volcanogenic polymetallic sulphide deposits of Western India. 4. Granulite terrain lying in Kerala and Tamil Nadu. 5. Archaean/Proterozoic quartz-pebble conglomerate (palaeo placer type). Lateritic gold occurs as capping in the southern granulite terrain and also in the Archaean/Proterozoic volcanosedimentary belts of South, East and Central India. Gold mineralization in India was episodic, with major period of enrichment in the Late-Archaean (2800-2500Ma) and a few in the Mid-Archaean (> 3000 Ma). Another period is the palaeo- Proterozoic. The Dharwar craton records maximum number of gold occurrences in the Archaean granite reenstone terrain, hosting all the major Indian gold deposits in the greenstone belts. Champion Reef (Kolar Gold Field) and Hutti Gold Mine the other deposits (where resources established) NEW DISCOVERIES OF GOLD MINERALIZED ZONES AND RESOURCES BY GEOMYSORE SERVICES (INDIA) PVT. LTD. AND DECCAN GOLD MINES LIMITED: KARNATAKA STATE1. BIF hosted Ganajur Main gold prospect and 8 satellite auriferous BIF bodies in D-S Basin, Haveri district. 2. BIF hosted Mangalgatti and Bhavihal prospects in D-S Basin, Dharwad district. 3. 20 other BIF hosted gold prospects spread between Haveri and Dharwad in Dharwar-Shimoga Basin. 4. Polymict conglomerate hosted gold in 3 prospects north of Hanni in Shimoga belt, Chikmagalur district. 5. Sheared magnetite gabbro hosted Manigatta-Syagattur 5km long mineralized zone, North Kolar belt, Kolar district. 6. BIF hosted Hirenagnur prospect in Hutti belt, Raichur district. 7. Granite hosted ENE-trending Yatkal Prospect in Hutti belt, Raichur district. 8. Granite hosted Ashoka prospect in South Hutti belt, Raichur district. 9. Palkanmardi-Chinchergi tract in Hutti belt, Raichur district. 10. Vadigehalli-Jaderi-Venkatapura prospect in North Kolar belt, Kolar district. ANDHRA PRADESH STATEChigarigunta Peddapartikunta New Tract in South Kolar belt, Chittoor district. MADHYA PRADESH STATEKusera gold Field in Mahakoshal belt, Jabbalpur district. MAHARASHTRA STATEMokabardi gold tract in Sakoli Fold belt, Nagpur district. CHATTISGARH STATEGranite hosted gold-bearing massive sulphide bodies and gold-quartz veins in Semarkachar-Bhagora Gold Field, Jashpur district. INTEGRATED EXPLORATION AND EXPLORATORY MINING LEADING TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF HUTTI A WORLD CLASS GOLD DEPOSIT, IN AN ARCHAEAN HUTTI - MASKI GREENSTONE BELT OF KARNATAKA, INDIA: The gold mineralisation is mainly confined to sheared/fissile chlorite schist and contacts of schistose amphibolite with felsic units and occurs with vein and veinlets of quartz/quartz carbonate (ankerite) containing sulphides.
THE GOLD PROCESS MINERALOGY AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE IN GOLD METALLURGY: CASE STUDIES FROM GOLD EXPLORATORY SITES IN CHITRADURGA SCHIST BELT, WESTERN DHARWAR CRATON, KARNATAKA: Microscopic or visible gold, refers to gold minerals in which gold occurs in a substantial amount, such as native gold and electrum. Submicroscopic gold, i.e. invisible gold, or Refractory gold refers to gold contained in the structure of other minerals (mainly sulfides) in minor to trace amounts. Surface gold is the gold that was adsorbed onto the surface of other minerals during mineralisation and subsequent oxidation or metallurgical processing. NUGGET FORMATION AND DISTRIBUTION IN THE CHAMPION LODE, KOLAR GOLD MINES:
The gold in placers are of secondary origin are after being realized from primary sources such as auriferous quartz lode and some other auriferous rocks. Gold being very heavy is carried down the streams by gravity rather slowly compared to other minerals. The tendency for gold to get accumulated along bends and kinks of the Streams will give rise to what is popularly known as Pay streaks.
