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Case Hardening Steels - Technical Delivery Conditions: British Standard Bs en 10084:2008

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BS EN 10084:2008

Case hardening steels Technical delivery conditions

ICS 77.140.10

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BS EN 10084:2008

National foreword
This British Standard is the UK implementation of EN 10084:2008. It supersedes BS EN 10084:1998 which is withdrawn. The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to Technical Committee ISE/31, Wrought steels. A list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained on request to its secretary. This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users are responsible for its correct application. Compliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunity from legal obligations.

This British Standard was published under the authority of the Standards Policy and Strategy Committee on 30 June 2008

Amendments/corrigenda issued since publication Date Comments
BSI 2008 ISBN 978 0 580 56375 1

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ICS 77.140.10

EN 10084

April 2008
Supersedes EN 10084:1998

English Version

Case hardening steels - Technical delivery conditions

Aciers pour cmentation - Conditions techniques de livraison Einsatzsthle - Technische Lieferbedingungen

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 29 February 2008.

This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN Management Centre has the same status as the official versions. CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.


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Management Centre: rue de Stassart, 36 B-1050 Brussels 2008 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CEN national Members.

Ref. No. EN 10084:2008: E

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CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN Management Centre or to any CEN member.


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BS EN 10084:2008
EN 10084:2008 (E)



Foreword..............................................................................................................................................................3 1 2 3 4 4.1 4.2 5 5.1 5.2 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 7 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 8 8.1 8.2 9 Scope ......................................................................................................................................................4 Normative references ............................................................................................................................4 Terms and definitions ...........................................................................................................................5 Classification and designation.............................................................................................................5 Classification..........................................................................................................................................5 Designation ............................................................................................................................................6 Information to be supplied by the purchaser .....................................................................................6 Mandatory information ..........................................................................................................................6 Options ...................................................................................................................................................6

Inspection and testing...........................................................................................................................9 Types and contents of inspection documents ...................................................................................9 Specific inspection and testing..........................................................................................................10 Marking .................................................................................................................................................10

Annex B (informative) Dimensional standards applicable to products complying with this European Standard..............................................................................................................................33 Annex D (informative) Comparison of steel grades specified in this European Standard and ISO 683-11:1987 and other steel grades previously standardized nationally.......................................35 Annex E (informative) Classification of steel grades according to minimum tensile strength as a function of diameter after hardening and tempering at 200 C.......................................................36 Bibliography ......................................................................................................................................................37

Annex C (normative) Determining the microscopic non-metallic inclusions content .............................34

Annex A (normative) Options .........................................................................................................................31

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Requirements .........................................................................................................................................8 Chemical composition, hardness and hardenability .........................................................................8 Technological properties ......................................................................................................................8 Structure .................................................................................................................................................8 Internal soundness ................................................................................................................................9 Surface condition...................................................................................................................................9 Dimensions, tolerances on dimensions and shape ...........................................................................9


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Manufacturing process .........................................................................................................................7 Melting process......................................................................................................................................7 Deoxidation ............................................................................................................................................7 Manufacture of the product ..................................................................................................................7 Heat-treatment condition and surface finish at the time of delivery ................................................7 Cast separation ......................................................................................................................................8


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BS EN 10084:2008
EN 10084:2008 (E)

This document (EN 10084:2008) has been prepared by Technical Committee ECISS/TC 23 Steels for heat treatment, alloy steels and free-cutting steels - Qualities and dimensions, the secretariat of which is held by DIN. This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by October 2008, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by October 2008.

This document supersedes EN 10084:1998.

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According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.


Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. CEN [and/or CENELEC] shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.

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BS EN 10084:2008
EN 10084:2008 (E)


This European Standard gives the technical delivery requirements for: semi-finished products, hot formed, for example blooms, billets, slabs (see NOTE 2 and NOTE 3), bars (see NOTE 2), rod, wide flats, quarto plates, hot-rolled sheet/plate and strip, hammer and drop forgings (see NOTE 2),

manufactured from the case hardening non alloyed or alloyed steels (see NOTE 4) listed in Table 3 and supplied in one of the heat treatment conditions given for the different types of products in Table 1, lines 2 to 7 and in one of the surface conditions given in Table 2. The steels are in general intended for the fabrication of case-hardened (see Clause 3) machine parts.
NOTE 1 European Standards relating to steels complying with the requirements for the chemical composition in Table 3 but which are supplied in other product forms or treatment conditions than given above or are intended for special applications, and European Standards for similar steel grades are listed in the Bibliography. NOTE 2 Hammer-forged semi-finished products (blooms, billets, slabs, etc.), seamless rolled rings and hammer-forged bars are included under semi-finished products or bars and not under the term "hammer and drop forgings". NOTE 3 NOTE 4 Special agreements shall be made when ordering non-deformed continuously cast semi-finished products.

1.2 In special cases variations in these technical delivery requirements or additions to them may form the subject of an agreement at the time of enquiry and order (see Annex A). 1.3 In addition to the specifications of this European Standard, the general technical delivery requirements of EN 10021 are applicable, unless otherwise specified.

Normative references

The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. EN 10020, Definition and classification of grades of steel EN 10021, General technical delivery conditions for steel products EN 10027-1, Designation systems for steels - Part 1: Steel names EN 10027-2, Designation systems for steel - Part 2: Numerical system EN 10052, Vocabulary of heat treatment terms for ferrous products EN 10079, Definition of steel products

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In accordance with EN 10020, the steels covered by this European Standard are special steels.


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BS EN 10084:2008
EN 10084:2008 (E)

EN 10160, Ultrasonic testing of steel flat product of thickness equal to or greater than 6 mm (reflection method) EN 10163-2, Delivery requirements for surface condition of hot-rolled steel plates, wide flats and sections Part 2: Plates and wide flats EN 10204, Metallic products - Types of inspection documents EN 10221, Surface quality classes for hot-rolled bars and rods - Technical delivery conditions EN 10247:2007, Micrographic examination of the non-metallic inclusion content of steels using standard pictures prCEN/TR 10261, Iron and steel - Review of available methods of chemical analysis EN 10308, Non destructive testing Ultrasonic testing of steel bars

EN ISO 642, Steel - Hardenability test by end quenching (Jominy test) (ISO 642:1999) EN ISO 643, Steels Micrographic determination of the apparent grain size (ISO 643:2003) EN ISO 6506-1, Metallic materials - Brinell hardness test - Part 1: Test method (ISO 6506-1:2005) EN ISO 6508-1, Metallic materials - Rockwell hardness test - Part 1: Test method (scales A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, K, N, T) (ISO 6508-1:2005) EN ISO 14284, Steel and iron - Sampling and preparation of samples for the determination of chemical composition (ISO 14284:1996)

Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this European Standard the terms and definitions given in EN 10020, EN 10021, EN 10052, EN 10079, EN ISO 377 and EN ISO 14284 and the following apply. 3.1 case-hardening steels steels with a relatively low carbon content which are intended for carburising or carbonitriding and subsequent hardening
NOTE Such steels, after treatment, are characterised by a high hardness surface layer and a tough core.


Classification and designation


All steels covered by this European Standard are classified according to EN 10020. Steel grades C10E, C10R, C15E, C15R, C16E and C16R are non alloy special steels. All other steels covered by this European Standard are alloy special steels.

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EN ISO 377, Steel and steel products - Location and preparation of samples and test pieces for mechanical testing (ISO 377:1997)


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BS EN 10084:2008
EN 10084:2008 (E)


Steel names

For the steel grades covered by this European Standard, the steel names as given in Table 3, Table 5 and Table 6 are allocated in accordance with EN 10027-1. 4.2.2 Steel numbers

For the steel grades covered by this European Standard, the steel numbers as given in Table 3, Table 5 and Table 6 are allocated in accordance with EN 10027-2.


Information to be supplied by the purchaser

Mandatory information

The following information shall be supplied by the purchaser at the time of enquiry and order: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) quantity to be delivered; designation of the product form (e.g. round bar or square bar); number of the dimensional standard (see 7.6 and Annex B);

dimensions and tolerances on dimensions and shape and, if applicable, letters denoting relevant special tolerances;

steel name or steel number (see 4.2);



b) c) d) e) f) g)

particular surface condition at delivery (see 6.4.3 and Table 2); requirement concerning minimum reduction ratio or minimum thickness deformation ratio of rolled and forged products (see 6.3 and A.5); verification of fine grain size (see 7.3.1, 8.2.3 and A.4); requirement for the verification of non-metallic inclusion content (see 7.3.2, A.1 and Annex C); requirement for restricted hardenability scatter bands for alloy steels (+HH, +HL-grades, see 7.1.2 and Table 6); verification of hardenability and if agreed the information about calculation of the hardenability (see 8.2.2);


particular heat-treatment condition at delivery (see 6.4.2 and Table 1);

A number of options are specified in this European Standard and listed below. If the purchaser does not indicate his wish to implement one of these options, the supplier shall supply in accordance with the basis specification of this European Standard (see 5.1) any:

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standard designation for a test report 2.2 or, if required, any other type of inspection document in accordance with EN 10204 (see 8.1).


number of this European Standard (EN 10084);

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BS EN 10084:2008
EN 10084:2008 (E)

h) i) j) k) l)

requirement for internal soundness (see 7.4 and A.2); requirement relating to surface quality (see 7.5.3); requirement concerning suitability of bars and rod for bright drawing (see 7.5.4); requirement relating to removal of surface defects (see 7.5.5); requirement concerning special marking of the products (see clause 9 and A.6);

m) verification of the product analysis (see A.3).

EXAMPLE 20 round bars with nominal diameter 40 mm and the nominal length of 8 000 mm according to EN 10060 made of steel grade 20MnCr5 (1.7147) according to EN 10084 in the heat treatment condition +A with surface condition +BC, test report 2.2 as specified in EN 10204 20 round bars EN 10060 - 40x8000 EN 10084 - 20MnCr5+A+BC EN 10204 -2.2 or 20 round bars EN 10060 - 40x8000 EN 10084 - 1.7147+A+BC EN 10204 - 2.2


Manufacturing process
Melting process

The type of melting process shall be left to the discretion of the manufacturer.



All steels shall be killed.


Manufacture of the product

The manufacturing process route of the product shall be at the manufacturers discretion.

For minimum reduction ratio or minimum thickness deformation ratio of rolled and forged products see A.5.


Heat-treatment condition and surface finish at the time of delivery

Normal condition at delivery


Unless otherwise agreed at the time of enquiry and order, the products shall be delivered in the untreated, i.e. hot formed, condition. 6.4.2 Particular heat-treatment condition

If so agreed at the time of enquiry and order, the products shall be delivered in one of the heat-treatment conditions given in Table 1, line 3 to line 8.

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BS EN 10084:2008
EN 10084:2008 (E)


Particular surface condition

If so agreed at the time of enquiry and order, the products shall be supplied in one of the special surface conditions given in Table 2, line 3 to line 7.


Cast separation

The products shall be delivered as separated by cast.


Chemical composition, hardness and hardenability

7.1.1 Table 1 gives a survey on combinations of usual heat-treatment conditions at delivery, product forms and requirements according to Table 3 to Table 7 (chemical composition, hardenability, maximum hardness, hardness range). 7.1.2 Unless otherwise agreed for alloy steels the hardenability requirements given in Table 5 apply. If agreed at the time of enquiry and order alloy steels with restricted hardenability scatter bands given in Table 6 shall be supplied.


Technological properties

All steels are machinable in the conditions soft annealed, treated to hardness range, treated to ferrite/pearlite structure and hardness range and "normalized". Where improved machinability is required, the grades with a specified sulphur range should be ordered. (See also Table 3, footnote c). 7.2.2 Shearability of semi-finished products and bars Under suitable shearing conditions (preheating, application of blades with a profile adapted to that of the product, etc.) all steels are shearable in the condition soft annealed. The steel types 28Cr4, 28CrS4, 20MnCr5, 20MnCrS5, 22CrMoS3-5, 20MoCr3, 20MoCrS3, 20MoCr4, 20MoCrS4, 16NiCr4, 16NiCrS4, 18NiCr5-4, 17CrNi6-6, 15NiCr13, 17NiCrMo6-4, 17NiCrMoS6-4, 20NiCrMoS6-4, 18CrNiMo7-6, 14NiCrMo13-4 and 20NiCrMo13-4 and the corresponding grades with requirements on hardenability (see Table 5 and Table 6), are, under suitable conditions, also shearable when supplied in the "treated to improve shearability" condition with the hardness requirements given in Table 7. The non alloyed steels and the steels 17Cr3, 17CrS3, 16MnCr5, 16MnCrS5, 16MnCrB5, 18CrMo4, 18CrMoS4, 10NiCr5-4, 20NiCrMo2-2, 20NiCrMoS2-2 and the corresponding grades with requirements on hardenability (see Table 5 and Table 6) are shearable in the untreated condition under suitable conditions.


Grain size

Unless otherwise agreed the steel shall show a fine grain structure with an austenitic grain size of 5 or finer (see 8.2.3 and A.4).

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BS EN 10084:2008
EN 10084:2008 (E)


Non-metallic inclusions Microscopic inclusions

The steels shall have a degree of cleanliness corresponding to the special steel quality (see A.1.1 and Annex C). Macroscopic inclusions

As freedom from macroscopic inclusions cannot be ensured in any steel, requirements to verify the level present may be agreed at the time of enquiry and order (see Annex A.1.2).


Internal soundness


All products shall have a surface finish appropriate to the manufacturing processes applied.

7.5.2 Minor surface imperfections which can occur also under normal manufacturing conditions, such as scores originating from rolled-in scale in the case of hot-rolled products, shall not be regarded as defects. 7.5.3 Where appropriate, requirements relating to the surface quality of the products shall be agreed on at the time of enquiry and order, in the case of hot-rolled bars and rods with reference to EN 10221, in the case of plate/sheet with reference to EN 10163-2.
NOTE It is more difficult to detect and eliminate surface discontinuities from coiled products than from cut lengths. This should be taken into account when agreements on surface quality are made.

7.5.4 If suitability of bars, wide flats and rod for bright drawing is required, this shall be agreed at the time of enquiry and order. 7.5.5 The removal of surface defects by welding is only permitted with the approval of the purchaser or his representative. The method and permissible depth of defect removal, where appropriate, shall be agreed upon at the time of enquiry and order.


Dimensions, tolerances on dimensions and shape

The nominal dimensions, tolerances on dimensions and shape for the product shall be agreed at the time of enquiry and order, if possible, with reference to the dimensional standards applicable (see Annex B).


Inspection and testing

Types and contents of inspection documents

8.1.1 Products complying with this European Standard shall be ordered and delivered with one of the inspection documents as specified in EN 10204. The type of document shall be agreed upon at the time of enquiry and order. If the order does not contain any specification of this type, a test report shall be issued.

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Surface condition


Where appropriate, requirements relating to the internal soundness of products shall be agreed at the time of enquiry and order, if possible with reference to European standards. EN 10160 specifies requirements of ultrasonic testing of flat products of thickness equal to or greater than 6 mm and EN 10308 specifies requirements of ultrasonic testing of steel bars (see A.2).

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BS EN 10084:2008
EN 10084:2008 (E)

8.1.2 If, in accordance with the agreements made at the time of enquiry and order, a test report 2.2 is to be issued, it shall contain the following information: a) b) confirmation that the material complies with the requirements of the order; results of the cast analysis for all the elements specified in Table 3 for the steel grade concerned.

8.1.3 If, in accordance with the order agreements, inspection certificate 3.1 or 3.2 is to be issued, the specific tests described in 8.2 shall be carried out and the results shall be confirmed in the inspection certificate. In addition, the inspection certificate shall include the following information: a) b) c) d)
the confirmation that the material complies with the requirements of the order;

results of inspections and tests ordered as a result of supplementary options (see Annex A);

symbol letters or numbers relating the inspection certificates, test pieces and products to each other.