Kolar schis belt. The following sequence of geological events are visualized a) The KGF amphibolites are thought to be of submarine volcanic origin based on the presence of pillow lava structure, basal conglomerate and banded iron formation (BIF). b) Initiation of tectonic activity leading to the fracturing (first generation) of the host of (komatiite) and introduction of quartz vein. c) Second generation of fracturing in the brittle quartz will give rise to narrow and elongated veins. d) Introduction of first generation of gold and minor quantities of silver, copper and tungsten etc. giving rise to parallel or sub parallel over bodies. e) However in rare cases the residual gold that will be locked up in the auriferous chamber may fine an escape due to the building up of fresh pressure. Under acircumstance the residual gold will be pushed upwards by latent fluid pressure. As auriferous solutions or ematitions. Rise upwards due to plumbing action whichmay act in several pulses. The already fractured quartz lode and host rock offer only partial resistance. As a result fresh micro fractures are developed in the quartz where resistance is least. Twiddle Haile (1989) who studied the fluid inclusion petrology of kolar gold field concluded that gold lodes in Kolar gold fields were repeatedly fractured on microscopic scale under hydrothermal conditions. The gold is found sporadically in breccia associated in rough open spaces in Champion lode. In other mines the voughs are rare. The breccia has been recemented by calcite after which the gold has been deposited with tetrahedrite and chalcopyrite. EVIDENCE OF GOLD IN KOLAR KOMATIITES: The economically significant gold minera1ization in KG F are (1) Native gold found in quartz hosted in metapyroxinite (Komati), (2) Gold associated with sulphides in Quartz veins hosted in metabasalt. GOLD MINERALISATION IN ANDHRA PRADESH AND FUTURE EXPLORATION PROSPECTS: In Andhra Pradesh primary gold deposits are the major source for gold and are recorded from Archaean greenstonegranite terrain of eastern Dharwar craton. The southern part of Kolar, Ramgiri. Gold occurs mostly in native form in all the vein type deposits. The most important sulphides are pyrite, arsenopyrite, pyrhotite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite and galena. Other important associated minerals are scheelite and
molybdenite. placer types of gold occurrences are known from Proterozoic rocks of Gulcheru and Vempalli Formations of Cuddapah Supergroup. Exploration of greenstone belts and adjoining granitoids in recent years led to the identification of medium and lowgrade gold resources and auriferous BIF type deposits. LATERITIC GOLD DEPOSITS OF WYNAD-NILAMBUR GOLD FIELDS, KERALA AND THEIR ECONOMIC POTENTIAL: Gold occurrence, in laterite due to economic importance. In India, Wynad-Nilambur gold fields of Tamil Nadu and Kerala were the earliest to be explored. Wynad Nilambur forms the SE extension of Dharwar schist belt of Karnataka. The major rock types of this region namely hornblende gneiss, amphibolites, charnockite, pyroxene granulites and are extensively lateritised. Field observations show that gold occurrence in laterites and in the weathered zones as thin films confined to cracks of the iron stained quartz and occasionally in clay and limonite zones as visible specks. Quartz veins are the host units for gold mineralization which can be classified as (i) Massive milky white veins and (ii) small veins with ferruginous material or cavities typical of sulphide leaching. Geochemical data from different units of the insitu laterite profiles suggest a two-stage process in the formation of the laterite. The first stage is marked by rapid depletion of silica, lime, magnesia and alkalies with enrichment of Fe 2O3 , Al 2O3, and TiO2. In the second stage there is gradual depletion of SiO2, CaO, MgO, Na2O, and K2O withcorresponding enrichment of Fe2O3, Al2O3and TiO2. Trace elements Cr, Cu, Ni, Co, V, Pband Ga also show enrichment from bed rock to laterite. Gold also show a consistent upward enrichment with highest concentration in ferricreet zone. GOLD EXPLORATION IN GADAG SCHIST BELT: Gadag Schist Belt (GSB) forms part of the Western Dharwar Craton, in the northern continuation of Chitradurga Schist Belt. GSB is one of the important auriferous supracrustal belts of Archaean greenstone terrain. The rocks are intruded by granitoids, basic dykes, quartz porphyry and quartz reefs. GOLD MINERALIZATION IN ATTAPPADI BELT, SOUTHERN GRANULITE TERRAIN, KERALA: In India, more than 99 percentage of the total primary gold produced is from greenstone belts of Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. Gold is intimately associated with sulfide minerals, including pyrite, pyrrhotite chalcopyrite and galena in quartz veins. One or possibly two mineralizing events appear to have deposited gold in Attappadi greenstone belt. Fluid inclusion study of gold-quartz veins in Attappadi area provide good evidence of fluid chemistry, The close association of gold with sulfide minerals within quartz veins indicates that gold was transported as bi-sulfide complexes. The phase separation due to the lowering of lithostatic pressure during regional uplift caused fluid immiscibility which has been proposed as the principle mechanism for gold deposition in Attappadi greenstone belt.