Specific inspection and testing

Verification of hardness

For non alloy steels, the hardness requirements given in Table 1, column 8, sub-clause 2, shall be verified (see also Table 7 and Table 9). 8.2.2 Verification of hardenability

If for certain steel grades a calculation formula is not available or in the case of dispute an end quench hardenability test shall be carried out in accordance with EN ISO 642 and Table 9. The temperature for quenching shall comply with Table 8 of this document. The hardness values shall be determined in accordance with EN ISO 6508-1, method C.


A sufficient number of products shall be inspected to ensure compliance with the specification. 8.2.5 Retests

See EN 10021.


The manufacturer shall mark the products or the bundles or boxes in a suitable way so that it is possible to determine the cast, the steel grade and the origin of the delivery (see A.6).


If the verification of fine grain structure is agreed at the time of enquiry and order, the verification of the austenitic fine grain size shall be made according to A.4. Visual and dimensional inspection


Verification of austenitic grain size

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For alloy steels as far as available the manufacturer has the option to verify the hardenability by calculation. The calculation method is left to the discretion of the manufacturer. If agreed at the time of enquiry and order the manufacturer shall give sufficient information about the calculation for the customer to confirm the result.


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manufacturer's results for the cast analysis of all elements specified in Table 3 for the steel grade concerned, see Table 9;

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BS EN 10084:2008
EN 10084:2008 (E)

Table 1 Combinations of usual heat-treatment conditions at delivery, product forms and requirements according to Tables 3 to 7
1 Heat-treatment condition at delivery 2 3 4 5 x = Applicable for 1 Symbol Semifinished products x Flat products Hammer and drop forgings x 6 7 8 9 Applicable requirements for Alloy steel grades 2. 3. Remarks 10

Non alloy steel grades 1. 2. -



Untreated Treated to improve shearability Soft annealed Treated to hardness range Treated to ferrite-pearlite structure and hardness range Normalizeda Others

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x x Chemical composition according to Tables 3 and 4 Brinell hardness according to Table 7 x -

None or + U +S

4 5

+A + TH

x -

x x

x x

x x

Column +S Column +A Column + TH Column + FP Column +N


Hardenability As in column 8 values according (see footnote to Table 5 or Table b to Table 3) 6

Observe also options given in Annex A.

+ FP

7 8


Normalizing may be replaced by normalizing forming.

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Other treatment conditions, for example certain annealing conditions to achieve a certain structure, may be agreed at the time of enquiry and order. The condition "annealed for spheroidal carbides (+AC) ", as required for cold heading and cold extrusion, is covered by EN 10263-4.




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BS EN 10084:2008
EN 10084:2008 (E)

Table 2 Surface condition at delivery

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

X = in general applicable for 1 Surface condition at delivery Symbol Semi-finished products such as blooms, billets hammer and drop forgings (see 1.1, Note 2) x Notes



flat products

Unless otherwise agreed

Hot worked

None or + HW +CC

5 6

Particular conditions supplied by agreement

Hot worked and pickled Hot worked and blast cleaned Hot worked and rough machined Others

x x x x x x x

Unformed continuously cast

+ PI + BC

a a

+ RM -

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x x

x x

a -


In addition certain surface treatments like oiled or limed or phosphated may be agreed.


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BS EN 10084:2008
EN 10084:2008 (E)

Table 3 Steel grades and chemical composition (cast analysis)

Steel grade Name C10E C10R C15E C15R C16E C16R 17Cr3 17CrS3 28Cr4 28CrS4 16MnCr5 16MnCrS5 16MnCrB5 20MnCr5 20MnCrS5 18CrMo4 18CrMoS4 22CrMoS3-5 20MoCr3 20MoCrS3 20MoCr4 20MoCrS4 16NiCr4 16NiCrS4 10NiCr5-4 18NiCr5-4 17CrNi6-6 15NiCr13 20NiCrMo2-2 20NiCrMoS2-2 17NiCrMo6-4 Number 1.1121 1.1207 1.1141 1.1140 1.1148 1.1208 1.7016 1.7014 1.7030 1.7036 1.7131 1.7139 1.7160 1.7147 1.7149 1.7243 1.7244 1.7333 1.7320 1.7319 1.7321 1.7323 1.5714 1.5715 1.5805 1.5810 C 0,07 to 0,13 0,07 to 0,13 0,12 to 0,18 0,12 to 0,18 0,12 to 0,18 0,12 to 0,18 0,14 to 0,20 Si max. 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 Mn 0,30 to 0,60 0,30 to 0,60 0,30 to 0,60 0,30 to 0,60 0,60 to 0,90 0,60 to 0,90 0,60 to 0,90 P max. 0,035 0,035 0,035 0,035 0,035 0,035 0,025 % by massa, b, c S 0,035 0,020 to 0,040 0,035 0,020 to 0,040 0,035 0,020 to 0,040 0,035 0,020 to 0,040 0,035 Cr 0,70 to 1,00 Mo Ni B -

0,24 to 0,31


0,60 to 0,90


0,90 to 1,20 0,80 to 1,10 0,80 to 1,10 1,00 to 1,30 0,90 to 1,20 0,15 to 0,25 0,40 to 0,50 0,30 to 0,40 0,70 to 1,00 0,40 to 0,70 0,30 to 0,60 0,40 to 0,50 0,60 to 1,00 0,90 to 1,20 0,90 to 1,20 1,40 to 1,70 0,60 to 0,90 0,35 to 0,70 0,15 to 0,25 0,80 to 1,10 0,60 to 0,90 1,50 to 1,80 0,80 to 1,10 0,80 to 1,20 0,15 to 0,25 0,25 to 0,35 0,25 to 0,35 0,20 to 0,30 0,30 to 0,50

0,020 to 0,040 0,035

0,14 to 0,19


1,00 to 1,30


0,020 to 0,040 0,035 0,035

0,0008 to 0,0050d -

0,14 to 0,19 0,17 to 0,22

0,40 0,40

1,00 to 1,30 1,10 to 1,40

0,025 0,025

0,15 to 0,21 0,19 to 0,24 0,17 to 0,23

0,40 0,40 0,40

0,60 to 0,90 0,70 to 1,00

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0,020 to 0,040 0,035 0,025 0,020 to 0,040 0,025 0,020 to 0,040 0,035 0,025 0,020 to 0,040 0,035 0,025 0,020 to 0,040 0,035 0,025 0,020 to 0,040 0,035 0,035 0,035 0,035 0,035 0,020 to 0,040 0,035 0,020 to 0,040 0,020 to 0,040 0,035 0,035 0,035 0,025 0,025 0,025 0,025 0,025 0,025 0,025 0,025 0,025 0,025

0,60 to 0,90

0,17 to 0,23


0,70 to 1,00

0,13 to 0,19 0,07 to 0,12 0,16 to 0,21

0,40 0,40 0,40

0,70 to 1,00

0,80 to 1,10 1,20 to 1,50 1,20 to 1,50 1,40 to 1,70 3,00 to 3,50 0,40 to 0,70

1.5918 1.5752




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0,14 to 0,20 0,40 0,14 to 0,20 0,40 0,17 to 0,23 0,40 0,14 to 0,20 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40

0,60 to 0,90 0,60 to 0,90 0,50 to 0,90

0,40 to 0,70 0,65 to 0,95

17NiCrMoS6-4 20NiCrMoS6-4 18CrNiMo7-6


0,60 to 0,90 0,50 to 0,90 0,50 to 0,90 0,30 to 0,60 0,30 to 0,60

1,20 to 1,50 1,40 to 1,70 1,40 to 1,70 3,00 to 3,50 3,00 to 3,50

14NiCrMo13-4 20NiCrMo13-4 a b c d

1.6571 1.6587

0,16 to 0,23 0,15 to 0,21 0,11 to 0,17 0,17 to 0,22

1.6657 1.6660

Elements not quoted in this table shall not be intentionally added to the steel without the agreement of the purchaser, other than for the purpose of finishing the heat. All reasonable precautions shall be taken to prevent the addition of such elements from scrap or other material used in manufacture which affect the hardenability, mechanical properties and applicability. Where requirements are made on hardenability (see Table 5 and Table 6), slight deviations from the limits for the cast analysis are permitted, except for phosphorus and sulphur; these deviations shall, however, not exceed in the case of carbon 0,01 % and in all other cases the values acc. to table 4. Steels with improved machinability as a result of the addition of higher sulphur contents up to around 0,10 % S (including resulphurized steels with controlled inclusion content (e.g. Ca-treatment)) (modern method) or lead may be supplied on request. In the first case the upper limit for the manganese content may be increased by 0,15 %. Boron is in this case added not for increase of hardenability but to improve the toughness of the case hardened zone.


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BS EN 10084:2008
EN 10084:2008 (E)

Table 4 Permissible deviations between the product analysis and the limiting values given in Table 3 for the cast analysis
Element C Si Mn P S Cr Mo Permissible maximum content in the cast analysis % by mass 0,31 0,40 1,00 > 1,00 1,40 0,035 0,040 1,80 0,30 > 0,30 0,50 2,00 Permissible deviationa % by mass 0,02 + 0,03 0,04 0,05 + 0,005

Ni B

> 2,00 3,50 0,0050

means that in one cast the deviation can occur over the upper value or under the lower value of the specified range in Table 3, but not both at the same time. For steels with a specified sulphur range (0,020 % to 0,040 % according to cast analysis), the permissible deviation is 0,005 %.


w .b


xw .c
0,07 0,0005

0,05 0,03 0,04 0,05

+ 0,005b

Licensed Copy: UW Swansea ATHENS, University of Wales Swansea, 18/06/2008 15:20, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

BS EN 10084:2008
EN 10084:2008 (E)

Table 5 Hardness limits for steel types with specified (normal) hardenability (+H-grades; see 7.1)
Steel grade Name 17Cr3+H 17CrS3+H 28Cr4+H 28CrS4+H 16MnCr5+H 16MnCrS5+H 16MnCrB5+H 20MnCr5+H 20MnCrS5+H 18CrMo4+H 18CrMoS4+H 22CrMoS3-5+H 20MoCr3+H 20MoCrS3+H 20MoCr4+H 20MoCrS4+H 16NiCr4+H 16NiCrS4+H 10NiCr5-4+H Number 1.7016+H 1.7014+H 1.7030+H 1.7036+H 1.7131+H 1.7139+H 1.7160+H 1.7147+H 1.7149+H 1.7243+H 1.7244+H 1.7333+H 1.7320+H 1.7319+H 1.7321+H 1.7323+H 1.5714+H 1.5715+H 1.5805+H Limits of range max. min. max. min. max. min. max. min. max. min. max. min. max. min. max. min. max. min. max. min. max. min. Hardness HRC at a distance from quenched end of test piece (in millimetres) of 1,5 47 39 53 45 47 39 47 39 49 41 47 39 50 42 49 41 49 41 47 39 3 44 35 52 43 46 36 46 36 49 39 46 37 49 5 40 25 51 39 44 31 44 31 48 36 45 34 48 7 33 20 49 29 41 28 41 28 46 33 42 30 47 9 29 45 25 39 24 39 24 43 30 39 27 45 11 27 42 22 37 21 37 21 42 13 25 39 20 35 35 41 15 24 36 33 33 39 20 23 33 31 31 37 25 21 30 30 30 35 30 29 29 29 34 28 34 21 25 25 29 31 34 21 34 22 24 35 22 38 42 30 40 28 50 40 35 28 28 28 33 27 33 20 24 24 28 31 34 20 34 21 24 34 21 37 41 29 39 27 50 40 40 27 27 27 32 26 32 23 24 28 30 33 20 33 21 23 33 36 41 29 38 26 49 39

28 26 25 23 37 35 34 31 24 22 21 43 41 40 37 28 26 25 30 31 34 22 36 24 39 26 41 30 30 41 26 44 26 46 34 45 33 51 41 23 28 28 32 20 34 21 37 24 38 24 27 38 24 41 23 44 32 43 31 51 41 32 31 20 35 33 22 38 36 25 30 39 27 42 30 44 36 33 20 44 28 47 30 47 36 46 36 51 41 23 37 25 41 28 42 33 31 42 27 46 28 46 35 46 35 51 41

21 29 -

xw .c
41 37 33 31 47 45 40 35 38 34 28 22 47 44 41 38 37 31 27 24 46 44 42 40 36 33 29 27 32 42 29 43 32 45 38 36 22 45 30 47 33 47 37 46 36 51 41 39 37 34 27 24 22 48 46 35 46 36 48 41 45 31 47 37 48 39 48 39 46 37 52 42 44 32 45 35 47 40 42 25 46 34 48 36 48 38 46 36 51 41 39 47 38 48 41 48 37 48 40 49 40 48 40 47 39 52 42


22 26 26 30 32 20 35 22 35 22 25 36 23 39 21 43 31 42 30 50 40



1.6523+H 1.6526+H 1.6566+H 1.6569+H 1.6571+H 1.6587+H 1.6657+H 1.6660+H



17NiCrMo6-4+H 17NiCrMoS6-4+H 20NiCrMoS6-4+H 18CrNiMo7-6+H 14NiCrMo13-4+H 20NiCrMo13-4+H


w .b
1.5810+H max. min. 49 41 1.5918+H max. min. 47 39 1.5752+H max. min. max. min. max. min. max. min. max. min. max. min. max. min. 48 41 49 41 48 40 49 41 48 40 47 39 53 43

41 32


Licensed Copy: UW Swansea ATHENS, University of Wales Swansea, 18/06/2008 15:20, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

BS EN 10084:2008
EN 10084:2008 (E)

Table 6 Hardness limits for steel types with restricted hardenability scatterbands (+HH- and +HL-grades, see 7.1)
Steel grade Name 17Cr3+HH 17CrS3+HH 17Cr3+HL 17CrS3+HL 28Cr4+HH 28CrS4+HH 28Cr4+HL 28CrS4+HL 16MnCr5+HH 16MnCrS5+HH 16MnCr5+HL 16MnCrS5+HL 16MnCrB5+HH Number 1.7016+HH 1.7014+HH 1.7016+HL 1.7014+HL 1.7030+HH 1.7036+HH 1.7030+HL 1.7036+HL 1.7131+HH 1.7139+HH 1.7131+HL 1.7139+HL 1.7160+HH Limits of range max. min. max. min. max. min. max. min. max. min. max. min. max. min. 16MnCrB5+HL 20MnCr5+HH 20MnCrS5+HH 20MnCr5+HL 20MnCrS5+HL 18CrMo4+HH 18CrMoS4+HH 18CrMo4+HL 18CrMoS4+HL 22CrMoS3-5+HH 1.7160+HL 1.7147+HH 1.7149+HH 1.7147+HL 1.7149+HL 1.7243+HH 1.7244+HH 1.7243+HL 1.7244+HL max. min. max. min. max. min. max. min. Hardness HRC at a distance from quenched end of test piece (in millimetres) of 1,5 47 42 44 39 53 48 50 45 47 42 44 39 47 42 44 39 49 44 46 41 47 42 3 44 38 41 35 52 46 49 43 46 39 43 36 46 39 43 36 49 42 46 5 40 30 35 25 51 43 47 39 44 35 40 31 7 33 24 29 20 49 36 42 29 41 32 37 28 9 29 20 25 45 32 38 25 39 29 34 24 11 27 23 42 29 35 22 37 26 32 21 13 25 21 39 26 33 20 15 24 20 36 23 30 20 23 33 20 27 25 21 30 24 30 29 23 35 28 22 28 23 28 23 33 24 28 27 23 33 24 29 20 24 20 24 20 28 20 40 27 21 27 22 27 22 32 23 27 26 22 32 23 28 23 24 20 28 20

35 24

30 -

44 35

xw .c
41 39 37 35 33 32 29 26 24 22 37 34 32 30 28 28 24 21 46 43 42 41 39 37 34 33 31 30 42 39 37 36 34 33 30 28 37 28 33 24 43 33 38 28 32 24 28 20 35 26 31 22 38 29 26 35 26 31 22 41 31 36 26 31 23 27 33 24 29 36 27 25 34 25 30 21 40 30 35 25 30 22 26 31 22 27 34 26 42 39 34 38 30 47 38 42 33 40 32 36 28 41 32 36 27 42 33 31 35 27 45 36 40 31 35 26 31 22 38 29 33 24 40 31 -

40 31

48 40

39 36 46 45 40 38 43 41 37 34 49 48 44 41 46 41 47 41 44 38 47 40 44 37 46 39 44 37 45 38 41 34 44 35 40 31 44 37


w .b

max. min.




max. min.