AURIFEROUS LODES IN SAKOLI FOLD BELT -A REVIEW: The gold + copper mineralisation in the central and southwestern parts of Sakoli Fold Belt is mostly confined to quartz + carbonate veins within meta acid volcanics and metapelites (quartz chlorite sericite schist). The gold sulphide-quartz carbonate veins are sub-parallel to the transposed schistosity.
INTEGRATED SURVEYS FOR GOLD EXPLORATION IN THE NORTHERN PART OF VELIGALLU GREENSTONE BELT, SOUTH INDIA: Hydrothermal alterations in the area include silicification, epidotisation, biotitisation and chloritisation. PALAEOPROTEROZOIC OROGENIC GOLD METALLOGENY IN RAJASTHAN LINKED WITH CRUST-MANTLE INTERACTION AND LITHOSPHERE-SCALE TECTONICS: A CLUE TO DEPOSIT DISCOVERY: Giant orogenic gold systems have age clusters in Late Archaean (2.70-2.55 Ga),Palaeoproterozoic (2.1-1.8 Ga), Late Neoproterozoic (0.8-0.6 Ga), Middle Palaeozoic (0.45-0.34 Ga) and Permian-Cenozoic (285-70 Ma) (Goldfarb et al, 2001). In the Archaean and Palaeoproterozoic the giant orogenic gold deposits are located in accretionary terranes. Au-Cu prospects are hosted in two distinct terranes, namely the reworked Archaean basement rocks of the Mewar terrane (Banded Gneissic Complex (BGC). EXPLORATION FOR GOLD IN SOUTH INDIAN SHIELD - A MODERN POTENTIAL MODELLING AND QUANTITATIVE RESOURCE ASSESSMENT: Archaean Granite-Greenstone and adjoining high-grade granulite terrains constitute the major gold Metallogenic Province in India. SPATIAL AND GEOLOGICAL CONTIGUITY BETWEEN WAYANAD AND ATTAPADI SUPRACRUSTALS AND ITS RELEVANCE TO FUTURE GOLD PROSPECTING STRATEGIES: Gold mineralization is associated with quartz veins/veinlets occurring within chlorite schists or biotite quartz schists developed proximal to the contact zone of metaultramafic/metamafic rocks with hornblende gneiss. Mineralisation was primarily lithologically controlled. STATUS OF GOLD EXPLORATION IN MAHAKOSHAL GROUP, SIDHI DISTRICT, M.P. AND SONBHADRA DISTRICT, U.P.: Stratigraphically gold is found in Agori, Parsoi as well as Dudhmaniya Formation of Mahakoshal Group and is hosted in meta sediments like argillite - greywacke and Banded Iron Formation (BIF). GOLD MINERALIZATION IN SINGHBHUM MOBILE BELT, JHARKHAND, EASTERN INDIA AN OVERVIEW FOR FUTURE SEARCH: sedimentary Iron Ore Group (IOG) around Telkoi in Keonjhar district Orissa to the SW of 54 Singhbhum Craton and in several sectors of SPMB, Jharkhand. Palaeo-Proterozoic Quartz-Pebble Conglomerate (QPC) hosted gold close to the contact of Singhbhum Granite basement and by product gold associated with copper sulphide ores in SSZ are also noteworthy finds by GSI in recent times.
Separating the Siwalik Formations of the Sub-Himalayas from the older rocks lying to their north, the Main Boundary Fault is a major structural plane discernible throughout the length of the Himalayas. Hitherto regarded as a steep north dipping fault, it is more likely a thrust which flattens with depth. The MBF, originally defined as the tectonic feature separating the Siwalik from the preSiwalik Tertiaries, is exposed only in the extreme western sector in the Kumaon Himalayas, roughly between the Yamuna and Tons valleys. East of the Yamuna the higher Krol Thrust has overlapped the Eocene Subathu and has completely concealed the MBF. The only exception is seen near Durgapipal in the east where a narrow belt of Subathu is exposed between the Siwalik and overthrust Krol rocks. Secondary faults or thrusts branch off the MBF, as for instance in southern Punjab. These secondary fault zones always diverge in a westward direction and merge with the MBF towards the east. The irregularity and sinuosity of the fault trace is evidence of a highly inclined plane. The older rocks of the Lesser Himalayas are thrust over the Siwaliks along a series of more or less parallel thrust planes. The Main Boundary Fault is a thrust fault with large-scale movements and is still very active. Measurements made by some workers demonstrate that the present day movement is of the order of 0.92 cm/yr.