22CrMoS3-5+HL 20MoCr3+HH


max. min.

47 42 49 44 46 41 49 44 46 41 47 42

20MoCrS3+HH 20MoCr3+HL

1.7320+HH 1.7319+HH 1.7320+HL 1.7319+HL 1.7321+HH 1.7323+HH 1.7321+HL 1.7323+HL 1.5714+HH 1.5715+HH

max. min. max. min. max. min. max. min. max. min.

20MoCrS3+HL 20MoCr4+HH 20MoCrS4+HH 20MoCr4+HL 20MoCrS4+HL 16NiCr4+HH 16NiCrS4+HH


33 31 30 29 22 20 28 26 25 24 31 30 25 35 26 30 21 29 20 25 35 26 31 22 26 22 26 22 30 22 29 24 34 25 29 28 24 34 25 30 21 25 21 25 21 29 21 20 26 37 28 32 23 31 22 27 37 28 32 23 28 20 24 28 24 32 24

Licensed Copy: UW Swansea ATHENS, University of Wales Swansea, 18/06/2008 15:20, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

BS EN 10084:2008
EN 10084:2008 (E)

Table 6 (continued)
Steel grade Name 16NiCr4+HL 16NiCrS4+HL 10 NiCr5-4+HH Number 1.5714+HL 1.5715+HL 1.505+HH Limits of range max. min. max. min. 10NiCr5-4+HL 1.5805+HL max. min. 18NiCr5-4+HH 1.5810+HH max. min. 18NiCr5-4+HL 1.5810+HL max. min. 17CrNi6-6+HH 1.5918+HH max. min. 17CrNi6-6+HL 1.5918+HL max. min. 15NiCr13+HH 1.5752+HH max. min. 15NiCr13+HL 20NiCrMo2-2+HH 20NiCrMoS2-2+HH 20NiCrMo2-2+HL 20NiCrMoS2-2+HL 17NiCrMo6-4+HH 17NiCrMoS6-4+HH 17NiCrMo6-4+HL 17NiCrMoS6-4+HL 20NiCrMoS6-4+HH 1.5752+HL 1.6523+HH 1.6526+HH 1.6523+HL 1.6526+HL 1.6566+HH 1.6569+HL max. min. max. min. max. min. max. min. Hardness HRC at a distance from quenched end of test piece (in millimetres) of 1,5 44 39 41 33 38 32 49 44 46 41 47 42 44 39 48 43 46 41 49 44 3 43 36 39 29 35 27 48 42 45 39 47 41 44 38 5 40 33 37 26 32 24 46 39 42 35 46 39 43 36 7 38 29 34 24 30 22 44 36 40 32 45 38 42 35 9 36 27 32 21 27 42 33 38 29 43 36 39 32 11 34 25 30 20 25 39 31 35 13 32 23 37 29 33 15 30 22 36 28 32 20 28 20 34 25 30 25 26 32 24 28 30 25 31 23 27 34 25 30 21 34 26 30 22 24 20 35 26 31 22 38 26 32 42 34 38 30 40 32 36 28 50 42 48 40 35 24 31 23 27 34 25 29 20 34 25 30 21 24 20 34 25 30 21 37 25 31 41 33 37 29 39 31 35 27 50 42 48 40 40 24 30 22 26 33 24 29 20 33 25 29 21 23 33 24 29 36 24 30 41 33 37 29 38 30 34 26 49 41 47 39

xw .c
30 28 48 48 47 45 44 42 43 43 42 40 39 36 46 46 45 43 41 38 41 41 40 38 36 33 48 45 42 36 33 31 41 36 31 27 24 22 44 40 36 31 22 45 35 40 30 47 38 42 33 47 40 44 37 46 39 43 36 51 43 49 41 29 20 44 33 39 28 47 36 41 30 47 40 43 36 46 39 43 36 51 43 49 41 27 42 32 37 27 46 34 40 28 46 39 42 35 46 39 42 35 51 43 49 41 37 31 25 48 47 46 43 45 40 44 37 48 42 45 39 48 42 45 39 46 40 43 37 52 44 50 42 38 42 34 48 40 44 36 48 41 45 38 46 39 43 36 51 43 49 41 40 49 43 46 40 48 43 45 40 47 42 44 39 52 44 50 42

27 25 24 21 42 41 39 37 34 32 30 28 38 37 35 33 26 41 34 37 30 30 21 26 41 31 36 26 44 32 38 26 46 38 42 34 45 37 41 33 51 43 49 41 24 38 29 33 24 27 23 38 29 33 24 41 29 35 23 44 36 40 32 43 35 39 31 51 43 49 41

20 35 26 31

22 35 26 31 22 25 21 36 27 32 23 39 27 33 21 43 35 39 31 42 34 38 30 50 42 48 40


18CrNiMo7-6+HH 18CrNiMo7-6+HL 14NiCrMo13-4+HH 14NiCrMo13-4+HL 20NiCrMo13-4+HH 20NiCrMo13-4+HL

w .b
43 1.6566+HL 1.6569+HL max. min. 45 40 1.6571+HH max. min. 49 44 1.6571+HL max. min. max. min. 1.6587+HL max. min. 1.6657+HH max. min. 1.6657+HL max. min. 1.6660+HH max. min. 1.6660+HL max. min. 46 41 48 43 45 40 47 42 44 39 53 44 50 43 1.6587+HH

46 41 48


Licensed Copy: UW Swansea ATHENS, University of Wales Swansea, 18/06/2008 15:20, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

BS EN 10084:2008
EN 10084:2008 (E)

Table 7 Hardness requirements for products delivered in the conditions 'treated to improve shearability' (+S), ' soft annealed' (+A), 'treated to hardness range' (+TH), 'treated to ferrite-pearlite structure and hardness range' (+FP) or 'normalized' (+N)
Steel grade Name C10E C10R C15E C15R C16E C16R 17Cr3 17CrS3 28Cr4 28CrS4 16MnCr5 16MnCrS5 16MnCrB5 20MnCr5 20MnCrS5 18CrMo4 18CrMoS4 22CrMoS3-5 20MoCr3 20MoCrS3 20MoCr4 20MoCrS4 16NiCr4 16NiCrS4 10NiCr5-4 18NiCr5-4 17CrNi6-6 15NiCr13 Number 1.1121 1.1207 1.1141 1.1140 1.1148 1.1208 1.7016 1.7014 1.7030 1.7036 1.7131 1.7139 1.7160 1.7147 1.7149 1.7243 1.7244 1.7333 1.7320 1.7319 1.7321 1.7323 1.5714 1.5715 1.5805 255 255 a 207 217 a 255 207 217 a 207 156 156 207 207 255 217 166 217 a 174 156 100 155 143 95 150 +S max. +A max. Brinell hardness (HBW) in the condition + TH min. max. min. + FP max. min. 85 +N max. 140


156 207 140 140 187 187 201 152 140 187 201 185 152 145 140 187 156 207 137 156 156 166 149 187 207 207 217 194 149 154 159 166 197 201 207 207 217 241

xw .c
170 217 156 207 170 217 205 160 156 207 166 217 147 170 175 179 161 197 223 229 229 212 179 179 179 187 207 229 229 229 241 255

138 138 140

187 187 201

w .b
255 207




192 223 229 229 212


255 255 255 a


20NiCrMoS2-2 17NiCrMo6-4 17NiCrMoS6-4 20NiCrMoS6-4 18CrNiMo7-6 14NiCrMo13-4 20NiCrMo13-4 a See

1.5918 1.5752 1.6523 1.6526 1.6566 1.6569 1.6571 1.6587 1.6657 1.6660

255 255 255 255 277

229 229 229 241 255


Licensed Copy: UW Swansea ATHENS, University of Wales Swansea, 18/06/2008 15:20, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

BS EN 10084:2008
EN 10084:2008 (E)

Table 8 Conditions for heat treating test bars and treatment of the steels
Steel grade Name C10E C10R C15E C15R C16E C16R 17Cr3 17CrS3 28Cr4 28CrS4 16MnCr5 16MnCrS5 16MnCrB5 20MnCr5 20MnCrS5 18CrMo4 18CrMoS4 22CrMoS3-5 20MoCr3 20MoCrS3 20MoCr4 20MoCrS4 16NiCr4 16NiCrS4 10NiCr5-4 18NiCr5-4 17CrNi6-6 15NiCr13 Number 1.1121 1.1207 1.1141 1.1140 1.1148 1.1208 1.7016 1.7014 1.7030 1.7036 1.7131 1.7139 1.7160 1.7147 1.7149 1.7243 1.7244 1.7333 1.7320 1.7319 1.7321 1.7323 1.5714 1.5715 1.5805 1.5810 1.5752 1.5918 End quench test Austenitizing temperature a C 880 850 870 870 870 880 Carburizing temperatureb C 880 to 980 880 to 980 880 to 980 880 to 980 880 to 980 880 to 980 880 to 980 880 to 980 880 to 980 Core-hardening temperaturec,d C 880 to 920 880 to 920 880 to 920 860 to 900 860 to 900 860 to 900 860 to 900 Case-hardening temperaturec, d C 780 to 820 780 to 820 780 to 820 780 to 820 780 to 820 780 to 820 Temperinge C 150 to 200 150 to 200 150 to 200 150 to 200 150 to 200 150 to 200 150 to 200 150 to 200 150 to 200 150 to 200 150 to 200 150 to 200 150 to 200 150 to 200 150 to 200 150 to 200 150 to 200 150 to 200 150 to 200 150 to 200 150 to 200 150 to 200 150 to 200

xw .c
860 to 900 860 to 900 880 to 980 880 to 980 880 to 980 880 to 980 875 to 925 880 to 980 880 to 980 880 to 980 880 to 980 880 to 980 880 to 980 880 to 980 880 to 980 880 to 980 860 to 900 860 to 900 850 to 890 830 to 860 840 to 880 830 to 870 840 to 880 860 to 900 830 to 870 830 to 870 830 to 870 840 to 880 825 to 880

860 to 900

900 880 910 880

880 880 880 870 920 880 880 880 850 860

w .b
1.6523 1.6526 1.6566 1.6569 1.6571 1.6657 1.6660 1.6587

20NiCrMo2-2 17NiCrMo6-4

20NiCrMoS2-2 17NiCrMoS6-4 18CrNiMo7-6

20NiCrMoS6-4 14NiCrMo13-4

20NiCrMo13-4 NOTE a

The temperatures given for carburizing, core-hardening, case-hardening and tempering are for guidance; the actual temperatures chosen should be those that will give the properties required.

Time for austenitizing as a guide: 30 to 35 minutes. The carburizing temperature will depend on the chemical composition of the steel, the mass of the product, and the carburizing medium. If the steels are direct hardened, in general, a temperature of 950 C is not exceeded. For special procedures, for example under vacuum, higher temperatures (for example 1 020 C to 1 050 C) are not unusual.

c d e

When applying the single quench method, the steel is to be quenched from the carburizing temperature or a lower temperature. The lower hardening temperatures are in each case to be preferred, in particular when there is risk of distortion. The kind of quenching agent depends on, for example, the shape of the products, the cooling conditions and the amount of furnace filling. Time for tempering as a guide: 1 h minimum.

780 to 820 780 to 820 780 to 820 780 to 820 780 to 820 780 to 820 780 to 820 780 to 810 780 to 820 780 to 820 780 to 820 780 to 820 780 to 820 780 to 820 780 to 820 780 to 820 800 to 850


Licensed Copy: UW Swansea ATHENS, University of Wales Swansea, 18/06/2008 15:20, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

BS EN 10084:2008
EN 10084:2008 (E)

Table 9 Test conditions for the verification of the requirements given in column 1
NOTE Verification of the requirements is only necessary if an inspection certificate is ordered and if the requirement is applicable according to Table 1, column 8 or column 9.
1 Requirements 2 3 Amount of testing Number of See Table Chemical composition sample tests Test unita products per per test sample unit product C Sampling and sample preparationb Test method to be used 4 5 6


(The cast analysis is given by the manufacturer; for product analysis see A.3). In cases of dispute, the test piece shall be prepared as follows: a) For diameters d 40 mm, the test piece shall be produced by machining. b) For diameters 40 mm < d 150 mm, the bar shall be reduced by forging to a diameter of 40 mm or a test piece with diameter 40 mm shall be taken so that its axis is 20 mm below the surface. c) For diameters d > 150 mm, the test piece shall be taken so that its axis is 20 mm below the surface. In all other cases, unless otherwise agreed at the time of ordering, the sampling method is left to the discretion of the manufacturer. If the product dimensions do not permit samples to be taken for the end quench hardenability test, conditions shall be agreed for proof of hardenability.



Hardness in the condition +N


Hardness in the condition +S or +A or +TH or +FP


w .b
1 1 7 C 1 1


In cases of dispute, the hardness shall be determined, if possible, at the following point on the surface: - in the case of round bars, a distance of 1 x the diameter from the end of the bar, - in the case of bars with a rectangular or square cross section and in the case of flat products at In accordance with a distance 1 x the thickness from the end and EN ISO 6506-1. 0,25 x the thickness from one longitudinal edge on the transverse side of the product. If, for example, in the case of hammer or drop forgings, the above requirements cannot be adhered to, agreement shall be reached at the time of ordering about the most appropriate position for the hardness indentations. For sample preparation, see EN ISO 6506-1. In accordance with EN ISO 6506-1.

The test shall be performed near the surface

The tests shall be carried out separately for each cast as indicated by "C", each dimension as indicated by "D", and each heat-treatment batch as indicated by "T". Products with different thickness may be grouped if the differences in thickness do not affect the properties. The general conditions for selection and preparation of samples and test pieces should be in accordance with EN ISO 377 and EN ISO 14284.


xw .c


In accordance with EN ISO 642. The quenching temperature shall be as specified in Table 8. The hardness values shall be determined in accordance with method C in EN ISO 6508-1.

Licensed Copy: UW Swansea ATHENS, University of Wales Swansea, 18/06/2008 15:20, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

BS EN 10084:2008
EN 10084:2008 (E)

Key X Y 1 2 3 Distance from quenched end of test piece, mm Hardness, HRC HH-grade HL-grade H-grade Figure 1 Scatter bands for the Rockwell-C hardness in the end quench hardenability test

w .b


xw .c


Licensed Copy: UW Swansea ATHENS, University of Wales Swansea, 18/06/2008 15:20, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

BS EN 10084:2008
EN 10084:2008 (E)

Key X Y 1 2 3 Distance from quenched end of test piece, mm Hardness, HRC HH-grade HL-grade H-grade Figure 1 Scatter bands for the Rockwell - C hardness in the end quench hardenability test (continued)


w .b


xw .c


Licensed Copy: UW Swansea ATHENS, University of Wales Swansea, 18/06/2008 15:20, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

BS EN 10084:2008
EN 10084:2008 (E)

Key X Y 1 2 3 Distance from quenched end of test piece, mm Hardness, HRC HH-grade HL-grade H-grade Figure 1 Scatter bands for the Rockwell - C hardness in the end quench hardenability test (continued)

w .b


xw .c


Licensed Copy: UW Swansea ATHENS, University of Wales Swansea, 18/06/2008 15:20, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

BS EN 10084:2008
EN 10084:2008 (E)

Key X Y 1 2 3 Distance from quenched end of test piece, mm Hardness, HRC HH-grade HL-grade H-grade Figure 1 Scatter bands for the Rockwell - C hardness in the end quench hardenability test (continued)


w .b


xw .c


Licensed Copy: UW Swansea ATHENS, University of Wales Swansea, 18/06/2008 15:20, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

BS EN 10084:2008
EN 10084:2008 (E)

Key X Y 1 2 3 Distance from quenched end of test piece, mm Hardness, HRC HH-grade HL-grade H-grade Figure 1 Scatter bands for the Rockwell - C hardness in the end quench hardenability test (continued)

w .b


xw .c


Licensed Copy: UW Swansea ATHENS, University of Wales Swansea, 18/06/2008 15:20, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

BS EN 10084:2008
EN 10084:2008 (E)

Key X Y 1 2 3 Distance from quenched end of test piece, mm Hardness, HRC HH-grade HL-grade H-grade Figure 1 Scatter bands for the Rockwell - C hardness in the end quench hardenability test (continued)


w .b


xw .c


Licensed Copy: UW Swansea ATHENS, University of Wales Swansea, 18/06/2008 15:20, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

BS EN 10084:2008
EN 10084:2008 (E)

Key X Y 1 2 3 Distance from quenched end of test piece, mm Hardness, HRC HH-grade HL-grade H-grade Figure 1 Scatter bands for the Rockwell - C hardness in the end quench hardenability test (continued)

w .b


xw .c


Licensed Copy: UW Swansea ATHENS, University of Wales Swansea, 18/06/2008 15:20, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

BS EN 10084:2008
EN 10084:2008 (E)

Key X Y 1 2 3 Distance from quenched end of test piece, mm Hardness, HRC HH-grade HL-grade H-grade Figure 1 Scatter bands for the Rockwell - C hardness in the end quench hardenability test (continued)


w .b


xw .c


Licensed Copy: UW Swansea ATHENS, University of Wales Swansea, 18/06/2008 15:20, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

BS EN 10084:2008
EN 10084:2008 (E)

Key X Y 1 2 3 Distance from quenched end of test piece, mm Hardness, HRC HH-grade HL-grade H-grade Figure 1 Scatter bands for the Rockwell - C hardness in the end quench hardenability test (continued)

w .b


xw .c


Licensed Copy: UW Swansea ATHENS, University of Wales Swansea, 18/06/2008 15:20, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

BS EN 10084:2008
EN 10084:2008 (E)

Key X Y 1 2 3 Distance from quenched end of test piece, mm Hardness, HRC HH-grade HL-grade H-grade Figure 1 Scatter bands for the Rockwell - C hardness in the end quench hardenability test (continued)


w .b


xw .c


Licensed Copy: UW Swansea ATHENS, University of Wales Swansea, 18/06/2008 15:20, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

BS EN 10084:2008
EN 10084:2008 (E)

Annex A (normative) Options

NOTE One or more of the following supplementary or special requirements may be agreed upon at the time of enquiry and order. The details of these requirements may be agreed upon between the manufacturer and the purchaser at the time of enquiry and order if necessary.

A.1 A.1.1

Non-metallic inclusion content

The microscopically determined non-metallic inclusions content shall be within agreed limits when tested according to a procedure to be agreed at the time of enquiry and order (see Annex C).
NOTE The requirements for non metallic inclusions content apply in every case; however, verification requires a special agreement.


Macroscopic inclusions

This requirement is applicable for the verification of the macroscopic inclusions in special steels. If verification is agreed then the method and acceptance limits shall be agreed at the time of enquiry and order. A.2 Non-destructive testing


Product analysis

One product analysis shall be carried out per cast for the determination of elements for which values are specified for the cast analysis (see Table 3) of the steel grade concerned.

A.4 Fine grain steel Fine grain steel shall have an austenite grain size of 5 or finer. If specific testing is ordered, the grain size requirement is to be verified by determining the aluminium content or micrographically. The fine grain structure is normally achieved, when the total aluminium content is a minimum of 0,018 %. In such a case the micrographic investigation is not necessary. The aluminium content shall be given in the inspection document. Otherwise one test piece per cast shall be inspected for the determination of the austenitic grain size. Sampling and sample preparation shall be as specified in EN ISO 643. The steel shall be tested in accordance with the Mc-Quaid-Ehn method described in EN ISO 643 and the grain structure shall be considered satisfactory if 70 % of the area is within the specified size limits. Unless otherwise agreed at the time of enquiry and order, the grain size shall be determined from a carburised specimen. Carburisation shall be achieved by maintaining the specimen in carburising powder at 925 C 10 C for 6 h. This is generally done by keeping the carburising chamber at 925 C 10 C for 8 h, including a pre-heating period. In most cases, a carburised layer of approximately 1 mm is obtained. After carburising,

Sampling shall be carried out as specified in EN ISO 14284. In cases of dispute about the analytical method, the chemical composition shall be determined in accordance with a reference method taken from one of the European Standards in prCEN/TR 10261.

w .b


Steel flat products of thickness equal to or greater than 6 mm shall be tested ultrasonically in accordance with EN 10160 and steel bars shall be tested ultrasonically in accordance with EN 10308. Other products shall be non-destructively tested in accordance with a method to be agreed at the time of enquiry and order and to acceptance criteria also to be agreed at the time of enquiry and order.

xw .c


Microscopic inclusions


Licensed Copy: UW Swansea ATHENS, University of Wales Swansea, 18/06/2008 15:20, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

BS EN 10084:2008
EN 10084:2008 (E)

cooling the specimen at a rate slow enough ensures the cementite precipitating on the grain boundaries of the hypoeutectoid zone of the carburised layer. A.5 Reduction ratio and deformation ratio

If the central soundness of the hot rolled or forged products is important, the purchaser must be aware that a minimum reduction ratio (referred to the cross section) for long products or a minimum thickness deformation ratio (referred to the thickness) for flat products is necessary. In this case a minimum reduction ratio or a minimum thickness deformation ratio of e.g. 4:1 may be agreed at the time of enquiry and order (see 6.3). A.6 Special marking

The products shall be specially marked (e.g. by bar coding in accordance with EN 606) in a way agreed upon at the time of enquiry and order.


w .b


xw .c


Licensed Copy: UW Swansea ATHENS, University of Wales Swansea, 18/06/2008 15:20, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

BS EN 10084:2008
EN 10084:2008 (E)

Annex B (informative) Dimensional standards applicable to products complying with this European Standard

For rod: EN 10017, Steel rod for drawing and/or cold rolling Dimensions and tolerances EN 10108, Round steel rod for cold heading and cold extrusion Dimensions and tolerances For hot rolled bars:

EN 10058, Hot rolled flat steel bars for general purposes Dimensions and tolerances on shape and dimensions

EN 10060, Hot rolled round steel bars for general purposes - Dimensions and tolerances on shape and dimensions EN 10061, Hot rolled hexagon steel bars for general purposes - Dimensions and tolerances on shape and dimensions For hot rolled strip and sheet/plate:

EN 10029, Hot rolled steel plates 3 mm thick or above Tolerances on dimensions, shape and mass EN 10048, Hot rolled narrow steel strip Tolerances on dimensions and shap. EN 10051:1991, Continuously hot rolled uncoated plate, sheet and strip of non-alloy and alloy steels Tolerances on dimensions and shape

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EN 10059, Hot rolled square steel bars for general purposes Dimensions and tolerances on shape and dimensions



Licensed Copy: UW Swansea ATHENS, University of Wales Swansea, 18/06/2008 15:20, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

BS EN 10084:2008
EN 10084:2008 (E)

Annex C (normative) Determining the microscopic non-metallic inclusions content

The microscopic non-metallic inclusions in special steels shall be tested in accordance with EN 10247. The method of assessment and the requirements for determining the non-metallic inclusions content are to be defined at the time of enquiry and order. If there is no agreement at the time of enquiry and order the average field method calculated for area inclusions with restricted evaluation (KaR) shall be used and following requirements are applicable (see Table C.1). Table C.1 Requirements for the microscopic non-metallic inclusions content assessment in accordance with EN 10247 Average field method (K) calculated for area inclusions (a) with restricted values (R): KaR (m/mm) Types 1) EB aluminium oxides EC silicates ED globular oxides EAD heterogeneous inclusions, partly encapsulated

Restricted values for

1) EB aluminium oxides (columns 7-10 of fig. 5, EN 10247:2007), EC silicates (columns 1-5 of fig. 5, EN 10247:2007), ED globular oxides (column 6 of fig. 5, EN 10247:2007), EAD heterogeneous inclusions, partly encapsulated (columns 1-6 of fig. 5, EN 10247:2007), see also figure A.2 of EN 10247:2007.


NOTE The above mentioned method to measure the non-metallic inclusions content was introduced due to the publication of EN 10247:2007 and was first applied in this European Standard. Since customers have to gain experience in the subsequent processing of these special steels with the application of the new measurement method it must be stated that a certain transition period seems to be necessary. During the transition period reference may be made to EN 10084:1998

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KaR 40 (m/mm) for EB + EC + ED + EAD


Row 4 and bigger (> 22 m)

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Licensed Copy: UW Swansea ATHENS, University of Wales Swansea, 18/06/2008 15:20, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

BS EN 10084:2008
EN 10084:2008 (E)

Annex D (informative)
Comparison of steel grades specified in this European Standard and ISO 683-11:1987 and other steel grades previously standardized nationally
Table D.1
EN 10084 Steel name C10E C10R C15E C15R C16E C16R 17Cr3 17CrS3 28Cr4 28CrS4 16MnCr5 16MnCrS5 16MnCrB5 20MnCr5 20MnCrS5 18CrMo4 18CrMoS4 22CrMoS3-5 20MoCr3 20MoCrS3 20MoCr4 20MoCrS4 16NiCr4 16NiCrS4 10NiCr5-4 18NiCr5-4 Steel number 1.1121 1.1207 1.1141 1.1140 1.1148 1.1208 1.7016 1.7014 1.7030 1.7036 1.7131 1.7139 1.7160 1.7147 1.7149 1.7243 1.7244 1.7333 ISO 68311:1987 C10 C15E4 C15M2 C16E4 16MnCr5 16MnCrS5 20MnCr5 20MnCrS5 18CrMo4 18CrMoS4 Germany Steel name Ck10 Ck15 Cm15 17Cr3 28Cr4 28CrS4 16MnCr5 16MnCrS5 20MnCr5 Steel number 1.1121 1.1141 1.1140 1.7016 Finland France Italy Spain Sweden United Kingdom 045M10 080M15 527M17 590M17 708M20 637M17 (655M13) 805M20 815M17 -

505 -

XC10 -

C10 C15 -

C10k C16k

SS1370 SS2127 SS2511 SS2506 SS2523 -

XC 18 -

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1.7030 1.7036 1.7131 16MC5 1.7139 1.7147 510 20MC5 18CD4 10NC6 20NC6 20NCD2 18NCD6 1.7149 506 511 1.7333 1.7321 1.7323 1.6523 1.6526 1.6587 -

20MnCrS5 22CrMoS3 5 20MoCr4 20MoCrS4 21NiCrMo2 21NiCrMoS2 17CrNiMo6 -

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1.5805 1.5810 1.5918 1.5752 1.6523 1.6526 1.6566 1.6569

17CrNi6-6 15NiCr13 20NiCrMo2-2 20NiCrMoS2-2 17NiCrMo6-4 17NiCrMoS6-4 20NiCrMoS6-4 18CrNiMo7-6 14NiCrMo13-4 20NiCrMo13-4

15NiCr13 20NiCrMo2 20NiCrMoS2 17NiCrMo6 18CrNiMo7 -

1.6571 1.6587 1.6657 1.6660

C16k-1 16MnCr5 16MnCr5-1 18CrMo4 18CrMo4-1 20MoCr5 20MoCr5-1 20NiCrMo2 20NiCrMo2-1 16MnCr5 20MnCr5 18CrMo4 16CrNi4 16CrNiS4 20NiCrMo2 20NiCrMoS2 18NiCrMo5 18NiCrMoS5 16NiCrMo12


Licensed Copy: UW Swansea ATHENS, University of Wales Swansea, 18/06/2008 15:20, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
EN 10084:2008 (E)

BS EN 10084:2008

Table E.1
Rmmin MPa 1400 1200 d 16 mm
20NiCrMo13-4 20MnCr5, 20MnCrS5, 17NiCrMo6-4, 17NiCrMoS6-4, 20NiCrMoS6-4 18NiCr5-4, 17CrNi6-6, 18CrNiMo7-6, 14NiCrMo13-4

16 mm < d 40 mm



18CrMo4, 18CrMoS4, 20NiCrMo2-2, 20NiCrMoS2-2

18NiCr5-4, 17CrNi6-6, 18CrNiMo7-6 20NiCrMoS6-4




16MnCr5, 16MnCrS5, 16MnCrB5 16NiCr4, 16NiCrS4


20MnCr5, 20MnCrS5 28Cr4, 28CrS4, 10NiCr5-4

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17Cr3, 17CrS3 C16E, C16R C15E, C15R C10E, C10R

20MoCr3, 20MoCrS3, 20MoCr4, 20MoCrS4


18NiCr5-4, 17CrNi6-6, 18CrNiMo7-6 14NiCrMo13-4 22CrMoS3-5, 17NiCrMo6-4, 17NiCrMoS6-4, 20NiCrMoS6-4 15NiCr13 20MnCr5, 20MnCrS5 18CrMo4, 18CrMoS4, 20NiCrMo2-2, 20NiCrMoS2-2 28Cr4, 28CrS4, 16MnCr5, 16MnCrS5, 16MnCrB5 10NiCr5-4

17NiCrMo6-4, 17NiCrMoS6-4


18CrMo4, 18CrMoS4, 15NiCr13 16MnCr5, 16MnCrS5, 16MnCrB5, 16NiCr4, 16NiCrS4 20NiCrMo2-2, 20NiCrMoS2-2 20MoCr3, 20MoCrS3, 20MoCr4, 20MoCrS4

C16E, C16R, 17Cr3, 17CrS3, C15E, C15R

700 600

28Cr4, 28CrS4, 10NiCr5-4

500 400

C10E, C10R


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Annex E (informative) Classification of steel grades according to minimum tensile strength as a function of diameter after hardening and tempering at 200 C
40 mm < d 100 mm

Licensed Copy: UW Swansea ATHENS, University of Wales Swansea, 18/06/2008 15:20, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

BS EN 10084:2008
EN 10084:2008 (E)


European Standards for similar steel grades as in Table 3 which are intended for other product forms, treatment conditions or special applications are: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] EN 10083-1, Steels for quenching and tempering - Part 1: General technical delivery conditions EN 10083-2, Steels for quenching and tempering - Part 2: Technical delivery conditions for non alloy steels EN 10083-3, Steels for quenching and tempering - Part 3: Technical delivery conditions for alloy steels

EN 10087, Free-cutting steels Technical delivery conditions for semi-finished products, hot-rolled bars and rods EN 10089, Hot-rolled steels for quenched and tempered springs Technical delivery conditions EN 10263-1, Steel rod, bars and wire for cold heading and cold extrusion - Part 1: General technical delivery conditions EN 10263-3, Steel rod, bars and wire for cold heading and cold extrusion - Part 3: Technical delivery conditions for case hardening steels EN 10277-1, Bright steel products - Technical delivery conditions - Part 1: General

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ISO 683-11, Heat-treatable steels, alloy steels and free-cutting steels - Part 11: Wrought casehardening steels


EN 10277-4, Bright steel products - Technical delivery conditions - Part 4: Case-hardening steels

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EN 10085, Nitriding steels Technical delivery conditions


Licensed Copy: UW Swansea ATHENS, University of Wales Swansea, 18/06/2008 15:20, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

BS EN 10084:2008

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